
Obscure 2 Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 

 Obscure 2

Obscure 2

{                  ____  __                                 ___                }
{                 / __ \/ /_  ____________  __________     |__ \               }
{                / / / / __ \/ ___/ ___/ / / / ___/ _ \    __/ /               }
{               / /_/ / /_/ (__  ) /__/ /_/ / /  /  __/   / __/                }
{               \____/_.___/____/\___/\__,_/_/   \___/   /____/                }
{                                                                              }
{                                                                              }
{                                                                              }
{                          Walkthrough By Mark Davies                          }
{                                                                              }
{                               (c) March 2008                                 }
{                                                                              }
{                                  Version 1                                   }
{                                                                              }

{                                                                              }
{                                  Contents                                    }
{                                                                              }

  01 - Introduction
  02 - General Notes
  03 - Enemies
  04 - Weapons
  05 - Mini Games
  06 - Walkthrough
  07 - Gamma Theta Delta Motto

{                                                                              }
{                              01 - Introduction                               }
{                                                                              }

This is a guide to the Obscure 2 game.  I do not intend on rehashing the manual 
so you should refer to it if you are unsure of controls etc.  

I decided to write the walkthrough after writing one for the first episode.  I 
have seen other walkthroughs that don't have as much detail as this 
walkthrough.  My walkthrough also includes maps with item locations marked to 
make it easier to navigate the game.  

This guide has been written by me after some long painstaking effort so please 
do not rip my walkthrough off.  Finally it will contain SPOILERS so only read 
if you are really stuck.  

ASCII art header created using:

{                                                                              }
{                              02 - General Notes                              }
{                                                                              }

1) Whenever you find a soda machine break it open to get ENERGY DRINK.
2) FIRST AID KITS, ENERGY DRINKS and SERUM restore health.
3) Having one player use the STUN GUN and the other to use the melee weapon is 
   a great way to kill the annoying flying monsters.
4) Always keep you BATTERY recharged when possible.
5) Break open every crate you find, some contain ammunition.
6) Remember that melee weapons can hurt your other player if you’re not careful.
7) When playing a single player game, the computer character will choose what 
   weapon to use based on what you have given them.  If you want to conserve 
   ammunition, don't give them guns!
8) Ammunition for weapons seems to change between games.  The maps I have 
   included will show where I found ammunition, this may not be the same in 
   your game.  For example, in the freaks house you can find a FLASHBANG
   GRENADE either upstairs on the landing or downstairs in the cellar but not 
   in both locations.  Depends on which one you go to first
9) Items you can pick up are listed in CAPITALS in the walkthrough to make them 
   easier to spot.

{                                                                              }
{                                03 - Enemies                                  }
{                                                                              }

There are several monsters encountered through the game.  There are no specific 
names that I have found in the game so I have named them myself.  All monsters 
are vulnerable to all weapons, but some are more useful than others against 
certain enemies.  

1) Spider Monsters
So called because they look like large spiders.  Usually attack in numbers and 
are very quick.  Can jump on you and attack your head (have to use SPACE to 
shake off).  Best killed with melee weapons, don't waste bullets on these.

2) Flying Monsters
These look like heads with legs that look like teeth.  Best killed with one 
character using stun gun and the other using a melee weapon.  Best to avoid 
wasting bullets on these.

3) Mr Blobby
These are large humanoid monsters that are very slow moving but have a decent 
melee attack.  First encountered in the upper floor of the brotherhood 
fraternity house.  Shoot these from range or stun them and use melee attacks.

4) Split Heads
These are larger humanoid monsters whose head literally splits open.  They have 
a very powerful melee attack and are best killed with guns from a distance.  
If you encounter these alone you can stun them and use melee attacks.

5) Crawlers
These look like dogs, are very quick and use melee attacks.  Stun and melee 
weapons work well against them.  Can use guns but probably best to save the 

6) Breeders
These are slow blobs that are usually accompanied by several spider monsters.  
They have a large tongue that shoots out to attack you and when you kill them 
several spider monsters burst from their bodies.  Best to use guns to take 
these out, FLASHBANG GRENADES are particularly effective against these.

7) Small Humanoids
You first meet these in the sewer tunnel of the dam.  Slow melee attacking 
monsters.  Also meet these again in the school.

{                                                                              }
{                                04 - Weapons                                  }
{                                                                              }

The weapons can be split into three groups; melee, guns and projectiles.  

Melee Weapons

BASEBALL BAT        - Found outside the brotherhood fraternity house.
SPIKED BASEBALL BAT - Found in the basement of the college (this is the best 
                      melee weapon, which seems to deal the most damage).
HOCKEY STICK        - Found outside the brotherhood fraternity house.
GOLF CLUB           - Found in the upstairs library of fraternity house.


HANDGUN             - Found in the safe in the games room on the upper floor of 
                      the fraternity house.
SHOTGUN             - Found near COREY'S car on the way to the hospital.
FLASHBALL           - Found in the box in the hospital.
FLARE GUN           - Found in the box on the inside of the dam.
CROSSBOW            - Found in the box on the first floor of the hospital.
MINI SMG            - Found in the box in the school classroom towards the end 
                      of the game.


DYNAMITE            - You need to make this in the hospital, also found in 
                      school science lab later in the game.
FLASHBANG GRENADE   - Scattered in various locations in the game.

{                                                                              }
{                               05 - Mini Games                                }
{                                                                              }

Each character has a special skill and some have little mini games that you 
need to complete in order to progress in the game.

STAN'S skill is Lock picking.  In his mini game you need to move the parts of 
the lock up and down to get the end of the lock pick into the lock.

SHANNON'S skill is Breathe in black stuff that usually blocks doors.  When she 
starts there is a bar along the top of the screen and a moving black marker.  
You have to move the white marker to match the black marker by pressing 'F' to 
move the white marker right and not pressing it will move it left.  As you 
match the black marker the bar will get shorter and eventually disappear 
completing the sub game

MEI'S skill is hacking.  Basically you need to play a matching letters game.  
You have to press SPACE to access the list of letters and move to the letter 
you want.  Then repeat for each letter.  If the letter chosen is in the word 
and in the correct location it will show as green.  Yellow letters are in the 
word but in the wrong place and red letters are not in the word at all.

{                                                                              }
{                               06 - Walkthrough                               }
{                                                                              }

This section is the complete walkthrough for the game.

Student Dormitory

Map Of Dormitory

             ___        ___    ___
            |203|      |   |  |202|
           _|___|__ ___|___|__|___|___
          |        \                  |
       ___|   _____\___    ___________|
      |204|  |         |  |
      |___|  |         |  |___
          |  |         |  |201|
       ___|  |         |  |___|
      |205|  |         |  |
      |___|  |         |  |___
          |  |         |  |200|
       ___|  |         |  \___|
      |206|  |         |  |
      |___|  |         |  |
  ________|  |_____ ___|XX|______
 |                 X             |
 |___X____    _____X___   C   ___|
   |   |  |  |         |  |  |
   |___|  |  |         |  |  |
       ___|  |         |__|UU|
      |208|  |         
      |___\  |         
          |  |         
          |  |         
        |      |

\  Unlocked door
D  Exit
U  Stairs Up
X  Locked Door

Room 208

* Start in room 208 controlling COREY and MEI.


* Exit room and go into the bathroom.


* Examine the mirror and that gives you a message "tonight come and get pissed 
  room 200 SV"


* Exit and follow the map to exit and then to room 200.

Room 200

* You'll meet SVEN and AMY, KENNY and SHANNON will also walk past the room.
* A cutscene will take place and you'll wake up in an unknown place...

Unknown Area 1

Map Of Unknown Area 1
                   |       B \
                   |  __   B  \MEI
              ___ _| |  G | \  \
             |   B   |  \G|  \  \_____________
             X   B   |        \               |
             |___B___|         \_ W           |
                                 |            |
                                 |            |
                                 |      Start |


B  Dummies
G  Grave
X  Exit

Unknown Area 1
* You start off controlling COREY.
* Look for a red light which identifies the BASEBALL BAT.
* Take the bat and follow the path left and meet up with MEI.
* To continue along the path you'll need to break the "dummies" with the bat.
* You can examine the graves of both COREY and MEI (written on wooden boards.
* Continue along the path and you'll see a man carrying off a woman in a sack.
* Break the dummies again and continue along the path.
* Go down the manhole (exit)

Tunnel Area 1

Tunnel Area 1

* Follow the tunnel straight ahead
* Its very long and linear and you'll get "visions" as you move along.
* You'll first meet Jun, merged into the left wall.
* Then you'll meet SVEN walking towards you.
* Just keep going and you'll hear a laugh and wake up in another tunnel.

