Grand Theft Auto 2 Weapon Guide
Grand Theft Auto 2
Weapon Guide, v 1.10 (09/02/2009)
By Elshendee
A walkthrough (using the PC version) explaining all weapons in GTA 2
and how to get them. If you know something I missed, contact me
1.00 (06/25/09): First version of the guide.
1.10: Fixed several minor mistakes, added coordinates for every weapon
in the game, added weapon locations in the bonus levels.
The pistol is a common weapon which fires single shots with a short
period of time in between them. It's more powerful than the machine
gun, but its shooting speed is slower, therefore the pistol isn't
useful when fighting large groups of enemies.
-Building east of Altamount Station (Altamount) (172,5 225,5 3)
-West of the bank near Flotsam docks (Flotsam) (227,5 210,5 2)
-Go to the street east of the Zaibatsu HQ. Take it on south direction,
turn west at its end. Enter the small alley on the south side and
you'll find a courtyard (Flotsam) (232,5 146,5 3)
-Next to the church entrance (Wormley) (114,5 124,5 2)
Dropped by Loonies, Yakuza and Zaibatsu at any time, and SWATs with 4
cop heads (Downtown)
Dropped by Rednecks, Scientists and Zaibatsu at any time, and SWATs
with 4 cop heads (Residential)
Dropped by Krishnas, Russians and Zaibatsu at any time, and SWATs with
4 cop heads (Industrial)
Dual pistol
Dual pistols are the same as a Pistol, except that they fire one shot
each (that would be two shots with each hit of a button). The bullets
also don't fire straight, they each go at a slight angle. It's worth
noting that they're extremely rare, they're most likely the most
difficult to get weapon in the whole game, which makes them hardly
useful if at all.
-Go to the Russian Cross and use the ramp to get to the top (The
cross) (188,5 77,5 6)
-East of the hut located northeast of the Vedic Temple (Hut on the
hill) (251,5 200,5 5)
-Find the zone with lots of pillars west of Bayano Station. Enter the
zone using the west alley and go up the nearest ramp. Jump over the
pillars from there. (Chemicals) (43,5 161,5 4)
Dropped by Zaibatsu with 3 or 4 negative respect bars (Residential)
Machine gun
The most common weapon in the whole game. Machine guns can fire non-
stop until there's no more bullets. Although weapons like the
flamethrower or the rocket launcher are more powerful, it's still very
useful because of its fast shooting speed, its high range and its
power rate whenn shot with accuracy. You should always have this.
-Courtyard at the asylum, close to the entrance (Sunnyside) (57,5 20,5
-Courtyard northwest of the Fruitbat car shop (Fruitbat) (11,5 47,5 2)
-Hospital south of the Loonies information phone (Fruitbat) (41,5 48,5
-Courtyard south of Lithium FM (Fruitbat) (76,5 39,5 2)
-Courtyard south of the Shiroto car shop (Shiroto) (44,5 152,5 3)
-Hospital north of the J-Lab (Funabashi) (50,5 183,5 2)
-Courtyard east of Funabashi Station (Funabashi) (84,5 184,5 2)
-A bit west of the elevated metal platform connecting Funabashi and
east Ukita (Funabashi) (110,5 229,5 2)
-Ledge near the northernmost street at Ukita (Ukita) (97,5 244,5 3)
-Courtyard on a peninsula at the northeast corner of the Downtown
District (Zarelli) (208,5 7,5 2)
-Courtyard two squares north of the Zaibatsu HQ (Omnitron) (209,5 58,5
-Hospital north of the Zaibatsu HQ and east of a bank (Omnitron)
(219,5 76,5 4)
-Bank two squares west of the hospital north of the Zaibatsu HQ
(Omnitron) (182,5 76,5 3)
-Ledge on a courtyard on the west side of the Zaibatsu HQ (Zaibatsu
HQ) (187,5 95,5 3)
-A bit west of the campus parking lot (University) (32,5 96,5 3)
-Take the set of stairs south of the cathedral entry. Then take the
second set of stairs towards east (Avalon) (166,5 140,5 2)
-Hospital west of Avalon Station (Avalon) (90,5 87,5 2)
-Get a fast car and go to the Avalon police station. Enter it from its
west side, then turn north and hit the ramp. Aim carefully towards the
ledge north of it (Avalon) (156,5 79,5 5)
-Go to the street west of the cathedral. Follow it on south direction.
It will turn east, take the first street to south, and then the second
to west. Go up the stairs on the south side. (Altamount) (150,5 200,5
-Go to the street west of the cathedral. Follow it on south direction.
