
Might & Magic X: Legacy Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Might & Magic X: Legacy

Might & Magic X: Legacy

Might & Magic X: Legacy Walkthrough
Game Version: 1.5-16336
Guide Version: 1.01
By: Jake Zahn


Tips & Tricks
	W1. Chapter 1
		W1a. Sorpigal
		W1b. Spider Lair
		W1c. World Map (1)
		W1d. Den of Thieves
		W1e. The Lighthouse
		W1f. Castle Portmeyron
	W2. Chapter 2
		W2a. The Elemental Forge (1)
		W2b. Seahaven
		W2c. World Map (2)
		W2d. The Crag
		W2e. World Map (3)
		W2f. The Lost City
	W3. Chapter 3
		W3a. Karthal Sewers (1)
		W3b. Falagar's Mansion
		W3c. Karthal Harbour (1)
		W3d. Karthal Slums
		W3e. The Elemental Forge (2)
		W3f. World Map (4)
		W3g. Skull Rock
		W3h. Black Guard Headquarters
		W3i. Karthal Sewers (2)
		W2j. The Elemental Forge (3)
		W3k. World Map (5)
	W4. Chapter 4
		W4a. Tomb of a Thousand Terrors
		W4b. Karthal Harbour (2)
		W4c. The Vigil
		W4d. Ker-Thal
	W5. Post Epilogue
		W5a. Limbo
		W5b. Fort Laegaire
		W5c. Summer Palace
	W6. Miscellaneous Areas
		W6a. Tower of Enigma
		W6b. Cursed Ruins
		W6c. Supreme Temple of Meow
		W6d. Sacred Grove
		W6e. Temple of Ylath
		W6f. Pao Kai Nest
		W6g. Sudgerd
		W6h. Fortress of Crows
		W4i. Dream Shard Dungeon
	X1. Bestiary
		X1a. Humans
		X1b. Humanoids
		X1c. Beasts
		X1d. Undead
		X1e. Elementals
		X1f. Champions
		X1g. Ability Glossary
	X2. Hirelings
	X3. Items
	X4. Shops
	X5. Spells
		X5a. Prime Magic
		X5b. Fire Magic
		X5c. Water Magic
		X5d. Earth Magic
		X5e. Air Magic
		X5f. Light Magic
		X5g. Dark Magic
		X5h. Warfare
	X6. Trainers


This walkthrough/guide will be free of plot spoilers, but not free of puzzle
spoilers. If you want to try to solve the puzzles on your own, it would be
best to not use the walkthrough portion of this document.

The initial version of this guide was written while playing on Adventurer
difficulty and using a party consisting of a Freemage, Druid, Defender, and
Barbarian. You can see the final score for this playthrough at the link below:

To better visualize where things are located I suggest taking a look at the
following interactive map:

			     TIPS & TRICKS

- When creating a character, putting a point in a weapon skill will start you
  out with a free version of that weapon.

- There are 5 areas that can only be entered if your party includes a specific
  type of character. One for each race, and one for the Defender class.

- The party to use to end up with the fewest loose ends would appear to be:
  Crusader, Freemage, Defender & Hunter. Crusader because you come across an
  otherwise worthless Stone Disc, Hunter because you'll come across an
  otherwise worthless Pendant, Defender so you can get into the Vantyr Range
  Dangerous Cave, and Freemage because you'll find some otherwise worthless
  Scrolls. Of course, using this party means you'll be locked out of the
  Sacred Grove area though.

- Many enemies do not have ranged attacks, so retreating and pelting them with
  projectiles as they slowly make their way into close combat is an extremely
  effective strategy. As such, you'll want to make sure all your characters
  start out with a point in a ranged weapon skill.

- The following skills can't be upgraded to Expert until Chapter 2: Spear,
  Dual Wield, Two-handed, Medium Armor, Shield, Dark Magic, Water Magic,
  Dodge, Endurance, & Mysticism.

- You need someone with 20 Vitality (including equipment bonuses) in order to
  complete part of the main quest. There is a +10 Vitality Relic available if
  you know where to look which should let you reach this threshold easily.

- Fire Elementals and one Boss creature will deal an unavoidable 100 damage to
  each party member if they die while in close combat. So make sure all of
  your characters have at least 100 Health.

- Talk to everyone. Check the top of the screen when you enter a house to see
  if there are multiple people to talk to, and pay attention to quest-related
  dialog (it can be helpful in resolving a few quests).

- It's almost always significantly cheaper and more efficient to restore your
  party's Health/Mana by Resting rather than using potions. As such, make sure
  to restock your Supplies whenever possible.

- Incapacitated characters (Unconscious/Dead/Sleeping/Stunned/Paralyzed) do
  not receive XP.

- Characters dealing the killing blow receive a small XP bonus (~5%). Enemies
  killed by Bleed damage or spells like Cyclone or Thunderstorm do not grant
  this bonus, but those killed by Retaliation or Poison damage do (unless that
  Posion effect has been inflicted by Poison Cloud).

- Bosses are immune to a number of spells and effects: Mana Surge, Poison,
  Skull Crack, Knockback, & Immobilizing effects (Icy Prison, Immobilize,
  Stun, Time Stasis).

- Poison Cloud prevents enemy ranged attacks and forces them to move into
  close combat.

- An easy way to kill lone enemies is to have three of your characters attack
  while the fourth finishes the turn with Time Stasis, Icy Prison, or Sleep.

- Attacking or damaging a creature affected by the Bleed effect will
  sometimes cause the effect to only deal 1 damage.

- In order to see Secret Doors you need either the Whispering Shadows spell or
  scroll, a secret-finding Hireling, or have defeated the Darkness Elemental
  Prince in the Elemental Forge. Opening them requires high levels of Might,
  Magic, or Perception (each door requires one of the three attributes).

- Sometimes you may not be able to click on a dialog option. In those
  instances just use the number keys instead.

- Shops respawn their inventory at the start of every new day, the moment
  the "A New Day Has Started" message appears at dawn.

- It's a good idea to mark the locations of Wards/Statues/Trainers on your map
  so that you can quickly find them again later. Notes placed on your minimap
  will be visible on the World Map tab as well.

- The effects granted by Statues/Wards stack with the spell effects of the
  same type.

- The +XP Hirelings do not stack their bonuses.

- +Two-handed and +Dual Wield enchantments are strictly inferior to +Weapon
  and +Perception enchantments, while +Warfare is strictly inferior to

- Locations with the highest level loot drops: Sacred Temple of Meow, Fortress
  of Crows, & Summer Palace.


			       W1. Chapter 1

W1a. Sorpigal
Enemies: Giant Spider (111)
Trainers: Air Magic Expert (22,8), Arcane Discipline Expert (8,5),
	  Axe Expert (22,8), Bow Expert (22,8), Crossbow Expert (22,8),
	  Dagger Expert (16,14), Endurance Master (19,21),
	  Heavy Armor Expert (18,26), Light Magic Expert (10,11-13),
	  Mace Expert (22,8), Magical Focus Expert (6,22),
	  Sword Expert (22,8), Warfare Expert (14,19)

Barrels: Light (27,25), Spider (4,29), Water (1,22), Air (9,7), Spider (0,1),
	 Fire (22,4), Earth (24,8)
Containers: Book (21,27), Gold (15,23), Gold (0,18), Book (6,16), Gold (6,3),
	    Gold (6,3)
Landmarks: Fountain (3,8)

Having just stepped off the boat, take a moment to familiarize yourself with
your characters' equipment and spells and how to navigate the various
information menus. Proceed forward once you're ready.

You immediately meet an NPC who's willing to give you a tour of the town, and
I suggest accepting the offer. He will join your party as a Hireling. Now take
the northern path to reach a Barrel that grants a character a permanent +1
Light Resistance. You will find many Barrels over the course of the game and
beyond this point I won't always specifically point them out in this section.

From there continuing following the path and pass under the archway. Sorpigal
is not a large city, but it does have some out of the way areas. Start by
heading north and following the path past a building that Dunstan will point
out as the Armory. Which is where you go to buy and repair armor. Continue on
and grab the nearby Chest before heading north again and around through a back

You'll come out in front of Eileen's House (10,28), head inside and pick up
the Lost Lambs quest. Continue heading north and you'll pass a location that
gets pointed out as the Mystic Shop. These stores are where you can have items
identified as well as buy magical foci, potions, scrolls, and accessories.

Further to the north you will come across another Barrel. This one contains a
Giant Spider. Later on these won't be an issue, but for you first battle this
could be tricky since Poison doesn't wear off. I suggest saving the game
before opening it and re-load if you end up poisoned and don't receive an
Antidote potion. Feel free to test-out all your various spells/abilities,
since there's a Restoration Fountain on the other side of town.

From there follow the path west and south to reach a dead-end containing a
Chest, Barrel, and Orlene's House (1,20). Enter the house and pick up the
Flowers for Fallen Heroes quest. Now head back past the Mystic Shop and go

Directly to the west is a book, and further to the south is a building that
gets pointed out as the Chapel. Enter the Chapel and use the buttons at the
top of the screen to talk to Rosalie. Accept the quest to have her join as a
Hireling. Rosalie is very useful since she automatically reveals any nearby
secret doors. Continue south and head west at the first opportunity.

You will pass a Restoration Fountain (don't use it unless the earlier spider
devastated you) and eventually wind up t a dead-end containing another Giant
Spider hiding in a Barrel. Kill it (save before trying), then return to
use the Fountain. Back at the Chapel, head further south to reach the exit to
the world map (which is currently blocked). To the west is a Chest and the
Library, where you can buy new spells for your characters.

If someone has Earth Magic, this would be a good time to buy them the
Regeneration spell. Cure Poison and Sparks (Air Magic) are also good spells,
though you won't have the money for them yet unless you've unlocked and sold
the UPlay bonus relics.

Heading east will eventually bring you to the Stables (Dunstan will not point
it out). Here you can fast travel to Seahaven and Karthal once you've unlocked
them, and purchase a pack horse Hireling (you should not ever need the horse).
Now heading north you'll end up back in the plaza in front of the Chapel. Go
east to reach the Training Center and accept the Smuggler's Cove quest from
the NPC (24,9) standing out in the open.

Return to the plaza and head north to find the Inn. Go inside, accept the
Jassad's Bestiary quest and take note of the cook Hireling here. He'll be
extremely useful a little bit later. Now continue north past the scout
Hireling (who is completely useless) to reach the Smithy. This shop is where
you go to buy/repair weapons.

A little further north takes you to the Garrison and your main quest location.
Head inside to have Dunstan leave and Maximus join. You're new goal is the
Well just to the south of the Inn. Before heading there, consider buying a few
pieces of cheap hand/foot/head armor from the armory.

W1b. Spider Lair
Enemies: Giant Spider (N), Spider Queen (B)

Secret Doors: Might (6,5)
Barrels: Spider (12,20), Spider (20,7), Might (9,6)
Containers: Loot (14,7), Loot (10,17), Loot (18,19), Loot (23,15),
	    Loot (15,0), Loot (6,5), Loot (1,5), Note (2,4)

Follow the linear path killing any spiders you see (the first Barrel contains
one as well). Just past the Barrel is an open area. Two spiders will ambush
you here. Continue along the path to reach a second open area. The area boss
will ambush you here, so make sure you're at full Health/Mana and prepared
before proceeding. It's not really any different than the other spiders, it
just has a lot more health and hits harder.

After the battle you should now be level 2 and Maximus will leave the party.
Time for a brief interlude on leveling up.

For skills, generally speaking offensive fighters should focus on their weapon
first and their combat style second, defensive fighters on Warfare first and
armor second, and mages on their most useful schools first followed by Magical
Focus. Take note of where the various trainers are located (see Appendix
section X6) so that you can better prioritize which skills to focus on early.

For attributes, generally a mage should put all points into Magic (the
exceptions being Fire Magic Grandmasters or if your party has multiple pure
mages, in those cases it should be 3/1 Magic/Spirit) while a fighter should
split between Might/Perception (if melee/ranged), Destiny, and Vitality
depending on build, purpose, and available spells. Dagger users for instance
will get more use out of Destiny than Might since their base damage is low
while their critical damage is high.

Back to the exploration. Head west to reach two dead ends with some enemies
and loot, then backtrack to the boss clearing and head south. Go immediately
west to find another spider hiding in a Barrel. Continue on to reach the
Smuggler's Cove and get ambushed by a couple spiders when you open the Chest.

Head back north and you'll see a path to the east that opens up into another
clearing. Three spiders are waiting in ambush in here. Through the clearing
and down the path will lead you to a Chest and a secret door. Open the door to
find a spider, another Chest, and a note. Leave through the nearby exit.

Turn-in the Smuggler's Coffer and then head over to the Garrison to get the
next main quest, which is to investigate the Lighthouse. Restock your Supplies
at the Inn, Identify/sell your loot, and buy any spells or weapon/armor
upgrades you want (though don't waste money on magical armor just yet).
Finally, head out through the southern exit to reach the world map.

W1c. World Map (1)
Enemies: Brigand (N), Giant Spider (N), Militia (N), Moonsilk Spider (N),
	 Wolf (N)
Trainers: Fire Magic Expert (119,55), Earth Magic Expert (119,55),
	  Prime Magic Expert (119,55)

Barrels: Spider (127,43), Spider (98,48), Prime (110,23)
Containers: Loot (127,33), Book (125,31), Loot (125,41), Relic (126,64),
	    Loot (110,70), Loot (104,64), Riddle Chest (96,60), Loot (107,54),
	    Loot (113,51), Loot (96,57), Loot (96,49), Loot (112,44),
	    Loot (112,39), Book (115,32), Loot (106,33), Loot (96,34),
	    Loot (105,30), Loot (110,28), Potions (115,29), Loot (128,59),
	    Loot (135,49), Loot (138,56)
Landmarks: Fountain (125,36), Fountain (118,69), Navea Obelisk (92,60),
	   Destiny Statue (109,59), Dispel Statue (103,45),
	   Power Statue (118,37), Earth Ward (111,37), Fountain (100,28),
	   Water Ward (121,32), Landro Obelisk (127,50),
	   Elrath Shrine (132,48), Arcane Ward (139,54)

Follow the path to reach a few Spiders. Head north past a Restoration Fountain
to run across some Wolves. These aren't as dangerous as the Spiders as long as
you kill them immediately after they get below 50% Health. Further north are
some more Wolves and a Merchant Wagon. Head in to grab the Naga Tea quest
item, buy more Supplies, and take note of the magic Trainer.

Ignore the bridge to the east and go further north to trigger some Militia.
The only thing dangerous about them is that they can inflict Stun. They also
have a high Armor, so Sunder and magic damage will come in handy here. Killing
them should bring you to up level 3. Just to the east of the Castle are yet
more Wolves and another new enemy, the Moonsilk Spider.

It has an attack that hits your entire party for Prime Damage and any time it
hits you it drains your Mana. Very dangerous for an all-mage party.

Behind that Spider is the first of the game's Mysterious Crypts. These are
enemy-free areas that contain a puzzle that must be solved in order to receive
a Relic as a prize. Relics are items that increase in power as you gain XP
with them equipped, eventually becoming some of the most powerful items in the
game. Since they need XP to get better, it's a good idea to pick them up as
soon as possible.

This particular Crypt has some sandals that will boost Magic and Evade. To
get to the Relic you have to light up all four torches by stepping on the
various Pressure Plates around the room in the correct order. The answer is:
N-E-S-N-E-E. Return to town and get that identified and equip it.

Back at the Castle, travel west and then north around behind it to find
another Restoration Fountain. Use it and two Militia will ambush you. You may
notice a white swirly tile behind the Fountain; this is an Air Tile which will
teleport you into the Mountains and you won't be able to use it for quite some
time. Head west again to find a bridge that's currently blocked off, ignore it
for now and go south a little bit to find a path further west into the trees
where some Wolves and Spiders are waiting.

Kill them all and examine the nearby Obelisk to start The Secret of the
Obelisk quest. There's also a riddle Chest here (answer: water). Backtrack
to the blocked bridge and go a bit further south and then west past the
Destiny Statue. There's a dig spot that causes a Spider ambush, some more
Moonsilk Spiders here to kill, and further west is a large structure (the
Cursed Ruins) with some Spectres floating outside it. Do not directly
approach them; they will utterly destroy you at this point in the game.

On the south side of the Cursed Ruins are another Spider and Wolf. Killing
them should bring you up to level 4. Just to the west is a little walled-in
area that has a Chest and Spider-in-a-Barrel. Back to the east and a bit south
is a Dispel Statue and the altar you have to activate to complete the Flowers
for Fallen Heroes quest.

Heading east from here and then south down around the corner will bring you to
some Giant Spiders and a Dangerous Cave. There is a Cyclops in the Dangerous
Cave and you have no chance against it just yet unless you get extremely lucky
abusing Time Stasis. There's no point in doing that though since there's only
a couple Resistance Elixers in there. So ignore it for now.

Further south and to the west is the entrance to Shadow Woods. Inside there
are a bunch of Wolves. Follow the path deeper into the woods and go west at
the first fork and north at the second. This bring you to a third fork; south
is a Chest that triggers an ambush (defeating the ambush will likely bring you
up to level 5) and north leads to the Den of Thieves.

Kill the Brigand outside the Den, but don't enter just yet. Head back through
the woods and exit out the south side. There will be a Restoration Fountain
west of you and some Wolves and a Spider to the east. Kill them and head east,
looting everything until you reach the Water Ward. Ignore the Lighthouse.
Remember that bridge to the east of the Merchant Wagon outside the Castle?
It's time to cross it.

When you get about halfway across, three Moonsilk Spiders will ambush you.
Further east are more Moonsilks and some Wolves. A little southwest of here
is the second Obelisk (make sure to activate it) and south still further is
Elrath's Shrine. These Dragon Shrine are part of an undocumented quest that
rewards you with a Heavy Armor Relic. If you don't have anyone that uses
Heavy Armor (or don't like the Relic in question) you can safely ignore them.

Assuming you want the Relic, what you have to do is activate each Shrine on
the proper day. Elrath on Elda, Arkath on Arda, Sylanna on Sylada, and so
forth. The order you activate them in doesn't matter for the most part, the
only exception being that the Asha Shrine has to be activated last.

All the way east past the Elrath Shrine you'll find a second Dangerous Cave.
Unlike the previous one this one actually contains something useful; a
Crossbow Relic. The Cave's guardian is a Shadow Dragon, which is likely too
powerful for you now unless you abuse Time Stasis and get lucky besides. Try
to take it out if you want, but it's a better idea to wait until later.

Now head back to town to Identify/sell your loot, train skills up to Expert
Level, buy new spells, restock Supplies, and hire the chef from the Inn. The
Den of Thieves is your next destination.

W1d. Den of Thieves
Level 1
Enemies: Brigand (N), Militia (N)

Secret Doors: Perception (10,6), Magic (4,6), Might (7,2)
Containers: Potions (2,12), Loot (12,13), Magic Loot (10,8), Book (13,7),
	    Potions (13,1), Quest Item (1,7), Loot (1,2)

Start by heading west to find a Chest, then go east to find a Brigand guarding
a Chest with a Key in it. Use the key to open the northern door and find a
Militia. Past him, where the path forks, is a twin Brigand ambush. Head east
to find a secret door and a regular door leading to a room with a Book in it.

Back in the hallway go south to end up in a room with two Brigands guarding a
Chest containing a Key. Go back to the Brigand-ambush fork and head west this

When you come to the next junction in front of the second secret door, two
more Brigands will start approaching you. Finish them off and then enter the
western door to find a Brigand/Militia pair (killing them should bring you up
to level 6). Inside the room is a Chest with a Stone Disc Fragment, which is
needed for the Crusader Promotion quest. The nearby Secret Door hides a lever
which opens a door a bit further south.

Heading south now you'll pass a room to the west with a Chest in it and then
reach a door you can unlock with the Key you found earlier. Beyond is the
third Secret Door which hides the stairs to Level 2. If you're having trouble
opening this door to proceed, consider using the Power Statue outside and/or
the Inner Fire spell. Another option would be to save just before the Merchant
Wagon updates his inventory and reload until some +Might equipment appears.

Level 2
Enemies: Brigand (E/N), Luke (B), Militia (N)

Barrels: Magic (9,5)
Containers: Loot (5,10), Loot (3,8), Loot (18,5), Loot (18,17)

Immediately to the west is a room with some enemies and a Barrel in it. After
clearing it head north to reach a fork. North and west are both dead ends
containing chests. Head east after you grab them both to find a
Brigand/Militia pairing.

Continuing on you'll reach some caverns and a few enemies. Further in you'll
come to a Lever (17,11) which open a door behind you. Reaching the Lever will
cause two Brigands to attack you, one of which is an Elite. Elites do more
damage and have more health then their average counterparts, but are otherwise

After killing them and grabbing the Chest in the room you opened, continue on
following the path north to reach a small room with a Key-filled Chest in it.
West of here are some more Brigands and a Militia, along with the door to the
area's Boss. Note that since you picked up the Lost Lambs quest you do not
actually have to kill him if you don't want to (or can't). You can let him
pass without a fight.

However, killing him gives you experience, loot and a Mana Elixir... while
letting him go just lets you avoid a fight.

Now here you have a choice. If you pick up the Book on the nearby pedestal,
The Highwaymen quest will be completed and Rosalie will leave the party. If
you have a method to detect secrets doors (Whispering Shadows spell) then you
may as well grab the Book now. If you don't, you may wish to consider clearing
the Lighthouse now and then coming back for the Book after.

Grabbing it now will knock you up to Level 7 (assuming you also killed Luke).
There's a shortcut out of the area to the south, so take it and then go
resupply, buying whatever you need (Whispering Shadow scrolls for instance,
if you don't have the spell and Rosalie has left). Then trek over to the
Lighthouse making sure to activate the Water Ward at (121,32) on the way.

W1e. The Lighthouse
Level 1
Enemies: Coral Priestess (N), Kenshi (N)
Trainers: Dual Wielding Master (4,1)

Secret Doors: Perception (3,1)
Barrels: Fire (9,8)
Containers: Loot (11,11), Loot (3,4), Loot (1,1), Loot (3,2)

Outside you'll find a single Kenshi. Inside you'll find another along with a
Coral Priestess. Kenshi are good at blocking and then hitting for a lot of
damage when you finally manage to hit them, while Priestesses are good at
dealing Water damage to your entire party.

Head over to the east to find a Chest that triggers two Kenshi to spawn a ways
behind you. Now go to the west to find two more Kenshi, a Secret Door, and an
NPC that will explain what's going on. Kill the two enemies that were waiting
behind the sealed door you passed earlier and ascend the stairs to the second

Level 2
Enemies: Coral Priestess (N), Kenshi (E/N)

Barrels: Perception (4,7)
Containers: Loot (8,5)

Follow the path outside to face another Kenshi/Coral pair, then go north to
spawn a second Kenshi. Head south now and take the Teleporter to the other
side of the map. An Elite Kenshi is waiting for you. Following the path north
past the entrance west will spawn two Coral Priestesses. Kill them and
re-enter the Lighthouse to find another Elite Kenshi. Past him are the stairs
to the third level. Before going up, backtrack outside to trigger a newly
spawned Coral Priestess. Take her out and proceed to Level 3.

Level 3
Enemies: Coral Priestess (E/N), Kenshi (E/N)

Secret Doors: Might (5,5)
Containers: Magic Loot (5,4)

To the west is a Secret Door that I suggest opening, as it will give you a
place to retreat to in order to take the oncoming enemies on one group at a
time. In any case, open the western door to reveal four Kenshi (two Elite)
in front of and behind you.

If you opened the Secret Door now's a good time to retreat back there and
let the enemies come to you. If you didn't, hopefully you can kill one group
before the second starts flanking you. After they're dead dead out the west
door and trigger the Pressure Plate to the south. This spawns an Elite Coral
Priestess. Now go through the east door and trigger the second southern
Pressure Plate to spawn a bunch of Priestesses and open the Level 4 Teleporter
to the north.

You should now be eighth level, or close to it. Before heading up to Level 4,
it would be a good idea to leave the Lighthouse and go trigger the Destiny and
Power Statues to give yourself an edge in the upcoming boss fight.

Level 4
Enemies: Mamushi (B)

There are a few things to be aware of here. The most important is that the
Boss' attacks will push you off the Lighthouse, leading to an instant KO,
if he catches you next to a map edge. So stay in the center of the area.
The other thing to note is that he likes to move around and attack you from
different directions.

If you have a Fire mage or Warfare's Unstoppable Assault on an offensive
fighter this battle shouldn't be much trouble at this point.

After he's defeated you have to re-light the Lighthouse by pressing the
plates in the correct order to finish the quest. This is a very simple
puzzle: NW-SW-NE-SE. Take the southern Teleporter to get back to the first
level. On the way out Hamato will start up a conversation, so make sure to
grab the Naga Tea and get the Sword of the Bounty Hunter quest.

Return to Sorpigal's Garrison to report your success and pick up the next
Main Quest, which is to visit the Governor over in Castle Portmeyron. So
resupply (if you can't cast Burning Determination consider stocking up on
scrolls from the merchant Wagon) and head on over.

W1f. Castle Portmeyron
Level 1
Enemies: Brigand (E/N), Militia (E/N), Militia Captain (N),
	 Moonsilk Spider (N), Rogue Mage (N)

Secret Doors: Magic (11,0)
Barrels: Might (3,1), Spider (15,8)
Containers: Loot (14,0), Loot (2,8), Loot (11,5), Potions (6,15),
	    Loot (7,7), Loot (6,7), Loot (5,7)

You're immediately greeted by a Militia Captain, who's basically just a
slightly stronger Militia. The door to the west is sealed, so head east to
get ambushed. Down this hallway is a fork, so head south to find both a
Secret Door and the lever that opens the path further east. However, it also
opens that door to the west near the entrance, and that is the path you want
to take. Note that you'll be attacked by some Brigands/Militia on your way out
of this room.

Heading west you'll pass a room to the south containing some Militia and a
Brigand along with a +Might Barrel. Continue following the linear path to
reach some more enemies. Past them is a dead end with a Lever you have to
flip. Time to backtrack all the way back to the first Lever on the east side
of the entrance. On the way you'll get ambushed by a Rogue Mage, who is very
vulnerable to physical attacks. Warfare's Skull Crack is particularly useful
against this type of enemy.

Following the path east from the area's entrance will lead you through some
more Brigands/Militia (if the Rogue Mage didn't bring you to Level 9, these
likely will), past a Spider Barrel, and eventually to another fork where some
Militia are lying in wait. Once they're down take the southern fork to grab a
Chest and then go north.

This will lead you to a room containing two Militia and two Brigands. Head
through the west door to find another Lever to open the path south. In this
room are several chests, a Militia and Rogue Mage, and the stairs to the
second level.

Level 2
Enemies: Brigand (E/N), Militia (E/N), Militia Captain (N), Rogue Mage (N)

Secret Doors: Might (1,8)
Containers: Loot (8,8), Loot (3,10), Loot (0,2), Book (15,14),
	    Magic Loot (13,12), Loot (9,15), Loot (15,10)

There are few different directions to go here. To the east are two sealed
doors and a Chest, to the north is another sealed door, and to the east is a
path past a Chest which leads to a Secret Door before turning north. Behind
the secret door is quite a number of enemies, so before opening it head north
a little bit to trigger an ambush; two Militia/Brigand pairings will flank
you. Once they're taken care of clear out that secret room to find a Chest
with a Key in it.

Continue following the path and you'll soon reach a Lever followed by a room
containing an Elite Militia, a Rogue Mage, and two sealed doors. Backtrack to
the entrance to find that one of the western doors has opened, revealing
another Lever. Use it to open the path west and trigger a Militia pair. This
path leads to a fork. North is a locked door (opened with the Secret Room Key)
containing a Book and Chest, while south leads you past a door further west
and to a dead end containing a Lever.

Flipping the Lever will unseal the two doors north of the entrance, which open
to reveal a Chest. Back behind that western door a Rogue Mage and some Militia
are waiting. Continue along the path to reach another door, behind which are
some Militia and Brigands. Right about now you should be reaching Level 10.
Further along the path through two more doors is a large room with a Mage,
some Militia, and a Lever Puzzle (the door on the west wall leads to the
secret room and does not open). The puzzle solution is: L-R-C-R.

Before heading up to the third level, now would probably be a good time to
head outside and sell all the loot you've been acquiring and/or unlock some
more Expert skills. Proceed up the stairs once you're ready.

Level 3
Enemies: Brigand (E/N), Iven (B), Militia (E/N), Rogue Mage (E/N)
Trainers: Shield Master (2,2), Sword Master (2,2)

Barrels: Earth (0,14)
Containers: Book (0,5), Potions (10,15), Key (14,16), Magic Loot (14,0)

Head west and around up toward a path north that will trigger some enemies.
Two Militia and two Brigands, all Elite, one of which will be approaching
from the east. In the northern hallway head west again to reach an empty
room which opens west into a hallway filled with some Brigands and a Rogue
Mage. Take the south door to reach a room with two Elites, a Book and a
Lever. The Lever opens the nearby door, which leads to two sealed doors you
won't be able to open.

Heading back to that first empty room, follow the path south and west to reach
a door north. Inside are several Militia, a Mage, and a Chest with a Key. Head
south now you'll pass another sealed door that cannot be opened, getting
ambushed by two Mages at the next junction. The next door to the west opens to
reveal five enemies guarding another Key-filled Chest. Just south of that is
the doorway leading to the Boss. There is a trick to this Boss.

Taking him head-on will lead to getting ambushed by some Brigands as the
battle progresses, to avoid this you'll want to head through the eastern
passageway and force him to follow you into that room. There you can face him
alone unimpeded (he's basically a stronger Brigand who has multiple melee
attacks). After he falls re-enter the room he started in to trigger those four
Brigand enemies. One of the pair from the north will drop the requisite
quest-related Letter. There's also a door here to the west that leads to a

Back in the eastern room you'll find the Governor just hanging out, so talk to
him to finish the quest, get a new quest to investigate the Elemental Forge,
and have those couple of unopenable sealed doors opened. You should now be
Level 11. You can head back into the throne room to train someone up to Master
Level Swords if you want. From here go back to that formerly sealed door in
the northeast corner of the map (12,10) and follow the path to reach the
Griffon Rider, who will take you to the Elemental Forge.

If his dialog option is greyed-out, this means that, for whatever reason, the
game's one required online check to validate your game did not occur. The
first thing to do if this occurs is to save, then exit to the main menu and
choose the "Extras" and then "Bonus Content" buttons. On this screen try
pressing the "Redeem Code" button (do not enter a code). If it says
something about Connection Issues then the problem is either the Ubisoft
Launcher is not online or your Firewall is blocking the check (it is
possible for it to block the check and not the Launcher itself). If it
says "Invalid Code" then your connection is fine and the dialog should be

If it still isn't working, I suggest contacting Ubisoft's Technical Support.
In a worst-case scenario you could always just edit the check out of his
dialog file in order to progress, though doing that won't prevent a related
and much more annoying issue from appearing later on. On to Chapter 2.

				W2. Chapter 2

W2a. The Elemental Forge (1)
Level 4

You start out here on top of the Forge. There's nothing much to do here at the
moment except take the Teleporter to the third floor. If you want, you can
talk to Lev to return to the World Map in front of the Castle in case you need
to resupply.

Level 3
Enemies: Assassin (N), Stalker (N)

Containers: Book (0,7), Loot (4,3)

Head straight ahead to get ambushed by some Assassins. They don't have a lot
of Health, but they like to Block, Evade, and have an annoying Retaliation
attack. Further south a second ambush will trigger introducing the Stalker,
who's honestly not that much different from the Brigands you've been fighting
up to this point, though they have a longer range.

Before entering the Teleporter, head west and then further south to reach a
Chest with a Key in it that triggers an enemy spawn. Use the Key on the door
back in the entrance hallway (1,11), step on the Pressure Plates, and then
open the western door to trigger a two-pronged ambush. Ignore the Elementals
in this western room and go back and take the Teleporter to the second floor.

Level 2
Enemies: Assassin (E/N), Stalker (N)
Trainers: Magical Focus Grandmaster (3,17)

Secret Doors: Magic (7,15), Perception (5,12), Might (16,7)
Containers: Magic Loot (6,12), Loot (12,1), Magic Loot (17,7)

As soon as you step into the room you'll be attacked by two Elite Assassins.
To to north is a Secret Door that reveals the Grandmaster Magical Focus
Trainer, and to the south of her is a second Secret Door. Go back to the
Teleporter and head south to come across a large number of enemies. Further
to the south is an exit to the World Map, but there's no point in using it
since the path outside is blocked by some water that you're not able to cross
just yet.

