Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City
Glenster's Side of Episodes from Liberty City
The Lost and Damned
The Ballad of Gay Tony
Copyright 2015 Glen T. Winstein
Glenster's Side of 'Sodes
Glenster's Epic Epoch of Endeavor at the Epicellar of Hardcoded Episodes from
Liberty City
The Man Who Shot Liberty Klebitz
"Rockstar Games awarded Academy Fellowship | BAFTA Games Awards 2014" by The
Rockstar Fanboy
"Rockstar Games' Leslie Benzies, Dan Houser and Sam Houser - AIAS 2014 Hall
of Fame Tribute Video" by Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences
I. Installation
I.1 Paying tributes, having things in common, and
things you may not have noticed
I.2. Take-Two Games web site and support
I.3. 100% completion checklists
I.4 Single player Achievements
I.5 Controls
I.6 A rundown of some of the vehicles and some of their real names
I.6.a Four wheel vehicles
I.6.b Motorcycles and scooters
I.6.c Helicopters and jets
I.6.d Boats
I.7 Glitches and Ghost World
I.7.a Problem glitches
The Taxi bug
I.7.b Fun glitches, gimmicks, etc.
I.7.c Ghost World
I.8 Radio
I.9 TV
I.10 Internet
I.11 Phone numbers/codes and unlockables
II.1 Weapons
II.2 Wanted rating system
The Lost and Damned
III The missions
III.1 "The Lost and Damned" mission tree and storyline choices
III.2 In the beginning.... (cutscene intro)
Billy Grey's missions
III.3 Clean and Serene
III.4 Gang members' toughness
IV Preliminaries for TLaD
IV.1 Save places and parking spaces
IV.2 Cell phone
IV.3 Internet
IV.4 50 Seagulls
IV.5 Arm Wrestling
IV.6 Hi-Lo
IV.7 Pool
IV.8 Darts
IV.9.a Air Hockey
IV.9.b Bowling
IV.10 Friends
IV.10.a Jim Fitzgerald
IV.10.b Clay Simons
IV.10.c Terry Thorpe
IV.10.d Friend activities
V The missions for TLaD cont.
Jim Fitzgerald's missions
V.1 Liberty City Choppers
V.2 Liberty City Bike Races
V.2.a Alderney Bike Races
V.2.b Algonquin Bike Races
V.2.c East Side Bike Races
Jim Fitzgerald's missions cont.
V.3 Bad Cop Drop
Billy Grey's missions cont.
V.4 Angels in America
V.5 It's War
V.6 Action/Reaction
V.7 Buyer's Market
Thomas Stubbs III's missions
V.8 Politics
Ashley Butler's missions
V.9 Coming Down
V.10 Gang Wars
V.11 Angus' Bike Thefts
Thomas Stubbs III's missions cont.
V.12 Off Route
V.13 Stubbs' Dirty Laundry
V.13.a Communication Breakdow
V.13.b First Impressions
V.13.c Knowing Me, Knowing You
V.13.d Phone Ho'
V.13.e When The Blue Chips Are Down
Billy Greys missions cont.
V.14 This Shit's Cursed
V.15 Random Character--Dave Grossman
V.15.a First encounter
Jim Fitzgerald's missions cont.
V.16 Hit the Pipe
V.17 End of Chapter
V.18 Bad Standing
V.19 Random Character--Brian Jeremy (not needed for 100%)
V.19.a First encounter
Elizabeta Torres missions
V.20 Heavy Toll
V.21 Marta Full of Grace
V.22 Shifting Weight
V.23 Random Character--Malc
V.23.a First encounter
V.23.b Second encounter
V.24 Roman's Holiday
Ray Boccino's missions
V.25 Diamonds in the Rough
V.26 Collector's Item
V.27 Was It Worth It?
Thomas Stubbs III's missions cont.
V.28 Get Lost
V.29 100% Completion Score
V.30 Conclusion
The Ballad of Gay Tony
VI The missions
VI.1 "The Ballad of Gay Tony" mission tree and storyline choices
VI.2 In The Beginning.... (cutscene intro)
Tony Prince's missions
VI.3 I Luv LC
VI.4 100% Score
VI.4.a Mission Replays
VI.4.b Time
VI.4.c Player Damage
VI.4.d Accuracy
VI.4.e Headshots
VII Preliminaries for TBoGT
VII.1 Save places and parking spaces
VII.2 Cell phone
VII.3 Internet
VII.4 50 Seagulls
VII.5 Club activities
VII.5.a Dancing
VII.5.b The Bus Stop
VII.5.c Booty Call
VII.5.d Dance Challenge
VII.5.e Champagne Drinking Contest
VII.5.f Drinking/getting drunk
VII.6 Friends
VII.6.a Armando
VII.6.b Henrique
The missions for TBoGT cont.
Momma's missions
VIII.1 Momma's Boy
VIII.2 L.C. Cage Fighters
VIII.2.a Betting
VIII.2.b Fighting
Momma's missions cont.
VIII.3 Corner Kids
VIII.4 Drug Wars
Momma's missions cont.
VIII.5 Clocking Off
VIII.6 Friend activities--hanging out
VIII.7 Random Character--Daisy
VIII.7.a First encounter
Tony Prince's missions cont.
VIII.8 Practice Swing
VIII.9 Chinese Takeout
VIII.10 Club Management
VIII.11 Random Character--Arnaud
VIII.11.a First encounter
VIII.11.b Second encounter
Tony Prince's missions cont.
VIII.12 Bang Bang
VIII.13 Random Character--Margot
VIII.13.a First encounter
VIII.13.b Second encounter
Tony Prince's missions cont.
VIII.14 Blog This!...
VIII.15 Frosting on the Cake
VIII.16 Boulevard Baby
Mori Kibbutz' missions
VIII.17 Kibbutz Number One
Yusuf Amir's missions
VIII.18 Sexy Time
VIII.19 High Dive
Tony Prince's missions cont.
VIII.20 ...Blog This!
VIII.21 Base Jumping
VIII.21.a Alderney
VIII.21.b Algonquin
VIII.21.c Broker
VIII.21.d Francis International Airport
VIII.21.e Dukes
VIII.22 Parachutes
VIII.22.a Alderney
VIII.22.b Happiness Island
VIII.22.c Algonquin
VIII.22.d Bohan, Dukes, Broker
Mori Kibbutz' missions cont.
VIII.23 This Ain't Checkers
VIII.24 Triathlons
VIII.24.a Alderney City
VIII.24.b Charge Island
Mori Kibbutz' missions cont.
VIII.25 No. 3
Tony Prince's missions cont.
VIII.26 Not So Fast
VIII.27 Ladies' Night
Yusuf Amir's missions cont.
VIII.28 Caught With Your Pants Down
Ray Bulgarin's missions
VIII.29 Going Deep
VIII.30 Dropping In
Yusuf Amir's missions cont.
VIII.31 For the Man Who Has Everything
Ray Bulgarin's missions cont.
VIII.32 In the Crosshairs
Tony Prince's missions cont.
VIII.33 Ladies Half Price
Rocco Pelosi's mission
VIII.34 Party's Over
Tony Prince's missions cont.
VIII.35 Departure Time
VIII.36 100% Completion Score
VIII.37 Conclusion
Episodes from Liberty City
The Lost and Damned
The Ballad of Gay Tony
I. Installation
I installed "Episodes from Liberty City" from a pair of disks the way I in-
stalled "IV" with "IV" still on my computer. EfLC is a standalone game but this
way I could still experiment with "IV" and the settings for display, graphics,
and controls were automatically set the same as the way I adjusted them for
I installed sjaak327's "Simple Trainer" by adding the Trainerbogt.asi, train-
erbogt.ini, Trainertlad.asi, trainertlad.ini, and Scripthook.dll files to the
EfLC main game folder as recommended in the ReadMe file for it.
I used Vlad_'s '57 Chevy mod I modded and included with my Starter Package to
replace the EfLC Voodoo in TLaD nd TBoGT the same way as I had for "IV." I un-
checked the Read Only box, used GooD-NTS' OpenIV to replace the voodoo.wft and
voodoo.wtd files (pc > models > cdimages > vehicles.img). I used Notepad to
change handling.dat and carcols.dat as recommended in the ReadMeGTW file in my
Starter Package.
"[IV] RIL.Budgeted" by NTAuthority also works with EfLC to prevent the Taxi
You use the same save slots as you used for "IV" so I saved a copy of those
for "IV" before making new saves for EfLC.
I.1 Paying tributes, having things in common, and
things you may not have noticed
The DJ for "Vice City FM" in "Episodes from Liberty City" is Fernando Martinez
(Frank Chavez) from III, VC, SA, and V!
The mission "Action/Reaction" in TLaD refers to incidents of the Banditos fir-
ing anti-tank rockets into Hells Angels clubhouses during 1994-1996 of the Nor-
dic war.
During the second cutscene in "Off Route," TLaD, a prisoner is being led out
to a Prison Bus with a restrictive face mask similar to Hannibal Lecter's in the
1991 movie "The Silence of The Lambs." A policeman tells the prisoner, "I saw
what you did to that orderly. A man's organs ain't meant to look like that" and
in the movie Lecter (Anthony Hopkins) is said to have torn out an orderly's
tongue with his teeth. (Thanks Marquischacha)
In the third cutscene, as Johnny helps the prisoner's escape, the prisoner
says, "Argh!" and eats some of a policeman's neck/face similar to the movie
scene in which Hannibal does that to a policeman as part of his escape from a
museum cell.
The Rhapsody car (IV, EfLC) is similar to the one that Wayne and Garth drive
in the 1992 movie "Wayne's World." If you zoom in to the dashboard you can see
a photo of Wayne and Garth taped onto it. "Rhapsody" is a nod to the "Bohemiam
Rhapsody" scene. (Thanks to Marquischacha for the words and Enjoii for the dis-
The BAWSAQ (IV, EfLC, V) stock exchange is a parody of NASDAQ. "BAWSAQ" is
derived from the Scottish slang version of "ballsack." One BAWSAQ office that's
at the corner of Kunzite St. and Burlesque St. in Star Junction, Algonquin,
looks like the Condé Nast Building in Times Square, NYC.
"The building's northwest corner holds NASDAQ's MarketSite, a seven-story cyl-
indrical tower whose electronic display provides market quotes, financial news
and advertisements. The ground floor of the MarketSite contains a television
studio with a wall of monitors and an arc of windows looking out onto Times
The exterior of Perestroika is based on the Millenium Atlantic Oceana, 1029
Brighton Beach Ave., Brooklyn, NY, 11235. It was a venue for Russian live din-
ner theatre but was closed in 2014 and in the summer of 2014 was being converted
into a Russian supermarket.
I.2 Take-Two Games web site and support
Grand Theft Auto Episodes from Liberty City Title Update ("Patch 2")
I.3 100% completion checklists
TLAD 100% Checklist
Complete 22 storyline missions ("Clean and Serene" to "Get Lost")
Kill 50 seagulls
Win a game of arm wrestling, pool, darts, and air hockey against anyone
(Terry, Clay, or a ped)
Bring Terry Thorpe and Clay Simons to these friendship activities--air hockey
(win or lose), darts (win or lose), pool (win or lose), drinking, eating,
comedy club (Split Sides), and a strip club
(You can have Johnny go into the marker at Perestroika but no act will ap-
Complete 12 Bike Races
Complete 25 Gang Wars
Complete the encounters with 2 Random Characters
Dave Grossman--1 encounter
Malc--two encounters
(You don't need to do the encounter with Brian)
Complete 10 Angus' Bike Thefts
Complete 5 Stubbs' Dirty Laundry jobs
TBoGT 100% Checklist
Complete 26 storyline missions ("I Luv LC" to "Departure Time"--you don't
need to get 100% at each tested aspect of each)
Kill 50 seagulls
Win the Champagne Drinking contest in Maisonette 9
Dance successfully in Maisonette 9 and Hercules
Beat either Armando or Henrique at all of these: pool, darts, golf, and air
Take Henrique Bardas and Armando Torres to drinking, eating, and a strip club
(There aren't markers for Split Sides or Perestroika in TBoGT)
Win the L.C. Cage Fighters championship (6 rounds of 3 opponents each)
Complete 8 Club Management activities in Maisonette 9
Complete the encounters with 3 Random Characters
Daisy--1 encounter
Arnaud--2 encounters
Margot--2 encounters
Complete 25 Drug Wars
Win 3 Triathlons
Complete 15 Base Jumps
I.4 Single player Achievements
You can still accomplish some of the Achievements from "IV." For example,
"Genetically Superior"--come first in 20 single player street races--can be done
with the Liberty City Bike Races.
Easy Rider Complete the main story missions by completing "Get Lost."
Full Chat Build the toughness of Terry Thorpe and Clay Simon to 100%. Suc-
ceed at the Gang Wars and after "End of Chapter" call them for backup before
the main story missions. Use manual save after each so you can reload the save
if they get killed. See III.4 Gang members' toughness.
Get Good Wood Knock 69 riders of their bikes with a bat during the 'cycle
races. Have Johnny move to the right to avoid being hit, hold the LMB to power
up the bat, then release the LMB to have him hit a biker. To avoid losing the
race, keep track of how many laps are left when slowing down to hit a biker
that's behind him--use the last lap just for winning the race. You may have
Johnny knock around 10 bikers (or more) from their bikes per race. To keep
track of that see the stat "Number of racers knocked off their bike."
A gimmick for getting the Achievement yet losing the race involves having
Johnny knock a biker from their bike and repeatedly knocking them from it when-
ever they get back on it. If it's a three lap race and you do this fast enough
you may get all 69 in one race. (Thanks to GTA Series Videos)
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Get Good Wood Achievement / Trophy (1080p)" by GTA
Series Videos
One Percenter Get Billy his 'cycle by doing "Clean and Serene."
The Lost Boy Have Johnny become the president of The Lost by completing
"This Shit's Cursed."
You can still accomplish some of the Achievements from "IV." For example,
"Wheelie Rider"--do a motorcycle wheelie lasting at least 500 feet--is easy
with the Police Bike available in TBoGT.
Adrenaline Junkie Have Luis safely freefall for the longest time you can.
Bear Fight Have Luis win the LC Cage Fighters championship (six rounds of
three opponents each).
Catch the Bus Have Luis dance correctly in both of Tony's nightclubs.
Diamonds Forever All three "IV" protagonists (Niko, Johnny, and Luis) were
involved in the museum heist. As you complete "Museum Piece" in "IV" you get
the "The Impossible Trinity" Achievement. Likewise, as you complete "Not So
Fast" in TBoGT you get the "Diamonds Forever" Achievement. (There isn't a cor-
responding Achievement in TLaD.)
Four Play Have Luis hit a flag with a golf ball four times.
Gold Star Score 100% in all of the missions. You can wait till all the main
missions are done and have Luis use his phone to repeat a mission. The easiest
strategy is to then have Luis do whatever it takes to score higher on one as-
pect--your previous results for other aspects will stand while you do.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - 100% Completion Guide (1080p)" by GTA Series
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony All Missions 100% - Full Game Walkthrough (HD)"
by ThirstyHyena
Gone Down Have Luis complete all of the base jumps.
Maestro Finish "Departure Time."
Past the Velvet Rope Score 80% or more in all of the missions.
Snow Queen Complete 25 Drug Wars.
I.5 Controls
See the Controls section of "Glenster's Drawer of Some GTA IV."
I.6 A rundown of some of the vehicles and some of their real names
For vehicles of "IV" not new to TLaD and TBoGT see the mainly gta.wikia.com
information in "Glenster's Drawer of Some GTA IV."
Thanks to gta.wikia.com for the information about new four wheel vehicles, mo-
torcycles and scooters, helicopters and jets, and boats in EfLC.
Besides mission appearances, or codes in some cases, these vehicles can be
spawned with the Simple Trainer or Control Center.
I.6.a Four wheel vehicles
Gang Burrito
The Declasse Gang Burrito is a sportier version of the Burrito and is used by
the Angels of Death motorcycle gang. It looks like a '96-'02 Chevrolet Express
Van with an altered grille in the front. The sides and rear mainly look like
those of a third generation Chevrolet Van. The taillights resemble those of a
Dodge Ram Van.
It's the fastest van and is durable but a poor performer. It can be spawned
with a phone code.
Prison Bus
The Vapid Prison Bus is basically a school bus used to transport prisoners.
The headlights and grille are a bit like those of a Chevrolet Kodiak. The body
is somewhat like a Blue Bird CV200.
It's slow to accelerate but durable, fast, and a good performer.
The Declasse Rhapsody is a two-door hatchback which looks like a '70's AMC
Pacer with a front like an AMC Gremlin or a Volkswagen Golf MK1. The wheels re-
semble American Racing Ansen Sprint mag wheels. It has large windows so pro-
vides little protection from bullets.
It's back heavy and not durable but is a good performer like the Blista Com-
pact except a bit slower.
It appears in Northwood, Algonquin, south Alderney, and rarely in Star Junc-
The Dundreary Regina is a 4-door station wagon similar to the '65-'78 Chrysler
C platform ('65-'68) and the ('69-'73) Town & Country. The front and rear re-
sembles those of a Town & Country station wagon.
It's in the beater (junker) category in TLad. It has poor handling and aver-
age acceleration but good top speed. It appears during "Heavy Toll."
Tow Truck
The Vapid Tow Truck used by Native Engines is like a Chevrolet C3100 tow truck
but looks like a '40-'50 Ford F-100. The headlights and grille look like those
of a '75-'79 Ford Econoline van and the windshield and door tops look like those
of an '80s Ford F-Series. It's rusty, has a distorted horn, and csn't tow any-
It has average acceleration and top speed with poor steering.
It appears most often in Bohan and Alderney.
The front and sides of the APC (Armored Personnel Carrier) aka NOOSE Tank re-
semble a Soviet BRDM-2 scout car with side doors from a Cadillac Gage Commando.
It's at Yusuf Amir's construction site after Luis shoots 50 seagulls and after
"For the Man Who Has Everything." It's like the SA Swat excpt with explosive
ammo. It's slow but has good brakes. It's heavy, durable, and bullet proof
ahead of the back wheels but can take damage behind the back wheels.
It can be spawned with the phone code 272-555-8265 ("APC"-555-"TANK").
The Bravado Buffalo and Buffalo S are muscle cars and sports sedans based on
the sixth generation Dodge Charger and the Ford Mustang GT for the greenhouse
area, front fascia, and headlights. It's fast and a good performer.
Mori's red Buffalo, along with the other 3 cars available in "This Ain't
Checkers," is equipped with Nitrous to help you win the Triathlon.
Henrique can be called to deliver one. Uniquely colored examples appear in the
Drug Wars as target vehicles for convoy missions.
Bullet GT
The Vapid Bullet GT is a sports car with design cues from the Ford GT such as
the waterfall hood scoop and body shape but doesn't feature a rear-hinged rear
body section. The lower air ducts on the sides of the car, louvers over the
rear windscreen, and the positioning of the exhaust tips are similar to those on
the Lamborghini Miura. The taillights are like those of the '99-'02 R34 Nissan
Skyline. The interior is derived from the Grotti Turismo.
It's the fastest car in the single player version of TBoGT, has good corner-
ing, and is durable for a sports car.
The white-red version that you have Luis drive in "No. 3" for Mori Kibbutz can
go 20 mph faster--240 mph. To get it have Luis abandon Mori and Brucie Kibbutz,
park the car at the safe house, and save the game.
A Bullet GT with a unique lime green paint-job can be seen during This Ain't
Checkers and the triathlon side-activities, mainly used for the final phase of
the race. This Bullet GT, like other land cars in the triathlon, is boosted
with Nitro.
Luis can call Henrique Bardas for one after "No. 3." It often appears in Al-
gonquin--especially the southern half. It's common in Alderney. It's one of
the vehicles used in "This Ain't Checkers" and the Triathlons. Many used in the
Drug Wars have special paint jobs.
The Bullet and Super GT are the only two supercars in the game with a perman-
ent spawn point.
It can be spawned with a phone code--227-555-9666.
The ProLaps & Nagasaki Caddy is a golf cart. It's slow, not durable, but has
good climbing power.
It appears during "Practice Swing. After the mission it can be saved at the
Police Stinger
The Albany Police Stinger is a high-performance 4-door police car based on the
Albany Presidente but features unique bodywork and a pearlescent paint job simi-
lar to that of the Cadillac CTS-V used by the Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Police
Department. The name may refer to spike strips or that Sting is the lead singer
and bassist of the band The Police.
It has exceptional performance and speed--it's the fastest land vehicle in the
HD Universe.
It normally only appears in multiplayer but you can use the Simple Trainer or
Control Center to spawn it.
The Benefactor Serrano is a crossover SUV similar to a '06-present Mercedes-
Benz M Class W164. The crease on the sides, the rear, and the front bumper are
influenced by the Mercedes-Benz GLK-Class and the Koenigsegg CCX/Agera. The bi
xenon headlights are like those on a 2002-2006 Volkswagen Touareg but with added
LED turning signals.
It has average handling, is good off road, and has a high top speed.
Luis can get one by calling Henrique. It appears in Star Junction, The Trian-
gle, Algonquin, and Leftwood, Alderney.
Stretch E
The Benefactor Stretch E is a limousine version of the second generation
Schafter. It's based on a 2010 Mercedes E-class W212 Limousine but the front
resembles the W216 Mercedes CL-Class.
It has better cornering and acceleration than the Stretch.
The Stretch E is availabe as the escape vehicle in "Frosting on the Cake."
Super Diamond
The Enus Super Diamond is a luxury four-door sedan resembles an '03-present
Rolls-Royce Phantom with some elements from the '68-'91 Rolls-Royce Phantom VI.
The Super Diamond/Super Drop Diamond hood ornament is a diamond with a pair of
wings parodying the Spirit of Ecstasy (Flying Lady) on current Rolls-Royce cars
and the fact that the car is called the Super Diamond.
It has good acceleration, handling, durability, and is fast (not as fast as
the Super Drop).
It may appear in West Algonquin around the Golden Pier golf club area, Fran-
cis International Airport, and be used in the Drug Wars.
Super Drop Diamond
The Super Drop Diamond is a two-door convertible of the Super Diamond and re-
sembles the '07-present Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupé.
It's very fast and manueverable.
It's given by Yusuf after "For the Man Who Has Everything" with a Gold SMG.
Then it spawns near Yusuf's penthouse on Columbus Ave. It may appear near a
restaurant by Niko Bellic's safe house in Middle Park, Algonquin, and an alarm
goes off if Luis jacks it.
The Declasse Tampa is a two-door muscle car. Some of the exterior is based on
the '64-'73 Ford Mustang with a front like a '70/'71 Dodge Dart, the roof and
sides like a '68-'72 Chevrolet Nova but with less of a fastback profile, and a
rear like a '68 Dodge Charger. The paint is based on a '69 Ford Mustang Boss
302 with the stripe across the trunk based on the super bee stripe found on per-
formance cars from Dodge and Plymouth since the '60s.
It's prone to spinout but has good braking, acceleration, and top speed.
Among places it may appear are southern Algonquin and Middle Park, Middle Park
West, Chinatown, City Hall, Fishmarket South, Castle Gardens, the Northwood
Heights Bridge, and the airport.
I.6.b Motorcycles and scooters
Chopper and cruiser
The Western Motorcycle Company Angel is based on the Harley-Davidson FXSTC
Softail Custom and uses the Harley-Davidson "panhead" engine seen on the bikes
in the 1969 movie "Easy Rider." It's the main bike of The Angels of Death in
It's a heavy bike with good acceleration and top speed.
It can be found near the Angels of Death Clubhouse and, with the Daemon, is
used by the Angels of Death in the Gang Wars. It can be found at daylight on
the crossroad in front of the Linen Lounge (North Holland) while driving a
Double T Custom.
The Western Motorcycle Company Daemon is based on a customized Harley-Davidson
Sportster in the 1970's or the Harley-Davidson Street Bob. It's the motorcycle
most used by The Angels of Death.
It's found in North Holland ridden by Angels of Death members esp. while rid-
ing a Diabolus, and it and the Angel are driven by the Angels of Death in the
Gang Wars.
The Western Motorcycle Company Diabolus is a new chopper style motorcycle
based on a West Coast Choppers El Diablo.
The Diabolus, like the Hellfury, is an average chopper. Its top speed makes
up for what it lacks in acceleration. Oversteer is a problem--because of the
length high speed cornering can end unpleasantly. But mastering sliding hand-
brake turns can make cornering easy. Its durable for gunfights but a quick get-
away isn't an option if the wheels are shot out. It's too big to be the best
for wheelies and stoppies but, besides the cornering, it has great handling and
top speed and affords a good ride.
It's in the alley on the west side of the Lost MC Clubhouse and at the 69th
Street Diner, Hove Beach. After "Angels in America" you can have Johnny call
Clay Simonscan to get the Diabolus.
The Liberty City Cycles Hexer is a "modern classic" chopper-style motorcycle
based on a West Coast Choppers CFL. It's Johnny Klebitz's favorite bike.
Johnny's Hexer is used in most missions and can be found by loading a save
file and sending Johnny outside where it appears near the parking lot at the
Lost MC Clubhouse and at Brian's safehouse. It appears when you begin a mission
that requires the Hexer but you had Johnny drive a different vehicle to the
starting location.
Regular Hexers appear in parts of Algonquin and Bohan. If you destroy John-
ny's Hexer after "Clean and Serene" have him bring up his phone and call Clay >
Bikes > Hexer and Clay will drive by to leave one in the street east of The Lost
The Liberty City Cycles Innovation is a radically designed custom chopper.
Acceleration is average but the brakes are good and top speed is impressive.
It's one of the easiest choppers to ride in TLAD.
After having Johnny kill 50 Seagulls the Innovation is rewarded in two ways:
it spawns at Johnny's safehouse(s) and it's added to the list of bikes Clay Sim-
ons can be called to deliver.
You can spawn one with a phone code.
The Liberty Chop Shop Lycan is a chopper style motorcycle based on an Orange
County Choppers Pro Street.
It's often found in traffic outside the Lost MC Clubhouse. If activities are
arranged for Johnny with Jim, Terry or Clay, and he arrives without a motorcy-
cle, a Lycan is often parked on a nearby street.
The Liberty Chop Shop Nightblade is a chopper style motorcycle based on an
Orange County Choppers 10th Anniversary or an older Harley Davidson Dyna Street
You can have Johnny get it after Malc's first Random Character encounter. The
much rarer Wolfsbane motorcycle is also available in this mission. It appears
in the bike races. It's one of the bikes you have Johnny steal for Angus. It
appears near the Hickey Bridge if Johnny is on a bike. It's parked under Union
Drive West by the Angels of Death Clubhouse near the east end of the Hickey
Bridge on the south edge of west North Holland.
The Western Motorcycle Company Revenant is a chopper style motorcycle based on
a Harley Davidson V-rod Night rod special. "Revenant" is French for "spook."
It's heavy like the other choppers but is the fastest chopper in the game
with acceleration like the Bati 800, Double T, and Hakuchou sportbikes.
After "This Shit's Cursed" you can have Johnny call Clay Simons for a Reven-
The Western Motorcycle Company Wayfarer is based on a Harley-Davidson FXDWG
Dyna Wide Glide. It's an Angels Of Death gang bike.
It's heavy and good at cornering.
It often appears at the side of the road around Alderney City. It appears
around the Angels of Death Clubhouse in North Holland/Northwood if Johnny is
riding a chopper not associated with The Angels of Death (a Hexer, Revenant, Ly-
can or Diabolus). It appears at daylight at the crossroad in front of the Linen
Lounge, North Holland, if Johnny is driving a Double T Custom.
Wolfsbane Bati 800
The Western Motorcycle Company Wolfsbane is a chopper based on a Harley-David-
son 1200 Custom. It's used by the AoD.
After Malc's first Random Encounter Wolfsbanes and Nightblades are left behind
by dead bikers. It appears at night on the Hickey Bridge between Alderney and
Algonquin if Johnny drives a Double T Custom. It appear at daylight on the
crossroad in front of the Linen Lounge, North Holland, if Johnny drives a Haban-
ero, Lycan or Double T Custom.
Bati 800
The Pegassi Bati 800 and Bati 801 are sports bikes modeled on the Ducati 848
or the Ducati 1098. The tail bears more of a resemblance to that of the Ducati
Desmosedici RR minus the top-exit exhausts. It's a gang bike of the Uptown Rid-
It's more powerful than most choppers but not sports bikes though this gives
it better stability during acceleration and cornering and minimizes excess burn-
outs and spinouts.
It appears in Northwood and East Holland, Algonquin, where the Uptown Riders
are found. Bati 800s appear at Johnny's safehouses as a reward for completing
Angus' Bike Thefts.
Bati Custom
The Bati Custom and Bati 801RR is essentially a sportier variant of the Bati
800 and a similar excellent performer. The Bati Custom has very little differ-
ence from the Bati 800 in weight, acceleration, top speed and handling. The
performance of the Bati Custom is excellent with a lighter body weight (250kg)
that allows for responsive braking and steering, and excellent top speed (297
kph) and acceleration.
It's common in the northeastern corner of Algonquin--the Uptown Riders' terri-
tory--where it's sometimes found ridden around Northwood, Algonquin, or regular-
ly found in traffic at the intersection next to the North Holland hospital while
Johnny is riding a chopper. The Bati Custom can be found around North and East
Holland while Johnny rides the Wayfarer. The Bati Custom appears in the Bike
Double T
The front fairing and headlights of the Dinka Double-T are similar to those of
the Honda CBR1000RR while the overall body design is more like that of the
Aprilia RSV4.
It's the least powerful of the six superbikes, a poor choice for getaways, but
it makes it easy to corner and do wheelies and endos.
It's driven by the Uptown Riders in Northwood. It rarely appears in back of
the largest mansion on Owl Creek Ave. It usually appears when you have Johnny
drive an FIB Buffalo around Alderney. You can have Johnny call Clay to provide
a Double-T. (It also appears in TBoGT in Westdyke, Alderney, and Hove Beach,
Double T Custom
The Dinka Double-T Custom is a customized Double-T.
It's more powerful in both acceleration and top speed than the Double T. It's
the fastest bike in the game but less nimble around corners.
It appears under the overpass in Presidents City at the end of "Shifting
Weight." It can be stolen from Malc in Northwood where he appears for his Ran-
dom Character missions. Have Johnny target a gun at him or have a wanted level
and approach him to make him walk away. It's sometimes seen during bike races--
you can have Johnny kill the rider and fail the race to get it. You can have
Johnny use a phone code to get it--245-555-0125. You an re-enter the code to
get a preferred color. This doesn't block any Achievements.
The Shitzu Hakuchou is based on the base-line '08–present Suzuki Hayabusa.
Because of its heavy weight and its rather long wheelbase this bike is amaz-
ingly stable and almost never bounces on any bad-condition roads, especially at
higher speed. Despite its bulky design, the bike performs relatively well, with
similar performance traits as the Bati 801, Bati 801RR and Double-T (with a top
speed of 155 kmph, a weight of 250 kg, 50 kg lighter than any chopper, and
stiffer suspensions) but featuring improved acceleration. It performs like the
Bati 801, Bati 801RR, and Double-T except notably more stable.
It appears around the North Holland hospital. It appears at The Lost Club-
house, and ca be obtained by having Johnny call Clay Simons, after 12 bike
races. It rarely appears with the Double-T in parts of Alderney.
(It may not appear in TBoGT due to a typo in the game files but you can edit
it with Notepad. Go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\EFLC\TBoGT\
common\data\cargp.dat" and change the capital H to a small h (E.g. Hakuchou to
hakuchou). Then the Hakuchou will spawn normally.)
Hakuchou Custom
The Shitzu Hakuchou Custom is based on the Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa.
It's the second fastest motorcycle for top speed and fastest at acceleration
which makes it very sensitive to hard throttle and prone to wheelspin.
The Hakuchou Custom can be stolen after Malc's first Random Encounter by hav-
ing Johnny quickly drive to catch up with DeSean, who drives off on an Hakuchou
Custom, and kill him. The Hakuchou Custom may appear in races if Johnny is rid-
ing a Hakuchou. The Hakuchou Custom can be obtained from in front of Pretty
Boy's garage after Elizabeta's second mission. It can be spawned with a phone
Hexer--see above
It appears in "Not So Fast."
Police Bike The Western Motorcycle Company Police Bike is a motorcycle based
on the Harley-Davidson Road King FLHP. It has good handling, braking, and dur-
ability. It and the Faggio make it easy to do wheelies.
I.6.c Helicopters and jets
The flight ceiling for TBoGT is about three times higher than in "IV" or TLaD.
(Thsnks to Robert Rusk.)
The Annihilator is sometimes at the helipad of the East Holland police station
after "Get Lost."
The Nagasaki Buzzard an AH-6 is an attack version of the MH-6 Little Bird
light observation helicopter, which in turn is a military version of the OH-6
Cayuse and the MD 500C.
It holds two people and has two high-powered miniguns and rockets. Miniguns
on the Buzzard are more effective than those on the Annihilator--they fire fast-
er with a narrower spread and are fired simultaneously but do less damage than
the Annihilator guns. They never overheat which allows for continuous fire.
It can be spawned with a phone code--359-555-2899 (FLY-555-BUZZ).
You can have Luis destroy the boats in "Sexy Time," have him land the black
Buzzard on a road, get into a car or bike, and drive away from it but keep the
"camera" fixed on it. After you fail the mission, have Luis reverse and it will
be there.
Luis gets Yusuf Amir's gold Buzzard attack chopper as a gift after you com-
plete the game. It replaces the Swift on the helipad beside the golf club on
the West River.
The HVY Skylift is a very large heavy-lift helicopter based on the Sikorsky S-
64 Skycrane/Aircrane but with the cockpit bent down and the landing gears ex-
It's the biggest and slowest helicopter in the game and take a few RPG or Buz-
zard rockets before catching on fire.
The Skylift is normally unobtainable but you can have Luis get it after "For
the Man Who Has Everything."
See the video at the next link for the method by XTREME0235 and takadox with
the parking method by TGM0S.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Tips & Tricks - How to get the Skylift" by GTA
Series Videos
Also see "GTA IV TBoGT Skylift with attached object Simple Native Trainer" by
Hayden Wicks.
Have these phone codes available in the cheats section of Luis' phone so they
can be dialed quickly:
Buzzard 359-555-2899
Lower wanted level 267-555-0100
Health 362-555-0100
After completing the story missions have Luis use the phone to replay "For the
Man Who Has Everything." Have Luis walk to the front car and lay down for the
rest of the ride.
Don't skip the closing cutscene. The Skycar carries the train car and Luis is
dropped to the ground. When Luis says, "Have fun with it, you crazy fool"
quickly activate the code for the Buzzard--359-555-2899. Have Luis quickly
board the Buzzard and fly toward the Skylift as fast as you can. Aim for the
destination of the Skylift--the coast northeast of the onramps for the Broker-
Dukes Expressway in southeast Broker where it hovers. On the way you see the
Skylift rapidly disappear and reappear. Have Luis fly close to the Skylift.
The Skylift drifts backwards at first. Once it drifts forwards use the blades
of the Buzzard to nudge the Skylift over open land--the best choice is the air-
port since it's nearby and there's lots of open land with no obstacles. (An al-
ternative is the beach of south Broker. The Skylift may slide down the beach
into the water a bit but is still retrievable.)
Give the Skylift a nudge from behind or the side to have it drift in that di-
rection. To prevent the Buzzard from getting very damaged or losing the rotors
repair it occasionally with the Health code.
Once the Skylift is over an open area of the airport have Luis use the machine
guns of the Buzzard to kill Yusuf and make the Skylift land. Have Luis quickly
land, board the Skylift, and fly away as fast as possible. Once it's off the
ground use the codes for Health (to repair it) and Lower Wanted Level. The mag-
net can't be used to lift anything.
It can be saved at a parking space as long as it has at least two wheels in
the area outlined by yellow--the best choice is Niko's Middle Park East, Algon-
quin, safehouse parking space. Park it pointed approx. south with the front
wheel and right rear wheel in the parking space. Park as close as possible to
the building--don't worry that the blades may break off in the process. Have
Luis go elsewhere, save the game, and go back. With accuracy and a bit of luck
the Skylift will be saved.
The easiest way to do it is to use the Simple Trainer to spawn the Skylift and
use options of it to attach and detach things.
The Buckingham Swift is a two person shuttle-civilian helicopter based on the
AgustaWestland AW109 with some details like those on the Bell 222 such as the
winglets on the tail, vents near the rotor, etc.
It's slightly faster and more maneuverable than larger helicopters such as the
One way to get the Sweift is to do the Club Management mission featuring Bruce
Spade--complete the mission and keep the helicopter. You can't redo Club mis-
sions afterward so it's only an option at one point.
The Swift is available at the west Algonquin helipad near the West River to
the end of the game when it's replaced by the Gold Buzzard.
I.6.d Boats
The Grotti Blade is a 2 seater speed boat.
The power it has is less than that for the Smuggler but more than that for the
Floater. It's more controllable than a Smuggler but less so than a Floater.
It may spawn near Higgins Helitours or at the docks next to Golden Pier Swing-
ers Golf Club, Meat Quarter. It may appear during the Drug Wars.
The Floater is a small boat with relatively good performance.
It may appear on the Humboldt River and West River. It can be used during the
Drug Wars and Triathlon minigames.
The Grotti Smuggler is a high-performance powerboat.
It's the fastest of the three new boats of TBoGT.
It rarely appears near Happiness Island or the docks at the Golden Pier. It
can be used for the Drug Wars and Triathlon minigames. It can be used for "Sexy
I.7 Glitches and Ghost World
I.7.a Problem glitches
The Taxi bug
The glitch is that using a vehicle mod can cause a lot of taxis to spawn.
It's not the fault of your computer. If you increase the sixe of vehicles.img
by modding it the game is caused to handle more than it's designed to so it
spawns common vehicles--taxis (sometimes police cars).
"[IV] RIL.Budgeted" by NTAuthority solves the problem for "IV" and EfLC.
The Peretroika developmental oversight (TLaD)
You can have Johnny go into the marker at a table in Perestroika but no act
appears so it can't be used for a Friend activity. The screen darkens and
lightens as if an act appeared, the customers reappear in standing position
(some on their chairs), and an icon for the club appears on the radar/map.
I.7.b Fun glitches, gimmicks, etc.
Plumbers Skyway of Death
This is like the Billbord of Death of "IV." Have the protagonist park with
their drivers' side door at the outer edge of a break in the metal guard rail of
one of the stunt jumps of the Plumbers Skyway, drive forward and back to break
some of the replacement barricade to leave enough room for someone to walk past
the front or back of the car to the edge, and get a one star wanted rating. A
large number of police will shout something then fall off the side of the high-
way. You can adjust the "camera" for a good view. (Thanks to Ja'Mei Winsted/
"Fan Facts #6" by whatever57010
If you use the Simple Trainer you could react to a higher wanted rating by
putting your car in God Mode, using the Airbreak function to have the car hover
a bit higher than the highway and away from the side of it, and watching law en-
forcement vehicles do the same thing.
Having the protsgonist crouch in the narrow area between the metal fence and
cliff near the Burger Shot in Broker is similar. You can have him just use the
ladder of a billboard or such for a similar gimmick. Have him climb most of the
way up and police officers climb up behind him. Have him descend to knock them
off the ladder. (Thanks to danishviper0379/whatever57010)
"Fan Facts #7" by whatever57010
Wanted rating exploits
Your protagonist is invisible to law enforcers while he's in a Pay 'n' Spray.
(Thanks to Robert Rusk)
(On PC, you could also use the Simple Trainer (turn off the wanted system,
teleport to Seagulls, etc.).
During the chase and afterward in "End of Chapter" Johnny can't get a wanted
level till he returns to Jim who will wait indefinitely.
"TLaD - End of Chapter (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Missions in which Johnny is less liable to create a wanted rating. (Thanks to
Robert Rusk)
Liberty City Choppers
Off Route
Hit the Pipe
Was It Worth It?
The Gang Wars can be considered a Wanted Rating Exploit since the law enforc-
ers aren't activated most of the time and the Gang War doesn't end until you
kill the last gang member.
Thanks to Rusk for recommending using the Drug Wars as wanted rating exploits
as a time to do this without causing a wanted rating. Use the Stash or Stickup
scenarios. Let Armando and Henrique be killed then kill everybody else and take
the Stash. Once on another island any pursuit will stop.
I.7.c Ghost world
See the Ghost World section of "Glenster's Drawer of Some GTA IV."
Ghost hockey headquarters (TBoGT)
You can have Luis go to the Ghost World version of the Liberty City Rampage
hockey team headquarters in the MeTV skyscraper at the west side of Denver-Exe-
ter Ave./south side of Kunzite St., Star Junction, seen in the mission "Dropping
Have Luis take the window washer platform on the west side of the building to
the top then climb a ladder to the roof--or, when it becomes available, have him
use the marker on the east side of the building to teleport to the roof.
Have him go down to the area with the helipad, go through the red door, go
down a flight of stairs, go through the yellow double doors, go through the
hall, go down the elevator shaft to the roof of the elevator car, go through the
hall, and go through the yellow double doors into a room where a radio is play-
Typically, you'd have Luis go through the yellow door and down the stairs to
the headquarters where he could leave through a window of the room that has a
long meeting table.
To have have Luis go from the room with a radio to Ghost World instead, send
him toward the two low dollies/hand carts--each has two high sides and one holds
cardboard boxes--and press F. Luis will get on an invisible ladder (something
left unused by the game developers). Have him climb down and you can have him
walk around the upper boundaries of the headquarters which have partial graph-
One way to have him leave is to have him walk and climb around to the east
side of the building to go through a non-solid area and deploy a Parachute. See
the video by whatsisface at the next link.
"GTA IV Glitches (TBOGT): Hockey Building Glitch" for TBoGT by whatsisface
Considering things like the ramp in the walled lot to let Claude get out if
he dropped in from the invisible plate over Portland (or landed a Dodo in the
lot), the "You werent supposed to be able to get here you know" sign in "III,"
and the planes left to crash into the tops of hills in "San Andreas," I wonder
if the invisible ladder and non-solid eastern part of the MeTV building was left
there deliberately for anyone who enjoys things like that as part of the fun of
a game.
Another way to get Luis out is to use the Airbreak function of the Simple
Trainer as a Nolip function to get him into the headquarters causing the full
graphics to load then have him go through a meeting room window and use a Para-
chute as you normally would.
Simple Trainer Airbreak
The Airbreak function of the Simple Trainer can be used as a Noclip function
to send your protagonist to Ghost World.
Toggle Airbreak with F6. It may not work sending the protagonist down through
a solid as reliably as across or up through one. But if you send him across in-
to something without a solid below it (many buildings, etc.) you can send him
below the map. He may inadvertently appear below the map if you use Teleport to
Waypoint, NP0 + O, too.
If you use Teleport to Waypoint during a Friend activity have the Friend in
the protagonist's vehicle first because the friend teleports, too, and the
friend may fall (from below the map or above it) to land and die (even if you
prevent the protagonist from dying by giving them God Mode). If the protagonist
and a Friend are in a vehicle you can prevent the Friend from complaining about
the landing being like a crash by pressing F6 and setting the vehicle on land
which doesn't bother them.