It will turn east, take the first street to south, and then the second
to west. Follow the stairs on the north side. Follow the north hallway
to a metal platform, then walk a bit more towards north. Take the west
hallway towards its end. (Altamount) (132,5 176,5 4)
-Hospital north of the Flotsam bank (which is near the docks)
(Flotsam) (230,5 188,5 3)
-Go to the street south of the Flotsam Police Station and follow it on
east direction. Take the last street on the north side before it turns
south. Turn east and take the alley on the south side (Flotsam) (247,5
175,5 3)
-Hut west of the Xenoton car shop (RV Opry) (85,5 31,5 4)
-Hut near the south entrance to the RV Park (RV Park) (17,5 69,5 2)
-West side of the Zaibatsu Village, next to the road leading to the
dam (The Village) (166,5 13,5 3)
-South side of the house east of the Z-shaped platform (The Village)
(221,5 34,5 3)
-East of the Scientist Research Center entrance (Scientist Research
Center) (219,5 221,5 2)
-East of the Scientist Research Center conveyor belt (Scientist
Research Center) (202,5 226,5 2)
-Belmont hospital located south of the Tabasco bowling (Belmont) (8,5
121,5 2)
-Morton hospital located close to the Alma Mater prison (Morton) (52,5
213,5 2)
-Wormley hospital located south of the elevated platform over Xenoton
(Wormley) (139,5 94,5 2)
-Arbo hospital located west of the Arbo police station (Arbo) (209,5
147,5 2)
-Go to the Russian Mafia headquarters and get to the top using the
west stairs (Russian Mafia HQ) (146 33,5 6)
-Go to the Lubyanka hospital south of the KGBH building (Hospital)
(198 45,5 2)
-Go to the large silos south of the Chernobolt factory (Pravda) (240
100,5 2)
-Go to the Krimea parking lot. Take the street on east direction and
check the alley between the first and the second building on the south
side (Krimea) (103 76 2)
-Go to the north section of the road west of the Vedic Temple. When it
curves west and then south, go to the small garden north of it
(Narayana) (189 196,5 3)
-Go to the Narayana hospital (Hospital) (166 219,5 2)
-One square south of the Sennora parking lot (Sennora) (78,5 145 2)
-Building with two towers on its roof west of Bayano station (Bayano)
(66,5 175,5 2)
-Go to the Bayano hospital north of the Head Radio buildings
(Hospital) (41,5 193 2)
-Take the street west of the Russian Cross on south direction. Take
the second street towards west, then check the first set of blocks on
the north side (Gonad) (163,5 124,5 2)
-Go to the Gonad hospital (Hospital) (129,5 122 2)
-Alley leading out of the church (Jesus saves) (44,5 105,5 2)
Dropped by Rednecks and Scientists with 3 or 4 negative respect bars,
and Zaibatsu with 5 negative respect bars (Residential)
Dropped by Russians with 5 negative respect bars, and soldiers with 6
cop heads (Industrial)
CAR CRUSHING: Bug, Big Bug, Michelli Roadster, U-Jerk Truck (Downtown)
Bug, Eddy, Maurice, Schmidt, U-Jerk Truck, Armed Land Roamer
(Residential) Arachnid, Eddy, U-Jerk Truck, Armed Land Roamer
-Near the starting point (Bonus level G) (131 192,5 3)
-Head north of the starting point, until the end of the passage (Bonus
level G) (131 178 2)
-Head east of the starting point, until the end of the passage (Bonus
level G)
(151 193 2)
-Head south of the starting point, until the end of the passage (Bonus
level G) (127,5 205 2)
-Head west of the starting point, until the end of the passage (Bonus
level G) (111 193 2)
-Near the starting point (Bonus level H) (136,5 134,5 4)
-Head north of the starting point, then check east of the end of the
passage. Use the nearby stairs to reach a courtyard in the northeast
corner (Bonus level H) (158,5 122,5 4)
-Head south of the starting point, then check west of the end of the
passage. Use the nearby stairs to reach a courtyard in the northeast
corner (Bonus level H) (113,5 151,5 4)
-Head south of the starting point, then check east of the end of the
passage. Use the nearby stairs to reach a courtyard in the northeast
corner (Bonus level H) (158,5 151,5 4)
-Head north of the starting point, then check west of the end of the
passage. Use the nearby stairs to reach a courtyard in the northeast
corner (Bonus level H) (113,5 122,5 4)
-Near the starting point (Bonus level I) (105,5 120,5 3)
-Head north of the starting point, use the stairs to get to the top of
the tower in the middle of the courtyard (Bonus level I) (104 132 4)
-Head south of the starting point, then turn towards east when you
reach the end of the passage. Once you reach the end of the passage,
use the stairs to get to the top of the tower in the middle of the
courtyard (Bonus level I) (126 110 4)
Silenced machine gun
This weapon is the same as a simple machine gun, just that when you
fire it people don't run. It's said that you have less chances to be
wanted by police if you use this. Its shooting sound is slightly
different than the regular machine gun's. You can use it as a backup
if you get rid of regular machine gun ammo.
