Grand Theft Auto 2 Vehicle Guide
v 1.00 (09/02/2009)
By Elshendee
A walkthrough (using the PC version) explaining all vehicles in GTA 2
and how to get them. If you know something I missed, contact me
The A-Type doesn't appear around the streets at any districts,
although it has some parked locations at the Downtown District. It's
based on the Bentley R-Type (1952-1955), as evidenced by its in-game
name, RTYPE. It can carry 5 people.
-South side of Fruitbat police station (Fruitbat) (59 48 2)
-Small courtyard west of the street leading to Ukita (Funabashi) (61,5
219,9 2)
CAR CRUSHING: Fast reload (Downtown)
Aniston BD4
The Aniston BD4 is based on the Aston Martin DB4 (1958-1963), James
Bond's car in "Goldfinger", as evidenced by its in-game name, AMDB4.
It appears around the Downtown District, and it can carry 4 people.
-Building west of Shiroto car shop (Shiroto) (34 140 2)
-South side of the elevated metal platform connecting Funabashi and
east Ukita (Ukita) (121,5 239,5 2)
-Go to the Flotsam car shop. Take the street north of it towards west
and check the north side once the first street is past (Altamount)
(169 211 2)
-Take the street east of the Zaibatsu HQ towards north, then turn
west. Check the small alcove (Zaibatsu HQ) (231 89 3)
CAR CRUSHING: Get out of jail free card (Downtown)
The Arachnid is based on the Alfa Romeo Spider (1966-1993), as
evidenced by its in-game name, SPIDER. It can carry 4 people, and it
appears around the Residential and Industrial Districts.
-Next to the church entrance. This one is special: crash with it into
other car and you will throw the other car far away, very strong
against other cars although you can damage it by crashing it very fast
(Morton) (111,5 126,5 2)
-Parking lot southwest of the church (Morton) (102,5 137,5 2)
-Parking lot some blocks west of the Scientist Clone center, or its
remainings (Largo) (156,5 224,5 2)
-Parking lot near the southwest corner of the shopping mall (Largo)
(142,5 202,5 2)
-Parking lot at the east side of the shopping mall (The mall) (X2)
(175,5 168,5 3) (175,5 170,5 3)
-Go to the Krimea parking lot located northeast of the Tedium car shop
and east of the Tedium police station (Krimea) (82,5 62,5 2)
-Top, west side of the parking lot two squares east of the Sennora
police station (Gonad) (139,5 143,5 4)
-Parking lot north of the church (Tedium) (30,5 92,5 3)
-Parking lot two squares west of the church (Tedium) (13,5 111,5 2)
CAR CRUSHING: Shotgun (Residential) Machine gun (Industrial)
Armed Land Roamer
Similar to the Land Roamer, but it always has a jeep gun with 20
rounds. You'll find some of these when you're chased by the army with
6 cop heads. It can carry 4 people. You'll only be able to get one of
them at the Residential and Industrial Districts. Its in-game name is
GUNJEEP. It's a type of military Land Rover, such as the 101 Forward
Control (1972-1978).
-Wang Cars, southwest of the Arbo army base (Arbo) (WANG CARS REWARD)
(204,5 126,5 2)
-South of the construction site entrance (Construction site) (ON A
CAR CRUSHING: Machine gun (Residential) Machine gun (Industrial)
The B-Type can be found at all districts. It's based on the Bentley S1
or Bentley S-Type (1955-1959), as evidenced by its in-game name,
STYPE. It can carry 6 people.
-A bit northwest of the asylum (Sunnyside) (46,5 3,7 2)
-Parking lot east of the church located east of the Shiroto car shop
(Avalon) (91,5 127,5 2)
-Parking lot north of the church (Tedium) (36,5 89,5 3)
-Parking lot some blocks north of the Zaibatsu cranes (Sennora) (8,5
126,5 2)
CAR CRUSHING: Invulnerability (Downtown) Invisibility (Residential)
Invisibility (Industrial)
The Beamer appears on the Downtown District. It's based on the BMW 503
(1956-1959), as evidenced by its in-game name, BMW. It can carry 4
people. It may be related to the GTA 3 Sentinel, as its name on the
beta version was "Beamer".
-Southeast corner of the building with gardens placed west of the
asylum. Just east of the main gate (Sunnyside) (40 21 2)
-Go to the Flotsam car shop. Take the street north of it towards west
and take the first street towards north. Take the first street on
north direction and follow it until its end (Flotsam) (206 199 2)
-Parking lot at Omnitron hospital (Omnitron) (219,1 73,5 3)
CAR CRUSHING: Flamethrower (Downtown)
The Benson appears around the Residential District. It's based on the
Mercedes-Benz 300SL (1954-1963), as evidenced by its in-game name,
MERC. It can carry 4 people.
