
Geneforge 3 Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Geneforge 3

Geneforge 3

                            GENEFORGE 3

              FAQ/WALKTHROUGH (version 1.1) by Matt P,
Contact for information/comments on this FAQ.  
 If I use your comments in this FAQ, you will be given full credit.
              Version 1.1 (Complete)

Geneforge 3 is copyright Spiderweb software and all names used in this guide 
are their rights.

This FAQ is copyright Matt P and may not be reproduced without permission
of the author.  Permission will not be given to any website except for
GameFAQs until completion of the FAQ.

Check and its fora for the most up to date hints and discussion.
Many facts were claimed from that site.

I have beaten the game twice as a pro-shaper character, a guardian and an 
agent.  This playthrough that I'm using to write the FAQ will be 
a pro-rebel shaper.  As such, I may have missed some trainers and canisters.

What’s new in Geneforge 3?  Geneforge 3 is the third game in the Geneforge
Saga and expands on the plots established in the first two games.  In this
game, the activities of the rebels are more overt with the game starting
off with a direct attack on your school.  There are only two factions in
this game, the loyalists and the rebels, unlike the previous two games, 
which also included the Awakened.  The game is Island based (meaning you 
must take a boat to get from one island to the next) and also has a day 
counter which does not affect too much.  Also, you are able to enhance 
and craft many items, enabling the generation of some potent artifacts.  
Money is less of an issue as well, with merchants having unlimited Gold.

Table of Contents:
1. Quick Hints
2. Class Guide
3. Skill Guide
4. Spell Guide
5. Creation Guide
6. FAQ/Walkthrough (Area Guide)
7. Item List/Equipment recommendations
8. Recipe/Rare Item List
9. Canister/Skill Point Locator

1. Quick Hints (FAQ)
Why is my essence not going above ____?
  Your creations are a permanent drain on your essence for as long as you
  have them.  Absorb them if it's really bothering you and play as an
What items should I keep?
  Keep all dried herbs, shaper research notes, and shaper equipment.
  They all sell for much more at certain places than what you can find at a
  typical store.  Additionally, keep several rare items for recipes.  Most 
  recipe items don’t sell for anything, so you shouldn't have a hard time
  discerning what is what.  Also, generally keep jewelry- you can add an
  ingredient to them and make something worth a lot more than it cost.
  Keep some shaped items like the belt, breastplate, and shield- these
  are recipe ingredients, not just strong armor.
What equipment should I have on me?
  Keep all infiltrator items (from Drakefyre).  The bonus to leadership
  and mechanics can make a significant difference.  Equip those items
  before doing something mech-intensive.
How do I steal things?
  If YOU are not caught, it’s not a crime.  Since your creations
  and friends don’t count, hide yourself and send them where you want to 
  steal something, and press "g".  You will have full access to the items 
  on the ground, and won’t get caught.  I'll steal your toast reminds me
  that you can usually close the door behind you when you are stealing
  items and so long as no one sees you do it, you are safe to steal.
Should I use canisters?
  Either go all out, or don’t go much at all.  You will 
  find several canisters throughout the game, but using them has a 
  price.  Don’t use more than 6 if you don’t want to pay that price!  
  Alterations, however, don’t cost a thing other than gold.
I have a lot of money after the first island!
  Money may seem abundant, but be careful.  You can easily blow 
  10K in a sitting.  Don’t buy too many items- you can usually find what 
  you’re looking for without needing to go to a store.  Also, pick lots of 
  stuff up and sell it.  At the end of the game, there are 50 K worth of 
  alterations for you to purchase if you so desire.  That’s a lot of money.
What things can I make with recipes?
  Recipes bring in fun and profit.  Definitely the most valuable items you
  can make with recipes are the artifacts.  However, drayk scales can
  make your rings very valuable, as can artila eyes with your necklaces.
  If you would prefer to make wands out of them, then that's your choice,
  but if you don't use wands (I almost never do), then using them in rings
  can make you a lot of gold.  Shielding bands however, are not worth it.
Should I wait to use that book that trains create thahd till after I find
a trainer?
  Unlike the previous Geneforge, trainers will train you in a 
  skill even if you found a canister or book that taught you that skill.  
  If you have increased your skill by increasing it with skill points, then 
  this is not the case.
When should I join the rebels or provide rebellious opinions?
  The best way to get the most out of characters in the first 
  part of the game is to play it neutral or pro-shaper.  You can go ahead 
  and help the rebels if you want, but be neutral or pro-shaper in the 
  opinions you give others.  This allows you to get the most training.  
  Also, initially the shapers are much more powerful than the rebels.  
  Sitting on the fence does not benefit you in any significant way- if you 
  are pro-shaper but express pro-rebel views you will have problems getting 

2. Class Guide:
  Shaper: The maker of creations, these characters are most skilled at 
summoning allies.  They are moderately skilled at magic, but not at combat.
Keep them out of it if at all possible!  Increase your intelligence mainly
to have the essence necessary for creations.  Increasing shaping skills will
make your creations stronger, and unlock stronger creations, but that's no
good if you can't even summon them, so focus on intelligence.  Shapers should
also increase their magic skills as needed.  Try to aim for ~7 in magic skills
by the fourth island or so.  The spells you get will help immensely.  You can
focus on only one creation type (fire, battle, shaping) and will do just
fine in the game.
Shapers get the most essence points of any class.
  Guardian: The warrior of the shapers, most skilled at fighting, but can 
summon if need be.  Use his battle skills to kill your enemies.  There 
are two main varieties- melee and missile.  Missile guardians can get 
extremely high damage with batons, javelins, crystals and wands.  Some 
people find them extremely effective.  Typically, a guardian needs creations
that will last a while but can attack from a distance, so fire creations are
probably their best choice.
Guardians get the most hit points of any class.
  Agent: The infiltrator, the agent has the potential to be the most 
powerful solo character.  Focus on magic and ignore most all else.  
Concentrate on either mental or battle magic.  The most powerful agents
upgrade one of these skills and/or spellcraft as much as possible. Skip
shaping, except for may one or two points as your creations will mainly be
extremely weak and useful only as distractions or as thieving assistants.
Weapon skills are nice when dealing with magic resistant enemies (vlish,
glaahks, turrets), but switching spell types is also very effective.
Agents get the most spell points of any class.

3. Skill Guide:
  Strength: Affects carrying capacity and melee weapon damage and to hit%.
Depending on your playing style you may or may not want to buy some levels
of this skill.  You can get away with purchasing very few levels (although
not being able to carry things does get annoying), but if you intend on 
doing melee damage, definitely upgrade this skill.  Shapers should not 
focus too much on this skill.  Late in the game you will be able to make
a powerful necklace that can really alleviate your need to increase this
skill.  The guardian claymore is also available reasonably early, so 
there are several points available from sources outside of improving
this skill.  Increases Stun Resistance.
  Dexterity: Affects your attacking speed, dodging chance, and missile 
weapon damage and to hit%.  Like strength, this is a matter of personal 
opinion.  Buying a lot will make your missile weapon skills nearly unbeatable.
Increases acid resistance.
  Intelligence: Affects your spell points and essence points.  Necessary 
if you intend to cast spells or control many creations.  A good default
skill to increase for shapers and agents, and even for guardians initially.
Increases mental resistance.
  Endurance: Affects your health points and some resistances.  This is 
probably the least important main skill provided you don’t intend to do
much melee fighting.  If you do want to, then unless you want to reload 
constantly, buy some points.  Depending on your equipment setup, you
can recieve several points in this skill without too much of an
investment.  Increases poison resistance.

  Melee Weapons: Increases your to hit% and damage with melee weapons.  
If you prefer these weapons and use them often, then invest in this skill.
  Missile Weapons: Increases your to hit% and damage with missile weapons- 
batons, javelins, wands and crystals.  If you prefer these weapons and use 
them often, then invest in this skill.
  Quick Action: This skill gives you a chance of attacking twice and also 
increases your attack order.  It’s cheap and easily increased.  Everyone 
should train a few points of this skill (preferably from Vandrin).
  Parry: Parry is not nearly as powerful as previous games.  Each point 
in parry gives you a +2% chance of blocking an attack.  Melee Guardians 
may want to buy a few points, but others will find a better investment 
elsewhere.  Walter notes that parry may also decrease the amount of
damage received from an attack.  How much is unknown at present.  If
so, this skill would be more useful.  Parry maxes out at a certain
block percent (how much is unclear), so there are diminishing returns.

  Battle Magic: Increases your battle magic strength.  Really nice for 
agents, but pretty useless for guardians.  Shapers will like it for cheap 
attacks.  You can hold off training till after Dhonal's keep (speak 
with Gretchen) so as to minimize skill point investment.
  Mental Magic: Increases your mental magic strength.  Also really nice 
for agents, but other than trying to get unlock, guardians can skip it.
Some of the spells here are very powerful.  You can hold off training till
after Dhonal's keep (speak with Gretchen) so as to minimize skill 
point investment.
  Blessing Magic: Agents can mostly skip this class, other than for a 
few blessing spells and the vitally important Speed.  All classes 
will want to invest a few points to get this potent spell.  You can 
hold off training till after Dhonal's keep (speak with Gretchen) so 
as to minimize skill point investment.
  Spellcraft: Makes all your spells more powerful.  One of the best 
skills for agents.  The other classes may find it useful, but not 
necessary.  You can hold off training till after Dhonal's keep 
(speak with Gretchen) so as to minimize skill point investment.

  Fire Shaping: Allows for fire shaping creations (fyora, roamer, drayk, 
drakon).  Has some very powerful creations, but slightly more expensive
than other skills.  There are also fewer items and events that improve 
this skill than the other two skills, so investment in this one (to 
~5 or so) is reasonable, especially for shapers.  Walter says that
fire shaping may be best for rebels, as they are the only ones who
can really add points to this skill.  Ur-Drakons can not be
made by loyalists either.  So of the shaping skills, this one
has the least benefit to a purist shaper.
  Battle Shaping: Battle creations are good cannon fodder (thahd, 
clawbug, battle alpha, rotghroth), especially the potent rotghroth.
  Magic Shaping: The most original creations are magic shapings.  Artila, 
Vlish, Glaahk, and the Gazer are all very potent, though expensive.
  Healing Craft: At most, invest one point in this skill.  There are 
MANY instances where you will get bonuses to this skill, so you 
can basically ignore it.  Once you get above the critical level of about 4,
then all other points will be easy to get.  

  Leadership: Leadership gives you more dialogue choices, and will lower 
some store prices.  Have about ~7 by finishing the first island.  Have at 
least 10 points (including item bonuses) before you take on the acidic 
valley to get a nice bonus to your stats.  Zeviz notes that leadership is
used in many conversations, and that frequently it will get you more
experience than simply fighting an enemy will do.  It's worth investing
a number of points in.
  Mechanics:  Influences your chance to disarm traps and perform other 
feats of technical skill.  Have ~8 before leaving the first island.  
Depending on your desire for total game completion, you may need 
as many as 20 points.
  Luck: Gives a minor bonus to find items and to resistances.  Affects 
a few minor events.  It’s not necessary to have too many points 
in this skill, though if you want to collect a lot of body parts, you 
will have to have some points in this skill. Adds one point to each resistance
and armor per point of skill.

4. Spell Guide:
Spells are versatile and useful in Geneforge.  However, some are more 
versatile and useful than others.

Battle Spells:
  Fire Bolt- The low level damage spell, it’s a staple for most of the game.
Guardians will never do enough damage with this spell to make it better 
than missile weapons, generally speaking.
  Burning Spray- rains acid down on a single enemy.  If the enemy is 
protected against fire or ice, chances are they aren’t protected against 
this spell (which also has a high to hit %).  Searer tends to be better 
and more damaging.
  Searer- stronger than burning spray, some enemies are very vulnerable 
to this spell, compared to other direct damage spells.  Magic resistant
enemies like vlish tend not to take much damage from the initial hit
but do by the subsequent acid damage.  This spell is really potent
vs. golems.
  Ice Bolt- the next level up, if an enemy is vulnerable to fire, 
they’ll probably also be vulnerable to this spell.  It’s more expensive 
than firebolt but can do 3-4 times the damage.
  Essence Orbs- an expensive but potent multi-enemy spell.  Get it, and
launch up to 3 orbs at a group of enemies.  They should be weakened greatly
if not killed.
  Acid Shower- Sprays all nearby enemies with acid.  The acid acts slowly
over the next few turns.  As far as damage spells go, you'd do better to
go for essence orbs.  If there are a lot of enemies on screen, then
this spell may be useful.  However, those occasions are rare and you're
best off with essence orbs.  Drakefyre reminds me that this spell
helps a lot with golems.
  Kill- potent single-enemy damaging spell.  However, if the enemy is
resistant against magic, you'll probably get 30 or so damage from this
spell, in which case you'd be better off going for firebolt.  Rotghroths
fall quickly to this spell.
  Aura of Flames- a potent magic-intensive spell.  If you can cast this
and not have all your spell points drained after a few castings, then
all the more power to you.  It's strong, hits all nearby enemies, and
usually stuns them pretty well also.  Fire resistant enemies, like drayks
and drakons won't be too hurt by it, though.

Mental Spells:
  Daze- A great low level spell, daze stuns your enemies and gives you some
time to breathe.  All characters can benefit from this spell.
  Mental Barrier- protects you and your creations from mental effects 
(terror, dominate, etc.) There are some occasions when you might find
it useful, but generally it's not that critical.  A shaper will
find it much more useful, as it can help low level creations immensely,
as well as Alwan and Greta.
  Unlock- Saves living tools by opening some doors.  Does not give XP
like manual unlocking things does.  Still, very useful at higher levels
when living tools are scarce.  Also, this spell's power is increased
by increasing your mechanics skill (even by items).  So try to add
items that increase mech before casting this spell.
  Terror- Has a chance of frightening an enemy and immobilizing it.
Surprisingly strong, this spell can take an enemy out of commission by
scaring it and paralyzing it.  Gazers and Eyebeasts are vulnerable to this
spell, making it very useful at high levels.
  Dominate- Has a chance of taking control of an enemy.  Nice because you
can use it on the tough creation leader and have him kill his 
acquaintances.  Expensive though.
  Strong Daze- an improved version of daze, this spell is stronger and
can daze more opponents.  Use this when your daze spell doesn't cut it.
  Charisma- Adds some points to your leadership stat temporarily.  Allows
you to not have to invest some points in leadership, but it's not too
useful all the time.  Don't go out of your way to get it.  This spell
can be supplanted by items like infiltrator items.  However, you could
cast this spell and save on inventory.
  Mass Madness- Charms and/or dazes enemies.  Very useful when you're
swarmed, you'll probably cast this spell more often off of madness
gems than you will cast it by personal means.  A great emergency spell.

Blessing Spells:
  War Blessing- a nice blessing spell that adds ~20% to your and your 
allies to hit% and to their damage.  Cheap, cast it before moderate or 
tough battles.
  Protection- a potent little spell that reduces the damage you and your 
creations take.  Like War Blessing, cast it often.  Removes 20% of 
damage taken.
  Essence Shield- A permanent shield cast per map, this spell is 
useful for those cast and forget characters like agents.  Improves your
abilty to dodge attacks.  Cast this spell if there is an essence
pool on the map!  Shapers should cast it on their creations.
  Speed- vitally important, this spell adds up to half of your total AP
to your character.  So if you have AP enhancing items, gives you a good 
bonus.  Worth increasing blessing magic for this spell alone.
  Mass Energize- casts bless and hastes your party.  Probably one of
the best spells in the game for shapers.  This spell will end most
fights very quickly.  Note that the blessing and hasting don't last as
long as the earlier spells.  You may have to recast frequently.
This spell also heals you and your creations. 
  Steelskin- a permanent damage reducing spell (may make it harder to
hit you?).  Like essence shield, a good spell for agents or guardians,
provided they have the skill to cast it.  Can overlap with essence 
shield.  Removes 20% of damage taken, cumulative with protection.
Cast this spell if there is an essence pool on the map!  Shapers should
also cast it on their creations.
  Essence Armor- An improved essence shield, this spell replaces it
when cast.  Use it when you have SP to burn.  Improves your ability to
dodge attacks. Essence armor also increases your health significantly
(brought to my attention by Walter).  That makes this spell considerably
nicer.  Cast this spell if there is an essence pool on the map!  Shapers
should also cast it on their creations.
  Battle Roar- blesses, heals, shields, etc. you and your party.  This
spell is hard to get, but nice once you finally do it.  However, if you're
not in combat, cast protection and war blessing instead- they are cheaper.

Healing Spells:
  Minor Heal- a potent low level heal spell.  Use this outside of combat 
at high levels, it has the best return of HP for your SP.  Use stronger 
spells in combat.
  Cure Effects- removes poison and acid.  Useful, but if you need to 
cast it on yourself try to cast it during combat.  Outside of combat, 
the poison or acid will interrupt your spell too often.
  Augmentation- provides a semi-permanent HP boost.  Very useful for 
the characters with essence to spare but with low HP (like agents).
Cast this spell if there is an essence pool on the map!  Shapers should
also cast it on their creations to make the map that much easier.
  Heal- stronger than minor heal, this is a nice potent spell is best 
cast during battle when really low on HP.  Casting it outside of 
combat is somewhat costly in spell points.
  Group Heal- Heals all of your characters at once.   Allows you to go
ahead and sell those healing spores.
  Remove Effects- cancels fear and charm on an enemy as well as other
negative effects.  Worth casting as a d'oh type spell.
  Major Heal- a hefty heal spell, good for emergencies, otherwise cast
a weaker, cheaper spell a few times.
  Mass Restore- heals all and removes bad status effects.  Go for it.