Head west from the Fire Door. To the south is a small room with a Chest in it,
and further west is a Secret Door and a regular door that will trigger a
sizable ambush when you open it. One of the Assassins will drop an Earth
Shard. Take the nearby Teleporter to the first level.

Level 1
Enemies: Assassin (E/N), Earth Elemental (N), Gralkor (B), Stalker (E/N)

Barrels: Earth (1,18)
Containers: Book (19,10), Loot (12,2), Boss Chest (3,18)

Follow the path around to the east to trigger some enemies. Head through the
northern passage and then take the east door to find a Pressure Plate, which
spawns five enemies and unlocks the western door. You'll reach Level 12 about
now. In that recently unlocked room is a book. head southeast and you'll meet
an NPC that will advance the Main Quest.

South of him is a room with a Chest which spawns an ambush when opened. Go
west to reach the Earth Elemental doorway, through which you'll encounter an
Earth Elemental. Other than having high Armor, this enemy isn't very
remarkable. A bit further east is an interactive object. When you use it, the
Boss of the area will appear.

He has a high Armor and hits hard. He also has a Paralyze spell, so Burning
Determination or scrolls of Water Flows Freely are practically a necessity.
If you're having trouble, consider heading back to the World Map to activate
the Earth Ward, Power Statue, and Destiny Statue before returning here to face

To the north is the treasure room. After looting it head back to the fourth
level and ride the Griffon back to the Castle. Now, do not yet re-enter the
Castle to complete the quest. Instead, head to the west and travel across
the previously blocked-off bridge to reach a new area of the World Map. Head
immediately north to reach Seahaven, the second town.

Note that if you did not resolve your connection issue from earlier, the
bridge will NOT be cleared and you'll have to head all the way back to
Sorpigal and use the Horse Travel option in the Stables to reach Seahaven
(though this option only becomes available after you've talked to Morgan
and received the next part of the main quest).

W2b. Seahaven
Trainers: Air Magic Expert (30,23), Arcane Discipline Expert (30,23),
	  Crossbow Master (29,16), Endurance Expert (7,4),
	  Dark Magic Expert (13,13), Dodge Expert (7,4),
	  Dual Wield Expert (30,23), Fire Magic Master (24,6),
	  Light Magic Master (17,20), Mace Master (23,26),
	  Medium Armor Expert (30,23), Medium Armor Expert (17,5),
	  Medium Armor Master (31,4), Magical Focus Master (20,20),
	  Mysticism Expert (30,23), Prime Magic Expert (30,23),
	  Shield Expert (17,5), Spear Expert (17,5), Spear Master (27,2),
	  Sword Expert (30,23), Sword Grandmaster (12,25),
	  Two-handed Expert (23,26), Two-handed Master (17,5)
	  Water Magic Expert (30,23)

Barrels: Dark (31,2), Water (23,27), Prime (15,0), Earth (0,01), Air (1,27)
Containers: Gold (30,11), Gold (30,14), Gold (15,28), Gold (6,3), Book (3,17),
	    Gold (13,10)

Seahaven is a decently sized town with a number of things to do in it.

Directly to the west as you enter is the Dwarven Quarter. Enter and head west
to reach the Armorer, where some of the best Medium Armor and Shields can
spawn. On the southern side of the area you'll find a Spear Master Trainer and
to the east is a Fire Magic Master Trainer. If you have a Runepriest in the
party, one of them will give you the Runelord Promotion quest.

Back at the town entrance head southeast a little to reach the Mystic Shop,
which sells some of the best Crossbows and Rings. South of here is the
Sanctuary district. To the west is the Naga Bank, which contains some
Trainers, while to the southeast is the Dojo... which also contains some
Trainers. There's also a chest at the end of the northern alley. Leave this
area and head west to reach a crossroad in front of the town entrance.

A little south of here will be the mage Hireling if you've unlocked the
relevant UPlay reward. She's pretty bad honestly. Further northwest are the
Library and Church, the first sells the best Light Magic spells while the
second gives you The Forbidden Saga quest and has a Healer you can hire.

Ignore the path north and continue west for a bit to find an Inquisitor NPC
who will give you the Haart has its Reasons quest. Backtrack a little and take
that passed northern path to reach Haart Mansion (depending on how you
complete the Haart quest, this may be where you'll find the Sword Grandmaster
Trainer). If it's not night yet, rest until it is and then head inside to
advance the quest you just got. Now head back to the town entrance and talk to
the NPC standing there to advance it further.

From here go southwest to find the Garrison, which has a couple Trainers.
Continue west to find an unnamed house with another Trainer in it. Heading
still further west will place you in front of the Smithy, which sells some of
the best swords in the game. Directly behind you is the Astronomer's Lab
(4,9). Head inside and accept the quest to acquire quite possibly the best
Hireling in the game. Why is he the best? Because he's free and increases the
experience you gain from killing things.

After grabbing him, ignore the western path and head inside the Smithy to get
the Fallen Star quest. Back outside head north to eventually reach the
Windsword Garrison. In here you can pick up the Windsword Promotion quest if
you have one in the party. Head southeast from here to reach the stable area
and the Fast Travel NPC, who can currently take you quickly to Sorpigal. East
of him is the Inn, which has a Trainer and a Hireling who will drastically
reduce the cost of expensive items. Late game he's basically useless, but here
in the early game he can help you out if you need to buy a couple +20 damage
swords. Just remember to fire him immediately after you buy them.

That's basically all there is to Seahaven. Now it's time for some World Map

W2c. World Map (2)
Navea Delta
Enemies: Brigand (E), Earth Elemental (N), Manticore (N), Martyaxwar (B),
	 Militia Captain (N), Minotaur (N), Shadow Dragon (N),
	 Shadow Panther (N), Wolf (E)
Trainers: Axe Grandmaster (68,59), Shield Grandmaster (60,66)

Barrels: Light (53,53)
Containers: Quest Book (142,53), Relic (142,53), Loot (66,59), Relic (53,53),
	    Book (79,79), Relic (79,79), Loot (50,55)
Landmarks: Dispel Statue (84,65), Fountain (86,58), Fountain (48,59)

This is going to be a long section, as there are a lot of things to explore at
this point, even if some areas are particularly hard to break into and aren't
really supposed to be visited yet.

Remember that Dangerous Cave by Castle Portmeyron? The one with the crossbow
Relic and Shadow Dragon? You should be able to handle it now if you want,
especially if you've got a few of those new swords. Note that the Dragon can
Stun you with a party-wide attack, but usually it will just use single target
attacks that can be controlled easily enough with Taunt.

Return to the Seahaven area of the World Map and head west along the path to
come across a large group of Militia Captains and Brigands. Continue west to
find a new enemy, a Manticore. These can Poison you, but aren't really
anything special. To the south you'll see a Restoration Fountain and a bridge.
Ignore the bridge and go further west to run across some Elite Wolves.
Continue west past a cabin containing the Axe Grandmaster Trainer, to reach a
small rocky path southwest. This leads to the second Mysterious Crypt.

The puzzle here is a teleport puzzle which you can solve through trial and
error or just use the following solution: N-S-N-E-S. The reward are some Relic
leggings that will eventually boost Might and Armor. Now, your next
destination depends on whether you want a shield Relic, a 2h-axe Relic, or
neither. I'm going to assume you want them both, though if you don't have
access to Purge (Seahaven's Mystic Shop stocks Purge scrolls from time to
time) then you'll probably want to skip grabbing the Axe.

First, the Axe. Head back to where you fought those Militia/Brigands to find a
tent with a Hireling in it. Not a very useful Hireling honestly unless you're
constantly forgetting to restock your Resting Supplies. To the west of the
tent you'll see a number of bright green passages. You want the western one
slightly behind the tent (83,77). While heading toward it you'll come across
some Shadow Panthers, which are just slightly more annoying Wolves.

Down this path is a Dangerous Cave containing a Manticore Boss, which is
particularly notable for being able to cast Regeneration. If you do not have
access to the Purge spell or a number of Purge scrolls it's extremely unlikely
you'll be able to defeat it. Consider buffing with the Earth Ward and
Power/Destiny Statues before facing it. Killing it may bring you up to
Level 13. Grab the Relic and Book and head back over to the rocky path leading
to the Mysterious Crypt.

North of that path are three Earth Elementals. Take them out to reveal the
Observatory. Inside is the Grandmaster Shield Trainer, who will also give you
a geography quiz. If you pass, he gives you a shield Relic. The answers are:
Tirya, Navea, Eye, Menthil, Irisus, Malyn, Shadow Woods, & Wyslin. Solving the
quiz may bump you up to Level 14.

Now it's time to travel to another Dangerous Cave (containing a bow Relic) and
Mysterious Crypt (containing a Mask relic). Head south a little from the
Observatory and go west to encounter a Minotaur, a Manticore, and an Earth
Elemental. The Minotaur is a rather dangerous enemy that hits hard, can stun
you, and gets even more deadly at half health. Past them the path splits.
Head south toward the glowing green roots (a Root Barrier), looting the Dig
Spot along the way, to enter Halloth Grove.

Halloth Grove
Trainers: Dark Magic Grandmaster (41,40)

Barrels: Prime (45,48)
Containers: Quest Item (52,46)
Landmarks: Destiny Statue (53,43), Volos Obelisk (52,19), Earth Ward (40,38)

Halloth Grove is a fairly small and straight-forward area. Start by following
the path until you reach a fork. Head east to reach some glowing mushrooms
(which are a quest item), then a long ways southeast through another Root
Barrier to reach the Desolate Wilds. Take the past west and then south to find
a Hireling who will buy your stuff from you (useless except in three specific
situations, which I'll mention later) and the third Obelisk. Activate the
Obelisk, but do not explore further west since that will trigger an ambush
which will be difficult to survive at this point.

Instead, backtrack through the Halloth Grove until you reach that first fork
(46,46). From here head west, ignoring the first path south. The second path
south leads to a clearing with an Earth Ward and the Dark Magic Grandmaster
Trainer. Ignore them and continue west through the Root Barrier to be back in
the Desolate Wilds.

Desolate Wilds
Enemies: Dreamwalker (N), Goblin (N), Jaguar Warrior (N), Mauler (N), Tuco (B)
Trainers: Bow Grandmaster (23,15), Two-handed Grandmaster (33,37),
	  Warfare Grandmaster (43,15)

Barrels: Light (35,22), Goblin (19,23), Prime (23,15)
Containers: Loot (32,36), Book (47,29), Relic (47,29), Loot (35,25),
	    Riddle Chest (27,30), Relic (24,47), Book (24,47)
Landmarks: Fountain (37,28), Water Ward (38,15), Air Ward (40,24),
	   Destiny Statue (18,25), Arkath Shrine (28,21),
	   Menthil Obelisk (22,19)

Directly ahead is an Orc Mauler. There's another out of sight around the
corner along with a Dreamwalker and Jaguar Warrior. The Mauler isn't very
dangerous, just tough, while the Dreamwalker can cast Lightning Bolt and
Regeneration and so should be taken out as quickly as possible. The Jaguar
Warrior only really becomes dangerous at half Health, but his criticals will
bypass damage resistance and so killing him should be given second-highest

Save your game and try to take them out. It should be possible at this point,
especially if you have access to Sleep, Radiant Weapon, Skull Crack,
Unstoppable Assault, Mastered weapon/magic skills, or Seahaven's high quality
swords. Once they're defeated, continue west past another Air Tile and start
heading south to pass a dwelling with the Two-handed Grandmaster Trainer.
Further south you should see three Goblins, who are backed up by two
Dreamwalkers and two Jaguar Warriors.

While that sounds like a lot, if you retreat up to the bottleneck behind you
(31,41) as soon as you trigger the Goblins you can face each enemy type one at
a time. Once they're dead basically the entire southern half of the Wilds can
be freely explored, so it's well worth it to clear them out now.

When you can proceed south, take the first path east. You'll see a Restoration
Fountain and a ghostly NPC. The NPC will give you The Curse of Volos quest.
Continue east to reach the Mysterious Crypt. This puzzle is easily solved by
simply using the Clairvoyance spell. If you don't have that spell, you can
still easily solve it by having any character with a decent Perception (26 is
plenty) disarm any traps you happen to walk on. If neither of those is an
option, here's the solution: N-E-E-N-N-E-N-W-N-W-N-N-W-S-W-W-N-W-N-N-E-E-E.

The reward is a mask Relic which will eventually boost Vitality and Endurance.
Note that the Main Quest requires you have at least one character with 20
Vitality to proceed, and this item alone will get you halfway there when fully

Take the path southwest of the crypt to reach a fork. To the southeast is the
meteorite required for the Fallen Star quest (the reward for which is a sword
Relic). To the southwest is a hut containing the Warfare Grandmaster Trainer
(do not accept his quest yet, as the Cyclops you have to defeat are likely too
strong at this point) and the NPC who gives the Warmonger Promotion quest.

Head west a bit from here to reach a path northward. You'll pass a Barrel to
the west reach a small path up a hill to the east (which has an Air Ward). To
the west you should be able to see/hear a Naga warrior. Ignore him for now and
return to the fork where you defeated those Goblins, traveling west this time.
You'll some reach a riddle chest to the north (solution: moon). Continue along
the path south (the only thing further west is a Destiny Statue and a Goblin
Barrel) to see Arkath's Shrine to the east, the Menthil Obelisk to the west,
and the Bow Grandmaster Trainer further south. Talk to her and accept her

If you have a party member that uses swords, now would be a good time to use
the nearby Obelisk to return to Seahaven (type in Navea to show up at the
Obelisk near Castle Portmeyron) and give that Star Silver to the Smithy. Then
head over to the Inn and spam the Rest button until the Sword is ready.

Once you have the sword, or if you don't have anyone that uses swords, return
to the Air Tile you passed upon entering the Desolate Wilds (32,44). From here
head west while staying as far north as possible and you'll soon find a
Dangerous Cave to the north. Make a note of the wide open area to the south
you just went by, as heading through the narrow passage a bit south of there
will trigger a large-scale ambush.

Inside the Cave is a bow Relic and a Crusher-type Boss (the Crusher is
basically an upgraded Mauler). Different from standard enemies of this type,
the Boss has a ranged attack, casts Stone Skin, and his attacks deal extra
Fire damage. He's MUCH more dangerous in melee than at ranged (Shadow Cloak
renders his ranged attack completely harmless).

Outside the Cave, continue on to the west to trigger some Goblins. They're
backed up by a Dreamwalker and two Jaguar Warriors which appear behind you.
To control this fight, immediately run all the way west and then south until
you're directly in front of the town entrance. Now just sit here and let the
enemies come to you. Once they're dead, turn around and enter The Crag.

Note that in unpatched versions of the game, entering this town before
talking to Jon Morgan (back in Castle Portmeyron) will result in a
game-breaking bug. So if you're playing an unpatched version, head back there
and talk to him before proceeding. If you already entered before reading this
paragraph, then re-load the Auto-Save that should have been created as you

W2d. The Crag
Enemies: Goblin (N), Kirk (B)
Trainers: Air Magic Master (13,3), Arcane Discipline Master (21,20),
	  Axe Master (13,3), Bow Expert (13,3), Dagger Expert (13,3),
	  Dagger Master (7,4), Dodge Master (25,5),
	  Earth Magic Master (25,28), Endurance Expert (13,3),
	  Mace Expert (13,3), Mace Grandmaster (30,1),
	  Magical Focus Expert (13,3), Shield Expert (13,3),
	  Spear Expert (13,3), Two-handed Expert (13,3),
	  Water Magic Grandmaster (17,13), Water Magic Master (14,29)

Barrels: Air (6,9), Goblin (15,24), Fire (12,27), Light (30,17), Prime (27,0),
	 Goblin (23,0)
Containers: Book (3,1), Gold (18,8), Gold (22,23), Gold (27,5)
Landmarks: Fountain (11,3)

Why are we in The Crag? To upgrade weapons/armor/skills and buy spells. Water
Magic spells in particular, as you can't buy Expert level Water Magic in

Start by heading to the west to come across the Training Center and a
Restoration Fountain. Further west is the Smithy (which sells some of the best
daggers) and the second target of the Lost Lambs quest. You again have the
choice of killing him or letting him go. Letting him live gives you an
arguably better Epilogue slide, while killing him gives you experience and a
Spirit Elixer. The choice is yours, but be aware that he can cast Paralyze.

Head back to the entrance and take the northern path to reach the Inn. Inside
is a Hireling who will repair your equipment. Which is useless. Just west of
the Inn is the NPC who gives the Marauder Promotion quest. Further north is
the Water Magic Grandmaster Trainer. Talk to her and accept the quest. Still
further north are some wooden stairs leading past a Goblin Barrel and up to
a three-way split. To the south is the Mystic Shop, which sells some of the
best necklaces and spears, and the best Water/Earth/Air magic.

Heading north you'll pass a path to the west which leads to Crag Hack and
the Water Magic Master Trainer, who you can get The Curse quest from.
Continuing north will lead you to the Healing Lodge, which contains the
questgiver for the Bloodcaller Promotion quest. Southeast from here will
lead you past an NPC house and to path that goes further west.

Up those stairs is a Barrel. Note this location on your map, as later on
the Mysticism Grandmaster Trainer and Archmage Promotion questgiver will be
located here. Head back down the stairs and continue south.

Eventually you'll reach another house, this one containing a Hireling who
will increase your chances of finding enchanted loot. Later on when you're
exploring high-level areas she can be useful, but for the vast majority of
the game the best equipment is either a Relic or can be found by spawn-camping

Heading a bit further south and then east down the stairs will lead you to the
Armorer. He sells some of the best light armor and there's a Hireling inside
who can disarm traps. You're better off using Clairvoyance scrolls to avoid
them. Head back up the stairs to the west and go south to reach a house
containing the Mace Grandmaster Trainer. Taking the path west of him you'll
pass two Barrels (one contains a Goblin) and be back at the entrance.

Time for some more World Map exploration.

W2e. World Map (3)
Navea Delta
Enemies: Black Guard (N), Dark Wizard (N), Fluffy (B), Wolf Hound (N)
Trainers: Light Magic Grandmaster (66,27)

Containers: Loot (81,37), Loot (80,46), Loot (87,42), Relic (93,42)
Landmarks: Power Statue (62,26), Asha Shrine (66,48), Fountain (79,44),
	   Dark Ward (93,46)

Walk over to the Menthil Obelisk and use it to travel to the Volos Obelisk.
Head north-east-north until you're back in the Halloth Grove. Continue north
until you reach a Root Barrier. Beyond this are some new enemies, the Dark
Wizard, the Wolf Hound, and the Black Guard. The Wizards deal Dark damage and
cast Purge and Feeblemind, the Black Guards are upgraded Militia, and the Wolf
Hounds are upgraded Wolves.

Save your game and take them out. Head south from where they were to find a
Power Statue and a Chapel housing the Light Magic Grandmaster Trainer. To the
east is the entrance to the Karthal Sewers, which should be ignored for now.
Instead head directly north (avoiding the enemies to the east) to point
(66,40). Head northeast to reach a three-way split. To the north is Asha's
Shrine, to the west is the entrance to the Elemental Forge's second level, and
to the northeast is the Tower of Enigma. Head inside and see section W6a of
this document for the puzzle solutions and Secret Door locations (there are
no enemies in there).

After clearing the Tower, go back across the bridge and south a little to find
a second bridge to the east. There are some enemies ahead, and they include a
Boss version of the Wolf enemy. After triggering combat, retreat back across
the bridge so that you have time to soften them up with ranged attacks. Once
they're dead check out the nearby Inn to restock your Supplies (this is the
best place in the game to buy Supplies). This Inn also contains some Naga Tea,
the Shield Guard Promotion questgiver, and a Fortune Teller who will be
important once you complete the Main Quest.

Ignore the enemies to the north (you're ignoring them now because attacking
from the Seahaven side will result in two more enemies to kill) and instead
head west around the south side of the Inn to find the NPC who gives the
Warden Promotion Quest. Backtrack a little and follow the southern path to
reach another Mysterious Crypt. It's pitch black inside, so the Light Orb,
Torchlight, or Dark Vision spells will come in handy here. The puzzle in
this Crypt is solved by stepping on pairs of Pressure Plates in order to
sink the associated pillars. The map looks something like this:


The * is the Relic while the letters are the Pressure Plates. The solution is:
a&d, a&c, g&d, f&g, h&e, i&g, j&e, i&k, g&j, l&f, f&h, l&g, g&k, l&k. You're
rewarded with some bracers that will eventually grant increased Evade and
Retaliation damage.

Now it's finally time to advance the main quest, so head over to the Volos
Obelisk (avoiding the enemies) and use it to travel to the Navea Obelisk.
Enter Castle Portmeyron and talk to Jon Morgan to complete that old Elemental
Disturbance quest and he'll give you two new ones. You should be Level 15 by
now. The next destination is the Observatory, which is where you found the
Shield Grandmaster earlier (60,66).

Head over there and talk to Kilburn (stop by Seahaven on the way to drop off
that Star Silver at the Smithy if you haven't yet). You'll now have to locate
the Lost City. Which, conveniently enough, is nearby.

Yon-Chall Forest
Enemies: Blackfang Marauder (N), Blackfang Thug (N), Brigand (E),
	 Earth Elemental (N), Ghoul (N), Militia Captain (N), Minotaur (N),
	 Shadow Panther (N), Wolf (E)
Trainers: Earth Magic Grandmaster (68,72)

Containers: Loot (66,67), Riddle Chest (77,69), Loot (74,86)
Landmarks: Sylanna Shrine (69,79), Fountain (70,81)

Head east to find a Minotaur and some Elite Wolves. Continue east to reach a
fork. North leads to some loot, east leads to a Riddle Chest (answer:
darkness), and south leads to a dead end which results in a number of Minotaur
spawns. Dispatch them all and head back to that first split east of the
Observatory and go north this time.

You'll come to a path heading west, where you can see some cages and a new
enemy. The enemies down this path are very, very dangerous. However, there is
also a Hireling over there who reveals Secret Doors. If you don't have someone
who can cast Whispering Shadows, it may be worth the effort to fight these
enemies now. If you happen to have a Ranger in your party and need to complete
the Warden Promotion quest, then it's definitely worth the effort to clear
them out now.

There are two Blackfang Marauders and two Blackfang Thugs. The Marauders are
like upgraded Brigands who are actually effective in close combat, while the
Thugs are upgraded Assassins. After killing them check the nearby cage with
the wolf pup in it. You'll need to 'hire' him in order to be able to complete
the Warden Promotion; just use the cage a second time after he's in your
party to 'free the animals' and finish the quest.

Head back east, ignoring the first path to the north (it's a dead end) you'll
find the Earth Magic Grandmaster to the south. North of him are some Earth
Elementals guarding the Sylanna Shrine. Continuing along the path as east as
it turns north will cause some Shadow Panthers to ambush you. You'll be
somewhere around Level 16 at this point.

Continue following the path north until it curves east and comes to a fork.
Opening the Chest to the north will spawn a Militia Captain and two Brigands.
A bit further east is the cave housing the entrance to the Lost City, along
with two Ghouls. Ghouls are like Assassins, except they get extra attacks
whenever they block or you miss them rather than when you hit them.

Enter the Lost City.

W2f. The Lost City
Level 1
Enemies: Brigand (E), Ghoul (N), Militia Captain (N), Rogue Mage (E),
	 Skeleton (N)

Secret Doors: Might (29,7)
Barrels: Magic (0,9), Destiny (23,1)
Containers: Loot (10,11), Loot (19,0), Loot (25,9), Magic Loot (28,7),
	    Loot (30,1)

It's fairly dark in here, so the Light Orb, Torchlight, and Darkvision spells
will come in handy. Start by clearing out the area to the east, which features
two Ghouls, a Skeleton, and a Chest. West leads to a +Magic Barrel, and the
path north from there results in a three-Ghoul ambush. Continue following the
path to encounter another Ghoul accompanied by three Skeletons.

East of them are two Militia Captains. Enter the door they were guarding and
then head south to find a Chest. Open the southeastern door into the next room
and trigger the six enemies within. Head north to find a Chest with a Key in
it. Then go east and south to trigger an ambush by two Captain-Mage pairings.
Open the Secret Door here if you want and then go south to unlock a door and
find a room with a Chest connected to a room with four Militia Captains and
two Elite Brigands.

Finish them off and move on to the second level.

Level 2
Enemies: Brigand (E), Ghost (N), Militia Captain (E/N), Montbard (B),
	 Ravenous Ghoul (N), Rogue Mage (E)

Secret Doors: Might (4,5), Perception (6,6), Magic (6,19)
Barrels: Might (13,13)
Containers: Loot (3,5), Magic Loot (6,7), Loot (13,11), Loot (11,1),
	    Magic Loot (4,20), Loot (11,17), Loot (14,17), Quest Item (13,17),
	    Potions (25,17), Loot (25,16), Magic Loot (24,16),
	    Quest Book (20,10), Loot (6,1)

Follow the linear path to get ambushed by several enemies waiting in the next
room (3 Captains, 2 Elite Brigands, and 1 Elite Rogue Mage). From here take
the path south to get ambushed by a Ghost. Ghosts can dish out some decent
Dark damage and are fairly evasive.

South past the Ghost is a crossroad. West is a Secret Door, south is a locked
door and the path to Level 3 (which is guarded by two enemies much stronger
than the other enemies on this level), and west is the direction you want to
go. Heading west you'll pass another Secret Door to the north on the way to a
fork. Head through the north door to reach a cavern area where you'll be
ambushed by two Captains, two Elite Brigands, and two Elite Rogue Mages.

The path east leads to a Chest with a Key in it, and the past west will unlock
the Seahaven entrance. Now would be a good time to exit through there and
resupply. Heading back south, investigate the first room to the east to spawn
two Ghosts. Investigate the second to find a Chest. Backtrack all the way back
to the entrance. On the way, you'll be ambushed by three Ghosts and run across
an Elite Captain flanked by two regular Captains and supported by two Elite

Head north from the entrance room to find a third Secret Door. East from there
will lead to a Chest with a Key in it, opening which will spawn two Elite
Rogue Mages and two Elite Captains. You'll probably be around Level 17 after
finishing them off. Back in the entrance room, you can finally open the door
east. Do so with extreme caution.

Once you open that door, not only will the large number of enemies in the room
behind it start coming for you, but a Captain and Elite Brigand will spawn in
the southwest and western hallways while a Rogue Mage will spawn in the north
hallway. That Rogue Mage in the northern hallway is the weak link. Heading
straight for him will put you in a good position to rain arrows down on the
rest of the enemies as they make their way toward you.

Once they're all dead make sure to check the southwestern hallway, as the
Captain that spawns there won't aggro until you try to re-enter the door. Then
head east to reach the locked door leading to the Boss. He's basically a
Militia Captain who has a Light Magic ranged attack and can cast a
surprisingly damaging Fireball. He's less dangerous at range.

The northwest door leads to a Chest with a Key in it and a Chest containing
the second piece of the Paladin-required Stone Disc. The door east of here
leads to three Chests. Now grab the Book to the south and note that the door
to the east leads to the fourth level rather than the third. Instead of going
down there, backtrack to the locked door in the southwestern part of the map.

Behind it is a Chest, and to the west are two Ravenous Ghouls. Save your game
and try to kill them. If they fall without too much trouble then the third
level should be doable, so head on down (you may wish to resupply in Seahaven
first though).

Level 3
Enemies: Crystal Spider (B), Ravenous Ghoul (E/N), Skeletal Spearman (E/N),
	 Spectre (E/N)

Secret Doors: Perception (11,9), Might (11,18)
Barrels: Destiny (24,17), Fire (16,19), Prime (4,10)
Containers: Loot (19,20), Loot (11,21), Book (5,13), Magic Loot (10,7),
	    Magic Loot (10,14), Quest Item (18,13), Boss Chest (19,15),
	    Loot (15,11)

Entering from the second level will place you in the northeastern corner. Head
south and open the +Destiny Barrel to spawn four Ravenous Ghouls (one Elite).
Follow the path west until you come to a passageway south. To the north is a
Secret Door, while the path south is currently sealed. So continue west to
find a Pressure Plate. Stepping on it will spawn four Spectres (one Elite),
which are the same as Ghosts except they can inflict Paralysis.

Head south to reach a door to the west. There are two Spectres, two Ravenous
Ghouls, and two Skeletal Spearmen here. The Spearman is just a more powerful
Skeleton and not much to worry about. Also in the room is a Book. Continuing
south you'll come across an exit into the Karthal Sewers area (which is
currently a dead end) and a path east. Head east to reach a second Secret
Door, a path further east, and a path north which leads to a room with a large
number of Ravenous Ghouls, Skeleton Spearmen, and Spectres. Clear that
northern room of enemies.

The Crystal Spider Boss awaits through the eastern passageway off this room.
It will spawn as soon as you step on tile (14,14). This Boss is very, very
dangerous if you do not have the Poison Cloud spell. Remember the party-wide
Prime attack that Moonsilk Spiders use? The Boss can do that as well... only
at range. So stay out of its line of fire and get into close combat as quickly
as possible. It also casts a Crystal Shield on itself which will reduce all
elemental damage to basically nothing, so Purge can come in handy here.

When you get it down to half Health it will teleport you into a Crystal Cage,
which you'll have to destroy before you can go back after the Boss. At a
quarter Health it teleports you into an Explosive Cage, which has to quickly
be destroyed (or have Purge cast on it) before it deals massive damage to your

If you do have the Poison Cloud spell? Just cast it once the Boss spawns and
then pelt it with ranged attacks. Re-cast when it runs out. The Spider will
just sit there doing nothing until it eventually falls over dead.

You should be around Level 18 about now. Loot the nearby Chest once it's taken
care of to get the Asha's Breath armor set (which is very good for a dual
wielder), and loot the container on the south side of the room to find the
Fire Shard, which is used to unlock a Boss fight in the Elemental Forge.

You can always come back later if you can't handle the Spider just yet, as the
Fire Shard is tied with the Light Shard for the title of 'Most Useless
Elemental Forge Bonus'. In any case, once you're done here take the path south
and then follow the hallway east to come to a door on the north wall. It holds
four Skeleton Spearmen, two of which will immediately attack you, and a Chest.

Continue east to reach the stairs down to the fourth level.

Level 4
Enemies: Ghost (E/N), Ghoul (E/N), Skeleton (E/N), Skeletal Spearman (N)
Trainers: Heavy Armor Grandmaster (20,11)

Secret Doors: Perception (0,7), Magic (8,16), Perception (19,11),
	      Might (24,9), Magic (24,15)
Barrels: Water (0,6), Perception (16,8),
Containers: Loot (4,15), Loot (9,16), Quest Book (13,14), Loot (13,14),
	    Riddle Chest (19,16), Magic Loot (18,11), Loot (24,7),
	    Loot (24,16), Potions (30,16), Magic Loot (30,19)

Coming in from the third level, you'll appear directly behind two Skeleton
Spearmen. Dispatch them and follow the path northward to reach a crossroad.
West is an otherwise empty room containing a Secret Door, while north is an
empty room with a doorway leading to the west. Beyond that doorway is a group
of enemies (two Ghouls, one Elite Ghoul, three Elite Skeletons, and a Ghost).

Follow the path north and around to the west to reach a door and a Chest
containing a Key. Through the door and up the stairs, when you reach the
corner you'll find a Secret Door and trigger combat with three more Skeletons
(one Elite). Head south and then turn west when possible to enter a hallway.
Follow it to reach a crossroad, getting ambushed by four Ghouls (two Elites)
along the way.

South is a +Perception Barrel, so grab it and then head north to reach a fork.
To the west is an exit into Castle Portmeyron, and if your inventory is nearly
full now would be a good time to use it. Inside Castle Portmeyron, grab the
nearby Book and Chest, flip the Lever and exit to the World Map if you need to
resupply or buy/sell items. When you're ready head back down to the Lost
City's fourth level.

If you go west from here you'll trigger some enemies to the north; an Elite
Ghoul and two Skeletons. The room they were in contains a Riddle Chest
(answer: palimpsest). Going further west along this path just leads to the
second level, so head back down south to the crossroad by the Barrel and go
west from there instead.

You'll reach a room that looks like it used to be a forge. To the south is
the Heavy Armor Grandmaster Trainer and a Secret Door. Head through the
eastern passage to trigger an ambush by a Ghost and Elite Ghost, and find
a Secret Door to the south and another Secret Door to the north.

Return to the forge room and head up the southern stairs to trigger a line of
enemy attacks (four Ghouls and four Skeletons). Attempting to leave the room
they came from through the east exist will trigger several Ghosts to spawn
(four regular, one Elite). Following the path north will lead you to a locked
door, behind which a group of enemies lurks (two Elite Ghouls, two Elite
Skeletons, and two Elite Ghosts).