-Parking lot west of the Redemption entrance to the elevated platform
over the RV Park (Redemption) (94,5 77,5 2)
-Parking west of a diner at the southernmost street of the Residential
District (Morton) (81,5 249,5 2)
-Parking lot near the southwest corner of the shopping mall (Largo)
(X2) (140,5 200,5 2) (155,5 202,5 2)
-Parking lot at the east side of the shopping mall (The mall) (177,5
165,5 3)
CAR CRUSHING: Electrofingers (Residential)
Big Bug
The Big Bug appears on all districts. It's based on the Volkswagen
Super Beetle (1971-1979). Its in-game name is SAMPLE. It can carry 4
CAR CRUSHING: Machine gun (Downtown) Armor (Residential) Armor
Box Truck
The Box Truck appears around the Industrial District. It's too heavy
to be crushed. Its in-game name is BOXTRUCK. It can carry 11 people,
and it can take a rocket launcher shot if it's on perfect condition.
The Bug appears around the Downtown and Residential Districts. It's
based on the Volkswagen Beetle Type 1 (1938-2003), as its in-game name
is BUG. It can carry 4 people.
-Take the street east of the bank near Flotsam docks. Follow it on
north direction, turn west, turn north again, and check behind the
buildings on the east side (Flotsam) (252 185 3)
-A bit west of the Zaibatsu HQ entrance (Zaibatsu HQ) (232,5 95,5 3)
CAR CRUSHING: Machine gun (Downtown) Machine gun (Residential)
The Bus is found around all districts, it usually appears when
standing near a bus stop. It's obviously too heavy to be crushed. It's
in-game name is, of course, BUS. It can carry 31 people.
Containers can be attached to Truck Cabs and Truck Cabs SX, although
it doesn't have any special meaning. Their in-game name is TRUKCONT.
-Parking lot at the northwest corner of the peninsula at the northeast
corner of the Downtown District (Zarelli) (222,5 4,5 2)
-Parking lot east of the church located east of the Shiroto car shop
(Avalon) (88,5 129,5 2)
-West side of Mad Island, be careful with the shooting Islanders (Mad
Island) (15 14,5 3)
-Go to the second pier in Azeri Heights starting from left (Azeri
Heights Docks) (90,5 14,5 2)
-Between the Russian crushing crane and the meat procesing plant
(Lubyanka) (177,5 23,5 2)
Cop car
The Cop Car appears around all districts, as it's the police's vehicle
of choice. It's one of the fastest vehicles in the game, or even the
fastest. This will be the car the police will use to chase you when
you have one to four cop heads. It's based on a Bentley, and its in-
game name is COPCAR. It can carry 5 people.
-Morton police station (not the one next to the church, it's next to
Morton Station) (Morton) (X2) (84,5 224,5 2) (84,5 226,5 2)
-Arbo police station, enter from Dominatrix (Arbo) (X4) (233,5 148,5
3) (233,5 150,5 3) (235,5 147,5 3) (236,5 147,5 3)
-Tedium police station, some blocks north of the church (Police
station) (41,5 71,5 2)
-Pravda police station, south of the Blind Eye Processing plant
(Police station) (X2) (225,5 40,5 2) (229,5 40,5 2)
-Go the road north of the Gonad hospital and follow it towards west
until it turns south. Keep using that road and you'll end at the
Sennora police station (Police station) (109,5 139,5 2)
CAR CRUSHING: Cop bribe (Downtown) Cop bribe (Residential) Cop bribe
Dementia Limousine
The Dementia Limousine is somehow related to the BMW Isetta, as
evidenced by its in-game name ISETLIMO. It can carry 10 people. It
doesn't appear around the streets at any district (although it does
appear at the Downtown District-like bonus levels), and it only
appears during the mission "Dimentia to go". It's too heavy to be
The Eddy appears around the Residential and Industrial Districts. It's
an extremely good car because of his high durability (it can take a
rocket launcher shot if it's in perfect condiction) combined with a
decent speed, and ironically, its real-life counterpart, the Ford
Edsel (1957-1959), is considered one of the biggest failures on
automobile history. Its in-game name is EDSEL, and it can carry 4
CAR CRUSHING: Machine gun (Residential) Machine gun (Industrial)
The Firetruck appears on all districts, usually after a large fire has
been created. Its in-game name is FIRETRUK. It can carry 2 people. It
will appear equipped with either a vehicle flamethrower or, much more
often, a water cannon. It's too heavy to be crushed.
-Alley west of the Loonies' garage two blocks north of the Fruitbat
car shop (Sunnyside) (STARTS A KILL FRENZY) (5,5 26,5 3)
-Go to the Belmont car shop. Head two blocks north, then two blocks
east (Belmont) (31 144 2)
-South of the Arbo army base (Arbo) (229 123 2)
-Wang Cars, southwest of the Arbo army base (Arbo) (WANG CARS REWARD)
(200,5 126,5 2)
Furore GT
The Furore GT appears around the Residential District. Its in-game
name is ZCX5, and it's based on the Ferrari 365 GT (1966-1970). It can
carry 2 people.
