
Fallout 4: Far Harbor Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Fallout 4: Far Harbor

Fallout 4: Far Harbor

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                                   (  /  FAR HARBOR FAQ/WALKTHROUGH  |  |
                                    \/   by Shotgunnova (P. Summers) |__|

    I. CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CNTR
   II. TH' BASICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THBS

       DLC Info ......................................................... DLCN
       Story ............................................................ STRY
       Tips N' Tricks ................................................... TPST

  III. MAIN WALKTHROUGH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WLKT

       01) Far From Home ................................................ WK01
       02) Walk in the Park ............................................. WK02
       03) Where You Belong ............................................. WK03
       04) Best Left Forgotten .......................................... WK04
       05) The Way Life Should Be ....................................... WK05
       06) Cleansing the Land ........................................... WK06
       07) Reformation .................................................. WK07
       08) Close to Home ................................................ WK08

   IV. APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPN

       Achievements/Trophies ............................................ ACHV
       Armor ............................................................ ARMR
       Longfellow Info .................................................. LNGF
       Recipes .......................................................... RCPS
       Settlements ...................................................... STTL
       Settlement Workshop Additions .................................... STWR
       Sidequests ....................................................... SDQS
       Weapons .......................................................... WPNS

    V. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FAQZ
   VI. UPDATES & CONTRIBUTIONS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UPDT
  VII. LEGALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LGLT

I. CONTROLS                                                              [CNTR]
 Controls and buttons can be completely remapped in the menu. Defaults are
 listed below.
  ___________ _______________________________________________________________
 | BUTTON    | FUNCTION                                                      |
 | D-Pad     | Navigate menus or (outside of menus) access quicklinks        |
 | Options   | Toggles FO4 main menu                                         |
 | Share     | Toggle PS4 screenshot/video sharing menu                      |
 | Touchpad  | Toggle POV or (in owned settlements) access workshop mode     |
 | PS Button | Toggle PS4 main menu overlay                                  |
 | Circle    | Toggle Pip-Boy menus (Status/Inventory/Data/Map/Radio)        |
 | Square    | Reload weapon (or brandish weapon, if holstered)              |
 | Triangle  | Jump button                                                   |
 | X-Button  | Inspect/Activate button (for menus, etc.)                     |
 | L1 Button | toggle V.A.T.S. mode                                          |
 | L2 Button | (holding) Block with melee weapon or aim with gun             |
 | L3 Button | (holding) sprint function                                     |
 | R1 Button | Use Grenade/Gun Bash/Power Attack                             |
 | R2 Button | Fire/swing weapon (or brandish weapon, if holstered)          |
 | R3 Button | Toggle sneak mode                                             |
 | L. Analog | Controls movement                                             |
 | R. Analog | Controls camera POV                                           |

II. TH' BASICS                                                           [THBS]
DLC INFO                        [DLCN]
 Released: May 18, 2016
 Size ---: 6.5 gigs
 Cost ---: $24.99

 The DLC is not a standalone -- it requires the main game to play. If players
 have the season pass, the DLC will be "free".

 Minimum suggested PC specs:
 OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required)
 Processor: Intel Core i5-2300 2.8 GHz/AMD Phenom II X4 945 3.0 GHz
 Memory: 8 GB RAM
 Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 550 Ti 2GB/AMD Radeon HD 7870 2GB or equivalent
 Storage: 30 GB available 

 Recommended PC specs:
 OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required)
 Processor: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required)
 Memory: 8 GB RAM
 Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 780 3GB/AMD Radeon R9 290X 4GB or equivalent
 Storage: 30 GB available space 

STORY                           [STRY]
 From Steam synopsis:

 "A new case from Valentine’s Detective Agency leads you on a search for a
 young woman and a secret colony of synths. Travel off the coast of Maine to
 the mysterious island of Far Harbor, where higher levels of radiation have
 created a more feral world.  Navigate through the growing conflict between
 the synths, the Children of Atom, and the local townspeople. Will you work
 towards bringing peace to Far Harbor, and at what cost? Far Harbor features
 the largest land mass for an add-on that we’ve ever created, filled with new
 faction quests, settlements, lethal creatures and dungeons. Become more
 powerful with new, higher-level armor and weapons."

TIPS N' TRICKS                  [TPST]
 • As with any new expansion -- or, let's face it, any Bethesda game -- there
   may be unexpected glitches. It's best to have a fresh save before doing the
   DLC, just to be safe, plus liberal usage after that. Make sure to have the
   most up-to-date patch to ensure smoother play.

 • The walkthrough is specifically written as if one had Nick or the new
   companion along, but any can be brought with. Just note that all four of
   the DLC settlements are quest-unlocked, so it's best to get one of those
   (see: "Blood Tide") first and send companions there. The alternative, of
   course, is fast-travelling to the Commonwealth, then back repeatedly.
______________________________________________/ III. MAIN WALKTHROUGH [WLKT] |_
01) FAR FROM HOME                                                        [WK01]
 Client -: Kenji Nakano [Nakano Residence]
 Prereq -: n/a
 Precedes: Walk in the Park
 Optional: no
 Missable: no
 Reward -: 300 XP, 350/400/500 caps

 Far Harbor's opening quest begins after finishing "Getting a Clue," the main
 quest that introduces Nick Valentine. Reaching that juncture spawns a special
 radio signal coming from his Diamond City agency -- one with boosted range,
 allowing it to be picked up from even heavily outyling areas (Outpost Zimonga,
 Somerville Place, Spectacle Island, etc.) To listen to the signal, use the
 Pip-Boy's radio tab.

 One listen reveals Ellie, Nick's secretary, has a job for the player. Visit
 her in Diamond City to learn the client (Kenji Nakano) requires detective
 services. Passing her speech check learns it involves his daughter and a

 The destination is the Nakano Residence, in the upper-right corner of the
 map's coastline. Actually, it's a bit north of the map's given range, being
 a DLC addition and all. If one spoke to Ellie, there'll be a map marker near
 Mahkra Fishpacking (a factory on the cape), reorienting itself when one draws
 near. Those who ignored Ellie get no hints, though the location can still be
 found blindly.

 • Those lacking any useful weapons can salvage a bunch from the dead raiders
   littering Mahkra Fishpacking's exterior. There won't be any enemies in the
   area by default, although uncovering synths inside will cause them to spawn
   outside in the future. (The raider corpses despawn normally after being
   discovered the first time.) There's a fixed respawning combat sniper rifle
   on a rooftop table, though -- it's near a sandbagged corner lookout.

 Easiest way to the destination is using the beach and derelict boardwalk. The
 mouth of that beach will have several ghoul types nesting. Players can also
 climb the cliffs at several points, especially near the overpass, although
 this area often spawns annoyances (mirelurks, feral dogs, Gunners, super
 mutants). On the bright side, BoS patrollers can appear here if "Reunions"
 was completed.

 After going through Kenji's dialogue, one is directed to question the parents
 further or check Kasumi's room. Finding and reading Kasumi's journal (behind
 toolbox in her quarters) or passing Rei's speech check reveals the same tip:
 inspecting the boathouse.

 Said boathouse is a bit north of the house, and requires no lockpicking to
 enter. What does require lockpicking is the safe (mentioned in
 Kasumi's journal), requiring expert-level talents. That is, unless one finds
 the key cleverly hidden in the picture frame nearby. Gramps' letter on top of
 the safe slyly references it.

 Inside, take and listen to Kasumi's final holotape, revealing she's left for
 the island of Far Harbor. When the Nakanos are notified, they'll immediately
 ask one to make a hasty pursuit. Agreeing allows the docked boat to be taken
 to visit the DLC's new location. Requested funds (350-500 caps) are given at
 this time; 300 caps are received if no bargaining occured.

 Two things to know before leaving:

 • Unlike some of New Vegas' DLC, entering Far Harbor's region isn't a one-way
   trip, stranding players until the plot's progressed. Travelers to the isle
   can leave shortly after arrival, if they so choose. (Use the 'Commonwealth'
   fast travel map dot.)

 • Reaching this quest stage spawns several miscellaneous tasks, letting one
   notify the major Commonwealth groups (Railroad, Brotherhood of Steel, The
   Institute) about the current case. These appear in the miscellaneous part
   of the Pip-Boy's quest tab. Informing anyone about Far Harbor synths is
   wholly optional.
 The boat, once taken, is automatically programmed to reach Far Harbor, the
 coastal town entrenched in fog. Disembarking ends the quest.

 • As in the main campaign, Nick will react to some things the player does.
   Sarcastically quipping to Ellie about needing a trenchcoat and fedora is
   disliked; the same's true if Nick catches one badmouthing synths to Kenji.
   He also appreciates compassion towards his kind ("synths are people, too").
   Bringing up funds is a neutral subject, even if one presses hard.

 • Although the normal flow of the quest directs one to Diamond City, vets
   can simply visit the Nakanos' house at any point to start it, regardless
   of level. Low-level characters may have a hard time getting here from the
   upper west corner, though. (The Aquaboy/Aquagirl perk makes it much easier
   to avoid the lawless wastes, though.) 

 • Nick Valentine's presence changes/enhances some parts of the quest. He'll
   have extra dialogue with Ellie, while the opening dialogue with Kenji also
   changes. One can pass a speech check to learn the circumstances of their
   previous case.

 • Kenji and Rei are marked as essential NPCs, making it impossible to break
   the DLC questline so early. Bethesda must've learned their lessons after a
   certain New Vegas add-on could be broken in the same fashion...

 • The boat to Far Harbor can't be commandeered without going through the
   quest normally. 

02) WALK IN THE PARK                                                     [WK02]
 Client -: Captain Avery [Far Harbor]
 Prereq -: Far From Home
 Precedes: Where You Belong
 Optional: no
 Missable: no
 Reward -: 400 XP


 Landfall in Far Harbor -- the fog-ridden town built onto a series of docks --
 starts the DLC's second quest. It always begins in the dead of night, with
 two locals: Captain Avery, the de facto leader, and Allen Lee, the hot-headed
 weapons merchant.

 The first conversation offers little in the way of hints, but when the town
 mechanic (The Mariner) sounds an alarm, Avery promises to help out after the
 attack's dealt with. All normal services are suspended during this time, since
 the NPCs go onto the Hull -- that is, the town's gate cobbled from scraps.
 Take up combat positions there as well.

 Soon, Jared Greshem and a few survivors will approach, trying to take refuge
 in the town. Unfortunately, the Hull is shut, locking them outside with the
 pursuing monsters. The battle gives a first-hand lesson in what type of
 creepy crawlies are common on this island:

 • Anglers: Though they're currently aggro, these bipedal anglerfish usually
   hide at water's edge, waiting to attack passers-by. (Not unlike mirelurks'
   AI, honestly.) They're capable of shooting flaming projectiles.

 • Gulpers: These quick-moving salamanders can, like anglers, shoot flaming
   projectiles via fog intake. In the wild, they can be seen stalking shores
   and (surprisingly) hanging upside-down in treetops. Upon death, they drop
   gulper innards and 1-3 pieces of random junk they ingested.

 There are three waves of 3-4 creatures appearing on either side of the Hull's
 street. Rarely, other local nuisances that spawned right nearby, such as the
 humble radroach, will attack as well. After clearing all baddies, the gate
 opens, letting one find Avery near her house. She'll give a monetary reward
 (275 caps) for the assistance.

 Go through Avery's next conversation, learning about the radioactive fog and
 Allen's run-in with a Children of Atom preacher. Replies in this portion are
 unimportant, although Nick scoffs at killing the Children (if one picks that

 The important tip is that Kasumi is in Acadia, the synth refuge on the
 mountaintop. Avery suggests enlisting Old Longfellow, the town's best hunter,
 as a guide -- he can be found at the Last Plank bar nearby. The good-hearted
 woman also suggests helping out around town, starting the sidequest "Living
 on the Edge."

 Longfellow is indeed at the bar, and like an old salt, refuses to help unless
 he's given a whiskey. (This can be bought from Mitch at the bar, if need be.)
 The guide suggests on getting essentials -- particularly stimpaks and Rad-X
 -- before venturing into the dangerous, radioactive fog. Those who want to
 heed good advice can buy these from Brooks' Bait Shop, the store next to
 Allen's. (Don't forget to take the Islander's Almanac issue at Longfellow's
 table either. There's a trophy for collecting all five.)

 Once enlisted, the guide will give a snack (mirelurk jerky) and start the
 scripted hike to Acadia. The journey begins by leaving Far Harbor along the
 west road, right into a nest of trappers, the island version of raiders. He
 makes it seem like he can eliminate all of them, but he usually gets knocked
 around unless players assist as well.

 Continuing west, players will be lead south at the crossroads near an old
 guard booth. This highway leads right up to Acadia's mountaintop observatory,
 although there are several scripted enemy encounters along the way: wolves,
 gulpers by a pond, ghouls.

 There'll also be a small conversation with a Child of Atom close to the peak.
 (If one talk about Atom and chooses "sign me up," their HQ at the Nucleus
 will be map-marked.) Nick will dislike the option about "just shooting her,"
 and hates it if she's killed. However, she does carry a free radium rifle for
 the trouble. All it takes is subverting Atom's divine will!

 Acadia is just a stone's throw from there, on the peak above the fogline.
 When one draws close enough, an automatic conversation with Longfellow allows
 him to be an official companion and to use his personal cabin (on island bit
 north of Far Harbor) as a settlement. If it wasn't map-marked earlier, it is
 now. The next quest, "Where You Belong," begins!

 • When meeting the Child of Atom on the mountain, Nick dislikes the "just
   shoot her" option, and hates it if she dies.

 • The Hull defense event has a high chance of spawning legendary creatures,
   and occasionally gives two. Since the DLC adds new weapon types (harpoon
   gun, radium rifle, lever-action rifle, etc.) and legendary effects, and the
   foes' spawn points are few, the fight's great as a farming area. Just save
   before a particular wave spawns and reload if the foes give jank -- easy!
   (If reloading so many times messes up spawns or something, it's fixable by
   quitting to the main menu before repeating the process.)

 • Jared Greshem will give a monetary reward (apx. 150 caps) if he survives
   the onslaught. This tends to be difficult unless one jumps down to street
   level and massacres the waves before they can brutalize anyone. He'll also
   have a special conversation on what he think about the townfolk locking him
   out with the monsters, and how he's mainland-bound because of it. (Saving
   any of the generic survivors with Jacob is irrelevant.)

 • After the Hull's defense, the first conversation with Allen Lee results in
   a special, longer talk about the fight. Passing his speech check about
   showing gratitude earns an extra reward (150 caps). This can only be done

 • The Child of Atom on the mountain road can be mentioned later during the
   Nucleus' entrance exam scene, although it's of little to no consequence
   overall. She doesn't appear if one treks up the mountain without a guide.
   Curiously, Allen may catch and execute a CoA saboteur in a scene later,
   which may be this same woman.

 • If one visits Acadia without enlisting Old Longfellow's assistance, he'll
   approach the next time one's in Far Harbor, praising one for journeying
   there without assistance. His companion services and island settlement will
   be unlocked like normal.

 • Longfellow has a special "Hunter's Long Coat" that gives 40 armor, 2 rad
   resistance and +1 PER. It takes up all the normal clothing ensemble slots,
   but like most companion gear, can be upgraded with ballistic weave. It also
   looks damn cool, and respawns if removed, so consider taking it before he
   leaves. (Companions may not be able to equip it, though, unfortunately.)

 • After finishing this quest, returning to Far Harbor will spawn an encounter
   with Pearl, a Miss Nanny (girl version of Mr. Handy) who wants help solving
   a murder. This is part of the "Brain Dead" sidequest.

03) WHERE YOU BELONG                                                     [WK03]
 Client -: n/a
 Prereq -: Walk in the Park
 Precedes: Best Left Forgotten
 Optional: no
 Missable: no
 Reward -: 500 XP, 500 caps

 Reaching Acadia's doorstep starts this quest officially. Inside the main
 bunker, find and talk with DiMA, a first-generation synth that's undergone a
 bunch of upgrades. After going through the conversations, one can volunteer
 information about Commonwealth factions (Institute, Brotherhood of Steel,
 Railroad) one's joined. Each has a small, but unique, conversation about it.
 If the base game's campaign is finished, players can report some of those
 findings as well.

 • If Nick is companion, the opening dialogue will change somewhat, and more
   light will be shed onto his back story. When the conversation with DiMA
   concludes, speaking to Nick (via "talk") lets one mull over the new info,
   and to keep an eye out for any proof of what was said.

 • Speaking with DiMA the first time also lets one do the reverse: reporting
   Acadia to the three biggest Commonwealth factions. See the "other notes"
   section below for details.

 Afterwards, one learns Kasumi is on the bottom level, and "Acadian Ideals" --
 another sidequest about helping multiple NPCs in the area -- begins. (There
 are two speech checks that affect nothing during the chat.) No matter how the
 conversation goes, Kasumi refuses to leave until she finds out about the
 settlement's mystery: whether DiMA is hiding something sinister.

 Unsurprisingly, players must help to continue the quest. There are three
 separate routes to take, all leading to roughly the same end.

 • OPTION 1: Eavesdrop on a meeting: This route requires entering, and hiding
   in, the bottom-level storage room opposite Kasumi's work area. The quickest
   way in is just picking the expert lock.

   Those who can't pick it are in luck: the runaway mentions Cog, the scruffy
   supplier on the middle tier, has the key. Speak with the jumpsuited NPC;
   if the speech check is passed, one learns he lost the key while moving junk
   in the telescope chamber. (That is, the top-level room DiMA occupies.) Go
   there, and find the key on a table at the balcony's end.

   Inside the storage room is a few supply containers (first aid, ammo), but
   nothing amazing. Use the "hide and wait" option near the laboratory window
   to observe a scripted (unskippable) chat between Chase, Faraday and DiMA.

 • OPTION 2: Hack Faraday's terminal: This is the master-level terminal in
   the upper server room. Once inside, read Faraday's journal, then download
   Faraday's program straight from the PC.

 • OPTION 3: Just go ask DiMA: Yup, it's really that simple. However, to get
   any real dirt, players'll have to pass one of two speech checks.

 Regardless of what route is taken, one learns of DiMA's memory banks in the
 Children of Atom submarine base stronghold (The Nucleus), and how letting 'em
 be safeguarded by the Children is pretty dumb in retrospect. That info must
 be collected before it's misused.

 If one learned crucial info from DiMA himself, Faraday's program is given
 automatically at conversation's end. Those who eavesdropped need to manually
 fetch the program -- it's in the top-level server room, on the computer desk.
 Finally, report back to Kasumi to finish up. Her monetary reward is obtained
 regardless of whether one broached the subject earlier.

 • If Nick is with when meeting Kasumi, some replies ("I understand," second
   "Offer help" option) are liked more than others (2nd "sarcastic" reply,
   choosing "not my problem"). If Longfellow is with, he'll have the same
   reactions to the "offer help" and "not my problem" picks. There're two
   speech checks that reassure her about whether she is/n't a synth, though
   they affect nothing.

 • When confronting DiMA directly, "Demand answers" is disliked by Nick, but
   liked by Longfellow. Both like the softer, alternative approach.

 • Informing Kasumi is the last act in the quest. If Nick is with, telling her
   "don't worry" or "keep what I find" are liked and disliked, respectively.
   Longfellow also dislikes the latter.

 • Faraday's program doesn't spawn pre-quest; swiping it isn't seen as theft.
 • Nick's hacking skills are too weak for Faraday's terminal, sadly.
 • Dejen, Acadia's mid-level vendor, sells two amazing uniques. The first,
   a Two-Shot Lever-Action Rifle ("Old Reliable") is very handy for riflemen;
   the main downside is its 5-shot clip can't be modded. The second is a
   Crippling Flamer ("Sergeant Ash") that makes great crowd control, or when
   facing surprisingly quick foes, like the island's gulpers and fog crawlers.
   Needless to say, even a mirelurk queen is little trouble after taking away
   its mobility -- a great buy!

 • Dialogue for choosing Kasumi's "hack terminal" option will change depending
   on one's hacking proficiency. At low levels, players give a very sarcastic
   response; at high levels, players give a confident reply. And, speaking of
   hacking, Acadia's basement level has a master-level terminal leading into a
   storage room. It contains tons of ammo, including a steamer trunk and three
   mini nukes.

 • Finishing DiMA's 1st convo adds several miscellaneous quests to report the
   synth colony to one of the three Commonwealth factions one's joined. These
   will appear even if one didn't divulge affiliations to DiMA. (Players may
   only report to the Brotherhood or Institute, but not both.)

   - Lancer Captain Kells, an NPC aboard the Brotherhood of Steel's Prydwen
     at Boston Airport, can be told about the synth colony. They'll prepare
     an attack on Acadia, eventually carried out as the "Search and Destroy"
     sidequest. Betraying Acadia is disliked by both Nick and Longfellow.

   - Boxer, an NPC at Railroad HQ, will be interested to know reports of the
     colony up north are verified. Telling her about Acadia will cause her to
     eventually visit. There isn't a Railroad-involved quest.

   - William Moseley, a new Institute NPC in the Advanced Systems sector, will
     be very interested to learn of the synth refuge. Players can report all
     the gritty details about DiMA's observatory, eventually culminating in
     the quest "Forbidden Knowledge".

04) BEST LEFT FORGOTTEN                                                  [WK04]
 Client -: DiMA [Acadia]
 Prereq -: Where You Belong
 Precedes: The Way Life Should Be -and- Cleansing the Land
 Optional: no
 Missable: no
 Reward -: XP

 Heads up: this is the longest quest in the DLC.

 After uncovering the truth about DiMA's memories, players will be directed to
 infiltrate the Children of Atom's submarine base, The Nucleus. The fortress
 is SE of Echo Lake Lumber and NW of Southwest Harbor. It'll be map-marked if
 not found previously.

 The entrance is along a radioactive pond, and there's a scripted scene (of no
 importance) between some fighting acolytes. High Zealot Richter will allow
 one to enter the cult's domain only by taking a test of loyalty. Players are
 free to decline to no long-term detriment, though his offer must be taken to
 continue. That is, if one wants to do the mission DiMA's peaceful way.

 • The test: drink from Atom's Spring, a location south of Echo Lake Lumber,
   and see what happens. This is actually the "Visions in the Fog" sidequest;
   more on it can be read there.

 Passing Richter's test grants permission to access the Nucleus as a regular
 member; The Children-centric "What Atom Requires" sidequest will begin here,
 too. Inside, one can find a settlement built around a rusted-out submarine
 bay. While it's fun to explore, those champing at the bit to continue can
 simply head for the command center door, the highest point past the sub's
 tail. A zealot guardsman will have sage advice about entering.

 But who wants sage advice? Enter away! The security alert blaring like a
 five-alarm fire will play constantly in this area, at least for now. Other
 than a maintenance corridor (at beginning) leading to a weapons bench room,
 the only way to go is forward, down the main corridor. It's booby-trapped by
 vertical laser grids; tripping any will awaken eight ceiling-mounted laser
 turrets. The grids can be manually deactivated like normal traps. Be careful
 that companions don't accidentally trip 'em!

 The craggy corridor beyond has a few more turrets, a Lieutenant Gutsy and two
 Protectrons. This area, including the adjacent bunkhouse and canteens, has
 little of interest, other than some ammo boxes. The last section is another
 hallway leading to a fenced-off control room (requires monitor to enter). Two
 turrets, a Protectron and an Assaultron type spawn here. There's also a loot
 trunk and shortcut into the Nucleus for later.

 In the control room, the main console (requires Faraday's program) won't turn
 on until auxiliary power is restored -- use the circuit breaker between the
 fenced-off servers nearby. Note that doing this will release a legendary
 assaultron dominator from the locked anteroom, so be careful before and
 after fighting it (it blows up like a sentrybot).

 NOTE: Some have reported game-breaking glitchiness in the simulations. It may
       be wise to make a separate save before attempting, just in case.

 Unlock ----: default
 Info gained: location of medical facility beneath Vim! Pop Factory

 Welcome to DiMA's memories! Instead of just reading a computer files, players
 will have to decrypt his data. This is done by operating cubes and turrets
 in a new menu, very similar to those for settlements.

 The goal is to get the little green insectoid things (indexers) to the giant
 orange light pillar, where they'll take stolen info back to the blue pillar.
 Getting them there requires building a firm path for them to walk on (via
 blue cubes) and then defending their retreat from security via sentry guns.
 If indexers die, they respawn back at the start with no data, so there aren't
 any permanent downsides to failing.

 The first memory is more of a tutorial. Steal and store blue cubes from the
 nearby area, then use them to make footpaths for indexers. The horizontal
 beam of light can be redirected by certain see-thru cubes (decoder relays), a
 key strategy in removing the red barriers (firewalls). To destroy a firewall,
 make the beam hit their weak point; this requires redirecting beams via the
 decoder relays' green sides. Make sure to have sentries placed all along the
 route the indexers take -- they have long lines of sight, but still need good
 trajectories to function properly.

 When 100% of a memory is collected by indexers, the memory's audio will play
 in full (unlocking secondary objective about one of DiMA's locations) and one
 may move onto the next memory via the orange pillar. Those who want to quit
 the simulation and immediately visit the uncovered location can do that, if
 they prefer.

 Unlock ----: decrypt first memory
 Info gained: sub launch key location (Harbor Grant Hotel)

 First, locate the red firewall -- see how its weak point is higher up? First,
 unimpede the horizontal beam near the starting point. It's blocked by a thick
 cube that, when removed, lets the beam continue further up the main path. At
 the spot the beam now hits, one can make a hole in the divider and use the
 handy redirection cube to make a path through to the firewall.

 To destroy the second firewall, simply make another pillar (with a redirect
 cube atop it) in the tunnel portion, then create a footpath to the orange
 pillar. Once everything's up and running, place the sentries, skewed more
 toward the wide-open spaces toward the blue pillar.

 Unlock ----: decrypt first memory
 Info gained: Far Harbor condenser killswitch (Wind Farm Maintenance building)

 Players should have gotten the hang of the basics for these, so I'll boil the
 strategies down a bit.

 1) The first firewall is destroyed by removing the blocks ahead of the start
    point. Easy peasy.

 2) The second firewall is right past the first, but there aren't any decoder
    relays in plain sight. Players will need to reach the alcove above that
    particular firewall to get it. Building works, but a sprint-jump combo is
    far faster. Make a redirection pillar in the beam's path to remove the 2nd

 3) Players will now have access to a 2nd decoder relay, plus the alcove of
    blocks behind the 2nd firewall. To remove firewall #3, clear out the new
    blocks and use the redirection cube to fire into the alcove's built-in
    relay. This requires a minor reposition to the current redirection pillar.
    If done correctly, the beam will be swerved into the alcove, then gets
    channeled automatically to the 3rd firewall's weakpoint.

 4) The last firewall has a high-up weakpoint, right in the path of where the
    initial setup is now firing. Simply build another 1x3 redirection pillar
    with the spare decoder relay to finish.

 Build the indexers' path like usual and put most of the sentries toward the
 middle, with another near the orange pillar (preferably being able to fire
 down the tunnel as well).

 Rarely, indexers will become stuck in this level. If this happens on one of
 the removable blocks, store it before replacing it (indexers may glitchily
 fall and reappear, affecting nothing). If indexers stop before a path they
 should normally walk on, consider widening that route -- this occasionally
 corrects that AI behavior.

 Unlock ----: complete memories 1-3
 Info gained: clip about Nick and DiMA meeting

 This map is mostly straightforward: the general path has firewalls in front,
 with a walled-off alcoves near the start.

 1) First, take care of the alcove. The beam this time starts out vertical,
    and must be bent horizontally to unlock it -- luckily there are spare
    blocks and a decoder relay sitting out. Unlocking the nearest nook gives
    more of the same. Use the 2nd decoder relay to bend the beam into twice,
    into the large firewall weakpoint nearby.

 2) The third and final firewall will be automatically destroyed by using the
    built-in redirection channel above the main path. To trigger it, one must
    actually go beneath the current area, then find the beam's source at its
    lowest point. Use the two decoder relays to bend the beam toward the
    built-in channel's lowest point.

 All that's left is building a defended path along the main route. Since it's
 a straightaway, just make sure the sentry positions are spread out enough to
 be useful.

 • If Nick is with, one can talk to him about finding DiMA's recording and
   help him decide whether to give his "brother" a chance or 

 Unlock ----: complete memories 1-3
 Info gained: Marine Combat Armor shipment locations

 This'll be the only puzzle that isn't solved in a snap, so to save readers
 from pulling their hair out, here's a general map.
       Orange Pillar-|_   _|
                ___    | |                  1: Initial beam pyramid
               |   |  _| |_
               | 6 | |START|                2: Firewall (decoder relay)
               |   | |_____|
               |   |  __|__     ___         3: Firewall (decoder relay)
               |   | |     |   |   |
               |___| |  1  |===| 2 |        4: No firewall, few blocks to get
                _|_  |_____|   |___|
               |   |  _____      |          5: Built-in beam channel to #6
               |   | |     |    _|_
               | 5 |=|  4  |===| 3 |        6: Low area & upper beam pyramid
               |___| |_____|   |___|

 01) Loot all blocks around starting point
 02) Build bridge to #6 and loot decoder relay and upper pyramid's blocks
 03) Return to starting point, breaking down & storing bridge to #6
 04) Build bridge to #1
 05) Loot code blocks at #1 and get the 2nd decoder relay
 06) Build bridge to #4
 07) Clear out spare blocks at #4 -- there aren't many
 08) Return to #1 by removing bridge to #4
 09) Redirect beam at #1 into firewall weakpoint at #2
 10) Build bridge to #2 and take its extra blocks, 3rd decoder relay
 11) Build relay pillar at #2 to hit firewall weak spot at #3
 12) Build bridge to #3
 13) Make redirection pillar to fire through #4 and hit channel at #5

 The beam channel at #5 will now be shooting a vertical beam at #6. If all
 has gone well, feel free to remove any spare bridges between points 2, 3 and
 4. Keep the bridge from the starting point to #1, though.

 14) Return to starting point and make a bridge to (6) again.

 15) Redirect the vertical beam at #6 into the firewall at #6. Since the
     decoder relay needs to hover over the upper pyramid's lowest entry point,
     it's easiest to put a cube beside said point, then fix the relay onto it.
     Don't bother clogging the entry point, building on top, then making a
     huge-ass scaffolding path to get underneath and unclog it. It ain't worth
     the trouble.

