Gadget Trial Unit FAQ
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Gadget Trial Unit FAQ
Version 1.0
By: Delta_Angelfire
.1. Intro
.2. Contact and Copyright Info
.3. Damage Chart
.4. Movement Chart
.5. Unit Analysis
.6. Summary
.7. Credits
--- .1. Introduction ---
If you're reading this FAQ, I'm assuming you already know what Gadget Trial
is. As a tactical game akin to the likes of Advance Wars and Final Fantasy
Tactics, the backbone of this game is the differences in units. I made this
FAQ to allow easy access to all the available data.
--- .2. Contact and Copyright Info ---
You can try contacting me at Delta_Angelfire at hotmail (with @ and .com of
course), but it'll go straight to junk mail and probably get deleted. Since
there is so little information about this game online to begin with, I give
permission for any site to reproduce this FAQ, in its entirety or with updated
information, as long as they add my name to the credits.
--- .3. Damage Chart ---
Damage in Gadget Trial is determined using the following formula:
Damage = ((Base Damage + Suit mods)*Veterancy mods)*Terrain Defense
Counter Attacks deal half damage
(Advance Wars players: notice that HP does NOT affect damage)
=Base Damage Chart=
D| I | H | M | S | T | A | A | R | A | F | B | C | S | B | L |
e| n | | e | c | a | P | r | o | n | i | o | o | u | . | a |
f| f | I | d | o | n | C | t | c | t | g | m | p | b | S | n |
e| a | n | i | u | k | | y | k | i | h | b | t | | h | d |
n| n | f | c | t | | | | e | | t | e | e | | i | e |
d| t | | | | | | | t | A | e | r | r | | p | r |
e| r | | | | | | | | i | r | | | | | |
Attacker r| y | | | | | | | | r | | | | | | |
Infantry | 50| 40| 60| 10| 10| 10| 20| 20| 20| - | - | - | - | - | 10|
H Inf | 70| 50| 80| 30| 50| 40| 40| 40| - | - | - | - | - | - | 10|
Medic | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Scout | 70| 60| 80| 50| 10| 30| 30| 30| 30| - | - | - | - | - | 10|
Tank | 90| 70|100| 60| 50| 60| 70| 70| 70| - | - | - | - | - | 60|
APC | 50| 40| 60| 30| 10| 30| 20| 20| 20| - | - | - | - | - | 10|
Artillery | 90| 70|100| 50| 50| 50| 60| 60| 60| - | - | - | - | 30| 50|
Rockets |100| 70|110| 60| 60| 60| 70| 70| 70| - | - | - | - | 30| 60|
Anti Air | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |100|100|100| - | - | - |
Fighter | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 60| 90| 90| - | - | - |
Bomber |100| 90|110| 90| 90| 90|100|100|100| - | - | - | 60| 30| 90|
Copter | 50| 50| 60| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| - | - | - | - | - | - |
Sub | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 60| 70| 90|
Battleship |100| 90|100| 90| 90| 90| 90| 90| 90| - | - | - | - | 30| 90|
Lander | 50| 50| 60| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| - | - | - | - | 10| 10|
=Suit Mods=
Certain units have alternate outfits which affect these matchups.
Attack UP - increase the base damage this unit deals by +20
Attack DOWN - decrease the base damage this unit deals by -20
Counterattack DOWN - decrease the base damage this unit deals by -20, but
only when this unit is counter attacking.
Defense UP - when attacked, reduce the base damage of the attacking unit by
Defense DOWN - when attacked, increase the base damage of the attacking unit
by +20
For every 5 kills a unit obtains, it gains a firepower boost.
