
Nostradamus - The Last Prophecy Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Nostradamus - The Last Prophecy

Nostradamus - The Last Prophecy

Nostradamus:The Last Prophecy Walkthrough
By:Puzzle Master (Randy Taylor Jr.) 

Wensday,March 27,1566
Turn right and take the RAG. Turn around and take the LADY'S SHOES laying
on the floor at the foot of the bed. Open the closet and take the DRESS. Close
the closet and exit the room. Go down the hallway and enter Cesar's room.
Take the CLOTHING OF CESAR laying on the bed,and CESAR'S BOOTS laying
on the floor at the foot of the bed. Exit the room and go down stairs. Turn 
around and enter you father,Nostradamus room,turn left and take the LIGHTER
laying on the table. Examine the picture to see about the Signs Of The Zodiac.
Turn around,go down the hall,turn around and enter your mothers room.

Turn around and open both drawers of the nightstand and take the STRIP OF
CLOTH and SHOULDERPADS, Turn around and take the LONG WIG off the
head. Open the drawer and take the RECIPE FOR COLORING CREAM. Close
the drawer,turn around,exit the room,turn right and go down the stairs. Take
the HAT hanging on the peg,look on the corner of the table and take the 
EYEGLASSES. Turn right and go outside. Laying on the ground take the APPLES
and the PAIL. Look up and take the SQUASH.

Turn right,go forwards,turn left and take the LONG ROPE laying on the ground.
Turn right and go towards the closed door,turn left and grab some CLAY. Turn
around and go towards the well. Lower the pail in the well by turning the
handle,raise the pail and the rope breaks. Use the Long Rope to switch out
the broken rope. Take the Pail and attach it to the rope. Again lower the pail
into the well and raise the pail back up to see the pail full of water.

Turn around and enter the kitchen. Take the RECIPIENTS OF ALL SORTS laying
on the table. Turn around,go to the well and use the Recipients Of All Sorts on
the pail of water to get WATER. Turn back around go thru the kitchen,turn left
and go up the stairs. Go forwards,enter the room and go towards your father.

Dress Like Your Brother Cesar

Put the shoulder pads on

Put the strip of cloth on

Put the clothing of Cesar on

Put Cessar's boots on

Take the Magnifying Glass from your tool-kit your father gave you and examine
the Long Wig. Take the Scissors and cut the Long Wig to make a MUSTACHE
and a SHORT WIG.

Put the short wig on

Put the mustache on

Put the eyeglasses on

Put the hat on

Exit the Inventory and talk to your father. Go forwards and enter the study 
room. Go to your Inventory and place the Recipe For Coloring Cream in your
Notebook. Ingredients:Water,Oil,Beeswax and Clay. Turn left and examine all
the ingredients on the shelf. Going from left to right.

Top Shelf:Grated Nutmeg,Alcohol,Iron Fillings,Honey,Sparrow Blood,Wine,Mulled

Middle Shelf:Iris Illyrica,Powered Absinthe,Musk,Pepper,Ginger,Sugar,Vinegar,

Bottom Shelf:Clove,Gunpowder,Rose Petal Juice,Beeswax,Sage,Eucalyptus Leaves,

Making The Coloring Cream

Take the Clay from the Inventory and put it in the bowl. Take the Pestle to
crush the Clay. Take the Spoon,and get a spoonful of Clay and put it in the
cooking pot.

Use the spoon to get some Beeswax and put it in the cooking pot.

Use the Pipette to get some Oil and put in in the cooking pot

Take the Water from the Inventory and put it in the cooking pot.

Open the stove and take some KINDLING WOOD from the basket. Place the Kindling
Wood in the stove and use the Lighter to light the wood. Close the stove and
turn the handle to heat the ingredients. Use the Recipients Of All Sorts on the
cooking pot to get the COLORING CREAM. Turn around and go talk to your father.
Go to your Inventory and take the ASTROLOGICAL TEST SHEETS and put them in
your notebook.

The Zodiac Puzzle
The Sun button moves the list upward.
The Double Moon button switches the bottom two signs.
You have to put Signs Of The Zodiac in order like so..


I put them in order from the bottom to the top
Press the....

Double Moon 
Sun 8 Times
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Sun 8 Times
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Sun 7 Times
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Sun 6 Times
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Sun 5 Times
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Sun 4 Times
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Sun 4 Times
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Sun 3 Times
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Sun 2 Times
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Sun 2 Times
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon
Double Moon

The Planets Puzzle
The top right arrow moves the planets and the signs clockwise.
The left/right arrow switches the planent and/or sign when they are in the 
Press the....