 16) When the firewall at #6 is down, take the old decoder relay at #6
 17) Take the new decoder relay that was behind #6's firewall.

 Players should now have three decoder relays stored, plus the one making the
 huge redirection chain. To hit the final firewall covering the orange pillar,
 one must use all three of the remaining relays. Don't screw up the chain that
 powers the built-in beam channel (making the vertical pillar at #6).

 It's simplest to make the chain by working backwards. First, at #1's pyramid,
 make a decoder relay pointing directly at the firewall's weakpoint. It must
 be on the exterior to work. Then, build a bridge toward the far-off vertical
 beam at #6. When close enough, use the 2nd relay pointing at the pyramid's,
 then use the 3rd to hit the 2nd. (The bridge in this description will use
 20+ blocks, so make sure to have acquired spares elsewhere. Building toward
 the vertical beam from #6 is possible, but not recommended.)

 For those still having trouble imagining what I'm talking about, here's a pic
 of a finished working circuit. Players may adjust the lengths somewhat, but
 this way requires the least amount of invested time, I find.


 When the last firewall's down, make a tiny bridge to the orange pillar. There
 will still be security bots, but there's no long walk, making it a cinch
 after the annoying puzzle.

 Info gleaned from the puzzles has been translated into map markers to check
 out. They can be done in any order.

 • The Harbor Grand Hotel is a coastal super mutant den on the main island's
   southeastern reach, south of Acadia and SW of the MS Azalea wreck. It can
   be approached from the north or south, though the latter may be easier,
   relatively. Players can reach the roof (including an alternate entrance)
   via an off-sidewalk staircase in the SW.

 • Investigating the medical facility at the Vim factory will eventually start
   "The Way Life Should Be," a route that can incite Far Harbor to attack the
   synth colony.

 • DiMA's Cache: This fast-travel location spawns in the extreme western area
   of the island, on a lonely isle on the shoal near Rayburn Point. There'll
   be several anglers in the overland route; swimming around them isn't hard
   to do. Dig at the indicated spot to uncover a box containing Far Harbor's
   wind turbine killswitch code.

 • [OPTIONAL] The last puzzle adds a miscellaneous task for finding 3 separate
   Marine Armor armor crates. These can be collected in any order and all are
   "assault" type by default. Map markers will denote their locations.

   - The chestpiece/helmet are in a sunken container, SW of Rayburn Point
   - Both legs are in a barely visible shipwreck, W/SW of Haddock Cove
   - Both arms are at a barely visible shipwreck, east of Harbor Grand Hotel

   The helmet/chestpiece container also includes a free Tactical Marine Helmet
   and a Marine Wetsuit. Note the items weight 100+ pounds altogether, so be
   sure to clean space. Hitting an inventory limit underwater isn't very fun.

 Pursuing the medical facility lead will lead to "The Way Life Should Be," a
 route that can lead to Acadia's demise. Those doing the hotel/cache leads'll
 begin "Cleansing the Land," a route that has the possibility of extirpating
 one of the non-Acadia factions. See those sections for more details.

 Best Left Forgotten completes when the killswitch code is obtained and the
 Harbor Grand interior is visited. Alternately, finishing "The Way Life Should
 Be" or its follow-up "Reformation" will complete this quest in the process.

 • Until the loyalty test's done, entering the Nucleus is seen as trespassing.
   If one breaks relations with the Children, their entire settlement becomes
   irrevocably hostile and no further quests are given from them (those that
   exist will fail, too). Even if named NPCs within are slain, generic zealot
   types will continue to respawn inside and out, ensuring they're not written
   completely out of the DLC's plot.

 • If one met the mountain missionary during "Walk in the Park," one can tell
   Richter about it as a way to get in his good graces. However, it doesn't
   shortcut the quest any.

 • The medical facility beneath the Vim factory can be accessed pre-quest. If
   Nick Valentine is in the room while accessing KYE's intercom, the AI will
   open the doors without the usual required speech check. Be careful to loot
   the lab thoroughly, though, as the intercom doesn't work afterwards, which
   prevents entering when the doors reset.

 • When exiting the simulation, companions may have disappeared from sight.
   Exiting back into the main Nucleus area should respawn them...hopefully.

 • At Rayburn Point, one can find a locked (expert) trunk in the building with
   a weapon bench, partially hidden by a flipped rowboat on the second floor.
   It tends to have a relatively high amount of caps (800+) in addition to
   normal finds like ammo, weapons and armor.

 • The killswitch code can't be dug up pre-quest.

05) THE WAY LIFE SHOULD BE                                               [WK05]
 Client -: n/a
 Prereq -: learned about the medical facility during "Best Left Forgotten"
 Precedes: Reformation -or- Close to Home
 Optional: no
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with Acadia or Far Harbor]
 Reward -: 600 XP, 500 caps, Acadia's Shield (side with DiMA)
         : 600 XP, 2200 caps, Lucky Eddy (side with Far Harbor/Acadia attacked)
         : 600 XP, 1500 caps (DiMA turns self in + Acadia not attacked)

 This quest begins after learning DiMA had a secret medical facility beneath
 the Vim! Pop Factory, then entering that location.

 Said factory is roughly SE of the Nucleus, east of the Lonely Church and SW
 of Southwest Harbor. There are many super mutants in and around the derelict
 structure, although if they were cleared out for a previous quest (such as
 Sister Mai's "Ablutions"), it may still sit emptied.

 To find DiMA's lab, enter the mixing room -- notable for vats now used as
 jacuzzis -- and unlock the security door in the lower corner (novice hack).
 The elevator will lead to a special medical floor. Dig up the dirt mound to
 find an unmarked grave, then take the three items found: a locket, skull and
 holotape ("What's Done is Done").

 • Additionally, the surgery bay can be accessed by passing KYE 1.1's speech
   check via the intercom. If Nick Valentine is in that exact room during the
   correspondence, the door opens without the check. Inside is a red steamer
   trunk of goodies, plus the unique December's Child combat rifle (25% faster
   fire rate, 15% faster reload, chambered for 5.56 ammo).

 Players are now faced with two decisions: confront DiMA about the grave or
 inform Far Harbor's citizens about the death.

 This route is basically the "greater good" option.

 After obtaining the first three memories during "Best Left Forgotten," return
 to DiMA. His reception will slightly change, depending on whether one was
 asked to infiltrate the Nucleus or one stole Faraday's programs. Either way,
 his vital memories can be returned to him through conversation.

 Agreeing to replace Tektus, one way or another, will end this quest, earning
 a few caps (500) and the unique Acadia's Shield, a synth armor chestpiece
 that gives +1 AGI, INT and END.

 Players can also suggest DiMA pay for the woman's death by throwing himself
 at Far Harbor's mercy -- this requires one of two hard speech checks. When
 done, return to Far Harbor for a public trial.

 No matter what option is taken, the option to deal with DiMA alone or turn
 Acadia into ashes will be put to a public vote. The notable NPCs will agree
 with the player or Allen, depending on how one's treated them so far. Allen
 wins in the event of a tie.

 • Sandra Lee always sides with Allen, her brother. She's doles out no quests,
   so it makes sense her opinion never changes.

 • Andre will side with the player if s/he healed him during the early quests
   in Far Harbor (found at Teddy's clinic). The window to save him is tiny --
   if untreated, he'll always have died by the time this event occurs.

 • Small Bertha will side with the player if s/he resettled the harbor dregs
   at Echo Lake Lumber Mill during "Turn Back the Fog." If the quest wasn't
   completed, she doesn't cast a vote.

 • Teddy Wright sides with the player if one did the Captain's Dance in "Rite
   of Passage." Note that, if one did "Turn Back the Fog" and then let
   the dregs' settlement fall into ruin, any goodwill earned from "Rite of
   Passage" is ignored. Instead, Teddy blames the player for dooming Bertha
   and the dregs, since they moved to the wilds on his/her word. (If one did
   not do "Rite of Passage" or "Turn Back the Fog," Teddy won't cast a vote.)

 • The Mariner sides with the player if one finished at least 2 "Hull Breach"
   quests. Differing outcomes from the "The Great Hunt" don't seem to impact
   this. If not all "Hull Breach" quests are completed/attempted, she remains
   neutral. Mariner only openly speaks out against the player if they killed
   Machete Mike during the first "Hull Breach" (although sometimes this won't
   happen -- no idea why).

 • Cassie Dalton and Mitch side with the player if their quests (Blood Tide &
   The Holdout, respectively) were completed satisfactorily. If those quests
   weren't completed, they side with Allen.

 If enough people side with the player, the murder is avenged but nothing else
 happens -- the quest ends and 1500 caps are earned. If Allen's opinion holds
 the most sway, Brooks will be slain next, and the townsfolk mob immediately
 starts out for Acadia, using Old Longfellow's route from "Walk in the Park."
 Upon reaching the colony's gates, speak to Allen once more. No selection can
 change his mind, and all extant Acadian sidequests fail afterward.

 Since the mob gunmen (Teddy, Allen, Sandra, Mitch, Mariner, etc.) are all
 considered essential, their concerted effort to massacre Acadia's NPCs never
 fails. Players aren't required to shed blood themselves, though they'll still
 be fired upon when seen. Note that Kasumi, who isn't really a synth, will be
 slain in the gunfight as well.

 When the summit settlement is wiped out, speak to Allen Lee. He'll give 2200
 caps as a reward, plus the unique Lucky Eddy lever-action rifle, which gives
 +2 LCK when brandished. To commemorate the slaughter, players also get the
 "Destroyer of Acadia" perk, giving them a 30-sec period of doing four times
 as much damage whenever their health is 20% or lower.

 Players intent on this route are asked to visit Avery or Allen on return. The
 former is optional, but is worth seeing first.

 • Captain Avery will be aghast if shown evidence about herself. She can be
   convinced with or without the first speech check. The second speech check
   is also optional. Avery will want justice, but of a quiet nature -- she
   knows telling the other townsfolk will only cause more lives to be lost.
   Players can extort 1300 caps (hard speech check) from the poor woman.

 • Allen won't believe the surreptitious slaying occured without proof -- the
   locket provides it somewhat, but the skull "could be anyone's". He suggests
   taking the item to Teddy for DNA testing. (Yes, somehow this hinterland doc
   has access to those high-tech methods...)

 • Show the skull to Teddy and have him do his test. He'll advise talking to
   Avery about it and warn against informing Allen, as it'd only fuel the
   town's lynchmob mentality.

 • After hearing Teddy/Avery's counsel, return to Allen. One can lie about the
   skull's origins to settle his temper; doing so permanently closes off any
   further discussion with him about it. Showing him Teddy's proof causes a
   huge scripted commotion -- players can let Allen execute the synth or try
   appealing to the townsfolk to refocus their anger on DiMA (requires 1 of 2
   hard speech checks).

 The rest of this area is similar to the trial in the "Confront DiMA" route.
 If one does the speech checks, the public opinion will determine whether the
 synth infiltrator dies or the townsfolk gear up and barnstorm Acadia. (See
 the "Confront DiMA" section for what determines the NPCs' opinions.) If the
 synth colony is attacked, all living there will die, including Kasumi. This
 fails all Acadia-based quests.

 This is another "make peace on the island" option.

 First, confront DiMA about the Far Harbor murder and synth replacement, and
 tell him "I'll keep your secret." This brings up an alternate method: remove
 Tektus as the Nucleus' leader and replace him with a cooler-headed synth
 version. This should settle the feud with Far Harbor bloodlessly. Agreeing to
 this method ends the current quest and begins "Reformation". See its section
 for further details.

 Reporting back to DiMA gives numerous replies to sort through, about which
 paths to take and who should get got. Here's a tabulation of the replies that
 matter (ones that don't have been omitted already).
          _____________________________ ___________ ____________
         | REPLY                       | VALENTINE | LONGFELLOW | 
         | We should destroy them both | Hates     | Dislikes   |
         | Nucleus should be destroyed | Dislikes  | Loves      |
         | I'll protect the Nucleus    | Likes     | Dislikes   |
         | We should destroy them both | Hates     | Dislikes   |
         | Far Harbor should die       | Hates     | Hates      |
         | I'll protect Far Harbor     | Likes     | Loves      |
         | You're a fraud              | --------- | Likes      |
         | You did the right thing     | Dislikes  | Hates      |
         | I'm telling Far Harbor      | Loves     | Love+Like  |
         | Do your own dirty work      | --------- | Dislikes   |
         | Agree to replace Tektus     | --------- | Loves      |

 • CONVINCE DiMA ROUTE: During Allen's town hubbub, Longfellow likes telling
   Allen off ("shut up, Allen") and trying to minimize casualties ("Acadia is
   innocent"), plus dislikes inciting the mob further ("Acadia should burn").

 • INFORM FAR HARBOR ROUTE: Extorting caps from Avery will be hated by Nick
   and liked by Longfellow. The latter will also dislike sympathizing with
   Avery ("I'm sorry") or choosing to keep her secret.

 • INFORM FAR HARBOR ROUTE: When discussing with Teddy, Longfellow loves the
   "make DiMA pay" option, and likes "minimize the damage". Nick dislikes the

 • INFORM FAR HARBOR ROUTE: During Allen's town gathering, Nick likes trying
   to save the synth ("do not kill X") and hates letting the mob have their
   bloodthirsty way ("dispose of the synth"). Longfellow dislikes and likes
   those respective options.

 • ACADIA ATTACKED BY FAR HARBOR (ANY ROUTE): This is the conversation at the
   colony's gates. Nick likes trying to sway him ("don't murder them") and
   dislikes egging the mob on ("attack Acadia"). Surprisingly, Longfellow's
   much the same, only he dislikes the latter pick instead of hating it.

 • Everything in the medical area, besides the grave, is available pre-quest.
   Going to the Vim factory prematurely won't start the quest, though.

 • Opening the door to the surgery room will put KYE 1.1 into standby, meaning
   further interaction is impossible. In other words, if the area ever resets,
   any items that weren't taken from the loot room will be permanently closed

 • Sometimes, when Allen is given the evidence of synth infiltration, he'll
   start the commotion and then it'll stall (there should be a scripted scene
   involving the synth asking for help). Talking to Allen a few times should
   fix it.

 • Optionally, players can update Kasumi about DiMA's decrypted memories. This
   can be done anytime before the quest ends. In the final dialogue tree,
   saying Acadia's worth protecting will be a liked by Nick. Every choice but
   "Acadia will burn" earns a reward from Kasumi: 3 Stimpaks, 3 RadAway, and
   3 Stealth Boys. There's no way to convince her to come home prematurely,

06) CLEANSING THE LAND                                                   [WK06]
 Client -: n/a
 Prereq -: Best Left Forgotten
 Precedes: Reformation
 Optional: yes [plot can be finished via "The Way Life Should Be" instead]
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with Acadia]
 Reward -: 450 XP

 This quest is the "wipe out a non-Arcadia faction" choice, and automatically
 begins by digging up the wind turbine killswitch code at DiMA's cache or
 entering the Harbor Grand Hotel, once one learns of the launch code there.

 Optionally, players can speak to DiMA about his recovered memories first, and
 tell him about his past sins found within. It's possible to convince him his
 neutrality is what lead to these extreme circumstances, and that eradicating
 one of the faction bases is what's required. (Each choice has two speech
 checks that must be passed for him to go along with it. Any choice here will
 be hated by Nick.)

 If players sabotaged the island's peace somehow, like by turning the Children
 of Atom irrevocably hostile, this quest must be completed for either outcome.

 This path is a bit shorter than the alternative.

 DiMA's contingency plan for dealing with the harbormen? Cut them off from the
 wind turbines that power their fog condensers, essentially letting the fog
 and all its monsters claim them. To obtain the killswitch code, locate DiMA's
 Cache, a map location in the far west of the island, past Rayburn Point.

 Next, visit the Wind Farm Maintenance bunker, on the mountain slope a ways
 east of Acadia. Inside, find the locked door at the corridor's end and try
 its button. The object now is to repair the circuit by scaring up four fuses,

 • One is on the table right next to the fusebox
 • Three are in the nook containing the tool case (one on each of the shelves)

 Through the locked door, destroy the assaultron and ceiling turrets. The
 object is introduce the Tempest hack into the console at station #3. Note
 that deactivating the turine breaks relations with Far Harbor, failing all
 FH-related quests (including "The Way Life Should Be") and naturally making
 those citizens hostile for the rest of their short lifespans. Each console
 room also contains a turret and/or assaultron; there's always a legendary in
 the Tempest console room.

 All that's left is doing the final quest. Note that this route will spawn a
 "talk to the High Confessor" miscellaneous task to do. Following up on it
 earns Atom's Bulwark (unique Zealot's Marine Armor) and grants the special
 perk "Inquisitor of Atom," which gives a bonus to weapon damage the higher
 one's rads are.

 DiMA's contingency plan for dealing with the Children was to launch the nuke
 inside the submarine. Since the dry-docked vessel is rusted in, it'd be a
 certain OHKO to the entire cult. However, the synth could barely stand having
 thought of such an act, and instead hid the launch sequence inside the Harbor
 Grand Hotel (along main island's SE coast). Be prepared to fight a lot of
 super mutants!

 The code is inside a 2F room, indicated by a marker. Pass through the mutant
 kitchen's pantry to get to the isolated room. Operate the keycode panel to
 find a forgotten safe room containing two skeletons. Outside of a safe and
 ammo box, there's little of use here. Play the "safe room security tape" in
 the monitor to learn the launch key's true location, plus the combination to
 open it.

 Fringe Cove Docks, an area in the island's far SW coastline (between Brooke's
 Head Lighthouse and Haddock Cove) is the next stop, and will be map-marked if
 not found previously. This dilapidated harbor is mirelurk/angler territory.
 In front of the large, listing ferry, there's a smaller, completely submerged
 vessel. The bridge interior has a floor safe holding the launch key and other
 common loot (booze, pistols, etc).

 Continuing, visit the submarine in the Nucleus. It's possible to operate the
 launch console immediately, but without Tektus' say-so, all Children go aggro

 Convincing the High Confessor that a nuclear launch ("Division") is what Atom
 wants prevents that aggro effect. A choice appears in Tektus' dialogue after
 showing him the mother icon and doing at least one Children of Atom quest.
 Three separate speech checks can sway him; if one fails, the others can be

 • The path to destroying the Nucleus requires the speech checks. Handing the
   launch key over without any rigamarole loses the only option to cause the
   catastrophe (Tektus won't want to destroy the base while the Far Harbor feud
   is active). Exterminating the harbor town may be the only remaining option,
   if one squandered DiMA's dialogue that leads to "The Way Life Should Be."

 Once the launch is triggered, there's a 30-second grace period to escape and
 avoid the lockdown's subsequent detonation. Unlike reality, players can run
 a short distance away and avoid any shockwaves, fallout, etc. Reentering the
 submarine bay or command center is impossible after the launch.

 Nixing Far Harbor or the Nucleus will kill all those particular citizens,
 losing access to shops and failing that faction's related quests. The mission
 then completes, earning a unique perk.

 • Destroying the Nucleus gives the "Far Harbor Survivalist" perk, granting +5
   to all resistances permanently.

 • Letting Far Harbor be overrun earns "Crusader of Atom," granting a bonus to
   weapons damage the higher one's radiation level is.

 Players may follow up with DiMA for a unique conversation about each town's
 eradication. If "The Way Life Should Be" is still active, and the Nucleus was
 nuked, players can still address it. However, now that the isle's one faction
 less, telling DiMA his secret'll be kept ends the quest and starts the final

 If Far Harbor was the one destroyed, speaking to DiMA will earn a unique
 conversation about the slaughter. (Interestingly enough, he seems more broken
 up when the Nucleus is destroyed; perhaps its their past relation?) The synth
 also gives a 500-cap "reward," perhaps because "The Way Life Should Be" failed
 and something had to be given.

 • If one talks to Tektus before picking an option, players can mention the
   turbine killswitch. Longfellow hates any selection ("demand payment" or "I
   am") that suggests FH will be ruined soon.

 • Sweet-talking Tektus into accepting Division is liked by Longfellow. Nick
   doesn't have any reaction, though when the bay explodes, he'll recite the
   famous "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds" line -- how apropos.

 • Sabotaging the wind turbine makes Longfellow permanently aggro. If he's
   with when it happens, he immediately turns hostile, forcing one to kill him
   right there. If Longfellow's not with when it happens, he'll still turn on
   the player when next met.

 • After finding the killswitch code, one can report it to Avery back in town.
   Players will get 500 caps just for mentioning it, or 1000 with a speech
   check. Unlike the Nucleus, there's no option for giving the code over to

 • It's possible to destroy both settlements, if one really wanted to. This
   has no plot use, however, and considering how few merchants there are in
   the DLC, it's not recommended.

 • Along the coast by the Harbor Grand is a beached, burning vessel. A power
   core can be salvaged from its interior generator.

 • Inspecting the Harbor Grand safe room monitor automatically puts the tape
   (required to hear password) in the player's inventory, whether they asked
   to or not. This is so players don't accidentally leave it behind. So, if
   one wonders where it went 'cause it's not in the monitor anymore, that's

 • The Fringe Cove Docks' middle barn has a master lock, the key to which is
   in a loot steamer inside. Use the below-pier route to enter through its
   caved-in floor. Note that a leveled mirelurk (often a mirelurk king at high
   levels) will suddenly spawn around here, in addition to the other 'lurks
   normally found.

 • If Far Harbor is destroyed, its name will change to "Far Harbor Ruins," a
   fog-claimed dock no longer safe for humans. If one checks back there, they
   can see the Hull breached by anglers, fog crawlers and other hellions. The
   ensuing slaughter can't be stopped. (All NPCs there lose essential status
   if they had it. Pearl, the robot from "Brain Dead" who may wait at the town
   entrance, is an exception.)

 • If the Nucleus blew up, there'll be a small scene during the next visit to
   Far Harbor, where the citizens discuss the death toll and observe a moment
   of silence. Speaking to Allen Lee afterwards earns a 1600-cap reward. If
   "The Way Life Should Be" is still active (the show-evidence-to-Allen part),
   that can be continued here.

 • Don't forget that all settlements in this DLC are earned through Far Harbor
   (the town) quests. Destroying the harborfolk can close off access to most
   of 'em. In rare cases, one can even lose access to Longfellow's Cabin, by
   reaching Acadia without using him as guide, then breaking relations with
   town before hearing his follow-up dialogue back in town.

07) REFORMATION                                                          [WK07]
 Client -: DiMA [Acadia]
 Prereq -: The Way Life Should Be (in DiMA's favor)
 Precedes: Close to Home
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with Acadia]
 Reward -: 600 XP, 1500 caps, Protector of Acadia perk

 This quest only occurs if one confronts DiMA about a "synth replacement" and
 agrees to keep the secret for the greater good. The Acadian leader will then
 suggest an alternate method for peace: remove Tektus from power and install
 yet another synth replacement. This will end the Children's feuding with Far
 Harbor. Agreeing to the method begins the quest officially, and ends options
 that involve telling Far Harbor's citizens of DiMA's transgressions (i.e. one
 can't incite them to attack Acadia).

 First, players must concoct a conspiracy. Tektus is paranoid that Martin, the
 previous leader, will return and take back his rightful spot. Obtaining some
 normal holotapes of Martin's can, with a bit of magic, be edited into a war
 declaration. A spot containing those tapes -- a bit west of Atom's Spring and
 the Glowing Grove, and down Echo Lake Lumber's SW highway -- is marked. The
 entrance is inside a culvert.

 Inside, there are two tapes to find: one on the table, one on a nightstand.
 Listening to 'em is optional. Give 'em to DiMA (minor XP gained for it) and
 he'll edit them into "Martin's New Age," an I'm-coming-for-you recording that
 will pique Tektus' interest. Agreeing to meet Tektus will earn that tape.

 Next, visit Tektus in the Nucleus' submarine, his usual hangout. Tell him
 about the tape, then play it for him. He'll agree to meet the player in the
 Command Center's isolated maintenance tunnel. There are two options to take
 when he arrives (if one isn't considered loyal enough, he appears with two
 hired guns).

 • The simplest is just killing him. Tektus carries a gamma gun, plus his
   High Confessor Helmet/Robes set. Once murdered, carry his body into the
   indicated breach, then inspect, it to wall up his corpse. Make sure to get
   any loot from him before that point, since it's impossible to interact with
   the body again. 

 • Those walking the pacifist route can instead use a speech check to browbeat
   Tektus into leaving the fold of his own volition. He'll be true to his word
   as well, eventually leaving the Nucleus, creating an opening for the synth
   version to step in. (This option appears even if Tektus brought helpers to
   the meeting.)

 When the job's done, return to DiMA to finish up. Peace will have been made
 successfully between all three factions, earning a reward (1500 caps) and
 the "Protector of Acadia" perk. As a foil to the "Destroyer of Acadia" perk,
 this one instead gives a ridiculous damage/energy resistance increase when
 health drops below 20%. (If "Best Left Forgotten" is still active, it will
 automatically conclude with its XP bonus as well.)

 • Nick likes convincing Tektus to flee via the speech check. It appears even
   if Tektus appears with hired guns.

 • Martin's culvert hideaway can't be entered pre-quest, since DiMA's Worn Key
   is the only object opening it.

 • Finishing this quest will give a miscellaneous task about visiting the new
   High Confessor. Find him in the Nucleus submarine to get the unique Atom's
   Bulwark (Zealot Marine Armor chestpiece or armpiece), whose armor/energy
   resistances rise the more irradiated one is.

 • Tektus' synth replacement also has respawning High Confessor Robes/Helmet,
   just in case one missed them earlier.

 • Returning to Far Harbor after peace is made will have a scripted scene with
   Avery and the townsfolk. Talk to her afterwards to get a 1600-caps reward.

08) CLOSE TO HOME                                                        [WK08]
 Client -: n/a
 Prereq -: The Way Life Should Be
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: no
 Missable: no
 Reward -: 300 XP

 The final quest will begin regardless of Acadia's fate, though how it ends
 naturally differs.

 • If Kasumi survived, thanks to the player's efforts in saving Acadia during
   "The Way Life Should Be" and making peace in "Reformation," speak to her
   inside the synth colony's basement. The player can convince her to return
   to her parents or stay put. (If the former is done, she'll take her own
   boat back.)

 • If Kasumi perished during "The Way Life Should Be," there naturally won't
   be any follow-up with her.

 All that's left now is returning to the Nakanos' residence back in the Boston
 area. There's a fast-travel spot to the Commonwealth near Far Harbor's map
 icon. Tell Kenji the news to finish the quest.

 • If Kasumi died, there'll be only an XP reward.
 • If Kasumi survived, Kenji will give an extra reward: his father's collected
   gear cache. It's buried in the small red shack by the boathouse. It stores
   several weapons, armor pieces, ammo types and junk. It's possible to get a
   legendary from the lot, too. (If Kasumi survived but didn't return, this
   reward is still offered.)

 And that does it for the DLC!

 • It's possible to get this quest by finishing "The Way Life Should Be," but
   being unable to continue it due to "Cleansing the Land" still being open.
   This occurs when one breaks relations with the Children of Atom early on,
   preventing peace on the island, but before having taken care of either
   faction permanently. Complete that quest to continue normally.

 • The choice to save all settlements or destroy one doesn't affect Kasumi's
   opinion on leaving or staying, although the opening dialogue changes. In
   some cases, the sarcastic dialogue becomes wickedly funny.
 • Kenji's cache can't be dug up pre-quest, only after he mentions where it
   is. Since there's an assured chance at a legendary, players who get junk
   can randomize the contents by reloading a previous (Far Harbor) autosave,
   then finishing again.

 • If Kasumi returns home, players can try convincing Kenji that she's a synth
   anyway. Telling the parents they should accept her for who he is will be
   liked by Nick. Kenji will try evicting Kasumi because of this; passing one
   of the two speech checks will change his mind.

 • If Nick is with when the quest finishes, a miscellaneous task about talking
   to him will spawn. Additionally, there's always an extra conversation with
   Ellie Perkins (back at the Diamond City detective agency) if one visits.

_____________________________________________________/ IV. APPENDICES [APND] |_
ACHIEVEMENTS/TROPHIES                                                    [ACHV]
 There are ten (10) to find in all. All trophies are bronzes, except for the
 silver "Close to Home". The Xbox point values are in the second column, too.
  ________________________ ______ ___________________________________________
 | ACHIEVEMENT/TROPHY     | TYPE | UNLOCK METHOD                             |
 | Cleansing the Land     | B/20 | Complete "Cleansing the Land"             |
 | Close to Home          | S/50 | Complete "Close to Home"                  |
 | Far From Home          | B/20 | Complete "Far From Home"                  |
 | Hooked                 | B/10 | Defeat 30 of Far Harbor's sea creatures   |
 | Just Add Saltwater     | B/10 | Cook a new DLC food recipe                |
 | New England Vacationer | B/10 | Discover 20 Far Harbor locations          |
 | Push Back the Fog      | B/10 | Unlock 3 Far Harbor workshops             |
 | The Islander's Almanac | B/10 | Find all 5 Islander's Almanacs            |
 | The Way Life Should Be | B/20 | Complete "The Way Life Should Be"         |
 | Where You Belong       | B/20 | Complete "Where You Belong"               |

 Most of these, especially the quest-related trophies, are nearly impossible
 to miss, while "Hooked" and "New England Vacationer" are usually acquired via
 normal play. Specifics worth mentioning:

 • JUST ADD SALTWATER: Some recipes are quest rewards or found in other ways,
   but the Poached Angler and Grilled Hermit Crab concoctions can be made at
   any cooking station with just those creatures' meat (which they'll always
   drop). Anglers are fairly common predators, disguising themselves as weeds
   by coastlines and ponds; however, they can be spotted through VATS, making
   their tactics rather useless. Hermit crabs are rarer and can sends spawn
   after players, not unlike Mirelurk Queens. A good place to find them is by
   the Oceanarium.