1 large star (5 kills) - %130 damage
2 large stars (10 kills) - %160 damage
3 large stars (15 kills) - %190 damage
Veterancy levels also decrease damage taken by an unknown amount
=Terrain Defense=
Every terrain has a DEF number. Multiply the damage dealt to the defending
unit by (100-DEF)/100. Therefore -
5 = 95% damage taken
10 = 90% damage taken
20 = 80% damage taken
30 = 70% damage taken
40 = 60% damage taken
60 = 40% damage taken
--- .4. Unit Movement ---
Each unit has a movement speed (usually a multiple of 10). Every square of
terrain has different costs for different units according to the following
table. "Facilities" includes HQs, Cities, Factories, Airports, and both kinds
of Satellite Bases, but NOT Harbors. "Mobility" is a unit's movement speed
which may be increases by the following Suit modifiers-
Mobility UP - Multiply mobility by 1.3
Mobility DOWN - Multiply mobility by 0.7
T| M | | R | F | H | P | F | S | H | M | B | S | R | M |
e| o | | o | a | a | l | o | w | o | o | e | e | i | t |
r| b | | a | c | r | a | r | a | l | u | a | a | v | |
r| i | | d | i | b | i | e | m | e | n | c | | e | R |
a| l | | | l | o | n | s | p | | t | h | | r | a |
i| i | | | i | r | | t | | | a | | | | n |
n| t | | | t | | | | | | i | | | | g |
Unit | y | | | y | | | | | | n | | | | e |
Infantry | 40| - | 10| 10| 10| 10| 15| 20| 15| 25| 10| - | - | - |
H Inf | 30| - | 10| 10| 10| 10| 15| 20| 15| 25| 10| - | - | - |
Medic | 40| - | 10| 10| 10| 10| 15| 20| 15| 25| 10| - | - | - |
Scout | 90| - | 10| 10| 10| 15| 15| 20| - | - | 15| - | - | - |
Tank | 70| - | 10| 10| 10| 15| 20| 20| - | - | 15| - | - | - |
APC | 80| - | 10| 10| 10| 15| 15| 20| - | - | 15| - | - | - |
Artillery | 50| - | 10| 10| 10| 15| 15| 20| - | - | 15| - | - | - |
Rockets | 50| - | 10| 10| 10| 15| 15| 20| - | - | 15| - | - | - |
Anti Air | 50| - | 10| 10| 10| 15| 15| 20| - | - | 15| - | - | - |
Fighter |110| - | 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| - |
Bomber |100| - | 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| - |
Copter | 80| - | 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10| - |
Sub | 70| - | - | - | 10| - | - | - | - | - | - | 10| - | - |
Battleship | 70| - | - | - | 10| - | - | - | - | - | - | 10| - | - |
Lander | 80| - | - | - | 10| - | - | - | - | - | 10| 10| - | - |
Other Terrain stats -
Defense indicates how much less damage a unit takes
Camo indicates how close a unit must be to dispel fog of war
T| R | F | H | P | F | S | H | M | B | S | R | M |
e| o | a | a | l | o | w | o | o | e | e | i | t |
r| a | c | r | a | r | a | l | u | a | a | v | |
r| d | i | b | i | e | m | e | n | c | | e | R |
a| | l | o | n | s | p | | t | h | | r | a |
i| | i | r | | t | | | a | | | | n |
n| | t | | | | | | i | | | | g |
| | y | | | | | | n | | | | e |
Defense | 0 | 30| 30| 10| 20| 0 | 40| 60| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Camo | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
--- .5. Unit Analysis ---
=Unit Name= - Self Explanatory
Cost - how much this unit costs to build.
AT - The units AT gauge. All units deplete at at an equal rate. When the AT
gauge reaches 0, it is that unit's turn. The lower, the better. Every time a
unit is attacked, its AT gauge is increased by 20, delaying its turn. If a
unit selects the "wait" command on its turn without moving or attacking, its
AT gauge is only reset to half, so it's next turn will come sooner.
EG - Energy. Every time the unit activates, this number is reduced by 1. when
it reaches 0, the unit self-destructs. Note that, because "waiting" gives a
unit more activations, doing nothing will actually drain your energy more
quickly than attaking!
Range - Attack Range of Indirect Fire units
Carry - Some units have the ability to take other units along for the ride.
At the end of their move, they can use their action to unload all the units
they have aboard into adjacent spaces.
Move - How far the unit can move in a turn
Sight - Sight dispels fog of war in an area around the unit. FoW is dispelled
if the terrain tile in question has a Distance + Camo rating less than the
unit's sight rating.
Suits - Each unit has two suits which you can purchase later in the game. This
section details how the unit's stats are affected by each.
Analysis - My own personal view of the unit's value and optimum configuration.
==Izen Units==
Izen is the base for all your foot soldiers. Her units are cheap and the
only ones that can capture facilities and can be transported by helicopter.
Cost - 50
AT - 100
EG - 30
Move - 40
Sight - 4
Suits -
Uniform - Cost *0.7, Counter attack base damage -20
Commando - Base damage +20, Cost *1.3
Analysis -
The Infantry is of course the grunt of any good armed force. It is one of
only three units able to capture properties and has the shortest unmodified AT
gauge. It is incredibly cheap, and both suits are quite good, either one is
a fine replacement for the basic outfit. The Uniform allows a horde of excep-
tionally cost efficient meat shields since the counter attack damage for an
infantry is generally negligable anyway, and the Commando outfit ups all the
pathetic 10 damage matchups infantry has into decent 30 damage ones. Go with
your personal choice here.
