Gabriel Knight II - The Beast Within
Gabriel Knight II: The Beast Within Walkthrough Final Version
Copyright (C) 2000-2012 by OutRider
To see the other guides that I have written, please check out this link:
WARNING: This walkthrough does contain spoilers that will ruin the game for
anyone who may be playing this game for the first time. Do not read ahead
unless you fully understand the risks involved.
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CHAPTER 1 (Gabriel Knight)
The chapter starts off with Gabe lying on a couch inside the Huber home. The
first thing you should do is to
inspect your duffel bag to find a letter, Gabe's wallet, and the Ritter dagger
which you got from GK1. Exit the
screen and pick up the newspaper that is sitting on the right side of the
table. Click on the paper in the close-up
view to hear Gabe's thoughts and to earn some points. Afterwards, go into your
inventory and inspect
everything you have. To do this, just click on an object and then click on the
magnifying glass.
Go back to the screen with the couch and take a look at the cross that hangs on
the wall. Go back to the table
screen and read the note that hangs on the wall near the coat rack. It'll say
that the keys are hanging
underneath the mirror and that it's better that Gabe not drive around in
Munich. Pick up the keys and then head
Once outside, exit off to the right and then click on what appears to be a
water trough. Click on the muddy patch
near Gabe's feet to find a paw print. Click on the paw print and Gabe will
compare it to his own hand, and he
notes that they're about the same size. Leave the close-up view and click on
the open area in the woods.
There's a spot on the ground near Gabe's feet that you should look at. Once you
find it, you'll notice a tuft of
dark hair lying on the ground. Pick it up and then head back towards the
farmhouse. Walk into the shed that's
located on the other side of the car.
Inside, you'll see a sink, a bag of cement, and a bucket sitting on the shelf.
Get the cement and Gabe will
automatically mix some into the bucket. Leave the shed and head back to the
spot where you found the paw
print. Use the bucket on the close-up view of the paw print and Gabe will pour
some cement on it to form a cast.
Gabe will automatically take care of everything, so when he's done, go back and
pick up the cast.
Use the car keys on the car and Gabe will get in. First head to
Prinzregentenplatz (the police station), and while
Gabe can't see Leber right now, you'll earn a couple points for the trouble. Go
to Thalkirchen (the zoo) and
when you arrive, look at the board near Gabe to learn about ‘Canis Lupus
Lupus', or the European wolf. When
you're done reading, click on the muddy patch that is just inside the wolf
You'll see some wolves lounging around in the kennel (the number of wolves
changes each time). Click on a
wolf and Gabe will try calling it over, but with no success. Click on another
wolf to have Gabe try again, but
again no luck. Once you're done looking at the wolves, Thomas, the wolf feeder
should walk over and when he
does, talk to him and ask him about all topics. When you're done, exit off to
the left to enter the administration
Here, you'll get to meet Herr Doktor Klingmann. Talk to him about all topics
and when you're finished, leave
Thalkirchen and go back to Lochham (I'll refer to it as the Huber Farm from now
on) as it is time to splice some
tapes. In the game bar, click on the icon that looks like a cassette tape. Load
the Klingmann conversation tape
into Side A and load a blank tape into Side B. Click on the Splice button, and
now what you need to do is to
figure out some way to get into the wolf kennel. What you need to say is,
"Thomas? Herr Doktor Klingmann
here. Show our wolves to Mr. Knight." You may have to go back and forth to find
some of the words. When
you're done, click on the Transfer button and you're finished with the tape.
Get into the car and head back to
Head into the administration building, and Klingmann is in the backroom at the
moment, so act quickly. Feel
free to search his desk, but what you need to do is use the Splice tape on his
walkie-talkie that sits on the right
side of the desk, and you'll gain access to the wolf kennels. After that
sequence, search Klingmann's coat to
find a receipt for something, and when you're done, Klingmann should come out
of the backroom. Leave the
office and head outside. Thomas will be waiting to take you into the wolf
habitat, so watch the sequence and
when you have a close-up view of Marguerite, first click on her tag and then on
her fur. Gabe will start petting
the wolf (which he isn't supposed to do) and soon another wolf will come and
starting growling at Gabe and
Thomas and they'll run out and Thomas will get mad at Gabe for "petting" the
wolf. You'll never have to come
back here again, so leave Thalkirchen.
Head to the Huber Farm, and inside, inspect the receipt you found in
Klingmann's coat. Turn it over to find
some carbon on the back, and then use the receipt on the mirror to find out
what it says. Get back into the car
and drive to Marienplatz. Exit off to the left and in the next screen, talk to
the meat lady. You don't need
anything from her right now, so head into the entryway next to the stand. Click
on the second sign on the left to
see the name of your family lawyer. Gabriel will automatically enter and you'll
be introduced to Harry Ubergrau.
Talk to him about all topics. After you're finished, you should now have an
address for a biology guy, the name
‘Royal Bavarian Hunting Lodge', and you'll find out that the receipt you found
was actually a hunting license.
