
The Legend of Kyrandia Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 The Legend of Kyrandia

The Legend of Kyrandia

+-----+ +-----+ +-+ +-----+ +-+ +-+  +-+ +-+  +-+ +------+
+-+ +-+ | --- | | | | +---+ | | / /  \ \ / /  | / | +----+
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  | |   | | \ \ | | | |     | | /\     \ /        +----+ |
  | |   | | | | | | | +---+ | |/\ \    | |        +----+ |     
  +-+   +-+ +-+ +-+ +-----+ +-+  +-+   +-+        +------+

Version 1.00 - By Tricky

| Index:                                                                       |
     Introduction to this FAQ and the game ........................... IDX01
     Start of the game ............................................... IDX02
     Timbermist Woods - Quill for Darm ............................... IDX03
     Timbermist Woods - The Birthstones .............................. IDX04
     Serpent's Grotto ................................................ IDX05
     Serpent's Grotto - Round II ..................................... IDX06
     Zanthia's Request Of Magic Water ................................ IDX07
     Mixing potions .................................................. IDX08
     The royal castle ................................................ IDX09
     Copyrights and permissions ...................................... IDX10
     Contacting me ................................................... IDX11
| Introduction to this FAQ and the game                                | IDX01 |
Kyrandia is one of the good old adventure games of long lost times. 
If you wonder how to get this game, I cannot help you, I still got my copy from
times this was still in store. I'm sure there are sites you can download it 
from, but since I cannot support software piracy, I cannot give you links.
If you can give me sites on which this game can be bought/downloaded from
WITHOUT VIOLATING COPYRIGHTS mail me, and I'll add those to this FAQ.

Also note that since this game is old you may NOT be able to play it on modern 
machines. You may need an emulator to play it.
One of the best out there is DOSBox.
Download it from:

Well, the story is easy. Malcolm an evil jester has broken out of jail and
gathered all the powers in the land of Kyrandia and is siezing the crown.
You are Brandon and your mission is easy. Defeat Malcolm.
Of course, that's easier said than done.

I recommand only to use this FAQ when you are stuck, or else this game will be
no challenge at all. If you are stuck look at the index on what you are doing
and look at the IDX code. Open a search window (Ctrl-F in Windows and Linux and
Apple-F in MacOS).

There are a few things you should know though.
- All items you pick up can be dropped anywhere you want. Please note that in 
  most cases you can come back for those items. However there is one point in
  which you need to check before continuing or else the game can NOT be 
- There are jewels everywhere across Kyrandia. They appear at random so I cannot
  tell you where to look for those. Only a few specific ones can be found at
  fixed places. You can do well, in collecting those, but since you can only
  carry 10 items, you may want to store them all in one location as long as the
  game allows it. There are only two tasks in which these jewels have value
- This game has a dozen of areas or "rooms" as we call them in adventure 
  programming terms. Each time you get into a new room I start with "-" and the
  name of the room, so you can check if you are in the right room.
Well, that's all folks...
Let's get started on this

