Stalker - Call of Pripyat - FAQ
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{ Guide By Mark Davies }
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{ (c) February 2010 }
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{ Version 1 }
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{ Contents }
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07 - ITEMS
07.01 - Armour
07.02 - Weapons
07.03 - Ammunition
07.04 - Weapon Enhancements
07.05 - Grenades
07.06 - Detectors
07.07 - Artefacts
07.08 - Healing Items
07.09 - Game Items
08.01 - Armour
08.02 - Pistols
08.03 - Shotguns
08.04 - Sub Machine Guns
08.05 - Assault Rifles
08.06 - Sniper Rifles
08.07 - Machine Guns
10.01 - Zaton
10.02 - Jupiter
10.03 - Pripyat
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This is a guide to the STALKER Call Of Pripyat game. I do not intend on
rehashing the manual so you should refer to it if you are unsure of controls
This is meant to be a guide rather than a walkthrough. I'll detail tasks that
you need to complete to progress the game along with locations of useful
artefacts and items. How you do them is up to you.
This guide has been written by me after some long painstaking effort so please
do not rip my walkthrough off. Finally it will contain SPOILERS so only read
if you are really stuck.
ASCII art header created using: http://www.network-science.de/ascii/
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{ 02 - ENEMIES }
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The games enemies can be split into two groups, humans and mutants.
1) Stalkers
Stalkers are people looking for treasure in the zone. Usually lightly
armoured and not very well armed. They are enemies of bandits. You'll find
them in Zaton and Jupiter.
2) Military
Well equipped in terms of armour and weapons. They are enemies with
Monolith. Found in Pripyat, with one guy in Jupiter.
3) Zombies
Zombies are humans that have succumbed to the zone. Once you have been to
the sawmill in Pripyat they will appear in all maps randomly. Can range in
weapons and armour.
5) Duty
Faction whose aim is too contain the zone and enemies of Freedom. Usually
well armed and have good armour. They can be found in Jupiter.
6) Freedom
Faction whose aim is too contain the zone and enemies of Duty. Usually
well armed and have good armour. They can be found in Jupiter.
7) Bandits
Bandits look to rob most people but are generally not aggressive. They are
enemies of stalkers. Usually lightly armoured and not very well armed.
You can find them in Zaton and Jupiter.
8) Monolith
Religious nutters who are enemies of everyone. There is a squad in Zaton
that are not aggressive but the rest will attack you on site. Found in
Pripyat and Zaton. Usually have good armour and are well armed.
Usual FPS tactics apply to all humans here; go for headshots to take them down.
don't forget to search their bodies and grab their weapons. This is sometimes
the only way to get the best guns if you don't join a faction!
Mutants - come in a variety of forms:
1) Boars
Wild boars have a claw attack. They will charge you and circle around the
back of you. Shotguns work well a couple of shots will put these down.
2) Flesh
These are mutated pigs, they usually wander in small packs. They don't
have any special attacks. A couple of shotgun shots will take these out.
3) Blind Dogs
Very fast claw attacks, tend to attack in packs. Just shoot these, no
special tactics needed. You can climb on rocks and other objects to shoot
these without worry of them being able to get you.
4) Pseudo dogs
This is a dog that spawns phantom dogs. The phantoms do no harm but its
difficult to pick out the pseudo dog amongst them. Try and snipe these
from a distance. If not shot them close up with shotguns.
5) Snorks
These are the humanoids that crawl around on all fours and jump at you.
Just shoot these from a distance with assault rifles.
6) Hamsters
New in this release of Stalker, they are like zombie rats - fast but easy
to kill with 1 or 2 shots of most weapons.
7) Blood Suckers
These are invisible mutants, fast and in my opinion the most dangerous
enemy in the game. They will try and sneak up behind you and attack you
and either claw you or grab you. Try and snipe these from a distance or
shoot them with a shotgun up close.
8) Burers
They are fat dwarves that have telekinesis. They attack by throwing things
at you and blocking bullets. The easiest way to kill them is run at them
and use the knife.
9) Poltergeists
These are moving anomalies that can pick up and throw things at you. If
they spot you stop moving and shoot them. As long as you don't move they
can't detect you.
10) Pseudogiant
These guys can take one hell of a beating - several full clips of any
assault rifle. Usually fairly slow so you should be able to avoid them
easy enough.
11) Controllers
Humanoids that have a powerful physic attack. Shoot these from a distance
with your sniper rifles! Avoid direct line of sight contact.
12) Chimera
New in this version of stalker. The Chimera is a large humanoid that
jumps to attack then jumps away. Aim for the head and attack from a
distance. Luckily you don't meet too many of these.
Mutants never drop anything useful so don't bother searching their bodies.
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{ 03 - FACTIONS }
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Factions will generally be neutral to you with the exception of Monolith who
will always be hostile to you.
Below are the different factions found in the game:
Enemies: Bandits
Stalkers are usually loners whose sole aim is to get as much in the way of
wealth from the zone.
Enemies: Stalkers
They are basically bad news, and will rob anyone they can.
Enemies: Freedom
Duty are based in Yanov station. They believe that it is their duty to protect
everyone’s from the harm that the zone has created. They are constantly at war
with Freedom.
Enemies: Duty
Freedom based in Yanov station and stand for the expansion of the zone for the
good of mankind. They are constantly at war with Duty.
Enemy: Monolith
The Military are trying to get out of zone and can be found based in the
Laundromat in Pripyat.
Enemies: Everyone
Monolith are a religious group that believe in protecting and expanding the
zone. You meet a small group of these guys in Jupiter and they are friendly.
Monolith are based in Pripyat and will attack anyone on sight.
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These are general tips that you might want to take into account when playing
the game:
- If you are being accompanied by other stalkers on a mission and they die, you
usually will fail the mission. Try and keep everyone alive until you get
your reward!
- You can store items in some boxes, usually found around bases.
- When you get over the maximum weight limit (50 KG) you'll expend stamina very
quickly when running. You should sell or store excess items to make sure
you're always on or below the maximum weight
- If you pick up more than your maximum weight +10KG (60 KG) then you won't be
able to move until you drop something.
- Certain upgrades to weapons and armour will prevent you from buying others.
Save before buying upgrades so you can load back up if you make a mistake.
- Don't forget to repair weapons to prevent them from jamming.
- Repair armour to keep its effectiveness
- Silenced weapons are great for sneaking into enemy areas and stealthy killing
- Get your weapon and armour upgrades between missions when you can afford it.