-Courtyard east of the Loonies' garage two blocks north of the
Fruitbat car shop, reachable using the right set of stairs (Fruitbat)
(24,5 33,5 2)
-Alley at the west end of the street south of the J-Lab (Funabashi)
(4,5 227,5 2)
-Go to the courtyard at the southeast corner of the Zaibatsu HQ, close
to the entrance. Use the stairs there and make your way through the
elevated ledge. Jump over the gap at its end. (Zaibatsu HQ) (233,5
125,5 5)
-Go to the building west of the hospital west of Avalon Station. Take
the stairs on its west side and follow them to the roof. Then keep
your way to the hospital roof, crossing the street using the elevated
platform (Avalon) (85,5 78,5 3)
-Small garden north of Avalon Station (Avalon) (97,5 68,5 2)
-Go to the street west of the cathedral. Follow it on south direction.
It will turn east, take the first street to south, and then the second
to west. Follow the stairs on the north side. Follow the north hallway
to a metal platform, then walk a bit more towards north. Take the west
hallway towards its end. Head south and make your way through metal
platforms until you reach an elevated ledge (Altamount) (127,5 192,5
-Building south of Altamount Station (Altamount) (153,5 242,5 2)
-Go to the square west of the southwest corner of the shopping mall.
Enter the area on its center and check the alley on its east side
(Xanadu) (136,5 189,5 2)
-Take the street west of the church. Take the first big street on
south direction (the first one leads to a parking). Follow it until
its end, and then turn east (you're now next to the Morton police
station). Take the first street on north direction. Take the alley on
the west side, next to the stairs (Morton) (87,5 208,5 2)
-Go to the parking lot east of the church. Take the alley on its
southwest corner (Wormley) (123,5 143,5 2)
-Take the street leading to the Tedium police station. When it splits
into two, take the north street instead of the west street. Go to the
building at the end of the street. Make your way among the houses and
look for the building close to the ramp leading out of the area (Azeri
Heights) (70 35 2)
-Go to the warehouses two squares west of Lubyanka hospital and look
at the west side of the area (Lubyanka warehouses) (161,5 44,5 2)
-Go to the large silos south of the Chernobolt factory and head east.
Go to the train tracks and follow them on south direction until you
reach Maharishi (Maharishi) (252,5 165,5 2)
-Near the crane located west of the Escobar car shop (Escobar) (11,5
217,5 2)
-Metal platform leading to the back side of the Zaibatsu weapon
factory (House of Guns) (8 183,5 4)
-Building some blocks southwest of Bayano station. Check the south
alcove (Bayano) (76,5 189 2)
-Take the last street towards west before you enter Mad Island. You'll
see a gap on the corner when it turns. Use it to drop down (Tedium
Docks) (4,5 47,5 2)
-Go to the Tedium car shop and take the street east of it towards
south. Check the north side of the building with some stairs in the
middle (Gonad) (86 106 2)
-Go to the big road north of the construction site. Go to the zone
where it turns north near the Vedic Temple. Check the building on the
corner, walk under the elevated bridge (Petula) (163 205 2)
Dropped by Special Agents with 5 cop heads (Residential)
Dropped by Zaibatsu with 3 or 4 negative respect bars, and Special
Agents with 5 cop heads (Industrial)
CAR CRUSHING: Z-Type (Downtowwn) Z-Type (Residential) Z-Type
Flamethrower's one of the best weapons in GTA2. It can fire non-stop
flame and people that touch the flame die after several seconds. The
range of flamethrower is half that of pistol. It's the best choice
against armoured enemies such as SWAT or Special Agents, since it's
always one shot kill. Its main use is against opponents although it
can also be used against cars.
-Right set of stairs at the Loonies' garage two blocks north of the
Fruitbat car shop (Sunnyside) (19,5 35,5 4)
-Inside the yen-shaped building east of the Funabashi car shop
(Funabashi) (114,5 165,5 3)
-Southwest corner of the Downtown District, west end of Ukita (Ukita)
(3,5 240,5 2)
-Go to the courtyard at the southeast corner of the Zaibatsu HQ, close
to the entrance. Use the stairs there and make your way through the
elevated ledge. Jump over the gap at its end and use the stairs to
reach a courtyard (Omnitron) (240,5 127,5 3)
-Get a fast car and go to the Avalon police station. Enter it from its
west side, then turn north and hit the ramp. Aim carefully towards the
ledge north of it (Avalon) (156,5 80,5 5)
-Church east of the Shiroto car shop (Avalon) (73,5 135,5 2)
-Go to the street west of the cathedral. Follow it on south direction.