Top Right
Bottom Left/Right
Top Right 2 Times
Bottom Left/Right
Top Right 3 Times
Bottom Left/Right
Top Right 6 Times
Use the Compass from your tool-kit and use it on the crosshair of the notes.
Spin the Compass around to make a circle. Spin the Compass around again to 
make another circle. Use the Quill in the center of the circle. Put the Quill
back in the tool-kit,exit the Inventory and talk to your father.

The Voice Test

On the right side,lower you Tone all the way down and the Timbre all the way
up. Each time your father will ask you a question you will have to lower
the Tone and raise the Timbre.

Q:Say see how you place your voice

Q:What's the first sign of the zodiac?

Q:What zodiac sign rules the heart?

Q:What common product is often used to avoid contagion?

Q:How do you determine someone's sign?
A:According to the position of the sun in his natal sky.

Thursday,March 28,1566
Go forward,turn right,enter the kitchen and turn around. Examine the mixture 
and you will automatically take the FAULTY PART. Exit the kitchen,turn left and
go thru the open doors. Earthquake! Turn left and take the GARLIC laying on the
table. Turn right,go forwards three times. Take the ROPE hanging on the peg.
Turn left and knock on the door to talk to the blacksmith,to see if we can use
his tools for a moment. Turn around,look on the ground and pick up the PIECE

Turn around and place the Piece Of Metal in the forge. Click on the handle 
(in front of you,on the right) to move the bellis to raise the flames. Take 
the Tongs and pick up the Piece Of Metal and place it on the anvil. Take the
Wire Cutter and use them to cut the Piece Of Metal. Turn left and put the Piece
Of Metal in the pail of water. Put the Tongs back and take  the CUT PIECE
OF METAL out of the pail of water. Turn around and go back to the kitchen.

Turn around and use the Cut Piece Of Metal on the mixture. Click on the handle
on the right to raise the mixture. To the left of the mixture,hanging on the 
wall,read the recipe on how to make bread.

Knead Together:
Flour x 2
Let Rise Then Bake

Take 2 scoops of Flour and put it in the mixture.
Take the Water from the Inventory and put it in the mixture (if you don't have
water in the Inventory,go to the well and get some water)
Take the Spoon and get some Salt and put it in the mixture
Take the Spoon and get some Yest and put it in the mixture

Click on the handle on the right to lower the mixture and click on the handle
on the left to mix all the ingredients. Turn around and use the Lighter on the
sticks in the oven. Turn back around,pick up the Bread Dough out of the mixture
and place it on the Breadboard. Take the Breadboard,turn around and place the
Bread Dough in the oven next to the fire. Watch the bread cook. Pick the bread
up when the bread turns brown,but do not burn the bread.

Look above the cooking pot and read the ingredients on how to make Squash
And Apple Jam With Ginger.

Mix together in a large cooking pot:
Sugar x 3
Cinnamon and Ginger
Simmer until ready. Pour in jars.

Go to your Inventory and put the Squash and Apples in the cooking pot.
Turn around,grab the spoon and put 3 spoonful of Sugar in the cooking pot.
Get a spoonful of Mixture Of Cinnamon And Ginger and put it in the cooking pot.
Turn around,put the spoon on the table,turn back around and take a Log and put
the log underneath the cooking pot.
Go to your Inventory and take the Recipients Of All Sorts and use it on the 
cooking pot to get the JAR OF JAM. Exit the kitchen and go back to the

Knock on the door to give the blacksmith the bread. Turn around,go forward,
left,forward. Turn right and take the FENUGRECK. Go forward,take the WEDGE 
that's behind the wagon wheel. Turn around and take SWALLOWWORT. Turn left,
forward,right,and forward down the path. Turn right and take the ALOE hanging
above the door. Take the ORRIS in the flower pot. Turn right,go up the path and
enter the castle.

Go across the drawbridge and go forward three times,turn right and go up the
stairs. Enter the room,turn right and enter Catherine's Room. Talk to the her.
She will automatically give you the QUATRAIN and you will automatically give 
her the Jar Of Jam. Go to your Inventory and put the Quatrain in your notebook.
Exit the room and talk to The Scribe. He will automatically give you the 
SCRIBE'S NOTES. Take the Scribe's Notes and put them in your notebook.
Exit the Inventory,turn around and go down stairs. 

