Grand Theft Auto IV - PC
Version GTW1
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Glenster's Brief Foray through IV
Glenster's Fractaled FAQ for IV
Glenster's Guide to More for your IV
True IV life
Grand Theft Lazlo 4
Glenster's IV galore with Esprit de Corps
Glenster's Floor of your Haberdashery IV
Glenster's Haute Couto' f' IV F'sho
Take IV and Soar
Oriented for the PC version
with the Mouse and Keyboard Configuration
by Glen T. Winstein (glenster1 at IGN, and glenster at Gamefaqs, Super
Cheats, StuckGamer, neoseeker, 1UP, My Cheats, GamersHell, GamerHelp, Game Rev-
olution, and GameBorder)
glenster (who's at) rediffmail.com
This walk-through, with active links for the web addresses I use, is at:
Click "Back" to return from any of the links there--if you "X" it out,
you'll exit the web page. To compare pictures of vehicles, you might bring a
page up twice and click a link from each.
While you're there, you might want see if you find any useful information
in "Glenster's Guide to GTJ Brooklyn," which is also at the next link:
Icey, whose parser enabled my "San Andreas" walk-through to have active
links not only for the Internet sites that open in separate windows but the
chapter designations, makes navigating this daunting thing a lot easier, too
(thanks again to Icey!). It's at the webs site.
"GTA IV: Funny Stuff - Part 1" by 88galaga
"GTA IV - GTA 1 Converted to RAGE (VIDEO 2) HD" by Blaster_nl and Flitskikker
When looking for something in this guide, click "Edit" at the top left of the
screen then click "Find," or press "Ctrl+F," and a menu appears. Type in all
or part of the name of the mission you're looking for, or some distinctive word
from that section, then keep clicking "Find Next" till you're taken there.
Credit to Vlad_ for the 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air two door hard top. (The Read-
Me file says distribution exclusive to GtaMania.ru until Dec.30, 2012. I guess
that means it's okay for me to distribute it. I don't speak Russian and
couldn't find him--if you can, please let me know: glenster@rediffmail.com) I
gave it the original '57 Chevy colors, cloud pattern seat inserts, etc.
"Niko Bellic's Bel Airs" by glenster
I redid this video to have Niko show off more of the 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air
colors. No plot, no competitive stunts--this is just a display of what Niko's
1957 Chevy Bel Air two door hard top mod looks like in GTA "IV."
"The Japanese Sandman" (Richard A. Whiting/Raymond B. Egan) performed by
- Artie Shaw & His Orchestra 06/11/1936
- Dicky Wells w/Django Reinhardt, Bill Coleman, etc. 07/07/1937
'57 Chevy from "Driver: San Francisco," adapted for "IV" by Vlad_, and han-
dling line, and original '57 colors and cloud pattern seat inserts, by glenster
I Introduction
New tech, new features, thanks, personal info
I.1 Paying tributes, having things in common, and
things you may not have noticed
I.2 PC Health
I.2.a Clean your disk, disk player, and PC
I.2.b Get your hard disk drive (HDD) and/or solid state drive (SSD)
clean and in order
I.2.c Use the latest updates
I.2.d Turn off unnecessary applications before running the game
I.2.e Take-Two Games web site and support
I.2.f Tweak guides
I.2.g Volume
I.2.h System requirements
I.2.i PC hardware and software on a budget
I.3 How to save games
I.3.a The convenience of copies of your GTA IV User File
I.3.b Glenster's GTA IV Starter Package
I.3.c Some advice about saving the game
I.3.d An application that shows the Flying Rats and Jumps you need to get
and a trainer that shows the Flying Rats you need to get
and where the Health, Armor, and Weapon pickups are
I.3.e A mod that shows you the locations of items left to find on your radar
I.3.f 100% completion guide
I.4 Settings
I.5.a Stats
I.5.b Single player Achievements
I.5.c Multiplayer
I.5.d Multiplayer Achievements
I.6.a Some distinctions between the console and PC versions
I.6.b Adapters for PS2 and Xbox controllers
I.6.c Gamepad controls
I.7 Controls
A couple of instant replays that should have been (and other odd moments)
WTF screenshots
I.7.a Foot Controls
I.7.b Firing/Fight move Controls
How to have a standard third person shooter "camera" with free aim
Having Niko punch his neighbors to get to know them
I.7.c Vehicle Controls
I.7.d Land vehicle Controls
The things you can find in the back of trucks
I.7.e Stunt information
The Two Wheeler gimmick
I.7.f Helicopter Controls
I.8 A rundown of some of the vehicles and some of their real names
I.8.a Four wheel vehicles
I.8.b Motorcycles and scooters
I.8.c Helicopters and jets
I.8.d Boats
I.8.e Skycar and subway
I.9 A rundown of some of the people who drive them
I.10 Ghost world
How to get under the map--falling through ghost world
Exploring ghost world
How to get Niko underwater onto the sea floor
How to enter normally unavailable interiors
I.11 Odds and Ends
Some GTA clones/forerunners you might try
Game updates
I.12 Glitches
I.12.a Problem glitches
The Taxi bug
Dwayne not available for a Friend Activity
I.12.b Fun glitches, gimmicks, etc.
ATM machine infinite money gimmick
Missions in which Niko is less liable to create a wanted rating
Shooting the yellow marker for activisation
How to increase Assault/Carbine rifle ammo faster
How to make the Pistol, Pump shotgun, and Sniper rifle automatic
How to have a Pump action shotgun/sniper rifle shoot as fast as an
How to throw a smoking Grenade
How to make any vehicle Everything Proof
Increasing the speed of a sports car by popping the tires
How to clone land vehicles
How to chrome your GTA IV world [no mods]
How to get more money from Brucie's Exotic Exports vehicles
The swing glitch
Billboard of Death
How Niko can fall without damage
Ghost parachute
How to survive a helicopter jump
How to hang from a helicopter
Street surfing
How to win Brucie's races uncontested
How to have a passenger knock Niko from his vehicle
How to have a player stick to or above another player's vehicle
How to create a whirlpool
Box in Packie's head
Box in stripper and zombie
How to let Niko go through a strip club without being propositioned
Shoot a propane tank at close range with a shotgun yet not get
Shoot the gadgets on top of gas tanks to fly across town
Ghost riding
Spawn a vehicle in midair
Have Niko make a semi-dramatic entrance
I.13 Radio
I.14 TV
I.15 Internet
I.16 Phone numbers/codes
I.17 Video walk-throughs/entire games "Done Quick"
I.18 How to get as much done as possible before starting the main missions
Starter Save achieving 11.95% by zmoonchild
II Wanted ratings, weapons, Health, and Armor
II.1 Wanted Ratings
The Wanted Circle
Getting rid of a wanted rating
What happens at each wanted level
II.2 Weapons
II.3 Health
II.4 Armor
III The missions
"GTA IV" mission tree and storyline choices
Part one
III.1 In The Beginning.... (cutscene intro)
Roman Bellic's missions
III.2 The Cousins Bellic
IV Preliminaries for the rest of part one
IV.1 Save places and parking spaces part one
IV.2 Maps
IV.4 Money
IV.5 Internet Cafe--items shown on a computer
IV.6 Some clothes, vehicle, car wash, skate park, and strip club locations
part one
and a sex shop
Avoiding the $5 fee and wanted rating at the toll booths
IV.7 Fixed spawn spots of First Aid Kits, Body Armor, and weapons part one
IV.8 Flying Rats part one
IV.9 Stunt Jumps part one
IV.10 QUB3D videogame
IV.11 Bowling
IV.12 Darts
IV.13 Pool
IV.14 Achievements
IV.15 Most Wanted part one
IV.15.a Maxwell Caughlin
IV.15.b Scott Guzowski
IV.15.c Antoinio Rivette
IV.15.d Rodrigo Stavnes
IV.15.e Fernando Tisdel
IV.15.f Tyler Pickrel
IV.15.g Preston Pecinovsky
IV.15.h Alonso Goralski
IV.15.i Bert Reker
IV.15.j Freddy Paparo
IV.16 Make a copy of your save game
V The missions for part one cont.
Roman Bellic's missions cont.
V.1 It's Your Call Niko gets a cell phone
V.1.a Cell phone
V.2 Random Characters--Brian
V.2.a First encounter
V.2.b Second encounter
V.2.c Third encounter
Roman Bellic's missions cont.
V.3 Three's a Crowd
V.4 Bleed Out
V.5 First Date Have Niko date Michelle
V.6 Friends
Male friends
Initial opinion of each Activity
Activities and locations
V.7 Friends--Michelle Stone
V.8 Friends--Roman Bellic
Roman Bellic's missions cont.
V.9 Easy Fare The Pay 'n' Sprays are available
Vladimir Glebov's missions
V.10 Bull in a China Shop Taking a taxi ride
V.11 Hung Out to Dry Shooting the yellow marker for activisation
V.12 Clean Getaway
V.13 Ivan the Not So Terrible
Roman Bellic's missions cont.
V.14 Jamaican Heat
V.15 Taxi cab missions
Little Jacob's missions
V.16 Concrete Jungle
Roman Bellic's missions cont.
V.17 Uncle Vlad
V.18 Crime and Punishment
V.19 Vigilante--Current Crimes 20 Vigilante missions
Mikhail Faustin's missions
V.20 Do You Have Protection?
V.21 Final Destination
V.22 No Love Lost Armor is available at Gun Stores for $500
Roman Bellic's missions cont.
V.23 Logging On Use a computer
Little Jacob's missions cont.
V.24 Shadow
V.25 Friends--Little Jacob
V.26 Delivery missions
V.26.a Cerveza Heights Carstack
V.26.b Meadow Hills
V.26.c Meadow Park
V.26.d Willis
V.26.e Meadow Park Festival Towers
V.26.f East Island City Tunnel
V.26.g Schottler
V.26.h Beechwood City
V.26.i Outlook Park
V.26.j Steinway
V.27 Random Characters--Badman
V.28 Brucie's Exotic Exports car theft missions
Mikhail Faustin's missions cont.
V.29 Rigged to Blow
Dimitri Rascalov's missions
V.30 The Master and the Molotov
V.31 Russian Revolution
Roman Bellic's missions cont.
V.32 Roman's Sorrow
Manny Escuela's missions
V.33 Escuela of the Streets
V.34 Random Characters--Mel
Manny Escuela's missions cont.
V.35 Street Sweeper
Brucie Kibbutz' missions
V.36 Search and Delete
V.37 Easy as Can Be
V.38 Out of the Closet Dates can be set up online through
Love-Meet.net or Craplist.net.
V.39 No. 1
V.40 Races How to win Brucie's races uncontested
V.40.a Airport Run
V.40.b Dukes Boulevard
V.40.c South Broker
V.41 Friends--Brucie Kibbutz
V.42 Friends--Carmen Ortiz ("SoBoHoe")
V.43 Friends--Kiki Jenkins ("LawChick")
V.44 Friends--Alex Chilton ("Liberated Woman")
Elizabeta Torres' missions
V.45 Luck of the Irish
V.46 Blow Your Cover
Part two
Algonquin is open
VI Preliminaries for part two
VI.1 Save places and parking spaces part two
VI.2 Internet Cafe
VI.3 Some clothes, vehicle, car wash, skate park, and strip club locations
part two
and the locations of a comedy club and a helicopter tour agency
VI.4 Algonquin Pay 'n' Sprays
VI.5 Fixed spawn spots of First Aid Kits, Body Armor, and weapons part two
VI.6 Flying Rats part two
VI.7 Stunt Jumps part two
VI.8 Achievements
VI.9 Most Wanted part two
VI.9.a Shon Kikuchi
VI.9.b Jimmy Kand
VI.9.c Simon Nashly
VI.9.d Tommy Francovic
VI.9.e Barry Lamora
VI.9.f Lino Friddell
VI.9.g Juan Haimo
VI.9.h Darren Covey
VI.9.i Leo Brodell
VI.9.j Christov Mahonvic
VI.10 Make a copy of your save game
VII Missions for part two
Brucie Kibbutz' missions cont.
VII.1 Races
VII.1.a Star Junction
VII.1.b Road to Bohan
VII.1.c South Algonquin
Manny Escuela's missions cont.
VII.2 The Puerto Rican Connection
VII.3 Random Characters--Ileyna Faustin
VII.4 Random Characters--Hossan Ramzy
VII.5 Random Characters--Sara
VII.6 Random Characters--Pathos
Elizabeta Torres' missions cont.
VII.7 The Snow Storm
VII.8 Have a Heart
Playboy X' missions
VII.9 Deconstruction for Beginners
VII.10 Photo Shoot
VII.11 Random Characters--Jeff
Dwayne Forge's missions
VII.12 Ruff Rider
VII.13 Undress to Kill
Playboy X' missions cont.
VII.14 The Holland Play
VII.15 Random Characters--Cherise
VII.16 Friends--Dwayne Forge
Roman Bellic's missions cont.
VII.17 Hostile Negotiation
U.L. Paper missions
VII.18 Wrong is Right
VII.19 Portrait of a Killer
VII.20 Dust Off
VII.21 Paper Trail
Francis McReary's missions
VII.22 Call and Collect
VII.23 Final Interview
VII.24 Holland Nights
VII.25 Random Characters--Clarence Little
Francis McReary's missions cont.
VII.26 Lure
Patrick McReary's missions
VII.27 Harboring a Grudge
VII.28 Waste Not Want Knots
VII.28 Friends--Kate McReary
Patrick McReary's missions cont.
VII.30 Three Leaf Clover
Part three
Alderney is available
VIII Preliminaries for part three
VIII.1 Save places and parking spaces part three
VIII.2 Internet Cafe
VIII.3 Some clothes, vehicle, car wash, skate park, and strip club locations
part three
VIII.4 Alderney Pay 'n' Sprays
VIII.5 Fixed spawn spots of First Aid Kits, Body Armor, and weapons part
VIII.6 Flying Rats part three
VIII.7 Stunt Jumps part three
VIII.8 Achievements
VIII.9 Most Wanted part three
VIII.9.a Marty Boldenow
VIII.9.b Noel Katsuda
VIII.9.c Rodney McEniry
VIII.9.d Glenn Lushbaugh
VIII.9.e Phil Bacerra
VIII.9.f Sergi Szerbin
VIII.9.g Danny Hatmaker
VIII.9.h Mervin Eskuchen
VIII.9.i Frederick Harrison
VIII.9.j Keenan Burdett
VIII.10 Make a copy of your save game
IX Missions for part three
Brucie Kibbutz' missions cont.
IX.1 Races
IX.1.a North Alderney
IX.1.b Elevated (Mid-Alderney)
IX.1.c South Alderney
IX.2 Random Characters--Marnie Allen
IX.3 Random Characters--Ivan Bytchkov
IX.4 Random Characters--Eddie Low
IX.5 Friends--Packie McReary
Ray Boccino's missions
IX.6 A Long Way to Fall
IX.7 Taking in the Trash
IX.8 Meltdown
IX.9 Museum Piece
IX.10 No Way on the Subway
IX.11 Late Checkout
IX.12 Weekend at Florian's
Gerald McReary's missions
IX.13 Actions Speak Louder than Words
IX.14 I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, and Your Motorcycle
Derrick McReary's missions
IX.15 Smackdown
IX.16 Stevie's vehicle Collection
Derrick McReary's missions cont.
IX.17 Babysitting
IX.18 Tunnel of Death
Francis McReary's missions cont.
IX.19 Blood Brothers
Patrick McReary's missions cont.
IX.20 Undertaker
Bernie Crane's missions
IX.21 Hating the Haters
IX.22 Union Drive
IX.23 Buoys Ahoy
Gerald McReary's missions cont.
IX.24 I'll Take Her
IX.25 Ransom
IX.26 She's A Keeper
IX.27 Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend
IX.28 Random Characters--Gracie Ancelotti
Phil Bell's missions
IX.29 Truck Hustle
IX.30 Assassination missions
IX.30.a Bailing Out for Good
IX.30.b Dead End
IX.30.c Derelict Target
IX.30.d Hook, Line and Sinker
IX.30.e Industrial Action
IX.30.f Migration Control
IX.30.g R.U.B. Down
IX.30.h Taken Out
IX.30.i Water Hazard
Jimmy Pegorino's missions
IX.31 Pegorino's Pride
IX.32 Payback
Phil Bell's missions cont.
IX.33 Catch the Wave
IX.34 Trespass
IX.35 To Live and Die in Alderney
Jimmy Pegorino's missions cont.
IX.36 Flatline
IX.37 Pest Control
Jon Gravelli's missions
IX.38 Entourage
IX.39 Dining Out
IX.40 Liquidize the Assets
Niko Bellic's missions
IX.41 That Special Someone
Jimmy Pegorino's missions cont.
IX.42 One Last Thing
You can choose between two endings--Deal or Revenge.
Phil Bell missions cont.
IX.43 Deal If The Price is Right
Roman Bellic's missions cont.
IX.44 Deal Mr. & Mrs. Bellic
Little Jacob's missions cont.
IX.45 Deal A Revenger's Tragedy
Niko Bellic's missions cont.
IX.46 Revenge A Dish Served Cold
Roman Bellic's missions cont.
IX.47 Revenge Mr. & Mrs. Bellic
Little Jacob's missions cont.
IX.48 Revenge Out of Commission
IX.49 100% completion
IX.50 Make a copy of your save game
X Basic skins, modding (use at your own risk),
music, and screen shot tutorial
Modding section
X.1 Compressed File Utility
X.2 Web sites for skins and mods
X.3 Mods
X.4 Un-check the read only dot 1st
X.5 Make backups (and where to find other backup files)
X.6 Tools:
"ASI loader" by Alexander Blade
"OpenIV" by GooD-NTS
"Scripthook" by HazardX
"Alice" by Alexander Blade
"X GXT Editor" by xmen
X.7 Installing most car, bike, or pedestrian mods:
X.8 Skin viewing and editing
"OpenIV" by GooD-NTS
X.9 Peds
How to change the scenarios performed by peds
How to have access to the MP clothing at the start of the game
X.9.a GTA Garage player/ped mods
X.9.b "Dr Goldfoot's Bikini Machine" by chamber
X.9.c "GTA IV Ped Personality Editor" by CoMPMStR
X.9.d Player Selector
X.9.e Ragdoll/Drunk animations
X.9.f "Real Parkour Animations" by boblester122
X.9.g "HULK script" Script by JulioNIB and model by ac.amir
X.9.h "Claude And Tommy Player Mod" by bammargera
X.9.i "CJ Tommy Claude pack" by Nobeus
X.10 Cars and bikes (TGIOPC)
X.10.a How to mod a vehicle to not have dirt by rextex128
X.10.b How to change their mass,
ability to stay upright and hug the driving surface,
ability to survive in water,
cornering and braking, top speed, acceleration,
suspension, durability, and miscellaneous jazz
X.10.c Game play advantages
X.10.d Making vehicles weaker or stronger
X.10.e How to create your own "Alloy Wheels of Steel" Freeway
X.10.f How to change their colors
X.10.g How to change their on-screen names
X.10.h How to change the chase cam of a vehicle
X.11 Weapons and Attackers
How to lessen or beef up the severity of attacks
X.11.a "Buy Back Your Weapons" by ThirteenAG
X.11.b "Dubstep Gun" (of "Saints Row IV") script by JulioNIB, anims by
Yeardley Diamond, gun model by Quechus13
X.11.c "GTA IV Weapon Editor" by CoMPMStR
X.11.d "Sniper Bullet Time" by Nevitro
X.11.e "Minigun Mod" by mahmutil aka mahmutil87
X.11.f "Powerful Weapons Mod" by Dragi92
X.12 Miscellaneous mods, etc.
X.12.a "Fireworks Mod" by ZAZ
X.12.b "GTA IV Snow Mod" by jumbo0
X.12.c "Taxi Missions Mod" by Hergonan and ObsessedWithGTA4
'57 Chevy Bel Air
X.12.d "1957 Chevrolet Bel Air Hardtop [Final]" by Turn 10 FM4, Vlad_, and
X.12.dd "GTA 4/EFLC Chevrolet Bel Air 1957 rusty" by Ubisoft and Mr.Poher
X.12.ddd "Chevrolet Bel Air Hardtop Light Tun 1957 for GTA 4" by by Turn 10
FM4, Vlad_, and Kamaz43118
X.12.e "Simple Trainer for GTAIV" by sjaak327
X.12.f "The GTA IV Control Center" by saracaglu
X.12.g "GTA IV Google Map Radar" by Sonik-hedgehog
X.12.h "Google Map Radar Item Locations" by dataschmuck
Graphics enhancement
X.12.i "iCEnhancer 2.1" by Hayssam Keilany aka iCE La GlacE
X.12.j "ENBSeries graphic modification" by BorisVorontsov
X.12.k "VisualIV" by City_Poke912
X.12.l "Amazing graphics for medium/Low pc's" by T-ru
X.12.m "GTA IV Graphics Mod 2013 Edition" by Ownallday
X.12.n "GTA IV Ultimate Textures" by RealizmIV Team and seba84PL
X.12.o "Ultimate Graphic Tweak" by bartekxyz
Total conversion
X.12.p "GTA III Rage" by StunterDan
X.12.q "Vice City RAGE" by the RAGE Team
X.12.r "Gostown Paradise" by terreur69
X.13 Mod requests
X.14 Music
MP3s and wav files
How to save hard disk space with shortcuts
X.15 Screen shots and videos
Fraps, the Easy Graphic Converter, and Virtual Dub
How I make videos
GTA IV replays
Video Editor
I Introduction
New tech, new features, thanks, personal info
I finally had a new computer built (early 2014):
Case: NZXT Phantom 530
MOBO: Asus Sabertooth Z87
CPU: Intel Core i7-4770k
CPU cooler: Noctua NH-U12S with an extra Noctua NF-F12 PWM fan
PSU: Seasonic Platinum-860
Memory: Mushkin Enhanced Redline Ridgeback 2,133mhz
SSD (OS): Samsung 840 EVO 500GB
OS: Windows 7 64 bit
HDDs (storage): Western Digital Black 3 TB WD3003FZEX and 2 TB WD2003FZEX
Optical drive: LG WH14NS40 Internal Blu-ray Writer
GPU: ASUS STRIX GeForce GTX 970 (April 2015)
Issues with GTA IV showing video cards with over 2GB as under spec
Create a text file named ‘commandline.txt’ in the main GTAIV folder and put
the following statement inside it:
-availablevidmem 2.0
If that doesn't work, try increasing the number to one of the following:
-availablevidmem 3.0
-availablevidmem 4.0
-availablevidmem 5.0
-availablevidmem 6.0
Note that these command lines can be added immediately after the last quota-
tion mark in the target parameter of the program shortcut on your desktop.
Right click the file and select Properties. Under the shortcut tab go to Target
--the location of the file within quotation marks. Modify the Target adding the
command line variables after the last quotation mark.
Press Apply and start your game via the shortcut.
If you are using Steam, please try Properties of game > Launch Options > Add:
-nomemrestrict -norestrictions
The 3 TB WD HDD will initialize as a nearly 2 TB HDD with an unusable parti-
tion. To make full use of the 3 TB WD HDD strictly as a storage disk (you
haven't installed Windows on it):
Click Start, right click My Computer or Computer, click Manage, go to Storage
and Disk Management. Go to your 3 HDD, right click on the usable section (it
has a blue line on the top of the usable section; the unusable partitioned part
has a black line over it) and click Delete Volume--click Yes. The blue bar be-
comes black as well. Right click the number/name of the HDD at the very left
side of the menu--to the left of the black bar--and click Convert to GPT Disk.
The black bars are now a solid black bar. Right click the area with a black
bar over it and click New Simple Volume and a New Simple Volume Wizard appears.
Click through the pages then click Finish. When it's done formatting your com-
puter will recognize the drive and let you make the most use of it.
(Thanks to Cammern--see her video at the next link.)
To have more graphics resources when using the 4600 GPU of the Intel Core i7-
4770k CPU (no separate GPU):
Press Del about twice a second during boot to go to the BIOS. Go to Advanced
> Advanced > System Agent Configuration > Graphics Configuration > iGPU Memory.
Write down the number in case you want to revert to it if you add a separate
GPU and let it handle memory for graphics. Use the drop down box to select
1024 MB. Save and Exit.
Dial back anti-aliasing in favor of post-processing FXAA or such--downgrade
texture filtering to 4X anisotropic.
In the game turn off V Sync.
The food and exercise system, and Muscle/Fat/Stamina/Lung Capacity/weapon/ve-
hicle stat building, of SA are gone and won't interrupt stunts anymore. Food
is fortunately back to being an optional way to increase Health. The "still-
likedressingup" code still isn't back, but clothes changes are still a supple-
ment to dating.
The "San Andreas" dating system is back as a system of male and female
Friends. Beyond building up a Like stat with them you can let them interrupt
to suggest Bowling, Darts, etc., then call back to cancel the plan without a
penalty or put Niko's phone on Sleep mode and watch their Like stat go down.
Fortunately, it was so unpopular it became optional in "V."
The graphics continue the SA concern for realism over graphics that are fun
to look at, but do it up better regarding detail and the shading of things in
relationship to each other, etc., probably because "IV" doesn't stretch what
the graphics engine can do for the size of the map like SA did. Night scenes
should still probably be avoided for You Tube videos, but they aren't as murky
on You Tube as those for SA. It's still pretty brown and grey compared to
"Vice City." I guess the higher res pleases people that their new video cards
are working but it's gone from something I've never seen the like of before to
something you see most anywhere you look. The VC way was more fun to explore
for me.
I've read that the tint covering the scenery is more VC-like for "The Ballad
of Gay Tony." (I hope it's nicer for the colors I used for the '57 Chevy mod
offered in "Glenster's GTA IV Starter Package.")
Sound effects, like those for using pickups, continue the SA trend of sound-
ing mechanical.
Character motions are more lifelike with the Euphoria game engine.
The lead character can not only use cover but you can press a key to have him
shoot from behind cover. (I'd remap to key to move it away from W so I didn't
accidentally press it all the time.) The protagonist can not only shoot a sub-
machine gun but a handgun and use thrown weapons from vehicles.
The "camera" used when the lead character uses vehicles is the same as it was
in "San Andreas." It may initially point at the ground or to the side until
the vehicle is driven a while or until after you have the "camera" glance to
the side or backward. I'd still prefer the "Vice City" method of having it
point forward when you press acceleration and just add the "San Andreas" method
of holding down the RMB to aim it elsewhere.
I'd rather not have to keep using the mouse to aim the "camera" forward. I'd
like my right hand free to press lean forward and lean back keys for 'cycle
stunts. It should at least be an option.
At the airport, the jets aren't usable vehicles but the red radar dishes
twirl again, and propellers in motion look good again. The little dots of
light in the sky are still there and they've been joined by little dots of light
on the roads. Markers look like upside-down insignias for a U.S.A. Army PV2
Private or Corporal.
The lead character can't snipe seagulls like he can in "Vice City," but he
has to kill 200 Flying Rats (pigeons). Ammu-Nations have been replaced with
Gun Stores and the trunk of Little Jacob's car.
The Skimmer weenies are back putting out videos of wrecks and calling them
stunt movies. Loop de loops with a motorcycle are about as easy to do as
wheelies with a VC Sanchez, so they do a lot of those, too. The buildings in
"IV" have more ledges and fire escapes to land a stunt on, anyway.
They're also bothering people about the controls for flying vehicles (basic-
ally the same as for motorcycles): "Is there something I can buy for $150 so I
can fly better?" What difference could it make to use something else for Up,
Down, Left, Right, Lean forward, and Lean backward? "Is there somthing with
just Up and Left? I could fly in wider and wider circles and bail." No. Go
A car might drive under a truck like a spongy Nerf vehicle, so it looks like
some things about SA handling have been carried over to "IV"--probably for
Skimmer weenies that wreck into things more often. It feels like driving
around in molasses in "IV" probably for the same reason.
Niko can ride window washer lifts to roofs and climb ladders.
Un-check the box for "Missions" > "Start" and, at "Points of Interest," check
"Sight," "Building with Interior," and "Interactive Area," one at a time so the
map isn't so crowded, at the next link to have the map display icons. Click an
icon to see information about the location.
Also see "Secrets" > "Funny Signs" for the same map.
Bribes and Firetruck and Ambulance missions are gone. Pay 'n' Sprays are
back although you need to have Niko be out of the sight of law enforcers to use
one to get rid of a wanted rating. If a vehicle is upside down and not on fire,
it won't explode. Car washes can clean Niko's vehicle from the start of the
game (see the three preliminary sections for locations).
Online multiplayer is now provided by Rockstar. The PC version uses Games
for Windows Live. (Disclaimer: I provide information about multiplayer but
haven't used it.)
24 in-game hours takes longer now--48 real time minutes instead of 26. An
hour in the game is two minutes in real time.
Thanks to the redoubtable Robert Rusk for figuring about everything out about
the game before I got to play it on PC.
Thanks to the ASCII art generator web page for the title art.
Thanks to TheGoldenState (Gianni Van Heusden) for giving me permission to re-
color his maps to make them print out clearly in black and white.
Thanks to gtaforums.com web site for tips from fans in all areas of "GTA IV"
and mods.
Thanks to the gtagarage.com web site for the vast selection of all kinds of
Thanks to the gta.wikia.com web site for the thorough analysis of various as-
pects of "GTA IV."
Thanks to whatever57010 for his entertaining and informative videos of "all
possibilities" for "GTA IV" missions.
Thanks to Dispersor and MSuraev for their speed runs of "GTA IV."
Thanks to these web sites for a lot of the pictures of vehicles:
Thanks to imageshack for letting me make copies of the pictures.
Thanks to the Internet Movie Data Base (IMDb) site for much of the informa-
tion about the voice actors we're going to spend so much time with.
thanks to Merriam-Webster Online and Wikipedia for being my Internet diction-
ary and encyclopedia.
Thanks to the Urban Dictionary site for translations of some of the slang.
Thanks to the babelfish and bing translator sites for the translations.
Personal info:
I was born about a month after "Roll Over, Beethoven" came out.
I live in an apartment in Pittsburgh, PA, and was raised in a lower middle-
class house in Bridgeville (which I liked better), PA, about eight miles SSW of
Pittsburgh, where I lived till I was about 35.
Bill Winstein won the Golden Quill Award for newspaper excellence in 1971,
and his art and cartoons were in the Baseball, Football, and Basketball Halls
of Fame, and a number of local bars and barbershops, like Evangelista's. It
was cool to watch him draw, and he knew a lot more of the cooler comedians and
movie stars than the other kids parents (you have to imagine an eight year old
going around thinking, "Well, they're just kids, they don't know....") And my
Mom, who was a volunteer at the local library and hospital, had such and inven-
tive sense of gentle silliness and sing-song voice delivery I can't imagine any-
one imitating it.
Something about them was passed over by the world it didn't mesh with, and
was passed on to me.
My Dad was born in 1914, and my Mom was born in 1923. Their childhoods lived
on in them, and live on in me. And that's bigger than anything in these two PC-
choking walk-throughs of mine combined.
"Glenster's Drawer of GTA IV" copyright 2014, 2015 Glen T. Winstein
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed pub-
licly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright.
"Grand Theft Auto IV" copyright 2008
"Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City" copyright 2010
Rockstar Games, Inc. Rockstar Games, Rockstar North, the R* logo, Grand Theft
Auto and the Grand Theft Auto logo and A Take-Two Company logo are trademarks
and/or registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.
And everything else is by people who have copyrights for that stuff.
I.1 Paying tributes, having things in common, and
things you may not have noticed
The sax-playing busker has the voice of Walter Houser, father of Sam and Dan
Houser, in "IV" and Kene Holliday in TLaD and TBoGT. (Thanks to 123iamking) The
message boards say it's easier to find him playing sax and accepting donations
in "IV," harder to find in TLaD, and hardest (impossible?) to find in TBoGT. He
may be found at the boardwalk in Firefly Island, Broker, one of the two Super-
star Cafés in Algonquin, in the subway at Wardite St. and Frankfort Ave, Algon-
quin, the park at the south end of Algonquin, Middle Park, Algonquin, etc.
Before there was GTA, there was Roadside America
2008 Golden Joystick awards--"GTA IV" won the BBC 1Xtra Soundtrack of the
Year award, the Arvato Digital Services Xbox Game of the Year, and Rockstar
North won the CVG.co.uk UK Developer of the Year award. The GTA series has
won a Golden Joystick award for seven years in a row.
A collection of exceptionally good reviews for "GTA IV" are at the next
An article in the Internet site "Liberty Tree" dispels Urban myths which some
make spam about as being in GTAs. (Thanks to JtotheROC)
"GTA IV" Easter eggs are at the next link.
One batch of stars forms the outline of a thumbs up.
Real places the game locations are based on are at the next three links.
According to wikigta.org:
Liberty City is four of the five boroughs of New York: Algonquin (Manhattan),
Bohan (the Bronx), Broker (Brooklyn), and Dukes (Queens). Alderney is a part
of New Jersey. Each borough has its own island except Broker and Dukes, which
share one.
Real life places shown in IV (photos and screenshots)
List of buildings and locations
Alderney (New Jersey)
Algonquin (Manhattan)
Algonquin Bridge (Manhattan Bridge)
BOABO: Beneath the Offramp of the Algonquin Bridge Overpass (DUMBO: Down Un-
der the Manhattan Bridge Overpass)
Bohan (the Bronx)
Broker (Brooklyn)
Broker Bridge (Brooklyn Bridge)
China Town (China Town)
Zirconium Building (Chrysler Building)
BAWSAQ (Conde Nast Building)
Banner Hotel & Spa (Doubletree Guest Suites)
Dukes (Queens)
Rotterdam Tower (Empire State Building)
Triangle Building (Flatiron Building)
GetaLife Building (MetLife Building)
nameless (Hearst Tower)
nameless (Helmsley Building)
Liberty City Plaza (New York Plaza)
Liberty Ferry terminal (Staten Island Ferry terminal)
Middle Park (Central Park)
nameless (Morgan Stanley Building)
Colony Island Skycar (Roosevelt Island Tramway)
The Statue of Happiness (the Statue of Liberty)
Columbus Cathedral (St. Patricks Cathedral)
Star Junction (Times Square)
tw@ (an Internet cafe) (link inactive)
The bell of Columbus Cathedral rings one to twelve times in accordance to game
"Fan Facts #25 (GTA IV)" by whatever57010
Broker Bridge (Brooklyn Bridge)
Algonquin Bridge (Manhattan Bridge)
East Borough Bridge (Triborough Bridge)
Dukes Bay Bridge (Throgs Neck Bridge)
Northwood Heights Bridge (Alexander Hamilton Bridge)
Hickey Bridge (George Washington Bridge)
Leaper's Bridge (Roosevelt Island Bridge)
New York City Landmark Liberty City Equivalent
1 Police Plaza LCPD Headquarters
2 Times Square The Libertine Hotel
5 Pointz nameless equivalent
5 Times Square The Daily Globe Building
241 Canal St Dragon Heart Plaza
1500 Broadway/Times Square Studios nameless equivalent
The Beresford nameless equivalent
Bertelsmann Building The Spian Theaters
Brooklyn Borough Hall Broker City Hall
Brooklyn Bridge Broker Bridge
Brooklyn Public Library Broker Public Library
Battery Park Castle Gardens
Battery Park City Castle Garden City
Central Park Middle Park
Chrysler Building Zirconium Building
Columbia University Vespucci University
Condé Nast Building BAWSAQ
Coney Island Firefly Island
Co-op City Northern Gardens
Crowne Plaza Hotel The Star Plaza Hotel
The Dakota nameless equivalent
Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn Bank of Liberty in South Slopes
Doubletree Guest Suites Banner Hotel & Spa
Empire State Building Rotterdam Tower
Erie Lackawanna Terminal Alderney Ferry Terminal
Exchange Place Centre Exchange Place Center
Ferrari Showroom Grotti Showroom
Flatiron Building Triangle Building
Flushing Meadows Meadows Park
Gantry Plaza State Park Gantry Park
Grand Central Terminal Grand Easton Terminal
Grand Hyatt New York The Von Crastenburg Center
Grant's Tomb nameless equivalent
Harborside Plaza 10 Harborside Plaza 10
Hearst Tower nameless equivalent
Helmsley Building nameless equivalent
High Line nameless equivalent
HSBC Bank Chinatown Branch Bank of Liberty
James Farley Post Office Liberty State Delivery Building
Juilliard School nameless equivalent
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Randolf Art Center
Lincoln Tunnel Booth Tunnel
Macy's Department Store Spender's
Manhattan Bridge Algonquin Bridge
Manhattan Municipal Building Algonquin Municipal Building
Marriott Marquis Hotel Hotel ÜberBrücker
MetLife Building GetaLife Building
Morgan Stanley Building nameless equivalent
Metropolitan Museum of Art The Libertonian
Museum of Natural History Liberty State Natural History Museum
New York City Hall Civic Citadel
New York Stock Exchange Liberty City Stock Exchange
One Astor Plaza MeTV Building
One Court Square (Citicorp Building) LC24 Tower
One Financial Square nameless equivalent
One New York Plaza nameless equivalent
One Times Square nameless equivalent
Paramount Building nameless equivalent
Plaza Hotel The Emissary (Liberty City)
Prospect Park Outlook Park
Radio City Music Hall Live Central Music Venue
Ritz-Carlton The Majestic
Rockefeller Center Columbus Center
Roosevelt Island Tramway Colony Island Skycar
Seagram Building nameless equivalent
Soldiers' and Sailors' Arch Soldiers Plaza
St. Patrick's Cathedral Columbus Cathedral
Standard Oil Building nameless equivalent
Staten Island Ferry Liberty Ferry
Smallpox Hospital Old Hospital
Statue of Liberty Statue of Happiness
Theresa Towers Hotel Hamilton
Thomson Reuters Building nameless equivalent
Time Warner Center nameless equivalent
Times Square Star Junction
Times Square Tower nameless equivalent
Trinity Church Suffolk Church
Trump International Hotel and Tower Mammon Heights
Trump Tower Cleethorpes Tower
Triborough Bridge East Borough Bridge
TWA Flight Center + LaGuardia Runway Francis International Airport
Two New York Plaza
Unisphere The Monoglobe
UN Complex Civilization Committee
USS Maine National Monument
Waldorf Astoria Hotel The Nicoise Hotel
Washington Square Arch
Woolworth Building Woodworld Building
World Financial Center (minus Towers 1 & 4) WTF Center
"Liberty City in HD Universe/New York Landmarks"
A good collection is at the next link. Some examples:
Outlook Park (Prospect Park)
Twitchin's Sugar plant (Domino Foods plant)
Soldier's Plaza (Grand Army Plaza)
Broker Public Library (Brooklyn Public Library's Central Library)
Francis International Airport (TWA Flight Center + LaGuardia Runway)
Liberty State Pavilion Towers (New York State Pavilion)
The Monoglobe (Unisphere)
Gantry Park (Gantry Plaza State Park)
Star Junction (Times Square)
Middle Park (Central Park)
Zirconium Building (Chrysler Building)
BAWSAQ (Condé Nast Building)
Randolf Art Center (Metropolitan Opera)
MeTV Building (One Astor Plaza)
Live Central Music Venue (Radio City Music Hall)
Columbus Cathedral (St. Patrick's Cathedral)
Civic Citadel (Woolworth Building)
WTF Center (World Financial Center)
Civic Citadel (Manhattan Municipal Building)
Liberteen (New Victory Theater)
Broker Bridge (Brooklyn Bridge)
Algonquin Bridge (Manhattan Bridge)
Colony Island Skycar (Roosevelt Island Tramway)
East Borough Bridge (Triborough Bridge)
The Spian Theaters--the entrance is used by Pathos (Bertelsmann Building)
Northern Gardens (Co-op City)
Doubletree Guest Suites (Banner Hotel & Spa)
Alderney Ferry Terminal (Erie Lackawanna Terminal)
Exchange Place Center (Exchange Place Centre)
nameless bldg. (Hearst Tower)
nameless bldg. (Helmsley Building)
Hotel ÜberBrücker (Marriott Marquis Hotel)
nameless bldg. (Morgan Stanley Building)
New York Public Library
nameless bldg. (One New York Plaza)
nameless bldg. (Paramount Building)
nameless bldg. on Rand Ave. (Harborside Plaza 10)
Columbus Center (Rockefeller Center)
old hospital (Smallpox Hospital on Roosevelt Island)
Liberty Ferry (Staten Island Ferry)
nameless bldg. (Times Square Tower)
The arch over the west end of the Middle Park segment of Quartz St. (Washing-
ton Square Arch)
:58 Satriale's pork store, except without the name "Satriale," from the 1999-
2007 TV series "The Sopranos," is on Moog St. and on Odhner Ave. in Acter, Al-
derney. In the show it's in Kearny, New Jersey, but is actually based on
Sacco's Meat Market at 806 3rd Ave., Elizabeth, New Jersey.
"Fan Facts #30 (GTA IV)" by whatever57010
Grant's Tomb is southwest of the west end of Pyrite St., Middle Park West, Al-
The Trump International Hotel and Tower (with globe) is on the west side of
Frankfort Ave. and the north side of Nickel St., Middle Park West, Algonquin.
1500 Broadway/Times Square Studios is represented on the north side of Jade
St. and east side of Burlesque, the Triangle, Algonquin, by a nameless building
with a curved FlyUS LCD display, an LED sign/ticker display, and a Cluckin'
The skyscraper top of it reminds me more of the Seagram Building. A couple
others in the area are similar but the top of this one is the most like it.
The Paramount Theater is represented in Star Junction, Algonquin, on the west
side of Denver-Exeter Ave. and north side of Iron St. by the Canyon Entertain-
ment building which features a Superstar Café, an ad for Love Fist, and a work-
ing clock on the roof.
The Morgan Stanley Building, 1585 Broadway, is represented in the game on the
north side of Lorimar St./west side of Burlesque, Star Junction, Algonquin, by a
skyscraper with a corner sign that says "(Cooper?) Jackson" and with several
moving LED tickertape signs.
One Times Square aka 1475 Broadway, the New York Times Building, the New York
Times Tower, or simply the Times Tower (the place where they hold the New Years
Eve ball drop), is represented at the south side of Iron St., east side of Den-
ver-Exeter Ave., and west side of Burlesque, Star Junction, Algonquin.
The Thomson Reuters Building, 3 Times Square, is represented on the south side
of Kunzite St. and east side of Burlesque, Star Junction, Algonquin.
Times Square Tower, 7 Times Square, is represented on the west side of Colum-
bus Ave. and south side of Iron St. by a skyscraper with orange lit up letters
for THE DAILY GLOBE on the sides and the Vinewood Bar & Grill at the base in The
Triangle, Algonquin.
The Libertonian museum in southeast Middle Park, Algonquin, is like the Metro-
politan Museum of Art except there aren't dinosaur fossils at the Metropolitan.
The Libertonian can be entered any time on the south side.
The Washington Square Arch is represented by the arch over the west end of the
Middle Park segment of Quartz St.
The eastern side of The Beresford is shown in simplified form north of Ruby
St. on Frankfort Ave. across from the west side of Middle Park, Algonquin. To
the south of Ruby St./Frankfort Ave. is a twin towered apartment building which
represents various similar apartment buildings near The Beresford.
The Hearst Tower, which looks like Bucky Fuller's accordion museum, is repre-
sented at the south side of Jade St. and east side of Frankfort Ave., The Trian-
gle, Algonquin.
Time Warner Center, a twin-tower building bridged by an atrium containing
shops, is represented by one tower on the south side of Nickel St. and west side
of Frankfort Ave., Purgatory, Algonquin.
The Chrysler Building is represented by the Zirconium Building on the north
side of Jade St. and east side of Columbus Ave., Lancet, Algonquin.
The Helmsley Building is represented (near the MetLife/GetaLife Building) by
the skyscraper on the south side of Jade St. east of Columbus Ave., Easton, Al-
gonquin. The base of the GTA 4 version has a big statue of the upper part of
Poseidon/Neptune facing Jade St.
One Financial Square aka 32 Old Slip is represented in the game by a skyscrap-
er with a rooftop helipad on the west side of Privateer Rd. north of the west
end of the Broker Bridge, Fishmarket South, Algonquin. (The gta.wikia.com site
calls it "Fife Palace.")
Part of the World Financial Center aka Brookfield Place--Two World Financial
Center (round dome roof), Three World Financial Center (pyramid roof), the New
York Mercantile Exchange, and the Winter Garden Atrium--are represented by WTF
Center between the Calcium St. to Emerald St. section of Union Drive West and
the coast, Castle Garden City, Algonquin.
The Standard Oil Building of NYC aka 26 Broadway is represented in a simpli-
fied smaller form at the north side of Barium St. and east side of Denver Ave.,
City Hall, Algonquin.
1 New York Plaza is represented in the game by a single tower tall skyscraper
with a waffle iron design (like the dash of a '57 Chevy Bel Air) on the north
side of South Parkway east of Albany Ave., The Exchange, south Algonquin.
Harborside Plaza 10 of Jersey City, New Jersey, is represented by the sky-
scraper that has flaps that extend beyond the roof on the east side of the
north end of the southwest-northeast segment of Rand Ave. and southeast of the
east end of Mahesh Ave., Alderney City, at the east coast of Alderney.
The High Line, pre-renovation, is represented by the abandoned overhead rail
track in Westminster and The Meat Quarter, Algonquin.
"Juilliard School's Alice Tully Hall (pre-2009 renovation)" is represented "at
the intersection of Manganese Street and West Way, behind the Time Warner Center
lookalike. Like the Alice Tully Hall, the GTA IV rendition is linked to a large
art gallery, known as the Randolf Art Center (in turn a replication of the Lin-
coln Center for the Performing Arts), in neighboring Middle Park West. Both
buildings are connected via an elevated walkway over Nickel Street."
The abandoned casino indicated on the radar/maps by the dead end road north of
Beaverhead Ave., Westdyke, Alderney, is like the Carousel House and Casino, 1150
Boardwalk (Asbury Ave. & Ocean), Asbury Park, New Jersey.
The tunnel that represents the Lincoln Tunnel in NY is called the "Booth Tun-
nel" in Liberty City and connects Algonquin and Alderney. John Wilkes Booth was
the assassin of Abraham Lincoln. (Thanks to NZskep)
Most Bohan streets are named after prisons: Alcatraz Ave., Rykers Ave., Sing
Sing Ave., San Quentin Ave., Guantanamo Ave., Wallkill Ave., Leavenworth Ave.,
Altona Ave., Lompoc Ave., Greene Ave., and Beaumont Ave.
Some Bohan streets are named after dance moves: Worm St., Caterpillar St.,
Spin St., Valdez Ave., Turtle St., Elbow St., Windmill St., Downrock Loop, and
Applejack St. (Applejack is a Lindy Hop move).
South Bohan is described in the game as the birthplace of hip-hop.
Darkhammer St.: "Darkhammer is the mini-boss fought in the Snowpeak Ruins, the
fifth dungeon in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess."
"Coxsack" (Ave.) may be a goof on "Cossack."
Meadows Park is based on Flushing Meadows Park, Queens, New York. The Mono-
globe represents the Unisphere and the Pavillion Towers represent the New York
State Pavilion. The building north of the Monoglobe represents a smaller Queens
Museum and the statues between the building and the Monoglobe are reworkings of
Donald De Lue's Rocket Thrower.
Some of the streets in Broker are named after the Iroquois Confederacy--a na-
tive American coalition made up of 6 different tribes: Mohawk, Cayuga, Seneca,
Oneida, Onondaga and Tuscarora. Their democratic government may have influenced
the drafters of the US constitution though how is debated. There's an Iroquois
Ave. in the same area. (Thanks to Dillinger8: "Pretty much the coolest thing to
me since I grew up on the Onondaga reservation.")
Many streets in Broker are named after things related to the American frontier
aka Old West or Wild West.
A few in Alderney are areas related to the Old West, too--Big Horn, Owl Creek,
and Beaverhead.
Several of the Broker street names related to the American frontier are also
Beatles references: Ringo, Starr, and James (Paul McCartney). In Dukes at the
East Borough Bridge there's a (George) Harrison St. It's a bit tenuous but in
John Lennon's book "In His Own Write" is a story called "Treasure Ivan" featur-
ing Large John Saliver, a goof on Long John Silver, and in Alderney there's a
Long John Ave. The Dakota, where John lived in his last years, is represented
at the west side of Frankfort Ave. and the south side of Pyrite St., Middle Park
West, Algonquin. In Paul McCartney's "Penny Lane" there is a fireman with an
hourglass and in "IV" there are firemen. I dunno.
Many east-west streets in Algonquin are named after minerals--some of them
gemstones: Amethyst, Barium, Calcium, Diamond, Emerald, Feldspar, Garnet, Hema-
tite, Iron, Jade, Kunzite, Lorimar, Manganese, Nickel, Obsidian, Pyrite, Quartz,
Ruby, Silicon, Topaz, Uranium, Vauxite, Wardite, and Xenotime.
Many north-south streets in Algonquin are named after American cities: Albany,
Bismarck, Columbus, Denver, Exeter, Frankfort, and Galveston.
Eight streets in Bohan are named after prisons: Leavenworth Ave., Alcatraz
Ave., Sing Sing Ave., Guantanamo Ave., Attica Ave., San Quentin Ave., Folsom
Way, Rykers Ave. (from Rykers Island prison in Marvel Comics), and Joliet Ave.
(Thanks to Superjay, and thanks to designmafia for adding that "Rykers" refers
to a real prison--Rikers)
Several streets in mid-Alderney are named after cult leaders: Koresh (for Da-
vid Koresh), Hubbard (for L. Ron Hubbard), Jonestown (for Jim Jones), Mahesh
(for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi), Rael (for Claude Vorilhon aka Rael), Myung (for Sun
Myung Moon), Lyndon (for Lyndon LaRouche), and Asahara (for Shoko Asahara).
A couple of the stained glass windows on the Leftwood Church on the north side
of Bridger St./west side of Sacramento Ave. have an image of an exploding vol-
cano in a reference to Scientology. (Thanks to JPhinfan86)
It's one of the places where you might find one of the two soapboxers who are
a parody of the more cult-like fundamentalist literalist religious street corner
proselytizers ("Biology doesn't exist!" "You're nothing but a probability wave--
in space!"). One is an African-American (dressed like a member of the Nation of
Islam) and the other is a European-American.
GTJ IV: the Clocktower Bldg., on the east-west shore south of the Algonquin
Dukes Expressway in BOABO, has a Clocktower sign with a digital clock above it
just like the Jehovah's Witnesses leaders' Watchtower sign at their Bethel head-
quarters near DUMBO in Brooklyn. (Thanks to Kabong)
If Niko's on top of it you can see that the tiny lights around the letter "L"
are out--the only letters lit are "COCKTOWER." (Thanks to gtamad8)
There's also a "Clock Tower" series of videogames.
A borough on the West coast of Algonquin is called Purgatory. (Thanks to
There's a Pay 'n' Spray nearby called "Auto Limbo." (Thanks to Joe40oz)
Some street names in south Alderney refer to operations which were tests of
atom bombs: Operation Plumbbob, Operation Hardtack I and II, Operation Redwing,
Operation Niblick, Operation Ivy, Operation Nougat, Operation Argus, Operation
Ranger, Operation Latchkey, Operation Mandrel, Operation Fulcrum, Operation
Storax, Operation Emery, Operation Praetorian, Operation Anvil, Operation Tog-
gle, Operation Phalanx, Operation Grenadier, Operation Charioteer (Chariot St.),
and Operation Julin.
Likewise, one street there is names "Trinity": "Trinity was the code name of
the first detonation of a nuclear weapon, conducted by the United States Army on
July 16, 1945, as part of the Manhattan Project."
Central Alderney streets are named after inventors: Babbage Dr., Farnsworth
Rd., Edison Ave., Moog St., Aspdin Dr., Sinclair Ave., Vitullo Ave., Cockerell
Ave., Berners Rd., Lee Rd., Kemeny St., Schneider Ave., Odhner Ave., Drebbel
St., Traeger Rd., and Fleming St.
The big green Sprunk logo at the west coast of Dukes south of the East Borough
Bridge resembles the Pepsi-Cola logo by the river in New York. (Thanks to Ben-
zoboy) The Pepsi sign was moved from the Queens waterfront to a spot near Gan-
try Plaza State Park.
Rotterdam Tower is the tallest building in the game (and the series so far).
It's based on the Empire State Building of NYC. The entrance is on Denver-Exe-
ter Ave. north of Garnet St. The name comes from "New Rotterdam"--the name of
Liberty City during the 1700s. That's a reference to "New Amsterdam"--the name
of New York during the same period.
The slogan below "Rotterdam Tower," "Top of the World," probably refers to the
use of it in the Jimmy Cagney movie "White Heat," 1949. (Big spherical gas
tanks like those seen in the climax of the movie are seen in "San Andreas,"
The LC24 Tower on the east side of Bunker Hill Ave. north of Harrison St.,
Dukes, is based on the One Court Square office tower in Long Island City, Queens
across the East River from Manhattan in NYC. It also appears in Portland in
"III" and LCS but is unnamed.
In "Meltdown" the enemies run into a statue then come to a stop by one that
resembles one that's part of the Bethesda Terrace and Fountain that overlooks
The Ramble and The Lake in Central Park in New York City.
The Statue of Happiness is a spoof of the Statue of Liberty.
You can see a mod of the real statue, complete with an island, etc., in a GTA
game by using Odie's "Miss Liberty" mod for "GTA III."
To see the heart which is hanging from chains in the statue, have Niko bail
from a helicopter to land on the section of the base with doors one level down
from the feet of the statue. Have him go to the side with two signs that say
"No Hidden Content In Here," go through the door between the plaques, and climb
the ladder to a platform.
At the bottom of the interior by one of the doors is a pickup for a jersey
Niko can wear. The jersey says "happiness is..." on the front and "land" on
the back.
The upraised hand of the statue holds a coffee cup from which steam rises is a
reference to the "San Andreas" "Hot Coffee" mod. Doctor Emmett L. Brown noticed
that if Niko takes Michelle on a date he asks her "Are you going to invite me in
for coffee?"
In a parody of the end of the Emma Lazarus poem "The New Colossus," which is
engraved on a plaque in the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, the other hand
of the Statue of Happiness holds a tablet which says, "Send us your sharpest,
your most intelligent; Yearn- ing to breathe free and submit to our authority;
Watch us trick them into wiping rich people's asses; While we convince them
it's a land of opportunity."
A sign in the likeness of an orange oak leaf at the west side of Stllwater
Ave. north of Tudor St. at an entrance to Meadows Park, Dukes, gives the names
of Rockstar employees as members of the Meadows Park city government. (Thanks to
Question Your Truths)
Various objects from earlier GTAs are found in the Mini Golf Course in Broker
near the Memory Lanes bowling alley on Firefly Island.
Near the miniature golf course is a fairground ride with a backdrop made up
of three scenes from "San Andreas": the Vinewood Sign, a Hydra in front of the
Los Santos skyline, and a Shamal flying over the countryside. The similarity
of this mural and the end of the first "V" trailer (where a private jet flies
over the Vinewood Sign towards Los Santos) has led some to believe the mural
hints at the location of "V"--that Rockstar North planned the production of "V"
before releasing "IV."
Previous GTA characters are referred to in graffiti on the wall just inside
the door of Niko's first save house and Dwayne's room.
A large yellow building on the north corner of Dukes Blvd./Stone St. has
graffiti depicting characters from the game art of earlier GTAs (El Burro,
Misty, etc.). The pink letters of "VICE" of "VICE SQUAD" remind me of "Vice
City." It's based on 5 Pointz: "The Institute of Higher Burnin' or 5Pointz
Aerosol Art Center, Inc., mainly referred to as simply 5 Pointz or 5Pointz, was
an American mural space at 45–46 Davis Street in Long Island City, Queens, New
York City, whose murals were exhibited mainly on the exterior walls of the
building, drawn by artists from the world over. As of August 2014, 5 Pointz was
in the process of being torn down and by November 2014 the building had been
fully demolished, to be replaced by a condominium complex."
If you have Niko kill Playboy X Niko gets Playboy X's apartment on the south
side of Xenotime St. east of Galveston Ave., Northwood, Algonquin, which is the
only save place with a wardrobe that has clothes that look like Claude's clothes
in GTA "III."
The "GTA III" tw@ Internet cafe appears in various locations the "GTA IV" Lib-
erty City.
Other visual references to "GTA III" include Wong's Laundromat on the corner
of Dillon St./Tuscarora Ave., Schottler, Broker...
...and the logo of Belly-Up fish, a company owned by the Triads in "GTA III,"
appears on crates in "IV." (Thanks to gamesguru) In "IV" the crates appear on
the porch of a warehouse across the street to the west of Brucie's Executive
Lifestyle Autos garage, Mohanet Dr., East Hook, Broker. (Thanks to gtawikia.com)
This is just a near match but--there are lips like the logo of the "GTA III"
radio station Lips FM, if not with herpes, at the Candy Box store on the west
side of Burlesque south of Manganese St., Algonquin, and the Fan Dang bar on the
north side of Mahesh Ave. west of Rand Ave., Alderney.
Donald Love is on the front page of some newspapers seen in vending machines
and carried by pedestrians. (Thanks to MisterBates666) A picture of Love with
the headline "Love's Hate Relationship With Taxes" can be seen on Liberty Tree
newspapers. (Thanks to gta.wikia.com)
It's found in newspaper vending machines on Mohawk Ave., Hove Beach, Broker,
just north of Niko's first save place, on the east and west sides of Rael Ave.
south of Hubbard Ave., Alderney City, Alderney, etc. The yellow vending ma-
chines let the most light through to the newspaper. If you need better lighting
to be able to read the newspaper go to the Time section of the Simple Trainer
and change the time of day.
The headline of a sports magazine seen at news stands is "CAN THE MIGHTY COCKS
PENETRATE THE BEAVERS?" (thanks to rdk2085) which refers to the Liberty City
home town football team and a rival team mentioned on the radio in "GTA III."
The name of the home town team is also shown in "III" in Liberty Memorial Coli-
seum in Aspatria, Staunton.
A few of the "IV" news stand locations: there are a couple in Gantry Park in
the west section of the north area of Steinway, Dukes, one by the south side of
the base of the Statue of Happiness, etc. (You can have Niko buy a soda at a
news stand for Health.)
There's a clothes shop on the east side of Columbus Ave. north of Nickel St.,
Middle Park East, Algonquin called "Miss T" (as in "Misty" from "GTA III").
(Thanks to MajorMinor81). It's advertised at the www.peepthatshit.com in-game
site in the Hip Hop section.
There are Rockstar logos in the pavement of the park over the Castle Tunnel in
Castle Gardens in south Algonquin.
One pedestrian when angered yells "I will grind you into dog food!" which is a
reference to Marty Chonks' plans to do that to his enemies in "III." (Thanks
to Mr. Someguy)
"GTA III" and "Vice City" Securicars have "Gruppe Sechs" on the side--"GTA
IV" Securicars have "Gruppe 6" instead. (Thanks to Gandrin)
Continuing the trend of the students notepad in Staunton in "III," the lights
of the WK Chariot Hotel in "Vice City," and the rock formation west of the Ver-
dant Meadows runway in "San Andreas": the Knobelisk at the south end of the
middle of Middle Park is a tall statue with two stones beside it. (Thanks to
Doctor Emmett L. Brown)
The "pager" ringtone is the one used for the pager in "GTA III." (It's also
heard in the "Vice City" intro during the C64-type login. Thanks to mdniterder)
There's an ad on the radio for a puppet show at Maginot Theatre. This refers
to Claude Maginot who's given on "Vice City" radio as having puppet shows in the
The Maginot Theater (based on the New Amsterdam Theater) is on the south side
of Iron St. west of Denver-Exeter Ave., Star Junction, Algonquin.
There's a restaurant called a "Haitian Kitchen." Little Haiti in VC has a
billboard that reads "Welcome to Hell" so the reference combines that and Hell's
Kitchen, a neighborhood of Manhattan, NYC. (Thanks to DeuCe) The Haitian Kitch-
en is on the south side of Iron St. east of Frankfort Ave. You might use the
Time section of the Simple Trainer to change the lighting of the setting to read
the sign easier.
The main type of ice cream advertised on ice cream trucks is "The Cherry Pop-
per," which refers to the Cherry Popper ice cream company in VC. (Thanks to
Tuff Gang)
A parasol of a hotdog vendor near heli tours says "You Can't Beat Our Meat,"
a slogan seen on some trucks in VC. (Thanks to Tuff Gong)
The name of a store in Downtown Vice City is "fud" and the name of a store by
Zero's store in "San Andreas" is "Fudd." FUD washing powder is depicted on the
wall on the left entrance of all the hospitals in "GTA IV." "Fud" is a Scot-
tish slang term for "vagina."
If you spawn a motorcycle so it faces the near wall or window of a place,
Niko can go through the wall or window onto the motorcycle (see the ghost world
section, I.10, for more). If you do that to get Niko into Comrades Bar--on the
east side of Mohawk Ave. across from Niko's first save place--you can see a
couple of "Vice City" posters and an OG Loc record in the jukebox. (Thanks to
On the west side of the nameless street south of Crockett Ave. east of Mohawk
Ave., south Broker, is a building called Johnson's on which is an ad of five
people all thinking about a hotdog (shown in a cartoon balloon) and the caption
"We're all dreaming of taking a bite of a nice big Johnson!" One of them, an
African American guy with a hearing aid (and who's disproportionately small
given that he's standing in front of the others), may represent an older version
--older relative?--of the SA protagonist Carl Johnson. (Thanks to TheTruePiMs)
East of the north end of the 60 Diner (Albany Ave./Nickel St., east Algon-
quin), between Albany Ave. and Union Drive East, on a billboard on a tall post,
is an ad for fruntalot featuring a picture of what looks like C.J. from "San
Andreas" seated wearing sunglasses and a hat and holding a drink. (Thanks to
derek3056 and kev the man)
Inside Comrades bar--on the east side of Mohawk Ave. across from Niko's first
save place--you see Bettina from a "San Andreas" loading screen and "Ice Cold
Killa" on a $69 bill. (Thanks to SeraphimSoldier)
It's on the wall behind the middle of the bar (use the Simple Trainer Air-
break function as a Noclip function to get Niko behind the bar then use use a
sniper scope zoom). There's also game art from "Vice City," such as of the
skater lady, on the wall behind the east side of the bar.
When the narrator of the TV show "I'm Rich" says "Your life is like a soda
commercial where everything is extremely...." you can see C.J. from "San Andre-
as" freefall then come by on a parachute. (Thanks to Ash Campbell at
A poster in the tw@ Internet cafe in North Algonquin says "Free James Pedeas-
ton!" Pedeaston was the pedophile host of the radio show "Wild Traveller" in
"San Andreas." (Thanks to Pandazoot)
Having the protagonist use a computer and go to www.littlelacysurprise-
pageant.com, a LCPD sting site to catch pedophiles, causes a four star wanted
rating before Algonquin is legally available--after Algonquin is legally avail-
able it causes a five star wanted rating.
If you have the protagonist access the site from a tw@ internet cafe, exit
the browser immediately while the police scanner goes off, and commit a one star
wanted level crime (rob the cash register, discharge a firearm, etc.), he only
receives a one star wanted level.
Darius Fontaine, the inventor of the dubious motivational therapy Inversion
Therapy on San Andreas radio, may have a relative in "GTA IV": the dubiously
psychic host of The Seance on PLR is Beatrix Fontaine. (Thanks to Aimee)
The only letters that light up on the abandoned Burger Shot on the south side
of Huntington St./east side of Camden Ave., Cerveza Heights, Dukes are "Bu g S"
on one side and "r Sh t" on the other which might imply what gets into the burg-
ers. (Thanks to Mogyle)
News stands feature Redwood cigarettes and ZebraBar candy bars which were ad-
vertised on the radio in SA. (Thanks to Shiggety)
There's a box for the game "San Andreas" on the TV stand in Michelle's apart-
ment. In "IV" on PC you can have Niko teleport there with the Simple Trainer.
(Thanks to whatever57010)
"Your Request #15 - Cutscene Interiors Explored" by whatever57010
The amusement park in Broker has purple hippo statues that were in one of the
levels of the 2003 Rockstar North game "Manhunt." (Thanks to CryptReaperDor-
ian) (GTW note: also SA)
The executions and some other killings of the game seem like the "Manhunt"
aspect of it. Thanks to Stilefty for the video at the next link.
A helmet used in the multiplayer refers to the movie "Full Metal Jacket."
There's a shirt of the Carcer City Unicorns--the city of Manhunt. (Thanks to
Question Your Truths)
A TV commercial advertising a western uses scenes from the 2004 Rockstar San
Diego game "Red Dead Revolver." (Thanks to Hobdal)
In "Holland Nights" for Francis McReary Niko says, "How much?" Franky says,
"2 g's." Niko replies, "No, make it 5 g's...." It's like protagonist Jimmy
Hopkins escorting Algernon to his locker only after getting him to raise his
payment from $2 to $5 in the 2006 Rockstar Vancouver game "Bully." (Thanks to
Bullworth Academy from "Bully" appears in a "GTA IV" TV commercial.
Carmen Ortiz, one of the women Niko can date in "IV," also dated Luis Lopez,
Armando Torres, and Henrique Bardas in TBoGT. The callous businessman who makes
a cameo talking on a cell phone in "Wrong is Right" is the one who kills Michael
and is killed in the bank heist of "IV" and TBoGT. The homeless guy seen in
"Clean Getaway" ("IV") is the one that finds the diamonds in TBoGT. One of the
keys on cash registers says "Ask CJ"--a reference to the protagonist of "San An-
dreas." The cash register at Comrades bar features keys with odd options
("GTA," "Whisky," etc.). Marcus at Perseus criticizes Niko if Niko wears his
default clothes. (Thanks to the extensive testing and fans of whatever57010
whom I also thank for tips for various missions in this walkthrough)
One of the peds Niko might bump into in mid-Algonquin says, "I'm walking here"
like the Dustin Hoffman character Ratso Rizzo in the 1969 John Schlesinger movie
"Midnight Cowboy" according to II J0SePh X II. (I know Vlad says it to a taxi
driver in the mission "Clean Getaway.")
The title and train chase of "The Puerto Rican Connection" refer to those of
the 1971 William Friedkin movie "The French Connection." (Thanks to plowking)
Niko saying it's "nothing personal" before killing someone refers to Michael
Corleone (Al Pacino) saying "It's not personal, Sonny--it's strictly business,"
and others using a similar phrase, in the Francis Ford Coppola movie "The God-
father," 1972.
One variation of the Biff truck is a dump truck like the one hauling manure
that Biff drives into in the Robert Zemeckis movie "Back to the Future," 1985,
produced by Steven Spielberg. (Thanks to Doctor Emmett L. Brown whose nickname
is taken from a character in the movie)
The 3D shark ad (where a Flying Rat can be found) for Shark credit cards on
the east side of Burlesque and south side of Iron St., Star Junction, Algonquin,
is a reference to the hologram of a shark advertising "Jaws 19" in the 1989 mo-
vie "Back to the Future Part II."
The wall of the Star Junction Cluckin' Bell features a display of a 3D Cluck
Norris doll--a reference to action movie star Chuck Norris. See 20:38 in the
video at the next link.
"Fan Facts #13" by whatever57010
One of the peds wearing an olive green shirt, a brown backpack, and a Mohawk
haircut looks a bit like Travis Bickle played by Robert De Niro in the 1976
Martin Scorsese movie "Taxi Driver." One of the peds lines is something like,
"Hey, you lost your cab?"
A building near Brucie's place in BOABO, Broker, called "Woodfellas" is a
reference to the 1990 Martin Scorsese movie "Goodfellas." (Thanks to BlOoD-
In "Three Leaf Clover," Packie and Niko rob a bank in suits with ski masks,
carry the money in blue duffle bags on their backs, and face a big police
shoot-out similar to the scenes in which Neil McCauley (Robert De Niro) and his
men rob a bank in the 1995 Michael Mann movie "Heat." (Thanks to thw)
In Niko and Roman's safehouse in South Bohan is a book titled "Madness &
Blasphemy: The Do's and Dont's," which refers to the lines "This is blasphemy!
This is madness!" of the "This is Sparta!" scene of the 2007 Zack Snyder movie
"300." (Thanks to DomFeargrieve at www.eeggs.com)
Random conversations at bowling alleys include someone ordering a White Rus-
sian. In the 1998 Coen brothers movie "The Big Lebowski" the favorite drink of
bowler The Dude (Jeff Bridges) is a White Russian. (Thanks to josh_sunny)
The TV channel "Weazel" is a parody of the TV show "24," which began airing
in 2001, and the name "Weazel" is a parody of the name of the TV network of the
show--"FOX." (Thanks to Xt0rtI0N)
The "Science of Crime" commercial is based on all the CSI crime shows. CSI =
Las Venturas and CSI: Miami would be Vice City. (Thanks to Luis F. Lopez)
The Corpse Ride on the west side of the south end of the dead end road south
of Crockett Ave. east of Mohawk Ave. in Funland is a reference to the 2005 movie
"Tim Burton's Corpse Bride." (Thanks to Xt0rtI0N)
Funland is based on Astroland which was an amusement park in Coney Island,
Brooklyn, New York City, from 1962 to 2008.
On the website www.killdebtdead.com it says that some teenagers pay you a few
dollars to fight other bums, film it, and sell dvds on the internet for money.
This is a reference to Bumfights, an online video series from Indecline Films.
They closed in April 2006 because of lawsuits. (Thanks to kid23455)
The imdb web site also gives some other "GTA IV" movie references.
For example, when you reach 72 hours playing time your addiction level says
'Ready for the Old Ultra-Violence' which is a line used by Alex DeLarge (Malcolm
McDowell) in the 1971 Stanley Kubrick movie "A Clockwork Orange."
The strip club Honkers, at Argus St. and Tinderbox Ave. in Tudor, Alderney,
looks like The Bada Bing strip club in the TV show "The Sopranos," which has a
New Jersey setting just like Honkers is located in a New Jersey-type part of
Liberty City.
One example of graffiti resembles that of the British graffiti artist Banksy
(thanks to domthecondom)--it looks like a stencil of a guy lighting a cigarette
with a blowtorch. One location of it is on the door by the little wooden pier
southeast of Faustin's house, which is on the west side of the south end of
Shinnecock Ave., Beachgate, Broker.
The red graffiti to the left of that graffiti is by Cope2. Another example
of his graffiti that appears in many locations is "COPE" with "KING" written on
the "C." One location of that is on a wall of the National Union of Contempor-
ary Arts (NUCA) building north of the west end of Hancock St., East Island City,
The TV show "Republican Space Rangers!" spoofs the space suits and large hab-
itable ring-shaped structures of the game "Halo." (Thanks to RGC Church)
Fred Armisen of "Saturday Night Live" provides the voice of a hot dog vender
(and a "Pervert" and an "Internet nerd").
"Blitzkrieg Mop" on a billboard on the north side of Thornton St. east of
Inchon Ave., Beechwood City, Dukes, is a reference to "Blitzkrieg Bop"--a tune
by the Ramones. (Thanks to Nollaig)
On the east side of San Jacinto Ave. north of Hancock St., in Meadows Park
Cemetery, is a monument that says
"for those about to build......we salute you"
As Designmafia noticed it seems to be a surreal tribute to game developers
with a reference to the 1981 AC/DC album/song "For Those About To Rock We Salute
"GTA IV - Top 10 Easter Eggs" by HS Top
A beer called Dusche Gold refers to a beer called Dutch Gold. (Thanks to
The beer called Dusche Gold also refers to gold showers ("dusche" is German
for "shower")--Urolagnia. Subway posters advertise White Widow, which is a
strain of marijuana. (Thanks to ICE COLD KILLA)
The "e-cola" drink refers to "e coli" (escherichia coli) bacteria, some
strains of which can cause serious food poisoning. The e-cola motto is "it's
deliciously infectious." (Thanks to DeuCe)
A printer in the Internet cafe has the message "error Unleash Ninja Guru
The "NURB RENDA" graffiti refers to "Non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS)--a
mathematical model commonly used in computer graphics for generating and repre-
senting curves and surfaces." (Thanks to saturnneo and Wikipedia)
When the protagonist is in Brucie's Maverick as a passenger use the first per-
son view and turn the "camera" to the right to see a sign: "This helicopter
might crash, but we really don't care. If it does refer to flight manual for
If you get Packie McReary near something so you can adjust the game "camera"
to use clipping to see inside his head, you can see a box--each side has a pic-
ture of a skull.
Pip boy found a guy with a light beard who has a box in his head in a TW@.
The Grove thinks the box might be a txt template Rockstar used while creating
the model.
The unexplained abandoned baby buggy may make you wonder where the children
went. (Thanks to Meowholland) Children don't appear in GTA's just as they
don't in most games that contain violence.
Another baby buggy is near the basketball court at the park where Niko finds
Derrick Mcreary on a park bench in "Smackdown" (IX.15). (Thanks to attybrian)
Another two strollers are behind the projects by the Plumbers Skyway onramp
in South Alderney. (Thanks to TinCan)
There's an Ice Skating Museum with tennis courts (it can't be entered) in
Meadows Park north of Middleton Lane. (Thanks to zoo3891)
There's a Korean pottery shop at Huntington St. and Camden Ave., Cerveza
Heights. You can have the protagonist enter it by breaking a window and jumping
(this can take a bit) or by using the Airbreak function of the Simple Trainer as
a NoClip function. Niko can rob the cash register. The clock keeps game time.
To have the protagonist exit it have him walk on the back part of the floor--
it isn't solid so he falls through grey hell and appears nearby.
The Correctional Facility in southeast Alderney is accessible by helicoptor
but no buildings can be entered. (Thanks to Brock Elvis)
You can have the lead player walk or ride a motorcycle to the top of the Al-
gonquin Bridge. (Thanks to Yolo Swaggins)
Three corrupt policeman stand around a person on the floor in the stairway of
the police station at Topaz St. and San Juan Rd. in Algonquin. (Thanks to Simp-
Have Niko break off the rotor/helicopter blades of an Annihilator then blow it
up with a Grenade or RPG to turn it into dark rubble. For so long as it's not
upside down you can see an image of what looks like an angry cyborg or an icon
from a Mayan clock. (Thanks to NemonicLee)
You can have Niko go beneath some of the smoke stacks that have fires on top
and shoot the pipes to have flames appear from the bullet holes. (Thanks to
SupermassiveBigAl for the video) Have Niko shoot up at certain spots on the
pipes from the next to the top floor of plants with such stacks in northeast and
northwest Actor Industrial Park, Alderney.
"GTA IV- Secret Gas Pipe" by ROCK ON!!!"
A man practices martial arts behind a house that's between Owl Creek Ave. and
Cariboo Ave. in Northern Alderney. (Thanks to ezyryder44) A man practices Ka-
rate on a large rock on the northeast coast of Alderney--he's east and slightly
north of Percell Rd. (Thanks to bluxdragon)
There's statue of a man climbing a ladder near the intersection of Columbus
Ave. and Uranium St. DR. JEREMIAH JAMES is written on the base of the statue.
(Thanks to Uncleconker and Marsmillo) The game tells us nothing else about the
doctor other than the statue seems to symbolize his quest to find something bet-
ter for people.
In a post at GTA Forums jamieleng suggested Jeremiah James is a member of the
band Teatro who are signed to Sony BMG where Dan and Sam Houser used to work.
I.2 PC Health
I.2.a Clean your disk, disk player, and PC
Clean your Play disk and use a CD laser lens cleaner disk in your player.
Turn off your PC and use a can of compressed air and clean out your PC box,
CD/DVD player compartment, and keyboard. If you spill something into your key-
board, disconnect it, flush it thoroughly with water, and let it dry for a few
(I've seen disk cleaners, laser disk cleaners, and cans of compressed air on
sale at department and drug stores.)
I.2.b Get your hard disk drive (HDD) and/or solid state drive (SSD)
clean and in order
As is apparent by the fact that I'm writing this walk-through, I've finally
built a new computer with an SSD (Samsung Evo 500 GB) for the OS drive. But I
still use HDDs (for sampling and saving audio projects for a DAW and for stor-
age) so I still keep up with the advice for them.
At least once a month--even a week--run the Disk Defragmenter for an HDD used
for an OS and after any big use of one used for storage. Run it after crashes
and after you make any big changes to your HDD used for an OS, too, like after
installing or removing new graphics card drivers or a big game demo or such.
For Windows XP Home Edition, go to Start, All Programs, Accessories, System
Tools, and Disk Defragmenter.
Even better is Diskeeper, which is what the Windows defragmenter is a scaled
down version of. I recommend the Professional version--it lets you do a boot
time defragmentation which defragments the Pagefile and Master File Table. Your
other files run in co-ordination with those, but you can't defragment those with
the Windows defragmenter.
For either type of drive used for your OS:
After using the Internet go to Start, All Programs, Accessories, System
Tools, and use the Disk Cleanup--remove the Temporary Files, Temporary Internet
Files, and Recycle Bin. The Temporary Internet Files can help you surf the web
faster, but I search it fast enough without them and they can build up into a
huge batch of bytes in no time.
You can get free software versions of Ad-aware and Spybot. You might go to
the Downloads section of the Microsoft web site and try their AntiSpyware.
Keep them updated and run them regularly.
Buy an anti-virus program, keep it updated, and run it regularly. A currently
recommended example via paid subscription is BitDefender. (It lets you use Game
Mode so it doesn't run when you play games.) A recommended free program is
avast! If you use an antivirus program, only use one and don't use software
like the two examples I mentioned above this paragraph--it can cause compatibil-
ity problems.
I.2.c Use the latest updates
"GTA IV" patch (English)/ (Russian)/ (Japanese)
"Episodes from Liberty City" patch
On your browser, click Tools and run Windows Update about once a week. The
tweakguides.com site reports Microsoft updates.
Make sure you have the latest updates for your sound (Creative Labs, ASUS,
etc.) and graphics card (ATI, NVIDEA, possibly Intel, etc.) drivers, motherboard
drivers, DirectX (the Microsoft web site Downloads section), mouse and keyboard
drivers, firmware, and whatever else you use for your PC you can get updates
Go to Run, type in "msinfo32," and click OK if you're not sure what your com-
puter specifics are, and see how they compare with the requirements for comput-
ers given on the bottom flap of the box of the game. You might want to upgrade
You could try the same thing except type in "dxdiag," too.
You can get more extensive results with SiSoftware Sandra Lite, mentioned be-
low in the tweakguides part of this section, by running the various modules it
contains. You can not only learn what your various PC components are but get
helpful recommendations about changing settings and making upgrades to improve
the performance of your PC. (I'd talk the recommendations over with an expert
I.2.d Turn off unnecessary applications before running the game
Run a free utility called End-It-All 2 and use the "Close all" button to shut
down other applications before running the game.
I.2.e Take-Two Games web site and support
For technical support for "IV" check the support section for the PC "GTA IV"
at the Take-Two Games web site. Go to Take2 Games, Support, Grand Theft Auto:
IV" (PC). They have a page that lets you send an Email to some nice people who
offer personal support. Help them isolate the source of your problem by doing
the other things recommended in this section 1st.
Try to avoid things that make your game freeze so you have no ability to get
out of the game with the keyboard. Turning your PC off at the main power but-
ton is bad for your computer, so use the reset button (just below the main pow-
er button on my PC) instead at such times.
You may have to remove a mod because you made an installation mistake or it's
corrupted due to a faulty download, etc. My PC has had bad reactions to certain
mods, too, for some reason. Try getting advice from the creator of the mod,
from GTA Forums web site, etc. If worse comes to worse, for whatever reason
you may never learn--some unfortunate combination of the mod with some component
or setting of your PC--you may need to just remove it. Keep backups of the
original files before replacing them with a mod.
For support please visit:
If you prefer to contact tech support via email or phone please use the fol-
Phone: 1-866-405-5464
Email: usa@rockstarsupport.com
Phone: 1-800-269-5721
Email: canada@rockstarsupport.com
Phone: 08701 200060
Email: uk@rockstarsupport.com
URL: http://www.take2games.com/support/
They also have phone numbers and e-mail addresses for Australia, New Zealand,
Spain, Germany, France, and Italy.
I.2.f Tweak guides
The TweakGuides.com web site has various helpful informative guides by Ko-
roush Ghazi:
If you're like me, and have had a glitch or freeze or stuttering frame rate
now and then and couldn't afford to pay dozens of dollars every time you had a
question, it's good to know you're at least using preventative medicine to give
your computer every chance to work as efficiently as it can. You'll get the
best performance out of it for games and maximize the mileage you'll get out of
that expensive computer hardware. And if you do need to hire someone, you'll
be more well-informed when you talk to them.
A couple of such tips I picked up from "The TweakGuides Tweaking Companion"
By using SiSoft Sandra Lite (free software, or freeware), you can not only
find out a lot of information about the components of your computer, but get
useful tips on what might work better with a different setting or upgrade.
Sometimes glitches and freezes are due, at least partly, to poor PC perform-
ance--overheating alone can cause such things.
At the SiSoftware site, click on the icon for the latest version of SiSoft-
ware Sandra, then click to download the shareware (Lite) version, then, below
the column labeled "Lite," click "Download."
If you want to learn more about your components and how they compare to oth-
ers at running games, you could go to the Futuremark web site and download a
free version of 3DMark. It's a popular benchmarking tool that has been used at
various web sites to get test results of new components.
I especially recommend you make backups and carefully use the advice given
TweakGuides Tweaking Companion
ATI Catalyst
Nvidia Forceware
VIA Hyperion FAQ
Gamer's Graphics & Display Settings
It especially focuses on getting good performance out of your PC, and a good
frames per second (fps) rate, etc., for games. It has special sections for
"Half Life 2 and Source Engine," "Morrowind," "Oblivion," "Bioshock," "Crysis,"
Unreal Tournament 2004," "Far Cry," "F.E.A.R.," "Need for Speed: Most Wanted,"
several "Battlefield" games, and some others.
To read the "TweakGuides Tweaking Companion," a PDF file, you need a .PDF
file reader.
Use System Restore (Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, System
Restore, or Start, Control Panel, Performance and Maintenance, System, System
Restore) if you screw up and aren't sure how you did it and need to revert to
your old configuration. You can use System and Security > Free up disk space >
Disk Cleanup to remove all but your previous System Restore point.
I.2.g Volume
You can adjust the volume of the game in the sound section of your Control
Panel. Keep your sound card driver updated.
I like to keep a volume control icon in the taskbar in the lower right corner
of my screen as well. Go to Start, Control Panel, Sounds, Speech, and Audio
Devices, then use any of these three choices--Adjust the system volume or
Change the speaker settings or Sounds and Audio Devices--to bring up the Sounds
and Audio Devices menu. Check the box by "Place volume icon in the taskbar."
You can adjust your system volume from there, too.
I.2.h System requirements
Supported Operating Systems
Windows Vista (plus Service Pack 1)
Windows XP (plus Service Pack 3)
plus DirectX 9
plus Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8Ghz, AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4Ghz
Memory: 1.5GB
Free Hard Drive Space: 16GB
Video Card: 256MB NVidia 7900 / 256MB ATI X1900
DirectX 9 compatible Stereo Sound Card
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4Ghz, AMD Phenom X3 2.1Ghz
Memory: 2GB (Windows XP) 2.5GB (Windows Vista)
Free Hard Drive Space: 18GB
Video Card: 512MB NVIDIA 8600 / 512MB ATI 3870
DirectX 9 compatible Surround Sound Card
Initial activation requires internet connection; Online play requires log-in
to Games for Windows - LIVE and Rockstar Games Social Club (13+ to register);
requires disc in drive to play (unlimited installations); software installa-
tions required including Sony DADC SecuROM, Adobe Flash, DirectX, and Micro-
soft's .NET Framework, Games for Windows - LIVE, and Internet Explorer.
Thanks to billhitman for recommending a web site that makes an online check
of your computer to see if it can run any of dozens of games:
I.2.i PC hardware and software on a budget
For new computer gear, comparison shop for the best quality at the lowest
price by reading reviews. Check the dates on them because it's a fast-changing
field. Putting the name of a graphics card or such and "review" in the Google
search engine makes a lot of reviews turn up. Some of the review sites in-
http://www.prad.de/ http://www.bing.com/translator
Then use price comparison sites such as Google Shopping, with prices sorted
from low to high, or Amazon.
Some U.S. sites to check for the lowest price include:
If you don't find the PC bargains you want at newegg, zipzoomfly, or tigerdi-
...and you want something that's cheaper still, use eBay:
I recommend eBay in my walk-throughs as a place I've gotten some of my games
for a real bargain. Make sure to check the dealer's ads for what's included
and the dealer's reputation of reliability. Be VERY careful about that if you
go for computer gear that way.
There are sometimes sales on games you can download at the Steam and gog.com
sites. Some older games are updated on those sites to run on a recent OS.
If the feet of your mouse wear off, an alternative to buying a new mouse is
to buy new Teflon feet for them:
I.3 How to save games
How to use save games by Fabio206, Skiaffo, Neon25, Nikozz, and Lokrath
The file name for a save game for save slot 1 ends in a 1, for 2 ends in a 2,
To view your savegames you may need to "view hidden files and folders."
How to unhide folders
Your savegame folders are in these locations:
Windows XP:
"C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR NAME\Local Settings\Application Data\Micro
"C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR NAME\Local Settings\Application Data\Rock
star Games"
Windows Vista and Windows 7:
"C:\Users\YOUR NAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Xlive"
"C:\Users\YOUR NAME\AppData\Local\Rockstar Games\GTA IV"
If you use Wrapper or Xliveless, you can't play in an official multiplayer
game. You must use an offline Games for Windows Live account to play down-
loaded savegames.
Method 1: XLive Wrapper
Download xLive Wrapper and put xlive.dll into GTA IV main folder.
Download a savegame file. Put the savegame file into:
Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR NAME\Local Settings\Application Data\Rockstar
Games\GTA IV\savegames
Windows Vista or Windows 7:
C:\Users\YOUR NAME\AppData\Local\Rockstar Games\GTA IV\savegames
In case of crashes, copy CopyXLiveResources.exe into the GTA IV main folder.
Launch it, replace files if asked, and try to launch the game.
Method 2: XLiveLess
Download xLiveLess.
If you have an Asi Loader, remove it. Xliveless is an asi loader, too.
Copy xlive.dll and Paste it in the main folder of GTA IV.
If you have problems, ask at GTA Forums.
If you don't use Wrapper or Xliveless:
Download a savegame file. Put the savegame file into:
Windows XP:
YOUR NAME\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA IV\savegames\
Windows Vista or Windows 7:
YOUR NAME\My Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA IV\savegames\
The Lost and Damned:
Windows XP:
YOUR NAME\Documents\Rockstar Games\TLAD\savegames\
Windows Vista or Windows 7:
YOUR NAME\My Documents\Rockstar Games\Rockstar Games\TLAD\savegames
The Ballad of Gay Tony:
Windows XP:
YOUR NAME\Documents\Rockstar Games\TBoGT\savegames\
Windows Vista or Windows 7:
YOUR NAME\My Documents\Rockstar Games\Rockstar Games\TBoGT\savegames
Launch the game with Run as Administrator from LaunchGTAIV.exe.
To debug, Copy the xlive_d.dll file, Paste it into the main folder of GTA IV,
and Rename it xlive.dll.
To uninstall, remove xlive.dll and restore your original savegame files in
the original documents folder.
If you have problems, ask at GTA Forums.
I.3.a The convenience of copies of your GTA IV save game files
You can make your own starter saves with certain preliminaries done you felt
were hard to do or you'd rather not repeat. You can make a set of mission se-
lect saves so you can try out new ways to do missions. One possible starter
save is included with:
I.3.b Glenster's GTA IV Starter Package
"Glenster's GTA IV Starter Package"
"Control Center" by Alper Saracoglu
"1957 Chevrolet Bel Air Hardtop [Final]" by Vlad_
also Turn 10 FM4 and Kamaz43118
Thanks again to Alper Saracoglu for permission to distribute his Administra-
tive Consoles and Control Centers.
Help request: I don't know anyone who speaks Russian so haven't been able to
contact Turn 10 FM4, Vlad_, and Kamaz43118 for permission to distribute their
"1957 Chevrolet Bel Air Hardtop [Final]." If anyone could contact them for me
please ask them if I could have their permission to distribute it.
Further confusing things it seems to be a straight adaptation for "IV" from
the 2011 game "Driver: San Francisco." I've further modified it (I gave it a
handling line to make it a better getaway vehicle, gave it the original '57
Chevy Bel Air colors inside and out, gave it the original cloud pattern car seat
inserts, etc.) and hope anyone who worked on it previously sees I've given
proper credit and handled it respectfully.
I have a special fondness for the '57 Chevy Bel Air two door hardtop since it
was my Dad's car when I was little.
The save game was made while using patch and the "Simple Trainer" by
sjaak327. The "Simple Trainer" can be downloaded from the sites at the next
Save game file SGTA400:
Bowling: 300
Darts: won
Pool: won
QU3ED: I beat the high score
Since the '57 Chevy Bel Air mod I supplied is meant to replace the Voodoo I
parked a Voodoo at the Mohawk Ave., Hove Beach, Broker parking space. You can
also spawn a Voodoo with the Simple Trainer.
Niko hasn't been wasted or busted.
I used the Simple Trainer to give Niko weapons 1, full Health and Armor,
$99,990, and used it to kill 200 Flying Rats, park a NOOSE Cruiser in the Mohawk
Ave., Hove Beach, Broker parking space, and park a Maverick in the Joliet Ave.,
South Bohan parking space.
See zmoonchid's YouTube videos for what you can get done without mods or a
trainer (although in some cases it means hazarding a high wanted rating) at the
start of the game.
"Glenster's Drawer of GTA IV"
GTA Forums
I.3.c Some advice about saving the game
I recommend keeping folders of save games, walk-throughs, and mods for games
on an external drive or two since such things can disappear from the Internet
after the initial popularity of a game has gone by.
I.3.d An application that shows the Flying Rats and Jumps you need to get
and a trainer that shows the Flying Rats you need to get
and where the Health, Armor, and Weapon pickups are
Pigeons Detector Plus (for GTA IV by koolk
The Simple Trainer
I.3.e A mod that shows you the locations of items left to find on your radar
"Google Map Radar Item Locations" by dataschmuck
This adds item locations (brown = weapon, blue = Armor, green = Health, red
cross = hospital, and gold star = police station) to the "GTA IV Google Map Ra-
dar" by Sonik-hedgehog.
I.3.f 100% completion guide
Mission help
100% completion list
See zmoonchid's YouTube videos for what you can get done without mods or a
trainer (although in some cases it means hazarding a high wanted rating) at the
start of the game.
Mission help--save game files.
I.4 Settings
Thanks to the 2008 article "Grand Theft Auto IV Gameplay Performance and IQ"
by Mark Warner at the hardocp.com site for most of the information in this sec-
Controls You can turn Autoaim on or off. (GTW note: I use keyboard and
mouse so I leave it off except on a rare occasion for the variety--possibly a
screen shot angle. Thanks to Robert Rusk for adding that it only aims Niko's
weapon at the nearest human target, too.)
Display You can turn the GPS (II.5) on or off.
The most important image quality options are Texture Quality and the two vis-
ibility options: View Distance and Detail Distance.
Video Mode The first graphics option is Video Mode which lets you pick from a
list of resolutions and refresh rates supported by your video card and monitor.
The second option, Aspect Ratio, lets you pick an aspect ratio in case auto-de-
tection fails. Options include "Auto", 16:9, 16:10, 4:3, and 5:4. (The "Auto"
option typically works.)
Texture Quality and Render Quality Texture Quality lets you pick higher or
lower resolution textures. Render Quality lets you pick "Low" "Medium" "High"
or "Highest" quality of shader-based options like water, HDR lighting, and re-
flection mapping.
View Distance and Detail Distance The View Distance slider--1 to 100--lets
you pick the distance at which large objects like cars, buildings, and bridges
are drawn. The Detail Distance slider--1 to 100--lets you pick the distance at
which details such as stairwell rails, window sills, and fire escapes are
The most GPU dependent is View Distance--it seems to be related to shader
Vehicle Density This slider--1 to 100--lets you pick how much traffic is
shown. A lower setting puts less traffic to contend with on the streets but
also provides fewer getaway vehicles. If you're CPU-limited lowering this may
improve your frame rates.
Shadow Density This slider--0 to 16--lets you pick the number of things that
cast shadows.
Auto Configure This tries to configure your settings based on your CPU and
video card.
Benchmark This loads a benchmarking tool--a short scene of a motorcyclist
having a gunfight. (Check your in-game frame rate, fluidity of mouse movement,
etc., afterward anyway since the settings it recommends may still give you
Resource Usage This shows you roughly how much video memory you may use with
a given set of graphics settings. The main problem with that is it won't let
you exceed your available resources without some tweaking. The number it of-
fers is affected by the Video Mode, Texture Quality, and View Distance set-
tings. If you want to run the game at 1920x1200 with High Texture Quality and
a fairly high View Distance setting, you first have to lower the texture reso-
lution to Medium, set the resolution and View Distance, and then select the
Texture Quality option back to High. Doing it any other way results in the
game limiting the options you can select.
The patch
Performance was improved for some of the more expensive cards, like the Rade-
on HD 4870 X2 and the GeForce GTX 280, but mostly at higher resolutions like
2560x1600 and, in some cases, 1920x1200. The results for 1680x1050 were prac-
tically unchanged. At 2560x1600, the patch only gave the GeForce GTX 280 and
Radeon HD 4870 X2 an advantage. At 1920x1200 the GTX 280, new GTX 260, Radeon
HD 4870 X2, and 1GB Radeon HD 4870 saw slight improvement--enough to increase a
few settings a bit.
(GTW note: I used the latest patch as of early 2014-- this walk-
Audio You can choose the type of cars that use audio for the GPS system:
- Selected Cars: middle class and better cars
- On: all cars
- Off: no cars
Game You can turn Autosave on or off. If on, the game is automatically
saved in a separate slot just for autosaves when you complete a mission. If
you load that save, Niko will be at the save place closest to where he was when
the game was autosaved. If you want to do that to get him from the end of a
mission to his save place faster, make sure he isn't using a vehicle you want
to save at the end of that mission.
I.5.a Stats
These are all the categories in the Stats section of the pause screen.
Game progress Progress towards 100% completion
Missions passed
Missions failed
Missions attempted
Replays used
Current money
Times busted
Times died
People killed People killed in cutscenes (including cutscenes of Executions)
aren't counted.
Saves made
Playing time
Addiction Level
Longest non-stop game
Favorite Radio Station
Least favorite station
Times cheated
Days passed
Roman like The percentage of how much Roman likes Niko
Roman respect
Roman mission progress Missions provided by Roman Bellic completed
Jacob like
Jacob respect
Jacob mission progress
Faustin mission progress
Manny mission progress
Elizabeta mission progress
Dwayne like
Dwayne respect
Dwayne mission progress
Brucie like
Brucie respect
Brucie mission progress
Playboy mission progress
Francis mission progress
U.L.P.C. mission progress
Packie like
Packie respect
Packie mission progress
Ray mission progress
Gerry mission progress
Derrick mission progress
Bernie mission progress
Bell mission progress
Gambetti mission progress
Jimmy mission progress
Cars stolen Stolen vehicles spawned in missions aren't counted
Bikes stolen
Boats stolen
Helicopters stolen
Time wanted on 6 stars
Stars attained
Stars evaded
Longest cop chase
Last cop chase
People run down People damaged by Niko's vehicle
Kills since last save See "People killed" above
Fires started
Criminals killed
Favorite transport
Favorite car
Favorite bike
Favorite boat
Favorite helicopter
Miles on foot
Miles by car
Miles swam
Miles by bike
Miles by helicopter
Miles by boat
Miles by train
Miles as taxi passenger
Miles travelled
Player image It's a nickname based on Niko's vehicles and criminality.
Favorite car color
Bike/Car Average speed
Longest 2wheel stunt
Longest bike stoppie
Longest bike wheelie
Farthest jump distance
Highest jump reached
Flips done in a vehicle
Most vehicle air spins
Air launches
Helicopter tours taken
Taxis hailed
Stunt jumps found (total 50)
Stunt jumps completed
Pay 'n' Spray visits
Spent buying clothes
Spent on Pay 'n' Spray
Made from missions
Spent in bars & clubs
Spent on prostitutes
Spent in strip clubs
Spent on food
Spent on taxis
Made from street races ($500/win)
Spent on health care
Given to tramps
Spent on vendors
Spent on binoculars
Spent in gun shop
Spent on dates
Most spent on a date
Picked up on street
Time spent in the water
Michelle fondness
Carmen Ortiz fondness
Alex Chilton fondness
Kiki Jenkins fondness
Kate fondness
Time spent shopping
Favorite shop
Times got drunk
Number of Taxi Fares completed Fares competed for Roman - maximum 10
Number of bridges flown under Maximum 14 which earns the trophy/achievement
"under the radar"
Longest free fall
First aid collected health pickups
Bullets fired
Kills by headshots
Melee kills
Armed kills
Time spent in cover
Successful counters
Player died by melee
Player shot to death
Player was blown up
Player was roadkill
Vehicles blown up This includes vehicles not blown up by Niko
Cars exploded
Bikes exploded
Boats exploded
Helicopters exploded
Shooting accuracy
Kills % in free aim
Kills with Baseball bat
Kills with Knife
Kills with Pistol
Kills with Combat Pistol
Kills with Micro-SMG
Kills with SMG
Kills with Assault Rifle
Kills with Carbine Rifle
Kills with Pump Shotgun
Kills with Combat Shotgun
Kills with Grenade
Kills with Molotov
Kills with RPG
Kills with Combat Sniper
Kills with Sniper Rifle
Tires popped by gunshot
Weapons picked up
Pool wins
Pool defeats
Pool played time
Pool clearances from break Tip: pocket the 8-ball on the break
Darts wins
Darts defeats
Darts 180's hit
Darts bullseye
Darts time played
Darts shortest checkout Minimum 6
Bowling high score
Bowling wins
Bowling draws
Bowling defeats
Bowling spares
Bowling perfects
Bowling strikes
Bowling time played
Number of Races Lost
Number of Races won
Total race time
South Broker wins
South Broker race
South Broker record
Airport Run wins
Airport Run races
Airport Run record
Dukes Boulevard wins
Dukes Boulevard races
Dukes Boulevard record
South Algonquin wins
South Algonquin races
South Algonquin record
Star Junction wins
Star Junction races
Star Junction record
Road to Bohan wins
Road to Bohan races
Road to Bohan record
North Alderney wins
North Alderney races
North Alderney record
Elevated wins
Elevated races
Elevated record
South Alderney wins
South Alderney races
South Alderney record
QUB3D high score
Boating destinations Number of Brucie's powerboat activities used by Niko
Boating time
Heli ride destinations Number of Brucie's helicopter rides used by Niko
Heli ride time
Activities with Roman
Activities with Jacob
Activities with Brucie
Activities with Packie
Activities with Dwayne
Favorite activity
Niko and Roman hangout
Niko and Jacob hangout
Niko and Brucie hangout
Niko and Dwayne hangout
Niko and Packie hangout
Island unlocked max. 3
Vigilante levels done
Most wanted completed
Pigeons exterminated
Drug packages delivered
Number of Exotic Exports done
Cars sold to Stevie
Random Characters met 10 are required for 100% and four--Jeff, Ivan Bytchkov,
Cherise Glover, and Clarence Little--are not.
Time spent on internet
Emails received
Emails sent
Calls made from phone
Calls received on phone
Time spent calling
Texts received
Photo taken
Total dates
Successful dates
Bad dates
Scored with girl
Girls dumped
Prostitute visits
Tramps given money to
Meals eaten
Hotdogs eaten
Burgers eaten
Nuts eaten
Binoculars watched
Cutscenes watched
Soda drunk
I.5.b Single player Achievements
Your record of Achievements is stored in your Games for Windows Live account.
The Xbox 360 version uses the same Achievements.
1. Off The Boat: complete "The Cousins Bellic (III.2)." 5 points for your
Gamerscore (G).
2. One Hundred And Eighty: score 180 with three darts (IV.12). 10 points
3. Pool Shark: beat a friend--Roman, Little Jacob, or Packie--at pool
(IV.13). 10 points
Winning at pool, bowling, and darts contributes 5% toward 100% completion of
the game.
4. King of QUB3D: beat the High Score, 10,950, in QUB3D (IV.10). 15 points
Thanks to Rob Rusk for the tip that beating the high score is also required
to get 100% completion.
5. Finish Him: complete 10 melee counters (dodge and hits) in 4 minutes. 15
Lock on to a pedestrian (RMB), have Niko hit them (LMB), have him dodge their
punch (tap Space) then have him hit them with a combo (LMB or R). As is shown
by the video by 007craft at the next link, you can give Niko an advantage by
picking targets who are waiting in line on the other side of a hand railing at
Helitours in southeast Algonquin. There's a hot dog stand on the other side of
a nearby building if Niko needs Health.
"GTA 4 Finish Him Achievement Walkthrough" by 007craft
6. Genetically Superior: come first in 20 singleplayer street races. 25
Have Niko win in first place 20 times in Brucie's nine races (V.40).
7. Wheelie Rider: do a wheelie lasting at least 500 feet on a motorbike. 30
While having Niko drive a 'cycle forward use the Lean Back key to have him
hold a wheelie for 500 feet.
This is easiest with a Faggio. There's a Faggio in the little rectangular
area just east of the round area on the radar/maps for the southern area of
Happiness Island but Niko would currently get a six star wanted level getting
it. You could spawn a Faggio with the Simple Trainer. You could have him try
the NRG 900 that's at the north end of the airport runways. Have him avoid the
tarmac to avoid a four star wanted rating unless you want him to try to get rid
of it to get the Walk Free Achievement.
If you'd rather avoid the high wanted rating you might use Rusk's recommenda-
tion to have Niko use the Algonquin-Dukes Expressway.
Once Niko has his 'cycle you might also go to the pause menu (Esc) > Graphics
> Vehicle Density and turn down the slider to spawn fewer vehicles.
8. Gobble Gobble: score three strikes in a row, a turkey, in bowling (IV.11).
10 points
Have Niko use the left lane, take two steps to the left, then roll the ball
straight--not too fast or slow.
9. Driving Mr. Bellic: unlock Niko's ability to call Roman for free taxi
rides. 10 points
Have Niko get Roman Bellic's (V.8) Like stat over 60% for Niko to be able to
call Roman for taxi rides. It ceases to be available if the Like stat drops
below 15%.
10. Rolled Over: have Niko make a vehicle get five car rolls. 30 points
Despite instructions otherwise you don't have to have Niko get all five rolls
from one wreck.
Have him use a fast vehicle (Turismo, Taxi, SUV, Police car, etc.) and drive
a side of it fast into the side of one of the little slanted signs on the grass
between a pair of runways, a side of the slanted edge of the center divider of
a highway, etc. Have the car flip in the air or roll on the ground.
On PC, hold accelerate (W) till at the end of however many wrecks you've got-
ten five rolls. Don't use reverse (S) just the brake (Space).
Hitting the railing at the side of a jump ramp on the Plumbers Skyway, or
spawning a car on a skyscraper and having it turn as it falls, can afford a lot
of air time but you may prefer to use some sloped thing you can use repeatedly
without letting go of acceleration.
Having Niko use a land vehicle on the tarmac causes a four star wanted rating.
so you might have him use that area then get rid of the wanted rating for the
Walk Free Achievement.
A fun way to try for it is to use the Swing glitch--see "Fun glitches, gim-
micks, etc." (I.12.b) but it may be hard to get rolls from a crash.
See the video by GTA Series Videos:
"GTA IV PC - Rolled Over Achievement - with a delayed glitch" by zmoonchild
11. Courier Service: have Niko complete Little Jacob's ten Delivery missions
(V.26). 10 points
12. Retail Therapy: unlock the special ability of buying guns from a friend.
10 points
Have Niko make friends with Little Jacob (V.25) get the like stat over 75%.
13. Chain Reaction: have Niko blow up 10 vehicles in 10 seconds. 20 points
Have Niko block the traffic with a Bus or big truck.
The area in front of the airport terminal is a good place to gather a lot of
vehicles but the west section of the Broker Bridge near the top of the onramps
will do and is closer to your initial save place. You just have to access the
save menu to lose the wanted rating.
Have him block the traffic at a busy intersection with a Bus or whatever.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for giving a fixed spawn location for a Bus: at the bus
station on the west side of the Algonquin-Dukes Expressway just north of the
intersection of Munsee Ave. and Montauk Ave. You can get many Taxi drivers to
abandon their Taxi to fight by having Niko hit it with a Baseball Bat. You can
just have Niko aim a gun at some drivers to get them to abandon their vehicles
and run. Gather more vehicles than you need to be safe.
You might also go to the pause menu (Esc) > Graphics > Vehicle Density and
turn up the slider to spawn more vehicles.
Have Niko get ten vehicles to explode with Grenades (and a Rocket Launcher if
available). Shooting the rear wheel well of a vehicle can speed things up.
007craft's video, shown at the next link, shows a safe way Niko can do it in
Algonquin with a Rocket Launcher with eight missiles. Have Niko get a helicop-
ter from Heli Tours, fly to a building ledge at an intersection in Star Junc-
tion, wait for the traffic to build up, and shoot first at the vehicles at the
front of each group then in between vehicles to get two or more per shot when
"GTA IV PC - Chain Reaction Achievement" by zmoonchild
14. Walk Free Lose a 4 star wanted rating by outrunning the cops. 50 points
Niko can get this by doing "Three Leaf Clover" (VII.30). Thanks to Robert
Rusk for pointing out that it won't work with a wanted rating of five or six
wanted stars.
The easiest way would be to get Niko's wanted rating up then save your game.
(If you use the Airbreak function of the Simple Trainer, you could raise Niko
high over the city and speed him out of the wanted zone.)
See the next section for an easy way to do this and "One Man Army."
15. One Man Army Have Niko survive a total of 5 minutes of a 6 star wanted
level. 40 points
Thanks to Robert Rusk for pointing out that this doesn't have to be done all
in one effort.
The "Wanted level removed" code and the code to spawn an Annihilator block
the "Walked Free" and "One Man Army" Achievements. To get those Achievements
after using those codes you have to start a new game--see "Phone number codes"
(I.16). (You can get the effect of those codes and others without a cheat
count using the Simple Trainer.)
"Outrunning cops who try to stop the player skipping islands when Niko is in
a spawned Jetmax will NOT give the Walk Free achievement but can be obtained
later on in the same save file after being wasted."