- Always unload weapons before selling them to get the ammo.
- Holding the "F" key will show all items that can be picked up with a short
radius of the character and will automatically pick them up if you walk
close enough.
- Don't waste money buying weapons and ammunition. You'll pick enough up
during the game from dead friends and enemies. Some ammunition for sniper
rifles may need to be purchased as most enemies either user the 5.39 or 5.45
- Unlike previous versions traders will only buy guns and armour in good
condition. You should check the repair price against the sale price before
repairing guns and armour to sell. You may end up losing money.
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The game has only a few different mission types which fall under the headings:
Main\Side Missions
You can get missions from other characters in the game. These can range from
fetching items to killing people. Talk to everyone you meet to see if they
have missions for you. Some missions offer a reward which you can pick up from
the person who gave you the mission.
Not strictly a mission as such. You may find information on stashes when you
search dead bodies or as rewards for completing missions. When you collect
all the items the stash icon disappears off the map.
When an emission warning is given you have a set amount of time to take cover
in the building marked on the map. If you do move across a map to another
building then sometimes the locations ill change to that building. This is if
you have to head to an enemy controlled building. Failure to do so will result
in death!
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{ 06 - TRADING }
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Everything has a value and can be traded with traders or other characters.
When trading you will rarely get the full price for an item, so check the price
you're getting before you sell.
Different characters will only accept certain types of items, as a general rule
of thumb the following applies:
- Traders will buy artefacts, weapons, ammo and medicines
- Medics will buy/sell medical supplies
- Other stalkers tend to buy/sell food and medicines
Traders will have unlimited money so you can sell as much stuff as you like to
them. Other characters only have a limited amount of money.
The price of items also depend on the condition and how well liked you are by
the faction they represent.
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{ 07 - ITEMS }
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This section will detail all the statistics about the weapons and ammunition
you can find in the game.
07.01 - Armour
| | | | | | | |
| | E | | | | | |
| | L | | R | | | |
| | E | C | A | | | |
| T | C | H | D | P | | |
| H | T | E | I | S | I | A |
| E | R | M | A | Y | M | R |
| R | I | I | T | C | P | M |
| M | C | C | I | H | A | O |
|----------------------|--------|-------| A | A | A | O | I | C | U |
| Item | Weight | Cost | L | L | L | N | C | T | R |
| Gas Mask | 4.0 | 1600 | 0 | 0 | 9.0| 2.0| 7.0| 0 | 0 |
| Steel Helmet | 4.0 | 1344 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |14.0| 0 |10.0|
| Tactical Helmet | 4.0 | | 0 | 0 | 3.5| 1.5|14.0| 0 |20.5|
| Screen Helmet | 4.0 | | 0 | 0 | 9.0| 3.0|20.5| 0 | 5.0|
| Sphere M12 Helmet | 4.0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.5| 1.5|17.0| 0 |22.0|
| Leather Trench Coat | 4.0 | 800 | 4.5| 0 | 2.5| 0 | 0 | 7.0| 1.5|
| Sunrise Bodysuit | 5.0 | 8000 |11.0| 9.0| 0 | 4.0| 0 |10.0| 2.5|
| Berill-5M Armoured | 9.0 | 20000 | 9.0| 4.5| 4.5| 2.0| 0 |20.5| 7.0|
| Suit | | | | | | | | | |
| Wind Of Freedom | 4.0 | 0 |12.0|11.0| 6.5| 4.0| 0 |15.0| 2.5|
| Bodysuit | | | | | | | | | |
| PS5-M Universal | 7.0 | 0 | 9.0| 9.0| 5.0| 3.0| 0 |17.0| 3.5|
| Protection | | | | | | | | | |
| SEVA Bodysuit | 10.0 | 27500 |15.0|17.0|19.0| 9.0|20.5|15.0| 3.5|
| Bulat Armoured Suit | 12.0 | 0 |13.0| 9.0| 6.0| 4.0| 0 |24.0|14.0|
| Exoskeleton | 25.0 | 60000 |13.0|13.0|13.0| 5.0|17.0|27.0|15.5|
- The stats for armour are the starting values before any modifications.
- Exoskeleton can be purchased from Nimble or from Owl later in the game
- PS5-M can be gained through completing the "Monolith Soldiers" and\or
"Duty Warehouse" missions.
- The Bulat Armoured Suit and Sphere M12 Helmet are free from Kirillov in
07.02 - Weapons
| | | | R | |
| | | | A | |
| | H | | T | |
| | A | | E | M |
| A | N | | | A |
| C | D | | O | G |
| C | E | D | F | . |
| U | L | A | | |
| R | L | M | F | S |
| A | I | A | I | I |
|----------------------|--------|------| C | N | G | R | Z |
| Item | Weight | Cost | Y | G | E | E | E |
| PMm | 0.53 | 691 | 18.0 | 29.0 | 12.0 | 5.0 | 8 |
| Honorary PMm | 0.53 | 0 | 18.0 | 29.0 | 12.0 | 5.0 | 8 |
| Fora-12 | 0.88 | 842 | 20.5 | 31.0 | 13.0 | 6.0 | 12 |