5.  Creation Guide: Here is some background info on the various creations you
can summon in Geneforge 3.  The numbers following the name are the cost in
essence without and with the recommended 2 points of intelligence.  
Additionally, the damage type that the creation does is listed at the end
of the description.  These descriptions come from Hume on the spiderweb
message boards.
  Fyora (8,11)- a small red lizard that spits fire.  A nice creation that has
a decent range attack.  Will never run out of fire, unlock other ranged
creations.  These are great at low levels, and if kept for a while, are still
very strong.  Damage type: fire (Mis), physical (MeW)
  Cryoa (30,39)- similar to the fyora, but shoots icebolts instead of fire.
Damage type: ice (Mis), physical (MeW)
  Roamer (15,20)- An acid shooting dog-like creature, their melee attacks are
a bit stronger than the artila.  I'd stick with artila or switch to searing
artila.  Damage type: Magic (Mis), physical (MeW)
  Pyroroamer (12,17)- Looks like a pink roamer.  These creations explode when
slain, which does damage loosely based on strength.  Not really that useful
except as a novelty.  Damage type: Physical
  Drayk (50,63)- A definite improvement for fire shaping.  The drayk hits hard 
and often.  They are very potent allies well worth the price.  The only
problem is that there are few occasions to increase this skill, compared
to other third tier creations.
Damage type: Fire (Mis), physical (MeW)
  Cryodrayk (80,99)
Damage type: Ice (Mis), physical (MeW)
  Drakon (150,183)
Damage type: Magic (Mis), physical (MeW)
  Ur-Drakon (300,363)- There does not appear to be any way to make these
creations without cheating.  
Damage type: Magic (Mis), physical (MeW)

  Thahd (8,11)- a ape-like humanoid who serves very well as cannon fodder.
This creation is especially useful at lower levels.  No real special
abilities except for cheap attacks.
Damage type: Physical
  Thahd Shade (28,35)- a translucent thahd, this creation is hard
for your enemies to hit.  Max out its dexterity and nothing will be able
to hit it more than one time out of one hundred for at least the first
two or three islands (from the spiderweb message boards).
Damage type: Physical
  Clawbug (20,27)-
Damage type: Physical
  Plated Clawbug (48,59)- The only creation with 10 AP, these clawbugs
can attack twice, making them more potent then their non-plated kin.
Damage type: Physical
  Battle Alpha (40,51)- A hard hitter, the battle alpha is somewhat
unimpressive.  No special abilties or good attacks, this creation can
be ignored.  Get a rotghroth instead.
Damage type: Physical
  Battle Beta (60,75)- Basically a stronger battle alpha.  I've not used
one much at all, so I don't have a good feel for these creations.
Damage type: Physical
  Rotghroth (125,152)- A strong battle creation with a nice slowing
attack, some parry ability, and a fast attack.  Probably the best battle
creation for the cost.  Interestingly, loyalists will be able to get this
before rebels.  Damage type: Acid
  Rotdhizon (250,303)-
Damage type: Acid

  Artila (12,17)- a wormlike creature with a very powerful searer attack.  
Definitely more powerful than the fyora, but this creation can not shoot 
nearly as many attacks as a fyora, so their staying power is a lot less.
Great at the early game.  Damage type: Magic (Mis), physical (MeW) 
  Searing Artila (30,39)- basically an upgrade artila, with a better to hit%
and stronger bolts.  You're probably better off switching to something 
like a drayk, if you can afford it.  Great at the early game.  Damage 
type: Magic (Mis), physical (MeW)
  Vlish (15,20)- an excellent ally, the vlish shoot stunning bolts that stun
and slow your enemies.  However, their bolts are among the most easy to
ignore by your enemies.  Add some variety to your troup, having only
vlish will result in a very difficult game.
Damage type: Magic (Mis), physical (MeW)
  Terror Vlish (45,56)- Unlike the name and previous Geneforges, terror
vlish don't cast terror any more.  Now they do poison damage, which is
surprisingly potent, but which doesn't affect several enemies.  They
may be a useful creation if you're not fighting pylons and golems.
Damage type: Poison (Mis), physical (MeW)
  Glaahk (60,75)- a powerful magic creation, the glaahk is better than
many battle creations.  The glaahk is capable of stunning and slowing its
enemies on a successful hit.  
Damage type: Physical
  Ur-Glaahk (100,123)
Damage type: Physical
  Gazer (125,152)- This creation has one of the strongest missile attacks
in the game.  These are nice companions.
Damage type: Magic (Mis), Magic (MeW)
  Eyebeast (250,303) - the ultimate in heavy artillery.  Unlike the previous
game, you can get one decently early as well.  Takes a long time to recharge,
though. Damage type: Fire (Mis), Magic (MeW)

6. Area Guide:
Name of Level 
Q: Quests available (R) Pro-rebels only, (S) Pro-shaper only
S: Skills and spells available (If a character's name is provided, then he/
she is a trainer and will train a skill for gold)
O: Opinions available- talking to these characters will influence your rebel/
shaper standing by a point amount given in parentheses.  Doing their quests
likewise will influence by a point value given.  If no sign (no + or -) is
present before the skill, then you actions can either raise or lower it by
that amount.  You start with 100 points, and each opinion give will change
this value.  Some quests require a specific reputation (much less than 100,
more than 100).
D: Directions to other locations (provided by Seletine)
$: Merchants who will buy from you
  Text description of level.

------------------------------Greenwood Island----------------------------------

Level 1 School
Q: Escape from Basement, Find Mind Hrrol
S: War Blessing
O: None
D: Up to Greenwood Academy
$: None
  Welcome to Geneforge 3.  This game starts with a significant bit of 
excitement.  The tutorial is pretty comprehensive, and your best bet is to 
follow its guidelines.  You need to leave the basement and find a servant 
mind.  There are a number of minor items including a dagger, sandals, 
chitin armor, cloaks and robes (on a body in a hall). You’ll find a room 
that prompts you to try to enter and use some living tools.  If you have 
enough mechanics (~4) then you won’t need to use the living tools, which 
are always good to save.  As you continue you’ll be prompted to prepare 
for battle.  Shapers will probably want to make a fyora.  As you search 
for items, and you will find several that you may not know whether or 
not to bring.  As a good rule of thumb, if they are worth more than 12 
gold per pound, grab them.  You can sell items for 25% of their purchasing 
price in general (some quests provide exceptions).  Money is rare at the 
beginning of the game, and this cash will be very helpful.  You may need 
to drop your items before you finish the school, but that’s OK.  Kill the 
enemies and return to grab your stuff.  Kill the enemies to the NE (take 
the shaper’s equipment!), and you’ll find a book that teaches you War 
Blessing.  Therese comes out to talk with you (you can insult her if you 
want, although then you must pay the penalty- she will not give you any
items in the next area- from Walter) and will help you kill the nearby 
enemies if you desire.  You’ll find a pair of gloves south of the exit,
with javelins.  Return when this place is cleared of debris for some 
living tools and a wand of terror at a pile of sacks near the south 
center of the area.

Greenwood Academy
Q: Visit Fort Kentia, Visit Dhonal’s Keep
S: None
O: Master Hoge (3), Alwan (3), Hanna (3-4)
D: Down to Level 1 School, North to South End
$: None
  You’ve cleared the basement, now you can continue to explore.  There are 
many enemies on the perimeter of the school.  Mind Hrrol is to the SW 
and you should see him as soon as possible.  He’ll tell you to 
visit Fort Kentia and after doing that, visit Dhonal’s keep.  Both get 
you experience.  The instructor rooms have nice goodies including crystals 
and batons (missile weapons).  If you want you can take Alwan with you on 
your journey.  Alwan acts as a free creation that costs no essence and 
can be trained to near perfection.  He can be upgraded twice.  Alwan is 
pro-shaper and will make his opinion known to you.  Also, if Alwan dies,
he returns to this area where you found him.  Once you make it to Dhonal's
Island, he will appear elsewhere, but for now, this is where he is at.
Nearby is a bronze sword.  Therese from the floor below is to the NE. If
you didn't insult her, you can get a spray crystal from her.
Also nearby is Master Hoge, a  teacher who is not the nicest.  Talk him to
intimidate him with leadership (and an experience gain).  You can 
attack him, but he will kill you unless you cheat.  His stuff 
has a fair bit of nice small items.  Head to the NE for two vats 
with monsters in them (one drops a gemstone).  Head N to the exit, and 
you can get guard (stover) to help you (with leadership).  There’s a fyora who 
drops a nice spray crystal.  Near the exit is a battle beta who needs 
to die.  He’s somewhat tough but nothing you can’t handle.  He drops a 
spray crystal and some chain armor.  There is a rogue servile to the
north who you can attack if you want to strengthen your pro-shaper
views.  You can now leave.  Return after talking to the commander 
at Fort Kentia for some XP and the instruction to go to Dhonal’s 
Keep (XP for that as well).

South End
Q: Clear Bridge, Clear Rogue Nest
S: Create Thahd, Crider (Trains spells).
O: Crider (3), Greta (3)
D: North to Eastern Road, West to Captured Bridge, South to Greenwood Academy
$: Hinman
  Immediately on exiting, you are confronted by a powerful shaper, Litalia.  
Litalia threatens you and tells you to join her.  Once she lets you go, 
head SE for some dried herbs, which you should keep as there is a nice 
quest that will earn you a lot of money per herb delivered.  The NW has 
two individuals who will sell/give you items.  Hinman is a salesman who 
also gives you a quest to clear a bridge to the west (and will give 
some crystals reluctantly with leadership).  Doing so gets you a blessed 
bauble.  He has a number of items you can steal as well.  Summon a 
creation, and walk outside.  Place the creation in the store and get his 
stuff.  Greta will join you here as well.  She is a decent mage and will 
accompany you in a way similar to Alwan.  She is pro-rebel.  She will 
return here if she dies during your adventure.  Crider will 
trainn Road
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: South to South End, North to Testing Grounds, West to Minefield Woods
$: None
  The enemies here patrol the main path.  The game advises that you can 
hide from them by staying off the main path, but the enemies aren’t that 
hard, so go ahead and kill them.  A daze spell works wonders.  There’s 
a body with some gold and a healing pod just north of the southern 
entrance; searching it repeats that you can avoid enemies by staying off 
the main path.  The NW has some artila and the very pleasing Carnelian 
gloves, which give a bonus to spellcasting abilities (useful for all 
classes for a long time).  One artila also dropped an artila eye for 
me- keep any of these that you find.  Head east through the final 
batch of enemies, and through the woods and through some turrets to 
get to a small goody chest with leather pants and a few other niceties. 

Captured Bridge
Q: Escort Serviles
S: None
O: None
D: East to South End, West to Kentia South Gate, North to Minefield Woods
$: None
  Rogues wander about, but most aren’t that hard. The exception is the 
bridge, which is guarded by five thahds (and a few fyora and thahds 
across the bridge).  One thahd is named Guhrr, and he’s the leader.  
You can threaten him with leadership and he’ll leave, or you can kill 
him.  He is holding a thahd skin tunic.  Once cleared, you can rescue 
the serviles to the north.  Be warned, some fyora will spawn near their 
exit.  Helping them out gets you a few experience per servile 
rescued.  The SW has a house with a shield of warmth and some heavy boots.

Kentia South Gate
Q: Kill hidden worm
S: None
O: Meraia (3)
D: East to Minefield Woods, South to Captured Bridge, North to Fort 
   Kentia, Down to Sea Caves
$: None
  Like the previous areas, this has rogues.  Kill them for some nice 
items, including leather pants.  Meraia has a quest for you to kill 
a worm (located SW).  Do so and it will drop an artila skin tunic.  
There’s an exit to the SW that will take you to the Sea caves, which
is probably one of the more difficult areas on the island, so hold 
off for now.  Tell Meraia of your success for experience.

Minefield woods
Q: Recover Shaper Book
S: Scintle
O: Scintle (3), Scintle Q (-3)
D: East to Eastern Roads, West to Kentia South Gate, South to 
   Captured Bridge, North to Kentia East Gate
$: None
  This is your first encounter with mines.  Watch out for them as 
a wrong step could blow them up on you.  You get a handsome bit of 
experience for this exercise.  Get to the NE to find Scintle, a 
sketchy fellow.  Scintle will train you in some spells, but they are 
much more expensive than Hawthorne.  Still, you can acquire some 
decent healing spells (like augmentation).  Scintle will give a 
quest to find a book, although giving it to him is a rebellious 
action, and doesn’t get you much (he turns off his traps to his north 
room, but you can explore as you want without too much worry- open 
the door and close it ASAP).  The north door has a grounded robe.
You can get a nice prize for the book much later in the game.
The most important item he has is some saltweed in the door to the 
east.  To the west you’ll find a recipe for Icy crystal (gemstone 
+ beautiful crystal) and if you can disarm his dresser, you’ll 
get a discipline wand.

Kentia East Gate
Q: Clear Rogues, Find a Prism, Find a Wand
S: Hawthorne
O: Duff (3)
D: West to Fort Kentia, South to Minefield Woods, North to Kentia Mines
$: Hawthorne
  Almost to Fort Kentia, there are several good quests and helpful 
individuals here.  Filkins has a quest for you- to clear some rogues 
near the NW.  You get some experience for this, and one rogue drops 
a stability bauble for your trouble.  Most important to you is 
Hawthorne, who will let you use his anvil, trade with you, give 
you a few quests, train your magic, help you on a future quest, 
and give you an enhancing gem.  Enhancing gems give a bonus to 
a resistance (on armor) or damage bonus (on a weapon) when you add 
it to an item on an anvil.  Hawthorne will sell you two important 
spells- speed and unlock.  All characters should buy both.  His two 
quests are to find a prism (reward, living tools and a swarm crystal) 
and to find an inferno wand (XP and the all-protector recipe = 
perfected shield + solidified flame + unmelting ice).  You can rob 
him of his stuff (a fine cloak and robe, and a very nice reflecting 
shield are the rewards for your trouble) by sneaking around his 
stuff.  Duff is to the NE, and will talk with you.  There are a 
number of crystals to the NE as well.

Fort Kentia
Q: Cure Torsten, Investigate Damix’s trap, Clear Basement, Rogue in 
 the Stables, Examine Shaper Device, Find the Source of the Rogues, 
 Talk to Torsten’s Father
S: Searer 
O: Damix (3), Commander Hevvig (3, +1 if demand key), Khogarth 
   (-3 agree, +2 back down,+4 kill)
D: East to Kentia East Gate, South to Kentia South Gate, Down to 
Under Fort Kentia, Boat to Harmony East Docks
$: Veil
  When you enter, Pyx comes to see you.  She wants you to help her 
husband, Torsten.  He is to the SW, and has a nasty disease.  
Hawthorne can help you with it.  Curing him doesn’t get you anything 
till you make it to Dhonal’s keep.  Damix will ask you to 
investigate his trap- do so (you’ll probably set it off, not disarm 
it) for some XP.  Veil is a merchant who wants you to clear his 
basement.  Do so and he’ll open a chest for you (kind of a crappy 
reward).  Alillia at the inn asks you to take care of the rogue in 
the stables- doing so (attack or absorb) for 100 gold.  There’s a 
drunk in the bar you can kill if you want (or talk to him nicely).  
Tuona has two items you may consider purchasing- a silver necklace 
and an artila eye.  Combine them both on an anvil for a great 
necklace- a blessed necklace.  If you have found either item, 
definitely use them on that (the artila eye is much more expensive- 
so be on the lookout for one). Finally, go talk with Commander 
Hevvig.  She wants you to investigate a canister to the NE- use 
it for a point of searer if you want.  Talk to her again afterwards 
for your next assignment- figure out who is making the rogues.  
With a high leadership you don’t have to kill it, though it doesn’t 
hurt.  Also with high leadership you can get her to give you a key 
to the city, getting some nice items in the process.  This is a
typical shaper action, and changes peoples' opinion of you slightly.
Completion of Hevvig's final quest gets you a set of essence 
vambraces, the best pants you’ll find for several islands.

Fort Kentia Basement
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: Up to Fort Kentia
$: None
  This area is relatively straight-forward.  Head to the west, and 
you’ll find a bunch of monsters that decide to attack you.  They can 
swarm you, so beware.  Most importantly you can find a girdle of 
strength and some miner’s gloves.  Go to the NE for some nice items 
and gold.

Testing Grounds
Q: None
S: Create Thahd, Create Artila, Heal
O: None
D: South to Eastern Road, North to Inner Mines
$: None
  This is where shapers go for training.  As you enter, you’ll 
spot a battle beta, and some rogues will pop up.  Kill them and 
enter the training area.  There is a servant mind who will help 
you, but only if you feed it some nutrient goo.  There’s some 
nearby to the west, so collect it and feed it to it.  With 
leadership, you can convince it to tell you about the tests- you'll
need a lot for the highest bit of information.  The 
first test (NW) has you choosing between either a battle with 3 
turrets or a leadership test.  The second test is either 2 fyoras 
and 2 cryoas or a mechanics test.  The third and final test is to 
get past a blind thahd (very easy) or fight a tough blessed thahd.  
Once done, go speak with the mind.  You get access to three shaping 
texts- create thahd, artila, and heal.  
(WHEN LEVEL 20 OR GREATER)  You now have access to the 
ultra-difficult second rung test.  You get a no-stone bracelet, 
and each batch of enemies you kill gets you another stone.  First,
cast what permanent spells you have (augmentation, steel skin, etc.)
on you and your allies and recharge at the essence pool. Go 
north, and face your first enemy- a 1000+ HP golem.  It shouldn't
be too hard, but will take a few rounds to kill.  Return to the place
where you found the bracelet and you'll get a one-stone bracelet.
The first stone adds 1 to your fire shaping.  Go back, and fight
the twinspirit golems, which are two golems that heal each other
when their HP differ significantly.  Kill them and your bracelet
will get a bonus to battle shaping. The third batch of enemies are
triad golems, and it's starting to get tough.  They aren't that
much different than the previous golems, but will require some
tactics to beat.  Luckily, not all of the golems will follow you
if you want to leave the room, so use this to your advantage and
take them on one or two at a time.  This gives you a bonus to 
battle shaping.  The next enemy is a "sustained battle beta" and 
four pylons.  As long as the pylons live, the battle beta will not
die.  Kill them then you can take it out.  It's a bit easier than
the golems, since it is more vulnerable to magic.  From Drakefyre:
if you are outside the door, then only two pylons can attack you
at any one time, allowing you to kill at leisure.  For this, you
bracelet now increases the endurance of your creations and gives
you +2 to fire shaping.  The final batch of enemies are the 
pentead golems.  Individually they aren't too tough, but combined,
they will probably kill you.  Try to isolate them by leading
one to three out of the room and killing them.  The glowing
pentad golem is the strongest, but other than a few minor spells
and one distance attack (like a gazer's attack), there's not too
much special about these creatures.  Kill them to max out your
bracelet, getting +2 to all three shaping abilities, and +1 to
creation strength, dexterity and endurance.  The five-stone
bracelet is THE bracelet for shapers.

Kentia Mines
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: East to Inner Mines, South to Kentia East Gate
$: None
  There are a lot of crystals here- pluck them off the spires for a 
nice profit.  There are plenty of enemies (thahds, fyoras) and some 
artila.  The NW has a venom baton and a lot of crystals.  Near the 
east is Hawthorne’s prism.  The NE has a book with a recipe for an 
spray crystal (Gemstone + wiry moss) and a flaming wand (stick + 
gemstone +perfect fyora scale).  There’s not too much else here, so 
continue searching the mines to the east.

Inner Mines
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: West to Kentia Mines, South to Testing Grounds, North to Lair 
   of the Creator
$: None
  Your best way to enter is from the south, not the west.  The south 
has a body with a mines key, which will open a few doors.  There are 
many crystals her in this area, like the previous area.  There are 
also spawners, which will continuously regenerate enemies for you to 
fight.  They drop gems and crystals when slain.  Make your way through 
the area, opening the doors as you see fit.  There are about five 
spawners total.  There’s a body near one of the traps that has a pair 
of nimble sandals, a very nice item and some chainmail armor and a 
steel dagger.  The NE has a nice set of lockers with a batch of 
crystals and Hawthorne’s inferno wand, some nice potions and leather

Lair of the Creator 
Q: None
S: Create Fyora, Unlock
O: None
D: South to Inner Mines
$: None
  Proceed forward, and you’ll see a shade- it is Litalia.  She 
goads you on and asks what you intend to do.  There’s not much else 
to do with the shade.  Head around north.  You’ll fight several 
spawners along the way (both directions).  The NW has the best items, 
including a canister of create fyora, one of unlock, a terror wand, a 
chilling band, a student’s belt, and the shaper’s book that Scintle 
wanted.  The east path only has spawners.  When ready, enter the center 
room (no living tools are needed in the north center).  Talk to the creator-
unless you have very high leadership this will end in violence.  With 
high leadership you can shut the monster down.  Most likely, the creator 
will attack you and summon a bunch of enemies.  The enemies it summons 
are less worrisome than the creator.  The creator is fairly dangerous 
for a melee character, and his spawn are very easy to daze.  Do so to 
make your job easier- the creator will not summon more so long as 4 are 
present.  Keep hacking away, you’ll take the fied down.  It drops an 
empathy blade and a girdle of nimbleness.  Return to Fort Kentia when 
you’re done.