In the room they were guarding you'll find two Chests, one of which contains
the Water Shard. With is a necessary quest time for both the Elemental Forge
and Main questlines. That's everything there is to find in this location, so
go take the nearby exit out of the area and into Castle Portmeyron

Leave and then re-enter the Castle to report your success to Jon Morgan. You
can also pick up the Paladin Promotion quest from him if you have a Crusader
in the party. The next Main Quest destination is the Karthal Sewers.

				W3. Chapter 3

W3a. Karthal Sewers (1)
Enemies: Facehugger (N), Giant Spider (E)

Secret Doors: Magic (6,10)
Containers: Loot (1,6), Loot (5,12)

Before heading to the Sewers, now would be a good time to make a quick trip to
The Crag (use the Navea Obelisk to teleport to the Menthil Obelisk) so you can
complete that Pirate Truce quest and unlock ship-based fast travel.
Completing this quest may also bring you up to Level 19.

Once that's done head on over to the Karthal Sewers' entrance, which is just
to the east of the Chapel containing the Light Magic Grandmaster (66,27). From
The Crag, just use the Menthil Obelisk to teleport to the Volos Obelisk and
travel north and then southeast. In front of the entrance you'll find an Elite
Giant Spider, which is just like a normal Giant Spider except its Poison Spit
is ranged. Kill it and head inside.

You'll see that it's extremely dark in here. Without a source of light, or the
directions provided here, finding the Lever needed to proceed is somewhat
annoying. Straight ahead you'll meet an NPC who will give you a bit of
information. Proceed along the path and when you reach a junction continue
straight to run across two more Spiders. In the room they were in is a Lever
to flip (3,2).

Return to the junction and go north to find a path west containing a Chest.
Opening it spawns two more Spiders. Further north you'll reach a fork, east of
which is a Secret Door containing a Chest and two Facehuggers. Facehuggers are
annoying creatures that are resistant to all magic except Earth, are highly
evasive, will drain your Mana, and have a party-wide Air attack.

Following the path west will lead to a twin-Spider ambush when you reach the
corner. There's also a Facehugger waiting behind them. Further along the path
you'll come to another junction. East is a dead end, so go west to trigger
some enemy movement; two Spiders and three Facehuggers will begin making their
way toward your position.

Once they're dead just follow the linear path to reach the exit (the door you
pass is sealed and can't be opened from this side).

W3b. Falagar's Mansion
Level 1
Enemies: Black Guard (N), Dark Wizard (N), Ripley (B)

Secret Doors: Perception (9,0), Magic (8,8)
Containers: Loot (8,0), Book (12,9), Magic Loot (8,7), Loot (1,8),
	    Magic Loot (1,0), Loot (5,0)

Follow the linear path, ignoring the Lever you see, until it turns east and
you can see an NPC in the distance. Move to enter the room ahead and two Black
Guards will move to attack. Dispatch them and head toward the NPC guarding the
door, who just so happens to be the third Lost Lambs quest objective. Either
kill him or let him go, though again letting him live doesn't give you
anything other than a different Epilogue slide while killing him gets you XP
and a Vitality Elixer.

Now, you can head right through the doors ahead to enter Karthal (skip down to
section W3c. if so) and come back to clear this later, but for simplicity's
sake I'm going to clear it now.

So rather then exiting west, head south to find a Secret Door and a Lever to
flip. The room to the north is next, and three Black Guards will move to
attack you on the way in. Inside is a book, a Secret Door, and the next Lever
you need to use. Now return all the way back to that first Lever you saw when
you entered the area and flip it to open the last two sealed doors.

The first door to the east contains two Black Guards and a Dark Wizard along
with a Chest containing a Key. The second eastern door just holds a Chest.
Back in the large room, the now-open door to the south has a Black Guard and
a Dark Wizard guarding a final Chest.

The locked northern door leads to the second level, and opening it will cause
two Dark Wizards to teleport in. Finish them off and head upstairs.

Level 2
Enemies: Black Guard (N), Dark Wizard (N), Wolf Hound (N)

Secret Doors: Might (4,3)
Barrels: Destiny (2,3)
Containers: Cog (12,2), Loot (12,11), Loot (9,11), Book (2,11),
	    Magic Loot (2,3), Quest Item (8,2)

Stepping forward will trigger several enemies. Two Wolf Hounds approach from
the west, while four Black Guards will start approaching from the east. Once
they all fall, head east. Three Dark Wizards will teleport in to surround you
the moment you reach the east wall. After taking care of them head south to
find a container on the south side of the Angel statue containing a Cog. Cogs
are like Keys, except for Levers instead of doors.

Next head north and check the eastern alcove for a Chest. Continue westward to
find another Chest, and once the path turns south you'll see a Lever you
should use. A bit further south is a door to the west. Opening it and stepping
inside will trigger an ambush: Two Dark Wizards will appear to the north and
two Black Guards and two Wolf Hounds will appear behind you. Inside the room
you will find... a Book.

Still further south is a Secret Door that hides the Lever which opens a nearby
door. Inside are two Dark Wizards who will immediately attack, a Chest, and a
Destiny Barrel.

In the final room is a sole Chest containing the Light Shard, which is used in
the Elemental Forge. Grabbing it will trigger a large number of enemies to
start pouring in. Two Black Guards will approach from the west, two Black
Guards and a Dark Wizard come in from the north, and two Wolf Hounds and two
Black Guards arrive from the east. Clear them all out and then head back down
to the first floor and finally enter Karthal proper.

W3c. Karthal Harbour (1)
Enemies: Giant Spider (E)
Trainers: Bow Master (21,16), Heavy Armor Master (7,26),
	  Prime Magic Master (17,29), Spear Grandmaster (21,14),
	  Water Magic Expert (19,6)

Barrels: Dark (26,11), Earth (14,8), Spider (13,1), Spider (30,0),
	 Light (25,31)
Containers: Gold (31,0), Book (2,21), Gold (15,31)
Landmarks: Fountain (1,18)

Upon entering you'll receive an XP boost which will likely bring you up to
Level 20. A little to the north is a house containing a Hireling who will
Identify items for you. While not useless, that isn't all that useful either.
Take the path west from his house to discover the Spear Grandmaster and the
Smithy, which sells some of the best bows/axes/maces.

Continue along the path to find Munthir the Peddler. Make a note of him, as
you'll have to visit him later for a quest. Once the path opens up, head south
to find the Stables and the Ship fast travel point. Near the Ship you can find
a Spider Barrel. Head west to find the Inn, inside which you'll find the NPC
you need to talk to. Tell her that Jon Morgan sent you to get the information
needed to advance.

Further west is an exit to the World Map, a Spider Barrel, and a Chest. Head
north from the Stables to eventually come across the Armorer (who sells some
of the best heavy armor). Further north is an exit to the World Map, while to
the west is a house containing he Naga Tea questgiver (and just south of that
house is a Book).

Backtrack south a little bit to find an unexplored path east which leads
directly to the Mystic Shop. This places sells some of the best Magical Foci,
has the largest selection of rare accessories, and just so happens to be where
you can advance the Main Quest. Do so to get two new quests and be transported
to the north of the area.

Just south of you is the Library, which has the best Fire and Prime spells for
sale. To the west is another entrance into the Sewers (which should be avoided
for now) while to the south is an NPC who holds one of the two remaining Naga
Teas (21,19). North of her is the Chapel, where you can turn in the Ashes to
Ashes quest if you really want to (considering we're about to go on a Relic
hunting spree it would be best to hold off for a while longer).

There's nothing else of note in this area other than a Light Barrel to the
northeast, so return to the Mystic Shop and head west to reach the entrance to
the Slums.

W3d. Karthal Slums
Enemies: Giant Spider (E)
Trainers: Axe Expert (27,16), Crossbow Expert (27,16),
	  Dark Magic Expert (27,16), Dark Magic Master (2,9),
	  Dodge Expert (3,23), Dual Wield Expert (6,2),
	  Earth Magic Expert (27,16), Fire Magic Expert (27,16),
	  Fire Magic Master (7,26), Light Magic Expert (27,16),
	  Mysticism Expert (27,16), Mysticism Master (3,23),
	  Warfare Expert (27,16), Warfare Master (17,23)
Barrels: Prime (22,10), Spider (21,17), Dark (8,14), Spider (12,20),
	 Spider (9,11), Fire (6,28)
Containers: Book (14,11), Gold (16,17), Gold (0,13), Gold (4,11)
Landmarks: Fountain (14,9)

This place is a little bit of a maze. Head west to find a Barrel, a Fountain,
and a Book. You can't continue this way just yet, so backtrack to the entrance
and head north. You'll pass the Training Center and soon arrive at a wooden
ramp that leads down to the west.

On the wooden platform, the path north is a dead end while the path south
leads to the ground level near a Spider Barrel. Head up the western stairs to
find a Chest and continue west to find a fork. Down the southwest stairs is a
Dark Resistance Barrel. Continuing along the platform to the west will lead
you to a set of stairs heading down to the east and a path northward.

Take the stairs to find the Hospice, which contains a Status Effect curing
Hireling. He can be very useful for specific party makeups. He's also
necessary for one of your currently open quests, so pick him up. Note that
just to the east is another Spider Barrel. Go back up the stairs and head
north to eventually reach the western side of the area.

The Blackfang Hideout is located slightly south of here. This location is
very important, important enough that you may wish to consider placing a
Spirit Beacon directly in front of it (they sell Spirit Beacon scrolls
inside in case you don't have the spell). It sells all of the highest level
equipment that's possible to be found in shops. It's also the place containing
one of your Main Quest objectives, so advance it while you're here, as well as
the place to buy both a glove Relic and the third part of the Crusader's Stone

Continuing south you'll pass another Sewer entrance to the west (ignore this
one as well) and eventually reach another Library. This Library is where you
can buy the best Dark Magic spells as well as find a Hireling who will
increase the XP you gain from killing things. You should already have one of
those though (picked up way back in Seahaven) and so don't need this one since
their effects don't stack.

Still further south you'll see a Rakshasa. She's who you have to talk to reach
the bonus UPlay dungeon (assuming you've unlocked it). Ignore her for now
(unless you need Dual Wield training) and backtrack north a little bit to find
a path east of the Library, which leads to a Spider Barrel. Now head all the
way back north to the wooden stairs leading down to the east.

Go down to the first landing and then head southeast to find a second set of
stairs (7,22) that down to the east and turn north. Travel north to find an
unmarked house directly to the west. This place will be important later if you
have a Druid in the party. Grab the Fire Barrel just north of here and then
return to the stairs and go east to find an Inn. Inside is the second Main
Quest target.

To advance the quest you need to talk to him with someone who has a Vitality
rating of at least 20. That Ancestor Mask Relic you picked up back in the
Desolate Wilds should be at max level by now, so reaching that threshold
should be simple enough (camp out at the Blackfang Hideout for +Vitality
equipment if it isn't).

Continue east and then south (there's nothing to the north) to be back at
that very first Spider Barrel. To the west is a nothing but dead end, so
that wraps up the exploration. Take the opportunity to return to the Harbour
area and use the Ship fast travel option to drop off Kaspar (the doctor
Hireling) at the Crag. Unless of course you need a Hireling who can cure
Status Effects.

Now, to further advance the main quest you're going to need some way to walk
on water. Which means it's time for a return trip to the Elemental Forge.
Conveniently, gaining that ability will also let you collect several
additional Relics.

W3e. The Elemental Forge (2)

Use the Stables or Ship fast travel option to return to Sorpigal. Rest at the
Inn to get the Well Rested bonus and then Head outside and activate the Water
Ward and the Power/Destiny Statues. Now go talk to Lev in Castle Portmeyron to
get back to the Forge.

The only Elemental Boss you have to fight right now is the Water one, and
honestly the bonuses from the Fire/Light ones aren't very good. Still, may as
well take them all out while you're here.

Start by going down to the second level.

Level 2
Enemies: Ackwalander (B), Fire Elemental (N), Pyrannaste (B),
	 Water Elemental (N)

Barrels: Water (9,18), Fire (0,13)
Containers: Boss Chest (10,18), Loot (7,18), Potions (8,18), Boss Chest (8,20)

Head over to the water elemental door and go inside to aggro two Water
Elementals. They're weak to physical attacks and with the Water Ward up they
shouldn't be very dangerous.

Unlike the earth room, this one requires a puzzle be solved before the Boss
will appear. You need to turn the water blue/clear and then dump it into the
center area. The solution is: 4x east, 2x west, and 3x north.

Use the altar to trigger the Boss. With Water Ward up her attacks will be
manageable (especially if you can cast Arcane/Water Ward yourself), but she's
still annoying due to casting Liquid Membrane on herself. Now would be a good
time to use Purge if you have it. Once she falls you'll gain the ability to
walk on shallow water. Loot the treasure room to the north and then head over
to the fire elemental door.

Inside is a switch/platform puzzle. It is very simple. Start by heading north
to run into two Fire Elementals. Fire Elementals are extremely dangerous in
close combat since they'll do an unavoidable and unreducable 100 damage to
our entire party if they die next to you. Unless most of your party members
have >100 Health it would be best to take them out at range.

Once they're dead go all the way to the end of the path and activate the
switch there (3,9). Now head clockwise around the room activating the various
switches as you reach them. Do not touch (7,5) though, as that one resets the
puzzle. Due note that on the south side of the room are two more Fire
Elementals to defeat.

Once you activate the fifth switch, try to walk across the path to the west.
The platform will move. Head all the way back to the north side of the room
and follow the now completed path east to reach the altar. use it to spawn the
Boss. Nothing much to say about him other than that Fire Resistance and Water
damage are good (those Tsunami scrolls you just picked up from the Water room
may help), while Fire damage is bad. You could always return to the World Map
and activate the Arcane Ward over to the east of Castle Portmeyron if

Once he falls you'll receive a permanent Danger Sense. Which is near-useless.
Loot the northern treasure room and return to the third level.

Level 3
Enemies: Light Elemental (N), Risellin (B)

Barrels: Light (3,19)
Containers: Boss Chest (4,18)

Go through the eastern doorway and follow the fork north to encounter two
Light Elementals. They're dangerous at range, but not so much in close combat.
So aggro them with a ranged weapon and then retreat back around the corner to
have them come to you. Enter the Light room.

Inside is a tile puzzle. All you have to do is light up all the floor tiles.
Solution: (15,18), (14,18), (15,18), leave the board, (15,18), and now just
follow the zig-zag path along the dark tiles. Head up the stairs to activate
the altar and have the Boss appear.

Like Pyrannaste, there's not really much to say about this Boss. Unlike
Pyrannaste, her attack is single-target and so she's far less dangerous.
Defeating her grants permanent Clairvoyance. Not technically useless, but
considering that all the areas with traps in them have already been cleared...

Anyway, go and loot the treasure room to the west and head on back to the
World Map. It's time for some Relic hunting.

W3f. World Map (4)
Vantyr Range
Enemies: Air Elemental (E), Earth Elemental (E), Shadow Elemental (E),
	 Water Elemental (E)

Barrels: Prime (101,70)
Containers: Scrolls (108,95)

The Relics to be had are some medium armor, some light armor, a one-handed
mace, and a shield. We'll start at Seahaven, and you should make a quick trip
inside to buy some Sulfur from the Mystic Shop (which is only available if
you've dropped off Kaspar at The Crag).

From the city's entrance, head east into the water to find a Barrel to the
south and a path further east into the Vantyr Range. Down this path, north at
the second fork,  are two Elite Earth Elementals and a Hireling who gives your
party four free General Block attempts (which is a good bonus more often than
not). The Earth Elementals are extremely annoying thanks to Regeneration, so
you may not be able to easily finish them off unless you have access to Purge.

There's nothing useful further east at the moment, so return to the northern
path you passed a bit earlier. This leads to a lone Chest and a path west.
When you approach the Chest, four Elite elementals will ambush you; Air,
Water, Shadow, and Earth. Your party will likely be Level 21 about now.

Westward now, into the Irisus Sea.

Irisus Sea
Enemies: Air Elemental (N), Earth Elemental (N), Goblin (N), Manticore (N),
		 Mermaid (N), Moonsilk Spider (N), Water Elemental (N)

Barrels: Spider (84,90), Earth (84,90), Might (77,91), Dark (76,91),
		 Goblin (76,91), Destiny (76,90)
Containers: Relic Chest (100,92), Quest Book (100,92), Book (81,94),
			Loot (77,86)
Landmarks: Water Ward (68,83), Air Ward (48,69), Earth Ward (54,65)

The western path is guarded by three Air Elementals, which fall very quickly
to physical attacks. Behind them is a Wrecked Ship. Inside, you will find
yourself surrounded by two Air Elementals and two Water Elementals. Dispatch
them, loot the Chest containing the shield Relic, grab the Forbidden Saga
Book, and leave.

Continue along westward to eventually run across a group of five Water
Elementals. After clearing them, head south onto the land instead of further
west. Just to the east you'll find a Book and the NPC who gives the
Blademaster Promotion quest. Follow the road south. The first eastern path
leads to some Barrels (one of which contains a Moonsilk Spider), while the
next western path leads to a Chest. Further south will just take you back to
the large plain west of Seahaven, so head back to the place where you fought
the Water Elementals instead.

Heading southwest through the water you'll come across a grouping of four
Barrels, one of which holds a Goblin. Continue southwest to find a Water Ward.
Activating it will spawn two Water Elementals and two Mermaids. The Mermaids
can Paralyze, but otherwise aren't much different from the Water Elementals.

Further southwest are two more Mermaids and an Air Elemental. Still further
southwest is an Air Ward. To the east of the Ward you'll see a door marker on
your minimap. This is where the Limbo Dungeon is located, but you cannot enter
it until after the Main Quest is completed. So ignore it for now and take the
path south through the woods. At the fork, head east to find a Manticore. If
you head north of the Manticore and try to turn the corner east you'll get
attacked by two Earth Elementals. There's also an Earth Ward down the short
path to the west.

Backtrack to the first fork and go west to find a Root Barrier. Continue
through it westward to enter the Minho Marshes.

Minho Marshes
Enemies: Goblin (N), Mauler (N), War Panther (N)
Trainers: Fire Magic Grandmaster (43,64)

Barrels: Air (41,49)
Containers: Loot (38,67), Loot (38,61), Loot (30,56), Loot (33,65)
Landmarks: Power Statue (44,59), Minho Obelisk (32,56)

Further west is a Dig Spot, while heading south leads you to a dwelling
housing the Fire Magic Grandmaster Trainer and the last Naga Tea quest item.
Going south from here will lead to a bunch of enemies you'll have to defeat
(two Maulers, two Goblins, and three War Panthers). They shouldn't be much of
a threat at this point.

Onward to the south you'll find a Power Statue to the east, the path leading
back to the Halloth Grove, and a path to the southwest. Go southwest to reach
a fork. West is a dead end, while southeast leads to the Druid Elder Promotion
questgiver, an Air Tile, and a Barrel. Return to where you fought the Panthers
and go west to find a Chest and some more enemies (two Maulers, two Goblins,
and two War Panthers). Southwest of them is the Minho Obelisk and another

North will lead you to the apothecary Hireling, who will give you constant
access to a full selection of potions to buy, which can be extremely useful.
Even if you don't have a potion shortage, you'll want to hire her at least
once to buy the Spirit/Vitality Elixers she sells. Past her house to the west
is a Chest and the entrance to the Wyslin Jungle.

Wyslin Jungle
Enemies: Black Guard (N), Dark Wizard (N), Sentenza (B), Wolf Hound (N)
Trainers: Air Magic Grandmaster (25,76)

Containers: Loot (19,65), Relic (13,70), Magic Loot (13,70), Loot (25,81)
Landmarks: Fire Ward (29,63), Air Ward (14,72), Wyslin Obelisk (22,83)

Head straight west (ignore the first path to the north) and follow the path as
it turns south. Ignore the set of stairs further south and go east instead to
find a Fire Ward. Return north to (23,67) and go all the way north to find a
tent containing the Air Magic Grandmaster Trainer. You'll have to come back
here later for a quest, so take note of its location. Head back south and take
the path west to reach a fork. Further west is an Air Ward and the Dangerous
Cave containing the medium armor Relic (you may also notice an unmarked tower
to the south, make a note of it since this is where the Dodge Grandmaster
Trainer will later appear).

The Relic's guardian is a Panther Warrior Boss. There's nothing special about
him, but there is something special about the Relic; it will eventually gain
the Life Leech property. Head back east a little bit and take the easternmost
northward path (17,71) to reach a fork. East is a Chest and west is the Wyslin
Obelisk. Your inventory has likely filled up right about now, so it would be a
good time to return to town and empty it.

Use the Wyslin Obelisk to 'port to the Volos Obelisk and head back to Karthal,
taking out the enemies guarding the entrance (two Dark Wizards, Black Guards,
and Wolf Hounds) on the way. While you're here, turn in the Naga Tea quest to
receive a large number of Elixers. Once you're done in town use the Stables to
travel to Sorpigal.

Tirya Bay
Enemies: Cyclops (N), Naga Warlord (E), Pearl Priestess (E)

Containers: Book (139,21), Relic (139,21), Potions (115,41),
	    Magic Loot (115,41)

Exit and head south across the water to find a second Wrecked Ship.

Inside you'll find two Elite Pearl Priestesses and an Elite Naga Warlord. The
Pearls are just stronger versions of the Coral ones you fought back at the
Lighthouse, while the Warlord is basically identical to the Boss you fought at
the top of the Lighthouse (except its attack won't push you around). They're
guarding a Book and a 1-handed mace Relic. While you're in this area, now's as
good a time as any to take out that Cyclops in the nearby Dangerous Cave
(115,41). You'll find some loot and Resistance Elixers after it's dead.

The Dubra Scrubland is next.

Dubra Scrubland
Enemies: Amarok (B), Asterion (B), Blackfang Marauder (N), Blackfang Thug (N),
	 Giant Spider (E), Kensei (E), Naga Warlord (E), Pearl Priestess (E)
Trainers: Endurance Grandmaster (83,18)

Barrels: Dark (91,27), Dark (98,7), Spider (98,7), Fire (98,7), Air (98,7),
	 Water (98,7), Spider (98,7), Light (98,7), Prime (98,7),
	 Destiny (98,7), Magic (98,7), Might (98,7), Earth (98,7),
	 Perception (98,7)
Containers: Quest Item (89,25), Magic Loot (91,27), Relic (98,7),
	    Magic Loot (107,15), Magic Loot (96,21)
Landmarks: Dispel Statue (88,38), Fountain (85,24), Dark Ward (88,23),
	   Dubra Obelisk (92,22)

Head to the western side of the Lighthouse next to find a small path west over
a broken bridge. Follow it to find three Blackfang Thugs to kill. They're
dangerous, but not exceptionally so at this juncture and finishing them may
bring your party up to Level 22. The way further west leads to some berries
you'll need for a quest, while heading north will lead you around to the west
where you'll soon come across a Dangerous Cave. Inside is a Wolf-type Boss, a
Barrel, and some random loot. Honestly there's not much point in clearing this
just yet, but you may as well do so for convenience's sake.

West of here is Karthal. Head north to encounter a Blackfang Marauder and
Blackfang Thug guarding a Dispel Statue. Head northeast of there to find a
tower containing an NPC who runs away when you talk to her. This is the Dodge
Grandmaster Trainer, and you'll have to talk to her twice more (in two other
locations) before she'll train you. The southern path is a dead end, so head
back to Karthal's eastern entrance and go south from there instead.

You'll pass a Restoration Fountain, a Dark Ward, and a tent containing the
Endurance Grandmaster Trainer on the way. Once the path turns east, you'll see
the Shalassa Shrine and a group of enemies in the distance (an Elite Kensei,
an Elite Naga Warlord, and two Elite Pearl Priestesses). Take them out and
head into the Wrecked Ship just south of where they were standing. Inside is a
ton of Barrels, two of which contain Elite Giant Spiders, and a Chest holding
the light armor Relic. This relic eventually boosts Dodge, Evade, and Dual
Wield, making it seem tailored for a Bladedancer.

Following the path outside the Wreck all the way east will lead to a Chest.
Backtrack a little and take the northern path into the rocky area to find some
more Blackfang enemies (two Marauders and two Thugs). Head north to find a
Chest, and west to run across a Minotaur Boss. Other than strength and Status
Effect immunity, it's not any different from a normal Minotaur. Beyond the
Boss is the Dubra Obelisk.

Take the opportunity now to return to town and restock your Supplies and buy
or sell equipment. While you're here, remember Munthir the Peddler? The NPC
near the Smithy? Go talk to him to buy some Mercury (this is only available
if you've dropped off Kaspar at The Crag). The next destination is in the
Desolate Wilds, so take the Ship from Karthal over to The Crag.

The Crag
Barrels: Water (2,29)
Containers: Gold (14,24), Gold (4,27)

You can explore the path at (15,17) to find two Chests and a Barrel. Now exit
The Crag into the Desolate Wilds.

Desolate Wilds
Enemies: Air Elemental (E), Dreamwalker (N), Jaguar Warrior (N), Kensei (N),
	 Mermaid (E), Pearl Priestess (N), Water Elemental (E)
Trainers: Arcane Discipline Grandmaster (20,33)

Containers: Magic Loot (19,15), Book (40,10), Loot (40,10)
Landmarks: Water Ward (15,33), Air Ward (50,17)

Travel southeast to find a path west through the water (25,35) that leads to
an NPC. This is the Arcane Discipline Grandmaster. Talk to them and accept the
available quest. You'll have to visit three more times before they'll train
you, so keep track of when this quest updates and return when possible to
advance it. Following the path south leads to two Elite Air Elementals and a
Water Ward.

Wander over to where the Methil Obelisk is and head south into the water to
find two Elite Mermaids. To the west is a Chest and to the east is a dead end.
Use the Menthil Obelisk to teleport to the Volos Obelisk and head west to
trigger an ambush by two Dreamwalkers and two Jaguar Warriors. Mop them up and
continue west and then all the way south to reach another watery path (40,13)
which leads directly to your next Main Quest destination; the Sun Hind.

Inside you'll find a Book, two Kensei and a Pearl Priestess, a Chest, and an
NPC you should talk to. He'll mention the word "swordfish". This word is
important. Back outside, head east to find two Elite Water Elementals and an
Air Ward. Heading west just loops up and around to the north. Take a moment to
activate the nearby Water Ward (38,15), and then head northwest until you
can see the Restoration Fountain (37,28). West of here is the entrance to
Skull Rock, which is guarded by a Kensei. Kill it and go in.

W3g. Skull Rock
Level 1
Enemies: Kensei (N), Naga Warlord (N), Pearl Priestess (N)

Barrels: Water (3,8)
Containers: Loot (1,4), Loot (10,1), Loot (11,13), Magic Loot (1,15)

Start by heading up the western path north to find a Pearl Priestess and a
Kensei. Continue north, and some enemies (two Kensei and a Pearl Priestess)
will start moving toward you once you reach the turn east. Head all the way
east to find a Lever on the wall. Flip it to have a way north open and more
enemies spawn.

Don't go north just yet though. Head south instead to find two Kensei and a
Naga Warlord. Following the path west after they're defeated will lead to a
Dig Spot which holds a Key. Now travel north past the Lever to trigger two
Kensei and a Pearl Priestess. If you wait and kill them as they come to you,
the second Pearl Priestess over to the west won't move. Nor will she react if
you move to the spot in front of her on this side of the water and rain down
ranged fire.

Head further north and around to the west to trigger yet more enemies. Two
Kensei and a Pearl Priestess again? Yes, but this time they have a Naga
Warlord accompanying them. All the way in the western corner is a Chest,
opening which spawns three Pearl Priestesses, three Kensei, and two Naga
Warlords. If you trigger the enemies from (3,14), you can rain death down
upon two of the Priestesses with impunity.

That's everything on this level, so go back south of the Lever and use the
eastern exit. It asks you for a password. Remember that important word back
at the Sun Hind? That's the password (answer: swordfish).

Level 2
Enemies: Iemanja (B), Kensei (E/N), Mermaid (E), Naga Warlord (E/N),
	 Pearl Priestess (E/N)

Containers: Loot (1,13), Quest Item (7,15), Quest Item (14,11),
	    Magic Loot (14,10), Relic (14,6)

Moving two spaces forward will get you ambushed by two Pearl Priestesses (one
Elite). A Kensei trails along behind them. Head north across the water to find
a Chest to the northwest. A little ways east there's a second path north
leading into a wood-paneled room with another Chest. This Chest contains your
main objective, and opening it will spawn some enemies: A Kensei, two Naga
Warlords (one Elite), and a Pearl Priestess.

Leave the room and head west to see two Elite Mermaids and a Boss at the far
end of the area. They're guarding the Air Shard, which will be necessary to
complete the Main Quest, so go take them out. Remember that they can cast
Paralyze. In addition to gaining access to the Air Shard, killing the Boss
will reward you with the quest item needed to complete the Bow Grandmaster

Grab the two Chests to the east and then go southwest to trigger a group of
enemies to the south. This time it's two Kensei (one Elite), a Pearl
Priestess, and a Naga Warlord. Beyond them to the south is a path west to a
Chest containing the Sword of the Bounty Hunter quest objective. Which is a
2-handed sword Relic, which will eventually do Water damage and offer a chance
to lower a target's number of attacks, that you get to keep. Some enemies will
spawn when you open it. Specifically: Two Pearl Priestesses (one Elite), two
Kensei (one Elite), and an Elite Naga Warlord. You should be Level 23 about
now and through with this location.

Return to Karthal (possibly making a quick detour to the Arcane Discipline
Grandmaster to advance their quest) so you can turn in the Partners in Crime
quest to the Blackfang Hideout and The Great Escape quest to Hamza's Hideout.
If you have the Druid Elder Promotion quest active, now's a good time to stop
by Sayid's house in the Slums District to advance it.

Your next destination is the Black Guard Headquarters located over in the
northeast section of the Slums. Talk to the NPC outside, choose the second
option, and then head in.

W3h. Black Guard Headquarters
Level 2
Enemies: Black Guard (E/N), Dark Wizard (E/N)

Secret Doors: Perception (3,13), Magic (3,2)
Barrels: Dark (3,12), Magic (1,2)
Containers: Loot (4,14), Loot (2,10), Loot (13,9), Potions (13,15,
	    Key (14,1), Magic Loot (2,5)

While two levels of this area are labeled as "Karthal Jail", it simplifies
things to just refer to the entire building as the Black Guard Headquarters.

The door to the east is sealed, so open the western one to find five Black
Guards. A little way into the room you'll find a chest well-hidden underneath
one of the northern beds (4,14), it contains the key to the third level. Also
in the room is a Secret Door.

The next door to the west opens into a room containing nothing but a Chest.
Grab it and then open the door directly across the hall to the east. There's
another chest in this room along with a door on the north wall. Two Dark
Wizards will ambush you when you open it, and two Black Guards will start
moving toward your position from the west. There's an Elite Black Guard back
to the west as well that only aggros when you approach. In that room to the
north is a Chest you can grab and a Lever you can flip to open the nearby
sealed door.

Head over to the southeast door next. Follow the twisting hallway to reach an
open room. When you get about halfway to the south side, three Dark Wizards
(one Elite) will teleport in. Once they've been dispatched, grab the Chest to
find another Key. Now this next part can be dangerous.

The moment you step back out into the main hall, the door will close behind
you and you'll be faced with a hoard of enemies to defeat. Nine Black Guards
(one Elite) and five Dark Wizards (one Elite) to be precise. You may wish to
avoid moving after triggering the trap to make it harder for them to surround
you, and if you have a Fire Magic Master with Fire Blast... well, it works
wonders here.

Once they're all dead go through the southwest door to find a Secret Door, a
Barrel, and the path to the first level. Rather than going down there though,
return to the main hall and take the southern door up to level 3.

Level 3
Enemies: Black Guard (E/N), Black Guard Captain (N), Dark Wizard (E/N)

Secret Doors: Perception (15,6), Magic (3,2), Might (14,7)
Containers: Magic Loot (15,5), Loot (15,3), Key (6,1), Loot (2,3),
	    Quest Book (1,2), Potions (12,9), Cog (16,15), Loot (8,16),
	    Magic Loot (3,13)

Though this area doesn't actually have a "Level" in its name, it's directly
above the last level, so "Level 3" it is.

The way west is sealed, so head east down a hallway to find a door to a room
with a Secret Door. Going south from here will trigger an ambush by four Dark
Wizards (two Elites) once you get about halfway through the hallway. After
grabbing the Chest to the south, go west to enter a large nearly empty room;
the southwest corner hides a Chest with a Key in it.