Leave Marienplatz and head to Universitat (the University). Show Michael the
farm hair, the zoo hair, and the
paw print. After that, try leaving and he'll give you an evidence analysis
report. Leave here and you'll never have
to return. Go to the Huber Farm and click on the paper on the left side of the
table to have Gabriel write a letter
to Grace, his partner. Leave the farm and go to Marienplatz.
Fast forward all the way to the right and exit off the screen until you see and
hear a street musician playing.
Walk around the corner of the building to the left. Click on the second door to
the right and you'll find the post
office. Use the letter Gabe wrote Grace on the door and Gabe will head in to
mail it. After that's done, head
further down the street. Find the brown doors on the right and click on them.
This is the Royal Bavarian Hunting
Lodge, so go inside. Talk to Xavier, the uptight guy behind the podium. Talk to
him until he asks for some family
identity. I highly doubt you have any on you, so my suggestion is to find
someone who might have them on
hand. If you haven't guessed, I would try talking to Ubergrau about getting a
copy of the family papers.
When you have them, go back to the hunting lodge and show the family papers to
Xavier. Gabriel and Xavier will
end up getting into an argument until a man named Baron Friedrich Von Glower
enters and breaks it up. He'll
invite Gabriel into the club. Watch the ending sequence as Von Glower
introduces Gabe to the rest of the club,
and the first chapter will come to a close.
CHAPTER 2 (Grace Nakimura)
In this chapter, you'll get to play as Gabe's colleague, Grace Nakimura. Watch
the opening sequence and when
you have control, try to open the library door that's near the head of the bed.
Head downstairs and talk to Gerde
about all topics. When you're finished, head outside and look at the car that's
parked near the walkway. Head
back into the castle and ask Gerde about the car and then head back outside.
Go down into the village by walking down the hill to the left of the walkway.
Once there, go all of the way to the
right and enter the Gasthof Goldener Löwe. Talk to Werner Huber, the proprietor
of the Gasthof about all topics.
After that, take a look at the pictures, one is behind Herr Huber and the other
is on the wall on the right side of
your screen. Leave the Gasthof and go to the Church that's on the opposite side
of town.
Try speaking to Father Getz to learn that he doesn't speak English. Go into the
crypt room that's located in the
back of the church. Examine all of the coffins and be sure to make a note of
the silver heart that is on Wolfgang
Ritter's tomb. When you're finished, leave the church.
Go to the Rittersberg Rathaus (the town hall) by heading towards the Gasthof,
but click on one of the blue
double doors. In the close-up view, click on the left door and Grace will go
knock on it to get the attention of the
mayor. Speak to Herr Habermas about all topics and then head back to Schloss
Ritter. Head inside the castle
and then walk upstairs. Take a look inside the closet, and notice there isn't
anything in there right now. Close
the closet and take a look at the fireplace. You'll notice that there is a rock
missing and that the worker left his
toolbox behind.
Look inside the toolbox and pick up the screwdriver. Move the cursor towards
the top of the screen until the
cursor displays ‘Up' and click. Use the screwdriver on the small hole and this
will unlock a secret passage
that's in the closet. Open up the closet and you'll notice the back is missing.
Enter the passageway and go
through the opening that is across from where Grace is standing. This will take
you into Gerde's bedroom. Once
inside her room, take a look at the picture of Wolfgang that sits on the table
next to the closet. Open up the
closet and look at Gerde's clothes. You'll also see a key hanging in the closet
as well, so take it and then re-
enter the passageway. Go down the stairs to Grace's right to find yourself
Take a look around at your surroundings, and be sure to look at the roses.
After you're done scoping this part
of Schloss Ritter out, head back into the passageway and go back into Gabriel's
bedroom. Unlock the library
door with the key and head inside. Look at the middle shelf and you'll find a
book that Grace will take with her.
While Grace is looking through the book, an unexpected visitor will drop in.
The unexpected visitor is Gerde
and looks like she's caught Grace red-handed. Watch the sequence and Grace will
blast Gerde, and as a result
she'll exit in tears.
Click on the right shelf and Grace will find another book. Go into your
inventory and read the two books and the
letter to Ludwig II. When you're done, move your cursor towards the desk until
the cursor displays ‘Exit' and
click. With a close-up view of the desk in front of you, feel free to look at
the stuff on the desk. When you're
ready to continue with the game, use Professor Barclay's card on the phone and
Grace will call him. After the
conversation, leave the castle and head down into Rittersberg.
Once in the village, go to the Rathaus and speak with Herr Habermas about all
topics again and when the
conversation is over, you'll be shown the dungeon. There, examine the bed and
then look through the window.
Look at the church and the claw marks that are on the window. When you're done
looking, head back to the
Rathaus and speak to Herr Habermas about the church records. Take the note to
the church and give it to
Father Getz. After this, take the file to Herr Habermas and he'll tell you all
about it. If any topics are left, be sure
to talk to him about those too.