Sea Caves
Q: None
S: None
O: Aiglos (2)
D: Up to Kentia South Gate
$: None
  This area is in the SW corner of South Kentia Gates.  You are 
greeted by Aiglos, who does not like shapers.  However, you can help him and 
his clan out by clearing some enemies.  Head north, and you’ll encounter a 
bunch of artilas.  One, a venomous artila, drops a vial of blood poison (an 
ingredient for the creator’s belt).  Continue through the artilas and you’ll 
find a nest at the end- inside is a lucky charm.  Tell Aiglos for no 
real gratitude whatsoever.  Walter informs me that you can convince Aiglos
to join you until you slay the venomous artila, and that you can steal the
iron sword in the building to the south of Aiglos if you use the creation
trick.  The iron sword is the strongest weapon on the island.

------------------------------Harmony Island------------------------------------

Harmony East Docks
Q: Kill Icy Roamers, Find Herbs
S: None
O: Captain Bruni (3), Tik (-1)
D: West to Roamer Marsh, South to Swampy Shore, Boat to Fort Kentia
$: Ariyas
  Welcome to the second island.  You are immediately greeted by a commander 
who tells you a bit about the situation, however you are rudely 
interrupted.  Kill the roamers and continue to talk to Captain Bruni.  
He will tell you more and give you a quest to kill some icy roamers.  
They can be found at the Roamer Marsh, Swampy Short, and the Methane 
Swamp.  However, they will not appear every time, so you may need to 
exit and reenter a given area till you get a message like "the air 
chills you".  That means one has appeared.  To the NE you’ll find 
a recipe for a blessed necklace (silver necklace + artila eye) as 
well as some wiry moss you should keep on your person.  Ariyas to 
the NW will pay you good money and xp for each set of dried herbs 
you retrieve for her.  This quest does not end.  If you give her 
>=40 she will give you a bonus gift (shaped belt).  The SW has a 
bunch of nice herbs, but you’ll have to survive the roamers.  You 
can either head towards the rebels or the shapers.  I’d suggest 
going to the shapers to burn off some of that hard earned cash 
from the last island.

Swampy Shore
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: West to Southern Marsh, North to Harmony East Docks
$: None
  An icy roamer appears here.  There is a roamer with a gem immediately west 
of you.  If you can, kill it in the first round, as you’ll get a nice swarm 
crystal.  Otherwise, if you chase it, it’ll recruit a lot of help to attack 
you.  Also near the center of the swamp is a building with some roamers that 
quickly attack you (and some Vat Boots).  A bit east is the chilling roamer.
The NW has some difficult vlishes (weak vs. melee) who are guarding a 
reflecting shield and some saltweed.  Vandrin, a guard, stops you to the 
SE- you’ll see him again later.  There is a shrieking roamer to the SW 
who will lead you into an ambush.  They’re not too tough, just be careful.
As you head S, Greta (if she’s with you) will talk with you about the 

Southern Marsh
Q: None
S: None
O: none
D: East to Swampy Shore, West to Vlish Woods, South to San Ru, North to 
   Roamer Marsh
$: None
  Proceed west.  Master Hoge (from the school) stops you and threatens you.
Now you can kill the roamers at your leisure.  There’s a nasty vlish to the 
NW, kill him for some swamp pants.  You’ll find a charging stone.  To the 
SW you’ll find a body with some small items, and a code.  The SE has some 
swamp bushes guarding a body (with kind of cruddy goods, so don't
go out of your way for them- from Jumpin' Salmon).  Head to the south to 
San Ru.

San Ru
Q: Lizette’s Rebel Husband, Recover Wiry Moss, Speak with Tik, Find Rebel Spy,
Speak with Rebels, Harmony Isle Rogues
S: Vandrin, Diwaniya
O: Arabella (2), Michelene (3), Diwaniya (3), Arabella Q (1)
D: West to Gatherer Camp, North to Southern Marsh, Down to Under San Ru
$: Strange, townsperson
  Talk to the innkeeper Lizette.  She gives you a quest to find her husband.
Susanna, the potion maker will give you some potions for finding out what 
happened to an alchemist who lives in the woods and then recovering her 
herbs.  Arabella watches over the serviles and wants you to speak with 
Tik (S, who is something of a rogue).  You can rat him out if you want.  
There’s a shaped shield and a bunch of herbs to the SE.  When ready, head 
to the shaping hall.  Norrell will give you two quests (find Rebel spy and 
Speak with Rebels).  The first will get you a fine robe and some gold, 
the second gets you nothing.  You will need the wooden ring from the rebel
camp to complete the spy quest.  Diwaniya is a shaper who will train you 
if you’re pro-shaper.  You’ll also find Vandrin who will do the same again 
with the same requirement.  You can get Diwaniya to help you out by 
unlocking some rooms for a coated cloak, sharing belt, and a few other 
nice minor items.  Diwaniya gives you a quest to clear the Harmony Isle 
Rogues.  If you have high leadership he'll even give you help if you ask
for it.  Do so to get a battle alpha, glaahk, and a roamer to join you at
the infested pathway. If you’ve checked out the door behind the hall, 
you can get a key from Norrell if you have high leadership.  Once you've
cleared the rogues for Diwaniya he gives you a key to his place.  Now,
if you want to be pro-rebel, go ahead and give Lankan the canister you
found under San Ru.  This maximizes your return.  You can kill Diwaniya 
after going rebellious for a shaped breastplate and symbiotic cloak.

Roamer Marsh
Q: None
S: None
O: Shen (+3,-2)
D: East to Harmony East Docks, West to Methane Swamp, South to Southern
   Marsh, North to Rebel Peninsula
$: None
  Another icy roamer is here.  It’s to the SW. There are mines here, ripe 
for disarming.  Kill the vlish and roamers.  Shen is a rebel to the NE, and 
he can be convinced to help you with high leadership. There’s a shaping 
band in a nest to the center of the map. There’s not too much else to 
do here.

Rebel Peninsula
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: South to Roamer Marsh, North to Rebel Camp, Down to Peat Mine
$: None
  Clawbugs roam this area.  Kill them, and one may drop a clawbug carapace 
(shield).  Also, be sure to turn off the crystal to the NW.  This completes 
one of the rebels’ quests.  You’ll find a bunch of herbs and a pair of 
swamp boots for your efforts.  Head to the SW and go down the stairs (you 
can completely skip this level if you want by this route, but it’s not 
that hard, so I’d recommend doing it).

Peat Mine
Q: None
S: Create Roamer
O: None
D: Up to Rebel Peninsula
$: None
  This is under the Rebel Peninsula.  In order to get past the mines, 
you’ll need to search the nearby items (bales of hay, barrels, etc.) for 
switches.  Most interesting to you is the area to the NW.  Shrubs guard the 
way- kill them and continue on.  There you’ll find a way north (guarded by 
a trap).  You can find a recipe for the crystalline shroud (perfected plate 
+ crystalline fibers + focus orb).  There’s also a canister of create roamer 
and a guardian stone.  You can continue to roam this area, but there’s not 
too much else.

Rebel Camp
Q: Destroy Calming Stone, reclaim canister
S: Terror, Create Vlish, Ice Spray, Create Clawbug
O: Lankan (3, unless "don't know" 1), Giving Lankan canister (-8), destroy
   canister (+3), Killing Lankan (+8)
D: South to Rebel Peninsula
$: None
  This is the area where you find your first major decision- help the shapers 
or help the rebels?  Xin is guarding the door, but will let you in without too 
much hassle.  Elspeth will sell you access to two canisters if you sympathize 
with the rebels for 300 gold each (Terror and Create Vlish).  Darnor 
(Lizette’s Husband) is NW, and Lankan is in the center building.  Talk with 
him and he’ll give you a quest to destroy the calming stone.  Since you’ve 
already done it, you should now have access to a canister of ice spray.  
Offer to help him recover his canister for even more help (this counts as a 
pro-rebel activity).  Even if you’re pro-rebel, check the back of the camp.  
You’ll find a bunch of nice items, including a map of some herbs, and the 
wooden ring at the south area of the eastern wall (used to show off to 
Norrell if you’re pro-shaper).  Note that helping the rebels will allow
you to leave the island at your leisure.  Also, if you have the canister
and ever go into the room where Lankan is located, you'll either have to
give him the canister or kill all of the rebels.  Of course, the rebels
aren't that hard, but still, it's a cruel action.  When you give him the 
canister you get a canister of create clawbug in return.  Walter notes
that, "Two things, first of all if you are carrying lankan's canister
and talk to him you aren't forced to either give it to him or kill all
the rebels; destroying it makes them hostile but you can run away and
exit the zone and no one outside that zone will notice they went 
hostile, and you can still first give norrell's message and get an
experience reward for destroying the calming stone before the canister
triggers." This is a good way of keeping Greta for an extra island
if you happen to accidently meet up with Lankan with the canister.

Under San Ru
Q: None
S: Healing Craft, Create Clawbug
O: None
D: Up to San Ru
$: None
  This is the final Demo Area.  There are some really nice items in 
this area.  Head north and open each locked door to find a switch 
that disarms the mines.  NW is a Solidified Flame ingredient and 
some very useful Tinker gloves (+2 mech when equipped).  Go back to 
the center and fight the vlish and roamers.  There’s a recipe for 
discipline wands (stick + gemstone + saltweed + artila eye), Diwaniya’s 
notes on canisters and a book that will increase healing craft provided 
you have 3-4 points already (there’s a canister and charm that both 
improve it coming up, so if you don’t have that much yet, don’t worry).
A fyora to the east drops a fyoraskin shield, and there’s a canister of 
create clawbug.  To the north is another area guarded by mines that 
has Lankan’s canister and a coated cloak.  I would hold off on giving
Lankan his canister until you clear the island a bit more and get some
more gold to buy training from Diwaniya under all cases.


Gatherer Camp
Q: Lost Gatherer Maps
S: None
O: None
D: East to San Ru, North to Vlish Woods, Down to Ambush Pit
$: None
  The North path has a number of turrets that don't like you guarding it.  
They should not be too hard for you, especially if you have a Vlish with
you.  Vlish can kill them in one hit if you're lucky.  To the west you'll
find a number of mines which can be disarmed, as well as a stairway to the
far west.  Equip those tinker gloves if you need help disarming the mines!
Eventually you'll find the gatherer camp to the south, and you can talk to 
Siri, who will disarm the northern mines for you with leadership.  You still 
get experience for disarming the no-longer dangerous mines, so this is worth 
doing if you get to the camp first (from Walter).  Siri also gives you a 
quest to recover the gather mapswhich are found in the rebel camp.  You 
should already have them, so give them back to her for info on a rebel 
cache.  Barxt will sell herbs, though unless you really like crystals 
and wands, you'll probably not want to buy them. When you're ready head
 to the western cave.

Ambush Pit
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: Up to Gatherer Camp
$: None
  Tattooed thahds guard the area, but they aren't that hard to kill.  There's
an iron sword here, an upgrade from the steel dagger.  Head to the NE, you'll 
find pyroroamers.  These enemies aren't tough but are definitely obnoxious.
Hit them from a distance with a ranged attack.  There's a body to the NE with
minor goodies.  Head to the NW, kill more pyroroamers, then head to the SW.
Here you will find a static band and a key to Diwaniya's room under San Ru.
Head on back out.

Vlish Woods
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: East to Southern Marsh, West to Dhonal Docks, South to Gatherer Camp, 
   North to Methane Swamp
$: None
  Vlish roam these woods, as you might expect.  They can be very dangerous
especially if they gang up on you.  Keep your distance and use melee or acid
attacks.  This is one area where the spell mental barrier can really help.
The most dangerous enemy is the spectral vlish in the SE.  Kill it and it
will drop a vlish skin tunic.  Its nest has a rat tail band.  A bit north
of its nest is a secret supply cache with a few minor items.  Other than
that, just proceed carefully and use the terrain to your advantage- hide and 
let the vlish come to you.  

Methane Swamp
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: East to Roamer Marsh, West to Dhonal Docks, South to Vlish Woods, 
   North to Infested Pathway
$: None
  Pyroroamers (unstable roamers) are the guardians of this place.  Just stay 
away from them and use ranged attacks.  The third and final icy roamer can be
found here to the NE.  The SW has some very tough pyroroamers.  The NE has a 
clawbug den, make sure they don't gang up on you and take them on one on one.
Otherwise use group attacks.  In the nest, you'll find a ratskin shawl, a
decent cloak.  Head west to Dhonal Docks.

Dhonal Docks
Q: Slay Rogues
S: Fire Shaping
O: None
D: East to Methane Swamp, South to Vlish Woods, Down to Krya’s Refuge, 
   Boat to Fort Wilton
$: None
  This is the area that will get you off of Harmony Island.  Head west, then
south.  If you've done the gatherer's recover map quest, you'll get access
to a canister of Fire Shaping and several other nice minor items.  Go speak
with Finn, who is guarding the docks.  Finn has a quest for you- help her
kill some rogues that have been stalking her.  There are three batches, and 
she guides you to each.  Kill each batch and the final batch has a vlish
which will drop a skein of wisdom (intelligence +1), a nice reward.  The NE
has the very dangerous Krya's refuge which you probably shouldn't attempt 
to complete before clearing out the isle.  When you are ready to leave the
island, head here and go.  If you helped the rebels, then Alwan leaves you
here.  If you killed the rebels, Greta will leave you here (hint provided 
by blackjack). The docks have some nice minor goods in them including 
plate vambraces, a null wand, and herbs.  Walter notes that:
Secondly, you note that if you give him the canister you can leave the
island at your leisure, but you can also leave at your leisure if you kill
lankan (diwaniya is so horrified he wants you off the island), so you
don't have to destroy the spawners to get to dhonal's island as a loyalist.

Infested Pathway
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: South to Methane Swamp, North to Madness Mire
$: None
  There's a supply cache immediately east of you, and some nearly bare bodies
west.  Head north and you'll be attacked by some strange thahds.  They may
explode when slain, so be warned.  Head west, fight the turrets, roamers and
vlish, then head north.  A battle alpha confronts you.  Luckily, with high
leadership, you can convince it to help you.  The thahds behind it attack
but with a battle alpha on your side, they shouldn't pose much of a problem.
Head through the door to the final area.

Madness Mire
Q: None
S: Create Artila
O: None
D: South to Infested Pathway, Down to Twin Mind Tunnels
$: None
  Try to make your way immediately to the center of the map and go down the
stairs.  Clearing the underside of this map will make your actions on the top
much less strenuous.  Plus, the longer you stay up here, the more enemies are
spawned, and the more weakened you become. Once you've cleared the Twin Mind
Tunnels, this area is much easier.  No longer will the atmosphere harm you,
and the spawners to the north are weakened.  Their pylon buddies won't help
them much either, so slaughter them with ease.  They drop nice crystals
on death.  Also, you can access a canister of create artila behind the NW 
spawner den.  Behind the second spawner from the east there is a physician's
charm, which gives healing craft +1.  You should have enough Healing craft
to use Diwaniya's book.  Kill all of the pylons/spawners and head back to

Twin Mind Tunnels
Q: None
S: Healing Craft, Create Vlish
O: None
D: Up to Madness Mire
$: None
  Your objective here is destroy the various pylons located at the perimeter
of the cave.  Kill each pylon, and you'll eventually get access to the center
of the area.  Vlish are strong against the pylons.  There is a lot of 
nice stuff for those who look for it here as well.  There's a canister of 
healing craft to the NE, the north has a shaped fiber cloak and a canister
of create vlish.  The west has a rogue servile named Ven.  He doesn't really
do much, so you can let him go.  When you've destroyed the last pylon, head
to the center area.  Two servant minds confront you.  They heal each other
if their hitpoints are significantly different.  Focus your attacks on both
if at all possible.  You can weaken them with some leadership, just try
to command them.  On death they drop a girdle of insight and fibrous shield.
Pillage the rest of their items for some mind nutrients.  There's also
an acid baton here for you missile weapon users.

Krya's Refuge
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: Up to Dhonal Docks
$: None
  There's no one here until you decide to read the book near the center of
the map.  Doing so gets you attacked by a swarm of shades.  You must do
this three times to get clearance to go south of the book and face Krya and 
his buddies.  The shades can be tough especially with their devastating
ability to slow you.  They get slightly harder each time you read the book.
When you kill the shrieking shade the first time, the shades stop generating.  
Note that shades have a very low but non-zero chance of dropping the very
valuable Agent's cloak.  I was very lucky and got one on my third 
(pro-rebel) playthrough.  Note that only pro-shaper players are 
guaranteed an Agent's cloak.  Head south, and you'll fight two sustained
shades.  You can kill them despite their name- just hit them with enough
damage in one round to kill them.  You'll also find an artila eye and
a roamer fang here.  Head a bit north to face Krya, a very 
powerful shade.  He emits damaging freeze crystals every few rounds so
be careful!  Vlish, when they hit, can really do a number on Krya since they
stun and slow him.  Eventually you'll be able to take him down.  Grab the 
specter robe (probably the best robe yet if you didn't get an agent's robe),
the mandrake tincture, the crystalline fibers and the girdle of insight.
Then you'll find a few recipes: Ensnaring crystal (vlish tentacle + 
gemstone), swarm crystal (mandrake tincture + gemstone but save those
mandrake tinctures!), and the creator's belt (perfected belt + blood poison
+ deep focus orb).  Congratulations!  You've just finished Harmony Isle.
Return as you see fit to sell off herbs and purchase training, but other
than that, you're ready to head to the largest and best island, Dhonal's

------------------------------Dhonal Island-------------------------------------

Fort Wilton
Q: Find a forge, Broken Shaping Vat, Hidden Rogue Serviles, Striped 
  Clawbug, Missing Crate, Close Purifying Vats, p, the 
blacksmith wants you to find him a new magic anvil.  There's one a long 
distance away, so don't worry about this quest yet.  Sestilia wants you to fix
a shaping vat for her.  Grab an hammer and touch the vat- with adequate mech,
you'll get the option to fix it.  You get some living tools in return.  
There are stone blocks in her store, grab them.  Philip will give you some
shaping gauntlets when you tell him about darkstone mine's anvil.
Heather has a lot of nice ingredients, but they're slightly expensive.
Captain Celeste wants your help with some rogue serviles, though they aren't
too easy to find.  Vincenzio, the customs agent, will inspect you (you'll pass)
and will give you two quests- kill a striped clawbug (on another island) and
find a missing crate (nearby).  For the crate you get 5 gems, and the clawbug
gets you an nearby door opened.  When ready, head into the Inn.  When you're 
finished with the inn, head outside the Fort.  Now if Greta/Alwan die, they
regenerate here at the Inn (yay!).  Mooney, outside the fort on the SW side
will give you a quest to turn off the purification vats if you are pro-shaper.
Otherwise he just gives you a nasty look (but still trades).  Lynn, on the NW
side is more helpful to the rebellious.  She wants you to get her some shaper
notes, and will pay you for each.  There is a shaper note quest for pro-shapers
as well, but it's in Dhonal's keep.  The NE has a number of storage rooms,
one which has a mandrake tincture and ivory skull in it.  Another one has a
shaped blade (strongest weapon yet) and another some dusty papers (part of
a quest).  Caplan asks you to find some confused serviles in the woods (if
your opnions are slightly pro-rebel, less than 100- otherwise, no quest).
Finally, the NW silo sometimes has rats in it.  One dropped a rat tail band
for me, but not every time.