=Heavy Infantry=
Cost - 100
AT - 110
EG - 30
Move - 30
Sight - 4
Suits -
Bloomer - Move *1.3, Damage received +20
Punk - Base damage +20, Cost *1.3
Analysis -
The Heavy Infantry is slower, but deals more damage than standard infantry
(even one with the comando suit equipped). Once again, both suits are superior
to the base unit, but the Punk outfit is probably better. Even though your
units will cost more, it ups the several 40 damage matchups into respectable
60 damage ones, allowing Two-Hit KOs even with light terrain defense. This
coupled with the Heavy Infantry's ability to capture makes it a decent all-
around unit.
Cost - 200
AT - 100
EG - 30
Move - 40
Sight - 4
Suits -
Camouflage - Damage received -20, Cost *1.3
Nurse - Move *1.3, Cost *1.3
Analysis -
The Medic is an invaluable unit in any and every army, its sheer usefullness
keeps it from ever becoming obsolete, and is an excellent replacement for the
standard infantry even with the cost difference. The Medic gives its ability
to fight for two even better commands - Heal and Charge. Heal restores the
health of an adjacent unit by 3hp although it also increases it's AT timer by
20. Charge reduces an adjacent unit's AT gauge by half, allowing it to move
sooner. Charge makes any number of high AT units infinitely more useful, and
Heal lets you capture facilities and still support your front line units at
the same time.
Camouflage makes the Medic far less vulnerable since it takes 110 damage
from many units, but they shouldn't be on the front lines (or on a terrain
with less than a 10 defense rating) anyway. Nurse is my outfit of choice,
upping Izen's movement to 52, and is the highest any foot unit can obtain.
==Nei Units==
Nei is in charge of land-vehicle units. They are speedy and do good damage,
but are eventually made obsolete by Souka's air units.
Cost - 600
AT - 120
EG - 20
Move - 70
Sight - 4
Western - AT Gauge *0.7, Cost *1.3
Yeager - Base damage +20, Damage received -20, Cost *1.3, Move *0.7
Analysis -
Nei's tank is, of course, your ground based combat powerhouse. Good damage,
good movement, and decent cost. She'll be your main damage dealer, but will
become pretty much obsolete once you get air units. Her high AT gauge also
makes it vulnerable to infantry and mechs that can defeat it by surrounding
and attacking it (since every attack increases the enemies AT gauge again by
20, making it take longer for it's turn to come around again).
Yeager makes the Tank into a decent shield for a chokepoint, but the penalty
to mobility drops it to 49 - 1 point short of 5 spaces of movement on road,
essentially making it no faster than infantry. The Western outfit is probably
your best choice since it drops Nei's AT gauge to 84, giving her a far
greater ability to get arond the battle field, and often allowing her two
attack strikes before her opponent even gets one.
Cost - 300
AT - 120
EG - 20
Move - 90
Sight - 6
Uniform - Cost *0.7, Damage received +20
Ninja - Sight +1, Damage recieved +20
Analysis -
The scout is a cheap unit with decent speed, a good detection radius, and a
good defense against infantry units. Like its name implies, it will be your
main scouting unit on land-only maps, however, it is outclassed in both speed
and scouting, and combat ability by Souka's Fighter and to a lesser extent,
the Helicopter.
Both suits are decent if you want your Scouts focusing on reconaissance
rather than combat. If you're looking for semi-durable meatshields though,
her basic outfit is probably best, giving her some measure of resistance to
Bomber and Bship attacks.
Cost - 300
AT - 120
EG - 20
Move - 80
Carry - 3 infantry
Sight - 5
Leather - Move *1.3, Damage received +20
Chinese - Cost *0.7, Damage recieved +20
The APC can carry your infantry, gettign them where you want them faster.
Can be useful on ground based maps with lots of roads and a high number of
bases far about from each other (for Heavy Infantry spamming). However,
these kinds of maps are rare. Their increased move cost across plains
generally make a Nurse suit Medics a better choice in the long run.
Either suit is also good, though her leather suit may be best, boosting her
movement to 104, making her almost as fast as most air units. However, no
matter what you give her, she is still strictly inferior to Souka's Transport
==Yu-ri Units==
Yu-ri takes care of all the land-based ranged fire units. While useful in
some situations, her units are unfortunately far too slow to be a staple in
your army, even with support from Medics.