-Portion of the RV Park close to the dam. Not too far from the Xenoton
car shop (RV Park) (ON A TRAILER) (STARTS A KILL FRENZY) (65,5 17,5 2)
-Parking lot west of the Redemption entrance to the elevated platform
over the RV Park (Redemption) (94,5 80,5 2)
-Parking lot east of the church (Wormley) (130,5 131,5 2)
-Parking lot southwest of the church (Morton) (102,5 139,5 2)
-Parking west of a diner at the southernmost street of the Residential
District (Morton) (77,5 250,5 2)
-North side of the Belmont car shop (Belmont) (ON A TRAILER) (STARTS A
KILL FRENZY) (6,5 174,5 2)
-Go to the Belmont car shop. Take the road on its east side towards
east. Take the first street on south direction. Check the parking lot
on the east side (Belmont) (42,5 196,5 2)
-Wang Cars, southwest of the Arbo army base (Arbo) (WANG CARS REWARD)
(X4) (201,5 126,5 2) (203,5 126,5 2) (205,5 126,5 2) (207,5 126,5 2)
-Parking lot near the southwest corner of the shopping mall (Largo)
(139,5 202,5 2)
-Parking lot at the east side of the shopping mall (The mall) (177,5
171,5 3)
-South of Arbo police station (Dominatrix) (ON A TRAILER) (STARTS A
KILL FRENZY) (243,5 185,5 2)
-Parking lot east of the elevated platform over Xenoton (Xenoton)
(148,5 70,5 2)
CAR CRUSHING: Fast reload (Residential)
-Near the starting point (Bonus Level D) (100,5 103,5 3)
-Near the starting point (Bonus Level E) (123,5 82,5 3)
-Near the starting point (Bonus Level F) (75,5 109,5 3)
G4 Bank Van
The G4 Bank Van can be found around all districts. Its in-game name is
BANKVAN. It's too heavy to be crushed. It can carry 10 people. It's a
very durable car, able to take 2 rocket launcher shots if it's on
perfect condition.
The GT-A1 can't be found around any district. It appears only as the 8
Wang Cars around the Residential District, but they can't be driven,
since entering one of them will teleport you to the Wang Cars building
(unless you use a teleport cheat). It can only be used on multiplayer.
Its in-game name is GT24640. It can carry 4 people.
Garbage Truck
The Garbage Truck appears around the Industrial District. It can carry
10 people and its in-game name is GTRUCK. It's too heavy to be
The Hachura appears around the Residential District, and it's easy to
recognise because of its stripe. Its in-game name is STRIPETB. It can
carry 4 people. It may be related to the GTA 3 Idaho, as its name on
the beta version was "Hachura".
CAR CRUSHING: Rocket launcher (Residential)
Hot Dog Van
The Hot Dog Van appears around the Residential and Industrial
Districts. Its in-game name is HOTDOG, and it can carry 3 people. It's
too heavy to be crushed, and you can't buy hot dogs from one of them.
Ice Cream Van
The Ice Cream Van appears around the Downtown District. It emits music
if the horn button is pressed. Its in-game name is ICECREAMS and it
can carry 3 people. It's too heavy to be crushed, and you can't buy
ice creams from one of them.
Jagular XK
The Jagular XK appears around the Industrial District. It's based on
the Jaguar XK 120 (1948-1954), as evidenced by its in-game name,
XK120. It can carry 2 people.
-Parking lot north of the church (Tedium) (45,5 92,5 3)
-Top, east side of the parking lot two squares east of the Sennora
police station (Gonad) (153,5 148,5 4)
-Go to the large silos south of the Chernobolt factory and head east.
Go to the train tracks and follow them on north direction until they
cross a tunnel (Pravda) (ON A TRAILER) (STARTS A KILL FRENZY) (245 26
-Parking lot in Sennora located west of the Sennora police station
(Sennora) (78,5 131,5 2)
CAR CRUSHING: Electrogun (Industrial)
The Jefferson appears around the Industrial District. Its in-game name
is JEFFREY, and it's based on a Rambler (1902-1914), making it the
oldest car in GTA 2. It can carry 2 people.
-Parking lot north of the church (Tedium) (44,5 89,5 3)
-Top, east side of the parking lot two squares east of the Sennora
police station (Gonad) (ON A TRAILER) (STARTS A KILL FRENZY) (155 148
-Top, west side of the parking lot two squares east of the Sennora
police station (Gonad) (143,5 143,5 4)
CAR CRUSHING: Get out of jail free card (Industrial)
Krishna Karma Bus
The Hare Krishnas' vehicle of choice. Its in-game name is KRSNABUS.
It's too heavy to be crushed. It can carry 31 people. It doesn't have
any of special such as high durability (which would have appropiate,
because of its large size).
-Go to the area with two conveyor belts next to the Tabernacle car
shop, check the entrance (Krishna Krushers) (238,8 140,2 2)
Land Roamer
You'll find some of these when you're chased by the army with 6 cop
heads. It can carry 3 people. You'll only be able to get one of them
at the Residential and Industrial Districts. Its in-game name is JEEP.
It's a type of military Land Rover, such as the 101 Forward Control
(1972-1978). It doesn't have any equipped guns like its brother the
Armed Land Roamer (unless you give it some).
CAR CRUSHING: Invulnerability (Residential) Invulnerability
Loonie Dementia
The Loonies' vehicle of choice. It's based on the BMW Isetta (1954-
1962), as evidenced by its in-game name, ISETTA. It can carry 2
CAR CRUSHING: Invisibility (Downtown)
The Maurice appears around the Residential and Industrial Districts.