| HPSS-1m | 0.94 | 929 | 17.0 | 28.5 | 14.0 | 5.0 | 13 |
| Martha | 1.07 | 1320 | 19.0 | 28.0 | 13.5 | 5.0 | 15 |
| PB-1s | 0.75 | ? | 23.0 | 30.0 | 11.0 | 5.0 | 12 |
| Kora-919 | 1.10 | 1279 | 17.0 | 27.5 | 16.0 | 5.0 | 7 |
| UDP Compact | 0.72 | ? | 23.0 | 26.5 | 16.0 | 5.0 | 12 |
| March | 0.79 | 3500 | 31.5 | 27.0 | 16.0 | 6.5 | 12 |
| SIP-t M200 | 0.72 | ? | 21.0 | 28.5 | 16.5 | 5.5 | 7 |
| Alpine | 0.78 | 3500 | 21.0 | 28.5 | 16.5 | 5.5 | 10 |
| Black Kite | 1.70 | ? | 22.5 | 25.5 | 19.0 | 4.5 | 8 |
| Steppe Eagle | 1.75 | 3500 | 29.0 | 25.5 | 19.0 | 4.5 | 8 |
| Walker 9Pm | 0.69 | ? | 24.0 | 31.0 | 14.0 | 6.0 | 16 |
| Sawed-Off Shotgun | 1.99 | 358 | 3.0 | 24.0 | 19.0 | 31.0 | 2 |
| Hunting Rifle | 3.19 | 1958 | 22.0 | 14.5 | 20.0 | 31.0 | 2 |
| Chaser 13 | 3.32 | 3229 | 14.0 | 16.5 | 19.0 | 3.0 | 7 |
| SPSA-14 | 4.76 | ? | 14.0 | 15.5 | 19.0 | 3.5 | 8 |
| Carabineer | 4.85 |10000 | 14.0 | 15.5 | 19.0 | 5.5 | 10 |
| Eliminator | 3.00 | ? | 18.0 | 13.5 | 20.0 | 5.0 | 12 |
| Viper 5 | 2.54 | 4875 | 12.5 | 24.5 | 13.5 | 18.5 | 30 |
| Fraiser | 2.68 |10000 | 17.0 | 24.0 | 17.0 | 21.0 | 30 |
| AKM 74/2U | 2.86 | 5320 | 10.0 | 21.0 | 12.0 | 17.0 | 30 |
| AKM 74/2 | 3.46 | 5622 | 12.0 | 19.0 | 12.0 | 17.0 | 30 |
| AC96/2 Assault Rifle | 4.00 | ? | 15.0 | 16.5 | 12.0 | 17.0 | 30 |
| TRs 301 | 2.70 | ? | 18.0 | 21.5 | 11.0 | 20.0 | 30 |
| IL 86 | 5.16 | 6954 | 14.0 | 18.5 | 12.0 | 18.0 | 30 |
| Tunder S14 | | ? | 16.5 | 17.0 | 15.0 | 17.5 | 30 |
| Storm | 3.36 |20000 | 22.0 | 19.0 | 12.0 | 19.5 | 30 |
| GP37 | 3.76 |20000 | 19.0 | 20.0 | 12.0 | 19.0 | 30 |
| FT-200M | 4.76 |20000 | 22.0 | 18.0 | 12.0 | 20.0 | 30 |
| SGI-5k | 4.50 | ? | 20.0 | 15.0 | 12.5 | 17.5 | 30 |
| Streloks SGI-5k | 4.66 | 0 | 20.0 | 15.0 | 15.0 | 17.5 | 30 |
| Vintar BC | 3.43 | ? | 24.0 | 19.0 | 16.0 | 17.0 | 10 |
| Tide | 3.43 |20000 | 28.5 | 19.0 | 24.5 | 11.0 | 10 |
| SA Avalanche | 2.50 | ? | 22.0 | 20.0 | 16.0 | 17.0 | 20 |
| Lynx | 5.13 |20000 | 32.0 | 9.5 | 34.0 | 2.0 | 10 |
| SVU2-A | 4.63 |20000 | 28.5 | 18.5 | 23.0 | 4.5 | 10 |
| SVDm-2 | 5.11 | ? | 30.0 | 9.5 | 30.0 | 2.0 | 10 |
| RPG-7U* | 6.30 | ? | 0 | 6.0 | 34.0 | 6.0 | 1 |
| Zulu's RP-74 | 10.92 | 0 | 12.5 | 14.0 | 19.0 | 15.0 |150 |
| Gauss Rifle* | 6.00 | 0 | 34.0 | 22.0 | 34.0 | 1.0 | 10 |
* RPG-7U and Gauss Rifle cannot be upgraded
- The stats for weapons are the starting values before any modifications.
- A weapons condition deteriorates with use and the maximum is the same for
every weapon
- The accuracy is the maximum before any upgrades are made.
- The damage is the maximum before any upgrades are made.
- The handling is the maximum before any upgrades are made.
- The lower the rate of fire the more bullets that weapon can discharge in a
given time
- When you have a weapon equipped if you highlight another weapon the stats
that weapon has will be shown relatively. Green is where the weapon is
better than equipped and red is worse than the weapon equipped.
- You can buy special weapons from Nimble which are listed with the same gun
type for comparison purposes.
07.03 - Ammunition
| Ammo | Weight | Cost | Use With |
| 9x18 mm Rounds | 0.20 | | PMm |
| (50) | | | PB1s |
| | | | Fora-12 |
| 9x18 mm +P+ Rounds | 0.24 | 50 | PMm |
| (50) | | | PB1s |
| | | | Fora-12 |
| 9x19 mm Rounds | 0.24 | | Walker P9m |
| (50) | | | HPSS-1m |
| | | | Martha Pistol |
| | | | Viper 5 |
| 9x19 mm FJM Rounds | 0.24 | 100 | Walker P9m |
| (50) | | | HPSS-1m |
| | | | Martha Pistol |
| | | | Viper 5 |
| 9x19 mm JHP Rounds | 0.24 | | Walker P9m |
| (50) | | | HPSS-1m |
| | | | Martha Pistol |
| | | | Viper 5 |
| .45 APC | 0.30 | | Kora-919 |
| (50) | | | SIP-t M200 |
| 12x70 Shot Rounds | 0.45 | | Hunting Rifle |
| (10) | | | Shotgun |
| | | | SPSA14 |
| | | | Chaser 13 |
| 12x76 Slug Rounds | 0.50 | | Hunting Rifle |
| (10) | | | Shotgun |
| | | | SPSA14 |
| | | | Chaser 13 |
| 5.45x39 mm Rounds | 0.32 | | AKM 74/2U |
| (60) | | | AKM 74/2 |
| | | | AC96/2 Assault Rifle |
| 5.45x39 mm AP Rounds | 0.33 | 2990 | AKM 74/2U |
| (60) | | | AKM 74/2 |
| | | | AC96/2 Assault Rifle |
| 5.56x45 mm Rounds | 0.33 | | IL 86 |
| (60) | | | TRs 301 |
| | | | GP 37 |
| | | | FT 200M |
| 5.56x45 mm AP Rounds | 0.33 | | IL 86 |
| (60) | | | TRs 301 |
| | | | GP 37 |
| | | | FT 200M |
| 7.62x54 mm 7H1 Rounds| 0.23 | | SVDm 2 Sniper Rifle |
| (10) | | | SVUmk2 Sniper Rifle |
| 9x39 mm Rounds SP-5 | 0.70 | | Tunder S14 Assault Rifle |
| (30) | | | SA Avalanche Assault Rifle |
| | | | Vintar BC Sniper Rifle |
| 9x39 mm Rounds SP-6 | 0.70 | | Tunder S14 Assault Rifle |
| (30) | | | SA Avalanche Assault Rifle |
| | | | Vintar BC Sniper Rifle |
| OG-7V Warhead (1) | 2.00 | ? | RPG-7u Grenade Launcher |
| Batteries (6) | 0.50 | 2000 | Gauss Rifle |
- Some weapons can be modified to use a different type of bullet.
