
Grand Theft Auto 2 Powerup Guide Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Grand Theft Auto 2 Powerup Guide

Grand Theft Auto 2 Powerup Guide

v 1.00 (09/02/2009)
By Elshendee

A walkthrough (using the PC version) explaining all powerups in GTA 2 
and how to get them. If you know something I missed, contact me

1.00 (04/07/2009): First version of the guide.
1.10: Fixed several minor mistakes, added coordinates for every 
powerup in the game, added powerup locations in the bonus levels.

Restores your health level. 
-Courtyard at the asylum, close to the entrance (Sunnyside) (57,5 19,5 
-Courtyard northwest of the Fruitbat car shop (Fruitbat) (10,5 47,5 2) 
-Hospital south of the Loonies information phone (Fruitbat) (40,5 48,5 
-Courtyard south of Lithium FM (Fruitbat) (77,5 39,5 2) 
-Ledge on a courtyard on the west side of the Zaibatsu HQ (Zaibatsu 
HQ) (187,5 96,5 3) 
-Hospital north of the Zaibatsu HQ and east of a bank (Omnitron) 
(214,5 75,5 4) 
-Courtyard two squares north of the Zaibatsu HQ (Omnitron) (209,5 57,5 
-Courtyard on a peninsula at the northeast corner of the Downtown 
District (Zarelli) (207,5 7,5 2) 
-Hospital north of the Flotsam bank (which is near the docks) 
(Flotsam) (230,5 189,5 3) 
-Go to the street west of the cathedral. Follow it on south direction. 
It will turn east, take the first street to south, and then the second 
to west. Follow the stairs on the north side. Follow the north hallway 
to a metal platform. (Altamount) (149,5 180,5 3) 
-Go to the street west of the cathedral. Follow it on south direction. 
It will turn east, take the first street to south, and then the second 
to west. Go up the stairs on the south side. (Altamount) (151,5 200,5 
-Hospital west of Avalon Station (Avalon) (86,5 87,5 2) 
-East of Avalon Station (Avalon) (111,5 92,5 2) 
-Ledge near the northernmost street at Ukita (Ukita) (98,5 244,5 3) 
-Hospital north of the J-Lab (Funabashi) (50,5 182,5 2) 
-Courtyard east of Funabashi Station (Funabashi) (85,5 184,5 2) 
-Courtyard south of the Shiroto car shop (Shiroto) (45,5 152,5 3) 
-Hut at the northwest corner of the map (RV Park) (5,5 2,5 2) 
-Hut near the south entrance to the RV Park (RV Park) (15,5 69,5 2) 
-Hut west of the Xenoton car shop (RV Opry) (85,5 29,5 4) 
-West side of the Zaibatsu Village, next to the road leading to the 
dam (The Village) (166,5 15,5 3) 
-Z-shaped platform in the middle of the Zaibatsu Village (The Village) 
(207,5 26,5 4) 
-South side of the house east of the Z-shaped platform (The Village) 
(223,5 34,5 3) 
-Building north of the east section of the Scientist Research Center 
(Stromberg) (232,5 203,5 2) 
-Alley at the square west of the shopping mall (Xanadu) (128,5 161,5 
-East of the Scientist Research Center entrance (Scientist Research 
Center) (221,5 221,5 2) 
-East of the Scientist Research Center conveyor belt (Scientist 
Research Center) (204,5 226,5 2)  
-Southeast corner of the construction site (Construction site) (112,5 
252,5 2) 
-Southeast corner of the power core (Power core) (41 250,5 4) 
-Get a fast car and go to the street east of the Zaibatsu information 
phone. Drive on south direction at top speed and hit the ramp. You 
should land on a tower. Jump from the tower roof to the metal platform 
around the nearest tower. Make you're your way through towers and 
pillars until you get to a tower with its platform at a low height. 
