Inca II Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games. | | |
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Inca II
This walkthrough gives explicit instructions on playing INCA
II to a successful conclusion. It does, however, assume you
have read the Game Manual and are familiar with the various
methods of controlling your actions.
A successful completion also assumes you are able to win the
space combat sequences!
I used the INCA 2 walkthrough INCA2.WLK as a starting point
for this walkthrough. I created sections based on the save
game names and expanded on the instructions. This should now
provide a complete detailed set of instructions for the
adventure puzzle sequences. You may play the game using this
walkthrough entirely. Or you may play the game independently
and look up a specific puzzle only when you are stuck.
Space Combat Tips
1. If you find yourself pitted against the large number of
enemies, the best defense is to eliminate as many as possible
with the more powerful but inaccurate weapons: First use the
atomic bombs then the nuclear torpedoes.
2. Use the IA missiles only when there are very few enemies
attacking you.
3. If you have used up your atomic and nuclear weapons and
there are still many enemy fighters attacking, I found the
gun more useful than the IA missiles. I fired the gun in
bursts of about ten counts at a time, pausing only to get the
gun back up to maximum fire power. I did this while sweeping
round and round past the two planets again and again until I
could pick off the last of the enemy with the IA missiles.
4. When you are asked to fight or to go directly to the
planets, choosing fighting will decrease the number of
enemies in the final combat. This is _definitely_ the
preferable thing to do. If not, you may find the final space
combat is your final act in the game!
5. Practice, practice, practice!
Following the Story
If you are having trouble following the story, try playing
back the video sequences.
You may choose one of two ways to start the game: The Gate of
Wisdom is a puzzle oriented problem. The Gate of Strength is
an arcade sequence.
Gate of Wisdom
Take the feather from the guard's headdress. Take the stone
from the lower side of the screen. Place the stone in the
gutter so that the water falls on the left statue. Next, use
the feather on the left statue. This will cause one of the
gates to rise. Repeat the same steps on the right statue to
raise the second gate. Click on the opening to walk through.
Gate of Strength
You must shoot a minimum of 26 statues in order to pass this
test. You are given several tries to improve your score.
There are approximately fifty statues on the course. If you
are unable to pass this then you will need to go back and
select the Gate of Wisdom.
You will need to draw the guard's attention and knock him
out. First click on the coca leaves and the post with the
rope. Scroll to the right and place the post above the gate
entrance. Walk to the pile of rocks and throw one at the
guard. Quickly hide behind the vegetation to the left of the
screen, or scroll to the right and click on the fence. If the
guard didn't see you, he will walk to the entrance and stand
there for a brief moment. Click on the rope and the post will
fall on the guard.
Space combat in which you must destroy a couple of enemy
Spike aircraft. Use the IA missiles.
Space combat against an Orbiting Base and Spikes. Use Nuclear
Torpedoes on the base and IA missiles on the Spikes.
In order to join the war you must get control of the three-
master. Click on the control panel located on the left side
of the cabin. Click on the control keys and enter any three
digit combination on the numerical pad. An alarm will sound.
You will now be able to enter the airlock. Enter the airlock.
Scroll to the left and click on a portion of the pipe called
the reservoir. Click on the crowbar and scroll to the right.
Use the crowbar to pry open the case of vodka and click on a
bottle. Return to the reservoir, click on it and poor the
vodka in. Exit the airlock. Click the throttle lever to the
On-Position. Go back to the control panel and click on it.
Choose either F1 or F2 for the gun position.
Space combat. Use the gun or IA missiles against the Spikes.
Fire the grapnel at the attack launch of Kelt's three-master.
Follow the instructions!
Centre the antenna position using the controls at A, B and C.
Pick up the crowbar and enter the train. Take the oil can and
leave the train. Oil the pullet with the oil can. Use the
crowbar on the pulley. Enter the train. Use the crowbar on
the peg. Take the leather strap. Turn the inlet wheel and
click on the ignition button. Click on the forward/reverse
During the arcade sequence you will notice four directional
red arrows. When you an attack is about to start a red arrow
will start to blink. Click on it and it will take you to the
location of the attack. Firing in the middle of the screen
will protect the train sufficiently.
