
Neverwinter Nights 2 Crafting Recipes Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Neverwinter Nights 2 Crafting Recipes

Neverwinter Nights 2 Crafting Recipes

Game Version: 1.12.1295 + MotB
Guide Version: 1.751
By: Jake Zahn
Date: 07/16/2008

				Table of Contents

 X0000 Universal Ingredients
 X0001 Alchemical Creations
 X0002 Amulets
 X0003 Armor
 X0004 Belts
 X0005 Boots
 X0006 Cloaks
 X0007 Gloves
 X0008 Head
 X0009 Items
 X0010 Poisons
 X0011 Quest Items
 X0012 Rings
 X0013 Robes
 X0014 Traps
 X0015 Weapons
 X1. Armor/Weapon Special Material Properties
 X2. Basic Crafting Ranks Required
 X3. Crafting Gem List
 X4. Crafting Spell List
 X5. Trap Properties
 X6. Misc Crafting Information 
 X7. Ultimate Crafter Builds
	Mystic Theurge (Wizard Dominant)
	Mystic Theurge (Cleric Dominant)


This is simply a list of all the Crafting recipes contained in the Standard 
Campaign. This does not include MotB-specific recipes, for those there is a
great guide by szajin that can be found over here:

If you see any errors, or find any recipes not listed, you can E-Mail them to
me at "", with 'Crafting' in the Subject line. Please make
sure to check the 'Universal Ingredients' section first, before E-mailing about
an incorrect recipe.

This guide assumes you already know how to Craft. If you do not, I suggest 
consulting the User Manual or talking to the Craft Master at Fort Locke. I
have, however, added some of the more esoteric information that the Manual
doesn't cover in detail into the Appendix section of this document.


Any websites wishing to post this guide may do so as long as credit is given 
and no content is altered in any way.


immortalpob - For the uploaded text versions of the Crafting Books over at 

Dominus_Cruor - For the bunch of undocumented recipes

Vordan - For the Character Builder Module, which is essential for easy testing.

J.E. Sawyer - For the information on Combining/Diluting Essences, and the info
              about customized code for naming Items.

Nabeel Ali - For the information about using the Spells 'Heroism' and 'Greater
             Heroism' to boost Crafting scores, as well as a few recipe

Alavatar - For bringing Dominus_Cruor's recipes to my attention

Adam Sundermeyer - Noticing that Adamantine gives different Damage Resistance
	           depending on the Shield size.

Gemini - Noticing that the Zalantar H.Shields don't get the +2 AC bonus.

ErikPeter Walker - Noticing the 'Flaming Burst' recipe bug.

John Canton & Nicholas Hoffman - Noticing the Bard Song 'Inspire Competence'.

kgambit - Notifing me that the enchantment limit was still in effect.


Version 1.0 - 11/06/06
	First version

Version 1.1 - 11/08/06
	Tested all recipes
	Fixed various minor errors
	Added a few undocumented recipes
	Added some new Misc Info

Version 1.11 - 11/09/06
	Updated with new information about Crafting using Scroll/Wand spells

Version 1.12 - 11/11/06
	Fixed minor error with information about Crafting from a Scroll/Wand
	Gave 'CURRENT BUGS' and 'Universal Ingredients' their own sections

Version 1.2 - 11/13/06
	100% correct information about Crafting from a Scroll/Wand
	Added missing Nymph Cloak +2 recipe
	Fixed Caster Level error on the 5th Level Spell Rings
	Added Crafting Chart into the Appendix

Version 1.5 - 11/14/06
	Updated Ultimate Crafter section with new information
	Added Venom bug to 'CURRENT BUGS'
	Added new Misc Information about naming Crafted Items
	Added a bunch of undocumented recipes

Version 1.51 - 11/17/06
	Couple of Material Property fixes

Version 1.61 - 12/05/06
	Updated for Patch 1.03
	Removed Crafting Chart, as it's now obsolete
	Overhauled the 'Special Material Properties' section

Version 1.62 - 01/20/07
	Added 'Flaming Burst' recipe bug information

Version 1.63 - 01/30/07
	Added Bard's 'Inspire Competence' Song information

Version 1.70 - 11/19/07
	Updated Buglist for newest Game Version
	Various spelling fixes

Version 1.71 - 11/20/07
	Fixed erronious claim about enchantment limit
	Added craftable Trap Effects list

Version 1.75 - 07/08/08
	Updated 'Ultimate Crafter' section

Version 1.751 - 07/16/08
	Added Fairy Dust distilling information to Appendix


   -Scrolls are cast at Level 10, regardless of what the scroll's description
    may say.

   -The Workbench doesn't recognize the Haste spell when it's cast on it. It
    works fine on the Enchanter's Satchel from MotB though.

   -The 'Invulnerable Armor' and 'Lucky' recipes don't actually do anything
    except steal your ingredients and allow you to rename your Armor/Weapon.

   -The 'Flaming Burst' recipe adds 1d10 Physical Damage to criticals, instead
    of 1d10 Fire Damage.


                    /////Universal Ingredients\\\\\                        X0000

Armor: Any Armor, Shield, or Clothes/Robe (including one already enchanted)
Belts: 1 Leather Hide
Boots: 1 Leather Hide
Cloaks: 2 Leather Hides
Rings: 1 Iron Ingot
Traps: Trap Mold
Weapons: Any Weapon (including one already enchanted)

                    /////Alchemical Creations\\\\\                         X0001

Acid Flask: Thrown Weapon inflicts 1d6 Acid Damage
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 4
  Ingredients: Venom Gland + Quicksilver

Acid Flask (Improved): Thrown Weapon inflicts 1d8 Acid Damage
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 8
  Ingredients: 2 Venom Gland + 2 Quicksilver

Acid Flask (Greater): Thrown Weapon inflicts 1d10 Acid Damage
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 12
  Ingredients: 3 Venom Gland + 3 Quicksilver

Acid Flask (Perfected): Thrown Weapon inflicts 2d6 Acid Damage
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 16
  Ingredients: 4 Venom Gland + 4 Quicksilver

Alchemist's Fire: Thrown Weapon inflicts 1d6 Fire Damage or
                  coats a Weapon with Fire to add 1d4 Fire Damage to attacks
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 4
  Ingredients: Fairy Dust + Distilled Alcohol

Alchemist's Fire (Improved): Thrown Weapon inflicts 1d8 Fire Damage or
                             coats a Weapon to add 1d6 Fire Damage to attacks
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 8
  Ingredients: 2 Fairy Dust + 2 Distilled Alcohol

Alchemist's Fire (Greater): Thrown Weapon inflicts 1d10 Fire Damage or
                            coats a Weapon to add 1d6 Fire Damage to attacks
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 12
  Ingredients: 3 Fairy Dust + 3 Distilled Alcohol

Alchemist's Fire (Perfected): Thrown Weapon inflicts 2d6 Fire Damage or
                              coats a Weapon to add 1d10 Fire Damage to attacks
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 16
  Ingredients: 4 Fairy Dust + 4 Distilled Alcohol

Choking Powder: Creates a Stinking Cloud effect that lasts 5 rounds
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 4
  Ingredients: Garlic + Belladonna

Choking Powder (Improved): Creates a Stinking Cloud effect that lasts 5 rounds
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 8
  Ingredients: 2 Garlic + 2 Belladonna

Choking Powder (Greater): Creates a Stinking Cloud effect that lasts 5 rounds
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 12
  Ingredients: 3 Garlic + 3 Belladonna

Choking Powder (Perfected): Creates a Stinking Cloud effect that lasts 5 rounds
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 16
  Ingredients: 4 Garlic + 4 Belladonna

Holy Water: Thrown Weapon inflicts 2d4 Holy Damage to Undead
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 4
  Ingredients: Amethyst + Powdered Silver

Holy Water (Improved): Thrown Weapon inflicts 2d6 Holy Damage to Undead
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 8
  Ingredients: 2 Amethyst + 2 Powdered Silver

Holy Water (Greater): Thrown Weapon inflicts 2d8 Holy Damage to Undead
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 12
  Ingredients: 3 Amethyst + 3 Powdered Silver

Holy Water (Perfected): Thrown Weapon inflicts 2d10 Holy Damage to Undead
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 16
  Ingredients: 4 Amethyst + 4 Powdered Silver

Tanglefoot Bag: Creates Entangle effect that lasts for 2 rounds
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 4
  Ingredients: Quicksilver + Belladonna

Tanglefoot Bag (Improved): Creates Entangle effect that lasts for 3 rounds
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 8
  Ingredients: 2 Quicksilver + 2 Belladonna

Tanglefoot Bag (Greater): Creates Entangle effect that lasts for 5 rounds
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 12
  Ingredients: 3 Quicksilver + 3 Belladonna

Tanglefoot Bag (Perfected): Creates Entangle effect that lasts for 6 rounds
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 16
  Ingredients: 4 Quicksilver + 4 Belladonna

Thunderstone: Deafens target for 5 rounds
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 4
  Ingredients: Diamond Dust + Amethyst

Thunderstone (Improved): Deafens target for 5 rounds
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 8
  Ingredients: 2 Diamond Dust + 2 Amethyst

Thunderstone (Greater): Deafens target for 5 rounds
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 12
  Ingredients: 3 Diamond Dust + 3 Amethyst

Thunderstone (Perfected): Deafens target for 5 rounds
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 16
  Ingredients: 4 Diamond Dust + 4 Amethyst

                        /////Amulets\\\\\                                  X0002

Amulet of Health (Lesser): Immunity to Disease and Poison
  Requires: Caster Level 5, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Weak Power Essence + Weak Water Essence + Obsidian + Iron Ingot
  Spell: Remove Disease or Neutralize Poison

Amulet of Health: Immunity to Ability/Level Drain, Disease, and Poison
  Requires: Caster Level 5, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Glowing Power Essence + Glowing Water Essence + Canary Diamond
               + Iron Ingot
  Spell: Remove Disease or Neutralize Poison

Amulet of Health (Greater): Immunity to Ability/Level Drain, Disease, and Poison
                            Regeneration +1
  Requires: Caster Level 5, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Radiant Power Essence + Radiant Water Essence + Blue Diamond
               + Iron Ingot
  Spell: Remove Disease or Neutralize Poison

Amulet of Natural Armor +1: +1 Natural bonus to AC
  Requires: Caster Level 5, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Faint Earth Essence + Sapphire + Iron Ingot
  Spell: Barkskin

