Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Quick Guide/Walkthrough
[CONTENTS] Contents
[INTRO] - Introduction
[SUPPORT] - Support This Author
[START] Getting Started
[MISSIONS] Mission List
[MISS0] Mission 0
[MISS1] Mission 1
[MISS2] Mission 2
[MISS3] Mission 3
[MISS4] Mission 4
[MISS5] Mission 5
[MISS6] Mission 6
[MISS7] Mission 7
[MISS8] Mission 8
[MISS9] Mission 9
[MISS10] Mission 10
[MISS11] Mission 11
[MISS12] Mission 12
[MISS13] Mission 13
[MISS14] Mission 14
[MISS15] Mission 15
[MISS16] Mission 16
[MISS17] Mission 17
[MISS18] Mission 18
[MISS19] Mission 19
[MISS20] Mission 20
[MISS21] Mission 21
[MISS22] Mission 22
[MISS23] Mission 23
[MISS24] Mission 24
[MISS25] Mission 25
[MISS26] Mission 26
[MISS27] Mission 27
[MISS28] Mission 28
[MISS29] Mission 29
[MISS30] Mission 30
[MISS31] Mission 31
[MISS32] Mission 32
[MISS33] Mission 33
[MISS34] Mission 34
[MISS35] Mission 35
[MISS36] Mission 36
[MISS37] Mission 37
[MISS38] Mission 38
[MISS39] Mission 39
[MISS40] Mission 40
[MISS41] Mission 41
[MISS42] Mission 42
[MISS43] Mission 43
[MISS44] Mission 44
[MISS45] Mission 45
[MISS46] Mission 46
[MISS47] Mission 47
[MISS48] Mission 48
[MISS49] Mission 49
[MISS50] Mission 50
[SIDEOPS] Sideops
[ANIMALS] Collecting Animals
[BOX] Cardboard Box Delivery Invoices Locations
*** Introduction *** [INTRO]
Hello and thank you for checking out this guide! I produced this guide for a
few reasons, mainly which is that I enjoyed this game and want to help others
enjoy it too. The objective of this guide is to lay out what will be needed to
finish each of the missions, get S rank on each mission, finish all mission
objectives and other miscellaneous things that will help get as much of this
game finished as possible. I will do this with very few spoilers except things
you really need to know.
This guide was written by dazedorblazed (PSN ID) and is copyrighted by Magic
Jar Publishing. I played the PS4 version of this game.
I don't mind if this guide is posted elsewhere, but please keep it intact and
give credit where credit is due. If you have any questions or comments feel
free to send me an email at:
This guide supports searching via ctrl+F. Refer to the Content guide above for
the necessary shortcuts.
*** Support This Author *** [SUPPORT]
This part is completely optional of course!
Writing a guide like this takes work, so any support is always appreciated. The
best way you can support this particular guide's author is to look up a book
series called Rift of Askrah, available at most ereading retailers. By
purchasing these books you are giving the best support imaginable! Well, that
and sharing this guide and/or books with others of course. Additionally, the
first one is free at most retailers, so you can check out the series with no
With that said, let's get things moving...
*** Getting Started *** [START]
MGSVTPP is a vast and complex game that requires a touch different from most
previous metal gear games, with the exception of Ground Zeroes, which was an
introduction to the new FOX engine MGSVTPP is using.
If you have previous Metal Gear Solid experience, the changes will be pretty
noticeable. Of course, not so much that that experience is no good, but enough
that it is like driving a car you've never driven.
Some key things to keep in mind:
***My map is always set to North, not Heading, so all directions given will
assume the map is set to this setting.
***Money in this game is called GMP, and it is needed to do practically
anything, and I mean ANYTHING. Equipping your character with weapons, items,
and accessories costs money. The better the gear the more money. Having your
helicopter pick you up costs money. Getting ammo sent costs money. It's very
important that you keep an eye on your GMP at all times, and never let it get
anywhere near zero! If it goes below zero you can loser base personnel or have
their morale drop.
***Resources are just as important!! You can't develop or use many of the best
or upgraded items without them. For that reason, do not use them just because.
Use the bare minimum equipment you will need to get the job done, preferably
with weapons that only cost GMP to deploy.
***There are two types of resources; medicinal plants and mined resources.
***Medicinal plants are found out in the world and can be picked, or are
received through some of the online interactions with other players. Also can
be received through mission bonuses. Luckily these will appear on your map
under certain conditions and are renewable. Some are more rare than others, and
some only appear in one of the two main open world areas (Afghanistan and
***Mined resources are received periodically through automatic mining at Mother
Base. They can also be received by extracting cargo containers (requires
upgrades, more on this later). It can be stolen from other players online in
the same fashion, and small bits are received from mission bonuses. Finally,
there are small cases through the various camps and bases of processed
materials. See next paragraph for this.
***Processed/Unprocessed Materials - Materials are mined unprocessed. You can't
do anything with them in this form except sell them. What you have to do is
wait for the Base Development platform to process them, which happens
automatically like mining.
Please note that I don't know the exact mechanics for how many materials are
processed and how often. From my observations it is impacted by leveling up
your Base Development team, but overall it is a slow process. Even with a fully
upgraded unit and all A++ or higher soldiers I don't process what I would call
a ton, and I don't always process some of every material. This is a big part of
Why is this so important? Because it takes quite a long time to get the
necessary materials to upgrade your base, which is very important for both
single player and online play. Many pieces of equipment use resources when you
deploy with them that are needed for expanding the base and upgrading said
equipment, so you must find a balance. I personally recommend using the W.
Silent pistol as much as possible, as it only costs GMP to deploy with, and
you can keep enemies alive to extract.
You can also do yourself a favor and steal resources from an online opponent,
that way you have a surplus to process even at the beginning when mining is
providing even less than it will later on.
***Mother Base is your headquarters, and where you and the Diamond Dogs will
call home. Developing it (both the offline and online ones) will be crucial to
succeeding, as upgrading the different platforms gives you space for more
personnel, which in turn means you can get their levels higher. More on that
below, but just know for now upgrading the base should be priority one!
Note that you should start with upgrading the Base development platforms so
you can process more materials faster, saving you time through the game. It's
your call, but I highly recommend it.
***Return to Mother base frequently. There are many things that happen here in
different areas, plus returning to mother base allows you to shower down and
visit staff to increase morale. I try to return after every mission or sideop
or two, and at the beginning of the game you want to go as often as you can so
you're sure not to miss anything.
***There's a special guest in the medical wing. You can visit that person on
the third floor behind a door you have to press a button to open. Give this
person photos whenever you can!You'll unlock the photos as you play the game
and by doing certain side ops...
***Soldiers in Mother Base can be obtained a number of ways. The first and most
reliable method is to extract enemies out of the open world zones or from
missions. At first you won't' know a soldier's stats until you get them back to
Mother Base, but in time you can fix that. It is very important to get Mother
Base full regardless of the skill of soldiers, because as you get better
personnel, the inferior ones will be replaced automatically.
The second method is through volunteers. You can get soldiers who will
volunteer to join Diamond Dogs at the ends of missions and online interactions.
This is controlled via Heroism, which is covered in the next paragraph.
***Heroism is the numerical value of Snake's standing in the world. The higher
it is, the more soldiers will want to volunteer to join Diamond Dogs. Heroism
is increased through a variety of ways, which include completing missions and
sideops, saving prisoners and numerous other “positive” actions Snake can take
at any given time.
Be warned however that Heroism can fall for a number of reasons, such as being
attacked by a wild animal, being spotted by guards, or killing soldiers in an
online opponents FOB (online mother base)
It is very important to note, and I haven't seen this listed anywhere else,
that killing soldiers online costs you heroism, but killing soldiers single
player, like in missions, sideops, or free roaming does NOT cause you to lose
heroism, so feel free to use a lethal weapon single player if it will help you
clear a mission. As for killing online soldiers (not the players, but their
soldiers) it will cost you heroism, but if you succeed you will probably gain
more than you lost. Plus it's hard to get through without killing some, but
there will be more on this later.
Don't confuse Heroism with Espionage or PF Rank. You aren't ranked by Heroism
like those two, and the stat is more for single player and recruiting
volunteers. More on Espionage and PF Rank below.
***When starting the game you should focus on just completing the core mission
objectives. Don't get bogged down by all the side objectives within the
missions themselves, as many of them are hard or impossible to accomplish
without upgrades. Now if you see the chance to complete a side objective by
all means do, but it's going to make your life a lot easier to just replay the
missions later and get those objectives done when you have better stuff and
There are some important exceptions to the above though. First, if you are told
to kill someone, try extracting them instead. It may be a side objective, or
they may have a useful skill (more on skills later). This is the same for
rescuing prisoners. Replay the missions and rescue the prisoners if you can,
because they usually have unique skills you'll want to utilize back at mother
Another exception is blueprints. Always go back and do the mission again if you
didn't get any blueprints listed. Interrogating enemies in areas where the game
says there are blueprints should eventually reveal their location.
***Marking is very important. It allows you to see enemies even through walls
as well as on your map. To mark an enemy just get them in the center of your
***Sneaking is going to be your best friend. As such you'll spend a lot of time
crawling around on your stomach, which makes it hard for enemies to notice you.
Other things you can do to help are wear certain clothes, move slower, and stay
in the darkest areas you can find. You can do things like shoot out lights,
turn power to lights off and a myriad of other things to hide. Also, as long as
you don't approach a guard from the front they pretty much can't see you.
Finally, unless you are wearing certain clothes your footsteps will also make
noise (unless it's raining, then crouched stance will be silent).
***There are three different stances your character can take, which are
standing upright, crouched and crawling. Upright is the least stealthy but the
fastest, and crawling is the reverse. Unless you like to play gunner style
you'll be crouched or crawling a lot.
***Health and Damage are not present on the screen as constant bars. As you
take damage holes will rip in the screen and it will start to turn red. Too
much damage and you die. Damage disappears over time, but total damage is
cumulative, so every time you get injured it will take a little less damage to
kill you even if you let your current damage fade. To restore yourself shower
down at Mother Base.
***Reflex mode engages when an enemy spots you but they aren't already alerted
to your presence. Time will slow, and if you shoot them or take them out before
the slow motion ends they will not raise an alert. The amount of time reflex
mode lasts is reduced each time you use it until you return to mother base and
shower down.
***Day vs. Night is very important. You are many times harder to see at night.
It's also easier to evade curious enemies as their LOS is much shorter at
night. I advise doing missions at night whenever possible.
***Buddies are combat helpers who will join you on most missions. By the end of
the game there are four you can choose from. I personally recommend D-Dog about
90% of the time, and the others the other 10%. Now, I know many people would
say use Quiet pretty much all the time, and to be honest I did for a long time,
but I realized that there is one crucial thing that makes D Dog better, and
that is his scouting ability vs. Quiet's. Quiet can scout, but she usually
won't reveal 100% of the personnel, weapons, etc in any give area before taking
up her sniper post. Secondly, she is limited by those very posts. If you are
outside a settlement proper her usefulness plummets. D dog on the other hand
moves with you and reveals all enemies, prisoners, etc within a certain radius,
regardless of walls and such, making completing many optional and main
objectives MUCH easier. As for the horse there are a couple of missions where
it is useful, and same with the D walker. If you want my opinion then you
should use D-Dog most of the time, unless there is a good place for Quiet to
cover or you want her help fighting. I didn't really need her help for that as
I snuck around and took care of stuff myself.
***A spoiler involving Quiet. I don't like giving spoilers, and even here I'm
not going to give all the details, but it's important to note that toward the
end of the game you can lose Quiet as a buddy through what happens in the
story. If you want to avoid this you must unlock the butterfly emblem, which
I've heard is earned by having Quiet kill more soldiers than you in a mission
3 times. I haven't verified this because I lost Quiet since I had no idea about
any of this on my own save. From my understanding that emblem will suspend the
mission where you lose Quiet, and you can save it for the very end if you want,
or never do it and never lose her (but not get 100% either). It was actually
only after losing her I saw the real value of D dog anyways.
***A tip for missions - If you want to be free to wander a mission area, but
don't want to worry about a target being killed or lost, then grab it and put
it somewhere safe. For example, if you are saving a prisoner, but there are
other objectives you want to work on, then go get the prisoner, move them
somewhere safe, take care of other business, then come back for them. This can
be useful when you need to complete secondary objectives that will be outside
the hot zone if you extract a target.
***What clothing to wear - Most of the time you should be wearing the Sneaking
Suit as soon as you have access to it. It muffles your footsteps and offers
pretty good blending on most surfaces. Really the only exception, at least
until you've completed most of the game and get some of the special outfits, is
the Battle Dress. This makes you harder to kill, and is great for missions
where you have no choice but to fight.
*** Mission List *** [MISSION]
A quick note on suggested progression. I highly suggest you focus on completing
the core objectives of each mission so you can move through the story and
finish the core game. After you have completed all the missions with some kind
of rank, go back and start trying to get an S rank on all of them. After you
have all the S ranks, go back again and start doing any optional objectives you
Some people may suggest doing all the side objectives and then trying to get S
ranks, and this is a perfectly legitimate way to go about it. However, getting
the S ranks out of the way first gives you the chance to approach each mission
without worrying about time or rank. Also, you can then use special equipment
that limits your mission completion rank to A without feeling bad because you
already have the S rank.
Either way, completing the main game comes first.
Take note that you don't start the game with all the platforms or units. They
will be unlocked as you progress through the story, so don't panic about not
having all the stuff for the base. You're eased into it through the first part
of the story.
Finally, be sure to realize that some objectives must be completed in certain
orders, before you complete the main objective for a mission, or other special
parameters. For example, if you complete the main objective of a mission, it
usually creates a Hot Zone that, if you leave, the mission will end. This is
significant because some optional objectives will be outside of this Hot Zone,
therefore you must travel to these places before completing the main mission
objective, or play the mission again and go there before doing the main
The Hot zone isn't to be confused with the white border around the mission
area. That is the boundary for the entire mission. Going outside the white
barrier results in failing the mission. The Hot zone is an area that appears,
usually around you or your final target, that exiting will count as completing
the mission the same as if you took a helicopter out. It is red, and not as
big as the entire mission area. However, there area couple of missions where
the game treats the mission zone like the hot zone...
*** Mission 0 [Flashback] Prologue: Awakening *** [MISS0]
***Mission tasks:
1. Completed the Mission without triggering Reflex Mode
2. Completed the mission without allowing the Man on Fire to attack even once
after meeting with Ocelot
Welcome to the beginning of the game! After everything goes down and you have
control, just crawl along. Your route for this whole mission is pretty much
set. Follow Ishmael and do what he says. There's only a couple parts you can
mess up, and even if you do and have to start over at the checkpoint, no big,
we'll worry about rankings later after all (plus you can still get S ranks even
if you have to use checkpoints, so don't worry too much about dying. Time is
usually the most important factor for S rank).
Eventually Ishmael will cover for you, leaving you in the front atrium of the
hospital alone with some armed guards. Dispatch or avoid them and head toward
the door across from the main stairs. After the cinematic run outside. More
scenes and you'll be with Ocelot. Use the shotgun to keep the Man on Fire at
bay until you escape.
As the first mission this one is pretty hard to get lost in.
***Getting S Rank
Hurry though and you should be fine. Complete the objectives if you can for
extra points. Should be no trouble with a little practice at the game, if you
don't get it on your first try anyways.
***Completing all Mission Objectives:
Both of the objectives in this mission are optional.
Easiest way to get 1. is to turn reflex mode off in the menu for the duration
of the mission.
Getting 2. is just matter of shooting at the right time. I pretty much just
shot him whenever it looked like he might do something, though Ocelot also
gives some cues as to when to fire at him.
