Geneforge 4
By Matt P
Email: Elementalizard@aol.com
Geneforge 4 and all names are copyright Spiderweb software, 2006, 2007.
Table of Contents
0. Quick Hints
1. Character Creation and Development
-Statistics discussion
-Spell discussion
2. Construction Places
3. Walkthrough
4. Teachers and trainers
5. Notable item list
6. End Note
0. Quick Hints.
What items should I hold on to?
Fortunately, there are fewer collection quests in Geneforge 4 than in
pretty much any other recent spiderweb game. There are infinite collection
quests for: Melted Glass, Research Notes, and Swamp Herbs. With one or two
exceptions that are easily answered, there is nothing else that people will
ask for from you.
Other items to hold on to are the recipe items:
Mandrake Tincture
Demon Bile
1-2 Shaped items of each type of armor
Perfect fyora/drayk/drakon Scales (and some rings)
Vlish tentacles, roamer fangs, artila eyes, eyebeast eyes
Some Gemstones and herbs
Glaahk Eyes and Roamer Fangs (other bits can be used elsewhere, but
these are great for some high-level artifacts).
Artifact ingredients:
Blood Poison
Crystalline Fibers
Deep Focus Orb
Essence-infused Skin
Essence-infused Iron
Pure Crystal Shard
Purified Essence
Solidified Flame
Ur-Drakon Skin
Unmelting Ice
Should I hold off using a canister until I find a trainer?
No. Unlike Geneforge 2, using canisters does not affect the extent you
can train a skill.
How many canisters can I use before getting bad effects?
It changes with where you're at in the game. In general, you can only
use about 1/6 of the canisters you encounter to get little effect. Above
that point you'll start having problems controlling your temper, and will get
you into some fights you could have talked your way out of. You will also
have less good endings if you've used 15 or more canisters.
Is it OK to steal?
Stealing- it's not a crime if you don't get caught. Take anything that
isn't bolted down if no one can see you and provided it's worth money (at
least initially). Unfortunately (or fortunately) the "creation stealing" of
Geneforge 3 no longer works. Try not to get caught very much or you might
suffer from an instant-death, especially in plot-critical areas.
Shaper or Rebel?
Do them both. The game is entertaining enough to merit at least two play-
throughs. In terms of powergaming, if you try to maximize your return from
quests, you'll find that helping the shapers generally gets you better stuff
and more $$. You really don't need to make the decision until the second-to-
last area, so it doesn't hurt to play them both to get the good stuff. In
fact, playing as a purist is NOT recommended as there are several penalties
for purists, including a loss of several skill point opportunities and
quests. The walkthrough below is moderately designed with a power-gamer in
mind (as that's what I am to some extent), though I do try to present your
Where are the five infiltrators?
Agent Yngrid is in Western Burwood, Guardian Kantor is at Valeya Ruins,
Shaper Krogstad is at Valeya Road, Shaper Horis is at West Poryphra Gate, and
Guardian Dameron is at the Cultist Safehouse.
Where is the puresteel?
Sandros Mine, Thornton Ruins, Rivergate Keep, Valeya Ruins, Quessa-Uss.
I'm a powergamer. What's the best route to ALL POWER?
Play as a slightly pro-shaper PC. Shapers give better rewards and have
cheaper training, in general. The easiest way to keep all of your options
open is to repair Moseh but to kill Shaftoe/Eliza. That route alone will
make the world of difference.
1. Character Creation and Development
Classes: Coming Soon!
Statistics: Statistics are the bulk of what makes up your character.
Statistics affect the strength of your spells, your creations, and melee
damage, determine how much damage your character can take and give out, and
your success in dealing with traps and people. I divide statistics into five
main sets- Major statistics, combat arts, spell casting, shaping, and
Major Statistics:
Strength: Affects the amount of armor your character can carry, the damage
your character does, and your character's stun resistance. This skill is not
as critical as previous Geneforges, as your inventory is no longer counted
against your encumbrance. Thus, you should only invest in it when you need
to wield a bigger weapon or nicer armor. Each point of strength increases
your to hit with melee weapons by 5%, and gives one more damage die. A total
of about 12 points is all you will ever need to use the heaviest, big items.
Dexterity: Affects your ability to dodge (5% increase per point), your
attack position, your to hit % with missile weapons, and your acid
Intelligence: Affects the mental resistance, energy and essence of your
character. For any and all magic-users or creation-makers, this skill is
essential and greatly affects your strength and longevity. It's no good to
run out of spell points in that critical battle, or to not have enough
essence to make the help necessary to survive. Nearly every character will
want to invest in this skill so as to be able to act beyond melee weapons.
Endurance: Affects HP and poison resistance. Unlike some of the earlier
Geneforges, you get a large bonus to HP per point. It's worth adding a point
to endurance here and there to increase your HP substantially. Otherwise,
you'll be reloading a lot.
Combat Arts
Melee Weapons: Determines the damage and to hit % for hand-to-hand weapons
like daggers and swords. Each point provides one more hit die and a 5%
increase in your to hit %. Hit dies for weapons can be calculated by taking
the higher number from a weapon and dividing it by the lower number. So a
weapon that does 5-25 damage has a hit die of 25/5 = 5. Each point of melee
weapons increases its damage range by this amount. So a weapon with 5-25
would increase in damage by 1-5 per point of melee weapons. Weapons tend to
be weaker than spells in this game, but you never need to worry about running
out of energy with melee weapons. If you're not playing a melee-focused
character, you may want to wait off till you can buy some points in this
skill from Captain Archibald.
Missile Weapons: Determines the damage and to hit % for missile weapons.
Most characters will find spells to be superior to missile weapons, but for
characters with poor spellcasting abilities, you may want to use missile
weapons to take out dangerous things like turrets and enemies that like to
run away from you. Batons are very powerful in the late game, so consider
buying some points in this skill from Captain Archibald for all characters,
or investing earlier if you like this skill.
Quick Action: Gives a chance to do two attacks in melee, and also makes you
act faster in combat.
Parry: Reduces physical damage, and gives a chance of completely avoiding
all damage from a single attack (approximately 3% per point, depending on the
strength of the enemy).
Spell Casting
Battle Magic: The main damaging spell class, battle magic is a potent
school of magic whose spells include the lowly firebolt to powerful kill
spells. As such, in general this spell class is mainly useful for those
characters who intend to do damage with spells- those who don't want to
depend on creations/missile weapons/other people to do their dirty work from
far away. This school of magic tends not to be very essence-intensive,
though several of the spells are energy-intensive (like ice spray). Increase
this skill to access more spells and increase the damage die of those spells.
Blessing Magic: The buffing spell class, this group includes shielding and
blessing spells, as well as haste, spine shield, and a few multi-casting
spells. For characters that use creations this spell group is among the most
useful, and they will want to invest at least up to accessing Mass Energize.
Increase this skill to access more spells and to increase their duration (and
strength of effect for some).
Mental Magic: The "other" spell class, this group includes a buffing spell,
some debuffing spells, charm/stun spells, and the unlock spell. Solo
characters will love the spells offered by this group, especially the "daze"
family of spells. Getting enough points to use essence shackles is
preferable for many characters, although it's not necessary.
Spellcraft: Makes every spell you have more effective- a longer duration,
greater damage, and stronger blessing. Very nice. Expensive for most
characters, it is easiest to improve this by training with Burkes, and
snatching the free points as they come. Essence charms augment this skill as
well, and they can be very plentiful if you're vigilant. If you're playing
as a shocktrooper or warrior, this skill is probably too expensive to invest
skill points in outside of purchasing from Burkes. Otherwise, invest in this
once you've maxed out the spells you want.
Fire Shaping: Allows you to craft fyoras, cryoas, roamers, pyroroamers,
drayks, cryodrayks, kyshakks, burning kyshakks, drakons, and ur-drakons.
These creations are a versatile group with potent attacks, and 7 points will
allow you to make everything. Don't buy more than 10 points, as the return
diminishes substantially thereafter. You can also get several points from
Battle Shaping: Allows you to craft thahds, unstable thahds, clawbugs,
plated clawbugs, battle alphas, battle betas, rotghroths, corrupted
rotghroth, war tralls, and shock tralls. These are your meatshields, able to
take a lot of damage and give it out in kind. They are a melee-focused class
(other than the tralls), which some players do not like. However, they can
serve to take the heat off of you which is very useful. 7 points will allow
you to make everything, and don't buy more than 10 points. You can also get
several points from items.
Magic Shaping: Allows you to craft artilas, plated artilas, vlish, charged
vlish, glaahks, ur-glaahks, wingbolts, unstable wingbolts, gazers, and
eyebeasts. These creations are generally fragile but very powerful. Many of
their attacks have ancillary effects. As before, 7 points will allow you to
make everything, and don't buy more than 10 points. You can also get several
points from items.
Healing Craft: Allows you to cast healing spells of all sorts. Generally a
necessary group, this spell set is made very interesting by the inclusion of
regenerative spells. You won't need to invest too many points in this skill
as generally you'll find that spells much beyond banish affliction don't pack
as big a bang for their buck.
Leadership: Leadership addresses your skill at talking to people, getting
them to do what you want, and controlling creations. You will want 5-6 early
in chapter 1, and 8-9 by mid-chapter 2 in order to do most everything.
Beyond that, fewer points are required, and you should have enough equipment
to augment your leadership (+2 in chapter 2) as required.
Mechanics: Mechanics addresses how skilled you are at unlocking,
disarming, and breaking things. Living tools aren't excessively rare in the
game, but still you will want about 8 points by early-mid chapter 1, and up
to 12 by early-mid chapter 2.
Luck: Increases your resistances by a healthy portion (about 3% per point),
increases your dodging ability by 2%, and your to hit by 2%. May influence
the drop rates of enemies, though this effect is much more difficult to
measure. I recommend investing two points in the beginning of the game, but
holding off on further investment till you have enough skill points to cash
them in elsewhere.
Creations: Coming Soon!
Fire shaping:
Fyora [8, 11]
Resistances: These determine the amount of damage you receive from a specific
attack. In general, higher numbers are better. However, it's usually better
having a single item with a massive bonus rather than several items with
moderate bonuses given the way the game calculates damage.
Resistances are affected by stats and armor/equipment. Below is a table of
resistance bonuses given per point of a stat or of armor:
Resistance Str Dex Int End Luck Armor (Bonus per point)
FR +1/2
CR +1/2
ER +1/2
SR +5 +3
MR +5 +3
PR +5 +3
AR +5 +3
Firebolt: The staple of all mages, firebolt does fire damage and costs no
essence. It's the ultimate spell to fall back on if you don't have a missile
attack. It will serve you well for the full first chapter, and is good in
later chapters when you run out of energy.
Burning Spray
Ice Spray: The staple of mages in chapters 3-5, ice spray does cold damage
and costs no essence. It's much more expensive than firebolt, but kills
things quickly enough so as to not have to worry about that, usually.
Lightning Aura: An odd new spell. This spell does energy damage to an
opponent, and continues to damage them for the next few rounds. It's kind of
similar to poison/acid in that respect, but does more damage.
Essence Orbs
Acid Shower
Kill: Damages a single enemy with a very potent magic attack. This spell
is very expensive to cast
Aura of Flames
War Blessing: You gain a bonus of 20% to your to hit, and probably add
four levels of damage with this spell. Its duration is determined by your
spellcasting strength.
Protection: With this spell, enemies are 10% less likely to hit you and
the spell recipients.
Essence Shield: Acts as a permanent (for a single map) bonus to armor and
to HP. Very useful for solo characters, who don't have anything better to
spend their essence on anyway. Those characters should cast this spell (or
its higher level equivalent) on themselves every time they enter a hostile
area. With this spell, the recipient gets a bonus of ~30-50 HP, and enemies
are 30% less likely to hit you. If you're in a hostile area with an essence
pool, cast this on everyone.
Speed: A necessary spell, this one increases you AP by 50%, allowing you
to attack twice, or to be stealth. This one is needed for every character.
Spine Shield: Spine shield is THE spell that makes meatshields
worthwhile. Cast this spell and all of your party now does damage when it
gets hit. At a strong enough level, the damage is substantial and may even
be higher than the damage taken. I have killed rotghroths with a few thahds
and this spell. Even on your PC this spell is worthwhile for 1 on 1 fights.
Definitely try to get and use this spell.
Mass Energize: Casts a low level regenerate, haste, and war blessing on
the recipients. Though not as effective as some other spells, these bonuses
are still excellent. This is a very potent spell in the hands of
Steel Shield: If you're in a hostile area with an essence pool, cast this
on everyone.