I.8 Radio
LCHC Liberty City Hardcore
DJ Max Cavalera
At the Gates - "Slaughter of the Soul"
Drive By Audio - "Jailbait"
Celtic Frost - "Inner Sanctum"
Entombed - "Drowned"
Sepultura - "Dead Embryonic Cells"
Deicide - "Dead by Dawn"
Cannibal - Corpse "I Cum Blood"
Bathory - "Call From the Grave"
Kreator - "Awakening of the Gods"
Terrorizer - "Fear of Napalm"
Radio Broker
DJ Juliette Lewis
Blonde Acid Cult - "Shake It Loose"
Kill Memory Crash - "Hell on Wheels"
Magic Dirt - "Get Ready to Die"
Brazilian Girls - "Nouveau Americain"
Freeland - "Borderline"
Kreeps - "The Hunger (Blood in My Mouth)"
Japanther - "Radical Businessman"
Foxylane - "Command"
Monotonix - "Body Language"
Game Rebellion - "Dance Girl (GTA IV Mix)"
The Yelling - "Blood on the Steps"
The Jane Shermans - "I Walk Alone"
WKTT We Know The Truth!
The Martin Serious Show
The Beat 102.7
DJs Funk Flex and Statik Selektah
Statik Selektah Show
Termanology - "Here in Liberty City"
Freeway - "Car Jack"
Saigon - "Spit"
Skyzoo - "The Chase Is On"
Consequence - "I Hear Footsteps"
Talib Kweli - "My Favorite Song"
Funkmaster Flex Show
Busta Rhymes - "Arab Money" featuring Ron Browz
Busta Rhymes - "Conglomerate" featuring Young Jeezy & Jadakiss
T.I. - "Swing Ya Rag" featuring Swizz Beatz
Ron Browz - "Jumping Out the Window"
DJ Khaled - "Go Hard" featuring Kanye West and T-Pain
Kardinal Offishall - "Dangerous (Remix) " featuring Akon and Sean Paul
John Legend - "Green Light" featuring André 3000
Kanye West - "Love Lockdown"
Bonus Tracks
B.o.B. - "Auto-Tune"
Liberty Rock Radio 97.8
DJ Iggy Pop
Nazareth - "Hair of the Dog"
Styx - "Renegade"
Rod Stewart - "Every Picture Tells a Story"
Lynyrd Skynyrd - "Saturday Night Special"
The James Gang - "Funk #49"
The Edgar Winter Group - "Free Ride"
Aerosmith - "Lord of the Thighs"
Deep Purple - "Highway Star"
AC/DC - "Touch Too Much"
Foghat - "Drivin' Wheel"
The Doors - "Five to One"
Alice Cooper - "Go to Hell"
Jefferson Starship - "Jane"
Iron Maiden - "Run to the Hills"
Mötley Crüe - "Wild Side"
Saxon - "Wheels of Steel"
The Doobie Brothers - "China Grove"
Bon Jovi - "Wanted Dead or Alive
Vladivostok FM
DJ Paul Martin
David Morales feat. Lea-Lorien - "How Would U Feel"
Steve Mac - "Lovin' You More" Freemasons (Vocal Club Mix)
Sucker DJs - "Salvation" (eSQUIRE Mix)
Stonebridge (feat. Therese) - "Put 'Em High" (JJ's Club Mix)
Marly - "You Never Know" (Morjac Extended Mix)
Shape: UK - "Lola's Theme"
Freemasons feat. Amanda Wilson - "Love on My Mind"
Soulsearcher - "Can't Get Enough"
Michael Gray - "The Weekend"
Jonathan Peters feat. Maya Azucena - "Music"
J Majik & Wickaman - "Crazy World" (Fonzerelli Mix)
Booty Luv - "Boogie 2Nite" (Seamus Haji Big Love Mix)
Hook n Sling - "The Best Thing"
Eric Prydz - "Pjanoo" (Club Mix)
David Guetta feat. Kelly Rowland - "When Love Takes Over"
Electro Choc
DJ Crookers
Major Lazer (feat. Leftside & Supahype) - "Jump Up"
Daniel Haaksman (feat. MC Miltinho) - "Kid Conga"
Crookers (feat. Kardinal Offishall & Carla-Marie) - "Put Your Hands on Me (A
Boy 8-Bit - "A City Under Siege"
The Chemical Brothers - "Nude Night"
Crookers (feat. Solo) - "Bad Men"
Miike Snow - "Animal (A Capella)"
Jahcoozi - "Watching You (Oliver $ Remix)"
Crookers (feat. Nic Sarno) - "Boxer"
SonicC - "Stickin"
Black Noise - "Knock You Out (Andy George Remix)"
Mixhell (feat. Jen Lasher & Oh Snap) - "Boom Da (Crookers Mix)"
Crookers (feat. Kelis) - "No Security"
Beat 102.7
DJ Mister Cee (aka The Finisher)
Swizz Beatz - "Top Down" (2008)
Nas - "War Is Necessary" (2008)
Kanye West (feat. Dwele) - "Flashing Lights" (2007)
Joell Ortiz (feat. Jadakiss & Saigon) - "Hip Hop (Remix)" (2008)
Fat Joe (feat. Lil Wayne) - "Crackhouse" (2008)
Mobb Deep (from H.N.I.C. Part 2 Sessions) - "Dirty New Yorker" (2008)
Ghostface Killah (feat. Kid Capri) - "We Celebrate" (2007)
Styles P (feat. Sheek Louch & Jadakiss) - "Blow Your Mind (Remix)" (2008)
Papoose - "Stylin'" (2008)
DJ Green Lantern (aka The Evil Genius)
Styles P - "What's the Problem" (2008)
Uncle Murda - "Anybody Can Get It" (2008)
Qadir - "Nickname" (2008)
Busta Rhymes - "Where's My Money" (2008)
Maino - "Getaway Driver" (2008) (A freestyle session starts during the inter-
mission after this song)
Red Cafe - "Stick'm" (2008)
Tru Life - "Wet 'Em Up" (2008)
Johnny Polygon - "Price on Your Head" (2008)
DJ Funkmaster Flex
Busta Rhymes (feat. Ron Browz) - "Arab Money" (2008)
Busta Rhymes (feat. Young Jeezy & Jadakiss) - "Conglomerate" (2009)
Ron Browz - "Jumping (Out the Window)" (2008)
T.I. (feat. Swizz Beatz) - "Swing Ya Rag" (2008)
DJ Khaled (feat Kanye West & T-Pain) - "Go Hard" (2008)
Kardinal Offishall (feat. Akon & Sean Paul) - "Dangerous (Remix)" (2008)
John Legend (feat. Andre 3000) - "Green Light" (2008)
Kanye West - "Love Lockdown" (2008)
DJ Statik Selektah
Termanology - "Here in Liberty City" (2009)
Freeway - "Carjack" (2009)
Saigon - "Spit" (2009)
Consequence - "I Hear Footsteps" (2009)
Skyzoo - "The Chase Is On" (2009)
Talib Kweli - "My Favorite Song" (2009)
K109 The Studio
DJ Karl Lagerfeld
Change - "A Lover's Holiday"
Rufus (feat. Chaka Khan) - "Any Love"
The Fatback Band - "(Are You Ready) Do the Bus Stop"
A Taste of Honey - "Boogie Oogie Oogie"
The Trammps - "Disco Inferno"
Creme D'Cocoa - "Doin' the Dog"
Chic - "Everybody Dance"
Sister Sledge - "He's the Greatest Dancer"
Sylvester - "I Need You"
Patrick Cowley - "Menergy"
Stephanie Mills - "Put Your Body in It"
Dan Hartman - "Relight My Fire"
Peaches & Herb - "Shake Your Groove Thing"
Rose Royce - "Still in Love"
Machine - "There But For the Grace of God Go I"
Candi Staton - "Young Hearts Run Free"
WKTT Radio
Conspire is a phone-in conspiracy theory show.
Integrity 2.0
Lazlow and his sidekick Jorge describe the culture in Liberty City such as at
Bahamas Mamas and Hercules.
Jorge, whom Niko meets at Elizabeta's front door in "Luck of the Irish" in
"IV," is voiced by Greg Johnson. He's a different Jorge than the one Lazlow
calls "Jorje Boy" who's voiced by Pailo Heitz in TBoGT and also played "Billy"
in "Under the Same Moon," 2007.
Radio Stations in GTA Episodes From Liberty City
Vice City FM
DJ Fernando Martinez
Hall & Oates - "Maneater" (1982)
Prefab Sprout - "When Love Breaks Down" (1984)
Texas - "I Don't Want A Lover" (1989)
'Til Tuesday - "Voices Carry" (1985)
Scritti Politti - "Wood Beez (Pray like Aretha Franklin)" (1984)
Jeffrey Osborne - "Stay with Me Tonight" (1982)
Swing Out Sister - "Breakout" (1988)
Roachford - "Cuddly Toy" (1988)
John Farnham - "You're the Voice" (1986)
Womack & Womack - "Teardrops" (1988)
Coldcut feat. Lisa Stansfield - "People Hold on" (1989)
Mai Tai - "History" (1985)
Terence Trent D'Arby - "Wishing Well" (1987)
T'Pau - "Heart and Soul" (1987)
Robbie Nevil - "C'est la Vie" (1986)
Climie Fisher - "Love Changes (Everything)" (1987)
Roxette - "The Look" (1989)
Marillion - "Kayleigh" (1985)
Re-Flex - "The Politics of Dancing" (1983)
Five Star - "Find the Time" (1986)
Nu Shooz - "I Can't Wait" (1986)
Curiosity Killed the Cat - "Misfit" (1986)
Neneh Cherry - "Buffalo Stance" (1988)
Narada Michael Walden - "Divine Emotions" (1988)
Hue and Cry - "Labour of Love" (1987)
Level 42 - "Something about You" (1985)
Boy Meets Girl - "Waiting for a Star to Fall" (1988)
Wet Wet Wet - "Wishing I Was Lucky" (1987)
RamJam FM
DJ David Rodigan
Barrington Levy - "Don't Fuss" (AKA "Sweet Reggae Music") (1979)
Ini Kamoze - "Out of Jamaica" (2009)
Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley - "Holiday" (2009)
The Morwells & Prince Jammy - "Jammin' for Survival" (1979)
John Holt feat. Sizzla - "Police in Helicopter" (1983)
Sugar Minott - "Hard Time Pressure" (1978)
Desmond Dekker - "007 (Shanty Town)" (1967)
Major Lazer feat. Turbalance - "Anything Goes" (2009)
Prince Jammy - "Jammy A Shine" (1979)
Toots And The Maytals - "54-46 Was My Number" (1970)
Frankie Paul - "Worries in the Dance" (1983)
Mr. Vegas - "Mus Come a Road" (2008)
San Juan Sounds
DJ Daddy Yankee
The segment is one continuous mix with no commercials.
Elvis Crespo - "Suavemente" (1998)
Angel y Khriz (feat. Gocho & John Eric) - "Na De Na" (2008)
Ivy Queen - "Dime (Reggaeton Remix)" (2004)
Don Omar - "Virtual Diva" (2009 - anachronism)
Wisin & Yandel (feat. DJ Nesty) - "Me Estás Tentando" (2008)
Tego Calderón (feat. Oscar D'León) - "Llora, Llora" (2006)
Fulanito - "Guallando" (1997)
Aventura - "El Desprecio" (2009 - anachronism)
Weazel News appears on the radio, TV, and computer often with references to
the missions of "IV" and "Episodes from Liberty City."
Alison Maybury, radio reporter Joan Baker Joan played the Courtroom Sten-
ographer (2004-2006) in 10 episodes of the TV soap opera "Guiding Light," sup-
plied the voice of a Vice City TV reporter in the 2006 game "Vice City Stories,"
Bryan Wilkinson, radio reporter Bill Andrew Quinn
Callista Brown, radio reporter Oni Faida Lampley Oni played Cynthia in a
2000 episode of the TV series "The Sopranos," Rev. Truman in two 1999-2000 epi-
sodes of the TV series "Oz," Ryan in two 2000-2001 episodes of the TV series
"Third Watch," etc.
Eric House, radio street reporter Michael Jaye Michael played the Insurance
Rep in "John Q," 2002, etc.
Eugene White, website writer
Jenny Acorn, radio street reporter Christine Sockol Christine also supplied
character voices for three 1991 and 1993 episodes of the TV series "Where in
the World Is Carmen Sandiego?"
Jim Harrison, main radio/TV reporter Jeff Bottoms Jeff played Arch Rival in
"Karaoke Knight," 1998, and provided the voice of Crimson Dynamo/J.A.R.V.I.S.
for the 2013 game "Iron Man 3: The Official Game."
John Chesapeake, website writer
John Rios, website writer
Karl Kelly, finance reporter
Lori Diangelo-Stockton, TV/radio rep Melissa Leebaert Melissa supplied a
voice for the animated short "The Caterpillar and the Polliwog," 1988, and for
Mephala/Female Khajiits in the 2002 game "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind."
Leslie Mitchell, website writer
Malcolm Forthright, news reporter
Malinda Manchester, news reporter
Mike Whitley, main radio street reporter John Montone John has been a report-
er for 1010 WINS all news radio station in NYC since at least 2001 and still is
as of 2014. For "IV" and EfLC he does an impression of Rush Limbaugh.
Rick Simpson, website writer
Sheila Hall, news reporter
Trip Michaels, weather reporter
I.9 TV
TLaD and TBoGT
There are new episodes of "Republican Space Rangers" and "The Men's Room" (see
the section on TV in "Glenster's Drawer of Some GTA IV").
"Princess Robot Bubblegum"
Princess Robot Bubblegum: Ayana Osada Ayana has also done voice acting for
the GTA games "San Andreas," 2004, "Liberty City Stories," 2005, "Vice City
Stories," 2006, and "V," 2013, and the Rockstar games "Bully," 2006, and Max
Payne 3," 2012. She also co-produced the 2004 documentary "Original Child
Master Hentai and Sword Boy: Lloyd Floyd Lloyd has done voice acting for more
GTA/Rockstar games than anyone--all the GTAs from SA to V, supplied a Skinz
voice for "Manhunt," 2003, Curly Shaw/Sandy Dodge/Bandits #1 for "Red Dead Re-
volver," 2004, and Juri for "Bully," 2006. He also provided the voice of The
Hitchhiker/Tor Anderson/Walter Snyder/Night Springs Narrator for "Alan Wake,"
2010, Radio Voices for "Saints Row: The Third," 2011, etc.
You may recognize a lot of the game titles at his imdb.com page at the next
Saki: Gail Bennington Gail also provided the voice of the Paperboy in "Red
Dead Redemption," 2010.
"Princess Roobot Bubblegum" is a parody of anime (Japanese hand drawn or com-
puter animation). Anime often shares characteristics with manga (Japanese comic
strips) such as girls with real big eyes (like in Keane paintings). One focus
of this parody is the science fiction theme used in an ancient Japanese setting.
In this case it's done by having the cute young lady become a sento bishojo (a
heavily armed female warrior) like a mech (giant robot controlled from within by
a person) with a science fiction version of a fighting trainer of ancient Japan-
ese tradition.
In GTA style this is combined with suggestive humor and moments of soft core
graphics a bit like the international understanding of hentai (pornographic)
Weazel News in "IV" reports that Asian Americans protested it and in "V" par-
ents had it banned.
"Full Robo Hickey Hurry Mech Battlesuit" is a similar parody--in this case a
fictional anime movie advertised on a radio commercial in "IV," TLaD, and TBoGT.
It's a parody of mecha (giant robots controlled from within by people) animes
like the Gundam franchise. It's advertised as involving a rich boy in a fuedal
futuristic Japanese world who finds a mech battlesuit and "must mate with a cute
gang of robotic pirate girls to save Earth."
Both also play off the occasional use in videogames of the sexy heroine who's
a master fighter and various mecha games.
I.10 Internet
See the section on the Internet in "Glenster's Drawer of Some GTA IV."
Have your protagonist answer Emails regularly to further undertand the story
of the game.
The adventures of Niko and "IV" appear in the news of the Liberty Tree, Weaz-
el News, and Public Liberty Online sites. There are articles about "arson
spates" in Broker and the assassination of lawyer Tom Goldberg, etc.
I.11 Phone numbers/codes and unlockables
Give Armor 362-555-0100
Gives Health, Armor And ammo 482-555-0100
Johnny old jacket 241-555-0132
Lower wanted level 267-555-0100
Raise wanted level 267-555-0150
Weapon package #1 486-555-0150
Weapon package #2 486-555-0100
Annihilator 359-555-0100
Cognoscenti 227-555-0142
Comet 227-555-0175
FIB Buffalo 227-555-0100
Jetmax 938-555-0100
NRG-900 625-555-0100
Sanchez 625-555-0150
Super GT 227-555-0168
Turismo 227-555-0147
Burrito 826-555-0150
Double T 245-555-0125
Gang Burrito 826-555-0150
Hakuchou 245-555-0199
Hexer 245-555-0150
Innovation 245-555-0100
Slamvan 826-555-0100
Assault shotgun in safehouse Complete 40 gang wars
Automatic pistol in safehouse Complete 20 gang wars
Carbine rifle in safehouse Complete 30 gang wars
Grenade launcher in safehouse Complete 50 gang wars
Sawn-off shotgun in safehouse Complete 10 gang wars
Remove ammo limit Get 100% completion
Bati 800 Complete all of Angus' bike theft missions
Hokachu Beat 12 Races in single player
Innovation Kill all 50 seagulls
Unlockable Weapons for delivery by Jim
Automatic pistol Finish the "Bad Cop Drop" mission
Micro SMG Finish the "Clean And Serene" mission
Pipe bombs Finish the "Hit The Pipe" mission
Sawed-off shotgun Finish the "Clean And Serene" mission
Change weather 468-555-0100
Health & Armour 362-555-0100
Health, Armor and advanced weapons 482-555-0100
Akuma (Bike) 625-555-0200
Annihilator 359-555-0100
APC(Tank) 272-555-8265
Bullet GT 227-555-9666
Buzzard(Helicopter) 359-555-2899
Cognoscenti 227-555-0142
Comet 227-555-0175
FIB Buffalo 227-555-0100
Floater(Boat) 938-555-0150
Jetmax 938-555-0100
NRG-900 625-555-0100
Parachute 359-555-7272
Sanchez 625-555-0150
Super GT 227-555-0168
Turismo 227-555-0147
Vader (bike) 625-555-3273
Raise wanted level 267-555-0150
Remove wanted level 267-555-0100
Sniper rifle bullets explode 486-555-2526
Super punch (exploding punches) 276-555-2666
Weapons (advanced) 486-555-0100
Weapons (poor) 486-555-0150
.44 in Safehouse Complete 10 gang wars
Advanced MG in Safehouse Complete 20 gang wars
Explosive shotgun in Safehouse COmplete 30 gang wars
Gold SMG in safehouse Complete 50 gang wars
Golden Buzzard Beat the game to unlock a Golden uzzard on a heliport over the
Booth Tunnel
NOOSE APC at construction site Kill all 50 seagulls
Parachute in safehouse Complete 15 base jumps
Remove ammo cap Achieve 100% completion
Sticky bombs in safehouse Complete 40 gang wars
II.1 Weapons
Use my Health, Armor, and weapon maps and location decriptions for "IV" for
weapon pickups common to "IV," TLaD, and TBoGT.
Gun stores are open from the start of TLaD and TBoGT.
Thanks to gta.wikia.com for the descriptions of new weapons in this section.
The new weapons can be obtained from:
1. Terry's Gun Van Have Johnny call Terry and select "Gun Van." This re-
places the weapon/Armor store in the trunk of Jacob's car in "IV." Terry's
black Slamvan appears nearby and he'll sell Armor and any weapon except a Base-
ball bat or Pool cue from it after "Clean and Serene," the Grenade launcher af-
ter "Action/Reaction," and he'll give them for free after the last story mission
"Get Lost."
2. Jim While Jim is Johnny's friend you can have Johnny call Jim and select
"Weapons." Jim delivers a one-time pickup for the weapon you choose to a table
by the pool table on the second floor of the clubhouse for free. The choice is:
Pistol, Micro-SMG, Sawn-off shotgun
9mm Automatic pistol after "Bad Cop Drop".
Pipe bombs after "Hit the Pipe".
Jim's weapons are unavailable after "Was it Worth It?"
3. Completing Gang War missions. For every ten gang wars that you complete a
new weapon pickup appears at the safehouse for a total of five weapons in this
order: Sawn off shotgun, Automatic 9mm, Pipe bomb, Assault shotgun, and Grenade
4. A pool table The Pool cue can be used like a Baseball bat and a one-time
pickup for it is on a pool table after you have Johnny play pool on it.
Semi-automatic pistol
The Automatic 9mm is based on the Tanfoglio TA90 with the CZ 75 Automatic pis-
tol features. It's as powerful as the "IV" 9mm Pistol but is less accurate.
Hold down the LMB to give it rapid fire. It's useful for drive-bys and Execu-
If Johnny switches from any other handgun to the Auto-9 he loses all extra
rounds beyond 1,200.
It's given to Johnny in "Bad Cop Drop.". Afterward Johnny can request it from
Jim and buy it from Terry's Gun Van. $500 + $15 for each added magazine
Sawn-off shotgun
The Shrewsbury Sawn-off/Sawed-off shotgun is based on a sawed off 12 Gauge
Coach Gun with two hammers and two triggers also known as the Lupara.
It can be used from a vehicle. If you have Johnny switch from the Sawn-off
shotgun to the Pump or Combat shotgun he loses any shells beyond 80.
Johnny gets one at the start of the game. He can call Jim to get one (till
"Was It Worth It?") or buy one from Terry's Gun Van. It appears at Johnny's
save place after 10 Gang Wars. $600 + $5 for 2 shells
Assault shotgun
The Vom Feuer Assault shotgun is an automatic shotgun modeled after the Pro-
tecta version of the Armsel Striker.
If Johnny switches from the Assault shotgun to any other shotgun he loses any
extra shells beyond the carrying capacity of the replacement weapon. It has the
longest range of the shotguns.
Johnny gets one in "Heavy Toll" after which he can get it from Terry's Gun
Van. It spawns at Johnny's safehouse after 40 gang wars. Clay equips it when
he's hardened enough. $3,500 + $25 for 8 shells
Pipe bombs
Pipe bombs are more powerful than Grenades but leave a trail of smoke which
blinds people at close range. $700 apiece
If Johnny switches from one thrown weapon to another he loses all units of the
previous weapon.
Grenade launcher
The Shrewsbury Grenade launcher is based on the HK69A1 grenade launcher. The
Grenades are about as effective as Pipe bombs and have a five second timer.
If Johnny switches from one heavy weapon to another he loses all rounds for
the previous weapon.
Johnny gets a Grenade launcher in "Action/Reaction," can get one from Terry
Thorpe, and spawns at the Lost MC Clubhouse and Brian Jeremy's safehouse after
50 Gang Wars. $7000 + $300 per grenade
The Annihilator has explosive bullets.
Gun Van weapons:
Knife $100
9mm $420; $35 for 17 additional rounds
Automatic 9mm $500; $15 for 17 additional rounds
Molotov $350 each
Grenade $700 each
Pipe bomb $700 each
Sawn-off shotgun $600; $5 for 2 additional rounds
Pump shotgun $840; $70 for 8 additional rounds
Combat shotgun $1,500; $100 for 10 additional rounds
Assault shotgun $3,500; $25 for 8 additional rounds
Micro SMG $840; $25 for 50 additional rounds
SMG $1,750; $20 for 30 additional rounds
Assault rifle $2,450; $55 for 30 additional rounds
Carbine rifle $3,500; $70 for 30 additional rounds
Sniper rifle $5,000; $500 for 10 additional rounds
Grenade launcher $7,500; $700 for 1 additional round
Rocket launcher $10,000; $3,500 for 1 additional round
Armor $300
The new weapons can be obtained from:
1. Armando's Gun Van Have Johnny call Armando and select "Gun Van." This re-
places the weapon/Armor store in the trunk of Jacob's car in "IV." Armando's
black Cavalcade appears nearby and he'll sell Armor and any weapon except a
Baseball bat from it after "I Luv LC," the Grenade Launcher after "Action/Reac-
tion," and he'll give them for free after the last story mission "Get Lost."
2. Completing Drug War missions. For every ten gang wars that you complete a
new weapon pickup appears at the safehouse for a total of five weapons in this
order: Pistol.44, Advanced MG, Explosive shotgun, Sticky bombs, and Gold SMG.
Pistol .44
It's modeled after the AMT AutoMag Model 180. It's more powerful and accurate
than the Combat pistol but has the lowest rate of fire of any handgun and takes
longer to reload. It can be used for Executions.
Luis gets one in "Boulevard Baby" after killing Vic. One appears in Luis'
apartment after completing that mission and 10 Drug Wars then can bought from
Armando Torres's gun van. $640 + $50 for each added magazine
Automatic shotgun/Explosive shotgun
They're modeled on the MPS AA-12.
The Automatic fires buckshot.
The Explosive shotgun is a version of the Automatic shotgun that fires "FRAG-
12" explosive rounds that can inflict heavy damage on vehicles.
To switch ammunition from the Automatic and Explosive shotguns Luis must dis-
card their Automatic/Explosive shotgun and lose their ammunition reserve (unless
the weapon is picked up off the ground). Regular Automatic shotguns have red
shotgun shells in the loading chamber while Explosive Shotguns have green
The Automatic has the range of a Pistol and the Explosive has greater range
than an SMG.
If you have Luis switch from the Automatic shotgun to either the Pump shotgun
or Combat shotgun he loses any extra shells beyond 80. If you have him switch
between Explosive rounds and standard shells the player loses all units of the
previous ammunition type.
Armando Torres gives Luis a regular version in "Corner Kids." Yusuf Amir
gives Luis the Explosive version in "High Dive" and "For the Man Who Has Every-
The Explosive version appears in the kitchen of Luis' save place after 30 Drug
Wars and "High Dive." After "High Dive" you can have Luis buy Explosive shells
from Armando. $1,250 + $80 for 20 standard shells or $160 for 20 explosive
Assault SMG
The Vom Feuer Assault SMG is modeled on the FN P90.
It's just as accurate as an SMG but with reduced recoil and slightly more da-
mage per shot but takes longer to reload. It can't be used from a vehicle but
if you use the Advanced Weapons Set code while Luis is in a vehicle with a dif-
ferent SMG as the current weapon the player can then use the Assault SMG for
drive-bys. (Luis puts his left hand on the suppressor which in reality after
firing would be boiling thus burning his hand.)
It's available from Armando's gun van. $6,725 + $150 for each added magazine
The Gold SMG is a gold-plated standard length IMI Uzi submachine gun with the
folding stock removed.
It has the same stopping power and accuracy as the Micro SMG but fires a
smaller magazine faster and takes longer to reload. It's good for drive-bys and
the relatively light recoil for a submachine gun makes it good for ground fire.
After Yusuf Amir's final mission Luis gets a Gold SMG the first time he enters
the car Yuseuf gives him.
It appears on the dining table of Luis' save place after "Departure Time" and
50 Drug Wars. If you complete the story missions the Gold Uzi is sold in Arman-
do's Gun Van. $5000 + $60 for each added mag.
Advanced MG
The Advanced MG is a light machine gun based on the M249E2. It has a high
rate of fire but is inaccurate and is best used against multiple enemies at
close to medium range.
In TBoGT law enforcers use the Advanced MG from helicopters instead of the
Carbine rifle used in "IV" and TLAD.
It's given to Luis in "Going Deep."
It appears in the kitchen of Luis' safehouse after “Going Deep” and 20 Drug
Wars. It's available from Armando's gun van after "Going Deep." $7,550 + $400
for each added ammo belt
Advanced sniper
The Advanced sniper rifle is based on the German DSR-1 bolt-action sniper ri-
fle manufactured and marketed by DSR-Precision GmbH.
It can hold up to ten rounds per magazine--the normal sniper rifle holds five
rounds per magazine. It's very accurate and powerful with regular rounds. In
the single player game explosive rounds are as powerful as Grenades and Sticky
bombs (and likewise shouldn't be used for nearby targets).
Yusuf Amir gives Luis an AAdvanced sniper in "Caught with your Pants Down."
After that mission Luis can buy an Advanced sniper from Armando Torres. $4,750
+ $200 for each additional magazine
The gun is available by using a phone code--486-555-0100.
Explosives rounds are available by using a phone code--486-555-2526.
If you have Luis repeatedly rapidly crouch and shoot at the same time it fires
as an automatic.
If you mod weapons to be more powerful it's notable that none of Luis' ene-
mies use the Advanced sniper.
Sticky bomb
It has the effect of a Pipe bomb and can be attached to an object but not a
person. It detonates when you press the Down arrow key, have Luis shoot or
cause an explosion by the Sticky bomb, or in 90 sec. It can be used from a ve-
A Sticky bomb pickup appears in Luis' apartment after "Bang Bang" and 40 Drug
Wars. $800 per unit
Gun Van weapons
Knife $100
9mm $420; $35 for 17 additional rounds
44 $640; $50 for 8 additional rounds.
Molotov $350 each
Grenade $700 each
Sticky bomb $800 each
Shotgun $840; $70 for 8 additional rounds
Auto shotgun $3,500; $80 for 20 additional standard rounds or $160 for 20
additional explosive rounds
SMG $1,750; $20 for 30 additional rounds
Gold SMG $5,000; $60 for 30 additional rounds
Assault SMG $6,750; $150 for 50 additional rounds
Assault rifle $2,450; $55 for 30 additional rounds
Carbine rifle $3,500; $70 for 30 additional rounds
Advance MG $7,550; $400 for 200 additional rounds
Advance sniper $4,750; $200 for 10 additional rounds
Combat sniper $5,000; $500 for 10 additional rounds
Grenade launcher $8,000; $1,000 for 1 additional round
Rocket launcher $10,000; $3,500 for 1 additional round
Armor $300
Parachute $100
II.2 Wanted rating system
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip that in TBoGT from three wanted stars on the
law enforcers use the .44, Assault SMG, Auto shotgun, and, from helicopters, the
Advanced MG. The police start shooting from vehicles at four stars.
Thanks to whatever57010 for the tip that in "IV" there's no wanted level/alarm
for having your protagonist enter the prison but he gets three wanted stars for
that in TLaD and TBoGT. In TLaD the front gate has security cameras that follow
his movements.
"Your Request #18 - Prison Special" by whatever57010
The Lost and Damned
III The missions
III.1 "The Lost and Damned" mission tree and storyline choices
"The Lost and Damned" mission tree and storyline choices
Thanks to Robert Rusk, as in my earlier GTA walk-throughs, for much of the
mission sequence, basic strategy, and some of the specific information used for
this walk-through.
Part one
III.2 In the beginning.... (cutscene intro)
Billy Grey: Lou Sumrall Lou played Aryan in two 2002 episodes of the TV ser-
ies "Oz," Frank Taggart, 2001, and Clayton Miles, 2005, in the TV series "Law &
Order: Special Victims Unit," the Cowboy Palin Supporter in the TV movie "Game
Change," 2012, etc.
Chad: Ryan Woodle Ryan played Wade in "The Bonnie Situation," 2005, Jeffrey
Carnes in "The Box," 2009, and reprised his role as Chad in the game "Grand
Theft Auto V," 2013.
Mr. Roncero: José Ramón Rosario Jose played Lt. Friel in "Mystic River,"
2003, Cabbie/Piano Mover #2 in "Stay," 2005, and Maitre d' Hector in "The Wolf
of Wall Street," 2013.
The protagonist, Johnny Klebitz, is vice president of The Lost Brotherhood Mo-
torcyle Club. He leads the club members, including Angus who's in a wheelchair,
from the club house. Johnny leads all but Angus to take their bikes to see
Billy Grey. Biker club members include Jimmy Fitzgerald (treasurer), Brian Jer-
emy (club secretary), Terrence “Terry” Thorpe (sergeant at arms--weapon suppli-
er), Jason Michaels (enforcer), and Clayton “Clay” Simons (road captain). (One
of the peds they pass is Niko Bellic.)
Billy is released on probation from rehab sarcastically playing along with the
idea that he's found rehabilitation through religion to appease his rehab worker
Chad and a skeptical parole officer Mr. Roncero. After they're gone, Johnny
gives Billy his biker club jacket and he's identified on the screen as "presi-
Billy Grey's missions
III.3 Clean and Serene
Johnny Klebitz: Scott Hill Scott voiced Johnny in "IV," 2008, TLaD and
TBoGT, 2009, and "V," 2013.
Jim Fitzgerald: Chris McKinney (Dennis Predovic in "IV") played various char-
acters in the TV series "The Dana Carvey Show," 1996, etc., and supplied voices
for many games: War Dogs/Ramirez for "Manhunt, 2003, Oscar Calraca (multiplayer)
for "Bioshock 2," 2010, Dispatch for "Need For Speed: Most Wanted," 2012, Sol-
diers for Crysis 3," 2013, Patrol Cop #3 for "Need for Speed: Rivals," 2013, a
voice for "Alien: Isolation," 2014, etc.
Clay Simons: Keith Randolph Smith Keith played Brother Gene in "Malcolm X,"
1992, played Father Hendry in a 2004 episode of the TV series "Law & Order:
Special Victims Unit," Eugene Watson in a 1995 eisode of the TV series "New York
Undercover," etc., has appeared on Broadway such as playing Ed Anderson for the
revival of "Come Back Little Sheba," 2008, and did voice imaging for The Vibe
98.8 for "IV," 2008, and played Clay again for "V," 2013.
Terry Thorpe: Joshua Burrow Joshua's stage performances include appearing in
David Rabe's "Hurlyburly" and Sam Shepard's" Fool for Love," he plays Captain
Henry Morgan in a global media campaign, and reappears as Terry in "V," 2013.
Jason Michaels: Bill Burr Bill played Billy/Detective/Various (2004) in the
TV series "Chappelle's Show," has appeared as a comic on radio in "The Opie &
Anthony Show," 2008, starred his own specials such as "Let It Go," 2010, etc.,
and here reprises the role of Jason he played in "IV."
Brian Jeremy: Adrian Martinez Adrian played Ramone (2000) in the TV series
"The Sopranos," Adrian in "Mail Order Wife," 2004, "Gorgeous" Chris Borges in
"Three Strikes," 2006, Johnny in "It's Kind of a Funny Story," 2010, Manuel in
"Casa de mi Padre," 2012, Hector (2012) in the TV series "A Gifted Man," etc.
Angus Martin: Brian Tarantina Brian played Rickman (1988) in the TV series
"Miami Vice," Speller in "Carlito's Way," 1993, Bruno in "Donnie Brasco," 1997,
a Fighting Neighbor in "The Talented Mr. Ripley," 1999, Vinnie Culiari in the TV
series "The Black Donnellys," 2007, Lucky Lippman (1990-1991) and Ray Castillo
(2004-present) in the TV soap opera "One Life to Live," etc.
Ashley Butler: Traci Godfrey Traci played Edwina Fowley (2001) in the TV ser-
ies "The Sopranos," Dr. Elaine Schiller (2008) in the TV soap opera "As the
World Turns," and here reprises the role of Ashley from "IV," 2008, which she
played again in "V," 2013.
"Clean and Serene"
Have Johnny use his Hexer to drive Billy and lead the gang from the Westdyke
Memorial Hospital rehab center (which strangely is in Leftwood) at the south-
west-northeast lane just north of the "an" of "Panhandle Rd" on the paper map,
to the clubhouse of The Lost on the south side of Berners Rd., Acter, Alderney.
Once there (Billy: "Hoo-ha!") John and Billy argue. Strapped for cash used to
pay for food, Billy's rehab, etc., Johnny had to let the Deadbeats gang, whom
Billy brought harm, keep Billy's Revenant 'cycle. It chopped a girl's leg off
and Billy put Joe Jon's nephew in a coma. Billy insists that they get it back
and talks Johnny into it for the sake of loyalty over peace and prosperity.
("Hooha" was a running gag in the early years of Mad, often exclaimed by char-
acters in the comic book issues written and edited by Harvey Kurtzman. Its some-
what Eastern European feel was a perfect fit for the New York Jewish style of
the magazine. Kurtzman liked using Yiddish expressions and nonsense words to hu-
morous effect, and the very first story in the first issue of Mad was even ti-
tled "Hoohah!" The word's precise origin is unknown, although it may have sprung
from the Hungarian word for "wow," which is Huha.)
The Lost refer to the Angels of Death as Deadbeats (and the AoD refer to The
Lost as Losers). The AoD, a nationwide club, seem to be a reference to Hell's
Angels with the name also a reference to the criminality of Nazi doctor Josef
Mengele whose tortuous murdering earned him the nickname the Angel of Death.
The Hell's Angels motorcycle club is considered an organized crime syndicate by
the U.S. Department of Justice.
Have Johnny drive Billy and lead The Lost to the chop shop. A gang member
says it's on Guantanamo Ave. but it's in the middle of the southeast side of the
nameless street parallel to and southeast of Jackhammer St., Industrial, Bohan.
(Don't worry if the followers get caught up on something--they teleport back
behind Johnny. In fact, if you don't keep up the pace they may occasionally
bump into Johnny's 'cycle.)
In one of the two possible dialoques Johnny tells Billy he ought to visit An-
gus--the handicapped member of The Lost seen in the intro. (Later, Angus Martin
sends Johnny Emails and is someone you can have Johnny call after missions simi-
lar to your ability to learn more about the characters by having Niko call Roman
after missions in "IV.")
At the shop, Billy has Pretty Boy's face held to a running wheel of a 'cycle
so PD quickly admits the Angels of Death (enemy motorcycle club) took Billy's
'cycle. Billy swings a hammer into PB's face.
Have Johnny drive Billy and lead the others to the hangout of the AOD--the
Rusty Schit Salvage yard on the northeast side of the northeast stretch of Grum-
mer Rd., Northwood, Algonquin. On the way, Johnny tells Billy he went too far
with Pretty Boy, that he's getting too violent, that Angus lost his legs for
life, but Billy insists on obedience.
Have Johnny help his gang kill eight attacking members of the AOD before any
of The Lost are killed in a Sawn-off shotguns and Pistols fight. There are a
couple of exploding barrels on the north side of the yard. Don't let any of the
'cycles get destroyed. You can have Johnny drive from the scene, such as for
Armor, but one of The Lost may die left to fight without Johnny.
"TLaD - Clean and Serene (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Johnny starts off with a Sawn-off shotgun which you can have him use from his
'cycle, and which means having Johnny move in closer to attackers, but you can
also have him use the weapons of fallen enemies.
Have Johnny follow Billy with the rest of the club back to the Clubhouse. A
Lost logo--as appears on the back of their jackets--appears occasionally on the
ground behind Billy's bike. Have Johnny drive onto the logo for Health, Armor,
and 'cycle repair.
Back at the club, Billy tells Johnny to call Ashley for group sex with The
Johnny has $850.
You get the "One Percenter" Achievement.
You can have Johnny call Angus who says Billy will run himself into a hole--he
doesn't see Angus or anything that he doesn't want to see.
You can have Johnny call Ashley who seems to carry a torch for him but, while
he wishes her well, he doesn't trust her and thinks she's still an ice (crack
cocaine or smokable methamphetamine) addict.
You can have Johnny at the clubhouse play the Hi-Lo card game, Arm Wrestle,
play Pool, use his mattress to save the game, use the TV or computer, and use
the parking lot to save vehicles.
According to gtawikia.com The Lost MC clubhouse looks like the Hells Angels
clubhouse in New York.
From the start you can have Johnny call Terry for weapons and call Clay for
'cycles. Johnny starts out with a Hexer and a Hexer regularly appears in the
alley by the front of the clubhouse.
There's an Armor pickup iun an alley south of the clubhouse on the same block.
Enter the alley on the west side of Vitullo Ave.
A safer way to save a pair of bikes so the traffic doesn't shove them out of
the save place may be to park them parallel to the curb and near it with a car
between them.
When you have Johnny honk as he drives among The Lost they honk, whoop, etc.,
in response.
III.4 Gang members' toughness
At the end of each mission horizontal bars appear--one by the first name of
Terry, Clay, and four others of The Lost gang members. The more a grey bar is
filled with white and blue, the more tough/battle hardened the gang member is.
They get more max Health, accuracy, shooting speed, and a weapon upgrade each
time they complete a mission with Johnny.
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Intro & Mission #1 - Clean and Serene (1080p)" by
GTA Series Videos
Press Tab during a mission with The Lost to view how tough the gang members
with Johnny are. You can go to Stats > Player to see the toughness of Terry and
If a less important biker dies (which happens often even if they're very
tough) they're replaced and their portrait is put on the Memorial Wall in the
Clubhouse. If Terry or Clay gets killed you have to restart the mission from
the last checkpoint. This isn't the same in Gang Wars--if Terry or Clay die in
a Gang War it continues without stopping or restarting." (Thanks to Enjoii)
Use manual, not auto, save after each Gang War. If Terry or Clay die you can
reload the save.
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Full Chat Achievement / Trophy (1080p)" by GTA
Series Videos
Terry and Clay upgrade to better weapons as they get tougher.
Terry starts off with an Automatic pistol then gets a Micro-SMG, then an AK47,
then, at 100% toughness, a Carbine rifle (M4A1) and a Micro Uzi for drivebys.
Clay starts off with a Pump shotgun then gets a Sawn-off shotgun, then a Com-
bat shotgun, then, at 100% toughness, an Assault shotgun and Molotov cocktails.
When Jim achieves 100% toughness he gets an AK-47.
When non-storyline characters achieve 100% toughness they get AK-47s, Molotov
cocktails, and Uzis.
You can increase the toughness of Terry and Clay after "Hit the Pipe" (V.16),
too, by having Johnny call one for backup during a mission--both will show up.
Some missions have two paths--one without Terry and Clay and one with them as
You get the “Full Chat” Achievement by building the toughness of Clay and Ter-
ry to 100%.
IV Preliminaries for TLaD
The bridges and Gun Stores are open from the start of the game. You can use
EfLC to succeed at some of the same Achievements as for "IV." Clothes stores
and Perestroika aren't available. There are some changes to the scenery and
Stats. There are new vehicles, weapons, radio and TV stations, and new sites
added to Higgins Helitours.
IV.1 Save places and parking spaces
The Clubhouse on Berners Rd., Acter, Alderney, has a save place mattress in
the STORE ROOM and a parking space that can be used to save vehicles. Johnny
can also save vehicles in the parking space at Brian's save place on the north
side of Emery St. west of the west end of Tinderbox Ave., south Tudor, Alderney,
before being able to save the game there and at any of the parking spaces pro-
vided by "IV."
The Lost Clubhouse is the only save place till after "Bad Standing" (V.18).
The Clubhouse has front and side entrances. On the first floor is a save game
bed, a computer, and a TV. The second floor has Arm Wrestling, Hi-Lo, Pool, and
QUB3D machine activities. The latter two can still be used for "IV" Achieve-
ments and you can have Johnny play pool with a nameless ped, or cancel a pool
game with a Friend, to cause a pool cue pickup to appear on the pool table. The
clubhouse can be used for the Friend activity "Hang out"--see section IV.10.d
Friend activities.
IV.2 Cell phone
The cell phone works as it did in "IV." You can have Johnny call Angus simi-
lar to having Niko call Roman after missions to learn more about the two making
the call or others.