- Batteries can be bought from card an
07.04 - Weapon Enhancements
| Item | Weight | Cost | Notes |
| Silencer | 0.10 | 272 | Fits various weapons |
| SUSAT x1.6 Scope | 0.20 | 1170 | 1.6x Scope for NATO weapons |
| SUSAT Night x4 Scope | 0.20 | 3150 | 4x Night Vision Scope for NATO weapons|
| PSU-1 Scope | 0.20 | 1800 | 2.7x Scope |
| PSO-1m Scope | 0.20 | 720 | 5x Scope for Warsaw Pact weapons |
| NSPU-3 Scope | 0.20 | 2700 | Night Vision x5 Scope |
| GP-25 "Koster" | 1.30 | 1800 | Under barrel grenade launcher for |
| | | | Warsaw Pact rifles. Uses VOG-25 ammo |
| M203 | 1.36 | 1300 | Under barrel grenade launcher for |
| | | | NATO rifles. Uses M209 ammo |
07.05 - Grenades
| Item | Weight | Cost | Notes |
| RGD-5 Grenade | 0.30 | 408 | Offensive grenade |
| F1 Grenade | 0.30 | 680 | Defensive grenade |
| VOG-25 Grenade | 0.08 | 270 | For Tunder S14 \ Bulldog 6 Launchers |
| M203 Grenade | 0.08 | 315 | Used with the M203 under barrel |
| | | | grenade launcher or FT 200M |
| | | | integrated grenade launcher |
07.06 - Detectors
| Item | Weight | Cost | Notes |
| Echo Detector | 0.00 | ? | Starting detector |
| Bear Detector | 0.00 | ? | Detector with a directional finder |
| Veles Detector | 0.00 | ? | Detector with a directional finder |
| Svarog Detector | 0.50 | 0 | Prototype detector |
07.07 - Artefacts
| Stone Blood | 0.50 | ? | +3 Chemical Protection |
| | | | +1 Radiation |
| Meat Chunk | 0.50 | ? | +6 Chemical Protection |
| | | | +2 Radiation |
| Sparkler | 0.50 | ? | +3 Electric Protection |
| | | | +1 Radiation |
| Flash | 0.50 | ? | +6 Electric Protection |
| | | | +2 Radiation |
| Battery | 0.50 | ? | +2 Energy Recovery |
| | | | +2 Radiation |
| Shell | 0.50 | 0 | +4 Energy Recovery |
| | | | +2 Radiation |
| Snowflake | 0.50 | ? | +6 Energy Recovery |
| | | | +2 Radiation |
| Soul | 0.50 | ? | +2 Health Restoration |
| | | | +2 Radiation |
| Kolobok | 0.50 | ? | +4 Health Restoration |
| | | | +2 Radiation |
| Firefly | 0.50 | ? | +6 Health Restoration |
| | | | Radiation +3 |
| Night Star | 0.50 | ? | +4 (KG) Maximum Weight |
| | | | +1 Radiation |
| Gravi | 0.50 | ? | +8 (KG) Maximum Weight |
| | | | +2 Radiation |
| Goldfish | 0.50 | ? | +12 (KG) Maximum Weight |
| | | | +3 Radiation |
| Stone Flower | 0.50 | ? | +3 Pysc Protection |
| | | | +1 Radiation |
| Moonlight | 0.50 | ? | +6 Pysc Protection |
| | | | +2 Radiation |
| Jelly Fish | 0.50 | ? | -2 Radiation |
| Wrenched | 0.50 | ? | -3 Radiation |
| Bubble | 0.50 | ? | -4 Radiation |
| Altered Wheel | 0.50 | ? | +6 Radiation |
| Altered Insulator | 1.00 | ? | +6 Radiation |
| Crystal | 0.50 | ? | +3 Thermal Protection |
| | | | +1 Radiation |
| Fireball | 0.50 | ? | +6 Thermal Protection |
| | | | +2 Radiation |
| Mama's Beads | 0.50 | ? | +2 Wound Healing |
| | | | +1 Radiation |
| Eye | 0.50 | ? | +4 Wound Healing |
| | | | +2 Radiation |
| Flame | 0.50 | ? | +6 Wound Healing |
| | | | +3 Radiation |
| Heart Of The Oasis | 0.50 | 0 | +2 Health Restoration |
| | | | +1 Hunger Elimination |
| | | | +2 Energy Recovery |
| | | | +2 Wound Healing |
| | | | +4 Radiation |
| Compass | 0.50 | 0 | +3 Thermal Protection |
| | | | +3 Chemical Protection |
| | | | +3 Psy. Protection |
| | | | +3 Electrical Protection |
| | | | +2 Energy Recovery |
| | | | +4 Radiation |
- See artefacts section for how to find artefacts.
