Rupert's Adventures - Escape Orange Room Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games. | | |
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Rupert's Adventures - Escape Orange Room
1. Click the bedside table drawers. Click to take the Slider chip from the
second drawer. Click to take the rope from the third drawer. Click behind
the bedside table. Click to take the condom, click to get the Slider chip
further back behind the table then click in your inventory to retrieve and
put the condom back behind the bedside table. Go down. Click both bed
pillows and the blanket; quickly retrieve the Slider chip. Click under the
bed to get the under the bed view. Click to take the light green origami.
Maximize it and click it twice to unfold it. Click on the Slider chip inside,
then minimize and replace the origami. Click on the left leg under the bed.
Knock the leg repeatedly until a Samurai sword falls down. Click on and take
the sword. Click on the yarn. Maximize it and write down the color and number
from it.The numbers change with each attempt at the game. Minimize and replace
the yarn. Go down. Find the yellow candle holder in the wall alcove. Take it,
maximize it and write down the color and number. Minimize and replace the candle
holder. Click on the four red dots in the middle of the wall hanging above the
bed to zoom in on them. Write down the color and the number in the middle.
Go down. Go left.
2. Click to take the coconuts from the palm tree. Maximize each one, take the
sword and keeping it minimized, split each coconut. Take the Slider chip from
the coconut that has it. Replace each coconut on the tree in the reverse order
from which you took them. Locate the palm frond that is in the left side of
the tree that points straight down to the carpet. Click it, maximize it and
click it again to turn it over. Take the Slider piece. Minimize and replace
the palm frond on the palm tree. Go left twice.
3. Use the Samurai sword to cut the string holding up the shipwreck painting.
Click on the safe to zoom in. Place each of the six Slider chips onto the black
rectangle on the front of the safe. Go down. Click on the bottom right corner
of the shelves. Get the Slider piece. Go down. Click the glass, candle and
bottle on the table in quick succession to be able to click and jostle the
table to make a Slider chip fall down. Take the Slider chip. Click between
the purple towels under the shelves to zoom in on them. Click to take the
Slider chip. Go down. Take the toaster from the floor. Maximize it. Click
the red bar to start the toaster, place your mouse pointer in the middle of
the right hand piece of bread, and click rapidly when you see the toast pop
up to grab the Slider piece. Minimize and replace the toaster on the floor.
Click to zoom in on the safe and put your four Slider pieces on the black
rectangle. Go down. Click on the curling iron on the dresser to take it.
Write down the color and number on it. Minimize and replace the curling
iron. Go right.
4. Click the note on the door. Maximize it, read it, then close it. Replace
the note on the door. Click on the green jacket to the left of the door.
Maximize it. Click on the X on the right side sleeve to move it down. Move
the X all the way down the sleeve by clicking it repeatedly. When the Slider
piece peeks out of the sleeve, click it to take it. Minimize the green jacket
and then return it to the blue hanger. Click on the pink dress on the left.
Maximize it and click it to turn it around. Click the zipper, then click the
Slider chip to take it. Minimize the dress and then put it back onto the blue
hanger. Click to take the red make-up kit from the dresser. Click the zipper
to unzip it. Click to take the nail file and the pink round compact. Click to
take the Samurai sword and use it on the upper right hand corner of the empty
black space. Click to take the Slider piece. Click to open the compact; write
down the color and the number inside. Maximize the make-up kit again, click to
unzip it, click to take and place the compact inside, minimize the window and
replace the make-up kit onto the dresser. Click to open the top dresser drawer.
Click to take the red mom-to-be dress and then click the pink item peeking out
underneath the red thong underwear. Click to maximize the sex toy, then use the
nail file on the screw to take it apart. Click to take the Slider piece, minimize
the sex toy and return it to the drawer. Also return the red dress to the dresser
drawer. Click toward the right front of the dresser drawer to take the light blue
bra, the pink and white underwire bra and the red and pink bra with a red flower.
Keep the red and pink bra with the red flower in your inventory and replace the
pink and white underwire and the light blue bras, in that order. Click on the
dresser drawer to close it. Maximize the make-up kit again, click to unzip it,
click to take and place the compact and the nail file inside, minimize the
window and replace the make-up kit onto the dresser. Click on the vertical
line of the settee next to the drawer just above where the vertical black line
from the top comes down to meet the horizontal black line running across the
front of the settee to zoom in on that area of it. Click on the edge of the
slider puzzle piece peeking out to retrieve it. Go down. Click on the white
running shoes. Click to maximize them. Write down the color and the number
on them. Minimize the shoes and return them to below the coat rack. Go left.
5. Click on the black rectangle on the safe to maximize it. Place the final
five Slider chips into the rectangle. The kind of each piece changes with each
trial of the game. Solve the Slider puzzle by first figuring out where the
empty box will wind up. Let's have it at the bottom right. Solve the top row
across and the first column on the left. Then solve the three pieces on the
second row and the two on the second column. That leaves three squares and
the empty black spot in the lower right corner. Shuffle the final four chips
around until the three pieces are placed correctly, the blank square is where
it should be and the picture is unjumbled. You'll hear a three-toned sound
and the black lines in the puzzle will disappear. Go down. Click on the opened
wall safe and take the letter and the mallet. Click on the letter, read it,
minimize it and replace it into the safe. Go down. Go left twice.
6. Click on the TV. Read the test pattern from left to right as purple, green,
yellow, red, blue and white. Place the numbers you obtained in that order.
Find the uncovered bricks on the wall between the TV and the palm tree. Use
the mallet, minimized, on the bricks and wall four times to uncover a floor
safe. Put the mallet back in your inventory and take the rope. Click the safe
and the rope will drop around it. Click on the rope once to pull the safe
closer. Now you can click on the front of the floor safe to zoom in on the
tumblers. Input your numbers by rotating each dial. The door will swing open
to reveal a magic wand. Click to take the wand. Maximize the Samurai sword.
Click the wand and keeping it minimized, click on the Samurai sword to transform
it into a strong Samurai sword. Click and minimize the sword. Click the bra to
maximize it. Click the wand and keeping it minimized, click the bra with the wand
to transform it into a gigantic bra. Minimize the bra window. Go left twice.
7. Click on the window to open it. Click on the open window to zoom in. Select
the strong sword and, keeping it minimized, cut the left, bottom and rightside
bars away until the bar grid falls outside. Replace the sword in your inventory.
Select the bra. Keeping the bra minimized, click the open window and YOU'RE OUT!
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2023 |
CheatBook-DataBase 2023 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64,
DVD, Wii U, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid
gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 26.800 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 8, 2023.
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