It's based on the Morris Minor (1948-1971), as evidenced by its in-
game name, MORRIS. It can carry 4 people. It may be related to the GTA
3 Perennial, as it was called in the beta version "Maurice".
-Parking lot west of the Redemption entrance to the elevated platform
over the RV Park (Redemption) (96,5 78,5 2)
-Parking west of a diner at the southernmost street of the Residential
District (Morton) (82,5 249,5 2)
-Parking lot some blocks west of the Scientist Clone center, or its
remainings (Largo) (156,5 223,5 2)
-Parking lot at the east side of the shopping mall (The mall) (177,5
166,5 3)
-Parking lot east of the elevated platform over Xenoton (Xenoton)
(150,5 70,5 2)
-Parking lot north of the church (Tedium) (32,5 89,5 3)
-Parking lot two squares west of the church (Tedium) (10,5 113,5 2)
-Top, east side of the parking lot two squares east of the Sennora
police station (Gonad) (158,5 144,5 4)
-Go to the Krimea parking lot located northeast of the Tedium car shop
and east of the Tedium police station (Krimea) (84,5 72,5 2)
-Parking lot in Sennora located west of the Sennora police station
(Sennora) (80,4 126,5 2)
CAR CRUSHING: Machine gun (Residential) Health (Industrial)
The Medicar is a large ambulance found at all districts, usually after
a large number of people has been killed. It can carry 5 people, and
it's based on the Eureka Cadillac. Its in-game name is MEDICAR. It's
too heavy to be crushed.
-Wormley hospital located south of the elevated platform over Xenoton
(Wormley) (138 96,5 2)
-Parking lot southwest of the church (Morton) (X2) (97 139,5 2) (97
141,5 2)
-Morton hospital located close to the Alma Mater prison (Belmont) (49
214,5 2)
-Belmont hospital located south of the Tabasco bowling (Belmont) (X2)
(5 122,5 2) (5 123,5 2)
-Arbo hospital located west of the Arbo police station (Arbo) (206
148,5 2)
-Lubyanka hospital south of the KGBH building (Lubyanka) (204,3 38 2)
-Bayano hospital, north of the Head Radio structure (Hospital) (X2)
(43,8 193,8 2) (45,5 192 2)
The regular Meteor can't be found around the streets at any district.
It only appears during the final Residential District mission, where
Dr LaBrat drives a black Meteor. It's based on the Lancia Stratos, as
evidenced by its in-game name, STRATOS. It can carry 2 people. The
version driven by Dr LaBrat has a special turbo engine, but Meteros
found on multiplayer don't.
CAR CRUSHING: Invulnerability (Residential)
Michelli Roadster
The Michelli Roadster appears around the Downtown District. It can
carry 2 people. It's based on the Toyota 2000 GT, as evidenced by its
in-game name, T2000GT.
-Building northwest of Shiroto car shop (University) (31,5 126,8 2)
CAR CRUSHING: Machine gun (Downtown)
The Minx appears around the Downtown and Industrial Districts. It's
based on the Daimler Dart, as evidenced by its in-game name, DART. It
can carry 2 people.
-Campus parking lot (University) (36,5 90,5 2)
-Parking lot east of the church located east of the Shiroto car shop
(Avalon) (91,5 131,5 2)
-Southwest corner of the Downtown District, west end of Ukita (Ukita)
(3,5 249,5 2)
-A bit southeast of the Zaibatsu HQ entrance (Omnitron) (252 108 4)
-A bit northwest of the Zarelli car shop (Zarelli) (215,5 22,5 2)
-Parking lot two squares west of the church (Tedium) (12,5 113,5 2)
CAR CRUSHING: Electrofingers (Downtown) Flamethrower (Industrial)
The Morton appears around the Residential District. It's based on the
Morgan +4 (1950-1969), as evidenced by its in-game name, MORGAN. It
can carry 2 people.
-Parking lot west of the Redemption entrance to the elevated platform
over the RV Park (Redemption) (96,5 83,5 2)
-Parking lot some blocks west of the Scientist Clone center, or its
remainings (Largo) (157,5 225,5 2)
-Parking lot near the southwest corner of the shopping mall (Largo)
(143,5 202,5 2)
-Courtyard inside a building west of Arbo army base (Arbo) (213,5 94,5
CAR CRUSHING: Get out of jail free card (Residential)
The Pacifier is an Armoured Personnel Carrier, as evidenced by its in-
game name APC, which appears when you're chased by the army with 6 cop
heads. You'll only be able to get them at the Residential and
Industrial District. It's too heavy to be crushed. It can carry 13
people. It can take a rocket launcher if it's on perfect condition.
The Panto is one of the slowest cars in GTA 2 and it appears around
the Residential and Industrial Districts. It's based on the Fiat 1100
(1937-1969), as evidenced by its in-game name, FIAT. It can carry 4
people. It was planned to appear in GTA 3, but it was dropped out
before release.
