
Dragon Age - Origins - Conversation Guide Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Dragon Age - Origins - Conversation Guide

Dragon Age - Origins - Conversation Guide
===================     Dragon Age : Origins     ======================
===================      Conversation Guide      ======================
===================         Version 1.01         ======================
===================				 ======================
===================     Author: Mark Gevaña      ======================
=================== Email:  ======================

Table of Contents:





    4.01 Female/Elf/Mage/Magi Guide
         [4.01.01] Alistair
         [4.01.02] Morrigan
	 [4.01.03] Leliana
	 [4.01.04] Sten
	 [4.01.05] Wynne
	 [4.01.06] Zevran
	 [4.01.07] Shale
	 [4.01.08] Oghren
	 [4.01.09] Loghain

=================== UPDATES	                1.0 ===================

VERSION 1.00 - Added Guide for Female/Elf/Mage/Magi Character.
VERSION 1.01 - Added Loghain Approval Guide
	     - Polished the Guide Layout

=================== INTRODUCTION                2.0 ===================

I have read a lot of FAQS/Threads on how will you communicate with each
companion to achieve the best approval rating, but almost everything I 
saw was just a summary of their characteristics/attitude. So, I decided
to create one. Enjoy! :)

=================== SPECIAL NOTES               3.0 ===================

- Some conversation here may not be available to you. It will depend on
  your character's GENDER, RACE, CLASS, and BACKGROUND.

- Be warned, this guide is a spoiler.

- This guide was done in PC version of DOA.

- I did not bother getting all the possible conversation since I
  managed to make all of my approval rating to 100+ (friendly) with
  this, plus the gifts found all throughout the game. (trust me, I
  still have tons of gift left including their best gift and I already
  reach 100 rating)

- Before making someone else INTERESTED/CARE/ADORE/LOVE to your
  character, better break up first with your current partner. (this
  will make the disapproval value lower)

- I will release other character soon. :)

=================== GUIDES	                4.0 ===================

- If you want to find the guide for a specific companion, just press
  Ctrl + F then type the Number Guide for that specific Companion.

  EXAMPLE: For Female/Elf/Mage/Magi Companions
	   ALISTAIR - [4.01.01]
           Press CTRL + F
           Type 4.01.01 then Enter

=================== Female/Elf/Mage/Magi       4.01 ===================

=================== Alistair       	    4.01.01 ===================

EVENT: After recruiting him, Talk to Alistair
4. I have a few questions for you. 
4. Tell me about Duncan. 
2. He seems like a kind man, if firm.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +2

EVENT: After lighting up the beacon in Tower of Ishal, When going
       outside the Hut
- Choose whatever script you want. Then, when Morrigan comes into
3. Thank you, but if Morrigan doesn't wish to join us...
1. Very well, we'll take her with us.
3. She won't come to harm with us.
2. No, I prefer you speak your mind.
1. We need all the help we can get.
- You can end the conversation 
APPROVAL: Morrigan approves +8, Alistair approves +4

EVENT: Talk to Alistair
1. Do you want to talk about Duncan?
3. He was like a father to you. I understand.
2. There's no need to apologize.
2. He had you.
1. No, I understand completely.
1. I've lost enough to know what you;re going through.
3. He was a friend of mine, too.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +6

EVENT: Talk to Alistair
1. I'd like to ask you something.
1. What can a templar do, exactly?
1. So couldn't other learn these talents?
2. That's horrible! I can't believe they would do that! 
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +1

EVENT: Talk to Alistair while his approval is still neutral
- This will comeout after asking him What can a templar do...
1. I'd like to ask you something.
1. Can you teach others to be a templar?
1. Very well. I'll respect your word.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +1

EVENT: Talk to Alistair
1. I'd like to ask you something.
3. So how did you become a Grey Warden?
2. Ha ha. Very funny.
3. What skills might those be?
3. Why did the grand cleric want to keep you?
4. He was a good man.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +1

EVENT: Talk to Alistair
1. I'd like to ask you something.
3. So you said this Arl Eamon raised you?
2. That would explain the smell.
4. That would explain the breath as well, then.
3. Only ones where we're making mad love in my tent.
2. He wasn't your father? So you know who is?
3. What an awful thing to do to a child.
3. You were young.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +6

