Rhem 2 - The Cave
Rhem 2:The Cave Walkthrough
By:Puzzle Master (Randy Taylor Jr.)
After a long train ride,turn right and take the KEYCARD. Turn around and
swipe the keycard to open the gate. Go forwards,go up the ladder and open
the door. Go forward and press the square red button. Listen to Kales and he
will explain what you have to do. Turn left,forward and right. Enter the room
and turn left and examine the bulletin board. Examine each picture and
notice the position of the moon,then flip the picture over to reveal some
Position of the moon and the letters
Top == pa
Bottom == nek
Bottom Right == jok
Middle == lim
Bottom Left == su
None == mi
Right == tu
Turn right and enter the room. Examine the pictures laying on the desk.
Top Left == ro
Top Right == gwa
Exit the rooms and go back down the ladder. Turn left and go down the railroad
tracks. On the left examine the piece of paper on the board write down the
2 5
3 9
Keep in mind that the numbers are in the middle. Turn right and enter the cave.
Turn right,go down the walkway and enter the building. Turn right and press the
red round button to lower a red square button. Press the red square button one
time to rotate the doorway. Press the red circle button to raise the red square
button. Enter the doorway and turn around. Press the red circle button and go
up the ladder.
Turn left and press the red circle button. Turn right,forward and turn around.
Press the square red button twice. Go forward,look down and open the panel.
4. 10:00
5. 2:00
6. 5:00
Close the panel and press the square red button once. Go down the ladder,turn
around,go forward and turn around. Press the red circle button. Go forward,go
down the ladder and down the steps. Write down the shape on the door and the
three color blue,green and red. They must be exact. Turn right go back up the
stairs and up the ladder. Turn around and go up the ladder.
Write down the algebra problem (Note:There will be three of these algebra
problems,I can't write them down exactly) z= (a*b)-b2 Turn around and press
both red circle buttons. Go back down the ladder,turn right,go forward,turn
around and press the red circle button three times. Turn around and examine
the chest. Write down the three symbols but DON'T press the center buttons,
not yet. Go back,turn right,forward and right. Press the red circle button.
Turn around and write down the letters "gwalimwessu". Turn left and go back up
the ladder.
Turn right,forward,right and press the red circle button to raise the gate.
Turn around,press the red square button and go down the ladder. Turn around
go forward and turn left. Rasie the small lever up. Turn left and press the red
circle button. Go forward,right,forward three times,right and go up the ladder.
Turn right and press the red circle button. Go back down the ladder,turn right
and raise the small lever up. Go up the ladder and press the red circle button
Go back down the ladder,turn around and draw the red and green squares,again
they must be exact. Turn left,forward and right. Go down the walkway,continue
going forward until you come to a shutter door. Turn left and write down the
8 12
4 10
Keep in mind that the numbers are on the left. Turn right,pull the lever to
open the shutter door and enter. Turn left and press the red circle button.
Keep in mind of the picture of the moon. Turn around and press the red
circle button. Exit the room,go down the walkway,back to the railroad tracks.
Turn right,go down the railroad tracks and turn right. Open the shutter door
and enter. Turn right,go forward and right. Press the black squares to see a
moon and numbers.
Top Left=2
Top Right=4
Bottom Left=5
Bottom Right=7
Turn around,go forward twice and right. Press the red square button to open the
panel. Write down the numbers 5,3,9. Press the button to close the panel. Exit
and go back to where you entered the cave. Turn right,down the walkway and
enter the building,turn left. Go back up the ladder and turn around. Go down
the stairs,thru the cave and keep going forward,turn left and enter the
building. Turn left and raise the small lever up. Exit and go back down the
Turn left,go forward and thru the rotating doorway. Enter the cave (you'll see
water) go to the other end and write down the numbers on the board
6 11
1 7
Turn left,forward and right. Remember the three symbols from the chest?
You have to find the three exact symbols on the disk. Look on the bottom
of the disk,don't press the red button,but instead turn two of the symbols
with your mind ? bear with me. The symbol on the far right is correct. But
turn the two symbols in your head so that the symbols look exactly the same
way as they do on the chest. I hope you understand. Remember the position of
the arrows.
Turn right,forward,right,forward and right. Enter the cave. Write down the five
rectangles with the pegs. Look at the rectangles very closely and you will see
some small squares. These small squares will help you put the pegs in the
correct position (when you draw them) they helped me. Turn right,forward,right
forward twice and right. Again draw the five rectangles with the pegs.
Go back to the rotating doorway,press the red button and go back up the ladder.
Enter the room and turn right. Write down the 45 degree angle. Turn around and
press the red square button three times,go down the ladder.
The Chest Puzzle
Use the clue you got from the large disk. When you turned the bottom symbols
with your mind so that the symbols looked exactly like they do from the chest,
the position of the arrows is the answer.
Press the center button on the left 7 times
Press the center button in the middle 2 times
Press the center button on the right 6 times
The chest will not automatically open,you must click on the handle to open it.
In the chest is a set of numbers 0 thru 9.
Front Row-0,7,2,5
Middle Row-1,8
Back Row-9,6,4
The number 3 is still hanging on the peg. Flip each number over to see round
notches. I will explain this in a minute. Close the chest go back and turn
right,forward and left.
The "gwalimwessu" Puzzle
Seperate the word "gwalimwessu" like so "gwa/lim/wes/su. Now use the clues you
found on the pictures,the position of the moon and the letters on the back of
the photos and when you press the black squares a moon and a number would
appear. The moon position on the photos and by clicking on the black square
would give you a clue to the number to the letters.
The position of the moon,letters and the number
Top Right,gwa,4
?,Wes,must be 6
Bottom Left,su,5
Enter 4,1,6,5, and press the red button. Take the HALF BLUE FRAGMENT.