IV.3 Internet
Have Johnny use the club PC to check his Email. Angus predicts that Billy
will lead the biker group into fights and ruin. Have Johnny respond--he thinks
so, too, and calls Angus a friend. Ashley writes of her failed affair with
Johnny but that she misses him and that she's off drugs. Have Johnny respond--
he doesn't want to renew their affair.
IV.4 50 Seagulls TLaD
Have Johnny kill 50 Seagulls. They're white seabirds that have long beaks and
squawk (their sound reminds me of the sound some monkeys make) and have a red
glow on the ground around them. You can have Johnny kill them with any weapon
except a Fist or melee weapon.
Thanks to Rusk for recommending the missions with wanted rating exploits as a
time to do this without causing a wanted rsting.
Having Johnny kill 50 Seagulls adds to 100% completion and the Innovation mo-
torcycle appears near the side door of the Clubhouse.
1. It's on the southwest side of the roof of a garage indicated on the radar/
maps as the right vertical bar of a roughly "H" shape semicircled by Red Wing
Ave. in northwest Acter Industrial Park.
2. It' on the guard rail by the top of the stairs to a catwalk that's the
first west-east one south of Muskteer Ave. where it's both beneath the wide
east-west stretch of southern Plumbers Skyway and is also north of the middle of
the parking lot indicated by a rectangle on the radar/maps, Acter Industrial
3. It's on the ground at the northeast corner of the T-intersection of Toggle
Ave. and a nameless north-south street which is west of the T-intersection of
Toggle Ave. and Grenadier St.
4. It's on the rail of an abandoned railroad track indicated by a grey west-
east line on the east side of Niblick St. south of Hardtack Ave., east Tudor.
5. It's on the southern edge of a wall of a building under construction at the
northwest corner of a T-intersection of nameless roads north of the eastern of
three "+" shapes on the radar/maps in west Tudor.
6. It's on the grass east of Plumbers Skyway roughly west of the west end of
Berners Rd. in west Acter.
7. It's on a low wall by te sidewalk on the west side of Mueri St. north of
Strower Ave. in east Acter.
8. It's on a low wall at the foot of stairs by the sidewalk on the south side
of Cockerell Ave. west of Vitullo Ave., Berchem.
9. It's on a slope of grass east of Plumbers Skyway roughly southwest of the
intersection of Keneckie Ave. and Bedrock St. in west Alderney City.
10. It's on a hand rail on a wall on the north side of the parking lot in Nor-
mandy that's on the west side of the nameless north-south road that's north of
the bisected rounded rectangle of roads of Normandy/Port Tudor.
11. It's on the Lombank sign over the doors of Lombank on the east side of the
nameless road between Koresh Sq. and Asahara Rd. and just north of Asahara Rd.
in south Alderney City.
12. It's on the bus stop shelter on the west side of Applewhite St. between
where it passes over another road and Rand Ave. in east Alderney City.
13. It's on a low wall on the west side of the western of two ramps between
Panhandle Rd. and Manzano Rd. in west Leftwood.
14. It's on the grass of a divider of a parking lot indicated on the radar/
maps as the biggest lighter grey area east of the eastern stretch of Bridger St.
in east Leftwood.
15. It's on a low wall at the coast west of Beaverhead Ave. south of Big Horn
Dr. in west Westdyke and north of the strip mall.
16. It's on the lawn at the edge of a cliff between the northeast curve of
Beaverhead and the shortest of the nearby dirt roads.
Algonquin, Charge Island, Colony Island
17. It's on the corner of the sidewalk by a parking lot for apartment build-
ings on the north side of Frankfort Ave. west of Exeter Ave., Northwood.
18. It's beside a tree in the sidewalk on the south side of Wardite St. where
it intersects with Vespucci Circus west of Denver Ave., Northwood.
19. It's on the corner of a low wall at the top of the stairs on the east side
of Ivy Drive North north of Topaz St., North Holland.
20. It's on a low divider wall by the toll booths on the north-south stretch
of raised highway on Charge Ialand.
21. It's on the west curb of the most western north-south walkway north of
Quartz St. in Middle Park.
22. It's on the west curb of the walkway in Middle Park west of the west end
of the eastern stretch of Obsidian St.
23. It's in the slightly recessed rectangular section of the plaza south of
the west end of the western stretch of Obsidian St. (which is near where it
curves into Ivy Drive South), Middle Park West.
24. It's on the ground in the southern west-east alley that's between Frank-
fort Ave. and Galveston Ave. and north of Hell Gate, Purgatory.
25. It's by the southern lamp post in the grey brick north-south sidewalk be-
tween Kunzite St. and Jade St. east of Frankfort Ave., Star Junction.
26. It's by the third tree, south to north, in the sidewalk on the west side
of Albany Ave. north of Jade St., Lancet.
27. It's on the handrail of the outdoor walkway of the second floor of the
east side of the southern apartment building in the southern section of Colony
28. It's on the stone low wall of the elevated sidewalk on the east side of
Columbus Ave. south of Iron St., The Triangle. There are stairs on either side
of the walk.
29. It's on a porch roof of a loading dock between Iron St. and Hematite St.
west of Frankfort Ave., The Meat Quarter.
30. It's by a doorway for Didier Sachs on the west side of Back Passage (a
little street south of Garnet St. and Rotterdam Tower), Suffolk.
31. It's on the ledge above the UTBNB store windows closed by shutters on the
north side of Emerald St. east of Luddite Row, Chinatown (near the border of
Lower Easton).
32. It's on the ground in a covered area of the corner of an apartment build-
ing on the west side of Columbus Ave. and south side of Barium St., The Exchange
(near the border of City Hall).
Broker, Dukes, Bohan
33. It's on the side of steps to row houses on the east side of Wappinger Ave.
south of Hardin St., Hove Beach.
34. It's on a wall by the sidewalk on the north side of Ringo St. just east of
Mohegan Ave., Firefly Projects.
35. It's on a short fence post for the FLORAL CO. on the west side of Onion
St., Rotterdam Hill.
36. It's on the ground in the northeast area of the alley that can be entered
on the south side of Dillon St. east of Seneca Ave., Schottler.
37. It's on the metal guard rail on the north side of Carson St. north of the
north end of Tutelo Ave., Cerveza Heights.
38. It's on a guard rail on the south side of the most southern ramp from the
Broker-Dukes Expressway to the airport, Francis International Airport.
39. It's on the tarmac. From the north section of the road around the termin-
el use the path shown on the radar/maps to go north then northwest. The pigeon
is between the first and second private jet on your right.
40. It's on the lawn by the steps with a green awning on the south side of
Carollton St. east of Seymour Ave., Willis.
41. It's on the grass by the southeast onramp from northern Cleves Ave. to the
Broker-Dukes Expressway, Meadows Park.
42. It's on the middle platform of the scaffolding on the west side of the red
and yellow building covered with graffiti that's on the west side of Dukes Blvd.
north of Stone St., Cerveza Heights.
43. It's on the north wall of the first, south to north, west-east alley be-
tweeen Concord Ave. and Trenton Ave. north of Morris St., Steinway.
44. It's on the lawn between the first and seond, south to north, of four
apartment buildings indicated on the radar/maps by mainly rectangular shapes
west of San Quentin Ave., South Bohan.
45. It's on the awning of the DELI GROCERY store on the north side of Lotus
St. at the east side of Rykers Ave., Fortside.
46. It's on the globe atop a stone fence post on the north side of Grand Blvd.
east of Uprock St., Boulevard.
47. It's on the lawn north of Butterfly St., Boulevard. From the north end of
Uprock St. go east to the second telephone pole then go north.
48. It's on the northeast end of the first long oblong planter seen when go-
ing, from the east-most part of Valdez St., Boulevard.
49. It's on the low wall of the steps for an apartment building on the south
side of the nameless street east of Coxsack Ave. and south of Bronco St., Little
50. It's on the lawn at the top edge of a cliff north of the Northern Express-
way (imagine a line north from the north end of Altona Ave.), Northern Gardens.
IV.5 Arm Wrestling
This is available on the second floor of the Clubhouse.
Press the LMB to begin arm wrestling with a $100 wager.
If you have a gaming mouse use the highest of three levels of sensitivity.
Go to Controls > Keyboard/Mouse Options > Mouse Sensitivity, note where your
typical or the default position is (mine is below the right edge of the "e" of
"Toggle"), and turn it up to the max. (Remember to set it back afterward.)
Use one hand to rapidly slide the mouse side to side between the thumb and
fingers of the other hand to win.
Press E to quit and forfeit the game.
The best of three rounds wins.
Press the LMB for a rematch--$200 wager.
After "Action/Reaction" it's also available at
- the Angels of Death Clubhouse on the east side of a nameless road under
Union Drive West north of the east end of the Hickey Bridge, west North Holland,
Algonquin--$200 wager.
- the Uptown Riders Clubhouse on Exeter Ave. just north of Frankfort Ave.,
Northwood, Algonquin--$300 wager.
IV.6 Hi-Lo
Hi-Lo is a card game available at $10 a hand on the second floor of the Club-
The objective is to guess whether the next card dealt will have a higher or
lower value than the card on the table. The value of the current card is given
in the upper right corner of the screen.
Press the Up arrow key to predict the next card will be higher than a card
that's six or lower.
Press the Down arrow key to predict the next card will be lower than a card
that's seven or higher.
Aces are low--worth 1.
If two players get the same card they lose their turn.
Each player takes a turn to guess. If they guess correctly they stay in the
game and the next player at the table takes a turn. If a player guesses incor-
rectly they're removed from the game till the next round. The last player left
is the winner and takes the pot of $40.
Playing Hi-Lo isn't required for 100%.
IV.7 Pool
Pool is available at the Clubhouse and, as in "IV," at the Homebrew Cafe at
the corner of the south side of a nameless street and the west side of the south
end of Tutelo Avenue in Beechwood City. It's played the same as in "IV."
You can cut past Johnny or his opponent setting up his shot by pressing the
After having Johnny play pool the pool cue pickup appears on the table. The
pool cue can be used as a melee weapon.
IV.8 Darts
The game of darts is available at the Steinway Beer Garden at Yorktown Ave.
and Morris St., Steinway, Dukes, and at Lucky Winkles, Galveston Ave. and Hell
Gate, Purgatory, Algonquin. It's played the same as in "IV."
IV.9.a Air Hockey
Air Hockey is available at the same two Memory Lanes bowling alleys found in
"IV": in Firefly Island, Broker, and in The Meat Quarter, Algonquin.
It's a two person table game version of hockey. Each player uses a round
sliding mallet instead of a hockey stick to move the puck. The table is sur-
rounded by a rail to keep the mallets and puck from leaving the table. Each has
a goal--a slot at their end of the table. Try to have Johnny get the puck--di-
rectly or by ricochet--in the opponent's goal and keep the opponent from getting
the puck in Johnny's goal. The first to score seven goals wins.
Use the mouse to move Johnny's mallet.
Use the LMB to shove the mallet forward quickly--a power shot.
Press V to change view.
Press E to quit.
IV.9.b Bowling
Bowling can't be used for a Friend activity and isn't required for 100%. You
could still have Johnny bowl alone and use it for a "IV" Achievement like "Gob-
ble Gobble."
Bowling is available at the two locations of Memory Lanes. One is on the
southeastern curve of the elevated boardwalk at Firefly Island near Beach Gate
in Broker, and the other is at the Golden Pier which is along a nameless road (a
sort of driveway) parallel to and west of Union Drive West northwest of the west
end of Iron St., Westminster.
IV.10 Friends
IV.10.a Jim Fitzgerald
After "Clean and Serene" you can have Johnny call Jim, select Weapons, and se-
lect a weapon to have him leave a one-time pickup of the weapon on a table by
the pool table on the second floor of the Clubhouse. These are the weapons Jim
can provide:
Pistol, Micro-SMG, Sawn-Off Shotgun from now onward
9mm Automatic Pistol after "Bad Cop Drop"
Pipe Bombs after "Hit the Pipe"
IV.10.b Clay Simons
If you destroy Johnny's Hexer after "Clean and Serene" you can have him bring
up his phone and call Clay > Bikes > Hexer and Clay will drive by to leave one
in the street east of The Lost Clubhouse.
After "Hit the Pipe" (V.16) you can have Johnny call Clay for backup and Terry
and Clay will provide it.
(When Clay shouts while driving his voice sometimes reminds me of Glottis from
the 1998 game "Grim Fandango.")
IV.10.c Terry Thorpe
You can have Johnny call Terry, select "Gun Van," and Terry's black Slamvan
appears nearby and he'll sell Armor and any weapon except a Baseball bat or Pool
cue from it after "Clean and Serene," the Grenade Launcher after "Action/Reac-
tion," and he'll give them for free after the last story mission "Get Lost."
After "Hit the Pipe" (V.16) you can have Johnny call Terry for backup and Ter-
ry and Clay will provide it.
IV.10.d Friend activities
After "Clean and Serene" you can have Johnny call Jim, Clay, or Terry and se-
lect a Friend activity--Air Hockey, Show (Split Sides), Darts, Drinking, Eating,
Pool, or Strip Club--all three will go on the activity with Johnny. When you've
done the activity you called about the others drive away. Take Terry and Clay
to each of them for 100%.
Hang Out
You can also have Johnny call a Friend from more than a few blocks away from
the clubhouse to have the Friend answer the phone call to Hang Out and respond
favorably. The Friend meets Johnny near the side entrance to The Lost MC club-
house and they can do up to three activities: Arm Wrestling, Hi-Lo, and Pool.
You're offered a chance to replay the activity if you stay in it bu not if you
leave it. Doing all three with a Friend at the clubhouse is a good way to raise
their Like stat. When you're done you can have Johnny end the activity by going
a short distance away from the clubhouse property (such as halfway across the
Johnny can't hang out with Jim after "Was It Worth It?" and can't Hang Out
with anyone after "Get Lost" when the clubhouse isn't open.
Have Johnny win at Air Hockey, Arm Wrestling, Darts, and Pool with anyone,
Friend or ped, for 100%. (Rusk recommends you have Johnny beat a Friend at Air
Hockey, Darts, and Pool to be sure you get credit.) Terry is the easiest Friend
to beat at Arm Wrestling but you can have Johnny beat all three Friends if you
raise your mouse sensitivity to the max as explained in section IV.5 Arm Wres-
Have Johnny call to cancel if you don't want him to go on a scheduled activity
to avoid having Like points subtracted. Having him call a Friend for an activi-
ty who turns down the offer won't cause points to be subtracted.
V The missions for TLaD cont.
Jim Fitzgerald's missions
V.1 Liberty City Choppers
Ed McCornish: Wass Stevens Wass played Max Tyler in the 1999-2001 TV series
"Daria," Nick Volpe in "The Wrestler," 2008, Corrections Officer Willis (2004)
ESU Lieutenant (2006) ESU #1 (2006) and Curren (2013) in the TV series "Law &
Order: Special Victims Unit," etc.
Jimmy Matthews: Matthew P. McCarthy Matthew played Attorney Sullivan (2007)
in the TV seies "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit," etc., and supplied the
voices of a Pedestrian and a Background Character in the game "Red Dead Redemp-
tion," 2010.
Jim calls Johnny to meet him on Aspdin in Acter.
Have Johnny go to a parking lot indicated in grey on the radar/maps on the
west side of Aspdin Dr. just north of Hardtack Ave. Jim wants Johnny to help
him steal 'cycles from the Angels of Death so Jim can sell them to someone who
ships them to Japan. Have Johnny drive with Jim to the lot on the east side of
Babbage Dr. on the north side of the grey spot that's south of Asahara Rd. in
southeast Alderney City, get in the Yankee flatbed with Jim, and drive to the
lot by a diner on the south side of Emery St. east of Julin St.
On the way, Jim says the 'cycles are by the Deadbeats (AoD) hangout in Tudor.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip to have Johnny gather three 'cycles at the
base of the truck before putting a fourth one on the truck because the AoD don't
appear and start attacking until a 'cycle is loaded onto the truck. You only
need to have Johnny get four 'cycles on the truck (the back gate of it will be
closed after the fourth).
(Thanks to GTA Forums poster crackman5000 for the tip that you can leave the
truck of bikes near the dropoff marker and go on a wanted rating exploit. Rusk
recommends having Johnny jump the walls to the north of that so Jim won't fol-
low Johnny.)
When the shootout starts take Jim's advice and have Johnny call Terry or Clay
to cause both to arrive for backup. (Having Johnny call either will result in
that but Terry is pre-selected on the phone so it's faster to call him.) As ex-
plained in section III.4, having them as backup in missions increases their
fighting ability, etc. Have Johnny use the Carbine rifle or SMG. When all of
the AoD are dead, make sure all four bikes are on the truck and Jim gets in it
then have Johnny drive it back to the lot off Aspdin Dr. As you have him get
back on Emery St. four 'cycles of AoD attackers give chase and shoot. You can
pause to have Johnny shoot them or just drive.
Two crooked LCPD officers (Ed McCornish and Jimmy Matthews) blackmail Johnny
and Jim into thinking of an amount to pay them off to avoid being turned in.
The officers saw the shootout and know the bikes are stolen. Meanwhile, the of-
ficers drive off with the Yankee and the four bikes on it.
Johnny gets $1,000.
Bars indicate the improved toughness of Jim, Terry, and Clay.
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Mission #5 - Liberty City Choppers (1080p) by GTA
Series Videos
V.2 Liberty City Bike Races
Johnny gets a call from Terry inviting him to race. There are 12 bike races--
one is available at a time at the radar/map icon of a stylized white "C" on a
red background where a marker for it appears over the road. The next race is
offered the closest to where you last completed a mission (including a Bike
Race) or Drug War. After completing all the races they'll still be offered the
closest to where he last completed a mission or Drug War. If you have Johnny
lose a race the icon/marker for it will appear afterward so you can try again.
In my limited experience I'd recommend the Hakuchou sports bike (245-555-0199)
with the Bati Custom sport bike or the Diabolus chopper as second choices as the
better handling fast bikes. See section I.6.b for descriptions and locations.
Rusk recommends the NRG-900 sports bike still available since "IV" (Westdyke
Autos, Lemhi St./Sacramento Ave., Alderney, and at the north end of the runways
at the sirport).
A race course is indicated in yellow on the radar/in-game map like a GPS route
and yellow markers dot the course. The last yellow marker includes a checker-
board finish flag design. The game is pretty generous about the distance Johnny
can be from a yellow marker and be counted as going through the area of it.
The racers each get a Baseball bat to use to knock other racers off their
bikes. If you have Johnny knock 69 bikers from their bikes you get the "Get
Good Wood" Achievement--see section I.4 Single player Achievements for tips--
but it isn't required for 100% completion.
The number of races lost isn't given in the Stats so you don't have to worry
about that if you want to use some races just for increasing the number of bik-
ers knocked of their bikes. You might use the gimmick given in I,4 of having
Johnny knock a biker off their bike then parking beside their bike to knock them
off the moment they get reseated.
Johnny gets %500 for the first race and $250 is added per race ($500, $750,
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Bike Races (1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
V.2.a Alderney Bike Races
Alderney Beach Three laps
The race starts about a block north of the north end of Applewhite St. a bit
north of a big indentation of the coast. It goes north along the coast including
the "IV" stunt jump over a small inlet, along the northeast coast of Alderney,
east then south on Beaverhead Ave., east then south on Sacramento Ave., (there's
a three sided bin which can can be used for a jump for a shortcut), south on
Bridger St., east on Frankiln St., north on Applewhite St., and north along the
coast to the starting point.
Alderney Casino Three laps
The race starts on Big Horn Drive a bit west of the northeast curve. It goes
west on Big Horn Dr., north on Cassiar Ave., east on Beaverhead Ave., north on
the nameless deadend road, counter-clockwise around the abandoned casino, east
through and past the tunnel, clockwise along the coast, south on the eastern
then main branches of dirt road, south on Beaverhead Ave., west on Sacramento
Ave., west on Owl Creek Ave., and north then west on Big Horn Dr. to the start-
ing point.
Alderney City Three laps
The race starts on Boyden Ave. by the northeast end of Koresh Sq. It goes
south on Boyden Ave., west then north around what I'm guessing is the east block
of Koresh Sq., north through an alley, northeast across Jonestown Ave., north
through an alley that has a couple of 90 degree bends and a picket fence to go
through, west on Lyndon Ave., north then northeast on Bowline (street), south-
east, north, then east on Long John Ave. (you may take a zigzag shortcut through
the alley from Bowline to the last stretch of Long John Ave.), south then east
on Franklin Ave., south on Rand Ave., west over the "S" curve of Applewhite St.,
southwest across Jonestown Ave., and west through an alley to the starting
Alderney Industrial Two laps
The race starts on Barsac Ave. west of Latchkey Ave. It goes west, south
across the inlet over Mandrel Rd., west then southwest on Plumbbob Ave., north-
east on Red Wing Ave., south on a nameless road, east on the second eastern
turn on a nameless road, south on the first southern turn on a nameless road and
continuing south past a couple minor turns as far south as possible, around a
bend to go east then north on Trinity Rd., east on Muskteer Ave., north, east,
southeast, and east on Praetorian Ave., north then east on Toggle Ave., north
over a curved walkway, west on Plumbbob Ave., north on Latchkey Ave., and west
on Barsac Ave. to the starting point.
Tudor Docks Three laps
The race starts on Tinderbox Ave. (beneath the Plumbers Skyway on the radar/
maps) over Strower Ave. It goes south and west on Tinderbox Ave., south on Em-
ery St. (beneath the Plumbers Skyway), southeast and south on Latchkey Ave.,
(you can take a shortcut south from Latchkey Ave. south of the alley east of
Fulcrum Ave.--go south over the small break in the stone guard rail careful not
to hit the nearby telephone pole, go south west of the railroad track, and go
south over the grass to the next yellow marker on Latchkey Ave.),
east, north, east, and north on a nameless coastal road, east, north, and west
on the east half of the rounded rectangle of coastal roads, north and northwest
on a nameless coastal road, and goes southwest and south on Tinderbox Ave. to
the starting point.
North West Alderney Two laps
The race starts on Myung St. south of Lyndon Ave. It goes south, west on Bed-
rock St., north then east on Keneckie Ave., north then east through a lot, east
a bit on Lockowski Ave.., north then northeast on Manano Rd., northwest then
north through the second lot indicated in grey on the left on the radar/maps,
west then northeast on Beaverhead Ave., southeast then northeast on Big Horn
Dr., east through an alley indicated in grey on the radar/maps parallel to and
south of Owl Creek Ave., south then east on Cariboo Ave., southwest on Ortiz
Rd., west then south on Flathead Rd., west on Manzano Rd., southeast on Long
John Ave., southwest then south on Bowline (street), west on Lyndon Ave., and
south on Myung (street) o the starting point.
V.2.b Algonquin Bike Races
Holland Three laps
The race starts on Vespucci Circus a bit northeast of Xenotime St. It goes
east, southeast, and south on Vespucci Circus, south on Astoria St., east on
Vauxite St., south on Cod Row, west on Uranium St., south on Columbus Ave., west
on Topaz St., south on Galveston Ave., west on Ruby St., north on Ivy Drive
South and Ivy Drive North, east and souteast on a nameless road, south on Gal-
veston Ave., east on Xenotime St., and northeast on Vespucci Circus to the
starting point.
Park Circuit Two laps
The race starts on Exeter Ave. south of Xenotime St. It goes south on Exeter
Ave., west on Uranium St., south on Galveston Ave., east on Quartz St., north on
Bismarck Ave., continues north then northwest on Walnut Way, and south on Exeter
Ave. to the starting point.
V.2.c East Side Bike Races
Bohan Beach Three laps
The race starts in the tunnel east of the east stretch of Planche St. It goes
northeast to the lot, counter-clockwise along the coast to the inlet north of
the north end of Planche St., goes south on a clockwise-curved path to Planche
St., south, east, south, east, and south on Planche St., and northeast to the
tunnel and the starting point.
Bohan Steps Three laps
The race starts on Folsom Way south of Grand Blvd. It goes southeast then
east, south then southeast on Rykers Ave., (you can take a shortcut over the
stairs down to Switch St.), west on Switch St., south on Joliet Ave., east on
Hollowback Rd., north on Attica Ave., east on Rykers Ave., north on Guantanamo
Ave., northwest then northeast on Beaumont Ave. (which curves into) northwest on
Greene Ave. (which curves into) west then south on Butterfly St., east on Grand
Blvd., and south on Folsom Way to the starting point.
Bohan Strip Three laps
The race starts on Lompoc Ave. by the alley entrance northwest of Drill St.
It goes northwest on Lompoc Ave., northeast on a nameless road, southeast on
Leavenworth Ave., east on a nameless road, northeast through a lot to Caterpil-
lar St., east then south on Caterpillar St.,
(you can continue east from the nameless road to take a shortcut over the walk
to Caterpillar St.),
east on Bronco St., south on Coxsack Ave., west across a lot to the south end
of Coxsack Ave., southeast, south, west, and northwest to turn into Lompoc Ave.,
and northwest on Lompoc Ave. to the starting point.
Schottler Station Three laps
The race starts on Carson St. at the intersection of it and a nameless road
east of the intersection of Carson St. and Stillwater Ave. It goes west on Car-
son St., south on Wenrohronon Ave., west on Cassidy St., southwest on Cayuga
Ave., south of Bronco St. it goes south over a nameless road (shown on the ra-
dar/maps with the same grey as an alley), a bit southeast across Hickcock St.,
south through an alley, west on Mohegan Ave. and continues west on Deadwood St.,
south on Onondaga Ave., southwest across Ringo St., continues south on Onondaga
Ave., east on James St., northwest across a lawn to go north on Mohegan Ave.,
north on a sidewalk (not shown on the radar/maps), east on Hickock St., north-
east on the Broker-Dukes Expressway, and north and west on Carson St. to the
starting point.
After the last race he gets $3,250 and a Hakuchou appears near the south end
of the alley that's on the west side of the clubhouse.
Completing the 12 races is required for 100% completion.
Jim Fitzgerald's missions cont.
V.3 Bad Cop Drop
Have Johnny go to the northwest bend of Aspdin Dr., Berchem.
James gets Johnny to agree to teach the two rogue policemen trying to black-
mail them that The Lost will attack if they're threatened. Johnny wants Jim to
lead him to the area where they met the two corrupt policemen near the club-
Jim gives Johnny an Automatic 9mm (hold down the LMB to have it fire rapidly).
Have Johnny race Jim to the north side of Berners Rd., Acter. (Johnny has dif-
ferent comments depending on who gets there first.)
In the cutscene Jim approaches the two criminal policeman--one is standing by
an FIB Buffalo parked in a lot at the north side of Bermers Rd. and the other is
sitting in it. After listening to some taunts Jim punches the standing police-
man in the stomach.
Have Johnny use his 'cycle to follow Jim who says to go to Trinity (Rd.) in
Acter Industrial to meet some of The Lost (to ambush the policemen). Have John-
ny lure the two unethical policemen in the FIB Buffalo to a lot at the west side
of the southwest corner of the loop of road that's at the south end of Trinity
Rd. While going there, a regular police car joins the chase. Don't let Johnny
get too far ahead of the law enforcement vehicles or you fail the mission but
keep him ahead of them enough that they don't open fire. The two in the FIB
Buffalo have SMGs.
(You can hold down the "cinematic camera" key for the view from inside the FIB
Buffalo which lets you listen to the bent policemen.)
"GTA TLaD: Funny cop sayings in 'Bad Cop Drop'" by whatever57010
Have Johnny help The Lost kill the agents from more FIB Buffalos and policemen
in a shootout then lose a two star wanted level to complete the mission.
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Mission #6 - Bad Cop Drop (1080p)"
Weazel News radio reports that the two rogue policemen were killed as heros.
It's also reported on the Liberty Tree website.
Terry's Gun Van sells the 9mm Automatic pistol for $500/$15 a clip and it can
be gotten from Jim.
Billy Grey's missions cont.
V.4 Angels in America
Leila Sharpe (Johnny's girlfriend): ?
AoD rep: ?
Johnny joins the celebration of The Lost led by Billy at the clubhouse. Billy
no sooner begins another argument with Johnny for telling him to calm down when
Jason tells them a couple Deadbeats (members of the Angels of Death) are out-
side. Billy characterizes them as crashing their party and angrily leads The
Lost outside.
The AoD rep says he thought there was a truce between their gangs, Billy says
he wasn't aware, the rep gives Billy the finger, and Billy shoots him in the
back as he walks away. Bill commands The Lost to go after the rest of the exit-
ing AoD and Johnny calls him a moron.
Have Johnny use his Hexer and Sawn-off shotgun to join Jason and two other
members of The Lost in shooting the escaping members of the AoD (the red blips
on the radar) off their six bikes as they go north on Aspdin Dr., east on Kemeny
St., north on Vitullo Ave., east on Farnsworth Rd., north on Babbage Dr., east
on Asahara Rd., through the Booth Tunnel, and north on Frankfort Ave.
Make sure Johnny's targets have red markers over their heads so you don't have
him shoot members of The Lost. Try to move him close to his targets so the
shotgun can kill them quickly.
If you don't have Johnny kill the AoD during the chase it becomes a shootout
at the AoD clubhouse (thanks to whatever57010) on the east side of a nameless
road below Union Drive West north of the Hickey Bridge, west Norh Holland.
"TLaD - Angels in America (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Once the fight is over Billy calls and asks if Johnny let the escaping Dead-
beats tell the rest of the AoD a war is on. Johnny assures him he didn't.
Billy tells him to "meet us over on Grummer Road."
Have Johnny go to Billy and Jason in a tunnel beneath Frankfort Ave. at the
west side of the lot represented on the radar/maps as a grey spot north of
Frankfort Ave. and west of the eastern stretch of Grummer Rd., Northwood. Jason
says he's going to see a Russian woman in Firefly Island (he's the motorcyclist
you have Niko kill for Mikhail Faustin in "No Love Lost" in "IV"). Billy says
those Deadbeats won't give them any more trouble--"Let the good times roll!"--
and drives away.
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Mission #2 - Angels in America (1080p)" by GTA
Series Videos
Johnny gets $1,110.
You get a screen prompt that you can use Johnny's cell phone to join other
Games for Windows - Live users in multiplayer games. (Disclaimer: I haven't
played any so I can't double-check information about that.)
V.5 It's War
Dave Grossman: Jay Patterson Dave played Billie Joe Higgins (1984) in the TV
series "Miami Vice," Charles Pennington in "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," 1990,
Lt. James Reed (2008) in the TV series "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit," a
voice of the Local Population in the game "Red Dead Redemption," 2010, etc.
Since this can involve mainly long range fighting gtawikia.com suggests that
you have Johnny call Jim Fitzgerald before the mission to leave a fully loaded
Micro SMG on the second floor of the clubhouse.
I recommend rifle ammo as well.
Lost member Dave Grossman, a duplicitous lawyer from the (Goldberg, Ligner,
and) Shyster law offices, assures Billy politician Tom Stubbs (III) would love
The Lost. Billy tricks Dave into smoking reefer that has mescaline in it.
Billy wants Johnny to have fun to break their tension. But Billy gets a text
message that some of their gang members are being jumped and commands the gang
members present to join him in rescuing them.
The game wants you to have Johnny follow Billy from the clubhouse to the Dead-
beats/AoD in the lot of an abandoned railroad care warehouse southwest of the
intersection of Red Wing Ave. and a nameless road in west Acter Industrial Park,
Alderney. You have Johnny drive there a little ahead of Billy.
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Mission #3 - It's War (1080p)" by GTA Series
When Billy arrives he shouts, "It's war, people."
There are about 10 AoD with Pistols and Sawn-off shotguns to attack. You can
protect Johnny by having him attack from some distance with a longer range weap-
on. A couple of the AoD are on roofs. There are a couple of exploding red
tanks and horizontal tanks--you can have Johnny blow them up to kill the AoD or
at least prevent them from exploding near him. There's a Health pack on the
ground in the southern fighting area. You don't have to prevent the members of
The Lost already there from dying to pass the mission--you fail if Billy or
Brian dies. More AoD appear on 'cycles to join the fight.
The game instructs you to have Johnny follow Billy to another skirmish like
the first one but with even more AoD in an abandoned factory lot south of Musk-
teer Rd. south of the south end of Storax Rd., southeast Acter Industrial Park.
If you remember the location you can have Johnny drive there ahead of Billy to
start attacking the AoD without waiting for Billy.
"TLaD - It's War (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Four of the AoD are overhead on catwalks or horizontal pipes. There are hori-
zontal exploding tanks. Gang Burritos appear with more AoD. You can have John-
ny take an AoD Gang Burrito after the second fight.
Billy announces to the gang that Jason, a member of The Lost, was killed in
Broker by a Serbian guy (Niko) hired by the father (Mikhail Faustin) of the wo-
man (Anna) Jason was b**ging. (This refers to the "IV" mission "No Love Lost"--
thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip.) Billy vowes payback but meanwhile asks The
Lost to remember Jason. Billy also commands them (notably Johnny) to remember
he's their leader.
Johnny gets $750.
The Internet has news reports of the "IV" mission "Roman's Sorrow." (The Lost
moves to Bohan after this mission to make it jibe with Niko's story.)
V.6 Action/Reaction
Ray Boccino: Joe Barbara Joe played Joseph Carlino from 1995 to 1999 in the
TV soap opera "Another World," Paolo Caselli in 2000 in the TV soap opera "All
My Children," produced the short "Migraine," 2012, and here reprises the role of
Ray Boccino he played in "IV."
This mission refers to incidents of the Banditos firing anti-tank rockets into
Hells Angels clubhouses during the Nordic war of 1994-1996.
We learn from a clubhouse bar conversation between Billy and Ray Boccino, then
Johnny asking Billy about it, that Ray has sold Billy "toys" (which we later
learn are Grenade launchers). Billy tells The Lost to follow him.
Have Johnny use his Hexer to join some of The Lost (Jim, Terry< Clay, and
Brian) in following Billy to a lot on the north side of a nameless road on the
north side of the AoD clubhouse (at the east side of a nameless road below Union
Drive West just north of the Hickey Bridge, west Holland, Algonquin). On the
way, Johnny questions/taunts Brian about being a blind follower of Billy.
Once going north on the western stretch of the Plumbers Skyway, Johnny tells
Billy to "drop the hammer"--race him there. You don't need to have Johnny win
the race--it just speeds things up--but it's easy to win. (The gtawikia.com
site notes that you could have Johnny shoot the back wheel of the other's bikes
to make them spin out of control.)
Billy tells Johnny he was given bad information. The Serb (Niko Bellic)
didn't kill Jason--the Angels in this clubhouse did. Billy tells Johnny to use
the "toy" (Rocket launcher) to put a grenade in a window of the clubhouse.
The window has a marker in it. A screen prompt recommends you aim the Grenade
launcher slightly above a target but in this case the apex of its projection is
about where the marker is so you can just aim the reticle at it. A fire breaks
out in the room and five AoD emerge from the west side of the clubhouse to the
lot northwest of it to attack. The Lost attack from across the street that's on
the north side of it. Both groups (except Johnny) have Pistols and Sawn-off
Have Johnny use the launcher for big explosions and use a rifle or Micro-Uzi
for specific targets, even the Sawn-off shotgun if you want Johnny to get close.
Once a few are killed a couple more targets in a Gang Burrito drive into the lot
from Union Drive West, several approach in a couple waves from behind the club-
house, and one drives a chopper past The Lost to the lot.
Testing by whatever57010 showed that the AoD from behind the clubhouse don't
spawn if you have Johnny attack from the top of the stairs behind the building
by the southwest corner. If you send him a bit closer/north they appear at the
back of the building but don't attack till they run counter-clockwise around it
and get into their fighting positions, so they're easy to have Johnny kill as
they go there.
"Action/Reaction part 01" by whatever57010
"Action/Reaction part 02" by whatever57010
Billy commands The Lost to go inside for the rest but only Billy goes inside
to fight. Have Johnny go inside. You might have Johnny use the Sawn-off shot-
gun for the close range fighting. There are three AoD attackers in the barroom,
two at the bottom of the stairwell, one on the stairs, and three in the base-
ment. There's a First Aid kit behind the bar.
Billy tells Johnny to grab the $2 million heroin stash (we learn in "This
Shit's Cursed" that it was owned by the Algonquin Triads).
Johnny says he thought the fight was to avenge Jason's death and tells Billy
that taking the heroin would bring on the wrath of every AoD on the east coast.
But Billy argues that The Lost hold together better the faster they go and hard-
er they hit and to just let him worry about the consequences. Brian takes
Billy's side, as usual (Brian is an annoying sycophant), but it's a recipe for
disaster. Billy has Brian takes the heroin.
Have Johnny use his Hexer to leave the area as the LCPD arrive.
Johnny gets $1,000.
The Grenade launcher can be bought from Terry's Gun Van for $7,000. A clip
of one round costs $700 and a Grenade launcher can hold 20 rounds. (It will
also appear at Johnny's safehouses after 50 Gang Wars.)
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip that there are two additional places where
Johnny can Arm Wrestle:
- the Angels of Death Clubhouse just north of the Hickey Bridge on ground
level, North Holland, at $200 per wager.
- the Uptown Riders Clubhouse on Exeter Ave. just north of the intersection
with Frankfort Ave., Northwood, at $300 per wager.
Billy sends Johnny a text message to see Liz Torres who may help unload the
heroin. If it's cool, collect it from Brian off Inchon Ave.
You can have Johnny call Billy. Johnny is concerned that Liz brings heat to a
deal but Billy orders Johnny to see her to sell the heroin despite the fact that
dealng with her is risky.
V.7 Buyer's Market
Elizabeta Torres: Charlie Parker (II) Charleigh E. Parker, whose appearance
as Elizabeta here is a repeat of it from "Blow Your Cover" ("IV"), also played
the Finale Vocalist in "Gory Gory Hallelujah," 2003, and played Lady Jean in
three 2010 episodes of the TV series "Boardwalk Empire."
Charlie: James Yaegashi The voice of Charlie, a plain clothes police officer
here and in "Blow Your Cover" ("IV"), is James Yaegashi--the voice actor for San
Fierro Triads leader Wu Zi Mu in "San Andreas," 2004. He also supplied the
voice of Dr. Yi Suchong in the games "Bioshock," 2007, and "Bioshock Infinite:
Burial at Sea," 2014. He's also the producer and director of "Lefty Loosey
Righty Tighty," 2011.
Agent Jones (Unknown Caller): Peter Appel Peter played Malky in "Leon: The
Professional," 1994, etc., and has done voice acting for games such as supplying
the voices of Deputy Police Chief Jim Bravura/Boris Dime/Announcer for "Max
Payne," 2001, a ped voice for "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City," 2002, a Mobster for
"Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne," 2003, a Hoods voice for "Manhunt," 2003,
Derrick Thackery of talk radio in "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas," 2004, and Ray
Machowski for "Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories," 2005.
This mission involves the events of the "IV" mission "Blow Your Cover" except
from Johnny's point of view.
It starts at the same party at Elizabeta's apartment. She tells Johnny she
found a buyer for the heroin (Billy had Brian steal in "Action/Reaction"). The
buyer's name is Charlie and Johnny should meet him on the third floor of an
apartment building on Cassidy St., Schottler. She says her Eastern European
associate (Niko) will accompany him and they should do what they have to if
Charlie is the heat. She introduces Johnny to Playboy X, who's also being sent
to the deal, and Niko. She explains to Niko that Johnny has a lot of heroin to
sell and gets Niko to agree to oversee the deal. Johnny excuses himself to go
pick up the heroin.
Johnny leaves to get the package of heroin. Have him go to Brian Jeremy who
waits with his Gang Burrito at the four way intersection of alleys west of Inch-
on Ave., Dukes. Brian adds antisemitism to the list of bad habits he's picked
up from Billy as Johnny takes the package.
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Mission #7 - Buyer's Market (1080p)" by GTA Series
Have Johnny go to the apartment building on the north side of Cassidy St. west
of Cayuga Ave., Schottler. There's a Combat shotgun pickup on the first floor.
Have him climb to the third floor marker and wait for Niko and Playboy X.
The three meet Charlie and his associate, who holds a rifle, in a nearby un-
finished room (some wall frames lack drywall, etc.). As in "IV," Charlie turns
out to be an LCPD officer--he pulls out a gun and yells, "Freeze!"
Johnny has a two star wanted level. Niko kills Charlie. Johnny tells Niko
and Playboy X to go upstairs and that he'll go downstairs. Johnny starts off
behind the couch where there's a Sawn-off shotgun pickup. Have Johnny kill
Charlie's associate. There's Armor in a nearby room.
NOOSE officers wear Armor so have Johnny try for headshots. Have him shoot
the four NOOSE officers just outside the room and two that climb the stairs to
the landing outside. Have him go downstairs killing NOOSE officers--about three
per floor. On the south stairs landing of the second floor have him shoot out
the window and use the Grenade launcher to blow up the Enforcer and use a long
range weapon to kill six or so of the closer officers outside. At the front
(south) door have him shoot any nearby officers then leave the building enough
to shoot the officer on the sidewalk to the left if present. He has three
wanted stars. Have him lose his wanted rating. There's a Pay 'n' Spray on the
south side of Gibson St., Hove Beach.
If you have him leave through the back (north) entrance he'll be attacked by
two or three NOOSE officers. You might have Johnny try to kill some of those
agents from a north window before leaving the building, There's a Bati 800 on
the street.
(As whatever57010 shows by having Johnny follow Niko and Playboy X upstairs
the latter two disappear on the fifth floor and the door to the roof is locked.
If you use the Simple Trainer Airbreak function as a Noclip function you can see
that they appear on the roof and disappear again. They shoot and shout as if at
NOOSE agents, and leave a dead one on the stairway landing, as they go.)
"TLaD - Buyer's Market (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Integrity 2.0 with Lazlow is available on the radio (as after "Blow Your Cov-
er" in "IV").
Johnny calls Billy and tells him the heroin deal didn't happen--the buyer was
a pig and they're under observation by an LCPD task force. Billy doesn't seem
upset. He says he'll call when another deal comes up and that, meanwhile, con-
gressman Thomas Stubbs III, who's at the Jousters men's club opposite the Liber-
tonian in Algonquin, needs Johnny's help.
Johnny calls Liz and says her friend the UC (undercover cop) nearly blew his
ass off. He asks how her European friend (Niko) is working out. She says he
may be the only one in LC not working for the state. Johnny assures her The
Lost aren't either.
Johnny gets a call from an Unknown Caller who says Johnny tried to unload some
smack on a colleague named Charlie--a costly mistake. The caller identifies
himself as Agent Jones and wants Johnny to come to FIB to give them information
about The Lost. Johnny refuses and tells Jones to get a warrant.
Thomas Stubbs III's missions
V.8 Politics
Thomas Stubbs III: John Lantz John played Ken McCurdy (1996) and Gil Steffano
(2000) in the TV series "Law & Order," Tailor 1 (2010) in the TV series "Board-
walk Empire," etc.
Have Johnny go to the Jousters club, the one with a red awning, on the east
side of Columbus Ave. south of Pyrite St., Middle Park East, Algonquin. The man
acting like an English butler at the front desk thinks Johnny is a troublemaker
who should leave till Johnny says Stubbs told Johnny to meet him there. The
front desk man leads Johnny to Stubbs who's getting a massage in the day spa.