*** Mission 1: Phantom Limbs *** [MISS1]
***Mission tasks:
1. Pinpointed Kazuhira Miller's whereabouts
2. Extracted Kazuhira Miller
3. Extracted the commander from Wakh Sind Barracks
4. Completed the mission without being discovered by the skulls
5. Secured the rough diamonds hidden in Spugmay Keep
6. Extracted the Transport truck driver
Your first solo endeavor brings us out to the deserts of Afghanistan to rescue
Miller, who seems to have gotten himself into a bit of trouble. Our main goals
are just to get to where Miller is, get him out, and escape, so let's do it.
The game is nice enough to put a way point toward your ultimate objective, but
it also puts an objective circle over Da Wialo, where you can find the intel
file that will pinpoint Miller's whereabouts. You can also interrogate guards
at Da Ghwandai to find his location. If you don't want to do either you can
find Miller confined in a house toward the back of the village, once again the
biggest one. Go inside and free him, then it's time to go.
However, something will get in your way. Try to sneak past the enemy, but if
they discover you jump on that horse and ride like the wind toward the new
extraction point until they give up. Call in a chopper and head back home to
complete the mission.
***Getting S Rank
It's all about time. If you've played the mission and know where Miller is, go
straight there to save time. Get in and get him out as quick as possible and
the time bonus alone should get you an S rank.
***Completing all Mission Objectives
1. Is completed in Da Wialo. The intel file is in the big building with
soldiers outside and a big Russian flag on a pole. It's on the second floor.
2. Is completed when you get Miller out of the mission zone. He's in a building
toward the back of the village cuffed to a wall.
3. Is completed by going to Wakh Sind Barracks and capturing him. Interrogate a
guard for his location, which is past the big fence in the back left house-type
structure. You can also recognize him by the red beret (a common thing for
commanders in this game so remember it!)
4. Is just a matter of patience, the skulls will wander toward you, carry
Miller under the bridge and sneak behind them once they go far enough forward.
Get a ways away and the mist disappears. I left the horse behind to sneak.
5. You can go to Spugmay and find the diamond on top of a cliff to the north,
about equal height to the tallest structure there. You have to go around the
side up the hill to reach it.
6. Drives around the area, I captured it at the same time as capturing the
commander from 3. Just follow the roads between the different outposts and
you'll spot it parked or driving. Extract the driver to complete. Truck is not
objective, but you can take it if you have the upgrades.
*** Mission 2[Flashback]: Diamond Dogs *** [MISS2]
***Mission tasks:
1. Completed the Fulton Extraction training
2. Extracted staff, raising your R&D Team's level
3. Developed Cardboard box, and completed basic training
4. Completed Restrain Training
5. Completed Strike Training
There's not much to tell about this one, it's a training/guided mission so
it'll hold your hand. Objectives 4 and 5 can be completed when Ocelot says you
can go by sticking with him and doing what he says about the two of them. No
***Getting S Rank
No ranks on this mission.
***Completing all objectives.
1.-3. are completed through the mission. 4 and 5 can be done by sticking with
Ocelot and doing what he says.
*** Mission 3: A Hero's Way *** [MISS3]
***Mission tasks:
1. Eliminated Spetsnaz commander
2. Neutralized the Spetsnaz commander from more than 100m
3. Extracted the Spetsnaz commander
4. Picked a haoma in the desert between Shago village and Spugmay Keep
5. Secured the processed materials hidden in Shago village
Now we get to a mission where even if you want to you can't complete all the
objectives in one go. You can't do both 2 and 3 in one go, so you'll have to
pick. I recommend extracting him the first time, as we can do 1, 2 and the S
rank together.
So assuming you follow my instruction head toward your destination from the
eastern Landing Zone (LZ). Once you can see the village look through your
binoculars. The main building in the middle is where the commander is. He's
inside on the first floor, but if you watch the truck with three or four guys
park and walk inside the main middle area you will see the target come out of
a door to greet them. Once you have marked the target move carefully into the
village, subdue any guards in the way, and knock the target out or tranq him,
then you can either Fulton him, or carry him with you toward whichever LZ you
want to extract from.
Do this successfully and the mission is finished.
***Getting S Rank
This mission is one of the easiest to S rank on. All you need is a sniper
rifle. Land at the eastern LZ just like the first time, and go to the same
vantage point where you can see the target exit through the door to the
outside. Shoot him from here and he should die even if it's not a headshot.
This is probably a good time to point out that if you shoot a soldier and he
falls on the ground and doesn't get back up, but instead just rolls around in
pain, he will eventually die and none of the other soldiers can save him. You
can extract soldiers in this state and save their lives too. If you him him in
the head it's instant death, but even if you wing him he should die, and you
are far enough away not to get caught. Call in the helicopter and leave and you
should have an S rank for this one no problem.
***Completing all Objectives
1. and 2. are completed via S rank way above.
3. you sneak in and get him to complete the mission the first time.
4. you should Bring D dog and head out into the desert between the two towns.
Pick any Haoma you find until it gives you the cleared message.
5. pick up all processed materials in this area until you get the complete
message. Guards can reveal their locations if you interrogate them.
*** Mission 4: C2W *** [MISS4]
***Mission Tasks
1. Identified the comms equipment at the Eastern Communications Post
2. Destroyed the comms equipment at the Eastern Communications Post
3. Found the hidden diamond stash near the Eastern Communications Post
4. Destroyed the transmitter at the Eastern Communications Post.
5. Extracted 2 prisoners being held at Wialo Village
6. Extracted the materials container from the Eastern Communications Post
This mission is pretty simple. Follow the road east from the LZ and it will
lead you to the Eastern Communications post. You should be approaching from the
South. If you look at your map, you should see another, smaller dotted road
going west by north west into the mountains behind the facility. Follow it and
watch to the left. You will see a rock you can climb that is kind of steep. At
the top are the diamonds for objective 3.
That accomplished look around at the outpost below you. You should be able to
see 3 satellite dishes, but maybe only two if your view is obscured. Mark all
three of them with your binoculars to clear objective 1. Now you have two
options. Blow up the dishes individually, or go into the largest building in
the middle and blow up the main console. You'll need explosives for either, but
I recommend c4 as you can set them off after you've removed yourself from the
Once it's blown off run out of the hot zone and you win.
***Getting an S rank
Nothing too special to it except to hurry. Time bonus should get you there
***Completing all Objectives
1. and 2. are the result of finishing the mission. 1. you identify the
satellite dishes with your binoculars and 2. you blow them up.
3. is found up in the hills just behind the outpost on a steep rock to the
left. See the mission walkthrough for this mission for a detailed explanation.
4.is completed if you destroy the main console in the largest building instead
of the three dishes individually.
5. you just need to head to Wialo and either interrogate guards or bring D dog
to find 2 prisoners.
6. you have to extract the container closest to the little building in the
middle of the outpost.
*** Mission 5: Over the Fence *** [MISS5]
***Mission Tasks
1. Extracted the captive engineer.
2. Fulton extracted the engineer through the hole in the facility's basement
3. Extracted the prisoner plotting to escape from Wakh Sind Barracks.
4. Extracted the four-wheel patrolling between outposts.
5. Secured the blueprint in Wakh Sind Barracks.
It doesn't matter what LZ you start from on this one, but the western most one
puts you in a better position in my opinion. From there head to the nearby
Wakh Sind and move cautiously up the hill toward the big fence. Keep right as
you approach the gate and instead of trying to sneak through it go up the rocks
and along the top. If you have D dog he will identify a prisoner who if you
extract you will complete 3. He's not our main target so you'll have to keep
If you've found the above prisoner you're almost there. Go across the road and
into the back of the facility. There are some stairs leading down inside, and
you'll find the prisoner behind a locked door here.
Now you have two options. Carry him outside to extract him, or complete 2.
Might as well complete 2, so go into the other set of rooms across from where
the prisoner was and you should see a hole in the ceiling. Put the prisoner
down so he is below the hole and you should be able to extract him now.
Do this and you just need to escape the base and leave the hot zone on foot or
via chopper to complete the mission.
***Getting S rank
Once you know the layout and where the prisoner is, you can be in and out in a
matter of minutes, securing enough of a time bonus to earn the S rank.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed by finding and extracting the target.
2. is done by extracting through the hole in the ceiling in the rooms across
from where the prisoner is originally being held at.
3. is found on the rocky path that runs over the top of the large gate for the
main fence that leads to the back part of the base.
4. is found driving around the outposts. It should show up at Wakh Sind pretty
quickly, parking on the road near a guard post. You can grab it before heading
up toward the main part of the mission if you want to wait.
5. is found by interrogating guards in the area. Eventually one will mark it on
your map.
*** Mission 6: Where do the Bees Sleep? *** [MISS6]
Mission Tasks:
1. Secured the Honey Bee.
2. Eliminated the Skulls.
3. Secured the Honey Bee with its ammunition intact.
4. Extracted the prisoner who cannot speak
5. Extracted 2 snipers at the Mountain Relay Base
6. Eliminated the Gunship
This mission can be challenging at first, but as long as you know where to go
and are cautious, clearing it shouldn't be a problem. You've got quite a trek,
but I advise using D-dog instead of the horse. There are several obstacles
between you and Da Smasei Laman, and being able to see the enemies and avoid
or deal with them easier will help.
Follow the road to the mountain relay base. I recommend you sneak through here
even though 4. can be completed here. He's surrounded and you may want to wait
until a replay to try that objective, but it's your call. If you save him he
helps you locate the Honey Bee better, but I can do that too.
Continue past the relay base and head for Smasei. There is a base type area
outside, and across from where you enter there are entrances to a system of
caves. You need to head for the caves. Once inside, follow the path up to the
second floor of the caves, and look around until you find some more entrances
that lead further back into the second floor of the caves.
Here you will find a kind of living area with some soldiers patrolling. Avoid
them and keep making your way in until you find a tunnel that leads even
further back into some more rooms/living areas. In one of these rooms you will
find the Honey Bee on the floor. Pick it up and start heading outside.
Some tough enemies will get in your way, so for now I advise trying to outrun
them and keeping the honey bee intact. There are much easier ways to kill these
enemies and clear the objective that calls for their defeat.
Once you escape and the mist disappears you can extract yourself in whatever
fashion you prefer for a mission complete.
***Getting an S rank
This one you may be able to do on time alone, but getting the no stealth, kills
and those type of bonuses can help make up any lost ground. Fighting the skulls
is not required at all for an S, and their discovering you does not count
against you.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed by finding the Honey Bee in the cave. The prisoner from 4. can
help narrow it down.
2. is completed if you fight and defeat the skulls. I suggest waiting until you
have the inifinity bandana and/or a strong rocket launcher, or D walker with
gatling gun, preferably max level.
3. is completed by getting the Honey Bee and not firing it at all.
4. is completed by saving the guy at the mountain relay base, he is surrounded
by guards toward the east end.
5. is completed by extracting 2 snipers. They aren't identified by marking,
instead you have to check if they are holding a sniper rifle, either before or
after you take them down. Have to be alive to extract, so don't kill them.
6. is completed by bringing a rocket launcher and shooting down the gunship.
*** Mission 7: Red Brass *** [MISS7]
Mission Tasks:
1. Eliminated the commander of the company stationed at Wialo village.
2. Eliminated the commander of the company stationed at Shago village.
3. Eliminated the commander of the platoon stationed at Wakh Sind Barracks.
4. Extracted the commander the soldiers riding in his vehicle (4 total)
5. Extracted the three commanders
6. Listened to the end of the three commanders conversation
7. Extracted 2 prisoners being held at Ghwandai Town
This mission is a hurry up and wait type. Your goal is to take out three
different commanders who are meeting in the village of Da Wialo. Choose an LZ
close to that village and then head that way, preferably with D dog in tow.
The commander already stationed here is located toward the center of the
village inside a building with a couple different entrances. D dog is very
helpful for this part as well as staying undetected as you choose how to
proceed from here.
Extracting all three commanders the first time can be difficult, but it isn't
impossible, so I recommend you try. Hit the commander already there and hide.
The cardboard box is good for this mission. Make sure to kill, tranq or CQC any
soldiers who come looking around, but be sure you don't kill the commanders who
will show up in jeeps not too long after you get there yourself. As long as you
don't let the alarm get raised, you can tranq all three commanders without the
alarm being raised, and then Fulton them out.
If you just want to clear it, kill them and get out. I don't recommend waiting
for all three to get there unless you are sure you can fight all three of them
and get out of the village under alert. It's easier to take them one at a time
as they show up.
Decision made and the three commanders dealt with, it's time to pull out and
leave the mission area via your preferred method.
***Getting an S rank
Time should be able to do the job. Get in, take the commanders out, and get
out. Once you know the mission it shouldn't be a problem. Undetected and the
other bonuses will help of course.
***Completing all Objectives
1. 2. and 3. are completed based on how you choose to deal with the commanders.
4. is completed if you extract one of the two commanders and the three soldiers
who rode to the base with him. So this only works with the two commanders who
travel to Da Wialo.
5. is completed if you successfully extract all three commanders alive. The
easiest way to do this is to hide in a cardboard box, wait for them to have
their meeting, or at least gather together in one room, then pop out and throw
a sleep grenade. Knock all three out, extract them, and you're good.
6. is completed by letting all three commanders gather in the room where you
can find the Da Wialo commander. They will talk, and as long as you aren't
found or don't interrupt them, they will converse and this one will be cleared.
I recommend the cardboard box for this, just get in position before the other
two arrive in the dark room by where they are meeting and you will get this
one done.
7. is completed by taking D dog to Da Ghwandai and finding the prisoners so you
can extract them. You can also interrogate guards for their location.
*** Mission 8: Occupation Forces *** [MISS8]
Mission Tasks:
1. Secured the Deployment Plans
2. Eliminated the Colonel
3. Eliminated all Tanks
4. Extracted the Colonel
5. Eliminated the Colonel and all tanks before they reached Smasei Fort
6. Extracted the Prisoner being held at Sakhra Ee Village
7. Extracted all Tanks
You'll see that on the mission screen it recommends you bring a rocket
launcher. I recommend the same thing. It'll be much easier to extract
everything later on with some other equipment and upgrades, so lets just focus
on destroying them for now.
Head toward Sakhra Ee from whichever LZ you used. I recommend grabbing a
soldier and interrogating him to lessen your search radius for the intel file.
It's important to note that the colonel and his tanks won't show up until you
find this file, so you can't skip this part.
The file is in one of the buildings that rise higher in the back from those up
front. It's large, and once you are in the area the guard was kind enough to
point you towards you'll have no trouble spotting it. The intel file is inside.
Once you read the file, the colonel and his tanks appear, and are driving\
toward the village you are in right now. I recommend you leave the village and
follow the road east around the corner. Here you should be able to find a good
vantage point with some cover where you can see the road you just ran down. The
tanks will eventually come into view, and you should try to take them down from
as far away as possible. If needed, call in a resupply for rockets before you
run out.
If successful, both tanks and the colonel will be defeated, and you'll have
also completed objective 5..
Leave the zone in your preferred method for a mission complete.
***Getting an S rank
It's just going fast enough again. Once you know where the intel file is, and
where you want to set up to either destroy or extract the tanks and colonel it
should be no problem to get S rank through time bonus alone. If that doesn't
work, get the EMN mine and make it so you can extract the tanks and commander
a little easier.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed when you find the intel file. It's required, and found in a
tall house toward the back of the village. A guard can narrow down where it is.
2. and 3. are completed if you destroy the colonel and his tanks. I recommend a
rocket launcher.
4. is completed if you extract the colonel alive.