It will turn east, take the first street to south, and then the second
to west. Follow the east hallway over a metal platform. At the end
you'll see a gap leading to a courtyard. Go up the stairs and find the
small courtyard at the north side (Altamount) (172,5 174,5 4)
-Behind some crates at the east section of Flotsam docks (Flotsam)
(252,2 245,2 2)
-Z-shaped platform in the middle of the Zaibatsu Village (The Village)
(207,5 24,5 4)
-Warehouses at the south side of the southernmost street of the
Residential Street, a bit west of the Scientist Research Center
(Largo) (171,5 252,5 2)
-Go to the Belmont car shop. Follow the road on its east side towards
north and take the first street on east direction. Turn north, then
east again. When it turns south, take the alley on its west side
(Belmont) (36,5 171,5 2)
-Head to the pier east of the Lubyanka Docks car shop and hit the ramp
on its west side with a car (Lubyanka Docks) (168,5 3,5 2)
-Walk a bit southeast of the Tabernacle car shop (Maharishi) (242,5
167 2)
-Stone platform northwest of Heavenly Radio (Vedic Temple) (210,5
214,5 5)
-West of the conveyor belt located north of the army base (Narayana)
(130,5 234,5 2)
-Small garden northwest of the army base (Narayana) (123,5 236 2)
-West side of the building east of the Zaibatsu cranes (Sennora) (27,5
144,5 2)
-Building southeast of Bayano station (Bayano) (107 183,5 2)
-Take the last street towards west before you enter Mad Island. Follow
it until its end and you'll reach an area with a container. Look for
the boxes at the south side (Tedium) (9,5 88,5 2)
Dropped by Scientist with 5 negative respect bars (Residential)
Dropped by Krishnas with 5 negative respect bars (Industrial)
CAR CRUSHING: Beamer (Downtown) Trance AM (Residential) Minx
One of the worst weapons in the whole game, if not the worst. Shotgun
has a very short range and fires one shot at a time. It is capable of
killing multiple people in one shot because the shot kind of spreads
into sides a little. however, its power rate is very low unless the
enemy is very close to you. It usually requires several shot to kill
an enemy. The flamethrower and the electrogun are better choices when
fighting large groups of enemies. Using it against armoured enemies is
a suicide. Please never use it. Never.
-Trailer north of the Rebel Radio fenced courtyard (RV Park) (46,5
40,5 2)
-Go to the Old Banjo. Use either set of stairs to get to the west side
of the hut (The Old Banjo) (8,5 36,5 3)
-Alley east of the southeast corner of the shopping mall (Dominatrix)
(193,5 176,5 2)
-Go to the pier north of the Russian Mafia headquarters. Look near the
crane (Lubyanka Docks) (130,5 3,5 2)
-Go to the processing plant. Use the stairs on the west side to get to
the roof (Blind Eye processing plant) (203,5 9,5 5)
-Go to the power plant. Use the stairs right of the entrance (Power
plant) (244,5 53,5 3)
-Go to the Tedium car shop and take the street east of it towards
east. Before it turns south, walk a bit towards north and approach the
big tower (Krimea) (162 69 2)
-Among the houses west of Tabernacle station (Tabernacle) (191 140,5
-East section of the building with a central tower located north of
the construction site (Lattero) (96 221 2)
-Building northwest of Bayano hospital (Bayano) (28 171,5 2)
-A bit northeast of the Tedium car shop (Tedium) (73,5 84,5 2)
-Take the street west of the Russian Cross on south direction. Take
the second street towards west, then check the second set of blocks on
the north side (Gonad) (146 124,5 2)
-Go to the big road north of the construction site. Go to the zone
where it turns north near the Vedic Temple. Check the building two
blocks north of the corner (Petula) (158 196 2)
Dropped by Special Agents with 5 cop heads (Residential)
Dropped by Russians with 3 or 4 negative respect bars, and Special
Agents with 5 cop heads (Industrial)
CAR CRUSHING: Arachnid (Residential) Bulwark (Industrial)
Molotov cocktails
Molotov cocktails are a throwable weapon, what means that you can
damage something way down or behind fences. You can also determine the
distance the cocktail flies by holding the fire key longer(lands
further) or shorter(lands closer). They explode upon impact, and
they're usually one hit kill. You should always have some of these, as
it will be your weapon of choice against enemies on a different
height, or when an obstacle is between you and the enemy.
-Use the stairs at the east side of the asylum main building
(Sunnyside) (70,5 17,5 4)
-Take the street south of the cathedral and follow it in west
direction. Take the second street to the south. At the end you'll see
a courtyard on the south side. (Funabashi) (105,5 196,5 2)
-Go to the street in the middle of Ukita. Take it on east direction.
Find the garden when it turns north and look for the small courtyard
next to it (Ukita) (81,5 250,5 2)
-Enter the passage at the west side of the cathedral. Take the stairs
at its end. Follow them and keep your way to the roof (Avalon) (164,5
118,5 6)
-Building north of the church east of the Shiroto car shop (Avalon)
(69,5 122,5 2)
-Go to the street west of the cathedral. Follow it on south direction.