Bulwark Inn.
Q: None
S: Research Papers
O: Commander Sobel (3)
D: Door to Fort Wilton
$: None
  The commander is the main person you need to speak to, however, someone
else decides to distract you.  Hoge summons several clawbugs, which you must
kill.  Chase him and he'll continue to summon more clawbugs and eventually 
will retreat and leave the area.  You may be able to kill him, but it doesn't 
do all that much to the story.  When done, explore the inn.  There's a room
with two recipes: wand of terror (stick + gemstone + vlish tentacle + 
madness gem) and null wand (stick + gemstone + roamer fang + wiry moss).
Also in the room with the recipes is a dresser with a perfect drayk scale
and a black pearl talisman (great for shapers).  You'll find the commander's
room with a master fort key in the dresser.  Grab it.  Also grab a teacup
from the SW, as well as a rolling pin.  Grab the cake if you want, but don't
eat it.  Then talk with Commander Sobel.  He'll give you permission to leave.
Finally, there appears to be a secret quest with an individual who will
appear here and will ask you to retrieve the "Papers in the shed" that
someone in Holding Shed Row also asks you to retrieve.  Do so and he will
unlock the door to the north (with the recipes).  He will also appear in
Gull North Docks and give you an alternate quest as well.  He asks for
the research notes that Morgan wants, and may have a reward.  However, I have
not done this in any of my play throughs, so I don't fully know the details.
This info is from Walter.  From Seletine: Komoa will have you retrieve the
same papers that Renko wants, and will allow you to further continue Komoa's

Holding Shed Row
Q: Papers in the shed
S: Quick Action
O: None
D: East to Fort Wilton, North to Storage Road
$: None
  This place is fairly normal to begin with.  No major enemies except for 
some rats in the center building.  Disarm the mine before fighting the rats.
When ready, head to the SW.  Speak with Renko, he will give you a quest to
find his research notes which are in Fort Wilton.  Doing so gets you a tiny
orb of mist.  When you're done talking with him, head out, and the camp is
attacked.  Help them fight off the rogues.  After they attack, the NE is 
opened up.  Go there to fight some charged fyoras and a servile infiltrator.
They drop some clover boots, and are guarding some strange markings and a
canister of quick action.

South Dhonal Road
Q: Repair the Generator
S: None
O: Rema (3), Fight serviles (+2), Let them go (-2)
D: West to Storage Road, South to Fort Wilton, North to Purification Plant
$: None
  A rogue servile gives you a message here.  He wants you to repair the
monster generator.  Obviously this is a rebellious act.  Head to the SW to 
kill some plants.  In the very SW you'll find a strange bronze key.  There are
vat boots to the NE, as well as an assortment of gems and jewelry.  Watch out 
for the leaky barrels, they will drain your health rapidly. That's 
about all there is to this area.  From Zeviz: Talk to the serviles to the
NE.  Say goodbye, and you'll notice some strange behavior.  Ask them how they
survive to further investigate them.  These are the spies that Celeste is 
worried about.

Storage Road
Q: None
S: Create Thahd.
O: None
D: East to South Dhonal Road, West to Ambush Bridge, South to Holding 
   Shed Row, North to Mountain Pass
$: None 
  To the SW you'll find some serviles.  Direct them home to Fort Wilton.  Some
less than helpful guards are NE.  Head to the central woods area.  The east
dome has a bunch of escaped artilas.  They are guarding a girdle of endurance
and minor items.  The SE dome has essence and healing pools.  The west dome
has acid sprayers, a submission baton, and some demon bile.  The N center
dome has a canister of create thahd and the crate the customs agent was
looking for.  Note: Kaba will meet you here if you didn't find him at
South Dhonal Road.

Mountain Pass
Q: None
S: Create Fyora
O: None
D: West to Spharon’s Lands, South to Storage Road, North to Keep West Gate
$: None
  As you march north, rabid roamers will spot you.  Try to kill them before 
they escape.  This will keep you from being swarmed.  When you're ready, 
head to the NE.  You'll fight clawbugs, cryoas, rogue serviles, and
plated artilas.  Proceed steadily NE and you'll find a mage infiltrator.
Killing him gets you a coated cloak and blessed necklace.  There is also a 
canister of create fyora.  The area to the NW is also now open for you 
as well.  Go and pull the lever to the west, this opens the door to the pass
and gives you entry to Dhonal's Keep, the largest city in the game.  Zeviz
states that you can avoid a fight if you kill all of the roamers, up to the
point of getting to the guard quarters (though you may be attacked shortly
thereafter, though that's not guaranteed).  Clear this area and return,
there will be a guard name Hullum here who wil give you a gem (from 
Seletine and Walter).

Keep West Gate
Q: Curious Warehouse, Errand Boy
S: None
O: None
D: East to Dhonal’s Keep, West to Infiltrated Shore, South to Mountain Pass,
   Boat to Fort Kentia, plus another boat if you've reached the 
   pro-shaper ending
$: Maeby
  Finally!  Civilization!  There are a number of people here to talk to,
first go to speak with Maeby.  She has a quest for you- check out her 
warehouse.  It is located to the SW.  Go there, kill the spectral vlish, and
report back to her for a number of decent small items. To the SE is Gob, and 
of interest to you thieves is his storage area.  He has a lot of good items,
including a living knife, infiltrator cloak (an excellent item!), demon's bile,
and artila eye. Grab it all, then grab Koerner's blade to take care of another
upcoming quest.  Speak with Gob to get the Errand Boy quest.  This quest
requires you to get four items- stone blocks, a teacup, a rolling pin, and
a scalpel.  The first three are in Fort Wilton or the Bulwark Inn (among other
places) and the scalpel can be found in Dhonal's Keep immediately east.
Bring him these items for a clawbug charm, +8% to poison resistance.
Gob is an odd fellow, and if you show him the Koerner's blade, he attacks.
He will tell you how to make a rod of defense (stick + gemstone + glaahk eye
+ shielding spores) if you say you ask him if he is selling anything, then
tell him to prove himself.  You can also head back
directly to Greenwood Island from the docks here.

Dhonal's Keep
Q: Retrieve Glaahk Eye, See Strange Servile, Talk to Aenele, Jane's message
  A Missing Book, Another Missing Book, Retrieve Blade
S: Fanjul (<=90), Gretchen, Magic Shaping, Healing Craft
O: Fanjul (3), Malaga Q (2)
D: West to Keep West Gate, South to South Keep, Door to Inner Keep
$: None
  Golems roam the streets here, although they are not hostile.  Talk to Fanjul
in the SW.  She will train you if you tell her that shapers are cruel and are
rebellious.  She has the best prices available.  Fanjul will also tell you
how to enter the inner keep.  Nearby is a rogue glaahk (in storage) which
you can kill for a glaahk eye (part of an upcoming quest).  To the SE is a
magic school.  Speak with Gretchen to buy new spells, as well as improve 
your magic skills, and to improve Greta's attack to Searer.  A bit north
is Hildegarde (and a scalpel) who wants you to retrieve a glaahk eye from
the glaahk to the SW.  She gives you a rod of succor for your time.  Malaga 
wants you to talk to a strange servile who is located to the south.  Helping
Malaga doesn't get you anything, but you can rob his closet for a Tinker
Necklace.  Hubert wants you to talk with Aenele about letting him back into 
the library. He'll tell you about the rod of alacrity (hasting spores + 
strong creation tooth + stick + gemstone) if you're convincing enough. Jane
wants you to tell Lord Rahul that she wants to talk with him. You only get
XP for completion of that quest, although you do get a hint on how to proceed
with General Greiner.  Talk with Aenele and with high leadership you can
convince her to let Hubert back into the library.  She also wants you to
find a book, "Meeting the Sholai."  Getting Hubert permission gets you 
a madness gem, a book of Magic Shaping +1, and a recipe for purifying
elixir (demon bile + mandrake).  Not too shabby for a quick quest.
Guardian Koerner is missing his sword- Gob stole it from him.  Get it 
back to get permission to enter the inner keep. When you return Aenele's
book to her, she opens a room with a book of healing craft in it.  She
also wants you to find a book of "artila techniques" for her.  Getting
it for her will get you 3 restoration pods and the infiltrator's ring
recipe.  You may be able to disarm the golems by talking to the
servant mind located to the NW (from Walter), but must avoid its care-

South Keep
Q: Phasia's Metalworks
S: None
O: Cleo (3)
D: South to Purification Plant, North to Dhonal’s Keep
$: Cleo
  The most important thing here is to the SW, Phasia (Torsten's father).
Tell him about his son, and he'll open a shed for you.  With high lead
you can get him to give you some living tools.  He also gives you a quest
to investigate his metalworks.  There is no reward for completing that 
quest, unfortunately.  Search his house for ingredients and crystals,
including a glaahk eye.  His shed has a stabilty bauble, a warmth ring,
and several non-magical bits of jewelry.  It is relatively easy to turn
non-magical jewelry into magical jewelry, so you may want to hang on to the
jewelry, at least some portion of it.  His other shed must be broken in to,
and has minor nice items.  The scribe to the NW will mumble a lot of small
tidbits of info, including the recipe for a jeweled wand (perfect drayk
scale + spray crystal + gemstone + stick).  Immediately south of the scribe is 
a storeroom with a tribal fetish in a chest. South of Cleo is a storeroom
with a clawbug that splits into 4 more when killed.  Near the center of 
the map you will find Tor, the servile Malaga wants you to speak with.  
It turns out he was approached by intelligent serviles as well.  
That's about it for this area.

Inner Keep
Q: Investigate the Prisoner, Meet Greiner, Deliver Orders, Exterminate Rogues,
  Assist Khyryk, Destroy Geneforge, Find Shaper Junk
S: Battle Magic, Lady Anjali (>=110 for best skills), Healing Craft, 
   Create Drayk
O: Lord Rahul- Dryss (-3 freed, +1 studied, +3 killed), -Kaba (+2), Anjali (3)
D: Door to Dhonal’s Keep
$: Sciolino (>=90)
  This is the heart of the shaper government.  If you are a rebel, be careful.
Immediately west of the entrance is a book of battle magic.  Head north to find
Lord Rahul, a powerful guardian.  He is willing to talk with you.  Tell him
about your school, and he will give you a quest- investigate the prisoner in 
cell 3.  It's a large Drakon named Dryss.  Talk to it and find out what it
knows.  Report back to Rahul.  Tell him what you think should be done with the
beast, then listen to him give you new instructions.  He now wants you to find
General Greiner and see what is up with him.  Once done, he will give you the
next set of instructions, to attack and destroy the rogues.  For this he gives
you a charmed plate and a shining shield. Then he wants you to assist Khyryk.
Finally, he wants you to destroy the Geneforge.  This ends the game as pro-
shaper for you.  Lady Anjali will train you after you look at the drakon, she
increases all medium shaping skills.  However, she will charge you more
than normal if you express pro-rebel views. This is countered by Fanjul
training for dirt cheap.  The SE has a door to Dhonal's Keep that
is somewhat secret, and the NE has a number of good items, including a girdle
of life.  Shaper Danell is in the N keep, she gives you a quest to find
shaper junk.  You get money for each batch of shaper notes brought in,
and you get special items for 1)the shaping book from Greenwood (runed onyx),
2)Lankan's canister (ruby necklace), and 3)the golem notes (oozing blade).
The first time you talk to her you can get her to give you a shielding knife.
Sciolino is a guardian who wants you to find him an anvil (yes, this is the
second anvil quest on the island).  Doing so gets you discounted prices on
his supplies.  He will not sell to you if he suspects you sympathize with
the rebels.  He will also buy things from you.  He will upgrade Alwan's
sword for a few hundred gold, or you can get him to do it for free
if you have high leadership and are helping Rahul. Nearby these two people
is a book that increases your healing craft.  When you're ready, I would 
recommend checking the private rooms of Rahul and Anjali.  If you have
permission from Rahul to take stuff, then you shouldn't have too many 
problems, just go to the NW.  In the NNW, you'll find a canister of create
drayk, a perfect drakon scale, and a charm of mental focus.  In the WNW 
you'll find an even better haul- a submission baton, wand of death,
infiltrator's cloak, transference robe, and near two glaahks, a bunch of
shaped lances, crystals, puresteel plate and a guardian claymore.  The
guardian claymore is one of the best weapons in the game- not the most
damaging, but great increases to your stats.  Shapers will love it.  This
area is a great place to do some thieving, as well.  Hide yourself then 
send your creations out to pick up items.  You can get a lot of shaper notes,
some mandrake and demon bile, and goblets.  This is also true of Dhonal's
Keep proper- loot the library of notes.
  Rebels: If you have Akhari's orb, as soon as you get close to Rahul it
will trigger and you'll be sent to Chadwick Prison.  Get out, and come back
for him.  He's hiding with his wife in the chambers to the NW.  Kill them,
and head back to the Geneforge.  Report on your success for the pro-rebel
ending.  They drop a shaper true chitin and agent cloak (Aenele) and a
shaped breastplate and sword (Rahul).

Ambush Bridge
Q: None
S: None
O: Crin (-3 to go free, +1 to go to Fort Wilton, +3 if killed)
D: East to Storage Row, West to Acidic Valley, North to Spharon’s Lands
$: None
  The bridge is about to fall- the soldiers nearby know it, and are scared.
As you approach the bridge, they start talking with you.  With leadership
you can convince them to stay and fight.  Bless and shield everyone, then
walk slightly across the bridge.  You are attacked shortly.  Kill the rogues
and the battle beast drops a shaped blade.  The soldiers run off once a
majority of the rogues are dead.  The NE has a shade guarding an ivory
band, and you'll also find the rogues that Caplan is curious about.  You can
find out their story, then send them on their way, perhaps back to Fort 
Wilton.  To the SW you'll find the rogue nest, one has a singing rapier.
There's a Guardian roamer to the north guarding a null wand.  Head on out.

Purification Plant
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: South to South Dhonal Road, North to South Keep, Door to Inner Plant
$: None
  This level is highly annoying, as the atmosphere constantly damages you.
Additionally, there are a number of annoying golems and poisonous pools that
impede you.  Your best bet is to enter combat and explore slowly but steadily.
You should enter from the south, as that is the only way to accomplish anything
significant.  Immediately east are vat chitin, vat boots, and crystalline
fibers.  The fibers are ingredients.  Head west and talk to the servant mind.
He will open the doors to you if you talk to it.  If you want to take the 
easy route, go along the perimeter of the level and get the key at the very 
end of the map.  Three golems block your path, though they are pretty easy 
to avoid.  The key is in a dresser.  Nearby is a lever you can pull to open
the door.  Head to the west door to get to the inner plant.  When you've 
turned off the power supply there, come back- there is no longer any acid
in the atmosphere, and the pools have turned off. The most useful item here
is an infiltrator vest to the SW.  There are plenty of gems and other nice
minor items, so search the area thoroughly. 

Inner Plant
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: Door to Purification Plant
$: None
  Acid pools block your path, as do lava pools.  The easiest route for you is
to head down to the SE, take the path, kill the two golems, turn off the
pylons to the SW and NW, then take it easy and breathe.  Head up to the NW, 
and you'll see some non-hostile golems.  Kill them while they are non-hostile,
as this will make your job easier.  Head to the rooms they were guarding, and
grab a deep crystal, stunning blade, and some gems.  Head back to the pool
area and search the body for a fyoraskin cloak, then head back to the main 
plant.  It's a lot safer now.

Spharon's Lands
Q: None
S: Dominate, Create Artila
O: None
D: East to Mountain Pass, West to Main Army Camp, South to Ambush Bridge, 
   Down to Blasted Lab
$: None
  Spharon is a nutcase who has a lot of serviles in his employ.  This is a
very rich area, well worth doing.  Completing this area will enable you to
make your first artifact, and will win you several canisters.  The serviles
here are tough, and may drop gold rings.  Fire and vlish attacks both work
well.  There's a rat that may drop a rat tail band near the center of the
map.  Serviles to the north drop plate vambraces and a shaped belt. Two
canisters, one of dominate, the other of create artila can be found to the
NE.  The servile master to the NW has a tribal fetish.  Head to the NW to 
go under this level.  There's also a golem guarding a girdle of genius, a
mighty fine belt.

Blasted Lab
Q: None
S: Create Roamer, Acid Shower
O: None
D: Up to Spharon’s Lands
$: None
  Like the top area, there's a lot of nasty serviles here.  Luckily, nothing
has changed with them, so use the same tactics you used before to get rid of
them.  Head to the far west where a dangerous crystal leaks poison, and
check the nearby chest for a projection band.  There's a lot of crystals
around, grab them for some quick cash.  Head to the NE to get some assistance
taking on Spharon.  These serviles will help you if you have adequate
leadership.  However, they are hostile unless you personally confront them.
Then head to the NW, and see Spharon.  He's not a nice person.  Kill his
serviles, then pound on him.  When he gets really weak, he mocks you.  Then
he heals himself.  To kill him you must crush a crystal which he has hidden
in a yellow jar northwest.  He drops a symbiotic cloak and reviving crystal
when he dies.  The symbiotic cloak is one of the best cloaks in the game,
until (and if) you get the agent's cloak for shapers and agents.  There are
mind nutrients in a dresser pretty close nearby.  There are also two mandrake
tinctures nearby, as well as a deep focus orb, and canisters of create
roamer and acid shower.  The deep focus orb will allow you to make your first
artifact, and you have a choice of two- either the creator's belt or the
crystalline shroud.  The crystalline shroud will give you a bonus to your
AP (+2, allowing 2 attacks per round), whereas the creator belt makes your
creations significantly stronger and is great armor.  Agents definitely
should go for the shroud, and shapers will like the belt.  Guardians
will need to choose (though the shroud is probably best for them as well).
However, in order to make the shroud you will need a shaped breast plate.
There is one available in Darkstone Mines, but that is a long ways away.
You can buy one from Sciolino in the Inner Keep, but it's fairly expensive.
The belt is great for shapers, as it adds ~4 effective levels to your 
creations.  Whatever you decide, the nearest anvil is on Harmony Isle.  The
anvil on this isle is a pain to get, and you'd probably like to make the
item now.