Turn left,forward,left and enter the Library. Take the Perch that's laying
against the bookshelf and use it to remove the LANTERN that's hanging on
the hook on the ceiling. Put the Perch back against the bookshelf,take the
Rope from your Inventory and put it on top of the Perch. Use the Perch to put
the Rope on the hook. Put the Perch back against the bookshelf. Attach the
rope to the back of the bookshelf,bring the rope down then quickly tie the 
rope to the leg of the desk.

Move the cursor to the right just alittle to see a set of pliers. Click the 
left mouse button to bring your tool-kit up. Take the Magnifying Glass and
examine the books on the floor next to the bench. Examine the blood on the
floor,then examine the books. Click on the X to go back. 

Use the Magnifying Glass on the bottom of the bookshelf that fell over and we
just rasied it back up. Take the SAWDUST. Click on the X to go back.

Use the Magnifying Glass on the desk and read the book,then pick up the
CRUMPLED PAPER. Jean-Aime de Chavigry will automatically will start talking
to you,then you will enter the Chapel. Pull the sheet back and examine the body
Pick up PHILIBERT'S KEY laying next to him. Use the Magnifying Glass on his 
head. Take the Tongs and use them on his forehead (where the blood is)
and take the SPLINTER. Then examine his mouth/lips. Press the X button to go

Turn around and go back into the Library. Go forward,turn left,forward and turn
left. Open the closet and click on the Rag. Something fell! Put the Rag back on
the shelf,look down and pick up the SMALL PACKAGE. Go to your Inventory and
use the Magnifying Glass on the Crumbled Paper. Click on the Crumbled Paper
to unravel it to find out that it's a Map. Move the Map over and put it in 
you notebook.

Use the Magnifying Glass on the Small Package,use the Scissors or the Scalpel
Put Philibert's Note in your notebook. Use the Scalpel on Philibert's Note to
remove the red ink or blood then use the Quill on the Note. Exit the Library,
go up the stairs,turn around and enter the second room on your right,Chavigry's

Talk to Jean-Aime. Exit the Castle and go back and talk to your father. He's
in the Study Room,where you made the Coloring Cream. Go to your Inventory
and click on the Scribe's Notes. It's located below the Recipes and above the
Map on the right side. It has a picture of a tombstome that says R.I.P.
Take the Quill and use it on the lines to make zodiac signs. You can't use the
Quill on Gustave Meunier or Jacques Babin because we don't know when they
were born. Exit the Inventory and talk to your father.

Go forward four times,turn right and go forwards twice. You should be back at
the wood wagon. Move the wagon and take the MANDRAKE that's underneath the
gallow. Turn around and go back to talk to your father. Enter the Study Room 
and pick up the SHEETS OF PARCHMENT laying on the table to your left. Go to
your Inventory and put the Sage Wine With Mandrake and Incense Powder To
Induce Hypnosis in your Notebook.

Incense Powder To Induce Hypnosis
All three ground to powder

Put the Swallowwort in the bowl,use the Pestle to crush it,use the Spoon to get
the crushed Swallowwort and put it in the cooking pot.

Take the Fenugreek,put it in the bowl,use the Pestle to crush it,use the Spoon
to get the crushed Fenugreek and put it in the cooking pot.

Use the Spoon to get Powdered Absinthe (middle shelf) and put it in the cooking

Go to your Inventory and take the Recipients Of All Sorts and use it on the

Sage Wine With Mandrake
Heat Together:
To finish,add some powdered mandrake root to facilitate access to a state of

Take the Pipette and get some Wine (top shelf) and put it in the cooking pot.

Take the Spoon and get some Sage (bottom shelf) and put it in the cooking pot.

Take the Spoon and get some Cinnamon (bottom shelf) and put it in the cooking

Take the Spoon and get some Pepper (middle shelf) and put it in the cooking pot

Take the Spoon and get some Ginger (middle shelf) and put it in the cooking pot

Take the Spoon and get some Honey (top shelf) and put it in the cooking pot.

Go to your Inventory and use the Magnifying Glass on the Mandrake. Use the 
Scissors or the Scalpel to cut the root.

Put the Mandrake Root in the bowl and use the Pestle to crush it. Take the 
Spoon and get the crush Mandrake Root and put it in the cooking pot. Turn
the handle (if necessary) to heat all the ingredients. Use the Recipients Of
All Sorts on the cooking pot to get SAGE WINE WITH MANDRAKE.