It will turn east, take the first street to south, and then the second
to west. Follow the stairs on the north side. Follow the north hallway
to a metal platform, then walk a bit more towards north. Go to the
metal platform east of it (Altamount) (159,5 174,5 3)
-North of the police warehouses in Flotsam (Flotsam) (203,5 166,5 2)
-Go to the street south of the Flotsam Police Station and follow it on
east direction. Take the last street on the north side before it turns
south. You'll soon see a tiny courtyard on your left (Flotsam) (227,5
175,5 3)
-Hut at the northwest corner of the map (RV Park) (5,5 4,5 2)
-Alley south of Plaza de Panique (Xenoton) (114,5 57,5 2)
-Go to the Belmont motel located some blocks west of the central
police station. Use the stairs to get to the roof (Belmont) (50,5
119,5 5)
-Take the street west of the church. Take the first big street on
south direction (the first one leads to a parking). Take the third
street on west direction, then turn left (south) and then right
(west). Go to the alley where the street ends (Morton) (55,5 174,5 2)
-Get a car. Look for some stairs at the east side of the free access
section of the Scientist Research Center. Follow them, use a platform
above the train tracks until you reach a long platform. Take the west
direction and drop down to the train tracks. Use the ramp to jump to
the next roof (Morton) (112,5 236,5 6)
-Go to the area with two conveyor belts next to the Tabernacle car
shop. Use the stairs next to the entrance (Krishna Krushers) (234,5
134,5 3)
-Go to the Tabernacle car shop and take the street towards west. Once
past the first street towards south, check the houses on the south
side (Maharishi) (188,5 168 2)
-West section of the building with a central tower located north of
the construction site (Lattero) (88 221 2)
-Get a fast car and go to the street east of the Zaibatsu information
phone. Drive on south direction at top speed and hit the ramp. You
should land on a tower. Safely drop down to ground level (Escobar) (48
217,5 2)
-Parking lot in Sennora located west of the Sennora parking lot
(Sennora) (77,5 129,5 2)
-Go to the building east of Bayano hospital. Enter from the stairs on
its east side, then use the ramp to go up. Use one of the side ramps
and jump to the central platform. Jump from the central platform to
the one on the west side (Bayano) (61 187,5 5)
-Look for the stairs on the west side of the road to mad Island just
before you enter it. Use them to get to the tower (Tedium) (18,5 42,5
-Take the first street towards east as soon as you enter Mad Island.
You'll enter a set of warehouses. Take the wooden platform on its east
side until you reach another set of warehouses, this time on Tedium.
Take the metal platform and follow it until you see a point where you
can drop to the train tracks. Don't drop and instead head west. Follow
the path on north direction, and then use the stairs to get to the
tower (Tedium) (28,5 41,5 6)
Dropped by Rednecks with 5 negative respect bars (Residential)
Dropped by Krishnas with 3 or 4 negative respect bars (Industrial)
CAR CRUSHING: Shark (Downtown) Spritzer (Residential) Romero
-Use the stairs east of the starting point to reach an area with stone
platforms around a big central room. Head to the southwest corner of
the area (Bonus level I) (111,5 124,5 4)
-Use the stairs east of the starting point to reach an area with stone
platforms around a big central room. Head to the northeast corner of
the area (Bonus level I) (118,5 117,5 4)
Grenades work no differently than molotov cocktails, the only
difference is that they explode in a few seconds after landing.
They're much more difficult to find than molotov cocktails, and there
are very few situations which require grenades but not molotov
cocktails, what means they aren't useful at all if you have enough
molotov cocktails.
-Go to the parking lot south of the shopping mall. Take the street
south of it and take the first street on west direction. Stop before
it rises over the next street (Largo) (127,5 216,5 2)
-Go to the Belmont car shop. Take the road on its east side towards
east. Take the first street on south direction. Use the alley on the
west side to get to a courtyard. (Belmont) (28,5 197,5 2)
-Go south as soon as you leave the church. You'll see three alleys.
Take the tiny one on the right (Wormley) (118,5 143,5 2)
-Go to the block of houses west of the Russian Mafia headquarters, and
enter it from its west side (Azeri Heights) (119 20 2)
-Go to the processing plant. Go to the north side and look between the
two pairs of water tanks (Blind Eye processing plant) (222,5 7,5 2)
-Go to the north section of the road west of the Vedic Temple. You'll
see a passage south of the east tower near the street end. Follow it
until its end (Narayana) (238,5 205 3)
-Go to the building east of Bayano hospital. Enter from the stairs on
its east side, then use the ramp to go up. Use one of the side ramps
and jump to the central platform. Jump from the central platform to
the one on the east side (Bayano) (67 187,5 5)
-Go to the big road north of the construction site. Go to the zone
where it turns north near the Vedic Temple. Check the building three
squares north of the corner (Petula) (157,5 173,5 2)
CAR CRUSHING: Panto (Residential) Panto (Industrial)
Rocket launcher
An extremely powerful weapon, which usually destroys everything it
hits on a single shot. Fires single shots and has a full range. Best
used against cars, but it can also be used against opponents, although
it will have less accuracy.