Acidic Valley
Q: None
S: Group Heal, Create Thahd, Create Clawbug, Intelligence, Endurance
O: None
D: East to Ambush Bridge, West to Ruined Mine Gates, North to Main Army Camp
$: None
  Be sure to have a decent mechanics score before attempting this area.  You
will get a lot of experience by disarming the sprayers as you roam this area.
The sprayers are extremely obnoxious if you do not turn them off as soon as
you approach them.  Now is a good time to equip those +mech items- you may need
it.  There's no shame in entering combat, hasting yourself, and running to
disarm each sprayer.  This is almost necessary in the NW.  The SW has a few
more sprayers, this time in close quarters indoors, and the very pleasant
infiltrator's shield.  The NE has one of the best bonuses in the game.  Make
sure you have at least 10 leadership (change from Zeviz), then explore the 
tombs.  Two tombs give special abilities- one improves your group heal 
spell, the other improves your create thahd and clawbug.  The best part 
is when Thihn's ghost confronts you.  With adequate leadership, you can 
talk him into giving you a boon- +1 int, and +1 end.  Get the specter robe 
and corrupting baton which are nearby.  This bonus is designed to reward 
those who invest in leadership.  Note that General Greiner will turn off
the sprayers if you ask him, but you'll miss out on a bunch of experience
(and a bunch of frustration for some).

Infiltrated Shore
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: East to Keep West Gate, West to Northshore Bridge
$: None
  West of the west gate of Dhonal's Keep, this area has rogues that can be
tamed with nearby spore boxes.  They aren't that difficult, so you can fight
them just as easily.  Head to the NW, there's a nice area with a bunch of
minor goodies, including a mica band.  The spore boxes are at the perimeter
of the lake.  Use them for some experience.  There's a door to the SW here
that scares you.  You'll return to it if you're a rebel, but otherwise it's
not important.

Northshore Bridge
Q: Patrols Gone Wild, Stringer's Shield
S: None
O: None
D: East to Infiltrated Shore, West to Mined Shore, Down to Main Army Camp
$: None
  There's a body with steel items in the cubby immediately west.  Head to the
SE to speak with Stringer.  He has two quests for you- take care of the
rogues to the east, and retrieve his shield.  There are several rogues
on the bridge (you can talk your way out really easily when you meet
them.  They are easily persuaded to be good by shapers with decent leadership)
and killing them gets you good XP.  He has lost a shaper's shield, and it can
be found on a rogue clawbug nest to the SE.  Return it to him for a decent 
bit of experience.  Your destination is the locked area to the SW.  You should
be able to enter with one of the rogue keys you found on a body earlier.
There is a hostile shade, two mines, and three treasure chests at the end.
One of the chests is impossibly trapped, but it doesn't hold anything anyway.
You can find a mandrake tincture here, as well as a key that takes you to
General Greiner's chambers.

Main Army Camp
Q: Get New Orders, Remove Interference
S: Create Vlish, Healing Craft
O: Anahad
D: East to Infiltrated Shore, West to Infested Mountain, South to Acidic 
$: None
  If you've been following this walkthrough, you'll be in a tunnel and will
soon find General Greiner.  He is distracted.  Tell him "Lord Rahul..." followed
by "try to inspect..." and "try to disrupt...", and finally command him to
help you.  The shade is tough (mental barrier is useful here), but you
should be able to take him down with some effort.  It drops a golden crystal
(the ultimate enhancement) when slain.  Talk to Greiner to get the quest,
"Get new orders".  Don't let Greiner die or the whole island will hate you.
There are other people and items of interest here, so
continue to explore.  Head east, and you'll find an area full of contraband.
Also, the book "Meeting the sholai" is a bit south of the contraband room.  In
the contraband room you'll find a canister of create vlish.  Avon the
quartermaster will give you some living tools if you can convince him to do
so.  Erika will give you a quest- to remove an interference that is preventing
her from using her creations to their fullest.  Doing so gets you a lot of
experience and a point in healing craft.
  If you haven't been following this walkthrough (for shame!) then you can 
still enter Greiner's room with high leadership (12 is required- from Zeviz
and Contra).

Ruined Mine Gates
Q: Investigate the Mines
S: Strong Daze
O: None
D:East to Acidic Valley, West to Dhonal West Dock, South to Darkstone Mine
$: None
  This is the entrance to one of the most fruitful areas on the island.  Rose
immediately calls for you- follow her to get some info on the area and get
a quest- investigate the mines.  Merely making it to the SW fulfills this
quest, which will get you a reviving crystal.  A battle beta north of 
Rose drops a sparkling wand when you kill it.  Head west through the 
clawbugs, and you'll find tools and some shaped gauntlets.  Far to 
the NW is a small house with a canister of Strong Daze.  Head south to the
Darkstone Mine

Darkstone Mine
Q: None
S: Magic Shaping, Battle Shaping
O: None
D: South to Darkstone Core, North to Ruined Mine Gates
$: None
  There is a golem immediately inside of the mines.  It will answer some 
of your questions.  This area has some nasty golems to the SW, destroy
them if you can.  A lot of areas are blocked off, but you can get the 
stuff removed if you play your cards right.  You'll find some essence
vambraces to the west, and four golems to the SW.  If you turn off
the crystal the four golems are significantly weakened.  Head to the
center, and you'll find some ingredients, in addition to some books
which increase your magic shaping and battle shaping.  The NE has a number
of searing artila and vlish, take them out and continue your path south.
An inferno worm is to the far SE, it is very tough but can be beaten,
especially by melee attacks.  When you've cleared this place, head back
NW to the anvil, and report to the two people who want to know about the
anvil.  You can now also access a rod of succor.

Darkstone Core
Q: None
S: Mass Energize
O: None
D: North to Darkstone Mine
$: None
  Charged Fyoras impede your progress here, but not by much.
However, you'll notice a new enemy as you proceed- drayks.  They are tough,
and fire resistant.  Most other attacks hurt them, though.  Go to the SE, and
get near the dangerous crystals.  You'll find a key here that you'll need 
later.  Here you'll find the recipe for the emerald chestguard (deep crystal +
perfected plate + demon claws).  To the far SW, there is a captured golem. 
Two bodies are behind the door, one has a submission baton, the other has a
student's belt and a shaped blade.  The golem is pretty tough, but 
can be beaten.  Kill it for a golden crystal and blademaster charm (very nice).
There is also a can of purified essence here- it's an ingredient.  In the
golem's room there is some demon's bile and the golem notes (give them to
shaper Danell for an oozing blade).  If you can't take out the golem yet, come
back after gaining a few levels.  It should be easier.  I'll steal your toast
tells me that he just runs in as fast as he can and steals the items from
beneath the golem's nose.  Whatever works!  When ready, head up
north try to go west.  You have two options, either unlock the door or go
through some dangerous territory.  Make your way however you want to do it
and face a drayk, Hsssak.  He doesn't much care for you.  He has a servant 
mind with him but DO NOT KILL IT.  If you kill it, you can't get it to open
the mines up fully.  You can convince the servile mind to not attack you
with 9 leadership.  Kill the drayk, and it drops an armor band and a shaped
breast plate.  Talk to the servant mind immediately afterwards and you'll
have to feed it.  Get it to fix the area and you'll be able to access the
anvil.  There's also a canister of mass energize right next to the drayk.

Infested Mountain
Q: None
S: Create Battle Alpha
O: None
D: East to Main Army Camp, South to Dhonal West Dock, North to Mined Shore
$: None
  Time to start taking on the rogue horde on the western side of the island.
Captain Serrit is your aid for this map.  Talk with her and get her to start
an attack.  Join her, perhaps by blessing and shielding (or mass energizing)
the troops.  Make your way through the battle alphas, glaahks and serviles
to the NW.  Commander Shez is your main enemy.  Shez drops a flaming blade
upon defeat, this weapon is the same class of weapons as the oozing blade.
There's also a batch of batons and a deadeye cloak in nearby containers.
Head to the SW, and kill the serviles here as well.  They are guarding a
canister of create battle alpha, as well as minor goods.  These are also
the serviles who are interfering Erika's control over her creations.
Report back to her after they are dead (immediately if you intend to be
a rebel!).  There is a wand of alacrity (speed) to the NE.

Mined Shore
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: East to Northshore Bridge, West to Searing Chambers, South to 
   Infested Mountain
$: None
  Camille is a sapper to the SE.  She is necessary for crossing this area.
First, you should probably clear the cubby immediately west.  You have to do
this anyway, so go ahead and do it while Camille is out of the way of danger.
It's only a group of vlish and a submission turret, nothing awful.  Go back
and tell Camille to get a move on it.  Some leadership skill will be
required, though not much.    She'll activate the spore box nearby,
which disarms some of the northern mines.  Do this three times. There are 
some tinkers gloves on the body near the final spore box.  To the SW is a
twisted silver key.  

Dhonal West Dock
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: East to Ruined Mine Gates, West to Overgrown Road, Boat to Gull South Dock
$: None
  The SE has several people who will help you, namely Captain Voth and his
warriors.  Recruit them, and go kill the rogues. It's not too tough, especially
with their support.  Try to make it to the NW.  Mindcaster Belix may or may
not attack you while you're slaughtering the rogues.  Belix is a nasty
servile mage, and upon death drops a girdle of might.  When you've finished 
this island, come back here to go to Gull Island.

Overgrown Road
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: East to Dhonal West Dock, North to Creator’s Hall
$: None
  Again, you can get help here, and it may not hurt, given that your enemies
are spawners.  Get Captain Nyall to help you.  Again, some points of
leadership may be necessary.  There are three sets of enemies, kill them
and take their stuff.  Phasia's metal works are to the NE.  Most of the
individuals sent the first time have since become ghosts.  Zerik is in the
northernmost room, and drops a spectral rapier when slain.  Search the area
for Phasia's puresteel.  You don't actually gare 
crystals that awake nearby creatures, so be careful unless you're looking
for a fight (which you probably are, or at least that's what I'd assume).
There's a lot of shaper equipment here, as well.  Grab it, you won't need to
hold on to it for too much longer.  The NW has a canister of healing craft,
get it if you really want to.  A maddened servile in the SE (behind bars)
drops a shaped shield when slain.  A body east of the servile has a 
transference robe, which you should sell.  There's a mandrake tincture a bit
west of the servile, in a monster lair.  In the bottom monster lair is a
canister of create glaahk, which enables you to make ur-glaahks if you use
it.  Head out to the creator's hall.

Creator's Hall
Q: None
S: Steel Skin, Quick Action, Battle Magic.
O: None
D: West to Searing Chambers, South to Overgrown Road
$: None
  Last area of the island.  This is the area where you must go to choose
whom you intend to join- rebels or shapers.  If you choose the shapers, you
still have one more chance to change your mind.  However if you choose the
rebels, then you're pretty much stuck with that decision.  Immediately south
of the east entrance is some unmelting ice, an ingredient.  When ready, head
to the center room.  The creator greets you.  Talk to it, and then someone
else comes in.  Erika, the other shaper (who you helped by clearing the
interference) will help you kill the creator, or will fight you if you try
to fix it.  It you want to destroy the creator, go north to the control
panel and hurt the creator with a power surge.  If you want to help it, go
to one of the machinery thingies to the SE and fix it.  Doing so will cause
Erika to attack you.  Don't do this if you want Rahul's help!  Otherwise,
repair away.  No matter what you do, there's no real reward one way or
another.  North of the creator is a crystal woven chitin, a girdle of insight,
and a gruesome charm.  There's also a canister of steel skin.  Head to the
WNW for canisters of battle magic and quick action (agents will find the
battle magic canister very tempting.  Remember- as long as you use less than
7 (6 or fewer) canisters, you're considered to be unaltered).  Head south,
and face the rogues.  They gang up on you, so stay back.  Once destroyed,
head to the west to fight a drayk.  No matter what you say, he is your enemy.
Take his money and gems.  He also has a guardian stone and some samaritan
sandals.  With that head back to Lord Rahul (if you killed the beast) or
head down to the docks (if you repaired it).

  What to do in the meantime.  Before heading to Gull Island, you may want
to return to Greenwood Island and complete the shaper's tests.  They are 
tough, but should be doable.  Also, make/enhance your items at the anvil.
You will wish you had it available later.  On your way back to Dhonal's
Island, sell off your herbs on Harmony.  You may also be strong enough to kill
Diwaniya if you helped the rebels now.  When ready, go to West Dhonal Docks
and to the next island.  When you head to the docks, one of your NPC allies
may leave depending on your actions- Greta will leave if you kill the 
creator, Alwan will leave if you repaired it.

------------------------------Gull Island---------------------------------------

Gull South Docks
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: West to Cultist Woods, North to Beastkeeper Woods, Boat to Dhonal West Dock
$: None
  Servile Looters "greet" you.  You can fight them (mighty fine if you're 
pro-shaper), or lie to them about Litalia.  If Greta is with you, you can
have her talk to them as well.  However you go about it, head out of the 
docks, and Litalia says Hi.  Depending on your actions, she threatens you
or she encourages you onward.  Now that that's over, you can explore the
area.  There really isn't too much major here, just explore thoroughly and
take what you want.  Most interesting to you is to the NW, where you find a
vat with a rotghroth in it.  Kill it for some pustulent vambraces and an
armor ring.  

Cultist Woods
Q: None
S: Essence Orbs
O: None
D: East to Gull South Dock, North to Stonespire
$: None
  Enemy serviles inhabit the area to the NE.  Other serviles patrol the area,
you may become hostile towards them if you have used too many canisters.
If you haven't used many canisters, they are obnoxious but not immediately
hostile.  That is one of the fees for being a canister-fiend.  Inferno
worms can be found to the north, they are dangerous if you don't use a bit
of strategy (haste or daze should make killing them a cinch).  Head to the
cultist camp, clearing out the serviles.  They may drop platinum rings,
keep them as ingredients.  The NE has a crowd of cultists, including the
nameless master.  Kill him for a fibrous breastplate.  Also in their hut
is a canister of essence orbs and some mandrake tincture.

Beastkeeper Woods
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: West to Stonespire, South to Gull South Dock, North to The Maker’s Road
$: None
  A relatively straight-forward area, kill the rogues that roam the woods.
The beastkeeper is near the center, kill him for a chilling band and
a stunning blade.  Sychss the drayk guards the NE.  He won't immediately
attack you, but if you into his cave he will.  He summons some cryoas
for help.  He doesn't have much that's good, other than a girdle of
avoidance and a polar fur coat.

Q: Find Shaper Equipment, Kill Khyryk (R), Clawbug Hunt, Find Lost
   Journal, Find Loyalist Spy (R), Agent Hunt (R), Contact Khyryk (S),
   Kill Khor's Deeps Shaper (S)
S: Create Drayk, Essence Armor, Major Heal, Kill, Minor Heal, Heal, Healing 
  Craft, Macallan, charisma
O: Elek (3), Corrie (3), Bailey Q (-3 once)
D: East to Beastkeeper Woods, West to Display Warren, South to Cultist 
   Woods, North to Gull North Docks
$: Sauza, Bailey
  This is the main town for this island.  Serviles have taken over and are
currently running the show.  They aren't hostile unless you enter the
central building as a pro-shaper, or go to the hut to the SE.  Most important
to you is Bailey.  Bailey will FINALLY take all that shaper equipment you've
been saving.  He gives you a lot of money for it too.  It may count as a pro-
rebel action, but it's well worth it.  There are a lot of canisters around
here, and if you are pro-shaper, the only way for you to get them is to
unlock the nearby doors.  However, most can be bought if you are pro-rebel.
Corrie is a guard to the NE who betrayed the shapers.  She will give you a
quest to kill 8 redshell clawbugs.  She is also Phasia's daughter, though
that doesn't mean anything.  Maker, to the SW sells good items especially
for crafting with an anvil.  Morgan, an alchemists wants you to find his
lost journal.  Doing so gets you a nice reward- healing craft, minor heal,
and heal improvements.  You can also give the journal to someone else if
you are rebellious, but I will mention who later.  Macallan is the final
person of importance here.  She is a shaper, an agent, and can train
you in many skills and spells.  She will train you even if you are a rebel.
Pro-shapers will find her help invaluable.
  If Rebellious: Go to the center of the central building and talk with Elek.
Elek wants you to kill Khyryk, the shaper to the west.  He will also sell
you two canisters for 1000 each, though with high leadership you can get
them for free.  The two canisters are Create Drayk and essence armor.
Creek Blade wants you to find a loyalist spy.  Amena Blade
tells you of the story of the serviles and will sell you two canisters for
2000 each.  They are Major Heal and Kill.  Find Macallan, as she is the
spy,  Tell Creek blade for a second mission- to kill a shaper in the shaping
halls to the NNW.  Doing so gets you an oozing belt, which if you didn't
have the creator's belt, would be a great item.  When you have helped the
serviles by killing Khyryk, you get access to their western area.  Inside
is a guardian cloak (the symbiotic cloak is better, in my opinion), and
a canister of charisma.  You are told to head to the Isle of Spears, and
given some keys.
  If Loyal: Shaper Agatha has one quest for you- to kill Master Hoge. Do
so for a cryoa fang charm (+3% CR, you're not missing much if you're a

Gull North Docks
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: East to The Maker’s Road, West to Crumbling Lab, South to Stonespire,
   Boat to Spears East Docks once you've been to the Isle of Spears
$: None
  Here you find rogues, as usual.  These rogues cry out when slain, causing
more to come to their aid.  Even so, they're not that tough.  Eventually,
Azak the Shredder comes for you.  When it screams, it can make your creations
run away in fear.  Kill it for some thrusting gauntlets and a shaped shield.
Not much else to this level, just kill everything that moves.

Crumbling Lab
Q: Investigate shaper (S)
S: Kill
O: None
D: East to Gull North Docks, West to Khor’s Deeps, South to Display
   Warrens, Down to Clawbug Infestation
$: None
  This area is fairly odd.  If you enter from the east and are a rebel,
kill the shaper Diamant to fulfill Creek Blade's mission.  She drops an
empathy blade and warmth ring when you kill her.  Otherwise, talk 
with her for a quest to investigate a shaper nearby.  Do so and she will
tell you about a hidden cache in Stonespire.  Head west, and you'll find
a locked door with a rotghroth.  Kill it and search the body for a grounded
vest (worth a lot!).  Fight the shrubs and rats.  The SW has some mind
nutrients.  Grab them. When ready, head to the NE.  Grab the key to the
east.  There's a pool that will spit out creations when you get to a 
specific location.  Be careful, as they can sneak up on you.  Search the
area near the pool for a journal half.  Head west from here, to a room
with several levers.  Pull them all, and you'll be attacked by the pool
again.  Head to the NW and kill the creations.  There's a canister of kill
here as well.  Head to the SE and grab the copper key.  Head to the SW
and fight the pool monsters again.  Now you've got to fight a nasty drayk
who is infested with worms.  However, the drayk's worms also have worms.
Kill them all, they can be nasty.  The drayk drops a shaped breastplate
when it dies.

