
Command and Conquer Generals Walkthrough Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Command and Conquer Generals Walkthrough

Command and Conquer Generals Walkthrough 

- PC Version

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- - - - - - - - - - -

Walkthrough researched and developed by DarkTim.
Email Address   :

This C&C Generals Walkthrough is Copyright ©2003, All Rights Reserved.
©2003 Dark Phoenix Corporation.

<<< Submissions are closed and no longer accepted for this walkthrough >>>

Version         : 3.00 [Final Version]
Completed       : Sunday 1st February 2004

- - - - - - - - - - -

Warning: This walkthrough contains spoilers!

       * * * Main Menu of Command and Conquer Generals Walkthrough * * *

* Hold 'Ctrl' + 'F' to make the find window appear.
* Choose which sub-section you want view in this walkthrough.
* Type in the three digit alphanumeric code given for the section you want.
* Click the 'Find Next' button twice to end up in the certain section.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Section A - Introduction"
        A01     -     Overview of C&C Generals Walkthrough
        A02     -     Submitter Acknowledgements

"Section B - Getting Ready"
        B01     -     Introduction to C&C Generals
        B02     -     PC Requirements
        B03     -     Options Menu
        B04     -     Mission Scoring
        B05     -     In-Game Hotkeys
        B06     -     Tips 'n' Hints
        B07     -     Submitters Tips 'n' Hints

"Section C - Training Mission"
        C01     -     Training Mission

"Section D - United States of America Statistics"
        D01     -     Introduction to United States
        D02     -     USA Structures
        D03     -     USA Units
        D04     -     USA Upgrades
        D05     -     USA General Promotions
        D06     -     USA Superweapons/Special Attacks
        D07     -     USA Miscellaneous

"Section E - United States of America Campaign Missions"
        E01     -     Mission 01 = Operation : Final Justice
        E02     -     Mission 02 = Operation : Treasure Hunt
        E03     -     Mission 03 = Operation : Guardian Angel
        E04     -     Mission 04 = Operation : Stormbringer
        E05     -     Mission 05 = Operation : Blue Eagle
        E06     -     Mission 06 = Operation : Desperate Union
        E07     -     Mission 07 = Operation : Last Call

"Section F - China Statistics"
        F01     -     Introduction to China
        F02     -     China Structures
        F03     -     China Units
        F04     -     China Upgrades
        F05     -     China General Promotions
        F06     -     China Superweapons/Special Attacks

"Section G - China Campaign Missions"
        G01     -     Mission 01 = The Dragon Awakes
        G02     -     Mission 02 = Hong Kong Crisis
        G03     -     Mission 03 = A Flood of Violence
        G04     -     Mission 04 = Broken Alliances
        G05     -     Mission 05 = Scorched Earth
        G06     -     Mission 06 = Dead in their Tracks
        G07     -     Mission 07 = Nuclear Winter

"Section H - Global Liberation Army Statistics"
        H01     -     Introduction to Global Liberation Army
        H02     -     GLA Structures
        H03     -     GLA Units
        H04     -     GLA Upgrades
        H05     -     GLA General Promotions
        H06     -     GLA Superweapons

"Section I - Global Liberation Army Campaign Missions"
        I01     -     Mission 01 = Operation Black Rain
        I02     -     Mission 02 = Aid Supplies Drop Zone
        I03     -     Mission 03 = Chinese Occupied Capital of Kazakhstan
        I04     -     Mission 04 = Incirlik Air Base
        I05     -     Mission 05 = Toxic Waste Containment Facility
        I06     -     Mission 06 = Splinter Cell Controlled Region
        I07     -     Mission 07 = Soviet Era Rocket Facility

"Section J - Skirmish Mode"
        J01     -     Skirmish Settings
        J02     -     Skirmish Maps
        J03     -     Battle Honours

"Section K - Final Walkthrough Notices"
        L01     -     Version Updates
        L02     -     Walkthrough Credits

"Section L - Copyright Notices and Permitted Sites"
        L01     -     Copyright Notices and Permitted Sites

          "Section A - Introduction"
   A01    \   * * * Overview of C&C Generals Walkthrough * * *

Welcome fellow readers and gamers to my second walkthrough, which is based
on the Real Time Strategy game, Command and Conquer Generals.

I was impressed the first time I played this game, with the 'mixture' of
excellent graphics and great gameplay. The amount of units, weapons and
structures included in the game just astounded me! The unit variance between
the US, China and the GLA is very different - a big improvement from Red
Alert 2. The visual and sound effects in the game are excellent although
some of the voices for the characters sound a bit cheesy during gameplay.
In my opinion, Command and Conquer Generals is a great comeback from the
flaws of the previous C&C titles like Red Alert 2 and Renegade - which
didn't do all too well.

You may also notice that Electronic Arts did not put in real-time FMV's in
the game - like they have done with Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 2. This is
because they believed that these sort of movies would take you out of the
action you are participating in during the game. Using in-game cinematics
however changes this as you are always in the 'action' and you easily find
out what is going on in the mission to come!

In this walkthrough, you will find helpful information based on all three
sides, the campaign and skirmish modes of the game - so come in and have a
look to see if there is anything for you in here. I got rid of the
multiplayer section as I do not play online and there is too little
information based on multiplayer.

If you are interested in giving any feedback, feel free to do so. I won't
probably be accepting anymoresubmissions, because this is the final version
of the walkthrough and I must continue with other recent walkthrough projects!

I hope you enjoy the walkthrough!

   A02    \   * * * Submitter Acknowledgements * * *

Thanks to the following people for contributing in some way towards my

- - - - - - - - - -

William B.      - For editing and spell checking some of my walkthrough. I
                  have spell checked it myself before the first release of
                  this guide, but I was in kind of a rush to release this
                  guide so this very helpful person has come by to 'erase'
                  any of those stupid errors I made, so therefore he can
                  make my guide a lot more useful that what it already was :)
                  This guy is also responsible for submitting in a few very
                  detailed submissions related for tips towards the game.

Emanuela C.     - This person - besides asking me for permission to post an
                  Italian translated version of this guide on a website, was
                  the one who translated it to Italian in the first place
                  making it easier to read for some people out there who are
                  Italian and have trouble understanding the English

James G.        - Checking the rest of the entire walkthrough of spelling
                  mistakes and other small errors I have made in my own

n1b1sk1         - For submitting a variety of different things for this

Zerk            - Asking to post this walkthrough on their website!

Krzysztof       - Asking to post this walkthrough on a website and for also
                  translating this walkthrough into a polish version!

Eduardo V.      - Asking to post this walkthrough on a website and for also
                  translating this walkthrough into a spanish version!

I also thank the people below for submitting, giving feedback, sending emails
to me asking questions etc, which are related to my Generals walkthrough.

- - - - - - - - - -

Jaspar Y.       - Pointing out some possible errors in the skirmish medals
                  section, and also submitting easier ways of getting these
                  medals from what I have said in the first update.

Daniel B.       - Correcting my error of the fact the tunnel networks can
                  transport vehicles besides units as well.

Dario D.        - Asking permission to post this walkthrough on a website.

Atma D.         - Submitting in some general tips for the game.

Sean C.         - Submitting in some general tips for the game.

Phil S.         - Sending an email regarding something about Command and
                  Conquer Generals.

Michael A.      - Pointing out some errors in my guide as well as things I
                  have typed too commonly in the first version of my

wizard4it       - Sending an email regarding something about Command and
                  Conquer Generals.

andro artanto   - Sending an email regarding something about Command and
                  Conquer Generals.

Dave B.         - Sending in some general tips for the game.

Michael D.      - Spotting numerous errors on my guide and for some feedback.

Mohit A.        - Sending an email regarding something about Command and
                  Conquer Generals.

Ali M.          - Sending an email regarding something about Command and
                  Conquer Generals.

Joe B.          - Sending an email regarding something about Command and
                  Conquer Generals.

Russell S.      - Sending an email regarding something about Command and
                  Conquer Generals.

Switch          - Submitting an amazing amount of general submission tips.

Dave A.         - Asking to post this walkthrough on a site.

Guy J.          - Asking to post this walkthrough on a site.

Roper337        - Sending an email regarding something about Command and
                  Conquer Generals.

Ceff            - Asking to post this walkthrough on a site.

Oliver H.       - Asking to post this walkthrough on a site.

Paul D.         - Pointing out some general errors.

Steven          - Asking to post this walkthrough on a website

Danny           - Submitting in numerous general submitters tips.

David S.        - Submitting in a lot of general submitter’s tips.

John H.         - Submitting in a lot of general submitter’s tips.

Darren M.       - Submitting in some basic cheats.

Nasir S.        - Sending an email regarding something about Command and
                  Conquer Generals.

Jimmy           - Pointing out an error I made.

Frank T.        - Asking permission to post this guide on a website

Eddie M.        - Submitting in some general tips for the guide and for the
                  nice feedback.

Bert J.         - Asking permission to post this guide on a website

Matthew N.      - Sending an email regarding something about Command and
                  Conquer Generals.

sticktendo      - Submitting a rather helpful way of passing the first
                  US mission.

Aindréas P.     - Pointing out an error in my mission walkthrough.

The Mafia       - For some nice feedback and also pointing out a potential
                  error in my mission walkthrough.

Ives G.         - For submitting in 'extensions' to some of my unit
                  descriptions and for the great feedback!

Whit L.         - For sending in a helpful general tip on easy ways of
                  defeating GLA etc.

Roger M.        - For supplying basic walkthroughs for the last 2 GLA
                  missions but will probably will be included in the next
                  update of this walkthrough.

Ryan L.         - For submitting in a tip and for the nice feedback of my
                  walkthrough :)

Mat T.          - For some great submitting for passing USA mission 7
                  in an easier way!

Alex B.         - For submitting in some tips for my guide.

Bernd W.        - Asking permission to post this guide on a website

Hilary G.       - Sending an email regarding something about my walkthrough!

Jarid           - Sending in a general tip for my walkthrough!!

Agent Neo       - Asking to post this walkthrough onto a website.

J.J Johnson     - Sending an email regarding something about C&C Generals!

David           - Sending an email regarding something about C&C Generals!

Henry L.        - Submitting in some tips for my walkthrough.

Paveway         - Submitting in the mission walkthrough for GLA campaign
                  mission 7.

Daniel B.       - For submitting in some tips for my walkthrough.

Robo            - For submitting in some tips for my walkthrough.

Eli B.          - For submitting in some tips for the mission walkthrough.

Craftsman       - For submitting in some tips for my walkthrough and for
                  the feedback.

Calypso         - For submitting numerous tips for my walkthrough and for the

Daniel P.       - Asking permission to post this walkthrough on a website.

Addi K.         - For the great feedback about my walkthrough :)

Richard G.      - Asking permission to post this walkthrough on a website.

addy            - Sending an email regarding something about my walkthrough!

John C.         - Asking permission to post this walkthrough on a website.

Madwarrior      - For submitting in some tips for my walkthrough.

Greg N.         - For submitting in some tips for my walkthrough.

Gary S.         - Asking permission to post this walkthrough on a website.

Timothy K.      - For submitting in a tip for my walkthrough.

Jonathan C.     - Asking permission to post this walkthrough on a website.

          "Section B - Getting Ready"
   B01    \   * * * Introduction to C&C Generals * * *

The game is set 20 years into the future.

The threat was more deadly than anyone had imagined.

While the United States of America intercepted the missile over the
ocean - an explosion the size of Texas bloomed over the Atlantic like some
amorphous flower - the thwarted terrorist attack would nonetheless reset
the world stage. The bio-terror agent developed by the Global Liberation
Army had the potential to wipe out hundreds of millions of people across
the globe.

As the 21st century matures, the superpowers are not quite so super
anymore. The three main players on the world stage - the United States of
America, China and the political terror organization known as the Global
Liberation Army - are each vying to bring its own vision of truth and
stability to the world, each side prepared to fight in its own way and for
its own ideals.

As China tries to push the Global Liberation Army out of its borders and
the United States gears up for police action halfway across the globe, the
GLA - the most efficient and slippery terrorist organization ever
seen - entrenches itself for the final conflict it has anticipated for

It's a conflict that will determine the course of history to come, a history
not fussed over by bespectacled professors but hammered out by men of
courage and cunning on the battlefield - by the generals.

   B02    \   * * * PC Requirements * * *

Here are the basic requirements for the game. Take into account though that
the minimum requirements are not actually the lowest requirements you need
to play the game - as I have seen computers with lower specifications
than the minimum requirements and they still run the game.

- - - - - - - - - -

*** Minimum System Requirements ***

Operating System : Windows 98
                   Windows 2000
                   Windows ME
                   Windows XP
                   [Windows 95/NT not supported]
Processor/CPU    : 800 MHz Intel Pentium III Processor
                   AMD Athlon Processor equivalent
RAM              : 128MB RAM
CD/DVD Rom Speed : 8x CD/DVD-Rom
Hard Drive Space : 1.8 Gigabytes hard disk space
                   Additional space for saved games
                   Additional space for Windows swap-file and DirectX 8.1
Video Card       : 32 MB AGP video card - NVIDIA GeForce 2 or ATI Radeon 7500
                   A Recent chipset with DirectX 8.1 compatible driver
Sound Card       : DirectX 8.1 compatible PCI 16-bit sound card
Input            : Keyboard

- - - - - - - - - -

*** Recommended System Requirements ***

Processor/CPU    : 1.8 GHz or faster Intel Pentium IV
                   AMD Athlon Processor equivalent
RAM              : 256MB RAM or more
Video Card       : NVIDIA GeForce 3 or better Direct3D capable video card

- - - - - - - - - -

*** Minimum Multiplayer Requirements ***

Internet         : [2 to 4 players]
                   56kbps or faster direct internet connection
Network          : [2 to 8 players]
                   TCP/IP compliant network
RAM              : 256MB RAM for three to eight player games
Discs            : One set of game discs per player
                   Both discs cannot be used simultaneously for multiplayer

- - - - - - - - - -

*** Recommended Multiplayer Requirements ***

Internet         : [5 to 8 players]
                   Cable, DSL or a faster direct internet connection

   B03    \   * * * Options Menu * * *

This section describes all the different settings in the Options menu from
the main menu of Command and Conquer Generals. The overall performance of
your computer will determine what it can handle without the game slowing down
too much, so experiment with all the settings before you start playing the
game and adjust to the settings in which your computer can handle the best.
This is not the type of game you would want to experience slow gameplay!

- - - - - - - - - -

- - - Control Options - - -

Scroll Speed    : This determines the overall speed of the mouse while 
                  playing. Putting it lower will make the cursor move slower
                  while putting it higher makes it move a lot faster. 
                  Personally, I like to put mine just above the half way point
                  for the best comfort during game play :).

- - - - - - - - - -

- - - Audio options - - -
Music           : Changes volume of the games music.

Sound FX        : Changes volume of sound effects throughout the game.

Voice           : Changes the volume of peoples voices during game play.

- - - - - - - - - -

- - - Display Options - - -

Resolution      : Determines the resolution of the game play. The higher the
                  resolution, the sharper the objects will appear. This
                  affects the game overall so make sure you have a good 3D
                  card if adjusting it at the highest level or you will
                  definitely experience constant slowdowns. You should
                  also have a monitor that can support high resolutions
                  with a good refresh rate.

Brightness      : Lowering the brightness will make the game screen darker
                  while sliding it up will make it brighter. Also varies
                  depending on the type of monitor you are using.

Detail		: If the detail is higher - then you will get the best
                  experience out of the game, but the disadvantage of
                  this is that a fast computer is needed to make it run
                  at optimum performance.

- - - - - - - - - -

- - - Custom Detail Options - - -

2D Shadows	      : This toggles 2D shadows in the game.

3D Shadows	      : This toggles showing the dynamic 3D shadows that
                        units and buildings have in the game. Can improve
                        performance if switched off.

Cloud Shadows	      : This toggles the appearance of moving cloud shadows
                        on the ground during the game.

Extra Ground Lighting : This toggles the appearance of detailed lighting on
                        the ground during the game.

Smooth Water Borders  : This toggles smooth water borders along the shores
                        during the game.

Behind Building	      : This toggles the silhouettes of any units that are
                        standing or moving behind structures.

Show Props            : This toggles the appearance of trees and shrubs that
                        are scattered throughout the various levels in the

Extra Animations      : This toggles extra effects like tree-swaying motions
		 	in the game.

Disable Dynamic LOD   : This toggles the automatic adjustment of the games
                        detail level. Leave this unchecked for optimum

Texture Resolution    : Moving the slider to the left will reduce the visual
                        clarity of the textures in the game, but it will also
                        improve overall performance.

Particle Cap          : Moving the slider to the left will reduce the amount
                        of particle effects, like explosions and dust
                        clouds, which appear in the game, but it will also
                        improve performance.

- - - - - - - - - -

- - - Network Options - - -

Online IP              : The Internet Protocol address used to connect with
                         players via an internet connection.

LAN IP                 : The Internet Protocol address used to connect with
                         players in network games.

Firewall Port Override : This box is where you type in your Firewall Port

HTTP Proxy             : Using this option will use a HTTP Proxy to connect
                         to an online game.

Refresh NAT            : Click the button after changing Firewall Settings
                         or ISP etc.

Send Delay             : Only use this option if you have a firewall
                         activated. This checks if you can connect to a
                         network or online game to other players while having
                         a firewall active. You might need to refer to your
                         firewall ReadMe or Manual for more information.

   B04    \   * * * Mission Scoring * * *

When you complete, fail or exit a mission halfway through the game, the end
of mission scoring screen will come up giving you statistics of each side
that participated in the game.

- - - - - - - - - -

Units Created         - The amount of units that have been constructed in the
                        mission. These include infantry, tanks and air units.

Units Lost            - The amount of total units that have been killed in
                        action during the mission.

Units Destroyed	      - The amount of enemy units that have been successfully
                        destroyed by another team.

Buildings Constructed - The number of structures that have been constructed.

Buildings Lost	      - The number of structures that have been destroyed by
                        hostile fire or friendly fire.

Buildings Destroyed   - The amount of enemy structures that have been
                        destroyed by the team.

Supplies Collected    - The total amount of supplies that have been collected
                        in the mission. It adds up so it shows you how much
                        you would have made without spending anything at all.

   B05    \   * * * In-Game Hotkeys * * *

I should really give a big thanks to 'n1b1sk1' for sending me all of these
hotkey combinations that can prove really useful in the game!

I should really give a big thanks to 'n1b1sk1' for sending me all of these
hotkey combinations that can prove really useful in the game!

- - - - - - - - - -

- - - Selection Commands - - -

Select a unit                         -	Left Click
Add unit to selection                 -	Hold Shift and Left Click
Select all onscreen units of a type   -	E or Double Left Click
Select previous/next unit             -	Left/Right Arrow keys
Select previous/next dozer/worker     -	Up/Down Arrow keys
Select all combat units               -	Q
Selected units into group             -	Hold Ctrl and press any Number key
Select groups                         -	Any Number key
View [not select] numbered group      -	Hold Alt and press any Number key
Select and Jump to numbered group     -	Double tap any Number key
Jump to last radar event              -	Spacebar
Select command centre                 -	H
Rapid scroll                          -	Hold Right Mouse button and drag

- - - - - - - - - -

- - - Unit Modes - - -

Force fire mode                       -	Hold Ctrl and Left Click
Attack move mode                      -	Tap A and Left Click on location
Guard mode                            -	Tap G and Left Click on location
Stop units                            -	S
Scatter units                         -	X
Waypoints                             -	Hold Alt and Left Click on location
Set unit formations                   -	Position, select unit, Hold Ctrl + F

   B06    \   * * * Tips 'n' Hints * * *

I will give only a few tips to help you in the game. These might not be
the best tips but I will always allow submissions from other people. I have
picked some of these tips up while playing the game.

- - - - - - - - - -

- If you are using China, when using the Dragon Tanks, be careful not to
  make any other of your units cross the path of fire they spray especially
  when using flame wall attack - all dragon tanks are resistant to its own
  fire attacks but units like Battlemasters and other infantry will get
  fried to a crisp eventually as these units do not have 'fire proof'

- Whenever you have the chance to do so, place any infantry you have into
  nearby buildings to garrison as defence, instead of building additional
  structures like Patriots and Bunkers as this will cost more and will use
  more power.

- It is best to have a mix of infantry when you put them into a building
  which can fit 10 units. Put around 3 riflemen and the rest as rocket
  troops. This is handy if you verse both USA and GLA as the USA use
  infantry a lot and the GLA use toxin tractors often.

- If you see a toxin tractor or flame thrower heading towards a garrisoned
  building of yours and cannot stop it, tell your units to evacuate the
  structure straight away as these two armoured units have to just fire
  once at the building to kill the units inside the building.

- Each side has its own advantages and disadvantages so if you only want to
  use one side to get use to, try all 3 to see which side fits you best. To
  be honest, I actually use all 3 sides as I know all the different sorts
  of special things the units can do and different attack patterns that
  I can use in different situations. This is because I have been playing the
  game a lot recently due to making this walkthrough.

   B07    \   * * * Submitters Tips 'n' Hints * * *

The following informative tips have been submitted by "William C."

"China Tips"

- - The Hacker "Farm" - -
Creating a hacker farm is a very lucrative way to increase funds when playing
as the Chinese.  Like any farm, it's fairly pricey to get started, but pays
for itself in minimal time and then you reap large amounts of money. 
Once your base defences and a formidable offense have been created, you may
notice that your funds begin to linger as the supply docks run low.

At a mere $625 each, a hacker can generate limitless income.  Depending on
your computer's performance, a novice hacker with an Internet connection
can gross $5 in about 6 seconds.

1 Hacker = $5 every 6 seconds

That being said, 10 Hackers fresh out of your barracks can generate $50
in 6 seconds.

10 Hackers = $50 every 6 seconds = $8.333 per second

At this rate, it takes a short 75 seconds to pay for a new hacker.
More hackers can be added to the "farm," but after a while, the hackers
begin to gain experience, attaining $6 as a veteran, $8 as an elite, and
$10 as a heroic.

Hence, if your hacker farm is started soon enough to reap the full
benefits, 10 hackers attaining heroic level reaps the following gross

10 '3 Star' Hackers = $100 every 6 seconds = $16.666 per second

At this rate, these ten lowly hackers can pay for a new Battlemaster or
Gatling tank in 48 seconds, and can double the size of your hacker farm
in six minutes and 15 seconds (actual time, not game time).  Infinite

Now, along with any other "investment" in C&CG, you'll want adequate
protection.  Consider adding a Propaganda tower and a couple Gatling Gun
Turrets to keep your hacker farm company.  As with any piece of real
estate, location is important, so make sure your hacker farm is not going
to interfere with other players on your map, discretely tucked away in
some corner behind your base.

