
Mu Online Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Mu Online

Mu Online

"This document is Copyright 2004-2005 Sherwin Lam"


Mu Online
FAQ/Walkthrough Version 2.5
Last Updated: 8/14/04
By: fantasyrealm (Sherwin Lam)
Email: lams_the_man [at] msn   [dot] com
       sherwin_lam  [at] yahoo [dot] ca


Sites with permission to use this FAQ:


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*              *
* System Specs *
*              * 

   Let's take a look to see if you're computer can handle Mu Online

|             |                        |                             |
| System      | Minimal Requirements   | Recommended Requirements    |
|             |                        |                             |
|             |                        |                             |
| CPU	      | Pentium 2 - 300 Mhz    | Pentium III 500 Mhz or above|
| RAM	      | 32MB or obove 	       | 64MB or above 	             |
| OS	      | Win9X, Win2000	       | Win XP                      |
| Graphic Card| 3D acceleration Card   | 3D acceleration Card        |
|             | (Voodoo2.TNT) 	       | (Voodoo3 16M or above.TNT)  |

   Just want to find something? Press Ctrl + F, and type whatever you're
looking for. Hopefully you'll find it in this FAQ.


---------------------------Version Information---------------------------


Version 2.5 - Added yet more corrections and updates in the Items 
              section. Also added the Getting Started section. Added a
              few "lines" in the FAQ to make the readibility a LOT 
              easier :).
              108 KB                                            -08/14/04

Version 2.3 - Added something in the FAQ section. (Sorry, I won't be
              updating for a while because I've decided to take some
              time off. I'll probably make a major update before the end
              of next week, cya then XD ) 

              104 KB                                            -07/29/04

Version 2.2 - Added a FAQ section. Added some armour and swords I forgot,
              made some corrections.

              103 KB                                            -07/27/04

Version 2.0 - Added Fairy Walkthrough.

              101 KB                                            -07/25/04

Version 1.7 - Added Chaos Machine.

              97 KB                                             -07/24/04

Version 1.5 - Added the extremly long Enemies section, Player Kill,
              Slang Words, and Honorable Rules.

              90 KB                                             -07/23/04

Version 1.2 - Made some minor corrections. 

              55 KB                                             -07/23/04

Version 1.1 - Added Items, Walkthrough, and some borders and charts.

              54 KB                                             -07/22/04

Version 1.0 - Added Table of Contents, layout, Introduction, Controls,
              Story, Chatting, Movement, Maps, Coordinates, Guilds, 
              Partys, Sites of Interest, Contact Information, Credits,
              Copyright Information. Basically everything.

              41 KB                                             -07/21/04


----------------------------Table of Contents----------------------------


   I know that I haven't added the numbers for the TOC yet. I still have 
much to add and I wanted to release this ASAP. So please bear with me,
and if you want to find something, please use Ctrl + F to find it, as
stated earlier.

So what the heck is Mu Online?
Getting Started
   The Prophecy
   The Background Story
   The Lost Tower
   How to make a Guild
   How to cancel/leave a Guild
   Guild Combat
   How to make a Party
   How to cancel/leave a Party
   Blunt Weapons
   General Items 
   Dark Knight
   Dark Wizard
   Magic Gladiator
Honorable Rules
Chaos Machine
Slang Words
Sites of Interest
Contact Information
Copyright Information




   Having looked everywhere on the Net, I couldn't find a single, free,
good-looking, user-friendly, lots-of-people-playing MMORPG. One, fine
summer day, I saw my friends name stating 'I'm back to playing 
Mu Online'. Guess what? I decided to take a look. Turns out, this is an
awesome game. 

   It's everything you can ask for in a FREE MMORPG. So if you still
haven't downloaded Mu Online, head over to right now and
pick it up; for FREE!


---------------------So what the heck is Mu Online?----------------------


   So what the HECK is Mu Online. It sounds like a g**-a** game, why
should I get it? Well for some people, it gets repetitive because it's
basically a real-time hack-and-slash. But for others, its a cool online

   You can choose 4 classes (one which is unlocked later on in the game,
when you reach a certain level):

Dark Knight
Dark Wizard
Elf (or Fairy)
Magic Gladiator (unlocked when you reach Level 220)

   So what's the purpose of this game then? Well, I'm not exactly sure
(hey, I'm only level 21), but there seem to be quests. What exactly do
I mean? At the bottom of your Inventory Screen, you'll see something
like 'Quest : Find the Emperor's Scroll'. You get no hints, no idea
what to do, nada. 

   So why should I even play this game, if I don't know what to do? Well,
my reasons for still playing this game are:

1. Hey, it's Summer Holiday (yes I'm still in school), I got nothing
   else to do.

2. I want to equip those kick*** items/armour you get later in the game

3. It's FREE!

4. It's pretty good for a FREE game.


-----------------------------Getting Started-----------------------------


***IMPORTANT***               ***IMPORTANT***             ***IMPORTANT***

   If you are just starting Mu Online, I suggest you to read this 
section first. (just starting ie. just downloaded but didn't sign up
yet, yes you need to sign up) 

***IMPORTANT***               ***IMPORTANT***             ***IMPORTANT***

   First off, head over to and download the lastest game
and patch (if needed). To download click 'Download', then 'Game Download'
Then you need to create an account, password, etc. To create an account,
go to 'Account', then 'Create Account'.
I'll assume you know how to do this since it's very easy. Each account
can hold four characters, if I'm correct.

   If the screen is too dark, download Gapa 
(  - click on, near the top right 
corner of the screen), a handy program that will brighten the screen 
(read the readme and change the brightness according to your taste, I 
prefer Gama 1.90 , Brightness 21% , and Contrast 0.70). Click Save as...
to save your settings, and all you have to do is open the program and 
it'll automatically brighten your screen to the settings. :).

   If you can hardly see the words in the menu (or in-game), check my
FAQ section.

   Open Mu Online (and Gapa if you'd like), you will find two servers,
Wigle and Maya. ***IMPORTANT*** Once you join either of the servers, you
can't join the smaller servers inside of each (both Wigle and Maya have
10 sub-servers). That means that if you join Wigle and your friend joins
Maya, you can never meet each other unless one of you makes another 
account to join the other server.

   Anyways, choose your server, then ANY sub-server, and you will be
prompted to login. Login, and click New Character. Create either Dark
Knight, Dark Wizard, or Elf (aka Fairy). You can become a Dark Gladiator
if you're a Dark Knight when you reach Level 220.

   After you create your character, click on them, and red light will
shine from underneath them. That means you selected that character. Two
options will come up: Delete on the left, and OK on the right. Delete
deletes the character, OK selects that Character to use.

   And now you're off! If you're a Dark Knight or Dark Wizard, you will
spawn in Lorencia. If you're a Fairy, you will spawn in Noria. If you 
need help, ask any of the people in Red-Dragon-like armour, or ask people
who look cool (and wear WICKED STUFF). Those are the pros and Mu Online
has a great community where MOST people will help noobs.

Good Luck in MU!




   The story behind Mu Online. (note: credits to the Mu Online 


                             The Prophecy


The Heavens shall open again 
The Stars will lose their way, 
And Fear decends upon the earth
A saint awakens and destroys the seal of chains. 
Ravenous teeth shall rape the land 
The land! Tis cruel.
Crimson Blood stains the ground

Under the Sun 
The 8 jewels of Legend and Lore shall appear 
And Satan will have arisen. . 
Heed these words ye wise man! 
A day shall come 
Upon which the soil shall 8 stars be affixed, 
Nightmare’s Day shall it be called 
When Heaven’s rays divide the sky and 
Echoing wails ring in the Valley of Death, 
And a light will come down upon this land from the world once forgotten.

- excerpt from ‘Nightmare’s Day’, of the Great Prophecy [the Secromicon]


                          The Background Story


   In a millennium’s time, the Land of MU has advanced and developed 
the empire in great bounding strides. However, as foretold in the Great 
Prophecy, Secromicon, the Continent of MU fell into overwhelming chaos. 
Great leaders who had once controlled MU Continent now have fallen low 
and the central government due to the internal strife and warfare amonst
power hungry feudal lords have brought the kingdom asunder and thus the 
empire crumbled. The millennium of peace and bounty is now a mere memory
and dark stains of blood now cover the land. The ravages of war have 
laid waste to the once beautiful land and the shedding of blood still 
knows no end. Even now, petty feudal lords endlessly build up their 
machines of war and futilely attempt to re-establish what once was.

And It was during this time of endless blood letting that the gates of 
Hell were thrown open as the blind ambitions of a foolish man had been 
led far astray.

Antonias a foolish lord, blinded by ambition, deceived by the the evil 
sorceress Lemulia, unknowingly let loose upon the world, Kundun, the 
Devil of Darkness, a demon difficultly confined by the seal of Etramu. 

"Now this land shall be mine again. 
I have banished Peace for all time. .
The Sun will no longer shine 
This Earth shall be mine
And cunning men will be my slaves and my cattle.” 