Essence Armor: Casts a stronger version of essence shield on your
character. Again, best for solo characters. If you're in a hostile area
with an essence pool, cast this on everyone.
Elemental Cloak
Battle Roar
Daze: Stuns low level enemies, preventing them from acting until they are
attacked or until you 2-3 turns have passed. The staple of solo
Mental Barrier: Helps protect your characters from daze, terror, and charm
spells and abilities. Useful for some circumstances.
Wrack: Increases the damage done to an opponent.
Unlock: Unlike previous games, the unlock spell is less critical than
before. It still has its uses, but you can get by with lots of mechanics and
living tools instead. In fact, that's somewhat preferred, as otherwise
you'll lose out on a bit of exp. I've made it through the whole game with a
shocktrooper, never once casting this spell.
Essence Shackles: A slowing spell. Highly useful on tough, one-on-one
fights. Cast this a few times on an enemy, and they'll lose half of their
turns, enabling you an effective doubling of your attacks. Coupled with
speed, it's great.
Strong Daze
Mass Madness: The cream of the crop for mental magic spells, this spell
will charm weak enemies, daze stronger enemies, and slow even the strongest
enemies. As such, it's great to cast when you're being swarmed (like in a
few key shaper forts). It's quite expensive to cast, so you'll only get a few
uses out of it before you have to flee.
Minor Heal:
Cure Affliction: Removes some level of acid/poison on a character.
Augmentation: Adds a healthy amount of HP to the target for as long as you
stay on the map where the spell is cast. Adds ~60-80 HP. Only costs essence
Regeneration: An impressive spell that's good to cast when you need to
heal in between combat. This spell will heal you a few HP every round, which
may be enough to keep you alive during combat. The essence cost for this
spell is great for casting outside of combat when things are calm.
Group Heal:
Banish Affliction:
Major Heal
Aura of Cleansing:
Mass Restore
2. Construction places: Enchanted anvils are potent artifacts that allow you
to modify your weapons and equipement significantly. You can also make some
extremely powerful items on them. There are two anvil locations- Sandros
Mine and Valeya Ruins (chapters 2 and 4, respectively).
Beautiful Crystal + Gemstone = Icy Crystal
Wiry Moss + Gemstone = Spray Crystal
Vlish Tentacle + Gemstone = Ensnaring Fibers
Gemstone + Mandrake Tincture = Swarm Crystal
Gemstone + Eyebeast Eye + Beautiful Crystal
= Madness Gem
Wands (all require a Gemstone and a Stick)
+ Perfect Fyora Scale = Fiery Wand (firebolt)
+ Artila Eye + Saltweed = Discipline Wand (disruption?)
+ Vlish Tentacle + Madness Gem = Terror Wand (terror)
Gold Ring + Perfect Fyora Scale = Shielding Band
Platinum Ring + Perfect Drayk Scale
= Armor Band
Platinum Ring + Perfect Drakon Scale
= Impervious Band
Artifacts (these items are among the most powerful available, though
they are quite difficults to make. You can only make one of
those denoted by *).
Perfected Gauntlets + Blood Poison + Essence-Infused Skin
= Gauntlets of Savagery
Perfected Greaves + Crystalline Fibers + Solidified Flame
= Flameweaver Greaves
Perfected Greaves + Blood Poison + Essence-Infused Iron
= Greaves of the Tyrant
Perfected Belt + Deep Focus Orb + Unmelting Ice
= Sunstone Belt*
Perfected Belt + Unmelting Ice + Ur-Drakon Skin
= Girdle of Succor*
Perfected Boots + Ur-Drakon Skin + Deep Focus Orb
= Shapemaster Boots*
Perfected Cloak + Purified Essence + Essence-Infused Skin
= Impervious Cape
Perfected Cloak + Purified Essence + Pure Crystal Shard
= Cloak of the Shadows
Mandrake Tincture + Demon Bile = Purifying Elixir
Shaped Armor + Purifying Elixir = Perfected Armor
*** A perfected cloak is made from a shaped fiber cloak
Gold Necklace + Purifying Elixir + Roghroth Fang
= Talisman of Might
Madness Gem + Demon's Bile + Rotghroth Fang + Eyebeast Eye
= Essence Charm
Item On Armor On Weapons
Blessing Crystal ?
Runed Amethyst +5 AR Acid Damage
Charging Stone +5 CR
Runed Ruby +5 FR
Ivory Skull +10 TH (for all) Curses Opponent
Tiny Orb of Mist +10 to dodge
Runed Onyx +5 ER Slows Opponent
Steel Spine damage attacker Bonus Physical Damage
Ethereal Bindings +5 SR
Golden Crystal +5 HER
3. Walkthrough
Name of Area
Q: Quests available
I: Items of Note
S: Skills and spells available (If a character's name is provided, then he/
she is a trainer and will train a skill for gold)
O: Opinions available (talking to these characters will influence your rebel/
shaper standing), or quests which change the opinion of rebels/shapers
towards you.
$: Merchants who will buy from you, notable items on sale
Text description of level.
-------------------------CHAPTER 1. FORSAKEN LANDS---------------------------
You are a rebel, who will change the course of the war between rebels and
shapers. You have full control over your path, able to choose aiding either
the shapers or the rebels. For the most part, you can play as a middle-of-
the-road character and won't have to finally choose till the last quarter of
the game. This is recommended; a middle-of-the-road character in general
will find better access to trainers, items, and rewards than pure
shapers/rebels, with a few notable exceptions.
The game is roughly divided into 5 chapters, each with major goals. Try
not to initiate/complete a chapter without doing everything you want to do
first. In the case of Chapter 1, don't escort the caravan until you've
finished all the quests in the area.
Southforge Docks
Q: Tutorial Quests.
I: Polar Fur Cloak
The game starts with a fairly exciting introduction/tutorial. You are part
of a group of characters who are trying to make it to the Geneforge. Greta,
a powerful NPC from the first game is directing you and two other
prospectives, Tyrol, a pompous lifecrafter, and Magda, a servile healer, to
the geneforge. You are first told by Greta to go equip some items nearby (a
dagger and a suit of chitin armor), and then to prepare yourself to get to
the Geneforge. When ready, you then must run to the Geneforge. You are
attacked early by a new creation, a kyshakk. Run along, and rob the nearby
body for a few minor items and coins. Tyrol will probably die near here.
For the first portion of the game, pick up anything you need to increase
your total armor class, and anything that can be sold for money. Most items
are worthless in this game (0 coins), so you won't be carrying everything.
You'll want about 5000 coins before the end of the chapter (this is not
required, but doesn't hurt).
Follow Greta past the mines, talk to her, and then go grab the key from the
chest. Get ready to run some more and tell Greta about it. Then head south.
You get attacked by a War Trall this time. Magda will probably die.
Continue south through the mines, and use the key on the box to the west to
turn off the energy fields. You're done, and get 1000 experience for your
trouble! There's a lovely crystal west of the door out of here, so grab it
then follow Greta to Southforge for now.
Come back after using the Geneforge, and explore the area. The most
notable item you'll find is a polar fur cloak, an excellent cloak that
increases your resistances.
Southforge Citadel and Under Southforge Citadel
Q: Tutorial Quest, Return to Greta, Burkle's Lock, Deathcap Mushrooms, Stop
Master Thell, Calm the Fyora, Stolen Supplies, Dassa's Mines, Question Enemy,
Deal w/Shaila, Escort Caravan, Find Northforge
I: Girdle of Genius, Spidersilk Robe, Glaahk Eye, Grounded Robe
S: Geneforge (+1 to Create Fyora, Firebolt, War Blessing, Minor Healing),
Master Jared, Daze (can), Create Thahd (can)
O: Master Jared
$: Joakim, Masha (5 living tools)
You're still in a tutorial as you successfully enter Southforge. Greta
directs you to go west and use the Geneforge. You don't really have much of
a choice, so go ahead and follow Pol. Use the stairs and grab the boots.
Barstow will direct you to the Geneforge. Go and use it for a boost to four
skills. Then head to the east, make a fyora, cast war blessing, and get
ready for some easy fights with some worms. You can repair the pylon on the
way for a bunch of experience and an immobile ally, but it requires some
skill in mechanics. I'd recommend having 6 points, boosted to 8 by the end
of the first chapter. Also, a leadership of 6 points will open up lots of
nice things in the first chapter, so aim for that as well. The tutorial area
is fairly straightforward, so proceed as you will. You'll find some ice
crystals, regular crystals, and living tools if you do everything. Once you
make it through the end doors, the tutorial is done and you get a new quest
to go see Greta. Other quests are now available, as well.
Master Jared is your immediate source of training. Jared trains magic and
shaping abilities and has a decent price for his services. If you talk to
him fully, he'll allow you to make your opinion known on the rebel vs. shaper
debate. He gives you a quest as well, to unlock his southern door. Do so
for a canister of Create Thahd and some experience. There are also two
chests here that can be opened, though they require a mechanics score of
about 12 to avoid their traps. Come back here after you've cleared a chapter
or two and have a higher mechanics score (or enough HP to survive the traps).
Inside is a girdle of genius (+2 int), an excellent item for any character.
Dewan is a servile nearby who will sell you potions and give a quest to
recover some deathcap mushrooms (curing, speed, and major healing spores as a
reward). Do so before finishing the chapter or else you will lose this
reward for this quest. Head down the stairs and continue to talk to
everyone. Delma sells food but is otherwise unimportant (though you could
grab all the stuff in the rooms and sell it). Joakim is a servile smith who
will buy and sell with you, and who gives you a quest to stop Master Thell
(steel sword, shield reward). Masha isn't too helpful but does have some
living tools for sale, which are always a great thing to blow extra cash on
(in times far in the future- though 1 or 2 if you really need them don't
hurt). You can explore the rooms nearby Masha and grab some chain armor and
a spidersilk robe. The robe is great for any character limited by
encumbrance. Swarns watches over the creations and wants you to fix the
fyora torchlight. Do so if you have a high leadership and calm it for some
healing spores. Alternatively you can kill it for a weaker award. You can
talk with the artila Greenfang and recruit it if you have a leadership of ~6.
He's quite useful, but won't stay with you forever. However, he's a free
creation that doesn't use up your essence. Captain Zakary has a small quest
for you- to find out who is stealing the supplies. Go to Masha's store, and
follow Egelend till he heads west, staying a healthy distance behind him. Do
this BEFORE you try to take on Shaila or else Egelend dies before you can
find out where he's hiding the supplies. Tell Captain Zakary for 150 coins.
Head east to speak with Dassa, who has a quest for you- to disarm a mine
trigger. You can either disarm each mine, staying as far away from the pink
trigger as possible, or you can head to the north and hit the spore box. Do
both for the maximum reward. Tell Dassa for some living tools. North are
two doors, though the tougher door to unlock will be unlocked for you before
this chapter is over, so don't waste living tools trying to open it.
Finally, head to Greta. She gives you the next quest, to Question the
Enemy. Follow Pol to the SE, and go up the stairs. Head to cell 2 and talk
with Miranda. Miranda tries to recruit you, and also tells you where the
shaper camp is if you have enough leadership and follow the correct dialogue
path. Go back to Greta after figuring this out, and tell her its location
for 50c. She gives you another quest, to deal with Shaila. You can now
leave the Citadel.
Once you've removed Shaila by whatever means, return to Southforge. The
citadel has taken another attack by the shapers and several characters are
now dead (like Egeland and the jail guard). Tell Greta you've removed Shaila
to receive the key to Southforge. Then head and grab the few items in the
locked room to the east. If you want you can go up to the jail cell area
where Miranda was and kill the glaahk there. It will drop a very useful
glaahk eye for you. The nearby servile is a bit easier to kill, and drops a
grounded robe for you. Greta now wants you to escort the caravan through the
cairn gates, so as to preserve the Geneforge. Accept her quest and most
everyone in the town will disappear (with the exception of Masha, Joakim, and
Delma). Greta also gives you papers to enter Illya Province. The caravan
starts at Sinkhole Bridge.
Citadel Gates
Q: Splinterfang, Nola's Gold, Keeper Tycho, Help Dinitia, Find Shaper Camp
I: Shielding Band
When you leave the Citadel you're greeted by Captain Trianus, who gives you
a series of quests and some advice. First he wants you to kill Splinterfang,
a nasty artila. Do so for a healing pod and some speed spores. Splinterfang
is to the west, behind a slew of worms and fyoras. Also to the NE is Nola,
who wants you to retrieve a gold bar of hers. Do so for nothing (the gold
bar is worth 75c, but the exp is probably better). Captain Trianus will also
send out his thahds for you, but you probably shouldn't have him do so until
after you kill all the creations on the map. Otherwise they'll steal your
experience. Trianus continues to give you quests, including to kill Keeper
Tycho (or drive him off and don't tell him) with a reward of a terror wand,
to help Dinitia for a shielding band, and to find the shaper camp (shaped
belt reward).