07.08 - Healing Items
| Item | Weight | Cost | Notes |
| First Aid Kit | 0.10 | 340 | Increases Health |
| Army Medikit | 0.10 | 884 | Increases Health and Wound Healing |
| Scientific Medical | 0.10 | 1088 | Increases Health, Wound Healing and |
| Kit | | | Reduces Radiation |
| Bandage | 0.05 | 108 | Increases Health |
| Anti Radiation Drugs | 0.05 | 340 | Reduces Radiation |
| Hercules | 0.01 | 272 | Temporarily Increases Weight Carried |
| Vinca | 0.01 | 272 | Temporarily Increases Wound Healing |
| Radioprotectant | 0.01 | 408 | Temporarily Increases Radiation |
| | | | Protection |
| Antidote | 0.01 | 408 | Temporarily Increases Chemical |
| | | | Protection |
| Cossacks Vodka | 0.60 | 49 | Reduces Radiation, Increases Hunger |
| Tourists Breakfast | 0.30 | 49 | Increases Health, Decrease Hunger |
| Diet Sausage | 0.50 | 86 | Increases Health, Decrease Hunger |
| Bread | 0.30 | 12 | Increases Health, Decrease Hunger |
| Energy Drink | 0.20 | 62 | Restore Endurance |
| Anabiotics | 0.01 | ? | Allows you to survive an emission in |
| | | | the open |
These items tend to restore health or remove adverse statuses
07.09 - Game Items
| Item | Weight | Notes |
| A Roll Of Copper Wire| 0.50 | Nitros electrical equipment mission |
| A Box Of Transistors | 0.10 | Nitros electrical equipment mission |
| Textolite Base | 0.10 | Nitros electrical equipment mission |
| A Can Of Colophonium | 0.10 | Nitros electrical equipment mission |
| A Pack Of Capacitors | 0.10 | Nitros electrical equipment mission |
| Sokolov's Note | 0.05 | Part of Evacuation Locations: B205 Mission |
| Tools For Basic Work | 2.50 | Part of tools for the technicians Missions |
| Tools For Fine Work | 2.00 | Part of tools for the technicians Missions |
| Tools For Calibration| 1.50 | Part of tools for the technicians Missions |
| Work | | |
| Black Box | 3.00 | Part of Stingray 1 mission |
| Folder With The | 0.05 | Part of the road to Pripyat mission |
| Orders | | |
| Notebook Sheet | 0.05 | Part of the road to Pripyat mission |
| Letter Concerning The| 0.05 | Part of the road to Pripyat mission |
| Deliveries Of Item 62| | |
| Underpass Schematics | 0.05 | Part of the road to Pripyat mission |
| Document With Notes | 0.05 | Part of the road to Pripyat mission |
| Duty Shift log | 0.05 | Part of the road to Pripyat mission |
| Anomalous Activity | 2.00 | Part of anomaly research mission |
| Scanner | | |
| Mercenaries Notebook | 3.50 | Part of mercenary camp mission |
| PDA Of Hook The | 0.10 | Part of mercenary camp mission |
| Mercenary | | |
| Administrative | 0.05 | Part of last developments mission |
| Documents | | |
| Mutant Detection | 0.05 | Part of Hypothesis mission |
| Scanner | | |
| Old Magnetic Keycard | 0.05 | Part of Item 62 mission |
| Documents Concerning | 0.05 | Part of Item 62 mission |
| Item 62 | | |
| Yellow X8 Keycard | 0.05 | Part of Laboratory X8 mission |
| Memory Module | 1.50 | Part of the UAV mission |
| (Blocked) | | |
| A Note To Ghost | 0.05 | Part Of The UAV mission |
| A Note To Strelok | 0.05 | Part Of The UAV mission |
| Explosives With A | 3.50 | Part Of Radio Interference mission |
| Timer | | |
| Red X8 Keycard | 0.05 | Part of One Shot mission |
{ }
{ }
In this version of stalker the technicians you meet will need 3 types of tools
to upgrade weapons and armour. Some upgrades also require other upgrades to be
installed before you can buy them. If you hover over an upgrade it will show
you what you need for it. Once you install an upgrade you cannot remove it so
choose carefully.
Novikov can also perform some updgrades that Cardan and Nitro cannot. These
are available when you have completed certain missions for the scientists in
Jupiter. Cardan can perform specific modifications to the exoskeleton. Nitro
can perform a specific modification to the tactical helmet.
08.01 - Armour
Gas Mask
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |A Psy-protection Band | 200 | +10% Psy Protection | |
| |Made Of Paired Steel | | | |
| |Grills | | | |
|2 |Filter For Work In | 400 | +20% Chemical Protection | 1 |
| |Contaminated Areas | | | |
|3 |Plexiglass Coating | 400 | +20% Radiation Protection | 1 |
Steel Helmet
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Impregnated Breathing | 250 | +10% Chemical Protection | |
| |Mask | | +10% Radiation Protection | |
|2 |Application Of A Screen| 500 | +20% Psy Protection | 1 |
| |Coating | | | |
|3 |Plexiglass Breathing | 500 | +20% Radiation Protection | 1 |
| |Mask | | | |
|4 |First Generation Night | 1250 | First Generation Night Vision | |
| |Vision | | | |
Tactical Helmet
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Active Filters | 390 | +10% Chemical Protection | |
| | | | +10% Radiation Protection | |
|2 |Application Of A Screen| 780 | +20% Psy Protection | 1 |
| |Coating | | | |
|3 |Plexiglass Coating | 780 | +20% Radiation Protection | 1 |
|4 |Installation Of The Psy| 1170 | +30% Psy Protection | 1& |
| |-Dome Band | | | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Steam Purification | 975 | +2 Energy Recovery | |
| |Respiration Mask | | | |
|6 |Second Generation Night| 1625 | Second Generation Night Vision | 5 |
| |Vision Device | | | |
|7 |Infrared Scanner | 3250 | Infrared Scanner | 5 & 6 |
Screen Helmet
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |A Psy-Protection Band | 260 | +10% Psy Protection | |
| |made Of Paired Steel | | | |
| |Grills | | | |