Display Warrens
Q: None
S: Major heal
O: Darian (Destroy her +2, Deal with Elek -5)
D: East to Stonespire, West to Breeding Caverns, North to Crumbling Lab, 
   Down to Clawbug Infestation
$: None
  When you enter this area, if you have not joined the rebels, you will be
approached by Learned Darian, who will offer you one final chance to join
the rebels.  If you haven't done it yet, don't bother, in my opinion.  Play
the game a second time with a rebel shaper if you're curious about what 
changes.  This area has some very potent pylons that can really hurt you if
you're not careful.  The best way to get through this level is to turn them
all off, one batch at a time.  Head to the West first, avoiding the pylons.
Talk to the servant mind Stesha and have him turn off the pylons.  Avoiding
the pylons now will avoid an annoying bug.  With sufficient leadership, you
can convince Stesha to turn off the nearby pylons and give you info. 
Mention Litalia's name to gain control.  Head east, and hug the north wall.
Open the door and turn off the control panel, turning off the next few 
pylons.  Head north, and talk with the rotghroth.  It wants your help 
destroying a strong rogue.  Help it kill the jailed battle alpha and it will
let you open the northern doors, allowing you to turn off the pylons.
Once you do this, the area becomes clear.  However, if you kill any of
the pylons, I've found that this area does not become clear, even if you
kill them all and turn off the switches.  As such, this area is a permanent
red zone.  This wouldn't be so bad, except for the fact that there is a
cave with an anvil to the S, and it's a pain to access.  Now you can go
back and kill the non-hostile pylons for the same experience you would
have got earlier.  One servile body to the SW has a rod of succor. The
battle alpha you killed earlier has a golden crystal for you.  Unlock the
doors to the NE fight the creatures inside.  The cryoas are guarding a
canister of major heal.  

Clawbug Infestation
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: Up to Display Warren and Crumbling Lab
$: None
  A lot of clawbugs live here, including the striped clawbug that the 
customs officer in Fort Wilton wanted you to destroy.  Kill 8 redshell 
clawbugs to satisfy Corrie's quest.  Redshells are resistant to fire, so use
other magic on them.  The striped clawbug is to the north, and may drop a 
farsight chitin on death.  Make your way to the NW to find an anvil.  Mark
this area mentally, as you will probably want to come back here shortly
when you've accumulated a few artifact ingredients.

Khor's Deeps
Q: None
S: Create Battle Alpha
O: None
D: East to Crumbling Lab, West to Cultist Freehold, South to Breeding 
   Caverns, Boat to Spears East Docks
$: None
  This is the area you must travel to to leave this island.  Here you may be
able to exact revenge on an old acquaintance.  If you are helping the rebels,
you may want to avoid this area to begin with until after you have permission
to leave so that you can talk to the resident here.  Killing him doesn't 
affect you much in any way, however, so if you want to explore, go right on
ahead.  Kill the glaahk to the east for a glaahk shield.  When ready,
head into the main building.  Well, hello Master Hoge!  Yes, the crazy shaper
has finally ended his travels.  He will probably be hostile, but if not, he
soon becomes hostile if you talk about his canister.  There is a contraption
to the north that heals Hoge, so be sure to sabotage it before fighting him.
Otherwise he runs right to it to heal and attack you constantly.
He is easy to provoke, just threaten to take his canisters.  The only
canister he has is to the east, one of create battle alpha.  He drops a
sharing belt and some nice essence chitin, which raises all of your shaping 
skills.  The NW has a pure crystal shard, and ingredient for the
ring of the infiltrator, which you should make very soon.  The bonus to
your skills will be very helpful.  Note that if you have kill Hoge in a
previous encounter, the enemy here will be Mooralas, who is much easier
(from Seletine).

Breeding Caverns
Q: Jolana's Techniques
S: Create Glaahk, Mental Magic
O: None
D: East to Display Warren, West to Tower Gates, North to Khor’s Deeps
$: None
  A cryodrayk greets you.  She tells you not to mess with her young. If you
have a few points of leadership you can convince her to call out to her
brood and have them let you by.  It doesn't work to well so you'll have to 
be careful if following this route.  Of course, you can slaughter them without
any repurcussions.  Do so if it makes you happy.  Head to the SE and speak
with Shaper Jolana.  He is not fighting the rogues, and is the object of
Diamant's quest.  He wants your help finding some puresteel to make armor
and weapons.  Do so and for a fee he will make something for you.  If you
have the puresteel from Phasia's metalworks you can use that as well.  Of
course, the items aren't that great and you can probably find them on
your own.  Your choice.  Jolana's chambers have pair of cryoaskin 
vambraces and a mandrake tincture, and Jolana will drop a fibrous
breastplate and a shielding knife when killed (from Seletine).
Head to the south, and you'll see 6 vats and a
control panel.  Use the panel and you'll have to fight 6 battle creatures.
The last one, a blessed beta, drops a frozen blade on death.  Near the 
center of the room is a locked door, head north to pull a lever and get
past the door.  Inside is a canister of create glaahk.  You will find the
other shaper journal half on a body to the NW.  Nearby is a canister of
mental magic.  That's about it for this area, head on to the next.

Tower Gates
Q: None
S: Group Heal
O: None
$: None
  You have 3 options for getting to Khyryk's gates.  You can either go 
through the box mines, the small exploder mines, or the turrets.  The box
mines are probably the easiest, just equip your mech-increasing items and
disarm them- they are along the bottom path.  The south path also has
a dead body with an infiltrator's charm.  Alternatively, head to the
middle path and carefully guide your shaper through the mines, and use the
spore boxes.  There are three boxes total.  The north path has turrets,
and a bunch of mines guarding some dead bodies with a canister of group
heal.  To make it past the mines, you will either need to summon up some 
sort of fodder creation to get blown up by them (a thahd works well- don't
improve its intelligence, it won't be fighting), or steelskin and shield
a creation with high HP and send it through the field, healing as necessary.
The reaper turrets can kill a weakling like your typical shaper in one hit
so be careful.  There's a body with shaped boots to the N, and an artila
with the book Aenele is looking for to the NW.  

Cultist Freehold
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: East to Breeding Caverns, West to Khyryk’s Tower
$: None
  The south section of this map is full of cryoas.  The north section holds
the cultist.  As you kill the cultists, they will start releasing beasts from
vats (killing 3, 6, 10, 14 serviles will open the vats after lots of chanting).
These beasts get progressively tougher as you go on, so to simplify
your fighting, get to the NW fast and kill the shaman.  There's a recipe for
the avenger's ring nearby (Perfected Ring + Pure Crystal Shard + 
Ur-Drakon Skin).  The servile cultmaster to the east is the most rich servile
here- kill him for a quicksilver chain and a girdle of might.  Head to the NE
and you'll find some serviles.  Set them free then accompany them to the SW
exit.  You get decent XP per servile rescued.  Nearby the serviles is the
recipe for the purification elixir (mandrake tincture + demon bile).

The Tower Path
Q: None
S: Parry
O: None
D: East to Cultist Freehold, South to Khyryk’s Tower, Boat to Monastery of 
$: NOne
  This is a rather loopy level that takes you on a spiral path up to Khyryk's
tower.  Cultists and other serviles are your main opponent.  There are drayks
and cultists to the SE, kill them for some minor goods, a black pearl 
talisman, and a bonding knife. The NE has the most important thing for you,
a boat.  This boat will take you to the monastery of tears, the most
difficult area of the game.  There's also a canister of parry nearby.
When you make it to the end of this level, several drayks rush you.  Luckily, 
you have help by way of the nearby turrets.

Khyryk's Tower
Q: Agatha's Mansion, Free the Shapers
S: Khyryk, Major Heal, Create Drayk
O: Khyryk (3)
D: Directions for this level are: East to Tower Gates, North to The
   Tower Path
$: None
  Khyryk is one of the most interesting characters in the game, my 
personal favorite.  He is very helpful and will train you if you're
pro-shaper.  Even if you're not he still will train you in several
spells.  He also trains Greta for 3000 gold.  Her attack is further
increased to essence orbs.  He has a quest for you- find out what
happened to the shapers.  Rebels and pro-shapers can both do this quest,
there is no significant penalty.  However, the next quest, to free the
shapers is pro-shaper only.  When you complete his "Free
the Shapers" quest you get an agent's robe, an excellent claok that
provides bonuses to your magic skills.  Explore Khyryk's tower for
several goodies.  The area to the NW mostly has minor goodies, but the
southern area has several nice items, including demon bile, mandrake
tincture, canisters of create drayk and major heal, recipes for
armor and impervious bands (Platinum Ring + either Perfect Drayk or
Drakon Scale), a reaper baton, a girdle of avoidance, some demon claws,
a rod of alacrity, a shaped blade, some mind nutrients, and a recipe for
the essence aegis (perfected shield + purified essence + crystal woven 
fibers).  If you intend to kill Khyryk, try to take him by surprise.
He may teleport away for a first time, if so, he will be to the SW.
Just continuously hit him, eventually he will go down (i.e. he will
burst apart when he tries to teleport a second time).  He drops an
agent's cloak and a puresteel belt when he dies.

The Maker's Road
Q: None
S: Essence Armor
O: None
D: West to Gull North Docks, South to Beastkeeper’s Woods, Door to Maker’s End
$: None
  There are serviles here who become hostile if you have consumed too many
canisters.  Otherwise, your main goal is the SE mansion.  Enter it and disarm
the traps nearby.  Read the journal in the SE, and you can grab the deadeye
cloak and ivory band in the northern room.  Through the unlocked door is a 
canister of essence armor.  If you have the "free the shapers" quest, head to
the NE and go in the door.

Maker's End
Q: None
S: Create Rotghroth, Battle Roar
O: None
D: Door to The Maker’s Road
$: None
   Do not attack
any pylons if you do not want to fight all of the pylons in the area. Enter the
area, and head to the SE room to insert your control rod in the control panel.
Head past the pylons, then kill the rogues, turrets, and disarm the mines in
the courtyard.  Head north, and go touch the control panel again to enter the
next area.  Omen Eye is the boss of this area, to the NE.  He is tough, but
you can get the pylons to help you if you run to the NE room and use the
control panel with high mechanics.  Once dead, grab his eye.  Head east, and 
pull the four levers.  This opens the nearby doors.  There's another lever
nearby that will open a room with a canister of battle roar and one of 
create rotghroth.  Head to the SW room for some oozebeasts, one will drop
some excellent ornkskin gauntlets.  Guardians will like them, with their 
nice bonus to strength.  Now head to the next east room, this is where the
shapers are.  Kill them if you feel rebellious, otherwise talk to Agatha.
This will end the "retrieve shaper equipment" quest, so make sure you don't 
have a large stock of it hanging around somewhere.  This clears Stonespire,
and reinstalls the shapers as the proper owners.  You are now done with this
island.  Return to Stonespire to speak with Agatha.  However, if you kill them,
this makes Khyryk upset and he will be waiting for you when you come back,
in the SW rooms.

------------------------------Isle of Spears------------------------------------

Spears East Docks
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: West to Icy End, South to Besieged Camp, North to Spire Forest, Boat to 
   Gull North Docks
$: None
  Rebel: A drakon comes and greets you.  However, while talking,
a bunch of humans come to fight you.  The drakon then gives you
directions- you are to head to Icy End and talk with Nazar.  If Greta
is in your party, you will have a conversation with her.
  Loyal: A drakon comes out and threatens you.  Fortunately, a bunch of
humans come to help you, and together you take the drakon down.  They
then tell you to meet them to the south.  Do so to avoid the cold.
  Both: Some cryodrayks here need discipline.  Give it to them.  Some
nice minor items are your reward.

Icy End
Q: Get Cake, Spears Shaper Camp, Kill Orois Blaze
S: Aura of Flames, Create Gazer, Mass Restore
O: None
D: East to Spears East Docks, West to Benerii-Eo Gates, South to Breeding
$: Essa
  The NW building with a door has the recipe for a Golden crystal in it 
(Mandrake Tincure + Gemstone + Perfect Drakon Scale + Perfect Fyora Scale).
Note that Mooralas' chamber will be empty if you killed him at Khor's Deeps.
  Rebel:  Few people will talk to you unless you talk with Nazar first.  Essa
will ask indirectly for some cake.  Give her some (there's some in Khyryk's
tower) for a nice minor item reward.  Rall is a servile blacksmith whose
husband has been sent away.  She sells several shaped items.  Now head
and talk with Nazar to the SE.  He wants you to kill some shapers hiding to
the SE.  Do so for a canister of aura of flames and a reaper baton.  
Afterwards he tells you to go see Litalia to the west. Vrabel wants 
you to kill Orois Blaze (doing so prevents you from being shaped by him,
obviously).  Once the deed is done, go speak with Iss-Ta for a new canister
of create gazer.  Vrabel's next quest is to destroy a shaper cache in the area
NE.  A mass restore canister is your reward.
  Loyal: Kill everything that moves.  It will save the shapers who will purge
the island later the effort.  No one should be too tough by now, except for the
area down to the SE.  Save that for last.  You can avenge your school even
further by killing Mooralas, Hoge's apprentice.  For a bit of fun, clear out
the servile chambers to the north.  This will show you just how powerful
you are.  After purging the main town, head to the SE.  Nazar needs removal,
as the shapers in the SE request.  Nazar himself isn't too hard, but the hoard
of creations nearby make this area difficult.  Strong daze and mass madness
will make your life a bit easier.

Besieged Camp
Q: Slay Guard Serviles, Slay Nazar, Find Benerii-Eo Entry
S: Aura of Flames, Mass Restore
O: None
D: East to Breeding Valley, North to Spears East Docks
$: Swanwick
  Loyal: Here is where the shapers who helped you against the drakon when you
landed on the island are located.  Head to the SE, past the mines (there's a
sporebox near to them), and talk with the shapers. While talking with
Swanwick, you are attacked by 2 rotghroths.   The main person of 
interest is Resnick, who has several quests for you.  Other shapers give you
more info.  Resnick wants you to kill the NW serviles, and will teach you to
shape yourself in exchange (Mass Restore).  He then wants you to kill Nazar,
and will teach you Aura of Flames.  He also wants you to let him know when
you've found an entry to Benerii-Eo.  Do so, and with high leadership you can
convince them to join you.  The only entry that counts is to the NW, the
mushroom caves.
  Rebel: Like the loyalist, head to the SE.  Kill the shapers that reside
within.  Resnick drops a charmed falchion.

Breeding Valley
Q: None
S: Orois Blaze
O: None
D: East to Besieged Camp, West to Southern Gates, North to Icy End
$: Orois Blaze
  There is a region filled with Drayks to the north.  Kill them and take their
stuff.  I found a pair of putrefied gauntlets on the rotghroth.  The 
Ur-Glaahk nest to the SW has some puresteel boots.  Finally,
go talk with Orois Blaze.  Orois Blaze is a savvy drakon who will trade for
your goods.  He's very helpful inasmuch as he can shape you, giving loyalists
a non-canister way of obtaining the highest level spells.  His shapings cost
5000 gold each, so come with a full wallet.  You can kill him for an arcane
band and a perfect ur-drakon skin.
  Rebel: Keeper Trug fills you in a bit one what's going on nearby.  If you
kill Orois Blaze, then these individuals may be hostile.

Spire Forest
Q: None
S: Luck
O: None
D: West to Mushroom Cave, South to Spears East Docks
$: None
  Khossos, a nasty lizard, doesn't like the fact that you are here.  If
you've used a bunch of canisters, you don't like the fact that he's here
and will attack him immediately.  Otherwise you can persuade him to stop
bothering you with some leadership.  Of course, killing him will get you
some quicksilver sandals.  Killing his wards gets you a nice bit of stuff
as well, but we'll cover that later.  Head to the SW, disarm the mines, and
you'll find a shaper cache, which is the object of Vrabel's second quest.
There's a canister of luck to the NE, behind the den of drakons.  In the
central cave that Khossos was guarding, you'll find several vats.  Open
them using the control panel (THIS ACTION MAKES ICY END HOSTILE- BEWARE!)
and fight the drayks, cryodrayks, and drakon that come out.  The drakon
drops a drakonian plate and an ur-drakon skin.  There are other nice items
nearby in the nest, grab them as well.

Mushroom Cave
Q: Kill Servant Mind
S: Mass Restore
O: None
D: East to Spire Forest, West to Benerii-Eo Vat Core
$: None
  The NE has a canister of mass restore.  There is a shaped breastplate
to the NW, but you'll have to steal it.
  Rebels: Maris, a servile is to the SW.  Talk with him and report
back to Rall in Icy End for some XP.  Zulak is in charge here and
wants you to kill a servant mind to the NW.  You get some XP for this
quest, but that's about it.
  Loyalists: Have fun slaughtering the serviles!  If they spot you, no
biggy, you just have to fight some drayks.  The NW has a servant mind,
who is groggy but will wake up with adequate leadership or yelling at
him.  Have him open the nearby doors.

Southern Gates
Q: None
S: Mass Madness
O: None
D: East to Breeding Valley, North to Benerii-Eo Labs, plus a boat if 
   you've reached the pro-rebel ending
$: None
  Some nasty enemies live here.  An essence vlish drops Tek's spectral
dirk, a good weapon.  The spiritwracked eye doesn't seem to drop a
thing, though.  Khazz-Reh, a rotghroth, likewise drops nothing.
Immediately south of Khazz-Reh is another rotghroth, this one drops
a valuable rotghroth fang.  The SW is home to another gazer,
this one drops the valuable gazerskin vambraces.  Once you've made it
to Benerii-Eo Labs, head south and enter this area from the north.
Doing so gets you access to another anvil.  If you're pro-rebel, the
serviles are friendly.  However, if not, then look out for the 
servile commander- he drops a puresteel blade.  A cave at the west
end, near the second gazer, has a canister of mass madness and the
lightning girdle recipe (perfected belt + solidified flame + Ur-Drakon

Benerii-Eo Gates
Q: None
S: Battle Roar, Create Gazer
O: Krizsan Eye
D: East to Icy End, West to Benerii-Eo Labs
$: None
  Rebels: Litalia is at the end of the path, and she tells you that you
must submit to testing by Krizsan eye.  First Krizsan has you swear loyalty
to Akhari Blaze (you can lie with adequate leadership, for what it's worth).
Then Krizsan eye has you pacify or kill some creations to the west.  Either
way works.  Return to the eye then head to Litalia.  She tells you to
go straight to Akhari Blaze.
  Loyalists: Kill everything that moves, same as usual.  The servile 
commander drops a quicksilver plate.  Krizsan Eye drops puresteel
gauntlets on death. 
    There is a canister of battle roar to the north, and a canister of create
gazer to the south.  Play with the levers and with the control panels
to open the door and make the pylons friendly.