Amulet of Natural Armor +2: +2 Natural bonus to AC
  Requires: Caster Level 6, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Weak Earth Essence + Emerald + Iron Ingot
  Spell: Barkskin

Amulet of Natural Armor +3: +3 Natural bonus to AC
  Requires: Caster Level 9, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Faint Power Essence + Glowing Earth Essence + Jacinth
               + Iron Ingot
  Spell: Barkskin

Amulet of Natural Armor +4: +4 Natural bonus to AC
  Requires: Caster Level 12, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Weak Power Essence + Glowing Earth Essence + Blue Diamond
               + Iron Ingot
  Spell: Barkskin

Amulet of Natural Armor +5: +5 Natural bonus to AC
  Requires: Caster Level 15, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Weak Power Essence + Radiant Earth Essence + Beljuril
               + Iron Ingot
  Spell: Barkskin

Brooch of Shielding: Shield (5) 3/day
  Requires: Caster Level 1, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Faint Power Essence + Sapphire + 2 Iron Ingots
  Spell: Mage Armor

Medallion of Thought: Immunity to Mind Affecting Spells, +5 Bluff, +5 Diplomacy 
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Weak Power Essence + Weak Water Essence + Canary Diamond
               + Iron Ingot
  Spell: Owl's Wisdom

Periapt of Wisdom +2: +2 bonus to Wisdom
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Faint Water Essence + Diamond + Iron Ingot
  Spell: Owl's Wisdom

Periapt of Wisdom +4: +4 bonus to Wisdom
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Weak Water Essence + Star Sapphire + Iron Ingot
  Spell: Owl's Wisdom

Periapt of Wisdom +6: +6 bonus to Wisdom
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Glowing Water Essence + Rogue Stone + Iron Ingot
  Spell: Owl's Wisdom

Periapt of Wisdom +8: +8 bonus to Wisdom
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Radiant Water Essence + Beljuril + Iron Ingot
  Spell: Owl's Wisdom

Scarab of Greater Protection: Spell Resistance 20, Immunity to Death Effects,
                              and Immunity to Energy Drain
  Requires: Caster Level 18, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Iron Ingot + Radiant Power Essence + Radiant Fire Essence
               + Radiant Water Essence + Blue Diamond
  Spell: Death Ward

                         /////Armor\\\\\                                   X0003


Base Armor Enchantment +1: Armor gains +1 Enhancement bonus
  Requires: Caster Level 3, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Faint Earth Essence + Obsidian
  Spell: Light

Base Armor Enchantment +2: Armor gains +2 Enhancement bonus
  Requires: Caster Level 6, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Faint Earth Essence + Diamond
  Spell: Light

Base Armor Enchantment +3: Armor gains a +3 Enhancement bonus
  Requires: Caster Level 9, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Faint Power Essence + Weak Earth Essence + Emerald
  Spell: Light

Base Armor Enchantment +4: Armor gains a +4 Enhancement bonus
  Requires: Caster Level 12, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Weak Power Essence + Glowing Earth Essence + Star Sapphire
  Spell: Light

Base Armor Enchantment +5: Armor gains a +5 Enhancement bonus
  Requires: Caster Level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Glowing Power Essence + Glowing Earth Essence + Blue Diamond
  Spell: Light


Armor of Acid Resistance: Acid Resistance 10
  Requires: Caster Level 3, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Faint Earth Essence + Jacinth
  Spell: Resist Energy/Elements

Armor of Acid Resistance (Improved): Acid Resistance 20
  Requires: Caster Level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Weak Earth Essence + Rogue Stone
  Spell: Resist Energy/Elements

Armor of Acid Resistance (Greater): Acid Resistance 30
  Requires: Caster Level 11, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Glowing Earth Essence + King's Tear
  Spell: Resist Energy/Elements

Armor of Cold Resistance: Cold Resistance 10
  Requires: Caster Level 3, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Faint Water Essence + Jacinth
  Spell: Resist Energy/Elements

Armor of Cold Resistance (Improved): Cold Resistance 20
  Requires: Caster Level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Weak Water Essence + Rogue Stone
  Spell: Resist Energy/Elements

Armor of Cold Resistance (Greater): Cold Resistance 30
  Requires: Caster Level 11, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Glowing Water Essence + King's Tear
  Spell: Resist Energy/Elements

Armor of Electricity Resistance: Electricity Resistance 10
  Requires: Caster Level 3, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Faint Air Essence + Jacinth
  Spell: Resist Energy/Elements

Armor of Electricity Resistance (Improved): Electricity Resistance 20
  Requires: Caster Level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Weak Air Essence + Rogue Stone
  Spell: Resist Energy/Elements

Armor of Electricity Resistance (Greater): Electricity Resistance 30
  Requires: Caster Level 11, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Glowing Air Essence + King's Tear
  Spell: Resist Energy/Elements

Armor of Fire Resistance: Fire Resistance 10
  Requires: Caster Level 3, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Faint Fire Essence + Jacinth
  Spell: Resist Energy/Elements

Armor of Fire Resistance (Improved): Fire Resistance 20
  Requires: Caster Level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Weak Fire Essence + Rogue Stone
  Spell: Resist Energy/Elements

Armor of Fire Resistance (Greater): Fire Resistance 30
  Requires: Caster Level 11, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Glowing Fire Essence + King's Tear
  Spell: Resist Energy/Elements

Armor of Sonic Resistance: Sonic Resistance 10
  Requires: Caster Level 3, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Faint Power Essence + Jacinth
  Spell: Resist Energy/Elements

Armor of Sonic Resistance (Improved): Sonic Resistance 20
  Requires: Caster Level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Weak Power Essence + Rogue Stone
  Spell: Resist Energy/Elements

Armor of Sonic Resistance (Greater): Sonic Resistance 30
  Requires: Caster Level 11, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Glowing Power Essence + King's Tear
  Spell: Resist Energy/Elements


Armor of Arrow Deflection: Grants Deflect Arrows as a bonus feat
  Requires: Caster Level 5, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Faint Power Essence + Weak Air Essence + Jacinth
  Spell: Mage Armor

Armor of Spell Resistance: Spell Resistance 14
  Requires: Caster Level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Weak Power Essence + Glowing Fire Essence + Star Sapphire
  Spell: Spell Resistance

Armor of Spell Resistance (Improved): Spell Resistance 18
  Requires: Caster Level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Glowing Power Essence + Radiant Fire Essence + Blue Diamond
  Spell: Spell Resistance

Armor of Spell Resistance (Greater): Spell Resistance 22
  Requires: Caster Level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Radiant Power Essence + Radiant Fire Essence + Beljuril
  Spell: Spell Resistance

Fortified Armor: Immunity to Critical Hits and Sneak Attack
  Requires: Caster Level 13, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Glowing Power Essence + Radiant Earth Essence + Blue Diamond
  Spell: Banishment

*BUGGED* Invulnerable Armor: Damage Reduction 10/Magic
  Requires: Caster Level 18, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Radiant Power Essence + Blue Diamond
  Spell: Stoneskin

Quick Armor: Haste (10) 3/day
  Requires: Caster Level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Weak Power Essence + Weak Air Essence + Blue Diamond
  Spell: Haste

Shadowy Armor: +5 competence bonus on Hide checks
  Requires: Caster Level 5, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Faint Water Essence + Fire Opal
  Spell: Invisibility

Shadowy Armor (Improved): +10 competence bonus on Hide checks
  Requires: Caster Level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Weak Water Essence + Star Sapphire
  Spell: Invisibility

Shadowy Armor (Greater): +15 competence bonus on Hide checks
  Requires: Caster Level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Glowing Water Essence + Blue Diamond
  Spell: Invisibility

Silent Armor: +5 competence bonus on Move Silently checks
  Requires: Caster Level 5, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Faint Water Essence + Fire Opal
  Spell: Silence

Silent Armor (Improved): +10 competence bonus on Move Silently checks
  Requires: Caster Level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Weak Water Essence + Star Sapphire
  Spell: Silence

Silent Armor (Greater): +15 competence bonus on Move Silently checks
  Requires: Caster Level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Glowing Water Essence + Blue Diamond
  Spell: Silence

                         /////Belts\\\\\                                   X0004

Belt of Agility +2: +2 bonus to Dexterity, Freedom of Movement
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Leather Hide + Faint Air Essence + Diamond
  Spell: Cat's Grace

Belt of Agility +4: +4 bonus to Dexterity, Freedom of Movement
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Leather Hide + Weak Air Essence + Star Sapphire
  Spell: Cat's Grace

Belt of Agility +6: +6 bonus to Dexterity, Freedom of Movement
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Leather Hide + Glowing Air Essence + Rogue Stone
  Spell: Cat's Grace

Belt of Agility +8: +8 bonus to Dexterity, Freedom of Movement
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Leather Hide + Radiant Air Essence + Beljuril
  Spell: Cat's Grace

Belt of Frost Giant Strength: +4 bonus to Strength
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Leather Hide + Weak Fire Essence + Blue Diamond
  Spell: Bull's Strength

Belt of Stone Giant Strength: +6 bonus to Strength
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Leather Hide + Glowing Fire Essence + Beljuril
  Spell: Bull's Strength

Belt of Cloud Giant Strength: +8 bonus to Strength
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Leather Hide + Radiant Fire Essence + King's Tear
  Spell: Bull's Strength

                         /////Boots\\\\\                                   X0005

Boots of Elvenkind: +5 bonus on Move Silently checks
  Requires: Caster Level 3, Craft Wondrous Items feat
  Ingredients: Leather Hide + Faint Water Essence + Fire Opal
  Spell: Silence

Boots of Speed: Haste (10) 3/day
  Requires: Caster Level 7, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Weak Air Essence + Weak Power Essence + Star Sapphire
  Spell: Haste

Boots of Striding +4: +4 bonus to Constitution
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Leather Hide + Weak Earth Essence + Jacinth
  Spell: Bear's Endurance

Boots of Striding +6: +6 bonus to Constitution
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Leather Hide + Glowing Earth Essence + Rogue Stone
  Spell: Bear's Endurance

Boots of Striding +8: +8 bonus to Constitution
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Leather Hide + Radiant Earth Essence + Beljuril
  Spell: Bear's Endurance

                         /////Cloaks\\\\\                                  X0006

Cloak of Displacement: Cast Displacement three times per day
  Requires: Caster Level 3, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Weak Air Essence + Blue Diamond
  Spell: Displacement