When you're done, go to the Gasthof and ask Herr Huber about Ludwig II. Head
back to Schloss Ritter and go
into the Schattenjager library. Look at the right shelf and you'll find another
Ritter journal. Sit down at the desk
and click on the typewriter and Grace will type up a letter to Gabe. Before
mailing it, use the package on Gerde
to get the address to where Grace should ship it. Head down to Rittersberg and
go to the post office, which is
next to the Gasthof. Ring the bell and the mail lady will come. Use the
addressed package on her and then use
Grace's wallet on her. If you've followed the walkthrough closely, you'll be
awarded with something
special....the ending movie for Chapter 2.
CHAPTER 3 (Gabriel Knight)
Okay, the first thing you should do today is pick up the newspaper that's
sitting on the table and take a look at
today's news (does this sound familiar to you? If we had some coffee, we'd be
set). Once you're done having
your flashbacks, go into your inventory and take a look at Von Glower's
business card, which will enable the
Perlach button on the map.
Head outside and go visit Ubergrau over in Marienplatz. He'll give you the
package Grace sent Gabe in the last
chapter, so open it up and read the letter. Ask Harry about Ludwig II and the
Black Wolf. When you're done,
leave his office. Head into the business district, which is the area Gabe
starts in every time you go to
Marienplatz. About three doors down is a little shop with its lights on and it
has a bunch of stuff hanging in the
window. This is the clock shop, enter and click on the clock that sits on the
left side of the counter. The clock
will make a sound that sounds like a person knocking on a door (hint, hint).
Buy it from the man by using
Gabe's wallet on him and then leave and go to the hunting lodge.
It's time to finally meet Kommisar Leber. As you head to the hunting lodge, you
should see a police car and
some other vehicles surrounding an area nearby. Go over to the scene, and click
on the man in black, and Gabe
will wonder if that's Leber (it is). Click on him a second time, and Gabe will
try to get his attention, but to no
avail. Use the evidence analysis report on him and Leber will come over and
yell at Gabe. Okay, since he's not
in the mood to listen, I wonder if that TV crew will. Use the evidence analysis
report on the nearby TV crew and
watch the sequence. When it's over, leave the scene and head to the hunting
Talk to Xavier about all topics, and then exit off to the left and explore the
club. Pick up the magazine that sits
on a small table that's situated between two chairs, but Gabe will put it back
down because it's in German. Go
into the hallway to the right, and open up the door at the end to learn it
leads out into an alley. Try opening the
door next to it to learn that it's locked. Make a note of the alley door, the
locked door, and the potted plant.
That locked door sure is mysterious; I wonder what we could do to get down
there? It looks like we'll have to
formulate a plan, and here's what I propose we do:
Use the cuckoo clock on the potted plant and hurry back to where Xavier is.
Lounge around until he leaves to
investigate the "knocking.". While he's gone, click on his podium. Click on the
drawer to open it and then take
the keys. Gabe will close the drawer and hurry back around to the front of the
podium before Xavier comes and
catches him.
Go to the locked door and unlock with Xavier's keys. Take the cuckoo clock from
behind the potted plant and
then use it on the potted plant again. Follow the same plan again, except
instead of taking his keys, return them.
Go to the now unlocked door and enter. Down in the room, look at the various
weaponry, the human skull, the
diary on the shelf near where the skull sits, the animal trophies, and the
pictures on the side wall. Be sure to
click on everything twice to get the full points. As soon as you're done, Von
Zell will come down shortly and
catch Gabe down in the room. Don't worry, it's all part of the plot....did I
say plot? I meant game (oops).
Leave Marienplatz and go to Von Glower's house in the Perlacher district (the
button on the map says Perlach,
and it's near the lower right corner of the map). Talk to him about everything
and when you're finished, take a
look at the mask that sits high atop the shelves behind Gabe. Leave his house
and go back to the hunting club
in Marienplatz.
Von Zell is still here, so talk to him about all topics, but save the Trophies
in Basement topic for last. Once
you're done talking, go to the police station in Prinzregentenplatz. Talk to
Leber about all topics and when
you're done, look at the bulletin board that has a map and some pictures posted
on it. Click on the red dot that's
in the center of the map. Notice that there is a piece of paper on the right
side of the map. Look at it to find out
it's a description of someone name Grossberg, and it even has his phone number
on it. Use your notebook on it
and then go to the Huber Farm.
At the farm, go inside and write a letter to Grace. Use the paper with
Grossberg's phone number on it on the
phone that sits near the couch on the right hand side of your screen. Take a
look at the books that Grace sent
Gabe, but he won't worry too much about the journals. He will read the
Lycanthropes book, however, though it's
the same stuff Grace read in the previous chapter. Leave and go visit Harry in
Ask him about Missing Persons and then go mail the letter. Now head to the
hunting club and you'll see that
Preiss is here. Talk to him about all topics, and when you're done, the rest of
the gang will come in. Talk to
Hennemann and Von Aigner, who are at the bar, about all topics and then try
talking to Von Glower and Preiss,
to no avail.