Go back to your father and talk to him. Pour the Incense Powder To Induce
Hypnosis in the bowl sitting in front of him and give him the bottle of Sage
With Mandrake. Use the Lighter to light the bowl of Incense Powder To 
Induce Hypnosis. Take the MEDALLION that he's wearing around his neck.
Turn right,go forward twice and go up the stairs. Turn around and use the
Medallion on the door.

The Door Puzzle
Notice the numbers/degree going around the disk. On the top going clock-wise
5,10,15,20,25....all the way around to 360 degrees. On the Medallion 
NOSTRADAMUS is on the top and the Moon is on the bottom left,Saturn on the
bottom and the sun is on the bottom right. You have to turn the Moon,Saturn &
the Sun around so they match the position on the Meadallion,plus the Medallion
has to turn around to it's original position.

Turn the Sun clockwise to 140 degree

Turn the Moon counter-clockwise to 205 degree

Turn Saturn clockwise to 185 degree

Turn the Moon clockwise to 225 degree

Turn Saturn clockwise to 185 degree

Enter the room,turn around and take NOSTRADAMUS SMALL ENGRAVED STONE on the
bottom shelf sitting next to the golden globe.

Friday,March 29,1566
Exit your bedroom,go down stairs and talk to your father. Go to your Inventory
and put Cesar's clothes on. Go back to the Library and talk to Jean-Aime de
Chavigny. There is a key sitting next to him for his room,we need it. Go back
outside,across the draw bridge and get 2 pieces of CLAY. Enter the Chapel and
put your Dress on. Go to your Inventory and click on the Clay so you will have
it ready to use. Talk to Jean-Aime,with his back turned,quickly use the Clay
on the key to get an IMPRESSION OF CHAVIGRY KEY. Enter the Chapel and put
Cesar's clothes back on.

Go back into the Library and talk to The Scribe sitting at the desk. Exit the 
Castle,turn right and go towards the wooden wagon,pick up some CYPRESS WOOD.
Go back to the blacksmith. Knock on the door and talk to the blacksmith. Go
back to your father and talk to him. Enter the Study Room and read the notes
on his desk. Take the PHIAL sitting on top of stacked of books next to the
window. Use the Magnifying Glass to examine the Phial. Use the Tongs to take
the recipe out of the bottle. Put the recipe in your notebook.

Incense Powder Against The Plague
Powdered cypress wood,orris,and aloe
Juice of red rose petals
Finish with ambergris

Take the Cypress Wood put it in the bowl,use the Pestle to crush it,take the
Spoon and get the powdered Cypress Wood and put it in the cooking pot.

Take the Orris put it in the bowl,use the Pestle to crush it,take the Spoon
and get some powdered Orris and put it in the cooking pot.

Take the Aloe put it in the bowl,use the Pestle to crush it,take the Spoon
to get the powdered Aloe and put it in the cooking pot.

Use the Spoon to get Clove (bottom shelf) and put it in the cooking pot.

Use the Pipette to get Rose Petal Juice (bottom shelf) and put it in the
cooking pot.

Take the Phial Of Ambergris and put it in the cooking pot.

Turn the handle (if needed) to heat all the ingredients. Take the Recipients
Of All Sorts and use it on the cooking pot to get Preparation Against The
Plague. Go back to the blacksmith and knock on the door. He will ask you to
come back later while he makes the key,just go up to the wooden wagon and come
back. Knock on the door and go back to the castle.

Go up the stairs,turn around and use the COPY OF CHAVIGNY'S KEY to unlock
his door. Enter and examine the green book laying on the desk,take PHILIBERT'S
NOTE and close the book. Turn right and open the writing desk. Use the
Magnifying Glass to get a close look. Open the drawer and take the CHART.
Close the drawer and grab the Scalpel. Use the Scalpel to cut the cloth on the
right side. Use the Tongs to get a PARCHMENT. Jean-Aime will talk to you.

Click on the guard to roll him over. Use the Magnifying Glass on the pool
of blood. Use the Compass on the footprint. Examine the guards waist. Take the
LETTER from underneath his belt. Press the X button twice to go back.