EVENT: Talk to Alistair
1. I'd like to ask you something.
3. Why have you remained a templar if you hate the Chantry?
2. In that case, you should have become a mage.
2. Seems like that might happen anyway.
2. Then make up something more exciting.
3. I think I understand.
3. I guess my home is with the Grey Wardens now. With you.
2. They can be rebuit.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +5

EVENT: Talk to Alistair
- His approval should be atleast warm
- This conversation will make him interested to your character.
1. Has anyone ever told you how handsome you are?
4. And if it is? What then?
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +3

EVENT: Talk to Alistair
- His approval should be atleast interested
2. I'd like to discuss something private.
1. I need to tell you how much I enjoy your company.
2. I feel the same way.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +4

EVENT: Talk to Alistair
1. I have some questions.
3. If you were raised in the Chantry, have you never...?
1. Sex?
4. Oh, that's so cute. You're a virgin.
1. You think I'm beautiful?
2. I would never hurt you.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +4

EVENT: Talk to Alistair
1. I have some questions.
3. What changes about you after the Joining?
1. You've been a Grey Warden longer than I have.
1. He wouldn't tell you?
2. I haven't felt anything like that.
3. What can I say? I'm a growing girl.
1. I've had some strange dreams.
1. What are you talking about?
2. Why Orzammar?
2. I never wondered that. I understand.
3. He will be remembered, Alistair. As will the others.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +5

EVENT: Talk to Alistair
1. I have some questions.
3. What was it like to be a Grey Warden, with all the others?
1. No, I'd like to hear about them.
1. Sounds like you had a lot of fun.
2. I'm sorry. This must be hard for you.
2. Not at all.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +3

EVENT: Alistair will talk to you about your opinion on other teammates
- Just agree with him and give your opinion about everyone
- After end of conversation
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +2

EVENT: Talk to Alistair
- While his approval is interested
2. I'd like to discuss something private.
1. So how would you like to join me in my tent?
2. Oh, I think it's cute.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +2

EVENT: When leaving Lothering, after dreaming of the Archdemon
1. It seemed so real...
1. The archdemon? Is that the dragon?
4. Thank you, Alistair. I appreciate it.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +1
EVENT: Talk to Alistair
- His approval must be atleast Care.
3. Your new weapon of choice?
3. Sentiment can be a pretty potent weapon.
3. That's a nice sentiment.
4. Feeling a little thorny, are we?
3. Thank you, Alistair. That's a lovely thought.
3. So... are we married now?
1. No, it wasn't. Thank you, Alistair.
3. And you were doing so well, too.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +10

EVENT: Talk to Alistair
2. I'd like to discuss something private.
1. (Kiss him.)
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +2

EVENT: Talk to Alistair
4. It makes me tear up just thinking about it.
3. I think I already do.
1. No, not really. I liked it.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +5

EVENT: Talk to Alistair in camp
- His approval must be atleast adore.
2. I'd like to discuss something private.
1. So how would you like to join me in my tent?
1. If you don't want to...
1. You need to relax, Alistair.
1. Just follow my lead, Alistair.
3. Not for that performance.
3. First smart comment and I feed them to the darkspawn.
4. We stay together, no matter what happens.
3. I feel the same way.
APPROVAL: Alistair approves +8

=================== Morrigan       	    4.01.02 ===================

EVENT: Talk to Morrigan
1. I'd like to ask you something.
1. How did you become a shapechanger?
2. That does sound like something you'd do.
4. I've never heard of magic like that before.
4. That's good. Such traditions need to be preserved.
2. Yes, very much so.
4. That's all I wanted to ask.
1. I think your abilities sound quite useful.
APPROVAL: Morrigan approves +8

EVENT: Talk to Morrigan
1. I'd like to ask you something.
2. Did you grow up in the Korcari Wilds?
1. You could if you wanted to.
1. And you remained unnoticed?
2. Very daring. That sounds like you.
1. That was quick thinking.
2. Touching? Like a handshake?
4. Well, I'm glad it worked out this way, at least.
APPROVAL: Morrigan approves +7

EVENT: Talk to Morrigan
1. I'd like to ask you something.
2. Have you ever been hunted by the Chantry?
2. You really had no trouble with them?
3. Surely more would have followed.
5. They got what they deserved.
4. I agree completely.
APPROVAL: Morrigan approves +4