| Start of the game                                                    | IDX02 |
- Brandon's Home:
  Pick up the Garnet from the table
  Pick up the saw from under the table
  Pick up the apple out of the big jar
  Pick up the note from the table
  Try to leave the house, and some spirit will appear and explain things to you.
  After all the talk leave your house
- Outside Brandon's Home
  Go south, and you'll be brought to the ground
- Below Brandon's home
  Exit West
- A rotting tree
  Exit West
- A Southern Cliff
  Exit north
- The Temple Of Kyrandia
  Enter the Temple
- Inside the Temple
  Talk to the girl (Brynn).
  Give her the note (if you missed it, it's on the table in your house)
  She'll give you the letter to read and tell you a thing or two about Malcolm.
  After that she'll request you to find a Lavender Rose
  Leave the Temple
- The Temple Of Kyrandia
  Exit south
- A Southern Cliff
  Exit East
- A rotting tree
  Exit East
- Below Brandon's House
  Exit East
- Dark Forest
  Exit East
- Pool Of Sorrow
  Catch a teardrop and exit east
- Dark Forest
  You'll see a leaf transforming into a gem. You can pick it up if you want
  Exit north
- Dark Forest
  Exit east
- A forest Altar
  Pick up a flower and go all the back into the temple (you know the way)
- Inside the Temple
  Give the rose to Brynn, and she'll enchant it. Take the enchanted rose and
  leave the temple.
- The Temple of Kyrandia
  Exit south
- A southern Cliff
  Exit east
- A rotting tree
  Use the Teardrop on the tree and it will be healed. A little boy called
  Merith will appear and challenge you to chase him. Follow him until you don't
  see him any more.
- A Dark Forest
  Exit north
- A Dark Forest
  You'll automaticly catch Merith here and you get the marble he promised
  Exit east
- A forest altar
  Use Merith's marble to fix the altar
  Now use the silver rose on it and you'll receive the amulet.
  It's worthless yet, but it will become very valuable later in the game
  Exit west
- Dark Forest
  Exit south
- Dark Forest
  Exit south
- A rocky outcropping
  Exit south
- A cavernous entrance
  Enter the cave
- A ruined bridge
  Talk to the man (Herman) and after that give him the saw
  (Don't try to cross the bridge over the rope. You'll die).
  Leave the cave go north till you can't go further and come back to the cave
  and the bridge will be ready.
  Cross the bridge and exit west
| Timber Mist woods - Quill for Darm                                   | IDX03 |
If you got the old diskette version you'll get the copy protection here. Since
I cannot support software piracy I may not help you on that one. If you got the
CD-ROM version (or a hacked pirated copy) the game may skip that.

- The Timbermist woods  
  Exit west
- A strange hut
  Enter the hut
- Inside Darm's abode
  Talk to Darm (the wizard). He'll request you to find him a quill
  Leave the hut
- A strange hut
  Exit south
- A large statue
  Exit east
- Songbird's nest
  Pick up the walnut and exit south
- An ancient well
  Exit south
- Dark Forest
  Exit west
- A southern cliff
  Exit west
- A southern cliff
  Exit north
- Dark Forest
  Pick up the pinecone and exit west
- A southern cliff
  Exit north
- A grove of oaks
  Pick up an acorn from the tree and exit east
- A marble altar
  If you have any jewels, drop them here on the ground (NOT ON THE PLATE)
  You may need them later here
  Exit east
- A large statue
  Exit south
- The oldest tree in Kyrandia
  Exit south
- A Southern Cliff
  Exit east

- Dark Forest
  Exit south
- Deadwood glade
  Drop the walnut, the acorn and the pinecone into the hole and a plant named
  Pseudobushia Hugiflora. It will activate the first gem on your amulet the
  yellow one, which contains the spell "Heal"
  After that, exit north
- Dark Forest
  Exit north
- An ancient well
  Exit north
- Songbird's nest
  Heal the bird's wing by clicking the yellow gem in your amulet
  The bird will fly away and leave feather behind. Pick up that feather.
  Exit west
- A large statue
  Exit north
- A strange hut
  Enter Darm's hut
- Inside Darm's abode
  Give the feather to Darm. He'll give you a Freeze Scroll.
  Take that scroll and Darm and Brandywine will tell you about the 
  birthstones. After that leave Darm's hut to start on the Birthstone quest.
| Timbermist woods - The Birthstones                                   | IDX04 |
- A strange hut
  Exit south