Tunnel Area 2

Tunnel Area 2

* COREY now has a SHOTGUN.
* Move along tunnel to a giant flower and examine the body.
* You will then be attacked by 2 monsters, you will die and wake up in the 
  bathroom of the dormitory area.

Student Dormitory

Map Of Dormitory

             ___        ___    ___
            |203|      |   |  |202|
           _|___|__ ___|___|__|___|___
          |        X                  |
       ___|   _____X___    ___________|
      |204|  |         |  |
      |___|  |         |  |___
          |  |         |  |201|
       ___|  |         |  |___|
      |205|  |         |  |
      |___|  |         |  |___
          |  |         |  |200|
       ___|  |         |  \___|
      |206|  |         |  |
      |___|  |         |  |
  ________|  |_____ ___|XX|______
 |                 \             |
 |___X____    _____\___   C   ___|
   |   |  |  |         |  |  |
   |___|  |  |         |  |  |
       ___|  |         |__|UU|
      |208|  |         
      |___X  |         
          |  |         
          |  |         
        |      |

\  Unlocked door
U  Stairs Up
X  Locked Door

Second Floor

   _____XX________ ________ _____XX___
  X            \  |     |  \          X
  X____    ____\  |     |  \____    __X
       |  |    |  |_____|  |    |  |
       |  |    |__|     |__|    |  |
       |  |                     |  |
       |DD|                     |DD|-------|
First Floor                                |
-----------                                |
                          ___   ___        |
                         |117| |116|       |
                        _|\__|_|___|__     |
                       |              X    |
                       |_______    ___X    |
                               |  |        |
                            ___|  |        |
                           |118|  |        |
                           |___|  |        |
                               |  |        |
                            ___|  |        |
                           |119|  |        |
                           |___|  |        |
                               |  |        |
                             __|\\|____    |
                            |          X   |
                            |   _    __X   |
                            |  | |  |      |
                            |  |  DD---|   |
                            |  |       |   |
                            |  | |UU|<-----
                            |  |_|  |  | 
                            |       |  |
                            |_______|  |
Ground Floor                           |
------------                           |
                           ______|  |
                          X         |

\  Open Door
D  Stairs Down
U  Stairs Up
X  Locked Door


* You will be very badly injured and seeing is a problem.
* Exit the bathroom.


* Follow the hallway to the first right turn (blocked by student earlier).
* Exit into new hallway.
* Grab the CAN OF COKE from the stair rail to increase your health back to full.
* The doors are locked and the stairs down are blocked so you can only go up.

First Floor Dormitory

* You can only head right at the top of the stairs so head out through the open 
* Jump and cross to the other side.
* Go through doorway and down stairs to the first floor.
* Go through the doors nearest the stairs into the girl’s dormitory.
* Follow the hallway and turn left, MEI is in room 117.
* After cutscene you will now control KENNY and AMY outside the brotherhood 
  fraternity party.

Outside Brotherhood Fraternity House

Map Of Outside Brotherhood Fraternity House

    |CC                    |
    |CC                    |
    |                      |
    |               __XX __|  _______
    |              |    |  | |       |
    |           ___|    |  | |       |
    |          |        |  |_|       |
    |       ___|____XX__|______XX__W_|
    |      |
    |      X
    |      X
    |     H|
    |      |
    |      |
    |      |
    |      |
    |      |
    |__  __|
    |                            |
    |                            |
    |                            |
    |__________       ___________|
               |     |
               |     |
               |     |
               |     |
               |     |
               |     |
               |     |
               |     |
               |     |
               |     |
               |     |
               |     |

\  Open Door
C  Crate
X  Locked Door

* Follow the path up to the building.
* You can't go through the main door because it’s guarded by security.
* Note the intercom device that is next to the door (MEI can hack later)
* Head left through the door at the end.
* Grab the HOCKEY STICK and you'll be introduced to the interface.
* Grab the crate and move it to the area where the logs are and climb onto the 
* Switch to AMY (tab) and climb on the roof.
* Switch back to KENNY and enter the window on the upper balcony.
* Watch the cutscene.

Brotherhood Fraternity House - Upper Floor

Map Of Fraternity House Upper Floor

             XXX W____________
            |   |             |
            |   |____     _   |
            |   |_K__|G  | |  |
            |   |        |M|  |
            |   |____    |_|  |
            |   |____|        |
            |   |      __     |
    ________|   |_____|__|__\\|_____ _________
   |              |K__|             |         |
   |                                \         |
   |___\\________XX_S__XX___________|_____    |
   |         |                     |      |   |
   |        F|                     |      |   |
   |         |                     |      |   |
   |         |                     |      |   |
   |        V|                     |   ___|   |
   |         |                     |  D       |
   |_____I___|_____________________|  D_______|

\  Open door
D  Stairs Down
F  Safe
I  Space Invaders Machine
M  Marks On Desk
S  Switch
V  Save Point
W  Window
X  Locked Door

Small Library
* Grab the GOLF CLUB and ensure both characters have a weapon.
* Walk along between the bookcases and give AMY a boost, you should be able to 
  pick up the SMALL KEY.
* Switch to AMY and examine the marks on the desk.
* She will see the number 1873.
* Exit room.

Hallway 1
* Talk to girl, she’ll tell you to get the gun from the billiards room and 
  "they" killed her boyfriend and will be coming for you.
* Head along the hallway and attack the trophy case.
* Pick up the SMALL KEY from inside.
* Examine the switch by the door (MEI can hack into this)
* Head to end of hallway, to door with glass in.
* Attack the door to break the glass.
* Open door and enter the room.

Games Room
* On the, left near the TV, is the safe.  Use code 1873 to open it.
* Get the gun from the safe.
* Exit room and you'll encounter your first monster.

Hallway 1
* Shoot the blobby monster to Kill it and pick up the brotherhood key it drops.
* Head to the doorway where the monster came from.
* Use the BROTHERHOOD KEY on the door.
* Exit through door.
* Follow hallway and go down the stairs

Brotherhood Fraternity House - Ground Floor

Map Of Fraternity House Ground Floor

                                       |  |
                                       |  |
                                       |  |
                                       |  |
   _____                               |  |
  |     |                              |  |
  |     |                               \\ _____________
  X    C|                              |  |    _   _    |
  X     |                              |  |   |2| |1|   |
  |     X                              |  |   |_| |_|   |
  |     X                              |  |    _        |
  |     |                              |  |   |3|       |
  |     |                ___XXX____    |  |   |_|       |
  |F    |               |          |   |  |             |
  |     |               |          |   |  |             |
  |_\___|_______________|          |   |  |             |
  |   R |               |          |__ |  |_____UU      |
  |     |               |L            U|          |     |
  |     |               \           __U|__________|     |
  |     |               \          |              |     |
  |_____|F              |          |______________|_\\\_|
        |              K|                               |
        |B              |                               |

\  Open Door
1  Delta Bookcase
2  Theta Bookcase
3  Gamma Bookcase
C  CLUE (library puzzle)
R  Recharge Point
U  Stair Up
X  Locked Door

Entrance Hall
* Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS off the chair near the door opposite.
* Move the chairs and enter the room opposite.

Big Room
* Kill the two crawler monsters in the room.
* Smash the case near the door to get the SMALL KEY.
* Go to the box in the far corner and use the three SMALL KEYS you have, it 
  will open and you will get a STUN GUN.
* Grab the FIRST AID KIT off the floor.
* Kill the blobby monster that breaks through the wall.
* There is a recharge point on the wall, use it to recharge the gun.
* Exit through door on the left.

* Grab the FIRST AID.
* Have AMY examine the paper near the sink, it has a diagram on (see below)

   |                     |   |
   |                _____|   |
   |               |         |
   |           ____|         |
   |      ____|    |         |
   |     |    |    |__       |
   |     |    |       |      |
   |     |    |_______|______|
   |     |    |              |
   |_____|____|_______       |
   |                  |      |

             THETA     GAMMA

* It will tell you the locations of the bookcases in the library puzzle.
* Exit out the door you came in.

Big Room
* You'll be attacked by 2 more crawler creatures, the best tactic is to give 
  the AI controlled character the stun gun and you use a melee weapon.  
  Remember to  switch back and recharge afterwards.
* Head back to the main entrance.  

Entrance Hall
* Follow hallway and exit through door into a giant library.

* Watch out because you'll be attacked by several small crawling creatures, 
  kill with your melee weapons.
* You now need to drag the bookcases as shown on the map you found earlier.

       |     |     |
       |     |     |
       |     |     |
       |     |     |
       |     |     |
       |     |     |
             2     3

* A ladder will now be available for you to climb to the upper library.
* Follow the upper walkway to a door and exit.
* Follow walkway to a door and you'll meet RICHARD.
* Cutscene will happen and you'll be back in control of COREY and MEI.