EVENT: Talk to Morrigan
1. I'd like to ask you something.
2. Is Flemeth really what she seems to be?
3. A nutty old bat.
1. I didn't even know there was such a thing.
1. That sounds interesting.
1. Just how long ago is this?
3. Seems like a fair deal.
1. She spoke to spirits? Or demons?
2. Which? She never invaded? Or he never defeated her?
5. An interesting story. Thank you.
2. I love her. What else do you want to know?
APPROVAL: Morrigan approves +7

EVENT: Talk to Morrigan
1. I'd like to ask you something.
2. Tell me... are you really Flemeth's daughter?
1. She was not always as old as she is now, was she?
2. Does that mean you love her?
3. Now I see where you get it from.
2. Of course.
2. No, you're quite right.
APPROVAL: Morrigan approves +9

EVENT: Talk to Morrigan
- Her approval should be atleast warm, for this to appear.
2. So life in the Wilds must have been very lonely.
4. That sounds wonderful.
3. What happended then?
1. But you were just a child.
3. They made you stronger, didn't they?
APPROVAL: Morrigan approves +9

EVENT: Talk to Morrigan When you are in Circle of Magi
2. Oh? What's on your mind?
5. Very well. I'll keep an eye out for it.
APPROVAL: Morrigan approves +4

EVENT: Random conversation when going back to camp, after you give
       Morrigan the Black Grimoire
3. What did you find?
3. Disappointed, then?
1. A spell of immortality?
6. And you had no idea? I'm so sorry.
6. Very well. I'll help you, if I can.
4. I'll see what I can do.
APPROVAL: Morrigan approves +9

EVENT: Talk to Morrigan right after the random the conversation)
1. I'd like to ask you something.
2. Do you really want your mother dead?
3. And what would you do if I didn't help you?
1. No, I don't want that.
4. I agree with you. This is necessary.
APPROVAL: Morrigan approves +5

EVENT: Talk to Morrigan after killing Flemeth
1. I'd like to ask you something.
2. So Flemeth is dead. What now?
1. You know you can always rely on me, right?
APPROVAL: Morrigan approves +7

=================== Leliana       	    4.01.03 ===================

EVENT: Talk to Leliana
2. I'd like to talk.
1. This vision of yours...
1. What then?
2. And this made you want to help me?
1. The Chantry says the Maker has left us.
2. Believe what feels right to you, Leliana.
APPROVAL: Leliana approves +4

EVENT: Talk to Leliana)
2. I'd like to talk.
1. What was life like in the Chantry cloister?
1. Condescending? How so?
3. I prefer your ideas to the ideas of the Chantry.
APPROVAL: Leliana approves +2

EVENT: Talk to Leliana
2. I'd like to talk.
1. What would someone like you be doing in Lothering's chantry?
2. You know, a beautiful charming woman like yourself.
1. So... can we go back to Lothering now?
1. No, not really.
1. What did you do before that?
APPROVAL: Leliana approves +3

EVENT: Talk to Leliana
2. I'd like to talk.
1. You were a traveling minstrel. Do you have tales to share?
- Choose the following stories and let her finish it.
* 2. Know any stories from Orlais?
* 3. Do you know any Fereldan legends?
* 1. Do you know anything about the Dalish?
* 2. What do you know about Andraste?
APPROVAL: Leliana approves +5 

EVENT: Talk to Leliana
2. I'd like to talk to you about something.
1. Why did you decide to come to Ferelden?
2. You were young, it's understandable.
APPROVAL: Leliana approves +1

EVENT: Talk to Leliana
2. I'd like to talk to you about something.
1. Do you miss anything about Orlais?
3. I've never been to Orlais.
3. Do you not have fine things now?
3. Oh, I love shoes!
2. Oh, that sounds so lovely.
1. I know, right? So ugly and shapeless.
APPROVAL: Leliana approves +1

EVENT: Talk to Leliana
2. I'd like to talk to you about something.
2. I heard that in Orlais, minstrels are often spies.
2. I don't remember.
2. What's the difference?
2. Do they spy on Ferelden?
2. You seem to know quite a bit about these bards.
3. I'd never leave that. It sounds too exciting.
APPROVAL: Leliana approves +2

EVENT: Random conversation when you go back to camp
2. I knew you weren't telling me something.
2. You're a criminal?
2. So Marjolaine was a bard too?
2. Important documents?
2. Isn't that what bards do?
2. Most countries don't appreciate treason.
2. What happened then?
2. How unpleasant.
2. I don't think you would have.
2. Thank you for trusting me with this.
APPROVAL: Leliana approves +3