5. is completed if you destroy or extract the targets before they reach Da
Smasei to the Southwest of Sakhra Ee.
6. is completed by bringing D dog or having a guard help you locate the
prisoner, then saving them.
7. is completed by extracting the tanks rather than destroying them. Easiest
with EMN mine.
*** Mission 9: Backup, Back Down *** [MISS9]
Mission Tasks:
1. Eliminated an armored vehicle.
2. Eliminated multiple fighting vehicles or gunships.
3. Destroyed all armored vehicles without calling for fire support or resupply.
4. Secured the weapon the transport truck was carrying.
5. Extracted an armored vehicle.
6. Extracted 4 soldiers searching for the escaped prisoner.
7. Extracted 6 prisoners.
8. Extracted 3 tanks.
First and foremost this is one of the easiest missions, so don't panic, and
make sure to bring a rocket launcher. What you want to do is land at the
northern most LZ, up by Yakho Oboo Supply Outpost. You barely have to leave
the LZ really.
To complete this mission you only have to destroy one armored vehicle, so if
you just want to complete it and worry about the rest later destroy one vehicle
and wait out the timer and you will get a mission complete.
You'll see that there are vehicles that are over 1000m away, but don't worry
because they are coming right toward you, as will everything else in this
mission, though a couple of things will appear from the north too, but we'll
get to that.
Once the first vehicle rounds the corner to your south and comes into view,
destroy it. Stay as far back as possible, and you should get it done without
being counterattacked. An alarm will be raised, but no one will find you at the
LZ, so just keep waiting for the next vehicle. After the first is destroyed, a
third should appear again over 1000m away, but it's heading for you too.
When the second vehicle gets in range destroy it. This should cause a prisoner
being transported by a jeep to appear north of you. Now it's decision time. You
can try to stop the vehicle without being discovered and save the prisoner. Or
you can run out in front of the jeep, trigger reflex mode, and kill the enemies
that way to save the soldier, or you can let them go by. Whatever you decide
you'll have time to do it before the third armored vehicle arrives.
Destroy that third armored vehicle when it gets in range, and more enemies will
appear. Destroy them when they get within range and more will appear, along
with a truck carrying a weapon. It's decision time again. You can try to take
out the driver silently, let him spot you and use reflex mode, or just let it
go by and worry about it later. If you stop the truck and grab the rocket
launcher, which is probably way better than what you have if this is your first
time on this mission, you'll complete another objective.
After this you just have to destroy the remaining vehicles heading your way, or
let them go by. Once the timer ends or all vehicles are destroyed, the mission
will be complete.
***Getting S Rank
Easiest way is to destroy all the armored vehicles, the tanks and the gunship.
Gives a huge bonus at the end of the mission which pretty much guarantees S
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed when you destroy or extract an armored vehicle.
2. is completed when you destroy or extract a second armored vehicle.
3. is completed if you complete the mission by destroying all vehicles but
don't call for fire support or a resupply. May be hard until you get upgraded
weapons with more ammo.
4. is completed if you get the rocket launcher the transport truck that appears
is carrying.
5. is completed if you extract at least one of the armored vehicles instead of
destroying them all.
6. is completed when you extract the four soldiers chasing one of the prisoners
from 7. (see7.)
7. is completed when you save six prisoners scattered around the map. I'll list
them in the order it's easiest to find them. Bring D dog or it will be hard to
find them. I do believe that to complete this objective you have to extract all
6 in one playthrough, so if you saved the one in the jeep a different time and
try to skip it that won't work.
For this one land at the LZ near Wakh Sind Barracks and bring D dog.
Prisoner 1 is found on a trail that runs west/southwest of Wakh Sind Barracks,
near Outpost 15, and northeast of Lamar Khaate Palace through the mountain
between them. It's a dotted line path. You'll find a prisoner running east
toward Wakh Sind with four soldiers behind him. Do this at the beginning or he
will be killed by the guards that are after him.
Prisoner 2 is in the desert near the west end of the path where Prisoner 1 was
Prisoner 3 is in a green cage/jail type building on the northwestern edge of
Lamar Khaate Palace.
Prisoner 4 is north of the palace down in the river area to the west of the
bridge that is west of outpost 08.
Prisoner 5 is brought in in the jeep from the north.
Prisoner 6 is in the cells at Wakh Sind, where the main objective prisoner from
Mission 5: Over the Fence is located.
8. is completed by extracting three tanks at the end. To make all three tanks
appear you must destroy all armored vehicles and save the prisoner being
transported. Also to be safe grab the rocket launcher being transported too, as
I haven't tested if it is required or not. Destroying all armored vehicles,
saving the prisoner, and getting the rocket launcher will make 3 tanks appear
with the gunship after the timer expires instead of just two. Extract the three
tanks instead of destroying them to complete this one.
*** Mission 10: Angel With Broken Wings *** [MISS10]
Mission Tasks:
1. Extracted the Mujahideen prisoner called Malak.
2. Extracted the escort vehicle (armored vehicle).
3. Extracted 3 Prisoners being held at Lamar Khaate Palace.
4. Extracted 2 Prisoners being held at Yakho Oboo Supply Outpost.
5. Listened to the last conversation between the transport truck driver and
This mission pretty much just has you following your target looking for a
chance to rescue him. The ultimate destination of the expedition is Yakho Oboo,
where Malak is to be interrogated.
Honestly there are a lot of opportunities to rescue him way before then, but
the safest, easiest way is to go to Yakho Oboo ahead, clear out some guards
around the western part of the building, wait for them to put Malak in the room
and leave, then rescue him and escape.
***Getting an S rank
If you can rescue him quickly without being detected, such as by using a sniper
rifle, preferably the silence tranq kind. Get him out quick and undetected and
it should be no problem to get the S rank.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed by saving Malak however you choose.
2. is completed by extracting the 4 wheel drive they were driving Malak around
3. is completed by taking D dog to Lamar Khaate and rescuing the prisoners he
finds, or getting info from guards.
4. is completed by taking D dog to Yakho Oboo Supply Outpost and using him to
find the prisoners, or getting info from a guard.
5. can be completed by listening to the conversation the transport driver will
have with Malak before he leaves him in the room inside Yakho Oboo. You just
have to be somewhere where you can hear it.
***Mission 11: Cloaked in Silence *** [MISS11]
Mission Tasks:
1. Eliminated Quiet.
2. Determined what to do with Quiet.
3. Neutralized Quiet without hitting her with lethal weapons.
4. Neutralized Quiet with non-firearm attacks.
A few quick things. Quiet is a crack shot. Expose yourself to her and she will
snipe you easily. However, if you are behind cover, and you press the
binoculars to look around, you will be pretty much safe from fire.
Now, to understand this battle you have to understand Quiet. She has special
powers I won't get into right now, but she can move like the wind, and she
moves from vantage point to vantage point in these ruins where you fight her.
If you mark her it will disappear after a little bit once she starts running.
However, if you look close you can see the dust she kicks up and follow her.
Now, if you want to fight her legitimately it's pretty much a sniper duel.
There is a much easier way though that will clear all the mission objectives
in one fell swoop.
When the mission starts Quiet is always in the same place. Peek over the cover
and mark her. Then pull up the map and order a supply drop right on top of her.
It will fall on her, taking half of her blue (non-lethal) health bar away, and
she will run.
Locate her again, drop more supplies, and she will be defeated.
***Getting an S rank
The above method will give you an S rank. Just drop two supply drops on her
after marking her.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed by defeating quiet in any way. You can't kill her during the
initial battle, so feel free to use your best weapons even if they are lethal.
2. is decided after the battle. I haven't confirmed this, but it may be
possible to kill Quiet the first time around, making it so you wouldn't have
her as a buddy. The alternative, or possibly the only choice, is to do nothing,
pick her up, and take her back to Mother Base.
3. is completed if you beat quiet using sleeping gas bombardment, supply drop,
or tranq guns.
4. is completed by hitting Quiet with two supply drops.
*** Mission 12: Hellbound *** [MISS12]
Mission Tasks:
1. Made Contact with Dr. Emmerich.
2. Extracted Dr. Emmerich.
3. Extracted 3 Walker Gears from Central Base Camp.
4. Extracted Dr. Emmerich without him taking damage.
5. Secured the Glamor Model (Vertical) poster at Central Base Camp.
6. Secured the blueprint at Central Base Camp.
There's not much to tell about this mission, as the game is pretty clear about
where to go. Once you reach Afghanistan Central Base Camp, interrogate a
soldier to find that Emmerich's Lab is back in the Northwest part of the base.
Without giving too much away, you should eliminate the guards closest to the
west gate. It will matter when you are coming back that way. Don't just tranq
them, eliminate them or extract them.
With that done move toward the lab. All the doors to the lab are locked except
for one with a couple soldiers out front. Deal with them however you want then
go inside.
Once you're back in control, it's decision time. You can take Emmerich's walker
gear and clear the objective, or leave it. It's harder to sneak in the walker,
so if you didn't clear a path back to the gate it may be better to leave it,
but it's your call.
Sneak back with Emmerich toward the west gate to find Pequod and a lovely
Now your goal is to escape the walking biped weapon Sahelanthropus! To do this
you must get out of its sight and stay that way until Ocelot tells you you
aren't out of the woods yet. At the point it will shoot out some machines that
look around the area for you via red lasers.
It's hard to advise where to hide, because honestly sometimes I got caught even
if I was hidden pretty well. You just have to kinda trust your gut and get used
to how this part works to figure out how to efficiently evade Sahelanthropus.
Once this second stage has been evaded, it starts looking around for you. This
is your chance to escape! Move carefully toward the LZ, and if successful load
Emmerich up and take off.
Stay on guard until the end though!
***Getting S Rank
Time is a big factor in this one like any. Perfect stealth and other bonuses up
to Sahelanthropus will help if time isn't enough.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed when you find Dr. Emmerich in his lab.
2. is completed when you save Dr. Emmerich at the end of the mission.
3. is completed if you extract three walker gears that are wandering around the
base. Two can be found near the west gate or east gate patrolling between the
two, and the third is patrolling around the central base area.
4. is definitely the hardest objective, because damage from Sahelanthropus
counts. There's not really any advice I can give other than making sure the way
from Emmerich's lab to the west gate is clear, and then run fast from
Sahelanthropus and quickly get into hiding, then escape without it finding you
at all.
5. is found in a garage SE of Emmerich's lab, near where the third walker gear
is patrolling. It's near a door, kind of dark and hard to see so look hard!
6. is found in the building similar to Emmerich's lab, but pretty much in the
middle of the base. Going from the west gate toward the east you cross a big
bridge, then the road divides to the left and right around a big building.
That's the building.
*** Mission 13: Pitch Dark *** [MISS13]
Mission Tasks:
1. Shut down oil transfer pump.
2. Destroyed the oily water separator tank.
3. Extracted 4 child soldiers being trained at Masa Village.
4. Exfiltrated the hot zone before mfinda oilfield was sealed off.
5. Extracted the lappet faced vulture that wandered into the burned down
6. Extracted 4 Walker Gears sealing off Mfinda Oilfield.
Alright, this mission is an infiltration mission to destroy a tank and hit a
switch. First you'll want to equip some C4 before you deploy, as well as deploy
at 1800hrs (6pm). Bring D dog too.
Follow the path to the village. Head north and D dog should identify 4 people
sleeping in a building. Those are the child soldiers, but if you don't have the
child extraction upgrade for the Fulton device it's not worth the hassle right
Sneak through the village, and then keep heading north following the road.
Southwest of Mfinda Oilfield there is a burned out village, and D dog should
find the lappet faced vulture either flying or on the ground. Snag it if you
want, then head for the oilfield.
Sine you are approaching from the west, head toward the nearest part of the
oil facility you can reach (you can go in the water) and climb up. If you look
left you will see one of your two targets, a big red tank in a fenced in area.
Get any guards out of the way however you want, then unlock the fenced area and
go up to the tank. Plant a C4 but DON'T blow it up yet. Instead go out and
immediately left, jumping over the rails onto a big container thing.
Drop down, cross a little bridge, and instead of taking nearby ladder up, go
left and up the stairs. Then there's another set of stairs to your right. Go up
those, and then follow the cat walk left. This will lead to a locked room where
your second objective is.
Go inside and hit the switch. Don't worry, it doesn't cause any kind of alert.
Now you have some choices. You can blow up the C4 now, completing the second
objective but putting the oilfield on alert and bringing in the walker gears
that will seal off both the southeast and southwest exits, with two at each.
Doing this would allow you to extract the walker gears, provided you can take
care of the guards in some fashion.
Your next choice is to head for the southeast exit and leave the facility.
Get 150m or so away, until the game does an auto save, then blow the C4. After
the scene run south/southeast as fast as you can and you should escape the
hotzone on foot before the oilfield is sealed, scoring that objective.
Whatever you choose, make it happen and this mission is complete.
***Getting S rank
This one is all about time. Get to the oilfield as fast as possible, get that
C4 planted, go hit the switch, blow the C4 outside the facility, then escape on
foot or on the horse as fast as you can and the S rank is yours.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed when you hit the switch indicated by the yellow objective
marker. It's in the middle building, you have to get up on the catwalk and
follow it around to a locked door.
2. is completed when you destroy the big red tank with explosives of some sort,
preferably C4. It's located in the western/northwestern part of the facility
and marked by a yellow objective marker.
3. is completed if you extract the 4 child soldiers in Masa village. You can
find them sleeping in one of the first buildings if you start the mission at
1800 hrs (6pm). Easiest if you have the child fulton extract upgrade.
4. is completed if you blow the oil tank up when you are already outside the
fence, then run outside the hot zone before the walker gears arrive.
5. is completed when you find the vulture which is at the burned village
southwest of Mfinda oilfield. Bring D dog to make it easier, and then tranq it
when it lands on the ground.
6. is completed if you wait for the walker gears that seal the facility to
arrive, then take out the guards and extract them out. May require Fulton
upgrade, I haven't verified this.
*** Mission 14: Lingua Franca *** [MISS14]
Mission Tasks:
1. Identified the Afrikaans interpreter.
2. Identified the Viscount.
3. Extracted the Viscount.
4. Pinpointed the locations of the 4 prisoners from an intel file.
5. Extracted 3 prisoners being held at Kiziba Camp.
6. Extracted a materials container at Kiziba Camp.
7. Listened to all 4 prisoners' interrogations.
*If you want the quickest route to completing this mission, see the S rank
section for this mission.
Okay, this mission requires a lot of following to get to the heart of it, but
that also makes it easy. From whatever LZ you pick follow the waypoint. It will
bring you to an area with some soldiers, which having D dog will be helpful.
Scan them all until you find the interpreter. He may be in a tent if you get
there quickly, so you may have to look a bit. Once you have him, stay close,
but not too close. You can listen to conversations using the binoculars, so
give yourself some breathing room.
However, since this is the first instance where you need to listen to multiple
conversations, I feel it is important to point out some bugs I have noticed.
Sometimes you have to be in a certain position or within a certain distance to
get some conversations to trigger. Sometimes you'll see the guards standing
near each other, and it will seem like they are talking, but you aren't hearing
anything. This may be because you weren't close enough. Other times you may see
two people who are supposed to start talking, but instead they are just
standing near each other not doing anything. This may mean you need to move to
a different spot, probably closer, but sideways, or up behind some cover may do
it too. There's a mission further on where this is a bigger problem, but I'm
letting you know now so that you may not be as confused as I was.