And remember, a happy hacker is a productive hacker :-D

"United States Tips"

- - Law of Distributed Chinooks - -
Any general with common sense builds the supply center adjacent to the
dock or stack of supplies that is to be delivered to base.  Regardless
of civilization, this minimizes delivery time to and from your base to
the dock.  However, unlike the Chinese or the GLA, the U.S. Chinook
helicopters *MAY NOT* use multiple units to harvest from the same source.

The first part of the Law of Distributed Chinooks states that for a
large supply dock, *2* Chinook helicopters is the appropriate number, one
to wait while the other loads up, and they switch when Chinook 1 is
dropping off supplies.  Any more than this in the sequence will be wasted.

The second part of The Law of Distributed Chinooks states that more
multiple supply piles, *1* and only *1* Chinook should be assigned per
pile.  These supply piles are usually assigned starting values of $3750.
Suppose that there are three such piles in a particular area.  Building
two extra helicopters to accompany the free one that comes with the
supply center is appropriate, as long as routes are defined.

If all three Chinooks were selected and told to harvest from the same
pile, it is a violation of the first part of The Law of Distributed
Chinooks.  Conversely, a better strategy would be to distribute each
helicopter to a separate supply pile, increasing your yield per trip from
$600 (where the other two are waiting) to $1800 in the same interval of
time.  At this rate the following is true:

3($3750)/3(600) = 6.25 trips, so by the 7th trip (about two minutes, 30
seconds actual time), all three supply piles are depleted and you have
acquired the full $11250 before another player gets to the supplies.
Remember to sell your supply centers when they are no longer needed to
reduce power load and the need for protection.

- - - - - - - - - -

Submitted by "Sean C."

A good strategy when using the USA against GLA. Use the pathfinder to
snipe the three stinger soldiers in the stinger nest then send in
Comanche’s to take out the nest while nobody is in it - the people
come back, but if your choppers are waiting nearby, they will not get
back in time to defend the nest.

- - - - - - - - - -

Submitted by "Atma D."

- - Blitzkrieg attack - -
Start by using USA, and then get airfield as quick as possible and start
building those Comanche’s! Attack your opponent flank which is his
economy backbone then he'll start to ruin :) This will also prevent
enemy ground unit rush.

- - - - - - - - - -

Submitted by "Switch"

Chinese Nuclear Missile combined with the artillery support level 2 or
level 3 can obliterate any super weapon structure.

The GLA are quite helpless here, only having the SCUD storm, while the
USA can simply fire a Particle Cannon, drop their Fuel Bomb or send in the
A10s - any combination of the three will do just fine. The USA might also
decide to sacrifice a few bombers if the destruction of a super weapon
is a must - try a few Auroras!

The Rangers can flash bang the GLA Missile Sites to kill those annoying
rocket troopers inside, basically leaving the structure useless.

The USA Laser Missile Upgrade seems to affect the missile barrage of the
USA Comanche’s.

There is a strategy that works best with the GLA Rocket Buggies : hit'n'run.

- - - - - - - - - -

Submitted by "Danny"

Always build on higher grounds. Your units will be able to fire before the
enemy on the ground can fire. Remember though, Colonel Burton of the USA
can climb up and down mountains.

Look for 'Choke Points'. When you build your base look for narrow alley ways.
If your enemy is launching a large rush, then deploy your units at one end of
the choke point. The enemy drives in and then try’s to turn back, but it
cant because of the infantry/tanks behind. Large scale assaults can easily
be destroyed this way.

Always build your structures away from each other. If they are close they
can easily be destroyed quickly by splash damage from super weapons etc.

If you are in, for example, the bottom right hand corner of the map - Always
build your more expensive structures towards the end of the map. The enemy
will only be able to get them by using super weapons.

When collecting supplies from the supply piles, rotate the supply centre so
that the entrance is right up against the pile. The units collecting the
cash won’t have to move as much.

If you are on the offensive, you have the better chance of winning. Don’t
waste too much money on base defences, instead build tanks and units to
defend your base. As these are mobile you can also use them to attack.

- - - - - - - - - -

Submitted by "David S."

- - Use Mobile Units Instead of Stationary Defences - -
Structures like the Patriot Missile Defence System, the Gatling Cannon and
the Stinger Site should be used sparingly. This is because smart enemies
will either flank them or take them out with artillery. Instead, use mobile
units. They can be moved (hence the adjective "mobile") so if the enemy
tries to attack your base from the side you can just move your units to
engage them.  

- - The Power of Rocket-Armed Infantry - -
The $300 "man with a missile" can go a long way. When 5 are garrisoned into
a building, they can easily take out a group of 3-5 tanks. When 10 are
placed into a building, their power to stop tanks and other vehicles are
unmatched. The Rocket Soldier's only weakness is that they can be easily
killed. If there are no buildings around, just line some tanks in front
of them so they won’t get run over. The USA's rocket soldiers are especially
useful due to their "laser lock" ability.

- - Spending Money - -
Unless you're saving your money up for something, SPEND IT! Money unspent
means almost nothing in battle. You'd be surprised at how many people, when
in the heat of battle, can just let their money pile up without them
realizing it. Even if you think your army is big enough, you never know.
So keep popping out tanks, infantry, air-crafts etc., so that if the enemy
unleashes a surprise attack, you'll be ready for it. Also, when possible
in the tech tree, make multiple Hackers, Supply Drops, and/or Black Markets.
This is because the more you have, the more money will be falling into
your hands. These things pay for themselves, so it’s wise to get them
as early as economically possible, because when the map's supplies are
depleted, and huge battles are fought over the final $1000 at supply
docks, these assets will be your best friend. 

- - Simple, Yet Effective "The Two Line Battle Plan" - -
I often use this strategy myself because of its simplistic effectiveness or
in other ways of saying it, effective simplicity. The strategy can be used
with all three armies, making it even better. Like the name suggests, the
strategy requires two lines of units. In the front line, have a healthy
mix of anti-tank, anti-infantry, and anti-aircraft vehicles. Your front
line should be thin (3 lines at most), but powerful - so this would be
the part where you would bring in your upgraded Marauders, your
Overlords, your Paladins and not to mention any heroic or elite units you
might have.

In the rear line, have artillery (siege weapons). Advance the two lines
parallel to the enemy's base, and move in just close enough so that your
artillery can start eating away at your enemy's structures. DO NOT ALLOW
THE ARTILLERY TO CROSS THE FRONT LINE. The front line is in front for a
reason - to engage your enemies units. Naturally when you start to waste
away at your enemy’s structures with your artillery, they're going to
retaliate. Its the front line's job to protect the artillery. DO NOT LET
THE FRONT LINE STRAY AWAY THE ARTILLERY. It’s imperative that you keep
the artillery alive, so let your enemy comes out of its base and into
your attack force. If you think that the enemy will flank you to get
to your artillery, feel free to add a third line behind the artillery
and some sidelines to completely surround your artillery with units.

The third line can be replaced with Comanche’s if you are playing as the
USA. Anyway, when you have destroyed everything in range, move the lines
up little by little until you come into range of another building.
Destroy anything else within range and repeat. Keep moving the lines up
and defending the artillery until your opponent’s base has been
neutralized. As far as numbers go ALWAYS HAVE MORE IN THE FRONT LINE
THAN IN THE SECOND. Play around with the numbers too, to see if you have
a combination that suits you’re playing style better. The formation
command (ctrl+f), and the group command (ctrl+ number 1 through 0) is
extremely helpful in this battle plan.

- - Superweapons Aren't That Super - -
Don’t use super weapons alone, they are there to complement your
army, they are not an army by itself. The same thing goes for generals
promotions; using an artillery barrage, or a fuel bomb every so and so
minutes isn't going to win a war. Using super weapons and generals
promotions, however, is pretty effective.

- - Get Out of Your Base - -
As soon as you can, get out and conquer the map. If you can get your
units out on the map, then there are several advantages:

* Most of the fighting will be done away from your base.
* Oil rigs and other supplemental buildings will be easier to capture.
* Your opponent, knowing that you have units all over the map, will get
  pressured making him/her more likely to make a desperate or stupid
* You might detect a surprise attack/ambush before it happens.
* You will have access to more supply docks and therefore your opponent
  will have access to less supply docks.
* Being that you're already outside your base, your units can get to
  attack your opponent's base faster

- - Rock Paper Scissors - -
In C&C:Generals, certain units are better at attacking certain
things, while certain units are weaker to "this" unit than "that"
unit, which is why when you are at war with a well rounded opponent
who has anti-everything units/structures, compose a
"Rock, Paper, Scissors" attack group. For example, if you were China
Vs. China, and your enemy had Gatling Cannons, Battlemasters, Gatling
Tanks, and maybe some Tank Hunters, the best way to fight against that
is to find the weakness of his units. Use Inferno Cannons against the
Gatling cannons, Tank Hunters/Battlemasters against his
Battlemasters, Battlemasters against Gatling Tanks, and Gatling/Dragon
Tanks against any foot-soldiers. This "paper covers rock", "scissors
cuts paper" tid bit is good against opponents who just send their units
in as a whole, without a regard to who is effective against whom.

- - Teamwork - -
When engaging enemy units with your own, send all of your units of a
certain type to attack the same enemy unit (or if he sends in all
vehicles, or all infantry, then in wont matter). Sending in your units
to attack as one is really effective in taking out your enemy faster
than they can they can take out you. This is probably the easiest
and most basic strategy out there that will kill you enemy faster
and reduce your casualties. 

- - Other Info - -
When playing as the Chinese, I have found it best to use a small
handful of infantry on the back of an overlord and keep it behind a
larger force of several basic tanks and 2-3 Gatling tanks.  That
way, the large force of tanks and Gatling tanks will remove any
opposition you come against, short of a super weapon, and you can follow
up with the infantry and take over any buildings you please.

You might ask why I don’t use overlords instead of basic tanks, there are a
few basic reasons:

1)       Too costly
2)       They are too slow, I find that the Gatling tanks end up very far
	 ahead and get slaughtered by a few basic tanks.
3)       However, if you can afford to get 6 or more overlords, make one a
	 bunker overlord and the rest Gatling overlords (which, by far, are
	 the best all around weapon IMO)

- - - - - - - - - -

Submitted by "Darren M."

It is possible to edit the INI.BIG file in the game directory using a
hex-editor. Do not change the length of the file or the game will not boot
again. Just overwrite the text you need. Search for "build cost" and over
write it like

"build cost=2000"orig.

"build cost=0000"faked.

Do not delete anything. If you done it right, it will cost nothing to build.

- - - - - - - - - -

Submitted by "Eddie M."

If you are playing as the USA and your up against China there is a 
sneaky tactic that you can use to severely hurt your enemies base and 
economy. First be sure to get scout drones to constantly watch supply 
patches. Then build up your base as usual making sure you have good enough 
defences to hold off enemy attacks. You keep getting more and more money. 
When you have a good defence and flow of money build a Strategy 
Center. After you get that up go to your barracks to train Cornel Burton. 
Chances are by now your Chinese enemy has built another supply depot in 
another resource patch.(Use the spy drones/satellites to find where it 
is.) Once you know where they built this extra supply area send Cornel 
Burton over before they have a chance to build detectors or any buildings 
that can threaten Cornel Burton. Have him place remote demo charges 
onto the supply trucks. Once that is done use Cornel Burton's Assault 
rifle to take out the local supply center forcing the supply trucks to go 
back to their main base to drop off their load. Now you got something 
similar to a GLA bomb truck except they wont fire at it because its their 
own vehicle. With the demo charge on it you get a permanent scout as 
well as a deadly weapon. When the truck(s) drive into its base denote the 
charges effectively destroying the trucks as well as several structures 
surrounding it. I have taken out an air field and a war factory with one 
truck armed with a remote demo charge. This will wreck havoc on the 
enemy as units and structures will need to be rebuilt, their flow of 
supplies was disrupted or destroyed, and now they can't mass produce a large 
offensive force to attack you and you gain the upper hand. Repeat this 
with different supply areas until the enemy catches on. You can cause 
thousands of dollars in damages and win the game by spending $1500 on one 

- - - - - - - - - -

Submitted by "Whit L."

I have used this against the computer AI very successfully and against
human opponents as well. This strategy is particularly good against 
the GLA.

1. Build up your base defences and economy first, use patriots and groups
   of rocket defenders to thwart early rushes.

2. Select the paladin tank with your initial general point.

3. Build small groups of paladin tanks (at least 5) and send them out 
   to probe the enemy's base.  This will distract your opponent and, more
   importantly, gain you experience so you can get promoted.

4. Don't waste money and time building Humvee's, they are too easily
   destroyed and do not figure into the overall strategy here.

5. Build an airfield if you must, but it is not vital to this strategy.

6. Here the key part...once you get to 3 star general, use your points
   on pathfinder and A-10 upgrades.

7. Now it's time to build your main invasion force.  Build 6-10 
   paladins and arrange them in a line formation.  Build 5 pathfinders
   and form them up behind the paladins.

Build combat drones for your paladins then head toward the enemy base.
The paladin's laser combined with the pathfinders great range make this
force almost invulnerable to infantry and extremely effective against the
GLA SAM sites.  The combat drones seem to distract the computer opponent
a lot and it will go after them most of the time. Be sure to rebuild
them when they get killed because they heal damage to your paladins.

- - - - - - - - - -

Submitted by "Jarid"

When playing as USA, put 5 rangers or air defenders (it doesn't matter which
or what type of unit) into a humvee and load it into the chinook. This means
that you can fit up to ten troops and 2 humvees at a time!, instead of the
normal 3 troops [separately] and 2 vehicles plus 2 troops.

This trick combines the two choices you have into one!

- - - - - - - - - -

Submitted by "Eddie M."

1. As you know when you buy a supply center it costs $2,000 and you get
   a $1,200 chinook with it. So you are really paying $800 for the supply
   center itself. When you sell the supply center you get 1/2 of $2,000 or
   $1,000. Therefore you got a chinook for a $1,000 instead of $1,200. Not
   a big difference, but if you need a lot of chinooks to transport guys
   the savings could add up.

2. As most people know capturing a oil refinery helps a lot during the
   game buy reducing the amount of money it takes for all vehicles. Well
   if you capture an oil rig and your enemy is about to destroy it, order 
   up a ton of expensive vehicles until you can't buy any more. Then after
   its gone you can cancel the vehicle construction except you'll get the
   full price back, effectively adding 10% extra cash to you're total.

3. As everyone knows the United States Super Weapon is very different from
   the GLA's and China's, because it fires a beam instead of a missile.
   It is very destructive, but there is one flaw. It needs constant
   power, if the power goes out so does your beam (I found this out the
   hard way when a building completed that pushed my base over the power
   limit). Any way if you are playing as USA against another USA player
   who has a particle beam try to sneak	in Cornel Burton. Have him plant
   remote charges onto several of the cold fusion reactors. After that be
   sure to hot key Cornel Burton. When you here the voice particle cannon
   launch or whatever it says, quickly get Cornel Burton to detonate the
   charges. Now it will take them an extremely long time to fire it
   again, because they have to rebuild the power plants and wait four
   minutes after that to fire. It protects you and your ally from that
   super weapon, allowing more time to build up your forces and take
   out their superweapon and base.

- - - - - - - - - -

Submitted by "Henry L."

Humvees for the US are very useful for engaging tanks and protecting your 
crusaders from air attacks when you put rocket guys in them.  I recommend
3 rocket men and 2 rangers, or if you know that your opponent is 
using mainly tanks, fill all 5 slots as the ranger, it's recommended
putting 5 because the ranger can already engage infantry.

- - - - - - - - - -

Submitted by "Daniel B."

- - GLA perfection - -
1. You know how the GLA has technicals and quad cannons? Well, if you have
   a technical or a quad cannon fire for a long time it will actually fire
   faster, sort of like a gattling tank but just not as noticible. Not
   really a hint, but cool nontheless.

2. If you are having trouble gathering resources all you have to do is
    build 6 workers at the supply stash at the start of the game. The
    workers insure that you have a good enough cash flow and you will
    always have enough workers for building. 

- - - - - - - - - -

Submitted by "Robo"

- - Hackers - -
When you are the Chinese, making lots of Hackers is good.  They are very
unprotected though (that will change in Zero Hour).  They can easily be
killed (especially against the GLA).  Anthrax Bombs, Scud Storms, Nuclear
Missles... can all easily kill them.  These things can also damage your
base.  You should put Hackers in semi-remote parts of you base.  You should
make groups so that if the enemy does target a group of Hackers with, let's
say an Anthrax Bomb, you will still have others.  Also, you should build
Gattling Cannons around them to protect against Paradrops and Rebel
Ambushes.  Remember, if you put the groups too close, they will get
killed.  You should get about 3 groups of 9.

- - Destroy Secondary Supplies - -
Hackers are very easy to kill.  If you are trying to crack open and enemy
base, or stop and onslaught of enemy units, use an Anthrax Bomb or
something on enemy Hackers.  This herts their supplies a lot.  For the
others (Black Market and Supply Drop Zone) you should use super
weapons, Fuel Air Bombs, or A-10's.  Rebel Ambush works too.

- - The Easy Way Out - -
I have found that the easiest way to win, especially in the later GLA
missions (5 and up), is to use paradrops and Rebel Ambushes to capture the
enemies base. It's simple. You use a Rebel Ambush on near a remote part
of the enemy base and use the Capture Building to take enemy buildings.
You can watch as the enemy destroys their own buildings or you can try to
keep the buildings.  This is very effective with Rebels after the Camoflauge
upgrade.  You can then just have them sit there while the enemy destroys
their own buildings.  A cool thing is that if their is a jet in an
Airfield, and you capture it, you get it!  If you are about to destroy
and enemy base, but have another enemy to defeat, and the enemy you are
defeating is a different army than yours, capture their Command Center. 
Then use two armies to defeat your enemy.  This works extremely well with
the GLA.  They can combine their cheap tanks with the Commanches.  You can
also do this to be a Super Weapon super power.  Please note that if you are
trying to get Generals Points, this is not a good way to do it.  You don't
get anything for capturing the building.

- - Flash Bangs - -
When you are the U.S, use Flash Bangs a lot.  These are extremely effective
against infantry and garrisoned infantry.  A more widely known fact is their
power to kill all the Stinger Soldiers in Stinger Sites.  This can substitute
for Pathfinders jobs in this area, so you can use those Generals points for
other things, like level 3 A-10 Missile Strikes.

- - Power - -
If you are trying to take out an enemy base, a good way to do this is to take
out the power.  You can even use an EMP Pulse!  If you are trying to keep the
power on, spread em' out.  If they are close, you are asking for a Nuke to
hit em'.  If they are spread out, they will not be so tempting.  If the power
is ever out in an enemy base, attack!

- - - - - - - - - -

Submitted by "Craftsman"

- - Father of A Nation [GLA] - -
Use Jarmen Kell to snipe a dozer, if u don't think you can get an infantry
into it before they get it back or blow it up (Usually the case) then
sacrifice Jarmen by putting him in it. Immediately after Jarmen takes over
the dozer, click to start building a command centre of your enemy race
in your own base. Even if your dozer gets blown up before it leaves the
enemies base you've still got the structure scaffolding in your own base
there to build, just use one of your own workers to finish it off.
Hence, Jarmen has just Fathered another race and you've become

- - The Power of the Cross - -
Never underestimate the use of having a few ambulances scattered around
the base guarding territory, if you are playing against GLA (And to a
smaller extent China). There are a number of points of wisdom to this.

* GLA's SCUD loses at least half of their potency, only a direct hit
  from a rocket kills the ambulance (Usually, especially if you add
  the repair drones to them) Especially consider one at the exit for
  the barracks or war factory to save your newly made units.
* GLA's Anthrax Generals ability becomes virtually useless (Still
  takes out infantry but saves tanks and buildings).
* If you add the spy drone upgrade they become more handy against
  heroes and ambushes.
* Ambulances have better armour than humvees so they can take more
* Enemy usually leaves them alone when attacking by air cos they think
  they're harmless
* Effective against aftermath of nukes if you get them out of the
  road or at the edges when the nuke actually lands. You'd be surprised
  at how unhealthy it is to live with toxic substances.

- - The red line that broke the Overlords back - -
You know, the straw that broke the donkeys back ... oh never mind.
When you have an overlord rush a handy trick that has tipped the
balance more than once as follows:

1. Engage them with main force (Paladins backed up by Tomahawk's) 
2. Once focused on main force, bring in a couple of groups of rocket
   troopers just off their flank (use humvee's to get them there and
   then evacuate them) set up the laser lock taking out the gattling
   if there is only a couple. Usually you would go for speaker towers
   first but if you can take out the gattling's, the rest becomes much 
   easier or if there is too many gattlings go for the speakers
   (basically sacrificing rocket troopers but hopefully turning the
   You'd be really surprised how quickly a group of 5-10 rocket troopers
   with laser lock and search and destroy / bombardment strategy on can
   take out an overlord.

Note(1): Only works once or twice against a human because they can soon
         learn the potency of the rocket troopers and train their gattlings
         on them. 

Note(2): Same theory works slightly with comaches and their rocket pods
         (instead of rocket troopers), but it's not as effective because
         the commaches takes about as long as a single rocket trooper to
         kill with a gattling but costs 5 times the price. But if it is
         all you have and means you survive ... oh well.

- - - - - - - - - -

Submitted by "Craftsman"

- - Tip 1 - -
If you play as the Chinese, this is a good stragedy to use every time.
Send your first builder to build a powerstation - while he's doing
that, build another builder, and make him construct a barracks. Whoever
finishes first will build the supply centre (note: those supply trucks
are not very mobile, unlike the GLA workers or USA chinooks, so don't
build your supply depot right next to your supplies. Give them some room
to move around).
While the supply centre is being built, start your defenses (build another
builder if you need to). Line your defense with gattling guns and
bunkers, usually one after the other. Build lots of rocket infantry and
fill up all the bunkers with them. With the rocket infantry bunker and
the gattling gun combo, you have a nigh-unbreachable defense that barely
any units can breach. Not even planes can get through. Choke point areas
maximise the effect.
So after that is done, sit back, take your time building the rest of your
base and build units, as the enemy foolishly try to attack your base and
get utterly slaughtered, wasting their money.

- - Tip 2 - -
Also, if you play as either the USA or the GLA, use your spy satellite or
radar van to uncover as much as the map as you can. Try to find the enemy
base and keep an eye on them at all times, so you can know what to expect.
If you check their base every few minutes, you can see if they're making a
super-weapon, and use a general ability or super-weapon to get rid of it
before it's even built.

- - Tip 3 - -
Can't breach their defenses? Then create two or three different general
abilities/super-weapons ... maybe even build ones of the enemy buy capturing
their command centres/supply depots ... and then launch all your special
moves on the defenses all at once! Try to aim for their weakest point in their
defenses. When their defenses are utterly destroyed, then get your nearby
waiting units, and simply move on in. You save units using this method, and
even if you fail, the enemy will waste money building their defenses all
over again.

- - Tip 4 - -
If you play as China, along your front-lines or any special areas you want
to hold, build a radio tower there. That will heal all your units and keep
them in good shape as they slaughter the enemy.