 • THE ISLANDER'S ALMANAC: There are five issues of this magazine to find in
   all, spread out through the island. The mags have their own printed order,
   but I'll list 'em in order of proximity to the main town:

   1) Far Harbor Sightseer's Guide: This is located at the Last Plank, the bar
      in Far Harbor's titular town. It'll be on the table where Old Longfellow
      sits and isn't considered owned. The magazine's special effect denotes
      several locations on the map, although they won't be fast-travellable.
      The locations are: Cliff's Edge Hotel, Oceanarium, Eden Meadows Cinemas,
      Echo Lake Lumber, Brooke's Head Lighthouse, Cranberry Island Bog, Old
      Pond House, Southwest Harbor, Rayburn Point and the MS Azalea wreck.

   2) Recipe Roundup: This is at the National Park Visitor's Center, a wrecked
      building in the island's north-central area. (It's almost directly west
      of Longfellow's Cabin, which is on the tiny island north of Far Harbor
      itself.) The magazine will be on an interior counter just off the main
      entrance. Ghouls inhabit the place normally, although there'll be none
      when one comes here during "The Hold Out." (The magazine itself unlocks
      new sludge-based recipes at cooking stations.)

   3) Children of Atom Exposé: This is inside the Acadia colony. Enter, go
      down one floor, and find the counter Dejen usually stands around -- it's
      right there. Magazine special effect: radiation-based attacks deal 10%
      less damage.

   4) Pincer Dodge: The quarry is in the south-central part of the island,
      situated between the Vim! Pop Factory and Brooke's Head Lighthouse.
      The quarry has an interior area, also inhabited by trappers/raiders,
      where the book can be found (on table by a trunk). Note that explosions
      will send the book flying, so take care here. Magazine special effect:
      take 5% less damage from mirelurk attacks. This can be slightly useful
      as the outdoor quarry has a respawning Mirelurk Queen.

   5) Precision Hunting: Inside Brooke's Head Lighthouse, atop the titular
      structure where the named raider (Douglas) inhabits. The lighthouse is
      along the south-central coastline and almost impossible to miss because
      of it. The magazine is on a stand near the stove, and ups VATS accuracy
      by 5% when fighting animals.

ARMOR                                                                    [ARMR]
 This section tells the new DLC armor types. Some are regular clothes, and are
 devoid of most modifications. The upgrade (U) column will tell which ones are
 or aren't ballistic-weavable.

 ¹ - gives ×1 Cloth
 ² - gives ×1 Leather
  ________________________ __________ _____ _____________________________ ___
 | HEADGEAR               | AR/EN/RD | WGT | STR PER END CHA INT AGI LCK | U |
¹| Fisherman's Hat        | --/--/02 | 0.5 | --- +01 --- --- --- --- --- | N |
¹| High Confessor's Helm  | 04/04/-- | 2.0 | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | N |
²| Hunter's Hood          | 02/--/-- | 2.0 | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | N |
 | Inquisitor's Cowl      | 02/--/-- | 3.0 | --- --- --- --- +?? --- --- | N |
²| Lobster Trap Helmet    | 05/--/-- | 1.0 | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | N |
 | Marine Tactical Helmet | 10/10/-- | 2.0 | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | N |
¹| Old Fisherman's Hat    | 02/--/02 | 0.5 | --- +01 --- --- --- --- --- | N |
¹| Pirate Hat             | --/--/-- | 2.0 | --- --- --- +01 --- --- --- | N |
 | Recon Marine Helmet    | 21/21/10 |  14 | --- +01 --- --- --- +01 --- | N |
 | The Captain's Hat      | 02/02/-- | 0.4 | --- --- --- --- +02 --- --- | N |
 | The Dapper Gent        | 14/12/-- | 0.4 | --- --- --- +02 --- --- --- | N |
¹| Wool Fisherman's Cap   | 01/--/05 | 1.0 | --- +01 --- --- --- --- --- | N |
  • Dapper Gent also reduces robot damage by 15%
  • Fisherman's Overalls come in various colors (black, brown, green, grey)
  • Inquisitor's Cowl gives a radiation-based INT bonus (up to +5)
  _________________________ __________ _____ _____________________________ ___
²| Coastal Armor           | 21/21/00 |  15 | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | N |
¹| Chase's Uniform         | 30/15/15 |  15 | --- +01 +01 --- --- --- --- | N |
¹| Fisherman's Outfit      | --/--/-- | 3.0 | --- --- +01 --- --- --- --- | Y |
¹| Fisherman's Overalls    | --/--/-- | 3.0 | --- --- +01 --- --- --- --- | Y |
¹| High Confessor's Robes  | 22/22/-- | 8.0 | --- --- +02 --- --- --- --- | N |
¹| Hunter's Long Coat      | 40/--/02 | 0.5 | --- +01 --- --- --- --- --- | Y |
²| Hunter's Pelt Outfit    | 15/15/-- |  15 | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | N |
 | Legend of the Harbor    | 02/--/-- | 2.0 | --- --- +02 --- --- --- --- | Y |
²| Marine Wetsuit          | 05/05/-- | 2.0 | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | N |
 | Rescue Diver Suit       | 10/10/250| 8.0 | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | N |
¹| Robes of Atom's Devoted | --/--/25 | 3.0 | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | Y |
²| Trapper Leathers        | 02/--/-- | 1.0 | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | N |
¹| Vault 118 Jumpsuit      | --/05/10 | 1.0 | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | N |
   • Legend of the Harbor also reduces mirelurk damage by 15%
   • Rescue Diver Suit also gives underwater breathing while equipped
   • Robes of Atom's Devoted gives an additional +5 rad RES (for 30 total)

 Any ballistic-weavable armor piece has the exact same upgrade tree. Players
 can't upgrade regular clothing (here or in the main game) without getting the
 reward from the Railroad "Jackpot" quests. After that, Tinker Tom will sell
 armored (Mk1) everyday wear. Vendors who sell the needed ballistic fiber can
 try Teagan or KLEO, at the Prydwen or Goodneighbor, respectively.
  _____________ ___________ ________________ _____________ __________________
 | MOD SLOTS   | STATS     | COMPONENTS     | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO       |
 | Ballistic   | ARM: +030 | ×4 Adhesive    | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a        |
 |       Weave | NRG: +030 | ×6 Fiberglass  | -- 01 -- 02 | _________________|
 |             | WGT: +0.0 | ×8 Bal. Fiber  | -- -- 02 -- |/
 | Ballistic   | ARM: +045 | ×5 Adhesive    | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 1  |
 |   Weave Mk2 | NRG: +045 | ×7 Fiberglass  | -- 01 -- 02 | _________________|
 |             | WGT: +0.0 | ×9 Bal. Fiber  | -- -- 02 -- |/
 | Ballistic   | ARM: +065 | ×6 Adhesive    | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2  |
 |   Weave Mk3 | NRG: +065 | ×8 Fiberglass  | -- 02 -- 02 | _________________|
 |             | WGT: +0.0 | ×10 Bal. Fiber | -- -- 02 -- |/
 | Ballistic   | ARM: +090 | ×7 Adhesive    | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 3  |
 |   Weave Mk4 | NRG: +090 | ×9 Fiberglass  | -- 02 -- 02 | _________________|
 |             | WGT: +0.0 | ×11 Bal. Fiber | -- -- 02 -- |/
 | Ballistic   | ARM: +110 | ×8 Adhesive    | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 4  |
 |   Weave Mk5 | NRG: +110 | ×10 Fiberglass | -- 02 -- 03 | _________________|
 |             | WGT: +0.0 | ×12 Bal. Fiber | -- -- 03 -- |/

 The rest of the lowdown's shown below.

 Armor ---: 16 + 16 Energy
 Weight --: 12.0
 Mod Slots: 2
 DfltScrap: ×1 Leather

 As its name suggests, this rudimentary breastplate is often held by trappers.
  _____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ___________________
 | VARIANT     | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO        |
 | Welded      | ARM: +002 | ×2 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a         |
 |             | NRG: +002 | ×2 Cloth      | 01 -- -- -- | __________________|
 |             | WGT: +1.0 | ×4 Steel      | 02 -- -- -- |/
 | Tempered    | ARM: +004 | ×2 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2   |
 |             | NRG: +004 | ×2 Cloth      | 01 -- -- -- | __________________|
 |             | WGT: +2.0 | ×6 Steel      | 03 -- -- -- |/
 | Hardened    | ARM: +006 | ×2 Cloth      | 01 -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2   |
 |             | NRG: +005 | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | __________________|
 |             | WGT: +3.0 | ×8 Steel      | 04 -- -- -- |/
 | Buttressed  | ARM: +008 | ×2 Cloth      | 01 -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2   | 
 |             | NRG: +007 | ×4 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | __________________|
 |             | WGT: +4.0 | ×10 Steel     | 05 -- -- -- |/
  _____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ___________________
 | MOD SLOTS   | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO        |
 | Lighter     | ARM: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a         |
 |       Build | NRG: ---- | ×3 Rubber     | 01 -- -- -- | AP +5             |
 |             | RAD: ---- | ×4 Cork       | -- 01 -- 02 | __________________|
 |             | WGT: -4.9 | ×4 Fiberglass | -- 01 -- 01 |/
 | Padded      | WGT: +6.0 | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a         |
 |             |           | ×3 Bal. Fiber | -- -- -- -- | Reduces explosive |
 |             |           | ×3 Rubber     | 01 -- -- -- | damage taken      |
 | Pocketed    | WGT: +1.1 | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a         |
 |             |           | ×4 Cloth      | 02 -- -- -- | Carrying cap. +10 |
 |             |           | ×4 Leather    | 01 -- -- -- |                   |
 | Asbestos    | ARM: ---- | ×3 Rubber     | 01 -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 1   |
 |      Lining | NRG: +015 | ×5 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Immunity to being |
 |             | RAD: ---- | ×6 Asbestos   | -- -- 01 -- | lit on fire       |
 |             | WGT: +6.0 | ×6 Bal. Fiber | -- -- 01 -- |                   |
 | Lead Lined  | RAD: +015 | ×4 Screw      | -- 01 -- 01 | Perk: Science! 1  |
 |             | WGT: +6.0 | ×6 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2   |
 |             |           | ×8 Lead       | -- 02 -- 02 |                   |
 | Ultra-Light | ARM: ---- | ×5 Rubber     | 02 -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 3   |
 |       Build | NRG: ---- | ×6 Cork       | -- 01 -- 02 | AP +10            |
 |             | RAD: ---- | ×7 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | __________________|
 |             | WGT: -9.7 | ×8 Fiberglass | -- 02 -- 02 |/
 | BioCommMesh | ARM: ---- | ×6 Cloth      | 03 -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 2  |
 |             | NRG: ---- | ×8 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 4   |
 |             | RAD: ---- | ×8 Circuitry  | -- -- 02 -- | Chem duratn. -50% |
 |             | WGT: +3.6 | ×12 Aluminum  | -- 03 -- 06 |                   |
 | Pneumatic   | ARM: ---- | ×5 Aluminum   | -- 01 -- 01 | Perk: Armorer 4   |
 |             | NRG: ---- | ×7 Bal. Fiber | -- -- 01 -- | Reduces stagger   |
 |             | RAD: ---- | ×8 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | magnitude         |
 |             | WGT: +3.6 | ×10 Lead      | -- 02 -- 03 | __________________|

 Armor ---: 10 + 10 Energy RES
 Weight --: 7.0
 Mod Slots: 2
 DfltScrap: ×1 Leather

 The vambraces to the trapper set are, naturally, found most often in trapper
 hands around the DLC island.
  _____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ___________________
 | VARIANT     | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO        |
 | Welded      | ARM: +001 | ×1 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a         |
 |             | NRG: +001 | ×1 Cloth      | -- -- -- -- | __________________|
 |             | WGT: +1.0 | ×1 Steel      | -- -- -- -- |/
 | Tempered    | ARM: +002 | ×1 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2   |
 |             | NRG: +002 | ×1 Cloth      | -- -- -- -- | __________________|
 |             | WGT: +1.0 | ×2 Steel      | 01 -- -- -- |/
 | Hardened    | ARM: +003 | ×1 Cloth      | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2   |
 |             | NRG: +003 | ×2 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | __________________|
 |             | WGT: +2.0 | ×3 Steel      | 01 -- -- -- |/
 | Buttressed  | ARM: +004 | ×1 Cloth      | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2   |
 |             | NRG: +004 | ×2 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | __________________|
 |             | WGT: +3.0 | ×4 Steel      | 02 -- -- -- |/

  ______________ ___________ _______________ _____________ __________________
 | MOD SLOTS    | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO       |
 | Lighter      | ARM: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a        |
 |        Build | NRG: ---- | ×3 Rubber     | 01 -- -- -- | AP +2            |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×4 Cork       | -- 01 -- 01 | _________________|
 |              | WGT: -2.9 | ×4 Fiberglass | -- 01 -- 01 |/
 | Pocketed     | ARM: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a        |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×4 Cloth      | 02 -- -- -- | Carry cap. +10   |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×4 Leather    | 01 -- -- -- | _________________|
 |              | WGT: +0.6 |               |             |/
 | Brawling     | ARM: ---- | ×2 Screw      | -- -- -- 01 | Perk: Armorer 1  |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×3 Bone       | 01 -- -- -- | Unarmed DMG+     |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×4 Lead       | -- 01 -- 01 | _________________|
 |              | WGT: +1.7 | ×5 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |/
 | Strengthened | ARM: ---- | ×5 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 1  |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×5 Plastic    | 01 -- -- -- | Limb DMG reduced |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×5 Screw      | -- 01 -- 01 | _________________|
 |              | WGT: +1.3 | ×5 Steel      | 02 -- -- -- |/
 | Braced       | ARM: ---- | ×4 Steel      | 02 -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 1  |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×5 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Lower melee DMG  |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×6 Bone       | 03 -- -- -- | when blocking    |
 |              | WGT: +1.7 |               |             |                  |
 | Lead Lined   | ARM: ---- | ×4 Screw      | -- 01 -- 01 | Perk: Science! 1 |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×6 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2  |
 |              | RAD: +010 | ×8 Lead       | -- 02 -- 02 | _________________|
 |              | WGT: +3.5 |               |             |/
 | Stabilized   | ARM: ---- | ×3 Fiber Opt. | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2  |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×4 Spring     | -- 01 -- 01 | Scoped aiming+   |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×6 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | _________________|
 |              | WGT: +1.7 | ×7 Aluminum   | -- 01 -- 02 |/
 | Aerodynamic  | ARM: ---- | ×5 Spring     | -- 01 -- 01 | Perk: Armorer 3  |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×6 Fiberglass | -- 01 -- 02 | Power Atks drain |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×7 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | less AP          |
 |              | WGT: +0.6 | ×7 Aluminum   | -- 01 -- 02 |                  |
 | Weighted     | ARM: ---- | ×4 Bone       | 02 -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 4  |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×4 Fiberglass | -- 01 -- 01 | Unarmed & Melee  |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×8 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Atks ignore some |
 |              | WGT: +2.8 | ×10 Aluminum  | -- 02 -- 03 | of target's Armr |

 Armor ---: 9 + 9 Energy RES
 Weight --: 7.0
 Mod Slots: 2
 DfltScrap: ×1 Leather
  _____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ___________________
 | VARIANT     | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO        |
 | Welded      | ARM: +001 | ×1 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a         |
 |             | NRG: +001 | ×1 Cloth      | -- -- -- -- | __________________|
 |             | WGT: +1.0 | ×1 Steel      | -- -- -- -- |/
 | Tempered    | ARM: +002 | ×1 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2   |
 |             | NRG: +002 | ×1 Cloth      | -- -- -- -- | __________________|
 |             | WGT: +1.0 | ×2 Steel      | 01 -- -- -- |/
 | Hardened    | ARM: +003 | ×1 Cloth      | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2   |
 |             | NRG: +003 | ×2 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | __________________|
 |             | WGT: +2.0 | ×3 Steel      | 01 -- -- -- |/
 | Buttressed  | ARM: +004 | ×1 Cloth      | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2   |
 |             | NRG: +004 | ×2 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | __________________|
 |             | WGT: +3.0 | ×4 Steel      | 02 -- -- -- |/

  ______________ ___________ _______________ _____________ __________________
 | MOD SLOTS    | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO       |
 | Lighter      | ARM: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a        |
 |        Build | NRG: ---- | ×3 Rubber     | 01 -- -- -- | AP +2            |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×4 Cork       | -- 01 -- 01 | _________________|
 |              | WGT: -2.9 | ×4 Fiberglass | -- 01 -- 01 |/
 | Pocketed     | ARM: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a        |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×4 Cloth      | 02 -- -- -- | Carry cap. +10   |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×4 Leather    | 01 -- -- -- | _________________|
 |              | WGT: +0.6 |               |             |/
 | Cushioned    | ARM: ---- | ×5 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 1  |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×6 Cloth      | 03 -- -- -- | Falling DMG-     |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×7 Cork       | -- 01 -- 02 | _________________|
 |              | WGT: +0.6 | ×7 Rubber     | 03 -- -- -- |/
 | Strengthened | ARM: ---- | ×5 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 1  |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×5 Plastic    | 01 -- -- -- | Limb DMG reduced |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×5 Screw      | -- 01 -- 01 | _________________|
 |              | WGT: +1.3 | ×5 Steel      | 02 -- -- -- |/
 | Lead Lined   | ARM: ---- | ×4 Screw      | -- 01 -- 01 | Perk: Science! 1 |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×6 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2  |
 |              | RAD: +010 | ×8 Lead       | -- 02 -- 02 | _________________|
 |              | WGT: +3.5 |               |             |/
 | Muffled      | ARM: ---- | ×5 Cloth      | 02 -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2  |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×6 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Movement noise-  |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×7 Rubber     | 03 -- -- -- | _________________|
 |              | WGT: +0.0 |               |             |/
 | Custom       | ARM: ---- | ×4 Rubber     | 02 -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 3  |
 |       Fitted | NRG: ---- | ×5 Spring     | -- 01 -- 01 | Sprinting uses   |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×7 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | less AP          |
 |              | WGT: +0.6 | ×8 Leather    | 02 -- -- -- |                  |
 | Sleek        | ARM: ---- | ×4 Oil        | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 4  |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×5 Fiberglass | -- 01 -- 01 | Movement speed   |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×8 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | while sneaking   |
 |              | WGT: +0.6 | ×10 Rubber    | 05 -- -- -- | increased        |

 Armor ---: 0 + 5 Energy RES + 10 Radiation RES
 Weight --: 1.0
 Mod Slots: 1
 DfltScrap: ×1 Cloth

 This jumpsuit is found only in Vault 118 -- beneath the Cliff's Edge Hotel --
 on the reception desk by the entrance. Each upgrade increases its resistance
 to energy/radiation damage.
  _____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ___________________
 | MOD SLOTS   | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO        |
 | Insulated   | NRG: +005 | ×1 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a         |
 |      Lining | RAD: ---- | ×1 Leather    | -- -- -- ?? | __________________|
 |             | WGT: +1.3 | ×1 Rubber     | -- -- -- ?? |/
 | Treated     | ARM: ---- | ×2 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2   |
 |      Lining | NRG: +005 | ×2 Lead       | -- -- -- 01 | __________________|
 |             | RAD: +005 | ×2 Leather    | -- -- -- -- |/
 |             | WGT: +1.6 | ×2 Rubber     | 01 -- -- -- |
 | Resistant   | ARM: ---- | ×2 Lead       | -- -- -- 01 | Perk: Armorer 3   |
 |      Lining | NRG: +010 | ×2 Leather    | -- -- -- -- | __________________|
 |             | RAD: +005 | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |/
 |             | WGT: +1.7 | ×3 Rubber     | 01 -- -- -- |
 | Protective  | ARM: ---- | ×3 Lead       | -- -- -- 01 | Perk: Science! 2  |
 |      Lining | NRG: +010 | ×3 Leather    | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 4   |
 |             | RAD: +010 | ×3 Rubber     | 01 -- -- -- | __________________|
 |             | WGT: +1.0 | ×4 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |/
 | Shielded    | ARM: ---- | ×5 Lead       | -- 01 -- 01 | Perk: Armorer 4   |
 |      Lining | NRG: +015 | ×5 Leather    | 01 -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 4  |
 |             | RAD: +015 | ×5 Rubber     | 02 -- -- -- | __________________|
 |             | WGT: +1.2 | ×6 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |/

 Armor ---: 38 + 38 Energy
 Weight --: 19
 Mod Slots: 2
 DfltScrap: ×1 Steel

 Zealot's Marine Armor is used specifically by the Children of Atom faction
 based out of the Nucleus, a submarine base stronghold. Those wanting entire
 sets can try pickpocketing them or, perhaps easier, stealthily slay the two
 Nucleus gate guards (they carry most pieces and respawn eventually). And in
 case one needs a bunch of leather, Eagle's Cove Tannery has a bunch of hide
 bundles on the garage conveyor belt, as well as inside -- each gives 4/per.

 Unique variants:

 • Atom's Bulwark (40 + 40 Energy RES) that gives an additional 15 resistance
   to both damage and energy by default. Additional DMG/Energy resistance is
   gained the more one is irradiated. It can be obtained during the "Cleansing
   the Land" or "Reformation" quests.

 • Recon Marine Chest Piece can be bought from Cog in Acadia for about 15000
   caps, more if one lacks cost-mitigating perks. It reduces damage while
   standing inert by 15%, and boast slightly higher base armor and energy
  ______________ ___________ ______________ _____________ ___________________
 | VERSION      | STATS     | COMPONENTS   | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO        |
 | Assault      | ARM: +012 | ×8 Adhesive  | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 4   |
 |     Marine   | NRG: +011 | ×16 Cloth    | 08 -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 4  |
 |        Armor | RAD: +010 | ×24 Leather  | 06 -- -- -- |___________________|
 |              | WGT: +6.0 | ×24 Steel    | 13 -- -- -- |
 | Inquisitor's | ARM: +011 | ×8 Adhesive  | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 4   |
 |              | NRG: +012 | ×16 Cloth    | 08 -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 4  |
 |              | RAD: +010 | ×24 Leather  | 06 -- -- -- |___________________|
 |              | WGT: +6.0 | ×24 Steel    | 13 -- -- -- |

  _____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ___________________
 | MOD SLOTS   | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO        |
 | Lighter     | ARM: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a         |
 |       Build | NRG: ---- | ×3 Rubber     | 01 -- -- -- |                   |
 |             | RAD: ---- | ×4 Cork       | -- 01 -- 01 | AP +2             |
 |             | WGT: -7.7 | ×5 Fiberglass | -- 01 -- 01 |                   |
 | Padded      | ARM: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a         |
 |             | NRG: ---- | ×3 Bal. Fiber | -- -- -- -- |                   |
 |             | RAD: ---- | ×3 Rubber     | 01 -- -- -- | Explosive DMG-    |
 |             | WGT: +9.5 |               |             |                   |
 | Pocketed    | ARM: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a         |
 |             | NRG: ---- | ×4 Cloth      | 02 -- -- -- |                   |
 |             | RAD: ---- | ×4 Leather    | 01 -- -- -- | Carrying cap. +10 |
 |             | WGT: +1.8 |               |             |                   |
 | Asbestos    | ARM: ---- | ×5 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a         |
 |      Lining | NRG: +015 | ×6 Asbestos   | -- -- 01 -- |                   |
 |             | RAD: ---- | ×6 Bal. Fiber | -- -- 01 -- | Immunity to being |
 |             | WGT: +9.5 | ×6 Rubber     | 01 -- -- -- | lit on fire       |
 | Deep        | ARM: ---- | ×5 Cloth      | 02 -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2   |
 |    Pocketed | NRG: ---- | ×6 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |                   |
 |             | RAD: ---- | ×6 Leather    | 01 -- -- -- | Carrying cap. +20 |
 |             | WGT: +1.8 |               |             |                   |
 | Lead Lined  | ARM: ---- | ×4 Screw      | -- 01 -- 01 | Perk: Science! 1  |
 |             | NRG: ---- | ×6 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2   |
 |             | RAD: +015 | ×8 Lead       | -- 02 -- 02 |                   |
 |             | WGT: +9.5 |               |             |                   |
 | Dense       | ARM: ---- | ×3 Fiberglass | -- -- -- 01 | Perk: Armorer 3   |
 |             | NRG: ---- | ×4 Rubber     | 02 -- -- -- |                   |
 |             | RAD: ---- | ×6 Bal. Fiber | -- -- 01 -- | Explosive DMG-    |
 |             | WGT: +9.5 | ×7 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | significantly     |
 | Ultra-Light | ARM: ---- | ×5 Rubber     | 02 -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 3   |
 |       Build | NRG: ---- | ×6 Cork       | -- 01 -- 02 |                   |
 |             | RAD: ---- | ×7 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | AP +10            |
 |             | WGT:-15.2 | ×8 Fiberglass | -- 02 -- 02 |                   |
 | Pneumatic   | ARM: ---- | ×5 Aluminum   | -- 01 -- 01 | Perk: Armorer 4   |
 |             | NRG: ---- | ×7 Bal. Fiber | -- -- 01 -- |                   |
 |             | RAD: ---- | ×8 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Reduces stagger   |
 |             | WGT: +5.7 | ×10 Lead      | -- 02 -- 03 | magnitude         |
 | BioCommMesh | ARM: ---- | ×6 Cloth      | 03 -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 2  |
 |             | NRG: ---- | ×8 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 4   |
 |             | RAD: ---- | ×8 Circuitry  | -- -- 02 -- |                   |
 |             | WGT: +5.7 | ×12 Aluminum  | -- 03 -- 03 | Chem duratn. -50% |

 Armor ---: 17 + 17 Energy
 Weight --: 10.0
 Mod Slots: 2
 DfltScrap: ×1 Steel

 Zealot's Marine Armor is used specifically by the Children of Atom faction
 based out of the Nucleus, a submarine base stronghold. Those wanting entire
 sets can try pickpocketing them or, perhaps easier, stealthily slay the two
 Nucleus gate guards (they carry most pieces and respawn eventually). Unique

 • Recon Marine Left/Right Arms: sold by Sister Mai and Brother Kane in the
   Nucleus, respectively. The left arm slows time in combat when the wearer's
   health is 20% or less, while the right increases movement speed by 10%.
  ______________ ___________ ______________ _____________ ___________________
 | VARIANT      | STATS     | COMPONENTS   | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO        |
 | Assault      | ARM: +005 | ×4 Adhesive  | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 4   |
 |     Marine   | NRG: +005 | ×8 Cloth     | 04 -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 4  |
 |        Armor | RAD: +010 | ×8 Leather   | 02 -- -- -- |___________________|
 |              | WGT: +4.0 | ×8 Steel     | 05 -- -- -- |
 | Inquisitor's | ARM: +005 | ×4 Adhesive  | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 4   |
 |       Marine | NRG: +005 | ×8 Cloth     | 04 -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 4  |
 |        Armor | RAD: +010 | ×8 Leather   | 02 -- -- -- |___________________|
 |              | WGT: +4.0 | ×8 Steel     | 05 -- -- -- |

  ______________ ___________ _______________ _____________ __________________
 | MOD SLOTS    | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO       |
 | Lighter      | ARM: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a        |
 |        Build | NRG: ---- | ×3 Rubber     | 01 -- -- -- | AP +2            |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×4 Cork       | -- 01 -- 01 | _________________|
 |              | WGT: -4.0 | ×4 Fiberglass | -- 01 -- 01 |/
 | Pocketed     | ARM: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a        |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×4 Cloth      | 02 -- -- -- | Carry cap. +10   |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×4 Leather    | 01 -- -- -- | _________________|
 |              | WGT: +1.0 |               |             |/
 | Braced       | ARM: ---- | ×4 Steel      | 02 -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 1  |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×5 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Lower melee DMG  |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×6 Bone       | 03 -- -- -- | when blocking    |
 |              | WGT: +2.5 |               |             |                  |
 | Brawling     | ARM: ---- | ×2 Screw      | -- -- -- 01 | Perk: Armorer 1  |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×3 Bone       | 01 -- -- -- | Unarmed DMG+     |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×4 Lead       | -- 01 -- 01 | _________________|
 |              | WGT: +2.5 | ×5 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |/
 | Strengthened | ARM: ---- | ×5 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 1  |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×5 Plastic    | 01 -- -- -- | Limb DMG reduced |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×5 Screw      | -- -- 01 01 | _________________|
 |              | WGT: +2.0 | ×5 Steel      | 02 -- -- -- |/
 | Deep         | ARM: ---- | ×5 Cloth      | 02 -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2  |
 |     Pocketed | NRG: ---- | ×6 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Carry cap. +20   |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×6 Leather    | 01 -- -- -- | _________________|
 |              | WGT: +1.0 |               |             |/
 | Lead Lined   | ARM: ---- | ×4 Screw      | -- 01 -- 01 | Perk: Science! 1 |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×6 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2  |
 |              | RAD: +010 | ×8 Lead       | -- 02 -- 04 | _________________|
 |              | WGT: +5.0 |               |             |/
 | Stabilized   | ARM: ---- | ×3 Fiber Opt. | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2  |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×4 Spring     | -- 01 -- 01 | Scoped aiming+   |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×6 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | _________________|
 |              | WGT: +2.5 | ×7 Aluminum   | -- 01 -- 02 |/
 | Aerodynamic  | ARM: ---- | ×5 Spring     | -- 01 -- 01 | Perk: Armorer 3  |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×6 Fiberglass | -- 01 -- 02 | Power Atks drain |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×7 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | less AP          |
 |              | WGT: +1.0 | ×7 Aluminum   | -- 01 -- 02 |                  |
 | Ultra-Light  | ARM: ---- | ×5 Rubber     | 02 -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 3  |
 |        Build | NRG: ---- | ×6 Cork       | -- 01 -- 02 | AP +5            |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×7 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | _________________|
 |              | WGT: -8.0 | ×8 Fiberglass | -- 02 -- 02 |/
 | Weighted     | ARM: ---- | ×4 Bone       | 02 -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 4  |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×4 Fiberglass | -- 01 -- 01 | Unarmed & Melee  |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×8 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Atks ignore some |
 |              | WGT: +4.0 | ×10 Aluminum  | -- 02 -- 03 | of target's Armr |

 Armor ---: 18 + 18 Energy
 Weight --: 10.0
 Mod Slots: 2
 DfltScrap: ×1 Steel

 Zealot's Marine Armor is used specifically by the Children of Atom faction
 based out of the Nucleus, a submarine base stronghold. Those wanting entire
 sets can try pickpocketing them or, perhaps easier, stealthily slay the two
 Nucleus gate guards (they carry most pieces and respawn eventually).