Robert Rusk has an easy way to do "Walk Free" and "One Man Army" one right
after the other. Have Niko get a lot of SMG and rifle ammo and an NRG 900 and
go to the Northern Expressway at the north end of Leavenworth Ave. Under the
tracks by the southeast corner of the intersection is the parking lot of the
Northern Gardens Police Station. From the southwest corner of the intersection
have him go south under and past the tracks, west to go up a hill of grass to
the tracks, and go through a small gap between the chain link fence and the
railing on the south side of the El-Train tracks.
Have him go west between the tracks into the train tunnel and get off the
'cycle about halfway down the slope of the tracks (approx. south of the east
end of the nearby pond represented on the radar/maps).
Have him get out of the tunnel and onto the tracks above Leavenworth Ave.,
get against the south railing, and get a three star wanted rating by using his
SMG to shoot a couple of the police officers who are at the police station.
Have him get just in front of the tunnel to lure a batch of police officers to
it, go back in the tunnel entrance just enough to be protected from helicopter
shots, and use a rifle to shoot the police officers (with headshots as much as
possible). When the wanted rating goes to four stars, stop having him attack
and send him to his motorcycle to drive farther into the tunnel and out of the
Wanted Zone. When the wanting zone disappears you'll have the Walk Free
Have Niko drive further west then southwest through the tunnel toward Algon-
quin to get a six star wanted rating, continue till past the Wanted Zone (he'll
be approx. southwest of and below Topaz St./Frankfort Ave.), then turn around
and wait for the Wanted Zone to disappear then reappear to shift it westward
and away from the tunnel entrance. Have him drive north then northeast then
wait inside the Wanted Zone, near the edge of it, for five minutes in real time
(in game time that's two hours and 30 min.) to get the "One Man Army" Achieve-
ment. Have him drive out of the Wanted Zone and the tunnel--the wanted rating
will be gone.
"GTA IV PC - How to get the Rocket Launcher at the beginning of the game -
Part 2 (of 2) One Man Army" by zmoonchild
07:13 One Man Army Achievement obtained
An easy method by forest08ash's is to have Niko get a Helitours Maverick be-
fore Alderney is legally available, fly over Alderney to get a six star wanted
level, fly around for five minutes, then save the game or go into a marker to
start his next mission which removes his wanted level.
If Algonquin is legally available you might use Shooter Junior's tip that
Niko can get into a car at the Grotti Turismo dealership in Algonquin (next to
the eastern Perseus and the eastern save house) and make a wanted level drop to
two or three stars. (If Niko has no wanted level, it counts as stealing a car
and may create a one star wanted level.)
16. Lowest Point: complete the mission "Roman's Sorrow" (V.32). 5 points
17. Order Fulfilled: have Niko do all ten of Brucie's Exotic Exports car
theft Missions (V.28). 10 points
18. Manhunt: complete the most wanted side missions from the police computer.
15 points
Have Niko do all the Vigilante--Most Wanted missions (IV.15, VI.9, and
19. Cleaned The Mean Streets: capture 20 criminals through the police comput-
er. 20 points
Have Niko complete the 20 Vigilante--Current Crimes missions (V.19).
The name refers to the 1973 Martin Scorsese movie "Mean Streets" and that
Travis Bickle in the 1976 Scorcese movie "Taxi Driver" wants something to wash
the scum off the streets.
20. Fed The Fish: complete "Uncle Vlad" (V.17). 5 points
21. It'll Cost Ya: complete a taxi ride without skipping from one island to
another. 5 points
This can be done once Algonquin is available. Thanks to Rob Rusk for clear-
ing up the meaning of "skipping" as referring to not skipping past the ride to
get to the destination faster. If you want to save money, just have Niko take
a ride over a bridge to another island.
22. Sightseer: fly on all helicopter tours of Liberty City. 5 points
Have Niko take all five tours at Higgins Helitours at the platform shown as a
90 degree projection at the coast of southeast Algonquin south of the Broker
Bridge. Once Algonquin is legally available all five can be obtained by having
Niko board each of the helicopters consecutively. Having him call Brucie for a
helicopter ride doesn't count for the Achievement.
Once a tour is underway, you can skip through it if you're in a hurry but
you'll miss some amusing dialogue. (Thanks to Robert Rusk for recommending
that you load a previous game save after getting the Achievement to get the
$150 per tour back.)
"Higgins" refers to Magnum's right hand man in the 1980-1988 TV show "Magnum
P.I."--the company was originally to be named "Magnum Helitours."
23. Warm Coffee: Have Niko get a girlfriend to invite him into her house. 5
Niko might try this with any girlfriend but Kate--Niko can't get her to in-
vite him into her place. The easiest to get this achievement with is Michelle
24. That's How We Roll!: unlock the special ability of helicopter. 10 points
Have Niko befriend Brucie Kibbutz (V.41) and get the Like stat over 75% to
be able to call Brucie from 7 am to 1 am for helicopter rides. The privilege
ceases if the Like stat drops below 40%.
25. Half Million: have Niko get $500,000. 55 points
For a fast way to have Niko make money without mods or codes, see I.12.b Fun
glitches, gimmicks, etc.--"ATM machine infinite money gimmick."
26. Impossible Trinity: complete "Museum Piece" (IX.9). 10 points
27. Full Exploration: make all the islands legally available. 20 points
28. You Got The Message: have Niko deliver all 30 cars for Stevie's vehicle
collection (IX.16). 20 points
29. Dare Devil: do the 50 unique stunt jumps. 30 points
I like to use an NRG 900, but you can use a fast car. See the section on
Stunt Jumps in the preliminary section for each of the three main areas.
30. Assassin's Greed: complete all nine Assassination missions (IX.30). 20
31. Endangered Species: kill all 200 Flying Rats. 50 points
Have Niko shoot 200 Flying Rats. See the section on Flying Rats in the pre-
liminary section for each of the three main areas.
32. Under The Radar: Have Niko fly a helicopter under all the bridges that go
over water. 40 points
Trophy icons indicate which ones have been flown under. A map of all the
bridges is at the next link.
"GTA 4 - Under The Radar Achievement / Trophy (1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
33. Dial B For Bomb: Have Nike befriend Packie Mcreary (IX.5) and get the
Like stat up to 75% to get the special ability of being able to phone Packie
from 3 pm to 6 am for a bomb that can be attached to a car and detonated with a
phone call. The privilege ceases if the Like stat drops below 40%. 10 points
34. Gracefully Taken: complete "I'll Take Her" (IX.24). 10 points
35. Liberty City (5): after Niko meets all the friends (V.6) five of the
friends left alive have a Like stat over 90%: Roman, Little Jacob, Packie,
Brucie, and Dwayne. 20 points
36. No More Strangers: Have Niko complete the first encounter with all Random
Characters and let Ivan, Cherise, and Clarence live in their main story mis-
sions so they can become Random Characters. 5 points
(For 100% completion of the game, Niko only has to have the first encounter
with each Random Character except for Jeff, Cherise, Ivan, and Clarence.)
37. That Special Someone: complete "That Special Someone" (IX.41). 10 points
38. You Won!: complete the last main story mission (your choice of last mis-
sions at the end of section IX). 60 points
39. Liberty City Minute: complete the main story missions in less than 30
real time hours (900 in-game hours) 30 points
The name comes from the expression "in a New York City minute" meaning
"fast." The easiest way to do this is to just have Niko do what he has to in
order to complete the story--not everything needed for 100% let alone anything
That would skip way too much for me if I'd never played it before, so you
might wait to try it all out before doing that.
Don't have Niko date Michelle or see friends (a like stat of 75% with Little
Jacob can help with weaponry, though), make deliveries for Little Jacob, Stev-
ie's vehicle collection, or do the Vigilante or Assassination missions, etc.
And don't do missions for people whose missions aren't needed to complete the
main storyline. I mention at the start of someone's missions if their missions
aren't needed for that. The ones who give those missions are: Brucie Kibbutz,
Francis McReary, Gerald McReary, Patrick McReary, and Bernie Crane.
You can skip cut scenes and phone calls if you already know what they are,
reload the game without saving failed missions, and have Niko take Taxi rides
and jump up stairs, to minimize how long it takes you.
From the start of the game, Niko can take Taxi rides by hailing a Taxi, being
refused, then getting in anyway (either throwing out the passengers or causing
them to exit). You can bring up a map and set a waypoint for the destination,
including in missions that don't require him to use a certain vehicle. He can
fire a weapon before the ride ends to scare off the driver, not pay the fare,
and have more money for buying weapons, which is faster than having Niko scout
the scenery for them.
Taxi rides are properly made available at the start of "Bull in a China
Shop" (V.10). Hold F/Enter to have Niko enter a Taxi he's near as a passenger.
Once Niko has a 60% like stat in his friendship with Roman Bellic (V.8), Niko
can ride for free until "Roman's Sorrow" (V.32). After that, you can have Niko
fire a weapon near the end of a ride to scare off the driver and not pay the
In missions that cause someone to follow him, he can skip to his location be-
fore the person that follows him gets in the Taxi. (Thanks Snuvs)
To choose a custom destination, bring up the start menu and put a waypoint on
the map.
You can have Niko drive fast into markers since they stop his car. When Niko
is part of a vehicle chase, the one he's chasing goes slower if Niko stays back
about a third of a block, so have him go at the speed that lets you handle it
I just learned of the gimmick of having Niko shoot a yellow marker instead of
going into it to activate it (see V.11 Hung Out to Dry). I haven't tested it
otherwise as of this writing but it probably helps speed up other missions such
as giving Niko a head start for races.
You can use Autosave then load the save when you want Niko to teleport to his
nearest save place after missions.
I give tips in the sections for specific missions in this walk-through. Some
good sources for speed tips:
"Grand Theft Auto IV Classic% Speedrun WR: 07:02:32" by Dispersor
"Grand Theft Auto 4 Speedrun (4:40:02) Part 1" by MSuraev
speeddemosarchive.com tips
40. Key To The City: 100% completion of the game (I.3.f). 100 points
I.5.c Multiplayer
The PC version uses Games for Windows Live. According to Wikipedia, "It ena-
bles Windows PCs to connect to the Live service." "Users, each with a unique
Gamertag that carries over from Xbox Live, are able to play online, keep track
of their friends' status, send and receive messages, gain and keep track of
Achievements, voice chat across platforms, and more."
Thanks to the "GTA:IV Multiplayer F.A.Q." at GTA Forums (angrybanana5000,
gta4.net, gtawikia.com, and www.rockstargames.com/IV) for most of the explana-
tions below about multiplayer games. (Disclaimer: I haven't played multiplayer
to double check.)
After Niko gets a cell phone--"It's Your Call" (V.1)--press Up to access the
cell phone then use Up, Down, and Enter to choose the Phone menu, choose Multi-
player, choose the game mode, and choose from ranked matches or player matches.
To play ranked games with friends, choose Multiplayer and click "party mode"
which should load you on the map. Invite the people you want, use a phone to
choose "ranked," then choose the game mode.
There are 15 game modes and a maximum of 16 players. The modes are:
Team Deathmatch Team players try to kill the other team and earn money. The
team with the most money at the end of the game wins.
Supports 2 to 8 teams
Team Mafia Work Team players work together to complete tasks such as steal-
ing cars, escorting wanted men, etc. The team earns money with each task com-
pleted. The team with the most money at the end of the game wins.
Supports 2 to 8 teams
Team Car Jack City The team tries to steal the cars which are parked around
the game area and take the stolen cars to a drop-off point. The amount of cash
earned depends on the condition of the car unless the car is filled with drugs.
The team with the most cash at the end of the game wins.
Supports 2 to 8 teams
Cops N' Crooks The Crooks must get their boss to the drop-off point while
the Cops must kill the Crook's boss. A team wins if either the boss is killed
or the boss gets to the drop-off point.
There are two sub-modes:
- All-for-One--there are two teams: one is Crooks with a Boss and the other
is Cops. The Cops try to kill the Boss while the Crooks try to get him to safe-
- One-for-All--there are the same two teams but no Boss. The Cops try to
kill all the Crooks and the Crooks try to get to a getaway vehicle. Only four
people can get into the getaway vehicle. There is no respawning.
Supports 2 teams
Turf War A "capture the flag"-type mode (similar to the Domination mode of
"Call of Duty 4"). Each of the two teams must capture bases by standing near
them--the more teammates that stand near the base, the faster it gets captured.
The more bases your team captures, the more money your team earns. The team
with the most money at the end wins.
Supports 2 teams
Hangman's Noose This mode is different from all the other modes. It is a
co-op story mode mission. Mafia boss Petrovic has flown into Francis Inter-
national Airport and you must escort him to safety while being chased by the
N.O.O.S.E. team.
Supports 2 to 4 players
Bomb Da Base II You and the other players must take explosives from a con-
voy, put them on a helicopter, plant them on a ship and then watch them ex-
plode. Supports 2-4 players.
Deathmatch Free-for-All. You must kill all other players in the location
chosen by the host. You gain cash from killing other players. The player with
the most cash at the end of the round wins.
Supports 2 to 16 players
Mafia Work Just like Team Mafia Work, without the teams. You must complete
the tasks set-up by Kenny Petrovic. You gain cash by completing tasks. The
player with the most cash at the end wins.
Supports 2 to 8 players
Car Jack City This is like "Team Car Jack City" except without teams. You
try to steal the target cars and take them to the drop-off point. You earn
money by delivering the cars to the drop-off point. The better the condition
of the car, the more cash you get. The player with the most cash at the end
Supports players
Deal Breaker You and your team goes where the drug dealers are meeting, rips
them off, and kill all the witnesses.
Supports 2 to 4 players
Free Mode You can roam freely around the city with friends--no score, objec-
tives, or rules except as may be determined by the host.
You cannot:
- buy food, clothes, or weapons
- play minigames like pool, darts, or bowling
- do missions like Vigilante or taxi driver
- get drunk
- pick up hookers
- use public transportation--taxis, trains, etc.
Supports 1 to 16 players
Race The host determines the vehicles you can use and the race track. The
two sub-modes are Free Race and Cannonball Run.
- Free Race--a point to point race
- Cannonball Run--go through the checkpoints to win
Supports 2 to 16 players
GTA Race It's like "Race" except you can use weapons. You drive over weap-
ons to pick them up. You can only hold one weapon at a time.
You may enter other vehicles. You can choose which weapons spawn on the
track (All Weapons, Off, Health Only, Pistols, Shotguns, SMGs, All Guns or Guns
& Grenades) and whether or not to use Auto-Aim (Allow or Disallow). The Rocket
Launcher and Molotov Cocktails only appear on the "All Weapons" setting. If
you die you respawn next to a Faggio near your last completed Checkpoint.
These races can be cheap and turn into impromptu Deathmatches as other play-
ers may block off the road near a weapon location and kill other players, often
getting more money than the winner of the race, and ruining other's fun.
Supports 2 to 16 players
You rank up by earning money in ranked game modes--you can't rank up in play-
er matches. Ranking up gives you more clothes for your character.
Rank 1: $5,000
Rank 2: $20,000
Rank 3: $50,000
Rank 4: $100,000
Rank 5: $250,000
Rank 6: $500,000
Rank 7: $1,000,000
Rank 8: $2,500,000
Rank 9: $5,000,000
Rank 10: $10,000,000
To customize your character: access the phone in story mode and go to "Multi-
player" then "Player Model." You can also customize your character in the game
Don't use phone call codes or whatever cheats or trainers.
If you enter Playboy X's safehouse during multiplayer you can see the TV about
to start multiplayer in "GTA IV." (Thanks to SmellyBobIV)
I.5.d Multiplayer Achievements
The Xbox 360 version uses the same Achievements.
41. Teamplayer: kill five players who aren't on your team in any ranked mul-
tiplayer team game. 10 points
Team Deathmatch (ranked) is the easiest for this.
42. Cut Your Teeth: earn a personal rank promotion in multiplayer. 5 points
Play a few matches of ranked multiplayer to rank up to level one.
Wanted: achieve the highest personal rank in multiplayer. 20 points
The highest rank is ten, which may take you a while.
43. Join The Midnight Club: win a ranked multiplayer race with damage enabled
without damaging your vehicle much. 10 points
It's easier if you repeat races with only one or two others. If you get to
be the host, you could set the lap number to one for a helicopter race.
44. Fly The Co-op: beat Rockstar's times in ranked versions of "Deal Breaker,"
"Hangman's NOOSE," and "Bomb da Base II." 15 points
The times to beat:
"Deal Breaker": 7:04
"Hangman's NOOSE": 2:32
"Bomb da Base II": 5:56
007craft made a few helpful videos of possible ways to beat those times:
Deal Breaker in under 7:03
Hangman's Noose in under 2:32
Bomb da Base II in under 5:34
This mission has the same title as a "GTA III" mission except with "II"
45. Taking It For the Team: be on the winning team in all ranked multiplayer
team games. 10 points
Play till your team wins in each of the ranked team games.
46. Top Of The Food Chain: kill 20 players with a pistol in a ranked multi-
player deathmatch. 10 points
Have a game with just pistols.
47. Top The Midnight Club: come in first in 20 different ranked standard mul-
tiplayer races. 20 points
48. Wanted: achieve the highest personal rank in multiplayer. 20 points
49. Auf Wiedersehen Petrovic: win all ranked multiplayer variations, all
races, and "Cops 'n Crooks" as either side. 30 points
50. Let Sleeping Rockstars Lie: kill a Rockstar developer in a ranked multi-
player match. 10 points
The target doesn't have to be a Rockstar developer--it can also be someone
who killed one, or someone who killed someone who killed one, etc.
I.6.a Some distinctions between the console and PC versions
A plethora of custom settings, including
Custom view distance
Custom resolution
Reflection quality
Texture quality
Traffic density
Shadow density
Windowed mode
First proper support of various widescreen resolutions.
The Video Editor: the ability to view, edit, and publish videos created with-
in the game.
A custom radio station called Independence FM which includes a DJ who always
criticizes the music
Manual aiming with the mouse by default; guns have pinpoint accuracy with man-
ual aiming (only for mouse and keyboard, if using a gamepad, the accuracy re-
mains the same as the console version).
The player limit in multiplayer was expanded from 16 to 32 players.
Certain suits at Perseus were retextured.
Vehicles have a "dirt" attribute so poor and run-down cars no longer look as
shiny as sports cars.
The ability to toggle the "blur filter" with the press of a button.
The glitch involving the phone stopping cars was fixed.
Before The Lost and Damned was released, bikes exclusive to the Lost and
Damned were hidden within the game files
In the latest patch the shadows are no longer dimply; they are much more
sharp and clear.
Latest patch also introduces Car's Headlight shadows.
The Combat Pistol (Desert Eagle) has a different shooting animation. It
looks like it has more recoil than in the console version.
The animation for the closing of car doors was changed.
The reload animation for the MP5 is different.
I.6.b Adapters for PS2 and Xbox controllers
Check this first since it makes a difference which version of the game you're
trying to use the controller with:
Currently Supported Controllers for GTA IV PC
If you want to use an adapter that lets you use your PS2 or Xbox controls for
PC, Gamespy, Aug., 2005, recommended these USB adapters, about $12 each, you
can plug them into:
SmartJoy PLUS - PlayStation 2-USB adapter
SmartJoy X - Xbox-USB adapter
Smartjoy has become inactive so you may need to look for products by it on
According to ikt you can use a PS3 controller by getting this...
XBOX 360 Controller emulator
... and configure it to your PS3 controller. Extract the .exe file to your
GTA IV folder. Connect your PS controller and start the .exe. It will detect
your controller and you can assign buttons to the X360 counterpart. Once you
save your settings and exit, GTA IV will detect your controller properly and
you can play nicely on your PC.
Do mind that the SIXAXIS doesn't get emulated but as far as I think to know
you could assign the SIXAXIS motion sensor the left stick, too.
How To Use A PS2/3/4 Controller On PC
I.6.c Gamepad controls
I prefer the keyboard and mouse, but if you're going to use a gamepa I rec-
ommend a Logitech gamepad controller which is like a PS2 controller and is much
easier to connect to your PC.
If you leave the gamepad attached while you use the mouse and keyboard, I as-
sume you may get the glitch found in previous GTAs of the "camera" circling the
protagonist uncontrollably. If that happens, unplug the gamepad.
Left Trigger - Brake/Reverse
Left Bumper - Fire Weapon
Right Trigger - Accelerate
Right Bumper - Handbrake
Left Stick - Steering
Right Stick - Rotate Camera/Aiming
Left Stick button - Horn/Engage Slow Motion while in Cinematic Camera
Right Stick button - Look Behind
Y button - Exit Vehicle
B button - Cinematic Camera/Mobile Phone Back/Hangup
A button - Handbrake/Mobile Phone Forward/Answer
X button - Change Weapon/(Hold) Headlights
D-pad UP - Mobile Phone Up/Use Mobile Phone
D-pad RIGHT - Next Radio Station/(Hold) Next User Song
D-pad DOWN - Mobile Phone Down/Skip Mobile Conversation/Zoom Out Mini-Map/
(Hold) Turn Off Radio
D-pad LEFT - Previous Radio Station/(Hold) Previous User Song
BACK button - Cycle Camera Modes/(Hold) Capture Clip
START button - Pause Menu
Left Trigger - Target Lock On/(Half Hold) Free Aim
Left Bumper - Pick Up/Context
Right Trigger - Fire Weapon/(Half Hold) Free Aim
Right Bumper - Enter/Exit Cover
Left Stick - Movement
Right Stick - Rotate Camera/Switch Targets
Left Stick button - Crouch
Right Stick button - Look Behind/Zoom Aim (When Targeting)
Y button - Enter Vehicle/Mount Ladder/Melee (Alternative Punch/Counter)
B button - Reload Weapon/Mobile Phone Back/Hangup/Melee (Punch/Counter)
A button - (Hold) Run/(Tap) Sprint/Mobile Phone Forward/Answer/Melee (Block/
X button - Jump/Climb/Melee (Kick)
D-pad UP - Mobile Phone Up/Use Mobile Phone
D -pad RIGHT - Next Weapon
D-pad DOWN - Mobile Phone Down/Skip Mobile Conversation/Zoom Out Mini-Map
D-pad LEFT - Previous Weapon
BACK button - Cycle Camera Modes/(Hold) Capture Clip
START button - Pause Menu
I.7 Controls
A couple of instant replays that should have been (and other odd moments)
WTF screenshots
Patches and onward allow you to remap controls in the Controls menu
by selecting Custom mapping.
To remap controls go to Controls > Keyboard/Mouse Options > Custom Mapping.
Front End
Pause menu Esc
Up/Down/Left/Right W/S/A/D
Accept Enter
Map zoom Mouse scroll
Place waypoint RMB
Grab and drag map LMB (hold) + mouse movement
Change camera V You can press V to choose the mid-distance "cam-
era," hold the RMB to bring up a gun reticle and
press V to choose the long distance "camera," and
afterward the "camera" will stay that far back
when he aims and fires
Cell phone take out Up arrow
Cell phone put away Down arrow
Radar zoom T
Look behind C I remap it to NP1
Zoom in while aiming Mouse wheel up I add X as a secondary key
Zoom out while aiming Mouse wheel down I add Z as a secondary key
Text chat team U
Text chat all Y
Definition P
Clip capture F2
I.7.a Foot Controls
Forward W
Backward S
Left A
Right D
Aim Mouse aim
Sprint Left shift added to W, S, A, or D
2:17 In "IV" you can assign a key to be the alternate for "Sprint" and have
three choices: On Foot (W, the default), Sprint (Left Shift), and, the third,
jog (assign a key).
"Fan Facts #30 (GTA IV)" by whatever57010
Jump Spacebar Niko can go up or down stairs faster by jumping.
He can climb over a small wall or fence.
If a ledge is up to several feet higher, he can
jump to grab it. While he's holding onto it,
use A or D to have him go sideways. Press
Spacebar again to have him climb over or onto
the ledge. Press F to have him release the
Enter vehicle/use
ladder F While Niko uses a ladder, press W or S to have
him go up or down the ladder. To have him go
faster, use W + Left Shift or S + Left Shift.
Action E I remap it to Caps Lock
I.7.b Firing/fight move Controls
Attack/shoot LMB
Free Aim/Melee
Lock On RMB
Crouch Left Ctrl I remap it to C
Enter/exit cover Q I'd remap it since it's annoying to keep pressing
it accidentally.
Next/previous weapon Mouse wheel up/down
Zoom in while aiming Mouse wheel up
Zoom out while aiming Mouse wheel down
Reload R
How to have a standard third person shooter "camera" with free aim
This camera distance is different from that of the usual on-foot camera dis-
tance. You can play the game as a standard third person shooter with free aim
by moving the aiming camera all the way back and keeping the on-foot camera as
neutral. This stops the camera from zooming rashly on the protagonist's
shoulder and weapon whenever you want him to aim or shoot. This feature has
been removed in "V" where the on-foot and aiming camera settings aren't separ-
ate anymore. (Thanks to Grievous)
Combat moves for weapons that can be fired or throwable items: Grenades,
Molotovs, and various objects (drinking cups, etc.)
Target lock RMB It brings up a reticle or scope.
For weapons that can be fired it brings up a
reticle or scope to help aim the projectile.
For weapons/items that can be thrown holding
the RMB when pressing the LMB allows those
weapons/items be thrown--pressing the LMB
alone causes them to be dropped.
Holding the RMB when pressing the LMB directs
weapons/items that can be thrown in the di-
rection indicated by the reticle.
Target lock can also be used while moving Niko
with W, S, A, or D, any of which can be made
faster by adding Left Shift.
Pick up item While using Fist press Action (E--I remap it to Caps
Lock). Niko picks up the item and the Fist
symbol changes to an open hand with an arrow
across it. The item can then be thrown or
dropped. See "Target Lock" above.
Fire LMB
Throw or drop LMB See "Target Lock" above.
For thrown items, you can hold the LMB shorter
or longer before releasing it to have him
throw the item a shorter or longer distance.
Things Niko can pick up and throw: a coffee or soda drinking cup, Sprunk or
raine or hot sauce bottle, soda can, hot dog, Cluckin' Bell cluckin' burger
box, tube of paint, spray paint can, cigarette butt, CoK cigarette pack, com-
puter mouse, camera, cell phone, tablet, etc.
Roll to the side While Niko is crouching, armed with a weapon that
can be fired and uses a reticle, and you're hold-
ing the RMB to bring up the reticle, add Space + A
or Space + D.
Combat moves for Fist, Baseball Bat, or Knife
Target lock RMB It brings up an auto-aim target/lock on target.
The person targeted can be changed by the
scroll wheel or by releasing the RMB and aim-
ing Niko in the direction of another person
before holding the RMB again.
Target lock can also be used while moving Niko
with W, S, A, or D, any of which can be made
faster by adding Left Shift.
Punch 1 LMB
Punch 2 R
Kick (while locked on) Q
Block (while locked on) Space Hold
Dodge (while locked on) Space Tap repeatedly as an opponent's punch is
about to land.
To have Niko counterattack (still locked on)
quickly press the LMB, R, or Q.
Weapon selection keys
Unarmed 1
Melee 2
Handgun 3 (also works in vehicles)
Shotgun 4
Submachine gun 5 (also works in vehicles)
Automatic rifle 6
Sniper rifle 7
Heavy weapon 8
Grenade/Molotov 9 (also works in vehicles)
Special 0
Cover Q
You can have Niko attack from behind cover. When Niko is close to something
suitable for cover press Q to have him get behind it for cover. If you have
him run toward it and press Q he'll slide or dive and roll for cover. While he
uses something for cover you can press A or D to have him go from one side to
the other of it. To have him stop using cover press Q again or have him jump.
Having Niko punch his neighbors to get to know them
"GTA 4 Tutorial - fighting combos PC" by vici30
"Grand Theft Auto 4 (PC) - All Finishing Moves" by teoleo22vn
GTA Forums fight moves including disarming enemies
"Niko's Fight Moves (GTA IV)" by whatever57010
This is taught in "Bleed Out" (V.4): "tap SPACE to dodge then press R or LMB
to disarm."
Stun punch
This can only be used for "Clean Getaway" (V.12) and on the bouncers at the
Perestroika club. Hold the RMB to lock onto an unsuspecting target, have Niko
approach them unarmed, and, when the reticle changes, press Fire (LMB). This
knocks the target to the ground.
An option if Niko can spare the Health and a policeman comes by is to not
have Niko fight back so the policeman engages Niko's attacker.
Have Niko get a police car, lose his wanted level, and get in a fight by the
car. As soon a policeman begins to arrest Niko's attacker, have Niko get back
in the police car and the others will get in, too. (author?)
I.7.c Vehicle Controls
I note where I remap some of the keys: Horn from G to Left Shift, and Lean
forward/back from Left Shift/Left Control to NP9/NP6, etc. These are personal
recommendations and won't interfere with the walk-through.
Niko can scare a driver out of a vehicle by targeting them with a weapon.
Press F/Enter to have Niko yank out the driver and get in. If the vehicle has
no driver but the door is locked, press F/Enter to have Niko break the window
open. You can speed up the hotwiring process by pressing Attack (LMB) repeated-
If Niko shoots a moving vehicle, it may scare the driver to run away, fight
with Niko, or drive away. You can have Niko shoot the driver in the head but
Niko's more likely to get a wanted rating.
Besides controlling the vehicles given in the next sections, Niko can also
take a helicopter tour, ride the subway, and get a ride in a taxi cab. Once the
ride is underway, you can skip the ride to get to the destination faster.
Niko can ride on the subway (see the map at the next links) except he can't
ride it into areas that aren't available yet or when his wanted rating is three
stars or higher.
Taxi rides are available after "Bull in a China Shop" (V.10). Hold F/Enter
to have Niko enter a Taxi he's near as a passenger. Once Niko has a 60% like
stat in his friendship with Roman Bellic (V.6), Niko can ride for free until
"Roman's Sorrow" (V.31). After that, you can have Niko fire a weapon near the
end of a ride to scare off the driver and not pay the fare.
Once Algonquin is available, Niko can go to southeast Algonquin and pick from
six different helicopter rides offered by the Heli Tours company. Once Niko has
a 75% like stat with Brucie (VII.11), he can call Brucie for a helicopter ride,
too, and pick the destination.
I.7.d Land vehicle Controls
Patches and onward allow you to remap controls in the Controls menu by
selecting Custom mapping.
Accelerate W
Steer left/right A/D
Reverse (also
fast Brake) S
Handbrake Spacebar
Lean forward/back Left Shift/Left Ctrl
I remap these to NP9/NP6.
Exit vehicle F Hold F to turn off the engine and tap F to leave it on.
As Niko exits press a motion key to have him leave the
door open.
shoot LMB
Free aim RMB
Next weapon Q I remap it to X
Previous weapon Z
Headlights H Full power or dimmed
Drop weapon (GTA
Race only) R
Hotwire W/S
Horn G I remap it to Left Shift
Look behind C I remap it to NP1
Change camera V
Cinematic camera/
Zoom to target
vehicle Caps Lock I remap it to C
radio station Mouse wheel up/down
song N/B
Turn off radio X I remap it to M
Window washing platform
control Tab I remap it to Caps Lock
Up/down W/S
Camera Mouse aim
While holding down the Cinematic Camera key press the Horn key to toggle slow
motion. You can cycle through slow motion modes (25%, 50%, 75%) and normal
speed using Left Alt + NP0 with the Simple Trainer.
Leaving the door open after exiting some cars, such as the Admiral, causes
"door ajar" beeping. (Thanks to top gear)
Thanks to the FAQ/Walkthrough by ElectroSpecter for the following vehicle in-
To have Niko use weapons from a vehicle press the LMB to have him break the
window open before you can have him fire or drop the weapon.
You can use handguns, submachine guns, thrown weapons from a vehicle. Press Q
and Z to cycle through weapons.
Just use the LMB, not the RMB, to drop Grenades and Molotovs. (GTW note: I've
mainly found use for thrown weapons for drive-bys after stopping a vehicle by
Niko's driver's window, having him drop the weapon, then having him speed away.)
Flipping a car doesn't cause it to light on fire and explode as in earlier
GTAs. (GTW note: you can use Right Ctrl + NP2 with the Simple Trainer to unflip
If Niko's vehicle is on fire it will probably explode so have him get out im-
mediately. You might try to have him drive over a fire hydrant to put the burn-
ing part of the car. It can also be done with the water from a fire truck.
(Thanks to timekiller 92)
If Niko's vehicle is going fast enough when it hits something immovable he'll
fly through the windshield and lose Health.
If a vehicle engine stops working you can start it again by having Niko call
911 from his car and hang up.
The things you can find in the back of trucks
I.7.e Stunt information
"GTA 4 - AMAZING Bike Stunts (2 Minute Quickie)" by css172
"GTA 4 - AMAZING Bike Stunts 4" by css172
"GTA IV Stunt Montage (YYZ - The Temples of Syrinx)" by DanK3670
"GTA TBoGT Jump Like A Skydiver (If You're Gonna...)" by DanK3670
"ControL" by Turtle boy, Morbidxxx, Sufs, and Juan
Ultra Ben Buja's "Stunt Montage IV--A New Dawn"
"GTA 4 - The AMAZING Stuntman 3" by css172
"??·???·?????? [GTA 4 Stunt]" by nocrashk
"GTA 4 - BLOOPERS IV" by math22math22
When using a 'cycle for a loop de loop, release acceleration to avoid the
glitch that causes the 'cycle to not compete the loop smoothly. (Thanks to Ben
"GTA IV Segments - Lambo Wall Ride" by CranberryCoombs
"GTA4 STUNTS - Beyond The Wall Of Fire" by NOAHofDEATH
"GTA 4 : STUNT ADDICTION" by So0ulraf
Car to Packer Tanker (C2PT)
"GTA IV Stunt - The GuideD And BlesseD - HD" by MurphyNightLong
"GTA 4 - Stunt method - Exploring the grabs - HD" by NOAHofDEATH
Use the swing glitch (also in "Fun glitches, gimmicks, etc." I.12.b).
Back the back end of a four wheel vehicle up to or onto the middle support bar
of the north swing set in Firefly Projects, south of the east end of Mohegan
Ave.. In multiplayer, you can use the front or back of the vehicle. (If you
use a 'cycle, Niko will probably fly off and probably die.)
The Two Wheeler gimmick
The "Vice City" and "San Andreas" gimmick of getting a two wheeler stat by
holding a helicopter down on one rail by holding the key for Down while main-
taining balance with the banking keys then getting into or onto a land vehicle
works with "IV." I found it harder to do for more than a short time with a "IV"
Maverick, though.
Here are several YouTube videos showing you how to do it with a land vehicle
I.7.f Helicopter Controls
If the tail breaks off of the helicopter Niko is flying you can still control
up and down and make gentle nudges to the side.
In "Vice City" you could use Left Shift as a brake to keep the helicopter sta-
tionary in the air but I haven't noticed one for a helicopter in "IV."
The Annihilator has miniguns and the Buzzard (TBOGT) has miniguns and rockets.
Shoot LMB (Annihilator and Buzzard)
Shoot Secondary Left Shift (Buzzard)
Throttle Up W
Throttle Down S
Pitch Forward NP8 I add NP9
Pitch Back NP2 I add NP6
Bank left A
Bank right D
Rotate Left NP4 I add Q
Pivot right NP6 I change to E
I.8 A rundown of some of the vehicles and some of their real names
As in SA, you can have the lead character rescue a "drowned" vehicle.
I.8.a Four wheel vehicles
GTA Wiki
GTA IV Car Encyclopedia: Real Car Comparison
GTA4.net vehicle comparisons
bobster uk BETA 2 - 76 CARS RENAMED
You might have Niko avoid wrecks by pumping the brakes lightly instead of
slamming them, but if a wreck seems likely you could have him make a turning
sliding brake so he won't go through the windshield when he wrecks.
Have Niko dial anything on his phone to revive a stalled car.
You can have Niko turn a four wheel vehicle in midair by pressing accelera-
tion and brake at the same time then turning.
How to make any vehicle Everything Proof--see "Fun glitches, gimmicks, etc"
Fast: Comet, Turismo, Coquette, Infernus, Banshee, Super GT
As in earlier GTAs, the lead character can get a little Health the first time
he enters an individual spawn of an Ambulance and get five Shotgun shells the
first time he enters an individual spawn of a Police car. In "IV" your lead
character only gets up to another 20% Armor the first time he enters an indi-
vidual spawn of an Enforcer.
Four wheel vehicles
Admiral The Dundreary Admiral is a '03 Toyota Crown Majesta with headlights
from the '03-'11 Mercury Grand Marquis and some likenesses to the Lexus GS
S160. The Stretch is now the Limo version and seen more often. It's heavy,
fast, and durable but acceleration and handling are just okay. It may appear
at Francis International Airport and in The Triangle, etc.
Airtug The HVY Airtug is an airport baggage handler. You may have Niko get
one from the tarmac without a wanted level by going to it in a police car then
transferring to it and leaving quickly. Police car radio calls indicate the
Airtug is made by HVY. It has good acceleration but poor performance and is
Ambulance The Ambulance has a Brute badge on the front but it's a modifica-
tion of the Declasse Burrito. Niko can get an Ambulance by dialing 911, having
the call received, and choosing Ambulance by dialing 2. As in recent GTAs the
lead character gets a little Health after he enters an individual spawn of an
Ambulance for the first time.
Banshee The Bravado Banshee resembles a second generation Dodge Viper SR but
has side pipe exhaust and a shorter roofline like the third generation or
fourth generation. The front fascia loosely resembles the Marcos Mantis while
the tail lights resemble those of the Aston Martin DB9. The interior seems to
be inspired by the MKIV Toyota Supra with the auxiliary dashboard controls fac-
ing the driver. Unlike the real-life Viper's V10 engine, the Banshee has a
4.9L twin-turbocharged V8 according to the AutoEroticar website.
You can save Stevie's yellow Comet after "No. 1" for Brucie Kibbutz. You can
save one during Brucie's "Exotic Exports" and "Stevie's Car Thefts." During
the "Random Encounter" with Hossan Ramzy you can have Niko kill his debtor and
save his white Banshee with a black stripe which is pink-lustered.
Benson The Vapid Benson is a heavy cube truck. The cab resembles an '89-'01
International 4000 Series but the design is different than the Securicar which
is based on the same truck series. It has poor handling but good durability.
It appears in the Industrial area in Bohan, Acter Industrial Park and Tudor,
Alderney, etc.
Biff The HVY Biff looks like a Kenworth T800. The name refers to Biff Tan-
nen (Thomas F. Wilson) from the 1985 movie "Back to the Future" in which his
car crashes into a dumptruck filled with manure. The Biff is slow and heavy.
It appears in a construction site near Gainer Street, South Bohan, around Acter
Industrial Park, Alderney, etc.
Niko can car surf in the bed of the dump truck version.
Blista Compact The Dinka Blista Compact is a Honda CR-X. It may have a
spoiler and twin exhaust making it resemble the CR-X SiR. The back hatch is
bullet-proof. It appears commonly in the game. It's the second lightest and
seventh fastest car in "IV" with good performance.
Bobcat The Vapid Bobcat is like the 1981 Chevrolet C. It's slow but acceler-
ates quickly. Niko could get hurt or killed trying to use it to car surf. It
appears around East Hook and Beachgate, Broker, and North Holland and East Hol-
land, Algonquin.
Boxville The Brute Boxville resembles a GMC Step Van/Chevrolet Step Van.
It's heavy and slow. It's seen in Acter Industrial Park and around Bohan In-
Bucanneer The Albany Buccaneer resembles the '71-'73 Buick Riviera and the
'70-'72 Monte Carlo. It's heavy and prone to fishtailing on corners. It main-
ly asppears in Beachgate, Firefly Island, and Hove Beach, Broker.
Buffalo The Bravado Buffalo is a sports sedan based on the Sixth generation
Dodge Charger as well as the Ford Mustang GT for the greenhouse area, front
fascia and headlights. In "IV" it's not available as a consumer model--the
player can only get the FIB version--but it's available in TBoGT.
Burrito The Declasse Burrito resembles a '96-'02 Chevrolet Express from the
front with an altered grille and the sides are like a third-generation Chevro-
let Van. It's the fastest van and heavy but has poor acceleration. It's
parked in several places in Alderney such as at the Multistory carpark in West-
Bus The Brute Bus is like a New Flyer D901 (with an evenly angled windshield
from a New Flyer D40 HF. The side windows resemble those of the old GM New
Look Bus (GM TDH-5303), TMC RTS, or the Flexible New Look bus although they're
style is more modern. It's fast but has poor acceleration and handling. It's
parked in Star Junction and by the Helitours pads, etc.
Cabby The Schyster Cabby is one of three yellow taxis and is based on a
fourth generation Dodge Caravan or Chrysler Voyager in real life and the Vapid
Minivan seen in the game. It's slow with better handling than the Minivan.
It's mainly seen in Algonquin.
Cavalcade The Albany Cavalcade is based on the '02-'06 Cadillac Escalade
with traits of the Chevrolet Tahoe/GMC Yukon. It's used by Roman's Taxi ser-
vice after "Hostile Negotiation." It has good acceleration and decent han-
dling. The Cavalcade FXT is the four door pickup truck version.
Chavos The Dinka Chavos is based on a -03-'07 Honda Accord with a front
based on the '97-'98 Nissan 200SX. (S14). "Chavos" is slang for "Money." It's
fast and good for drifting. It's found in Hove Beach.
Cognoscenti The Enus Cognoscenti is based on the Maybach 62 for the green-
house and Bentley Continental Flying Spur for the front. In Italian "Cognoscen-
ti" means connoisseurs or experts in a certain field--usually the fine arts.
It can be spawned by the phone code 227-555-0142. It's fast and heavy but
doesn't have good handling.
Comet The Pfister Comet is based on the Porsche 911 and resembles the 911SC
Targa from the late '70's or the early '80s. The two sport seats in black
leather resemble Lamborghini's seat design. It's the fastest car and has ex-
cellent handling.
The gold Comet Niko uses in "No. 1" can be saved. In Brucie's Races an oppo-
nent may have a Comets which can be stolen though this will forfeit the race.
The Comet in the beginning of "Hating the Haters" can be saved and the mission
continued in another car. It may have an unusual dark grey color that looks
red at certain angles. The plum or bronze Comet stolen for Stevie's Car Thefts
can be saved and another will spawn its place.
If Niko drives a Comet in South Bohan you may see Comets parked in rows. It
can be spawned with the phone code 227-555-0175 which doesn't adversely affect
saved games.
Contender The Vapid Contender is like the third generation Ford SVT Light-
ning concept with colors like most modern Ford F-150s. It has a grille and
headlights like the '07 Chevrolet Avalanche. It's an unimpressive performer
but durable.
Coquette The Invetero Coquette resembles a '97-'04 Chevrolet Corvette C5 al-
though with projector-style headlamps and a front like the '02-'05 Honda/Acura
NSX. One paint job is like that on the Corvette that Templeton "Faceman" Peck
(Dirk Benedict) drove in the 1983-1987 TV series "The A-Team." A "Coquette" is
a chatty flirtatious woman. It's like a newer model of a "Vice City" Banshee.
The Italian Mafia and the Algonquin Triads use it as a gang car.
It's nimble and quick with excellent handling.
The white/red Coquette is based on the Corvette that Face drove in "The A-
Team." (Thanks to Benzoboy)
DF8-90 The Imponte DF8-90 looks like the Pontiac G6 (main shape and the bot-
tom of the front), the '99-'05 Pontiac Grand Am (the roof), and the Saturn Ion
(the shape of the back doors). There are two motors: a V6 SPORT or a V8 TUR-
BO--you have to zoom in on the rear to see which. It's fast with good handling
and good for drifting (and the swing glitch).
Dilettante The Karin Dilettante is based on the '00-'03 Toyota Prius with
headlights from an '06-'07 Citroen C4 and a body shape similar to the Honda In-
sight. The word "Dilettante" is French for "a dabbler in fine arts or a con-
noisseur" and can also mean "amateurish or superficial." It was revealed that
Rockstar named the car (and company) after a videogame violence researcher
named Karen Dill. It's slow with poor acceleration.
Dukes The Imponte Dukes is mainly based on the '68-'70 Dodge Charger. The
front bumper is based on the '68-'69 Pontiac LeMans GTO or the '68-'69 Fire-
bird. The Imponte name is on the right grille of the front bumper like the
Pontiac name found on '68-'69 Firebird. The tail lights are like those on the
'70 Dodge Challenger with aspects like those on the Charger. The name refers
to the '79-'85 TV series "The Dukes of Hazzard" which features a '69 Dodge
It appears in the parking area next to the abandoned Sprunk Factory, Argus
Street, Tudor, Alderney, in Stevie's Car Thefts, and in "Lure."
Enforcer The Brute Enforcer is based on an armored 1989-2001 International
4000 Series without front turn signal lights. It's fast, has fair to good han-
dling, and is strongly bullet-proof.
It's used by NOOSE and appears at a four star wanted level and during "Blow
Your Cover."
As in recent GTAs the lead character gets a little Body Armor after he enters
an individual spawn of an Enforcer for the first time.
Esperanto The Albany Esperanto bumpers, sides, and bustle-back styling (most
of the chassis) is based on the Seventh Generation ('82-'87) Lincoln Continent-
al. The grille and headlights are like those of an '82-'83 Chevrolet Malibu
(the shorter width of the grille makes it look like an '84-'85 Chevrolet Cele-
brity, but the Albany signature on the grille and flatter headlights are more
like the Malibu); and the taillights are based on an '80-'81 Pontiac Bonne-
ville/'85-'86 Pontiac Parisienne. The combined look seems like an early Cadil-
lac Seville. It's slow with poor acceleration and acceptable handling. It's
found in Broker and Bohan.
Roman's Taxi is a black variation driven by Roman Bellic and at hi depot till
"Roman's Sorrow." It can be obtained in Roman's missions but you can't steal
the one Roman sends to pick up Niko as the doors are locked. (It changes to a
Cavalcade after Roman purchases a penthouse in Algonquin.)
FIB Buffalo It's based on the 2006-2010 Dodge Charger Police Package but the
tail lights, headlights, and rear license plate have been changed and the front
fascia is a bit like the 2005–2009 Ford Mustang. It's fast and durable. It's
the fastest law enforcement vehicle and has a smooth ride.
It can be attained in specific missions, when the player attains a wanted
level of four or more stars, or by using the cheat code 227-555-0100. (GTW
note: you could also just spawn one with the Simple Trainer.)
It's the only law enforcement vehicle that Niko's female friends will accept
for dates.
Faction The Willard Faction resembles an '82-'87 Buick Regal with some as-
pects like the Buick Grand National and Regal T-Type. It's like the Sabre. It
has good acceleration and handling.
Feltzer The Benefactor Feltzer is based on the Mercedes-Benz SL-Class R230
with the rear based on the second and third generation Mercedes-Benz SLK.
There are three versions of the Feltzer convertible in "IV"--one with a folding
hardtop, one with a soft top, and one with the top down. It's the eighth fast-
est car in "IV" and good for drifting.
It's found in Hove Beach, Broker, and Star Junction and The Exchange, Algon-
quin, etc.
Feroci The Bravado Feroci is based on the '95-'99 Infiniti I30 with similar-
ities to the Honda Accord, Mazda 3, and Lexus GS. A FlyUS verion is at Francis
International Airport. There's also a black sport version. It's fast and good
for drifting.
The Triads use a dark blue sport version with a spoiler and Chinese knotting
hung from the rearview mirror. It's called the JDM VIP, has better perfor-
mance, and is found in Chinatown, Algonquin. (They also use an Intruder VX.)
Fire Truck The MTL "V 24 Supercharged" Pumper is the FDLC's fire truck. For
a big vehicle it's good at climbing and turning. It has a water cannon that
can be operated and puts out fires. If used against peds it can create a six
star wanted level without killing anyone. The Fire Truck can be summoned by
dialing 911 and requesting the fire emergency service. It rarely appears due
to fires then just drives away.
Flatbed The MTL Flatbed resembles a Peterbilt 379. The Flatbed badge is
like that of the Phantom whch is also based on a Peterbilt. Like other trucks
it can be found in the industrial areas of Bohan. It may be unloaded or carry-
ing a shipping container or a crane attachment.
Forklift The HVY Forklift has rear wheel steering. The fork doesn't go up
and down in "IV." It has a propane tank on the back--if you have Niko shoot it
a flame shoots out and if you have him shoot it more it blows up. It has good
acceleration but a low top speed.
It may appear near the Homebrew Cafe, Broker, near the north boat wharf on
Happiness Island, and in Acter Industrial Park, Port Tudor, and Tudor, Alder-
Fortune The Vapid Fortune has sports styling like the Sentinel sports com-
pact. The body shape is still based on the '89-'93 Thunderbird but the front
is more generic (like the Uranus in "San Andreas") and the tail lights have a
design like '97-'98 Lincoln Mark VIII which is based on the Thunderbird. The
front is loosely based on the '94 Nissan Silvia S14 (Silvia in Japan, 200SX in
Europe, and 240SX in North America) and the head lights may be based on the 6th
generation Toyota Corolla (E90). The Fortune is based on a combination of the
'89-'93 Thunderbird and some Japanese Domestic Market (JDM) sport coupes like
the Toyota Corolla Levin (E90) and the Nissan Silvia S14 but the rear end
may be based on the '90-'95 Mazda Cosmo Sports car. Mazda and Ford were part-
ners from '78 to '10.
It's fast and handles well. It appears in "Search and Delete," Bohan, and
Middle Park, Algonquin.
Futo The name "Futo" is derived from the Japanese word "Dorifuto" meaning
"Drift" which may refer to the real-life counterpart as a popular drifting car.
It's based on the '84-'87 Toyota Corolla Levin AE86 GT-Apex Coupe and the
front, some parts, shape, and the paintjob on a '83-'85 Nissan Skyline DR30 RS
Turbo. It's made by Karin and has fast acceleration and a high top speed.
"Futo" is an anagram of the word "tofu" which could refer to the anime that
increased the AE86's popularity: "Initial D." In it the main character uses an
AE86 hatchback as a tofu delivery car and a touge racer.
The Futo & Futo GT is like a Toyota Corolla GT-S (AE86) Trueno (fixed lights
opposed to pop-up lights). (Thanks to FBDriver)
Habanero It's mainly based on the '04-'09 Lexus RX (a rebadge of the Japa-
nese Toyota Harrier) but it's slightly bulkier like the Toyota Venza. The tail
lights are like those on the '05-'07 Mitsubishi Outlander.
Hakumai The exterior is a combination of of three late-'80s Hondas: the
fourth generation Honda Civic, the third generation Honda Accord, and the third
generation Honda Prelude. The body resembles the 4-door Accord with slightly
modified turn signals and the tail light cluster is similar to that of the Pre-
lude and Civic. It features hidden headlights like the ZR-350. It's fast but
not durable.
The name means "rice" in Japanese so may refer to the term "ricer" or a car
that has cosmetic parts which do nothing to increase performance. Most Hondas
from the early-1990s to the early-2000s are popular cars among ricers.
Huntley Sport It resembles the '06-present Range Rover Sport although it's
slightly boxier.
A special edition of the Huntley Sport is unlocked after completing Little
Jacob's drug deals. It's a Huntley Sport with a yellow and green paint job
called the Rasta Huntley. Brucie gives Noko one with a olive and yellow paint
job after a boating trip.
Infernus It's manufactured by Pegassi (a play on the names of the Italian
supercar manufacturers Pagani and Lamborghini) and is largely based on the
first generation Lamborghini Murciélago with the side paneling of a Lamborghini
Diablo (notably the side windows) and the rear fascia and venting of an early
model Pagani Zonda and Spyker C8.
It can be found during Brucie's street races and is given as a reward after
completing Bernie Crane's missions.
Ingot It's a station wagon mainly based based on the '92-'97 Audi 100/A6 (C4
Chassis) with some influence from a '93-'97 Volkswagen Passat (B4) and a rear
end more like a '96-'01 Nissan Stagea. "Ingot" means "a mass of metal cast
into a convenient shape for storage or transportation to be later processed"
which could refer to the square design and it being inexpensive.
Intruder The Karin Intruder resembles the '02-'06 Infiniti Q45 but the rear
seems based on a '96 or '97 Infiniti I30. It has a few features of a '00-'04
Toyota Mark II (X110). The rear lights could be based on an E100 Toyota Corolla
or Opel Senator A2. It doesn't have reverse lights.
Landstalker The Dundreary Landstalker resembles a third generation Ford Ex-
pedition in shape (and Dundreary is based on Mercury). The grille and front
fascia is likely modeled after a first generation Lincoln Navigator. The head-
lights resemble those of the '06–present Range Rover or Lincoln Navigator and
the taillights are somewhat like those of the '06 Ford Explorer/Range Rover
Sport. It's the largest SUV.
A black edition is found around North Holland. It has a chrome side scuff
bar, no luggage rails on top, and if you move the "camera" to the back you see
TVs stored on the front seats.
It no longer suffers from roll over but it oversteers and gets some under-
Lokus It resembles a second generation Lexus GS with headlights like a '04–
'10 Mercedes-Benz CLS and a split grille design like some Nissan models. The
tail lights resemble those of the BMW E46 3-Series and it has a strong resem-
blance to a '99-'04 Peugeot 406.
Manana The front detailing resembles that of a '75 Buick LeSabre but the
overall design is derived from a '67 or '68 Cadillac Eldorado. The front bump-
er is derived from neither and has a late '70s look. It's available as a coupe
and a convertible.
Marbelle The styling is blend of '70s/'80s (North American) Ford Granadas
and Lincolns. The headlights and turn signals somewhat resemble a '77–'79 Lin-
coln Versailles but the taillights are closer to those of an '81-'89 Lincoln
Town Car. The sides, front bumper, windows and roof pillars resemble those of
the '75-'80 Ford Granadas (and are also similar to the '77-'78 Lincoln Ver-
sailles). There are also vents surrounding the headlights much like those from
the '75-'77 Granadas. Performance is above average for its type.
Merit The Declasse Merit looks like the '99-'05 Chevrolet Impala LS with a
back like a fifth generation '95-'97 Honda Accord. The headlights and front
grille are reminiscent of a fourth generation Pontiac GTO while the taillightd
looks similar to those of a BMW E46 M3. It's the base for the Police Patrol
and Taxi. It's a fairly good all-rounder.
Minivan It's modeled after the fourth generation Dodge Caravan except with
lower ground clearance and sleeker design. The grill is modeled after that of
the fourth generation Chrysler Town and Country SX/LX. The rear of the Minivan
resembles that of the Second Generation Mazda MPV. It's the basis for the Cab-
Moonbeam The Declasse Moonbeam is based on a '85—'94 Chevrolet Astro/'85—'94
GMC Safari but the front end incorporates more detailing and design cues and
supporting one- or two-tone body colors.
Mr. Tasty It resembles a '98 Chevrolet P30 Ice Cream Truck. It has several
jingles toggled by tapping the horn key which produces a different jingle each
time--the tempo is coordinated with the speed of the truck and reversing the
truck reverses the jingle. When it's moderately damaged the jingle distorts.
When severely damaged, the music does not play at all although the horn still
"Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" (Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
"Greensleeves" (trad. English folk song)
"Scarborough Fair" (trad. ballad of Great Britain about the Yorkshire town of
"Flight of the Bumblebee" (Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov)
"Ride of the Valkyries" (Richard Wagner)
and the "IV" theme song "Soviet Connection" (Michael Hunter)
Reversing with no jingle causes a "ding-a-ling" noise instead of the standard
"beep" found on most industrial vehicles.
If the player calls ZiT! while the "GTA IV" jingle is playing it activates a
health cheat ("DOC" on the cell phone) which blocks certain Trophies/Achieve-
Mule The Maibatsu Mule resembles a mid '90's Mitsubishi Fuso FM series and
the fifth generation Isuzu Elf N-Series. "Mule" is a reference to "drug
mule"--someone that smuggles drugs for someone else. To have Niko enter the
back of the Mule have him shoot the back doors lightly then climb onto the
NOOSE Cruiser The NOOSE (National Organization of Security Enforcement)
Cruiser shares the chassis of the Police Cruiser (based on a second generation
Mercury Grand Marquis) but with an LED light bar in place of the Police Cruiser
spinning V-bar and NOOSE livery rather than that of the LCPD. Like the NOOSE
Patriot, the LED light bar does not make a distorted sound after being crushed
or shot with a weapon like the Police Cruiser/Patrol V-bar. It's fast and a
good performer.
NOOSE Patriot It's based on the Patriot SUV (which is based on a Hummer H2)
but has an LED lightbar, the NOOSE livery, and wheels with sturdier black rims
and tires. The paint is loosely based on that of Homeland Security vehicles.
Like other law enforcement vehicles it can't used with a Pay 'n' Spray or a car
wash. It has better speed and handling than the civilian Patriot but you
should avoid rollover on turns.
Oracle The Ubermacht Oracle XS basically replaces the Sentinel of "San An-
dreas." It resembles the BMW 7 Series E65--particularly pre-facelift models
('02-'05). The grille resembles that of a second generation Lexus LS. A
slightly modified variant of the Oracle--driven by members of the Irish Mob
mainly in Steinway--is based on the Alpina B7 and is dark green. It has good
handling and is durable.
"Oracle" could be a reference to the BMW Oracle Racing team as Übermacht is
based on BMW. The name may also be due to the fact that a sentinel and an ora-
cle both observe or watch.
A rare Oracle XS can be obtained in "Taking in the Trash." Highly modified
Oracle XS's can be found driving near Ray Bulgarin's house if the player is
driving a Schafter. The Oracle XS is mostly be found after game completion
when it spawns more than the original Oracle.
PMP 600 The PMP 600 closely resembles a Chrysler 300C SRT-8 but with a more
chopped greenhouse area and a different front fascia giving it a further gang-
ster appearance playing to the 300C's gangster reputation. The modded PMP 600
often driven by the Mafia is commonly found in Westdyke and Leftwood Alderney,
and Little Italy, Algonquin.
Packer The MTL Packer is based on the Kenworth K-100. The ramp doesn't low-
er to the ground. It comes with flatbed and tanker variations.
A Packer with the ramp down (useful for stunts) exists in the TLAD game files
but doesn't spawn.
Patriot The Mammoth Patriot is based on the GMT800 2003-2006 Hummer H2 with
minor alterations like the taillights. The grille design is like that of an
'87-'90 Dodge Caravan. It lacks the Cavalcade's top speed but easily outmaneu-
vers it and accelerates faster. It has high ground clearance and is durable.
Perennial The Dinka Perennial is based on the second generation Honda
Stream. It's a parody car mainly based on Honda models--mainly the Stream and
with details like windows from the '07-'11 Honda CR-V and the Honda Stream.
The rear of the sides and rear window are similar to those of a Mercedes-Benz
R-Class and Audi A4 B8 Avant. It's the only vehicle in "IV" with a fully
glassed roof which is reminiscent of the ill-fated Renault Avantime though it
was a coupe and not an MPV. The taillights loosely resemble a '06-present Toy-
ota Previa. Instead of fog lights the Perennial has daytime running lights
that are always on similar to those of a second generation Acura MDX. The
seating is part leather and part cloth like that of the Honda CRV.
The closest identification is with the Honda Stream or Mercedes-Benz R-Class.
It also resembles a 4th-Gen Honda Odyssey but the 4th generation started pro-
duction in August '10 almost two years after the release of "IV."
Peyote The Vapid Peyote resembles a Ford Thunderbird (first generation) but
it has double taillights instead of single ones giving the rear end the appear-
ance of Cadillacs from the early '60s ('61, '63). The headlights are loosely
based on a '66 or '67 Pontiac GTO with bigger lights and somewhat altered head-
light bezels to fit into the styling of the mid-'50s era.
Phantom It resembles a Peterbilt 359 EXHD. The trucks in "IV" can't be at-
tached to any of the trailers parked throughout the city. Cornering is slug-
gish but it's fast and durable.
There's a Phantom in the lot south of the FIA warehouse that's south of the
airport terminal and one in Dukes at the Ron gas station on the south side of
the east end of Dukes Dr.
The name is probably a reference to the story song about a big rig truck
driver--"Phantom 309" (Tommy Faile). A hitchhiker is given a ride by the truck
driver then learns at a diner the truck driver died earlier swerving to miss a
school bus. The song was covered by Red Sovine in '67 and others including,
with altered lyrics, Tom Waits on the '75 live album "Nighthawks at the Diner."
Pinnacle The Pinnacle is mostly based on the sixth generation Nissan Maxima.
The rear resembles a '04-'08 Nissan Maxima with the tailights influencing the
'00-'07 Ford Mondeo Sedan, while the front end and body resembles a '03-'08
Nissan Teana. The area around the back license plate is arranged similarly to
those on many older Infinitis and Mitsubishis. The car bears many similarities
to the Ford Five Hundred. Instead of fog lights, the Pinnacle is equipped with
daytime running lights where the lights are always on regardless of time of day
similar to those of the second generation Acura MDX. The name "Pinnacle" may
be a play on "Maxima" as both of the names suggest an uppermost extreme.
Police Cruiser The Vapid Police Cruiser, based on the Stanier, is one of the
two main police cars used by the LCPD. It's faster and more agile than the Po-
lice Patrol but has very soft suspension.
It's based on the second generation Mercury Grand Marquis. The tail lights
are similar to those of a '92-'94 model; the chassis, including: windows, head-
lights, and front and rear bumpers resemble those of the '92-'97 models; and
the grille and hood look like those of the '98-'11 models.
Police Patrol The Declasse Police Patrol is modeled after the eighth genera-
tion Chevrolet Impala Police Edition while the back is from the ninth genera-
tion. It's generally used as a patrol vehicle rather than a pursuit vehicle
due to it being slower and heavier than the Police Cruiser.
The light bar on top, as with those on other vehicles, has a distorted sound
if it's damaged. A problem with saving police vehicles is that an officer may
drive it away.
As in recent GTAs, the lead character gets five Shotgun shells after he en-
ters an individual spawn of a Police car for the first time. If he doesn't
already have a Shotgun, he gets a Shotgun with 5 shells.
Police Stockade It's based on the Securicar except it has a police paint
job and a light bar.
Premier The Declasse Premier resembles a cross a Chevrolet Cobalt and a
Daewoo Lacetti with some details that resemble a '05-'11 T250 Chevrolet Aveo
sedan (for its four-door design but also for its taillight design). The front
of the car is similar to a Chevrolet Cobalt sedan and the '01-'06 Toyota Corol-
la E120. The enlarged grille in the bumper region resembles that of a 9th gen-
eration Chevrolet Impala. The taillights are similar to the '05-'11 Chevrolet
Aveo tailights and are like those of the '06-'09 Ford Fusion.
It's fast and has good handling but the suspension is soft.
Presidente It's based on the first generation Cadillac CTS though the head-
lights resemble those of the second generation CTS, albeit widened, and the
grille resembles that of a first generation Ford Fusion.
The "SPORT" supercharged variants of the Presidente driven by the Korean Mob
are based on the Cadillac CTS-V. The variant has a different front grille with
a "supercharged" badge, black rims, dark blue metallic paint, and a rear spoil-
A police variant of the Presidente, the Police Stinger, is available in "The
Ballad of Gay Tony."
Primo The Albany Primo retains its four-door sedan design, similar to the
'92-'97 Cadillac Seville, with the grille, front headlights and taillights of
the '87-'93 Cadillac Allante, but it looks a bit like the '88-'92 Toyota Cres-
sida. The supercharged Primo has changes that are just cosmetic. Both are
fast but have poor acceleration and handling.
Rancher The Declasse Rancher resembles a Cheyenne Trim '89-'91 K5 Blazer.
The taillights and the slight lean of the rear of the cab resemble '80-'96 Ford
Broncos. The overall body design resembles that of the 2-door version of the
Jeep Cherokee XJ. It creates a lot of body roll but is good off road.
Rebla The Übermacht Rebla resembles a '03-'09 BMW X3 BMW X3 but the RWD
makes it better resemble the Mercedes-Benz M-class. The sheer size makes it
like the BMW X1. The overall shape resembles a SsangYong Kyron. A sports ver-
sion of the Rebla, found in Hove Beach and driven by the Russian Mafia, is
black. It's fairly fast and agile for an SUV and is durable and unlikely to
cause windshield ejection. It's common in the first tweo main areas of the
Ripley The HVY Ripley is a large airliner tug found on the tarmac at the
airport. The name is an homage to Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) of the "Ali-
en" films. A featured vehicle in the movie "Aliens" is the US Colonial Ma-
rines' M577 Armored Personnel Carrier. Prop designers for the movie used a de-
commissioned airliner tug to create the M577 which is why the tug in "IV" bears
the "Aliens" reference.
The front wheels can swivel to a notable degree and it's heavy but not it's
not fast.
Roman's Taxi The Albany Roman's Taxi is based on the near-identical Esperan-
to. Roman's Taxis are only driven by Mohammed. It's dark grey. It's fast and
has good handling. After unlocking the Algonquin safehouse--when Roman makes
more money and lives in a high-class apartment--Roman's Taxis are replaced by
Cavalcades which are still driven by Mohammed.
Romero The Albany & Chariot Romero resembles a Washington sedan. It's a
hearse but doesn't have a coffin inside except during "Undertaker" in which you
have Niko drive to a funeral with Derrick McReary's/Francis McReary's coffin
inside. After the mission the Romero will drive past--you can obtain it if you
have Niko shoot the driver's head. Romeros will appear in traffic if Niko
drives a Romero, particularly in Westdyke, Steinway, and Colony Island. It was
named after George A. Romero--the director of the "Night of the Living Dead"
movie series.
Ruiner The Ruiner is based on the third generation GM F-Body (seen in the
period's third-generation Pontiac Firebird, and third-generation Chevrolet Cam-
aro). It has a T-Top roof with either glass or solid panels. The ground ef-
fects on the front end are reminiscent of 1985-1990 Pontiac Trans Ams. The
wheels resemble those of the Mitsubishi Starion. Some Ruiners feature license
plate frames that say "Ruining Imports Since '67" which is the year the afore-
mentioned GM F-body coupes debuted (however, this seems contradicted since it
has some Nissan influence).
It appears more often if the player is driving a Stallion. It's fast with
good handling.
Sabre The Declasse Sabre is based on the '78-'88 GM G-body. The headlights
and front fascia are based on the '82-'87 Buick Regal while the grille is taken
from the '83-'88 Chevrolet Monte Carlo. The front fascia resembles that of the
Dodge 400 and 600. It's one of the few cars that can be found as a "beater"--
a rusted out version. It's fairly fast, handles acceptably, and is durable.
Sabre GT The back and sides resemble a '70 Oldsmobile Cutlass but the sides
could be from a '69 Chevelle SS. The front is similar to a 70' Buick GSX (the
headlights and the shape of the bumper is also very similar to a '70 Cutlass)
and the front bumper's round turning signals are similar to a 69' Dodge Coro-
net. The wheels are like those on a '70 Pontiac Firebird. The paintjob looks
like that of a Mustang Mach 1 with some characteristics of a Shelby Mustang.
The engine is a turbocharged 550ci V8 and it definitely sounds like it with the
turbo whistle evident at higher speeds. The rusty Sabre has inferior perfor-
Schafter It's based on the Mercedes-Benz S-Class W220 but with a smaller
body and less flamboyant fascias. The rear fascia seems to be derived from a
Mercedes-Benz CL-Class C215--most likely the AMG variant. The front resembles
the Ssangyong Chairman H (which is based on a Mercedes Benz model) with the
headlights of a Maybach 57 and Maybach 62. (In TBoGT it's based on a Mercedes-
Benz E-Class W212.) It's fairly fast with good handling but accelerates slow-
ly. The Russian Mafia in Hove Beach drives a black version.
Securicar The Brute Securicar truck chassis is based on an armored Freight-
liner FL-60 without front turning signals. The cargo area roof is shaped like
the "San Andreas" rendition. The basic chassis is shared with the NOOSE En-
forcer and Police Stockade. The Securicar has bullet-proof side windows.
The Securicar will create a lot of money if blown up but doing so with weap-
ons causes a two star wanted level. To avoid this, the player can use one of
the car-bombs supplied by Patrick McReary (his friendship bonus) to blow up the
car or damage it enough while driving it that it will burst into flames and ex-
The handling and acceleration have been greatly enhanced for "IV." It's very
resistant to gunfire and vehicle damage but it is not explosion- or fire-proof
so can be destroyed by a single grenade placed beneath it or with a rocket.
The name "Securicar" may be a pun of "Securicor"--a British security company
that merged with Belgium-based security company Group 4 Falck in '04 to form
the infamous Group 4 Securicor (now known as G4S). Renditions of the Securi-
car in GTA III, GTA Vice City, GTA Liberty City Stories, and GTA Vice City
Stories have "Gruppe Sechs" logos on the side--a German language pun on both
"Group 4" and "group sex." In "IV" the fleet markings render the company name
as "Gruppe 6" but the vehicle still features "Gruppe Sechs" decals in much
smaller print on various surfaces.
Sentinel The Übermacht (the "IV" version of BMW) Sentinel resembles an E46
BMW M3 Coupe. The tail lights seem to be inspired by the older E36 3 Series
and E39 5 Series. It has tiny STD badges in front of the doors near the side-
skirts and front wheel wells. STD stands for "Sentinel Tuning Division," like-
ly a play on Subaru's STi marque and BMW's in-house tuning division, BMW M, but
also a reference to the acronym for "sexually transmitted disease."
If you get the hood off and keep the engine bay in good condition you can see
a centrifugal-type supercharger on the left side of the engine bay. This makes
the latest Sentinel the fastest iteration yet. It has good handling (be care-
ful at high speeds) and durability. You can save the one needed for Stevie be-
fore delivering another that spawns at that spot.
Solair The Willard Solair resembles a '00–'03 Ford Taurus wagon. The tail-
lights are like those on an eighth generation Lincoln Continental. Speed and
handling are okay but the durability is better.
Speedo The Vapid Speedo resembles a '03-present Chevrolet Express van.
Every Speedo in the game is commercial and belongs to a business. Billboard
ads depict a speedo with no business logo on the side and the slogan "No Man-
ners Required." It's fairly fast but the most agile van.
Stallion The Classique Stallion is like a '68-'69 Oldsmobile Cutlass with
lights like a '70 Plymouth Hemi Barracuda. The sides bear the lines of '70-'72
Oldsmobile Cutlasses. The rear end looks like that of a '71 or '72 Cutlass (it
says "STALLION" above the bumper much like the "OLDSMOBILE" counterpart) with
extra lights. It has good power, handling, and acceleration but be careful of
it sliding out on turns.
Steed The Vapid Steed is like a '92-'96 Ford Econoline delivery truck. It
has a good top speed but poor acceleration and handling. It's used by various
businesses. It's parked in Fulcrum Avenue, Tudor, Alderney, and found on
Charge Island and the East Borough Bridge.
Stratum The Zirconium Stratum '98-'01 Citroën Xantia estate and the fifth
generation Honda Accord station wagon or Saturn SL1 (with the same added pil-
lars as the previous rendition), albeit with a front end derived from the R32
Nissan Skyline. The rear end resembles the first generation Subaru Impreza
station wagon (or even a Z30 Toyota Soarer/first generation Lexus SC, albeit in
wagon form), and C-pillars which may be derived from the '96-'01 Toyota Camry
It's found in Broker, South Bohan, and Easton and The Triangle in Algonquin.
It has decent acceleration and speed and good handling.
Stretch The Dundreary Stretch is the limo version of the Admiral which is
based on the Mercury Grand Marquis and the Toyota Crown Majesta. It's prone to
body roll. It's most generally found in Middle Park and Lancaster, Algonquin.
Sultan The Karin Sultan is mostly based on the first-generation Lexus IS
(aka the Toyota Altezza) though certain elements, such as the rear lamp units,
are inspired by a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV. Other elements (such as the
bonnet and spoiler of the Korean Mob variant) bear resemblance to the Mitsubi-
shi Lancer Evolution VII. There are three variants: the regular car, the tuned
car, and the Sultan RS (RS is a popular abbreviation for performance models of
mainstream cars). It's fast, grippy, and easy to drive with superior traction
and handling. It's found around Firefly Projects. Driving an Infernus in Mid-
dle Park East will spawn Sultans.
Sultan RS It's based on the first generation Lexus IS (aka the Toyota Altez-
za) with a few minor influences from a range of second generation Subaru Im-
prezas. Though the Lexus IS or Toyota Altezza never had a two-door coupé ver-
sion they've influenced the RS. The front and shape of the car resembles that
of a '01 Lexus IS with a body kit. The big rear spoiler is usually a stock
feature of the Subaru Impreza WRX STi. The rear is like the Mitsubishi Lancer
Evolution IV. It's possible to find one after doing one of Brucie's street
It has the best acceleration (not counting the Forklift due to slow top
speed) and is one of the best handling vehicles but due to the stiff suspension
it's better on smooth dry roads. It has a much lower ground clearance than the
Sultan. There are several variations in the Sultan RS's engine redline (maxi-
mum RPM)--some can reach a higher RPM than others.
It's partly hidden by shrubs behind the one story red brick garage/storage
building past the north end of the main branch of dirt roads in northeast Al-
Super GT The Super GT (branded as a Dewbauchee car although police radio
chatter refers to it as a Pfister) is a grand tourer based on the Aston Martin
DB9 and the Aston Martin V8 Vantage due to its greenhouse area, front and sides
(except the vents) with design cues from the Jaguar X150. The rear resembles
that of the Aston Martin Vantage V600, Ferrari 612 Scaglietti, or the Ferrari
575M Maranello. It's the sixth fastest car in the game, has superior accelera-
tion, and is good for drifting.
It's found outside the main entrance of the house where you have Niko find
and kill Chubby Charlie in "Trespass." It's part of Stevie's Algonquin vehicle
collection--you can save one and take the respawn to Stevie. You can use a
phone number code to spawn one: 227-555-0168.
Taxi There are two taxi sedans in "IV": one built by Declasse based on the
Merit, which is the 2000-2005 Chevrolet Impala, and the other based on a Stan-
ier, built by Vapid, influenced by the second generation Mercury Grand Marquis
with frontal design cues more similar to a '98–present model. They both have
good speed and handling and six horn sounds. The Vapid taxi shares the same
body design as the LCPD Police and NOOSE Cruisers.
Trashmaster The Jobuilt Trashmaster is realistic with LSD workers hanging on
the back, etc. It resembles a DSNY (Department of Sanitation New York) Mack LE
Refuse Collection Truck but the front is altered. It usually appears in the
early morning of Tuesday and Friday. The compacter can be operated by pressing
the sprint button. This comes up during "Taking in the Trash"--the men Niko
works with will only throw bags into the truck when the rear lid is open. It
can't be opened before or after the mission--trying to do so will only stop the
truck. It's slow but durable.
Turismo The Grotti Turismo in GTA IV is based on the Ferrari 360 and, to a
lesser extent, the Ferrari F430. The front fascia resembles the Mclaren MP4-
12C though the resemblance is coincidental--the 12C was only an idea when "GTA
IV" was developed. The rear fascia has a sleek tail light-ra-diator cluster
with four-sided taillights as opposed to the circular lights of the 360. The
rims, which resemble three-piece OZ Racing Superleggera rims, are installed
over cross-drilled brake rotors.
There's a Turismo parked in the driveway of Faustin's mansion on the west
side of the south end of Shinnecock Ave., Beachgate. A bronze Turismo is
parked by the Dawkins' Mansion on Owl Creek Ave. in Westdyke, Alderney for
Stevie's Car Thefts. The Grotti dealership with eight Turismos is on the
northwest corner of Pyrite St. and Bismarck Ave. in Algonquin. Stealing one
gives Niko a one star wanted level even if there are no police in the area but
it's easy to park it by the nearby safe house.
It can also be obtained with a phone code: 227-555-0147.
Uranus The Vapid Uranus is based on the first generation Ford Escort with
the front inspired more by the '85-'89 Merkur XR4Ti and its European counter-
part the Ford Sierra XR4i. The sides are like the '87 Dodge Charger "Shelby
Edition." The rear fascia loosely resembles the XR4Ti. There are some design
features from the third generation Ford Mustang such as black pieces of trim
and the shape of the side window. The Russian Mafia of Hove Beach has a cus-
tomized version. It has a decal on the windshield--"LOZSPEED"--"lose speed"--
referring to the nature of cars like this. It's a fair performer. The name is
a pun.
Vigero The Declasse (Chevy) Vigero has the design and role previously filled
by the Sabre. It resembles a '69 Chevrolet Camaro with the rear and front fas-
cia like the '70 or '71 Plymouth Barracuda and Mk.1 Toyota Celica. It resem-
bles the Camaro in the front bumper, wheel wells, and boxy rear but with softer
lines and a less pointed grill. The double headlight design may be taken from
various cars but probably the first generation Pontiac Firebird.
The Vigero performs better than the other muscle cars of the game with good
speed and braking but in wet conditions has poor traction and is unstable. It
may appear in "beater" (rusty) form which has worse performance.
Vincent The Maibatsu Corporation Vincent is like the BMW 8 Series. There
are two versions--the standard model and the LX2007, a sportier version. They
perform the same. It's fast with good handling but the braking ability is
among the worst in the game.
Virgo The Dundreary Virgo is based on a '77-'79 Mercury Cougar with some
hints of a '77-'79 Lincoln Mark V. The taillights are similar to both the '77-
'79 Ford Thunderbird and Mercury Cougar. The beta model for "Vice City" was
called the Cougar reinforcing the idea that the vehicle is based on a Mercury
Cougar. It's fast and corners particularly well.
Little Jacob's Virgo is available in the beginning of "Concrete Jungle"--you
can have Niko save it and complete the mission in another car. You can have
him take it when he's escaped the police in "Russian Revolution"--you can have
him save it and complete the mission in another vehicle. You can have him take
Little Jacob's Virgo from a church in Suffolk in the mission "Mr and Mrs Bel-
lic" if Niko is wearing casual clothes (otherwise the cutscene won't happen).
Voodoo The Declasse Voodoo has the Chevy Impala trademark six tail lights
and its rear is still modeled after the '60 Impala. The grille is like that of
a '64 Impala (but "H" shaped like the '65 Rambler Classic or the '68 Plymouth
Roadrunner). The roof, windows, and body style resemble those of the third
generation Impala. The tailights are those of a '59 Ford Edsel. The Voodoo
rear fascia is taken from the '59 Impala featuring an indented trunk with a
chrome strip. It has mono- and two-tone body colors and all Voodoos feature
"S.S." and "Limited Edition" badging and a heart-shaped hood ornament. A line
through the center of the badge resembles a "D" as in "Declasse." The ceiling
light turns on when a door is opened. The Jamaican Posse uses a custom version
in Schottler, Beechwood City, and Willis.
Both versions are durable but poor performers.
Washington The Albany Washington is based on the '03-'11 Lincoln Town Car
and shares styling elements with the Cadillac Catera and '06-'09 Ford Fusion.
The back of the greenhouse has an unusually round shape like a fourteenth gen-
eration Chrysler New Yorker and the rest of the rear bears a subtle resemblance
to it. It bears a subtle resemblance to a '06-'11 Cadillac DTS. It's usually
found around Algonquin and Alderney. A wagon version is used for the Romero
hearse. The name is a change-up of names of presidents: Washington instead of
It's a durable but poor performer.
Willard The Willard Willard looks like an '86-'91 Buick LeSabre--the main
difference is the taillights. It has similarities with the first generation
Proton Saga (Saloon) and the fourth generation Toyota Carina. According to the
"San Andreas" vehicle chart the name may come from the '71 movie of the same
name as "it squeaks and it's hard to get rid of."
It has good handling and durability but is slow to accelerate.
Yankee The Vapid Yankee has the design of a 1980's International Harvester
S-Series/1980's GMC Topkick. It usually features logos for various businesses.
Except for the flatbed version it goes much slower after being repaired at a
Pay 'n'Spray. One spawn spot is an industrial yard near Honkers on Tinderbox
Ave. in Tudor, Alderney. ("The Lost and Damned" has an open bed Yankee.) It's
a poor performer.
I.8.b Motorcycles and scooters
GTA4.net vehicle comparisons
After Niko gets on a motorcycle or scooter, you can pause for Niko to put on
a helmet. It reduces how much Health he'll lose if he gets into a wreck. It's
easy to have Niko dismounted from a 'cycle due to a wreck.
As in previous GTAs, press lean forward repeatedly to make a 'cycle go fast-
er. As with a bicycle in SA, you can have the lead character do a wheelie then
push forward repeatedly to go a lot faster. A new difference is that you can
make a sharper turn by adding Lean Forward instead of Lean Back.
As in SA, you can have the lead character rescue a "drowned" vehicle. A mo-
torcycle is easy to rescue because it floats.
Faggio It resembles a cross between a 2000-present Piaggio Zip and 2007 Peu-
geot V Clic and shares minor styling elements with the Kymco Agility 50 compact
scooter. The name is a goof on "Piaggio Vespa."
It has a new engine sound, does not have a single transmission number, and
the handling has been changed.
It's the vehicle that makes doing a wheelie the easiest.
(The version seen in previous GTA's is used for "The Ballad of Gay Tony." In
TBoGT it's also easy to do a wheelie with a police motorcycle.)
Freeway The Western Motorcycle Company & Liberty City Cycles Freeway resem-
bles a 2007 Harley-Davidson Fatboy.
It most commonly spawns near the safehouse in South Bohan, elsewhere in Bo-
han, Dukes, and near Middle Park in Algonquin.
Hellfury The Western Motorcycle Company Hellfury is based on a West Coast
Choppers El Diablo series bike. It handles like the Freeway. It turns very
widely, even at low speeds, but it has a fast top speed and can easily win
It's usually seen driven by the Angels of Death or parked in BOABO and Beech-
wood City.
NRG 900 The Shitzu NRG 900 is based on the Suzuki GSX-R series; The F vari-
ant has a similar front end to the early 2000's GSX-R750 models while the RR
variant is based on more recent GSX-R1000 models. It's the fastest bike in
"IV" (it's outpaced by newer bikes in "The Lost and Damned") but it's hard to
control and it's heavy which reduces the ability to use it for wheelies and
It's commonly found around Liberty City. There's an NRG-900 at the north end
of the runways and two by the control tower at Francis International Airport.
There are NRG 900s in Westdyke Autos at Lemhi St. and Sacramento Ave. in West-
dyke, Alderney. It can also be spawned by dialing 625-555-0100 after "It's
Your Call."
PCJ-600 The Shitzu PCJ-600 resembles the Honda CB600F Hornet with aspects of
a Ducati Monster S4R on certain models. It's the second-fastest bike in "IV"
after the NRG 900. Due to the time it takes an NRG 900 to attain top speed,
the PCJ can outrun the NRG if you repeatedly tap the lean forward key.
It's found more often in Alderney, esp. Alderney City, may spawn by walking
around Star Junction, Algonquin, and spawns in Easton and Lancet.
Sanchez The Maibatsu Sanchez dirtbike is similar to the 2006-2009 Yamaha
YZ450F, 2007 Kawasaki KX450F, and the 2007 Honda CRF450X.
Sánchez (correct form of the surname with accent mark), meaning "son of San-
cho," is a very common Spanish name with some deformations in America like San-
chez or Sanches. Sánchez is the 5th most popular surname in Spain, 10th in Ar-
gentina and 52nd in the United States. But given the GTA penchant for colorful
humor, the name, along with the fact that it's a dirt bike, may refer to "Dirty
Sanchez"--a slang term for a sex act associated with coprophilia.
It can be spawned by dialing 625-555-0150 after "It's Your Call" and is next
to the player after "Truck Hustle."
Zombie The Steel Horse, Liberty Chop Shop & Liberty City Cycles Zombie is a
Harley Davidson Fat Bob Custom with a rigid body frame. It's prone to over-
steer but has mostly good handling with speed and braking superior to most mo-
torcycles in "IV."
The badge featured in various places on the bike reads L.C.C. Zombie. This
might stand for Liberty City Choppers, a spin on the real-life Orange County
Choppers, which is based in New York state.
It can be found when driving most any motorcycle, found in Middle Park, near
Acter, and when driving a Turismo.
I.8.c Helicopters and jets
Throttle up/down W/S
Rotate left/right NP4/NP6 I remap these to Q/E
Bank left/right A/D
Pitch forward/back NP8/NP2 I remap these to NP9/NP6
Rotate camera Hold RMB and move the mouse
Shoot LMB/NP0
Niko can't lose a wanted level of 3 or more stars while flying a helicopter.
Have Niko use the subway (or the Airbreak function of the Simple Trainer or the
flying car function of the Control Center) to lose a higher wanted level.
A helicopter can lose its tail in "GTA IV" yet you can still have Niko fly it
as the video by thejediclone at the next link shows:
If the tail is broken off keep holding down W to keep it aloft, and keep it
from turning upside down. You can slowly move it forward when it turns to the
direction you want to use.
How to hang from a helicopter--see "Fun glitches, gimmicks, etc." (I.12.b)
Helicopter locations:
Phone #: 359-555-0100
GTA4.net vehicle comparisons
Annihilator - Pavehawk MH-60L It attacks Niko at a four star or higher
Wanted Rating--two attack at six stars.
Weapons that can take out the Annihilator include Rocket Launchers, rifles,
and other Annihilators. (The Buzzard and the explosive shotgun in "The Ballad
of Gay Tony" can also effectively engage an Annihilator.) The RPG may destroy
the Annihilator or blast its tail off forcing it to spin out of control. Anni-
hilators facing their counterparts can do the same or they can shoot off the
rotor causing a crash. Rifles and sniper rifles have the range and power to
kill pilots and/or attacking passengers.
You can have Niko shoot the pilot in the cockpit window but the front wind-
shield is much smaller and higher up than on a Maverick so the shot is more
difficult. You can shoot the Annihilator pilot through the glass at the bottom
of the cockpit but it can take a lot of shots since you're only able to shoot
his feet.
It can be used for Vigilante Missions by starting the mission in a police
land vehicle then exiting it and entering the Annihilator. Lower it to street
level to attack the criminals. It has bullet-proof windows. The PC version
has faster miniguns and creates a large amount of damage.
One flies over the East Borough Bridge and the Hickey Bridge.
One spawns on top of the MeTV building in Algonquin instead of a Maverick af-
ter Niko shoots 200 pigeons.
One can be spawned by dialing 359-555-0100 after "It's Your Call." This dis-
ables the Walk Free and One Man Army Achievements but doesn't disable trophies
in the PlayStation 3 version. (It has explosive missiles in TLAD and TBOGT.)
Two spawn after completion of the main story missions:
- One is at the airport between the north end of the north runway and the
north end of the airport parking garage. Niko gets a four star wanted
level for going there.
- One is on a helipad on the roof of the East Holland police station. To
have Niko go there have him go to the lot between San Juan Rd. and Bis-
marck Ave., go south to go through the grey-red-brown double doors, go
to the top of the stairs, go outside, and go north to the helipad. It's
guarded by LCPD officers with Carbine rifles. Niko gets a one star
wanted level for jacking it.
(Disclaimer: I haven't played multiplayer to double check.)
One is on the Helitours heliport.
One is on the Fire Station in Southwest Alderney.
One is on the police station on the West Side of the Parking Building at
Francis International Airport.
One is on a building in The Exchange.
One is on a building in Castle Gardens.
It patrols around Charge Island.
It's on the heliport at the airport in IV and TBoGT.
It's on the police station in Northwood in IV.
It's on the Liberty City Rampage building in IV.
Maverick Its based on the Bell 206 L Longranger but the "IV" rendition fea-
tures four blades on the main rotor similar to the Bell 407 and retains the
body design of previous Mavericks.
The player can lose up to a four star wanted level with the Maverick by fly-
ing it as high and as fast as it can go then jumping out. Judge the speed and
use your aim to try to have him land on water so he survives. If the player
still hasn´t gotten out of the wanted circle he must swim out of it avoiding
police boats. (In TBoGT the player may use this method to lose up to a five
star wanted level because the player can fly higher.
It's on a helipad at a mansion that's just south of the "Horn" of "Big Horn
Drive" in Westdyke Alderney on the paper map.
It's on the Alderney City heliport above the Alderney exit of the Booth Tun-
Occasional spawn spots:
It's on the roof of the MeTV skyscraper in Star Junction, Algonquin. The
roof can be accessed via a window washer lift on the west end next to Kunzite
St. or by flying there in another helicopter. It's replaced by the Annihilator
after killing all 200 Pigeons.
It's on a helipad in front of a waterfront tunnel ventilation tower on the
western edge of Purgatory, Algonquin.
It's on a helipad of the Tudor, Alderney fire station in south-west Alderney.
(Disclaimer: I haven't played multiplayer to double check.)
It's on a helipad in a back yard of a mansion on the north side of Owl Creek
Ave. between Cariboo Ave. and Tenmile St.
Zmoonchild shows how to get a Maverick and save it at the start of the game:
Have Niko drive a fast boat (Jetmax, Tropic, or Squalo--there should be a
Squalo at the piers west of the south side of the Dukes Bay Bridge--see my boat
map) to the coast by the dock and stairs at the southwest part of the bay in the
middle of the north coast of Aldernay, run up the stairs then south to the heli-
pad south of the "Horn" of "Big Horn Drive" on the paper map, fly the Maverick
low to Firefly Island and land on the beach south of Crockett Ave./Mohawk Ave.,
then run to the Hove Beach save place and save the game.
Another Maverick in Aldernay is on a helipad southwest of the west end of
Rand Ave.
Afterward, you can save it at the parking space in the southeast section of
Joliet Ave. in South Bohan.
Helitours Maverick It appears at Higgins Helitours on the 90 degree platform
at the southeast coast of Algonquin south of the west end of the Broker Bridge
when Algonquin is legally available.
It takes off from Firefly Beach and flies over Liberty City. Niko can pay to
take a tour of Liberty City (hold F to have Niko approach it as when gettng Niko
a taxi ride) or jack it. If Niko shoots it down with an RPG he gets a four star
wanted level. Also see the "Sightseer" single player Achievement (I.5.b).
Police Maverick The Western Company Police Maverick is based on the Bell
206. It has two police officers on the sides who use Carbine rifles. (In TBoGT
the police use M249 SAWs.)
The helicopters in "GTA IV" have increased armor so are very resistant to
small arms (not RPGs). Small arms fire at the hull will cause it to smoke but
it takes a long time. Killing the two officers who shoot from the side doors
will cause the helicopter to retreat or spin out of control.
This trick only applies to "Vice City," "San Andreas," "Liberty City Stor-
ies," "Vice City Stories," and "IV": you can destroy a helicopter in one shot
with a sniper rifle by shooting the pilot at the cockpit window.
In "IV" (and TBoGT) singleplayer sniping the pilot of a Police Maverick when
the helicopter is low is the only way to obtain it.
(Disclaimer: I haven't played multiplayer to double check.)
It's on top of the police dept. at the middle west side of the Francis Inter-
national Airport area.
It's on top of the police station at San Juan Rd. and Topaz St. in East Hol-
land in northeast Algonquin.
It's on a fire station helipad near the Plumbers Skyway in southwest Alder-
The jet in "IV" is mainly based on the 747-400 with cues from its successor,
the 747-8, which is the last 747 variation to be produced. An example is the
747-8I's hump which extends to the midsection of the frame. It's solid but
isn't controllable. Jets in "IV" circle above the town and airport or circle
the runway--they don't land and take off.
You might use the Airbreak function of the Simple Trainer to have Niko, on a
motorcycle, land on the inner part of the top of a wing of a jet that flies for
a ride. See "GTA IV - Riding the Airplane" by Melocide.
"GTA IV How To Get On The Airplane" by Ryonscki Productions is a stunt video
that shows how to have Niko drive from a ramp onto the wing of the jet that
just taxis around on the ground.
I.8.d Boats
At the map at the next link check "Vehicles."
GTA4.net vehicle comparisons
You can hold down Spacebar to make a sharper turn with a boat.
My boat map
Dinghy In "IV" it resembles a military RHIB (Rigid-Hull Inflatable Boat) and
only has one motor.
Most at docks are around Happiness Island and south and southeast Alderney.
Jetmax The Grotti/Shitzu Jetmax is a go-fast boat aka cigarette boat that's
one of the two fastest boats in "IV."
There are several docked at the coast west-northwest of the intersection of
Union Drive West and Calcium St., Castle Garden City, Algonquin, and one is by
the coast east of the dirt roads of northeast Alderney. It can be spawned with
a cheat code: 938-555-0100.
Marquis The Dinka Marquis is a long single-hull sailboat with a Bermuda rig
and a motor in the back. It's slow as in earlier GTAs.
It appears along the West River and one is at the rectangular section of
coast west of the southwest curve of Beaverhead Ave.
Police Predator It's a fast speedboat used as a police boat. In "IV" it
doesn't have built-in machine guns. It appears with one or two police officers
at the back who shoot at the player with Carbine Rifles--one officer shoots at
three wanted stars and two officers at four or more wanted stars.
Reefer It's a slow fishing boat. In "IV" it has a walk plank with a guard
rail jutting from the bow which is like the one on the front of the Orca in the
1975 movie "Jaws." The name "reefer" is a play on the words for marine coral
reefs and marijuana joint.
A couple are at the first two piers, viewed west to east, of the north coast
of Dukes, one is at the coast west-northwest of the intersection of Union Drive
West and Calcium St., Castle Garden City, Algonquin, several are at the south
coast of Alderney, others.
Rowboat It's a small wooden boat without a motor. It's not immovable but
you can't have Niko pilot it. Its found on the land or water at the coast east
of the east end of Garnet St. (south of Leaker's Bridge), Algonquin, east of
the branching dirt roads of northeast Alderney, and east of the east end of
Percell Rd. in northeast Alderney.
Squalo It's the fastest boat in a legally available area at the start of the
game. It's at a dock west of the south end of the Dukes Bay Bridge and at a
pier west of that on the north coast of Dukes, at the coast of Alderney north
of the Hickey Bridge, and in the middle of the north coast of Alderney.
Tropic The Grotti & Shitzu Tropic is a speedboat. It's the third fastest
boat with about the speed of a Dinghy.
One is at the pier on the south side of the east coast of Happiness Island
and a couple are in the long narrow inlet of Tudor, Alderney.
Tug It's a tugboat which is the largest controllable vehicle in the game and
very slow.
Have Niko swim to face the front of it and press Enter (F) (this only works
if the engine is turned off)--he makes a big leap to the side of the Tug then
walks to the steering wheel if you don't disturb his movement. Niko can't run
on a Tug unless you have him aim a gun.
In multiplayer others can stand on it but it's hard for them to move. When
it moves they slowly slide and can see the water below till they pass through
it unless they hang onto the side of the boat.
One is between Colony Island and Algonquin, a second one is at the northeast
coast of Acter Industrial Park, Alderney, and the third one is in the long nar-
row inlet of Tudor, Alderney.
I.8.e Skycar and subway
Skycar The Liberty City Transport Authority Skycar is a cable car based on
the Roosevelt Island Tramway between Manhattan and Roosevelt Island in New York
City. The Skycar connects Lancet, Algonquin to Colony Island parallel to the
south side of the Algonquin Bridge.
Niko can't drive the Skycar. You can get an interior view by selecting the
camera on Niko's cell phone.
Subway The cars are based on the NYCTA R32 cars and the 1966–67 New York
City Subway Class R38 cars. LTA Rail is based on the New York City Subway. It
has 26 stops and 8 routes and is about 65% is underground. Stations in Algon-
quin, except Frankfort High LTA, are underground. Cases of people wandering
onto the track most often happen at the Emerald subway station.
Niko can't drive a subway train. You can get an interior view by selecting
the camera on Niko's cell phone.
Niko can use a subway ride to escape a one or two star wanted level. At high-
er levels, the subway isn't available but the underground Algonquin tunnels are
useful for avoiding detection while escaping the wanted zone and Niko can use a
Pay 'n' Spray for that if not seen by law enforcement. (See more and a map in
section II.1.) (You could also have Niko excape a wanted level by using the
Airbreak function of the Simple Trainer or the flying car function of the Con-
trol Center.)
There are several unused stretches of track. The one in Algonquin used for a
stunt jump is like the High Line freight railway in New York City which ran in
the corresponding areas of Manhattan (Meat District, Greenwich Village, Chel-
sea, and Hell's Kitchen) from the '30s to the '80s and is now a park.
I.9 A rundown of some of the people who drive them
Thanks to gtawikia.com for this information.
The Gambetti crime family based in Broker, Dukes, and Algonquin drive the Sen-
tinel XS, Sports PMP 600, Coquette, Washington, and Lokus.
The Petrovic Crime Syndicate aka Mafiya is part of Russian Organized Crime
operating mainly in Liberty City and drive the Uranus, Ingot, Cognoscenti, Ban-
shee, and Rebla.
The McReary crime family control Purgatory in Algonquin and most of Broker and
drive the Oracle, Schafter, Comet, Vincent, Willard, and Contender.
The Triads--Chinese crime syndicate--operate in Chinatown, Algonquin, and
parts of Dukes and drive the Feroci, Intruder, Coquette, Comet, Hellenbach, Ad-
miral, Cognoscenti, and Banshee.
The Faustin Mafiya, later Rascalov Mafiya, work in Hove Beach and drive the
Schafter, Rebla, Super GT, and Uranus.
The Pegorino crime family is based in Alderney and drive the Schafter, Intrud-
er, Cognoscenti, PMP 600, Sentinel XS, Oracle, Sultan RS, and Sultan.
The Yardies aka Jamaicans work in Beechwood City/Schottler, Broker and Willis,
Dukes and drive the rusty Emperor, rusty Vigero, rusty Sabre, Jamaican Voodoo,
and Jamaican Huntley Sport.
The Spanish Lords are a Puerto Rican gang are found in South Bohan/Fortside,
Bohan, Cerveza Heights, Dukes, East Holland, Algonquin, and Alderney City, Al-
derney and drive the Cavalcade, Primo, Duke, Lycan, and Sanchez.
The Ancelotti crime family is based in Alderney City and mainly the Little
Italy area of Algonquin and drive the Sentinel XS, Sports PMP 600, Cognoscenti,
Feltzer, Contender, Caddy, and NRG 900, and they fly the Maverick.
The Albanian Mob (such as Dardan Petrela) are in Hove Beach, Broker and drive
the Hakumai, Futo, Willard, and Schafter.
The Skinheads aka Dealers are usually in North Holland, Purgatory, and Star
Junction, Algonquin and drive the Marbelle--Marty Boldenow drives the Sabre.
The Northwood Dominican Drug Dealers are far-ranging and may drive almost any
The Korean Mob--a North Korean crime syndicate--that operates out of Alderney
City, Alderney and drives the Sultan, Presidente, Uranus, Tampa, and Sabre.
I.10 Ghost world
How to get under the map--falling through ghost world
Roller Coaster glitch to go under the map
Have Niko drive a car under the corner of the roller coaster till it's stuck,
hold Reverse, and the car may go under the map (or just spasm in the architec-
ture). But Niko just falls and returns to the regular setting. (Thanks to Pro-
"GTA IV- Under The Map *Roller Coaster Glitch*" by Corey Champagne
Likewise, you can have Niko drive to the airport and let the rear wheels of a
jet scrape his vehicle into ghost world--xJediPiMPx got Niko to ghost world by
having him drive an Ambulance into a hospital.
Exploring ghost world
Got Glitch? aka TI2ophy (previously Ring_of_Fire), who's provided good glitch
tips for my previous GTA walk-throughs, has a batch of ways to get into the "IV"
ghost world at his site at the next link. I recommend his site as a good source
of glitches for GTAs and a variety of other games, too.
One method he demonstrates is to have Niko use his cell phone to spawn a vehi-
cle sideways partly into the front of the Modo clothes store, have him enter the
store to knock the vehicle out, then exit the store to enter the vehicle.
"GLITCH: Grand Theft Auto IV *Ghostworld* #2" by Got Glitch?
Got Glitch?/TI2ophy got Niko to ghost world by having him jump from a file
cabinet in the southwest corner of the receptionist area of the entrance room of
the hospital on the north side of Cassidy St. east of Montauk Ave.
"Grand Theft Auto IV glitch - Hospital Interior *New Method*" by Got Glitch?
How to get Niko underwater onto the sea floor 1
You can have Niko push a submerged car to a cliff or wall, get on the hood,
and clip through to walk on the sea floor.
How to get Niko underwater onto the sea floor 2
Have Niko drive a pickup truck to Alderney City, go to the southeast side of
the approx. 90 degree curve of Applewhite St. that's south of the west end of
the Hickey Bridge, drive through the fence onto the narrow section of beach,
drive west into the corner of the two walls, get on the hood, jump up to the
ledge, and shimmy north through the wall.
"GTA 4 - Under Map Glitch - W*E qpr1991" by GamingGuy118
How to enter normally unavailable interiors
The easiest way to get Niko into such places is to use the Airbreak function
of the Simple Trainer as a Noclip function.
Shimmy into ghost world by MrRic013
Have Niko hang from the ledge of a building and go sideways through a crack
in the collision file where the wall he's hanging in front of meets another
wall. Have Niko go to Globe Oil at the south end of Alderney, face the office
in front, get on the hood of a car to hang from the right side of the office,
and shimmy right and through a wall into the building.
He also found you can spawn a Biff, Bus, Ambulance, Enforcer, Securicar, or
Ripley sideways halfway into a building and have Niko shimmy across the back
into the building.
Got Glitch?/TI2ophy's "Vice City" gimmick that lets the lead character jump
through a wall to go over the handlebars and onto a motorcycle works in "GTA
IV," too. In VC you could use it to have Tommy enter interiors that load then
exit the building into ghost world but you can use it in "IV" just to have Niko
enter interiors otherwise not available.
"Vice City glitches - 'Get out of interiors easily'" by Got Glitch?/TI2ophy
As with codes in previous GTAs you can have Niko use his cell phone to spawn a
vehicle (the FIB Buffalo is a popular choice) halfway into an interior to allow
the lead character to enter the vehicle on the outside and exit on the inside.
Got Glitch?/TI2ophy has Niko enter the China Pottery Shop that way in the video
at the next link.
"GTAIV *Hidden Interiors* #1 - The China Pottery Shop" by Got Glitch?
TripKMA likewise spawned a Sanchez or NRG 900 in an interior to face a wall,
door, or window to have Niko use the gimmick to get into otherwise inaccessible
buildings in "GTA IV." A few of the places with something to see in them are:
1. The Liberty City Bank on Columbus Ave. between Chinatown and the Algonquin
exchange features people waiting in line, a security guard, and seven ATMs.
"GTA IV Interiors Getting Inside An Interior (Tutorial)" by dasam88
2. Comrades bar (see I.1 "Paying tributes and having things in common") across
from your first save place on Mohawk Ave.
3. Drusilla's Italian restaurant on the south side of Feldspar St. just east
of Denver Ave., Little Italy, Algonquin.
"GTA IV Drusilla's Interior" by dasam88
4. Brucie's Executive Lifestyle Autos garage in East Hook on the east side of
Mohanet Ave. east of the first intersection north of Mohanet Ave. and Cisco St.
"GTA IV Brucie's Place Interior" by dasam88
5. The State Building on south Uranium St. east of Columbus Ave., East Hol-
land, Algonquin, only has boxes, file cabinets, etc., inside. The more inter-
esting thing is that it has big glass windows but the law enforcers can't see
Niko or shoot him.
6. The church on the west side of Liberty Lane north of Emerald St., Suffolk,
Algonquin featured in the Deal and Revenge versions of "Mr. & Mrs. Bellic" only
features a few parts of grey stone rooms and organ music but I had Niko become
invisible while he was inside.
Places that can be entered that way but don't have anything exciting in them
include Mikhail Faustin's house on the west side of the south end of Shinnecock
Ave. in Beachgate--it's empty.
The MeTV building on the south side of Kunzite St. west of Denver-Exeter Ave.,
Have Niko use the window washer platform on the west side of the building to
go to the second highest level of the building. Alternatively, you could have
Niko take a helicopter to the helipad on the roof then use the ladder on the
west side to go down to the second highest level. Have Niko use one of the four
ladders in the inner part of the inner section to go through the ceiling. There
isn't much to see except the tops of big horizontal air conditioning fans.
Ths doesn't always work. The collision files may prevent it, they may make
the screen wobble if he manages it, and once (super jump style) they made Niko
appear over Broker. You might use the Simple Trainer and be ready to turn on
Airbreak to keep him from falling to the ground and dying or to give him god
"GTA 4 - Inside Skyscraper Glitch - W*E qpr1991" by GamingGuy118 (Thanks to
Rotterdam Tower
You can have Niko enter the marker on the east side of Rotterdam Tower--Empire
State Building--on Denver-Exeter Ave. south of Hematite St. and appear on the
observation deck near the top where there are binoculars he can use. You can
have him use the ladders on the east and west sides to go to a lower landing and
a marker to go back to ground level. Various changes to the building appear in
Originally you could have him fly a helicopter into Rotterdam Tower--then down
and over to other interiors--but it's since been patched. In case you're using
an earlier version on PC or the Xbox 360 version:
Fly a helicopter into the Empire State Building and into a church
In an early PC version or the Xbox 360 version you can get Niko under the map
by having him fly a helicopter just beneath the blue light at the top of the
Rotterdam Tower--the Empire State Building--in Algonquin then fly down through
the building and through grey hell. The video at the next link shows that The
Elite Crew used that method in multiplayer to get their characters up into a
"GTA IV Elite Crew go INSIDE the church w/ heli for a standof" by LGPi Media
You can do basically the same thing with the Airbreak function of the Simple
Trainer and PC patch
How to get into the apartment used in "Lure"
Have Niko get on top of a vehicle in front of the apartment building on the
east side of Denver Ave. just north of Vauxite St. Have him climb onto the
"Leon Lightning SELF SERVICE" marquee, climb the fire escape three flights, jump
over to the fire escape beside it, go down half a flight, spawn a FIB Buffalo
halfway into the apartment, then have Niko jump back over to the first fire es-
cape, climb onto the car, and he'll glitch into the apartment. (Thanks to jako-
harvey111, irishelite360, and IREDEANO92)
Enter the Majestic Hotel used in "Late Checkout"
Niko can enter the Majestic Hotel on Nickel St. east of Denver-Exeter Ave.,
Algonquin, through the rooftop penthouse. You can use the Simple Trainer to get
him through the double doors into an area of halls and stairs seen in "Late
Checkout." (Thanks to gtasdw4 for the location shown at the next link.)