-Parking lot west of the Redemption entrance to the elevated platform
over the RV Park (Redemption) (94,5 76,5 2)
-Parking lot east of the church (Wormley) (130,5 133,5 2)
-Parking west of a diner at the southernmost street of the Residential
District (Morton) (79,5 250,5 2)
-Parking lot near the southwest corner of the shopping mall (Largo)
(X2) (139,5 200,5 2) (153,5 200,5 2)
-Parking lot east of the elevated platform over Xenoton (Xenoton)
(145,5 70,5 2)
-Parking lot some blocks north of the Zaibatsu cranes (Sennora) (12,5
126,5 2)
CAR CRUSHING: Grenades (Residential) Grenades (Industrial)
The regular Pickup appears doesn't appear around the streets at any
district, but it has some parked locations at the Residential
District. Its in-game name is PICKUP and it can carry 2 people.
-Portion of the RV Park close to the dam. Halfway between the access
to the island and Xenoton car shop (RV Park) (44,5 19,5 2)
-Trailer north of the Rebel Radio fenced courtyard (RV Park) (X2)
(33,5 34,5 2) (33,5 42,5 2)
-Trailer northeast of the Rebel Radio fenced courtyard (RV Park) (50,5
40,5 2)
-Two trailers northeast of the Rebel Radio fenced courtyard and a bit
east (RV Park) (53,5 35,5 2)
-East side of a trailer east of a barricade (RV Park) (46,5 27,5 2)
-South of the Old Banjo (RV Park) (X4) (9,5 44,5 2) (9,5 47,5 2) (9,5
51,5 2) (11,5 47,5 2)
-Trailer south of the Redneck lifting crane (RV Park) (53,5 54,5 2)
-Go to the southeast corner of the RV Park, near the Redneck
information phone. Get a car and hit the ramp there pointing south. Go
to the building on the east side of the area, and head to its east
side (Disgracelands) (69,5 74,5 2)
-Go to the southeast corner of the RV Park, near the Redneck
information phone. Get a car and hit the ramp there pointing south. Go
to the building on the east side of the area, and head to its west
side, close to the fenced courtyard (Disgracelands) (41,5 71,5 2)
-Go to the southeast corner of the RV Park, near the Redneck
information phone. Get a car and hit the ramp there pointing south. Go
to the southwest corner of the area, near the ramp leading out
(Disgracelands) (30,5 81,5 2)
CAR CRUSHING: Health (Residential)
Redneck Pickup
The Rednecks' vehicle of choice. It's similar to the regular version.
Usually found blue, although a grey version can be found during the
mission "Grandpa we love you". Its in-game name is PICKUP and it can
carry 2 people.
CAR CRUSHING: Health (Residential)
The Romero appears around the Downtown and Industrial Districts. It's
based on a Alfa Romeo, as evidenced by its in-game name ALFA. It can
carry 4 people.
-Southwest of the Fruitbat car shop (Fruitbat) (17,5 63,5 3)
-Elevated parking lot north of the Zaibatsu HQ (Omnitron) (234,5 72,5
-Northeast corner of the peninsula at the northeast corner of the
Downtown District (Zarelli) (243,5 9,5 2)
-Parking lot two squares west of the church (Tedium) (9,5 111,5 2)
CAR CRUSHING: Armor (Downtown) Molotov cocktails (Industrial)
The Rumbler appears around the Industrial District. Its in-game name
is WBTWIN. It can carry 2 people.
-Parking lot north of the church (Tedium) (40,5 89,5 3)
-Top, east side of the parking lot two squares east of the Sennora
police station (Gonad) (155,5 141,5 4)
-Go to the Krimea parking lot located northeast of the Tedium car shop
and east of the Tedium police station (Krimea) (84,5 62,5 2)
-North side of the big area with gardens and houses west of the area
with two conveyor belts next to the Tabernacle car shop (Tabernacle)
(209,5 111,5 2)
-Parking lot in Sennora located west of the Sennora police station
(Sennora) (80,5 133,5 2)
CAR CRUSHING: Fast reload (Industrial)
Russian Bulwark
The Russian Mafia's vehicle of choice. It has a high durability, as
it's able to take a rocket launcher shot if it's on perfect condition.
It's based on a Buick, such as the Estate or the Roadmaster, as
evidenced by its in-game name, BUICK. It can carry 5 people.
-Next to the power plant entrance, located south of the Pravda police
station (Power plant) (235,5 53,2 2)
CAR CRUSHING: Shotgun (Industrial)
The Schmidt is based on the Messerschmitt KR200 (1955-1964), and its
in-game name is MESSER. It appears around the Downtown and Residential
Districts. It can carry 2 people. It's worth noting that the Schmidt
is the first vehicle which appears in GTA 2.
-Small courtyard west of the street leading to Ukita (Funabashi) (57,5
219,5 2)
-Near the cathedral entrance (Avalon) (REQUIRES TUTORIAL START) (156,5
142,5 2)
-Parking lot east of the church located east of the Shiroto car shop
(Avalon) (86,5 127,5 2)
-Go to the Flotsam car shop. Take the street north of it towards west
and take the first street towards north. Take the first street on
north direction and check the nearby courtyard (Flotsam) (187,5 197,5
-Parking lot west of the Redemption entrance to the elevated platform
over the RV Park (Redemption) (96,5 89,5 2)
-Go to the Belmont motel located some blocks west of the central
police station (Belmont) (49,5 114,5 3)
-Parking lot near the southwest corner of the shopping mall (Largo)
(X2) (137,5 200,5 2) (152,5 200,5 2)
CAR CRUSHING: Health (Downtown) Machine gun (Residential)
Scientist Meteor
The SRS Scientists' vehicle of choice. It's based on the Lancia
Stratos, as evidenced by its in-game name, STRATOS. It can carry 2
people. It has a special turbo engine.