 Unique variants:

 • There aren't any. This means the Recon Marine Armor set is incomplete,
  ______________ ___________ ______________ _____________ ___________________
 | VARIANT      | STATS     | COMPONENTS   | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO        |
 | Assault      | ARM: +005 | ×4 Adhesive  | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 4   |
 |     Marine   | NRG: +005 | ×8 Cloth     | 04 -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 4  |
 |        Armor | RAD: +010 | ×8 Leather   | 02 -- -- -- |___________________|
 |              | WGT: +4.0 | ×8 Steel     | 05 -- -- -- |
 | Inquisitor's | ARM: +005 | ×4 Adhesive  | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 4   |
 |              | NRG: +005 | ×8 Cloth     | 04 -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 4  |
 |              | RAD: +010 | ×8 Leather   | 02 -- -- -- |___________________|
 |              | WGT: +4.0 | ×8 Steel     | 05 -- -- -- |

  ______________ ___________ _______________ _____________ __________________
 | MOD SLOTS    | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO       |
 | Lighter      | ARM: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a        |
 |       Build  | NRG: ---- | ×3 Rubber     | 01 -- -- -- |                  |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×4 Cork       | -- 01 -- 01 | AP +2            |
 |              | WGT: -4.0 | ×4 Fiberglass | -- 01 -- 01 |                  |
 | Pocketed     | ARM: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a        |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×4 Cloth      | 02 -- -- -- |                  |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×4 Leather    | 01 -- -- -- | Carry cap. +10   |
 |              | WGT: +1.0 |               |             |                  |
 | Cushioned    | ARM: ---- | ×5 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 1  |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×6 Cloth      | 03 -- -- -- |                  |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×7 Cork       | -- 01 -- 02 | Falling DMG-     |
 |              | WGT: +1.0 | ×7 Rubber     | 03 -- -- -- |                  |
 | Strengthened | ARM: ---- | ×5 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 1  |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×5 Plastic    | 01 -- -- -- |                  |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×5 Screw      | -- 01 -- 01 | Limb DMG-        |
 |              | WGT: +2.0 | ×5 Steel      | 02 -- -- -- |                  |
 | Deep         | ARM: ---- | ×5 Cloth      | 02 -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2  |
 |     Pocketed | NRG: ---- | ×6 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |                  |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×6 Leather    | 01 -- -- -- | Carry cap. +20   |
 |              | WGT: +1.0 |               |             |                  |
 | Lead Lined   | ARM: ---- | ×4 Screw      | -- 01 -- 01 | Perk: Science! 1 |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×6 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2  |
 |              | RAD: +010 | ×8 Lead       | -- 02 -- 02 |                  |
 |              | WGT: +5.0 |               |             |                  |
 | Muffled      | ARM: ---- | ×5 Cloth      | 02 -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 2  |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×6 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |                  |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×7 Rubber     | 03 -- -- -- | Movement noise-  |
 |              | WGT: +0.0 |               |             |                  |
 | Custom       | ARM: ---- | ×4 Rubber     | 02 -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 3  |
 |       Fitted | NRG: ---- | ×5 Spring     | -- 01 -- 01 |                  |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×7 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Sprinting costs  |
 |              | WGT: +1.0 | ×8 Leather    | 02 -- -- -- | less AP          |
 | Ultra-Light  | ARM: ---- | ×5 Rubber     | 02 -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 3  |
 |        Build | NRG: ---- | ×6 Cork       | -- 01 -- 02 |                  |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×7 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | AP +5            |
 |              | WGT: -8.0 | ×8 Fiberglass | -- 02 -- 02 |                  |
 | Sleek        | ARM: ---- | ×4 Oil        | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Armorer 4  |
 |              | NRG: ---- | ×5 Fiberglass | -- 01 -- 01 |                  |
 |              | RAD: ---- | ×8 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Movement speed   |
 |              | WGT: +1.0 | ×10 Rubber    | 05 -- -- -- | while sneaking+  |

LONGFELLOW INFO                                                          [LNGF]
 Who's Longfellow? Why, he's is the only new companion added by the DLC! This
 whiskey-loving old-timer is first met in Far Harbor's Last Plank bar, working
 as a reluctant guide to the island's travelers. After completing "Walk in the
 Park," he can be a full-fledged companion, and his house (Longfellow's Cabin)
 becomes a permanent settlement.

 Outside of "Walk in the Park" and his eternal quarry in "Shipbreaker," he's
 not related to any quests. The walkthrough is segmented to give info he
 specifically likes/dislikes, but here's a general overview.

 • Alcohol consumption
 • Haggling (options about getting/wanting more money; includes extortion)
 • Agreeing to help settlers in need
 • Actions that benefit Far Harbor

 • Telling DiMA that Far Harbor will be protected
 • Telling DiMA he's going to inform Far Harbor (in "The Way Life Should Be")
 • Actions that screw with the Children of Atom's members/hierarchy
 • Suggesting the Nucleus should be destroyed

 • Chem consumption
 • Pickpocketing/Theft
 • Actions that benefit the Children of Atom (taking quests, helping 'em, etc.)
 • Suggesting Far Harbor should be destroyed

 • Joining the Children of Atom
 • Mentioning to NPCs that Far Harbor should be killed/destroyed/etc.
 • Saying "you did the right thing" (during "The Way Life Should Be")

 • Default items: Hunter's Long Coat and a Lever-Action Rifle. The former is
   semi-respawning and is ballistic-weavable; the fact it can be acquired as
   soon as Acadia is reached is a big plus.

 • Perk: Hunter's Wisdom, which reduces damage/energy resistances of animals
   and sea creatures by 25%. This is a big help considering the types of
   defenses higher types of fog crawlers, anglers, etc. can muster. Obtaining
   the perk requires max affinity and has no accompanying quest to finish.

 • As mentioned in the likes section, Longfellow is a harborman through and
   through. If one takes an action that leads to his town's destruction, he
   will become permanently aggro and quit being a companion.

RECIPES                                                                  [RCPS]
 Here's a list of all *NEW* recipes in Far Harbor. Creating any of them will
 unlock the "Just Add Saltwater" achievement/trophy.

 First off, beverages. All new ones have special circumstances. Fire Belly's
 recipe is earned by completing "The Holdout" for Mitch in Far Harbor. All
 normal Vim recipes are unlocked by using the R&D terminal on the Vim Factory
 roof. (Their ice-cold variants are unlocked by putting normal versions into
 Drinkin' Buddy, the robot from the Commonwealth's "Trouble Brewin'" quest.)
 Finally, Ware's Brew can be created by helping him out during "The Trial of
 Brother Devin."
  ________________ ___________ ____________________ _________________________
 | BEVERAGE       | STATS     | COMPONENTS         | OTHER INFO              |
 | Fire Belly     | HPS: -030 | ×1 Aster           | Craft at: Cooking Stove |
 |                | RAD: ---- | ×1 Vodka           | Duration: ---           |
 |                |           | ×2 Black Bloodleaf | DMG plus, and gradually |
 |                |           |                    | ups itself at low HP    |
 | Ice Cold Vim   | HPS: +055 | Can't be crafted;  | Craft at: n/a           |
 |                | RAD: ---- | put a regular ver. | Duration: n/a           |
 |                | APS: +010 | in Drinkin' Buddy  |                         |
 |                |           | to make I.C. ver.  |                         |
 | Ice Cold Vim   | HPS: +700 | Can't be crafted;  | Craft at: n/a           |
 |    Captain's   | RAD: ---- | put a regular ver. | Duration: 120 seconds   |
 |          Blend | APS: +120 | in Drinkin' Buddy  | Sea creatures are more  |
 |                | CHR: -002 | to make I.C. ver.  | hesistant to attack     |
 | Ice Cold Vim   | HPS: +750 | Can't be crafted;  | Craft at: n/a           |
 |         Quartz | RAD: ---- | put a regular ver. | Duration: 300 seconds   |
 |                | APS: +035 | in Drinkin' Buddy  | +15 Carry Weight        |
 |                |           | to make I.C. ver.  |                         |
 | Ice Cold Vim   | HPS: +075 | Can't be crafted;  | Craft at: n/a           |
 |        Refresh | RAD: ---- | put a regular ver. | Duration: 60 seconds    |
 |                | APS: +060 | in Drinkin' Buddy  | AP refresh rate++       |
 |                |           | to make I.C. ver.  |                         |
 | Vim            | HPS: +030 | ×1 Acid            | Craft at: Cooking Stove |
 |                | RAD: ---- | ×1 Corn            | Duration: n/a           |
 |                | APS: +010 | ×1 Mutfruit        |                         |
 |                |           | ×1 Purified Water  |                         |
 | Vim Captain's  | HPS: +600 | ×1 Aster           | Craft at: Cooking Stove |
 |          Blend | RAD: ---- | ×1 Mirelurk Meat   | Duration: 120 seconds   |
 |                | APS: +100 | ×1 Vim             | Sea creatures are more  |
 |                | CHR: -002 |                    | hesistant to attack     |
 | Vim Quartz     | HPS: +075 | ×1 Bubblegum       | Craft at: Cooking Stove |
 |                | RAD: ---- | ×1 Carrot          | Duration: 300 seconds   |
 |                | APS: +025 | ×1 Vim             | +15 Carry Weight        |
 | Vim Refresh    | HPS: +050 | ×1 Dandy Boy Apls. | Craft at: Cooking Stove |
 |                | RAD: ---- | ×1 Gourd           | Duration: 60 seconds    |
 |                | APS: +035 | ×1 Vim             | AP refresh rate++       |
 | Ware's Brew    | HPS: +100 | ×3 Raw Sap         | Craft at: Cooking Stove |
 |                | RAD: -100 |                    | Duration: n/a           |

 New roast recipes are obtained by killing new island creatures, harvesting
 their delicious meat, then BBQing it, often with some other ingredients. Each
 has a special effect for its duration.
  ________________ ___________ ____________________ _________________________
 | ROAST          | STATS     | COMPONENTS         | OTHER INFO              |
 | Fried          | HPS: +125 | ×1 Oil             | Craft at: Cooking Stove |
 |    Fog Crawler | RAD: ---- | ×1 Raw Fog C. Meat | Duration: 1800 seconds  |
 |                | DMG: +30R |                    | DMG res++ in foggy or   |
 |                |           |                    | rainy conditions        |
 | Grilled        | HPS: +200 | ×1 Hermit Cr. Meat | Craft at: Cooking Stove |
 |    Hermit Crab | END: +002 |                    | Duration: 1800 seconds  |
 |                | STR: +002 |                    |                         |
 | Poached Angler | HPS: +100 | ×1 Angler Meat     | Craft at: Cooking Stove |
 |                | RAD: ---- |                    | Duration: 1600 seconds  |
 |                | APS: +015 |                    | +15 max AP and lowered  |
 |                |           |                    | fall damage for duratn. |
 | Seasoned       | HPS: +045 | ×1 Aster           | Craft at: Cooking Stove |
 | Rabbit Skewers | RAD: ---- | ×1 Black Bloodleaf | Duration: 1800 seconds  |
 |                | LCK: +001 | ×1 Blight          | +1 Luck for duration    |
 |                |           | ×1 Lure Weed       |                         |
 |                |           | ×1 Rabbit Leg      |                         |
 | Wolf Ribs      | HPS: +060 | ×1 Lure Weed       | Craft at: Cooking Stove |
 |                | RAD: ---- | ×1 Wolf Ribs       | Duration: 300 seconds   |
 |                | APS: ---- |                    | ACC+ and night vision   |
 |                |           |                    | in exteriors for durtn. |

 New soup recipes are similar to roast recipes, in that you need to harvest a
 particular meat (from radchickens and gulpers, respectively) and cook it with
 some fixings. Those meats have a 100% chance of being on those sources.
  ________________ ___________ ____________________ _________________________
 | SOUP           | STATS     | COMPONENTS         | OTHER INFO              |
 | Chicken        | HPS: +060 | ×1 Black Bloodleaf | Craft at: Cooking Stove |
 |    Noodle Soup | RAD: +55R | ×1 Carrot          | Duration: 1800 seconds  |
 |                |           | ×1 Chicken Thigh   | +55 rad resistance      |
 |                |           | ×1 Dirty Water     |                         |
 | Gulper Slurry  | HPS: ---- | ×1 Acid            | Craft at: Cooking Stove |
 |                | RAD: ---- | ×1 Crystal         | Duration: 10 seconds    |
 |                |           | ×1 Purified Water  |                         |
 |                |           | ×3 Gulper Innards  | Grants invisibility     |

 Sludgepaks are bizzaro stimpaks, that don't cure health and inflict doses of
 rads, as well as giving a special effect. This fits in with the island's odd
 radiation themes. All recipes are locked until the Islander's Almanac volume
 in the National Park Visitor's Center is read.
  ________________ ___________ ____________________ _________________________
 | SLUDGE         | STATS     | COMPONENTS         | OTHER INFO              |
 | Agile          | HPS: ---- | ×1 Condensed Fog   | Craft at: Chem Station  |
 |      Sludgepak | RAD: +148 | ×1 Dirty Water     | Duration: 12 minutes    |
 |                |           | ×1 Stimpak         | The higher one's rads,  |
 |                |           | ×2 Fertilizer      | the more AP regenerates |
 | Durable        | HPS: ---- | ×1 Condensed Fog   | Craft at: Chem Station  |
 |      Sludgepak | RAD: +148 | ×1 Dirty Water     | Duration: 720 seconds   |
 |                |           | ×1 Stimpak         | The higher one's rads,  |
 |                |           | ×2 Fiberglass      | the more DMG res. given |
 | Resilient      | HPS: +075 | ×1 Bloodbug Meat   | Craft at: Chem Station  |
 |     Sludge     | RAD: -150 | ×1 Condensed Fog   | Duration: 720 seconds   |
 |       Cocktail | APS: ---- | ×1 Rad-X           | +75 max HP for duration |
 |                |           |                    |                         |
 | Strong Sludge  | HPS: ---- | ×1 Condensed Fog   | Craft at: Chem Station  |
 |       Cocktail | RAD: +150 | ×1 Dirty Water     | Duration: 720 seconds   |
 |                | APS: ---- | ×2 Blight          | STR ups based on one's  |
 |                |           |                    | current radiation level |

 Traps are craftable weapons, used similarly to mines. The only difference is
 they're crafted at chemistry stations and require specific perks to make. A
 bear trap will be armed when thrown; disarming it oneself puts it back into
 the inventory. Caltrops scatter in a very small area and can't be recovered,
 though they can be jostled by explosions, etc.
  ________________ ___________ ____________________ _________________________
 | THROWN TRAPS   | STATS     | COMPONENTS         | OTHER INFO              |
 | Caltrops       | DMG: +005 | ×5 Steel           | Craft at: Chem Station  |
 |                | FIR: ---- |                    | Damages when walked on; |
 |                | RNG: +093 |                    | gives chance to stagger |
 |                | ACC: +020 |                    |                         |
 |                | WGT: +0.5 |                    |                         |
 | Bear Trap      | DMG: +030 | ×2 Gear            | Craft at: Chem Station  |
 |                | FIR: ---- | ×2 Spring          | Perk Req: Blacksmith 1  |
 |                | RNG: +093 | ×4 Steel           | Cripple legs chance++   |
 |                | ACC: ---- |                    |                         |
 |                | WGT: +8.0 |                    |                         |
 | Poisoned       | DMG: +7&4 | ×5 Steel           | Craft at: Chem Station  |
 |       Caltrops | FIR: ---- |                    | Perk Req: Chemist 1     |
 |                | RNG: +093 |                    | Damages when walked on, |
 |                | ACC: +020 |                    | including psn. damage;  |
 |                | WGT: +0.5 |                    | has chance to stagger   |
 | Bleeding       | DMG: +030 | ×2 Gear            | Craft at: Chem Station  |
 |      Bear Trap | FIR: ---- | ×2 Spring          | Perk Req: Blacksmith 2  |
 |                | RNG: +093 | ×4 Steel           | Cripple legs chance++,  |
 |                | ACC: ---- |                    | causes bleeding damage  |
 |                | WGT: +8.0 |                    |                         |

 The new utility recipe is for bowling ball ammunition, usable only with the
 unique modified fat man "The Striker," located at Beaver Creek Lanes outside
 Far Harbor. The ammo recipe can be found on the computer in the same 2F room
 as the weapon. (Note that the "bowling ball launcher" mod on that weapon can
 be moved, but no others can be created.)
  ________________ ___________ ____________________ _________________________
 | UTILITY        | STATS     | COMPONENTS         | OTHER INFO              |
 | Modified       | n/a       | ×1 Acid            | Craft at: Chem Station  |
 |   Bowling Ball |           | ×1 Bowling Ball    | Perk Req: n/a           |
 |                |           | ×1 Oil             |                         |

SETTLEMENT GUIDE                                                         [STTL]
 The DLC adds four new settlements to use. Here's the lowdown on 'em. I'll put
 some pics at the end of each section, too.
 The largest settlement is also one of the first available, spanning nearly
 the entire island north of Far Harbor's docks. It's named for its defining

 UNLOCK METHOD: Complete "Walk in the Park," the mission taking players on a
 jaunt to Acadia. Having Longfellow as a companion for the segment is optional.

 GEOGRAPHY: The island's coastline from NE to SW is mostly cliffs and crags,
 with the other half a lowland beach. A small coulee runs through the island's
 middle, making it a natural thoroughfare of sorts.

 EXISTING STRUCTURES: Longfellow's titular abode and the shed behind it are
 one of the last remnants of man's influence in the area...well, besides the
 outhouse. A cliff boardwalk on the eastern half of the isle exists, though
 it's semi-ruined. The shed contains an existing power armor station and a
 weapons bench.

 RESOURCES: The wooded island is a prime source of timber, but provides little
 else, other than bountiful water access. Some of Longfellow's decorations and
 property jank (like the tractor) provide a bit of steel.

 DON'T FORGET...: Use of the property is only given after completing "Walk in
 the Park" and talking to Longfellow again. If one somehow breaks relations
 with his faction (Harbormen) without hearing that conversation, it's closed
 off permanently. This would likely be rare to encounter, but is worth listing

 SETTLEMENT SIZE: This is the largest of the four, though it's only about half
 the size of the Commonwealth's largest (Spectacle Island).

 UNIQUE FEATURES: There's a shipwreck on the north coast, just outside of the
 building range, but little else worth mentioning.

 UNSCRAPPABLE: The cabin, shed, and boardwalk can't be destroyed. Since they
 cover so little of the available landscape, it shouldn't impact most building.

 Finally, the pics!

 • Cabin and shed:
 • North beach shipwreck:
 • Central woods:
 • Creepy coulee:
 • Southward look at Far Harbor:
 Once an old homestead, now just a seaside ruin doubling as a fog crawler's
 hangout. The farm, located on the island's northernmost contiguous tip, can
 be unlocked by completing during Cassie Dalton's "Blood Tide" quest (she
 lives in Far Harbor).

 GEOGRAPHY: The tract of land is mostly around a hill, including a northern
 pier, beach, and two ruined houses in the east. A small cliff demarcates the
 southern boundary.

 EXISTING STRUCTURES: The two houses always spawn, as well as the pier itself
 and some beach-washed junk (tires, umbrellas, car husk, etc). An outhouse can
 be found by the workshop bench.

 NATURAL RESOURCES: The island provides a small amount of wood and additional
 metal from all the scrap laying around. The remnants of the farm provide five
 free corn stalks and a basic water pump, but no workbenches/stations.

 DON'T FORGET...: Some of the scrappable items might be hidden underwater, or
 in age-old piles of garbage, so search thoroughly.

 SETTLEMENT SIZE: Medium in general, though it's the smallest of all available
 DLC settlements in terms of yardage. Players can build out over the water a
 little, however.

 UNIQUE FEATURES: Besides the pier, not much. However, it's worth mentioning
 that out of all settlements, the atmosphere tends to be one of the least
 foggy/dreary, making it a fun change from those further inland.

 UNSCRAPPABLE: Just about everything here can be demolished, other than the
 pier itself and the weird wooden remnants stuck in the hilltop's stone (they
 can be built over with cement or something, however).

 Pic time!

 • Crawler on the beach:
 • Grandpa George's dwellings:
 • Morning pier:
 • Southern cliffs:

 This forest building is found inland a ways, nearly due west of Longfellow's
 Cabin, and SE of Dalton Farm. It's unlocked by completing "The Hold Out" for
 Mitch at Far Harbor's bar (part of "The Changing Tide" overarching quest).

 GEOGRAPHY: The visitor's center itself is the tallest point on the grounds,
 though it's still dwarfed by some of the trees nearby. Both the SW and NE
 entrances to the center grounds are booby-trapped, while the NE parking lots
 provide plenty of flat spaces for building. Hedgerows provide some of the
 boundaries in the area.

 EXISTING STRUCTURES: The visitor's center and sheltered area next to it are
 still standing. There are also numerous fortifications added on, thanks to
 Uncle Ken's handiwork.

 NATURAL RESOURCES: The settlement comes with five corn stalks, a weapons
 bench and a cooking station only. There aren't any natural water sources in
 range. To offset this, there are numerous corpses loot, plus mines and traps
 to disarm, making it a pretty decent haul. (More corpses will naturally be
 added in "The Hold Out.")

 DON'T FORGET...: There's an issue of Islander's Almanac on the gift shop's
 counter that adds sludgepak recipes (craft at chemistry station). Like all
 settlements in the DLC, it's possible to permanently miss out on obtaining
 permission to build by breaking relations with the town before meeting Uncle
 Ken in "The Hold Out."

 SETTLEMENT SIZE: Large, and with a decent vertical tolerance, too, unlike
 some of the Commonwealth's most interesting (Hangman's Alley anyone?). The
 parking lots provide the biggest canvas to work with.

 UNIQUE FEATURES: This is the most easily fortifiable locations, since the big
 building is nearly fenced-in already. The loot salvagable from the area's
 buildings and parking lots also rivals Echo Lake Lumber in sheer volume. This
 is a very foggy area, though, since it's so far inland.

 UNSCRAPPABLE: The buildings themselves can't be demolished, and neither can
 the sheltered picnic area by the parking lots.

 Pics of this foggy area:

 • Western approach:
 • Eastern approach:
 • Derelict gift shop:
 • Center environs:
 • Twin parking lots:

 The spacious lumber mill can be found in the island's western reaches, and
 is the object of desire for Harbormen during "Turn Back the Fog," which one
 must complete to make it habitable. (Location: western reaches, along highway
 far SW of Visitor's Center)

 GEOGRAPHY: The area is mostly flatlands, with its borders being the eastern
 bog, southern cliffs, and western highway. The NE barrier is split: a small
 portion preventing access into the festival's vendor area, and the stadium
 front, which extends north a little further.

 EXISTING STRUCTURES: A massive mill, an unenterable outbuilding by the highway
 entrance, and stadium bleachers by the waterfront all stand out. Vehicles and
 buildings in the loading yard can all be scrapped.

 NATURAL RESOURCES: The area lacks existing food and water, since it wasn't
 meant to be a settlement originally, and it strangely has no workbenches that
 would make sense there. However, what it does have is tons of non-natural
 scrap, even more than the Visitor's Center. This makes building a waterfront
 purifier rather easy.

 DON'T FORGET...: Players can only use the settlement through a Far Harbor
 quest, and like all those quests, breaking relations with that faction will
 make the mill permanently unlivable. Additionally, "Turn Back the Fog" has a
 route where one intentionally doesn't make it livable, so be careful of that,

 SETTLEMENT SIZE: This area is fairly huge and has a good vertical tolerance,
 allowing for multi-story buildings to rival the mill. It may be slightly
 bigger than the Visitor's Center and about 75% the size of Longfellow's Cabin.

 UNIQUE FEATURES: This is the only settlement around with bleachers, cranes
 and bulldozers. They can be scrapped if one really wants to, but there aren't
 any ways to rebuild them. In terms of locale, this is unquestionably the
 dreariest of all, as it's often very foggy and suffers from radiation storms
 quite often.

 UNSCRAPPABLE: The mill, outbuildings, bleachers, vending stations, and some
 of both piers are off-limits. Same goes for the "welcome lumberjacks" sign
 and post by the highway entrance.

 • Highway entry:
 • Riverfront:
 • Scrapyard
 • Mill interior:

SETTLEMENT WORKSHOP ADDITIONS                                            [STWR]
 As with all DLC, the arrival of a new campaign and quests also heralds new
 settlement features. Far Harbor additions are marked with a small boat icon,
 making them easier to identify. (This should apply to all add-ons, supposing
 patches are up-to-date.)

 Tables are structured similarly to the armor/weapon ones. Columns will tell
 what item is shown, components for creation, scrap gains (for default level
 and all three Scrapper perks) and a better description (since in-game labels
 are painfully vague).
  _____________________________________________/ STRUCTURES: BARN: PREFABS |_
 | Barn          | ×6 Glass      | -- 01 -- 02 | Complete prefab with roof,  |
 |               | ×6 Steel      | 03 -- -- -- | two walls, spaces for large |
 |               | ×30 Wood      | 15 -- -- -- | and small doors             |
 | Roof 1-2      | ×12 Wood      | 06 -- -- -- | Small slants filled in with |
 |               |               |             | triangular wall on one side |
 | Roof 3-4      | ×3 Glass      | -- -- -- 01 | Large slants topped with a  |
 |               | ×12 Wood      | 06 -- -- -- | small glass wall            |
 | Roof 5-6      | ×3 Glass      | -- -- -- 01 | Large slants topped with a  |
 |               | ×12 Wood      | 06 -- -- -- | large glass wall            |
 | Wall Corner 1 | ×12 Wood      | 06 -- -- -- | Large windowless corner pc. |
 | Wall Corner   | ×4 Glass      | -- 01 -- 01 | Small half-story windowed   |
 |           2-3 | ×10 Wood      | 05 -- -- -- | walls                       |

  ______________________________________________/ STRUCTURES: BARN: FLOORS |_
 | Floor 1       | ×8 Concrete   | 02 -- -- -- | Adjustable-height concrete  |
 |               |               |             | support floor               |
 | Floor 2-4     | ×6 Wood       | 03 -- -- -- | Hardwood floors; full, half |
 |               |               |             | and quarter-sized varieties |
 | Floor 5-10    | ×3 Steel      | 01 -- -- -- | Wood-framed mesh floor; has |
 |               | ×4 Wood       | 02 -- -- -- | full, half, qrt.-size types |

  _______________________________________________/ STRUCTURES: BARN: WALLS |_
 | Wall 1-6      | ×8 Wood       | 04 -- -- -- | Large walls w/ broken-down, |
 |               |               |             | intact and doorway versions |
 | Wall 7-10     | ×4 Glass      | -- 01 -- 01 | Large walls + large windows |
 |               | ×8 Wood       | 04 -- -- -- | (includes half-story ver.)  |
 | Wall 11-14    | ×2 Glass      | -- 01 -- -- | Large walls + small windows |
 |               | ×8 Wood       | 04 -- -- -- | (includes half-story ver.)  |
 | Wall 15-27    | ×8 Wood       | 04 -- -- -- | Miscellanea for barn doors  |
 |               |               |             | and various slanting sctns. |

  _______________________________________________/ STRUCTURES: BARN: ROOFS |_
 | Roof 1-17     | ×6 Wood       | 03 -- -- -- | Basic wood roof pieces and  |
 |               |               |             | various corner pieces       |
 | Roof Platform | ×6 Wood       | 03 -- -- -- | basic wooden floor pieces   |
 |           1-2 |               |             |                             |
 | Roof 18       | ×2 Glass      | -- -- -- 01 | classic windowed cupola pc. |
 |               | ×4 Steel      | 02 -- -- -- |                             |
 |               | ×8 Wood       | 04 -- -- -- |                             |
 | Roof Platform | ×3 Steel      | 01 -- -- -- | Wood-framed mesh floor pcs. |
 |           3-4 | ×4 Wood       | 02 -- -- -- |                             |
 | Roof Rafter   | ×4 Wood       | 02 -- -- -- | interior rafter section     |

  ______________________________________________/ STRUCTURES: BARN: STAIRS |_
 | Stairs 1-2    | ×5 Steel      | 02 -- -- -- | Railed stairs, in lengthy   |
 |               |               |             | and stubby variants         |

  _______________________________________________/ STRUCTURES: BARN: DOORS |_
 | Doors 1-6     | ×4 Wood       | 02 -- -- -- | Wooden doors, for barn and  |
 |               |               |             | normal entrances            |

  _______________________________________/ STRUCTURES: BARN: MISCELLANEOUS |_
 | Post 1        | ×2 Wood       | 01 -- -- -- | A stubby wooden post        |
 | Post 2        | ×3 Wood       | 01 -- -- -- | A taller wooden post        |
 | Outhouse 1-4  | ×2 Concrete   | -- -- -- -- | Outhouse variants, in both  |
 |               | ×6 Wood       | 03 -- -- -- | intact and dilapidated var. |
 | Outhouse Seat | ×4 Wood       | 02 -- -- -- | Toilet bench for outhouses  |
 | Door 1-2      | ×4 Wood       | 02 -- -- -- | Door vars. for outhouses    |
 | Roof Cupola   | ×2 Glass      | -- -- -- 01 | Barn cupola; same as roof   |
 |               | ×2 Steel      | 01 -- -- -- | section version, only w/o   |
 |               | ×5 Wood       | 02 -- -- -- | the slanted-roof base       |

  ______________________________________________/ FURNITURE: MISCELLANEOUS |_
 | Fish Rack 1-3 | ×2 Steel      | 01 -- -- -- | Small fish display racks;   |
 |               | ×4 Wood       | 02 -- -- -- | all are fishless versions   |
 | Fish Rack 4-6 | ×3 Steel      | 01 -- -- -- | Small fish display tables;  |
 |               | ×6 Wood       | 03 -- -- -- | comes with fishless version |
 | Fish Rack 7-8 | ×1 Cloth      | -- -- -- -- | Medium-size hanging racks;  |
 |               | ×1 Steel      | -- -- -- -- | comes with fishless version |
 |               | ×3 Wood       | 01 -- -- -- |                             |
 | Fish Rack     | ×2 Cloth      | 01 -- -- -- | Large hanging racks; comes  |
 |          9-10 | ×3 Steel      | 01 -- -- -- | in fishless version         |
 |               | ×4 Wood       | 02 -- -- -- |                             |
  __________________________________/ DECORATIONS: WALL DECORATIONS: SIGNS |_
 | Sign 1        | ×2 Wood       | 01 -- -- -- | 'Lobster Roll' sign         |
 | Sign 2        | ×2 Wood       | 01 -- -- -- | 'Gun Shop' sign             |
 | Sign 3        | ×2 Wood       | 01 -- -- -- | 'Ice Cream' sign            |
 | Sign 4        | ×2 Wood       | 01 -- -- -- | 'Toss Challenge' sign       |
 | Sign 5        | ×2 Wood       | 01 -- -- -- | 'Prizes' sign               |

  ____________________________________________/ DECORATIONS: MISCELLANEOUS |_
 | Vim Machine   | ×1 Rubber     | -- -- -- -- | Vim! soda dispenser machine |
 |               | ×2 Plastic    | -- -- -- -- |                             |
 |               | ×2 Steel      | 01 -- -- -- |                             |
 | Crate 1-2     | ×4 Cloth      | 02 -- -- -- | Crate/barrel stack; one is  |
 |               | ×8 Wood       | 04 -- -- -- | stocky, one a bit taller    |
 | Fish Basket   | ×2 Wood       | 01 -- -- -- | self-explanitory            |
 | Lobster Cage  | ×2 Steel      | 01 -- -- -- | Small lobster-sized trap    |
 |               | ×3 Wood       | 01 -- -- -- |                             |
 | Tannery Hides | ×4 Leather    | 01 -- -- -- | Wooden sawhorses with three |
 |           1-3 | ×4 Wood       | 02 -- -- -- | different-sized hide shapes |
 | Bottle        | ×2 Glass      | -- -- -- 01 | Fluorescent bottles; comes  |
 |   Lantern 1-6 | ×2 Steel      | 01 -- -- -- | in normal/hanging varities  |
 | Bulb Lantern  | ×2 Glass      | -- -- -- 01 | Same as bottle lantern, but |
 |               | ×2 Steel      | 01 -- -- -- | using a light bulb bundle   |
 | Grill         | ×2 Rubber     | 01 -- -- -- | Small park grill            |
 |               | ×4 Steel      | 02 -- -- -- |                             |

SIDEQUESTS                                                               [SDQS]
 Here's a list of known sidequests in the DLC.