Turn around and write down the 135 degree angle. Turn right and go back up the
ladder. Press the red square button and go back down the ladder. Press the red
button to rotate the doorway and go back to the railcar. Go up the ladder,open
the door and enter. Turn left,forward and right. Examine the large picture of
the three houses. The house on the left,the light are turrned on on the bottom
right. The middle house,top left. The right house,top right. Remember those
three set of numbers we wrote down that were on the paper hanging on the board
that's our clue.
The numbers on the left
8 12
4 10
The numbers in the middle
2 5
4 10
The numbers on the right
6 11
1 7
Turn right,enter the room and turn around. Press the top buttons to enter the
code 10,2,11. Go forward towards the silver panel and press the red button.
Take the KEY. Oh look! There's that missing picture. Turn around,enter the room
and you will see someone in red walk by. Turn left,use the Key to open the box.
Write down the algebra problem and examine the piece of paper. Yellow,Red,Blue,
Turn left,go forward twice and left. Examine what looks like a clock with five
squares. Press the red button ONE time and write down the order of the colors
going clockwise. If you forget and press the button again the order of the
colors will change. Exit the room,turn right,forward and enter the room on
the right.
The 9 Square Puzzle
This puzzle is completely random. According to the piece of paper you found in
the box. Press 1,2,3,4. Then press the colors in the same order you saw from
the large clock. If correct you will hear a ding and a click.
Turn right and enter the room with the big clock. Turn left and take the 2ND
HALF BLUE FRAGMENT. Turn around and write down the numbers.
Exit the rooms and go back down the ladder. Go down the railroad and enter the
cave on the right. Turn left,forward and enter the building. Turn right and
write down the 225 degree angle. Turn around and use both Blue Fragments to
open the shutter door. Go down the ladder and down the stairs. Write down the
three colors green,green,blue again they must be exact. Click on the bar to
unlock the door. Turn right,go up the stairs and up the ladder. Exit the room,
turn around and pull the lever down to close the shutter door. Go back to the
railroad track and go straight across.
The Clock/Hatch Puzzle
Use the clues you found earlier,the two half ripped papers with the times.
Press the large blue button.
Go down the ladder,turn around and press the red button to open the door and
enter. Turn around,press the red button to close the door. Click on the handle
to connect the pipe. Turn right and open the small wooden doors.
The Symbol Color Puzzle
Use the clues we found on the front of the blue door,back of the blue door and
on the piece of paper. Remember I told you write the symbol and the colors
down exactly.
Top Left-Blue
Top Right-Green
Bottom Left-Red
To The Right Of The Middle-Green
To The Right-Green
Below The Middle-Blue
Below (Very Bottom)-Red
Turn right and press the red button. Turn around,open the door and go back up
the ladder. Turn around and enter the cave. Turn right,forward enter the
building and right. Enter the rotating doorway,turn around,press the red
button and go up the ladder. Press the red square button three times and go
down the ladder. Again press the red button,go forward and down the ladder.
Go down the stairs,thru the hall and up the ladder. Turn around and enter the
room on the left. Turn left and press the red button. Turn right and open the
small panel.
Door Code Puzzle
Does this look familiar? On the other side of the panel is the numbers 5,3,9.
But the way your facing the numbers would be 9,3,5. Use the -1 +5 -5
to solve the puzzle. The problem won't look right.
5 3 9
-1 +5 -5
Turn right and enter the code 484
Enter and turn right. Turn the knob to make connection to the pipe. Turn left,
press the red button and listen to Kales. Turn left,press the red button and
take the 2ND HALF OF THE KEY. Exit the rooms and go back down the ladder,down
the stairs,thru the hall and up the ladder. Go towards the chest,turn around,
press the red button and go up the ladder. Press the red square button and go
down the ladder. Go back to the railroad tracks and turn right. Go forward,
down the railroad tracks and right. Open the shutter door.
Turn right,forward,left and turn right. Raise the small lever up. Now backtrack
your steps. Go all the way back to where you solved the Door Code Puzzle.
Turn left and write down the 270 degree angle. Once again backtrack your steps
and go back to the rotating doorway. Enter the cave (the one with water on the
ground) Turn left and examine the five rectangles with pegs.
Shutter Door Puzzle #1
Remember when we opened the chest and we turned them numbers over. What you
have to do is turn the numbers over and look at the round notches,then imagine
turning the numbers over and placing them on the rectangles so the round
notches fit perfectly on the pegs. It's alot easier to draw the five rectangles
with the pegs then look at the numbers.
So on the five rectangles the numbers would be from left to right 4,1,0,7,5.
Underneath the number 4 follow the blue pipe to see where the number goes.
Do the samething with the numbers 1,0,7,5. Press the blue button to enter the
code 7,1,4,5,0. (Thanks,Dad)
Open the door and enter. Turn left and write down the algebra problem. Exit
and turn left,forward twice and left,enter the cave.
Shutter Door Puzzle #2
You have to do the samething,follow the blue pipes but this one is alittle
harder. On the five rectangles from left to right. 8 or 2,6,8 or 2,9,3. Go
around to the other side to see where the pipes lead or vise versa. Enter
the code 3,8,2,9,6.
Open the door and enter. Turn around and write down b=4.
The Temperature Puzzle
NOTE:If you don't understand this puzzle then go to www.gameboomers.com they
have a better explanation for this puzzle than I do,plus I can't draw the
Go back to the railcar,up the ladder and open the door. Turn left,enter the
room and turn left. Examine the thermometer. The thermometer units are 1 to 1.5
So 10 of the (right symbol) equals 15 of the (left symbol) unit.
Turn around,enter the room,turn right,enter the room and examine the ruler
hanging on the wall beside the desk. The ruler has 2 units that are 1 to 3.5.
So 1 of the (top symbol) equals 3.5 of the (bottom symbol).