(Escobar) (60,5 220,5 5) 
-Metal platform leading to the back side of the Zaibatsu weapon 
factory (House of Guns) (15,5 184,5 4) 
-Find the zone with lots of pillars west of Bayano Station. Enter the 
zone using the south alley and go up the nearest ramp. Do some jumps 
over the pillars from there. (Chemicals) (41,5 164,5 4) 
-End of the north platform at Bayano Station (Bayano) (96,5 159,5 3) 
-Stone platform south of Heavenly Radio (Vedic Temple) (214,5 229,5 5) 
-South of the hut located northeast of the Vedic Temple (Hut on the 
hill) (245,5 202,5 5) 
-Go to the area with two conveyor belts next to the Tabernacle car 
shop. Use the stairs next to the north conveyor belt. (Krishna 
Krushers) (231,5 128,5 3) 
-Go to the Russian Cross. Go to the top, then go back down using the 
east ramp (The cross) (198,5 75,5 2) 
-Go to the Pravda police station. Use any stairs to get to the roof 
and head to the south side. (Police station) (227 43,5 5) 
-Go to the processing plant. Use the stairs on the west side to get to 
the roof and go to the air vent. (Blind Eye processing plant) (210,5 
7,5 5) 
-Go to the Russian Mafia headquarters and get to the top using the 
west stairs (Russian Mafia HQ) (143,5 28,5 5) 
-Go to the Tedium police station. Use the stairs east of the entrance 
to get to the roof. (Police station) (43 68,5 5) 
CAR CRUSHING: Schmidt (Downtown) Pickup (Residential) Maurice 
-Head south of the starting point, until the end of the passage, then 
walk a bit in west direction, until you see an alley in north 
direction before the corner (Bonus level G) (96 204 2) 
-Head west until you see some stairs, use them and jump to the nearby 
platform (Bonus level H) (118 137 5) 
-Use the stairs east of the starting point to reach an area with stone 
platforms around a big central room. Head to the southeast corner of 
the area (Bonus level I) (118,5 124,5 4) 
Enhances your protection, allowing you to take 10 extra bullets. 
-Courtyard at the asylum, close to the entrance (Sunnyside) (57,5 18,5 
-Courtyard northwest of the Fruitbat car shop (Fruitbat) (12,5 47,5 2) 
-Ledge on a yellow building east of the Fruitbat car shop. Use the 
stairs on the south side to go up. (Fruitbat) (49,5 64,5 4) 
-Courtyard south of Lithium FM (Fruitbat) (78,5 39,5 2) 
-Ledge on a courtyard on the west side of the Zaibatsu HQ (Zaibatsu 
HQ) (187,5 97,5 3) 
-Courtyard two squares north of the Zaibatsu HQ (Omnitron) (209,5 59,5 
-Courtyard on a peninsula at the northeast corner of the map (Zarelli) 
(209,5 7,5 2) 
-Motel two squares west of the cathedral and two squares east of a 
parking lot (Avalon) (114,5 142,5 3) 
-Go to the street west of the cathedral. Follow it on south direction. 
It will turn east, take the first street to south, and then the second 
to west. Go up the stairs on the south side. (Altamount) (152,5 200,5 
-Go to the street south of the Flotsam Police Station and follow it on 
east direction. Take the last street on the north side before it turns 
south. You'll soon see a tiny courtyard on your left (Flotsam) (229,5 
175,5 3) 
-Ledge near the northernmost street at Ukita (Ukita) (96,5 244,5 3) 
-Go the J-lab. Use the stairs on the west side to get to the roof. Use 
the second set of stairs to get to the east side, then jump over the 
gap (Laboratory) (55,5 204,5 5) 
-Courtyard east of Funabashi Station (Funabashi) (86,5 184,5 2) 
-Courtyard south of the Shiroto car shop (Shiroto) (46,5 152,5 3) 
-Hut at the northwest corner of the map (RV Park) (5,5 3,5 2) 