EVENT: Talk to Leliana in camp
3. What do you think?
3. And I bet some are treated cruelly, like dogs.
3. So I should offer myself to some Orlesian noble?
3. You may not be cruel, but you still see us differently.
APPROVAL: Leliana approves +1

EVENT: Talk to Leliana in camp
- This conversation will make her interested to your character.
2. No, I don't believe you have.
2. Dear Maker!
2. And I actually do like the way you ramble.
2. And do you often enjoy the company of other women?
3. I'm flattered that you like my company then.
APPROVAL: Leliana approves +2

EVENT: Talk to Leliana in camp
- Leliana approval must be atleast care
3. There is still beauty to be found in this world.
2. Tell me the story.
2. That's a beautiful story.
2. If we lose hope in love, then we are truly lost.
1. Why is it a surprise?
APPROVAL: Leliana approves +3

EVENT: Talk to Leliana in camp
- Leliana approval must be atleast adore
2. I know what you mean.
2. It is not silly to seek moments to lay down your burdens.
2. You never have to feel afraid with me.
2. You're cute when you're embarrased.
3. Some like you being interested in me is flattering.
1. Thanks. You're so complimentary.
2. I've always wanted us to be more than just friends.
3. I thought you were comfortable around me.
3. (Kiss Leliana.)
APPROVAL: Leliana approves +9

EVENT: Talk to Leliana in camp
- Leliana approval must be atleast adore
1. We need to talk.
1. What will you do, when this is all over?
1. I would like to see the world too.
1. I would love to.
APPROVAL: Leliana approves +1

=================== Sten       	    	    4.01.04 ===================

EVENT: Talk to Sten
3. We're working together, I think I should get to know you.
3. Are you all right? You were in that cage for weeks.
3. You said you were in the army.
3. Why would the qunari send soldiers here?
2. Doesn't that make your view of things a little skewed?
2. Well... good question.
1. True. Lets go.
APPROVAL: Sten approves +4

EVENT: Talk to Sten
1. I have a question.
2. Why did you come to Ferelden?
1. What was the question?
2. What's an arishok?
1. Why does he care about the Blight?
3. I'm a Grey Warden. It's my job.
1. Don't you have to report back, then?
1. So what are you still doing here, then?
3. Well, you can stay with us.
2. What were you doing in that cage?
2. Very funny.
2. Are you going to answer my question?
1. I have a question.
2. Do you find Ferelden very strange?
2. Don't the qunari ever want to change their lot in life?
3. But that makes the turtle stronger.
3. I suppose that's true.
1. Is there anything you like about Ferelden?
1. Cookies?
1. I'll keep that in mind.
1. You sound a bit homesick.
2. You left out rotting garbage.
2. Let's go.
APPROVAL: Sten approves +52

EVENT: Talk to Sten
2. Callow? You thought I was callow?
1. Why did I let you out of that cage again?
1. Well, I find plenty of things puzzling about you, too.
2. I don't think you're that simple.
1. So will you tell me now why you were caged?
1. Exactly what happened?
3. That sounds like what happened to me at Ostagar.
1. You probably dropped it on the battlefield.
1. And then?
2. That's terrible!
1. Couldn't you search for it?
1. Where did you fight the darkspawn?
1. Don't worry, we'll find it.
APPROVAL: Sten approves +20

EVENT: When you go to camp, random conversation with Sten
1. We have to fight the archdemon.
1. Wait, you doubt I'm really a Warden?
3. I'm not here to impress you.
APPROVAL: Sten approves +6
EVENT: When you go to camp, random conversation with Sten
1. What's not to understand about that?
2. That doesn't make any sense, Sten.
1. Well, I'm confused now, anyway.
2. That's not a universal truth. Some women fight.
3. None of this makes any sense, Sten.
2. We're going around in circles here.
1. But a person can choose what to do.
APPROVAL: I forgot this one. I will post when I encounter
          it again. sorry. :P

=================== Wynne      	    	    4.01.05 ===================

EVENT: Talk to Wynne
1. I still wish it hadn't turned out the way it did.
1. I wonder what Irving saw in me that made him recommend me.
APPROVAL: Wynne approves +2