Cost - 400
AT - 130
EG - 25
Move - 50
Range - 2-4
Sight - 5
Waitress - AT *0.7, Cost *1.3, Damage received +20
Kimono - Damage received -20, Cost *1.3
Analysis -
Yu-ri's basic artillery does similar damage to a Tank, but her high AT and
lower defense makes spamming them impractical, and even just using them for
support is fairly inefficient. May have some use on maps that lack air and
require Landers for travel, lessening the impact of her poor movement stat.
If you're relying on Artillery, both suit choices are better than her basic
outfit, even with the increased cost. The Waitress suit will make turn you
artillery into decent general units by reducing her AT gauge to a useful 91.
The Kimono will give you some decent damage resistance against everything,
even significantly against tanks, but is only useful on ground-only maps,
allowing you to spam Artillery for attack and defending them with more
artillery on front. The high AT however, will still hurt your total damage
Cost - 500
AT - 130
EG - 25
Move - 50
Range - 3-6
Sight - 5
Uniform - Cost *0.7, Base damage -20
Worker - Max range +1, Cost *1.3
Analysis -
While the extra range is nice, the only really significant difference
between Yu-ri's Atillery and Rockets is the ability to One-Hit KO infantry
on roads.
Yu'ri's Rocket outfits however, are not nearly as good as her already
mediocre Artillery suits. Lower cost is usually good, but the lowered damage
in addition to the lowered attack and no change to AT make her pretty useless.
Her worker outfit would prpbably be the best choice since you probably won't
be building any new rockets anyway, in order to take full advantage of any
Rocket units that come pre-deployed.
=Anti Air=
Cost - 400
AT - 130
EG - 25
Move - 50
Range - 2-4
Sight - 5
Frilled - Max Range +1, Cost *1.3
Choir - Move *1.3, Cost *1.3
Analysis -
Yu-ri's AA would be far more useful if it weren't for one flaw: Air units
get terrain defense. This one thing turns a potentially useful unit into a
hopelessly irrelevant one. Without a damage boost suit, or a map with nothing
but roads and beaches, Yu-ri's AA will never score a OHKO. Add this on top of
her other general flaws like her highest AT in the game, and you have a
completely dead weight unit. If you're fighting air anyway, you should be
fighting back with Fighters of your own.
Neither of Yu-ri's AA suits address the issues of her damage or AT. As a
result of this, there is pretty much no reason to ever build AA units. In this
case, the Frilled suit is probably your best choice to take what little
advantage you can of any pre-deployed AA units you may have.
==Souka Units==
Souka is in charge of all air units, the most useful units in the game.
Even though her units have a low fuel capacity, their unrivaled speed and
usefulness make her a dominating force on any battlefield. The fact that
airports can only build air units leaves you no excuse NOT to build them,
since not only will you be able to produce units superior to any land unit,
but you're also not using up factory slots that could be used for building
more footsoldier units for capturing.
Cost - 800
AT - 130
EG - 10
Move - 100
Sight - 4
Maid - Base damage +20, Cost *1.3
Warm - Damage received -20, Cost *1.3
Analysis -
Once you get Bombers, they will become your mainstay attacker pretty much
forever. Incredible damage against every significant ground unit will get
devestate any enemy forces your opponent you may have, and give you almost
all your kills with a little ground support from either Scouts or Commando
suit Infantry. Even with a high AT and low EG, her damage output is just so
high that she will always be useful, and her high move with no terrrain
penalties makes it easy to get back to cities to refuel and still be ready
to attack next turn.
There is no choice here, your Bombers should ALWAYS be in Maid outfits, no
exceptions. even with the added cost bringing the bomber up to 1040, the
ability to OHKO every ground unit on PLAINS and most of them even on waste-
land makes breaking enemy lines a piece of cake even without ground support
for mop-up.
Cost - 700
AT - 110
EG - 10
Move - 110
Sight - 8
Uniform - Cost *0.7, Counter attack base damage -20
Bunny - Move *1.3, Cost *1.3
Analysis -
The fighter can only attack other air units. It does this job quite well,
but what puts the Fighter over the top is it's unrivavled Sight radius and
the fact it can only be attacked by AA and other Fighters. This makes it an
incredible blocking unit for protecting ground forces, blocking choke points,
and occupying empty enemy bases.
Once again, for me there's only one choice here for Souka's outfit, and
that's her Uniform. This drops her cost to 490, from significant cost to
fairly cheap, even less than tanks. The penalty to counterattacks only applies
to enemy fighters anyway, dropping you from 30 counter damage to 20. Since you
can't KO an enemy fighter with a Counter Attack - Attack combo anyway, this
difference is completely insignificant when you can have three fighters to
your enemy's two.