Anyways, a prisoner will go one way and the interpreter another. You can save
the prisoner if you want, but it will make it so you can't hear all the
conversations, so I suggest letting them go for now. Follow the interpreter
instead, and eventually he will come to another prisoner. After the
interrogation they will move on. Once again, you can save the prisoner if you
want, but I suggest just staying with the interpreter for now and doing the
mission again to save the prisoners.
This will lead you to a much busier part of the camp, where there are two cages
and two prisoners. D dog will help you find this easier. Listen to these
interrogations if you wish, and then follow the interpreter to the nearby
building where he will stand for a minute, then move on. You can access this
building by crawling into a hole on the back side, and once he moves on climb
up and go over to the desk to find the intel file.
This will reveal the positions of any prisoners you haven't saved, including
our target, the Viscount. He's some couple hundred meters away from where you
are, either being led by a guard or still being guarded. Wherever they are when
you find them, take out the guard, grab the Viscount, and leave the mission
area via your preferred methods.
***Getting S rank
Time is more than enough to get you this S Rank. Instead of following the
interpreter, go directly to where the Viscount is being held, northeast of
Kiziba camp. You can also go straight to where the intel file is to help narrow
down the location if you are struggling. Go get him directly once you know
where he is being held at and you will get S rank no problem.
Please note that if you followed the interpreter to where he interrogates the
Viscount, this is not where you will find him if you go right at the beginning
of the mission. He's northeast of the camp being held alone by a single guard.
It's much easier to just get the intel file at the very beginning and learn
where he starts at that way.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed by finding the interpreter. The game guides you to where he is,
then you have to use the binoculars to identify him.
2. is completed when you find the viscount. Touch him or pick him up and that
should do it.
3. is completed when you leave the mission area with the viscount.
4. is completed if you find the intel file in the wooden building near where
the two cages are and the prisoners are interrogated.
5. is completed if you save the other three prisoners who are interrogated
before you go save the Viscount. Your chances to do this are limited, as
eventually the guards guarding them kill them after the interrogations are
complete. Not immediately, but it does happen.
6. is actually pretty misleading. You have to extract all four containers in
the camp in the same mission. There are two near the prisoner interrogation
area, and two in the north/northwest part of the camp. Fulton upgrade required.
7. is completed by following the interpreter to where all the different
interrogations take place, and listen to them all fully, including the
*** Mission 15: Footprints of Phantoms *** [MISS15]
Mission Tasks:
1. Eliminated all Walker Gears
2. Extracted 2 prisoners being held at Ditadi Abandoned Village.
3. Extracted all Walker Gears.
4. Picked a digitalis (lutea) at Ditadi Abandoned Village.
5. Extracted a truck at Ditadi Abandoned Village.
This little village is situated on a little hill. If you go straight toward it
from the LZ there will be Walker Gears on your right and left, both near the
top. Go up the right side, quietly taking out anyone you can, until D-dog
identifies the first two walkers. Take out the guards around them, then extract
them out or destroy them if you must, slinging back into the shadows.
Very close to where the first two walker gears were, just to the northwest,
are the other two. Rinse and repeat, then leave the area however you prefer for
a mission complete.
***Getting S rank
Learn where the walker gears are by doing the mission, get up there and take
care of them, then leave the zone and the time bonus alone should get you an S
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed if you blow up or extract all 4 gears.
2. is completed if you save the prisoners in the village. Bring D dog to find
them easier.
3. is completed if you extract all 4 walker gears.
4. is completed by picking the yellow type of digitalis. You can find it near
where the second set of walker gears was located if you follow the top of the
hill around to the northeast. D dog may also sniff it out for you while you're
getting walkers. Has to be that specific one in that specific place.
5. is completed by extracting the truck located at the southeast base of the
hill at Ditadi Abandoned Village.
*** Mission 16: Traitors' Caravan *** [MISS16]
Mission Tasks:
1. Identified escort unit (armored truck).
2. Identified transport truck.
3. Extracted transport truck.
4. Eliminated the skulls.
5. Extracted the transport truck driver.
6. Pinpointed escort unit's estimated route from an intel file.
7. Listened to all conversations between the transport truck driver and outpost
guard post soldiers.
8. Extracted 3 Zero Risk Security soldiers.
This is a mission where you should bring D Horse instead of D dog. There's
going to be a lot of riding.
I don't like this mission, especially the first time you have to do it. You'll
see why soon enough. For now though leave the LZ and follow the waypoint. Snoop
around the village to find the escort is gone. Check the green tents to find
the intel file, which reveals the long route the escort is taking.
Their first stop is the airport, so you can head there first. The truck in
question is located in the SE portion of the airport, not the airfield part,
but the smaller part at the front of the main terminal building. DO NOT get
closer than 30m to the truck. If you want to find out why go ahead and run up
to it, but for now I'm going to assume you heed my advice...
Get somewhere where you can mark the truck, clearing an objective. Then watch
the road for the escort, and mark both of them, clearing another objective. Now
this part takes some finesse. On the southeast wall there is a gate you can
pick open. Do it and move carefully toward the truck, staying on the other side
of the fence and well away from the fence itself. The driver should start
talking to someone. Listen to the whole thing, then go back out the way you can
and mount the horse.
Ride it toward Outpost 12, taking up a position just to the southeast, where
you'll be able to move closer once the convoy arrives. Remember not to get to
close once they pull up and stop, but you have to be close enough to get the
conversation to start. The truck driver will converse with the guard, then they
will get ready to leave. Now ride just SW of Kiziba camp, and wait for the
convoy again. They will stop in Kiziba camp, and provided you are close enough
or the game feels like letting you listen through binoculars, the final
conversation will take place.
Once that is over you have some choices. Technically you can now attack anytime
you feel like. However, if you want to tangle with what truly guards the truck,
then have just a little more patience. The convoy will continue on toward
Outpost 01, and then through Mfinda Oilfield. What you do is after you are
finished listening at Kiziba camp, you make a beeline for that burned out
village southeast of Mfinda oilfield.
There you can find a little dock being guarded by two guards. Take care of them
and then wait for the convoy. The armored vehicles will park near the dock, and
the truck will roll up. If you're hiding on the dock eventually there will be
nowhere to go. Run up and extract the truck if you have the fulton upgrade. If
not, hurry and tranq the driver (has to be in the head once they are a puppet),
toss him in the truck, and drive it south. It's only a short distance to the
end of the hot zone where you will be safe.
If you have to, leave the driver behind, but it's much easier if you can just
fulton him and the truck, jump on the horse, and ride south to escape quickly.
***Getting S rank
Big surprise by now I'm sure, but all you need is to do it quickly. Ride
straight for the airport, extract the truck which is parked in the southeast
part of the airport's front terminal, then escape.
***Completing all objectives
1. is completed if you mark the armored vehicles that escort the truck with
your binoculars.
2. is completed if you mark the target truck with your binoculars.
3. is completed when you get the target truck out of the target area.
4. is completed if you engage and defeat the skulls in combat. Easiest with
strong rocket launcher/infinity bandana or D Walker with max Gatling gun.
5. is completed if you extract the guy who was driving the truck. Doesn't
matter that he becomes a puppet. You have to shoot puppets in the head to
tranq them.
6. is completed if you read the intel file in the first area where the escort
unit is supposed to be. Located in a green tent.
7. is the most complicated task of the whole mission. There is one conversation
at the airport before the truck leaves. The second is at Outpost 12. The third
is at Kiziba camp. They can be a little finicky about position or distance, so
move around, get closer, duck into some cover or even crawl until they start
talking. You have to hear them all in one go without interruption to complete.
8. is completed by extracting the soldiers guarding the truck at the airport. I
think the two guys at the dock southeast of Mfinda Oilfield also count.
*** Mission 17: Rescue the Intel Agents *** [MISS17]
Mission tasks:
1. Extracted Intel Team member escaping through the forest north of camp.
2. Extracted Intel Team member being held at Kiziba camp.
3. Extracted 2 CFA officials.
4. Extracted prisoner being held at Kiziba camp.
5. Extracted 4 search team reinforcements.
6. Extracted the transport truck driver.
Make sure you bring D dog, as he makes this mission a lot easier. Take whatever
LZ you like and you will have two options of where to go. You'll want to head
toward the target north of the camp. This will lead you to a rocky area where
there are several soldiers searching for a prisoner. With the aid of D dog you
should find the prisoner no problem. Get him out and then head toward the other
target at the camp.
You can find the second prisoner in that area with the two cages, but in a hole
in the ground. This one is injured and you have to carry them out, so pick an
LZ and sneak or get out however you want. Leave however you prefer for a
mission complete.
***Getting S rank
Just do it quickly. Get in to where both prisoners are, get them out, and
leave. Time bonus should more than cover what you need.
***Completing all objectives.
1. is completed by rescuing the prisoner north of Kiziba camp that the enemy is
searching for.
2. is completed by rescuing the prisoner in the hole in the ground near the two
3. is completed by extracting 2 certain soldiers. They may show up inn
relation to the second target prisoner, so be patient and scan everyone,
especially anyone who shows up in a four wheel drive. Scan their faces too as
that may trigger the alert they are your target.
4. is completed by bringing D dog to find them or have a guard reveal their
5. is completed by choosing the northern landing zone, near Outpost 1. If you
hurry you can find the four guards here. Three to one four wheel drive and one
to another.
6. is completed by extracting the driver of the truck which parks near the two
cages where the second target prisoner is. It isn't there immediately, it comes
from somewhere else, but that is eventually where it parks. Just get the driver
if you want.
*** Mission 18: Blood Runs Deep *** [MISS18]
Mission Tasks:
1. Eliminated the former rebel Mbele soldier.
2. Eliminated 5 prisoners being held at Kungenga Mine.
3. Extracted child prisoner.
4. Extracted former rebel Mbele soldier.
5. Completed the mission by extracting 5 child soldiers without the enemy
discovering their escape.
6. Eliminated the gunship.
7. Extracted 5 snipers from areas near Kungenga Mine, NE and SW Guard Posts
8. Extracted 3 armored vehicles.
D dog is very helpful for this one.
From the LZ you'll want to head toward Bampeve Plantation, where your first
target is. You'll find him toward the back of the camp in the northwest
section. Extract him for extra objective if you want.
Move on past the plantation and follow the road to Kungenga Mine. From where
you enter you have to make it straight across to a green locked gate. Go left
or right as you prefer, dealing with anyone in your way. When you unlock the
gate and head in it will lead to another locked gate on your left. Open it.
Now you have some tagalongs, including an injured child, who you can extract
if you have all the different upgrades, but if this is the first time then you
have to carry him.
That adds a significant challenge to this part, because you also have to order
the kids to stop and go as needed, and deal with the guards who are going to
get in your way.
Go left when you exit out the locked gate, and sneak past or deal with the
soldiers ahead as needed, then go right. From there the path is rather linear,
the harder part is keeping the kids safe and dealing with the enemies. Should
you reach the final area safely you can put the kids on a chopper and get out
of there for a mission complete.
***Getting S rank.
Like most of them you just have to be quick. Helps if you have better equipment
so you can take the guards out easier and breeze through the valley to
extraction and an S rank.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed if you kill or extract the first target at Bampeve Plantation.
2. is completed if when you save the five kids.
3. is completed when you save the kids.
4. is completed if you extract the first target instead of kill him.
5. is completed if you take out everyone in the area before the first locked
green gate. You have to kill them or extract them, otherwise they can wake up,
go down there, and find the kids gone.
6. is completed by getting or bringing a rocket launcher and destroying the
gunship that appears toward the end.
7. was the hardest to figure out for me. There are some northeast of Outpost 13
and southeast of Outpost 2. make sure to really look around and bring D dog or
they are even harder to find. Don't get confused and think they are somewhere
along the main mission path either.
8.You have to look around for these. They are patrolling the various roads
within the mission zone. Easiest with the EMN Mine.
*** Mission 19: On the Trail *** [MISS19]
Mission Tasks:
1. Identified subordinate of the PF commander, the Major.
2. Identified the PF commander, the Major.
3. Eliminated the PF commander, the Major.
4. Extracted the PF commander, the Major.
5. Extracted the subordinate of the PF commander, the Major.
6. Extracted prisoner being held at Munoko ya Nioka Station, NE Guard Post
7. Listened to the conversation between the pf commander (the Major) and his
This is another mission where you have to identify someone and then follow them
around. So go to where it says and do just that. By following him you will
eventually be led to an out of the way place with a bunch of soldiers waiting.
Big surprise the Major is there.
Listen to the conversation if you want, then make your decision. Kill them,
extract them, however you want to handle it. Once you've done that, just head
out for a mission complete.
***Getting S Rank.
Like most of the others the key is time. Once you know the location of the
Major and his soldiers you can run straight there, take him out or extract him,
then leave quickly and pick up the points through the time bonus.
***Completing all Objectives.
1. is completed if you get the major in your binoculars and identify him.
2. is completed if you get the major's subordinate in your binoculars and
identify him.
3. is completed if you kill or extract the Major.
4. is completed if you extract the Major.
5. is completed if you extract the subordinate of the Major.
6. is completed if you extract the prisoner at Outpost 16. Use D dog or get a
soldier to reveal location.
7.is completed if you hide and listen to the Major talk to his subordinate once
the two meet.
*** Mission 20: Voices *** [MISS20]
Mission Tasks:
1. Extracted Shabani.
2. Successfully hit the floating boy with an attack.
3. Fought off the Man on Fire.
4. Pinpointed route to Ngumba Industrial Zone, West Guard Post from an intel
5. Extracted an African wild dog near Ngumba Industrial Zone, West Guard Post.
6. Listened to the conversation about the “bodies at Munoko ya Nioka Station”.
One of the creepier missions, but that can wait. Make your way quietly through
Munoko ya Nioka Station. When you reach the other side, a truck will come down
the hill. You can complete several objectives if you follow the driver, or you
can hurry ahead, your choice.
If you follow him, this guy will have some conversations with people and travel
along toward Ngumba Industrial Zone. He will lead you to the intel file and
have the conversation about the bodies at Munoko ya Nioka Station. You have to
follow him the whole way without any issues to hear that conversation.
Whatever you do, once you reach Ngumba Industrial Zone make your way through
the cave to the other side. There aren't any enemies here, so make you to the
back section to the big building. On the left there is a bunch of blood and an
open door...
Follow it to the end to find your target. Then some other stuff happens and...
Run from the Man on Fire!
You have some options here on how you can deal with this. The easiest way is to
defeat the Man on Fire in one go. To do this when you get outside avoid the
stuff that falls and the fire, then go left and you should see a big gas tank.
If you can get the Man on Fire right in front of it, and explode it, it will
blow him into the reservoir and the fight is over.
You can also hurt him by exploding the water towers when he is near them with
explosives or by shooting the red barrels at the base.. That will take him to
the ground, and the floating boy will appear. If you do a very quick ammo drop
you can hit the boy with it like Quiet and get that objective. I haven't tested
whether you can fully defeat him using the water towers, as my first time I
exploded the first one, called in my chopper, and just escaped, which is also a
completely viable option, especially the first time doing this mission.
Whatever you do, defeat him or escape and this mission is over.
***Getting S Rank
Like any other, it's all about doing it as quick as possible. Perfect stealth
and the other bonuses can also help.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed when you find Shabani.
2. is completed if you hit the floating boy with an ammo drop. To do this you
have to take out the Man on Fire with a water tower. While he is down the boy
will show up to protect him. At this point you can call in the ammo drop and
hit him. I had completed the game and had a very high support unit when I did
this one, so I'm not sure if you can get him this way with a lower level
support unit.
3. is completed by defeating the Man on Fire. The way I know for sure is to use
the large gas tank by the reservoir. Get him in front of it, blow it up, and it
will knock him in if he is in the right place. It may take a few tries, I
didn't get it on my first try.