 Ablutions .............................................................. SQ01
 Acadian Ideals ......................................................... SQ02
 Blood Tide ............................................................. SQ03
 Brain Dead ............................................................. SQ4A
 Brain Dead, Pt. 2 ...................................................... SQ4B
 Condensers Down ........................................................ SQ05
 Data Recovery .......................................................... SQ06
 Deadliest Catch ........................................................ SQ07
 Forbidden Knowledge .................................................... SQ07
 Hull Breach ............................................................ SQ08
 Hull Breach 2 .......................................................... SQ09
 Hull Breach 3 .......................................................... SQ10
 Hunting the Hunter ..................................................... SQ11
 Living on the Edge ..................................................... SQ12
 Rite of Passage ........................................................ SQ13
 Safe Passage ........................................................... SQ14
 Search and Destroy ..................................................... SQ15
 Shipbreaker ............................................................ SQ16
 Super Mutants in the Fog ............................................... SQ17
 The Arrival ............................................................ SQ18
 The Changing Tide ...................................................... SQ19
 The Great Hunt ......................................................... SQ20
 The Heretic ............................................................ SQ21
 The Hold Out ........................................................... SQ22
 The Price of Memory .................................................... SQ23
 The Trial of Brother Devin ............................................. SQ24
 Trapper Attack ......................................................... SQ25
 Turn Back the Fog ...................................................... SQ26
 Visions in the Fog ..................................................... SQ27
 What Atom Requires ..................................................... SQ28
 Witch Hunt ............................................................. SQ29

[SQ01] ABLUTIONS |=============================================================
 Client -: Sister Mai [The Nucleus]
 Prereq -: Visions in the Fog
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with Children of Atom]
 Reward -: XP, 150/250/350 caps, Radical Conversion

 This quest can begin immediately after gaining access to the dock interior
 and hearing Tektus' opening speech. Mai, the shopkeeper in the shacks near
 the vessel's tail, has a job, if the player asks about it. Turns out she's
 looking to repair the decontamination arch at the base entrance and needs
 some high-quality pump shielding. The solution: steal one from the Vim Pop
 factory. Agreeing begins the quest officially.

 Vim was manufactured at a coastal factory SE of the Nucleus, a stone's throw
 from Southwest Harbor. It'll be map-marked if not found previously. The
 suggested entrance is past the exterior (ruined) carpark, opening into the
 factory itself, rather than the corporate headquarters block.

 Finding the regulator requires entering the offices above the mixing room;
 the item is sitting by an ammo box. Even without the quest markers, it's hard
 to miss this area, as the super mutants are hilariously using the mixing vats
 as jacuzzis. Stealthy players can also use the roof entrance to visit the
 mixing room, avoiding most/all enemies within (see method below).

 Return to Mai with the prize, earning the unique Radical Conversion radium
 rifle (ignores 30% of target's damage/energy resistance) and an offer to plug
 in the regulator oneself. There's a one-time-only speech check to obtain 150,
 250, or 350 caps on top of the weapon reward.

 To finish the quest, one must venture into the lower submarine bay and hook
 up the regulator -- the machine's a bit past the starboard propeller. Either
 install the regular normally to spray irradiated water or fix Mai's bypass,
 making the decontamination arch actually decontaminate. The latter option
 require INT 7 or higher.

 Test out the arch once to end the quest.

 • Agreeing to start the quest will be liked by Nick. Interestingly, options
   that accept or refuse are both disliked by Longfellow.

 • Passing the first haggling option with Mai, after obtaining the regulator,
   will be liked by Longfellow. Passing the other two don't repeat that same

 • Shortcutters who want the regulator without much ruckus can use the roof
   entrance (via offices) to snatch it without tangoing with those below. The
   quickest way to the roof is disembarking at the factory's outer north dock,
   then using the catwalks to ascend. There are several foes here, including a
   suicider and missile user, but far fewer than if a frontal assault were
   done. One added bonus to traveling this way: said offices' R&D console has
   all the Vim! recipes, letting players brew their own.

 • Those who have trouble with the factory shootout may want to acquire the
   full set of Vim-painted power armor. Upon entering the factory from the
   suggested door, it'll be right above, in the second-floor catwalk office.
   Fusion core included!

 • The jacuzzi room has a ground-floor elevator (novice hack) that leads to a
   basement laboratory. If one can convince the KYE 1.1 computer AI to enter,
   one can take the unique December's Child weapon (Rapid Combat Rifle that
   uses 5.56 ammo) and a red steamer trunk. If Nick is with when accessing
   KYE's intercom, it'll automatically open the medical doors, rather than
   giving a speech check. This area is part of "The Way Life Should Be" later

 • The arch rigging in the Nucleus' lower bay can't tampered with until Mai
   lets the player install it, even if one found the regulator already.

 • There are no repercussions for fixing the decontamination arch, and no way
   version of a "I intentionally fixed the arches, hahaha!" response for Mai.
   On the downside, the arches may glitch and not provide a scouring effect,
   making it a rather hollow victory.

[SQ02] ACADIAN IDEALS |========================================================
 Client -: DiMA [Acadia]
 Prereq -: speak with DiMA for the first time in "Where You Belong"
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with Acadia]
 Reward -: 300 XP

 Like Far Harbor's "Living on the Edge" and "The Changing Tide," this quest
 is a string of smaller quests used as a way to introduce players to Acadia's
 notable NPCs.

 • CHASE: She will often be found up near DiMA's laboratory or downstairs, at
   middle level. Her conversation reveals she's the one tracking down wayward
   synths and recruiting them to the fold. (Passing a speech check reveals her
   Institute background.) Agreeing to help her find a missing synth initiates
   "The Arrival."
 • FARADAY: DiMA's scientist confidant can usually be found somewhere up near
   the head synth, either in the lab or server area. Offering to help earns a
   job: recovering storage drives from a shipwreck. This is part of the "Data
   Recovery" quest.

 Completing both ends this quest.

 • It's worth mentioning that Chase has a "unique" respawning uniform that's
   almost identical to a normal Courser Uniform, only the black sheen's eroded
   with time (lowering its value). Both are ballistic-weavable. Players who
   haven't advanced FO4's main plot, but still want a uniform, can steal it
   from her with a high enough pickpocketing. It provides 30 armor, 15 energy
   resistance, 15 radiation resistance, 1 END, 1 PER.

[SQ03] BLOOD TIDE |============================================================
 Client -: Cassie Dalton [Far Harbor]
 Prereq -: complete Hull battle in "Walk in the Park"
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with Far Harbor]
 Reward -: ~360 XP, 900-1500 caps (total), Bloodletter

 After defending the town's gate from swamp-borne intruders, this quest can
 begin by speaking to Cassie Dalton. She's usually found sitting outside the
 Last Plank bar at a boardwalk table. (Captain Avery will mention her during
 the start of "Living on the Edge," which this quest applies to.)

 Cassie has lived on the island her entire life, but her family members didn't
 have the same luck -- their lives were snuffed, one by one. Blaming the isle
 itself, the last living Dalton wants old-fashioned vengeance on those who
 wronged her. Agreeing to help with the first task starts the quest. When a
 job is completed, return to Cassie for the next.

 • AVENGING PETEY: Her freckle-faced cousin was mortally wound by ghouls at
   the National Park Campground, and they make the first target. The lonesome
   clearing is map-marked if not yet found (it's south of Cliff's Edge Hotel,
   which itself is almost due west of Far Harbor). There's about six in all to
   slay. If one wants an easier time, the fallen tree behind the outhouse lets
   one get a higher vantage, and can even let one roof-hop for better effect.
   REWARD: 200/300 caps.

 • AVENGING GRANDPA GEORGE: Cassie's second task is to take brutal revenge on
   the fog crawler that killed her shotgun-toting grandpa at Dalton Farm. It's
   an empty farmstead on the north-central coastline, far NW of Cliff's Edge
   Hotel and the Nat'l Park Campground. These huge creatures are fairly quick
   and have staggering melee attacks, making them targets best taken out via
   stealth/long-range tactics. They don't have any projectile attacks, making
   that method doubly useful. REWARD: 200/300 caps + free use of Dalton Farm
   as a settlement.

 • AVENGING DANIEL: Cassie's husband was senselessly murdered by trappers at
   Brooke's Head Lighthouse, located on the map's south-central coast. (It'll
   be map-marked if not previously found or marked in a similar fashion, such
   as by reading the Islander's Almanac in the Last Plank.) Only Douglas, the
   leader who stays atop the lighthouse itself, needs to be killed, although
   overland approaches draw the entire neighborhood into the fight. Stealthy
   characters may prefer the beach dock area to infiltrate the lighthouse, as
   it has fewer enemies and even if roused, others nearby may not assist.
   REWARD: 500 caps, Bloodletter (bleeding Fish Hook)

 Obtaining Bloodletter and the final reward ends the quest.

 • Longfellow likes passing each haggling speech check.

 • All enemies in this quest (fog crawler, ghouls, Douglas) spawn pre-quest.
   Players can give "I already killed ____" replies for each, meaning it's
   possible to round all 'em up before Cassie asks, then finish the quest in
   one go. Dalton Farm won't be usable as a settlement until the client hands
   over the deed, though.

 • Another thing about the fog crawler: it's supposed to spawn in the farm
   itself, but occasional can be found on the outskirts. This means players
   may kill it without remembering to discover the farmstead for fast travel
   purposes. Be mindful!

 • The quarters fashioned from the lighthouse summit an Islander's Almanac
   issue, on a table near the stove. There's also a note by the bed, referring
   to a hidden cache in some fishing nets. This is the expert-locked steamer
   trunk underneath the walkway on the beach's docks.

 • Douglas carries a "Mysterious Holotape," suggesting the player isn't the
   only Cassie's story may not be a hundred percent truthful. Listening to
   it opens up extra dialogue in the client's quest-ending conversation, but
   doesn't change much.

 • Completing this quest counts as a positive action among the Far Harbormen,
   which may bear fruit during "The Way Life Should Be."

[SQ4A] BRAIN DEAD |============================================================
 Client -: Pearl [Far Harbor] or Maxwell [Vault 118]
 Prereq -: complete "Walk in the Park"
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes
 Reward -: 300 XP, 200 (or 400) Pre-War Money

 After completing "Walk in the Park," Pearl, a robot NPC, will appear in Far
 Harbor and seek help from Avery. If one sees the scene, Pearl approaches;
 in other cases, she simply waits outside the town gate. She believes the
 player to be a detective, and wants one's help in solving a murder. Agree to
 begin the quest officially. (There are six speech checks as well: half to
 uncover hows and whys of the case, half about haggling. Players can earn ×25
 and ×45 Pre-War Money, respectively.)

 Pearl can guide players to, or rendezvous at, the Cliff's Edge Hotel. She has
 no trouble showing the way through either -- namely going up to the top floor,
 cutting across the roof, then back down the intact staircase to a basement.
 Since she's an essential NPC, her presence helps.

 Take the B1 elevator to another basement, this one doubling as a vault's
 entrance. Speak to Maxwell through the Pip-Boy console and agree to assist
 with their murder investigation; he won't open otherwise. Do the vis-à-vis
 meeting after (speech check for ×20 Pre-War Money) to begin properly.

 Maxwell leads to the crime scene, an ornate ballroom containing two of the
 suspects (Santiago and Keith), though they're quickly shooed out to search
 properly. There are four clues: the blood smear by the corpse, the corpse's
 broken cranial cavity, the paint can by the NW curtain, and the baseball bat
 sitting by it. The latter, Fencebuster, is a unique melee weapon, ignoring 30%
 of its target's damage/energy resistances.

 Speak to Maxwell about the findings, learning Keith McKinney owned the bat.
 This starts the procedure of talking to the robo-NPCs around the vault. They
 can be done in any order, however.

 • Keith can be found in his northern 1F dressing/rehearsal room; he suspects
   Santiago. Accusing him of the murder gives a speech check to learn why he
   definitely didn't do it. If one accuses him and says the motive doesn't
   matter, he'll turn hostile and need to be rubbed out.

 • Santiago can be found in the 1F paint-splashed gallery. After a tour of his
   paintings -- replies and speech checks therein don't matter -- he names
   Julianna Riggs as his prime suspect. If fingered as the murderer, picking
   any motive-related option makes him aggro. (He also has a speech check to
   reveal his love for Gilda...although the 1200+ paintings should've made
   that obvious.)

 • Gilda, also mentioned by Santiago, can be found down the SW hall from the
   gallery, in the "beach room". She can't be accused of murder, but does give
   some details, like Julianna going to the Overseer's Office and Keith not
   being the violent type. (Passing all four of Gilda's flirt speech checks
   results in a hilarious tryst. Nothing else is gained, besides the Lover's
   Embrace effect.)

 • Bert and Julianna Riggs can often be found in the next-door apartment to
   Santiago's chamber. Bert has little to say, other than checking the crime
   scene for clues and the Overseer's Office possibly having clues. Julianna
   has nothing relevant to say. Neither can be accused of murder by default.
   After learning of Juliana's fight with Ezra, Bert gains two speech checks
   revealing he's suspicious of her strange behavior of late.

 The 2F Overseer's Office has a master-level lock on it. Inspecting it opens a
 new conversation with Maxwell, learning Mr. Parker locked the thing, and the
 key may still be in his first-floor NE pad. Said item is on the desk of his
 unlocked suite. Visit the overseer's office PC and learn what Julianna did --
 that Ezra was embezzling.

 Julianna can now be accused, which is a tip-off in and of itself. Doing so
 reveals a surprise twist, in which one can let the perpetrator go or gain a
 little dough (speech check for 200 Pre-War Money). Either option starts the
 finale "Brain Dead, Pt. 2"; this quest ends when that one does.

 If the wrong killer is chosen, further investigation ends and players can only
 turn in the quest to Maxwell for the lower reward.

 • When speaking to Pearl at Far Harbor, Longfellow likes the first haggling
   speech check. If one passes all three haggling speech checks, he also likes
   the ensuing "I suppose so" option. Nick likes taking the case through any

 • Speaking to Maxwell the first time gives a speech check about a retainer.
   Like usual, Longfellow likes this penny-pinching.

 • Nick likes several small things during the investigation: passing Keith's
   speech check, inspecting the overseer's terminal, and killing any suspect
   after turning them aggro.

 • In the final stages of the quest, when speaking to the real perpetrator, 
   passing the speech check ("I want a cut") is liked by Longfellow. Nick likes
   accusing Julianna, dislikes letting him go and hates extorting money.

 • Both Longfellow and Nick dislike letting the perpetrator get off scot-free
   due to taking a bribe. If the killer was allowed to flee properly, during
   the turn-in dialogue with Maxwell, both companions will also hate any of
   the three lying options.

 • It's possible to begin this quest by stumbling upon Vault 118 without any
   aid. This changes nothing, other than missing out on a few speech checks
   Pearl's company.

 • If one passes Pearl's hardest speech check about compensation, they earn an
   extra 100 Pre-War Money upon completion, giving a total of 500 possible.
   The killer also carries 500 Pre-War Money on their person.

 • Pearl is actually the gift shop clerk in the vault, and will eventually
   return there, regardless of whether she's encountered or not. She sells
   a Troubleshooter's Formal Hat ("The Dapper Gent") for around 5400 caps, at
   minimum, plus usual merchant supplies.

 • Vault 118 is the only place to get the specific jumpsuit and Pirate Hat.
   The former's on the welcome desk just after entering; the latter's on a
   bust in Ezra's museum.

[SQ4B] BRAIN DEAD, PART 2 |====================================================
 Client -: Julianna Riggs [Vault 118]
 Prereq -: Brain Dead
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [find wrong killer in "Brain Dead"]
 Reward -: ~225 XP

 This quest always begins during the last stretch of "Brain Dead" upon finding
 the true killer. These are the only available resolutions.

 • Refuse to help perpetrator (turns them aggro)
 • Collude with the perpetrator, then report them to Maxwell
 • Collude with the perpetrator, then let them successfully flee the hotel

 To let the enemy escape, simply while away time as they trek to the hotel's
 basement elevator, where they despawn. The traitorous NPC will head out there
 immediately if one's in cahoots.

 When the enemy has fled or died, speak to Maxwell. If the killer was nailed,
 a bonus is dispatched (200 Pre-War Money) along with the usual rewards. If
 one intentionally let the murderer free, other options appear to lie on their
 behalf. Maxwell will be fooled either way. Completing this quest concludes the
 original "Brain Dead" as well.

 • In the quest-ending conversation with Maxwell, Longfellow dislikes any of
   the three lying options.

[SQ05] CONDENSERS DOWN |=======================================================
 Client -: settlers
 Prereq -: construct an island settlement
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [time expires]
 Reward -: ~90 XP, ~100 caps

 This is a random quest (in the form of "Condensers Down at _____") that can
 begin at any Far Harbor DLC settlement. Once the settlement is inhabited, an
 NPC may request the player to help fix their fog condensers, lest they be
 light snacks for fog creatures. Agreeing begins the quest.

 Making the quest active will denote which condensers are broken -- all three
 are somewhere nearby. Players can repair by spot-welding manually or letting
 the NPCs do that. The latter is often more preferable, as it gives time to
 put that gun arm to use. Expect to fight many of the island's finest: gulpers,
 yao guai, wolves, anglers and/or fog crawlers. Legendaries may be mixed in the
 waves as well.

 When all condensers are in working order, and the settlement's attackers all
 lie bleeding, the quest can be turned in to the indicated NPC.

 • Longfellow likes taking this quest, and dislikes telling the settler one
   can't help.

 • In some cases, enemies may actually retreat out of sight and stop attacking,
   making it hard to complete the "defend settlement" requirement. Sleeping an
   hour and searching the perimeter may help. A well-defended settlement will
   usually tip one off via turret fire, so keep an ear out.

[SQ06] DATA RECOVERY |=========================================================
 Client -: Faraday [Acadia]
 Prereq -: Started "Acadian Ideals"
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with Acadia]
 Reward -: 250 XP, 100-400 caps

 Once the NPC-assisting "Acadian Ideals" quest is up and running, players'll
 be sent to Faraday, DiMA's techie. He can usually be found somewhere in the
 bunker's top level. Offering to assist learns of his problem: a shipwreck has
 storage drives he needs for his work. (Passing the speech check learns he
 doesn't know what caused the disaster.) Agreeing, or haggling in any capacity,
 starts the quest officially.

 A map marker in Southwest Harbor, a trashed SW hamlet down Acadia's mountain,
 now appears. This area tends to have trappers or super mutants, but players
 can often avoid 'em by sticking to the coastline. Even without markers, the
 boat would be easy to find -- its wreck created a burning oil sick visible
 even through the fog.

 The two storage drives will be sitting on the upper deck in plain sight, and
 there's a third (unmarked) on the machine in the blue freight container. The
 quest finishes when they're hand-delivered to Faraday. If "The Arrival" was
 completed already, this finishes "Acadian Ideals" as well. Note that Faraday
 gives no caps unless it was brought up earlier.

 • The storage drives don't spawn pre-quest, but the boat and its containers
   will. Be sure to snoop through the loot-filled trunk on the ship's bridge.

 • If one inspected "Victoria's chest" on the ship, an extra dialogue option
   opens with Faraday about it. He'll give evasive responses because of it.
   Info about this mysterious Victoria is learned in "The Price of Memory."

 • The unmarked storage drive doesn't count as a quest item or count toward
   the quest (Faraday always complains "I thought there were more..."), and
   won't be collected at quest's end. Be sure to get rid of in some other way,
   as its 6-pound weight DOES count.

 • Although Faraday didn't know how the boat sank, the burning oil slick in
   the vicinity of the Vim factory suggests the super mutants sank it. This
   makes sense, given one of the upper patrollers always spawns with a missile

[SQ07] DEADLIEST CATCH |=======================================================
 Client -: settlers
 Prereq -: create an Island settlement
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes
 Reward -: 210 XP

 This quest can be given randomly by NPCs living at island settlements in the
 form of "_________: Deadliest Catch". Players will be tipped off to a nearby
 hermit crab, a mutated, van-dwelling crustacean renowned for its collected
 loot. The NPC will want to kill it; accepting starts the quest officially,
 while declining removes the opportunity.

 Some of the settlers will meet the player at the destination, randomly chosen
 from the several locations hermit crabs can spawn. Examples would be the road
 near the Oceanarium and Northwood Ridge Quarry.

 For those who haven't fought these reclusive devils, they boast high armor
 and energy resistance, and have preternaturally quick mobility, thanks to
 the van wheels. Like mirelurk queens, they can spawn younglings to attack and
 will do staggering bashes at close range, so they can be a pain to fight for
 the underlevelled. How useful the settlers will be depends on the equipment
 they've been given and how many tagged along. 

 The quest ends immediately upon the target's death. Players can take whatever
 they want from the crab's cache, which includes a smattering of weapons, ammo,
 armor, aid items and junk.

 • Unlike some of the other settlement quests, this is considered an optional
   hunt, so Longfellow doesn't care whether it's undertaken or not.

 • The settlers are still considered settlers even when at the attack site, so
   one can switch their equipment pre-battle if needed. They also won't be
   killed unless the player's shots stray.

[SQ07] FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE |===================================================
 Client -: William Moseley [The Institute]
 Prereq -: started "The Way Life Should Be"
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes
 Reward -: ~260 XP

 Before the quest can begin, one must have access to the Institute in the
 campaign and have met with DiMA. This will spawn a miscellaneous quest to
 report Acadia's activities to the Institute, namely one William Moseley in
 Advanced Systems. Report available info, then advance the DLC questline until
 the quest begins. (If the quest is already advanced significantly, reporting
 will begin this mission on its own.)

 Rendezvous with Moseley once again, this time on one of Far Harbor's western
 isles -- the meet-up's a bit south of Rayburn Point, at a cliffside ruin. One
 can start the attack on Acadia at any time after giving Moseley the go-ahead.
 Doing so breaks relations with Acadia, failing all their related quests and
 turning the citizens hostile.

 All that remains is storming Acadia. All named NPCs inside (except Kasumi,
 who perishes in the fight) are essential and are considered subdued when they
 lose all HP. When all hostilities are forcefully ended, speak with Moseley
 near the shops to end the quest.

 • When speaking to Moseley before the op, Nick likes the "some other way"
   reply and hates starting the attack. Longfellow likes and dislikes those
   respective choices.

 • Telling Moseley about Acadia prevents one from telling the Brotherhood.
 • Those who want to stamp out the synth presence while protecting Kasumi can
   do so -- just let her leave the island during "Close to Home" before the
   attack begins. This quest has no cut-off date.
 • Betraying Acadia permanently loses access to the shops and quests there --
   new NPCs don't move in and players can't use it as a settlement. Consider
   carefully whether it's worth screwing them over, as it may very well screw
   oneself, too.

 • Occasionally when storming Acadia, targets will be downed but remain marked
   anyway. This stops the quest turn-in dialogue because Moseley will always
   be considered in battle. Sleeping and further damage doesn't fix this. One
   way to "fix" it a large passage of time, such as by returning to the Boston
   area then coming back. The foes will have a second wind, but this time,
   subduing them should trigger Moseley's finishing dialogue.

[SQ08] HULL BREACH |===========================================================
 Client -: The Mariner [Far Harbor]
 Prereq -: complete Hull battle in "Walk in the Park"
 Precedes: Hull Breach 2
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with Far Harbor]
 Reward -: 315 XP, 450 caps, random Combat Shotgun (if given to Mariner)
         : 315 XP, 2000-2750 caps (if given to Machete Mike)

 This quest can begin immediately after the opening Hull battle, before one
 even talks to Avery. The Mariner handles all Far Harbor's fortifications and
 repairs, making her a very essential NPC. She often hangs around Allen Lee's
 weapon shop or her next-door abode.

 Speak to her to learn she requires specialized tools, ones found only at
 Eagle's Cove Tannery, a derelict ghoul nest in the island's western shore.
 (The area, which is a straight longitudinal shot from Far Harbor, will be
 marp-marked if not found previously.) The job pays 450 caps; if the speech
 check's successful, she offers to throw in a shotgun.

 As mentioned, the tannery is ghoul central. The exterior has several laying
 around the factory's base and by the outbuildings; the dock area has more on
 the ship. (Occasionally, trappers and/or super mutants spawn nearby.) The
 factory's southern interior has a master-locked basement door, but generally
 most can enter from the unlocked northern exterior.

 Inside, the area has few surprises. The 1F shipping warehouse contains only
 a handful of ghouls walking about, and even offers plenty of objects to jump
 on in case they're overpowering legendary types. Downstairs, there'll be a
 few more, including a higher-leveled ghoul (often a glowing one) -- it drops
 the Tannery Key, unlocking that master-locked door. The power tools' duffel
 bag is right behind the glowing one's location, by the red steamer trunk.

 Leaving the factory with Mariner's goods spawns an encounter with Machete
 Mike, a friendly NPC who also wants the tools. He offers 2000 caps (2750 with
 speech check) for those pristine beauties. Going with that tempting offer
 finishes the job, but prevents any future any other Hull Breach quests. Those
 who want Mariner's extra tasks have to side in her favor.

 Either way, giving the tools to a new owner finishes the quest. Siding with
 Mariner is a "liked" action by nicer companions.

 • Longfellow dislikes rejecting Machete Mike's offer.
 • Nick hates killing Machete Mike for any reason.

 • Mariner's Hull Breach quests depend on the first being successful. If one
   sells her out for Machete Mike's cash, the quest fails and the others can't
   be done.

 • Machete Mike is a walking Fort Knox, carrying 3000+ caps in addition to his
   other equipment. This sum can't be pickpocketed, only looted. Killing Mike
   may prevent future Hull Breach quests from occuring. I could've sworn that
   making him aggro (ex: failed pickpocketing) would be okay, but through some
   testing, his death definitely -- at least in some circumstances -- prevents
   further quests.

 • After completing the quest in Mariner's favor, the next time one returns to
   town, there'll be a bunch of chevaux de frise (criss-crossed sharpened
   stick barricades) and smaller palisades in front of the Hull. These are
   mostly for ornamental purposes.

 • Completing this quest counts as a positive action among the Far Harbormen,
   which may bear fruit during "The Way Life Should Be". Note that murdering
   Machete Mike unprovoked will undo Mariner's goodwill in this case.

[SQ09] HULL BREACH 2 |=========================================================
 Client -: The Mariner [Far Harbor]
 Prereq -: Rite of Passage
 Precedes: Hull Breach 3
 Optional: yes [irreparably break relations with Far Harbor]
 Missable: yes [side with, or kill, Machete Mike in "Hull Breach"]
 Reward -: ~315 XP, 400 caps

 Mariner's second quest will be available after completing "Rite of Passage,"
 and is added as a subordinate quest to "The Changing Tide." This only happens
 if the power tools in the first "Hull Breach" were delivered to her, however.

 The goal is simple: remove the trappers from the MS Azalea tanker's wreck
 in order to clear the way for the Harbor's scavengers. Repeatedly prying
 into Mariner's haste (top option) reveals a grim reason for it. If Nick's
 with, he'll like the "offer support" option.

 The Azalea foundered and lande on the island's easternmost point, a small
 cape with a cul-de-sac. (The location is map-marked if it wasn't already
 found.) The crash site has a ton of trappers, both at the top (cliffs) and
 bottom (waterside). However, the objective is considered clear once Bilge,
 the power armor-wearing leader in the upper area, is slain. He shows himself
 frequently, so stealthy players may be able to wrap this up in a jiff. The
 area won't be considered cleared unless the entire site is sanitized of human
 life, though.

 Return to the Mariner when done. If one offered help earlier, there'll be an
 extra conversation about her mortal forecast: end life on her own terms,
 slip out in the dead of night, or stay with her friends. (The latter option
 is liked by Nick and the nicer types.) The reward's dispensed afterward.

