
Dune Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 



Walk-through by Michael Simpson and Michael Gater

Welcome to Dune, Paul Atreides.  As you know, Dune is the 
only planet in the universe that contains Spice.  He who controls the 
Spice Controls the Universe.

Since you have just arrived here, it would be nice to Visit your father, 
Duke Leto Atreides, and mother, Jessica.

Talk to Leto in the throne room and he will tell you to find Gurney 
Halleck, long-time friend of the family and your Weapons teacher.  Find 
Jessica and talk to her.  She will tell you the name of the Sietch (Fremen 
home) where Gurney is located (Carthag-Tuek).

Take an Ornithopter to Carthag-Tuek and talk to Gurney.  He will tell 
you of the necessity to enlist the Fremen if you are to stand a chance 
against the Harkonnens.

Chapter One:
The Search For Spice

Talk to the Fremen chief and have his troop start working for you and 
have them specialize in Spice production. When you talk to Gurney, he 
will suggest visiting the sietchs and then returning to the Palace.

Use the Ornithopter to travel to the sietchs with Gurney and enlist as 
many troops as you can ( The Fremen at Carthag-Timin will say that you 
cannot appreciate there abilities at this time). Have the Fremen troops 
specialize in Spice production. Return to the Palace after visiting the 
Sietchs and talk to Duncan and Jessica to find out why Spice is so 

Find Leto and talk to him to learn about Stillsuits.  Gurney will tell you 
that the Fremen in the sietch where you met knows of a Stillsuit maker.  
Fly an Ornithopter to Carthag-Tuek and talk to the Fremen chief.  He 
will tell you to fly eastwards (but make sure you have someone with 
you) to find the sietch.  Fly eastwards and you will find Tuono-Tabr and 
the Fremen stillsuit maker.

Talk to the Fremen chief and he will describe stillsuit properties to you 
and will have some sent to the Palace.  The chief will also tell you of 2 
more sietchs to the north and east of his sietch.  After enlisting his troop 
and having them specialize in spice production, fly to the 2 other sietchs 
and enlist the troops for spice production.

Both troops will tell you that their area needs to be prospected before 
beginning to harvest spice.  Talk to Gurney and he will state that there 
must be someone who can prospect and that you have probably already 
visited them.  Maybe they are the Fremen at Carthag-Timin.

Fly  back to Carthag-Timin and talk to the Fremen chief again and you 
will be able to get them to work for you this time and they will give you 
a Spice-Density Map which will prove of Great value as the game 
progresses.  At this time when you talk to Gurney he will suggest going 
back to the Palace.  Take an Ornithopter to the Palace.

	As you enter the Palace, Gurney will mention that the Palace is 
now stocked with Stillsuits.  The Duke will tell you about Jessica's 
"Sounding" ability and will suggest that you talk to her about it.  Talk to 
Jessica and she will suggest exploring the Palace to locate hidden rooms.

Ask Jessica to come with you to locate any hidden rooms. Jessica will 
eventually locate a passageway that will lead to the Communications 
Room.  At this point. talk to Jessica and the storyline will continue on its 
own for a few screens.

Find Duncan and talk to him. He will tell you about Spice Harvesters 
and how they can increase the production of Spice.  Talk to Gurney and 
he will suggest Looking at the Dune Map to see which Sietch had the 
Harvester (it was Tuono-Tabr).  Take your Orni to Tuono-Tabr and talk 
to the Fremen Chief.  He will tell you that they found the harvester 
north-east of the sietch.

Fly north-east in your Orni until Gurney spots a new sietch (Tuono-
Harg).  There you will find two harvesters but no Fremen.  Gurney will 
suggest flying to the two nearest Sietchs to tell the fremen troops to pick 
up the harvesters (do this by Changing occupation to "Go and Search for 

After the troops are "searching" fly back to the palace and talk to the 
Duke.  He will give you a short speech and will ask you if you have 
seen the message in the communications room.  Go to the 
communications room and read the message from Emperor Shaddam IV.

Reading this message will start the Spice shipment phase of the game.  
The Emperor will now call every 4-7 days for the spice shipment.  Make 
sure you do not put off sending these shipments or the Emperor will 
send his henchmen to Dune to kill you for not sending the Spice 
shipments (which is why you are there).