Continue west and then south to find a Book and another Secret Door. Heading
north will trigger six Black Guards (two Elites) to start moving toward you.
The only thing in here is the Lever that opens the door back into the main
hall. So flip it, head through, and go north to find a second door heading

The doors will lock the moment you step inside and you'll be facing off
against six Black Guards (one Elite), three Dark Wizards (one Elite), and a
Black Guard Captain. Once they're cleared away you can search the room to find
a Secret Door and the Cog necessary to operate the Lever which re-opens the
way back to the main hall.

Open the northern door to find a Chest and then head west into the last room,
which holds two Black Guards (one Elite), three Dark Wizards (one Elite), a
Black Guard Captain, and a Chest. After the battle your party will likely have
reached Level 24. That's everything there is on this level, and your inventory
is likely getting close to filled, so head back into town to do whatever you
need to do.

Once you're ready, return to the second level and then follow the southwestern
path to reach the exit down to the first level.

Level 1
Enemies: Black Guard (E/N), Dark Wizard (E/N), Minotaur (E), The Butcher (B)

Secret Doors: Might (14,7)
Barrels: Might (11,5)
Containers: Loot (2,3), Loot (3,9), Magic Loot (14,6), Magic Loot (14,15),
	    Quest Item (7,14)

This level is dark, so illuminating spells will be useful. Start by taking the
path east to find a Lever and the door leading into the Sewers. Flip the Lever
and then open the door behind you to find an Elite Minotaur. That's all that's
here; the Minotaur.

Now return to the entrance and take the western path. In the room to the west
you can find a Chest. Follow the path to the north to reach another room, one
in which you'll be ambushed by two Black Guards, two Dark Wizards, and an
Elite Minotaur. There's also a Dig Spot in the northeastern corner.

Moving east from here you'll see a Lever on the east wall, flip it and
continue east to have four Black Guards (two Elites) and four Dark Wizards
(two Elites) appear in the hallway ahead. Past them to the east is a Secret
Door, and over north of that are two Elite Minotaurs. They'll attack if you
stand at (13,12) and then move away. You can also find a Dig Spot in the
northern cell.

Backtrack to the center of the map and take the path north to find a door.
Behind the door is a Minotaur Boss. He's not notably different from a normal
Minotaur, so there shouldn't be much of a problem with cutting him down.
Straight ahead is the Darkness Shard, so grab it and then open the western
door to find a Lever that opens the nearby gate. Head through and bust
through the bars to find your quest objective.

Annoyingly, continuing with the main quest requires you to fire one of your
Hirelings for a short while. A very short while... which makes it all the more
annoying since it serves no purpose. In any case, once you've accomplished the
objective it's time to head back to the entrance and exit down into the
Karthal Sewers.

W3i. Karthal Sewers (2)
Level 2
Enemies: Erysichthon (B), Facehugger (N), Giant Spider (E)
Trainers: Medium Armor Grandmaster (1,5)

Secret Doors: Might (8,0)
Barrels: Might (11,5), Perception (4,0)
Containers: Quest Book (14,2), Loot (9,7), Magic Loot (8,1)

And your Hireling slot is now free again. This is another dark area, so
hopefully you have something to illuminate it with. If not, well you
should be able to manage anyway.

Start by taking the northeastern path to the very end to find a Lever. Now
head back to the entrance and then south to come across five Facehuggers
and two Elite Giant Spiders. Reaching their location places you at a
crossroads. To the southeast is the exit into the Lost City's third level
(which you can ignore since it's been cleared) and to the northwest is a
Lever you should flip (14,7). South of this is a Book, and west of the
Book is the path you want to take (south is a dead end).

Head north from the next junction to reach a fork. To the northwest is a
Chest and to the northwest is the exit to the Karthal Slums. Ignore that
exit and go south to find a path that leads further west, past a Secret Door,
and into a group of enemies (three Facehuggers and a Boss). This Boss is
dangerous, as it combines the Fire Elemental's suicide blast with the Crystal
Spider's ranged full-party attack. Thankfully, it's just as weak to physical
attacks as normal Facehuggers and doesn't even have their same level of Magic

The room those enemies were is another H-shaped affair. Northeast is nothing,
northwest is a door leading to the Medium Armor Grandmaster Trainer and
southwest is a Barrel. Break the Barrel and then take the path west to get
ambushed by four Elite Giant Spiders. South of them is the exit to the first

Level 1
Enemies: Facehugger (N), Giant Spider (E)

Containers: Magic Loot (10,18)

Straight ahead is the exit into Karthal Harbour. Before using it though, head
west and then north to find two more Facehuggers and two more Elite Giant
Spiders to exterminate. There's also a Lever (9,21) and a Chest to the north
and northeast respectively.

The path northwest just leads back to the exit into Falagar's Mansion, so that
wraps this area up. Time to return to the Elemental Forge (and it will be a
good idea to activate an Air Ward on the way).

W2j. The Elemental Forge (3)
Level 3
Enemies: Air Elemental (E), Shalwend (B)

Barrels: Air (1,0)
Containers: Boss Chest (1,3)

Start by returning to the third level and then going through the eastern
doorway. Take the southeastern fork to find two Elite Air Elementals. Like
the Light Elementals before them, the best way to take them out is to start
combat with a ranged attack and then retreat back around the corner to make
them come to you.

Head through the Air door to find a platform puzzle. You basically have to use
the Pressure Plates to move the various platforms up/down to create a path.
The solution is: 3x west plate, 2x north plate, 1x south plate, 4x east plate.

Use the object at the top of the stairs to teleport into a the Boss fight. The
Boss is pretty much just a superstrong Air Elemental. Defeating him grants the
ability to use the Air Tiles you ran across in the Ashen Hills, Desolate
Wilds, and Minho Marshes.

Once he's overcome, loot the treasure room to the southwest and then head down
to the first level of the Forge.

Level 1
Enemies: Shadow Elemental (N), Sinshan (B)

Barrels: Dark (2,22)
Containers: Boss Chest (1,21)

Open up the Shadow door to get attacked by two Shadow Elementals. Their Damage
Reflection ability is annoying, but it only works in close combat and won't
activate in response to spells like Cyclone or Poison Cloud. Behind them
you'll find a teleport puzzle. Starting from the doorway, the answer is:

Now use the Shadow Altar to spawn the Boss. Unlike the other elemental Bosses
(with the exception of Earth), this one is far less deadly at range than in
melee. If you immediately take a step to the north after he spawns, all he'll
do is throw Feeblemind, Paralyze, and Purge spells at you. Defeating him
grants permanent Whispering Shadows, allowing you to always see Secret Door

Finish him off (possibly bringing your party to Level 25), loot the treasure
room to the west, and then head up to the top level of the Forge.

Level 4
Barrels: Prime (3,2)
Containers: Magic Loot (4,2)

All the way to the south you'll find a Chest and Barrel to grab. Next talk to
Lev to return to the World Map, then turn around and enter Castle Portmeyron
to get your next quest objective from Jon Morgan.

Now having the ability to enter every location and see every Secret Door, it's
time to clear the last of the game's optional areas. Or at least the last ones
available before you complete the main questline.

W3k. World Map (5)
Ashen Hills
Enemies: Spectre (N)

Since we're already right here in the Ashen Hills, the Cursed Ruins are as
good a place to start as any. So head southwest of Castle Portmeyron over to
the Ruins' entrance, which is guarded by two Spectres. Kill them (remember
that they can cast Paralyze) and head inside. Now jump down to section W6b.
for the walkthrough of that area.

With that out of the way, the next stop is Seahaven.

Yon-Chall Forest
Enemies: Manticore (N), Minotaur (N), Wolf (E)
Trainers: Sword Grandmaster (99,86)

Barrels: Perception (94,89), Might (80,74)
Landmarks: Power Statue (85,84), Dark Ward (95,80)

From the town's entrance, head west and then north when possible to come
across a Power Statue and a path through a Root Barrier leading east. Follow
the path all the way east to find a Perception Barrel. Backtrack a little and
go south to aggro three Elite Wolves.

Further south is a Dark Ward, and east is a cave in which you'll find the
elusive Lord Haart. If you decide to help him, you can get Grandmaster Sword
training from him either here or at his Mansion (during the day) afterward. If
you choose to reveal his secret, then you'll have to get the training from an
NPC over in the Menthil Coast area (an area we'll be visiting later).

In any case, retrace your steps back to the Power Statue. Now take a look at
the minimap. You should see a white dot a little bit to the northwest; that's
the Dodge Grandmaster Trainer. Go talk to her so that she'll run away again.
Now head all the way south to the last two Root Barriers. The first hides two
Manticores and a Might Barrel, while the second hides a Minotaur.

Continue south and travel across the stone bridge.

Navea Delta
Enemies: Black Guard (N), Brigand (E), Dark Wizard (N), Militia Captain (N),
	 Wolf Hound (N)

Barrels: Perception (89,54)

Follow the path and turn the corner to get ambushed by two Dark Wizards, who
are backed up by three Black Guards. Two Wolf Hounds will also appear behind
you (these Wolf Hounds are the entire reason to engage from this direction).
Finish them off and go east to find a short path north leading to a Perception
Barrel. Approaching it will spawn two Militia Captains and two Elite Brigands.

Assuming the Meow Dungeon UPlay reward has been activated, Karthal's Slums are
the next destination (if it has not, just skip down to the next paragraph).
Head over to the southwest corner and talk to the Rakshasa there to travel to
the dungeon, then jump down to section W6c. for the area walkthrough.

Either way, make sure to visit the Karthal Harbour District's Inn to advance
the Main Quest while you're here. Next on the list is the Halloth Grove, so
leave Karthal through the northern exit and head northwest to enter the Grove.

Halloth Grove
Enemies: Earth Elemental (E), Facehugger (N), Moonsilk Spider (E)

Containers: Riddle Chest (49,43), Loot (46,41), Loot (44,39)
Landmarks: Arcane Ward (54,33)

Follow the path west until you reach the southern path with the Moonsilk
Spider on it. It's an Elite (whose Crystal Spray attack is ranged) and there
are two Facehuggers behind it. Take them all out and explore the area beyond
them for a Riddle Chest (answer: secret) and a Dig Spot.

Continue west and take the next path south past the Dark Magic Grandmaster
Trainer and Earth Ward to find a way east guarded by three Elite Earth
Elementals. The way north of here leads to a Chest, while the way south curves
to the east and eventually forks. South is an Arcane Ward, and north is the
Sacred Grove.

If you don't have an Elf in the party, you won't be able to enter. If you do
and can, proceed down to section W6d. for the walkthrough of that area.

Next up is the Desolate Wilds, so backtrack all the way past the Dark Magic
Grandmaster. If you have the Blademaster Promotion quest active, you should
make a quick detour back to the questgiver (82,93) to finish it up before
continuing. Head west once you're ready.

Desolate Wilds
Enemies: Cyclops (N), Dreamwalker (N), Goblin (N), Jaguar Warrior (N),
	 Mauler (N)

Ignore the white Air Tile for the moment and continue west until you reach the
open area to the south (just before the Dangerous Cave). Head directly south
through the rocks ahead (28,42) to trigger an ambush by eight Goblins and two
Dreamwalkers. Head southeast of here and go visit the Warfare Grandmaster
Trainer (43,15) and accept his quest to trigger a three-phase fight.

The first phase is three Goblins and two Maulers, the second is three Jaguar
Warriors and three Dreamwalkers, and the third is two Cyclops. While you don't
get any experience for killing these enemies, you do get a bit for completing
the quest. Head over to the southwest part of the area next to complete the
Bow Grandmaster quest (23,15). Finally, advance/complete the Arcane Discipline
Grandmaster quest if possible (20,33).

If you have a Freemage in the party, or can train someone up to Grandmaster
Mysticism, stop by The Crag to find some familiar faces.

The Crag
Trainers: Mysticism Grandmaster (31,17)

The new residents are over at point (31,17). One will give you the Archmage
Promotion quest (which you can now instantly complete), and the other is the
Grandmaster Mysticism Trainer. You can turn in the Water Grandmaster quest as
well while you're here.

Time to use that Air Tile in the northeast part of the Desolate Wilds (34,44).
It 'ports you up into the Menthil Coast area.

Menthil Coast
Enemies: Air Elemental (E), Carla (N), Harpy (N), Manco (B), Mauler (E)
Trainers: Sword Grandmaster (16,55)

Barrels: Air (19,62)
Containers: Loot (30,50), Quest Item (33,52), Book (20,60), Relic (19,62),
	    Magic Loot (19,62), Magic Loot (12,67)
Landmarks: Air Ward (19,53), Fountain (17,53), Fire Ward (12,65),
	   Ylath Shrine (10,71)

If you have the Druid Elder quest active and have already visited Sayid, now's
the perfect time to use the Air Tile to the east to complete that quest. If
you don't then just ignore it since that area's been cleared.

Head west to find a Chest disguised as a rock and a fork in the road. Do not
head north unless you have the Marauder Promotion quest active, as the Chest
down that path is only used for completing that quest. If it is active, then
head over there, open the Chest, and then return to the questgiver back at The
Crag to complete it. If you've cleared one or more of the Promotion quests by
now your party should have reached Level 27.

In any case, continue on west until you reach an Air Ward. Go north from here
until the path turns back to the west. Down the southern path is a Restoration
Fountain and the NPC who'll act as a Grandmaster Sword Trainer if you did not
keep Haart's secret... if you can defeat her in a fight. The western path
quickly turns to the north.

When you reach a passage to the east, you'll be ambushed by two Elite Air
Elementals. Behind them is a Book and to the north is a Dangerous Cave. Inside
you'll find the Boss version of a Dreamreaver. There's nothing particularly
notable about him. Also within the Cave are two Chests and an Air Barrel, one
of which holds the spear Relic (eventual +Perception, +Spear, and chance of
causing Bleed).

To the south is the entrance to the Temple of Ylath, which will be blocked off
if you do not have a Human in the party. If you can get in, proceed down to
section W6e. for the walkthrough of the area.

Once you're finished here, backtrack a bit to the west and continue north and
west past a Fire Ward to eventually reach another path east and trigger an
attack by five Harpies. Down that short eastern path is a Rock Chest. Further
north you'll find a path to the west. DO NOT TAKE THIS PATH unless you want to
get rid of Edwin (the free scholar Hireling), as the observatory he's looking
for is over there.

Continue north to find Ylath's Shrine, and still further north to find two
Elite Maulers. Past them is an Air Tile and the entrance to the Pao Kai Nest.
If you do not have an Orc in the party, you won't be able to enter the Nest.
If you do, then head inside and jump down to section W6f.

That's everything there is in the Menthil Coast section of the map, so use the
nearby Air Tile to jump down into the Wyslin Jungle.

Wyslin Jungle
Enemies: Dreamreaver (N), Dreamwalker (E), Dweller (N), Goblin Hunter (N),
	 Jaguar Warrior (E), Mauler (E), War Panther (E)
Trainers: Dodge Grandmaster (15,68)

Barrels: Destiny (31,69), Fire (26,73)
Containers: Book (21,55)
Landmarks: Fountain (14,78)

Directly ahead are two Elite War Panthers and three Goblin Hunters (defeating
which may bring you up to Level 28 if you've completed at least two Promotion
quests by now).

The path north of them leads to a Restoration Fountain and the Wyslin Obelisk,
while the southern path heads back to the area's Dangerous Cave. Just south of
the Cave you'll find the Dodge Grandmaster Trainer, and here she will stay.
Now follow the jungle trail east and then north so you can re-visit Shiva
(25,76) and advance the Main Quest.

Head south from there to reach (23,67). Take the western branch which curves
south and approach the stone steps to find some enemies: a Dreamreaver, an
Elite Dreamwalker, and two Elite Jaguar Warriors. Behind them is Owl Cave.
Head inside to find a Book and a Campfire.

If the Bloodcaller Promotion quest is active, then you can use the Campfire to
enter an area that contains a single normal-ranked enemy. Defeating it (it
uses Fireball, so activating the Fire Ward just to the east of the Cave may
help) will complete the quest.

Return to point (23,67) and go east to find one last unexplored path heading
north. There are two Elite Maulers, an Elite War Panther, and two Goblin
Hunters here. East from them is a Destiny Barrel, and north is a Fire Barrel
(east of this second Barrel is a dead end). That clears the Wyslin Jungle
area, so head over to the Minho Obelisk and use it to travel to the Navea

Vantyr Range
Enemies: Air Elemental (E), Davros (B), Cyclops (N), Fire Elemental (N),
	 Griffin (N), Helioran (B), Shadow Elemental (E/N)
Trainers: Crossbow Grandmaster (133,73), Dual Wield Grandmaster (112,87)

Barrels: Fire (132,87)
Containers: Relic (129,53), Magic Loot (142,72), Relic (141,78),
	    Loot (132,92), Book (141,93), Potions (134,96), Book (138,102),
	    Riddle Chest (123,102)
Landmarks: Vantyr Obelisk (117,88), Air Ward (120,74), Fountain (138,85),
	   Malassa Shrine (142,102), Dark Ward (128,94),
	   Destiny Statue (125,102)

Assuming you were able to enter and clear the Pao Kai Nest, you should have
enough Bestiary entries to finish Jassad's quest. So head over to Sorpigal to
complete it and receive a Relic dagger which eventually deals Fire damage and
grants +Mana. While you're here, take the time to turn in the Lost Lambs quest
to Eileen (10,28), and then head over to the Chapel and talk to Rosalie
(choose the second option) to complete the Last Wish quest.

Next, head over to Seahaven's entrance and head east across the water and
through the rocky area to reach an Air Tile to the northeast (114,83). Use it
to jump up onto the mountain path.

A word of warning here. In certain circumstances, attempting to leave this
mountainous area via the western or southern Air Tile will trigger an ambush
by three Elite Air Elementals. I am unsure what those circumstances are
however, as I've only had them spawn on one playthrough. So just be wary if
you try to leave this area that way.

Anyway, travel east to find a second Air Tile to the north. Use that one as
well. Head north in this new area to find a Fire Elemental at the first
junction, and two more a bit further north. Once they're all extinguished,
continue along the path to find the Dwarf Hall. Inside you'll find the
questgiver for the Pathfinder Promotion quest. Accepting the quest will force
you to temporarily give up a Hireling slot and requires a trip to Seahaven. A
very easy quest to complete.

South of the Hall you'll find the Vantyr Obelisk, the final one, and the Dual
Wield Grandmaster Trainer. With all the Obelisks now found, the hidden
treasure will have appeared on the map at point (129,53). So go grab it to
find a 1-handed sword Relic which will eventually do Fire damage and grant
Fire Resistance.

Back in front of the Vantyr Obelisk, return to the first mountain area and go
south from point (122,81) to find a crossroad. Head west to find an Air Ward,
then continue south and then east past an Air Tile (which leads to the Air
Tile behind Castle Portmeyron) to eventually come across a building containing
the Crossbow Grandmaster Trainer. Accept his quest and then head south.

The first trail west leads to one of the quest targets (132,66). East of this
is a crossroad where you'll be attacked by two Fire Elementals and an Elite
Air Elemental. Go south to find a path west to the second quest target
(134,61), and go further south to find the third target (142,58). Backtrack to
where you fought the elementals and travel north (east is a dead end).

This leads to an Air Tile which jumps you up to a Chest. Return to the
Grandmaster's building and go west to find a path south leading to the fourth
target (128,69). Continue west and turn the corner to find the final target up
above you to the east (122,75). That's all of them, so return to the dwelling
to complete the quest.

Head northwest from the Trainer to eventually come across another Air Tile.
Use it to jump to a new section of the map. Move forward and you'll encounter
a Griffin, an enemy reminiscent of the Manticore. Go east from the Griffin to
reach a path south. Follow it, taking the first path east to take out another
Griffin. You may be level 29 about now. Continue south and ignore the path
west (which is a dead end) to find a second path east leading to a Mysterious
Crypt containing a hat which eventually grants +Spirit, +Arcane Discipline,
and Water Retaliation. Head inside.

The puzzle here is simple; all you have to do is light up all the Pressure
Plates. You can do this by just continuously taking the outermost path
clockwise. Start at (6,2), go west to (2,11), north to (10,11), and then east
back to (6,2). Move up to (6,4), go west to (4,7), west to (2,11), east all
the way to (10,11), south to (8,7), west to (4,7), north to (6,9),
east to (8,7), and then finally south back to (6,4).

Next it's back into the mountains, to the place you fought that first Griffin
(133,82). Directly north of here, around the corner, is a Griffin Boss. Take
it out, but beware of its Chain Lightning attack. Once it falls, head east a
little and then take the path northward. You'll come across a Restoration
Fountain and a Cyclops.

To the west are two more Cyclops, a Fire Barrel, and a Dangerous Cave. This
Cave can only be entered if the Shield Guard Promotion quest is active, and
contains an Enraged Cyclops Boss (who uses Stone Skin, Regeneration, and
throws rocks), a Chest, and the NPC needed to advance that quest. To complete
it, you'll have to head back to the questgiver inside the Inn north of Karthal

Once you're ready, go and use the Air Tile to the east of the Cave. Head north
to be attacked by two Fire Elementals and a Shadow Elemental. Behind the Fire
Elementals you'll find a Book (though attempting to take it won't get you
anything, as this pedestal is a duplicate) and a path leading south to two
more Fire Elementals guarding the entrance to Sudgerd.

If you do not have a Dwarf in the party there will be a guard outside who
prevents you from entering. Otherwise, enter and jump down to the W6g. section
of this guide.

Once you're done here, return north to the first fork and continue north from
there to find a Chest to the west and then a path heading east. It leads to
Malassa's Shrine, which is the last of them. Backtrack a bit and head west to
find a path north leading to a Book. Further west you'll come to a north/south
intersection. North is two Elite Shadow Elementals and the Tomb of a Thousand

Ignore the Tomb for the moment and take the path south to find a Dark Ward, a
Destiny Statue, and a Riddle Chest (answer: compass). The only thing left to
clear in this location is the Tomb, but there's one more location to visit
before we tackle it: the Fortress of Crows. Why go there first? Because the
Tomb traps you inside for the duration and you're going to want to be as
strong as possible before heading in.

So, first take a trip to Sorpigal to turn in the Jassad's Bestiary quest if
you haven't already done so, then take a trip over to the Desolate Wilds and
enter the Fortress of Crows (37,34), which is covered over in section W6h. of
the walkthrough.

Everything that's possible to clear at this point is now cleared, so it's time
to enter the Tomb of a Thousand Terrors. Remember that you're going to be
trapped in there for the duration, so make sure you have a good number of
potions and have the maximum of 20 Supplies before going in. In addition, you
may wish to bring the apothecary Hireling with you as insurance, or possibly
the hawker/horse Hireling so that you're not forced to leave loot lying on the

Considering there are only three Relics in the game left to acquire, it also
might be a good idea to clear out any outstanding quests you may have. The
remaining Relics that could use some XP are a 1-handed axe (which you find at
the end of the upcoming Tomb) and a 1-handed magical focus (which you'll get
for finishing the Forbidden Saga quest once the Main Quest is complete). The
other Relic is a 2-handed mace you'll find during the endgame sequence, but
there's plenty of experience to be found there to level it up (assuming you
can immediately Identify it).

Sidequests you may still have open at this point:
- Arcane Discipline Grandmaster
- Ashes to Ashes
- Fallen Star
- Haart has its Reasons
- Receding Horizons (don't finish this one)
- The Curse
- The Forbidden Saga (can't complete until post-endgame)

In any case, once you're prepared head up into the Vantyr Range and enter the
Tomb to complete Chapter 3.

				W4. Chapter 4

W4a. Tomb of a Thousand Terrors
Level 1
Enemies: Shadow Elemental (E), Shadow Watcher (N)

Barrels: Prime (14,4), Dark (12,2), Light (7,4)
Containers: Scrolls (7,6)
Landmarks: Dispel Statue (2,2)

This first level of the Tomb is fairly dark, and simply entering it may bring
you up to Level 31. Start by heading west and north into a semi-open area
where you'll be ambushed by two Elite Shadow Elementals. Take them out and
then return to the first fork (17,7) and go south to get ambushed by a Shadow
Watcher, which are basically Shadow Lurkers that can cast Feeblemind or Dark
Wizards that can't cast Purge.

Continue south and west until you come to purple-lit structure. Just to the
north of here is Dig Spot, and inside are two Elite Shadow Elementals, a
Shadow Watcher, and a Dispel Statue. Now take the path north across the bridge
and descend to the second level.

Level 2
Enemies: Facehugger (E/N), Shadow Elemental (E), Shadow Watcher (N)

Secret Doors: Might (11,17), Perception (17,15), Magic (20,19)
Barrels: Magic (11,16), Destiny (16,15), Might (17,7), Perception (21,19)
Containers: Magic Loot (10,24), Potions (19,9)

Use the Teleporter to encounter a Shadow Watcher and two Elite Shadow
Elementals. Use the Teleporter behind them and follow the linear path to find
yourself in a castle-like structure. Head straight up the stairs ahead (ignore
the western Teleporter) to trigger combat with two Elite Shadow Elementals and
four Elite Facehuggers.

Head up the stairs and turn west and then immediately north to find an eyeball
sculpture of sorts. Approach it to get ambushed by two Shadow Watchers. Use
the sculpture and it will ask you a question. The answer can be found by
either clearing this dungeon or puzzling out the cypher that can be found on
the three tablets to the east (answer: erebos). Correctly answering the
question gives you access to a nearby Chest.

Continue east and then head south when possible to enter an open room with
waving tentacles in its center; there's a Secret Door in the southwest corner.
Go east from here, turning south at the junction to find another Secret Door.
Continue south to find a bridge leading to a Chest and a Teleporter which
takes you to a Barrel.

Return all the way north to encounter two Shadow Watchers and two Elite Shadow
Elementals. Head south from the corner they were in, passing a Secret Door, to
find another bridge. Trying to cross it will spawn two Elite Shadow Elementals
along with a Shadow Watcher and four Facehuggers. Once they're dead take the
exit down to level 3.

Level 3
Enemies: Facehugger (E), Shadow Elemental (E), Shadow Watcher (N)

Secret Doors: Might (3,7), Perception (19,12), Magic (20,3)
Barrels: Prime (3,3), Fire (8,7)
Containers: Magic Loot (6,3), Loot (13,5), Loot (17,9), Potions (19,13),
	    Magic Loot (21,3), Loot (15,1), Magic Loot (13,9),
	    Magic Loot (13,13)

Follow the linear path until you come to a Secret Door. In the room east of it
await two Elite Shadow Elementals, four Elite Facehuggers, and two Shadow
Watchers. East of them is a set of corridors along with a Teleporter puzzle.

Head clockwise around the room opening the various gates and Secret Doors and
collecting the various Chests. When you get to point (15,7) you'll be ambushed
on all four sides by a total of four Elite Shadow Elementals and four Shadow

Once they're out of the picture it's time to solve the puzzle, which requires
you to light up all the Pressure Plates scattered around behind the
Teleporters. Start by using the 'porter on (17,3), then use the one directly
ahead, followed by the one on (15,13).

With the Teleporter deactivated, you can now explore the various alcoves for a
few more Chests as well as find some enemies to the north: Two Shadow Watchers
and four Elite Shadow Elementals. Opening the Chest at (13,9) will spawn some
additional enemies as well. Four Elite Facehuggers and two Elite Shadow
Elementals in this case.

Once everything is looted, head down through the floor to the fourth level.

Level 4
Enemies: Eye of Terror (B), Shadow Dragon (N), Shadow Elemental (E),
	 Shadow Watcher (N)

Barrels: Earth (12,14), Water (4,1), Air (18,15)
Containers: Potions (14,13), Potions (18,13), Potions (6,12), Potions (7,1),
	    Potions (12,4), Scrolls (0,10), Scrolls (0,10), Scrolls (0,10),
	    Potions (3,7), Relic (18,7), Quest Item (18,5)

Start by heading east or west and around to the south to get ambushed by two
Elite Shadow Elementals and two Shadow Watchers. Dispatch them, use the nearby
tile, and then return to the level's entrance. Move north to spawn a Shadow

Continue north (the path east leads to a Barrel and a Chest) to find another
Teleporter to use. Follow that path until you find another tile to light up
and then return back to where you fought the Shadow Dragon. Head west from
here to find a third Teleporter. That teleporter takes you to a path that ends
with another tile to light up, and as soon as you do you'll be ambushed by two
Shadow Watchers and two Elite Shadow Elementals.

Now return to the first section of this level. Once you get about halfway to
the second Teleporter, a Shadow Dragon and two Elite Shadow Elementals will
ambush you. Finish them and head back through the second 'porter and follow
the path to the end to find a new tile to light up.

Backtrack to the initial area once again and return to the entrance tile. When
you get there, two Shadow Dragons and two Shadow Watchers will attack. Head
west from here to find a path leading a four Chests, then go east to find a
bridge leading down into an orange-lit room. As you approach, the area's Boss
will appear. It's basically a Shadow Watcher that can also cast Paralyze.

Kill it and loot the room to find a 1-handed axe Relic (which eventually does
Light damage and offers Dark Resistance), a Book, and a Dream Shard. Then
travel over to point (3,16) to find the bridge leading to the fifth level.

Level 5
Trainers: Dagger Grandmaster (9,11), Dark Magic Master (9,11),
	  Prime Magic Master (9,11)

Ahead is a little Teleporter puzzle. Simply use the first one, then go east,
north, east. Now just move toward the white dot to meet an NPC and advance the

If you did not take the Horse/Hawker with you or are running low on Supplies,
it would be a good idea to leave the Tomb and re-stock before tackling the
Dream Shard dungeon (which is covered in the W6h. section of the walkthrough).

Once that dungeon is cleared, return to Jon Morgan to get a new quest and then
head to The Crag. If you have not yet completed the Curse sidequest, now is
the time to do so. Now talk to Crag Hack to further advance the Main Quest.

All that's left is to re-stock your potions/Supplies, make a pre-endgame save,
and talk to the Orc NPC standing on the dock (13,15) to travel to Karthal.

W4b. Karthal Harbour (2)
Enemies: Black Guard (E), Black Guard Captain (N), Chakram Dancer (N),
	 Dark Wizard (E), Salvin (B), Shade (N), Taraleth (B),
	 Wolf Hound (E)

Barrels: Water (17,15), Air (14,20)

You'll immediately be facing four Shades, which are just upgraded Assassins.
Move forward to trigger the next group of enemies, which is made up of two
Elite Wolf Hounds, two Elite Dark Wizards, two Elite Black Guards, and two
Black Guard Captains.

Head up the stairs to face a Black Dragon Boss, which acts just like a Shadow
Dragon except it has access to the same Poison-inflicting breath attack as the
Boss you faced in the Dream Shard dungeon. Grab the two nearby Barrels and
head up the next flight of stairs to encounter four Elite Black Guards, two
Black Guard Captains, two Elite Dark Wizards, and two Elite Wolf Hounds while
being ambushed by two Elite Dark Wizards from behind.

Travel east to encounter another group of enemies. This time one made up of
four Shades and four Chakram Dancers (which are enhanced Stalkers). Beyond
them, blocking the exit to the next area, is second Boss. While you do not
have to fight him (use the fifth dialog choice), similar to the Lost Lambs
quest there's no real benefit to avoiding the fight.

Whichever option you choose, continue on afterward into The Vigil.

W4c. The Vigil
Level 1
Enemies: Black Guard (E), Black Guard Captain (E/N), Dark Wizard (E),
	 Markus Wolf (B), Wolf Hound (E)

Secret Doors: Might (15,21), Magic (3,23), Perception (15,15)
Barrels: Air (16,13), Water (14,5)
Containers: Cog (13,21), Loot (16,21), Magic Loot (3,24), Cog (2,20),
	    Loot (16,15), Relic (1,4), Potions (16,7), Magic Loot (5,0),
	    Magic Loot (11,0)
Landmarks: Fountain (8,9)

You'll be greeted by your target, who summons two Elite Dark Wizards and four
Black Guard Captains when you move forward. The southern path is locked for
the moment, so head east instead to find a Chest containing a Cog sitting on
the southern wall.

Picking it up spawns four Elite Dark Wizards. Also in this room is a Secret
Door on the east wall. Return to the entrance and go west this time to find
two Elite Wolf Hounds, two Elite Dark Wizards, and five Black Guard Captains
(two Elite). There's another Secret Door on the north wall and the Chest
containing the second Cog is against the west wall just around the corner.