CAR CRUSHING: Invulnerability (Residential)
The Shark appears around the Downtown and Industrial Districts. It's
based on the Graham Sharknose, as evidenced by its in-game name,
GRAHAM. It can carry 5 people. It may be related to the GTA 3 Stinger,
as its beta name was "Shark".
-Near the west end of the street south of the J-Lab (Funabashi) (11,5
216,5 2)
-End of the small street between the two streets leading out of Ukita
(Ukita) (61,5 232,5 2)
-Front side of the building near the east entrance to Ukita (Ukita)
(89,5 239,5 2)
-North side of Altamount station (Altamount) (154,5 225,2 2)
-A bit northeast of the Zaibatsu HQ entrance (Omnitron) (252 85 3)
-Take the street east of the Zaibatsu HQ towards north, then turn
west. Check the small alcove (Zaibatsu HQ) (227,5 88,5 3)
-Parking lot north of the church (Tedium) (42,5 89,5 3)
-Go to the Krimea parking lot located northeast of the Tedium car shop
and east of the Tedium police station (Krimea) (80,5 68,5 2)
-East side of the big area with gardens and houses west of the area
with two conveyor belts next to the Tabernacle car shop (Tabernacle)
(216,5 121,5 2)
CAR CRUSHING: Molotov cocktails (Downtown) Rocket launcher
Special Agent Car
Similar to the Eddy, but it's black, and it's only found when chased
with 5 cop heads. As the Eddy, it can take a rocket launcher shot if
it's on perfect condition. It can carry 4 people and it's based on the
Ford Edsel (1957-1959). Its in-game name is EDSELFBI. Can be acquired
at the Residential and Industrial Districts.
-Wang Cars, southwest of the Arbo army base (Arbo) (WANG CARS REWARD)
(206,5 126,5 2)
CAR CRUSHING: Respect (Residential) Respect (Industrial)
Sports Limousine
The Sports Limousine appears around the Industrial District. It can
take a rocket launcher shot if it's on perfect condition. Its in-game
name is LIMO2 and it can carry 10 people. It's too heavy to be
The Spritzer appears around the Residential District. It's based on
the Austin Healey Sprite (1958-1971), as evidenced by its in-game
name, SPRITE. It can carry 2 people.
-Parking lot west of the Redemption entrance to the elevated platform
over the RV Park (Redemption) (96,5 86,5 2)
-Parking lot east of the church (Wormley) (128,5 129,5 2)
-Parking lot southwest of the church (Morton) (100,5 140,5 2)
-Parking west of a diner at the southernmost street of the Residential
District (Morton) (74,5 249,5 2)
-Parking lot near the southwest corner of the shopping mall (Largo)
(146,5 202,5 2)
-Parking lot at the east side of the shopping mall (The mall) (175,5
173,5 3)
CAR CRUSHING: Molotov cocktails (Residential)
The Stinger appears around the Industrial District. It's based on he
Chevrolet Corvette Stingray, as evidenced by its in-game name
STINGRAY. It can carry 2 people.
-Parking lot north of the church (Tedium) (41,5 92,5 3)
-Top, west side of the parking lot two squares east of the Sennora
police station (Gonad) (143,5 146,5 4)
-East side of the big area with gardens and houses west of the area
with two conveyor belts next to the Tabernacle car shop (Tabernacle)
(218,5 122,5 2)
-Parking lot some blocks north of the Zaibatsu cranes (Sennora) (15,5
128,5 2)
CAR CRUSHING: Electrofingers (Industrial)
-Near the starting point (Bonus level A) (124 132 2)
-Near the starting point (Bonus level B) (162 203 2)
-Near the starting point (Bonus level C) (116,5 133,5 3)
Stretch Limousine
The Stretch Limousine appears around the Residential District and it
can carry 10 people. It's in-game name is LIMO. It can take a rocket
launcher shot if it's on perfect condition. It's too heavy to be
You'll be chased by these vans when you have four cop heads. It can be
acquired at any district. Its in-game name is SWATVAN and can carry 21
people. It can take a rocket launcher shot if it's on eprfect
condition. It's too heavy to be crushed.
The T-Rex appears around the Residential District. It's based on the
Ford Thunderbird (1955-2005), as evidenced by its in-game name, TBIRD.
It can carry 4 people.
CAR CRUSHING: Electrogun (Residential)
Tanks appear when chased with 6 cop heads. The tanks driving around
the streets can easily be stolen, but the ones at barricades are
locked and it will be necessary to press the Enter key several times.