-Southwest corner of the building with gardens placed west of the
asylum (Sunnyside) (19,5 16,5 2)
-Go the J-lab. Use the stairs on the west side to get to the roof. Use
the second set of stairs to get to the east side, then drop down and
jump over the boxes (Laboratory) (51,5 201,5 3)
-Go to the ledge near the northernmost street at Ukita. Take the
elevated platform to the roof just north (Ukita) (82,5 235,5 3)
-Pit between the hospital north of the Zaibatsu HQ and a bank
(Omnitron) (203,5 70,5 2)
-North of the cathedral, close to the cemetery (Avalon) (154,5 129,5
-Go to the building west of the hospital west of Avalon Station. Take
the stairs on its west side and follow them to the roof (Avalon) (70,5
77,5 5)
-Get a fast car and go to the Avalon police station. Enter it from its
west side, then turn north and hit the ramp. Aim carefully towards the
ledge north of it (Avalon) (156,5 78,5 5)
-Go to the street west of the cathedral. Follow it on south direction.
It will turn east, take the first street to south, and then the second
to west. Follow the stairs on the north side. Follow the north hallway
to a metal platform, then walk a bit more towards north (Altamount)
(147,5 174,5 3)
-Between the hospital and the bank near Flotsam docks (Flotsam) (234,5
198,5 2)
-Go to the area with the underground train tracks east of the entrance
towards the elevated platform over the RV Park (Xenoton) (122,5 73,5
-Building north of the east section of the Scientist Research Center
(Stromberg) (230,5 203,5 2)
-Go to the Belmont motel located some blocks west of the central
police station. Use the stairs to get to the roof (Belmont) (43,5
120,5 5)
-Take the street west of the church. Take the first big street on
south direction (the first one leads to a parking). Look for the alley
on the west side next to the metal platform over the street (Morton)
(75,5 146,5 2)
-Get a car. Look for some stairs at the east side of the free access
section of the Scientist Research Center. Follow them, use a platform
above the train tracks until you reach a long platform. Take the west
direction and drop down to the train tracks. Use the ramp to jump to
the next roof (Morton) (112,5 237,5 6)
-Head to the westernmost pier of Azeri Heights Docks (Azeri Heights
Docks) (63,5 13,5 2)
-Head to the third (from left) pier of Azeri Heights Docks (Azeri
Heights Docks) (114,5 10 2)
-Go to the processing plant. Use the stairs near the entrance to get
to the roof and walk across the angled roof (Blind Eye processing
plant) (235,5 9,5 4)
-Go to the Chernobolt factory south of the power plant and look on the
southeast corner (Pravda) (240,5 91,5 2)
-Head to the area with water tanks east of the Russian Cross. Enter it
from the east side and go around the structure until you reach the far
west side (Krimea) (204,5 63,5 2)
-Wooden bridge over a pond at the southeast corner of the Industrial
District (Narayana) (241 242,5 4)
-End of the tiny passage near the construction site entrance (Lattero)
(68,5 253,5 2)
-Small courtyard inside a building two blocks east of the Zaibatsu
cranes, enter it from the northeast corner (Sennora) (45,5 143,5 2)
-Building some blocks southwest of Bayano station. Check the north
alcove (Bayano) (76,5 185 2)
-South side of the power core (Power core) (27 247 4)
-Building located north of the east side of Gonad hospital (Gonad)
(140 107 2)
-Go to the big road north of the construction site. Go to the zone
where it turns north near the Vedic Temple. Check the building two
blocks west of the corner (Petula) (148 205 2)
Dropped by Zaibatsu with 5 negative respect bars (Industrial)
CAR CRUSHING: Miara (Downtown) Hachura (Residential) Shark
This gun has the same range as a flamethrower, fires non-stop
electricity, and can damage any things that are in front of you. It
can be used even if there are obstacles between you and the enemy,
what means you can used it while protecting yourself from shots behind
a car.