Navigate into the Platypus seen in the intro and "A Dish Served Cold"
Have Niko drive a Squalo north between the east side of the Platypus and the
dock so the Squalo keels to the left/west into the Platypus as far as it can go
and press F. Niko will be inside a ghost Platypus. Send him south through the
visible doorway and the rest of the interior loads.
According to punknoodle: "You can get into the passageway back there...it
leads to a locked door/hatch...or backtrack and you are in the hold 'like nor-
mal.' No matter cos there is NO EXIT! Gotta check out the other ships! Course
I hope this is new news to most of ya'll out there!"
"GTA IV - The Platypus Glitch" by blackheron59
You could also enter such places by using the Simple Trainer Airbreak function
as a Noclip function. In this case you might use the Squalo method to enter the
Platypus then use the Simple Trainer to get through a couple of closed doors to
exit the ship.
Another interior you might have Niko enter with the Simple Trainer is the in-
terior of the place Roman uses for a card game in "It's Your Call"--the Discount
Hardware store on the south side of Dillon St. east of Tuscanora Ave. The door
of it is unlocked till after the loan sharks of the mission go through it then
it's kept closed. After that you could use the Airbreak function of the Simple
Trainer as a Noclip function to have Niko enter the room.
"GTA IV - It's Your Call (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Kate the ghost
An actual ghost for ghost world: if Niko lets Kate die near the end of the
game, she may still call call him as "unknown caller" for a date. She was re-
ligious, but I'm not sure what religious view covers dying and going to New
York. She still won't let him have sex with her.
I.11 Odds and Ends
Some GTA clones/forerunners you might try
I'm trying out a few newer games since I got a new computer in 2014. Some
GTA-like open world games:
I like the fact that "Saints Row: The Third" 2011, and "Saints Row IV," 2013,
let you choose Laura Bailey as Female Voice 1 in a GTA-like game. If you liked
her in BloodRayne you might utilize the Nyte Blade pack for "The Third."
Another open world game you might like is "Just Cause 2," 2010.
"Carmageddon: Reincarnation," 2014, is made by Stainless Games--the creators
of the 1997 game "Carmageddon" which I've played and which was a forerunner of
GTA. "Carmageddon: Reincarnation" includes Carmageddon 1, 1997, and 2, 1998.
Game updates
They're not GTA clones but other games I briefly covered on my "Free PC pin-
ball, mods for lots of games, etc." page are being given updates or may be up-
Some examples:
"Sam & Max Hit the Road," 1993, has been updated to run on current operating
systems and is available at gog.com.
The 1997 game "Pro Pinball: Timeshock!" is being given a substantial update as
"Pro Pinball: Timeshock! The ULTRA Edition" thanks to a Kickstarter campaign by
Adrian Barritt and Richard Horrocks--makers of the Pro Pinball series. The goal
is to update all the Pro Pinball games. The originals and "BloodRayne" were
among the games I played around the time I first played "Vice City"--the first
game I played all the way through.
Grim Fandango Remastered: "Double Fine demonstrated an in-progress version of
the remastered" 1998 "game at the 2014 IndieCade event in October 2014; new fea-
tures included higher-resolution background textures, improved resolution for
the character models as well as having real-time lighting models, and the abili-
ty to switch back and forth between this presentation and the original graphics
at the touch of a control."
"Though at the time of the IndieCade event, the game remained in the 4:3 as-
pect ratio, Double Fine plans to support widescreen aspect ratios by release.
The game includes an updated easier control scheme based that was developed with
the help of a player that provided these controls through a mod for the original
game. The game's soundtrack will be fully orchestrated through performances of
the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (who has also done the soundtrack for Double
Fine's Broken Age), and will also feature developer commentary."
"Psychonauts 2" is underway, too.
"Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest Journey" provides a new chapter to the
series started in 1999.
Planescape: Torment," 1999, can now be found at gog.com (without paying a pre-
mium to buy it on Ebay).
Spiritual successor: "Torment: Tides of Numenera"
"Giants: Citizen Kabuto," 2000, successor?:
"On May 22, 2014, creator, story developer, and founder of Planet Moon Stu-
dios Nick Bruty, who has since started his own independent studio; Rogue Rocket
Games, announced that his company is in the process of creating a new indepen-
dent crowd-funded game said to be 'the spiritual successor of Giants: Citizen
Kabuto' named 1st Wonder. Based on the ideas of MDK & Giants: Citizen Kabuto,
Bruty says he plans for 1st Wonder to appear on kickstarters soon."
There is discussion of re-release of the several games of the "No One Lives
Forever" series started in 2000.
I.12 Glitches
I.12.a Problem glitches
I've gotten a glitch that causes the stats not to record that I've had Niko
give money to tramps (a Simple Trainer glitch?).
I've also had vehicles spawn under the street with the horns on and had peds
spawn standing through their tables at the Perestroika cabaret club.
The Taxi bug
The glitch is that using a vehicle mod can cause a lot of taxis to spawn.
It's not the fault of your computer. If the size of mods creates a vehicles.img
size increase it causes the game to handle more than it's designed to so it
spawns common vehicles--taxis (sometimes police cars).
There are solutions like [IV] RIL.Budgeted, TrafficLoad, Traffic Flow, and
Real Traffic. GTA Forum posts indicate the best (as of 2014) is [IV]
"[IV] RIL.Budgeted" by NTAuthority
Population budget adjuster/taxi bug fix
It also works with EfLC to prevent the Taxi Bug.
It comes with two files:
Set the vehicle count in RIL.Budgeted.ini to the size in bytes of your vehi-
cles.img if you have sufficient VRAM--over 1.5 GB of system RAM. If not, the
amount gets divided by 3.
To determine the size of vehicles.img go to the main game folder > pc > models
> cdimages > vehicles.img. Right click it, click Properties, and take down the
size in bytes.
For example, my vehicles.img is 99,382 KB.
I right click vehicles.img, click Properties, and get
Size: 97.0 MB (101,767,168 bytes)
Size on disk: 97.0 MB (101,769,216 bytes)
So I'd use 101,767,168 and remove the commas to get 101767168
In the RIL.Budgeted.ini file I'd replace
Copy and Paste both mod files...
...into your main game folder.
Dwayne not available for a Friend Activity
Reader DukeLeto7 suggest a way to clear up a glitch that may occur after Niko
kills Playboy X. It prevents Niko from having friendship meetings with Dwayne.
To help Niko get an Email from Dwayne to initiate friendship meetings clear
needless Emails from Niko's inbox before "The Holland Play." Niko's inbox has a
limit of 40 Emails (and a pre-inbox batch). Get all the lovemeet rejections and
Brucie vehicle requests out of Niko's inbox.
I.12.b Fun glitches, gimmicks, etc.
"GTA IV Theater Topic" includes a lot of videos of glitches
"GTA 4 compilation of glitches" (French) by ModernJP
"Fun tricks you may not have heard of..."
"Cool Things You Didn't Know About: IV Edition"
ATM machine infinite money gimmick
Have Niko barricade the roads to cause traffic jams so no Ambulances can get
to the ATM machine, make sure no police are near, and kill (using a Knife is
less likely to draw police attention) the peds at the ATM machine, which
creates a lot of money pickups. Have him run about half a block away and re-
turn--the money respawns each time he returns.
There's an ATM machine on the east side of Saratoga Ave. south of Howard St.
in Dukes. There are two ATM machines on Exeter Ave. north of Vauxite St. in
Missions in which Niko is less liable to create a wanted rating
Robert Rusk found a few missions that Niko can leave in mid-mission and, ex-
cept for certain circumstances, be less likely to create a wanted rating.
"Ivan the Not So Terrible" (V.13): have Niko leave Ivan hanging and Niko can
take advantage of the exploit then return to decide Ivan's fate.
He can still get a four star wanted rating by going onto the airport tarmac
or get a six star wanted rating for going beyond the legal boundary before Al-
gonquin is legally available.
"A Revenger's Tragedy" (IX.45 Deal) and "Out of Commission" (IX.48 Revenge):
once Niko gets to the Casino he can take advantage of the exploit then return.
He can still get a one star wanted rating for not paying at the toll booths
(aside from the ways Niko can get past them without paying--see IV.6) or get a
four star wanted rating by going onto the airport tarmac or the grounds of Lib-
erty City HQ in Algonquin.
Shooting the yellow marker for activisation
Thanks to for the tip from TheFighterdoken (see the section on "Hung Out to
Dry" at V.11) that you can have Niko shoot a yellow marker to activate the next
section of the game. Besides that mission I haven't tested it yet but I ima-
gine it could be useful for Liberty City Minute tips or speed runs for various
missions or races.
How to increase Assault/Carbine rifle ammo faster
Have Niko alternate between Assault and Carbine rifle pickups found in the
scenery (not buy from a Gun Store or from Jacob) and make one of the pickups
Assault rifle 2 of "IV.7 Fixed spawn spots of First Aid Kits, Body Armor, and
weapons part one"--it's at the big factory in southeast Industrial, Bohan. Af-
ter using the latter pickup twice this way his rounds increase by 80 instead of
the usual 30.
How to make the Pistol, Pump shotgun, and Sniper rifle automatic
Switch to the gun you want Niko to fire rapidly and hold Target. Hold Attack
and rapidly tap Crouch. (Thanks to Cobra)
"GTA 4 Weapon Glitch" by Anfroney y
How to have a Pump action shotgun/sniper rifle shoot as fast as an SMG
In multiplayer, have your protagonist equip the SMG and use cover (Q) at a
wall. Turn the "camera" so your protagonist is pointing the gun away from the
wall. While having your protagonist fire switch right away to the Pump action
shotgun or sniper rifle. (Thanks to RobJohnB95)
How to throw a smoking Grenade
Have Niko fire the Rocket launcher upward at a place that's above a ledge on
the side of a building then throw a Grenade. This doesn't always work. (Thanks
to Ben Buja)
"Ben Buja's Trick Bag - A GTA 4 tutorial (Machinima)" by Machinima
How to make any vehicle Everything Proof
Have Niko get any girlfriend in his vehicle for a date and shoot a gun or
throw a Grenade from the vehicle to scare her off. Jesusaur has a video about
it at the next link.
Johnny H. H. the 4th (Lancet Jades) in his "Grand Theft Auto 4 Special Vehi-
cle FAQ" offers some exceptions to it:
There may be times when this trick won’t work with certain types of vehicles.
It may be a case of glitch or the armoring can’t simply be bestowed on those
You can have Niko scare a girfriend away by either bumping her moderately
with his vehicle or, in the case of the Annihilator, by shooting at her before
she gets onboard but without killing her. Hitting her with a few rounds will
scare her too, freeze your movement, and allow her to get onboard your vehicle.
After the cutscene your vehicle will be CPed.
If you attempt to do Police side-missions with a CP'd vehicle it will remove
its proofings. You can re-apply them afterwards but you can't use them during
the mission.
These vehicles seem prone to vanishing from parking spots while saving them.
Be aware you may need to attempt it multiple times to acquire all properties
or to successfully save the properties of the vehicle.
Increasing the speed of a sports car by popping the tires
Popping all the tires of a sports car can decrease acceleration but increase
top speed. I tried this with the Simple Trainer speedometer, one of the
straight stretches of runway at the airport, and the Banshee and Turismo. It
made the Banshee around 10 mph faster and the Turismo around 15 mph faster by
the end of the runway. Driving on the rims is slipperier, though.
How to clone land vehicles
This gimmick can help people who want copies of an uncommon land vehicle such
as an Infernus. It can't be a vehicle that isn't normally parked somewhere (En-
forcer, FIB Buffalo).
Have Niko take a land vehicle east from the north Algonquin Pay 'n' Spray,
across the Northwood Heights Bridge to Fortside, Bohan, go right/south onto San
Quentin Ave., and park. Some of the vehicles parked there will be the same
kind. (Thanks to BrokeproductionsNOW)
"Cloning Cars In GTA 4 NO CHEATS!" by BrokeproductionsNOW
GTM92 noticed that one of the stores there is called "COPY SHOP."
How to chrome your GTA IV world [no mods]
To use Bender Bending Rodriguez' method to make things shinier/more reflec-
tive, use the Simple Native Trainer:
1. Change the time to 22:00/10:00 pm.
2. Change the weather to Extra Sunny 2.
How to get more money from Brucie's Exotic Exports vehicles
A video by GTA Series videos reports a glitch whereby a damaged vehicle which
can still be driven may bring a 35% bonus of up to $350 more instead of less.
The game still tells you to fix the vehicle before delivering it so many play-
ers don't notice the glitch. The video says it holds true for all versions of
the game as far as they know.
"GTA 4 - Exotic Exports [Order Fulfilled Achievement / Trophy] (1080p)" by GTA
Series Videos
The swing glitch
Back the back end of a four wheel vehicle up to or onto the middle support bar
of the north swing set in Firefly Projects, south of the east end of Mohegan
Ave., or of the swingset in Tudor near the Globe Oil gas station. It may be
flung far away.
The gtawikia.com site recommends these vehicles: Turismo, Cabby, Declasse/Vap-
id Taxi, Habanero, Stallion, Merit, Minivan, Moonbeam, NOOSE Cruiser, Perennial,
Police Patrol/Cruiser, Esperanto, Rebla, Hakumai, Comet, Presidente, Admiral,
Dukes, PMP 600, Voodoo, and Infernus (and APC in TBoGT).
In multiplayer, you can use the front or back of the vehicle. (If you use
a 'cycle, Niko will probably fly off and probably die.)
If you have Niko hang from the overhead bar of the swing set once you've had
him use a vehicle to make it start clanging, he can get thrown across town if he
isn't killed first. (Thaks to punknoodle) The gtawikia.com site recommends
having Niko jump over the top bar from a car as a method more likely to let him
Billboard of Death
Have Niko go to a billboard that's on a tall post that can be climbed by a
ladder and has an upper and lower catwalk. One is just east of the Burger Shot
at the east end of Carson St., Beechwood City. Have him climb to the top cat-
walk, get a one star wanted rating, climb down the small ladder or drop down to
the lower catwalk, and crouch by the billboard at the inner edge of the cat-
walk. One officer after another will climb to the top catwalk, hold out their
gun, make a command or threat or such, then fall to their death trying to go to
the lower catwalk. (Be prepared for the occasional officer who manages to get
onto the lower catwalk.)
"Stupid Fun in GTA IV: Billboard of Death Glitch" by Stupid Funners
How Niko can fall without damage
Insetik47 has a helpful video that shows how to have Niko fall without damage.
Find Niko a situation where he can jump from something, hit a ledge or fire es-
cape that causes him to roll, and a flat wall he can walk into as he falls the
rest of the way. If he doesn't have the flat wall it's only good for about sev-
en stories.
"GTA 4: Damageless Fall glitch" by Insetik47
FatherAcid's method of having Niko set himself on fire with a Molotov first
lets Niko survive long falls...sometimes.
"GTA IV (GTA 4) - 'Surviving Falls' Glitch" by FatherAcid
Ghost parachute
If you have Niko walk off the top of the GetaLife skyscraper at Columbus Ave.
and Jade St., Easton, Algonquin, onto one of the four E's so he moves forward
and falls to the ground, he falls in a lying down position, slower than normal,
and isn't damaged.
How to survive a helicopter jump
Niko can more likely survive a jump from an airborn helicopter if he lands in
water, hits and object (up to about three? feet from the ground) just before he
lands on the ground, or hits the diagonal roof of a house before landing. Hold
Lean Forward to have Niko fly farther. (Thanks to Ben Buja)
How to hang from a helicopter
In multiplayer you can have someone else have a helicopter hover low enough
for your character, who's in the river or ocean, to grab the helicopter around
the back of the door. Have your character move forward on the helicopter as
needed so they don't slide back and off.
"Grand theft auto IV glitches-Helicopter hanging **tutorial**" by car kidz
Street surfing
Hamish3000 showed how Niko can street surf with a broken piece of...something
(part broken off a desk?) in his video at the next link. Niko stands on an ob-
ject that has a flat bottom as it slides.
"Grand Theft Auto IV Physics Glitch" by Hamish Prendergast
At the next link, Hamish3000 shows how Niko can run into the corner of the
bottom part of a box to surf even more successfully.
"Grand Theft Auto IV Physics Glitch Part 2" by Hamish Prendergast
Thanks to whatever57010 for showing Niko can surf by walking/running on an
overturned little table taken from near the road barriers by the double doors on
the north end of the west side of the warehouse found in the northeast segment
of Colony Island under the Algonquin Bridge. It's the warehouse used in the
mission "Waste Not Want Knots" (VII.28). See 6:52 in whatever57010's video at
the next link.
"Fan Facts #13" by whatever57010
How to win Brucie's races uncontested
Jesusaur made a video tutorial, shown at the next link, for this gimmick.
Have Niko set up the race then drive to, but not into, the yellow marker. In
the phone book select "QUIT RACE" and hang up. After the opponents' cars leave
the scene Niko can drive through the race uncontested. The opponents' cars
start the race from wherever they've driven off to. They may reappear if you
have Niko dawdle.
"GTA 4 How to cheaply win Brucie's street races" by Jesusaur
How to have a passenger knock Niko from his vehicle
According to SiskoBlue in the Secrets FAQ by The Duff Man: "When you have a
passenger that can't get out because you've parked too close to something and
blocked their door, they will b*tch-slap Niko out of the driver's seat before
getting out. It has to be a friend, girlfriend or hooker." (It won't work with
the person Niko may find in the passenger seat of a vehicle he jacked.)
How to have a player stick to or above another player's vehicle
In multiplayer, have one player drive to the north end of the lot on Big Horn
Ave. east of Casslar Ave, at the north end of Alderney, and slowly drive into a
section of the fence repeatedly till it floats horizontally. Drive the front of
the vehicle under the floating section of the fence and have another player
stand on the section of fence. On your screen, they'll appear to be on or next
to your vehicle--if they get off the fence, on your screen they'll appear to
teleport away.
Try to drive carefully and go slow going down slopes. If you don't, the other
player will still be stuck to the vehicle except high in the air. (Thanks to
Clan Demented)
How to create a whirlpool
In multiplayer, drive into a shopping cart to knock it into the water then
stand on the cart. On other player's screens, the first player will bounce or
have a whirlpool around them. (Thanks to Clan Demented)
Box in Packie's head
If you have Niko stand in front of Packie, facing the same direction, you can
get the "camera" to clip into Packie's head and see a black box with white
skulls on the sides.
"GTA IV Skull Inside Packie's Head" by xegrox
Box in stripper and zombie
There are similar glitches with a certain stripper's or zombie's pelvis.
Video by ZDOG2U
How to let Niko go through a strip club without being propositioned
You can have Niko walk through a strip club with having dancers proposition
him by having him keep his phone raised.
If you have Niko stay at the back corner of the area beside the bottom of the
stairs of his first save place during a wanted rating the police won't see him.
Some land vehicles have ABS--the wheels don't lock when you stop the vehicle.
"Fan Facts #23 (GTA IV)" by whatever57010
Sprunk/Lax billboard
The western billboard of two on walls on the south side of Hardin St. , Hove
Beach, Broker, has a Sprunk ad seen from one angle and a Lax to the Max ad seen
from another angle.
Shoot a propane tank at close range with a shotgun yet not get harmed
There are propane tanks at burger stands, and hot dog stands that have green
and yellow umbrellas, which can ignite and explode. You can have Niko go to a
burger stand and shoot a propane tank point blank with a shotgun and not get
harmed as would happen with other weapons. (Thanks to punknoodle) There are
also propane tanks on the back of Forklifts.
Shoot the gadgets on top of gas tanks to fly across town
Have Niko stand on the roof of a vehicle that's parked near a set of the large
gas tanks. (Don't bump the tanks with the vehicle or they'll explode before you
can set up the stunt.) If he shoots one of the gadgets on top, the tanks will
explode and cause Niko to fly a good distance away. He can shoot the tank it-
self to make it explode, but it takes longer. You can also have Niko make them
explode with a Grenade or one of Packie's car bombs.
"Propane Tank Launch Tutorial in GTA lV" by GrandTheftGlitcher
- in a lot west of the southern airport area block that has a revolving radar
- on the roof of a gas station northwest of the intersection of Silicon St.
and Albany Ave., Lancaster, Algonquin
- in a lot south-southeast of the south end of Fulcrum St., Tudor, Alderney
- in a lot southeast of the southeast curve of Big John Ave., Alderney
- in a lot northwest of the intersection of Big Horn Dr. and Casslar Ave.,
Westdyke, Alderney. (Thanks to Ben Buja)
"Ben Buja's Trick Bag - A GTA 4 tutorial (Machinima)" by machinima
Ghost riding
This gimmick by Alakazoo 360 and werewolf145 can be used in multiplayer. It
lets you have the protagonist drive a vehicle that stays on fire (which is why
it's not in the ghost world section).
"GTA IV Ghost Rider" by s0lidusthefrenchman
-1st: Get a bike and Molotov cocktails
-2nd: Get a buddy to ride the bike
-3rd: (rider) get the bike a good distance away from the molotov holder (the
best distance seems to be so you can't see any flames at all when your budy
throws the molotov)
-4th: Throw the molotov in front of you.
-5th: (Rider) roll into the invisible flames under directions of your buddy
who sees the flames.
Your wheels are on fire, but they will never pop!
Tip: If you the rider can roll where he sees smoke that is the general area of
the flame patch.
-the flames are only visible to the molotov thrower, and anyomne who was near
him at the time he threw the molotov.
If you want to impress your friends you can put yourself on fire and not die!
Walk into any sort of fire, you'll catch fire, just press start, flames will
remain but you won't die, just wait for the fire to stop and unpause. Sadly you
can't ride a bike when you're on fire, it'll blow it up and put the driver in
flames too.
Spawn a vehicle in midair
Have Niko get on something above ground level, like the edge of a roof, and
spawn a vehicle. It wil hover till he shoots at it.
Have Niko make a semi-dramatic entrance
PatrickFaustin's method is to have Niko run up to the door of his safehouse in
Middle Park East and quickly take cover at it. When Niko teleports to the other
side, the "camera" will do a quick swoop down to him, sometimes starting from
outside of the building. (This may work with the yellow entrance marker in
front of other doors.)
I.13 Radio
Beat 102.7
The home of the hip hop in the home of the hip hop: Liberty City.
DJ: DJ Mister Cee and The Evil Genius DJ Green Lantern
Styles P - "What's The Problem"
Uncle Murda - "Anybody Can Get It"
Qadir - "Nickname"
Busta Rhymes - "Where's My Money"
Maino - "Getaway Driver"
Red Cafe - "Stick'm"
Tru Life - "Wet 'Em Up"
Johnny Polygon - "Price on Your Head"
Swizz Beatz - "Top Down"
Nas - "War is Necessary"
Kanye West featuring: Dwele - "Flashing Lights"
Joell Ortiz featuring: Jadakiss & Saigon - "Hip Hop (Remix)"
Fat Joe featuring: Lil Wayne - "The Crackhouse"
Mobb Deep - "Dirty New Yorker"
Ghostface Killah featuring: Kid Capri - "We Celebrate"
Styles P featuring: Sheek Louch & Jadakiss - "Blow Ya Mind (Remix)"
Papoose - "Stylin'"
Clipse - "9mm"
The Classics 104.1
Classic old school hip hop joins - the raw way.
DJ: Mixed by DJ Premier
Group Home - "Supa Star"
Brand Nubian - "All for one"
Special Ed - "I Got It Made"
Jeru the Damaja - "D. Original"
Marley Marl feat. Craig G - "Droppin' Science"
MC Lyte - "Cha Cha Cha"
Audio 2 - "Top Billin'"
Stetsasonic - "Go Stetsa"
T. La Rock & Jazzy Jay - "It's Yours"
Gang Starr - "Who's Gonna Take the Weight"
Main Source - "Live at the Barbecue"
Fusion FM
Funk jazz type
DJ: Roy Ayers
David McCallum - "The Edge"
Roy Ayers - "Funk in the Hole"
Gong - "Heavy Tune"
David Axelrod - "Holy Thursday"
Grover Washington, Jr. - "Knucklehead"
Aleksander Maliszewski - "Pokusa"
Ryo Kawasaki - "Raisins"
Marc Moulin - "Stomp"
Billy Cobham - "Stratus"
Tom Scott & The L.A. Express - "Sneakin' in The Back"
The Vibe 98.8
Pure R&B
DJ: Vaughn Harper
Ne-Yo - "Because of You"
R. Kelly - "Bump N' Grind"
Mtume - "C.O.D. (I'll Deliver)"
Alexander O'Neal - "Criticize"
RAMP - "Daylight"
Isley Brothers - "Footsteps in the Dark"
Jodeci - "Freek'n You"
Lloyd - "Get It Shawty"
Jill Scott - "Golden"
Loose Ends - "Hangin' On A String"
Freddie Jackson - "Have You Ever Loved Somebody"
Dru Hill - "In My Bed (So So Def remix)"
Marvin Gaye - "Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)"
Minnie Riperton - "Inside My Love"
Barry White - "It's Only Love Doing It's Thing"
C.J. - "I Want You"
The SOS Band - "Just Be Good To Me"
Ginuwine - "Pony"
Raheem DeVaughn - "You"
Massive B Soundsystem 96.9
Dancehall beat
DJ: Bobby Konders
Buju Banton - "Badder Den Dem"
Choppa Chop - "Set It Off"
Mavado - "Real Mckoy"
Jabba - "Raise It Up"
Bunji Garlin - "Brrrt"
Richie Spice - "Youth Dem Cold"
Chuck Fenda - "All About Da Weed"
Chezidek - "Call Pon Dem"
Mavado - "Last Night"
Spragga Benz - "Da Order"
Bounty Killer - "Bullet Proof Skin"
Shaggy - "Church Heathen"
Munga - "No Fraid A"
Buju Banton - "Driver"
San Juan Sounds
Latin and Reggae
DJ: Daddy Yankee
Calle 13 - "Atrévete-te-te"
Daddy Yankee - "Impacto"
Hector El Father - "Maldades"
Voltio feat. Jowell & Randy - "Pónmela"
Don Omar - "Salio El Sol"
Wisin & Yandel - "Sexy Movimiento"
Tito el Bambino - "Siente El Boom (Remix)"
Angel y Khriz - "Ven Bailalo"
Tuff Gong
Who doesn't love grooving to Marley
DJ: Carl Bradshaw
Stephen Marley - "Chase Dem"
Bob Marley and the Wailers - "Concrete Jungle (The Unreleased Original
Jamaican Version)"
Bob Marley and the Wailers - "Pimper's Paradise"
Bob Marley and the Wailers - "Rat Race"
Bob Marley and the Wailers - "Rebel Music (3 O'Clock Roadblock)"
Bob Marley and the Wailers - "Satisfy My Soul"
Bob Marley and the Wailers - "So Much Trouble in the World"
Bob Marley and the Wailers and Damian Marley - "Stand Up Jamrock"
Bob Marley and the Wailers - "Wake Up & Live (Parts 1 & 2)"
The Journey
Ambient Sounds
Global Communication - "8:07"
Terry Riley - "A Rainbow in Curved Air"
Steve Roach - "Arrival"
Michael Shrieve - "Communique 'Approach Spiral'"
Jean Michel Jarre - "Oxygène, Pt 4"
Philip Glass - "Pruit Igoe"
Tangerine Dream - "Remote Viewing"
Aphex Twin - "#16"
Ray Lynch - "The Oh of Pleasure"
Liberty Rock Radio
Liberty Rock Radio is the Rock radio station in GTA IV.
DJ: Iggy Pop
The Smashing Pumpkins — 1979
Steve Marriott — Cocaine
Godley & Creme — Cry
The Sisters of Mercy — Dominion/Mother Russia
Stevie Nicks — Edge of Seventeen
Electric Light Orchestra — Evil Woman
David Bowie — Fascination
Q Lazzarus — Goodbye Horses
Black Sabbath — Heaven and Hell
Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band — Her Strut
The Stooges — I Wanna Be Your Dog
Thin Lizzy — Jailbreak
Genesis — Mama
Hello — New York Groove
Queen — One Vision
The Black Crowes — Remedy
Joe Walsh — Rocky Mountain Way
The Who — The Seeker
Elton John — Street Kids
Heart — Straight On
ZZ Top — Thug
R.E.M. — Turn You Inside Out
International funk music
DJ: Femi Kuti
Lonnie Liston Smith - "A Chance for Peace"
War - "Galaxy"
The O'Jays - "Give The People What They Want"
Gil Scott-Heron - "Home is Where The Hatred Is"
The Meters - "Just Kissed My Baby"
Mandrill - "Livin' It Up"
Manu Dibango - "New Bell"
Fela Kuti - "Sorrow, Tears & Blood"
Femi Kuti - "Truth Don Die"
Creative Source - "Who Is He And What Is He To You"
Hummingbird - "You Can't Hide Love"
Fela Kuti - "Zombie"
Vladivostok FM
Post-communist community radio to rock the Eastern Bloc
DJ: Ruslana
Gruppa Kino - "Gruppa Krovi"
Marakesh (band) - "Zhdat"
Zvery - "Kvartira"
Seryoga - "King Ring"
Seryoga - "Liberty City: The Invasion"
Splin - "Liniya Zhizni"
Basta - "Mama"
Leningrad - "Nikogo ne Zhalko"
Ranetki - "O Tebe"
Dolphin - "RAP"
Glukoza - "Schweine"
Ruslana - "Wild Dances (Ukranian FM Version)"
Oleg Kvasha - "Zelenoglazoe Taksi (Club Remix)"
K109 The Studio
Disco Never Dies
DJ: Karl Lagerfeld
Peter Brown - "Burning Love Breakdown"
Tamiko Jones - "Can't Live Without Your Love"
Gino Soccio - "Dancer"
Suzy Q - "Get On Up and Do It Again"
Electrik Funk - "On a Journey"
Don Ray - "Standing in the Rain"
Cerrone - "Supernature"
Rainbow Brown - "Till You Surrender"
Harry Thumann - "Under Water"
Skatt Brothers - "Walk the Night"
WKTT Talk Radio
We Know The Truth! The Nation's Most Patriotic Talk Radio
Just or Unjust - A mock of television court shows with an outrageous Judge.
Richard Bastion Show - A right-wing call-in talk show
Fizz! - Celebrity gossip
Electro Choc
Cutting-edge sounds for the dance floor.
DJ: François K
Padded Cell - "Signal Failure"
Black Devil Disco Club - "The Devil in Us (Dub)"
One + One - "No Pressure (Deadmau5 Remix)"
Alex Gopher - "Brain Leech (Bugged mind remix)"
K.I.M. - "B.T.T.T.T.R.Y. (Bag Raiders Remix)"
Simian Mobile Disco - "Tits and Acid"
Nitzer Ebb - "Let Your Body Learn"
Kavinsky - "Testarossa (SebastiAn Remix)"
Chris Lake vs. Deadmau5 - "I Thought Inside Out (Original Mix)"
Boys Noize - "& Down"
Justice - "Waters of Nazareth"
Killing Joke - "Turn to Red"
Playgroup - "Make it Happen"
Liquid Liquid – "Optimo"
Liberty City Hardcore
Hardcore lives on in the city where it all began.
DJ: Jimmy Gestapo
Murphy's Law - "A Day in the Life"
Maximum Penalty - "All Your Boyz"
Underdog - "Back to Back"
Leeway - "Enforcer"
Sick of it All - "Injustice System"
Cro-Mags - "It's The Limit"
Sheer Terror - "Just Can't Hate Enough"
Bad Brains - "Right Brigade"
Killing Time - "Tell Tale"
Agnostic Front - "Victim in Pain"
Radio Broker
Modern Rock
DJ: Juliette Lewis
The Boggs - "Arm in Arm (Shy Child Mix)"
Cheeseburger - "Cocaine"
Get Shakes - "Disneyland, Pt 1"
LCD Soundsystem - "Get Innocuous!"
The Prairie Cartel - "Homicide"
Juliette and the Licks - "Inside the Cage (David Gilmour Girls remix)"
Unkle featuring: The Duke Spirit - "Mayday"
The Rapture - "No Sex For Ben"
Tom Vek - "One Horse Race"
Teenager - "Pony"
Les Savy Fav - "Rage in the Plague Age"
White Light Parade - "Riot in the City"
Deluka - "Sleep is Impossible"
The Black Keys - "Strange Times"
The Pistolas - "Take it With a Kiss"
Ralph Myerz - "The Teacher"
Greenskeepers - "Vagabond"
Whitey - "Wrap it Up"
!!! - "Yadnus (Still Going to the Roadhouse mix)"
Public Liberty Radio
A mock of liberal radio shows specifically NPR.
There are several programs that are played on PLR
The Séance - A psychic speaks with a variety of callers telling them about
the future in exchange for "spirit dollars."
Pacemaker - Health care show.
Intelligent Agenda - A left-wing call-in talk show,
[edit] Jazz Nation Radio 108.5
The only Jazz station in Liberty City.
DJ: Roy Haynes
Count Basie - "April in Paris"
John Coltrane - "Giant Steps"
Chet Baker - "Let's Get Lost"
Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers - "Moanin'"
Miles Davis - "Move"
Charlie Parker - "Night and Day"
Roy Haynes - "Snap Crackle"
Sonny Rollins - "St. Thomas"
Duke Ellington - "Take the 'A' Train"
Dizzy Gillespie - "Whisper Not (Big Band)"
Independence FM
You can put .MP3s or .wav files, or shortcuts for them, in My Documents\
Rockstar Games\GTA IV\User Music and listen to them on this radio station in
the game.
"Bang a Gong (Get It On)" (Marc Bolan) T. Rex 1971
"West Side Story" Overture (Leonard Bernstein) 1961
"I Got You Babe" (Sonny Bono) Sonny and Cher 1965 (reflecting Sonny's work
with Phil Spector)
"Try a Little Tenderness" ("Irving King"--James Campbell and Reginald Connel-
ly--Harry M. Woods) "I Can't Turn You Loose" (Redding) Otis Redding 1966?
"Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin)" with Johnny Winter and "Thank You
for Talkin' to Me Africa" (Sylvester Stewart) Sly and the Family Stone
Michael Winslow as Jimi Hendrix (year?)
"Villanova Junction" (Jimi Hendrix) Jimi Hendrix Woodstock 1969
"Folsom Prison Blues" "San Quentin" (Cash) Johnny Cash "At San Quentin" 1969
"Honky Tonk Women" (Jagger/Richards) The Rolling Stones 1969
"Joy to the World" (Hoyt Axton) Three Dog Night 1971
"Had Me a Real Good Time" (Ron Wood, Rod Stewart & Ronnie Lane) 1971 and
"Sweet Little Rock and Roller" (Chuck Berry)
Faces, the 2nd with Keith Richards
"All the Way from Memphis" (Ian Hunter) Mott the Hoople 1973
"Whammer Jammer" (Juke Joint Jimmy), 1972, "Pack Fair and Square" (Big Walter
Price), "Southside Shuffle" (Justman, Wolf), 1973 J. Geils Band featuring Mag-
ic Dick
"Tush" (Billy Gibbons, Dusty Hill, Frank Beard) ZZ Top 1974
"Cucumber Slumber" (Johnson, Zawinul) Weather Report's Alphonso Johnson 1974
bass cover by 432hertz
"Runaway" (Del Shannon/Max Crook) Bonnie Raitt w/Norton Buffalo 1974
"Burning Down the House," "And She Was," "Wild, Wild Life" (David Byrne)
Talking Heads 1983, 1985, 1986
Hitler "The Jeffersons" theme song 1975 (spoof year?)
"Walk This Way" (Steven Tyler and Joe Perry) 1975 (concert year?) Aerosmith
"Chain Lightning" (Donald Fagen and Walter Becker) Steely Dan 1975
"Groovin" (Felix Cavaliere and Eddie Brigati) Kenny Rankin 1976
"Casa Forte" (Airto Moreira) Flora Purim 1976
"Katmandu," "Sunspot Baby" (Bob Seeger) Bob Seeger 1975, 1976
"What's So Funny 'Bout (Peace Love and Understanding)?" (Nick Lowe), 1979,
Elvis Costello And The Attractions
"All of Me" (Gerald Marks and Seymour Simons) Joe Williams w/Steve Martin
and Lily Tomlin 1984
"When Love Comes to Town" (U2) U2 1988
"Orinoco Flow" (Sail Away) Enya 1988
"It's Not Unusual," (Les Reed and Gordon Mills), 1965, "Kiss" (Prince), 1988
Tom Jones
"The Friendly Giant" ("Early One Morning" is a folk song dating back to the
time of Henry VIII) opening and closing
Alan King "Survived by his wife"
I.14 TV
"A History of Liberty City"
A documentary about Liberty City from the colonial age through the Civil War.
"I'm Rich"
"I'm Rich" is a TV show on CNT that focuses on the socialites and "cokehead
debutante's" of Liberty City. They often talk about the outrageous spending of
these people--Tony McTony's collection of the same Infernus sports car with the
Tony McTony logo and Cloe Parker's real estate (includes a mega mansion in
Westdyke, Alderney that her father bought for her on the day of her first peri-
od) and her ruby filled breast implants. "I'm Rich" also features Jill von
Crastenburg, Samantha Muldoon, and Alfonso Vasquez and his ex-wife and his
daughter January Natasha Vasquez.
Locations of Liberty City and San Andreas are shown: Tony McTony's high rise
glass condo on the West River side of Alderney, Cloe Parker's mansion on the
north side of Alderney and the von Crastenburg mansion (same street), Tony Mc-
Tony's mansion in Los Santos (GTA:San Andreas), and Cloe Parker's penthouse in
Middle Park East, Algonquin.
It's a knockoff of MTV Cribs. It exploits the richest people of Liberty City
who have accomplished very little.
"Republican Space Rangers"
It's the first cartoon show in the GTA series. The plot consists of three
European-American homosexual redneck men who travel the universe in a phallic
shaped spaceship eliminating (false) threats to America. It's a parody of con-
servative American foreign policy. Their suits look like Master Chief's from
the Halo series.
The CastCommander: he's the leader and always has a cigar in his mouth.
Dick: he seems to be second in command. He has a moustache, wears a head-
band, and sees the Commander as a hero.
Butch: Butch is a tall obese pilot who carries two guns. He has a hillbilly-
type voice and is the dumbest of the three.
"The Serrated Edge"
It's a parody of shopping shows. This one sells knives and swords.
"Split Sides"
The Split Sides Comedy Club is at Frankfort & Jade St. in the Star Junction
district of Algonquin, Liberty City. It's like The Laugh Factory and features
Ricky Gervais and Katt Williams. Niko can also watch a couple of routine from
it on TV in his safehouses.
"The Men's Room"
Bas Rutten: former UFC champion Sebastion "Bas" Rutten portrays a parody of
himself as the muscular, over-aggressive, bald host. Rutten also did motion
capture for main character Niko Bellic's fighting moves.
Jeremy St. Ives: he's the effeminate host with dyed blonde hair and is usual-
ly cut off or disrespected by Bas.
They answer calls from Liberty City's viewers who ask outlandish questions
seeking advise from Bas and Jeremy.
"Venturas Poker Challenge"
Overly excited announcers call the action from the latest Poker game from Las
Venturas. The show ends before a winner is declared but it's implied that
"Cocksure" Chris Cummings is the winner.
I.15 Internet
Websites Niko can see on a computer
www.blogsnobs.org The blogs of some of the people of Liberty City. The
blogs update as the game goes along. (Thanks to the GTA IV FAQ/Walkthrough by
- www.bigdog.blogsnobs.org
- www.darksoullock.blogsnobs.org
- www.eddielowfilthslayer.blogsnobs.org
- www.fefighter2008.blogsnobs.org
- www.inyapuper.blogsnobs.org
- www.liberatedwoman.blogsnobs.org
- www.limevenus.blogsnobs.org
www.craplist.net Dating website--after "Out of the Closet" (V.38), Niko can
get in touch with Alex there
www.eyefind.info At www.mail.eyefind.info, Niko can recieve and send re-
sponses to e-mails
www.fruitcomputers.com A parody of apple computers
www.libertycitypolice.com Niko can click on "Database" to get Police infor-
mation on many characters of the game: Lola Del Rio--the hooker featured on the
box art, Eddie Low, the No-Name Killer, and himself. (Thanks to spencerleo in
"The Secrets FAQ" by The Duff Man)
www.libertytreeonline.com Liberty City news, including some of the latest
things done by Niko
www.littlelacysurprisepageant.com This site is used by the police to catch
pedophiles (you don't see any pedophilia). Having Niko click on it creates a
four star wanted level before Algonquin is legally available and five stars af-
www.love-meet.net Dating website--after "Out of the Closet" (VI.6), Niko can
get in touch with Carmen and Kiki there
www.our-own-reality.com This is a section of the Rockstar "GTA IV" web site.
www.vipluxuryringtones.com Niko can buy ringtones and themes (animated wall-
papers for the screen of his phone) for his phone for $100 each. After Niko
gets a camera phone by doing the Playboy X mission "Photo Shoot" (VII.10), he
can buy all the ringtones and themes for $100. (Thanks to markiij)
The "pager" ringtone is the one used for the pager in "GTA III."
www.weazelnews.com Weazel news
www.whattheydonotwantyoutoknow.com Maps of Flying Rats, weapons, First Aid
Kits, Random Character locations, Body Armor, vehicles to steal for Stevie's
vehicle collection, places to hang out with Friends, and Unique Stunt Jumps
I.16 Phone numbers/codes
Beatrix Fontaine's real life automated fortune telling line 212-360-2367
Bean Machine Coffee 555-0110
Bryce Dawkins' bugged Infernus available after "Knowing Me, Knowing You"--it
doesn't always work 123-555-0160
Emergency Services 911
You can have Niko dial 911 to have one of three emergency vehicles--Police
car, Ambulance, or Fire Truck--drive to him.
Niko can dial 911 to have paramedics give him Health for a payment. (Niko can
also get a little Health the first time he enters an individual spawn of an Am-
bulance.) Having Niko call an Ambulance to help an injured person or a Fire
Truck to put out a fire probably won't work.
Niko can call the police to help if he's attacked but the police usually
aren't much help. You may need to have Niko get the attacker between himself
and the officers first. (He can get five Shotgun shells by entering an individ-
ual spawn of a Police car for the first time.)
911 will revive a stalled car but you can dial anything and revive it--you
might as well use the first contact in the phonebook. (Thanks to Blackadder.)
He can use 911 while parked at the gate of a toll booth at Charge Island to
avoid the $5 fee. When the emergengy vehicle approaches the gate opens and Niko
can drive through without paying.
Express Car Service (Roman Bellic Enterprises) 555-2222 555-3333
Fire Proof Doors 555-5700
LCPD Recruitment 555-RECRUIT
Liberty Construction 555-1274
No Problemo Bail Bonds 555-945-733-92
The Serrated Edge (CNT Show) 1-800-555-5555
Storage 555-221-3877
Superb Deli 555-4674
Used Auto Parts 555-7300
Vinewood Laundromat 555-5123
ZiT* Song Identifier 948-555-0100 Niko can save a song which you can buy
from Amazon. It can also be used to identify songs on his car radio or in
Mission specific numbers
Number used in "Call and Collect" 843-555-0124
Number used in "Lure" 545-555-0122
Number used for Gracie Ancelotti for the mission "I'll Take Her..."
Number to call Roman Bellic for a optional taxi ride in "Roman's Holiday"
Phone codes
- Full Health and Armor, repair vehicle DOC-555-0100 362-555-0100
This also restores the Health of any vehicle Niko's in. It prevents Niko
from getting the "Cleaned The Mean Streets" and "Finish Him" Achievements.
Niko can get the Finish Him Achievement near the start of the game--see "Sin-
gle player Achievements" (I.5.b).
Niko can get the "Cleaned The Mean Streets" Achievement early in the game--
after the 20 Vigilante--Current Crimes missions (V.19).
- Full Health, Armor, ammo, repair vehicle, advanced weapons
GTA-555-0100 482-555-0100
This repairs Niko's vehicle Niko if he's in it. It blocks the Achievement
"Cleaned the Mean Streets."
Niko can get the "Cleaned The Mean Streets" Achievement early in the game--
after the 20 Vigilante--Current Crimes missions (V.19).
Another way to fill Niko's Health with a phone numbrer is to have him drive a
Mr. Tasty ice cream truck and press the Horn key to cycle through the music till
the "Grand Theft Auto IV" theme song plays. Have Niko use his cellphone to call
ZiT at 948-555-0100. When he opens the text message it sends back his Health
and Armor are filled.
- Weapons (advanced) GUN-555-0150 486-555-0150
Baseball Bat, Combat pistol, Combat shotgun, SMG, Carbine rifle, Combat snip-
er, Rocket launcher, and Grenades
It blocks the Achievement "Cleaned The Mean Streets." If you want the
Achievement, don't use the code till after the 20 Vigilante--Current Crimes
missions (V.19).
- Weapons (poor) GUN-555-0100 486-555-0100
Knife, Pistol, Pump shotgun, Micro SMG, Assault rifle, Sniper rifle, Rocket
launcher, and Molotovs
It blocks the Achievement "Cleaned The Mean Streets." If you want the
Achievement, don't use the code till after the 20 Vigilante--Current Crimes
missions (V.19).
- Wanted level removed COP-555-0100 267-555-0100
It blocks the Achievements Walked Free and One Man Army. Niko can get the
Walked Free Achievement near the start of the game--see "Single player Achieve-
ments" (I.5.b).
- Wanted level up one star COP-555-0150 267-555-0150
- Change weather HOT-555-0100 468-555-0100
Eight kinds of weather
Vehicle spawn codes
Have Niko go outside to spawn the vehicles listed below or the phone just
saves the number.
Spawn Annihilator FLY-555-0100 359-555-0100
It blocks the Achievements "Walked Free" and "One Man Army." Niko can get
both Achievements near the start of the game--see "Single player Achievements"
Spawn Cognoscenti CAR-555-0142 227-555-0142
Spawn Comet CAR-555-0175 227-555-0175
Spawn FIB Buffalo CAR-555-0100 227-555-0100
Spawn Jetmax WET-555-0100 938-555-0100
Spawn NRG-900 MBK-555-0100 625-555-0100
Spawn Sanchez MBK-555-0150 625-555-0150
Spawn SuperGT CAR-555-0168 227-555-0168
Spawn Turismo CAR-555-0147 227-555-0147
Spawned vehicles, except for the FIB Buffalo, Jetmax, and Annihilator, can be
sold to Stevie.
Having Niko use a spawned Jetmax to escape the police won't provide the Walk
Free Achievement unless you then have him Wasted on the same game save file.
(I'd get the Achievement without getting him Wasted.)
If you spawn a vehicle, except for the Jetmax, while Niko is above ground
level, like on the edge of the roof of a building, the vehicle will hover in
the air and falls if Niko shoots it.
I.17 Video walk-throughs/entire games "Done Quick"
"GTA 4 - Intro & Mission #1 - The Cousins Bellic (1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
"Grand Theft Auto IV - Intro & First Mission - The Cousins Bellic" by Willzyyy
"GTA IV Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - Intro (Let's Play)" by GameRiot
"GTA 4 All Missions HD 60fps" by ThirstyHyena
"Grand Theft Auto IV Classic% Speedrun WR: 07:02:32" by Dispersor
"Grand Theft Auto 4 Speedrun (4:40:02) Part 1" by MSuraev
The Lost and Damned
The Ballad Of Gay Tony
I.18 How to get as much done as possible before starting the main missions
Starter Save achieving 11.95% by zmoonchild
Zmoonchild, helpful in my "San Andreas" walk-through, has videos that show:
Starter Save - Part 1 - GTA IV PC - complete walkthrough (all details) -
achieving 11.95% Game Progress before doing the story missions
How to get sniper rifles and save a Maverick at the 1st safe house at the
start of the game
How Niko can get a Sultan RS from the start of the game
How to get a Rocket Launcher at the start of the game
How to do Most Wanted - at the beginning of the game (before any story mis-
sions are done)
II Wanted ratings, weapons, Health, and Armor
II.1 Wanted Ratings
The Wanted Circle
Getting rid of a wanted rating
What happens at each wanted level
Thanks to gtawikia.com for much of this information.
The Wanted Circle
It's also been referred to as the Wanted Zone or the Police Search Radius.
If Niko is wanted, a wanted circle--a round area that alternately flashes red
and blue--appears on the radar and map. For one wanted star, it's about two
blocks across, but the more wanted stars he has, the bigger the circle is. At
six stars, it's about as wide as 1/3rd of the map--about as big as from around
Memory Lanes, Firefly Island, to the north coast of Dukes.
It surrounds the area in which Niko was detected by law enforcement which can
change if he's detected by them elsewhere or disappear if he stops their effort
to detect him.
The wanted rating system is also displayed as six stars in the upper right
corner of the screen. They're dark grey unless white if he's wanted and medium
grey if he's wanted but undetected by law enforcement.
While Niko is wanted law enforcers on foot are represented by blips on the ra-
dar/in-game map, their land vehicles and boats are indicated by blips that al-
ternately flash red and blue with revolving semi-circles around them, and their
helicopter blips have revolving "X"es (propellers) around them. The blips move
toward Niko while he's wanted and detected and move randomly (preferably away
from Niko) if he's wanted and undetected.
A ped may use their cell phone to report a crime.
If Niko is wanted he can't buy weapons from a Gun Store or Jacob (who flees
from law enforcers) but he can buy a bomb from Packie, get backup from Dwayne,
and get a heli ride from Brucie. He has to lose his wanted rating to pick up a
date. He can't bowl but he can play pool or darts if you get him to an opponent
before they're scared off by law enforcers. He can't see a show at a comedy
club but he can see cabaret and use a hooker at a strip club if you get him to
one before she's scared away by law enforcers. He can't buy clothes, use a car
wash, or watch TV but he can use a computer or rob a cash register. He can't
buy food from a fast food place or diner but he can buy it from a vending ma-
chine or street vendor if you can get him to one before he flees from law en-
forcers. He can't use a taxi as a passenger but he can use Roman's Car Service.
He can't use a subway train if his wanted rating is three wanted stars or
To use a Pay 'n' Spray, Niko has to be unseen by law enforcement.
Move Niko away from a nearby officer as soon as the animation of him standing
with his hands up is over, and don't let a law enforcement officer pull open the
door of Niko's vehicle, or he'll be busted. You may have Niko drive to shake
off a law enforcer that's grabbed his door handle.
At two or more stars law enforcement is more liable to try to kill than ar-
rest. They try to kill in safe places. Officers with longer range weapons tend
to stay farther from Niko. Officers in vehicles ram Niko's vehicle and try to
box it in. They may commandeer a pedestrian vehicle if a law enforcement vehi-
cle isn't available.
While Niko is wanted but unseen (medium grey stars), you may have him switch
to a different vehicle to remain unseen by law enforcers while trying to get him
out of the wanted circle. A vehicle left by Niko other than the one he became
wanted in, or other than one he was seen entering by law enforcement, or jacked
by Niko unseen by law enforcement, is preferred over a locked vehicle since law
enforcement will detect Niko as in a vehicle with a smashed window. (Good luck
having Niko jack a vehicle from a motorist before a police officer gets close
enough to see Niko do it.)
Once Niko is out of the circle, have him stay still unless you need to move
him to a place where law enforcers are unlikely to appear or to move him away
from an approaching law enforcer. If he stays out of the sight of law enforce-
ment while out of the circle, the wanted rating will go away. If a law enforcer
sees Niko, the wanted circle will surround him again with him at the center of
it at first.
If Niko leaves the wanted circle and is unseen by law enforcement there's a
probation period of a few seconds during which the wanted stars alternate be-
tween medium and dark grey. If Niko is caught at another crime or seen by law
enforcement during this period, the wanted rating will be reinstated, and if he
isn't, the probation period ends. The end of a wanted rating causes the wanted
circle to disappear and all the stars to become dark grey.
What happens at each wanted level
One star
Among the things Niko can do to cause a one star wanted rating are:
- steal a car
- hit a pedestrian or police officer
- hit peds with a Fire Truck water cannon
- climb on top of a Police Patrol car or bump it with his vehicle (releasing
acceleration before hitting a Police Patrol car may diminish the chance of
causing a wanted rating)
- discharge a weapon without hitting anyone or have a law enforcement officer
hear Niko use a weapon (a Knife is the quietest)
- jack a car, drive it with the vehicle alarm on, or drive while drunk (you
might have Niko get a Taxi ride while he's drunk to avoid that)
- steal money from a cash register
- go through a toll booth without paying except as explained at IV.6 Avoiding
the $5 fee and wanted rating at the toll booths.
- park in the Grotti or AutoEroticar car dealership then get back in his vehi-
Police officers will chase Niko on foot or in Police Patrol cars. They pro-
bably won't shoot unless threatened and don't drive very fast. They try to ar-
rest Niko. The wanted circle is about 2 blocks wide.
Two stars
Among the things Niko can do to cause a two star wanted rating are:
- persist in doing the things that cause one wanted star
- discharge a weapon near a police officer
- run away from, or fire a weapon toward, a policeman who's about to try to
arrest him
- destroy a Gruppe Six Securicar
- destroy a gas pump
More policemen join the chase and are more aggressive. Police Patrol cars
drive faster and try the PIT maneuver on Niko's vehicle, and officers shoot at
him. Police Patrol cars create roadblocks.
Three stars
Among the things Niko can do to cause a three star wanted rating are:
- persist in doing the things that cause lower wanted ratings
- shoot a police officer
Police become even more aggressive and NOOSE ("N.O.O.S.E." stands for "Na-
tional Organization of Security Enforcement"--they're SWAT agents) Cruisers set
up roadblocks. NOOSE Patriots (like Hummers), NOOSE agents in Enforcers, NOOSE
Cruisers (appear more often on highways for high speed chases), a Police Maver-
ick (a helicopter), and, if Niko is in or near water travelled by boats, a
Predator (boat) join the chase. NOOSE agents fire Carbine Rifles at Niko.
"New GTA 4 N.O.O.S.E. Cruiser Video" by Delta0003
Niko can't ride the subway train.
The Police Maverick shines a spotlight at Niko at night and has two NOOSE
agents who fire Carbine Rifles at Niko. The agents rappel from the helicopter
to shoot at Niko if he stays in one location long enough. Thanks to Robert
Rusk for the tip that the Police Maverick is different in this GTA in that Niko
can shoot the driver and gunmen.
The Predator has a Police officer that shoots a Carbine Rifle at Niko.
(Johnny Klebitz and Luis Fernando Lopez get a three star wanted level if they
enter the Alderney State Correctional Facility.)
Four stars
Among the things Niko can do to cause a four star wanted rating are:
- persist in doing the things that cause lower wanted ratings
- go onto the tarmac at Francis International Airport except in a helicopter
- enter the grounds of the Liberty City Civilization Committee in Hatton Gar-
dens, Algonquin after Algonquin is legally available
- go onto the site 'Littlelacysurprisepageant.com' at the tw@ internet cafe
before Algonquin is legally available (after that, it creates five stars).
Niko's wanted rating can't go higher until Algonquin is legally available un-
less he crosses the barricades or otherwise tries to go beyond the outer bound-
ary of the initially legal eastern territory.
FIB (Federal Investigation Bureau) Buffalos, with four agents who carry Car-
bine Rifles, join the chase. The Police Annihilator (helicopter) joins the Po-
lice Maverick in the chase. Like the Police Maverick, the Annihilator has a
driver, whom Niko can shoot, and two gunmen, whom Niko can shoot, who fire Car-
bide Rifles at Niko.
The Predator has two Police officers that shoot Carbine Rifles at Niko.
Niko gets some Body Armor the first time he enters an individual spawn of an
Niko can get the "Walk Free" Achievement by getting rid of a four star wanted
Five stars
Among the things Niko can do to cause a five star wanted rating are:
- persist in doing the things that cause lower wanted ratings.
- go onto the site 'Littlelacysurprisepageant.com' at the tw@ internet cafe
once Algonquin is legally available (before that, it creates four stars).
Niko's wanted rating can't go higher until Alderney is legally available un-
less he crosses the barricades or otherwise tries to go beyond the outer bound-
ary of the territory made legal for Niko to enter when Algonquin became legally
The FIB (like the FBI) Buffalo joins the land vehicles and officers shoot
from them at Niko. The Police Maverick is joined by the NOOSE Annihilator.
Six stars
Among the things Niko can do to cause a six star wanted rating are:
- persist in doing the things that cause lower wanted ratings
- go into a territory before it's legally available. Otherwise, Niko can get
this wanted rating once Alderney is legally available.
The LCPD is supplanted more by the other law enforcers. Two NOOSE Annihila-
tor helicopters, not Police Mavericks, pursue the player. The wanted circle is
about 1/3rd as wide as the land on the map.
Niko can get the "One Man Army" Achievement by surviving a six star wanted
rating for five minutes.
Getting rid of a wanted rating
There are no Bribes in "GTA IV."
Have Niko get out of his his Wanted Zone and remain undetected by law enforc-
At a low wanted level of one or two wanted stars you might have Niko use a
fast car, preferably without a smashed window, to speed out of the wanted cir-
cle. You may have a relatively easy time of having Niko use alleys, etc., to
become undetected and switch vehicles. You may have Niko use a fast boat (see
my map in section I.8.d for boat locations) or helicopter (see section I.8.c for
helicopter locations).
You could have Niko use his cell phone to get Brucie's Chopper ride and skip
the trip (Enter) for one or two stars. At three or more stars the wanted circle
just moves to the new location (I guess it's meant as due to police helicop-
You could have Niko use his cell phone to get Roman's Car Service for one or
two stars. Press Spacebar to have Mohammed drive faster and press Enter to skip
the trip to keep him from getting shot.
At three or more wanted stars you can have Niko become unseen by law enforce-
ment--grey wanted stars--then switch vehicles (preferably to one without a
smashed window) to remain undetected while escaping a wanted circle. Vehicles
driven by peds to jack without breaking a window may be scarce then, though, and
law enforcement helicopters and Police Predators make it hard to keep Niko un-
detected. If Niko's in a fast boat at three wanted stars you may have him use a
Rocket launcher to shoot down a police helicopter and speed out of the wanted
Have him use the Algonquin underground subway system (see the mapa at the next
links) to avoid detection while driving out of a wanted circle.
Have Niko access the save game system at a save place. You only have to go to
the save screen and back, which, like saving the game, advances time six hours.
(Thanks to Robert Rusk)
Starting or completing certain missions removes a wanted level.
Have Niko use a Pay 'n' Spray--he can only use one while undetected by law en-
forcers. Pay 'n' Sprays are available after "Easy Fare" (V.9). Using a Pay 'n'
Spray advances game time three hours.
Have Niko get Wasted. Niko loses 10% of his money up to $10,000. I'd reload
the game.
Have Niko get Busted. If Niko's busted, he also loses all his weapons and Ar-
mor, fails any mission he's on, game time is advanced ten to thirteen hours on
the same day (for example, if he's Busted Sat. night he appears at a police sta-
tion Sat. morning), and Niko appears at the nearest police station. I'd reload
the game.
You can have Niko call Francis McReary to call off a wanted rating of any size
if Niko kills Derrick McReary instead of Francis during "Blood Brothers"
(IX.19). It won't work if you have Niko call too soon after a previous use of
it and the ability is gone after the story missions are completed because the
phone listing for Francis will be removed.
If Niko has a high enough Like stat with Kiki (V.43), you can have Niko call
her to get rid of a wanted rating up to and including three stars. It won't
work if you have Niko call too soon after a previous use of it and the ability
is gone after the story missions are completed because the phone listing for
Kiki will be removed.
Neither phone call method will work for certain missions with scripted wanted
Thanks to Shooter Junior for the tip that you can have Niko get into a Turismo
at the Grotti dealership at the southeast corner of Pyrite St. and Bismarck
Ave., Middle Park East, Algonquin, and make a wanted level drop to two or three
stars. (If Niko has no wanted level, it counts as stealing a car and may create
a one star wanted level.)
Likewise, having Niko get on the airport tarmac on foot or in a land vehicle
reduces a five or six star wanted level to four stars.
II.2 Weapons
(RIP Keith "The Guru" Elam, July 17, 1961-April 19, 2010. He was the voice of
8 Ball in "III" and "Liberty City Stories." He and DJ Premier--host of The
Classics 104.1-- formed the hip-hop duo Gang Starr.)
When Niko has a 75% Like stat with Packie, Niko can call Packie, select
"Bomb," and Packie will put a phone bomb nearby. Niko can put the bomb on a car
and detonate the bomb with his phone.
Some of the weapons and ammo become available from a Gun "Store" or "Shop"
(it's called both in the game) and Jacob after certain missions.
Underground Gun Stores are available after "Do You Have Protection?" (V.20).
Thanks to Rob Rusk for the locations:
- an alley between Munsee Ave. and Montauk Ave. in Downtown Broker
- south of the southeast corner of Emerald St. and Bismarck Ave. in China-
town, Algonquin
- south of the southeast corner of Odhner Ave. and Traeger Rd. in Port Tudor,
Weapon Cost Ammo
Baseball Bat $5 -
Molotov Cocktail $500 -
Body Armor $500 -
Grenades $1,000 -
Pistol $600 $35
Combat Pistol $1,500 $100
Pump Shotgun $1,200 $100
Combat Shotgun $2,500 $200
Micro-SMG $1,200 $100
SMG $2,500 $150
Assault Rifle $3,500 $80
Carbine Rifle $5,000 $100
Sniper Rifle $6,000 $800
Combat Sniper $8,500 $500
RPG $15,000 $5,000
The peds outside the door are guards armed with SMGs and Combat shotguns. If
you have Niko attack the Gun Store owner, who's armed with a Combat pistol (Des-
ert Eagle), three of his guards may come inside to attack or wait outside to at-
tack. If you have Niko kill the owner the new owner shoots at Niko with his
Combat pistol.
When Niko has a 75% Like stat with Jacob (V.25), Niko can call Little Jacob
to come by in a car with Armor, and some of the guns and ammo of a Gun Store,
that's sold 30% cheaper than at a Gun Store. Jacob sells the Knife, too, which
isn't available at a Gun Store.
Weapon Cost Ammo % of Gun Shop price
weapon ammo
Knife $100
(Glock 17) $420 + $25 for each added magazine 70% 71.42857143%
Combat shotgun
(Remington 11-87) $1,500 + $100 for 10 shells 60% 50%
Micro SMG
(Micro Uzi) $840 + $20 for each added magazine 70% 20%
(S&W MP10) $1,750 + $20 for each added magazine 70% 13.333334%
Assault Rifle
(AK-47) $2,450 + $55 for each added magazine 70% 68.75%
Carbine Rifle
(M4A1) $3,500 + $70 for each added magazine 70% 70%
Combat Sniper
(PSG-1) $5,000 + $500 for each added magazine 58.82352941176471%
Molotov cocktails $350 apiece 70%
Grenades $700 apiece 70%
A new GTA feature in "IV" is that additional ammo is sold separately. It's
better to give Niko more than enough ammo for a weapon so he doesn't run out of
ammo and need to either buy the weapon from a Gun Store or Little Jacob. Other-
wise, it can be taken for free from a fixed spawn location (see the several pre-
liminary sections in this walk-through) or a dead ped.
Thanks to gta.wikia.com for the real-life counterpart names of the weapons.
Thanks to Rob Rusk for the information about interchangeable ammo.
How to make the Pistol. Pump Shotgun, and Sniper Rifle automatic--"Fun
glitches, gimmicks, etc." (I.12.b)
How to increase Assault/Carbine rifle ammo faster--"Fun glitches, gimmicks,
etc. (I.12.b)
If you want to have Niko use a gun to make a car or truck blow up the fastest
way is to have him shoot the wheel wells to get them on fire.
You can lessen scope movement by having Niko crouch.
A Knife is available for free during "Bleed Out" (V.4), then from Jacob, if
Niko has a 75% Like stat with Jacob (V.25), for $100. It can provide Niko a
better chance to get away with a quick inconspicuous kill if Niko sneaks up on
the unsuspecting target from behind. It can be used for a one hit kill that
doesn't create a wanted level when used as a combat move preceded by a dodge.
A Bat is available for $5 from a Gun Store after "Do You Have Protection?"
Pistol (Glock 17)
A Pistol is available during "Jamaican Heat" (V.14), from a Gun Store for
$600, $35 a 17 bullet clip, after "Do You Have Protection?" (V.20), and for
$420, $25 a 17 bullet clip, after a 75% like stat with Jacob (V.25). It can
contain a maximum of 1,200 bullets.
The Pistol is usually preferred to the Combat pistol for drive-bys since the
Pistol can hold more ammo and fire faster.
Combat pistol (Desert Eagle Mark XIX)
The Combat pistol is available from a Gun Store for $1,500, $100 a 9 bullet
clip, after "Museum Piece" (IX.9). It can contain a maximum of 1,200 bullets.
The Combat pistol is more powerful than the Pistol but has less ammo per
clip. The Combat pistol can be used for drive-bys but the Pistol can hold more
ammo and fire faster.
The Desert Eagle in GTA IV, while not referred to as a "Desert Eagle" in-
game, does feature a "Deagle 47" etching on its barrel.
You can get it free without cheating at the beginning of "GTA IV." Have Niko
go to a Gun Store and shoot the dealer's leg. He'll draw his Combat pistol.
Have Niko kill him and pick up his gun. But by that method his armed guards at-
tack inside or just outside the store. It's easier to have Niko buy or bring a
Baseball bat, lock on to the dealer, and hit him repeatedly. The dealer usually
falls down from the first hit--when you see the gun in his hand have Niko beat
him till he's dead. Since no shots were fired his guards won't approach and
Niko get the gun without being harmed.
(At the start of "The Ballad of Gay Tony" Luis has a Desert Eagle with 50
rounds of ammunition.)
Ammo between the two pistols is interchangeable. Either handgun can be used
for drive-bys.
Pump shotgun (Ithaca Model 37 Stakeout except with an eight instead of four
shell magazine)
The Pump shotgun is available from a Gun Store for $1,200, $100 for 8 shots,
after "Do You Have Protection?" (V.20). It can contain a maximum of 80 shots
of ammo.
As in recent GTAs, the lead character gets a shotgun with five shells (if he
already has a shotgun, he gets five shells) the first time he enters a Police
car--in "GTA IV," it's called a Police Patrol.
Combat shotgun (Beretta 1201FP Automatic)
The Combat shotgun is available from a Gun Store for $2,500, $200 per 10 bul-
let clip, and Jacob, if Niko has a 75% Like stat with him, for $1,500, $100 per
10 bullet clip, after "Blow Your Cover" (V.46). It can contain a maximum of 80
shots of ammo.
The Combat shotgun shoots and reloads faster and is more powerful.
Ammo between the two shotguns is interchangeable. A shotgun is mainly an op-
tion for one or a few nearby targets since shotgun fire has more spread so other
guns have a longer range.
Micro-SMG (Micro-Uzi)
The Micro-SMG is available from a Gun Store for $1,200, $100 a 50 bullet clip
after "Do You Have Protection?" (V.20). It can then also be available from Ja-
cob, if Niko has a 75% Like stat with him (V.25), for $840, $20 a 50 bullet
clip. It can contain a maximum of 1,200 bullets.
Use the Micro-SMG or SMG in short bursts since the spread of the ammo in-
creases while firing (thanks to ElectroSpecter). The spreading of the reticle
indicates that the shots are spreading inaccurately due to recoil.
SMG (SW MP-10)
The SMG is available from a Gun Store for $2,500, $150 a 30 bullet clip, and
from Jacob, if Niko has a 75% Like stat with him (V.25), for $1,750, $20 a 30
bullet clip, after "Luck of the Irish" (V.45). It can contain a maximum of
1,200 bullets.
The SMG is more powerful and a bit more accurate than the Micro-SMG but holds
less ammo.
Ammo between the two submachine guns is interchangeable. Either submachine
gun can be used for drive-bys.
Assault rifle (AK-47M)
The Assault rifle is available from a Gun Store for $3,500, $80 a 30 bullet
clip, and Little Jacob, if Niko has a 75% Like stat with him (V.25), for $2,450,
$55 a 30 bullet clip, after "Deconstruction for Beginners" (VII.9). It can con-
tain a maximum of 600 rounds.
The Assault rifle has a bit greater power but the Carbine rifle is faster and
has greater accuracy.
Carbine rifle (Colt M4A1)
The Carbine rifle is available from a Gun Store for $5,000, $100 a 30 bullet
clip, and Jacob, if Niko has a 75% Like stat with him (V.25), for $3,500, $70 a
30 bullet clip, after "Three Leaf Clover" (VII.30). It can contain a maximum
of 600 rounds. It's the weapon used by the police from Police Maverick helicop-
ters and Predator boats and used by NOOSE agents from three wanted stars and up
and FIB agents from four wanted stars and up.
It's not as powerful as the Assault rifle but is faster and more accurate.
Accuracy is even higher and is fully automatic when Niko is crouched. It has
the longest range short of that of a sniper rifle.
In "GTA IV" Police in Predator boats and Police Maverick helicopters and
NOOSE officers will use Carbine rifles to attack if the player has a wanted
level of three stars or higher and by FIB Agents with four stars and higher.
The Carbine rifle is given during "Three Leaf Clover" and is available to pur-
chase afterward.
The name "Carbine Rifle" contradicts itself as a carbine and a rifle are sep-
arate types of firearms and are mutually exclusive. A Carbine is a firearm
with a shorter barrel than a musket or rifle in order to be lighter and easier
to handle.
Ammo between the two assault rifles is interchangeable.
Sniper rifle (Remington R700P)
The Sniper rifle is available from a Gun Store for $6,000, $800 per 5 bullet
clip, and Jacob, if Niko has a 75% Like stat with him (V.25), for $5,000, $500
per 10 bullet clip, after "Luck of the Irish" (V.45). It can contain a maximum
of 50 bullets.
Sniper rifles usually provide one-hit kills even if not headshots.
There are a couple of Sniper rifles available in the first legally available
areas of the game after "Luck of the Irish" (see the map and location descrip-
tions in section IV.7). If you want one earlier than that you'll need to have
Niko go to Northwood in Algonquin which creates a six star wanted level. It's
atop a crude oil refining tower at the intersection of Exeter Ave and Grummer
Rd. near the coast.
Zmoonchild shows how to get the Sniper rifle from the north side of Algonquin
at the start of the game:
Have Niko drive west across a sidewalk of the Algonquin Bridge, north to Grum-
mer Rd. just east of Exeter Ave., run north to quickly climb up the ladder of
the crude oil refining tower, get the Sniper rifle, come down quickly, drive to
where Albany Ave. meets the west end of the Algonquin Bridge, go east to the
subway entrance, enter it then turn east to go up the stairs, go east across the
middle of the Algonquin Bridge, and park beyond the wanted circle under the east
side of the bridge till the wanted rating goes away or go to the Hove Beach save
place and use the save screen to get rid of his wanted rating.
Combat sniper rifle (HK PSG-1)
The Combat sniper rifle is available from a Gun Store for $8,500, $500 per 10
bullet clip, after "Luck of the Irish" (V.46). It can contain a maximum of 50
It's less powerful than the Sniper Rifle. It provides a one-headshot kill un-
less the target is armored and it generally kills with approx. 3 shots to the
body. But it's faster--Niko can fire the ten shots of a clip without reloading.
It takes time but it's possible have Niko use it to take out helicopter pilots.
There are several locations for the Combat Sniper in Algonquin and Alderney
but none in the area legally available at the start of the game (see the map
and location descriptions in section IV.7)
Zmoonchild shows how to get the Combat Sniper Rifle at the start of the game.
Have Niko drive a fast boat (Jetmax, Tropic, or Squalo--there's a Squalo at
the piers by the south side of the Dukes Bay Bridge) to the coast by the dock
and stairs at the southwest part of the bay in the middle of the north coast of
Aldernay, have him run up the stairs then south to the helipad south of the
"Horn" of "Big Horn Drive" on the paper map, and fly the Maverick low to the
roof of the apartment building southwest of the west end of Lee Rd. to get the
Combat Sniper.
You can have him fly to Firefly Island and land south of Crockett Ave./Mohawk
Ave., run to his Hove Beach save place, and access the save game screen to get
rid of his wanted rating. Afterward, you can have him save the Maverick at the
parking space in the southeast section of Joliet Ave. in South Bohan.
There is a glitch in "GTA IV" whereby having Niko crouch and shoot at the same
time causes a sniper rifle to fire as an automatic.
When you use the Poor Weapons cheat in "IV" you get the Combat sniper instead
of the Sniper rifle.
Shooting the moon with a sniper rifle doesn't make it cycle through sizes as
in previous GTAs. You can't shoot flying birds in "IV" as in "Vice City" be-
cause there aren't any.
Ammo between the two sniper rifles is interchangeable.
RPG (RPG-7V using 40mm PG-7VM HEAT--High-Explosive Anti-Tank--missiles)
An RPG is available from a Gun Store for $15,000, $5,000 a missile, after
"Babysitting" (IX.17). It can contain a maximum of nine missiles.
The RPG provides one-hit destruction of vehicles.
Zmoonchild shows how to get the Rocket launcher from an offshore rock north
of the north side of Algonquin at the start of the game:
Have Niko take a fast boat (Jetmax or Squalo--there's a Squalo at the piers by
the south side of the Dukes Bay Bridge) to the offshore rock north-northeast of
the Algonquin, Northwood, crude oil refining tower Sniper rifle spawn spot de-
scribed above, get the Rocket launcher (and kill law enforcers as needed), drive
the fast boat east to the north side of Bohan, go clockwise around Bohan to the
southwest end of the Dukes Bay Bridge, go south (killing law enforcers as
needed) to jack one of the Enforcers blocking the entrance to the bridge, drive
south to the Hove Beach save place, and access the save screen to get rid of his
wanted rating.
In "IV" the protagonist can run with a Rocket launcher and use it from cover.
Grenades (M26A1 Fragmentation)
Grenades are available for $1,000 from a Gun Store, and from Jacob, if Niko
has a 75% Like stat with him (V.25), for $700 after "Deconstruction for Begin-
ners" (VII.9). Niko can have a maximum of 25 Grenades at a time.
As is the case with Molotovs, when Niko's on foot, use the RMB to bring up
the aiming reticle then use the LMB to have him throw the Grenade. The longer
you hold the LMB the farther Niko throws. A new Grenade feature in "IV" is that
after having Niko hold a Grenade a bit it beeps which indicates it's "cooked"--
it will blow up at a shorter distance. This is useful in using it to explode by
nearby targets.
Molotovs are available from a Gun Store for $500, and from Jacob, if Niko has
a 75% Like stat with him (V.25), for $350 after "The Master and the Molotov"
(V.30). Niko can have a maximum of 25 Molotovs at a time.
As in earlier GTAs, the flame from a Molotov extends through solids. This is
useful in getting a target that's near the other side of a wall. Molotovs can
also be used to take out a crowd and blow up a car.
When Niko's on foot, using the LMB and not the RMB for a Molotov or Grenade
will cause Niko to drop it nearby. Molotovs and Grenades can be used for
drive-bys but you can only have Niko drop them--you can't have Niko aim and
throw them. To have Niko throw one, you need to have him on foot and use the
RMB to target--the longer you hold the LMB before having Niko throw, the far-
ther he throws.
In a tutorial mission early on you learn to pick things up and throw them
(see section I.7.b). Niko can also throw bricks, bottles, cigarettes, dropped
mobile phones, hot dogs, etc., at nearby targets.
In "IV" Molotovs are made from Cherenkov Vodka bottles which refers to Cheren-
kov radiation.
II.3 Health
Health is displayed as by green around the outer left half of the radar.
Niko's Health can be restored by:
- sleeping on the bed at a save house
- for location of First Aid kits, which glow green, see IV.7, VI.5, and
- calling 911 and dialing 2--Paramedics will arrive in an Ambulance to heal
Niko for a fee. Niko is also healed a little the first time he enters any one
spawn of an Ambulance.
- food from restaurants and food stands and soda from machines and news
- paying a hooker for sex
- giving money to a saxophone player in the park (thanks to Rob Rusk)
If Niko gets blood on his clothes, having him get more Health removes the
If Niko loses all his Health he's Wasted and fails any mission he was doing.
He appears at the nearest hospital, without his Armor but with his weapons, nine
to thirteen in-game hours later on the same day (for example, if he's Wasted on
Sat. night he'll appear at the hospital Sat. morning). The hospital takes ten
percent of his money up to $10,000.
To have Niko see a hooker, have him honk his vehicle horn to get her atten-
tion, let her get into his vehicle, take her to a secluded place, and pay her.
The pay is different ($20, $50, $70) for each type of sex (handjob, blowjob,
full intercourse). It won't work with an emergency vehicle, small vehicle, or
If Niko gets out of his vehicle as she's getting into it but before she gets
in she stays in ther vehicle as a passenger unless you have Niko jack her out
through the passenger door, or have Niko park the driver side next to a solid
object and get out causing the prostitute to exit the car first, or have Niko
kill her.
If Niko hits the hooker as she walks to enter the vehicle, she'll stay in the
vehicle without doing anything even if Niko gets a wanted rating or Niko leaves
the vehicle. (Thanks to KungZoo)
You can get the same effect after Niko delivers all of Stevie's vehicle col-
lection (IX.16) by having Niko drive near the marker for Stevie, honk to have a
hooker approach, then drive into the marker for Stevie as she gets to the vehi-
cle but hasn't asked anything. She enters during the cutscene. If Niko drives
into the spot too soon, the gate closes before she can enter the vehicle, but
it has a similar effect on her. (Thanks to Slave Boy)
When Niko is paying a hooker for her service you can press Acceleration "and
the animation will reset to her just sitting in the car but she wont get out.
Usually, you can keep getting serviced for as long as you want repeating the
same thing after every service. Sometimes she gets paid, sometimes it'll be
free!" (Thanks to Twistedspoon)
II.4 Armor
Body armor is displayed by a blue bar around the outer right half of the ra-
When Niko's shot the blue of the Body Armor bar will lessen. Other types of
injuries (falling, fire, getting hit by a car, etc.) will lessen the blue of the
bar. Repeated or extreme examples will deplete it.
In "IV" it doesn't protect from falls, collisions with vehicles when Niko's on
foot, or fist/melee attacks.
For fixed locations of Body Armor pickups, whch glow red, see IV.7, VI.5, and
Body Armor can be purchased from Gun Stores for $500 after the mission "No
Love Lost" (V.22) and from Little Jacob for $300 after developing a 75% Like
stat with him (V.25).
As in recent GTAs, the lead character gets Armor when he enters any one spawn
of an Enforcer for the first time, but Niko only gets one third of the full
When Armor, Health, and weapon pickups, and fast food vendor
booth markers, reappear
Weapons respawn in six minutes and five seconds if Niko is far enough from
the spawn spot that the glow would be about gone.
Health and Armor pickups respawn in 45 seconds if Niko is far enough from the
spawn spot that the glow would be about gone.
III The missions
"GTA IV" was written by Dan Houser and Rupert Humphries.
John Zurhellen wrote the pedestrian dialogue.
"John Zurhellen is a recurring voice actor, writer, director and cinemato-
grapher in the Grand Theft Auto series and for Rockstar Games in general. He
has provided his voice for characters such as Jethro and Jeremy St. Ives. He
has also provided voices for random pedestrians and for the radio."
According to the IMDb web site:
"The game runs on the RAGE game engine, the same engine that powers Rockstar
Games Presents Table Tennis (2006) (VG). It also uses Euphoria animation soft-
ware by NaturalMotion, allowing realistic body physics such as catching ledges
before falling over, and stumbling when intoxicated.
"Dan Houser, co-founder of Rockstar Games, confirmed at E3's 2006 convention
that the game will feature Multi Conventional Tesseract technology otherwise
known as MCT or 'Octachoronics.' This will allow for sharper and more innova-
tive game play residing in assimilated artificial weather control systems. The
in-game weather will never appear to be the same twice. Each rain drop will
contain 20 herds."
Dan Houser interview for the UK magazine ShortList:
Doing all the storyline missions contributes 60% toward 100% completion.
"GTA IV" mission tree and storyline choices
GTA IV mission tree
Storyline choices
The differences made to the story when Niko kills one of two choices are
shown at the next link.
Part one
III.1 In The Beginning.... (cutscene intro)
Nikolai "Niko" Bellic: Michael Andrew Hollick
Michael was a theater student at the fine Carnegie Mellon University in love-
ly Pittsburgh, PA. He supplied Niko's voice and motion acting and won the 2008
Spike award for Best Male Voice Actor. He also played Barry Epstein in a 2007
episode of the TV series "Law & Order: Criminal Intent," provided the voice of
Ronald "Razor" Tomasino for the "Cuisine & Cargo" DLC for the 2015 game "Dying
Light," etc.
Interview with Michael Hollick about "GTA IV":
Niko came from Bosnia in Yugoslavia where he fought in the Bosnian War for
the Serbian side. He looks somewhat like Sasha played by Vladimir Mashkov in
the 2001 movie "Behind Enemy Lines" and you can have Niko wear similar clothes
from the Russian Shop. In the YouTube video "Vladimir Mashkov about GTA 4"
Vladimir says he plays video games and is glad "GTA IV" became a best seller
but didn't take it seriously when he was offered to be paid to have his like-
ness used for it.
Roman Bellic: Jason Zumwalt who, aside from TV and film roles, supplied the
voice acting for Vlad in "Saints Row 2," 2008, (I'm not sure which character
in) "Red Dead Redemption," 2010, and Terrance Stone in "Mafia II," 2010. He was
also one of the several writers for "Urge," 2015.
On a freighter, the Platypus, to Liberty City, Niko says he got into trouble
before his job on the freighter.
(Game trailers indicate he killed, smuggled, and sold people, which indicates
he was given the worst roles in a fight but survived. He's been searching for
some man for ten years--and wants a better life. But he seems destined to get
into similar trouble and fights to get ahead in Liberty City.)
Niko gets off the freighter to be greeted by his drunken cousin Roman who
emigrated to the USA ten years before Niko. Roman wants Niko to drive him
Roman Bellic's missions
III.2 The Cousins Bellic
Have Niko drive Roman home.
(Liberty City minute tip: you can have Niko turn around, make a left at the
end of the containers, and go south for a faster route to Roman's place.)
Have Niko drive Roman to his apartment on Mohawk Ave. in Hove Beach, Broker.
On the way, Roman says a terrorist scare had made it hard to get across bridges
in the city. We learn about the GPS, etc. If you use the default GPS route,
Roman tells Niko when they pass the cab company (Express Car Service) Roman
At Roman's place, a grungy apartment with cockroaches, Niko confronts Roman
about lying in his Emails about being a big success with a mansion, sexy women,
sports cars, etc., but Roman says he could be better off with Niko's help.
Roman feels Niko hasn't told him what the trouble was that drove Niko there--
just that he rsn with the wrong kind then joined the merchant navy. Niko says
something bad happened before he joined the navy--"during the war, we did some
bad things and bad things happened to us. War is where the young and stupid
are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other. I was very young
and very angry--maybe that is no excuse."
Roman has to get his cab back to the cab company so he tells Niko to meet him
there--the corner of Iroquois Ave. and Cisco St. Roman says he has something
for Niko but Roman gets an angry call from his loan shark Vlad and hurries back
to his cab company.
An icon on the map/radar marks Roman's apartment. We can save the game by
having Niko sleep on the bed (send Niko to the bed and press F) at Roman's
apartment. As in recent GTA's, saving the game advances the game six hours.
An "R" on the map/radar shows us where to send Niko to meet Roman.
Niko gets $25 and the "Off the Boat" Achievement.
(Liberty City Minute tips: you can have Niko save time by jumping down from or
climbing up to the railing instead of using the upper stairs by his apartment.
Jumping speeds up the use of stairs. You can have him use the hotdog stand
across the street to boost his Health instead of saving the game and advancing
time. You can use auto-save instead of having him return to a save place to
save the game. And obviously a submachine gun or rifle lets Niko kill enemies
faster than he can with a handgun and can be used to destroy a four wheel vehi-
cle--have him shoot at a wheel well till it's on fire.)
IV Preliminaries for the rest of part one
IV.1 Save places and parking spaces part one
In "GTA IV," save places are provided by Niko's cousin Roman, Roman's girl-
friend Mallorie, by killing Playboy X, and by Ray Boccino. They contain a bed
which replaces the save pickups of previous GTAs, a wardrobe, and a parking
space for saving vehicles which replaces the garages used for that in previous
Niko's first save place is Roman's apartment on the west side of Mohawk Ave.
south of Bart St., Hove Beach, Broker. It has a TV he can use (I.14) and he
can save a couple vehicles in the parking space. Once Niko has clothes to
chose from, it has a marker which can be activated to change clothes (except
for the Claude outfit which only appears at Playboy X' apartment and only if
Niko kills him).
Roman's apartment becomes unavailable after "Roman's Sorrow" (V.32), which is
when Mallorie's apartment on Joliet Ave., South Bohan, becomes available.
Despite the difficulty created by getting a six star wanted level for going
into a territory before it's legally available, Niko can use any of the parking
spaces of the game any time from the beginning of the game.
The first two that are legally available are at:
- Roman Bellic's apartment, the west side of Mohawk Ave. south of Bart St.,
Hove Beach, Broker
- Mallorie Bardas' apartment, the east side of Joliet Ave. south of Hollowback
St., South Bohan
Niko can save two vehicles at a parking space. He can repair a vehicle
that's parked there by going away from it and returning to it.
If you save a motorcycle in one, have it lean toward the curb. Between saves
it may move in the direction it leans, and the curb may stop it and keep it
IV.2 Maps
(Note to Rockstar: *please* make your paper maps out of something a little
more durable. Without any rough handling, I used mine to make sure of street
names, etc., while working on the maps used in this walk-through and by the
time I was done I was handling several pieces of paper map that were coming
apart. Please set the color for the land off from the color for the streets
with more contrast, too, as with the in-game map.)
Maps with the street names
Item locations
Interactive map
Interactive "Lost and Damned" map
Interactive "Ballad of Gay Tony" map
Helicopter locations map
In-game map/radar mods
"GTA IV Google Map Radar" by Sonik-hedgehog
"Google Map Radar Item Locations" by dataschmuck
This adds item locations (brown = weapon, blue = Armor, green = Health, red
cross = hospital, and gold star = police station) to the "GTA IV Google Map Ra-
dar" by Sonik-hedgehog.
"Simple Trainer" by sjaak327
I recommend the Simple Trainer (section X.12.e) to have the option to have
blips for spawn spots for Health, Armor, weapons, and Flying Rats appear on the
radar and in-game map. It also lets you have Niko teleport to Flying Rats,
stunt jumps, etc., lets you use NP0 + O to have Niko teleport to waypoints, lets
you turn off the wanted rating system, and lets you use the Airbreak function to
raise Niko to the more elevated pigeons and have a NoClip function. (Plus it
has more options otherwise than you'll probably ever use.)
GPS (Global Positioning System) routes appear to suggest routes to take dur-
ing missions. Otherwise, you can set a waypoint, a green dot, to create a
route on the in-game map. The route shown corrects itself if you miss a turn.
In the Audio menu you can choose to have the GPS system also give audio di-
rections in middle class and better cars with Selected Cars, all cars with On,
or no cars with Off.
Niko can also bring up a map to set a waypoint for a Taxi ride from "Bull in
a China Shop" onward (V.10).
IV.4 Money
As in previous GTA's, dead pedestrians may leave various amounts of money be-
A fast way to have Niko get money: "Occasionally, if the player kills a ped-
estrian who just used an ATM, massive amounts of money will spawn repeatedly on
the ground. This will happen even with cops, who normally only drop their pis-
See the site at the link above for the many locations. A couple close to
Niko's first save place are the north side of Crockett Ave. just east of Mohawk
Ave. and the west side of Mohawk Ave. west of the west end of Tulsa St.
Cash registers which can be robbed (Action key)
- the pottery, etc., store ("Bull in a China Shop") on the north side of Hunt-
ington St. just west of Camden Ave. (Niko has to break a window to enter; the
floor in the back isn't solid; the clock keeps game time)
- the Modo clothes store on north Vauxite St./west Exeter Ave., North Holland,
- tw@ on the west side of Oneida Ave. north of Cisco St., Broker
- tw@ on the east side of Frankfort Ave. south of Wardite S., North Holland,
- tw@ on the east side of Vitulla Ave. east of Kemeny St., Alderney
- the laundromat on the east side of Oneida Ave. south of Tulsa St.
- the laundromat on the north side of Harrison St. on the block east of the
East Island Bridge, East Island City
- the laundromat on the north side of Hubbard Ave. just west of Mahesh Ave.,
Alderney City, Alderney
Have Niko go to the cash register and press the Action key to have it open and
for him to take the money. He gets a one star wanted level. (You can have him
shoot the owner before they can set off the alarm but he gets a one star wanted
level anyway.)
(The ATM and cash register examples above are also given in the "ATM machine
infinite money gimmick" and "Knocking off stores" segments at "Fun glitches,
gimmicks, etc." I.12.b.)
Thanks to Rob Rusk for the tip that Niko can also destroy Securicars for up
to $1,000 each. He recommends having Niko use another vehicle, ram it till
it's burning, park it beside the Securicar, and run away to cause the Securicar
to blow up. Niko can then have the money while avoiding the two star wanted
rating created by having Niko shoot the Securicar.
"The GTA IV Securicar will spawn a large amount of cash around it if blown
up, but doing so with weapons will immediately attract a 2 stars wanted level,
regardless of where it is done. To avoid this, the player can use one of the
car-bombs supplied by Patrick McReary (this is his friendship bonus) to blow up
the car, or damage it enough while driving it that it will burst into flames
and explode."
IV.5 Internet Cafe--items shown on a computer
Niko can use the computer in the tw@ Internet Cafe on the west side of Oneida
Ave. north of Cisco St., Broker, for $1. Afterward, an icon for the location
will appear on the map.
At www.libertycitypolice.com, Niko can click on "Database" to get Police in-
formation on many characters of the game--Lola Del Rio--the hooker featured on
the box art, Eddie Low, the No-Name Killer, and himself. (Thanks to spencerleo
in "Secrets FAQ" by The Duff Man)
At www.whattheydonotwantyoutoknow.com, Niko can see maps of Flying Rats,
weapons, Health, Random Character locations, Body Armor, cars to steal for
Stevie's vehicle collection (IX.16), Places to hang out with friends, and
Unique Stunt Jumps.
Other websites
Niko will learn to use Eyefind Emails in "Logging On."
The photocopier behind the cashier's desk is a Kakagawa Power Ultra 3000 Pro.
If you have Niko use the scope of a sniper rifle to zoom in on it you can see
that the screen of the photocopier says: ERROR Unleash ninja guru lol.
I list more activities available to Niko at the start of the game after these
lists of some of the important locations and spawn spots:
IV.6 Some clothes, vehicle, car wash, skate park, and strip club locations
part one
and a sex shop
These places are available from the start of the game.
Russian Shop
This Eastern European clothes store is on the same side of Mohawk Ave. as
Niko's first save place but north of Bart St. The clothes are the least expen-
sive of those of the three clothes stores of the game and it's the only clothes
store that sells sunglasses and hats. An icon for the clothes store will ap-
pear on the map after Niko enters the store.
Later, Michelle and Kiki Jenkins will prefer these clothes for Niko.
(A couple other clothes stores will be available when Algonquin is legally
available, and a handful of outfits will be available after certain missions in
Algonquin and Alderney.)
If you pause after Niko boards a motorcycle he'll put on a helmet.
- the driveway of Mikhail Faustin's mansion on the west side of the south end
of Shinnecock Ave., Beachgate (the southeast end of the map).
NRG 900
- by a red and white tower north of the north runway at Francis International
Airport. Have Niko approach from the lawn northwest of the runway to avoid a
four star wanted rating.
- on the north and south sides of the airport control tower which is where
the two runways meet. You may need to have Niko leave the area and return to
make them spawn.
The Blista, Schafter, Sentinel, and Taxi are among the better cars found in
traffic around Broker.
The NOOSE Cruiser, used for roadblocks at a three star wanted level, the
NOOSE Patriot, which also appears at a three star wanted level, and the FIB
Buffalo, which appears at four or more wanted stars, are good performing cars
and useful for vigilante missions so worth trying to jack and save.
PCJ 600, NRG 900, Banshee, Feltzer, Patriot, Sabre GT, Sanchez, etc.:
- Brucie's Exotic Exports car theft missions (V.28)
- at a pier on the north side of the big rectangular section of coast west of
the south end of the Dukes Bay Bridge
- at the first pier, viewed west to east, on the north coast of Dukes
Car washes
- in the southern part of the east side of Tutelo Ave. in the western part of
Beechwood City
- on the east side of Saratoga Ave. east of the east end of Lynch St.
Taxis are only charged $3, not the usual $5, for a car wash. Convertibles
are washed by hand with a cloth. (Thanks to Douglas Rampazo/whatever57010)
"Fan Facts #7" by whatever57010
Skate parks
- Steinway Park in Dukes
Niko can enter the area with any vehicle. You can have him use a motorcycle
to do flips and other stunts on the vert ramps (the big curved structures).
Strip club
- The Triangle Club, Northern Gardens, Bohan, on the north side of the south-
ern part of Coxsack Ave.
The main area of the Triangle Club plays Vibe 98.8 songs. (Electro-Choc
songs are played in both it and Honkers, Alderney, in the disc version of "Epi-
sodes From Liberty City.") Three songs, one for each level, are played for lap
dances. Strippers approach Niko and offer a lap dance--if you have him accept,
have him follow her to a back room for up to three levels of lap dancing.
1. For $50 Niko gets a lap dance by a single stripper and usually hears "Come
Into My Life" by Rick James (except in Honkers).
2. For another $50 he gets another lap dance from her and hears "Ooh La La"
by Goldfrapp.
3. For an added $150 a second dancer is added and he hears "Shake Ya Ass" by
Security guards caution Niko to not bear a weapon if he wants to enter and
attack Niko, and regular activities stop, if he scares patrons with a weapon.
A strip club is one of the places Niko can take a friend--for positive credit
with friends who like strip clubs, have Niko get at least one level of a lap
dance. A friend like Roman helps Niko fight security guards.
If garters have money stuffed into them they're $69 bills.
Sex shop
The sex shop with a yellow awning advertising books, magazines, and comics on
the north side of the south curve of Delaware Ave. (where the "D" of "Delaware"
is on the paper map) is open from the start of the game.
Avoiding the $5 fee and wanted rating at the toll booths
Niko can use a motorcycle or small car, like a Blista, in the narrow area be-
tween the east-west toll booths at the East Borough Bridge of Charge Island to
go by without paying the $5 toll or getting a Wanted Rating. He could also get
a motorcycle through the narrow area at either far side of the road to get by
without paying or getting a wanted rating on that bridge or the Dukes Bay
Bridge. (Thanks to Rob Rusk)
Thanks to whatever57010 for the tip that Niko can drive a larger vehicle on
the fast lane of two on the East Borough Bridge of Charge Island, turn left be-
tween the north-south booths, then turn right and continue without paying the
toll or getting a wanted rating.
"Even more stuff you may not have known about Gta IV" by whatever57010
If Niko uses an emergency vehicle, he can get past the toll booths without
paying in one of the regular lanes. You can also let Niko avoid paying the
toll by having him park at the gate, call 911 for an emergency vehicle, and go
through when the gate opens for the emergency vehicle.
When you have Niko pay $5, don't get hasty and have Niko's vehicle hit the
bar or he may get a wanted rating anyway.
IV.7 Fixed spawn spots of First Aid Kits, Body Armor, and weapons part one
These are the fixed spawn locations of weapon, First Aid kit (Health), and
Body Armor pickups that can be found throughout the game in the eastern part of
Liberty City. The pickups of weapons and Body Armor glow red and the pickups
of First Aid kits glow green.
For weapons that share the same ammo, you could go to pickups for the strong-
er weapon (Combat Pistol, Combat Shotgun, SMG, Carbine Rifle, Combat Sniper Ri-
fle) last.
Weapons respawn in six minutes and five seconds if Niko is far enough from
the spawn spot that the glow would be about gone.
Health and Armor pickups respawn in 45 seconds if Niko is far enough from the
spawn spot that the glow would be about gone.
How to make the Pistol. Pump Shotgun, and Sniper Rifle automatic--"Fun
glitches, gimmicks, etc." (I.12.b)
How to increase Assault/Carbine rifle ammo faster--"Fun glitches, gimmicks,
etc. (I.12.b)
Delacroix recommends this safe way to have Niko get a lot of ammo before you
have him travel to the various spawn spots: have Niko go outside and shoot peo-
ple to get a wanted level then go inside and stand on his bed. The police can
only get in through the door so it's easy to have Niko to pick them off till
they've created a lot of weapon pickups. Then press F and save the game. "When
you get back your Health is 100% and mostly, the guns of the dead cops are
still there--free guns and no deaths."
If you want to save time you could give Niko Health, Armor, weapons, etc.,
with the "Simple Trainer" (aka "Native Trainer") by sjaak327. It also has the
option of putting blips for these things on the in-game map and radar.
The "Google Map Radar Item Locations" by dataschmuck adds item locations
(brown = weapon, blue = Armor, green = Health, red cross = hospital, and gold
star = police station) to the "GTA IV Google Map Radar" by Sonik-hedgehog.
Weapon map by wikigta.org
A map by TheGoldenState (Gianni Van Heusden) which shows weapons, Armor, and
First Aid Kits is at the next link.
Thanks to TheGoldenState (Gianni Van Heusden) for giving me permission to ad-
just the colors of his map so it's easier to read on a black and white print
out. I labelled things with numbers that correspond to numbers in my descrip-
tions to make it a bit more ergonomic.
(The reason the first cases of Armor and Health are numbered "0" is because I
realized I needed to add them after working on the rest of the map.)
I recommend printing the map shown above and my descriptions given below.
First Aid kits (Health)
0. It's on the kitchen counter of the lowest deck at the south end of the
Platypus--the big ship docked north of the east end of the Broker Bridge.
Before "A Dish Served Cold" you can have Niko get to the pickup by jumping
from a helicopter to one of the upper southern decks then going down the
1. It's on the roof of the three story building at the northwest corner of
Oakley St./Delaware Ave. (It's at the "nostril" of the cartoon "nose" of Oak-
ley St.)
Have Niko use a fire escape to the roof on the north side of the building.
2. It's on the ground in the narrow space between the red brick RIGHTCAB CO.
building and the tall stone support wall for Mohawk Ave.
Have Niko get to the narrow space via an entrance on the east side of the
most northeast part of Delaware Ave. north of Cisco St.
3. it's on the wall of a little ground floor room in the middle of the south
side of the red factory building (indicated by a rectangle on the radar and
maps) that's on the north side of the northern of two dead end roads of the
Broker Navy Yard.
Have Niko enter the building on the west side.
4. It's on the ground by a green dumpster at the end of a little dead end al-
ley by a lot on the east side of what is either the south end of Creek St. or
the north end of Monhanet Ave. (?). The lot is across the street from the
southern part of the Twitchin's SUGAR plant.
5. It's on the wall on the left just inside the entrance doors of the Schot-
tler Medical Center which is at the loop of road on the north side of Cassidy
St. east of Montauk Ave.
6. It's on the inside of the west wall of the open garage on the south side
of the AUTO REPAIR/EXPRESS WASH AND LUBE CENTER which is on the west side of
Saratoga Ave. just south of the on/off ramps for the Algonquin-Dukes Express-
7. It's on the back wall of the MEDICAL OFFICE (white sign with faded grey-
red letters) which is beside wng's BEAUTY SUPPLY shop (purple awning with white
and pink letters), which is on the east side of Saratoga Ave. south of Howard
8. It's on the wall at the south side of the courtyard of the NUCA building.
Have Niko go through the courtyard gate on the east side of Dukes Blvd. north
of Harrison St.
9. It's on the side of a grey-green metal utility box on a catwalk at the
Charge Island Water Treatment Facility. On the map/radar there are five large
grey round spots representing five huge water tanks on Charge Island. The cat-
walk is east of the south end of the fourth tank viewed south to north.
Have Niko go to the northeast side of the most southern tank, climb the lad-
der to the top of the tank, go along the catwalk, and take the first right turn
to the utility unit.
10. It's on a wall of the small office just inside the (working) door of the
Sprunk storage building on the east side of Attica Ave. at the intersection of
Attica Ave./Hollowback St.
11. It's in Industrial on the floor in the southwest area of the first floor
of the abandoned warehouse which is the northern building of the big complex of
buildings south of the pentagram created on the maps and radar by the southern
part of the Northern Expressway and the loop of road (Lompoc Ave.?) to the
southeast of it. The warehouse is represented on the in-game map and radar by
the top part of a grey shape that looks something like a submachine gun with a
long handle--the warehouse is the part above the "handle."
Have Niko go south of the southeast corner of the pentagram to enter the
warehouse grounds and use the warehouse entrance at ground level just north of
the north end of the east side of the "handle."
12. It's on a counter by a mirror in the dressing room in the upper area of
the southeast corner of the Triangle Club. Niko will anger the security guards
by going there. The road to the entrance of the club is the dead end road on
the north side of the southern part of Coxsack Ave.
13. It's leaning against the wall on a landing below a "MEDICAL & DENTAL CEN-
TER" sign on the south side of the building on the east side of the northern
and north-south segment of Leavenworth Ave.
14. It's by the bleachers of the northern basketball court west of the north-
ern section of Uprock St. The entrance is on the north side of the east-west
walkway between Uprock St. and Butterfly St.
0. It's on a counter in the top cabin, the control room, at the south end of
the Platypus--the big ship which is docked north of the east end of the Broker
Before "A Dish Served Cold" you can have Niko get to the pickup by jumping
from a helicopter to one of the upper southern decks then using the stairs as
1. It's on the catwalk of the Chiropractic Overnight billboard on the south
wall of the Comrades Bar building on the east side of Mohawk Ave. by the hot
dog vendor across the street from your first save place.
Have Niko go west to the intersection of Oneida Ave. and Hardin St., go north-
west on the unnamed road, go west up an off ramp for the Broker Bridge till
over the building, jump over the railing onto the building, and go south to the
southern area of the roof.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for this strategy. Have Niko go to the eastern low
wall and use the most southeast 90 degree angle in it north of the southeast
corner to climb onto the low wall, walk south on it then west around the corner
toward the billboard, and walk west veering more and more over the top of the
billboard till he drops onto it. Have him do the same basic thing to drop onto
the catwalk but leave most of the catwalk ahead of him so when he rolls when he
lands he won't roll off of it.
2. It's on the bed of a rusty junked pickup truck.
Have Niko go to the north side of Ringo St. east of Mohegan Ave., go over the
wall just north of the blue dumpster, and the truck will be right in front of
3. It's by the east side of the front doorsteps behind on open pair of tall
black iron gates.
Have Niko go to the north side of Sundance St. east of the Soldiers Plaza
(Montauk Ave.?) circle, go north up the sloped grassy alley, and turn right.
4. It's in the narrow grassy area between the south side wall of the off-ramp
going north to the airport from the Broker-Dukes Expressway and the 8' (?)
stone wall at the south side of the airport fuel truck, etc., area.
Have Niko go southeast over the off-ramp railing toward the north end of
western north-south wall of the airport fuel truck, etc., area. The wall for
that area is indicated on the maps and radar by a grey line that encloses an
area with two round spots.
5. It's between the third and fourth of six large horizontal fans on the roof
of a large facility building west of the north-south entrance road at the south
end of the Tudor St. loop.
Have Niko use any of four ladders to go to and from the roof.
6. It's in the red bowl with two chopsticks, a novelty advertisement, on the
corner of the roof of the SUM YUNG GAI restaurant at the southeast corner of
Huntington St./Inchon Ave.
Have Niko go to the southeast corner of Huntington St./Charleston Ave., go up
to the first level of the Huntington St. subway station, go west on the south
side of the track till nearest the bowl, and jump down to it. The south side
of the taller building to the east has a fire escape you can have Niko use to
get back to ground level.
7. It's by the western of two metal frames for billboards on the lowest roof
of a big mainly yellow building covered with graffiti.
Have Niko go north from the northern corner of Dukes Blvd./Stone St. to the
outdoor stairs on the west side of the building.
8. It's on the north side of a two door garage of a large home east of the
Walton Lane/Stillwater Ave. intersection of pedestrian walks.
9. It's on the ground by the light tower at the north end of the northern
runway at the airport. Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip to have Niko go over
the grass and not the tarmac to avoid a four star wanted rating.
10. It's on a stony section of beach at the north coast of Steinway beneath a
wooden ramp that connects a dock to a pedestrian park. The ramp is on the east
side of the largely rectangular and largest projection of land north of the
eastern segment of Dukes Dr.
11. It's by a grey-green metal utility box on the metal catwalk onramp north
of the three small water tanks east of the most southern of the five biggest
water tanks on Charge Island. All of these tanks are represented by round grey
spots on the maps and radar.
Have Niko enter the area from the grey brick street that's east of the on-
12. It's on the ground by three big wooden spools at the east end of the sec-
ond dock, viewed north to south, that projects from the west side of Charge Is-
13. It's at the southeast corner of the top floor of the several story unfin-
ished building south of the east segment of Rocket St. The building is repre-
sented by a grey square on the maps and radar. The entrance stairway is on the
south side of the building.
14. It's by a large green shipping crate near the bottom of a sloped driveway
past a working chain link fence gate on the south side of the eastern segment
of the most southern east-west part of Valdez St.
15. It's on a sloped part of a wooden dock on the west side of the 90 degree
section of coast south of the east end of the Northwood Heights Bridge.
Baseball bat
1. It's below the Have Beach police station in an empty lot at the northeast
corner of Crockett Ave./Oneida Ave.
2. It's on the ground by the recessed part of the west side of a big building
in the empty lot on the east side of Mohawk Ave. due east from the front door
of the Hove Beach save place.
3. It's leaned against the eastern suspension cable tower on the northern
sidewalk of the subway track part of the Algonquin Bridge.
You can have Niko drive to the tower on the ground above the subway track and
walk along the edge veering more and more over the sidewalk till he drops down
to it or use the entrance to the sidewalk--the northern of two entrances on the
west side of Brunner St. below the Algonquin Bridge.
4. It's leaned against the railing of a metal walk on top of the upper and
larger of a pair of horizontal tanks on the north side of the Ron gas station
on the east side of Cleves Ave. across the street from the east end of the road
that goes east from the Liberty State Pavilion Towers.
5. It's in southwest South Bohan leaned against the northern big rusty girder
of two at the top of a building in the early stages of construction south of
the two tall cranes west of the north end of the East Borough Bridge.
6. It's leaned against the wall at the back of the back door steps of the
five story apartment building at the south corner of Coxsack Ave. and the name-
less street that goes east-west between it and Alcatraz Ave.