Cloak of Elvenkind: +5 bonus on Hide checks
  Requires: Caster Level 3, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Faint Water Essence + Fire Opal
  Spell: Invisibility

Cloak of Resistance +1: +1 bonus on Saving Throws
  Requires: Caster Level 5, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Faint Earth Essence + Obsidian
  Spell: Resistance

Cloak of Resistance +2: +2 bonus on Saving Throws
  Requires: Caster Level 6, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Faint Earth Essence + Diamond
  Spell: Resistance

Cloak of Resistance +3: +3 bonus on Saving Throws
  Requires: Caster Level 9, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Weak Earth Essence + Canary Diamond
  Spell: Resistance

Cloak of Resistance +4: +4 bonus on Saving Throws
  Requires: Caster Level 12, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Glowing Earth Essence + Jacinth
  Spell: Resistance

Cloak of Resistance +5: +5 bonus on Saving Throws
  Requires: Caster Level 15, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Radiant Earth Essence + Blue Diamond
  Spell: Resistance

Greater Mantle of Spell Resistance: Spell Resistance 20
  Requires: Caster Level 9, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Radiant Power Essence + Radiant Fire Essence + King's Tear
  Spell: Spell Resistance

Nymph Cloak +2: +2 bonus to Charisma
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Faint Water Essence + Diamond
  Spell: Eagle's Splendor

Nymph Cloak +4: +4 bonus to Charisma
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Weak Water Essence + Star Sapphire
  Spell: Eagle's Splendor

Nymph Cloak +6: +6 bonus to Charisma
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Glowing Water Essence + Rogue Stone
  Spell: Eagle's Splendor

Nymph Cloak +8: +8 bonus to Charisma
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Radiant Water Essence + Beljuril
  Spell: Eagle's Splendor

                         /////Gloves\\\\\                                  X0007

Bracers of Armor +1: +1 bonus to AC
  Requires: Caster Level 7, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: 2 Iron Ingots + Faint Earth Essence + Obsidian
  Spell: Mage Armor

Bracers of Armor +2: +2 bonus to AC
  Requires: Caster Level 7, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: 2 Iron Ingots + Faint Earth Essence + Diamond
  Spell: Mage Armor

Bracers of Armor +3: +3 bonus to AC
  Requires: Caster Level 7, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: 2 Iron Ingots + Weak Earth Essence + Canary Diamond
  Spell: Mage Armor

Bracers of Armor +4: +4 bonus to AC
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: 2 Iron Ingots + Weak Earth Essence + Jacinth
  Spell: Mage Armor

Bracers of Armor +5: +5 bonus to AC
  Requires: Caster Level 10, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: 2 Iron Ingots + Glowing Earth Essence + Blue Diamond
  Spell: Mage Armor

Bracers of Armor +6: +6 bonus to AC
  Requires: Caster Level 12, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: 2 Iron Ingots + Glowing Earth Essence + Rogue Stone
  Spell: Mage Armor

Bracers of Armor +7: +7 bonus to AC
  Requires: Caster Level 14, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: 2 Iron Ingots + Radiant Earth Essence + Beljuril
  Spell: Mage Armor

Bracers of Armor +8: +8 bonus to AC
  Requires: Caster Level 16, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: 2 Iron Ingots + Radiant Earth Essence + King's Tear
  Spell: Mage Armor

Gauntlets of Ogre Power: +2 Strength
  Requires: Caster Level 6, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Faint Fire Essence, Ruby, 2 Iron Ingots
  Spell: Bull's Strength

                         /////Head\\\\\                                    X0008

Headband of Intellect +2: +2 bonus to Intelligence
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Leather Hide + Faint Fire Essence + Diamond
  Spell: Fox's Cunning

Headband of Intellect +4: +4 bonus to Intelligence
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Leather Hide + Weak Fire Essence + Star Sapphire
  Spell: Fox's Cunning

Headband of Intellect +6: +6 bonus to Intelligence
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Leather Hide + Glowing Fire Essence + Rogue Stone
  Spell: Fox's Cunning

Headband of Intellect +8: +8 bonus to Intelligence
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Leather Hide + Radiant Fire Essence + Beljuril
  Spell: Fox's Cunning

                         /////Items\\\\\                                   X0009

Gem of Seeing: Casts True Seeing once per day
  Requires: Caster Level 10, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Weak Air Essence + King's Tear
  Spell: True Seeing

Scabbard of Keen Edges: Casts Keen Edge once per day
  Requires: Caster Level 5, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Wooden Plank + Faint Earth Essence + Jacinth
  Spell: Keen Edge

                         /////Poisons\\\\\                                 X0010

Giant Bee Venom (Mild): Coats a weapon with Poison
                        (DC 18, 1d2 points of Constitution damage)
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 4
  Ingredients: Giant Bee Venom Gland

Giant Bee Venom (Average): Coats a weapon with Poison
                           (DC 20, 1d2 points of Constitution damage)
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 8
  Ingredients: 2 Giant Bee Venom Glands

Giant Bee Venom (Strong): Coats a weapon with Poison
                          (DC 22, 1d2 points of Constitution damage)
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 12
  Ingredients: 3 Giant Bee Venom Glands

Giant Bee Venom (Deadly): Coats a weapon with Poison
                          (DC 26, 1d2 points of Constitution damage)
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 16
  Ingredients: 4 Giant Bee Venom Glands

Giant Centipede Venom (Mild): Coats a weapon with Poison
                              (DC 18, 1d2 points of Intelligence damage)
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 4
  Ingredients: Giant Centipede Venom Gland

Giant Centipede Venom (Average): Coats a weapon with Poison
                                 (DC 20, 1d2 points of Intelligence damage)
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 8
  Ingredients: 2 Giant Centipede Venom Glands

Giant Centipede Venom (Strong): Coats a weapon with Poison
                                (DC 22, 1d2 points of Intelligence damage)
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 12
  Ingredients: 3 Giant Centipede Venom Glands

Giant Centipede Venom (Deadly): Coats a weapon with Poison
                                (DC 26, 1d2 points of Intelligence damage)
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 16
  Ingredients: 4 Giant Centipede Venom Glands

Giant Scorpion Venom (Mild): Coats a weapon with Poison
                             (DC 18, 1d2 points of Strength damage)
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 4
  Ingredients: Giant Scorpion Venom Gland

Giant Scorpion Venom (Average): Coats a weapon with Poison
                                (DC 20, 1d2 points of Strength damage)
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 8
  Ingredients: 2 Giant Scorpion Venom Glands

Giant Scorpion Venom (Strong): Coats a weapon with Poison
                               (DC 22, 1d2 points of Strength damage)
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 12
  Ingredients: 3 Giant Scorpion Venom Glands

Giant Scorpion Venom (Deadly): Coats a weapon with Poison
                               (DC 26, 1d2 points of Strength damage)
  Requires: Craft Alchemy 16
  Ingredients: 4 Giant Scorpion Venom Glands

                      /////Quest Items\\\\\                                X0011

***NOTE*** These only work in the Main Campaign.

Gold Filigree Charm: Used for summoning Mephasm in Crossroad Keep
  Requires: Caster Level 1, Mephasm Quest
  Ingredients: Faint Power Essence + Glowing Fire Essence + Star Sapphire
               + Gold Necklace
  Spell: Darkness

Infernal Focus 1: Used for bargaining with Mephasm in Crossroad Keep
  Requires: Caster Level 1, Mephasm Quest
  Ingredients: Glowing Power Essence + Ruby + Darksteel Ingot
  Spell: Darkness

Infernal Focus 2: Used for bargaining with Mephasm in Crossroad Keep
  Requires: Caster Level 1, Mephasm Quest
  Ingredients: Glowing Fire Essence + Sapphire + Mithril Ingot
  Spell: Darkness

Infernal Focus 3: Used for bargaining with Mephasm in Crossroad Keep
  Requires: Caster Level 1, Mephasm Quest
  Ingredients: 1 Faint Power Essence + Faint Fire Essence + Blue Diamond
               + Iron Ingot
  Spell: Darkness

                         /////Rings\\\\\                                   X0012

Ring of Divine Power 1: Store one extra 1st-Level Divine spell per day
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Faint Fire Essence + Obsidian
  Spell: Owl's Wisdom

Ring of Divine Power 2: Store one extra 2nd-Level Divine spell per day
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Weak Fire Essence + Obsidian
  Spell: Owl's Wisdom

Ring of Divine Power 3: Store one extra 3rd-Level Divine spell per day
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Faint Power Essence + Weak Fire Essence + Canary Diamond
  Spell: Owl's Wisdom

Ring of Divine Power 4: Store one extra 4th-Level Divine spell per day
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Weak Power Essence + Glowing Fire Essence + Star Sapphire
  Spell: Owl's Wisdom

Ring of Divine Power 5: Store one extra 5th-Level Divine spell per day
  Requires: Caster Level 12, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Glowing Power Essence + Radiant Fire Essence + Blue Diamond
  Spell: Owl's Wisdom

Ring of Wizardry 1: Store one extra 1st-Level Arcane spell per day
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Faint Air Essence + Obsidian
  Spell: Fox's Cunning

Ring of Wizardry 2: Store one extra 2nd-Level Arcane spell per day
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Weak Air Essence + Obsidian
  Spell: Fox's Cunning

Ring of Wizardry 3: Store one extra 3rd-Level Arcane spell per day
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Faint Power Essence + Weak Air Essence + Canary Diamond
  Spell: Fox's Cunning

Ring of Wizardry 4: Store one extra 4th-Level Arcane spell per day
  Requires: Caster Level 8, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Weak Power Essence + Glowing Air Essence + Star Sapphire
  Spell: Fox's Cunning

Ring of Wizardry 5: Store one extra 5th-Level Arcane spell per day
  Requires: Caster Level 12, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Glowing Power Essence + Radiant Air Essence + Blue Diamond
  Spell: Fox's Cunning

                         /////Robes\\\\\                                   X0013

Robe of the Archmagi: Armor Bonus +5, Spell Penetration feat, Bonus Level 5, 6,
                      & 7 Wizard/Sorcerer Spells, Spell Resistance 20, +3
                      Universal Saves, Only Usable by Wizard or Sorcerer
  Requires: Caster Level 14, Craft Wondrous Item feat
  Ingredients: Glowing Power Essence + Radiant Air Essence + Radiant Earth
               Essence + Radiant Fire Essence + Radiant Water Essence + King's
               Tear + Iron Ingot + Leather Hide
  Spell: Mage Armor