Go to your Inventory and put the Parchment,Philibert's Note and the Chart in
the notebook. Take the Magnifying Glass to examine the Letter. Use the
Scalpel or the Scissors to cut the letter open to get a RED ROSE. Continue
going down the hall and enter the guard's room. Take the BEDSHEET from the
bed,examine the empty bottle and examine the knives on the wall. Go back to the
dead guard and use the Bedsheet to cover him up. Go to the Catherine's Room and
talk to the guard.

Turn around,knock on the Constance door and talk to her. As your about
to leave she will ask you to do her a favor and she will give you some 
AMBERGRIS. Talk to your father and he will give you the KEY TO THE DRAWER
OF NOSTRADAMUS DESK. Enter the Study Room and use the Key to unlock the
drawer,take the BIRTH CHART OF HENERY OF NAVARRE. Close the drawer and
go up stairs.

Turn around and enter the observatory. Open the french doors and look down to
see 12 constellations. Look in your Diary and turn back to where you solved the
Zodiac Puzzle to see the name of the signs. Starting on the far left going


Turn around and read the note on the middle shelf,above the golden globe.

Solar Return Machine
1.Place natal chart in drawer.
2.Move planets in position corresponding to natal chart.
3.Set counter to person's age.
4 Turn crank
5. Remove chart with solar return printed in it's center.

Use the Magnifying Glass on the Birth Chart Of Henry Of Navarre. I drawed the
chart with the zodiac signs and the planets. Keep in mind of the position of
the planets and which zodiac sign goes with each planet. Exit the Inventory
and look down at the machine.

Solar Return Machine Puzzle
Open the drawer/tray,place the birth chart inside and close the drawer. Examine
the machine. Click on the ? mark to get the clue.

Henry of Navarre,born December 14,1553,at 1:30 AM in Pau.

Moon at 26 degrees Aries
Mercury at 6 degrees Capricorn
Venus at 24 degrees Scorpio
Mars at 16 degrees Capricorn
Jupiter at 4 degrees Libra
Saturn at 10 degrees Pisces

NOTE:When I say position the Moon,Venus etc etc...don't look at the planets,but
look at the light brown "tags" (I don't know) look at the small brown line at
the end of the light brown "tags". If you don't understand this puzzle then
go to to see a picture of the solution.

Turn the Moon counter-clockwise to Aries. Position the Moon so it lines up
with the V. Move the Moon to the left 6 times.

Turn Saturn counter-clockwise to Pises. Ok,you see that medium line that's
inbetween the Pises symbol. Position Saturn to the right of that line. Move
Saturn to the right 2 times. The brown line should align with the long line,
right of the Pises symbol.

Turn Mars counter-clockwise to Capricorn. Again,see that medium line that is
pointing underneath the O on the V. Position Mars above that line.

Turn Mercury counter-clockwise to Capricorn. Position Mercury right BESIDE Mars

Turn Venus counter-clockwise to Scorpio. See that medium line that is pointing
infront of the M,the curve. Positon Venus on that line and move to the right
once,maybe twice.

Turn Jupiter counter-clockwise to Libra. See that long line underneath the
Libra symbol on the left. Position Jupiter so that the brown line aligns with
that long line. Move Jupiter to the left 3 times.

On the top set the counter to 12. Press the X button to go back. Turn the
Enter your brother's room,turn right an examine the picture of Cesar. Draw the
3 constellations in the sky. Go back in to the Obseratory and look for the 3
constellations from the picture. Go back to Cesar's Room and remove the red 

The Chest Puzzle
Use the Magnifying Glass to get a closer look. Use the Compass or the
Scalpel to move the metal rod to the left. Use the Tongs to get the METAL
ROD. Click on the black panel to open it. Move the round dials up or down
to enter the code:Libra,Aquarius,Gemini.
Take the METAL BAR. Open the chest and get the SHEET. Close the chest and go
to your Inventory. Put the Birth Chart and the Sheet in your notebook. Go down
stairs and go back outside. Turn right,forward twice,left,forward twice and 
left. Take the ALOE hanging above the door. Go back up stairs and enter the
Study Room. Go to your Inventory and look at the Recipes.

Aphrodisiac Potion

Blend together and heat the following ingredients:
Iron filings
Sparrow blood
Sweet mulled wine
Powdered aloe
Iris illyrica root
To finish,add mandrake berries,then some ambergris

Take the Spoon,get some Iron Filings (top shelf) and put it in the cooking pot.

Take the Pipette,get some Sparrow Blood (top shelf) and put it in the cooking

Take the Pipette,get some Musk (middle shelf) and put it in the cooking pot.