 • In the quest-opening conversation, getting Mariner to reveal her illness
   leads to special replies. Nick likes "offer support".

 • If one got Mariner to talk about her condition and didn't choose "too much
   information" afterwards, she has a post-quest conversation. Longfellow
   likes "end life on your own terms"; Nick likes that reply and "spend time
   with friends" as well.

 • After the quest, the Hull is fortified with stripped pieces of the Azalea.

 • Even though Mariner mentions the doctor's her only confidant, there's no
   other medicine-related options to help with in her time of need.

 • Completing this quest counts as a positive action among the Far Harbormen,
   which will be enough to earn Mariner's support in "The Way Life Should Be."
   That is, provided Machete Mike hasn't thrown a wrench in things. See that
   section for more details.
[SQ10] HULL BREACH 3 |=========================================================
 Client -: The Mariner [Far Harbor]
 Prereq -: Hull Breach 2
 Precedes: The Great Hunt
 Optional: yes [irreparably break relations with Far Harbor]
 Missable: yes [side with Machete Mike in "Hull Breach"]
 Reward -: ~315 XP, 615 caps, Defender's Harpoon Gun

 Despite having a twice-fortified barrier, Mariner's always thinking about
 the what-if scenarios. In order to combat the unlikely chance of a mirelurk
 queen attacking, she requests the player collect some carapaces from the
 species' lesser examples. Haddock Cove -- a coastal area in the far southwest
 of the island -- will be map-marked now, regardless of whether players asked
 about a hunting ground. (Mirelurk kings and hunters don't have carapaces and
 won't drop any, naturally.)

 Those who journey to Haddock Cove will find a quaint, abandoned shantytown
 suspended above mirelurk-infested waters. There's about 4-5 of the crabs
 wandering around the waters normally, plus a few more in or hiding by the
 shoreline outbuildings. For those who don't want to make the trip, any island
 location that spawns mirelurks will suffice. Examples: Northwood Ridge Quarry
 (north of Brooke's Head Lighthouse) & Fringe Cove Docks (SE of Haddock Cove).

 Return to Mariner to turn in the quest, earning a bunch of caps and a unique
 harpoon gun (ignores 30% of target armor). There'll also be a post-quest chat
 about Mariner's future. Choosing "community should come together" is liked by
 Nick and nicer companions.

 • If one didn't tell Mariner off during her soul-baring revelation in "Hull
   Breach 2," she'll have special quest-closing dialogue. Nick likes picking
   "they should come together" and dislikes "protect your interests". Old
   Longfellow doesn't seem to have any reactions.

 • When turning in the quest, only three carapaces will be removed.
 • After the quest, the carapaces decorate the Hull's wooden barricades.
 • Mirelurk kings and hunters won't drop carapaces, simply because they don't
   have any. Only Far Harbor DLC 'lurks are capable of dropping the items.

 • If Haddock Cove is cleared out pre-quest, starting Hull Breach 3 will spawn
   more there. However, I've encountered game crashes when fast-travelling
   there in these scenarios. Those who come across the same should travel to
   a nearby location (Rock Point Camp, Children of Atom Shrine, etc.) instead,
   which can sidestep the issue. Be sure to delete any corrupted data that

 • Carapaces don't appear on any Far Harbor 'lurks until this quest is taken,
   though they'll continue to drop them even after the quest's finished. They
   appear in the inventory's 'misc' tab, weigh 2 pounds each and can't be
   scrapped for bone, etc. They're pretty much just extra loot to sell.

 • Completing this quest counts as a positive action among the Far Harbormen,
   which may bear fruit during one of the final quests.

[SQ11] HUNTING THE HUNTER |====================================================
 Client -: Dejen [Acadia]
 Prereq -: Acadian Ideals (DLC) + Hunter/Hunted (main quest)
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with Acadia]
 Reward -: ~478 XP

 Dejen, the laconic merchant on Acadia's middle tier, will have a quest for
 players after they complete Chase and Faraday's tasks in "Acadian Ideals," in
 addition to the main game's "Hunter/Hunted" quest, which introduces players
 to coursers.

 • Dejen will NOT give this quest if one completed FO4's campaign in favor of
   the Institute, regardless of prerequisites. Completing FO4 in the Railroad
   or Brotherhood's favor should be fine. (On consoles, this quest may not
   trigger without beating the campaign, so keep the above advice in mind.)

 Luckily, the quest is far simpler than its setup requires. Chase's previous
 sojourn to the 'Wealth caught the Institute's attention, according to Dejen's
 contacts, so their snoopy courser needs to be eliminated. Agreeing starts the
 quest officially. (Players can reject the offer and still have it available,
 despite Dejen's smart-alecky response.)

 The courser's location -- SE of the colony, along a highway -- is map-marked
 at this time. Other than being level-scaled, it's a similar fight to that in
 "Hunter/Hunted" (stealth boy usage, energy weapons, enhanced armor, etc). The
 highway also has a small trapper encampment that will keep the courser busy;
 after killing them, the target remains in that area.

 When the deed's done, report back to Dejen to finish. He offers no tangible
 reward, but does give a discount at his shop. Considering two of the best
 unique weapons (Old Reliable, Sergeant Ash) are in his possession, and other
 factions give no discounts, this is a lovely prize. Just don't expect lavish
 praise from the grump afterwards.

 • Dejen doesn't offer shop services while this quest's active.
 • This is one of the glitchiest quests in the DLC, and may not appear even if
   one's circumstances should allow it. There aren't any known console fixes.
   Additionally, Dejen's discount may not manifest either, making the quest
   almost entirely pointless reward-wise.

[SQ12] LIVING ON THE EDGE |====================================================
 Client -: Captain Avery [Far Harbor]
 Prereq -: completed Hull battle in "Walk in the Park"
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with Far Harbor]
 Reward -: 420 XP

 This quest can begin after the opening Hull battle, either through Avery's
 dialogue or by starting one of the related quests listed below. To finish
 "Living on the Edge," each NPC's task must be done to completion.

 • CASSIE DALTON: During daylight hours, Cassie sits outside the Last Plank
   bar. Her troubles with the isle are chronicled in "Blood Tide," her special
   revenge-driven quest.

 • THE MARINER: The harborwoman keeping the dock afloat lives next to Allen's
   weapons store. She requires a set of specialized tools from the island's
   derelict tannery as part of her "Hull Breach" quest.

 After completing "Walk in the Park," Avery will have a task, too.

 • CAPTAIN AVERY: Howard Dunbar, one of the regulars, was sent out to fix
   the fog condensers that keep Far Harbor from becoming unlivably fog-heavy.
   Agreeing to help with the situation begins "Safe Passage."

 Completing "Blood Tide" unlocks Teddy Wright's quest. The doc will start a
 conversation next time one's in eyeshot.

 • TEDDY WRIGHT: Teddy's seen the good deeds the player has done, and informs
   one that, even with all that, opinions may not change. However, there's a
   surefire way to snag respect from the crusty ol' harbormen. This is done
   via the "Rite of Passage" sidequest.

 Starting Teddy's task finishes the quest, regardless of the others' status.

 • When Teddy asks the player why s/he helps, Longfellow likes "mainly for the
   caps." Nick will dislike "I'm done helping you guys".

 • I've gotten Teddy's quest to spawn after completing only "Blood Tide".
 • When the quest ends, any active "talk to this quest-starter NPC" markers
   disappear and aren't reflected in the finished log. (For instance, if one
   hasn't talked to the Mariner, the "talk to the Mariner" part of LOTE isn't
   reflected any longer.) This doesn't cut players out of those particular
   quests, but may make it harder to start them -- out of sight, out of mind.

[SQ13] RITE OF PASSAGE |=======================================================
 Client -: Teddy Wright [Far Harbor]
 Prereq -: Blood Tide
 Precedes: The Changing Tide
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with Far Harbor]
 Reward -: ~360-370 XP, The Captain's Hat, The Captain's Feast

 After helping some named harborfolk with their problems, Teddy Wright will
 approach and ask about the player's motives. (If Valentine's with, he'll
 like the "you're good people" option and dislike "I'm planning to quit.")
 This leads to a chat about performing the Captain's Dance, a showy feat of
 prowess that hasn't been done in living memory. Hearing Teddy out will start
 the quest, whether one agrees or not, and ends "Living on the Edge".

 The "Dance" isn't really a dance at all -- it's actually chumming the waters
 and defeating the island's worst on its own turf. The location is by Emmet's
 Causeway, an unmarked highway in the western part of the island. Those who
 did Mariner's "Hull Breach" quest can travel to the tannery and head SW for
 a good spell to find it. (For those who read the Islander's Almanac in the
 Last Plank, it's smack dab between Rayburn Point and Echo Lake Lumber.)

 During the journey to the bog, make sure to get a few morsels of meat from
 the local wildlife, as it'll need to be dropped in the water at the marked
 location. If one has no food, visit the ruined house SW of the drop site to
 find fixed gulpers and ghouls; west is a trapper-owned house with radstag
 racks, too. The dropped food item should be raw -- any meat harvested from a
 slain creature should work, while Yum Yum Deviled Eggs and other processed
 types probably won't. (Even mirelurk meat taken from the first wave's victims
 will work!)

 The wave are always scripted: (1) three normal 'lurk types; it's possible for
 one to be legendary (2) a normal 'lurk, a hunter and a king (3) a Legendary
 Mirelurk Queen. The final wave comes immediately after defeating the second,
 so be prepared. A good weapon for this battle is Sergeant Ash, the unique
 leg-crippling flamer bought from Dejen at Arcadia.

 With the gargantuan defeated, return to Teddy in Far Harbor. As he estimated,
 the townsfolk are pretty happy with the tale and the mirelurk feast. To show
 appreciation, the doc gives "The Captain's Hat," a unique bicorne that gives
 10% faster movement speed in addition to its +2 PER.

 • When Teddy asks the player why s/he helps, Longfellow likes "mainly for the
   caps." Nick will dislike "I'm done helping you guys".

 • The Captain's Hat can't be weaved with ballistic fiber. The Captain's Feast
   food item (+10% XP gain for 2 hours) is only obtainable through this quest;
   it can also be sold for nearly 700 caps, in the right circumstances.

 • The Mirelurk Queen always spawns in the same spot -- the deeper water
   a bit north of the drop site. In other words, crafty players can gamble
   with mines for extra damage, and hopefully the lesser 'lurks won't trip
   them. And, as with many quests, saving before the queen spawns allows one
   to change its legendary (when applicable) through reloading.

 • Completing this quest counts as a positive action among the Far Harbormen,
   which may bear fruit during one of the final quests, provided one doesn't
   screw up "Turn Back the Fog". (See that section for details.)
[SQ14] SAFE PASSAGE |==========================================================
 Client -: Captain Avery [Far Harbor]
 Prereq -: Walk in the Park
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with Far Harbor]
 Reward -: 315 XP, 200/250/300/400 caps

 This quest is available after reaching Acadia. If "Living on the Edge" is
 active, it updates to remind one to find Avery in town.

 Regardless of other progress in "Living on the Edge," she'll ask the player
 to assist with the town's fog condenser situation. Howard Dunbar, the person
 she sent to fix the suckers, took all the spare components and vanished. It's
 the player's job to root him out and repair the crucial machines. Agreeing to
 help starts the quest properly (there aren't any cost negotiations to do).

 With the quest active, a map marker appears about 90 meters south of town,
 in the unlivable fog-swamped portion. It's a short, enemy-free stroll most
 of the time. Nearing the destination reveals Howard's body and a few smaller,
 levelled 'lurk types, his likely executioners.

 Loot the fog condenser components to map-mark their nearby recipients. Unlike
 some quests, repairing just requires manual inspection -- no skill checks
 needed. There's one machine behind the house Howard died by, and another two
 roughly 50 and 130 meters up the southern road.

 Repairing the one near the water purifier's pond spawns a few more mirelurks,
 but otherwise, the highway stroll is rather uneventful. Return to Avery for
 the reward of 200 caps, which can be raised all the way up to 400 with some
 god-like haggling (speech checks).

 • When reporting Dunbar's fate to Avery, Longfellow dislikes "he's mirelurk
   food," but likes "he gave his life" and the following (1st) haggle option.

 • Dunbar and the mirelurks don't spawn pre-quest.
 • Both groups of mirelurks can spawn a legendary.
 • Even when repaired, the fog condensers don't have drainage jugs, meaning
   they won't give condensed fog (crafting component) like those around the

 • This quest's dialogue often gets buried underneath other Avery-related
   jobs if put off too long, though nothing game-breaking. Optional chats,
   especially those about her reactions to the main plot's course, will stack
   somewhat as well. Players'll have to sift through them all to continue.

[SQ15] SEARCH AND DESTROY |====================================================
 Client -: Lancer Captain Kells [The Prydwen]
 Prereq -: started "The Way Life Should Be"
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes
 Reward -: ~260 XP

 To start this quest, one must first visit Acadia and speak with DiMA. After,
 visit the Prydwen at the Commonwealth's Boston Airport -- this is only doable
 after completing the main quest "Reunions". Once there, rat out the synth
 colony to Kells on the bridge. When given enough details, he says he'll run
 the situation by Elder Maxson.

 From there, progress the DLC campaign until "The Way Life Should Be" begins,
 by investigating the secret medical facility in the Vim factory. "Search and
 Destroy" automatically begins here, too.

 The quest really isn't that different from the Institute-specific "Forbidden
 Knowledge" -- which also sells out the colony -- as it has the same meeting
 point: the unmarked house south of Rayburn Point. A map marker will fill in
 the geography for those who haven't visited the western reaches.

 Visit Larsen for a short conversation about the upcoming attack. Agreeing to
 the plan immediately breaks relations with Acadia, failing any related quests
 (including main ones) and preventing further ones. Naturally, any NPCs in the
 colony are irrevocably belligerent towards players and their companions.

 When given the go-ahead, Larsen and his hit squad will vertibird out to the
 observatory. Simply follow their lead, then murder any hostiles inside the
 colony and on their exterior grounds. Kasumi Nakano will also be hostile and
 must be slain in the process, too, which starts "Close to Home".

 With everyone's blood spilled, return to Larsen to finish -- he'll be in the
 observatory's middle level, assuming no glitches are in play.

 • During Larsen's quest-finishing dialogue, Nick and Longfellow like "some
   other way?" while hating and disliking the actual outcome, respectively.

 • It's recommended to discover the Wind Farm Maintenance building near Acadia
   before starting the assault, as doing so may remove the colony as a fast
   travel target. WFM is a mere stroll to the gates compared to other options.

 • Players may only inform on Acadia to the Brotherhood or Institute, but not
   both -- telling one removes the option for the other. Players may tell the
   Railroad regardless, but that action spawns no quests later, so it doesn't
   matter much (other than potentially getting Boxer slain in the crossfire).

 • It's possible to reconcile Kasumi's life with Acadia's demise, simply by
   making her leave (in "Close to Home") first. This quest has no expiry.

 • Larsen and his comrades occasionally run off from the rendezvous site due
   to the vertibird spotting an enemy and tipping them off. Make the quest the
   active one to get a fix on his position. (They may even be in eyeshot, as
   they rarely run that far; the cliffs and rubble just make it harder to find
   'em manually.)

 • The vertibird meant to carry Larsen to Acadia sometimes glitches out a bit,
   and never takes off from the Rayburn Point area, or does but drops the
   Bro'hood members in the process, forcing them to walk all the way there.
   It's very common for one to arrive at Acadia and have no support because of
   this. Players who experience it will also have to track down Larsen's crew
   out in the wilds afterwards, since their trek often causes them to fight
   any baddies in the process.

 • After the quest, the Brotherhood will have a small presence on the island,
   particularily around the Rayburn Point rendezvous zone.

[SQ16] SHIPBREAKER |===========================================================
 Client -: n/a
 Prereq -: n/a
 Precedes: n/a
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with Far Harbor]
 Reward -: 150 XP, Skipper's Last Stand

 There are two ways to begin this quest:

 1) If one makes a settlement on the island, inhabitants may bring up the
    subject of Shipbreaker on their own. Choosing "point me to her" begins
    the quest officially. Note that all DLC settlements only unlock after
    certain tasks have been completed.

 2) Far less reliably, players may encounter Shipbreaker's telltale radio
    signal on their own, which automatically begins the quest. Though this
    can happen anywhere, some say it's easier to stumble onto around Echo Lake
    Lumber Mill, Dalton Farm and/or Atom's Spring.

 Shipbreaker is actually the isle's meanest fog crawler, Longfellow's quarry
 for years. While the quest's active and the beast lives, players can talk to
 the old hunter. He mostly reiterates what's known: Shipbreaker's so ancient,
 it somehow interferes with radios.

 When this hunt is made the active quest, follow the marker to Shipbreaker's
 latest habitat. First-timers can pick up the signal there; the Pip-Boy will
 capture the signal, storing it for later. This is important because, if one
 doesn't pursue the quest in a timely fashion, Shipbreaker disappears, forcing
 one to pick up the task at a later date. (Some say it's several in-game weeks
 before 'Breaker reappears.)

 In any case, once the signal is tuned into and followed, it should lead right
 to the threat. Be warned: not only is Shipbreaker a legendary fog crawler,
 but it has enormous defense (4000+ armor at Lv75) and will be of a higher
 level than one's own.

 As with all fog crawlers, using obstructions and height advantage to play off
 their lack of projectiles is extraordinarily helpful. Even better would be
 crippling its legs, preventing it from dealing any staggering tackles. Dejen
 in Arcadia sells Sergeant Ash, a unique flamer that can cripple targets. It's
 particularily useful as each individual "round" of flame carries the chance.
 Forewarning: Shipbreaker may recover from crippling after awhile, and can
 still melee players if they stray too close.

 Upon death, Shipbreaker gives a randomized legendary and some meat. Talk with
 Longfellow to finish.

 • This quest is known to be glitchy. Notable accounts include the quest just
   not spawning at all; failing to respawn after the signal's lost; Shipbreaker
   vanishing or clipping through the landscape; and preventing Ship from being
   found even at 99% signal strength.

 • Skipper's Last Stand is a unique harpoon gun giving +150 damage resistance
   when reloading. Since harpoon guns are all single-shot and have lengthy
   reload times, this is one of the top-tier effects to have.

[SQ17] SUPER MUTANTS IN THE FOG |==============================================
 Client -: settlers
 Prereq -: formed an Island settlement
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [time expires]
 Reward -: 210 XP, ~100 caps

 This is a radiant quest given by NPCs (written as "________: Super Mutants in
 the Fog") at any of the Island's settlements. As expected, a representative
 wants the player to help kill super mutants who've been harassing the group
 lately. Offering to assist, or asking where the hideout is, starts the quest.

 Like many of the DLC settler quests, the quest-giver NPC will offer to tag
 along as an extra gun, as well as guiding players to the hideout (only useful
 if not a fast-travel destination). The island has few mutant hangouts, making
 most options a choice between Vim Pop Factory and Harbor Grand Hotel. Each of
 those locations has mutants inside and out; the place won't be marked clear
 until all are slain.

 • Longfellow likes accepting the quest and dislikes refusing to help.

 • In some cases, players may have already cleared out the dungeon the NPC was
   about to ask one to neutralize. In those cases, one can simply report those
   findings to get the caps reward. Note that this doesn't actually start the
   quest, though, so no XP is gained.

 • One of the mutants will be icon-marked as a boss. Killing him completes the
   "clear the area" objective, regardless of who else's left alive.

[SQ18] THE ARRIVAL |===========================================================
 Client -: Chase [Acadia]
 Prereq -: Started "Acadian Ideals"
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with Acadia]
 Reward -: 400 XP, 200/250/300/400 caps, Hitman's Institute Pistol

 After reaching Acadia, players can soon talk to Chase, the scientist helping
 recruit synths, then saving 'em from the island's numerous dangers. Offering
 to assist reveals her current quandary: a synth was supposed to be coming up
 the mountain earlier, but has vanished off the earth's face. Agreeing to find
 that bugger starts the quest officially.

 The first stop is talking with Brooks in Far Harbor -- he runs the Bait Shop
 general store. He'll only play ball after blabbing his synth designation, as
 expected. It turns out the skittish synth (Derrick) showed up early, then
 bolted down the fog-claimed south highway.

 Pursue the new map marker to find an abandoned storefront. Inside, inspect
 the blood trail, then follow the remaining markers down the SE highway to a
 trapper dwelling. (For a change, they won't try murdering on sight!) Those
 who pass the scripted convo's speech check get the "Missing Synth's Head" for
 free; those who don't have to claim it from the talkative trapper's dead
 hands. Longfellow likes the diplomatic approach.

 Bring the gory trinket back to Chase to finish up. The default reward is 200
 caps, although players can get it up to 250, 300 or 400. Players must haggle
 immediately if they want higher moolah; discussing other options locks it in.
 Chase is a frugal bastard.

 • After finding Derrick, there's no follow-up dialogue with Brooks.
 • The reward weapon's parts can change via reloading (weapon itself won't).
 • The trappers in the dilapidated building don't appear until this quest. In
   other circumstances, it would be a respawning ghoul nest.

 • Repeat players can shortcut the quest by simply heading to the trappers'
   house, even without dealing with Brooks and the blood trail. The quest just
   continues as normal.

[SQ19] THE CHANGING TIDE |=====================================================
 Client -: ---
 Prereq -: Rite of Passage
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with Far Harbor]
 Reward -: ~525 XP, Rescue Diver Suit

 This quest begins after helping Teddy change opinions in "Rite of Passage,"
 and continues the quest series of helping Far Harbor's folk. Like "Living
 on the Edge," this overarching quest completes when all the NPCs' personal
 tasks are completed. There's two to start, or three, if one completed the
 Mariner's first quest in her favor:

 • MITCH: Mitch, the barkeep at the Last Plank, wants the player to collect
   the last-living settler outside of town. This is detailed in his personal
   quest "The Hold Out".

 • SMALL BERTHA: This girl who hangs out north of the Last Plank finally
   decides to give players the time of day. Her useful quest for helping the
   harbor dregs occurs in "Turn Back the Fog".

 • THE MARINER: Like before, Mariner needs more fortifications for the Hull,
   and found a new target. All that's required is rooting out its current,
   gun-toting occupants. Agreeing to help starts "Hull Breach 2."

 Completing Mariner's second task will unlock her third one, after reentering
 the cell.

 • THE MARINER: Her final fortification mission, "Hull Breach 3," requires
   one to find some special mirelurk-only materials.

 And yet again, after completing Mariner's third task, another final appears.

 • THE MARINER: She wants one last hurrah, culminating in "The Great Hunt."

 When Mitch and Bertha's quests are done (or 3 out of the 4, if Mariner still
 gave quests), one can turn the mission into Captain Avery. The reward is a
 Rescue Diver Suit, a unique full-clothed outfit that gives 250 rad protection
 and permanent underwater breathing (10 Energy/Ballistic armor, too).

 • When doing Avery's quest-closing dialogue, Nick likes the "helping friends"
   option, while Longfellow likes "pay was good."

 • The Rescue Diver Suit can't be woven with ballistic fiber, alas.

 • "The Changing Tide" can be turned in for a reward without doing all of its
   subquests. If this occurs, those undone subquests aren't permanently lost;
   they just don't have any quest markers pointing 'em out anymore. This is
   mostly relevant for Mariner's quests.

 • If the first "Hull Breach" or "Safe Passage" weren't done in "Living on
   the Edge," they'll be piggybacked onto this one as well.

[SQ20] THE GREAT HUNT |========================================================
 Client -: The Mariner [Far Harbor]
 Prereq -: Hull Breach 3
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with Far Harbor]
 Reward -: 315 XP

 This quest will only occur after finishing all Mariner's fortification jobs,
 then refreshing the cell. The Mariner has one last, crazy job: taking on the
 mythical Red Death, an underwater creature that's frightened sailors for
 generations. The quest begins when one agrees to help out. (Refusing doesn't
 fail the quest; it can be picked up later.)

 Mariner's sage advice is to pick up tons of munitions for the journey, but
 that won't be necessary -- it'll be obvious why in a moment. To undertake
 the journey, use the Nakanos' boat at Far Harbor's docks to automatically
 visit Red Death's unmarked island (in the far SW waters, off Haddock Cove).
 There'll be a mandatory talk with Avery about the mission's foolhardiness
 first, though. Any reply here is fine.

 After making landfall, talk with Mariner about the comic situation. Choose
 a game plan (lie to townsfolk, tell truth, pretend it wasn't found) and
 receive a gift: the unique fisherman's outfit "Legend of the Harbor," which
 takes 15% less damage from mirelurks/bugs.

 Eliminate the Red Death before its murderous rampage claims even more lives,
 then use the boat controls to revisit Far Harbor. Avery'll have a welcoming
 committee ready to hear about the journey. How it plays out depends whether
 one told Mariner to lie or embellish. In the final conversation, advising
 to "leave a legacy" will be liked by Nick and nicer companions.

 • In Mariner's quest-opening chat, Longfellow likes "play it safe" and Nick
   likes "rely on logic".

 • During Mariner's conversation at Red Death Island, Longfellow likes being
   honest with the townsfolk ("don't lie") and dislikes the others ("make it a
   legend" and "say we didn't find it").

 • After reporting to the townsfolk, if one has been getting special chats
   with Mariner up 'til now, there's one final one. Nick likes "help others,"
   Longfellow likes "be selfish," and both like "leave a legacy."

 • Legend of the Harbor can be weaved with ballistic fiber.
 • Red Death doesn't spawn pre-quest, but the island and its loot do.
 • Red Death's body (if taken with) vanishes when returning to town via boat.

 • Rarely, after taking the boat from Far Harbor, players will respawn out at
   sea after the cutscene. Their vessel won't appear at the destination either.
   Though odd, it shouldn't break the quest.

 • For those wanting extra loot, a bit NE of Red Death's isle is a shipwreck
   containing several boxes of explosives, plus (in the submerged lower cabin)
   a window skeleton holding a fusion core. The other trading vessel, which is
   mostly intact, has little to nothing of worth. The murky waters can be hard
   to see in, even with a Pip-Boy light, so try searching in the afternoon.

[SQ21] THE HERETIC |===========================================================
 Client -: Grand Zealot Richter [The Nucleus]
 Prereq -: Visions in the Fog
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with the Children of Atom]
 Reward -: 300 XP, Atom's Judgement

 Once players join the Children of Atom officially, Richter will relocate to
 the interior shantytown, guarding the ramp to the submarine. After Tektus'
 speech, he elaborates on the job mentioned earlier: hunting down an apostate
 named Gwyneth. No dialogue options decline and delay the quest.

 In any case, Zealot Thiel was in charge of her failed pursuit. Find her near
 the shack structures by the submarine's nose. Interrogate her in any fashion
 to get a clue: searching the profaned holy sites.

 Both -- the Glowing Grove and Radiant Crest Shrine -- are in the vicinity of
 Atom's Spring, and become map-marked upon reaching this quest stage. Each has
 a banner to inspect; finding both unlocks a 3rd map point at Waketak Station.
 This is SW of Radiant Crest Shrine and would otherwise be unmarked.

 Visit that neglected campground's specified cabin to uncover Gwyneth's diary
 in holotape form. Hearing it will map-mark the Lonely Church location, a bit
 SE of Waketak. The cabin here has a free radium rifle, useful since entering
 the area spawns a wolfpack encounter.

 Travel to the chapel ruins to confront Gwyneth. There are 3 available paths:

 • Kill Gwyneth then and there (disliked by Nick)
 • Convince her to leave the island forever (speech option; liked by Nick)
 • Convince her to return to the Nucleus for punishment (speech option)

 Regardless of the chosen option, one must return to Richter for the reward.
 Don't forget to loot the church's 2F office before leaving. In addition to a
 safe (advanced lock), the steeple stairway leads up to a free sniper rifle
 and ammo duffel.

 • During Richter's opening conversation, Nick will like the "talk it out" and
   "won't do it" options, and hates "I'll find her." Longfellow's feelings are
   literally the opposite of Nick's.

 • Companions will react differently to Gwyneth's options. Nick will dislike
   killing her on the spot, but likes convincing her to amscray. Longfellow
   will dislike sending her back to the Nucleus, but likes convincing Gwyneth
   to leave permanently or any option that causes her immediate death.

 • After dealing with Gwyneth, returning to Richter has one last conversation.
   Longfellow likes the sarcastic reply, but hates "Glory to Atom!". Nick has
   no feelings here.

 • There's little shortcutting in this mission. Gwyneth won't spawn pre-quest,
   only after obtaining the holotape, which itself won't spawn without seeing
   the completed banner. Listening to the holotape is optional, technically.
   The radium rifle spawn will always be there, though.

 • Atom's Judgement is a unique super sledge that, in addition to any upgrades
   it can have, also does 100 radiation damage. The hammer's head is coated in
   glowing radioactive goo as well, giving it extra points for flavor.

[SQ22] THE HOLD OUT |==========================================================
 Client -: Mitch [Far Harbor]
 Prereq -: started "The Changing Tide"
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with Far Harbor]
 Reward -: 315 XP, 610 caps, Fire Belly recipe

 Mitch can always be found at Far Harbor's Last Plank bar. He always gives a
 free booze on the first meeting, although it'll be slightly better if said
 meeting is after the Captain's Dance (relatively, anyway).

 Though he's prideful, he manages to spill the beans: his uncle Ken won't come
 live in town and there's fear he'll be gobbled up by god-knows-what out in
 the wilds. The old-timer was sent fog condensers, so he's been able to live
 at the National Park Visitor's Center. Passing the hard speech check earns
 some supplies (2 Radaway, 3 Stimpak) for the journey.

 Uncle Ken's abode is west of Far Harbor, a bit NW of the Cliff's Edge Hotel;
 if it wasn't map-marked previously, it will be now. Use the V.A.T.S. button
 to survey the environs, because Mitch's tip about traps is spot-on -- mines
 and bear traps dot the main walkways.

 Speak to Ken briefly, only to learn there's a gang of trappers priming for
 an attack. Players can now use the workbench to craft defenses, though which
 ones will depend on players. Want to help with the raiders? Turrets. Want to
 bottleneck the numbers? Wall up the entrances. In fact, doing both to make it
 easier for turrets is a good idea. The workbench comes with its own component
 supply, so all these options are available.