Walk on over towards Von Zell and Herr Doktor Klingmann. When the list of
choices comes up, say you're just
getting a magazine. Go into your inventory and use the tape recorder on the
magazine. Put the magazine back
next to Von Zell and watch the ending sequence. Chapter 3 will close here.
CHAPTER 4 (Grace Nakimura)
Go into the library and look for a biography on Ludwig II in the bookshelves.
Once you find it, read it and then
head downstairs. You'll notice that Gerde isn't at her desk like she usually
is, but try not to worry too much, as
I'm sure she is okay. Leave the castle and head down to the post office to get
another letter from Gabe. When
you're finished, go into the Golden Lion Hotel (the Gasthof Goldener Löwe for
those who don't know German)
and talk to the Smiths about all topics. If possible, try talking to Herr Huber
about everything. When you're
done, leave and go to the church.
In the church, head back into the crypt area to see that Gerde is here. Look at
Gerde and then walk back to
Schloss Ritter. Go upstairs and go into the secret passageway. Head down the
steps and pick some roses to
take to Gerde. Give the roses to her and you'll get the keys to Gabriel's car.
Head back to Schloss Ritter and
hop in the car. Your first stop will be to Herrenchiemsee. Buy a ticket from
the woman at the desk by talking to
her and choosing the ‘Buy a Ticket' option. After that, be sure to look at
EVERYTHING so that way you can get
all of the points and the ability to finish the chapter.
Looking at the death masks and Ludwig's cloak won't get you any points, but I
would look at them anyway to
play on the safe side. You mostly have to look at the letters and pictures to
gain points. Be sure to enter both
sides of the museum and look around as well as looking around in the main
lobby. There are two exit areas; one
is to the left side, just behind the Elizabeth picture, and it's the area where
you can get to see Ludwig's cloak.
The area to the right, however, is where you get to see Ludwig's death mask.
When you're done looking, talk to the woman at the desk about any remaining
topics, including the topics about
the diary and the Lost Wagner Opera. After that, you can leave Herrenchiemsee
and not worry about ever
coming back. Head to Rittersberg and go into the Gasthof. Ask Herr Huber to
call the Smiths down from their
bedroom and talk to Mrs. Smith about Grace's dream. Go to Schloss Ritter and be
sure to watch the video as
Grace enters because Gerde should tell her that she had a call from Professor
Barclay while she was out.
Go into the Schattenjager library and call Professor Barclay. He should give
you a phone number for a man
named Herr Josef Dallmeier. After the conversation, use the paper with
Dallmeier's number on it on the phone
and Grace will have a brief conversation with him. Leave the castle and drive
to Bayreuth.
Once there, talk to Georg about all topics. Explore the museum and be sure to
look at EVERYTHING again like
you did at Herrenchiemsee. When you're done exploring, talk to Georg again
about all topics and then go to
Seeshaupt (The Black Crucifix).
Fast-forward all of the way to the left and click on the railings. Grace will
look out onto the water, and in a few
seconds, Josef Dallmeier will join her. Talk to him about all topics and once
he leaves, click on the ground
that's just on the other side of the railings to bring up a close-up view of
part of the water. Click on the water
and when you're done, leave Seeshaupt and go to Neuschwanstein.
Click on the castle and you'll actually enter Neuschwanstein. You'll have to
look at EVERYTHING here too, so if
you're having trouble getting through the game, this might be one of the causes
of your problem. I have
provided a list of stuff you need to do in order to be done with Neuschwanstein
for now.
1) Click on the tour tape button in the first room you're in.
2) Click on the locked door that's next to the doorway and play the tape.
3) Click on each of the pictures and play the tape.
4) Go through the doorway
5) Play the tour tape when you enter.
6) Click on the bed and play the tour tape twice.
7) Click on the bed and then the sink.
8) Move the mouse cursor to the right hand side of your screen until it
changes to an EXIT icon and click.
9) Click on the statue that's on the wall and play the tape.
10) Click on the two pictures.
11) Enter the chapel by going through the right doorway that you saw in the
previous screen.
12) Play the tour tape.
13) Click on the stained glass windows and play the tape.
14) Click on the Black Madonna statue.
15) Click on the crucifix.
16) Click on the picture that is above the crucifix and play the tape.
17) Leave the chapel and go through the other doorway.
18) Play the tape.
19) Click on the chair.
20) Click on the linens (the cloth that's near the lower left corner of
your screen).
21) Click on the picture that is above the desk and play the tape.
22) Go further into the room by exiting off to the lower right.
23) Play the tour tape.
24) Click on the swan motif.
25) Exit off to the left.
26) Play the tape.
27) Click on the table.
28) Exit to the study (the doorway to the left)
29) Play the tape
30) Click on each of the pictures and play the tape each time.
31) Click on the desk
32) Click on the cabinet
33) Exit to the Singer's Hall (the doorway behind the desk)
34) Click on each of the pictures (some may be hard to spot) and play the
tape each time.
35) Look out the window and play the tape.
36) Leave Neuschwanstein (the quickest way is through the door to the left
of the window).
