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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 




Little Green Man:
Click on the little green man and go down one level. 
Move him to the window with the vine and press SPACE. 
Move little green man to piece of paper on desk and press SPACE. 
Go back to window and climb up the vine (press SPACE). 
Go  back to the top floor starting room. 
Move little green man to vent on side of wall and press SPACE. 
Climb to the rooftop and move green man to the air vent to the right. 
Click piece of paper in tool box and then press USE. 
The paper should float down the air vent to the medium sized orange man. 

Medium Orange Man:
Zoom out and click on orange man. 
Move orange man to paper and press SPACE to pick it up. 
Move orange man through door to the right into the bathroom. 
Move him to the mobile phone and press SPACE to pick up. 
Click on the paper in the tool box and the press USE.  Take note of the 
phone number. 
Click the mobile phone and then press USE.  Click the number that was 
shown on the paper and then press call. 
The nurse should move to the ringing phone. 

Big Purple Man:
Zoom out and click on the big purple man. 
Move him to the YELLOW key on the desk and press SPACE to pick it up. 
Move big purple man to the door on the back wall and go up one level. 
Move big man to the axe on the wall and press SPACE to pick up. 
Move big purple man up one more level.  Move him towards the box (next 
to bookshelf) on the floor until it disappears. 
Move big man to the door to the left and then up one level to the top 
Move big man to the door with the wooden planks.  Select the axe from 
the toolbox and click USE. 
Move big man through the door that is now accessible (no more wood 
blocking it).  Push through the boxes in the next room and continue to 
the bathroom. 
Move big man to air vent grill on wall and press SPACE to remove. 
Click on the key in toolbox and then click on DROP. 

Little Green Man:
Zoom out and click on little man on roof. 
Move little green man to bathroom. 
Move little green man to key in bathroom and press SPACE to pick up. 
Move little green man to open vent in wall and press SPACE to go up. 
Move little green man to rope on roof. 
Press SPACE to throw rope over edge and SPACE again to climb down. 
Move little green man to marbles on desk and press SPACE to pick up. 
Move near window and press SPACE to climb back up to roof. 
Move back to bathroom and DROP the marbles on floor. 

Medium Orange Man:
Select medium sized orange man and move to marbles on floor.  Pick them 
Move orange man all the way to the far left room and then down a level. 
Move orange man to the room to the right and then down another level. 
Move orange man to the barred window and select the marbles from tool 
box and then press USE. 
The dog should drop dead. 

Little Green Man:
Zoom out and select the small green man. 
Move the small green man to the floor below just next to the bookshelf. 
Move small little man to the chair next to the bookshelf and press SPACE 
to climb up. 
Move small little man to the manhole with the ladder and press SPACE to 
climb down. 
Pick up the BLUE key in the room below. 
Move small green man out of the room and back over the bookshelf. 
Move him down two floors to the starting room of the Big man. 
Move small green man to the right to the small keyhole in the wall. 
Select the blue key and press USE. 
The door on the right should be unlocked. 

Medium Orange Man:
Zoom out and select the middle sized orange man. 
Move him down to the now unlocked door and go through to the barred 
Click on the marbles in orange dudes tool box and press USE. 
The bars should rise.  Move orange man to the key card and pick it up. 
Select small green man and move him to the window and press space to 
climb out. 
Once down move him to the outside keyhole and use the YELLOW key to 
unlock the external door. 

Big Purple Man:
Zoom out and select the big purple man. 
Move him to the room with the pot plant in it. 
Move big man to the pot plant and press SPACE. The plant should be 
picked up and dropped out the window. 
Move purple man to the room he started in and press SPACE next to the 
power switch on the wall. It should light up green. 

Medium Orange Man:
Zoom out and select medium sized orange man. 
Move him to the same room as big man and go to the far left room (the 
one where the nurse was hit in the head by the plant). 
Move down one level and move towards the boxes. 
Select the marbles from toolbox and then press USE. 
The nurse to the right should be electrocuted. 

Big Purple Man:
Zoom out and select big purple man and move him down next to orange man. 

Move him to the right and push the boxes out of the way. 
Continue all the way to the right until you reach the locked door. 

Medium Orange Man:
Zoom out and select the orange man and move him to key card reader near 
the big man. 
Select key card and press SPACE.  The door should be unlocked. 
Move both guys out of the building to little green man. 

Small Green Man:
Click on little green man and move him to the hole in the wall. 
Move him to the pipe wheel on the wall to the left and press SPACE. 
Move little green man back down to the bottom level. 

Big Purple Man:
Zoom out and click on big purple man. 
Move him through door to the left and towards the chemical flask on the 
wall.  Press SPACE to pick up. 
Move big man down one level and pull the lever on the wall and pick up 
the axe. 
Move him back up a level and then through the door to the left all the 
way to the room with the keyhole in the wall. 

Medium Orange Man:
Zoom out and select the orange man. 
Move him to the marbles on the ground and pick them up. 
Then move him to the wall with the wooden planks.  Select the marbles 
and then press USE. 

Little Green Man:
Zoom out and select the small green man. 
Move him to the left and pick up the pink key on the ground. 
Move small green man up a level again through the pipe all the way to 
the ladder to the far left. 
Climb up ladder all the way to the air vent hole in the wall near big 
purple man. 
Click on the pink key and then click on USE. 
The key should fall into the room with the big man. 

Big Purple Man:
Zoom out if necessary and click on big purple man. 
Move him to the key and pick it up. 
Click on key and the USE. 
The door down should be unlocked. 
Go down to same level as medium sized orange man. Move to wooden planks 
on wall and click on axe and then USE. 
Move the big man to the far right to the door with the metal bar on it. 
Click on the chemical flash and then USE. 
The metal should dissolve and the door will be unlocked. 
Move both guys down the door to the bottom level and then to the left to 
the barred wall. 

Medium Orange Man:
Select medium sized man and click on the marbles and USE. 
The barred wall should lift. 
Click on the big purple man and move him to the rocks and then click 
The rocks should be removed and then move both guys out the door behind 
the rocks.

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PC Games, PC Game Cheats, Video Games, Cheat Codes, Secrets Easter Eggs, FAQs, Walkthrough Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2025
CheatBook-DataBase 2025 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, DVD, Wii U, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 28.200 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 11, 2025. Download CheatBook-DataBase 2025

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