The Ancient Devil Kundun awake from its long sleepless slumber now 
walks amongst the living defiling the land with his touch. Amidst the 
chaos, the stars have lost their course and the stench of fear and blood
pervades throughout. Kundun leased upon the land his rage and vengeance 
for his eons long confinement. Quickly, the now forsaken land of MU has 
become home to Kundun’s minions and for 2 long years the evil of his 
reign befouled all that was once pure. Nightmare’s Day, a passage in the
Great Prophecy, had come true and was no longer merely the words of days
 gone by. Wise men began their studies anew and hopingly and longingly 
referred to the ray of light mentioned within the writings of the the 
prophecy.The wise studied what would be the ray of light mentioned in 
the prophecy. Their last remaining hope lay in the power of the the seal
 of Etramu, the very seal that maintained Kundun’s imprisonment. Into 8 
pieces the seal has been scattered and only when the seal is made whole 
shall peace return to the land once more.




- The King of Blood - 

Antonias, the prince of the Black Knights, was nearing the realization 
of his foolish ambitions.

"MU shall be mine and mine only! Foolish, pitiful men, look upon my might
 as I break the seal to my destiny” 

An evil sorcerer named Lemulia had warmed to the foolish lord and seduced
his mind with false hope for Antonias had become sickened and weary of 
the ceaseless battles between the feudal lords of MU. Lemulia spoke 
endlessly about a tale of a great lord, a demon, the Devil of Darkness, 
Kundun who had existed 1000 years ago before the MU Empire was born. 
She spoke of how those who allayed themselves with the dark lord would be
masters of the whole world and not merely an empire or a continent. 
Antonias, blinded by ambition fell easily into Lemulia’s 
ploy. Those who saw past Lemulia’s veil of deception, loyal and 
altruistic advisors were immediately put to death and all that remained 
was the naive lord, the evil witch and cruel, blood thirsty warriors.

The army of Antonias kept lay havoc to the land once more, conquering the
Empire by force under Lemulia’s cunning tricks and sorcery, and within 
time, on the ominous day mentioned in the prophecy of the Secromicon, 
the forces of Antonias gathered at Ketthotum. The ghastly, merciless 
soldiers of Antonias The ghastly soldiers anxiously awaited the moment 
when Antonias and Lemulia would break the Seal. The wind fell silent 
and the air was filled with uncertainty as the moments trickled by. 

The shrine of Ketthotum undulated grotesquely. For a brief moment, a look
of panic crossed Antonias’ eyes. “Is all well, Lemulia?” 
The Sorcerer Lemulia hidden in a black shadowy robe nodded her head. 
“Only for the King of Land! The moment is upon us.” Antonias’ confusion 
and uncertainty remained but was seemingly satisfied with her reply. 
Antonias then shouted, "This land shall remain mine for all time.” and 
attempted to touch the seal of Etramu. 

"Om Orakust, Hemiad, Kiratus. Le Al Hokbras, Ektua, Ho."

An unknown incantation spewed from Lemulia’s mouth and at the same time a
bluish protective curtain surrounded Antonias. At this very moment, 
the Sealing Stone started to shed light. While Lemulia’s incarnation got 
louder and more bold, a look of madness began to flow and dance in the 
eyes of Antonias as he starwed betwixt upon the jewel. 

"A little more, a little more..."

Antonias’ hands were trembling, as he approached the Sealing Stone. The 
light emanating from the stone began to spasm … 

"just a little more.!!"
- Clink!

Before Lemulia’s incantation had finished, the Sealing Stone shattered. 

"The King, The King of Blood!!"

In the midst of the din of the soldiers’ rapturous voices calling out 
to their master, The Devil of Darkness, Kundun had resurrected. 
Kundun who woke up from sleep fiercely stared Antonias and shouted, 
"Now the land is only my own! Only the blood and fear will fill up this 
land!" And the 8 pieces of the Sealing Stone scattered far and wide to 
each corner of the vast continent that is MU.




L Click (direction) - Walks/Runs in that direction
L Click (NPC      ) - Talk/Buy items/weapons
L Click (Monster  ) - Attack
CTRL + L Click      - Attacks other players
R Click (DW)        - Use highlighted skill
R Click (sel. act.) - Selects an action (trade, party, etc.) to the
                      person you selected.
Q     (default  )   - Uses healing item
W     (default  )   - Uses Mana-regeneration item
E     (default  )   - uses antidote
I                   - Acess your Inventory
V                   - Acess your Inventory
D                   - Acess your Command Window
P                   - Opens the Party menu (only useful if you're IN a 
G                   - Opens the Guild menu (only useful if you're IN a 
F                   - Opens the chatting system
M                   - Opens Warp menu (only useful if you CAN teleport,
                      minimum Level 50 to teleport)
Spacebar            - Pick up items
Enter               - Talk
PrtScrn             - Takes a picture (pictures are saved in the Mu folder)
Esc                 - Select Server, Exit game, Options, etc.


   If you'd like to contribute in this section, please refer to my
Contact Information. Credit WILL be given.

   Thanks to stingly in this section.




   To chat with everyone around you, press Enter and type whatever you'd
like (except for swearing..swearings not good).

   To chat with only the people close to you, press Enter, then click the
flashing Ear to the right of the message bar. You can private cat with up
to five people.

   To chat with only people in your party, add a ~ before you say 

  "To add a macro, type something like '/1 My Macro' into the chat bar 
- to use a macro, just press ALT+MacroNumber"

   Simply put, to add a Macro, press Enter, then type '/1 your text here'
without the quotes. Now you have assigned 1 to Macro. To access this,
press Alt+1 to automatically have 'your text here' displayed. You can
assign numbers 1-10 to Macro chat etc. Each macro lasts about 5 seconds
before you can display another Macro.


   Thanks to stingly in this section.




   Emoticon chatting is an animated gesture. All you have to do is
press Enter, then enter the code for the Emoticon. Note - There can be
more than one code for each action, they will be seperated by commas.

Code               Action

Haha               Laugh
Sorry              Head Scratch
Great              Raises both arms
Bye                Wave
Cold , hurts       Rubs arms
Come               Beckon someone
Cry , T_T , Sad    Puts head in arms
Don't , Never      "No" gesture
Good , Nice , Wow  Clap
Hello , Thanks     Slight Bow
OK                 Pumps arms
Respect            Kneel
Rush               Lead your men forward
Sir                Salute
That               Points the way you're facing
Victory , Win      Victory pose



   There are various ways of travelling the vast lands of Mu. You can
walk, run, swim, fly, and Unilia.




   The most common way of transportation. You can only walk in towns, and
there isn't a limit to how far you can walk (ex. you don't have to 'rest'
like other games, after walking a long distance)




   A faster way of transportation. You'll need +5 boots or more in order
to run. You can run anywhere except in city's. You can move twice the 
speed when running compared to walking, and there isn't a limit to how
far you can run (aka GTA3 or GTA:VC). Clicking on the far side of the
screen or walking for a few seconds will enable you to auto-run.



(more to come)


   If you'd like to contribute in this section, please refer to my
Contact Information. Credit WILL be given.




(more to come)


   If you'd like to contribute in this section, please refer to my
Contact Information. Credit WILL be given.




   Unilia is a beast which looks like a cross from a horse and duck (has
the head of a horse; minus the Unicorn, and the bottom of a duck). You'll
need to find or trade to obtain the Horn of Unilia, which summons a 
Unilia. It transports you faster than running.




   After reaching Level 50, you'll have the option to Teleport to city's,
rather than the tedious and time-consuming walking/running. Teleporting
isn't free though, here's a list and prices of teleporting to different




   So you can't seem to find where anything is? Look here. 
   (Sorry if it looks really bad, but it's purpose is to generally 
show where everything is)


                                   / -/\-\                                
                              /----/     \---\                            
                           /--/              \-\                          
                        /--/                   \---\                      
                     /--/        EB              P3\---\                  
                  /--/ S3                              \--\               
             /----/                   H    L              \---\           
         /---/                                 SW             \--\        
       /-/ P2                        //\           L             \--\     
   /---/              EB   H       // S1\\                     P1   \--\  
   \      G                      //       \                           /-  
   \--\                          \         /                        /-/   
      \--\       EB  H          S5\\S2   //                         -/    
         \\                         \\ //    S2         BD      /-/       
          \-\                                          S       //         
            \-\                                              /-/          
              \-\                BF           BD           /-/            
                \-\                   BD    S            /-/              
                  \-\                                   -/                
                    \-\                 BD            //                  
                      \--\                          /-/                   
                         \-\                BF    /-/                     
                           \-\                  /-/                       
                             \-\              /-/                         
                               \-\          / /                           
                                 \-\       //                             
                                   \-\   /-/                              

Monsters :                                                          
S  - Spider
BF - Bull Fighter
H  - Hound
G  - Giant
L  - Lich
EB - Elite Bull Fighter
BD - Budge Dragon
SW - Skeleton Warrior

Portals  :

P1 - To Noria
P2 - To Devias
P3 - To Dungeon

Shops    :

S1 - Blacksmith (DK)
S2 - Merchant   (DW)
S3 - Merchant
S4 - Merchant
S5 - Merchant

   Lorencia is where Dark Knights and Dark Wizards start out. If
Fairys want to come to Lorencia, they must be Level 10. It is very 
suitable for beginner or low level players (1-20) to level up here.




