
Knight's Chase Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Knight's Chase

Knight's Chase

Submitted by: Dj Simo

1. At the beginning of the game go inside the museum.
1. Go inside the room where the Japanese television is filming.
1. Take the headphones.
2. Go to the opposite room.
1. Take the sword and the shield.
2. Look at the big picture on the wall. It will tell you a
   story about yourself.
2. Open the door to the right. You are now in the ticket office.
1. Take the remote control catapult.
2. Take the compact disc.
3. Switch on the terminal, you will need to put the plug in the
   wall on the right side.
4. Use the compact disc. Now you can go to the next room.

1. Go into the Curator's office.
1. Search in the drawer. You'll find a key, a magnetic card and
   a magazine (read it).

1. Return in the museum but be carreful because the alarm system is
1. When you are walking on your knees just avoid the laser
   beams. You have to walk close to the furniture.

1. You're back to the entry hall.
1. Take the screwdriver in the toolbox and use it on the closed
   door across the hallway. Enter the room and take the CO2 fire
   extinguisher in the far corner of the room.
2. Leave this room and use the key to open the Control box.
3. Disable the alarm by using the CO2 fire extinguisher on the
   control box.

1. Now you can enter the next room leading to the outside garden.
   Careful of the alarm system.
1. A knight will appear as soon as you enter the room.
2. Use the sword or fight with your hands to kill him. Watch
   out for the laser beams.
3. Use the magnetic card on the showcase on the left and take
   the ammo for your small catapult.
4. Use the remote-controlled catapult. Drive it to the room
   with the white laser beams and shoot at the red button to deactivate
   the alarm. You have to avoid the little points on the floor
   until you are facing the alarm switch. Wait for the message telling
   you can shoot to be displayed. Use the ammunition and shoot. alarm
   is off. Switch off the remote-controlled catapult, it is
   nolonger needed.
5. Go into the room and take the sword.
6. Go outside in the garden (cloister) where you have to find
   the "hologramme".
7. Fight the knight. You will be thrown down the well after
   being captured by two men.

1. The Cells In 1329

1. Take the lute and throw it towards the opposite prisoner
   Berwal will play and attract the guard's attention.
2. When the guard is in front of you punch him. Berwal will then
   throw you the key to open your cell.
3. Take the sword and kill the guard who will leave a key for you to
   pick up.
4. Go inside the open room (you will find a wine bottle).
5. Use the key to open the gate.
6. Go up the stairs, don't move and let the old blind man walk in
   front of you.
7. Search the fire place and pick up the key to open the door next
   to the fire place (opposite the stairs). Mind the sheep!!
8. Take the sheep skin and
9. the shepherd's stick.
10. In the next room take the piece of ham, the bottle and bucket
   which you need to fill with water in the other room.
11. Put out the fire in the fire place with the bucket of water.
12. Search and climb inside the chimney.

1. Under the Roof
1. Use the sheep skin to jump silently from one side to the
2. Go to the left.
3. When you are above the old man's bedroom, use the stick to
   take his frock.
4. Go Left. In the next room, turn right to the dead-end.
   Descend the stairway on the left side.

1. Ground Floor
1. Search the iron cage and take the book "The Knight's Song"
   and the hologramme. (Do not "push" the cage).
2. Push the big golden cross, it is a secret passage.

1. The Scriptorium
1. You will find cups with water, pitch, boneblack, spleen.
2. Get the stiletto (from the table in the back of the room).
3. Go up the stairs. Take the goose-quill and the wooden box on
   top of the cupboard.
4. Stand in front of the desk where you can write and use the
5. Use the stiletto on the book, you will have a gem.
6. Use the water, spleen, and boneblack in that exact order,
   you will obtain some ink.
7. Stand in front of the white paper and use the goose-quill to
   copy the contents of the "Knight's Song".
8. Go back to the room with the iron cage and put back in the
   cage the "Knight's Song" and the wooden box. (Don't lose time
   because a timer is on !!)
9. Go back to the scriptorium, put on the monk's frock and push
   the torch on the wall.
10. The secret passage will close. A monk will enter.
11. Follow the monk very carefully (always walk right behind
12. When you are outside in the cloister, turn right when you
    are near an open door (a message is displayed) the monk keeps
    going straight forward.
13. Outside, in the back you will see a guard. Once you are
    inside the hospital, do not go out again.

1. The Hospital
1. Take the wooden pot (on the floor to your left when you
2. Smash it against the wall then pick up a key.
3. The key opens the door on your left hand side entering the
4. In this room, find a book on a stone edge and read about how
   to make a sleeping potion with the ingredients you will find on
   the 3 shelves.
5. Go out and visit the other 4 rooms with shut doors.