I'd recommend investing two points in luck in this level so that you might
find some nice stuff when creatures drop something.
Crenshaw's Dell
S: Burning Spray (can)
Rogues abound here, but aren't horribly difficult. Just proceed slowly,
hugging the corners of the map. Keeper Tycho will find you eventually, and
will attack you. He directs nearby creations after you, kill them, and then
start hitting him. Get his HP down a bit and he'll run, follow him and
continue to beat him up till he pleads for mercy. At this point you can
either kill him or let him go. You'll get a reward from the Shapers if you
let him go, and nothing if you kill him (he doesn't drop anything), so from a
munchkin perspective, let him live. Other than that, loot everything from
things that move. There's a canister of burning spray available, if you want
to use it. If you have a bit of luck you might find a fyoraskin cloak (the
best cloak for a full chapter) from a random drop from a fyora, or the
excellent thahdskin tunic from a thahd.
I: Perfect fyora scale, blessed bauble, lucky charm
S: Cure affliction (can)
Here you help Dinitia. She's immediate to the west/southwest. First I'd
recommend clearing out the enemies in the area so that Dinitia doesn't steal
any of your kills. Head to the southeast and kill the "burning fyora" for a
perfect fyora scale, a recipe item. When ready, recruit Dinitia, and follow
her around the area. She wigs out at the SE, where a path to a new area is
found. Then she gives you a key to her chest which holds a blessed bauble.
Head back to the central ruins and explore it. You'll find a canister of
cure affliction, some recipes for crystals, and a lucky charm. Charms can be
carried in your backpack and augment your statistics and resistances. There
are several to be found or made throughout the game.
Shaper Camp
Q: Help Shaila, Forsaken Spy, Turn in Caravan
I: Stability Bauble
O: Crowley's quests.
Throughout the game there are several locations that you will want to just
barely investigate as the enemies there are too powerful for you. This is
one of those locations. Head down to the area with the crates and you'll
fulfill Trianus's quest. If you head down much further you'll find a glaahk
and battle alpha waiting for you, these are too tough for you at the moment.
As you head back, you encounter a shaper- General Crowley. Crowley corners
you and requests a bit of your time. Go ahead and play nice, it won't hurt
anything. If you have a decent leadership score you can even get a stability
bauble out of him (which is better than a shielding bauble). He has a quest
for you- to help Shaila. This quest is not inconsistent with Greta's quest
as you can do them both, and you get a decent reward for it (a projection
band), so you may want to do it if you're not playing as a hard-line rebel.
He also wants you to rat out any lifecrafter spies in the area (Burkes
specifically for 400c), but I'd save that for near the end of the chapter as
Burkes can train you. After helping Shaila, Crowley gives you a final quest-
to betray the Geneforge-carrying caravan. He won't give you a reward for
this, but you will get a nice reward from Alwan in chapter 2 if you do it.
Chickweed Bridge
I: Vat Shoes, Student's Belt,
S: Burkes, Protection (can), Mental Barrier (can)
$: Coated Cloak, Perfect Fyora Scale
This area is guarded by several tough battle alphas. You probably won't be
able to kill them yet, but if you really want to do it, sneak to the center
island, and use the control panel there. Set the mines to explode in a few
seconds, then run off and wait for the mines to explode. Hopefully they'll
take down the battle alphas. Also of major interest to you is the crazed
drayk to the NE. Right now he's probably quite difficult for you, but if you
have a bit of luck, blessings, and maybe even speed, you'll be able to take
it down. It's guarding a student's belt (very nice), some vat shoes, and a
canister of protection.
The key individual here is lifecrafter Burkes, who can be convinced with a
bit of effort to teach you a few useful things. Most important is the fact
that he will teach you Spellcraft, which is a very valuable, expensive skill.
Try to save up the necessary 2380 coins to buy this skill so as to become
much more powerful. The other things he teaches you are also useful, but
less necessary to learn (though augmentation is an excellent spell). You can
easily reach Burkes by coming from Sinkhole Bridge. Burkes will also sell
you some items if you have adequate leadership, including a coated cloak and
a perfect fyora scale. His prices are utterly ridiculous though, so I'd skip
it. Burkes's room holds a canister of mental barrier.
Sinkhole Bridge
Q: Rebel Rescue
I: Stunning Blade, Carnelian Gloves
O: Kill Rebels (pro-shaper)
This is the northern bridge and where you will go to reach the caravan when
it's time to leave this chapter. The important individual here is Foyle, who
gives you a quest to go help some rebels. When ready, head to the NW.
You'll find a weak battle alpha and it has a stunning blade on its body, so
claim that. Also nearby behind some locked doors are the carnelian gloves
which are excellent for magic casters. You'll find Serif, the rebel, hiding
near the far NW. Talk with him and tell him to head on out (or kill him and
his crew if you're so inclined). He'll give you a key to the nearby chest,
then the rebels will all run out. Accompany them to the exit, killing the
worms who get in your way. You'll get a healthy bit of experience for each
rebel you save. Some nice minor items are inside the chest, so grab them.
The caravan is to the SE. Talk with them and escort them. If you've
already been here, you've probably cleared everything already and will just
want to follow them and collect your experience when they leave.
Therile Colony
Q: Dumping Pits
I: Venom Baton
S: Mercedia, War Blessing (can)
O: Master Thell
$: Yves, Perfect Fyora Scale, Artila Eye
Therile Colony holds some very nice items for you and some good quests.
Immediately to the north of the central colony you will find Master Thell,
who is bossing some serviles around. Command him to stop to complete
Joakim's quest. This route may require some leadership. In his house you'll
find some nice items, including a venom baton, which helps if you're playing
a missile weapon character. A bit east is Yves, an alchemist who is fairly
unfriendly. He will buy and sell with you, and has a few OK items at way-to-
expensive prices. Skip it. He knows where some deathcap mushrooms are, so
ask him about them to make him nervous. Then follow him, remaining a healthy
distance away (like you did with Egeland), and you'll find his stash. If he
sees you when he's uncovered his stash he'll attack, so watch out. Grab the
herbs and items and use the bushes for some thorns. The final person of note
(and arguably the most important person here) is Mercedia, a mage. She has a
quest for you- to explore the dumping pits. She's also willing to teach you
the spell Speed for very high prices if you have a bit of leadership. She'll
sell you more after you do her quest (still at pretty high prices, though).
Also, she'll unlock her room for you so that you can pillage her stuff (for a
war blessing canister). Amongst her stuff are some recipes for wands, if you
like them.
Boiling Mudpits
I: Reflecting Shield, Coated Cloak
S: Minor Heal (can)
Come here if you are mechanically inclined and are pursuing Shaila. This
level is a moderately straight-forward area which leads you where you need to
go. Disarm the mines as you go for continuous experience, and kill the few
rogues present. Important items of note include a minor heal canister behind
a set of double mines (mines both east and west), a coated cloak, and a
reflecting shield. Walk carefully between the energy field emitters to use
the control spore emitter and turn them all off, allowing you to grab the
useful goods nearby. Once you make it to the NW, the area is cleared.
Forsaken Docks
I: Vat Chitin
You should try this route if you're going after Shaila and are more
inclined to fight your way through. This area has a specific set of rogues
that guard the docks- a servile leader, some artilas, some fyoras, and some
thahds. If you take out the servile first the others are a bit easier to
kill as they act a bit stunned. There are minor valuables spread around the
area, including a vat chitin.
If you're escorting Shaila through here, help her make it to the docks.
She'll be attacked by some roamers and other beasts, but they're not horribly
difficult. If you have Greenfang he'll leave at this time.
Boiling Caverns
I: Swamp Pants, Shielding Knife
S: Create Fyora (can)
O: How you deal with Shaila
Shaila is hiding here. If you're coming from the Forsaken Docks and are
interested in continuing to fight, head to the NE. Shaila will challenge you
to creation battle. Head north and kill her creations as she makes them and
eventually she'll tire out. Then go through her nearby door.
If you're coming from the Boiling Mudpits and are interested in continuing
the Mechanics/Leadership route, open one of the nearby doors.
At this point, you face Shaila. You have two options if you have the
mission from General Crowley- to save her or to kill her. Saving her is a
pro-shaper act, whereas killing her helps your standing with the rebels.
If you choose to kill her, you may find that sabotaging her machinery helps
significantly. It's near the south, and requires some mechanics skill to be
successful. If you wait for her to sit on the platform, you may even be able
to kill her without raising a blade. Otherwise, challenge her, and then beat
her until she runs. Then, chase after her and kill her. She drops a
shielding knife on death. Note that if you pursue this path, Greenfang
leaves you immediately and attacks you.
Otherwise, calm her down, and let her leave.
Either way, once she's gone you can explore as much as you wish, and grab
the swamp pants and create fyora canister. When done here, either escort her
to the docks at the Forsaken Docks if she's alive, or head back for your
reward from Greta if not. Note that near her NW room you'll find a spore box
hidden behind a pillar. This happens fairly frequently in GF4, so be sure to
check behind things if you see a door that doesn't seem to want to open for
I: Fyora Fang Charm, Girdle of Nimbleness
You are either here with the caravan or solo. I'd recommend coming here
first solo so as to avoid having to rush through the area. As a solo
character, the most dangerous things here are the shapers near the east-
center of the map. Watch out for them if you're not here with the caravan.
There are two humans, two venom turrets, and a plated artila in the camp.
Also, carefully check out the SW for a girdle of nimbleness, which you can
take by invoking the wrath of a restless shade. Kill it as best you are
able. There are several fyoras to the SE, and one of them drops a fyora fang
charm on death (slight bonus to fire resistance). There are a few other
rogues, but the most important thing is to the NE, the entrance to the
dumping pits.
If you're here with the caravan, accompany it through the shaper camp (it
might be more fun for you to kill the shaper troops first, as they shouldn't
present too much of a challenge, and take all the exp and loot for yourself
(mostly minor goods). Escort them to the west, and kill the exploding
roamers as they enter the map. Try not to let any of them kill the caravan
members to maximize your exp. After about 10-20 of them, you'll be free to
Dumping Pits
I: Blood Poison, Chilling Band
S: Essence Shield (can)
This area is best done with your character constantly in fight mode, as the
atmosphere poisons you. If you have a hard time with the roamers here, skip
this area as it will be too hard for you. Some pools are to the SE, use them
to charge up. Then head west and go through the doors. Your first group of
enemies are runed thahds, who will cast spells on your characters if hit in
melee (cursing, slowing, and damage-returned). Next you'll fight some
corrupted artila, who are a bit easier. There is a chest to the NW, but to
get it you must be able to survive some nasty energy damage. Inside you'll
find a discipline want and a blessing crystal. Continue east, and take out
the spinecores. Destroy their buds first to prevent them from healing
completely. Some healing crystals are provided for you to help you continue
at the half-way point. You'll find a storage area behind a locked door,
enter it and grab the blood poison, research notes, and other goods.
Continue on, and you'll find a chilling band and some cryos worms. You'll
find a canister of essence shield and some more worms, and a recipe for some
powerful greaves (an artifact). The area you find the artifact recipe also
has what Mercedia was looking for, and the exit. Head back to Mercedia
afterwards to claim your reward.
Cairn Gates
Q: Find Safehouse
I: Girdle of Insight, Shaped Boots, Coated Cloak
S: Searer (can), Create Roamer (can)
O: Caravan results
You're most likely here with the caravan, and you probably shouldn't
attempt this area prior to coming here with the storyline. The caravan waits
for your word, but head north a bit first. You'll encounter a drakon
(Warmaster Karikiss) who tells you that he destroyed most of the defense here
for your caravan. If you have enough leadership, you can convince him to
turn off the fields immediately north as well (the line "I have
serviles..."). You can also head a bit east and go north, fighting a few
rogues, and turn off the field yourself if you don't have the leadership.
Next recruit your caravan and head to the center of the map. At this point
you have a choice.
If you are playing pro-rebel, continue to the center of the map, and you'll
find the shaper-in-training Lethos. Kill him and take his girdle of insight.
You can either escort the caravan or do this yourself, from what I gather.
Then the caravan waits outside the western doors. Go south and pull the
lever to let them through (receiving a healthy bit of experience).
If you want to help the shapers, set the caravan to move, then when they
are near the center of the map, light the signal fire to the N/NE. Some
vlish come out of the water and slaughter the caravan. You can now get by
Lethos without a fight if you want.