                                   / -/\-\                                
                              /----/     \---\                            
                           /---\  IQ   EY  / \|\                          
                        /-- \ ------\  /---/ //\---\                      
                     /--/       \   |  \--\  |     \---\                  
                  /--/   /----   \--/     \--/         \--\               
             /----/      |   //                          / --|\           
         /---/      EY   |  //                           \-\ |\--\        
       /-/             /- / /   IM                    /-\  \-/   \--\     
   /---/              // -|                          | /            \--\  
   \               Y  |-|          Y     A         /-/-/              /-  
   \--\          A   |  |                         //    W           /-/| 
      \--\           \--     IM                   \ -      H       -/    
         \\      /\                                \-\        --- /      
          \-\ ---//             / -----------  H     \-\\----/--/        
            \-\ -/             |     / -- --/     W    \---  /-/         
              \-\              \- /--/        / -         |/-/          
                \-\----//\--                  |/\\---\   / /             
                  \-     ///         S1          \--\\---/               
                    \-\  -/                         \-//                 
                      \--/                          /-/                   
                         \-\             S2       /-/                    
                           \-\                  /-/                      
                             \-\           P1 /-/                         
                               \\-\         / /                           
                                \-\-       //                             
                                   \---  /-/                              

Monsters :

IQ - Ice Queen
EY - Elite Yeti
IM - Ice Monster
W  - Worm
H  - Hommerd
Y  - Yeti
A  - Assasin

Portals  :

P1 - To Lorencia

(More to come, please contribute if you have any information)

Shops    :

S1 - Merchant (DK)
S2 - Merchant (DW)

(More to come, please contribute if you have any information)

   Devias is the snowy land north of Lorencia. It contains many strong
monsters, that is why you need to be at least Level 15 to enter. The
guild master is also located in Devias.




                                   / -/\-\                               
                              /----/     \---\                           
                           /--/              \-\                         
                        /--/                   \---\                     
                     /--/         FM               \---\                 
                  /--/                                 \--\              
             /----/                      BM               \---\          
         /---/                                                \--\       
       /-/                                  EG                   \--\    
   /---/         H              EG                     FM           \--\ 
   \                  H                                             P2 / 
   \--\                            BM              SG               /-/| 
      \--\         A     A                               SG         -/   
         \\                                                     /-/      
          \-\               G          S1                      //      
            \-\          CS                               FM /-/         
              \-\                                          /-/           
                \-\                                 G    /-/             
                  \-\                        SC         -/               
                    \-\                G              //               
                      \--\                          /-/                 
                         \-\               SC     /-/                   
                           \-\                  /-/                     
                             \-\              /-/                        
                               \-\          / /                         
                                 \-\P1     //                         
                                   \-\   /-/                           

Monsters :

CS - Chain Scorpion
G  - Golbin
EG - Elite Goblin
A  - Agon
SG - Stone Golem
FM - Forest Monster
BM - Beetle Monster
H  - Hunter

Portals  :

P1 - To Lorencia
P2 - To Atlans

(More to come, please contribute if you have any information)

Shops    :

S1 - Chaos Golbin

(More to come, please contribute if you have any information)

   Noria is the land; full of forests and grass, that is East of 
Lorencia. It is where Fairys start out. You can enter the underwater city
of Atlans through Noria, and meet the Chaos Golbin who produces Chaos
items. To enter Noria, Dark Knights and Dark Wizards must be at least
Level 10.




   To make an ACSII art of this map is insane. The most I can do is tell
you what monsters reside in the Dungeon.

Monsters :

Poison Bull
Dark Knight
Skeleton Archer
Elite Skeleton
Hell Spider
Hell Hound
Thunder Lich

Portals  :

(More to come, please contribute if you have any information) :(

Shops    :

(More to come, please contribute if you have any information) :(

   The Dungeon is a cave north of Lorencia. It contains 3 levels; the
first where you must be Level 20 to enter; the second where you must be
Level 40 to enter; and the third where you must be Level 60 to enter.
Gorgon will be your toughest opponent in the Dungeon.


                              The Lost Tower


   Again, to make an ACSII art of this map is insane. The most I can do 
is tell you what monsters reside in this Tower.

Monsters :

Death Gorgon
Death Knight
Death Cow
Poison Shadow

Portals  :

(More to come, please contribute if you have any information) :(

Shops    :

(More to come, please contribute if you have any information) :(

   The Lost Tower is located north of Devias. It contains the strongest
monsters you'll get to meet, and it also holds the greatest treasures
for high level players (80+). There are 3 levels; the first where you
must be Level 80 to enter; the second where you must be Level 100 to
enter; and the third where you must be Level 110 to enter.




   What the hell are co-ordinates, you ask? At the bottom-left corner
of your screen, you'll see two numbers. The first number is followed by
a comma. To find whatever you need, look here:




135,127,Town Center
147,143,Warehouse (1)
147,109,Warehouse (2)
215,243,Noria Entrance (lvl 10)
9,40,Davias Entrance (lvl 15)
123,228,Dungeon Entrance (lvl 20)
65,129,Alex (Shop)
184,136,Peddler (1) (Noob Shop)
8,144,Peddler (2) (Shop)
127,85,Potion Girl (Shop)
125,133,Liaman the Barmaid (Shop)
119,113,Pasi the Wizard (Shop)
118,140,Hans the Blacksmith (Shop)
76,144,Safe House




196,123,Craftsman (Elf Weapons)
173,124,Elf Lala (Armours and pots)
180,102,Goblin Chaos Machine (Combine items)
149,8,Lorencia Entrance (lvl 10)
240,242,Atlans Entrance (lvl 70)




215,47,Guild Master (lvl 100)
188,48,Weapon Merchant
227,40,Wizard (pots and spells)
10,26,Castle (1)
225,237,Castle (2)
4, 247,Lost Tower Entrance




14,12,Gate to Noria
16,226,Gate to Tarkan




109,243,Dungeon (Entrance)
232,124,Dungeon 2 (Entrance)
4,84,Dungeon 3 (Entrance 1)
29,125,Dungeon 3 (Exit to Dungeon 2)


                               Lost Tower


209,78,Lobby(safe zone)
163,3,Lost Tower Entrance
243,238,Lost Tower 2
88,167,Lost Tower 3
87,87,Lost Tower 4
130,54,Lost Tower 5
54,54,Lost Tower 6
7,86,Lost Tower 7


(credits to bannedapvp for the cheats aka Gamefaqs)




   Guilds are basically 'clans' or 'crews'. It is possible to have two
guilds fight each other for strength and pride. It is also easier to
hunt and kill monsters. Basically, guilds are "semi-permanent party's".
Basically, you meet up as a group and start hacking away. The only 
difference between a guild and party is, guild's a groups which you'll
constantly meet up with. Unlike party's, in which you usually meet up
with strangers and co-operate.

                           How to make a Guild


   It is actually simple to create a Guild. Meet up with the Guild 
Master in Devias. However, you can't just make a Guild. There are several

1. You need to be Level 100 to make a Guild.
2. Guild name must be over 2 characters.
3. The number of allowed Guild members to each Guild is counted by the
   Level of the Guild Master. (ex. if the leader is Level 100, they can
   have a maximum of 10 Guild members).

   If you meet the requirements of creating a Guild, you can now move on
to making a Guild name and Mark. A Guild Mark is a way other Guilds can
recognise you (if they forget your name(s) for example). Choose your
name and mark carefully, as you won't be able to change it later on.

                         How to cancel/leave a Guild


   If you're the Guild Master, and you want to cancel your Guild, press
'G', then 'Cancel'. Do this carefully, as you won't be able to get your
Guild back.

   If you're a Guild member, and you want to leave your Guild, press
'G', then 'Leave'. Do this carefully, as you won't be able to join your
Guild again (if they still want you, because you left).


                              Guild Combat


(Coming Soon)


   If you'd like to contribute in this section, please refer to my
Contact Information. Credit WILL be given.




   Partying is when you and a bunch of strangers (or friends alike) come
together as a group, co-operate, and fight together. You'll find that
you'll level up quicker (than if you were fighting by yourself), and
you'll die less often.

   Something I usually do is ask a stronger person to party with me, and 
bring me to an area which I know I can't protect myself. You will gain
an extraodinary amount of Zen (if the stronger person lets you take it, 
they usually do) and EXP.

   To private chat with your Party, press Enter, enter '~' before what
you are saying, and you'll have your own Party chat. Noone else but
members of your Party can see what you typed.


                          How to make a Party


   To make a Party, press D, then click Party, then Right-click the 
person you'd like to make a party with. Note, you can have more than two
people in a Party.


                         How to cancel/leave a Party          


   If you're the Master of your Party, and you'd like to cancel the 
party, press 'P', then click the X.

   If you're a member of the party, and you'd like to leave the party,
press 'P', and click the X.




   What is Player-kill, or better known as PK? Player-kill is when you..
kill another player. But another player as in another real, living,
breathing person, just like you.

   To player-kill (never player kill without a reason, or if the player
is a Murderer) press Crtl and click whoever you want to kill. Well the
player won't die in one hit. They are like any other Monster or thing
in this game. You keep hacking away until one or the other dies.

   Your name will be orange if you kill one person. You can't kill 
anyone else for three hours or else you will earn the title of a
Murderer. When you attack someone, they will have be able to commit
self-defense, which means if you attack them first, but they kill you,
they won't be penalized in any way. You have a 50% chance of dropping
an item if you get killed.

   Your name will turn red if you kill two people in the three hours
you were given to not kill anyone else. This status lasts six hours, 
and you'll have a 75% chance of dropping an item if you get killed

   Your name will be dark red if you killed three people within the
six hours you were given to not kill anyone else. During your title as 
a Murderer, you can't enter towns, and merchants and shops won't sell 
you anything. Also, other people can try to kill you without being 
penalized in anyway. Instead, if someone does kill you (being a 
Murderer) you have a chance of dropping something that's yours. Also, 
if you're a murderer, you will turn black so other people can easily 
recognise you.