Outside Brotherhood Fraternity House

Map Of Outside Brotherhood Fraternity House

    |                      |
    |                      |
    |                      |
    |               __XX __|  _______
    |              |    |  | |       |
    |           ___|    |  | |       |
    |          | A      |  |_|       |
    |       ___|_V_XX___|______XX__W_|
    |      |
    |      X
    |      X
    |      |
    |      |
    |      |
    |      |
    |      |
    |      |
    |__  __|
    |                            |
    |                            |
    |                            |
    |__________       ___________|
               |     |
               |     |
               |H    |
               |B    |
               |     |
               |     |
               |     |
               |     |
               |     |
               |     |
               |     |
               |     |

\  Open Door
A  BULLETS (gun unknown)
C  Crate
V  Save Point
X  Lock Door

* Walk up the path and grab the HOCKEY STICK and BASEBALL BAT.
* Equip each character with a weapon.
* Switch to MEI and use the switch by the front door.
* You have to complete a little hacking game and enter a sequence of letters.
  If letter shows as green then it is in the correct place and in the sequence.
  Yellow letters are in sequence but in the wrong place.
  Red letters are not in the sequence.
* The password when I played was MOZART.
* Enter the front door.

Brotherhood Fraternity House - Ground Floor

Entrance Hall
* Head up the stairs.

Brotherhood Fraternity House - Upper Floor

Map Of Fraternity House Upper Floor

             XXX WW___________
            |   |             |
            |   |____     _   |
            |   |____|   | |  |
            |   |        |M|  |
            |   |____    |_|  |
            |   |____|        |
            |   |      __     |
    ________|   |_____|__|__\\|_____ _________
   |              |___|             |         |
   |                                \         |
   |___\\________\\_S__XX___________|_____    |
   |         | |    |              |      |   |
   |        F| |   L|              |      |   |
   |         | |  AR|              |      |   |
   |         | |____|              |      |   |
   |        V|                     |   ___|   |
   |         |                     |  D       |
   |_____I___|_____________________|  D_______|

\  Open Door
D  Stairs Down
F  Safe
I  Space Invaders machine
M  Marks On Desk
R  Recharge Point
S  Switch
V  Save Point
W  Window
X  Exit

* Get MEI to hack the switch by the trophy case.
* Password is PICASSO.
* Open the door.

* Get the FIRST AID and HANDGUN BULLETS then exit room.
* Exit and go to the Library on the lower floor.

Brotherhood Fraternity House - Ground Floor

Map Of Fraternity House Ground Floor

                       |                            |
                       |   __                       |
                       |  |  |                   |  |
                     __|  |  |                   |  |
                    |     |  |                  V|  |
                    |   PP|  | Y                 |  |
                    |__ PP|  |___________________|  |
                       |  |   __________________ |  |
                       |  |  |                  ||  |
                       |  |  |                  |_\\|_
                       |  |  |                        |
                       |  |  |                   _____|
                       |  |  |                  |
                       |  |  |_________ \\ _____|
   (see outside map)   |  |            |  |
                       |  |            |  |
         _____\|_______|\\|            |  |
        |      |          |            |  |
        |A     |          |            |  |
   _____|      |_____L____|________    |\\|_____________
  |     | V    |____|              |   |  |             |
  |     |__\\__|                   |   |  |             |
  X     |                          |   |  |    _        |
  X     |                          |   |  |   |2|       |
  |     X                         B|   |  |   |_|       |
  |     X                          |   |  |    _        |
  |     |    L                     |   |  |   |3|       |
  |     |___________________XXX____|   |  |   |_|       |
  |     |###############|          |   |  |             |
  |     |###############|          |   |  |             |
  |_\___|_______________|          |   |  |             |
  |   R |               |          |__ |  |_____UU      |
  |     |               |             U|          |     |
  |     |               \           __U|__________|     |
  |     |               \          |              |     |
  |_____|               |          |______________|_\\\_|
        |               |                               |
        |B              |                               |

\  Open Door
2  Theta Bookcase
3  Gamma Bookcase
B  Box
L  Spotlight
P  Pot
R  Recharge Point
U  Stair Up
V  Save Point
X  Locked Door

* Switch to COREY
* Go to where the stairs up were and climb up (keep tapping F).
* Then use F again to lift up MEI (keep tapping F)
* Kill the monster that jumps up.
* Exit through door and across upper walkway through the next door.

Richards Room
* Inside the room walk right and kill the spider monsters that attack you.
* Exit through small door in alcove.
* Follow steps down and meet up with AMY and KENNY.

Room With Stone Doors
* Watch the cutscene and receive the SYRINGE from RICHARD (talking to him in 
  future points in the game will give you upgrades to the SYRINGE).

  You need to arrange your party, choose KENNY and COREY.

  NOTE: don't forget to use the syringe on any monster hearts from now on.
        just need to stand over a heart and press SPACE.

* Follow the stair up and you'll find a hallway blocked by a large pot.
* Use Kenny to move the pot.
* Follow path to door and enter the room.

Dining Room
* Switch to COREY.
* Use the spotlight to remove the black stuff from the box in the corner.
* Switch to KENNY and go to the box.
* You'll be attacked by 3 crawler creatures, use your melee weapon to kill them.
* Move the box to the second spotlight, opposite the door.
* Swap to COREY.
* Climb up on the box and up to the second spotlight.
* Use the spotlight to remove all the black stuff from the door.
* Climb down and exit through the door.

  You will now be outside around the back of the house.

Outside House
* Grab the AMMUNITION off the table.  
* Go through the door and follow it back to the front of the house.
* Watch the cutscene.

Car Chase

Map Of Woods

  \                  |
  \_______________   |
                  |  |
                  |  |
                  |  |
                  |  |
       ___________|  |_________
      |               B        |
      |                        |
      |                        |
      |________________   _____|
                       |  |
                       |  |
                      /    \
                     /      \
                    /        |
                   /   _     |
                  /   | |   /|
                 |    | |  /_|
                 |    | |    |
                 |_  _| |____|
                 |    |
                 |    |
                 |    |
                 |    |________________
                 |                     |___________
                 |                      L          |
                 |_________________     L_______   |
                                   |   |        |  |
                                   |R  |  ___   | N|
                     ________      |   |_/ C \  |  |
                    |        \     \          | |  |
                    |   ###   \     \_________| |  |
                    |   ###    \               /    \
                    |       H   \             /      |
                    |            \           /       |
                    |             \_________/  ______|
                    |                         /
                    |              _________F/
                    |             |                                      
                    |         |
                     \        |
                      \     _/
                       |   |
                       |V  |                 __
                       |   |                |  |
                       |   |____            |  |
                       |        |           | R|
                       |        |           |  |
                       |    ____|           |  |
                       |   |                |  |
                       |   |               /   /
                       |   |              /   /
                       |   |             /   /
                       \    \    _______/   /
                        \    \__/          /
                         \           _____/
                          \____    /
                               |  |
                               |  |
                               |  |
                               |  |
                              _|  |_
                             |      |
                             |__  __|

\  Open Door
B  Box
L  Log
N  Newspaper Article
R  Recharge
X  Exit
Z  Crack

Woods Area 2
* You'll be in control of MEI and COREY.  
* Follow the path to the road.
* Follow hole and kill blobby monster that appears.
* Go right and you'll be attacked by two crawler monsters, kill them to.
* Keeping following the path, past a half broken wall.
* Follow the path around until a cutscene occurs.
* COREY will go mental when he sees his car.
* Kill the crawler and blobby monster that appear.
* Follow the path were the monsters cam from.
* Use the recharge point to recharge the recharge gun.
* Follow the path and find the CHAINSAW.
* Backtrack to a large log blocking the way.
* Use the CHAINSAW to cut the log and open up a new path.
* Follow path and read newspaper article.
* Follow the path to the bridge and grab the FIRST AID KIT.
* Continue following path across the bridge and grab the SHOTGUN by the car.
* Kill the two blobby monster that appear (one from the car and one from the 
* Exit through crack to right of the door.

Woods Area 2
* Follow path and you'll see a cutscene, then you'll be attacked by a new 
  flying creature.  Kill it.
* Follow the path north and kill the spiders that attack.
* Continue north and use the recharge point.
* Go back south, killing the flying monsters.
* Continue south to the log blocking the path.
* Use chainsaw on log.
* Exit through hole into the Hospital car park.