Either way, you should now explore the area. To the NE are several mines
that you can disarm and find a body with some shaped boots and a coated cloak
on it. Head to the SW, and you'll find the remnants of the shaper army.
Kill them (a few scouts and warriors) and take their stuff. You'll find an
ironwood shield amongst their items, as well as two canisters- Searer and
Create Roamer. Leave this area to get another quest, to find the safehouse.
-------------------------CHAPTER 2. ILLYA PROVINCE---------------------------
Eastern Checkpoint
Q: Find Sandia, Find Reiner, Uchitelle's Package
I: Cryoa Claw Charm
S: Wrack (can)
O: Rutenberg's Quests
$: Urbina
You now have the test of truth- whether the shapers will believe your
papers and allow you entry. Fortunately, the shaper looking at your papers
is drunk and kind of stupid. Shaper Rutenberg lets you pass with no
problems, and will give you two quests to find his serviles. With adequate
leadership you can also get a blue spore baton out of Rutenberg. Urbina will
trade with you as well, and you can convince her to lower her prices with a
bit of leadership. She also gives you a quest to deliver a package to
Utichelle. As you head north, you encounter Agent Miranda, who was locked up
in Southforge. She burns your permission papers but is otherwise friendly.
She wants you to travel to Dillame and speak with General Alwan.
To the NW are some mines that are guarding a canister of wrack. Use the
blue spore baton to destroy them and get your canister if you'd like. To the
SW is a strange cubby that is occasionally occupied by a cryoa (leave this
map and come back again if it's not there). Kill it for a Cryoa claw charm.
The final thing of note is that there's a clawbug tunnel near the south exit,
explore it for some nice goods (they belong to Urbina).
Q: Stranded Rebels, Melted Glass, Pikkary Bandits, Turabi Gate, Meet Shorass,
Fackler's Papers
I: Infiltrator's Tunic, Tinker's Bauble, Gauntlets of Succor.
S: Luck (Mayor Kirk), Create Clawbug (can)
O: Barbaro, Fackler's Papers
$: Gregory
Dillame is the main hub of the area and should be your base of operations
for the chapter. Drop off all your stuff here. There is a lot to do here,
and you'll find a healthy serving of activities. To the NW is Gregory who
will trade with you, so sell off any extra junk to him. Gretchen is an
alchemist who wants you to collect melted sand for her, and will give you
nice things (mostly money- 75c each) for them. 10 will net you nearly all
her rewards, including a blessing crystal and an artila eye. If you have a
bit of leadership you can also talk a tinker's bauble out of her. Talk with
Mayor Kirk and be friendly (and have a good leadership score) to get a free
point of luck. Master Drex is south near Lilly, and wants you to alleviate
his bandit problems at Pikkary Bridge. Do so for 400c, then he gives you
another quest- to assure his safe passage at Turabi Gate. Success nets you
400c and a runed ruby. At the inn you'll find Fackler who will buy your
research notes from you (80c), though this is a slightly rebellious act.
When you give him about 10, he'll give you some gauntlets of succor.
Lilly is your main rebel contact. Talk with her and she'll tell you about
the Rebel safehouse. It's far to the SW. You can also get a quest from her
to help the stranded rebels. Lilly will also remove a trap on the storage
bins, so grab some minor goodies from it. The nearby bin is more heavily
trapped, but yields an infiltrator's tunic if you're talented in mechanics
To enter Rivergate Keep, talk to Mind Stol and tell him your real name.
You'll be allowed in with no problems.
If you're interested in the 3rd sect of the game talk with the innkeeper
Barbaro. Tell her that you don't think anyone should be able to shape to get
directed to Drewry. Go north and talk with Drewry. Drewry wants you to
smash a canister of Create Clawbug before he talks with you. Do so if you're
interested in the much-maligned Trakovite pathway. Otherwise just consider
it a free canister. Drewry tells you about the Trakovites, and tells you to
see Shorass next. You won't find Shorass for several more hours, so don't
worry about it for now.
Uchitelle's Grove
Q: Finding the Anvil, Uchitelle's Pest
I: Jade Band, Coated Cloak, Girdle of Endurance, Madness Gem, Blessed
S: Uchitelle
Uchitelle is an exiled shaper. When you enter this area, immediately go
and talk with the servant mind. He will help you be safe in this area by
making the patrolling vlish friendly. Explore a bit and you'll find some
mines that need disarming for some minor rewards to the east. Make it to the
Uchitelle and give him Urbina's package for 20c. He sells some minor goods,
and trains some spells. He also gives two quests- to secure the anvil in the
Sandros Mine, and to destroy his spawner. Complete the anvil quest and
you'll receive a blessing crystal and a key to fight the nasty boss of the
mines, and destroy his spawner for a charging stone and 300c. He will also
teach you how to use the anvil, which is a potent artifact. Loot his stuff
for a coated cloak and a jade band, among other things. One of his chests
requires ~12 mechanics to open, so come back for it later for some reaper
ammo, a madness gem, and a blessed necklace. Uchitelle's spawner is found to
the SW, and is guarded by 3 roamers. It summons another roamer every 2-3
turns. Kill it for some gems, a runed amethyst, and the girdle of endurance.
Sandros Mines
I: Living Knife, Ethereal Seal, Mandrake Tincture, Demon's Bile, Golden
Crystal, Gloves of the Hammer, Shaper Trueweave
This level is very tough for characters with few to no creations, as it is
full of undead. Undead cast slow on you if they hit you, resulting in you
missing half of your turns. Be careful if you don't have any help. If you
have ~7 leadership, this level is much easier, though. A shade sentinel will
accost you, but you can make the shades neutral if you have at least 7
leadership. Then you can kill all the shades in the main chamber at your
leisure, as they won't attack you unless you don't kill them fast enough.
The side chambers are another story, and you will have to kill the shades
there (to the north and the SE) as they are all hostile. Kill everything
here, then check out the rooms to the NE. You'll find some gold bars and a
ring of puresteel (a special item). When ready, head to the SE, making your
way to a chamber with a unopenable room. Be careful and stay away from the
east. Disarm the power spiral to the west, then enter combat mode. Hug the
north corner of the room, and end your turn. Head NE and you'll see the
enemy of this area- a parasitic shade. The best way to fight the shade is to
turn off all of the power spirals, then engage it in combat. If the power
spirals aren't turned off, it will heal itself during combat, making for a
very frustrating fight. It will summon a few weak shades to help it, but
eventually you'll take it down. It drops a living knife on death, and opens
up the area leading to the anvil. This gives you access to a powerful way of
improving your items and making new things.
When you're a much higher level (20+, and probably close to 30), come back
here and go to the NW. Use Uchitelle's key to open the door. You'll find a
shade first. It's dangerous, but you should be able to handle it if you're
level is appropriate. Charged thahd meatshields are great. Kill it and it
drops a runed onyx and a tiny orb of mist. Head south, and you'll find two
ghosts (a brother and a sister). You must do approximately the same damage
to each or they'll heal each other. They have nasty charm and terror spells,
so the mental barrier spell helps. One of them drops an ethereal seal on
death. Next you fight a golem. It has several stages- resistances vs. fire,
physical, and magical damage, and a final stage where it becomes hasted and
extremely difficult to damage. Wingbolts do consistent damage, as do
kyshakks. Drayks do decent damage against it, and a solo infiltrator may be
able to take it on with a few meatshield thahds to divert its attention.
Lower level creations will probably die in this fight, but may serve to
distract it. Wrack and essence shackles are both quite helpful, and will
help you survive. When it dies, it drops several crystals, including a
golden crystal, and a pair of gloves of the hammer. Next you can fight the
forgotten one, a potent shade. It seems a bit easier than some of the
previous two fights. However, it has very strong armor and you will hit
infrequently. Wingbolts seem to do damage consistently, though other
creations with do lots of damage when they actually hit. The shade summons
awful worms when it fights you, though they're not difficult if you have
enough AP to kill them in one turn, or a creation that can do the same. The
forgotten one drops a shaper trueweave armor on death.
Rivergate Keep
Q: Betray the Safehouse, Hunting Traitors, Heart of the Kiln, Repair Moseh
I: Guardian Stone Necklace, Skein of Wisdom, Lodestone Greaves, Mandrake
Tincture, Shaped Breastplate, Ring of Eye's Purity
S: Shaper Duncan, Steelskin (can), Firebolt (can)
O: Shaper Mars, General Alwan, Agent Mouawad, many quests done here
Here is the stronghold of the shapers in the region. You would do well to
be on your best behavior here. The most boring section of this area is the
SW. Still, you can steal a green spore baton, which is very useful and
definitely worth picking up. Talk with Captain Kane to be informed of a
quest he wants you to do- he wants you to find traitors in Dillame and report
them to him. Specifically he's looking for Lilly and Drewry, and will give
you a guardian stone necklace if you help. You can also talk some minor
supplies out of him. Also nearby is Agent Mouawad, who will reward you for
loyalty to the shaper's cause. Agent Mouawad will also give you a quest to
retrieve the "heart of the kiln." Do so for a skein of wisdom (+1 int)
There are three tiers of her rewards- 200c and a sparkling wand for minor
loyalty, a thirsting knife and 500c for moderate loyalty, and a ring of Eye's
Purity for near total loyalty.
Other unique items here can be found immediately east of General Alwan.
Most intriguing of all are the Lodestone Greaves, which carry a dexterity
penalty but an immense damage bonus. Characters who use physical or magical
attacks will find them very tempting. Also nearby is a canister of Steelskin
and a recipe for the mental focus charm. Nearby Shaper Duncan is secretive
area with a canister of firebolt, mandrake tincture, and a puresteel ring.
You must be stealthy to claim it without incurring the wrath of the whole
area, though.
Shaper Duncan will train you here as well. He is very expensive at first,
but lowers his prices as you do more to help the shapers (i.e., betraying the
safehouse, fixing Moseh). With both acts, he becomes the cheapest source of
spells in the game. Also talk with Shaper Duncan after Alwan gives you the
"repair Moseh" quest to get a passage bracelet, which allows you to explore
some of the more dangerous areas. This item and quest alone makes it
worthwhile to not play as a strict rebel.
When ready, head up to speak with Alwan to the NW. Alwan will converse
willingly with you and will talk with you about the war. Be somewhat
friendly so as to gain decent influence and not be killed on sight. Even
rebels will find being friendly well worth their while, as it helps
ameliorate one particularly nasty battle (and save several skill points), and
gives you the ability to pass some nasty areas with ease. Alwan's first task
for you is to Betray the Safehouse- to find it and report its location to
him. You don't have to do this to get the next quest, though skipping it
requires some leadership. You still have to find the safehouse to be able to
tell him about it. Afterwards, he requests that you fix Shaper Moseh for
him. He directs you to speak you with Shaper Duncan to get some help. You
can also show him the papers you may have recovered from the safehouse to
improve your standing with the shapers. Completion of the Moseh quest gets
you 1000c, and a shaped breast plate. Duncan also becomes the cheapest
trainer in spells and creations, so buy all you'd like.
Secured Crossroads
I: Nimble Sandals
O: Sandia
This area mainly has groups of five roamers clustered who attack en masse.
They're not too hard, but be careful not to get swarmed- in other words, take
one batch on at a time. One batch of roamers to the SW has a stronger roamer
who drops a pair of nimble sandals for you. Items of interest include a blue
spore baton to the NW, and a group of mines to the SE. Use the baton to
destroy the mines. You'll find some decent goods hidden. The servile Sandia
is to the NW; she is the object of one of Shaper Rutenberg's quests. She's
not willing to return so you'd have to kill her if you want a full reward.
Otherwise let her go and lie to Rutenberg. Near the center of the map is a
servile who runs to fetch some servile cultists. Let it do so and kill the
serviles who run out.
Swarmed Woods
I: Girdle of Strength
A rebel named Blackrabbit can be found immediately to the south/south east
(he's easy to find if you're coming from the east). He gives you some hints
for the area, and you can recruit him if you want. The general gist of this
area is trigger crystals, fight vlish/roamer pack. Rinse and repeat. Of
interest here is a concealed pathway to the north which gives some loot, and
a girdle of strength to the west. Head far to the west and you'll reach the
Illya Safehouse.
Turabi Gates
I: Clawbug Charm, Captain's Boots, Essence-Infused Skin
This is a stealth level. Five to six patrol guards, um, patrol this area.