Talk to Duncan and he will tell you that the Fremen from Tuono-Tabr 
(where you got the stillsuits) told him about a rich spice area.  Fly to 
Tuono-Tabr and talk to the Fremen chief and he will tell you of vast 
spice fields to the south and of a sietch to the southeast.  Fly 
southeastwards until you come upon Tuono-Timin.  There you will find 
the grieving Harah and another harvester.

Talk to Harah and she will tell you she knows of 3 more sietch locations 
(Habbanya-Timin, Habbanya-Tuek and Habbanya-Tabr).  Ask Harah to 
come with you.  Fly to the new sietchs and enlist and equip troops (don't 
forget to send a troop to "search for equipment" to get the harvester at 
Tuono-Timin).  The Fremen at Habbanya-Tabr will say "What's the 
Point". Harah will tell you that this fremen is hard to convince and that 
you should try later.  Don't forget to have the Prospectors prospect the 
new areas.

	Go back to the palace and talk to Duncan.  He will tell you about 
Worm danger.  Jessica will warn you not to let Harah distract you and 
will tell you to spend some time in the desert ALONE.  Tell Gurney and 
Harah to stay in the Palace and then go outside away from the Palace 
and wait for morning/evening.  You will then receive your first vision, 
from Leto.

Go to the throne room.  The storyline will continue on its own from 
there (Jessica will notice that you have had a vision, The Duke will 
request that everyone meet on the Balcony,  Harah will mention Paul 
might be the One, and Leto will notice Gurney missing).

Talk to Jessica and she will tell you about your new powers.  Talk to 
Leto and he will suggest having Jessica help you to find Gurney.  Ask 
Jessica to come with you.  This time you must talk to Jessica in every 
room to see if she "feels" anything.  Jessica will find a hidden door 
opposite the Communications room and in there is where you will find 

Gurney will urge you to tell Leto while Jessica will stay with Gurney.  
Go talk to Leto and he will tell you to go talk to Thufir Hawat in the 
communications room.  Go talk to Thufir and he will tell you to read the 
message before you continue. The message will be from the Emperor 
asking for the first shipment of Spice.


Go talk to Duncan, He will ask you if the Emperor has asked for the 
spice shipment and ask you if you want to Accept, Argue or Refuse.  
Accept, unless you want to die Prematurely (although it is a Cool Death 
Scene). He will then tell you that he should go with you to the 
communications room.  Tell Duncan to come with you and go to the 
communications room.  When you enter the communications room with 
Duncan, you will see the Spice shipment being sent off to the Emperor.  
Talk to Duncan until the Emperor sends back a message telling you 
when the next shipment is expected.----

Chapter 2:
The Search for a Fremen Leader

Ask Thufir to come with you so he can disable the trap where you found 
Gurney.  After entering the room where Gurney is, talk to Thufir.  He 
will disable the trap, find the Armoury and ask to talk to you in the 
Armoury.  Go into the Armoury with Thufir and talk to him.  He will 
say "We need to be ready to stand against the Harkonnens and use 
Fremen to help" and "You need to find a Fremen Leader".  Find Harah 
and talk to her.  She will say that she has heard of a Leader but can't 
remember his name.

Take Orni to Sietchs to see if you can find out more about the Fremen 
Leader.  One of the Fremen chiefs will tell you the Fremen Leader's 
Name: Stilgar.  Harah will then remember where he was born and can 
lead you to the sietch which is located far west of the Palace.  Fly due 
west of the Palace until you come upon a sietch (Sihaya-Clam). It will 
be abandoned.  Talk to Harah again and she will say you have to fly 
northwest to find Stilgar.  Fly northwest until someone spots a sietch.  
This sietch is called Ergsun-Timin and here is where you will find 

Talk to Stilgar and ask him to join you.  The storyline will take over for 
a bit here and you will get the name Maud'Dib.  Rally (enlist) the 
Fremen troop here and start them on Military Training.  Send the troop 
to search for equipment. Talk to Stilgar again and he will tell you of 
other sietchs in the area.  Visit these new sietchs (Ergsun-Clam, Ergsun-
Tabr, Ergsun-Tsymyn, and Ergsun-Tuek), rally these troops as well and 
send them off to find equipment.  Fly back to Habbanya-Tabr. You can 
now enlist the "No Point" troop, with Stilgar's presence.

Now is a good time to revisit all the Fremen chiefs and see how things 
are going with them.  They might even give you clues as to where other 
sietchs may be located.  Also make sure the Prospectors are kept 
busy..... Remember, Spice is the most important thing in the Universe.