4. is completed by finding the intel file. Thee easiest way is to follow the
truck driver that appears when you cross Munoko ya Nioka Station. He leads you
right to it.
5. is completed by extracting an African wild dog near Outpost 17. Bring D dog
to make finding one easier.
6. is completed by following the truck driver that appears when you cross
Munoko ya Nioka Station. You have to follow him along the whole route he takes,
listen to everything, etc.. This goes on all the way to the cave that leads
into Ngumba Industrial Zone, where the conversation finally takes place.
*** Mission 21: The War Economy *** [MISS21]
Mission Tasks:
1. Identified the arms dealer.
2. Identified the CFA Official.
3. Eliminated the CFA Official.
4. Extracted the CFA Official.
5. Extracted the arms dealer.
6. Listened to all conversations between the arms dealer and the CFA official.
7. Secured the blueprint the gunship was carrying.
8. Extract the materials container inside the Nova Braga Airport hangar
This mission has you sneaking into the airport to extract one target and
eliminate another. Once you arrive at the LZ head into the airport. Your
destination is the main terminal building. Inside on the second floor is the
CFA official. Technically you can get him whenever and the mission is done.
If you wait for the arms dealer to arrive via chopper they talk, tour the
airport, return to where they started, then leave. Keep in mind the chopper
will patrol the airport for the duration of their tour.
You can get up to the second floor and eliminate or extract the target, or
follow them and try to complete the other objectives. Once the CFA official is
done you can leave for a mission complete.
***Getting S rank
It's all about time. Get in to the airport, head to the main terminal, and
eliminate or extract the target, then get out and the time bonus should get you
the rank.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed by identifying the arms dealer (arrives on chopper) through
your binoculars.
2. is completed by identifying the CFA official (target on second floor of main
terminal building) through your binoculars.
3. is completed by killing or extracting the CFA official.
4. is completed by extracting the CFA official.
5. is completed by extracting the arms dealer.
6. is completed by waiting on the second floor of the main terminal building
for the arms dealer and the CFA official to meet, and first conversation is
there. Second conversation is in the North Hanger, or just follow them if
you're not sure. Then they get in a truck, so hide in the back. They stop at
South Hanger, and have another conversation. After that they return to the
second floor of the main terminal building and have one more conversation.
7. is completed by blowing up the gunship. I recommend doing it while it is
hovering and waiting to pick the arms dealer and the CFA official up after
they do their tour. That way it crashes right there and you can easily find
the blueprint.
8. is completed by extracting the three precious metals containers in the south
hanger. Can't do it without the wormhole extractor tool.
*** Mission 22: Retake the Platform *** [MISS22]
Mission Taks:
1. Eliminate the enemy commander
This one is mostly a tutorial, not much you should need to know. Take him down.
***Getting S rank
No ranks on this one.
***Completing all Objectives
Just defeat the commander.
*** Mission 23: The White Mamba *** [MISS23]
Mission Tasks:
1. Extracted the White Mamaba.
2. Extracted the prisoner being held at Masa Village.
3. Extracted the White Mamba without giving him the opportunity to resist.
4. Secured the rough diamonds hidden near Masa Village.
5. Extracted 20 child soldiers.
This one is pretty straight forward to as far as where to go. Couple of things
to keep in mind though. No lethal force against children. Second, you can't
sneak up and grab them or CQC them. Your choices are pretty much to put them to
sleep or avoid them.
Head to Bwala Ya Masa and go for the large ship in the back. You'll find the
White Mamba on the second floor. If you sneak up to that point without alerting
anyone, you can shoot him in the head and put him down instantly.
If not you have to do a kind of fight with him where you have to hit R2 to
counter him a few times. It's not too difficult, but just tranq him quietly if
you can to finish this one off.
***Getting S Rank
I'm sure you're tired of hearing it by now, but it's all about the time. Get in
there, tranq the White Mamba quietly, and get it done.
***Completing all objectives
1. is completed by defeating or tranqing the white mamba and extracting him.
2. is completed by finding and extracting the prisoner in the village. Use D
dog to help as you can't interrogate the kids.
3. is completed if you put the White Mamba to sleep without having to fight
4. is completed by finding the diamonds hidden inside a tent at Outpost 06.
5. is completed by extracting 20 soldiers. It's easiest to just wait until you
have the child extraction fulton upgrage.
*** Mission 24: Close Call *** [MISS24]
Mission Tasks:
1. Extracted male engineer.
2. Extracted female engineer.
3. Extracted 6 nubians near Ngumba Industrial Zone, SW Guard Post.
4. Extracted 2 four-wheel drives.
5. Extract 4 materials containers from Munoko ya Nioka Station, NE Guard Post.
6. Picked an African peach near Munoko ya Nioka Station.
7. Extracted a martial eagle near Munoko ya Nioka Station.
Following the mission objective will you lead you right to both of them laying
in a tent surrounded. Careful how close you get, as the male will take off
running. Plan your attack so you can quickly get both of them.
There's not much to this one.
***Getting S Rank
Just get to the Outpost quick, secure both targets immediately, and then get
out for the time bonus.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed when you extract the male engineer found at Outpost 16.
2. is completed when you extract the male engineer found at Outpost 16.
3. is completed by extracting six of the horse/donkey like creatures. They are
in the same area as the prisoners, so bring D dog along to make finding them
4. is completed by extracting two four-wheel drive vehicles. They are parked
around the mission area and are pretty easy to find.
5. is completed by extracting the four containers in the area where the two
prisoners are. Requires upgrade.
6. is completed by picking an African peach found in the area. You can find it
on the east side of Munoko ya Nioka Station.
7. is completed by extracting a martial eagle. It is found near the
east/northeast of Munoko ya Nioka Station.
*** Mission 25: Aim True, Ye Vengeful *** [MISS25]
Mission Tasks:
1. Extracted the militants' XO.
2. Extracted the child solders' commander.
3. Extracted the prisoner who escaped from Munoko Ya Nioka Station, NE
4. Extracted 12 child soldiers.
5. Used a vehicle to extract the child soldiers' commander and the militants'
XO simultaneously.
6. Picked a digitalis Purpurea at Munoko ya Nioka Station, NE Guard Post.
Another child soldier mission, so no killing and no sneaking to grab or CQC.
Remember your tranqs and D dog!
You'll find the XO tied up near the middle, and the child commander, wearing
the red beret, crossing the camp nearby.
You can hit them both and the other kids with some tranqs, grab the nearby
four wheel drive, load up the child commander and the XO and drive them out of
the zone for a mission complete.
Just be sure to watch out for a second group of child soldiers patrolling to
the south.
***Getting S Rank.
Nothing new, just get in there, tranq them, load them up and drive away as fast
as possible for the time bonus.
***Completing all objectives.
1. is completed when you extract the militants' XO using any method.
2. is completed when you extract the child soldiers' commander using any
3. is completed by saving the prisoner who escaped. Bring D dog to make finding
him easier.
4. is completed by extracting all the child soldiers in the area. Easiest with
fulton child extraction upgrage.
5. is completed by putting both targets into a four wheel drive or other
vehicle and driving them out of the mission are at the same time.
6. is completed by finding the plant and picking it. Use D dog or the intel
team to help pinpoint its location, but it's south/southwest of Outpost 16.
*** Mission 26: Hunting Down *** [MISS26]
Mission Tasks:
1. Pinpointed the trafficker's escape route from an intel file.
2. Eliminated the trafficker.
3. Eliminated the trafficker before he reached Kiziba Camp.
4. Extracted the trafficker and 5 escort soldiers.
5. Extracted 4 prisoners being held at Ditadi Abandoned Village.
6. Extracted a side-striped jackal near Kiziba Camp.
To start with head toward the part of the map that shows where the intel file
is located. It's between two tents up at the top of the hill. If you're
struggling to find it just grab a guard and he'll tell you.
This will reveal that the target is moving between Outpost 14 and Kiziba camp.
Get over to that area and move from Outpost 14 and Kiziba camp until you find
the target. Having D dog will help.
Once you find him take him down and eliminate or extract him, leave the zone
and this mission is in the bag.
***Getting S Rank
Once you know the route the target is going to take, from Outpost 14 toward
Kiziba camp, almost a straight shot off road, you can just run right over there
and get him, earning enough time bonus to get the S rank.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed by finding the intel file, toward the top of the hill between
two green tents.
2. is completed by killing or extracting the trafficker.
3. is completed by eliminating or extracting the trafficker before he reaches
the camp, so while traveling from Outpost 14.
4. is completed by extracting the trafficker and the soldiers escorting him.
5. is completed by find the prisoners in the area and extracting them. Made
easier with D dog or interrogating.
6. is completed by extracting a side-striped jackal. Just search around the
Kiziba Camp area with D dog and he should identify it for you.
*** Mission 27: Root Cause *** [MISS27]
Mission Tasks:
1. Extracted Intel Team member.
2. Extracted Intel Team member before he can have an accident.
3. Exfiltrated the hot zone with Intel Team member by land.
This mission is simple enough. LZ is near Outpost 07, where the target is
escaping from. Run over there fast enough and you can find him before he gets
in the vehicle and tries to drive away. D dog is very useful for this.
If he gets in the truck he tries to head west, but doesn't make it far before
crashing. Scoop him up and either call in a chopper or leave by land to
complete an objective, and the mission.
***Obtaining S rank
Run to Outpost 07, find the guy with D dog's help, and run/drive away with him
as fast as possible. Time bonus should get you the rank.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed by extracting the Intel Team member in any way.
2. is completed if you extract the Intel Team member before he gets in the
truck and tries to drive away. Run to Outpost 07 and have D dog find him so you
can grab him before he gets in.
3. is completed by running or driving out of the mission zone on land with the
Intel Team member.
*** Mission 28: Code Talker *** [MISS28]
Mission Tasks:
1. Made contact with Code Talker.
2. Extracted Code Talker.
3. Extracted Code Talker without him taking damage.
4. Eliminated the Skulls.
5. Extracted the Skulls.
6. Extracted the armored vehicle sealing off Lufwa Valley.
Head north from the LZ and things will be quiet at first, but not for long.
Eventually there is an encounter...
You'll find yourself facing off against 4 members of the Skulls. These are
female snipers similar to Quiet, so the disappearing after being marked and far
range sniper shots are going to be happening again. However, these guys move
less than Quiet, and they have yellow laser sights that make finding them
Now you have some options. You can engage them the old fashioned way and defeat
them with your own rifle. Much easier if you want to defeat them is to mark
with the binoculars and call in a Sleeping Gas bombardment. This method is a
little expensive but effective, as it only takes 2 per sniper to take them
down. If you go with this route don't forget to extract them too!
However, I recommend that you do not engage them if this is your first time.
The reason is that whether you take them down here or not has an affect on the
mission later, and it is to your advantage to have these guys still alive
believe it or not. So your second option is to sneak by them. If you want to go
this route, stay to the very right side of the river and move slowly and
cautiously. If you avoid them this way they eventually withdraw and you can
keep moving north.
Whether you defeat them or sneak by, a little further on is the mansion,
surrounded by security. Interrogating a soldier will reveal Code Talker's
location. Don't count on D dog for this prisoner, as he can't be sensed where
he's at.
It is revealed Code Talker is in the basement. Quickest way to get there is to
go around the back of the mansion and go in the back door. Take a left and
there will be a door that leads down stairs. Follow the path to a locked door.
Beyond is Code Talker.
From here whether you killed or spared the Skulls will matter. If you spared
the skulls then everyone guarding the mansion is a puppet now. This is actually
good, as they don't really alert and are easy to move away from. However, now
the skull snipers have taken up position at the west and southern exits of the
mansion. Don't worry though, as long as you don't walk right into their
blatantly obvious yellow laser sights and give them a wide berth they aren't
really dangerous at this part at all.
If you opted to kill the skulls, then the soldiers guarding the mansion aren't
turned into puppets, and so are still guarding the mansion as you try to
escape. Additionally, a gunship is called in toward the south, and an armored
vehicle from the west. The armored vehicle in the west is the one for the
Choose to head out either west or south regardless of whether you killed the
skulls or not, avoid any danger, leave the mission area and it's mission
***Obtaining S Rank
I recommend not killing the skulls if you want S rank. If you attack them with
Bombardments you can't get an S rank on the mission, and fighting them the old
fashioned way takes too long. It's faster to just sneak by on the right side of
the river, climb the cracks back up, and save Code Talker as fast as possible.
On the way out, head carefully west to your chopper and the S rank should be
yours thanks the time and other bonuses.
***Completing all Objectives.
1. is completed when you find Code Talker in the basement of the mansion. Get
there fastest through the mansion's back door, then take a left.
2. is completed when you extract Code Talker.
3. is completed if you extract Code Talker without him taking any damage. This
is easiest if you leave the Skulls alive at the beginning.
4. is completed by defeating the skulls. It's easiest to just hit them with
Sleeping Gas bombardments, but this cancels out an S rank for the mission on
that attempt, so be sure you just don't care or already have it before using
this method. You can snipe them to death too if you want, and I think the ammo
drop trick from fighting Quiet works here too.
5. is completed by extracting at least one of the Skulls. After you beat them
in any way they appear to retreat, but there bodies are just further back in
the valley for some reason.
6. is completed by extracting the armored vehicle that appears to the west
after you save Code Talker. This only happens if you defeat the skulls at the
*** Mission 29 Metallic Archaea *** [MISS29]
Mission Tasks:
1. Eliminated the Skulls.
2. Extracted Code Talker.
3. Completed the mission without being grabbed by a puppet soldier.
4. Extracted the Skulls.
This mission was not fun the first time around. In this mission you have to
fight the Skulls with no option of running away. You have to defeat them. This
isn't fun as they teleport around, have armor, can stab you with their
machetes, throw giant rocks at you from across the airfield, and more...
Now I can't remember for sure if you can have access to D Walker at this point
or not if it is your first time doing this mission, but if you can it is your
best bet. Equip the Gatling gun and level it up as much as possible. Then be
sure to keep back as they emit a gas that damages vehicles. It's best to keep
the fight around the southern hanger, as it's not as open and limits some of
their attacks.
If that isn't possible then missiles or grenade launcher will probably be your
best bet. I used missiles the first time but that wasn't very fun so hopefully
you can use the D Walker method...
If you want to extract at least one and clear that objective, do it before you
defeat them all. They can jump up and retreat after they are all beat if you
don't do it during the battle.
***Obtaining S Rank
I used the D Walker to destroy them and easily get the S rank on a replay.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed by defeating the Skulls. Using either D Walker with Gatling gun
or missiles is probably your best bet.
2. is completed by defeating the Skulls and then extracting Code Talker.
3. is completed by staying away from the regular soldiers who were turned into
puppets. As long as you don't fight the battle where you start the mission at
this shouldn't be a problem.
4. is completed by extracting at least one Skull. I recommend doing it after
you have defeated three and there is only one left, that way there is little
danger but they don't disappear.
*** Mission 30: Skull Face *** [MISS30]
Mission Tasks:
1. Made contact with Skull Face.
2. Got information from Skull Face.
3. Extracted 4 Walker Gears.
4. Obtained cassette tape from OKB Zero.
5. Extracted 7 red containers from OKB Zero.
6. Extracted 3 tanks from OKB Zero.
So, this is a mission that requires a lot of stealth, unless you want to fight
your way through a ton of soldiers.
This part is divided into sections, each is rather large, open areas filled
with soldiers, including snipers. Moving through here is difficult, and the
first time you do this mission I suggest just worrying about getting to where
Skull Face is. There's tech you can develop that will make the extra objectives
here so much easier later on.