Map Of Outside The Hospital

   |       |
   |       |                 _______ 
   |       |                |     | |
   |       |______________X_|_____|_|
   |             ######             |
   |     __      ######             |
   |    |  |                        |
   |    |  |      ______            |
   X    |  |     |      |           |
   X    |  |     |______|      __\__|
   |    |  |                  |     W
   |    |__|                __|_____|
   |                       |
   |                       |
   |                       |
   |                       |
   |                       |
   |_____________      ____|

\  Open Door
X  Locked Door

* Go to the door by the ambulance and climb up.
* Follow the roof and climb onto a ledge.
* Jump up and shimmy along the wall.
* Keep following it around as quickly as possible because 4 flying monsters 
  will attack.
* Climb up to the roof quickly and kill the monsters.
* Drop down into the hole and open the door to let AMY in.
* Climb back up and lift AMY up too.
* Climb through the window.
* Watch the cutscene.

Outside The College

Outside College Map

                          _ ____
                         W | BB |
                         | |_BB_|_____________
                         | |                 X
                         | |                 X
                         |_|________       __X
                           |              |
                           |              |
                           |              |
                           |              |
                           |  ######      |
                           |              |
   _________           ____|________ XX __|
  |         |         |             | S|
  |         \___XXX___/             |  |
  |           V                     |  |
  |                                 |  |
  |##  ##                      ##      |
  |##    ##    ####            ##      |
  |##  ##      ####                 |  |
  |            ####             ####|  |_____
  X                    ###   ####   |        |
  X                      #####      |   _____|
  X    ####                #        |  |
  X    ####                #        |  |
  X    ####           #             |  |
  X    ####           #                |
  |                   #  #  #          |
  |                   #  #  #  #####|  |
  |##############XX#############    |__|

B  Box
S  Switch
V  Save Point
W  Window
X  Locked Door

Outside College
* You'll now be in control of MEI and SVEN.
* Go to the opposite side of the grounds and you'll find a switch.
* Use SVEN to operate the switch and the gate will open.
* Go through the gate and it will close behind you.
* As you descend the ramp JUN picture will appear and you have a limited time 
  to get to her.
* Run down the ramp and climb up behind the boxes.
* Push them towards the steps so MEI can climb up with you.
* Climb both characters onto the box then onto the overhang.
* Break the Window and climb through it.

College - Ground Floor

College Ground Floor Map

            |    |
            |    |
            |    |
            |    |
            |    |
   _________|    |____X_
  |       | |    |      |
  |       | |    |      |
  |       | |    |__  __|
  W       | |           |
  |R      |             |
  |  -                  |
  |  |                 E|
  |__|____|      _______|
          |     |
          |     |
          |     |
          |     |
        __|     |__
       |          S|
       X           \

\  Open Door
S  Switch
W  Window
X  Exit

* Exit the office into the hall and kill the 4 flying monsters.
* Smash the soda machine to get an ENERGY DRINK.

* Head up the stairs and switch to MEI.
* Hack the switch - password is FREUD.
* Whilst you hack the switch you'll be attacked by another 4 flying monsters.  
  Let SVEN take care of them.

College - Ground Floor

* You'll be on the ground floor, you should be familiar with where you are now 
  as you were here earlier.  You need to ascend the stairs and get to room 117.

College - Second Floor Map

   _____XX________ ________ _____XX___
  X            \  |     |  \          X
  X____    ____\  |     |  \____    __X
       |  |    |  |_____|  |    |  |
       |  |    |__|     |__|    |  |
       |  |                     |  |
       |DD|                     |DD|--------------|
College - First Floor Map                         |
-------------------------                         |
                       ______                     |
                      |     V|                    |
                      |      |                    |
                      |      |  ___      __       |
                      |__ 117| |116|    |  |      |
                        _|\__|_|___|__ _|X_|___   |
                       |              \    |114|  |
                       |_______    ___\_   |___|  |
                               |  |     |  |      |
                            ___|  |     |  |___   |
                           |118|  |     |  |113|  |
                           |___|  |     |  |___|  |
                               |  |     |  |      |
                            ___|  |     |  |___   |
                           |119|  |     |  |112|  |
                           |___|  |     |  |___|  |
                               |  |     |  |      |
                             ___XX_____ |  |____  |
                            |         FX       E| |
                            |   _    _FX    ____| |
                            |  | |  |   |  |      |
                            |  |  DD---||  |___   |
                            |  |       ||  |111|  |
                            |  | |UU|<--|  |___|--|
                            |  |_|  |  ||  | 
                            |       |  ||  |___
                            |_______|  ||  |110|
                                       ||  |___|
Ground Floor                         |        |
------------                         |________|
                           ______|  |
                          X  A      |

\  Unlocked Door
D  Stairs Down
F  Fridge
U  Stairs Up
V  Save Point
X  Locked Door

Ground Floor Hallway
* Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS from off the box.

First Floor Landing
* Unfortunately the door on the first floor is locked and the other blocked.
* Use SVEN and move the fridge, exit through the door behind.

First Floor Hallway
* Run across and destroy the soda machine to get an ENERGY DRINK.
* Go left and up the hallway, exiting through the door at the top.

  Two things could happen here:

  If the time runs out then JUN will be dead when you arrive.
* Kill big monster.
* Walk towards body to trigger a cutscene.
* JUN is dead, you will now take control of COREY and AMY (go to the Hospital)

  If you arrive before the timer runs out then Jun will be thrown from the 
  window into the cellar so you need to go back to the reception area downstairs

* Go back down to where you entered the college.

* Recharge the STUN GUN.

* The entrance to the cellar is in reception near a computer but you can’t get 
* Use the PC and you will get a video feed.


Map Of Cellar Area 1
                   |   |
      __X________X_|   |
     |                 |
     |___       _______|
         |     |
         |     |                                START
         |     |_              __X_         _X____
         |       |_X_      58 X    |       |      X
         |           |    57 _|    |_      X   ___X
         X           X   _X_|        |     |  |
         |        _X_|  |     ____   |     X  X
         X_     _|      X    | 59 |  |     |B |
           |_\_|        |    |    |\-|   30X  X
          |     |       X    |60 _|  |_    |  |
          X     |       |_\__|X_|      |___|  |
          |     |       |               \     |
       46 X     X       |_X___X____    _|_____|
          |--P--|             61   |  |
       ___|     |                  |  |_
      |         |                62X    |
      |         X43                |    |
      |       __|             64 63X    |
      |      |          _X_ X______|    |
      |      X         |   P            |
      |    __|       65X   |            X
      |_\_|         40_|_\_|____________|
      |   |     ___X_|     |__X__
      |   |__X_|                 |
      |                          |
      |                          X 38

\  Unlocked Door
P  Planks
X  Locked Door

* follow the tunnel left and grab the BASEBALL BAT WITH NAILS.
* The picture will get worse, you have to adjust it using the mouse wheel.
* Go through door at the end (only one that opens)
* Kill blobby monster that appears.
* Turn left and follow hallway down then left to a boarded up door.
* Use weapon to destroy planks.
* Exit through bottom door.
* Kill the flying monster.
* Exit through door opposite.
* Head straight forward and right.
* Go through door on the left and you'll regain control of JUN (without cameras)

Map Of Cellar Area 2

         _____________    |       |
     ___| S           |   |X___   X22  23
     U  X             | 9  21  |  |    _X_
     U__|      _X_    |_X_     |  |___|   |
        |     | 1 |       |  20X          X
        |     |   |       |    |   _____X_|
        |     | 2 |_X_    |  19X  |    24
        |     |_X_  3 |   |_X__|  |
        |         |   |    10 |   X 25
        |         |  4X       \   |
        |_        |_  |_     _|   X 
        | |         |   |   | |   |
        | |         X5  |   | |_X_|
        |8X     __X_|   |   |   26
        |_|__\_|  7      ###
        |      |   6    |###
        |      |_ _X____|   |_
        |        |            |
        |        \            X  START
        |    __X_|_  13       |
        |   | 15   |_X_       |
        |   |___X___   |      |
        |       14 |   | 12   |
        |_X__X_    |___|__X___|
         16 17 |              X

S  Switch
U  Stairs Up
X  Door

* Follow the hallway to the switch.
* Flick the switch and watch the cutscene

* When you gain control of SVEN and MEI open the door nearest to you and decent 
  the stairs.
* Kill the crawler monster.
* Grab the BASEBALL BAT WITH NAILS that JUN dropped.
* Go to the blockage near room 4 and use SVEN to move boxes.
* Kill another crawler monster near room 13.
* Follow hallway past door 14 towards door 12, JUN is dead at the end of the 
* Watch the cutscene and its back to the hospital.