EVENT: Talk to Wynne
1. It means I've been chosen to do something important.
2. I don't quite understand.
1. I will keep that in mind.
1. So in a way, having power confines you.
APPROVAL: Wynne approves +2

EVENT: Talk to Wynne
1. Why didn't you want to stay at the tower?
2. I am glad for your company.
2. I wanted to make sure you really wanted this.
1. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way.
APPROVAL: Wynne approves +3

EVENT: Talk to Wynne
1. I'd like to ask you something about the Circle.
1. How did you become a mage?
1. What about your family?
1. Serves him right.
1. What happened when you arrived at the tower?
2. I felt the same way when I came to the tower.
1. I suppose I am lucky.
1. It's been a while since I left the tower...
1. Yes, it was my home for so long.
2. I am proud to be a mage of the Circle.
1. I will try. Thank you for the advice.
3. I am glad you take the time to counsel me.
APPROVAL: Wynne approves +6

EVENT: Talk to Wynne in camp
1. Are you all right?
4. You are very sprightly for your age, though.
1. I'm sure you'll be kicking around for years yet.
APPROVAL: Wynne approves +1

EVENT: Talk to Wynne in camp
1. No, the ones in the tower were the first I've ever seen.
1. Seeing the monster that you could be is unsettling, yes.
1. You have doubts?
1. If one retains one's humanity, one is not an abomination.
APPROVAL: Wynne approves +1

EVENT: Talk to Wynne
1. Are you feeling better now?
4. Please let me know if there is anything I can do.
APPROVAL: Wynne approves +2

EVENT: Talk to Wynne
1. I was just thinking about being a Grey Warden.
1. I don't know. It's just difficult, sometimes.
1. I will be ready when the time comes.
APPROVAL: Wynne approves +2

EVENT: Talk to Wynne
1. I know they were more respected in the old days.
1. Go on.
1. And what happened then?
1. I like happy endings.
APPROVAL: Wynne approves +2

EVENT: Talk to Wynne
1. As a Grey Warden, I'll never lead a normal life, will I?
1. And that makes me sad.
3. No. I like my life.
1. And this upset you?
1. Did you find anything?
1. And that made you feel better?
1. All this sappy nonsense is going to make me throw up.
APPROVAL: Wynne approves +2

EVENT: Random conversation when going back to camp
1. Yes, you had me quite worried.
1. But you're standing right here.
1. That is an amazing story.
1. Then we will make the best of that time.
APPROVAL: no approval/disapproval

EVENT: Talk to Wynne in camp
1. Why did the spirit choose to help you?
1. You must have been a strange child.
1. Creepy.
1. You're very lucky.
1. So this Spirit of Faith is your personal protector.
3. I'm glad you think traveling with me is worthy of your time.
1. I'll hold you to that promise.
APPROVAL: Wynne approves +3

EVENT: Talk to Wynne in camp
1. Is there something we can do to cure you?
1. In a sense?
1. You're not afraid?
1. Are you content?
APPROVAL: no approval/disapproval

EVENT: Talk to Wynne in camp
1. Do you have any regrets at all?
2. Tell me. It might make you feel better.
1. I can see how this could be trouble.
1. And what did he think of you?
1. What happened to Aneirin?
1. He's dead then.
1. It's not your fault, Wynne.
1. I think it's time to forgive yourself.
1. See, there is a bright side.
APPROVAL: Wynne approves +2

=================== Zevran     	    	    4.01.06 ===================

EVENT: Talk to Zevran
1. Care to answer some questions?
1. What does it take to become an assassin?
3. You did quite well, no doubt.
1. That sounds like it could be useful.
APPROVAL: Zevran approves +2

EVENT: Talk to Zevran
- Your approval rating to Zevran should be neutral.
1. Can you teach others to be an assassin?
3. Very well. I'll respect your word.
APPROVAL: Zevran approves +2

EVENT: Talk to Zevran
2. Care to answer some questions?
2. Tell me a little about Antiva.
2. Don't you want to go back?
2. Of course. My mother was better than any gem.
2. Is that some kind of euphemism?
2. That's a little bizarre. There's leather everywhere.
1. Your home is still there, Zevran.
4. You need to make the most of where you are.
APPROVAL: Zevran approves +6

EVENT: Talk to Zevran
- You must have atleast +25 rating of approval for this to work
- This conversation will make him interested to your character
2. Care to answer some questions?
1. Why did you want to leave the Crows, exactly?
3. But what would you rather do?
2. That sounds awful.
1. So what is it you fancy, exactly?
2. Not at all.
4. I am happy to have you along.
APPROVAL: Zevran approves +12