Once you're finished, click on the HINT button, and if the Neuschwanstein icon
isn't blinking, then you're okay.
If it is, you're missing something, so be sure to go back there and find out
what you missed. After that, go to
Bayreuth and talk to Georg about all topics, and then go to Rittersberg.
Go into the castle and talk to Gerde about all topics. Head up to the library
and type Gabriel another letter. Use
the Ludwig II book on the phone and then use the new number you got on the
phone as well. Leave Schloss
Ritter and go into the Gasthof to make sure you've said everything you can to
Herr Huber and the Smiths.
Leave the Gasthof and head over to the post office to mail off the letter to
Gabe. Go to the church, but instead of
going inside, click on the nearby bushes to see that some lilies have bloomed.
Click on them again and Grace
will have a look-see. Father Getz will come out and give one of the lilies to
Grace. After that, click on the lilies
once again. Go to Seeshaupt and head all the way to the railings. Bring up the
close-up view of the muddy
embankment and use the lily on the water. Watch as Grace sees someone she would
have never thought of
seeing here.
Leave Seeshaupt and head back to Schloss Ritter. Watch the movie as you enter
the castle because Gerde will
tell Grace that she received a fax at the post office while she was out. Go to
the post office and get your fax. It
appears that Tom Chaphill has had a change of heart and has decided to give
Grace a copy of the translated
Ludwig diary! Read it and then head to Bayreuth. Give Georg the fax and the
ending movie will start. The fourth
chapter will end here.
CHAPTER 5 (Gabriel Knight)
This has to be the most exciting chapter of the game. To see what I mean,
continue playing the game.
After the opening movie has played, you'll find yourself on the map. Go to
Marienplatz and visit the meat
vendor. Click on the white sausage and then use Gabe's wallet on the vendor to
buy some. Leave here and go
to the hunting club. The first thing you might notice is that the hunting club
is currently empty, with the
exception of Xavier, who appears to be here all of the time.
Listen to Xavier as he tells Gabe that the club members will be here later to
get ready to go on a hunting trip and
that you should be on time unless you want to be left behind. Go into the bar
area and click on the left brown
chair and then click on the magazine to get the tape recorder back. Leave the
club and go visit Harry.
You'll get another letter from Grace, so be sure to read it before you
continue. Ask Harry about the Missing
Persons cases and then use the Von Zell tape on him to get it translated. Leave
Marienplatz and go to the police
station at Prinzregentenplatz. Talk to the Kommisar about all topics and let
him listen to the Von Zell tape as
well. When Leber and his partner leave, click on the folder that Leber's
partner left on the desk and in the close-
up view, click on the ledger.
Leave the station and go to Buchenau (the button is near the lower left corner
of the map). Knock on the door,
listen to Dorn, and then head back to Harry's office. Ask him about getting
cash and then go back to Buchenau
and give the money to Dorn. Once inside his kennel, ask him all of the
available questions. When you're
finished, walk one screen down and click on the last cage that's against the
wall and to Gabe's right. When you
have the close-up view, click on the straw in the lower right hand corner of
the cage and Gabe will inspect it.
You'll discover a tiger inside! Use the white sausage on him to keep him
occupied for a bit and then inspect that
same spot in the straw to find a couple of tags.
Leave Buchenau and go to the hunt club. You'll see that the group is getting
ready to leave. The exciting part
will be coming up in a few minutes, so let's keep playing. When you regain
control, you'll find Gabe in a
bedroom at the hunting lodge. Leave the room and head over to Von Aigner's
room, which is just ‘below'
Gabe's room. As you can see, Von Aigner is currently taking a bath, but as long
as he'll talk to you, talk to him
about everything. When you're done, leave the room so he can have some privacy.
Enter the room across from
Gabe's, which happens to be Preiss and Hennemann's room. Open up the armoire
and take the black rope you
find inside.
Close the armoire and move the mouse near the bottom of the screen and when it
changes to an EXIT icon,
click. Open up the window and then click when you see the DOWN icon that
appears when you have the cursor
near the bottom of the window. Click on the ledge and then use the rope on the
ledge. With Gabriel out on the
ledge, move over one window to the left so that Gabe will be standing in front
of the middle window, which
happens to be Von Zell's room. Open up the window and climb inside.
When you get into his room, move your cursor to the right side of the screen
until you get an EXIT icon and
click. Pick up his appointment book and take a look to see what is inside. Have
you noticed the page that sticks
out from the rest? Click on it and then click on the letter in the close-up
view. Leave the screen and go into Von
Zell's bathroom. You can check out the bathtub and sink if you want, but you
won't find anything. Click on his
bath mat and then click on the dirt mark that sticks out from the upper left
corner of the mat. You'll see that the
mark is actually a footprint! Click on the footprint and then exit the room the
same way you came in.
Head back into Preiss's room and go downstairs to the main part of the lodge.
You'll see that Hennemann is
currently here, so talk to him about everything. After that, go back upstairs
and go into Klingmann's room,
which is next to Von Aigner's. Show him the wolf tags and watch the sequence.