There's several ways through this place, I generally kept to the very right
when possible. Just head northeast through the base toward the back. As long as
you are careful and go at night you can make it through here undetected.
There's a Walker gear blocking the way through the final door if you make it
all the way undetected. I recommend going to the right side of the area and up
some stairs. This will lead you above the Walker Gear. Then just throw an empty
magazine as far as you can away from the door, and when it moves away to
investigate drop down and quickly move inside. Then go up a bunch of stairs,
and follow the path to the heliport.
Some stuff happens after this, but that's all there is to the actual mission.
***Obtaining S Rank
Like any other speed and stealth are your friend. Once you've been through and
identified the safe routes you can get to Skull Face as quickly as possible and
get the rank through time and other bonuses.
***Completing all objectives.
Getting the S rank so you can use stuff like the inifinity bandana and optic
camo will make completing all the objectives here a breeze.
1. is completed by making it to Skull Face.
2. is completed by making it to Skull Face.
3 is completed by extracting four walker gears. There's one patrolling in each
area, but if you can't take down everyone else or use the optic camo it will be
a little hard to complete.
4. is completed by finding the tape. It's located up the first set of stairs
that leads to Skull Face's heliport. Instead of going up the second set of
stairs, go left and there's some stairs that lead down into that area below
the walkway. The tape is in a player on the elevator.
5. is completed by extracting 7 red containers. The red containers are in the
last two sections of the base. There's four in the second to last section and
three more in the last. Of course you need the necessary fulton upgrade.
6. is completed by extracting three tanks. There's one each in the first three
sections of the base.
*** Mission 31: Sahelanthropus *** [MISS31]
Mission Tasks:
1. Destroyed Sahelanthropus.
2. Destroyed Sahelanthropus's head.
3. Successfully hit the floating boy with an attack.
So, a boss battle against the upright walking weapon known as Sahelanthropus.
First some preparation though. Bring your best rocket launcher, and probably a
grenade launcher too if you've got one. Wear the Battle Dress if you have it.
Now, there's a vehicle called the ZHUK BR-3, it's an armored vehicle. You may
have one if you've extracted any armored vehicles. Deploy with this vehicle if
you have it. Its heavy turret fires fast and you can aim it. Even more
important though is that you are protected from damage as long as the vehicle
lasts. With this particular vehicle you can do a lot of damage to
Sahelanthropus before it is destroyed if you practice.
A slight spoiler here, but later on there is an Extreme version of this fight,
and using this vehicle is even more important in that fight, so it's a good
idea to practice with it now.
One other thing is that various parts of Sahelanthropus are vulnerable. Arms,
legs, head, things on its back, they can all be damaged. Further more, when its
chest glows, attacks to that area do more damage.
Once your vehicle goes down (if it does) then use rockets and grenades to
finish the job. Call in resupplies early if you're going to need them.
Reduce its HP to 0 and the battle is yours!
Sahelanthropus' attacks at the beginning are pretty basic. He can pull out this
energy sword/whip thing which can makes spiky rocks appear from the ground in
two different ways. The first part is in a straight line from it toward you.
The second is in a circle around you. If you touch them they explode and damage
It can also run toward you shooting a machine gun, but most of these hit the
ground around you if you're moving.
It can also shoot missiles at you that have homing capabilities. They can be
dodged, but don't be surprised if you get hurt some when they come out.
After a certain amount of damage has been done, it throws something on the
ground and the surroundings turn red. It rampages, potentially jumping up on
far away cliffs and shooting at you with the electric rail cannon thing on its
shoulder. I've never been hit by it so I have no idea how much damage it does,
but it doesn't look good...
Get past this point and the fight goes back to how it was more or less, though
the attacks get a little more aggressive and their patterns can change a
little. One thing to be on the look out for is if Sahelanthropus jumps toward
you and reflex mode is engaged. This means the floating boy is going to appear.
Pull out a grenage launcher and hit him to clear that objective.
Keep fighting it until its HP is zero and the battle is yours!
***Obtaining S Rank
This is easy once you have advanced equipment, but if you use the above
strategy you may get it anyways.
***Completing all objectives
1. is completed by defeating Sahelanthropus. See the strategies above.
2. is completed by directing attacks at Sahelanthropus' head. This is easiest
with the ZHUK BR-3 vehicle's heavy cannon, which you can aim directly at the
3. is completed by getting Sahelanthropus' health down most of the way, then
waiting until it jumps toward you and reflex mode engages. Pull out a grenade
launcher and wait for the boy to appear, then hit him with one shot for this
*** Mission 32: To Know too Much *** [MISS32]
Mission Tasks:
1. Extracted the CIA Agent.
2. Extracted the CIA Agent before his discovery by the search team.
3. Extracted 4 search team soldiers.
4. Extracted driver of transport vehicle.
5. Extracted 2 prisoners being held in Shago Village and Lamar Khaate Palace.
6. Extracted the Soviet soldier planning to assassinate the CIA agent.
This mission is kind of hard if you don't know where to go, but we'll make sure
that isn't the case. Grab D dog and head west. You'll find your target in the
desert between Lamar Khaate and Da Shago. If you're quick you'll see Walker
Gears in the distance, but they'll have no chance of catching you as you run
away with the target.
If you don't make it in time the enemy search team will collect him and take
him to Lamar Khaate and lock him up in the usual lockups in the northeast part
of the base. Wait too long and an assassin will come and kill him, so you don't
have forever on this one unless you save the guy and stash him somewhere.
Save him before he is taken or from Lamar Khaate's cells and leave the area in
your preferred fashion and the mission is yours.
***Obtaining S Rank
Run straight for him, grab him, and leave the area before the enemy even has a
clue and the time bonus will net you the S rank easy. You can find him
northwest of the landing zone in the desert between Da Shago and Lamar Khaate,
toward the western edges.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed when you extract the CIA Agent.
2. is completed if you extract the agent before the Walker Gears find him.
3. is completed if extract the 4 soldiers driving Walker Gears searching for
the CIA Agent.
4. is completed if you let the 4 Walker Gears find the CIA Agent. Guy shows up
in vehicle to transport the agent, take him out and extract him.
5. is completed by taking D dog to Da Shago and Lamar Khaate and having him
identify prisoner locations, or interrogating guards in each location.
6. is completed if you let the search team take the CIA Agent back to Lamar
Khaate and lock him up. Assassin will be dispatched from Outpost 12 and drive
a four-wheel drive toward the palace. Get him along the way and extract him.
*** Mission 33: [Subsistence] C2W *** [MISS33]
Mission Tasks:
1. Idenified the comms equipment at the Eastern Communications Post.
2. Destroyed the comms equipment at the Eastern Communications Post.
3. Secured the rough diamonds hidden near the Eastern Communications Post.
4. Destroyed the transmitter at the Eastern Communications Post.
5. Extracted 2 prisoners being held at Wialo village.
6. Extracted the materials container from the Eastern Communications Post.
If this mission sounds or seems familiar, that's because it is. It's the same
as mission 4, but with some differences. Everything is OSP (On Site
Procurement). That means none of your nifty weapons tools, support weapons,
etc. will be available.
Needless to say that makes this significantly harder. Plus it drops you in
during the day in just the olive drab fatigues and your knife. Not even the
empty magazines for distracting!
On the plus side however, the positioning of everything is the exact same as
mission 4, so you can always replay that one with access to your stuff for
reference or practice.
If you want you can go to Da Wialo and get the prisoners to kill some time and
let night fall before you try to infiltrate. This works for the first time you
want to clear it, but if you want that S you have to do it as quickly as
As you approach from the south, remember to take the little road that goes up
behind this area and get the rough diamond hidden on top of the steep rock on
the left. Then identify the three dishes with your binoculars.
Now unlike in mission 4, you aren't strapped with C4 or other weapons, so how
will you do this? Well, if you go into the largest building near you where the
transmitter is, you can find some grenades. Use those to blow up the
transmitter and then escape.
Escaping is the hardest part, as it's harder to hide in those basic fatigues.
It can be done though, and should you succeed you can escape the area and
complete the mission.
***Obtaining S Rank
Same as always, get in and get it done quickly and the bonuses will get you the
S rank.
***Completing all Objectives.
1. is completed when you view each of the three satellite dishes through your
2. is completed by destroying the three dishes or the transmitter.
3. is completed by finding the rough diamond, which hidden up the path that
goes west from the southern end of the Eastern Communications Post. It's on top
of a steep rock on the left side of the path.
4. is completed by destroying the transmitter in the main building of the
Eastern Communications Post, where you find the grenades.
5. is completed by extracting the two prisoners in Da Wialo. They can be found
in the first couple of houses on the left side if approaching the village from
the south.
6. is completed by extracting the material container closest to the building
with the transmitter in it.
*** Mission 34: [Extreme] Backup, Back Down *** [MISS34]
Mission Tasks:
1. Eliminated an armored vehicle.
2. Eliminated multiple fighting vehicles or tanks.
3. Eliminated all armored vehicles without receiving a resupply or fire
4. Secured the weapon the transport truck was carrying.
5. Extracted an armored vehicle.
6. Extracted 4 soldiers searching for the escaped prisoner.
7. Extracted 6 prisoners.
8. Extracted 3 tanks.
Another flashback, and honestly this one isn't much different from the first
time either, except the vehicles are stronger. This won't matter if you have
the EMN mine, but you can make it happen with missiles, just bring your
Land at the northern LZ, where you'll spend most of your time. Set EMN mines if
you have them and hide so you can run up and extract the vehicles, or wait back
where you can shoot missiles from a distance. Either way works.
If you're comfortable you can save the prisoner and get the rocket launcher
when they appear, making it so you can extract the three tanks at the end and
clear out most of the objectives, or you can just destroy one vehicle and let
the time run out for a mission complete. It's your choice.
***Obtaining S Rank
Destroying all vehicles, save the prisoner, get the rocket lancher and
destroying or extracting the tanks and destroying the gunship will guarantee an
S rank.
***Completing all Objectives.
1. is completed by destroying an armored vehicle.
2. is completed by destroying more than one armored vehicle.
3. is completed by destroying all the armored vehicles in one go without
getting resupplied. Easiest way is the EMN mine and extracting them.
4. is completed by stopping the transport truck that appears around half way
through the mission and taking the rocket launcher. There's no reflex mode in
Extreme missions, so you have to be able to stop the truck by sniping the
driver or using an EMN mine.
5. is completed by extracting an armored vehicle. This is easiest with an EMN
6. is completed by extracting the soldiers chasing the prisoners on the
mountain path between Wakh Sind and Lamar Khaate.
7. is completed when you save six prisoners scattered around the map. I'll
list them in the order it's easiest to find them. Bring D dog or it will be
hard to find them. I do believe that to complete this objective you have to
extract all 6 in one playthrough, so if you saved the one in the jeep a
different time and try to skip it that won't work.
For this one land at the LZ near Wakh Sind Barracks and bring D dog.
Prisoner 1 is found on a trail that runs west/southwest of Wakh Sind Barracks,
near Outpost 15, and northeast of Lamar Khaate Palace through the mountain
between them. It's a dotted line path. You'll find a prisoner running east
toward Wakh Sind with four soldiers behind him. Do this at the beginning or he
will be killed by the guards that are after him.
Prisoner 2 is in the desert near the west end of the path where Prisoner 1 was
Prisoner 3 is in a green cage/jail type building on the northwestern edge of
Lamar Khaate Palace.
Prisoner 4 is north of the palace down in the river area to the west of the
bridge that is west of outpost 08.
Prisoner 5 is brought in in the jeep from the north.
Prisoner 6 is in the cells at Wakh Sind, where the main objective prisoner from
Mission 5: Over the Fence is located.
8. is completed when you extract three tanks after the timer expires. To make
all three appear you must destroy or extract all the armored vehicles, save the
prisoner, and get the missile launcher from the truck. Then when the timer ends
three tanks will appear along with a gunship. An EMN mine is very helpful to
extract the tanks.
*** Mission 35: Cursed Legacy *** [MISS35]
Mission Tasks:
1. Extracted 2 containers.
2. Completed the mission by riding a Fulton extracted container out of the hot
3. Completed the mission without the enemy discovering the container
4. Pinpointed the soldier's location from an intel file.
5. Extracted the commander of the Zero Risk Security force guarding the
6. Recovered the rough diamonds snatched by the common raven near Lufwa Valley,
NW Guard Post.
In this one we have to recover two material containers that have Code Talker's
research in them. This is the first story mission that requires the ability to
extract cargo containers, so if you haven't developed the [+Cargo 2] before
now, you can't complete this one until you do.
It doesn't matter which LZ you choose, but you have one of two destinations.
Finding a guard or going to get the intel file. Either one can lead you to the
containers. If it's your first time in the mission, you may want to try and
grab a soldier. The intel file is in the mansion basically right inside the
front door, so it's your choice. If you go for the intel file you can find the
commander in the same room, or at least I did. I'm not sure if he moves around
the inside or not.
Once one of these methods has revealed the locations of the two containers you
can set about getting them. It's advisable to knock out all the soldiers around
the containers so you can complete that objective, but I wouldn't stress about
When you go to take the second container climb on top of it and move to the
middle. Place the extraction device (Triangle on the PS4 for me) and let go of
the button. Immediately press and hold the same button again and snake should
grab the wire of the Fulton balloon, riding out of the mission zone along with
the container.
I don't think this works with the wormhole device, so if you're using that
switch back to the regular Fulton device for that objective.
Get both containers and the mission is complete, extract however you like.
***Obtaining S Rank
Like any other do it quick and quiet. Grab a soldier to get the locations,
sneak in and extract the cargo, then leave as quick as possible. Time and other
bonuses should get you there no problem.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed when you extract both containers.
2. is completed if you ride the second container out. This is accomplished by
climbing on top of the cargo container and moving to the middle. Then you
press the button to place your Fulton device. Once it is placed release the
button, then press and hold it again. Snake should grab the wire and ride out
with the container. Please note you have to be right next to the where you
deploy the Fulton device before you try pressing the button to grab it. It also
needs to be in the middle so the container is balanced. If you do it too far
to one side it can dump you off. Furthermore, this probably doesn't work with
the Wormhole device, so use the balloon style Fulton device for this objective.
3. is completed by knocking out/killing enemies in the area where a container
is before extracting it. Doing it silently may not be required, but better safe
than sorry.
4. is completed by reading the intel file. You can find the intel file by going
in the front door of the mansion and looking on a table to your left.
5. is completed by extracting the commander. He should be in the room where the
intel file is, unless he patrols around the building.
6. is completed by toward Outpost 08, preferably with D dog, and keeping an eye
on the sky. You should see a bunch or birds circling to the south/southwest.
Head to the area they are circling above and the diamond is there.
*** Mission 36: [Total Stealth] Footprints of Phantoms *** [MISS36]
Mission Tasks:
1. Eliminated all Walker Gears.
2. Extracted 2 prisoners being held at Ditadi Abandoned Village.
3. Extracted all Walker Gears.
4. Picked a digitalis (lutea) at Ditadi Abandoned Village.
5. Extracted a truck at Ditadi Abandoned Village.
This is a repeat of mission 15. With the Total Stealth you can't be detected at
all or the mission ends.
Like before there are 4 Walker Gears at the top of the hill. They are really
easy to find if you bring D dog. Extracting them is easier to do without
getting caught, but it's your call. Once all four are dealt with leave the area
however you like for mission complete.
***Obtaining S Rank
Get in there quick, extract them, and escape undetected. Time and other bonuses
will more than take care of you.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed when you destroy or extract all four Walker Gears.
2. is completed when you extract the two prisoners in the village. Bring D Dog
to make finding them easier.