- - Tip 5 - -
As USA, use a ground force/helicopter combo. Use your ground units to destroy
the GLA stinger sites, as well as anti-aircraft units, then pull them back.
Then send in your helicopters to slay the helpless fools below.

- - - - - - - - - -

Submitted by "Greg N."

- - Defence - -
1. A row of bunkers occupied by tank hunkers, behind that you have gattling
   guns (sometimes set in the V formation) at the back of that have one or two
   nuke cannon, then behind them you have a speaker tower (to heal them and
   give them a faster fire rate). This will take out aircraft, infantry, short
   or long range artillery - basically anything. It may be worth it to have
   four MIG's guarding an area near your defence, incase of an all out attack.
   Make sure that your MIG's have all upgrades (Black Napalm and MIG Armour) 

2. Put black lotus at the front, then behind her a row of: Gattling tank, then
   an overlord, then a speaker tower, then another overlord, then another
   gattling tank - in that order. then behind that row place a nuke
   cannon, behind that place a trooper crawler, inside have 8 red guards. All
   your gattling will take out infantry and air. Overlords and nuke cannons
   take out tanks. Nuke cannons take out artillary and defense. The troop
   crawler can pop out infantry to replace the driver Jarmon Kell shot. You
   can use black lotus as a scout out whats ahead and what to nuke. you may
   also place 4 migs guarding an area near your defence.

- - Offence - -
Chinese Cluster Barage - First get the generals promotion for the highest
rank Artillery Barage. Also get the Cluster mines. Then select an area in
the enemies base that you wish to destroy. Order the clustermines to drop
the mines in that area, followed by an Artillery Barage in that same area.
It may be a good idea to clear away defences with the MIG's group fire storm
attack, or use MIG's to scout out for weak points or a large group of
enemies - [if you find a large group of tanks and infantry that you wish to
destroy, order an EMP bomb in that area to prevent the tanks from moving, then
place mines on them, then the artillery] Do not actually lay the mines on the
building as they will be destroyed on impact and will cause the attack to
fail. Hence making this attack most suitable for large group of enemies.

- - - - - - - - - -

Submitted by "Timothy K."

A nice stragtegy to use against a human player is if they are building
units very close to your defenses, build artillery and take them out and
then attack.

This will frustrate them making them more likely to make a really stupid move.

          "Section C - Training Mission"

The training mission is a good thing to play to get use to the American 
units, which is a good side to use for beginners. It is a very simplistic
mission so you won't need to save it and can be done with no fuss at all!

   C01    \   * * * Training Mission * * *
Mission Overview:    \____________________________

Mazar, De-Militarized Zone
Operation : Silent Dawn

- - - - - - - - - -

- GLA controls a chemical weapons plant.
- Destroy the chemical weapons plant.
- Eliminate the threat.

- - - - - - - - - -

Generals Promotions
- Paladin

- - - - - - - - - -

Constructible Units
- Worker
- Ranger
- Humvee
- Crusader
- Paladin

Constructible Structures
- War Factory

Mission Objectives:  \____________________________

- Liberate the American Base.
- Use a Dozer to construct a War Factory.
- Destroy GLA Bio-Weapons Factory.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

At the start of the mission, you start off with a rather small group of
paratroopers to which you must aid towards the construction dozer to the
east of the start. Head downwards to where the Technical is near all
the barrels and shoot the barrels to destroy it.

Behind the group of enemies - there are about 4 Humvee’s. Put your guys
inside them and head towards where the stinger site is. Shoot the barrels
again for a quick result. Destroy any other Technical units that come in
the way. After destroying the first stinger site, head towards the barracks
and touch it to 'liberate' it. Then an air strike will clear off the area
of vehicles ahead, so kill any other remaining infantry in this area to
liberate the power plant, supply centre and construction yard.

Once you capture the barracks, you will receive 10000 dollars to spend new 
units on. Build some rangers and put them into the remaining Humvee’s for

Once liberating the whole base, use the dozer to build a war factory.
This will be the place for constructing armoured ground units.

After the second cut scene, build a Crusader and 2 Humvee’s. For each
Humvee, build 5 Rangers each - which means you need to build 10 Rangers
altogether. Go right from your base towards the final objective - to the
GLA Bio-Weapons factory.  If you want to, build some Paladins by going
to the General’s experience menu and spend the one point on the Paladin

Once you build an additional Crusader or Paladin, group it with the
first 4 tanks and the Humvee’s and make them Group One. Send them to the
east of the base - following the road. Rescue the pilots and put them in
the Humvee’s or tanks to give them a higher rank, hence making them more

While moving on, build battle drones for all your vehicles. Head towards
the bridge where there might be a few Technicals and a stinger site
guarding it. Destroy them! A third cut scene will start shortly after
destroying the stinger site.

Kill any Technicals and infantry you get attacked by - a plane full of 
rocket troops will pass to help you destroy remaining troops in the 
town, then move north on the map, heading closer towards the main base
after completing this part. There is another stinger site and few 
Technicals to destroy. Keep going north and there should be another 
few stinger sites and tunnel networks. Shoot the barrels surrounding
the stinger sites to destroy them - then concentrate mainly destroying
any tanks or Technicals that pop up and head straight up towards the base
and destroy the Bio-Weapons factory to complete the training mission.
You will also receive some more paratroopers in the chance that you need
any back up.

As a note, if you’re a stickler for losing units, you may want to clear the
paratroopers from the area on the top of the plateau that the chemical plant
is on, as the explosion will kill them in very little time.

          "Section D - United States of America Statistics"
   D01    \   * * * Introduction to United States * * *

The United States are a very dominant and powerful side in the game of
Generals. They are probably the best side to use if you are a beginner as
the firepower of the units and strength of the structures are very formidable.

The other advantage about America is that there is the biggest variety of
vehicles and other units to choose from out of all three sides. They
have the tendency to play both roles of defending and attacking. The super
weapon which is the particle cannon is not wide spread but is very powerful
when used at the right time and place. This is where the Fuel Bomb or A10
Strike comes in handy to wipe out anything else in a huge radius!!

This section will give you information on the structures, units, super
weapons, upgrades and promotions of the USA.

   D02    \   * * * USA Structures * * *

- - - Command Centre - - -

Cost       : $2000
Power Req. : Takes 0
Options    : Spy Satellite
             A10 Strike
             Fuel Bomb
             Spy Drone
Builds     : Construction Dozer

Info       : This is the work-house of all the operations and commands of
             the United States of America's Military Force. Important to
             keep intact if holding super weapons and special attacks, so
             you are able to use them. You can also build additional
             dozers to build multiple structures at the same time.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Cold Fusion Reactor - - -

Cost       : $800
Power Req. : Supplies 5 Normally
             Supplies 10 Upgraded
Upgrade    : Control Rods

Info       : This power plant is required to build to gain access in
             building other important US structures. When upgraded to
             Control Rods, you will receive supplied double power.
             Normally not as efficient as the Chinese Nuclear Reactor.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Supply Centre - - -

Cost       : $2000
Power Req. : Takes 1
Builds     : Chinook Transport Helicopter

Info       : The most common way for the United States to earn money.
             Also must be built to construct additional important
             structures, such as the War Factory. You will receive
             $600 from each Chinook payload drop-off.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Barracks - - -

Cost       : $600
Power Req. : Takes 0
Upgrade    : Capture Building
             Flash bang
Builds     : Ranger
             Missile Defender
             Colonel Burton

Info	   : The main structure required to build infantry units for the
             United States.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - War Factory - - -

Cost       : $2000
Power Req. : Takes 1
Upgrade    : TOW Missile
Builds     : Humvee

Info	   : The main structure that produces armoured ground units for
             the United States.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Airfield - - -

Cost       : $1000
Power Req. : Takes 1
Upgrade	   : Rocket Pods
             Laser Missiles
Builds     : Raptor Fighter Jet
             Comanche Helicopter
             Stealth Fighter
             Aurora Bomber

Info       : Constructs air units for the United States. Provides best variety
             in air superiority roles (Air-to-Air, Air-to-Surface, Anti-tank,
             Anti-infantry, etc.). The upgrades provided here are
             worthwhile, increasing the damage potential for your aircraft.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Supply Drop Zone - - -

Cost       : $2500
Power Req. : Takes 4

Info	   : Secondary source of income for the United States. Supply drops
             occur regularly at 2 minute intervals, grossing about $2000 each.
             While creating a steady flow of income, they can strain your
             power plants, so keep an eye on your reserves. Vulnerable
             structure; should be placed away from front line of base to
             prevent problems. When participating in a major battle, build
             lots of these to get maximum profits possible. This makes
             constructing things so much easier.
             Cargo planes that are shot down after supplies are dropped off
             do not count in your 'Units Lost' total at the end of the game.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Strategy Centre - - -

Cost       : $2500
Power Req. : Takes 2
Options    : Bombardment
             Hold the Line
             Search and Destroy
Upgrade    : Advanced Training
             Composite Armour
             Drone Armour

Info       : United State’s general upgrade building. Shifts unit bonuses
             depending on strategy selected. The Bombardment strategy will
             increase the damage potential of all units, while the Hold the
             Line strategy gives all units additional armour. Lastly, Search
             and Destroy will increase the weapon range of all units - best
             to use for long range vehicles.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Detention Camp - - -

Cost       : $1000
Power Req. : Takes 0
Options    : Intelligence

Info       : A useful structure to have, although not required. The Detention
             Camp allows you to see every unit on the map (including stealth
             units) for about 30 seconds once every two minutes.
             Very useful to use before planning a major attack and also
             requires no power.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Patriot Missile Defence System - - -

Cost       : $1000
Power Req. : Takes 3

Info       : Excellent weapon for static defence purposes, the Patriot is one
             of the most lethal defence weapons out of all 3 sides. Can
             engage air and ground units easily from a medium range. Built-in
             ability to transmit target location data to other Patriot
             Missile sites.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Particle Cannon - - -

Cost       : $5000
Power Req. : Takes 10
Options    : Particle Cannon

Info       : This is the primary super weapon of the United States. The
             weapon itself is not as directly comparable to the power of the
             Nuclear Missile or SCUD Storm, but has many tactical advantages.
             The Particle Cannon has pinpoint accuracy allowing you to target
             a single structure and leave adjacent ones intact. For
             example, it may be used to destroy static defences to send a
             main strike force in to capture buildings and technologies.
             Devastating against units,	may require two to destroy Command
             Centers or other Superweapons. Four minute countdown timer.

   D03    \   * * * USA Units * * *

- - - Construction Dozer - - -

Cost       : $1000
Built      : Construction Yard

Info       : The main construction unit to start off your arsenal of weapons
             and structures throughout the game. The construction dozer
             has no weapons so you must keep them away from the reach of
             enemies at all costs. You can build multiple construction
             dozers so you can build different structures at the same time.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Supply Chinook - - -

Cost       : $1200
Holds      : 5 Units
Built      : Supply Centre

Info       : These are used for supply and transportation reasons only.
             They hold no weaponry and can hold armoured vehicles. All
             ground units can be placed into the Chinook helicopter for
             transportation. These are great transport units to use when
             setting an ambush with foot units.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Ranger - - -

Cost       : $225
Strong     : Infantry
Weak       : Light Vehicles
Options    : Capture Building
             Flash bang
             Machine Gun
Upgrade    : Capture Building
             Advanced Training
             Flash bang
Weapon     : Machine Gun/Assault Rifle
             Flash bang
Built      : Barracks

Info       : The primary foot unit of the USA. These tend to be very weak
	     individually, but are useful in big groups.
	     These units have skills like capture building which can be used
             to capture enemy structures or other tech buildings. You can
             also use the Flashbang to clear a garrisoned building full of
             enemies easily or just use it in normal combat against other
             foot soldiers. You can also use these units to garrison into
             buildings, therefore providing additional protection - but
             are extremely vulnerable to toxin and flame attacks.

"Submitted by Ives G."
With the Flash bang, a ranger can empty a garrisoned building with one
shot. Flash bang also works great against large groups of infantry.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Missile Defender - - -

Cost       : $300
Strong     : Tanks, Aircraft
Weak       : Infantry
Options    : Laser Designator
Upgrade    : Advanced Training
Weapon     : LAW Rocket Launcher
Built      : Barracks

Info       : These units are extremely useful when it comes to destroying
             armoured units. Very inaccurate and weak towards infantry so
             be careful not to encounter the enemy infantry unless you have
             some rangers grouped with them.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Pathfinder - - -

Cost       : $600
Strong     : Infantry
Weak       : Light Vehicles, Scouts
Upgrade    : Advanced Training
Weapon     : Sniper Rifle
Built      : Barracks

Info       : Only can be accessed when 'purchased' from the generals
             experience	menu, these covert units are very good to use in
             missions were you would like to surprise the enemy. The unit
             is visible when moving and can shoot while he is invisible.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Colonel Burton - - -

Cost       : $1500
Strong     : Infantry
Weak       : Scouts
Options    : Knife Attack
             Timed Demolition Charge
             Remote Demolition Charge
             Detonate Remote Charge
Upgrade    : Advanced Training
Weapon     : Machine Gun/Assault Rifle
             Demolition Charges
Built      : Barracks

Info       : The special infantry unit built for the USA, this unit is
             cloaked when not shooting. A leading unit with a group of
             Pathfinders should do the job. This guy also has a variety
             of different things to choose from, making him ideal for
             all sorts of situations from stealth to assault.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Crusader Tank - - -

Cost       : $900
Strong     : Vehicles, Buildings
Weak       : Aircraft, Rocket Infantry
Options    : Battle Drone
             Scout Drone
Upgrade    : Advanced Training
             Battle Drone
             Scout Drone
             Composite Armour
Weapon     : Tank Turret
Built      : War Factory

Info	   : Comparable as a medium tank, the Crusader is the primary
             tank of the US army. It's speed is good and the armour
             is relatively heavy so building a group of these is a
             wise investment.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Paladin Tank - - -

Cost       : $1100
Strong     : Tanks, Buildings, Rocket Infantry
Weak       : Aircraft
Options    : Battle Drone
             Scout Drone
Upgrade    : Advanced Training
             Battle Drone
             Scout Drone
             Composite Armour
Weapon     : Laser Designated Tank Turret
Built      : War Factory

Info       : Uses a laser designator to shoot at it's target making it
             more accurate and deadly than the crusader tank. A good tank
             to use for all-round purposes but usually requires it to be
             'purchased' from the Generals Promotion menu.

"Submitted by Ives G."
It's laser can shoot incoming rockets, tomahawks and infantry.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Humvee Military Vehicle - - -

Cost       : $700
Strong     : Infantry
Weak       : Tanks
Holds      : 5 units
Options    : Battle Drone
             Scout Drone
Upgrade    : TOW Missile
             Advanced Training
             Battle Drone
             Scout Drone
Weapon     : Machine Gun Turret
             TOW Missile Turret
Built      : War Factory

Info	   : If you consider building these weakly armoured units, build
             a group of these and upgrade it so they hold the TOW missile
             turret which will make them worthwhile against more enemies.
             Humvee's can carry five foot units for easy and quick

"Submitted by Ives G."
Infantry inside the Humvee can still fire at the enemy, making it a
much better transport than the Chinese troop transport or the GLA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Ambulance - - -

Cost       : $600
Holds      : 3 units
Options    : Battle Drone
             Scout Drone
             Clear Toxins
Upgrade    : Battle Drone
             Scout Drone
Weapon     : Healing/Toxin Turret
Built      : War Factory

Info	   : A vehicle that I would guess not many players usually
             build. It is only useful for healing groups of infantry
             at once. It also boosts the healing level when near
             certain units and clears toxins at an affected area.

"Submitted by Ives G."
Can also clean up toxins from the soil. Comes in very handy when your
buildings has been splashed with anthrax.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Tomahawk - - -

Cost       : $1200
Strong     : Base Defences
Weak       : Tanks, Aircraft, Light Vehicles
Upgrade    : Advanced Training
             Battle Drone
             Scout Drone
Weapon     : Tomahawk Missile
Built      : War Factory

Info	   : A great vehicle to use for long range combat purposes. Very
             weak against anything in short range. Always have a tank of
             some sort defending a Tomahawk if you want it to survive.
             Vulnerable to air units as it cannot shoot down these type
             of units and very powerful in groups of 5.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Raptor Fighter Jet - - -

Cost       : $1400
Strong     : Aircraft, Tanks, Light Vehicles
Weak       : Rocket Infantry, Anti Air Defences
Upgrade    : Advanced Training
             Laser Missiles
Weapon     : Missiles
Built      : Airfield

Info       : A fighter which is generally purchased at the beginning
             of the game is in fact the only one out of the other jets
             that can destroy any other enemy airborne aircraft.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Comanche Stealth Helicopter - - -

Cost       : $1500
Strong     : Tank, Light Vehicles, Infantry
Weak       : Rocket Infantry, Anti Air Defences
Options    : Rocket Pods
Upgrade    : Advanced Training
             Rocket Pods
Weapon     : Missiles
             Chain gun
Built      : Airfield

Info	   : A very agile and maneuverable helicopter, something to be
             used in groups, as these when they get to 3 star rank are
             virtually unstoppable. These choppers are packed full of
             weapons and are ready to use them. The rocket pods are
             also a great alternative when your missiles temporary run
             out. The best and excellent choice when going for a hit
             and run attack or just when you want to eliminate the
             competition quickly!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighter - - -

Cost       : $1600
Strong     : Enemy Base Defences
Weak       : Enemy Fighters
Upgrade    : Advanced Training
             Laser Missiles
Weapon     : Laser Guided Bombs
Built      : Airfield

Info	   : Another great choice to build during a game. It acts just
             like the aurora bomber except for that it does not go as
             fast but is cloaked when not attacking. It can be detected
             by units that can detect stealth like Sentry Guns and
             Stinger Sites. Once you purchase the Bunker Buster
             missiles, they replace the laser guided missiles so therefore
             you can always use the Bunker Busters anytime. The best
             use for Bunker Busters are on garrisoned buildings to clear
             them out.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Aurora Bomber - - -

Cost       : $2500
Strong     : Buildings
Weak       : Buildings
Upgrade    : Advanced Training
Weapon     : Bombs
Built      : Airfield

Info       : A very expensive air unit to purchase, consider using these later
             on a match when you have the proper amount of money to build a
             group of these. A group of 4 can quickly destroy any superweapon
             and the fact that it travels at the speed of sound to when it
             reaches it's target is an added bonus - it acts like an emergency
             unit. The most severe drawback is the poor armour and loses 50%
             of it's speed after it has launched it's bombs - making it
             extremely vulnerable for the enemies to shoot down.

   D04    \   * * * USA Upgrades * * *

- - - Flash Bang - - -

Cost       : $800
Research   : Barracks

Info       : Gives the Ranger the ability to use flash bangs to clear out
             any enemies from garrisoned buildings or in normal combat.

- - - Capture Building - - -

Cost       : $1000
Research   : Barracks

Info       : Gives the Ranger ability to capture enemy structures and other
             special buildings.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - TOW Missiles - - -

Cost       : $1200
Research   : War Factory

Info       : The Humvee receives a TOW Missile Launcher as an additional
             weapon attached to the vehicle.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Rocket Pods - - -

Cost       : $800
Research   : Airfield

Info       : Gives Comanche’s the Rocket Barrage technique.

- - - Laser Missiles - - -

Cost       : $1500
Research   : Airfield

Info       : The Raptor and Stealth Fighter Jets deal an additional +25%
             bonus damage towards enemy units.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Advanced Training - - -

Cost       : $1500
Research   : Strategy Centre

Info       : US units gain veterancy at twice the usual speed.
             This upgrade applies with all USA units except for the
             Chinook, Construction Dozer, Ambulance and Sentry Drone.

- - - Drone Armour - - -

Cost       : $500
Research   : Strategy Centre

Info       : Spy, Battle and Hellfire Drones receive an additional
             +25% armour.

- - - Composite Armour - - -

Cost       : $2000
Research   : Strategy Centre

Info       : Crusader, Paladin, Avenger and Microwave Tanks receive an
             additional +25% armour.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Control Rods - - -

Cost       : $500
Research   : Cold Fusion Power Plant

Info       : Supplies the Cold Fusion Power Plants with an additional
             100% of power - making them supply twice as much power.
             An upgrade that should be considered if building numerous
             structures delivering high power drainage.            

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Spy Drone - - -

Cost       : $100
Research   : All Armoured Units

Info       : Creates a spy drone - which will hover around the unit
             that developed it. They have no weapons to defend
             themselves but extend the sight range of the unit that
             the Spy Drone is attached to. Tomahawks are good armoured
             vehicles to build Spy Drones for. You cannot purchase
             the Battle or Hellfire Drones if you already upgraded the
             vehicle with a Scout Drone unless it is destroyed.
             The drone will destroy itself if the accompanying vehicle
             is also destroyed.

- - - Battle Drone - - -

Cost       : $300
Research   : All Armoured Units
Strong     : Infantry
Weak       : Rocket Infantry

Info       : This upgrade will develop a Battle Drone - equipped with
             a machine gun and uses hover technology to move. Depending
             on which unit the upgrade was built from, the Drone will
             always defend the unit it was developed from until it
             is destroyed, hence being able to build another one again.
             You cannot purchase the Scout or Hellfire Drones if you
             already upgraded the vehicle with a Battle Drone unless
             it is destroyed. The drone will destroy itself if the
             accompanying vehicle is also destroyed.

   D05    \   * * * USA General Promotions * * *

- - - Paladin Tank - - -

Info       : Gives you the ability to construct the Paladin Tank in the
             War Factory.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Stealth Fighter - - -

Info       : Gives you the ability to construct the Stealth Fighter in
             the Airfield.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Spy Drone - - -

Info       : Lets you utilize spy technology using these drones. Once
             purchased, use the construction yard or side panel to launch
             one in an unknown area.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Pathfinder - - -

Info       : Gives you the ability to train the Pathfinder in the Barracks.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Paratrooper Drop Level 1 - - -

Info       : Gives you access to launch a group of 5 paratroopers at
             the designated area by plane.

- - - Paratrooper Drop Level 2 - - -

Info       : Gives you access to launch a group of 10 paratroopers at
             the designated area by plane.

- - - Paratrooper Drop Level 3 - - -

Info       : Gives you access to launch a group of 20 paratroopers at
             the designated area by plane.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - A10 Thunderbolt Strike Level 1 - - -

Info       : Gives you access to launch an A10 Thunderbolt Strike with
             One A10 Thunderbolt.

- - - A10 Thunderbolt Strike Level 2 - - -

Info       : Gives you access to launch an A10 Thunderbolt Strike with
             Two A10 Thunderbolts.

- - - A10 Thunderbolt Strike Level 3 - - -

Info       : Gives you access to launch an A10 Thunderbolt Strike with
             Three A10 Thunderbolts.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Emergency Repair Level 1 - - -

Info       : Gives you access to the repair utility in case a group of
             your units are under attack. This will give only light
             repairs to all vehicles selected in the radius. Good
             to use on vehicles that only have minor damage.