|2 |Filter For work In | 455 | +20% Chemical Protection | 1 |
| |Contaminated Areas | | | |
|3 |Plexiglass Coating | 455 | +20% Radiation Protection | 1 |
|4 |Installation Of The Psy| 650 | +30% Psy Protection | 1& |
| |-Dome Band | | | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Thunderbird Constantan | 650 | +30% Electrical Protection | 1& |
| |Face Armour | | +30$ Thermal Protection | 2 or 3 |
|6 |Radiative And Chemical | 260 | 10% Chemical Protection | |
| |Protection system | | | |
|7 |Oracle Psy-Stimulator | 455 | +10% Psy Protection | 6 |
|8 |ion Wind Cooling System| 975 | +4 Energy Recovery | 6 & 7 |
Sphere M12 Helmet
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Active Filters | 325 | +10% Chemical Protection | |
| | | | +10% Radiation Protection | |
|2 |Application Of A Screen| 650 | +20% Psy Protection | 1 |
| |Coating | | | |
|3 |Impregnated Breathing | 650 | +20% Chemical Protection | 1 |
| |Mask | | | |
|4 |Reinforced Respirator | 975 | +20% Chemical Protection | 1& |
| |For Extreme Conditions | | +20% Radiation Protection | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Steam Purification | 325 | +2 Energy Recovery | |
| |Respiration Mask | | | |
|6 |SPB - VPZ.m.IV Combat | 650 | +20% Psy Protection | 5 |
| |System | | | |
|7 |Second Generation Night| 1625 | Second Generation Night Vision | 5 |
| |Vision Device | | | |
|8 |Third Generation Night | 2275 | Third Generation Night Vision | 5& |
| |Vision Device | | | 6 or 7 |
Leather Trench Coat
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Steel Plates | 200 | +10% Armour | |
|2 |Thickening Leather | 400 | -20% Impact Neg. | 3 |
| |Inserts | | | |
|3 |Sewn In Chainmail Suit | 600 | +30% Armour | 2 |
|4 |Rubberized Cloth | 200 | +10% Suit Durability | |
| |Underlay | | | |
|5 |Canvas Bodysuit | 400 | +20% Chemical Protection | 4 |
| | | | +20% Electrical Protection | |
|6 |Fabric treated With A | 400 | +20% Thermal Protection | 4 |
| |Fire Resistant | | | |
| |Substance | | | |
|7 |Weight Distribution | 200 | +5 KG Weight Carried | |
| |Vest | | | |
Sunrise Bodysuit
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Polycarbonate Plates | 350 | Armour +10% | |
|2 |Thickening Leather | 700 | +20% Impact Neg. | 1 |
| |Inserts | | | |
|3 |Duplicate Protective | 700 | +15% Durability | 1 |
| |Plate Layer | | | |
|4 |Deflective Ceramic | 1050 | +30% Armour | 1& |
| |Scale Modification | | | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Leather, Synthetic And | 350 | -3.50 KG Armour Body Weight | |
| |Polymer Materials | | | |
|6 |Magnesium Plate Inserts| 700 | +20% Thermal Protection | 5 |
|7 |Airtight Plastic Inner | 700 | +20% Chemical Protection | 5 |
| |Layer | | +20% Electrical Protection | |
|8 |Impregnated Bodysuit | 1050 | +30% Chemical Protection | 5& |
| |Fabric | | | 6 or 7 |
|9 |Rubberized Bodysuit | 1050 | +30% Radiation Protection | 5& |
| |Fabric | | | 6 or 7 |
|10 |Installation Of Oxygen | 350 | +10% Chemical Protection | |
| |Tank | | +10% Radiation Protection | |
|11 |Care Built-in System | 3000 | +2 Health Restoration | 10 |
|12 |A Mount System For | 700 | +10 KG Weight Carried | 10 |
| |Weight Distribution | | | |
|13 |Additional Two- | 2000 | +2 Artefact Containers | 10& |
| |Compartment Artefact | | |11 or 12|
| |Container | | | |
SEVA Bodysuit
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Installation Of Ceramic| 600 | +10% Armour | |
| |Plates | | | |
|2 |Thickening Leather | 1200 | +20% Impact Neg. | 1 |
| |Inserts | | | |
|3 |A Second, Backup Layer | 1200 | +15% Suit Durability | 1 |
|4 |Reinforced Ceramic | 1800 | +30% Armour | 1& |
| |Plates | | | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Installation Of Lighter| 1800 | -5.0 KG Weight | 1& |
| |Synthetic And Plastic | | | 2 or 3 |
| |Components | | | |
|6 |Synthetic Layer | 600 | +10% Suit Durability | |
|7 |constantan-based Layer | 1200 | +20% Electrical Protection | 6 |
| |For Isolation | | | |
|8 |Thermal Fiberglass | 1200 | +20% Thermal Protection | 6 |
| |Protection | | | |
|9 |Ecologist Polymer | 1800 | +30% Chemical Protection | 6& |
| |Bodysuit With Bismuth | | +30% Thermal Protection | 7 or 8 |
| |Inserts | | | |
|10 |Lifesaver Plexglass | 1800 | +30% Electrical Protection | 6& |
| |Bodysuit With Flexible | | +30% Radiation Protection | 7 or 8 |
| |Lead Mesh | | | |
|11 |Internal Thermal | 800 | +2 Energy Recovery | |
| |Regulation System | | | |
|12 |A Weight Distribution | 1200 | +10 KG Max. Weight Carried | 11 |
| |Back Frame | | | |
|13 |Additional Artefact | 1200 | +1 Artefact Container | 11 |
| |Container | | | |
|14 |Additional | 3200 | +2 Artefact Containers | 10& |
| |Two-compartment | | |12 or 13|
| |Artefact Container | | | |
|15 |A Built-In Dust | 600 | +10% Chemical Protection | |
| |Repellent System | | +10% Radiation Protection | |
|16 |Oracle Psy-stimulator | 1600 | +20% Psy. Protection | 15 |
|17 |Installation Of A Life | 2000 | +4 Wound Healing | 15 & 16|
| |Support System | | +4 Health Restoration | |
|18 |Active Filters | 600 | +10% Chemical Protection | |
| | | | +10% Radiation Protection | |
|19 |Application Of A | 1600 | +20% Psy. Protection | 18 |
| |Screening Protection | | | |
|20 |Installation Of The | 2400 | +30% Psy. Protection |18 & 19 |
| |Psy-Dome Band | | | |
|21 |Ion Wind Cooling System| 2800 | +6 Energy Recovery |18 & 19 |
Berill-5M Armoured Suit
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Addition Of A | 325 | -10% Impact Neg. | |
