
Gnome Ranger Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Gnome Ranger

Gnome Ranger


Part 1 (Animal)

From the starting point just outside the Centaur`s shop first 
Knock on the Door. Enter the shop and do things such as Examine 
All until the Centaur (Cap) asks you to deliver a letter for 
him. Take the letter and then when asked by the Centaur, take 
the Shovel. Now you may GO TO or RUN TO any of the important 
locations. There is no particular order in which to do things, 
and many of the items you will find are of no real use. A random 
element exists here and some things will require perseverence to 
achieve. This is one solution. 

Move around until you see the Eagle above you. Examine Eagle and 
then WAIT until it lands and carries you off to its nest. HIT 
CHICKS to be rewarded by the Eagle. Go to just outside the gate 
at the entrance to the Witch`s Cottage. DO NOT ENTER! It is a 
one-way gate! Ring the Bell that the Eagle gave you and wiat 
until the Eagle lands. Say (for example) EAGLE< GO TO PEG AND 
TAKE IT THEN FIND ME AND DROP PEG. The Eagle should then go into 
the cottage garden and free the Dog from its kennel. The Dog 
will now come thgrough the garden gate. Follow the dog until it 
meets the Swarm Of Dogs. They will reward you with a whistle for 
freeing their friend. The Llama will give you a flower. There is 
a hank of hair in the brambles. There is a coin in the mud 
beside the puddle. There is a nugget and a yellow fungus in the 
middle of the marsh. If you take the nugget and fungus a mist 
will suddenly come down and you will be unable to move. To find 
a way out either dropeverything you are holding OR wait for 
someone to come past and FOLLOW them. You could for example 
summon the Dogs and send them somewhere and then follow them. 

Go to the Forest in the Northeast of the land and WAIT. After a 
while a nymph will appear and wait to be given something pretty. 
If you have the Flower from the Llama or the Necklace from the 
Centaur then give one to the nymph. (To get things from the 
Centaur in addition to the Shovel you will need to trade other 
items on a two-for-one basis). 

Once the nymph has been befriended you can give her commands. 
One of the first should be to go the the Rock under which is a 
Bridle. If you drop all you are carrying and lift the rock, you 
can tell the nymph to get the Bridle. Pick everything up again 
and go with the nymph to a position just West of the Waterfall 
where you can see the Rainbow. Give the Shovel to the nymph and 
tell her to go East and then Dig. Wait for a while and then go 
East. You will now find a Crock of Gold and a Leprechaun. Take 
the Crock of Gold and give it the Leprechaun who will now offer 
to help you in future. He will tel you how to summon him when 
you are in need. Bear in mind that the ONLY way to complete the 
first part of Gnome Ranger is to defeat the Witch by destroying 
her source of power, her Magic Wand. In fact only the Leprechaun 
is strong enough to break the Wand. 

Blow your Whistle and when the Swarm of Dogs arrives say, DOGS, 
FIND UNICORN. Then tell the nymph to follow the Dogs and then 
follow the Dogs yourself. Once the Dogs track down the Unicorn 
and the nymph sees the Unicorn you will be rewarded again, this 
time by the Unicorn.He will give you a set of pipes with which 
to summon him if you need his help. 

Now open the envelope the Centaur gave you, read the letter and 
go back into the shop. You will be thrown out but that is no 
problem, it is the game points that we after here. 

It is now time to go through the gate into the cottage garden. 
Go round to the back door and summon the Unicorn by blowing the 
pipes. When he arrives tell him to break the door. Go South into 
the cottage and snap your fingers to summon the Leprechaun. When 
he arrives wait for the Witch to also turn up and quickly tell 
the Leprechaun to break the Wand. Be quick or the Witch will 
turn one of you into stone. 

At this point you should have scored 300 out of 300 and will be 
offered the opportunity of moving on to part 2. 

~Part 2 (Vegetable)

Start by taking the tea leaf. Then go to the kitchen and from 
there into the library. Read the books to get several clues as 
to what to do and how to do it. Go back to the kitchen and take 
the seed and the bulb. Go back to the garden and plant the seed. 
The seed will grow at once and become the greenslave. It needs 
to be animated, brought to life. To make the animate potion taje 
the elder berry, thistle flower, rowan berry and mint leaf and 
take them to the kitchen. put them into the pot one at a time in 
the order given above to produce the anitidote potion which will 
automatically be added to your inventory. Return to the garden 
and put the potion onto the greenslave. Plant the bulb in the 
garden and the blue telelily and the white telelily will appear. 
Climb the trees to get to the treehouse. The treehouse and the 
greenslave can be given instructions in the same way as the dogs 
and the nymph etc in part 1. 