- - - Emergency Repair Level 2 - - -

Info       : Gives you access to the repair utility in case a group of
             your units are under attack. This will give medium
             repairs to all vehicles selected in the radius. Use on
             vehicles that vary between minor to major damage.

- - - Emergency Repair Level 3 - - -

Info       : Gives you access to the repair utility in case a group of
             your units are under attack. This will give heavy
             repairs to all vehicles selected in the radius. Use on
             heavy tanks or other vehicles with major damage.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Fuel Bomb - - -

Info       : The Fuel Bomb can be used as an additional 'superweapon' and
             can also be further upgraded to the "Mother of all Bombs".

   D06    \   * * * USA Superweapons/Special Attacks * * *

- - - Particle Cannon - - -

Deployed   : Particle Cannon Structure
Countdown  : 4:00 Minutes
Strong     : Buildings

Info       : Emits a powerful electric beam directed from a satellite uplink
             up in space. Does not have a big spread effect but can be
             directed to move in other directions. The targeted area in
             which the beam will pass will completely incinerate any unit
             that passes it. Can destroy structures easily but might require
             2 to destroy heavy	armoured buildings like superweapon
             structures. The beam lasts for about 30 seconds before vanishing.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Fuel Bomb - - -

Deployed   : Command Centre
Countdown  : 6:00 Minutes
Upgrade    : Strategy Centre
Strong     : Buildings

Info	   : A very powerful bomb - delivered by a heavy bomber. Once
             dropped, the primary shell will split before impacting the
             ground and sprays a huge wave of flammable fuel around the
             designated area - covering a huge radius - but this is only half
             of the bomb! After the fuel spreads and the rest of the primary
             shell remains hit the ground, the explosion from the ignition
             charges from the shell will cause a chain reaction to which the
             fuel reacts and causes an explosion as wide as a Nuclear
             explosion. The most powerful and devastating area of the blast
             is in the middle and weakens considerably as the explosion
             spreads. Great to use when obliterating a huge army of units.
             This is definitely the US version of the Nuclear weapon :)
             Can be upgraded from the Strategy Centre.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Paratroopers - - -

Deployed   : Command Centre
Countdown  : 4:00 Minutes
Level 1    : 5 Rangers
Level 2    : 10 Rangers
Level 3    : 20 Rangers

Info       : Not as extensive as the two superweapons above, but these
             paratroopers are just great to use for a surprise ambush
             or to aid other units in combat in case things do not go
             to plan. These guys are good to finish off pockets of units
             scattered around the map or to kill enemies inside a
             garrisoned building.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - A10 Thunderbolt Strike - - -

Deployed   : Command Centre
Countdown  : 4:00 Minutes
Strong     : Buildings
Level 1    : 1 A10 Tunderbolt
Level 2    : 2 A10 Tunderbolts
Level 3    : 3 A10 Tunderbolts

Info       : One of the best 'quick' attacks out of the three sides, the
             A10 Thunderbolt Strike is excellent for hit'n'run purposes.
             If you decide during a game to purchase the upgrade for the
             A10 Strike, you might want to consider upgrading it all the
             way to level three later on, as this helps considerably!
             One A10 is not enough to cause havoc to the enemy and
             therefore two or three can do the job easily and the others
             can serve as backups in case the enemy have a lot of anti
             air units scattered around. The A10 Thunderbolts, when in
             medium range from the target area, will start to shoot their
             armour piercing machine gun bullets from the distance and as
             they swerve towards the area, they unleash their payload of
             missiles which is the most devastating part of the attack.
             An excellent choice for destroying enemy structures or once
             again to eliminate groups of stationary enemies.

   D07    \   * * * USA Miscellaneous * * *

- - - Spy Satellite - - -

Deployed   : Command Centre
Countdown  : 1:00 Minute

Info       : The spy satellite is available as soon as you construct the
             Command Centre and is simple to use. The drawback is the limited
             time of exposure to the targeted area but you can see any
             units that pass by the area. It takes about 30 seconds before the
             area goes dark again.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Spy Drone - - -

Deployed   : Command Centre
Countdown  : 1:30 Minutes

Info       : Acts just like the Spy Satellite, except it works in a more
             permanent basis. A Spy Drone is released to the assigned
             area and hovers continuously around over the area the player
             has chosen. The Spy Drone is invisible so it cannot be seen
             except if there is any units or structures that can detect

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Intelligence - - -

Deployed   : Detention Centre
Countdown  : 2:00 Minutes

Info       : A far more effective Spy instrument, Intelligence actually
             seeks every single enemy unit and structure there is on the
             map. This is great to use before planning any major attacks
             against an enemy base. The time of exposure is a bit more
             than the Spy Satellite so make good use of it!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Emergency Repair - - -

Deployed   : Command Centre
Countdown  : 4:00 Minutes
Level 1    : Minor Repairs
Level 2    : Medium Repairs
Level 3    : Major Repairs

Info       : Depending on the level purchased, the Emergency Repair
             upgrade can be used anytime on multiple damaged units.
             A good idea is to get every single damaged unit [if all
             the units are in a big group for example] and bunch them
             all up into a circle, use the Emergency Repair and click
             at the middle of all the damaged units therefore more
             units can be repaired at once. You need to do this as the
             Repair area only goes for a certain radius and not the
             whole map!

          "Section E - United States of America Campaign Missions"
   E01    \   * * * Mission 01 = Operation : Final Justice * * *
Mission Overview:    \____________________________

Baghdad, Iraqi War Zone
Operation : Final Justice

- - - - - - - - - -

- Global Liberation Army has SCUD Storm.
- They are based in Baghdad.
- Eliminate Threats.

- - - - - - - - - -

Generals Promotions
- Paladin
- Spy Drone
- Emergency Repair 1

- - - - - - - - - -

Constructible Units
- Supply Chinook
- Construction Dozer
- Ranger
- Defender
- Crusader
- Paladin
- Humvee

Constructible Structures
- Cold Fusion Reactor
- Barracks
- War Factory
- Supply Centre

Mission Objectives:  \____________________________

- Destroy the SCUD Storm.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

After the starting cut scene, you will end up with a collection of tanks 
and about 4 Humvee’s. Send the 4 Humvee’s back to the base and build 20 rocket 
troops. After doing this, tell the Humvee’s to return with the rest of the 
tanks. Group your tanks as group 1 and Humvee’s as group 2.
Proceed forward towards the town, destroy the several tanks guarding the 
entry then move forward until a cut scene showing Scud’s being launched into 
the town occurs. 

After this devastating attack, avoid the anthrax clouds by merging towards
the right of the road and move upwards towards the bridge where you will
see a garrisoned building with enemies. Just wait 20 seconds until you see
2 Chinook helicopters appear and they will drop off infantry to finish the
job - and now move up towards the bridge where there is a radar van and
some infantry and tanks. Now while destroying this area of enemies, send in
the remaining rangers from were they got dropped off by the Chinook and
send them towards the right were some infantry units are holding your
grounded pilots’ hostage in a small fenced prison. After your rangers have
killed the troops guarding the prison, send the rescued pilots into some
of your tanks to give them a higher ranking - making them more powerful.
After doing this, send your tanks up the road towards a entry - straight
ahead that leads into dirt road. When going up the small ramp towards the
dirt area, a few of the Technicals will try to attack, but your tanks
will destroy these with little fuss. Head east towards where the enemy base
is while eliminating any units or structures that belongs to the enemy.
It will also be a good idea now for your tanks to build the battle drones
for added protection. Now when you head towards the entry of the base - one
of the guy's will tell you to hold back and then you should see a plane pass
which will drop off a huge fuel bomb. Watch the fireworks obliterate the whole
frontline defence and now it is just a matter of sending in those tanks to
destroy remaining structures and units - eventually leading the
destruction of the SCUD storm or else when you reach the Scud’s - wait like
20 seconds for a bunch of Fighter Jets to bomb this whole area to the
oblivion. Congratulations - you have finished the first USA mission.

Submissions: \____________________________

*** Submitted by "sticktendo" ***

Its very easy.  

Send your tanks to destroy the GLA tanks and one Humvee to go activate 
the scud storm launch.  While this is happening fill your Chinook with 
infantry.  The moment you can see the scuds send it to the far top 
right corner, then to the left towards the scuds.

_ is ground
S is scud launcher
/ is cliffs
L is drop area


Then send all infantry to attack the scuds and you’ll win. Also have some 
fight the defences!

   E02    \   * * * Mission 02 = Operation : Treasure Hunt * * *
Mission Overview:    \____________________________

Al Hanad, Yemen
Operation : Treasure Hunt

- - - - - - - - - -

- GLA leaders tracked to Yemen.
- Comanche’s are searching for criminals.
- Save the captured pilots.

- - - - - - - - - -

Generals Promotions
- Paladin Tank
- Spy Drone
- Emergency Repair 1
- Pathfinder

- - - - - - - - - -

Constructible Units
- Supply Chinook
- Construction Dozer
- Ranger
- Missile Defender
- Crusader
- Paladin
- Humvee
- Ambulance
- Pathfinder

Constructible Structures
- Cold Fusion Reactor
- Command Centre
- Barracks
- War Factory
- Supply Centre
- Patriot Missile

Mission Objectives:  \____________________________

- Rescue captured pilots.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

Starting off at your base, this mission will show you the full map instead
of it being fogged out. Before you start, look at the mini-map and you
should see one red dot to the east side of it. This is where the first
pilot is being held captive. Now look below from your base and you should see
another resource area for your supplies. Build another few Chinooks and send
them towards this resource. Now select the group of 4 tanks and 4 Humvee’s
and send them in towards the 2 technical units to destroy them. Destroy any
others that come from other directions.

While doing this, look back to your base and get a construction dozer to
build another patriot missile next to the co-existing one on the north side
of the base and another one next to the co-existing one on the east side of
your base - you will see why you need these later. Now make the group of
tanks and Humvee’s towards the angry mob, which are guarding the entry to
the first pilot.

Destroy the stinger site nearby and place the rescued pilot into one of
your vehicles instantly giving it a 3 star rank. Also, a convoy of tanks
will attack your base so this is were those patriots come in handy. Moving
on, at least half of your group should be destroyed by now, so with the
money you would of received during combat, build another 10 crusader tanks
and send them upwards. Also, use the upgrade to make Humvee’s use TOW
missiles to make them tougher. From were the first pilot was, go north-west
up the road towards a garrisoned tower, with few Technicals waiting nearby.

Destroy these and head up the level towards the area were enemy forces are
concentrated. Destroy any threat what so ever and rescue the second pilot
which is once again guarded by a mob and a stinger site. Now after rescuing
the second pilot, head east towards where the last pilot is being held. From 
here, it's just a simple dose of attacking all the enemies with what you 
have got and eventually it will all pay off when you get hold of the last 
pilot - just watch out for the 3 stinger sites allocated around the 
base, then send the last pilot back to your base. Mission is complete.

   E03    \   * * * Mission 03 = Operation : Guardian Angel * * *
Mission Overview:    \____________________________

Northern Kazakhstan, US forces in full retreat
Operation : Guardian Angel

- - - - - - - - - -

- USA forces are in full retreat.
- GLA is in close pursuit.
- Provide cover for retreating forces.

- - - - - - - - - -

Generals Promotions
- Emergency Repair 1
- Pathfinder
- Stealth Fighter
- A10 Strike 1

- - - - - - - - - -

Constructible Units
- Supply Chinook
- Construction Dozer
- Ranger
- Missile Defender
- Pathfinder
- Stealth Fighter
- Comanche

Constructible Structures
- Cold Fusion Reactor
- Barracks
- Airfield
- Supply Centre
- Patriot Missile

Mission Objectives:  \____________________________

- Ensure the escape of 100 US forces.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

This mission is very straight forward. Just concentrate towards the long 
middle trench that comes from the west to the east side of the map. Around 30 
seconds when the level starts, get ready because the first bunch of US forces 
retreating will come from the west side of the map. Another 20 seconds 
later, enemies will come from the same way towards the retreating forces. This 
is were you come in to help. It is just best to use air forces for this level 
as you do not have to much time to prepare. But firstly, deploy all the ground 
units which have been already made for you all around your base, and make them 
head down the trench to the left side near where the US forces come from.
From now, just leave them there and concentrate with your air forces.

It is suggestible that you build another at least 10 Comanche’s. Once you
have done that get the Comanche’s to go towards were you have deployed all
your ground units. To really tick off the enemies, build a few patriots on
the actual road that goes through the trench. Do be warned though, each time
more troops run away, more enemies do get deployed and can be more annoying
to destroy. But if you flood the entry full of Comanche’s, they will make
the job a lot more easier.

The A10 Strike will also help towards when the forces come by the third
time - but is hard to time for when the enemy comes. The rest of the
mission is pretty self explanatory so just kill any enemies before they
destroy the US forces that are retreating and eventually you will finish
the mission. Just as a reminder - when you reach 100 units retreated, there
is one more squad that will try to attack your base - use your Comanche’s
once again to rid of this annoyance immediately - now the mission is done
for good :)

   E04    \   * * * Mission 04 = Operation : Stormbringer * * *
Mission Overview:    \____________________________

Kazakhstan Coast, 1400 Hours
Operation : Stormbringer

- - - - - - - - - -

- GLA training camp has been discovered.
- Eliminate Threats.

- - - - - - - - - -

Generals Promotions
- Emergency Repair 1
- Spy Drone
- Paladin Tank
- Stealth Fighter
- Pathfinder
- Para Drop 1
- A10 Strike 1

- - - - - - - - - -

Constructible Units
- Supply Chinook
- Construction Dozer
- Ranger
- Missile Defender
- Pathfinder
- Stealth Fighter
- Comanche

Constructible Structures
- Cold Fusion Reactor
- Barracks
- Airfield
- Supply Centre
- Patriot Missile
- Command Centre
- War Factory

Mission Objectives:  \____________________________

- Destroy the Stinger Sites.
- Destroy the GLA base.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

This mission is pretty short and hard but is annoying because of the mass
number of tunnel networks, stinger sites and rocket buggies you have
to destroy.
Start to make your units attack the enemies on the beachfront after
the cut scene finishes. After destroying the rather small force of
enemies, another cut scene will come up. This is were you get told to
destroy 4 stinger sites so you can bomb the area. Now you will get a few
more additional units. Group everything except for the tomahawk's as group 
1 - the tomahawk's are group 2 and should be left behind the main attack
squad when doing any big attack on the bases.

Also remember this part is non-constructible meaning that you do not have
buildings to build any additional units, so strategize your units plan of 
attack more carefully for this mission. Now before you head up the small 
hill to the left, get your tomahawks to eradicate the whole area of the 
several bunkers. At the start, you get 3 experience points, use 2 of them 
for the A10 Strike and the other for the paratroopers. 
Head to the ramp on the very far west and try to use the tomahawks to 
destroy the 4 stinger sites - but put a few crusaders next to them in 
case any enemy buggies will come etc. After destroying the 4 sites, another
cut scene will appear showing 2 bombers - carpet bombing the entire base of 

Now you should see you construction vehicles come to the rescue.

Here you should completely rebuild an army to destroy the GLA base not to far
towards the north east of your base. Try to hurry because it is better to get
this part done quicker. Now while building - get your tomahawks to destroy
any enemies in the town area but do not get to close to the base for now.
Build a construction yard first then begin from there. By destroying the 
enemies around hiding in the town area, it will be easier to access the
enemies’ base. Now once you set up your base - get a lot of money and build a
huge army of just vehicles. Now once you have prepared everything, send
attack groups towards the base and go crazy! Once you have destroyed this
base, mission is complete. just remember to use the tomahawks to your
complete advantage if you still have them alive :)

   E05    \   * * * Mission 05 = Operation : Blue Eagle * * *
Mission Overview:    \____________________________

Kazakhstan De-Militarized Zone
Operation : Blue Eagle

- - - - - - - - - -

- Peace conference in Kabara City.
- GLA cannot be trusted.
- Be on alert.

- - - - - - - - - -

Generals Promotions
- Emergency Repair 1
- Spy Drone
- Paladin Tank
- Stealth Fighter
- Pathfinder
- Para Drop 1
- Para Drop 2
- A10 Strike 1
- A10 Strike 2

- - - - - - - - - -

Constructible Units
- Supply Chinook
- Construction Dozer
- Ranger
- Missile Defender
- Crusader
- Paladin
- Humvee
- Ambulance
- Tomahawk
- Comanche
- Pathfinder
- Stealth Fighter
- Raptor

Constructible Structures
- Cold Fusion Reactor
- Barracks
- Airfield
- Supply Centre
- Patriot Missile
- Command Centre
- Strategy Centre
- Detention Camp
- War Factory

Mission Objectives:  \____________________________

- Prevent the GLA from constructing the river base.
- Destroy GLA's main base.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

After the cut scene, build an airfield - then build around 5 to 10 Comanche’s.
Also at the same time, try to build another 5 or so tanks to join in with
the rest of them near the base. After you have built a suitable force
of tanks and air vehicles go to the right of the map and destroy everything
in this area. What also will be handy is to use some of your general
experience points towards the A10 strike and paratroopers and beef these up
to level 2 as you start off with 4 points.

Now once you destroy this river base a cut scene will come showing a few
rocket buggies destroy a dam. After the water sweeps through the town, you
are cut off from sending ground units from your first base, so it is best
to now construct a new base from where you destroyed the GLA river base.

Now all you need to build on this new side is a barracks and a war factory.
Build any other air units on the opposite side and send them over.
Now let you Chinooks get a good supply of money before building additional
amounts of crusaders. When you are ready to attack, send your units upwards
but watch out for any demolition traps which are very powerful.
Use construction dozers to disable these.

Any time soon, a SCUD storm will get built so get your A10 strike and
paratroopers ready. Usually they should build this SCUD around the very
north east of the map, use your spy satellite from the construction
yard - then use the A10 strike on it and get the paratroopers after the
A10's to fully destroy it. Now back to your new small base, put some
patriots around the east side of the base as they might send a few guys
and tanks now and then throughout the level. Build some tomahawks and
crusaders and then send all of them in a group towards the base to
obliterate everything. If you take long enough, hopefully the A10 and
paratroopers will be available again.

Once destroying the base, you will complete the mission. Just make sure
you take out those stinger sites and tunnel networks first as they are
very annoying to tanks and the tunnels keep sending in terrorists to
destroy your group of vehicles. Use Comanche’s towards the end of the
level to destroy any incoming opposition and watch out for money because
you do not get too much in this level.

Submissions: \____________________________

*** Submitted by "Eli B." ***

To start out, use the General's promotion for Paladins, Pathfinders, 
and the UAV. Actually the UAV isn't really necessary but I always
do it because it's a great way to keep tabs on stuff. Next, take
your starting force and a couple Paladins and cross the river. Wipe
out the resistance there and move on to their base. Destroy all but
one of their buildings - preferably something that can't produce units.

Then pull your armed units back and send in a construction dozer.
Make a supply center and gather all of the resources at that location.
Yes, all of them. It doesn't take too long. In the meantime if you
left any Stinger sites you can use Pathfinders to kill the guys, then
Rangers to destroy the building, just to move them along to veteran
status. When that's all done, pull back all your forces across the
river, sell the supply center, and destroy the last building.

The cut scene will roll. Collect the new reenforcements dropped and
ferry them back to your base quickly. Now look at your situation.
You've got a ton of resources, all of your forces intact, and a
permanent barrier protecting your base, allowing you to engage them on
your own terms.

- - Optional : Part 2 of the strategy - -
Now you have to worry about the SCUD Storm. I usually send in three
Chinooks full of units to take care of it. Any decent mix of
Paladins, Rangers and Pathfinders will work (also using the Hummer
trick - 5 guys in a hummer, two Hummers plus two units will fit in
a Chinook, making it a total of 12 infantry and 2 hummers as opposed
to just 8 infantry). They usually survive even more than the initial
assault and end up causing the GLA a ton of trouble. Somewhere in 
here I also build a few Tomahawk launchers and Pathfinders to take out 
those annoying GLA units running back and forth on the other side of 
the river.

Next I invade the peninsula in the far northwest corner. Drop snipers
to disable the stinger sites, then drop the rest of your forces.
Their defense against infantry is very weak in that area. Also, you don't
have to deal with the dug in defenses and demo traps on the front side of
their base. Set up a perimeter of tanks and infantry (watch out for suicide
bombers) and use Tomahawk launchers to destroy them from the inside out at
your leisure.

   E06    \   * * * Mission 06 = Operation : Desperate Union * * *
Mission Overview:    \____________________________

Southeastern Kazakhstan
Operation : Desperate Union

- - - - - - - - - -

- A rogue Chinese general has joined with the GLA.
- Enemy is relying on tunnel networks.
- Attack must be launched immediately.

- - - - - - - - - -

Generals Promotions
- Emergency Repair 1
- Spy Drone
- Paladin Tank
- Stealth Fighter
- Pathfinder
- Para Drop 1
- Para Drop 2
- Para Drop 3
- A10 Strike 1
- A10 Strike 2
- A10 Strike 3
- Fuel Bomb

- - - - - - - - - -

Constructible Units
- Supply Chinook
- Construction Dozer
- Ranger
- Missile Defender
- Crusader
- Paladin
- Humvee
- Ambulance
- Tomahawk
- Comanche
- Pathfinder
- Stealth Fighter
- Raptor
- Colonel Burton

Constructible Structures
- Cold Fusion Reactor
- Barracks
- Airfield
- Supply Centre
- Patriot Missile
- Command Centre
- Strategy Centre
- Supply Drop Zone
- Particle Cannon
- War Factory

Mission Objectives:  \____________________________

- Destroy the GLA towards the northeast.
- Destroy the Chinese Command Centre and Nuclear Silo.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

From the start, use 3 out of the 4 experience points you start with on
the 3 A10 strikes. Use the remaining point on another unit of your
choice - I used it on the stealth fighter. Build a supply centre and also
more patriots around the entry to the right of the base. If you are 
going downwards towards the additional supplies, watch out for some car bombs
which are usually powerful - no problem - use the construction dozers
on the area where the cars are parked to give them a check and hopefully
will disarm them. Now get 2 Chinooks towards this second supply base.
Some units will attack from the right of the base but if you have at least
2 to 4 patriots - you will survive. Towards the bottom of the map, near
the supplies, build a few patriots to the right where the dirt road comes
up and all the way downwards towards the big desert plain right at the 
very bottom so if any units try to sneak up, blam!! Now you can have this 
section to yourself with sufficient money. now build a complete base along
with a particle cannon. If you chose to build stealth fighters then build
some of those. Just make sure you have sufficient amount of patriots on
the right side of the base. I notice that not many armoured vehicles attack
your base during the mission so this makes it a bit easier for you. 

