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Space Rangers 2 FAQ
Copyright 2008, Arthur DeMarois
Legal Note: This FAQ belongs to me. Feel free to use it, if you post it on
another website E-mail me at artsurvey@webtv.net so I can keep track of how
it's used.
INTRODUCTION (Purpose for this FAQ)
The purpose of this FAQ is to put in one document all of those How do I do
this?; How do I handle that? Questions that the evolving SR 2 Universe
challenges the player with. Unique features of this FAQ include information
on how to be a Pirate/Anti-Pirate and how to use Partner Rangers as a Convoy.
Describing the SR 2 Pirate situation so well left me free to leave out a Life
after Dominators section. I didn't include anything about Planetary Probes
since the Game Manual does this quite well. I also opted to describe uses
for only the Weapons I find most useful in the game. Again the manual covers
the other Weapons well enough. For Hulls, Engines, Repair Droids and
Artifacts I offered only some guidance.
There's also a Different Species and Health issues section. This combines my
experiences as Different Species with what the Game Manual says in 3 sections
about the 5 Coalition Sentient Species, the Space Diseases section and the
Section on Pirate Bases/Space stations. It's fun and unique that you can
change species. I just think that a Ranger should know what they're in for.
All the descriptions I saw of the Business Centers both in the Game manual
and at various websites were very brief. So, I've gone ahead and detailed
the effects that various Investments can have on a Ranger's game. Some uses
for loans, consequences for not paying off Loans and some uses for Loans.
My biases in writing this are that while success in Land Battles with
Dominators and Text Based Adventures can be rewarding and fun, I don't think
either is that important to a Rangers Long term success.
I didn't include an Index or Table of Contents. Sections of this FAQ are
divided by their All Caps title before that start of what I have to say on
the subject.
One more thing, I am a Star Trek Fan and a Comic Book Fan. So, this work has
three references to the Avengers the Fantastic 4 and a Star Trek Character.
To which I have to tip my proverbial hat in thanks to Stan Lee and the Guys and
Dolls at Marvel Comics and to Gene Rodenberry and anybody who ever wrote for or
acted in Star Trek.
Enjoy Space Rangers 2! And Enjoy this FAQ!
One Mission Failure will get a planetary Government to change Attitude toward
you. Smuggling on a planet only Affects the Attitude and Actions of that
Planet: Feel Free to Fracture a law or two. (Continued on pg. 2)
A Faeyan with Merchant or Corsair Occupation gives you a big starting ship
with a good weapons system. To make the most of such a large ship, choose
Missile Thrower and Scanner as starting equipment. Missile Throwers and
Scanners are usually the Smallest Pieces of Standard Equipment in the game.
Another Option is Missile Thrower and a Trethone Weaopn. Trethone weapons
have the unique property of slowing an opposing ship.
This allows time and revenue to be spent on other things besides searching
for a new hull.
To avoid Jail time after give the First and most Humble Account to a
Planetary Government. They may adopt an attitude of Bad toward you but you
can work out that situation without Jail time.
In the long run the only Equipment that doesn't need to be Gaalian (to reduce
maintenance cost) is the Hull, Weapons and the Gripper. Only use Artifacts
AKA. Special Equipment when necessary. This reduces wear and tear; and
reduces repair costs.
1) You can shadow Pirate vs. Commerce Battles from Start of game to pick up
Spare Cargo or Spare Parts.
2) Prices are always given for all items. You are Free while fighting
Dominators or even in some Pirate vs. Commerce Battles to Drop one of your
items for a More expensive item.
3) Always use Search Utility in News Window. Type Planet for nearest 30
planets. Info Including Trade Information & Any Search whether it Nets 1 or
many results is always only 3 credits.
4) Market Analysis from Business Centers is also a good source of trade
5) Make use of News Reports and Government Official Comments for trade
This can shorten your time for getting Trade info from the Search Utility.
6) Always verify News Reports and Government Official Comments against the
Search utility.
Build a Robot with 3 of the best weapons you can put on it, a Mortar and a
Repairer Unit. Bots will be able to Repair each other and Fight in battle.
If needed use one member of the Phalanx to Fire 1st Round and the Rest for
Fire Support. This may work in other Land Campaigns outside of Training.
(Continued on page 3)
To be useful in combat conditions Repair Droid Efficiency should never fall
too far below 5% of hull size.
Example: 310-330 Hull size should be 12-16 points of Damage.
Before IP-37 Battle: Trade to get currency and purchase whatever upgrades are
necessary. Feel free to Trade and Shop in Several Systems. A Scanner with
your radar enables you to get Structure data on some ships and an idea of
what damage their taking during combat. This helps in all combat or
prospective combat to determine your chances of wining the engagement. This
also helps you to determine if maneuvers are in order to give your droid time
for Hull repair before you go back on the Attack.
