
LEGO Soccer Mania Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 LEGO Soccer Mania

LEGO Soccer Mania

                   Character Comparison Guide

This guide is designed to help with the difficult process of picking team 
members. This is difficult because player skills are indicated by bars
with rounded ends that are impossible to compare side to side.
In this Guide a player's skill can be from 1 to 5.25 in each of the five 
categories. Not the ideal, I know, but that is as good as I could get.
The players are organized by the order they are unlocked in, so this should 
be useful for wherever you are in the game.
Obviously you will want to use the Intergalctic team after you've unlocked it 
since everyone has perfect scores.

Team: Lego All Stars
Prima Donna         1.5         1.25        1.25         1.25          1.5
Harry Flash         1           1           1.25         2             1
Paul Werver         2           1           1.5          1.25          1
Nigel Nutmeg        1.25        1.5         1.5          1.25          1
Rudy Volley         1.5         1.5         1.5          1.25          1
Eddie Diamond       1.5         1.5         1.5          1.25          1

Team: Lawbringers
Shane               1.5         1.25        1.25         1.25          1.5
Bob Sheriff         1.25        1.25        1.5          1.75          1
Brady Slinger       1.5         1.25        1.5          1.5           1
The Cooper          1.5         1.75        1.75         1.5           1
Rusty Stone         1.25        2.25        1.5          1.25          1
Deputy Hersee       2           1.5         2            1.5           1

Team: Square Table
Sir Loin            1.75        1.5         1.5          1.5           1.75
Sir Dribalot        1           1.25        1.75         2.25          1
Lady Offside Trap   1.5         1.5         1.5          1.5           1
Lord Diver          2.25        1.25        2.25         1.5           1
Baron Von Side      1.5         2.25        1.25         1.5           1
Marquiss De Mann    1.5         1.5         1.5          1.25          1

Team: Skill Zone Unlocks (These can be unlocked at any time)
Steve Sixpence      3.5         2.25        2.25         2.5           3.75
Shane Sharpshoot    2.5         3           2.25         2.25          1
Sir. Pinpoint       2.25        1.75        3.75         2.25          1
Eddie Elbow         2.5         2.5         3            4             1
Horatio Header      2.5         2.25        2.75         2.5           1
Reigel              3           3.5         3            3.5           1

Team: City Strikers
Kevin Keeper        1.5         1.25        1.25         1.25          1.5
Phil Fullback       1.25        1           1.5          1.25          1
Art Time            1           1           1.25         1.5           1
Luigi Scoralotti    1.25        1.5         1.25         1.25          1
Harry Hotshot       1.5         1.5         1.5          1.25          1
Gary Goalfest       1.5         1.5         1.25         1.25          1

Team: Western Cowboys
Buffalo Joe         1.5         1.25        1.25         1.25          1.5
Sheriff Dal         1.5         1.5         1.5          1.5           1
Lil Cactus          1.5         1.25        1.5          1.5           1
Tex Stetson         1.5         1.5         1.5          1.5           1
Steve Saloon        1.5         1.75        1.5          1.5           1
Billy Bullet        1.75        1.5         1.5          1.5           1

Team: Leo's Lions
Richard the Strong  1.75        1.5         1.5          1.5           1.75
John of Mayne       1.5         1.5         1.5          1.75          1
Sir Luckyfoot       1.5         1.5         1.5          1.75          1
Princess Storm      1.5         1.5         1.75         1.75          1
King Leo            1.75        1.5         1.5          1.5           1
Cathy Pult          1.75        1.75        1.5          1.5           1

Team: Adventurers Pilots
Billy Speed         2.25        1.5         1.5          1.5           1
Pippin Reed         1.5         1.5         1.75         2.25          1
Tommo Tornado       2.25        1.75        1.75         1.5           1
Propeller Pete      1.5         1.5         2.25         1.75          1
Luke Yonder         1.75        2.25        1.75         1.75          1
Misty Goggles       2.25        2.25        1.5          1.5           1