I suggest making an army of air units as using ground units would take
a way longer time to complete the level. From the money you will
receive, build more power plants and around 5 to 10 supply drop zones to get
money every 2 minutes. From here - just build 3 to 5 particle cannons and 
around the same amount of airfields and get ready to do some bombing. I 
passed this mission just using super weapons and air units so it proves it 
is possible to pass it. For up to date information of where the enemy 
is - use the spy satellite given from the construction yard every 
minute - it is very helpful to use.

Use the fuel bomb only in major base areas as it takes a long time to
activate it again. Now the primary thing here is to destroy that base at
the far top right side of the map. One by one, destroy any stinger sites you
see before attacking the main base. When you reach the main base, it is your
choice to use the fuel bomb or not but destroy the overlord tanks and when
you get a 5 star rank, spend it on the paratroopers. Once you start attacking
the northeastern base, the units go crazy and start sending quite a few more
towards the entry to the right so have at least 6 patriots for adequate
protection. After you destroy all the buildings in that area - you have
completed the first objective.

Now it is your job to destroy of the rest of the GLA and China
forces, mainly around the southeastern area of the map - this is where the
second main base is located. Bit by bit, get rid of any enemy defence - build
a group of 10 Comanche’s with rocket pod upgrades and they will be unbeatable
when at 3 star ranks. Just make sure you take out any stinger sites before
moving on as Comanche’s are very vulnerable to these weapons. After destroying
most of the GLA, a new objective will come and plus a new threat has
risen - a nuclear bomb is counting down so use anything you got to destroy
it or do it the easy way like I do - use the particle cannons :P

This part is easy, use your fuel bombs, particle cannons, paratroopers
everything to destroy these two buildings. When you finish this you have
completed the mission. Just remember to destroy these two structures and
nothing else what so ever.

Submissions: \____________________________

*** Submitted by "Ryan L" ***

Another approach for USA mission 6 is to get down south and setup some
patriots around the supply pile, an air base and a war factory - work your
way to the other side of the road using a sniper to take out soldiers
and Comanche’s to take out the tunnels.
Once you get over the hill take out the towers and the defences around
the nuclear missile but be quick as the nuke will start to count down.
Once the defences are down, use a ranger to capture the nuke silo and
behold you have another super weapon at your disposal.

- - - - - - - - - -

*** Submitted by "Madwarrior" ***

- - Tip 1 - -
After removing the first Tunnel Networks down on the mountain pass at
north, move in a Pathfinder; he's there to make sure the GLA worker
won't be able to reture to the area to rebuild anything, and to remove
the soldiers outside the Tunnel Network at the southern corner of the

- - Tip 2 - -
Jarmen Kell is in the area, specifically in the ring of towers in the town
just east of the bridge; until he's been disposed of, you won't be able to
move ground forces through without harassment. 
First, clear out the Stinger site and the Tunnel Network at the northern
area of the town, which'd clear the way for you to airlift 2 Pathfinders
into the area; the Pathfinders are to keep the defenses from rebuild for

Now, use the Commanches (I recommend a group of 5) to bombard the ring of
towers with rocket pods until they topple. If you did it right, Jarmen Kell
would be dead (his dead body drop out of the rubble), and one of the
collasping towers would crush the Tunnel Network just south of it, along
with all its complement of RPG Troopers. With that's done, you can move
one of the Pathfinders to pop the RPG Troopers at the Tunnel Network at
the east, and with the latter dealt with by Commanches. Those 2 Pathfinders
should keep the area from GLA Workers. And now the town is cleared for
ground forces to move across to kick ass.

   E07    \   * * * Mission 07 = Operation : Last Call * * *
Mission Overview:    \____________________________

Akmola, Kazakhstan
Operation : Last Call

- - - - - - - - - -

- US forces have surrounded the GLA capital.
- GLA has biological weapons.
- Chinese have pledged their support with the US.
- GLA must be eliminated.

- - - - - - - - - -

Generals Promotions
- Emergency Repair 1
- Spy Drone
- Paladin Tank
- Stealth Fighter
- Pathfinder
- Para Drop 1
- Para Drop 2
- Para Drop 3
- A10 Strike 1
- A10 Strike 2
- A10 Strike 3
- Fuel Bomb

- - - - - - - - - -

Constructible Units
- Supply Chinook
- Construction Dozer
- Ranger
- Missile Defender
- Crusader
- Paladin
- Humvee
- Ambulance
- Tomahawk
- Comanche
- Pathfinder
- Stealth Fighter
- Raptor
- Colonel Burton
- Aurora Bomber

- Construction Dozer
- Supply Truck
- Red Guard
- Tank Hunter
- Hacker
- Battlemaster
- Troop Crawler
- Dragon Tank
- Overlord
- Inferno Cannon
- Gattling Tank
- Mig

Constructible Structures
- Cold Fusion Reactor
- Barracks
- Airfield
- Supply Centre
- Patriot Missile
- Command Centre
- Strategy Centre
- Supply Drop Zone
- Particle Cannon
- War Factory
- Detention Centre

- Nuclear Reactor
- Barracks
- Supply Centre
- Command Centre
- Nuclear Silo
- Gattling Cannon
- Bunker
- War Factory
- Propaganda Centre
- Speaker Tower
- Air Field

Mission Objectives:  \____________________________

- Destroy all GLA units and structures.
- Destroy the Chinese Command Centre and Nuclear Silo.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

Soon as you start the mission you are given a tip to capture an abandoned
Chinese base below your current base, whenever you feel like to, capture
it so you can use the Chinese technology as well. Surprisingly in this mission
you will not get attacked by the enemy that much as they would rather 
defend their last home :P

Spend some money on the capture upgrade and get a troop to capture
the Chinese base - there is also some extra resources here so grab
them while you can. Since you don’t get too much money, get the habit 
later on of building lots of supply drop zone buildings - which will 
replenish your money every now and then.

Construct all the major buildings first as this is a major importance. 
Especially build the Detention camp as you can see where all of the 
enemies are for a period of time. When you get lots of money, build 
4 aurora bombers - which costs 10000 altogether so make sure you just 
have the money. Later on as well, build around 5 particle cannons - and spend
all the 7 generals points you start off with on the A10 strike, fuel bomb and
 the remaining points can be used of your choice. Use the detention camp and 
the spy satellite to constantly spy on the enemies where a bouts. Enough 
with the huge amounts of tips - lets get on with the mission.

As you should already know, the GLA are on the West side of the map. About 
a few minutes into the game, the GLA will build a SCUD storm - so we must 
get rid of this immediately or else suffer some consequences. For now lets
concentrate on building some units. The quickest possible solution to 
destroying this SCUD is to use either the A10 Strike or the fuel bomb. 
This will get rid of your problem. You can use particle cannons if you are
quick enough so try to build around 2 to 3 before the timer reaches below 

4 minutes. Now that we have destroyed the SCUD Storm, lets get ready.

The enemy will occasionally attack you but not too much. Build perhaps 
several patriots behind the hills, and not just the roads because the enemies 
can sneak around sometimes. If you need to build additional power, use the 
nuclear reactors from china instead of the fusion ones from USA because the 
nuclear ones generate more energy. What I have done, instead of sending in 
a huge mass of armies of tanks, I kind of did it the short way - I built 
5 nukes and 5 cannons. This will let you obliterate anything that causes 
a problem. After this, send in a huge army of vehicles, Comanche’s 
especially and use aurora bombers. When using the nukes, use it in a 
centralized area of their base as this will cripple them for
some time until they would probably rebuild. 

When using nukes, shoot them evenly apart from each other so you get a 
devastating spread effect. If you want to send a ground attack but want to 
destroy the wall at the entry - take this helpful tip - make sure you have 
a few particle cannons - click once at the very bottom of the barricade wall 
to make the cannon start firing. The cursor still should be blue, click as 
far as possible up on the wall still and the particle cannon will move 
upwards along a straight line destroying anything in it's path. Might take 
a few to completely destroy the wall. Make sure you have some hackers and 
supply drop zones though so you can keep getting money - or else you are 
doomed - literally. The rest of the mission is very straight forward - destroy
everything you see - and you should take notice that the tanks and other 
vehicles have been fully upgraded - so they are tougher - take note of that.

Once you have nuked or destroyed a whole region send in some Comanche’s or 
strong ground units to neutralize the remaining buildings and such. Once you 
have destroyed absolutely everything that belongs to the GLA, you have 
finished the mission - the last mission for the USA 
campaign. Congratulations!!!

Submissions: \____________________________

*** Submitted by "Mat T" ***

Start by immediately upgrading and capture the Chinese base build a bulldozer
and build a war factory at the same time. Build up your USA base and build
about 10 supply docks, this will give you stupid amounts of cash in no time.

At the same time as that build up the Chinese base. Begin building overlords
and upgrade them with the Gattling gun. When you can use your general points
to get the A10 strike and 20 man Para drop. When The GLA scud storm appears
use the A10 strike and call the paratroopers to land on the east of the
scud storm finish of the job with the paratroopers and then ignore them. I
know its cruel but let them fend for themselves. Continue to build up

At the same time build one or 2 American vehicles to combat the advancing
GLA have some snipers also. You will need to sets of these small forces one
either side of the mountain as the GLA will come to tackle your Overlords.
Use the nuclear missile to damage the GLA. When you think you have enough
Overlords (I used 12) Advance into GLA territory use the A10 to break the

Use the overlords to wipe out the GLA base. If you encounter heavy losses
use the paratroopers to stop a counter attack. If you don’t succeed at first
attempt, build more overlords and stick to the battle plan.

Hopefully this should be a simpler and more effective strategy.

          "Section F - China Statistics"
   F01    \   * * * Introduction to China * * *

The Chinese Army just like the United States, are quite powerful.
This is probably the side which have the most tactical
advantages. The power output of the nuclear reactors are bigger than
what the Cold Fusion Plants supply normally. Some disadvantages with
this side include things like the lack of air units and slow cash
supply flow because the speed of which the trucks move around. This side
is better to use for players who want to use a new side for a change. 
China is very brutal and aggressive towards perfecting its nation’s army.
Plays more of an offensive role as making defence would cost more

Requires more time to set up fully. It's nuclear capabilities make this
side a very powerful one by far and should be taken into consideration
when using them.

   F02    \   * * * China Structures * * *

- - - Command Centre - - -

Cost       : $2000
Power Req. : Takes 0
Options	   : Land Mines
Upgrade	   : Radar
Builds     : Construction Dozer	  

Info       : The place for the construction of additional dozers and
             operations	of the Chinese super weapons and special attacks.
             You need to purchase the Radar upgrade if in any hope to get
             that mini-map working!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Nuclear Reactor Power Plant - - -

Cost       : $1000
Power Req. : Supplies 10 Normally
             Supplies 15 Overcharged
Options	   : Overcharge

Info       : The Chinese Power Plant is for making the other China structures
             operational, these reactors provide more power than the Cold
             Fusion plants normally. If destroyed, these will create a mini
             nuclear explosion and will spread radiation. Can be overcharged
             to create more power but only do this for a short amount of
             time as these plants will destroy themselves if left on for
             too long - even if being repaired.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Supply Centre - - -

Cost       : $1500
Power Req. : Takes 1
Builds     : Supply Truck

Info       : The structure which gives you additional money. Also must be
             built to construct additional Chinese structures. You will
             receive $300 from each truck drop-off. Build around
             5 of these	trucks to get sufficient money because these
             supply trucks are slow and take longer to return to the Supply
             Centre than a USA Chinook.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Barracks - - -

Cost       : $500
Power Req. : Takes 0
Options    : Land Mines
Upgrade    : Capture Building
Builds     : Red Guard
             Tank hunter
             Black Lotus

Info       : The main structure to build Chinese foot soldiers of war.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - War Factory - - -

Cost       : $2000
Power Req. : Takes 1
Options    : Land Mines
Upgrade    : Chain Gun
             Black Napalm
Builds     : Battlemaster
             Dragon Tank
             Troop Crawler
             Gattling Cannon
             Inferno Cannon
             Nuclear Cannon
             Overlord Tank

Info       : The Chinese War Factory is used to construct armoured vehicles.
             The chinese army has the most access over tanks and other
             armoured units and the upgrades like Black Napalm which prove
             useful later on a game.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Airfield - - -

Cost       : $1000
Power Req. : Takes 1
Options    : Land Mines
Upgrade    : Mig Armour
Builds     : Mig

Info       : The structure used to construct Mig fighter jets and that is
             pretty much it. It does not serve too much of another purpose
             but building lots of these can make you build lots of Migs.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Propaganda Centre - - -

Cost       : $2000
Power Req. : Takes 2
Options	   : Land Mines
Upgrade	   : Nationalism
             Subliminal Messaging

Info       : This structure only serves one purpose and that is to
             upgrade a few things. Not really too much of an important
             structure, but must be constructed to build advanced
             structures like nuclear silos and special units.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Speaker Tower - - -

Cost       : $500
Power Req. : Takes 1

Info       : This is just a tower which is optional to construct.
             The speaker tower when used next to units, will increase
             their healing rate	and the rate of fire. Can also be used
             to see cloaked units.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Armoured Bunker - - -

Cost       : $400
Power Req. : Takes 0
Options    : Land Mines
Holds      : 5 units

Info       : This is an empty bunker which is relatively quick, cheap
             and easy to build. Once complete - you can place up to 5
             infantry units into these bunkers for added protection.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Gattling Cannon - - -

Cost       : $1200
Power Req. : Takes 3
Options	   : Land Mines
Upgrade	   : Chain Gun

Info       : A great weapon to use as a primary air defence.
             Use these along the front line with some bunkers with
             rocket troops to make a solid defence. The rate of fire
             for these sentry guns is steady once it fires, but
             rapidly speeds up once it continues firing. These are
             powerful enough to destroy planes, light vehicles and
             infantry in a short amount of time.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Nuclear Silo - - -

Cost       : $5000
Power Req. : Takes 10
Options	   : Nuclear Launch
             Land Mines
Upgrade	   : Nuclear Tanks
             Uranium Shells

Info       : These silos hold the nuclear missiles which prepare them
             for launch. Also is home of a few upgrades for some
             of the more powerful tanks which can be constructed from
             the War Factory. If destroyed while the nuclear missile
             is still inside, then it will create a nuclear
             explosion, much like to the proportion of when a Chinese
             Power Plant is destroyed - which can be catastrophic near
             other units or structures. Do not put lots of these
             grouped together.

   F03    \   * * * China Units * * *

- - - Red Guard - - -

Cost       : $300
Strong     : Infantry
Weak       : Light Vehicles
Options	   : Capture Building
Upgrade	   : Capture Building
Weapon     : Rifle
Built      : Barracks

Info       : These are the simple foot units of the Chinese army.
             Just like the other 2 sides, these are not useful when
             used seperately and should only be used in groups. When
             training these soldiers, notice that you get 2 for the
             price of 1 once they have been trained.

"Submitted by Ives G."
Put 5 or more of them together to get the horde bonus.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Tank hunter - - -

Cost       : $300
Strong     : Tanks
Weak       : Infantry
Options    : TNT Attack
Upgrade    : Nationalism
Weapon     : RPG Rocket Launcher
Built      : Barracks

Info       : The opposite to the red guard. The intended purpose of this
             unit is to easily destroy tanks. Powerful in groups, these
             units can be easily killed by normal infantry. Also holds a
             TNT attack where you can place TNT charges.

"Submitted by Ives G."
Put 5 or more of them together to get the horde bonus.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Hacker - - -

Cost       : $625
Strong     : Buildings
Weak       : Infantry, Vehicles
Options    : Disable Building
             Hack Internet
Weapon     : Computer
Built      : Barracks

Info       : These hackers hold a computer. They can give you money
             limitlessly by hacking on the internet. The longer they
             spend hacking, the higher rank they get, hence gaining more
             money for yourself. Build about 50 of these guys when you
             are playing a major game that lasts for ages. Disable
             building is where you can go to an enemy structure	and
             disable it by sending a virus into it.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Black Lotus - - -

Cost       : $1500
Strong     : Buildings, Vehicles
Weak       : Scout Units
Options    : Vehicle Hack
             Cash Hack
             Capture Building
Weapon     : Computer
Built      : Barracks

Info       : This unit is the special unit for China. Holds a variety
             of special	skills with the added bonus of being cloaked
             when not performing any of it's special moves. This unit
             has the drawback of like the hacker - not bearing a
             weapon, hence making it very vulnerable when not cloaked.
             Use cash hack to hack into an enemies supply centre to
             gain cash.	Vehicle Hack lets you disable enemy vehicles.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Battlemaster - - -

Cost       : $800
Strong     : Tanks, Buildings
Weak       : Infantry, Aircraft
Upgrade    : Nationalism
             Nuclear Tanks
             Uranium Shells
Weapon     : Tank Turret
Built      : War Factory

Info       : The primary tank for China's army. Used in groups, the
             Battlemaster tank is probably one of the best out of the 3
             primary tanks from each side, but is possibly the fastest
             once it gets it's upgrade.

"Submitted by Ives G."
Put 5 or more of them together to get the horde bonus.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Troop Crawler - - -

Cost       : $1400
Strong     : Infantry, Buildings
Weak       : Tanks, Aircraft
Holds      : 8 Units
Weapon     : Soldiers
Built      : War Factory

Info       : A medium class vehicle with no weapon except for the
             troops inside it. Construct these in huge groups and
             send them down straight to the enemy to make a very
             annoying surprise attack. Good for a quick and reliable
             transportation method.

"Submitted by Ives G."
Can detect cloaked/invisible units.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Dragon Tank - - -

Cost       : $800
Strong     : Infantry, Buildings
Weak       : Tanks, Aircraft
Options    : Flame Wall
Upgrade    : Black Napalm
Weapon     : Flamethrower
Built      : War Factory

Info       : A very powerful unit for a very good price. I strongly
             suggest using these as the main attack tanks. When in
             massive groups, these are so unstoppable and when using
             the Flame Wall attack, can obliterate anything in seconds.
             The drawback of these units is the low armour and they
             cannot attack air units.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Gattling Tank - - -

Cost       : $800
Strong     : Infantry, Aircraft
Weak       : Tanks
Upgrade    : Chain gun
Weapon     : Gattling Gun
Built      : War Factory

Info       : A very weak weapon against other things besides infantry
             and aircraft. Goes at a good pace when moving but the
             gun has to speed up to it's full speed before shooting
             at it's full potential. Great to use as a mobile unit
             to shoot down any annoying choppers and aircraft.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Inferno Cannon - - -

Cost       : $900
Strong     : Base Defences, Infantry
Weak       : Tanks, Aircraft
Upgrade    : Black Napalm
Weapon     : Flame Projectile Cannon
Built      : War Factory

Info       : Another powerful unit to use when only in groups, these
             create havoc when firing simultaneously towards the enemy.
             The armour is good but the speed makes it take a long while
             before it can reach its destination.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Overlord - - -

Cost       : $2000
Strong     : Vehicles, Buildings
Weak       : Rocket Infantry, Aircraft
Holds      : 5 units
Options    : Bunker
             Gattling Cannon
             Propaganda Tower
Upgrade    : Uranium Shells
             Nuclear Tanks
             Gattling Cannon
             Propaganda Tower
Weapon     : Troops
             Sentry Gun
             Dual Tank Turret
Built      : War Factory

Info       : The biggest and best tank of the lot, the Overlord tank
             is packed full of armour and can be beefed up to go faster
             and tougher. You have a choice between upgrading a
             bunker, sentry gun or propaganda tower into it for additional
             combat support. Can fit up to 5 units. The	only drawback
             that I can think of besides the speed is that it is an
             expensive unit to purchase.

"Submitted by Ives.G"
Can crush other tanks by making it drive over them.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Nuclear Cannon - - -

Cost       : $1600
Strong     : Buildings, Infantry
Weak       : Tanks, Aircraft
Weapon     : Nuclear Ballistic Cannon
Built      : War Factory

Info       : Also an expensive unit to mass produce, this unit will fire
             nuclear projectiles at a certain area creating an explosion
             about one third the size of an actual nuclear explosion.
             A great weapon to use for a full assault. The drawback is
             it's slow speed and poor firing rate.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Mig - - -

Cost       : $1000
Strong     : Tanks, Light Vehicles
Weak       : Rocket Infantry, Anti Air Defences
Upgrade    : Mig Armour
Weapon     : Missiles
Built      : Airfield

Info       : The only air unit which can be produced by china. It is not bad
             for what it actually is. It has good speed, better than the raptor
             from the USA and can create a powerful explosion after impact from
             the missiles after upgrading to the Black Napalm upgrade. It also
             has been found that these Migs can fire missiles at incoming
             enemy aircraft.

"Submitted by Ives.G"
The firestorm caused by the MIGs rockets lasts much longer when you have
several Migs attacking simultaneously.

   F04    \   * * * China Upgrades * * *

- - - Capture Building - - -

Cost       : $800
Research   : Barracks

Info       : Gives the Ranger ability to capture enemy structures and other
             special buildings.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Radar - - -

Cost       : $500
Research   : Construction Yard

Info       : This will give you access to the mini-map radar.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Mig Armour - - -

Cost       : $500
Research   : Airfield

Info       : This will increase the MIGs armour by +25%.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Subliminal Messaging - - -

Cost       : $500
Research   : Propaganda Centre

Info       : A +25% speaker tower bonus.

- - - Nationalism - - -

Cost       : $2000
Research   : Propaganda Centre

Info       : Gives a +25% horde bonus for Red Guard, Tank hunter
             and the Battlemaster.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Chain Gun - - -

Cost       : $1500
Research   : War Factory

Info       : +25% additional damage for all Gattling Weapons.

- - - Black Napalm - - -

Cost       : $2000
Research   : War Factory

Info       : +25% damage to all flame weapons.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Uranium Shells - - -

Cost       : $2500
Research   : Nuclear Silo

Info       : +25% bonus damage to Battlemaster and Overlord.

- - - Nuclear Tanks - - -

Cost       : $2000
Research   : Nuclear Silo

Info       : +25% additional spped to Battlemaster and Overlord.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Land Mines - - -

Cost       : $300
Research   : All structures except Speaker Tower

Info       : Lays land mines around the certain building giving
             it a bit more protection to any sort of units that
             would try to sneak up to capture it. Only useful to enemy foot
             and armoured units.

   F05    \   * * * China General Promotions * * *

- - - Red Guard Training - - -

Info       : For each red guard you build, they are trained with
             a level one ranking.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Artillery Training - - -

Info       : For each nuke cannon or inferno cannon you
             build, they are trained with a level one ranking.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Nuclear Cannon - - -

Info       : Gives you the ability to build Nuclear cannons from
             the War Factory.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Cluster Mines - - -

Info       : Gives you the ability to use the cluster mines
             special attack.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Artillery Barrage Level 1 - - -

Info       : Gives you the ability to launch 12 artillery shells
             at	a certain area.

- - - Artillery Barrage Level 2 - - -

Info       : Gives you the ability to launch 24 artillery shells
             at	a certain area.

- - - Artillery Barrage Level 3 - - -

Info       : Gives you the ability to launch 36 artillery shells
             at	a certain area.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Cash Hack Level 1 - - -

Info       : For each enemy building you capture, you will receive
             around $1000 in cash.