Go back to where you solved the chest puzzle. Turn right,go forward and left
down the stairs. Look out the window to see a temprature prob hanging over the
lava pit. The control panel shows the (top symbol) is on the top (see
thermometer in the building) and the (bottom symbol) is on the bottom (see the
Go back to the cave (the one with water on the ground) go to the other end,
turn left,passed the large round disk and open the door. Turn right and examine
the chart. It shows that the pit temperature should be 412 degrees of (the
symbol beside 412) units for the coils (hanging from the beam) to get full
power. Turn left and look out the window. The window across from you is where
we just came from (the stairs next to the chest) The temperature prob is
hanging over the pit and the coil is to the right of the prob hanging on the
beam. The control panel shows the coil reading is in (blue symbol). Exit the
room,turn right,forward three times and turn right. Open the door.
Look out the window. On the control panel you can press the right button to
move the coil over the pit or you can press the left button to move the
temperature prob over the pit. For now leave the temperature prob over the pit
and exit the room.
Go back to where you solved the chest puzzle and go down stairs. To get 412
(right symbol on the thermometer) units we must convert the (right symbol on
the thermometer) units into (top red symbol). Looking at the thermometer
in the building 1 (right symbol) equals to 1.5 (top red symbol) units. This
gives us 412 (right symbol) x 1.5 (top red symbol) = 618 (top red symbol) units
On the control panel press and hold the down button to lower the temperature
probe into the lava pit until you reach the temperature of 618. Notice 618 (top
red symbol) is equal to 106 (bottom blue symbol). Press the top button to
raise the temperature probe out of the pit.
Go back to the cave. Enter the room where you can move either the temperature
probe or the coil. Press the right button to move the coil over the pit. Exit
the room,turn left,forward three times,left and open the door.
To get the (blue symbol) equivalent to 412 (right symbol on the thermometer).
According to the ruler it showed 1 of the (top symbol) equals to 3.5 of the
(blue symbol). From before we see 412 (right symbol) units equals to 618
(top red symbol) equals 106 (bottom blue symbol) units. So,106 (bottom blue
symbol) units x 3.5 = 371 (blue symbol). On the control panel press and hold
the down button until you reach 371. Go back,turn right and forward. Press the
square black button to power the generator. Turn right to see if the gauge
reads 100%. (Thanks,Dad)
Exit the room and go thru the cave. Press the red circle button to rotate the
doorway (if needed). Go thru to the other side,right,forward and go up the
ladder. Turn around go down the stairs,thru the cave and turn right. Go
towards the blueish door.
The Elevators
Press the UP button to raise the elevator. Open the door,get on,and press the
DOWN button.Turn right,open the door,and go forward and right.
The Angles Puzzle
Use the clues we found throughout the game. The four different angles.
Press the large blue button (Thanks,Sherry)
Turn right,close the door and press the UP button. Turn right,forward,left and
press the DOWN button.Open the door,get on,turn right and press the UP button.
Open the door,forward,open the door,turn left and press the DOWN button.
Turn right,open the door and go forward down the walkway. Open the blue door,
get on,and press the UP button. Turn left and open the door. You should be
back where you started. Go forward and left. Press the UP button. Get on and
go DOWN. Open the door,go past the angle puzzle and press the DOWN button.
Turn around,get back on the elevator and go UP. Go forward back into the cave
and turn right. Enter the building,turn right and open the blue door. Press the
DOWN button. Turn right and open the door. Go forward,press the red button to
open the shutter door. Get on the elevator and go UP. Turn around and get off
the elevator. Press the red square button to open the door.
Also write down a=5 that's hanging on the yellow pipe to the right of the door.
Go down both ladders,turn around and go forward.
The XYZ Puzzle
Look back in your notes for the three algebra problems and a=5,b=4. You have
to solve the problems to find out what X equals,Y equals & Z equals. Press the
letters to input the code.
Z=2 (Thanks,Sarah)
Turn right and press the red circle button to open the small box and take the
3RD HALF OF THE KEY. Go back up the ladders,exit and turn around. Open the
small wooden door on the left and use the 1st,2nd & 3rd Half Of The Keys. Close
the small wooden door and go down the ladders. Go towards the XYZ Puzzle and
turn left. Press the red circle button to open the door. Go forward down the
walkway,turn left and go down the stairs.
Turn right,go forward twice and turn around. Press the square red button on
your right. Go up the stairs,turn right and open the wooden panel. On the
bottom right side turn the two switches to the left to turn the red light off.
Close the wooden panel and turn right,forward and open the hatch. Go down the
ladder,turn around and write down the position lines and the numbers.
Right,Left,Right,2(red),24(blue),17(green). Turn right,forward and go up the
ladder. Turn around and look at the lime green pipe. Follow the yellow pipes
that connect to the lime green pipe. All these pipes you see are connected
to the switches on the other side we saw earlier. Look down to see a green
power box. What you have to do is connect the pipes,so you can tell which
way you need to turn the switches (see gameboomers.com) Go down the ladder,
thru the cave and up the ladder.
Close the hatch,turn around go up the stairs and open the wooden panel. Turn
the switches like so.
Top Row:Right,Right,Left
Bottom Row:Left,Left,Left
Close the wooden panel,turn right and go to the monitor. Press and HOLD the
square button. Write down the sequence of the squares that light up.
Turn left,go back down the hatch and up the ladder to the pipes. Look at the
blue and purple pipes. Again follow the yellow pipes and make a connection.
Go down the ladder,thru the cave and up the ladder. Open the wooden panel
and turn the switches like so
Top Row:Left,Right,Right
Bottom Row:Left.Left,Left
Turn right,open the hatch and go down the ladder. Turn around,go left and get
on the railcar. Press the button to go forward once. Get off the railcar,turn
right and write down the postion of the lines and the numbers. Right,Right,
Right 8(red),20(blue),12(green). Turn right and go up the ladder. Turn left,
look out the window and look down. Write down the blue symbol. Go back,turn
and go down the ladder.