3. is completed if you extract all four Walker Gears.
4. is completed if you pick a specific digitalis (lutea). It's on the back side
of the hill toward the top. Just circle around after grabbing your last set of
Walker Gears and D dog or the intel team should reveal it.
5. is completed by extracting the truck located at the base of the hill on the
southeast side.
*** Mission 37: [Extreme] Traitors' Caravan *** [MISS37]
Mission Tasks:
1. Identified escort unit (armored vehicle).
2. Identified transport truck.
3. Extracted transport truck.
4. Eliminated Skulls.
5. Extracted the transport truck driver.
6. Pinpointed escort unit's estimated route from an intel file.
7. Listened to all conversations between the transport truck driver and
outpost/guard post soldiers.
8. Extracted 3 Zero Risk Security soldiers.
Extreme anything with skulls is bad news in my book, but it is what it is so
let's get it done. I recommend the strategy from the regular version of this,
mission 16.
Basically this is to allow the truck to reach its ultimate destination, the
small dock southwest of Mfinda Oilfield. If you want you can follow the truck
and listen to the conversations, but I recommend being in place on the dock and
ready to extract that truck, jump on D horse, and flee south out of the hot
zone to complete the mission.
I do not recommend trying to fight the Skulls the first time, or at all on any
of the Extreme missions until you have fully developed the D Walker and its
Gatling gun.
***Obtaining S Rank
Hit the truck as fast as you can at the airport, extract it and flee on the
horse out of the hot zone. If you are quick enough the time bonus should more
than cover an S rank.
***Completing all Objectives.
1. is completed when you view the escort unit (armored vehicle) through your
2. is completed when you view the transport truck through your binoculars.
3. is completed when you extract the transport truck.
4. is completed when you defeat the skulls. I highly recommend using a fully
upgraded D Walker with fully upgraded Gatling gun.
5. is completed when you extract the transport truck driver. Even if he becomes
a puppet you can still get him, just remember you have to shoot puppets in the
head with a tranq gun to put them to sleep.
6. is completed by reading the intel file in the green tent in the first area
the mission takes you to, before telling you the escort must have moved on.
7. is the most complicated task of the whole mission. There is one conversation
at the airport before the truck leaves. The second is at Outpost 12. The third
is at Kiziba camp. They can be a little finicky about position or distance, so
move around, get closer, duck into some cover or even crawl until they start
talking. You have to hear them all in one go without interruption to complete.
Having the horse is very useful to get ahead of them and ready to listen when
they arrive.
8. is completed by extracting soldiers from the airport where the truck is
waiting for the armored vehicles. I believe the two soldiers guarding the small
dock east/southeast of Mfinda Oilfield also count.
*** Mission 38: Extraordinary *** [MISS38]
Mission Tasks:
1. Secured film canister.
2. Captured Spugmay Keep.
3. Secured film canister before reinforcements arrive.
4. Extracted prisoner being held at Spugmay Keep, East Guard Post.
5. Extracted a griffon vulture near Spugmay Keep.
The little film canister can be hard to see, but once you know where it is this
one is no problem. As you approach Spugmay keep you'll see some stone
structures towering over you. Move past these and you'll see some thigh or
waist high ones in rows. You'll find the film canister on one of these.
If you wait long enough one of the teams at Mother Base can decode the
scrambled picture and then you'll know for sure where the canister is for
future playthroughs.
Once you get it get out of the mission area and the mission is complete.
***Obtaining S Rank
Once you've found the exact location of the film canister it's just a matter of
sneaking in there quickly, grabbing it, and getting back out as quick as
possible so you get enough bonuses for the S rank.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed when you find and grab the film canister.
2. is completed if you take out all the soldiers in the Spugmay Keep area.
3. is completed if you take the film canister before enemy back up arrives, so
basically get in there and grab it immediately.
4. is completed if you rescue the prisoner at Outpost 24. Take D dog to find
him/her easier.
5. is completed if you extract a griffon vulture. You can find one or more
circling around the ruins of Spugmay keep. Tranq one and extract it.
*** Mission 39: [Total Stealth] Over the Fence *** [MISS39]
Mission Tasks
1. Extracted the captive engineer.
2. Fulton extracted the engineer through the hole in the facility's basement
3. Extracted the prisoner plotting to escape from Wakh Sind Barracks.
4. Extracted the four-wheel drive patrolling between outposts.
5. Secured the blueprint at Wakh Sind Barracks.
Total stealth version of mission 5. Nothing different except for you can't be
detected and the enemies are probably a little more advanced or better
It doesn't matter what LZ you start from on this one, but the western most one
puts you in a better position in my opinion. From there head to the nearby
Wakh Sind and move cautiously up the hill toward the big fence. Keep right as
you approach the gate and instead of trying to sneak through it go up the rocks
and along the top. If you have D dog he will identify a prisoner who if you
extract you will complete 3. He's not our main target so you'll have to keep
If you've found the above prisoner you're almost there. Go across the road and
into the back of the facility. There are some stairs leading down inside, and
you'll find the prisoner behind a locked door here.
Now you have two options. Carry him outside to extract him, or complete 2.
Might as well complete 2, so go into the other set of rooms across from where
the prisoner was and you should see a hole in the ceiling. Put the prisoner
down so he is below the hole and you should be able to extract him now.
Do this and you just need to escape the base and leave the hot zone on foot or
via chopper to complete the mission.
***Getting S rank
Once you know the layout and where the prisoner is, you can be in and out in a
matter of minutes, securing enough of a time bonus to earn the S rank.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed by finding and extracting the target.
2. is done by extracting through the hole in the ceiling in the rooms across
from where the prisoner is originally being held at.
3. is found on the rocky path that runs over the top of the large gate for the
main fence that leads to the back part of the base.
4. is found driving around the outposts. It should show up at Wakh Sind pretty
quickly, parking on the road near a guard post. You can grab it before heading
up toward the main part of the mission if you want to wait.
5. is found by interrogating guards in the area. Eventually one will mark it on
your map.
*** Mission 40: [Extreme] Cloaked in Silence ***
Mission Tasks:
1. Eliminated Quiet.
2. Determined what to do with Quiet.
3. Neutralized Quiet without hitting her with lethal weapons.
4. Neutralized Quiet with non-firearm attacks.
This battle is SIGNIFICANTLY harder than its regular counter part. One strike
in anything but the Battle Dress and she put me down in one shot (I never tried
that Battle Dress so that may not save you either). And of course the ammo drop
trick doesn't work anymore.
One option is to mark her and call in a sandstorm, then shoot her until you
defeat her. You can also call in a tank and defeat her that way.
The true challenge comes in with completing the optional objectives.
Neutralizing Quiet without hitting her with lethal weapons can be accomplished
by using the best stealth camo and a tranq rifle. You may have to practice
aiming above her, as most shots are too far to hit without taking the falling
of your bullet as it moves outside its effective range into account.
Neutralizing Quiet with non-firearm attacks is much harder still, but I'll tell
you how. First you need three things. First is the best stealth camo, the one
that recharges instead of has limited uses. Second the sniper rifle Brennan
Long Range Sniper Type 54. The third thing is night vision goggles.
That may sound weird, but let me explain. You see, if you put the night vision
goggles on you'll see that there are glowing yellow/orange spots on many of the
pillars and structures throughout the Aabe Shifap Ruins. These are weak points,
and if you shoot them with the Brennan Type 54, you can bring these structures
down. Do this when Quiet is on, in, or under one, and you can damage her.
So here's what you'll do. Fight her sniper to sniper (you can shoot her with
the Brennan, only the final hit counts toward the objective) until she only has
a little health left. I was able to get her down to just a sliver. Now, you
have to carefully maneuver around so that you can get Quiet to use different
vantage points. With some luck and patience you can get her under or on one of
these weak points, shoot the weak point with the Brennan, and deal the final
damage with the falling rubble/debris, neutralizing her with non fire arm
The stealth camo is important because it allows you to move around without her
just blowing you away.
For the record I've tried to kick her repeatedly when she doesn't have but a
sliver of health and it doesn't seem possible to defeat her that way. You can
only hit her by making your character kick, but it doesn't seem to do any
***Obtaining S Rank
I called in a tank and defeated her quickly, earning the S rank through time
***Completing all objectives.
1. is completed by defeating Quiet. See the strategies above.
2. is completed by deciding what to do with her once you have defeated her.
Never tried to kill her so I don't know if you can, and since this is the
extreme version I don't think it would do anything even if you could.
3. is completed by only using a tranq rifle against Quiet.
4. is completed by using the strategy outlined above involving stealth camo,
night vision goggles, and the Brennan Type 54 Sniper Rifle.
*** Mission 41: Proxy War Without End *** [MISS41]
Mission tasks:
1. Eliminated the gunship.
2. Eliminated the 2 tanks.
3. Eliminated 2 armored vehicles.
4. Extracted two tanks and two armored vehicles.
5. Extracted the armored column's commander.
6. Secured the blueprint the gunship was carrying.
As soon as you land there will be targets to pursue. Destroy or extract them as
you like. Once you've dealt with them the gunship will appear. If you want to
shoot it down and get the blue print, wait until it hovers over the Outpost 14.
It will be low to the ground there, and crash where it's easier to find the
blueprint and less likely to fall outside the mission zone.
Once you destroy the helicopter the mission is over.
If you want the commander to appear you have to let the helicopter hover at the
village, then it'll head to the airport, where the commander will get off. If
you follow him through the main terminal building he'll head into the buildings
further west. You can quietly get him here and snatch the diamonds for that
objective at the same time. After you've dealt with him take the gunship down
if you want, get the blueprint and then get out of there and leave the zone
however you want for a mission complete.
***Obtaining S Rank
Destroy the vehicles at the beginning with a missile launcher or extract them
as fast as you can, then shoot the gunship out of the sky as quickly as
possible. Leave immediately and the S rank should be yours.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed when you shoot the gunship down.
2. is completed when you destroy or extract the two tanks.
3. is completed when you extract two armored vehicles.
4. is completed when you extract both tanks and both armored vehicles in one
5. is completed by extracting the commander. You can make him appear by letting
the helicopter hover at Outpost 14, then it will head to the airport where it
will drop him off. From there he will make his way into the western building.
You can get him quietly there.
6. is completed by grabbing the diamonds that are in the room where the column
commander goes to in the western part of the airport.
7. is completed by picking up the blueprint you'll find where the gunship
crashes after you shoot it down. It's best to wait until the helicopter is
hovering above Outpost 14, as there are less guards than the airport and it is
close to the ground, making it easy to find where it crashed. The wreckage
disappears, just leaving the blueprint, so you have to know exactly where it
*** Mission 42: [Extreme] Metallic Arachaea *** [MISS42]
Mission Tasks:
1. Eliminate the Skulls.
2. Extracted Code Talker.
3. Completed Mission without being grabbed by a puppet soldier.
4. Extracted the Skulls.
This is a harder version of mission 29. I wouldn't go anywhere near this
mission until you have a fully upgraded D Walker with fully upgraded Gatling
guns. When you have that just keep the fight around the South Hangar. You
should be on the move and shooting the Skulls whenever possible. Don't get out
where it's too open, and stay away from the gas they give off.
This one can be frustrating. I was glad when I defeated them and was finished.
To extract them the best method is to defeat three of them, then jump of D
Walker and quickly extract them. If you defeat all four they may jump up and
retreat, making it so you can't get any of them. It should only take
extracting 1 to complete the objective.
Once this terrible fight is over throw Code Talker in the chopper and get out
of there.
***Obtaining S Rank
I got the S rank using fully upgraded D Walker with fully upgraded Gatling gun
to blast through them as fast as possible and get the S rank.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed when you defeat the skulls. Use the strategy outlined above.
2. is completed when you throw Code Talker on the chopper and get out of there.
3. is completed if you stay away from the puppet soldiers so they can't grab
4. is completed if you extract at least one Skull. Easiest way to get them all
is to defeat three of them, jump off D Walker and extract them, then defeat the
last one, then quickly jump off and extract that one.
*** Mission 43: Shining Lights, Even in Death *** [MISS43]
Mission Tasks:
1. Identified the person who sent the transmission.
2. Eliminated the infected.
Basically you need to make your way through this facility. On the way through
you'll see some different stuff, but you can't do much until you find who you
are looking for.
Once you get the goggles, be thorough. You'll find a single survivor who isn't
infected, but that will play out in its own way.
I'm not sure how much wiggle room there is in this mission, if you can miss any
of the infected and not fail, or anything else. I took the mission seriously
and wiped everyone out so it couldn't spread. I'm not sure if there's another
choice that can be made.
***Obtaining S Rank
No Ranks in this mission.
***Completing all Objectives
1.is completed when you find who you are looking for.
2. is completed as you go through the mission.
You can't miss either I don't think.
*** Mission 44: [Total Stealth] Pitch Dark *** [MISS44]
Mission Tasks:
1. Shut down oil transfer pump.
2. Destroyed the oily water separator tank.
3. Extracted 4 child soldiers being trained at Masa Village.
4. Exfiltrated the hot zone before mfinda oilfield was sealed off.
5. Extracted the lappet faced vulture that wandered into the burned down
6. Extracted 4 Walker Gears sealing off Mfinda Oilfield.
There isn't really any difference between this and its counter part, mission
13, except for that if you are detected you will fail.
Alright, this mission is an infiltration mission to destroy a tank and hit a
switch. First you'll want to equip some C4 before you deploy, as well as
deploy at 1800hrs (6pm). Bring D dog too.
Follow the path to the village. Head north and D dog should identify 4 people
sleeping in a building. Those are the child soldiers, but if you don't have the
child extraction upgrade for the Fulton device it's not worth the hassle right
Sneak through the village, and then keep heading north following the road.
Southwest of Mfinda Oilfield there is a burned out village, and D dog should
find the lappet faced vulture either flying or on the ground. Snag it if you
want, then head for the oilfield.
Sine you are approaching from the west, head toward the nearest part of the oil
facility you can reach (you can go in the water) and climb up. If you look left
you will see one of your two targets, a big red tank in a fenced in area. Get
any guards out of the way however you want, then unlock the fenced area and go
up to the tank. Plant a C4 but DON'T blow it up yet. Instead go out and
immediately left, jumping over the rails onto a big container thing.
Drop down, cross a little bridge, and instead of taking nearby ladder up, go
left and up the stairs. Then there's another set of stairs to your right. Go up
those, and then follow the cat walk left. This will lead to a locked room where
your second objective is.
Go inside and hit the switch. Don't worry, it doesn't cause any kind of alert.
Now you have some choices. You can blow up the C4 now, completing the second
objective but putting the oilfield on alert and bringing in the walker gears
that will seal off both the southeast and southwest exits, with two at each.
Doing this would allow you to extract the walker gears, provided you can take
care of the guards in some fashion.
Your next choice is to head for the southeast exit and leave the facility. Get
150m or so away, until the game does an auto save, then blow the C4. After the
scene run south/southeast as fast as you can and you should escape the hotzone
on foot before the oilfield is sealed, scoring that objective.
Whatever you choose, make it happen and this mission is complete.
***Getting S rank
This one is all about time. Get to the oilfield as fast as possible, get that
C4 planted, go hit the switch, blow the C4 outside the facility, then escape on
foot or on horse as fast as you can and the S rank is yours.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed when you hit the switch indicated by the yellow objective
marker. It's in the middle building, you have to get up on the catwalk and
follow it around to a locked door.
2. is completed when you destroy the big red tank with explosives of some sort,
preferably C4. It's located in the western/northwestern part of the facility
and marked by a yellow objective marker.