Benerii-Eo Labs
Q: Destroy Golem
S: Create Drakon, Battle Roar, Strength, Dexterity, Mass Madness
O: None
D: East to Benerii-Eo Gates, West to Geneforge, South to Southern Gates,
   North to Benerii-Eo Vat Core
$: None
  There are two canisters: create drakon and battle roar to the SW, and
a pair of pustulent vambraces, decent pants.  Kill the golem to the NE
via the path described in the rebels area below.  There are 3 canisters
to the NW behind a heavily locked door- strength, dexterity, and mass
madness.  Remember, as long as you've used less than 7 canisters, you
haven't gone too far (some of these canisters are very nice).  Check the
SW for a puresteel ring (use for Jolana's techniques if desired).
  Rebels: Fae, a servile, greets you.  Talk with her to understand what is
going on.  A drakon doesn't like that you are here, and there's something
nasty to the north.  Also, have Litalia's Key!  Gee, thanks.  Krazass Crafter
is to the SW, and he is the one who has made all of the canisters.  He doesn't
much care for you, but in this case, reacting nastily to him (via too many
canisters) actually calms him down.  Tigh eye is to the NW, and will
show you what they have discovered.  It gives you a quest to destroy the
golem to the NE.  There's an alternate way of killing this golem that
involves activating the crystal in the southern part of the room and getting
the golem near to it.  I usually just beat on it till it dies.  When dead,
claim the puresteel charm, claws of a demon, and right entry bracelet that
become available to you.  Completion of Tigh's quest will get him to
open up a door for you. Check out Litalia's room as you see fit for a
number of decent items (described below).
  Loyalists: Kill everything that moves.  See, that's why you should
stay loyal!  It's fun to demostrate your superior power.  Litalia's room
is immediately NW of the entrance, visit it for some background story and some
shaped boots, shaped breastplate, shaped sword, shaped gauntlets and a shaper's
boon ring.  Tigh Eye drops gazerskin sandals, some of the best footwear in the

Benerii-Eo Vat Core
Q: None
S: Aura of Flames, Create Rotghroth
O: None
D: East to Mushroom Cave, West to Geneforge, South to Benerii-Eo Labs
$: None
  If possible, enter from the SW. Immediately run and disarm the nearby
control panel, followed by the sprayers. There are many pools nearby, but they
can mostly be turned off by finding a nearby control panel and using it.
Stay away from the center unless you want to fight a bunch of golems. The
SE has a number of nice items, including an essence charm, some mandrake
tincture and demon bile, and the rod of battle recipe (stick + gemstone +
battle pod + perfect drakon scale).  A canister of Aura of Flames awaits
you nearby.  The NW has a canister of create rotghroth.  In the center of
the map is the vat's core, guarded by a large group of golems.  These
golems have the left entry bracelet, which you need to explore the
monastery of tears.

Q: Kill Rahul
S: Create Drakon, Endurance, Spellcraft
O: None
D: East to Benerii-Eo Labs, North to Benerii-Eo Vat Core
$: None
  The NW has two canisters, create drakon and endurance, and a puresteel
necklace.  First you must get past Litalia.  Rebels and Loyalists have two
options.  The SE has a canister of spellcraft.
  Rebels: She's is pretty friendly, though heartless.  She directs you to
Akhari Blaze.  Talk with him, and he gives you your final quest- to kill
Lord Rahul.  He gives you a bit of assistance, a summoning orb.  Watch your
dialogue with Litalia- you don't want to insult her too much because she
may become hostile if you say the wrong thing.  Head south and talk to
Akhari Blaze.  He gives you your final quest, to kill Rahul.  He gives you
an orb to help (though it doesn't help much).
  Loyalists: She's probably hostile, unless you talk her out of it with high
leadership (something along the lines of "he has you do his dirty work?").
She still attacked me even after I convinced her not to shortly afterwards.
Kill her for a quicksilver bulwark, probably the best shield in
the game.  Head south, killing serviles for fun and maybe profit, and find
Akhari Blaze.  He is near the center of the map, so your best bet is to
move along the perimeter of the area (going over the lava- you can turn them
off if you find some levers and use them).  As you make it around, use the
control panels you find around Blaze's room and either turn off the creation
platforms or set them to attack him.  You need leadership for both actions,
but the latter requires significantly more.  When ready, confront Akhari
Blaze.  He taunts you then attacks.  Hopefully nothing will attack you from
the nearby platforms, in fact you'll probably have the creations attack him
instead.  He falls fairly quickly.  When dead, destroy the Geneforge- there's
no real fanfare.  Head back to Rahul to report on your victory.

Chadwick Prison (Rebels only)
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: Ladder to Infiltrated Shore
$: None
  This can be a fairly nasty situation if you're a shaper.  All your items
are taken from you and your creations are permanently stunned.  Head out the
door and kill the turrets (haste and hide tactic works well).  Head north and
then west of here and turn off the control panel to revive your creations.  
Immediately west of the control panel are all your items.  Yay, now nothing
can stand in your way.  The SW has the low security cells with a bunch of
battle creations guarding it.  Nothing too tough.  There's an insane shaper
in the SW-most corner of the room, talk with him and he'll attack.  You get
a Shaper's boon ring for your troubles.  The NE cells (guarded by pylons) are
mostly empty, with the exception of the SW and NW rooms.  Inside the SW room
is a maddened servile who drops a forbidden band when slain.  The NW room
has a crazy inmate (eyebeast) who drops a pair of gazerskin sandals.  Head to
the NW, where the warden Chadwick resides.  He is tough, but can be beaten.
On death, you get access to his Agent's shelter shield, as well as his
quicksilver bulwark.  Head north, get the key, open the door to the N, tell
the servile at the beginning, he'll give you a hint, and get out of here.

------------------------------Monastery of Tears--------------------------------

Monastery of Tears
Q: None
S: Tolleran
O: None
D: Boat to The Tower Path, Door to Monastery Caves
$: None
  These two levels are among the toughest in the game.  That said, the main 
floor is significantly easier than the basement.  You can get here by taking
a boat from the Tower Path.  When you enter the door, you see several golems.
You must kill them all to enter the monastery.  This area mainly has 
rotghroths.  Don't attack them with acid based, you will do little damage.
Drayk fire can hurts them over 100 HP a shot.  Haste 2-3 of them, and you'll
kill a rotghroth in a turn.  The servile watchers to the north can be tough-
one variety is magic resistant and can be best taken down by melee attacks.
A few Drakons roam the area, don't try fire attacks with them.  The eastern
chamber has the horrible Ornk Spawner- apparently the way by which the rogues
gain sustenance here.  Go ahead and kill it.  There are a few locked doors
here, some are worth your tools, some are not.  The one near the spawner
only has a reaper baton and a mandrake tincture- probably not too worthwhile.
The NE has a recipe for the talisman of might (rotghroth fang + purifying
elixir + gold necklace), which is probably the best necklace in the game due
to its huge strength bonus.  With it, you'll probably never have to worry
about the weight limit again.  There is a firewind worm also to the NE,
killing it gets you another solidified flame, enabling creation of both the 
all-protector and lightning girdle.  The locked door to the NE has a pair
of gloves of the rock, a bit north of that door is another locked door
which can be opened with a key you will find on this level.  A room to the
NW has several bodies and an infested gazer.  You should know what "infested"
means by now- spawning worms on death.  The room has a puresteel belt.
Probably the most important thing is in the NW corner- kill the pulsating
rats, and open the heavily locked door.  You'll find Tolleran, a shaper.
He will shape you for 6K a go- he shapes your primary stats, a nice bonus
if you've got the spare change.  South of Tolleran is Eyebeast Aktrom, a 
nasty rogue with two rotghroth cohorts.  Melee damage is the way to go with
Aktrom, as he is resistant to most other attacks.  Try to keep him occupied so
that he doesn't use his aura of flames attack on you.  Grab the key when he 
dies.  The nearby door has a twice-blessed robe and a shaped fiber cloak.
More rotghroths are to the SW.  There's a final locked drawer here with some
reaper thorns and gemstones.  It's tough to open, so it's your choice if you
want to bother.  When you've cleared the majority of Benerii-Eo, come back
here with the two bracelets you found and go to the NE.  Approach the door,
you'll be let in to a room with a health and an essence pool, and a green
door.  Use the green door to enter the pretty horrible Monastery Caves.

Monastery Caves
Q: None
S: None
O: None
D: Door to Monastery of Tears
$: None
  This is easily the most difficult area in the game.  If you can beat this,
you will have no problem with any other areas of the game.  You start out to
the SE.  The nearby servile bodies have some bracelets which you should already
have.  This area has several Boss-level difficulty enemies.  There are also
a number of nasty rats nearby.  Ratlord Eye is in the SW corner of the map- he
has a few rats with him, but they are pretty easy.  Ratlord eye can really put
the hurt on you, so your best route (as with all gazers/eyebeasts) is to
have you heavy hitters beat on him.  Glaahks work quite well.  When he falls,
three pulsating rats take his place.  Now get your melee fighters out of there
and kill them with distance attacks- otherwise, you'll be hurt a lot in the
resulting flames.  Ratlord Eye drops a purified essence and impervious band,
and the nearby container has some demon bile and crystalline fibers.
The NE holds some spirit-linked drakons, as well as some normal drakons.  They
don't drop too much of note.  There's a nearby locked closet with a golden
crystal at the east.  The center of the map has a lot of reaper turrets
but by this time they shouldn't be that difficult.  Just take your time
clearing them out.  Head to the NNW (the north holds several very difficult
rotghroths- probably one of the most difficult batches of enemies in the game,
so take them out after doing this), and you'll find the source of "spawned"
enemies.  If you have 20 mechanics or so, you'll be able to completely turn
off this spawning pad, making your life significantly easier in this area.
Do so if you have the mechanics.  Otherwise, your best bet is to stay in
combat mode through this level to try to keep the spawned enemies to a minimum.
After this spawner is destroyed, you can think about taking on some of the
tougher enemies.  To the west is the pure essence shade, along with three golems
and a bunch of bushes.  Kill the golems first (they're pretty easy), and then
take out the shade.  Remove the bushes ASAP as well- they're not strong but
they are annoying.  The shade drops a shaper true chitin, amazingly powerful
armor just designed for shapers (who probably won't want to use it because
the various +AP armors are still more useful).  There is another rotghroth
fang in the sacks immediately south of the shade (use it for either a charm
or the necklace if you haven't made it yet).  The NE has a radiant drakon which
will daze your creations every round (mental barrier helps a bit) but once
destroyed drops a perfect drakon skin and some gloves of the hammer (very
potent gloves).  To the north are three shambling rotghroths and some spraying
bushes.  All in all, a real acid-fest.  The rotghroths are vulnerable to magic
as usual, but they spray acid every turn.  Hit them as hard as you can and
concentrate on one at a time.  Once they go down, one drops the Puresteel
Soulblade, one of the strongest weapons in the game.  Of course, by now you're
probably dependent on the guardian claymore, so oh well.  When you're ready
head to the NW.  Here you'll find a nasty creator who can really wipe the floor
with you.  Stay back from him, and concentrate on the creator.  It will summon
three waves of increasingly tough enemies as you go, so be warned.  Kill it for
the best charm in the game, the omnicharm.  It also drops a deep focus orb, for
what it's worth.  Once cleared with this area, there's not much left to do.

7. Item List

Item name, stats enhanced, selling price
The first column is armor bonus for armor, and damage range for weapons.
Abbreviations used: Str = Strength, Dex = Dexterity, Int = Intelligence,
End = Endurance, MeW = Melee Weapons, Mis = Missile Weapons, QA = Quick Action,
PA = Parry, BtM = Battle Magic, MM = Mental Magic, BlM = Blessing Magic,
SC = Spellcraft, FS = Fire Shaping, BtS = Battle Shaping, MgS = Magic
Shaping, HC = Healing Craft, Lead = Leadership, Mech = Mechanics

When followed by either a "C" or a "c" the effect applies to your creations.

FR = Fire Resistance, CR = Cold Resistance, ER = Energy Resistance,
SR = Stun Resistance, MR = Mental Resistance, PR = Poison Resistance,
AR = Acid Resistance, HER = Hostile Effect Resistance (all the preceeding)
TH = To Hit Percent

Note that armor increases your fire, cold, and energy resistance by half of
the armor percentage, making stronger armors all that much better.
Consider this when trying to figure out what to equip (from Walter).

Artila Skin Tunic     6% +2 BtM, -1 MM                                  62
Chain Mail Armor     16%, +20% SR, -5% TH                               37
Charmed Plate        28%, +40% SR, -15% TH +5 luck +8HER
Chitin Armor         10%, +10% SR                                        5
Crystal Shroud       16%, +2 AP, +30% SR, +12% HER, +3 StrC           1250
Crystal Woven Chitin 12%, +1 Spell craft +20 SR
Drakonian Plate      24%, +50% SR, -20% TH, +15% AcR, +15% ER
Emerald Chestguard   50%, +2 AP, +2 HER, +18% SR, +2 levels of damage 1250
Farsight Chitin      10%, +10% SR, +3 Mis                              250
Fibrous Breastplate  20%, +45% SR, -15% TH, +12% ER, -5% FR            250
Infiltrator's Vest    4%, +1 Lead, +1 Mech, +2% HER                    150
Iron Breastplate     22%, +30% SR, -10% TH                              75
Puresteel Plate      40%, +50% SR, -20% TH,                            375
Quicksilver Chain    16%, +20% SR, -5% TH, +1 AP, -2 SC                400
Quicksilver Plate    34%, +50% SR, -20% TH, +1 AP, +1 Dex              750
Ruby Breastplate     16%, +20% SR, -5% TH, +8% FR                      125
Shaped Breastplate   34%, +50% SR, -20% TH
Shaper True Chitin   24%, +10% SR, +2 StrC, DexC, IntC                1500
Steel Brestplate     28%, +40% SR, -15% TH                             175
Thahd Skin Tunic      6% +2 MeW, -1 Int                                 62
Tunic                 4%                                                 1
Vat Chitin           12%, +10% SR, +5% PR, +5% AR                       50
Vlish Skin Tunic      6%, +2 MM, -1 BlM                                 62

Boots 4% 2
Clover Boots          4%, +3 Luck                                      100
Gazerskin Sandals    20%, +10% HER, +30% SR                            750
Heavy Boots           6%                                                 5
Nimble Sandals        2%, +1 Dex                                       200
Puresteel Boots      14%                                               250
Quicksilver Sandals   2%, +1 AP, -2 Str                                625
Samaritan Sandals     2%, +2 HC                                        150
Sandals               2%                                                 1
Shaped Boots          8%,                                               25
Spectral Boots        3%, +5% AR, +5% ARc                              125
Stability Boots       8%, +1 Dex, +40% SR                              625
Swamp Boots,          6%, +10% PR                                      175
Vat Boots             4%, +5% PR, +5% AcR                               25

Blademaster Charm         +1 Quick Action, +5% TH, +8% MERc            625
Clawbug Charm             +8% PR                                       250
Cryoa Claw Charm          +3% CR                                       250
Essence Charm             +1 Int, +3% HER, +8% MERc                    625
Gruesome Charm            -2 End, +2 Int, +2 Dex                       375
Infiltrator's Charm       +1 Lead, +1 Mech, +8 HERc                    625
Lucky charm               +1 Luck                                      150
Mental Focus Charm        +1 SC, +8% HER, HERc                         625
Omnicharm                 +1 Str, Dex, Int, End                       1500
Physician's charm         +1 HC                                        250
Puresteel Charm           +1 Str, +1 Levels of damage, +8% HERc         62
Skein of Wisdom           +1 Int                                       250

Girdles and Belts
Belt                  2%,                                               10
Creator's Belt       20%, +2 StrC, DexC, IntC, EndC                   1250
Girdle of avoidance   5%, +2 Dex, DexC                                 250
Girdle of genius      5%, +2 Int, +2 IntC                              250
Girdle of insight     4%, +1 Int, +1 IntC                              100
Girdle of life        5%, +2 End, +2 EndC                              250
Girdle of might       5%, +2 Str, +2 StrC                              250
Girdle of nimbleness  4%, +1 Dex, +1 DexC                              100
Girdler of strength   4%, +1 Str, +1 StrC                              100
Lightning Girdle      6%, +1 AP, +3 PA, +2 Dex                        1250
Oozing Belt           4%, -2 Str, +3 StrC, DexC                        350
Puresteel Belt        8%,                                              250
Sharing Belt          4%, -2 Dex, +2 StrC, DexC                        200
Studded Belt          4%,                                               25
Student’s Belt        2%, +1 Int, +5% ER                                50

Carnelian Gloves      2%, +1 BtM, +1 MM                                200
Gauntlets             3%                                                15
Gloves                2%                                                 4
Gloves of the Hammer  8%, +2 Str, +1 QA, +1 Par                       1000
Gloves of the Rock    5%, +4 End                                       500
Miner’s Gloves        5%, +5% PR, +15% SR                              400
Ornkskin Gauntlets    3%, +2 Str, +2 End                              1000
Putrefied Gauntlets   8%, -2 Str, Dex +20% AR, +4 SC                  1250
Steel Gauntlets       4%,                                               12
Shaped Gauntlets      6%,                                               62
Thrusting Gauntlets   4%, +1 Pa, +2 Damage levels                      200

Black Pearl Talisman  4%, +1 BtS, +1 MgS                               250
Blessed Bauble        2%,                                               62
Guardian Stone        2%, +1 QA                                        150
Puresteel Necklace    6%, +1 FS                                        750
Ruby Necklace         2%, +5% FR, +10% ER, +5 FRc, +10 ERc             300
Stability Bauble          +8% SR,                                       62
Talisman of Might         +4 Str                                      1000
Tinker’s Bauble           +1 Mech                                      100
Tribal Fetish         2%, +1 BlM                                       150

Essence Vambraces     9%, +3% SR,                                      200
Gazerskin Vambraces   4%, +10% SR, +2 MeW, +10% SRc, +10% MRc 
Leather Pants         3%,                                                7
Leather Vambrace      4%, +6% SR, -5% TH                                25
Pants                 2%,                                                1
Plate Vambraces       6%, +2% SR, -10% TH 
Pustulent Vambrace    4%, +6% SR, -5% TH, +8% AcR
Puresteel Vambrace   11%, +4% SR, -5% TH
Swamp Pants           2%, +5% PR                                        50

Armor Band            6%, +15% SR                                      500
Avenger’s Ring        6%, +15% SR, +2 MeW, +4 QA                      1250
Chilling Band         2%, +15% FR                                      125
Deflection Band           +12 Creation armor, +2 HERc
Forbidden Band            +1 Str, Dex, Int, End                       1000
Impervious Band      10%, +20% SR, +5 HER                             1000
Infiltrator's RIng        +2 Dex, Lead, Mech, Luck                    1250
Ivory Band            2%, +25 PR                                       250
Mica Band             2%, +25% AR, +15% PR                             250
Projection band           +2 Creation armor, +2 HERc                   125
Rat Tail Band         2%, +6% PR, +5% TH                               175
Shaper’s Boon            +1 StrC, DexC, IntC, EndC                    1000
Shielding Band        4%, +10% SR                                       50
Static Band           2%, +15% ER                                      125
Warmth Ring           2%, +25% CR                                      250

Agent Cloak           3%, +1 BtM, MM, BlM, SC                          500
Coated Cloak          4%, +5% ER,                                       50
Cloak                 2%,                                                1
Deadeye Cloak         2%, +2 Mis                                       200
Fine Cloak            4%,                                                5
Fine Robe            10%,                                               10
Fyoraskin Cloak       5%, +5% FR,                                      100
Grounded Robe         6%, +5% ER                                        50
Guardian Cloak        8%, +1 MeW, Mis, QA, PA                          500
Infiltrator Cloak     2%, +1 Lead, Mech, +2 HER                        125
Polar Fur Cloak       4%, +5% CR                                        50
Ratskin Shawl         4%, +6% PR                                       175
Robe                  6%,                                                2
Shaped Fiber Cloak    6%, +5% TH                                       200
Specter Robe         10%, +4% ER, +15% SR, -2% FR, +10% MRc            500
Symbiotic Robe        5%, +2 End, +1 Mis, QA, PA                       500
Transference Robe     6%, -2 Str, End, Dex, +2 StrC, EndC, DexC        500
Twice-blessed Robe   10%, +2 BtM, +15% MERc                            750