It's the most durable vehicle in GTA 2, as it takes 4 rocket launcher
shots to destroy it, and they're inmune to everything but rocket
launchers, molotov cocktails and car bombs. It always appears equipped
with 20 vehicle rocket launcher rounds. It's obviously too heavy to be
crushed. Its in-game name is TANK and it can carry 4 people.
-Take the street north of the J-Lab on west direction and take the
last street to north. Follow it when it turns west, then enter the
small courtyard on the west side (Funabashi) (STARTS A KILL FRENZY)
(3,5 164,5 3)
-End of a passage at the east section of Flotsam docks (Flotsam)
(STARTS A KILL FRENZY) (226,5 238,5 2)
-West of the south entrance to the RV Park (RV Park) (STARTS A KILL
FRENZY) (13 83 2)
-Get a fast car and go to the northwest corner of the square south of
the RV Park, enter it from the road which goes west of the square. You
should see some stairs on the north side. Take them and make your way
to the roof. Drop down to the train tracks and follow them until you
find a ramp. Hit it aiming southwest (Belmont) (STARTS A KILL FRENZY)
(29 178 3)
-Wang Cars, southwest of the Arbo army base (Arbo) (WANG CARS REWARD)
(202,5 126,5 2)
-Go to Mad Island anf look for the barricade with the tag on it. Go to
the street just west of it on north direction until you can't go north
anymore. You'll see an alley in the north-west corner of the map, take
it. Turn right in the first intersection (left of the screen) and turn
right again in the second one (top of the screen). You'll see some
stairs, take them. You'll have to do lots of jumps, some of them are
risky, be careful. You'll eventually see a courtyard (Mad Island)
-Look for the construction site gate. The tank is inside a tower just
north of it, but it's difficult to get into. You'll have to seek a
ramp just north of the tower and hit it with a VERY fast car. You'll
land on the tower roof, once there use the stairs to go down (Escobar)
(STARTS A KILL FRENZY) (72 219,5 2)
The Taxi appears around the Downtown District. It can carry 6 people.
Its in-game name is TAXI. You can use it to earn money, by doing taxi
fares, just wait until someone gets inside the taxi.
-Three blocks south of the Pizza Cake restaurant in northwest
University (University) (STARTS A KILL FRENZY) (8,5 139,5 3)
CAR CRUSHING: Double damage (Downtown)
Taxi Xpress
The Taxi Xpress appears around the Residential and Industrial
Districts. It can carry 6 people. It's based on the Bentley S-Type
(1955-1959), as evidenced by its in-game name is STYPECAB. You can use
it to earn money, by doing taxi fares, just wait until someone gets
inside the taxi. It's faster than the regular taxi.
CAR CRUSHING: Double damage (Residential) Double damage (Industrial)
Tow Truck
Only found in multiplayer. No towing uses despite its name. Its in-
game name is TOWTRUCK.
Trains can be found at stations at all districts. They can carry 32
people. They can't be jacked, but you can get into one of them to
travel around the city.
Trance AM
The Trance AM appears around the Residential District. It's based on
the Pontiac Firebird (1967-2002), and it's in-game name is TRANCEAM.
It can carry 4 people.
-Parking lot west of the Redemption entrance to the elevated platform
over the RV Park (Redemption) (96,5 88,5 2)
-Parking lot east of the church (Wormley) (128,5 130,5 2)
-Parking lot southwest of the church (Morton) (100,5 141,5 2)
-Parking west of a diner at the southernmost street of the Residential
District (Morton) (75,5 249,5 2)
-Go to the Belmont car shop. Take the road on its east side towards
east. Take the first street on south direction. Check the parking lot
on the east side (Belmont) (45,5 196,5 2)
-Parking lot near the southwest corner of the shopping mall (Largo)
(148,5 200,5 2)
-Parking lot at the east side of the shopping mall (The mall) (175,5
174,5 3)
CAR CRUSHING: Flamethrower (Residential)
Transporters can be attached to Truck Cabs and Truck Cabs SX. They can
be used to transport cars on their top, although it doesn't have any
meaning apart from missions, if both of them are brought to a lifting
crane. Its in-game name is TRUKTRNS.
-Lane west of the building with gardens palced west of the asylum
(Sunnyside) (9,5 16,5 2)
-South of the bank near Flotsam docks (Flotsam) (233,5 215,5 2)
-Portion of the RV Park close to the dam. Not too far from the Xenoton
car shop (RV Park) (65,5 17,5 2)
-Next to the south entrance to the RV Park (RV Park)(22,5 79,5 2)
-North side of the Belmont car shop (Belmont) (6,5 174,5 2)
-South side of the Belmont car shop (Belmont) (9,5 187,5 2)
-South side of Largo car shop (Largo) (178,5 222,5 2)
-South of Arbo police station (Dominatrix) (243,5 185,5 2)
-South of the Xenoton car shop (Xenoton) (94,5 33,5 2)
-South of the Zaibatsu crushing crane (Cayman) (229,5 74,5 2)
-West of Cayman car shop (Cayman) (212,5 71,5 2)
-Parking lot north of the church (Tedium) (34,5 91,5 3)
-Take the last street towards west before you enter Mad Island. Follow
it until its end and you'll reach a big area (Tedium) (5 70 2)
-Top, east side of the parking lot two squares east of the Sennora
police station (Gonad) (155 148 4)
-North side of the Russian Mafia headquarters (Russian Mafia HQ)
(143,5 21,5 2)
-East of the KGBH building, past a bridge (Pravda) (215,5 21,5 2)
-Go to the large silos south of the Chernobolt factory and head east.