If one talks to you, you have 1-2 turns till they sound the alarm, maybe a
bit more if you have high leadership or Alwan's papers. If you can kill them
in that time, they'll be gone for good. If not, they summon a huge, endless
force of enemies which will kill you very quickly. If you kill all of them
before they get help, you can wander this area freely. Things of note here
include Trint, a servile to whom you can give Drex's letter to fulfill his
quest. The NW has a bunch of Clawbugs, and the terror clawbug drops a
clawbug charm on death.
Turabi gate is in the center west, and you need to approach it from the
north, south, and east to fulfill Darnor's quest. If you want some ultra
powerful items, you have to know how to do stealth properly. Then approach
from the gate from the south, and enter combat mode. End your turn out of
view of all the enemies in order to not incur the Shaper's wrath. The things
you're looking for are to the south, and include a pair of captain's boots, a
tiny orb of the mist, and, most-importantly, the essence-infused skin. When
you are near the end of the game, you may actually be able to take this force
on and survive.
Illya Safehouse
Q: Kill Moseh, Shatter the Hearth, Spying on Turabi, Gibbon's Canisters, Kill
Drayk, Kill Shaftoe, Kill Eliza, Aziraph Rebels
I: Shaped Gauntlets, Mindwarp Seal, Runed Jade Necklace, Firecaster
Gauntlets, Girdle of Life
S: Ozyss, Create Vlish (can), Essence Orbs (can), Group Heal (can), Create
Clawbug (can), Create Roamer (can)
O: Ozyss
$: Motz
Enter this area, the head of operations for the rebels in Illya province.
Darnor tells you to go see Pirik. Pirik asks you what happened to the
caravan. If you turned it in, you don't get anything. However, if you
escorted it safely, you get 750c and a pair of shaped gauntlets. Pirik then
gives you your next mission- to kill Shaper Moseh. If you have good
leadership you can get her to give you a key giving you access to lots of
storage rooms. Once Moseh is either restored or destroyed, come here for a
bracelet of passage that allows you to pass the eastern rise. Pirik will
also ask you to kill Shaftoe (for a runed jade necklace), and to kill Eliza
(for a mindwarp seal). Also, Pirik will give you your directions to go see
the Aziraph rebels.
Darnor will give you two quests- to shatter the heart of the kiln, and to
spy on Turabi Gates. Darnor will also reward you if you've done some pro-
rebel actions. He gives you a jeweled wand at first for some loyalty, some
firecaster gauntlets for moderate loyalty, and a girdle of life for strong
loyalty. Motz will trade with you, and Gibbons will trade cash (750c) for
canisters (of create clawbug and create roamer- you need to be pro-rebel for
this though). Gibbons also gives you a quest to recover puresteel rings in
exchange for canisters. There are several rings available, one in the
Sandros Mine, one in Rivergate Keep, and one in Thorton ruins. For a first
ring you receive a canister of create vlish. A second nets you a canister of
essence orbs, and the third, a group heal spell canister. Ozyss the drayk
will train you in spells and has a quest for you- to slay the mad drayk in
the circle of the drayk. He'll lower his prices significantly when you do so
(from utterly ridiculous to slightly expensive).
Other items of note include the smith Veidt, who has mildly decent items.
Khur the servile will join you if you're moderately pro-rebel, but he won't
tolerate many anti-rebel sentiments. You can also sneak to the chambers
north of Pirik and grab a batch of notes to betray the camp with, if you
Circle of the Drayk
I: Shielding Band, Shaped Shield, Physician's Charm, Perfect Drayk Scale,
Purified Essence
S: Create Vlish (can), Terror (can)
You are greeted by a cultist named Purge Submit. Purge Submit will sell to
you and has decent prices. If you look around any further you'll be attacked
by everyone here, so buy anything you desire early on. Run around the
perimeter of this entire area, avoiding the center and killing all the
serviles. You'll find a few nice items, including a shielding band. Watch
out for servile clangers, as they will summon the drayk to attack you.
Otherwise, most of the serviles are pretty easy, except for those with names,
who you should watch out for as they usually have a special attack or two,
and often decent items. To the east is a servile spiritdrainer who has a
shielding band. Other items of note include a shaped shield (dropped by
Unending Purgin), and a Physician's Charm (+1 healing craft) in Liberated
Unleashed's quarters, along with a canister of create Vlish. Most of these
items are to the south. The servile Reiner is to the SE, and can be freed
and then escorted to the exit zone. Reiner is one of Shaper Rutenberg's
When ready (i.e., beefed up with some helpful creations) go to the center
of the map. You'll find the major enemy of the area, a drayk. Kill it as
best you are able. For shaping-heavy characters unstable thahds are
excellent meat shields to take the hits off of you. For non-shaping heavy
characters, use some meat shield temporary creations to help divert the
drayk's attention while you whale on it from a distance. When it goes down
it drops a perfect drayk scale. You can also access its canister of terror
and a very important purified essence vial. Report to Ozyss for your reward.
Dillame Fields
I: Shaped Greaves, Fyoraskin Cloak, Shaped Boots
S: Create Fyora (can), Unlock (can), Spellcraft (can)
O: Killing 31st regiment
This area has a few things to do. You'll immediate get attacked by some
rogues who are trying to kill some farmers, so save the farmers if you want.
To the SW you'll find Commander Zakary (if you saved the Geneforge, anyways,
otherwise it's Captain Herat). Be a bit abusive towards him and you'll get
access to his canisters (shaped greaves and canisters of create fyora,
unlock). To the NE you'll find the entrance to the Purity Workshop B, guarded
by several clawbugs and mines, and a fyora which drops a fyoraskin cloak on
If you want, you can take on the 31st regiment of the Shaper Army. Doing
so is a rebellious act. Watch out, they're pretty well entrenched, with lots
of mines, a few turrets, roamers, baton users, and warriors. Let them come
to you, if at all possible. The mines aren't that painful, but you may need
to approach carefully. They have lots of mediocre loot, but the good stuff
includes some shaped boots and a jeweled wand. Also, there's a canister of
spellcraft to the south behind the disarmable mines. It's a bit hidden, and
there's a lot of much nicer loot here. Even non-canister using players will
be tempted by this one. Remember, use less than 8 to get the non-canister-
addict ending.
Swamp Crossroads
I: Clover Boots
S: Spine Shield (can)
This area is home to the bandits that are giving Master Drex such a hard
time. If you've used lots of canisters, you'll attack their small group near
the entrance to the area instantly. Otherwise, head a bit to the west, and
follow the servile to reveal the secret bandit camp entrance. Jadetree, the
bandit leader, tries to shoo you away. You can bribe her to stop attacking
Master Drex if you want, though it's much more satisfying to kill them all.
It's a bit of a difficult fight if you're caught off-guard, but try to hang
around behind the trees and let them come to you. Jadetree drops a pair of
clover boots specifically, which you may appreciate for their bonus to luck.
Otherwise, grab their loot (including a blue baton- you'll need one here).
To the north you'll find an old lab with a recipe for a special wand and a
canister of spine shield (which is a spell that extremely useful for nearly
all characters). To the SE are several vlish who are helping guard some of
the bandits loot. Use a blue spore baton to detonate the nearby mines and
grab the mostly-cash loot.
Illya West Road
I: Captain's Shiv
Not much to do here except explore, loot, and destroy. Try to kill all of
the central thahds, as when you make it a bit west some serviles flee from
some shapers, and you get experience for each one left living who escapes.
There are some mines and minor loot to the SE, and some clawbugs south and
NW. You may win a clawbug carapace shield from one of them, if you're lucky.
The NW clawbugs are guarding a mined area at the end of which you'll find the
Captain's Shiv. It's an excellent item for those characters who rely on
their creations extensively.
Purity Workshop B
I: Mandrake Tincture, Demon's Bile, Torrent Gem, Tinker Gloves, Grounded Robe
This area can be reached in the NE of Dillame Fields. There are two routes
to take- the mechanics route and the fighting route. The fighting one may be
a bit easier depending on what you've done, but you should try parts of them
both to get all the items.
Head north and you'll find several vlish, clawbugs, and roamers. Stay back
and let them come to you, and you'll find them fairly easily defeated.
There's a lever here that you can use to advance to a new area, but it's not
necessary just yet. Continue north a bit more till you see the hellhounds.
Again, stay back and let them come to you. Try to get the first hit in on
them, as it's much easier that way. After you kill them all (there's about
5), head in for your loot. You'll claim some shaped lances, mandrake
tincture, demon's bile, and a torrent gem. Head a bit west and you'll find
the heart of the kiln (a ruby). Retrieve it if you're helping the shapers,
or destroy it if not. Helping the shapers gets you a superior reward, and
even strong rebels may consider giving it to her.
If you're going the mechanics route, head to the west and disarm the fields
by using the southern spore box. Continue west and you'll find a control
box. Several less than clear options are available for you. The "Depower"
ones turn off some of the nearby lava fields (though one is broken). The
"field" ones disarm nearby energy fields, though one control is broken. I'm
not sure exactly what the "kiln" option does, but I'd avoid touching it.
Head north through the lava fields, and then take the doors out. You'll be
around the fields that can't be turned off. The nearby rooms are home to a
grounded robe and a pair of tinker's gloves (+2 mech!). There's another
nearby control panel with ambiguous options. Again, the "depower" turns off
nearby lava fields. The "D" field is found to the far SW and yields some
minor items and an ivory skull. You can also turn off some nasty vats for 4
living tools, but you won't get a lot (it's just another route to the heart
of the kiln).
If you want to maximize your exploring output, turn off pads "E" and fields
"C", kill the vlish/clawbug/roamer packs, open the door and turn off "D",
then go grab the ivory skull and gloves. Skip everything else to save your
living tools, and get the heart of the kiln by killing the hellhounds.
The final thing of interest is the door to the NE, which leads to the next
underground area.
North Illya Woods
I: Static Band
S: Heal (can)
Vlish abound here, so kill them slowly. They'll probably call for help,
unless you kill them quickly. Important items of note include a heal
canister to the NE, and a static band to the SE behind some green mines
(you'll need your green spore baton to destroy them). That's about it here.
Rocky Point
I: Acid Baton, Shaped Blade, Projection Band
O: Dealing with rebels
$: Alexandros, Venom Chain Mail, Jade Band, Mandrake Tincture
This area is home to a number of nasty roamers. The oozing roamers split
into 4 spawned crawlers on death, though they're pretty easy. The vicious
roamers are a bit nastier with more HP and acid breath. Kill them as you
can. Head to the NW and explode some mines, and you may kill an icebreath
roamer. Its nest holds an acid baton. To the NE you'll find an entrance to
the Warded Sea Caves if you want to go and explore down there (this entrance
may be the best available. Alexandros is to the NE as well and will buy and
sell if the rebels to the SE are gone. The rebels to the SE are nearly
completely out of it. You can attack them if you want to improve standing
with the shapers; otherwise you'll soon earn favor with the rebels. As you
are talking with Captain Zorin, the rebels are attacked by a bunch of
shapers. The shapers include several creations and two humans. One drops a
shaped blade when dead, the other (Andover) drops a projection band. Try to
keep the rebels alive, then help them make it to the exit for a hefty EXP
bonus for each rebel left alive. You may now trade with Alexandros.
Electrified Field
I: Shielding Trinket, Madness Gem, Torrent Gem, Mandrake Tincture
S: Create Artila (can)
This area is full of deadly fields. If you turn them off fully you'll get
a hefty batch of experience, so it's worth attempting to do so. The first
major sporebox is to the SW, and turning it off allows you to go to the SE
and claim a canister of create artila. Head north and grab the stuff off the
body (including a shielding trinket). There's another sporebox nearby. Head
to the east and you'll find some people who don't know where they want to go.
No matter what you say, they'll decide to head to the east. Head a bit
north, kill the turrets, grab the loot, then turn off the last sporebox.
Finally, head to the west, avoiding the fields and kill 4 turrets and use the
sporeboxes to disarm a few more fields. Then grab the stuff to the NW, and
grab the madness gem, torrent gem, and mandrake tincture.
Thornton Ruins
I: Piercing Gauntlets, Infiltrator Cloak, Grounded Robe, Volcanic Fetish
S: Speed (can), Create Battle Alpha (can)
This area is not meant to be tried without Shaper Duncan's pacifying
bracelet. You might be able to do it if you're stealthy, but not easily.
You'll find some great things here, but will probably get killed without the
bracelet. To the NW is an abandoned rebel cache, with a canister of speed
and create battle alpha, and a ring of puresteel. While you're here you
might as well kill two rogues here. Krazos is a battle beta to the SE. He
casts a spell that removes your buffs and curses you instead, but is
otherwise easy. When you kill Krazos, he drops some piercing gauntlets.