- A large statue
  Exit east
- Songbird's nest
  Exit south
- An ancient well
  Exit east
- A bubbling spring
  Examine the spring to find the Sunstone
  Take also a tulip with you.
  Exit west
- An Ancient well
  Exit west
- The Oldest Tree In Kyrandia
  Exit west
- Dark Forest
  Exit west
- A southern Cliff
  Exit north
- A grove of oaks
  Exit north
- A ruby tree
  Before doing anything make sure your amulet is in working order.
  Try to pick up a ruby from the tree.
  You may get bitten and poisoned.
  Keep trying until you got a ruby.
  After that use the Heal spell of your amulet and exit south
- A grove of oaks
  Exit east
- A marble altar
  Okay, before doing this save your game.
  You need to place gems in the right order on the plate
  The sunstone comes always first the ruby comes always last.
  The rest is completely random and you'll never know which stone you had to
  use. Try everything out, found the right one? Load the game and use that gem
  on the plate. Remember Kyrandia is loaded with gems that come on random 
  places, so search the whole world to find them.
  When you did this right the plate will transform into a flute.
  Take this flute and exit east
- A large statue
  Exit east
- Songbird's nest
  Exit south
- An ancient well
  Exit east
- A bubbling spring
  Exit south
- A rocky wall
  Exit south
- Dark Forest
  Exit east
- Serpent's Grotto
  Try to enter the cave and Malcolm will appear and stop you.
  He'll throw a knife at you.
  Pick up this knife and throw it back (if you don't Malcolm will kill you)
  After that Malcolm will leave an seal the entrance to the cave
  Play the flute to break the seal and enter the cave
| Serpent's Grotto                                                     | IDX05 |
The first locations of serpent's grotto are light,
but soon it'll get dark. When you get in a dark area monsters will appear and
eat you, thus you die.
All you can do about this is make sure you carry fireberries.
Always pick up three of them and drop one on each area you come.
When you went into a new room 4 times the fireberries will disappear and when
the area is dark.... Byebye...

- A natrual mineral pool
  Exit east
- A fireberry bush
  Exit east. You don't need the fireberries yet
- A treacherous crossing
  Go east and the door behind you will close.
  If you left any items outside, don't worry, you won't need them for the time
  being (not until the gate is open again).
  Exit eat
- A fireberry bush
  Pick up three fireberries and exit north
- A dark mysterious cavern 
  Drop one fireberry here and all other items as you don't need them and you're
  gonna need your inventory spots pretty bad in this cave
  Exit east

- A dark mysterious cavern 
  Drop a fireberry and exit south
- A dark mysterious cavern 
  Drop a fireberry and exit south
- A fireberry bush
  Get 3 fireberries
  Exit east
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit northh
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry, pick up the heavy rock and exit east
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit north
- A fireberry bush
  Pick up 3 fireberries and exit north
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit east
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit east
- The Pantheon of Moonlight
  You can talk with the Will-o-Wisp if you want, but you don't need to.
  Exit east
- A fireberry bush
  Take 3 fireberries and exit south
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Pick up the heavy rock, leave a fireberry and exit south
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit west
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit south
- A fireberry bush
  Pick up 2 fireberries and exit south
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit south
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit east
- The Cavern of Twilight
  Pick up the coin
  Pick up the rock
  Exit east
- A fireberry bush
  Pick up 3 fireberries and exit east
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit north
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit west
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit north
- A fireberry bush
  Pick up 3 fireberries and exit north
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Pick up the rock, drop a fireberry and exit east
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit east
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit south
- A fireberry bush
  Pick up two fireberries and exit east
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit north
- A cavern of Emeralds
  DON'T drop a fireberry here.
  You can pick up 2 emeralds but you don't need them, and you're gonna need
  your inventory space, so leave them.
  Exit north
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit east
- A fireberry bush
  Pick two fireberries and exit east
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit north
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry, pick up the rock and exit south
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Exit west
- A fireberry bush
  Pick up three fireberries and exit west
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit west
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit south
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit west
- A dark mysterious cavern
  You're out of fireberries, but there should be one lying here already.\
  Leave that one for what it is and exit west
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Exit south (DON'T pick up the fireberry)
- A fireberry bush
  Pick up 3 fireberries and exit south
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit west
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit north
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit northh
- A dark mysterious cavern
  No more fireberries, but there's already one here. Exit north
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Exit north
- A fireberry bush
  Pick up two fireberries and exit west
- The Pantheon of Moonlight
  Exit west
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit west
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit south
- A fireberry bush
  Pick up 3 fireberries and exit north
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop another fireberry and exit west
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit west
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Drop a fireberry and exit south
- A dark mysterious cavern
  Exit west
- A dark mysterious cavern
  You'll find your invetory back.
  Take nothing yet and exit south
- A fireberry bush
  You don't need fireberries any more.
  Exit west
- A treacherous crossing
  Throw the five rocks onto the place and exit west
- A fireberry bush
  Ignore the fireberry bush
  Exit west
- A natural mineral pool
  Exit west
- Serpent's Grotto
  Exit west
- Dark Forest
  Exit north
- A rocky wall
  Exit north
- A bubbling spring
  Exit west
- An ancient well
  Throw the coin in the well to receive the moonstone
  Exit east
- A bubbling spring
  Exit south
- A rocky wall
  Exit south
- Dark Forest
  Exit east
- Serpent's Grotto
  Enter the cave
| Serpent's Grotto - Round II                                          | IDX06 |
If you followed the track I told you in the first section then this way will
lead you through without needing more fireberries. If you wanna take some to 
make sure, I won't stop you, but I will not note them any more.