Get the bottle of mercury from the chest. Take the light
thread, key, mallet and razor. Click on the mercury on the
rusted dials of the safe. Click the razor on the rope that is
tied around the cabinet. Click on the filing cabinet and rub
the key on the sand to remove the rust. Use the key to open
the filing cabinet. Note the combination the file: 1,3,7.
Open the safe using the combination.
Click the switch to the on position. Put the crystal in the
memory socket. Select either planet A or B.
Space combat. Use the IA missiles and the gun.
PURSUIT (Optional)
Space combat. Three bases and many enemy aircraft! Use the
Nuclear Torpedoes on the bases at a distance.
Click on the stems to the left of the screen. Use the palm
leaf on the ground to reveal the footprints. Enter the
mangrove. Take an oyster and put it on the flat rock. Use the
mallet on the oyster. Take the pearl. Take another oyster and
throw it at the ape. Look at the nest. Click the oyster pearl
on the jade egg.
Place the pearl and emerald egg in the eye sockets of the
crocodile. This will revive him.
Scroll to the right one screen and click near the bottom of
the wall. You should be able to see an outline of a door. The
two scepters are located below the door, one at each corner.
Go through the door and cut the calabash with the razor. Take
both halves of the calabash. Return left. Place the two
scepters and one half of the calabash in position on the
apparatus. Scroll left and place the other half of the
calabash on the keystone located above the entrance of the
Space combat. Use the IA missiles and guns.
Space combat. Use the IA missiles and guns.
ANNOBON (Optional)
Space combat. To begin with use the Atomic Disintegration
Bombs, then the Nuclear Torpedoes. If you have eliminated
enough enemy spacecraft with the heavy weapons, the guns and
lastly the IA missiles should get the rest.
Go toward the cliff. Use the peg on the block of stone and
hit it with the mallet. Scroll up and click the light thread
on the root. Scroll down and use the rope on the end of the
light thread. Now pull on the light thread and attach it to
the peg. Finally, click on the small stones then on the block
of stone.
You need to click on the prayer scrolls, two, four and seven
numbered from the left. (The three scrolls must be in air at
the same time!) _Hurry_! Take the conch.
Click on the opening and take the chain, click the chain on
the point at the base of the golden lightning rod. Use the
crowbar on the casting.
Give the Lama the conch shell. Click on the logs that are
located in the snow. Click the logs on the snow. Click the
strap on the sticks. Use the casting on the strap. Hit the
gong with mallet.
Use the mallet on the icicles. Put the broken pieces in the
sun. Quickly, click on the water skin and place it on the
melting ice. Pour the water into the basin.
Space combat. This will be an easy battle if you opted to
fight earlier. Use the gun.
Space combat. Use the Atomic Disintegration Bomb and Nuclear
Torpedoes immediately. Then use the gun and IA missiles.
Get the necklace from the guard. Use the razor to cut the
cord. Use the crowbar on the hatch on the left side of the
opening. Insert the pearls from the necklace on the panel.
Use the mallet on the pearls. Do _not_ touch the buttons! Go
to the right opening and use mallet or crowbar on the ledge.
Return to the hatch on the left. Touch all the buttons and
the door will close. Pick up the three pearls once they have
dropped out of the hollows. Return to the right opening and
place the pearls in the hollows.
The floppy disk based version of INCA II ends here. The CD
based version continues:
Throughout the maze when you come across an eye, click on it
to continue.
Go to the room of statues: Go right, left, right, right,
right. Click on one of the statues and take a diamond. Go
through the tunnel.
Go to the room of mirrors: Go right, left, right, right,
right, left, left. Use the diamond on one of the mirrors and
get a piece of glass. Go through the tunnel.
Go to the room of pictures: Go right, right, right, left,
right, right, right. Use the glass on the picture of
Atahualpa. Take the music box.
Return to the room of statues: Go through the tunnel, then
go, left, left, right, right, right, left, right. Click the
music box on one of the statues.
1. Click on a flower to open it.
2. Click the stone of light on the flower petals to reveal
its color.
3. Click on the flower to get the pollen.
4. Go to the next flower and repeat steps 1 and 2.
5. If the colour is different from the previous flower,
click the pollen from the inventory on the flower. Click
the stone of light on the flower to reveal two colours.
6. Repeat steps 1, 2 and 5 to reveal three colours.
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2025 |
CheatBook-DataBase 2025 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
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