Turn around and go towards the ladder. Press the square red button to open the
wire hatch above,do not go up the ladder,not yet. Go back to the railcar and
press the button to go back. Go up the ladder back to the pipes. Look at the
blue pipe and follow the yellow pipes. Again make a connection. Go down the
ladder,thru the cave and up the ladder. Open the wooden panel and turn the
switches like so.
Top Row:Left,Left,Right
Bottom Row:Right,Left,Left
Turn right,open the hatch,go down the ladder and get back on the railcar. Press
the button to go forward once. Get off the railcar and go up the ladder and
look around to see some pictures of ships. Go around and look at the 6th
picture. Notice the seven colors on the side/bow of the ship. Yellow,Pink,
Light Blue,Light Blue,Dark Red,Purple,Lime Green. Turn right,go back around
and go down the ladder and turn left.
The 7 Colors Puzzle
Use the clue we just found,the seven colors on the side of the ship. Going from
left to right.
Yellow,Pink,Light Blue,Light Blue,Dark Red,Purple,Lime Green
Turn left,get on the circular elevator and press the green button to go up.
Once again you have to connect the yellow and purple pipes. (If you don't
understand then go to gameboomers.com to see a picture) Look at the end of
the pipes that go into the wall. The top purple pipes,a horizonal line.
Beneath them,the yellow pipes,a downward diagonal line. The purple pipes
beneath the yellow pipes,a upward diagonal line. In otherwords a horizonal
line and a X beneath the horizonal line.
Turn right. On the left side,look at the pipes going into the wall. The top
yellow pipe and the bottom purple pipe,a greater than line. The middle yellow
pipe and the bottom purple pipe on the bottom right side,a downward diagonal
line. On the right side,the top and middle purple pipe a less than line. Turn
Again,the pipes going into the wall. The top purple pipe on the left and the
right a horizonal line. On the left side the two yellow pipes a greater than
line. On the right the two purple pipes a less than line. Turn right,move the
switch to the right. Press the green button to go down. Turn around,go up the
ladder and turn around. This is the other side of the wall where we just came
from. When we connected the pipes with the lines,you have to press the red
button to match the pipes.
Press the TOP red button 3 times. Turn right,go around the corner. Press the
BOTTOM red button 2 times. Turn right,go around the corner. Press the TOP
red button 1 time. Turn right,go around the corner and press the gray button
and write down the triangles and the numbers.
Go back down the ladder,turn left press the square button to open the door.
Get on the elevator and go up. Turn left and move the switch over to the left.
Press the green circle button to go back down. Turn right and press the gray
button. Write down the triangles and the numbers.
Go back to the railcar and press the back button. Get off the railcar and go
up the ladder. Turn around,go up the steps,turn left and go up the stairs.
Turn left and go up the stairs. Turn right,forward and go down the walkway.
Press the red button to open the door. Go forward twice and turn right.
Click on the grate so that it falls. Take the KEY. Go back down both stairs,
open the panel,go down the ladder and get back on the railcar.
Press the forward button so the rail car stops on the third stop (press the
button after each stop) Exit the railcar and face the stairs. Turn right and
raise the silver panel. Look out the window and look down. Write down the
green symbol. Go back and close the silver panel. Turn around,go up the steps
and open the double doors. Turn left and use the Key to unlock the door.
Enter,turn right and pull the lever down,turn right and close the door. Turn
around,look down and open the double door and go down the ladder. Write
down the letters and the symbols.
Z = X with a line on the right
N = backward N
L = C
Y = n
S = X with a line on the left
H = N
F = backward C
X = X with a line on top
U = U
E = backwards Z
T = X with a line on the bottom
C = Z
Go forward and go up the ladder. Turn right and pull the lever down to turn the
light green. Turn around and write down the position of the lines and the
numbers. Left,Right,Left,14(red),1(blue),21(green). Turn right,go down the
ladder,right,forward and back up the ladder. Open the door,turn right,open the
double doors and go back to the railcar. Press the back button once.
The Triangle Puzzle
Use the clues you found on the two monitors. When I say "top of the triangle"
that means the top two triangles. The same goes for left,right & bottom of
the triangle.
Top of the triangle
Left side of the triangle
Bottom of the triangle
Right side of the triangle
Turn left,press the button to open the door. Go forward three times and turn
left. Open the silver panel. These four "switches" control the four towers.
Top Left-Horizonal
Bottom Left-Vertical
Top Right-Backwards Slash (\)
Bottom Right-Forward Slash (/)
Close the panel and turn right. On the right side raise the blue panel and
pull the lever down so the light will turn green. Close the panel and turn
around. Press the red button to open the door. Go forward,right and down the
ladder. Down the walkway,up the ladder and open the door. Forward,right,down
the ladder,down the walkway and up the ladder. Open the door,go down the ladder
down the walkway and up the ladder. Open the door,go towards the silver door
and turn around.
Press the red circle button on the left side. Turn back around,enter and turn
left. Write down the position of the lines and the numbers. Left,Right,Left,
6(red),15(blue), 10(green). Turn around and pull the lever down to make the
light turn green. Turn left and go up the small ladder. Press the bottom red
button to move the dial (think of this as a clock) Press the top red button
ONE time (each time you move the dial) to see yellow lights on the other
side make a letter or a symbol.
12:00 = Z
1:00 = C
2:00 = backwards N
3:00 = U
4:00 = n
5:00 = X with a line on the left
6:00 = X with a line on the bottom
7:00 = backwards Z
8:00 = backwards C
9:00 = X with a line on the top
10:00 = X with a line on the right
11:00 = N
Go back to the silver panel.
Top Left-Horizonal
Bottom Left-Vertical
Top Right-Forward Slash (/)
Bottom Right-Forward Slash (/)
Go thru the towers,down the walkways and down the ladders. Press the red
circle button on the left side to make the light turn green. Go back to the
silver panel. Pull the wooden lever. Open the panel and examine the map.
Put the map back,close the panel,pull the lever and open the panel.