                         /////Traps\\\\\                                   X0014

***Trap Information Located in Appendix***

Acid Splash (Minor)
  Requires: Craft Trap 5
  Ingredients: Acid Flask

Acid Splash (Average)
  Requires: Craft Trap 10
  Ingredients: 3 Acid Flasks

Acid Splash (Major)
  Requires: Craft Trap 15
  Ingredients: 5 Acid Flasks

Acid Splash (Deadly)
  Requires: Craft Trap 20
  Ingredients: 7 Acid Flasks

Acid Blob (Minor)
  Requires: Craft Trap 5
  Ingredients: Acid Flask, Tanglefoot Bag

Acid Blob (Average)
  Requires: Craft Trap 10
  Ingredients: 2 Acid Flasks, 2 Tanglefoot Bags

Acid Blob (Major)
  Requires: Craft Trap 15
  Ingredients: 5 Acid Flasks, 5 Tanglefoot Bags

Acid Blob (Deadly)
  Requires: Craft Trap 20
  Ingredients: 7 Acid Flasks, 7 Tanglefoot Bags

Electrical (Minor)
  Requires: Craft Trap 5
  Ingredients: Quartz Crystal

Electrical (Average)
  Requires: Craft Trap 10
  Ingredients: 2 Quartz Crystals

Electrical (Major)
  Requires: Craft Trap 15
  Ingredients: 5 Quartz Crystals

Electrical (Deadly)
  Requires: Craft Trap 20
  Ingredients: 7 Quartz Crystals

Fire (Minor)
  Requires: Craft Trap 5
  Ingredients: Alchemist's Fire

Fire (Average)
  Requires: Craft Trap 10
  Ingredients: 3 Alchemist's Fire

Fire (Major)
  Requires: Craft Trap 15
  Ingredients: 5 Alchemist's Fire

Fire (Deadly)
  Requires: Craft Trap 20
  Ingredients: 7 Alchemist's Fire

Frost (Minor)
  Requires: Craft Trap 5
  Ingredients: Coldstone

Frost (Average)
  Requires: Craft Trap 10
  Ingredients: 3 Coldstones

Frost (Major)
  Requires: Craft Trap 15
  Ingredients: 5 Coldstones

Frost (Deadly)
  Requires: Craft Trap 20
  Ingredients: 7 Coldstones

Gas (Minor)
  Requires: Craft Trap 5
  Ingredients: Choking Powder

Gas (Average)
  Requires: Craft Trap 10
  Ingredients: 3 Choking Powders

Gas (Major)
  Requires: Craft Trap 15
  Ingredients: 5 Choking Powders

Gas (Deadly)
  Requires: Craft Trap 20
  Ingredients: 7 Choking Powders

Holy (Minor)
  Requires: Craft Trap 5
  Ingredients: Holy Water

Holy (Average)
  Requires: Craft Trap 10
  Ingredients: 3 Holy Waters

Holy (Major)
  Requires: Craft Trap 15
  Ingredients: 5 Holy Waters

Holy (Deadly)
  Requires: Craft Trap 20
  Ingredients: 7 Holy Waters

Negative Energy (Minor)
  Requires: Craft Trap 5
  Ingredients: Obsidian

Negative Energy (Average)
  Requires: Craft Trap 10
  Ingredients: 3 Obsidian

Negative Energy (Major)
  Requires: Craft Trap 15
  Ingredients: 5 Obsidian

Negative Energy (Deadly)
  Requires: Craft Trap 20
  Ingredients: 7 Obsidian

Sonic (Minor)
  Requires: Craft Trap 5
  Ingredients: Thunderstone

Sonic (Average)
  Requires: Craft Trap 10
  Ingredients: 3 Thunderstones

Sonic (Major)
  Requires: Craft Trap 15
  Ingredients: 5 Thunderstones

Sonic (Deadly)
  Requires: Craft Trap 5
  Ingredients: 7 Thunderstones

Spike (Minor)
  Requires: Craft Trap 5
  Ingredients: Dagger

Spike (Average)
  Requires: Craft Trap 10
  Ingredients: 3 Daggers

Spike (Major)
  Requires: Craft Trap 15
  Ingredients: 5 Daggers

Spike (Deadly)
  Requires: Craft Trap 20
  Ingredients: 7 Daggers

Tangle (Minor)
  Requires: Craft Trap 5
  Ingredients: Tanglefoot Bag

Tangle (Average)
  Requires: Craft Trap 10
  Ingredients: 3 Tanglefoot Bags

Tangle (Major)
  Requires: Craft Trap 15
  Ingredients: 5 Tanglefoot Bags

Tangle (Deadly)
  Requires: Craft Trap 20
  Ingredients: 7 Tanglefoot Bags

                         /////Weapons\\\\\                                 X0015


Base Weapon Enchantment +1
  Requires: Caster Level 3, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Faint Air Essence + Obsidian
  Spell: Light

Base Weapon Enchantment +2
  Requires: Caster Level 6, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Faint Air Essence + Diamond
  Spell: Light

Base Weapon Enchantment +3
  Requires: Caster Level 9, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Faint Power Essence + Weak Air Essence + Emerald
  Spell: Light

Base Weapon Enchantment +4
  Requires: Caster Level 12, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Weak Power Essence + Glowing Air Essence + Star Sapphire
  Spell: Light

Base Weapon Enchantment +5
  Requires: Caster Level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Glowing Power Essence + Glowing Air Essence + Blue Diamond
  Spell: Light


Acid Weapon: +1d6 Acid Damage
  Requires: Caster Level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Weak Earth Essence + Emerald
  Spell: Melf's Acid Arrow

*BUGGED* Flaming Burst: Adds 1d10 fire damage to criticals
  Requires: Caster Level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Glowing Fire Essence + Faint Power Essence + Fire Opal
  Spell: Fireball or Flame Strike

Flaming Weapon: +1d6 Fire Damage
  Requires: Caster Level 5, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Weak Fire Essence + Ruby
  Spell: Fireball or Flame Strike

Frost Weapon: +1d6 Cold Damage
  Requires: Caster Level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Weak Water Essence + Star Sapphire
  Spell: Ice storm

Shock Weapon: +1d6 Electricity Damage
  Requires: Caster Level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Weak Air Essence + Canary Diamond
  Spell: Call Lightning or Lightning Bolt


Anarchic Weapon: +2d6 Damage against Lawful creatures
  Requires: Caster Level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Faint Power Essence + Faint Air Essence + Canary Diamond
  Spell: Inflict Critical Wounds

Axiomatic Weapon: +2d6 Damage against Chaotic creatures
  Requires: Caster Level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Faint Power Essence + Faint Earth Essence + Jacinth
  Spell: Inflict Critical Wounds

Defending: Adds +1 Deflection AC Bonus
  Requires: Caster Level 5, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Weak Earth Essence + Diamond
  Spell: Mage Armor or Shield of Faith

Defending (Improved): Adds +2 Deflection AC Bonus
  Requires: Caster Level 5, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Glowing Earth Essence + Emerald
  Spell: Mage Armor or Shield of Faith

Defending (Greater): Adds +3 Deflection AC Bonus
  Requires: Caster Level 5, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Radiant Earth Essence + Blue Diamond
  Spell: Mage Armor or Shield of Faith

Holy Weapon: +2d6 Damage against Evil creatures
  Requires: Caster Level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Faint Power Essence + Faint Water Essence + Diamond
  Spell: Cure Critical Wounds

Hunting Weapon: +2d6 Damage against Beasts
  Requires: Caster Level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Faint Power Essence + Faint Water Essence + Star Sapphire
  Spell: Light

Keen: Doubles Threat Range
  Requires: Caster Level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Weak Earth Essence, Ruby
  Spell: Lightning Bolt

*BUGGED* Lucky: Adds +1 to all saves
  Requires: Caster Level 5, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Faint Power Essence + Faint Earth Essence + Obsidian
  Spell: Resistance

Poison Weapon: Poison (DC 14, 1d2 Con Damage) on hit
  Requires: Caster Level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Weak Earth Essence + Emerald
  Spell: Poison

Unholy Weapon: +2d6 Damage against Good creatures
  Requires: Caster Level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Faint Power Essence + Faint Fire Essence + Star Sapphire
  Spell: Inflict Critical Wounds

Weapon of Disruption: Undead must make a DC 14 Will Save or be destroyed
  Requires: Caster Level 14, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Glowing Power Essence + Glowing Water Essence + Jacinth
  Spell: Undeath to Death

Weapon of Life Stealing: Vampiric Regeneration 1
  Requires: Caster Level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Weak Power Essence + Weak Fire Essence + Ruby
  Spell: Enervation

Weapon of Life Stealing (Improved): Vampiric Regeneration 3
  Requires: Caster Level 11, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Glowing Power Essence + Glowing Fire Essence + Canary Diamond
  Spell: Enervation

Weapon of Life Stealing (Greater): Vampiric Regeneration 5
  Requires: Caster Level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
  Ingredients: Radiant Power Essence + Radiant Fire Essence + Beljuril
  Spell: Enervation


Here is where I'll provide various useful information.