Agent's Shelter      10%, +20% MER, +15% SR, +1 SC, +2 Dex            1000
All-Protector        12%, +5% HER, +20% SR, +2 levels of damage       1250
Clawbug Carapace     10%, +10% PR                                      100
Essence Aegis        12%, +2 SC, +2 HC, +1 Int                        1250
Fibrous Shield       10%, +15% SR, +5% ER, -2% FR                      187
Fyoraskin Shield      8%, +10% FR 
Glaahk Shield         8%, +40% SR                                      175
Infiltrator Shield   12%, +1 Mech, +5% TH, +10% SR                     125
Iron Shield           8%,                                               10
Puresteel Shield     16%,                                              750 
Quicksilver Bulwark  12%, +1 AP, +5% TH, +10% SR                      1250
Reflecting Shield     8%, +3 HER                                       100
Shaped Shield        12%,                                               75
Shield of Warmth      6%, +10% CR,                                      62
Shining Shield        8%, +2 Lead +15 MRc
Steel Shield         10%,                                               25
Wooden shield         6%,                                                2

Bonding Knife       7-28, 4% armor, -2 Str, Dex, Int, +4 End           150
Bronze Sword        3-12                                                10
Charmed Falchion    7-28, +5 luck, +2 HER                              500
Dagger               2-8,                                                5
Empathy Blade       3-12, -1 Dex, +1 DexC, StrC                        125
Flaming Sword      11-44, +10% FR, +10% TH,                            450
Frozen Blade       11-44, Confusing Touch, +15% TH, +10% CR            450
Guardian Claymore  10-40, +2 Str, Strc, +2 QA                          500
Iron Sword          5-20,                                               20
Living Knife        7-28, +2 DexC                                      125
Oozing blade       11-44, Rotting touch, +10% AR, +5% TH               450
Puresteel blade    13-52,                                              625 
Puresteel Soulblade15-60, +1 QA, +2 PA                                1250
Spectral Rapier    11-44, +1 PA, +10 Arm, + 10 SR                      625
Shaped Blade       10-40,                                              175
Shielding knife     4-16, 6% armor                                      75
Singing Rapier      5-20, +2 QA +1 PA                                  250 
Steel Dagger        4-16,                                               40
Steel Sword         7-28,                                               62
Stunning Blade      6-24, Stuns                                         62
Tek’s Spectral Dirk 8-32, -6 less damage from attacks, +6 HER, +15 SR

Item recommendations and advice.
  Weapons: If you are going melee or are a shaper/agent, then you have
a few intriguing options.  Shapers will greatly appreciate the guardian
claymore, which can be obtained with some difficulty early on in the 
game and gives a sizable bonus to your and your creations strength.
For agents, I typically become dependent on the strength bonus, and do not 
switch my weapons much beyond this most pleasing blade. Guardians have more
options, including the three elemental blades (although the flaming blade is
fairly weak comparatively), and the oozing blade coupled with a reviving
crystal can make your character almost unstoppable.  The slow effect 
makes many battle very lopsided in your favor.  The frozen blade
is a good alternative to the oozing blade and can be a nice alternative for
use against acid-resistant enemies (like rotghroths).  The puresteel soulblade
is extremely powerful, but comes very late in the game.

  Armor: Generally your best option is to have the crystal shroud at the
beginning of the game and switch over to the emerald chestguard later.
However, the crystal shroud is very light, so your character may appreciate
that one more, though you lose a bit of defense.  Agents can stick with the
shroud through the entire game.  Shapers should probably make the emerald
chestguard since they will probably make a creator's belt instead of the 
shroud.  Unlike the AP boosting armor you find in the game, these two
items have no negative effects, making them vastly superior (and also add
2 AP, instead of only one). Early in the game, the ruby breastplate is 
more than sufficient, although my shaper switched to the infiltrator's 
tunic since my creations diverted most of the attention away from him.

  Belt: Creator's belt for shapers, no questions asked.  Prior to that, pick
a favorite stat (str, int, dex, end) and improve that.  Agents and Guardians
will probably wait a while longer, improving strength, intelligence, dexterity,
or something else until they make the lightning girdle.  The extra AP is nice,
but not as beneficial as the +2 from the crystal shroud/emerald chestguard.
Making the lightning girdle may also be delayed until after making the
avenger's ring.  Just don't become too dependent on the stat bonus from your

  Boots: Gazerskin sandals are the best, but those come pretty late in the 
game.  I'd go for the nimble sandals, maybe the clover boots (bonus to luck = 
bonus to resistance and armor, which is nice, perhaps nicer than the bonus
to dexterity), then I'd switch to the stability boots.  The quicksilver
sandals are another option, if you can stomach the loss in strength.

  Charms: Nearly all charms are worth holding on to- the exceptions may be
the clawbug charm and cryoa claw charm.  Other than those two (which really
don't hurt you and don't drop them unless you're really low on inventory
room), all charms are good.  The gruesome charm is the only charm with a
penalty, but it's worth having anyway.  Boost up your endurance via
skill point investment if it's really bothering you.

  Gloves: Carnelian are the best through a few islands.  The bonus to magic
will enable some classes to cast spells they otherwise would not be able to
cast.  Later you have more options, like the putrefied gauntlets, gloves of
the rock, ornkskin gloves, and gloves of the hammer.  Most people will
probably choose the ornkskin gloves- the bonus to str and end is will 
help carry more items and help you last longer.  Putrefied gauntlets
may be good for agents, though the strength and dexterity penalties are
nasty.  The other gloves are got pretty late in the game.  Hold on to the 
tinker's gloves to be able to overcome traps and use less living tools
on doors as needed.

  Necklace: The talisman of might is the best, far and away.  No other
necklace comes close to matching it.  With this necklace you are free to
switch your belt, gloves, and even weapon if you so desire.  The freedom
this necklace allows more than makes up for the resistance bonuses
provided by other necklaces.  However, it takes a while to be able to
make this necklace.  In the meantime, the blessed necklace that you
can make on Greenwood island is sufficient.  I switch to the tinker's
bauble when I need a bonus to mech.

  Pants: The essence vambraces gained on the first island are the best
till you reach the final island, when some other decent pants become
available.  At this point, switch to the gazerskin vambraces (or if
you can't find them, go for the puresteel vambraces).

  Rings: For most players, the infiltrator's ring is the best.  For
melee loving guardians, the avenger's ring is nice and very appreciated.
In general, there aren't that many rings to choose from, and you can't
make too wrong a decision.  You can make an impervious band on Dhonal
Island, which is pretty nice (get a drakon scale with a platinum ring)
but go for whatever you feel you like.

  Robes: The symbiotic cloak is excellent and very useful for guardians and
maybe for shapers.  The agent's cloak is considerably more difficult to
find but is more than worthwhile.  Agents will obviously want their cloak,
and shapers may appreciate it.  Guardians should carry it for spell-casting
as needed.  The guardian's cloak is less useful than the symbiotic cloak
for guardians.

  Shields: Here are some hard choices- the all-protector, shining shield,
infiltrator's shield and essence aegis can all be found or made on Dhonal
Island.  However, making the essence aegis prevents construction of the
infiltrator's ring, so you may not want to make it just yet.  However, if you
don't make it then, you won't make it till much later.  The all-protector
is an easy artifact to make, but it's a fairly weak artifact.  You can sell
it for a handsome bit of gold, but then you have to delay making the lightning
girdle.  Guardians will probably appreciate the all-protector most of any
class.  Agents and shapers will probably just want to stick with the 
infiltrator's shield, or go for the shining shield, depending on the individual

8. Anvil Happiness
The recipes are an exciting part of Geneforge 3, enabling you to make some
very potent items.  Much of this info comes from the Spiderweb message boards,
including Drakefyre, Student of Trinity, and others.

Artifact Recipe List
Each artifact is constructed by taking a perfected item and mixing it with
two rare items.  Items can be perfected by making a purifying elixir 
(mandrake tincture + demon bile) and using it with a shaped item (like 
a shaped belt).  These are the artifacts you can make, with the required
additional item above and below the specific item, i.e.

                + Purified item = artifact

is read as A+B+Purified item = artifact.  I have organized it this way so
that you may see what artifacts require which ingredients and make your
decision based on that.  For instance, you can make eitehr the creator's
belt or the crystalline shroud once you clear out the blasted lab,
but will have to wait on making the other till very late in the game.

Blood Poison (Sea Caves)
                + Belt = Creator Belt
Deep Focus Orb (Blasted Lab, Monastary Caves)
                + Plate = Crystalline Shroud
Crystalline Fibers (Krya's Refuge, Purification Plant, Monastery Caves)
                + Shield = Essence Aegis
Purified Essence (Darkstone Mines, Monastery Caves)
                + Ring = Ring of the Infiltrator
Pure Crystal Shard (Khor's Deeps)

Unmelting Ice (Creator's Hall)
                + Shield = All-protector
Solidified Flame (Under San Ru)
                + Belt = Lightning Girdle
Ur-Drakon Skin (Breeding Valley, Spire Forest)
                + Ring = Avenger’s Ring
Demon Claws (Khyryk's Tower)
                + Plate = Emerald Chestguard
Deep Crystal (Inner Plant)

Other items can be constructed using an anvil, such as the following:

  Crystal Recipe List
Icy Crystal = Beautiful Crystal + Gemstone
Spray Crystal = Wiry Moss + Gemstone
Ensnaring Crystal = Vlish Tentacle + Gemstone
Swarm Crystal = Mandrake Tincture + Gemstone
Madness Gem =  Beautiful Crystal + Eyebeast Eye + Gemstone

  Wands (All wands need a stick and gemstone)
Fiery = Perfect Fyora Scale
Discipline = Saltweed + Artila Eye
Null = Roamer Fang + Wiry Moss
Jeweled = Spray Crystal + Perfect Drayk Scale
Terror = Madness Gem + Vlish Tentacle
Death = Mandrake Tincture + Eyebeast Eye
Inferno = Perfect Drakon Scale + Demon Bile
Rod of Alacrity = Speed Spores + Rotghroth Fang
Rod of Battle = Battle Pod + Perfect Drakon Scale
Rod of Defenses = Glaahk Eye + Shielding Spores
Rod of Succor = Glaahk Eye + Healing Spores

  Jewelry Recipes
Blessed Necklace = Artila Eye + Silver Necklace
Talisman of Might = Gold Necklace + Rotghroth Fang + Purifying Elixir
Armor Band = Platinum Ring + Perfect Drayk Scale
Shielding Band = Gold Ring + Perfect Fyora Scale
Impervious Band = Platinum Ring + Perfect Drakon Scale

  Other Recipes
Charm of Mental Focus = Madness Gem + Demon Bile + Glaahk Eye + Rotghroth
Purifying Elixir = Mandrake Tincture + Demon Bile
Golden Crystal = Mandrake Tincure + Gemstone + Perfect Drakon Scale + Perfect
  Fyora Scale

Gem Effects
  These are the effects that placing a specific gemstone on your weapon 
or armor has when using an enchanting anvil.  By far and away the best for
armor are golden crystals (use them on artifacts) followed by Steel spines.
For melee intensive characters, the best weapon enhancement is the
reviving crystal.  Abilities with question marks mean that their effect is
unclear from the description.  Further work is necessary for complete
elucidation of their effects.  Blackjack has provided some details on the
effect of these gems.

You can enhance Armor, Rings, Cloaks, Boots, Belts, Pants and Weapons.
No other items may be enhanced.

Gem                Armor      Weapon
Blessing crystal   +5% armor  +5% to hit
Runed Ruby         +5% FR     Fire Damage on Hit
Charging Stone     +5% CR     Cold Damage on Hit
Runed Amethyst     +5% AR, PR Acid Damage on Hit
Onyx Crystal       +5% ER     Slows Target
Ivory Skull        Bonus to hit% (5%?)
                              Curses on Hit
Tiny Orb of Mist   Harder to hit (effect?)
                              Faster Blows (bonus to Quick action?)
Reviving Crystal   +5% SR     Drains enemy HP
Steel Spines       Damages Attacker
                              Extra physical damage
Golden Crystal     +5% HER    Improves primary damage type of weapon (i.e.
                              oozing blade gets acid bonus, most other weapons
                              get physical damage bonus)

9. Canister locations
  Remember, if you use 6 or less canisters, you do not suffer any significant
side-effects.  If you use more, you might as well use them all.

  Greenwood Island
Fort Kentia: Searer
Lair of the Creator: Create Fyora, Unlock.

  Harmony Island
Underneath Rebel Peninsula: Create Roamer
Rebel Camp: Ice Spray, Create Vlish, Terror, Create Clawbug
Under San Ru: Create Clawbug
Dhonal Docks: Fire Shaping
Madness Mire: Create Artila
Twin Mind Tunnels: Healing Craft, Create Vlish

  Dhonal Island
Holding Shed Row: Quick Action
Storage Road: Create Thahd
Mountain Pass: Create Fyora
Inner Keep: Create Drayk
Spharon’s Lands: Dominate, Create Artila
Blasted Laboratory: Create Roamer, Acid Shower
Ruined Mine Gates; Strong Daze
Darkstone Cave: Mass Energize
Searing Chambers: Healing Craft, Create Glaahk
Creator’s Hall: Steelskin, Battle Magic, Quick Action
Infested Mountains: Create Battle Alpha

  Gull Island
Cultist Woods: Essence Orbs
Stonespire: Major Heal, Kill, Essence Armor, Create Drayk, Charisma
Display Warren: Major Heal
Crumbling Lab: Kill
Khor’s Deeps: Create Battle Alpha
Tower Path: Parry
Khyryk’s Tower: Major Heal, Create Drayk
Tower Gates: Group Heal
Breeding Caverns: Mental Magic, Create Glaahk
Maker’s Road: Essence Armor
Maker’s End: Create Rotghroth, Battle Roar

  Isle of Spears
Spire Forest: Luck
Icy End: Aura of Flames, Mass Restore, Create Gazer
Southern Gates: Mass Madness
Benerii-Eo Gates: Battle Roar, Create Gazer
Mushroom Cave: Mass Restore
Benerii-Eo Labs: Battle Roar, Create Drakon, Dexterity, Strength, Mass Madness
Benerii-Eo Vat Core: Aura of Flames, Create Rotghroth
Geneforge: Endurance, Spellcraft, Create Drakon
Skill/spell locations
  These are locations from which you can improve your stats without
having to consume a canister, paying for training, or becoming altered.

  Greenwood Island
Level 1 School: Book of War Blessing
South End: Crider’s book of Create Thahd.
Testing Grounds: Books of Create Thahd, Create Artila, Heal

  Harmony Island
Under San Ru: Book of Healing Craft 

  Dhonal Island
Dhonal’s Keep: Aenele’s Q: Book of Healing Craft, Hubert’s Q: Book of Magic 
Inner Keep: Books of Battle Magic, Healing Craft
Acid Valley: Tombs: Group Heal, Create Thahd, Create Clawbug, Thihn’s Ghost: 
 Intelligence, Endurance.
Main Army Camp: Erika’s Q: Healing Craft
Darkstone Mine: Books of Battle Shaping, Magic Shaping

  Gull Island
Stonespire: Morgan Q: Healing Craft, Minor Heal, Heal
  These people will improve your spells, skills, and creations for a price.

  Greenwood Island
South End: Crider (slightly expensive): Firebolt, Burning Spray, Daze, Mental
 Barrier, War Blessing, Protection, Minor Healing, Cure Effects

Minefield Woods: Scintle (exorbitant): War Blessing, Protection, Essence
 Shield, Minor Heal, Cure Effects, Augmentation

East Kentia: Hawthorne (expensive): Firebolt, Burning Spray, Searer, Daze,
 Mental Barrier, Unlock, War Blessing, Protection, Essence Shield, Speed

  Harmony Island
San Ru: Diwaniya (expensive): Fyora, Roamer, Thahd, Artila, Vlish,
 Firebolt, Burning Spray, Searer, Ice Spray, Daze, Mental Barrier, Unlock,
 Terror, War Blessing, Protection, Essence Shield, Speed, Minor Heal, Cure
 Effects, Augmentation, Heal

San Ru: Vandrin (expensive): Missile Weapons, Quick Action, Parry

  Dhonal Island
Dhonal’s Keep: Gretchen (average for skills, slightly expensive for spells):
 Battle Magic, Mental Magic, Blessing Magic, Spellcraft, Searer, Ice Spray,
 Essence Orbs, Unlock, Terror, Dominate, Speed, Mass Energize, Steelskin,
 Heal, Group Heal, Remove Effects

Dhonal's Keep: Fanjul (very reasonable): Roamer, Clawbug, Glaahk, 
 Battle Alpha

Inner Keep: Lady Anjali (exorbitant if lesser, expensive if greater): Fyora,
 Roamer, Thahd, Clawbug, Battle Alpha (greater), Artila, Vlish, Glaahk

  Gull Island
Stonespire: Macallan (exorbitant): Melee Weapons, Missile Weapons, Quick
 Action, Parry, Battle Magic, Mental Magic, Blessing Magic, Leadership,
 Mechanics, Acid Shower, Steel Skin, Strong Daze, Remove Effects

Khyryk’s Tower: Khyryk (expensive): Clawbug, Battle Alpha, Rotghroth,
 Vlish, Glaahk, Kill, Major Heal, Essence Orbs, Acid Shower, Dominate,
 Strong Daze, Charisma, Mass Energize, Steel Skin, Essence Armor, Group
 Heal, Remove Effects
  Modifiers will change you (shape you) for a price or a quest.  These do not
count as canisters used, but are deplorable actions for loyalist shapers.
However, desperate times call for desperate measures.  All are found
late in the game.

Besieged Camp: Resnick Q1: Mass Restore, Q2: Aura of Flames
Monastery of Tears: Tolleran: Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Endurance,
 Mechanics for 6K each
Orois Blaze: Leadership, Mechanics, Mass Madness, Create Gazer for 5K each

10. Conclusion and acknowledgements

Minor bug fixes, from Dolphin:
Set these SDFs to fix errors or to make your game easier.

sdf 34 5 1 - Master Hoge is not in Bulwark Inn or attacks the PC
rather than running away. (Makes it so the commander will speak with you.)

sdf 100 4 0 - Never used canisters.

sdf 81 1 1 - Bug fix; Completes Vrabel's quest in Icy End to kill Orois 
Blaze in Breeding Valley.

sdf 79 4 0 - Undoes Icy End going hostile after PC entered the brood cave 
in Spire Forrest.

Thanks to all who have posted on the spiderweb message boards for your help
and discussion.  Also, I'd like to thank NASA Grant NAGS-9201 without whose
help this FAQ would have been impossible.

V. 0.8 Thanks go out to Zeviz, blackjack, Walter, Hume, Contra, Jumpin'
Salmon, Student of Trinity, Drakefyre, Mok, Delicious Vlish, and Slartucker.

v. 0.9 Help was provided by Dolphin, I'll steal your toast, Walter, 

v. 1.0 A Lot of help from Seletine, who provided many bits of info, 
including directions and other good stuff.

v. 1.1 Fixed an error with canister locations.  More to follow shortly.

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