Leave the room and head downstairs. Open up the armoire and get the lantern. Go
over to the fireplace and get
the matches that rest on the mantle. Leave the lodge and go into the nearby
stable. Click on the tools that are
closest to Gabriel and then take the shears. Leave the stable and exit off to
the right. Click on the muddy patch
that is near the right side of the screen to discover a paw print in the mud.
Click on it and then head right one
screen and then south two screens. Take a look at the muddy patch nearby and
you'll find another paw print.
Click on the bushes, but Gabe won't be able to get through. You should know
what to do next (That's why we
stopped at the stable before we went into the woods). Inside the cave, go
through the small entryway that is in
between the two rocks. The excitement should start building right
about........now. Click on the patch of
darkness and Gabe will have a close encounter with death. Use the matches on
the lantern and Gabe will light
up the area. How disgusting! Desiccated bodies everywhere and......HOLY CRAP!
Guess we know who's
responsible for the mutilation killings!
Gabriel will run out of the cave and then puke just outside the entryway (It's
funny when he does this, because
he doesn't really puke, he just make it sound like he is, but it still isn't
that convincing). Head back to the lodge
by going north one screen, west one screen, north once, and then west again. Go
up to Von Glower's room (it's
across from Klingmann's) and Gabriel will explain to Von Glower what he just
witnessed. This is a fairly long
sequence, and the next part's gonna be fun for some and creepy to others, so be
After the sequence, you'll see Gabe dressed in hunting gear. He is currently
carrying the talisman, and currently
he is in a spot of the woods near the wolf lair. Save your game now because
lingering too long will result in
Gabe's death. Go into your inventory and place the talisman in the on-deck
window (the little window that
shows the item you currently have selected). You can even have the talisman
icon out if you want, but I'd be
careful where you click, especially if you come face to face with the wolf. If
you want to hurry and start chasing
the blasted wolf, go north one screen, west twice, south once, and then west
again. Save your game again and
wait a bit for the wolf to show up. If he doesn't appear, wander around a bit
until he does. A hint for this is when
you start hearing a wolf howling, that means that it is nearby. Be careful of
heading back to the lair though, as
Gabe will be killed, no matter what. When the wolf does appear, use the
talisman on it and then follow it in the
direction it backs off. If you're not careful, it may even lead you to the lair
to kill you, so make a mental note of
the lair's location.
Continue to defend yourself from the wolf until you find yourself near a
ravine. If the wolf is here, you will hear it
snarling. If it isn't, you won't hear anything except for the other wildlife
and Gabe's comment of ‘Where the hell
is it?' so continue to lure the wolf here, but if you followed the wolf quickly
enough, then he should be here.
Watch the sequence and the wolf will attack Gabe, but don't worry; it's all
part of the game. Von Glower will
soon show up and toss the gun to Gabe. You can try shooting Von Glower if you
want, since that is what the
wolf is trying to tell you. You can't though, so just shoot the wolf and watch
the ending movie for the chapter.
Watch the whole movie and the fifth chapter will end.
CHAPTER 6 (Grace Nakimura)
It is vital that you watch the opening sequence, as you will learn some
valuable information.
You'll notice that you start off in the dungeon. First thing you should do is
walk over to the cot where Gabriel is
laying. Talk to him a couple times and then leave him be. Leave the dungeon and
go to the post office to get a
letter for Gabriel from Von Glower. Go to the Gasthof and take a roll from the
table and then talk to Mrs. Smith
about all topics.
Leave the Gasthof and go to Schloss Ritter. Go up to the bedroom and take a
pillowcase off of the bed. Go to
the dungeon and use the roll on the pigeon that is sitting just outside the
window. When it comes in, use the
pillowcase on it and Grace will wrap it up and put it in her coat pockets.
Leave the dungeon and get into the car.
Drive to Altötting and click on the church to enter. Click on the nearby
display case and read the sign that's on
it. Click on the display case itself to hear a comment from Grace. Exit the
view and head left around the hallway
(exit off to the top, but don't leave the shrine). Go through the doorway and
use your wallet on the basket that
sits on the right side of the table. Talk to the monk to discover that he is
mute and he'll give you a prayer card.
Leave Altötting and go to Neuschwanstein. Notice that the tour tape button
isn't there anymore. Go into the
living room (the room with the chair and the linens). Go down one screen to the
swan motif, and Grace will
automatically turn around to see a scene with a woman and her child. Go back to
that screen and if the guard
isn't there, use the bottle you got from Altötting on the chair.
While the guard is gone, go back to the bedroom and click on the panel that's
between the doorways to the
living room and chapel. Click on the same panel again in the close-up view and
Grace will discover the first act
to the Lost Wagner Opera!
To find the second act, go directly to the grotto. If a guard is there, wait
until he/she leaves. When he/she does,
sweep your cursor around the left wall until it turns into a dagger, and click.
Grace should discover the second
act of the Lost Wagner Opera!