 Expect to kill 10-15 levelled trapper types raiding from different directions.
 There's usually at least one legendary in the hunting party. Know that the
 brief building lull (when one can use the workshop without being attacked)
 sometimes disappears, and trappers spawn in the visitor's center itself. It's
 still possible to build during an attack, but the weapon/item shortcut menu
 isn't available, so it's not recommended.

 Afterwards, it's time to convince Ken about Mitch's plan. The curmudgeon'll
 only relocate by passing two consecutive speech checks: one average one and
 then an average (or difficult, threatening) one.

 Regardless of the outcome, return to Mitch for the reward -- it's the same
 whether Ken comes or stays. However, if Ken did take his "vacation" to Far
 Harbor, he'll hang around the Last Plank and add cranky dialogue to the bar.

 • In Mitch's quest-giving opener, Nick will like the "anything for family"
   reply. Longfellow likes "pride is going to kill you".

 • When convincing Ken to leave his land, Nick likes "consider it a vacation."
   Longfellow will dislike "convince him to come" and the forceful "I'm taking
   you back."

 • Occasionally in the heat of battle, wild animals will attack, leading the
   trappers away. If the event doesn't seem to end, give the perimeter a
   once-over to check, since distracted foes may not appear as hostiles in
   the compass HUD.

 • The visitors' center can be used as a settlement, even if one can't make
   Ken move to Far Harbor. When one informs Mitch his relative'll stick it out
   on his own, he mentions seeing if some other locals'll lend their guns to
   help. This translates to several more settlers spawning at Ken's area.

 • An issue of Islander's Almanac can be found inside the visitor's center,
   on a counter in the old gift shop. Using it unlocks sludge-based recipes
   at cooking stations. Making any sludge recipe also unlocks the "Just Add
   Saltwater" trophy, though there are easier ways to trigger it.

 • Completing this quest counts as a positive action among the Far Harbormen,
   causing Mitch to side with the player in one of the final missions.

[SQ23] THE PRICE OF MEMORY |===================================================
 Client -: Cog [Acadia]
 Prereq -: Data Recovery
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with Acadia]
 Reward -: XP, Crippling Sledgehammer

 This quest can begin some time (24 hours works) after completing Faraday's
 "Data Recovery" quest. Approach Cog, the other mid-level vendor, and he'll
 want the player to accompany him in talking to Jule, the headache-prone NPC
 hanging around the mid/basement level. Finding her starts the quest.

 Jule recounts a dream she's had about a fiery shipwreck (ring any bells?) and
 gives the player "Victoria's Key" afterwards. Speak to Cog to learn that the
 obvious: the key and the weird trunk in the "Data Recovery" shipwreck have a
 connection. Other replies to Cog here don't matter, as the quest advances

 Return to the Southwest Harbor wreck and unlock the strange trunk, obtaining
 "Victoria's Note" amongst the meager loot. Said paper mentions Faraday had a
 strange terminal that Victoria wasn't allowed to look at -- it's in Acadia's
 basement, the end opposite where Kasumi works. The room and indicated PC are
 both unlocked.

 Read through file 009 in the past projects folder to learn how Jule and the
 mysterious Victoria relate. Players can then choose how the quest resolves.

 • Simply don't tell Jule anything. This requires giving Cog the found note. A
   Crippling Sledgehammer is given as a reward, and further dialogue about it
   to Jule is removed. This option is disliked by both Longfellow and Nick.

 • Inform Jule about the connection. Furious, she'll leave Acadia for good.
   Before going, she gives "Jule's Key," which opens her special lockbox on a
   basement shelf (between stairwell and computer room). It contains a few
   pieces of meager loot, including a legendary Synth Chestpiece with a random
   effect. Nick/Longfellow like being forthright with Jule.

 Picking a route ends the quest.

 • Victoria's Key is only obtained through dialogue in this quest. It can't be
   found elsewhere or pickpocketed. Jule's Key has the same circumstances.

 • If Jule leaves Acadia, she doesn't despawn -- she hangs out in/by the shack
   on the observator's western perimeter. She may stop speaking to the player
   as well (likely a glitch).

[SQ24] THE TRIAL OF BROTHER DEVIN |============================================
 Client -: Zealot Ware [The Nucleus]
 Prereq -: Visions in the Fog
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with the Children of Atom]
 Reward -: XP, Ware's Brew (4), Ware's Brew Recipe

 Zealot Ware stands guard on the Nucleus' main walkway, near the tail of the
 submarine. A short conversation reveals he's worried about Brother Devin, an
 NPC who's fasting with irradiated water, waiting for one of Atom's signs. If
 one agrees to help Devin end his fast, the quest starts officially.

 Devin is near the Nucleus' bay entrance, praying on the right-hand side. The
 quest can end in a few ways:

 • TRICK DEVIN THROUGH DIALOGUE: This is the simplest method. Simply pass the
   hard speech check ("I am Atom's messenger!") to confuse Devin's irradiated

 • TRICK DEVIN VIA A COSTUME: If the speech check isn't attempted/passed, one
   can return to Ware. He'll hit upon an idea -- since only the player knows
   what the Mother of the Fog looks like, dressing up as her messenger should
   hopefully fool Devin. Ware will give his spare set of rags and a sack hood
   for the costume.

   Next, irradiate oneself heavily (75% or above) to complete the last step.
   Places like the submarine bay's lower pool or the sub's silos are great
   ways to make the Geiger counter flip; going to Atom's Spring as Zealot Ware
   suggests isn't necessary.

   With a holy glow, return to Devin and remove his imaginary shackles through
   dialogue. He can be shook down for a meager amount of caps (~30) in the
   process, too.

 Ending the fast earns Ware's reward, as promised: his rad-scouring brew and
 the recipe for it. Players can also periodically return to Ware for samples
 from his latest batch.

 • During Ware's opening conversation, Nick will like "his choice" and "that's
   nuts," plus accepting the quest; "very admirable" and "Devin should
   encouraged" are disliked. Longfellow only likes "that's nuts" and "not my
   problem"; he dislikes "his choice," "very admirable" and "Devin should be

 • In Devin's first thorough conversation, Nick will like convincing him to
   end the fast through the hard speech check. Meanwhile, Longfellow likes it
   when Atom's blasphemed ("Atom's not real").

 • When doing Ware's second conversation -- if convincing Devin failed -- the
   "sounds like blasphemy"

 • When doing Devin's last converation (while disguised), extorting caps from
   him will be liked and disliked by Longfellow and Nick, respectively. Nick
   also likes options that end his fast, including the "Atom's wrath" pick.

 • Devin won't hold any long conversations until the quest is accepted.

 • When tricking Devin via a costume, any type of Child of Atom Rags'll work,
   including the "Robes of Atom's Devoted" one received earlier. The High
   Confessor's Robes are too unique to count, though.

 • It's almost impossible to walk around the Nucleus without NPCs commenting
   on Devin and Ware. Overhearing that advice adds a "help Zealot Ware" task
   to "What Atom Requires".

 • Ware's Brew requires 3 raw sap ingredients to create, and unlike normal
   alcohol, doesn't decrease INT when drank. (It refills health and removes
   rads only.) Those wanting to make some of their own should look for trees
   with buckets hanging off them -- Brooke's Head Lighthouse and Pinecrest
   Cavern are known for having several.

[SQ25] TRAPPER ATTACK |========================================================
 Client -: settlers
 Prereq -: formed an island settlement
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [time expires]
 Reward -: ~75 XP, 100 caps

 This is another quest (in the form of "Trapper Attack at _____") unique to
 DLC settlements. Inhabitants may approach and ask for help in repelling an
 incipient trapper attack. Agreeing begins the quest officially, and there'll
 usually be a lull before the small hit squad approaches. Use this time to
 build defenses or actively seek the group out, as they'll often spawn right
 after accepting and approach through normal methods (like along highways).

 When the trappers are slain, return to the quest-giver NPC to get a monetary
 reward and learn where the attackers' main base is. Said NPC will also offer
 to lead players to the base and help in the fight, though one may decline.

 After wiping out the listed dungeon's inhabitants, return to finish.

 • Longfellow likes accepting the quest and dislikes leaving them to fend for

 • The trappers' base seems to be selected from trapper hideouts that aren't
   currently cleared. In other words, the force attacking the town could be
   nonsensically staged from halfway across the island (like Dalton Farm being
   hit by Pine Crest Cavern folk). Also, killing the trappers' icon-marked boss
   will complete the attack, regardless of whoever's left.
[SQ26] TURN BACK THE FOG |=====================================================
 Client -: Small Bertha [Far Harbor]
 Prereq -: started "The Changing Tide"
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with Far Harbor]
 Reward -: 315 XP, 410 caps

 Bertha, the bratty girl who hangs out north of Far Harbor's Last Plank bar,
 finally needs a favor -- "a surprisingly grown-up one," as it's put. Turns
 out her fellow dregs are too prideful to ask for favors, so it's up to her
 to figure out their future. She wants one to clear Echo Lake Lumber Mill as a
 new settlement.

 The lumber mill is in the western part of the island, along a highway SW of
 Eagle's Cove Tannery. Like usual, it'll be map-marked if not previously
 uncovered. It's composed of a singular outdoor zone infested with ghouls.
 There's about 12-13 to kill in all; a few are on 3F and 4F, behind an
 advanced-lock door. (The walls have holes in 'em, though, so they can be
 killed without picking it.)

 After slaying the last, an NPC named Malcolm will approach. This dialogue
 with the fog-crazed trapper sets up a few scenarios:

 • TAKE MILL BY FORCE: If one doesn't agree to sacrificing the harbormen,
   Malcolm turns hostile and must be put down. Turning him aggro in other
   fashions (like failed pickpocketing) fall into this category, too. Return
   to Bertha and inform her the place is sanitized.

 • DON'T TAKE MILL: Choosing the "I'll leave" option lets one return to the
   li'l client for a powwow. If one tells Bertha that there's a trapper there
   and he has a right to his claim, the quest will end on a rather sour note.
   Bertha even tells one to "sleep with one eye open...

 • BETRAY HARBORMEN: As a fog-crazed cannibal trapper, Malcolm soon proposes
   an offer: send Far Harbor's dregs his way and he'll make good use of their
   gear and...meat. Agreeing earns a reward from him (615 caps), though the
   nicer companions will hate this idea. To complete the betrayal, return to
   Bertha and inform her the place is "all clear". (One can also pick the
   other non-betrayal options if minds change.)

 In all options except "don't take the mill," Bertha will give her 14-cap
 reward and go to the Bait Shop for a scripted scene with Avery and Teddy.
 The latter is the one who gives the final reward.

 If the mill was given to the harbormen, it will be usable as a settlement at
 the completion of the quest. Echoing Malcolm's claim in either of the other
 two options will finish the quest, but ensures the mill will forever remain
 unlivable (which is a waste, since Malcolm despawns anyway). NOTE: Choosing
 to uphold Malcolm's claim in the weak-ass "don't take mill" option fails the
 overarching "The Changing Tide" quest.

 • When talking with Bertha at the quest's beginning, Nick likes helping for
   free or calling her remarkable, and dislikes the "blow her off" option. Old
   Longfellow dislikes helping for free and blowing her off.

 • When talking with Malcolm, agreeing to betray the Harbormen is disliked by
   Longfellow. Nick hates this action.

 • After returning from the mill, telling Bertha to run Malcolm off his land
   or kill him is liked and disliked by Longfellow, respectively.

 • If the lumber mill is cleared out pre-quest, talking to Smalls again will
   advance the quest, automatically ignoring any dealings with Malcolm. He
   won't even spawn, in fact.

 • Malcolm's 600+ caps of blood money can only be obtained through dialogue,
   unlike Machete Mike's stash.

 • Echo Lake Lumber Mill's attic contains a red steamer chest with the unique
   ripper "The Harvester" inside -- it staggers more often. This weapon spawns
   pre-quest, though, like all the DLC's settlements, the location can't be
   settled pre-quest.

 • Finishing this quest will count as a positive act for the player during one
   of the final missions, but only if the community thrives. The scrutiny is
   due to the dregs moving on the player's say-so. Having the settlement go
   belly up counts (for any reason) can be so crucial a misstep, that if one
   wants peace between the island factions, this single act can screw it all
   up. See "The Way Life Should Be" for more details.

[SQ27] VISIONS IN THE FOG |====================================================
 Client -: High Zealot Richter [The Nucleus]
 Prereq -: ---
 Precedes: What Atom Requires
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with the Nucleus]
 Reward -: 400 XP, Robes of Atom's Devoted

 This quest can be undertaken after finding the Nucleus, the Children of Atom's
 submarine base (SE of Echo Lake Lumber, NW of Southwest Harbor). It's marked
 on the map in several ways, not the least of which is completing "Where You
 Belong" or speaking to Sister Harriet during "Walk in the Park".

 Upon arrival, find Grand Zealot Richter, the bearded rogue in charge. Agreeing
 to take his test to join the Children will open this quest up officially. The
 ritual: drink from Atom's Spring and see if He deems one worthy of joining.
 The water source is located a bit south of Echo Lake Lumber, along the coast.

 Once there, drink from the radioactive runoff -- its powerful effect warps
 the POV in eerie green light. Soon, players will see a shadowy figure beckon
 them forward. Follow, knowing the route only has radioactive obstacles, not
 anything to battle. (The creatures encountered are scripted to be docile.)

 The trek eventually ends at the Children of Atom Shrine, a ghoul hangout with
 the usual radioactive nuisances around the property. The closest landmark is
 Haddock Cove, to the south. At the guide's request, cleanse the area of its
 foul shamblers, then enter the shrine itself. (If the environment was wiped
 of ghouls earlier, they may not have respawned, making this portion easier.)

 Inside is a locked-up security chamber and little else, other than a caps
 stash beneath a shelf. To enter and claim the "Mother Icon," observe the info
 scrawled on the shelf's side, near the periodic table poster. This gives one
 the password to the monitor. For those interested, a nearby document hints at
 using the chart.

 Bring the statuette back to Richter to finish properly and gain access to
 Nucleus legitimately. The otherworldly "ghost world" effect will have ended
 by this time, thankfully. (Those who decline joining at the last minute can
 change their minds later. The quest doesn't finish until that occurs.)

 • Joining the Children at quest's end is disliked or hated by Longfellow,
   depending on the option chosen. Declining to join, which only temporarily
   delays finishing, will be liked. Players can learn exactly why Longfellow
   despises the cult by getting max approval from him.

 • If one drinks from Atom's Spring pre-quest, the radioactive mist effect
   still occurs, but nothing else.

 • The mysterious, shadowy guide can't be targeted in VATS. The same goes for
   the otherwordly creatures encountered during the run.

 • The robes obtained as a quest reward offer 25 rad damage resistance and
   20 rad resistance. Though they're similar to normal CoA rags (trading 2 END
   for the rad-resisting effect), this is the only place to get 'em. They can
   be reinforced with ballistic weave.

 • The statuette can't be obtained pre-quest, since the poster hint is needed
   to unlock the otherwise inaccessible terminal.

[SQ28] WHAT ATOM REQUIRES |====================================================
 Client -: Grand Zealot Richter [The Nucleus]
 Prereq -: Visions in the Fog
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [irreparably damage relations with the Nucleus]
 Reward -: ~225 XP

 This is another "help out a bunch of NPCs in the faction" overarching quest,
 automatically starting after joining the Children legitimately.

 • HIGH CONFESSOR TEKTUS: He will be found giving a sermon on the submarine's
   topside during the entrance scene before relocating inside to his chamber.
   Asking if he has any jobs will allow one to undertake "Witch Hunt."

 • RICHTER: After joining the brotherhood, and hearing Tektus' speech, Grand
   Zealot will offer a job: hunting down Sister Gwyneth, an apostate who's
   been profaning holy sites. See "The Heretic" quest for details. (In terms
   of what Nick likes, picking "talk it out" or "won't do it" are liked; "I'll
   find her" is the opposite.)

 Other jobs can be uncovered by asking around.

 • SISTER MAI: She runs the local weapon shop, and when asked about missions,
   reveals her secret project: fixing the decontamination arch. Agreeing to
   help her begins "Ablutions".

 • ZEALOT WARE: He guards the main walkway alongside the submarine, and is
   worried about his fasting friend's health. Agreeing to help begins "The
   Trial of Brother Devin."

 "What Atom Requires" ends when the above duties are complete.

 • During Tektus' opening conversation, players will be asked about being let
   into the fold. Longfellow dislikes "It's an honor" and "too many rads," and
   likes "surrounded by fanatics."

 • In Tektus' second conversation, he asks players about the Far Harbor feud.
   Saying to blow it up or make peace will be liked and disliked, respectively,
   by Nick. The same goes for Longfellow, only he hates the idea of his town
   being razed.

 • Occasionally, the quest won't end unless the "show Tektus the mother icon"
   task, which should be optional, is done. Leaving that task for last may be
   the possible reason why.

[SQ29] WITCH HUNT |============================================================
 Client -: High Confessor Tektus [The Nucleus]
 Prereq -: Visions in the Fog
 Precedes: ---
 Optional: yes
 Missable: yes [irreparably break relations with the Nucleus]
 Reward -: XP, Inquisitor's Cowl

 This quest can begin after gaining free access to The Nucleus, the Children
 of Atom's stronghold. Outside of Tektus' scripted speech atop the submarine's
 conning tower, he will appear inside the vessel itself, somewhere around his
 living quarters.

 Asking Tektus about helping out earns a potential task: uncovering a traitor
 who may be plotting against him, Atom or the other Children. Agreeing starts
 the quest and earns a slip of paper (High Confessor's Note) naming Aubert as
 the likely perpetrator.

 Aubert takes care of the submarine's crypt down below. Speaking to her is
 wholly optional, although she has a speech check that reveals her dislike of
 Tektus. Be careful when interrogating her in radioactive parts of the ship,
 as the rad damage will stack up even then.

 Next, search Aubert's bunk in the sub's lowest central chamber. Sticking
 underneath the mattress is "Edgar's Note," referencing a footlocker in the
 storage room used for clandestine messages. The spare key is behind a bench
 in the Nucleus' entryway locker room.

 Once the key's in hand, the storage room locker (inside the sub) will be
 map-marked as well. Take and read Aubert's Note to find out her true thoughts
 on things. All that's left is returning to Tektus.

 • Optionally, one can confront the seditious sister before going to Tektus.
   The nicer options are trading the note or telling her to flee. Extorting a
   meager sum (~90-100 caps) from her is possible.

 Players may show the note incriminating Aubert or lie (requires speech check)
 to convince the paranoid leader of her innocence. The speech check appears
 regardless of whether Aubert was tipped off, the note was given to her, or
 she fled. If the note was given to Aubert, there'll be a second, generic lie
 option as a fallback.

 Completing the quest, either by incriminating Aubert or lying via the speech
 check, earns the unique Inquisitor's Helm. Passing the quest via the generic
 lie option earns only XP and one of Tektus' frowns.

 • During Tektus' opening conversation, players will be asked about being let
   into the fold. Longfellow dislikes "It's an honor" and "too many rads," and
   likes "surrounded by fanatics."

 • In Tektus' second conversation, he asks players about the Far Harbor feud.
   Saying to blow it up or make peace will be liked and disliked, respectively,
   by Nick. The same goes for Longfellow, only he hates the idea of his town
   being razed.

 • Accepting the quest is a disliked action by Nick; refusing is the opposite.
   Longfellow doesn't react either way.

 • When confronting Aubert about her note, Nick dislikes extortion caps from
   her; trading the note and telling her to run are loved and liked options,
   respectively. Longfellow only likes taking her caps (apx. 90).

 • Finishing the quest by lying on Aubert's behalf is liked by Nick, while
   Longfellow likes the turn-her-into-Tektus route.

 • The footlocker note and its required key spawn prequest. Reading the paper
   before Tektus asks is an alternate way to start the mission. Also, if one
   reads the note before talking to Aubert the first time, it fast-forwards to
   the "I found the note you penned" dialogue.

 • Showing Tektus the mother icon from "Visions in the Fog" is an optional
   task, but has no purpose outside of an extra conversation.

 • The Inquisitor's Helm gives 2 armor and gives an INT bonus dependent on
   one's radiation damage (+4 maximum). The fact that it looks like a Tusken
   raider helmet with weird exhaust pipes is icing on the cake.

 • After the quest, speaking to Aubert will earn ~100 caps from her. This only
   occurs if one lies to the Confessor (speech check) without informing her
   about the note's recovery. Giving her the note, refraining from extorting
   her, then finishing via the speech check doesn't work.

WEAPONS                                                                  [WPNS]
 This section will give a rundown on Far Harbor's new weapon types.

 DMG: Damage (normal, not radiation/energy/etc.)
 ROF: Rate of Fire
 RNG: Range
 ACC: Accuracy
 WGT: Weight gains/losses

 Here's an example:
  ____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ____________________
 | EXAMPLE    | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO         |
 | Test Gun   | DMG: +999 | ×1 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 4    |
 |            | ROF: +999 | ×2 Gear       | -- 01 -- -- | Ammo: mini nuke    |
 |            | RNG: +999 | ×2 Silver     | -- -- -- 01 |                    |
 |            | ACC: +999 | ×2 Nuclear M. | -- -- 01 01 | Fires 9 mini nukes |
 |            | WGT: +9.9 | ×4 Aluminum   | -- 01 -- -- |                    |

 The S0/1/2/3 column tells how much scrap gains are got from the component on
 its right per each Scrapper level (s0 being no levels, s3 being all). If
 there's more than one number in a S0/1/2/3 row, those are added together as
 Scrapper ranks are gained. For instance, the above example will give 1 Nuclear
 Material at rank 3 and 2 at max rank.

 Note that, because the game currently doesn't tell scrap gains from default
 modifications, the scrapper columns should be read in conjunction with each
 section's "DfltScrap" info. This will tell what is gained by scrapping the
 weapon with its default mods, plus any gains obtained from Scrapper (latter
 is represented with 1/2/3 superscripts).

 In some cases -- particularly items with few mod slots -- I can manage to
 figure out default mods' gains, giving a rounder picture. Any reader who can
 send in accurate scrapper info for my tables (or any other correction) will
 be credited appropriately. Just know I can't take guesswork and conjecture,
 in order to keep the tables somewhat correct.

 Ammo Type: Harpoon
 Damage --: 150
 Fire Rate: 2
 Range ---: 143
 Accuracy : 63
 Weight --: 16.3
 Mod Slots: 2
 DfltScrap: ×4 Steel

 The harpoon gun is a large cannon that, unsurprisingly, fires harpoons, a
 unique ammo to Far Harbor's island. It's a single shot weapon, capable of
 doing devastating damage...assuming it hits. The reload time is quite long.
 Trappers on the island will occasionally carry these.

 Unique variants:

 • Admiral's Friend (deals double damage to full-health targets)
 • Skipper's Last Stand (+150 damage resistance while reloading)
  ____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ____________________
 | AMMO VAR.  | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO         |
 | Harpoon    | DMG: ---- | ×1 Gear       | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |            | ROF: ---- | ×2 Oil        | -- -- -- -- | Ammo: harpoon      |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×2 Screw      | -- -- -- 01 |                    |
 |            | ACC: ---- | ×2 Spring     | -- -- -- 01 | Fires single lance |
 |            | WGT: ---- | ×4 Steel      | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 | Flechettes | DMG: ---- | ×2 Gear       | -- -- -- 01 | Perk: Gun Nut 1    |
 |            | ROF: ---- | ×3 Oil        | -- -- -- -- | Ammo: flechettes   |
 |            | RNG: -048 | ×3 Screw      | -- -- -- 01 |                    |
 |            | ACC: ---- | ×4 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Shotgun blast of   |
 |            | WGT: ---- | ×5 Steel      | -- -- -- -- | multiple lances    |
 | Barbed     | DMG: ---- | ×4 Gear       | -- 01 -- 01 | Perk: Gun Nut 3    |
 |    Harpoon | ROF: ---- | ×5 Oil        | -- -- -- -- | Ammo: harpoon      |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×6 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | ACC: -024 | ×6 Screw      | -- 01 -- 02 | Fires one lance,   |
 |            | WGT: ---- | ×8 Aluminum   | -- 02 -- 02 | dealing bleed DMG  |

  ____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ____________________
 | SIGHTS     | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO         |
 | Standard   | DMG: ---- | ×1 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |            | ROF: ---- | ×1 Steel      | -- -- -- -- | Scope: n/a         |
 |            | RNG: ---- |               |             |                    |
 |            | ACC: ---- |               |             |                    |
 |            | WGT: ---- |               |             |                    |
 | Sight      | DMG: ---- | ×1 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |            | ROF: ---- | ×2 Glass      | -- -- -- 01 | Scope: iron sight  |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×2 Screw      | -- 01 -- -- |                    |
 |            | ACC: +007 | ×2 Steel      | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | WGT: +1.3 |               |             |                    |
 | Short      | DMG: ---- | ×2 Nuclear M. | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 2    |
 |      Scope | ROF: ---- | ×2 Silver     | -- -- -- -- | Scope: short-range |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | ACC: +016 | ×3 Aluminum   | -- -- -- 01 |                    |
 |            | WGT: +2.9 | ×3 Glass      | -- -- -- 01 |                    |
 |            |           | ×3 Screw      | -- 01 -- -- |                    |

 Ammo Type: n/a
 Damage --: 50
 Speed ---: Medium
 Range ---: Melee
 Accuracy : n/a
 Weight --: 2.0
 Mod Slots: 1
 DfltScrap: ×1 Steel

 Meat hooks are small, single-toothed claws previously used for the butcher
 industry, and now used in the "let's kill folk" industry. Its only upgrade
 adds two "digits," making the item resemble a deathclaw gauntlet. Like many
 of the island weapons, these are most commonly found in the wild as trapper
 loot. Many vendors can sell them, too. The only unique variant is sold by
 Erickson at the Horizon Flight 1207 crash.

 • Butcher's Hook (refills all action points on critical hit)
  ____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ____________________
 | MOD        | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO         |
 | Extra      | DMG: +012 | ×1 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |      Hooks | SPD: Med. | ×3 Steel      | 01 -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | WGT: +0.4 |               |             | Disarm chance+     |

 Ammo Type: n/a
 Damage --: 63
 Speed ---: Slow
 Range ---: Melee
 Accuracy : n/a
 Weight --: 7.0
 Mod Slots: 1
 DfltScrap: ×1 Steel (no upgrade)

 The name is self-explanitory -- a lengthy pole with a large fisherman's hook
 at the end. These are uncommonly used by island trappers, and can also be
 purchased from some vendors, like Allen Lee and Brooks in Far Harbor. The
 weapon's only upgrade adds 3 more hooks, making it resemble a stereotypical
 grappling iron.