7. It's leaned against the inside of the northeast corner of the chain link
fence of the baseball diamond south of the west end of Greene Ave. and west of
the section of Grand Blvd. that's just south of where Greene Ave. passes over
8. It's between tracks about halfway across the subway train track (off the
map in the direction the arrow is pointing).
1. It's in a little nook in the northeastern area of the alley between Hick-
cock St. and Deadwood St. west of Onandaga Ave.
2. It's in the southern corner of the lot accessible from the west side of
Mohanet Ave. and the south side of the western block of Chicory St.
3. It's by a red door (grey where paint has worn off) with an overhead light
around the middle of the alley accessible from Carson St., Cassidy St., and
Tuscarora Ave.
4. It's in the area of a pair of green dumpsters in an alley accessible from
the west side of the north section of Mohawk Ave. and the most northern curve
of Brunner St. The knife is north of the northwest part of what the radar/maps
indicate is the biggest area of the alley.
5. It's near the top of the off-ramp southwest of the toll booths that are in
the southern area of the main north-south highway of Charge Island.
6. It's stuck about 4 1/2' (?) up on a tree trunk near the northwest corner
of Rykers Ave. and Attica Ave.
1. It's by the letter "S" of "GO KARTS" painted on a wall in the southwest
section of the little go kart track on the west side of the dead end street
that's south of the south side of Crockett Ave. west of Wappinger Ave.
2. It's on the wooden sidewalk above the highway of the Broker Bridge. (The
Pistol is further west than the west corner of the Platypus.) The entrance to
the stairway to the sidewalk is on the west side of Mohawk Ave. below the Brok-
er Bridge.
3. It's on the metal walk over the crest of the roof of the Perestroika club.
One way to have Niko get there is to send him to the alley on the west side of
Munsee Ave. north of Tulsa St., west to the end of the alley, south to the top
of the stairs, then east up the stairs to the Pistol.
4. It's on the northeast side of the lower ledge on the circumference of a
large light grey-green round tank that's on the rectangular and most westerly
projection of land on the west coast of Broker.
Have Niko go through the working chain link gate on the west side of the un-
named street closest to the southeast section of that projection, go west to
the weathered red stairs, go to the top of the stairs, and go clockwise over
the ledges of the building and the big round tank to the Pistol.
5. It's between a pair of blue dumpsters in a nook at the northeast corner of
a museum.
Have Niko go to the west side of Mohawk Ave. below and south of the Algon-
quin-Dukes Expressway, go through the working chain link gates, and go north-
east through the back lot to the Pistol.
6. It's at the northeast end of the 90 degree angle alley with an entrance on
the east side of Freetown Ave. which is about a couple blocks southeast of the
7. It's by a splotch of blood on the sixth floor of an apartment building
Niko can enter through a brown door (just north of the red and white DELI &
GROCERY awning) on the west side of Joliet Ave. south of Hollowback St. The
back door is in the middle of the east side of the grey area west of that on
the radar and in-game map.
8. It's on the counter in the make up room which is on the far left from
where Niko enters the main room of the Triangle Club. He'll anger the security
guards by going into the make up room. The entrance to the Triangle Club is
indicated on the maps/radar by the little north-south dead end road on the
north side of the southern section of Coxsack Ave.
Combat Pistol
1. It's at the south end of a north-south catwalk between two pairs of four
big storage tanks in the northern area of the Tudor St. loop. There's a ladder
at the north end of the catwalk. Eight bigger tanks are represented on the
maps/radar by round grey spots--the smaller tanks are north of the three big
eastern tanks.
2. It's on the eastern ledge at the top of the third, viewed south to north,
of the five biggest water tanks, represented by big round grey spots on the
maps/radar, on Charge island. There's a ladder on the northeast side of the
tank and an opening to the area in the nearby fence on the west side of the
nearby north-south road.
3. It's on the lane opposite that of a stunt jump ramp on the most western
segment of the six unfinished segments of the Northern Expressway. The seg-
ments are southwest of the southern end of the expressway.
Pump shotgun
1. It's leaned against the northeast side of a support pillar for an elevated
section of the subway. On the radar and in-game map the subway track has a
darker grey line than the highway. The support pillar is about half a block
west from the south end of the long line that goes southwest from the northwest
area of the northern runway.
2. It's leaned against a post on the north end of the north-south section of
the dilapidated wooden pier that's west of the inverted "V"-shaped, and north-
most, section of the north coast of Dukes.
3. It's on the grass by a shrub at the base of a two story building-high rock
Have Niko go to the north end of Leavenworth Ave., continue north past the
western north-south ped crossing line, continue northwest to the nearest tree,
and continue just past it to the low base of the cliff. Have him go west along
that cliff to a tree--about 15' (?) west of that tree is the shotgun.
Combat shotgun
1. It's leaned between the doors against the back of the airport control tow-
er which is northeast of the east end of the east-west road which has the mid-
dle of the back of the terminal across the street from the west end. Having
Niko walk or drive a wheeled vehicle on the tarmac will cause a four star
wanted rating but it won't be caused by having him land a helicopter on it.
2. It's leaned against a wall in the little PRIVATE STAFF ONLY! room which is
on Niko's left just after he enters the main room of the Triangle Club. The
entrance to the Triangle Club is indicated on the maps/radar by the little
north-south dead end road on the north side of the southern section of Coxsack
Micro SMG
1. Seeing most of the alley as a crooked sideways "H," it's in the crossbar
of the "H" east of the south end of Wenrohronon Ave.
2. It's on a nearly floor level window ledge by three bound cardboard boxes
on palettes in the southern area of the west side of the fourth and top floor
of a building under construction.
Have Niko enter the second floor at Morris St. across from the west side of
the south end of Trenton Ave. The stairs are in the northwest corner of the
3. It's in the eastern part of the wooden plank section of the second most
northern dock on the west side of Charge Island.
1. It's on a grey air conditioning duct along a ledge with a skylight in an
Have Niko go to the south side of Dillon St. halfway between Seneca Ave. and
Cayuga Ave., go south in the alley (the entrance isn't on the map/radar) to a
blue dumpster, and go left to climb onto the ledge.
2. It's in the southwest corner of the top level of the parking garage that's
west of the south end of the airport terminal. The garage can be entered on
the east end of the south side or the north end of the east side (or you could
have Niko fly to the roof).
3. It's on the southeast corner of the roof of the Sprunk storage building.
Have Niko go to the west end of the east-west alley between Attica Ave. and
Guantanamo Ave. west of the west end of Spin St., go up the stairs to the roof
of the Auto Parts building, go east to the three planks that create a walk be-
tween roofs, go north on them to the roof of the Bohan Wholesale produce build-
ing, continue north to the roof of the Sprunk storage building, and go east to
the SMG.
Assault rifle
1. It's on the eastern section of the roof of a big building with doors
marked "STUDIO" and portable lights in the back lot (movie studio?) in western
East Island City, Dukes.
Have Niko go to the southern sidewalk by the most eastern overhead traffic
signs of the eastern section of the southern stretch of the East Borough
Bridge, jump onto the roof, and go east to the rifle.
2. It's on a high platform of a tall factory building in the middle of the
long "handle" of the submachine gun-looking grey shape representing a big fac-
tory complex on the radar and in-game map south of the pentagram-shaped set of
roads in southeast Industrial, Bohan.
Have Niko go up the stairs on the east side, or up the stairs and ladder on
the south end, of the building represented by the "handle" and go up the ladder
at the northwest corner of the taller structure to the platform.
Carbine rifle
1. It's in a small northern room on the first floor of the large factory com-
plex, represented on the radar and in-game map by a submachine gun-shaped area,
south of the pentagon-shaped set of roads in southeast Industrial, Bohan.
Have Niko go through the factory entrance at the north end of the east side
of the long "handle" of the submarine gun shape and go through the middle en-
trance on the north side of the room.
Sniper rifle (after "Luck of the Irish")
1. It's in southern East Hook, Broker, on a little platform high on the tall
crane south of the west end of the dead end road by the north end of the Platy-
pus--the big ship Niko arrived on and which is docked north of the east end of
the Broker Bridge.
Have Niko climb the two ladders of the crane.
2. It's near the top of the middle of three big structures on the north coast
of Steinway, Dukes. Seen west to east on the radar and in-game map, they're on
the first three projections on the north coast and the middle structure is on
the smaller rectangular projection between two longer projections.
The area is part of Gantry Park. The big structure has a twin to the east
and they're like the restored "contained apron" transfer bridges, of the James
B. French patent, built in 1925, to load and unload rail car floats in what is
now Gantry Plaza State Park.
Have Niko get down to the area via the steps north of Dukes Dr. east of the
eastern projection of the three. Have him go through the entrance of the mid-
dle building, up the steps, up a ladder, to the south side of the building, up
a ladder, up the steps, and up a ladder to the small landing with the rifle.
1. It's south of the eastern section of Crockett Ave. by a bench on the east
side of the covered open-sided structure represented by a rectangle southeast
of the rectangle that represents Memory Lanes on the radar and in-game map.
2. It's in a little recessed area of the side of an apartment building east
of the middle of Cokanuk Ave.
3. It's in the northern section of the pedestrian tunnel behind/west of the
Twitchin's Sugar building which is on the projection of land northwest of the
curve where Mohanet Ave. becomes Creek St.
One way to have Niko get to the Molotovs is to have him go from that curve
through the red brick arch entrance to the lot south of Twitchin's, go west to
the northwest corner of the trailer for a big truck, jump north down to a side-
walk, and go north to the Molotovs. You can have Niko return either by having
him swim to the little dock to the north then east to the street or by going
south to the end of the walk then east to the street.
4. It's on a grey-green girder above the south end of the northern and north-
south stretch of the East Borough Bridge.
Have Niko go to the top of the sloped southeast girder, jump onto the top
corner part, continue north to the next to the last horizontal girder to his
left, and go over that girder to the Molotov.
5. It's below the wooden ramp of a little dock indicated on the radar and
maps near the south end of the north-south part of the 90 degree angle section
of the coast east of the south end of Sing Sing Ave., which is by the north end
of the Dukes Bay Bridge.
1. It's by a crane at he west end of the 90 degree angled pier west of the
southern section of the south runway of the airport.
2. It's on the base of the sculpture of the Earth--The Monoglobe--which is
encircled by round roads at the south end of Meadows Park.
3. It's in the third backyard, viewed west to east, on the north side of the
northern west-east alley of two indicated on the maps and radar between Trenton
Ave. and Tinconderoga Ave.
4. It's by a grey-green utility box on the west side of the southern higher
north-south section of the big metal catwalk of the Charge Island Water Treat-
ment Facility.
Referring to the radar and in game map, have Niko go to the catwalk area en-
trance road which makes a T-intersection with the north-south stretch of road
east of the main north-south stretch of highway on Charge Island, go east into
the area, south to the corner of the fence, southwest to the base of the sloped
metal catwalk ramp, south then east up the ramp, continue to the T-intersection
of ramps, then go north to the pickup.
5. It's on the south side of the alley between the east side of Rykers Ave.
across from the east end of Applejack St. and the west side of Attica Ave.
IV.8 Flying Rats part one
"Flying rat" is NYC slang for "pigeon."
Like Diaz's concern at the start of "The Fastest Boat" in Vice City," Niko's
mission here is to kill pigeons.
Shooting all 200 Flying Rats contributes 2.5% toward 100% completion of the
game, the Annihilator appears on the MeTV Building in Star Junction, and you
get the "Endangered Species" Achievement.
Niko can kill a pigeon with any weapon but his fist or a melee weapon.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for various strategies and finding that Niko can use a
limited wanted rating exploit to make him less likely to attract police atten-
tion, such as for killing Flying Rats. At the end of "Ivan the Not So Terri-
ble" (V.13), Niko can leave Ivan hanging, kill Flying Rats, etc., and go back
to Ivan afterward. He can still get a six star wanted rating for leaving the
legal boundary before Algonquin is open or get a four star wanted rating for
going onto the airport tarmac.
On the PC, you could also use the Simple Trainer by sjaak327 to make blips
for Flying Rats appear on the in-game map and radar, spawn whatever vehicle or
weapon, and disable the wanted rating system. You can even have Niko teleport
to the Flying Rats. If so, be careful to note which ones recommend the use of
Airbreak (flying car) before clicking to teleport or Niko will spawn in midair
and fall--give him God Mode in case you hastily teleport him to those without a
Flying Rats (pigeons) maps
Use the paper map supplied with "GTA IV" for the street names.
A map by TheGoldenState (Gianni Van Heusden) which shows the locations of Fly-
ing Rats and Stunt Jumps is at the next link.
Thanks to TheGoldenState (Gianni Van Heusden) for giving me permission to ad-
just the colors of his map so it's easier to read on a black and white print
out. I labelled things with numbers that correspond to numbers in my descrip-
tions to make it a bit more ergonomic.
I recommend printing the map shown above and my descriptions given below.
1. It's on a post of an old broken pier west of the intersection of Delaware
Ave./Bart St.
2. It's on the western post of the "Welcome To FANTASTIC FIREFLY ISLAND" sign
southwest of the south end of Iroquois Ave. where it meets what is either the
west end of Crockett Ave. or the south bend of Delaware Ave. (?).
3. It's at the south end of Firefly Island on the beach near the shore under
the cross shaped pier.
4. It's in Funland on a low support beam of the Liberty Eye Ferris wheel
south of the middle of Crockett Ave.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the next method:
Under the Ferris wheel shooting spot: have Niko go to the intersection of
Crockett Ave./Wappinger Ave., go east on Crockett Ave., go south on the first
path at his right, go right into the entrance to Funland, veer right to the
Ferris wheel, pass the gray car that's about 10' off the ground, and continue
to the red car that's about 3 1/2' off the ground. Have him turn and look up
to see the pigeon on a nearby support beam.
Rooftop shooting spot: have Niko go through the entrance of Funland as ex-
plained above, veer left to climb onto the Craig's Candys stand, then jump
north to climb onto the Liberty Eye building to kill the pigeon.
El-train track shooting spot: have Niko go to the northeast corner of the T-
intersection of Crockett Ave./Wappinger Ave., go to the top boarding area of
the Hove Beach train station, and go east over the south side of the track to
the east side of the diamond shape above Crockett Ave. on the in-game map and
radar. From there the pigeon can be seen as being behind, below, and to the
left of the "L" of the closer "LIBERTY EYE" letters and sniped or killed with a
Rocket Launcher.
See the weapons section for methods to get these weapons before Algonquin is
legally available (after "Blow Your Cover").
This can be combined with using an El-train track shooting spot for pigeon 5.
5. It's on a railing at a peak of the SCREAMER roller coaster track south of
the eastern part of Crockett Ave.
Sidewalk shooting spot: from beside the west side of the street light pole at
the southwest part of the T-intersection of Crockett Ave./Onondaga Ave. the pi-
geon can be seen on a guard rail of the roller coaster track that's over the
west section of the "A" of "SCREAMER." A Pistol is a good enough weapon for
the job.
El-train track shooting spot: have Niko go to the northeast corner of the T-
intersection of Crockett Ave./Wappinger Ave., go to the top boarding area of
the Hove Beach train station, go east over the south side of the track till
across from the "A" of "SCREAMER," and shoot the pigeon. It takes longer to
get to this vantage point but since it's closer to the pigeon you can even have
Niko use a Molotov to hit one of the support beams below the pigeon to kill it.
This can be combined with using an El-train track shooting spot for pigeon 4.
6. It's on a doorway on the eastern side of the north-south alley north of
Garrett St.
Have Niko go north into the alley at the north side of Garrett St. The pi-
geon is on a doorway in the second recessed section of the building on the
7. It's in southern Firefly Projects south of the east section of Cody St. on
a corner of the grey railing of a chain link fence that's along a walkway at
the northeast side of a big apartment building.
8. It's in Beachgate on the back porch of the southern house of Ketchum St.
9. It's on the southeast end of a 1' or so tall concrete highway divider of
the upper part of the Broker-Dukes Expressway at the northeast end of the big
curved and raised onramp that's at the southeast part of the expressway.
10. It's by the broken part of a seven or so foot tall concrete-topped red
brick wall that's southeast of the south end of Saponi Ave. along the southern
east-west sidewalk of Ringo St.
11. The pigeon is on the marguee, a bit northwest of center, for Perestroika
on Tulsa St.
Molotov method: have Niko use a Molotov to hit the underside of the marquee a
bit northwest of center from a spot safely to the side of the marquee.
Stair climbing methods: have Niko enter Perestroika on Tulsa St., go through
the back door to his far left, go upstairs and through the door to go outside,
go south to the outdoor stairs and climb to the top, go across the roof and
climb the steps, go west across the small roof and jump over the railing, and
go south to jump down toward the middle of the back of the Perestroika sign
onto the top of the marguee.
Have Niko enter the alley on the east side of the block and go to the west
end of the alley, go south to the top of the stairs, go east up one set of
stairs, go south to the flat rooftop, go east down the stairs to a flat roof
top, and jump south toward the middle of the back of the Perestroika sign and
onto the marquee.
12. It's by the T-intersection of Delaware Ave. and the west end of Cisco St.
on the western structure of two holding up the "Broker Navy Yard" sign at the
south entrance to the yard.
Dumpster method: have Niko shoot it from atop the blue dumpster to the south
of the sign.
(Thanks to the Robert Rusk walk-through for the next two methods.)
Molotov method: have Niko use a Molotov to hit the western structure just un-
der the pigeon.
Platforming method: have Niko climb onto the bus stop shelter on the north
side of Cisco St., jump onto the nearby overhang of the gated pedestrian en-
trance, go west to climb onto the eastern support structure for the sign, and
kill the pigeon with whatever weapon that works.
13. It's on the second air conditioner, left to right, of the Woodfellas
building as seen from a spot a bit east of the west end of Cisco St.--from
there, the building is to the north.
Any weapon method: have Niko go down into the Woodfellas yard and use any
weapon that works to kill the pigeon--for example, you could have Niko throw a
Molotov at the area just below the pigeon.
Thanks to Robert Rusk reader Jonathan Rohr for the next method:
Any weapon/platforming method: have Niko go east from the west end of Cisco
St. past the bus stop shelter till just past the pay phones, jump north over
the sidewalk wall onto the pipes which are over a street, walk over the pipes
north, west, then north to the pigeon, and kill it with whatever weapon that
Long range weapon method: have Niko use a Carbine Rifle or one of the sniper
rifles to shoot the pigeon from Cisco St. east of the "Broker Navy Yard" sign.
(You may have Niko shoot from atop the nearby overhang of the gated pedestrian
entrance of the Broker Navy Yard--see 11.)
See the weapon section above for methods to get these weapons before Algon-
quin is legally available (after "Blow Your Cover").
14. It's on a railing of the gazebo in Outlook Park.
15. It's a bit west of center on the concrete and fenced-in roof of a red
brick one story storage building (beside a red brick garage with a green door--
both with a small lot in front of them) at the west side of the north-south al-
ley between Mohegan Ave. and Hitchcock St.
Platforming method: have Niko go north from the south end of the alley, go
west to climb the steps, jump over the low wall onto a dumpster, jump west to
grab onto the roof, move right a couple times while hanging then climb onto the
flat roof, and go west and walk onto the peaked roof. The pigeon is on the
flat roof to the north.
Thanks to the walk-through by Robert Rusk for this strategy:
Molotov method: have Niko go to the small lot at the west side of the alley
and throw a Molotov at the middle of the front of the concrete roof of the
storage building.
16. It's on the north side of Sundance St. on one of the walls supporting a
small set of steps at the southwest corner of the Jerk n' Gizzada restaurant
which is at the intersection of Conoy Ave./Sundance St.
17. It's on the north end of the roof of a bus stop shelter that's on the
west side of Montauk Ave. north of Earp St.
18. It's at the east end of a dead end alley on a railing of the lowest level
of the fire escape.
Have Niko go north from the Mohanet Ave./Chicory St. T-intersection and enter
the alley on the east side of Mohanet Ave.
19. It's on a girder on the underside of the southern east-west lane of the
Algonquin-Dukes Expressway north of the southeast onramp which connects Montauk
Ave. and the expressway.
20. It's found, going west to east from the intersection of Cassidy St./Sene-
ca Ave., on the top of one of the railings of the steps for the third door of
the row houses on the south side of Cassidy St.
21. It's found north of the T-intersection of Wenrohronon Ave./Cassidy St. on
the east side of Wenrohronon Ave. on the railing of the lowest level of a fire
22. It's on a slab of concrete in a little blocked off road construction area
south of the 90 degree bend of Pancho St.
23. It's on a short post across the lane from the toll booth which is east of
the airport parking garage.
24. It's a bit in from the bottom edge of the round hole in the southern of
two support pillars at the front of the Francis International Airport terminal.
Molotov method: have Niko go to the nearest lane in the street and throw a
Molotov at the southern support column just under the bottom edge of the hole.
This is the fastest easiest method in terms of getting the weapon at the start
of the game and getting to the attack location. (If you have Niko use a Gren-
ade have him "cook" it, indicated by beeping, or it may go through the hole and
not kill the pigeon.) This takes advantage of the old GTA gimmick of using the
ability of Molotov flames to go through solids.
Sniper rifle/Rocket Launcher method: have Niko go west of the terminal to the
Francis Intnl Airport train station, go to the top of the station, go south
over the eastern edge of the tracks until across from the hole with the pigeon,
then use a sniper rifle or Rocket Launcher to shoot the pigeon. (A fast way
down is east over the railing onto a roof then down to ground level.) Thanks
to Robert Rusk's walk-through for the tip that pigeon 23 can be shot from the
tracks, too.
See the listings for Sniper Rifle and Rocket Launcher above in the Weapons
section for methods to get these weapons at the start of the game.
25. It's on the top of the railing in the middle of the west side of the top
level of the airport control tower. The control tower is at the corner of the
two landing strips.
Helicopter method: have Niko land on the tower with a helicopter and kill the
pigeon. Niko doesn't get a four star wanted level for landing on the control
tower (or the tarmac).
See the listing for Maverick above in I.8.c Helicopters and jets for how to
get it and save it at the start of the game. If you wait till Algonquin is le-
gally available (after "Blow Your Cover"), you can use the helicopter method
without any wanted level.
On PC you could also use the Simple Trainer to spawn a vehicle or weapon,
disable the wanted system, and create blips for the pigeons on the in-game map
and radar.
Sniper rifle method: thanks to the Robert Rusk walk-through for this method.
Have Niko go north toward the airport on the Broker-Dukes Expressway, turn
right to take the Francis International Airport exit, and, just past the FIA
Warehouse on his right, turn right to go through the security entrance. Have
Niko follow this road till he's behind the middle of the back of the terminal
and park just outside the gate on his right. The control tower is practically
due east. Have Niko run onto the tarmac--giving him a four star wanted level--
toward the control tower till he's near the tail of the jet on his left, snipe
the pigeon, then run back to his car to get rid of his wanted level such as by
saving the game at the Hove Beach save place.
Rocket Launcher method: since the pigeon has to spawn to kill it, and it
doesn't spawn at the spot described above without using the zoom of the sniper
rifle, you have to get Niko closer to the pigeon to kill it by hitting the con-
trol tower just under the pigeon with a Rocket Launcher. To do that, have Niko
run toward the control tower till he's to the right of the tail of the second
jet on his left, etc.
See the listings for Sniper Rifle and Rocket Launcher above in the Weapons
section for methods to get these weapons at the start of the game.
26. It's between two air conditioning units on a low level of the roof of the
flyUS building.
Have Niko go up to the boarding area of the Francis Intnl. Airport train sta-
tion (as for the Sniper rifle/Rocket Launcher method for 24) then go north
along the tracks. You can either have him jump onto the roof of the flyUS
building and go south to shoot the pigeon or shoot it from the tracks. From by
the tracks the two air conditioner units can be seen on the lower roof between
two higher domed roofs that have "flyUS" signs on them.
27. It's on a support beam under the train track north of Willis Wash & Lube
which is at the corner of Saratoga Ave. and Lynch St.
28. The pigeon is in a doorway of a small rooftop structure by the eastern
water tower in the eastern area of the roof of the four story apartment build-
ing that's across the street to the north of the Lynch Street train station
(which is on a block named "STATION SQUARE" on the paper map).
The Lynch Street train station boarding area can be accessed via steps or
ramps. Have Niko, across the street from the apartment building, go up the
western ramp to the boarding area, go east to the second gray bench on his
left, and jump onto the bench/the low wall behind it. Have him climb the cano-
py, go west to the roof with a sharper angled peak,* add Jump to Run as needed
to have him go north over that roof, and have him continue north over the mid-
dle of the next roof and the middle of the roof of the enclosed bridge over the
street. Add Jump to Run to have him climb the steep section of roof to the
level rooftop of the apartment building.
*It's a little tricky but you can have Niko kill the pigeon by using a Rocket
Launcher to shoot the grey rooftop enclosure of the doorway the pigeon is in
from this train station rooftop peak.
29. It's on the roof of the stairs that connect ground level with the board-
ing area for the east-west tracks of the Huntington St. Station at the inter-
section of Huntington St. and Charleston Ave. The pigeon is on a section of
roof that's by the north side of that boarding area where there are a trio of
ticket machines.
You could have Niko go east over a safe section of the tracks to pigeon 28.
See the listing for 30 for Robert Rusk's tip for how to continue from pigeon
29 to the top boarding area etc. to kill pigeon 30.
30. It's on the chimney at the front of a duplex on the west side of Savannah
Ave. There are two flower pots of red and yellow flowers at the foot of the
steps in front of it.
You can either have Niko get to the roof by going through the southern front
door with a green awning and climbing the stairs or by using the steps behind
the building.
Thanks to Robert Rusk's walk-through for the tip that you could also have
Niko shoot pigeon 30 from the train tracks after killing 29 at Huntington St.
train station. By that method, have Niko continue to the top boarding platform
of the station, go north on the west side of the tracks to where the tracks are
over Savannah Ave., and shoot west to kill pigeon 30.
31. It's on the backboard of a basketball hoop.
Have Niko go to Dukes Blvd. between Huntington St. and Livingston St. and go
east into the alley. The pigeon is on the backboard of the nearest basketball
hoop of the little basketball court on his right.
32. It's at the nearly 90 degree curve on the north part of Chicory St. on
the support column that's part of a stone wall across the street to the south
of the diner.
33. It's at the curve of the pedestrian tunnel northeast of the middle of the
curve of the south section of Franklin St./west section of Hooper St. The
north entrance of the tunnel is beneath the bridge onramp and the southern en-
trance is below the outside of the curve where Franklin St. becomes Hooper St.
34. It's on a railing at the top of the diving platform north-northeast of
33. Between the parallel north-south sections of Franklin St. and Concord Ave.
is a little skateboard ramps area and south of it is a swimming pool, and both
are in an area represented by an oblong shape on the radar and game maps. The
diving platform is at the south end of the swimming pool.
35. It's on the wooden fence that's just inside a stone wall of a little back
yard in an alley west of the southern half of Yorktown Ave. and south of Stein-
way Beer Garden.
36. It's across the street to the north of the east side of Steinway Beer Gar-
den in the tree that's nearest the northwest corner of the Morris St./Yorktown
Ave. intersection.
37. It's on a rafter of the underside of the northwest awning of the boarding
area of the train station that's at the east end of Morris St. The rafter is
by the second vertical support post viewed west to east.
38. It's on the floor, a bit southwest of center, of a room at the northwest
corner of Hancock St./San Jacinto Ave. at the National Union of Contemporary
Arts building. The building has banners with "NUCA" in blue letters hanging in
front of it. The room is the only room with open windows. It shares the top
floor with some dormers that are on the east side of the building.
Molotov method: have Niko throw a Molotov at the side of the building just
below the middle open window of a set of three. As with 24, this is the fast-
est and easiest method--in this case, it's the easiest in giving you the com-
bination of a bigger area to aim for, one of the weapons that's easy to get at
the start of the game, and you don't need a helicopter to get to the attack lo-
cation. Again, this takes advantage of the old GTA gimmick of using the abili-
ty of Molotov flames to go through solids.
Other methods: you can have Niko shoot at the same areas with a Rocket
Launcher, throw a "cooked" Grenade through a window, or use a helicopter to get
on the nearby roof then use any weapon that works.
See the listing for Rocket Launcher above in the Weapons section for a method
to get it at the start of the game.
See I.8.c for how to get a helicopter at the start of the game.
39. It's north of the Monoglobe which is at the center of a couple of concen-
tric circular walks in the southern area of Meadows Park. It's between the two
fountain pools on the title plaque at the base of the statue titled "GOOSED."
40. It's on top of the ornamental stone structure atop a doorway north of the
Carrollton St./Cleves Ave. intersection on the east side of Cleves Ave.
There's a green canopy over the steps to the door.
41. It's in the eastern area of Meadows Park and northwest of the T-intersec-
tion of Tudor St./Tudor St. (part of Tudor St. forms a loop) on the western
ledge of a mainly stone rectangular thing. I guess it's some kind of utility
unit. It has pipes and has a sign on the door calling it an electrical area
that must be kept clear by order of the Fire Commissioner.
42. It's in northern Meadows Park just inside the southwest door of the pa-
vilion part of Liberty State Pavilion Towers. The pavilion part is a round
structure which looks like it's meant to support a circus tent, and it's repre-
sented by the larger of the two round spots which are close together on the pa-
per map, in-game map, and radar.
43. It's on the mound of dirt on which a Unique Stunt Jump plank rests east
of the northeast end of Franklin St.
44. It's on the big rock nearest to the T-intersection of Franklin St./Ticon-
deroga Ave. of those rocks just north of it and the biggest of those rocks.
45. It's on the southern end of the roof of the house-shaped mausoleum at the
"instep" of the boot-shaped walkway of the cemetery northwest of the Franklin
St./Dukes Dr. intersection.
46. It's on the overhead bars of the children's play station just north of
Dukes Dr. (northwest of the "D" in "Dukes" on the paper map and roughly south
of the longest projection from the north coast of Steinway.
47 and 48. One is on an 8' (?) stone wall and the other is at the base of a
nearby tree north of the eastern section of Dukes Dr. They're at the west side
of the entrance to a parking lot represented by a mostly rectangular shape
north of Dukes Dr. on the paper map, in-game map, and radar.
49. It's on the sixth from the south partly submerged Dukes Bay Bridge sup-
port base. (It's the eighth if you count the two resting on land above water.)
Niko can access it from a boat. There are boats at the piers at the south
end of the Dukes Bay Bridge. While Niko has a boat you could also have him
kill pigeon 50.
Thanks for Robert Rusk for the tip that you can have Nike climb onto the sup-
port base north of the one with the pigeon and shoot it from there.
50. It's on the top of the smallest and most western rock of those partly
above the water in an area indicated on the paper map by a small projection at
the coast west of the southern section of San Quentin Ave.
Boat method: have Niko get a boat from the piers by the south end of the
Dukes Bay Bridge and shoot the pigeon from the boat. While Niko has a boat you
could also have him kill pigeon 49.
Rifle/SMG method: have Niko go west from San Quentin Ave./Switch St. to the
most western corner of the third apartment building from the south (indicated
by a rectangle on the map), take the nearby grassy path down to a little dock,
go south to an identical little dock, and shoot from the northwest corner of
the middle landing of the dock.
Helicopter method: you can have Niko land the Maverick on the big rock by the
one the pigeon is on.
See the section on helicopters above for zmoonchild's methods for getting a
Maverick at the start of the game.
51. It's on the outer wall of the southern sidewalk of the east-west part
(the southern part) of the East Borough Bridge by the western of the two big
vertical suspender cable towers.
52. It's on the south end of a grassy divider strip in a small parking lot of
the Charge Island Water Treatment Facility. On the map there are five large
round spots, which represent huge water tanks, along the east side of of the
southern part of the main north-south bridge lanes on Charge Island. The park-
ing lot is at ground level between the second and third spots/huge tanks going
south to north.
You could have Niko drive down to the pigeon or have him jump down to the top
of the second big tank from the south, shoot the pigeon from there, climb down
the ladder, and climb over the railing at the north side of the fenced-in area.
Sniper rifle method: you could have Niko snipe it from the western end of the
southern part of the bridge.
See the section on weapons above for zmoonchild's method for getting a sniper
rifle at the start of the game.
53. It's by the northwestern dock of Charge Island on the bow of a small
wooden sail boat with blue trim.
54. It's west of the north end of the East Borough Bridge on the bottom of
the inside of a large horizontal section of concrete pipe. You can have Niko
shoot it from the top of the northern onramp of the bridge.
55. It's on the wall along a short walkway beneath a curve in what appears to
be the southern dead end section of Attica Ave.
There are stairs to the area at the southwest corner of Attica Ave./Rocket
St. and south of that intersection by the east side of the street.
56. It's at the south side of Spin St. on the short railing by a door that's
by a lot with two semi-trailers.
57 and 58. They're on the edge of the roof of the abandoned CLEANERS shop on
the southwest corner of the T-intersection Switch St. and Joliet Ave. One is
on the southeast corner of the roof and the other is 1 1/2' or so north of it.
59 and 60. They're south of Switch St. on the west side of Wallkill Ave. One
is on a little broken concrete block wall by the sidewalk and another is nearby
on the south end of a horizontal girder that has one end embedded in the top of
the wall. Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip to have Niko shoot from the aban-
doned lot to the west of the pigeons to avoid a wanted rating.
61. It's by a small hole in the ground in a little construction site partly
enclosed by wooden planks and surrounded by little orange striped traffic di-
Have Niko go a bit east from the southern corner of San Quentin Ave. and Drop
St. to the site.
62. It's in an alley on the southeast fence post.
Have Niko enter the alley through a hole in the fence on the north side of
Drop St. and go north then west.
63. It's on the top of a cliff.
Have Niko go northeast from the intersection of Grand Blvd. and Elbow St. to
the northern apex of the bend in the road. The pigeon is just north of the
stone wall that's beside the northern sidewalk.
64. It's on the eastern stone gate post of the gate for a door with a red
awning marked "1665."
Have Niko go east from the southeast corner of the Grand Blvd./Elbow St. in-
tersection onto the southern walkway that's higher than Grand Blvd. to the
first entrance of the apartment building.
65. It's on one of the brick and stone structures used as accents as part of
a wall along a walkway.
Have Niko go northeast from the most eastern curve of Valdez St. to the walk-
way. The pigeon is on the fourth accent structure of the wall on his right.
66. It's on the east corner of the second level of the roof of the Menala
Metal building which is parallel to Jackhammer St.
Have Niko go southwest from the east side of the north end of Jackhammer St.
to the southwestern side of the Menala Metal building and climb the stairs,
ladder, stairs, and a ladder.
67. It's in the window of the cabin of an abandoned tugboat. Facing the
front of the tugboat, it's in the third window right to left.
Have Niko go to the southwest side of Lompoc Ave. at the Worm St. intersec-
tion, go a bit southeast to the walkway, and go southwest on it till he's above
and across from the front of the tugboat.
68. It's on the north street light of a series attached to a wall on the east
side of the road at the first bend in the road (Leavenworth Ave.?) southeast of
the east end of Drill St.
Another way to find it: a section of the unfinished southern part of the
Northern Expressway just south of Lompoc Ave. is set off by two sets of road-
blocks. That section of the expressway and the road below it form a pentagram
on the radar and maps. The lamp post is on the east side of the north end of
the eastern stretch--the directly north-south stretch--of the lower road.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip that you can have Niko snipe it from the
abandoned plant to the south to avoid a wanted rating.
69. It's on a partly submerged rock at the rocky shore east of the east end
of Downrock Loop in Little Bay.
Niko can shoot it from the east side of the Northern Expressway.
Have Niko go east from eastern Planche St. to take the road (name?) down to
the rectangular parking area (indicated on the paper and in-game maps) at the
shore. Have him go southeast over the grass along the coast to the area east
of the east end of Downrock Loop. You can have Niko shoot the pigeon from the
grass to avoid the difficulty of getting him back up from the rocky coast. If
he falls to the rocky coast, you can have him swim south to a sandy coast where
you can have him jump up and climb onto the grass again.
70. It's on a bend in the rusty orange drain pipe in the north-south alley
between Planche St. and Flanger St.
71. It's on the "WELCOME TO NORTHERN GARDENS" sign in the middle of the cul
de sac at the north end of Caterpillar St.
72. It's west of the intersection of Grand Blvd. and Leavenworth Ave. between
the street and the railroad tracks on the rectangular brick building with "TEM
SAR" and other graffiti on it.
Have Niko shoot from farther west at a lower part of the stone wall. If you
want to get him closer to the pigeon, have him get on the wall and walk east
over it.
73. It's north of the northern section of Greene Ave. on the beach beneath
the southwest end of the eastern pier.
You can have Niko shoot it from the pier to the west of it.
74. It's north of the north end of Uprock St. on an unused concrete slab
south of the area between the two longest piers.
IV.9 Stunt Jumps part one
Have Niko do 50 Stunt Jumps for 100% completion of the game.
Unlike earlier GTAs, your protagonist isn't paid for doing each jump. You'll
get a message telling you if you did a Stunt Jump successfully or already did a
Stunt Jump and how many there are left to do.
A fast vehicle is recommended. There's an NRG 900 at the north end of the
airport runways. Lean back a bit for landing. The phone code for it is 625-
The Blista Compact is pretty fast and agile and commonly available in the
eastern areas of the game. The phone number for a Comet is 227-555-0175 and
it's available in the Brucie Kibbutz mission "No. 1." The 1957 Chevrolet Bel
Air mod I've come up with a handling line for (see the modding section) should
be good for jumps although the NRG900 makes it easier to hit the ramps made of
narrow concrete bins filled with street rubble.
Fastest cars in "GTA IV"
Once Niko has his stunt vehicle you might go to the pause menu (Esc) > Graph-
ics > Vehicle Density and turn down the slider to spawn fewer vehicles.
Doing all 50 Stunt Jumps contributes 2.5% toward 100% completion and gives
you the "Dare Devil" Achievement.
On the PC, you could also use the Simple Trainer by sjaak327 to spawn what-
ever vehicle, disable the wanted rating system, use the seatbelt function, and
give Nike and his vehicle God Mode. You can even have Niko teleport to the lo-
Stunt Jump videos
I recommend printing my modified wikigta.org map shown above and my descrip-
tions given below.
Have Niko go southwest from Lompoc St. and parallel to the northwest side of
Jackhammer St. to the ramp.
Have Niko land on Beaumont Ave.
The two ramps are on the bridge under construction beyond the south end of
the Northern Expressway.
Have Niko jump from the first ramp to the second then land on the roof of the
building across the water from the second ramp.
The ramp is at the edge of an unfinished bridge above Rocket St./Attica Ave.
Have Niko land on the road beyond the ramp.
The ramp is east of Franklin St./Brandon Ave.
It's safer to have Niko use a car in case he hits one of the light poles.
Have him land on Dukes Boulevard or an open area of the lot just before it.
The ramp is west of Concord Ave./Morris St.
Have Niko jump past the swimming pool.
The ramp is the dumpster bin at the south end of a section of Concord Ave.
under construction.
Have Niko go north to the dumpster bin and jump over the little building.
The ramp is at the west end of an alley north of Famous Cleaners which is at
Harrison St./Tinconderoga Ave.
Have Niko land in the junkyard.
The ramp is north of Dukes Boulevard/Hooper St. in East Island City.
Have Niko go east and land on Dukes Blvd. Be careful not to let him hit the
building on the far side of it too hard.
Francis International Airport
The ramp is a sign north of the northeast curve of the Tudor St. loop.
Have Niko go east, curve left/north to the ramp, and land on or past the
Broker-Dukes Expressway.
The ramp is the dumpster at the southeast curve of the Tudor St. loop.
Have Niko go south and land on or past the onramp of the Broker-Dukes Ex-
pressway that's to the south.
The ramp is at the end of an abandoned railroad track west of the south curve
of Valley Forge Ave.
Have Niko go west and land near or past the Sprunk sign.
The two ramps are south of the south end of San Jacinto Ave.
Have Niko go south into the alley to the first ramp, land near the second
ramp on a roof, then jump from it to land on or past the next roof.
The ramp is north of the north end of Tutelo Ave.
Have Niko go north and land past the Algonquin-Dukes Expressway.
The ramp is made of the planks on a mound of dirt south of the south end of
Freetown Ave.
Have Niko go south and land on the far side of the Algonquin-Dukes Express-
way. There's a cliff face beyond that so it might be safer to have Niko use a
IV.10 QUB3D videogame
QUB3D (as in "Cube 3D") is a Tetris-like game. Cubes can each be one of six
different colors, and a sequence of pairs of cubes, by default side by side,
come down a square grid as far as they can go before being stopped by the bot-
tom or by cubes that are already stopped there. The game is over when the col-
ored blocks accumulate to the top of the grid.
You can control their paths with the purpose of eliminating groups of cubes.
Use S or Down arrow to increase the speed at which the blocks fall. Use A or D
or Left arrow or Right arrow to position the cubes side by side or one above
the other, move the pair left or right on the grid, and determine which cube is
the left or right cube.
If you position one above the other, you have a couple of options. Leave
them alone and they will leapfrog to the bottom with each taking a turn to
pause above, over, and below the other. You can speed this up by pressing S or
Down arrow. If one is positioned over the other you can also move the one
that's above horizontally to be on one side or the other of the lower cube.
Blocks are removed by forming a sequence of four or more identically colored
blocks with adjoining faces. Removing four adds 150 points to your score,
grouping five adds 250, and grouping six adds 350. The blocks above those re-
moved will fall into the empty spaces. Each time the blocks are removed, the
score for each block is multiplied.
You can also remove a block of a pair of blocks if they're beside each other
horizontally when at least one of the pair can fall no further: move the other
block horizontally to appear over the one that's stopped.
If a group of four or more blocks form a square they become a larger block of
that color. For each of these large blocks/squares that are removed, the power
bar will increase. It takes the removal of four large blocks to completely
fill the power bar. Once the power bar has been filled you can use the power-
ups by pressing 1, 2, 3, or 4. A maximum of three power-up uses are available
by completely filling the power bar.
Power ups (Thanks to Robert Rusk for explaining what the power-ups do.)
1 Red Horizontal row removal--removes up to three rows
2 Green Vertical column removal--removes two columns
3 Blue Color removal--removes all blocks of a chosen color. The game pauses
to show a grid of colors under the power-up section in the upper left of your
screen. One color at a time becomes brighter for a couple of seconds. To re-
move a color from the board activate the power-up again when the color you want
to remove is highlighted.
4 Yellow Slow down time
Stilefty shows how it's done at the next link:
Beat the high score of 10,950 for 100% Completion and get the "King of QUB3D"
In the lobby of The Triangle Club, Coxsack Ave., Northern Gardens, Bohan
In the office in the lower back area of the Perestroika Cabaret Club, Tulsa
St., Hove Beach, Broker
In the Homebrew Cafe, Tutelo Ave., Beechwood City, Broker
In front of the MODO Clothes Store, north Vauxite St./west Exeter Ave., North
Holland, Algonquin
IV.11 Bowling
Niko can bowl for $10 by himself or with a friend.
There are a couple of bowling alleys--both are called Memory Lanes.
One is on the southeastern curve of the elevated boardwalk at Firefly Island
near Beach Gate in Broker.
Later, when Algonquin is legally available, he can legally go to one at the
Golden Pier (the name of a mainly recreational but also retail complex on the
Westminster piers which, along with the waterfront marina in The Meat Quarter,
is collectively referred to as "Golden Pier") which is along a nameless road (a
sort of driveway) parallel to and west of Union Drive West northwest of the
west end of Iron St., Westminster.
He can play a full game--ten frames--or a half game--five frames.
Niko gets two chances to knock all ten pins down per frame. If he knocks them
all down at once, it's a strike. If he gets them all on the second try, it's a
spare. If the ball goes down either side gutter, it's a gutter ball.
"Bowling has a unique scoring system which keeps track not only of the
current pinfall in a frame, but also strikes and spares which allow for
the value of subsequent pinfall. Effectively, there are three kinds of
marks given in a score; a strike (all ten down in the first ball), a spare
(all ten down by the second ball), and an open (one or more missed pins
still standing after the second ball). A strike earns ten points plus the
points for the next two balls thrown. (For example, if a player got a
strike then followed with a 7 then 2, their value for the strike frame
would be 10+7+2, or 19.) A spare earns ten points plus the points for the
next ball thrown. (Again, if a player gets a spare then follows it with 7
pins down on the first ball of the next frame, their value for the spare
frame would be 10+7, or 17.) Open frames count the value of the pinfall
in that frame only. (Example: if a player knocks down 5 on their first
ball and 3 on their second, the open frame would be worth 8 points.) The
maximum score in tenpin bowling is 300. This consists of getting 12
strikes in a row in one game (one strike each in frames 1–9, and all three
possible strikes in the tenth frame), and is also known as a perfect game."
See "Scoring" at the next link for more. In "GTA IV," scoring is done auto-
I used the common advice to have Niko use the left lane, take a couple side
steps to the left, click the LMB to get him in position to roll, and slide the
mouse back then forward in one motion to roll the ball. The faster you push
the mouse forward, the faster the ball rolls. I tried to keep the speed of the
ball, measured in mph, in the upper teens to low 20's.
For a spare on the left, I do the same and move the mouse to steer the roll-
ing ball as needed before it crosses the red center markings. For a spare on
the right, I don't have Niko take two steps to the left and I use the mouse to
steer the rolling ball as needed.
ELightshow of twentsackcom demonstrates the method at the next link. He re-
commends that you don't have Niko throw the ball below 12 to 14 mph or over 20
"GTA IV PC Bowling 300 Perfect Score" by zmoonchild
The achievement Gobble Gobble is given if the player scores a "turkey" (three
strikes in a row).
At the start of the game I scored 299 and saw "Kingpin" appear on the screen,
and another time I scored 300 and "Kingpin" didn't appear, and the stat page
for scores didn't indicate I won either time. You're supposed to be able to
beat a computer opponent at the start of the game--dunno. I just play single
player PC games and had my modification of Vlad_'s '57 Chevy mod installed,
One of the peds may shout "Gimme a White Russian, please!" or "I'm The Dude!"
when they score. This refers to The Dude/Jeff Lebowski (Jeff Bridges), a bowl-
ing fan whose favorite drink is a White Russian, in the 1998 Coen brothers mov-
ie "The Big Lebowski."
It's possible to make a ped in another lane bowl a gutter-ball by standing on
the lane in front of their ball. They'll react like it's their fault and won't
become hostile.
IV.12 Darts
Niko can play darts with someone that's by the dart board or with a friend.
There are two places where you can have Niko play a game of darts:
1. Steinway Beer Garden at Yorktown Ave. and Morris St. in Steinway, Dukes
It's the game version of the Bohemian Hall and Beer Garden in Astoria, Queens.
The Hall and Beer Garden is one of the community services provided by the Bohe-
mian Citizens' Benevolent Society which was founded to support Czech and Slovak
immigrants to the area as well as people of Czech and Slovak ancestry.
2. Later, when Algonquin is legally available, you can have Niko legally play
darts at Lucky Winkles, Galveston Ave. and Hell Gate, Purgatory.
You start with 301 points. Two players take turns throwing up to three darts.
Where a dart lands on the dart board determines how many points are subtracted.
The goal is to reduce your score to zero before your opponent does.
The round board is like a pizza divided into slices numbered 1 to 20--the
base points.
Hitting the inner or outer large black or white section of a slice subtracts
the value of that slice.
Hitting the outer red or green narrow band of a slice subtracts double the
value of that slice.
Hitting the middle red or green narrow band of a slice subtracts triple the
value of that slice.
Hitting the outer bull--the little red ring around the black innermost spot--
subtracts 25 points.
Hitting the black innermost spot--the bull--subtracts 50 points).
(The combined area of the outer bull and the bull is the bullseye.)
If your score goes below zero--a negative number--it's a bust. Your turn is
over and your score is reset to your previous score.
The winning dart must be a double (the outer narrow band of a slice) or the
bull (the little round black spot in the middle) or it's a bust--your turn is
over and your score is reset to your previous score. If you reduce your score
to one you can't end with a double so it's a bust.
Press Q to briefly steady Niko's aim.
Score a 180 with three darts for the "One Hundred And Eighty" Achievement.
Use three darts to hit the triple points band (the middle narrow red band) of
the "20" slice. (20 x 3 = 60, and 60 x 3 = 180.)
"The highest score possible with 3 darts is 180, commonly known as a 'ton 80'
(100 points is called a ton), obtained when all three darts land in the triple
To win at darts I used the method described by zmoonchild:
"GTA IV PC - How to score 180 in Darts, and win - at the very beginning of
the game" by zmoonchild
1. Put three darts in the middle narrow red band for the "20" slice (as de-
scribed above that's 180).
2. Put another dart in the narrow middle red band for 20, put one dart in the
biggest white section for 1 (single point), and put one dart in the narrow out-
er red band for 20 (double points).
3. Put one dart in the narrow outer red band for 10 (double points).
The fletching of the darts symbolizes the dart players. Examples include:
Niko Bellic: the colors of the flag of Serbia.
Roman Bellic: the woman in a bikini holding a martini featured in the game
art for "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" symbolizing his infatuation with women.
Little Jacob: a marijuana leaf symbolizing his use of marijuana.
Patrick McReary: a caricature of a drunk Irishman without pants (similar to
the logo for Lucky Winkles).
Nameless opponent or female friend: the flag of Scotland which refers to
Rockstar North of Edinburgh, Scotland.
You must have Niko beat Little Jacob and Packie at Darts for 100% completion
of the game.
IV.13 Pool
Niko can play pool with someone that's by the pool table or with a friend.
There are two places where Niko can play pool:
1. The Homebrew Cafe features pool at the corner of the south side of a name-
less street and the west side of the south end of Tutelo Avenue in Beechwood
City. The multicolored outdoor sign is faded and it has a red door. The Home-
brew Cafe is indicated on the paper map by name and with an eight ball.
2. Niko can use the pink pool table at Playboy X's penthouse on the south side
of Xenotime St. at Galveston Ave., Northwood, Algonquin. The pink surface is
smoother but more liable to cause pool balls to bounce--a ball may leave the ta-
ble when hit hard toward a corner.
If you have Niko kill Playboy in "The Holland Play" Niko gets Playboy X's
penthouse as a save place.
If it isn't Niko's save place you can have Niko (or Johnny or Luis) enter the
penthouse since the patio doors are always open. You can have him get there by
helicopter (though there isn't much landing room), by jumping from a blue dump-
ster to a fire escape on the south side of the building and climbing up, or by
going to the roof of the adjacent building (Galveston Ave. between Xenotime St.
and Wardite St.), using a car cheat to spawn a car, climbing from the car to the
roof of the door enclosure, and jumping to the fire escape. (But in "Episodes
from Liberty City" the features inside can't be used.)
If you have Niko pick up a friend the penthouse isn't shown on the map as a
pool location but Niko can take there to play pool with them. You could have
Niko transport them in a helicopter. (Don't have Niko leave by jumping to the
adjacent building or the friend will walk off the roof and die. The friend may
do that if you have Niko use the fire escape, too, since it only has a partial
guard rail on top.) The easiest method is to get them both in a land vehicle
and use the Airbreak function (F6) of the Simple Trainer.
Each of the two players gets to use a stick--a pool cue--to use to hit the
white ball, the cue ball which isn't numbered, to have it hit whichever of the
other balls, all of which are numbered. Seven of the numbered balls are solid
colors, seven are striped, and one is the black eight ball.
They take turns and the first to sink a numbered ball, except the eight ball,
into one of the six pockets of the table tries to sink the other six of the
same type (solid colored or striped) then the eight ball. The other player's
goal is to do the same thing with the opposite type (solid-colored or striped).
If they sink a ball that way, they get another turn. If they sink the eight
ball too early, they lose the game.
If they sink the cue ball, fail to hit a ball with the cue ball, sink the
other player's type (solid colored or striped), or have the cue ball make first
contact with the other players type, it's a scratch and the other player can
position the cue ball anywhere along the area shown in the game for their turn.
If they hit their type first with the cue ball but fail to pocket a ball of
their type, it's the other player's turn and they hit the cue ball where the
other player left it.
The first to sink the eight ball on these terms wins.
"GTA IV" uses these "San Andreas" rules (but see below):
The turn is lost on the following occasions:
A player pockets the wrong type of ball.
A player scratches (pockets the white cue ball).
A player misses all of the balls.
A player hits a ball, but it doesn't hit the rail.
A player hits the wrong type of ball first.
If a player scratches, the other player can put the cue ball anywhere on the
table before shooting.
The game is won under the following conditions:
The player pockets all of their striped/colored balls, then pockets the 8-
Ball, before their opponent.
The opponent accidentally pockets the 8-Ball before they have pocketed all of
their striped/coloured balls.
The game is lost under the following conditions:
The opponent pockets all of their striped/colored balls, then pockets the 8-
Ball, before the player.
The player accidentally pockets the 8-Ball before they have pocketed all of
their striped/coloured balls.
The player successfully pockets the 8-Ball after pocketing all of their
striped/colored balls, but also pockets the white cue ball in the same shot.
"GTA IV" adds these rules:
If the ball jumps off the table, the offending player loses a turn.
If the 8-ball jumps off the table, the game is lost.
If you pocket a ball or balls on the break, you can continue with your choice
of stripes or solids, regardless of the ball type you pocketed. The same is
true if the first shot when you pocket any balls include both types of ball.
If you pocket the 8-ball on the break (the first shot of the game), you win.
I used zmoonchild's advice to just let the game line up the shot, pulled the
mouse back and shoved it forward in one motion to shoot, and won the game. It
might take a few tries but it works.
"GTA IV PC - How to play Pool" by zmoonchild
Niko has to beat Little Jacob and Packie at Pool for 100% completion of the
Niko has to beat Roman, Little Jacob, or Packie at Pool to get the "Pool
Shark" Achievement.
IV.14 Achievements
Robert Rusk recommends this as a good time to try for the "Walk Free," "One
Man Army," "Wheelie Rider," "Chain Reaction," and "Rolled Over" Achievements.
Doing "Chain Reaction" before Algonquin is open would keep it from creating
more than four wanted stars. See "Single player Achievements" (I.5.b) for in-
IV.15 Most Wanted part one
These missions are like the Rampages of earlier GTAs except you can have the
protagonist use any weapon and there aren't as many targets. When I recommend
you have Niko use "cover" I mean the usual strategies--possibly but not neces-
sarily meaning the "IV" cover system. Any wanted rating created during an ef-
fort goes away when you've completed the effort.
When Niko has no wanted rating, is in one of the law enforcement vehicles
that allows access to the police computer--Police Cruiser, Police Patrol, Po-
lice Stockade, NOOSE Cruiser, NOOSE Patriot, and FIB Buffalo--and the vehicle
is stopped, you can press the Action key (E by default; I remap it to Caps
Lock) to bring up the computer to do the Most Wanted missions. There are 10
for each of the three main areas of the game.
The NOOSE Cruiser, used for roadblocks at a three star wanted level, the
NOOSE Patriot, which also appears at a three star wanted level, and the FIB
Buffalo, which appears at four or more wanted stars, are the best performing
cars of those for the mission.
The Most Wanted list is normally available after "Crime and Punishment"
(V.18) but if you use one of the names listed below the option "Search Police
Records" can be used to find the criminal from the start of the game.
Maxwell Caughlin
Scott Guzowski
Antonio Rivette
Rodrigo Stavnes
Fernando Tisdel
Tyler Pickrel
Preston Pecinovsky
Alonso Goralski
Bert Reker
Freddy Paparo
After "Crime and Punishment" you can have him go to "View Most Wanted" to see
the ten most wanted criminals to kill in his area--whichever of the three main
areas of the game he's in.
Select a criminal for information about them, and choose "Locate" to have a
yellow blip show the criminal's location on the map and radar. One difference
between this and Current Crimes is that there isn't a timer indicating how long
Niko has to reach the target. When Niko gets close to the target(s), the
blip(s) turns red.
You can have Niko take whatever money or weapons/ammo (eventually including
Sniper and Carbide Rifles) the criminals leave behind.
Completing the 30 (ten for each major area of the game) Most Wanted missions
adds 2.5% toward 100% completion of the game and gives Niko the "Manhunt"
If Niko tries to start a Most Wanted mission while too close to the target's
location, the screen will say "Updating Server" until Niko moves away.
Freddy Paparo, Preston Pecinovsky,
and Maxwell Caughlin
Alonso Goralski (drive by guy in vehicle and guy on foot), Tyler Pickrel
(drive over him), Bert Reker (shoot group on foot), Scott Guzowski (), and Rod-
rigo Stavnes
Fernando Tisdel, Antonio Rivette
IV.15.a Maxwell Caughlin
His crime: gang related violence
Maxwell, in a car with a passenger who has a Rocket Launcher, is on the west
side of Joliet Ave. south of Switch St., South Bohan, and begins driving away
by going north then east as you have Niko drive near him. Have Niko drive-by
Maxwell and his accomplice. If you have Niko damage the car enough they bail--
have Niko kill the guy with the Rocket Launcher first.
IV.15.b Scott Guzowski
His crime: gang related violence
Scott, who has a Micro-SMG, and three accomplices, who have Pistols, are in
the swimming pool area west of Concord Ave./Morris St. in Steinway, Dukes. You
can have Niko take cover at the roadside wall by the Unique Stunt jump ramp
above and to the east of them, or stand on the wall as need be, and take down
Scott and the rest.
IV.15.c Antoinio Rivette
His crime: racketeering
Antoinio, who is fat and has a Micro-SMG, and four accomplices, who have
Pistols, are just north of Sundance St. east of Cayuga Ave. at Schottler subway
station in South Slopes, Broker. One may come down the stairs as you have Niko
climb them. Have Niko use cover to get the rest. He may need to chase one out
of the station.
IV.15.d Rodrigo Stavnes
His crime: racketeering
Rodrigo and his three accomplices (Spanish Lords) are in the round lounge
area of adjoining apartment buildings between the northern parts of Yorktown
Ave. and Tinconderoga Ave., with a door on each side--one east one west--in
Steinway, Dukes. I think they have Pistols (?). As you have Niko approach
they're closer to Yorktown Ave. (the eastern door).
If you have Niko enter the eastern door to attack them some attack but others
flee through the western door and probably go north. If you have Niko drive
around the eastern entrance to activate them to go west then have Niko drive
clockwise around the block to go north on Tinconderoga Ave. you can have him
run over or drive-by them as need be.
IV.15.e Fernando Tisdel
His crime: human trafficking
Fernando and three accomplices are in a car in the subway station lot on
northern Crockett Ave. just west of Wappinger Ave., Hove Beach. He starts
fleeing by driving east as you have Niko approach him. Have Niko drive-by him
and his car till they bail then drive-by or run over them or shoot their car
till it explodes.
IV.15.f Tyler Pickrel
His crime: human trafficking
Tyler is by the northeast side of the Monoglobe in Meadows Park, Dukes. He
starts running away when you have Niko approach him. Have Niko run him down
and drive-by him. You could also have Niko stop some distance away from Tyler
and give him a headshot with your weapon of choice.
IV.15.g Preston Pecinovsky
His crime: credit card fraud
Preston and four accomplices are in two cars at the west side of Coxsack Ave.
just south of Bronco St., Northern Gardens, Bohan. You can have Niko get out
of his vehicle on Coxsack Ave. to the east of them and shoot them. If you do,
make sure to kill any of them that tries to drive away or just blow up their
cars. If any drive away have Niko drive-by them.
IV.15.h Alonso Goralski
His crime: burglary
Alonso is in a car by an accomplice who has a Pump shotgun at the toll gate-
looking security entrance at the south end of the oval of road that's west of
the airport terminal. As you have Niko approach them Alonso will try to drive
away and the other will shoot from near the security booth. Have Niko drive
into and drive-by Alonso so he doesn't get away, or chase him to drive-by him
if need be, then shoot the other one.
IV.15.i Bert Reker
His crime: drug trafficking
Bert and six accomplices are in a junkyard at the north side of Valley Forge
Ave. north of the north end of Stone St. in BOABO, Broker. You can have Niko
use the building on the southwest corner, or get out of his car to the east of
them, to snipe them from above then go into the yard to get the rest as needed.
IV.15.j Freddy Paparo
His crime: grand theft auto
Freddy and three accomplices are in a car in the parking lot indicated on the
radar/maps by a rectangle north of the west section of Dukes Dr. in Steinway,
Dukes. As you have Niko approach the car it pulls out so have Niko ram it and
drive-by the driver and the others. Have Niko chase to drive-by it as needed.
You might save a police car for "Search and Delete" (V.36) and parts two and
three of the "Most Wanted" missions.
Zmoonchild shows that before doing another story mission you can get these
things done (in some cases hazarding a high wanted rating):
The Cousins Bellic 0.70%
Beat the High Score on CUB3D 1.25%
Beat the Computer at Darts 1.25%
Beat the Computer at Pool 1.25%
Kill all Flying Rats 2.50%
Complete all 50 Stunt Jumps 2.50%
Kill all 30 Most Wanted criminals 2.50%
IV.16 Make a copy of your save game
V The missions for part one cont.
Roman Bellic's missions cont.
V.1 It's Your Call
Vladimir "Vlad" Glebov: Misha Kuznetsov who played Senka Valghobek in Spike
Lee's 2002 "25th Hour," Andropov/Sergei Parkov in a couple 2003/2004 episodes of
the TV series "Law and Order," the Russian Ambassador in a couple 2014/2015 epi-
sodes of the TV series "Blacklist," had a Broadway run in the Steppenwolf Thea-
tre's revival of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," etc.
Mallorie Bardas (later "Bellic"): stunning and talented Elena Hurst who played
Amanda in six 1996-1998 episodes of the TV series "Wishbone," supplied a WCTR
Imaging Voice for the 2013 game "GTA V," played Dee Torres in a 2014 episode of
the 2014 TV series "The Blacklist" (Misha Kuznetso--Vlad--appeared in the ser-
ies, too), etc.
(If you like to explore game interiors note that the place Roman uses for a
card game in this mission is the Discount Hardware store on the south side of
Dillon St. east of Tuscanora Ave. The door of it is unlocked till after the
loan sharks of this mission go through it then it's kept closed. After that
you could use the Airbreak function of the Simple Trainer as a Noclip function
to have Niko enter the room.)
"GTA IV - It's Your Call (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Don't have Niko drive into the marker with a car you want to save--it will
disappear after the cutscene.
At the little cab company Roman owns, Express Car Service, Niko meets Mallor-
ie, an office worker Roman is in love with, and Roman's very temperamental loan
shark Vlad (an alcoholic coke addict who owns the bar called "Comrades" across
the street from Niko's save place). Vlad flirts with Mallorie and tells Roman
he better pay him the money he owes him. Vlad tries to scare Niko but Niko
seems unimpressed. Roman has Niko drive him to a hardware store--Roman expects
to get the money he needs from a backroom gambling game there.
(Liberty City Minute tip: you can take a shortcut through the park, using a
hill to go over a fence, going to and coming from the hardware store in this
At the Discount Hardware store on the south side of Dillon St. east of Tus-
canora Ave. have Niko reverse into the marker to park facing west.
Roman gives Niko his old cell phone which has Roman's phone number and tells
Niko to warn him if the Albanians he owes money to appear in a beige Willard
while he goes into the store to gamble.
Niko has to remain in the car, not use weapons, but have the phone ready to
call Roman. When the loan sharks appear and park across the street (their
light beige Willard appears ahead of Niko's car whether it faces east or west),
have Niko call Roman to warn him. Roman runs to Niko's car. Have Niko quickly
drive Roman away from the loan sharks (use Reverse for sharper turns), who
shoot from the pursuing Willard, and back to Roman's cab depot.
Niko gets $30 and a cell phone.
V.1.a Cell phone
When Niko makes new contacts who can be called, their names appear briefly
over the radar.
To have Niko answer a phone call or answer "yes" to the caller's request
press Enter. To have Niko reject the call or answer "No" to the caller's re-
quest press Backspace.
To make the Cell Phone appear in the bottom right corner of the screen, press
the Up arrow. To make it exit press the Down arrow or Backspace.
Press Enter to see the phone menu:
Phonebook It show those whose phone numbers are in the memory of the phone.
Choose one with the Up and Down arrow keys then press Enter to have Niko call
Messages Press Enter to see a list of the start of Niko's saved text mes-
sages. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to scroll through them--unread messages
feature the symbol of an envelope. Press Enter and use the Up and Down arrow
keys to read one. Press Enter again to get a choice to either have Niko call
the person or delete the message--select one and press Enter.
Organizer Use the Up and Down arrow keys to select a day--the days with mes-
sages have a bell symbol. Press Enter to see the message for that day.
Player Match Use this to play a game session.
Ranked Match Use this to join a "Games for Windows" ranked match. Try to
increase your ranking by winning against other ranked players. To play ranked
games with friends, choose Multiplayer and click "party mode" which loads your
character on the map. Invite the people you want, use a phone to choose
"ranked," then choose the game mode. See section I.5.c Multiplayer for more.
This category isn't used much by PC players anymore, and you may be prevented
from playing due to mods.
Player Model Use this to customize the appearance of your online character.
Ringtype--choose ringtype: Ring/Vibrate, Ring (default), Vibrate, Quiet, and
Ringtone--choose ringtone ("Pager" is the "GTA III" cell phone ring)
Giving the sax-playing busker $10, besides filling the protagonist's Health,
goes toward a new ringtone. Have Niko give money to the sax player a few times
and Niko gets a sax riff from "St. Thomas" added to the options he can pick from
for ring tones. (Thanks to whatever57010)
"Fan Facts #11" by whatever5701
The sax-playing "busker has the voice and likeness of Walter Houser, father of
Rockstar Games executives Sam and Dan Houser." (Thanks to 123iamking) The mes-
sage boards say the sax player playing sax and accepting donations is easiest to
find in IV, harder to find in TLaD, and hardest to find in TBoGT. He may be
found at the boardwalk in Firefly Island, Broker, the Superstar Café in Algon-
quin, in the subway at Wardite St. and Frankfort Ave, Algonquin, the park at the
south end of Algonquin, Middle Park, Algonuin, etc.
Text Size--choose large or small text for the phone display
Keypad Tone--turn the tone for key presses on or off
Sleep Mode On/Off--turning on Sleep Mode lets you have Niko do things without
interruptions that initiate missions or meetings with friends. It causes a
symbol of a phone receiver with an "X" by it to appear by the lower right side
of the radar.
Video Editor Access the video editor to edit the clips you've captured with
To use the number pad for a call, press Up to make the cell phone appear then
press Up again. Use the arrow keys and Enter to select and enter numbers on
the display screen. Select the green phone receiver symbol and press Enter to
place the call. Dial mode lets you use phone number cheat codes (I.16). Se-
lect the red phone receiver symbol and press Enter to exit number pad mode.
If Niko's vehicle is too damaged to start, you can get it to start by having
him call someone. Once it starts you can cancel the call with Backspace.
(After playing the main story missions of "The Ballad of Gay Tony" you can
have Luis use his phone to replay his missions.)
V.2 Random Characters--Brian
The green male and female icon for each of the fourteen Random Character ap-
pears as each is available when Niko is close to their meeting spot.
Complete the first encounter with each Random Character except for Jeff, Cher-
ise, Ivan, and Clarence for 5% toward 100% completion. (The first encounter
with all of them is required for the "No More Strangers" Achievement.) Keep a
list of the Random Characters Niko has completed encounters with because it's
easy to forget over the course of the game and the Stat section only gives the
number of Random Characters Niko has completed an encounter with--not the names.
whattheydonotwantyoutoknow.com has a map of the Random Character locations.
Another map is at the next link.
A map by TheGoldenState (Gianni Van Heusden) which shows Random Encounters and
Stevie's Cars is at the next link.
Thanks to TheGoldenState (Gianni Van Heusden) for giving me permission to ad-
just the colors of his map so it's easier to read on a black and white print
I recommend printing the map shown above.
Have Niko put his cell phone on Sleep mode for the three meetings with Brian.
Brian Meech: Justin Reinsilber who's been in TV shows and movies such as
playing Nathan Weinschenk in the 2002 TV movie "New Americans," 2002, Officer Ed
Colfax in a 2010 episode of the TV series "Supernatural," Rich in "A New York
Love Story," 2015, etc.
V.2.a First Encounter
Have Niko meet Brian on the south side of Cisco St. east of Iroquois Ave.
(east of Roman's cab depot) in Broker after "It's Your Call." Brian has a dark
green baseball cap-type woolen cap, a dark grey leather bomber jacket over a
red shirt open at the top to reveal a white t-shirt, and blue jeans. He's
whacked out on cocaine (so yammers too much), vain about being wealthy, and, in
compensation for having been a smart-aleck to Niko, parts by giving Niko $100.
Having this first encounter contributes to 100% completion of the game and the
"No More Strangers" Achievement. The subsequent encounters with Brian aren't
needed for either one.
V.2.b Second Encounter
Have Niko meet Brian who's smoking a joint and snorting coke on the north
side of Crockett Ave. east of Iroquois Ave., Hove Beach. Brian says he'll pay
Niko to transport him. Have Niko get Brian into a vehicle--he says he wants to
be taken to Masterson St. (at Mohawk Ave.) for "the biggest rock" of crack "in
the world." After the transaction for the drug have Niko take Brian to the
west side of Wappinger Ave. just south of Hardin St. Brian gives Niko $200.
V.2.c Third encounter
Don't send Niko to the meet Brian in a police car or you fail the mission.
Have Niko meet Brian on the west side of Montauk Ave. just north of Dillon
Brian says he's rehabilitated, engaged, and apologizes for treating Niko bad-
ly. Brian asks Niko to escort him to pay off a dealer. Have Niko take Brian
to the east side of Onion St. just north of Asparagus Ave.--during the ride
Brian says step nine of his rehab program is to make amends with those he
The dealer, in an alley with another dealer, is angry that the payment
doesn't include interest, though, and hits Brian with a Baseball Bat. Have
Niko approach the dealers attacking Brian, aim a gun at the dealers to scare
them off, then drive Brian back to his apartment building on the west side of
Wappinger Ave. just south of Hardin St. Brian pays Niko $500.
Roman Bellic's missions cont.
V.3 Three's a Crowd
Dardan Petrela: Peter Linari who played Pete the Bartender in a 2008 episode
of the TV series "The Wire," Joe in the 2010 short "1-800-Mob-Direct," Detlef in
the 2010 short "Das Boots," etc.
Bledar Morina: Gregory Korostishevsky who provided the voice of Mihailovich
for the 2006 Rockstar Vancouver game "Bully," played Yuri in a 2014 episode of
the TV series "Banshee," Professor Svedka for a 2014 episode of the TV series
"The Blacklist," etc.
Michelle Stone: Rebecca Henderson who provides the voice of "Michelle"/Karen
and reprises the role for the 2013 Rockstar North game "Grand Theft Auto V,"
played Will's Assistant in a 2010 episode of the TV series "The Good Wife," Alex
in four 2015 episodes of the TV series "The Impossibilities," etc.
At Roman's desk at the cab depot, Dardan, an Albanian loan shark, is through
waiting for Roman to pay him the money he owes him. Dardan threatens Roman
with a knife while Bledar holds Roman in a head lock. Niko comes in, disarms
Dardan, and scares the two attackers off.
Roman gets a call from Mallorie to pick her up at the Hove Beach subway sta-
tion. He's busy so he has Niko do it with Roman's Taxi.
Have Niko drive to Mallorie's place and park facing the way he went.
Have Niko drive Mallorie and her friend (Roman's girlfriend) Michelle to Mi-
chelle's apartment. Mallorie doesn't care for Niko's clothes but at the end of
the ride Michelle gives Niko her phone number and invites him to call her. Af-
terward, Roman calls and recommends that Niko buy some clothes at a store on
Mohawk Ave. in Hove.
The Russian Shop clothing store, which sells inexpensive clothes and is the
only one with sunglasses and hats, is open any time in Broker on the west side
of Mohawk Ave. north of Bart St.
(Liberty City Minute tip: all Niko has to do is get a pair of pants which are
You have a choice between having Niko rescue Roman or go on a first date with
Michelle. I'll have him rescue Roman so Roman doesn't have to go to the hospi-
V.4 Bleed Out
Niko gets a call from Roman asking Niko to save Roman from another attack by
Bledar--this time on the basketball court under the El Train east of the inter-
section of Onandaga Ave. and Garret (St.) in Firefly. Have Niko go over and
beat up Bledar and Kalem.
Niko learns fight moves, including dodging and counter-attacks: "Hold RMB to
lock onto your target. Press LMB to punch. Press R for alternative punch.
Press Q to kick. Tap SPACE as your opponent attacks to dodge. Press LMB or R
after dodging to perform a powerful counter move. While locked onto an enemy,
the target reticle's eight central segments represent their health. The color
of the segments represent the type of character you are locked onto. Red indi-
cates an enemy. Hold Space to block."
(Liberty City Minute tip: you could do this faster by having Niko use his car
to break through the gate of the court, and, after the cutscene, have Niko get
back in his car and run over the two targets with his car. You could just have
Niko shoot them to make it easier to avoid hurting Roman.)
Afterward, Dardan is seen driving away in a light beige Willard. Have Niko
take Roman to chase Dardan to a lot between two buildings west-northwest of the
west part of the curve of Creek St. You can have Niko follow with an alternate
route to avoid the many scripted traffic obstacles.
While Niko is in a vehicle and there's a target vehicle (enemy to chase or
ally to follow) indicated by a blip on the radar you can use the key for Cine-
matic Camera (Caps Lock by default) to have the game "camera" zoom in on the
target vehicle.
If you have Niko abandon Roman's Taxi or drive it into the river it triggers
a cutscene of Niko and Roman having gotten off a Bus at Roman's cab depot.
(Thanks to matajuegos01)
(Liberty City Minute tip: you could have Niko drive into Darden's car to ram
it into him.)
"GTA IV - Bleed Out (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
(Liberty City Minute tip: you could have Niko drive into or drive-by Darden
when he gets out of his car.)
"Grand Theft Auto 4 Speedrun (4:40:02) Part 2" by MSuraev
If Darden goes up the stairs of the lot and clockwise around the northern of
the two buildings into a room, have Niko follow Dardan who then fights with a
Knife. We learn how to disarm an opponent--"tap SPACE to dodge then press R or
LMB to disarm"--but you can have Niko use any weapon to defeat him.
It's not the fastest but the most scenic method is to have Niko use the meth-
od suggested by the game--fight with fists then Darden's Knife till Darden
walks away bent over in defeat. Let him walk till he pauses near a set of
ceiling to floor windows then have Niko punch to send Dardan through the win-
dows and get a cutscene of him falling into the Humboldt River.
"GTA 4 - Mission #5 - Bleed Out (1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
Then have Niko drive Roman back to the depot.
Niko says one of the reasons he moved from Europe was to get away from Bul-
garin--a Russian who lived on the Adriatic who falsely accused Niko of owing
him money.
Niko gets $50.
V.5 First Date
Either Niko gets a call from Michelle or you could have him call her to make
a date. Have him pick her up--she lives on the west side of Mohawk Ave. at the
second door from the north end of the row houses that are south of the apart-
ment building that's south of the Algonquin-Dukes Expressway. She agrees to go
to the fun fair.
Have him take her to the dead end street south of Crockett Ave. and east of
Mohawk Ave. where they see the carnival isn't open. Have him lead her or drive
her over the boardwalk to Memory Lanes and bowl with her. (See IV.11 for in-
structions on bowling.) Have him drive her home.
(Liberty City Minute tips: you could have Niko drive Michelle on the board-
walk to and from the door of Memory Lanes. You can have him exit out of their
bowling game without failing the mission.)
V.6 Friends
Friends--five girlfriends and five male friends--become available as you go
through the game. If Niko gets a high enough Like stat with them, three of the
girlfriends and each of the male friends provide special abilities (and Mi-
chelle lets Niko keep her Merit). Each friend except Kate McReary offers a
special ability in return for a qualifying "Like" stat.
After a friend calls Niko about friendship and Niko is agreeable about it,
Niko can contact them over the phone, or they'll call him, when the friend is
available (see the listing for each friend). Niko can select the activity to
suggest to a Friend on his phone. Niko can speed up the growth of the Like
stat by taking the friend to two other activities the friend likes first because
the friend won't ask to be taken home till Niko takes them to the activity they
asked for. Niko has to wait 5 hours (10 real time minutes) afterward to call
again during the available period.
They can be a distraction when you want to have Niko do other things. But
just putting Niko's phone on Sleep Mode will allow the Like stat to drop. To
have Niko refuse an activity proposed by a friend's phone call without dimin-
ishing the Like stat, have Niko agree to an activity then call back to select
Cancel Plans.
If you have Niko leave the friend in an activity it raises their Like percent
To see the status of friendships, pause the game (Esc), go to Stats > Gener-
al, and look up the friend's Like stat.
Checklist for 100%
Do each activity with these three Friends at least once and unlock the special
ability of each at 75% Like. Keep this checklist and cross out the things done
on it because the Stat section doesn't keep track of that--just the percent of
Like and Respect--and you may feel some of these activities are tedious to do
Brucie dining (prefers Superstar Cafe), drinking, bowling, strip club, shows,
heli ride, boating
Jacob dining (prefers Cluckin' Bell), drinking (prefers Club Liberty), pool
(beat him), darts (beat him), strip club, shows
Packie drinking, bowling, pool (beat him), darts (beat him), strip club, shows
After "One Last Thing" Niko can't share friend activities till after the
last mission.
(Fortunately, the friend activity isn't required in TLaD or TBoGT. It isn't
required in "V"--your character can call another for an activity but won't be
Male friends
There are five male friends.
Raising the "Respect" stat for male friends seems to be the result of doing
jobs for them otherwise. They may call to request a ride--probably if injured.
Roman Bellic
Available after "Bleed Out."
Venue: Burger Shot, other dining places, drinking, bowling, pool, darts,
strip club, shows When he moves to a better apartment you could try higher end
places for food.
His favorite radio station is The Vibe 98.8.
Roman can be called by Niko to send a cab to take him anywhere for free. It
can be used when Niko has a wanted level to get him out of the wanted zone.
Roman isn't available for friend activities if you use the Deal ending.
Little Jacob
Available after "Shadow" then 2:00 pm-4:00 am
Venue: dining (esp. Cluckin' Bell), drinking (esp. Club Liberty), pool,
darts, strip club, shows
At 75% Like Niko can call Little Jacob, including during a mission, to stop
nearby in a car with guns and ammo that's sold cheaper than at a Gun Store (see
section II.2).
He likes the Tuff Gong and Massive B Soundsystem 96.9 radio stations.
Niko can't share friend activities with Jacob after Elizabeta calls Niko to
go to her place but can after "The Snow Storm."
Brucie Kibbutz
Available after "No. 1" then 7:00 am-1:00 am
Venue: Superstar Cafe, other dining places, drinking, bowling, strip club,
shows, heli ride, boating
He likes the radio stations The Beat 102.7, The Classics 104.1, and Liberty
Rock Radio.
At 75% Like Niko can call Brucie, select "Chopper," and he'll take Niko some-
where in a helicopter.
Dwayne Forge
Available after "The Holland Play" then 3:00 pm-1:00 am
Niko must let him live in "The Holland Play." Dwayne will then let Niko use
Playboy X's apartment where there's a pool table that can be used for a Friend
activity. Have Niko respond favorably to an Email Dwayne sends to be his
Venue: dining (esp. Cluckin' Bell and Superstar Cafe), drinking, bowling,
strip club, shows
The radio stations he likes are The Classics and Beat 102.7. He like the NRG
900 and dislikes fast driving and helicopters.
At a high enough Like stat Niko can call him to send a car with two men with
a Pistol and Micro-SMG who follow Niko and help him fight for 10-15 min.
Patrick "Packie" McReary
Available after "Three Leaf Clover" then 4:00 pm-6:00 am
Venue: drinking, bowling, pool, darts, strip club, shows (Note: no dining
His favorite radio station is Liberty Rock Radio 97.8.
At 75% Like Niko can call Packie, select "Bomb," and Packie will put a phone
bomb nearby. Niko can put the bomb on a car then use his cell phone to acti-
vate the bomb.
After the funeral of a brother and Gerry ordering Niko to kidnap Gracie Niko
can't share friend activities till after "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend."
Each of the six things listed below contributes 1.6666 etc. %, for a total of
10%, toward 100% completion.
- Jacob Do each available activity with him at least once.
- Brucie Do each available activity with him at least once.
- Packie Do each available activity with him at least once.
- Beat a computer or friend at Pool.
- Beat a computer or friend at Darts.
- Beat a computer or friend in a full game of Bowling.
Activities with Roman and Dwayne don't count toward 100% completion because
they can be killed during the game. You don't get an Achievement for unlocking
Dwayne's special ability.
Have Niko's friendships with Roman, Jacob, Packie, Brucie, and Dwayne at a
90% or higher Like level for the Liberty City (5) Achievement.
Michelle and Kate appear during missions. After "Out of the Closet" (VI.6),
Carmen, Kiki, and Alex are available on the in-game Internet--Carmen and Kiki
are available on www.love-meet.net and Alex is on www.craplist.net.
One half to one day after initiating the date, the girlfriend sends Niko an
Email with the date and time for it which are added to Niko's cell phone. If
the first date is successful she gives Niko her phone number.
Unlike raising the Like stat with male friends successful dating involves
more than choosing the venue. Niko must please them regarding his clothing and
If Carmen's, Kiki's, or Alex' Like stat is high enough, the "Special Ability"
she can provide is unlocked.
You can make any vehicle damage-proof by scaring Niko's date right after she
gets in the car though the DP property may disappear at random. Have Niko fire
a weapon right after her door opening and seating animations are over. For a
helicopter, have him break off the blades at a height where falling will hurt
her but not kill her.
Clothing: Russian clothes
Vehicle: almost any mainstream vehicle or motorcycle--not police cars, trucks,
and beaters or being driven quickly
Venue: any though her favorites are bowling, darts, pool, the Burger Shot,
diners, and Cluckin' Bell
Michelle doesn't like the Tuff Gong, The Classics, and Integrity 2.0 radio
Michelle lets Niko keep her uniquely colored Merit after her first mission.
Michelle can't be dated after "The Snow Storm" (she reveals her identity as a
government agent sent to watch Niko) then "Wrong is Right" (she reveals that
her name is Karen, she works for the government, and leaves him).
Kate McReary 8:00 am-12:00 am
Clothing: Modo, Russian Shop
Vehicle: Comet, Turismo, good cars
Venue: Darts, Pool, eating (except Cluckin' Bell and Burger Shot), drinking
Her favorite radio station is The Vibe 98.8.
Kate won't have Niko in her house for "coffee" and doesn't provide a special
Kate can't be dated after "One Last Thing"
Internet Girlfriends
Kiki Jenkins
www.love-meet.net profile name: LawChick
Available after "Out of the Closet"
After the first date Niko can call her between 6:00 am and 2:00 am. She
sends Niko text messages with pictures of her and her butt, cleavage, and va-
gina. If you have Niko arrange a date Kiki, cancel it, then make a date with
another girlfriend Kiki may stalk him by appearing at the date and cursing the
other girlfriend or by damaging his car.
"GTA 4 - Kiki Jenkins Stalking" by GTA Series Videos
Clothing: Russian Shop clothes but not hats or glasses
Vehicle: mid-range luxury cars and SUV's such as the Oracle, Cognoscenti,
Cavalcade (and FXT) and Contender
Venue: bowling, darts, pool, Perestroika, Split Sides and Drinking at Stein-
way Beer Garden
She doesn't like the Integrity 2.0 radio station.
Kiki lets Niko call her to remove up to three stars of a wanted rating. This
works on some missions but can only be done once in a game day and is more
likely to work if Niko was recently on a date with her.
Alex Chilton
www.craplist.net profile name: LiberatedWoman
Available after unlocking Algonquin
Have Niko respond to the ad "Party girl seeks man for NSA fun and blog mater-
ial - 29" under "Women seeking men." Her blog "Liberated Woman" at www.blog-
snobs.org describes her relationship and sex life with Niko so indicates how
successful their dates were.
Her name refers to the same-name musician and a song by The Replacements.
Clothing: Perseus, the Claude outfit from Playboy X's penthouse, glasses
Vehicle: Turismo, Infernus, Stretch, Washington, Huntley Sport, motorcycles
(she likes Niko to drive fast but she'll abandon a date if he wrecks and dump
him if he wrecks a lot)
Venue: Perestroika, Split Sides, the SuperStar Cafe, Mr. Fuk's Rice Box, Jerk-
ov's Bar, Club Liberty, Pizza This..., strip club, drinking (though her blog in-
dicates she dislikes it)
She sends text messages to Niko including pictures of her body (not graphic)
and asking him how he'd like them for sex.
At a high enough Like stat Alex allows Niko to call her to get a 50% discount
from all clothing stores for the next 24 in-game hours.
Carmen Ortiz
www.love-meet.net profile name: SoBoHoe
Available after "Out of the Closet"
"SoBoHoe" means "South Bohan Whore."
Clothing: expensive clothes from Modo or Perseus--don't repeat outfits
Vehicle: luxury vehicles and expensive sports cars/coupes and motorcycles but
she dislikes the Banshee and Faggio. She enjoys it if Niko escapes a wanted
Venue: bars and strip clubs initially then food places except the SuperStar
Cafe; she also likes bowling and pool
Carmen Ortiz (SoBoHoe) allows Niko to call Carmen for medical advice and a
health boost; this feature has a bug that makes it not work during some mis-
Reaching a 100% Like stat with all five girlfriends isn't required for 100%
completion of the game.
Don't have Niko hit ger, drive wrecklessly, or have blood on his clothes. If
Niko gets blood on his clothes, have him get some Health to remove the blood.
Once Niko has her phone number, have him call the girl for a date, pick her
up in the next hour (2 real time minutes), and take her to do something she
After a date, wait 5 hours (10 real-time minutes) before having Niko call her
again. If he calls too often her Respect will diminish.
After taking a woman home from an Activity she likes, you can have Niko ask
to be taken inside for some coffee or choose whether or not to accept if he's
asked. If he goes inside, which he's more likely to be able to do when he
dates Michelle and won't happen with Kate, he gets the Warm Coffee Achievement.
If Niko has a bad date or isn't asked to come in, the girlfriend drops him
temporarily but appears on her web site again three days later.
It's easier to wait until after the main storyline to have Niko date the girl
friends available on the Internet. Kiki Jenkins should be dated when no other
girlfriends are dated because she can react like a "San Andreas" girlfriend if
she catches Niko with another girlfriend--her like stat will go down.
Initial opinion of each Activity
Michelle Kate Carmen Kiki Alex
Cluckin' Bell 50 50 50 65 50
Burger Shot 50 50 50 65 50
Any Diner 60 60 60 65 60
Pizza This 60 60 60 65 60
Mr. Fuk's Rice Box 50 50 50 65 50
Superstar Café 50 50 50 65 50
Comrades Bar 60 60 90 65 60
Steinway Beer Garden 70 70 90 70 70
Lucky Winkles 70 70 90 70 70
Jerkov's 50 50 90 85 50
Club Liberty 50 50 90 85 50
Bowling 60 0 70 80 80
Darts 80 80 80 80 80
Pool 80 80 60 80 80
Strip Club 0 0 80 0 80
Perestroika (cabaret) 50 0 80 80 80
Split Sides (comedy) 75 0 80 80 80
Every time Niko takes a girlfriend to one of these places, her opinion rating
of that place (such as a specific Burger Shot) goes down five points and her
opinion rating of all similar places (other Burger Shots) goes down one point.
Niko can't take her to a place with an opinion rating below 25, so don't try
the same favorite thing at the same place too often.
Activities and locations
Niko can dine at any of various Burger Shots, Cluckin' Bells, or the 69th
Street Diner whether alone or with a friend.
There are ten Burger Shots and four Cluckin' Bells in the game. Little Jacob
and Dwayne Forge like Cluckin' Bell especially.
- The 69th Street Diner at Bart St. and Mohawk Ave., Hove Beach, Broker Mi-
chelle likes it especially.
- Mr. Fuk's Rice Box, Lyndon Ave. and Boyden Ave., Alderney Niko can go
there with a friend. ("Rice Box" is slang for an Asian woman's vagina.)
- Superstar Café
Niko can dine there with a friend--when alone he can enter it but not dine
1. Denver-Exeter Ave. and Iron St., The Triangle, Algonquin
2. Quartz St. and Bismarck Ave., Lancaster, Algonquin
Brucie Kibbutz and Alex Chilton are the friends that especially like this
Friends will pay for food if Niko has no money.
"Fan Facts #7" by whatever57010
The game has audio files which indicate it was originally going to be called
the Rockstar Cafe.
Niko can bowl for $10 by himself or with a friend.
There are two Memory Lanes bowling alleys:
1. It's shown by southeast Funland on the radar/maps as a grey rectangle at
the southeast curve of the boardwalk south of the east end of Crockett Ave.,
2. Later, when Algonquin is legally available, he can legally go to one at
the Golden Pier (the name of a mainly recreational but also retail complex on
the Westminster piers which, along with the waterfront marina in The Meat Quar-
ter, are collectively referred to as "Golden Pier") which is along a nameless
road (a sort of driveway) parallel to and west of Union Drive West northwest of
the west end of Iron St., Westminster.
They feature Burger Shots which Niko can use on his own.
See section IV.11 for bowling instructions.
Niko can play darts with someone that's by the dart board or with a friend.
There are two places to play a game of darts:
1. Steinway Beer Garden, Yorktown Ave. and Morris St., Steinway, Dukes
2. Later, when Algonquin is legally available, Niko can legally play darts at
Lucky Winkles, Galveston Ave. and Hell Gate, Purgatory.
(Niko can also use these places as bars for a drink when there with a
See section IV.12 for istructions on how to play darts.
Niko can play pool with someone that's by the pool table or with a friend.
There are two places where Niko can play pool.
1. The Homebrew Cafe features pool at the corner of the south side of a name-
less street and the west side of the south end of Tutelo Avenue in Beechwood
City. The multicolored outdoor sign is faded and it has a red door. The Home-
brew Cafe is indicated on the paper map by name and with an eight ball.
2. Later, if you have Niko kill Playboy in "The Holland Play," Niko can use
the pink pool table in Playboy X's penthouse, Xenotime St. and Galveston Ave.,
Northwood, Algonquin. When you have Niko picks up a friend it's not shown on
the map but Niko can go through the door and take the elevator up to play pool
with them. The pink surface is smoother but more liable to cause pool balls to
bounce--a ball may leave the table when hit hard toward a corner.
(You can have Niko enter the penthouse otherwise since the patio doors are
always open but the features inside can't be used.)
See section IV.13 for istructions on how to play pool.
Niko can only drink liquor as an activity with a friend.
There are five bars:
1. Comrades Bar across the street from Niko's first save place in Hove Beach,
2. Steinway Beer Garden, Yorktown Ave. and Morris St., Steinway, Dukes
and three Niko can legally go to when Algonquin is legally available:
3. Club Liberty, Wardite St. and Galveston Ave., North Holland Little Jacob,
Dwayne, and Carmen Ortiz favor this bar.
4. Jerkov's, Albany Ave. and Manganese St., Hatton Gardens All the friends
like this place but especially Roman Bellic, Brucie Kibbutz, Carmen Ortiz, and
Alexandra Chilton.
5. Lucky Winkles, Galveston Ave. and Hell Gate, Purgatory
Have Niko drink by going into the marker in front of the bar. If you want him
to play darts at Steinway Beer Garden or Lucky Winkles have him avoid that mark-
er and go through the front door.
In "IV" drunkenness doesn't just mean a wobbly "camera" but a wobbly protagon-
ist and his driving is impaired as well. He can't use his cell phone while he's
If a law enforcer sees Niko driving drunk he'll get a wanted star so you might
have him get a taxi ride when he's drunk.
Strip Club
Niko can get a lap dance from a stripper whether or not he's with a friend.
There are two strip clubs:
1. The Triangle Club on Coxsack Ave., Northern Gardens, Bohan
2. Later, when Alderney is legally available, Niko can legally enter Honkers
at the corner of Tinderbox Ave. and Julin Ave., Tudor.
If Niko buys three lap dances from the same stripper, a second stripper joins
her for the third.
Niko can see a show at the cabaret whether or not he's with a friend.
Niko can see cabaret at the Perestroika Cabaret Club on Tulsa St. east of Mo-
hawk Ave., Hove Beach, Broker. The acts are:
- The Incredible Kleinman: a magician who takes his basic act from the Amazing
- Ms. Bluesy St. John: a blues singer who favors novel ideas about sex.
- Dusty Cowpoke: he pantomimes a western shootout.
- Catch: he's a juggling jester.
Comedy club
Niko can see a comedy routine whether or not he's with a friend.
When Algonquin is legally available, Niko can legally go to Split Sides on the
north side of Jade St. east of Frankfort Ave., Star Junction
The comedians are Katt Williams or Ricky Gervais. Two routines can also be
seen by Niko on a TV. ("The Lost and Damned" adds Frankie Boyle. The club
isn't available in "The Ballad of Gay Tony.")
V.7 Friends--Michelle
Michelle becomes Niko's girlfriend after the mission "Three's a Crowd" (V.3)
and Niko takes her bowling (IV.11). Then she's available at the "M" icon be-
tween 6:00 am and 11:00 pm.
Niko doesn't have to date her to advance the storyline. But if you're going
to have Niko date all the girlfriends, you could have him date Michelle now
while there aren't any other girlfriends to keep Niko busy. Niko can't date
Michelle after "The Snow Storm" (VII.7).
Likes & Dislikes:
Vehicle likes Roman's Taxi, Merit, Voodoo, Banshee, Blista, Comet,
Patriot, Ruiner
Vehicle dislikes Emergency vehicles, Police car, vans, beaters/junkers,
Futo, Fortune, Uranus, Primo, Solair
Pay no attention to her complaints about Nike driving
fast or slow
Clothes likes The Russian Shop including hats and glasses
Clothes dislikes Modo, Perseus, Happiness Island shirt
Activities liked Bowling, Darts, Pool, Split Sides, Burger Shot, Cluckin'
Bell, bars, and diners
Activities disliked The strip club and cabaret
Radio dislikes Tuff Gong, The Classics, and Integrity 2.0.
She likes variety in these things except for clothes.
Michelle is the most likely to provide "coffee" in her apaertment. If Niko
gets "coffee" you get the Warm Coffee Achievement.
V.8 Friends--Roman Bellic
Available any time after "Bleed Out" (V.4).
Activity likes: Strip clubs, eating (especially at Burger Shot but high-end
places after getting an upscale apartment), bars, darts
Vehicle likes/dislikes: he likes fast driving but a motorcycle scares him
Favorite radio station: The Vibe 98.8
To screw this up, you'd have to have Niko ignore him or hurt him and let the
Like stat fall below 15%.
Special Ability at 60% like: Niko can call up Roman, select "Car Service,"
and Mohammed will drive Niko as would a regular cab service. Mohammed drives an
Esperanto which is replaced by a Cavalcade SUV after "Hostile Negotiation."
This unlocks the Achievement "Driving Mr. Bellic."
Mohammed: Manish Dayal Manish supplied the voice (uncredited) of a hot dog
vendor in the game "Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars," 2009, played Vinay in
"Walkaway," 2010, played Mason 'Hal' Klugman in three 2010 episodes of the TV
series "Rubicon," supplied voices for the game "Star Wars: The Old Republic,"
2011, played Scuba in four 2012 episodes of the TV series "Switched at Birth,"
played Farid Salim in a 2014 episode of the TV series "Law & Order: Special Vic-
tims Unit," starred as Mike Trenton in the TV movie "Identity," 2014, etc. He
also starred as Faruk in the 2010 short "The Call."
(Liberty City Minute tip: do two of his favorite activities before doing the
one he asked for. You don't need a high Like stat with Roman for 100% comple-
tion but you might use his Car Service for it.)
Friendship over 90% like with Roman contributes to the Liberty City (5)
(After some missions you can have Niko call Roman to hear Niko's opinion about
Roman Bellic's missions cont.
V.9 Easy Fare
Send Niko to Roman's taxi depot. Don't have Niko drive into the marker with a
car you want to save--it will disappear after the cutscene.
Vlad, Roman' loan shark, is still coming on to Mallorie--the office worker Ro-
man is in love with. Vlad calls Niko a yokel and tells him to fetch some cof-
fee--Niko stares in disbelief. When Roman arrives Vlad's still belligerent to
him about being owed money from him. So when Roman tells Vlad about Niko pro-
tecting Roman from a couple of hostile Albanians, Vlad has Roman agree to having
he and Niko to do a few favors for him. Vlad leaves.
Roman's customer Jermaine calls Roman for a ride and Roman tells Niko to tend
to it.
Have Niko take Roman's cab to the west side of Mohawk Ave. on Rotterdam Hill
north of the Algonquin-Dukes Expressway to pick up Jermaine who asks to be tak-
en to (an alley on the north side of) Masterson St. (east of Mohawk Ave.).
Have Niko drive him there. On the way they joke about Roman's exaggerations
about Niko and Jermaine says he wants to get some stolen items he has in his
At his lockup he says the door of it shouldn't be open so he asks Niko to wait
while he checks it out. He says the cops are on to him when a couple of police
cars arrive--he tells Niko to get them out of there. Niko has a two star wanted
rating and a Wanted Circle to escape.
One way to handle it is to have Niko drive west to Mohawk Ave., speed north
to get out of the wanted rating flashing zone, get out of the sight of the po-
lice (the wanted stars turn from white to grey), then stop to let the flashing
zone disappear. (It won't work to send Niko into the nearest Pay 'n' Spray,
which is also Jermaine's destination, because the Pay 'n' Sprays aren't avail-
able till after this mission.) On the way the game explains how the wanted
rating flashing zone works.
When the wanted rating is gone, have Niko take Jermaine to Native Engines Pay
'n' Spray on the south side of Gibson St. south of Overlook Park. During the
drive, Niko says one reason he came to Liberty City is he's "looking for some-
thing" but he doesn't say what it is. He says he wants to help Roman and get
settled in before he starts looking.
Niko gets $100.
The Pay 'n' Sprays are available.
Pay 'n' Sprays have individual names in "GTA IV." They can repair and change
the color of a vehicle and remove Niko's wanted rating. Niko can only use a
Pay 'n' Spray when he either has no wanted rating or has one but is at least
out of the sight of law enforcement--the wanted star or stars turn from white
to grey. Using a Pay 'n' Spray advances time three hours. It costs $100 if
his vehicle is in need of repair--otherwise it's free.
- Native Engines is on the south side of Gibson St. south of Overlook Park,
Hove Beach, Broker.
I'll list the others in case you want to have Niko use one in an area that
currently gives him a six star wanted rating:
- Auto Limbo is one of two spray shops in Algonquin--it's on the south side
of the curve where the west end of Lorimar St. becomes the south end of West
Way in Purgatory (north of the northern end of an abandoned elevated subway
track). It has the advertising gimmick of a big revolving spray can, spraying
red "paint," on the roof.
- Auto Cowboys is the second spray shop in Algonquin--it's farther north on
the south side of the north end of Frankfort Ave. west of Exeter Ave., North-
wood, by an elevated part of the Algonquin Inner Line subway.
Axel's Pay 'n' Spray is the name of two spray shops in Alderney:
- the southern Axel's Pay 'n' Spray is on the north side of Hardtrack Ave.
just west of Roebuck Rd. in Port Tudor, and
- the northern Axel's Pay 'n' Spray is on the north side of Panhandle Rd.
west of Catskill Ave. in Leftwood (underneath the north end of the Plumbers
Vlad calls Niko and tells him to meet him at Comrade's Bar to do some work to
help pay Roman's debt.
Vladimir Glebov's missions
V.10 Bull in a China Shop
At Comrades Bar across the street from Niko's apartment, Random Character Mel
(V.34) makes a brief appearance as a drunk stumbling past Niko to the exit.
Vlad, still condescending, tells Niko to go to a China shop on Camden Ave. to
coerce a man to pay Vlad the money he's owed him for months. He gives Niko a
Baseball bat.
Have Niko go to the Korean pottery, etc., shop on the north side of Huntington
St. just west of Camden Ave. (You could have Niko take a Taxi ride there--this
is the first mission that let's Niko take a Taxi ride. See more below.) Have
him go into the yellow marker. The owner, defiant behind his locked doors,
still won't pay.
Doing this the way the game suggests: have Niko go west to a lot on the south
side of Livingston St. Scroll or press 1 to equip Fist, press the Action key
(E by default) to have him pick up a brick, and the Fist symbol changes to an
open hand with an arrow across it. The brick can then be thrown or dropped.
Have Niko return to the shop, target (RMB) one of the display windows (not
the glass doors), and press Fire (LMB)--the longer you hold down Fire, the far-
ther Niko will throw--then release Fire to have Niko throw the brick through
one of the windows.
(Liberty City Minute tips: you could have Niko take a taxi to the shop, skip
the trip, and, without going into the yellow marker, shoot a display window,
run to a display window and push at it with his hands to break it, or have him
drive into a display window.)
The shop owner pays up. Have Niko go back to the bar to give Vlad his money.
Niko gets $50.
Roman calls to tell Niko that he and Brucie are making prank calls to get the
police to come see something then laughing as the police look around for it.
Niko advises Roman not to cry wolf.
Vlad sends Niko a text message to see him for more work.
Niko can hail a Taxi for a ride, so he can also now get the "It'll Cost Ya"
Achievement. The easiest way is to have Niko take a Taxi ride just across a
bridge without skipping the trip.
Taking a taxi ride
Have Niko approach a taxi, press the LMB (fire) to have him hail it, then
hold F/Enter for him to enter as a passenger. (To have Niko replace a passen-
ger, have him approach the passenger's door then hold F/Enter.)
You can pick from a list of destinations or select a different one by bring-
ing up the start menu and putting a waypoint on the map.
When taking a Cab ride you can skip the ride at an extra cost. You can also
hurry the trip. You can have Niko change the radio station.
After getting a 90% like stat with Roman (V.8) Niko doesn't have to pay for
taxi rides till "Roman's Sorrow" (V.32).
After "Roman's Sorrow," you might have Niko fire a gun as he gets to his des-
tination to frighten the driver into running away so Niko doesn't have to pay
the fare.
V.11 Hung Out to Dry
At Comrades bar Vlad has Niko hear him end a call to Mallorie--Roman's lady
friend. Niko tells him to stay away from her. Vlad wants Niko to collect mon-
ey from Muscovski, a Masterson St. laundromat owner, who's not only behind in
his payment but has threatened to call the police on Vlad instead. Vlad wants
Niko to beat Muscovski.
Have Niko go to the laundromat which, despite what Vlad said, is on the east
side of Oneida Ave. south of Tulsa St.
The laundromat owner tries to get away in a van. Have Niko drive after him.
(The game recommends that you hold Cinematic Camera--Caps Lock by default--to
focus the "camera" on the target vehicle.) Have Niko PIT maneuver the van
(shove the back of the side of the van with the front side of his vehicle to
spin the van to face the way they came), or ram or bump it around, or get it
wedged into something so it can't move, to get the laundromat owner to stop and
promise to pay.
Niko calls Vlad to report what happened. Vlad is glad, if still referring to
Niko as a yokel, and invites him to come back to the bar soon.
(Thanks to a post by TheFighterdoken for whatever57010's Youtube video for
this speedy Liberty City Minute gimmick:
(Have Niko shoot the yellow marker from the corner to the south of the laun-
dromat to activate Muscovski to run to his van, immediately run east between
the corner building and the elevated onramp and jump down the stairs, run north
to the van, and press Enter/Exit--F by default--when it's nearby. You'll get
the final cutscene and pass the mission.
Niko gets $100.
The laundromat is always accessible and has one of the cash registers Niko
can rob for $9 to $199, which gives Niko one wanted star (I.12.b).
Muscovski may appear with different facial hair in replays or different parts
of the game.
V.12 Clean Getaway
Vlad--temperamental, coke-addicted, and condescending--wants Niko to take a
subway to the projects by the E.I.C. (East Island City) subway station (Hunt-
ington St. station) to take a silver Blista from a guy who owes Vlad money.
The game instructs you to have Niko take the subway from the Hove Beach sta-
tion to the Dukes Blvd. station. If you prefer you can have Niko drive to it.
The car is on the east side of the north end of Yorktown Ave.--the car appears
on the map/radar when Niko gets in the vicinity of it.
The car owner, Jimmy, refuses to let Niko take it.
The game shows how to perform a stun punch. It can't be performed during
combat. Hold the RMB to lock onto an unsuspecting target, have Niko approach
them unarmed, and, when the reticle changes, press Fire (LMB). This knocks the
target to the ground.
However, this is one of the only times in the game where the stun punch
works. Otherwise, you can have Niko stun punch bouncers at the Perestroika
You can have Niko fight with Jimmy and his friend before taking the silver
Blista Compact or just drive it away.
The game says to drive the car to the lockup. During the drive Niko calls
Vlad and tells him the car is dirty. Vlad tells him to get it cleaned at the
Saratoga Ave. car wash then take the car to the lockup in a lot on Mohawk Ave.
You can have Niko use the car wash on the east side of Saratoga Ave. east of
the east end of Lynch St. or use the car wash on the east side of the southern
part of Tutelo Ave. ($5). It also works to have Niko use a Pay 'n' Spray. You
psss the mission if you have Niko deliver a clean car even if it's damaged but
Have Niko put the car in the lockup in a lot between Mohawk Ave. and Munsee
Ave. south of Tulsa St.
Niko gets $150.
In the opening segment, Vlad, crossing the street, tells a motorist who
brakes right beside him, "Hey--I'm walking here!" It's a reference to Enrico
Salvatore "Ratso" Rizzo (Dustin Hoffman) using the line in a similar circum-
stance in the 1969 movie "Midnight Cowboy."
V.13 Ivan the Not So Terrible
Ivan Bytchkov: Lev Gorn who played Eton Ben-Eleazer in six 2003 episodes of
the TV series "The Wire," Cpl. Traina in ten episodes of the TV series
"Trenches," Dominic Salerno Jr. in the 2013 movie "Once Upon a Time in Queens,"
Arkady Ivanovich in 36 2013-2016 episodes of the TV series "The Americans," etc.
(When Vlad surprises Niko joking "Bang Bang, you are dead" it's a reference
to Vladimir Lem who said it often in the 2001 game "Max Payne."