Go to the train tracks and follow them on north direction until they
cross a tunnel (Pravda) (245 26 2)
-Parking lot some blocks north of the Zaibatsu cranes (Sennora) (13
130 2)
-South of the construction site entrance (Construction site) (71 242
Truck Cab
The Truck Cab appears around the sreets at the Downtown and Industrial
Districts, and it has some parked locations at the Residential
District. It can be attached to a Tanker, a Container or a
Transporter. Its in-game name is TRUKCAB1. It's too heavy to be
crushed. It can carry 3 people.
-Inside Fruitbat police station (Fruitbat) (50,5 40,5 2)
-Take the street north of the J-Lab on west direction and take the
last street to north. Take the first street to west (Funabashi) (10,5
176,5 2)
-Follow the street north of Ukita until its east end, turn north and
take the first street towards east, then the first street towards
south (Funabashi) (110,5 212,5 2)
-West side of a trailer east of a barricade (RV Park) (38,5 26,5 2)
-South of the Old Banjo (RV Park) (9,5 46,5 2)
-Parking lot some blocks north of the Zaibatsu cranes (Sennora) (11,5
130,5 2)
-Near the Zaibatsu lifting crane, west of Escobar car shop (Escobar)
(11,5 213,5 2)
Truck Cab SX
Similar to the Truck Cab, but it only appears around the Residential
District and it has a slightly different look. It can be attached to a
Tanker, a Container or a Transporter. Its in-game name is TRUKCAB2.
It's too heavy to be crushed. It can carry 3 people.
TV Van
The TV Van appears around all districts. It's too heavy to be crushed.
Its antenna on the top always point to the district church, useful to
find the savepoint. Its in-game name is TVVAN. It can carry 10 people.
U-Jerk Truck
The U-Jerk Truck appears around all districts. It's based on the Vespa
Piaggio Ape (1948-present), as evidenced by its in-game name, VESPA,
and the Daihatsu Midget (1957-1972). It can carry 2 people.
-Back side of the building near the east entramce to Ukita (Ukita) (88
234 2)
-Trailer next to a Beans Brew water tank, where the elevated platform
over the RV park turns (RV Park) (14,5 61,5 2)
-East of the ramp pointing towards Disgracelands, at the southeast
corner of the RV Park (RV Park) (68,5 53,5 2)
-Inside the Rebel Radio fenced courtyard (RV Park) (36,5 48,5 2)
-Parking lot north of the church (Tedium) (30,5 89,5 3)
-Top, west side of the parking lot two squares east of the Sennora
police station (Gonad) (141,5 146,5 4)
-Go to the Krimea parking lot located northeast of the Tedium car shop
and east of the Tedium police station (Krimea) (86,5 66,5 2)
CAR CRUSHING: Machine gun (Downtown) Machine gun (Residential) Machine
gun (Industrial)
The Van appears around all districts. It can bring 10 people. Its in-
game name is VAN. It's too heavy to be crushed.
-South of the police warehouses in Flotsam (Flotsam) (198,5 188,5 2)
-North of the bank near Flotsam docks (Flotsam) (201 231 2)
-Parking lot in Sennora located west of the Sennora police station
(Sennora) (82 127,5 2)
The Wellard appears around the Downtown District. It can carry 2
people. It's based on the Allard P1 (1949-1952), as evidenced by its
in-game name, ALLARD.
-Go to the street west of the cathedral. Follow it on south direction.
It will turn east, take the first street to south, and then the second
to west. When it turns south, enter the courtyard on the west side
(Altamount) (130 195 2)
-Church east of the Shiroto car shop (Avalon) (67,5 137,9 2)
-Go to the street east of the Zaibatsu HQ. Take it on south direction,
turn west at its end. Take the first street towards south. Turn west,
then south, and take the first street towards west (Flotsam) (225 153
-Fenced parking lot west of the Zarelli car shop (Zarelli) (211,5 38,5
-Parking lot at the northwest corner of the peninsula at the northeast
corner of the Downtown District (Zarelli) (225,5 4,5 2)
CAR CRUSHING: Respect (Downtown)
Yakuza Miara
The Yakuza's vehicle of choice. It can carry 2 people. It's based on
the Lamborghini Miura (1966-1972), as evidenced by its in-game name,
CAR CRUSHING: Rocket launcher (Downtown)
Zaibatsu Z-Type
The Zaibatsu Corporation's vehicle of choice. It's based on the
Bentley Mark V (1939-1941), as evidenced by its in-game name VTYPE. It
can carry 4 people.
-Front side of the Zaibatsu weapon factory (House of Guns) (8,5 159,5
CAR CRUSHING: Silenced machine gun (Downtown) Silenced machine gun
(Residential) Silenced machine gun (Industrial)
Useful links:
-A map with all vehicle locations:
-More information about GTA 2 vehicles, including pics for every