Take the telelilies and the compost heap. Go northeast and drop 
the compost heap. You will need to take the compost heap at 
times and drop it on rocky ground in various places to enable 
the treehouse to move. Send the treehouse and greenslave to the 
cave and then follow them. When you, the treehouse and the 
greenslave are all outside the cave give the blue telelily to 
the greenslave then enter:- treehouse, hold cave wait 5. Then 
enter:- greenslave, find stinkwort shoot and put it in blue 

Then wait until the stinkwort shoot and the greenslave appear. 
If you experiment with the telelilies you will find that 
anything put into the blue one will reappear from the white one. 
Also note that once a potion has been used the ingredients that 
have been used up will grow again in the garden. They must be 
picked again because each potion will need at least some, if not 
all, of the same ingredients again. So get what you need from 
the garden and go back to the kitchen and make the weedkiller 
potion by putting into the pot in this order:- thistle flower, 
elder berry, mint leaf and rowan berry. Now with the telelilies 
and the weedkiller being carried and with greenslave following 
go to the hedge. Wear the weedkiller to go east past the hedge. 
Drop the blue telelily into the pond and put the white one on 
the skinny beanstalk. Wait until it explodes then go up. Examine 
the fern plant and take the fern shoot. The only way to pass the 
hedge from this side is to enter:- greenslave, push rock, push 
rock, push rock. Then enter:-push rock, push rock. (This way 
both you and greenslave will be pushing the rock at the same 
time). The rock will then roll down onto the hedge and make a 
path through it. Back to the garden again and then the kitchen 
to make the next potion, the antidote to the poison of the air 
plant. Make it in this order:- stinkwort shoot, mint leaf, fern 
shoot, elder berry. It helps to know where the treehouse and the 
greenslave are at all times. (It generally helps to send them 
back to the garden when they have finished a task and pick them 
up from there when needed). Now go to the garden and send the 
treehouse to the air plant. Drink the antidote potion and follow 
the treehouse. At the air plant examine it to find the air 
flower and tell the treehouse to take the air flower and give it 
to you. You may need to leave the location while the treehouse 
gets the air flower as it is scared of animals. 

Get some more ingredients and go back to the kitchen to make the 
fertilizer potion. The method is:- mint leaf, rowan berry, elder 
berry, air flower. Back to the garden and put the fertilizer on 
the tea bush. Take the tea leaf and the other ingredients needed 
and back to the kitchen. 

Now make a pot of tea using:- tea leaf, rowan berry, mint leaf, 
thistle flower. When the tea is made, the old man reappears and 
you drink tea with him. 

You should now have 600 points and be ready for the third part.

~Part 3 (Mineral)

Start first on the cloud 9 area. Find the yeti and by talking to 
him in the usual manner, ask him to lead you to the diamond. 
Follow him carefully. Take the diamond and the cloudstuff you 
find near it. Use the cloudstuff to line the yetis snowshoes. 

Now go to the penguin. The mother penguin is looking for a baby 
sitter. Take the egg and the mother penguin will become your 
friend. Find the icebridge and move south onto it. The icebridge 
will collapse and you will find yourself on an icefloe. When the 
icefloe sails past the mother penguin say:- penguin, push me 
west. The will then arrive at the iceberg. Take the sapphire and 
enter:- penguins, push me east. Now you will be back on the 

Go to the caves and find the fireking. After that go the prison 
cell and open it. Go inside and put the icechild in the sack so 
that the fireguard cannot see that you are freeing the child. 
Now go out and south to the land of the icepeople. When the 
icequeen offers to help you, get her, the icejester and the 
icepeople to follow you and go to the icefall. You cannot get 
out of the caves due to a flooded series of tunnels.Water is 
constantly coming into the caves but cannot get out quickly 
enough because there is an obstruction, a log, in the outlet 
pipe. You have to temporarily stop the water coming in so that 
you can enter the tunnels as the water level drops and remove 
the obstruction. A dam can be built if the icefall is pushed 
into the water. HOWEVER! Each player move causes the water level 
to increase by 1 level. Each push of the icefall builds the dam 
level up above the water level by 1. If the water level reaches 
the top of the dam it will break. If the water level reaches 10 
the pressure becomes too great and the dam breaks anyway. Help 
is needed here to build the dam and help is needed to remove the 
log from the outlet. the idea is to get the icequeen and the 
icepeople to help you by repeatedly pushing the icefall into the 
water while you send the icejester down to remove the log from 
the outlet. 

This, or something like it, should work with the icequeen, 
icejester and icepeople all together with you at the icefall. 

Try to keep the dam somewhere between 1 and 3 feet above the 
water level. Do this by either pushing the icefall or waiting. 
Eventually the dam should break but a cheer should go up as the 
water level rapidly drops showing that the log has been removed. 
Now follow the icequeen until she shakes hands with the 
fireking. Now get the icequeen to follow you again. 

Run to the treetrunk and enter:- ICEQUEEN, WAIT 12 THEN PUSH 
TREETRUNK. Now run to the garden where the gnome requires a 
gemstone to let you enter the garden. Give him any of your 
gemstones and you will be thrown into the garden. You will find 
your gemstone on the ground along with the emerald and the ruby. 
Drop everything and pick up the ruby and put it in the sack. Put 
the other three gemstones (diamond, sapphire and emerald) into 
the sack as well and pick up the sack. If you timed it right, 
round about now the treetrunk should come sailing into view 
along the river. STAND ON TREETRUNK to escape from the garden. 
The gnome will not you leave through the gate if you are holding 
anything you found in the garden. The treetrunk will sail past 
the iceberg area and when you see a suitable bit of land you 
should:-get of the log. 

You should be carrying the 4 gemstones and the sack. Return to 
the gate at the beginning of the game. Put the gemstones in the 
sockets one at a time and then go north. If all is well then you 
will be in Gnomebridge on the road to Gnettlefield. 

This is the end of the adventure and you should have 1000 points.

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CheatBook-DataBase 2025 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, DVD, Wii U, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 28.200 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 11, 2025. Download CheatBook-DataBase 2025

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