Head a bit south and open the nearby room for an excellent volcanic fetish
necklace (+1 to battle magic and to fire shaping). The building to the north
is home to Mystithus, a nasty vlish. Mystithus will divide into four after
you do a fair bit of damage to it. You figure out which of the four images
is vulnerable to your attacks and beat it to 1 HP. Some of the images are
also strong against cold and vlish attacks, so you may not find yourself
doing damage very well. Once you defeat the last image, all of them die, and
Mystithus drops a vlish tentacle and a volcanic fetish. Check the nearby
bodies for a grounded robe.
West Barrier Zone
I: Wand of the Inferno
Again, make sure you have Shaper Duncan's bracelet, or you'll find this
area extremely difficult. Unfortunately, there's not much here for you,
though you can grab a wand of the inferno from the SW, and a recipe for a new
wand from the NW. As always, pick up the melted glass for the Dillame quest.
East Barrier Zone
I: Spectral Boots
Moseh lives near here. As such, it's not safe for anyone- shaper or rebel.
When you're here, Moseh will continuously make new rogues who will pursue
you. As before, there's plenty of melted glass for you to pick up. If you're
here from Moseh's bunker, you'll find several ghosts. One will drop some
spectral boots, which provide pretty good defense.
Once Moseh is pacified by whatever means come back and explore a bit more
at your leisure.
Warded Sea Caves
I: Fine Silk Pantaloons, Oozing Sword, Solidified Flame
You can get here from either Rocky Point or Purity Workshop B. This area
is heavy with fields, and you'll have to proceed slowly and have a decent
mechanics score to survive. The first sporebox you need to hit is
immediately south, after hitting it you'll be able to explore the western
passage way. You may need to hit the sporeboxes to the SE (easiest from
Rocky Point) in order to get the next few items.
You can grab the items to the NW, including some fine silk pantaloons, a
corrupting baton, an oozing sword, and solidified flame (an ingredient).
You'll have to fight some turrets to get there, though. The sporebox in the
NW opens the east package, which is covered by mines. Disarm them and hit
the sporebox to reach the central room. From here you can access Moseh's
Eliza's Bunker
Q: Eliza's Power Supply, Eliza's Intruder
I: Submission Baton, Shaped Greaves, Pustulant Greaves, Acid Baton, Deep
Focus Orb, Agent Cloak
O: Eliza's Quest
Here you will find out how the shapers are defending these large areas.
Eliza is an agent who controls the creations in the Western Barrier Zone.
Talk to Eliza and she will give you a quest to help her out by fixing her
power supply. If you want to do this quest, head north and use the control
panel. At this point, enter combat mode. The crystals nearby shoot out
dangerous aerial power blasts. The crystals glow a bit right before they
explode, so watch out. Run as far away as you can to avoid them. After they
explode a few times they'll calm down and you can tell Eliza of your success.
She then asks you to destroy a dangerous rogue to the SW. It's a mutated
thahd and casts poison on your party every turn, so try to kill it fast. It
drops some shaped greaves on death. Explore its area carefully for some
postulant greaves and an acid baton. Tell Eliza of your success and she'll
agree to help you with Moseh. Once you stabilize Moseh, Eliza lets you get
her stuff, including a deep focus orb and a runed onyx (which is great for
melee fighters).
If you'd like to kill Eliza, first go south and diffuse all four of her
crystals (you can do this at any time without threat of response from Eliza,
and will also find a submission baton nearby for your troubles). Eliza is
fairly easy to kill if you have a decent level, so just hit her till she
stops moving. She drops an agent cloak on death, an excellent bit of armor.
All her doors open when she dies.
Shaftoe's Bunker
Q: The Mad Mind, A Pair of Rogues
I: Shaped Gauntlets, Shaped Belt, Guardian Claymore.
O: Shaftoe's Quests
Shaftoe is the leader here, and is a guardian. Talk to him for another
quest- to kill a crazed servant mind. It's located to the NW, and is very
weak against ice (so cryoas or ice spray work well). It isn't too tough, but
can cast essence orbs so attack it in melee if you need fight it. Report on
your success and he gives you a second quest- to kill two rogues in Thornton
Ruins. These two are Mystithus and Krazos. Report to him when they're dead
and he'll help stabilize Moseh and will open all of the doors here. You'll
find a recipe for the legs of the tyrant artifact and a lot of other loot,
including some shaped armor.
Killing Shaftoe is harder than Eliza. Shaftoe has more HP, and also has
several servant minds who will help summon creations for him. If you wan,
just kill Shaftoe for his guardian claymore and run.
Moseh's Bunker
I: Gruesome Charm, Demon's Bile, Madness Gem
If you're here from the Warded Sea Caves you can leave to the NE. You'll
have to fight several rogues, one of which may drop an artila eye. Exit
there if you're here by accident.
Don't attempt to take on Moseh without receiving Alwan's quest, or without
10 leadership. If you do, you'll be captured by Moseh, who will drain two
statistics permanently, and is quite tough. Otherwise, tell Moseh about
General Alwan. It'll disrupt his thoughts and will prevent him from draining
you. If you have 10 leadership you can avoid the fight with him. Otherwise,
you'll have to hit him a few times till he heals himself. Then head north,
and either get the servile to disarm the healing pillars, or do it yourself.
Then go down and hit Moseh till he's sane. You'll either have to kill him or
tell him that Shaftoe or Eliza will help him. This completes this chapter.
You can then explore his stuff and pick up some demon's bile, a madness gem,
and a gruesome charm (+2 dex, +2 int, -2 end), which is worth having, though
invest your skill points in endurance to recover lost HP.
Eastern Rise
I: Thirsting Gloves
S: Create Glaahk (can), Create Thahd (can)
You have two options for leaving this chapter- the eastern rise and the
western rise. Both work well, so choose whichever you'd like more. The
eastern rise is only passable if you have the agate from Pirik. The agate
will disarm the energy fields here and will allow you to pass the area
without problems. When you are close to the exit to the NE, the servile Pol
will greet you and tell you where to go. There are some bandits to the NW,
and if you've used too many canisters, you'll attack them instantly. They
have some minor items, and another agate for you. To the SE you'll find some
canisters (create glaahk and thahd) and some thirsting gloves.
Western Rise
Q: Hunting Nakel
I: Shaped Greaves
S: Ice Spray (can)
$: Perrin
This is your other entry way to chapter 3. Once you enter, wait for
Torsten to come see you. Give him Alwan's papers, then head north. Guardian
Horace doesn't like you, but will give you a quest to hunt a Trakovite named
Nakel. 500c is your reward for doing this quest. Perrin will trade with
you, and you'll find some shaped greaves to the NE, as well as a canister of
Ice Spray. When you're ready, head through to the north.
-------------------------CHAPTER 3. FENS OF AZIRAPH--------------------------
Golem Fens
I: Fibrous Breastplate, Emberrune Chitin, Essence-infused Iron Bar
S: Essence Shackles (can)
This place is immediately in the way of your approach to the Rebel camp.
It's populated by a highly annoying golem and spawner combo. Also, several
mines are set around here. If they go off, they'll summon the golem. You
can disarm them temporarily but not for long. Your best bet here is to
destroy the golem and spawner. Approach the center of the map from either
the SE or the NW, and disarm the mines. Then charge the building, and disarm
the two northern power crystals. Then hit the golem till it's destroyed, and
do the same for the spawner. Collect your loot- a fibrous breastplate,
emberrune chitin, and an essence-infused iron bar. There's also a canister
of essence shackles nearby. That's about it for here, though be sure to pick
up all swamp herbs, kill the vlish and clawbugs, and make sure you can get to
the NW dungeon (don't enter till you get the quest from Jared, though).
Aziraph Rebel Camp
Q: Rescue Khyryk, Contact Vecsey, Lost Rebel Supplies, Swamp Herbs, Talk to
Ellsworth, Monarch and the Shaper Papers, Derenton Freehold
I: Polished Shield, Singing Rapier
S: Captain Archibald, Jared, Create Drayk (can), Create Battle Alpha (can),
Create Glaahk (can)
O: Several rebel quests
$: Stubbs
Finally, some civilization! This is the rebel headquarters for chaper 3.
There are several good things to do here. Captain Archibald will train you
in combat arts for a decent price, so go ahead and burn some of your money.
Archibald is also a spy for the shapers, and will give you the info the
shapers want to know. Parry and quick action are useful for everyone. Jared
is also here, and will give you a quest to recover some lost rebel supplies
from the dungeon in the golem fens. Do so for a singing rapier, ivory skull,
and a good price on spells. He will train you in spells for a bit of cash (do
his quest first to improve his prices though), and will sell you some
canisters for 1000c each (500c with good leadership). Stubbs will trade with
you, and gives you a quest to get her swamp herbs. Bring her ten for a few
healing supplies. Mose is to the NW and is the person you want to see after
conferring with Mizhera. Once you've removed the refugees from the shaper
camp, they can be found here. Talk with Mose again to get your final quest-
to talk with Ellsworth to send the refugees to Burwood Province. Outside of
the main wall you'll find a polished shield to the NW, which is a good shield
for characters with creations.
Commander Ellsworth is to the SE and gives you a quest to get info from
Vecsey who is a spy at the rebel camp. You can also betray Archibald if you
want, but be sure to have purchased everything from him first. He will also
let you use his warriors to fight Monarch and his army. Warriors and
thornflingers only are useful for attacking enemies, but channelers cast weak
spells and augment your spellcraft by 7 points each, which may be useful for
some characters. Servile technicians are the most interesting, and will add
to your mechanics by 5 points each. However, they're worthless fighters.
General Greta is in the center area, and gives you your main quest for the
chapter- to rescue Khyryk. She also fills in more of the backstory. Once
you've saved Khyryk, tell her about it for 500c, and your next quest- to kill
Monarch and get his papers. Doing so gets you 800c and a mental focus charm.
If you don't do this, then you must have destroyed one of the shapers to the
south (Shaftoe, Eliza, Moseh) in order to get a pass to the next area. Your
next quest is to find Derenton freehold.
Shaper Camp Gamma
Q: The Lost Serviles, Convince the General, Mose's Assurance, Locate Khyryk,
The Shaper Spy, The Missing Scout, Kill Monarch, The Poryphra Ruins
I: Shaped Boots, Shaped Breastplate
S: Shaper Danell, Spellcraft (Shaper Danell)
O: Shaper quests
$: Sergeant Sabrina, Shaped Fiber Cloak (Sabrina), Guardian Cloak (Sabrina)
This is the headquarters of the shapers. Less important things to do here
include trading with the smith and sergeant Sabrina to the SE, and stealing
their stuff (including a shaped breastplate and some shaped boots), talking
with Zinser to get a quest to find out what happened to some serviles, and to
talk with Mizhera to get a quest to convince General Crowley to let the
refugees flee. Once you do this refugee quest (you need decent leadership),
you get a second quest to get Mose's Assurance. Vicsey is a rebel spy and
will give you the info for this area. You can betray him to Miranda if you'd
like for a token.
There are three shapers here- General Crowley is the leader and will tell
you about the situation here. He is also the person to talk to for Mizhera.
Shaper Danell will train you after you've talked with Crowley, and will also
give you a free point of spellcraft with adequate leadership. Finally, Agent
Miranda gives you your quests for the area- to talk with a shaper spy in the
rebel base, and to locate Khyryk. Getting the info from the spy for Miranda
gets you a token, and a second quest- to find out what happened to a missing
scout. You can also tell Miranda about saving Shaper Cantor for a token.
Finding Khyryk gets you 500c and another token. You are now entrusted with
the task of killing Monarch and reclaiming his papers. Giving the papers to
Miranda will greatly improve your reputation with the shapers. Note that you
must either heal Moseh or give the shapers the papers in order to continue
being friendly with the shapers. Otherwise, they'll all attack you on sight
in the next few chapters. Giving the shapers the papers gets you a healthy
amount of gold and a few more tokens. You are then directed to go to the
Poryphra ruins to get your next assignment.
The smith and sergeant Sabrina will both take your tokens. The smith will
trade you shaped items for them, and Sabrina will trade potent items,
including a guardian cloak and steel spines for your tokens.
Wrecked Lab
I: Unmelting Ice, Tiny Orb of the Sun, Rotghroth Fang, Crystal Woven Chitin
S: Mass Energize (can), Create Drayk (can)
This area is spooky. You have two options- face your hunter or run from
it. The latter is more entertaining, though the former is much easier if you
have a strong character. If you want to face it, move a bit to the west,
then get a message similar to "something shambles out of the garbage pit."
It's a rotghroth, and you should be able to take it out. Magic and ice work
well on it, though melee and poison/acid are weak.