Take the Spoon,get some Cinnamon (bottom shelf) and put it in the cooking pot.

Take the Spoon,get some Clove (bottom shelf) and put it in the cooking pot.

Take the Pipette,get some Mulled Wine (top shelf) and put it in the cooking pot

Take the Spoon,get some Sugar (middle shelf) and put it in the cooking pot.

Take the Aloe,put it in the bowl,use the Pestle to crush it,use the Spoon to
get the powdered Aloe and put it in the cooking pot.

Take the Spoon,get some Nutmeg (top shelf) and put it in the cooking pot.

Take the Spoon,get some Iris Illyrica (middle shelf) and put it in the cooking

Take the Mandrake Berries and put them in the cooking pot.

Take the Ambergris and put it in the cooking pot.

Turn the handle (if needed) to heat all the ingredients. Take the Recipients
Of All Sorts and use them on the cooking pot to get APHRODISIAC POTION.

Saturday,March 30,1566
Put Cesar's clothes on,go down stairs and talk to your father. Go back to the
castle and talk to Catherine. Exit the room and go past the stairs. Pick up
FRAGMENT OF PHILIBERT'S MAP. Go to your Inventory and put Philibert's
Map in your notebook and find out that there is a hidden room in the 
Scriptorium. Enter Jean-Aime's Room and talk to him. Go down the stairs and
enter the Library. Go to where you opened the closet.

Turn around and look on the 3rd bookshelf from the bottom. Move the books over
and go to the Inventory. Use the Magnifying Glass on Philibert's Key. Take the
Compass or the Scalpel to seperate the end of the key. Use Philibert's Key on
the lock on the bookshelf and go inside. Look up and use the Lighter to light
the candles. Turn left and examine the book. Go forwards and turn left. Take
the green book that says AMP on the spine,turn around,set the book down and
open it. Take PHILIBERT'S NOTE.

Oh no! Someone's coming. Exit the hidden room and you will automatically go
outside. Go to your Inventory and put Philibert's Note in the notebook. Turn 
right and go up the stairs. Enter Constance Room and talk to her. She will
ask you if you want to try the Aphrodisiac Potion. Say yes!

The Dice Game
The solution to this game is random so good luck! The object of the game is to
roll a dice or dices that add's up to the number she gives you. You will have
5 chances to try and guess,she will give you a clue. If you lose you have to
give her an item. But if you win she has to answer your questions. Ask her....

I need to learn more about Philibert. Did you know him?

And she will give you a MEDALLION. Win again to ask her the second question.
You only have to wiin twice,but you can play as long as you like.
Go back to the Library and use Philibert's Key to open the bookshelf. Go 
forward once.

Floor Puzzle Part 1
Go to you Inventory. Use the Magnifying Glass on the Medallion. Look at the
letters S I D H. Flip the Medallion over,figure out which letter goes with the
symbols. Think of this as a mirror.

S = Straight line with a X in the middle
I = ? Line with a dot in the middle
D = Straight Line
H = Backwards N with a line

Look down,right and press the top left square.

Go towards the bookshelf,turn around,look down,left and press the bottom left

Go towards the entance,turn around,look down,left and press the top right 

Go towards the bookshelf,turn around,right and press the bottom right square

Floor Puzzle Part 2
Look down and notice you can move the floor pieces up,down,left,right. Move
the pieces until you see a hole. You should be facing the entrance,look down.

On the bottom move the 2 horizonal pieces to the right.

On the left move the 2 long vertical pieces down.

In the middle the horizonal piece above the 2 small vertical pieces,move it to
the left twice.

In the middle move the 2 small vertical pieces up.

On the right move the horizonal piece to the left twice.

On the right move the 2 long vertical pieces down

In the upper middle move the horizonal piece to the right twice

On the top move the left horizonal piece to the left. Move the right horizonal
piece to the right.

In the middle move the 2 small vertical pieces up twice
Look up and use the Rope on the lights and go down the Rope. SAVE YOUR GAME!!!
forwards and pick up the SWORD and the SHEILD. Go to your Inventory and use the
Magnifying Glass on Philibert's Engraved Stone. Flip the stone over to see the
word TOMBE. Use Nostradamus Small Engraved Stone on the lower left of the wall.
And use Philibert's Engraved Stone on the upper right side of the wall.