At Comrades bar Vlad shows Niko a picture of Ivan whom Vlad says plans to rob
Roman. Niko asks: "So, why is Ivan going to rob my cousin?" Vlad says: "Be-
cause I want you to kill him." It's a set up--Ivan offended Vlad's boss Mik-
hail Faustin so Ivan's been led on to attempt a robbery of Roman's paperwork,
and Vlad wants Niko to murder Ivan and leave it to look like defense against a
robber. Niko's uncertain till Vlad threatens that Mr. Faustin will be very an-
gry with Niko and Roman if Niko doesn't do it. He orders Niko to wait for Ivan
at Roman's depot. Vlad gets back on his phone (presumably to Mallorie).
Have Niko drive to Roman's garage where Ivan's car speeds out and away. Have
Niko's car chase after Ivan's car.
Thanks to "GTA IV - Ivan The Not So Terrible (All Possibilities)" by what-
ever57010 for showing that there are two chase possibilities: short and long.
If Niko goes north on Mohawk Ave., west on Cisco St., then south on Iroquois
Ave. (the route I'd usually take to Roman's depot) the chase is short. If Niko
goes north on Iroquois Ave. then east on Cisco St. the chase is long.
Once Niko gets to Roman's garage, Ivan drives from Niko. Have Niko drive af-
ter Ivan to a construction site on north Kid St. west of Onandaga Ave. then the
chase is on foot. Send Niko after Ivan up ladders jumping from building to
building, etc. Ivan pleads with Niko that Vlad set him up.
Niko catches up to Ivan with Ivan hanging from a beam several stories over a
street pleading that Vlad isn't worth killing someone for.
You may or may not have Niko kill Ivan. If Niko kills Ivan, Ivan won't re-
turn as a Random Character and Niko won't be able to get the "No More Strang-
ers" Achievement.
Vlad will seem satisfied either way, and Ivan has a point that Vlad isn't
worth murdering for and set Ivan up, so I'd have Niko let Ivan live. Ivan then
promises to stay out of the area.
(Liberty City Minute tip: Niko can shoot Ivan as he runs and jumps over the
roofs of the construction site. If Niko has a powerful gun, he might shoot
Ivan as he runs to a ladder.)
Niko calls Vlad and says Ivan came to a sticky end. Vlad boasts that he's
having sex with Malorie: "You and your cousin's girlfriend should get together.
She likes sticky finishes as well." Niko, infuriated, says, "Fuck you. Say
that to my face and I will break you."
(To have Niko get back to his car send him west over the roof, down the fire
escape, north down from two roofs, north to Kid St., then east.)
Niko gets $200.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for identifying this mission as one that lets Niko take
advantage of a limited wanted rating exploit, which makes it easier for Niko to
kill Flying Rats, etc. Have Niko leave Ivan hanging, and Niko can shoot Flying
Rats, etc., and come back to decide Ivan's fate later.
During the exploit, Niko is less liable to get a wanted rating for using
weapons. He can still get a four star wanted rating for going onto the tarmac
of the airport or get a six star wanted rating for going beyond the legal
boundary before Algonquin is legally available.
Roman Bellic's missions cont.
V.14 Jamaican Heat
"Little" Jacob Hughes: Coolie Ranx (originally Obi-Ajula Ugbomah) is a New
York City-based musician best known for being in the Third Wave Ska bands The
Toasters (their "Dub 56" album features two songs he wrote) and Pilfers (he pro-
vided lead vocals for their second album "Chawalaleng" and who reunited about
six times since 2005). He's recorded and toured with the Fear Nuttin' Band.
Roman can't get Niko to be clear about what especially troubles him about his
past war experience. Roman tells Niko pick up a Jamaican friend--Little Jacob.
(Roman says Jacob is "on Oneida Ave. in South Slopes" but he's wrong.) Have
Niko drive to the east side of Munsee Ave. east of the east end of Chive St.
and honk the horn.
(If you haven't turned on the subtitles already, turn them on. An interpret-
er wouldn't be a bad idea, either.) Jacob tells Niko to take him to Dillon St.
in Schottler. (How does Bosnian Niko always know what Jacob's saying?) Jacob
speaks a Rastafarian (lyaric) dialect of English.
"Bloodclot" is a Jamaican derived curse word that can be used the same way as
"fuck" and "ras clot" is a more general swear phrase.
Have Niko drive Jacob to a lot on the south side of Dillon St. east of Sene-
ca Ave.
On the way there, Jacob says he wants Niko to wait for him there, gives Niko
a Pistol, and tells Niko to use it if he sees he needs to help Jacob with it.
The people ("ras clot") Jacob is meeting fought with his friend Real Badman
the other day, and they might make trouble though Jacob wants peace.
(Liberty City Minute tip: Niko can drive through Outlook Park as a shortcut.)
Have Niko go to the marker at the top of the stairs and crouch with a strong
weapon. Jacob is ambushed by several men. If you keep Niko in the location
Jacob probably won't be killed. Have Niko shoot the three attackers in the lot
ahead and below and one that then comes from a rooftop door to the east. (You
might have Niko gather their weapons.)
Have Niko take Jacob back to the Homebrew Cafe on the southern section of Tu-
telo Ave. Jacob thinks he and Niko could work together, and Niko says he al-
ways wants work if it pays. Jacob gives Niko his phone number.
"GTA IV - Jamaican Heat (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Niko gets $150.
Little Jacob calls asking for Niko's help.
Roman calls asking Niko to be a taxi driver.
V.15 Taxi cab missions
For each fare you want Niko to do, select "Roman" in the phonebook and choose
"Job." Roman will tell Niko where to find a customer to pick up and where
they want to go. There's a time limit (though no timer appears) but it's easy
to have Niko deliver the passenger in time. The pay is better if Niko drives
to the passenger's requested destination quickly.
These missions are only available until either Niko delivers 10 fares or Ro-
man's cab depot is destroyed in "Roman's Sorrow" (V.32). Completing this mis-
sion isn't a requirement for 100% completion of the game.
Little Jacob's missions
V.16 Concrete Jungle
The title of this mission comes from the name of a late 1960's Bob Marley
tune used for the opening song of "Catch a Fire," 1973.
Have Niko go to Jacob's apartment with a red door on the north side of Dillon
St. at the second building west of Cayuga Ave. Jacob says "me bleach hard last
night." "Bleach" means to "stay awake the whole damn night, usually to work on
some sort of project."
(Since Niko earlier didn't understand Vlad saying "take the shit out of me"
in English it's a relief to hear that Niko doesn't understand something Jacob
says in his heavy dialect.)
Jacob asks Niko to drive him (Jacob's Virgo is parked outside) to a money mak-
ing deal on Saratoga Ave. in Willis. It's at the intersection of alleys for
which one alley entrance is on the west side of Saratoga Ave. south of the T-in-
tersection of Saratoga Ave. and Howard St. Have Niko drive Little Jacob to the
marker on the east side of Saratoga Ave. On the way, Jacob says he's making a
deal to buy some ganja (marijuana) but the deal might go wrong.
After dropping Jacob off, Jacob goes east to the door of a building south of
the alley entrance mentioned above. Have Niko drive into the alley to the
marker at the intersection of alleys to wait.
Jacob soon calls warning Niko--the dealers had no stuff but tried to take his
coil (money). Jacob got the money but wants Niko to finish the dealers if they
try to escape from the back of the building. Have Niko kill the three crooked
runners (people who deliver illicit things) who run into view to the south and
run south in the southern alley.
("Coil": Money; particularly a large amount of paper money that has been
rolled into a cylinder.)
(Liberty City Minute tip: Niko can run them down with his car.)
(Don't waste your time tip: you can have Niko call 911 for the police but
they're so ineffective you shouldn't bother.)
"GTA IV - Concrete Jungle (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
They drop a lot of money so have Niko gather it then drive to the front of
the building to pick up Jacob and take him to a townhouse on Savannah Ave. in
Meadows Park. Jacob says Badman told him to get the ones (blood clot) who
created the setup at the last place. The destination is an apartment building
on the west side of Savannah Ave.--it's the first apartment building seen going
north approx. where an extension of 8 o'clock would be from the circle of roads
around the nearby Monoglobe.
Have Niko draw his gun as he walks Jacob to the front door. Jacob says
they're going to "set dis place pon fire" (with gunfire) so have Niko take co-
ver (Q) at the edge of the wall beside the door. After Jacob kicks the door
open and takes cover, have Niko shoot the crook inside who comes down the
stairs. (To have Niko shoot from cover, target the guy by aiming with the
mouse while holding down the RMB and press the LMB.)
Jacob tells Niko to see another target inside by looking in the porch window.
Have Niko break the window (target it and press Fire), take cover at the side
of it, and shoot or throw a Grenade at the target.
There are two more crooks in there. You can have Niko do most of the shoot-
ing from the same place of cover and send him inside to finish it. There's a
First Aid Kit on a table inside. Have Niko gather weapons as needed.
Have Niko drive Jacob back to the Homebrew Cafe. (If Niko gets a wanted rat-
ing it's gone when he drives into the marker at the cafe.) On the way, Niko
says he likes working for Jacob. Jacob says Badman will be happy--that Jacob
looks out for Badman like Niko looks out for Roman. Jacob says Badman tells
Jacob who to shoot, even if it isn't always logical--Badman could stab a man
for making a face at him. Niko advises Jacob to agree before he follows orders
and says he made he mistake of not doing that a long time ago. Jacob says Niko
is right but that Jacob follows Badman anyway--Badman is his "braa" (brother).
In an alternate dialogue Niko says things here are run by the law of the jun-
gle (people killing each other to be on top--the strong survive, etc.). Jacob
agrees and calls it the law of the concrete jungle.
Niko gets $200.
Roman Bellic's missions cont.
V.17 Uncle Vlad
When Roman tells Niko he thinks Mallorie has been fooling around with Vlad,
Niko says he suspected it (due to what Vlad said on the phone after "Ivan the
Not So Terrible," V.13). Roman is mad that Niko was disloyal for not telling
him, and Niko is angry about being called disloyal.
(He also points out Roman's hypocrisy in seeing other women while complaining
about Vlad who seems to have had Mallorie's consent at that. Moral ambiguity
fans take heart.)
Now that Niko has seen how much Roman cares, he goes to take care of Vlad.
Have Niko take Roman to Comrades Bar. On the way, Roman tells Niko not to do
anything stupid but Roman lets how upset he is show through. Niko seems deter-
mined to pick up the slack (overcompensate?) where Roman caves on the issue.
Once in front of the bar Niko tells Roman to wait outside. Send Niko into the
(I'm not sure what Vlad means joking, "Why have cabbages when you can have
potatoes?" "Cabbage" can be slang for female genitals or paper money, so...?
"Poppies" is Irish slang for "potatoes" and could also refer to drugs--does he
mean why have money when you could have drugs? Dunno.)
Niko tells Vlad he told him to stay away from Mallorie and that now Roman is
upset. When Vlad ridicules the idea condescendingly and ridicules Roman, who's
joined Niko inside, Niko gets insistent. Vlad tells his two big men to throw
Niko and Roman out of the bar. Vlad goes out the back door while Niko tells
Roman to go back outside.
You can have Niko shoot Vlad's two men or just run past them and go out the
front or back door. Vlad won't attempt his getaway in a Marbelle till Niko
leaves the bar. (You might have Niko shoot the two men just so they won't try
to keep him from getting into his vehicle.)
Have Niko get back in his car and chase Vlad's car. (There's no penalty if
you have Niko leave Roman behind--Roman will reappear later when he's needed.)
During the chase Roman panics about the trouble hurting Vlad could cause and
tries unsuccessfully to talk Niko out of killing Vlad. Be careful of the
scripted roadblocks. Vlad's car stops by a lot just south of the east end of
the Algonquin Bridge and he goes near the coast. Have Niko go to Vlad.
Vlad warns Niko defiantly that he couldn't get away with killing him--Faustin
will get revenge, etc., and the game indicates that Vlad is one of the charac-
ters you have Niko perform an execution on.
You can have Niko use whatever method to kill Vlad. If you want Niko to use
an execution have Niko equipped with a Pistol, target Vlad, and when the reti-
cle flashes Niko can perform the execution. It results this time in a cutscene
in which Niko shoots Vlad in the head.
(If Niko has no handgun or has a Desert Eagle the game will equip him with a
Pistol so you can learn how to have Niko perform an execution.)
"GTA IV - Uncle Vlad (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Roman comes by and panics about what Faustin's and Vlad's men will do to
Roman's been asking Niko what drove him to come to Liberty City and Niko fi-
nally tells him. Niko says that when he was in the Army, his group of fifteen
were on a mission to ambush a squad that killed a bunch of innocent people.
The effort was foiled because one of his group betrayed them--he took money to
have the group set up. Twelve died and three escaped. For ten years Niko has
been looking for the other two. One of the other two lives in Liberty City and
Niko has to find out if he's the traitor and why he betrayed them.
Roman says Niko might not find out now and wants Niko to help him drag Vlad's
body to the river. When they hear a police car siren, Niko tells Roman to go
and dumps the body into the Humboldt River alone.
The game teaches that having Niko call contacts may open activities sooner
than by waiting for them to call, and it recommends that Niko call Roman. Ro-
man tells Niko to come see him quickly.
V.18 Crime and Punishment
The title of the mission comes from the name of a book by Russian author Fyo-
dor Dostoevsky. It was originally published in installments in The Russian
Messenger in 1866.
Dimitri Rascalov: Moti Margolin Moti played Morgan in the 2005 short "Cotton
Candy," Louie in the 20008 short "The Bronx Balletomane," Tim in the 2010 short
"Two, the co-pilot in two 2014 episodes of the TV series "The Blacklist," etc.
Mikhail Faustin: Karel Roden Karel recieved the Alfred Radok Award in 1998
for playing Bruno in "Le Cocu Magnifique." He was in a 2003 episode of the TV
series "MI-5." He also played Gretkov in the 2004 movie "The Bourne Supremacy,"
Grigori Efimovich Rasputin in the 2004 movie "Hellboy," Juraj Thurzo in the 2008
movie "Bathory," Darko in the 2011 movie "A Lonely Place to Die," etc.
Roman calls Niko--whispering, Roman urges Niko to meet him on Tulsa St. near
the Perestroika club. Send Niko to the blue dumpster on the west side of Mun-
see Ave. just north of Tulsa St.
Niko finds Roman hiding in a trash dumpster worried that he'd been followed
by men out to kill him to revenge Vlad's death. Niko tells Roman not to wor-
ry--Faustin's men don't care about Vlad, just making money, so Niko and Roman
will offer to work for Faustin. Niko gets cold cocked by the butt of an AK-47.
The gunman points his gun at Roman and orders him to follow.
Niko, tied to a chair, wakes up after being slapped by Dimitri Rascalov in
the basement of Dimitri's boss Mikhail Faustin (not present). Dimitri is ac-
companied by Andrei and another man. Roman's been tied to a chair and gagged
so he won't scream.
Andrei orders Niko to say who he works for, Niko says "Roman," Andrei says
that's not good enough, Niko makes fun of him, and Andrei uses his gun to hit
Niko in the head a couple times. Faustin comes downstairs and angrily tells
them to shut up--his wife is watching TV. He calls Andrei an imbecile for us-
ing torture in Faustin's house yet not finding out who Niko works for.
Faustin asks Niko if he thinks it's okay to kill one of his men, and when
Niko says "If he is an a**hole, yes," Faustin shoots Andrei ib the head.
Faustin tells Niko he's lucky--Vlad was just kept around because Faustin f**ked
Vlad's sister.
Faustin offers Niko the job of stealing someone else's runner's stolen ship-
ment of TVs so Faustin's group can sell them. Niko asks that Roman be untied,
Roman won't stop screaming when his gag is removed, and Faustin shoots Roman in
the stomach. Dimitri assures Niko that Roman will be taken care of and tells
Niko to get a police car.
Once Niko appears outside, have him go to the left where a police car stops
and the police officer runs into a yard. To avoid a wanted rating wait till
the officer goes into a back yard then have Niko take the Police car to south-
west Broker. Have Niko find out which of the three vans driving around that
area is the one with the shipment. The three vans repeat a clockwise loop--see
the map by whatever57010:
The correct van is random. Have Niko turn on the siren (Left Shift) and stop
in front of a van to stop it then walk to the driver's window. The right van
has two people in the front seat, not one, but stop each van in turn so it's
discounted by the game. Having Niko approach the one with TVs in the back will
cause a cut scene in which Niko has the two guys in the front of the van get
out and has the driver open up the back of the van. The van driver may warn
"You're making a mistake--we're paying protection money to Kenny Petrovic" and
the passenger points a gun at Niko.
You might have Niko shoot the armed man or at least target him to make him
back away and take the van--if needed, have him drive to get rid of a any
wanted rating. Have Niko drive the van to the lockup on the north side of the
southern and east-west section of Franklin St.--the first garage door east of
the alley.
Niko calls Dimitri who tells him Roman is okay and Niko did good--Mikhail
needs someone like him. Roman calls--he weakly says he's recovering and asks
Niko to buy him some adult diapers.
Niko gets $200.
Faustin's and Dimitri's names are added to Niko's phonebook.
The Police Car can be saved for the Vigilante missions.
V.19 Vigilante--Current Crimes
Vigilante missions are available after "Crime and Punishment" (V.18). The 20
Current Crimes don't have to be handled consecutively. Have Niko accept invi-
tations by friends then cancel them to avoid having their Like stat drop while
doing this.
Niko has to use a law enforcement vehicle that has a computer--a Police Pa-
trol car, a NOOSE Patriot (three or more wanted stars), or an FIB Buffalo (four
or more wanted stars).
If you don't want Niko to look for a Police Patrol car at a police station or
find one on the street to jack, you can have Niko dial 911, select "Call Police
Backup," then jack the police car that appears after the policeman on the pass-
enger side gets out.
The NOOSE Patriot is sturdy. If you're using a PC version of the game and
don't want Niko to get three wanted stars to get one, you could use a vehicle
If you don't want Niko to get four wanted stars to get an FIB Buffalo, he can
use a phone number code to spawn one: 227-555-0100.
If Niko has no wanted level, have him access the police computer and select
"View Current Crimes." Niko can choose one of the three types of crimes to
- criminal on foot--Niko has to kill a criminal who's on foot.
- gang activity--Niko has to kill four or more gang members. (Get Niko's Mo-
lotovs or stronger weapons ready.)
- stolen car--Niko has to kill car thieves. In the first missions, one of
them shoots at Niko with a submachine gun from the stolen car--in later mis-
sions, more shoot from the car. It's the hardest of the three.
Once the selection is made, the siren is activated, a timer gives the amount
of time Niko has to reach the target, and, if the criminal isn't in the immedi-
ate vicinity, a yellow blip indicates the location of the target. Niko can
leave his vehicle for up to 30 seconds. The blip turns red and the timer dis-
appears once Niko gets to the target, and Niko can leave his vehicle for any
length of time. The mission is over (but doesn't count as a failed mission) if
Niko lets the criminal get too far away, though.
Niko loses any wanted rating he created at the end of the mission unless he
kills a policemen, which creates a three star wanted level, while doing it. As
Rusk recommends, it's best to let a police officer and a criminal fight it out
rather than have the policeman witness Niko shooting the criminal if you don't
want Niko to have to get rid of a wanted level. I'll add that you might try to
get the criminal between Niko and a policeman that shoots at Niko to have the
policeman get into a shooting match with the criminal instead since the wanted
level disappears once the criminal is dead.
Avoid having Niko shoot a pedestrian, which is more likely to create a wanted
rating than if Niko shoots a criminal.
Niko gets whatever money or weapons/ammo (eventually including Sniper and
Carbide Rifles) the criminals leave behind.
Completing the Current Crimes missions adds 2.5% toward 100% completion and
gives Niko the "Cleaning the Mean Streets" Achievement.
Once Niko has the Achievement, you can use the poor or advanced weapon phone
codes (I.16) without worrying about blocking it.
Mikhail Faustin's missions
V.20 Do You Have Protection?
Joseph Kaplan: Jim Norton supplied the voice of Officer Morrison for the 2006
game "Bully," played Jim in ten 2010-2015 episodes of the TV series "Louie,"
appeared as himself in a 2014 episode of the TV series "Chelsea Lately, etc."
Brett: ?
Send Niko to Mikhail Faustin's mansion on the west side of the south end of
Shinnecock Ave., Beachgate (the southeast end of the map). Faustin's partner
Dimitri Rascalov lets Niko in where Niko sees Faustin snorting coke, drinking,
and throwing both ends of mood swings, but mainly angry tantrums, at Dimitri,
whose efforts to make him calm and reasonable have questionable effect. Dimi-
tri says he and Niko are going to go take care of a guy and Faustin tells him
to make the guy suffer.
There's a Turismo in Faustin's driveway from the start of the game.
Have Niko take Dimitri to the sex shop with a yellow awning advertising
books, magazines, and comics on the north side of the south curve of Delaware
Ave. (where the "D" of "Delaware" is on the paper map) where the owner hasn't
been sharing his substantial porn movie production and web site profits with
Faustin's group. Dimitri gives Niko a Pistol and, in the name of profit, has
Niko merely threaten (target--RMB) Joseph Kaplan--the one in charge and on the
right of three men. After the man in the middle speaks, the game instructs you
to target him instead. Dimitri tells Niko to shoot that man, the porn actor
Brett, in the leg--have Niko do it. Dimitri then gets the money he wants from
Joseph. Have Niko follow Dimitri back out then lead him into Niko's vehicle.
Dimitri will fight any ped that tries to attack Niko.
"GTA IV - Do You Have Protection? (All Possibilities)" by whatever 57010
(Dimitri doesn't provide Friend activities but, for whatever it's worth, his
favorite radio station is Vladivostok FM.)
The store is open from the start of the game.
Have Niko take Dimitri to a gun store on the east side of the alley that's on
the south side of Dillon St. east of Munsee Ave. in Schottler. There, Dimitri
tells Niko to take he likes--Faustin will pay for it. Examples of the weapons
the little store carries are laid on tables, and having Niko walk up to a weap-
on causes the game to indicate if it's currently available. An available weap-
on can be inspected (Action), and Niko can then either purchase it (Enter) or
cancel the purchase (Action). Added ammo costs less (see section II.2). Ammo
in each category of gun (handgun, shotgun, submachine gun, rifle, and sniper ri-
fle) is interchangeable.
Have Niko take Dimitri back to Faustin's place. On the way there, Dimitri
tells Niko that Faustin has become bloodthirsty and unpredictable lately, which
is why Dimitri wants Niko to help him. Niko asks Dimitri to tell Faustin that
so he won't try to kill Niko, too. Dimitri invites Niko to come see them at
the club (Perestroika) soon.
Niko gets $400.
Gun Stores now do business and have Armor for $500, the Baseball Bat for $5,
the Pistol for $600 added ammo $35, and the Micro-SMG for $1,200 added ammo
V.21 Final Destination
Have Niko go to the Perestroika club on the north side of Tulsa Ave. east of
Mohawk Ave.
The title refers to the same-name 2000, 2003, etc. horror movie series.
When Niko enters the club with Dimitri a patron greets him saying, "I took
care of that thing for you." This refers to the scene in the 1990 movie "Good-
fellas" in which Henry Hill (Ray Liotta: the voice of Tommy Vercetti in "Vice
City") walks into a club naming and describing regulars and Pete the killer
points at him and says, "I took care of that thing for you."
Niko sits at a booth with Dimitri and Faustin. Dimitri tells Faustin that
Sergai (Vlad's henchman) told him that a friend of Sergai's in the courts told
Sergai that the courts have authorized the police to tap their phones and know
about the pot they stole. Dimitri thinks there's no informer--that they (nota-
bly Faustin) have been so visible it was inevitable. But Faustin thinks Dimi-
tri's cousin's boyfriend Lenny, who bought their pot but didn't buy the coke,
informed on them. Dimitri sharply disagrees: Lennie's a moron, but the problem
(Faustin's rashness) has been going on for months.
Faustin tells Niko to kill Lenny. Niko asks if he's sure. Faustin admits
he's not but demands obedience. He sends Niko to kill Lenny at Guantanamo Ave.
in Bohan.
Have Niko get full Health and Armor and drive to Lenny.
On the way, you can use the option of having Niko call Dimitri. He's still
arguing with Faustin to change his mind and can't talk on the phone--he tells
Niko to do what he has to do.
Niko calls Faustin to make sure Faustin wants him to kill Lenny. Faustin
says he does and tells Niko that Lenny is on the platform of the Guantanamo
Ave. Station. It's actually called Windmill Street Station--a pair of raised
platforms for the subway at Guantanamo Ave./Windmill St.
Lenny is with a man who has a Micro SMG on the east end of the north plat-
If you have Niko climb either set of steps to shoot Lenny, Niko tells Lenny
that Faustin has turned against Lenny. Lenny says Faustin isn't important, but
Niko says Faustin's important enough to get you killed. Have Niko use a power-
ful gun to kill Lenny's friend then have Niko, careful about any passing
trains, chase Lenny across the tracks and down the south steps to kill him.
Niko can jump down the steps to go faster.
Trying to talk Niko out of it Lenny may say that he's the son of crime leader
Kenny Petrovic.
Since Lenny always tries to escape via the south stairs, gta.wikia recommends
that you use Niko's vehicle to block the bottom of the stairs--even wedge it in
the bottom of the stairway.
If Niko doesn't kill Lennie on foot Niko has to kill Lennie while he tries to
escape in a Banshee. The mission is over if he makes it home but he's not the
best driver. (I had Niko snipe a rear tire while the Banshee ran into some-
thing and got stuck. I kept sniping till it caught on fire and exploded.)
A safe method is to have Niko go to the southeast corner of Guantanamo Ave./
Windmill St., go into the four story abandoned brick building, climb the stairs
to the roof, and give Lenny a headshot from there without activating him or his
armed guard.
A safe method suggested by whatever57010 is to have Niko snipe Lenny from a
nearby billboard catwalk or roof.
He demonstrates having Niko do it from atop the "TUNE UPS BREAKS EMERGENCIES"
billboard that's on the west side of Beaumont Ave. north of Windmill St. Have
Niko push the dumpster away from the base of the ladder first. A headshot will
do if Niko doesn't have a Sniper Rifle.
When I had Niko use these methods a Pistol was enough for a headshot--I let
it fire more than once to be sure. The scope isn't as good on a Pistol so make
sure you're aiming at Lenny--he's the eastern of the two men and has a red
marker pointing down at his head. It didn't activate Lenny's armed guard, ei-
ther, so you'd have an easy time having Niko line up a shot for him, too.
Niko gets $500.
Dimitri calls Niko and tells him that Lenny was the son of Kenny Petrovic--a
dangerous man. Dimitri holds Faustin's craziness as responsible and will talk
to people and see what he can do.
Roman sends Niko a text message telling him to meet a friend at Roman's cab
V.22 No Love Lost
Send Niko (with full Health, Armor, and a lot of Combat Pistol or SMG ammo
and longer range weapon ammo) to Mikhail Faustin's mansion on the west side of
the south end of Shinnecock Ave.
Faustin makes his wife cry angrily berating her similar to how he treats Di-
mitri. Faustin's still drinking, snorting coke, and bursting into tantrums.
He blames her for his daughter getting "out of control" and blames her "biker
pimp boyfriend" for her "turning into a whore." Faustin wants Niko to go to
Firefly Island, where she's meeting her boyfriend, and kill him.
The bald man there is the wedding assassin from the Deal ending mission. (He
looks like Agent 47--the protagonist of the "Hitman" series of games.)
Have Niko go to the marker on the east side of the dead end road south of
Crockett Ave. east of Mohawk Ave.
Anna Faustin and her biker boyfriend Jason are under a canopy on the south
side of the Beach Hotel. (On the back it advertises "views of Arthur's Seat":
"Arthur's Seat" is the main peak of a group of hills in Edinburgh, Scotland,
where Rockstat North is based).
She asks if she's the property of The Lost motorcycle gang now but he says
no--he wants her all to himself. After Niko tells Jason to stay away from An-
na, Jason threatens to get his biker gang, The Lost, to kick Niko's a**, and
Jason drives away on his Zombie motorcycle--he goes north to Crockett Ave.
where he goes east.
(Liberty City Minute tip: backblow's method is to have Niko run west to the
road, go north to Crockett Ave., and turn east to snipe Jason as he drives to
the east end of Crockett Ave. Instead of using a phone code for a Sniper Rifle
you could save one from the Vigilante missions.)
Have Niko use the PCJ-600 provided to chase him. Avoid having Niko hit the
scripted obstructions such as the car that always pulls across traffic once the
chase has taken a few curves going north on the Broker-Dukes Expressway. You
may be able to have Niko kill Jason by doing a persistent forward drive-by on
him with the Combat Pistol or SMG. This would end the mission without the
shootout with Jason joined by three other bikers.
The chase continues north on Tutelo Ave., east on Carson St., north on Still-
water Ave., east on Ellery St., north on Seymour Ave., east on Parr St., and
north on Cleves Ave. Once Jason goes north past Carrollton St. there's a cut-
scene of him being joined by three members of The Lost who accompany him on
Now Niko has to kill Jason and the three other motorcyclists. Have Niko pur-
sue them with a forward drive by going east on Tudor St. then north on the dirt
road that's just east of the marking on the radar/maps on the north side of Tu-
dor St. east of Saratogo Ave.
The chase ends with the bikers going east off the dirt road and disembarking
for a shootout by some trees near the expressway. The bikers use Pistols and
Micro-SMG's and Jason uses a Pump Shotgun. Have Niko use cover (Q) as needed
and shoot them with a long range weapon. Make sure they're all dead and not
just lying down injured and you've passed the mission.
(If Jason is dead you can have Niko leave without failing the mission and re-
turn to kill the other bikers which is useful to know if Niko needs Health, Ar-
mor, or ammo.)
"GTA IV - No Love Lost (All Possibilities)" by whatever 57010
Niko calls Faustin and tells him the boyfriend is dead--Niko says he doesn't
know how happy the daughter will be. Faustin says he doesn't care about happi-
ness--he just cares about discipline and loyalty.
(Later, The Lost blame the Angels of Death for Jason's murder and burn down
their clubhouse and steal their heroin. Billy Grey creates this gossip to
start a war between the gangs.)
Niko gets $1,000.
Roman Bellic's missions cont.
V.23 Logging On
Brucie Kibbutz: Timothy Adams
Timothy played Casey Mitchum in 323 1997-1999 episodes of the TV series "Sun-
set Beach," handsome Ron Walsh in five 2007 episodes of the ABC-TV soap opera
"One Life to Live," played a NY Post gossip reporter on the "MILF Island" 2008
episode of the TV series "30 Rock," played Dr. Clayton in eight 2010 episodes of
the TV soap opera "All My Children," etc. He also played a Random Saint (with a
bit of Brucie Kibbutz dialogue) in the 2011 game "Saints Row: The Third" and
reprised the role of Brucie Kibbutz for the 2013 game GTA "V."
Send Niko to the taxi depot to see Roman, who introduces him to his friend
Brucie, who's an exercise nut, but could pass for a plain one if he didn't ex-
ercise. Roman thinks Niko has a greater chance to find a good opportunity by
being on the Internet, so Roman sends him to the tw@ Internet cafe to sign up.
Have Niko go to the tw@ Internet Cafe on the west side of Oneida Ave. just
north of Cisco St. Have him talk to the woman at the desk, Alejandra, log onto
a computer, set up an e-mail account, and reply favorably to a message from
EyeFind Mail to activate his account. You can send Niko outside to complete
the mission if you're going for a Liberty City Minute Achievement, or have him
surf the net (I.15). If Niko hasn't been there before, an @ symbol will now
mark the spot on the radar/map.
Niko gets along good with Alejandra but can't date her. (Name of voice ac-
Roman calls about Brucie's Exotic Export mission (V.28) and Niko has Brucie's
phone number. Niko gets the "Order Fulfilled" Achievement.
Little Jacob's missions cont.
V.24 Shadow
Have Niko go to the north side of Dillon St. at the first door west of Cayuga
Teafore Maxwell-Davies aka Real Badman aka Badman: Terry "Seeborn" Marshall
Seeborn enters show biz pretty good in a GTA playing a local drug dealer
who'll have people killed to protect his turf. Badman is thin with a black
Rastafarian beanie with a visor. Jacob uses Iyaric, a Rastafarian dialect of
English, to translate Badman's Jamaican Patois for Niko.
Little Jacob wants Niko to do a favor for Badman--take care of some men
who're selling marijuana on Badman's turf without giving Badman a cut of the
profits. Jacob makes a quick cutting motion and sound to indicate how he wants
Niko to deal with it.
"Shadow" in this case means to follow someone closely and that's how the game
recommends you have Niko handle the first part of this favor. Niko has to fol-
low, on foot, a dealer from an alley in Bohan to his suppliers.
(Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip that this is a mission with a limited
wanted rating exploit. The police are less sensitive to Niko's use of firearms
and other crimes but can still get a wanted rating if he causes enough problems
quickly or in the right place. So before you have Niko go to the dealer in
Bohan you may use this as a time to have him get the Flying Rats in the eastern
areas of the map.)
Have Niko go to the west side of Wallkill Ave. just south of the alley north
of Switch St. There's a cutscene of the dealer going east from the alley and
making a phone call to say he's out of product so "be ready."
The dealer leads Niko east across the street, east then south through an al-
ley (have Niko ignore the call from Roman) to Switch St., south across Switch
St., south then east through an alley, south through an apartment building to
Hollowback Rd., south across Hollowback Rd. to climb over the fence of an al-
ley, south through half the alley and over a break in a stone wall then east
through a grey-red door into an apartment building, and up the stairs to the
sixth floor. Have him go to the west end, go south through an archway, and to
the second and darker door of two--the apartment of the dealer and his two sup-
Niko has to kill the three of them who are armed and fire back.
(Liberty City Minute tip: Niko doesn't have to use stealth when following--if
he doesn't, the chase is faster and Niko has to shoot the apartment door handle
but the men in it are ready for a shoot out all the same.)
You can have Niko use the doorway for cover, try a cooked Grenade on the men,
and shoot as needed.
Niko gets $250.
Niko calls Jacob who congratulates him on making the corner Jacob's (not Bad-
man's?) again.
Little Jacob calls Niko with a work offer: Delivery missions, V.26, are
V.25 Friends--Little Jacob
After "Shadow" (V.24), Little Jacob calls for a friend activity and Niko can
call Little Jacob from 1:00 pm to 4:00 am.
See section V.6 Friends.
Niko has to do all six activities listed below in a way Little Jacob likes,
which for pool and darts means to beat Jacob at them, for 100% completion of
the game.
Preferred activities: darts (have Niko win), pool (have Niko win), eating
(he prefers Cluckin' Bell and secondly other fast food), Cabaret (Perestroi-
ka), strip club, and drinking (he favors Club Liberty nightclub at Wardite St./
Galveston Ave., but it's in Algonquin)
He likes Tuff Gong
Special ability: at a 75% Like stat, Niko can call Little Jacob, choose
"Guns," and Little Jacob will to drive to a nearby location for Niko to meet
him. Jacob's car trunk has weapons that Niko can buy. Unlike a Gun Store he
doesn't sell Armor, the Baseball bat, Pistol, Sniper rifle, or RPG, but he does
sell most of the same weapons, he sells the Knife, and his prices are lower than
those of a Gun Store (see section II.2).
Knife $100
(Glock 17) $420 + $25 for each added magazine
Combat shotgun
(Remington 11-87) $1,500 + $100 for 10 shells
Micro SMG
(Micro Uzi) $840 + $20 for each added magazine
(S&W MP10) $1,750 + $20 for each added magazine
Assault Rifle
(AK-47) $2,450 + $55 for each added magazine
Carbine Rifle
(M4A1) $3,500 + $70 for each added magazine
Combat Sniper
(PSG-1) $5,000 + $500 for each added magazine
Molotov cocktails $350 apiece
Grenades $700 apiece
The special ability won't be offered if the Like stat falls below 30%. If
you don't want to share an activity but don't want the Like stat to drop accept
his offer then call back and cancel it.
(Liberty City Minute tip: do two of his favorite activities before doing the
one he asked for.)
After Elizabeta calls Niko to get to her place Niko can't have friend activi-
ties with Jacob till after "The Snow Storm."
Having Little Jacob's Like stat over 90% gives Niko the "Retail Therapy"
Achievement and goes toward the Liberty City (5) Achievement.
V.26 Delivery missions
Little Jacob's drug Delivery missions are available. He calls Niko offering
the work after "Shadow" (V.24).
Have Niko, far from the Homebrew Cafe, call Jacob during the day after 10 am
and select "Job." It maay help Niko receive work to be some distance from both
his last delivery location and the cafe.
Jacob will tell Niko to go to the Homebrew Cafe for drugs to deliver. Have
Niko go to the alley entrance on the west side of the Broker-Dukes Expressway
at the south side of the cafe in a fast vehicle with full Health and Armor and
a lot of your favorite shootout ammo (SMG, rifle, etc.). Have him enter the
rusty car to get the drugs to deliver then get back in the fast vehicle to de-
liver them.
There are three types of Delivery missions:
1. Timed Niko has about 30 in-game minutes--about one minute in real time--
to make the delivery or the buyer won't buy.
Thanks to Robert Rusk reader O odino for this tip. The amount given on the
timer may be rounded up or down. "If you enter the car at 1:07 for example,
the game will say you need to deliver by 1:30 which just about gives you 20
minutes." To get the surplus time "...enter the car at 1:11-1:13 and it will
say deliver by 1:45 which gives you MORE than 30 minutes."
You might pause the game to check the map in case there's a more direct route
than suggested by the GPS. A fast motorcycle is better for some shortcuts. A
Taxi ride may be available which can take Niko right to the waypoint.
2. Stash Niko has to deliver the drugs to a safe location but he's ambushed
by armed gang members (the Algonquin Triads or Albanian Mafia) who fire at him.
As far as I know they have Pistols unless otherwise indicated. Have Niko kill
3. Deal Niko meets with the buyers (the Irish mob) but the police arrest
them and Niko has to get rid of a two star wanted rating.
The missions may appear in a different order than the order they're given in
V.26.a Cerveza Heights car stack The marker is by a dumpster at the side
of a building at the east end of the alley on the east side of Inchon Ave.
north of Huntington St.
Stash There are two that enter the alley in a car, one on a roof on the
north side of the alley entrance (one of these three has a shotgun), and two on
the roof just east of the dumpster.
You can have Niko go by the eastern building wall for cover from the two
above to the east to get the western three then move from the building enuough
to get the heads of the other two. One of those two may jump to the scaffold-
ing to the north.
V.26.b Meadow Hills The marker is by a pair of garbage cans on the north
side of the east-west alley on the east side of Stillwater Ave. south of Aragon
One gangster comes from the alley to the south.
Two gangsters get out of a car that comes from the western part of Niko's
Two gangsters come from the eastern part of Niko's alley.
Have Niko kill the one from the southern alley and the two from the car
from the west first.
V.26.c Meadow Park The marker is at the northeast corner of a church in a
lot on the west side of Savannah Ave. north of Hancock St.
Stash Two gangsters come from the northwest corner of the church and two,
one of whom has a shotgun, come from the southeast corner. Have Niko kill the
one who has a shotgun first.
V.26.d Willis The marker is just south of the intersection of alleys west
of Saratoga Ave. north of Ellery St. (where Niko killed the runners earlier for
Deal Have Niko drive out of the two star wanted rating zone.
V.26.e Meadow Park Festival Towers The marker is by the tower--the smaller
round spot of two on the radar/maps--of the Liberty State Pavilion Towers in
Meadows Park.
Deal Have Niko drive out of the two star wanted rating zone.
V.26.f East Island City Tunnel The marker is in the pedestrian tunnel with
the southern entrance by the curve south of the east end of the East Borough
Bridge and the northern entrance under the bridge.
Timed 45-50 in-game min.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for recommending that you have Niko drive north and use
the stunt jump to get onto the Algonquin-Dukes Expressway, go west till near
Dukes Blvd./Stone St and turn left onto the old railroad tracks. Use the stunt
jump to get into Dukes Park then go north and into the tunnel.
V.26.g Schottler The marker is in an alley under the Algonquin-Dukes Ex-
pressway east of Montauk Ave.
Timed 30 in-game min.
V.26.h Beechwood City The marker is in the garage of the abandoned Auto Re-
pair shop on the north side of the Broker-Dukes Expressway at the east side of
Carson St.
Timed 30 in-game min.
V.26.i Outlook Park The marker is by a garbage can under the little pedes-
trian bridge west of the circular road around Soldiers Plaza.
Stash Four gang members appear--one from each of the four side of the two
tunnel entrances. Have Niko kill the one at the southwest side first because
he has a shotgun then kill the one at the southeast side.
V.26.j Steinway projects The marker is east of the north end of Yorktown
Ave. in the northeast area of the lot of the apartment tower.
Timed 50-60 in-game min.
Jacob gives Niko a Huntley Sport with a custom grille and exhaust and the
colors of the Jamaican flag--green, black, and yellow--for the last mission.
Each delivery pays $250, adds 1% to Jacob's Like, and adds 3% to Jacob's Re-
Completing the deliveries earns the "Courier Service" Achievement.
Completing all 10 deliveries adds 2% toward 100% completion of the game.
V.27 Random Characters--Badman
Teafore Maxwell-Davies aka Real Badman aka Badman Terry "Seeborn" Marshall
supplies the voice of Badman who speaks in Jamaican Patois. Badman is the tem-
peramental leader of the Yardies and Little Jacob's boss and friend.
After "Shadow" (V.24) have Niko meet Badman who's on a bench by the Pill
Pharm on the west side of Dukes Blvd. south of Morris St. in Dukes. Badman
tells Niko Russian gangsters have been making him pay debts (invading his ter-
ritory and making him pay protection, I guess). Niko suggests they go get them
and Badman raises his pump action shotgun and agrees.
Have Niko drive Badman to the alley on the south side of Carrollton St. west
of Saratoga Ave. where the Russian gangsters are making a deal. Have Niko use
a corner of a wall for cover and shoot south to kill the five thugs.
Niko gets $500.
This contributes to 100% completion of the game and earns the "No More
Strangers" Achievement.
V.28 Brucie's Exotic Exports car theft missions
This is available after "Logging On" (V.23).
Have Niko go to a computer he can use. The first one legally available is at
the tw@ Internet Cafe on the west side of Oneida Ave. north of Cisco St., Brok-
er. Have him open Email from Brucie Kibbutz with an attachment that says "Exot-
ic Export (car name)." You can click to view a picture of the vehicle. Click
to reply positively to start the mission.
Have Niko get the vehicle and drive it into Brucie's Executive Lifestyle
Autos garage in East Hook on the east side of Mohanet Ave. east of the first
intersection north of Mohanet Ave. and Cisco St. The ten vehicles to acquire
for Brucie:
Cavalcade with black rims
Sabre GT
The maximum reward is $1,000 per and $800 per motorcycle--less with damage.
You can use a Pay 'n' Spray to repair damage. Each delivery increases Brucie's
Like stat 1% and Respect stat 3%. (Thanks to Robert Rusk reader fleetstdemon
for the tip that it may be possible to increase the reward by delivering the
vehicle with a wanted rating.)
A video by GTA Series videos reports a glitch whereby a damaged vehicle which
can still be driven may bring a 35% bonus of up to $350 more instead of less.
The game still tells you to fix the vehicle before delivering it so many play-
ers don't notice the glitch. The video says it holds true for all versions of
the game as far as they know.
The vehicles appear at random in these 10 situations:
Meadows Park
The vehicle is driven around the Meadows Park/Meadows Hills area. Have Niko
park in front of the vehicle to stop it then aim a gun at the driver, or fire a
warning shot, or hit the motorcyclist with a bat--if no police are nearby--to
get the driver to run away. Have Niko drive it into the lockup.
South Slopes
The vehicle is driven around the South Slopes area. Have Niko park in front
of the vehicle to stop it then aim a gun at the driver, or fire a warning shot,
or hit the motorcyclist with a bat--if no police are nearby--to get the driver
to run away. Have Niko drive it into the lockup.
The vehicle is parked by a Mule truck on the west side of the street that's
parallel to and west of Montauk Ave. in BOABO. (The section of road is just
south of the biggest rectangular projection of coast in BOABO south of the east
end of the Algonquin Bridge.)
It's guarded by three goons with a Knife and Baseball bat and a guy in a
suit. If you have Niko go near the vehicle the goons approach him. If any of
them are attacked, or the Cavalcade is damaged, the guy in the suit and one of
the goons get in the Cavalcade and drive off while the other two goons stay and
attack Niko. If all the goons are killed, their boss will flee without the
Cavalcade. If you have Niko run to the Cavalcade and get in quickly enough he
may be able to drive off without fighting with the goons.
You may be able to have have Niko run over and drive by them all then take
the vehicle.
Have him drive it to the lockup.
Beechwood City
The vehicle is at the car wash on the east side of Tutelo Ave. north of the
Homebrew Cafe. Two employees will attack Niko. If having him target them with
a gun doesn't cause them to to run away you may need to have him shoot them.
Have Niko drive it to the lockup.
Chase Point
The vehicle is parked on the west side of Guantanamo Ave. just south of Wind-
mill St. in Chase point. The driver is talking to a prostitute who's standing
by the driver's window. You might get away with having Niko jack the vehicle
but if the driver is only harmed he'll try to drive the vehicle away, if
knocked off a 'cycle he'll attack with a Pistol, and if not killed he'll jack
another vehicle and chase Niko. You may as well have Niko drive-by him, pre-
ferably if no police are around, then drive the vehicle to the lockup.
Cerveza Heights
The vehicle is at a car park in the alley on the east side of Inchon St.
north of Huntington St. but drives from the car park as Niko approaches it.
Have Niko park in front of the vehicle to stop it then aim a gun at the driver,
or fire a warning shot, or hit the motorcyclist with a bat--if no police are
nearby--to get the driver to run away. Have Niko drive it into the lockup.
Meadow Hills
The vehicle is near Station Square on the south side of Ellery St. east of
Seymour Ave. Have Niko wait till a couple of policemen walk far enough away
(and preferably no others are around--the area is heavily patrolled) then have
him break the driver side window, wait till the alarm stops, and drive the ve-
hicle to the lockup.
The driver of the vehicle is being frisked near a police car by the east side
of Outlook Park on the west side of Montauk Ave. west of the west end of Hick-
cock St. You may have Niko get away with blocking the police with his vehicle
to jack the suspect's vehicle and get a two star wanted level or you may need
to have Niko shoot the police and get a higher wanted level. If so, there's a
Pay 'n' Spray to the south on the south side of Gibson St. west of Montauk Ave.
If Niko has no wanted rating have him drive the vehicle to the lockup.
Firefly Projects
This vehicle is on the west side of Mohegan Ave. north of Ringo St. guarded
by three hustlers who attack with a Baseball bat and Pistols.
Have Niko drive over them and drive-by them as needed. If you don't have him
act quickly one may try to drive away with it or try to jack Niko from it and
attacking them may attract other hustlers. He may need to get rid of a wanted
rating (there's a Pay 'n' Spray on the south side of Gibson St.) before driving
the vehicle to the lockup.
The vehicle has two armed thugs by it in an alley on the north side of Earp
St. east of Tuscarora Ave. If Niko draws a weapon they attack with Micro-SMGs.
Have Niko drive-by them, or use a nearby dumpster for cover and shoot them on
foot, use a Pay 'n' Spray as needed, then drive the vehicle to the lockup.
GTA0wns' video at the next link shows how you can have Niko enter Brucie's
garage on foot to explore it. Have Niko ark a vehicle to deliver under the
door of the garage a bit--not enough for the game to count it as delivered.
One item inside is a "San Andreas" Remington.
Having Niko deliver all ten cars and motorcycles contributes 2% toward 100%
completion and gives Niko the "Order Fulfilled" Achievement.
Mikhail Faustin's missions cont.
V.29 Rigged to Blow
Ileyna Faustin: Marcy McGuigan (as "Marcy Maguigan")
(GTW note to Rockstar North: it ain't bad enough she plays an abused wo-
man-you misspelled her name? Isn't "Mc" a Scotch-Irish surname prefix?
You people are based in Edinburgh--how did you blow that? Did you e'er
hear Paul McCartney referred to as "Mag"? You go back and fix it.)
Marcy played Aemilia in the Colorado Shakespeare Festival presentation of
"Othello," and Dorothy Brock in a national tour of "42nd Street," played Mrs.
MacDuffie and Sister Walburga in NYC at The SoHo Playhouse in The Divine Sis-
ter," 2010-2011, played Dr. Ryan in a 1997 episode of the TV series "Ghost
Stories," was in an "Annie Get Your Gun" skit in a 2000 episode of the TV series
"Late Night with Conan O'Brien," played the Awards Presenter in a 2014 episode
of the TV series "Inside Amy Schumer," and gives a sad life to the role of the
abused wife of Mikhail.
This mission has the same title as a GTA "III" mission in which you have
Claude drive a car fitted with explosives and have him avoid blowing it up.
The objective of the "III" mission "Blow Fish" is more like that of this one.
Have Niko go to Faustin's mansion on the west side of the south end of Shin-
necock Ave.
Ileyna Faustin tells Niko how bad Mikhail has been in the recent years of
their marriage. She wonders why or if she should blame herself. Niko says
the war changed him to think nothing of doing bad things. "I killed people,
smuggled people, sold people"--"after you walk into a village and you see fif-
ty children, all sitting neatly in a row against the church wall, each with
their throats cut and their hands chopped off, you realize that the creature
that could do this doesn't have a soul." She tells him, "God is very compli-
cated. You mustn't give up hope."
Mikhail and Dimitri enter. Mikhail throws a tantrum that scares her out cry-
ing and orders Dimitri, ever trying to calm him down to no effect, out of the
room. Mikhail wants Niko to teach people to listen to Mikhail. He tells Niko
to deliver a truck to someone who owes Mikhail money--to go to the truck and
call when he gets there.
This mission is similar to the GTA "III" mission "Blow Fish." Have Niko get
into the truck on the east side of Montauk Ave. by the northeast offramp of the
Algonquin-Dukes Expressway. Niko calls Mikhail and learns the truck is filled
with volatile explosives so he better drive carefully.
Have Niko drive to the waypoint on the map--a garage on the north side of
Hollowback St. east of Joliet Ave. The truck will suffer a few bumps with no
need to worry. But if it's damaged badly enough a beeper beeps and the green
light on the back of the truck flashes and they do it faster as damage in-
creases until at a maximum degree the truck explodes.
Have Niko park the truck in the garage. The game instructs you to have Niko
trigger the bomb (LMB) but you can just have him park it and run--possibly
shooting the truck a bit first. A cutscene shows Niko run from the garage
which blows up with the biggest explosion of the game.
The garage owner nearby makes a phone call to Kenny Petrovic, the man whose
son Lenny was killed by Niko at Faustin's order in "Final Destination" (V.21),
to report that the destruction of his business wasn't an accident. Have Niko
run from the area--he'll probably with a one or two star wanted level if you
have him listen to the phone call. If you have him wait around that long you
might hear the police announce "a possible terrorist attack at Chase Point."
Niko gets $700.
Roman calls. Brucie has work for Niko--Brucie's missions are available
Dimitri sends Niko a text message telling Niko to meet Dimitri on Firefly Is-
land--Dimitri's missions are available (V.30).
Weazel News online reports the explosion at the garage as due to terrorists.
Dimitri Rascalov's missions
V.30 The Master and the Molotov
The title refers to "The Master and the Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov and to
the fact that Molotovs become available at Gun Shops after the mission.
Niko receives a text message from Dimitri saying they must talk on the Fire-
fly Island boardwalk. Send Niko south of Mohawk Ave. to meet him.
Dimitri tells Niko to kill Faustin to appease Kenny Petrovic about Faustin
hiring Niko to kill Petrovic's son Lenny. Niko will be spared if he's the one
that kills Faustin. Dimitri says, "We can pick the game, Niko Bellic, but we
cannot change the rules."
Have Niko go to Faustin's Perestroika club on the north side of Tulsa St.
east of Mohawk Ave. Faustin enters it with a couple of his men.
If Niko doesn't have full Armor he gets a text message from Dimitri saying
he left Niko some protection around the corner. If so, there's Armor at the
east side of the club by the south corner which Niko may use any time during
the mission even if he doesn't read the message. If he gets the message but
doesn't read it the Armor will be invisible but there. Have Niko enter the
(Liberty City Minute tip: have Niko go to the southwest corner of the lobby,
shoot northeast to open the doors to the theater, and shoot Mikhail with what-
ever strong weapon. Thanks to whatever57010)
Niko encounters Faustin who, from behind two of his guards, asks if he and
Dimitri want to take over from him. Niko says Faustin pushed things too far
and didn't give Dimitri a choice. Faustin says Dimitri was his brother for
life and now betrays him. Faustin has his guards attack Niko.
Have Niko shoot the two men in front of him. Have him turn and shoot the
two men shooting from the far end of the room--one by the edge of the stage who
moves onto it and one who uses the middle of the bar as cover. When Faustin is
done accusing Niko from the far end of the bar he begins firing with a Micro-
Have Niko shoot Faustin, or just run toward him, and Faustin runs through the
door at the back of the main club area. Have Niko chase him. Have Niko shoot
the guard who's just behind the door, one in the middle of the west-east hall,
and one by the stairs at the east end of the hall. Have him run up the stairs
and through the door.
(Liberty City Minute tip: you could have Niko charge Faustin firing a shotgun
at him till he dies in the back of the club.)
"Grand Theft Auto 4 Speedrun (4:40:02) Part 7" by MSuraev
Have Niko shoot the two guards firing from the east side of the north-south
alley--each using a garbage dumpster for cover. Faustin shouts accusations
from the fire escape walk above the south end of the alley. Have Niko go up
the fire escape, shooting while chasing Faustin who goes west to stand on the
south edge of the high roof east of the lower roof that's above the marguee and
drops his Micro-SMG.
On the way, Faustin shouts to Niko that "Dimitri will turn on you as well"
which is shown true in the next mission.
(Liberty City Minute tip: you can have Niko kill Faustin with a Grenade or by
shooting at him as he goes up the fire escape to the roof. He'll pause at
times to fire back with his Micro-SMG.)
Faustin accuses Dimitri and Niko of betraying him. You can have Niko use any
weapon to kill Faustin. (If you have Niko punch him he fires a Pistol.) To
have Niko perform an execution equip him with a Pistol, target Faustin, and
when the reticle changes have Niko shoot him which knocks him down to the
This is the second mission in which Niko can perform an execution of someone
(the first was "Uncle Vlad," V.17).
Niko calls Dimitri who congratulates Niko and says he hopes this means there
will be peace with Petrovic.
Molotovs are available from Gun Stores for $500.
The Turismo will continue to spawn in Faustin's driveway on the west side of
the south end of Shinneoock Ave., Beachgate.
You have a choice of having Niko call Dimitri (if you're ready for the next
mission) or waiting for Dimitri to call. Dimitri's message is that he wants
Niko, unaccompanied, to come for his payment at a warehouse on Monhanet Ave. in
Broker. While you send Niko there, Little Jacob calls and tells Niko the meet-
ing will be dangerous. Little Jacob says he'll meet Niko there.
V.31 Russian Revolution
The title refers to the Russian Revolution of 1917.
Rodislav "Ray" Bulgarin: Vitali Baganov
Vitali Baganov played Russian mobster Valery in two of the more memorable epi-
sodes of the TV show "The Sopranos," both from 2001--"Pine Barrens" and "...To
Save Us All from Satan's Power." In movies he's been in "Sherlock Holmes and
Doctor Watson: The Bloody Inscription," 1979. He reprised the role of Bugarin
for TBoGT.
Niko has a choice of calling Dimitri (if you're ready for the mission) or
waiting for him to call. Either way, Niko asks if Dimitri has the payment for
his last mission. Dimitri says he does and tells Niko to meet him at the ware-
house on Monhanet Ave. in downtown Broker--"come alone." A bit later Little
Jacob calls and tells Niko the meeting will be dangerous so he'll meet Niko
Send Niko to the warehouse--the marker at the south end of the west side of
the rectangle just north of the dead end road that's on the west side of Mohan-
et Ave. It's south of the two rectangular projections of coast south of the
east end of the Algonquin Bridge.
Niko meets Little Jacob at the big warehouse entrance. Niko has Jacob stand
watch by it and takes a few steps inside. Dimitri says he has the payment and
just wants to check something with him--he motions for Niko to come further in-
side the warehouse.
Dimitri asks if Niko used to work the coast of the Mediterranean smuggling
people into Italy, then, assuming it's true, accuses Niko of leaving a big debt
to a good friend of his who appears at Dimitri's side. Niko greets Bulgarin--
the man who falsely accused Niko of owing him money whom Niko told Roman about
in "Bleed Out" (V.4). A guard appears at the big warehouse door. Niko says he
doesn't know what happened to the money--he didn't steal it--as the warehouse
door starts to slide down.
Bulgarin doesn't believe Niko but Niko says the boat used for human smuggling
was busted a mile from coast leaving Niko no choice but to swim to safety. But
Bulgarin wants Niko to be killed in revenge--the guard grabs Niko around the
neck from behind and Niko knocks him away. Little Jacob enters to defend Niko
as the warehouse door slides down to close.
Have Niko, crouching for cover behind a pile of girders, help Jacob take out
Bulgarin's men while Bulgarin and Dimitri wait (with God mode) on the east side
of the warehouse. If Jacob dies, Niko fails the mission. There's Armor by a
big horizontal container tank just ahead of him and Health on the wall in the
room ahead and to the right.
"GTA IV - Russian Revolution (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
The game explains that Niko can use blind fire by firing (LMB) from behind
cover without targeting (RMB) but the fire is more accurate with targeting.
Use the scroll wheel to zoom. While Niko uses cover you can move him with A
and D. Sustained fire causes recoil and bullet spread indicated by the widen-
ing of the reticle.
Have Niko basically follow Jacob in moving forward through the warehouse as
each batch of attackers, about a dozen in all, are eliminated. Niko can take
cover behind the support columns at the sides of the warehouse and the big hor-
izontal container tanks and horizontal piles of girders in the middle of the
Approximate order of events:
"GTA 4 - Mission #24 - Russian Revolution (1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
Have Niko use cover and an SMG or your favorite shootout weapon on the at-
tackers running and taking cover ahead and one on a second level on the left.
Have Niko move ahead to take cover behind the second horizontal cylindrical
tank ahead and shoot the attackers running and taking cover ahead, one on
the second level on the right, and one in a mainly windowed area on the second
level on the left.
Have Niko move ahead to take cover behind the next horizontal cylindrical
tank ahead and shoot the attackers running and taking cover ahead and one in a
windowed area on the second level on the right.
Dimitri and Bulgarin escape and the police appear at the east end of the
warehouse as Niko approaches it. Niko has a two star wanted rating.
You might have Niko use the Armor just ahead of the starting point and col-
lect weapons as needed. As you have Niko go toward the back door, the last at-
tacker appears above it on a third level of the warehouse--have Niko shoot him.
Have Niko use the back warehouse doorway for cover while clearing the police
out from the nearby area outside, shoot any more police as needed as leaving
(to keep the wanted level from rising higher don't have Niko shoot them after
Jacob says "But not till we lose Babylon car, sight? Yo, find me a car....",
go right, get into Jacob's car, let Jacob enter it, and drive through the Navy
Yard and beyond to get rid of his wanted rating.
Have Niko take Little Jacob back to the Homebrew Cafe. On the way, Niko says
he wishes he'd killed Bulgarin a long time ago, promises to take Dimitri down,
and thanks Little Jacob.
Jacob says he needs to "black up"--patois for "smoke weed."
"Grand Theft Auto IV Classic% Speedrun WR: 07:02:32" by Dispersor
See 1:19:00
"Grand Theft Auto 4 Speedrun (4:40:02) Part 7" by MSuraev
See 7:00
Niko can call Roman or Roman will call Niko. If you're ready to have Niko do
the next mission, have him call Roman who's in an alley off Hooper St. in East
Island City.
Roman Bellic's missions cont.
V.32 Roman's Sorrow
Have Niko go to the alley on the north side of the western part of Hooper St.
(gta.wikia.com says it's the southern stretch of Franklin St.).
Niko finds Roman hiding in the trunk of his taxi after he got some calls from
people who just hung up without saying anything. Niko says Dimitri has become
a threat and Bulgarin, whom Roman remembers, is here now. Roman suggests that
they lay low in his apartment.
Have Niko drive Roman to his apartment. On the way, Roman calls Mallorie and
gets her to agree to get a cousin of her's to provide a place for him and Niko
to stay in Bohan. Roman tells Niko he had a dream where they owned a tavern,
Roman married Mallorie, and Niko found the right woman.
Niko and Roman find Roman's place is on fire. (Niko can still save vehicles
with the parking space.) The engagement ring Roman was going to give Mallorie
has been lost in the fire.
Have Niko drive Roman to the cab depot and they find that it's on fire, too.
Have Niko drive Roman to Malorie's cousin's place in Bohan. During the ride
Roman gets upset about how much Niko has ruined his life (which reminds me of
how Alan Arkin's character Sheldon complained about Peter Falk's character
Vince in "The In-Laws," 1979), that the engagement ring Roman bought for Mal-
lorie has been destroyed, etc.
At Mallorie's cousin's place, Mallorie says she knows some people who can
help, tells Niko to see her at the Community Center, and leaves. Niko agrees
with Roman that they need to start again. Niko leaves.
Niko has another save place with a parking space. The wall clock in the
apartment shows the game time.
Niko gets the "Lowest Point" Achievement and can't do the taxi mission any-
more and can't get free taxi rides till after "Blow Your Cover."
Dimitri calls--he threatens to find Niko and Roman and kill them. Brucie
calls saying Roman is gambling more. Jacob texts warning Niko to stay low.
Weazel News reports that Russian gangsters started the fires with Molotovs.
It's also reported on libertytreeonline.
An "M" appears in Bohan on the map and radar.
Manny Escuela's missions
V.33 Escuela of the Streets
Manny Escuela: Berto Colon
Berto added voices to the 2005 Rockstar game "The Warriors," played Dean in
two 2008 episodes of "All My Children," Sgt. Hopper in two 2008 episodes of "As
the World Turns," Santa #2 in two 2007 episodes and the Hit Man in two 2008 epi-
sodes of "One Life to Live," supplied various voices for the 2010 Rockstar game
"Red Dead Redemption," played a Guard in a 2015 episode of the TV series "The
Blacklist," Cesar in eight 2013-2015 episodes of the TV series "Orange Is the
New Black," etc.
"Escuela" is Spanish for "school."
Mallorie introduces Niko to Manny who's making a hip-hop music video. (How
is it Niko doesn't understand Manny's slang but understood Jacob?) Manny of-
fers Niko money to take out some neighborhood dealers to clean up the streets
(which sounds like a mission for C.J. in "San Andreas"), which is okay with
Niko if he isn't filmed.
Have Niko take Manny (you can't have Niko use a helicopter or Bus) to the
dealer's place on the south side of Grand Blvd. east of Folsom Way and park
behind the dealer's Stallion that has a unique black color.
On the way Manny says he wants to be a philanthropist "like one of them rich
guys who makes computers and cures AIDS" which is a reference to Bill Gates.
The dealer drives off. Have Niko tail the dealer (the red blip on the radar)
from about several car lengths to half a block away to the Sprunk warehouse on
the east side of Attica Ave. north of Hollowback St. Unlike "Shadow" Niko can
spook the dealer and fail the mission. Manny will warn Niko if he gets too
close or honks the horn. Niko can fail the mission by honking the horn too
much or uses an Ambulance siren.
Niko has to kill the eight men, the dealer and his gang, who are in the ware-
house. If you have Niko try the door, he finds that it's locked. Manny sends
Niko a text message saying that a window opens for every door that closes.
There are several ways to have Niko handle this. Niko can risk getting a one
star wanted level by shooting the doorknob, or shooting the glass from one of
the two windows to the left of it, to enter the warehouse. He won't get a
wanted rsting by punching the door open. If he goes through the door, have him
take cover by the door or boxes right away because he'll walk into the fire of
the men who are concentrated in one area then rapidly spread out across the
warehouse as Niko fires. If he enters the window to the left of the door and
enters an office, the fight can start at the door of the office.
A safer way is to have Niko leave the front door alone, go to the alley south
of the warehouse and climb the fire escape stairs to the roof, walk north over
planks to the roof of the warehouse, shoot some of the men through an open
skylight window, then drop into the warehouse to get the rest.
If you use the last method, Niko can use the SMG pickup on the roof. He can
drop into the warehouse to shoot the last couple of guys (getting the one by
the Sprunk dispenser right away). Thanks to Robert Rusk for recommending that
the safest way to have Niko get the last two men is by having Niko enter
through the window left of the front door and shoot from the office.
The office has a First Aid Kit, there's a Sprunk machine in the warehouse
that gives 50% Health per drink, and there are a lot of ammo pickups left be-
If Niko didn't shoot the doorknob of the front door to get in, have him shoot
it to get out and meet Manny and his cameraman. Manny's still so concerned to
have himself filmed taking credit for the street killing that he can't seem to
understand that Niko doesn't want filmed evidence of his involvement with it.
"GTA IV - Escuela of the Streets (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Niko gets $1,000.
V.34 Random Characters--Mel
Mel: Larry Fleishman Larry was also in the 2002 short "The Evidence."
Mel had a cameo at the start of "Bull in a China Shop" (V.10) and a couple
other scenes in Comrades bar. Mel appears as a Random Character after "Escuela
of the Streets" (V.33).
Have Niko go to the west side of Mohawk Ave. north of Masterson St. to find
Mel. Mel has quit alcohol, etc., but owes some people money from his drinking
days. He wants Niko to protect him as he goes to a loan shark in an alley at
the east side of Montauk Ave. north of Hickcock St. to pay off his debt. Since
Mel also ruined the loan shark's apartment and got him evicted, the loan shark
and two others attack with Pistols. Have Niko kill the three attackers then
drive Mel back to Mohawk Ave.
Niko gets $500.
Having this encounter contributes to 100% completion of the game and the "No
More Strangers" Achievement.
Manny Escuela's missions cont.
V.35 Street Sweeper
Have Niko go to the West Bohan Community Center on the west side of San Quen-
tin Ave. north of Hollowback St. Manny is making another video of his (self
professed) importance in improving the streets of his neighborhood--this time
with an awkward cameo by police officer McReary. After Francis McReary leaves,
Niko orders the cameraman to stop while he talks with Manny. Manny tells Niko
to kill a South Bohan gang on Windmill St. that "disrespected the codes of the
Have Niko go to the armed gang at a garage with two open doors on the north
side of Windmill St. east of Attica Ave. If Niko doesn't have a weapon he's
given a Pistol with 20 bullets. One way to fail the mission is to let some
gang members drive away in the red car facing the street in the eastern garage
doorway, so I'd recommend your first order of business be to have Niko kill the
driver of it. It won't be driven away once that's done.
"GTA IV - Street Sweeper (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
If the car is driven away your first order of business is to have Niko chase
and kill the occupants, but it's easy to keep it from being driven away.
The mission is meant to teach how to do a drive-by but you can have Niko use
whatever method you want. There are only a few gang members besides the driv-
er and you pass the mission once you have Niko kill all of them.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the strategy that you can have Niko get on the roof
of the Sprunk warehouse to the south, as in V.33, and go to the north side of
the roof to shoot the driver of the red gang car then take out the attackers
from a safe vantage point.
"GTA 4 - Mission #29 - Street Sweeper (1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
To pass "Street Sweeper" without having Niko fire a shot you could have him
use a police vehicle that lets you use the computer, drive to ram the front of
the red car to turn it so it can't drive away, jack the driver, then go some-
where nearby but safe to use the computer and pick "Call Police Backup," and
let the police handle it. It takes longer, though.
"GTA IV - Street Sweeper" by EKGene
Niko calls Manny who says he'll provide more work for Niko.
Niko gets $1,100.
Mallorie Bardas calls to tell Niko to meet her at Elizabeta Torres' apartment
on San Quentin in Fortside--Elizabeta has work for Niko.
Brucie Kibbutz' missions
V.36 Search and Delete
Send Niko to Brucie's Executive Lifestyle Autos garage in East Hook on the
east side of Mohanet Ave. east of the first intersection north of Mohanet Ave.
and Cisco St.
Brucie needs Niko to kill some people before they take the stand and put
Brucie away for a lot of time, but those people are in hiding. He tells Niko
to steal a police car, get on the computer, and call Brucie.
Have Niko get into a police car. One is parked on Mohawk Ave. north of Mas-
terson St. You could save one from the Vigilante missions. You could have him
dial 911 to request one, jack it, and get rid of the one star wanted rating.
In fact, Brucie will send Niko a text message to try 911 if you have him take
too long. If you go that route have Niko take it then start the mission to get
rid of the wanted rating.
The gta.wikia.com site recommends a NOOSE Patriot (it has a police computer
and is designed to ram small vehicles) or Faustin's Turismo for the upcoming
He calls Brucie who says the target is Lyle Rivas. Have Niko, in a police
car at rest, use the computer to "Search Police Records," "Search by Name,"
type "Lyle Rivas," and click "Enter." Once it's found click Enter to have
Lyle's blip appear on the radar/map on the west side of Onion St. at the north
side of Asparagus Ave. Have Niko go there, enter the south side of the apart-
ment building, and go to the marker.
Niko tells Lyle he has a message from Brucie. Lyle responds by jumping
through the bathroom window.
Have Niko leave through the south door and chase Lyle's Fortune (the red blip
on the radar) and shoot at it with an SMG till Lyle (possibly with his car) is
destroyed. If the chase lasts long enough, be careful to avoid obstructions
when Lyle's car hits a truck and makes it drop metal barrels near the airport
terminal and later hits a truck that drops logs (sorry, but these logs will put
a dent in your car) on the Dukes Bay Bridge. If you have Niko follow Lyle long
enough he slows down and drives randomly around Bohan till you have Niko pit
manuever or otherwise stop Lyle's car. He's easy to have Niko kill then be-
cause Lyle gets out of his car.
"GTA IV - Search and Delete (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Niko calls Brucie who's glad (I'm not clear that Lyle did any more than say
things that bothered Brucie, though) and promises more work.
Niko gets $3,500.
The Pump Shotgun is available at Gun Stores for $1,200.
V.37 Easy as Can Be
Have Niko go to Brucie's garage.
Brucie says he uses steroids which may be why he's so high strung or maybe
he's just a nut. (Timothy Adams also supplies the voice of a Random Saint who
says he can't live without his 'roids in the 2011 game "Saints Row: The
Brucie wants Niko to steal a car Lyle left in an alley off Yorktown Ave. in
Steinway. Brucie says there are no risks--"easy as can be."
Have Niko go to the marker on the east side of Yorktown Ave. north of Harri-
son St., go to the south end of the main north-south alley west of that, and
enter the Oracle. Once he does, a couple of Lyle's gang members park on York-
town Ave. to the east and another pair park behind Niko, get out of their car
and aim their Pistols aimed at Niko. If you have Niko drive ahead and west to
the street you'll find a third enemy car to his left.
One method is to just have Niko drive quickly to Brucie's garage.
If you have Niko fight them have him use an SMG to drive-by the occupants of
the cars.
Willzyyy shows in the video at the next link that you can have Niko drive-by
the occupants of the first two enemy cars before leaving the alley via the east
Grand Theft Auto IV - Mission #25 - Easy As Can Be" by Willzyyy
Either way, have Niko drive the Oracle to Brucie's lockup.
Niko calls Brucie and tells him it was an ambush. Brucie thanks him and
promises to get him a nice car.
Niko gets $3,500.
Brucie calls about Roman's gambling problem.
V.38 Out of the Closet
Have Niko go to Brucie's flat (where his garage is) on Mohanet Ave.
Brucie tells Niko that Lyle's gay cousin, who owes Brucie a lot of money,
wants to have Brucie killed. Roman says the guy is hiding, so Roman creates a
dating profile of Niko, as though he was gay, on the Internet as a lure.
Have Niko go to the tw@ cafe on the west side of Oneida Ave. north of Cisco
St., Broker. Niko calls Brucie who tells Niko to use a computer to get on love-
meet.net and find French Tom. Click the ad for Love Meet, "male," click the
profile for French Tom, click "DATE," and log off. It takes several game hours
for French Tom to respond by Email.
During the several game hours till French Tom responds by e-mail, an "M" icon,
for a mission from Manny, "The Puerto Rican Connection" (VII.2), appears on
your radar and in-game map.
Have Niko go back to the TW2 cafe, go to the Love Meet site, and respond af-
firmatively to Tom's e-mail that invites Niko to be at the 69th Street Diner in
Hove Beach at a certain time (different times are used). This appears in
Niko's phone Organizer and reminds him when the date is near.
Send Niko into the diner at Mohawk Ave./Bart St. at or before the time for
the date. Niko sits at a table across from Tom (or, if Niko is there ahead of
time, Tom sits at a table across from Niko). When the game says Niko can get
up and select a weapon, have Niko kill Tom. If you want to hear more of the
conversation, in which Tom reveals he's a shallow guy and Niko accuses him of
not paying debts, remember that after Tom calls Niko a "scummy immigrant" Tom
runs out the door and it turns into a chase to kill him.
(Liberty City Minute tip: you can have Niko shoot Tom from near the door, be-
fore sitting at his table, for a quick exit and to avoid any possible attacks
from mobster diners.)
Niko gets $6,750.
Niko calls Brucie and tells him he doesn't think Tom will be seeing anyone
anymore. Brucie says Niko's ad is still on the web. Brucie says he'd use the
web but only dates models or VIPs who could be models.
An article about the murder, "Death at the Diner," appears on the Liberty
Tree site. Roman sends Niko a thank you Email.
Niko can find dates on the Internet at love-Meet.net (Carmen Ortiz--"SoBo-
Hoe"--and Kiki Jenkins--"LawChick") and craplist.net (Alex Chilton--"Liberated
Woman")--see "Friends" (V.6).
V.39 No. 1
Have Niko go to Brucie's place.
Brucie can't start the car he tuned so he wants to get one from Stevie, and
Brucie has Niko go with him.
Have Niko drive Brucie to Willis to get the car, a gold Comet, at the corner
of the north side of Lynch St. and the east side of Freetown Ave.
Have Niko use it to drive Brucie to a checkpoint race--the competitors are
parked facing west at Livingston St. just east of Camden Ave. in Cerveza
Heights. The checkpoints look like yellow versions of the regular markers and
each one points in the direction of the next part of the course. The last
checkpoint has a black and white checkerboard pattern on top.
As in previous GTAs, take it as fast as you can take it carefully. The Comet
is fast but light, and once Niko has the lead, spinning out can give the other
contestants time to take the lead from him. I use Reverse/S for braking at
turns more than in previous GTAs.
Have Niko win the race.
Thanks for the video by whatever57010 that shows you can have Niko drive to
but not enter the marker for the race, wait for the other contestants to drive
away, then start the race. The others start from wherever they went so it
gives Niko a head start. If you have him pause or go too slowly the others can
suddenly appear, though.
"GTA IV - No. 1 (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
While driving Brucie back to his apartment, Brucie says he just had Niko kill
Lyle and Tom Rivas out of anger, so Niko has Brucie agree to just be friends
and not do missions together anymore.
Niko gets $6,750.
Brucie's Races are available and he can be one of Niko's Friends.
Niko can save the Comet. You can replay this race from now on.
"Grand Theft Auto IV - Mission #27 - No. 1" by Willzyyy
"GTA IV PC - How to get the Infernus from the mission "No.1", and still win
the race" by zmoonchild
Have Niko wait at the end of the race--Montauk Ave. by the southern on/off-
ramps of the Algonquin-Dukes Expressway. Keep the Infernus in view and have
Niko follow it in his car to where the Infernus stops--the west part of the
circular road around Soldiers Plaza. Use the Comet to push the Infernus, which
has locked doors, to the Nove Beach parking space. Have Niko take Brucie home.
(If you have Niko return to the Infernus you'll find that it's unlocked.) Save
the game.
V.40 Races
Have Niko call Brucie and select "Race" to get one of the races for the area
he's in--one of the three for the East Side, one of the three for Algonquin
(legally available later), or one of the three for Alderney (legally available
Maps of the nine race courses
"GTA IV: Brucie's Races" by whatever57010
Rusk recommends a Turismo and an update on a "GTA III" "Turismo" trick: in-
stead of having Niko drive into the marker have him back up, facing the direc-
tion of the other racers, to lightly bump one of the other race cars to start
the race. You may only have to have Niko fend off a couple of cars to take the
lead then you only need to have him keep it.
Don't get silly about speed but use your driving sense to take turns slowly
enough to execute them safely. In "IV" I've noticed I use reverse (S) more for
safe turns.
How to win Brucie's races uncontested
Thanks to Jesusaur for the video tutorial, shown at the next link, for this
gimmick. Have Niko set up the race then drive to, but not into, the yellow
marker. Use the phone book to select "QUIT RACE" and hang up while the phone
is ringing and the other contestants start to drive away. After the opponents'
cars leave the scene, you can have Niko drive through the race uncontested.
"GTA 4 How to cheaply win Brucie's street races." by Jesusaur
East Side
V.40.a Airport Run
This three lap race starts at the intersection of Tudor St. and Saratoga
Ave., goes east then south on Saratoga Ave., goes east to make most of a coun-
ter-clockwise loop around the airport terminal, goes northwest to the Broker-
Dukes Expressway and continues northwest, makes a clockwise loop on the off-
ramp to go south on Cleves Ave., goes east on Tudor St. to the starting point,
V.40.b Dukes Boulevard
This three lap race starts at the intersection of Dukes Blvd. and Hewes
St., goes southwest on Dukes Blvd., east on Huntington St., north on Stillwater
Ave., east on Howard St., north on Cleves Ave., counter-clockwise on the onramp
of the Broker-Dukes Expressway, west then southwest on Dukes Blvd. to the
starting point, etc.
Dukes Blvd. is based on Queens Blvd., NYC.
V.40.c South Broker
This three lap race starts on the Broker-Dukes Expressway just south of the
Homebrew Cafe, goes north on Tutelo Ave., west on a nameless street, north on
Wenrohronon Ave., west on Dillon St., south on Cayuga Ave., south past the east
side of Soldiers Plaza, south (over Montauk Ave.? then) over Oneida Ave. to
Crockett Ave., east to Onandaga Ave. then north, east on Ringo St., north on
Saponi Ave., east on Hickcock St. to the Broker-Dukes Expressway, north to the
starting point, etc.
Niko gets $500, and, once he's begun his friendship with Brucie, it adds to
his like stat with Brucie, each time he wins.
Completing the races contributes 2% toward 100% completion. Have Niko win an
additional eleven times, 20 wins in all, for the "Genetically Superior" Achieve-
V.41 Friends--Brucie Kibbutz
After "No. 1" (V.39), Brucie calls Niko to join him in a Friend activity.
Niko can see Brucie from 7:00 am to 1:00 am.
Niko has to do all seven activities listed below with Brucie in a way Brucie
likes (for bowling that means having Niko win) for 100% completion of the game.
Activity likes: boating, bowling (have Niko win), drinking (expensive
places), eating (expensive places), Heli ride, shows (Split Sides), and strip
(Liberty City Minute tip: do two of his favorite activities before doing the
one he asked for.)
Having Niko win any of the races of V.40 adds to the Like stat with Brucie,
His favorite radio stations are The Beat 102.7, The Classics 104.1, and Lib-
erty Rock Radio. His Email address: brucie@bruciesexecutivelifestyleautos.com.
He may call for a lift from the hospital.
Special Ability above 75% like: Niko can call Brucie, select "Chopper," and
he'll use a Maverick to fly Niko to one of 25 destinations.
Helicopter destinations
Getting the special ability gives Niko the "That's How We Roll" Achievement
and contributes to 100% completion of the game.
A message on the inside right wall of his helicopter says: "THIS HELICOPTER
Niko can also call to have Brucie take him and a couple of Brucie's dates for
a boat ride to one of several locations and afterward keep Brucie's gold and
black Huntley Sport SUV.
"Boating with BrucIe - GTA IV - Part 47" by Yugz13
"GTA IV - Activities with Brucie Highlights" by Georg1979
Having Brucie's like stat over 90% goes toward the Liberty City (5) Achieve-
V.42 Friends--Carmen Ortiz ("SoBoHoe")
Carmen Ortiz: Elan Luz Rivera
Elan, who first appeared on Broadway as Cookie in the musical play "The Cape-
man" from Jan.29 to March 28, 1998, at the Marquis Theatre in New York, is a
singer for The D.E.Y. She was featured and wrote on the 2008 LL Cool J album
"Exit 13" under the name Elan of The Dey. She supplies a voice for The New
Crowd of Liberty City for TBoGT.
After "Out of the Closet" (V.38), Niko can get in touch with her by going to
love-meet.net--her nickname is "SoBoHoe"--on the Internet and requesting a date.
Have him respond favorably to her Email then meet her on the north side of
Valdez St. (near the "S" of "St." on the paper map), Bohan. If the date goes
well he can get her phone number then call her from 1:00 pm to 6:00 am. There's
no penalty for calling at the wrong time.
Wait till after the next couple of main story missions are done to have Niko
date her because she like clothes from Modo and Perseus in Algonquin. She
likes him to wear a different outfit for each date, too.
Likes & Dislikes:
Vehicle likes Blista Compact, Cavalcade, Comet, Dukes, E109, FXT, Infer-
nus, Sentinel, Stallion, Sultan RS, Super GT, PMP 600
Vehicle dislikes Dilettante, Marbella, Merit, Minivan
Clothing likes Modo and Perseus
Clothing dislikes The Russian Shop
Activity likes Drinking and strip clubs at first then restaurants, shows,
sports (bowling and pool but only like darts if you let
her win), diners and fast food
Activity dislikes Superstar Cafe
She's sexually forward so is likely to accept Niko in for coffee.
Having Niko escape from a wanted zone can raise her fondness.
Carmen is seen dancing with Elizabeta Torres at a party in "Blow Your Cover"
(V.46) (Carmen's Love Meet profile has "Free Spirit" for "sexuality").
Special Ability: Niko can call up Carmen once a day to get a Health boost.
After three uses he has to date her to get the Health boost again.
V.43 Friends--Kiki Jenkins ("LawChick")
Kiki Jenkins: Kim Howard
Kim also played Eleanor in the 2000 movie "Our Song," supplied the voice of
T-Boz for a 2000 episode of the animated TV series "Celebrity Deathmatch," Annie
Finn in the game "Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne," 2003, played Baker in the
2005 short "Lavender: An Adaptation," and played Savannah in the 2011 short
"Happiness Is Vanished," etc.
Niko can request to date Kiki--her nickname is "LawChick"--on love-meet.net
once "Out of the Closet" (V.38) is completed.
Have him respond favorably to her Email and later he can meet her on the north
side of Feldspar St. west of Denver Ave. If the date goes well he can get her
phone number then call from 6:00 am to 2:00 am. There's no penalty for calling
at the wrong time. Kiki will drop Niko if he calls too little or too often.
Likes & Dislikes:
Vehicle Likes Admiral, Bobcat, Chavos, Dilettante, Marbelle, PMP 600, Ro-
mero, Sultan, Virgo, Washington, Willard
Vehicle Dislikes Coquette, Infernus, Sabre GT, Super GT, Turismo
Clothing Likes The Russian Shop, hats
Clothing Dislikes Modo and Perseus, glasses, the Claude outfit from Playboy
X's penthouse
Activity likes Jerkov's, Club Liberty, sports (bowling, darts, pool),
shows (Perestroika and Split Sides), and fast food
(Burger Shot and Cluckin' Bell)
Activity dislikes Strip clubs
She sends Niko text messages with pictures (sometimes graphic) of herself.
She starts stalking Niko after a while and will start arguments if he's see-
ing another woman. She dislikes Integrity FM.
Special Ability: Niko can call Kiki once a day to remove a wanted level up to
three stars.
V.44 Friends--Alexandra "Alex" Chilton ("Liberated Woman")
Alexandra "Alex" Chilton: Samantha Soule
Samantha also played Paula Jordan at the Vivian Beaumont Theatre on Broadway
in "Dinner at Eight," 2002-2003, was in the chorus at the Imperial Theatre on
Broadway for "Coram Boy," May, 2007, played Ariel Baskins in the 2012 "Justice
Denied" episode of the TV series "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit," Dana Cur-
tis in a 2013 episode of the TV series "Do No Harm," Heidi in the 2014 movie
"Cigarette Soup," etc.
After "Out of the Closet" (V.38), Niko can find her on craplist.net. Go to
CRAP personals > women seeking men > Party girl seeks man for NSA fun and blog
material--29. Her nickname is "LiberatedWoman." Click Contact me.
Later have him respond favorably to her Email. Have Niko meet her on the
south side of Silicon St. east of Bismarck Ave., Lancaster, Algonquin. If the
date goes well he can get her phone number then call her from 6:00 am to 2:00
am. There's no penalty for calling at the wrong time. Wait till after the next
couple of main story missions are done to have Niko date her because she likes
clothes from Perseus in Algonquin.
Likes & Dislikes:
Vehicle likes Cognoscenti, Comet, Feltzer, Oracle, Schafter, Huntley
Sport, Infernus, Stretch, Super GT, Turismo, motorcyles
She likes Niko to drive fast.
Vehicle dislikes Banshee, Bobcat, Dukes, Emperor, Pony, Willard
She dumps him if she's thrown from his 'cycle or hurt in
a car wreck.
Clothing likes Perseus, the Claude outfit (available at the apartment
taken from Playboy X), glasses
Clothing dislikes Modo and the Russian Shop
Activity likes Superstar Cafe, Mr. Fuk's Rice Box, Pizza This..., Jerk-
ov's Bar, Club Liberty, shows, strip clubs, sports (she's
more cheerful if Niko lets her win at darts), (drinking
is okay but her blog indicates she dislikes it)
Activity dislikes Diners
Go to Explore eyefind.info services > Sharing > Blogsnobs and to find her blog
"LiberatedWoman." Her dates with Niko are described in her blog.
She sends Niko text messages with pictures of her body parts and asks how he'd
like them for sex.
Her name refers to the 1960's musician of the same name or the song about
him: "Alex Chilton" by The Replacements.
Special Ability: if her Like stat is high enough Niko can call her for a 50%
discount on all clothes for 24 hours.
Elizabeta Torres' missions
V.45 Luck of the Irish
Elizabeta Torres: Charlie Parker (II)
Charleigh E. Parker also played the Finale Vocalist in "Gory Gory Hallelu-
jah," 2003, played Lady Jean in three 2010 episodes of the TV series "Boardwalk
Empire," Sissy Garcia in two 2015 episodes of the TV series "Jessica Jones,"
etc. She also reprised the role of Elizabeth Torres for TLaD, 2009.
Patrick 'Packie' McReary: Ryan Johnston
Ryan played Frankie Desmopoulis in the play "Flags" by Jane Martin (Odyssey
Theatre Ensemble, Los Angeles, CA), played Jonathan Miller in a 2002 episode of
the TV series "The District," supplied the voice of Shadow Wolf for the 2010
Rockstar San Diego game "Red Dead Redemption," supplied the voice of Packie
again for TBoGT, 2009, and "Grand Theft Auto V," 2013. He was also an associate
producer for the 2014 documentary "Print the Legend."
"The luck of the Irish" means the good luck found in misfortune ("You got hit
by a car" "Lucky it was right by a hospital") ("You stepped in dog cr*p" "Good
thing it wasn't my good pair of shoes").
Have Niko go to Elizabeta Torres' apartment on San Quentin Ave. west of the
west end of Switch St.
Mallorie introduces Niko to Elizabeta who wants Niko to protect Patrick
"Packie" McReary while he buys from some sellers she doesn't trust. Packie
tells Niko to use a rifle on the roof next to the location of the meeting on
Joliet Ave.--that Niko will be his guardian angel. ("Guardian Angels" is name
of a mission in "Vice City" in which Tommy Vercetti and Lance protect Diaz and
his men in a deal with the Haitian gang.)
Have Niko go into the abandoned apartment building on the east side of Joliet
Ave. south of Switch St., climb the stairs to the roof, use the Sniper Rifle
pickup (if he has a Sniper Rifle it adds to his ammo), then stand at the van-
tage point.
Packie has an olive green jersey over a white t-shirt, blue jeans, and butch
cut hair. His associate is stocky and wears blue jeans.
You fail the mission if Packie dies. Have Niko make headshots if possible.
Once the shooting starts his targets have red markers over their heads and ap-
pear as red blips on the radar/map. The markers and blips disappear when
they're dead.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for recommending that you can have Niko shoot the
red explosive barrel midway back on the porch on the right to get a lot of tar-
gets, and, when more attackers appear, have Niko shoot the red explosive barrel
on the far left.
Packie drives an associate to the foreground of an alley and they talk with a
man with a mustache with a coat over an orange, blue, and red jersey. A man
smoking a cigarette stands behind him and three others are farther back in the
Explosive red barrels method:
Soon after the man closest to Packie starts waving his arms more quickly he
reaches into his shirt for his gun--have Niko shoot him. Have Niko shoot the
explosive red barrel midway back on the porch on the right. Have him shoot the
man who moves left across the foreground to fight with Packie. Have Niko shoot
the man who was smoking a cigarette who's midway back. Have Niko shoot the ex-
plosive barrel on the far left. Have him shoot any enemies left--the last to
arrive is typically a man who enters from the far right to get into a van. Let
Packie and his associate come back into Packie's car and drive away.
"GTA 4 - Mission #30 - Luck of the Irish (1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
No explosive barrels method:
Have Niko shoot the five. You probably need to have Niko shoot men as they
run or try to shoot from behind barrels.
Have Niko shoot the man who goes left in the foreground to fight with Packie.
Have him shoot the three who enter from the far right then a fourth man who
enters from the far right and gets into a van.
"Grand Theft Auto IV - Mission #30 - Luck Of The Irish" by Willzyyy
Niko calls Elizabeta to tell her that Packie was double crossed but he kept
him alive. Elizabeta is grateful and says she'll have more work for Niko.
Niko gets $1,500.
The SMG, $2,500, Sniper Rifle, $6,000, and Combat Sniper, $8,500, are avail-
able at Gun Stores.
Two Sniper rifles will spawn in the eastern area of the game. One is in East
Hook on a tall crane by the north end of the Platypus and the other is at the
top of the ladders of a "contained apron" transfer bridge at the north coast of
Steinway. See the map at IV.7.
V.46 Blow Your Cover
Johnny Klebitz: Scott Hill
Scott supplies the voice of Johnny, a member of the motorcycle group The Lost,
in this game, "The Lost and Damned," 2009 (for which he was also a motion cap-
ture performer), "The Ballad of Gay Tony," 2009, and "GTA V," 2013. He's also
the star of a 2012 documentary "Styling the Past."
Trey "Playboy X" Stewart: Postell Pringle
Postell played Zee in "Unknown Soldier," 2004, C.O. in Cage in a 2005 episode
of the TV series "Law & Order: Criminal Intent," Jose in the 2011 "Vows" and
"Jeter" episodes of the TV series "Rescue Me," a Bomb Tech in a 2014 episode of
the TV series "Unforgettable," etc.
Charlie: James Yaegashi
The voice of Charlie, a plain clothes police officer here and in "Buyer's
Market" (TLaD), is James Yaegashi--the voice actor for San Fierro Triads leader
Wu Zi Mu in "San Andreas," 2004. He also supplied the voice of Dr. Yi Suchong
in the games "Bioshock," 2007, and "Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea," 2014.
He's also the producer and director of "Lefty Loosey Righty Tighty," 2011.
Charlie looks a bit like Johnny Gat as seen in the first "Saint's Row" game,
Have Niko go to Elizabeta's apartment.
A woman seen dancing with Elizabeta Torres at a party is one of Niko's girl-
friends--Carmen Ortiz. Another at the party is Random Character Pathos.
Some think another dancer there looks similar to a grown up Jimmy Hopkins,
the protagonist of the 2006 Rockstar game "Bully," which, after a couple of
years, became available for PC.
Elizabeta introduces Niko to Johnny (a member of The Lost--the motorcycle
gang of "No Love Lost," V.22, etc.) whom she says has a lot of heroin to sell.
(Don't you kids out there give organized crime money, let alone for that.) She
says she found him a buyer and wants Niko to oversee the deal. Johnny leaves
to go to the meeting place.
She introduces Niko to Playboy X whom she wants to help Niko oversee the
Have Niko use Playboy X' Patriot to take him to the buyer's apartment on the
north side of Cassidy St. on the corner north of the north end of Cayuga Ave.,
Schottier. On the way Playboy X says Johnny is a member of The Lost, a motor-
cycle gang, and to be careful--Johnny's temper is unpredictable.
There's a Combat Shotgun on the north end of the first floor of the apartment
As you send Niko up the stairs Playboy X tells him the buyer is some Asian
dude called Charlie.
On the third floor they meet the heroin seller Johnny.
A cutscene shows the three go to a couple men for the deal. The buyer who
keeps asking to see if the seller has the stuff then yells "Freeze" and pulls a
gun on them is Charlie (voice by James Yaegashi)--undercover LCPD. Niko, Play-
boy X, and Johnny leave the room which has a missing wall except for the brac-
Playboy X says the law officers expect him and Niko to go out the front door
with Johnny so they should head for the roof.
Have Niko shoot the two LCPD officers armed with Combat pistols, go through
their room and the next room, and shoot the NOOSE agents armed with SMGs found
on the rest of his route.
Approximate order of events:
Have him shoot two NOOSE agents that are on the landing by the stairs, one
NOOSE agent that appears at the top of the stairs to the next floor up, go up
the stairs, shoot one NOOSE agent at the base of the stairs to the next floor
up, go up the stairs, shoot two NOOSE agents on the landing, and go up the
stairs to the door to the roof. There's a First Aid kit on the roof just past
the door.
Have Niko shoot the two NOOSE agents using air conditioner units for cover
and go northeast over some planks to a lower roof. There's an Armor pickup by
a nearby AC unit. Have him go toward the top of the fire escape and shoot
three NOOSE agents as they appear at the top of it.
Have Niko go down the fire escape to a lower roof. Have him shoot one NOOSE
agent that comes from the nearby door to a stairway down through an apartment
building. Have him go down to a floor with a Pump Shotgun pickup, shoot one
NOOSE agent another floor down, shoot one NOOSE agent another floor down, and
shoot one NOOSE agent on the bottom floor.
Have Niko go out the door to get onto a PCJ 600 and wait for Playboy X to get
on it.
Thanks to whatever57010 for these speed run tips for avoiding some of the
You don't have to have Niko kill Charlie and his assistant but can have Niko
go west to the stairwell and go up the stairs. Once he's on the roof and you've
sent him to a lower roof with a rooftop door you can have him jump east down to
the subway track, west to a lower roof, then north to the ground. Have him get
on the PCJ 600 and wait for Playboy X to get on it.
"GTA IV - Blow Your Cover (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Algonquin is legally available.
Have Niko get rid of a two star wanted rating then drive Playboy X to his
apartment on the south side of Xenotime St. east of Galveston Ave. in northern
"Grand Theft Auto IV - Mission #31 - Blow Your Cover" by Willzyyy
Niko gets $2,000.
The events of this mission are taken from Johnny' perspective in "Buyer's
Market" in "The Lost and Damned."
"Blow your Cover VS Buyer's Market (cutscenes compared)" by whatever57010
(After that, FIB Agent Jones calls Johnny and says that Charlie was a col-
league of his and asks Johnny to give information to the FIB. Johnny, loyal to
The Lost Brotherhood, refuses to do so.)
Roman calls--he received insurance money for the fire at the taxi depot.
Niko can use Roman's free cab rides.
Michelle calls--she hopes Niko's work with Elizabeta doesn't mean Niko is
getting involved with drug dealers. He tells her he's worked for Elizabeta but
won't become a drug dealer.
Little Jacob calls--he says Elizabeta is a good businesswoman but be wary of
Playboy X calls--he has a mission for Niko ("Deconstruction for Beginners").
The Combat Shotgun, $2,500, is available at Gun Stores.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for noting that this is when Lazlow makes a welcome re-
turn to the radio on Integrity 2.0.
Part two
Algonquin is open.
VI Preliminaries for part two
VI.1 Save places and parking spaces part two
Two apartments become available during this section of the game--one of the
apartments as an option:
- Roman's second apartment, Albany Ave., Middle Park East, Algonquin after
"Hostile Negotiation" (VII.17)
- Playboy X's Mansion, Xenotime St., Northwood, Algonquin after "The Holland
Play" (VII.14) if you have Niko kill Playboy X.
The parking spaces at them can be used any time.
VI.2 Internet Cafe
- there's a tw@ cafe on the east side of Frankfort Ave. south of Wardite St.,
North Holland, Algonquin
- Niko gets a laptop in a save place at the intersection of Pyrite St. and
Albany Ave. in Middle Park East, Algonquin sometime after getting a call from
Roman after "Hostile Negotiation" (VII.17)
VI.3 Some clothes, vehicle, car wash, skate park, and strip club locations
part two
and the locations of a comedy club and a helicopter tour agency
As with other such places, an icon for each clothes store will appear on your
map after Niko enters the store.
MODO is open and sells mid-price clothes (and is one of the stores that can
be robbed). MODO is on north Vauxite St. and west Exeter Ave., North Holland,
Perseus is open and sells expensive clothes. Perseus has two locations--Bis-
mark St. just south of Pyrite St. and Amethyst St. just east of Amsterdam Ln.
See the listing for each girlfriend for their clothing likes and dislikes.
By one of the doors at the bottom of the interior of the base of the Statue
of Happiness is a pickup for a jersey Niko can wear. The jersey says "happi-
ness is..." on the front and "land" on the back.
- the Balaclava outfit is available after "Three Leaf Clover"
- Claude's outfit (like the clothes Claude wears in "GTA III") is available
after "The Holland Play" if you have Niko kill Playboy X and not Dwayne.
You might have Niko date Carmen Ortiz ("SoBoHoe") (V.42), who likes clothes
from Modo and Perseus, or Alexandra "Alex" Chilton ("Liberated Woman") (V.44),
who likes clothes from Perseus. Having Niko date them to a high enough Like
stat brings him special abilities, but you can have Niko do it after the main
missions so it doesn't interrupt them.
With high enough Like stats, Carmen provides a Health boost and Alex provides
cheaper clothes. If you haven't already had Niko get the "Finish Him" Achieve-
ment, you can have him get it easily at Helitours ("Single player Achieve-
ments," I.5.b) so he can use a phone number code (I.16) for a Health boost
without blocking the Achievement or needing Carmen's special ability.
- It's in a little rectangular section of the paved park just east of the
round area on the radar/map in the southern area of Happiness Island.
- A Grotti dealership has eight Turismos on the northwest corner of Pyrite
St. and Bismarck Ave. (across from the northern Perseus clothes store) in Al-
gonquin. If you have Niko drive a vehicle into the showroom or use a cheat to
spawn a vehicle on the top floor of the showroom and have Niko drive it he gets
a wanted level. Stealing a car from it causes a one star wanted level and can
lower a high wanted rating.
Super GT:
In Darren Covey's segment (VI.9.h) of "Most Wanted part two" (VI.9), one of
the cars by Darren's gang is a Super GT.
Niko can sometimes find one to jack among his competitors in one of Brucie's
races (VII.1). Keep a view on it till it stops as the race ends then use
another vehicle to push it to a parking space to save it.
Car washes
- Hellgate and West Way in Purgatory, Algonquin
- north of the north end of Latchkey Ave. in eastern Tudor, Algonquin
Skate parks
- on the north side of the west end of Nickel St. in the middle of the west
side of Algonquin
- west of Union Drive West (southwest of Jade St.) south of the building lot
area shown on the map
- on the third--viewed south to north--big rectangular projection of land at
the southwest coast of Algonquin
- at an alley below the west end of the Broker Bridge on the east side of
Borlock Rd.
Strip club
- Honkers Gentlemen's Club, on the corner of Tinderbox Ave. and Julin Ave.,
The main area of Honkers plays Electro-Choc songs. Electro-Choc songs are
played in both it and The Triangle Club in Bohan in the disc version of "Epi-
sodes From Liberty City".)
(See the details about the Triangle Club in Bohan in section IV.6 for more.)
Comedy club
- Split Sides, on the north side of Jade St. east of Frankfort Ave., Star
Niko can go alone or take a friend to see Katt Williams or Ricky Gervais.
Two routines can also be seen by Niko on a TV. ("The Lost and Damned" adds
Frankie Boyle. The club isn't available in "The Ballad of Gay Tony.")
Helicopter tour agency
Higgins Helitours is at the platform shown on the radar/maps as a 90 degree
projection at the coast of southeast Algonquin south of the Broker Bridge.
Once Algonquin is legally available five tours can be obtained by having Niko
board each of the helicopters consecutively to get the "Sightseer" Achievement.
Having him call Brucie for a helicopter ride doesn't count for the Achievement.
Have Niko walk up to a Higgins helicopter and hold F to have him take a tour.
Once a tour is underway you can press Enter to skip through it but you'll miss
some amusing dialogue from the pilot about various locations in Rockstar
North's surreal world filtered through the pilot's gossip or political opin-
ions. (Thanks to Robert Rusk for recommending that you load a previous game
save after getting the Achievement to get the $150 per tour back.)
"Higgins" refers to Magnum's right hand man in the 1980-1988 TV show "Magnum
P.I."--the company was originally to be named "Magnum Helitours."
VI.4 Algonquin Pay 'n' Sprays
- Auto Limbo is on the south side of the curve where the west end of Lorimar
St. becomes the south end of West Way in Purgatory (north of the northern end
of an abandoned elevated subway track). It has the advertising gimmick of a
big revolving spray can, spraying red "paint," on the roof.
- Auto Cowboys is farther north on the south side of the north end of Frank-
fort Ave. west of Exeter Ave., Northwood, by an elevated part of the Algonquin
Inner Line subway.
VI.5 Fixed spawn spots of First Aid Kits, Body Armor, and weapons part two
These are the fixed spawn locations of weapon, First Aid kit (Health), and
Body Armor pickups that can be found throughout the game in Algonquin. The
pickups of weapons and Body Armor glow red and the pickups of First Aid kits
glow green.
For weapons that share the same ammo, you could go to pickups for the strong-
er weapon (Combat Pistol, Combat Shotgun, SMG, Carbine Rifle, Combat Sniper Ri-
fle) last.
Weapons respawn in six minutes and five seconds if Niko is far enough from
the spawn spot that the glow would be about gone.
Health and Armor pickups respawn in 45 seconds if Niko is far enough from the
spawn spot that the glow would be about gone.
How to make the Pistol. Pump Shotgun, and Sniper Rifle automatic--"Fun
glitches, gimmicks, etc." (I.12.b)
How to increase Assault/Carbine rifle ammo faster--"Fun glitches, gimmicks,
etc. (I.12.b)
If you want to save time you could give Niko Health, Armor, weapons, etc.,
with the "Simple Trainer" (aka "Native Trainer") by sjaak327. It also has the
option of putting blips for these things on the in-game map and radar.
The "Google Map Radar Item Locations" by dataschmuck adds item locations
(brown = weapon, blue = Armor, green = Health, red cross = hospital, and gold
star = police station) to the "GTA IV Google Map Radar" by Sonik-hedgehog.
Weapon map by wikigta.org
A map by TheGoldenState (Gianni Van Heusden) which shows weapons, Armor, and
First Aid Kits is at the next link.
Thanks to TheGoldenState (Gianni Van Heusden) for giving me permission to ad-
just the colors of his map so it's easier to read on a black and white print
out. I labelled things with numbers that correspond to numbers in my descrip-
tions to make it a bit more ergonomic.
I recommend printing the map shown above and my descriptions given below.
1. It's on the back wall of the little green and white security booth at the
end of the 90 degree angle pier in the southern area of the east coast of Hap-
piness Island.
2. It's on a support beam at the west end of the south side of the bottom
level of the Castle Gardens subway station.
Have Niko use the subway entrance at the north or south side of the South
Parkway just east of the south end of Bismarck Ave.
3. It's at the northeast corner of the interior section of the third floor of
the Pier 45 mall which is indicated on the maps/radar as a tic-tac-toe-type
grid on a basically rectangular projection of land south of the west end of the
Broker Bridge.
4. It's on a support column of the next to the lowest level of the City Hall
subway station. The station can be entered on the east or west sides of Denver
Ave. north of Calcium St.
5. It's in a recess of the open metal outdoor cellar doors for the basement
door of a building. The doors are in the northeast part of an alley between
Wong Way and Columbus Ave.
6. It's on a support column of the next to the lowest level of Emerald subway
station which can be entered on the north and south sides of Emerald St. west
of Albany Ave.
7. It's on the wall of a little office on the upper section of the west side
of the interior of a rusty grey warehouse near the coast east of the east end
of the east-west stretch of Feldspar St.
Have Niko go east through the broken section of fence and go east northeast
to the big open door of the warehouse.
8. It's on a wall of a hall to a locker room of an underground area for sub-
way track maintenance.
Have Niko enter the area through a door marked "Service entrance for Easton/
Emerald" on a little screened boxy structure on the east side of Bismarck Ave.
south of Hematite St.
9. It's on the ground of the second room, viewed west to east, on the north
side of the remains of an abandoned building at the south end of Colony Island.
Have Niko enter the building through a doorway at the north end of the east
side, go southwest to go through another doorway, and go east.
10. It's on the subway map on the wall of the lowest level of the eastern
side of the western branch of Easton subway station.
You can have Niko enter the station on the west side of Columbus Ave. north
of Hematite St.
11. It's on the west side of the hospital EMERGENCY entrance on the north
side of Jade St. west of Albany Ave.
12. It's on the north wall of the covered entrance to the hospital on the
east side of Columbus Ave. north of Jade St.
13. It's underwater in the upper level of the fountain in the plaza in the
middle of the block between Denver-Exeter Ave., Columbus Ave., Manganese St.,
and Lorimar St.
Niko can enter the area from any of the four streets.
14. It's on the back wall by a subway map on the west side of the lowest lev-
el of the East Park subway station which can be entered in the park on the cor-
ner of Columbus Ave. and Obsidian St. or on the corner of Columbus Ave. and
Nickel St.
15. It's on the ground leaned against a support column on the east side of
the lowest level of the West Park subway station which can be entered on the
north side of Obsidian St. west of Frankfort Ave. and the west side of Frank-
fort Ave. south of Obsidian St.
16. It's on a wall by an air conditioner and a red door in the lowest part of
the inside corner of the basically reverse "L"-shaped alley between southern
Ruby St. and eastern Galveston Ave.