- A natural mineral pool
  Exit east
- A fireberry bush
  Exit east
- A treacherous crossing
  Exit east
- A fireberry bush
  Exit north
- A dark, mysterious cavern
  Pick up your freeze scroll and exit east
- A dark, mysterious cavern
  Exit north
- A dark, mysterious cavern
  Exit east (Keep exittig east until you reach the Patheon of Moonlight)
- The Patheon of moonlight
  Place the moonstone in the altar and you'll receive the purple gem in your
  amulet which contains the Will-O-Wisp spell.
  Use the Will-O-Wisp spell and you'll turn into a Will-O-Wisp yourself.
  Now you give light yourself and don't need any more fireberries. When the
  spell wears off you turn back into a human. Turn then back into a Will-O-Wisp
  again and keep it that way until you reach the lava pit.
  Good, exit east

- A fireberry bush
  Exit south
- A dark, mysterious cavern
  Exit south
- A dark, mysterious cavern
  Exit south
- A dark, mysterious cavern
  Exit south
- A dark, mysterious cavern
  Exit east and keep exitting east until you can go no longer east
- A dark, mysterious cavern
  Exit south
- A dark, mysterious cavern
  Exit east
- A subterranean, volcanic river
  Read the freeze scroll and the lava will freeze.
  Cross the river and exit northh
- A fireberry bush
  Pick up the key
  Turn into a Will-O-Wisp and exit south
  (Keep turning yourself into a Will-O-Wisp, till you're out of the cave)
- A frozen, subterranean river
  Exit south

- A dark, mysterious cavern
  Exit north
- A dark, mysterious cavern
  Exit west
- A dark, mysterious cavern
  Exit south
- A dark, mysterious cavern
  Keep exitting west until you can no longer go west