Back at the entrance, take the southern path and use the two Levers to open
the door. There's some more dialog and your target runs off somewhere, leaving
you with a room full of enemies to defeat. Triggering combat will cause two
Elite Dark Wizards to appear where you came in. In addition to them there's
fourteen Black Guard Captains (four Elite), six Elite Wolf Hounds, and two
more Elite Dark Wizards.

Once that horde has been dispatched, head through the northernmost eastern
door to find a third Secret Door and a Barrel. Over to the western side now,
passing a Restoration Fountain to the south, to find a door on the south wall.
Beyond this door is a suspicious room with a Chest at the far end. If you look
at the ground, you may notice there are some boots lying on the floor. This is
a hint.

If you step on the raised platform while any characters are wearing shoes or
boots the entire party will take 250 damage. So unequip any footwear and then
go grab the chest to find a 2-handed mace Relic, which eventually increases
the damage of Criticals, the chance of a Critical, and offers a chance of
inflicting Sunder on the target.

Now head through one of the central southern doors and follow the path to
trigger the last group of enemies on this level: Four Elite Wolf Hounds, six
Elite Black Guard Captains, and six Elite Dark Wizards. Over to the east is a
door leading to a Chest and Barrel, and to the south is the area's "Boss".

That's in quotes because he goes down in one hit. You can choose to kill him
or let him live. Unlike the previous times you get this option, this one
actually rewards you for letting the target live (in the form of being able to
briefly have a second Hireling in the first DLC-added area).

Whichever your choice, loot the nearby Chests and then backtrack a bit into
the main hall so you can take the stairs at (0,10) down to the second level.

Level 2
Enemies: Chakram Dancer (N), Dark Prophet (N), Shade (E/N)

Secret Doors: Might (2,9), Magic (12,4)
Barrels: Might (5,12), Light (11,12)
Containers: Magic Loot (1,9), Loot (13,4), Loot (11,10), Potions (3,4),
			Book (5,10), Magic Loot (15,9)

Head north from here to get ambushed by four Shades (one Elite) and find a
Secret Door near the gate. Backtrack and then travel east until you see a door
to the north; open it and go through (further east is the second exit to the
first level and a dead end).

Inside you'll be attacked by two Chakram Dancers and four Shades (two Elites).
Head east to find a Secret Door and a Chest, and then backtrack and go west to
find a Chest and a Book. Moving into the center room with trigger a battle
with four Chakram Dancers and four Shades (one Elite). Enter the door to the
north and open one of the gates to start a fight with the two visible Dark
Prophets (which are more annoying versions of the Dark Wizard, having both
Damage Reflection and access to Paralyze) and trigger an ambush by four Shades
(two Elites).

Move west to find a Might Barrel, then east to find a Light Barrel, a path
down to the third level, and a Chest. Loot the Chest and take this exit down.

Level 3
Enemies: Chakram Dancer (E/N), Dark Prophet (N), Faceless (N), Shade (E/N),
	 Shadow Watcher (E)

Secret Doors: Might (11,10), Perception (6,1)
Barrels: Dark (1,7), Perception (1,5), Elite Shadow Watcher (5,7)
Containers: Quest Book (11,14), Magic Loot (14,11), Loot (2,11), Loot (3,1),
	    Key (13,3), Magic Loot (15,6)

Follow the hallway to enter an open area containing the final Forbidden Saga
Book. South now to find a Secret Door followed by west until, eventually, you
reach a door which opens into four Shades, two Elite Chakram Dancers, and a
Dark Prophet.

Further north is just the exit back to the second level, so enter the room and
loot the Chest, then go south to find two Barrels. West from here is another
Barrel, this one containing an Elite Shadow Watcher. South now to find a room
with several visible Levers, all of which do nothing. Rather, you need to use
the Lever hidden behind the Secret Door on the south wall.

This opens the nearby gate, allowing access to a room with a Shopkeeper who
sells potions, scrolls, and Supplies and an NPC who will Identify your
equipment. After availing yourself of their services, open one of the eastern
doors to trigger combat with the enemies beyond along with an ambush. Two Dark
Prophets, four Shades (two Elites), and two Chakram Dancers all told.

Open the next door east to find two Chakram Dancers, two Elite Shades, two
Elite Shadow Watchers, a Dark Prophet, and a Chest containing a Key. The
northern door in this area leads to a Chest, and the area west of the Chest
will spawn a Faceless when you enter. Faceless are basically Dark Wizards who
can use a party-wide attack (Dark Nova) that deals Dark damage and has a
chance to inflict Poison.

Kill it and use the exit it was guarding to reach the first level of Ker-Thal.

W4d. Ker-Thal
Level 1
Enemies: Chakram Dancer (E/N), Dark Prophet (E/N), Faceless (N), Shade (E/N),
	 Shadow Watcher (E)

Secret Doors: Magic (21,7), Might (17,20)
Barrels: Magic (19,4), Destiny (21,4), Might (16,21)
Containers: Magic Loot (19,10), Loot (13,7), Magic Loot (6,3), Loot (20,18)
Landmarks: Dark Ward (10,4), Fountain (20,13), Dispel Statue (9,23)

This is a dark area. Head east to get ambushed by two Elite Shadow Watchers
and a Faceless. Further east is two Barrels and a Secret Door, while south and
west is a Dark Ward. Return to the entrance and go west now to come across
four Shades (two Elites) and two Dark Prophets. Loot the Chest they were
guarding and follow the path north.

Eventually you'll find a group of four Chakram Dancers (two Elites) an Elite
Shadow Watcher, and a Faceless. When you engage them, two Shades and an Elite
Shadow Watcher will block your exit. Past the area they were in is an
intersection. Going south will take you to a Restoration Fountain, using which
will spawn four Shades (two Elites) and an Elite Dark Prophet.

Follow the path north and west, passing a Secret Door and going through the
two Chakram Dancers and three Dark Prophets (one Elite), to find the exit down
to the second level.

Level 2
Enemies: Chakram Dancer (E), Dark Prophet (E), Faceless (N), Shade (E),
	 Shadow Watcher (E)

Secret Doors: Perception (11,37)
Barrels: Perception (10,18), Shadow Watcher (24,3), Destiny (17,13),
	 Magic (17,23),
Containers: Loot (6,31), Loot (14,26), Potions (1,10), Potions (9,17),
	    Magic Loot (6,7), Potions (17,10), Loot (18,22), Loot (24,13)

Travel the linear path to start combat with two Elite Chakram Dancers, an
Elite Shade, and an Elite Dark Prophet. When you do, two more Elite Shades
will ambush you from behind. Head north from there to find a Secret Door,
and then southeast to find a Dig Spot.

Return to where you were ambushed and go south and west to find a bridge. A
Faceless and two Elite Shadow Watchers will ambush you about halfway across.
There's a Dig Spot to the south of here, and another Dig Spot and a Barrel to
the northeast.

Go south to see a bunch of enemies over to the east. Ignore them for the
moment and keep going south to find a path westward leading to a Chest.
Opening it spawns three Elite Chakram Dancers, three Elite Dark Prophets,
three Elite Shades, and an Elite Shadow Watcher. Put them down and head back
east and clear out the enemies found there (four Elite Shades, two Elite
Chakram Dancers, and two Elite Dark Prophets).

Past them you'll find a Barrel containing an Elite Shadow Watcher, and further
along the path you'll find a Chest to the west and a bridge heading north.
Head across the bridge to come across a Barrel and an intersection where
you'll be ambushed by two Faceless and two Elite Shadow Watchers.

West is a Chest and a Barrel, east is a the path that leads past a Chest and
all the way around to the exit down to the third level. Said exit is guarded
by two Elite Shades, two Elite Chakram Dancers, two Elite Dark Prophets, two
Elite Shadow Watchers, and a Faceless. Engaging them will result in two more
Elite Shades ambushing you from behind.

Destroy them all and move on to the third level.

Level 3
Enemies: Chakram Dancer (E), Dark Prophet (E), Erebos (B), Faceless (E/N),
	 Shade (E), Shadow Watcher (E)

Barrels: Might (5,20), Magic (5,11), Destiny (3,5), Perception (23,2)
Containers: Note (19,23), Note (14,22), Quest Item (6,23), Quest Item (0,10),
	    Quest Item (4,1), Note (24,5), Note (23,10)

Move forward to trigger a conversation, then head west and north to find a
Note on the ground. To the south you'll see Erebos, and you can attack him if
you want but at this range there's not much point. Now this next area requires
a bit of explanation.

Any time you step on the bridge sections in the area ahead, the game will act
as though you've entered combat. While standing on those sections Erebos will
periodically ambush you, either at range with a Dark Nova or up close with a
Backstab attack. He'll then auto-heal himself if he gets down to ~75% Health
and temporarily run away.

There are two ways to defeat him. The first is to simply cause enough damage
as soon as he ambushes you to bring him down to 0 Health, thus not giving him
a chance to heal. The other is to collect the various Sigil pieces lying
around the area and then use the Altar in the middle to auto-kill him.

While that second way is certainly tedious, there's quite a bit of XP to be
gained from killing the enemies scattered around this area. Which makes it the
preferred method unless you've run out of Supplies and potions or something
(and in that instance you could always backtrack to the Shopkeeper on the
third level of the Vigil to re-stock).

So, start by following the path west and then north into a room where an Elite
Faceless will ambush you. There's a Note on the ground here and a Barrel and
the first Solar Sigil piece over to the west. Grab them all and return to the
central room to go further west to eventually trigger combat with two Elite
Shades, two Elite Chakram Dancers, two Elite Dark Prophets, and a Faceless.

Inside the room they came from is a Barrel and the second Sigil piece. Head
east out of this room and then south when you get the chance to find another
room to the southwest. It contains four Elite Chakram Dancers, four Elite Dark
Prophets, four Elite Shades, a Barrel and the third Solar Sigil piece.

Head east now, and when you turn south onto a small platform you'll be
ambushed by three Faceless. Further east is a fourth room, which holds six
Elite Shades, six Elite Chakram Dancers, six Elite Dark Prophets, three
Faceless (one Elite), a Barrel, a Note, and the last Sigil piece. Now make
your way over to the platform the Altar is on to get ambushed by four
Faceless (two Elite).

Instead of using the Altar, continue east to find a platform with the fourth
and final note on it, which gives you hint as to what the Alar's codeword is
(answer: michael). Now just either use the Altar or defeat Erebos with brute
force to complete Chapter 4 and see the Epilogue slides.

			     W5. Post Epilogue

W5a. Limbo
Enemies: Alien Technology (N), Erwan (B), Gary (B), Hélène (B), Julien (B),
	 Leslie (B), Paul (B)

Containers: Potions (7,0), Potions (5,14), Loot (6,19), Key (10,21),
	    Loot (11,21), Key (12,8), Magic Loot (17,18), Magic Loot (8,15),
	    Potions (19,13), Magic Loot (24,9)

After the Slides and Credits, you'll be back in Karthal and should be at
around Level 35 if you cleared out all the enemies and optional areas so far.
Be aware that if you have the Falcon & Unicorn DLC installed, once you leave
the Harbor District you won't be able to re-enter without triggering the first
part of it (which transports you to and traps you in a closed location). So do
everything you need to do here immediately.

It's now time to re-stock, complete most of your outstanding quests (don't
complete Edwin's yet), and then go visit the Limbo dungeon. Note that this
location breaks the fourth wall to pieces, so if you value immersion you may
wish to skip it and proceed directly to section W5b. instead.

To enter the dungeon, you'll need to visit the Inn north of Karthal and talk
to the Fortune Teller NPC. She'll give you the necessary Quest Item. Then
just head over to the entrance at point (54,69) and go in.

Start by heading west (the room to the east is empty), and enter the first
door south to find a Chest. Further west is an intersection with two doors.
The south one only leads to a room with a plaque on the north wall (the number
here is a password), so head north to find the first enemy you have to defeat.
It's a Jaguar Warrior type and shouldn't pose a challenge at this point. Note
hat while he's classified as a Boss, he does not have the 'Boss' passive

Continue north through the room he was in to find the second enemy; a Goblin
type that can inflict Poison. Also in this room is a Chest. North of here is
another Chest and a red door to the east. Open it to face the third enemy,
which is a Coral Priestess type. Defeat her and then go through the red door
to the north to find a Stalker-type enemy and two Chests over in the
southeastern corner (one of which holds a Key).

Back in the hallway, head east through the red door to find a Dark
Prophet-type enemy. The red door directly east can't be opened just yet, so
open the one to the south and the one just north or it (password: 6945472381)
instead. Inside you can talk to an NPC to get the passcode to another door.

Travel south past another red door you can't yet open to find a path west.
This passes a locked door that requires the code the NPC in the last room just
gave you (answer: Inside is a locked Chest and a switch puzzle of
sorts. Each of the switches acts as either a 1 (blue) or a zero (red), so what
you have to do to unlock the Chest and all those red doors you saw is flip the
switches so that the binary number they create matches the number on the door
or Chest.

The west four are places 1-4 (south to north), and the east four are places
5-8 (south to north). The various combinations are:

Chest 162: 1-0-1-0-0-0-1-0
Door   59: 0-0-1-1-1-0-1-1
Door  147: 1-0-0-1-0-0-1-1
Door  248: 1-1-1-1-1-0-0-0
Door  253: 1-1-1-1-1-1-0-1

Chest 162 contains a Key and behind Door 59 is the Alien Technology enemy. It
does not attack, has 130k Health, 75 Armor, 75 Resistance to all elements, is
immune to all Status Effects, and has Damage Reflection. So don't engage it
unless you're prepared for a lengthy battle (the simplest method to beat it is
to just stand in the hallway and use projectiles). Defeating it will give you
four Resistance Elixers and four Potency Elixers, so whether or not it's worth
the effort is up to you.

Doors 147, 253, and 248 all just have a Chest behind them. Head over to (15,9)
once you're done looting to find the area's last enemy, a Kensei-type. Talk to
the NPC behind him to finish the In Limbo quest (which may bring you up to
Level 36), then loot the Chest in this room to finish up the area.

If you have the Falcon & Unicorn DLC installed, then that's what has to be
tackled next. If you do not, well then it would seem you've completed
everything there is to complete.

Assuming it is installed, you have to finish Edwin's Receding Horizons quest
now before re-entering Karthal. Otherwise, he'll be forcefully stripped from
your party and you won't be able to get him back when you return to complete

Enter Karthal once you're ready (make absolutely sure to have the maximum of
20 Supplies) to get whisked away to Fort Laegaire.

W5b. Fort Laegaire
Level 1
Enemies: Crossbowman (N), Perren (B), Perren's Marauder (E),
	 Perren's Thug (E), Sentinel (N)

Barrels: Prime (1,22), Earth (12,16), Air (13,6), Water (8,1), Fire (0,2),
	 Light (21,6), Dark (30,7)
Containers: Key (6,5), Key (5,9), Gold (22,27), Equipment (23,30),
	    Loot (25,31), Key (7,21)

So, here you are in the first half of the DLC. With no equipment, no inventory
items, and no Hirelings. Depending on your party make-up this very well may
be a death sentence, but there are work-arounds available if worst comes to

The first thing you have to do in this area is traverse a 'stealth' puzzle in
order to reach a few Shopkeepers and acquire some equipment. Do not touch any
doors, walk in front of or near any guards, touch any Levers, or do much of
anything except move and knock on walls.

Start by moving east to trigger a little cutscene. Directly east of you is a
'Knock Spot'. Use it to have the guard turn away. On the east side of the
table ahead is a Key you can safely pick up. Go west from here and then north
to point (0,10) to find another Knock Spot to use. East now (grabbing the Key
on the Table) and then north to use the Knock Spot at point (5,13).

Go further east to use the Knock Spot at (8,11), then southeast to use the one
at (10,7) followed by the one at (8,6). Follow the path now north and east,
avoiding the guards, until you end up at point (11,15). Travel the passageway
west and then north to find a Knock Spot at (2,22) to use. Now return to
(11,15) and head all the way north (that room to the west may look unguarded,
but a single step inside will kill you) to point (11,27). There are two Knock
Spots to the west to use.

Back south to point (11,18) now in order to use the Knock Spot at (7,18), then
follow up by using the Spots at (9,15) and (7,15). North now to point (11,24),
then west and northeast to reach the door leading to the merchant area.

Talk to Neela to advance the quest, then go north and talk to Pandareos to get
the Key which opens the nearby Chest. There's also another Chest to the north
you can open. Now talk to the NPCs and equip yourself as well as possible
(which is not very well at all) and return to the main prison area to
encounter your first enemy, a Sentinel (which is like a much stronger Militia
that can pierce Armor instead of Stun).

As you may now be able to guess, clearing this area without a dedicated mage
or two is going to be extremely aggravating. Potentially impossible, but we'll
come to that shortly.

Once he falls you can now freely explore the prison area and open any doors or
use any Levers you see. Start with that central room to south, which is
currently populated by two Sentinels and a Crossbowman. If you're having
trouble defeating them (and you very well might) you may be forced to cheat in
order to escape this location. The easiest way to do that is to edit the
CharacterSpellsStaticData.csv file, which is found in the following directory:

\Might and Magic X Legacy_Data\StreamingAssets\StaticData

Make a backup copy first, then open it with Notepad++ or Excel or something
and edit the Damage column of one of your damaging abilities to do drastically
more damage. 1000 or so should work. Then save the file and re-start the game.

However those three are defeated, check the table nearby once they are to find
a third Key. The vast majority of the cells contain either nothing or a
character model who does nothing. The one's that do contain something are
(1,22) & (12,16). Four Sentinels and two Crossbowmen will attack once you
reach point (11,13).

South and west from them are two more Sentinels and two more Crossbowmen, and
south of them are three Crossbowmen and a Sentinel. Once they fall you can
open the cells at (13,6), (8,1), and (0,2) to find some Barrels. Head back
over to (13,13) now and travel east through the door to find a new enemy,
Perren's Thug. These are just like Blackfang Thugs... only stronger.

Head south and open the first door to the west to discover a Perren's
Marauder, which like the Thug is essentially a clone of the Blackfang variety.
Putting an enemy that can inflict Poison into an area lacking any method to
cure Poison is just cruel, cruel game design. Anyway, continue south to
find two more of Perren's Thugs and a Barrel.

Backtrack north and open the gate leading east to trigger combat with two
Marauders and two Thugs. The south gate is sealed, so follow the past east to
run across a Thug/Marauder combo. Go south to find a Barrel and then turn the
corner to get ambushed by two Marauders. Continue along the passageway to
reach (24,7), which is the door leading to the Boss.

The Boss is just like the other Thugs, except that he can cast Fireball. Two
Thugs are there with him, making this battle insanely difficult for certain
parties. Defeat them any way you can (Tsunami and Sleep in particular may be
useful), then return to the NPC over in the merchant area to advance the

Now head up to the second level.

Level 2
Enemies: Caindale (B), Crossbowman (E), Inquisitor (N), Sentinel (E)

Barrels: Might (25,11), Magic (18,9), Perception (20,23), Destiny (8,19)
Containers: Magic Loot (29,17), Magic Loot (20,16), Potions (15,25),
	    Loot (14,9), Potions (8,12), Magic Loot (5,17), Magic Loot (3,15),
	    Equipment (29,10), Equipment (29,9), Equipment (29,8),
	    Equipment (27,9), Equipment (27,10)

See that gated area to the south? That's where your old equipment is, and you
won't be able to reach it until you've defeated this level's Boss.

Head north to find a Chest, then go west to start combat with two Elite
Sentinels and two Elite Crossbowmen. North of them is a Ballista to sabotage.
Backtrack to where you came in and head west now to find two Elite Spearmen
and two Elite Crossbowmen.

In the room they were guarding is your quest target, who will join you as a
completely useless Hireling, and Markus Wolf (if you didn't kill him earlier).
If you let him join you, you'll acquire a second useless Hireling (he reduces
shop prices). There's also a Barrel and a Ballista to sabotage to the south.

Head west to enter the courtyard. There's three Elite Sentinels, two Elite
Crossbowmen, and an Inquisitor waiting for you on the other side of the area.
Go kill them (the Inquisitor can put you party members to Sleep), and then
loot the various Chests scattered about.

Afterward, head up the stairs and go through the southern door to find three
Elite Sentinels, an Inquisitor, and two Elite Crossbowmen. There's a Chest and
another Ballista to sabotage in the room they came from. Now head through the
northwest hallway to find two Inquisitors and two Elite Crossbowmen. Behind
them is a Barrel and the final Ballista to sabotage.

Beyond the western door is the area's Boss, and he'll get a free action when
you open it. He can heal himself, put party members to Sleep, and can cast
Sun Ray (Light damage to the whole party). Loot the two Chests, then head way
back to the entrance to recover your original equipment (28,11).

Return to where you defeated the Boss (2,16) and head up onto the balcony to
advance the quest. One you're ready (make sure you've got all your equipment
back), talk to the NPC to return to the World Map. You'll appear just outside
of Castle Portmeyron and your Hireling will now leave to await you in the
smuggler's cove section of the Spider Lair in Sorpigal.

Before heading over there, it's time to hire that scholar Hireling over in the
Karthal Slums Library (2,9). Stock up on Supplies and potions while you're
here. Once the preparations are complete, travel to Sorpigal, enter the Spider
Lair, head over to point (17,0), and then talk with the NPC to be transported
to the Summer Palace.

W5c. Summer Palace
Enemies: Griffindor (B), Marksman (N), Praetorian (N), Seraph (N),
	 Sir Gallant (B), Sun Rider (N)

Secret Doors: Might (20,14)
Containers: Key (5,2), Potions (4,14), Magical Loot (8,12), Potions (12,0),
	    Magical Loot (8,14), Magical Loot (18,0), Loot (21,1)
Landmarks: Fountain (6,5), Light Ward (19,15)

Directly in front of you, up on the hill, are two Marksmen (enhanced
Crossbowmen). They're fairly deadly and you can't do much about them down
here, so try to head down the southern path to get some breathing room.
While you're doing that, two Praetorians (enhanced Sentinels) will be
approaching from the north.

Once all four are dead, explore the southern beach to discover a Key. Then go
north to find a Chest and ascend the eastern stairs to engage a Sun Rider and
two Praetorians. Sun Riders aren't really like anything you've fought before,
but can roughly be approximated as greatly enhanced Manticores. Directly north
of here is a Mysterious Crypt, so head on in.

The solution to the puzzle here, which requires you to step on the various
Pressure Plates in the correct order, can be found in the Dynasties of Light
Book which you should have found back in the Vigil. There are nine Plates, if
you were to number them 1-9 starting from the southwestern Plate (1,5), the
answer would be: 5-8-4-7-1-3-6-9-2. The reward is some random enchanted loot.

Back outside travel south and then east to come across two Marksmen, defeating
whom may bring you up to Level 38. Loot the Chest behind them and go north to
encounter three Praetorians, two Marksmen, and a Sun Rider. They were guarding
a Chest. To the east, you'll see a large group of enemies in a chessboard-like
plaza arranged rather like chess pieces (seven Praetorians, two Marksmen, two
Inquisitors, two Sun Riders, and a Seraph).

Enter the plaza to start combat and wipe them all out. Head through the
southern door afterward to discover the stairs up to the Griffin Tower. Up
here you'll find an Imperial Griffin Boss (beware its Chain Lightning) and
a Chest. Clear the area and head back downstairs. Take the eastern path to
find trails leading both north and south.

South is a Rock Chest, while north is a Secret Door and a Light Ward (which
will come in handy). Continue east to trigger combat with two Sun Riders and a
Sun Rider Boss. Head through the door behind them to find yourself in the
Garrison area.

Enemies: Light Elemental (E), Marksman (E/N), Praetorian (E/N)

Secret Doors: Perception (7,0), Magic (1,2), Might (17,9)
Barrels: Might (5,0), Magic (18,0), Destiny (1,9), Perception (12,8)
Containers: Potions (12,0), Loot (8,4), Potions (13,6), Magic Loot (1,0),
	    Magic Loot (3,2), Magic Loot (5,2), Potions (18,9),
	    Potions (17,5)

The first western door opens into a room with three Praetorians (one Elite),
two Marksmen, and a Secret Door in it. The room to the east has a Chest and a
door opening further east into a room containing four Praetorians (one Elite),
two Marksmen (one Elite), and a Barrel.

Back in the main hall, head north to find two more doors. The western one
holds a Chest, and the eastern one hold an Elite Light Elemental, a Marksman,
two Praetorians (one Elite), and a Chest. Further north are two last doors.
West is an empty room and a door further west opening to an empty hall. Reach
the far end of the hall to trigger combat with five Praetorians (two Elite),
three Elite Light Elementals, and five Marksmen (two Elite).

The far west hallway has a Secret Door, the middle one has a Chest, and the
eastern one has another Chest. Return to the main hall and enter the door to
the east to find a Barrel, a Secret Door, and a door opening south. Waiting
beyond that door are two Praetorians (one Elite), two Marksmen (one Elite),
and two Elite Light Elementals. And a Chest. Loot it and go back outside.

Back in the first Summer Palace area, head all the way south and enter the
door found there to find the entrance to the Dwellings area. Head inside.

Enemies: Light Elemental (E), Marksman (E), Praetorian (E), Seraph (N)

Secret Doors: Magic (4,4), Perception (23,11)
Containers: Cog (23,10), Magic Loot (4,10), Potions (6,8), Potions (5,7),
	    Magic Loot (6,7)

The only way to go is west, so open the door to find a Secret Door hiding a
Lever. Flip it and backtrack to the main hall to find that the center
forcefield is down. Head north and east to defeat the four Elite Praetorians
and two Elite Marksmen waiting there.

Open the door behind them to find another door east. Head through to find a
Secret Door concealing the Cog you need. Backtrack a bit and use the nearby
Lever to deactivate another part of the forcefield in the main hall. Return
there and go north to spawn three Seraph.

Dispatch them and head through the western door to find four Chests. Grab
them all and head back outside. Re-activate the Light Ward if possible, and
then head through the eastern door into the Throne Room area.

Throne Room
Enemies: Adira (B), Light Elemental (E), Marksman (E), Praetorian (E),
	 Seraph (N), Sun Rider (N)

Containers: Magic Loot (2,9), Magic Loot (2,14)

Straight ahead is a horde of enemies: four Elite Praetorians, four Elite
Marksmen, two Sun Riders, two Elite Light Elementals, and a Seraph. Loot the
Chest to the west, then head further north to find another horde. Four Elite
Praetorians, four Sun Riders, four Elite Marksmen, 2 Elite Light Elementals,
and two Seraph this time. You should be Level 38 about now.

Loot the next western Chest and move further north to trigger the area's Boss,
an Archangel. Unlike the other enemies you do not have to kill her, merely
get her down to 50% Health... which may be challenging in and of itself since
she gets two actions a turn and likes to Teleport in and out of close combat.
She also uses a spell that grants +500% Evasion, which can be pretty annoying.

Once she's defeated the quest will complete, you'll get to see the Epilogue
Slides again (with a few new additions), see a new post-game Scoring screen,
and you'll be transported back to Karthal.

And with that everything currently available in the game, as of this writing,
has been cleared.

			  W6. Miscellaneous Areas

W6a. Tower of Enigma
Level 1
Secret Doors: Magic (12,5), Perception (5,3), Might (3,9)
Containers: Riddle Chest (11,5), Riddle Chest (5,7), Riddle Chest (4,9),
	    Quest Book (10,10)

Head up the stairs and go east to find a book on a stand. There are four of
these, one in each corner of the area. The numbers spell out the passcode
to the second level. On your way to the next corner you'll pass a Secret Door,
behind which is a Riddle Chest (answer: cloud). A little to the west of the
southeastern corner is a path north to the way up. Ignore it for now and head
to the southwestern corner.

On the way you'll pass a second Secret Door that hides a second Riddle Chest
(answer: nothing). And on the path from the southwestern corner to the
northwestern you'll find the third Secret Door hiding another Riddle Chest
(answer: death). Now that you have the code and the Chests, take that earlier
path north to reach an area with a Book (answer: age) and a forcefield. Use
the forcefield (code: 0451) and proceed to the second level.

Level 2
Secret Doors: Magic (11,14), Perception (8,5)
Containers: Magic Loot (11,9), Riddle Chest (10,6)

Follow the path (the door to the west leads to an empty room), passing a
Secret Door, to reach a room with a tile puzzle. What you have to do is
light up all the tiles at once. Starting from outside the room, the
solution is: S-W-E-S-E-S-W-W-E.

The next room to the south is a trap room. Either just cast Clairvoyance and
avoid the red tiles or use the following solution: S-E-S-E-S-S-W-S-W-W-N-W.

Keep in mind that you're normally facing south while solving those puzzles. To
make it easier to follow the solutions above, turn around so that your back is
facing the puzzle rooms.

The last room on this level has a Secret Room hiding a Riddle Chest (answer:
coin), and two Pressure Plates to step on (the black tiles). Catch the
Teleporter after using both plates to find the stairs to the third level.

Level 3
Trainers: Prime Magic Grandmaster (10,10)

Secret Doors: Perception (6,7), Magic (8,7), Might (13,8)
Barrels: Magic (2,6)
Containers: Riddle Chest (8,6), Flute (12,12)

Head east to find a Secret Door hiding a Book. Further along you'll come to a
room with a 2H Magical Focus Relic in it and some stairs that head west. These
lead to a room containing the Prime Magic Grandmaster Trainer and a second
Secret Door, this one hiding a Riddle Chest (answer: mushroom).

A little to the west is the third and final Secret Door, which holds a Flute.
This item is used to reveal a hidden Chest in the Sudgerd area, meaning if you
don't have a Dwarf in your party it's completely useless. You can also talk to
the Dwarven Artisan in Seahaven (28,11) with it in your possession to hear the
melody required to access that Chest (again though, without a Dwarf in your
party this serves no purpose).

To the south of the Secret Door is a statue. Solve its riddle (answer: fear)
to get the Hidden Scrolls necessary for the Archmage Promotion quest. If you
don't have a Freemage in your party they're completely useless.

This area has now been cleared, so you can return to section W2e.

W6b. Cursed Ruins
Level 1
Enemies: Ephie (B), Ravenous Ghoul (N), Skeletal Spearman (N), Spectre (N)

Secret Doors: Perception (13,9), Might (9,13), Magic (8,10)
Barrels: Perception (11,13), Magic (1,10)
Containers: Loot (14,9), Magic Loot (8,13), Loot (8,9), Key (1,13),
	    Quest Book (8,0), Loot (3,1)

While not pitch black, it is hazy in here and a source of light will be

Start by opening the door to the north to trigger four Ravenous Ghouls. In the
room behind them is a Secret Door, a Barrel, and a path west. That path will
lead to another Secret Door and a room containing two Skeletal Spearmen and
two Ravenous Ghouls.

Beyond them is a third Secret Door and a fork. Head north to find a door to a
room with a Chest containing a Key in it. Head back to the fork and go south
through the door to trigger an ambush by four Skeletal Spearmen and two
Spectres. Destroy them and then go through the door to the southeast.

Inside you'll find a Forbidden Saga Book, and picking it up will spawn two
Spectres and two Ravenous Ghouls. Return to the main hall and go west to find
three doors. The northern one leads to a Barrel and the southern one leads to
a Chest with a Key in it. Opening the chest will spawn a Boss Spectre, who's
not notably different than a normal Spectre.

Defeat her and then open the western door to ascend to the second level.

Level 2
Enemies: Leander (B), Ravenous Ghoul (E/N), Skeletal Spearman (E/N),
	 Spectre (E/N)

Secret Doors: Magic (9,7), Perception (2,13), Might (10,13)
Barrels: Air (10,7), Light (10,5)
Containers: Note (1,13), Book (0,14), Note (10,10), Magic Loot (9,15),
	    Note (1,3), Loot (0,2), Note (8,2)

This level is darker than the last, so a light source will again be useful.

Start by heading straight ahead to trigger four Ravenous Ghouls (one Elite)
and four Skeletal Spearmen (one Elite). Continue east to find two Barrels
and a Secret Door concealing a Pressure Plate. Now backtrack a little and
head through the now open northern door to find a Ghost floating behind a
statue. Talk to the ghost.

You can kill her if you want, but this gets you nothing and she'll just
respawn... so choose the first option instead. Heading west from here will
trigger two Ravenous Ghouls (one Elite), two Skeletal Spearman (one Elite),
and two Spectres (one Elite). In the Room they were guarding you'll find a
Secret Door (behind which is another Pressure Plate), a Book, and a Note.