3. is completed if you extract the 4 child soldiers in Masa village. You can
find them sleeping in one of the first buildings if you start the mission at
1800 hrs (6pm). Easiest if you have the child fulton extract upgrade.
4. is completed if you blow the oil tank up when you are already outside the
fence, then run outside the hot zone before the walker gears arrive.
5. is completed when you find the vulture which is at the burned village
southwest of Mfinda oilfield. Bring D dog to make it easier, and then tranq it
when it lands on the ground.
6. is completed if you wait for the walker gears that seal the facility to
arrive, then take out the guards and extract them out. May require Fulton
upgrade, I haven't verified this.
*** Mission 45: A Quiet Exit *** [MISS45]
Mission Tasks:
1. Made Contact with Quiet.
2. Eliminated the Soveit Mechanized unit.
3. Obtained Quiet's cassette tape.
4. Extracted 7 tanks and 7 armored vehicles.
5. Completed the mission without Quiet taking damage.
Well, this mission holds nothing but bad new unfortunately...
To start with, equip the Battle Dress and the best missile launcher you have
access to.
Once you land, run toward your destination and you'll see Quiet free herself.
Then you'll fight together.
Tanks and armored vehicles will appear from the desert around the palace. If
you have a good lethal weapon for Quiet she can even take out vehicles so this
part can be pretty easy.
If you want to clear the fight without Quiet taking any damage, you first have
to memorize where and in what order the vehicles appear. Then you have to get
really good at the timing of hitting them from far away, so that you are
destroying them before they even get into position to attack.
Once you've defeated the mechanized unit some stuff will happen, and you will
be in another, smaller mission area. Look around for a big tree and you'll find
Quiet's cassette tape hanging from it.
Some other stuff happens, but so far as anything you have control over the
mission is over after that.
***Getting S Rank
Doing the thing where you hit enemy vehicles while they are still coming in
from far away should net you the S rank, especially if Quiet isn't damaged.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed when you arrive where Quiet is being held at Lamar Khaate
2. is completed when you and Quiet defeat the vehicle unit attacking you.
3. is completed when you find Quiet's cassette tape hanging from the tree.
4. is one of the hardest objectives on the whole game in my opinion. Optic
camo doesn't seem to work on this on, and even calling in a sandstorm only
seemed to give me so much cover. In the end I was zigzagging through their
bullets in the sand storm toward lights, extracting and running as fast as I
I'm very glad I only had to do that part once...
5. is completed if you can finish the vehicle battle without Quiet taking
damage. The best way I know of is to practice hitting the vehicles when they
first appear from really far away. This can be done by learning where and when
the different vehicles appear, and practicing with the same missile launcher.
*** Mission 46: Truth: The Man Who Sold the World *** [MISS46]
Mission Tasks:
1. Eliminated 6 soldiers at the hospital entrance.
2. Landed 20 or more hits on the Man on Fire.
This mission is the same as the prologue gameplay wise. The player learns some
stuff in the videos, but no need for me to say anything more.
***Obtaining S Rank
Move through as fast as it will let you. Take out the guards without being
spotted. Escape the Man on Fire and you should have it.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed by killing all six soldiers at the end when you are at the
hospital entrance.
2. is completed by shooting the man on fire 20 times. You can do this when he
first appears and walks around the room after you, or you can get some hits in
briefly outside, but I recommend playing it safe and shooting him 20 times
while he walks around after you.
*** Mission 47: [Total Stealth] The War Economy *** [MISS47]
Mission Tasks:
1. Identified the arms dealer.
2. Identified the CFA Official.
3. Eliminated the CFA Official.
4. Extracted the CFA Official.
5. Extracted the arms dealer.
6. Listened to all conversations between the arms dealer and the CFA official.
7. Secured the blueprint the gunship was carrying.
8. Extract the materials container inside the Nova Braga Airport hangar
There really isn't any difference between this mission and mission 21 except
for now you can't be detected.
This mission has you sneaking into the airport to extract one target and
eliminate another. Once you arrive at the LZ head into the airport. Your
destination is the main terminal building. Inside on the second floor is the
CFA official. Technically you can get him whenever and the mission is done.
If you wait for the arms dealer to arrive via chopper they talk, tour the
airport, return to where they started, then leave. Keep in mind the chopper
will patrol the airport for the duration of their tour.
You can get up to the second floor and eliminate or extract the target, or
follow them and try to complete the other objectives. Once the CFA official is
done you can leave for a mission complete.
***Getting S rank
It's all about time. Get in to the airport, head to the main terminal, and
eliminate or extract the target, then get out and the time bonus should get
you the rank.
***Completing all Objectives
1. is completed by identifying the arms dealer (arrives on chopper) through
your binoculars.
2. is completed by identifying the CFA official (target on second floor of main
terminal building) through your binoculars.
3. is completed by killing or extracting the CFA official.
4. is completed by extracting the CFA official.
5. is completed by extracting the arms dealer.
6. is completed by waiting on the second floor of the main terminal building
for the arms dealer and the CFA official to meet, and first conversation is
there. Second conversation is in the North Hanger, or just follow them if
you're not sure. Then they get in a truck, so hide in the back. They stop at
South Hanger, and have another conversation. After that they return to the
second floor of the main terminal building and have one more conversation.
7. is completed by blowing up the gunship. I recommend doing it while it is
hovering and waiting to pick the arms dealer and the CFA official up after
they do their tour. That way it crashes right there and you can easily find
the blueprint. Since we're on total stealth I also recommend using the optic
camo, so you can grab it and go without being worried about being detected now
that the base is on alert.
8. is completed by extracting the three precious metals containers in the south
hanger. Can't do it without the wormhole extractor tool.
*** Mission 48:[Extreme] Code Talker *** [MISS48]
Mission Tasks:
1. Made contact with Code Talker.
2. Extracted Code Talker.
3. Extracted Code Talker without him taking damage.
4. Eliminated the Skulls.
5. Extracted the Skulls.
6. Extracted the armored vehicle sealing off Lufwa Valley.
There are important differences between this mission and mission 28!
Head north from the LZ and things will be quiet at first, but not for long.
Eventually there is an encounter...
You'll find yourself facing off against 4 members of the Skulls. These are
female snipers similar to Quiet, so the disappearing after being marked and far
range sniper shots are going to be happening again. However, these guys move
less than Quiet, and they have yellow laser sights that make finding them
The stuff that defeated these guys on the regular mission, such ammo drops and
sleep gas bombardments, no longer works. Now the best strategy to defeat them
is to have the best optic camo and your strongest sniper rifle. Now be sure to
understand the optic camo will not make you invincible. If you remain in the
same place after shooting the others will get you. It's best to get on your
stomach just above some sloping terrain, take your shot, then back down into
safety. After that you are free to stand up and move to another position where
you can do the same. You only need two positions you can move between to bring
them down, just be patient and careful.
You can still sneak by them by going down the far right side of the river and
moving carefully and slowly.
Whether you defeat them or sneak by, a little further on is the mansion,
surrounded by security. Interrogating a soldier will reveal Code Talker's
location. Don't count on D dog for this prisoner, as he can't be sensed where
he's at.
It is revealed Code Talker is in the basement. Quickest way to get there is to
go around the back of the mansion and go in the back door. Take a left and
there will be a door that leads down stairs. Follow the path to a locked door.
Beyond is Code Talker.
From here whether you killed or spared the Skulls will matter. If you spared
the skulls then everyone guarding the mansion is a puppet now. This is actually
good, as they don't really alert and are easy to move away from. However, now
the skull snipers have taken up position at the west and southern exits of the
mansion. Don't worry though, as long as you don't walk right into their
blatantly obvious yellow laser sights and give them a wide berth they aren't
really dangerous at this part at all.
If you opted to kill the skulls, then the soldiers guarding the mansion aren't
turned into puppets, and so are still guarding the mansion as you try to
escape. Additionally, a gunship is called in toward the south, and an armored
vehicle from the west. The armored vehicle in the west is the one for the
Choose to head out either west or south regardless of whether you killed the
skulls or not, avoid any danger, leave the mission area and it's mission
***Obtaining S Rank
I recommend not killing the skulls if you want S rank. If you attack them with
Bombardments you can't get an S rank on the mission, and fighting them the old
fashioned way takes too long. It's faster to just sneak by on the right side of
the river, climb the cracks back up, and save Code Talker as fast as possible.
On the way out, head carefully west to your chopper and the S rank should be
yours thanks the time and other bonuses.
***Completing all Objectives.
1. is completed when you find Code Talker in the basement of the mansion. Get
there fastest through the mansion's back door, then take a left.
2. is completed when you extract Code Talker.
3. is completed if you extract Code Talker without him taking any damage. This
is easiest if you leave the Skulls alive at the beginning.
4. is completed by defeating the Skulls. See the strategy outlined above.
5. is completed by extracting at least one of the Skulls. After you beat them
in any way they appear to retreat, but there bodies are just further back in
the valley for some reason.
6. is completed by extracting the armored vehicle that appears to the west
after you save Code Talker. This only happens if you defeat the skulls at the
*** Mission 49: [Subsistence] Occupation Forces ***
Mission Tasks:
1. Secured the Deployment Plans
2. Eliminated the Colonel
3. Eliminated all Tanks
4. Extracted the Colonel
5. Eliminated the Colonel and all tanks before they reached Smasei Fort
6. Extracted the Prisoner being held at Sakhra Ee Village
7. Extracted all Tanks
This mission is just like mission 8, except now you have to do it OSP, which
makes it a lot harder. For one it drops you in during the day, and since you
don't have your own weapons you have a couple of choices. You can find some
mines and redeploy them, or take down the soldiers around Qarya Sakhra Ee who
are carrying Honey Bees.
Once you are equipped, head to where the intel file is (tall building in the
back of the village. Interrogate a guard if you've forgotten).
Remember that once you read the intel file, the enemy will start coming. Get
out and head east out of the village. Set up any mines where you want, then set
up to surprise the enemy. You can either blow them up, or just damage them
enough that you can run up and extract them.
Once you are finished leave the area in the method of your choice for a mission
***Obtain S Rank
Get into the village and get armed, read that intel file, and then destroy the
enemy quickly to get enough bonuses to reach the S rank.
***Complete all Objectives
1. is completed by reading the intel file (large building toward the back, a
guard can direct you).
2. is completed by eliminating or extracting the colonel.
3. is completed by extracting or eliminating the tanks traveling with the
4. is completed by extracting the colonel.
5. is completed by destroying or extracting the colonel and his tanks any time
before they reach Da Smasei.
6. is completed by extracting the prisoner. He is in the same place as mission
8, just a couple of houses northeast of where the intel file is.
7. is completed by extracting the tanks traveling with the colonel.
*** Mission 50: [Extreme] Sahelanthropus *** [MISS50]
Mission Tasks:
1. Destroyed Sahelanthropus
2. Destroyed Sahelanthropus's head.
3. Successfully hit the floating boy with an attack.
This battle is essentially the same the first time in mission 31, the thing
just has more health and hits harder.
First some preparation. Bring your best rocket launcher, and probably a
grenade launcher too if you've got one. Wear the Battle Dress if you have it.
Now, there's a vehicle called the ZHUK BR-3, it's an armored vehicle. You may
have one if you've extracted any armored vehicles. Deploy with this vehicle if
you have it. Its heavy turret fires fast and you can aim it. Even more
important though is that you are protected from damage as long as the vehicle
lasts. With this particular vehicle you can do a lot of damage to
Sahelanthropus before it is destroyed if you practice.
One other thing is that various parts of Sahelanthropus are vulnerable. Arms,
legs, head, things on its back, they can all be damaged. Further more, when its
chest glows, attacks to that area do more damage.
Once your vehicle goes down (if it does) then use rockets and grenades to
finish the job. Call in resupplies early if you're going to need them.
Reduce its HP to 0 and the battle is yours!
Sahelanthropus' attacks at the beginning are pretty basic. He can pull out
this energy sword/whip thing which can makes spiky rocks appear from the
ground in two different ways. The first part is in a straight line from it
toward you. The second is in a circle around you. If you touch them they
explode and damage you.
It can also run toward you shooting a machine gun, but most of these hit the
ground around you if you're moving.
It can also shoot missiles at you that have homing capabilities. They can be
dodged, but don't be surprised if you get hurt some when they come out.
After a certain amount of damage has been done, it throws something on the
ground and the surroundings turn red. It rampages, potentially jumping up on
far away cliffs and shooting at you with the electric rail cannon thing on its
shoulder. I've never been hit by it so I have no idea how much damage it does,
but it doesn't look good...
Get past this point and the fight goes back to how it was more or less, though
the attacks get a little more aggressive and their patterns can change a
little. One thing to be on the look out for is if Sahelanthropus jumps toward
you and reflex mode is engaged. This means the floating boy is going to appear.
Pull out a grenage launcher and hit him to clear that objective.
Keep fighting it until its HP is zero and the battle is yours!
***Obtaining S Rank
This is easy once you have advanced equipment, but if you use the above
strategy you may get it anyways.
***Completing all objectives
1. is completed by defeating Sahelanthropus. See the strategies above.
2. is completed by directing attacks at Sahelanthropus' head. This is easiest
with the ZHUK BR-3 vehicle's heavy cannon, which you can aim directly at the
3. is completed by getting Sahelanthropus' health down most of the way, then
waiting until it jumps toward you and reflex mode engages. Pull out a grenade
launcher and wait for the boy to appear, then hit him with one shot for this
objective. Even though in [Extreme] missions it says there is no reflex mode,
it still happens for this.
If you've done everything up to this point you've completed the game's
missions, mission objectives, and achieved an S rank in all of them. Nice work!
*** Side Ops *** [SIDEOPS]
You should always keep an eye on the side ops, and complete them as they
appear. They are a good source of soldiers, resources, GMP and much more
besides. They are all pretty straight forward and easy to locate.
*** Capturing Animals *** [ANIMALS]
There are 47 animals to collect, and unless you know where you need to put your
capture cages to get them, it will be difficult to find them all. I used this
video by PowerPyx to find them, so thanks to them!
*** Cardboard Box Delivery Invoices *** [BOX]
You can use the Cardboard Box item to be delivered to various bases and areas
in both Afghanistan and Africa. All you have to do is not have any bases under
alert, and have an invoice from where you want to be delivered to. Then stand
on a delivery platform and put a box on. Press the button when prompted and
choose your destination. To get the invoices, you have to pick them up at the
delivery points. They are big orange metal areas you've probably noticed. I've
listed each place that has a delivery point, as well as a rough location of
where you'll find it.
Lamar Khaate - South part of the large main building, outside the walls
Da Shago Kallai - Eastern edge of the village, about halway up.
Da Wialo Kallai - Southern part of the village.
Eastern Communications Post - Southeastern part by road.
Mountain Relay Base - Western part near curved part of road.
Da Smasei Laman - Pretty much in the middle of the place.
Qarya Sakhra Ee - Northwest part of the village.
Wakh Sind Barracks - A little toward the east, but kind of toward the middle.
Yakho Oboo Supply Outpost - South/southwest of main building, just after the
bridge that is right before the building.
Serak Power Plant - West/southwest part, kind of near the entrance.
Afghanistan Central Base Camp - Near the northeastern gate.
Nova Braga Airport - SW part of airport.
Munoko ya Nioka Station - Near western entrance.
Ditadi Abandoned Village - Pretty much in the middle between the two different
groupings of buildings.
Kiziba Camp - Eastern end.
Bwala ya Masa - Southern end.
Mfinda Oilfield - South of the east gate.
Bampeve Plantation - Pretty much in the middle.
Kungenga Mine - On the eastern side.
Lufwa Valley - NW of the mansion.