Stubbs (who's nude throughout this scene but not seen below the waist till the
end of it) says Grossman told him Johnny is reliable. Stubbs threatens to share
his knowledge of Johnny's crimes with the authoritites unless Johnny kills
Stubbs' disapproving uncle who's preventing Stubbs from being re-elected by be-
ing in charge of the family trust. Stubbs wants Johnny to make it look like a
terrorist act and get a package from Leavis (the front desk man?) on the way
Johnny is given a Rocket launcher (from Leavis) if he didn't have one. Have
him get to the airport runway by the time shown and use the Rocket launcher to
shoot the uncle's helicopter (the green blip on the radar) as it lands near the
north end of the north runway. The airport gates are then locked but Stubbs
sends a text message saying he's caused a guard to let Johnny out through the
southwest gate. Have Johnny use the GPS route to leave through it and his four
star wanted rating drops to two stars. Have Johnny get rid of his wanted rat-
Rusk recommends you have Johnny use a helicopter to land on the hanger to the
north of the uncle's landing spot, has Johnny use the Rocket launcher to shoot
the uncle's helicopter, then fly north. See the video by tavogoth at the next
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Mision #8 - Politics - Walkthrough (HD)" by tavo-
goth (GTAtactics)
Willzyyy has Johnny stay just outside the northwest gate--to the west of the
uncle's landing spot--to shoot the guards at the gate, use a Rocket launcher to
shoot the uncle's helicopter, then flee with a two star wanted level.
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Mission #8 - Politics" by Willzyyy
JesusQuesadilla has Johnny stand by a stone pillar west of the northwest gate
to aoid alerting the guards. The uncle exits the helicopter and leaves through
the gate in a convoy of three cars--the uncle's car is the middle one of three.
As the uncle's car comes west JesusQuesadilla has Johnny shoot it with a Rocket
launcher. (This creates a four star wanted level which may be smaller if you
have Johnny use a drive-by.)
"Let's Play - Grand Theft Auto: The Lost & Damned (Episode 5 - "Politics |
Coming Down")" by JesusQuesadilla
GTA2010Walkthrough likewise has Johnny stand west of the northwest gate to
avoid alerting the guards, use a Rocket launcher to shoot the uncle's car (the
middle car of a three car convoy), then use the uncle's helicopter for a get-
"GTA IV: The Lost and Damned: Mission 8 - Politics (PS3)" by GTA2010Walk-
Johnny calls Stubbs and tells him his uncle is dead adding that he hopes
Stubbs' lack of humanity is a genetic quality. Stubbs says his uncle was a pom-
pous philanthropist and occasional catamite. (A catamite in ancient Greece and
Rome was a pubescent boy kept as the lover of a young man, a pederast, but the
word was meant as a insult if about a grown man.)
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Mission #8 - Politics (1080p)" by GTA Series Vid-
Johnny get $3,000.
The Rocket launcher/RPG is available from Gun Stores and Terry's Gun Van.
An article in the Liberty Tree news web site and a Weazel News radio announce-
ment claim Stubbs' uncle's was killed by terrorists and his children have been
killed, too, leaving the money to go to the uncle's nephew--Thomas Stubbs III.
Ashley Butler calls pleading for help to protect her from some people around
her whom she says are going to kill her in the projects on Wardite St. This
takes you into the next mission so put Johnny's phone on Sleep mode if you want
to delay that to do other things.
Ashley Butler's missions
V.9 Coming Down
Have Johnny go to the second floor of an apartment building in Northwood, Al-
gonquin, to meet Ashley. The entrance is on the west side of the east building
of three indicated by "X" shapes surrounded by Vespucci Circus and Wardite St.
You can have Johnny call Ashley when he enters the building and she says she's
in an apartment with a red door. She tells him to hurry--"I'm crushing hard."
In another call she tells Johnny to go to the apartment with loud partying.
The man guarding an apartment on the second floor will use a handgun to shoot
at Johnny--you can have Johnny shoot him immediately to avoid that. Have Johnny
enter the apartment and shoot the drug-addicted attackers. Two men attack from
the apartment hall with Sawn-off shotguns and two others attack with Pistols.
Have him go to Ashley who's stoned, or weary from having just been, on a mat-
tress in a room at the back/north end of the apartment.
(If you have him try a nearby apartment the two drug addicts inside attack
Johnny with Fist and a Baseball bat.)
"TLaD - Coming Down (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
They hug and she's grateful he helped her out of trouble but he says she's
been on a week long ice binge (as you know he suspected her of doing if you had
him call her and respond to her Email at the start of the game). She asks him
to help her get home.
If you didn't have Johnny kill any of the attackers of her apartment have him
kill them thn lead her outside to his vehicle. On the way out she protests that
she's not able to stay clean as he wants her to be when he's not there to look
after her. Have him take her to her apartment on the east side of Babbage Dr.
just south of Farnsworth Rd. in east Acter, Alderney. On the way she says she
wants him to punish her and he says she's not good for him. (She encourages it
if you have him hit her, not that I'd recommend it.)
Once there she says she loves him but he says his life's falling apart and
he's skeptical about her claim to have gotten clean. She says she meant it when
she said it but he doubts she could stay that way.
You can have Johnny call Ashley. She calls him her savious but he says he
learned a long time ago he can't save her from herself. She says she's off meth
but he sas she didn't seem to be when he last saw her.
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Mission #9 - Coming Down (1080p)" by GTA Series
Jim calls--he wants Johnny to attack some Deadbeats/AoD. This makes the Gang
Wars available.
Angus calls now or during V.10--their export guy doesn't have any orders.
Johnny guesses correctly that he'll have more to do in his spare time and adds
he likes robbing. See section V.11.
V.10 Gang Wars
Thanks to Robert Rusk and gtawikia.com for most of this information.
Gang wars are like the gang territory fights of "San Andreas."
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Gang Wars (1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
Have Johnny use a motorcycle to go to a marker where the radar/in-game map
shows a red and white icon of an explosion to start a gang war. Jim, Terry, and
Clay show up to fight and each brings another member of The Lost to help. There
are up to 24 of those other members. They unfortunately rush the enemy so ex-
pect some to die. Such members who die appear in memorial pictures on the east
wall of the second floor rec room clubhouse whereas when Jim, Terry, or Clay get
Wasted they go to the hospital to be revived after the fight. Their assistance
diverts the attention of the enemies making it easier to have Johnny kill them.
After "Was It Worth It?" Jim and his Zombie are replaced by one of the non-
storyline members of The Lost who drives a black Lycan.
Members of The Lost who help fight get hardened so better at fighting. This
is a good way to get the hardness of Terry and Clay up to 100% for the Full Chat
Achievement. For their toughness to increase they have to kill enemies and not
get Wasted.
Enemies in early wars have lower power weapons like Pistols and Micro-SMGs and
in later wars additionally use the Combat Pistol, SMG, and may use Molotovs and
Pipe bombs. In later wars enemies increase in toughness and number. It's safer
to let Terry and Clay kill more enemies, so increase their toughness, in earlier
missions. Having Johnny try for headshots and keep his distance is always a
concern when you have im fight on foot but becomes more important in later Gang
Here's a good video by zmoonchild doing some of the last Gang Wars which are
harder to do.
"GTA IV PC: TLAD Gang Wars 44 thru 50 - Part 1 (of 4) - plus free weapons and
body armor locations" and parts 2 to 4 by zmoonchild
There are three types of Gang War.
1. Hanging out
Clay or Terry says, "I have intel that they are hangin in our very own Alder-
ney." There are 20-30 enemy gang members on foot who may call for reinforce-
ments. You might have Johnny use the SMG or rifles on them to give him the ad-
vantage of distance. Have Johnny kill all the enemies.
2. Cruising
Clay or Terry says, "They are just cruisin' and shit."
The Angels of Death are on motorcycles. (Don't be confused by the fact that
Johnny may refer to other gang members as "AOD pricks.") You can have Johnny
use the Sawn-off shotgun to shoot them off their motorcycles as in V.4 Angels
in America, but otherwise, again, you might have Johnny use the SMG or rifles on
them to give him the advantage of distance.. They call for reinforcements.
Have Johnny kill all the AoD.
Other enemy gang members are initially in cars--up to four per car. You might
have Johnny use the SMG or Rocket launcher on the vehicle and occupants and the
Grenade or Pipe bomb on a vehicle that's stopped, but otherwise, again, you
might have Johnny use the SMG or rifles on them to give him the advantage of
distance. They call for reinforcements. Have Johnny kill all the enemies.
3. Escorting a target vehicle
Terry or Clay says "They are doing a little escort work last time I heard."
The enemy gang escorts a target vehicle. Have Johnny destroy it (which leaves
a lot of money). You might have Johnny use the SMG or Rocket launcher on the
vehicle and occupants and the Grenade or Pipe bomb on a vehicle that's stopped.
You fail the mission if it gets away.
These are the enemy gangs, their vehicles, and their target vehicles.
Gang Vehicles Target Vehicles
The Angels of Death Angel
Gang Burrito Gang Burrito
Slamvan Slamvan
Yardie Jamaican
Hillside Posse Huntley Sport
Comet Comet
The Commission
(Gambettis, Pavanos,
Messinas, Lupisellas,
Ancelottis, Pegorinos) Sentinel
PMP 600
Phantom Phantom
Russian Mafia
(Petrovic's Family,
Faustin's Family,
Bulgarin's Family,
Rascalov Family) Schafter
Stretch Stretch
Albanians Futo
Packer Packer
Mule Mule
A strategy tip from gtawikia.com:
The Lost doesn't immediately follow Johnny unless he's on a 'cycle. Have him
use a car or helicopter to go to the enemy gang location and use explosives on
them till the rest of The Lost show up to kill the remaining enemies.
I'll add that you could use the Teleport to Waypoint (NP0 + O) and Airbreak
(F6) (for safe landings) functions of the Simple Trainer instead of a car or
helicopter for that strategy.
Some strategy tips from Robert Rusk:
Since a Gang War, other than cases of escorting a target vehicle, isn't over
till the last enemy dies you may have Johnny leave the fight to replenish
Health, Armor, and weapons if it can't wait till the end of the war.
In Gang Wars the traffic and peds nearly disappear and so do the police except
in permanent spawn spots such as police stations indicated by an orange badge
with a black "P" on the paper map, etc. This helps Johnny avoid a wanted rat-
ing. Don't have Johnny help police officers kill the enemy gang members they
target or he'll get a wanted rating. Police attention is more likely in later
Gang Wars.
In later Gang Wars enemy reinforcements may appear behind Johnny. To avoid
having him become surrounded you might have him start the war then lure enemies
to a location where he can funnel them for easier kills. You might have Johnny
search for such locations around stationary fight spots or for where to try to
stop a group on the move.
Such locations include The Lost Clubhouse (due to the stairwell), Berners Rd.,
Acter, Alderney, indicated by the logo of The Lost on the radar/maps, Schottler
Medical Center at the loop of road at the north side of Cassidy St., Schottler,
Broker, and Westdyke Memorial hospital at the west end of Long John Ave., Left-
wood (not Westdyke), Alderney, (the latter two due to the long narrow hallways)
both indicated by orange crosses on the paper map.
Another location that lets Johnny funnel enemies is a building with a ladder.
You can have him use one shot to shoot an enemy off the ladder so they fall to
their death. Have Johnny quickly climb to the top before they have a chance to
shoot at him.
Weapon pickups that appear between the TV and the computer at the clubhouse:
10 Gang Wars: Sawn-off shotgun
20 Gang Wars: Automatic 9mm
30 Gang Wars: Carbine rifle
40 Gang Wars: Assault shotgun It spawns after completing "Heavy Toll" and 40
Gang Wars.
50 Gang Wars: Grenade launcher
Johnny gets $1,000 for the first Gang War and $250 is added for each Gang War
done after that ($1,000, $1,250, etc.).
Complete 25 Gang Wars for 100% completion.
V.11 Angus' Bike Thefts
Have Johnny call Angus and select the Job option.
There are 10 'cycles to steal and take to a garage at the south end of the al-
ley on the west side of the clubhouse. The clubhouse is on the south side of
Berners Rd., Acter. The bike can't be returned while Johnny has a wanted rat-
ing. You fail if the bike is wrecked till it weon't run or abandoned. Johnny
calls Angus after each theft.
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Angus' Bike Thefts (1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
The 'cycle is random (I noticed the Angel, Bati 800, Hellfury, Hakuchou,
Nightblade, PCJ 600, and Sanchez) unless specified below. You don't get a GPS
route for a target bike that's on the move.
Payment varies with damage:
No damage: $1,400
Light damage: $900
Medium damage: $600
Heavy damage: $400
A Pay 'n' Spray repair costs $100. The Pay 'n Spray closest to the clubhouse
is on the east end of Hardtack Ave.
I usually had Johnny shoot the guys on target bikes or others as needed then
had Johnny drive out of the wanted circle. The wanted rating didn't get high.
A Ride In The Park
(This mission has the same name as an off-road mission with a Landstalker in
Belleville Park in "III.")
A couple is taking the 'cycle from Quartz St. around Middle Park, Algonquin.
Have Johnny jack it when it stops--the couple just runs away--and take it to the
A man is driving the 'cycle in circles on the beach in Firefly Island, Broker.
Have Johnny drive-by him or snipe him, get rid of any wanted rating (there's a
Pay 'n' Spray on the south side of Gibson St.), then take the bike to the ga-
Delivery Boy's Hardship
A man is driving the 'cycle from Bismark Ave./Diamond St. around Chinatown in
south Algonquin. Have Johnny jack when it stops and take it to the garage.
The bike is inside Westdyke Autos at Lemhi St. and Sacramento Ave. in West-
dyke, north Alderney. Have Johnny take it, get rid of a two star wanted rating
(there's a Pay 'n' Spray on Panhandle Rd.), and take the bike to the garage.
Get Off Your High Horse
An AoD is driving the 'cycle accompanied by two fellow gang members on the
East Borough Bridge, starting on the eastern section, around Charge Island.
Have Johnny driveby him or use a car to knock him from the target bike, lose any
wanted rating, then drive the bike to the garage.
Short Stay Parking
The 'cycle is on the top level of a multistory car park in Purgatory on the
most northern nearly rectangular projection of land on the west coast of Algon-
quin. You might have Johnny do a stunt jump from the roof as whatever57010 has
him do in the video at the next link.
"TLaD: Angus' Bike Thefts" by whatever57010
Have Johnny take the bike, get rid of a two star wanted rating (there's a Pay
'n' Spray on the south side of the west end of Lorimar St.), and take it to the
Stripclub Hog
An AoD and a stripper are standing by the 'cycle at The Triangle Club by Leav-
enworth Ave., Northern Gardens, Bohan. They fight Johnny with Fists. (Thanks
to Robert Rusk for the tip to have Johnny use a 'cycle to run into one, lure the
other around the block, then take the unguarded bike.) I had Johnny run into
one then lure them far enough away from the bike to have Johnny take the bike
then drive it to the garage.
Take Out Liquor
An AoD with a Pistol and three who fight with Fists are around the 'cycle by a
liquor store on the south side of Dillon St. just east of Cayuga Ave., Schott-
ler, Broker. Have Johnny shoot them and take the bike. (Thanks to Robert Rusk
for the tip to have Johnny use a 'cycle to approach them from the west on Dillon
St., run into one of the gang members to lure them east toward Wenrohronon Ave.,
and go clockwise around the block to get the unguarded 'cycle.)
Have Johnny get rid of any wanted rating (there's a Pay 'n' Spray on the south
side of Gibson St.) and take the bike to the garage.
Tattoo Parlor Lament
The 'cycle is being polished by a man by a tattoo parlor on the north side of
the west end of Lyndon Ave., Alderney City, Alderney. The man screams and runs
away when Johnny jacks his bike so you can have Johnny just jack it and drive it
to the garage.
Zorst Fumes
The 'cycle is being driven south on the eastern north-south stretch of Plumb-
ers Skyway, Alderney, by an AoD accompanied by three armed fellow gang members.
Have Johnny go south on the Plumbers Skyway from the T-intersection of Asahara
Rd. and the Plumbers Skyway, use an SMG to driveby them as needed, and take the
'cycle. (Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip that you can have Johnny wait in a
car near the bottom of the long north-south ramp from Plumbers Skyway down to
Barsac Ave. and "head them off at the pass." Have him shoot and run over the
bikers when they drive down the ramp.)
Have Johnny take the bike, get rid of any wanted rating he has (there's a Pay
'n' Spray at the east end of Hardtack Ave.), and drive it to the garage.
A Bati 800 will spawn at the south end of the alley that's on the west side of
the clubhouse. It's by the south wall of the alley at the west side of the
clubhouse (which makes it a bit further south than the Hakuchou earned from do-
ing section V.2 Liberty City Bike Races).
Complete 10 bike thefts toward 100% completion.
Thomas Stubbs III's missions cont.
V.12 Off Route
Have Johnny go to the Jousters club, the one with a red awning, again on the
east side of Columbus Ave. south of Pyrite St., Middle Park East, Algonquin.
On the way (or before?) Weazel News reports that several small time brokers
have been arrested for insider trading.
"TLaD - Off Route (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Johnny asks the English butler-type front desk man if he likes serving rich
people and he says he does. The front desk man asks Johnny if giving "the man"
(the one in power) the finger makes him happy. Johnny says he's learned that
the man comes in all uniforms.
Johnny meets Stubbs in the steam room. Stubbs says the Civic Citadel has made
a clerical error--some outstanding people have been taken into LCPD custody and
Johnny has to liberate them from a Prison Bus that's at the Leftwood police sta-
Have Johnny go to the police station on Rand Ave. north of Franklin St.
About twelve armed police officers are spread around a lot where six prisoners
board a Prison Bus. One officer chides the prisoners that they're a long way
from the Exchange (indicating Stubb's interest in them). The last prisoner on
looks like Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins in "The Silence of The Lambs," 1991)
wearing a restrictive mask to prevent him from biting and eating people. A pol-
iceman tells the prisoner, "I saw what you did to that orderly. A man's organs
ain't meant to look like that" and in the movie Lecter is said to have torn out
an orderly's tongue with his teeth. (Thanks Marquischacha)
Have Johnny shoot the police officers near the bus and go to the door of it or
just use a car to speed to the door running over some officers on the way. (If
you have Johnny wait outside the gate to the lot for the bus to drive away you
have to have him quickly shoot the driver when he stops at a light and jack the
bus before it gets to the Alderney State Correctionsl Facility.)
(Robert Rusk reader neoXsaga found a type of Wanted Rating exploit for this
mission. Have Johnny shoot some of the police near the bus to get a three star
wanted rating then use another nearby vehicle to leave the area. The wanted
circle follows Johnny but the police stay at Leftwood police station except for
some at toll booths who won't follow Johnny. He won't even get police interfer-
ence at the airport or the Civilization Committee building.)
Johnny boards the bus. The prisoner in the mask has taken it off and says,
"Argh!" as he eats some of a policeman's neck/face similar to the movie scene in
which Hannibal eats some of a policeman's face as part of his escape from a mu-
seum cell.
Have Johnny drive the Prison Bus to get rid of a three star wanted rating.
You can't use a Prison Bus in a Pay 'n' Spray so just have him drive around the
streets and alleys (not the highways) till you get it out of the wanted circle.
The bus is pretty damage resistant.
Have Johnny drive the prisoners to the rendezvous on the road closest to the
coast south of the "k" of "Muskteer Ave" on the paper map--it's by the Globe Oil
plant--in Acter Industrial Park, Alderney.
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Mission #10 - Off Route (1080p)" by GTA Series
During the drive you can press the Cinematic camera key for a view of the
prisoners from the back of the bus.
The prisoners escape on a Dinghy to the south of the rendezvous point.
Johnny gets $5,000.
Johnny calls Stubbs who tells Johnny not to worry about the traders that es-
caped but Johnny says the problem might lie with one of the others (the canni-
A Stallion is parked across the street to the north of the dock.
Billy sends a text message telling Johnny to go to the clubhouse for a discus-
sion. You can have Johnny call Billy who angrily reaffirms it.
Stubbs calls saying he needs greater help and wants Johnny to call him. He
sends a text message reaffirming it.
Weazel News reports that a prison bus has been hijacked and several convicts
are at large. Mike Whitely adds that the escapees include several white collar
criminals and the Dine and Dash cannibal. An article at the Liberty Tree web
site says the Dine and Dash killer Curtis Stocker and some inside traders were
freed by a prison bus hijack.
GTW note: I question the idea of the plot that Johnny is a better org. crime
man than Billy. I guess this is one for a relative ethics class. True, Billy
is reckless, but Johnny led a lot more of his fellow gang members to be killed
in the Gang Wars. He regularly kills police officers such as in this mission
when he lets a serial killer go free with the white collar convicts Stubbs
wanted freed. Don't ever take part in, give money to, or lie for an org. crime
V.13 Stubbs' Dirty Laundry
Have Johnny call Stubbs and select Job for each of the five missions.
Completing each mission gives Johnny $1000 and adds to 100% completion.
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Stubbs' Dirty Laundry (1080p)" by GTA Series
V.13.a Communication Breakdown
"Communication Breakdown" refers to the title of a 1968 song by Led Zeppelin.
Have Johnny call Stubbs and select Job. Stubbs says someone is about to go to
the press with sensitive information (Stubbs implies the guy didn't honor an
agreement). Stubbs wants Johnny to make him see his mistake.
You have about 1 1/2 min. to get Johnny to the target who's in a car and armed
with a Combat shotgun on the west side of Inchon Ave. just south of Livingston
St., Dukes. Johnny tries to threaten him out of talking but the man says Johnny
will get serious jail time with threats like that and flees south, etc., in his
Have Johnny driveby him or shoot his car (try for the rear wheel wells) to
blow it up. It doesn't drive quickly so it's easy to do.
Johnny calls Stubbs to say he got the target. Stubbs says Johnny's ability in
damage control would make him a good lobbyist.
"GTA TLaD - Stubbs' Dirty Laundry - Communication Breakdown (killd by the
LCPD)" by whatever57010
Johnny gets $1,000.
V.13.b First Impressions
Have Johnny call Stubbs and select Job. Stubbs tells Johnny to deal with an
old friend of Stubbs who's meeting an intern at the Superstar Cafe in Lancaster.
Have Johnny go to the Superstar Cafe on the west side of Bismarck Ave. south
of Ruby St., Lancaster, Algonquin, and shoot the man with ther marker pointing
down at his head talking to the intern. The target's guards open fire on Johnny
so have him drive out of the area.
"GTA TLaD - Stubbs' Dirty Laundry - First Impressions" by whatever57010
Johnny calls Stubbs to say he's down one friend. Stubbs says he'll make it a
terrorism issue.
Johnny gets $1,000.
V.13.c Knowing Me, Knowing You
Have Johnny call Stubbs and select Job. Stubbs wants Johnny to get some in-
formation on the Deputy Mayor Mr. (Bryce) Dawkins who's car is in Westdyke.
Stubbs wants Johnny to take the car to be fitted with surveillance equipment in
a garage on Muskteer. The mechanic will be told to repair the car if needed,
Have Johnny go to the orange Infernus in a driveway on the north side of Owl
Creek Ave. north of the north end of Cariboo Ave., Westdyke, north Alderney,
without wasting time. Have Johnny drive it quickly to the mechanic on the north
side of Muskteer Ave., Acter Industrial Park, south Alderney.
(Put a waypoint at the onramps for the Plumbers Skyway at Manzana Rd. and take
the west onramp to go south on Plumbers Skyway. In the middle of the southern
east-west stretch of it, take the long downward ramp in the middle of the Skyway
down to Muskteer Ave.)
The mechanic recommends that Johnny not damage the car. Have Johnny drive it
back quickly, in about four min., without damaging it.
(A quick route is to go west on Muskteer Ave., up the ramp onto the west
branch of the Plumbers Skyway, and go north, etc.)
"Stubbs' Dirty Laundry - Knowing Me, Knowing You (TLaD)" by whatever57010
(You might go to Graphics > Vehicle Density and turn down the slider.)
Once the car is back on the driveway have Johnny leave the area.
Johnny calls Stubbs to say the microphone is planted. Stubbs says he'll text
Johnny the number so he can listen, too.
(The gtawikia.com site suggests that you don't save and reload the game or
Johnny won't get the text message and you won't be able to listen to the bugged
audio but zmoonchild saves the game yet gets the message. Maybe it's a problem
on certain ports.) (The number is 123-555-0160.)
"GTA IV PC TLAD - Knowing Me, Knowing You (Stubbs' Odd Jobs mission) - mission
help" by zmoonchild
To have Johnny call the number have him bring up the cell phone and select
Bryce Bug.
The various examples of audio can be heard in whatever57010's video at the
next link.
"The Orange Infernus (GTA IV/TLaD)" by whatever57010
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip that it's the same car Dawkin's boyfriend
Bernie Crane gives to Niko late in "IV." The last two examples of the bugged
audio show this--they're of Niko shouting at pursuing and sttacking police cars.
Johnny gets $1,000.
V.13.d Phone Ho'
Have Johnny call Stubbs and select Job. Stubbs asks Johnny to use a camera to
take a picture of a Congressman picking up a lady of the night on Traeger St.,
Port Tudor.
Have Johnny go to an alley by the Gun Store on the east side of Odhner Ave.
south of Traeger Rd. (not street), Port Tudor, southeast Alderney. Have him go
up the steps and the progressively higher rooftops then into the marker.
Johnny calls Stubbs to say he can't tell which man is the Congressman. Stubbs
says he's in a red Cognoscenti.
Have Johnny watch for the orange-red four-door car which stops across the
street. Have him bring up the Cell Phone, select Camera, aim it at the car,
zoom with W and S, snap a picture with the LMB when a hooker goes to the driv-
er's side door to talk to Dawkins, and press the LMB to send the picture to
"Stubbs' Dirty Laundry - Phone Ho (TLaD)" by whatever57010
Johnny calls Stubbs who says the photo is sensational--he might have Johnny
photograph his family Christmas card as well.
Johnny gets $1,000.
V.13.e When The Blue Chips Are Down
Have Johnny call Stubbs and select Job. Stubbs says a friend who may have
contributed to the recent BAWSAQ meltdowns has been arrested by an FIB task
force and Stubbs wants Johnny to liberate her from an alley off Vitullo in Ber-
chem to enjoy her bonus half billion in peace.
Have Johnny go to the CEO in an alley on the north side of Cockerell Ave. east
of Aspdin Dr., Berchem, west Alderney. Johnny has a three star wanted level.
Have him shoot the FIB agent at the opening of the alley, go north into it to
shoot about five of the nearest attacking FIB agents, uncuff the woman who's
standing at the back of a Sentinel, get into the car with her, and drive it east
and into the marker by the helipad on top of the Booth Tunnel. Have him shoot
the attacking law enforcers as she quickly boards the Maverick (it only takes a
few seconds).
She flies to a Marquis which sails away as she orders a mojito (a Cuban high-
ball cocktail).
"GTA TLaD - Stubbs' Dirty Laundry - When The Blue Chips Are Down" by whatever-
Johnny's wanted rating is over. He calls Stubbs to say he accomplished the
mission though regrets seeing her sail away with a lot of other people's money.
Stubbs tells Johnny he'll send her his best on his next holiday to the Carib-
Johnny gets $1,000.
Stubbs calls Johnny to say they should keep some distance from each other.
Billy Grey's missions cont.
V.14 This Shit's Cursed
Hasve Johnny go to the marker in front of the clubhouse.
Jim says the Chinese Triads say the heroin Billy had stolen from the AoD ac-
tually belongs to the Triads and they want it back. Billy wants to war with
them and sell the heroin but Johnny, considering they're already at war with the
AoD and one or two gov't agencies are looking into The Lost, prefers to make a
deal with the Triads, as Jim contends, and they persuade Billy to see it their
Have Johnny join The Lost in following Billy to the marker on the east side of
Albany Ave. north of Diamond St. (and across the street to the east of the Drag-
on Heart Plaza), Chinatown, south Algonquin.
On the way, Billy tells Johnny he hopes he hasn't been talking to the police.
Jim says the heroin came to town a few weeks ago on the Platypus (the boat Niko
arrived on at the start of "IV"). Brian accuses Johnny of having an authority
problem. Once a screen prompt says so you can have Johnny race The Lost there.
(As earlier, the mission continues the same if you have him win or lose, but
it's not hard to have him win.)
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Mission #11 - This Shit's Cursed (1080p)" by GTA
Series Videos
Once there, Billy sends Johnny and Jim inside to hand over the heroin claiming
he and Brian will watch their backs. Inside, the spokesman for the three Triads
says he doesn't want his group to pay for their own heroin. Johnny gives him
the choice between business or war and the Triads pull Pistols and begin firing.
(In the TBoGT mission "Chinese Takeout" we learn Billy arranged for Johnny to
be killed by the Triads at Dragon Heart Plaza. Since Jim knew the heroin be-
longed to the Triads originally, Billy seems to have heard about Jim's inten-
tions before the deal and Billy arranged for the Triads to create an ambush for
Jim and Johnny.)
Have Johnny help Jim shoot their way out past about eight Triads to go east
(to the north there's a Triad on the scaffolding and another on the roof), three
more to go north, about five more to go west, go north, kill a couple more to go
west, go south, kill another to the east, climb down a ladder to a lower level,
kill a couple more to go west, and continue west to go into the marker at the
front of the building.
The police arrive and arrest Billy who ironically shouts that Johnny set him
Johnny calls Brian to find out where he is. Brian says he's around the cor-
ner and blames Johnny for Billy's arrest. Have Johnny lead Jim to their bikes
on the east side of Albany Ave. north of Diamond St. Have Johnny drive to lead
the group back to the clubhouse.
Screen announcements declare that that Johnny is now the president of The
Lost, when Johnny leads the group you can press the cinematic camera key to
switch the camera to the group point of view, and to have Johnny drive by the
others of the Lost to talk with them.
On the way, Brian says he nad Billy were watching out for Johnny and Billy who
weren't watching out for Billy. Jim calls that BS. Brian says Johnny must have
f'ed up the deal. Johnny says he hopes his brothers didn't send him into an am-
bush. Brian says Johnny won't be chapter president if he has anything to do
with it or Billy hears about it.
At the clubhouse, Johnny demands to know what Billy and Brian were doing and
Brian says Johnny is a rat and now Billy's gone. Johnny denies setting up Billy
but Brian insists it and says the police told him Johnny ratted them out. John-
ny tells Brian that he'll be dead if he keeps it up. Brian tells Johnny to show
them his phone to prove he didn't call the police. Johnny says he doesn't have
to prove anything to anyone. Brian and another leave the group.
Johnny tells Jim they have to stick together to get through the extra pressure
they're bound to face when it gets around that Billy went to jail.
The mission complete music is different as at the end of "Was It Worth It?"
and "Get Lost."
You get the "The Lost Boy" Achievement.
Angus sends Johnny an Email to give Johnny his blessing and say Brian and who-
ever takes Brian's side are scum he'd like to kill. If you have Johnny respond
he replies amen to that.
You can have Johnny call Angus. Johnny says he wishes getting the presidency
didn't happen the way it did but Angus says he and the others that are worth it
will follow him. Johnny says the ones who won't will stab him in the back and
he doesn't think he'll go see Billy after what he said. Angus says Billy
wouldn't want to see him, either.
You can have Johnny call Ashley about Billy being put in jail. Ashley says
she only likes Billy but loves Johnny. Johnny says she doesn't know what the
words mean.
A white symbol (which means he's unavailable but it turns green if you have
Johnny go near it) of a male appears on the radar/in-game map near the corner of
Bismarck Ave. and Amethyst St.
V.15 Random Character--Dave Grossman
V.15.a First encounter
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Random Character #1 - Dave Grossman (1080p)" by
GTA Series Videos
"GTA TLaD Random Encounter - Dave Grossman" by whatever57010
Dave Grossman (who appeared in "It's War") is on the south side of Amethyst
St. east of Bismarck Ave. in front of Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster, south Algon-
quin. He says his secretary is blackmailing him on a sexual harassment charge
but he says he just looked at her breasts which his wife will give him a hard
time about it so he wants Johnny to intimidate the secretary's lawyer to drop
the charge.
Have Johnny use a fast vehicle to go to the lawyer on Denver Ave. which causes
him to flee north in his Turismo. Have Johnny give chase and shoot the lawyer's
car till he stops. Have Johnny get off his bike.
Johnny threatens to kill the lawyer if he doesn't back down on the charge
against Grossman and the lawyer agrees.
This encounter goes toward 100%.
Johnny gets $500.
Jim Fitzgerald's missions cont.
V.16 Hit the Pipe
Malc: Walter T. Mudu Walter provided the voices of King Courtney and D-Ice in
the GTA game "III," 2001, played a Lot Manager in a 2009 episode of the TV ser-
ies "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit," played TSA Skeleton #1 in "The Secret
Life of Walter Mitty," 2013, etc. He was also a talent consultant for the 2002
documentary TV series "Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry."
King Courtney was the leader of the Uptown Yardies and Malc is a member of the
Uptown Riders.
DeSean: Craig "muMs" Grant Craig played Poet in the TV series "Oz," 1997-
2003, played Lysol in a 2003 episode of the TV series "Chappelle's Show," sup-
plied a Voice for the 2005 game "The Warriors," played Mop in a 2006 episode of
the TV series "The Sopranos," played Joseph Washington in three 2007 episodes of
the TV series "Boston Legal," played a Hernia Patient in a 2014 episode of the
TV series "The Knick," etc.
Have Johnny go to the north side of Frankfort Dr. west of Exeter Ave., North-
wood, north Algonquin.
Jim tells Johnny that Malc and DeSean, two members of the Uptown Riders, can
provide explosives (Pipe bombs) they could use to take down the Angels of Death.
("Hair dryers" refers to the Japanese sports bikes used by the Uptown Riders.)
Johnny agrees and says it will be fun.
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Mission #12 - Hit the Pipe (1080p)" by GTA Series
Have Johnny destroy three AoD vans driving randomly around Alderney--the third
is accompanied by two armed AoD on bikes.
(Thanks to Robert Rusk reader Luiz Fernando Vencio for noting that if you have
Johnny start the mission on a motorcycle Johnny is placed on a Hexer after the
first cutscene. There's a Bati 800 beside the nearby blue dumpster.)
The game suggests you have Johnny destroy the three Gang Burrito vans with
Pipe bombs. If you do so, judge how far to have Johnny drive in front of the
van to drop the Pipe bomb. But you can have him use whatever weapon you want so
you can have Johnny use an SMG or Sawn-off shotgun from a vehicle if you prefer.
If so, have Johnny shoot a rear wheel well to set it on fire or shoot the driv-
You can have Johnny use a cab as a passenger, set a waypoint near a van, skip
the ride to get there quickly, jack the cab, then destroy the van.
You can use the Simple Trainer to teleport to a waypoint (NP0 + O) and use the
function "Blow Up Car attached to Valid Destination Marker."
This mission is a wanted rating exploit until you have Johnny destroy the last
van. Johnny can't get so far from the vans that you fail the mission.
"TLaD - Hit the Pipe (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Johnny gets $2,000.
Johnny calls Jim to say those Deadbeats aren't a problem. Jim tells Johnny
that Malc and DeSean are good guys and recommends that Johnny call Terry and
Clay for backup now that he's in charge.
Terry will send Johnny a text message reminding him before every main mission.
Having Johnny use Terry and Clay for bsckup can increase their toughness stat if
you haven't maxed it out with the Gang Wars. (Thanks to Robert Rusk for the
tip.) See III.4 Gang members' toughness.
When you have Johnny call Terry or Clay for backup both show up. Have Johnny
wait for them to show up or they'll be considered abandoned and won't be avail-
able for the rest of the mission.
(Remember you can have Johnny call Bryce Bug to hear a new audio every one or
two days.)
Jim can supply Pipe bombs. Terry's Gun Van sells them at $700 apiece.
Elizabeta sends a text message--Jim says you need work and is sending Malc as
well. Meet me at my apartment.
V.17 End of Chapter
Have Johnny go to a lot on the south side of Vitullo Ave. east of Bear St.,
Berchem, Alderney.
Jim tells Johnny that Brian wants a truce. Johnny says, "F**k that--let's go
get him"--and leads Jim, Terry, and Clay to attack Brian.
Have Johnny lead the others to the meeting. From the intersection of Latchkey
Ave. and Barsac Ave. have Johnny go a bit south then go east on a nameless road
then east southeast past the curve to get to the marker for the meeting.
Jim speaks for his faction and Brian speaks for his. Brian childishly, and
again anti-Semitically, accuses Jim of turning in Billy. Jim and Scott accuse
Brian of being a baby whose babysitter Billy is in jail and tell him to get out
of town. Brian says it's the other way around and commands his faction to kill
Johnny's faction while he runs away.
The first five shooters are driven in a circle by 'cyclists to the west.
Johnny starts behind cover with a Carbine rifle.
Four attackers approach from the west in a Laundromat Burrito van then anoth-
er four arrive in a Laundromat likewise.
A couple of motorcyclists, each with a gunman, approach from the west then
four in a Laundromat van do likewise.
Three approach by climbing over a low wall to the south.
Have Johnny help The Lost chase after and shoot Brian's remaining fighting
forces who use four 'cycles to flee north through the dock area then through the
city streets.
During the chase and afterward Johnny can't get a wanted level till he returns
to Jim who will wait indefinitely.
"TLaD - End of Chapter (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Have Johnny drive to Jim. Jim says they're the last of the Alderney chapter
of The Lost. Johnny says the brothers left are Jim, Angus, Terry, Clay, and
himself. He wishes they pinned down Brian. Jim says Brian will turn up soon
Johnny gets $2,000.
You can have Johnny call Angus. Angus thinks Johnny started a civil war but
Johnny says Billy started the fight. Johnny agrees with Angus to do what's best
for the brothers and not his pride.
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Mission #13 - End of Chapter (1080p)" by GTA Ser-
ies Videos
My toughness stats for Terry and Clay went from 89% up to 100%. If your stats
aren't up to 100% they should be there soon if you have Johnny use their backup
regularly. At 100% they get the best weapons they can get and are at their
V.18 Bad Standing
Have Johnny go to Jim on the south side of Manano Rd. east of Franklin St.
Johnny meets The Lost and Ray Boccino. Ray wants things to calm down to not
attract attention and for a steady flow of merchandise. He's told The Lost
where Brian is. Johnny goes to see Brian.
Have Johnny go to Brian's place, a three story beige house, on the north side
of Emery St. west of the west end of Tinderbox Ave., south Tudor, Alderney.
Jim sends a text recommending that Johnny call Terry or Clay to have both sup-
ply backup.
From Brian's second floor bedroom he sees that Johnny is outside. Brian has
armed men on the first two floors.
If you use Terry and Clay the game recommends you have Johnny throw a Grenade
through a window while Terry and Clay cover the back door. This causes the men
inside to try to flee. Have Johnny go to the east side of the house to shoot
any enemies that get past Terry and Clay. If Brian drives from the area of his
house have Johnny drive after him and shoot him off his motorcycle.
If Brian gets away (not counting having Johnny confront him but let him live)
you fail the mission. Johnny calls Jim and says Brian slipped through his fin-
gers but hopes he won't be gone for long.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the strategy of having Johnny go to the gutted
building across the street to the south of Brian's building. Have Johnny climb
west to east over the big shipping crates to jump to the roof and snipe Brian
who repeatedly pauses before his second story bedroom window as he paces in a
loop. If you miss and Brian and his men flee you can have Johnny use the Rocket
launcher on them as they run past the front of the building.
You can see whatever57010 use the sniping method in the video at the next
"TLaD - Bad Standing (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
To attack the men in Brian's house without having them try to flee don't have
Johnny throw or shoot anything into his window. Let Terry and Clay stand guard
outside the back door while having Johnny enter the house through the back door
and use the SMG to shoot six of Brian's men on the first floor and three on the
second. Have Johnny go to the room past the bedroom to confront Brian who begs
for his life ("I'll leave and never come back," "I'll be a ghost, man, gone,"
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Mission #14 - Bad Standing (1080p)" by GTA Series
Once you have Johnny confront Brian there you can have Johnny kill Brian or
walk away from Brian to let him live.
If Johnny is armed with a Pistol you can have perform an Execution on Brian.
If you have Johnny kill Brian Johnny calls Jim and says Brian is halfway to
If you don't want Johnny to kill Brian have Johnny walk away from him. Johnny
says Brian was dead inside, anyway. Johnny calls Jim who says he hopes Brian
isn't planning something else. Brian returns as a Random Character you have
Johnny kill--see V.19. You don't have to do that mission for 100%. (Brian
really is an insignificant weasel.)
Johnny gets $2,000.
Whether Brian is killed or not Jim sends Johnny a text that Johnny can use
Brian's apartment. Brian's place is a second save place. It has a parking
space in front and the bedroom features weapons pickups on a table by the mat-
tress used to save the game. The Hexer, Hakuchou, Bati 800, and Innovation
spawn around it.
A white male icon appears on the radar/in-game map on Hardtack Ave. west of
Babbage Dr.
V.19 Random Character--Brian Jeremy (not needed for 100%)
V.19.a First encounter
Brian is on the sidewalk on the north side of Hardtack Ave. west of Babbage
Dr., south Acter, Alderney. Johnny protests that Brian only became a "ghost"
for about five min. Brian tries to smooth that over saying they were under
pressure and he made some bad decisions--he just followed their leader Billy
who's to blame for controlling him. He pleads to come clean and that he can
save the club--then he'll leave town. Johnny agrees but says if Brian is f**k-
ing with him he'll put a bullet through Brian's head. Brian tells Johnny to
follow him and not get ahead of him.
Have Johnny use his bike--make sure he's ready for an SMG driveby--to follow
Brian to the parking lot on the north side of Topaz St. north of the middle of
Middle Park, Algonquin. On the way, Brian calls someone to say he's with John-
ny. Have Johnny call Terry or Clay so they both supply backup.
It immediately becomes an ambush--then you can have Johnny kill Brian. Brian
goes up the steps to park on a higher back level overlooking the parking lot but
have Johnny pursue him and shoot him before he can take cover let alone flee and
make it a chase. If he gets away you fail the mission and if Johnny leaves
Brian's attackers behind you fail the mission because Johnny abandoned the
Then have Johnny help Terry and Clay kill Brian's gang of about six (?) at-
Cpt. Michael Klebitz, Johnny's brother and a law enforcer, sends Johnny an
Email. His job has horrors but he knows he's on the right side. He writes that
Johnny's made stupid choices like followng Billy Grey who always was an arse-
hole. Have Johnny reply--he writes that I miss you and we're both fighting oth-
er people's battles. Look after yourself.
Elizabeta Torres missions
V.20 Heavy Toll
Andreas: Santos Santos played Gilbert Nieves in a 2004 episode of the TV ser-
ies "The Sopranos," Kiki Maldonado in a 2010 episode of the TV series "Law & Or-
der: Special Victims Unit," Open Mic Comedian #3 in a 2011 episode of the TV
series "Louie," Hector in "Diega!," 2011, etc.
Have Johnny go to Elizabeta's apartment building on the west side of San Quen-
tin Ave. north of Switch St.