Oh No! The gallery is collapsing. Immediately!!! Go to your Inventory,take the
Sheild and press the X to go back. The Sheild should be over your head. Then
go forwards VERY,VERY fast. If you die you will start back at the wall. Go up
the Rope. Go back to the blacksmith. Place the Sword in the forge. Click on
the handle to move the bellis to raise the flame. Take the Tongs,pick up the
Sword and put it on the anvil. Use the Sledgehammer on the Sword. Put the Sword
in the pail of water,put the Tongs back and take the Sword. Go to your 
Inventory and look in your Diary.

The Alphabet Wheel Puzzle
Use the Quill of the top left corner of the page to spell out the word TOMBE.
Use the Compass in the center of the symbol wheel and spin the compass around
to make the alphabet wheel. What you have to do is turn the wheels around and
press the arrow in the center to see if the alphabet matches the symbols.
NOTE: I turned each wheel counter-clockwise.

Turn the alphabet wheel to the letter B

Turn the symbol wheel 3 times. Click on the arrow.

Turn the alphabet wheel to the letter C

Turn the symbol wheel 3 times. Click on the arrow.

Turn the alphabet wheel to the letter D

Turn the symbol wheel 3 times. Click on the arrow.

Get the idea? Continue doing this until you have go thu all the alphabets.
Go back to the castle,go up stairs and turn around. Enter the first room on
the right,the Scribe's Room.

Use the Magnifying Glass and examine his head.

Use the Magnifying Glass and examine his hand. Take the SCRIBE'S NOTEBOOK 
and look at his finger tip.

Use the Magnifying Glass on his feet. Use the Compass to measure his shoes.

Go to your Inventory,take the Magnifying Glass and examine the Scribe's
Notebook. Use the Scalpel to cut the notebook and get a SHEET and the SCRIBE
MONK'S KEY. Exit the room. Go and talk to your father then go up stairs and
enter the Observatory.

The Planets/Weights Puzzle
Look down and take the weights and the pieces to the planets from the chest,
You should have.
1 Ring
2 Satellite
1 Venus
5 Heavy Weights
4 Medium Weights
3 Small Weights
What you have to do is use the weights and the pieces to make the bars straight
Staring at the top and going down

Saturn-On the left. Heavy Weight,Heavy Weight. On the right. Ring,Small Weight

Jupiter-On the right. Medium Weight,Heavy Weight,Medium Weight.

Mars-On the left. Heavy Weight. On the right. Medium Weight,Satellite

Earth-On the left. Small Weight,Satellite. On the right.Heavy Weight.

Venus-On the left. Medium Weight. On the right. Venus.

Mercury-On the right. Small Weight.
Talk to your father. Go down stairs and go outside. Lower the pail in the well
and bring the pail back up. Use the Recipients Of All Sorts to get WATER. Go
up stairs and enter the Study Room.

Make Eucalyptus Tea

Take the Spoon,get some Eucalyptus Leaves and put it in the cooking pot.

Take the Water and use it on the cooking pot.

Turn the handle (if nedded) to heat the tea. Use the Recipients Of All Sorts
on the cooking pot to get EUCALYPTUS TEA. Go to your Inventory and take the
tea and give it too yourself. Go up stairs and go to bed.

Sunday,March 31,1566
Put Cesar's clothes on and go down stairs and talk to your father. Go to your
Inventory,use the Magnifying Glass on "Astronomia Magna" Of Paracelsus,Book IV
and open the book. Take Philibert's Note and put it in the notebook. Go back
to the Chapel and pull the sheet back to discover there's no body. Exit the
Chapel,go up stairs,turn around and enter The Scribe's Room.

Use the Scribe Monk's Key to open the chest. Take the MONK'S COWL and
PHILIBERT'S NOTE. Use the Magnifying Glass to examine the Chest. Take the
SAWDUST. Exit the room and enter Constance Room. Use the Magnifying Glass
on the head. Use the Magnifying Glass on the letter. Try and take the letter.
Go to your Inventory and put the Monk's Cowl on. Exit the room,turn right, go
past the stairs,down the hall and enter the Guard's Room.

Talk to Jean-Aime. He will give you CHAVIGNY'S KEY. Go to his room,unlock
the door and enter. Turn right and use the Magnifying Glass on the green book.
Open the book and take the PENTAGRAM ENGRAVING. Click on the book to read it.
Use the Scissors or the Scalpel to cut the page out of the book. Go to your 
Inventory and put Philibert's Note,Last Prophecy Published In Nostradamus
"Centuries" and the Pentagram Engraving in the notebook. Exit the room and
enter Catherine's Room. She will ask you a couple of questions,select these

I have not come to defend my own head.

