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Leisure Suit Larry 3
Submitted by: Dj Simo
Part 1: Larry Laffer
1. Walk to plaque..."read plaque"... "stop"
2. Walk to binoculars on the left..."look through binoculars"
3. Go to your house...(auto-action)
4. Go to jungle sceen #2...(auto-action)
5. Go to Natives Inc...(auto-action)
6. Go to jungle sceen #1 by small tree..."get wood"
7. Go to your house..."open mailbox"..."get mail"..."close mailbox"
8. Go to beach..."look girl"..."give card"
9. Go to casino by steps..."sharpen knife on steps"
10. Go to Chip'n Dale's (patch of grass)..."cut grass with knife"..."weave
grass"..."carve wood"
11. Go to cabana (left stall)..."wear grass"
12. Go to beach...(auto-action)
13. Go to cabana (left stall)..."wear suit". Walk to sink on left side of
cabana..."drink water"..."get soap"
14. Go in casino to Showroom (upstairs left)..."give pass"..."give money"
15. After show wait by phone for Cherri..."look girl"..."give land"
16. Go to Dewey, Cheatem & Howe..."get divorce". In Suzi's office..."sit"
..."get divorce"..."get deed"..."stand"
17. Go in Comedy Hut to center table..."sit". Stay for the entire show.
18. Go to Dewey, Cheatem & Howe..."get deed"
19. Go in casino to stage door by Showroom..."knock". After you appear on
20. Go to Dewey, Cheatem & Howe (in Cherri's costume)..."give money"
21. Go in casino to stage door by Showroom..."open door". Go back stage to
where you clothes are..."get suit"
22. Go to beach..."get towel"
23. Go to Dewey, Cheatem & Howe..."get papers"..."look papers"
24. Go in Fat City to door on left..."use card"
25. In locker room..."look back of card". The locker is number 69. The
combination is the page numbers of the adds in Nontoonyt Tonite for the
businesses listed on the back of the card.
26. Go to locker 69. It is located on the left-center of the screen....
"open locker"..."get sweats"..."close locker"
27. Go in the exercise roon (door on right). Walk to left end of exercise
equipment..."use bar". Walk to right end..."use press". Go to back of
equipment on right..."use curl". Walk to front center..."use pullup"
28. Go to locker 69..."open locker"..."remove sweats"..."close locker"
29. Go in shower (door on left) to center of back wall..."Turn on water".
Walk to center of shower..."use soap"..."rinse"..."turn off water"
30. Go back to locker..."open locker"..."use towel"..."use deodorant"...
"get suit"..."close locker"
31. Go to rear door in lobby of Fat City..."use card"
32. Inside aerobics studio, walk to stage..."look girl"..."help with video"
33. Go to beach..."get suntan"..."stand"
34. Go to cave with orchids..."get orchids"..."make lei"
35. Go in casino to lounge (upstairs right)..."sit"..."look girl"..."give
decree"..."give lei"..."get date"
36. Go in Comedy Hut to center table..."get wine"
37. Go in casino to elevators (downstairs right)..."push button". When
you get in the elevator..."push nine". When you get in the penthouse
walk to the table by the bed..."pour wine"
Part 2: Passionate Patti
1. Walk to the table behind screen..."get panties"..."get bra"..."get hose"
..."get dress". Go to table by bed..."get bottle". Walk to elevator...
"push one"
2. Go to casino lounge by piano..."get money". Walk to the sign..."get
marker". When you leave the lounge and pass the mirrors..."look mirror"
3. Go to cabana at the sink..."fill bottle"
4. Go to Chip'n Dale's..."pay man". Once inside go to table..."sit". When
Dale starts dancing..."throw panties to Dale". When Dale walks across
the room..."talk Dale". When he sits down..."look Dale"..."talk Dale"
..."stop looking"
5. Go to Bamboo Forest. The direction you should go, once in the forest,
is indicated by the capital letters in the song on pages 14-19 of
Nontoonyt Tonite.
(N-N-E-E-N-W-N-E-N-N-N-W-W-S-W-W-N-N-W-N). When
going through the forest you will get thirsty but don't "drink water"
until you are to the point of crawling.
6. At the mountain stream, walk to the edge of the water..."drink water"
7. Go north to the next screen. At the rock on the edge of the cliff...
"remove hose"..."tie hose to rock"
8. On the small ledge..."get grass"..."make rope"..."climb tree"..."get
nuts"..."climb down"..."throw rope"..."tie rope to tree"..."tear dress"
..."climb rope"
9. Go north to the next screen..."remove bra"..."put nuts in bra". Walk
toward the river. When the feral pig comes out..."swing bra"
10. Walk to the log in the river..."push log". When you get the log out
in the river..."ride log"
11. The next part is arcade action......good luck!
12. In the cage with Larry..."use marker"
13. In Sierra Studio, go north then east to the Space Quest set. Move Patti
to the electrical outlet..."unplug cord"
14. Continue east to............................THE END!!!
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2025 |
CheatBook-DataBase 2025 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64,
DVD, Wii U, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid
gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 28.200 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 11, 2025.
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