Team: Shipshape Shipmates
Jack the Mop        2.25        1.75        1.75         1.75          2.25
Nautical Nina       1.75        1.5         1.75         2.25          1
Port                1.75        1.75        2.25         2.25          1
Starboard           2.25        2.25        1.75         2.25          1
Tom Scrub           2.25        2.25        2.25         2.25          1
Simon Stripes       2.5         2.25        1.5          2.25          1

Team: Arctic Medics
Polly Plaster       2.5         2.25        2.25         2.25          2.5
Nurse Freezit       2.25        1.5         1.75         2.5           1
Dr. Snow            1.5         1.5         2.25         2.5           1
Brian Bandade       2.25        2.25        2.5          2.25          1
Dr. Watt            2.25        2.5         2.5          1.75          1
Gavin Graze         2.5         2.5         1.75         2.25          1

Team: Constuction Workers
Pete Builder        2.5         2.25        2.25         2.25          2.5
Hardhat Harry       1.75        2.25        2.5          2.75          1
Bob Rivots          2.25        2.25        2.25         2.5           1
Demi Lition         2.25        2.25        2.5          2.5           1
Pru Driver          2.5         2.5         2.25         2.25          1
Kevin Concrete      2.25        2.75        2.5          2.5           1

Team: Chief's Tribe
Chief Buffalo       2.75        2.5         2.5          2.5           2.75
Chief Big Feather   2.25        2.25        2.5          2.75          1
Tom O'Hawk          2.5         2.25        2.75         2.5           1
Boa Feather         2.75        2.75        2.5          2.5           1
Teepee Mo           2.75        3.25        2.5          2.5           1
Pete Pipe           3           3.75        2.5          2.25          1

Team: Cedric's Knights
Cedric the Bull     3.25        2.5         2.5          2.5           3.25
Gilbert the Bad     2.5         2.5         2.75         2.75          1
Weezil              2.5         2.5         3.25         3.25          1
Dreadful Dave       2.75        2.75        2.5          2.75          1
Paul Culliss        3.25        3.5         3.25         2.25          1
Julian Joust        3.25        3.25        2.75         2.75          1

Team: Arctic Mechanics
Sam Skiddoo         3.75        2.5         2.5          2.5           3.75
Rebecca Rachett     3.75        2.5         2.75         3.75          1
Nobby Nuts          3.5         3.25        3.75         3.25          1
Bob Bolts           3.75        3.5         3.25         3.25          1
Oily Joe            3.5         3.75        3.25         3.25          1
Peter Petrol        3.75        3.75        3.25         3.25          1

Team: Adventurers Villians
Sam Sinister        3.25        2.5         2.5          2.5           3.25
El Diablo Pablo!    3.25        2.5         2.75         3             1
Chilli Con Charlie  2.75        2.75        3.25         3.25          1
Jimmy Chango        3.25        2.5         2.75         3             1
Rudo Villano        3.25        3.25        3.25         3.25          1
Miles McBad         3.5         3.25        2.75         2.75          1

Team: Pirate Skeletons
Captain Click       3.5         2.5         2.5          2.5           3.5
Skelly Bones        2.75        3.25        3.25         3.75          1
Dim Dem Bones       3.25        3.25        3.25         2.25          1
Tom Tin-Ribs        3.25        3.25        3.75         2.75          1
Spookey Skelly      3.5         3.5         3.25         3.25          1
Norris Nobbles      3.5         3.5         3.5          2.75          1

Team: Space Technicians
Bill Wire           3.75        2.5         2.5          2.5           3.75
Bob Wire            3.75        3.25        3.25         3.75          1
Professor Countdown 3.25        3.5         3.75         4             1
Zak Laser           4.5         2.5         2.75         2.75          1
Todd Ratchet        3.75        4           3.75         3.75          1
Nigel Neutron       4           3.75        3.5          3.25          1