- - - Cash Hack Level 2 - - -

Info       : For each enemy building you capture, you will receive
             around $2000 in cash.

- - - Cash Hack Level 3 - - -

Info       : For each enemy building you capture, you will receive
             around $4000 in cash.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Emergency Repair Level 1 - - -

Info       : Gives you access to the repair utility in case a group of
             your units are under attack. This will give only light
             repairs to all vehicles selected in the radius. Good
             to use on vehicles that only have minor damage.

- - - Emergency Repair Level 2 - - -

Info       : Gives you access to the repair utility in case a group of
             your units are under attack. This will give medium
             repairs to all vehicles selected in the radius. Use on
             vehicles that vary between minor to major damage.

- - - Emergency Repair Level 3 - - -

Info       : Gives you access to the repair utility in case a group of
             your units are under attack. This will give heavy
             repairs to all vehicles selected in the radius. Use on
             heavy tanks or other vehicles with major damage.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - EMP Charge - - -

Info       : Gives you the ability to use an additional China special

   F06    \   * * * China Superweapons/Special Attacks * * *

- - - Nuclear Missile - - -

Deployed   : Nuclear Silo
Countdown  : 5:00 Minutes

Info       : A powerful spread weapon. Extremely effective
             when using	more than one, these nuclear weapons will
             flatten the targeted area by a huge blast radius. Any unit
             possibly surviving the blast will not survive the aftermath
             of the explosion. After the main detonation, thearea
             will be lurking full of radiation that will kill infantry
             just about instantly and other armoured units soon after.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Electro-Magnetic Pulse Bomb Charge - - -

Deployed   : Construction Yard
Countdown  : 6:00 Minutes

Info       : A weapon which is deployed from a cargo plane, the EMP Pulse
             sets off a blue charge. Once it has detonated, it releases
             an electro	magnetic field which disrupts all structures and
             some units for a limited time. The lasting effects go for
             about 2 minutes but does not destroy anything. Use this
             only to disable a certain area, then it is your job to
             destroy what is there before they are operational again.
             Useful against enemy base defences.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Artillery Barrage - - -

Deployed   : Construction Yard
Countdown  : 4:00 Minutes

Info       : A powerful special attack, this barrage will just come out
             of the screen until it gets to it's targeted place, then
             the shells will drop making it look like a meteor shower.
             This is a very good weapon to use in a concentrated area
             of enemy units.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Cluster Mines - - -

Deployed   : Construction Yard
Countdown  : 4:00 Minutes

Info       : The cluster mines are dropped off in the targeted area by
             a cargo plane. These set mines on the ground which can be
             only detonated by enemy units crossing it or when something
             explodes on top of it.

          "Section G - China Campaign Missions"
   G01    \   * * * Mission 01 = The Dragon Awakes * * *
Mission Overview:    \____________________________

Chinese Military Parade, Beijing
The Dragon Awakes

- - - - - - - - - -

- China's might is on parade.
- Protect China's military display.
- Eliminate any threat in the Beijing area.

- - - - - - - - - -

Generals Promotions
- Red Guard Training
- Emergency Repair 1

- - - - - - - - - -

Constructible Units
- Red Guard
- Tank Hunter
- Construction Dozer
- Battlemaster
- Troop Crawler
- Dragon Tank
- Supply Truck

Constructible Structures
- Command Centre
- Bunker
- War Factory
- Barracks
- Nuclear Reactor
- Supply Centre

Mission Objectives:  \____________________________

- Destroy the nuclear warhead storage facility.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

Being the first mission, this is quite an easy one. It's all pretty
straight forward here, but what you should do is build around 15
Battlemasters. Group all the troops as group 3 and the Battlemasters as
group 1.

About a few minutes after the start a few car bombs will come to your base
to destroy your 2 bunkers at the front of the base - don't worry really!
Once all ready for attack, you should see on the mini map a small bridge
that goes across to the other side. Go to where the bridge is and cross
it while destroying anything that gets in your way.

Also if you want to build a few troop crawlers as back up - you
can - but I don’t think this would be very necessary. After crossing the
bridge a cut scene should show you some vehicles getting destroyed on
the road, to the right of the bridge.

After this finishes, go onto that road and follow it towards the nuclear
bunker while remembering to destroy anything that is not yours. Once you
have reached the top, blow up the nuclear bunker and the first china
mission is now complete.

   G02    \   * * * Mission 02 = Hong Kong Crisis * * *
Mission Overview:    \____________________________

Hong Kong, China
Hong Kong Crisis

- - - - - - - - - -

- GLA cell has been discovered in Hong Kong.
- Terrorists are using convention centre as base.
- Cell must be eradicated.

- - - - - - - - - -

Generals Promotions
- Red Guard Training
- Emergency Repair 1
- Artillery Barrage 1

- - - - - - - - - -

Constructible Units
- Red Guard
- Tank Hunter
- Construction Dozer
- Battlemaster
- Troop Crawler
- Dragon Tank
- Supply Truck

Constructible Structures
- Command Centre
- Bunker
- War Factory
- Barracks
- Nuclear Reactor
- Supply Centre
- Gattling Cannon
Mission Objectives:  \____________________________

- Destroy the convention centre and its attached parking structures to stop
  the terrorist threat.
- Destroy the Toxin tractor production plant.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

Now after the rather damned cut scene, with all of those precious tanks
destroyed, looks like we have to rebuild a new base to make all of our new
units of war. Build a construction yard, then a power plant and a supply
centre to get yourself started. Now after a while progress through building
all structures and send in those remaining units towards the front area of
your base - which is above the starting area just for simple protection.

Put the rocket troops around various buildings to use as additional 
Now to tell you something - the convention centre is based east from the
starting area on a small island area. This level is great to use troops
on for advancing into more buildings as you progress through the mission.
Luckily, not many enemies will be attacking your base so do not worry too 
much about that matter - but always do be prepared. I always do this but
build lots of dragon tanks. Now to get money quickly build around 5 to 10
supply trucks so you have an even spread of cash flow coming through.
About 5 minutes later from the start - a cut scene appears showing something 
about a train - don’t worry - several red guards get dropped off from the 
station to aid you in the battle. 

As a matter of fact, I later researched this but just build a huge group 
of dragon tanks and send them right to the convention centre while using 
normal attack and the fire wall attack to completely obliterate the enemy. 
Make a small squad of rocket launcher troops to help destroy other annoying
tanks etc. Spend some money on the black napalm upgrade for the dragon 
tanks to make them 25% tougher. Now once you build around to 15 dragon 
tanks, make them all group 1 and the rocket troops group 2. Send them 
directly to the objective and then destroy every unit and building which
posses a threat or is part of the objective. Be on the look out for 
terrorists, car bombs and toxin tractors when you are told so - so do use
buildings as cover when using infantry.

Build 3 to 5 Battlemasters to take care of this annoying facility which keeps
producing those tractors - this is a secondary objective which I would 
believe is not compulsory to complete but is a good idea to. Here is a good
idea to defend an area from terrorists - get a flame tank and make it use
fire wall move on the direction they come from - they wont stand a chance.

Every now and then the train will drop off additional red guards so watch 
that area every so often for new units. It will be also a good idea to
purchase all 3 general promotion upgrades. All you have to do now is destroy
the convention centre and use the artillery attack - finish off using the
dragon tanks and other units and then the mission will be complete.

   G03    \   * * * Mission 03 = A Flood of Violence * * *
Mission Overview:    \____________________________

Three Gorges Dam, Hubei Province, China
A Flood of Violence

- - - - - - - - - -

- GLA has infested the Three Gorges Dam area.
- Enemy reinforcements now threaten our forces.
- Drown the GLA with Chinese forces.

- - - - - - - - - -

Generals Promotions
- Red Guard Training
- Emergency Repair 1
- Artillery Barrage 1
- Cluster Mines
- Artillery Barrage 2

- - - - - - - - - -

Constructible Units
- Red Guard
- Tank Hunter
- Construction Dozer
- Battlemaster
- Troop Crawler
- Dragon Tank
- Supply Truck
- Gattling Tank
- Mig

Constructible Structures
- Command Centre
- Bunker
- War Factory
- Barracks
- Nuclear Reactor
- Supply Centre
- Gattling Cannon
- Airfield

Mission Objectives:  \____________________________

- Destroy the Dam.
- Destroy the GLA base.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

At the start, you will start off with a rather small force of tanks and some
infantry. Use one of the dragon tanks go to the right to destroy the dam wall
which will cut off some enemies heading towards you base or so. 

Put the 10 infantry you start off with and place 5 in each of the 2 buildings
at the entry - the bunker and the tall structure. While they get 
prepared, use your dozer to build all the required buildings to start a 
necessary base. Put the 2 Battlemasters at the entry to shoot other tanks etc.
Make sure you also build a radar for your command centre so you at least know
what is going on and where! After a small while - you will get a message that
the GLA will be able to cross the river soon so get prepared for some

Now when the water level drops, make sure you send some tanks to the east 
behind your base, where a small area can be crossed - this is where the 
GLA will attack from for the rest of the mission. Destroy the tanks first 
then use the flame wall move on the dragon tanks to kill all the infantry 
instantly when they arrive. Build about 7 rocket infantry and 3 red guards
and send them to that small civilian building on the small island. This 
will play as a better defence now for any incoming vehicles. After that
rather small attack - you will throughout the mission continuously get
attacked by upgraded scorpions so your defence better be able to hold on
for the whole mission. Spend the 3 experience points you also start off
with on the 2 artillery barrages and the cluster mines attack - this will
help a bit for later on. Some of the scorpion tanks the GLA use in this 
level are upgraded, so they have mini missile launchers as well as a 
normal tank turret, so be careful when attacking.

For the rest of the mission just use the Migs to destroy any group of 
enemies. If you are worried about running out of money, there is another
supply area down directly below your base - there are no enemies so you do
not need to send any tanks etc., to protect the area. Build at least 4 to 5
airfields full of Mig.

When heading down towards the base, you will encounter a lot more upgraded
scorpions so use the MIGs if they cause too much trouble. Also use these
MIGs to lower the health of the guard towers which around placed around
a few areas. If you ever see a big group of them sitting in one place, use

The artillery barrage to destroy them easier. In less common
appearances - there are terrorists that run around.

The great news is that the GLA base has one stinger site so send the MIGs 
to destroy the stinger site, then attack the middle - using the artillery
barrage on the concentrated areas of the base will give you the best results.
Use the MIGs again to finish off other units that still survive then this
should about conclude the mission once everything is gone.

   G04    \   * * * Mission 04 = Broken Alliances * * *
Mission Overview:    \____________________________

Tanggula Mountains, China
Broken Alliances

- - - - - - - - - -

- GLA has constructed a Bio-Toxin factory.
- Locate factory with help from Black Lotus.
- Air strike will aid in its destruction.

- - - - - - - - - -

Generals Promotions
- Red Guard Training
- Emergency Repair 1
- Cluster Mines
- Cash Hack 1
- Cash Hack 2

- - - - - - - - - -

Constructible Units
- Red Guard
- Tank Hunter
- Hacker
- Battlemaster
- Dragon Tank
- Gattling Tank
- Troop Crawler

Mission Objectives:  \____________________________

- Destroy the GLA stinger Sites.
- Destroy the GLA base.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

First of all, this is what I would call a "semi" constructible mission
because you cannot build additional structures, but you can create
additional units to help you in the level. Also, this is one of the very
few levels which has a snow setting - just wanted to mention that. First
of all, the mission seems to me very simplistic, but takes a small while
to do as most of it is you requiring to destroy all the stinger sites
placed throughout different parts in the level, each one closer towards
the main base - which holds the bio-toxin factory - which must be destroyed
by an air strike and not conventional firing methods [i.e.: tanks, troops etc].
Each time you destroy a stinger site, you will get additional troops to aid
you further into the mission.

When arriving towards the stinger sites, shoot the 3 guys out of them to
make them useless, then get rocket troops to destroy it. Use the black lotus
to cash hack any oil derricks on the map and then you will start getting
more cash. After destroying the first one, you will receive more troops
that get dropped from the air. Proceed north towards the second and third 
one. When coming up this way, you might encounter some Technicals so use
rocket troops.

After destroying both the second and third sites, you will receive more
troops again to help. Go to the left road and towards the bridge where the
toxin tractor is. Don’t worry about using your black lotus to disable 
it - rather, send in the rocket troops to destroy both the tractor and 
stinger site, and use the red guards to help kill the rocket soldiers inside
the site. After you have destroyed it, proceed - following the road and you
will get more troops again, destroy anything or anyone that gets in your way
and send in the black lotus to capture the war factory dead ahead. If you
built any hackers, and you have some money to spend on, build about 5 dragon
tanks. This is all you need to do the rest of the mission - just make sure
you really purchase the black napalm upgrade and have them use the flame wall
attack until the area is clear. Do the same for every new area you visit and
eventually you will reach the last stinger site.

Our main aim now is to destroy that very last stinger site on the map, so 
the air forces can destroy the bio toxin factory. Watch out for those
rampaging car bombs and Technicals, they can kill half you squad by just
getting run over. If the troops die, then use the tanks. Use the dragon tanks
to obliterate the whole town area using flame wall attack, as there are a 
few places where the car bombs get made - this will work a lot better with
the black napalm upgrade. Proceeding upwards past the town, follow the 
road, carefully using the dragons to flame different areas to get rid of
other hazards. Destroy the smaller base of the arms dealer, barracks and
command centre buildings before proceeding to the main base. Cross the
bridge and when you reach the main area finally after flaming everything
behind, use the flame tanks to kill everything at this last part and then
an air strike gets called in. After the bombing and destruction of the
factory - the mission is complete.

   G05    \   * * * Mission 05 = Scorched Earth * * *
Mission Overview:    \____________________________

Balykchy, Kyrgyzstan
Scorched Earth

- - - - - - - - - -

- GLA has taken over Balykchy.
- US forces will provide air support.
- Call in carpet bombs and destroy the GLA.

- - - - - - - - - -

Generals Promotions
- Red Guard Training
- Emergency Repair 1
- Artillery Barrage 1
- Cluster Mines
- Cash Hack 1
- Cash Hack 2
- Cash Hack 3
- Artillery Barrage 2
- Nuke Cannon

- - - - - - - - - -

Constructible Units
- Red Guard
- Tank Hunter
- Hacker
- Black Lotus
- Battlemaster
- Dragon tank
- Gattling Tank
- Overlord
- Inferno Cannon
- Troop Crawler
- Mig

Constructible Structures
- Command Centre
- Supply Centre
- War Factory
- Barracks
- Bunker
- Gattling Cannon
- Nuclear Reactor
- Airfield
- Propaganda Centre

Mission Objectives:  \____________________________

- Destroy the 3 GLA camps and the Main GLA base.
- Destroy the GLA base.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

A rather cool but annoying night time mission, you find yourself
starting off in a well built base.

To start off with, you are shown where the camps and main bases are, you
must destroy these to complete this mission. The Americans have given
you access to using carpet bombs. Build 2 power plants and then a barracks
and war factory. Build a few more supply trucks to get more money and
hackers when you have the time to.

You have a great defence around your base so I suggest you do not worry
too much on spending money on additional defences except just build one
more sentry gun between the two already built on the top.
Once you have built the barracks, train 10 rocket troops and put them
inside the 2 built bunkers to the left of your base. You can
utilize another supply dock north from your base but clear out the
enemies there before you use it.

To use the carpet bombing technique, select the airfield and click on the
option. Build 4 Migs here as well. Use the War Factory to build an
additional 3 dragon tanks and upgrade to black napalm, then group
them up with the other 2 dragon tanks you start off with. You are also
told a bit later that you should capture some civilian buildings to
the far west of your base to get more money and make all your units
cheaper to construct. 

For the majority of the mission, try using the dragon tanks to your
absolute complete advantage - the area to the west of the base is
swarming with demolition traps, stinger sites, terrorists, car bombs, rocket
buggies and other annoying units. To the north of your base expect
more lighter vehicles like scorpions and Technicals.

Use the flame wall attack for the dragon tank and spread them apart to
make one huge barrier of flames. This might sound hard, but after a while
it is very easy to do and you can easily obliterate anything shall
you come across a problem. Flame wall techniques are very useful for
killing those 3 guys inside the stinger sites, then use MIGs to destroy them.

Try concentrating the attacks you make [with MIGs and carpet bombing] on
the unmanned stinger sites, barracks and command centers. Destroying
these GLA command areas are crucial to the success of this mission.

You should invest on money to build around 4 or 5 airfields in total, all
with the 4 MIGs built in each one. Make sure you have the black napalm
and Mig armour upgrades done and then group each 4 MIGs in the
airfields as groups 1,2,3,4 & 5.

If you remember to use your dragon tanks and MIGs as a team, you can
easily pass this mission in 30 minutes [like I have]. If you are still
worried about getting your units destroyed, take your time, there is no
rush but just watch out for your money. Once you have destroyed the
command areas of the GLA bases, then the mission is complete.

   G06    \   * * * Mission 06 = Dead in their Tracks * * *
Mission Overview:    \____________________________

Bishkek, Aldastan Subcapital
Dead in their Tracks

- - - - - - - - - -

- GLA has commandeered one of China's railroads.
- GLA is gathering in Bishkek, Aldastan.
- Use black lotus to destroy train bridge.

- - - - - - - - - -

Generals Promotions
- Red Guard Training

- - - - - - - - - -
Constructible Units
- Red Guard
- Tank Hunter
- Black Lotus
- Battlemaster
- Dragon Tank
- Gattling Tank
- Troop Crawler

Mission Objectives:  \____________________________

- Get black lotus to the middle of the train bridge.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

This mission is a non constructible level, meaning that you cannot build
anymore additional structures besides the ones you already start with.

You start off with a few red guards and a black lotus. The train bridge
is at the middle-top part of the map so this is where you must head to.
I suggest you don’t bother building any additional infantry and don’t bother
spending that one general’s experience point - there is just no point!!!
Get the 3 hackers you start with to hack in the internet to give you funds
throughout the level - that is if you want to :)

At the start, build about 3 dragon tanks, these are the only units you need
to build for the whole mission.

Send your black lotus unit towards the football stadium directly north
from your base - but keep it away from the stinger sites for now or its
in trouble. You should then be viewed a cut scene showing angry mobs
heading towards your base, put a few of those dragon tanks just above
your base, where there are the civilian buildings and use the flame wall

Keep these tanks here for the remaining of the level. Now, get your black
lotus to keep moving upwards the map until you reach near the bridge. When
you get near the bridge there should be 2 stinger sites guarding it, do
not bother what so ever to destroy these. By now, you should of figured
out how extremely inaccurate the defensive structures are towards
individual foot units. Just click on the bridge to make the black lotus run
to it while the stinger sites shoot at it, but will be missing about
90 percent of the time and once it steps on the bridge, enjoy the ending
cut scene.

You have now completed one of the shortest and easiest missions by far!
Submissions: \____________________________

*** Submitted by "khaiseng" ***

I recommend a move to go east across the river. This way you can 
bypass the stadium and tons of angry mobs as well as numerous tanks. 
At the start of the mission, send the solders and black lotus across 
the river to the east, you'll encounter 2 UN packages along the way which 
will give you additional money. Then you'll encounter hidden bombs which
can be destroyed by the infantry. Moving east, you'll encountered a arms 
dealer which you can capture with black lotus, giving you access to GLA 
vehicles particularly the quad truck which is useful against troops and 
suicide bombers and its cheap.

By now you should have built up a sizeable force to fight a stinger 
site just north of the arms dealer. Push north you'll encountered some 
troops and terrorists along the way until you reach the train station 
where GLA troops drop off. Garrison your troops and some quad trucks in the 
building overseeing the station to take care of the GLA troops dropping 
off. Try to build a bigger tank force at this stage.
Send the remainder of your force (including black lotus) north. You 
encounter 2 GLA supply stations which you can capture with black lotus, 
giving you supply to more money. Here you'll see the train bridge and the 
only way there is via a bridge just south of the train bridge. There's 
2 tanks guarding the bridge and 2 more stinger sites guarding the train 

Here, you need your tank force to destroy the 2 tanks and the 
stinger force. The moment you send the tanks to attack the stinger 
sites, more tanks will come to reinforce, thus don't send black lotus at 
this stage. Wait for the tanks to destroy the stinger sites and send the 
tanks in another direction away from black lotus. When coast is clear, 
then send black lotus in to finish the mission.

   G07    \   * * * Mission 07 = Nuclear Winter * * *
Mission Overview:    \____________________________

Dushanbe, Aldastan Capital
Nuclear Winter

- - - - - - - - - -

- GLA Asian terrorist cell identified in Tajikistan.
- Authorized to utilize your nuclear arsenal.

- - - - - - - - - -

Generals Promotions
- Red Guard Training
- Emergency Repair 1
- Artillery Barrage 1
- Cluster Mines
- Cash Hack 1
- Cash Hack 2
- Cash Hack 3
- Artillery Barrage 2
- Artillery Barrage 3
- Nuke Cannon
- EMP Bomb

- - - - - - - - - -

Constructible Units
- Red Guard
- Tank Hunter
- Hacker
- Black Lotus
- Battlemaster
- Dragon Tank
- Troop Crawler
- Gattling Cannon
- Inferno Cannon
- Nuclear Cannon
- Overlord Tank
- Mig

Constructible Structures
- Command Centre
- Supply Centre
- War Factory
- Barracks
- Bunker
- Gattling Cannon
- Nuclear Reactor
- Airfield
- Propaganda Centre
- Speaker Tower

Mission Objectives:  \____________________________

- Establish a base and locate resources.
- Defeat the GLA.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

At the start, you will face a  force of tanks and maybe some infantry.
Upgrade your overlord tanks with the sentry guns. Keep heading east
until you reach the GLA outpost which will have several scorpion
tanks defending it, so kill and destroy everything there and then use
your 2 construction dozers to establish base near the supplies given.

When you start constructing your base, you face another problem
which is that the GLA has finished building a SCUD Storm, meaning that
you have 5 minutes to do something about it. Keep your tanks around the
north entry of your base at ALL TIMES. The west entry of this area is
not accessible by the enemy.

After destroying a few more armoured GLA units from your base, you will
receive a promotion. Use the points on all the 3 artillery barrages, EMP
bomb and cluster bomb. You will still get a few more points when reaching
5 star general rank.

You will need to find the SCUD storm on the map somewhere.
Now hopefully if you have the money, build an airfield which should take
about then some MIGs. Use this Mig to scout the area for the SCUD storm
and find it. Look at the VERY TOP - middle of the map to find this
SCUD Storm and as quickly as possible, launch artillery
and any other attacks that you can use to destroy it or disable it for
sometime. The good news is that about most of the time, the
Scuds do not actually launch straight after they are ready so this is
your window of opportunity to destroy it. Now once you have eliminated
this structure from the GLA, then that problem is over.