Top Left-Vertical
Bottom Left-Horizonal
Top Right-Backwards Slash (\)
Bottom Right-Backwards Slash (\)
Close the panel and pull the lever. Go thru the three towers,climb the ladder,
press the red circle button to open the door and hop on the railcar. Press the
square button to go forward. When the railcar stops,turn right and raise the
Top Left-Vertical
Bottom Left-Horizonal
Top Right-Backwards Slash (\)
Bottom Right-Forwards Slash (/)
Close the panel and press the square button to go back. Go down the ladder and
go thru the four towers. Press the red circle button to open the box and take
the 1ST BLUE FRAGMENT. Go back to the railcar. Press the square button to go
forward. Turn right and raise the panel.
Top Left-Vertical
Bottom Left-Horizonal
Top Right-Backwards Slash (\)
Bottom Right-Backwards Slash (\)
Close the panel and press the square button to go back. Go down the ladder and
thru the three towers. Turn right and forwards. Open the door and get back on
the railcar. Go forward once. Go up the stairs and open the double doors. Go
forwards towards the stairs and examine the lights.
Circle Base-Left Light On,Middle Light Off,Right Light On
Upside Down Triangle-All three lights are on
Square Base-Left Light On,Middle Light On,Right Light On
Half Moon Base-Left Light On,Middle Light On,Right Light Off
Turn and use the Key on the 1st door on the left
The Lamp/Lights Puzzle
Turn Left
Top-Yellow Circle
Left-Yellow Circle
Bottom-Half Moon
Turn around
Left-Yellow Circle
Bottom-Yellow Circle
Right-Yellow Circle
Exit the room,turn left,use the Key and enter the 2nd door on the left.
If you see three lime green pipes your in the correct room. Turn left.
Top-Yellow Circle
Left-Yellow Circle
Bottom-Upside Down Triangle
Right-Yellow Circle
Turn around
Top-Yellow Circle
Right-Yellow Circle
Exit the room,turn left and open the double doors. Go down the stairs,
turn left and forwards. Press the red circle button to open the small shutter
door. Enter and turn left,pull the lever down. Turn around and pull the lever
down. Exit the room turn left,forward,left,forward and left. Press the red
circle button to open the panel and take the HALF OF MATHEMATICAL PIECE.
Go back to the railcar and press the back button once.
Exit and turn left. Press the red circle button to open the panel and take the
HALF OF MATHEMATICAL PIECE. Get back on the railcar and press the back
button twice. Exit the railcar,go up the ladder and close the hatch. Turn
around,go up the steps,turn left and go up the stairs. Turn left and go up the
stairs. Turn right,forwards and left. Go down the walkway and open the door.
Go forward and get on the railcar. Turn left to see a clue,write this down we
will need it much later. Turn around and press the square button twice
(after each stop) Turn left and examine the rectangle panel with no symbol.
Press the button once to see a cross
Press the button twice to see a upper right and bottom left line
Press the button three times to see a upper right and bottom right line.
Get back on the railcar and press the square button once. Exit and turn left.
The Simulation Puzzle
Use the clue we just found,press the buttons to see the symbols (yes I know
it doesn't make any sense) I will just say how many times you press the squares
starting on the top left going right.
Press the red square button to see if the light on the left turns yellow.Turn
right and open the silver doors. Use both Half Of Mathematical Piece on the
Mathematical disk.
The Mathematical Puzzle
Press the red circle button to turn the disk. Use the clue you got from the
simulation puzzle,the brown squares. Do you remember how many times you pressed
the brown squares. Let me remined you
NOTE:If this don't look right then go to Gameboomers.com to see a picture.
Top Left Of The Disk
1 x 3 x 3 = 9
+ + +
2 3 2= 12
+ + +
1 x 1 x 2= 2
= = =
4 7 7
Bottom Left Of The Disk
12 - 4= 8
+ +
9 - 7 = 2
+ +
7 - 2 = 5
= =
28 13
Top Right Of The Disk
28 - 8 - 13 = 7
5 - 2 = 3
Bottom Right Of The Disk
Cross Symbol-8
Square With Spikes-3
Stretched Square-7
Get back on the railcar and press the square button 3 times (after each stop,
press the square button) Exit the railcar and turn left.
The Symbol Rectangle Panel Puzzle
Cross Symbol-8
Square With Spikes-3
(Turn Around) Stretched Square-7
Turn right and press the red circle button
The Glass Maze
Read this VERY,VERY carefully to get thru this hard ass maze.
Turn right to view the map. Turn around,you can press this button to reset the
whole maze. Turn right and go.......
Press Button To Open Door
Forward 2 Times
Press Button To Close Door
Turn Around And Close Door
Forward 2 Times
Forward 3 Times
Press Button To Open Door
Press Button To Close Door
Forward 2 Times
Turn Around And Close Door
Draw The Purple Line On The Left Side Of The Door
Press Button To Open Door
Write Down The Position Of The Lines And Numbers
Forward 2 Times
The Circle/Square Panel Puzzle
Turn left and examine the clue. Turn around,starting at the top and going down.
Press the...
Top Circle
Third Square
Third Square
First Square
Third Square
Second Square
First Square
First Square
Bottom Circle
The 8 Button Panel Puzzle
Turn right and examine the piece of paper. Turn left and pull the lever down
once. Press the red square button and write down the position of the yellow
1) 11:00
2) 10:00
3) 1:00
4) 5:00
5) 4:00
6) 8:00
7) 2:00
8) 7:00
Turn right and look at the dots around the circle. Use the times to put them in
order. Turn around and press the button in order from 1 to 8
Turn around and take the ?FUSE? Exit the room,turn left and go...
