
Max Payne 2 - The Fall of Max Payne Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Max Payne 2 - The Fall of Max Payne

Max Payne 2 - The Fall of Max Payne

*HELP* TO those of you who emailed me about correction, please email  back. 
Hotmail seems to have deleted all my emails, and I have lost track of who to 
thank. Sorry about that*

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Weapons Guide

Jeroen Amin (Invisible Assassin)

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Developed by: Remedy Entertainment
Publisher: Rockstar Games

 /*         Table Of Contents         *\

1.  Version History
2.  Introduction
3.  Secondary Weapons
4.  Pistols
5.  Shotguns
6.  Sub-Machine Guns
7.  Assualt Rifles
8.  Sniper Rifles
9.  Tips and Tricks
10. Closing Statements

 /*          Version History          *\

June 28, 2004- Started this guide. I got the Title and TOC done, as well as 
               the version history for the day. 

July 1, 2004-  Secondary Weapons are finished.

July 2, 2004-  Completed guide. Will add more details when data is collected.

October 9, 2004- Bah, sorry for taking long. I totally forgot. Fix a few 

 /*           Introduction           *\

Hello, and welcome to my Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (hereby refered to
as Max Payne 2) Weapons Guide, where I will explain the details of each weapon.
First I would like to remind you all to email me with any questions, concerns 
and problems, and I will respond promptly. I guarantee it. For a faster 
response, you have my permission to add me to your MSN list. If you would like 
to use this Guide on your site, contact me. I won't say no, but I would like to
to know where it is being used. If you would like to email me with any comments,
suggestions, problems or corrections, I will be more than happy to respond to 
your demands and include credits towards you.

 /*         Secondary Weapons         *\

Accuracy:    N/A
Fire Rate:   N/A
Range:       N/A

These are your basic grenades. You hold down the Fire Button to get it ready,
adjust your trajectory and let loose. The accuracy all depends on yur judgement
of trajectory and there is no Fire Rate, but there is a fair period of time 
between grenades which you should fill in with your you primary weapon's fire.
The grenades, after thrown, take some time to explode, but when they do, it 
causes some great damage and will instantly detonate any explosives nearby, 
including bullets! Advanced users can rebound grandes off of walls to reach 
some great spots.

Accuracy:    N/A
Fire Rate:   N/A
Range:       N/A

A liquor bottle with a burning rag. Like the grenades, except they instantly 
explode upon impact and cannot rebound off of any surface whatsoever. When they
explode, they spread fire around the impact in a short radius and remains for a
few seconds. Advanced users can use this to make traps for any enemies, which 
is guaranteed hilarity.

Melee Attack

Accuracy:    N/A
Fire Rate:   N/A
Range:       Extremely Close

This is basically what you think it is. You whack the guy with your primary 
weapon so that he can feel the pain from the butt of your gun. You can hit the
guy from any angle but it will never hit when your crosshairs are, well at 
least it seems that way for me. This attack does pretty good damage, but it 
will take about 2 hits to kill someone.

 /*              Pistols              *\

(Dual) Desert Eagle(s)

Accuracy:    ****
Fire Rate:   **

The pistol's answer to the sniper rifle. It has amazing accuracy for a pistol, 
but still doesn't have the best accuracy in the world, and because it is a 
variation of the magnum, it does amazing damage, but it will still require 
about 2 hits to bring down someone. The only drawback to this gun is that it 
has a slow rate of fire, and should not be used if there are more than 3 people
 around you. When weilding 2 Deagles, accuracy is somewhat reduced but fire 
rate is evened out over 2 guns.

(Dual) 9mm(s)

Accuracy:    ***
Fire Rate:   ***
Range:       Close-Medium

Your basic weapon of the game, and it does it's job quite well. It does it's 
job at close-medium range and has a decent rate of fire. Coupled with 
bullettime, it will make for a quick bringer of death if used correctly. It has
decent damage and will require at least 3 hits to kill and the fire rate is go
od enough to take out any given enemy while sustaining no damage. When weilding
two, accuracy is slightly reduced, but fire rated is quickened as a result of 
two guns.

 /*              Shotguns              *\


Accuracy:    *
Fire Rate:   **
Range:       Close

The autmoatic shotgun of the game, it does what any other shotgun would do; rip
the guy apart. At close range, this will send bodies flying, and at medium will
damage them severely. At long range, however, this gun will do next to nothing.
It has the accuracy of almost all shotguns. At long range, you would be lucky 
if it hit your target. The fire rate matches the Deagle but you would be safer 
with the Striker because it kills quite quickly and will hit more than one 
person most of the time.

Pump-Action Shotgun

Accuracy:    *
Fire Rate:   *
Range:       Close-Medium

The pump-action shotgun is the shotgun you see in most games. It holds a small 
amount of shells, that require pumping after each shot. This shotgun has the 
best accuracy out of the three since it's medium range is pretty accurate but 
it also has the worst fire rate. It's close range will kill instantly and the 
medium will severly hurt most of the time. Even it's long range will do some 
damage, but still not much.

Sawed-Off Shotgun

Accuracy:    *
Fire Rate:   ****
Range:       Close

The only shotgun which can be used one handed, it is easily the worst of the 
three shotguns. It's accuracy is horrible. At close range, it will hit, but 
at medium and long ranges, you would be lucky to hit anywhere near the target. 
It does have the fastest fire rate out of the shotguns and one of the fastest 
fire rates in the game, but this comes at a cost. It can only hold 2 shells at
 a time. There is almost no need for such a fast fire rate. One hit would kill
 someone at close range and attempting to fire both shots at a target at medium
 or long range will do next to nothing. The one thing this shotgun is good for
 is ripping people apart at close range, so use it indoors, preferrably in hall
ways. Heh, I happened to find an interesting glitch. You can get 3 shots off 
with this gun. If you fire one shot, then go into a Shootdodge, you can shoot 
twice! Sweetness! 3 shots!