-Go to the platform over the RV Park (take the Redemption entrance, or
the Village entrance if you haven't completed "Blow job"). Drive to
the corner at Xenoton where it turns west towards the RV Park. Drop
down to the ledge (Xenoton) (131,5 62,5 4)
-Look for some stairs at the east side of the free access section of
the Scientist Research Center. Follow them, use a platform above the
train tracks until you reach a long platform. Take the east direction
until you reach an armoury. (Scientist Research Center) (X2) (242,5
237,5 5) (243,5 237,5 5)
-Get a car. Look for some stairs at the east side of the free access
section of the Scientist Research Center. Follow them, use a platform
above the train tracks until you reach a long platform. Take the west
direction and drop down to the train tracks. Follow them until you
pass close to the Clone Testing Center (or its remainings). Drop down
and use the stairs to get over the crates (Largo) (180,5 226,5 4)
-Go to the square north of the shopping mall. The building on its
north side has a hidden ramp on its east side. Hit it with a car, then
drop down. (Wormley) (147,5 132,5 6)
-Go to north Mad Island and follow the alley on east direction until
its end, killing all the Islanders shooting at you (Mad Island) (53,5
4 3)
-Find the alley at east Mad Island. Take the stairs next to its
entrance. Do a hard series of jumps over the roofs, paying attention
at the gaps showing the place which can be used to jump and killing
all the Islanders shooting at you, until you reach an island with some
warehouses (Azeri Heights Docks) (49,5 35,5 2)
-Go to the pier in Azeri Heights Docks with the container on it (Azeri
Heights Docks) (90 10 2)
-Go to the meat processing plant west of the KGBH building. Look for
the ramp on the east side and use it to jump over the boxes (Lubyanka)
(192,5 28,5 3)
-Go to the power plant. Head left of the entrance and go around the
plant until you reach the right side (Power plant) (245,5 64,5 2)
-Back side of the Zaibatsu weapon factory (House of Guns) (14,5 178,5
-Central building of the Head Radio structure (Bayano) (49,5 203,5 2)
-Roof south of Bayano station. Use the stairs on either its north or
its south side to get there (Bayano) (89,5 184,5 6)
CAR CRUSHING: T-Rex (Residential) Jagular XK (Industrial)
-Head north of the starting point, until the end of the passage, then
head west to the corner (Bonus level G) (94,5 180,5 2)
-Head south of the starting point, until the end of the passage, then
head east to the corner (Bonus level G) (166 205 2)
-A bit north of the starting point, may take a while to appear (Bonus
level H) (136,5 128,5 4)
-A bit south of the starting point, may take a while to appear (Bonus
level H) (136,5 145,5 4)
-Head north of the starting point, use the stairs to get to the top of
the tower in the middle of the courtyard (Bonus level I) (104 110 4)
-Head south of the starting point, then turn towards east when you
reach the end of the passage. Once you reach the end of the passage,
use the stairs to get to the top of the tower in the middle of the
courtyard (Bonus level I) (126 132 4)
Vehicle machine gun
With vehicle machine guns your car has like two machine guns fixed on
its headlights. You can fire them by simply pressing the button you
usually shot with. You can't change their direction, so you can only
shoot what it's in front of you. They're available from car shops in
all districts.
-Get a fast car, go to the road south of the Xenoton car shop and take
it on west direction. Hit the ramp before it turns south (RV Park) (70
37,5 4)
-Drive to the Xenoton car shop. Drive south towards the alley with the
underground train tracks (Guntersville) (98,5 55,5 2)
-Get a fast car and take the street west of the church. Take the first
big street on south direction (the first one leads to a parking).
Follow it until its end, and then turn east (you're now next to the
Morton police station). Take the first street on north direction. Use
the nearby stairs to jump to the roof west of the stairs (Morton) (76
205 3)
-Near the starting point (Bonus level A) (125 134 2)
-One square west of the starting point (Bonus level A) (115 133 2)
-One square north of the starting point (Bonus level A) (125 122 2)
-One square north and two west of the starting point (Bonus level A)
(105 122 2)
-One square north and two east of the starting point (Bonus level A)
(145 122 2)
-Head two squares north of the starting point. Check the south side of
the alley on its west side (Bonus level A) (120 114 2)
-Head two squares north of the starting point. Check the north side of
the alley on its west side (Bonus level A) (120 110 2)
-One square south and two west of the starting point (Bonus level A)
(105 142 2)
-One square south of the starting point (Bonus level A) (125 142 2)
-One square south and two east of the starting point (Bonus level A)
(145 142 2)
-Two squares south and one east of the starting point (Bonus level A)
(135 152 2)
-North block at the top of the stairs west of the starting point
(Bonus level B) (156 199 3)
-South block at the top of the stairs west of the starting point
(Bonus level B) (156 207 3)
-North block at the top of the stairs east of the starting point
(Bonus level B) (170 199 3)
-South block at the top of the stairs west of the starting point
(Bonus level B) (170 207 3)
-Use one of the side sets of stairs to reach the second level of the
area. Find the stairs at the north side and check the east block at
the top (Bonus level B) (167 191 4)
-Use one of the side sets of stairs to reach the second level of the