 Unique variants:

  • The Fish Catcher (40% less AP cost)
  • Bloodletter (deals additional 25 bleeding damage)
  ____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ____________________
 | RECEIVER   | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO         |
 | Puncturing | DMG: +036 | ×1 Oil        | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Blacksmith 2 |
 |            | WGT: +2.8 | ×3 Steel      | 02 -- -- -- |                    |
 |            |           | ×4 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Armor piercing+    |
 |            |           | ×8 Aluminum   | -- 02 -- 02 |                    |

 Ammo Type: .45-70 (5 rounds/clip)
 Damage --: 35
 Fire Rate: 5
 Range ---: 122
 Accuracy : 72
 Weight --: 9
 Mod Slots: 6
 DfltScrap: ×2 Wood, ×5 Steel, ×2 Screw¹ (×5 Screw³)

 Author Note: DfltScrap gains for Wood already factored into tables.
  ____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ____________________
 | RECEIVER   | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO         |
 | Standard   | DMG: ---- | ×1 Gear       | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |            | ROF: ---- | ×1 Oil        | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×2 Screw      | -- -- -- -- | Standard receiver  |
 |            | ACC: ---- | ×2 Spring     | -- -- -- 01 |                    |
 |            | WGT: ---- | ×4 Steel      | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 | Light      | DMG: -003 | ×1 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |      Frame | ROF: ---- | ×1 Gear       | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×2 Oil        | -- -- -- -- | Lower weight/DMG   |
 |            | ACC: ---- | ×2 Screw      | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | WGT: -3.2 | ×3 Aluminum   | -- -- -- 01 |                    |
 | Heavy      | DMG: +003 | ×1 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |      Frame | ROF: ---- | ×1 Gear       | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×1 Oil        | -- -- -- -- | Higher weight/DMG  |
 |            | ACC: ---- | ×2 Screw      | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | WGT: +2.8 | ×6 Steel      | 01 -- -- -- |                    |
 | Tuned      | DMG: ---- | ×2 Screw      | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |            | ROF: +001 | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×4 Oil        | -- -- -- -- | Rate of fire+      |
 |            | ACC: ---- | ×5 Steel      | 01 -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | WGT: +0.1 |               |             |                    |
 | Calibrated | DMG: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |            | ROF: ---- | ×3 Oil        | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×3 Screw      | -- -- -- -- | Critical shot DMG+ |
 |            | ACC: +001 | ×4 Gear       | -- 01 -- 01 |                    |
 |            | WGT: +0.4 | ×6 Steel      | 01 -- -- -- |                    |
 | Hardened   | DMG: +007 | ×2 Gear       | -- -- -- 01 | Perk: Gun Nut 1    |
 |            | ROF: ---- | ×3 Oil        | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×3 Screw      | -- -- -- -- | Damage+            |
 |            | ACC: ---- | ×4 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | WGT: +0.7 | ×5 Steel      | 01 -- -- -- |                    |
 | Powerful   | DMG: +026 | ×4 Gear       | -- 01 -- 01 | Perk: Gun Nut 3    |
 |            | ROF: ---- | ×5 Oil        | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×6 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Damage++           |
 |            | ACC: ---- | ×6 Screw      | -- 01 -- 01 |                    |
 |            | WGT: +1.3 | ×8 Aluminum   | -- 02 -- 02 |                    |
 | Calibrated | DMG: +026 | ×5 Gear       | -- 01 -- 01 | Perk: Gun Nut 4    |
 |  Powerful  | ROF: ---- | ×6 Oil        | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×7 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | DMG++              |
 |            | ACC: +001 | ×8 Screw      | -- 02 -- 02 | Critical shot DMG+ |
 |            | WGT: +1.9 | ×9 Aluminum   | -- 02 -- 02 |                    |
 | Advanced   | DMG: +043 | ×7 Gear       | -- 01 -- 02 | Perk: Gun Nut 4    |
 |            | ROF: +001 | ×7 Oil        | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×8 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | DMG+++             |
 |            | ACC: ---- | ×8 Screw      | -- 02 -- 02 | Rate of fire+      |
 |            | WGT: +2.5 | ×10 Aluminum  | -- 02 -- 03 |                    |

  ____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ____________________
 | BARREL     | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO         |
 | Short      | RNG: ---- | ×1 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |     Barrel | ACC: ---- | ×3 Screw      | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | WGT: ---- | ×3 Steel      | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 | Long       | DMG: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |     Barrel | ROF: ---- | ×6 Screw      | -- 01 -- -- |                    |
 |            | RNG: +084 | ×6 Steel      | 02 -- -- -- | Hipfire ACC-       |
 |            | ACC: +002 |               |             | Sighted ACC+       |
 |            | WGT: +1.5 |               |             | Range/Recoil+      |
 | Short      | RNG: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 2    |
 |     Ported | ACC: ---- | ×4 Aluminum   | -- 01 -- 01 |                    |
 |            | WGT: ---- | ×6 Screw      | -- 01 -- -- | Recoil+            |
 | Long       | DMG: ---- | ×5 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 3    |
 |     Ported | ROF: ---- | ×6 Screw      | -- 01 -- -- |                    |
 |            | RNG: +084 | ×7 Aluminum   | -- 01 -- 02 | Hipfire ACC-       |
 |            | ACC: +002 |               |             | Sighted ACC+       |
 |            | WGT: +1.5 |               |             | Range/Recoil+      |

  ____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ____________________
 | GRIP/STOCK | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO         |
 | Short      | DMG: ---- | ×2 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |      Stock | ROF: ---- | ×5 Screw      | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×5 Wood       | 02 -- -- -- | Bash DMG+          |
 |            | ACC: ---- |               |             | Sighted accuracy+  |
 |            | WGT: ---- |               |             | Recoil/Scoped Aim+ |
 | Full Stock | DMG: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 2    |
 |            | ROF: ---- | ×6 Screw      | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×6 Wood       | 03 -- -- -- | Bash DMG+          |
 |            | ACC: ---- |               |             | Sighted accuracy+  |
 |            | WGT: +0.6 |               |             | Recoil/Scoped Aim+ |
 | Marksman's | DMG: ---- | ×2 Rubber     | 01 -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 3    |
 |      Stock | ROF: ---- | ×3 Spring     | -- 01 -- 01 |                    |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×4 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Bash DMG+          |
 |            | ACC: ---- | ×5 Aluminum   | -- 01 -- 01 | Sighted accuracy+  |
 |            | WGT: +1.2 | ×6 Screw      | -- -- -- -- | Recoil/Scoped Aim+ |

  ____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ____________________
 | SIGHT      | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO         |
 | Standard   | ACC: ---- | ×1 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |            | WGT: ---- | ×2 Steel      | -- -- -- -- | Type: iron sights  |
 | Glow       | DMG: ---- | ×2 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |     Sights | ROF: ---- | ×2 Nuclear M. | -- -- -- -- | Type: glow         |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×2 Steel      | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | ACC: +001 |               |             | Focus+             |
 |            | WGT: ---- |               |             | Sighted accuracy+  |
 | Short      | DMG: ---- | ×2 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |      Scope | ROF: ---- | ×2 Glass      | -- -- -- ?? |                    |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×2 Screw      | -- 01 -- ?? | Magnification+     |
 |            | ACC: +016 | ×2 Steel      | -- -- -- ?? | Sighted accuracy+  |
 |            | WGT: +1.0 |               |             |                    |
 | Reflex     | DMG: ---- | ×2 Nuclear M. | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |   (Circle) | ROF: ---- | ×2 Silver     | -- -- -- -- | Type: reflex       |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | ACC: +007 | ×3 Aluminum   | -- -- -- -- | Focus+             |
 |            | WGT: +0.4 | ×3 Glass      | -- -- -- 01 | Sighted accuracy+  |
 |            |           | ×3 Screw      | -- 01 -- -- |                    |
 | Reflex     | DMG: ---- | ×2 Nuclear M. | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |      (Dot) | ROF: ---- | ×2 Silver     | -- -- -- -- | Type: reflex       |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | ACC: +007 | ×3 Aluminum   | -- -- -- 01 | Focus+             |
 |            | WGT: +0.4 | ×3 Glass      | -- -- -- 01 | Sighted accuracy+  |
 |            |           | ×3 Screw      | -- 01 -- -- |                    |
 | Medium     | DMG: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 2    |
 |      Scope | ROF: ---- | ×3 Screw      | -- 01 -- -- | Type: medium-range |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×3 Steel      | 01 -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | ACC: +023 | ×4 Glass      | -- 01 -- 01 | Magnification+     |
 |            | WGT: +1.3 |               |             | Sighted accuracy+  |
 | Long Scope | DMG: ---- | ×3 Glass      | -- 01 -- 01 | Perk: Gun Nut 2    |
 |            | ROF: ---- | ×3 Screw      | -- 01 -- -- | Type: long-range   |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×4 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | ACC: +036 | ×5 Aluminum   | -- 01 -- 01 | Magnification+     |
 |            | WGT: +1.6 |               |             | Sighted accuracy+  |
 | Short      | DMG: ---- | ×3 Circuitry  | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 2    |
 |  Night     | ROF: ---- | ×3 Fiber Opt. | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 1   |
 |   Vision   | RNG: ---- | ×3 Nuclear M. | -- -- -- -- | Type: short-range  |
 |     Scope  | ACC: +016 | ×3 Silver     | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | WGT: +1.0 | ×4 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Night vision       |
 |            |           | ×4 Screw      | -- 01 -- 01 | Magnification+     |
 |            |           | ×5 Glass      | -- 01 -- 01 | Sighted accuracy+  |
 |            |           | ×6 Aluminum   | -- 01 -- 02 |                    |
 | Medium     | DMG: ---- | ×3 Circuitry  | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 3    |
 |   Night    | ROF: ---- | ×3 Nuclear M. | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 1   |
 |   Vision   | RNG: ---- | ×3 Silver     | -- -- -- -- | Type: medium-range |
 |     Scope  | ACC: +023 | ×4 Fiber Opt. | -- -- 01 -- |                    |
 |            | WGT: +1.3 | ×4 Screw      | -- 01 -- 01 | Night vision       |
 |            |           | ×5 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Magnification+     |
 |            |           | ×6 Glass      | -- 01 -- 02 | Sighted accuracy+  |
 |            |           | ×7 Aluminum   | -- 01 -- 02 |                    |
 | Long Night | DMG: ---- | ×3 Silver     | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 3    |
 |     Vision | ROF: ---- | ×4 Circuitry  | -- -- 01 -- | Perk: Science! 1   |
 |      Scope | RNG: ---- | ×4 Fiber Opt. | -- -- 01 -- | Type: long-range   |
 |            | ACC: +036 | ×4 Nuclear M. | -- -- 01 -- |                    |
 |            | WGT: +1.6 | ×5 Screw      | -- 01 -- 01 | Night vision       |
 |            |           | ×6 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Magnification+     |
 |            |           | ×6 Glass      | -- 01 -- 02 | Sighted accuracy+  |
 |            |           | ×8 Aluminum   | -- 02 -- 02 |                    |

  _____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ___________________
 | MUZZLE      | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO        |
 | Compensator | DMG: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 2   |
 |             | ROF: ---- | ×3 Aluminum   | -- -- -- 01 |                   |
 |             | RNG: -012 |               |             | Per-shot recoil-  |
 |             | ACC: ---- |               |             | Recoil control+   |
 |             | WGT: +1.1 |               |             |                   |
 | Suppressor  | DMG: ---- | ×2 Screw      | -- 01 -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 3   |
 |             | ROF: ---- | ×4 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |                   |
 |             | RNG: -030 | ×4 Plastic    | 01 -- -- -- | Silences weapon   |
 |             | ACC: ---- | ×6 Aluminum   | -- 01 -- 02 | Recoil control+   |
 |             | WGT: +1.5 |               |             | Per-shot recoil-  |

 Ammo Type: .45 Rounds
 Damage --: 27 + 50 radiation
 Fire Rate: 40
 Range ---: 119
 Accuracy : 69
 Weight --: 11.1
 Mod Slots: 6
 DfltScrap: ×2 Wood, ×8 Steel, 1 Spring¹ (2³), 3 Screw¹ (6³), ×1 Gear³

 Radium Rifles are new automatic weapons associated with the Children of Atom,
 doing two types of damage. (Radiation damage can't be boosted by upgrading
 receivers, but the Nuclear Physicist perk will.)

 Author note: the following DfltScrap tallies are factored into tables below:
  • All Wood gains
  • All Spring gains
  • Steel gains (Receivers)
  ____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ____________________
 | RECEIVER   | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO         |
 | Standard   | DMG: ---- | ×1 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |            | ROF: ---- | ×1 Circuitry  | -- -- -- -- |____________________|
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×1 Nuclear M. | -- -- -- -- |
 |            | ACC: ---- | ×2 Gear       | -- -- -- -- |
 |            | WGT: ---- | ×2 Screw      | -- -- -- -- |
 |            |           | ×2 Spring     | 01 -- -- -- |
 |            |           | ×3 Oil        | -- -- -- -- |
 |            |           | ×4 Steel      | 02 -- -- -- |
 | Light      | DMG: -002 | ×1 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |      Frame | ROF: ---- | ×1 Circuitry  | -- -- -- -- | Weight/Damage-     |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×1 Nuclear M. | -- -- -- -- |____________________|
 |            | ACC: ---- | ×2 Gear       | -- -- -- -- |
 |            | WGT: -3.6 | ×2 Oil        | -- -- -- -- |
 |            |           | ×2 Screw      | -- -- -- -- | 
 |            |           | ×4 Aluminum   | -- 01 -- 01 | 
 | Heavy      | DMG: +002 | ×1 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |      Frame | ROF: ---- | ×1 Circuitry  | -- -- -- -- |____________________|
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×1 Nuclear M. | -- -- -- -- |
 |            | ACC: ---- | ×2 Gear       | -- -- -- -- |
 |            | WGT: +3.4 | ×2 Oil        | -- -- -- -- |
 |            |           | ×2 Screw      | -- -- -- -- | 
 |            |           | ×6 Steel      | 03 -- -- -- | 
 | Calibrated | DMG: ---- | ×1 Circuitry  | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |            | ROF: ---- | ×2 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Critical shot DMG+ |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×2 Nuclear M. | -- -- -- -- |____________________|
 |            | ACC: ---- | ×3 Gear       | -- -- -- -- |
 |            | WGT: +0.6 | ×3 Oil        | -- -- -- -- |
 |            |           | ×3 Screw      | -- -- -- 01 | 
 |            |           | ×6 Steel      | 03 -- -- -- | 
 | Hardened   | DMG: +007 | ×2 Circuitry  | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |            | ROF: ---- | ×2 Nuclear M. | -- -- -- -- |____________________|
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×2 Oil        | -- -- -- -- |
 |            | ACC: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |
 |            | WGT: +0.9 | ×3 Gear       | -- -- -- -- |
 |            |           | ×4 Screw      | -- -- -- 01 | 
 |            |           | ×8 Steel      | 04 -- -- -- | 
 | Automatic  | DMG: -007 | ×1 Circuitry  | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 1    |
 |            | ROF: +260 | ×2 Nuclear M. | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 1   |
 |            | RNG: -012 | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |____________________|
 |            | ACC: -017 | ×4 Gear       | -- 01 -- 01 |
 |            | WGT: +1.3 | ×4 Oil        | -- -- -- -- |
 |            |           | ×4 Screw      | -- -- -- 01 | 
 |            |           | ×9 Steel      | 04 -- -- -- | 
 | Armor      | DMG: -007 | ×1 Circuitry  | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 1    |
 | Piercing   | ROF: +260 | ×2 Nuclear M. | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 2   |
 | Automatic  | RNG: -010 | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Armor penetration+ |
 |            | ACC: -017 | ×3 Oil        | -- -- -- -- |____________________|
 |            | WGT: +1.6 | ×4 Gear       | -- 01 -- 01 |
 |            |           | ×5 Screw      | -- 01 -- 01 | 
 |            |           | ×8 Aluminum   | -- 02 -- 02 | 
 | Hair       | DMG: ---- | ×1 Circuitry  | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 1    |
 |    Trigger | ROF: +019 | ×1 Nuclear M. | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 2   |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×4 Gear       | -- 01 -- 01 | Trigger sensitiv.+ |
 |            | ACC: -002 | ×4 Oil        | -- -- -- -- |____________________|
 |            | WGT: +0.2 | ×5 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |
 |            |           | ×5 Screw      | -- 01 -- 01 | 
 |            |           | ×9 Aluminum   | -- 02 -- 02 | 
 | Powerful   | DMG: +020 | ×3 Nuclear M. | -- -- 01 -- | Perk: Gun Nut 1    |
 |            | ROF: ---- | ×3 Oil        | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 2   |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×4 Gear       | -- 01 -- 01 |____________________|
 |            | ACC: ---- | ×5 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |
 |            | WGT: +1.6 | ×5 Screw      | -- 01 -- 01 |
 |            |           | ×9 Aluminum   | -- 02 -- 02 | 
 | Hardened   | DMG: -003 | ×2 Circuitry  | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 2    |
 |  Automatic | ROF: +260 | ×3 Nuclear M. | -- -- 01 -- | Perk: Science! 3   |
 |            | RNG: -012 | ×3 Oil        | -- -- -- -- |____________________|
 |            | ACC: -017 | ×4 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |
 |            | WGT: +2.0 | ×4 Gear       | -- 01 -- 01 |
 |            |           | ×6 Screw      | -- 01 -- 01 | 
 |            |           | ×9 Aluminum   | -- 02 -- 02 | 
 | Rapid      | DMG: -007 | ×1 Circuitry  | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 2    |
 |  Automatic | ROF: +334 | ×3 Nuclear M. | -- -- 01 -- | Perk: Science! 3   |
 |            | RNG: -012 | ×4 Oil        | -- -- -- -- |____________________|
 |            | ACC: -017 | ×5 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |
 |            | WGT: +2.0 | ×5 Gear       | -- 01 -- 01 |
 |            |           | ×6 Screw      | -- 01 -- 01 | 
 |            |           | ×9 Aluminum   | -- 02 -- 02 | 
 | Calibrated | DMG: +020 | ×3 Circuitry  | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 2    |
 | Powerful   | ROF: ---- | ×3 Nuclear M. | -- -- 01 -- | Perk: Science! 3   |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×3 Oil        | -- -- -- -- | Critical shot DMG+ |
 |            | ACC: +001 | ×5 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |____________________|
 |            | WGT: +2.3 | ×5 Gear       | -- 01 -- 01 |
 |            |           | ×6 Screw      | -- 01 -- 01 |
 |            |           | ×10 Aluminum  | -- 02 -- 03 |
 | Hardened   | DMG: -003 | ×2 Circuitry  | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 2    |
 |  Piercing  | ROF: +260 | ×2 Oil        | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 3   |
 |       Auto | RNG: -010 | ×4 Nuclear M. | -- -- 01 -- | Armor penetration+ |
 |            | ACC: -017 | ×6 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |____________________|
 |            | WGT: +2.7 | ×6 Gear       | -- 01 -- 02 |
 |            |           | ×7 Screw      | -- 01 -- 02 |
 |            |           | ×11 Aluminum  | -- 02 -- 03 |
 | Advanced   | DMG: +033 | ×2 Oil        | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 3    |
 |            | ROF: ---- | ×4 Circuitry  | -- -- 01 -- | Perk: Science! 4   |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×5 Nuclear M. | -- -- 01 -- |____________________|
 |            | ACC: ---- | ×6 Gear       | -- 01 -- 02 |
 |            | WGT: +3.0 | ×7 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |
 |            |           | ×8 Screw      | -- 01 -- 02 |
 |            |           | ×12 Aluminum  | -- 03 -- 03 |
 | Powerful   | DMG: +006 | ×3 Circuitry  | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 3    |
 |  Automatic | ROF: +260 | ×3 Oil        | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 4   |
 |            | RNG: -012 | ×4 Nuclear M. | -- -- 01 -- |____________________|
 |            | ACC: -017 | ×6 Gear       | -- 01 -- 02 |
 |            | WGT: +3.4 | ×8 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |
 |            |           | ×8 Screw      | -- 01 -- 02 |
 |            |           | ×13 Aluminum  | -- 03 -- 03 |

  ____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ____________________
 | BARREL     | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO         |
 | Standard   | RNG: ---- | ×1 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |            | ACC: ---- | ×3 Screw      | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | WGT: ---- | ×3 Steel      | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 | Long       | DMG: ---- | ×2 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 1   |
 |            | ROF: ---- | ×3 Copper     | -- -- -- 01 |                    |
 |            | RNG: +084 | ×3 Screw      | -- -- -- -- | Hipfire ACC-       |
 |            | ACC: +002 | ×3 Steel      | 01 -- -- -- | Sighted ACC+       |
 |            | WGT: +1.8 |               |             | Range/Recoil+      |
 | Long       | DMG: ---- | ×4 Screw      | -- -- -- 01 | Perk: Gun Nut 1    |
 |     Ported | ROF: ---- | ×4 Silver     | -- -- 01 -- | Perk: Science! 3   |
 |            | RNG: +084 | ×6 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Hipfire ACC-       |
 |            | ACC: +003 | ×8 Aluminum   | -- 02 -- 02 | Sighted ACC+       |
 |            | WGT: +1.8 |               |             | Range/Recoil+      |

  ______________ ___________ _____________ _____________ ____________________
 | GRIP         | STATS     | COMPONENTS  | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO         |
 | Short Stock  | WGT: ---- | ×2 Adhesive | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |              |           | ×5 Screw    | -- -- -- -- | Bash DMG+          |
 |              |           | ×5 Wood     | 02 -- -- -- | Sighted accuracy+  |
 |              |           |             |             | Recoil/Scoped Aim+ |
 | Full Stock   | DMG: ---- | ×4 Adhesive | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 1    |
 |              | ROF: ---- | ×6 Screw    | -- -- -- 01 | Perk: Science! 3   |
 |              | RNG: ---- | ×7 Wood     | 03 -- -- -- | Bash DMG+          |
 |              | ACC: ---- |             |             | Sighted accuracy+  |
 |              | WGT: +0.8 |             |             | Recoil/Scoped Aim+ |
 | Marksman's   | DMG: ---- | ×2 Rubber   | 01 -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 1    |
 |        Stock | ROF: ---- | ×3 Spring   | -- 01 -- 01 | Perk: Science! 3   |
 |              | RNG: ---- | ×5 Adhesive | -- -- -- -- | Bash DMG+          |
 |              | ACC: ---- | ×6 Aluminum | -- 01 -- 02 | Sighted accuracy+  |
 |              | WGT: +1.5 | ×6 Screw    | -- -- -- 01 | Recoil/Scoped Aim+ |
 | Recoil       | DMG: ---- | ×3 Rubber   | 01 -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 1    |
 | Compensating | ROF: ---- | ×6 Adhesive | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 3   |
 |        Stock | RNG: ---- | ×6 Spring   | -- -- -- 03 | Bash DMG+          |
 |              | ACC: ---- | ×7 Aluminum | -- 01 -- 02 | Sighted accuracy+  |
 |              | WGT: +1.8 | ×8 Screw    | -- 01 -- 01 | Recoil/Scoped Aim+ |

  ____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ____________________
 | MAGAZINE   | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO         |
 | Standard   | DMG: ---- | ×1 Nuclear M. | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |            | ROF: ---- | ×3 Screw      | -- -- -- -- | Clip: 20           |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×3 Spring     | 01 -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | ACC: ---- | ×4 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | WGT: ---- | ×5 Steel      | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 | Large      | DMG: ---- | ×2 Nuclear M. | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 2   |
 |            | ROF: ---- | ×4 Screw      | -- -- -- 01 | Clip: 40           |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×5 Spring     | 01 -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | ACC: ---- | ×5 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Reload speed-      |
 |            | WGT: +0.7 | ×6 Steel      | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 | Quick      | DMG: ---- | ×1 Nuclear M. | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 1    |
 |      Eject | ROF: ---- | ×3 Aluminum   | -- -- -- 01 | Perk: Science! 3   |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×3 Oil        | -- -- -- -- | Clip: 20           |
 |            | ACC: ---- | ×3 Screw      | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | WGT: +0.4 | ×6 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Reload speed+      |
 |            |           | ×6 Spring     | 01 01 -- 01 |                    |
 | Large      | DMG: ---- | ×2 Nuclear M. | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 2    |
 |   Quick    | ROF: ---- | ×4 Screw      | -- -- -- 01 | Perk: Science! 4   |
 |     Eject  | RNG: ---- | ×5 Oil        | -- -- -- -- | Clip: 40           |
 |            | ACC: ---- | ×7 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | WGT: +1.1 | ×8 Spring     | 01 01 -- 02 | Reload speed+      |
 |            |           | ×10 Aluminum  | -- 02 -- 03 |                    |

  ____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ____________________
 | SIGHT      | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO         |
 | Standard   | ACC: ---- | ×1 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |            | WGT: ---- | ×2 Steel      | -- -- -- -- | Type: bead sight   |
 | Glow       | DMG: ---- | ×2 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |     Sights | ROF: ---- | ×2 Nuclear M. | -- -- 01 -- | Type: bead (glow)  |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×2 Steel      | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | ACC: +001 |               |             | Focus+             |
 |            | WGT: ---- |               |             | Sighted accuracy+  |
 | Short      | ACC: +016 | ×1 Glass      | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |      Scope | WGT: +1.3 | ×2 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Type: short-range  |
 |            |           | ×2 Screw      | -- -- -- 01 | Magnification+     |
 |            |           | ×2 Steel      | -- -- -- -- | Sighted accuracy+  |
 | Reflex     | DMG: ---- | ×1 Glass      | -- -- -- -- | Perk: n/a          |
 |      Sight | ROF: ---- | ×1 Silver     | -- -- -- -- | Type: reflex       |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×2 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | ACC: +007 | ×2 Aluminum   | -- -- -- 01 | Focus+             |
 |            | WGT: +0.6 | ×2 Nuclear M. | -- -- 01 -- | Sighted accuracy+  |
 |            |           | ×2 Screw      | -- -- -- 01 |                    |
 | Medium     | DMG: ---- | ×2 Glass      | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 1    |
 |      Scope | ROF: ---- | ×2 Screw      | -- -- -- 01 | Perk: Science! 3   |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Type: medium-range |
 |            | ACC: +023 | ×3 Steel      | -- -- -- -- | Magnification+     |
 |            | WGT: +1.6 |               |             | Sighted accuracy+  |
 | Long Scope | DMG: ---- | ×2 Screw      | -- -- -- 01 | Perk: Gun Nut 1    |
 |            | ROF: ---- | ×4 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 3   |
 |            | RNG: ---- | ×4 Glass      | -- 01 -- 01 | Type: long-range   |
 |            | ACC: +036 | ×4 Steel      | 01 -- -- -- | Magnification+     |
 |            | WGT: +2.0 |               |             | Sighted accuracy+  |
 | Short      | DMG: ---- | ×1 Circuitry  | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 2    |
 |  Night     | ROF: ---- | ×1 Fiber Opt. | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 3   |
 |   Vision   | RNG: ---- | ×2 Glass      | -- -- -- 01 | Type: short-range  |
 |    Scope   | ACC: +016 | ×2 Nuclear M. | -- -- 01 -- |                    |
 |            | WGT: +1.3 | ×2 Screw      | -- -- -- 01 | Night vision       |
 |            |           | ×2 Silver     | -- -- -- -- | Magnification+     |
 |            |           | ×4 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Sighted accuracy+  |
 |            |           | ×4 Aluminum   | -- 01 -- 01 |                    |
 | Medium     | DMG: ---- | ×1 Fiber Opt. | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 2    |
 |   Night    | ROF: ---- | ×2 Circuitry  | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 3   |
 |   Vision   | RNG: ---- | ×2 Screw      | -- -- -- -- | Type: medium-range |
 |     Scope  | ACC: +023 | ×2 Silver     | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | WGT: +1.6 | ×4 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Night vision       |
 |            |           | ×4 Glass      | -- 01 -- 01 | Magnification+     |
 |            |           | ×4 Nuclear M. | -- -- 01 -- | Sighted accuracy+  |
 |            |           | ×5 Aluminum   | -- 01 -- 01 |                    |
 | Long Night | DMG: ---- | ×2 Circuitry  | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 2    |
 |  Vision    | ROF: ---- | ×2 Fiber Opt. | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 4   |
 |   Scope    | RNG: ---- | ×2 Screw      | -- -- -- 01 | Type: long-range   |
 |            | ACC: +036 | ×5 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- |                    |
 |            | WGT: +2.0 | ×5 Glass      | -- 01 -- 01 | Night vision       |
 |            |           | ×6 Aluminum   | -- 01 -- 02 | Magnification+     |
 |            |           | ×6 Nuclear M. | -- -- 02 -- | Sighted accuracy+  |

  _____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ___________________
 | MUZZLE      | STATS     | COMPONENTS    | S0 S1 S2 S3 | OTHER INFO        |
 | Compensator | DMG: ---- | ×1 Nuclear M. | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 1   |
 |             | ROF: ---- | ×3 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 3  |
 |             | RNG: -012 | ×4 Aluminum   | -- 01 -- 01 |                   |
 |             | ACC: +002 |               |             | Recoil control+   |
 |             | WGT: +1.4 |               |             | Per-shot recoil+  |
 | Muzzle      | DMG: ---- | ×1 Nuclear M. | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 1   |
 |       Brake | ROF: ---- | ×4 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Science! 3  |
 |             | RNG: -018 | ×5 Aluminum   | -- 01 -- 01 |                   |
 |             | ACC: +002 |               |             | Recoil control+   |
 |             | WGT: +1.4 |               |             | Per-shot recoil+  |
 | Suppressor  | DMG: ---- | ×1 Nuclear M. | -- -- -- -- | Perk: Gun Nut 1   |
 |             | ROF: ---- | ×3 Screw      | -- 01 -- 01 | Perk: Science! 4  |
 |             | RNG: -030 | ×4 Plastic    | 01 -- -- -- | Silences weapon   |
 |             | ACC: +002 | ×5 Adhesive   | -- -- -- -- | Recoil control+   |
 |             | WGT: +1.8 | ×7 Aluminum   | -- 01 -- 02 | Per-shot recoil-  |

V. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS                                            [FAQZ]
 [Q] - How do I get rid of the fog?
 [A] - It's a natural occurence -- it can't be eradicated permanently. There
       aren't any "destroy the fog"-related quests either.

 [Q] - Should I play through with a companion?
 [A] - Nick Valentine and Old Longfellow each have uniquely different reactions
       to the plot.

 [Q] - Be honest: is the DLC worth purchasing?
 [A] - Out of all the DLC so far, this is easily the most substantial, although
       I don't agree with its $25 price point. Nuka-World may give it a run for
       its money when it's released at the end of August.

 [Q] - How should I complete the main questline? Make peace or war?
 [A] - It's the player's choice, although I should warn players to think their
       bloodlust through carefully. Any option besides peaceful resolution
       can lead to many quests being permanently unavailable/failed, as well as
       loss of crucial merchants (there's only a handful on the island).

 [Q] - Can I get DLC weapons as legendary drops?
 [A] - Yes, and they're added to the loot tables even before entering the DLC.
       In other words, you could find a kickass lever-action rifle without
       ever stepping foot on the island! (...although that's a bad thing in
       this case, since only island vendors sell .45-70 ammo at this date...)

 [Q] - I killed an enemy but their body is unlootable!
 [A] - Try shooting off a limb or crushing their head -- sometimes lootable
       pieces/fragments will fix the problem.

 [Q] - Who's Erickson?
 [A] - He's a friendly super mutant merchant living at the Horizon Flight 1207
       wreck, a bit NW of Acadia near the mountain lake. In addition to usual
       vendor duties, he's a repeatable source for purchasing dogs for one's
       settlements (they aren't companions like Dogmeat). During the first
       encounter, he'll have a special conversation if Longfellow or Dogmeat
       is with.

 [Q] - Where are the locations of all the legendary Recon Marine Armor?
 [A] - There are four locations. Note that a full set does NOT exist and each
       piece is very expensive, even with skills that would affect pricing.
       Also, depending on how the plot is resolved, one or more vendors may
       disappear completely, naturally preventing further collection.

       • Brooks in Far Harbor sells the helmet (+1 AGI, +1 PER)
       • Cog in Acadia sells the chestpiece (DMG received -15% when inert)
       • Kane in the Nucleus sells the left arm (When HP<20%, time slows)
       • Mai in the Nucleus sells the right arm (+10% movement speed)

VI. UPDATES & CONTRIBUTORS                                               [UPDT]
 08-01-16 ----------------------+ Started walkthrough
 08-25-16 ----------------------+ Finished walkthrough

 • Sailor/Ceej, for hosting my crap
 • Lever-Action Rifle: was there truly life before I met you?

 • Condensers Down: Nick interactions (if any)
 • Hunting the Hunter: Nick interactions (if any)

 If anyone finds broken pic links in the guide, email me about it!
VII. LEGALITY                                                            [LGLT]
This document is intended for private home use ONLY, and may not be reproduced
through electronic or commercial means without the expressed consent of the
author (P. Summers). It cannot be hosted, edited, or distributed for profit,
and may not be given away as an add-in/gift to bought items. All rights are
reserved to respective parties, even those not explicitly stated herein. Those
who find this document on sites not listed below should e-mail the author (me).
Thanks for reading this, and thanks for respectin' FAQ authors.

 Allowed Sites:                       Disallowed Sites:

  •                       •
  •                       •
  •                           E-mail me for permissions ~
  •                        shotgunnova (a+) gmail (d0t) com.
I'D HAVE BEEN                 Document © Shotgunnova, 1997-2016 (and countin'!)
RASKOLNIKOV, BUT                           Fallout namesake © respective owners
MOTHER NATURE RIPPED ME OFF                       E N D   O F   D O C U M E N T

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