-Hut near the south entrance to the RV Park (RV Park) (16,5 69,5 2) 
-Hut west of the Xenoton car shop (RV Opry) (85,5 30,5 4) 
-West side of the Zaibatsu Village, next to the road leading to the 
dam (The Village) (166,5 14,5 3) 
-Z-shaped platform in the middle of the Zaibatsu Village (The Village) 
(207,5 25,5 4) 
-South side of the house east of the Z-shaped platform (The Village) 
(222,5 34,5 3) 
-Building north of the east section of the Scientist Research Center 
(Stromberg) (231,5 203,5 2) 
-South of the building west of the Largo car shop (Largo) (166,5 219,5 
-Alley at the square west of the shopping mall (Xanadu) (131,5 160,5 
-East of the Scientist Research Center entrance (Scientist Research 
Center) (220,5 221,5 2) 
-East of the Scientist Research Center conveyor belt (Scientist 
Research Center) (203,5 226,5 2) 
-Alley at the Morton police station (not the one next to the church, 
it's next to Morton Station) (Morton) (75,5 224,5 2) 
-West of the parking lot located south of the church (Morton) (90,5 
143,5 2) 
-Southwest corner of the power core (Power core) (13 250,5 4) 
-Get a fast car and go to the street east of the Zaibatsu information 
phone. Drive on south direction at top speed and hit the ramp. You 
should land on a tower. Go down the stairs. (Escobar) (70 217 2) 
-Metal platform over the back side of the Zaibatsu weapon factory 
(House of Guns) (8,5 179,5 4) 
-Find the zone with lots of pillars west of Bayano Station. Enter the 
zone using the south alley and go up the nearest ramp. Do some jumps 
over the pillars from there. (Chemicals) (43,5 163,5 4) 
-End of the south platform at Bayano Station (Bayano) (96,5 165,5 3) 
-Go the road north of the Gonad hospital and follow it towards west 
until it turns south. Keep using that road and you'll end at the 
Sennora police station. Use the stairs located close to the entrance 
and get to the roof. Walk around the wooden platforms there. (Police 
station) (104,5 137,5 5) 
-Go to the Narayana police station. Use the stairs at the west side, 
go to the top at the east side, and turn around the roof to get to the 
west side again (Police station) (145,5 225,5 5) 
-Stone platform southwest of Heavenly Radio (Vedic Temple) (210,5 
225,5 5) 
-North of the hut located northeast of the Vedic Temple (Hut on the 
hill) (248 197 4) 
-Go to the area with two conveyor belts next to the Tabernacle car 
shop. Use the stairs next to the south conveyor belt. (Krishna 
Krushers) (234 140 3) 
-Go to the Russian Cross. Go to the top, then go back down using the 
north ramp (The cross) (187,5 66,5 2) 
-Go to the processing plant. Use the stairs on the west side to get to 
the roof and go to the northwest tower. (Blind Eye processing plant) 
(205,5 4,5 6) 
-Go to the Russian Mafia headquarters and get to the top using the 
southwest stairs (Russian Mafia HQ) (145,5 38,5 5) 
-Alley west of the yellow container at west mad island (Mad Island) (3 
18 3) 
CAR CRUSHING: Romero (Downtown) Big Bug (Residential) Big Bug 
-Head east of the starting point, until the end of the passage, then 
walk a bit in north direction (Bonus level G) (166 188 2) 
-Head east until you see some stairs, use them and jump to the nearby 
platform (Bonus level H) (154 137 5) 
-Use the stairs east of the starting point to reach an area with stone 
platforms around a big central room. Head to the northwest corner of 
the area (Bonus level I) (111,5 117,5 4) 
Fast reload 
You can reload twice as fast for a brief moment, which means you can 
do more damage. 