17. It's on a support column on the south side of the lowest level of the
North Park subway station which Niko can enter on the south side of Topaz St.
southeast of the south end of Denver Ave.
18. Have Niko go to the area of Health 17, go west between the tracks, go
north where the tracks branch north and south, and you'll find Health 18 leaned
against a little utility box on a ledge at a corner where the tracks join
another set of tracks (below the east side of Frankfort Ave. south of the east
end of Silicon St.)
19. It's on the ground in a little nook in the alley below the north side of
the little park by two working gates of a chain link fence on the east side of
Cod Row.
20. It's on the wall by an emergency exit door on the third floor landing of
the emergency stairwell at the northwest corner of an apartment building. The
entrance to the building is on the east side of Denver Ave. north of Uranium
St. but you can have Niko jump the chain link fence by the stairwell door on
the south side of Vauxite St. east of Denver Ave.
21. It's on the east wall of the subway tracks at the north end of an under-
ground covered section on the north side of Uranium St. where Frankfort Ave.
is divided for the subway.
22. It's on the wall of the 19th floor landing of the stairwell of an apart-
ment building which is the middle one of three by Ivy Drive North west of the
T-intersection of Galveston Ave. and Uranium St. The building can be entered
by the east or west side or the roof.
23. It's on the wall by the non-working sliding doors of the hospital covered
emergency entrance on the south side of Vauxite St. just east of Galveston Ave.
24. It's on the floor at the southeast corner of the western boarding area
of the Frankfort Low subway station which Niko can enter in the middle of the
north side of Frankfort Ave. at Wardite St. or the north side of Wardite St.
east or west of Frankfort Ave.
25. It's by a pair of doors on the north side of the eastern of three apart-
ment buildings indicated by large "X"s on the radar/maps west of Exetor Ave.
north of Frankfort Ave.
Have Niko go down the stairs at the west end of the building and go clockwise
around it to the doors or just have him jump down to them.
1. It's at the north corner of the second floor of the base of the Statue of
Happiness. Stairs are at the south end.
2. It's in a big pipe laid horizontally on the ground at the south end of an
"L"-shaped hole in a construction area south of the east side of the south end
of Columbus Ave.
3. It's by a set of steps in the low part of an alley which Niko can enter
from the west side of Borlock Rd. south of Calcium St. faster than by the other
three sides of the block.
4. It's by a door at the end of a narrow dead end alley in the northwestern
section of the alleys between Hematite St. and Iron St. and east of the under
construction stretch of Frankfort Ave.
5. It's behind a statue of a praying angel at the northwest corner of the
graveyard indicated on the radar/maps by a grid, mainly made of horizontal
lines, at the north end of Colony Island.
6. It's in a north-south alley by skylights on a ledge by blue dumpsters Niko
can use to climb the ledge. The shortest paths to it are from the south side
of Lorimar St. just east of Frankfort St. and the east side of Frankfort St.
south of Lorimar St.
7. It's in the southwest corner of the second floor of the big parking garage
on the rectangular projection of land west of Hell Gate (street). There are a
couple of long sloped roads to the north and south of the eastern entrance.
8. It's by the glass encased stairway on the west side of the roof of the Ma-
jestic skyscraper (seen in "A Long Way to Fall") at the corner of Nickel St.
and Denver-Exeter Ave.
Have Niko get to the roof via a helicopter or the Airbreak function of the
Simple Trainer.
9. It's at the base of a big support girder that's at the bottom of a wooden
ramp of a building under construction on the south side of Obsidian St. at Bis-
mark Ave.
10. It's in a narrow little alley on the west side of Albany Ave. just south
of Ruby St.
11. It's on the ledge by a wooden pier west of the apartment building--repre-
sented on the radar/maps by a Chevrolet bow tie logo-shaped grey area--west of
the north block of Galveston Ave.
12. It's near the coast on a concrete ledge where the western side of the
curved girders are attached beneath the Northwood Heights Bridge.
Baseball bat
1. It's leaned up against the hexagonal lighthouse at the north end of Colony
Island where the radar/maps show a round grey spot.
2. It's at the north end of a sunken north-south driveway which can be en-
tered past the flimsy orange roadblock fence at the west side of Union Drive
East (Freeway) northeast of the east end of Pyrite St. The freeway can be en-
tered from the west either a block to the south or a bit more than a block to
the north.
3. It's on an elevated section of the subway track about a city block south-
east of the middle support pillar of the Northwood Heights Bridge.
1. It's in the middle of the south end of the big covered room (with an ad-
joining rest room) open on the north end south of the big fountain indicated on
the radar/maps by a round spot south of the lake of Middle Park.
2. It's under a black trash bag by three garbage cans between a wall and a
fence north of the west end of a narrow alley which can be entered on the west
side of Galveston Ave. north of Obsidian St.
3. It's on the wider little section of the north sidewalk of the Northwood
Heights Bridge above the big middle support base.
1. It's at the west end of the rectangular golf course surrounded by very
tall fences on the north, south, and east sides on the rectangular part of the
biggest and most southerly of a trio of big mainly rectangular projections of
land about 2/5ths up the west coat of Algonquin.
2. It's on the ground by the tree on the west side of the island of the north
end of the pond in Middle Park.
3. It's (hovering a couple feet above?) at the west corner of what's left of
the roof of a building used for a stunt jump north of the northeast side of
Vespucci Circus (street).
Combat pistol
1. It's by the white tables and chairs on the north side of the plaza on the
east side of Union Drive West south of Diamond St.
2. It's on a low wall at the north end of the stairwell of the upper walk of
two on the east side of the under construction segment of Columbus Ave. south
of Jade St.
Pump shotgun
1. It's leaned up against the west wall, behind a couple of big truck trail-
ers, of the lot on the west side of Ivy Drive South south of the east-west on-
ramp of Hickey Bridge.
2. It's on the ground at the east end of the north boarding area of the low-
est level of the North Park subway station which can be entered on the south
side of Topaz St. east of the south end of Denver Ave.
Combat shotgun
1. It's in a small room with a working grey door on the northeast side of a
landing that's in the middle of the middle pair of buildings that project from
the southeast coast of Castle Gardens.
Have Niko go to the south side of the south bend of Flatfish Place, go east a
bit, go south through the opening in the fence to the big wooden ramps, go up
them to the top, go right/southeast past the pile of girders, go right/south-
west to one of the ladders down to the landing with a grey door on the north-
east side, and go through that door to the shotgun.
2. It's leaned up against the wall by the northern doorway of the east side
of the ruins of an abandoned building on the south end of Colony Island.
3. It's on the upper roof of the Terroil gas station which can be accessed
via the west side of he pedestrian bridge at the corner of the north side of
Silicon St. and the west side of Albany Ave.
1. It's in the southern security booth by the northwest docks of Happiness
2. It's above the stairs in a corner on the south side of the alley that's on
the west side of Albany Ave. south of Barium St.
3. It's on the east wall of the eastern of two large planters in the court-
yard behind a small news/magazine shop with a roof made of green shingles on
the north side of Manganese St. west of Columbus Ave.
1. It's on the roof by the entrance to the LINEN LOUNGE at the corner of east
Ivy Drive North and north Vauxite St.
Have Niko use the stairs on the north side of the building to access the
2. It's by the steps on the south side of the alley that's on the east side
of Exeter Ave. north of Vauxite St.
Assault rifle
1. It's on the second roof of the red brick structure in a plaza above the
east side of the ped archway south southwest of the south end of Denver Ave.
Have Niko go up the stairs to the plaza then climb to the second roof to get
the rifle.
2. It's leaned against a wall of the southwest room on the ground level of
the ruins of the abandoned building at the south end of Colony Island.
Niko can access the area via a ladder at the south end of the building and
drop from the roof to go a couple rooms west.
You can have Niko platform back to the ladder from the big wooden spool in
the room north of the one he jumped from the roof of or use the eastern of the
two north-south hallways to go to the northeast room and go through the door-
Carbine rifle
1. It's in a corner behind the metal and plastic trash cans and trash bags in
a corner of the northern area of the upper walk at the back of the Grand Easton
Terminal and the east side of the Getalife skyscraper. The upper walk can more
quickly be accessed via the stairs at the south end of a driveway on the south
side of Jade St. just east of Albany Ave.
2. It's on the ledge west of the top opening of the stairwell at the west end
of the walkway between the subway tracks of the Algonquin Bridge.
You can have Niko get there by using one of the several stairway entrances on
the east side of Albany Ave. or by going to the east end of Kunzite St. to jump
over the low ledge at the west end of the walkway between the roads of the
bridge and go east to a slope down to the ledge.
Sniper rifle
1. It's leaned against the railing of the small landing at the top of a lad-
der of a tall round tank northeast of the north end of Exeter Ave.
Combat sniper
1. It's on the rooftop dome by the stunt jump on the northeast roof of the
Civilization Committee complex east of the east end of Lorimar St.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip that you might have an easier time of hav-
ing Niko climb onto he dome by having him jump at the west (or either) outer
side of the dome doorway. (I also had some luck having him jump at the angle
that's one angle east of the most northern angle of the dome.)
Since going on the property gives Niko a four star wanted rating you may pre-
fer to have Niko go there via a helicopter or a motorcycle.
Motorcycle route: have Niko go up one of the pair of stairs at the eastern
part of the north side of the building (he'll get a four star wanted level), go
clockwise around the building, jump slowly from the ramp to the narrow roof, go
west, and jump from the ramp to the rooftop with the dome. You can have him
use the stunt jump ramp for a quick exit.
Rocket Launcher
1. It's in the northeast open ended room of the six big projections in a row
at the southeast coast of Algonquin.
Have Niko access it via the front or whatever higher part of a boat, a heli-
copter, or the Airbreak function of the Simple Trainer.
2. It's on top of a small rock island north of the east side of the north
coast of Algonqion. It's about as far north as the most northern section of
the mainland.
1. It's on the one story metal walkway with yellow trim at the east side of a
building by a helipad on the western part of the projection of land that's
north of the trio of big rectangular projections of land of the west coast of
2. It's at the west side of the north loading area at the north end of a red
brick building on the most northern part of the main land of Algonquin. The
nearby chain link fence has a gate in the eastern part of the north side.
1. It's in an eastern corner inside the entrance doorway but before the lobby
on the south side of the ground level part of the base of the Statue of Happi-
2. It's on the west side of the second floor of the building under construc-
tion on the east side of Bismarck Ave. south of Diamond St.
You can have Niko use the wooden ramp on the first floor to get to the second
3. It's on the roof that shelters the pumps of the Globe Oil station bordered
by Galveston Ave., Union Drive West, Garnet St., and Feldspar St.
Have Niko use the stairs on the east side of the northern building to get on
the roof of it then climb onto the roof with the pickup.
4. It's between the two sets of steps of the east-west walkway west of the
west end of Iron St.
5. It's on the ground by the east side of the big yellow crane on the section
of Frankfort Ave. under construction south of Iron St.
6. It's in the northeast area of the section of Columbus Ave. under construc-
tion south of Jade St.
7. It's on the ground between two wall mounted street lamps in the alley on
the north side of Kunzite St. west of Denver-Exeter Ave.
VI.6 Flying Rats part two
Shooting all 200 Flying Rats contributes 2.5% toward 100% completion of the
game, the Annihilator appears on the MeTV Building in Star Junction, and you
get the "Endangered Species" Achievement.
Niko can kill a pigeon with any weapon but his fist or a melee weapon.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for various strategies and finding that Niko can use a
limited wanted rating exploit to make him less likely to attract police atten-
tion, such as for killing Flying Rats. At the end of "Ivan the Not So Terri-
ble" (V.13), Niko can leave Ivan hanging, kill Flying Rats, etc., and go back
to Ivan afterward. He can still get a six star wanted rating for leaving the
legal boundary before Algonquin is open or get a four star wanted rating for
going onto the airport tarmac.
On the PC, you could also use the Simple Trainer by sjaak327 to make blips
for Flying Rats appear on the in-game map and radar, spawn whatever vehicle or
weapon, and disable the wanted rating system. You can even have Niko teleport
to the Flying Rats. If so, be careful to note which ones recommend the use of
Airbreak (flying car) before clicking to teleport or Niko will spawn in midair
and fall--give him God Mode in case you hastily teleport him to those without a
Flying Rats (pigeons) maps
Use the paper map supplied with "GTA IV" for the street names.
A map by TheGoldenState (Gianni Van Heusden) which shows the locations of Fly-
ing Rats and Stunt Jumps is at the next link.
Thanks to TheGoldenState (Gianni Van Heusden) for giving me permission to ad-
just the colors of his map so it's easier to read on a black and white print
out. I labelled things with numbers that correspond to numbers in my descrip-
tions to make it a bit more ergonomic.
I recommend printing the map shown above and my descriptions given below.
75. The pigeon is in a rectangular rusty metal bin by big green pipes on a
barge north of the Grummet Rd./Exeter Ave. T-intersection. Thanks to Robert
Rusk for the tip that you can have Niko throw a Molotov or Grenade into the bin
from the shore.
76. It's on a 15' (?) high building ledge at the north end of the first
north-south alley east of the Frankfort Ave./Galveston Ave. T-intersection.
77. It's on a 3' (?) high light grey bollard at the entrance to an alley on
the north side of Xenotime St. east of Frankfort Ave.
78. It's on a beam sticking out from the third floor of the demolished side
of an apartment building on the north side of the east end of Xenotime St.
79. It's on the railing of the walkway east of the last "s" of "Vespucci Cir-
cus" on the paper map.
80. It's on a fire escape railing.
Have Niko climb from the top of the steps onto the blue scaffolding onto the
west side of Astoria (St.) and go to the north side of the scaffolding. The
pigeon is on a railing of the next to the lowest level of the fire escape. It
can also be killed from the pavement northwest of the pigeon.
81. It's on the most southern 4' (?) concrete block at the coast east of San
Juan Rd. The pigeon can also be killed from the eastern edge of the grass east
of San Juan Rd. at the top of a wall down to the area of the pigeon.
82. It's on a wall by a stairway.
Have Niko go to the south side of Uranium St. east of Exeter Ave. and go
south into the bigger of two alleys. The pigeon is on the wall that's on the
west side of the stairs.
83. It's on a 5 1/2' (?) wall along the west north-south lane of Frankfort
St. near Uranium St. and higher than the subway tracks.
84. It's on a rooftop air conditioning unit.
Have Niko enter the Holland Hospital Center through the emergency entrance
door on the corner of Galveston Ave. and Vauxite St., climb all of the stairs
to the roof, then climb a ladder to get on the AC unit, or have him take a
helicopter to the roof, etc.
85. It's on the corner block of a rooftop railing.
Have Niko enter the Holland Hospital Center (see 84), climb the stairs to the
sixth floor, get out of the stairway cage onto the roof, walk around the build-
ing to the pigeon on the southwest side, or have him go there with a helicop-
ter. Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip that you can have Niko go to the corner
several feet west of the top of the sixth floor stairs, take a few steps north,
and shoot the pigeon from there.
86. It's on a low wall at the coast southwest of the intersection of Wardite
St./Ivy Drive North.
You can have Niko kill it from the bend southwest of the intersection.
87. The pigeon is on the middle of the west side of the lower ledge of the
eastern partly submerged support structure beneath the Hickey Bridge. You can
have Niko jump to climb onto it from the nearby sidewalk wall. Thanks to Rob-
ert Rusk for the tip that you can have Niko snipe it from the shoreside corner
by the life preserver stand about a block to the south.
88. The pigeon is by the road on the south wall at the east end of the Hickey
89. It's in a shallow empty rectangular planter on a roof use as part of the
alley walkway north of Silicon St. and west of Galveston Ave.
90. It's on a stone gatepost on Galveston Ave. at the T-intersection of it
and Ruby Ave.
91. It's on a dormer on the east side of the roof of the biggest building
that's at the northwest coast of the pond in Middle Park. The building is in-
dicated on the in-game map/radar by a grey rectangle southwest of the island of
the pond.
92. It's in the middle of the first overhead beam of the East Borough Bridge
going west to East from Algonquin. It's a smidgen south of the center of the
93. It's on the railing of a subway entrance on Albany Ave. just south of
Quartz St.
94. It's on a 20' (?) high ledge on the east side, and south of the entrance
stairs, of the Liberty State Delivery building.
95. It's on top of the globe on the northern stone entrance to the section of
Quartz St. that's west of Columbus Ave.
96. It's on the window sill of the second gated window south of the main en-
trance of the Liberty State Natural History Museum on the west side of Galves-
ton Ave. south of Quartz St. Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip to have Niko
use a long range weapon to shoot the pigeon from a long distance to avoid the
police officers that stand near the entrance.
97. It's on a 10' (?) high ledge on the west side of the domed and pillared
stone building on the west side of Ivy Dr. South west of the west end of Quartz
98. It's on a 1 3/4' (?) high stone planter in the northwest area of the up-
per plaza at the east side of Union Drive West north of Nickel St.
99. It's on a 7' (?) pillar at the top of some steps in Middle Park east of
the eastern section of Obsidian St. It's left of the "M" of "Middle Park" on
the paper map.
100. It's on a green awning at the entrance of the Opium Nights Hotel on the
west side of Columbus Ave. It's the first green awning north of Obsidian St.
101. It's on the cabin at the south end of the second barge east of Obsidian
St. It can be sniped from the shore.
102. It's about 18' (?) up on a statue pedestal--the top has stylized statues
of people with upraised arms around what looks like a gun reticle. The statue
is in a park on the north side of the Civilization Committee HQ which is west
of Albany Ave./Lorimar St.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip that having Niko enter the HQ lot gives him
a four star wanted rating. He recommends that you have Niko stay out of the
lot and use the sidewalk to throw a Molotov at the reticle then get away quick-
ly to evade the police.
103. It's on top of the cross atop the east spire of Columbus Cathedral on
the north side of Lorimar St. east of Bismarck Ave. Have Niko snipe it, or
shoot the top of the spire with a Rocket Launcher, from the east side of Bis-
marck Ave. or the west side of Columbus Ave., shoot it from a helicopter, or
shoot it from a vehicle while using the Airbreak function of the Simple Train-
104. It's in the third tree, south to north, in the walkway on the east side
of the Seagull Theater which is at Lorimar St. east of Denver-Exeter Ave.
105. It's on a stone wall at the top of some steps in an alley south of the
west section of Hell Gate (street)--it's south of the final "e" of "Hell Gate"
on the paper map.
106. It's in the area of an abandoned train track beside a rusty brown verti-
cal girder supporting a five story extension of a building above the track.
Have Niko go up the big stairway on the north side of Garnet St. east of Gal-
veston Ave., continue north over the plaza and past the road blocks to the
abandoned tracks (careful not to let him fall into the crack between the plaza
and the area of the tracks), and continue north/northwest/north till he's over
the north side of Kunzite St. and below the north end of an overhead pedestrian
107. It's on the handrail of the inside corner of a walkway in the northwest
corner of a landing that's most of the way up the MeTV skyscraper. The north-
west corner of the skyscraper is on the south side of Kunzite St. at the north-
south alley east of Frankfort Ave.
You can have Niko go into the alley to the west side of the building, take
the window washing platform to the top, get onto the roof, and go north to the
pigeon or access it with a helicopter or the Airbreak function of the Simple
108. The pigeon is on a grey cabinet of three lockers at the north side of
the MeTV building at the south side of Kunzite St. just west of Denver-Exeter
109. It's about 12' (?) high on the east side of Burlesque (Street) just a
little south of Kunzite St.
110. It's at the back of the base of the big statue of Neptune (?) on the
north side of Jade St. east of Columbus Ave.
111. It's on a red horizontal beam between the two western boarding areas for
the Skycar. The stairs up to the boarding areas are at the east side of Albany
Ave. a little south of the west end of the Algonquin Bridge.
112. It's at the bottom of an approximately 3' (?) wide by 20' (?) deep crev-
ice between a support wall for Privateer Rd. (Under Freeway) and the bottom of
the support base for the west end of the Algonquin Bridge.
113. It's on a low wall of the northern of the two boarding areas for the
east end of the Skycar route on Colony Island just south of the Algonquin
114. It's on the middle of the north end of the roof of a building on Colony
Quick method: have Niko go to the northeast end of Presidents Ave. and go
south on the asphalt dead end road. The pigeon can be seen at the near edge of
the tall rooftop that's just east of a taller smoke stack. A handgun is good
enough to kill the pigeon. You could also have Niko kill it by having him
throw a Molotov at the top window below the pigeon.
Platforming method: have Niko go to the middle of the northern and east-west
section of Presidents Ave. under the Algonquin Bridge, go south a bit on the
grey brick dead end street, go to the top of the fire escape on the west side
of an old red brick building, get onto the roof, then go up a couple of ladders
to the top of the water tower. The pigeon can be seen southeast of Niko on the
middle of the northern low wall of the highest roof of the nearby building. A
handgun is good enough to shoot the pigeon.
If you want Niko to get closer to the pigeon, you can have him use the plank
between the buildings and a couple of stairways to get onto the roof with the
115. It's on the south wall of the western section of the Algonquin Bridge by
the tall cable support column.
116. It's on the middle grey brick ledge of five between two grey stone/con-
crete (?) stairways.
Have Niko, on Colony Island, go west of the "nt" of "President Ave." on the
paper map. On the radar and in-game map, have him go west of the lowest per-
fectly north-south strip of road where, going north on that road in the game,
you see a shallow planter with three trees to Niko's left/west. The pigeon is
in the northern area of the middle of five grey brick ledges which are like
large steps.
117. It's on the axis post of a children's playground "merry-go-round."
118. It's on a third story window ledge on the east side of the abandoned
building in the southern area of Colony Island.
Have Niko go east across Leaker's Bridge, go around the eastern wall to con-
tinue east at ground level to the modern building, go from the south side of
the modern building to northeast corner of the abandoned building, go to the
first rusty junked car, and turn right/west toward the wall. The pigeon is on
the window sill of the top left/south window of that wall.
119. It's on the ground by some rubble and a support column beneath Privateer
Rd. (Under Freeway) midway around the first curve north of the west end of
Leaker's Bridge.
120. It's in a little area sectioned off by grey-brown slats below the east
end of the south side of Garnet St.
Have Niko use the stairs by the street to reach the area.
121. It's on the southeast corner of the roof of the little outdoor glass en-
closed dining area of Viendemerte on the west side of Columbus Ave. north of
Garnet St.
122. It's on the bottom front of the open mouth of the shark statue on the
marquee at the southeast corner of Iron St./Burlesque (street).
123. It's on a wall of the walkway near the top of Rotterdam Tower at the
northeast corner.
You can have Niko teleport to the walkway via a blue marker at the west side
of Denver-Exeter Ave. north of Garnet St. and use a similar blue marker to re-
turn him to the street.
124. It's on a roof of a garage under an abandoned El Train track.
Have Niko go east from Galveston Ave. to the stairway on the north side of
Garnet St., go to the top of the stairs, go northwest across the little plaza,
and go halfway down the stairs to the garage roof. The same stairway is ac-
cessible via an alley at the south side of Hematite St.
125. It's on the northwest corner of the roof of a bus stop shelter on the
west side of Galveston Ave. south of Iron St.
126. It's in a little area with weeds and trees sectioned off by red, white,
and green slats at the corner of Feldspar St. and Union Drive West.
127. It's on a grave stone with a yellow-orange top in a little graveyard.
Have Niko enter it via the stairs on the east side of the south end of Frank-
fort Ave.
128. It's on the northwest corner of the weathered black railing at the edge
of a an asphalt lot.
Have Niko access the lot via any of the alleys of the block framed by Emerald
St., Diamond St., Liberty Ln., and Union Drive West.
129. It's on the third, east to west, support column/pillar at the north side
of the building at Emerald St./Columbus Ave.
130. It's on the top of the southwest part of the skateboard ramp that's be-
neath the west end of the Broker Bridge east of Borlock Rd. You can have Niko
stand on a vehicle parked just inside the southern entrance if you want a bet-
ter view of the pigeon.
131. It's on a railing at the north end of the big cable support tower of the
west end of the Broker Bridge.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip that you can send Niko north of the Pier 45
Shopping Center and past the underside of the bridge to steps that lead down to
the water, have Niko stand at the corner of the steps, and have him fire his
RPG at the projection on the north side of the top of the western tower to kill
the pigeon.
You can also have Niko access the pigeon via a helicopter or use the Airbreak
or teleport function of the Simple Trainer.
132. It's on a bollard at the coast southeast of the middle bus stop shelter
of three on Bus Ln.
133. It's on the center piece of a decorative circular section of the walkway
of a park south of the South Parkway east of Bismarck Ave.
134. It's on a bollard at the north side of the alley between Amsterdam Ln.
and Bismarck Ave.
135. It's on a planter with shrubs at the east side of Denver Ave. about
halfway down the west southern block.
136. It's on the railing of a wooden dock slanted from the sidewalk to the
On the radar and game maps there are five parallel lines indicating a group
of level docks at the southwest coast of Algonquin. The slanted dock with the
pigeon is between the first and level dock viewed south to north.
137. It's on top of a yellow-brown cargo crate that's on top of two identical
crates among a batch of identical crates at the south coast of Algonquin just
west of the rooms described for 137.
Viewed east to west, the pigeon is on the second of two stacks of three such
crates. You can have Niko throw a Molotov, or fire a Rocket Launcher, at the
middle of the long side of the crate with the pigeon just below the top of the
crate, climb and jump onto it from one of the crates that aren't stacked then
use any weapon that works, or climb onto the nearby tall crane then use any
weapon that works.
138. It's on the floor near the middle of the back of a small room that's
above the coast. The side that faces the ocean has two support columns instead
of a wall.
On the radar and game maps, at the southeast coast of Algonquin, there are
six parallel protrusions indicating a group of large rooms above the coast.
None of them, or the small rooms between most of them, has a wall on the side
that faces the ocean. The small rooms each have a couple of support columns
instead of a wall facing the ocean. Viewed south to north, the room with the
pigeon is the small one after the second large room.
Have Niko stop a boat a safe distance (25'?) from the room with the pigeon
and throw a Grenade into the room or throw a Molotov or fire a Rocket Launcher
at the wall just below the middle of the open side of the room. You could also
have Niko shoot the pigeon from a helicopter or use the Simple Trainer to have
Niko teleport to it or shoot it from a non-flying vehicle while using the Air-
break (flying car) function.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for this tip: have Niko go to the southwest curve of
Flatfish Place, go west into the construction area, go south to the big wooden
ramps and climb to the top of them, go south over the ramps and rooftops to a
group of several big white horizontal tanks, get on the wide concrete ledge at
the east side of them, stand at the south end of it by a brick wall, and throw
a Molotov or Grenade, or fire an RPG, north and down into the room to kill the
Statue of Happiness sniper spots map
139. It's on the middle of the low outer wall on the north side of the third
level of the base of the Statue of Happiness.
140 to 144: there are five pigeons on the upper part of the Statue of Happi-
ness (similar to the Statue of Liberty). You can have Niko snipe them (see my
map), shoot them from a helicopter, or use the Simple Trainer to have Niko
teleport to them and shoot them from a non-flying vehicle while using the Air-
break (flying car) function.
140. It's on the end of the thumb of her hand that's holds up the coffee cup.
141. It's on the northwest side of the rim of the lid of the coffee cup she
holds up.
142. It's on her hair by her crown above the inside of her right eye.
143. It's in front of her left shoulder on the upper of two buttons that hold
her robe together.
144. It's between the thumb and first finger of her hand that holds a tablet.
Stairs for the Statue of Happiness are at the south side.
The pickup for the t-shirt that reads "Happiness is... ...land" is before the
southern door, which may have a guard near it, on the third level.
The non-solid door flanked by signs that read "No Hidden Content this way" is
on the south side of the fourth level which is available by helicopter or by
using the Airbreak (flying car) function of the Simple Trainer.
The message on the tablet of the statue includes "JULY IV MDCCLXXVI" (July 4,
1776) which is on the Statue of Liberty and...
Send us your brightest, your sharpest, your most intelligent,
Yearning to breathe free and submit to our authority,
Watch us trick them into wiping rich people's asses,
While we convince them it's a land of opportunity.
...is a goof on "The New Colossus" which: "is a sonnet by American poet Emma
Lazarus (1849–87), written in 1883. In 1903, the poem was engraved on a bronze
plaque and mounted inside the lower level of the pedestal of the Statue of Lib-
VI.7 Stunt Jumps part two
A fast vehicle is recommended. There's an NRG900 at the north end of the
airport runways by the northern radar station. The phone code for it is 625-
There's a Turismo in the driveway of Faustin's mansion on the west side of
the south end of Shinnecock Ave. The Blista Compact is pretty fast and agile
and commonly available in the eastern areas of the game. The phone number for
a Comet is 227-555-0175 and it's available in the Brucie Kibbutz mission "No.
1." The 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air mod I've come up with a handling line for (see
the modding section) should be good for jumps although the NRG900 makes it eas-
ier to hit the ramps made of narrow concrete bins filled with street rubble.
Fastest cars in "GTA IV"
Once Niko has his stunt vehicle you might go to the pause menu (Esc) > Graph-
ics > Vehicle Density and turn down the slider to spawn fewer vehicles.
Doing all 50 Stunt Jumps contributes 2.5% toward 100% completion and gives
you the "Dare Devil" Achievement.
On the PC, you could also use the Simple Trainer by sjaak327 to spawn what-
ever vehicle, disable the wanted rating system, use the seatbelt function, and
give Nike and his vehicle God Mode. You can even have Niko teleport to the lo-
Stunt Jump videos
I recommend printing my modified wikigta.org map shown above and my descrip-
tions given below.
For the ramp at the end of the median at the east end of the Algonquin Bridge
see the most southern jump on the map for "Stunt Jumps part one."
Have Niko go west over the ramp and land below on the pedestrian walk.
The ramp is a small barge east of Manganese St.
Have Niko use a fast boat (Jetmax or Squalo).
The ramp is at the docks that are west of the north end of the three barges
in a rowbetween the Broker Bridge and Colony Island.
Have Niko use a fast boat (Jetmax or Squalo).
The ramp is at the southwest corner of the parking lot at the west side of
Galveston Ave. west of the west end of Xenotime St.
Have Niko land on Union Drive West or down in the lot north of it.
The ramp is the sidewalk along the south side of the stairs at the east side
of the parking lot on the east side of Exeter Ave. south of Grummer Road.
Have Niko land in the upper parking lot to the east.
The ramp is in a parking lot on the inside of the northeast curve of Grummer
Have Niko land under the Northwood Heights Bridge.
The ramp is part of the dilapidated first floor of the ruins of a bilding in
a lot north of the northern and west-east stretch of Vespucci Circus (street).
Have Niko land on Grummer Road or the walk or water east of it.
The ramp is at the southeast corner of a plaza east of the east end of Ward-
ite St.
Have Niko land on Walnut Way or east of it.
The ramp is the median strip being repaired on Union Drive East north of Ob-
sidian St.
Have Niko land at the intersection of Union Drive East and Obsidian St.
The ramp is in the eastern area of the north end of the northern roof (the
one with a dome) of the Civilization Committee HQ building east of Lorimar St.
Have Niko go up one of the pair of stairs at the eastern part of the north
side of the building (he'll get a four star wanted level), go clockwise around
the building, jump slowly from the ramp to the narrow roof, go west, jump to
the rooftop with the dome, and go north to the stunt jump ramp.
Have Niko land on the lawn of the Civilization Committee HQ. You can have
him use the ramp at the north end of the lawn below for a quick exit from the
The ramp is the upturned north end of the abandoned elevated subway track
which is over the Auto Limbo Pay 'n' Spray that's at the west end of Lorimar
Have Niko go up the big stairway on the north side of Garnet St. east of Gal-
veston Ave., continue north over the plaza and past the road blocks to the
abandoned tracks (careful not to let him fall into the crack between the plaza
and the area of the tracks), and continue north-northwest, through a building
tunnel, have him take the west branch, go through another building tunnel, and
continue to the upturned end of the track.
Have Niko land on Union Drive West or Galveston Ave.
The ramp is the narrow dumpster in the middle of the division of roads just
south of the crossroads of Star Junction.
Have Niko land in or past the intersection to the south of Burlesque and Jade
The ramp is a narrow dumpster on the south side of Jade St. just west of Den-
ver-Exeter Ave.
Have Niko land past the Jade St./Denver-Exeter Ave. intersection to the east.
The ramp is the slanted traffic barrier at the east end of a building tunnel
that's west of Columbus Ave. and between two stretches of Diamond St.
Have Niko land past the slanted traffic barrier that's west of the one used
for the jump.
The ramp is at the north end of the nameless dead end road on the north side
of Emerald St. east of Borlock Ave.
Have Niko land on Feldspar St.
The ramp is at the east end of the walkway of the building east of the east
end of Amethyst St.
Have Niko land on or past Union Drive East or Flatfish Place.
VI.8 Achievements
Thanks to Rob Rusk for recommending that you can get the "Under the Radar"
and "Sightseer" Achievements now. There's an easy method for getting "Finish
Him" now, too--see "Single player Achievements" (I.5.b), but you might want to
get it earlier to be able to use the Full Health and Armor phone number code
(I.16) without blocking the Achievement.
The stunt jump ramp at the east side of the Algonquin Bridge can be used for
"Rolled Over." Have Niko hit the ramp with the front left or right wheel.
"Grand Theft Auto IV - Rolled Over Achievement (Algonquin Bridge)" by Emperix
VI.9 Most Wanted part two
Have Niko use the internal computer of a police car that's stopped and go to
"View Most Wanted" to see the criminals to kill in his area.
These missions are like the Rampages in earlier GTAs except there are fewer
targets and you can have the protagonist use any weapon you want. Any wanted
rating for each mission goes away when successfully completing it.
There are ten Most Wanted missions in each of the three main areas of the
gsme. Completing 30 adds 2.5% toward 100% completion of the game.
VI.9.a Shon Kikuchi
His crime: gang related violence
Shon is in a Banshee in a lot on the south side of Uranium St. west of Frank-
fort Ave., North Holland. As you have Niko drive close to him, he starts driv-
ing by going slowly around the block clockwise. Have Niko drive-by him to kill
him right away and you may get it done before he picks up speed.
VI.9.b Jimmy Kand
His crime: gang related violence
Jimmy is in Northwood lying on the floor in an apartment on the second floor
of the northern quarter of an apartment building. It's the most northern of a
group of three apartment buildings--each is indicated by an "X" on the radar/
maps. Have Niko enter Jimmy's building on the south side, use the stairwell
in the center structure that has mailboxes to go up to his apartment, and kill
him with any method that works. If you don't have Niko shoot anyone in Jimmy's
vicinity he'll be lying down. Otherwise, he tries to run away on foot.
VI.9.c Simon Nashly
His crime: racketeering
Simon and his crew of five are in Fishmarket South at the west side of the
big Pier 45 building which is indicated on the radar/maps with a "#" marking on
the big projection of land south of the west end of the Broker Bridge. Have
Niko take cover to kill those he can from the ground then enter the building to
kill the rest who scatter through the building.
VI.9.d Tommy Francovic
His crime: racketeering
Tommy is on an NRG 900 on the little cul de sac just east of the south curve
of Castle Dr., Castle Garden City. As you have Niko approach him he drives
northeast on Castle Dr., etc. If knocked off his bike he shoots with a Micro-
SMG. Have Niko get out of his vehicle at the intersection of Castle Dr. and
Union Drive West and shoot Tommy as he approaches or have Niko use his vehicle
to ram his 'cycle to knock him off of it then drive into him or shoot him.
VI.9.e Barry Lamora
His crime: human trafficking
Barry and two accomplices, who have a Pump shotgun and an SMG, are on foot at
the southwest corner of the western apartment building that's north of the
abandoned building in southern Colony Island. Barry tries to flee on foot when
you have Niko attack. Have Niko kill the armed accomplices keeping in mind to
shoot Barry before he runs too far. A longer range weapon, such as an assault
rifle, can be used for all three without changing weapons and would be good for
overcoming Barry's endurance and keeping him from gettng too far away.
VI.9.f Lino Friddell
His crime: hit and run
Lino and two accomplices are on foot east of Middle Park at the west end of
the west-east alley on the east side of Columbus Ave. south of Pyrite St. The
alley intersects with a north-south alley--they have an SUV parked at the north
end of that alley and will attempt to flee in it. If they make it to the SUV
and are made to leave it they shoot. You can have Niko run over/drive-by them
before they get to the SUV or have Niko get on foot by the SUV and kill them as
they approach it.
VI.9.g Juan Haimo
His crime: burglary
Juan and two accomplices are each on an NRG 900 north of Star Junction on
Lorimar St. west of Burlesque (street). They flee going east, etc., as you
have Niko approach them. If knocked off their bikes they shoot. Have Niko use
his vehicle to ram their 'cycles to knock them off of them then drive into them
or shoot them. You could have him park or get on foot at the intersection to
the east of their starting point and shoot them off their bikes as they emerge
onto Burlesque. Have Niko go for headshots for quicker kills to minimize the
possibility that one will make it away while you're having Niko get the others.
VI.9.h Darren Covey
His crime: arms dealing
Darren and five accomplices armed with Assault rifles are by two cars on the
second floor of a a parking garage west of Union Drive West/Hell Gate, Purga-
tory. It can be driven into via a ramp on the north or south side of it but
you can have Niko stop at the north-south barrier at the east side of the ga-
rage and shoot them with a regular rifle or sniper rifle. You might blow up
their cars right away with a Rocket Launcher to take some out.
VI.9.i Leo Brodell
His crime: drug trafficking
Leo and five accomplices armed with Pistols and Pump shotguns are in a build-
ing with a marquee that says "REAL LOOSE CLOTHING" on the south side of Wardite
St. east of Denver Ave., North Holland, south of three apartment buildings in-
dicated by "X" shapes in northeast Algonquin.
These confrontations are in close quarters so headshots are recommended.
While having Niko climb the stairs you can have him use them for cover by mov-
ing from behind them to shoot attackers as they appear. The attackers move
around so I can't guarantee where they'll be.
As soon as Niko goes through the door be ready in case the first attacker ap-
pears ahead at the top of the stairs to the second floor. A second attacker
comes down to join him from the third floor.
A third attacker is on the fourth floor. A fourth attacker is on the fifth
A fifth attacker is to the right of the door to the roof at the top of the
stairs to the sixth floor. Have Niko go through the door and go right/west
and northwest to shoot the sixth and final attacker who's in the northern area
of the lower and neighboring roof to the west.
VI.9.j Christov Mahonvic
His crime: grand theft auto
Christov and five armed accomplices are in an airport hanger-type warehouse
for garbage trucks below and north of the west end of the Broker Bridge in
Fishmarket South. I didn't count all the weapons, and a couple of attackers
may move around, but they include
- two Assault rifles--one on the ground level and one on the west upper level
- three Pump shotguns--one on the upper level and two on the lower level
- one Micro-SMG on the upper or lower level at the back
You can have Niko kill them while staying beyond the range of their weapons
in most cases by sniping them, or using whatever longer range weapon for head-
shots, from south of the big hanger entrance.
There's also a regular-sized door on the west side of the building and, al-
lowing you to have Niko shoot some targets from the upper level, stairs to a
regular-sized door on the east side of the building.
"GTA IV PC - Most Wanted (in Algonquin) - Christov Mahonvic - at the begin-
ning of the game" by zmoonchild
VI.10 Make a copy of your save game
VII Missions for part two
Brucie Kibbutz' missions cont.
VII.1 Races
Have Niko call Brucie and select "Race" to get one of the races for the area
he's in--one of the three for the East Side, one of the three for Algonquin, or
one of the three for Alderney (legally available later).
Maps of the nine race courses
"GTA IV: Brucie's Races" by whatever57010
Rusk recommends a Turismo and an update on a "GTA III" "Turismo" trick: in-
stead of having Niko drive into the marker have him back up, facing the direc-
tion of the other racers, to lightly bump one of the other race cars to start
the race. You may only have to have Niko fend off a couple of cars to take the
lead then you only need to have him keep it.
Don't get silly about speed but use your driving sense to take turns slowly
enough to execute them safely. In "IV" I've noticed I use reverse (S) more for
safe turns.
VII.1.a Star Junction
This five lap race starts on Burlesque just north of Star Junction, goes
southeast on Burlesque, west on Iron St., south on Denver-Exeter Ave., west on
Garnet St., north on Galveston Ave, east on Kunzite St., north on Frankfort
Ave., east on Manganese St., and southeast on Burlesque.
VII.1.b Road to Bohan
This three lap race starts just south of the intersection of Frankfort St.
and Vauxite St., goes north then northeast on Frankfort then the Northwood
Heights Bridge, south then southeast on San Quentin Ave., south then west on
the East Borough Bridge, north on Union Drive East, west on Topaz St., and
north on Frankfort Ave.
VII.1.c South Algonquin
This three lap race starts south of the most western section of Castle Dr.,
goes southeast then northeast on Castle Dr., southeast then south on Union
Drive West, through the curved tunnel to go northeast on Union Drive East,
northwest then southwest then west on the Southern Parkway, north then north-
west on Union Drive West, and west then southeast on Castle Dr.
Niko gets $500, and, once he's begun his friendship with Brucie, it adds to
his like stat with Brucie, each time he wins.
Completing the races contributes 2% toward 100% completion. Have Niko win an
additional eleven times, 20 wins in all, for the "Genetically Superior"
Manny Escuela's missions cont.
VII.2 The Puerto Rican Connection
The title is based on the title of "The French Connection," 1971, which fea-
tures a similar chase sequence.
Jay Hamilton (Manny's cameraman): Daniel G. O'Brien who's listed as David
O'Brien. Daniel played himself in the 2002 documentary "Horns and Halos," Del-
ray in a 2006 episode of the TV series "Law and Order," Meeker in a 2011 episode
of the TV series "How I Met Your Mother," Mark in 38 2011-2013 episodes of the
TV series "Whitney," Keith Gardner in two 2015 episodes of the TV series "Grey's
Anatomy," etc.
(His voice is sometimes mistaken for that of James Yaegashi who provided the
voice of Wu Zi in GTA "San Andreas" and in "IV" provides the voice of Charlie
the plain clothes police officer in "Blow Your Cover"--V.46--and in "Buyer's
Market" in TLaD.)
Have Niko use a fast car for this mission provided by Manny Escuela at the
West Bohan Community Center.
Manny is upset with his video director whom he says makes him look gay. (PS:
this writer has the liberal stances on such social issues.) The director of-
fers the possibility that it may make him look metrosexual, but Manny doesn't
like it.
Manny, ever concerned about his self-professed street-wise neighborhood im-
provement image, tells Niko to kill some old gang members of Manny's that have
been gossiping that he's hypocritical--that he's still a gangster. They're
travelling on the subway from Algonquin to Dukes (actually Broker).
Have Niko go to Brunner St. just north of the east end of the Algonquin
Bridge. A cutscene says that the target (actually, three targets) must be
killed after he gets off the train. Have Niko follow the train.
Have him drive south on Brunner St., southeast across a nameless street under
the Algonquin Bridge, south on Mohawk Ave., west a bit on Asparagus Ave., south
on Onion St. and continue south on Mohawk Ave., east on Crockett Ave., north on
Onondaga Ave., cut across the corner to go east on Cody St., north on Cokanuk
Ave., east then north on James St., west on Ringo St., north to the end of Sa-
poni Ave., east a bit on Hickcock St., and north partway through the alley under
the subway track to the Schottler subway entrance.
The Puerto Rican Connection chase map by Glen T. Winstein 2014
(Thanks to wikigta.org for the map I modified)
The train stops at Schottler Station on Sundance St. just east of the south
end of Cayuga Ave., Broker.
Niko has to kill the three gang members--the unarmed target and his two ac-
complices who are armed with Pistols--after they get off the train. You can
have Niko climb the stairs to the platform and kill them with an SMG. Thanks
to Robert Rusk for the strategy of having Niko wait across the street from
their car, parked at the northwest entrance of the station, and, once they en-
ter it, shoot it with an RPG.
Sweetlamakid's video at the next link shows that you can have Niko perform
the chase with a Maverick. You can have him land on a platform roof parallel
to the train and shoot the targets.
If you don't have Niko kill them at that time they get in a car car which
drives to the back of the Burger Shot at the east end of Carson St. and try to
flee on foot. But you shouldn't have a problem having Niko kill them well be-
fore that.
Niko calls Manny who thanks him.
Niko gets $1,500.
An unknown person sends Niko a message to meet him at the pier in Castle Gar-
dens--a "?" icon appears on the radar and in-game map. The mission that makes
available is "Call and Collect" for Francis McReary (VII.22).
Elizabeta calls--she wants Niko to meet her to help with Jacob.
The four Random Characters given below are available.
VII.3 Random Characters--Ileyna Faustin
Ileyna is on the boardwalk 24/7 southeast of the south end of the dead end
street that's south of Crockett Ave. east of Mohawk Ave., Broker.
She sadly explains that her late husband Mikhail was bad but since he died
she and her daughter live in poverty in a one room apartment. Worse, she
thinks some man, who hangs out on Dillon Street in Schottler, is trying to per-
suade her daughter to become a stripper or worse. Niko promises to make him
leave the daughter alone. Ileyna thanks him but implores "please--no more
Have Niko go to him--he's in a suit and tie by the alley on the north side of
Dillon St. east of Tuscarora Ave., Schottler. Niko warns him to stay away from
Anna Faustin but he curses Niko and tries to flee on foot unless you have Niko
fight him in which case he fights back.
You can have Niko kill the man (which makes Mrs. Faustin send Niko a bitterly
angry phone call), beat him up a bit (which makes him promise not to see Anna
again and makes Ileyna send Niko a grateful phone call), or just let him flee
(which makes Ileyna give Niko a sad and angry phone call complaining that her
daughter has run away to live with the man so she doesn't have any family
If you have Niko beat him up a bit avoid having Niko use combat punches to
avoid overdoing it. If you have Niko fight him you may hear him brag about
f**king Anna.
Having this encounter contributes to 100% completion of the game and the "No
More Strangers" Achievement.
VII.4 Random Characters--Hossan Ramzy
Hossan Ramzy: Sean Krishnan Sean has been in movies and TV series such as
playing Dhalsim in nine 2006-2008 episodes of the TV series "Street Fighter: The
Later Years" and the Taxi Driver in a 2015 episode of the TV series "Battle
Creek," etc. He also supplied the voice of George in the 2013 game "Metal Gear
Rising: Revengeance" and Doctor Carrington in the 2015 game "Fallout 4."
Hossan is on the south side of Garnet St. just west of Frankfort Ave. 24/7.
He was seen on the Platypus at the start of the game. He stayed in town and
got a job selling knock-offs (copies of popular brands) of handbags from a
small table by the corner. He gets a short call from someone then asks Niko to
escort him to collect some money.
Have Niko get a vehicle and take Hossan southwest to Castle Dr. to collect
back pay. Hossan's boss claims he won't give money to an "illegal," knocks
Hossan in the head with his forehead, and drives away.
Have Hossan get in Niko's vehicle and have Niko drive-by the thief's vehicle
right away--he soon speeds up. The thief leaves a money pickup with a marker
over it on the street. Have Niko collect the money then drive Hossan to the
alley between Feldspar St. and Garnet St. east of Galveston Ave.
Niko gets $500.
Hossan's Email address is HOSSAN75@grypa.org.
"GTA IV Random Encounter - Hossan Ramzy [full - reuploaded]" by whatever57010
Having this encounter contributes to 100% completion of the game and the "No
More Strangers" Achievement.
VII.5 Random Characters--Sara
Sara: Deborah Yates Deborah received a Tony Award nomination in 2000 for
originating the role of "Girl in a Yellow Dress" in the musical "Contact."
She's also been in movies and TV series such as playing Bea in a 1994 episode of
the TV series "Matlock" and Tea in seven 2006-2007 episodes of the TV soap opera
"As the World Turns," etc.
First Encounter
Sara is on the west side of the Back Passage south of Garnet St. and east of
Frankfort Ave., Suffolk, from 22:00 to 4:00.
Sara seems a bit stoned and demands that Niko tell her if she's still "got
it." She's upset because she's just gotten a divorce. She asks Niko for a
ride home. Have Niko drive her to her place on the north side of Silicon St.
east of Ivy Drive South, Varsity Heights. Once there, she provokes her ex-hus-
band, who's standing nearby on the sidewalk, to get him jealous by saying that
she's been f**king Niko. The ex-husband attacks Niko and you can have him
react however you want including by just leaving. If you have Niko target
him with a weapon he runs away.
"GTA IV Random Encounter - Sara" by whatever57010
Completing this encounter contributes to 100% completion of the game and the
"No More Strangers" Achievement. The second encounter isn't needed for them.
Second Encounter
Sara is on the east side of Flatfish Place just north of Pier 45 (indicated
on the radar/maps by a "#" marking on the big projection of land south of the
west end of the Broker Bridge). She's sober now but doesn't remember their
previous encounter. She asks Niko to do her the favor of going to Perseus and
getting a package for her.
Have Niko go to the Perseus clothes store on the south side of Pyrite St.
just north of Bismarck Ave., Middle Park East. The salesman at the back of the
store has her package but she hasn't paid for it so he wants $500 for it. (I
don't think she's wrapped too tight even when she's sober.) You can have Niko
either pay the $500 or beat up the salesman a bit to take the package. (If you
have Niko fight a second salesman helps the first one fight. You can have Niko
either fight them or leave. If you have Niko kill them he gets a two star
wanted level.) Have him take the package to Sara at Pier 45 a bit south from
where she was before.
Niko gets $500 for the cost of the package (whether he paid for it or not)
and a $500 reward.
VII.6 Random Characters--Pathos
Pathos: David S. Shaw David also played Freezepop in a 2003 episode of the
TV series "NYPD Blue," Raheem Lawrence in a 2004 episode of the TV series "Amer-
ica's Most Wanted: America Fights Back," Kevin in the 2013 movie "Gimme Shel-
ter," etc.
First Encounter
Have Niko find Pathos, a budding rapper in a blue vest and baseball cap,
selling his CDs on the east side of Denver-Exeter Ave. just north of Kunzite
St., Star Junction. Pathos attracts a couple of hecklers and goes to fight
them. Have Niko go west to the alley on the west side of Burlesque and kill
the two hecklers who're having a fist fight with Pathos. Pathos thanks him.
Having this first encounter contributes to 100% completion of the game and
the "No More Strangers" Achievement. The second encounter isn't needed for
Second Encounter
Have Niko find Pathos near the same spot as before. He has a new CD called
"Pathos - From Suffering and Back Again." He attracts another couple of heck-
lers and gets shot when he argues with them. Have Niko kill the two attackers
who are armed with Pistols (he won't get a wanted rating and the attackers
can't be injured by anyone but Niko) then quickly drive Pathos to the hospital
on Albany Ave. north of Jade St. On the way, Niko encourages him by telling
him that the scars may help his acceptance with fans. Pathos thanks Niko and
promises to mention him on an album sleeve.
Pathos sends Niko an Email saying it was good they killed the attackers.
Niko writes back that Pathos, for being glad of that while preaching peace and
love, should try a career in politics.
"GTA IV Random Encounter - Pathos" by whaatever57010
Pathos's Email address is PATHOSTHEINCREDIBLE@fruitcomputers.com and he's on
The Beat 102.7.
Elizabeta Torres' missions cont.
VII.7 The Snow Storm
Elizabeta calls urging Niko to come to her place right away since he under-
stands Rasta better and she's upset with Jacob. Have Niko go to her place on
San Quentin Ave. west of the west end of Switch St.
Little Jacob and Elizabeta are shouting insults at each other. She tells
Niko that people Jacob introduced to her ripped her off and put the heat on her
but Jacob denies responsibility for the trouble they created. Niko says he'll
take care of it.
Have Niko go to the big abandoned hospital on the south end of Colony Island.
A cutscene shows a cocaine deal between the Angels of Death and the Spanish
Lords going on inside.
The abandoned hospital is based on the remains of the Smallpox Hospital,
sometimes referred to as the Renwick Smallpox Hospital and later the Maternity
and Charity Hospital Training School, on the southern tip of Roosevelt Island
in Manhattan, New York City.
The goal is to have Niko get Elizabeta's cocaine (snow) which is on a table
near an Armor pickup on the first floor in the room north of the southwest
room and have Niko kill any of the (twelve?) armed attackers as needed to get
the cocaine.
Most of the attackers are north of the cocaine.
Have Niko snipe any gangsters (the red blips on the radar) he can kill before
going through the break in the north side of the surrounding fence then shoot
or use Molotovs on any gangsters he can on the west side of the building on his
way to the south side.
Have Niko go to the ladder on the south side, climb to what's left of the
second (top) floor, take cover behind the block just ahead, and shoot three
gangsters--one who's just ahead, another who's on the far side of the second
floor, and a third who's behind a hole in the far wall. Have Niko move around
to shoot down to the west at another gangster and an explosive red tank on the
first floor. Have him drop to the first floor to kill two others in the room
with the coke and take it.
There's a First Aid Kit/Health pickup on a table and an Armor pickup on the
floor nearby. There's also First Aid Kit in the room south of the northeast
"GTA IV - The Snow Storm (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010 shows a good
rendering of methods--use them if you're going for a Liberty City Minute. He
also shows how to have Niko make the longer shootout to the coke from the north
end of the building.
Niko calls Jacob to ask where the heat is coming from. Jacob says he's get-
ting closer to knowing but has to ask one more person. N.O.O.S.E. agents raid
the abandoned hospital and Niko gets a three star wanted rating.
You can have Niko jump south from the big wooden spool in the room north of
the southeast room to climb onto the top of a wall, walk over tops of walls and
a bit of floor to get back to the ladder (recommended for the Liberty City Min-
ute) or shoot his way through the eastern of the two north-south "halls" made
of doorways to go to the northeast room, shoot several attacking officers, and
go through the doorway. (Liberty City Minute tip by Rusk: just have Niko run
past the officers.)
Have Niko go east from about the middle of the abandoned hospital to go
through the break in the fence to a small pier with a Jetmax and pilot it be-
yond his wanted circle.
Niko calls Little Jacob who says he's with some bakra (Jamaican Patios for
"back raw" as from a whip--often said jokingly about someone who's making them
do something unpleasant) in Chase Point and it's strange that they already know
him. Send Niko to the meeting in the alley west of the west end of Spin St.
(behind the Sprunk warehouse). Michelle joins them and reveals that she's a
government agent whose job includes watching Niko. She asks for the coke for
her employers.
She says her agency is about to take down Elizabeta (the Liberty Tree website
says that her 300 year sentence is a new record in Liberty City crime). She
tells Niko she's sorry--the agency has some use for Niko or they'd have taken
him down, too. Jacob asks if they're getting off the hook. She says her agen-
cy needs Niko's help--she'll call if her office in Algonquin needs him. She
takes the coke then leaves. Jacob says he's unhappy to have to tell Elizabeta
she won't get the cocaine.
Niko gets $2,500.
Michelle is no longer available for dates. Mallorie calls and asks if it's
true that Michelle is some kind of fed. Niko says he doesn't know but Michelle
was lying and now he's paying.
The Combat shotgun is available at gun stores.
VII.8 Have a Heart
Have Niko go to Elizabeta's place.
Elizabeta cries to Niko that she's worried about police attention and wit-
nesses sending her to prison for the rest of her life and snorts cocaine. Man-
ny and his cameraman, the film makers Niko had to keep trying to discourage
from filming him, arrive. Manny picks a bad time to have himself filmed de-
manding that Elizabeta "leave the streets alone" and she shoots the two men.
Elizabeta says there's a doctor in Broker (actually Steinway) who can clean it
up and asks Niko to help her put the bodies in her car.
(If you replace the Voodoo with the '57 Chevy I recommend in this walk-
through it appears in this mission as Elizabeta's car.)
"Dead Skunk in the Trunk" in GTA "III," 2002, was a similar mission except
the car was to be driven to a car crusher. The "Mafia 2" downloadable content
"Joe's Adventures," 2010, had a nearly identical mission called "Skunk in the
Have Niko drive her Voodoo, which has the bodies in the trunk, to a doctor in
the dead end alley at the south side of the east-west alley on the west side of
Dukes Blvd. south of Morris St.
On the way Jacob calls to ask if Niko wants to get something to eat with him
and Niko says, "I'm already hanging out with two friends."
Avoid having the trunk open and face the direction of a nearby policeman or
he'll get a wanted rating. If it opens, have Niko walk up to it and press the
Attack key (LMB) to close it. You can also have him stay in the car and use
the phone number code for Health, I.16, to close the trunk. Have the "Finish
Him" Achievement, I.5.b, done first if you want to use the code without block-
ing the Achievement.
I like Robert Rusk's tip to have Niko drive into an alley, away from poten-
tial police attention, and open and close the trunk a few times to hear the
things Niko says.
(Liberty City Minute tips: you can also pass the mission if you have Niko
drive the car away from Elizabeta's place, have the Voodoo hit something or
shoot the trunk to pop the trunk open, or just wreck the car or flip it so it
can't be driven, to get the screen prompt to blow up the car, then destroy it.
Thanks to Snuvs. It be convenient for you to have Niko destroy the Voodoo near
the start of the next mission so Niko can start it to get rid of any wanted
rating. Thanks to Stu Rodriguez.)
Some findings by whatever57010:
- You still pass the mission and Niko gets paid if the bodies fall from the
trunk though Elizabeta calls to say, "You just missed out on a payday."
- If you have Niko shoot the bodies Manny doesn't react but Jay Hamilton the
cameraman moves a bit and screams.
"GTA IV - Have a Heart (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
The doctor, just concerned to make money, tells Niko he'll sell the organs
from the dead bodies on the street. Niko says maybe Manny will actually be
helping the streets now. (The mission accomplished music sounds like it's
played by a keyboard set to use something like the sound of plucked violin
Niko gets $3,000.
Niko calls Elizabeta--she worriedly says, "this particular party is ending."
Mallorie calls twice. In one call she apologizes for not knowing Michelle
was a federal agent. In another call she says Elizabeta will be doing a bid
(prison sentence)--she may have killed Manny. Mallorie says it's a good thing
Niko wasn't around them too much--she's sorry for getting Niko involved.
If you have Niko call Roman after this mission Roman asks if Niko has been
meeting any women and Niko lists all the people he has met since their move to
Bohan: Manny, Elizabeta, Francis, Packie, Playboy, Johnny, and the doctor. Ro-
man jokes by asking what the price of kidneys is.
Playboy X' missions
VII.9 Deconstruction for Beginners
Dwayne Forge: Devin Richards Devin played Lt. Barri in a 2005 episode and was
part of the Camelot Ensemble for a 2008 episode of the TV series "Live from Lin-
coln Center," played Black Frasier in a 2006 episode of the TV series "30 Rock,"
etc. He also appeared as himself to play bass in a 2006 episode of the TV ser-
ies "Great Performances."
The title and shootout targets--construction workers--of this mission are
like those of "Deconstruction" for GTA "San Andreas," 2004.
Have Niko go to Playboy X's penthouse on the south side of Xenotime St. east
of Galveston Ave., Northwood, Algonquin.
Playboy X has come into money in town with his crime group and wants to em-
ploy Niko. They're joined by his friend Dwayne, a crack dealer ("Blow Your
Cover," V.46) who just got out of prison and wants to take up his old criminal
ways. He says he called Playboy X a couple of times but Playboy X didn't re-
turn the calls. Playboy X says he learned everything he knows from Dwayne but
Dwayne seems skeptical--"not everything"--implying Playboy X didn't learn loy-
alty. Dwayne wants to pick up where they left off which seems to surprise
Playboy X who expresses a generous offer to help but says he and Niko have to
While Playboy X leaves for a bit Dwayne and Niko talk. They agree that Play-
boy X seems quick to forget old loyalties. Niko seems to like Dwayne better as
the more experienced one who expects loyalty vs. Playboy X--a relative novice
more out for himself.
Have Niko take Playboy X to a car parked in an alley on the north side of the
South Parkway east of Columbus Ave., Castle Gardens (the south end of Algon-
quin). (Playboy X isn't a Friend but, for whatever it's worth, his favorite ra-
dio stations are The Beat 102.7 and The Classics 104.1.)
During the ride, Playboy X (in the two sets of dialogue possible for this
mission) says that the Mafia-run union has replaced big real estate developer
Yusuf Amir's construction workers at Yusuf's building site, and run off Yusuf's
scabs (strikebreakers), with armed Mafia construction workers. Playboy X wants
to get in good with Yusuf by having Niko run the union Mafia men out while
Playboy X communicates with him from a position where he can see the whole
yard. Playboy X says the Mafia is trying to squeeze Yusuf for money thinking
he's naive but they'll back off once they realize he'll make too much trouble
for them.
Playboy X adds that he and Yusuf should have an affinity for each other since
both are of African ancestry. Niko advises him to look at a map (Dubai is on
the southeast coast of the Persian Gulf and is the most populated city of the
United Arab Emirates).
Playboy X says the car they're going to is stocked with weapons--sniper ri-
fles, Grenades, etc.--for Niko. Once at the car Playboy X says it also has a
radio headset for communication. He say Niko's first effort should be to snipe
the three Mafia lookouts (on the far ends of the horizontal structures near the
top of three of the tall cranes) and gets on a window washer platform to ride
it to the top of a skyscraper that's across the street to the north of the con-
struction yard. He tells Niko it provides a good view of the yard.
Window washer platform controls
On/off: Action key E
Up and down: W and S
Look around: mouse aim
(Liberty City Minute tip: the ride on the window washer platform is meant to
teach you how one works but you don't have to have Niko use it. It's a lot
faster to have him snipe from the ground.)
The first goal of the shooting section is to have Niko kill the three look-
outs indicated by three red dots on the radar and in-game map. They're all on
tall yellow cranes.
The second goal is to shoot the four union leaders. Three of the four lead-
ers are indicated by red dots on the radar and in-game map. Have Niko kill
them. The fourth leader, who's to the east, is indicated by a red dot on the
radar and in-game map when Niko approaches him. Have Niko kill him to complete
the mission.
A fast method, good for a Liberty City Minute tip, by whatever57010 is shown
at 24:00 on his video at the next link.
"GTA IV - Deconstruction for Beginners (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Have Niko snipe the three lookouts from the south end of the alley.
Have him cross South Parkway, go south and a bit west over the nameless road,
go through the entrance in the fence onto the yard, and shoot one leader who's
near the west end of the near side of the second level of the northeast build-
ing under construction.
Have Niko climb the nearby tall yellow crane and shoot two leaders--one is on
the roof on the near side of the tallest roof to the south and the other is be-
hind a girder lying horizontally on a lower landing at the west side of that
Have Niko go back to South Parkway, jack a car, go east, go right onto a
nameless street, go south and around the curve, go through the hole in the
fence on the right, go up the pile of gravel on the right, and use an assault
rifle to shoot the fourth leader who goes to climb the ladder on the east side
of the lower section of roof to the south.
If you want to have Niko kill more of the Mafia workers have Niko accompany
Playboy X to the roof of the skyscraper where, in addition to the three look-
outs on cranes, he can snipe the union leader who's on the roof on the near
side of the tall roof to the south and at least a handful of the Mafia workers.
Have Niko ride the window washing platform down, drive the Cavalcade SUV
across the street, go a bit west on the nameless street, go south through the
fence onto the yard a bit, and use the SUV or something nearby for cover to get
the second union leader--near the west end of the near side of the second level
of the northeast building under construction--and several other armed workers.
Have Niko go south through that building, killing workers as needed, to go up
the big ramp on the near side of the next building to the south. Have him
shoot all the attackers he can see from low on the ramp, climb it, and shoot
several attackers who are across the floor.
A cutscene shows Niko crouch to take cover and pull out a Grenade. Niko can
use it then switch to another weapon (an SMG or rifle would be preferable) to
get any men who are across the floor from him.
Have him go to the west end of the floor to go up a small ramp and shoot the
third union leader who's behind a horizontal girder near the south end of the
western landing.
There's a First Aid kit at the top of the ramp on the upper level of the con-
struction site.
Have Niko go east and take cover to shoot the attackers on the next area of
roof. A helicopter lands on a southern platform to let reinforcements for the
fourth union leader get onto the floor. You could have Niko use an RPG on the
helicopter but it has low durability so you could use something else.
You could have Niko gets as many targets as he can get from there and, if you
think Niko has enough Health and Armor, just run east past the helicopter and
its men since they stop attacking once Niko kills the last leader and the mis-
sion accomplished music plays.
Have Niko go east to a lower roof to get the fourth and last union leader.
He runs east to climb a ladder (there's a Pump shotgun in the room through the
door by the ladder) to a higher roof and flee to the east. (If you don't have
Niko get him right away it's not much of a chase--he goes to the 90 degree bend
to the north, across a plank to a northern roof, then stops to attack from
Niko calls Playboy X to tell him his union troubles are over and he congratu-
lates Niko. Playboy X says Yusuf's people will start listening to him.
The Assault rifle is available at gun shops.
VII.10 Photo Shoot
Have Niko go to Playboy X's penthouse.
Playboy X complains to Niko that Dwayne's getting on his nerves but more im-
portantly about a guy who's been calling him a phony and a snitch and, worse,
giving away Playboy X' confidential plans. Playboy X wants Niko to silence the
guy who hangs out with his gang by the basketball court on Exeter Ave. between
X and W (Xenotime St. and Wardite St.). Frustrated about trying to describe
the guy's appearance, Playboy X gives Niko a camera phone and tells him that
when he takes the guy's picture Playboy X will identify him.
Have Niko drive to the basketball court (he can use the yellow Patriot in
front of Playboy X's). The man is standing on the court with two other men.
Don't have Niko alert the man to his presence by getting too close to him.
Have Niko stand at the closest by the north entrance of the court and take a
picture of the three men.
Have Niko press the Up arrow key to bring up the phone, press Enter to select
the main menu, scroll down and select "Camera," and press Enter to activate it.
You'll be in first person mode with the camera shown larger in the bottom right
corner of the screen. What you see when you aim with the mouse is shown on the
screen of the camera. Zoom with W and S and press Enter to take a picture.
Press Enter again to send the picture to a contact--in this case Playboy X.
You can't guess which one is the target in advance because they may be
dressed in this or that color clothes in replays of the mission.
After Playboy X calls and identifies the color of the clothes worn by Marlon,
the target and the one who's now represented by a red blip on the radar/in-game
map, have Niko shoot the guy and drive away before his friends attack Niko.
If he gets to the grey Patriot to try to flee have Niko drive-by it.
Niko calls Playboy X and tells him Marlon is dead. Playboy X says "You the
man" and says he'll see Niko soon.
Niko gets $6,750 and a camera phone.
"Grand Theft Auto 4 Gameplay Walkthrough PART 27 - Photo Shoot 'GTA 4' 'GTA
IV'" by xChaseMoney2
Niko can go to www.vipluxuryringtones.com and buy all the ringtones and
themes for $100. (Thanks to markiij)
Random character Jeff can be encountered.
Mallorie calls--she's worried because Roman didn't come home last night.
Michelle calls--she tells Niko to meet her at United Liberty Paper in Algon-
quin. A "?" icon appears on the radar and in-game map.
VII.11 Random Characters--Jeff
Jeff the Cuckold: Harry Chase Harry has done a lot of voice over work such as
providing a voice for a 2005 episode of the TV series "Weird U.S.," providing
the voice of Gandalf/Radagast for the 2007 game "The Lord of the Rings Online,"
he narrated the TV documentary "The Next Big Bang," 2008, etc. He also played
Bill in the 2010 movie "Hello Lonesome" (aka "Kingdom of Gravy"), etc.
A better name for Jeff might be Jeff the paranoid wife killer.
First Encounter
Have Niko meet Jeff on the east side of Bismarck Ave. just north of Uranium
St.in northeast Algonquin. The disturbed way he tells his story implies he un-
settled his wife with paranoid behavior and now claims wife is having an affair
and he wants Niko to get pictures of her with her alleged lover. Have Niko use
a vehicle to follow the couple from a couple car lengths or a bit more behind
If Niko follows them too closely Jeff's wife realizes she's being followed
and you fail the mission. Niko calls Jeff who accuses Niko of banging his
At the Superstar Cafe on the west side of Bismarck Ave. between Ruby St. and
Quartz St. we get a cutscene of her telling her friend that her husband "gets
so angry and jealous I don't know what to do." Have Niko go to the second
floor to about a table away from them. We hear her say Jeff bugged her phone
and sent her panties away for DNA analysis, etc. Her friend pitches come-on
lines but she clearly just wants to complain and not cheat on Jeff. Have Niko
take their picture, send the picture to Jeff, and leave.
Niko calls Jeff who angrily assumes the worst. Niko tells him to be calm--
"this don't necessarily mean she's cheating on you."
Niko gets $1,000.
You could have Niko kill Jeff's wife and the man she meets--when Niko calls
Jeff he blames Niko for being a psychopath and it prevents the next two en-
counters with Jeff from being offered. The wife of his first encounter is
killed anyway--Jeff claims to have done it in the second encounter--but the
game has you have Niko kill her male friend, too, if you have Niko kill her.
Having Niko kill them in the first encounter may mean Jeff isn't killed in the
third encounter, too, which is a dubious choice given his penchant for murder.
Having encounters with Jeff aren't needed for 100% completion of the game.
Having this first encounter contributes to the "No More Strangers" Achievement.
The subsequent two encounters with Jeff aren't needed for it.
Second Encounter
Jeff calls Niko ten days later to meet him in the underground parking garage
with entrances on Topaz St. and Silicon St. just west of Bismarck Ave. north-
east of the north end of Middle Park. Have Niko go there to hear maniacal Jeff
say that he stabbed his wife Shirley 50 times. Jeff wants Niko to dispose of
her body and the Blista Compact it's in.
Have Niko drive the car out the south exit of the garage past the north end
of Walnut Way avoiding the police since Niko will get a one star wanted rating
if they see her body through the back window. (Thanks to Robert Rusk for the
tip about the policeman at the north exit. When the GPS recommends you have
Niko turn right to go out the north exit have him turn left.) Have Niko drive
to the north coast and go fast and bail just after he goes over the ramp to
send the car into the Humboldt River. Niko won't be damaged by landing in the
Niko calls Jeff to tell him he should be clean--"now all you need to worry
about is your conscience." But Jeff continues to seem paranoid and maniacal.
Niko gets $5000.
Third encounter
Have Niko meet Jeff who's seated and looking through binoculars on the north
side of Feldspar St. just east of Denver Ave. Jeff, still paranoid, stalked
his latest wife to Drusilla's restaurant, which is on the south side of the
street, to find her having a drink with her ex-husband. Jeff assumes it's an
affair and wants Niko to kill her. Niko doesn't want to kill her, even threat-
ens to injure Jeff if Jeff dosn't calm down, so Jeff gets mad and hastily
starts to cross the street where he's killed by a Turismo. The driver gets out
of his car to call 911 but drives away before the police arrive. (While he's
standing on the street you can have Niko jack his Turismo.)
Niko gets the money pickups Jeff leaves behind.
"Jeff Harlingford - All Encounters (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Dwayne Forge's missions
VII.12 Ruff Rider
Cherise Glover: Ja'Tovia Gary
Have Niko call Playboy X who says Dwayne had friends all over the place but
he's living in the past. Playboy X tells Niko to go to the Governor Greg John-
son projects in Northwood to talk to Dwayne.
Have Niko go to the south side of the northern of three apartment buildings
repreented by "X" shapes north of the eastern section of Wardite St.
Dwayne tells Niko that old friends seem ungrateful--Playboy X sends Niko in-
stead of seeing Dwayne himself and Dwayne's old girlfriend has been seeing
someone else since Dwayne was in prison despite him having helped her pay the
rent while he was there. He says he knows the guy she's seeing, Jayvon, is the
one who set him up. Niko says he'll go talk to them--if they don't give
Dwayne's money back Niko will make them. Niko likes Dwayne--Niko tells Dwayne
he reminds him of himself.
(Dwayne's second floor apartment is accessible outside of missions. The
graffiti about previous GTA protagonists on the wall by the couch Niko sits on
is the same graffiti that's on the wall by the street level door of the Hove
Beach save place.)
Have Niko go to the Videogeddon arcade on the corner of the east side of Co-
lumbus Ave. and north side of Emerald St. in Chinatown.
Niko confronts Cherise and her boyfriend Jayvon and says Dwayne wants his
money back. Jayvon takes a shot at Niko with a Pistol which misses and Jayvon
speeds off on a red Hellfury motorcycle with the money.
You have the option of having Niko execute Cherise. If you don't have Niko
do it she says Dwayne wouldn't want her dead, Niko seems to prefer not doing
it, and afterward Dwayne says he's happy Niko didn't kill her--"she's just an
idiot." If you have Niko execute her Dwayne doesn't seem regretful but she
won't return as a Random Character and you won't be able to get the "No More
Strangers" Achievement.
Have Niko do a drive-by on Jayvon, or knock him off his 'cycle and run him
over, and get Dwayne's money.
Niko calls Dwayne to tell him he has Dwayne's money and suggests they meet at
Cluckin' Bell so he can give it to him. Dwayne agrees. Have Niko go to the
Cluckin' Bell on the east side of Burlesque (street) south of Jade St. (south
of Star Junction). Have Niko enter and he gives Dwayne his money.
VII.13 Undress to Kill
Equip Niko with a Knife so he can perform a fast quiet kill, a shotgun for a
couple fast close kills, and a fast shooting rifle or SMG. Have him use a big
vehicle, like an SUV, so he can block a door.
Have Niko go to Dwayne's apartment.
Dwayne says he can't cope with things outside of prison. He used to run Bo-
han but now he's been stabbed in the back too often. Niko offers to help him.
Dwayne says that while he was in prison some gangsters took over his strip
club--the Triangle Club on Drill St. (actually Coxsack Ave.)--and it lost its
class. Niko says he'll help Dwayne get it back.
Send Niko to the Triangle Club on Coxsack Ave., Bohan. On the way Brucie
calls asking Niko to go with him to see some naked women--Niko declines the of-
fer saying he has to do it now for business not pleasure.
Have Niko go inside and listen to conversation without a weapon equipped,
alerting the guards who are dressed in black, or alarming the customers. As he
gets close to each of the three managers he'll hear conversation that indicates
their presence and their red blip appears on the radar.
- One is in a little room to the left just inside the door to the main room.
Have Niko go past the door for it to the men talking at the railing to make his
blip appear.
- One is talking to a stripper at the foot of the far end of the big raised
stage. Have Niko listen to them talk to make his blip appear.
- One is watching a new stripper give a lap dance in the near room on the
left side of the little hall that's at the far right corner of the main room.
Have Niko go near him to be spoken to by him to make his blip appear.
You're then supposed to have him kill the three managers. If the place is
alerted to the sound of gun fire the nearest manager and security guards attack
Niko with guns and the other managers run away from the attack to either the
front or back door. All three blips appear. The back door is locked until any
managers try to escape.
If the managers are scared to flee through the front door they try to flee to
their Cavalcade FXT parked on the south end of the east side of the club and
make their getaway. If you have Niko attack at the back of the club so the
managers flee through the front door the Cavalcade FXT appears in the front
parking lot.
At 9:45 in "GTA IV - Undress to Kill (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
a couple of the managers are chased by Niko from the front door, and counter-
clockwise around the club, to a Cavalcade FXT that's on the south side of the
north end of Drill St.
The Cavalcade FXT doesn't appear unless the managers try to flee.
One possible version.
Have Niko block the back door (from the west end of Coxsack Ave. go north-
west) with an SUV then go in the club to make the three red blips appear.
- Have Niko draw a Knife on the manager who's counting his money in the lit-
tle room to the left just inside the door to the main room and stab him rapidly
before he can shoot his Pistol or Assault rifle and arouse the guards. Have
Niko put away the Knife.
- Have Niko use a shotgun to shoot the manager who's armed with a Pistol, and
to shoot the man who's armed with a Pump shotgun who was watching a lap dance,
in the near room on the left side of the hall that's at the far right corner of
the main room.
- Have Niko go to the doorway of the hall, shoot any nearby attackers, take
cover at the railing to shoot more attackers, and kill the manager who's run
from the foot of the far end of the big stage to hide behind a table in the
main room.
Have Niko exit ignoring any attackers unless it's necessary to have him at-
tack to escape.
A variation on that is to have Niko block the back door, use a Knife to kill
the manager who's counting money in a room past the front door, go just out-
side that door into the main room to snipe the manager who's at the foot of the
big raised stage, and go back into the entrance hall to kill the security guard
when he comes in through the front door. Have Niko shoot any armed attackers
who try to come through the door from the main room into the entrance hall.
The last manager finds the back door is locked and runs to the front of the
club--have Niko shoot him when he runs into the entrance hall.
"GTA 4 - Mission #45 - Undress to Kill (1080p)" by GTA Series Videos Verified
Etchesketch's video at the next link shows an all Pump shotgun way to do it.
Have Niko cause the three blips to appear, Knife the manger in the room on the
left side of the main room just past the entrance hall, give a headshot with a
shotgun to the manager at the foot of the far side of the raised stage from a
nearby corner of the main room, immediately run to the last manager, shooting a
guard along the way, to shoot him and the armed man with him.
One easy way method is to have Niko block the door in the back of the club
with a big vehicle, enter the club, and kill the guard standing at the front
door. The mangers will run to the back door, make their vehicle appear on
Drill St., but they'll run to the front door. Have Niko wait outside with a
shotgun, SMG, or Assault rifle to shoot the three managers as they run through
the front door. (Thanks to domanok15)
If you use Auto-Save, the mission will end then. You can reload the game to
have Niko at his save place without having to shoot any more guards.
Niko gets $6,300.
Niko calls Dwayne and learns Playboy X is unhappy because he was still doing
business with the gangsters of the Triangle. It doesn't matter to Dwayne who
says Playboy X has to feel it.
Playboy X calls--he's upset that Niko shot up the strip club. Niko says
Playboy X told him to help Dwayne. Playboy X tells Niko not to help Dwayne
when it interferes with Playboy X's business interests.
Playboy X calls--he's upset because Yusuf Amir won't build on the site where
Niko cleared out the workers (VII.9 "Deconstruction for Beginners")--Yusuf
wants to make it a memorial to union workers died in accidents--among other
things. Playboy X wants Niko to see him.
The Liberty Tree website has news about The Triangle Club.
Reader DukeLeto7 suggest a way to clear up a glitch that may occur after Niko
kills Playboy X. It prevents Niko from having friendship meetings with Dwayne.
To help Niko get an Email from Dwayne to initiate friendship meetings clear
needless Emails from Niko's inbox before "The Holland Play." Niko's inbox has a
limit of 40 Emails (and a pre-inbox batch). Get all the lovemeet rejections and
Brucie vehicle requests out of Niko's inbox.
Playboy X' missions cont.
VII.14 The Holland Play
The title may refer to "The Scottish Play"--a title used as a substitute for
William Shakespeare's "Macbeth" by superstitious people who believe that saying
"Macbeth" in a theater is bad luck.
The two main characters Niko deals with in this mission live in North Holland
(Playboy X) and East Holland (Dwayne Forge). (The only NYC "Holland" I thought
of for the names of those neighborhoods is the Holland Tunnel.)
Have Niko go to Playboy X's place.
Playboy X says he wants to be a philanthropist when he gets a lot of money.
His rationalizations about killing people to be able to do good are mixed up,
though. He thinks Dwayne has gone crazy and wants to kill them so Niko better
kill Dwayne. They both like Dwayne but Playboy X can't think of anything else
to do about it. Niko doesn't like the idea and says he has to think about it.
After Niko leaves, have him call Dwayne or wait for his call. Dwayne says
it's hard for him to cope outside of prison. He thinks Playboy X wants to kill
him so he wants Niko to kill Playboy X. Niko says Playboy X was always
straight with him and that Playboy X was Dwayne's best friend so Niko will have
to think about it.
Have Niko call Playboy X or wait for him to call. He encourages Niko to take
care of their problem. Niko says it's Playboy X' problem and Niko knows what
he's going to do.
(Liberty City Minute tip: having Niko call Dwayne and Playboy X is faster
than waiting for them to call. Thanks to Robert Rusk.)
The game instructs you to have Niko kill one of the two. Their locations are
indicated by the red "X" and red "D" on the radar and in-game map.
The game seems designed to have you favor having Niko kill Playboy X due to
the benefits of it so it's the popular choice.
Kill Dwayne
Send Niko to Dwayne's apartment. Niko has an exchange of words with Dwayne
through the door--Dwayne says he thought Niko was his friend and Niko says it's
nothing personal. Niko breaks in.
Have Niko shoot Dwayne's friend who comes from a door on the right side of
the hall ahead and attacks Niko with a bat. Have Niko go through the door at
the end of the hall and into the kitchen to Dwayne who's indicated by a red dot
on the radar. Dwayne protests that he thought they were friends. You can have
Niko perform an execution-style killing (Niko averts his gaze) or kill him any
way you want.
Niko calls Playboy X who hypocritically rationalizes it's Niko that's cold
and greedy whereas Playboy X saw Dwayne as a father so he calls off his rela-
tionship with Niko.
Niko gets $25,000 but won't get the "Liberty City (5)" Achievement.
You can have Niko jump from a vehicle to the fire escape to climb up to Play-
boy X's loft outside of the mission. You can have Niko use the regular en-
trance to use the pool table for outings with Friends.
If you have Niko call Roman Niko, a bit depressed, explains he had to choose
in an argument between a drug dealer and his drug-dealing mentor and chose the
younger guy--Playboy X. Niko says Playboy X paid him but is treating him like
an a**hole. Roman doesn't see the problem--he tells Niko he's a rich a**hole
and to call him later.
Kill Playboy X
Have Niko enter Playboy X' place. The conversation between the two quickly
brings out that Niko's decided that Playboy X may be the problem. Playboy X
boasts that Niko can't kill him and runs through the door across the room onto
the balcony. Niko backs into the doorway behind him for cover as the four men
in the room take cover and prepare to attack him.
Have Niko shoot from behind cover, or come from behind it as needed, to kill
the four men who are armed with two Micro-SMGs and two Pump shotguns.
Playboy X, indicated by a red dot on the radar, runs across the roof to a
lower roof, through a door, and down the stairwell. Have Niko run after him
down the stairwell and through a couple of entrance doors to the street.
Thanks to the video by whatever57010 for the tip that you can have Niko use
the fire escape and you don't have to hurry--Playboy X doesn't leave the build-
ing till Niko gets close to him.
"GTA IV - The Holland Play (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
(Liberty City Minute tips: if you have Niko aim a Pistol at Playboy X through
the window of his loft Niko's target reticule appears. If you have him fire
the two appear in the alley for the execution and the cutscene plays but you
can't have Niko take the Combat Pistol Playboy X drops.
(You could also have Niko throw a Grenade onto the balcony.)
Have Niko go left/south to the intersection to shoot the man whom Playboy X
has shoot at Niko from a Patriot. Have Niko continue past the intersection and
across the street to Playboy X who's trying to open a door at the end of an al-
ley. Playboy X drops his jammed Combat Pistol. You can have Niko perform an
execution-style killing or kill him any way you want.
Niko calls Dwayne and says he killed Playboy X who asked Niko to kill Dwayne
first. Niko consoles Dwayne that you can't predict how greedy some poeple will
become. Dwayne says Playboy X's fancy loft will remind him of Playboy X who
used to be a good friend so Dwayne gives it to Niko. Dwayne asks Niko to be
his friend and call him and Niko says he'll call soon.
If you have Niko call Roman Roman asks jokingly if Niko's killed anyone late-
ly. Niko explains that Playboy X asked him to kill a friend but Niko liked the
friend better. Niko says the friend can't pay much but Niko thinks he made the
right decision. Roman, a bit uncertainly, says "good."
Playboy X' apartment has a computer and is the only place where Niko can get
Claude's outfit which looks like the clothes Claude wears in "GTAIII." (Play-
boy X' parking space has always been and will always be available regardless of
your choice.) Niko gets Dwayne as a friend (VII.16) and if gets a high enough
Like stat with him Niko can call him to send Niko a couple armed gang members
for defense.
VII.15 Random Characters--Cherise Glover
Cherise is available by Wardite St. and Exeter Ave. after "The Holland Play"
(VII.14) if you had Niko let her live in "Ruff Rider" (VII.12). She wants
Niko to make her new boyfriend stop beating her--not kill him, just stop beat-
ing her.
Have Niko take Cherise to her boyfriend on Frankfort Ave. west of Exeter
Ave., Northwood. Niko talks to the boyfriend who's arrogant. Have Niko beat
him up. It's your option to have the boyfriend live or die but she's happy if
Niko just beats him up.
Dwayne calls Niko and asks if he's dating Cherise and Niko denies it. If
you had Niko kill Denise earlier Dwayne calls to say he thought he saw a woman
that looked like her and Niko reminds him that she's dead.
This encounter isn't needed for 100% completion of the game but is needed for
the "No More Strangers" Achievement.
VII.16 Friends--Dwayne Forge
After "The Holland Play" (VII.14) have Niko answer Dwayne's Email and Niko
recieves a call from him to start the friendship. Dwayne's available from
3:00 pm to 11:00 am. He may be at his place or by one of the drug stores in
Northwood (he says he wants medicine for depression). There's a glitch whereby
you have Niko spare Dwayne yet Dwayne doesn't provide Friend activities.
Activity likes: bowling, drinking (Club Liberty in Northwood), eating (espe-
cially Cluckin' Bell--otherwise, any expensive place), the strip club, the com-
edy club, and cabaret.
His favorite radio stations are The Beat 102.7 and The Classics 104.1.
Activity/vehicle dislikes: Burger Shot, Police Maverick, drinking at the club
in North Holland or Northwood, and driving fast.
Special Ability at 60%: have Niko call Dwayne, select "Backup," and Dwayne
will send Niko a car with two of Dwayne's armed (Micro-SMG and Pistol) gang
members to follow Niko and protect him for 10-15 min.
This friendship isn't needed for 100% completion of the game but having the
Like stat with him over 90% goes toward the Liberty City (5) Achievement.
Roman Bellic's missions cont.
VII.17 Hostile Negotiation
As mentioned before (VII.10), Mallorie calls--she's worried because Roman
didn't come home last night.
Mallorie calls again (or you can have Niko call her). She thinks Roman has
been kidnapped because he owes the Russians money after going to a card club in
Hunt Point. She heard he's being held captive in a warehouse off Lompoc in Bo-
han Industrial. Niko says he'll check it out.
(I think Mallorie means Chase Point which is like Hunts Point, Bronx.)
Dmitri sends Niko the message that "your cousin is in a bit of a fix." The
accompanying photo is of Roman tied to a chair and tortured.
If you have Niko call Dimitri Niko swears to kill him--preferably painfully.
Have Niko go to the big warehouse in southeast Bohan. On the radar/maps be-
low the pentagon shaped combination of roads is a somewhat submachine gun
shape which represents the warehouse. The ground entrance is at the north end
of the east side of the "handle."
Niko can enter the ground floor of the warehouse and shoot a lot of attackers
(and explosive tanks) on his way up to Roman who's on the top floor.
The gta.wikia.com site has several good tips:
A guard near the stairs to the third floor leaves an Armour pickup once
If Niko has Dwayne's special ability you can have Niko call him to send two
men to help with the attack.
Liberty City Minute tip: the staircase Niko and Roman use to exit the ware-
house can be used to speed things up. Instead of sending Niko to the yellow
marker have him go up the staircase to hear the dialogue between Roman and his
captor. Most of the guards on lower floors leave their cover to go up the
stairs making them easier to shoot.
"GTA IV - Hostile Negotiation (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
A version of the big shootout by whatever57010 is at the next link.
Have Niko go west using the cover at the south side of the room to kill at-
tackers on the north side, go a bit north to a pillar to kill attackers on the
second floor of the east end (there's a First Aid kit nearby on the floor), go
northeast and behind the stairs to shoot attackers on the south side of the sec-
ond floor,
go up the stairs to the northeast corner of the second floor and take over to
shoot the attackers on the south side, go south and west shooting any remaining
attackers on the way to the stairs (there's Armor nearby on the floor),
go up the stairs to the southwest corner of the third floor, take cover as
needed to go east and north shooting attackers on the same floor (there's a
First Aid kit on the east wall) and ones higher up to the west,
go up the stairs to the northeast corner of the fourth floor, take cover as
needed to go west and south shooting attackers on the same floor and some on the
roof, and go east to the Russian gangster holding Roman.
"Your Request #16 - Hostile Negotiation Challenge (no armor and pickups)" by
A Liberty City Minute (speed run) version of that method by Disperser is at
12:50 in his Youtube video at the next link:
"GTA IV - Classic% Speed Run in 6:52 by Dispersor - Part 6"
Niko can also use a helicopter to enter the warehouse through the roof.
There are four rooftop attackers--two have Rocket Launchers.
In "GTA IV PC - Hostile Negotiation (Roman mission) - mission help" zmoon-
child has Niko use an Annihilator to shoot the attackers on the roof first.
The shortest path from the two angled warehouse roofs to Roman is from the
southwest section of the two angled roofs down to a partial ceiling section
down to the southwest north-south walkway (be careful not to let Niko land on
the horizontal pipe parallel to the west side of the walkway since Niko can get
stuck there and take fire while you have him run and jump at the south end of
the pipe to extract him from the collision files) then south to the room with
Roman and his captor.
Rusk has Niko fly low from the north and land on the level section of ware-
house roof that crosses over Lompoc Ave. He has Niko snipe the guys with
RPGs--Niko is too low for their RPG missiles to hit him--then the other two
rooftop attackers. He has Niko go forward to the two angled roofs, activate
the attackers below, and use a Carbine rifle through holes in the angled roofs
to shoot the attackers below and shoot the red barrels and red gas tanks to
help take out attackers. He has Niko drop down through an angled roof opening
to a partial ceiling area to the top floor killing anyone left except Roman
then go toward Roman.
An alternative is to have Niko fly low onto the low level eastern roof of the
warehouse, jump northwest onto a corner of the upper slanted roof, drop through
a hole in the roof, go to the northwest corner of the partial ceiling area,
drop through the hole to the walkway, shoot the attacker by the doorway to the
south, take cover on the south side of the walk to shoot at five or so attack-
ers across the room, then go toward Roman.
When you have Niko enter Roman's room you see a cutscene of a Russian gang-
ster across the room holding a gun to Roman's head. Have Niko shoot the gang-
ster's head with a rifle or sniper rifle--if Niko gets too close the gangster
kills Roman.
Niko hugs a grateful Roman.
Have Niko, shooting attackers as needed, take Roman's path (ahead of or be-
hind him) north through the doorway, west through a big doorway, southwest to
the stairs, west down the stairs and through a doorway to another stairway, and
go down a couple flights to the ground level. Have him get in the Bobcat with
Roman (Roman will lead Niko to this truck if Niko doesn't get to it first),
drive left around the near part of the warehouse, and drive north through the
gate to the street.
While you have Niko drive Roman to the Bohan save place Roman says he's been
gambling with the Russians and got in debt. Dmitri wanted Roman to give Niko
up to Dimitri so he could kill Niko. Roman says he'll find them a place in Al-
gonquin to try to avoid Dimitri's gang but he's afraid he'll die soon.
At the Bohan save place, Roman says he's scared. Niko has Roman agree not to
gamble his money away in illegal card games and on the computer. Roman has
Niko agree that they have to lay low to avoid the Russians but Niko has Roman
allow that Niko needs to find Florian and Darko and find out what happened (to
cause the sabotage Niko survived in the war).
Roman calls--he has a penthouse apartment in Algonquin (on Albany Ave. just
north of Pyrite St.) Roman boasts that he's on a hot streak despite Niko dis-
couraging his gambling addiction. Niko can use the apartment as a save place
and use the parking space and computer there.
Dimitri calls--he says he would have liked to have arrived at the warehouse
before the "party" was broken up. Niko says he wishes Dimitri had been there--
"we could have had some fun." Dimitri it wouldn't have been as much fun as he
would have had with Roman.
U.L. Paper missions
U.L. Paper, United Liberty Paper, is probably meant as a spoof of The Depart-
ment of Homeland Security. According to Wikipedia, "The contact's appearance
(complete with horn-rimmed glasses) as well as the fact that the agency's front
is a paper company may be references to Noah Bennet and Primatech Paper respec-
tively from the TV series Heroes."
U.L. Paper is on the west side of Columbus Ave. north of Iron St.
VII.18 Wrong is Right
U.L. Paper boss/the Contact: Milton James
The Jamie Foxx Show host
Milton, a voice actor whose career has spanned several decades, played the
Host on a 1996 episode of the TV series "The Jamie Foxx Show," Membrillo/Skinny
Hitman in "Grim Fandango," 1998, Baal in "Diablo II," 2000, Jedi 2 in "Star
Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast," 2002, Aldanon (uncredited) in "Neverwin-
ter Nights 2," 2006, Dr. Mishra on the TV show "Law & Order: Criminal Intent,"
2003, supplied a voice for the game "Mafia II," 2010, reprised his role as the
Contact of U.L. Paper in "Grand Theft Auto V," 2013, etc.
Niko gets a call from Michelle telling him it's very important for Niko to
meet her at United Liberty Paper building.
Have Niko take a fast car to see Michelle. Niko still distrusts her. She
says she's sorry he resents the situation but he's a murderer who should be
dead or in prison yet he's nice in some ways. She leads him inside. She tells
him he should get out of crime--he won't find what he's looking for that way.
He accuses her of whoring for the government but she denies that's her intent.
She says her real name is Karen. She leads him into office 396 of the Con-
tact--her boss--and introduces Niko to him but doesn't give his name.
He has a cynical sense of humor about it all to keep up with Niko's occasion-
al cynical remarks. He says they're not good guys but they're fighting with
them. He wants Niko to get information about Oleg Minkov who lives on Iroquois
Ave. in Hove Beach or he'll hand Niko's file over to the FIB. He gives Niko a
phone number to call if there are any problems.
Have Niko go to Oleg's apartment on the east side of Iroquois Ave. north of
Crockett Ave. and just north of the optometrist's office that's just north of
the alley entrance. (You can use the Noclip-like Airbreak function of the Sim-
ple Trainer to have Niko enter the apartment outside of this mission. It has
one of the more detailed interiors and Niko can use the computer.)
Niko breaks in, sees Oleg's computer, and calls U.L. Paper. The Contact
tells Niko to check Oleg's Emails for any information that would indicate his
current whereabouts.
When you have Niko do that, one of the three is shown to be from Vasily
who'll meet Oleg by a Jewelry Shop off of Tulsa St. Niko calls the boss who
tells Niko to kill Oleg.
Have Niko go to the Jewelry Shop on the east side of Mohawk Ave. north of
Tulsa St. Vasily gets there first and tells Oleg he's worried that the man
(Niko) behind Oleg is watching him. Oleg speeds away.
You can have Niko chase Oleg and kill him by shooting him or shooting his car
to blow it up. If you've played this before, remember to avoid the alley
that's blocked by large pipes.
But you don't have to kill Oleg Minkov. You can complete the mission by just
shooting his car until it's on fire, he bails out, and the car explodes. If
he's alive after bailing, he keeps walking as if nothing happened. (Thanks to
Niko calls the Contact and says Oleg is dead--"the country is safe." The
Contact says it didn't accomplish that but maybe something bad has been averted
or delayed.
Niko gets $6,500.
VII.19 Portrait of a Killer
The title refers to Patricia Cornwell's novel "Portrait of a Killer - Jack
the Ripper: Case Closed."
Have Niko take a law enforcement vehicle with a computer to U.L. Paper.
The boss wants Niko to find someone. If Niko does this, the boss will make
sure Niko isn't blamed for 100 murders and the boss may help Niko find the peo-
ple he's looking for.
Have Niko get into the vehicle and use the computer. The boss sends Niko a
text message with a picture of the man Niko has to find. Have Niko access the
police computer and click "Search Police Records" then "Search by Photo." The
match given is Adam Dimayev who's wanted for financing terrorist activity.
Click "Locate" and his location is given by a blip on the in-game map and ra-
Have Niko go to Adam's hangout north of Harrison St. west of Dukes Blvd. in
East Island City. The boss calls and tells Niko to dispose of everyone in the
Dimayev is in the doorway of the little blue shack on the east side of the
first level of the area and can be sniped from across the street. If you have
Niko activate his guards to attack but not kill him he flees to a higher level
and throws down his gun as Niko approaches him. You have the option of having
Niko kill him or let him go.
Niko can start behind the low wall across the street to the south, snipe all
the men that can be seen on the ground and on the upper level, then go up a
sloped driveway using the side of it for cover to get for more, and go up a
ladder and use the big shipping crates, etc., for cover to get the rest of
them. They have at least two Assault Rifles, a Combat shotgun, two Micro SMGs,
and two Pistols.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the strategy of having Niko fly to the south end of
the roof of the building south of the targets and shoot from the north side of
the roof. You can can some if not all of the targets safely this way.
Niko gets $6,750.
Niko calls the U.L. Paper boss--Niko explains what happened and the boss says
Niko's getting closer to finding the man he's looking for.
VII.20 Dust Off
Have Niko go to U.L. Paper.
The U.L. Paper Contact complains about Niko doing idiotic things that call
needless law enforcement attention to himself. (The Contact calls Niko to com-
plain about that in the game otherwise when you have Niko carry on and get a
high wanted rating, too.) The Contact thinks Niko is good at what he does and
doesn't want to lose him. He wants Niko to learn the movements of a guy who's
moving a lot of money for terrorists as a preparation for killing him.
Have Niko take a vehicle toward the Civilization Plaza on the east side of
Albany Ave. east of the east end of Lorimar St. On the way, the Contact calls
and says a helicopter is about to take off from it. He wants Niko to follow
the helicopter, wait till the passengers are out, then fly it to the airport in
To have Niko follow the helicopter (indicated by a red blip on the radar),
have him go south on Union Drive East, through the tunnel east to west, then
go north on Union Drive West. The game advises that you can hold down Caps
Lock while in a vehicle to focus on the helicopter but the path is easy to fol-
As the helicopter lands on a dock at the coast west-southwest of the west
end of Lorimar St. have him park just beyond the dock. When the "Take the
helicopter" message appears, have Niko drive toward the helicopter while
crashing the gate and running over/doing a drive-by on the two armed guards.
You can have Niko snipe or use a rifle on the five armed men in suits who are
at the far side of the dock then jack the helicopter.
Have Niko fly to the yellow blip on the radar--the south end of the airport.
If you pause before takeoff you may have a man grab a landing rail and not let
go till the helicopter is high over Algonguin. If you completed "Hostile Nego-
tiation" Roman calls then sends a text message with a photo of his sexploits
during the flight. Have Niko land on the road by the south end of the south
runway. After he exits the chopper a couple FIB men fly it away.
Niko calls the U.L. Paper Contact calls. He says his men are stripping the
helicopter and reassembling it to prepare it for Niko to use in killing the man
he needs Niko to eliminate (mentioned in the opening cutscene) who can only be
taken care of in the air. The Contact says he'll call when the time for that
Niko gets $7,000.
VII.21 Paper Trail
The U.L. Paper Contact calls: he wants Niko to go to the rebuilt chopper on
Grummer Rd. in Northwood and use it, with Jacob riding shotgun, to kill the
target he trailed recently (VII.20) by taking down the target's chopper and
leaving no civilian casualties. The target's chopper was last seen in Varsity
Send Niko to the helicopter and enter it north of Grummer Rd. in northwest
Northwood. Have Niko fly Little Jacob, who's armed with a Rocket Launcher,
south toward the target's helicopter then follow it.
Once the chase goes over water, try to keep Niko's helicopter fairly close
to, at the same altitude as, and to the right of the target chopper. To avoid
civilian casualties you need to enable Jacob to hit it with a Rocket Launcher
missile before the target goes back over land. (On the way you can have Niko
follow the target under a bridge to get credit for it in your stats.)
Have Niko land at Heli Tours at the southeast coast of Algonquin.
Niko calls the U.L. Paper Contact to tell him the chopper was shot down. The
Contact says he'll call when he has a lead about the guy Niko is looking for.
Niko gets $7,500.
Little Jacob sends a favorable text message.
Ray sends a text message--he gives Niko a save place in Alderney. Derrick
McReary's missions are available.
Brucie calls--he told Stevie, whose car was used in "No. 1" (V.39), about
Niko. Stevie has some work to offer so Niko lets Brucie give Stevie Niko's
Sometime later Stevie sends a text message with a photo of a car he's looking
for. Stevie's vehicle collection (IX.16) is available.
Francis McReary's missions
Francis' missions aren't needed to complete the main story missions but are
needed for 100% completion of the game.
VII.22 Call and Collect
Francis McReary: Thomas Lewis Lyons Thomas was an American football player
for the University of Georgia and the Denver Broncos and received a Silver An-
niversary Award from the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) as
part of the Class of 1996.
"Lyons went to University of Colorado Medical School graduating with a
medical degree in 1977. He practices medicine in Atlanta. He is the Di-
rector of the Center for Women’s Care and Reproductive Surgery in Atlanta.
He is director of Gynecologic surgery, Chief of Surgery of Advanced Surgery
Center of Atlanta. He is also a Clinical Assistant Professor at the depart-
ment of OB/GYN at Emory University Medical School of Atlanta."
(Some of you people picking heroes that financed organized crime to buy their
hard drugs--could you pick someone like that instead? He's making the rest of
us look like slackers.)
? calls and has Niko meet him at the Poop Deck, Castle Gardens, on the most
southern projection of Algonquin. It turns out to be Deputy Commissioner Fran-
cis McReary. He says he's aware of Niko's recent activities, such as killing
Faustin, and uses this as leverage to tell Niko to kill an unknown guy who's
blackmailing Francis. Francis describes himself as a good man but Niko seems
doubtful. The blackmailer wants Francis to call him from the viewpoint by the
Humbolt River off Silicon St. to make the exchange.
Send Niko to the viewpoint off of Union Drive East east of the east end of
Silicon St. Niko calls Francis who says the blackmailer is near Niko and has a
phone so Francis will text Niko the phone number to call to identify the black-
mailer. Francis texts Niko the number--843-555-0124--which goes into Niko's
cell phone Phonebook.
Have Niko go down a level of the viewpoint, call the number, and keep talking
to the blackmailer till he identifies him. One of the people on or near one of
the benches on the lowest level due east of the pickup Niko walked into will
put a cell phone to their ear for the call then stand up or sit down or walk
away when the call is done. If Niko is near him during the call you can hear
an echo of the blackmailer's voice. Have Niko kill the blackmailer and get the
storage device he drops.
Have Niko get rid of his two star Wanted Rating and take the storage device,
which contains photographs, to Francis who's on a walk east of Astoria St.,
East Holland. Francis is grateful and claims it's his redemption--again, Niko
seems skeptical.
Niko gets $1,000.
Packie McReary calls from an unknown number--he's always looking for a few
good men. This makes his missions available (VII.30).
VII.23 Final Interview
Have Niko meet Francis on the north side of Kunzite St. west of Frankfort
Francis wants Niko to steal the files from and kill a lawyer who's blackmail-
ing him. He wants Niko to get a good suit and do an interview for the lawyer
to get past his bodyguards. Francis will send Niko an Email about it.
Have Niko go to a tw@ cafe (one is on the east side of Frankfort St. south of
Wardite St., North Holland, Algonquin), log into a computer, and check for
Francis' Email for the link to click or just click the "NEED LEGAL HELP?" ad,
"CAREERS," click "SUBMIT RESUME" to makes Niko's resume appear, then scroll
down and click "SUBMIT RESUME." Have Niko log out.
You can have Niko do other things or save the game to advance time till,
about a week later, he gets a call for an interview at noon the next day. The
next day, the location of the lawyer's office, on the south side of Amethyst
St. east of Bismarck Ave., appears as a blip on the radar.
(The doors, also on Amethyst St./South Parkway, to the building are open from
the start of the game. The door to the hall with the lawyer's office is
locked. You could have Niko go through it with the Airbreak function of the
Simple Trainer.)
Have Niko go to the office unarmed wearing a good suit and pair of dress
shoes (available at either of the two Perseus stores) but no hat, meet the re-
ceptionist, and follow her to the lawyer Mr. Goldberg. If you have Niko listen
to him long enough you hear him say he's going to crush a cop who thinks he's
above the law (probably Francis).
After listening to him a bit, have Niko stand up and target a Knife at him to
make him surrender and point out his files about Francis, or just have Niko
Knife him to death, then have Niko take the files from the top of his desk. If
you have Niko kill Mr. Goldberg with anything other than a Knife security is
alerted causing at least five guards to shoot at Niko between Mr. Goldberg's
office and the unlocked door two floors below.
(Liberty City Minute tip: have Niko Knife Goldberg to death so security isn't
alerted, break through one of the windows behind Mr. Goldberg's desk, drop down
to the street, and take the files to Francis. See the video at the next link.)
"GTA IV-The best way to do the FINAL INTERVIEW mission" by Raul Travesuras
Some other tips by whatever57010: if you have Niko wait too long to kill Mr.
Goldberg he send for a guard and you have to have Niko kill Mr. Goldberg before
he flees. If he runs around inside the building for a while he disappears.
See the video at the next link.
"GTA IV - Final Interview (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Send Niko go to the north side of Kunzite St. west of Frankfort Ave. to see
Francis. Francis is happy and says he's been cleansed.
Niko gets $1,000.
VII.24 Holland Nights
The title may refer to the Eddie Murphy and Richard Pryor movie "Harlem
Nights," 1989, which featured Charlie Murphy who was the voice of Jizzy in "San
Have Niko meet Francis McReary.
Francis makes one of his pitches about how he helps the community--a percent
better within shades of grey. Niko says this is the last time he helps Fran-
cis. Francis says there's a drug dealer/pimp/etc. holed up in a tower block in
East Holland. It would take Francis a year to get the evidence on the guy dur-
ing which good men would be taken down (Niko laughs) so he wants Niko to kill
Niko refusing to work for $2,000 and requiring $5,000 is like the scene in
"Bully," 2006, in which Jimmy Hopkins requires $5 after Algie offers $2 for a
He sends Niko to Vauxite St. (see below for the real destination).
Have Niko go to an alley on the north side of Uranium St. northwest of the
north end of Columbus Ave. Niko calls Francis who says the criminal is named
Clarence and he should be on the second floor (of the apartment building with
outdoor hallways). There's a staircase on the east and west sides of the
building. Francis warns Niko that the guys he sees there work for Clarence so
Niko shouldn't get violent till he's above the ground floor.
Francis tells Niko he's doing a real service to the community and Niko ob-
serves something I noted before--Francis sounds like Manny.