   If you want to remove your Murderer status faster, killing monsters
will deduct from the nine hours you were penalized from.

   To get Hero status, you must kill 3 Murderers. If you die you won't
drop any items, and you'll also get great items the Murderers dropped.
You will have Hero status for one hour.

   If your name is white you have a Normal Status.




   I am only going to list all items, because it will take far too long
to record and display all the stats possible for all levels of each

(Coming Soon! Descriptions, min. and max. damage, and much more!)




Short Sword
Sword of Assasin
Serpent Volgue
Sword of Salamander
Light Sabre
Double Blade
Great Sword
Lightning Sword
Helical Sword


   Thanks to vivi2009 in this section for some swords I forgot
   Thanks to John Vielbig for the corrections.




Small Axe
Hand Axe
Double-Bladed Axe
Fairy's Axe
Battle Axe
Nikkea Axe
Larkan Axe
Crescentic Axe
Chaos Dragon Axe


   Thanks to John Vielbig for the corrections.


                             Blunt Weapons


Morning Star
Iron Hammer
Great Hammer




Short Bow
Fairy's Bow
Battle Bow
Tiger Bow
Chaos Nature Bow




Golden Crossbow
Ray of Crossbow
Serpent Crossbow




Double-Bladed Halberd
Dragon Lance
Great Trident
Light Spear
Serpent Spear
Great Scythe


   Thanks to John Vielbig for the corrections.




Skull Staff
Angelic Staff
Serpent Staff
Thunder Staff
Gorgon Staff
Chaos Thunder Staff


   Thanks to John Vielbig for the corrections.




Round Shield
Horn Shield
Kite Shield
Skull Shield
Big Round Shield
Iron Shield
Spike Shield
Dragon Slayer Shield
Tower Shield
Serpent Shield
Bronze Shield
Fairy's Shield


   Thanks to John Vielbig for the corrections.




| Dark Knight |

Leather Armour
Leather Pants
Leather Helm
Leather Gloves
Leather Boots

Bronze Armour
Bronze Pants
Bronze Helm
Bronze Gloves
Bronze Boots

Scale Armour
Scale Pants
Scale Helm
Scale Gloves
Scale Boots

Brass Armour
Brass Pants
Brass Helm
Brass Gloves
Brass Boots

Plate Armour
Plate Pants
Plate Helm
Plate Gloves
Plate Boots

Dragon Armour
Dragon Pants
Dragon Helm
Dragon Gloves
Dragon Boots

| Dark Wizard |

Pad Armour
Pad Pants
Pad Helm
Pad Gloves
Pad Boots

Bone Armour
Bone Pants
Bone Helm
Bone Gloves
Bone Boots

Sphinx Armour
Sphinx Pants
Sphinx Helm
Sphinx Gloves
Sphinx Boots

Legendary Armour
Legendary Pants
Legendary Helm
Legendary Gloves
Legendary Boots

| Fairy |

Vine Armour
Vine Pants
Vine Helm
Vine Gloves
Vine Boots

Silk Armour
Silk Pants
Silk Helm
Silk Gloves
Silk Boots

Wind Armour
Wind Pants
Wind Helm
Wind Gloves
Wind Boots

Spirit Armour
Spirit Pants
Spirit Helm
Spirit Gloves
Spirit Boots

Guardian Armor
Guardian Pants
Guardian Helm
Guardian Gloves
Guardian Boots


   Thanks to vivi2009 for some armour I forgot.
   Thanks to John Vielbig for swords and armour that I forgot, pluse
     the corrections. :)


                              General Items


One-time use (common):

Small Healing Potion
Healing Potion
Large Healing Potion
Small Mana Potion
Mana Potion
Large Mana Potion
Town Scroll

Equipable :

Ring of Ice
Ring of Poison
Budge Dragon Ring of Transformation
Giant Ring of Transformation
Skull Warrior's Ring of Transformation
Poison Cow Horn Warrior's Ring of Transformation
Thunder Lich Ring of Transformation
Death Cow Ring of Transformation
Thunder Necklace
Necklace of Fire
Safeguard Angle

Healing Bead
Offensive Power Improvement Bead
Defensive Power Improvement Bead
Goblin Recall Bead
Stone Monster Recall Bead
Assassin Recall Bead
Snowman Captain Recall Bead
Dark Knight Recall Bead
Valie Recall Bead
Soldier Recall Bead

Horn of Unilia
Horn of Dinorant

Jewels :

Jewels of Blessing (aka Bless )
Jewel of Spirits   (aka Spirit)
Jewel of Chaos     (aka Cahos )

Boxes :

Box of Luck
Box of Kundun
Crossbow Box
Arrow Box

Wings :

Heaven's Wings
Satan's Wings 
Fairy's Wings
Blue Feather


   Know anything that's not on here? Refer to my Contact Information
section, and you will be given FULL credit.

(Satan?? Don't know where to put it, please contribute, Credit will
 be given!)

***UPDATE*** Credit to Sam DK for answering what Satan is. Satan is
             the direct opposite of a Guardian Angel. "You place it in 
             the Fairy slot to the top left of the equip menu, wherr you 
             put horns of urnina and things".

             Thanks again Sam DK!




   Don't know what level monsters are? Want to know what level they 
are and kick their ***? Look here. Note, all monsters are in alphabetical
order. (note: descriptions courtesy of Mu

*Agon (Noria)*

Description    : It is called a watchman of the hell as it steals the 
                spirits of living things, having swords in its two hands. 

                 Inhabiting in the north of Noria, Agon arms its both 
                hands with Serpent Volgue. It likes to move alone so it 
                may look easy to hunt, but its powerful attack using 
                Serpent Volgue reminds you of its nickname, watchman of 
                the hell.

Level          : 16

Phys. Str.     : 400

Min. Str. Pow. : 55

Max. Str. Pow. : 62

Def. Pow.      : 16

Def. Suc. Rate : 16

*Assasin (Devias)*

Description    : It is the warrior who kills adventurers of MU Continent 
                due to money. Hiding under snow, it gives a blow to 
                people passing by. It is very fast and excellent at 

                 Assassin arms its both hands with Katache, and is 
                available at the north and the west of Devias. It is 
                agile and fast so it attacks adventurers’ vital spot. 
                Its sudden attack is fatal to characters that have weak  
                physical strength like dark sorcerers.

Level          : 26

Phys. Str.     : 800

Min. Str. Pow. : 95

Max. Str. Pow. : 100

Def. Pow.      : 33

Def. Suc. Rate : 33

*Balrog (The Lost Tower)*

Description    : It uses a huge and strong scythe and also Hell Fire 
                skill. It is a boss-class monster of Lost Tower. 

                 Located on the top of Lost Tower, Balroc is armed with 
                red splendid armor and handles a large scythe freely. 
                Fast moving speed by use of 4 legs and powerful Hell 
                Fire skill have made Balroc the best monster of Lost 
                Tower, and further, guided numerous adventurers into 

Level          : 67

Phys. Str.     : 10000

Min. Str. Pow. : 220

Max. Str. Pow. : 250

Def. Pow.      : 160

Def. Suc. Rate : 105

*Beetle Monster (Noria)*

Description    : It is a mutant monster of gold bug. The evil atmosphere 
                made it mutant. 

                 Distributed extensively in the west of Lorencia, Gold 
                Bug Monster attacks, floating in the air by use of wings 
                on its back. In a battle, it besieges and attacks in 
                group so it is not easy to fight with. Therefore, 
                whether to control the encircling net or not is the key 
                to the battle. Its location is similar to that of Hunter 
                so you should be careful for any sudden dangerous 

Level          : 10

Phys. Str.     : 180

Min. Str. Pow. : 30

Max. Str. Pow. : 40

Def. Pow.      : 10

Def. Suc. Rate : 10

*Budge Dragon (Lorencia)*

Description    : It is a baby dragon that has appeared on the Metamore 
                World with resurrection of Kundun while living in the 
                remote mountain. 

                 It belongs to the dragon race that has occupied the 
                southern plain of Lorencia. Its size is small, but its 
                blast offense is a big threat to elementary adventurers. 
                It moves in an irregular direction, flapping its wings 
                so agile hands are essential. Especially, when fighting 
                with it, you should be careful for spiders’ enveloping 

Level          : 4

Phys. Str.     : 80

Min. Str. Pow. : 12

Max. Str. Pow. : 17

Def. Pow.      : 3

Def. Suc. Rate : 3

*Bull Fighter (Lorencia)*

Description    : It is Minotaur warrior that was born by combination of 
                the angry spirits of the dead warriors and dead cows. 
                It is half human and half animal. 

                It lives at the grassland in the southwest of Lorencia, 
                and its characteristic is a big cow horn. It flourishes a 
                big scythe so the warrior beginners may go to a town to 
                heal. It is hasty and outrageous so it often has fights 
                with each other.

Level          : 6

Phys. Str.     : 120

Min. Str. Pow. : 19

Max. Str. Pow. : 26

Def. Pow.      : 6

Def. Suc. Rate : 6

*Chain Scorpion (Noria)*

Description    : Ring Scorpion moves fast and has an ability of surprise 
                attack. It is distributed extensively in Noria. 

                 Living near Noria, Ring Scorpion rolls itself to move 
                by use of its small body and soft skin. It boasts of its 
                fast movement. By use of its tail which is the only 
                weapon of Ring Scorpion, it attacks adventurers.