You will notice numerous stinger sites about half way through the
map and stretches out towards the main base on the top of the level.
You should be well into getting some money, so send a construction
dozer with a few tanks to the left of the map just above where you
started, except you need to go around and then you can utilize a
supply dock. You might want to disable an area of stinger sites if
you want to continue with fighter jets towards the enemies base, which
is the best bet to completing this mission as soon as possible. 

Now I know this might be troubling to do, but get into building those
nuclear weapons as soon as possible. I ended up playing the mission
with 2 nuclear weapons. Okay while the enemy are trying to bust in your
base, but have a hard time getting to your base because of those overlord
tanks you should have guarding the entry.

Build about 3 airfields, all with MIGs and Mig armour upgrade, but spend
your sweet time doing this as the amount of time you would spend waiting
for your cash to go up is quite long.

One target at a time, send these MIGs to destroy a stinger site each time.
Not only will it eliminate this threat, but will make the enemy considerably
weaker hence making this mission a bit easier to cope with.
The only pain in the butt is the fact that the GLA keep sending in quad cannon
reinforcements so you will need to do something about it, perhaps use the
Battlemaster tanks in a group to destroy these quicker, but the flame tanks
will provide a 'thicker' defence wall and will make some of these enemy units
impossible to pass a barrage of flame walls from dragon tanks with the black
napalm upgrade.

Alternatively, a more risky way of destroying these stinger sites is by
using normal tank units but you will encounter numerous amounts of opposition
now and again - in particular rocket buggies band quad cannons and
you will be forced to spend more money - hence less to spend for units
towards the end of the level.

Place some rocket troops in the buildings just north from your base with
your tanks guarding the entry because big groups of rocket buggies and
quad cannons start to come in! If you want to go for a non-super weapon
attack on this level, go for building overlords, dragon tanks and maybe
a few nuke cannons but that is optional. Sounds like a lot of money to spend
but when you capture those supply docks, it will be a lot easier to do this...

After destroying the stinger sites around the middle of the map area, keep
using any MIGs you have built to attack the remaining structures on the top
of the map, but if you have not destroyed all stinger sites, make your MIGs
fly towards the left side of the map after passing the middle of it and then
swerve right as soon as you reach the base area.

Once you have destroyed a huge majority of the stingers, quad cannons, and
rocket buggies and troops, then the resistance is weak and build some troop
crawlers as support into areas which have some resistance. Send these into the
main base [at least 5] and destroy or capture all the buildings - if your low
on money, capture and sell!

Once you have destroyed some remaining troops, light vehicles and
structures, the mission is over and so is the campaign.

Submissions: \____________________________

*** Submitted by "Madwarrior" ***

If you've the 2 Inferno Cannons after the initial battle, they'd be good
part of your base defenders. Except for you Dragon tanks (provided that
you still have them), move the rest of the units to the top of the only
road that led to your base (that gives you an advantage of height), line up
the Battlemasters, with the Overlords at both ends; Gatling Tanks should be
positioned at both edges, and the last is the Inferno Cannons. Use mine
laying option to uncover area up to the junctions below, and then order the
Inferno Cannons to force fire at both edge of the approach. Since the
enemies advance from the sides of the road, this constant shelling would
badly damage them before they could get close, especially the infantry; if
there's Rocket Buggies fire from beyond the range, just call the shots on
them, as moving tanks to deal with them would be too slow for any good. With
no more enemies shooting beyond the tanks' range, return the cannons to
force shelling duty. Until the GLA roll in the SCUDs, this should plug the
hole air-tight - when you see a green cloud, scramble some MiGs to deal
with the SCUDs, which'd happen to be just beyond the tanks' line of sight.

          "Section H - Global Liberation Army Statistics"
   H01    \   * * * Introduction to Global Liberation Army * * *

The GLA are not as much of a nation, but more of like a people's army.
Probably being one of the weakest but eventually becoming the strongest out 
of the 3 playable sides, the GLA have quite a devastating and annoying super 
weapon if it is used correctly towards the enemy. The other advantage about 
using GLA is that some things that you can buy are cheap, and even though 
weak [i.e: tanks etc], they can be upgraded from parts of destroyed enemies to 
make them extremely dangerous and well armed, so do watch out if using GLA 
on brutal. The other good fact about this side is that they do not use
power so you can keep on building without worrying about blackouts.
Here are the following units and structures you can build with the GLA.

   H02    \   * * * GLA Structures * * *

- - - Command Centre - - -
Cost       : $2000
Builds     : Workers

Info       : The place for all of it's operations and construction of the
             GLA structures and is one of the most important buildings that
             is needed to survive, unless you have lots of money.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Barracks - - -
Cost       : $500
Builds     : Rebel
             RPG Trooper
             Angry Mob
             Jarmen Kell
Upgrade    : Capture Building

Info       : The typical building in which produces useful foot soldiers
             in the field of battle.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Supply Stash - - -
Cost       : $1500
Builds     : Workers

Info       : Used as a depot for collecting resources which gets
             transferred to money so you can spend it on what you want
             for the battle you are fighting in. Each time a worker
             drops off a resource - you will get $75 dollars for each
             drop-off. It is a good idea to get	at least 10 workers to
             pick up the resources for you so you have efficient money
             supplies all the time.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Tunnel Network - - -
Cost       : $800
Capacity   : 10 units

Info       : Usually playing an emergency and defensive role, place
             these around different areas so you can put guys into
             them and click on another tunnel structure and then tell
             the guys to get out of it. Great for extremely quick
             transportation methods. Can use foot and vehicle units.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Stinger Site - - -

Cost       : $900
Upgrade    : AP Rockets

Info       : Very good to use as a primary entry defence - these
             stinger sites are very tough in groups and are annoying
             to destroy. Each site contains 3 rocket soldiers which
             can shoot both ground and air units. Also very useful to
             destroy fighter jets with but might be needed in groups
             of 3 to destroy an A10 strike or other powerful types of
             bombings from cargo planes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Palace - - -

Cost       : $2500
Capacity   : 5 units
Upgrade    : Anthrax Beta
             Toxin Shells
             Arm The Mob

Info       : The place for where you should upgrade some of your units
             for making them a lot more useful. Also has the ability
             to house a	few units for protection purposes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Demolition Trap - - -
Cost       : $400
Option     : Proximity Fuse
             Remote Detonation

Info       : A very small drum stuffed with explosives for a good price. 
             Make sure when building these - place them in strategic
             places where you think the enemy will pass through. It is
             a good idea to keep these away from your base as a
             precaution though. Can be detected for example by the USA's
             spy satellite or Chinese troop crawler.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Black Market - - -
Cost       : $2500
Upgrade    : AP Bullets
            AP Rockets
            Junk Repair
            Buggy Ammo
            Radar Scan

Info       : Another place in which you can upgrade additional
             units - but mainly for armoured ones. An expensive
             building, the advantage about this structure is that you
             are given $20 dollars every 3 seconds so it is a good
             idea to build some of this same structure.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Arms Dealer - - -
Cost       : $2500
Builds     : Scorpion
             Toxin Tractor
             Rocket Buggy
             SCUD Launcher
             Radar Van
             Quad Cannon
             Marauder Tank
             Bomb Truck
Upgrade	   : Scorpion Rocket

Info       : The place in which can produce the most different types
             of tanks in the game, there is a fair share of cheap units to
             some really worthwhile ones in which you can produce here.
             Quite a few are costly though.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - SCUD Storm - - -
Cost       : $5000

Info       : Gives you the potential to use the SCUD super weapon attack.

   H03    \   * * * GLA Units * * *

- - - Worker - - -

Cost       : $200

Info       : The main unit of the GLA - this person is needed for the role
             of constructing new structures and collecting resources for

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Rebel - - -

Cost       : $150
Strong     : Infantry
Weak       : Tank, Light Vehicles
Upgrade    : Capture Building
             AP Bullets
Weapon     : AK-47 Assault Rifle

Info       : The basic attacking unit of the GLA. The rebel is only useful
             in big groups. Good against other infantry and rocket
             troops, these are also good for destroying light vehicles.
             Can capture structures when learns the capture building move.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - RPG Trooper - - -

Cost       : $300
Strong     : Tanks
Weak       : Infantry
Upgrade    : AP Rockets
Weapon     : RPG Rocket Launcher

Info       : Another simple attacking unit, the rocket troop is about the
             complete opposite to the rebel in what it is best in destroying.
             Horrible against riflemen, these guys can pop a whole group of
             tanks when they are in groups without any worries.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Terrorist - - -
Cost       : $200
Strong     : Tanks, Buildings
Weak       : Infantry, Light Tanks
Options    : Car Bomb
Weapon     : Trinitrotoluene High Explosives

Info       : Armed only with High Explosives, these extremely annoying units
             can take its fair share on the enemy. Can obliterate a huge
             army of troops if mass produced. Has the ability to take a car
             and make it into a car bomb, letting you drive it straight into
             the enemy without reasoning.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Angry Mob - - -
Cost       : $800
Strong     : Infantry, Vehicles
Weak       : Flame, Toxins, Flash bang
Upgrade    : Arm the Mob
Weapon     : AK-47 Assault Rifle
             Molotov Cocktail

Info       : A very annoying team of people, especially towards tanks as
             these people go frantic when it's gone to destroying things.
             Armed with	rifles and Molotov’s - these units are extremely
             useful to destroy structures and are hard to kill.

"Submitted by Ives G."
The group of angry mob grows. They start with 5 people, and more people
appear after some time.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Hijacker - - -
Cost       : $400
Strong     : Tanks, Vehicles
Weak       : Infantry, Scouts
Weapon     : Knife

Info       : Armed with a very weak weapon, but useful for stealth
             purposes, hide this unit near an area where tanks will
             pass. Hijack only when the	vehicles are distracted by
             other units as this unit is only cloaked when remained
             stationary and will be attacked if seen.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Jarmen Kell - - -
Cost       : $1500
Strong     : Infantry, Vehicles
Weak       : Scouts
Option     : Sniper Attack
Upgrade    : AP Bullets
Weapon     : Long Range Sniper Rifle

Info       : The special infantry unit of the GLA, this guy is cloaked
             all the time except when attacking an enemy. His deadly
             stealth techniques	and long range aiming compensates for
             this though. This unit is great to use to kill vehicle
             crew which makes it vulnerable to hijack by any of the
             GLA foot units.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Scorpion - - -

Cost       : $600
Strong     : Light Vehicles
Weak       : Rocket Soldiers, Aircraft
Upgrade    : Scorpion Rocket
             Toxin Shells
             Junk Repair
             AP Rockets
Weapon     : Tank Turret
             Scorpion Rocket

Info       : The simple and weakest tank out of the lot - the scorpion
             can attach	a scorpion rocket as its secondary weapon
             making it a lot more useful.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Technical - - -

Cost       : $500
Strong     : Infantry
Weak       : Tanks, Aircraft
Capacity   : 5 units
Upgrade	   : Technical Training
             Destroyed Enemy Upgrade
             Junk Repair
Weapon     : Machine Gun

Info       : A very weak but fast vehicle, the technical is one of the fastest
             ground units but poorly armored and area. Can also carry units to
             drop off in places far away in better amount of times. Can be
             upgraded from destroyed enemy parts.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Radar Van - - -

Cost       : $500
Upgrade    : Radar Scan			
             Junk Repair

Info       : Vulnerable to an attacking enemy units, keep this unit next to
             your base at all times. The only thing it can do is supply you
             with radar.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Quad Cannon - - -

Cost       : $700
Strong     : Infantry, Aircraft
Weak       : Tanks
Upgrade    : AP Bullets
             Destroyed Enemy Upgrade
             Junk Repair
Weapon     : Quad Machine Gun

Info       : A truly devastating unit towards infantry and aircraft, make
             a group of 3 of these and you can easily shoot down a squad of
             raptor jets. Even more powerful when at 3 star rank. Has the
             advantage of getting this rank very quickly.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Toxin Tractor - - -
Cost       : $600
Strong     : Infantry
Weak       : Tanks, Aircraft, Base Defences
Option     : Contaminate
Upgrade    : Junk Repair
             Anthrax Beta
Weapon     : Toxic Sludge

Info       : A medium class vehicle. Good armor and well armed to kill any
             groups of infantry in a whiff - having trouble with rocket
             troops - quickly use the contamination move and see how quick
             they die.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Rocket Buggy - - -

Cost       : $900
Strong     : Buildings, Infantry
Weak       : Tank, Aircraft
Upgrade    : Junk Repair
             Buggy Ammo
Weapon     : Fast Projectile Rockets

Info       : A very vulnerable vehicle, only worthwhile to use in
             groups, it's attack is very annoying and powerful towards
             heavy armed vehicles. Other disadvantage is it's low firing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Marauder Tank - - -
Cost       : $800
Strong     : Buildings, Light Vehicles
Weak       : Rocket Soldiers, Aircraft
Upgrade    : Toxin Shells
             Destroyed Enemy Upgrade
             Junk Repair
Weapon     : Tank Turret

Info       : Acts exactly the same way as the Scorpion tank, with the
             exception that this tank upgrades by making enemy kills
             with it. Will use parts from destroyed enemies.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Bomb Truck - - -
Cost       : $1200
Strong     : Infantry. Buildings
Weak       : Scout
Option     : High Explosive		
             Bio Chemical Explosive	
             Disguise as Vehicle
Upgrade    : Junk Repair
             High Explosive		
             Bio Chemical Explosive
Weapon     : Trinitrotoluene High Explosives

Info       : Perhaps only good to use on structures or on huge groups
             of other armored vehicles or infantry, there are a variety of
             options to use on this tank to make sure it destroys what it
             possibly can in one go.

"Submitted by Ives G."
Can be disguised to look like any other vehicle, either friendly or enemy.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - SCUD Launcher - - -
Cost       : $1200
Strong     : Buildings, Infantry
Weak       : Tank, Aircraft
Option     : High Explosive SCUD
             Anthrax Bio-toxin SCUD
Upgrade    : Junk Repair
             Anthrax Beta
Weapon     : SCUD Missile

Info       : A medium range weapon used as support. Ineffective at short
             range combat. Change the type of SCUD depeding on the type of

   H04    \   * * * GLA Upgrades * * *

- - - Capture building - - -

Cost       : $1000
Research   : Barracks

Info       : Gives rebels the option to capture enemy and other special

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Scorpion Rocket - - -

Cost       : $1000
Research   : Arms Dealer

Info       : Gives the scorpion tank an added rocket launcher.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Arm the Mob - - -

Cost       : $1000
Research   : Palace

Info       : Gives the angry mob Ak-47's.

- - - Toxin Shells - - -

Cost       : $1000
Research   : Palace

Info       : Scorpion and Marauder tank shells carry a small amount of

- - - Anthrax Beta - - -

Cost       : $2500
Research   : Palace

Info        : +25% bonus damage to all toxin units.

- - - Camouflage - - -

Cost       : $2000
Research   : Palace

Info       : Rebels are cloaked while not shooting.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - AP Bullets - - -

Cost       : $2000
Research   : Black Market

Info       : +25% bonus damage to Rebel, Technical, Quad Cannon and
             Jarmen Kell.

- - - AP Rockets - - -

Cost       : $2000
Research   : Black Market

Info       : +25% bonus damage to all rocket attacks.

- - - Junk Repair - - -

Cost       : $2000
Research   : Black Market

Info       : All vehicles auto-repair.

- - - Buggy Ammo - - -

Cost       : $1200
Research   : Black Market

Info       : +25% rocket buggy ammo.

- - - Radar Scan - - -

Cost       : $500
Research   : Black Market

Info       : Radar Van can scan the map for enemies.

   H05    \   * * * GLA General Promotions * * *

- - - SCUD Launcher - - -

Info       : Gives you the ability to construct the SCUD launcher
             in the arms dealer building.

- - - Marauder Tank - - -

Info       : Gives you the ability to construct the Marauder Tank in the
             arms dealer building.

- - - Technical Training - - -

Info       : Trains the Technical gunning units to have a one star rank
             making them slightly more powerful and hence useful in groups.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Hijacker - - -

Info       : Enables the production of the Hijacker.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Rebel Ambush 1 - - -

Info       : Gives you the ability to use a rebel surprise ambush on the
             enemy consisting of 4 rebels.

- - - Rebel Ambush 2 - - -

Info       : Gives you the ability to use a rebel surprise ambush on the
             enemy consisting of 8 rebels.

- - - Rebel Ambush 3 - - -

Info       : Gives you the ability to use a rebel surprise ambush on the
             enemy consisting of 16 rebels.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Cash Bounty 1 - - -

Info       : Gives your units the ability to earn you cash bounties by
             killing any enemy unit or structure and earning 5% of the
             units’ value.

- - - Cash Bounty 2 - - -

Info       : Gives your units the ability to earn you cash bounties by
             killing any enemy unit or structure and earning 10% of the
             units’ value.

- - - Cash Bounty 3 - - -

Info       : Gives your units the ability to earn you cash bounties by
             killing any enemy unit or structure and earning 20% of the
             units’ value.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Emergency Repair 1 - - -

Info       : Gives you access to the repair utility in case a group of
             your units are under attack. This will give only light
             repairs to all vehicles selected in the radius. Good
             to use on vehicles that only have minor damage.

- - - Emergency Repair 2 - - -

Info       : Gives you access to the repair utility in case a group of
             your units are under attack. This will give medium
             repairs to all vehicles selected in the radius. Use on
             vehicles that vary between minor to major damage.

- - - Emergency Repair 3 - - -

Info       : Gives you access to the repair utility in case a group of
             your units are under attack. This will give heavy
             repairs to all vehicles selected in the radius. Use on
             heavy tanks or other vehicles with major damage.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Anthrax Bomb - - -

Info       : Gives you access to use this additional super weapon.

   H06    \   * * * GLA Superweapons * * *

- - - SCUD Storm - - -

Deployed   : Scud Storm
Countdown  : 5:00 Minutes

Info       : Requires a 5 minute countdown before being able to use it, the
             SCUD storm is probably one of the most annoying super weapons
             from other players point of view. The fact there are 9 missiles
             that complete the super weapon, gives it a rather nice spread
             effect across the targeted area. The explosions deal about a
             medium amount of damage to some structures, but is extremely
             useful against armoured units and infantry. After the 9 missiles
             bombard the area, the after effects of the anthrax stays exposed
             around the area for at least 2 minutes before vanishing. A
             devastating weapon.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- Anthrax Bomb -

Deployed   : Command Centre
Countdown  : 6:00 Minutes

Info       : Requires a 6 minute countdown before being able to utilize this
             weapon - the anthrax bomb can only be delivered via a plane
             giving it less of a chance when trying to attack an enemy base
             with air defence. Not particularly used to destroy structures
             as much as the Scud’s, the bomb is extremely effective when
             trying to tackle down huge groups of infantry and maybe some
             armoured vehicles. It deploys a rather spectacular array of
             blue and purple waves up the air and then falls onto the
             ground, leaving a big blue pit of anthrax which is ready to kill
             anything in it's radius. The effects of the anthrax stay for
             about a few minutes and is extremely effective against infantry.

          "Section I - Global Liberation Army Campaign Missions"
   I01    \   * * * Mission 01 = Operation : Black Rain * * *
Mission Overview:    \____________________________

Shymkent De-Militarized Zone
Operation Black Rain

- - - - - - - - - -

- Many brothers have been lost.
- Chinas defense are spread thin.
- Destroy Chinese forces.

- - - - - - - - - -

Generals Promotions
- Emergency Repair 1
- Technical Training

- - - - - - - - - -

Constructible Units
- Worker
- Rebel
- RPG Trooper
- Radar Van
- Technical
- Scorpion

Constructible Structures
- Barracks
- Supply Stash
- Tunnel Network
- Arms Dealer

Mission Objectives:  \____________________________

- Destroy the Chinese Base.
- Destroy the Dam.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

As soon as the cut scene finishes, finish off any other units and wait until
3 bomb trucks come from the road. Use these to destroy the remaining
buildings. Now another cut scene should come up.

You cannot build too much on this level so refer back to the simple units 
to attack anything. Make your first group of tanks group 1 for now and the
Technicals group 2. Now build an arms dealer building but you can capture an
arms dealer building below your base to the left if you want to and build
about 5 to 10 tanks. Once you have constructed these, send them in with
the group 1 vehicles and make all of them group 1 again. While you are about
to send the tanks, build some rebels and RPG troops and keep them in the
base. Now send Group 1 up the road above the base, towards where you will see
a road to the right, follow upwards this road and destroy patrolling units.

If you want to, merge to the small dirt road to the right and capture the
supply depot to receive some additional funds. Now go back down south the
main asphalt road and you should see a small group of a few tanks and a 
troop carrier - destroy these! and then follow the road. You should come up
to a small town area and some enemies - kill them all once again and
also destroy the speaker tower in the middle of the town if you want to.
Now head upwards from the town and there should be an enemy base, make 
sure you have quite a few tanks at this stage to make it all a lot easier. 

Now once you obliterate everything, head east with several tanks and
destroy that dam! This takes a little while but eventually pays off!!
Then a cut scene should start and that’s the end of the first mission :)

Submissions: \____________________________

*** Submitted by "Alex B." ***

Save one of the three bomb trucks that are given to you to destroy the
Chinese base disguise it as an enemy vehicle and load it with a high
explosive bomb and send it to destroy the dam, it will be able to
bypass enemy defenses and will destroy the dam straight away.

   I02    \   * * * Mission 02 = Aid Supplies Drop Zone * * *
Mission Overview:    \____________________________

Almaty, Kazakhstan
Aid Supplies Drop Zone

- - - - - - - - - -

- UN supplies en-route to Almaty region.
- Intercept these deliveries.
- Collect supplies to infuse the GLA with funds.

- - - - - - - - - -

Generals Promotions
- Emergency Repair 1
- Technical Training
- Marauder Tank

- - - - - - - - - -

Constructible Units
- Worker
- Rebel
- RPG Trooper
- Radar Van
- Technical
- Scorpion
- Marauder

Constructible Structures
- Barracks
- Supply Stash
- Tunnel Network
- Arms Dealer
- Demolition Trap
- Command Centre

Mission Objectives:  \____________________________

- Collect $40000 dollars in stolen supplies.

- Collect $20000 from the UN convoy's crates.
- Collect $30000 from the crates US planes are dropping.
- Collect $40000 from raiding the US base.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

This mission is one of the two mission's coming up that are really easy.
Spend one of your experience points on the technical training and nothing
else for now. For the whole mission, just build Technicals - around 10
will do for the whole mission. Build 3 scorpions and leave them in your
base as a bit of defense in case later on there could be a few small
attacks on your base from US Humvee’s or tanks. Make sure you do not
spend too much or else it will take longer to do the mission.