I know that no explanation will satisfy you completely. So the only way to
convince you is to catch the real guilty party.

You've nothing to lose by letting me try. If I'm mistaken,or don't manage to
convince you,we both know that I have little chance of escaping.

You would never come here if you hadn't the utmost faith in my father. Let me
prove to you that wasn't an error,you won't be disappointed.

Someone so clever that today he seems above suspicion.....

Go downstairs,turn right,and enter the Chapel. SAVE YOUR GAME!!!! Because the
next four puzzles you're about to do are timed. You can save your game after
each puzzle. If you die then you will have to start all over. Go towards the
Alter,watch the cutscene and listen to The Scribe. When he's done talking
examine the front of the Alter.

The Pentagram Puzzle
What you have to do is click and hold the small round dots and turn the rings
around to make a Pentagram,also the numbers inside the Pentagram have to be
vertical in the top,right,bottom left and bottom right of the triangles. Let's
say the dot on the inner circle is 1 and the dot on the outer circle is 5.

Turn #1 clockwise 2 times

Turn #2 clockwise 2 times

Turn #3 counter-clockwise 3 times

Turn #4 clockwise 1 time

Turn #5 clockwise 3 times
Remove the GLASS PENTAGRAM and take the STAND. Go to your Inventory and open
your Diary to the page where is shows a picture of a pentagram.

The Diary Puzzle
Look underneath the paragraph at the numbers.


What you have to do is take the Quill and underline certain letters. Look at 
the numbers 2-10-21. Start on the top line of the paragraph count each letter
and hyphen. 2 underline the letter L. 10 underline the letter I. I will right
down each sentence and capitalize the letters you have to underline





Letters will appear on the page. Click on the letters to spell MADELEINE
Exit the Inventory and ask The Scribe. "Did you notice any strange inscriptions
in a script quite different from ours? Turn around.

The Pillar Puzzle
Look at the first pillar to your left. You have to spell Madeleine on the 6
pillars. Click on the ? mark to get the symbols for the letters.

1st Pillar on the left-Turn the top to the right 2 times. Turn the bottom to 
the right 4 times.

2nd Pillar on the left-Turn the bottom to the right 4 times.

Go forwards toward the back wall.

Pillar on the left-Turn the top to the right 2 times. Turn the bottom to the
right 4 times.

Pillar on the right-Turn the bottom to the right 4 times

Turn right and look at the 2nd Pillar-Turn the top to the right 4 times. Turn
the bottom to the right 2 times

1st Pillar on the right-Turn the top to the right 5 times. Turn the bottom to
the right 1 time

The Mirror Puzzle
Go to your Inventory. Use the Magnifying Glass on the Stand. Click on the 
Stand to make it longer. Put the Stand on top of the Alter. Put the Glass
Pentagram on top of the Stand. You have to click on the mirror to make the
light bounce off of one another. Just follow the light.

1st Mirror-Click on the bottom of the mirror 3 times

2nd Mirror-Click on the top of the mirror 3 times,click on the left 2 times

Go to the back wall and turn left.

3rd Mirror-Click on the bottom of the mirror 3 times

4th Mirror-Click on the top of the mirror 2 times,click on the right 1 time

5th Mirror-Click on the left side of the mirror 1 time,click on the bottom 3 
Look down on the ground and use the Metal Bar. Turn around and pick up the
STONE HEAD laying on the ground at the bottom of the stairs. Turn right and 
put the Stone Head on the statue. Place the Sword in the statues hands.
Enter the treasure room.

My total score:334
Starting writing this guide on 7/11/10

Finish the guide on 7/19/10

Thanks to Kheops Studio,M Zone Studio,Microids,Encore,Totem Studio,MC2 &
Elektrogames for making this game.

Thanks to CjayC for posting this on

Please do not steal my guide.

Other guides I've written

Amerzone:The Explorer's Legacy PC
Barrow Hill:Curse Of The Ancient Circle PC
Cleopatra:Riddle Of The Tomb PC
Riddle Of The Sphinx PC
Dark Fall:The Journal PC
Dark Fall 2:Light's Out PC
Rhem 2:The Cave PC
Rhem 3:The Secret Library PC
The Legend Of Lotus Spring PC 

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