Fly back to Palace.  When you enter Throne room, the storyline will 
start.  (Fremen will help fight Harkonnens and Jessica will notice your 
eyes turning blue).  Find Thufir and talk to him.  He will suggest 
starting to train Fremen to fight.

Find Gurney and talk to him.  He will say that he can train the Fremen.  
Ask Gurney to come with you and bring him to a sietch where he can 
start training armies and leave him in a Sietch that has an Army troop in 
it, obviously in Stilgar's home area.  You will then receive a vision 
stating that something terrible has happened at the Palace.  

	Return to the Palace, visit the Communications room and read 
the new message.  The message will be from the Baron, then Feyd 
telling you of what they had done.  Go talk to Leto and he will tell you 
about his Punitive Expedition.  Go back to the communications room 
and talk to Thufir.  He will say it would be best to start attacking the 
Harkonnens near Stilgars home territory where they will be weakest.  

Go talk to Duncan and he will tell you about Villages and items that you 
can buy from them.  Harah will mention a Tale of a village in a "Fish's 
Mouth".  Stilgar will mention seeing a fish in your Ornithopter.  Look 
on the Dune map and find the outline of a fish and fly to the Mouth.  
There you will find Oxtyn-Pyons and a smuggler from which you can 
buy items such as a harvester or ornithopter.  

Talk to Harah and she will want to go back  home.  Take her back to 
Tuono-Timin and tell her to stay there.  She will thank you for bringing 
her back home.

Talk to Stilgar after moving away from Harah and he will tell you that 
there is someone that you should meet.  Fly to Oxtyn-Tabr to meet 
Chani.  Talk to Chani and she will tell you how Beautiful the desert is at 
night.  Tell Stilgar to stay in the Sietch and ask Chani to follow.  Get 
away from all equipment in the area and wait for evening.  The storyline 
will take over from here for a bit.  (Chani will tell you that she has 
fallen in love with you and that she will want to stay with you forever.  
Stilgar will appear and tell you that he thinks you will make a great 
Fremen leader especially with a Fremen female at your side).

Talk to Chani and she will mention other sietchs that she knows about.  
Fly to the new sietchs, enlist the troops, have them specialize in Army, 
Equip troop and send them to the sietch where Gurney is so that he can 
train them. 

Now is a good time to revisit all the Fremen chiefs and see how things 
are going with them.  They might even give you clues as to where other 
sietchs may be located.  Also make sure the Prospectors are kept 
busy..... Remember, Spice is the most important thing in the Universe.

	Soon you should be receiving a vision from Jessica.  Fly back to 
the Palace.  Jessica will meet you in the stillsuit room and tell you the 
Duke is Dead.  Go to the Communications room and talk to Thufir to 
find out the details.  He will tell you the Duke's Ornithopter was shot 
down and that there must be some other form of transportation.  Talk to 
Stilgar and he will suggest going to another room to talk.

Go to another room and Stilgar will tell you that the Fremen use Worms 
to travel and will suggest you try  it.  So head on out to the Desert (one 
or more steps away from the Palace) and Call a worm.  Talk to Chani 
and she will say it would be a good idea if you told Thufir about this.  
Go back to the Palace and talk to Thufir.  He says "Now only if we had 
some other kind of weapon to use against the Harkonnens, Maybe 
something located right here in the Palace".

Chapter 3:
Vegetation on Dune: The Fremen Dream

Find Jessica and talk to her.  She will say that there still might be 
something else hidden.  Ask her to come with you (you should leave 
Stilgar in the room and take Chani and Jessica with you) and explore the 
Palace again, talking to Jessica in every room.  You will eventually find 
a room to the right of the room where you found Gurney.  Enter the 
room and talk to Chani, she will tell you about her father (Liet Kynes), 
Chani will suggest going back to Oxtyn-Tabr and that you should bring 
Stilgar also.  Jessica will want to stay in the greenhouse.

Fly/Ride to Oxtyn-Tabr, talk to Chani and she will say that Daddy's 
sietch is westwards.  Fly/Ride westwards until you find Sihaya-Tuek. 
There you will find Liet Kynes. Talk to him and he will show you his 
experiments.  This should be the first time you will see a Cache of water 
in a Sietch.  (Now would be a good time to save your game, and check 
your Charisma [indicated on the Dune globe with "See Results"]. Talk to 
Stilgar and he will suggest drinking the Water of Life.  To be able to 
Drink the Water of Life, your Charisma must be 50 or greater. (If your 
Charisma is not high enough, you will have to refuse the offer and wait 
until Jessica explains the Water of Life to you -- only then will you be 
able to drink with confidence).