Here is a quick tip you will need to know for this mission. Put the whole
group of Technicals in the middle city - this is the area where all the roads
join up into a big junction. Whenever the convoy passes, it will always pass
here except if it comes from the north side of the map, then you need to move
your Technicals a bit to the west to see the convoy passing the middle town

Destroy all 3 vehicles of the convoy's and drive over the supply crates you
see on the road. make sure you destroy these vehicles before they supply
the cities instead - full of cash. This part is very easy and once you reach
$20000 - the next part will begin.

This is a very easy part of the mission as well, instead of convoys
though - there are planes flying around which will fly to a certain town and
drop off the supplies. You are given the quad cannons near your base but do
not bother using these. instead get all your Technicals and predict where
they go to - it is easy after a while. Here are some vague descriptions
of where they head to:

1]: If the plane starts flying from the bottom right of the map, it will
    drop off it's supplies on the town at the top left, the one just
    above your base.

2]: If the plane comes from the top - middle area of the map, then it's
    heading towards the town on the middle of the map - the one with
    all the roads linking up to it.

3]: If the plane comes from the top left of the map, it will head for the
    town on the bottom left of the map.

Use the Technicals to drive under the supplies as they drop and you should
be able to get them without having to destroy the planes. When it goes to
$30000, the last part will begin.

I highly suggest you don’t bother raiding this base as you will have to
spend more money hence keep collecting the supplies the planes keep dropping
off. This takes a bit longer but is a lot easier to do. After you get $40000
you complete the mission.

   I03    \   * * * Mission 03 = Chinese occupied capital of Kazakhstan * * *
Mission Overview:    \____________________________

Astana City, Kazakhstan
Chinese occupied capital of Kazakhstan

- - - - - - - - - -

- We have found new allies in Astana.
- We can use them, to harass the enemy.
- While Astana burns, loot the city for supplies.

- - - - - - - - - -

Generals Promotions
- Emergency Repair 1
- Technical Training
- Marauder Tank
- SCUD Launcher
- Cash Bounty 1
- Cash Bounty 2

- - - - - - - - - -

Constructible Units
- Worker
- Rebel
- RPG Trooper
- Radar Van
- Technical
- Scorpion
- Marauder
- Angry Mob
- SCUD Launcher

Constructible Structures
- Barracks
- Supply Stash
- Tunnel Network
- Arms Dealer
- Demolition Trap
- Command Centre
- Palace

Mission Objectives:  \____________________________

- Destroy civilian buildings and gather $40000.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

This is the easiest mission in the whole campaign in my opinion. 
You start off with a rather small base and one worker, but DO NOT spend
anything at all. Leave you base alone for the whole mission. You should
have 3 angry mobs at your base. At the start, spend 2 of your generals
experience points on the 2 cash bounty upgrades. Now basically, all you
do is destroy any buildings you see and collect those UN supply crates

that appear after the building is destroyed. Destroy any cop cars you
see to gain additional funds and that’s about it. There might be 
very, very few enemies that you encounter. The only enemy that
attacked me was one dragon tank. The rest of the mission is pure
destruction! Enjoy! :)

   I04    \   * * * Mission 04 = Incirlik Air Base * * *
Mission Overview:    \____________________________

Incirlik, Turkey
Incirlik Air Base

- - - - - - - - - -

- The arrogance of the USA cannot go unanswered
- Keep region from imperialist group
- Destroy their 'superior' air force

- - - - - - - - - -

Generals Promotions
- Emergency Repair 1
- Technical Training
- Marauder Tank
- SCUD Launcher
- Cash Bounty 1
- Cash Bounty 2
- Rebel Ambush 1

- - - - - - - - - -

Constructible Units
- Worker
- Rebel
- RPG Trooper
- Radar Van
- Technical
- Scorpion
- Marauder
- Angry Mob
- SCUD Launcher
- Jarmen Kell
- Terrorist
- Quad Cannon
- Rocket Buggy
- Toxin Tractor

Constructible Structures
- Barracks
- Supply Stash
- Tunnel Network
- Arms Dealer
- Demolition Trap
- Command Centre
- Palace
- Stinger Site

Mission Objectives:  \____________________________

- Destroy the American airbase.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

This mission is also pretty straight forward, when attacking
the base, just try to destroy the patriots first, then the
airbase and the rest of the enemy base. The bad thing is that
you do not have much room to construct lots of structures.

You start off with a rather small base, but have few 
workers. get most of them to pick up the resources while you still
have 1 or 2 to build other structures.
Build an additional 10 workers to pick up more resources.
Spend all 3 of your experience points on the SCUD launcher, rebel
ambush and the cash bounty 1.

Build a barracks and arms dealer, and then a stinger site on the
very bottom where the road curves back. Also if you want
to, build another stinger site on the small grass space just
to the left of the supply dock. Build one radar van and place
it somewhere on your base. The last structure you would want 
to build is the palace - so do that.

Now for the attack force. Build 2 or 3 quad cannons and around 2
scud launchers. The SCUDS will make the job a lot easier in some cases.
If you do not have that much money yet, just wait a while or else
build more workers to satisfy your needs. Once you have made a small 
army, send them down the curve into the small trench that extends through
the map. Use the rebel ambush first as a scout to see where everything
is. The airbase is around the west direction. The US fighter jets might
attack your base sometimes - especially the stingers.
There should be only five patriot missiles defending the base.

The quad cannons will destroy any aerial attacks by the US. Use the
SCUDS to destroy the patriots while you have the quad cannons to
destroy the buildings and infantry. When these vehicles get 3 star
ranks, they can destroy buildings very quickly.

At the very end, a bomber with a fuel bomb will come pass, and if it
survives, will attack your main part of your base, but who cares anyway, you
will win, so just leave it. Finish off anymore remaining forces and now
I've just proven you can pass this level with 4 attacking units.

Mission is complete!

   I05    \   * * * Mission 05 = Toxic waste containment Facility * * *
Mission Overview:    \____________________________

Aral Sea, Kazakhstan
Toxic waste containment and disposal facilities

- - - - - - - - - -

- Reports from the Aral sea are not good.
- US forces have control of our toxin storage facility.
- Retake the storage bunkers.

- - - - - - - - - -

Generals Promotions
- Emergency Repair 1
- Technical Training
- Marauder tank
- SCUD Launcher
- Cash Bounty 1
- Cash Bounty 2
- Cash Bounty 3
- Rebel Ambush 1
- Rebel Ambush 2
- Hijacker

- - - - - - - - - -

Constructible Units
- Worker
- Rebel
- RPG Trooper
- Radar Van
- Technical
- Scorpion
- Marauder
- Angry Mob
- SCUD Launcher
- Jarmen Kell
- Terrorist
- Quad Cannon
- Rocket Buggy
- Toxin Tractor
- Bomb Truck
- Hijacker

Constructible Structures
- Barracks
- Supply Stash
- Tunnel Network
- Arms Dealer
- Demolition Trap
- Command Centre
- Palace
- Stinger Site
- Black Market

Mission Objectives:  \____________________________

- Capture 4 bunkers and wipe out the American defenders.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

This mission is pretty hard, but if you follow the following procedure, it
can be done very easily!

First things first, use only one out of the 4 points you start with in the
general experience menu for the SCUD Launchers - these will play a vital
importance later on in the level. Now on the supply stash on the very
bottom left of your base, build another 9 workers to gather those supplies.
Send another idle worker just up north from your base and build another
supply stash there, training another 9 workers to collect supplies
here - we want money quickly!

Now once you get those workers collecting resources, then get a few workers
to build stinger sites from just above the supply stash you built
extending to the right where the water is - build about 6 to 8 stinger
sites and spread them evenly. Now build some rebels and place them in the
civilian buildings nearby, so any enemy infantry which come and cause a
problem, will be killed quickly! Build another 4 stinger sites to the
bridge just to the east of your base, and send those 2 Technicals you
start off with to go there as well.

Now that we have good defense, we can concentrate on building an offensive!
Build another arms dealer building near the existing one and also a palace
and black market to produce some upgrades and other units. Build 2 quad
cannons and group it up with the rocket buggy you should start with - on
top of this, build 5 SCUD Launchers in the other arms dealer place you built.
Upgrade the Scud’s with the anthrax beta upgrade to make its anthrax attack
more powerful.

Once you have built the Scud’s, group them with the other 3 vehicles, then
send them to the east killing any incoming infantry and travel to the very
east of the map until you reach those 2 bunkers. Destroy the infantry
bunkers on 'your' side of the bridge leading to the enemies island, and get
those Scud’s to force fire at the bridge.

What you do here is that you get each SCUD to fire an 'ANTHRAX' scud on
separate parts of the bridge, thus creating a spread effect, making it
nearly impossible for units to cross the long bridge! Keep the Scud’s
here continuously firing on the bridge for the rest of the mission.
Also utilize the other supply dock nearby for resources. Capture the 2
bunkers here.

Build an additional 5 SCUD Launchers and about 10 scorpions with 2 or 3 quad
cannons. Keep these at your base still and build Jarmen Kell. Send this unit
north from your base to the 2 bunkers captured by the US. Use the sniper
attack move on the Humvee’s and crusader tanks guarding the area and then
send those scuds and scorpions you built up to this location. Now get those
scuds to force fire on the second bridge which directly leads to the enemy

By now you would of captured 4 intact bunkers, go kill the Americans.

Shoot one of the 5 scuds at the bunker on the opposite side of the bridge.
Doing this will destroy anything in a big radius as these bunkers make big
explosions when destroyed. Once you have destroyed the entry defense of the
main base, use your scorpions to kill ground units and the quad cannons to
shoot down the Comanche’s and Chinooks. Destroy all buildings and enemy units
in this level and then you have completed this rather long level.

          \   * * * GLA Mission 6 and Mission 7 Notice * * *

Because my computer unfortunately 'malfunctioned' before I managed to continue
with the walkthroughs for GLA campaign mission 6 and 7 -partially doing
mission 6 before the computer stuffed up, I want to greatly appreciate the
following two submitters for spending their time sending their own versions
of the walkthrough for the following two missions.

<<< Roger M. for submitting walkthrough information based on GLA Mission 6. >>>

<<< Paveway for submitting walkthrough information based on GLA Mission 7. >>>

Keep in note that I will never probably do the walkthroughs for the following
missions as I just do not have the time to get back in track to complete
these missions again as it is too time consuming!

Thank you once again to the two submitters!

   I06    \   * * * Mission 06 = Splinter cell controlled region * * *

<<<<< The following mission walkthrough is provided by Roger M. >>>>>

Mission Overview:    \____________________________

Somewhere near Lenger, Kazakhstan
Splinter cell controlled region

- - - - - - - - - -

- GLA defectors have joined with china.
- Assault the convoys and sever their supply lines.
- Eliminate the traitors and their Chinese allies.

- - - - - - - - - -

Generals Promotions
- Emergency Repair 1
- Technical Training
- Marauder Tank
- SCUD Launcher
- Cash Bounty 1
- Cash Bounty 2
- Cash Bounty 3
- Rebel Ambush 1
- Rebel Ambush 2
- Hijacker

- - - - - - - - - -

Constructible Units
- Worker
- Rebel
- RPG Trooper
- Radar Van
- Technical
- Scorpion
- Marauder
- Angry Mob
- SCUD Launcher
- Jarmen Kell
- Terrorist
- Quad Cannon
- Rocket Buggy
- Toxin Tractor
- Bomb Truck
- Hijacker

Constructible Structures
- Barracks
- Supply Stash
- Tunnel Network
- Arms Dealer
- Demolition Trap
- Command Centre
- Palace
- Stinger Site
- Black Market

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

The rebel's base consists of four buildings at first - the Command
Centre, Supply Stash, Arms Dealer and Barracks.

You are given three mobile nukes, you simply drive one nuke between
the Command Centre, Supply Stash, Arms Dealer and Barracks (one
for each).  When detonated, the Supply Stash, Arms Dealer and Barracks
should either be destroyed, or flattened.  The Command Centre should
be heavily damaged.

Power up the rebel General award to level three, you can teleport
16 rebels into the middle of their base, after the radiation has 
disappeared.  For some reason, when you attack the buildings, none
of their mobile units attack you, well maybe the odd rebel or
technical, but 16 rebels can take them on.

When you've destroyed the Command Centre, Supply Stash, Arms Dealer and
Barracks, you win. Easy!!!

   I07    \   * * * Mission 07 = Soviet Era Rocket Facility * * *

<<<<< The following mission walkthrough is provided by Paveway >>>>>

Mission Overview:    \____________________________

Baikonur Cosmodrome, Southern Kazakhstan
Soviet Era Rocket Facility

- - - - - - - - - -

- Capture the ground control building.
- Capture the launch pad.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

This is a very simple mission. You face both the USA and Chinese but no 
worries, they will not pose much of a threat. They will send a couple 
of tanks, napalm units, or snipers - nothing a few Marauder tanks can't 

When you start, use your promotion point to get a 3 star rebel assault 
and the marauder tank. Then build a barracks, purchase the capture building
upgrade, then build a rebel and capture the oil derrick at the bottom left.
Build the arms dealer building and build 9 more workers for collecting
supplies. Let one worker build a palace, let the other build stinger
sites. 4 sites will do the trick, don't bother to build defenses on the
left side of the base. Build 2 sites on the right side, and 2 to the north.

Now construct the black market. Build 4 Marauder tanks and 2 technicals for 
mobile defense. No need for quad cannons, the only planes in the game will
guard the missile you are about to capture.

Jarmen Kell is very useful for taking out pesky attackers.

Start upgrading everything. At one time you'll see a Partical Beam and
Nuclear Missle countdown. The Chinese won't deploy the missile but the 
USA will use the beam.

If you have time left, create 10 marauder tanks and 2 bomb trucks. To 
the right is the US base, a radar van can be useful. Charge the bomb
truck with high explosives and take out the two patriots near the entrance
of the base. If you haven't dealt with them before, you will now face 3
paladins and 2 tomahawks. They are pesky, use jarmen kell to take out
the tomahawks, your tanks to take out the paladin.

Now use the rebel assault/ambush in the base and start capturing buildings.
There will be a few rangers around but the Quad Cannons will do the job!
In the south-west of the US base, there will be a occupied building.
Destroy it! Do not capture the mission control building. Just take the
base, including the partical beam. Place a few patriots near the
north-east base entrance for defense. Keep a few tanks in the area.

To the north west is the Chinese base. You can either destroy the base or
capture it, resistance is minimal. Just stay away from the target missile
until you have destroyed or captured both china and usa bases. There are a few
bunkers around so take them out.

Use quad cannons or USA Fighters to take out the Migs, guarding the missile
site. Then take out all other defenses. Once all the opposing forces are
killed or captured; capture the missile and ground control.

If the missile or ground control is destroyed, the mission is failed.

          "Section J - Skirmish Mode"
   J01    \   * * * Skirmish Settings * * *

Players   : You can put in your own name in the first slot and change the
            other slots judging on the type of enemies or team buddies you
            want in the upcoming game.

You can choose between the following :

Open    - Slot opened for other players/AI to join in.
Closed  - Slot closed to lessen amount of slots available.
Normal  - Selects a normal difficulty AI.
Hard    - Selects a hard difficulty AI.
Brutal  - Selects a brutal difficulty AI.

- - - - - - - - - -

Colour    : This is where you change the players color.

You can choose between the following :

Gold    - Gives player gold color.
Green   - Gives player green color.
Red     - Gives player red color.
Blue    - Gives player blue color.
Cyan    - Gives player cyan color.
Orange  - Gives player orange color.
Purple  - Gives player purple color.
Pink    - Gives player pink color.
???     - Gives player a randomly chosen color.

- - - - - - - - - -

Army      : Determines which side you want to start off with.

You can choose between the following :

GLA     - Makes player Global liberation Army.
USA     - Makes player United States of America.
China   - Makes player China.

- - - - - - - - - -

Team      : Chooses the team in which you will play with.

You can choose between the following :

None    - You are alone and not part of a team.
1       - Belong to Team 1.
2       - Belong to Team 2.
3       - Belong to Team 3.
4       - Belong to Team 4.

- - - - - - - - - -

Game Speed  : This determines the overall game speed during the game will go.
              The faster it is, the more you and the enemies operate and build
              things quicker. In other words, a faster reaction time.

              This option is chosen by a variable between 15 to 60.

- - - - - - - - - -

Tally Table : This shows the amount of times you have won or lost a game, the
              amount of times you have won or lost in a row etc.

Best Win Streak     - The record amount of games you have won in a row.
Current Win Streak  - The amount of games you have won in a row currently.
Career Wins         - The amount of total games you have won.
Career Loses        - The amount of total games you have lost.

   J02    \   * * * Skirmish Maps * * *

Go in this section to choose different maps to play on. Each one is set on
different terrains etc., so choose carefully for what you want. Official maps
are the ones Electronic Arts have officially made for the game

Unofficial maps are the types you can download from the internet that perhaps
other people make.

Official Maps :  Alpine Assault       - Snow           - 2 Players
                 Desert Fury          - Desert         - 2 Players
                 Final Crusade        - Forest         - 2 Players
                 Heartland Shield     - Forest         - 2 Players
                 Sand Serpent         - Desert         - 2 Players
                 Scorched Earth       - Wastelands     - 2 Players
                 Silent River         - Forest         - 2 Players
                 Tournament Desert    - Desert         - 2 Players
                 Wasteland Warlords   - Wastelands     - 2 Players
                 Winter Wolf          - Snow           - 2 Players

                 Dark Mountain        - Desert/Grass   - 4 Players
                 Fallen Empire        - Desert         - 4 Players
                 Golden Oasis         - Desert/Grass   - 4 Players
                 Homeland Alliance    - Urban          - 4 Players
                 Lone Eagle           - Snow           - 4 Players
                 Tournament Island    - Desert         - 4 Players
                 Tournament Lake      - Desert/Water   - 4 Players
                 Tournament Tundra    - Snow           - 4 Players

                 Armoured Fury        - Desert/Grass   - 6 Players

                 Forest Avalanche     - Forest         - 8 Players
                 Twilight Flame       - Desert         - 8 Players
                 Whiteout             - Snow           - 8 Players

Also, when you select a map, if you have beaten any maps with an enemy on
it, you will see stars next to the name corresponding to which difficulty
of AI you have beaten it on.

   J03    \   * * * Battle Honours * * *

Here are the following nine medals that are seen on the skirmish screen:

- - - - - - - - - -

- China Campaign Honour -

Description     : A medal with the China insignia on it.
Info            : To get this medal, you have to complete China's Campaign.

- - - - - - - - - -

- GLA Campaign Honour -

Description     : A medal with the GLA insignia on it.
Info            : To get this medal, you have to complete GLA's Campaign.

- - - - - - - - - -

- USA Campaign Honour -

Description     : A medal with the USA insignia on it.
Info            : To get this medal, you have to complete USA's Campaign.

- - - - - - - - - -

- Air Wing Honour -

Description     : A gold medal with a silver eagle insignia on it.
Info            : Build 20 or plus aircraft in one mission in solo or
                  multiplayer mode to earn this medal. Best to use USA to
                  get this medal.

- - - - - - - - - -

- Battle Tank Honour -

Description     : A gold medal with a gold tank insignia on it.
Info            : To get this medal, you have to build 50 or plus tanks
                  in one game.

- - - - - - - - - -

- Endurance Honour -

Description     : A gold medal with a gold star on it.
Info            : To get this medal, you have to beat every skirmish map.

- - - - - - - - - -

- Apocalypse Honour -

Description     : A medal with a nuclear sign on it.
Info            : To get this medal, you only need to play 3 three games as
                  three sides and build their respective super weapons
                  respectively in each game.

- - - - - - - - - -

- Blitz Honour -

Description     : A medal with a gold fist with the number 10 on it.
Info            : To get this medal, you have to beat the enemy in less than
                  10 minutes. This medal changes to a fist with the number
                  5 if you manage to pass the game in 5 minutes.

- - - - - - - - - -

- Streak Honour -

Description     : A medal with a gold thunderbolt with the number 3 on it.
Info            : To get this medal, you have to win 3 games in a row.
                : This medal will change to a number 10 when you have won 10
                  games in a row etc.

          "Section K - Final Walkthrough Notices"
   K01    \   * * * Version Updates * * *

Version 0.95    - First Release Version.

Version 0.99    - Last 6 Missions added to the Campaign Walkthrough.
                - Submitters added to the credits.
                - Submissions added to the guide.
                - Few adjustments made.
                - Changed a lot of mistakes and errors.
                - Added permitted websites to the list.

Version 0.995   - Some submitters added to the walkthrough.
                - Major additions to some parts of the guide.
                - More websites added to the permitted website list!

Version 0.999   - Adjustments and changes towards walkthrough.
                - Submissions and submitters added.

- - - - - - - - - -

Version 1.00    - Added mission 7 for GLA campaign.
                - First complete version of walkthrough.
                - Submitters added.

- - - - - - - - - -

Version 2.00    - New setout for the walkthrough.
                - Multiplayer section removed.
                - Submitters added to the walkthrough.
                - Some errors and mistakes corrected.

- - - - - - - - - -

Version 3.00    - Setout changed.

   K02    \   * * * Walkthrough Credits * * *

Thanks to the following for making the game and also for making some
aspects of this walkthrough possible for me!

Well first of all, thanks to me for making this walkthrough! :D
If I didn't make this walkthrough, then who would!
All the hours and minutes I spent researching and typing this walkthrough
has also made this and my other walkthroughs big hits and achievements!!!

Okay, now here are some credits for other things not related to me! :)

Electronic Arts - For making this cool game all possible.

GameFaqs        - For inspiring me to start the hobby of making walkthroughs
                  and also being the main host of the walkthroughs!

CJayC           - For working on and creating GameFAQ'! It is a truly
                  amazing site! Thanks to him for also letting me post this
                  walkthrough in his website! :)

"The PC"        - One of the greatest inventions ever! Where could I possibly
                  be without it!

Also thanks to the official C&C General website I have visited which supplied
useful information towards my research of this walkthrough!

          "Section L - Copyright Notices and Permitted Sites"
   L01    \   * * * Copyright Notices and Permitted Sites * * *

This "Command and Conquer Generals" Walkthrough is researched and developed
by me, Tim.

"Command and Conquer Generals" Walkthrough
Copyright ©2003 By DarkTim.
©2003 Dark Phoenix Corporation.
All Rights Reserved.

"Command and Conquer Generals"
Copyright ©2003 Electronic Arts.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

- - - - - - - - - -

The following websites have permission to post this walkthrough:



- - - - - - - - - -

An exception to the three 'high priority' FAQ websites on the permitted
website list, it is the webmasters or editors responsibility to post the
latest updates of this walkthrough in their own websites after asking

Any websites that have been granted permission to post this walkthrough must
keep the walkthrough remain unchanged and intact at all times unless there is
a special reason, in which I must be notified. Not complying with the rules
will result in the immediate removal of the walkthrough from the website.

- - - - - - - - - -

This Command and Conquer Generals walkthrough may be not be reproduced under
any circumstances except for personal or private use. It may not be placed on
any website or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written

Use of this walkthrough on any non-permitted web site or as a part of any
public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.



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