There are several ways to have Niko do this mission--by just sniping Clar-
ence or with a lot of shooting, and by ending with either letting Clarence
live (and become a Random Character) or having him die by execution by Pistol
or a fast easy way. Niko has to get rid of a two star wanted level by any
method but thefast easy way.
Having Niko use the west or east staircase causes Clarence to go to the
staircase on the other side.
One possible version of the shootout:
The guards have, at least, eight SMGs and a couple of Pistols. Have Niko go
unarmed through the gate, into the stairwell, and nearly up to the second floor
before turning to shoot the two guards below. Then have him shoot the two as-
sociates on the second floor and go through a door to shoot two guards below.
Have Niko take cover behind the pillar near the corner to shoot two guards,
then go to the next corner to shoot another guard. Have Niko use the pillar by
the next corner to shoot the two guards who shoot from behind pillars, then
have Niko use one of those pillars to shoot another guard.
Have Niko enter the stairwell, where he's hit from above by a garbage can
thrown by Clarence. Have Niko shoot from near the top of the stairs at two
guards in the hall, then go up to the third floor to shoot another guard who's
on the stairs. There's a First Aid kit nearby on the wall.
Have Niko go up the stairs to the fourth floor, shoot the guard just beyond
the door and another who's out on the roof, then shoot from the doorway at the
two last guards.
Have Niko go across the roof to meet Clarence. Clarence guesses correctly
that Francis is behind the assassination request and promises to reform if Niko
lets him live and Francis will think Clarence is dead.
You have the choice to have Niko kill Clarence by execution with a Pistol or
any other way or let him live.
Niko gets a two star wanted level by killing Clarence by whatever method on
the roof or by letting him live.
It's difficult (impossible?) to have Niko snipe Clarence from across the
street to the south of him since he flees as soon as the reticle is over him.
(Liberty City Minute tip: the fast easy way to have Niko kill Clarence can be
used after the call from Francis so Clarence spawns. Have Niko climb the tall
yellow crane in the middle of the block south of the apartment building, use a
sniper rifle to zoom in on Clarence who's on a facing second floor outdoor
hallway with a red marker pointing down at his head, and snipe him. Niko is
unlikely to get a wanted rating that way.)
If you have Niko take a long time Clarence runs to a car containing two at-
tackers armed with SMGs and turns this into a chase. The car doesn't go very
fast but it leaves you no option but to have Niko kill him to succeed at the
If you have Niko kill Clarence, he won't return as a Random Character. Hav-
ing Clarence as a Random Character isn't need for 100% completion of the game
but if he's killed Niko won't be able to get the "No More Strangers" Achieve-
If you have Niko kill Clarence Niko calls Francis and tells him Clarence said
he'd get out of town but Niko killed him anyway. Francis commends Niko saying
you can't trust anything Clarence says--the streets are one percent cleaner.
To let Clarence live have Niko walk away from him. Niko calls Francis who
says Niko did good and provided justice--Clarence was always talking his way
out of court comprimising anyone to get out of trouble. (I had Niko let Clar-
ence live but if you have Niko meet him as a Random Character he tries to kill
Niko and you have Niko kill him.)
If you have Niko kill Clarence Little via a law enforcement vehicle comput-
er--search by name--it cancels this mission.
"GTA IV - Holland Nights (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
See the methods described above and other possibilities at whatever57010's
video at the next link.
Niko gets $5,000.
VII.25 Random Characters--Clarence Little
Clarence is available on the south side of Vauxite St. just east of Astoria
(street) after "Holland Nights" (VII.24) if you had Niko let him live. Clar-
ence remembers the case of Niko being directed to kill Clarence yet cutting him
a break as a matter of Niko making him beg. He says he isn't going to let any-
one make him do that anymore, points his handgun at Niko, and shoots. Have
Niko, who's taking cover behind a projection of a nearby wall, kill Clarence.
One way to do that, shown by whatever57010 in his video at the next link,
is to have Niko get in a vehicle and lead Clarence, who chases in another vehi-
cle, to the west side of San Juan Rd. and into the lot of the LCPD. Niko gets
a one star wanted rating for doing that. When police cars arrive, Niko gets
out of his vehicle, Clarence gets out of his, and Niko walks farther into the
lot to let Clarence get into a gun fight with the police and get killed.
"GTA IV Random Encounter - Clarence Little (killd by the LCPD)"
Having this encounter, even though Clarence dies, contributes to the "No More
Strangers" Achievement but isn't needed for 100% completion of the game.
Francis McReary's missions cont.
VII.26 Lure
Have Niko meet Francis.
Francis is angry: Niko didn't destroy an organization as directed but just
made their boss disappear and now their chief lieutenant is holed up in his
apartment and wants to speak to the feds. Niko corrects him: he was sent to
kill one guy. Francis tells Niko to kill the lieutenant, who also sells heroin
to kids, so Niko and Francis both don't go to jail. Francis agrees to Niko's
price of $5,000.
Francis wants Niko to go to the apartment on Denver between V and W and left
a rifle for Niko in a car trunk at the corner of Albany and M.
Have Niko get the Sniper Rifle by entering a Feltzer on the east side of Al-
bany Ave. just north of Manganese St. and go to the dealer's apartment on the
east side of Denver Ave. just north of Vauxite St.
Niko calls Francis who tells him the target has a fourth floor apartment
to climb on the roof of the apartment building to the west and across the
street to shoot the target. Have Niko go across the street to the marker by
the door and Niko gets the dealer's phone number: 545-555-0122.
If you have Niko call it he hears the target apologize to Shaniqua for having
an affair with her sister. While he talks he stands in front of his TV which
can be seen through his window and you can have Niko snipe him. You can have
Niko repeat the call to get the dealer to stand in view again. But if you have
Niko call a third time the target gets suspicious that the caller is Francis
who killed Clarence and the target goes down the stairs and out to his Dukes (a
muscle car) to flee. You can have Niko shoot him when he appears on the side-
A fast easy method is to have Niko snipe the target's TV to make him go to
his window where he can be sniped.
If you have Niko call Francis from the roof before finding a way to get the
target to go to his window Francis recommends Niko try to find a way to get the
target to do it.
Niko can also enter the dealer's apartment building, go up the stairs, go to
the west side of the roof, go down the fire escape, and try to shoot the dealer
quickly from just outside and above his window. But if Niko gets too close the
dealer runs down the stairs to his car to flee--have Niko shoot him when he ap-
pears on the sidewalk.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the strategy of having Niko stand on the roof
across the street from the dealer, shoot a Rocket Launcher at the window to
cause the dealer to run down to his car, then shoot the Rocket Launcher at the
According to whatever57010 you can have Niko damage the car before the target
gets to it and the target just runs into the alley in the middle of his block
where you can have Niko kill him. If you have Niko damage the Dukes as the
target tries to flee in it the target goes on foot to attack Niko with a hand-
gun. Having Niko shoot the target's outdoor satellite dish has the target go
to his TV to check it for a bit. Three such disturbances (such as having Niko
shoot the target's window) causes the target to go to his car to flee. If you
have Niko engage the target in a shootout you can have Niko call 911 to let the
police kill the target (this may not work).
"GTA IV - Lure (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
See "Ghost world" (I.10) for "How to get into the apartment used in 'Lure.'"
You can have Niko enter the apartment with the Simple Trainer. If doing that
to pass this mission have the target spawn first by sending Niko to the roof
across the street.
Niko calls Francis to tell him the target has been dealt with. Francis con-
gratulates him and says he hopes kids get the message and realize there are
better paths to take. Niko is skeptical. (Francis has Manny-like pretentions
that he helps the community which is something his brothers indicate they're
skeptical about in other places of the game.)
Niko gets $5,000.
Patrick McReary's missions
VII.27 Harboring a Grudge
Kate McReary: Mary Catherine Donnelly Mary played Lauren Radley two others
in Joshua Conkel's play "The Chalk Boy" in NYC, 2008. Her favorite theatre
credits include that, her ensemble piece--"The War"--which was seen at the Not-
te Bianca Festival in Florence 2012, and her clown influenced solo--"Surfac-
ing"-- part of Philly's 2010 SoLow Festival. She played Ms. Bishop in "Miles,"
Ray Boccino: Joseph Barbara Joseph played Danny Zuko on Broadway in the re-
vival of "Grease." He played Paola Caselli in three 2000 episodes of the TV
soap opera "All My Children," E.S.U. Sgt. Delgado/2007 and /Sgt.Sloan/2008 in
two episodes of the TV show "Law & Order," etc. He produced the short "Mi-
graine," 2009. He reprised the role of Ray for TLaD, 2009.
Niko gets a phone call from Patrick "Packie" McReary. He asks Niko to come
to his mother's house on Savannah Ave. in southern Meadows Park for a job of-
Have Niko go to the west side of Savannah Ave. south of Hancock St. (it's
west of the north end of the Monoglobe) to Packie's mother's house.
Packie's introduces Niko to his mother and sister then has his sister leave
(the mother follows). He thinks his sister likes Niko but warns she doesn't
put out and threatens Niko not to try anything with her.
Have Niko drive Packie east of the east end of Emerald St. to the harbor
warehouse at the docks in southeast Algonquin. On the way Packie says that,
according to a tip Patrick's brother Gerald got from Ray Boccino, a boat is ar-
riving with something valuable from the East. Ray gave them the okay to take
it if Ray gets a cut. Patrick says Ray is greedy and will probably try to give
them a fraction of what they should get.
Have Niko follow Packie onto the warehouse roof. There's a little platform-
ing as the game wants you to learn about having Niko jump up to a ledge to make
a hanging grab, shimmy left or right with A and D, and release the grab by
pressing F.
They see a Reefer arrive with boxes of cloned meds that are loaded into a
truck Packie wants them to steal. A batch of armed Triads (Chinese underground
criminals) accompany the deal over the meds. Packie says he'll provide cover
from the roof while Niko shoots the Triads.
There's a board at the north peak of the roof which Niko can take cover be-
hind. You can have Niko drop to the mini-cabin roof to the north, as the game
suggests, before dropping to ground level, but I don't see the advantage. When
you want Niko to drop from the roof I'd recommend having him go east to drop
down to the walkway which leads to the ground on the north side and use ship-
ping containers for cover.
One possible shootout method
You might start by having Niko throw a Molotov or fire an RPG at the three
men in the middle of the lot then get two or three who crowd at the palette of
boxes to the west of the door of the warehouse containing the truck. Have Niko
shoot the two attackers by the Reefer to the east, a handful or so in the mid-
dle, and you can have Niko go past Packie to get an attacker at the garage to
the west if Packie hasn't taken care of him.
Have Niko drop from the east side of the roof to a walkway to shoot any Tri-
ads. Once the area is clear, have Niko drop to ground level and take cover to
shoot two or three Triads who come from the garage, then clear the inside of
the garage of two or three on the west side. There's a First Aid Kit in the
office in the west part of the warehouse.
Thanks to Robert Rusk reader Dr. X for the tip that this mission has a full
Wanted Rating exploit. After you have Niko kill most of the Triads you can
have him leave the area and explore, kill Flying Rats, etc.
Have Niko use the truck to drive Packie to Ray's lockup on the east side of
Union Drive West north of Kunzite St., Westminster. Packie shoots at the Tri-
ads who chase and attack. Niko can help with a submachine gun and by ramming
any attackers' vehicles that get beside or ahead of him. The game recommends
you have Niko drop Grenades for attackers behind him. I didn't think the
threat from the attackers was so great, or dropping Grenades very accurate, but
you can use Q to cycle to Grenades. Press the LMB to have Niko pull the pin
and release the LMB to have him drop the Grenade. I wouldn't waste much time
aiming the Grenade while the truck was being shot up.
Ray Boccino is in front of the garage. He indicates the meds are Sildenafil
citrate (sold as Viagra, etc.). He tells Niko he may give him a call sometime.
"GTA 4 - Mission #36 - Harboring a Grudge (1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
Niko gets $7,500.
Francis calls Niko to ask if Niko is working with Packie these days. Niko
learns that Francis and Packie are brothers. Francis says Packie is a hood but
their other brothers are worse--they're all no good. Niko sticks up for Packie
and says he wants to meet the other brothers. Francis warns him to be careful
what he wishes for.
VII.28 Waste Not Want Knots
Michael Keane: Pete O'Connor Pete played Justin in "The Birds and the Bees,"
2001, Mark in "Jailbait," a play by Deirdre O'Connor (Cherry Pit Theater, NYC),
March 2009, Frank's Buddy in a 2015 episode of the TV series "Flesh and Bone,"
Billy Rogers in two 2015 episodes of the TV series "Public Morals," etc. Mi-
chael Keane is an associate of the McReary brothers.
Have Niko go to Packie's mother's house.
Packie and his two friends plan to rob the Mafia and persuade Niko to help.
Have Niko use a four door vehicle to take Packie and his accomplices to the
waste depot in the northeast area of Colony Island. On the way Packie talks up
the previous McRearys to the skepticism of his accomplices. Packie disparages
his current family, notably Francis as a hypocrite, but says Kate is decent.
Have Niko follow Packie west into the depot, shoot the guard on the other
side of a fence, then jump over it. Have Niko, using whatever available for
cover, shoot the guards, who don't appear on the radar, who are outside then go
to the door near the north end of the west side of the warehouse and shoot the
guards who are inside.
(The warehouse door is open from the start of the game.)
Have Niko go through the building and shoot guards, shoot guards who are on
or south of the stairs, go up the stairs, and shoot guards who are down at
ground level and up at a guard who shoots from the catwalk.
Have Niko enter the office and get the duffle bag of money. Mafia attackers
will spawn indefinately so have Niko run out leaving the building through the
door he used to enter--it's at the south end of the east side--only quickly
shooting Mafia attackers as needed. Rusk recommends that you have Niko shoot
out a window to shoot down at the attackers who are between him and the door
then jump out the window.
Three Mafia attackers will spawn and respawn on either side on the way south
to the exit door.
"GTA IV - Waste Not Want Knots (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Have Niko shoot Mafia attackers only as needed and go down the stairs just
outside the door to meet Packie at the dock. Have Niko swim southeast to a
Dinghy (indicated by a green blip on the radar), wait for Packie to climb on
board, and pilot Packie north to a dock at the west coast of Steinway approx.
west of the west end of Morris St.
Niko gets $8,000.
Packie calls--he wants Niko to date Kate platonically. Kate is available as
a Friend.
Ray Boccino calls Niko to come to his place for work. Ray's missions are
Packie sends two text messages. The second one says Niko has to wear a suit
and nice shoes for a big job (VII.30).
VII.29 Friends--Kate McReary
After "Waste Not Want Knots" (VII.28), Niko can see her from 8:00 am to 12:00
Likes & Dislikes:
Vehicle likes Medium quality cars, Comet, Turismo, Habenero, Patriot,
Rebla, Super GT, Sentinel
Vehicle dislikes Moonbeam, Peyote, Solair, Stretch, Sultan RS, Voodoo
Clothing likes Modo, The Russian Shop
Clothing dislikes Perseus
Activity likes Pool, darts, drinking, eating
Activity dislikes Cabaret, Split Sides, strip club, bowling
Radio like The Vibe 98.8
Niko can't get Kate to invite him into her house after a date.
She's one of the few people in the game who isn't a criminal.
Dating Kate isn't needed to continue the main story or for 100% completion.
Patrick McReary's missions cont.
VII.30 Three Leaf Clover
Gerald "Gerry" McReary: P.J. Sosko P.J. supplied the voice of War Dogs #6
(as PJ Sosko) in the Rockstar game "Manhunt," 2003, played Steve Vendetti/2005
and Wayne Grogan/2009 in two episodes of the TV series "Law & Order," provided
the voice of Walton Lowe for the game "Red Dead Redemption," 2010, played Sean
in the movie "Whaling City," 2011, Lulick in a 2012 episode of the TV series
"Person of Interest," Mr. Manning in the biography "The Passion of Miss Augus-
ta," 2013, etc.
Derrick McReary: George Feaster George (role?) was in the movie "Surviving
Desire," 1993, played Larry in the 2000 short "The Bookie's Lament," played Jeff
Morris/1999 and Johnny Fagan/2004 in two episodes of the TV series "Law & Or-
der," played Alonso Hearne in a 2011 episode of the TV series "Law & Order:
Special Victims Unit," appeared as himself in the documentary "Misfire: The Rise
and Fall of the Shooting Gallery," 2013, etc.
Eugene Reaper: Michael Ray Bower Michael played Eddie 'Donkeylips' Gelfen in
the 1991-1992 TV series "Salute Your Shorts," Fat Schlub in a 2007 episode of
the TV series "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation," Lo-Fat in a 2010 episode of the
TV series "The X-Files," supplied a local population voice for the 2010 game
"Red Dead Redemption," provided Additional Voices for the 2011 game "Star Wars:
The Old Republic," played Barry in a 2014 episode of the TV series "Tim and
Eric's Bedtime Stories," etc. He was also the writer, executive producer, di-
rector, and star of the 2012 Internet series "Focus the Series."
Give Niko full Health and Armor and a lot of ammo for a big shootout with
lots of police and police cars--an SMG, a rifle, an RPG, and Grenades.
Have Niko put on a suit and dress shoes from Perseus and drive a four door
car to Packie's mother's house between 6 and 7 am.
The mission has a bug--if Niko is already wearing a suit and/or dress shoes
when the mission appears you need to send him to a safehouse and change clothes
to something else then back to a suit and dress shoes.
"GTA 4 - Mission #38 - Three Leaf Clover (1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
Packie introduces Niko to two of his brothers--Gerald "Gerry" McReary, the
leader of the family who was the boss of the Liberty City Irish Mob, and Der-
rick, who just returned from the old country--and friend "Saint" Michael Keane,
all snorting cocaine. Packie persuades Gerry to let Niko work with them. But
before Gerry leaves he gives Niko a stern warning not to f**k with his family.
Have Niko drive Packie, Derrick, and Michael to the Bank of Liberty on the
east side of Columbus Ave. north of Calcium St. in south Algonquin. (You can
use the Simple Trainer to have Niko enter it outside the mission.) On the way,
Packie explains how they'll rob it (and the brothers squabble). Each are to
take down any security guards if need be. Packie and Michael handle civilians
and Niko and Derrick handle employees. Derrick will rig the vault door with
explosives. Once it blows, Niko and Michael are to get as much money as they
Unfortunately for them, he doesn't explain enough: after Derrick plants the
PE4 explosive on the vault, the brothers give away important identifying infor-
mation about themselves--they're Irish brothers. Lying down by TBoGT protagon-
ist Luis Lopez is Eugene Reaper who, despite Luis' discouragement, gets up from
the middle of the floor and shoots Michael to death then is shot to death by
Packie and another (dunno--they're wearing balaclavas) and the explosive goes
Have Niko go through the first vault door at the back of the room, go down-
stairs, then go through the destroyed vault door to get the million dolllars.
He has a five star wanted rating. Several Police Patrols of police and Police
Stockades of NOOSE agents take positions around the front door and police heli-
copters approach.
Have Niko stay fairly close to Packie and Derrick, the two blue dots on the
radar, but concentrate on killing the law enforcers, represented by red blips
on the radar (note that some are above ground level), which can be helped by
blowing up their cars when Packie and Derrick are a safe distance from them.
(You could have Niko call Dwayne for two men to help since they create a diver-
sion while taking out a few targets.) As he does, Patrick and Derrick move on
to the next phase. Have Niko clear the way for them.
The path, with deviations to shoot at policemen, is north on Columbus Ave.
(about 16 cops), east through the alley (about 12 cops), north on Amsterdam
Lane (about six cops)(I read there's an Armor pickup by a police car around
here), cross Diamond St. to go north on Wong Way then northeast on Cavity Lane
(about 30 cops on both), and cross Bismarck Ave. to continue east through the
A helpful shortcut to avoid many of the large number of Wong Way/Cavity Lane
cops is suggested by whatever57010: instead of having Niko go north on Wong Way
have him go north on the parallel alley to the east of it or go east on Diamond
St. to go north on Bismarck Ave.
"GTA IV - Three Leaf Clover (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
On the way Derrick says the shootout is like being back in the Troubles (aka
Northern Ireland conflict)--the "struggles" referred to in the intro cutscene.
Derrick took an active part in the ethno-nationalist violence and killing in
northern Ireland from the early 1960's to 1998 (and sporadically since then).
A cutscene shows an Annihilator hover nearby and Packie and Derrick go down
the Emerald Station subway south entrance (teaching a useful way to get rid of
high wanted ratings) on Emerald St. east of Bismarck Ave.
You can have Niko ignore or shoot down the Annihilator--a rifle or SMG will
do to shoot it down since Niko already shot it up in the cutscene.
If you have Niko follow them down the southern entrance he quickly runs into
a couple of attacking cops whom whatever57010 suggests you can have Niko avoid
by going down the northern entrance.
Have Niko go to the corner by the turnstiles and shoot four policemen. Have
Niko shoot eight NOOSE agents who come up the stairs. Have Niko go through the
turnstiles--there's a First Aid kit on a pillar--then go down to the subway
Have Niko shoot the eight law enforcers who are across the room or come down
the stairs. Have Niko follow Packie and Derrick by running northwest on the
left track through the subway tunnel.
In the tunnel, have Niko shoot back at the ten NOOSE agents that come to the
tunnel entrance. Just have Niko shoot them enough to cause Packie and Derrick
to continue since the agents won't come closer. Have Niko follow Packie and
Derrick onto the landing at the right side of the tunnel, go through the door--
there's a Med Pack on the wall just inside--and quickly go up the stairs
(though it's pretty dark). During the climb, the wanted rating drops from five
stars to three and having Niko go quickly will minimize the number of policemen
that appear. The wanted stars are gray--the police don't see Niko.
Once Niko's through the Easton/Emerald service entrance in Easton you can
have him use the Huntley Sport nearby or another four door vehicle to drive
Packie and Derrick to get rid of Niko's three star wanted rating. Thanks to
Robert Rusk for the tip that you could have Niko lead Packie and Derrick down
to the subway again to get rid of the wanted rating.
Have Niko drive the brothers to back to Packie's mother's place. Packie
thanks Niko and gives him his cut.
Niko gets $250,000.
The Carbine Rifle is available from Gun Stores for $5,000.
The balaclava (a three holed ski mask in the hat category) is available in
Niko's wardrobe.
Niko gets the "Full Exploration" Achievement for getting far enough in the
game to make Alderney legally available.
If he doesn't have it already, Niko might get the "Walk Free" Achievement,
for evading a four star wanted rating, by doing this mission.
Gerald McReary calls--he has a business opportunity. Gerald's mission are
Packie calls--he asks Niko to do a personal favor for him and Gerry, all ex-
penses paid: see their brother Derrick in a park in Actor. Derrick's missions
are available.
Alderney is available.
VIII Preliminaries for part three
The remaining three of Brucie's races--IX.1.a, IX.1.b, and IX.1.c--are now
legally available.
VIII.1 Save places and parking spaces part three
- Ray Boccino's apartment, on the south side of Mahesh Ave. west of Rand
Ave., Alderney City, is an available save place after "Smackdown" (IX.15). The
parking space is available any time.
In Westdyke, such as on Owl Creek Ave., there are some two car garage doors
that open when Niko approaches them and close when he goes away from them.
Niko can't save a vehicle in those garages.
VIII.2 Internet Cafe
- on the east side of Vitullo Ave. east of the east end of Kemeny St., Berch-
VIII.3 Some clothes, vehicle, car wash, skate park, and strip club locations
part three
There aren't any clothes stores in Alderney.
- the LSD outfit is available after "Taking in the Trash" (IX.7)
- the Biker Jacket is available after "I Need your Clothes, your Boots, and
your Motorcycle" (IX.14)
- the Scrubs outfit is available after "Flatline" (IX.36)
See the listing for each girlfriend for their clothing likes and dislikes.
NRG 900:
- there are NRG 900F and NRG 900RR motorcycles in Westdyke Autos at the cor-
ner of north Lemhi St. and west Sacramento Ave., Leftwood
Sultan RS:
- in a shrub on the north side of the garage of the abandoned mansion north
of the north end of the main dirt road in northeast Alderney
NRG 900, Faggio, Freeway, Banshee, Coquette, Comet, Huntley Sport, Infernus,
Sabre GT, Sentinal, Super GT, Turismo, etc.:
- Stevie's vehicle collection (IX.16). You can have Niko use the spawn spot
for a spawn of the vehicle to save and use another spawn for the collection.
- after the first cutscene of "Hating the Haters" (IX.21) have Niko go a bit
south of Bernie's house to find a silver Comet. (Thanks to Freewilly24r) You
can have Niko take Bernie in the Comet to a parking space to save it then con-
tinue with the mission.
Super GT:
- after Niko kills the blackmailers in "Union Drive" (IX.22) he can save
their Super GT. (Thanks to Robert Rusk and Sam Vere) If you have Niko chase
the blackmailers on foot at the end of the chase and Niko gets a wanted level,
Bernie won't get out of Niko's car until Niko enters and exits it. Then Niko
can use the Super GT to take Bernie home and save it. (Thanks to gamewiki.net)
- After "Buoys Ahoy" (IX.23) Bernie calls saying he's giving Niko the car
Bryce gave Bernie--an orange Infernus with a black side stripe. It's in the
parking lot behind Bernie's apartment.
- an Infernus sometimes appears among the competitors in one of Brucie's
races (IX.1). It may be jacked if kept in sight at the end of the race.
There are no skate parks in Alderney.
Car washes
- on the north side of Big Horn Dr. west of Casslar Ave., Westdyke
- the north side of Latchkey Ave just east of Emery St., Tudor
Strip clubs
- Honkers on the south side of Tinderbox Ave. just east of Phalanx Rd., Tudor
VIII.4 Alderney Pay 'n' Sprays
Axel's Pay 'n' Spray is the name of two spray shops in Alderney:
- the southern Axel's Pay 'n' Spray is on the north side of Hardtrack Ave.
just west of Roebuck Rd., Port Tudor.
- the northern Axel's Pay 'n' Spray is on the north side of Panhandle Rd.
west of Catskill Ave., Leftwood.
(The northern Pay 'n' Spray is one of the places that feature large horizon-
tal explosive tanks. It's easy for Niko to get onto the tanks at this Pay 'n'
Spray by jumping onto them from the nearby wall. When Niko's on such tanks you
can have him shoot them to watch him fly when they explode although it kills
VIII.5 Fixed spawn spots of First Aid Kits, Body Armor, and weapons part
These are the fixed spawn locations of weapon, First Aid kit (Health), and
Body Armor pickups that can be found throughout the game in Alderney. The
pickups of weapons and Body Armor glow red and the pickups of First Aid kits
glow green.
For weapons that share the same ammo, you could go to pickups for the strong-
er weapon (Combat Pistol, Combat Shotgun, SMG, Carbine Rifle, Combat Sniper Ri-
fle) last.
Weapons respawn in six minutes and five seconds if Niko is far enough from
the spawn spot that the glow would be about gone.
Health and Armor pickups respawn in 45 seconds if Niko is far enough from the
spawn spot that the glow would be about gone.
How to make the Pistol. Pump Shotgun, and Sniper Rifle automatic--"Fun
glitches, gimmicks, etc." (I.12.b)
How to increase Assault/Carbine rifle ammo faster--"Fun glitches, gimmicks,
etc. (I.12.b)
If you want to save time you could give Niko Health, Armor, weapons, etc.,
with the "Simple Trainer" (aka "Native Trainer") by sjaak327. It also has the
option of putting blips for these things on the in-game map and radar.
The "Google Map Radar Item Locations" by dataschmuck adds item locations
(brown = weapon, blue = Armor, green = Health, red cross = hospital, and gold
star = police station) to the "GTA IV Google Map Radar" by Sonik-hedgehog.
Weapon map by wikigta.org
A map by TheGoldenState (Gianni Van Heusden) which shows weapons, Armor, and
First Aid Kits is at the next link.
Thanks to TheGoldenState (Gianni Van Heusden) for giving me permission to ad-
just the colors of his map so it's easier to read on a black and white print
out. I labelled things with numbers that correspond to numbers in my descrip-
tions to make it a bit more ergonomic.
I recommend printing the map shown above and my descriptions given below.
1. It's in southeast Acter Industrial Park on the eastern wall of a building
in a loading dock area. The short north-south entrance road is shown on the
maps/radar near the east end of the south side of Muskteer Ave.
2. It's near the north end of the western wall of a building within the name-
less roads that form a rectangle--nearly square with rounded eastern corners--
south of the south end of Chariot Ave.
3. It's on the east side of a girder used for a support beam on the second
floor of the south side of a structure with a lot of pipes represented by the
horizontal rectangle in the western curve of Red Wing Ave.
Have Niko go up the stairs on the south side of the building to the second
floor and go northeast to the girder.
4. It's leaned up against the wall behind the stacks of lumber in the south-
west corner of a warehouse represented on the radar/maps as a horizontal rec-
tangle on the north side of Emery St. near the west end of the southern east-
west stretch of it.
5. It's on the west wall of the main room of Honkers which is on the south
side of Tinderbox Ave. south of the south end of Argus St.
6. It's on the front of a cabin of a tugboat docked for repairs in a building
which can be entered on the west side. The boathouse is near the west end of
the south side of the east-west road on the most southern big rectangular pro-
jection of land on the east coast of the main part of Alderney north of the
7. It's at the side of the top of the steps of the North Tudor Medical Center
on the southern corner of Edison Ave./Babbage Dr.
8. It's on a red brick wall near a little corner on the west side of the area
north of the 90 degree bend of an alley Niko can enter by climbing over the
chain link fence on the northeast side of the curve of Mueri St.
9. It's on the ground in the western section of an area where four alleys
meet. The shortest way to it is via the alley on the east side of Bear St.
north of Cockerell Ave.
10. It's by the back of the steps in a lot on the north side of the K. C.
Spares building beyond a chain link fence (Niko can climb over) by the little
east-west entrance road that's south of and parallel to the middle of Asahara
11. It's on the eastern wall of the top floor of a building under construc-
tion on the corner of Rand Ave. and Mahesh Ave.
Have Niko go up the stairs on the west side of Rand Ave., go into the build-
ing on the west side, and climb six flights of stairs to the top floor.
12. It's on the ground in an empty lot on the west side of Keneckie Ave. west
of the west end of Bedrock St.
13. It's in a little office at the north end of the first floor of Mr. Fuk's
Rice Box which is on the little block north of the eastern part of Lyden Ave.
The office can be accessed during "Dining Out" (IX.39) and with the Airbreak
function of the Simple Trainer.
14. It's on the wall just inside the entrance of the Westdyke Memorial Hospi-
tal on the north side of the west block of Long John Ave.
15. It's on the wall by a couple of yellow Pay Station machines and a Sprunk
machine by a stairwell door in the northeast area of the third level of a park-
ing garage. There's a ramp from the first to second level on the west side of
Sacramento Ave. south of the east end of Percell Rd.
16. It's on the west wall of a second floor room missing some of the floor
and stairs to it in the northwest quarter of the abandoned casino on the west
side of the north end of Alderney.
You can have Niko enter the casino on the south side and go through the door-
way on his far left to the room with the pickup.
1. It's on the floor of an abandoned building which can be entered at the
middle of the south side of the rectangle, shown on the radar/maps, south of
the south end of Mandrel Rd.
Have Niko enter, go through the next doorway to the south, and through the
one on his left/east to the pickup.
2. It's by the opening of the northern abandoned train shed west-southwest of
the corner of Red Wing Ave. and a nameless north-south road.
3. It's on the west side of the partly submerged base for two support beams
for the western of the two over-the-water sections of the Plumbers Skyway.
4. It's in an alley--not shown on the radar/maps--by a red brick building.
Have Niko go northwest across Vitulla Ave. from the west end of Moog St., go
west-northwest up the driveway that has rubble on it, go northeast over the low
wall, and go west-northwest through the alley to the pickup.
5. It's on the ground by a stone brace for the support wall for the west side
of the Plumbers Skyway near the north end of the north-south stretch of it
that's about a block west-southwest of the west end of Cockerell Ave.
6. It's by a working door at the southwest side of the roof of a building at
the south corner of Babbage Dr./Fleming St.
Have Niko enter the building through a red door at the north end of the alley
that's south of the building then go up four flights of stairs.
7. It's on top of a big XERO GAS tank with a ladder on the south side.
You can have Niko go to the east end of Strower St., go north on the nameless
road, and continue north beyond the road to the tank which is represented by a
round grey spot on the radar/maps.
8. It's on the southwest side of the southeast end of the northeast wooden
seawall of five that project from the 90 degree angle section of coast south of
the north entrance of the Booth Tunnel.
9. It's near the south end of the middle alley of three on the south side of
Jonestown Ave. west of Boyden Ave.
10. It's on the grass in a corner between a tall wall, a low wall, and a
fence on a low wall a bit east of the center of the north side of the "T" shape
of alleys north of the north side of Franklin St. a block north of the north
end of the Hickey Bridge.
Have Niko go north from the base of the "T"--the third of three alleys on the
north side of Franklin St. east of Bridger St.--to the north end, climb onto
the higher section, and go east to drop down to the pickup.
11. It's on a narrow grey stone ledge by the top of a red brick wall which
two street lights are fastened to on the west side of a building west of the
south part of the northwest 90 degree curve of Big Horn Dr.
Have Niko go to the area of the west side of the building where there's a
green dumpster by a red door, climb onto the dumpster, climb onto the roof
above the door, then onto the narrow grey stone ledge on the south side of
12. It's leaned against the west wall inside a garage with corrugated metal
doors northwest of the north end of the main curving dirt road of northeast Al-
derney. It's available after the second cutscene of "If the Price is Right"
(IX.43) although you probably wouldn't have Niko use it then. It can be ac-
cessed otherwise with the Airbreak function of the Simple Trainer.
Baseball bat
1. It's leaned against a wall in the nook of the northwest part of the area
where three alleys convege north of Cockerell Ave. west of Vitullo Ave.
1. It's on a little unused stretch of train track between a red brick build-
ing under construction and the raised curve of a road east of the south end of
an apartment building--indicated by an "X" on the radar/maps--by the north end
of the batch of Plumbers Skyway onramps of the most western part of Alderney.
1. It's on a ledge by a blue dumpster on the west side of a north-south alley
between Farnsworth Rd. and Edison Ave. west of Babbage Dr.
2. It's on the little rock island east-northeast of Purcell Rd.
3. It's on the light grey roof of a backyard shed, painted the same color as
the fence, on the south side of Big Horn Dr. southeast of the south end of Cas-
siar Ave.
4. It's by a ladder in the northwest corner of the first story roof at the
front of the east end of the casino.
Have Niko go to the northeast side of the building, climb the stairs to the
roof, go south-southeast and climb onto a higher roof, go south to get onto a
lower roof, and go west to the pickup.
Combat pistol
1. It's in the middle of the top of a big round tank on the west side of Sto-
rax Rd. south of Grenadier St.
Have Niko use the stairs at the east side of the tank.
2. It's on a big wooden spool near the mouth of the second, viewed east to
west, docking area of the Liberty Ferris Terminal. The wooden seawalls in
front of the docking areas are indicated on the maps/radar by five long lines
at the coast south of the north end of the Booth Tunnel.
Pump shotgun
1. It's on the first floor in a bottom of the corner of a stairwell at the
eastern corner of the abandoned DUDE factory building represented on the radar/
maps as the southwest-northeast oriented rectangle on the southeast side of
Plumbbob Ave.
Have Niko enter the building through an open doorway (with a broken off door)
flanked by two yellow and grey bollards at the lowest part of the southeast
2. It's on he lawn about 12' (?) west of he northern part of the cracked as-
phalt lot north of the western part of the west-east section of Keneckie Ave.
Combat shotgun
1. It's on the big horizontal fan atop a big air conditioning unit with a
ladder (by the pigeon on a billboard catwalk) in the southwest section of the
second story roof of an office building for rent with a fire escape on the west
Have Niko go southweest on the north side of Applewhite St. then clockwise
around the building to the fire escape.
2. It's sticking out of a narrow section of the coast between the tall wall
support at the coast on the east side of the electrical plant that's on the
east side of Applewhite St. south of the west end of the Hickey Bridge and the
western bridge support of the Hickey Bridge. There's a ladder down to a spot
south of that on the east side of the electrical plant.
Micro SMG
1. It's on the roof of the middle big truck trailer of five.
Have Niko go to the west side of the wall at the southwest corner of Roebuck
Rd./Asahara Rd. and go south through a lot, over a low wall, down a grassy
slope to the wall by the truck trailers and climb over the wall onto the middle
truck trailer.
2. It's on the grass beneath the "COCK-A-DOODLE-DO!" billboard by the north-
west corner of the parking lot that's on the north side of the Burger Shot
that's at Beaverhead Ave./Sacramento Ave.
1. It's at the northwest corner of the top level with yellow trim of the
taller cylindrical fuel tank on top of a building west of the big red GLOBE OIL
sign south of the intersection of Muskteer Ave. and Praetorian Ave.
Have Niko go to the south side of the building the shorter tank, east of the
taller tank, is atop, go to the top of the outdoor stairs, go north, go up two
flights of the stairs of the shorter tank, go east to the taller tank, and take
the stairs to the top.
2. It's on the eastern ledge of the little top level of the tall crane west
of the west end of the big ship (called Wet Dream), indicated on the radar/
maps, about a block southeast of the east end of Stower Ave.
Have Niko climb two ladders to the top level of the crane.
3. It's on a first floor outdoor window ledge at the west end of the south
side of the red brick ALDERNEY STORAGE building which is at the northeast cor-
ner of Catskill Ave. and Panhandle Rd. beneath the Plumbers Skyway.
4. It's between two dumpsters at the northeast corner of a little lot by a 9'
(?) wall on the south side of Manzano Rd. south of the east corner of the Msn-
zano Rd./Bridger St. T-intersection.
Assault rifle
1. It's leaned against the walls of the south corner of the upper lot of the
north side of the Da Cruz Restaurant & Deli on the north corner of Farnsworth
Rd. and Mueri St.
Have Niko climb over the chain link fence, go up the sloped driveway, and the
little lot will be to his left.
Carbine rifle
1. It's between the eastern pair of semi-circular metal things (?) on top of
the north tower support for the abandoned segment of bridge above Emery St. a
bit west of the south end of Anvil Ave.
On foot method: have Niko go to the stairs on the south side of the bridge
support by the southern coast below the bridge, go up the stairs to a landing,
go north up six flights of stairs, go north up the stairs, and go up the rest
of the stairs to the top of the north tower support.
Vehicle method: have Niko drive onto the south end of the east lane of the
bridge north of the intersection of Red Wing Ave./Plumbbob Ave., drive to the
spot over the south coast where there's a break in the low wall on the west
side to allow Niko to walk onto the landing for the stairs, go down the stairs
to a lower landing, and continue as for the "on foot method" (up six flights of
stairs, etc.).
2. It's leaned up against a rusty sheet of corrugated sheet metal on the in-
side of an abandoned loading dock of the Sprunk factory.
Have Niko go to the east side of Niblick St. where a pair of yellow and black
bollards flank a chain link fence that blocks an alley. Have him climb over
the fence, onto the ledge to his right/north, and go west a short distance to
the pickup.
3. It's stuck barrel first in the sand of the coast by the southeast corner
of the rectangular projection of land supporting a small outdoor shopping area
west of the north corner of the intersection of Flathead Rd. and Beaverhead
Combat sniper
1. It's on the top landing of the tall smoke stack.
Have Niko go to the south end of Trinity Rd., go counter-clockwise around the
loop of nameless road to the middle of the north side, and go up the smokestack
ladders (the east side of one, west side of a second, and east side of a third)
to the pickup.
2. It's leaned up against the low west wall of a tall apartment building on
the west side of Aspdin Dr. between Lee Rd. and Hardtrack Ave.
Have Niko use a helicopter or the Airbreak function of the Simple Trainer to
get onto the roof.
Rocket launcher
1. It's on the southwestern big rectangular hatch of a big abandoned grounded
cargo ship, shown on the radar/maps, west of the west coast of the southern
peninsula of Alderney.
2. It's on the landing of the northwest cylindrical water tower on the top
roof of the big kakagawa skyscraper on the west side of the T-intersection of
Jonestown Ave. and Myung (street).
Have Niko use a helicopter or the Airbreak function of the Simple Trainer to
get onto the top roof.
1. It's by the coast on the grass atop the northeast area of the projection
of land northwest of the northwest curve of Hardtrack Ave.
2. It's on the lawn by the southern tree of the back yard of the middle
building between Sinclair Ave. and Vitullo Ave. on the south side of Schneider
1. It's by a blue utility box on a catwalk inside the big building indicated
in grey on the radar/maps east of the southern car wash (which is by the north
side of Latchkey Ave just east of Emery St., Tudor). The building is also west
of the southern of several east-west rectangular projections of land at the
coast of Port Tudor.
The building is seen in "If the Price is Right" (IX.43) but can be entered
any time.
Skylight method: have Niko go up the ladder near the corner in the middle of
the west side of the building, go to the skylight at the southwest corner of
the roof and shoot it open, drop through it onto the top catwalk, and go east
to the pickup.
Sliding door method: have Niko go through the partly open sliding metal door
near the north end of the east side of the building, go south to the southeast
corner, climb the stairs to the top catwalk, and go west to the pickup.
2. It's in the corner of a ledge of the big apartment building southeaast of
Mr. Fuk's Rice Box which is at the southwest curve of Hubbard Ave.
Have Niko go to the southwest corner of the lot behind Mr. Fuk's and climb
south onto the ledge with the pickup.
VIII.6 Flying Rats part three
Shooting all 200 Flying Rats contributes 2.5% toward 100% completion of the
game, the Annihilator appears on the MeTV Building in Star Junction, and you
get the "Endangered Species" Achievement.
Niko can kill a pigeon with any weapon but his fist or a melee weapon.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for various strategies and finding that Niko can use a
limited wanted rating exploit to make him less likely to attract police atten-
tion, such as for killing Flying Rats. At the end of "Ivan the Not So Terri-
ble" (V.13), Niko can leave Ivan hanging, kill Flying Rats, etc., and go back
to Ivan afterward. He can still get a six star wanted rating for leaving the
legal boundary before Algonquin is open or get a four star wanted rating for
going onto the airport tarmac.
On the PC, you could also use the Simple Trainer by sjaak327 to make blips
for Flying Rats appear on the in-game map and radar, spawn whatever vehicle or
weapon, and disable the wanted rating system. You can even have Niko teleport
to the Flying Rats. If so, be careful to note which ones recommend the use of
Airbreak (flying car) before clicking to teleport or Niko will spawn in midair
and fall--give him God Mode in case you hastily teleport him to those without a
vehicle. Press F6 to activate Airbreak and stop his fall.
Flying Rats (pigeons) maps
Use the paper map supplied with "GTA IV" for the street names.
A map by TheGoldenState (Gianni Van Heusden) which shows the locations of Fly-
ing Rats and Stunt Jumps is at the next link.
Thanks to TheGoldenState (Gianni Van Heusden) for giving me permission to ad-
just the colors of his map so it's easier to read on a black and white print
out. I labelled things with numbers that correspond to numbers in my descrip-
tions to make it a bit more ergonomic.
I recommend printing the map shown above and my descriptions given below.
145. It's at the north end of the abandoned train track , and by a pile of
rubble, to the east of Roebuck Rd. and north of where the Plumbers Skyway goes
over Roebuck Rd.
146. It's on the crest of the eastern edge of the roof of the second highest
cabin of a grounded, abandoned, partly submerged, tilted tugboat just off the
most eastern coast of the southern peninsula of Alderney and east of the Alder-
ney State Correctional Facility.
Have Niko kill it from the seawall. Have him park a getaway vehicle nearby
because killing the pigeon near the prison will attract police attention.
147. It's on a rusty grey pipe held horizontal about 35' (?) above the ground.
On the radar and game maps there are four little grey circles (which repre-
sent large cylindrical GLOBE OIL tanks) below "Muskteer Ave." The pigeon is a
little north of a spot between the second and third spots viewed left to right.
It can be killed from the ground nearby or shot from a nearby curve of Plumbers
Skyway where there's a break in the guard fence for a stunt jump.
148. It's on the angular teardrop-shaped end of a section of 6' (?) high con-
crete divider on the Plumbers Skyway.
149. It's at the coast near the corner of a walkway near the inside corner of
the roughly 90 degree bends roughly 1/3rd up the west coast of the peninsula of
the southern part of Alderney.
150. It's on the top of a wall of the ruins of a house/building for which
just the cellar remains.
At the southwest corner of Alderney the radar/maps show a rectangle which
represents a big warehouse. Have Niko go west from the top of the rectangle,
across a nameless paved road, a dirt road, and past what's left of a fence to
the ruins of a house/building.
151. It's on a lawn amid trees and weeds on the northwest side of what the
maps show as the long 45 degree angle section of Plumbbob Ave. about 1/3rd up
going southwest to northwest.
152 and 153. Both are near the corner of an 8' (?) high barbed wire topped
concrete wall--one is on the wall and the other is on the ground near the in-
side corner.
In the northeast section of the peninsula at the south end of Alderney is
curvy walkway from southeast of the south end of Latchkey Ave. to Toggle Ave.
The wall is east of that path and the pigeons are about 2/5ths toward the south
end of it.
154. It's on the fifth fence post, south to north, on the east side of the
Mandrel Rd. Bridge.
155. It's on a metal bridge support piece that's under a vertical metal beam
and where curved beams meet on top of a concrete support column on the under-
side of Plumbers Skyway just north of Barsac Ave. The pigeon is at the south
side of the vertical beam.
You might have Niko go to the intersection of Mandrel St./Barsac Ave. and lo-
cate the pigeon with the sniper zoom. Afterward, you can have Niko move closer
to it on Barsac Ave. and kill it with any gun. You can have Niko go to the
southwest or north side of the diner, climb onto a blue dumpster then an air
conditioner then the roof, and get closer.
156. It's on the west side of the black awning with violet neon stripes in
front of the west door for Hookers strip club which is on the south side of
Tinderbox Ave. across from Argus St.
A safe method is to have Niko near a getaway vehicle and shoot the pigeon
from half a block or more away to avoid the armed security guards.
157. It's on a grey metal cabinet by a low brick wall about halfway north-
south on the west side of Argus St.
158. It's about 3/5ths of the way west to east on the south side of the cor-
rugated metal roof of a big warehouse on the north side of the west end of the
nameless road which has an east end that makes a T-intersection with Argus St.
Have Niko climb onto the roof from the north side.
159. It's on the grey metal plate (which features bumps for better traction
if walked upon) between the red girders of a crane.
Have Niko go to the southwest corner of the main portion of Alderney that's
north of the peninsula, go east about 2/3rds up the long onramp of the Plumbers
Skyway, climb onto the off-white box that has "LCPA" and the depiction of an
anchor printed on it, and kill the pigeon which is just beyond and a bit lower
than the south side of the box.
160. It's about 1/5th north on the rocky slope of the coast west of the
north-south stretch of whatever it is--Hardtrack Ave. or Emery St. It's at the
southwest part of Alderney not including the peninsula.
161. It's on the middle of the top of a big red shipping crate at the east
side of the westerly stretch of off-ramp for the Plumbers Skyway.
162. it's on a narrow strip of grass above an 18' (?) grey stone wall with
mainly red graffiti on the north side of Hardtrack Ave. beneath the Plumbers
Skyway south of where "PLUMBERS SKYWAY" is written on the paper map--about a
block west of the north end of Ivy Rd.
163. It's at the base of a little grass slope with trees and weeds south of
the middle of Lee Rd.
164. It's on the concrete ledge above a corrugated sliding metal door on the
east side of the AUTO PARTS building advertising "SPECIAL STEEL" at the west
side of the south end of Odhner Ave.
165. It's on the ground by a tree southeast of the T-intersection of the east
end of Hardtrack Ave. and Tinderbox Ave./Roebuck Rd.(?).
166. It's on top of the blue THRIFTEX cargo crate on top of an identical one,
the pair of which are beside a third one, at the northeast corner of the first
rectangular projection of land, viewed south to north, on the east coast of Al-
derney north of the southern peninsula.
167. It's on a bollard at the northeast coast of the projection of land with
four warehouses (represented on the maps and radar by four rectangles) east (a
good ways) from the east end of Traeger Rd.
168. It's on the corner of an 11' (?) high red brick wall at the entrance to
a lot on the north side of Odhner Ave. west of the south end of Mueri St.
169. The pigeon is at the top of a slanted green section of roof which in-
cludes a dormer south of the steeple, and the several stories of rooms below
it, that's on the east side of a church. The church is on the west side of
Vitullo Ave. west of the west end of Edison Ave.
Niko can shoot the pigeon from the east side of Vitullo Ave.
170. It's on a 5' (?) or more tall wall by the windows of a corner apartment
by the walkway of the second floor of an apartment building west of the T-in-
tersection of Drebbel (street) and Vitullo Ave.
Have Niko shoot it from the east side of Vitullo Ave. You could have Niko
climb onto a tall vehicle then the wall to get closer.
171. It's by the steps of the little walk/porch of the sunken first floor of
s five story apartment building on he east side of Aspdin Dr. north of the
east-west alley that's north of Kemeny St.
Have Niko go north from the west end of that alley past two ground level
front doors to the steps down to the pigeon.
172. It's on the east side of the roof of a little grey one room building in
a little blocked off road construction area on the west side of Babbage Drive
just south of Drebbel (street).
173. It's on the second, viewed north to south, air conditioning unit of five
on the east side of the roof of Lennies Fireproof Door Co. on Mueri St. south
of the south end of Fleming St.
174. It's on a low curved wall behind the display of a big ship propeller.
Have Niko go south from Asahara Rd. on Roebuck Rd. and turn left/east. The
pigeon is a little past the first curve on the west side of the road.
175. It's at the north end of the abandoned train track, and by a pile of
rubble, to the east of Roebuck Rd. north of where Plumbers Skyway goes over it.
176. It's at the side of an 11' (?) concrete wall by some 4' (?) shrubs on
the east side of the north end of Babbage Drive.
177. It's on a grey pile of stones and rubble northwest of the northwest 90
degree curve of Vitullo Ave.
178. It's on a concrete wall north of the northwest curve of Koresh Sq.
179. It's on the south end of the concrete roof of the northern entrance/exit
of the Booth Tunnel.
180. It's beneath the northern inclined walkway north of the entrance area of
the helipad that's east of the north entrance/exit of the Booth Tunnel.
181. It's on a stone wall on the south side of Applewhite St. east of Rand
182. It's behind the middle light of three on the catwalk of the billboard
for "the Science of Crime" on a two story building on the west side of Apple-
white Ave. west of Rand Ave.
Have Niko kill the pigeon from the lot southwest of the building or use the
fire escape on the west side of the building to get to the billboard on the
183. It's on a concrete wall on the west side of Applewhite St. just north of
where it goes over Mahesh Ave.
184. It's behind a metal fence at the east side of the stairs for the north-
ern entrance to the Bank of Liberty that's on the north side of Jonestown Rd.
east of Boyden Ave.
185. It's on a low concrete wall on the east side of an office building on
the west side of Myung (street) a bit north of Jonestown Ave.
186. It's on the northeast corner of a second floor patio of a building on
the west side of the un-named street south of the west end of Hubbard Ave.
It's further south than Mr. Fuk's Rice box.
You can have Niko can kill it and pigeon 187 from the street or kill both
while using the rooftop of Mr. Fuk's--see 187.
187. It's on a low wall at the north end of the second floor walk/patio of
the west side of Mr. Fuk's Rice Box on the east side of a nameless street south
of the west end of Hubbard Ave.
You can have Niko kill pigeons 186 and 187 from the street or have him get
closer to pigeon 187 by having him use the ladders and fire escape on the east
side of Mr. Fuk's and, while he's on the roof, have him kill pigeon 186.
188. It's on the lawn at the top of the steps on the south side of Panhandle
Rd. east of the curve where it becomes Lockowski Ave.
189. It's on a roof by a blank billboard near the north side of the onramp to
the west end of the Hickey Bridge.
Have Niko kill the pigeon from the onramp, or have him go up the stairs
northwest of the onramp then west along the fence to the western edge of the
fence to kill the pigeon, or have him go north from there to another fence and
go west to the stunt jump mound to kill the pigeon.
190. It's beneath what looks like an abandoned wooden stunt jump ramp by the
coast east of the east end of Franklin St.
You can have Niko go east from the east end of Franklin St. onto the top of a
wall where there's a broken section in the fence that's on top of it and kill
the pigeon from there.
191. It's on the lawn by the inside corner of a low stone wall topped by a
rusty black metal fence east of the southern part of the northeast curve of
Bridger St. and north of the lot for the police station.
192. It's on a little cylindrical vent on top of the rooftop doorway struc-
ture of the building on the west side of the southern part of Sacramento Ave.
Have Niko go to the west side of that building on Franklin St., go to the
north end of the alley, climb the ladder to the roof of the adjoining building,
and climb the ladder to the roof with the pigeon.
193. It's on the grass by a tree in the 4' (?) high planter by the entrance
to Westdyke Memorial Hospital on the southwest side of the northern section of
Long John Ave.
194. It's on a low horizontal support beam of the eastern water tower on the
roof of Fanny Crab's Bar and Grill southwest of the southwest bend of Beaver-
head Ave.
Have Niko go to the north side of the CHECK OUT! store, climb on top of the
pay phones, jump and climb onto the roof of the store, go west and climb onto
an air conditioner unit, and climb onto the roof with the water tower.
195. It's on an air conditioner on the side of a building on the east side
of the south end of Ortiz Rd.
196. It's on a stone wall on the south side of the most southern curve of Big
Horn Dr.
197. It's on the red brick post of a red brick wall in the back yard of the
house south of the eastern T-intersection of Big Horn Drive and Owl Creek Ave.
198. It's on the fence post of a very light grey wooden fence above a low
brick wall on the inside of the most northwest curve of Big Horn Drive.
199. It's on the grass amid weeds and trees at the west side of the southern
section of the dirt road that branches west from the main dirt road which forms
a T-intersection with southeast Beaverhead Ave.
200. It's on the stony ground by a flaming garbage can beneath the south-
north dead end road that connects with the middle of the north side of the
northern east-west section of Beaverhead Ave. to form a T-intersection. Going
south to north on the dead end road, the pigeon is about 1/4 north and beneath
the road.
If Niko kills all 200 Flying Rats an Annihilator spawns near the top of the
MeTV building in Algonquin and you get the "Endangered Species" accomplishment.
VIII.7 Stunt Jumps part three
A fast vehicle is recommended. There's are NRG900s at Westdyke Autos at the
corner of north Lemhi St. and west Sacramento Ave., Leftwood. The phone code
for one is 625-555-0100. There's a Sultan RS in a shrub on the north side of
the garage of the abandoned mansion north of the north end of the main dirt
road in northeast Alderney. Vehicles of Stevie's vehicle collection (IX.16)
include the NRG 900, Banshee, Coquette, Comet, Infernus, Super GT, and Turismo.
You can have Niko use the spawn spot for a spawn of the vehicle to save and use
another spawn for the collection. The phone number for a Comet is 227-555-
The 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air mod I've come up with a handling line for (see the
modding section) should be good for jumps although the NRG900 makes it easier
to hit the ramps made of narrow concrete bins filled with street rubble.
Fastest cars in "GTA IV"
Once Niko has his stunt vehicle you might go to the pause menu (Esc) > Graph-
ics > Vehicle Density and turn down the slider to spawn fewer vehicles.
Doing all 50 Stunt Jumps contributes 2.5% toward 100% completion and gives
you the "Dare Devil" Achievement.
On the PC, you could also use the Simple Trainer by sjaak327 to spawn what-
ever vehicle, disable the wanted rating system, use the seatbelt function, and
give Nike and his vehicle God Mode. You can even have Niko teleport to the lo-
Stunt Jump videos by GTA Series Videos and Stilefty
Guide by Justin Towell
Map at gtagaming
I recommend printing my modified wikigta.org map shown above and my descrip-
tions given below.
The ramp is a couple of corrugated sheets of metal at the northwest corner of
the parking lot behind the strip mall on he north side of Big Horn Dr. east of
Cassiar Ave.
Have Niko land west of Cassiar Ave.
The ramp is the slope of the streetside part of a driveway on the south side
of Sacramento Ave. south of the south end of the eastern stretch of Beaverhead
Have Niko land past three of the backyard fences or in the small parking lot.
The ramp is a sheet of metal on the west side of the roof of the multi-story
parking garage which Niko can enter on the east side of Sacramento Ave. south
of Lemhi St.
Have Niko land on Lemhi St. past the showroom of Westdyke Autos.
The ramp is an upturned curve of sand just south of a little inlet of water
east of the southern section of the most eastern dirt road in northeast Alder-
Have Niko land north of the inlet.
Leftwood and Alderney City
The ramp is a small mound of grass at the south end of the alley on the south
side of Franklin St. south of the southern end of the western stretch of Sacra-
mento Ave.
Have Niko land beyond Plumbers Skyway.
The ramp is a mound of stones at the end of the dirt road Niko can enter at
the northwest curve of Keneckie Ave.
Have Niko land on the west side of Plumbers Skyway or beyond.
The ramp is another metal dumpster with a mound of rubble at the north end of
a lot. Niko can enter the lot on the north side of the north stretch of Aspdin
Have Niko land on the west side of Plumbers Skyway.
The ramp is another metal dumpster with a mound of rubble at the south end of
the alley on the south side of Bedrock St. east of Lockowski Ave.
Have Niko land by or on Koresh Sq. near Vitulla Ave.
The ramp is the stairway on the north side of Koresh Sq. east of Myung
Have Niko land past the similar stairway to the north.
The ramp is another metal dumpster with a mound of rubble at the west side of
Applewhite St. west of Rand Ave.
Have Niko land on Rael Ave. past the hot dog stands.
The ramp is a mound of stones piled up against a low wall at the southeast
end of a lot at the east side of Applewhite St. south of where it passes over
Mahesh Ave.
Have Niko land on or near Rand Ave.
The ramp is a set of curved wooden planks at the north side of the rectangu-
lar inlet just north of the helipad that's by the north end of the Booth Tun-
Have Niko land on the helipad. If you're having him use the NRG900 start
near the north side of the interior of the tunnel to the north of the ramp so
as not to overshoot the landing area and not get credit for the jump.
The ramp is a set of curved planks at the eastern curve of a driveway at the
east side of Rand Ave. east of the east end of Mahesh Ave.
Have Niko land in Algonquin east of the seawall. If using the NRG900 press
the key for Lean Forward repeatedly for extra speed.
Tudor and Acter Industrial Park
The ramp is the upturned north end of the west lane of the abandoned highway
bridge that crosses south-north over the long inlet of south Tudor.
Have Niko land on or hit the building on the north side of Tinderbox Ave.
just east of a nameless road.
The ramp is a couple of sheets of metal leaned on a low wall on the south
side of Barsac Ave. south of the south end of a long sloped on/off ramp for
Plumbers Skyway.
Have Niko land on the opposite shore of the inlet. If you're having Niko use
the NRG900 have Niko start north of the top of the slope and press the key for
Lean Forward repeatedly.
The ramp is the mound at the south end of a stretch of abandoned railroad
track. Niko can drive to the track by continuing straight north on Latchkey
Ave. from Latchkey Ave./Barsac Ave. to go over a small hill of grass. If
you're having him use an NRG900 you can have him drive through a break in the
low wall on the east side of Tinderbox Ave. (?) north of Tinderbox Ave./Fulcrum
Have Niko land on Latchkey Ave.
The ramp is a mound of stones at the break in the southwest wall of the
southwest curve of the Plumbers Skyway in Acter Industrial Park.
Have Niko land west of the warehouse indicated on the radar/maps by a square
northwest of the ramp.
The ramp is a mound of stones at the break in the southeast wall of the
southeast curve of the Plumbers Skyway in Acter Industrial Park.
Have Niko turn right a bit at the ramp to land on Grenadier St.
VIII.8 Achievements
Chain Reaction Robert Rusk recommends employing Westdyke Autos at the corner
of north Lemhi St. and west Sacramento Ave., Leftwood, for this Achievement
since there are at least 10 motorcycles there. He cautions that grouping them
can create a wanted rating. I'll add that on PC you can go to the pause menu
(Esc) > Graphics > Vehicle Density and turn up the slider to spawn more vehi-
cles then create a traffic jam by having Niko target drivers with a weapon to
make them run from their vehicles. Then have him toss a handful of Grenades
among them.
Rob adds that this is even easier in "The Ballad of Gay Tony" since you can
have Luis use Sticky Bombs. An inexpensive way is to have Luis get them from a
save place after completing 40 Drug Wars and "Bang Bang."
VIII.9 Most Wanted part three
These missions are like the Rampages in earlier GTAs except there are fewer
targets and you can have the protagonist use any weapon you want. Any wanted
rating for each mission goes away when successfully completing it.
There are ten Most Wanted missions in each of the three main areas of the
gsme. Completing 30 adds 2.5% toward 100% completion of the game.
Have Niko use the internal computer of a police car that's stopped and go to
"View Most Wanted" to see the criminals to kill in his area.
By having Niko take "cover" I don't necessarily mean the game cover system.
In having Niko do a drive-by of a fleeing four wheel vehicle try to focus his
shots on the driver, accomplice if any, and rear wheel wells.
VIII.9.a Marty Boldenow
Crime: Gang Related Violence
He and his gang of six, armed with Assault Rifles and an RPG, are in the al-
leys between Strower Ave. and Mueri St. in east Acter. Have Niko begin his ap-
proach with an SMG or rifle from the steps to the alley at the north side of
Strower Ave. or from the alley entrance to the east and proceed using cover as
VIII.9.b Noel Katsuda
Crime: Gang Related Violence
He and his gang of six, armed with SMG's and Combat Pistols, are in the lots
at the north side of the most southwest apartment building indicated by a "+"
on the radar/maps in southwest Tudor. Niko can throw Grenades/Molotovs over
the wall at the west side then move north and farther out to snipe the rest or
move in on them with an SMG or rifle.
VIII.9.c Rodney McEniry
Crime: Racketeering
He and his gang of three, armed with SMGs and Combat Shotguns, are in the al-
leys north of Cockerell Ave. and east of Aspdin Dr. in Berchem. Niko can ap-
proach on foot from the south end of the south alley and use and SMG or rifle
and use cover while going north to shoot them or do the same thing except drive
into the alley to run over/shoot the four of them. If Rodney drives away,
shooting and dropping Grenades, have Niko drive after him shooting at Rodney's
car till it blows up or he's dead.
VIII.9.d Glenn Lushbaugh
Crime: Human Trafficking
He and his accomplice in a Merit drive south from an alley on the east side
of Lockowski Ave. across from the AutoEroticar dealershop and north of Keneckie
Ave. in Alderney City as Niko approaches them. The accomplice fires an SMG at
Niko. Have Niko chase them, shooting the driver, gunman, and car till it blows
up and/or the targets are dead.
VIII.9.e Phil Bacerra
Crime: Hit and Run
He's one of two drivers of Bobcats that drive from the west end of the big
lot shown on the radar/maps south of the west end of the Booth Tunnel in south-
east Alderney City. Each driver has an accomplice that shoots at Niko with an
SMG. Have Niko drive by them, etc. If you have Niko stop they'll stay nearby
to attack so you can have Niko shoot one or both with an RPG, etc.
VIII.9.f Sergi Szerbin
Crime: Burglary
He's and his gang are in the lot of Axel's Pay 'n' Spray on the west side of
Catskill Ave., Leftwood. His gang of five has Carbine Rifles, Combat Shotguns,
and Combat Pistols but they don't leave their location so Niko can start by
shooting from behind cover a good distance away and approach from the north or
VIII.9.g Danny Hatmaker
Crime: Arms Dealing
He and his gang of eight are in northern Normandy in the lot with big tanks
indicated on the radar/maps by round spots north and northeast of the east end
of Strower Ave. The targets are armed with Assault Rifles and SMGs but, like
the last gang, they don't chase Niko. Have Niko start a good distance away and
snipe them then move in with cover to shoot them with a rifle or SMG. One is
on the stairs on the south side of the east end of the building indicated on
the radar/maps to the north. Be careful having Niko shoot the couple in the
west who shoot from just behind big shipping crates.
VIII.9.h Mervin Eskuchen
Crime: Drug Trafficking
He's one of the drivers of two Patriots, one with a gunman armed with an As-
sault Rifle and the other with a gunman armed with an SMG, that flee from the
west side of Aspdin Dr. north of Berners Rd., north Acter, and go north. Have
Niko approach on Aspdin Dr. from the northeast and ram/drive-by the lead Patri-
ot and kill the driver first then the accomplice then quickly do the same with
the other Patriot before it gets away.
VIII.9.i Frederick Harrison
Crime: Grand Theft Auto
His gang of eight, armed with Carbine and Assault Rifles and one sniper ri-
fle, are mostly on the walkways under the old train bridge that's north of the
west end of Plumbbob Ave. in Tudor. Have Niko get the most southern target
who's on the ground near the bottom of the stairs to the walkways. Niko can
start getting the rest to the west of them by sniping or using an RPG from on
top of a vehicle on the highway. Have Niko climb up to shoot the rest of the
targets and check the radar for their red dots because some become accesible
above or behind him. The last few targets are by buildings on the top level
and one attacker has a sniper rifle.
VIII.9.j Keenan Burdett
Crime: Armed Robbery
He and his eight men, armed with Carbine Rifles, are in a multi-story parking
garage east of Sacramento Ave. and south of Percell Rd. in southeast Westdyke.
Have Niko enter on the west end of the south side of the garage. There's a
Sprunk machine for Health on each floor, except the top floor, south of the
ramp. Have Niko proceed with cover as needed to shoot them with a rifle.
There's one target per floor for the first couple of floors, one or two targets
on the next floors, and several or more (the number per floor may vary) on the
east side of the roof.
Completing the 30 Most Wanted missions contributes 2.5% toward 100% completion
of the game and gives Niko the "Manhunt" Achievement.
VIII.10 Make a copy of your save game
IX Missions for part three
Brucie Kibbutz' missions cont.
IX.1 Races
Have Niko call Brucie and select "Race" to get one of the races for the area
he's in--one of the three for the East Side, one of the three for Algonquin, or
one of the three for Alderney (legally available later).
Maps of the nine race courses
"GTA IV: Brucie's Races" by whatever57010
Rusk recommends a Turismo and an update on a "GTA III" "Turismo" trick: in-
stead of having Niko drive into the marker have him back up, facing the direc-
tion of the other racers, to lightly bump one of the other race cars to start
the race. You may only have to have Niko fend off a couple of cars to take the
lead then you only need to have him keep it.
Don't get silly about speed but use your driving sense to take turns slowly
enough to execute them safely. In "IV" I've noticed I use reverse (S) more for
safe turns.
IX.1.a North Alderney
This five lap race starts on Bridger St. just west of Sacramento Ave., goes
east on Bridger St., northeast then north then west on Sacramento Ave., north
then counter-clockwise on Beaverhead Ave., north then clockwise on Flathead
Rd., and east on Bridger St.
IX.1.b Elevated (Mid-Alderney)
This three lap race starts on Boyden Ave. just south of Koresh Sq., goes
south on Boyden Ave. then south, southwest, and south on the Plumbers Skyway,
west on Barsac Ave., north on Mandrel Rd. then Julin Ave., east on Tinderbox
Ave., north on Niblick St. then north then northeast on Babbage Dr., clockwise
then east on Koresh Sq., and south on Boyden Ave.
IX.1.c South Alderney
This three lap race starts on Argus St. just south of Hardtrack Ave., goes
south on Argus St., southwest on Tinderbox Ave., north-northwest on Ivy Rd.,
northeast on Hardtrack Ave., northeast then clockwise on Aspdin Dr., south then
southwest on Vitullo Ave., east on Hardtrack Ave., and south on Argus St.
Niko gets $500, and, once he's begun his friendship with Brucie, it adds to
his like stat with Brucie, each time he wins.
Completing the races contributes 2% toward 100% completion. Have Niko win an
additional eleven times, 20 wins in all, for the "Genetically Superior"
IX.2 Random Characters--Marnie Allen
Marnie Allen: Reyna de Courcy is an actress at CESD/Goldstar and the Artistic
Director of Gravity and Glass Productions. She played Cat in "Coming Up
Roses," 2011, Lydia in a 2011 episode of the TV series "Blue Bloods," Mina/2010
and Lizzie Zane/2012 in two episodes of the TV series "Law & Order: Special Vic-
tims Unit," etc. She reprised the role of Marnie Allen for GTA "V," 2013.
First Encounter
Complete the mission "Three Leaf Clover" (VII.30) to unlock Marnie's encount-
er. She's on a park bench in a little park bordered by Liberty Ln./Diamond
St./Denver Ave. in City Hall, Algonquin. Marnie sadly pleads for drug money
till Niko takes pity on her and agrees to drive her to a dealer. Have Niko
drive her to an alley on the west side of Boyden Ave. north of Asahara Rd., Al-
derney City. On the way he tries to talk her out of her self-destructive ways
then gives her $500.
Having this first encounter contributes to 100% completion of the game and
the "No More Strangers" Achievement. The second encounter isn't needed for
either one.
Second Encounter
Marnie is on the east side of Ivy Drive South south of Quartz St. in Varsity
Heights, Algonquin. She says she's off heroin but screwed over her a john whom
she thinks is trying to kill her and wants to go home to her family so Niko
agrees to take her to the train station. Have Niko drive her to Grand Easton
Terminal on the north side of Hematite St. at Bismarck Ave. where Niko gives
her $500. (Thanks to Rob Rusk for the tip that Marnie sends Niko an Email say-
ing she's going to college and thanking him.)
IX.3 Random Characters--Ivan Bytchkov
Ivan appears on the north side of Farnsworth Rd. west of Mueri St. in Acter,
Alderney, after "Three Leaf Clover" (VII.30) if Niko let him live at the end of
"Ivan the Not So Terrible" (V.13). Ivan is grateful Niko let him live but he's
become a loan shark and wants Niko to help him collect money from a client.
Have Niko drive Ivan to the client at the alley entrance on the south side of
Berners Rd. The client refuses to pay and has his men attack--one is on the
fire escape to the left, one is on the roof to the right, and two are with the
client in the alley. Have Niko shoot them with a rifle.
Niko gets $1000 from a happy Ivan who encourages Niko to hang in there.
This encounter is required for the "No More Strangers" Achievement but not
100% completion of the game.
IX.4 Random Characters--Eddie Low
Eddie Low: Victor Verhaeghe Victor supplied one of the pedestrian's voices
for "San Andreas," 2004, played Leonard/2000 and the Instructor/2005 in a couple
episodes of the TV series "Third Watch," played six different roles in six epi-
sodes of the TV show "Law and Order," 1998-2010, played Ward Boss Fleming in
20 2010-2012 episodes of the TV series "Boardwalk Empire," etc.
The name "Eddie Low" may refer to Eddie Lowe, who was an English former pro-
fessional footballer.
Eddie Low becomes available after "Three Leaf Clover" (VII.30).
First Encounter
Eddie is a pedophile, a zoophiliac, and a necrophiliac sadistic serial killer
and talks it up in a neurotic way causing the gaming community to consider him
the creepiest character in "IV." He's across from Auto Eroticar by the alley
entrance on the east side of Lockowski Ave. north of Keneckie Ave. in Alderney
City between 10 pm and 4 am. Eddie wants to pay Niko to give him a ride be-
cause he has a heavy duffle bag to carry. (It's probably not groceries but
with him--who knows? It might be something he'd consider groceries. You get
the idea.) He creeps Niko out but Niko agrees to be paid to drive Eddie.
Have Niko drive Eddie to the east end of Asahara Rd. and go south through the
lot (indicated on the radar/maps) to the north end of the nameless road to the
dock in southeast Alderney City. Eddie says he's "just dropping the kids off"
and tosses the bag in the river.
Have Niko oblige Eddie who asks to be driven to driven to Westminster, Algon-
quin and drive him to the alley entrance on the south side of Kunzite St. east
of Columbus Ave.
You can see libertytreeonline.com for a story about the contents of the bag
and hear news items about a serial killer (probably Eddie) on Weazel News.
Having this first encounter is required for 100% completion of the game and
contributes to the "No More Strangers" Achievement.
Second Encounter
Eddie's in the south section of the alley at the north side of Cockerell Ave.
east of Aspdin Dr. in Berchem, Alderney, between 10 pm and 4 am. Eddie gets
angry after Niko says he's not cool. Have Niko armed because Eddie draws a
Knife and attacks Niko.
Have Niko kill Eddie.
You can read Eddie's blog by going to Explore eyefind.info services > Sharing
> Blogsnobs and scrolling to the blog EddieLowfilthslayer. (Somebody updates it
after he's dead, too.)
Eddie posted the locations of his victims on whattheydonotwantyoutoknow.com.
You can see libertytreeonline.com for a report on Eddie.
You can go to Myroomonline.net > eddielowfilthslayer where Eddie has no
Weazel News reports that the local serial killer was found murdered. The
written report criticizes his name as being unimaginative.
(Eddie was a killer but having seen most of this game I'm not sure the re-
ports can assume that most of the local murders were by Eddie.)
IX.5 Friends--Packie McReary
After "Three Leaf Clover" (VII.30), Packie calls for a friend activity, then
is available from 3:00 pm to 6:00 am.
Niko has to do all six activities listed below to Packie's liking (that means
having Niko win at bowling, darts, and pool) for 100% completion of the game.
Activite likes: bowling (have Niko win), darts (have Niko win), drinking
(Donnie's Bar), pool (have Niko win), Perestroika, and strip club
Favorite radio station: Liberty Rock Radio
(Liberty City Minute tip: do two of his favorite activities before doing the
one he asked for.)
Special Ability at 90%: Niko can call Packie, select "Bomb," and Packie will
put a phone bomb nearby. Have Niko get the bomb and get behind a vehicle--
press the LMB to have Niko attach the bomb. Have Niko call Packie and select
"Detonate" to make it explode.
Having the like stat over 90% goes toward 100% completion, gives Niko the
"Dial B for Bomb" Achievement, and goes toward the Liberty City (5) Achieve-
Ray Boccino's missions
IX.6 A Long Way to Fall
Ray Boccino calls telling Niko to meet him at Drusill's restaurant for a work
Have Niko go to Pegorino capo Ray Boccino at Drusilla's restaurant on the
east side of Denver Ave. at Feldspar St. in Little Italy in south Algonquin.
Ray says Teddy Benavidez isn't his friend anymore--isn't giving him the
"vig"--payment he owes. Teddy doesn't respect the "waste management business"
(organized crime) so Ray wants Niko to go to Teddy and "do what you gotta do.
Somebody gets burnt--so be it."
Have Niko go to the projects on the east side of Galveston Ave. west of the
west end of Uranium St. in North Holland.
On the way Niko receives a text message from Ray. It's a photo of a guy in a
light grey sports jersey with "72" on it in blue and his hair nearly shaved
off. Ray identifies the man as Alonzo, one of Benavidez' goons, whom Niko can
persuade to "tell you what you need to know."
Have Niko go to Alonzo who's standing in the plaza. There are rectangular
fenced-in areas in the plaza. Alonzo is by the second one ahead to the right--
a semi-fenced-in children play area. Niko asks him which apartment Teddy Bena-
videz is in but Alonzo says he doesn't know any Teddy's.
Have Niko target a weapon on Alonzo, or have a fist fight with him till he
stops punching, to get him to say where Teddy is: the top floor--apartment
151K. Alonzo says the top few floors of the elevator are being fixed so Niko
will have to walk up those. Have Niko enter the apartment building, arm him-
self with a submachine gun, and take the elevator to the 20th floor.
Alonzo calls Teddy to warn hum that someone's coming up who "somehow knows
where your apartment is."
An option is to have Niko kill Alonzo after Niko learns where Teddy's apart-
ment is to keep Alonzo from warning Teddy. A couple of Teddy's gang just out-
side the elevator on the 20th floor won't recognize Niko and will start a
shootout with him anyway. It seemed to me there were the same number of at-
tackers either way but have Niko armed with a submachine gun to take out the
two at the top of the elevator ride right away.
Have Niko shoot his way past several floors of Teddy's attackers when he gets
off the elevator. The attackers have Combat Shotguns, Micro-SMGs, and Pistols
and shoot from doorways, hallways, and stairs.
One possible version of the shootout:
There are five attackers on the 20th floor,
one attacker on the stairs, one attacker on top of the stairs,
four attackers on the 21st floor--there's a Health Pack on a hall wall,
one attacker on the stairs, and
one attacker on the 22nd floor.
Have Niko walk into the marker by Teddy's front door and go through the door.
Have Niko kill the three attackers in the room and go through the hall to the
kitchen. There's a Health Pack on the counter. Have him go back in the hall.
Teddy throws a door open into Niko's face and flees.
Have Niko chase him through the front door, go up a couple flights of stairs
shooting a couple attackers on the way, go onto the roof, shoot an attacker who
crouches behind a small air conditioner unit, and go to Teddy who's at a low
wall on the north side of the roof.
Teddy holds up his hands in surrender. Niko tells him he should have paid
Ray but Teddy protests that the city doesn't belong to Ray's group anymore and
he wouldn't have paid.
The top of the wall behind Teddy breaks away easily. You can have Niko shoot
him off the roof or just shove him off the roof and see a cutscene of Teddy
fall to the ground. To see him do it on fire you can have Niko attack him with
a Molotov, Grenade, or a Rocket Launcher.
Niko gets $8,500.
Niko calls Ray to tell him Teddy is dead and Ray says he doesn't know him.
Ray says he'll be in touch.
Don't have Niko walk through the elevator doors if you have him go back into
the building right after the mission. There's no elevator so he'll fall down
the shaft and die. If you send Niko to the roof otherwise you'll find the part
of the wall Teddy falls through still breaks away easily.
"GTA IV - A Long Way to Fall (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
IX.7 Taking in the Trash
Ashley Butler: Traci Godfrey Traci supplies the voice of Ashley Butler--a
role she reprised for "Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned," 2009, and
"Grand Theft Auto V," 2013. She also played Edwina Fowley in a 2001 episode of
the TV series "The Sopranos," Dr. Elaine Schiller in 25 2005-2008 episodes of
the TV series "As the World Turns," and Det. Agnes Farley in 10 2006-2011 epi-
sodes of the TV series "Law & Order: Criminal Intent."
Luca Silvestri: Robert Kelly Robert played Luis Somarriba in a 2002 episode
of the TV series "The Job," recorded the comedy album "Just the Tip," 2008,
was Heckler #1 in in a 2011 episode of the TV series "Curb Your Enthusiasm,"
played Robbie/Bobby in eight 2010-2015 episodes of the TV series "Louie," Bam
Bam on ten episodes of the TV series "Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll," etc.
Joseph "Tunafish" DiLeo: Peter Pavio
Jonathan "Johnny Spaz" Barbosa: ?
Have Niko go to Drusilla's restaurant to meet Ray.
Ray got crytal meth addicted Ashley Butler to get "ice"--diamonds--hidden in
garbage bags--"trash"--to be picked up by Ray. Ray wants Niko to collect the
"trash" for him.
(One guy in a photo on the wall behind Ray looks a bit like Lionel Richie who
had a song--"Running with the Night"--on the PS2 soundtrack but removed from
the PC version of "Vice City.")
Have Niko go clockwise around the corner to the alley entrance on the north
side of Feldspar St. east of Denver Ave. in south Algonquin. There, by a
Trashmaster garbage truck, Niko meets Luca and his two accomplices Tunafish and
Johnny Spaz. Luca assigns Niko the role of driver and gives him a Liberty San-
itation Department LSD) outfit.
Have Niko drive the men to the north side of Emerald St. east of Albany Ave.,
Chinatown. On the way, Luca explains that Ray got Ashley Butler to get The
Lost Brotherhood biker gang to steal "ice"--diamonds--from a club owner and
hide them in garbage bags--"trash" (also see the TLAD mission "Diamonds in the
Rough" and the TBoGT mission "Frosting on the Cake"). Luca has Tuna and Johnny
get a trash bag apiece. Press Enter to open the truck trash compactor so they
can throw in the bags--it closes after they do.
Have Niko drive to the alley entrance on the north side of Hematite St. east
of Frankfort Ave. and repeat the process for another pickup. On the way, Luca
explains that the bikers are taking the heat for the robbery of the diamonds
which were taken from the owner of the club Maisonette 9. Luca adds they bet-
ter not lose any diamonds because Ray may kill anyone that holds out on him.
(Maisonette 9 is a reference to the Bungalow 8 nightclub that was in NYC.)
A couple of men of the Messina family mob attack from a car. You can have
Niko help two of his passengers shoot at the attackers--have Niko drive-by the
driver of the attackers. It's easy to do but if you don't--cautious to avoid
a wanted rating because the Trashmaster is slow to get out of a wanted area--
the attackers eventually give up when Niko gets close to the drop-off point at
a big Trashmaster warehouse on the north side of Diamond St. east of Union
Drive East, Fishmarket South.
The attackers' car is a rare grey green Oracle XS. To obtain it have Niko
use the Trashaster to lead the Oracle toward Drusilla's restaurant while he and
his accomplices kill the two men in the Oracle then have Niko drive the Oracle
as close to Drusilla's restaurant as possible before the mission is failed.
After it fails and you've seen the cutscene have Niko go to where he left the
Oracle and save it.
Another way is to have Niko drive the Trashmaster to lead the Oracle to a
save place, such as in Middle Park East, have Niko and accomplices kill the
two attackers, have Niko save the Oracle in the parking space, and finish the
Another way is to have Niko and accomplices kill the two attackers, have Niko
blow up the Trashmaster killing all three occupants, and have him drive away in
the Oracle. (Thanks to whatever57010)
The color can be changed in a Pay 'n' Spray.
"the RARE Übermacht Oracle XS in Gta IV" by whatever57010
Any wanted rating is gone once the mission is completed.
Niko gets $9,000.
Niko calls Ray to tell him the ice has been delivered. Ray indicates he
doesn't trust Luca and his men to give him all the diamonds.
The LSD (Liberty Sanitation Department) outfit is available.
IX.8 Meltdown
Have Niko go to Drusilla's restaurant to meet Ray.
Ray wants Niko to get the diamonds that Niko's co-workers kept after the last
Have Niko go to the south curve of Castle Drive, Castle Garden City, to meet
Luca. Luca first lies that he gave the diamonds to Ray then says he's telling
Ray that Niko kept them. He and his three men flee in a Lokus.
Have Niko use the nearby Banshee to chase them but don't have Niko shoot
their car because Niko wants them to lead him to the diamonds. They lead him
into Middle Park east of Obsidian St. where they wreck on a statue and continue
to flee on foot.
(After they wreck into a phallic statue their car comes to rest by one that
resembles the one that's part of the Bethesda Terrace and Fountain that over-
looks The Ramble and The Lake in Central Park in New York City.)
Have Niko drive northeast into the plaza and shoot on foot or drive-by the
three accomplices who have a Combat shotgun and two SMGs. If left to flee, they
go to pillars in the nearby restroom building indicated by a sideways bracket-
shape on the radar/maps.
Luca flees to the restroom in the southwest part of the building. Have Niko
shoot the stall doors open till he finds Luca--two tramps appear in stalls be-
fore Luca does. Have Niko kill him (if Niko is equipped with a Pistol he can
perform an Execution) and take the diamonds.
Thanks to whatever57010 for showing that Luca's stall contains a homelesss ped
who becomes Luca the moment Niko shoots the door open.
"GTA IV - Meltdown (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Niko calls Ray and tells him to meet him at the bridge in Middle Park. Have
Niko go to the Quartz St. bridge to meet him and give him the diamonds.
Niko gets $9,500.
IX.9 Museum Piece
Isaac Roth: Modi Rosenfeld Modi reprised his role of Isaac Roth for TBoGT.
He also played Etan in a 2002 episode of the TV series "The Sopranos," the Rab-
bi in the 2004 short "Der Kish," Mendel in the 2004 short "Waiting for Woody
Allen," was a semi-finalist in the 2006 season of "Last Comic Standing," David
Klein for a 2009 episode of the TV series "CSI: NY," Menachem Mendel in five
2014-2015 episodes of the TV series "Deadbeat," etc.
Have Niko go to Drusilla's restaurant to meet Ray.
Ray wants Niko to offload the diamonds but Niko first gets Ray to give his
word that he'll find Florian Cravic. Ray tells Niko to go to the Libertonian
with the diamonds to meet Johnny (V.46) and the two of them are to get money
for the diamonds from Isaac Roth. Then Niko is to give Johnny half the money
and the rest to Ray.
(This is the one mission in which all three "Grand Theft Auto IV"/"Grand
Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City" protagonists--Niko, Johnny, and Luis--
appear. The mission returns as "Collector's Item" in TLaD from Johnny's per-
spective and as "Not So Fast" in TBoGT from Luis' perspective. This seems like
a precursor to GTA "V" in which you may switch between three protagonists.)
The front of the Libertonian is based on the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The
inside and artifacts are based on the American Museum of Natural History.
Have Niko go to Johnny at the side entrance on the south side of the Liber-
tonian museum which is indicated on the radar/maps as the big marking on the
east side of Middle Park south of Quartz St. (You might have Niko call Dwayne
for backup before having Niko meet Johnny.) All the principal parties of the
transaction gather inside the museum but they're ambushed, and Isaac is killed,
by a group led by Luis, a friend of Tony Prince who owns the Maisonette 9 club.
Johnny flees with the money, Luis flees with the diamonds, and Niko has to es-
cape from a large number of Mafia or Jewish mob attackers.
You can have Niko go to the south side of the museum before entering it and
drive the PMP 600s (three by the entrance and one on Columbus Ave.) to a spot in
the park to destroy them so they won't chase him when he leaves the museum.
(Thanks to whatever57010 who also shows that when the shootout starts you can
have Niko go north then down two flight to the cellar to find Johnny who goes
upstairs to stroll around the museum. He disappears if you take the "camera"
off him for long.)
"GTA IV - Museum Piece (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Have Niko shoot any mobsters with either the Assault rifle or Carbine rifle
(automatically chosen from whichever he's equipped with) using the display
table for cover. When an area is clear enough have him go counter-clockwise
around the four sided balcony having him use his rifle, the SMG, sniper rifle,
or throw Grenades at any targets ahead or across the room as he goes. (Have
him leave Isaac, who's unarmed and hiding behind an empty display case and a
crate in a corner, alone or you fail the mission.)
The attackers have some good weapons (Combat pistols, Combat shotguns, SMGs,
and Carbine rifles) so have Niko collect ammo as he goes along. There's a
First Aid Kit on the east end of the north wall. Have Niko go past the end of
that wall to the top of the stairs that go down to the first floor.
Have Niko shoot down at the men on the first floor, and any new attackers
spawned on the second floor as needed to escape, then go down the stairs shoot-
ing the several attackers who try to come up the stairs. Have Niko go down to
the first floor and go south shooting attackers and proceeding as before.
There's a Body Armor pickup on a desk just past the bottom of the stairs/
north of the stegosaurus display. Niko can use the desk (among other things)
for cover.
Have Niko go through the double doors at the south end of the room and into a
small storage room to kill four attackers then go down the stairs to the open
exit door.
Have Niko shoot any men armed with SMGs who are by the three PMP 600s parked
on Columbus Ave. outside. Rusk suggests having Niko use a Rocket launcher to
shoot from the doorway at the middle car to make all three blow up although you
may prefer to have use one as a getaway car. Have him hurry away to lose Isa-
ac's attackers (red dots on the radar). You may have Niko kill some, such as
doing a drive-by on the drivers of the cars chasing him, to help with that but
he only has to get away from them. Have Niko get rid of them and any wanted
level he'll probably get doing that to complete the mission.
An option is to have Niko kill the attackers at the exit and go east to East
Park station on Columbus Ave. and go down to catch the subway. The train will
probably appear before Isaac's gang follows Niko there. Since the subway fol-
lows a different path than the streets it's a shortcut that lets you complete
the mission before the train gets to the next station.
Niko gets $9,500.
Niko calls Ray to tell him the deal was ambushed--Johnny has the money but
Niko isn't sure who has the diamonds. Ray says Johnny "better not be pulling
nothing" and tells Niko to come see him.
"Grand Theft Auto IV - Mission #57 - Museum Piece" by willzyyy
Combat Pistols are available from Gun Stores for $1,500.
Niko gets the "Impossible Trinity" Achievement. ("Trinity" refers to the
three protagonists appearing in one mission.)
(The Libertonian can be entered any time on the south side.)
IX.10 No Way on the Subway
Phil Bell: Frank Bonsangue Frank appeared as himself in the documentary "Hey
Vinnie," 2000, was in four skits on "Late Show with David Letterman" 2002-2003,
played various roles in the 2003 TV special "Late Night with Conan O'Brien:
10th Anniversary Special," played the Court Clerk/Clerk in four 2002-2005 epi-
sodes of the TV series "Law & Order," played the Bus Driver in a 2009 episode of
the TV series "Fringe," played the Sanitation Man/2001 and the Crew Boss/2010 in
the TV series "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit," the Pizza Guy in "Chasing
Yesterday," 2015, etc. He's appeared on several cooking shows such as "Hot off
the Grill Show with Bobby Flay" on the Food Network.
Have Niko go to Drusilla's restaurant to meet Ray.
Niko meets Ray's friend Phil Bell who's a close associate or enforcer of the
Pegorino Mafia family but isn't a made man because he's 90% Irish and 10% Ital-
ian. Phil has some misgivings about Ray and argues with him a lot.
Phil tells Niko that the bikers have the money stolen in the last mission. A
couple of the mob were sent after the money and Phil wants Niko to deal with a
couple of the bikers that are causing trouble on the corner of Vauxite St. and
Exeter Ave.
Have Niko meet the two bikers of The Lost in an alley on the north side of
Vauxite St. west of Exeter Ave. Niko tells them they took something of his em-
ployers. They recognize Niko as the one that Johnny ripped off. One (James
Fitzgerald--the guy with a shaved head) says they ought to see if Niko can
"keep up with some real American bikers" and they try to escape on their motor-
Have Niko use the nearby Freeway to chase them (the red blips on the radar).
Pump Lean Forward to go faster and use it or Lean Back to level the wheels for
landing. As with "IV" cars use Reverse (S) instead of Brake (Spacebar) to make
sharper turns.
You can have Niko use a car instead which some feel is easier. Thanks for
the tip by whatever57010 that the vehicle Niko arrived in disappears. You csn
have Niko chase toward the bikers on foot till he can jack a car or spawn one
with the Simple Trainer.
You can't have Niko kill Jim (bald), who leads the two bikers, till later on
the Algonquin Bridge. You can have Niko try to kill the nameless biker with
long hair who follows Jim but it's not urgent--he gets killed on the bridge if
you don't.
The bikers break through the orange plastic netting spanning a break in the
stone guard rail above the subway track and turn south into the subway tunnel
on Frankfort Ave. at Uranium St. To toggle the headlights of a vehicle between
low and full beam press H.
At the first divide in the tracks the bikers go left. After passing two sta-
tions--North Park and East Park--they get to an area where some homeless people
left some mattresses and turn left into another tunnel. They continue east on-
to the trestle part of the Algonquin Bridge. The long haired biker does a
header with an oncoming subway train on the bridge if Niko doesn't kill him
first. Jim is able to be killed as he approaches the derailed subway trains
and anytime onward.
If you still haven't had Niko kill Jim he veers left onto the trestle side-
walk and goes down the stairs to the roads. That's when Jim slows down and is
easier to kill.
"GTA IV - No Way on the Subway (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
(If you're really bad with 'cycles you can have Niko get Jim when he slows
down but you'll get a lot more fun out of the game if you learn some of the
basics of using a 'cycle.)
Niko gets $9,500.
Niko calls Ray and says he took care of the bikers.
The Liberty Tree web site has an article about it. It says three bikers were
in a chase exchanging gunfire. Two bodies were recovered--one was unidentified
(referring to the long haired biker and assuming he did a header with a subway
train) and the other is Jim Fitzgerald.
Weazel News Report basically makes the same report on the radio--one biker
was identified as Jim Fitzgerald, etc.
IX.11 Late Checkout
Have Niko go to Drusilla's restaurant to meet Ray.
Ray, on the phone arguing with Isaac, indicates Isaac blames him for the am-
bush of the diamond deal and wants him to be killed. After the call, Ray tells
Niko to kill Isaac to silence him and his two cronies who are in the Majestic
The Majestic Hotel is based on a luxury hotel in Central Park at 50 Central
Park South on the east side of Sixth Ave., NYC. The Hotel St. Moritz was
built on the site of the old New York Athletic Club. It was designed and built
in 1930 by the Hungarian-born architect Emery Roth. The Hotel St. Moritz and
its Café Rumpelmayer closed in 1999. It was remodeled, with the lower portion
remaining a hotel and the top twelve floors converted to eleven enormous con-
dos, and reopened in April, 2002, as The Ritz-Carlton New York, Central Park.
Have Niko go to the Majestic Hotel south of Middle Park on the south side of
Nickel St. east of Denver-Exeter Ave. Have him find a way to the penthouse
suite to eliminate Isaac and his two diamond dealers (who will be shown by red
blips on the radar). There are about a couple dozen attacking guards to kill
up there, too.
The elevator method
Have Niko use the elevator to the 30th floor.
A cutscene shows five guards in the hall. Have Niko shoot the guard who's at
the nearby corner so Niko can use it for cover. Have Niko shoot from cover or
throw cooked Grenades to kill the guards. Have him move ahead in the hall to
likewise kill any guard around the far corner and one at the windowed door to
the stairwell.
Have Niko go up the stairs to the 31st floor. When he goes through the door
into a small entrance hall have him shoot the guard that comes through the
doors across from him that lead into Isaac's suite.
Have him use the doorway then the couch just ahead for cover to shoot the
attacking guards in the big combined living and dining room. Rusk recommends
you have him use the RPG to shoot the grandfather clock on the right side of
the room then fire at the back of the room to kill most of the guards.
Ahead and to the left is an opening to the kitchen and a stairway by it that
leads up to a landing for the 32nd floor. There are two guards and one of the
three diamond dealers in the kitchen and a guard who appears at the top of the
stairway. Have Niko shoot the guards.
Rob notes that Sam Vere reports that Niko can go to the diamond dealer in the
kitchen and make the arrow above his head flash blue and red alternatingly.
There aren't any screen prompts about it but Niko can spare him or kill him
without effecting the story. Have Niko walk away from him if you want Niko to
spare him.
Have Niko go up the stairs to the 32nd floor and into Isaac's bedroom. Have
Niko kill him. If Niko is equipped with a Pistol he can perform an Execution.
Have Niko go up the stairs to the roof killing guard at the top of them then
prepared to shoot south. Have him shoot the propane tank by the barbeque grill
to make it explode and kill two guards and possibly the third and last diamond
dealer who's in the southeast area. If the guard by the tank is alive when you
have Niko shoot it you get a cutscene of the guard on fire falling from the
If the third and last diamond dealer is alive you can have Niko use a Pistol
to kill him with an Execution.
Niko has a two star wanted rating. There's an Armor pickup up on the west
side of the roof by the glass dome that covers the stairs.
One way to have Niko escape is to have Niko kill the three guards on the low-
er roof to the east then go down to it to take the window washer lift to the
alley. If so, have him avoid the police car north of the east alley entrance.
Another way is to have him go back down through the building, kill the four
guards in the big dining/living room, go down to the elevator, then take it
down to the lobby and leave the hotel. (Thanks to whatever57010 for the tip
that it's easier to find a getaway car outside the front of the building.)
The window washer lift method
This method avoids the shootout on the way up to the penthouse suite. Have
Niko use the window washer lift that's on the south side of the hotel to go to
the roof. (The lift is only there during this mission.) It's your choice to
have Niko leave by killing three guards on the lower roof to use the lift or
killing four guards in the suite to get to the elevator. It's still easier to
get a getaway car in the front of the building when leaving by the elevator,
The helicopter method
This method also avoids the shootout in the hotel on the way up to the pent-
house suite. An advantage with the helicopter method is that you can have Niko
call Dwayne for two accomplices to take to the roof in the helicopter--they
won't ride the elevator or the window washer lift. (Thanks to whatever57010)
If you do that, have Niko call to get the two accomplices, lead them into the
helicopter on the pad at the north end of the Booth Tunnel (or just spawn a
helicopter with the Simple Trainer), fly it toward the Majestic roof from the
north and go over the east side of the roof to make the guards and diamond
dealer appear, land on the street in front of the hotel (traffic can make this
and takeoff difficult), go into the marker for the cutscene, and go back out to
fly them up.
Have Niko's helicopter hover around over the roof to have them kill the roof-
top guards then land.
"GTA IV - Late Checkout (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Thanks to Robert Rusk for this helicopter method.
Have Niko approach the hotel from the north flying by the east side of the
roof to make the guards and diamond dealer appear. Have Niko land by the two
eastern rooftop air conditioning units then get onto them.
Have Niko fire the Rocket launcher at the foilage at the southwest corner of
the roof to blow up the propane tank of the BBQ grill to kill most of the peo-
ple on the patio. Have him snipe any others then fly onto the patio.
Either way, have Niko kill the three targets and guards of the roof and pent-
house suite.
Have Niko go up to the roof, kill the three guards on the lower roof if need
be depending on where you had him land the helicopter, and fly west to get rid
of his two star wanted level.
Niko gets $11,000.
Have Niko get rid of his two star wanted rating.
Niko calls Ray to tell him the diamond dealers are dead but says he isn't
Ray's cleanup guy any more. Ray accepts this but reminds Niko to have respect
and remember they're friends.
Ray sends a text message--Phil Bell's missions are available.
Ray calls and says Talbot Daniels in the Triangle might know something about
Florian Cravic. He "should point you in the right direction."
Weazel News reports that Isaac Roth was murdered at the Majestic Hotel but no
suspects have been identified.
IX.12 Weekend at Florian's
"Weekend at Florian's" refers to the 1989 movie "Weekend at Bernie's" (Flori-
an wants to be called Bernie).
Florian Cravic/Bernie Crane: Timothy J. Alex Timothy was a dancer in the
movie "Sing," 1989, and has been in various Broadway shows such as playing the
replacement of Mr. Tackaberry and Bert Bratt in the revival of "How to Succeed
in Business Without Really Trying," 2011-2012, the Fake Santa and the Ensemble
of "Elf," 2012-2013, "Tuck Everlasting," 2016, etc. He reprised the role of
Florian/Bernie for TLaD, 2009.
Shortly after the phone call from Ray after "Late Checkout" Niko calls Roman
(in fact I think it's unavoidable unless you put the phone on Sleep Mode).
Niko tells Roman to wait for him at Roman's apartment.
Have Niko take a four door vehicle to pick up Roman then go to the corner of
the north side of Iron St./west side of Columbus Ave. to meet Talbot Daniels.
Talbot, after Roman threatens to have Niko beat him to get him to talk, says he
can tell them where to find the man Niko thinks betrayed his group--Florian
Cravic. Have Niko drive slowly enough at intersections to listen to Talbot
tell which way to go at them. They end up on the east side of Ivy Drive South
south of Pyrite St., Middle Park West.
Niko breaks into Florian's place with Roman. Niko holds a gun on Florian to
get him to talk about the betrayal. Florian says he thought the traitor was
Niko or Darko and seems pretty non-aggressive so Niko now believes the traitor
was Darko. Florian also says he uses the name Bernie Crane, he's a lifestyle
coach and aerobics instructor, and he's in love with Bryce Dawkins--a married
man who's the deputy mayor. (Roman is surprised and amused since Bryce has a
conservative "family values" platform.)
(The mission accomplished music is the same as that used at the end of "Have
a Heart.")
Ray calls to ask if Niko iced Florian. Niko says he wasn't the guy. Ray
says, "Too bad, chief--I did what I could."
The U.L. Paper Contact calls. Niko says Florian wasn't the guy he's looking
for. The Contact says he'll still help Niko find the right guy--he'll be in
Gerald McReary's missions
Gerald McReary's missions aren't needed to complete the main storyline but
are needed for 100% completion of the game.
IX.13 Actions Speak Louder than Words
Have Niko go to the back door of Gerry McReary's mother's house on the west
side of Savannah Ave. south of Hancock St.
Gerry praises Niko for his work and complains (while indicating some bigotry)
that his family is more committed to fun than keeping a focus. He wants to
create a devision between the Ancelottis (crime family) and their Albanian mus-
cle (the Ancelottis are the weakest of the five crime families in LC so hire
the Albanians for muscle) to create a problem for them to help Jimmy P(egorino
who leads a crime family at war with the Acelottis). (Thanks to gtawikia.com)
Gerry wants Niko to install a car bomb, one that goes off when Niko dials a
phone number, in Tony Black's car.
Anthony "Tony Black" Spoleto is a Capo in the Ancelotti crime family.
(Thanks to gtawikia.com)
Tony is meeting with the Ancelotti family's Albanian muscle. Gerry wants the
bomb to explode when the Ancelottis get back from the meeting so they think the
Albanians did it and they fight with each other. He instructs Niko to get the
bomb in an alley off Inchon Ave. then call him.
Send Niko to an alley complex on the south side of Livingston Ave. (the sec-
ond closest entry to the complex of alleys is the west side of Inchon Ave.),
Dukes, for the bomb. Niko calls Gerry who tells Niko to go to Tony's car in an
alley off Feldspar St., put the bomb in the trunk (actually it will be attached
to the underside of the car beneath the trunk), follow the wiseguys from their
meeting to the rest of their crew, detonate the bomb, make sure none of them
walks away, and call him when it's done.
Send Niko to the Cognoscenti in an alley on the south side of Feldspar St.
east of Denver Ave. Have him attach the bomb on the inside of the trunk then
get into his own vehicle and park it pointed west at the marker on the north
side of Feldspar St. A cutscene shows the Ancelotti family get into the rigged
car and drive west on Feldspar St.
Have Niko follow the rigged car from about half a block behind it to avoid
having the mobsters realize that they're being followed. (If you use an emer-
gency vehicle don't turn on the siren. Thanks to whateer57010)
"GTA IV - Actions Speak Louder than Words (All Possibilities) [fixed-reup-
loaded]" by whatever57010
The mobsters park at a plant north of Grummer Rd., Northwood (the northwest
tip of Alderney) and Niko stops on Grummer Rd. Have Niko get safely away--into
the marker south of Grummer Rd. Have him call Gerry and select "Detonate"-
the bomb explodes causing much of the plant to explode.
Have Niko kill the remaining four Ancelottis then get rid of his two star
wanted level. There's a Pay 'n' Spray to the north.
Niko gets $9,000.
Niko calls Gerry to say he's completed the task. Gerry says step one of his
plan is complete and to come see him to discuss step two.
If Niko's Like stat with Packie is high enough Packie calls to say Niko can
call him to prepare a car bomb for Niko.
Weazel News reports a fiery explosion that killed members of the Ancelotti
crime family in Northwood and it blames terrorism for the explosion.
IX.14 I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, and Your Motorcycle
The title is taken from a line spoken by the Terminator in the movie "Termin-
ator 2: Judgment Day."
Have Niko go to the front of Gerry McReary's mother's house.
At Gerry's door, Niko talks to Kate, who kisses him, then Kate's Mom tells
her to invite him inside. She say her boys are out of control, her daughter
can't find a man, and her husband is in hell--"God moves in mysterious ways."
Gerry talks to Niko and, when they're alone, makes a job offer. Gerry can't
do the job himself because he's being watched and is worried about being ar-
rested. Someone driving a certain car keeps a watch on him. He'd like to find
out who's talking to the police and stop them.
He says he owes the Pegorinos a favor. Jimmy Pegorino wants his Guernsey
(screwed up or such) crime family to be seen as more than a gang. He wants it
to be seen as part of the five main crime families of Liberty City (the Ance-
lotti, Pavano, Messina, Gambetti and Lupisella crime syndicates). The Ance-
lotti family is the weakest so Pegorino wants them to stir things up for them.
Gerry says the Ancelotti family has an uneasy alliance with some Albanians
whom they use for their muscle--hit men, bullies, etc.--like Jimmy the Guido
uses us. Gerry wants Niko to disguise himself as the Albanian whose body is in
the refrigerator and kill Frankie Garone--a long time Ancelotti capo (captain
of the Mafia).
Have Niko, given a motorcycle jacket, take the nearby PCJ-600 to the alley on
the west side of Denver Exeter Ave. just north of Manganese St. in Star Junc-
A cutscene shows Frankie in that west-east alley. He's berating an Albanian
he's beaten. Frankie spots Niko and says, "We're going to the mattresses for
sure." (That's Mafia slang for "We're going to war with a rival clan or fami-
ly.") Tony gets on an NRG 900 and flees.
Have Niko chase him and shoot at him with an SMG to kill him. Press Lean
Forward repeatedly if you need to make Niko's 'cycle go faster.
Frankie goes west through that alley then south through another alley to Man-
ganese St., goes west on Manganese St., goes south on the nameless street west
of Burlesque (street), goes southeast across Lorimar St. (where an Esperanto ex-
plodes by one of the Firetrucks) to go south through an alley, goes west on Kun-
zite St., goes south on a nameless street, crosses Jade St. to go south through
an alley, goes west on Iron St., goes north on Frankfort Ave., goes west on the
nameless street north of Kunzite St., goes west then north then west through the
Booth Tunnel, goes northeast on Rand Ave., goes west in the first alley to the
west then north through another, goes east then north then east then north on
Applewhite St., goes west on Franklin St., goes south on Catskill Ave., goes
east over the Hickey Bridge, goes north on Frankfort Ave., etc. (I think it's
random after that.)
It doesn't take that many shots to kill Frankie so you may have Niko kill him
around the time the chase goes by the Esperanto/Firetruck explosion.
Thanks to gtawikia.com for the tip that if Frankie is killed before going near
the Esperanto it doesn't explode and you can see a bowling pin inside of it.
This is shown from 9:45 onward in whatever57010's video at the next link.
"GTA IV - I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, and Your Motorcycle (All Possibili-
ties)" by whatever57010
(The bowling pin may be an option--when I tried the gimmick I didn't see it.)
Niko gets $9,250.
Niko calls Gerry to say Frankie is dead and anyone who saw the killing will
say it was done by the Albanian Gerry has on ice. Gerry praises Niko and says
he'll tell Jimmy P. and cut Niko in on anything Jimmy throws Gerry's way. Ger-
ry worries that he may go to prison and says that if he does he wants Niko to
look after Gerry's family.
The Biker jacket is in Niko's wardrobe.