Level          : 5

Phys. Str.     : 100

Min. Str. Pow. : 14

Max. Str. Pow. : 20

Def. Pow.      : 4

Def. Suc. Rate : 4

*Cursed Wizard (The Lost Tower)*

Description    : It is a class of Dark Sorcerer that is strong in MU 
                Continent. It was trusted by Antonias, but is pushed out 
                by advent of magician Emulia. Hiding in the cave of 
                darkness, it went to Ketthotum to open Kundun’s sealing. 
                However, by Emulia’s curse, it was imprisoned in Lost 

Level          : 54

Phys. Str.     : 4000

Min. Str. Pow. : 160

Max. Str. Pow. : 170

Def. Pow.      : 95

Def. Suc. Rate : 79

*Cyclops (Dungeon)*

Description    : Cyclops, one-eyed, handles an ax very well. 

                 Cyclop residing in most areas of the first and the 
                second floor is the monster you can meet easily in 
                Dungeon. Its intelligence is not so high, but its offense 
                by use of ax is quite threatening.

Level          : 28

Phys. Str.     : 850

Min. Str. Pow. : 100

Max. Str. Pow. : 105

Def. Pow.      : 35

Def. Suc. Rate : 35

*Dark Knight (Dungeon)*

Description    : It is the strongest warrior led by Gorgon. It is called 
                Dark Knight as it attacks an enemy with a sword. It
                is a master of double blade. 

                 On the third floor of Dungeon, Dark Knight is guarding 
                the last corner to Gorgon. It is a loyal subordinate of 
                Gorgon, and shows splendid fencing by use of double 
                blade. It is not easy for even Dark Knights of high 
                level to overwhelm Dark Knights with fencing.

Level          : 48

Phys. Str.     : 3000

Min. Str. Pow. : 150

Max. Str. Pow. : 155

Def. Pow.      : 80

Def. Suc. Rate : 70

*Death Cow (The Lost Tower)*

Description    : The spirits of the dead warriors went into Horn Warriors 
                and then, resurrected. It is an undead monster. 

                 Living on the third and the fourth floor of Lost Tower, 
                its body is large and uses Great Hammer. It boasts of 
                powerful physical strength and offensive power, but if 
                you make use of its slow movement and attacking speed, 
                you will be able to win at a battle.

Level          : 57

Phys. Str.     : 4500

Min. Str. Pow. : 170

Max. Str. Pow. : 180

Def. Pow.      : 110

Def. Suc. Rate : 85

*Death Gorgon (The Lost Tower)*

Description    : It is a powerful Gorgon whose whole body is in fire and 
                who uses Fire Ball skill. 

                 It equips its whole body with a blazing armor and its 
                both hands with Crescent Ax. His attack by use of 
                Crescent Ax is dreadful, but his Fire Ball skill makes 
                long-distance attack possible so it may not be easy to 
                escape from it.

Level          : 64

Phys. Str.     : 6000

Min. Str. Pow. : 200

Max. Str. Pow. : 210

Def. Pow.      : 130

Def. Suc. Rate : 94

*Death Knight (The Lost Tower)*

Description    : It is a knight of death who sold his spirit to Balroc 
                in order to get power. It uses Thunder Sword freely. 

                 You can meet Death Knight from the fifth floor of Lost 
                Tower. Armed with hard armor and large body, it breaks 
                down adventurers’ small wish, using Thunder Sword. Its 
                attack and movement is slow, but it is no problem at all.

Level          : 62

Phys. Str.     : 5500

Min. Str. Pow. : 190

Max. Str. Pow. : 200

Def. Pow.      : 120

Def. Suc. Rate : 91

*Devil (The Lost Tower)*

Description    : It is a watchman of the hell who followed Balroc. With 
                the power of large wings, it flies and makes a sorcery 

                 Devil is available from the fourth floor of Lost Tower, 
                and it is very hard to fight with. It moves fast by use 
                of large wings and makes long-distance attack. His 
                strong sorcery like this will guide adventurers into 

Level          : 60

Phys. Str.     : 5000

Min. Str. Pow. : 180

Max. Str. Pow. : 195

Def. Pow.      : 115

Def. Suc. Rate : 88

*Elite Bull Fighter (Lorencia)*

Description    : It is a strong Minotaur warrior that was made of the 
                dead spirits with big anger over their deaths. It is the 
                key and leader of Horn Warrior army. 

                 It resembles Horn Warrior, but it is much bigger. As 
                much as its size, it has strong power. Attacks by use of 
                horn or Bardiche have great power of destruction. In 
                order to fight with this monster, you should move 
                continuously and make an advantageous situation by use 
                of slow motions of the monster.

Level          : 12

Phys. Str.     : 220

Min. Str. Pow. : 35

Max. Str. Pow. : 44

Def. Pow.      : 12

Def. Suc. Rate : 12

*Elite Golbin (Noria)*

Description    : It is the captain of Goblin race that unconditionally 
                attacks the living things around itself under the  
                control of Kundun without any decisive power. 
                 It tried to keep its race Goblin that doesn’t like 
                fighting, and it is available at the northwest of Noria.  
                It is together with other strong monsters so it is not 
                easy to hunt only Goblin Captain.

Level          : 8

Phys. Str.     : 140

Min. Str. Pow. : 22

Max. Str. Pow. : 32

Def. Pow.      : 8

Def. Suc. Rate : 8

*Elite Skeleton (Dungeon)*

Description    : Leader of Skeleton Warriors, Skeleton Warrior Captain 
                has maximized its defensive power by use of skeleton 

                 Residing on the second and the third floor of Dungeon, 
                Skeleton Warrior Captain is armed with Tomahawk and 
                Skeleton Shield and is waiting for adventurers.

Level          : 42

Phys. Str.     : 1800

Min. Str. Pow. : 135

Max. Str. Pow. : 140

Def. Pow.      : 65

Def. Suc. Rate : 49

*Elite Yeti (Devias)*

Description    : It is the captain of Snowmen. Once caught by it, 
                adventurers can’t run away from it due to its four arms. 
                It is a dreadful monster with powerful physical strength 
                and offensive power. 

                 You can meet Snowman Captain at the entrance of the 
                north end of Noria where Ice Queen is. Due to its large 
                body, its action is slow and it can’t make a long-
                distance offense like Snowman, but its powerful offense 
                using 4 arms and powerful physical strength keep many 
                adventurers from approaching Ice Queen.

Level          : 36

Phys. Str.     : 1200

Min. Str. Pow. : 120

Max. Str. Pow. : 125

Def. Pow.      : 50

Def. Suc. Rate : 43

*Forest Monster (Noria)*

Description    : It was born by injection of new energy into an evil 
                spirit living in the woods near Noria. 

                 Living in the north and the east of Noria, Forest 
                Monster moves fast by use of two strong legs and attacks 
                with strong big nails. It likes to move in group so it 
                may not be easy to fight with.

Level          : 15

Phys. Str.     : 320

Min. Str. Pow. : 50

Max. Str. Pow. : 58

Def. Pow.      : 15

Def. Suc. Rate : 15

*Ghost (Dungeon)*

Description    : Ghost is a fearful monster that has a transparent body 
                and uses a sharp claw. 

                 Ghost likes to hide itself on the first and the second 
                floor. Once it finds its target, it secretly approaches 
                an adventurer and attacks with its sharp hands.

Level          : 32

Phys. Str.     : 1000

Min. Str. Pow. : 110

Max. Str. Pow. : 115

Def. Pow.      : 40

Def. Suc. Rate : 39

*Giant (Lorencia)*

Description    : It is a boss monster that invades Lorencia, together 
                with low-leveled monsters, by Kundun’s order. It is the 
                strongest monster in Lorencia. Skeleton Warrior is 
                stronger, but it is from Dungeon. 

                 Among the monsters around Lorencia, it has the highest 
                physical strength, offensive power and defensive power. 
                It is a giant race. If you can fight with Giant who 
                flourishes a huge double-bladed ax, you are not a beginner 
                any longer. It guards the path to the snowfield Devias 
                and its moves slowly. You should check your weapons 
                first, otherwise, you will use up all the arrows and 
                Mana before the game is over.

Level          : 17

Phys. Str.     : 500

Min. Str. Pow. : 60

Max. Str. Pow. : 70

Def. Pow.      : 18

Def. Suc. Rate : 18

*Goblin (Noria)*

Description    : Goblin is belligerent and fast. It has a small body so 
                it is not so hard to fight with. 

                 Goblin is guarding the southwest plain of Noria, which 
                is the easy monster to fight with second to Spider on MU 
                Continent. The race of Goblin doesn’t like to fight and 
                is obedient enough to be a partner for Fairy’s battle 
                practice. However, you can be damaged by attack of Ring 
                Scorpion if you think about only the battle with Goblin.

Level          : 3

Phys. Str.     : 60

Min. Str. Pow. : 9

Max. Str. Pow. : 11

Def. Pow.      : 2

Def. Suc. Rate : 2

*Gorgon (Dungeon)*

Description    : Kundun made Gorgon (whom Kundun trusted most) sneak 
                into Lorencia, and Gorgon followed Kundun’s order and 
                had his subordinates come up to the human world in order 
                for MU Empire not to be built again.