Government will assign missions for the farthest reaches you have mapped out.
News about trade will also tend to be about the Farthest reaches you have
mapped out. Only get Probes that have values in at least two of the three
categories water, plains and mountains. Get New Star Maps only when you've
got the Sub-modem from the pirates; or war aims dictate you need a new Star
Map. The SUB-MODEM is key to victory against the Terronoids . The Pirates
won't offer the SUB-MODEM until 3305-3310. On the War Aims side of things a
key system for the Dominators is always Gralghar. Type Gral in the search
engine and get the sector this system is in and buy Star Maps going in that
general direction. This system is usually in the KIO sector at the opposite
end of the galaxy from where you start. Your starting system is always a
Coalition Stronghold. Nothing gives Experience points or improves reputation
like killing Dominators.
Engines and the War Aim Side: The Splash Type Engine is the First Engine
that with a Science Base Upgrade and if needed the right Micro-module can
travel up to 40 Parsecs and give Fast Ship Speed in most situations. A Long
Range and Speed can be extremely helpful in Fighting the Dominators and
accomplishing missions.
Careful when accepting these missions. Think about declining if Pirate is
located at the Edge of your Mapped Star Systems. The Pirate can always slip
into unknown Star Systems. Catching one Pirate is not worth the
complications of buying a Star Map Early. This leaves you more likely to
have the much smaller complications of Failing the mission.
Cheap Repairs are in this Cheapest to most Expensive Order; Military Base &
Pirate Base.
Always Ask Base Commander for REPAIRS. One way to Reduce Repair Costs is to
put all parts that aren't in urgent need of repair either in STORAGE or your
ship's hold and repair only the Urgent Repair items. (Continued on pg. 4
Hostile Governments can be bribed through talking with their Battleships they
send after you. One positive side of Spending time in Jail, is that all the
governments that have a Beef with you in that sector will have at least Good
relations with you when you get out of Jail.
The Best Coalition Guns are the Atomic Vision, Disintegrator and Turbogravir.
The Best Dominator Guns are the IMHO-9000, Vertix and TORPEDO APPARATUS. For
best results some combo of 5 out of 6 of these will be required and you will
eventually need a ship with 5 Gun Slots.
Buy Missile Throwers that are under 20 Spaces in size and Stockpile them on
various planets. This way you can pick them up on the way to a battle or
land and install them as needed and you won't find yourself trying to pay
reload fees (while low on Credits) and fight Dominators at the same time.
If your Problem is with Governments (plural) and Planets (plural) and you
don't care to Change Species. The Business Center in it's Investments
division offers many charitable subsidies you can make. There are also
investments you can make in building Pirate Bases, Military Bases and Ranger
Investments in Navy Fleets will improve your standing on just one planet.
Also Investments into Military bases and Ranger Centers will get you promoted
in the Rangers or the Military. Subsidies to Poor Rangers, to Families that
have lost their Loved ones in the War and building Ranger Centers will
improve your relations with your Fellow Rangers. Sometimes in the SPACE
RANGERS world as in the real world it takes money to make money. Take loans
only to help with enough cash to buy enough cargo for a lucrative trade. Pay
back loans as soon as possible. (One other thought; Small loans with Long
repayment times can be useful for Building Ranger Centers or Military Bases
and advancing you in terms of Ranger experience points or Military Rank.)
Paying off your loan qualifies you for larger future loans. Warning: With a
Species change you can escape all past vices except for the VICE OF BAD
Penalties for Unpaid Loans include Seesaw relationships with planets and
species and spending much time in Jail because everyone frames you for
Financial Frauds and for any and Every Crime in the Universe.
Sure Fire Way to Pay Off Loans: When you have a Engine Range of 30-40
Parsecs, make sure there is a Trade Route with all destinations within your
Range. Borrow what money you need to; Trade until you have the money owed
plus profit. This strategy not only assures loan repayment but it will get
you back to substantial profit within a few days to a few months time.
(Continued on pg. 5)
If Auto Combat isn't working for you, pilot your ship yourself and constantly
keep firing.
After Killing Keller or Sending him to the Klissians; look for a Silver
Triangle and Break (shoot) through any barriers and use the Triangle as an
Emergency exit: Unless there's enough of your ship left to destroy the
remaining Kelleroids in a more conventional manner.
Refusing a Government Mission won't damage your relations with a Planet!!!
P.S. Don't ever refuse an RTS Mission (Land Mission) against the Dominators.
If you do you won't get any more RTS Missions.