Elizabeta wants product (cocaine) to sell. She wants Johnny and Malc to teach
a lesson to a crime group that bribed a guard on the East Borough Bridge to let
a van through without inspecting it. She sends Johnny, Malc, DeSean, and anoth-
er Uptown Rider to tear them apart. Outside, Johnny says they need to take a
cage (car).
(The Uptown Riders, including Malc and DeSean, are a group of urban riding en-
thusiasts who prefer Japanese sports bikes and have their own line of endorsed
products. This leads to some contentious back and forth with humor between
Johnny and Malc.)
Have Johnny use the Presidente to drive them to the toll booths on the north-
south stretch of the East Borough Bridge. On the way, Johnny admires the power
of Malc's street sweeper (Combat shotgun). Before having Johnny drive into the
marker, have him call Terry or Clay to have them both provide backup.
The guard requires exact change from a man driving a woman about to give
birth. Johnny punches out the guard and Malc lets the driver go through.
Johnny starts out equipped with an Assault shotgun and taking cover behind a
middle booth. He says, "We gotta get that white s**t" (the cocaine in the Slam-
van). Malc lets a couple vehicles go by but when the orange Slamvan stops at
the booth he yells, "Give up the van" and a shootout starts.
The ambush at a toll booth may refer to similar scene in the 1972 movie "The
Have Johnny help his group kill the nearest eight or so attackers from the
Slamvan, the car and two bikes behind it, and a car ahead of them. Have him
jack the Slamvan, let Malc enter it, and get out of the wanted circle. Have him
drive the Slamvan to the AUTO PARTS garage on the south side of the nameless
street parallel to Jackhammer St., south Industrial, Bohan.
Malc says the cocaine should help finance them. Johnny says he just hopes he,
Malc, and Liz can stay away from the police long enough to enjoy it.
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Mission #15 - Heavy Toll (1080p)" by GTA Series
Johnny gets $1,000.
There's a Hakuchou Custom nearby to the southwest.
Elizabeta calls. She asks if Johnny drove the van for her. He says he dumped
it in the lockup. She says she'll send Adreas to check out what's in the back
of it.
Elizabeta sends a text message with the phone number--555-2222--of Roman Bell-
ic's cab company Bellic Enterprises.
Terry's Gun Van sells the Assault shotgun (the best shotgun) for $3,500/$25 a
An Assault shotgun pickup spawns in your safehouses if you've done 40 Gang
I recommend you have Johnny put the Assault shotgun in his shotgun slot for
the rest of the game.
V.21 Marta Full of Grace
Marta: Honey Rockwell
Have Johnny go to Elizabeta's apartment building.
Johnny questions the excessive use of force Elizabeta called for in the last
mission. She rationalizes that it's good which Johnny says reminds him of
Billy. She sends Johnny to the airport to pick up Marta who just got in from
Puerto Rico.
This mission probably takes place after "Have A Heart" since Elizabeta's para-
noid and wielding a gun (and it's possibly a stain made from Manny Escuela's
blood that she orders Andreas to clean from the couch).
Have Johnny go to the airport. On the way, have him call Terry or Clay to
have them both provide backup.
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Mission #16 - Marta Full of Grace (1080p)" by GTA
Series Videos
Marta the drug mule (she's swallowed condoms filled with cocaine) is led from
the terminal by a FIB agent intent on having her give him blowjobs back at the
office. Johnny knees him him the groin and leads her away.
(The FIB agent's voice reminds me of Ray Machowski's voice--supplied by Robert
Loggia--in "III.")
Have Johnny use the Assault shotgun to kill all the police, FIB, and NOOSE of-
ficers represented by red blips on the radar/in-game map. After that, Marta
will follow him.
"TLaD - Marta Full of Grace (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Have Johnny lead Marta onto/into a vehicle, get out of the three star wanted
circle, then take her to Elizabeta's apartment building.
Johnny gets $2,000.
The Liberty Tree has an article on carnage at the airport which may have been
caused by a terrorist.
Elizabeta sends Johnny a text message--she has work for Johnny and Malc.
V.22 Shifting Weight
Have Johnny go to Elizabeta's apartment building.
She's worried that everything's closing in on her. Johnny and Malc go to sell
her cocaine.
Have Johnny go with Malc and DeSean to meet the buyer in a lot on the west
side of Butterfly St. north of Grand Blvd., north Bohan. On the way you can
have Johnny call Terry or Clay for both to provide backup.
A man and woman are the buyers. The woman tries the coke but they pull guns
to take it without paying and the woman shoots Johnny's bike. DeSean shoots the
woman and the man runs away.
Johnny is on the back of Malc's bike as Malc and DeSean flee from the law en-
forcement vehicles chasing DeSean. The rest of this mission is a rail shooter--
have Johnny shoot the law enforcers and their vehicles while Malc does the driv-
ing for him. Johnny has unlimited ammo except for Pipe bombs.
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Mission #17 - Shifting Weight (1080p)" by GTA Ser-
ies Videos
"TLaD - Shifting Weight (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
When passing the gas station hae Johnny shoot the pump for a brief cinematic.
Have him shoot the men from the Police Maverick to make it spin out of con-
When surrounded and stopped Malc drives through the Grotti dealership for a
brief cinematic.
On the highway three Police Cars chase--the third hits a post sending an of-
ficer through the windshield for a brief cinematic.
Johnny ends up under the Union Drive East freeway east of the east end of Gar-
net St. There's a Double T Custom nearby.
Malc jokingy asks if he and Johnny should get a room together at the Jeffer-
son Motel which refers to a motel in Jefferson, Los Santos, San Andreas. Malc
and DeSean take the cocaine to Elizabeta.
Johnny gets $3,000.
Johnny calls Elizabeta and says the deal didn't happen so Malc snd DeSean are
returning her product. She says he should stay away from her for awhile. (His
line "Just don't get freaked out if you see me rolling in a cop car" means he
might use one of the police cars that wrecked in the chase.)
You can have Johnny call Elizabeta who frantically tells someone to flush
their drugs because the police are coming then pretends she and Marta are OK.
Ashley calls--she wants Johnny to come see her to meet Ray Boccino at Drusil-
la's restaurant.
Ashley sends a text file. She needs to have Johnny come see her soon.
If you have him call she tells him to hurry.
Clay sends a text file--he'll fix Johnny's Hexer.
A fed calls--a close friend of Johnny's is going to take the witness stand.
A white male icon appears on the radar/in-game map.
V.23 Random Character--Malc
The two encounters with Malc are required for 100%.
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Random Character #2 - Malc [2 Missions] (1080p)"
by GTA Series Videos
V.23.a First encounter
Have Johnny go to Malc who's fixing or tuning up his 'cycle on the north side
of a nameless St. west of the northwest curve of Frankfort Ave., Northwood,
north Algonquin.
Malc is upset because DeSean hasn't shown up to roll with him as he was sup-
posed to. Malc can't tune up his bike on his own. Johnny agrees to help Malc
find DeSean.
There's a Bati 800 at the curb nearby.
Have Johnny follow Malc to the east side of Galveston Ave. north of Iron St.,
southwest Algonquin. On the way, DeSean calls Malc and says he's been shot.
Johnny asks Malc if he's ever been shot in a race. (How Johnny correctly
guessed it was in a race, I don't know. Maybe he could overhear DeSean on the
phone but we can't in the game or racing is something DeSean does all the time.)
Once they get to DeSean he says he's only been grazed but in a race that was
only supposed to use Baseball bats. Johnny suggests they hit them right back.
DeSean leads Johnny and Malc to the bikers that shot him.
Have Johnny follow DeSean with Malc to a lot on the north side of Kunzite St.
at Union Drive West. On the way, DeSean says he only got a few pellets of a
shotgun in his arm.
There are seven or eight cheating bikers in basically two groups. Each group
is by an exploding barrel so have Johnny shoot those and pick off any that re-
main with his Assault shotgun or Carbine rifle.
DeSean says they hit one out of the park for fair play.
Johnny gets $500.
Capt. Michael Klebitz sends an Email--you're a disrespectful sh*t to me and
my country and a rat who'd only die for drugs and money. Look after yourself.
If you have Johnny respond he writes I love you, too. Take strong medication to
deal with the fact you've lost your mind.
About a week of game days later the male icon for the second encounter with
Malc appears on the radar/in-game map.
V.23.b Second encounter
Malc is working on his bike again on the north side of Frankfort Ave. west of
Exeter Ave., Northwood, north Algonquin.
Malc challenges Johnny to a bike race. Have him follow Malc to the meet--the
Park Circuit race that was used in the Algonquin Bike Races (V.2.b). It starts
on Exeter Ave. south of Xenotime St. Again, Johnny gets a Baseall bat to use to
knock others racers off their bikes.
If Johnny wins Malc says Johnny was lucky but Johnny says it was pure skill.
Johnny gets $3,250 if he finishes first if he finished first for all the Bike
Races and less if he didn't. You don't have to have him finish first to pass
the mission.
V.24 Roman's Holiday
The title refers to the 1953 movie "Roman Holiday."
Have Johnny go to Ashley's place on the east side of Babbage Dr. south of
Farnsworth Rd., Acter, Alderney.
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Mission #18 - Roman's Holiday (1080p)" by GTA Ser-
ies Videos
Two of Dmitri's gangsters need Johnny to kidnap a guy or Ashley, who owes Dmi-
tri drug money, will be killed. Johnny has to deliver him to a warehouse on
Lompoc Ave. The victim's name is Roman Bellic.
Have Johnny pick up Malc and use a Presidente to park at the alley entrance on
the south side of Dillon St. east of Tuscarora Ave., Schottler, Broker.
Johnny and Malc kidnap Roman and put him in the back of the car.
Have Johnny drive to a warehouse lot at the southeast corner of Lompoc Ave.,
Industrial, Bohan. (Malc likes it if Johnny drives fast.) On the way, Johnny
and Malc tease Roman about the wimpering to be let go he makes through the gag
in his mouth. (You might play it twice to hear all the dialogue.)
If you stop for whatever reason along the way, Roman gets out of the car and
runs. If that happens have Johnny run after Roman (who doesn't run fast) and
target him (RMB) with a weapon. Roman will hold up his hands in surrender.
Have Johnny direct him back to the car and Roman will get back into it. Hitting
Roman--lightly--with the car will do the trick, too. Once Roman is back in the
car Malc makes sure Roman won't try to escape again.
"TLaD - Roman's Holiday (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
That isn't hard to do but you can skip it by having Johnny drive directly to
the warehouse and calling the phone number Johnny recieved after "Heavy Toll" in
a text message from Elizabeta Torres for Bellic Enterprises: 555-2222. Johnny
tells Roman, who pretends he's someone else, he has two college coeds who need a
limo and heard Roman was the man for the job. Roman says he'll try to send Ro-
man there as soon as possible. Roman arrives in one of his taxis and is kid-
napped in a cutscene. Have Johnny drive Roman's Taxi into the marker.
Johnny tells Dmitri's armed man to go easy on Roman. The man takes Roman into
the warehouse. (Roman is rescued by Niko in "Hostile Negotiation" in "IV.")
Johnny calls Ashley and tells her those Russians have got their guy but she
has to control herself. She agrees and says the best thing about this is John-
ny and asks him to call.
Ashley calls--go to Drusilla's to meet Ray who needs help.
Ray Boccino's missions
V.25 Diamonds in the Rough
"TLaD - Diamonds in the Rough (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Have Johnny go to Drusilla's restaurant on the east side of Denver Ave. south
of Feldspar St.
Ashley, in front of Drusilla's, says she needs Johnny to do something--see Ray
who's inside. At the bar, Ray says he knows about a couple million in diamonds
bought by wiseguys, from wiseguys, for wiseguys (himself).
(Briefly, a cook stole the diamonds from Ray Bulgarin. Rocco Pelosi has Tony
and Luis buy the diamonds from the cook so that he could sell them back to Ray
at a profit. But Ray Boccino wants Johnny to steal the diamonds to sell to Mori
and Isaac later.)
"The GTA Diamonds - full story" by whatever57010
Ray wants Johnny to steal the diamonds from Gay Tony (Prince) and warns John-
ny: "Don't get too clever."
Johnny calls Jim for some help in Broker. Jim says he'll send The Lost.
Have Johnny drive to the west end of the Broker Bridge where five members of The
Lost are waiting, call Terry or Clay to have them arrive with two others for
backup, then lead them all to a lot at the south end of the semi-loop of name-
less road around the red dot for the Broker Navy Yard on the paper map.
Gay Tony, accompanied by Tony's boyfriend Evan Moss and Luis, pays the cook
for the diamonds and Luis notices the approach of The Lost. There's a shoot out
and Luis directs Evan to take the diamonds to the club (Maisonette 9).
Evan flees in a Stretch accompanied by an Oracle. Johnny directs some of The
Lost to chase Tony and Luis (the TBoGT mission "Frosting on the Cake") while
Johnny leads Terry and Clay to help him driveby Evan's vehicles which go back
across the Broker Bridge then randomly around Algonquin. Have Johnny shoot at
the cars, notably the rear wheel wells, to blow them up and shoot at the occu-
pants of them. There will likely be notable obstructions caused by traffic on
the way. Have Johnny kill Evan Moss, if he didn't already die from the destruc-
tion of the Stretch, and Evan leaves a pickup for the diamonds. Have Johnny get
the diamonds.
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Mission #19 - Diamonds in the Rough (1080p)" by
GTA Series Videos
Johnny calls Ray who tells him to leave half of the diamonds in a trash bag on
Hematite St. and half in a trash bag on Emerald St. for his boys to pick up lat-
er (the "IV" mission "Taking in the Trash"). Just have Johnny drive near the
bags--actually a pair at each spot--and the game puts the diamonds in them. One
pair is on the north side of Emerald St. east of Albany Ave. and the other pair
is on the north side of Hematite St. east of Frankfort Ave.
Johnny calls Ashley. She says Ray needs to sell the diamonds before Johnny
gets his cut. She says she loves him--he says not enough.
Ray calls to tell Johnny to work for his money--go to the Libertonian to sell
the diamonds.
You can have Johnny call Angus. Johnny says Ashley got him involved with a
Mafia guy. Angus warns him to watch out for himself--that mobster's cold as
V.26 Collector's Item
Have Johnny go to the north entrance of the Libertonian which is on the west
side of Columbus Ave. south of Quartz St., Algonquin. On the way, have Johnny
call Terry or Clay to have them both arrive for backup.
This misson is seen from Niko's point of view as "Museum Piece" in "IV" and
from Luis' point of view as "Not So Fast" in TBoGT.
Have Niko go through the markers to go south through the Libertonian and meet
Niko at the goods entrance.
Johnny and Niko meet Mori, Isaac, and a couple members of the Jewish mob.
Isaac shows Johnny and Niko the money and Niko shows Mori the diamonds. Luis
shoots Mori from an upstairs window. A gangster tries to shoot Luis but Luis
shoots him first and the group scatters.
Have Johnny go north shooting at attackers ahead and to the east. (You might
see Niko going south if you quickly have Johnny look down to the first floor.)
At the north end of the room have Johnny go counter-clockwise through a smaller
room to the stairs and go down them. There's Armor on a stand near the bottom
of the stairs. (According to gtawikia.com you should have Johnny walk down the
stairs if you want to see the bodies left by Niko--they disappear if you have
Johnny jump down the stairs.)
Have Johnny go left to go through a door (where there's a yellow marker and a
blip on the radar), go downstairs and shoot an attacker in a small room, and go
through the door of the north exit (where there's a yellow marker and a blip on
the radar).
Have Johnny use the Rocket launcher on the cars of the Mafia attackers beyond
the exit while careful not to destroy his 'cycle. Have him driveby one or two
Mafia members' PMP 600s which flee then get rid of any wanted rating he may
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Mission #20 - Collector's Item (1080p)" by GTA
Series Videos
Johnny calls Jim--Johnny says he needs to give Jim something. Jim says he's
on Exeter on V.
Have Johnny go to Jim who's in an alley bordered by Exeter Ave., Denver Ave.,
Vauxite St., and Uranium St.
Johnny gives Jim the money. (The biker next to Jim is the "IV" version of
Johnny gets $10,000.
Johnny calls Ray who says Nicky (Niko) said Johnny got the money--Ray tells
Johnny to bring it to Ray. Johnny says he doesn't know what happened to it--he
just wanted to get out with his life. Ray warns him he better not be pulling
anything "or I'll start pulling teeth."
A Liberty tree website article says Evan Moss was found dead in Broker, he was
rumored to have hooked Tony Prince, and the LCPD are looking for a group of men
wearing tight black leather.
Jim sends a text message--meet him at Ray's.
V.27 Was It Worth It?
This mission happens during the "IV" mission "No Way on the Subway."
Have Johnny go to Drusilla's to meet Ray.
Ray tells Johnny "I told you not to get too f**king clever" and directs him at
gunpoint to the cellar where a mobster tortures Jim with a soldering torch. Jim
won't talk and neither will Johnny so Ray hits Johnny on the head with the butt
of his handgun. Jim cuts his hands free with a utiity knife and holds it at the
throat of his torturer then Johnny kicks the gun from Ray's hand. Jim cuts his
torturer's throat as Jim and Johnny go upstairs. As they run from Drusills'a
Johnny says he's going to Ashley and Jim says he's going to get the brothers
(The Lost).
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Mission #21 - Was It Worth It? (1080p)" by GTA
Series Videos
Have Johnny follow the GPS route. When Johnny gets to around Roebuck Rd. in
Alderney Ashley calls to say Ray sent some men after Johnny. Four red blips,
each representing a PMP 600 with four Mafia attackers, appear on the radar/in-
game map. Johnny tells Ashley to meet him at the clubhouse.
(Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip that you can consider the following period
a wanted rating exploit although you have to have Johnny avoid the Mafia.)
Jim sends Johnny a text reminding him that he can call Terry or Clay to have
both arrive for backup.
I didn't have Johnny use backup. I had him go south on Roebuck Rd. and use
the Assault shotgun to blow up the nearest PMP 600, kill mobsters, then do the
same with the other three cars of mobsters which come to the area individually.
Ray's men leave a lot of money when killed.
If Johnny calls Terry or Clay for backup they help Johnny create an ambush at
the northwest bend of Kenickie Ave. Let them get there first so they climb to
the roof of the MARKUP TIRE SHOP for a safer shooting spot which you can have
Johnny use as well.
If you use Robert Rusk's tip to have the shoot out on the roof of the club-
house have Johnny take a Taxi there.
"TLaD - Was it worth it? (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Have Johnny go to the clubhouse. Ashley apologizes and implies Jim's dead.
She says Billy tried to poison Ray against Johnny and now Billy s going to go
(turn) state's (evidence) and blame Johnny. She suggests that congressman
(Stubbs) might help.
Stubbs calls--he'll come tot he clubhouse and adds "I drink single malt" (a
"whisky made at one particular distillery from a mash that uses only malted
grain, ordinarily barley"--Wikipedia).
Thomas Stubbs III's missions cont.
V.28 Get Lost
Have Johnny go to the clubhouse.
Inside, Stubbs tells Johnny not to worry about Ray. He and his gang will be
dead or in jail in a month or so--stay away from him. But Billy thinks he can
pin a major drug dealing operation on Jim for a Witness Protection Program. Jim
says a problem with doing anything about Billy is that Billy is in prison.
Stubbs says Johnny will figure something out and tells him to call if he gets in
trouble: "I told you--I was good for a favor.".
Have Johnny drive into the marker on Grenadier St. south of Praetorian Ave.
Johnny calls Terry and tells him to bring Clay and the rest of The Lost to Al-
derney State Correctional Facility in east Acter Industrial Park, southeast Al-
Terry arrives in his Gun Van. You can have Johnny use it as usual except this
time it's for free since it's being used for the club.
Have Johnny blow a hole in the big prison entrance doors with a Grenade
launcher, Grenade, Pipe bomb, or Rocket launcher.
Johnny tells Terry and Clay to join him and tells the rest of The Lost to hold
the gate. Have Johnny fight his way clockwise to the other side of the nearest
prison building killing three waves of about eight shooting guards each. One
guard of the second wave is on the roof by the water tower. Have Johnny go into
the yellow marker.
A couple Annihilators of re-enforcements arrive for the law enforcers. This
last wave includes two law enforcers on catwalks and one on the guard tower be-
tween them. As they die a group of about five join them from the east.
A good shooting spot is the top of the stairs to the east. (Thanks to what-
"TLaD - Get Lost (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
"GTA: The Lost and Damned - Ending / Final Mission - Get Lost (1080p)" by GTA
Series Videos
After killing the guards a red blip appears on the radar/in-game map for Billy
to the south. Have Johnny go to Billy. You can have Johnny perform an execu-
tion on him. Compared to "IV" which requires a Pistol for that I had Johnny do
it with an Automatic 9mm.
Have Johnny follow Terry and Clay out of the prison grounds then lead The Lost
to the clubhouse. Johnny says Jim was princely but the clubhouse just repre-
sents BS now.
Johnny talks with Terry, Angus, and Clay then has Terry torch the place.
While clips are shown of the "camera" panning the scenery for the end credits
you see re-enactments of scenes from "IV" and TLaD.
Johnny gets $7,000. You get the Easy Rider Achievement.
Johnny appears in front of his only save place (previously Brian's place). He
can still call Terry's Gun Van.
You can have Johnny call Stubbs. He says the club is over due to what hap-
pened. Stubbs says Johnny has medievel principles and Johnny says he wouldn't
want to stab people in the back to get ahead which is why he didn't become a
You can have Johnny call Ashley. She says she didn't think she'd hear from
him again. He says Billy's dead--she says she knew. She asks for $40 but John-
ny says she can "kill herself on her own."
You can have Johnny call Angus. Johnny says the club is dead. He says he'll
keep sending money to Jim's wife and kids--Angus adds we all owe her that.
Johnny says otherwise he'll probably cut his ties and that he finally cut Ashley
loose in his head. He says Angus has been a good friend and Angus says Johnny
is a good man.
The Liberty Tree web site has an article saying The Lost were in a fight in
the subway between Algonquin and Dukes. Two bodies were recovered--on was Jim
Fitzgerald. The article is echoed on Weazel News.
The Liberty Tree web site has an article sbout the murderous incident at Al-
derney State.
Ashley sends an Email--she's entered rehab. If you have Johnny respond he
wishes her good luck and adds please stay the f**k away from me.
Ashley sends an Email--she loves Johny and wants to borrow money. If you have
him respond he writes wishing her good luck but tells her not to contact him
Angus sends an Email--its time to move on and end the charade that their group
meant anything. Do it for Jim. If you have Johnny respond he writea that I
miss Jim. The real deal. The man we all wanted to be.
A glitch lets Johnny enter the ruined clubhouse. Have him use the fire escape
to get on the roof and go to about the middle of the north side so a screen
prompt appears to allow Johnny to watch television. Press the key to watch
television then press it again to stop. Johnny will be in the clubhouse but he
can't leave unless he dies or you exit the game.
Johnny can watch TV and play pool but hi-lo card games and arm wrestling
aren't available. If you have Johnny walk around the front entrance near the
bar where there's usually a lot of people it's empty but Johnny still does the
pushing animation and says stuff. In the PC version there are members at the
Clubhouse and the Internet and QUB3D game work.
You could also just use the Simple Trainer Airbreak function as a Noclip func-
tion to have Johnny (or Luis) enter and exit the ruined clubhouse.
V.29 100% Completion Score
Complete 22 storyline missions ("Clean and Serene" to "Get Lost")
Kill 50 seagulls
Win a game of arm wrestling, pool, darts, and air hockey against anyone
(Terry, Clay, or a ped)
Bring Terry Thorpe and Clay Simons to these friendship activities--air hockey
(win or lose), darts (win or lose), pool (win or lose), drinking, eating,
comedy club (Split Sides), and a strip club
(You can have Johnny go into the marker at Perestroika but no act will ap-
Complete 12 Bike Races
Complete 25 Gang Wars
Complete the encounters with 2 Random Characters
Dave Grossman--1 encounter
Malc--two encounters
(You don't need to do the encounter with Brian)
Complete 10 Angus' Bike Thefts
Complete 5 Stubbs' Dirty Laundry jobs
V.30 Conclusion
Johnny has unlimited ammo for weapons but the ammo counts go back down to the
usual limits after saving a game.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip that Johnny, Ashley, and the rest of The
Lost move to Blaine County, San Andreas, in "V" but things don't end well for
The Ballad of Gay Tony
Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony
VI The missions
VI.1 "The Ballad of Gay Tony" mission tree and storyline choices
Mission tree for TBoGT
Robert Rusk walk-through
"IV," TLaD, and TBoGT take place in 2008 with some songs indicating that
TBoGT possibly extends into 2009.
VI.2 In the Beginning.... (cutscene intro)
The cutscene starts with Luis' scene in the heist of the Bank of Liberty seen
in "Three Leaf Clover" in "IV."
Luis Fernando Lopez: Mario D'Leon Mario played Keys Reddick in nine 2009 epi-
sodes of the TV soap opera "One Life to Live," a Somalian Boat Captain in two
2010 episodes of the TV series "Law & Order: Criminal Intent," Vix Top Gun in a
2010 episode of the TV series "The Onion News Network," El Diablo's Entourage/
Boxer in the unaired pilot and a 2011 episode of the TV series "Lights Out,"
Mooney Thug and Underling in three 2014 episodes of the TV series "Gotham," and
a Bodyguard in a 2014 episode of the TV series "White Collar." He's also done
stunts for a lot of shows and the game "San Andreas," 2004.
Eugene Reaper: Michael Ray Bower Michael played Eddie 'Donkeylips' Gelfen in
the 1991-1992 TV series "Salute Your Shorts," played Lo-Fat in a 2010 episode of
the TV series "The X-Files," supplied a local population voice for the 2010 game
"Red Dead Redemption," provided Additional Voices for the 2011 game "Star Wars:
The Old Republic," and played Barry in a 2014 episode of the TV series "Tim and
Eric's Bedtime Stories." He's also been a writer, executive producer, director,
and star of the 2012, etc., Internet series "Focus the Series."
Patrick "Packie" McReary: Ryan Johnston Ryan played Frankie Desmopoulis in
the play "Flags" by Jane Martin (Odyssey Theatre Ensemble, Los Angeles, CA),
played Jonathan Miller in the TV show "The District," 2002, supplied the voice
of Shadow Wolf for the 2010 Rockstar San Diego game "Red Dead Redemption," and
supplied the voice of Packie again for "Grand Theft Auto V," 2013. He was also
an associate producer for the 2014 documentary "Print the Legend."
Derrick McReary: George Feaster George was in the movie "Surviving Desire,"
1991, played Jeff Morris/1999 and Johnny Fagan/2004 in the TV series "Law & Or-
der," played Alonso Hearne/2011 in the TV series "Law & Order: Special Victims
Unit," and appeared as himself in the documentary "Misfire: The Rise and Fall
of the Shooting Gallery," 2013, etc.
Michael Keane: Pete O'Connor Pete played Justin in "The Birds and the Bees,"
2001, and played Mark in "Jailbait," a play by Deirdre O'Connor (Cherry Pit
Theater, NYC), March 2009. He plays Michael--an associate of the McReary
Niko Bellic ("IV") and Johnny Klebitz (TLaD) are seen as Luis walks through
"TBoGT - I Luv LC (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Tony Prince's missions
VI.3 I Luv LC
Tony Prince: David Kenner who uses the stage name D.B. Cooper. David/D. B.
played in the short "Follow the Leader," 2011. He's also uncredited for supply-
ing a voice for "IV" and TLaD.
Wikipedia: "D. B. Cooper is a media epithet popularly used to refer to an un-
identified man who hijacked a Boeing 727 aircraft in the airspace between Port-
land, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington, on November 24, 1971, extorted $200,000
in ransom (equivalent to $1,160,000 in 2015), and parachuted to an uncertain
Vince Pelosi: John Tormey John supplied the voice of Vincenzo in the game
"Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven," 2002 (I wrote a walk-through for that), played
Frank in a 2002 episode of the TV series "Third Watch," Herbert Dinkleman in the
short "Dog Eat Dog," 2005, supplied the voice of Harrison for the game "The War-
riors," 2005, etc.
Rocco Pelosi: Greg Siff Greg played Romeo in a 1997 episode of the TV series
"Late Night with Conan O'Brien," played Tony in a 2001 episode of the TV series
"The Andy Dick Show," played Eric's Fan for a 2002 episode of the TV series
"Saturday Night Live," appeared as himself for the short "Sequential Paint,"
2010, wrote, directed, produced, and played the Artist for the short "Kissing,
Lying, Crying," 2013, and supplies the voice of Rocco again in "V."
Troy: Robert Bogue Robert played Jason Cramer in five 1999-2000 episodes of
the TV series "Oz," played Ed Restuccia in a 2001 episode of the TV series
"The Sopranos," supplied the voice of Red Harlow for the game "Red Dead Revolv-
er," 2004, and "Red Dead Redemption," 2010, and supplies the voice of Steve
Haines for the GTA game "V."
Dessie: Wilhelm Lewis Wilhelm supplied the voice of a ped for the GTA game
"San Andreas," 2004, The Dealers for the game "The Warriors," 2005, Karl Brant-
ing for the game "Bully," 2006, and played the Head Wedding Photographer in
"American Gangster," 2007.
Henrique Bardas: J. Salome Martinez Jr. Salome played Cpl. Jeffrey 'Dirty
Earl' Carisalez in seven 2008 episodes of the TV series "Generation Kill," the
Gang Unit Detective in a 2012 episode of the TV series "Chicago Fire," etc.
Armando Torres: Jaime Fernandez
Luis Lopez, our protagonist and bouncer, and his boss, club manager Tony "Gay
Tony" Prince, are held up for back payment for a loan by two Ancellotti Mafia
mobsters--Vince and Rocco Pelosi--in Tony's apartment.
Have Luis use Tony's Schafter to drive him from his apartment over Ranch on
the north side of Feldspar St. west of Columbus Ave., Little Italy, Algonquin,
to one of his two clubs, Hercules, which is on the east side of Galveston Ave.
south of Lorimar St., Westminster, Algonquin.
Tony talks to the doorman Troy about a very important client (possibly Clay
Have Luis drive Tony to his other club, Maisonette 9, which is on the west
side of Galveston Ave. north of Jade St., Westminster, Algonquin.
Tony tells Luis to work the floor. We're introduced to several of the activi-
tie of the club (covered below). Luis has $500 and a Combat pistol.
Tony calls Luis to tell him to help with a problem at the door. The doorman
Dessie won't let Luis' friends Henrique Bardas and Armando Torres in the club
because they aren't dressed good enough. Luis tells Dessie to go inside and
handles it himself. Tony goes by and agrees that Henrique and Armando aren't
dressed good enough to enter the club.
Dress code, etc.:
Have Luis drive Henrique and Armando to the Heights on the west side of Ves-
pucci Circus north of Xenotime St., Northwood, north Algonquin. On the way we
learn that Luis had been in prison for dealing drugs and Henrique and Armandos
don't think they can aspire to better than doing crime jobs for Luis. After
you have Luis drop them off he calls them "mama huevos" which is a derogatory
Spanish term for homosexuals.
Have Luis drive to his apartment on the east side of Galveston Ave. south of
Wardite St., North Holland, Algonquin. It has a parking space, TV, wardrobe
closet, and a bed for saving games.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Intro & Mission #1 - I luv LC [100%] (1080p)"
by GTA Series Videos
"TBoGT - I Luv LC (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
You see your score for various aspects of the mission on the screen (see
VI.4). For 100% in this mission you need:
Mission completed in 4:30 or less
Luis has 0% damage
Luis' vehicle has less than 10% damage
Luis likes the Electro-Choc radio station in a Taxi.
Just because I don't know where else to list this:
Hotdog Vendor: Franceska Clemens Franceska also supplied the voice of Other V
Rock Voice/Commercial Voice for the 2006 game "Vice City Stories," Ms. Rushin-
ski, Asylum Inmate for the 2006 game "Bully," Pawns of the Project for the 2007
game "Manhunt 2," Pedestrian/Background Character "Red Dead Redemption," etc.
He also contributed Pedestrian and Cutscene Dialogue for TBoGT.
Luis calls Tony who says the clubs go smoother with Luis' help.
Tony sends a text message to meet him at his apartment or at Maisonette 9 de-
pending on the time of day.
Later an icon of a home with an M appears on the radar/in-game map for Momma's
VI.4 100% Score
Thanks to Robert Rusk for most of the information below.
At the end of each mission you see your score for Mission Replays, Time, Play-
er Damage, Accuracy, and Headshots. Press Enter to see the target scores.
In your initial play-through you might just focus on passing a mission as for
previous GTAs. But after completing the main story missions you can have Luis
use his phone, select "Missions," choose one to repeat, and try to improve your
score. You can focus on getting 100% for a specific requirement and it will
stand while you work on another. A requirement will be marked as a new record
or checked off in green if you've attained 100% for it. You might consider this
a reward that adds to the replayability of the game.
Scoring high for these aspects isn't a requirement for getting 100%. When you
get 80% or higher for each mission you get the "Past the Velvet Rope" Achieve-
ment and when you get 100% for all of them you get the "Gold Star" Achievement.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony All Missions 100% - Full Game Walkthrough (HD)"
by ThirstyHyena
VI.4.a Mission Replays
After the last main mission, "Departure Time," you can have Luis bring up his
phone, go to Mission, and select a mission--your current score is shown. By
that time you can take advantage of better weapons and unlimited ammo. Luis'
current weapons and ammo are used. You don't get his current vehicle and don't
have him use a Taxi since it voids the effort.
Luis starts after the first cutscene with full Armor and Health. In most mis-
sions you hear one of the dialogue possibilities as you have Luis drive to his
your destination until after a few play-throughs.
VI.4.b Time
Every mission is timed. Since you can focus on this alone you might have Luis
use the most powerful weapons, even explosive weapons, and drive faster than
usual. The GPS routes suggested obey one way street rules, don't consider al-
leys, etc., so pause the game to look at the map and use shortcuts.
Robert Rusk recommends this shortcut to have Luis go from Algonquin to the
BOABO area (or back if you do this in reverse). Have Luis go east across the
southern stretch of the East Borough Bridge, go right at the Liberty Rock Radio
billboard to go down a grassy slope to Valley Forge Ave./Hooper St., go south on
Valley Forge Ave. past Stone St., and continue ahead through the gap in a brick
wall toward the Creek St Diner to get onto Creek St.
"GTA 4 The Ballad of Gay Tony | Speedrun 2:03:16" by Joi zi
"GTA4 The Ballad of Gay Tony Speedrun (1:48:57). Part 1" by MSuraev
VI.4.c Player Damage
Make sure Luis has full Health by the end of a mission. Protect his Health
with Armor and boost his Health to 100% before ending the mission.
VI.4.d Accuracy
Make sure Luis hits an enemy anywhere on their body with 100% of his shots.
Having him kill an enemy with explosive weapons or by blowing up their vehicle
doesn't count so brings down your percentage but it counts if the enemy causes
the explosion.
VI.4.e Headshots
Some missions require Luis to use headshots. Have him use the Carbine rifle
or Advanced MG.
VII Preliminaries for TBoGT
VII.1 Save places and parking spaces for TBoGT
Luis can also save vehicles at any of the parking spaces provided by "IV" and
On the west side of Mohawk Ave. south of Bart St., Hove Beach, Broker (Niko's
first place)
On the east side of Joliet Ave. north of Rocket St., South Bohan (Malorie's
cousin's place
On Albany Ave. near the intersection with Pyrite St., Middle Park East, Algon-
quin (Roman's second place)
On the south side of Mahesh Ave. west of Rand Ave., Alderney City (Ray Bocci-
no's apartment)
On the south side of Xenotime St. east of Galveston Ave., Northwood, Algonquin
(Playboy X's place)
On the south side of Berners Rd. between Aspin Dr. and Vitullo Ave. (The Lost
Clubhouse from TLaD), Acter, Alderney.
On the north side of Emery St. west of the west end of Tinderbox Ave., south
Tudor, Alderney, (the place taken from Brian in TLaD).
VII.2 Cell phone
This works the same as for "IV" and TLaD. In TBoGT you have Luis call one of
his two friends, choose Hang Out, then pick from activity locations on the ra-
dar/in-game map for the three o them instead of picking an activity on the
phone. There isn't a friend (like Roman or Angus) you have Luis call regularly
to keep up on their outlooks on missions and other characters of the game.
VII.3 Internet
This works the same as for "IV" and TLaD. As with those, have the protagonist
respond to Emails regularly, and check stories on news sites, to learn more
about him and other characters of the game.
VII.4 50 Seagulls TLaD
Killing 50 Seagulls adds to 100% completion and the Innovation motorcycle ap-
pears at the Clubhouse by the side door.
They glow red and squawk. You can't kill them with Fist or a melee weapon.
Thanks to Rusk for recommending using the Drug Wars as wanted rating exploits
as a time to do this without causing a wanted rating. Use the Stash or Stickup
scenarios. Let Armando and Henrique be killed then kill everybody else and take
the Stash. Once on another island any pursuit will stop.
On PC, you could also use the Simple Trainer (turn off the wanted system,
teleport to Seagulls, etc.).
50 Seagulls
1. It's on a rock on the beach just northwest of the most eastern projection
of coast (the tall rock with someone doing Tai Chi) of Alderney, east Westdyke.
2. It's on a rock by the south side of the base of the square plaza entered
from the southern of two driveways on the north side of Manzano Rd. west of Long
John Ave., west Leftwood.
3. It's on the roof of the parking lot attendant shed on the east side of Bab-
bage Dr. south of Fleming St., east Berchem.
4. It's on a big rusty tee pipe fitting with a valve in an area with two tall
tanks and a low brick wall around them inside the west curve of Toggle Ave.,
northeast Acter Industrial Park.
Happiness Island, Algonquin, Colony Island
5. It's on a round wood post at the southern dock of the pier at the northwest
side of Happiness Island.
6. It's on an overhead beam of the southern partial roof over the road indi-
cated on the radar/maps by a 90 degree angled grey area on the most southern
projection of land with piers on the west coast of Algonquin. Going southwest
from the yellow and black post under the northeast end of the roof, the pigeon
is above the area between the 3rd and 4th posts in The Exchange near the border
of Castle Garden City.
7. It's on the ground of a Castle Garden City plaza at the northeast side of
the inlet of piers north of Seagull 6. The cul de sac at the south curve of
Castle Dr. points at the gull.
8. It's on the lawn south of the intersection of South Parkway and Albany
Ave., Castle Gardens.
9. It's on a mooring bollard at the coast of Castle Gardens south of the pro-
jection of land used for Higgins Helitours.
10. It's on a handrail of the western of the two sets of steps on the south
side of the Pier 45 mall indicated on the radar/maps by a "#" marking on the
projection of land at the coast of Fishmarket South.
11. It's on overhead beam in front of the entrance doors of the EE building at
north Barium St./east Columbus Ave., The Exchange.
12. It's near the second floor of a building on scaffolding on south Diamond
St. at east Bismarck Ave., Chinatown.
13. It's head high on the base of Roman columns on the north side of Bridge
Lane South at Albany Ave., Chinatown.
14. It's on the roof of the blue parking lot attendant shed on the south side
of Emerald St. south of the south end of Luddite Row, Chinatown.
15. It's at the edge of the roof of FUDZ'S on the west side of Luddite Row
just south of Garnet St., Lower Easton.
16. It's on the porch roof of the Lopez Food Center on the corner of north Em-
erald St./east Bismarck Ave., Chinatown.
17. It's on the sidewalk by a door between the Italian FOOD CENTER and the
Risorate on the west side of Brown Pl. just south of Feldspar St., Little Italy.
18. It's on the east edge of the low planter used as a lane divider in the
middle of Garnet St. on the west side of Frankfort Ave., Suffolk.
19. It's on the sidewalk by a support column for an abandoned elevated subway
track on the north side of Hematite St. east of Galveston Ave., The Meat Center.
20. On the guard rail at the southeast corner of the observation deck of Rot-
terdam Tower. Enter it on the west side of Denver-Exeter Ave. south of Hematite
St., The Triangle.
21. Same as 20 except it's on the south guard rail.
22. It's on the sidewalk of east Columbus Ave. north of Garnet St. south of Al
Dente's, The Triangle.
23. It's on the tone rail at the far edge of the sidewalk on the south side of
Hematite St. where it crosses over Union Drive East, Presidents City.
24. It's on the lawn near the coast east of the north edge of the big aban-
doned building that's on the south side of Colony Island.
25. It's in the blocked of area with big green pipes north of the east end of
the nameless east-west grey brick street in the middle of Colony Island.
26. It's on the low wall around the big statue of the upper half of Neptune on
the south side of Jade St. at Columbus Ave., Easton.
27. It's near the west end of the first alley south of Jade St. on the east
side of Galveston Ave., Westminster. The alley is across the street from Mai-
sonette 9.
28. It's on a sheet metal fence atop a guard wall on the outside of the side-
walk on the east side of Galveston Ave. south of Lorimar St, Westminster.
30. It's on the edge of the south side of the upper roof of the little news-
stand building on the north side of Manganese St. east of Denver-Exeter Ave.,
Star Junction.
31. It's on the guard rail at the east side of Galveston Ave. where it crosses
over Nickel St., Middle Park West.
32. It's on the east end of the catwalk of the TWINS billboard at the west
side of Union Drive West west of the south block of West Way, Middle Park West.
33. It's on the coastal walkway east of Union Drive East a bit north of Obsid-
ian St., Middle Park East.
34. It's on the stone guard wall at the top of the steps on the west side of
the north-south path that runs south from the ped tunnel below the east end of
the Quartz St. bridge and it's west of the Libertonian Museum, Middle Park.
35. It's on the low stone park wall at the east side of Frankfort Ave. at the
east side of Frankfort Ave. at the south side of Quartz St., Middle Park.
36. It's on the lawn just west of the low stone park wall on the west side of
Columbus Ave. south of Topaz St., Middle Park.
37. It's on the edge of the roof of a one story section of a building which,
on either side of the section, has a six stories of offices. It's on the east
side of Ivy Drive South north of Ruby St., Varsity Heights.
38. It's on the hand rail of the bottom level of a fire escape on the north
side of Uranium St.--the first fire escape east of Frankfort Ave., North Hol-
39. It's at the entrance of an alley a bit east of 33.
40. It's on the stone guard wall at the west side of the eastern north-south
lane of Frankfort Ave. north Uranium St., North Holland.
41. It's on the south end of the coast of the roof over the sliding boards
east of the intersection of Vespucci Circus and Xenotime St., Northwood.
42. It's on the hand rail of the bottom level of a fire escape in the alley at
the bottom of the steps on the south side of Xenotime St. west of Frankfort
Ave., Northwood.
43. It's on the manhole cover in the center of a low round concrete structure
attacvhed to a lower rectangular one south of the most northern stretch of Grum-
mer Rd., Northwood.
Bohan, Charge Island, Dukes, Broker
44. It's on the tall beige guard wall on the east side of Attica Ave. east of
the east end of Lotus St., Industrial.
45. It's on the low sidewalk railing at the eastern part of the north side of
the northern east-west stretch of the East Borough Bridge.
46. It's at the east entrance to the second, north to south, alley indicated
on the radar/maps on the west side of Ticanderoga Ave. south of Franklin St.,
47. It's between the pitcher's mound and the home plate area of the baseball
field south of the northern curve of the Broker-Dukes Expressway and west of the
northern curve of the Meadows Park road that goes north from the north end of
Stillwater Ave., Meadows Park.