Forward 2 Times
Press Center Red Button To Open Door
Forward 2 Times
Forward 3 Times
Forward 3 Times
Press Button To Close Door
Forward 3 Times
Forward 3 Times
Forward 2 Times
Press Button To Open Door But DON'T Go In
Turn Around And Close Door
The Purple Line Puzzle
I hoped you drawed the purple line earlier. You have to follow the yellow
pipes and turn the wheel to make it look like the purple line. In other words
imagine the purple line being on the four white squares in front of you. Turn
Turn the top wheel-1 time
Turn the bottom wheel-1 time
Turn around
The top wheel-Leave Alone
The bottom wheel-2 times
Exit the room,turn right and go....
Press The Purple Button To Open Door
Green Beam Puzzle
This puzzle is completely random. Enter thru one of the doorways,it doesn't
matter which one,and notice the letters on the side of the doorways. Facing
On the left side
The North Doorway
On the right side
Look back in your notes and look at the letters and the times we found earlier
2:00=backwards N
5:00=X with a line on the left
6:00=X with a line on the bottom
7:00=backwards Z
8:00=backwards C
9:00=X with a line on the top
10:00=X with a line on the right
NOTE:You have to look at these letters backwards so you don't
get confused like for an example N=H or Z=C
T=X with a line on the bottom
E=backwards Z
X=X with a line on the top
F=backwards C
S=X with a line on the left
N=backwards N
Z=X with a line on the right
Go forward (North) and press the red circle button. The dial will turn. Quickly
write down the times. If you forget and press the red circle again the times
will change. This is just for an example these where my times...
The last time will ALWAYS be 12:00
Look and see which letter goes with 9:00,X with a line on top. Then look and
see which letter goes with the X with a line on the top,X. So go thru the
doorway with the letter X. Do the same thing with all the rest of the times.
9:00=X with a line on top=X. Go thru the doorway with the X
1:00=C=L. Go thru the doorway with the L
10:00=X with a line on the right=Z. Go thru the doorway with the Z
11:00=N=H. Go thru the doorway with the letter H
2:00=backwards N=N. Go thru the doorway with the letter N
3:00=U=U. Go thru the doorway with the letter U
12:00=Z=C. Go thru the doorway with the letter C
If done correctly the panel will stay open,if not try again. Take the 2ND
BLUE FRAGMENT. Go back to the glass maze and go.....
Forward 3 Times
Write down the position of the lines and the numbers
Turn right
Open The Vent
Go inside,up the ladder and turn left. Press the red square button to bring the
lift. Go inside and press the green square button to go forward. Turn around
and press the green button to go back. Write down the letter and the number
you see on the left and the right F9. Turn back around and press the green
square button again. Exit the lift and turn right. DO NOT go down the pipe,
not yet. Instead turn left,go down the ladder and turn right.
Enter the code F9,turn left and press the red square button to open the
"ladder". Go forward and press the red square button to make the button
green. Look down and write down the red symbol. Turn around and go back,
press the red square button and go back up the ladder. Now you may slide down
the pipe. You should know where your at. Go back to the elevators.
The Elevators Revisited
Open the door,get on the elevator and go DOWN. Turn right,open the door and
turn around and press the UP button. Turn back around,go passed the angle
puzzle and press the DOWN button. Open the door,get on and go up. Open the
door,forward,open the door and go DOWN. Open the door,go forward down the
walkway,open the door and go UP.
Turn around and open the door. You should be back where you started. Go
forward,left and press the UP button. Open the door,get on and go DOWN.
Go past the angle puzzle and press the DOWN button. Turn back around,get back
on the elevator and go UP. Open the door and go forward towards the cave,turn
right,forward,enter the building and turn right. Open the door,get on the
elevator and go DOWN.
Turn right,open the door,go forward and press the center red button to open the
shutter door. Get on the elevator and go UP. Turn around,exit the elevator,open
the door and go down both ladders. Go down the walkway,turn right and go up
the stairs. Turn right,forward,left,go down the walkway and open the door.
You will see a blue light blinking around a yellow square button. This button
brings the railcar back from where we left it but DO NOT PRESS THE BUTTON!!!!
Go forward,look down and go down the ladder. Turn right and press the red
circle button to open a door. Go back up the ladder,press the red square button
to open the blue door and go down the walkway. Go down the stairs,turn left and
go down the stairs. Turn left,go down the walkway and open the door.
Go forwards,towards the railcar,get on and get off on the other side and turn
right. Go forward,left and press the red circle button to open the silver door.
Turn left,go up the ladder and press the button to bring the railcar back.
Press the red square button to open the blue door and go down the walkway,
right,down the stairs,left,down the stairs,left,down the walkway and open the
door. Again get on the railcar and get off on the other side.
Turn right,forward,left and go up the ladder. Draw the circle with the 24
numbers,the lines and the "power" symbol in the middle. Go back down the ladder
and get on the railcar. Turn right and pull the rusty handle to go forward. Go
up the ladder,open the hatch and close the hatch. Look at the top of the hatch.
Again draw the circle with the lines,the "power" symbol and the 4 shapes.
Go back down the ladder and get on the railcar. Turn right and pull the rusty
handle. Turn right and press the center red button to open the blue door.
Go down the walkway,right,go up the stairs,right,down the walkway and open the
door. Get on the railcar and turn right. Don't forget about this clue,it would
be a good idea to draw it if you haven't already,turn around and press the
square button once. Turn left.
The Shape/Numbers Puzzle
Take the clue we found underneath the railcar and draw it so that the "power"
symbol is pointing down (diagonal) Take the clue you found on the railcar and
draw it so that the 3 black dots are on the right. Now look at all 3 clues
and look and see which shape goes where the black dots are the hourglass,
triangle,square. Now see which number goes where the 3 black dots are
2,4 & 8,2 & 1,9.
Panel#1=hourglass inside a hexagon,8,2
Turn right and press the red square button.
Get back on the railcar,press the square button once. Turn right and open the
door. Keep in mind the color blue. You have to press the 1 button until you
hear a scary sound. Press the 1 button 5 times. Draw the upside down Y with a
circle on the top an bottom right. Get back on the railcar and press the square
button once. Turn right and open the door. Keep in mind the color red. Press
the 2 button 8 times. Draw the upside down Y with circles on all three sides.