If you're going to run, you should still take it on when it's much weaker
to get its exp. Head east. You'll encounter a series of obstacles designed
to stop and weaken the rotghroth. Your first obstacles are a series of
mines. Avoid them yourself by hugging the south wall. They explode when
anything comes by. Next you'll find three turrets which can be calmed with
adequate leadership. They'll shoot the rotghroth for you. Head south to
find some more mines, and hug the south wall again. There's a recipe nearby
for a potent artifact cloak. Then head north, and you'll find a few friendly
creations. Immediately north is a rogue drayk, but it won't fight unless you
get too close. West are several rooms with a gold bar (keep it), mandrake
tincture (keep it), and a crystal woven chitin. South are some more turrets,
followed by several mines. You'll find some unmelting ice and a mass
energize canister near the mines. Finally, you'll find a room at which you
can have your last stand. By this time the rotghroth should be nearly dead.
You can power up two pylons to help you though it's probably not necessary.
If you're really lazy, just move through the powered runes and the rotghroth
will die as it pursues you. When it's dead, grab its stuff- a tiny orb of
the sun and a rotghroth fang. There's also an eyebeast eye (keep it), a
canister of create drayk, and some demon's bile (keep it). Take the items
you're supposed to keep and give them to Jared.
Central Fens
There are three areas before Grosch, called the Fens. In general, they
don't have much in them, though you can find a few swamp herbs here and
there. However, none of these areas can be cleared prior to killing Monarch,
so they are all a pain to cross.
This area is pretty much empty, and other than a few swamp herbs, you won't
find much here.
Northern Fens
This area is full of energy barriers, and if you have some servile
technicians, they'll help you get through this area. There's a trakovite
named Nakel here (who is the object of Guardian Horace's quest), who sells
some batons and living tools. Otherwise, you can move to the north with your
servile technician help and disarm the energy fields using the sporeboxes.
That's about it for here.
If you're coming here for chapter 4, go up near the crystal-rich area, and
a door will open for you to reach the Sentinel Groves.
Southwest Fens
O: Dealing with Cantor
More endless rogues here. The main thing of interest here is Cantor, who
is a guardian in charge of a small force of creations. You can attack him if
you want to improve your status with the rebels, otherwise, you can help him
survive an onslaught of rogues. The rogues include explosive roamers,
thahds, and clawbugs. Once the shapers start to run, you've cleared the main
force, but should still follow them to make sure they survive.
Southern Grosch
I: Warmth Ring
As always, there's an endless stream of rogues here. Be prepared to fight
constantly. Here you will find Zinner's serviles hooked up to a machine.
Try to restore them and they'll all attack you. Somewhere around here is a
warmth ring, though I'm not quite sure where I got it from.
Northern Grosch
I: Girdle of Might, Deadeye Cloak
S: Create Artila (can)
If you want to avoid fights, hug the north and make it to the NW. You'll
find a building with a create artila canister in it. The entrance to
Monarch's area is here, if you want to skip the majority of this area. If
you explore much further you'll find an endless stream of enemies. Vlish,
artila, and fyora are constantly renewed here. Other enemies will stay dead,
and some serviles in the center actually drop some decent items, including a
girdle of might. There's a locked door to the south that holds a deadeye
cloak, and a building to the west which has a body who is the scout Miranda
wanted you to find.
Grosch Pits
I: Samaritan Sandals, Perfect Drayk Scale, Submission Baton, Quicksilver
S: Acid Shower (can), Dominate (can)
O: Khyryk
You can get here from either Southern Grosch or from Monarch's Realm. I
will assume you get here from Monarch's Realm as that method is somewhat
easier. Mines block your path, but if you the servile technicians, you
shouldn't have a problem disarming them. About 30 mechanics is necessary for
some of the mines, so you'll have to have about 15 points of native mechanics
(tinkers gloves and bauble, infiltrators cloak and tunic together provide +5,
so you'd need about 10 points invested. You can also avoid them if you don't
want to invest that many skill points). Head to the SW, and you'll find a
body with some Samaritan sandals. A bit east is a drayk named Mad Shyviss
who drops a perfect drayk scale on death, and there's a canister of acid
shower here as well. You'll soon find Khyryk. Khyryk is fairly friendly,
and will tell you much of what's going on here. He tells you that Monarch is
using a control baton and that's how he's able to make so many rogues.
Finally, he decides to head out, but not without uttering some Trakovite
heresies. It doesn't matter too much what you say to him, though it may
influence your reputation. You are attacked by a few creations once you're
done talking. Then head east and kill a few more rogues. You'll find a
canister of dominate here, and a recipe for a potent artifact belt. Continue
north, and to the NE you'll find an area with electrified fields. Avoid the
fields and head NE to hit a sporebox to turn off two of the fields. Then
head behind to grab a submission baton. Finally, head west and you'll find a
warped creator. Kill it quickly (or it'll put the hurt on you) and it drops
some quicksilver chitin for you. All the Fens are now clearable. Continue
walking and you'll come full circle and can continue with chapter 3.
Monarch's Realm
I: Swamp Boots, Grounded Robe, Flaming Sword, Shaper's Robe, Armor Band
S: Regeneration (can), Create Drayk (can)
O: Dealing with Monarch
This is the hard part- Monarch is located to the SE. Explore everything
else first, though. You'll need the help of some servile technicians in
order to disarm the mines here, so send them someplace safe and make them
inactive so as to be able to disarm things without worrying about them dying
before you've used them adequately. I'll assume you've entered from the NE.
Some clawbugs are guarding a nest nearby, kill them and grab their stuff
(grounded robe, swamp boots). A bit to the east you'll find several eggs
which hatch some clawbugs. There's also a regeneration canister here, and
some demon's bile. Head to the NW, and you'll find Monarch's room. Here
you'll find a key which opens some good stuff here and in northern Grosch.
You'll also find a control baton, if Khyryk has told you about it. Once
Monarch is dead or gone, you can grab his notes. There are some black doors
immediately nearby, though you can't enter them till you're near the end
game. Nearby is a sporebox which you should use to turn off the energy
Monarch is threatening to the SE. If you go into stealth mode, you can
avoid him initially, and should explore the western labs. Some serviles will
attack you but otherwise you can grab some decent items, including a flaming
sword and create drayk canister. When you're ready, take on Monarch. He
will parley with you at first (though you can hit him to start with). This
battle is easiest for creation-heavy characters, and toughest for solo
characters. The control baton is very useful as Monarch summons several
creations, and the control baton will turn them over to your side with
adequate leadership. As you hit Monarch, he tries to run away a few times.
Don't let him hit you in melee or he'll slow you (which is fatal to solo
characters). He then tries to shield himself with the control baton, so
smash it. Continue hitting him until he offers to bargain with you. You can
let him go and wreck havoc in shaping lands, or you can kill. Obviously, the
former will mean you don't have to fight him and is a very rebellious action.
Both give you the same reward- a shaper's robe and an armor band. That's it
for here.
Trainers: Below are listed the individuals who will train you in specific
spells/creations/skills. Some prices are dependent on activities done to
help the individual, others are dependent on leadership, and others depend on
your reputation with the person's sect.
Master Jared (slightly expensive)
Firebolt 36
Burning Spray 96
Searer 240
Daze 36
Mental Barrier 96
War Blessing 36
Protection 96
Minor Heal 36
Cure Affliction 96
Burkes (expensive)
Cure Affliction 112
Augmentation 280
Mercedia (Utterly ridiculous- before completing quest)
Speed 660
(Exorbitant- after completing quest)
Firebolt 51
Burning Spray 136
Searer 340
Ice Spray 510
Daze 51
Mental Barrier 136
War Blessing 51
Protection 136
Speed 510
Uchitelle (Exorbitant)
Firebolt 51
Burning Spray 136
Searer 340
Daze 51
Mental Barrier 136
War Blessing 51
Protection 136
Essence Shield 340
Minor Heal 51
Cure Affliction 136
Augmentation 340
Heal 510
Shaper Duncan (initially Exorbitant)
Firebolt 51
Burning Spray 136
Searer 340
Ice Spray 510
Lightning Aura 660
Daze 51
Mental Barrier 136
Wrack 340
Unlock 510
War Blessing 51
Protection 136
Essence Shield 340
Speed 510
Minor Heal 51
Cure Affliction 136
Augmentation 340
Heal 510
Regeneration 680
(slightly expensive after betrayal of safehouse)
Firebolt 36
Burning Spray 96
Searer 240
Ice Spray 360
Lightning Aura 480
Daze 36
Mental Barrier 96
Wrack 240
Unlock 360
War Blessing 36
Protection 96
Essence Shield 240
Speed 360
Minor Heal 36
Cure Affliction 96
Augmentation 240
Heal 360
Regeneration 480
Ozyss (initially utterly ridiculous)
Firebolt 66
Burning Spray 176
Searer 440
Ice Spray 660
Lightning Aura 880
Daze 66
Mental Barrier 176
Wrack 440
War Blessing 66
Protection 176
Essence Shield 440
Speed 660
Minor Heal 66
Cure Affliction 176
Augmentation 440
Heal 660
(slightly expensive after betrayal of safehouse)
Firebolt 36
Burning Spray 96
Searer 240
Ice Spray 360
Lightning Aura 480
Daze 36
Mental Barrier 96
Wrack 240
Unlock 360
War Blessing 36
Protection 96
Essence Shield 240
Speed 360
Minor Heal 36
Cure Affliction 96
Augmentation 240
Heal 360
Regeneration 480
(very reasonable after repairing Moseh)
Burning Spray 64
Searer 160
Ice Spray 240
Lightning Aura 320
Essence Orbs 400
Mental Barrier 64
Wrack 160
Unlock 240
Terror 320
Dominate 400
War Blessing 24
Protection 64
Essence Shield 160
Speed 240
Spine Shield 320
Minor Heal 24
Cure Affliction 64
Augmentation 160
Heal 240
Regeneration 320
Group Heal 400
Jared (initially slightly expensive)
Ice Spray 360
Lightning Aura 480
Essence Orbs 600
Acid Shower 1560
Unlock 360
Terror 480
Dominate 600
Essence Shackles 1560
Spine Shield 480
Mass Energize 600
Steel Shield 1320
