Gazzyboy Photo Studio Escape Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games. | | |
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The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in
games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part
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Gazzyboy Photo Studio Escape
1. go through first room on the left & click the middle stand, zoom in on the
lower part of stand and take metal rod on the left leg from stand.
2. Zoom back out twice and click left side to see cabinet. Zoom in and take
3. Zoom back out and go to the room on the right (darkroom). Click on the
gallery and zoom the colored picture – take the battery charger from the
man’s jacket
4. Zoom back out twice and click the upper left lamp and use metal rod on lamp.
Take blue chemical solution.
5. Zoom out and click cupboard under basin, open it and take dryer.
6. Go back to the first room and enter the front room. Look at the right table
and get key (right side of glasses).
7. Zoom out and click the counter twice to take spoon. Back out again and
click on 2nd right door from shelf. On the lower 2nd row from right drag
the things aside to reveal a film roll – take it and zoom out.
8. Go through the right door and click the right cabinets. Take stick mop from
top cabinets and click on the very left door. Zoom in on toilet and then on
toilet paper dispenser – open it and take yellow chemical solution.
9. Return to 1st room and click on the white outlet on the wall between the
two doors. Cut wires with scissor, back out and zoom on left camera on
ceiling. Click it and get a lens. Zoom out.
10. Click white area of desk twice. Click the big button on middle right of
computer tower to turn pc on.
11. Zoom in on phone and click it again to turn it around. Use spoon on
rectangle and get battery.
12. Back out and zoom in on pc tower. Click the white area on the right side
of the power button.
13. Use the stick mop to get the battery. Back out once and combine the batteries
with the charger in your inventory.
14. Drag the charger on the white spot on the left side of the small red button.
Back out again to see the computer screen. Wait until the screen says “BATTRY
FULL” (not my spelling mistake) ;-)
15. Click tower again and take the batteries. Back out.
16. Click top left drawer of desk, use key on brown bag and get camera.
17. Back out three times and zoom in on gallery. Double-click stick mop in your
inventory and click the stick twice. Now use the stick on the gallery to
smash the glass. On upper 2nd row on the very left is a glass piece (hard
to see). Take it and back out once.
18. Zoom in on the clock. Use stick on clock to smash glass.
Take the red solution.
19. Zoom back out and go to the room on the left. Click the door on the right,
but DON’T ENTER. Click on the very side of screen and see other part of room.
20. Click the right black umbrella twice and use glass on centre. Take flash unit.
21. Back out and go to the darkroom. Click camera in your inventory, combine lens
and flash unit with it. For inserting the batteries, drag them just slightly
below bottom left side of camera. Film roll goes in on bottom right side.
22. Now click the right side of camera to turn it around. Close the view and drag
the camera from your inventory to the gallery. Click the upper right button to
make a photo. Take the film and zoom in on the right washbasin. Click handle
to fill it with water.
23. First drag blue solution to the left side of basin, then red and yellow.
24. Drag film to basin and then dryer to the negative on the right side of basin.
Take photo and look at it.
25. Look at the word LION left side of air conditioner. Rotate it 180 degrees and
get password SPOILERNO17SPOILER.
26. Go back to 1st room and click bottom of screen to see back of room.
27. Click the door and enter the password from photo above the door.
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2025 |
CheatBook-DataBase 2025 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64,
DVD, Wii U, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid
gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 28.200 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 11, 2025.
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