- A dark, mysterious cavern
  Exit north
- A dark, mysterious cavern
  Exit west
- A dark, mysterious cavern
  Keep exitting north until there's a way west. Exit west there
- A dark, mysterious cavern
  Pick up the items you need an make sure the next items are in your
  = Freeze scroll
  = Iron key
  = Tulip
  = Apple
  Exit south
- A fireberry bush
  Pick up ONE fireberry and exit north
- A dark, mysterious cavern
  Exit north
- The Chasm of Everfall
  In Will-O-Wisp form you can fly over the chasm and exit north
- A dark, mysterious cavern
  Drop your fireberry here and exit east
- A cavernous entrance
  Pick up the apple and exit east
- A scenic plateau
  Exit east
- Dark Forest
  A treebranch will fall on your head and you'll be knocked out.
| Zanthia's request for Magic Water                                    | IDX07 |
- Zanthia's Laboratory
  After a lot of talk, take the flask and put it in your inventory.
  Now every time you enter Zanthia's Lab you'll find a flask, so go there
  every time you need one.
  Exit west
- Zanthia's dwelling
  Don't examine the eyes in the swamp. You'll be dead if you do so.
  You may want to drop all your stuff here since this is a place you'll
  come often. Keep the Freeze Scroll as you need it in the upcoming mission.
  Exit west
- Forest
  Exit west
- The Enchanted Fountain
  Upon your arrival you'll meet Malcolm and that jerk will destroy the fountain.
  Exit south
- A natural clearing
  Exit south
- A rocky wall
  Exit west
- Dark forest
  Exit west
- Dark Forest
  Exit west
- A rocky wall
  Exit north
- A rocky outcropping
  Exit north
- A flaming tree
  Use the scroll to put out the flame.
  The cyrstal ball Melcolm stole will be revealed.
  Take it and exit south
- A rocky outcropping
  Exit south
- A rocky wall
  Exit south
- Dark forest
  Exit east
- Dark Forest
  Exit east
- A rocky wall
  Exit north
- A natural clearing
  Exit north
- A ruined fountain
  Fix the fountain with the crystal ball.
  Fill a flash and drink the water to activate the blue gem in your 
  amulet, which has the spell "Dispell Magic"
  Fill another flask and put it in your inventory.
  Exit east
- Forest
  Exit east
- Zanthia's Dwelling
  Enter the hut
- Zanthia's Laboratory
  Give Zanthia the magic water and she'll reveal a thing or two to you.
  After this Zanthia will offer to mix some potions. She needs blueberries.
  Leave the lab
- Zanthia's Dwelling
  Go to the rocky outcropping you went before to get the crystal ball.
  (The location south of where the ball was hidden)
- A rocky outcropping
  Exit west and keep exitting west till you can go no further
- A rocky wall
  Exit north
- A cascading waterfall
  Pick up a blueberry. (You can take more, but you only need one)
  After that go all the way back to Zanthia's house
  And you'll see that Zanthia's gone.
  Well, we always gotta do things ourselves... sigh....
| Mixing Potions                                                       | IDX08 |
- Zanthia's Laboratory
  Put the blueberry in the cauldron and add a blue jewel. (A sapphire for
  example). And fill two flasks with the mixture.
  Now put the tulip in the couldron and a Topaz. and fill two flasks
  Remove the carpet and open the hatch below
- A strange stump
  Exit north
- Dark Forest
  Exit north
- A tall cliff
  Exit east
- A tall cliff
  Exit east
- A tall cliff
  Exit east
- Dark Forest
  Exit north
- A tropical lagoon
  Pick an orchid and exit south
- Dark Forest
  Exit west and keep exitting west till you can go no further
- A tall cliff
  Exit south
- Dark Forest
  Exit south
- A strange stump
  Use the hatch to go back into Zanthia's lab
- Zanthia's Laboratory
  Put the orchid in the cauldron
  put a red gemstone in the cauldron (Like a garnet or a ruby)
  Fill two flasks
  Use the hatch
- A strange stump
  Exit south
- Dark Forest
  Exit south
- Dark Forest
  Exit West
- Dark Forest
  Exit south
- Dark Forest
  Exit south
- A rocky wall
  Exit east
- Dark Forest
  Exit north
- The Crystals of Alchemy
  Put a red and a yellow potion in the crystals to get a orange potion 
  Put a red and a blue potion in the crystals to get a purple potion
  Put a blue and a yellow potion in the cyrstals to get a green potion
  Exit south
- Dark Forest
  Exit west
- A rocky wall
  Exit north
- Dark Forest
  Exit north
- Dark Forest
  Exit east
- Dark Forest
  Exit north
- Dark Forest
  Exit north
- A strange stump
  Open the hatch and go to the lab
- Zanthia's Laboratory
  Don't bother the new flask. You don't need any of those any more.
  Exit West
- Zanthia's Dwelling
  Exit west
- Forest
  Exit west
- The Enchanted Fountain
  Exit west
- Dark Forest
  Exit south
- Dark Forest
  Use the blue gem of your amulet to dispell the magic that holds the chalice
  in the air. However Faun will appear and steal it.
  Exit east
- A natural clearing
  Drink the purple potion and you'll enter the small hut in the tree
  (Make sure you got an apple before doing this. Saves a lot of time)
- Inside a tiny dwelling
  An argument later, Faun will agree to give up the chalice if you give him
  something good. Give him an apple and Faun accept to give up the chalice.
  Leave this place
- A natural clearing
  Now the chalice is beside the tree. Pick it up
  Exit north
- The Enchanted Fountain
  Exit east
- Forest
  Exit east
- Zanthia's Dwelling
  Enter the hut
- Zanthia's Laboratory
  Exit through the hatch
- A strange stump
  Exit north
- Dark Forest
  Exit north
- A tall cliff
  Exit east
- A tall cliff
  Exit east