 /*          Sub-machine Guns          *\


Accuracy:    ****
Fire Rate:   ****
Range:       Medium-Long

The standard sub-machine gun of most security companies, police organizations  
S.W.A.T. teams, etc. It has good accuracy and good fire rate and does a constan
t amount of damage. As a bonus, the MP5 in Max Payne 2 comes with a scope to 
snipe with! It would have gotten 5 stars for accuracy but the bullets hit on 
and around the reticle, so that it makes a flower type design but do not let 
that ruin it for you because the accuracy is still great. The fire rate is good
 enough to waste a group full of bad guys before they know what happens. It 
will do the same amount of damage at any range, which is a good thing.

(Dual) Ingram(s)

Accuracy:    **
Fire Rate:   *****
Range:       Close-Medium

What shooter would be complete without a variation of the Uzi 9mm? This gun has 
pretty bad accuracy, but when a gun shoots this fast, who cares? You can easily
waste a group of guys at medium range with this gun. This gun will hit at long
range but will require you to shoot a lot more bullets before you kill one guy.
However, if it was a group, they would all be dead. With Dual Ingrams, 
accuracy is reduced, but 2x the already insane fire rate! Couple this with 
bullettime at close or medium range and you will waste everybody really 
quickly. You can use this gun at long range if you want but it won't have as 
good of an effect.

 /*          Assault Rifles          *\


Accuracy:    *****
Fire Rate:   ****
Range:       Medium-Long

I bet you can't name one present day shooter that has come out within the past 
year that doesnt have this gun? You can't, because there is none. Every present
day shooter has this gun because it is simply one of the best guns in the 
world. In Max Payne 2, it has the accuracy of a sniper rifle, it will hit the 
reticle without fail, so don't be afraid to snipe with it. It's fire rate is 
great too. It's bullets are powerful and will almost always kill within 2 shots
and you can kill an entire group before they can shoot. The only problem I 
have with this gun is that it is too accurate. Sometimes, you can't get your re
ticle to your target fast enough, so they might hit you while youre struggling 
to get your reticle on the target. This all depends on preference, but most 
seem to like the Kalashnikov more.


Accuracy:    ****
Fire Rate:   ****
Range:       Medium-Long

You can't name too many present day shooters without a variation of the AK 
either. Best gun in the game for most. It has a fire rate to match the M4 and
the MP5, but it doesn't have the best accuracy. Hell, even the MP5 has better 
accuracy, but thats what makes this gun so good. It has the perfect blend of a
accuracy for a gun. Not too accurate so that you can only pick off one guy at a 
time, and not inaccurate enough to hit nobody. This gun will spray bullets 
around the reticle, but only far enough so that all bullets will hit the person
if you are aiming at them. If you can't get your reticle to your target in 
time, no problem, a bullet or two will stray of from the reticle to hit your 
target and possiible delaying his shot. You could probably even use this gun 
to snipe with but it won't hit exactly. This gun also features some pretty high
powered bullets, since ive plastered a guy to the ceiling more than once with
this gun.

 /*          Sniper Rifles          *\


Accuracy:    ****
Fire Rate:   ***
Range:       Long

The worst sniper of the two. It's not even as accurate as a sniper rifle should
be. It has the accuracy to match the MP5, but at least it has a decent fire 
rate for a sniper rifle. Only Mona gets to use this gun, so Max is saved the 
trouble of using this cheap excuse for a sniper. It only has one level of zoom 
as well so that makes it even more frustrating to use.

Sniper Rifle

Accuracy:    *****
Fire Rate:   *
Range:       Long

This is the best sniper rifle in the game. It has amazing accuracy and multiple
levels of zoom. It zooms in twice as far as the Dragunov. It has the worst 
fire rate in the game, but it shouldn't be too much of a problem, since one 
shot is ususally all it takes to kill someone.

 /*          Tips & Tricks          *\


Always use bullettime, since it infinite after all. In any firefight, if you 
don't want to be hit, use bullettime, and fire away. If you ever run out, run 
for cover and wait until it recharges.


This is when you leap away from your position in bullettime, but you don't 
actually use any. This can be used to dodgebullets, or get behind cover quickly
in case you run out of bullettime. It's also usefulto get close to you enemy 
if you want to blast him with your shotgun.


Allways use your cover wisely. if you are taking on 5 guys, get behind cover 
and occasionally emerge in bullettime to shoot back. If done properly, you 
won't sustain any damage and you would have killed all your enemies.


With guns, like the Mp5 or M4, with a lot of accuracy, you must be exact so it 
will take you a bit longer to kill someone, while with other guns, like the 
Ingram or Kalashnikov, you don't have to be as exact, and can therefore kill 
a lot faster.

 /*        Closing Statements        *\

Thanks to:

Remedy for making this game
Rockstar for publishing
El Greco for reviewing this guide
Omikaru for previewing this guide
GameFAQs for hosting this guide

People who can use this guide thus far:

This guide is Copyright (2004) to Invisible Assassin
You have permission to print this guide as long as credit is given to me. 
Do not plagiarize please. I have worked hard on this guide and I would not 
like it to be passed off as somebody else's.


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