EVENT: Talk to Zevran in camp
- Random conversation when you have +26 rating of approval
1. Go ahead.
3. Is this after I ravish you in celebration? 
4. Not at all. You could go, if you wanted. 
2. There's always a use or two for a handsome elf.
APPROVAL: Zevran approves +18

EVENT: Talk to Zevran in camp
1. Care to answer some questions?
1. Do you actually enjoy being an assassin?
3. No, you're probably right.
2. I enjoy violence, myself.
1. Handsome elf like you? I can think of a few things.
APPROVAL: Zevran approves +6

EVENT: Talk to Zevran in camp
- Zevran's approval must be atleast interested.
2. I want to discuss something personal.
1. Care to join me in my tent?
2. I just want to talk to you... in private.
1. You'll find out. Just get in the tent. No questions.
4. I say it's about damned time.
2. Here I thought I seduced you.
2. I was about to as you the same thing.
3. That sounds fine by me.
APPROVAL: Zevran approves +23

EVENT: Talk to Zevran in camp
- Random converstation when you talk to Zevran
3. I know a good poem when I hear it.
3. This was told to you by a target?
3. You killed her anyway?
4. You are a saint amongst men, Zevran.
4. I appreciate the effort.
1. I think I d the same, actually.
APPROVAL: Zevran approves +10

EVENT: Talk to Zevran in camp
- You can do this as many times as you want.
2. I want to discuss something personal.
1. Care to join me in my tent?
APPROVAL: Zevran approves +1

EVENT: Talk to Zevran in camp
2. I want to discuss something personal.
2. You must have quite a history. With women, I mean.
1. I asked, didn't I?
1. Should it?
4. I think I understand.
4. We all have a past, don't we?
APPROVAL: Zevran approves +7

EVENT: Talk to Zevran
1. Care to answer some questions?
1. So tell me about your adventures.
2. I mean your time as a Crow.
2. Was it really so terrible?
1. The Crows were willing to anger the Circle of Magi?
1. After killing her anyhow.
2. So you didn't actually kill her.
2. You got lucky.
3. A wise lesson learn.
APPROVAL: Zevran approves +8

=================== Shale     	    	    4.01.07 ===================

EVENT: When you are recruiting Shale
- It would be better to have Oghren in your party.
- Just choose any line. But, when you come to this part, choose the
3. What do you want to do?
3. You killed your former master...
4. I like a little bloodthirst.
1. You're welcome to come with me.
1. I am [character], pleased to meet you.
APPROVAL: Shale approves +4, Oghren approves +2

EVENT: Talk to Shale in camp
2. I think they're so pretty!
APPROVAL: Shale approves +6

EVENT: Talk to Shale in camp
1. What's with the heavy sighs?
3. I don't think our chances are so bad.
APPROVAL: Shale approves +4

EVENT: Talk to Shale in camp
2. I would have expected golems to be... different.
3. Are they dirty limericks?
3. Being different isn't so bad.
2. I agree. Being a golem would be handy.
APPROVAL: Shale approves +8

EVENT: Talk to Shale)
2. I have some questions.
1. Are those crystals in your skin?
1. But what do they do?
1. That still doesn't explain anything.
1. Did he succeed?
1. Would you be willing to have more added?
1. I'm told you killed your former master.
1. You expect me to leave it at that?
3. Alter you? Why? You're fine as you are.
1. Are you sure? Nothing at all?
1. That must have been terrible. I'm sorry.
2. Sound like you had a good rest.
2. Just try it, golem. I'm a far better mage than he.
APPROVAL: Shale approves +20

EVENT: Random Conversation when Talk to Shale
- Shale approval must be atleast warm
2. That's super. Thanks, Shale.
1. Well, I am a mage, as well as an elf...
1. And we wouldn't want that!
APPROVAL: Shale approves +6

EVENT: Talk to Shale
2. I have some questions.
1. How did you end up in Honnleath? Do you remember?
1. I would have thought you'd enjoy scaring humans.
2. You didn't like this Wilhelm, I take it.
3. Oh, yes. A fortune, in fact.
3. Interesting. I'm done asking about that.
APPROVAL: Shale approves +6