Level          : 55

Phys. Str.     : 6000

Min. Str. Pow. : 165

Max. Str. Pow. : 175

Def. Pow.      : 100

Def. Suc. Rate : 82

*Hell Hound (Dungeon)*

Description    : A transformation of Hound, Hell Hound has come out to 
                the ground when Kundun resurrected while wandering about 
                the hell. 

                 Residing on the second floor of Dungeon, Hell Hound is 
                armed with iron shield and falchion. Its body is big so 
                it moves slowly, but with strong offensive power and 
                defensive power, it will be a threatening to adventurers 
                of Dungeon.

Level          : 38

Phys. Str.     : 1400

Min. Str. Pow. : 125

Max. Str. Pow. : 130

Def. Pow.      : 55

Def. Suc. Rate : 45

*Hell Spider (Dungeon)*

Description    : Kundun made an ugly Hell Spider by combining an evil 
                human and the spider of the hell. 

                 Living on the second floor of Dungeon, Hell Spider has 
                an ugly appearance, which makes adventurers not to go 
                ahead. Using its 8 legs, it moves very fast and it also 
                uses strong power wave from long distance so it is hard 
                for Dark Sorcerers or Fairies to fight with.

Level          : 40

Phys. Str.     : 1600

Min. Str. Pow. : 130

Max. Str. Pow. : 135

Def. Pow.      : 60

Def. Suc. Rate : 47

*Hommerd (Devias)*

Description    : Many of the Devias adventurers died due to severely cold 
                weather, not due to fighting with monsters. Kundun    
                made the frozen dead bodies resurrected and then, gave 
                energy to them so that they could be strong warriors. 

                 Available in the east of Devias, Hommerd is armed with 
                Larkan Ax and Big Round Shield. It handles axes and 
                shields freely, and harasses adventurers.

Level          : 24

Phys. Str.     : 700

Min. Str. Pow. : 85

Max. Str. Pow. : 90

Def. Pow.      : 29

Def. Suc. Rate : 29

*Hound (Lorencia)*

Description    : It is the being of evil that is wicked and violent, and 
                that has endless desires and strong mind. 

                 It is distributed extensively in the north and the west 
                of Lorencia, and it is too strong for beginners. If you 
                can fight with 2 3 Horn Warriors without any difficulty, 
                you are qualified to fight with Hound. If you don’t have 
                steady nerve, you may not show your capacity to the full 
                because you will be shocked at this strange shape of 
                monster. It is known that Hound can say human words, but 
                in actuality, there is no one to watch its talking.

Level          : 9

Phys. Str.     : 160

Min. Str. Pow. : 25

Max. Str. Pow. : 35

Def. Pow.      : 9

Def. Suc. Rate : 9

*Hunter (Noria)*

Description    : It is an undead monster that is brainwashed to recognize 
                all the living things as enemies and to attack them. The 
                spirit of a hunter is combined. 

                 It seizes the west woods of Noria, and its specialty is 
                long-distance attack by use of Crossbow. Hunter is a 
                master of Crossbow so you may have to return to the town 
                to heal your injuries without making a counterattack. It 
                is your decision whether to run away or to defeat with 
                power, but you should be careful for the encircling 
                attack when the Gold Bug Monster joins.

Level          : 13

Phys. Str.     : 240

Min. Str. Pow. : 40

Max. Str. Pow. : 48

Def. Pow.      : 13

Def. Suc. Rate : 13

*Ice Monster (Devias)*

Description    : Ice Monster lives in Devias and has iced body. 

                 It is transparent so it is not visible for adventurers. 
                Making use of that, Ice Monster secretly approaches 
                adventurers and freezes them by use of its main 
                specialty, ice sorcery, and then, guides them into death 
                by use of its strong nails.

Level          : 22

Phys. Str.     : 650

Min. Str. Pow. : 80

Max. Str. Pow. : 85

Def. Pow.      : 27

Def. Suc. Rate : 27

*Ice Queen (Devias)*

Description    : Ice Queen is beautiful and was a daughter of the lord 
                of Byron Castle in Devias. However, as she rejected   
                the proposal of marriage of Minuas who is a subordinate 
                of Kundun’s, she was under the curse that she couldn’t 
                die forever. 

                 Living in the northernmost of Devias, Ice Queen is 
                the hardest monster to fight with in Devias. Not only it 
                has powerful physical strength, but also it makes long-
                distance attacks so it is one of the monsters that Fairy 
                or Dark Sorcerer avoids fighting with.

Level          : 52

Phys. Str.     : 4000

Min. Str. Pow. : 155

Max. Str. Pow. : 165

Def. Pow.      : 90

Def. Suc. Rate : 76

*Larva (Dungeon)*

Description    : It is a big earthworm crawling under the ground. It 
                lives in Dungeon and is a crustacea eating meats. Its 
                bodies are covered with hard shells. Its eyes are 
                degenerated. It sprays strong acid from its mouths and 
                bites by use of sharp teeth. 

                Larva crawling in the first floor of Dungeon moves at 
                fast speed under the ground, and by attacking adventurers 
                coming into Dungeon, it makes them poisoned with strong 
                acid. Its moving speed is fast so you will be poisoned 
                with its acid while hesitating.

Level          : 25

Phys. Str.     : 750

Min. Str. Pow. : 90

Max. Str. Pow. : 95

Def. Pow.      : 31

Def. Suc. Rate : 31

*Lich (Lorencia)*

Description    : It believes in devils and plays sorceries of darkness. 
                It is a sorcerer who keeps Lorencia Dungeon. It can use 
                strong sorcery of meteorite. 

                 It can play sorcery of meteorite freely. You should 
                prepare yourself for a fire stone in order to fight with 
                Lich who is watching on the way to Dungeon. If you think 
                that Lich’s slow motions having skeleton staff and then, 
                attack, you will be seriously injured without seeing 
                meteorites falling from sky. If you meet Lich, you 
                should make a prompt decision whether to fight with it 
                or run away. Lich’s physical strength is quite weak so 
                it may be effective to have short-distance wars in case 
                the of Knights or Fairies. While fighting with it, if 
                you meet Skeleton Warrior from Dungeon, you had better 
                run away.

Level          : 14

Phys. Str.     : 260

Min. Str. Pow. : 45

Max. Str. Pow. : 52

Def. Pow.      : 14

Def. Suc. Rate : 14

*Poison Bull Fighter (Dungeon)*

Description    : It boasts of the strongest power among Horn Warriors. 

                 Living on the second and the third floor of Dungeon, 
                Poison Cow Horn Warrior is armed with Great Scythe. 
                Suitably for its large body, it has powerful physical
                strength and offensive power, and in its offense, 
                strong poison is included.

Level          : 46

Phys. Str.     : 2500

Min. Str. Pow. : 145

Max. Str. Pow. : 150

Def. Pow.      : 75

Def. Suc. Rate : 61

*Poison Shadow (The Lost Tower)*

Description    : It is a mutant shadow consisting of poison. It's 
                offensive power is stronger than Shadow. 

                 Poison Shadow is the same kind of Shadow, but its whole 
                body is covered with poison so it is stronger than Shadow 
                and makes adventurers poisoned. You should not fight with 
                it in the same way as Shadow.

Level          : 50

Phys. Str.     : 3500

Min. Str. Pow. : 155

Max. Str. Pow. : 160

Def. Pow.      : 85

Def. Suc. Rate : 73

*Shadow (The Lost Tower)*

Description    : Shadow acts in the darkness of underground and absorbs 
                the spirits of living things. 

                 Living on the first and the second floor of Lost Tower, 
                Shadow absorbs the spirits of adventurers through strong 
                electric attack. Its attack is fast and strong, but its 
                movement is slow so it can make only short-distance 
                attack. Therefore, if you use your fast feet, you can 
                get it without difficulty.

Level          : 47

Phys. Str.     : 2800

Min. Str. Pow. : 148

Max. Str. Pow. : 153

Def. Pow.      : 78

Def. Suc. Rate : 67

*Skeleton (Dungeon)*

Description    : It is a strong skeleton living in Dungeon. When it is 
                dark, Skeleton Warrior comes out to the town and attacks 
                all the living things. Skeleton Warrior equipped with 
                Gladious and a Buckler is the first monster that 
                adventurers can meet in Dungeon. It looks very weak, 
                but it is obstinate to run after adventurers to the end 
                and its attacks are very fast so adventurers may be 
                kicked out of Dungeon.

Level          : 19

Phys. Str.     : 600

Min. Str. Pow. : 70

Max. Str. Pow. : 78

Def. Pow.      : 22

Def. Suc. Rate : 22

*Skeleton Archer (Dungeon)*

Description    : This is the only monster among skeletons that can have 
                long-distance offence. Its Fairy’s Bow is very powerful. 

                 Skeleton Archery that is mainly seen on the second floor 
                of Dungeon is armed with Fairy’s Bow. It makes long-
                distance attacks and the attacking speed is fast so 
                adventurers whose defensive power is weak will have to 
                run away due to Skeleton Archery’s attack before 
                approaching it.

Level          : 34

Phys. Str.     : 1100

Min. Str. Pow. : 115

Max. Str. Pow. : 120

Def. Pow.      : 45

Def. Suc. Rate : 41

*Spider (Lorencia)*
Description    : Mutant spider that has become huge by the strong evil 
                atmosphere with resurrection of Kundun. It is a low 
                class monster that you can meet first after passing 
                through the south gate of Lorencia. It moves fast, 
                approaches a pass2ing adventurer, and attacks in group. 
                After biting, it injects poisons into the wound. Despite 
                this deadly characteristic, its blow point is too low 
                so it is much easier to hunt one than any other monsters 
                on MU Continent.