48. It's on the northeast rim of the Monoglobe south of Middleton Ln., Meadows
49. It's at the east edge of the roof of the Creek St Diner at the south side
of Creek St. and west side of Chicory St., Boabo.
50. It's on a horizontal guard rail girder along the north side of the east
end of the Broker Bridge a bit east of where it crosses over Iroquois Ave., Hove
VII.5 Club activities
Activities available at Tony's clubs Hercules and/or Maisonette 9.
(Thanks to Robert Rusk for much of the information in this section.)
Maisonette 9 is on the west side of Galveston Ave. by Jade St., Westminster,
It's open from 21:00 to 7:00.
Hercules is on the east side of Galveston Ave. south of Lorimar St., Westmin-
ster, Algonquin.
It's always open.
The locations are also indicated on your paper map.
VII.5.a Dancing
Send Luis onto the dance floor at Hercules or Maisonette 9 and enter the
Press F for instructions.
Press Left Shift to start dancing.
Press E to exit.
Fill the dance meter--the line that encircles the throbbing round subwoofer
speaker in the lower left corner of the screen. The speaker throbs in time to
the music.
You fill the meter by making a blue line grow in it by pressing W, S, A, or D
(pick one--I use W) in time to the music when DANCE is shown on the speaker and
by making a red line grow in the meter by holding W, S, A, or D (I use W) and
tapping the LMB or RMB (I use the LMB) in time to the music when HOLD is shown
on the speaker. A countdown is shown on the speaker during HOLD. This alter-
nates between DANCE and HOLD (which is faster) till the meter is filled.
When the meter is more than a quarter full Luis is joined by a female dancer.
Have Luis complete a dance at Maisonette 9, Hercules, and, during "Boulevard
Baby," Bahama Mama's for 100% Completion.
VII.5.b The Bus Stop
For having Luis dance correctly in Hercules or Maisonette 9 you can have Luis
lead a group dance as a quick time event. (If it's incorrect you may get Booty
Call--see VII.5.c.)
The group dance in Maisonette 9 is to "Boogie 2nite" by Booty Luv.
D A D A A D S v > S W D >
^ D A W ^ < W S A < v
The group dance in Hercules is to the song "(Are You Ready) Do The Bus Stop"
by The Fatback Band.
W S A D v ^ v v ^ A D A D
> < > > < S W S A
^ v ^ ^ v D A W S < > <
< >
Complete the Bus Stop at Hercules and Maisonette 9 for the "Catch the Bus"
Achievement. This isn't required for 100% completion.
VII.5.c Booty Call
Have Luis go to Maisonette 9 and dance correctly (see VII.5.a) when his fe-
male dance partner faces him. Once Luis dances behind her prevent the Bus Stop
dance by having him dance incorrectly. Have him dance correctly when she
dances facing him again and for the rest of the dance. If they kiss they go to
the women's rest room to have sex.
[GTA 4] PC - TBoGT - How to get laid via club dancing" by Matthew Blabey
She gives Luis her phone number and may call and send a picture. An icon of
a derriere appears on the radar/map. Luis can go there for sex (a brief cut-
scene of the outside of a the building and muffled vocals) a few times which
gives you another way to get the "Warm Coffee" Achievement introduced in "IV."
Luis can see up to 10 women for a Booty Call.
This isn't required for 100% completion.
VII.5.d Dance Challenge
Have Luis go to Hercules to dance (see VII.5.a). He may be challenged by
another dancer who performs some dance moves then watches as you have Luis do
some dance moves to compete.
Follow the prompts (either a key or mouse button press) as they appear at the
bottom of the screen. This is similar to what you did for The Bus Stop.
This isn't required for 100% completion.
VII.5.e Champagne Drinking game
Have Luis go to the VIP lounge on the second floor of Maisonette 9.
Press the Action key to start.
Move the mouse to have Luis shake the bottle.
Press the LMB to have him pop the cork.
Move the mouse to have him spray customers.
Rotate the mouse to have him drink. Watch the prompts in the upper left cor-
ner of the screen, and watch the round meter in the lower left corner of the
screen, to know if you should rotate faster or slower. Fill the round ring of
the round meter with red to have Luis finish the drink.
Have Luis finish before his opponent to win. (Luis will be drunk for a
This is required for 100% completion.
VII.5.f Drinking/getting drunk
Luis can go to the bar at Maisonette 9 or Hercules for a free drink. If he
gets too drunk (seven drinks or so) he collapses sending a spray from his mouth
then appears in one of various unfortunate situations. (Thanks to whatever57010
for the tip that one location is in the Statue of Happiness.)
"Fan Facts #15 (GTA IV)" by whatever57010
Luis may throw up (which you get a Stat for).
This isn't required for 100% but it adds a couple more bars you can use for
Luis' Friend activities.
VII.6 Friends
VII.6.a Armando
You can have Luis call Armando to bring his Gun Van (black Cavalcade) nearby
so Luis can buy weapons at less than the regular price. Armando has some of
the weapons found elsewhere and some that aren't which increase as you go
through the game.
Knife $100
Pistol (Glock 17) $420 + $25 for each additional magazine
Pistol .44 (AMT Automag) $640 after "Boulevard Baby"
Shotgun (Ithaca 37) $840 + $100 for 10 shells
Automatic Shotgun (AA-12) $1250 + $80 per 20 standard shells after "Corner
$160 per 20 explosive shells after "High Dive"
SMG (S&W MP10) $1,750 + $20 for each additional magazine
Gold SMG (Golden IMI Uzi) $5000 + $20 for each additional magazine after
"Departure Time"
Assault SMG (Silenced FN P90) $6725 + $20 for each additional magazine
Assault Rifle (AK-47) $2,450 + $55 for each additional magazine
Carbine Rifle (AR-15) $3,500 + $70 for each additional magazine
Advanced MG (M249 SAW) $7550 after "Going Deep"
Combat Sniper (PSG-1) $5,000 + $500 for each additional magazine
Advanced Sniper (DSR-1) $4750 after "Caught With Your Pants Down"
Grenade Launcher (H&K HK69A1) $8000 + $300 per grenade
Rocket Launcher (RPG-7) $10000 + $300 per rocket after "Chinese Takeout"
Molotov cocktails (Incendiary explosive) $350 per unit
Grenades (Fragmentation explosive) $700 per unit
Sticky Bombs $800 per unit after "Bang Bang"
Armor $300
Parachute $100 after "High Dive"
VII.6.b Henrique
You can have Luis call Henrique so Luis can get certain vehicles. Henrique
drives nearby in the requested car then leaves in his friend's Calvalcade.
Serrano (modified) after "I Luv LC"
Turismo after "I Luv LC"
Buffalo after "I Luv LC"
Cavalcade FXT after "I Luv LC"
F620 after "No. 3"
Bullet GT after "No. 3"
NOOSE APC after "Departure Time"
For Friend activities see section VIII.6.
The missions for TBoGT cont.
Momma's missions
VIII.1 Momma's Boy
Adriana Yanira Lopez: Lucia Armendariz Lucia was in two 2001 episodes of the
TV series "100 Centre Street" and the TV movie "The Hola Awards," 2015.
Mr. Santo: Nelson Vasquez Nelson played a Blanco Associate in "Carlito's
Way," 1993, played Officer Eugene Rivera in eight 1998-2002 episodes of the TV
series "Oz," supplied the voice of Jesse for the 2005 game "The Warriors," and
suplied the voice of JJ for the 2008 game "Midnight Club: Los Angeles," He
also wrote, directed, and acted in the short "On a Clear Day," 2009.
Have Luis go to his Mom's house on the west side of Frankfort Ave. north of
Xenotime St., Northwood, Algonquin.
Luis enters the house of his Mom, Adriana Lopez, to find she's behind payment
to a young man, Mr. Santo, who's a loan shark. The loan shark suggests Luis
can do things to pay of her debt and Luis agrees.
Have Luis walk by the loan shark south on the west side of Frankfort Ave.
to follow him south of Xenotime St. and west into an alley and into the L.C.
Cage Fighters place. On the way, Santo tells Luis to take a dive in the last
round (third round of the third opponent).
Have Luis fist fight for up to three rounds with each of three opponents.
You can have Luis use the various punching/blocking/kicking moves used in
Use the RMB to have him lock onto an opponent.
To have him counter-attack, press Spacebar to have him dodge when a punch is
thrown then use the LMB or R to attack.
You can have Luis lead/shove/punch his opponent to the spectators to have
them briefly hold his opponent so the opponent is easier to defeat.
If Luis or his opponent steps off the mat he fails and loses his entry fee.
Have Luis defeat the big chunky guy in a white sleeveless vest, the muscle
man in a black sleeveless "MUSCLE" t-shirt, and either beat up the guy with a
beard and a striped jersey or allow Luis' Health to go below half in the third
round at which time you can press E so the next punch causes Luis to take a
If you have Luis take a dive the loan shark considers Luis' Mom's debt paid.
Luis calls his Mom and tells her. After "Clocking Off" Luis' mother calls him
to say Santo helped her with shopping.
If you don't have Luis take a dive Santo pulls a Knife on Luis. You can have
Luis use a counter attack to take the Knife or just use any method to kill San-
to so Luis' Mom won't owe Santo money anymore. Luis calls his Mom and tells
her not to worry about her debt anymore.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #3 - Momma's Boy [100%] (1080p)"
"TBoGT - Momma's Boy (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Luis' Mom seems ungrateful abd critical either way.
Luis gets $1,000.
100% objectives
Complete the mission in 3:10 or less
Luis takes less than 10% damage
Luis has the crowd hold an opponent
Luis uses a counter attack to knock out an opponent
Margs sends several Emails--she wants to resume a relationship with Luis.
If you have Luis respond he indicates he wants her to forget it.
Leta Lopez-Wilkinson (Luis' sister) sends an Email--Ernesto (Luis' brother)
can be a pr**k. Mom gives you a hard time but look out for her.
If you have Luis respond he writes that he'll try--hope you're doing well.
She sends another Email--their Dad ran off from his new wife. Don't turn out
like that.
If you have Luis respond he writes that he figured it. Send pictures of your
kids and I'll take down my pictures of Dad.a
Ernesto (Luis' brother) sends an Email--get out of life as a pimp/drug push-
er/night club man. At least take care of Ma.
If you have Luis respond he writes that you don't help Ma--I do. Go f***
yourself. Love.
The Liberty Tree has an article about the Bank of Liberty being raided of 1/2
million dollars.
Another article says the ship captain of the Platypus was found dead on the
Humboldt--the search continues for a possibly murderous foreign crew.
Weazel News has an article about Frickie van Hardenburg granted a visa to en-
ter the US.
Another article is a defense of luxury property developer Yusuf Amir.
Luis can go back to the L.C. Cage Fighters ring to watch and bet money or
fight for money.
VIII.2 L.C. Cage Fighters
Have Luis go to the fist icon in an alley on the west side of Frankfort Ave.
south of Xenotime St.
VIII.2.a Betting
You can have Luis spectate the fight for a $50 entry fee and bet money on the
fighters. Spectating raises Luis' Health fully.
You can have Luis make a lot of money by betting everything on a fighter--
just reload the save if they lose.
Thanks to the gtawikia.com site for these examples of bad fighters:
The tan guy with big muscles wearing a white tank top (aka "Pauly D, the guy
that hangs around in Bahamas")
The guy in a white overcoat.
The guy with a brown jacket and green undershirt.
The blonde guy with a red jacket, black undershirt, grey jeans, and black
You can do this to get the "IV" Achievement "Half Million"--raise the amount
of money Luis has to $500,000.
VIII.2.b Fighting
The entry fee to compete is $100. Luis' Health is raised 25% after each
round. If he leaves the ring he's disqualified. If he's knocked out he ap-
pears at Holland Hospital Center.
You can get the Bear Fight Achievement for having Luis win six rounds of
three fighters each. Luis gets:
Round 1: $110
Round 2: $120
Round 3: $130
Round 4: $140
Round 5: $150
Round 6: $4000 Luis is the Liberty City Champion.
You can have Luis use a counter-attack to take the Baseball bat or Knife from
some fighters in the last three rounds and use it on them and other fighters in
the current round. To have Luis counter-attack lock on with the RMB, tap the
Spacebar/Block when the opponent throws a punch, and when Luis ducks press the
LMB or R.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Liberty City Cage Fighters Championship (Bear
Fight)" by GTA Series Videos
Thanks to whatever57010 for this gimmick: the opponent can't do anything
while Luis kicks them. Have Luis kick them till they're defeated.
"TBoGT - Momma's Boy (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Robert Rusk recommends locking onto the opponent as soon as they start moving
and having Luis kick them to prevent them from entering through the gate. Have
Luis use the gate as a shield. Keep having him kick careful to not let him go
through the gate.
As Rusk notes and gtawikia.com reaffirms, there's a gate glitch. Sometmes
having Luis meet the opponent at the gate causes the opponent to fall to the
ground, just walk around, or even be thrown.
Thanks to Rusk reader Trent at the MoFaT for the tip to have Luis bet to re-
gain Health if it gets too low then resume fighting.
A spectator calls out "Sweep the leg, Johnny!" which refers to the 1984 movie
"The Karate Kid."
A fighter may say "You fight like a cow" which refers to the insult sword-
fighting found in the "Monkey Island" games.
Armando's Gun Van now sells the Automatic shotgun for $1,250.
The Celebinator site has an article panning Tony and his clubs.
Momma's missions cont.
VIII.3 Corner Kids
Have Luis go to the north side of Xenotime St. west of Frankfort Ave., North-
wood, Algonquin.
Luis sees Henrique and Armando do a drug deal on the sidewalk too conspicu-
ously and criticizes them. Armando says he can't help it--Henrique has a low
IQ and Luis ran away (to work for Tony). Luis says he's still there for them
and he'll get them a better job than drug dealing. As they walk north on
Frankfort Ave. they meet Luis' Mom who says Luis should go back to school and
not end up like his father. Farther north Armando says the upcoming drug deal
is better than any before.
Have Luis use the black Cavalcade to take Henrique and Armando to the west
side of the nameless street parallel to and west of Mohanet Ave., southwest
BOABO, Broker.
On the way, Luis tells them they have to grow up and not end up like some
still stuck in the old neghborhood. Armando says the police still associate
Luis with the Gomez brothers and Willy Valero (whom Luis was arrested with).
Armando says the meeting they're going to is only meant to settle final details
on a drug deal and it will help to have someone respectable like Luis along.
Still, Armando hands Luis an Auto Shotgun and 15 Grenades.
See the BOABO shortcut recommended by Robert Rusk (VI.4.b) at 5:18 in the
video at the next link.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #4 - Corner Kids [100%] (1080p)" by
GTA Series Videos
They meet the drug dealer Papi but the police arrive for a bust.
Luis has a three star wanted level. Have him kill nine police officers--one
is on the edge of a roof. Have him go south to kill seven more. Have him go
southeast toward the road, avoid the bomb that beeps before it goes off, and
kill three NOOSE agents that are on the ground and three on the edge of a roof.
Luis gets a Rocket launcher from a NOOSE van on Mohanet Ave. Have him use it
to shoot down the attacking Annihilator.
You can have Luis shoot down the Annihilator with any long range weapon.
Luis' wanted rating disappears. Have him take his friends to the east side
of the northwest stretch of Vespucci Circus. On the way, Luis tells Armando to
be careful with his cell phone because the Jingoism Act lets law enforcers al-
most read your mind--just steal the product (drugs) to sell. Armando hopes
Luis will help them steal it. Luis says he'll have to think about it.
Luis gets $2,500.
100% Objectives
Complete the mission in 7:50 or less
In replays you can't use the Shotgun Ex or Sticky bombs--Luis is given the
standard Auto shotgun and Grenades. Rusk recommends having Luis use the
BOABO Shortcut, use the Auto shotgun or Advanced MG on the police, and use
the Rocket launcher to destroy the first helicopter and the Enforcer after
going through the wall.
Have Luis take less than 40% damage
Have Luis kill 20 enemies with headshots
Have Luis achieve at least 55% accuracy (55% of his shots hit the body of an
Luis can buy the Auto shotgun from Armando's Gun Van for $1,250.
The first Drug War is available at the two colored drug capsule icon.
VIII.4 Drug Wars
Have Luis go to the two colored drug capsule icon at the north side of the
northwest curve of Frankfort Ave., Northwood, Algonquin.
Have Luis use the Cavalcade to take Armando and Henrique to the stash on
Colony Island. Have Luis help them kill six attackers (one on a lower level),
get the duffle bag pickup, and drive them to the dropoff in an alley on the
east side of Union Drive West north of Garnet St. Let Armando and Henrique do
the shooting at three cars, one shooter apiece, that chase them.
Four Drug Wars will be available at any time for the rest of the game.
At each Armando and Henrique appear in a black Cavalcade, you have Luis drive
them to the drugs (the big green blip on the radar/in-game map), they help you
have Luis attack those with the drugs, then you have Luis take the drugs to a
drop off point. Have Luis go there quickly--he doesn't have to kill all of the
enemies and the black Cavalcade has a lot of Armor so you can let Armando and
Henrique do the shooting at the enemies that chase them. If left behind Luis'
friends follow him in other vehicles.
Luis' friends have a lot of Health. Luis gets his reward reduced by $1,000
if one of his friends dies and reduced by $2,000 if both die. But the friends
don't have to survive a Drug War for you to pass the mission.
There are four categories of Drug War:
- Convoy
- Highjack
- Stash
- Stickup
Convoy: have Luis steal a moving vehicle that contains drugs. Land vehicles
contain two enemies, boats contain four enemies, and they're often acconpanied
by guard vehicles. Having Luis attack will cause them to speed off while fir-
ing at the Cavalcade. Have Luis kill the driver of the drug vehicle first then
other enemies--the vehicle with the drugs can't be set on fire while an enemy
drives it. Don't destroy the vehicle that contains the drugs. Have Luis drive
the vehicle with the drugs to the drop off point.
Highjack: the same with a parked vehicle with drugs and 10-20 armed enemies
that guard them on foot. Have Luis kill most of the enemies near the vehicle
with drugs so it isn't destroyed while you have Luis drive off in it.
In some cases you have Luis find a vehicle with no enemies around it but it's
a police decoy vehicle--having him enter it gives him a two to five star wanted
level. Have him get rid of the wanted level then go to the drop of point.
Stash: have Luis go to a gang hangout to kill the enemies around the pickup
for a duffle bag that contains the drugs. This often involves bigger shootouts
than for the previous two categories. Have Luis help his friends free the area
around the duffle bag pickup, take the duffle bag, then go to the drop off
Don't destroy the Maverick in the Castle Garden Stash Drug War or you fail
the mission.
Stickup: the same except you have Luis invade a drug deal between two gangs.
Have Luis help his friends kill enemies--one enemy will drop the bag with the
drugs (the big green blip on the radar/in-game map). Don't let a fleeing enemy
escape or you fail the mission. Have Luis get the duffle bag, or chase after
and kill the fleeing enemy as in the "Convoy" category, right away to avoid
failing the mission.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Drug Wars [Snow Queen Achievement/Trophy]
(1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
These weapon pickups appear in Luis' save place as rewards for Drug Wars com-
pleted in association with the listed missions completed:
10 and “Boulevard Baby”: Pistol .44 (on Luis' coffee table)
20 and “Going Deep”: Advance machine gun
30 and “High Dive”: Automatic shotgun with exploding shells (Shotgun-EX)
40 and “Bang Bang”: Sticky bombs
50 and “Departure Time”: Gold SMG
The enemies get tougher in later Drug Wars and some throw Molotovs. After
about 35 Drug Wars you need to have Luis rely on headshots and sniping or other
long range weapons more to kill them.
Armando and Henrique are rewarded with better weapons as you complete more
Drug Wars. They eventually get Carbine Rifles and SMGs and after 50 they get
Advanced MGs and Gold SMGs.
Luis starts out getting $4,000 for a Drug War. This increases till he gets
at least $14,000 (the most I got for him was $15,000).
The vehicles of Drug Wars have unique colors. You can just have Luis save
the vehicle that contains drugs after Hijack and Convoy Drug Wars and special
color vehicles that spawn at the start of the Stash and Stickup Drug Wars. You
can choose a stationary Stickup or Stash vehicle (not one of the chasing vehi-
cles), have Luis drive it away after the fight without getting the duffle bag,
and fail the mission.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip that a Drug War can be used as a wanted
rating exploit. The wanted rating system is turned off most of the time and
the Drug War doesn't end until you have Luis go to the drop off point. Rusk
recommends the Stash and Stickup scenarios--let Armando and Henrique be killed
so they don't follow Luis around), have Luis kill everybody else, take the
Stash, and go another island so any pursuers stop and vanish.
Complete 25 Drug Wars for 100% completion.
Momma's missions cont.
VIII.5 Clocking Off
Have Luis go to his Mom's house.
Luis' Mom is feeding Armando and Henrique when Luis enters and tells his
friends they have to go to work. Luis' Mom tells him to get out of crime and
go to school. Luis says she takes the money from his work and she protests
that she has no choice--she lost her job.
Have Luis use the Cavalcade to drive his friends to the docks south of the
east end of the Northwood Heights Bridge, Bohan.
At the docks men are hauling packages of drugs down to the dock near a Reefer
and a Tropic. Armando explains that their plan is to get the drugs up into
cars to steal and take to the Heights. He says he'll watch from an upper level
while Luis and Henrique check the men by the river.
Have Luis follow Henrique down a ramp. Henrique tells Luis to go down anoth-
er ramp onto the wooden pier and see if things are cool. Have Luis go near the
boats then run up both ramps to the Cavalcade--several rival gangsters have
started a shootout to the north to steal the shipment.
Have Luis kill the eight Irish mob gangsters. As they die eight more appear.
Then an SUV pulls up to the south with several more attacking gangsters and
several appear from the top of the stairs to the north and south.
Have Luis go up the stairs to the lot and kill about seven more gangsters.
Armando says he'll take an SUV and tells Luis to follow with Henrique in anoth-
er as the police arrive. Have Luis follow Armando into the garage at the
northwest corner of Vespucci Circus, Northwood. As Armando makes clear, crime
is about money (no matter what).
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #5 - Clocking Off [100%] (1080p)" by
GTA Series Videos
Luis' Mom calls. She saw Santo while shopping. Luis tells her to stay away
from him.
Luis gets $5,000.
100% Objectives
Complete the mission in 5:00 or less
Luis takes less than 40% damage
Luis kills 20 enemies with headshots
Have 55% accuracy
VIII.6 Friend activities--hanging out
These can be done after "Clocking Off" except for golf which can be done af-
ter "Practice Swing." In TBoGT, as compared to "IV" and TLaD, you have the
protagonist call the friend via Hang Out and choose from the activities indi-
cated on the radar/in-game map--you don't choose from a list on the phone.
Robert Rusk recommends you have Luis do all the activities with all of his
Friends to make sure it's added to 100% completion.
See my "IV" walk-through for descriptions of activities that are repeated
Strip club, eating, and drinking--just have Luis take them to the activity as
in "IV" and TLaD.
Strip club
- The Triangle Club, the north side of the southern part of Coxsack Ave.
Northern Gardens, Bohan
- Honkers, Tinderbox Ave. and Julin Ave., Tudor. Tudor, Alderney
Any Burger Shot or Cluckin' Bell will do (see the paper map).
- The 69th Street Diner, the east side of Mohawk Ave. and south side of Bart
St., Hove Beach, Broker
- Mr. Fuk's Rice Box, Lyndon Ave. and Boyden Ave., Alderney
- Superstar Café, Denver-Exeter Ave. and Iron St., The Triangle, Algonquin
- Superstar Café, Quartz St. and Bismarck Ave., Lancaster, Algonquin
The easiest places to find are the two clubs of TBoGT (see the paper map):
- Maisonette 9, the west side of Galveston Ave. by Jade St., Westminster, Al-
gonquin. It's open from 21:00 to 7:00.
- Hercules, the east side of Galveston Ave. south of Lorimar St., Westminster,
Algonquin. It's always open.
And as before:
- Comrades Bar, the east side of Mohawk Ave. south of Bart St., Hove Beach,
- Steinway Beer Garden, Yorktown Ave. and Morris St., Steinway, Dukes
The pickup for drinking is in the yard.
- Club Liberty, Wardite St. and Galveston Ave., North Holland
- Jerkov's, Albany Ave. and Manganese St., Hatton Gardens
- Lucky Winkles, Galveston Ave. and Hell Gate, Purgatory
Pool, darts, air hockey, and golf--have Luis win.
Pool Have Luis win.
- Homebrew Cafe, the corner of the south side of a nameless street and the
west side of the south end of Tutelo Avenue in Beechwood City, Broker
- Playboy X's penthouse, the south side of Xenotime St. at Galveston Ave.,
Northwood, Algonquin
The easiest way to have Luis get the Friend to and from there safely on PC
is to get them into a small car or onto a motorcycle and use the Airbreak
function of the Simple Trainer.
Darts Have Luis win.
- Steinway Beer Garden, Yorktown Ave. and Morris St., Steinway, Dukes
- Lucky Winkles, Galveston Ave. and Hell Gate, Purgatory, Algonquin
Air Hockey Have Luis win. See IV.9.a.
- Memory Lanes, the east end of the boardwalk parallel to and south of Crock-
ett Ave., Firefly Island, Broker
- Memory Lanes, The Golden Pier, the southern section of the lane parallel to
and west of Union Drive West, The Meat Quarter, Algonquin
Golf Have Luis win.
- the Golden Pier, the southern section of the lane parallel to and west of
Union Drive West,The Meat Quarter, Algonquin
A driving range for golf is available southwest of the west end of Iron St.
at the Golden Pier Swingers Golf Club on the west coast of Algonguin. Golf is
featured in the mission "Practice Swing" and is available afterward as an ac-
tivity for competition between Luis and a ped or Luis and his friends.
Use the mouse to position the target where you want the ball to land. Press
the RMB to have the "camera" zoom to help you position it. A horizontal line
is positioned higher across the power bar--the vertical rectangle--the farther
away you place the target. Press the LMB to cause another horizontal line to
move up then down in the rectangle. Press the LMB again when the moving hori-
zontal line meets the stationary one to have Luis hit the golf ball to the tar-
Four Play Achievement--have Luis use a golf ball to hit a flag four times
with a Friend or ped.
Friend activities are required for 100% completion.
VIII.7 Random Character--Daisy
Daisie Cash-Cooze: Elizabeth Jasicki Elizabeth played Kate in "The Vanishing
Man," 1996, and Janice Black in "Merry Christmas," 2013.
VIII.7.a First encounter
Have Luis go to the person icon to meet Daisy who's sitting at the bar of
Maisonette 9, west Galveston Ave. by Jade St., Algonquin, between 9:00 pm and
6:00 am.
Daisy says various callous and dishonest things throughout the encounter. She
learns from a phone call that Cris Hunt, a gay movie acter, wants to leak a vi-
deo of Daisy wanking him off to the Internet to prove he's straight and she's
worried that her prospective husband won't marry her if he finds out about it.
(Luis refers to Chris as "the classic blind beard." I'm not sure what that
refers to other than it's a character in the Skylanders game and toy franchise.)
Have Luis drive her around. As you do she gets messages on her phone if Chis
bleets (a goof on "tweets"--messages posted online via Twitter) which locates
him. Have Luis drive toward one then another red blip on the radar/in-game map
for Algonquin.
One bleet is from a bathroom with Middle Park views, another from Perseus on
Pyrite St. at Bismarck Ave., and a third is from Squid Row on Bismarck Ave.
south of Hematite St.
Have Luis go to him at the fourth red blip on the east side of Denver-Exeter
Ave. at Jade St., Star Junction, but it's too late--the video is being shown on
the big Weazel News outdoor video screen. She runs off crying that her life is
over, Chris walks away happy that he's (supposedly) shown he's not gay, and
Luis, tongue in cheek, calls after her that it couldn't have happened to a nicer
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Random Character #3 - Daisy (1080p)" by GTA
Series Videos
Luis gets $500.
This encounter is needed for 100% completion.
Daisy sends Luis an Email--she sends him thanks (I'm not sure for what).
She's getting married.
If you have Luis respond favorably he sends good luck.
If you have Luis respond negatively he asks her to sign a copy of her DVD and
wishes her good luck with the marriage.
Tony Prince's missions cont.
VIII.8 Practice Swing
Union official: Max Casella Max supplied the voice of Daxter for the games
"Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy," 2001," "Jak II," 2003, "Hot Shots Golf
Fore!," 2004, "Jak 3," 2004, "Jak X: Combat Racing," 2005, "Daxter," 2006,
"Pain," 2007, "PlayStation Move Heroes," 2011, and "PlayStation All-Stars Bat-
tle Royale," 2012. He's also played in a lot of movies and TV shows such as
playing Benny Fazio in 28 2001-2007 episodes of the TV series "The Sopranos."
Have Luis go to Tony's apartment on the north side of Feldspar St. west of Co-
lumbus Ave., Little Italy, Algonquin from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Tony says he sold the same property to two buyers and needs Luis' help to set-
tle things with one of them. The Celebinator has been saying bad things about
Tony, too (VIII.2.b).
Have Luis use Tony's Schafter to drive him to the Golden Pier Swingers Golf
Club at the west side of the nameless lane parallel to and west of Union Drive
West south of Iron St.
Rocco Pelosi, one of the Ancelotti crime family to whom Tony owes money (see
"I Luv LC"), keeps missing in his effort to drive golf balls at a Messina family
union official tied to the front of a Caddy to get him to talk. Rocco tells
Luis to try the golf shots then Rocco goes down to get behind the wheel of the
Have Luis hit the union official strapped to the front of Rocco's Caddy with a
golf ball in each of the three places Rocco parks--see VIII.6 Friend activi-
ties. In this case, put the white marker under the union official each time.
The union official says that the head of the LTA (Liberty City Transport Au-
thority) is working with the Messina family.
Twelve Messina family gangsters arrive in three Cavalcade FXTs and attack.
Have Luis stay on the practice drive platform to kill as many attackers (with
headshots, if you're going for that aspect now) as possible before dropping to
the ground to move in to kill the rest. After you have Luis kill eight Tony
gets in a golf cart--you can have Luis get in Tony's golf cart to follow Rocco's
cart or have Luis kill more if you're going for the 100% objective. The union
official has the least Armor but doesn't have to survive for you to pass the
Have Luis refresh his Health, if needed, and get in Tony's Caddy to follow
Rocco's Caddy out of the driving range. Once Luis get in Tony's Caddy more
Messina family mobsters appear and attack from the range. After driving away a
bit Messina family gangsters follow and fire from two Cavalcade FXT's which run
into trees. Have Luis drive to the marker in a parking lot south of the cul de
sac that intersects with the south curve of Castle Dr.
"TBoGT - Practice Swing (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Rocco says this barely puts a dent in the interest for Tony's debt. If the
union official survived, Rocco says he has to work on him more. Rocco drives
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #6 - Practice Swing [100%] (1080p)" by
GTA Series Videos
Have Luis drive Tony back to his apartment. Tony tells Luis to visit Mori,
whom they owe money, and help him with something but keep him away from Tony's
Luis gets $1,500.
100% objectives
Complete the mission in 4:00 or less (making golf shots doesn't add to the
Rusk recommends having Luis go for golf accuracy, use the Rocket launcher to
blow up the mobsters cars, and leave
Have Luis take less than 50% damage
Have Luis kill 11 enemies with headshots (Rusk recommends the Advanced MG)
Have Luis shoot with 70% or better accuracy (anywhere on an enemy's body)
Have every golf ball hit the union official
Thanks to whatever57010 for this method of getting Rocco's Caddy (it won't
have the union official tied to the front). Have Luis park his caddy by, not
in, the marker by Rocco's Caddy, have Luis put a Sticky bomb on Luis' Caddy,
shoot Rocco while blowing up Luis' Caddy, call Henrique for a Bullet GT to use
to push Rocco's Caddy through the cul de sac to Castle Dr., call 911 and press 3
so the Firefighters arrive, jack the Firetruck, and use it and the water cannon
to push the Caddy to the parking space of Luis' save place. If the Caddy
catches on fire put it out with the water cannon. Use the Simple Trainer to get
rid of wanted ratings and don't abandon the Caddy or it disappears. By this
method Rocco's body disappears--using another vehicle won't cause his body to
disappear and won't work to save the Caddy.
Save the game and don't load it but have Luis use another vehicle to drive
around a couple blocks. When he returns the Caddy will be repaired and usable.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Tips & Tricks - How to get Rocco's Caddy" by
GTA Series Videos
The Golf range is available for Friend activities (VIII.6).
VIII.9 Chinese Takeout
Yusuf Amir: Omid Djalili Omid played Trebor in a 2000 episode of the TV ser-
ies "Black Books," the Iraqi Television Host in the TV movie "Between Iraq and a
Hard Place," 2003, Nasim in 22 2003-2004 episodes of the TV series "Whoopi," Mr.
Farsi in four 2007 episodes of the TV series "The Omid Djalili Show," etc.
Chinese mobster: Rob Yang Rob played the Technician for the pilot of the TV
series "Suits," 2011, the Asian Man for a 2011 episode of the TV series "The Big
C," Principal Mark Tang in four 2013 episodes of the TV series "Twisted," etc.
(Jackson Loo provides the voice for TLaD)
Have Luis go to Maisonette 9 sometime from 9 pm to 7 am.
We see Brucie and Roman dancing as Luis goes through the club. We hear the
end of a phone call of Tony on the phone to Mori suggesting ways the services of
Tony's clubs could pay Mori back. Tony tells Luis to come help with something
they need to take care of. As they leave, Yusuf Amir suggests they let him
franchise Tony's club.
Have Luis use Tony's Schafter to drive him to Dragon Heart Plaza on the west
side of Albany Ave. south of Diamond St., Chinatown, Algonquin. On the way,
Tony gives Luis an Assault SMG (P-90) and says they're going there for Rocco.
Luis discourages Tony from taking MSG (thought in the Anglosphere to be a bad
food additive in large doses).
We see Billy Grey of TLaD settling a deal to have VP Johnny Klebitz taken care
of (killed) by a Chinese mobster (and showing his anti-Semitic and Anti-Asian
outlooks). (This sets up Johnny for the shootout of the TLaD mission "This
Shit's Cursed.")
Billy leaves as Tony and Luis arrive. Tony corrects the Chinese mobster re-
garding a false impreasion Rocco left--Tony's group can't help him with his
problem with licenses for his project. The Chinese mobster insists and points
a Pistol at them. The gun goes off when Luis kicks it out of his hand and
knocks him out and the Triads on lower floors attack.
Have Luis kill the attackers and go down the stairs mentioned below. Tony
can't be killed by the enemies as he follows in stages.
"TBoGT - Chinese Takeout (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
An attacker appears in the doorway, another in the doorway in the hall, and
four at the end of the hall past the doorway. A fifth emerges from an opening
to a partially-finished room at the side of the hall--in the room are a Combat
shotgun and Armor. Around the corner another attacker appears at the top of the
stairs and another two at the bottom.
Through the doorway and around the corner to the left are another five at-
tackers. Wait for a Grenade to go off in the middle of the hall before having
Luis proceed. Around the corner is another attacker and one in the doorway. In
the stairway is Armor.
At the bottom of those stairs is a hall with five attackers at the far end and
around the corner--one has an Assault rifle. Around another corner are two at-
tackers at the top of a stairway.
At the bottom of those stairs is another attacker and one around the corner.
At the far end of the hall and around the corner are three more attackers.
There's a Sprunk machine and an eCola machine on the bottom floor.
When the screen prompt says to wait for Tony have Luis turn his car to point
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #2 - Chinese Takeout [100%] (1080p)" by
GTA Series Videos
Have Luis drive Tony back to his apartment. Tony says he and probably others
will rip Rocco a new one. Luis discourages Tony from taking pills.
Luis gets $1,000.
Complete the mission in 5:20 or less
Luis takes less than 10% damage
Have 70% accuracy or higher
Only use headshots to kill the Triads
The Rocket launcher is available from the Gun Store for $15,000 and from Ar-
mando's Gun Van for $10,000.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip that Dragon Heart Plaza is accessible any-
Yusuf Amir calls. He says Tony gave him Luis' number. He needs Luis to come
to Yusuf's Middle Park apartment to discuss something. Luis says he'll come by
Tony calls--he wants Luis to help out at his clubs. He tells Luis to talk to
Dessie at Maisonette 9.
VIII.10 Club Management
Joni: Maia McCann Maia played Kylie in the 2009 short "Fugue" and Sara in a
2010 episode of the TV series "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit."
Have Luis go to the hand icon, into Maisonette 9, and into the Management Only
office sometime from 9 pm to 6 am.
Joni sits in the office--a security camera office--and gives Luis duties.
There's a First Aid pickup on the wall of the office. Luis gets a black suit
and a wireless mike and receiver/earpiece.
Have Luis go to the marker as directed by Joni and use the mouse to have him
look around the club. Sometimes he doesn't see a disturbance but other times he
sees a case of drug dealing, drunkenness, fighting, a guy mistreating a woman,
or a guy mistreating the club staff. Have Luis go toward the disturber and
he'll do something about it (toss out the drunk, etc.).
If Joni asks him to come to the Club Management room have him go there to have
sex or listen to her complain that they aren't having sex. Their sex can refill
his Health.
Occasionally Dessie calls over the same wireless system to give Luis one of
eight Club Management missions for important patrons. These missions require
Luis to leave Maisonette 9. A black Schafter is provided on the street
by the front door except in the missions for Poppy Mitchell and Cloe Parker.
- Clay "Pain Giver" Jackson
Clay "Pain Giver" Jackson: Poison Pen Poison Pen contributed a voice to the
2005 game "The Warriors" and appeared as himself in the documentaries "Fresh
Coast," 2008, and "The (R)evolution of Immortal Technique," 2011.
Have Luis go to the east-west alley on the south side of Hercules, which is on
the east side of Galveston Ave. south of Lorimar St., to drive rapper Jackson's
black PMP 600 away from the surrounding paparazzi. Have Luis honk while driving
the car slowly to nudge past the photographers--if they're harmed or take too
many pictures you fail the mission. Then have Luis drive quickly, making turns
through alleys, to lose a pursuing vehicle of paparazzi. Once that's done have
him drive Jackson and his friend to the Majestic hotel on the south side of
Nickel St. east of Denver-Exeter Ave., north Star Junction (just south of Middle
- Kerry McIntosh
Kerry McIntosh' personal assistant: Gail Bennington? Gail also supplied the
voice of a Paperboy for the 2010 game "Red Dead Redemption."
Have Luis drive quickly to the Iron Belly Deli on the west side of Guantanamo
Ave. south of Beaumont Ave., Bohan, for Kerry's food then drive quickly to Her-
cules where a club worker takes her food. On the way to Hercules, McIntosh's
personal assistant Danni repeatededly calls to say Kerry is impatient for her
food. If you take too long you fail the mission.
- British prince
British prince: Tom Hatton Tom played Frat Boy #4 in a 2008 episode of the TV
series "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit," appeared as himself in 12 2010 epi-
sodes of the TV series "In the Qube," and played a Protester in the short "The
End," 2011.
Have Luis go to Maisonette 9, find a prince from England, and help him get
some prostitutes. Have Luis lead the prince, who's eager for "quim" (British
slang for vagina), into a four door car, take him to two Korean women at Easton
Station on the east side of Burlesque (street) north of Hematite St., honk the
horn so they enter the car, and drive them onto the entrance drive of a hotel on
the south side of Lorimar St. west of Burlesque, Star Junction.
- Poppy Mitchell
Poppy Mitchell: Rachel Gittler Rachel was a production assistant for six
2008-2009 episodes of the TV series "Law & Order: Criminal Intent," was an un-
credited Rave Dancer for "The Oranges," 2011, and supplied the voice of Poppy
again for GTA "V," 2013.
Have Luis go to the second floor VIP area where Poppy wants Luis to resue her
from the paparazzi outside. Luis calls Dessie who suggests that the water can-
non of a Firetruck would clear them from the front of the club. Have Luis use a
'cycle parked outside (the Schafter isn't there) to go to the Firetrucks in
front of the Northwood Station on the west side of Exeter Ave. north of Xenotime
St., jack a Firetruck, and drive back to Maisonette 9. Have him use the water
cannon (mouse aim and the LMB) to spray the photographers, indicated by red
blips on the radar/in-game map, on Galveston Ave. in front of Maisonette 9, then
use the truck to drive Mitchell to The Hole--an apartment building on the south
side of Feldspar St. west of Luddite Row.
- Cloe Parker
Cloe Parker: Megan Raye Manzi Megan played Kayla (2009) and Barista (2010) in
two episodes of the TV series "As the World Turns" and played Adayit/Meg in "The
Exquisite Corpse Project," 2012.
Have Luis enter the rest room for women, find drunken Cloe, lead her into her
pink Peyote in a nearby lot to the north, and drive her to her mansion on the
north side of Owl Creek Ave. north of the north end of Tenmile St., Westdyke,
Alderney. On the way, she describes her sexual misadventures. She grabs the
steering wheel two or three times while she tries, unsuccessfully, to persuade
Luis to have sex with her.
- Al Di Napoli
Al Di Napoli: Jody Wood Jody played a Detective in "L.A. Confidential," 1997,
Mr. Cameron in two 2000 episodes of the TV series "The West Wing," an Officer in
a 2002 episode of the TV series "Philly," and supplied the voices of Victum/Gom-
er/Charlie Green for the 2004 game "The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from
Butcher Bay."
Have Luis drive to Hercules on the east side of Galveston Ave. south of Lori-
mar St. and find Al inside. Al asks Luis to take him to Vespucci University on
the north side of Ruby St. west of Galveston Ave., Varsity Heights, for some
crank (crystallized Methamphetamine). Al asks Luis to handle the deal with Os-
car Gomez but the police arrive for a bust. Have Luis get rid of a two star
wanted level then take Al, who's an actor, to the Amdram Theatre on the south
side of Iron St. east of Frankfort Ave., The Triangle.
Vespucci University is based on Columbia University so likely named after the
explorer Amerigo Vespucci.
The Amdram Theatre is based on the New Amsterdam Theatre, NYC. It refers to
the amateur dramatics, abbreviated to am dram in the UK, of community theater.
- Blue Brothers
Billy: Daniel Tay Daniel played Young Harvey in "American Splendor," 2003,
Michael in "Elf," 2003, and supplied the voice of Pedro for the 2006 game "Bul-
Bobby: Harrison Chad Harrison played Ryan Parker in a 2002 episode of the TV
series "Ed," supplied the voice of Leo for 35 2005-2009 episodes of the TV ser-
ies "Little Einsteins," played August in a 2012 episode of the TV series
"Smash," etc.
The names refer to the Blues Brothers and Bobby "Blue" Bland.
Have Luis drive to the east-west alley that's on the west side of Denver-Exe-
ter Ave. north of Jade St., and that's on the south side of the MeTV building,
to pick up Bill and Bobby Blue. Fans arrive from the east end of the alley and
trucks close off the west end. Have Luis drive carefully past the fans (as with
Clay Jackson's car), honking and nudging them out of the way, then drive the
Blue Brothers to Maisonette 9. (You might have him drive away slowly to hear
more of the dialogue.) If any fans are hurt you fail the mission.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Club Management Missions (1080p)" by GTA Series
- Bruce Spade
Bruce Spade: Chris Kies Chris played a Considerate Guest in a 2003 episode of
the TV series "Whoopi," Petey in a 2008 episode of the TV series "The Wire,"
Congressman Edgar Hausman in a 2015 episode of the TV series "Veep," etc.