Hospital - First Floor

Map Of Hospital - First Floor

     ________ ________ ___ ____ _________
    |      L |  K     |   |    |         |
    |        |___     |   |    |      ___|
    |____    |   X    |   |    |     X   |
    |__K_|   |___|_\__|_X_|_X__|___X_|___|
    |        |###|             E
    |        |###|     _____\__X _X__ __X_
    |        |___|    |   |  136|    |    |
    |        X   |    |___X     |    |    |
    |D       X   X    |         |    |    |
    |        |   X    |         |    |    |
    |      B |   |   G|_______W_|____|____|
    |________|   |    |     |    |        |
    |            |  D X     |    H        |
    |            |    |     |    |        |
    |__V____XX___|_  _|     |    |     ___|
  __|            |    |_____|__G_|____|_W_|
 |K |            |    | F                 |
 |__|_           |R   |                   |
 |    |          |    |                   |
 |    |C         |    X                   |
 |   P|          |    X                   |
 |    |          X    |                   |
 |    X          X    |V                  |

\  Open Door
B  Box \ CROSSBOW (needs 3 SMALL KEYS)
C  Computer Terminal
D  Generic Report
F  First Aid
E  Electronic Card Reader
H  Ladder
L  Clue
R  Recharge Point
V  Save Point
W  Window
X  Locked Door

* Break the glass to get into the X-ray room nearest to your start point.

X-Ray Room
* Open door and COREY will contact RICHARD who will inform you he is in the 
  lab on the ground floor.
* Use the computer to unlock the lab door
* Try to go into the door and you'll be attacked by flying and a medium monster.
* Kill the monsters then go into the hole in the wall and get the SMALL KEY.
* Enter lab and grab the STAFF PASS off the table.
* Exit back into starting hallway.

* Go into locker room.

Locker Room
* Give AMY a boost by the lockers so she can climb up and get a KEY.
  You'll need 3 keys to open the box in the corner.
* Grab the Generic Report off the shelf by the wall.
* Switch to AMY and let her decipher the clue near the TV.
* You'll be attacked by several spider monsters, so kill them before continuing.
* Have AMY arrange the clue items to form a map of the hospital with a code 
  0108 circled in the centre.
* Use the code 0108 on the door outside this room and exit through door.

* Grab the SHOTGUN BULLETS and the Generic Report.
* Head towards the recharge point and kill the two crawler monsters that attack.
* Go through the door at the north end of the corridor (237).

Room 237
* Move the bed by running into it and grab the SMALL KEY off the floor.
* Go back to the box in the locker room and unlock it to get the CROSSBOW.

Locker Room
* Get the CROSSBOW from the box.

Room 136
* Go to room 136 and smash the window.
* Climb outside.

Hospital Roof Area
* Break box and get SHOTGUN AMMO.
* Have COREY jump up onto the ledge and shimmy and jump around to the balcony 
  with the ledge.
* Use the handle to open the hatch in the floor.
* Have AMY climb down the ladder and up the steps to stand under the balcony.
* Use COREY to pull AMY up.
* Exit through window.

Big Ward
* You have to fight your first breeder monster and several spider monsters.  I 
  would use guns on the big one.  
* Grab the STAFF PASS and FIRST AID then exit the room.

* Go to the electronic door and use the two STAFF PASSES to open the door.
* Walk through the door and watch the cutscene.

* When you are in the lift you need to arrange the 4 lift controls like so:

    __________________        __________________
   |                  |      |                  |
   |      White       |      |      Black       |
   |                  |      |                  |
   | Red        Blue  |------|  Blue      Red   |
   |                  |      |                  |
   |       Red        |      |      Yellow      |
   |__________________|      |__________________|
            |                         |
            |                         |
            |                         |
    __________________        __________________
   |       Red        |      |      Yellow      |
   |                  |      |                  |
   | White      Blue  |------|  Blue      Red   |
   |                  |      |                  |
   |      Yellow      |      |      White       |
   |__________________|      |__________________|
* Another cutscene and you'll be controlling SVEN and MEI again.

Hospital - Lower Floor

Map Of Hospital - Lower Floor
   |          |
   |J         |
   |___    ___|
   |  G       |
   |          |
   |          |
   |         I|
   |          |_________________
   |          |L      V     Z   |
   |          |                 |
   |__K___XX__|__M_____         |
        |            ##   ####  |
        |    ___   __##   Q### N|
        |   |                   |
        |   |K                  |
     |E  ## |    F       C|
     |      |             |
     |      \             |
     |      \          ___|
     |      |___    ###   |
     |      |             |
     |      |       ######|
     |      |_            |
     |S     |U|     ######|
     |      |A|          K|
     |      |_|___________|_______
     |   B      |        R        |
     |H_ _      \                 X
     X    |     \                 X
     |____|_____|_____            |
                      \__ _\\_ ___|
                         |    |
                         |   H|
              ______ ____|----|____
             |      |              |
             |      |              |
             |      |              |
             |      |    ##        |
             |      |    ##        |
             |      |    ##        |
             |      |              |
             |      |        ##    |
             |      |        ##    |
             |      |        ##    |
             |      |              |
             |      |              |

\  Open Door
C  Computer
I  Autopsy Report
Q  Generic Report
R  Recharge Point
U  Electronic Lock
X  Locked Door
Z  Mixing Device

Hospital Car Park
* Approach hospital and kill 4 flying monsters that attack.
* Go into entrance and smash the glass on the handle.
* Use the handle quickly to shut grate and stop the blobby monster getting you.

* Turn left and go through the doors and meet up with everyone else.

Hospital Reception
* Talk to RICHARD and he'll give you an enhanced battery.

* Exit into the large dispensary room.
* Kill the 2 crawler monsters.
* Break the cupboard on back wall and grab the FIRST AID KIT.
* Grab the SMALL KEY from the corner of the room
* Have MEI hack into the computer in the other corner of the room.
* Enter the password as EINSTEIN
* Grab the RECIPE FOR EXPLOSION from the printer.
* Go to the electronic lock and put in the code 1634
* Exit back to main room.

Hospital Reception
* Move the box blocking the only other exit and go through door.

* Enter room directly opposite.

* Kill the spiders in this room.
* Grab the SMALL KEY off the shelf.
* Grab the GLYCERINE off the shelf.
* Grab the Autopsy report off the desk.
* Go into the cold room at the back and smash open the small container on the 
* Grab the BLOCK OF ICE.
* Kill the spiders that appear.
* Exit the room.

* Go left and jump over the gap in the window.
* Grab the SMALL KEY in the corner on the sink.
* Go past the save point and smash the cabinet.  Get the BLEACH inside.
* Grab the CAUSTIC SODA from the shelf.
* Grab the Generic Report from the shelf.
* Use the mixer and mix in the following order:


* Get the DYNAMITE that is produced.

* Go back to the main hall and use the three SMALL KEYS on the box to get the 
* Head back towards the main entrance and you will notice a wall that looks 
* Stand a good way back and arm the DYNAMITE (select it as a weapon).
* 'Use' it to throw it somewhere near the wall (Doesn't have to be spot on to 
* Exit into the Storage Area.

Storage Area

Map Of Storage Area

      _________________   ____
     |    ##H#SL              |
     |    #####    ___________|
     |       ##           BB  |
     |BB                  BB  |
     |BB                      |
     |       ##               |
     |       ########   ######|
     |       ########   ######|
     |           ####         |
     |           C###         |
     |___________####_____ ___|
     |                    |   |

\  Open Door
C  Can Of Coke
L  Ladder
S  Switch
X  Locked Door

* You'll need COREY and SVEN here.
* SVEN needs to move the movable boxes to the break in the rail so COREY can 
  climb on it.
* Move the box to the racking opposite and have COREY jump onto it.
* Shimmy COREY left and jump across to the second rack.
* Shimmy to the end and drop down to the lower level.
* Shimmy right and jump across the gap.
* Climb up onto the racking
* Use the switch to drop the ladder
* Move the other boxes next to the racking COREY is on.
* Have COREY get onto the boxes.
* Move the boxes to the racking on the other side of the warehouse.
* Go to the lift in the corner and press the button.
* Move SVEN to COREY and the lift, then lift him onto the lift.
* It's worth using the save here (boss fight next!)

Boss Fight - Kenny

* Watch the cutscene then it's killing time!
* Kenny attacks you and you'll need to let loose with everything you have.
* Kenny will then incapacitate COREY and kill MEI (twins had a bad time)
* Use SHANNON and STAN then have to finish him off.
* When you have done enough damage another cutscene will play and Kenny will 
  escape.  The end of the cutscene sees you by a river.


Outside Dam
* Switch to STAN and go into building.
* Use STAN to pick the lock.  This involves you having to get the long metal 
  rod into the end by moving the parts of the lock so you can make a path to it.
* Open door when you've picked the lock.