- A tall cliff
  Exit east
- Dark Forest
  Exit north
- A tropical Lagoon
  Pick a flower
  Drink the orange potion and you'll transform into a pegasus and fly to the 
  island where the royal castle is.
- A dark island
  Exit east
- A misty grave
  If you got the copy protection in Timbermist woods before you'll get it here
  again. Once again I may not help you as I may not support software piracy.
  If no copy protection popped up, then play on.
  Put a flower on the grave and the ghost of Brandon's mother will appear and
  give you the final gem of your amulet. The red one which contains the spell
  Exit east
- A high bluff
  Go to the castle
- The gate of Castle Kyrandia
  If you just open the gate the dragon statues will spit acid on you and kill 
  you. Use the red gem of your amulet in stead to become invisible and use the
  iron key to open the gate.
  Enter the castle for the final part of the game.

| The Royal Castle                                                     | IDX09 |
- Castle entry hall
  After Malcolm's welcoming speech, exit east

- A royal hallway
  Exit northh
- A royal hallway
  Exit north
- A royal hallway
  Exit east
- A kitchen
  Between the kitchen tools the Royal Sceptre is hidden. Take it.
  Exit west
- A royal hallway
  Exit west
- The great hall
  Exit west (most northern exit)
- A small study
  Right case of the room, examine the bottom bookshelf ("O" for Opals)
  Left side of the room, examine left topshelf ("P" for Potions)
  Left side of the room, examine left bottomshelf ("E" for Enchantments)
  Left side of the room, examine right buttomshelf ("N" for Nature)
  The northwall will respond and you'll get the royal crown
  Stand in front of the fireplace to get into a secret passage
- A dank, dungeon passage
  Exit west
- A dank, dungeon passage
  Exit north
- A dank, dungeon passage
  Exit north
- A dank, dungeon passage
  Exit west
- A dank, dungeon passage
  Exit west
- A dank, dungeon passage
  Exit north
- A dank, dungeon passage
  Exit east
- A dank, dungeon passage
  Dispell the forcefield with the blue gem of your amulet
  Exit north
- A dank, dungeon passage
  Exit west
- A dank, dungeon passage
  A slab in the floor is loose. Remove it
  Get the key from it and exit east
- A dank, dungeon passage
  Exit south
- A dank, dungeon passage
  Exit west
- A dank, dungeon passage
  Exit south
- A dank, dungeon passage
  Exit east
- A dank, dungeon passage
  Exit east
- A dank, dungeon passage 
  Exit south
- A dank, dungeon passage
  Exit south
- A dank, dungeon passage
  Exit east
- A dank, dungeon passage
  Exit south
- A small study
  Exit south
- A royal hallway
  Exit south
- A royal hallway
  Exit east
- Castle entry hall
  Go upstairs
- A grand balcony
  Exit west
- A royal hallway
  Exit north
- A royal hallway
  Go west and Herman will appear, but you can see already that he's
  bewitched by Malcolm. If you come close to him he'll kill you. Use the
  healing spell and he'll fall asleep. Exit west
- A bedroom
  Ah... Now you'll see what happened to Zanthia.
  Play the bells. I'll number them 1 = left, 4 = right
  Now hit them in this order 4-1-2-3
  A paintin will reveal a secret storage with a key.
  Get they key and exit east
- A royal hallway
  Exit south 
- A royal hallway
  Exit east
- A grand balcony
  Exit south
- Castle entry hall
  Exit west

- A royal hallway
  Exit north
- A royal hallway
  Exit east
- The great hall
  Use the two gold keys to open the north door and exit north
- The Royal Foyer
  This room is the last one in which you can save. May be handy to do so. :)
  Now place the Royal Sceptre on the left cushion
  Now place the Royal Crown on the middle cushion
  Now place the Royal Chalice on the right cushion
- Chamber of the Kyragem
  Walk to to mirror and use the red gem to become invisible
  Now wait for Malcolm to come in and make his move. He'll try to turn you
  to stone, but the spell will backfire thanks to the mirror and turn him to
  stone in stead. 
CONGRATULATIONS! You defeated Malcolm and saved Kyrandia.
And with that you finished this game.
I hope you had fun!

| Copyrights and permissions                                           | IDX10 |
This FAQ has been copyrighted by Jeroen Broks aka Tricky, formely known as
Tricrokra. This FAQ may be viewed, downloaded and printed for personal use
only. It may not be sold, or used as a basis for commercial work. This FAQ
may also not be modified. Parts of it may not be copied to your own FAQs 
without my permission.