-North of the Fruitbat car shop (Fruitbat) (27,5 44,5 2) 
-Southwest of the Fruitbar car shop (Fruibat) (13,5 71,5 3) 
-Go to the northwest corner of the campus. There are some stairs at 
the south said of the corner. Follow them to a elevated platform, then 
to a hallway. At the end of the hallway you'll see a roof on west 
direction, just jump there. (University) (24,5 101,5 5) 
-Go the road on the north side of the cathedral. Follow it on west 
direction. Soon it will turn south, but there's an alley on the west 
wall at that point. Enter that alley (Avalon) (114,5 111,5 2) 
-Warehouse close to the entrance to the east section of Flotsam docks 
(Flotsam) (252,5 230,5 2) 
-Square southwest of the cathedral (Altamount) (130,5 168,5 2) 
-Roof on Omnitron Station. Just go up the stairs (Omnitron) (225,5 
123,5 5) 
-Go to the southeast corner of the RV Park, near the Redneck 
information phone. Get a car and hit the ramp there pointing south. Go 
to the building on the east side of the area. Take the stairs on its 
east side, and turn around the building until you reach its south 
side. (Disgracelands) (63 82,5 3) 
-Go to the building west of the Largo car shop. Get a car neither too 
fast nor too slow and use the hidden ramp on its south side to jump to 
the roof of the car shop. (Largo) (178,5 220,5 4) 
-Look for some stairs at the east side of the free access section of 
the Scientist Research Center. Follow them, use a platform above the 
train tracks until you reach a long platform. Take the east direction 
until you reach an armoury. (Scientist Research Center) (242,5 236,5 
-Small courtyard at the building east of Wang cars (Arbo) (215,5 121,5 
-West side of the Zaibatsu pharmaceutical company. Turn around the 
whole building. (Decon laboratories) (52,5 243,5 2) 
-East of the building northwest of Bayano Station (Sennora) (69 145 2) 
-Alley southwest of the Russian Cross (Gonad) (146,5 91 2) 
-Go to the warehouses two squares west of Lubyanka hospital. Fin the 
four pillars with the green metal grills and use the stairs to get 
over one of them. Jump over them, then to the wooden box (Lubyanka 
warehouses) (175,5 45,5 3) 
CAR CRUSHING: A-Type (Downtown) Furore GT (Residential) Rumbler 
Double damage 
Your weapons are twice as powerful for a brief moment. Double damage 
has no effect on rocket launchers, grenades, molotov cocktails or 
vehicle bombs. 
-West of the Pizza Cake restaurant in northwest University 
(University) (4,5 106,5 3) 
-Middle of the square west of the cathedral (Avalon) (134,5 137,5 2) 
-East of the Flotsam car shop (Flotsam) (218,5 220,5 2) 
-Go to the southeast corner of the RV Park, near the Redneck 
information phone. Get a car and hit the ramp there pointing south. Go 
to the fenced courtyard on the west side of the area. (Disgracelands) 
(32,5 69,5 2) 
-Get a car and make your way to the shopping mall roof using the 
stairs located all over the mall. Find the platform which leaves the 
mall towards the east direction. Follow the set of stairs until you 
find a point where you must drop to a roof located at a lower height. 
Instead of dropping jump to the roof located west of where you are 
(Dominatrix) (189,5 183,5 5) 
-Look for some stairs at the east side of the free access section of 
the Scientist Research Center. Follow them, use a platform above the 
train tracks until you reach a long platform. Take the east direction 
until you reach an armoury. (Scientist Research Center) (241,5 236,5 
-Alley one square west of the Arbo hospital (Arbo) (192,5 145,5 2) 
-South side of the construction site, at the end of the passage with 
the four pillars with green metal grills (Construction site) (82,5 
253,5 2) 
-Building north of the Zaibatsu information phone (Bayano) (62,5 178,5 
-West of the building northwest of Bayano Station (Sennora) (63 145 2) 
-East side of the building two squares west of the Sennora police 
station (Sennora) (71,5 128,5 4) 
-Two squares north of Gonad hospital (Gonad) (138 91 2) 
-Head to the pier east of the Lubyanka Docks car shop and hit the ramp 
on its west side with a car. Hit the ramp on that second pier. 
(Lubyanka Docks) (145,5 9,5 2) 
-Take the street leading to the Tedium police station. When it splits 
into two, take the north street instead of the west street. Go to the 
building at the end of the street. (Azeri Heights) (51 42,5 2) 
CAR CRUSHING: Taxi (Downtown) Taxi Xpress (Residential) Taxi Xpress 
You are invulnerable to fists, weapons and cars. However, you can be 
killed by an electrogun, electrofingers, water, being blown up in your 
car and being dropped from a high building. 