Inner Dam

Map Of Dam - Inside
   X                        |
   X______        __________|
    |LK   |      /
    |     |     /
    |_S___|     |______
          |     |     B|
          |     P      |
          |     P      |
          |     |___R__|____
          |     |       CC  |
          X     X       CC  |
          |     |     CC  CC|
          X     |     CC  CC|____\\___
          |     |     CCCC L|        A|
          |_   _|__   CCCC__|       | |
          |     |         | \       | |
          |     |     Z   | |       | |
          |     |#  ######| |_______|_|
          |     |#  ######| |
          |     |#  ######| |
          |     |         | |
          |     |_________|H|
          |     |_D_________|
          |    /       |  |
          X   \        |  |
          |__/_______  |  |
             |  A      |  |
             |         |  |
             |_        X  |
             |F|       |__|
             |_|   _______|
             |            |

\  Open Door
B  Box \ FLARE GUN (needs 3 keys)
C  Movable Boxes
D  Ladder
H  Steam Handle
L  Locker
P  Planks
R  Recharge Point
X  Locked Door
Z  Steam Panel

Inside Dam
* Give a boost to SHANNON so she can get the FLASHBANG GRENADE.
* Switch to SHANNON and use her ability to breathe in the spores on the door.
* Go through door.

* Go up the hallway and kill the spiders that appear.
* More spiders appear as you approach the door on the left.
* Kill the spiders then the blobby monster that bursts through the wall.
* Enter the new room and get the SKELETON KEY,
* Pick the locker and get a SMALL KEY.
* Go to the door on the right hand side of the hallway and pick the lock.

Steam Room
* Go up to the steam panel and use it (apologies for diagram below).

     ##          ##
     ##          ##
     11####################22##### A
     11####################22##### A
     ~~          ##   ##   ~~
     ~~~~~~~~~   ##   ##   ~~
     ~~~~~~~~~   ##   ##   ~~
  ##########33########44########## B
  ##########33########44########## B
 ##     ##    ## ##        ~~
 ##     ######## ##        ~~
 ##     ######## ##        ~~
 ##     ##       ##        ~~
 ##     55~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C
 ##     55~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C
 ##     ~~
 ##     ~~
 ##     ~~
  ##########66#################### D
  ##########66#################### D
        ~~  ~~
        ~~  ~~
        ~~  ~~

#  Steam (red)
~  No Steam (white)

* Referring to the diagram, you'll want to turn the levers as follows:

  1 - Right
  2 - Right
  3 - Up
  4 - Up
  5 - Up
  6 - Down

* This should leave only A blowing steam.
* Switch to the other character and move them to track B.
* Toggle lever 2 and you should be able to move them past the steam.
* Have them use the vent at the far side to stop the steam altogether.
* Climb both characters up the ladder and exit through the door.

* Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS and then examine the panel by the glass, it'll open.
* A cutscene will play and you will now control SVEN and COREY.

Outside Dam

* Have COREY and SVEN go through door to enter dam.

Inner Dam

Map Of Dam - Inside

   X                      KA|  |---------------------------------|
   X______        __________|  |                                 |
    |L           /             |                   ______X_      |
    |           /         -----|             _    |  D|L   W  <--|
    |_____      |______  |                  |E|   |  |_____|
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          |     |___R__|_W__                | |___|  |_____|
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          X     X       CC  |                     |  |
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          X     |     CC  CC|____\\___         ###|  |###
          |     |     CCCCFL|        _|         # |  | #
          |_   _|__   CCCC_S|       | |        ___|  |___
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             |_        X L|          V|                      |   |
             |F|       |__|           |                    __|   |_
             |_|   _______|    __E____|                   |  |   |H|
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             |_\____CC__CC|___________|                   |      | |A
                                                          |__|   |_|
                                                             |   |
                                                             |   |

\  Open Door
B  Box \ FLARE GUN (needs 3 keys)
C  Crate
D  Ladder
H  Turning Handle
L  Lever
L  Locker
R  Recharge Point
V  Save Point
W  Air Vent

Entrance Room
* Use SVEN to lift Crates on top of each other.
* Have COREY climb up on the crates, then up on the ledge and shimmy left, 
  then drop down.
* Use the lever to open the door.
* Grab the SMALL KEY from the room behind.
* Exit through the door at the bottom of the stairs.

* Go down into water and climb up other side.
* Use the handle to open vent.
* Get the CROSSBOW AMMUNITION from the vent.
* Continue following the path and kill the 2 small humanoid you encounter.
* Go around the corner and kill 2 crawler monsters.
* Grab the SHOTGUN AMMO from the sewer wall.
* Follow sewer to the end and exit through the door.

Turbine Room
* Grab the FIRST AID by the door
* Climb down the ladder.
* You need to run past the turbines when the missing blade allows.
* Climb up onto left platform.
* Follow it around to get the SHOTGUN AMMUNITION.
* Come back, drop down and climb up the other side.
* Jump up on the wall at the end and shimmy across towards the door and drop 
* Use the lever to drop the ladder.
* Switch to SVEN.
* Climb down the ladder and run past the first turbine.
* Run past the second turbine and climb the ladder.
* Exit through the air vent.

Steam Room
* Move the crates so you can get to the locker and get the SOLDERING KIT.
* Move the crates again so you can get to the hallway.


* Kill the spider monsters and go up and right.
* Use COREY to jump up on the wall and shimmy over the electricity.
* Grab the SMALL KEY and FIRST AID from the end.
* Jump back up on the wall and shimmy back.
* Go to the box and use the 3 keys to open it and get the FLARE GUN.
* Then go meet up with the team above the steam room

Room Above Steam Room
* You'll automatically receive an update to the SYRINGE.
* Use the SOLDERING IRON on the panel to activate the lift.
* Choose COREY and SHANNON (you have to use these for the boss fight)
* Save you game then exit into lift.


Boss Fight - Kenny 2

* You have to hit him until he is incapacitated.  
* Then you have to use the handles to drop a great big turbine on his head.
* Repeat three times to kill him.

  I used a FLASHBANG at the start of the fight and gave SHANNON the SHOTGUN.  
  This strategy killed him with only a couple of shotgun shots.

Top Of Dam

Top Of Dam - Map

                                                    |T     L L | 
                                                    |          | 
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    |  |  |                   ####           /
    |                 ___  ___####____  ____/
    |_               |
    | \V             |
    |  \             |

L  Lever
P  Planks
T  Boat

* First thing to do is re-equip your characters and reload all the weapons.
* Grab the FIRST AID near the steps the FLARE GUN AMMUNITION on the 
  walkway behind.
* Start to cross bridge and you'll be attacked by some flying monsters.
* Kill them and you'll find the bridge cannot be crossed.  COREY needs to 
  shimmy across the side of the bridge to the other side where there are some 
  planks to allow SHANNON to cross.
* You'll need to take care of 2 blobby monsters (1 flare gun shot each will do 
  the job)
* Pick up the HANDGUN AMMUNITION and the planks.
* This will allow SHANNON to cross.
* Follow the path up to a door and exit through it.

* Watch cutscene and walk up to the boathouse.
* Break the crate on the walkway to get some FLASHBALL AMMUNITION.
* Grab the SHOTGUN AMMUNITION from the rail.
* Enter the boathouse and use the lever to launch the boat.
* Walk along the jetty and use the boat.

Rowing To The Island

To avoid wasting ammunition just equip both players with melee weapons.  When 
you get near the other side the enemies will disappear when you leave the boat.

* Basically you just need to row backwards in a straight line.  Using SPACE 
  will increase your rowing speed.  Ignore the flying beasts that attack you, 
  if you row quickly enough they won’t be a problem.  

Turtle Island

Map Of Turtle Island
 |  _____  |
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L  Tree Log
V  Save Point

* Use the recharge point then move down the walkway to the island.
* Kill the spiders that appear when you get to shore.
* Follow the left path, staying left and find a FLASHBANG GRENADE at the end.
* Backtrack to the only other path you haven't been up.
* When you start to go up you'll get attacked by several spider monsters.
* Kill them and proceed.
* Use the CHAINSAW to cut the log.
* Proceed up the path into a large open clearing.
* You'll be attacked by several spider monsters and a spider breeder.  Kill 
* Break all the crates one of the two should give you an ENERGY DRINK.
* Climb up on the ledge and pull SHANNON UP.
* Use SHANNON to breathe in the black stuff around the cave entrance.
* Head under the beach house and climb inside.
* Break the soda machine to get an energy drink.
* Follow the path around to RICHARD, watch the cutscene then take control of 
  AMY and SVEN in a boat.

Rowing To The Island 2

* Take your time rowing to the island, no creatures will attack you.

Friedman Island

Map Of Friedman Island

                     |##          |     |
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                            |R |      \  E    |
                            |  |       \______|

\  Open Door
C  Clue
V  Save Point
W  Washing Machine.

