
Majestic Part 1 - Alien Encounter Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Majestic Part 1 - Alien Encounter

Majestic Part 1 - Alien Encounter

This is a complete step by step walk through of Majestic by Piranha 
Interactive Publishing, Inc.


Node 1-
Send node 1 to the captainÕs quarters and link to the data pad on the 
desk. Write down the first letter of every word in the sentence on a 
piece of paper. The letter sequence should be HABAHADHEA. Reverse view 
and return to the shuttle.
Send node 1 to the bridge and torch the hull to get inside. Link with 
the navigation controls on the wall. Punch in the letter sequence you 
got from the captainÕs quarters. Write down the coordinates of the 
unknown vessel. They should be 160, 112, 12. Exit the navigation 
controls and link with the weapons controls. Put in the coordinates of 
the unknown vessel and click on E. The computer should have a lock on 
the vessel. Press fire. Reverse view and return to the shuttle.
Send node 1 to the probe room and torch the hull to get inside. Go to 
the shuttle bay and use the anti-grav crane on the shuttle by linking 
with it and pressing the activate button. Then go to the lobby, listen 
to the alien, and turn around. Go into the shuttle and link with the 
data pad. Download the phase viewer and go back to the lobby. (You can 
use the phase viewer anytime the icon on the bottom of the screen lights 
Next, go to the promenade and continue to the main hall. Enter the 
security foyer by going to the restaurant foyer, turning around, and 
clicking on the security foyerÕs doors. Go into the library and link 
with the computer. Respond to the message and download the computer 
program. (You can use this anytime the icon on the bottom of the screen 
lights up)
Go back to the main hall and continue to the swimming pool. Go up into 
the utility ducts and find your way to the quarters. Go into the hallway 
and turn right towards the cargo bay. Click on the cargo bayÕs doors and 
read the riddle. The answer is mirror. Activate the machine on the 
floor. Go down to the lower floor and link with the message board. Write 
down the word on the bottom. It should be HEADACHE.
Go back to the hallway and into the elevator. Link with the elevator 
controls and click on Level 3. The code is the one you got from the 
cargo bay. It is HEADACHE. When you get to level 3, go into the 
ProfessorÕs quarters. Link with the data pad and download the 
translation program. (You can use this anytime the icon on the bottom of 
the screen lights up) Go back to the elevator and return to level 1.
Return to the BaronÕs quarters which are the ones with the utility ducts 
you came through. Go to the fireplace (not to the utility ducts) and 
scan the fireplace till you find a hidden device. Link with the hidden 
device and remember the message. It should say something like, ŌThe dead 
manÕs hand has five fingers, only one points to the artifact.Ķ
Find your way back to the main hall and click on the Night ClubÕs doors. 
Read the riddle. The answer is Zero. Head left to the poker room and 
scan the table. Click and hold on every hand till you find the one with 
two aces, two eights, and a King of Clubs (a dead manÕs hand).
Go back to the main hall and enter the security foyer. Go into the bank 
and link with the panel on the counter. Access the panel and link with 
the panel behind the picture of the King. Enter the code which is Clubs 
by clicking on ABC (3 times), JKL (3 times), TUV (2 times), ABC (2 
times), and PRS (3 times).
Go back to the main hall an go into the restaurant foyer and continue to 
the kitchen. Torch the cups on the counter. Node 1 will be damaged. 
Switch to Node 2.
Node 2-
Go into the probe room and continue to the shuttle bay. Enter the lobby 
and go into Engineering. Go to the Engineering center and click on the 
Engineering foyerÕs doors. Read the riddle. The answer is bottle. Link 
with the doors on the left. The code is the same one you used with the 
weapons controls. It is HABAHADHEA. When you get inside, link with the 
computer. Find your way back to your shuttle and switch to node 3.
Node 3-
Find your way into the utility ducts above the swimming pool and go to 
the kitchen. When you get there, you will see an alien. Go into the 
kitchen and torch the alien. When he is dead, you can link with the 
artifact and return to the utility ducts. Node 3 will be damaged. Switch 
to node 4.
Node 4-
Go to the utility ducts above the swimming pool and head towards 
engineering. You will find the damaged node 3. Link with the artifact to 
recover it. Go back to where you can go into the quarters and go in. 
Find your way to the elevator and go to Level 3 (Remember the 
code=HEADACHE). Enter the smoking lounge and torch the ashtray. If you 
use the translator program, you will discover that the alien will leave 
the room to search the level.
Exit the smoking lounge and go towards the ballroom. When you are at the 
ballroom doors, turn around. Link with the force-field controls and turn 
it on.
Go into the ballroom and up to the chandelier. Torch the chandelier 
which will kill an alien in the other dimension. Go into the hallway in 
front of you and click on the icon of the artifact. You will go into the 
the alienÕs dimension. DO NOT GO INTO THE ALIENÕS SHIP! Turn around and 
go into the ballroom and into the hallway. You will see the alien that 
you trapped with the force-field. Go back into the smoking lounge and 
torch the alien explosive device. That will destroy the S.S. Majestic 
and end the game.

Using this walk through, you will get 2950/2950 points

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