Get back on the railcar and press the square button once. Turn right and open
the door. Keep in mind the color green. Press the 3 button 4 times. Draw the
up side down Y with a circle on the bottom left.
Go back to the railcar,go to the other side and open the door. Go down the
walkway,right,down the stairs,left,down the stairs,left,down the walkway and
open the door. Get on the railcar,turn left and pull the rusty handle. Go up
the ladder,open the hatch and turn around. Examine the monitor. Notice there
are two vertical white lines and a symbol underneath.
Press the right red button 15 times. There shound be a blue line inside the
vertical lines. Draw the symbol. Press the right red button 13 times. There
should be a red line inside the vertical lines. Draw the symbol. Press the
right red button 8 times. Draw the symbol. Go back down the ladder,on the
railcar,turn right and pull the rusty handle.Turn right and open the blue door.
Go down the walkway,right,up the stairs,right and go back to the XYZ Puzzle.
Go up both ladders,get on the elevator and go DOWN. Open the door,press the
red button to open the shutter door,get on the elevator and go UP. Open the
door,go thru the building,thru the cave,turn left,forward,left. Get on the
elevator and go DOWN. Open the door,go down the walkway,turn left and press
the red square button to open the blue door.
The Color/Symbol Puzzle
Use the clues we got from press the 1,2,3, buttons to see the Y symbol and the
colors and press the red button to see a color inbetween the two vertical
white lines,the symbol. I'm just going to say how many times you press the
buttons going from left to right.
Panel#1-2,top button-16 & 5
Panel#2-7,bottom button-24 & 4
Panel#3-6,bottom button-16 & 4
Turn right,go forward,turn around and press the red square button on the
right to turn the room.
Turn around and open the door. Go forward,right,on the elevator and go UP.
Open the door,forward,right,enter the cave,right,thru the building,right,get
on the elevator and go down. Alright you should know your way around,go back
to the XYZ Puzzle. Go down the walkway,turn right and go up the stairs,right,
go up the stairs,right,go down the walkway and press the button to open the
door. Go towards the crack in the wall and turn right. Press the red button
to open the box and take the 3RD BLUE FRAGMENT.
Turn right,forward and open the door. Go down the walkway,left,forward,down
the walkway and open the blue door. Go forward,right and get on the wooden
elevator,turn around and press the red circle button to go down. Turn around,
unlock the blue door,get back on the elevator and go up. Go forward,left,and
open the blue door. Go down the walkway,left,down the stairs,right,forward,
down the walkway and open the door. Go forward and go down the ladder.
Turn left,forward twice,left unlock the blue door and press the red square
button to open the blue door. Go down the walkway,left,up the stairs,right,
up the stairs,left down the walkway and open the blue door. Get back on the
wooden elevator and go down. Turn left and open the blue door. Go down the
walkway,right,down the stairs,right,down the walkway and open the blue door.
Go forward twice,right and go up the ladder. Write down the clue.
Top Left-5,3
Bottom Left-7,6
Top Right-1,8
Bottom Right-4,2
Go back down the ladder,left,forward twice,turn right and go towards the door.
The 4 Square Puzzle
Use the clue you found on the bottom of the elevator. Press the....
Top Right Square
Bottom Right Square
Top Left Square
Bottom Right Square
Top Left Square
Bottom Left Square
Bottom Left Square
Top Right Square
Press the red square button to open the blue door.
Go up the ladder and turn right. This is a clue to the mathmematical puzzle
oops! Notice the position of the pipes (see gameboomers.com about the pipes)
Go forward and left. Write down the position of the lines and the numbers.
Left,Left,Left,13(red),16(blue),4(green). Go forward and turn left. Write down
the position of the lines and the numbers. Right,Right,Left,23(red),5(blue),
19(green). There are six sets of pipes you can examine on each wall
left and right,see gameboomers.com cause I don't understand how they did it.
Go back down the ladder,turn around,go straight across and open the blue door.
Go down the walkway,left,go up the stairs,right,up the stairs,left,down the
walkway and open the blue door. Go forward and open the wooden door.
First Room
Turn left and move the handle to the left
Turn around
Turn the handle to the right
Press the red circle button to open the green door.
Second Room
Turn left and turn the handle to the left
Turn around
Turn the handle to the left
Third Room
Turn left and turn the handle to the left
Turn around
Turn the handle to the left
Turn left,open the small wooden box and insert the ?Fuse? Press the red circle
button to hear a thud. Turn around,exit the rooms and turn right.
The Color Ball Mechanism
Look back in your notes and find all 8 lines,numbers and colors. Remember the
numbers from left to right are red,blue,green.
Press the red circle button one time ONLY. Keep in mind the sequence of the
ball and the color. If you forget and press the button again you will get a
different sequence. The sequence I got was L,L,R,Blue. So the number would be
Go back,turn left and open the blue door. Go down the walkway,left,down the
stairs,right,down the stairs,right,go down the walkway and open the door.
Notice the lights came on. Go forward twice and look up Draw the large symbol
(looks like half of a spider web to me) Turn around,open the blue door,go down
the walkway,left,up the stairs,right,down the walkway,open the door and get
back on the railcar. Press the square button twice,turn left,open the door and
Forward 2 times
Solve The Puzzle
Press The...
Top Circle
Third Square
Third Square
First Square
Third Square
Second Square
First Square
First Square
Bottom Circle
Enter the room and pull the lever twice (you should see the half of spider web
symbol on the wheel) press the red square button and note down the position
of the yellow lights
1) 2:00
2) 11:00
3) 4:00
4) 5:00
5) 8:00
6) 1:00
7) 10:00
8) 7:00
Turn right and look at the dots on the piece of paper. Use the times to put the
dots in order. Exit the maze,go back to the railcar and go back to the blue
room (the room with the spider web symbol on the roof) You should be facing
the blue door with the square puzzle. Look at the yellow symbol on the right,
a dot on top and two lines underneath. Look up,notice the (spider web) is
divided with a X and a cross. Look on the bottom of the screen,the three lines.
