Find the Numbers Challenge 25 Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games. | | |
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The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in
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Find the Numbers Challenge 25
1 handle of left shovel leaning against house side
2 light on house at roof peak
3 on the ground next to the fence and just to the left of the well
(green number)
4 door of white house
5 on the rocks to the left of the chimney
6 door of red truck
7 fence just below 20
8 fence gate immediately above 21
9 white window on the brick building (very left)
10 well
11 porch support below house porch
12 part of 123 on the side of the large truck
13 to the right of 16 on the very left rock face (just right of tree)
14 front of white house
15 gray numbers to left of blue car
16 front of upper gray building
17 hood ornament on car
18 rock face in front of large truck (very top of screen)
19 on the rock face on right of screen
(just to the right of the dark green tree)
20 in grass on hillside
21 gray numbers on ground by trees to right of house
22 wood fence in front of large truck (below the 18)
23 pink numbers on the side of the large truck
24 roof of white house
25 rungs of ladder leaning against house
Level 2:
1 top left of screen between the two brown shades
2 underside of the top balcony on right wing of building
3 on sign on right wing of building as a red number
4 underside of the stairs to the roof on the left wing of building
5 round sign on left wing of building
6 sign on the right side of the middle section of the building
(3rd balcony from bottom)
7 first balcony from the ground on the left wing of the building
-- there is a wood shelf and the 7 is the left gray support
(just to left of the 5)
8 on hanging just above stairs (to left of 16)
9 black door to the left of 18 in center of middle section of building
10 sign on right wing of building -- just to right of fountain
11 under stair landing (supports)
12 middle section of the building above the railing to the right of
the stairs and under s gray awning (down left from 16 but hard to see)
13 on wood shade in middle section of building (down left from 25)
14 inside the base of the fountain on the left side
15 underside of the stairs to the roof in the center of the building
16 bright green numbers on 1 balcony from the bottom in middle section
17 wooden supports under the stairs to the roof on the left wing of building
(above what looks like a large gray 7 but isn’t; to the right of 4)
18 on hanging in center of the middle section of the building
(up left from the 16)
19 look just below 13 to the wood shelf -- 19 is below the left support
of that wood shelf)
20 on the ground to the right of the fountain
21 roof line on the left side of the middle section of the building to the
left of 25
22 very left of middle section of building -- just to left of stair landing
(slightly down right of 5)
23 on the right wing of the building in gray; second balcony from the bottom
(down right from the 6)
24 bottom level in the railing of the left wing of the building -- to the
left of the opening and down right from the white sign with black border
(very hard to see)
25 roofline in center of middle section of building
Level 3:
1 purple railing support on bridge closest to you
2 yellow number on right side of bridge closest to you
3 top right arch of gray building
4 on shorter pink building between windows (to right of 7)
5 on top left corner of brick building
6 above waterline in front of middle bench
7 yellow number on the top corner of pink building
8 below curve of lamppost closest to you
9 on sloped roof on pink building (above 7 and between chimneys)
10 legs of bench closest to near bridge (look brown and blurry)
11 bench legs of middle bench (to left of 23)
12 top right corner of gray building
13 top side of green roofed building (below 17)
14 bottom side of green roofed building (immediately to right of 8)
15 above waterline to left of 6 (almost below further bridge; blurry numbers)
16 under bench closest to you
17 on green roof (blurry numbers)
18 on the wall of the gray building to the right of the lamppost light shade
19 bottom left window of tall pink building (up left from middle bench)
20 on flat roof to right of 7 (greenish numbers that are blurry)
21 in the arch of the further bridge just above where bricks meet the white wall
22 to left of lower green roof on the dark building (not clear)
23 on the brick wall of the pink building between the 2 benches
24 bottom right corner of metal door on gray building (below 25 and hard to see)
25 right side of awning on gray building (below 3 and above 24)
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2025 |
CheatBook-DataBase 2025 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64,
DVD, Wii U, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid
gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 28.200 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 11, 2025.
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