Repair Prices and Node Prices at Pirate Bases are based on your Pirate
If your Pirate Rating is high enough Repair Prices will be cheaper than at
Military Bases. Pirate Bases are the Other Place besides Science Bases where
Artifacts can be repaired.
The easiest way to be a Part-Time Pirate is to play, Jo Jo Krako (Bella Can't
make a Date with a Broad Unless I Know about it) Listen to Merchant
Communications and when they offer Credits or Cargo to Pirates; you offer to
leave them alone if they'll share some Credits or Cargo with you.
When asking for Credits, if the Merchant ship in question has already paid a
Pirate ask them for the smallest amount you can ask for. When the Pirate has
refused their offer for credits ask for a few less credits than what the
Pirate refused. If the Merchant ship has no credits than ask for cargo.
This will make negotiations quick and the Merchants relationship to you won't
suffer as much.
Missiles keep pursuing a target after you've made peace. (don't use unless
you intend to destroy a target)
Careful, with Peleng Pirates go after with only Guns and pursue for Credits
or Cargo. Peleng Pirates are often cozy with Peleng Planetary governments.
Avoid the Shortest Time Frame for Missions until after you purchase and if
not already upgraded, upgrade the first Engine you buy; (DOUBLE ENGINE
SOLUTION) One Solution to Wear and Tear on an Engine from use of Thrust
Ability is to keep 2 Engines. One for regular use and one for thrusting.
This cuts down on repair cost, if your thrust engine has the Cent Micro-
Module the thrust engine lasts longer and this solution works even better.
This solution requires 2 Engines that are small compared to the ship you are
using. This solution also enables you to maintain good regular speeds and
good thrusting speeds. (Continued on pg. 6)
Science Bases don't offer Repair discounts and can cost more than most other
places for repairs. Science Bases also pay Full market Value for Dominator
parts regardless of Rangers Trading Skill.
Dominator Parts Note: When turning in Dominator Parts shop around between
the 3 departments for the department that will give you 2X value on the
greatest number of items. It's Coalition Research but your credits.
Artifact Note: The Probability Analyzer only works if you have a scanner.
Science Bases develop the "Logical Denial" software that can be used to
Persuade Blazer to Join the Coalition.
Science Bases also develop custom software for dealing with Keller and
Terron. In a game on Custom Settings, Science bases set to the Dumb Setting
will take 50-80yrs game time to Develop all 3 types of Anti-Dominator
Software. On higher Settings R & D is 20-30yrs game time.
If Accepting a Mission on the same planet you intend to Trade in illegal
goods with. Make your deal with the Government First. Afterwards Fracture a
law or two. The government can refuse you a mission if their attitude toward
you isn't Good or Excellent. However, they can't prevent you from doing a
Mission that you've already contracted with them to do. Another thing you
can do along Smuggler's Blues lines is sell illegal goods first and then
report a completed mission to the Government. This way your reputation stays
at least good enough for more trading and often good enough to get another
Accuracy and Maneuverability are the best starting skills, this insures that
you'll always have these skills even when not on Stimulants. The First Level
for Each these skills come in handy against Merchants and Pirates.
To Cut Down on ship maintenance costs and get the most probes; develop
Technician Skill First.
Trading Skill, dictates what you can sell old hardware (ship parts) you come
across for. If you want to be the Best Fred Sanford you can be don't sell
old hardware without the top trading skill. (unless you're desperate for
Charisma, reduces peoples negative reactions to your actions and increases
their positive reactions to your actions.
Pay for Government Missions increases overtime regardless of your skill level
in this area.
(i.e. After a Certain point all Planetary governments figure that you won't
work for much less that 1000 Ranger Points and 10K in Credits.)
Leadership is Discussed in Detail in the Section: CONVOYS.
One advantage to Charisma and Leadership skills is that they require the
least experience points to get to the top level. (Continued on Page 7)
The Manual Hints at this but won't come right out and say it, for optimum
speed even with an upgraded Temporal Engine. Don't use a Hull Greater in
size than 1000. Anything Greater and the weight of the Hull itself will slow
down engine speed considerably.
For a good combination of Speed and Spaciousness something in the 800's in
size will do.
However to stand the best chance of withstanding the Attrition Slug Fest with
Dominator Bosses, the Closer the weight of your ship is to 1000 in Hull Size,
the better. For a combination of Good Ship Speed and the ability to handle
Dominator Attrition Slug Fests a Ship of 500-550 Hull Size with some good
Leadership Skills and good Followers works best.
Terron thinks he's a planet, with rebel forces on the surface. So, if you
get permission to board you will have an RTS mission. Like the Training RTS
mission the Enemy will not take the offensive. However, the enemy will use
it's ability to produce Robots and you can't produce any new robots. Also,
your forces are divided into two separate camps on opposite sides of the
planet. One of the camps has four repair droids. One goal will be to unite
your forces. The penalty for failure is that Terron will keep on fighting.