X1. Armor/Weapon Special Material Properties

Weapon Categories

 Red Dragon Hide
	Breastplate, Half Plate, Scalemail
	  +3 Armor Modifier
	  Fire Resistance: 20/-
	  Weight Reduction: 20%

 Salamander Hide
	Hide, Leather, Studded Leather
	  +1 Armor Modifier
	  Fire Resistance: 10/-
	  Weight Reduction: 40%

 Umber Hulk Hide
	Half Plate, Shields
	  +2 Armor Modifier
	  Immunity: Mind Effecting Spells

 Wyvern Hide
	Breastplate, Full Plate, Half Plate, Scalemail
	  +2 Armor Modifier
	  +4 Poison Save Bonus
	  Weight Reduction: 20%

Metal Ingots
	Chainshirt, L.Shield
	  Damage Reduction: 1/-
	Breastplate, Chainmail, Scalemail, H.Shield
	  Damage Reduction: 2/-
	Heavy Armor, T.Shield
	  Damage Reduction: 3/-
	  Bypasses Iron Golem/Stoneskin Damage Resistances
	  +2 Magic Damage

 Alchemical Silver
	Metal Weapons
	  Bypasses Devil and Lycanthrope Damage Resistances

 Cold Iron
	Metal Weapons
	  Bypasses Demon, Fae, and Warlock Damage Resistances

	All Armor
	  Acid Resistance: 5/-
	  +1 Electrical Damage

	  Armor Check Penalty: Reduced by 2
	  Max Dex Bonus: +2
	  Spell Failure: -10%
	  Weight Reduction: 50%
	Breastplate, Chainmail, Scalemail
	  Armor Check Penalty: Reduced by 3
	  Armor Class: Light
	  Max Dex Bonus: +2
	  Spell Failure: -10%
	  Weight Reduction: 50%
	Banded Mail, Full Plate
	  Armor Check Penalty: Reduced by 3
	  Armor Class: Medium
	  Max Dex Bonus: +2
	  Spell Failure: -10%
	  Weight Reduction: 50%
	Half Plate
	  Armor Check Penalty: Reduced by 3
	  Armor Class: Medium
	  Max Dex Bonus: +1
	  Spell Failure: -10%
	  Weight Reduction: 50%
	  Spell Failure: -05%
	  Weight Reduction: 40%
	  Spell Failure: -15%
	  Weight Reduction: 40%
	  Spell Failure: -20%
	  Weight Reduction: 40%
	  Weight Reduction: 40%

Wooden Planks
	  Weight Reduction: 60%
	  Mighty +6
	  Weight Reduction: 40%
	  Attack Bonus +3
	  Weight Reduction: 40%
	Club, Spear
	  Weight Reduction: 40%
	  +1 Magic Damage

	  Mighty +4
	  Attack Bonus +2

	  +2 Armor Modifier
	  Spell Failure: -05%
	  Spell Failure: -05%
	  +2 Armor Modifier
	  Spell Failure: -10%
	  Mighty +2
	  Attack Bonus +1
	Club, Spear
	  +1 Magic Damage
	  +1 Electrical Damage

X2. Basic Crafting Ranks Required

Craft Armor
 Light Shield: 1
 Padded Armor: 1
 Heavy Shield: 2
 Leather Armor: 2
 Hide Armor: 3
 Studded Leather Armor: 3
 Chain Shirt: 4
 Tower Shield: 4
 Breastplate: 5
 Chain Mail: 5
 Banded Mail: 6
 Half-Plate Armor: 7
 Full-Plate Armor: 8
  Iron: +0
  Leather Hide: +0
  Duskwood: +5
  Darksteel: +10
  Mithril: +10
  Zalantar: +10
  Salamander Hide: +12
  Adamantine: +15
  Umber Hulk Hide: +17
  Wyvern Hide: +20
  Red Dragon Hide: +23

Craft Weapon
 Bow: 2
 Simple: 2
 Crossbow: 5
 Martial: 5
 Exotic: 8
  Iron: +0
  Wood: +0
  Alchemical Silver: +5
  Cold Iron: +5
  Duskwood: +5
  Shederran: +5
  Darksteel: +10
  Mithril: +10
  Zalantar: +10
  Adamantine: +15

X3. Crafting Gem List

Blue Diamond
Canary Diamond
Fire Opal
King's Tear
Rogue Stone
Star Sapphire

X4. Crafting Spell List

Banishment (Cleric 6, Wizard 7)
Barkskin (Druid/Ranger 2)
Bear's Endurance (Cleric/Druid/Ranger/Wizard 2)
Bull's Strength (Bard/Cleric/Druid/Paladin/Wizard 2)
Call Lightning (Druid 3)
Cat's Grace (Bard/Druid/Ranger/Wizard 2)
Cure Critical Wounds (Bard/Cleric 4, Druid 5)
Darkness (Bard/Cleric/Wizard 2)
Death Ward (Cleric/Paladin 4, Druid 5)
Displacement (Bard/Wizard 3)
Eagle's Splendor (Bard/Cleric/Paladin/Wizard 2)
Enervation - (Wizard 4)
Fireball - (Wizard 3)
Flame Strike - (Druid 4, Cleric 5)
Fox's Cunning - (Bard/Cleric/Wizard 2)
Haste - (Bard/Wizard 3)
Ice Storm (Druid/Wizard 4, Bard 6)
Inflict Critical Wounds (Cleric 4)
Invisibility (Bard/Wizard 2)
Keen Edge (Wizard 3)
Light (Bard/Cleric/Druid/Wizard 0)
Lightning Bolt (Wizard 3)
Mage Armor (Wizard 1)
Melf's Acid Arrow (Wizard 2)
Neutralize Poison (Druid/Ranger 3, Bard/Cleric/Paladin 4)
Owl's Wisdom (Bard/Cleric/Druid/Paladin/Ranger/Wizard 2)
Poison (Druid 3, Cleric 4)
Remove Disease (Cleric/Druid/Ranger 3)
Resist Energy/Elements (Ranger 1, Cleric/Druid/Paladin/Wizard 2)
Resistance (Bard/Cleric/Druid/Wizard 0, Paladin 1)
Silence (Bard/Cleric 2)
Shield of Faith (Cleric 1)
Spell Resistance (Cleric/Druid 5)
Stoneskin (Druid/Wizard 4)
True Seeing (Cleric 5, Wizard 6, Druid 7)
Undeath to Death (Cleric/Wizard 6)

X6. Trap Properties

***NOTE: All information here was taken from the Comment section of the Trap
	 Trigger blueprints in the Toolset. No in-game testing was done.

Acid Splash (Minor)
  Detect DC: 10
  Disarm DC: 22
  Set DC: 15
  Damage: 2d8
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 9
  AoE: Single

Acid Splash (Average)
  Detect DC: 10
  Disarm DC: 22
  Set DC: 20
  Damage: 3d8
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 13.5
  AoE: Single

Acid Splash (Major)
  Detect DC: 10
  Disarm DC: 22
  Set DC: 25
  Damage: 5d8
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 22.5
  AoE: Single

Acid Splash (Deadly)
  Detect DC: 10
  Disarm DC: 22
  Set DC: 30
  Damage: 8d8
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 36
  AoE: Single

Acid Blob (Minor)
  Detect DC: 10
  Disarm DC: 22
  Set DC: 15
  Damage: 3d6
  Effect: Paralyze for 2 Rounds
  Avg Damage: 10.5
  AoE: Single

Acid Blob (Average)
  Detect DC: 14
  Disarm DC: 26
  Set DC: 25
  Damage: 5d6
  Effect: Paralyze for 3 Rounds
  Avg Damage: 17.5
  AoE: Single

Acid Blob (Major)
  Detect DC: 18
  Disarm DC: 31
  Set DC: 30
  Damage: 12d6
  Effect: Paralyze for 4 Rounds
  Avg Damage: 42
  AoE: Single

Acid Blob (Deadly)
  Detect DC: 18
  Disarm DC: 31
  Set DC: 35
  Damage: 18d6
  Effect: Paralyze for 5 Rounds
  Avg Damage: 63
  AoE: Single

Electrical (Minor)
  Detect DC: 14
  Disarm DC: 26
  Set DC: 20
  Damage: 6d8
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 21
  AoE: Large Sphere

Electrical (Average)
  Detect DC: 18
  Disarm DC: 31
  Set DC: 25
  Damage: 15d6
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 52.5
  AoE: Large Sphere

Electrical (Major)
  Detect DC: 22
  Disarm DC: 36
  Set DC: 30
  Damage: 20d6
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 70
  AoE: Large Sphere

Electrical (Deadly)
  Detect DC: 22
  Disarm DC: 36
  Set DC: 35
  Damage: 30d6
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 105
  AoE: Large Sphere

Fire (Minor)
  Detect DC: 14
  Disarm DC: 26
  Set DC: 20
  Damage: 5d6
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 17.5
  AoE: Small Sphere

Fire (Average)
  Detect DC: 14
  Disarm DC: 26
  Set DC: 25
  Damage: 6d8
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 27
  AoE: Small Sphere

Fire (Major)
  Detect DC: 18
  Disarm DC: 31
  Set DC: 30
  Damage: 15d6
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 52.5
  AoE: Medium Sphere

Fire (Deadly)
  Detect DC: 22
  Disarm DC: 36
  Set DC: 35
  Damage: 25d6
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 87.5
  AoE: Medium Sphere

Frost (Minor)
  Detect DC: 10
  Disarm DC: 22
  Set DC: 15
  Damage: 2d4
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 5
  AoE: Single

Frost (Average)
  Detect DC: 10
  Disarm DC: 22
  Set DC: 20
  Damage: 3d4
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 7.5
  AoE: Single

Frost (Major)
  Detect DC: 10
  Disarm DC: 22
  Set DC: 25
  Damage: 5d4
  Effect: Paralyze for 3 Rounds
  Avg Damage: 12.5
  AoE: Single

Frost (Deadly)
  Detect DC: 10
  Disarm DC: 22
  Set DC: 30
  Damage: 8d4
  Effect: Paralyze for 4 Rounds
  Avg Damage: 20
  AoE: Single

Gas (Minor)
  Detect DC: 18
  Disarm DC: 31
  Set DC: 30
  Damage: N/A
  Effect: Giant Wasp Venom
  Avg Damage: N/A
  AoE: Medium Sphere

Gas (Average)
  Detect DC: 18
  Disarm DC: 31
  Set DC: 35
  Damage: N/A
  Effect: Death Blade Poison
  Avg Damage: N/A
  AoE: Medium Sphere

Gas (Major)
  Detect DC: 22
  Disarm DC: 36
  Set DC: 45
  Damage: N/A
  Effect: Dark Reaver Powder
  Avg Damage: N/A
  AoE: Medium Sphere

Gas (Deadly)
  Detect DC: 22
  Disarm DC: 36
  Set DC: 45
  Damage: N/A
  Effect: Black Lotus Extract
  Avg Damage: N/A
  AoE: Medium Sphere

Holy (Minor)
  Detect DC: 10
  Disarm DC: 22
  Set DC: 15
  Damage: 2d4
  Damage (Undead): 4d10
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 5
  Avg Damage (Undead): 20
  AoE: Single

Holy (Average)
  Detect DC: 10
  Disarm DC: 22
  Set DC: 20
  Damage: 3d4
  Damage (Undead): 5d10
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 7.5
  Avg Damage (Undead): 27
  AoE: Single

Holy (Major)
  Detect DC: 14
  Disarm DC: 26
  Set DC: 25
  Damage: 6d4
  Damage (Undead): 8d10
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 12
  Avg Damage (Undead): 40
  AoE: Single