-West of the building with gardens (Sunnyside) (6,5 21,5 2) 
-South of the Fruitbat Police Station (Avalon) (70,5 60,5 2) 
-Go to the street west of the cathedral. Follow it on south direction. 
It will turn east, take the first street to south. After you've passed 
the second street you'll see some stairs on the east side, follow them 
(Altamount) (172,5 204,5 3) 
-Take the road north of Ukita on east direction. Take the last street 
to east. You'll see some stairs on the north side, follow them 
(Funabashi) (103,5 221,5 3) 
-Alley on the northwest corner of the square south of the RV Park. 
Enter it from the road which goes west of the square. (Tabasco) (25,5 
101,5 2) 
-Go to the building west of the Largo car shop. Get a car neither too 
fast nor too slow and use the hidden ramp on its south side to jump to 
the roof of the car shop. Head to the north side of the roof. (Largo) 
(178,5 209,5 4) 
-Look for some stairs at the east side of the free access section of 
the Scientist Research Center. Follow them, use a platform above the 
train tracks until you reach a long platform. Take the east direction 
until you reach an armoury. (Scientist Research Center) (243,5 236,5 
-Go to the video store east of the Belmont motel. Go up the stairs and 
make your way to the roof of the police station. Use the stairs there 
to go back to the ground level. (Central police station) (80,5 122,5 
-Get a fast car and drive to the shopping mall. Find the ramp at its 
northeast corner facing north and hit it with top speed. You'll land 
on a roof with another ramp. Hit it too and you'll land on a second 
roof (Wormley) (173 123 6) 
-Alley south of Morton Station (Morton) (74,5 235,5 2) 
-Find the stairs at the west side of the power core and follow the 
metal platform to the northwest corner of the core (Power core) (3,5 
209 4) 
-Alley at the building east of Bayano Station (Bayano) (110,5 173,5 3) 
-Southwest corner of the building two squares west of the Sennora 
police station (Sennora) (56,5 131,5 4) 
-Go to the pier north of the Russian Mafia headquarters. Hit the ramp 
on its west side with a car. Hit the ramp on that second pier. (Azeri 
Heights Docks) (80 3 2) 
-Go to the northwest corner of Mad Island. Enter the courtyard from a 
passage accessible from east. (Mad Island) (23 15,5 3) 
CAR CRUSHING: B-Type (Downtown) Land Roamer, Meteor (Residential) Land 
Roamer (Industrial) 
Police, gang members and opponents can't see you while on foot. In 
multiplayer, also your arrow becomes invisible. 
-Garden between the west courtyard and the road around the east side 
of the Zaibatsu HQ (Zaibatsu HQ) (204,5 108,5 2) 
-Go to the road south of the Zarelli car shop. It does a couple of 
turns until it goes south. You should see some stairs on the east 
side. Follow them, then go through some hallways and some more stairs 
until you reach a ledge on the same road you started (Omnitron) (244,5 
65,5 4) 
-Go to the northwest corner of the campus. There are some stairs at 
the south said of the corner. Follow them to a elevated platform, then 
to a hallway. At the end of the hallway you'll see a roof on west 
direction, just jump there. (University) (25,5 102,5 5) 
-West section of Flotsam docks (Flotsam) (206,5 240,5 2) 
-Left quay of the two at the northeast side of Ukita (Ukita) (98,5 
236,5 2) 
-East of the Rebel Radio fenced courtyard (RV Park) (44,5 46,5 2) 
-Top of the hut west of the Xenoton car shop. Take the stairs on its 
east side and use the ledge around the hut. (RV Opry) (79,5 29,5 5) 
-Courtyard at the southwest corner of the Zaibatsu Village (The 
Village) (179,5 37,5 3) 
-Go to the platform over the RV park (take the Redemption entrance or 
the Village entrance, or use the stairs at Xenoton since you don't 
need a car). Head to the Xenoton section (close to the Redemption 
entrance) where it turns twice, and go to its south side. (Xenoton) 
(131,5 83,5 3) 
-West of the Osmosis Radio building, next to the Scientist Research 
Center entrance. (Scientist Research Center) (210,5 230,5 2) 
-Top, west side of the parking lot two squares east of the Sennora 
police station (Gonad) (138,5 146,5 4) 
-Take the last street towards west before you enter Mad Island. Follow 
it until its end and you'll reach an area with a container (Tedium) 
(13,5 73,5 2) 
-Head to the pier east of the Lubyanka Docks car shop and go to its 
west side (Lubyanka Docks) (174,5 3,5 2) 
-Go to the Krimea parking lot located northeast of the Tedium car shop 
and east of the Tedium police station (Krimea) (77 66,5 2) 
CAR CRUSHING: Dementia (Downtown) B-Type (Residential) B-Type 
Get out of jail Free Card 
You'll keep your weapons and your multiplier after being arrested. 