Head through the now-open door to the west to discover a second Note and a
third Secret Door. The southwestern door is next. DO NOT TAKE the Note inside
this room just yet. It's the fourth one rather than the third, and sometimes
picking them up out of order can bug the Crusader's Promotion quest. Head
through the door to the west instead to find an empty room and another western

Open this door to spawn a four-Specter ambush, one of them Elite. In this far
western room you'll find the third Note, and if you approach the hole in the
wall a Ravenous Ghoul Boss will appear. Unlike the first level Boss, this one
is different from normal enemies of the same type; while it does not get extra
attacks from blocked/missed strikes, it instead has Damage Reflection and its
number of attacks is doubled once it reaches half Health. It's very dangerous.

Open the door to the north, then head back east to grab that Note you passed
earlier. If you have the Paladin Promotion quest active, return to the
Friendly Ghost to advance the quest, then go and use the statue to finish it
(you may also have to return to Jon Morgan afterward).

That's everything you can do here, so jump back up to the W3k. section of the

W6c. Supreme Temple of Meow
Enemies: Kilrah (B), Manticore (E), Rakshasa (E/N), Shadow Panther (E)

Secret Doors: Magic (12,1)
Containers: Loot (13,1), Key (18,1), Loot (18,9), Magic Loot (29,5)

Note that this is one of the areas with the highest quality loot drops, so it
may be worthwhile to take the treasure hunter Hireling with you.

Head straight ahead to encounter four Elite Shadow Panthers. Step on the two
Pressure Plates behind them then go east to find a third to step on. Head down
the northwestern path for a fourth Plate and two Rakshasa enemies. These guys
are basically a combination of the Ravenous Ghoul and the Kensei; they're
specialized in punishing physical attackers. Of course, by this point you
should be able to wreck them before they get many attacks in.

Return south and step on the (7,6) Pressure Plate again (this will block off
the path you just exited from and open a path further in). Travel south to
find a Lever. Flip it to move the nearby wall and reveal three Elite Shadow
Panthers and three Rakshasa (one Elite). Head west to find a Teleporter and
an NPC.

Talk to her to advance the quest and use the Teleporter to get ambushed by an
Elite Manticore. Step on the nearby Pressure Plate then 'port back and return
to the Lever. Flip it again and head east to find a Secret Door and a Pressure
Plate which opens the way further east.

Take the southeast passage to find an Elite Manticore, an Elite Shadow
Panther, and an Elite Rakshasa. Grab the Chest they were guarding to find a
Key, and then head around to the north to find six Rakshasas (two Elites)
guarding a Chest. Defeating them may bring you up to Level 26. Return to the
door you passed earlier and use the Teleporter within.

Ahead are two Elite Manticores. Dispatch them and take either path to the east
to find the Boss of this area. He's a Rakshasa with a Chain Lightning attack,
so he's dangerous at both close and long range. Defeat him, grab the nearby
Chest, and go back to the entrance to finish this quest and be returned to

You're now free to jump back to the W3k. section of this walkthrough.

W6d. Sacred Grove
Level 1

Don't bother exploring this level just yet, as it will save some time to do it
after clearing the second level first. Instead just follow the path east, then
take the first path north all the way past a waterfall and a bit to the west
to find the ladder down to the second level.

Level 2
Enemies: Facehugger (N), Ravenous Ghoul (N), Zaahid (B)

Barrels: Might (5,24)
Containers: Magic Loot (4,2), Magic Loot (14,11), Loot (25,10)

Head northeast through the vegetation and turn west when you get a chance.
Head west toward the orange glow and you'll find a Dark Wizard standing in
front of a bright green tree. He's the area's Boss, and approaching him will
trigger combat. This "Wizard" is notable for preferring melee strike to
spells... melee strikes that will drain your Mana. He does sometimes use
spells though, Paralyze being one of them.

Once he falls the area will be overrun by five Ravenous Ghouls. If you have
the Blademaster Promotion quest active, there will be a Quest Item to grab
behind you.

Head south from here to eventually come to a passage westward. Inside is a
Chest, and when you open it some enemies will spawn outside (a Ravenous Ghoul
and four Facehuggers). Return to the giant tree and explore the southeastern
part of the area to find a Dig Spot. Leave the area through the northern
passage to come across a T-intersection. West is a Might Barrel and east leads
to two Ravenous Ghouls and two Facehuggers.

Follow the path southeast and then south until you reach about the halfway
point of the map. Further southeast of here is a Chest in the easternmost
corner, and further south is the last group of enemies on this level (four
Facehuggers and two Ravenous Ghouls). Dispatch them and head back up to the
first level.

Level 1
Enemies: Facehugger (E/N), Ravenous Ghoul (N)

Containers: Key (11,9), Loot (0,11), Loot (4,4), Potions (11,14),
	    Magic Loot (15,2)

Move forward to get ambushed by three Facehuggers (one Elite). Next head south
to the waterfall to get ambushed by four Ravenous Ghouls. Behind the waterfall
you'll find a Dig Spot with a Key in it. Backtrack north and take the past

Shortly after it curves south there will be a doorway to the west with a Chest
in it. Continue south to find three Ravenous Ghouls and three Facehuggers (one
Elite). Beyond them to the south is a Chest. Now backtrack to the second level
entrance and head east to find four Facehuggers.

North of them is a Dig Spot, and south leads back to the central path. Go
south and then turn west, away from the exit to the World Map, to find one
last Chest.

That's everything, so if you've been following the main walkthrough leave this
area and head on back up to section W3k.

W6e. Temple of Ylath
Enemies: Dreamreaver (N), Harpy (E), Koreke (B)

Containers: Loot (2,11)

First up is a teleport puzzle. Any Teleporter you step on will 'port you two
squares south, so to get to the other side you have to step on (5,5) then

Awaiting you there are four Elite Harpies and two Dreamreavers. Harpies
are sort of like Ghouls, only they block less and evade more, and Dreamreavers
aren't much different from Dreamwalkers. Take them all out and head north to
find a Boss Harpy.

She casts Chain Lightning, so fighting her at range may not be the best idea.
Other than that there's not much to say about her. Once she falls you can open
the Rock Chest to the southwest and, if the Windsword Promotion quest is
active, use the giant floating statue to complete it.

That's everything in this small area, so time to return to the W3k. section of
the guide.

W6f. Pao Kai Nest
Level 1
Enemies: Goblin (E), Jaguar Warrior (E), Mauler (E), War Panther (E)

Containers: Loot (15,12), Loot (6,9), Magic Loot (1,7), Loot (14,5)

Follow the trail to find some enemies: an Elite Mauler and two Elite Goblins.
To the east of them is another Elite Goblin/Mauler along with two Elite War
Panthers. They're guarding a Chest. Backtrack and then go west to find a fork.
Further west is a second fork, north of which are two Elite Maulers, 2 Elite
Goblins, and two Elite War Panthers.

South is a Dig Spot that spawns two Elite Jaguar Warriors. Back east at the
first fork, head south to encounter three Elite Goblins, two Elite Maulers,
two Elite War Panthers, and an Elite Jaguar Warrior. Follow the path eastward
to aggro four Elite Maulers, two Elite War Panthers, and an Elite Jaguar

North of them is a Chest, and south is the ladder down to the second level.

Level 2
Enemies: Crusher (N), Goblin Hunter (N), Panther Warrior (N), Pao Kai (B)

Containers: Key (0,6), Magic Loot (13,3), Loot (1,12)

Turn north upon entering and eliminate the three Goblin Hunters, the Panther
Warrior, and the Crusher you'll find there. The Hunter's are notable for being
able to cause Stun, but the other two aren't much different from the Mauler
and Jaguar Warrior. In the western corner of this room is a Dig Spot holding a
Key. Return south and head east to engage a second group of enemies: three
Goblin Hunters, two Crushers, and a Panther Warrior. Behind them is a Chest.

Backtrack a little and head north to find a fork. the eastern path leads to a
large wooden gate, behind which the Pao Kai will appear a bit later if you
have the Warmonger Promotion quest active. Ignore it for now and continue
north to find a third group of enemies (two Goblin Hunters, three Crushers,
and two Panther Warriors). From the room they were in, west is a Chest and
east is an NPC.

If you don't have the Warmonger Promotion quest active, then that's all there
is to do in this area and you're free to leave. If you do, then talking to
that NPC will open up the wooden gate you passed earlier and allow you to face
the Pao Kai (other than its Chain Lightning attack, the Pao Kai isn't anything

Either way, it's now time to return to the W3k. section of the guide.

W6g. Sudgerd
Level 1
Enemies: Facehugger (N), Fire Elemental (N), Shadow Elemental (N),
	 Shadow Lurker (N)

Secret Doors: Magic (2,11)
Barrels: Fire Barrel (14,8)
Containers: Loot (4,3), Magic Loot (14,15), Loot (2,4)

Start with the room to the west, which contains a Chest which triggers an
ambush by a Shadow Elemental, a Facehugger, and a Shadow Lurker. The Shadow
Lurker is a lot the Dark Wizards you've faced earlier, and killing it should
give you enough Bestiary entries to complete Jassad's quest if you haven't
already done so.

Head to the far east corner next to trigger an ambush by two more Shadow
Lurkers. Follow the trail north to come across a group of enemies which you
can aggro from range: a Facehugger, two Shadow Elementals, and two Shadow
Lurkers. North of them is a Lever to pull, and east of the Lever is a device
that you can use that Flute picked up back in the Tower of Enigma on. The
required melody is the same one the Dwarven Artisan over in Seahaven plays
when you talk to him about the Flute (answer: 4-1-2-3-2-4).

The passage opened contains a Chest. Head west across the map from there to
find a Shadow Lurker, a Shadow Elemental, and two Facehuggers. Inside the
room they were in is a Secret Door. Leave this room and head through the
southwestern doorway to find another Lever to pull. Leaving the room, you'll
find four Fire Elementals and two Shadow Lurkers guarding the door to the
second level.

Dispatch them and head through.

Level 2
Enemies: Eye of Madness (B), Facehugger (E), Fire Elemental (N),
	 Shadow Elemental (N), Shadow Lurker (E)

Barrels: Destiny (13,12)
Containers: Potions (13,1), Magic Loot (14,14)

The door to the west is painted-on and doesn't open, so ignore it along with
the Lever on that same wall. Enter the eastern room instead to find an Elite
Shadow Lurker and two Elite Facehuggers guarding a Chest. Back outside the
room head north and cross the threshold marked by the braziers to trigger a
trap and medium-sized ambush; four Shadow Elementals, three Elite Shadow
Lurkers, and two Elite Facehuggers will appear around you.

Once they're finished, go north (the large open areas to the east/west are
dead ends) and explore the eastern room to find a Destiny Barrel, and the
western room to find a doorway north with four Fire Elementals and two Elite
Shadow Lurkers beyond it. Once they're all dead, head through the doorway and
over to the far eastern side of the area to find a path that curves south.

Reaching the corner will trigger an ambush by four Fire Elementals and two
Elite Shadow Lurkers. Grab the chest behind them and approach the large
northern structure to trigger the appearance of the area's Shadow Lurker Boss,
which isn't notably different from a standard Shadow Lurker.

If the Runelord Promotion quest is active, you can now use the nearby altar to
complete it. Once it's cleared, or if you don't have a Runepriest in the
party, it's time to leave and go back to section W3k.

W6h. Fortress of Crows
Level 1
Enemies: Ravenous Ghoul (E), Skeletal Spearman (E), Spectre (E)

Barrels: Water (24,1), Air (9,14), Fire (1,15)
Containers: Loot (14,8), Loot (19,16), Loot (11,19), Magic Loot (6,8)

This location has some of the best loot drops in the game, so consider taking
the treasure hunter Hireling along with you while exploring.

Once inside you'll meet an NPC. You can take the easy path and hand over the
Pendant, but all that gets you is 33,000 Gold and 750 XP. You'll get far more
for clearing the dungeon instead... although doing so is uncommonly dangerous.

Past the NPC is a long hallway, at the end of which is a Chest in the northern
alcove. Grab that and backtrack to the hallway leading south. Follow the path
down the hall until you end up in an open area with a Barrel. Break it and
head through the westernmost northern door to find yourself in a graveyard.

Straight ahead is another NPC, to the west is a door you can unlock that opens
back into the entrance hall, and to the east is the rest of the graveyard.
Travel northeast until you find a past west that passes a Dig Spot, then
return to and talk with the NPC. Now try and enter the door to the west to
spawn four Elite Ravenous Ghouls, four Elite Skeletal Spearmen, and two Elite
Spectres. That battle will probably bring you up to Level 30.

Try to open the door and it will ask for a password. See all those tombstones
scattered around? Each has a letter written on it. Gather the letters and
unscramble them to discover the password (answer: betrayal). Next is a Lever
puzzle of sorts. First grab the chest in the open room, then flip the Lever at
(11,15) to reveal two Elite Ravenous Ghouls and two Elite Skeletal Spearmen.

Flip the one on the north wall next to reveal a Barrel. (11,15) is next,
followed by the Lever on the eastern wall (which reveals two Elite Spectres).
Now use the one on the north wall again and approach the eastern door to have
it open and reveal a fifth Lever. Flip it to reveal the way deeper in.

On your way west, check the southern path to find a Chest, then continue west
to find two Elite Skeletal Spearmen, four Elite Spectres, and three Elite
Ravenous Ghouls. The first path south leads back to the entrance (and I
suggest using this opportunity to return to town and clear out your
inventory), while the second leads down to the second level. Since that's
where you'll find the Key to the door just north of here, that's where you
have to go next.

Level 2
Enemies: Ravenous Ghoul (E), Skeletal Spearman (E), Spectre (E)

Secret Doors: Might (3,7), Magic (17,10), Perception (8,9)
Containers: Loot (5,7), Key (10,5), Magic Loot (13,5), Magic Loot (20,15),
	    Loot (17,13), Key (14,12), Magic Loot (8,8)

Go over to the southwestern corner, passing a Secret Door on the east wall, to
find a Lever. Flip it to cause part of the eastern wall to disappear. Move
over to that newly revealed tile (4,5), to have another appear. This will
continue for a while, eventually revealing two Elite Spectres. Some more
step-stop-step follows and soon a Chest will appear in front of you while a
Dig Spot appears under.

Beyond the Chest two Elite Spectres are waiting. Finish them and go through
the door to find a large room containing four Elite Skeletal Spearmen, two
Elite Ravenous Ghouls, and two more Elite Spectres. This room also hold a tile

The goal is to light all the tiles. However, you can only step on three
consecutive blue tiles at a time. There are various ways to do this, here's
one of them: S, middle, S, leave the board, S, middle, N, NE, E, middle, W,
NW, and now leave the board and light up the last two.

Solving the puzzle open the northern door, behind which is a Chest. Grab it
and head west, passing a Secret Door on the way, to find a room containing
six Elite Ravenous Ghouls, two Elite Skeletal Spearmen, and two Elite
Spectres. There's also a Key in the northeastern corner. Further west is
another Secret Door and a door leading back to the ladder up to the first

Level 1
Secret Doors: Magic (4,22)
Barrels: Earth (8,25)
Containers: Magic Loot (4,24), Magic Loot (1,6)

Open the locked door to find a Teleporter. Before using it, you'll probably
want to make another trip to town about now to empty out your inventory once

Use the Teleporter to find yourself in a sort of pseudo-labyrinth. In this
first room is a Secret Door and two additional Teleporters. Take either one,
then take the one in the northeast corner (11,24) of this new room. Three new
choices now. The northeast Teleporter leads to a Barrel, a hallway, a Chest,
and then to the southern Teleporter.

Take the southeastern 'porter (9,18) to reach a new part of the second level.

Level 2
Enemies: Ravenous Ghoul (E), Skeletal Spearman (E), Spectre (E)

Secret Doors: Perception (12,25), Might (5,18)
Barrels: Prime (10,26), Light (2,22), Dark (23,13)
Containers: Loot (11,25), Magic Loot (5,19), Loot (2,13)
Landmarks: Destiny Statue (16,16)

More Teleporters. The northeast one leads to a hallway with a Secret Door, the
southwest one leads to a Barrel, and the southeast one leads to where you want
to be.

After escaping the Teleporter corridors and following the hallway, you'll come
to a semi-open room with a Secret Door to the north and a normal door to the
east. Beyond that door is a large open room with numerous enemies in it.

First, if you immediately head south you'll find four Elite Ravenous Ghouls,
three Elite Skeletal Spearmen, and a Chest. Head east a little and you'll come
to a crossroad, west of which is three Elite Skeletal Spearmen, four Elite
Spectres, and a Barrel. Further east lurk eight more Elite Spectres and a
Destiny Statue.

Grab the Barrel to the far southeast and then enter the northeastern door to
find yourself in yet another part of the first level.

Level 1
Enemies: Melanthe (B), Ravenous Ghoul (E), Skeletal Spearman (E), Spectre (E)

Landmarks: Power Statue (22,20)

Directly ahead is a Power Statue. Go through the door and follow the path to
end up in a library-like area. Once you get about halfway across, you'll be
ambushed by four Elite Spectres, four Elite Ravenous Ghouls, and four Elite
Skeletal Spearmen.

After that, just follow the linear path to find a door and open it to face the
Boss. She uses Purge, Paralyze, Physical Attacks, and Fireball. That Fireball
is deadly, particularly since her attacks drain your Mana. Defeating her
rewards you with a necklace Relic which eventually gives +Destiny, +All
Elemental Resistance, and deals Retaliation damage.

This area is finally cleared, so you can now return to the W3k. section of the

W4i. Dream Shard Dungeon
Enemies: Malbeth (B), Terror (E), Terror (E)

Containers: Magic Loot (7,20), Magic Loot (24,4)

Talk to everyone in the room, then exit out the door. Move forward and open
the black gate (password: thousand). Take the west Teleporter to find a Chest,
use the 'porter again to find yourself in front of a locked door. Go through
the door to encounter two Elite Elemental Terrors (which are beefed-up Shadow

Take the western Teleporter once again to get ambushed by two Elite Elemental
Terrors, along with an Elite Watcher Terror (which are beefed-up Shadow
Watchers). From here on I'm just going to refer to them as 'Elementals' and

Take the western Teleporter to walk into another ambush, this time by an Elite
Elemental and two Elite Watchers. Now take the north one (the one you just
came through) to appear in front of a long bridge spanning the northern chasm.
Cross it to have enemies spawn as you progress. First it's two Elite
Elementals and two Elite Watchers, then it's two Elite Elementals and three
Elite Watchers.

Once you've made it across, take the northern Teleporter and then move forward
to trigger an ambush by four Elite Watchers and three Elite Elementals. Return
back through the Teleporter you just emerged from to find a Chest, then take
the only 'porter here to encounter the area's Boss, a Black Dragon. It uses an
attack that deals Dark damage to and Poisons the entire party. Get used to
this attack, because the Final Boss will use a version of it quite often.

Once it falls, you'll fall along with it (and probably reach Level 32 if you
haven't already). Now go talk to the nearby NPC afterward to complete this
dungeon and then return to the end of section W4a.


				X1. Bestiary
Most information was taken from the in-game Bestiary tab. What couldn't be
found there was taken directly from the MonsterStaticData.csv file.
X1a. Humans

Brigand (Normal)
Health: 150		XP: 20
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 9
	Damage: 12-16
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Ranged Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Attack: 9
	Damage: 12-16
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 20		Evade: 60
Resistances: 0
Abilities: Poisoning Strikes

Brigand (Elite)
Health: 194		XP: 45
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 17
	Damage: 21-25
	Element Damage: 6-10 (Air)
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Ranged Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Attack: 17
	Damage: 26-30
	Element Damage: 7-11 (Air)
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 25		Evade: 70
Resistances: A25
Abilities: Poisoning Strikes

Militia (Normal)
Health: 150		XP: 20
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 9
	Damage: 12-16
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 50		Evade: 40
Resistances: 0
Abilities: Stunning Strikes

Militia (Elite)
Health: 200		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 18
	Damage: 23-27
	Element Damage: 6-10 Air
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 2
Armor: 60		Evade: 65
Resistances: A50
Abilities: Stunning Strikes

Militia Captain (Normal)
Health: 306		XP: 25
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 17
	Damage: 25-29
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 70		Evade: 1
Resistances: 0
Abilities: Battle Spirit, Stunning Strikes

Militia Captain (Elite)
Health: 339		XP: 50
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 34
	Damage: 30-34
	Element Damage: 30-34 Light
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 2
Armor: 80		Evade: 1
Resistances: A50, L50
Abilities: Battle Spirit, Stunning Strikes

Rogue Mage (Normal)
Health: 214		XP: 20
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 11
	Damage: 10-14
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 1.6
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 45
Resistances: P25, F50, W50, E50, A50, L50, D25
Abilities: Cleansing Light, Firebolt

Rogue Mage (Elite)
Health: 227		XP: 45
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 23
	Damage: 16-20
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 2.6
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 67
Resistances: P25, F50, W50, E50, A50, L50, D25
Abilities: Cleansing Light, Firebolt

Black Guard (Normal)
Health: 785		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 21
	Damage: 30-34
	Element Damage: 12-20 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 2
Armor: 80		Evade: 60
Resistances: A75, D75
Abilities: Stunning Strikes

Black Guard (Elite)
Health: 950		XP: 65
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 70
	Damage: 57-61
	Element Damage: 18-22 Air
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 2
Armor: 80		Evade: 60
Resistances: A75, D75
Abilities: Stunning Strikes

Black Guard Captain (Normal)
Health: 1000		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 39
	Damage: 57-61
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 2
Armor: 80		Evade: 1
Resistances: A75, D75
Abilities: Battle Spirit, Stunning Strikes

Black Guard Captain (Elite)
Health: 1088		XP: 70
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 85
	Damage: 42-46
	Element Damage: 42-54 Air
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 2
Armor: 80		Evade: 1
Resistances: A75, D75
Abilities: Battle Spirit, Stunning Strikes, Vindictive

Dark Wizard (Normal)
Health: 635		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 21
	Damage: 25-29
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 6
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 80
Resistances: P25, F50, W50, E50, A75, D75
Abilities: Feeblemind, Purge, Shadow Bolt

Dark Wizard (Elite)
Health: 850		XP: 65
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 70
	Damage: 59-61
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 9.5
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 100
Resistances: P25, F50, W50, E50, A75, D75
Abilities: Feeblemind, Shadow Bolt

Blackfang Thug (Normal)
Health: 1200		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 44
	Damage: 30-40
	Element Damage: 7-8 Fire
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 30		Evade: 80
Resistances: F75, D75
Abilities: Debilitating Strikes, Overwhelming Assault, Retalitation

Perren's Thug (Elite)
Health: 2020		XP: 80
Melee Attacks: 3
	Attack: 106
	Damage: 24-28
	Element Damage: 24-28 Fire
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 30		Evade: 130
Resistances: F25, A25
Abilities: Debilitating Strikes, Overwhelming Assault, Retalitation

Blackfang Marauder (Normal)
Health: 1100		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 3
	Attack: 44
	Damage: 19-23
	Element Damage: 5-9 Fire
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Ranged Attacks: 3
	Range: 4
	Attack: 24
	Damage: 24-28
	Element Damage: 7-11 Fire
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 20		Evade: 100
Resistances: F75, E75, D75
Abilities: Poisoning Strikes, Sweeping Attack

Perren's Marauder (Elite)
Health: 1852		XP: 80
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 84
	Damage: 32-40
	Element Damage: 32-36 Fire
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Ranged Attacks: 3
	Range: 4
	Attack: 106
	Damage: 37-41
	Element Damage: 11-15 Fire
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 20		Evade: 130
Resistances: F25, A25
Abilities: Poisoning Strikes, Sweeping Attack

Sentinel (Normal)
Health: 1662		XP: 60
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 53
	Damage: 105-139
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 2
Armor: 70		Evade: 115
Resistances: 0
Abilities: Piercing Strikes

Sentinel (Elite)
Health: 2048		XP: 80
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 106
	Damage: 105-139
	Element Damage: 35-43 Light
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 2
Armor: 70		Evade: 130
Resistances: L25
Abilities: Overwhelming Assault, Piercing Strikes

Praetorian (Normal)
Health: 1662		XP: 70
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 59
	Damage: 174-225
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 2
Armor: 80		Evade: 125
Resistances: 0
Abilities: Celestial Armor, Cleansing Light, Piercing Strikes

Praetorian (Elite)
Health: 2048		XP: 90
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 118
	Damage: 108-159
	Element Damage: 130-136 Light
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 2
Armor: 80		Evade: 142
Resistances: L50
Abilities: Celestial Armor, Cleansing Light, Overwhelming Assault,
	   Piercing Strikes

Crossbowman (Normal)
Health: 1604		XP: 60
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 49
	Damage: 103-107
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Ranged Attacks: 2
	Range: 6
	Attack: 53
	Damage: 58-62
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 30		Evade: 115
Resistances: 0
Abilities: Piercing Strikes

Crossbowman (Elite)
Health: 2048		XP: 80
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 63
	Damage: 89-93
	Element Damage: 5-13 Air, 7-11 Light
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Ranged Attacks: 2
	Range: 6
	Attack: 106
	Damage: 58-62
	Element Damage: 15-19 Air
	Crit. Chance: 15
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 30		Evade: 130
Resistances: A50, L50
Abilities: Piercing Strikes

Marksman (Normal)
Health: 1604		XP: 70
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 53
	Damage: 115-120
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Ranged Attacks: 2
	Range: 6
	Attack: 59
	Damage: 128-136
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 0
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 1
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 40		Evade: 125
Resistances: A25, L25
Abilities: Cleansing Light, Piercing Strikes

Marksman (Elite)
Health: 2048		XP: 90
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 75
	Damage: 62-66
	Element Damage: 41-49 Air, 43-47 Light
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Ranged Attacks: 2
	Range: 6
	Attack: 119
	Damage: 128-136
	Element Damage: 48-46 Light
	Crit. Chance: 15
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 0
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 10
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 40		Evade: 142
Resistances: A75, L75
Abilities: Cleansing Light, Mass Heal, Piercing Strikes

Inquisitor (Normal)
Health: 2048		XP: 70
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 49
	Damage: 122-126
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 0
	Range: 1
	Multiplier: 15
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 10		Evade: 125
Resistances: P50, F25, E25, A50, L100
Weakness: D25
Abilities: Focused, Martyr, Mass Heal, Pacification

Sun Rider (Normal)
Health: 2508		XP: 70
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 53
	Damage: 262-330
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 60		Evade: 96
Resistances: L25
Abilities: Large, Hour of Justice, Martyr, Overwhelming Assault,
	   Unstoppable Strikes

Carla (Normal)
Health: 624		XP: 0
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 163
	Damage: 57-61
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 50
	Crit. Damage: 250%
Melee Blocks: 8		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 10		Evade: 114
Resistances: 0
Abilities: Retaliation, Spirit Bound, Sweeping Attack

X1b. Humanoids

Goblin (Normal)
Health: 525		XP: 30
Melee Attacks: 3
	Attack: 24
	Damage: 9-13
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Ranged Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Attack: 24
	Damage: 27-31
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 5		Evade: 110
Resistances: F40, E40, A40, D40
Abilities: Demonic Lineage

Goblin (Elite)
Health: 1090		XP: 60
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 48
	Damage: 13-17
	Element Damage: 3-10 Air
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Ranged Attacks: 2
	Range: 4
	Attack: 58
	Damage: 53-57
	Element Damage: 16-20 Air
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 10		Evade: 155
Resistances: F60, E60, D60
Abilities: Demonic Lineage

Goblin Hunter (Normal)
Health: 1150		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 55
	Damage: 35-45
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Ranged Attacks: 2
	Range: 4
	Attack: 60
	Damage: 40-55
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 10		Evade: 150
Resistances: F60, E60, A60, D60
Abilities: Demonic Lineage, Stunning Strikes

Mauler (Normal)
Health: 624		XP: 30
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 24
	Damage: 20-24
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 60		Evade: 62
Resistances: F40, E40, A40, D40
Abilities: Demonic Lineage, Sweeping Attack

Mauler (Elite)
Health: 1200		XP: 60
Melee Attacks: 3
	Attack: 55
	Damage: 20-24
	Element Damage: 20-24 Earth
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 2
Armor: 60		Evade: 60
Resistances: F60, E60, A60, D60
Abilities: Demonic Lineage, Sweeping Attack

Crusher (Normal)
Health: 1250		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 3
	Attack: 65
	Damage: 53-57
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 2
Armor: 60		Evade: 60
Resistances: F60, E60, D60
Abilities: Demonic Lineage, Sweeping Attack

Jaguar Warrior (Normal)
Health: 684		XP: 30
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 26
	Damage: 60-80
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 30		Evade: 64
Resistances: F40, E40, A40, D40
Abilities: Demonic Lineage, Enraged, Overwhelming Assault

Jaguar Warrior (Elite)
Health: 1280		XP: 60
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 65
	Damage: 66-70
	Element Damage: 21-25 Earth
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 2		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 35		Evade: 87
Resistances: F60, E60, A60, D60
Abilities: Demonic Lineage, Enraged, Overwhelming Assault

Panther Warrior (Normal)
Health: 1315		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 68
	Damage: 89-99
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 35		Evade: 76
Resistances: F60, E60, D60
Abilities: Demonic Lineage, Enraged, Overwhelming Assault

Dreamwalker (Normal)
Health: 452		XP: 30
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 20
	Damage: 26-30
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 4.9
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 64
Resistances: F60, W60, E60, A60, D60
Abilities: Demonic Lineage, Lightning Bolt, Regeneration (Active)

Dreamwalker (Elite)
Health: 1200		XP: 60
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 48
	Damage: 90-94
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 8
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 87
Resistances: F70, W70, E70, A70, D60
Abilities: Demonic Lineage, Lightning Bolt, Regeneration (Active)

Dreamreaver (Normal)
Health: 1300		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 37
	Damage: 53-57
	Element Damage: 50-60 Air
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 8
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 76
Resistances: F75, W75, E75, A75
Abilities: Chain Lightning, Demonic Lineage, Lightning Bolt,
	   Regeneration (Active)

Harpy (Normal)
Health: 1000		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 50
	Damage: 21-25
	Element Damage: 6-15 Air
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 15		Evade: 130
Resistances: A75
Abilities: Vindictive

Harpy (Elite)
Health: 1090		XP: 60
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 59
	Damage: 53-57
	Element Damage: 16-30 Air
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 15		Evade: 140
Resistances: A95
Abilities: Vindictive

Stalker (Normal)
Health: 190		XP: 30
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 16
	Damage: 24-28
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Ranged Attacks: 1
	Range: 5
	Attack: 16
	Damage: 24-28
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 5		Evade: 70
Resistances: 0
Weakness: A25
Abilities: Weakening Strikes

Stalker (Elite)
Health: 240		XP: 50
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 27
	Damage: 36-40
	Element Damage: 11-15 Earth
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Ranged Attacks: 1
	Range: 5
	Attack: 27
	Damage: 36-40
	Element Damage: 11-15 Earth
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 5		Evade: 75
Resistances: E50, D50
Weakness: A25
Abilities: Weakening Strikes

Chakram Dancer (Normal)
Health: 822		XP: 50
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 77
	Damage: 20-24
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Ranged Attacks: 2
	Range: 5
	Attack: 77
	Damage: 41-45
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 60
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 5		Evade: 88
Resistances: P40, F40, W40, E75, A40, D75
Weakness: L25
Abilities: Sweeping Attack, Weakening Strikes

Chakram Dancer (Elite)
Health: 933		XP: 70
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 88
	Damage: 9-13
	Element Damage: 32-36 Earth
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Ranged Attacks: 2
	Range: 5
	Attack: 88
	Damage: 39-43
	Element Damage: 12-16 Earth
	Crit. Chance: 60
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 5		Evade: 125
Resistances: P45, F45, W45, E75, A45, D75
Weakness: L25
Abilities: Sweeping Attack, Weakening Strikes

Assassin (Normal)
Health: 190		XP: 30
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 16
	Damage: 11-15
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 10		Evade: 70
Resistances: 0
Weakness: L25
Abilities: Retaliation

Assassin (Elite)
Health: 240		XP: 50
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 27
	Damage: 18-20
	Element Damage: 5-9 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 25
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Melee Blocks: 2		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 10		Evade: 75
Resistances: E50, D50
Weakness: L25
Abilities: Retaliation

Shade (Normal)
Health: 990		XP: 50
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 71
	Damage: 20-24
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 134
Resistances: P40, F40, W40, E75, A40, D75
Weakness: L25
Abilities: Retaliation, Vindictive

Shade (Elite)
Health: 1190		XP: 70
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 99
	Damage: 9-13
	Element Damage: 32-36 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Melee Blocks: 2		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 144
Resistances: P45, F45, W45, E75, A45, D75
Weakness: L25
Abilities: Retaliation, Vindictive

Dark Prophet (Normal)
Health: 989		XP: 50
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 53
	Damage: 44-48
	Element Damage: 12-15 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 7.6
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 96
Resistances: P45, F45, W45, E75, A45, D75
Abilities: Pain Reflection, Shadow Bolt, Torpor