Level          : 2

Phys. Str.     : 40

Min. Str. Pow. : 6

Max. Str. Pow. : 8

Def. Pow.      : 1

Def. Suc. Rate : 1

*Stone Golem (Noria)*

Description    : The evil sprit is put into this monster so it has very 
                strong power. Its movements are slow, but its offensive 
                power is very strong. 

                 Stone Monster that is mainly available at the east of 
                Noria has a large stone body. Its physical strength is 
                powerful as much as its big body, and its offensive power 
                with its weight on is most fearful in Noria for 

Level          : 18

Phys. Str.     : 550

Min. Str. Pow. : 65

Max. Str. Pow. : 74

Def. Pow.      : 20

Def. Suc. Rate : 20

*Thunder Lich (Dungeon)*

Description    : It uses Thunder Sorcery. Those who are attacked by 
                Thunder Sorcery get absent-minded. It makes long-distance 
                offense and attacks in group so it is hard to fight with. 

                 Living on the second and the third floor of Dungeon, 
                Thunder Lich may be the monster that is hardest to fight 
                with in Dungeon. It acts in group and uses strong thunder 
                sorcery to interrupt adventurers to move. Therefore, if 
                you don’t have a good defensive tool, it may be 
                impossible for you to kill a Thunder Lich.

Level          : 44

Phys. Str.     : 2000

Min. Str. Pow. : 140

Max. Str. Pow. : 145

Def. Pow.      : 70

Def. Suc. Rate : 55

*Worm (Devias)*

Description    : It is a monster that eats animals or human bodies dead 
                in snow. 

                  You can meet him as soon as you just step into Devias. 
                Its body is small, but it has well-developed chin and 
                teeth so adventurers who visit Devias first may be killed 
                by him.

Level          : 20

Phys. Str.     : 600

Min. Str. Pow. : 75

Max. Str. Pow. : 80

Def. Pow.      : 25

Def. Suc. Rate : 25

*Yeti (Devias)*

Description    : Kundun gave a life to Snowman by cursing ices on the 
                mountainous areas so Snowman follows only Kundun’s order. 

                 Snowman lives in the north of Devias and is waiting for 
                adventurers who are going toward Ice Queen. It makes a 
                long-distance attack, using snowballs. The offense is 
                accurate and has a great destructive power so it is 
                difficult to run away from it.

Level          : 30

Phys. Str.     : 900

Min. Str. Pow. : 105

Max. Str. Pow. : 110

Def. Pow.      : 37

Def. Suc. Rate : 37




   Don't know where to go, or where to level up? Look here.

*Walkthroughs missing:*
*                     *
*Dark Wizard          *
*Fairy (Elf)          *
*Magic Gladiator      *


   If you'd like to help and write a whole walkthrough for one of the
classes that are missing, you are more than welcome to. FULL credit WILL
be given.


                               Dark Knight


*Description : Basically the guy at the front line, taking all the hits.*
*             It is easier to play as a Dark Knight than a Dark Wizard  *
*             because Dark Wizards usually die very often, due to their *
*             lack of strength.                                         *
*                                                                       *
*             If you're looking for a character who can take on monsters*
*            by himself/herself, here they are.                         *
*                                                                       *
*Strengths   : Strong physical strength. They don't usually need back-up*
*             unless they are hunting something much stronger than      *
*             themselves. They are the masters of close-ranged combat.  *
*                                                                       *
*Weaknesses  : No long-range combat. Will need a plentiful supply of    *
*             potions and antidotes because they are taking all the     *
*             hits.                                                     *
*                                                                       *
*Skills      : Yes.                                                     *
*                                                                       *
*Sorcery     : None.                                                    *

What to Attack?
Level 1-4    - Spiders, Budge Dragons

Level 5-10   - Bull Fighter

Level 10-15  - Elite Bull Fighter, Hound

Level 15-25  - Giants, Lichs

Level 25-30  - Skeletons (+lots and lots of potions)
Level 30-40  - Larva, Skeletons

Level 40-50  - Cyclops

Level 50-60  - Ghosts

Level 60-70  - SKeleton Archers, Hell Hounds

Level 70-80  - Thunder Lich

Level 80-?   - Elite Skeleton

Tips :

   Add all skill points to Strength until Level 40 (unless you're missing
only a few agility points to use a strong weapon, etc.).

   After that, start putting your skill points in Agility, Health, and
Mana, in that order.

   Stock up on potions because you're going to need them.

   Always concentrate on two-handed battle. Never use a shield unless
you're in a place you know that's too strong for you.

   Always get better and stronger equipment.


   Like to comment, add something, correct something? FULL credit WILL
be given. Just refer to my Contact Information section.

                              Dark Wizard


*Description : The guy standing behind the Dark Knights. It is harder to*
*             play as a Dark Wizard than a Dark Knight because Dark     *
*             Wizards lack physical strength. They will usually find    *
*             themselves dying very often in the beginning of the game. *
*             They're greatest weakness is also their greatest strength.*
*             They are the masters at magical combat.                   *
*                                                                       *
*Strengths   : Usually stand behind the line of Dark Knights. Excellent *
*             at magical combat. When they reach higher levels, they    *
*             become very strong.                                       *
*                                                                       *
*Weaknesses  : Usually die at the beginning of the game. Has a deep     *
*             learning curve because playing as a Dark Wizard requires  *
*             alot of patience.                                         *
*                                                                       *
*Skills      : None.                                                    *
*                                                                       *
*Sorcery     : Yes.                                                     *

(soon to come) :(



*Description : The only female-class character. They start they're      *
*             adventures in Noria, and when they reach Level 10 they    *
*             can enter Lorecia. They are weaker than Dark Knights but  *
*             stronger than Dark Wizards in physical strength.          *
*                                                                       *
*Strengths   : They are the experts at long-range combats, summoning,   *
*             and healing. They have moderate strength.                 *
*                                                                       *
*Weaknesses  : They have low health, and they'll find themselves dying  *
*             very often at the beginning of the game, and sometimes    *
*             even at slightly higher levels.                           *
*                                                                       *
*Skills      : Yes.                                                     *
*                                                                       *
*Sorcery     : Yes.                                                     *

   Elves are devided into 3 versions, aglility elves who use bows or 
crossbows and no magic, energy elves who use magic to support the party, 
and hybrid which uses a little of both.
Aglility Elf: This elf does the most damage of the three versions by 
              adding all extra stat points into agl to increase 
              arrow/bolt damage, attack speed, defense, and defense rate. 
              The basic stratagy is to pump just enough strangth to use 
              your equipment then all the rest into agl. The arrow/bolt 
              damage is then multiplied by using multi shot skill 
              attached to bows and crossbows because if the elf is close 
              to an enemy all three arrows can hit one monster tripiling 
              the damage where a DKs skill only doubles by using weapon 
              skill. Also by adding so much agl this elves def rate will 
              be huge and will eventually create an "all miss" elf which 
              goes to the max of having a monster only have 3% chance to 
              hit the elf. A good choice for a second character but might 
              be dificult to get the equepment needed to amke this 
              successful as a first char.
Energy Elf  : The energy elf is a character made only for party play. 
              The basic stratagy for an energy elf is to add only               
              enough strangth and aglility for some low level armor(vine, 
              silk, wind usually) then add everything else to energy to 
              create powerful cure, advance defense, and advance attack 
              spells, summons are toys and are useless later on. This 
              character is almost powerless by itself however it makes 
              the party very powerful once it has alot of energy and it 
              is almost imposible for a party to survive without one later 
              in the game. Most energy elves use a kris because a kris 
              has an attack speed of 50 making the cast speed of her 
              spells fast enough to heal a party at a moments notice. 
              Not a bad choice of a first character, at first it may be 
              hard getting some orbs but after that this elf doesn't need 
              all that much other then some vine parts to get started.

Hybrid      : The hybrid elf is the best solo character, even better then 
              DKs. The basic stratagy is about the same as an agli. elf 
              only with a decent amount of energy to cast advance attack/
              defense. This stratagy gives the elf enough dmg to kill at 
              a fast rate(agl) and enough def to survive(energy). This 
              elf is best used for solo but not very useful in parties
              because in a party there will be an energy elf who will 
              have alot more energy then a hybrid rendering all the 
              points used in energy by the hybrid useless since the 
              spells from the energy elf will be much better. Also not a 
              bad beginning character, still a bit relient on equepment 
              but not as much as an agl elf due to the points spend in 


Credits to dragon named Tim (aka Jace Pollack)


                             Magic Gladiator


*Description : The greatest class in the continent of Mu. They can wield*
*             all swords and shields of Dark Knights, and cast all      *
*             sorceries of the Dark Wizard (except for Teleport).       *
*                                                                       *
*Strengths   : Can use all weapons of both Dark Knight and Dark Wizard  *
*             classes. They can run regardless of having +5 boots or    *
*             not.                                                      *
*                                                                       *
*Weaknesses  : They can't use the Teleport skill of Dark Wizards, and   *
*             you must be Level 220 to be able to access this class.    *
*                                                                       *
*Skills      : Yes.                                                     *
*                                                                       *
*Sorcery     : Yes.                                                     *

(soon to come) :(


-----------------------------Honorable Rules-----------------------------


   I dedicated this section to tell all the players; new and old about 
rules to become an honorable player:

1. NEVER EVER EVER steal zen or items another player worked their ***
   off for.

2. NEVER EVER kill steal (KS).

3. NEVER kill someone without reason.

4. Never hack.

5. Never rip a noob off.

6. Never act like an ***hole (don't make fun of people, call them noobs,
   etc.). Hey, this isn't D2.


------------------------------Chaos Machine------------------------------


   Want to know the combinations of items to get even rarer items? 
Look here.