-Middle of the building with gardens placed west of the asylum. Just 
north of the main gate (Sunnyside) (30,5 16,5 2) 
-Northwest corner of the campus (University) (30,5 78,5 4) 
-Take the street south of the cathedral and follow it in west 
direction. Take the second street to the south. At the end you'll see 
a courtyard on the south side. There's a second courtyard on the east 
side (Funabashi) (113,5 193,5 2) 
-Take the street north of the J-Lab on west direction and take the 
last street to north. Take the first street to west (Funabashi) (9,5 
183,5 2) 
-Top of the hut west of the Xenoton car shop. Take the stairs on its 
east side and use the ledge around the hut. (RV Opry) (79,5 28,5 5) 
-Alley two squares west of Wang Cars (Wormley) (172,5 119,5 2) 
-Go to the square north of the shopping mall. The building on its 
north side has a hidden ramp on its east side. Hit it with a car, then 
drop down. (Wormley) (147,5 134,5 6) 
-Northeast corner of the conveyor belt north of the Zaibatsu weapon 
factory (Zaibatsu cranes) (16,5 145,5 2) 
-Go to the Krimea parking lot located northeast of the Tedium car shop 
and east of the Tedium police station. Get a Cop Car and hit the ramp 
there to get to the metal building with the hidden train tracks 
intersection. Get out of the car and drop to the tracks in south 
direction. Walk towards south until you get close to Bayano Station 
(Sennora) (75,5 153,5 5) 
-Courtyard two squares east of Bayano Station (Petula) (144,5 163 3) 
-Take the first street towards east as soon as you enter Mad Island. 
You'll enter a set of warehouses. Take the wooden platform on its east 
side until you reach another set of warehouses, this time on Tedium. 
Take the metal platform and get over the train tracks. Head towards 
east direction until you get close to a roof southwest of Tedium 
Station (Tedium) (57 61,5 4) 
-Take the first street towards east as soon as you enter Mad Island. 
You'll enter a set of warehouses. Take the wooden platform on its east 
side until you reach another set of warehouses, this time on Tedium. 
Take the metal platform and follow it until you see a point where you 
can drop to the train tracks. Don't drop and instead head west. Follow 
the path on north direction. (Tedium) (28,5 47,5 3) 
-Go to the processing plant. Find the north edge and head to the 
northeast corner of the map. (Blind Eye processing plant) (252 3,5 2) 
-Go to the pier north of the Russian Mafia headquarters. Hit the ramp 
on its west side with a car. Hit the ramp on that second pier. (Azeri 
Heights Docks) (66 3 2) 
CAR CRUSHING: Aniston BD4 (Downtown) Morton (Residential) Jefferson 
Cop bribe 
Deletes your wanted level 
-Go to the street west of the cathedral. Follow it on south direction. 