This FAQ is NOT officially authorized by Westwood Studios or any
other party that is related to Fables and Fiends / Kyrandia

If you want to host this FAQ, it's allowed, if you ask my permission first,
permission will be granted assuming that the FAQ stays in this form 
unmodified, that users can view it FREE OF CHARGE, and that pop-ups have been
added to the page that views this FAQ.

Sites with permission to host this FAQ:

Sites banned from hosting this FAQ:

| Cantacting me                                                        | IDX11 |
Before contacting me, please read carefully.

If you want me to answer questions about the game itself please visit this

That is my Q&A site where I (or others) will answer all your game questions.
If you do, please check if the question you want to ask hasn't been asked 
before. :)

If you want to inquire about me as a person, or when you have anything to 
say about the FAQ itself, like asking permission to host, got suggestions
for this FAQ, something like that please mail it to

       REJECT YOU!

If you see that I missed things in this FAQ, then in stead of calling me
names, you may tip me about that part, or if you want even come up with 
a complete workout of that part, that I will copy into this FAQ (I may alter
your lay-out to make it fit with the rest) and even credit you for your
trouble. This also goes for alternate boss techniques.

I get a lot of mails in which I must guess which FAQ it is we're talking 
about, and since I'm very busy as a contributor for GameFAQs, and ocasionally
other sites, I have quite a lot of FAQs here. So it will help me a lot when
I know which FAQ/Game it is you're talking about. :)

And one last thing. Below are remarks I got a lot about my FAQs. Some are
funny, and some are just plainly too stupid for words. I don't want to be
an arrogant bastard or anything, but some of them tire me a lot.

So here are those mails with my standard replies:

  M: Fix your English
  A: Some people say they hardly hear the diffrence between me and an
     English speaking fellow. Others say it sucks. Well, I honestly don't
     care in which category you are. English is NOT my first language. If 
     I spoke my own language you probably couldn't read my FAQs at all.

  A: Anyone who sends mail like this won't receive a reply. In fact they
     will be banned from ever mailing me again. I can understand you do not
     agree with my technique. There are as many as there are people. I can
     also agree you detected that I made a mistake. Well, I'm human you know.
     Making mistakes is part of my nature, as much as it's yours. If you 
     detect errors in my FAQ you can tell me about it in a civil way, and 
     I'll fix it if I agree with you.

  M: Are you a man? A woman? How old are you? Where do you live?
  A: I really got that kind of mails a lot. I don't mind that you know.
     I was quite amused by such mails actually.
     Well, my name is Jeroen Broks. I'm not going to give my private adres
     in this FAQ or anywhere else on the internet, but you may know that
     I live in the Netherlands, I am a man, and I was born in 1975. So on
     the moment I started on this version of this FAQ I was 31 years old.

  M: Fsdasdadasf afsdfasd afdfsaf
  A: Whatever you say I don't understand it. If you mail me, please only do
     so in either English or Dutch or if you really need in German. 
     (Be perpared that if you speak German to me, you might get an answer in
     English, tough).
     I don't speak any other language.

  M: May I translate your FAQ into another language?
  A: If you ask my permission, mostly no problem

  M: Why is Neoseeker banned from hosting your FAQs?
  A: That's something between me and Neoseeker. I don't find it necesary to
     go into detail about that. I noted it in my FAQs to make sure they     
     will never pop up there unnoticed. So don't mail me about it
     cause I won't answer. I got very good reasons for it. That's all you
     need to know.

And so far this FAQ. I hope you have good use for it!

(c) Copyright 2007, JBC-Soft, Jeroen Broks (Tricky)


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