Dark Prophet (Elite)
Health: 1141		XP: 70
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 93
	Damage: 61-65
	Element Damage: 18-25 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 8.6
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 128
Resistances: P50, F50 W50, E80, A50, D80
Abilities: Pain Reflection, Shadow Bolt, Torpor

Faceless (Normal)
Health: 1154		XP: 50
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 53
	Damage: 67-71
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 4.9
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 96
Resistances: P50, F50, W50, E50, A50, D100
Abilities: Dark Nova, Feeblemind, Pain Reflection, Purge, Retaliation

Faceless (Elite)
Health: 1232		XP: 70
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 93
	Damage: 135-140
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 5.1
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 128
Resistances: P50, F50, W50, E50, A50, D100
Abilities: Dark Nova, Feeblemind, Pain Reflection, Purge, Retaliation

Cyclops (Normal)
Health: 1500		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 65
	Damage: 96-116
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 1
	Multiplier: 5
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 50		Evade: 25
Resistances: P30, F75, W30, E75, A30, L30, D30
Abilities: Crush, Demonic Lineage, Large, Stunning Strikes

Minotaur (Normal)
Health: 699		XP: 30
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 18
	Damage: 69-73
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 400%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 1
	Multiplier: 2.3
	Crit. Chance: 50
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 10		Evade: 54
Resistances: 0
Abilities: Crush, Large, Enraged

Minotaur (Elite)
Health: 1255		XP: 60
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 73
	Damage: 96-115
	Element Damage: 58-62 Earth
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 400%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 1
	Multiplier: 3.5
	Crit. Chance: 50
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 35		Evade: 104
Resistances: P20, F30, W30, E50, A30, D40
Abilities: Crush, Large, Enraged

Rakshasa (Normal)
Health: 679		XP: 60
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 55
	Damage: 11-15
	Element Damage: 5-8 Prime
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 2		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 98
Resistances: P25, A25
Abilities: Relentless, Vindictive

Rakshasa (Elite)
Health: 754		XP: 80
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 93
	Damage: 24-28
	Element Damage: 7-11 Prime
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 3		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 128
Resistances: P40, A40
Abilities: Relentless, Vindictive

Kenshi (Normal)
Health: 216		XP: 20
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 50
	Damage: 10-12
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 40		Evade: 25
Resistances: 0
Weakness: F25
Abilities: Relentless

Kenshi (Elite)
Health: 265		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 50
	Damage: 14-18
	Element Damage: 5-7 Water
	Crit. Chance: 15
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 50		Evade: 25
Resistances: W50
Weakness: F25
Abilities: Relentless

Kensei (Normal)
Health: 875		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 35
	Damage: 16-18
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 2		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 20		Evade: 25
Resistances: P25, W75, A50, L50
Weakness: F25
Abilities: Relentless, Vindictive

Kensei (Elite)
Health: 925		XP: 60
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 44
	Damage: 15-19
	Element Damage: 5-7 Light
	Crit. Chance: 15
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 2		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 30		Evade: 25
Resistances: P25, W75, A50, L50
Weakness: F25
Abilities: Focused, Relentless, Vindictive

Coral Priestess (Normal)
Health: 194		XP: 20
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 10
	Damage: 8-10
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 3
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 20		Evade: 40
Resistances: W50, L50
Weakness: F25
Abilities: Focused, Ice Shards, Liquid Membrane

Coral Priestess (Elite)
Health: 240		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 17
	Damage: 14-18
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 4
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 25		Evade: 50
Resistances: W50, L50
Weakness: F25
Abilities: Focused, Ice Shards, Liquid Membrane

Pearl Priestess (Normal)
Health: 820		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 26
	Damage: 12-14
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 7
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 80
Resistances: P60, W90, E60, A60, L60, D25
Weakness: F25
Abilities: Focused, Ice Shards, Ice Storm, Liquid Membrane

Pearl Priestess (Elite)
Health: 850		XP: 60
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 44
	Damage: 18-22
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 10
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 86
Resistances: P70, W90, E70, A70, L70, D25
Weakness: F25
Abilities: Focused, Ice Shards, Ice Storm, Liquid Membrane

Naga Warlord (Normal)
Health: 900		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 26
	Damage: 22-23
	Element Damage: 6-9 Water
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 35		Evade: 64
Resistances: P50, W75, E50, A50, D50
Weakness: F25
Abilities: Battle Spirit, Focused, Retaliation, Sweeping Attack

Naga Warlord (Elite)
Health: 925		XP: 60
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 44
	Damage: 32-34
	Element Damage: 10-12 Water
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 35		Evade: 86
Resistances: P50, W75, E50, A50, D50
Weakness: F25
Abilities: Battle Spirit, Focused, Retaliation, Sweeping Attack

Mermaid (Normal)
Health: 424		XP: 30
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 24
	Damage: 9-13
	Element Damage: 30-34 Water
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 4.3
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 62
Resistances: W75
Weakness: F25
Abilities: Deep Freeze, Ice Shards, Ice Storm

Mermaid (Elite)
Health: 850		XP: 60
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 44
	Damage: 20-24
	Element Damage: 64-68 Water
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 10
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 86
Resistances: P70, W90, E70, A70, L70
Weakness: F25
Abilities: Deep Freeze, Ice Shards, Ice Storm

Mamushi (Boss)
Health: 713		XP: 250
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 30
	Damage: 17-19
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 3		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 5		Evade: 74
Resistances: W50, D50
Abilities: Boss, Curling, Push, Relentless, Retaliation, Sweeping Attack,

Erebos (Boss)
Health: 2302		XP: 500
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 150
	Damage: 51-55
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 5
	Multiplier: 6.1
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 145
Resistances: D80
Abilities: Backstab, Boss, Dark Nova, Dark Restoration, Spirit Bound

Kilrah (Boss)
Health: 2302		XP: 500
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 150
	Damage: 41-45
	Element Damage: 12-16 Prime, 12-16 Air
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 15
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 4		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 145
Resistances: P50, A50
Abilities: Boss, Chain Lightning, Relentless, Vindictive

Adira (Boss)
Health: 17020		XP: 500
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 168
	Damage: 72-76
	Element Damage: 72-76 Light
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 25
	Crit. Chance: 50
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 25		Evade: 152
Resistances: P25, F25, W25, E25, A25, L100
Weakness: D25
Abilities: Boss, Flicker, Flickering Light, Speed of Light, Sun Ray

Seraph (Normal)
Health: 3462		XP: 70
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 59
	Damage: 70-79
	Element Damage: 74-76 Light
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 20
	Crit. Chance: 75
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 15		Evade: 125
Resistances: L100
Weakness: D25
Abilities: Focused, Hour of Justice, Retaliation, Sun Ray

Dweller (Normal)
Health: 611		XP: 0
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 68
	Damage: 55-59
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 130%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 13.1
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 10		Evade: 112
Resistances: F50, W50, E50, A50
Abilities: Demonic Lineage, Fireball, Spirit Bound

X1c. Beasts

War Panther (Normal)
Health: 524		XP: 30
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 24
	Damage: 32-36
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 50		Evade: 62
Resistances: F40, E40, A40, D40
Abilities: Enraged, Retaliation

War Panther (Elite)
Health: 1200		XP: 60
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 48
	Damage: 45-55
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 50		Evade: 90
Resistances: F60, E60, A60, D60
Abilities: Enraged, Retaliation

Giant Spider (Normal)
Health: 111		XP: 5
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 7
	Damage: 4-10
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 1
	Multiplier: 1.3
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 5		Evade: 40
Resistances: E50
Abilities: Poison Spit

Giant Spider (Elite)
Health: 965		XP: 60
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 34
	Damage: 38-42
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 7
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 10		Evade: 80
Resistances: W50, E75, D50
Abilities: Poison Spit

Moonsilk Spider (Normal)
Health: 194		XP: 20
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 10
	Damage: 4-8
	Element Damage: 16-20 Prime
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 1
	Multiplier: 0.8
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 5		Evade: 80
Resistances: P50
Abilities: Mana Leech, Crystal Shards

Moonsilk Spider (Elite)
Health: 975		XP: 60
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 44
	Damage: 24-29
	Element Damage: 77-81 Prime
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 3
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 10		Evade: 100
Resistances: P75, W40, E40, A40, L40, D40
Abilities: Mana Leech, Crystal Shards

Wolf (Normal)
Health: 120		XP: 20
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 8
	Damage: 6-8
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 80
Resistances: 0
Abilities: Enrage

Wolf (Elite)
Health: 288		XP: 50
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 28
	Damage: 25-29
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 100
Resistances: 0
Abilities: Enrage

Griffin (Normal)
Health: 1750		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 3
	Attack: 60
	Damage: 78-82
	Element Damage: 25-40 Air
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 15		Evade: 90
Resistances: P40, F40, W40, E40, A90, L40, D40
Abilities: Sweeping Attack

Shadow Panther (Normal)
Health: 306		XP: 30
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 17
	Damage: 14-18
	Element Damage: 3-7 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 52
Resistances: D50
Abilities: Retaliation

Shadow Panther (Elite)
Health: 679		XP: 80
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 93
	Damage: 33-37
	Element Damage: 10-14 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 128
Resistances: D75
Abilities: Retaliation

Manticore (Normal)
Health: 699		XP: 30
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 18
	Damage: 51-55
	Element Damage: 16-20 Earth
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 40		Evade: 54
Resistances: E50
Abilities: Poisoning Strikes, Weakening Strikes

Manticore (Elite)
Health: 1508		XP: 80
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 93
	Damage: 207-211
	Element Damage: 68-72 Earth
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 40		Evade: 128
Resistances: E75
Abilities: Poisoning Strikes, Weakening Strikes

Shadow Lurker (Normal)
Health: 890		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 3
	Attack: 37
	Damage: 12-16
	Element Damage: 39-43 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 6
	Crit. Chance: 75
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 15		Evade: 99
Resistances: P90, D90
Abilities: Shadow Bolt

Shadow Lurker (Elite)
Health: 1077		XP: 60
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 65
	Damage: 26-30
	Element Damage: 81-85 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 8
	Crit. Chance: 75
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 20		Evade: 96
Resistances: P90, F30, W30, E30, A30, D90
Abilities: Shadow Bolt

Shadow Watcher (Normal)
Health: 855		XP: 50
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 43
	Damage: 13-17
	Element Damage: 44-48 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 4.3
	Crit. Chance: 75
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 15		Evade: 84
Resistances: P30, D30
Abilities: Feeblemind, Shadow Bolt

Shadow Watcher (Elite)
Health: 1111		XP: 70
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 53
	Damage: 32-36
	Element Damage: 50-54 Prime, 50-54 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 9.7
	Crit. Chance: 75
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 126
Resistances: P60, D60
Abilities: Feeblemind, Shadow Bolt

Facehugger (Normal)
Health: 650		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 35
	Damage: 5-9
	Element Damage: 36-54 Air
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 1
	Multiplier: 5
	Crit. Chance: 0
	Crit. Damage: 0%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 90
Resistances: P50, F50, W50, A75, L50, D50
Abilities: Chain Lightning, Cursing Strikes, Mana Leech

Facehugger (Elite)
Health: 893		XP: 65
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 62
	Damage: 20-24
	Element Damage: 53-65 Air
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 15		Evade: 96
Resistances: P50, A50
Abilities: Cursing Strikes, Mana Leech

Shadow Dragon (Normal)
Health: 1460		XP: 50
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 85
	Damage: 35-45
	Element Damage: 29-33 Fire, 29-33 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 1
	Multiplier: 1.2
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 130%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 40		Evade: 98
Resistances: P45, F75, W46, E45, A45, L25, D80
Abilities: Large, Swoop

Wolf Hound (Normal)
Health: 685		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 21
	Damage: 25-29
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 20		Evade: 120
Resistances: A50, D50
Abilities: Enraged, Relentless

Wolf Hound (Elite)
Health: 1099		XP: 70
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 85
	Damage: 86-90
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 25		Evade: 123
Resistances: A50, D50
Abilities: Enraged, Relentless

Crystal Spider (Boss)
Health: 2007		XP: 500
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 134
	Damage: 12-16
	Element Damage: 32-36 Prime
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 7
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 25		Evade: 134
Resistances: P75, F25, W25, E25, A25, L25, D25
Abilities: Blink, Boss, Crystal Cage, Crystal Cage (Explosive),
	   Crystal Shards, Crystal Shell, Large

Taraleth (Boss)
Health: 2183		XP: 500
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 144
	Damage: 48-52
	Element Damage: 23-27 Fire, 23-27 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 2.1
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 25		Evade: 141
Resistances: P75, F75, W75, E75, A75, L75, D75
Abilities: Boss, Large, Spirit Bound, Swoop, Withering Breath

Pao Kai (Boss)
Health: 2150		XP: 350
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 107
	Damage: 21-25
	Element Damage: 15-19 Earth, 15-19 Air
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 8
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 25		Evade: 112
Resistances: E95, A95
Abilities: Boss, Chain Lightning, Large

Terror (Elite)
Health: 1611		XP: 70
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 74
	Damage: 32-36
	Element Damage: 50-54 Prime, 50-54 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 9.7
	Crit. Chance: 75
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 137
Resistances: P60, D60
Abilities: Feeblemind, Shadow Bolt

X1d. Undead

Ghost (Normal)
Health: 387		XP: 30
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 20
	Damage: 18-22
	Element Damage: 18-22 Prime
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 2.8
	Crit. Chance: 25
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 91
Resistances: P50, D50
Abilities: Shadow Bolt, Undead

Ghost (Elite)
Health: 413		XP: 50
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 36
	Damage: 39-43
	Element Damage: 39-43 Prime
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 6
	Crit. Chance: 25
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 94
Resistances: P75, D75
Abilities: Shadow Bolt, Undead

Spectre (Normal)
Health: 1100		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 37
	Damage: 12-16
	Element Damage: 39-43 Prime
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 6
	Crit. Chance: 25
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 110
Resistances: P90, D90
Abilities: Shadow Bolt, Torpor, Undead

Spectre (Elite)
Health: 1200		XP: 65
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 65
	Damage: 26-30
	Element Damage: 81-85 Prime
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 7.8
	Crit. Chance: 25
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 15		Evade: 150
Resistances: P90, D90
Abilities: Shadow Bolt, Torpor, Undead

Skeleton (Normal)
Health: 387		XP: 30
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 20
	Damage: 29-33
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 50
	Crit. Damage: 400%
Ranged Attacks: 2
	Range: 3
	Attack: 20
	Damage: 14-18
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 220%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 20		Evade: 58
Resistances: 0
Abilities: Undead

Skeleton (Elite)
Health: 413		XP: 50
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 36
	Damage: 64-68
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 50
	Crit. Damage: 400%
Ranged Attacks: 2
	Range: 4
	Attack: 36
	Damage: 31-35
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 220%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 25		Evade: 83
Resistances: E25, D25
Abilities: Undead

Skeletal Spearman (Normal)
Health: 1100		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 37
	Damage: 35-39
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 50
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Ranged Attacks: 2
	Range: 3
	Attack: 55
	Damage: 30-42
	Element Damage: 15-21 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 220%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 30		Evade: 76
Resistances: E90, D90
Abilities: Undead, Weakening Strikes

Skeletal Spearman (Elite)
Health: 1200		XP: 65
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 78
	Damage: 82-86
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 50
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Ranged Attacks: 2
	Range: 4
	Attack: 28
	Damage: 32-98
	Element Damage: 10-14 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 220%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 35		Evade: 113
Resistances: E90, D90
Abilities: Undead, Weakening Strikes

Ghoul (Normal)
Health: 387		XP: 30
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 20
	Damage: 29-33
	Element Damage: 
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 58
Resistances: 0
Abilities: Undead, Vindictive

Ghoul (Elite)
Health: 413		XP: 50
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 36
	Damage: 31-35
	Element Damage: 31-35 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 0		Evade: 83
Resistances: 0
Abilities: Undead, Vindictive

Ravenous Ghoul (Normal)
Health: 1100		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 37
	Damage: 60-70
	Element Damage: 
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 15		Evade: 100
Resistances: E90, D90
Abilities: Enraged, Undead, Vindictive

Ravenous Ghoul (Elite)
Health: 1200		XP: 65
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 78
	Damage: 41-45
	Element Damage: 19-23 Earth, 19-23 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 25		Evade: 113
Resistances: E90, D90
Abilities: Enraged, Undead, Vindictive

X1e. Elementals

Earth Elemental (Normal)
Health: 340		XP: 30
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 17
	Damage: 15-19
	Element Damage: 15-19 Earth
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 0
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 1
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 50		Evade: 1
Resistances: E90
Weakness: A25
Abilities: Regeneration, Stone Skin

Earth Elemental (Elite)
Health: 800		XP: 60
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 44
	Damage: 42-46
	Element Damage: 42-46 Earth
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 0
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 4
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 50		Evade: 1
Resistances: P30, F30, W30, E100, L30, D30
Weakness: A25
Abilities: Regeneration (Passive), Regrowth, Stone Skin

Fire Elemental (Normal)
Health: 1100		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 36
	Damage: 4-8
	Element Damage: 45-49 Fire
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 4
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 130%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 15		Evade: 95
Resistances: F100, E30, A30, L30, D30
Weakness: W25
Abilities: Explosive, Firebolt

Light Elemental (Normal)
Health: 550		XP: 40
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 44
	Damage: 2-6
	Element Damage: 37-41 Light
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 6
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 130%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 62
Resistances: L90
Weakness: D25
Abilities: Searing Light

Light Elemental (Elite)
Health: 2222		XP: 80
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 84
	Damage: 15-23
	Element Damage: 135-156 Light
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 11
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 140%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 145
Resistances: L100
Weakness: D25
Abilities: Searing Light, Sun Ray

Water Elemental (Normal)
Health: 513		XP: 30
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 20
	Damage: 4-8
	Element Damage: 31-35 Water
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 5
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 130%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 58
Resistances: W90
Weakness: F25
Abilities: Ice Shards, Ice Storm

Water Elemental (Elite)
Health: 452		XP: 60
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 44
	Damage: 11-15
	Element Damage: 73-77 Water
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 4.4
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 140%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 86
Resistances: W100
Weakness: F25
Abilities: Ice Shards, Ice Storm

Air Elemental (Normal)
Health: 524		XP: 30
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 24
	Damage: 9-13
	Element Damage: 30-34 Air
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 4
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 130%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 62
Resistances: A90
Weakness: E25
Abilities: Chain Lightning, Lightning Bolt

Air Elemental (Elite)
Health: 552		XP: 60
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 44
	Damage: 9-13
	Element Damage: 71-83 Air
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 7
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 140%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 86
Resistances: A100
Weakness: E25
Abilities: Chain Lightning, Lightning Bolt

Shadow Elemental (Normal)
Health: 867		XP: 45
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 43
	Damage: 2-6
	Element Damage: 55-59 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 84
Resistances: D90
Weakness: L25
Abilities: Pain Reflection

Shadow Elemental (Elite)
Health: 1210		XP: 70
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 73
	Damage: 8-12
	Element Damage: 105-115 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 104
Resistances: D100
Weakness: L25
Abilities: Pain Reflection

Shalwend (Boss)
Health: 1389		XP: 500
Melee Attacks: 6
	Attack: 82
	Damage: 6-10
	Element Damage: 21-25 Air
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 10
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 2
Armor: 0		Evade: 99
Resistances: A100
Weakness: E25
Abilities: Boss, Chain Lightning, Lightning Bolt

Acwalandar (Boss)
Health: 1240		XP: 300
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 60
	Damage: 2-6
	Element Damage: 35-39 Water
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 12
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 2
Armor: 0		Evade: 94
Resistances: W100
Weakness: F25
Abilities: Boss, Ice Shards, Ice Storm, Liquid Membrane

Gralkor (Boss)
Health: 937		XP: 300
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 45
	Damage: 30-34
	Element Damage: 30-34 Earth
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 1
	Multiplier: 2.2
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 50		Evade: 1
Resistances: E100
Weakness: A25
Abilities: Boss, Crush, Petrification, Regeneration (Passive)

Risellin (Boss)
Health: 1357		XP: 350
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 75
	Damage: 4-6
	Element Damage: 38-42 Light
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 14.7
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 2
Armor: 		Evade: 
Resistances: L100
Weakness: D25
Abilities: Boss, Searing Light

Sinshan (Boss)
Health: 1995		XP: 300
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 128
	Damage: 4-8
	Element Damage: 54-58 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 2
Armor: 0		Evade: 129
Resistances: D100
Weakness: L25
Abilities: Boss, Feeblemind, Pain Reflection, Purge, Torpor

Pyrannaste (Boss)
Health: 2020		XP: 500
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 140
	Damage: 11-15
	Element Damage: 50-54 Fire
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 14
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 2
Armor: 0		Evade: 139
Resistances: F100
Weakness: W25
Abilities: Boss, Fire Bolt, Fireball

Terror (Elite)
Health: 1510		XP: 70
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 83
	Damage: 8-12
	Element Damage: 105-115 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 133
Resistances: D100
Weakness: L25
Abilities: Pain Reflection

X1f. Champions

Spider Queen
Health: 568		XP: 100
Melee Attacks: 3
	Attack: 23
	Damage: 14-16
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 3
	Crit. Chance: 10
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 5		Evade: 71
Resistances: E50
Abilities: Boss, Poison Spit

Health: 738		XP: 100
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 33
	Damage: 17-21
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Ranged Attacks: 2
	Range: 4
	Attack: 33
	Damage: 37-41
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 25		Evade: 75
Resistances: E50, A50
Abilities: Boss, Retaliation

Health: 713		XP: 100
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 30
	Damage: 14-16
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 15		Evade: 74
Resistances: A50, L50
Abilities: Boss, Vindictive

Health: 1271		XP: 200
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 67
	Damage: 30-34
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 2
Armor: 80		Evade: 96
Resistances: A75, D75
Abilities: Boss, Purge, Stunning Strikes, Vindictive

Health: 1240		XP: 150
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 60
	Damage: 25-29
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 8.2
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 94
Resistances: P25, F50, W50, E50, A75, D75
Abilities: Boss, Chain Lightning, Deep Freeze

Health: 1240		XP: 150
Melee Attacks: 3
	Attack: 60
	Damage: 19-23
	Element Damage: 19-23 Light
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 4
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 3
Armor: 70		Evade: 94
Resistances: 0
Abilities: Boss, Fireball, Glaring Light, Stunning Strikes

Eye of Madness
Health: 2250		XP: 200
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 107
	Damage: 9-13
	Element Damage: 21-25 Prime, 21-25 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 2
	Multiplier: 12.2
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 25		Evade: 112
Resistances: P90, F40, W40, E40, A40, D90
Abilities: Boss, Feeblemind, Large, Shadowbolt

Eye of Terror
Health: 2007		XP: 250
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 134
	Damage: 18-32
	Element Damage: 24-28 Prime, 24-28 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 2
	Multiplier: 12.2
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 25		Evade: 134
Resistances: P75, F55, W55, E55, A55, D75
Abilities: Boss, Large, Shadow Bolt, Torpor

Health: 2183		XP: 250
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 144
	Damage: 39-43
	Element Damage: 11-15 Earth, 11-15 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 4		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 25		Evade: 141
Resistances: E75, D75
Weakness: L25
Abilities: Boss, Retaliation, Vindictive, Weakening Strikes

Markus Wolf
Health: 738		XP: 250
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 12
	Damage: 32-36
	Element Damage: 32-36 Light
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 2
Armor: 70		Evade: 141
Resistances: A75, L75
Abilities: Boss

Health: 2020		XP: 500
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 140
	Damage: 11-15
	Element Damage: Fire 24-28, Dark 24-28
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 2.1
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 25		Evade: 139
Resistances: P50, F50, W50, E50, A50, L50, D50
Abilities: Boss, Large, Swoop, Withering Breath

Health: 2543		XP: 500
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 153
	Damage: 52-54
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 16.7
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 148
Resistances: P50, F25, W25, E25, A25, D75
Abilities: Boss, Fireball, Mana Leech, Purge, Torpor, Undead

Health: 1832		XP: 200
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 107
	Damage: 32-36
	Element Damage: 9-13 Earth, 9-13 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 0
	Range: 1
	Multiplier: 10
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 112
Resistances: E50, D50
Abilities: Boss, Enraged, Pain Reflection, Regrowth, Undead

Health: 2250		XP: 200
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 107
	Damage: 4-8
	Element Damage: 24-28 Prime, 24-29 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 12.2
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 15		Evade: 134
Resistances: P90, F40, W40, E40, A40, D90
Abilities: Boss, Cursing Strikes, Shadow Bolt, Torpor, Undead

Health: 2150		XP: 200
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 107
	Damage: 12-16
	Element Damage: 41-45 Air
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 15.6
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 112
Resistances: A95
Abilities: Boss, Chain Lightning, Vindictive

Health: 1832		XP: 200
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 107
	Damage: 40-44
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 12.2
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 112
Resistances: P25, F50, W50, E50, A50, D75
Abilities: Boss, Mana Leech, Shadow Bolt, Torpor

Health: 1240		XP: 200
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 60
	Damage: 6-10
	Element Damage: 15-19 Prime, 15-19 Air
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 5
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 94
Resistances: A50, D50
Abilities: Boss, Crystal Shards, Explosive, Large

Health: 1600		XP: 200
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 82
	Damage: 9-13
	Element Damage: 32-36 Water
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 13.7
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 99
Resistances: P60, W90, E60, A60, L60, D25
Weakness: F25
Abilities: Boss, Deep Freeze, Ice Shards, Ice Storm

Health: 1646		XP: 200
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 100
	Damage: 11-15
	Element Damage: 36-40 Fire
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 2		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 10		Evade: 105
Resistances: F50, W50, E50, A50
Abilities: Boss, Demonic Lineage, Overwhelming Assault, Vindictive

Health: 2100		XP: 200
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 105
	Damage: 54-58
	Element Damage: 54-58 Fire
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Ranged Attacks: 2
	Range: 4
	Attack: 18
	Damage: 26-30
	Element Damage: 7-11 Earth
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Magic Attacks: 0
	Range: 1
	Multiplier: 4
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 10		Evade: 50
Resistances: F75, E75
Abilities: Boss, Demonic Lineage, Large, Regrowth, Stone Skin

Health: 1794		XP: 200
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 105
	Damage: 39-43
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 11.2
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 110
Resistances: F75, W75, E75, A75
Abilities: Boss, Chain Lightning, Demonic Lineage, Lightning Bolt,
		   Regeneration (Active)

Health: 1539		XP: 150
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 97
	Damage: 35-39
	Element Damage: 10-14 Fire
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 5
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 20		Evade: 103
Resistances: E75, A75
Abilities: Boss, Demonic Lineage, Overwhelming Assault, Stone Skin

Health: 2075		XP: 200
Melee Attacks: 3
	Attack: 102
	Damage: 54-58
	Element Damage: 54-58 Earth
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 1
	Multiplier: 4
	Crit. Chance: 50
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 15		Evade: 107
Resistances: P25, F40, W40, E75, A40, D50
Abilities: Boss, Crush, Large

The Butcher
Health: 1982		XP: 200
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 122
	Damage: 90-94
	Element Damage: 29-33 Earth
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 1
	Multiplier: 5
	Crit. Chance: 50
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 15		Evade: 124
Resistances: P25, F40, W40, E60, A40, D50
Abilities: Boss, Crush, Large

Health: 1682		XP: 200
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 102
	Damage: 38-42
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 107
Resistances: F25, W25, E50, A25
Abilities: Boss, Enraged, Retaliation

Health: 1271		XP: 200
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 67
	Damage: 40-48
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 50		Evade: 96
Resistances: P50, F50, W50, E50, A50, D50
Abilities: Boss, Enraged, Large, Overwhelming Assault

Health: 1995		XP: 200
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 128
	Damage: 29-33
	Element Damage: 29-33 Air
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 30
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 129
Resistances: A95
Abilities: Boss, Lightning Bolt, Vindictive

Health: 1389		XP: 200
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 82
	Damage: 44-48
	Element Damage: 44-48 Earth
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 0
	Range: 1
	Multiplier: 10
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 50		Evade: 99
Resistances: D50
Abilities: Boss, Poisoning Strikes, Regrowth, Weakening Strikes

Health: 3664		XP: 200
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 144
	Damage: 48-54
	Element Damage: 48-54 Fire
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 15
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 40		Evade: 145
Resistances: F25, A50, L25
Abilities: Boss, Fireball, Overwhelming Assault, Retaliation

Health: 7780		XP: 200
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 107
	Damage: 127-131
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 20
	Crit. Chance: 50
	Crit. Damage: 200%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 0
Armor: 15		Evade: 139
Resistances: P50, F25, E25, A50, L100
Weakness: D25
Abilities: Boss, Mass Heal, Pacification, Sun Ray

Sir Gallant
Health: 8080		XP: 200
Melee Attacks: 1
	Attack: 164
	Damage: 256-320
	Element Damage: 90-102 Light Damage
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 2
Armor: 70		Evade: 99
Resistances: L75
Abilities: Boss, Hour of Justice, Large, Martyr, Overwhelming Assault,
	   Unstoppable Strikes

Health: 8080		XP: 200
Melee Attacks: 3
	Attack: 158
	Damage: 144-162
	Element Damage: 32-36 Air
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 25
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 50		Evade: 124
Resistances: A75, L75
Abilities: Boss, Chain Lightning, Sweeping Attack, Vindictive

Health: 1347		XP: 250
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 140
	Damage: 37-41
	Element Damage: 11-15 Earth, 11-15 Air
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Ranged Attacks: 2
	Range: 4
	Attack: 140
	Damage: 76-80
	Element Damage: 24-28 Earth, 24-28 Air
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 10		Evade: 139
Resistances: E30, A30
Abilities: Demonic Lineage, Poisoning Strikes

Health: 2020		XP: 250
Melee Attacks: 2
	Attack: 140
	Damage: 63-67
	Element Damage: 31-35 Earth, 31-35 Air
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 2		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 10		Evade: 139
Resistances: E30, A30
Abilities: Demonic Lineage, Enraged

Health: 2020		XP: 250
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 140
	Damage: 47-51
	Element Damage: 14-18 Light
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Melee Blocks: 4		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 139
Resistances: W30, L30
Weakness: F25
Abilities: Focused, Relentless, Vindictive

Health: 2020		XP: 250
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 140
	Damage: 14-18
	Element Damage: 47-51 Water
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 12
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 139
Resistances: W75
Weakness: F25
Abilities: Deep Freeze, Focused, Ice Shards

Health: 1347		XP: 250
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 140
	Damage: 47-51
	Element Damage: 14-18 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Ranged Attacks: 2
	Range: 4
	Attack: 140
	Damage: 96-100
	Element Damage: 31-35 Dark
	Crit. Chance: 40
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 1		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 10		Evade: 139
Resistances: D50
Weakness: L25
Abilities: Sweeping Attack, Weakening Strikes

Health: 1347		XP: 250
Melee Attacks: 4
	Attack: 140
	Damage: 30-34
	Element Damage: 0
	Crit. Chance: 20
	Crit. Damage: 175%
Magic Attacks: 1
	Range: 4
	Multiplier: 12
	Crit. Chance: 30
	Crit. Damage: 150%
Melee Blocks: 0		General Blocks: 1
Armor: 0		Evade: 139
Resistances: P25, E50, D75
Abilities: Cursing Strikes, Pain Reflection, Shadow Bolt, Torpor

X1g. Ability Glossary

Backstab - Active
	Damage to a single target.
Battle Spirit - Active
	All allies on the same tile receive a temporary bonus to physical damage.
Blink - Active
	Moves the caster to the target tile.
Boss - Passive
	Immune to Lapse, Mana Surge, Sleep, Terror, Poison, Root, Push, and Stasis
Celestial Armor - Active
	Currently disabled.
Chain Lightning - Active
	Deals Air damage to all targets on a single tile.
Cleansing Light - Active
	Dispels one random negative effect from all allies on the same tile.
Crush - Active
	Makes a melee attack that cannot be blocked and that may inflict Stun
	against all targets on a single tile.
Crystal Cage - Active
	Moves all targets on a single tile to an adjacent tile and Roots them
	there until they break the cage.
Crystal Cage (Explosive) - Active
	Moves all targets on a single tile to an adjacent tile and Roots them
	there until they either break the cage or three turns have passed. If the
	latter, the cage will deal damage to all targets on the same tile.
Crystal Shards - Active
	Deals Prime damage to all targets on a single tile.
Crystal Shell - Active
	Raises all Elemental Resistances.
Curling - Passive
	Sometimes gets a free movement action.
Cursing Strikes - Passive
	Physical attacks have a chance to inflict Curse and Criticals will always
	inflict it.
Dark Nova - Active
	Deals Dark damage to all targets on a single tile and has a chance to
	inflict Poison.
Dark Restoration - Active
	Fully restores the Health of a single target.
Debilitating Strikes - Passive
	Physical attacks have a chance to inflict Feeblemind and Criticals will
	always inflict it.
Deep Freeze - Active
	Inflicts Paralyze on a single target.
Demonic Lineage - Passive
	Damage increases as Health decreases, incoming Light damage is increased
	by 25%.
Enrage - Passive
	Attack number is doubled at 50% or less Health.
Explosive - Passive
	On death deals 100 unpreventable damage to all enemies within melee range.
Feeblemind - Active
	Inflicts Feeblemind on a single target.
Fire Bolt - Active
	Fire damage to a single target.
Fireball - Active
	Fire damage to all targets on a single target.
Flicker - Active
	Moves the caster to an adjacent tile.
Flickering Light - Active
	Temporarily increases a single target's Evade by 500%.
Focused - Passive
	Immune to Lapse, Mana Surge, Provoke, Sleep, and Terror effects.
Glaring Light - Active
	Light damage to a single target.
Hour of Justice - Active
	Temporarily increases melee/ranged Attack and melee/ranged/spell damage.
Ice Shards - Active
	Deals Water damage to a single target and reduces their number of Blocks
	by 1.
Ice Storm - Active
	Deals Water damage to all targets on a single tile and reduces their
	number of Blocks by 1.
Large - Passive
	Immune to Push and Root effects, takes +25% damage from and loses 10 Evade
	against spears.
Lightning Bolt - Active
	Air damage against a single target.
Liquid Membrane - Active
	Any damage delt to the target ally is reduced by a certain percentage.
Mana Leech - Passive
	Dealing damage to a target will drain their Mana by a set amount.
Martyr - Passive
	On death, all allies on the same tile receive a temporary bonus to
	melee/ranged attack and melee/ranged/spell damage.
Mass Heal - Active
	Heals all allies on the same tile.
Overwhelming Assault - Active
	Makes a melee attack against a single target that cannot be blocked,
	bypasses any damage resistance or mitigation effects, and removes all of
	the target's Block attempts.
Pacification - Active
	Inflicts Sleep on a single target.
Pain Reflection - Passive
	If damaged by an attacker in melee range, said attacker will suffer 20% of
	the damage dealt.
Petrification - Active
	Inflicts Paralyze on a single target.
Piercing Strikes - Passive
	Physical attacks have a chance to ignore any Armor or damage resistance or
	mitigation effects and Criticals will always ignore them.
Poison Spit - Active
	Deals Earth damage to a single target and inflicts Poison.
Poisoning Strikes - Passive
	Physical attacks have a chance to inflict Poison and Criticals will always
	inflict it.
Purge - Active
	Dispels one random beneficial effect from the party.
Push - Passive
	Physical attacks may move the target onto an adjacent tile.
Regeneration - Active
	Heals all targets on a single tile, they continue to be healed on the next
	couple of turns.
Regeneration - Passive
	Heals 2% Max Health each turn.
Regrowth - Active
	Heals a single target, they continue to be healed on the next couple of
Relentless - Passive
	Each attack that hits increases the damage of any following attacks by 15%
	for the rest of that turn.
Retalitation - Passive
	If attacked with a melee attack, makes one free melee attack in response.
Searing Light - Active
	Light damage to a single target.
Shadow Bolt - Active
	Dark damage to a single target.
Speed of Light - Passive
	Can take multiple actions each turn.
Spirit Bound - Passive
	Prevents enemies from moving out of melee range.
Stone Skin - Active
	All allies on the same tile receive a bonus to Armor.
Stunning Strikes - Passive
	Physical attacks have a chance to inflict Stun and Criticals will always
	inflict it.
Sun Ray - Active
	Light damage to all targets on a single tile.
Sweeping Attack - Passive
	Melee attacks are made against both the target and all adjacent
Swoop - Active
	Makes a melee attack that cannot be blocked and that may inflict Stun
	against all targets on a single tile.
Torpor - Active
	Inflicts Paralyze on a single target.
Undead - Passive
	Immune to Lapse, Mana Surge, Provoke, Sleep, Terror, Poison, and Agony
Unstoppable Strikes - Passive
	Physical attacks ignore Melee Block attempts and reduce the General Block
	chance by 25%.
Vindictive - Passive
	Receives an extra attack for each incoming blocked/evaded attack.
Weakening Strikes - Passive
	Physical attacks have a chance to inflict Weakness and Criticals will
	always inflict it.
Withering Breath - Active
	Deals Dark damage to all targets on a single tile and has a chance to
	inflict Poison.