Look back to see which number goes with the yellow symbol. To do this you
should have put the numbers in order by using the times and by looking on the
piece of paper in the maze. It's sorts hard to explain.
Dot with 2 lines underneath = 1
Dot with 1 line underneath = 2
2 lines above the dot = 3
A line above the dot and below the dot = 4
1 line above the dot and 2 lines below the dot = 5
2 lines above the dot,2 lines under the dot = 6
1 line above the dot = 7
2 lines above the dot,1 line under the dot = 8
The 8 Button Panel Puzzle
Press the buttons in order from 1-8
Turn around and enter the number you got from the Color Ball Mechanism
Turn right,press the red circle button to open the box and take the 4TH BLUE
FRAGMENT. Exit the blue room,go down the walkway,left,down the stairs,right
and open the hatch. Go down the ladder,get on the railcar and go forward once.
Turn right and exit.
The 8 Square Puzzle
Use the clue we got from the monitor awhile back. You had to press and hold
the button and each square lit up. Press the squares from 1-9.
Turn left,press the red square button to open the wooden box. Move the green
switch to the right. Get back on the railcar and go forward. Turn left,open the
panel and write down the sequence.
Close the panel and press the back button once. Open the wooden box and turn
the green switch back to the left. Get on the railcar and go forward twice.
Exit the railcar,go up the steps and open the double doors. Use The Key to
open the 2nd door on the left. Enter the room and turn left. Press the top
square button to see that it's red. Then count how many rivets are on the panel
inside and outside the square.
Red = Inside-9 Outside-4
Light Blue = Inside-4 Outside-8
Red = Inside 9 Outside 6
Exit the room,turn right,open the double doors and get back on the railcar.
Go forward and turn right.
The Circle Puzzle
Press the buttons in order from 1-9
Press the red circle button and turn right
The Rivet/Color Puzzle
Use the clue you got from counting the rivets on the panels.
Turn right and turn the green switch to 1:00 (red) Turn left and press the top
right button 9 times. Press the top left button 4 times
Turn the green switch to 3:00 (green) Press the top right button 9 times. Press
the top left button 6 times.
Turn the green switch to 8:00 (light blue) Press the top right button 4 times.
Press the top left button 8 times.
Get back on the railcar and go back once. Exit,go up the steps and open the
double doors. Enter the 2nd room on the left.
The Red,Green,Blue Shape Puzzle
Use the clues we found throughout the game the red,blue,green symbol. Press
the top square button to open the panels.
Red = Press the bottom right of the circle. Close the panel.
Blue = Press the top left and bottom right of the circle. Close the panel.
Green = Press the top left and top right of the circle. Close the panel.
Exit the room and turn left. Go up the steps and open the double doors. Go
forward and pull the lever on the right. Go forward into the room and turn
around. Use all 4 of the Blue Fragments,go forward and pull the lever on the
right. Enter the brick building,turn right and press the red circle button on
the left. Ouch! Knock on the blue door in front of you,turn left and a woman
in red will talk to you (when you turn left you might have to knock on the
door) She will take your Keycard Theif! And give you a COIN. Go up the ladder,
turn left to see a map. Turn left and press the red circle button to open the
Turn left,exit the building and see the woman in red walking away. Go forward,
turn around and pull the lever on the left. Open the double doors and go back
to the railcar. Press the back button 3 times. Go up the ladder,turn around,
up the steps,left,up the stairs,right and go back to the XYZ Puzzle. Go up
both ladders,on the elevator and go DOWN. Exit the elevator,press the center
red button to open the shutter door,get on the elevator and go UP.
Turn around,open the door and use the Coin in the square on the right. Turn
back around,get on the elevator and go DOWN. Turn around,open the blue
door,go forward,press the blue button and look thru the lense. Draw the large
square and the lines. Go back,turn around and get back on the elevator,turn
right and open the blue door. Go back to where you talk to the woman in red,
where you open the double doors.
Pull the lever on the right,forward,turn around,pull the lever on the right and
and enter the brick building. Turn left and use the Key to unlck the door,
enter and turn right.
The Final Puzzle
Use the clue you found when you look thru the lense. I'm just going to say
how many times you press each square starting on the top left,going right.
Exit the room and press the left red circle button. Take the DISK. Ok,go all
the way back to the railcar and the beginning of the game. Go up the ladder,
open the door and enter. Turn left,forward,right,forward,right,forward,right.
Use the Disk on the circle and the camera will automatically take a picture of
the disk. Take the PICTURE,go back around and put it in the machine. Listen
to Kales.Turn right and press the red circle button. Turn around,go back around
and grab the disk.
Exit the building,turn left and go forward. Open the door and use the Disk.
Take the KEYCARD and listen to the woman in red as she takes the disc. Exit
the room,use the Keycard to open the gate on the railcar. Get on the railcar
and press the square button. Say goodbye and enjoy the ride.
Start this guide on 6/2/10
Got lazy,didn't work on this guide for nearly 3 weeks
Finished the guide on 7/4/10. Happy 4th of July
Thanks to Knut Mueller & Got Game Entertainment for making a VERY hard
adventure/puzzle game.
Thanks to my dad,my cousin,Sherry & my cousin,Sarah for helping me with Rhem 2
Thanks to CjayC for posting this on GameFaqs.com
Thanks to Dennis for posting this on Supercheats.com
Please do not steal my guide
Other guides I've written
Amerzone:The Explorer's Legacy PC
Barrow Hill:Curse Of The Ancient Circle PC
Cleopatra:Riddle Of The Tomb PC
Riddle Of The Sphinx PC
Dark Fall:The Journal PC
Dark Fall 2:Light's Out PC
Rhem 3:The Secret Library PC
The Legend Of Lotus Spring PC