area. Find the stairs at the north side and check the west block at
the top (Bonus level B) (159 191 4)
-Use one of the side sets of stairs to reach the second level of the
area. Find the stairs at the south side and check the east block at
the top (Bonus level B) (167 215 4)
-Use one of the side sets of stairs to reach the second level of the
area. Find the stairs at the south side and check the west block at
the top (Bonus level B) (159 215 4)
-Use one of the side sets of stairs to reach the second level of the
area, then another set of stairs to reach the third level. Find the
stairs at the west side and check the north block at the top (Bonus
level B) (144 199 5)
-Use one of the side sets of stairs to reach the second level of the
area, then another set of stairs to reach the third level. Find the
stairs at the west side and check the south block at the top (Bonus
level B) (144 207 5)
-Use one of the side sets of stairs to reach the second level of the
area, then another set of stairs to reach the third level. Find the
stairs at the east side and check the north block at the top (Bonus
level B) (182 199 5)
-Use one of the side sets of stairs to reach the second level of the
area, then another set of stairs to reach the third level. Find the
stairs at the east side and check the south block at the top (Bonus
level B) (182 207 5)
-Go to the second level using the south ramp, then check near the pit
(Bonus level C) (117 145 4)
-Go to the second level using the north ramp, then check near the pit
(Bonus level C) (117 122 4)
-Use one of the side ramps to get to the second level, then the west
ramp to get to the third level, then check near the pit (Bonus level
C) (97 134 5)
-Use one of the side ramps to get to the second level, then the east
ramp to get to the third level, then check near the pit (Bonus level
C) (137 133 5)
-Use one of the side ramps to get to the second level, then another
ramp to get to the third level, finally the south ramp to get to the
fourth level. Check near the pit (Bonus level C) (117 159 6)
-Use one of the side ramps to get to the second level, then another
ramp to get to the third level, finally the north ramp to get to the
fourth level. Check near the pit (Bonus level C)(117 108 6)
Vehicle oil slicks
This upgrade usually gives you 10 oil slicks to drop after you while
you're driving. Any cars that drive on those things become out of
control, that includes you as well. It's said that the Furore GT is
inmune to this upgrade. They're available from car shops in all
-Go to the platform over the RV Park (take the Redemption entrance, or
the Village entrance if you haven't completed "Blow job"). Drive to
the corner over the RV Park where it turns east towards the Village
(RV Park) (18,5 11,5 5)
-Get a car, go to the road south of the Xenoton car shop and take it
on east direction. Use the metal structure to reach the elevated train
tracks and follow them towards east (The Village) (162 38 4)
-Get a car and go to the train tracks near the church. Take the stairs
facing south on the west side (Wormley) (119,5 150,5 4)
-Get a car and go to the pair of grey buildings with transparent roof
two squares south of the church. Check the south one (Sennora) (44,5
132,5 2)
-Building northeast of the large warehouse in Escobar, use a car
(Bayano) (84 205 3)
Vehicle mines
This upgrade drops on the ground behind your car when you press the
control button. If anything touches it it explodes. They're available
from car shops in the Residential and Industrial Districts.
-Drive to the Belmont car shop. Drive two blocks north and head to the
building on the east side (Belmont) (17 149 3)
-Get a car and drive to the building north of Bayano hospital (Bayano)
(39,5 177 3)
-Building north of the large warehouse in Escobar, use a car (Bayano)
(64 202,5 3)
-Get a fast car and drive to the Gonad hospital. Take the street on
its north side to its end, avoiding traffic as best as possible, then
drive down the stairs , follow the next street, again avoiding
traffic, and finally hit the ramp, trying to land on the roof west of
the ramp (Tedium) (59,5 113,5 5)
Vehicle rocket launcher
The same as a normal rocket launcher, but it's shot from a tank. It
can be rotated, so you can shoot it at any direction. Only available
from tanks.
Vehicle flamethrower
The same as a normal flamethrower, but it's shot from a firetruck. It
can be rotated, so you can shoot it at any direction. Only available
from special firetrucks, such as the one you're given after completing
the Wang Cars quest.
Water cannon
It shoots water with a very high power rate. It can be used to kill
enemies. it can be rotated, so you can shoot it at any direction. Only
available from normal firetrucks.
Jeep gun
Similar to the vehicle machine gun, but shoots only one machine gun
instead of two, and it can be rotated, so you can shoot it at any
direction. Only available from Armed Land Roamers.
Vehicle bomb
The car with this upgrade explodes seconds after it's activated,
destroying everything close to it, including you if you don't get away
before it explodes. They're available from car shops in all districts.
It's perhaps the most powerful weapon in the whole game, as cars with
immunities to normal weapons such as rocket launchers or bullets can
still be destroyed with this.
Vehicle instant bomb
Similar to the regular vehicle bomb, but it explodes immediately. Not
available in the normal game.
Useful links:
-A map with all weapon locations:
-More information about GTA 2 weapons, including pics for every