| |Compensation Element | | | |
|2 |A Lighter Aluminium | 585 | -5.00 KG Body Armour Weight | 1 |
| |Frame | | | |
|3 |Additional Armoured | 585 | +15% Suit Durability | 1 |
| |Frame | | | |
|4 |Reinforced Titanium | 910 | +30% Armour | 1& |
| |Berill Matrix | | | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Ceramic body Armour | 910 | +10% Impact Neg. | 1& |
| |Outer Layer | | | 2 or 3 |
|6 |Protective Polymer | 325 | +10% Suit Durability | |
| |Inserts | | | |
|7 |A Rubber Mobility Suit | 325 | +4 Energy Recovery | 6 |
|8 |Constantan Thermal | 585 | +20% Electrical Protection | 6 |
| |Isolation Inserts | | +20% Thermal Protection | |
|9 |SBK-RKhM.m.II Airtight | 585 | +30% Chemical Protection | 6& |
| |Radiation Protection | | +30% Radiation Protection | 7 or 8 |
| |Bodysuit | | | |
|10 |Field Doctor Built-In | 455 | +2 Wound Healing | |
| |System | | | |
|11 |A Mount System For | 585 | -10 KG Weight Carried | 10 |
| |Weight Distribution | | | |
|12 |Additional Two- | 2275 | +2 Artefact Containers |10 & 11 |
| |Compartment Container | | | |
Wind Of Freedom Suit
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Polycarbonate Plates | 320 | +10% Armour | |
|2 |Thickening Leather | 640 | -20% Impact Neg. | 1 |
| |Inserts | | | |
|3 |Deflective Ceramic | 960 | +30% Armour | 1 & 2 |
| |Scale Modification | | | |
|4 |Treatment With Soverign| 960 | +25% Suit Durability | 1 & 2 |
| |Holding Compound | | | |
|5 |Lighter, Synthetic And | 320 | -3.00 KG Body Armour Weight | |
| |Polymer Materials | | | |
|6 |Magnesium Plate Inserts| 640 | +20% Thermal Protection | 5 |
|7 |Airtight Plastic Inner | 640 | +20% Chemical Protection | 5 |
| |Layer | | +20% Electrical Protection | |
|8 |Impregnated Bodysuit | 960 | +30% Chemical Protection | 5& |
| |Fabric | | | 6 or 7 |
|9 |Rubberized Bodysuit | 960 | +30% Radiation Protection | 5& |
| |Fabric | | | 6 or 7 |
|10 |Installation Of An | 320 | +10% Chemical Protection | |
| |Oxygen Tank | | +10% Radiation Protection | |
|11 |A Mount System For | 640 | +10KG Weight Carried | 10 |
| |Weight Distribution | | | |
|12 |Additional Artefact | 1200 | +1 Artefact Containers | 10 |
| |Container | | | |
|13 |Additional Two- | 2000 | +2 Artefact Containers | 10& |
| |Compartment Artefact | | |10 or 11|
| |Container | | | |
PS5-M Universal Protection
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Kevlar Plates | 320 | +10% Armour | |
|2 |Duplicate Protective | 640 | 15% Suit Durability | 1 |
| |Plate Layer | | | |
|3 |Deflective Ceramic | 960 | +30% Armour | 1 & 2 |
| |Scale Modification | | | |
|4 |Ceramic Layer On Plates| 960 | -30% Impact Neg. | 1 & 2 |
|5 |Amortization Fabric | 320 | -10% Impact Neg. | |
| |Layer | | | |
|6 |Replacement Of Fabric | 640 | -3.50 KG Body Armour Weight | 5 |
| |With Synthetic | | | |
| |Materials | | | |
|7 |A Rubber Mobility | 640 | +4 Energy Recovery | 5 |
| |Bodysuit | | | |
|8 |Shield High Durability | 960 | +30% Armour | 5& |
| |Protective Frame | | | 6 or 7 |
|9 |Weight Distribution | 320 | +5.00 KG Weight Carried | |
| |Vest | | | |
|10 |Care Built-In System | 800 | +3 Health Regeneration | 9 |
|11 |Varyag Field Support | 1600 | +6 Energy Recovery | 9 & 10 |
| |System | | +3 Wound Healing | |
Bulat Armoured Suit
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Replacing Metal Body | 650 | -5.00 KG Body Armour Weight | |
| |Armour Components With | | | |
| |Carbon Fibre | | | |
|2 |Segmented Protection | 1300 | +15% Suit Durability | 1 |
|3 |Additional Aluminium\ | 1300 | +20% Armour | 1 |
| |Titanium Plating | | | |
|4 |Screen Combined Plate | 1950 | -30% Impact Neg. | 1& |
| |Coating | | | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Armadillo Protective | 1950 | +30% Armour | 1& |
| |Coating Based On | | | 2 or 3 |
| |Sapphire Crystals | | | |
|6 |Amortization Silicon | 650 | -10% Impact Neg. | |
| |Thickeners | | | |
|7 |Constantan-Based Inner | 1300 | +20% Electrical Protection | 6 |
| |Layer For Isolation | | | |
|8 |Thermal Fibreglass | 1300 | +20% Thermal Protection | 6 |
| |Protection | | | |
|9 |Ecologist Polymer | 1950 | +30% Thermal Protection | 6& |
| |Bodysuit With Bismuth | | +30% Chemical Protection | 7 or 8 |
| |Inserts | | | |
|10 |Lifesaver Plexiglass | 1950 | +30% Electrical Protection | 6& |
| |Bodysuit With Flexible | | +30% Radiation Protection | 7 or 8 |
| |Lead Mesh | | | |
|11 |Field Doctor Built-In | 975 | +2 Wound Healing | |
| |System | | | |
|12 |Antidote Poison Removal| 1300 | +20% Chemical Protection | 11 |
| |System | | | |
|13 |A Weight Distribution | 1300 | +10 KG Weight Carried | 11 |
| |Back Frame | | | |
|14 |Additional Two- | 2600 | +2 Artefact Containers | 11& |
| |Compartment Container | | |12 or 13|
|15 |Fury Adrenalin Injector| 975 | +2 Energy Recovery | |
|16 |Hydra Hemoglobin | 1625 | +4 Wound Healing | 15 |
| |Injector | | | |
|17 |Phoenix Restoration | 2600 | +4 Health Restoration | 15 & 16|
| |System | | | |
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Solid Titanium | 1500 | +10% Armour | |
| |Components | | | |
|2 |Installation Of Mobile | 2500 | +20% Armour | 1 |
| |Protective Plates For | | | |
| |Joints | | | |
|3 |Segmented Protection | 2500 | +15% Suit Durability | 1 |
|4 |Cuirass Titanium Armour| 3500 | +30% Armour | 1& |
| | | | | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Screen Combined Plate | 3500 | -30% Impact Neg. | 1& |
| |Coating | | | 2 or 3 |
|6 |Amortization Silicon | 1500 | -10% Impact Neg. | |