Holy (Deadly)
  Detect DC: 14
  Disarm DC: 26
  Set DC: 30
  Damage: 8d4
  Damage (Undead): 12d10
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 20
  Avg Damage (Undead): 60
  AoE: Single

Negative Energy (Minor)
  Detect DC: 10
  Disarm DC: 22
  Set DC: 15
  Damage: 2d6
  Effect: -1 Strength
  Avg Damage: 7
  AoE: Single

Negative Energy (Average)
  Detect DC: 10
  Disarm DC: 22
  Set DC: 20
  Damage: 3d6
  Effect: -1 Strength
  Avg Damage: 10.5
  AoE: Single

Negative Energy (Major)
  Detect DC: 14
  Disarm DC: 26
  Set DC: 25
  Damage: 5d6
  Effect: -2 Strength
  Avg Damage: 17.5
  AoE: Single

Negative Energy (Deadly)
  Detect DC: 14
  Disarm DC: 26
  Set DC: 30
  Damage: 8d6
  Effect: -1 Level
  Avg Damage: 28
  AoE: Single

Sonic (Minor)
  Detect DC: 10
  Disarm DC: 22
  Set DC: 15
  Damage: 2d4
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 5
  AoE: Medium Sphere

Sonic (Average)
  Detect DC: 10
  Disarm DC: 22
  Set DC: 20
  Damage: 3d4
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 7.5
  AoE: Medium Sphere

Sonic (Major)
  Detect DC: 10
  Disarm DC: 22
  Set DC: 25
  Damage: 5d4
  Effect: Stunned for 4 Rounds
  Avg Damage: 12.5
  AoE: Single

Sonic (Deadly)
  Detect DC: 10
  Disarm DC: 22
  Set DC: 30
  Damage: 8d4
  Effect: Stunned for 4 Rounds
  Avg Damage: 20
  AoE: Medium Sphere

Spike (Minor)
  Detect DC: 10
  Disarm DC: 22
  Set DC: 5
  Damage: 2d6
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 7
  AoE: Single

Spike (Average)
  Detect DC: 10
  Disarm DC: 22
  Set DC: 20
  Damage: 3d6
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 10.5
  AoE: Single

Spike (Major)
  Detect DC: 10
  Disarm DC: 22
  Set DC: 25
  Damage: 5d6
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 17.5
  AoE: Single

Spike (Deadly)
  Detect DC: 10
  Disarm DC: 22
  Set DC: 35
  Damage: 8d10
  Effect: N/A
  Avg Damage: 36
  AoE: Single

Tangle (Minor)
  Detect DC: 10
  Disarm DC: 22
  Set DC: 15
  Damage: N/A
  Effect: -50% Movement Speed for 3 Rounds
  Avg Damage: N/A
  AoE: Small Sphere

Tangle (Average)
  Detect DC: 14
  Disarm DC: 16
  Set DC: 20
  Damage: N/A
  Effect: -50% Movement Speed for 4 Rounds
  Avg Damage: N/A
  AoE: Small Sphere

Tangle (Major)
  Detect DC: 14
  Disarm DC: 26
  Set DC: 25
  Damage: N/A
  Effect: -50% Movement Speed for 4 Rounds
  Avg Damage: N/A
  AoE: Medium Sphere

Tangle (Deadly)
  Detect DC: 18
  Disarm DC: 31
  Set DC: 30
  Damage: N/A
  Effect: -50% Movement Speed for 5 Rounds
  Avg Damage: N/A
  AoE: Medium Sphere

X6. Misc Crafting Information

-Using a Scroll/Wand casts the spell at a Caster Level of 10.

-Caster Levels don't stack, a Cleric 11/Wizard 9 only has a Caster Level of 11.

-Weapons and Armor can be enchanted with multiple effects.
 For Example: You can use an 'Adamantine Longsword +5' in the +5 Vampiric
 recipe and will end up with an 'Vampiric Adamantine Longsword +5'.

-Duplicate enchantments, on the other hand, will not stack.
 For Example: If you use a 'Longsword +2' in the Basic +3 recipe, you will end
 up with a 'Longsword +3', NOT a 'Longsword +5'.

-All Weapons and Armor have a maximum of 3 Magical Properties, including Base
 Bonus, for normal characters and a limit of 4 for Epic characters. This
 includes ranged weapons such as Arrows/Darts/Bolts/etc, as well as Shields
 and Clothes. Be careful when enchanting items crafted from special materials
 as some of them have inherent abilities that will take up an Enchantment slot.
 Examples: Adamantine's +2 Magic Damage or Mithril Weapons' Weight Reduction.

-Interestingly, Mithril Armor's special properties do not take up slots, making
 it perfect for enchanting.

-Filling all the enchantment slots will prevent you from upgrading any earlier
 existing enchantments, so you should upgrade the existing enchantments before
 adding new ones.

-Sadly, the Practiced Spellcaster feat does not count toward your crafting
 Caster Level.

-If you use the Mortar/Pestle on the Fairy Dust item, you will recieve an
 essence completely at random. This can be any type of essence at any power

-"PROTIP: Any Essence can be downgraded to an Essence of lesser power by using
 the mortar & pestle on it. Radiant > Glowing > Weak > Faint. Likewise, putting
 two identical Essences in an Alchemy Bench and then using the Mortar & Pestle
 on the bench will upgrade it to the next power level.
 2 Faint = 1 Weak
 2 Weak = 1 Glowing
 2 Glowing = 1 Radiant"

-"PROTIP: Remember, you can use text formatting tags when naming your items. I
 did this all the time in the OC and made a garish list of weapons.

 Text in here is bold.
 Text in here is italicized.
 Text in here is red

 You can look up the color constants in Colors.2da (I think) or you can enter
 colors as hexadecimal values."

-Highest Ranks (including bonuses) needed:
 Caster Level: 18 (Invulnerable Armor, Scarab of Greater Protection)
 Craft Alchemy rank: 16 (Deadly Poisons, Perfected Potions)
 Craft Armor rank: 30 (Red Dragon Hide Half-Plate)
 Craft Trap rank: 20 (Deadly Traps)
 Craft Weapon rank: 23 (Exotic Adamantine Weapon)

x7. Ultimate Crafter Character Builds


You need several things:
  1. The Craft Magic Arms and Armor & Craft Wondrous Item feats
  2. The Imbue Item feat OR access to most of the spells required
  3. Access to High Levels of the Craft Armor/Alchemy/Weapons skills
  4. Moderate ranks in the Craft Trap and Appraise skills
  5. High Spellcraft Rank (if Wizard).

What this boils down to is that you'll need a starting Intelligence of at
least 18, as well as be either a Warlock, Mystic Theurge, Wizard, or Cleric.
That starting +4 combined with an additional +2 from Leveling, and the Headband
of Intellect +6, will allow you to reach all Crafting requirements by Level 18.
The Appraise skill will be needed in order to get your basic supplies. Gems
don't come cheap.

The Spellcraft skill is listed because someone contacted me saying how they
weren't able to scribe spells from scrolls into their spellbooks without ranks
in Spellcraft. I, personally, haven't encountered this, but it is included as
insurance. Clearly, if you're playing as a Cleric or Warlock, this is

Choice of Race is rather limited; either Drow or Sun Elf. Drow is the optimal
choice, but if you either don't have access (a Persistent World character) or
don't want to deal with the XP penalty, Sun Elf will suffice. As for the Class;
either M.Theurge 10/Cleric 8/Wizard 2, M.Theurge 10/Cleric 2/Wizard 8, Warlock,
Wizard, or Cleric.

But wait, Mystic Theurge isn't in the game! Not by default, no, but it's been
added in nearly its full glory by Reeron and Trekari's Spell Fixes Mod. There
are two versions; the basic one and the one that's been combined with Kaedrin's
PRC Pack Mod. Personally, I consider the Combined Version to be an essential
gameplay Mod.


As for Equipment; you'll be wearing the Headband of Intellect +6, which
should be the first thing you Craft once you hit Level 8. Anything else is

If you're making a character for the Single-Player Campaign, you can take
advantage of Grobnar's 'Inspire Competence' to craft Weapons/Armor/Traps long
before you normally could. This Inspiration, however, does NOT stack with the
Heroism spells.

With the preliminaries now out of the way... on to the Builds:


Drow gives starting scores of:
STR: 8  --------> 8
DEX: 10 --------> 16
CON: 6  --------> 10
INT: 11 --------> 18
WIS: 8  --------> 10
CHA: 10 --------> 18

Sun Elf gives starting scores:
STR: 8  --------> 8
DEX: 8  --------> 14
CON: 6  --------> 10
INT: 11 --------> 18
WIS: 8  --------> 10
CHA: 8  --------> 16

Skills: Appraise and Craft Alchemy/Armor/Trap/Weapon.

The starting INT of 18 covers these with room to spare. At 5th Level you'll stop
raising Craft Alchemy, at 12th you'll stop raising Craft Weapon, and at 15th
you'll stop raising Craft Trap.

Following the above outline, you'll end up at 18th Level with:

Appraise: 10
Craft Alchemy: 7
Craft Armor: 21
Craft Trap: 8
Craft Weapon: 14
Skill A of Choice: 21
Skill B of Choice: 21
Skill C of Choice: 20

Feat selection: Silver Palm, Craft Wondrous Items, Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
Skill Focus (Craft Trap), and Skill Focus (Appraise).