Team: Firefighters
Firefighter Jack    4           2.5         2.5          2.5           4
Firefighter Jill    3.75        3.5         3.75         4             1
Mo Hose             3.75        3.25        3.75         4             1
Bill Ladders        3.75        3.75        4            3.75          1
Axel Chop           4           4           3.75         3.75          1
Bernie Down         4           4           3.75         3.75          1

Team: The Bandits
Nick Dollars        4           2.5         2.5          2.5           4
Bill Bullet         4.5         2.5         4            4             1
Sidesaddle Kate     4           3.75        4            3.75          1
Brian Bandito       4           4           4            3.75          1
Ten Gallon Jake     4           4           4            4             1
Luke Lasso          4.5         4           3.75         3.75          1

Team: Skeleton Soldiers
Sir Byron the Bone  4.5         2.5         2.5          2.5           4.5
Concave Clide       4.5         3.5         4            4.75          1
Clickety Cyril      4           3.75        3.75         4             1
Humorous Harold     4           4           4.25         4             1
Gyrating John       4.25        4.25        4            4             1
Fenton Femur        4.75        4.75        4.25         4             1

Team: Adventurers Explorers
Dr. Kilroy          4.75        2.5         2.5          2.5           4.75
Johnny Thunder      4.5         4           4            4.75          1
Terry Dactill       4           3.75        4.25         4.25          1
Rex Boulder         4.25        4.25        4.75         4             1
Harry Cane          4.75        4.75        4.25         4.25          1
Professor O'Saurus  4.75        5           4            4             1

Team: Tricorner Pirates
Captain Redbeard    4.75        2.5         2.5          2.5           4.75
Bluebeard           4.75        4.5         4.75         5.25          1
Yellowbeard         4.5         4.75        4.75         4.75          1
Greybeard           4.75        4.75        4.75         4.75          1
Whitebeard          5           4.75        4.75         4.75          1
Greenbeard          4.75        5           4.75         4.75          1

Team: Arctic Explorers
Meteor Mike         5           2.5         2.5          2.5           5
Over                5           3.75        4.75         5.25          1
Out                 4.75        4.75        5            4.75          1
P.P. Pickaxe        4.75        4.75        4.75         4.75          1
I.C. Day            5           5           4.75         4.75          1
Lotty Snow          4           5.25        4.75         3.75          1

Team: Astronauts
Ian Orbit           5.25        2.5         2.5          2.5           5.25
Star Gazer          5.25        4.75        5.25         4.75          1
Buzz Lunar          5.25        4.75        5            5             1
Jet Thrust          5.25        5           5            4.75          1
Johnny Spacedust    5           5.25        4.75         5             1
Lunar Unit          5.25        5.25        5            5.25          1

Team: Martian
Cassiopeia          5.25        2.5         2.5          2.5           5.25
Excavation Expert   4.75        4.25        4.75         5.25          1
Altair              4.75        4.75        5.25         5.25          1
Antares             5           5.25        4.25         4.75          1
Guard               4.75        5           5            4.75          1
Centuri             5.25        5.25        4.75         4.75          1

Team: Bricksterbots
Brickster Bot 1     5.25        2.5         2.5          2.5           5.25
Brickster Bot 2     5.25        5.25        5            5             1
Brickster Bot 3     5.25        5           5.25         4.75          1
Brickster Bot 4     5.25        5.25        5.25         4.25          1
Brickster Bot 5     5.25        5.25        5.25         4.75          1
Brickster Bot 6     5.25        5.25        5.25         4.75          1

Team: Intergalactic
The Brickster       5.25        2.5         2.5          2.5           5.25
Redbeard            5.25        5.25        5.25         5.25          1
Rudo Villano        5.25        5.25        5.25         5.25          1
Captain Click       5.25        5.25        5.25         5.25          1
Sam Sinister        5.25        5.25        5.25         5.25          1
Cedric the Bull     5.25        5.25        5.25         5.25          1

This guide is copyright 2007 Luke Nelson. It may not be used without
permission.  If you have any questions, comments, or even the slightest
bit of info, E-mail me at brickfaqs AT 
Credit will be given.

LEGO is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, 
authorize or endorse this guide.

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