
Ghost Town Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 

 Ghost Town

Ghost Town

Part One
Okay, pardner, itīs time for a little trip to a gen-u-ine ghost town! But
donīt worry, themīs *friendly* ghosts. So, mount up and letīs get going!
the Jail and the Barbershop. Start things off by going into the Barbershop,
where youīll find a Stetson hat. Shake the hat and drop it. Get the key that
fell out, then leave (you donīt need the hat for anything). Drop the key in
the street.

     Go West along the street and you will come to the Saloon and the Dry-
Goods Store. First go to the Saloon and get the bell, then go to the Dry-
goods Store and pick up the matches, and shovel. Back in the street, go West
once again, which brings you to the Telegraph Office and the Hotel.

     Go into the Hotel, then East into the empty room. Drop the bell and
return to the street. Now enter the Telegraph Office, and move the safe.
Connect the two loose wires so that the telegraph key now works. Youīll be
needing it later. Leave the Telegraph office, then go West until you come to
the fork in the road.

     From the fork go South to the edge of the ravine. Burn the sagebrush,
then enter the ravine. Here you will find charcoal (from the burnt brush)
and the entrance to a mine. Go into the mine. Although itīs dark and you
canīt see it, there is a silver bullet here. Get the bullet, then go down.
You can move in the dark safely so long as you always move in the right

     Now get the candle and light it. Ah, you can see again! Go South, and
dig roof. You have found your second treasure, a gold nugget. Get that, and
go back North and Up out of the mine. Remember to pick up the charcoal
before leaving the ravine!

     Now go to the fork in the road, and drop off the shovel and the
charcoal. From there, go East back into town until you come to the stable.
Enter the stable, and then the stall. Get the horseshoe, then make your way
back out to the street.

     Now head along East to the Dry-Goods store. Drop the candle outside,
treasures inside, then go out and East again to the Jail. Pick up the key,
then use horseshoe. Itīs magnetic and will open the door to the Jail. Enter
the jail, and unlock the inner door with the key. Drop the key, and go
through the door into the cell. Pick up the hammer, then leave the Jail,
making sure you also take the derringer with you. Drop the derringer in the

Part Two
      Itīs time to play blacksmith, so go all the way West to the stable,
and then enter the stall. This time, mount the horse, and you will
 into the manure pile outside the stall. Get up (phew!) out of the manure
pile, and re-enter the stall. There will now be a hole in the wall leading
to a store room. Go through the hole and get the keg of nail3s. Back in the
stall, empty the keg and drop it. Now get the nails, and shoe the horse.
Drop the hammer and mount the horse.

     Say giddyap (the magic word!), and the horse will take off. Eventually,
you will be thrown, and thatīs the last youīll ever see of Old Paint. Brush
yourself off, and enter the teepee in the hidden canyon. Pick up the two
treasures there, then go back outside.

     There doesnīt seem to be any way out, but have no fear! Beat the tom-
tom, and the ghost of Geronimo will appear. Say How, and ZAP! guess where
you are? Right, youīre back in the manure pile again (hehehe). Get out of
that, then head along to the Dry-Goods store and drop off the treasures
(donīt forget to drop the spurs, too!).

     Somewhere along the line here you may have heard mysterious ghostly
sounds and or voices. The sound of the bell indicates that a ghostly piano
player is now visible in the Saloon, and the voice gives you a clue as to
what to do about him. If you are near the Saloon when you hear the bell, go
inside, and applaud the ghost.

     He (it?) will stand up, take a S bow, and vanish. The piano, however,
will remain behind, as a solid object. If you open the piano, a map will
fall out. This map tells you to "dig roof", but since youīve already done
that, you donīt need the map, so you can just leave it there.

     Once youīve dropped off the Indian treasures and (possibly) applauded
the ghost, return West to the fork in the road. Get the shovel and charcoal,
then go North to the field. Dig here, and you will find some yellow powder
(itīs sulphur). Get the powder, then go to the manure pile in the stall.

     Holding your nose, dig around in the manure, and you will uncover some
white crystals. Get those, then head into the stall. Mix the stuff youīre
carrying around, and you will make some gunpowder. Fill the keg with that,
then get the keg and go to the Telegraph Office.

     Drop the keg in the office. Under no circumstances should you touch the
telegraph key, or BOOOOM! (time to restore the game!). By this time, itīs
probably getting dark outside. Donīt worry, youīll be able to make it to the
hotel before sunset.

     Just leave the Telegraph Office, enter the Hotel, and go East to the
room where you dropped the bell. Ring the bell, and, like magic, a bed
appears! Drop the bell, get into bed, and have a good nightīs sleep.

Part Three
When morning arrives, get up, then move the bed, revealing a roll of tape.
Get the tape and leave the room. On your way out, go to the counter and get
the cashbox. Now return to the Saloon, tape the mirror, and break it, thus
revealing a hidden office. Drop the tape, go through the hole into the
office, and get the Go board.

     Now itīs time for another trip to the Dry-Goods Store. Drop off the
cashbox and the Go board. Now, pass Go, and collect $200 (tricky, huh?).
After that, leave the store and head West to the fork, then South to the
ravine. This time, jump across the ravine.

     You are now in the mountains. Go West along the trail to the line
shack. Enter the shack, and tap the telegraph key. Boom! The gunpowder in
the keg just went off! Now, look at the floor and youīll notice a loose
plank. Get the plank, drop it, then go down the hole into the root cellar.
Collect the pelts, then go back up and make your way across the ravine and
into town. As you pass where the Telegraph Office used to be, youīll see a
smoking open safe. Look inside, and pick up the gold dust.

     Continue East and pick up the derringer, then keep going East until you
come to Boot Hill. Shoot the rattlesnake with the derringer (itīs a water
pistol!), then dig a grave and (gulp!) go into it. Here you find a coin and
a purple worm. If you want to indulge in some gratuitous violence, you can
kill the worm. In any case, drop the shovel and get the coin.

     Now climb back out, and make another trip to the Dry-Goods store. Drop
all the treasures, then go back out into the street. Get the candle, then
wait for sunset. Once itīs dark, go into the Saloon. A ghostly square dance
is in progress (thatīs what the fiddle strings are all about). Still in the
dark, do a little dancing, and you will win a prize.

     Now you can light the candle. The dancers will vanish, and you can now
make your final trip to the Dry-Goods store. Drop the cup you just won, and
say "Score". All right! You did it, you collected all thirteen ghost
treasures! After all that, why not take a vacation? I know this little
deserted island that would be just perfect.....

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PC Games, PC Game Cheats, Video Games, Cheat Codes, Secrets Easter Eggs, FAQs, Walkthrough Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2025
CheatBook-DataBase 2025 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, DVD, Wii U, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If youīre an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 28.200 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 11, 2025. Download CheatBook-DataBase 2025

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