   Basically, the Chaos Machine is a machine in the city of Noria which
can create all the strong items you see in the game. It can also create
wings and much more.

**Note**-some of these items are only available in private servers.

*Where to find:*

Chaos    - Dropped by Lich, Giant, Chian Scorpion, Elite Goblin, Hunter, 
       Forest Monster, Agon, Stone Golem, Hommerd, Assassin, Yeti, 
       Elite Yeti, Ice Queen, Worm, Ice Monster, Larva, Cyclops, 
       Skeleton, Ghost, Skeleton Archery, Elite Skeleton, Thunder Lich, 
       Poison Bull Fighter, Dark Knight, Gorgon, Hell Hound, Hell Spider, 
       Cursed Wizard, Death Cow, Shadow, Poison Shadow, Death Gorgom, 
       Death Knight, Balrog, Devil, Bahamut, Vepare, Valkyrie, Great 
       Bahamut, Sliver Valkyrie, Lizard King, Hydra, Death Bone, Soldier.

Bless    - Dropped by Assassin. Yeti, Elite Yeti, Ice Queen, Elite 
       Skeleton, Cyclops, Ghost, Hell Hound, Hell Spider, Skeleton 
       Archery, Thunder Lich, Poison Bull Fighter, Dark Knight, Gorgon, 
       Cursed Wizard, Death Cow, Shadow, Poison Shadow, Death Gorgon, 
       Death Knight, Balrog, Devil, Bahamut, Valkyrie, Vepare, Great 
       Bahamut, Sliver Valkyire, Lizard King, Hydra.

Soul     - Dropped by Etile Yeti, Ice Queen, Elite Skeleton, Ghost, Skeleton 
       Archery, Hell Hound, Hell Spider, Poison Bull Fighter, Dark Knight, 
       Gorgon, Balrog, Cursed Wizard, Death Cow, Devil, Death Gorgon, 
       Death Knight, Bahamut, Valkyrie, Vepare, Great Bahamut, Sliver 
       Valkyrie, Lizard King, Hydra, Death Bone, Soldier, Mutant.

Life     - Dropped by Hydra, Mutant, King Orc.

Creation - Dropped by ???


Description  : A drink which adds stats to either 

Items Needed : Jewel of Creation
               3'000'000 zen

Effect       : Adds additional stats.

Sucess Rate  : 90%

S.R. boost   : None

*Chaos Items*

Description  : Either
                -Chaos Staff
                -Chaos Dragon Axe
                -Chaos Nature Bow

Items Needed : Chaos
               1'000'000 zen

Effect       : A Chaos randomized weapon.

Sucess Rate  : 100%

S.R. boost   : Add +8 (or more) +luck +option
               (ex. if you want CNB then you add a  
               Crossbow +8+luck+option)


Description  : Dinorant is almost the same as Unilia, except this
               Dinorant enables you to fly.

Items Needed : 10 Horns of Unilia
               500'000 zen

Effect       : Gets you the Dinorant

Sucess Rate  : 70%

S.R. boost   : More Unilia???

*Weapons +10*

Description  : Upgrades a +9 item 

Items Needed : Chaos
               2'000'000 zen

Effect       : Upgrades a +9 weapon to +10

Sucess Rate  : 50%

S.R. boost   : Item with +9+luck+option

You lose item if it doesn't succeed

*Weapons +11*

Description  : Upgrades a +10 item

Items Needed : Chaos
               2 Soul
               2 Bless
               4'000'000 zen
               Need an item with option

Effect       : Upgrades a +10 weapon to +11

Sucess Rate  : 70%

S.R. boost   : An item with luck

*Invisible Cloak*

Description  : Grants you the invisible cloak needed to get to Blood 

Items Needed : Blood Scroll
               Blood Fang

Effect       : Gives you invisible cloak

Sucess Rate  : 100%

S.R. boost   : None.

*Invite (Devil Square)*

Description  : Grants you Invite needed to get to Devil Square

Items Needed : Evil Key
               Devil Eye

Effect       : Gives you Invite

Sucess Rate  : 100%

S.R. boost   : None.


Description  : Grants you wings so that you can fly

Items Needed : Minimum Chaos item +4+option
               Bless (every one you add adds 5% to Sucess Rate)
               Soul  (every one you add adds 4% to Sucess Rate)
               Chaos (every one you add adds 1% to Sucess Rate)
               330'000 zen

Effect       : Gives you wings +1 (Angel Wings, Satan Wings,
               or Fairy Wings)

Sucess Rate  : 33% (+ additional Bless and Soul)

S.R. boost   : Chaos item +4(or more)+option+luck

*note -your Chaos item must have an option or else nothing will happen
**note-you can get wings that are not compatible with your class

*Satan Wings*

Description  : Grants you wings so that you can fly

Items Needed : Chaos Nature Bow +5+luck+8%
               Excellent Sphynx Pants +5+luck+8%
               Excellent Bronze Boots +5+12%
               1'000'000 zen

Effect       : Gives your Satan Wings

Sucess Rate  : 100%

S.R. boost   : None.

*Wings +2 *

Description  : Grants you wing +2 so that you can fly

Items Needed : Satan, elf, or angel wings
               Blue Feather
               5'000'000 zen

Effect       : Gives you wings +2 (Devil Wings, Archangel Wings, Muse
               Elf Wings, or Dark Wings)

Sucess Rate  : 23%

S.R. boost   : Higher level wings and better options
               +4 (or more, no option) Excellent item (raise to 90%-100%)


   Like to comment, add something, correct something? FULL credit WILL
be given. Just refer to my Contact Information section.


-------------------------------Slang Words-------------------------------


   Don't know what the heck anyone is saying? Look here.

C      - anythign with C in it (2C, 5C, etc), Chaos
KS     - kill steal
need?  - means do you want this item
PK     - player kill
BoK    - Box of Kundun
GBD    - Golden Budge Dragon


   Like to comment, add something, correct something? FULL credit WILL
be given. Just refer to my Contact Information section.




   Don't understand something? Send me an e-mail (check my Contact
Information section) with the question, and I'll add it in here with 
the answer.

Q. Hi, i'm having a problem with Mu...  when i enter the game i can't 
   read anything..  everithing looks like an elfic language of the lord 
   of the but sometimes i can read a little part and i get the idea of
   what's going on..  so if you know how to fix it, or know anyone that 
   knows how to, please tell me cuz' i realy like this kind of game.

A. Yes, I do know how to fix this problem. In fact, this happened to me 
   too. When opening Mu, select Option (To the left of Connect). Now you 
   can change the resolution. Turn up to 1024x768. If that doesn't work, 
   turn it down to 640x600. If that ALSO doesn't work, experiment with 
   all the resolutions. That should fix your problem. :)

Q. hi when i started up the game, everything looked really dark. Is it
   supposed to be like that? or is there a way to fix this?

A. Well, if it's so dark that you can't SEE anything, then that is a
   problem. I'd recommend you download a program named gapa. It can make
   the screen brighter or darker depending on your taste. It worked for
   my friend, and hopefully it'll work for you too. 


   Have any other unanswered questions? Send me an e-mail. Just refer to 
my Contact Information section.


----------------------------Sites of Interest----------------------------


Directly related:



---------------------------Contact Information---------------------------


E-mail -

   You're stuck? You don't know where to find something? Need
help? WANT TO ADD SOMETHING? Send it to me and I'll answer all your 
questions. Just make sure that the mail is titled 'Mu Online FAQ' 
or something like that or I'll delete it with the rest of the spam I get.

   Cya then!





| People |

Me           - I wrote the FAQ :p
You          - for reading this at all
Webzen       - to the makers for if they didn't make that game I wouldn't
               have made a FAQ for it XD
Proofreaders - to all the people who proofread this 
Critiquers   - to all the people who gave me suggestions on how this FAQ
               should be

| E-mails/Forum |

bannedapvp   - for the co-ordinates of shops, places of interest, etc.
stingly      - for corrections, the command window option, macro
dragon named 
 Tim (aka
 Pollack)    - for the Fairy Walkthrough.
vivi2009     - for some weapons and armour I forgot :(
John Vielbig - lot's of great help in the armour and swords section 
Sam DK       - answered the question, "Where to put Satan" LOL!

| Sites |
--------- - helped me a lot with the enemy stats, the maps, and alot
               of other stuff - gave me information on
                                              the Chaos Machine


You can be in this list. All you have to do is contribute ANYTHING. Even
2 words (well maybe not, haha).


--------------------------Copyright Information--------------------------

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for 
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this 
guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is 
strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

   All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
their respective trademark and copyright holders.

More information on copyright laws can be found at the copyright section
of the official Library of Congress web site. 

             Copyright Sherwin Lam/Phantasyrealm/Fantasyrealm 2003

<----------------------------End of Document---------------------------->

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CheatBook-DataBase 2023 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, DVD, Wii U, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 26.800 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 8, 2023. Download CheatBook-DataBase 2023

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