Dessie uss the wireless system to tell Luis that Tony wants Luis to use a he-
licopter to bring Bruce to Maisonette 9. Have Luis go to the projection of land
on the west coast of Algonquin west of Hercules, jack the Swift, fly north of
the north end of Galveston Ave., Northwood, land to pick up Bruce, and fly him
south along Galveston Ave. to Maisonette 9. Have Luis fly low--Bruce is upset
by heights.
"TBoGT: Club Management" by whatever57010
Luis gets $500 per Club Management mission.
Tony calls--he thanks Luis for helping with the VIPs and says he'll get some-
one else to handle them from now on.
You can have Luis return to handle the duties within the club till the club
The Club Management outfit, complete with the wireless mike and receiver/ear-
piece, is in Luis' wardrobe.
Complete the eight Club Management missions for 100% completion of the game.
VIII.11 Random Character--Arnaud
Arnaud: Simon Jutras Simon played Pierre in two 2010 episodes of the TV ser-
ies "All My Children," the Maitre d' in a 1999 episode of the TV series "Now and
Again," Robert DiPaolo in a 2009 episode of the TV series "Ugly Betty," the
French Business Man in a 2013 episode of the TV series "Elementary," etc.
VIII.11.a First encounter
Have Luis go to the person icon on the west side of Columbus Ave. south of He-
matite St. to meet Arnaud who's standing near the Viendemorte restaurant.
Armaud just shows interest in getting high and scr**ing around. He suggests
that Luis take him for a drive.
Have Luis jack a vehicle (he has special dialogue for that when he's with Ar-
muaud--"It's mine--I just forgot the keys," etc.) and drive him to the High End
Massage Spa on the east side of Amsterdam Lane south of Diamond St.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Random Character #1 - Arnaud [2 Missions]
(1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
VIII.11.b Second encounter
About a week after the first encounter have Luis go to the person icon on the
south side of Folsom Way east of Rykers Ave., Bohan, to meet Arnaud who's lying
on the sidewalk by a couple of trash dumpsters.
Arnaud says he gave a prostitute some opium, was having bondage sex with her,
then was beaten by her pimp who stole his wallet. He asks Luis to help him get
his wallet back and Luis agrees to do it.
Have Luis jack a vehicle and drive Armaud to the south side of Bronco St. east
of Coxsack Ave. As they get there, the pimp drives east then north, etc., in a
Manana. Have Luis kill him, get the wallet, and drive Armaud to the south side
of Folsom Way south of Grand Blvd., Fortside, Bohan.
"Arnaud - Random Encounter (TBoGT) [full - reuploaded]" by whatever57010
(I think it's odd that Luis makes a point of telling Armaud he's dropping him
off in a location that should be safer when it's just a different spot on Folsom
Ave. Folsom Ave. isn't that long--it's only a few blocks long.)
Luis gets $500.
Tony Prince's missions cont.
VIII.12 Bang Bang
Have Luis take a fast car to Tony Prince's apartment building in Little Italy
between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm.
Tony's lover Evan requires some angry talk from Luis--that Evan is a coke
pushing steroid junkie a**hole--before Evan stops BSing and tells Luis that Tony
is in the bedroom. Luis shakes Tony out of a stoned stupor then head butts Evan
whom Luis says is the one who gave Tony the pills and tells Evan to be gone be-
fore he comes back.
Luis begins to lead Tony out when Tony says he can't leave without his explo-
sives. Tony says Rocco has threatened to burn Tony's clubs down for insurance
if he doesn't use the explosives to take care of Rocco's Union problems. Tony
has to kill a guy digging up Frankfort Ave. for Liberty Electric, a Transport
Workers guy driving an out of service subway train through North Holland, and
the head of the LTA in his private jet at the airport. Luis doesn't want Tony
to kill himself so knocks Tony out and takes the explosives to do these things
on his own.
Have Luis either use the Buffalo parked nearby or, if you had Luis bring a
fast car, use the fast car which the game places across the street.
Have Luis throw three bombs on the base of the crane on Frankfort Ave. south
of Iron St., get far enough away to safely detonate the bombs, and press the
Down arrow key to detonate them and kill the nearby construction foreman.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #8 - Bang Bang [100%] (1080p)" by GTA
Series Videos
Have Luis speed north on Frankfort Ave. Where the four lanes divide into two
pairs of lanes with a divider in the middle there's a small upward slope to
Uranium St., North Holland, where there a tunnel opening and the subway track
continues north betweeen the two pairs of Frankfort Ave. lanes. A red blip on
the radar/in-game map shows the location of the tunnel opening till Luis gets
near it. Have Luis go to the break in the wall over the tunnel opening and
throw a bomb onto the train as it goes north on the track. Press the Down arrow
key to detonate the bomb.
One alternative is to have Luis use a Rocket launcher. Another alternative is
to have Luis speed ahead of the train to Fortside Station along San Quentin Ave.
between Drop St. and Applejack St., Bohan. When the train stops there, have
Luis throw a bomb on it. Have Luis get safely away then press the Down arrow
key to detonate the bomb.
Have Luis go to the tarmac of Francis International Airport and throw a bomb
onto the private jet of the head of the LTA. You can have Luis get out of the
car to throw the bomb or park by the jet and throw the Sticky bomb from the
car--target with the RMB and have Luis throw with the LMB. Have Luis get safely
away and press the Down arrow key to detonate the bomb.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #8 - Bang Bang - 100% (1080p)" by
Again, an alternative is to have Luis use a Rocket launcher.
Have Luis get rid of a four star wanted level by leaving the tarmac then get
rid of a two star wanted level.
Luis gets $2,500.
100% objectives
Complete the mission in 5:00 or less
Have Luis take less than 50% Damage
Only use five bombs (three for the crane, one for the subway train, and one
for the plane). This also helps you get the No Bombs Wasted Achievement.
Luis calls Tony--Tony thanks Luis for knocking him out to protect him and says
he and Evan have split up. Luis hopes Evan stays away this time.
Luis can buy Sticky bombs from Armando's Gun Van for $800 each.
If Luis has done 40 Drug Wars a Sticky bomb pickup appears on Luis' TV table
in his save place.
Stcky bombs make it easy to achieve the Chain Reaction Achievement from "IV."
Thanks to the gtawikia.com site for the tip that you can have Luis use Yusuf's
Gold Buzzard for this mission in replays.
VIII.13 Random Character--Margot
Margot: Sarah Clements Sarah played Keira in a 2007 episode of the TV series
"Damages," Eileen in a 2008 episode of the TV series "Law & Order," Alison in
the short "Pig Lady," 2011, Noelle in a 2013 episode if the TV series "The Car-
rie Diaries," Gwen Young in a 2014 episode of the TV series "Law & Order: Spe-
cial Victims Unit," etc.
Luis has recieved Emails from Margot under the name Margs (see VIII.1) in
which she indicates she wants an affair with Luis to continue. His responses
indicate that he wants her to drop it.
VIII.13.a First encounter
Have Luis go to the person icon on the east side of Galveston Ave. south of
Lorimar St. to meet Margo who's sitting on the steps of the barber shop.
Margo is still unfortunately eager for them to have a relationship he doesn't
want. He reminds her it was over a year ago and he doesn't want to marry her,
which upsets her. He wants to go but she says he can't--she just took an over-
dose of pain killers and sleeping pills: "Either get me to the hospital or I'm
Have Luis drive her to the hospital on the north side of Jade St. west of Al-
bany Ave., Easton. As she goes inside it's apparent that no matter how clear
Luis tries to make it that he doesn't want a relationship with her Margo still
loves him.
VIII.13.b Second encounter
Have Luis go to the person icon on the third floor of the west side of Pier
45--the "#" marking on the projection of land at the southeast coast of Algon-
quin on the radar/maps--to meet Margo who appears a couple of days or so after
the first encounter.
Margo is standing at the outside of the railing at the edge of the floor and
threatening Luis that she'll jump due to his rejection. She says the letter in
her hand says he pushed her. As he reaches for it she falls to her death.
(A ped calls out asking if she's dead, so maybe she isn't.)
A ped calls out that Luis pushed her. Have him get away from the angry crowd
and get rid of a two star wanted rating.
The strategy of the GTA Series Videos effort at the next link is to have Luis
quickly swim southeast to the Firefly Island beach.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Random Character #2 - Margot [2 Missions]
Both encounters with Margot are required for 100% completion.
Tony Prince's missions cont.
VIII.14 Blog This!...
Have Luis go to Hercules between 9:00 pm and 7:00 am.
Troy the door guard wants to be a pro songwriter but can't get Luis interested
or get Tony to talk to him.
Tony tells Luis to drive him and Gracie Ancelotti (also seen in "IV" in the
missions "I'll Take Her," "Ransom," "She's a Keeper," "Diamonds are a Girl's
Best Friend," and as a Random Character) to her house in Alderney.
Have Luis drive them to the west side of Babbage Dr. north of Hardtack Ave.
On the way, Gracie complains that Luis doesn't respond favorably to her advances
and Luis says he doesn't date mobster women after a bad experience with Dani Lu-
Tony and Gracie get out of Luis' car at Gracie's house. Tony tells Luis to
send an Email to The Celebinator who's blog has been panning Tony and Luis
You can have Luis stay at Gracie's place a bit to hear her and Tony talk about
her selling her car. If her car is destroyed you fail the mission.
Have Tony go to one of the tw@ Internet Cafes indicated on the radar/in-game
map. The nearest one is on the east side of Vitullo Ave. east of the east end
of Kemeny St. Have Luis go to the Celebinator site and click LEAVE A COMMENT.
Luis writes that they're fans of The Celebinator so his spitefulness is confus-
ing--"give us a call and we'll try to can work it out." Click SUBMIT and have
Luis leave the cafe.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #7 - Blog This!... [100%] (1080p)" by
GTA Series Videos
Tony sends Luis a text message with the link to the Celebinator site but you
can't miss it--the site is advertised on the opening page of the computer.
Luis gets $500.
100% objectives
Complete the mission in 2:30 or less
Have 0% car damage
The Liberty Tree site has an article related to "Bang Bang" (VIII.12)--"Blasts
Rock City."
Luis calls Tony--after Luis read The Celebinator's blog Luis can understand
why they didn't let him into their club. Luis says the note he sent was charm-
ing and Tony says they'll see where it goes.
VIII.15 Frosting on the Cake
This mission is seen from Johnny Klebitz' perspective in "Diamonds in the
Rough" in TLaD. It precedes "Taking in the Trash" in "IV."
Have Luis go to Tony's apartment between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm.
Luis walks in on a cocaine party held by Evan, Gracie, Rocco, and Sharon.
Luis asks where Tony is. They complain about Luis and Tony and finally Gracie
indicates Tony's location--Luis finds Tony passed out on the floor. Luis wakes
up Tony and asks why he called. Rocco reminds Tony it was for "that sparkly
thing" (diamonds). Luis leads Tony outside and Evan, despite Luis' discourage-
ment, follows them.
Tony chooses a Stretch E with the driver Costas. Have Luis use the other
Stretch E to drive Evan to the dock by the Platypus (indicated on the radar/maps
as north of the east end of the Broker Bridge), East Hook, west Broker. On the
way, Luis gets past Evan's delusions that his drug habit will make him important
in Tony's club business to get Evan to say that they're going to the docks for 2
mil. in diamonds and Tony may have borrowed the money from Rocco or Gracie.
Tony skimmed 10% so they'll have spending money.
Tony, Luis, and Evan meet the Platypus cook. Luis gives the cook a briefcase
containing money, the cook gives Evan the diamonds, and Jimmy Klebitz leads The
Lost in a raid of the deal. Luis tells Evan to get the diamonds to the club.
Luis is standing through the roof in the back of a Stretch E that also carries
Tony and is driven by Costas for a rail shooter mission. The limo can't be de-
stroyed while Costas drives it but Luis can die. He has an infinite amount of
Sticky bombs. Use the RMB to aim and the Down arrow key to detonate.
Have Luis use Sticky bombs to take out the roadblock of bikers and a couple
black Slamvans then any of The Lost that pursue them. Some motorcycles and
black Slamvans appear on side streets and some 'cycles even appear ahead of
Luis' limo. Check the radar for the red blips that indicate enemies.
Have Luis use two or more Sticky bombs to destroy a roadblock of four police
cars on Dukes Blvd. Thanks to whatever57010 for the tip that the destruction
must include the second police car from the left before the limo can proceed.
"TBoGT - Frosting on the Cake (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Have Luis use three or more Sticky bombs each on the APC and, after Tony men-
tions it, the Annihilator that pursue across the Algonquin Bridge. Two bikers
appear ahead of the limo.
The APC looks like the SA S.W.A.T. but has the characteristics of a Rhino.
In this mission the cannon isn't used--a machine gun is fired from it.
(Thanks to whatever57010 for the tip that if you don't have Luis destroy the
APC and Annihilator--the APC stops about halfway across the bridge and the Anni-
hilator crashes soon after that. So if you skip the cutscene where Costas is
about to be killed you can have Luis go back to the APC, shoot the driver and
any nearby attackers, and jack the APC. You fail the mission but can save the
"TBoGT - Frosting on the Cake (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
(On PC you can spawn the APC with the Simple Trainer.)
Costas is killed and Luis takes the wheel. Have him get rid of a three star
wanted rating. There's a Pay 'n' Spray on the south side of the west end of
Lorimar St. just west of Hercules.
Have Luis drive Tony to Hercules. On the way, Luis says Evan probably ran off
with the diamonds. Tony says TanMan89--Evan--bleeted less than 10 min. ago:
"Cornered by bikers. Eugh. Eugh. Eugh. 2 young 2 die." Luis thinks it was a
stupid time for Evan to do that--he got himself killed and lost the diamonds.
Tony agrees Evan was rotten but he was his boyfriend and he misses him.
Tony panicks at how much further in debt he's getting. Luis advises him to
keep cool, keep off drugs, and he'll see Tony soon.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #10 - Frosting on the Cake [100%]
(1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
Luis gets $3,500.
100% Objectives
Complete the mission in 5:45 or less (skip the initial cutscene to cut 2 min.
off your score.)
Luis takes less than 50% damage
Amount of accuracy with the sticky bombs
Lose the wanted level in 0:35 or less (Rusk recommends that you have Luis
drive straight west.)
Tony calls--Evan is dead. Luis says Evan died trying to steal the diamonds.
Tony says he loves guys like Evan and Luis saya Tony should see a psychiatrist
about it. Tony is worried that Rocco wants his share of the diamond deal. Luis
says Tony will think of a way out of it.
The Liberty Tree and Weazel News sites each have an article on Evan's death.
Weazel News adds that Bryce Dawkins wants the ability to vote taken from gay
VIII.16 Boulevard Baby
Ray Bulgarin: Vitali Baganov Vitali played Russian mobster Valery in "Pine
Barrens"--two of the more memorable episodes of the TV show "The Sopranos,"
2001--and in the 2001 episode "...To Save Us All from Satan's Power." In movies
he's been in "Sherlok Kholms i doktor Vatson: Krovavaya nadpis," 1979, and
played the Half Asleep Man in "Pieces of April," 2003.
Monique: Giselle Rodriguez-Forte Giselle played the Candy Store Girl in the
short "Cusp," 2000, Jessica Perez in the TV monie "Ibanker," 2008, supplied the
voice of Sissy for the game "Midnight Club: Los Angeles," 2008, supplied the
voice of Merche Coronado for the game "Red Dead Redemption," 2010, etc. She was
also the associate producer for the film "H.O.M.E.," 2014.
Vic Manzano: Oscar De La Fe Colon Oscar also played the Bazooka Guy #1 in
"Che: Part One," 2008.
Have Luis go to Maisonette 9 between 9:00 pm and 7:00 am.
After Luis greets Dessie and enters the club Roman does his rendition ("La-
dies--hide your titties"). Luis greets an Asian woman at the bar, scr**s with
her in a back room, and walks with her through the club.
Luis finds Tony drinking in a back room. Tony says he's thought of a plan to
keep Rocco and Vinnie happy. On their way out they pass Russian gangster Ray
Bulgarin ("Russian Revolution," etc., "IV") who's with his aide Timur at a ta-
ble. Ray wants Tony to tell him how much he has to pay for sex with women in
the club but Tony says they're not that kind. Tony leaves Luis to take care of
him. Ray wants to know where to buy cocaine--Luis says he doesn't know.
Tony has Luis use Tony's Schafter to drive him to Bahama Mamas. On the way,
Luis indicates it's where the bridge and tunnel crowd hang out. Tony tells Luis
Rocco wants Luis to hit on a lady in there--Monique from the Derriere store in
Suffolk--to get at her boyfriend who owns the place but is in Venturas.
"TBoGT - Boulevard Baby (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Have Luis go to Monique on the dance floor and succeed at a dance with her
Luis and Monique go into a back room to scr** leaving Maurice to guard the
door. Her boyfriend Vic bullies his way past Maurice and finds her giving oral
sex to Luis. She's surpised and says Vic was supposed to be in Venturas. Vic
punches her in the stomach, knocks her to the ground, then spits on her. He
reaches for a Pistol .44 to shoot Luis.
Have Luis shoot Vic (the game helps you aim the shot at Vic's head), a gang-
ster in the adjoining small room, have Luis take cover to shoot three gangsters
in the dance room, three gangsters and a fourth behind the bar in the bar room,
shoot two gangsters while you have him go up the stairs, and one just past the
top of the stairs.
Have Luis go outside and leave the area before the police arrive. A good
route is south across the street to an alley, south then west in the alley, then
south on the street.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #9 - Boulevard Baby [100%] (1080p)" by
GTA Series Videos
100% Objectives
Complete the mission in 3:10 or less
Have Luis take less than 40% damage
Groove On--have Luis dance correctly with Monique
Good Guy--during the shootout don't have Luis hurt any non-attacking club mem-
bers including Monique
Luis gets $3,000.
Luis calls Tony--Luis complains that Monique's boyfriend wasn't in Venturas
and the club got shot up. Tony tells him to get some rest and we'll talk soon.
"You're keeping us afloat here, Luis."
The .44 is available from Armando's Gun Van for $640. If you've done 10 Drug
Wars there's a pickup for it on the small table in Luis' save place.
Don't have Luis hurt Monique or a non-attacking club member and you get the
"Good Guy" Achievement.
Your stat for dancing at Hercules, Maisonette 9, and Bahama Mamas will appear.
The Liberty Tree site has an article about a shootout at Bahama Mama's--a "no-
torious bridge and tunnel mecca"-- that left a number dead including owner (and
Monique's boyfriend) Vic Manzano.
Tony calls--he wants Luis to help someone to whom Tony owes money.
Mori Kibbutz' missions
VIII.17 Kibbutz Number One
Mori Kibbutz: Jeff Gurner Jeff has been in a number of TV series such as
playing Johnson (2007) and Sholoff (2009) in a couple epsodes of the TV series
"Law & Order: Criminal Intent." Gamers might know him better as supplying the
voice of Jack Lupino/Junkie/Mercenary/Killer Suit for "Max Payne," 2001, Ralph/
Lucas Bertone for "Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven," 2002 (I did a walk-through
for that one), Skinz for "Manhunt," 2003, a voice for "The Warriors," 2005, Rus-
ty/Deputy/Night Springs Cop for "Alan Wake," 2010, etc.
Send Luis to Brucie Kibbutz' ("IV") place, Brucie's Executive Lifestyle Autos,
on the east side of Mohanet Ave. north of Chicory St., BOABO, Broker, to meet
Brucie's older brother Mori.
Mori has a self-engrandizing way of talking like Brucie. Luis keeps criticiz-
ing it to no avail. When Brucie appears Mori announces his visit and belittles
Brucie who shows a long-suffering reaction.
Have Luis use Mori's Buffalo to drive them to the east side of the dead end
road south of Rocket St., Chase Point, southeast Bohan. Have Luis lead Mori
down to the shipping area by the dock.
A spokesperson for the mobsters there say Mori is a rip off merchant so won't
do business with him. But Mori insists they hand over the goods and a shootout
Have Luis use a Carbine rifle to shoot the three gangsters before him, one
with a Rocket launcher in a third story opening of the building to his left/
north, one in a second story opening of that building, one a bit farther east in
the yard, then go east to shoot two in the farther east area and one that comes
from a ground level door of that building. Have Luis go east and down a ramp.
Luis and Mori get in a Dinghy. Have Luis use Sticky bombs (aim with the RMB
and detonate with the Down arrow key) to kill several mobsters who try to flee
south in three speedboats.
Have Luis take Mori to an inlet just north of Pier 45 (the projection of
southeast Algonquin coast that has a "#" marking on the radar/maps). Mori tells
him to come by soon--they have more to discuss.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #11 - Kibbutz Number One [100%]
(1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
100% Objectives
Complete the mission in 5:00 or less
Have Luis take less than 50% damage
Have less than 60% boat damage
Achieve a top boat speed of 70mph (First person view helps)
Have Luis kill 10 enemies with headshots
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip that there are more gunmen inside the build-
ing if you have Luis enter it so you can have him get more headshots if you need
Have Luis achieve at least 70% accuracy
Have Luis kill the guy with the Rocket launcher before he fires a rocket
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip to have Luis kill two of the three men be-
fore him leaving the left one alone, kill the guy on the second floor of the
building on the left, switch to the Shotgun Ex, and go into the gap between the
large crate and the wall to the right. Have Luis slowly go forward beyond the
crate (Mori will keep the spared attacker busy) while siming at the third floor
window used by the attacker with the Rocket launcher and shoot him the moment he
Luis gets $500.
Luis calls Tony.
Yusuf Amir's missions
VIII.18 Sexy Time
The title refers to a phrases used by Borat--a character by Sacha Baron Cohen.
The connection seems to be he and Borat are both naive yet trying to be worldly
and promiscuous so some bad habits, such as regarding women, are blatant.
Have Luis go to Yusuf's place on the east side of Columbus Ave. south of Py-
rite St., Middle Park East, Algonquin.
Yusuf is braggarty about his real estate wealth and promiscuity while trying
to sound trendy about African-American slang. (One obvious cringe inducer is
that, as Luis points out to him later, he needs to moderate his use of the "N"
bomb.) Yusuf wants Luis to steal a helicopter for him to give his father--to
pay respect to his father and make him stop criticizing Yusuf.
(See 100% objectives below for the method of using the Swift in a pre-save
play-through--it can't be used for a replay.)
Have Luis go to the marina south of the cul de sac south of the south curve of
Castle Dr. and get a speedboat to pilot to the Buzzard--indicated by a green
blip on the radar/in-game map--on a big yacht south of the east side of Alder-
ney. A patrol boat is indicated by a red blip. A cutscene shows Frickie Van
Hardenburg boasting about the killing ability of the Buzzard to a small group of
people. Have Luis jack the Buzzard from a helipad on the third deck at the back
of the yacht.
The game prompts you to have Luis fly the Buzzard to the helipad but you can
have it flown in any direction and Luis calls Yusuf. Yusuf says the people on
the yacht enable terror cells and war criminals so tells Luis to destroy the
yacht and everyone on board.
Have Luis destroy the partol boat by flying toward it from behind then firing
while dipping the front of the chopper down.
Have Luis damage three areas of the yacht:
- put a hole in the side of the bow,
- cause an explosion to destroy the tower in the middle,
- and cause an explosion on the stern.
A cutscene shows the yacht capsize and sink.
Have Luis kill the arms dealers with Rocket launchers who flee in three Din-
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #12 - Sexy Time [PC - 100%] (1080p)" by
GTA Series Videos
On PC you can use the Simple Trainer to make this easier.
To use the Swift to kill the men on the patrol boat go to Mission Help > kill
ped attached to valid destruction marker. Leave that on the screen, have Luis
fly near the boat, and press NP5.
To keep the Swift steady while destroying the yacht use Airbreak (F6).
To use the Swift to kill the men on the three fleeing boats go to Mission Help
> kill ped attached to valid destruction marker. Leave that on the screen and
press NP5 when you have Luis fly near each of the targets.
In a worst case scenario, the three Dinghys go ashore at the north coast of
Alderney at the inlet north of the "Ave" of "Beaverhead Ave" on the paper map.
You can have Luis land by them, get out of the Swift, and destroy them. Don't
have him go far from the Swift or you fail the mission. Eight (?) men flee and
they're only indicated by red blips on the radar/in-game map while Luis is in
the Swift. You can have Luis land the Swift by each one, get out of the Swift,
and kill them.
Luis calls Yusuf who tells him to bring the helicopter to his helipad--on the
roof of the skyscraper north of the west end of the Broker Bridge--where his
main aide Ahmed is waiting. Have Luis fly the Swift there.
A cutscene shows Ahmend accepting the helicopter. He tells Luis that Yusuf is
obsessed with obtaining what he can't (normally/legally) buy.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #9 - Sexy Time (1080p)" by Willzyyy
100% objectives
Complete the mission in 6:00 or less
Thanks to Rusk for the tip to have Luis go to this mission in the Swift heli-
copter from the Westminster helipad in the initial play through (it can't be
done for a replay). Have Luis park it just south of the Libertonian and close
to the wall along Columbus Ave. (If it's parked in the street close to the mis-
sion marker it disappears.) After the first cutscene have Luis fly straight to
the yacht, get a cutscene, then have Luis bail to the water by the stern.
Have Luis take 0% damage
Destroy four enemy boats (the patrol boat and the three that flee)
Luis gets $10,000.
Tony calls--he pretends that he was upset about the boat accident then admits
it was a put on. He warns Luis not to work for others--Luis pretends he wasn't
involved but says if he was it was for their interests.
The Liberty Tree and Public Liberty Online sites have articles that say Frick-
ie Van Hardenburg was killed on a yacht.
A Liberty Tree article says the reality show of Jack Howitzer (a GTA character
since "Vice City") has bad ratings.
The Celebinator site has articles about various characters from the missions
of Club Management (VIII.10)--the British prince, Daisy Cash-Cooze, Bruce Spade,
Al Di Napoli, Poppy Mitchell, and Clay Jackson.
VIII.19 High Dive
Ahmed Khaleel: Mohammed Dagman Mohammed was an art director for 13 2008-2009
episodes of the TV series "Z Rock" and "I'm Obsessed with You (But You've Got to
Leave Me Alone)," 2014. He played Dr. Mobile in the short "Roger's Number,"
Tahir Saaed: Oscar De La Fe Colon Oscar played Bazooka Guy #1 in "Che: Part
One," 2008.
Have Luis go to Yusuf's place, Middle Park East, Algonquin. Yusuf is over-
heard on the phone to his father trying vainly to get his respect--his father
thinks Yusuf is a reckless partier. Yusuf says he's about to close the deal to
build the biggest tower. Yusuf tells Luis to accompany him to a business meet-
ing with Ahmed and his brother.
Have Luis drive Yusuf to Rotterdam Tower. On the way, Yusuf gives Luis a
Shotgun Ex. Yusuf calls Ahmed who seems unusually agitated so Yusuf sends Luis
to the meeting alone. Yusuf leaves Luis to tend to the meeting and drives away.
(If you send Luis after Yusuf's car you may notice that Yusuf can't drive very
Have Luis go inside to the marker by the elevator which takes him to the ob-
servation deck. Have Luis go to the north side to meet Ahmed and Tahir. They
seem paranoid that Luis is on to them for having planned something bad for Yu-
suf. Luis throws Tahir off the roof and Ahmed flees. Luis has a four star
wanted level.
Have Luis kill the NOOSE agent then the helicopter to the west, go counter-
clockwise around the corner, and kill a NOOSE agent who leaves an Armor pickup.
Have him go to the bottom of the stairs, kill the NOOSE agent who's at the top
of them, and go up the stairs.
Have Luis kill the NOOSE agent and shoot down the helicopter to the east, go
up the short ladder, turn back west to kill a NOOSE agaent and shoot down a
helicopter, go clockwise around the corner to kill a NOOSE agent, and go clock-
wise around the corner to kill two NOOSE agents ahead and a third that's on the
next higher roof.
Have Luis go up the short ladder and shoot east to kill a NOOSE agent, go up
the short ladder and start climbing the long ladder.
A cutscene shows Luis climbing the ladder after the fleeing Ahmed.
Have Luis climb to the top of the long ladder, shoot down a chopper, and climb
the second and final tall ladder to the small roof Ahmed is on.
Ahmed gives Luis a Parachute and says they hoped to wiretap Yusuf--not Luis.
Luis lightly pushes Ahmed who draws himself back too far and off the tower to
his death.
Luis jumps off the tower. Let him get about five stories (?) high before de-
ploying the chute (LMB).
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #13 - High Dive [100%] (1080p)" by GTA
Series Videos
"TBoGT - High Dive (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
100% Objectives
Complete the mission in 4:10 or less
Have Luis take less than 50% damage
Have Luis kill six enemies with headshots
Have 70% accuracy
Rusk recommends having Luis use the Advanced MG on NOOSE agents on foot and
having him lure chopper pilots to the observation deck to shoot them with a
sniper rifle.
Have Luis destroy four helicopters
Free fall for a short length of time
Luis gets $15,000.
Luis calls Yusuf to say his aides planned for him to be killed by NOOSE so the
aides could take over the business. Yusuf plans to drown his sorrows in drugs
and partying (although he seems like he'd probably be doing that anyway).
You can have Luis call for Armando's Gun Van to buy Parachutes ($100) and Ex-
plosive shells ($160 per 20 explosive shells) for the Auto shotgun which makes
it the Shotgun Ex.
If you've done 30 Drug Wars a Shotgun Ex pickup spawns in Luis' save place.
Parachute pickups appear in various locations around the map (VIII.21).
The Liberty Tree and Weazel News sites have articles about the explosions at
the top of Rotterdam Tower and are skeptical about the NOOSE explanation that
the event happened while they made a PR video. The Liberty tree mentions the
death of Tahir Saaed and Weael News mentions that Ahmed Khaleel and Tahir Saaed
were involved. Weazel News radio reports the event as well.
Tony calls. He's organized a meeting for them with The Celebinator to show
him they're not bad guys. He's going to take The Celebinator on a helicopter
tour. This call starts the next mission.
Tony Prince's missions cont.
VIII.20 ...Blog This!
Have Luis get in Tony's helicopter on the heliport by the West River west of
Union Drive West west of Hercules. Tony gives Luis a Parachute and tells him
to fly them over Happiness Island. Have have fly through or near the three red
On the way, the Celebinator indicates an inflated sense of self-importance
and that he perceives them as having unfairly denied him entry to Tony's clubs.
After you have the helicopter go through the third ring, Tony takes the controls
and tells Luis to show the Celebinator the sights. Luis holds the Celebinator
out of the door to frighten him.
Press R to have Luis punch him.
Press Spacebar to have Luis slap hom.
Press F to have Luis throw him out of the helicopter.
If you don't Luis eventually throws him out anyway.
Luis dives after the Celebinator. Aim Luis with the mouse, press W to have
him dive faster, and press S to have him dive slower as needed to have him meet
the Celebinator and Luis catches him. Have Luis open his Parachute with the
LMB, aim him with the mouse, press S to have him fall relatively slower and for-
ward, and press W to have him fall relatively faster and downward.
There's a similar scene in the movie "Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connec-
tion," 1990.
Luis gets $2,000.
100% objectives
Complete the mission in 2:10 or less
Have Luis near the Westminster helipad when he gets the phone call that
starts the mission, throw out the Celebinator right away, pause before hav-
ing Luis deploy his chute, and have him land on Happiness Island.
Have Luis take 0% damage
Have Luis catch the Celebinator in 0:08
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #14 - ...Blog This! [100%] (1080p)" by
GTA Series Videos
"TBoGT - ...Blog This! (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Luis calls Tony--Luis assures Tony the Celebinator won't give them smackdown
talk any more. Tony says they should schmooze with journalists more often.
Luis says it would be his pleasure.
The Celebinator site admits being mistaken--Tony and Luis are awesome and Mai-
sonette 9 and Hercules are the hottest clubs in town.
Ray Bulgarin calls--he needs help and heard Luis is the man to talk to espe-
cially since Tony's ship is sinking. He tells Luis to "come to my house"
VIII.21 Base Jumping
Have Luis go to one of the 15 Parachute icons and press the Action key for a
Base Jump.
Guide Luis' Parachute flight to a target. Press the LMB to have Luis jump.
You can speed his fall with W and slow his fall with S. Press the LMB to deploy
the chute. Steer the Parachute with W, S, A, and D the same as in "San Andre-
as." S causes him to lean back to go forward more in the ratio of forward/down
and W causes him to go down more in the ratio.
Try to get the side to side aim first then adjust W or S as needed. If a tar-
get is far down but not far horizontally you might have Luis wait before deploy-
ing the chute, Press W to have him fall or glide downward faster, or have him
make a circle in the air to approach the target from farther away horizontally.
Accuracy is based on how close to the middle of the target he lands. In the
case of helicopter jumps, accuracy is also based on whether or not Luis goes
through the red rings used as checkpoints. Once a Base Jump is done, the red
icon for it turns to grey, but you can repeat a jump for the rest of the game
and try to improve your score.
There are five each of three kinds of jumps:
Target jumps--have Luis jump from a stationary structure to a stationary tar-
get. The target is indicated by a bulls eye marker in the game and by a blip on
the radar/in-game map.
Vehicle jumps--have Luis land on the bed of a Flatbed or on a Marquis. The
target is indicated by a blip on the radar/in-game map. For some vehicle jumps
you have Luis use a Sanchez to drive off a building toward the target then press
F to have him exit it, etc., since he couldn't reach the target otherwise.
Helicopter jumps--guide Luis' flight through red rings to a target. The tar-
get is indicated by a bulls eye marker in the game and by a blip on the radar/
in-game map. Luis earns $30 each time you guide him through a red ring. (If he
appears in the helicopter without a Parachute scroll to Parachute and press the
After 15 base jumps a Parachute pickup spawns in Luis' save place.
The 15 base jumps are required for 100% completion and the the Gone Down
Rob Rusk
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - BASE Jumps [Gone Down Achievement / Trophy]
(1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
VIII.21.a Alderney
Base Jump #1
At the Tudor LCFD building on the inside of the northwest bend of Hardtack
Aim Luis east and use W, then south-southeast and use W, twist and then go
east and use W, go east and use S, then use S ans go east-northeast to land in
the parking lot of Hooters.
Base Jump #2
Alderney City
On the tall building on the north side of Koresh Sq. west of Boyden Ave. The
tall building looks like the National Newark Building in Newark, New Jersey.
Have Luis deploy his chute right away then go to the bed of the Flatbed going
east on Plumbers Skyway.
Base Jump #3
At the mansion helipad north of Owl Creek Ave. between the two intersections
of it with Big Horn Dr., Westdyke
Aim Luis south to the first checkpoint, northeast for the next one, northeast
while pressing W for the next one, then southwest for the next two and the tar-
get on the coast east of Percell Rd.
VIII.21.b Algonquin
Base Jump #4
City Hall
At the emergency room door of the hospital on the east side of Union Drive
West south of Calcium St.
Have Luis wait about five sec., drive the Sanchez off the hospital, and jump
off the 'cycle and deploy the chute right away. Press S as needed to have Luia
land on a Marquis that slowly pulls away from a dock to the southwest. This is
similar to #7.
Base Jump #5
The Triangle
At Rotterdam Tower on the east side of Frankfort Ave. south of Hematite St.
Press W till Luis is about half way down, deploy the chute, then have him con-
tinue to the target in a park on the south side of Diamond St. west of Denver
Base Jump #6
The Triangle
At the building at the south side of Iron St. east of Denver-Exeter Ave.
Aim Luis at the target at Burlesque/Denver-Exeter Ave. just north of Kunzite
Base Jump #7
At the GetaLife Building on the east side of Columbus Ave. north of Iron St.
Have Luis wait about five sec., drive the Sanchez off the building, and jump
off the 'cycle and deploy the chute right away. Aim him toward the bed of the
Flatbed going south on Columbus Ave. This is similar to #4.
Base Jump #8
At the Zirconium Building on the west side of Bismarck Ave. north of Jade St.
Aim Luis toward the target to the north at the intersection of Bismarck Ave.
and Lorimar St. and wait a few seconds to deploy the chute. Press W as needed.
Base Jump #9
Star Junction
At the BAWSAQ building on the east corner of Burlesque south of Kunzite St.
Aim Luis toward the target which is to the north at the intersection of Den-
ver-Exeter Ave. and Lorimar St. and repeat the method used for jump #8.
Base Jump #10
Star Junction
At the MeTV Building on the west side of Denver-Exeter Ave. south of Kunzite
Deploy the Parachute soon after the jump then press W as needed to have him
land on the bed of the Flatbed going east on Kunzite St.
Base Jump #11
Star Junction
At the Thespian Theaters Building on the east side of Denver-Exeter Ave. south
of Lorimar St. Some call it the "Pirate Building" because it has a lit sign in
front advertising Pirate music, movies, and games.
The target vehicle, a Flatbed, starts close to the jump and moves south on
Denver-Exeter Ave. Press W most of the way down, deploy the Parachute, then
press S to slow Luis down as needed to land him on the bed of the truck.
Base Jump #12
The Westminster helipad
The helicopter is south of Happiness Island and the jump ends at the base of
the Statue of Happiness. After the last checkpoint press W as needed to hit the
VIII.21.c Broker
Base Jump #13
Firefly Island
South of the cross of the pier at the south coast
Wait a few sec. to have Luis deploy the chute then mainly press W as needed to
adjust his downward speed. Have Luis go northeast, northeast while you press W,
east-northeast through a couple red rings, and land on Shinnecock Ave. north of
Ketchum St. After the last checkpoint press S as needed to get Luis to the tar-
VIII.21.d Francis International Airport
Base Jump #14
Francis International Airport
By the helipad on top of the LCPD building that's across the parking lot west
of the entrance to the airport terminel. The stairs to the roof of the LCPD
building are on the south side of the building.
Have Luis fall south most of the way to the first checkpoint before opening
his chute, have Luis make a circle in the air then press W to go to the second
checkpoint, go southwest to the third, go north to the last checkpoint, and
press W a bit to get Luis to the target at Savannah Ave./Seymour Ave.
VIII.21.e Dukes
Base Jump #15
East Island City
At the LC24 Tower on the east side of Bunker Hill Ave. north of Harrison St.,
East Island City
Have Luis jump, deploy his chute right away, and go southeast to the target on
Stillwater Ave. at Parr St.
VIII.22 Parachutes
To have Luis use a Parachute, scroll to the Parachute item icon in his weap-
ons/item inventory shown in the upper right corner of the screen, press the LMB
to have him put on the Parachute, and have him drop toward a lower level. You
can speed his fall with W and slow his fall with S.
Press the LMB to deploy the chute. Steer the Parachute with W, S, A, and D
the same as in "San Andreas." S causes him to lean back to go forward more in
the ratio of forward/down and W causes him to go down more in the ratio.
If you have Luis drop from a height of three stories or less the chute is de-
ployed but he isn't wasted and the Parachute is saved for another use.
It first appears in "High Dive." Afterward Parachutes can be purchased from
Armando Torres for $100 and spawn in various locations--see below. Thanks to
Robert Rusk for the locations.
VIII.22.a Alderney
1. It's on the northeast corner of the roof of the tall building on the east
side of Rand Ave. north of the Booth Tunnel Helipad, Alderney City.
2. It's below the east edge of the helipad above the west end of the Booth
Tunnel, Alderney City.
3. It's on the east end of a tall east-west crane east of Latchkey Ave. and
Barsac Ave., Port Tudor.
VIII.22.b Happiness Island
4. It's on the coffee cup of the Statue of Happiness.
VIII.22.c Algonquin
5. It's on the west side of the top of the tall building at the northeast
corner of Denver Ave./Uranium St., East Holland.
6. It's on the south end of the roof of the black skyscraper at the northwest
corner of Bismarck Ave./Manganese St., Hatton Gardens. There's a window washer
platform on the east side of the building.
7. It's on an air conditioning unit on the northeast section of the roof of
the Majestic Hotel on the south side of Nickel St. east of Denver-Exeter Ave.,
Star Junction (just south of Middle Park). The window washer platform on the
south side of the building isn't available outside of "Late Checkout" ("IV").
Access by air
8. It's on top of a large air conditioning unit at the north end of the roof
of The Star Plaza Hotel at the southwest corner of Manganese St./Burlesque, Star
9. It's in the middle of the second, bottom to top, set of three roofs on the
east side of the Bank of Liberty building at the southwest corner of Burlesque/
Lorimar St., Star Junction.
10. It's on a small rectangular area at the northwest corner of the highest
roof of the skyscraper at the southeast corner of Lorimar St./Denver-Exeter
Ave., Star Junction.
11. It's on top of the brown base of the satellite dish tower on top of the
BAWSAQ building at southeast corner of Kunzite St./Denver-Exeter Ave., Star
12. It's on a small balcony on the southwest corner near the top of the sky-
scraper that looks like the Chrysler Building at the northwest corner of Bis-
marck Ave./Jade St., Lancet. Access by air
13. It's at the south end of the roof of the narrow skyscraper that looks
like the Flatiron Building at the northwest corner of Columbus Ave./Garnet St.,
The Triangle. Al Dente's restaurant is on the ground level. Access by air
14. It's on an upper round ledge of Rotterdam Tower. Have Luis use the blue
marker on the west side of Denver-Exeter Ave. north of Garnet St., The Triangle,
and press the Action key to have him appear on the observation deck. Have him
go up the stairs, up three short ladders, and up a long ladder to the ledge.
15. It's on the western glass enclosed room at the top of the skyscraper west
of the intersection of Union Drive West/Feldspar St., Castle Garden City.
16. It's on top of the blue-green dome of the skyscraper west of the inter-
section of Union Drive West/Diamond St., Castle Garden City.
17. It's on the southeast part of the narrow walkway around the top of the
Civic Citadel at the west corner of Calcium St./Liberty Lane.
18. It's on the east side of the widest circular roof at the top of the sky-
scraper bordered by Columbus Ave., Diamond St., Calcium St., and Denver Ave.
Access by air
19. It's on the east side of the roof of the skyscraper with a rooftop heli-
pad at the north side of the west end of the Broker Bridge, Fishmarket South.
Access by air
20. It's on the northwest corner of the roof of the skyscraper at the south-
east corner of Barium St. and Albany Ave., The Exchange. Access by air
21. It's on the ground at the north end of the Heli Tours helipad area, Fish-
market South.
There's a Parachute pickup a few feet north of the Base Jump marker at the
Westminster helipad after 100% completion of the game.
VIII.22.d Bohan, Dukes, Broker
22. It's on the northwest section of the roof of the tall apartment building
indicated by a spot shaped a bit like a Chevrolet bow tie logo on the radar/maps
west of Hollowback St./San Quentin Ave., South Bohan.
23. It's on the west side of the top observation deck of Liberty State Pavil-
lion Towers, Meadows Park, Dukes. Have Luis go to the tower indicated by the
smaller of two round spots on the radar/maps and climb four ladders.