Race: Drow
Class: Warlock
Alignment: Any
Deity: Any
STR: 8
DEX: 16
CON: 10
INT: 18
WIS: 10
CHA: 18
Background: Any except Wild Child
Appraise: 2
Craft Alchemy: 4
Craft Armor: 4
Craft Trap: 2
Craft Weapon: 4
*Skill of Choice*: 4
Silver Palm
02: +1 Craft Alchemy/Armor/Weapon, +1 Skill of Choice A (Save 2)
02: -
03: +1 Craft Alchemy/Armor/Trap/Weapon, +1 Appraise, +1 SoCA
03: Craft Wondrous Items
04: +1 Craft Alchemy/Armor/Weapon, +1 SoCA (Save 2)
04: +1 INT
05: +1 Craft Armor/Trap/Weapon, +1 Appraise, +1 SoCA, +1 Skill of Choice B
05: -
06: +1 Craft Armor/Weapon, +1 SoCA, +2 SoCB (Save 1)
06: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
07: +1 Craft Armor/Trap/Weapon, +1 Appraise, +1 SoCA
07: -
08: +1 Craft Armor/Weapon, +1 SoCA, +4 SoCB
08: +1 INT
09: +1 Craft Armor/Trap/Weapon, +1 Appraise, +1 SoCA
09: Skill Focus (Craft Trap)
10: +1 Craft Armor/Weapon, +1 SoCA, +4 SoCB
10: -
11: +1 Craft Armor/Trap/Weapon, +1 Appraise, +1 SoCA
11: -
12: +1 Craft Armor, +1 SoCA, +4 SoCB, +1 Skill of Choice C
12: +1 INT, Skill Focus (Appraise)
13: +1 Craft Armor/Trap, +1 Appraise, +1 SoCA/SoCB
13: -
14: +1 Craft Armor, +1 SoCA/SoCB, +4 SoCC
14: -
15: +1 Craft Armor, +1 Appraise, +1 SoCA/SoCB, +2 SoCC
15: *Feat of Choice*
16: +1 Craft Armor, +1 SoCA/SoCB, +5 SoCC
16: +1 INT
17: +1 Craft Armor, +1 Appraise, +1 SoCA/SoCB, +3 SoCC
17: -
18: +1 Craft Armor, +1 SoCA/SoCB, +5 SoCC
18: *Feat of Choice*

Following the above, at 18th level while wearing the Headband of Intellect +6,
your effective rank scores will be:

Craft Alchemy: 7 (Base) + 6 (INT) + 3 (Headband) = 16
Craft Armor: 21 (Base) + 6 (INT) + 3 (Headband) = 30
Craft Trap: 8 (Base) + 6 (INT) + 3 (Headband) + 3 (Feat) = 20
Craft Weapon: 14 (Base) + 6 (INT) + 3 (Headband) = 23

If you have access to the Materials for a Headband of Intellect +8, the second
two Ability Score Bonuses (Levels 12 & 16) could be placed somewhere other than
Intelligence. I suggest Charisma.

Be aware that Drow get -1 to all skills in daylight, so if your crafting bench
happens to be located in perpetual sunlight, you'll need to do a bit of skill


Drow gives starting scores of:
STR: 8  --------> 8
DEX: 10 --------> 12
CON: 6  --------> 10
INT: 11 --------> 18
WIS: 8  --------> 17
CHA: 10 --------> 13

Sun Elf gives starting scores:
STR: 8  --------> 8
DEX: 8  --------> 10
CON: 6  --------> 10
INT: 11 --------> 18
WIS: 8  --------> 17
CHA: 8  --------> 11

Levels: Wizard 8/Cleric 2/Mystic Theurge 10

Needed Scrolls: Barkskin

Useful Domains: Plant

Using any Wizard Sub-Class, except Illusion, will cause you to miss out on
spells needed for various recipes, but Illusion prevents you from casting the
spells 'Heroism' and 'Greater Heroism'. So being a Generalist is the best path.

Skills: Appraise, Craft Alchemy/Armor/Trap/Weapon, Lore, and Spellcraft.

The starting INT of 18 covers these easily. You only need 2 points in Craft
Alchemy, at 5th Level you'll stop raising Lore, at 8th you'll stop raising
Craft Weapon, at 13th you'll stop raising Craft Trap, and at 15th you'll stop
raising Craft Armor.

Following the above outline, you'll end up at 20th Level with:

Appraise: 11
Craft Alchemy: 2
Craft Armor: 17
Craft Trap: 7
Craft Weapon: 10
Lore: 23
Spellcraft: 23
Concentration: 23
Off-Class Skill of Choice: 11

Feat selection: Silver Palm, Craft Wondrous Items, Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
and Skill Focus (Appraise).


Race: Drow
Class: Wizard (Generalist)
Alignment: Any
Deity: Any
Familiar: Any
STR: 8
DEX: 16
CON: 10
INT: 18
WIS: 10
CHA: 18
Background: Wizard's Apprentice
Appraise: 2
Craft Alchemy: 2
Craft Armor: 4
Craft Trap: 2
Craft Weapon: 4
Lore: 2
Spellcraft: 4
Silver Palm
WZ02: +1 Craft Armor/Weapon, +1 Spellcraft, +2 Lore (Save 1)
WZ02: -
WZ03: +1 Craft Armor/Trap/Weapon, +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft
WZ03: Craft Wondrous Items feat
CL01: +1 Craft Armor/Weapon, +1 Spellcraft, +2 Lore (Save 1)
CL01: +1 INT
CL02: +1 Craft Armor/Trap/Weapon, +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft
CL02: -
MT01: +1 Craft Armor/Weapon, +1 Spellcraft, +2 Concentration (Save 1)
MT01: Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
MT02: +1 Craft Armor/Trap/Weapon, +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft
MT02: -
MT03: +1 Craft Armor, +1 Spellcraft, +5 Concentration
MT03: +1 INT
MT04: +1 Craft Armor/Trap, +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration
MT04: Skill Focus (Appraise) feat
MT05: +1 Craft Armor, +1 Spellcraft, +5 Concentration
MT05: -
MT06: +1 Craft Armor/Trap, +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration
MT06: -
MT07: +1 Craft Armor, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +4 Lore
MT07: +1 INT, *Feat of Choice*
MT08: +1 Craft Armor, +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +2 Lore
MT08: -
MT09: +1 Craft Armor, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +4 Lore
MT09: -
MT10: +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +2 Lore
MT10: *Feat of Choice*
WZ04: +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +1 Lore, +3 Off-Class Skill of Choice
WZ04: +1 INT
WZ05: +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +1 Lore, +1 OCSoC
WZ05: *Bonus Feat of Choice*
WZ06: +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +1 Lore, +3 OCSoC
WZ06: *Feat of Choice*
WZ07: +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +1 Lore, +1 OCSoC
WZ07: -
WZ08: +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +1 Lore, +3 OCSoC
WZ08: +1 WIS

Following the above, at 20th level while wearing the Headband of Intellect +6,
your effective rank scores will be:

Craft Alchemy: 2 (Base) + 6 (INT) + 1 (BG) + 3 (Headband) + 4 (G.Heroism) = 16
Craft Armor: 17 (Base) + 6 (INT) + 3 (Headband) + 4 (G.Heroism) = 30
Craft Trap: 7 (Base) + 6 (INT) + 3 (Headband) + 4 (G.Heroism) = 20
Craft Weapon: 10 (Base) + 6 (INT) + 3 (Headband) + 4 (G.Heroism) = 23

If you have access to the Materials for a Headband of Intellect +8, the second
two Ability Score Bonuses (Levels 12 & 16) could be placed somewhere other than
Intelligence. Wisdom would be good.

For one of your Feats of Choice, I'd suggest the 'Extra Spell Slot: 2' Feat,
since there are A LOT of Level 2 Spells used in recipes.

Be aware that Drow get -1 to all skills in daylight, so if your crafting bench
happens to be located in perpetual sunlight, you'll need to do a bit of skill


Drow gives starting scores of:
STR: 8  --------> 8
DEX: 10 --------> 12
CON: 6  --------> 10
INT: 11 --------> 18
WIS: 8  --------> 17
CHA: 10 --------> 13

Sun Elf gives starting scores:
STR: 8  --------> 8
DEX: 8  --------> 10
CON: 6  --------> 10
INT: 11 --------> 18
WIS: 8  --------> 17
CHA: 8  --------> 11

Levels: Wizard 2/Cleric 8/Mystic Theurge 10

Needed Scrolls: Barkskin

Useful Domains: Plant

Using any Wizard Sub-Class, except Illusion, will cause you to miss out on
spells needed for various recipes, but Illusion prevents you from casting the
spells 'Heroism' and 'Greater Heroism'. So being a Generalist is the best path.

Skills: Appraise, Craft Alchemy/Armor/Trap/Weapon, Lore, and Spellcraft.

The starting INT of 18 covers these easily. You only need 2 points in Craft
Alchemy, at 5th Level you'll stop raising Lore, at 8th you'll stop raising
Craft Weapon, at 13th you'll stop raising Craft Trap, and at 15th you'll stop
raising Craft Armor.

Following the above outline, you'll end up at 20th Level with:

Appraise: 11
Craft Alchemy: 2
Craft Armor: 17
Craft Trap: 7
Craft Weapon: 10
Lore: 6
Spellcraft: 23
Concentration: 23
Skill of Choice A: 23
Skill of Choice B: 16

Feat selection: Silver Palm, Craft Wondrous Items, Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
and Skill Focus (Appraise).


Race: Drow
Class: Wizard (Generalist)
Alignment: Any
Deity: Any
Familiar: Any
STR: 8
DEX: 16
CON: 10
INT: 18
WIS: 10
CHA: 18
Background: Wizard's Apprentice
Appraise: 2
Craft Alchemy: 2
Craft Armor: 4
Craft Trap: 2
Craft Weapon: 4
Lore: 2
Spellcraft: 4
Silver Palm
WZ02: +1 Craft Armor/Weapon, +1 Spellcraft, +2 Lore (Save 1)
WZ02: -
CL01: +1 Craft Armor/Trap/Weapon, +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft
CL01: Skill Focus (Appraise) feat
CL02: +1 Craft Armor/Weapon, +1 Spellcraft, +2 Lore (Save 1)
CL02: +1 INT
MT01: +1 Craft Armor/Trap/Weapon, +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft
MT01: -
MT02: +1 Craft Armor/Weapon, +1 Spellcraft, +2 Concentration (Save 1)
MT02: Craft Wondrous Items feat
MT03: +1 Craft Armor/Trap/Weapon, +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft
MT03: -
MT04: +1 Craft Armor, +1 Spellcraft, +5 Concentration
MT04: +1 INT
MT05: +1 Craft Armor/Trap, +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration
MT05: Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
MT06: +1 Craft Armor, +1 Spellcraft, +5 Concentration
MT06: -
MT07: +1 Craft Armor/Trap, +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration
MT07: -
MT08: +1 Craft Armor, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +4 Skill of Choice A
MT08: +1 INT, *Feat of Choice*
MT09: +1 Craft Armor, +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +2 SoCA
MT09: -
MT10: +1 Craft Armor, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +4 SoCA
MT10: -
CL03: +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +3 SoCA
CL03: *Feat of Choice*
CL04: +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +6 SoCA
CL04: +1 INT
CL05: +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +1 SoCA, +3 Skill of Choice
CL05: -
CL06: +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +1 SoCA, +5 SoCB
CL06: *Feat of Choice*
CL07: +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +1 SoCA, +3 SoCB
CL07: -
CL08: +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +1 SoCA, +5 SoCB
CL08: +1 WIS

Following the above, at 20th level while wearing the Headband of Intellect +6,
your effective rank scores will be:

Craft Alchemy: 2 (Base) + 6 (INT) + 1 (BG) + 3 (Headband) + 4 (G.Heroism) = 16
Craft Armor: 17 (Base) + 6 (INT) + 3 (Headband) + 4 (G.Heroism) = 30
Craft Trap: 7 (Base) + 6 (INT) + 3 (Headband) + 4 (G.Heroism) = 20
Craft Weapon: 10 (Base) + 6 (INT) + 3 (Headband) + 4 (G.Heroism) = 23

If you have access to the Materials for a Headband of Intellect +8, the second
two Ability Score Bonuses (Levels 12 & 16) could be placed somewhere other than
Intelligence. Wisdom would be a very good choice.