For the third act, go to the Singer's Hall. Make a note of where the guard
currently stands. Go towards the
window, but instead of looking out or leaving Neuschwanstein, do you see the
archway to Grace's left? Use the
wrapped pigeon on it and Grace will set it loose and the guard will come to get
it out of the castle. When the
guard leaves, go to where he was previously standing and click on the panel
below the painting. Click on it
again and Grace will discover the final act of the Lost Wagner Opera!
Leave Neuschwanstein and go to the St. Georg Church in Rittersberg. Go back to
the crypt area and look at the
silver heart on Wolfgang's tomb. Head to Schloss Ritter and talk to Gerde about
the silver heart. She'll allow you
to take it to help Gabe. Head back to he church and take the silver heart. Get
in the car and go to Altötting.
Go to the monk's office and talk to him. Use either the prayer card or silver
heart on him and you'll be lead to a
praying area. Make a note of the display case that's up on the wall. There is a
doorway to the right that you may
or may not be able to see. If you can't, move Grace to the left and the screen
will uncover the doorway (this is a
glitch, and if you download the patch from Sierra, it'll be fixed, but your old
save games won't work). If you
know you patched your game, then just move Grace to the right and you'll see
the doorway.
Place the silver heart in the basket that sits on the right side of the altar
and you'll hear the wind start to howl.
Open up the doorway on the right that you saw a moment ago and the wind will
come in and blow out the
candles. I'm not sure if you have to do this next part quickly or not, but
after the candles are out, click on the
chair that sits below the display case and Grace will move it. Click on the
display case to bring up a close-up
view and then click on the lower left urn to find Ludwig II's diagram!
Grace will automatically go to Bayreuth to give Georg the three acts of the
Lost Wagner Opera. Watch the
sequence, and this marks the midpoint of the chapter.
You'll now find Grace at the Wittelsbacher Theatre. Click on the table near the
entrance and pick up a program.
‘Der Fluch des Engelhart', that's an interesting title for an opera. Click on
the placard near the stairs and take a
look at it. Exit off to the right and go through the door that's hidden to the
right. Enter the room at the end of the
hall to find out it's an office. You'll see Gabriel lying down in here. Look at
the bulletin board and take the
seating chart that's hanging on it. Click on the desk and take the opera
glasses and Grace's to-do list. Take a
look at the to-do list while you're at it. Talk to Gabriel and then head back
to the main lobby.
Go through the open doors to enter the auditorium. Talk to Georg to end up
making him worried about what's
going to happen later. Talk to the chandelier men, who are located on the upper
left balcony. When finished, go
into your inventory and look at the Wagner diagram. Click on the large X that
you see on there. Look at the
seating chart that you got earlier and click on the part of the map where the X
was in the diagram.
Head up the main stairway and click on the white double doors to enter the
Mittel Loge. When Grace is finished
scoping out the Mittel Loge, leave and exit off to the right and enter the door
at the end of the hall. Click twice
on the small window Grace is standing in front of. Click on the spotlight and
turn it on. Click on the bar to move
it around and point the spotlight towards the Mittel Loge and click. When
you're close enough, the spotlight will
automatically go to where it's supposed to be.
Head downstairs to the lobby. Use the seating chart on the usher and go through
the doorway that has a small
set of stairs in it (it's near the main stairs) and enter the door at the end
of the hall to enter the backstage area.
Sweep the cursor over the ropes until the cursor changes to a dagger and click.
Click twice on the small piece
of rope to pick it up (Grace mutters ‘oops').
Go down the stairs near the right side of the screen to enter the basement. Go
right one screen and click on the
panel that is on the wall. Take the keys you find inside and then head left and
then down one screen. Click on
the door to enter the prop room. Inside, exit off to the left and pick up the
‘PRIVAT' sign that is sitting among the
rest of the junk. Leave the room and use the keys you got from inside the panel
on the door to lock it. Go right
three screens and then down two screens to enter the furnace room. Open up the
furnace and then click on the
coal to shovel some in. Click on the controls just below the door and click on
the ‘Automatisch' (Automatic)
button. Flip the lever all of the way to the right, and Gabriel will be
Exit off to the left and head up the stairs into the lobby. Head back to the
office and click on Gabriel. A long
sequence will ensue. After that is over, Grace will wind up back in the lobby.
Go back to the office and click on
the dress. Grace will change, and when she's done, Leber will enter. Leave the
office and head up to the
spotlight room.
Click on the window and use the opera glasses on it. You'll see that the
‘special guests' have arrived and have
been seated. Exit the room and then click on the doors to the Mittel Loge. Use
the rope on the door handles and
then use the ‘PRIVAT' sign on them as well.
Grace's segment should end here and gameplay switches to Gabriel Knight…
As Gabriel, exit off to the left. Click on the trunk and Gabe will move it out
of the way. Try opening up the vent cover with your bare hands, but you won't
be able to open it. Use the dagger on it and Gabe will pry it open. Climb on in
and Gabe will eventually find his way to the basement, and when he does, go
north twice and west once to find yourself backstage.