Success means that Terron will self destruct.
A good ship makes Mission's easier to do and more missions possible to do.
So, despite all that can happen in the life of a SPACE RANGER; after the
Training Missions, concentrate on Trade First, Buying and Upgrading Equipment
Second and Missions third.
Kelleroid, Terronoid and Blazeroid Dominators fight each other as well as the
Coalition. This fighting with each other means they find it difficult to
control more than 1/3 of Coalition Space at anytime. If you start
eliminating Dominator classes (types) early the remaining kinds of dominators
will find it easier to control Half or more than Half of Coalition Space and
Complicate your War Efforts against them. The easiest way to defeat them is
to wait for Coalition Science Bases to Develop their Kelleroid Software and
use it to Defeat Kelleroid inside of a Black Hole. The best weapon against
Kelleroid inside Black Holes is Missile Throwers (the more the merrier). The
other two Dominator series will be easier to defeat than Kelleroid and at
that point you should have the Terronoid software.
An alternate Strategy is if you have Blazeroid and Terronoid (thank you
Pirates) software before you have an opportunity to use Kelleroid Software,
take out Blazeroid and Terronoid in quick succession and then you will only
have the A-Team (Guerrilla) fighting Kelleroids to take on and the Coalition
will Control 90% of Coalition space.
A third Strategy is to take out Kelleroid first and then Terronoid in quick
succession and then wait for Science Bases to develop the Blazeroid 'Logical
Denial' software. (Continued on pg. 8)
If Military ships ask for your assistance grounding (getting a Pirate to Land
on A Planet) or destroying a pirate; feel free to give it. If a Military
ship is traveling on other business and you want to destroy a pirate feel
free to ask. Either way they can use their Missiles and you can save some or
all of yours while you take out a pirate.
An upgraded Temporal Engine with at least a 47 Parsec Range
and then add an Exploder Micro-module to the engine. This will Reduce the
Range by 7 but increase the speed by 150; Other Micro-modules that also
increase speed by at least 150 may also be useful.
RANGERS are better suited to liberating a system than defending one. Leave
System Defense to the Military unless a system has a Space Station or
Stations that are critical to your operations. This will increase the length
service (useful lifetime) of any partners-squad mates you have and make it
highly unlikely that you will be caught and killed by Dominators on a
inhabited planet when they take over a system.
One more thing you get more Experience points and Military points and there's
more Dominator parts to choose from when taking out Bigger Dominator ships
vs. Smaller Dominator Ships. When possible take out bigger Dominator Ships
Gaalians, Maloqs, and Faeyans can develop health conditions that give them
certain advantages.
Gaalians can develop New Malozone (Gaalian Pregnancy) which increases their
Accuracy and Maneuverability but makes trade in Food and Medicine Illegal on
All Planets.
Maloqs can develop the Grand Malossossus which increases Leadership and Trade
Skills but due to weight gain decreases the speed of the ship.
Faeyans can develop Aka Seziyanka which increases Trade Skill, but decreases
Accuracy, Maneuverability and Tech Skills and can cause Faeyans to Jetison
their own equipment on board their ship.
Humans have average health in that they have no health conditions that only
affect their species.
Pelengs have the worst Health in the Galaxy. The disease peculiar to them
Bitter Pelenosha results in them damaging their own equipment onboard their
ship. Unlike the conditions peculiar to the Gaalians and Maloqs. This
condition has no advantages. (Finished on pg. 9)
Followers can be used in a Convoy fashion to protect each other from Pirates.
This results in almost always defeating Pirates and sometimes destroying
them. Convoys can also be helpful in Escort missions. When using your squad
as a Convoy Planets and their Militaries will be after individual Convoy
members less often and they'll spend less time in Jail. To get the most use
(longest lifespan) out of each follower be careful about what situations you
put your squad in when they fight Dominators and for the most part only fight
pirates when they attack Convoy members or a ship you are escorting. A LAST
RESORT SCENARIO a Convoy can be useful in is if a Planet sends only a couple
of Military Ships after a Convoy member. The Convoy can easily defeat this
kind of patrol; however you'll have to change your Species/Identity a short
time later. Another use for Convoys is to defeat a Wayward Ranger who
decides to attack a Convoy member. One more Convoy thought; Convoys don't
have a static membership like the Fantastic 4, membership changes from time
to time and may even break up altogether; membership is more like the
Thank you 1C, Elemental Games and Cinemaware Marquee for making a Sci-Fi game
in which the player can play each and every one of several sides at sometime
during the game.
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