It will turn east, take the first street to south, and then the second 
to west. Follow the east hallway over a metal platform. At the end 
you'll see a gap leading to a courtyard. Go up the stairs and cross 
the metal platform to the west side (Altamount) (166,5 178,5 4) 
-South of the Shiroto car shop (Shiroto) (38,5 148,5 2) 
-West of the parking lot located south of the church (Morton) (90,5 
136,5 2) 
-Courtyard at the west side of the building north of the Zaibatsu 
weapon factory (Sennora) (7,5 170,5 2) 
-Southeast corner of the conveyor belt north of the Zaibatsu weapon 
factory (Zaibatsu cranes) (16,5 162,5 2) 
-Northeast of Gonad hospital and southwest of the Russian Cross 
(Gonad) (150 95 2) 
-Alley two squares east of Bayano Station (Petula) (133,5 161,5 3) 
-Find the alley at east Mad Island. Take the stairs next to its 
entrance. Do a hard series of jumps over the roofs, paying attention 
at the gaps showing the place which can be used to jump and killing 
all the Islanders shooting at you, until you reach an island with some 
warehouses. (Azeri Heights Docks) (55,5 30,5 2) 
CAR CRUSHING: Cop Car (Downtown) Cop Car (Residential) Cop Car 
All people close to you get electrocuted. 
-Alley three squares east of the Tedium car shop (Gonad) (102,5 91 2) 
-Alley north of the small conveyor belt located north of the army base 
(Petula) (133 203,5 2) 
-Passage east of the army base, enterable from north of the army base 
(Narayana) (167 250 2) 
-Warehouses west of Lubyanka hospital (Lubyanka) (190,5 46,5 2) 
-Go to the pier north of the Russian Mafia headquarters. Hit the ramp 
on its west side with a car (Azeri Heights Docks) (102,5 5,5 2) 
CAR CRUSHING: Minx (Downtown) Benson (Residential) Stinger 
Multiplier +1 
Adds 1 to your multiplier score. 
-Go to the platform over the RV park (take the Redemption entrance, or 
the Village entrance if you haven't completed "Blow job"). Use a car 
to jump from the platform to the hut next to the third pillar after 
you've entered the RV Park. (Disgracelands) (54,5 66 5) 
-Get a car and make your way to the shopping mall roof using the 
stairs located all over the mall. Jump from the roof to the tower 
located at the south side of the mall. (The mall) (158,5 186,5 6) 
-Find the alley with a metallic floor two squares west of the shopping 
mall (it has a Kill Frenzy if you didn't complete it). Use the stairs 
at the north side of the alley. Make your way across the roof until 
you see a big metallic zone (Morton) (96,5 163,5 6) 
-Get a fast car and drive to the shopping mall. Find the ramp at its 
northeast corner facing north and hit it with top speed. You'll land 
on a roof with another ramp. Hit it too and you'll land on a second 
roof. Jump to the roof west of it, then drop down. (Wormley) (166,5 
124,5 3) 
Life +1 
Gives you an extra life. 
-Go to the platform over the RV park (take the Redemption entrance, or 
the Village entrance if you haven't completed "Blow job"). Drive 
across the long section which goes from the RV park to south Xenoton 
(the one closer to the Redemption entrance) on east direction and jump 
to the roof east of the platform. (Xenoton) (149,5 59,5 4) 
-Look for some stairs at the east side of the free access section of 
the Scientist Research Center. Follow them, use a platform above the 
train tracks until you reach a long platform. Take the east direction 
until you reach an armoury. (Scientist Research Center) (241,5 237,5 
-Find the alley with a metallic floor two squares west of the shopping 
mall (it has a Kill Frenzy if you didn't complete it). Use the stairs 
at the north side of the alley. Make your way across the roof until 
you see a big metallic zone (Morton) (96,5 164,5 6) 
-Go to Wormley Station (next to the church). Fin the gap at the 
elevated platform over the train tracks and use it to jump to the roof 
north of it. Make your way to the building north of the church and 
carefully jump to the church roof. (Morton) (110,4 123,4 4,3) 
-Go to the square north of the shopping mall. The building on its 
north side has a hidden ramp on its east side. Hit it with a car, then 
drop down. (Wormley) (147,5 130,5 6) 
If you are on a gang's territory, it enhances the gang's respect. 
It's a special power-up which can only be acquired by crushing 
concrete cars. 
CAR CRUSHING: Wellard (Downtown) Special Agent Car (Residential) 
Special Agent Car (Industrial) 
Instant gang 
Four civilians are transformed into allied gang members. 
Only available during Multiplayer.

Useful links:
-A map with all powerup locations:
-More information about GTA 2 powerup, including pics for every 


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