Like with Grace, sweep the cursor over the ropes until the cursor changes to a
dagger and click. There is a roll of tape on the right side that you need to
take. Leave the view and SAVE YOUR GAME before continuing on. Once you've done
that, head through the doorway that's next to the basement stairs to find
yourself in a dressing room.
You must act quickly in here, otherwise you'll end up bringing a premature
ending to the game. Grab the red minstrel costume that is hanging on the rack,
and then use it on Gabe to have him change into it. click on the left mirror
first and Gabriel will see his reflection and is startled by his weary looks.
Click on the dressing table and grab the round container of powder off of the
left side of the table. Use the powder on the left mirror of the dressing table,
and Gabe will mess it up for the actor. Leave the view and hurry up and hide
behind the changing screen. Wait there a couple minutes and the actor will
soon enter. While he is cleaning the mirror, hurry up and use the tape on
him and Gabe will tie him up. For those playing Gabriel Knight 2: The
Beast Within for the first time, I recommend that you watch the next
sequence, even though it is fairly long, it'll give you a break from playing,
and it will make sure you aren't kept out of the loop about what is going to
happen next. Otherwise, if you've already played Gabriel Knight 2 before,
you can either skip it or watch it again to make sure your memory is refreshed.
After the sequence, you'll wind up in the basement as Gabriel the Wolf. The
first couple things you'll notice is 1) you're in first-person view and 2) you
appear to have infrared vision. The first thing to do before we start to solve
this puzzle is to SAVE YOUR GAME. This puzzle is very difficult if your sense
of logic isn't as great as it used to be. Your goal is to corner Von Glower the
Wolf in the furnace room, which is located in the lower right corner of the
map. There are some things to avoid while solving this puzzle, and it's stuff
like trapping yourself in a room, because Leber will kill you. You also want to
avoid cornering Von Glower in the vent room or forcing him out onto the stage
because then you'll be forced to start over. Also, avoid cornering Von Glower
in a room that he doesn't have a way of getting out because Gabe and he will
fight and Gabe will always lose. Here's a quick tip for using my solution for
this puzzle: Only move in the direction ONCE and ONCE only, unless noted
To solve the puzzle, here are the directions, so READ VERY CAREFULLY!
1) Turn right
2) Go forward twice
3) Turn left twice
4) Close the door by clicking on the bolt near the bottom.
5) Turn right
6) Go forward
7) Turn left twice
8) Close the door
9) Turn right twice
10) Go forward twice
11) Turn left twice
12) Close the door
13) Turn right
14) Go forward
15) Turn left once
16) Close the door
17) Turn right
18) Go forward
19) Turn left
From here, if it looks like I screwed up, it should be fairly easy to figure
out what's left to do to get Von Glower to go into the furnace room.
20) Go forward once
21) Turn left
22) Go forward
23) Turn left twice
24) Close the door
25) Turn left
26) Close the door
27) Turn left
28) Go forward
29) Turn left twice
30) Close the door
31) Turn left
32) Go forward
33) Turn right
34) Go forward
35) Close the door
36) Turn left
37) Go forward
38) Turn right
39) Go forward
40) Turn right
41) Go forward thrice (three times)
42) Turn right
43) Go forward twice (You should be in the room before the furnace room after
45) Go forward
This is the final showdown, so be prepared and hope your timing's still good.
When you have control, click on Grace to transfer the gameplay over to her for
a brief moment. With Grace, click on Von Glower to have her say that she can't
take him by herself, so instead just open up the furnace door and then click on
Gabriel (the gray wolf at the bottom). Your timing is very crucial at this
point. When Von Glower jumps, click on his mid-section to push him into the
furnace. A tip that was submitted to me by Ryan Ramage is to wait until Von
Glower has leaped, and when his body is fully stretched, push him into the
If you managed to push him in, you'll be rewarded with the ending movie for the
game, so you can watch that and the credits if you want.
This concludes Gabriel Knight II: The Beast Within. If you want to continue on,
please get Gabriel Knight III: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned.
For those FAQ sites that know me (and love me) - thanks for adding my guides to
your site, you got me known throughout the little adventure gaming world and
has allowed me to meet some cool and interesting people.
Dan Scholtens - my high school science teacher that got me started on
downloading theme songs off of KaZaA. Those songs provided excellent listening
while I worked on the final version of this guide.
Shunichiro - for contacting me years after I've last played the game to
share the tip about the missing point. It comes from having Gabriel examine
his appearance in the dressing room mirror after changing into the minstrel
Heather Rather - for submitting the tip about clicking on Von Glower as Grace
near the end of the game for one of the missing points.
Ryan Ramage - for submitting that tip for getting Von Glower into the furnace
at the end of the game.
Zepheera - for clarifying step #20 of the basement maze
Sierra Studios - for making such a great series. I just wish you guys would
realize that gamers want more adventure games and they also want to see a
Gabriel Knight 4!!!!!
To anyone I may have forgotten - Sorry that I forgot to mention you here, but
you know who you are, and you deserve as much gratitude and appreciation as
everyone else here.