24. It's on the south side of the top of the east support tower of the Broker
Bridge, Broker.
A Parachute pickup is available on the floor of Luis' apartment on Galveston
Ave. by Wardite St., North Holland, Algonquin, after 15 Base Jumps.
A Parachute can be spawned by using a phone code--359-555-7272.
It can also be spawned with the Simple Trainer--go to Weapons > Parachute.
You can choose the color of the smoke to trail behind it by going to Options >
Set Color and Bone for Parachute Smoke, and you can press F7 while Luis falls in
a Parachute to cause smoke to trail behind it.
Mori Kibbutz' missions cont.
VIII.23 This Ain't Checkers
Have Luis go to Brucie's place on the east side of Mohanet Ave. north of Chic-
ory St., BOABO, Broker, to meet Mori.
Mori lords it over his brother Brucie after beating him at chess and leaves
him sobbing. Luis shakes his head as he follows Mori outside.
Have Luis use Mori's red Buffalo to drive him to the heliport by the Bus Lane
at Fishmarket South. On the way, Mori proposes that Tony's debt to Mori will be
dropped, and Luis can forget all obligations to Mori but one, if Luis beats him
at a race. If Luis loses, he has to work for Mori for life.
Luis and Mori are lifted by a helicopter and told they've been provided Para-
chutes, boats, and cars and must race from one vehicle to the next. The first
to get to the finish line in Middle Park wins.
Use W to have Luis fall fast toward his speed boat, which is indicated by a
grey-green blip on the radar/in-game map at the northwest side of Happiness Is-
land, and delay the deployment of his chute till late in the fall.
(The red blip to the east should represent Mori who's behind Luis.)
Have him pilot the boat west to go through the red markers clockwise around
the south and west coasts of Alderney and speed ashore west of the Westdyke (ac-
tually Leftwood) hospital to the green blip on the radar/in-game map and enter
a sports car.
Have Luis go northeast on Manzano Rd., east on Manzano Rd.*, south on Sacra-
mento Ave., east on Franklin St., south on Rand Ave., east across the Hickey
Bridge* and Topaz St.*, south on Columbus Ave., and west on Quartz St.* to the
red marker that includes a checkerboard pattern.
* use the Cinematic Camera key for a Nitro speed boost
Mori claims he wanted to lose the race. He tells Luis to come by Brucie's for
one more job--procuring cars.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #15 - This Ain't Checkers [100%]
(1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
100% Objectives
Complete the mission in 7:30 or less
Have Luis take 0% Damage
Have Luis land in one of the boats after freefalling
Keep Luis in first place for the entire race
Luis gets $1,000.
VIII.24 Triathlons
Have Luis go to one of the three checkered flag icons to start a Triathlon.
Have Luis deploy his Parachute after his competitors to establish a lead for
him to hold. As in "This Ain't Checkers," have Luis parachute to a boat (try to
have Luis land in his boat) or even dive into the water by a boat (don't let him
land on a solid that way or he'll be killed). Have him pilot it through red
markers to the shore, get in a car (I had him use the green Bullet GT), and race
through red markers to the finish line.
You can use the Cinematic Camera key for a Nitro speed boost on straightaways.
(I had Luis win all three races without it.) A red cannister by the radar indi-
cates the amount of Nitro left.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Triathlons (1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
Luis gets $1,000 per Triathlon win. They can be replayed for the rest of the
Complete the three Triathlons for 100% completion.
VIII.24.a Alderney City
Have Luis go to the marker for a checkered flag icon in a lot south of the
east stretch of Asahara Rd.
Have him Parachute and press W as needed to send him from above the east side
of the road that's a rounded rectangle by the Normandy docks down to one of the
boats by the most southern of the five long thin Alderney City piers northeast
of that.
Have him use the boat to race north through the West River to northeast West-
dyke and get in a car.
Have him go south over the dirt roads (carefully), south on Beaverhead Ave.,
west on Sacramento Ave., west on Owl Creek Ave., south and west on Big Horn Dr.,
south and east on Beaverhead Ave., south on Flathead Rd., west and southwest on
Manzano Rd., and take the Plumbers Skyway (where you might use Nitro) mainly
south to a curved offramp in Tudor.
VIII.24.b Charge Island
Have Luis go to the marker for a checkered flag icon south of the west end of
the only west-east road in southeast Charge Island.
Have him Parachute from above a spot northwest of the northwest coast of Bohan
down and south to one of the boats at a dock southwest of the west end of Apple-
jack St., west Bohan.
Have him pilot it counter-clockwise around Bohan to a beach just east of the
south end of the Dukes Bay Bridge, Steinway, Dukes, and get in a car.
Have him drive it southwest over the grass (carefully), cross Hewes St., go
west and southwest on Dukes Dr. (carefully), west and south on Franklin St.,
east on Hooper St., and northeast on Dukes Blvd. to where it intersects with
Hewes St., Meadows Park. The safest time for some Nitro is during that last
stretch on Dukes Blvd.
Have Luis go to the marker for a checkered flag icon on the west side of Mo-
hanet Ave. north of the east end of the Algonquin Bridge.
Have him Parachute from above Union Drive East near Pier 45 down and north to
one of the boats north of the two barges east of Jade St.
Have him use the boat to race north through the Humboldt River and clockwise
around Bohan to the east side of the inlet north of the north end of Planche
St., Northern Gardens, and get in a car.
Have Luis drive it south over the curved dirt road (carefully), go west on the
Northern Expressway, Grand Blvd., and the Northern Heights Bridge, and west and
south on Frankfort Ave. to where the west side of Frankfort Ave. meets Jade St.,
Star Junction. You might have Luis use Nitro on the long west and south
Mori Kibbutz' missions cont.
VIII.25 No. 3
The title refers to the "IV" mission "No. 1" in which you have Niko come in
first in a race with Brucie. In this mission you have Luis come in third in a
car chase with Mori and Brucie.
Have Luis drive to Brucie's place to meet Mori.
Luis walks in on another scene of Mori humiliating Brucie and tells Mori he's
the worst a**hole he's seen and he should try something other than "tough love."
Mori pretends he's considering it then tells them to follow him for some fun.
Have Luis use Mori's Buffalo to drive Mori and Brucie to a car park on the
north side of Topaz St. east of Frankfort Ave., Middle Park. On the way, Mori
gives them headsets so he can give them instructions later and continues to be-
little Brucie.
At the car park, Mori pays the attendant. Mori gets in the yellow Turismo at
the bottom of a lift and drives it to the street. Have Luis go to the button on
the lift. Press the Action key then S to have him lower a blue F620 which Bruc-
ie drives to the street then press the Action key then S again to have Luis low-
er a red and white Bullet GT. Have Luis drive the Bullet GT to the street.
Have Luis follow Mori (the big blue blip on the radar) and Brucie west on To-
paz St., north on Frankfort Ave., and west on Vauxite St. Luis gets a three
star wated level--Mori says he tipped off the police to add intensity to the
Have Luis continue following Mori and Brucie as they go south on Ivy Drive
North, west on a nameless road to the west coast, and clockwise around north Al-
gonquin on a nameless coastal road or wide pedestrian path.
Have Luis follow the Kibbutz' over a ramp to the barge east of the east end of
Obsidian St. (except the south end points south-southeast instead of south-
southwest as shown on the radar/maps), south-southeast off a ramp at the south
end to an identical barge not shown on the map, off a ramp at the south end to a
little closed barge, then south to a little open barge (about in the middle of
the trio of regular-sized barges shown on the map).
(The ramps and barges are available otherwise except for the last barge.)
The three men meet on the coast and the wanted level is gone. Mori continues
to humor himself belittling Brucie. Luis, his obligations to Mori ended, starts
to walk away but stops when Mori tells him he could be his assistant and learn.
Luis tells Mori he's the one who needs to learn and asks Brucie to teach him
manners. Mori taunts Brucie till Brucie snaps and punches Mori in the nose.
Mori whimpers for Brucie's help as Brucie leads him away.
100% Objectives
Complete the mission in 5:15 or less
Have less than 20% car damage
Reach 140 mph top speed
Stay close to the Kibbutz brothers through the pursuit
On PC you could use the Simple Trainer and press the right bracket key ]
(the second key right of P) for occasional speed boosts.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #18 - No. 3 [100%] (1080p)" by GTA Ser-
ies Videos
Luis gets $1,500.
Henrique sends a text message--the F620 and Bullet GT are added to the cars
Luis can get by calling Henrique.
Tony Prince's missions cont.
VIII.26 Not So Fast
Have Luis go to Hercules to meet Tony.
Troy, the bouncer, tells an uninterested Luis he expects a team to make a doc-
umentary about him and that they were going to make one "about this Puerto Rican
guy in Bohan but he disappeared." This refers to Manny Escuela who's killed in
"Have A Heart" ("IV"). Troy says they want a documentary about a tough guy with
a heart.
Tony, stoned at Hercules, says the diamonds are being old soon at the Liber-
tonian. (He says Gracie hasn't appeared to meet him which may imply that she's
been kidnapped in "I'll Take Her"--"IV.") He suggests they put in a low bid and
take them but is so stoned he falls down. Luis tells him he'll handle it on his
Have Luis drive to the Westminster helipad. On the way, he calls Yusuf to ask
for permission to use the Buzzard and Yusuf says he can take it from the West-
minster helipad. Have Luis fly it to the south roof of the Libertonian and
climb down the scaffolding on the west side to a window that overlooks the deal.
(The protagonist of this deal and police raid in "IV" is Niko--"Museum
Piece"--and in TLaD is Johnny--"Collector's Item.")
In a cutscene we see the deal between the Jewish mobsters and Niko and Johnny.
Luis kills Mori Green and the men scatter as an alarm goes off. Luis finds
Isaac, knocks him, and takes the diamonds.
(If you have Luis go right to the south balcony you can see Niko fight his way
south on the first floor yelling, "Don't f**k with me," etc.)
"TBoGT - Not So Fast (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Luis has a four star wanted level. You don't need to have him get in the
fight. Have him climb back up to the roof and take off in the Buzzard. He
calls Tony and tells him to meet him at the Westminster helipad.
You need to have him destroy three Annihilators that attack with heat seeking
missiles but their aim isn't that good.
The standard suggestion, which isn't very hard, is to have the Buzzard fly
west to the area of the Westminster helipad, have it hover and tip forward or
back as needed while using use the machine gun (Left Shift) or missiles (LMB) of
the Buzzard to destroy the three Annihilators.
Thanks for Robert Rusk for this alternative strategy for people who don't fly
very well. He recommends you use it in the day when sniping is easier. Have
Luis land on the building at the Westminster helipad and use the Shotgun Ex to
shoot down two Annihilators. This causes the third Annhilator to get stuck in
Alderney. Have him find it, land to snipe the pilot, then get in his Buzzard to
cause the third Annhilator to become unstuck and crash.
On PC you can use a tip similar to the one noted for "Sexy Time"--you can use
the Airbreak function (F6) of the Simple Trainer to keep the Buzzard steady
while destroying Annihilators.
Have Luis land at the Westminster helipad after destroying the three Annihila-
tors. He gives Tony the diamonds and Tony says this time they go right in the
100% objectives
Perform the mission in 4:35 or less
Have Luis take 20% or less damage
Have the Buzzard take 80% or less damage
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #16 - Not So Fast [100%] (1080p)" by
GTA Series Videos
Luis gets $4,000. You get the Diamonds Forever Achievement.
Luis calls Yusuf to thank him and jokes that the gold paint job is stealth-
like. Yusuf may not get the joke--he brags about the sneak attack ability of
it, anyway.
VIII.27 Ladies' Night
This mission precedes "She's a Keeper" ("IV").
Have Luis go to Tony's place in Little Italy.
Tony's upset that Gracie's been kidnapped, possibly by some guys at war with
her father, and feigns impending suicide with a gun. Luis takes it, punches
Tony, and leads him out to find Gracie.
Have Luis use Tony's black Schafter to drive him to the helicopter above the
west entrance to the Booth Tunnel in east Alderney. On the way, Tony says it's
the Ancelotti's helicopter which they told him to use. Luis indicates he knew
Tony faked the suicide attempt for attention because the gun safety was on.
Tony says they'll start looking for Gracie with some low lifes in Dukes--follow
them and see if they lead them somewhere useful. Her father, based on something
Rocco told him, is blaming Tony and Luis for the kidnapping so they need to get
her back or die.
Have Luis enter the Maverick and fly Tony over the area of the kidnapper's
car--the red blip on the radar/in-game map--on the west side of Savannah Ave.
south of Hancock St., Cerveza Heights (southwest of Meadows Park).
In a cutscene we see Gracie's suspected kidnapper is Packie McReary who's
driving a red Comet.
Packie's red blip disappears. Have Luis fly low to follow Packie's Comet but
not too closely or you fail the mission. You can press Caps Lock to toggle a
view that focuses on Patrick's Comet.
"TBoGT - Ladies' Night (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Packie drives west on Middleton Ln. then Hancock St., south on Bunker Hill
Ave., northwest then west on Harrison St., west/north/west on the East Borough
Bridge, north on Union Drive East, west on Topaz St., south on Frankfort Ave.,
east on Quartz St., south on Columbus Ave., west on Jade St., north on Frankfort
Ave., and west north of Kunzite St. into the Booth Tunnel.
You can have Luis wait near the north Booth Tunnel exit (by the helipad where
you had Luis get the chopper) for Packie's red Comet.
Packie goes north on Rand Ave., west on Franklin St., north and west on Bridg-
er St., north on Sacramento Ave., east into a parking garage, west out of the
parking garage, south on Sacramento Ave., and east on the south side of Franklin
Ave. to the door of the place where Gracie's held east of the alley entrance.
In one of the possible dialogues for the chopper stealth pursuit Tony says,
"The first thinga paranoid man looks for is a chopper," etc. This refers to
Phil Bell in "IV" asking Niko if he was followed by surveillance helicopters
which in turn refers to Henry Hill (Ray Liotta, also Tommy Vercetti in VC) wor-
riedly looking for surveillance helicopters before he's busted near the end of
the movie "Goodfellas," 1990.
(If you have Niko go drinking with Packie after "Three Leaf Clover," which
gave Packie the money to buy the Comet, Packie might refer to a chopper follow-
ing him.)
Have Luis fly Tony to the Booth Tunnel helipad. As you do, Tony texts Don An-
celotti Gracie's location. (Don sends gangsters to get her back at the start of
"She's a Keeper" prompting Niko to take her elsewhere.)
100% Objectives
Complete the mission in 8:50
Have 0% helicopter damage
Stay close to Patrick's Comet
Stay reasonably low above Patrick's Comet
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #17 - Ladies' Night [100%] (1080p)" by
GTA Series Videos
Luis gets $4,500.
Rocco calls--he says Tony owes money and is getting people pi**ed--find a way
to control him. Rocco implies that Luis should leave him before it's too late.
Yusuf Amir's missions cont.
VIII.28 Caught With Your Pants Down
Abdul Amir: Tony Mirrcandani Tony played Isaac in a 2012 episode of the TV
series "Grey's Anatomy," Mr. Garang in a 2012 episode of the TV series "Emily
Owens M.D.," Walter Beaird in a 2013 episode of the TV series "Criminal Minds,"
Jonelle: ?
Have Luis go to Yusuf's place.
Luis walks in on Yusuf dancing, waving a submachine gun around, and celebrat-
ing his wealth in his undershorts with a hooker named Jonelle. Yusuf wants Luis
to get him a NOOSE tank (an APC). When Yusuf's disapproving conservative father
Abdul Amir and his aide walk in Yusuf scrambles awkwardly to explain it, send
Luis and Jonelle away, then change the subject to his plans for Amir Towers.
Have Luis get in the Super Drop Diamond parked out front. Yusuf calls to tell
Luis to meet him in Star Junction. Have Luis drive to the east side of Denver-
Exeter Ave. just north of Kunzite St. (by a Burger Shot). Yusuf parks a gold
Swift in the middle of the intersection and tells Luis to get in.
Have Luis fly the Swift southeast toward the APC carried by a Skylift--a big
carrier helicopter and the red blip on the radar/in-game map.
Once the Swift is near the Skylift Yusuf takes control of the Swift and tells
Luis to use an Advanced sniper to shoot the four yellow bolts on the APC to re-
lease the cables that connect it to the Skylift before it's delivered to the po-
lice station (in north Alderney). Once you have Luis do that the APC drops to
the ground (and somehow isn't destroyed). Yusuf tell Luis to go after the APC.
Have Luis Parachute down to the APC (don't let him smack into the side of
something and die after getting those bolts loose) and get into it. He gets a
four star wanted level and calls Yusuf who tells him to bring the tank back to
the lot but to not have an army of LCPD vehicles following him.
Have Luis drive toward south Algonquin destroying any law enforcement vehicles
along the way. Avoid nearby explosions since too many will set the APC on fire
and you'll fail the mission. After destroying so many law enforcement vehicles
the wanted rating goes away.
"TBoGT - Caught with your Pants Down (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Have Luis drive the APC to the building site on the west side of Flatfish
Place just south of Castle Tunnel, Castle Gardens, the south end of Algonquin.
Luis calls Yusuf who thanks Luis and takes the APC with a crane.
100% objectives
Complete the mission in 7:25 or less
Have Luis take less than 50% damage
Destroy six police cars with the APC
Have the APC take less than 50% damage
Have Luis use no more than ten shots to disconnect the APC
This may only be true if you don't have a good GPU for your PC but I finally
got this by aiming a bit to the right of each yellow connector.
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #20 - Caught with your Pants Down
[100%] (1080p)" GTA Series Videos
Luis gets $20,000.
Armando's Gun Van sells the Advanced sniper for $4,750 and a magazine for
$200. (You can also get it with the phone code 486-555-0100 and with explosive
rounds with the code 486-555-2526. On PC you can get it with the Simple Train-
Ray Bulgarin's missions
VIII.29 Going Deep
Galina Bulgarin: Ara Mot
Have Luis go to Ray Bulgarin's house on the east side of Stillwater Ave. north
of Parr St., Meadows Hills, Dukes, to meet Ray and his aide Timur.
Ray bought a middle class house to work from in which he also lets his com-
plaining sister Galina live and where he stores collector item rock music in-
Ray says Marki Ashvilli won't him the hockey team The Rampage and instead has
turned a unit of NOOSE agents against Ray Bulgarin and Timur. The NOOSE offic-
ers plan to plant a tracer on Bulgarin's Landstalker. Ray wants Luis to help
him kill them so Ray can buy the team.
Have Luis drive to the underground parking garage between Topaz St. and Sili-
con St. west of Bismarck Ave. On the way, Bulgarin gives Luis Sticky bombs and
tries (and tries) to talk him into working for himself instead of Tony.
Have Luis park the Landstalker in the space indicated by the marker. Have him
throw a sticky bomb on the front grill if you have him park front first and back
if you have him park back first. (Don't have him try to move the other cars or
a car alarm goes off and you fail the mission. Don't have him plant explosives
where they could kill Bulgarin or Timur. These Sticky bombs don't beep but if
you have Luis throw them where the agents can see them they may be alerted ear-
Have him crouch by a red Oracle with Bulgarin to be unseen by the corrupt
agents whom Bulgarin says run half the illegal drugs in town. The agents arrive
a bit later in a NOOSE van and a FIB Buffalo and approach the Landstalker--one
tells another to plant evidence. Have Luis detonate the bomb after Bulgarin
tells him to do it and a screen prompt appears.
The corrupt agents are indicated by red blips on the radar/in-game map. Bul-
garin and Timur are indicated by blue blips.
Have Luis kill any corrupt agents left of the original eight, then the eight
agents from another couple of NOOSE vans, then the four agents from another
NOOSE van, then the four agents from a FIB Buffalo. There are four corrupt
agents per vehicle.
A corrupt agent or two may leave an Armor pickup when killed and there are
Sprunk vending machines for Health in the garage.
Have Luis pick up Bulgarin and Timur who wait at the exit ramp. As you have
him drive away you're prompted to lose the cops--you don't have a wanted rating
but you need to have Luis shake off the NOOSE van at the south exit and two FIB
Buffalos at the north exit. (As an option you could have Luis kill the agents
in them then get rid of a wanted rating.)
Have Luis drive back to Bulgarin's place in Meadows Hills. On the way, Ray
keeps trying to talk Luis into working for himself instead of Tony but Luis re-
mains loyal to Tony.
100% objectives
Complete the mission in 6:30 or less
Thanks to Robert Rusk for this strategy. While waiting for the corrupt
agents to arrive have Luis use the Rocket launcher to shoot the approaching
vehicles, run forward till he can see the top of the entrance/exit ramp, and
shoot each vehicle as it begins to go down the ramp. Afterward have Luis
detonate the Sticky bomb or Ray and Timur won't enter Luis' getaway car.
Have Luis take less than 50% damage
Have Luis kill 20 enemies with headshots
Have Luis attain 70% accuracy
Have Luis destroy five vehicles
Have him hide the bomb properly
Have him kill the NOOSE and FIB agents with the bomb after Bulgarin tells him
to do so and a message with instruction appears in the corner of the screen
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #19 - Going Deep [100%] (1080p)" by GTA
Series Videos
Luis gets $2,000.
Armando's Gun Van sells the Advanced MG for $7,550.
A pickup for the Advanced MG appears in Luis' save place if you've completed
20 Drug Wars.
You can have Luis call Bulgarin to hear Bulgarin make his work offer again and
hear Luis say he's thinking about it.
"TBoGT - Going Deep (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Tony calls--he heard Luis was seen with some Russians and asks if Luis has
started working for the "dark side." Luis says they must be mistaken and he'll
be in touch soon.
VIII.30 Dropping In
Timur: Glenn Fleshler Glenn supplied a Smilies voice for the 2003 game "Man-
hunt," played George Remus in nine 2011-2013 episodes of the TV series "Board-
walk Empire," Errol Childress in three 2014 episodes of the TV series "True De-
tective," the Police Captain in a 2014 episode of the TV series "The Knick,"
Have Luis go to Bulgarin's house.
Timur is vamping on a distorted guitar chord and Bulgarin is using an AK47 to
play air guitar. Bulgarin tries to draw Luis in to play drums but he's not in-
terested. Bulgarin says the owner of The Rampage hockey team still refuses Bul-
garin's offers so Bulgarin wants Luis to go to the owner's offices in the MeTV
building and, he implies, kill the owner and his workers. Luis resists the idea
but Bulgarin demands it.
Have Luis drive Timur to the heliport at the south end of the Bus Lane in
Fishmarket South. On the way, Timur reminds Luis that his job for Bulgarin is
to kill Marki Ashvilli--not show hospitality. Unlike Bulgarin, small talk seems
to pi** Timur off.
Have Luis jack the Maverick parked in the Higgins lot and fly Timur through
the red rings to an area high above Star Junction. On the way, Timur gives Luis
a radio headset like the one Luis used in the Club Management missions.
After Timur takes control of the chopper, press F to have Luis jump southwest
to the big red marker on the helipad on the roof of the MeTV building--the only
roof in the area with a helipad--by diving with W and opening the chute shortly
before landing (Timur will give Luis a cue).
Ashvelli's men, armed with at least SMGs and M4s, see Luis coming and prepare
to attack. They move around so this is one possible order of events:
Have Luis go down the stairs, through the yellow double doors, shoot the three
attackers at the far end of the hall, shoot the attack at the bottom of the
elevator shaft then jump down the shaft, shoot the three attackers in the hall,
go through the yellow double doors, shoot two attackers, g through the yellow
door, shoot the attacker in the stairwell, go down the stairs, ang go through
the wooden door into Ashvilli's offices.
Have Luis shoot three attackers in the first office. An alarm and the sprink-
ler system are activated. Have Luis use the corner as cover and shoot through
the glass to kill three attackers who are in the conference room. Have him
shoot Ashvilli (indicated by a red dot on the radar/in-game map) who falls back
out a window to the pavement below.
Have Luis jump out a window. Mainly use W to have him dive then deploy his
Parachute to have him land on the bed of Timur's Flatbed which slowly goes east
on Kunzite St.
If Luis lands on the truck we see him get inside and Timur and Luis have their
usual contentious exchange. Luis resents being Bulgarin's hitman and Timur
tells him to do what Bulgarin tells him to do.
If Luis misses the truck two cars of attackers pursue him. You can have Luis
kill them or go away quickly to lose them.
"TBoGT - Dropping In... (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
100% objectives
Complete the mission in 6:40 or less
Have Luis take less than 40% damage
Have accuracy of at least 70%
Have Luis land perfectly in the MeTV roof marker
Have Luis land perfectly on the bed of the truck
Shoot Ashvilli out the window
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #21 - Dropping In [100%] (1080p)" by
GTA Series Videos
Luis gets $4,000.
The Liberty Tree site has an article about the shootout at the offices of
Marki Ashvilli resulting in rival claims for the ownership of The Rampage. A
similar report is made on Weazel News radio.
Yusuf calls--he wants Luis to meet him at his construction site.
Yusuf Amir's missions cont.
VIII.31 For the Man Who Has Everything
The title comes from the old question about gift buying: "What do you get for
the man who has everything?"
Have Luis go to Yusuf's luxury hotel construction site on the west side of
Flatfish Place just south of Castle Tunnels, Castle Gardens, south Algonquin.
Yusuf boasts of his wealth, this time how overindulgent and overpriced his ho-
tel will be, in an awkwardly trendy way again. (When Yusuf says they'll write a
Bible about it you can see a girder knock a worker from a roof in the upper left
corner of the screen.) He wants Luis to drive him to his helicopter and says
he'll explain something on the way.
Have Luis drive Yusuf to the marker on the east end of the Algonquin Bridge.
On the way, Luis gets some exploding shells for his shotgun. Yusuf tells Luis
he wants him to steal a subway train for use in an underwater submarine train
exhibit. Luis says that sounds real dumb and asks how you'd steal it. Yusuf
tells him to disconnect the front car and Yusuf will handle the rest.
Have Luis stand in the red marker on the south side of the southwest ramp of
four ramps at the east end of the Algonquin Bridge. When you hear the horn of
the subway train, indicted by a blue blip on the radar/in-game map, passing be-
low have Luis jump over the ledge onto the southbound train. (Actually, the
blue blip is only at Mohawk Ave. at that time.)
This is sort of a rail shooter version of what it's like to have Luis fool
around using the Shotgun Ex between missions shooting down police helicopters,
Have Luis move ahead in a crouch to the first car while shooting down eleven
Police Mavericks and Annihilators (and an occasional police car or officer
that's at the side of or above the track).
When an Annihilator hovers just a bit higher than the roofs of the cars aimed
right at Luis shooting machine guns at him press Left Ctrl to have him lie flat
to pass under the Annihilator or he'll die. Press Left Ctrl again so he gets
back up into a crouch.
Have Luis shoot down another Annihilator and get on the first car.
Luis climbs down to uncouple the first car and hangs onto the back of it. Yu-
suf has the Skylift grab the car, lift it off the track, fly it low so Luis can
safely drop to a baseball field west of the Pavillion Towers, then flies away
with it.
See section I.6.c for how to jack the Skylift. On PC it's easier to use the
Simple Trainer to just spawn one. You can't carry things with it unless you use
the Simple Trainer to have it do that, anyway.
"GTA 4 : Working Skylift Magnet" by ™The Dude Studios™
100% objectives
Complete the mission in 4:20 or less
Have Luis take less than 50% damage
Have Luis lie flat under the Annihilator above Dillon Street
Have Luis destroy eight Police Mavericks and Annihilators while on the train
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #22 - For The Man Who Has Everything
[100%] (1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
Luis gets $25,000.
If you had Luis kill 50 Seagulls Yusuf sends a text message about the APC.
There's a permanent spawn spot for it at the "Y" icon in Yusuf's construction
site southwest of Flatfish Place, Castle Gardens, south Algonquin.
Yusuf calls to say he wants Luis to have his car--a Super Drop Diamond (one of
the best cars in the game)--as a gift. Yusuf says it has something fun in the
glove compartment.
There's a permanent spawn spot for the Super Drop Diamond at the "Y" icon in
front of Yusuf's apartment building on the east side of Columbus Ave. south of
Pyrite St., Middle Park East, Algonquin. Whenever Luis enters it he gets a Gold
SMG which is like an improved Micro SMG.
Yusuf makes a follow-up call to see how Luis likes it and Luis thanks him very
"TBoGT - For the Man Who Has Everything (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
The Liberty Tree site reports that pirates stole a subway car.
Ray Bulgarin's missions cont.
VIII.32 In the Crosshairs
Have Luis go to Ray's house.
Ray agrees with Luis that Tony has diamonds he got from the cook. (Ray uses
his AK47 to shoot through the ceiling at his complaining sister--we're not sure
if she's hit or just scared.) Ray wants the diamonds and Luis says he'll have
to ask Tony since they're Tony's. Ray says he wants Luis to go cover Timur's
back while Timur talks to some people.
Have Luis go to the marker at the front of a building on the west side of Den-
ver Ave. south of Feldspar St., Algonquin.
Luis gets on the roof of the building and calls Bulgarin who has him look in a
bloody box to find the head of the cook who sold the diamonds to Tony. Bulgarin
accuses Luis and Tony of colluding with the cook to steal from Bulgarin and,
despite Luis' denial of such knowledge about the diamonds, threatens to kill
Luis and Tony.
Have Luis snipe to kill the four men sniping at him from nearby rooftops
(north, southeast, southwest, and west).
Luis checks the door--it's locked. A helicopter and several cars of attackers
approach. You could have Luis continue to kill attackers or skip to the fire
escape escape described below.
Have Luis use cover to shoot the handful of attackers on the roof to the west
and shoot down the Maverick with the Rocket launcher. You could have Luis con-
tinue to kill attackers or skip to the fire escape escape described below.
Have him go down the fire escape on the east side of the building onto scaf-
folding then down to the street, get a car, and drive out of the area.
100% objectives
Complete the mission in 4:30 or less
After you have Luis snipe the four snipers have him go down the fire escape on
the east side of the building onto scaffolding then down to the street, get a
car, and drive out of Little Italy.
Have Luis take less than 40% damage
Have Luis kill 10 enemies with headshots
Have Luis achieve 60% accuracy
Have Luis use four sniper rifle shots to kill the four snipers
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #23 - In The Crosshairs [100%] (1080p)"
by GTA Series Videos
Luis gets $6,000.
Luis calls Tony--Bulgarin claims the diamonds are his, killed the cook, and
wants them dead.
You can have Luis call Yusuf--a crazy Russian has the Cosa Nostra after Luis
and Tony and Yusuf's money won't help. Yusuf says if there's anything he can do
just ask.
Bulgarin calls--again Luis denies knowing who owned the diamonds but again
Bulgarin swears to kill Tony and Luis. (I think Bulgarin is one of those hot
Bulgarin calls again--it goes about the same way as it did last time.
Tony Prince's missions cont.
VIII.33 Ladies Half Price
This mission includes Luis' perspective on the events of "Diamonds Are a
Girl's Best Friend" ("IV")--the exchange of Gracie Ancelotti for the diamonds.
Have Luis go to Maisonette 9.
Luis tells Des to let Roman and Brucie into Maisonette 9. Inside, Brucie
thanks Luis for how he handled Mori recently. Brucie then seems to whisper a
homosexual suggestion into Luis' ear then makes heterosexual boasts to deny that
he's homosexual. Tony has Luis follow him out of the club.
Have Luis drive Tony to the coast east of Pier 45, Fishmarket South, southeast
Algonquin. On the way, Tony says they're going to trade the diamonds for Gracie
as the kidnappers insist. Either Mr. Ancelotti or Bulgarin will try to kill
them--they'll take their chances with Bulgarin's Russian mobsters.
Have Luis use the nearby Squalo to take Tony to the Charge Island Sewage Works
at the southeast side of the island.
Tony tells Luis they better make the trade or her father will kill them. As
in "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend," the trade is made with Niko and Packie
but then ambushed by Russian mobsters. Luis wards off attackers as they flee to
the Squalo.
Have Luis reverse to shake off the mobster hanging onto the back of the
Squalo, shoot the attacker by the drums by the dock, then drive Tony and Gracie
back to the dock by Pier 45. On the way, Luis knocks out Gracie who's yelling
for him to kill Niko and Packie and Luis tells Tony to tell her father she was
knocked out by a boating accident.
(Theres a variety of things they say if you have Luis drive forward and take a
long time for the mobster to let go of the back of the boat. If you have Luis
stop the Squalo the gangster climbs aboard and kills Gracie so you fail the mis-
sion. After having Luis save Gracie you can send him back to kill Niko and
Packie without failing the mission.)
"TBoGT - Ladies Half Price (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
100% objectives
Complete the mission in 3:35 or less
Have Luis shake the Russian mobster off the Squalo in seven seconds
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #24 - Ladies Half Price [100%] (1080p)"
by GTA Series Videos
Luis gets $5,000.
Tony calls--the city closed his clubs because he forgot to pay off the Cita-
Rocco calls--a rich Russian (Bulgarin) is talking with the old man (Giovanni
Ancelotti) and they're upset with Tony and Luis. He tells Luis to meet him and
his Uncle Vincenzo in the public toilets in Middle Park.
Rocco Pelosi's mission
VIII.34 Party's Over
Have Luis go to the public rest rooms (the rectangular "U"-shaped spot on the
radar/in-game map) in southern Middle Park, Algonquin.
Luis meets Rocco Pelosi and his uncle Vince. (Rocco and Vince took some of
Tony's money to pay off some of Tony's debt to the Ancelottis in "I Luv LC.")
Rocco says Mr. Ancelotti's blaming the diamond problems for Gracie Ancelotti's
kidnapping ("Ladies Half Price"). Luis says Rocco brought heat onto the club so
it's understandable they blame Rocco.
Rocco says the Algonquin Triads are still upset about the shootout reception
they got from Luis and Tony instead of the deal Rocco led them to expect ("Chi-
nese Takeout"). Luis says, "Again-fair enough."
Rocco says the Russian (Bulgarin) told Ancelotti he wants the head of anyone
involved with the diamonds so now Ancelotti wants blood.
Rocco says we can give him one body--Luis or Tony. Rocco and Vince would ra-
ther work with Luis so Rocco tells Luis to kill Tony and Rocco and Luis will run
the clubs. If not, Bulgarin is going to send his Russian gangsters to kill Luis
and Tony.
Luis says he won't--he may kill Rocco and Vince, though. Rocco says Luis, his
family, and dealers are dead if that's the case so think about it.
Send Luis to Maisonette 9.
(I mentioned that Vinnie sounds like Ray Machowski from "III" now he's meeting
the protagonist in a public rest room like Ray met Claude in "III." While I'm
at it I might as well add that Tony's voice reminds me of Ken Rosenberg's voice
in VC and SA.)
Give Luis full Health and Armor and ammo for the M4, Shotgun Ex, and Rocket
launcher and send him to Maisonette 9. After a short talk with Dessie send him
to the marker on the bottom floor.
The Russian hitmen have Assault rifles and SMGs and arrive in waves of five.
Have Luis mainly fire to keep attackers from getting to the bottom of the stairs
below him. One might get through occasionally--have Luis turn back to kill them
then resume.
The Management Only office has Health and Armor.
Have Luis go outside and destroy four vehicles of attackers.
"TBoGT - Party's Over (All Possibilities) [fixed-reuploaded]" by whatever-
100% objectives
Complete the mission in 4:30 or less
Have Luis use the Rocket launcher with a lot of ammo in a replay.
Have Luis take less than 90% damage
Have Luis kill 25 enemies with headshots
Have Luis use the Advanced MG.
Have Luis achieve 75% accuracy
Have Luis use the Advanced MG.
Have Luis destroy four enemy cars
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #25 - Party's Over [100%] (1080p)" by
GTA Series Videos
Luis gets $5,000.
The Liberty Tree and Weazel News web sites report the closing of Tony's clubs.
Tony Prince's missions cont.
VIII.35 Departure Time
In this mission Timur declares Dmitri Rascalov is dead so it takes place after
the events of "IV" and is the last mission of it and EfLC.
Have Luis go to Tony's apartment on the north side of Feldspar St. west of Co-
lumbus Ave., Little Italy, Algonquin.
Luis and Tony discuss the fact that Luis shot Vince instead of Tony so the
Bulgarin and Ancelotti crime families are after Tony. Luis has to defeat Bul-
garin's gang.
Have Luis drive Tony to the alley on the south side of Crockett Ave. east of
Wappinger Ave., Firefly Island, Broker, because Tony says his less salubrious
(favorable to or promoting health or well-being) friends say Bulgarin has a her-
oin deal at Funland there. Luis gets out of the car and tells Tony to wait for
him at the Monoglobe, Dukes. Have Luis go south in the alley to the marker.
Timur says that now that (Dmitri) Rascalov is dead we (Bulgarin's mob) have
the sole claim to the junk (heroin).
Have Luis kill Bulgarin's attackers as needed to destroy three duck statues
(green blips on the radar/in-game map) containing Bulgarin's heroin. Red ex-
plosive tanks can be shot to help kill enemies.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip to have Luis go back to the north end of the
alley, climb onto the machine under the "SHOOT EM WIN!" sign on the west side of
the building, climb onto the roof of that building, then climb onto the roof
south of that for a view of most of the Russians.
Shooting an exploding tank can activate the music and motion of the revolving
ride with six arms each ending in a pair of blue pods and the music or noises
for various games or rides like the Shake Yo' Booty ship (the music for it is
"What Shall We Do with a Drunken Sailor?").
There's a First Aid kit on the wall by the northern of the first three duck
statues which is southwest of Crockett Ave./Oneida Ave.
There's a hot dog vendor (if not scared away) just east of the north end of
the long pier that has a cross at the south end. (Kill enemies who might follow
Luis so the vendor isn't scared away.)
After you have Luis destroy the third duck statue (in an area with about nine
attackers) have him go to the marker for the prompt to get to the other side of
Funland where there's a red marker/radar blip.
An Armor pickup appears nearby leaned against a ticket booth south of the ride
with six arms mentioned above and where the "M" of the Firefly Island "Memory
Lanes" is on the paper map.
When you have Luis walk into the marker you get the prompt to "Destroy the
rest of the heroin shipment"--the last two statues of ducks at the green radar
blip. There are about as many attackers around them.
Timur tells Luis Ray is flying away but his men will kill you and your
friends. Have Luis chase after Timur and kill him and his two guards, who run
down into a little north-south ped tunnel south of the south end of Wappinger
St., and get to the airport in two (game) hours.
Have Luis get on the Bati Custom (one of the better 'cycles) indicated by a
blip on the radar/in-game map and go to the marker/radar blip at the east end of
Hickcock St. at the Broker-Dukes Expressway. Luis doesn't have to take the GPS
route. On the way, Yusuf calls--Luis explains his predicament and Yusuf offers
"TBoGT - Departure Time (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
At the Broker-Dukes Expressway, Yusuf uses his Gold Buzzard to destroy a vehi-
cle of attackers. Have Luis follow the GPS route to the airport while Yusuf de-
stroys the vehicles of attackers on the way.
At the airport Yusuf wishes Luis good luck and flies away. Have Luis speed
toward the red marker at the left rear side of Bulgarin's private jet. Press
the lean forward key repeatedly to have the 'cycle go faster on a straightaway
and you can have Luis catch up with the jet after it makes a 90 degree turn to
the right.
The stairway entrance is open so Luis climbs on and into the jet. (This sec-
tion of the mission is similar to the SA mission "Stowaway.")
Have Luis use cover to kill Bulgarin's three attackers who are at the front
of the seating area. Have Luis kill Bulgarin--you can have Luis use a handgun
to perform an Execution of Bulgarin.
Bulgarin drops a Grenade and part of the jet is blown off. Luis jumps out
through the hole.
Have Luis deploy his chute (LMB), aim him at the red blip on the radar which
is just south of the Monoglobe, and press S so he can make it there. (The Mono-
globe is like a smaller version of the 12 story high Unisphere in Flushing Mea-
dows Park, Queens, NYC.)
The song heard during te glide is "No Security" by Kelis featuring The Crook-
ers (also available on the radio station Electro-Choc).
A homelesss man goes through the trash and finds the diamonds thrown into a
garbage truck in "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" ("IV"). (You'd think the
diamonds would end up in a garbage dump not a trash bin in the park.)
(The homeless man is Jerry Kapowitz. He appears in "Clean Getaway" begging
Vladimir Glebov for change. Jerry plans to take his wealth to Vice City and
start a gun shop and liquor store. His claim to the diamonds was contested by
over 100 people but Mayor Julio Ochoa decided it would be impossible to verify
the claims so he let Kapowitz to keep the proceeds from the sale of the dia-
monds. Jerry is the man seen during the closing credits celebrating his fortune
in the back yard of Bryce Dawkins' mansion in Westdyke, Alderney, with a bunch
of dancing women including the Unnamed Asian Woman seen in "Buyers Market,"
TLaD, and "Boulevard Baby," TBoGT.)
Tony thanks Luis for ending his troubles and Yusuf joins them eager to join
Tony's club endeavor as they walk away together.
As with TLaD, the end credits show scenes from the game. One shows Mori and
Brucie boxing which may mean Brucie is better at asserting himself around Mori.
100% objectives
Complete the mission in less than 10:00
Have Luis take less than 50% damage
Have Luis kill 25 enemies with headshots
Have Luis achieve 70% accuracy
"GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Ending / Final Mission - Departure Time [100%]
(1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
Luis gets $10,000. You get the Maestro Achievement.
Luis is in front of Maisonette 9 with a Gold-SMG. If you had Luis complete 50
Drug Wars the Gold-SMG spawns in his save place.
Henrique sends a text message--you can have Luis call him for an APC.
Yusuf sends a text message--the Buzzard has a permanent spawn spot on the West
River (at the "Y" icon at the Westminster helipad).
Leta Lopez-Wilkinson sends an Email--were you involved in that crazy sh** in
the news?
If you have Luis respond favorably he writes I ain't crazy, sis--I don't know
what you're talking about.
Mori calls--he's sorry he was an a**hole. But he says he now runs a kibbutz,
a commune, like a dictator.
Hercules and Maisonette 9 remain available.
There's a Parachute pickup a few feet north of the Base Jump marker at the
Westminster Algonquin helipad.
You can have Luis use his phone, go to Missions, see his scores for the main
missions, and replay them. You can have him try to improve his scores--the
highest score in a category will remain. "NR" stands for "New Rating."
VIII.36 100% Completion Score
Complete 26 storyline missions ("I Luv LC" to "Departure Time"--you don't
need to get 100% at each tested aspect of each)
Kill 50 seagulls
Win the Champagne Drinking contest in Maisonette 9
Dance successfully in Maisonette 9 and Hercules
Beat either Armando or Henrique at all of these: pool, darts, golf, and air
Take Henrique Bardas and Armando Torres to drinking, eating, and a strip club
(There aren't markers for Split Sides or Perestroika in TBoGT)
Win the L.C. Cage Fighters championship (6 rounds of 3 opponents each)
Complete 8 Club Management activities in Maisonette 9
Complete the encounters with 3 Random Characters
Daisy--1 encounter
Arnaud--2 encounters
Margot--2 encounters
Complete 25 Drug Wars
Win 3 Triathlons
Complete 15 Base Jumps
Luis gets unlimited ammunition but it can't be saved--when you save the game
the ammo returns to the original maximum.
VIII.37 Conclusion
All done!