Essence Armor 1680
Heal 360
Regeneration 480
Group Heal 600
Banish Affliction 1440
Jared (extremely cheap after recovering his supplies)
Ice Spray 180
Lightning Aura 240
Essence Orbs 300
Acid Shower 780
Unlock 180
Terror 240
Dominate 300
Essence Shackles 780
Spine Shield 240
Mass Energize 300
Steel Shield 660
Essence Armor 840
Heal 180
Regeneration 240
Group Heal 300
Banish Affliction 720
Shaper Danell (slightly expensive)
Ice Spray 360
Lightning Aura 480
Essence Orbs 600
Acid Shower 1560
Kill 1800
Unlock 360
Terror 480
Dominate 600
Essence Shackles 1200
Strong Daze 1560
Spine Shield 480
Mass Energize 600
Steel Shield 1320
Essence Armor 1680
Elemental Cloak 1800
Heal 360
Regeneration 480
Group Heal 600
Banish Affliction 1440
Major Heal 1440
Mage Manohola (slightly expensive)
Ice Spray 360
Lightning Aura 480
Essence Orbs 600
Acid Shower 1560
Kill 1800
Unlock 360
Terror 480
Dominate 600
Essence Shackles 1200
Strong Daze 1560
Charm 1680
Spine Shield 480
Mass Energize 600
Steel Shield 1320
Essence Armor 1680
Elemental Cloak 1800
Battle Roar 2160
Heal 360
Regeneration 480
Group Heal 600
Banish Affliction 1440
Major Heal 1440
Aura of Cleansing 1560
Shaper Grim (pretty average with leadership)
Lightning Aura 400
Essence Orbs 500
Acid Shower 1300
Kill 1500
Essence Lances 1600
Terror 400
Dominate 500
Essence Shackles 1000
Strong Daze 1300
Spine Shield 400
Mass Energize 500
Steel Shield 1100
Essence Armor 1400
Elemental Cloak 1500
Regeneration 400
Group Heal 500
Banish Affliction 1200
Aura of Cleansing 1300
Khyryk (expensive)
Kill 2100
Essence Lances 2240
Aura of Flames 2380
Strong Daze 1820
Charm 1960
Mass Madness 2240
Essence Armor 1960
Elemental Cloak 2100
Battle Roar 2520
Major Heal 1680
Aura of Cleansing 1820
Mass Restore 2100
Master Jared (expensive)
Acid Shower 1820
Kill 2100
Essence Lances 2240
Aura of Flames 2380
Essence Shackles 1400
Strong Daze 1820
Charm 1960
Mass Madness 2240
Steel Shield 1540
Essence Armor 1960
Elemental Cloak 2100
Battle Roar 2520
Banish Affliction 1680
Major Heal 1680
Aura of Cleansing 1820
Mass Restore 2100
Master Jared (expensive)
Create Fyora 280
Create Thahd 210
Create Artila 210
Burkes (expensive)
Create Artila 210
Shaper Duncan (initially utterly ridiculous)
Create Fyora 440
Create Roamer 880
Create Thahd 330
Create Clawbug 990
Create Artila 330
Create Vlish 1100
(expensive after betrayal of rebel safehouse)
Create Fyora 280
Create Roamer 560
Create Thahd 210
Create Clawbug 630
Create Artila 210
Create Vlish 700
(pretty average after repairing Moseh)
Create Fyora 200
Create Roamer 400
Create Thahd 150
Create Clawbug 450
Create Battle Alpha 800
Create Artila 150
Create Vlish 500
Shaper Danell (slightly expensive)
Create Roamer 480
Create Kyshakk 1800
Create Clawbug 540
Create Battle Alpha 960
Create Glaahk 960
Create Wingbolt 1440
Shaper Grim (pretty average with leadership)
Create Kyshakk 1500
Create Battle Alpha 800
Create Rotghroth 1400
Create Glaahk 800
Create Wingbolt 1200
Burkes (expensive)
Spellcraft 2380
Captain Archibald (slightly expensive)
Melee Weapons 1800
Missile Weapons 1800
Quick Action 1200
Parry 1200
Daze (Southforge Citadel and Geneforge)
Create Thahd (Southforge Citadel and Geneforge)
Burning Spray (Crenshaw's Dell)
Cure Affliction (Shardfield)
Protection (Chickweed Bridge)
Mental Barrier (Chickweed Bridge)
War Blessing (Therile Colony)
Minor Heal (Boiling Mudpits)
Create Fyora (Boiling Caverns)
Essence Shield (Dumping Pits)
Searer (Cairn Gates)
Create Roamer (Cairn Gates)
Wrack (Eastern Checkpoint)
Create Clawbug (Dillame)
Steelskin (Rivergate Keep)
Firebolt (Rivergate Keep)
Create Vlish (Illya Safehouse)
Essence Orbs (Illya Safehouse)
Group Heal (Illya Safehouse)
Create Clawbug (Illya Safehouse)
Create Roamer (Illya Safehouse)
Create Vlish (Circle of the Drayk)
Terror (Circle of the Drayk)
Create Fyora (Dillame Fields)
Unlock (Dillame Fields)
Spellcraft (Dillame Fields)
Spine Shield (Swamp Crossroads)
Heal (North Illya Woods)
Create Artila (Electrified Field)
Speed (Thornton Ruins)
Create Battle Alpha (Thornton Ruins)
Create Glaahk (Eastern Rise)
Create Thahd (Eastern Rise)
Ice Spray (Western Rise)
Essence Shackles (Golem Fens)
Create Drayk (Aziraph Rebel Camp)
Create Battle Alpha (Aziraph Rebel Camp)
Create Glaahk (Aziraph Rebel Camp)
Mass Energize (Wrecked Lab)
Create Drayk (Wrecked Lab)
Create Artila (Northern Grosch)
Acid Shower (Grosch Pits)
Dominate (Grosch Pits)
Regeneration (Monarch's Realm)
Create Drayk (Monarch's Realm)
Create Rotghroth (Western Burwood)
Mechanics (Western Burwood)
Lightning Aura (Western Burwood)
Kill (The Eye's Road)
Banish Affliction (Burwood South Road)
Charm (Derenton Freehold)
Create Kyshakk (Derenton Freehold)
Create Rotghroth (Derenton Freehold)
Create Wingbolt (Derenton Freehold)
Essence Lances (Derenton Freehold)
Create Kyshakk (Valeya Road)
Major Heal (Valeya Ruins)
Create Ornk (West Poryphra Gate)
Strong Daze (Poryphra Ruins)
Mass Madness (Cultist Safehouse)
Elemental Cloak (Cultist Safehouse)
Mass Restore (Windswept Farms)
Create War Trall (Windswept Farms)
Spine Shield (Quessa-Uss)
Create Gazer (Quessa-Uss)
Aura of Flames (Quessa-Uss)
Battle Roar (Khima-Uss)
Essence Lances (Khima-Uss)
Create Gazer (Khima-Uss)
Create War Trall (Khima-Uss)
Create Drakon (Khima-Uss)
Essence Armor (Grayghost Gates)
Mass Madness (Frostwood)
Create Drakon (Gesselin Freehold)
Create Gazer (Northforge Citadel)
Create War Trall (Northforge Citadel)
Mass Restore (Northforge Citadel)
Essence Lances (Northforge Warrens)
Create Rotghroth (Breeding Pits)
Strength (Breeding Pits)
Dexterity (Sealed Crypt)
Strength (Sealed Crypt)
Endurance (Pit of the Titan)
Intelligence (Pit of the Titan)
Matala's Lab (Aura of Cleansing)
Create Drakon (Nortforge Warrens)
Other Skill Points
Luck (Mayor of Dillame)
Spellcraft (Shaper Danell)
Spellcraft (Feeble Shade)
Dexterity (Orois Blaze)
Major Heal (Shaper Krogstad)
KEY: for weapons, the damage is present first, with additional features
next. For armor, the armor percent bonus is given first, with additional
features next. Stats, effects, and resistances are as follows: Str-
strength, Dex- dexterity, Int- intelligence, End- endurance, MW- melee
weapons, MIW- missile weapons, QA- quick action, PA- parry, BM- battle magic,
LM- blessing magic, MM- mental magic, SC- spellcraft, FS- fire shaping, BS-
battle shaping, MS- mental shaping, HC- healing craft, Lead- leadership,
Mech- mechanics, Luck- luck, Stl- Stealth, TH- to hit, SR- stun resistance,
FR- fire resistance, CR- cold resistance, ER- energy resistance, MR- mental
resistance, AR- acid resistance, PR- poison resistance, HER- hostile effects
resistance (all resists raised by that value), "c" effect applies to
Unusual effects include EnP- energy preservation, VT- Vampiric Touch, Rad-
Radiance (undead-bane), DS- damage shield, AP- action points and DLVL- Damage
Melee Weapons
Captain's Shiv 4-16, +4% armor, +2 LM, +8 armor c, +1 Dexc
Dagger 2-8
Living Knife 4-16, +4% armor, +1 Strc, +1 Dexc
Singing Rapier 8-32, +1 QA, +1 PA
Thirsting Knife 7-28, +8 VT, +5 FR, +2 Strc, +1 Dexc
Flaming Sword 12-60, +10 TH, +10 FR, +10 Rad
Guardian Claymore 11-55, +2 Str, +2 QA, +2 Strc
Iron Broadsword 8-40
Stunning Blade 6-30, stuns
Missile Weapons
Special Attack Items.
Chitin Armor 10%, +10 SR,
Chainmail Vest 15%, +15 SR, -5 TH
Crystal Woven Chitin16%, +15 SR, +1 SC, -5 TH
Emberrune Chitin 13%, +10 CR, -3 FR, +10 AR
Fibrous Breastplate 24%, +25 SR, -10 TH, +12 ER, +10 CR
Infiltrator's Tunic 8%, +1 Mech, +1 Lead, +1 Stl
Quicksilver Chitin 10%, +10 SR, +1 AP
Robe 6%
Shaped Breastplate 34%, +35 SR, -20 TH
Shaper Robe 12%, +1 FS, +1 BS, +1 MS, +1 HC
Shaper Trueweave 20%, +2 Strc, +2 Dexc, +10 HERc
Spidersilk Robe 14%, +5 ER
Steel Breastplate
Thahdskin Tunic 8%, +2 Str, +1 Dex
Tunic 4%
Venom Chainmail 16%, +15 SR, -5 TH, +10 DS
Belt 2%
Shaped Belt 6%
Student's Belt 2%, +1 Int, +2 EnP
Girdle of Insight 4%, +1 Int, +1 Intc
Girdle of Genius 6%, +2 Int, +2 Intc
Girdle of Strength 4%, +1 Str, +1 Strc
Girdle of Might 6%, +2 Str, +2 Strc
Girdle of Endurance 4%, +1 End, +1 Endc
Girdle of Life 6%, +2 End, +2 Endc
Girdle of Nimbleness 4%, +1 Dex, +1 Dexc
Girdle of Avoidance 6%, +2 Dex, +2 Dexc
Boots 4%
Captain's Boots 7%, +2 LM
Clover Boots 4%, +3 Luck, +1 Stl
Fine Shoes 3%
Nimble Sandals 2%, +2 Dex
Puresteel Boots 12%
Samaritan Sandals 2%, +2 HC
Sandals 2%
Shaped Boots 7%
Vat Shoes 3%, +10 PR, +10 AR
Agent Cloak 4%, +1 BM, +1 LM, +1 MM, +1 SC
Coated Cloak 4%, +5 ER
Deadeye Cloak 3%, +2 MiW
Fyoraskin Cloak 5%, +5 FR
Guardian Cloak 8%, +1 MW, +1 MIW, +1 QA, +1 PA
Infiltrator Cloak 2%, +1 Mech, +1 Lead, +1 Stl
Polar Fur Cloak 4%, +5 CR
Carnelian Gloves 2%, +1 BM
Gauntlets 4%
Gauntlets of Succor 4%, +1 MM, +1 HC
Gloves 2%
Gloves of the Hammer 6%, +2 Str, +1 QA, +1 PA
Piercing Gauntlets 4%, +2 QA, +2 DLVL
Shaped Gauntlets 6%
Thirsting Gloves 2%, +5 VT
Tinker Gloves 2%, +2 Mech
Blessed bauble 2%
Blessed Necklace 2%, +10 FR, +10 CR, +10 FRc, +10 CRc
Guardian Stone 4%, +1 PA
Runed Jade Necklace 4%, +10 AR, +10 PR, +1 SC
Stability Bauble 2%, +10 SR
Talisman of Might 4%, +4 Str, +5 VT
Tinker's Bauble 2%, +1 Mech
Tiny Orb of the Sun 4%, +10 CR, +10 Rad
Volcanic Fetish 3%, +1 BM, +1 FS
Blasted Greaves 9%, +6 SR, -10 TH, +1 Str, +2 End
Lodestone Greaves 6%, + 5 SR, -5 TH, -1 Dex, +4 DLVL
Pants 2%
Pustulant Greaves 4%, -5 TH, +4 SR, +18 AR
Shaped Greaves 9%, -10 TH, +6 SR
Swamp Pants 2%, +5 PR
Armor Band 7%, +10 SR
Chilling Band 2%, +15 FR
Dhonal's Band +2 MW, +1 Str, +1 Lead
Ethereal Seal 6%, +25 Rad, +1 LM
Jade Band 4%, +25 AR, +25 PR
Mindwarp Seal +2 MM, +10 MERc
Projection Band +8 Creation armor, + 2 HERc
Ring of Mind's Purity6%, +3 BM, +3 EnP
Shielding Band 4%, +5 SR
Static Band 2%, +15 ER
Warmth Ring 4%, +25 FR
Clawbug Carapace 8%, +10 PR, +1 QA, -5 TH
Ironwood Shield 6%, +8 SR, +8 FR
Polished Shield 10%, -5 TH, +10 Rad, +2 EnP, +10 MERc
Reflecting Shield 6%, +3 HER
Shaped Shield 14%, -10 TH
Wooden Shield 6%
Lucky Charm +1 Luck
Fyora Fang Charm +3 FR
Cryoa Claw Charm +3 CR
Physician's Charm +1 HC
Clawbug Charm +8 PR
Shielding Trinket +1 HER
Skein of Wisdom +1 Int
Gruesome Charm +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 End
Mental Focus Charm +1 SC, +8 MER, +8 MERc
Infiltrator's Charm +1 Mech, +1 Lead, +8 MERc
Puresteel Charm +1 Str, +5 TH, +8 MERc
Essence Charm +1 Int, +3 HER, +8 MERc
Blademaster's Charm +1 QA, +5 TH, +8 MERc
Omnicharm +1 Str, +1 Dex, +1 Int, +1 End
6. End Note
Thanks for reading! This FAQ benefited from notes on the Spiderweb Message
boards, and thanks go out to Synergy, Randomizer, Slarty, Thuryl, and Aran
for compiling several bits of info, allowing providing a good second check of
my notes.
Version 0.3
FAQ Complete through demo region (chapter 1).