EVENT: Talk to Shale
2. I have some questions.
1. How did Wilhelm come to acquire you?
5. Let's move on.
APPROVAL: Shale approves +7

EVENT: Talk to Shale
2. I have some questions.
1. You watched that village day and night? For years?
3. Yes, that would be rather horrid.
2. Sounds a little... messy.
APPROVAL: Shale approves +6

EVENT: Talk to Shale in camp
- This conversation will be initiated when you side with Branka and
  killed Caridin while Shale is not in the party.
3. (Persuade) (Lie)I don't know what happened to him.
1. Yes, it is in the hands of the dwarves, now.
1. The Anvil made golems from living souls.
1. I'm not trying to insult you, Shale.
1. I'll see what I can do.
APPROVAL: Shale approves +8

EVENT: When you go to Aeducan Thaig
- This is automatically initiated when Shale is in your party.
1. Do you remember something?
1. We can go there, if you like.
APPROVAL: Shale approves +4

EVENT: When touching the Golem Monument
3. I hope it's what you were looking for.
APPROVAL: Shale approves +18
EVENT: Talk to Shale
2. I have some questions.
1. So... you're female? I had no idea.
1. I am female.
2. I'm female myself. I think it's great!
APPROVAL: Shale approves +3

=================== Oghren     	    	    4.01.08 ===================

EVENT: Talk to Oghren in camp
1. What's wrong, Oghren?
1. I'd like to know more about you.
1. Are you sure you're fine with what happened with Branka?
1. You're handling this well.
APPROVAL: Oghren approves +4

EVENT: Talk to Oghren in camp
. this is a random conversation when you talk with Oghren 
4. Right here, you mad dwarven stallion.
APPROVAL: Oghren approves +4

EVENT: Talk to Oghren in camp
- Ogrhen approval rating must be atleast +30
1. What about?
2. I love you, too, Oghren.
1. Take your time. What is it?
1. Who is she?
5. Oghren, you dog!
4. Well, I think we might have time to find her for you.
1. We can go back.
APPROVAL: Oghren approves +14

EVENT: When you enter The Spoiled Princess (Oghren Quest)
- You must have Oghren in your party
2. Of course.
2. Maybe I should go talk to her first.
APPROVAL: Oghren approves +4

EVENT: Talk to Oghren in camp
- Oghren approval rating must be atleast friendly
1. I'd like that very much.
1. Was there even any alcohol in there?
1. I feel the same way.
1. I'd like to know more about you.
1. Do you feel homesick for Orzammar yet?
1. Do you ever want to go back there?
1. I don't find you useless, Oghren.
APPROVAL: Oghren approves +20

=================== Loghain    	    	    4.01.09 ===================

EVENT: After going outside of Arl Eamon's Estate, Talk to Loghain
2. Why do you hate Orlais so much?
2. All of that was in the past.
3. I suppose you're right.
2. I wanted to ask you something first.
2. How well did you know King Maric?
2. How did you meet Maric?
1. What happened then?
1. That's it? That's the whole story?
3. I wanted to ask you something first.
3. Were you really going to kill Anora?
1. You didn't answer my question.
1. So I broke into the royal palace for nothing?
2. I wanted to ask you something first.
3. What was Anora like as a child?
2. Did she have many friends?
3. That sounds lonely.
1. Well, no one alive knows her better than you.
1. I suppose we should move on.
APPROVAL: Loghain approves +22

EVENT: Talk to Loghain in Camp
1. I may have to resort to magic next.
2. The plan loses something when you're the one suggesting it.
2. We're going to have to work together.
4. You're a Gret Warden now, too, you know.
2. You tell me: What do you want?
2. I'm glad to have you.
APPROVAL: Loghain approves +40

EVENT: Talk to Loghain in Camp
1. Thank you, Loghain.
2. What would you have done, if you'd won?
1. How could you afford to divide our forces?
2. I wanted to ask you something first.
2. Do you think Anora will make a good queen?
3. So you're not at all concerned about leaving her all alone?
1. But will she be good for Ferelden?
1. We should probably get moving.
APPROVAL: Loghain approves +2

EVENT: After talking to Riordan, Go to Loghain, Talk to Loghain
1. It does, doesn't it?
4. That's not necessary. I'll do it.
APPROVAL: Loghain approves +9

===================    More will be added soon!!    ===================
=================== For comments/suggestion, email  ===================
===================     at     ===================

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