1. The Tannery
1. You will find a leather cutter on the shelves to your left

1. The Bakery
1. Another door opens onto a room with a bread oven.
2. Find then 2 pieces of bread, one in the oven, the other on
   the opposite table.
3. Pour your green potion on one of them.
4. You are now able to open the fourth door and meet an old
5. Throw your "green bread" at him.
6. Use then your leather cutter on the hospital statue to take
   a ruby.
7. Repeat the operation on all hospital statues.
8. Keep a watch for the 2 guards who are waiting for you
   outside the old templar cell.

1. The Mortuary
1. Provided that you picked up the key the second guard left
   behind him after your fight, you can now open the mortuary door.
2. Push on the heart of the corpse and find his golden heart.
   Do not use it on the statue as long as you don't have in your
   possession 8 gems (among them 3 diamonds).
3. Use of the golden heart on the statue in the corner.
4. Quickly go towards the other statue at the other end of the
   room and drink out of the golden glass the statue offers you.
5. You will become drunk and Wolfram will catch you and put you
   in jail.

1. The Torture Cell
1. Tied on the wheel, you can move towards left (right arrow on
   keyboard), to burn the rope which holds you.
2. Once you are free, fight with the guard and do not forget to
   pick up your things on the table.
3. To leave the room, invert the position of the 2 torches.
   This will open up a door for you.
4. To avoid getting lost in the corridor, take the first left
   and show the ring without a stone to the old templar.

1. The Old Templar's Cell
1. After he dies, pick up the objects he leaves behind and look
   in the chest. Take everything you find. Place the strange red
   stone inside the leather pouch to dazzle Wolfram.
2. The 9 gems are ready for you to pick up in the golden
3. To open the secret door, use your ring.
4. Once you are back in the library, you may meet 2 devils
   dressed up in monks.
5. In the library, you can open the big double door leading to
   the refectory.

1. The Refectory
1. Do not rush! You must first pick up the stack of plates on
   the table at your right hand side and then walk towards the
   kitchen with the plates in your hands.
2. Go to the scullery where you will find two tombs.
3. Use the stones on them and take the key which will allow you
   to open the door in the kitchen.

1. The Cemetery
1. You are now in the cemetery where zombies and a ghoul wait
   for you.
2. First get rid of the ghoul using the small wooden cross. It
   will leave a tooth for you to open the door at the bottom of the
3. Go towards the two other tombs and use the stones.

1. The Tower
1. Once you are inside the tower, on your left handside you
   will find a secret passage.
2. To open it push on the small statuette on the wall.

1. The Cells
1. Back in the cells you will have to find your way back to the
   torture room to access the cells where you were made
   prisoner with Berwal.
2. Go to Berwal's cell but be careful appearances can be
3. Go back up to the library.

1. The Church
1. Now get out of the library and breathe some fresh air in the
2. Go round and get rid of the guard in front of a door.
3. Go inside and look around you.
4. You are in a church.
5. Look at all the carved pictures on the wall (stations of
6. When you see the number 7, push the picture. A door will
7. Fight the black knight and go up the steps.
8. Use the first weight you find on your left and use it.

1. The Roof
1. You are on the roof now and you can use your three diamonds
   on the tomb.
2. You will be caught but your friend Berwal will come to your

1. The Abbey
1. As soon as you see the executioneer quickly leave your iron
   cage and go straight ahead to hide from Montfalcon who is
   watching you from above.
2. Take everything on the table and use the corn.
3. You are now as impressive looking as your enemy and ready to
4. Go straight to the entrance of the church in the small
5. Push the Golden cross and go upstairs.
6. Once you are on the roof you have to know that the only way
   for you to get rid of Montfalcon is to push him and make him
7. Then go back inside and stand in front of the double door
   where you saw Wolfram.
8. Push the torch on the wall.
9. Go up the steps and use the small wooden cross on the
10. Push the small font which has just appeared.
11. Go downstairs through the secret passage now open.
12. In the red basement (Wolfram's lair) avoid the pentacle and
    search everywhere.
13. Follow meticulously the indications in the book found on the
    table in the 2nd room.
14. Use the lit torch on the pentacle to make it disappear and
the potion on the closed book held by the statue.
15. A door opens. It will lead you to Juliette at last!
16. Take the seal.
17. Get a rope from a shelf.
18. Use the Rope on the Bucket.
19. Use the bucket and fill it with water (do not fall in the
    and pour the water on Juliette.
20. Run away from the evil creature and go back up the church.
21. Avoid the pentacle and find the big cross next to the
    stained glass.
22. Push it until you reach the sign on the floor. It will
    collapse on Wolfram. Juliette is now free and will run towards you
    with the glove.
23. Place the seal on the glove and use it.

You are now back in 1995. THE END YOU ARE FINISHED!


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