For one of your Feats of Choice, I'd suggest the 'Extra Spell Slot: 2' Feat,
since there are A LOT of Level 2 Spells used in recipes.

Be aware that Drow get -1 to all skills in daylight, so if your crafting bench
happens to be located in perpetual sunlight, you'll need to do a bit of skill


Drow gives starting scores of:
STR: 8  --------> 8
DEX: 10 --------> 16
CON: 6  --------> 10
INT: 11 --------> 18
WIS: 8  --------> 10
CHA: 10 --------> 18

Sun Elf gives starting scores:
STR: 8  --------> 8
DEX: 8  --------> 14
CON: 6  --------> 10
INT: 11 --------> 18
WIS: 8  --------> 10
CHA: 8  --------> 16

Needed Scrolls: Barkskin, Cure Critical Wounds, Inflict Critical Wounds
Neutralize Poison/Remove Disease, Poison, and Silence.

Using any Wizard Sub-Class, except Illusion, will cause you to miss out on
spells needed for various recipes, but Illusion prevents you from casting the
spells 'Heroism' and 'Greater Heroism'. So being a Generalist is the best path.

Skills: Appraise, Craft Alchemy/Armor/Trap/Weapon, and Spellcraft.

The starting INT of 18 covers these easily. You only need 2 points in Craft
Alchemy, at 8th Level you'll stop raising Craft Weapon, at 13th you'll stop
raising Craft Trap, and at 15th you'll stop raising Craft Armor.

Following the above outline, you'll end up at 18th Level with:

Appraise: 10
Craft Alchemy: 2
Craft Armor: 17
Craft Trap: 7
Craft Weapon: 10
Spellcraft: 21
Concentration: 21
Lore: 21
Off-Class Skill of Choice: 7

Feat selection: Silver Palm, Craft Wondrous Items, Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
and Skill Focus (Appraise).


Race: Drow
Class: Wizard (Generalist)
Alignment: Any
Deity: Any
Familiar: Any
STR: 8
DEX: 16
CON: 10
INT: 18
WIS: 10
CHA: 18
Background: Wizard's Apprentice
Appraise: 2
Concentration: 2
Craft Alchemy: 2
Craft Armor: 4
Craft Trap: 2
Craft Weapon: 4
Spellcraft: 4
Silver Palm
02: +1 Craft Armor/Weapon, +1 Spellcraft, +2 Concentration (Save 1)
02: -
03: +1 Craft Armor/Trap/Weapon, +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft
03: Craft Wondrous Items feat
04: +1 Craft Armor/Weapon, +1 Spellcraft, +2 Concentration (Save 1)
04: +1 INT
05: +1 Craft Armor/Trap/Weapon, +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft
05: Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
06: +1 Craft Armor/Weapon, +1 Spellcraft, +2 Concentration (Save 1)
06: Skill Focus (Appraise) feat
07: +1 Craft Armor/Trap/Weapon, +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft
07: -
08: +1 Craft Armor, +1 Spellcraft, +3 Concentration, +2 Lore
08: +1 INT
09: +1 Craft Armor/Trap, +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration
09: *Feat of Choice*
10: +1 Craft Armor, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +4 Lore
10: *Bonus Feat of Choice*
11: +1 Craft Armor/Trap, +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration
11: -
12: +1 Craft Armor, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +4 Lore
12: +1 INT, *Feat of Choice*
13: +1 Craft Armor, +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +2 Lore
13: -
14: +1 Craft Armor, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +4 Lore
14: -
15: +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +2 Lore
15: *Bonus Feat of Choice*,  *Feat of Choice*
16: +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +1 Lore, +3 Off-Class Skill of Choice
16: +1 INT
17: +1 Appraise, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +1 Lore, +1 OCS
17: -
18: +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +1 Lore, +3 OCS
18: *Feat of Choice*

Following the above, at 18th level while wearing the Headband of Intellect +6,
your effective rank scores will be:

Craft Alchemy: 2 (Base) + 6 (INT) + 1 (BG) + 3 (Headband) + 4 (G.Heroism) = 16
Craft Armor: 17 (Base) + 6 (INT) + 3 (Headband) + 4 (G.Heroism) = 30
Craft Trap: 7 (Base) + 6 (INT) + 3 (Headband) + 4 (G.Heroism) = 20
Craft Weapon: 10 (Base) + 6 (INT) + 3 (Headband) + 4 (G.Heroism) = 23

If you have access to the Materials for a Headband of Intellect +8, the second
two Ability Score Bonuses (Levels 12 & 16) could be placed somewhere other than

For one of your Feats of Choice, I'd suggest the 'Extra Spell Slot: 2' Feat,
since there are A LOT of Level 2 Spells used in recipes.

Be aware that Drow get -1 to all skills in daylight, so if your crafting bench
happens to be located in perpetual sunlight, you'll need to do a bit of skill


Drow gives starting scores of:
STR: 8  --------> 8
DEX: 10 --------> 12
CON: 6  --------> 10
INT: 11 --------> 18
WIS: 8  --------> 17
CHA: 10 --------> 13

Sun Elf gives starting scores:
STR: 8  --------> 8
DEX: 8  --------> 10
CON: 6  --------> 10
INT: 11 --------> 18
WIS: 8  --------> 17
CHA: 8  --------> 11

Needed Scrolls: Barkskin, Displacement, Enervation, Haste, Ice Storm,
Invisibility, Keen Edge, Call Lightning/Lightning Bolt, Mage Armor,
Melf's Acid Arrow, and Stoneskin.

Domain Choices: Air (Call Lightning), Earth (Stoneskin), Magic (Mage Armor &
Acid Armow), Plant (Barkskin), Time/Travel (Haste), Trickery (Invisibility),
and Water (Ice Storm).

Skills: Appraise, Craft Alchemy/Armor/Trap/Weapon, and Use Magic Device.

The starting INT of 18 covers these perfectly. At 5th Level you'll stop
raising Craft Alchemy, at 12th you'll stop raising Craft Weapon, and at 15th
you'll stop raising Craft Trap.

Following the above outline, you'll end up at 18th Level with:

Appraise: 10
Craft Alchemy: 7
Craft Armor: 21
Craft Trap: 8
Craft Weapon: 14
Use Magic Device: 10
Skill A of Choice: 21
Skill B of Choice: 21

Feat selection: Silver Palm, Craft Wondrous Items, Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
Skill Focus (Craft Trap), and Skill Focus (Appraise).


Race: Drow
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Any
Deity: Any
Domains: Magic & Plant
STR: 8
DEX: 12
CON: 10
INT: 18
WIS: 17
CHA: 13
Background: Any except Wild Child
Appraise: 2
Craft Alchemy: 4
Craft Armor: 4
Craft Trap: 2
Craft Weapon: 4
Use Magic Device: 2
Silver Palm
02: +1 Craft Alchemy/Armor/Weapon (Save 3)
02: -
03: +1 Craft Alchemy/Armor/Trap/Weapon, +1 Appraise, +1 UMD
03: Craft Wondrous Items
04: +1 Craft Alchemy/Armor/Weapon (Save 3)
04: +1 INT
05: +1 Craft Armor/Trap/Weapon, +1 Appraise, +1 UMD, +1 Skill of Choice A
05: -
06: +1 Craft Armor/Weapon, +2 SoCA (Save 2)
06: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
07: +1 Craft Armor/Trap/Weapon, +1 Appraise, +1 UMD
07: -
08: +1 Craft Armor/Weapon, +4 SoCA (Save 1)
08: +1 INT
09: +1 Craft Armor/Trap/Weapon, +1 Appraise, +1 UMD
09: Skill Focus (Craft Trap)
10: +1 Craft Armor/Weapon, +4 SoCA (Save 1)
10: -
11: +1 Craft Armor/Trap/Weapon, +1 Appraise, +1 UMD
11: -
12: +1 Craft Armor, +4 SoCA, +1 Skill of Choice B (Save 1)
12: +1 INT, Skill Focus (Appraise)
13: +1 Craft Armor/Trap, +1 Appraise, +1 UMD, +1 SoCA
13: -
14: +1 Craft Armor, +1 SoCA, +5 SoCB
14: -
15: +1 Craft Armor, +1 Appraise, +1 UMD, +1 SoCA, +1 SoCB
15: *Feat of Choice*
16: +1 Craft Armor, +1 SoCA, +6 SoCB
16: +1 INT
17: +1 Craft Armor, +1 Appraise, +1 UMD, +1 SoCA, +2 SoCB
17: -
18: +1 Craft Armor, +1 SoCA, +6 SoCB
18: *Feat of Choice*

Following the above, at 18th level while wearing the Headband of Intellect +6,
your effective rank scores will be:

Craft Alchemy: 7 (Base) + 6 (INT) + 3 (Headband) = 16
Craft Armor: 21 (Base) + 6 (INT) + 3 (Headband) = 30
Craft Trap: 8 (Base) + 6 (INT) + 3 (Headband) + 3 (Feat) = 20
Craft Weapon: 14 (Base) + 6 (INT) + 3 (Headband) = 23

If you have access to the Materials for a Headband of Intellect +8, the second
two Ability Score Bonuses (Levels 12 & 16) could be placed somewhere other than
Intelligence. I strongly suggest Wisdom, as you really should get it up to 19.

Be aware that Drow get -1 to all skills in daylight, so if your crafting bench
happens to be located in perpetual sunlight, you'll need to do a bit of skill


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