Talk to Stilgar.  He will say the Bulbs can be used against the 
Harkonnens because they destroy the Spice and that is the only thing the 
Harkonnens are interested in.  Go into the Greenhouse, talk to Kynes, he 
will say that he could use some help from troops and he knows of a few 
sietchs nearby.

Go to the new sietchs, enlist the troops, have them specialize in ecology 
and send them to Sihaya-Tuek to help Kynes.  Now would be a good 
time to check on the rest of the Fremen and see how they are doing.  

You will eventually receive a vision that a sietch has come down with a 
terrible disease.  Go to the sietch with the disease, talk to Chani and she 
will stay to cure the disease.  Continue to check on the rest of the 
Fremen troops and keep the Prospectors going to unprospected areas. 
Soon you will receive a vision that Chani has cured the Fremen.  
Talking to the Fremen will inform you that Chani has disappeared.  
After getting message from Feyd (telling you he has kidnapped Chani), 
talk to Thufir and will suggest having your army troops use Espionage to 
find Harkonnen Fortresses and eventually you will find Chani in one of 
the Fortresses.

Through espionage you will find the locations of the Harkonnen 
fortresses. By conquering the Harkonnen fortresses you will come upon 
the one which holds Chani prisoner. You will not know which fortress is 
holding Chani until you attack it.

After rescuing Chani it will be important to remember where the 
following characters are located: Jessica, Gurney, Thufir, Stilgar, and 
Chani. It will be necessary to gather these characters together for the 
dramatic climax.

Chapter 4:
Battle for Arrakis

	 Eventually you will be able to contact Fremen on the entire 
planet.  Continue using espionage to find all Harkonnen Fortresses.  To 
attack a Fortress, it is a good idea to have at least 4 Fremen troops 
Expert in Army and equipped with Kyrs, Laser Rifles and Wierding 

Start with the Fortresses near Stilgars Home territory. and work your 
way towards the Palace. (Tip: After conquering a Fortress, there will 
usually be a Fremen troop working for the Harkonnens. You can Rally 
them to work for you. Have them specialize in Army, equip them, and 
send them to Gurney for Training. [also you may want to have 2 forces 
(4 troops per force) working in opposite directions so that they will 
eventually meet at the Harkonnen Palace]). 

If you're concerned that you might lose a battle, you should save before 
attempting and then save again if you win. It is also a good rule to 
outnumber Harkonnen troops 2 to 1 if possible, although it is not 
required. Atomics will give a decided advantage, but will only be found 
in fortresses near the Harkonnen Palace.

It is important to use espionage to find all of the fortresses. If you miss 
one, you will be set up for a surprise attack, and even if you are not 
attacked, you will find it difficult to launch an assault on the palace if 
Harkonnen forces are hiding out in an unkown fortress.

Talk to Stilgar after taking each fortress and he will eventually tell you 
that there are no more fortresses left to take over.  He will suggest 
Bringing Thufir to a Sietch close to the Harkonnen Palace. Go to the 
Atreides Palace, talk to Thufir (he will say "We are almost ready for the 
Final Attack"). Ask Thufir to come with you, and bring him to a sietch 
close to the Harkonnen Palace.  Talk to Thufir at the sietch and he will 
say he needs to stay for awhile. Tell him to stay.

Eventually he will ask you to bring Jessica, Chani, Stilgar and Gurney to 
the sietch also. Find them and bring them to the Sietch. After everyone 
is there the Storyline will take over.  Talk to Thufir and he will say you 
need 10,000 Fremen, split into the three sietchs around the place, 
equipped with Atomics to attack the Palace.  

Once you have enough men surrounding the Palace, Thufir will tell you 
to tell Stilgar to give the order. Talk to Stilgar and accept the attack 
order.  The Troops will converge on the Palace and you will soon 
receive a vision stating that the Shield is down and the Harkonnen forces 
have surrendered. Now you can go to the Palace. Enter the Palace and 
the storyline will take over from there. Congratulations, you have won 
the game.

Long Live Emperor Paul Atreides and Empress Chani!!!


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CheatBook-DataBase 2025 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, DVD, Wii U, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 28.200 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 11, 2025. Download CheatBook-DataBase 2025

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