				X2. Hirelings

Apothecary (Minho Marshes; 36,64) - 50/0% Gold
	Sells potions.
Appraiser (Karthal Harbour; 26,17) - 120/6%
	Identifies items.
Bodyguard (Vantyr Range; 111,80) - 250/8% Gold
	+4 General Block attempts.
Chef (Sorpigal; 16,14) - 100/3% Gold
	Gives the Well Rested bonus after resting.
Doctor (Karthal Slums; 9,19) - 0/?% Gold
Doctor (The Crag; 14,29) - 100/3% Gold
	Cures Status Effects.
Hawker (Desolate Wilds; 52,27) - 0/25% Gold
	Buys items.
Healer (Seahaven; 50,3) - 50/3% Gold
	Can Revive and/or Restore your party's Health/Mana.
Hound (Yon-Chall Forest; 59,72) - 0/0% Gold
	Reveals Secret doors and reduces their requirements by 25%.
Mage (Seahaven; 22,16) - 300/2% Gold
	Can cast a 5-in-1 defensive spell:
	4-turn Arcane Ward
	2-turn Burning Determination/Wind Shield/Stone Skin
	12-turn Hour of Power
Negotiator (Seahaven; 13,13) - 350/2% Gold
	Reduces the cost of items.
Pack Horse (Sorpigal; 21,4) - 2000/0% Gold
	Doubles inventory space.
Scholar (Karthal Slums; 2,9) - 100/10% Gold
	Increases XP gained from defeating enemies by 10%.
Scout (Sorpigal; 16,15) - 100/2% Gold
	Warns of nearby enemies.
Tinker (The Crag; 18,10) - 75/9% Gold
	Repairs equipment.
Trap Disarmer (The Crag; 25,5) - 125/3% Gold
	Disarms traps.
Treasure Hunter (The Crag; 27,11) - 100/7% Gold
	Increases gold and enchanted loot drops.
Victualer (Navea Plains; 90,72) - 75/3% Gold
	A free Rest usage if you run out of Supplies.

				X3. Items

Relic Accessory - Necklace
	Fortress of Crows, Boss Drop
	+Destiny, +All Element Resistance, +Retaliation Damage

Relic Armor - Footwear
	Mysterious Crypt, Ashen Hills (126,64)
	+Evade, +Magic, Weakness Immunity
Relic Armor - Footwear
	Mysterious Crypt, The Eye (53,53)
	+Armor, +Might, Paralysis Immunity
Relic Armor - Gloves
	Mysterious Crypt, Shadow Woods (93,42)
	+Evade, Sleep Immunity, +Prime Retaliation Damage
Relic Armor - Gloves
	Karthal Slums, Blackfang Hideout
	+Attack, +Perception, +Poison Chance
Relic Armor - Headgear
	Mysterious Crypt, Desolate Wilds (47,29)
	+Endurance, +Vitality, +Fire Retaliation Damage
Relic Armor - Headgear
	Mysterious Crypt, Vantyr Range (141,78)
	+Arcane Discipline, +Spirit, +Water Retaliation Damage
Relic Armor - Headgear
	UPlay Reward
	+Provoke Chance, +Melee Attack, Knockout Immunity
Relic Armor - Heavy Armor
	World Map Quest Reward, Dragon Shrines
	+Destiny, +Armor, +Heavy Armor
Relic Armor - Light Armor
	Dubra Scrubland, Shipwreck (98,7)
	+Dual Wield, +Dodge, +Evade
Relic Armor - Medium Armor
	Dangerous Cave, Wyslin Jungle (13,70)
	+Light Resistance, +Life Leech, +Dark Retaliation Damage
Relic Armor - Medium Armor
	UPlay Reward
	+Medium Armor, +Endurance, +Armor
Relic Armor - Shield
	Yon-Chall Forest Observatory Quest Reward, Peninsula Incognita
	+Armor, +Extra Block, +Chance to Stun Attacker
Relic Armor - Shield
	Irisus Sea, Shipwreck (100,92)
	+Dark Resistance, +Evade, Curse Immunity

Relic Weapon - Axe (1H)
	Tomb of a Thousand Terrors Level 4, Boss Chest
	+Light Damage, +Dark Resistance, +Light Damage on Group
Relic Weapon - Axe (2H)
	Dangerous Cave, Yon-Chall Forest (79,79)
	+Two-handed, +Earth Damage, +Acid Chance
Relic Weapon - Axe (2H)
	UPlay Reward
	+Might, +Axe, +Bleed Chance
Relic Weapon - Bow
	Dangerous Cave, Desolate Wilds (24,47)
	+Critical Damage, +Mana Leech, +Mana Surge Chance
Relic Weapon - Crossbow
	Dangerous Cave, Ashen Hills (142,53)
	+Light Damage, +Attack, +Agony Chance
Relic Weapon - Dagger
	Sorpigal Quest Reward, Jassad's Bestiary
	+Fire Damage, +Spirit, +Mana
Relic Weapon - Mace (1H)
	Tirya Bay, Shipwreck (139,21)
	+Vitality, +Mace, +Extra Attack
Relic Weapon - Mace (2H)
	The Vigil Level 1 ()
	+Critical Damage, +Critical Chance, +Sunder Chance
Relic Weapon - Magic Focus (1H)
	Seahaven Quest Reward, The Forbidden Saga
	+Magic, +Mysticism, +Light Retaliation Damage
Relic Weapon - Magic Focus (2H)
	Tower of Enigma Level 3 (4,13)
	+Magical Focus, +Sleep Chance, +Extra Block
Relic Weapon - Magic Focus (2H)
	UPlay Reward
	+Air Damage, +Air Magic, +Air Damage on Group
Relic Weapon - Spear
	Dangerous Cave, Menthil Coast (19,62)
	+Perception, +Spear, +Bleed Chance
Relic Weapon - Sword (1H)
	Seahaven Quest Reward, Fallen Star
	+All Element Damage
Relic Weapon - Sword (1H)
	World Map Quest Reward, The Secret of the Obelisks
	+Fire Damage, +Fire Resistance, +Fire Damage on Group
Relic Weapon - Sword (2H)
	Skull Rock Level 2, Sword of the Bounty Hunter Quest
	+Water Damage, +Chill Chance, +Extra Block

Unique Magic Armor - Boots
	Lost City Level 3, Boss Chest
	+Prime Damage on Group
Unique Magic Armor - Gloves
	Lost City Level 3, Boss Chest
	+Prime Damage on Group
Unique Magic Armor - Helm
	Lost City Level 3, Boss Chest
	+Prime Damage on Group

				X4. Shops

Karthal Harbour
	Armory: Heavy Armor
	Library: Prime Magic, Fire Magic, Dark Magic
	Mystic: Magic Foci
	Smithy: Axes, Maces, Bows
Karthal Slums
	Blackfang Hideout: Everything

	Armory: Medium Armor, Shields
	Library: Light Magic
	Mystic: Crossbows, Rings
	Smithy: Swords

The Crag
	Armory: Light Armor
	Mystic: Spears, Necklaces, Wind Magic, Earth Magic, Water Magic
	Smithy: Daggers

				X5. Spells

X5a. Prime Magic

Arcane Ward  (Novice)
	Increases all elemental and Prime Resistances. Not so great on its own,
	but very useful when combined with a specific elemental ward.

Mana Surge (Novice)
	Damages the target if they cast a spell. Semi-useful against early on,
	but becomes effectively obsolete once you unlock Implosion. Note that
	Bosses and enemies with the 'Mind Shield' property (such as Coral
	Priestesses) are immune to this effect.

Sundering (Novice)
	Reduces the Armor of all enemies on the three tiles directly in front of
	you. Starts out underwhelming. Later on can be extremely helpful against
	masses of physical-type enemies. Does not stack with Warfare's Shatter.

Time Stasis (Novice)
	Causes the enemy to skip their turn with no drawback if used as the final
	action of a turn. Not usually worth the effort though unless you're
	under-leveled for the current enemy.

Dispel Magic (Expert)
	Very useful spell that removes all effects from your party. Exhaustion
	effects, statue effects, ward effects, spell effects, Stun, the Well
	Rested bonus; everything is removed. You should stock up on scrolls
	for this spell since it's incredibly useful in a pinch.

Heroic Destiny (Expert)
	A simple party-wide Destiny boost. Nothing fantastic unless you
	Grandmaster Prime.

Identify (Expert)
	While certainly not necessary, not having to return to town to Identify
	your items saves some time.

Implosion (Master)
	Very good direct damage spell. Should be used as the first action of a
	turn to make the most of its secondary effect, which damages all other
	enemies on the tile relative to the target's Health.

Spirit Beacon (Master)
	Limited quick travel. Personally I just place in front of the Blackfang
	Hideout since all the best items appear there. For the most efficient
	traveling convenience it would probably be best to place it in Karthal's
	Harbor District right in front of the magic shop.

Hour of Power (Grandmaster)
	Might/Magic/Perception/Destiny boost. Very powerful indeed.

Time Stop (Archmage Promotion)
	A good panic button that basically allows you to fully restore yourself in
	the middle of battle on a continuous basis.

X5b. Fire Magic

Danger Sense (Novice)
	Warns you if there are enemies nearby. The vast majority of the time
	you'll either see the enemies coming (if you're cautious when exploring a
	new area) or they will literally appear out of thin air. So the only thing
	this is good for is warning you if a barrel has a hidden enemy in it.

Fire Bolt (Novice)
	Very good direct damage, if a bit costly.

Fire Ward (Novice)
	Fire Resistance boost. Very good against Fire Elementals.

Torchlight (Novice)
	Lights up the area. Some dungeons are very dark, and you'll almost
	certainly miss something without access to one of the 'Light' spells.

Burning Determination (Expert)
	Prevents your party from being affected by Stun, Paralyze, and Sleep. This
	spell is invaluable. If you don't have someone who can learn it, then make
	absolutely sure to stock up on scrolls.

Fireball (Expert)
	Damages all enemies on the target tile. Decent early, but due to the cost
	you'll usually want to use Fire Bolt unless there are a full three
	targets. Later on, you'll almost certainly be using Fire Blast instead.

Inner Fire (Expert)
	A simple party-wide Might boost. A solid buff that's also useful for
	opening secret doors and passing the two Might checks found in the Main

Fire Blast (Master)
	Deals a large amount of damage to all enemies on the three tiles in front
	of you. A very, very powerful spell.

Fire Shield (Master)
	Deals Fire-based Retaliation damage. Not really worth the cost unless you
	have Fire Magic at Grandmaster.

Fire Storm (Grandmaster)
	Deals massive, massive damage to all enemies in close combat.

Searing Rune (Runelord Promotion)
	Deals huge damage over time to enemies on multiple tiles. It's strictly
	superior to Fire Blast in most situations. The drawbacks are that casting
	it at a target in close combat will result in you incinerating your own
	party, and enemies it kills won't give a 'killed by' XP boost.

X5c. Water Magic

Consciousness (Novice)
	Cures Sleep. The only enemies that appear to inflict Sleep are a few in
	the Falcon & Unicorn DLC, which occurs after the Main Quest. So for the
	most part this spell is useless.

Frozen Ground (Novice)
	Prevents the enemies on the target tile from moving. A decent utility
	spell for a ranged-focused party.

Ice Bolt (Novice)
	Deals decent direct damage and reduces the target's number of attacks.
	Remarkably useful.

Water Ward (Novice)
	Water Resistance boost. Very good against Water Elementals and Naga

Circle of Winter (Expert)
	Damages all enemies in close combat and reduces their number of attacks.
	The attack reduction is useful, but the damage isn't very good. A niche
	spell for if you find yourself surrounded by melee opponents.

Ice Prison (Expert)
	Causes the enemy to skip their turn with no drawback if used as the final
	action of a turn. Not usually worth the effort though unless you're
	under-leveled for the current enemy.

Water Flows Freely (Expert)
	Cures Paralysis. Useful if you don't have Burning Determination or for
	those rare instances you get ambushed by Paralysis-causing enemies.

Blizzard (Master)
	Damages all enemies on the tile directly in front of you and reduces
	their number of attacks. Very good damage for its cost.

Liquid Membrane (Master)
	Reduces all incoming damage by a set percentage. An incredibly useful
	spell, especially when combined with Celestial Armor.

Tsunami (Grandmaster)
	Damages all enemies on the tile directly in front of you and knocks
	them back up to two spaces. While the damage is okay, the knockback
	can be invaluable if used correctly.

X5d. Earth Magic

Cure Poison (Novice)
	Since Poison doesn't expire, this is an extremely useful spell to have if
	you can learn it. Otherwise, Cure Poison potions work well enough.

Earth Ward (Novice)
	Earth Resistance boost. Good against venomous creatures and Poison damage.

Entangle (Novice)
	Direct damage that prevents the target from moving. A niche spell.

Regeneration (Novice)
	Instantly heals the entire party, then continues to heal at a lesser rate
	for the next few turns. This is an extremely powerful healing spell.

Poison Spray (Expert)
	Deals minor damage and inflicts Poison. The damage isn't anything great,
	and reducing enemy Evade isn't the most useful thing in the world.

Stone Skin (Expert)
	A simple party-wide Armor boost. Decent enough against physical

Strength of the Earth (Expert)
	Cures Weakness. Semi-useful if you have a physical character affected by
	that debuff mid-battle. Otherwise, Resting takes care of that affliction
	easily enough.

Acid Splash (Master)
	Deals okay direct damage and reduces the target's Armor by half. This
	reduction stacks with the Shatter debuff. Very useful if your party has
	physical damage dealers.

Poison Cloud (Master)
	Lingers on the target tile for a few turns, damaging and Poisoning anyone
	on it. Also prevents enemy ranged attacks and forces them to move into
	close combat. This spell is invaluable due to that secondary effect. Note
	that enemies killed by this spell will not grant the 'killed by' XP bonus.

Crushing Weight (Grandmaster)
	Reduces the target's Health by 15% of its current value. Not all that
	useful a spell honestly.

Harmony (Druid Elder Promotion)
	Prevents enemies not in close combat from attacking. A niche spell.

Nurture (Druid Elder Promotion)
	Similar to Regenerate, only it heals more for a longer duration while only
	affecting the party member with the lowest current Health each turn.

X5e. Air Magic

Air Ward (Novice)
	Air Resistance boost. Very good against Air Elementals and Orc Shamans.

Gust of Wind (Novice)
	Minor direct damage and knocks the target back a tile. The knockback can
	be extremely useful in certain situations.

Sparks (Novice)
	Minor damage to all surrounding enemies. Decent early on, not very useful

Wind Shield (Novice)
	Increases the party's Evade against ranged attacks. Extremely limited and
	pretty much never worth the effort.

Clear Mind (Expert)
	Cures Feeblemind. Extremely useful if you rely on a spellcaster for
	healing or damage prevention. If you only use them for damage dealing,
	then potions can be used instead.

Eagle Eye (Expert)
	A simple party-wide Perception boost. A solid buff if you rely on bows
	or crossbows that's also useful for opening secret doors.

Lightning Bolt (Expert)
	Deals good damage to a single target. Notably inexpensive.

Chain Lightning (Master)
	Deals extremely good damage against a group of targets, but only so-so
	damage against a single target.

Cyclone (Master)
	Creates a Cyclone that will move around the area homing in on enemies,
	dealing decent damage to any creatures it encounters. Particularly useful
	for triggering combat with enemies from a safe distance. Note that enemies
	killed by it will not grant the 'killed by' XP bonus.

Thunderstorm (Grandmaster)
	Lingers on the target tile for a few turns and damages anyone on it. The
	damage calculated the same way Chain Lightning's is, meaning it's great
	against a group and only so-so against a single target. Note that enemies
	killed by this spell will not grant the 'killed by' XP bonus.

X5f. Light Magic

Celestial Armor (Novice)
	Blocks a set amount of incoming damage. Invaluable spell.

Clairvoyance (Novice)
	Reveals traps. Pretty much necessary to solve a handful of puzzles.

Light Orb (Novice)
	Lights up the area. Some dungeons are very dark, and you'll almost
	certainly miss something without access to one of the 'Light' spells.

Light Ward (Novice)
	Light Resistance boost. Very good against Light Elementals and various
	enemies found in the Falcon & Unicorn DLC.

Cleansing Light (Expert)
	Cures Curse. While only one enemy type can inflict curse (Facehugger), it
	is an annoying affliction for magic users.

Heal (Expert)
	Single target healing. Okay for if/when someone gets spontaneously knocked
	out by a critical hit, but rather limited.

Radiant Weapon (Expert)
	Deals minor direct damage and prevents blocking. While the damage is
	negligible, preventing the target from blocking is extremely useful if you
	have physical damage dealers.

Heal Party (Master)
	Heals the entire party. Simple, direct and to the point. Assuming you're
	using spells like Celestial Armor and Liquid Membrane you won't have much
	use for this spell though.

Resurrection (Master)
	Revives a dead party member. Essential. Make sure to stock up on scrolls
	when you see them as well.

Word of Light (Grandmaster)
	Damages all enemies on the 3 tiles in front of you and heals the party.
	Both the damage and healing are so-so. Not all that great a spell really.

Lay On Hands (Paladin Promotion)
	Fully heals the party at the cost of all the caster's Mana. Considering
	that this can be used as long as you have at least 1 Mana, it's quite
	useful as a safety net.

Mandate of Heaven (Paladin Promotion)
	Adds bonus damage to all of the party's physical attacks for a few turns.
	Good if you have a couple physical characters, very good if you have a
	Dual Wielder.

X5g. Dark Magic

Dark Vision (Novice)
	Grants nightvision. Some dungeons are very dark, and you'll almost
	certainly miss something without access to one of the 'Light' spells.

Darkness Ward (Novice)
	Dark Resistance boost. Very good against Dark Elementals and quite a
	number of late-game enemies.

Shadow Cloak (Novice)
	The first incoming physical attack auto-misses. This can make you
	completely invincible in certain situations, particularly if combined
	with Water Magic spells.

Whispering Shadows (Novice)
	Reveals secret doors. Essential early on, but becomes completely obsolete
	once you get the Darkness Shard and defeat the Dark Elemental Prince in
	the Elemental Forge. There's also a (well-guarded) hireling available
	early who can reveal them.

Drain Life (Expert)
	Mediocre single target damage and mediocre full party healing. Not worth

Purge (Expert)
	Removes beneficial effects from a single target. Extremely useful,
	especially against enemies that use Regeneration or Liquid Membrane. Make
	sure to stock up on scrolls if you don't have someone who can cast it.

Sleep (Expert)
	Prevents the target from taking any action until it's dealt damage. An
	incredibly powerful spell that allows you to focus solely on one enemy at
	a time (assuming you avoid group-damage spells and weapon enchantments).

Agony (Master)
	Adds bonus damage to any physical attacks that hit the target. Not
	all that useful unless you have a Dual Wielder in the party.

Terror (Master)
	Causes the target to run away for a few turns. Niche spell, cheaper than
	Sleep though.

Weakness (Grandmaster)
	For a few turns, enemies in close combat have their physical damage
	reduced by 20% and are dealt minor damage over time. Not a very good spell
	at all.

X5h. Warfare

Challenge (Novice)
	For most characters, this will be the most effective (and quite possibly
	only) way to direct attacks away from your weaker party members.

Shatter (Novice)
	Lowers the target's Armor. A very useful ability, but note that it does
	not stack with Prime Magic's Sundering spell.

Skull Crack (Expert)
	Prevents the target from casting spells. Extremely effective against both
	mages and elementals. Note that Bosses and enemies with the 'Mind Shield'
	property (such as Coral Priestesses) are immune to this effect.

Unstoppable Assault (Expert)
	Make an unblockable attack that cannot miss. An extremely good ability.

Furious Blow (Master)
	Drains your entire Mana pool to increase your damage relative to the
	amount of Mana consumed. Might be good if combined with a high-damage
	Mana Leeching two-handed weapon.

Intercept (Master)
	Redirects the first attack made at the target to the caster, and then
	launches a Retaliation attack. Considering enemies pick their targets
	more or less at random, using this ability is a pretty large gamble.
	Especially since most tank characters are not going to be great damage
	dealers, and most good damage dealers would just prefer to attack.

Flawless Assault (Grandmaster)
	Make an unblockable attack that cannot miss and causes an auto-critical.
	A ridiculously powerful ability.

Taunt (Grandmaster)
	Causes all nearby enemies to direct their attacks toward the user.
	Expensive, but does the job it's meant to do well.

Carnage (Blademaster Promotion)
	Simultaneously attack all enemies in close combat with the party. A
	powerful ability.

Crippling Trap (Hunter Promotion)
	Places a trap on the ground at your current location. Enemies that trigger
	it take damage and have their maximum number of attacks reduced by one.
	This is a very useful ability indeed.

Dash (Windsword Promotion)
	Drains your entire Mana pool to move the party one space forward. Useful
	for dealing with certain ambushes, setting up Crippling Traps, and as a
	panic button to briefly escape close combat.

Harpoon (Hunter Promotion)
	Damages the target and possibly pulls them into close combat. Very useful
	for dealing with ranged attackers.

Point Blank Shot (Warden Promotion)
	Make a ranged attack against all enemies on the tile directly in front of
	you. This is only very rarely useful (practically never useful if you've
	Grandmastered Bow).

Snaring Shot (Pathfinder Promotion)
	Launches an attack that will Immobilize the target. A niche ability.

				X6. Trainers

	Expert - Enora in Sorpigal's Training Center; Brogan in Karthal Slums'
		 Black Guard's Training Center
	Master - Inamoca in The Crag's Training Center
	Grandmaster - Drengi in Drengi's house between Seahaven and the Elemental

	Expert - Aldin in Sorpigal's Training Center; Mabo in The Crag's Training
	Master - John in Karthal Harbour's Deathmatch
	Grandmaster - Yumiko in the Desolate Wilds (complete a quest to learn)

	Expert - Aldin in Sorpigal's Training Center; Lowell in Karthal Slums'
		 Black Guard's Training Center
	Master - Torsten in Seahaven's Runes and Crafts
	Grandmaster - Arnod in Arnod's hut in the Vantyr Range (complete a quest
				  to learn)

	Expert - Oscar in Sorpigal's Goblin Watchtower Inn; Mabo in The Crag's
		 Training Center
	Master - Largo in The Crag's Largo's Second-Hand Weapons
	Grandmaster - Yeshtar in the Tomb of the Thousand Terrors Lvl 5 (costs 1

	Expert - Enora in Sorpigal's Training Center; Mabo in The Crag's Training
	Master - Bao in the Naga Bank in Seahaven
	Grandmaster - Tao in Toa's House in The Crag

Magical Focus
	Expert - Johara in Sorpigal's Charms and Talismans; Guaora in The Crag's
		 Training Center
	Master - Luce in Seahaven's Church Library
	Grandmaster - Berenice in a hidden room on Elemental Forge Lvl 2

	Expert - Tristan in Seahaven's Town Garrison; Guaora in The Crag's
		 Training Center
	Master - Eldgrim in Eldgrim's House in Seahaven
	Grandmaster - Iason in Karthal Harbour's Praetoriam Garrison

	Expert - Enora in Sorpigal's Training Center; Torchiro in the Seahaven
	Master - Jon Morgan in Castle Portmeyron
	Grandmaster - Lord Haart in either daytime Seahaven's Haart's Mansion or
		      Yon-Chall Forest (complete a quest to learn); Carla on the
		      Menthil Coast (if Lord Haart is unavailable)

Heavy Armor
	Expert - Thurmond in Sorpigal's Fine Dwarf Armour
	Master - Lihua in Karthal Harbour's Elegant Armour
	Grandmaster - Sorli in The Lost City Lvl 4

Medium Armor
	Expert - Tristan in Seahaven's Town Garrison; Torchiro in the Seahaven
	Master - Gregor in Seahaven's Gregor's Armour
	Grandmaster - Tamotsu in Karthal Sewers Lvl 2

	Expert - Tristan in Seahaven's Town Garrison; Inamoca in The Crag's
		 Training Center
	Master - Gwenda in Castle Portmeyron
	Grandmaster - Lord Kilburn in Yon-Chall Forest's Flying Tower

Air Magic
	Expert - Aldin in Sorpigal's Training Center; Shizuka in the Seahaven
	Master - Guaora in The Crag's Training Center
	Grandmaster - Shiva in Shiva's Tent in the Wyslin Jungle

Dark Magic
	Expert - Selena in Seahaven's Moon Doe; Grimbold in Karthal Slums' Black
		 Guard's Training Center
	Master - Ahlam in Karthal Slums' Arcane Library; Eruina in the Tomb of the
		 Thousand Terrors Lvl 5
	Grandmaster - Luna in the Halloth Grove (costs 1 Vitality)

Earth Magic
	Expert - Shihab in the Itinerant Merchant in front of Castle Portmeyron;
		 Grimbold in Karthal Slums' Black Guard's Training Center
	Master - Bojekio in The Crag's Healing Lodge
	Grandmaster - Caranthir in the Yon-Chall Forest

Fire Magic
	Expert - Shihab in the Itinerant Merchant in front of Castle Portmeyron;
		 Grimbold in Karthal Slums' Black Guard's Training Center
	Master - Geilir in Geilir's House in Seahaven; Sayid in Sayid's House in
		 Karthal Slums
	Grandmaster - Erika in a Cottage in the Minho Marches

Light Magic
	Expert - Lisandre in Sorpigal's Chapel of Elrath; Lowell in Karthal Slums'
		 Black Guard's Training Center
	Master - Umberto in Seahaven's Church of Elrath
	Grandmaster - Orna in Orna's Chapel west of Karthal

Prime Magic
	Expert - Shihab in the Itinerant Merchant in front of Castle Portmeyron;
		 Shizuka in the Seahaven Dojo
	Master - Hypatia in Karthal Harbour's Great Library; Kastor in the Tomb of
		 the Thousand Terrors Lvl 5
	Grandmaster - Nur in the Enigma Tower on the top floor

Water Magic
	Expert - Shizuka in the Seahaven Dojo; Ryu in Karthal Harbour's Lock Kit
	Master - Ciele in The Crag's Fort
	Grandmaster - Kai in The Crag (complete a quest to learn)

Arcane Discipline
	Expert - Faris in Sorpigal's Arcane Library; Yayoi in the Seahaven Dojo
	Master - Yahima in The Crag's House of Mojo
	Grandmaster - Mizuki in the Desolate Wilds (complete a quest to learn)

	Expert - Bear in Bear's House in Seahaven; Blackfang Thief in Karthal
		 Slum's Blackfang Hideout
	Master - Every in The Crag's Everyman's Armour
	Grandmaster - Wysthal in Wysthal's tower in the Wyslin Jungle (after
		      finding her in the Shadow Woods and Yon-Chall Forest)

Dual Wield
	Expert - Torchiro in the Seahaven Dojo; Tamina south of the Arcane
		 Library in Karthal Slums
	Master - Hamato in the Lighthouse
	Grandmaster - Changbo in the Vantyr Range

	Expert - Bear in Bear's House in Seahaven; Guaora in The Crag's
		 Training Center
	Master - Maximus in Sorpigal's Town Garrison
	Grandmaster - Atlas in Atlas' hut in the Dubra Scrubland

	Expert - Yayoi in the Seahaven Dojo; Lowell in Karthal Slums' Black
		 Guard's Training Center
	Master - Ajit in Karthal Slum's Blackfang Hideout
	Grandmaster - Falagar in The Crag's Big House (after the Liberation quest)

	Expert - Chao in the Naga Bank in Seahaven; Inamoca in The Crag's Training
	Master - Arsene in Seahaven's Town Garrison
	Grandmaster - Yaksha in Yaksha's Hut in the Desolate Wilds

	Expert - Caldwell in Sorpigal's Weapons Shop; Brogan in Karthal Slums'
		 Black Guard's Training Center
	Master - Zakaral in Karthal Slums' Rickard's Tavern
	Grandmaster - Sandor in Sandor's Hunt in the Desolate Wilds (complete a
		      quest to learn)

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