* Use the recharge point then kill the spiders and medium sized monster.
* Follow the shore to the right and get an ENERGY DRINK from the boat.
* Enter the graveyard and have AMY decipher the clue.
* You need to use this clue to press several stones in the graveyard.  If you 
  examine the grave at the right of the graveyard you get a view of all the 
  graves I've marked with a #.  To make it easier to identify the order you 
  need to activate each grave I've numbered them as below:

   3     10  12
      6         13    14
   2     9
      5      11
   1     8

* You need the graves to match the picture so you can hide all the ones that 
  are not in the clue you have just uncovered.  Hide the graves listed below:


  You can do this either through the view of 14 or just walking around 
  normally.  The later is easier to see where you are going.

* Enter the crypt that just opened.
* As you head towards the house you'll encounter your first splitface and 3 
  small humanoid walkers.  Kill them all.
* Move the washing machine with SVEN and enter the greenhouse.

* Grab the energy drink of the shelf.
* Break the crate inside green house for some HANDGUN BULLETS.
* Open the door at the back to trigger a cutscene.

Friedman Island

Map Of Friedman Island

                     |##          |     |
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\  Open Door
V  Save Point
W  Washing Machine.

* You'll be in control of SHANNON and STAN now, at the beach where SVEN and AMY 
  arrived earlier.  Walk forward to trigger a cutscene.
* You have to fight 2 splitface monsters here, kill them both.
* Go up to the house, through the crypt, and kill 3 easy walkers.
* Go up to the greenhouse and kill the walker that jumps out (note you can't 
* Go up to the front door of the house and pick the lock.
* Enter the house

Friedman House - Ground Floor

Map Of Friedman House - Ground Floor

      |            |
      |  # # # # # |
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      |            |
      | A# # # # # |
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  _X__|           F|  |UU|
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 |V                |W      |________
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        | K                |        |
        |__                |        |
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              |   |

B  Box
S  Electronic Switch
U  Stairs Up
V  Save Point
W  Written Note

Map Of Friedman House - Upper Floor

                 |   |
                 |L  |
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                 |   |
   XF            \        X
   |______    ___|_\______|_
          |  | C            |
          |DD|###           |
             |###      ##   |
             |W        ##   |

\  Open Door
D  Stairs Down
L  Clue
W  Written Note
X  Locked Door

Dining Room
* Go into the room on your left and grab the ENERGY DRINK from the table.
* Break the boarded up fireplace, kill the spiders that appear.
* Grab the small key from the alcove on the left of the room.
* Use SHANNON to remove the black stuff over the door in the corner.
* Go through the door and meet everyone else, triggers cutscene.

* Talk to RICHARD to get another upgrade of SYRINGE and BATTERY.
* Get the SMALL KEY off the shelf.
* Grab the written note of the seat by STAN.
* Exit through door on right into the room behind the greenhouse.

* Grab the SMALL KEY off the shelf on just as you walk through the door.
* Break the crate to get the FLARE GUN AMMUNITION.
* Go back to room where all other characters are.

* Use SMALL KEYS on the box to get the UBER FLASHLIGHT.

Dining Room
* Go into the dining room and use COREY to climb up and get the CROSS inside 
  the fireplace.
* Go back to room where all other characters are.

* Exit through door on left into the cellar.

* Grab the Written Note and FIRST AID KIT from the shelf.
* Break the crates and get another FIRST AID KIT.
* Grab the FLASHBANG GRENADE near the switch.
* Notice the grid and statues with ands, one holds a cross like the one you 
  found earlier.  Use the CROSS on one of the hands
* Go back to room where all other characters are.

* Turn left and grab the FLASHBANG at the end of the hall.
* Get AMY and STAN, go upstairs and turn right (other doors are locked).
* Use STAN to pick the lock.

Upper Hallway
* Enter the room on the left (dark room).
* Have AMY look at the clue (picture of cellar)
* Exit and smash the glass door opposite.

* Watch brief cutscene.
* Open the cupboard by the bed and get the CROSS.
* Grab the Written note from by the bed.
* Got to the cellar.

* Use the CROSS on the last hand.
* Examine photo again and you'll see the position you need to put each statue.
  Assuming the 5 square grid as follows these are the positions (looking 
  towards the door):

  01 02 03 04 05

  06 07 08 09 10

  11 12 13 14 15

  16 17 18 19 20

  21 22 23 24 25

  You need to cover 7, 13 and 24 (13 is already done so just need the other two)

* Use the switch device to move the statues to the require position.
* Open door and watch cutscene.


Map Of Tunnels

             |   |
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L  Lever
P  Planks
R  recharge Point
U  Unstable plank

* Follow path and kill two walker monsters
* Get DOOR WHEEL off can.
* Smash crates to get ENERGY DRINK.
* Break planks and go into new tunnel.
* Continue up tunnel and break more planks.
* Kill big walker that comes around the corner.
* Break even more planks and go to door.
* Use the DOOR WHEEL picked up earlier on the door.
* Turn right and go to the end of the hallway, destroy crates and pick up some 
* Turn back and head the other way and you'll get ambushed by 2 dog walkers at 
  the T junction, kill them to proceed.
* Use the levers to open a panel and get some FIRST AID.
* Head towards the plank shielding the dead end and destroy the planks and the 
  unstable plank holding up the ceiling.
* When the dust settles exit up through the rubble.

Leafmore School

Map Of School Office
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* You'll find yourself back at the school from Obscure 1 now.
* Head forward and kill the 2 flying monsters that attack.
* Go into the toilets and you should be able to climb through the vent into the 
  toilets on the other side (deja vu).

Map Of School Entrance

   |                                  |
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\  Open Door
P  Plank
R  Recharge Point
V  Save Point
X  Locked Door

* Grab the ENERGY DRINK from the toilet.
* Exit into the hallway.

* Smash the glass on the door opposite and enter room.

* Kill the spider monsters and a walker.
* Get the FLASHBALL AMMUNITION and recharge the battery.
* Go into hallway and into the main reception hall.

Main Hallway
* Kill the three small humanoids that attack.
* Smash crate near rubble to get the ENERGY DRINK.
* Climb the rubble in the north east corner to get onto the upper ledge.
* Go across the ledge and smash the planks.
* Climb down and exit through the door.

School Courtyard

Map Of Courtyard

                         | F |
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         |#########    #######|         |C |

N  Newspaper Clipping
P  Planks
V  Save Point


* After a short cutscene you'll meet up with the rest of the characters again.
* Talk to RICHARD to get an update to the battery.
* Heal all your characters and recharge the battery if necessary.

 NOTE: Don't go back into the main building because you are attacked by spiders 
 and can't get back to where you came from

* Break the planks and grab the key.
* Head for the door to the south of the recharge point.

Area Off Courtyard 1

* You'll meet a spider breeder monster, kill it.
* Grab the ENERGY DRINK by the entrance, the SMALL KEY from the near the door 
  and the HANDGUN AMMUNITION by the rail, near to where the breeder was.
* Break through the planks and head towards the wrecking ball machine.
* You need to move the arm over the ball until the attach ball options is 
  available then use it.  Then just move the ball left and right hitting the 
  building to demolish the wall.
* Go through the new space.


* Kill the two splitfaces that appear.
* Use COREY to climb up the wall near the stair and shimmy across to the 
* Drop down and jump across to the next balcony.
* Grab the ENERGY DRINK and the CUTTING PLIERS, then return to the main 


* Go to the padlocked gate in the north of the courtyard and use the CUTTING 
  PLIERS on the chain.
* Go through the gate.

Area Off Courtyard 2

* Go to the far end of the path and grab the FLASHBANG GRENADE.
* Use the pulley cart thing to winch your way to the roof of the building.
* Grab the SMALL KEY and exit through the door.

Rooftop Rooms

* Grab the newspaper clipping and go through the door.
* Kill the splithead that attacks you.
* Break the crate to get the ENERGY DRINK.
* Go through the hole in the wall


Map Of Classrooms

   _\\__ ____________
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\  Open Door
X  Blocked Door

* Kill the two flying monsters that appear.
* Break the cupboard and grab the DYNAMITE.
* Throw DYNAMITE at the wall and go through hole.


* Kill the three small humanoids that you encounter.
* There is a ball in the digger and two exits, the end takes you back to the 
  main courtyard and the other you need SHANNON to clear.
* You have to go get SHANNON so get her, recharge the battery and return to the 
* Use SHANNONS skill to remove the black stuff.
* Break the glass and enter the room.


* Grab the SHOTGUN AMMUNITION off the desk.
* Use the SMALL KEYS on the box to get the MINI SMG.
* Use the CUTTING PLYIERS on the locked cupboard to get the JERRYCAN OF 

* Use the JERRYCAN OF GASOLINE on the digger.
* Use the digger controls in a similar way as before to move the wrecking ball 
  over the wall.
* Return to the wrecking machine on the other side of the wall.