Cost - 300
AT - 120
EG - 10
Move - 80
Carry - 3 infantry
Sight - 5
Suits -
Pilot - Move *1.3, Carry capacity 1
Waitress - Cost *0.7, Damage reveiced +20
Rounding out the power trio is the Transport Helicopter. Her strengths are
endless. Land unit comparable AT, High movement with no terrain penalty,
Excellent cost, Infantry transport capabilities, and air defense. The ability
to attack all ground units and not be coutnered against makes it the ideal
harassing unit (increasing enemy AT gauges). It can get Infantry to the front
lines faster and more reliably than any other transport. It can defend choke
points and empty enemy bases just as well as a fighter.
Again, the're only one choice here, and that's the Waitress suit. Dropping
the carry capacity from 3 to 1 is foolish to just bring the speed up to
Fighter level. Dropping the cost from an already cheap 300 to a bargain
basement 210 though is incredible. Your helicopters become slightly more
vulnerable, but they'll still survive hovering over forests or cities if
you're careful, and they can still carry three medics to heal them back up if
need be.
==Hisoka Units==
=Battle Ship=
Cost - 1000
AT - 130
EG - 15
Move - 70
Range - 3-8
Sight - 6
Uniform - Cost *0.7, Damage received +20
Goth-Loli - AT *0.7, Base damage -20
Analysis -
The Battle ship is comparable in attack strength to the bomber, but falls
just a little short in almost every other regard. It has great damage, but
falls just short of incredible with no 110 or greater matchups, even with
outfits. It's high AT, while the same as a Bomber, hurts it more because of
it's lack of those important OHKO matchups. Could be invaluable in maps with
separation by Mountain ranges due to it's long range, but such maps are rare.
Both suits are good and better than the basic outfit, but the Uniform is
probably the best option. Even against a Submarine, that 20 extra damage will
not sink it in one hit, and the cost reduction to 700 is very significant.
Unfortunately, the versatility and power of Maid outfit Bombers make Bships
obsolete in most situations.
=Attack Sub=
Cost - 600
AT - 120
EG - 15
Move - 70
Sight - 4
Swimsuit - Sight +1, Damage received +20
Diving - Move *0.7, Damage recieved -20
Analysis -
The Attack Sub is obviously an anti-sea unit, since those are the only units
it can attack. as a slight advantage, it can also only be atacked by other
Subs and also Bombers. It can take out a Battleship in two shots, but the unit
that will be causing more trouble for you will more likely be Bombers. Subs
are still decent however, since they can kill an enemy Lander with a little
support from any other unit, and deal more damage to that rare Battleship
than a Bomber can.
For the Sub, contrary to most other units, both suits are actually pretty
bad. The extra sight can be nice on large Sea, no Air maps, but the lowered
defense means that you will lose every one-on-one Sub match-up. The diving
suit could make a decent Naval Blockade unit if you needed to spam them for
some reason, but the movement penalty drops the Hisoka's movement to 49, one
point short of 5 spaces of sea movemnt. 7 move to 4 move is a terrible trade
off. Stick with the Basic outfit.
=Landing Craft=
Cost - 300
AT - 110
EG - 15
Move - 80
Carry - 3 infantry or vehicles
Sight - 4
Marine - Move *1.3, Carry capacity 1
Navy - Damage received -20, Cost *1.3
Analysis -
The Lander is somewhat useful in the fact that it is the only unit capable
of carrying vehicle units to other islands. In maps with Air however, air
units are strictly superior to any land based units you could ferry besides
infantry, and the helicopter is a better choice for that. As the importance
of land vehicles increases, so does the usefulness of the lander. This
combined with the Lander's low damage output makes it a purely situational
Once again, both suits are inferior to the Basic outfit. Extra move at the
cost of 2 transport slots makes an already situational unit even more situa-
tional. The raised defense is also insignificant unless Landers are the only
available naval unit for building, otherwise the increased cost just isn't
--- .6. Summmary ---
Air units are the best units, both in versatility and power. They should of
course be supported by medics and possibly a few infantry/heavy infantry for
capturing. On maps without Air, your best damage dealers will be Battleships,
Tanks, and to a lesser extent Artillery especially with AT reduction gear.
--- .7. Credits ---
Thanks for reading, I hope this information will make your Gadget Trial
playthrough easier/more enjoyable. Thanks to Kumasan Team and Kogado Studio
for a fine game, and the fine team from yu-ri.is.moelicious.be for their
english translation. And special thanks to Kligamayan for keeping the Gadget
Trial board on gamefaqs alive and bumping my damage chart topic.