Packie calls Niko. He says his brother Derrick is in a bad way and spending
his time in a park in Acter. He asks Niko to check on him--Packie and Gerald
will cover expenses. Niko says he'll find Derrick.
Brucie calls to say Roman is getting hitched but he doesn't need to settle
down himself just yet.
Derrick McReary's missions
Derrick McReary's missions aren't needed to complete the main storyline but
are needed for 100% completion of the game.
IX.15 Smackdown
This mission has the same name as a "GTA III" mission.
Have Niko meet Derrick McReary west of the corner of the south end of Vitullo
Ave. and Hardtrack Ave., Tudor.
Niko meets Derrick in the park where he's laying on a bench with a bottle of
liquor and seems to be testing the limit of how wasted he can be. Derrick
wants Niko to kill Bucky Sligo and his pals for slandering him as a grass (in-
former) which they've used to steal from him. Niko says that's what your
brother must have meant when he said you needed help taking care of old busi-
ness. Bucky adds that Bucky has threatened to kill Derrick and his family.
Derrick wants Niko to use a police computer to find Bucky and shut up him and
his pals.
Have Niko go north to enter one of the two police cars parked on the north
side of Lee Rd. Have Niko him use the computer, select "Search Police Re-
cords," "Search by Name," type "BUCKY SLIGO" (or just "BUCKY" or "SLIGO"), and
press Enter. When the computer brings up Bucky's record, press Enter to have a
blip on the radar/in-game map give his location.
Have Niko drive to Bucky. During the drive, Niko calls Derrick who tells
Niko to stay in the police car so Bucky flees to his crew where Niko can kill
Bucky and all of his associates.
Have Niko back the car into the marker at the Burger Shot at the corner of
Owl Creek Ave. and Sacramento Ave., Westdyke. Bucky flees in his Contender
truck. Have Niko follow him over streets and through yards to his house on the
north side of Cariboo Ave. just west of the north end of Ortiz Rd., Westdyke,
where there are five of Bucky's attackers to kill--one on the front porch and
four inside.
Have Niko use the police car for cover to shoot the guy on the porch, go to
the front door to get some of the crew, go a bit inside to get the rest, then
go upstairs to shoot Bucky.
(You have the option of having Niko use a police car computer and choose
"Call Police Backup" or shoot a couple of the crew to draw the police then let
the police handle the rest of the crew while Niko gets rid of any wanted rat-
ing. The police, like Dwayne's two helpers you could have Niko call for,
are only slightly effective at disposing of groups of attackers who use cover,
though, and Niko still gets a two star wanted level when the attackers are
Have Niko run past the police without shooting them, get in his car, and get
rid of his two or more star wanted rating.
Niko gets $6,500.
Niko calls Derrick to tell him the mission has been accomplished but Derrick
sounds too wasted to understand so Niko says he'll call later.
Brucie calls Niko saying his friend Stevie will be getting in touch with Niko
about some cars he found.
Ray Boccino sends a text message (if you've also completed "A Long Way to
Fall") giving Niko a save place (on Mahesh Ave., Alderney).
Bucky's house is accessible throughout the game.
IX.16 Stevie's vehicle collection
After Brucie's mission "No. 1" (VII.9) and Derrick's mission "Smackdown"
(IX.15), Stevie sends Niko the first of 30 text messages and photos directing
Niko to collect vehicles for him and bring them to his store indicated on the
radar/in-game map by an icon: S & M Auto Sales on the west side of Guantanamo
Ave. just north of Rocket St., Bohan.
The locations of the vehicles are shown at whattheydonotwantyoutoknow.com.
Niko may have to wait at least six in-game hours--12 minutes--after a deliv-
ery to get another text message. Niko's payment depends on the condition of
the vehicle when delivered. Breaking a window to enter the vehicle doesn't ef-
fect the payment. Thanks to Rob Rusk for the locations and identifying which
vehicles have car alarms (marked with an asterisk).
The order of Stevie's requests isn't the order shown below.
Banshee* $26,400 orange car on the east side of Galveston Ave. south of
Obsidian St., Middle Park West, Algonquin
Bobcat* $8,250 brown truck on the top floor of the parking garage and
a bit south of the middle of the oval of road around
it, Francis International Airport
Buccaneer* $5,940 black car with violet reflections on the south side of
the southwest end of Lompac Ave., Industrial Dis-
trict, Bohan
Cavalcade $23,100 blue-green SUV in a driveway north of the intersection
of Manzano Rd. and Long John Ave., Leftwood, Alderney
Cognoscenti* $29,700 light blue car in an alley between Rael Ave. and Jones-
town Ave. (the alley entrance is south of the one on
the south side of Mr. Fuks Rice Box), Alderney City,
Comet* $19,800 copper car a bit east of the third long rectangular
pier from the south on the west coast of Algonquin in
the parking lot (indicated on the radar/in-game map)
of The Golden Pier, Westminster, Algonquin
Contender $8,250 dark grey truck on the west side of Creek St. in a lot
at Twitchin's Sugar plant in north BOABO, Broker
Coquette* $13,530 grey car by a church at the west side of Liberty Ln.
north of Emerald St., Suffolk, Algonquin
DF8-90 $5,940 blue car in a parking lot under the Hove Beach elevated
subway station at the north side of Crockett Ave. and
the east side of Oneida Ave., Hove Beach, Broker
Dilettante $6,600 brown car on the north side of Carrollton St. just west
of Saratoga Ave., Willis, Broker
Dukes $7,260 red car on the south side of Vauxite St. east of Exeter
Ave., East Holland, Algonquin
Faggio $2,310 green scooter on the north side of Diamond St. east of
Bismarck Ave., China Town, Algonquin
Freeway $6,600 gold motorcycle on the east side of Saratoga Ave. east
of the south side of Lynch St. (near Willis Wash &
Lube), Broker
Huntley Sport $13.200 blue SUV on the east side of the north end of Leaven-
worth Ave. in the Northern Gardens police station
parking lot, Northern Gardens, Bohan
Infernus* $33,000 gold car on the east side of Montauk Ave. just north of
Earp St., Downtown, Broker
Intruder $8,250 blue car on the north side of northern Asparagus Ave.
by a hot dog stand, Rotterdam Hill, Broker
Manana $3,960 grey convertible, possibly with a white roof, in a small
lot on the east side of Camden Ave. north of Thornton
St. by an abandoned Burger Shot, Broker
Moonbeam $7,260 red and black van in a parking lot north of the two
most northern tanks--indicated by round spots on the
radar/maps--on the north side of the Charge Island
Water Treatment Facility, Charge Island
NRG 900 $8,250 grey motorcycle on the west side of Bismarck Ave. just
south of Topaz St., Lancaster, Algonquin
Patriot $16,500 beige Hummer on the north side of the South Parkway
east of Denver Ave., Castle Gardens, Algonquin
PMP 600* $10,560 light grey-blue car in an alley on the east side of Am-
sterdam Ln. south of Barium St. by the Bank of Liber-
ty, The Exchange, Algonquin
Rancher $8,250 grey bottom/dark red roof SUV at the south side of the
east-west road bisecting the oval of road east of
Strower Ave. and in the parking lot of Liberty State
Delivery, Port Tudor, Alderney
Rebla* $11,550 brown crossover SUV on the east side of Columbus Ave.
south of Hematite St. at Fanny Crabs, The Triangle,
Sabre GT* $8,250 green car with a black stripe in the driveway of a
house at the north side of the west end of Tudor St.
in Meadows Park, Dukes
Sentinel* $8,250 grey car--go north from the east end of Strower Ave.,
around the northwest curve of the oval of nameless
road, then go north on a nameless south-north road--
it's by the west side of that road in a parking lot
partly surrounded by fuel tanks--indicated by round
spots on the radar/maps--by the entrance fence to
Port Tudor Docks, Normandy, Alderney
Sultan* $11,550 dark blue car that's west of the intersection of Kemery
St. and Aspdin Dr. in a driveway of a house in Berch-
em, Alderney
Super GT* $36,300 dark grey car on the north side of Calcium St. east of
Columbus Ave. by 69 Exchange, Algonquin
Turismo* $36,300 brown (dark gold?) car that's in the driveway of an ex-
pensive house on the north side of Owl Creek Ave.
north of the north end of Cariboo Ave., Westdyke, Al-
Voodoo $6,600 green car on the east side of Bunker Hill Ave. by the
LC24 Tower in East Island City, Dukes
Washington $7,260 grey car at the west side of Franklin St. (approx. west
of the west end of Morris St.) by the outdoor pool in
Steinway, Dukes
Maps by TheGoldenState (Gianni Van Heusden) which show Random Encounters and
Stevie's Cars are at the next links.
Thanks to TheGoldenState (Gianni Van Heusden) for giving me permission to ad-
just the colors of his maps so they're easier to read on black and white print
I recommend printing the maps shown above.
"GTA 4 - Stevie's Car Thefts [You Got The Message Achievement / Trophy]
(1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
After the 30 vehicles are collected, Niko can get paid for taking other vehi-
cles, except emergency vehicles and taxis, to the garage, too.
Niko gets the "You Got The Message" Achievement.
Derrick McReary's missions cont.
IX.17 Babysitting
Have Niko meet Derrick at the dock north of the west end of the Booth Tunnel.
Derrick wants Niko to command his Squalo for a mission.
While you have Niko pilot the boat north to Kim Young-Guk's Reefer, Derrick
explains that Kim is a Korean who needs protection in bringing counterfeit
money into the country. Derrick also says he's worried about on old friend,
Aiden, who's angry because he thinks Derrick provided law enforcement with in-
formation that caused Aiden to be sent to prison. (Derrick doesn't provide
Friend activities but, for whatever it's worth, his favorite radio station is
The Journey.)
Have Niko follow Kim's boat south. When men shoot at Niko from Dinghys, have
Niko shoot at the drivers or motors on the backs of them to blow them up.
When a helicopter joins the chase by the southern part of the East Borough
Bridge, have Niko use the RPG, which has a lot of (unlimited?) ammo, to shoot
the attacking boats then the helicopter. Have Niko stay close to Kim's boat
while shooting the helicopter or it becomes indestructible. (Thanks to Rob
Rusk for the tip.)
While you have Niko follow Kim again, Derrick says it's most likely people he
owes money to were responsible for the ambush. Kim docks his boat by the un-
finished part of the Northern Expressway, Industrial.
Niko gets $7,000.
Bernie calls--he wants Niko to help him.
Mallorie calls. She says Roman claimed to kill Vlad when he found out about
Vlad and Mallorie's affair. Niko is amused (having killed Vlad himself causing
Roman to panic) but Niko doesn't tell Mallorie he knows better--he just tells
her Roman is a romantic.
IX.18 Tunnel of Death
The title refers to the Lefortovo Tunnel in the Lefortovo District in Moscow,
Russia. "It has been nicknamed 'The Tunnel of Death' owing to its high acci-
dent rate and a viral video circulating around the Internet compiling footage
of vehicle accidents (many caused by skidding on ice in winter) recorded by
monitoring cameras."
Aiden O'Malley: Jarlath Conroy played McDermott in "Day of the Dead," 1985,
a Caretaker/2002 and Shea/2005 in a couple episodes of the TV series "Law & Or-
der: Criminal Intent," the Undertaker in "True Grit," 2010, the Hypnotist in a
2015 episode of the TV series "The Knick," etc.
Have Niko meet Derrick McReary at the park bench again (where he's stoned
again)--west of the corner of the south end of Vitullo Ave. and Hardtrack Ave.,
This mission is like the opening of "III"--a police convoy is ambushed to
free the prisoners and the protagonist drives a getaway car. This might be a
good time to have Niko wear the Claude-type outfit if you had Niko kill Playboy
X. It's only available at the apartment Playboy X had.
"GTA 4 - Mission #57 - Tunnel of Death (1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
This is the only mission in which Niko can get a Police Stockade (the big ar-
mored prisoner transport vehicle) without a wanted rating. You can have Niko
save it in a parking space and fail the mission.
We learned in the previous mission that Aiden falsely claims Derrick informed
and sent him to prison. Now Derrick tells Niko that Aiden has been slandering
him (as being an informer) which has ruined Derrick's life. Derrick says a
good time to kill Aiden O'Malley is while he's being moved to the Alderney
State Correctional Facility. Derrick tells Niko that if he kills one more per-
son for him--Aiden--it will remove Derrick's burdens and he can start life
When you get control of Niko, Packie calls to say that he knows about Niko's
misson for Derrick to kill Aiden. Since Aiden has a lot of police protection,
Packie left a dump truck with a Rocket launcher in it in an alley off of Apple-
white St. in Alderney City.
Actually the dump truck is a flatbed Biff and is in a lot by the nameless
narrow road between Jonestown Ave. and Mahesh Ave.
Packie wants Niko to use the truck to block the path ahead of Aiden's convoy
in the Booth Tunnel and let Packie block the road behind it.
Have Niko get in the Biff. Niko calls Packie who says that Aiden would tell
the police to suspect Derrick if an attempt is made on Aiden's life so the plan
is to kill the escort and kidnap Aiden (seen in an orange prison outfit in a
cutscene) once the convoy is blocked in. The convoy is leaving now and should
be at the Booth Tunnel soon.
Have Niko drive east into the Booth Tunnel and park the truck across the two
markers to block the north-bound lane. Niko calls Packie to say he's in posi-
tion. Packie says his group is coming and reminds Niko not to kill Aiden. The
convoy stops by the Biff.
Have Niko, who has an assault rifle, shoot the six attacking officers from
behind the truck then further south as needed. Have Niko get in the Stockade--
Packie gets in the back to join Aiden--and get rid of his three star wanted
level. Having Niko go north then west out of the tunnel could do it--the po-
lice may get stuck in traffic.
Have Niko ditch the Stockade at the quiet location indicated by the game--the
alley on the west side of Roebuck Rd. just south of Traeger Rd. In a cutscene
Niko tells Aiden to get in the nearby car--a Presidente. Packie tells Niko to
drive them to the cliffs in Leftwood and gets in the car.
Have Niko drive them to the area atop the cliff at the coast the distance of
about a couple blocks north of the northwest curve of Keneckie Ave.
Aiden is happy to be free until, on foot atop the cliff, Packie tells him
that Derrick is the one who had him freed and Packie is Derrick's brother. If
you have Niko take Aiden to the cliff at sunset Packie's last lines to Aiden
are changed from telling him "guys like you are killing" Derrick to "this is
the last sunset you're ever going to see."
Have Niko kill Aiden who falls down the cliff. If Niko is equipped with a
Pistol you can have him perform an execution to get a cutscene of Aiden falling
down the cliff to the coast.
Niko gets $8,000.
Niko calls Derrick to tell him Aiden is dead. Derrick thanks Niko and calls
it the end of a chapter and a fresh beginning. Niko wishes him good luck.
Weazel News radio reports the escape of the felon Aiden O'Mally in the Booth
Tunnel with two accomplices--one accomplice had a foreign accent. A later re-
port is that Aiden has been found dead.
The Public Liberty Online web site reports that escaped felon Aiden O'Mally
has been found dead.
"GTA IV - Tunnel of Death (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Roman calls--Mallorie accepted his proposal. Niko says he's interested in
Francis McReary sends a text message--he has a mission for Niko.
Francis McReary's missions cont.
Francis McReary's missions aren't needed to complete the main storyline but
are needed for 100% completion of the game.
IX.19 Blood Brothers
Have Niko meet Francis who's sitting in his Landstalker on the east side of
Castle Dr. in southwest Algonquin.
Francis is upset because Derrick is a sick traitor who stole from the Mafia
and Niko worked with him without consulting Francis. Francis tells Niko that
Derrick wants to tell a journalist about the criminal dealings of the McReary
brothers which will ruin them and Francis' effort to become the Commissioner of
Police. Francis tells Niko to kill Derrick before he can give the interview.
Niko doesn't want to but Francis threatens to put Niko away if he doesn't.
Francis says he's meeting Derrick in the courtyard park off Bismarck in Lancet.
If Niko doesn't have a sniper rifle the radar/in-game map has a blip indicat-
ing the location of one in an Admiral in the parking lot on the east side of
Union Drive East southeast of the east end of Nickel St.
Have Niko go to the courtyard park in Lancet. On the way, Derrick calls--he
says he's afraid that Francis called him to say he'd meet him at the park be-
cause he wants to kill him. Derrick wants Niko to kill Francis before he can
do it.
As Niko approaches the park he calls Francis who tells Niko killing Derrick
isn't nice but we've got no choice. He tells Niko to to use a window cleaning
platform by the courtyard to get into a position to shoot from.
Have Niko go to the south side of Lorimar St. west of Albany Ave., climb up a
couple of piles of boards and a scaffolding, ride the platform to the roof, and
go south to cross the roof to the yellow dot on the radar.
A cutscene shows the courtyard between Lorimar St. and Kunzite St. east of
Bismarck Ave. Derrick, who has grey hair, sits on the bench where Francis, who
has brown hair and is in a suit and tie, is already sitting. Francis apparent-
ly talks to Derrick in a friendly way just to keep him there.
You can choose to have Niko snipe Derrick or Francis who sit on the same park
bench. You can make a case that either of them is a liar and a criminal.
It's bad that Francis has lied and cheated and he's had Niko murder black-
mailers, those threatening to inform on Francis, and Clarence Little yet gets
paid for being a law enforcer. Then again, he's probably contributed something
good to society aside from those things.
It's bad that Derrick helped rob a bank, has spent years sending organized
crime money for his drugs, and has had people murdered for false reasons.
Bucky Sligo and Aiden O'Malley, whom Derrick claimed falsely accused him of be-
ing an informer who turned them in, told the truth as Niko later learns--Der-
rick really did turn them in. Even his relatives can't think of anything good
he's contributed to society and may only feel sorry for how hard he took having
a diminished role in crime.
If you have Niko call Francis when in a position to shoot one of the two
Francis doubles the payment offer to $20,000. Niko can accept or refuse the
"GTA IV - Blood Brothers (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
If you take too long or the shot misses them they walk away and you fail the
It looks like the recommendation is to have Niko kill Derrick for the special
ability afforded by Francis.
If you have Niko kill Francis McReary Niko can't call Francis to clear his
wanted level and won't get a financial reward.
If you have Niko kill Derrick McReary Niko will blackmail Francis so Niko can
call him to clear a wanted level and Niko gets $10,000 ($20,000 if you have
Niko call Francis once in a position to shoot one of the two).
Have Niko snipe one of the two brothers, leave the area, and get rid of any
wanted rating he may have.
Niko gets $10,000 if you don't have him call Francis once in position to kill
a McReary--$20,000 if you have Niko make the call--then have him kill Derrick.
Niko can call Francis to get rid of a wanted rating if you have Niko kill
Derrick. This ability will be in effect from the time Francis texts Niko about
it till the end of the story. While in effect this privilege may not be given
if Niko calls Francis for it too soon after the last call for it in which case
Niko will just get Francis' answering service.
Niko doesn't get a reward if you have him kill Francis.
If you had Niko kill Derrick Niko calls Francis and says you and me are over.
He adds that if he gets a wanted rating he's going to call Francis to take care
of it for him. Francis, echoing a line he used earlier, says, "Sounds like I
don't have a choice." Packie calls and says he hopes Derrick was stoned at the
time and that Gerald was arrested and is in the Alderney State Correctional Fa-
cility but such charges don't stick. He invites Niko to Derrick's funeral at a
church in Suffolk and tells Niko to wear a suit. Kate calls and says she
didn't know Derrick that well but he'd become a broken man and she asks if Niko
will be at the funeral--he says he will.
Francis texts Niko confirming Niko's ability to call him to get rid of a
wanted rating. Niko can now do this till the end of the story missions at
which time Francis isn't listed on Niko's phone.
If you had Niko kill Francis Niko calls Derrick who says he was worried who
was going to be shot and feels lucky. Packie calls and just seems glad for
there being one less cop in LC. He adds that Gerald was arrested and is in the
Alderney State Correctional Facility but such charges don't stick. He invites
Niko to Derrick's funeral at a church in Suffolk and tells Niko to wear a suit.
Kate calls and says Francis was too much of a cop for her family and too much
of a gangster for the cops--she expected Francis or any of her brothers to be
killed any day. She asks if Niko will be at the funeral--he says he will.
Patrick McReary's missions cont.
Patrick McReary's missions aren't needed to complete the main storyline but
are needed for 100% completion of the game.
IX.20 Undertaker
Have Niko put on a Perseus suit and dress shoes and go to the funeral at the
church on the west side of Liberty Lane in Suffolk in southern Algonquin.
The preacher who gives the eulogy at the funeral is a little overly-dramatic.
I think someone at Rockstar had a scary experience in a church--the preacher's
tone reminds me of the Amazing Criswell made dictator.
After the preacher asks those gathered to join him in the procession to the
cemetery Niko consoles Kate in front of the church. She tells him she's just
concerned for her mother and not her brothers whom she gave up on a long time
As the funeral procession begins, a few cars of Albanians (the red blips on
the radar) shoot at the McRearys from the street in front of the church. To
help Packie fight them off have Niko fire the Rocket launcher at the four at-
tacker's car parked to the north and at the four attacker's car that approaches
from around the corner to the south (not once it's close since you might hurt a
McReary). Have Niko shoot any gangsters who are on foot, including four who
approach from the alley across the street, with a rifle.
If Niko killed Derrick, he has a two star wanted level. (Thanks to Rob Rusk
and Sam Vere)
Some get in a couple of cars to speed off to the cemetery.
Niko has to drive Packie, and the dead McReary in the casket, in a Romero to
the cemetery. If Niko killed Derrick it's the cemetery north of the northwest
curve of Dukes Dr. in Steinway, and if Niko killed Francis it's the cemetery on
the north end of Colony Island. Don't have Niko drive too recklessly because
the back door falls open soon into the drive and he fails the mission if the
casket falls out.
Thanks to Rob Rusk and Sam Vere for the tip to have Niko wait to kill the
car full of Albanians before getting into the Romero.
If you don't have Niko do that, Packie shoots at the Albanians who drive af-
ter the hearse and shoot at it.
This is the only mission that gives Niko the chance to get a Romero. If you
had Niko kill Francis the Romero drives straight south away from Niko after
this mission and you can have Niko kill the driver with a rifle or sniper ri-
fle. (If you had Niko kill Playboy X killing the Romero driver causes Dwayne's
Like stat to go down.) If you had Niko kill Derrick Niko faces the Romero af-
ter the graveyard cutscene and you can have him run to the passenger side and
jack it before it drives away. Saving it causes more Romeros to spawn in the
vicinity. (Thanks to gtawikia.com)
On PC you can spawn a Romero with the Simple Trainer.
After the funeral of Francis Kate tells Niko she appreciates him helping at
the funeral of a cop. Niko says he doesn't hate cops--they're just doing what
they do to get by. (It's dubious of him to put them on the same moral plane as
himself--someone who murders for whoever has the payment). Niko tells her he
did it for her and Packie.
After the funeral of Derrick Kate thanks Niko for helping--Derrick lived in
his own head and didn't have many friends. Niko tells her he did it for her
and Packie.
Kate tells Niko to give her a call.
Packie sends a text message--he thanks Niko for helping at the funeral. This
adds to Packie's Like stat.
Gerry calls from prison--he wants to talk to Niko who's been put on the visi-
tors list.
Bernie Crane's missions
Bernie Crane's missions aren't needed to complete the main storyline but are
needed for 100% completion of the game.
IX.21 Hating the Haters
Have Niko meet Bernie at his apartment on the east side of the south block of
Ivy Drive South, Middle Park.
Bernie says he's afraid because several times when he's gone outside to jog,
etc., someone has threatened to kill him. Bernie thinks it's because they hate
gay people. Niko tells Bernie to accompany him outside but pretend he doesn't
know him so the stalker will attack and Niko can find out who it is.
After the cutscene you can send Niko a bit south of Bernie's apartment to
find a silver Comet. (Thanks to Freewilly24r) You can have Niko take Bernie
in the Comet to a parking space to save it then continue with the mission.
(Niko doesn't have Friend activities with Bernie but, for whatever it's worth,
Bernie's favorite radio stations are The Vibe 98.8, K109 The Studio, and IF99
International Funk.)
Have Niko take Bernie to the west side of Middle Park at the east side of
Frankfort Ave. at the first path south of Pyrite St. Bernie jogs east then
north. Have Niko follow on foot from around 20 feet behind him.
When Bernie jogs beneath Quartz St. through the tunnel for the first path
west of the pond, the "hater" hits him in the stomach with a Baseball bat and
calls him a "h*mo." Niko tells him to pick on someone who'll fight back and
the hater calls Niko a "f*g lover." Niko says that for hitting his friend he's
going to kick the sh*t out of the hater.
The hater runs north out of the tunnel, up the stairs to the east to Quartz
St., and to a Faggio to flee to the west.
As soon as you get control of Niko have him equip a submachine gun, run after
the hater, and shoot him. If he escapes have Niko use the Faggio parked on the
north side of the bridge (a guy by the two on the south side pulls Niko off the
scooter if Niko gets on one of those) to chase the hater around the park and
shoot him. If it takes a long time and Niko passes by Bernie you can have Niko
let Bernie get on the back of the scooter and the chase goes north on Frankfort
Ave. then around north Algonquin.
(It isn't hard to shoot the hater but there's a lot of dialogue so you might
let the chase go on longer to hear it.)
"GTA IV - Hating the Haters (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Have Niko get rid of any wanted rating then take Bernie to Perseus on the
south side of Amethyst St. west of Bismarck Ave., The Exchange. Niko assures
Bernie the hater won't attack him anymore. Bernie is surprised and grateful
for the help and calls him wonderful.
Niko gets $6,000.
IX.22 Union Drive
Have Niko go to Bernie's apartment.
Bernie wants Niko to stop the people who are blackmailing Bryce, the Deputy
Mayor who has conservative "family values" stances, about his gay relationship
with Bernie.
Have Niko use the nearby Turismo to take Bernie to the blackmailers on Walnut
Way just east of Grummer Rd. in northeast Northwood. On the way, Bernie says
the blackmailers are just flunkies--he doesn't know who they're working for.
The flunkies say they work for Dimitri Rascalov. When Niko threatens to hurt
them if they don't drop it they try to escape in a Super GT.
Have Niko follow the blackmailers over Union Drive East and West avoiding the
traffic obstacles. After the chase, they wreck west of Castle Drive in the Cas-
tle Garden City park and run. Have Niko kill them then take Bernie home.
Thanks to Robert Rusk and Sam Vere for pointing out that Niko can save the
blackmailer's Super GT. Thanks to gamewiki.net for adding that if Niko chases
the blackmailers on foot at the end of the chase and he gets a wanted level,
Bernie won't get out of Niko's car until Niko gets in it and exits again. Niko
can use the Super GT to take Bernie home then save it.
During the drive to Bernie's place, Niko says Bryce is a hypocritical homosex-
ual who teaches that homosexuality is evil and a rat like DImitri was sure to
try to capitalize on it. Niko tells Bernie that he's a friend that will try to
help and Bernie thanks him.
Niko gets $6,250.
Dimitri calls--he wants the contracts from Bryce and will cut Niko in on the
blackmail action. Niko tells Dimitri to stop blackmailing his friends and since
Dimitri set up Niko to be killed by Bulgarin ("Russian Revolution," V.31), Niko
refuses to work with Dimitri.
Bernie sends a text message--he's having a panic attack and wants Niko to meet
him at Pier 45.
IX.23 Buoys Ahoy
Have Niko meet Bernie at Pier 45 on the east side of the projection of land
with a "#"-type marking on the radar/maps at the southeast coast of Algonquin.
Bernie isn't panicked--he wants Niko to go with him on a boat trip for fun.
Niko complains that he's got too much trouble to fritter it away on fun but
Bernie says he needs someone to talk to and Niko is stressed, and eventually
Bernie persuades Niko to do it.
Have Niko pilot the Jetmax east to the marker south of Firefly Island, Broker.
Three of Dimitri's Russian gangsters attack them from a Jetmax. Have Niko chase
them--you can have him shoot at the attackers but he can't destroy their boat.
They go west, north up the Humboldt River, then east. In particular, press
Spacebar for sharp turns around the various obstacles the fleeing attackers go
around and try not to bump anything since you fail the mission if you capsize
Bernie's boat.
When the attackers go ashore near Steinway Cemetery in northwest Steinway have
Niko shoot them (one to three depending on how many are left) then return to
Bernie in the boat.
Niko gets $6,500.
Bernie calls saying he and Bryce have left Niko a gift--an orange-yellow In-
fernus with a black side stripe at the "BC" icon in a parking lot east of Ber-
nie's apartment.
Gerald McReary's missions cont.
Again, Gerald McReary's missions aren't needed to complete the main storyline
but are needed for 100% completion of the game.
IX.24 I'll Take Her
Gracie Ancelotti: Rebecca Benhayon Rebecca starred in "Kansas City or Along
the Way," 2008, played Becky in nine 2010 episodes of the TV series "Apt1B,"
played Daphnea in "Bad Jews," 2014, at the Magic Theater in San Francisco,
played Kim in a 2015 episode of the TV series "People of New York," etc. She
reprised the role of Gracie for "The Ballad of Gay Tony," 2009.
Mave Niko meet Gerry at the Alderney State Correctional Facility east of Prae-
torian Ave. in southeast Alderney.
Gerry talks about missing his late brother (Francis or Derrick--IX.19) then,
to avoid saying anything that might alarm the prison guards, uses vague general-
izations to imply that Niko should talk to Packie to find out what Gerry needs
help with.
Niko calls Packie who says Gerry wants Niko to kidnap Gracie Ancelotti. She's
selling her car through the AutoErotiCar website, so Gerry wants Niko to take
it on a test drive and kidnap her. It has to be done a good distance away from
the mobsters that guard her house.
Have Niko go to a tw@ Internet Cafe (the closest one is on the east side of
Vitullo Ave. east of Kemeny St.), go to the AutoEroticar.com website, click
"View Cars," and scroll down to the rose colored 2003 Feltzer convertible which
is Gracie's car. The phone number 662-555-0147 is added for "Mob Daughter" in
Niko's Phonebook.
Have Niko call Mob Daughter between 8 am and 9 pm. He tells her he's inter-
ested in her car and she tells him to meet her at her place. Have him go to her
house on the west side of Babbage Dr. north of Hardtrack Ave. at the border of
Acter and Tudor.
Have Niko drive Gracie south and east on the GPS route for the test drive.
The only person actually checking anything out is Gracie who seems to be check-
ing out Niko's prospects as a date. Then Niko's destination becomes a place in
an east-west alley east of Catskill Ave. and south of Franklin St.--a bit east
of the intersection of that alley and another alley that connects it with
Franklin Ave. He tells her she's being kidnapped (I'm not sure if that's a good
She often grabs the steering wheel. If the car flips upside-down or is
wrecked so can't run Niko fails the mission, and even smashing into things too
much will spook her and make her struggle more, so have him drive slowly and
avoid obstacles till he knocks her out.
One way to diminish this problem is to skip the test drive by setting a way-
point at the safehouse and having Niko briskly go right there. (Thanks to gta-
While you have Niko drive Gracie to the place where she'll be kept hostage
Little Jacob calls. He wants to go to a strip club but Niko says he's with a
girl and doesn't think it would be appropriate.
At the back door of the place where she'll be kept Stevie takes the car and
Gordon drags Gracie inside. Gordon says her father has a lot of money and
pi**ed off Gerald.
Niko gets $9,500 and the "Gracefully Taken" Achievement.
Niko calls Packie--Packie says he’ll let Niko know when the plan is in motion.
IX.25 Ransom
Packie calls and says Gracie's father doesn't believe she's been kidnapped--he
thinks she's just out with some guy. Niko has to use the Camera Phone to take a
picture of her to send to Packie. The white icon of the upper half of a person
with their arms raised appears at the place where Gracie is held hostage.
Have Niko go to the front door of the place where Gracie's kept on the south
side of Franklin St. east of Sacramento Ave., go upstairs, and stand before
Gracie. She's tied to a chair and sobbing. Press the Action key (E by default)
to have him slap her to get her to look at him, bring up his phone, switch to
the Camera mode, take a picture of Gracie, and send it to Packie.
Niko calls Packie. Packie says her father won't believe she's just out with a
guy no more. Niko says "not unless that guy is into some sick sh**."
Ray calls--Ancelotti won't pay his daughter's ransom money. Her pal Gay Tony
will provide the diamonds that disappeared before to release her. Ray took the
diamonds from Gay Tony originally. Niko says Gay Tony must have stolen the dia-
monds from Isaac. Ray wants Niko to get him the diamonds from Tony and they'll
be square. Niko says they're already square.
Packie sends a text message--Gerry wants to talk to Niko.
IX.26 She's A Keeper
Have Niko meet Gerry at the Alderney State Correctional Facility east of Prae-
torian Ave. in southeast Alderney.
Gerry uses vague implication to tell Niko that Gracie's guy wants to pay and
she has to be moved to a place in Algonquin.
Have Niko go to the alley east of Catskill Ave. and park near the back door of
the place where Gracie's been kept. Niko avoids the wrestling that went on dur-
ing the kidnapping by having Gordon put Gracie put in the trunk.
The Ancelottis have sent cars of mobsters to chase after and shoot at Niko's
car while he tries to transport Gracie to a place in a complex of alleys bor-
dered by Exeter Ave., Xenitine St., and Frankfort Ave., Northwood, Algonquin.
Niko has to get her to the new place without letting the shooters kill her and
without banging his vehicle into a lot of things and killing her.
Robert Rusk has a good strategy that lets Niko get rid of the attacking mob-
sters before they can chase him:
Southeast of Niko is a thin part of the alley that runs parallel to Plumbers
Skyway. The Ancelotti mobsters gather at the wall beneath Niko--have Niko stop
there. When some come up the stairs ahead or from behind Niko to take his car
and rescue Gracie, have Niko shoot the mobsters with the SMG. Have Niko get out
of the car and throw a Grenade over the wall at the Ancelotti's mobster's vehi-
cles to blow up most of them and have nobody chase him. Have Niko get in his
car, go down the stairs ahead, and go over the Hickey Bridge to the Algonquin
place which is next to Auto Cowboys Pay 'n' Spray.
Packie greets Niko but notices Gracie is wild when he opens the trunk. He
says he'll try to calm her down.
Niko gets $9,750.
IX.27 Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend
The mission is named after a Jule Styne/Leo Robin song sung by Marilyn Monroe
in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes," 1953.
Have Niko, with full Armor, Health, and a lot of rifle/SMG/Grenade ammo, meet
Gerry at the Alderney State Correctional Facility in southeast Alderney.
Gerry indicates that circumstances look favorable for the exchange for Gracie
but he might be in prison a good while. He tells Niko that Packie will call to
explain. Gerry implies that the one paying blackmail has agreed to the terms of
it but there's another problem. (I'm not sure if Gerry means that there was an
extra problem in the blackmail deal or an extra problem that gave him a long
jail term.)
Outside, Niko gets a call from Packie to go to Northwood, get Packie and Grac-
ie, then take them to the spot meant for the diamond exchange. Have Niko go to
them in the complex of alleys bordered by Exeter Ave., Xenitine St., and Frank-
fort Ave., Northwood, Algonquin.
Packie and Gracie, who's bound and gagged, wait in the back seat of a Vincent.
Have Niko drive them to the Charge Island water treatment plant (sewage works)
southeast of the third, south to north, big water tank represented by a big
round spot on the radar/maps. On the way Packie goofs with Gracie in regard to
the muffled curses she has for them. Once there, have Niko go east then south
on the nameless roads also indicated on the radar/maps.
Luis is there with Tony Prince who's Gracie's lover and owner of the Maison-
ette 9. Luis gives the terms of the exchange: the diamonds will be set on the
ground between them and Gracie will be released. After Luis, Gracie, and Tony
leave the others will pick up the diamonds. Tony puts down the diamonds and
Niko has Packie release Gracie.
But Bulgarin gets out of a car behind Niko and Packie. Bulgarin still accuses
Niko of owing him money, so stealing the diamonds stolen from him, and has his
men (the red blips on the radar) shoot at Niko, Packie, and Gracie's group.
Bulgarin and Gracie's group drive away.
Niko takes cover with an assault rifle behind his car and Packie helps with an
automatic weapon. Packie says he thinks he knows who has the diamonds. Have
Niko basically follow Packie and move forward as each group of attackers are
They have nine men to shoot in the first group of attackers. The attackers
are mainly on ground level but include some on a network of catwalks and onramps
that lead up to the catwalks.
Have Niko go forward and take cover behind one of the hip-high tops of the
large tanks to shoot more attackers, then, shooting any attackers he can, follow
Packie into the plant and shoot the two attackers ahead on a catwalk. Packie
goes up the ramp--have Niko join him in going toward more attackers. There's
Body Armor on the ramp.
Have Niko shoot to the north at the red explosive barrel on a catwalk, which
may help him kill a couple of the attackers that appear there, then help Packie
kill the several others on that catwalk or on one across the way to the east of
it. Have Niko shoot the two attackers who appear on the east catwalk as he goes
north on it.
Packie says he'll use the high catwalks and tells Niko to use the low ones
and Packie goes north on the west catwalk while you have Niko go north on the
east catwalk to shoot attackers. Have Niko go forward to a dip in the catwalk
to fire the RPG, throw Grenades, and/or fire a rifle at the three cars and the
two attackers each they contain who arrive to get out to shoot from the ground
between Niko and Packie.
Have Niko go west toward Packie and shoot the five attackers that appear near
him then have Niko follow Packie south on the west ramp.
The attacker who has the diamonds says Niko and Packie will kill him to take
them if he doesn't give them to them, and he'll get killed by Bulgarin if he
gives them the diamonds, so he drops the diamonds into the bed of a Biff dump
truck that drives by below. Have Niko go west onto the top of a large tank to
kill the last few attackers. Have Niko go down the ladder at the northeast side
of the tank.
Packie complains that they went through all that trouble for nothing. But
Niko looks on the bright side--bad luck followed those diamonds around so it may
be for the best that they're gone. Niko explains that he was on a ship that
went down with valuable things Bulgarin wanted and Bulgarin has falsely blamed
Niko for it. Niko says he moved to Liberty City to get away from him and then
from Hove Beach with Roman to get away from Bulgarin and Dimitri Rascalov.
Have Niko use a car from the nearby parking lot to take Packie to his Ma's
house on Savannah Ave., Dukes. Along the way, Packie says Gerry will be upset.
Any wanted level Niko has is removed by arriving at Packie's house.
If you haven't had Niko kill Ray in "Pest Control" yet Niko calls Ray who
wants "his" diamonds. Niko says a Russian claimed they were his but Niko says
they got hrown into traffic--they may be at the LC dump.
Dimitri Rascalov calls. Niko promises to kill him. Dimitri accuses Niko of
stealing from Bulgarin again. Dimitri adds that he was disappointed to not find
Niko's body with the bodies found at the recent shootout.
On the radio and in a The Liberty Tree website article there's a report of a
poor man living in garbage, finding a bag of diamonds, and becoming rich. The
man said he was going to Vice City to open a weapons business. In the closing
cutscene of "Departure Time," TBoGT, it's shown that he found them in the gar-
bage in Meadows Park.
If you have Niko call Roman after the mission Roman says a "Dominican looking
guy" (Luis) was both at the ambush for the diamonds and at the deal of this mis-
Weazel News reports that Elizabeta Torres was arrested and given a 300 year
sentence. (Thank to gtawikia.com for the info on the several post-mission
events given above.)
A couple days later, Packie sends a text message and Packie's Like stat is
IX.28 Random Characters--Gracie Ancelotti
Gracie's encounter becomes available after Gerry calls three in-game days af-
ter "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend" (IX.27). Gracie is on the front porch
of her house on the west side of Babbage Dr. north of Hardtrack Ave. at the bor-
der of Acter and Tudor.Babbage Drive, Alderney. She recognizes Niko as her kid-
napper (IX.24) and shouts for five of the Ancelottis.
Have Niko take cover and shoot the Ancelottis: one is on the third floor bal-
cony, two or three are around the front of the house, and one or two are behind
the house.
Doing this mission is required for 100% completion of the game and contributes
to the "No More Strangers" Achievement.
Ray sends a text message. He wants Niko to meet him and Phil Bell at a depot
in Normandy.
Phil Bell's missions
IX.29 Truck Hustle
Have Niko go to the "PB" icon on the in-game map and radar at the west side of
the nameless road that's west of the ship docked at the northern pier of the
group of four big rectangular piers that are south of the north end of the Booth
Ray has Niko meet Phil in Phil's office. Ray and Phil talk in some vague in-
dications sillier than the kind Gerry used then Ray persuades Phil to use Niko
for a mission. The Triads are anxious to sell a chunk of "brown" (heroin) at
any price--they think it's cursed. Phil wants Niko to steal it from a truck go-
ing to Franklin St. in Westdyke then call him.
The Swingers Phil refers to are the Golden Pier Swingers Golf Club.
Have Niko go to the patio at the east end of the alley between Long John Ave.
and Manzano Rd., Leftwood. From behind cover at the edge of the low wall of the
patio, Niko sees the Triads arrive in a Mule which they park at the west end of
the lot, a couple of vans which they park in the middle of the lot, and a pickup
truck which they park at the east end of the lot. Niko has to get the Mule.
Shootout method:
Have Niko shoot a lot of Triads in the lot from behind cover. You might have
him use a Grenade or the Rocket launcher to blow up the vehicles in the middle
of the lot to help with that. Have Niko shoot the two that arrive in a pickup
truck, run into the lot to get a few more, then run into the marker at the back
of the truck that pulls out. It doesn't go very fast but I'd recommend having
Niko ignore any attackers left to run to the marker at the back of the truck as
soon as it pulls out. If you have him take too long it can be monotonous having
him run to catch up with it.
You can also call Dwayne to send two backup men to help with the shootout.
Robert Rusk has the method to avoid the shootout:
Have Niko go to the southeast side of the nearby chain-link fence and leave
cover (causing the Triads to open fire) to jump the fence. Have him go counter-
clockwise around the block to the north entrance of the alley at which time the
truck starts to escape. Have Niko run into the marker at the back of the truck
which causes him to grab the back of the truck and hang from it.
To have Niko climb onto the roof tap Spacebar repeatedly.
To have him crawl to the front of the roof of the truck press W.
To have him hang on while the truck goes around corners press S.
To have him roll left and right use A and D.
If you run into the problem of the game not responding to your repeated
presses of Spacebar use the same solution explained in the section for IX.45
Deal A Revenger's Tragedy.
Don't worry--he won't let go of the truck.
Niko has to get to the front of the roof of truck. When Niko reaches it, he
jacks the truck.
Niko calls Phil. Phil tells Niko it's a wedding present for his nephew Frank-
ie and to take the truck to the big house off Beaverhead Ave. (the abandoned
mansion past the north end of the main dirt road in northeast Westdyke). Have
Niko drive it there where he gives the truck to Frankie.
(Alternate route: have Niko drive to the north side of the northeast curve of
Beaverhead Ave. west of the end of the guard rail, go southeast up the low
ledge, then go north to the abandoned mansion.)
Niko gets $11,000.
Niko calls Phil to say he gave Phil's nephew the truck. Phil tells Niko some-
one has work for Niko--to contact him, Niko needs to go to the payphone at Vi-
tullo Ave. and Hardtrack Ave. where he'll call Niko.
A target reticle icon appears on the west side of Odhner Ave. just north of
Traeger Rd., Fort Tudor, on the in-game map and radar.
Phil calls--he told Jimmy Pegorino about Niko. A "J" icon appears in Alder-
ney on the in-game map and radar.
Phil sends a text message--he wants Niko to wear nice clothes to meet Jimmy.
IX.30 Assassination missions
Wade Johnson--The Fixer: Karel Roden Karel has been in a lot of Czech produc-
tions. He played Emil Slovak in "15 Minutes," 2001, was uncredited in a 2003
episode of the TV series "MI-5," played Grigori Rasputin in "Hellboy," 2004,
Josef Dousa in "Guard No. 47," 2008, starred as Marek Posta in 80 2011-2013 epi-
sodes of the TV series "Terapie," Marat in two 2013 episodes of the TV series
"The Wrong Mans," etc.
Have Niko go to the gun reticle icon on the radar/ingame map--the ringing pay
phone at Odhner Ave. and Traeger Rd., Port Tudor--to get Assassination missions
from The Fixer, so-called because he has people "fixed"--murdered. He employs
Niko to kill them. (At such moments I wonder about the philosophy Niko offered
early in the game to only do such things for bosses when he agreed with their
reason. The Fixer doesn't give any--just payment.)
They're like the assassination missions in "Vice City."
When Niko is given one of these missions there are pickups for Body Armor and
a random weapon by the piles of lumber and boxes nearby. Niko can always get
more ammo from the Gun Shop across the street. The targets are shown as red
blips on the radar.
The nine Assassination missions are in alphabetical order below but are given
in random order during the game. In each case Niko calls the Fixer afterward to
say he's done the job and the Fixer congratulates him.
IX.30.a Bailing Out for Good
Send Niko to the intended victim who's on a plaza of the police station on the
corner of the south side of Franklin St. and east side of Sacramento Ave., Left-
wood. Have Niko drive-by him with an SMG. If you don't have Niko kill him then
he enters a car on the west side of the south end of Bridger St. just north of
Franklin St. and is driven north. You could have Niko go to the south side of
that intersection and fire the Rocket launcher at the car when the target gets
close to it to blow it up and kill him. You could also drive-by him at that
time with an SMG.
Niko gets $3,000.
IX.30.b Dead End
Send Niko to the intended victim who's in a Patriot in the lot at the west
side of Rand Ave. and south side of Applewhite St., Alderney City. As Niko ap-
proaches the Patriot pulls out onto Rand Ave. and goes south. Have Niko follow
it with a drive-by.
Stilefty has Niko's vehicle approach on the left lane of Rand Ave. going north
so the Patriot drives right at him and has Niko back up shooting at the target.
"GTA 4 - Assassination Mission #4 - Dead End" by Stilefly
As an alternative you could have Niko go north on foot from Rand Ave./Mahesh
Ave. and use a Rocket launcher to shoot the Patriot as it tries to go south on
Rand Ave.
"GTA 4 - High-End Assassination Mission - Dead End" by GTA Series Videos
Rusk notes that if you have Niko chase after the Patriot it parks in an alley.
You could have Niko park outside of the alley, enter just enough to see the tar-
get and his Patriot, then fire the Rocket launcher at the Patriot to have it and
the target blow up.
Niko gets $6,500.
IX.30.c Derelict Target
The three intended victims and their guards are either in the tall abandoned
building in the southeast section of the same block in Alderney City as the Pa-
triot pulled out of in the last mission or in the lot in the middle of that
Have Niko use an SMG and cover to kill the targets from the ground up to the
eight floor.
"GTA 4 - High-End Assassination Mission - Dead End" by GTA Series Videos
Safer method
Rusk has Niko approach the targets from the west, go to the building north of
their building, jump from a green dumpster through a gap beteeen railings to a
fire escape, and climb to the top.
Have Niko snipe down at the first target and two gunmen, go to the southeast
corner, kill the gunmen shooting from other windows, then climb the small unit
at the corner. Have Niko shoot through the center window at a propane tank
near one of the two remaining targets on the top floor to either kill him or
have him thrown into view and have Niko shoot him.
Have Niko go down the fire escape to the next to the lowest platform, look
through the center window and snipe the last target that's hiding behind a trash
can. If the target is lower have Niko go to the lowest platform. If the last
target is at the same level look southeast to the center window. If you look
through it with the sniper scope you see a pillar and a crate with a blue tarp.
Have Niko use the Rocket Launcher to shoot the crate and cause the target to
climb up to one of the upper floors then snipe him.
Helicopter method
Have Niko fly a helicopter to ground level, snipe two targets, fly to the
roof, and shoot the third target through the damaged roof.
Niko gets $4,000.
IX.30.d Hook, Line and Sinker
Have Niko get in a Tropic east of the north end of the east branch of dirt
road in northeast Westdyke and pilot it east to the intended victim's Jetmax.
The target drives off so have Niko use an SMG for a drive-by to kill the target
or make his boat blow up. A faster easier way is to only get close enough to be
able to snipe the target, so Niko doesn't alert him and make a chase of it, and
snipe him with a headshot.
Niko gets $3,000.
IX.30.e Industrial Action
The three intended victims and their six bodyguards are in a refinery about a
block south of the south end of Chariot St./Muskteer Ave., Acter Industrial
Park. Have Niko use the nameless roads to get closer.
Have Niko climb the scaffolding north of them until he's closer to the height
of the higher targets, fire the Rocket launcher at them a couple of times, and
get some of the others with a sniper rifle. If you have Niko wait some may
gather on the ground just south of the scaffolding. Have him move in to clean
up with a rifle or SMG. There are stairs, with one or two attackers on them at
first, to the top of the south side of the building then stairs from that roof
to the higher northern platforms where the remaining attackers are.
Niko gets $7,500.
IX.30.f Migration Control
Send Niko north of the target who's at the helicopter pad above the north end
of the Booth Tunnel in Alderney City. Have Niko go east from the east end of
Asahara Rd. to the helipad to either shoot the target with an SMG or fire the
Rocket launcher at the helicopter after the target and his two bodyguards enter
it and before it takes off.
Niko gets $3,000.
IX.30.g R.U.B. Down
Send Niko to the three targets on the curvy sidewalk indicated on the radar/
maps (where's it's shown as just a slightly curved sidewalk) on the south side
of Plumbbob Ave. east of Latchkey Ave., Acter Industrial Park. Have Niko get a
vantage point away from the police station, check to see no police are around,
and fire the Rocket launcher once or twice at them.
Niko gets $4,000.
IX.30.h Taken Out
Have Niko park at the south end of Lockowski Ave., Alderney, and go north on
foot to use the Rocket launcher to shoot the intended victim's Stretch (the red
blip on the radar), which is trailed by two SUVs of guards, as it goes south on
Lockowski Ave. Otherwise, have Niko chase it and do a drive-by on it as it goes
to the south end of it, goes east on Bedrock Ave., etc.
Niko gets $3,000.
IX.30.i Water Hazard
This mission has the same title as a chapter of "Half-Life 2," 2004, and a
place where you can lose your golf balls.
The target is on a Marquis sailing slowly west close to the shore south of the
western part of Barsac Ave., Tudor. Have Niko snipe the target or fire a Rocket
launcher at the boat.
Niko gets $3,000.
"GTA 4 - The Fixer's Assassinations [Assassin's Greed Achievement / Trophy]
(1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
In his last phone call the Fixer says he can't use Niko any more. He wishes
Niko well considering people in their line aren't known for their longetivity.
Completing the assassination missions adds 2% toward 100% completion and Niko
gets the "Assassin's Greed" Achievement.
Jimmy Pegorino's missions
IX.31 Pegorino's Pride
Jimmy Pegorino: Tony Patellis Tony played Ulasewitz in a 1992 episode of the
TV series "Law & Order" and played the Janitor in a 1995 episode of the TV ser-
ies "New York Undercover."
Angie Pegorino: Sharon Angela Sharon played Rosalie Aprile in 37 1999-2007
episodes of the TV series "The Sopranos," co-wrote "The Collection," 2005,
played Brenda McCarthy/1993 Doris/1995 Delia/1996 (twice) Vanessa/2004 in five
episodes of the TV series "Law & Order," played the Cranky Woman in a 2014 epi-
sode of the TV series "Californication," etc.
Have Niko dress in a Perseus suit and dress shoes, have full Health, Armor,
and a good supply of rifle and SMG ammo, and go to Jimmy Pegorino's house at the
northwest end of the marking on the radar/maps on the north side of the south
end of Beaverhead Ave., Westdyke.
Jimmy's wife Angie is not very pleased about the organized crime lifestyle.
After Jimmy makes a lot of paranoid conversation, he asks Niko to act as securi-
ty when Jimmy and a couple of his guys meet a couple of disrespectful guys from
the Pavano family to try to make friends with them so Jimmy can get on the Com-
mission (leaders of the crime families). Ray drops by to give his boss Jimmy a
gift (a tribute).
Have Niko get in Jimmy's Schafter with Jimmy and two of his men, Pete and Mar-
co, whom Jimmy berates as incompetent. Make sure Jimmy gets in the car--it
takes a bit for him to walk to it. (Jimmy doesn't provide Friend activities
but, for whatever it's worth, his favorite radio stations are Jazz Nation Radio
108.5 and Fusion FM.)
Have Niko drive them to an old Dude Chemicals plant in Acter Industrial Park.
approx. northeast of the three little round spots--indicating fuel tanks--in a
row on the radar/maps on the south side of the western segment of Plumbbob Ave.
On the way, Niko says he isn't going to work for Ray anymore. Jimmy says Ray
bungled the deal with the diamonds and Jimmy's just interested in being in good
standing with the guy who owned them--Gay Tony, who has connections. Ray ex-
pects the Pavanos to appreciate it when he gives them the gift he got from Ray.
Jimmy has Marco give Niko a sniper rifle and tells Niko to go to a vantage
point in an old building to watch over Jimmy's meeting in a clearing between
fuel tanks. Have Niko climb several floors of the building and go to his marker
at a window.
You can have him use another weapon.
"GTA IV - Pegorino's Pride (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Don't have him shoot until Ray and his men are attacked.
If Jimmy dies, Niko fails the mission, so when red blips appear on the radar
east of the meeting appear and Pavano's five men kill Jimmy's two men, have Niko
quickly kill Pavano's men. Have Niko kill a car load of Pavaro's men who arrive
outside the warehouse.
Have Niko jump down past some of the stairs and shoot the attackers outside.
You can have him fight past several men in the warehouse to get to Jimmy, indi-
cated by a green blip on the radar, who's collapsed on the southeast side of the
warehouse, but it's easier to just have Niko shoot anyone who gets in his way
around the outside of the warehouse to the back. (Thanks to Robert Rusk for the
tip that Niko can climb the warehouse stairs on the west end of the south side
of the warehouse, run over the roof to a hole over Jimmy, and drop down to him.)
Jimmy can die if you dally.
There's Armor on a mattress in the middle of the warehouse.
Jimmy is wounded and upset that the Pavano's tried to kill him at a sit down
then drove off with the tribute Jimmy gave them.
Have Niko chase the Pavaro's car which wrecks in the lot of another refinery.
The spot is indicated on the radar/maps as the west end of the narrow strip con-
necting two rectangles east of the western stretch of Red Wing Ave. Don't shoot
up the car because if it's destroyed the tribute is destroyed and you fail the
You can have Niko take a shortcut over Plumbbob Ave. and Red Wing Ave.
"GTA IV - Pegorino's Pride (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Have Niko shoot the Pavaros when they get out of their car. Niko may need to
chase on foot after the one with the tribute money--have Niko shoot him not burn
him or blow him up.
Have Niko take the tribute back to Jimmy Pegorino's car and take him home.
He's upset that the Pavaros made a meeting into a shootout.
Once home, Jimmy says something similar to what Big Smoke in "San Andreas"
said about keeping your head when everyone else around is losing theirs. Jimmy
assures Niko he's going to need his help again soon.
Niko gets $10,500.
If you have Niko call Roman Niko says he's working for Jimmy Pegorino who
wants to be more powerful. Niko just hopes he's powerful enough to find Darko
Brevic for him. Roman says he just hopes Niko can relax afterward.
"GTA 4 - Mission #73 - Pegorino's Pride (1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
The UL Paper Contact sends Niko an Email saying Jimmy can't be trusted. Some
others will help them find Darko.
Jimmy sends Niko a text message. "You did well last job--come see me. The
IX.32 Payback
"Payback" has the same title as a mission in "Grand Theft Auto 2," and as a
mission in Grand Theft Auto Advance given to Mike by Vinnie from Momma's Res-
taurant in Saint Mark's, Portland Island, Liberty City.
Have Niko go to Jimmy's house.
Jimmy's wife Angie is still complaining--that mob people and the feds are
jackasses, etc. Jimmy is still berating his assistants. He says the Pavanos
look down on him. Some of their boys are at a diner in Acter and will be going
to collect their share of an Alderney bookie ring. He wants Niko to disrupt
their meeting, hitting the Pavanos hard, and he can keep the money.
Have Niko take the nearby PMP 600 to the diner on the south side of Mueri St.
just north of Farnsworth Rd., Acter, and park facing northeast.
The bookies realize someone working for the Pegorinos is tailing them and
drive away in a Coquette. Have Niko follow them with enough distance to avoid
their fire and make it easier to avoid obstacles.
The Coquette hitting a scaffolding to make it collapse is a reference to Pur-
suit Breakers in the "Need for Speed" games in which the protagonist can do that
to disrupt other racers and the police.
When the bookies stop to meet the Pavanos in front of AutoEroticar on the west
side of Lockowski Ave. north of Keneckie Ave., have Niko kill them. You could
have him park across the street, use his car for cover, and shoot them, or have
him throw Grenades or fire the Rocket launcher at the cars to kill them. Have
Niko collect the money dropped and lose any wanted rating he has.
Niko calls Jimmy who congratulates him, says it will establish this as his
turf, and suggests that Niko do the Italian thing and give him a little of his
haul. Niko says he's lucky he's not Italian.
The Liberty Tree news website and Weazel News on the radio report the attack.
Ray calls telling Niko not to forget who introduced him to Jimmy. Niko says
Jimmy is just someone who pays for work. Jimmy suggests Niko pay him (give him
a tribute) and Niko says he's freelance and doesn't get into tributes.
The U.L. Paper boss calls--he wants to introduce Niko to John Gravelli who
heads the Gambetti family. He also tells Niko that Gravelli can help get things
done for him ("Entourage," IX.38).
Kate calls to tell she's been invited to Roman's wedding. Niko says he didn't
know they knew each other. She says they didn't--Roman called her and said Niko
liked her so really wanted her there. She says she'll see him at the wedding.
Phil Bell's missions cont.
IX.33 Catch the Wave
Have Niko go to see Phil at Honkers strip club on the south side of Tinderbox
Ave. south of the south end of Argus St., Tudor. Have Niko equipped with full
Health, Armor, a lot of ammo, and I'd recommend initiating this in the early
morning so it's easier to see the targets later.
Phil wants to know if Niko considers Ray a friend. Niko say Ray is a rat do-
ing an impression of a man but he pays. Tommy tells Phil that he just got a
call from Phil's boss (Jimmy Pegorino) who said Phil has to go to the docks.
Phil and Niko get into Phil's Intruder and Phil tells Niko to drive them to a
truck under the overpass at Catskill Ave. (Phil doesn't provide Friend activi-
ties but, for whatever it's worth, his favorite radio stations are Jazz Nation
Radio 108.5 and Fusion FM.)
Have Niko drive Phil to the Steed in an alley on the north side of Panhandle
Rd. east of Catskill Ave. On the way, Phil says they better not get caught
or will be in jail a long time and will get whacked to prevent them from talk-
ing. The Russian mob has delivered a shipment of cocaine to the LC docks which
they intend to deliver to the Ancelottis. Phil wants to have the drugs stolen
before the Ancelottis can get them, and Niko correctly assumes this will not
only cause a falling out between the Ancelottis and the Russians but Phil's
group can sell the coke.
In an alternative dialogue Phil is paranoid about being watched by helicopters
like Henry Hill (played by Ray Liotta who supplies the voice of Tommy in "Vice
City") in the 1990 movie "Goodfellas." (Thanks to gtawikia.com)
Have Niko lead Phil into the truck and drive it to the boatyard at the north-
west curve of road on Charge Island. On the way, Phil explains that some of his
boys stole the truck from the Ancelottis this morning and the Russians are ex-
pecting it to pick up the cocaine. Phil wants to use it to pick up the co-
caine--that's plan A by Jimmy P. But Phil and Niko know it won't work--the only
way to take the cocaine is by killing all the Russians.
The coke has been delivered from Vice City on speedboats which haven't been
unloaded. The Russian at the gate refuses to make the deal with Phil and tells
them to get out of the truck.
Have Niko help Phil fight past him and one or two others armed with Pistols by
the east entrance, and the about 12 Russians armed with Pistols and Micro-SMGs,
about five of whom are up on catwalks, on their way to the opening on the west
end of the boatyard. Niko can shoot explosive barrels to kill a few attackers.
Phil takes cover in the northeast area. Make sure his attackers are killed so
he doesn't die and you fail the mission.
There's Armor on the southeast floor and a First Aid Kit on the near side of a
cabinet on the south side.
Have Niko kill the attacker with a Micro-SMG in the middle northern area using
a pillar for cover last. Once he's dead Phil says, "The stuff's still on those
boats....," advances through the boathouse, pauses at the west entrance to say,
"I'll take the one on the right....," then gets into the northern speed boat
and waits till Niko gets in the southern one to drive off. So have Niko kill
the three attackers that appear at the west opening, shoot from the west opening
at three Russians on piers--one to the west, one to the south, and one to the
north--then shoot the attacker at the pillar.
There's Armor on the landing by the southern pier.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip to park the front right end of the Steed
against the north side of the entrance to the boathouse to keep Phil outside.
Have Niko fire from outside the boathouse, using the truck then one side or the
other of the entrance for cover as much as possible, and leave the attacker with
a Micro-SMG behind the pillar in the middle north area for last. Killing that
one makes Phil advance--with the truck in his way he goes around the outside of
the boathouse.
Have Niko kill attackers as much as possible from outside the boathouse and
not shoot the explosive barrels in case, for some reason, Phil goes around the
boathouse early. You may have Niko go inside to kill attackers but more impor-
tantly protect Phil by killing three more that appear at the west opening, the
three on the piers, then shoot the one behind the pillar.
Have Niko pilot the southern boat to follow the northern boat which Phil takes
northward. (One is a Squalo and the other is a Jetmax. The choice of speed
boats by a boathouse is like that in "Vice City.")
At the north end of the third big ship north of the western segment of the
East Borough Bridge two Dinghys of Russians appear to chase and attack. You can
have Niko pause to shoot them or just speed away since they soon give up. Have
Niko pilot the boat to the drop off point at the pier just north of the east end
of the Hickey Bridge on the west coast of North Holland, Algonquin, and walk
into the marker.
On the shore, Phil tells Niko that he kept his head real good and Niko thanks
him. Phil drives off in a van with an assistant and the cocaine.
Niko gets $7,500.
Jimmy Pegorino's missions are available again.
IX.34 Trespass
Have Niko go to the "PB" icon on the in-game map and radar at the west side of
the nameless road that's west of the ship docked at the northern pier of the
group of four big rectangular piers that are south of the north end of the Booth
Tunnel. Have Niko equipped with full Health, Armor, a lot of ammo, and I'd re-
commend initiating this in the early morning so it's easier to see the targets
Phil is still paranoid about surveillance from helicopters as mentioned for
the last mission. He needs Niko to take him to the old Sprunk factory off Argus
St., Port Tudor, Algonquin, in a hurry. Have Niko enter Phil's Intruder.
Thanks to gtawikia.com for the tip that you can have Phil use a different ve-
hicle but you shouldn't have Niko take a vehicle you want to save since Phil
takes it unless it's a four door vehicle or van and you use the following meth-
od. Before you have Niko enter the Sprunk factory marker have him park with the
passenger side against a wall or such. Have Niko exit the vehicle, let Phil
exit through the driver's door and get in through a rear door, have Niko drive
to the factory, skip the cutscene or the car will be locked, and Phil will stay
in the rear passenger seat and not take the vehicle.
Have Niko take Phil to the factory lot entrance on the east side of Argus St.
south of Hardtrack Ave. During the ride, Phil explains that the Russians told
Charlie Matteo, an Ancelotti Capo, that they took the cocaine (in the last mis-
sion). Phil wants Niko to kill Chubby Charlie before Charlie can pilot a heli-
copter to the Commission in Algonquin and tell them that they're knocking off
the Ancelotti's action.
At the factory, Phil tells Niko to either enter it in the front, which is a
more confrontational battle with the Ancelottis, or go to the back and enter
through the basement to sneak up on them. The second method is the popular
choice. Phil drives away.
One possible version as demonstrated by GTA Series Videos in the video at the
next link:
"GTA 4 - Mission #76 - Trespass (1080p)"
Have Niko go through the entrance and go counter-clockwise around low walls to
the slope down to the basement tunnel. Have him enter the basement, go north
through a hole in a wall and through a tunnel to a second hole in a wall. Have
Niko crouch by it to shoot three gangsters ahead on an upper floor then climb
the fallen wall up to that floor.
Have Niko climb the stairs shooting a gangster who's on them and another two
on the next floor. There's Armor on some rubble.
Have Niko climb the fallen wall to the next floor shooting the four gangsters
on it. Have him climb the stairs to shoot the gangster at the top of them and a
couple in the adjoining room then through a doorway to shoot another four gang-
Chubby Charlie taunts him ("Jimmy P is finished," etc.). Don't waste ammo on
Charlie--he's indestructible till he hangs from a helicopter at the end of the
mission. Chubby Charlie shoots out the glass of a window and goes through it.
Have Niko go through the window.
Have Niko take cover behind a rooftop air conditioning unit to shoot three at-
tackers then go north to a corner on the west side to shoot a couple more. Have
him go north through the old wooden tunnel to another roof, shoot a couple on
the roof above and to the south, go west to a similar tunnel to shoot another
gangster, go south through the tunnel, climb the ladder to another roof, shoot
the gangster ahead on a higher roof by the Sprunk bottle display, and climb the
ladder to that roof.
Chubbie Charlie grabs a landing railing of a helicopter. Have Niko shoot it
down with the Rocket launcher, throw a cooked Grenade at it, or climb a nearby
ladder and use a rifle or sniper rifle to shoot the pilot, and it falls through
the center of the building and explodes. Don't take too long or have Niko just
kill Charlie or the chopper flies away and you fail the mission.
The ladder to the top of a nearby smokestack provides a good vantage point for
having Niko shoot the pilot.
"GTA IV - Trespass (All Possibilities) [re-uploaded]" by whatever57010
Niko gets $10,500.
Niko calls Phil and says not to worry--the singer's lost his voice. Phil says
Niko did great work ("How about them swingers?").
The factory is open outside of this mission.
IX.35 To Live and Die in Alderney
The mission title refers to the 1985 movie "To Live and Die in LA."
Have Niko go to Phil's office.
When Niko enters Phil's office, Angie Pegorino finishes a talk with Phil and
leaves. It isn't particularly indicative of an affair, but Phil makes it seem
suspiciously so by protesting that it isn't what it looks like, etc. Niko asks
Phil to help him find someone (Darko) and Phil says he will.
Have Niko use Phil's Intruder to take him to the abandoned mansion at the
north end of the main dirt road in northeast Westdyke to get the heroin Niko de-
livered to Phil's nephew Frankie Gallo at the end of "Truck Hustle" (IX.29).
(You might have Niko pause on the way to call Dwayne for backup.)
(There's Armor you probably won't use in the garage which is only open in this
mission. You can use the Noclip ability of the Airbreak function of the Simple
Trainer to access the Armor otherwise.)
After Frankie shows them that he loaded the heroin into the trunks of two
Washingtons some Federal lawmen arrive in three FIB Buffalos with the sirens on.
Phil drives off in one of Frankie's cars. Have Niko follow Phil for a wild es-
cape effort in the other while Frankie fires an SMG at the pursuing FIB Buffa-
los. Have Niko follow Phil with enough distance to avoid obstacles. Some Po-
lice Patrol cars join the chase.
Phil calls to say they're ditching their cars and going on foot. Have Niko
follow Phil into an alley on the south side of Farnsworth Rd. west of Babbage
Dr. where Phil and Niko get out of their cars. Phil tells them to get the hero-
in from the trunks. Have Niko shoot the police officers that appear at the
north end then the south end of the alley. (If Frankie dies have Niko pick up
his heroin.)
Have Niko continue south across Edison Ave. through another alley to a parking
lot and fire the Rocket launcher at an attacking police helicopter that ap-
proaches from the east. If Niko doesn't have a Rocket launcher Phil says
there's some fire power in the back of the van--a Speedo.
You may have Niko get away without shooting down the helicopter.
"GTA IV - To Live and Die in Alderney (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Have Niko use the Speedo to take Phil and Frankie to lose his three star
wanted rating at the Pay 'n' Spray at the east end of Hardtrack Ave., Port Tu-
dor, by getting out of his wanted circle, or by having Niko call Francis. Then
have Niko drive the van to the back of Pizza This... at the corner of Tenmile
St. and Bridger St. in Leftwood while Phil tells Niko he admires his work.
Niko gets $12,000.
Jimmy Pegorino's missions cont.
IX.36 Flatline
Have Niko go to Jimmy Pegorino's house at the northwest end of the marking on
the radar/maps on the north side of the south end of Beaverhead Ave., Westdyke.
Jimmy angrily tells Niko that that his guard Anthony (Corrado) was wearing a
wire and turned state's evidence (witness for the state against criminal accom-
plices). Jimmy feels betrayed because Anthony was like a son to him after Jimmy
beat his own son till he committed suicide. Jimmmy says he had a phone call
with Anthony in which he put the fear of God in Anthony till Anthony had a heart
attack. Anthony has tapes of Niko, too, so Jimmy wants Niko to kill Anthony
who's under guard at the Leftwood hospital on Long John Avenue.
Have Niko go the hospital on the southwest side of Long John Ave. south of
Manano Rd. and enter it unarmed. An option is to press the Action key to have
him speak to the receptionist. Anthony (the red dot on the radar) is in the
emergency room in the west corner of the hospital.
You could have Niko kill Anthony with a weapon. Niko will get a wanted level
right away and have a shootout on the way out. You might have Niko call Dwayne
for two accomplices before entering the hospital if you use his method. The
gtawikia.com site suggests that you could make this method easier by having Niko
enter one of the single door rooms before reentering the lobby. The law en-
forcers come in one at a time making them easier to shoot.
To have Niko delay and minimize the wanted level in killing Anthony, have Niko
enter the hospital unarmed, walk right and enter the locker room on the right
side, walk into the marker and press the Action key to put on the Doctor's
Scrubs outfit, go right from the room into the hall, and go left to the end of
the hall where there's a T-intersection of halls and ahead are two armed guards
who flank a door. Have Niko go left into the hall and left to enter Anthony's
emergency room. The guard leaves to give Niko one minute alone with Anthony.
Have Niko go to the life support machine and press the Action key to have him
unplug it. Have Niko walk away discreetly.
If you had Niko use the second method and he doesn't have a wanted level yet,
he gets one at the lobby.
There's a First Aid kit on the southeast wall by the entrance doors and a
Sprunk machine farther back.
If you used the second method you can have Niko run past any attacking law en-
forcers without shooting them, get into his vehicle, and lose his two star
wanted rating. There's a Pay 'n' Spray nearby to the southeast on the north
side of Panhandle Rd.
Niko gets $13,000.
Niko calls Jimmy to tell him Anthony is dead. Jimmy warns him that he better
not see him on a witness stand, either.
The Doctor's Scrubs outfit is available if you had Niko wear it during the
Niko can't do the Friend activities with Brucie, Little Jacob, and Packie af-
ter the next mission until the main story is complete. (Thanks to Robert Rusk)
Ray Boccino sends Niko a text message--Jimmy Pegorino wants Niko and Ray to
meet him at Jimmy's house.
IX.37 Pest Control
Have Niko go to Jimmy Pegorino's house at the northwest end of the marking on
the radar/maps on the north side of the south end of Beaverhead Ave., Westdyke.
Jimmy welcomes Niko to the war room where Phil and Ray are seated discussing
pest control. Phil says something must be done but dismisses Ray's advice. Ray
leaves. Phil tells Jimmy Ray's not straight and Jimmy tells Phil to leave. Af-
ter Phil leaves Jimmy tells Niko "We got real problems." He and Phil got served
papers, a couple of the group are in jail and might squeal. Somebody's talk-
ing--maybe John Gravelli or the Ancelottis. Jimmy has to shut someone up to
show he means business. He considers Phil and Ray's good and bad points. Jimmy
says he'll call to tell Niko who to kill. Niko leaves.
Jimmy calls--he says he wants Niko to give Ray a message which means Jimmy
wants Niko to kill Ray who's at a sit down on Cod Row in East Holland.
Have Niko go to the south side of Vauxite St. south of the south end of Astor-
ia St., East Holland, where Niko calls Jimmy. Jimmy says Ray is going to a chop
shop in BOABO and is suspicious of Niko so bought some protection. Jimmy will
get Ray's bodyguards to stop at a gas station to give Niko the opportunity to
kill Ray.
Niko has to kill all of Ray's muscle, too, for you to pass the mission. If
Ray gets to the chop shop garage on Valley Forge Ave., BOABO, you fail the mis-
While Ray and his bodyguards are on their way to the TerrOil gas station at
the corner of Albany Ave. and Topaz St., have Niko follow from about half a
block behind them. When they get a couple of blocks from the gas station have
Niko get ahead of them and park across the street from the gas station on the
south end of San Juan Rd. When Ray's cars stop at the gas pumps have Niko use
the Rocket launcher to shoot Ray's car--the light grey car--then the other car.
You can have Niko use whatever gun to shoot the pumps which are explosive, too.
Whatever57010 shows you can just have Niko speed east on Uranium St. ahead of
the two cars then south to Topaz St. to head them off, get out of his car, and
shoot them with the Rocket launcher.
"GTA IV - Pest Control (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Thanks to GTA Series Videos for the tip that an alternative way to have Niko
kill Ray and his men is with a car bomb. Before Niko goes into the marker at
the south side of Vauxite St. south of the south end of Astoria St., East Hol-
land, and calls Jimmy, have Niko call Packie for a car bomb. Have Niko attach
the bomb to Ray's car--the light grey car--then go to the marker. Once Ray's
two cars drive off and are close to each other have Niko bring up his cell phone
and go to Phonebook > Packie > Detonate.
"GTA 4 - Mission #83 - Pest Control (1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
Niko gets $14,500.
Niko calls Jimmy to say the meeting went to plan and Jimmy says it's hard to
clean house and he'll talk to Niko soon.
If you have Niko call Roman Niko says all this killing is giving him a con-
science problem and Roman suggests there may be a less violent path for Niko to
Jon Gravelli's missions
IX.38 Entourage
Jon Gravelli: Madison Arnold Madison played Zimmerman in "Escape from Alca-
traz," 1979, Jilly in "Donnie Brasco," 1997, supplied the voices of Frank Min-
nelli/Stanley/Stickman Willow/Old Sailor for the game "The Longest Journey,"
1999, played Bridges/1991 Leonard Jensen/1996 Mr. Pelham/1999 Patrick Clarke/
2000 Reimer/2005 Saul Lasky/2009 in six episodes of the TV series "Law & Order,"
Vincent DiMeo in a 2007 episode of the TV series "Damages," Anton Velov in three
2015-2016 episodes of the TV series "The Blacklist," etc.
Bobby Jefferson: Tom Tammi Tom played Jack Kiley in the TV soap opera "Guid-
ing Light," 1952, Harold Reed in "Sleepless in Seattle," 1993, Special Agent
Collins in a 1997 episode of the TV series "Remember WENN," a CNN Anchor in
"Source Code," 2011, Neal Jenkins in a 2013 episode of the TV series "Person of
Interest," etc.
At the instruction of the U.L. Paper boss (after "Payback," IX.32) have Niko
enter the Schottler Medical Center on the north side of Cassidy St., Dukes, to
meet Jon Gravelli.
Jon is old and in bad health frequently coughing and gasping for his breath.
He likes that Niko has been doing things for their mutual friend James Pegorino.
Some Russians want to take over his family's rackets. Bernie Crane's friend
(Bryce Dawkins, the deputy mayor) is being blackmailed by the Russians. They
want him to put certain contracts up for tender--contracts for things Jon's fam-
ily controls. (See Dimitri's call to Niko after "Union Drive," IX.22.)
Jon wants Niko to work for him in exchange for not doing anything about the
thick police file of Niko's crimes and for having Darko brought in--possibly
from Switzerland. A friend of Jon's is coming to town to give a speech on Rus-
sian organized crime and some people (the Russian mob) don't want that speech to
happen. Dimitri Rascalov may not want it in the press. Jon wants Niko to make
sure Jon's friend gets to City Hall. Jon's friend is coming to Grand Easton
Terminal on Bismarck Ave.
Send Niko to Grand Easton Terminal at the north side of Hematite St. at Bis-
marck Ave., Easton, Algonquin. A guard tells Niko to stay in the convoy all the
way to City Hall.
Have Niko get in the middle car of three, a Lokus, which is then entered by
Jon's friend Bobby Jefferson. Have Niko follow the first car. They're stopped
by a roadblock on Luddite Row at Feldspar St. and ambushed. The driver of the
first car gets out to talk to one of the Russians and is shot. Niko has Bobby
run into an alley on the west side of Luddite Row with him.
There's a First Aid kit farther west in the alley.
A couple waves of five attackers each appear across the street and north and
south on it.
Have Niko shoot the Russian in the alley to the east across the steet then go
to the entrance of the alley to shoot one with a Rocket launcher on a scaffold
with blue canvas to the south. Have him leave any that appear on the roof on
the near side of the street to the north till he clears those on the street.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the option of having Niko run farther west in the
alley, climb onto the blue dumpster, climb onto the roof, and go to the east
side to shoot the Russians. Then have Niko drop to the ground and shoot any
Russians he couldn't get from the roof.
See the rooftop method used in the following video by GTA Series Videos.
"GTA 4 - Mission #79 - Entourage (1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
Thanks to the gtawikia.com site for the tip that the motorcade ambush refers
to the alley ambush scene in "Clear and Present Danger," 1994, in which Harrison
Ford is in a motorcade that's cornered and attacked in an alley by gangsters
with RPGs.
Have Niko use the nearby Lokus to take Bobby to the Civic Citadel on the west
side of Denver Ave. and north side of Diamond St. Four cars of Russians will
chase and fire at his car. You can have him drive quickly and evasively but
it's not easy to outdistance them.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the option of having Niko stay on foot, go onto the
street to get the cars of attackers to appear, get back in the alley, and shoot
the two gunmen in each car as they enter the alley.
Thanks to Willzyyy for the option of having Niko keep the Lokus in one basic
area and let the four cars of attackers come to it so Niko can shoot them from
"Grand Theft Auto IV - Mission #76 - Entourage" by Willzyyy
Once at the Civic Citadel Bobby tells Niko he did well--some immigrants have
the best interest of the country in their hearts.
Niko gets $12,000.
Niko calls Jon--he tells him he got his friend to City Hall safely and Jon
says he did good.
Kate may call about Roman's wedding.
If you have Niko call Roman Niko says Gravelli knows The Contact and will give
him Darko. Roman says Gravelli is dangerous so be careful.
Weazel News reports that Bobby Jefferson's motorcade was attacked but he
courageously gave his speech against organized crime anyway praising an uniden-
tified immigrant who made sure he could deliver his speech.
IX.39 Dining Out
Have Niko go to the Schottler Medical Center on the north side of Cassidy St.,
Dukes, to meet Jon Gravelli.
Jon Gravelli tells Niko that their mutual friend has located Darko Brevic in
Bucharest and he's being brought to Liberty City. The mutual friend also wants
Gravelli to do him a favor--kill Kim the counterfeiter (the one whose boat Niko
escorted for Derrick McReary during "Babysitting," IX.17). Kim Young-Guk is
very well protected and eats at Mr. Fuks Rice Box.
Have Niko go to to Mr. Fuks Rice Box south of the west end of Hubbard Ave.,
Alderney City. During the ride Brucie calls to ask Niko to go out for something
to eat but but Niko says he's already going to a Korean place.
You can have Niko use the Rocket launcher to destroy the PMP-600 in the park-
ing lot behind the restaurant so Kim can only try to escape on foot later
(thanks to gta4.net).
Have Niko go inside. The man at the front desk tells Niko that Kim is talking
to the manager and they don't want to see anyone else. Have Niko kill him and
shoot the guard that approaches from the little hall just past the entrance
area. The guards have SMGs.
Have Niko shoot from that little hall then the main room at any guard that
comes down the stairs then those on the upper landing. Have him go up the
stairs enough to shoot more guards that come through the south door onto the up-
per landing.
Have Niko go to the upper landing, shoot any guards that are left, then go
north into the manager's office. Have Niko point a weapon at the manager to
scare him to confess that Kim went out back through the kitchen. Kim appears as
a red blip on the radar. There's Body Armor on the manager's desk.
Have Niko leave the office and shoot the four guards who attack from across
the upper landing. Have Niko go south to the double doors to the kitchen and
shoot the two guards that emerge from it. There's a First Aid kit on the floor.
Have Niko go through the door at the other end of the kitchen onto the fire
escape. Kim is outside trying to flee. There are a variety of ways to kill
If Niko didn't destroy Kim's PMP-600 before entering the restaurant you could
have Niko jump down and use the NRG-900 parked beside the PMP-600 to do a drive-
by of Kim and his car from which another man shoots at Niko.
If Niko destroyed Kim's PMP-600 before entering the restaurant have Niko chase
him and kill him any way you want. There aren't enough Molotovs in this walk-
through yet--you could have Niko use those.
Robert Rusk has Niko go behind the restaurant before he enters it, drive the
PMP-600 forward a few feet to create enough space to plant a bomb from Packie in
the back, attach the bomb, then get back in and back it to where it was. After
he has Niko kill the last guard in the kitchen he has Niko use his phone and
Detonate the bomb once Kim starts to drive away.
06nene155 (video no longer available) showed that Niko can chase after the
PMP-600 on foot to near the end of the alley and shoot the car with the Rocket
I just had Niko use an SMG to shoot from the top of the fire escape down and
to the right at Kim as he ran to get into his car and shoot him through his win-
Niko gets $13,250.
Niko calls Jon and says Kim has passed his last false bill. Jon says this is
going to be a fruitful partnership for us both.
IX.40 Liquidize the Assets
Have Niko go to the Schottler Medical Center on the north side of Cassidy St.,
Dukes, to meet Jon Gravelli. Give Niko full Health, Armor, Grenades, and ammo
for the Rocket launcher and a rifle.
Niko sees the mutual friend Gravelli mentioned before is the United Liberty
Paper Contact. Jon says the U.L. Paper boss says the Ancelottis are in league
with the Russian gang for a drug operation. The Contact says their cocaine
business is a matter of national security (but he probably just wants something
done about it as a favor for Gravelli). Their distribution network is a fleet
of vans with cocaine packed into their frames at a grocery warehouse in Alderney
City. If Niko destroys the operation the U.L. Paper boss will talk with Niko
(about finding Darko).
Have Niko go to the compound that's protected by armed Russian guards north-
west of the northwest curve of Mueri St., Alderney City. Have him destroy the
five vans there--each is at the open entrance of a garage and indicated on the
radar (other vans aren't). A short cutscene overlooking the place and the air
conditioning ducts along the side of a building implies how Niko can climb them
to enter the compound. The layout of the lot with the vans is shown at the next
See the rooftop method demonstrated by Willzyyy at the next link.
"Grand Theft Auto IV - Mission #78 - Liquidize The Assets" by Willzyyy
Have Niko climb the sheet metal fence east of the main fence, go to the north
end of the lot, climb on the blue dumpster, climb onto the rusty roof, climb
onto the wall, climb up three air conditioning vents, then climb onto the roof.
Have Niko climb onto a higher roof, go in a crouch to the ladder, and climb it
to the upper roof. Have him shoot the guard that's in the southwest corner who
leaves a Carbine Rifle pickup and a nearby Combat Sniper pickup. You may have
Niko use the Combat Sniper pickup to snipe the guards on the farther roofs and
use the Carbine Rifle pickup to shoot the closer ones including one or two that
try to approach from the nearby rooftop door. There's an Armor pickup by the
Have Niko go through the door, down the stairway, kill one or two guards, and
go outside. Have him destroy the nearby van with a Grenade (as usual standing
a safe distance away which is farther with a Rocket launcher).
Have Niko go to the next van, kill the guard near it, take cover and kill the
two guards ahead, then destroy it and the next van. You can have Niko shoot the
propane tank on a Forklift to destroy one of them.
There's a First Aid kit on a nearby the wall, an Armor pickup on a pile of
planks, and a Grenade pickup on a box covered in blue tarp.
Have Niko go south to destroy the remaining two vans. (Dont let a guard drive
off with one--have Niko use the Rocket launcher on a fleeing van if needed.)
There's an Assault rifle pickup in a corner west of the entrance driveway.
See the ground level method demonstrated by GTA Series Videos at the next
link. Have Niko climb over the chain link entrance gate and, as with the roof-
top method, the initial concern is mainly to have Niko kill the guards.
"GTA 4 - Mission #81 - Liquidize the Assets (1080p)" by GTA Series Videos
(The game will let you have Niko approach in a helicopter which alerts the
guards. You can have Niko use a van to chase an escaping van--red blip--and
leave another van or two behind without failing the mission.)
"GTA IV - Liquidize the Assets (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Niko gets $14,500.
Niko calls Gravelli--Jon says he likes Niko's work and will call him when his
men get Darko Brevic into the country.
The U.L. Paper boss calls--his associates have Darko Brevic at the airport
cargo area ("That Special Someone," IX.41). Niko's missions for The Contact are
If you completed "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" Niko can't have Friend
activities until after the final mission.
Niko Bellic's missions
IX.41 That Special Someone
Darko Brevic: Michael Medeiros Michael played Detective Harding/1994 Inter-
nal Affairs Detective Reynolds/1996 Matthew O'Dell/1998 Vince Renalfi//2001 De-
fense Attorney Stewart Griffin/2003 Mike Dolci/2008 in six episodes of the TV
series "Law & Order," Igor in "Sometime in August," 1999, Sergeant Scott in the
2001 short "The Accident," Curt Bells in a 2005 episode of the TV series "Jonny
Zero," he wrote, directed, and produced the 2008 short "Underground," played
Solnick in a 2011 episode of the TV series "Person of Interest," Joe Bey in a
2014 episode of the TV series "Elementary," etc.
The title refers to Niko's reply when The Contact asks him if he is looking
for somebody and Niko says, "We're all looking for that special someone" in
"Portrait of a Killer."
Niko calls Roman to say he's going to finish things with Darko. Roman wants
Niko to take him to the meeting.
Have Niko pick up Roman near the alley entrance on the south side of Crockett
Ave. west of Oneida Ave., Firefly Island, and drive him to the dead end road
south of the big oval of road at the airport. During the drive Roman says they
both lost a lot of friends the day Darko betrayed them. Niko says he lost him-
self, too--everything good and innocent in him died. Niko thinks he's just good
at death but Roman assures him he's a good friend and cousin and has integrity--
he has the power to be good. Niko says he may start to believe that when Darko
is dead. Roman says Niko must stop killing and start to forgive. Niko says it
can start after Darko is dead. They arrive at the airport as the van with Darko
Thanks to whatever57010 for the tip that there are two possible examples of
dialogue for the drive to the airport.
"GTA IV - That Special Someone (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
Darko is pushed out of the back of a van with his hands tied behind his back.
Niko tells him they were part of a group that grew up together and the only two
who survived Darko's betrayal (shouldnt that be three--what about Florian?).
Niko lists friends of theirs, including Goran, killed by Darko's decision.
Darko says he had other friends and neighbors whom Goran and his men killed.
Everything he knew was shown to be lies. When Niko is upset to learn that Darko
did it for a thousand dollars Darko asks, "How much do you charge to kill some-
one?" (It's probably a bigger list than Darko's, too.) Darko says he betrayed
Niko's group for money for his drug addiction and calls Niko a hypocrite. He
asks to be killed--"You'd be doing me a favor." Roman asks Niko to leave with
him and let Darko suffer--"He knows what he did."
Either choice--having Niko kill or spare Darko--won't effect your ability to
finish the main story or get 100% completion for the game. Roman persuades Niko
they should go--they've seen what happened to him. Darko cries out in agony--
"I'm lost," etc. Afterward Roman asks to be taken to Brucie's place.
If you choose to have Niko let Darko live in torture by having Niko walk away
Darko continues to cry out. Roman says living will be more painful for him.
If you choose to have Niko kill Darko Niko can perform an execution (with a
lot of bullets) if you equip him with a Pistol. Darko thanks him as he dies and
Niko tells him it was "for everyone--and for me."
Have Niko take Roman to Brucie's place on the east side of Mohanet Ave. north
of Chicory St., Broker. During the drive Niko says he doesn't want to hear the
radio and it's off (although you could turn it on).
If you choose to have Niko let Darko live Roman says he did the right thing.
Niko says it took every fiber of his being pulling in the same direction to do
it. But he realized killing Darko wouldn't bring closure.
If you choose to have Niko kill Darko Niko says he feels empty--killing Darko
didn't fill the emptiness he's felt since the betrayal. Roman says maybe now
Niko can look for fulfillment in healthy things. Niko says he doesn't know.
At Brucie's place Niko says he needs to be alone. Roman reminds him that the
wedding is soon. (The mission accomplished music is the same as that used at
the end of "Have a Heart" and "Weekend at Florian's.")
Niko gets the "That Special Someone" Achievement.
Niko calls Florian. If Niko let Darko live Florian says it must have been
hard but Niko won. They should celebrate--Niko's free now. If Niko killed
Darko Florian says he should forget the past.
If you also completed "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend" Niko can't have
Friend activities till after the final mission.
Jimmy calls--he wants Niko to meet him at Honkers.
Jimmy Pegorino's missions cont.
IX.42 One Last Thing
Have Niko go to Honkers strip club on the south side of Tinderbox Ave. south
of the south end of Argus St., Tudor.
Jimmy needs Niko to make a deal with the Russian mob to save the family busi-
ness. He wants Niko to use the heroin Phil had Niko steal in "Truck Hustle"
(IX.29) and work with Dimitri Rascalov, Niko's betrayer, to sell it. (Dimitri
set up Niko to be killed by Bulgarin in "Russian Revolution," V.31.)
Niko is against it but Jimmy insists it's his last chance and Phil will deal
with the Russians. Niko finally consents.
Niko calls Roman saying he has a serious problem--he has to deal with Dimitri
again. Roman says he heard Niko and Dimitri have made up and says Dimitri is on
a boat in East Hook. Niko says now that he knows that he may kill Dimitri in-
stead but Roman says he has a good apartment now and will have a better one if
Niko goes along with this. Niko says he'll have to think about it.
Niko calls Kate and asks if he should work with a man he made an oath to him-
self not to work with again. Kate tells Niko she wont respect him if he compro-
mises what he believes in for money.
A green "$" icon, representing Deal, and a red dagger icon, representing Re-
venge, appear on the in-game map and radar.
You can choose between two sets of final main story missions--Deal or Revenge.
If you pass the missions either way, Niko will kill Dimitri and get $250,000.
Roman sends Niko a text message encouraging Niko to choose a good life (with
Deal) and not throw it all away with revenge.
If you choose Deal, Niko's loyal brother Roman will be killed and Niko will
lose Kate's respect and cause her to end their relationship...but she must still
care for him because she'll interfere with him if he dates the girlfriends he
hasn't dated yet.
If you choose Revenge, Jimmy Pegorino will be killed but so will Kate, and she
manages to star in a GTA and not be a criminal, and Niko admires her.
Roman and Kate are like Patty Lane and Cathy Lane, both played by Patty Duke,
on the 1963-1966 TV series "The Patty Duke Show"--very different in some ways.
Packie told Niko Kate can't have fun--Roman may be having a little too much fun.
Kate doesn't want to screw around--Roman did till lately. Kate wouldn't gamble
with mobsters--Roman did till lately. But both are loyal to Niko in wanting him
to get out of his life of violent crime.
You can see both endings to the story by saving the game before the start of
the mission and trying each alternative without saving the game until after the
one you prefer. If you use a folder to make a collection of save games, you can
use it to save the missions of both.
Deal (green "$" icon)
Phil Bell missions cont.
IX.43 Deal If The Price is Right
"GTA IV - If the Price is Right (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
GTAs, from "III" on, use Pricedown font for the "Grand Theft Auto" title.
It's similar to the font used since 1972 for the title of the TV game show "The
Price is Right." Ray Larabie created the Pricedown font and named it in 1998.
The name of the font combines "Price" with the word "down" of the line used on
the show to call an audience member to be a contestant: "Come on down."
In this case, Niko is about to do something even more drastic that the con-
testants of the show do for money.
Give Niko full Health, Armor, and a lot of rifle, sniper rifle, and SMG ammo.
Have him go to the green Deal icon on the south side of the nameless street
north of the "+" marking on the radar/maps northwest of the west end of Tinder-
box Ave. to meet Phil.
Phil wants Niko to take him to Port Tudor.
Have Niko take Phil to the entrance fence a bit east on the nameless road
that's southeast of the intersection of Latchkey Ave. and Barsac Ave.
During the ride, Phil tells Niko that Dimitri will give the buyers the heroin
and he'll call when he does so Niko and Phil can get the buyers' money. Niko's
glad he doesn't have to see Dimitri in the flesh. Phil says that when Jimmy set
up the deal Phil met Dimitri and doesn't trust him. Niko says Dimitri double
crossed him--he nearly got killed--so Dimitri is particularly untrustworthy.
The guard at the gate tells Niko and Phil that when they learn the heroin is
good they'll pay for it--meanwhile, Niko and Phil should wait in the compound.
Have Niko drive Phil into the marker in the lot just south of the marking on
the radar/maps that west of the same nameless where it's west of the first--
south to north--big rectangular projection of land with a dead end road on it
on the coast of Port Tudor.
Dimitri calls Niko and says he killed the buyers--he thought they'd all win if
he killed the buyers and they kept the money and the drugs. Niko asks what will
happen to him and Phil, in the compound of the gang of the buyers, when the gang
finds out? Dimitri tells him to get the money--it has to be somewhere on the
Phil thinks the gang will try to kill them so if they have to fight to live to
fight for the money as well.
Have Niko follow Phil up the ladder at the corner in the middle of the west
side of the warehouse represented by the marking mentioned above on the radar/
maps. Have him go south to climb onto higher roof and continue to the most
southern skylight. Phil says the money is inside and shoots out the glass of
the window, if you don't have Niko do it first, and drops inside. Thanks to
Robert Rusk for the tip that you can have Niko can shoot a couple of the guards
before dropping in.
Niko has to get to the office where the money is (the yellow blip on the radar
and in-game map) but he has to help Phil clear the place of attacking guards
first. Phil has a lot of Armor in this missiom but there are a lot of guards so
you shouldn't have Niko waste time.
There are two basically "U"-shaped catwalks, one over the other, in the south-
ern part of the warehouse and one upside-down basically "U"-shaped catwalk in
the northern section. The money is in the control room which Niko can enter at
the northwest end of the northern catwalk.
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip that Niko can't shoot Phil. It keeps you
from having Niko accidently kill him but it can be inconvenient when Phil gets
between Niko and an intended target.
Have Niko shoot the guard at the other end of the walk to the north, then
shoot guards to the north and east, at his level and below, while going east.
Have Niko take cover as needed and give precedence to attackers who get shots,
shown by yellow flashes of bullet trails, to Niko's area.
Have Niko go to the stairs on the east end and do the same thing on the lower
level then go to the ground level and do it there.
There's a First Aid kit at the south side of the boxes at the south side of
the northern yacht of two.
Have Niko climb the nearby stairs to the northern catwalk that leads to the
There's another First Aid kit on a control box on the southern section of the
northern walk.
Have Niko shoot the guards by control boxes and one who approaches from the
office. Send Niko to the office to shoot the two guards in it and shoot one or
two guards who attack from the ground level by support columns.
When the warehouse is cleared of attackers, Phil calls to Niko to help him
get through the office door at the northwest corner. Send Niko to Phil. As
Phil gets them into the office they see a man run out of the building with the
money in a knapsack over his shoulder.
Have Niko go through the east office door, shoot from the stairway to kill two
guards on the ground floor, go to the ground floor, and go outside through the
big east loading dock door. The man with the money drives away north in a Mule
box truck when you get Niko outside.
Have Niko take Phil in the nearby Rancher pickup truck (or the Sanchez beside
it) to chase the box truck. Have Niko hang back enough to avoid obstacles, bar-
rels thrown from the open back of the box truck, and the fire from the attackers
through the open back of the box truck.
Once the box truck is on Plumbbob Ave. and goes north it goes a bit slower.
Have Niko help Phil shoot the box truck enough to get it to stop and cause the
driver to get out and attack and have Niko shoot him or have Niko drive ahead of
the moving truck and drive-by the driver. Have Niko take the knapsack of money.
You could save some effort by having Niko drive northwest from the warehouse
onto Plumbbob Ave. and wait for the truck to get on it and go north to continue
the chase.
(Liberty City Minute tip: the fastest easiest method is to have Niko go out
the big east door and use a Rocket launcher to shoot north at the truck as soon
as he gets high enough on the sloped driveway to see it start to drive away.
Have Niko get the knapsack of money.)
Have Niko take Phil back to the area where Niko picked him up in Tudor. On
the way, Niko says he would have killed Dimitri before if he was going to do it.
Now that Niko has the money he's going to forget about Dimitri. Niko says going
for easy money in crime always leads to big trouble and he's going to drop out
of it. Phil wishes him good luck and leaves Niko to enjoy his share of the mon-
Niko gets $250,000.
Niko gets a thumb-up Like stat from Roman.
Niko calls Roman--Roman is happy that Niko is rich and Niko is happy for Roman
and Mallorie's upcoming marriage.
Jimmy calls--he's happy the Pegorinos are back on top, Phil's bringing him his
share of the money, and Dimitri still has the heroin. Niko tells Jimmy good-
bye--his work with Jimmy is over--but Jimmy says Niko's been a useful set of
hands and he tells Niko to look after himself.
Niko calls Kate. Kate is upset that Niko compromised for money and says she's
not going to the wedding--she doesn't want to be around him right now.
Put Niko's phone into sleep mode and send him to the Middle Park East save
place. Have Niko change into a good Perseus suit and dress shoes and take his
phone off sleep mode.
Roman calls--he wants Niko to be at the wedding at 10 am.
Roman Bellic's missions cont.
IX.44 Deal Mr. & Mrs. Bellic
Have Niko go into the marker (the yellow blip on the radar and in-game map) in
front of the church on the west side of Liberty Lane north of Emerald St., Suf-
folk, Algonquin, within half a day after 10 am.
"GTA IV - Mr and Mrs Bellic (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
As Roman and Mallorie leave the church with happy friends, a hitman (who's in
a dark suit and bald like the protagonist of the Hitman games) sent by Dimitri
Rascalov tries to shoot Niko. Niko kills the hitman but the hitman's gun mis-
fires and kills Roman. Niko dispairs that the killing didn't end although he
left the crime world as Roman told him to do. Jacob tells Niko to leave before
the police arrive--if Jacob finds Dimitri, he'll call.
In Mourning
At Niko's save place in Bohan, Niko mourns Roman's death. Have Niko go to his
Alderney City save place and save the game.
Little Jacob sends a text message--he tells Niko to get a lot of weapons.
Little Jacob calls (or have Niko call him)--he's followed one of Jimmy Pegor-
ino's men to Koresh Square. Since Pegorino has been seeing Dimitri, Jacob hopes
the man he's following leads him to Dimitri.
Weazel News radio reports that a man killed Roman then committed suicide. A
foreign man is being sought for questioning--whereabouts unknown.
Little Jacob's missions cont.
IX.45 Deal A Revenger's Tragedy
This mission has a title similar to the 2003 film "Revengers Tragedy" based on
the 1606 play "The Revengers Tragedy."
Thanks to Robert Rusk for the tip that after Niko gets to the old casino he
can explore with a full Wanted Rating Exploit. Niko can shoot Flying Rats,
etc., without getting a wanted rating unless he goes into a restricted area.
Have Niko go to Jacob's Cognoscenti on the north side of the southern stretch
of Koresh Sq. just west of the nameless north-south road that connects the north
and south stretches. Jacob has Niko get in behind the wheel and says he thinks
the one he's followed is about to lead them to Dimitri and Pegorino. The gang
member Jacob tailed realizes he's being followed and has his car driver speed
away--have Niko chase it.
During the chase, Jacob indicates that he figured Dimitri would go to Pegorino
with the heroin because it was Pegorino that had Niko work with Dimitri for the
heroin deal in "One Last Thing" (IX.42) and Dimitri probably isn't acting defen-
sively about Niko because Dimitri probably thinks Niko has been killed (IX.44).
A man shoots at Niko from Pegorino's gangster's car until a little after the
start of the Plumbers Skyway section of the chase. When the gangster's car
takes the oncoming lanes you can have Niko follow in the right lanes and use one
of the next several breaks in the low center dividing wall to cross into the on-
coming lanes to be able to quickly follow the gangster's car over the Manzano
Rd. exit, Leftwood. Have Niko chase the gangster's car north, go over the one
lane road that connects Big Horn Dr. to Beaverhead Ave., go left on Beaverhead
Ave., go past the end of the guard rail on the right, and veer right onto the
dirt road that leads to the abandoned casino.
Niko's car goes through a small bridge overpass and skids to a halt. Niko and
Little Jacob take cover behind Niko's car while Russian gangsters shoot at them
from the roof and yard of the casino. Niko insists on killing Dimitri himself
for Roman and sends Little Jacob away. Niko tells Jacob to find a way for them
to make a swift exit once Niko is through at the casino.
The usual shootout method: have Niko use his rifle or SMG to shoot from behind
his car at the gangsters on the roof to the right then the rest ahead. Have him
fire the Rocket launcher or throw Grenades at the gangster's vehicles, go fur-
ther into the yard to make sure he got all the gangster's outside, then go to
the casino door, shoot a gangster if one is taking cover behind it, and use it
for cover to shoot and fire the Rocket launcher at the six gangsters inside.
Have him shoot his way north then west to the west end of the room and go
through the doorway.
"GTA 4 - Final Mission / Deal Ending - A Revenger's Tragedy (1080p)" by GTA
Series Videos
Rooftop shootout method (thanks to Robert Rusk): have Niko run from his car
back through the bridge overpass, go left/north, climb onto the concrete pier
and go up the nearby stairs, go to the northeast side of the casino, climb the
stairs, and get onto a lower roof of the casino.
Have Niko climb the ladder and shoot left at the gunman at the south edge of
the roof. If the gunman isn't there he's on the lower southern roof. Have Niko
go to the top of the slanted roof (where Niko gets a text message from Little
Jacob). Have Niko aim southeast with zoom mode, crouch to go south along the
top of the slanted roof, and shoot the two gunmen on the lower roof. If Niko
didn't encounter the gunman when Niko climbed the ladder have him go near the
helipad and crouch to go toward the south lower rooftop to shoot the gunman's
head or shoot him when he climbs the ladder.
Have Niko crouch and go south on the slanted roof and use it as cover to shoot
the thirteen attackers by the cars. Have him use Grenades or the Rocket launch-
er on the cars to kill some.
Have Niko go to the large hole nearby in the roof and shoot down at the six
attackers inside. This eliminates all the current attackers. Have Niko enter
and go through the doorway at the west end of the room.
(Liberty City Minute tip: once Niko's at the old casino, skip the cutscene,
have him run to the right, go onto the roof, and go up the ladder. There's a
hole in the roof which lets you have him kill all the mobsters inside though
it's quicker to just have him jump in and run to the where the next cutscene
starts. Thanks to Glitch)
"GTA IV - A Revenger's Tragedy (All Possibilities)" by whatever57010
There are two First Aid kits in the casino--one just inside to the left of the
front door and one in the back area where Jimmy and Dimitri are.
There's an Armor pickup on the ledge on the back of the building with a low
roof north of the building with a big Sprunk ad in front at the northwest curve
of Big Horn Dr. Have Niko go to the back of the building with a low roof, climb
onto a green dumpster, climb onto the lowest roof, then go right to climb onto
the ledge with the Armor.
Sometime during one of these methods Niko gets a text message from Little Ja-
cob to look to the sky (for a swift way to exit once Niko kills the mob and Di-
After Niko goes through the doorway at the west end of the room Dimitri shoots
Jimmy Pegorino in the head to have more money for himself. Niko tells him "you
and me is gonna end this" and Dimitri flees up the stairs to the roof.
Have Niko climb the stairs onto the roof, shoot the attacker to the north on
the same roof, one a bit west of that on a slightly higher roof, then the five
attackers by the crest of the higher roof to the east. Have him go east to
climb over the roof and run toward the helicopter.
Dimitri enters the helicopter to flee. Niko grabs a landing rail but is
kicked off and falls into the water by a Squalo.
I didn't have this glitch on PC, 2014, but some have reported that if you have
Niko board the boat right away the first rocket from Dimitri's helicopter might
blow up the boat and kill Niko because it's aimed at a spot near him. If you're
having that problem have Niko go a bit south from the boat till after the mis-
sile strikes nearby. (If that happened, I would reload the game. If instead
you let him get killed, he ends up in front of the hospital, etc., and you start
the mission again it resumes from the start of the shoot out at the casino.)
Have Niko chase Dimitri's helicopter which fires rockets at Niko as it goes
around the north end of Alderney and south on the West River.
Little Jacob arrives overhead in an Annihilator. Have Niko go to the marker
under Jacob's helicopter and Niko will grab a landing rail. Press Spacebar re-
peatedly to have Niko climb inside.
With my 2014 PC and Windows 7 I had a glitch causing Niko to be unable to
climb up from the landing rail of Jacob's helicopter. Pressing Spacebar re-
peatedly just caused the "camera" angle to fluctuate. This is apparently due to
my 2014 PC running the game faster than was expected by the developers. The
solution that worked for me was to set FRAPS to record video at 29.97 fps, run
FRAPS during the game, and press the hotkey to record video after Niko grabs
onto the landing rail of Jacob's helicopter so the game ran at that slow frame
rate. (Thanks to algomeysa at gamefaqs.com)
You can get a demo version of FRAPS for free at the site at the next link.
The demo version only allows you to make videos at 30 sec. at a time but it
takes less time than that to have Niko climb into Jacob's helicopter.
This may not be enough to make a newer computer run the game slower. In 2015,
with my new GPU, Jacob's Annihilator wouldn't even fly above Niko's Squalo. It
worked for me to also go to Graphics and set both Shadow Quality and Night Shad-
ows to Very High. I also used Notepad to add a commandline.txt file to the main
game folder and added these two entries to it:
-refreshrate 30
-framelimit 1
You could also right click the desktop icon of the game, click Properties, go
to the Target line, leave a space, then add those two lines.
I pressed the FRAPS hotkey F9 from before the time Jacob's Annihilator was to
appear till Niko climbed up into it.
Have Niko's helicopter chase Dimitri's helicopter over Broker then toward
southern Algonquin. Little Jacob fires a Rocket launcher m |