Area Off Courtyard 2

* Use the machine to puck up the wrecking ball and break a hole in the wall on 
  your left.
* Go through hole.

Underground Tunnel

Map Of Underground Tunnel

    |   V |
    |     \
    |     |
    |     |
    |  F  |
    |     |
    |     |
    |W    |
    |     |
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F  First Aid Kit
W  Written Note

* Walk forward and drop down three times.
* Grab the written note and the FIRST AID.
* Use COREY to climb up to the upper level (stand to right of strut and face 
* Pull up partner.
* Grab the SHOTGUN AMMO.
* Save the game.
* Pick the lock and enter the room.

Boss Fight - Friedman and Son

Map Of Boss Fight Room

    |     R      FRIEDMAN      |
    |                          |
    |              FREAK       |
    |                          |
    |                          |
    \                          |
    |                          |
    |                          |
    |E                         |
    |                          |

R  Recharge Point

* Watch the cutscene.
* You have to kill the freak and Friedman.
* Keep shooting the freak until he goes back to Friedman.
* Friedman will then attack you with tentacle attacks.
* Shoot at Friedman and after a couple of shots one of his tentacles will fall 
  to the ground, use the chain saw on it.
* Repeat twice more (three in total) to kill old Friedman.
* The third time your leg will get caught and you'll need to repeatedly press 
  SPACE to get free.
* COREY and the freak will then dual with chainsaws, keep pressing SPACE, 
  repeatedly to kill him.
* Watch the cutscene.

Courtyard & Tunnel

Map Of Courtyard & Tunnel

  \                  |
  \_______________   |
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                  |  |
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                  |  |
       ___________|  |_________
      |                        |______       _________
      |                               \_____/         \
      |                                    V         ###
      |                         ______         ____  ###
      |________________________|      \_______/    \_###

V  Save Point

* RICHARD will betray you, don't you ever learn not to trust teachers in these 
* After a cutscene you'll be left controlling SHANNON and STAN in a tunnel.
* Follow the tunnel and surprise, surprise you’re back on the road to the 
  brotherhood party house.
* Now you have to run to the house because splitheads will attack you, you have 
  no weapons so all you can do is run.

Brotherhood House

Map Of Outside The Brotherhood House

    |                            |
    |                            |
    |                            |
    |__________ ####FE___________|


* Enter through front door.

Brotherhood Lower Floor

Map Of Brotherhood Lower Floor

                       |                            |
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\ Open Door
X Locked Door

Entrance Hall
* You can only go through the left door.

Big Room
* Avoid the blobby monster and exit through the door on the other side.

* Pick the lock on the right of the room.

* Run left and climb up to the top.
* Exit then enter again to grab the FIRST AID.
* Exit and head back to the room behind RICHARDS study.

Big Door Room
* Grab the BASEBALL BAT, MEDALLION and FLARE GUN from the corpse.
* You know have to open the door using the MEDALLIONS.
* Put one medallion in each slot.

  The name of the brotherhood is: DELTA THETA GAMMA

  DELTA - Triangle
  THETA - The circle
  GAMMA - L shape

  Left Medallion

* Set the out ring to:     THETA, DELTA
* Set the inner circle to: Long part of GAMMA points to 6 (as on clock face)

  Right Medallion

* Set the out ring to:     THETA, GAMMA
* Set the inner circle to: GAMMA points to 3 and 6 (as on clock face)

  When you get them right they will sink into wall.

Brotherhood Inner Sanctum

Map Of Inner Sanctum
|                      |
|A_                    |
   |                   |
   |  D                |
   X                   |
   X                   |
   |                   |
 __|                   |_
|    B      W   W        |
|__________________     _|
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         |______   |                                  |   # #   # #   # # ###  |
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         |K  ______|V                                K|___# #___# #___# #____/_|
         |                                            |                    |   |
         |_________                                   |                    |   |
                   |                                  |          __________|   |
                ___|XXX_______________________________|         |     BAG      |
               |  _______  |                                    |   ___________|
               | |   D   | |                                    |  |
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               |           |                                    |              |
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                                                                   | |         
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                                                            |  L           L   |
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                                                            |L                 |
                                                            |                  |

\  Unlocked Door
B  Box \ Video
N  Note
S  Bank Of Switch Dials
W  Old Report Of The Brotherhood

Entrance Room
* Use SHANNON to remove black stuff.
* Kill the two crawler monsters that appear.
* Grab the SMALL KEY.
* Exit through the door.

Large Fraternity Hall

* Go up staircase to the left and grab the SMALL KEY of the window ledge.
* Head out of the door on the opposite wall.

Exhibit Room

* Read the two Old Reports Of The Brotherhood.
* Smash the case and get the DISK WITH SYMBOL
* Grab the FIRST AID in the corner.
* Kill The spiders and monsters that attack or run for the door.
* Open the box and watch the video playback.
* Exit back to Fraternity Hall.

Large Fraternity Hall

* Climb the stairs above the alter
* Use the appropriate DISK WITH SYMBOL on the disk holder.

  Number layout on pillars (left) order to press right:

  6  2  8            3  1  X

  5     4            2     X

  3     1            X     X

  NOTE: the numbers change each time you play through but the positions do not

* If you spin each disk you'll see a dot that corresponds to its number, giving 
  you the code 256 or 513 on a subsequent game.
* Exit through big doors.


* Grab the ENERGY DRINK off the table.
* grab the FIRST AID KIT off the bookcase opposite.
* Exit through door in the corner.


* Grab the bag which has all your equipment and then some:

  HANDGUN     7/43
  SHOTGUN     5/25
  FLASHBALL   4/ 6
  FLARE GUN   1/ 8
  CROSSBOW    2/ 0
  MINI SMG   30/90



  NOTE: the ammo is the same regardless of the amount used against FRIEDMAN.

* Follow the path down and exit through the door.

Outside the Stadium

* Use the recharge point and the save point if needed then enter the stadium.

Final Boss Fight

Map Of Final Boss Fight

            |  |
     |  3          2  | 
     |                | 
     |                | 
     |                | 
     |                | 
     |                |
     |                |
     |4               |
     |                |

* Watch the cutscene, poor old COREY, makes all the way to the end then caps 

  This is a four stage fight, the object is to shoot KENNY until he is 
  incapacitated then use the levers around the football field to drop some 
  rigging on him.  To give this a twist the third and forth levels are 
  protected by some black stuff and a lock that must be picked.

* Shoot KENNY until he is incapacitated by lever 1.  Use lever to drop the 
  rigging down.
* KENNY will then wake up and attack again, dodge his attacks and shoot him 
  until he knocks the cover off lever 2.  Use that level to drop the rigging 
* KENNY will then wake up and attack again, dodge his attacks and shoot him 
  until he is incapacitated again.  Then use SHANNON to remove the black stuff 
  from lever 3.  You may not have time to use the lever before KENNY recovers.  
  In which case you'll need to incapacitate him again to use the lever.
* You are now left with one lever (lever 4) to get to this you need to 
  incapacitate KENNY again and then use STAN to pick the lock.  You may not 
  have time to use the lever before KENNY recovers.  In which case you'll need 
  to incapacitate him again to use the lever.
* Watch the end sequence - well done for completing the game.

****************************** END OF WALKTHROUGH ******************************

{                                                                              }
{                 07 - THE CODE OF HONOR OF DELTA THETA GAMMA                  }
{                                                                              }

You don't actually need this for any part of the game but I thought I'd include 
it on the off chance it was.

The mission of the Delta Theta Gamma fraternity is to offer future Science 
graduates an experience of brotherhood, mutual aid and absolute friendship.  
It also has the aim of transmitting to students the noble values that come from 
the three pillars of the fraternity. 

  "Knowledge and Excellence in the service of Humanity". 

1st Pillar:Knowledge (located in main entrance on ground floor)
 "When you choose to open up a school you close down a prison" - Victor Hugo

Obscurantism imprisons man, knowledge frees him.  Our Brothers and Sisters must 
thirst for knowledge.  Their culture and their openness will enlighten their 
choices and guide their steps.

2nd Pillar:Excellence (located in big library on ground floor
 "He who seeks perfection obtains excellence." - Jori Cazilhac

Achievement of self is the key to which allows you to overcome all obstacles.
Our Brothers must have tremendous will top exceed their limits.
Perfection and excellence will guide their steps.

3rd Pillar:Philanthropy (located in room where all characters meet with RICHARD)
 "A life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable but more useful than 
  a life spent doing nothing" - George Bernard Shaw

Humanity is the first of the virtues.  Our Brothers and Sisters must always 
reflect on the consequences of their actions and place humanity at the 
forefront of their priorities.  Altruism and Philanthropy will guide their 

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