| |Thickeners | | | |
|7 |Constantan-based Inner | 2500 | +20% Electrical Protection | 6 |
| |Layer For Isolation | | | |
|8 |Thermal Fiberglass | 2500 | +20% Thermal Protection | 6 |
| |Protection | | | |
|9 |Ecologist Polymer | 3500 | +30% Chemical Protection | 6& |
| |Bodysuit With Bismuth | | +30% Thermal Protection | 7 or 8 |
| |Inserts | | | |
|10 |Evacuator Bodysuit With| 3500 | +30% Chemical Protection | 6& |
| |Lead Inserts | | +30% Radiation Protection | 7 or 8 |
|11 |Internal Thermal | 1500 | +4 Energy Recovery | |
| |Regulation System | | | |
|12 |Additional Artefact | 3000 | +1 Containers | 11 |
| |Container | | | |
|13 |Additional | 5000 | +2 Containers |11 & 12 |
| |Two-compartment | | | |
| |Artefact Container | | | |
|14 |Additional Servomotors | 1500 | +10 KG Weight Carried | |
|15 |Replacing Metal | 2500 | -10 KG Body Armour Weight | 14 |
| |Components With Carbon | | | |
| |Fiber | | | |
|16 |Drive Device Armouring | 2500 | +15% Suit Durability | 14 |
|17 |Shagohod Easy Movement | 4000 | +6 Energy Recovery | 14& |
| |System | | |15 or 16|
|18 |Addition Of Hydraulic | 5000 | Servomotor Boosters | 14& |
| |Boosters Into Drive | | (Allows Sprinting) |15 or 16|
| |Devices | | | |
|19 |Active Filters | 1500 | +10% Chemical Protection | |
| | | | +10% Radiation Protection | |
|20 |Application Of A Screen| 2500 | +20% Psy. Protection | 19 |
| |Coating | | | |
|21 |Second Generation Night| 4000 | Second Generation Night Vision | 19 |
| |Vision Device | | | |
|22 |Installation Of The | 4000 | +30% Psy. Protection | 19& |
| |Psy-Dome Band | | |20 or 21|
08.02 - Pistols
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Moving Bolt Section | 180 | +10% Fire Rate | |
|2 |Bolt Section Barrel | 360 | +20% Flatness | 1 |
| |Closing System | | | |
|3 |Slow Bolt Backwards | 360 | -20% Recoil | 1 |
| |Movement System | | | |
|4 |Installation Of A Short| 540 | +25% Fire Rate | 1& |
| |Bolt Movement | | | 2 or 3 |
| |Arrangement | | | |
|5 |Long Barrel Section | 180 | +10% Flatness | |
|6 |Chrome Plating Of The | 360 | +15% Reliability | |
| |Internal Side Of The | | | |
| |Barrel | | | |
|7 |Polymer Pistol Frame | 180 | -0.35 KG Weight | |
|8 |Ergonomic Handle | 360 | +15% Handling | 8 |
|9 |Amortization Handle | 360 | -20% Recoil | 8 |
|10 |Soft Release | 180 | +10% Accuracy | |
|11 |Firing Mechanism With | 360 | +20% Accuracy | 10 |
| |Pre Arming Device | | | |
|12 |Increased Magazine | 315 | +4 Clip Size | |
| |Capacity | | | |
|13 |Change Of Calibre | 495 | Changes Calibre To 9x19 | |
| |To 9x19 | | | |
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Moving Bolt Section | 225 | +10% Fire Rate | |
|2 |Bolt Section Barrel | 450 | +20% Flatness | 1 |
| |Closing System | | | |
|3 |Slow Bolt Backwards | 450 | -20% Recoil | 1 |
| |Movement System | | | |
|4 |Installation Of A Short| 675 | +30% Accuracy | 1& |
| |Recoil Energy use | | | 2 or 3 |
| |Arrangement | | | |
|5 |Long Barrel Section | 225 | +10% Flatness | |
|6 |Installation Of A | 225 | +15% Fire Rate | 5 |
| |Barrel With A | | | |
| |Simplified Rifled | | | |
| |Section | | | |
|7 |Chrome Plating Of The | 450 | +15% Reliability | 5 |
| |Internal Side Of The | | | |
| |Barrel | | | |
|8 |Polymer Pistol Frame | 225 | -0.35 KG Weight | |
|9 |Ergonomic Handle | 450 | +15% Handling | 8 |
|10 |Protective Body | 450 | +15% Reliability | 8 |
| |Thickeners | | | |
|11 |Soft Release | 225 | +10% Accuracy | |
|12 |Safe Release Device | 450 | +20% Accuracy | 11 |
|13 |Increased Magazine | 585 | +4 Magazine Size | |
| |Capacity | | | |
|14 |Change Of Calibre | 1125 | Changes Calibre To 9x19 | |
| |To 9x19 | | | |
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Moving Bolt Section | 225 | +10% Fire Rate | |
|2 |Protective Bolt | 450 | +15% Reliability | 1 |
| |Section Sputter | | | |
|3 |Slow Bolt Backwards | 450 | -20% Recoil | 1 |
| |Movement System | | | |
|4 |Installation Of A Long | 675 | +30% Flatness | 1& |
| |Bolt Movement | | | 2 or 3 |
| |Arrangement | | | |
|5 |Perforated Barrel | 225 | +10% Flatness | |
| |Section | | | |
|6 |Addition Of Rubber | 450 | -20% Recoil | 5 |
| |Separators | | | |
|7 |Polymer Pistol Frame | 225 | -0.20 KG Weight | |
|8 |Ergonomic Handle | 450 | +15% Handling | 7 |
|9 |Addition Of A return | 675 | +30 Accuracy | 7 & 8 |
| |Spring Amortization | | | |
| |Component | | | |
|10 |Soft Release | 225 | +10% Accuracy | |
|11 |Firing Mechanism With | 450 | +20% Accuracy | 10 |
| |Partial Pre Arming | | | |
|12 |Increased Magazine | 585 | +4 Magazine Size | |
| |Capacity | | | |
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Moving Bolt Section | 270 | +10% Fire Rate | |
|2 |Reinforced And Fully | 540 | +15% Reliability | 1 |
| |Closed Bolt | | | |
|3 |Installation Of A | 540 | -20% Recoil | 1 |
| |Closing Insert With A | | | |
| |Shaped Spiral Groove | | | |
|4 |Fully Automatic Firing | 1710 | Automatic Fire Mode | 1& |
| |Mode | | | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Shortened Barrel | 270 | +10% Fire Rate | |
| |Section | | | |
|6 |Additional Threaded | 540 | +20% Flatness | 5 |
| |Canals In The Barrel | | | |
|7 |Chrome Plating Of The | 540 | +15% Reliability | 5 |
| |Internal Side Of The | | | |
| |Barrel | | | |
|8 |Sinusoidal Rifling of | 810 | +25% Fire Rate | 5& |
| |Barrel | | | 6 or 7 |
|9 |Solid Steel Frame | 270 | +10% Reliability | |
|10 |Changing Handle Shape | 540 | +15% Handling | 9 |
| |With A Straight Rear | | | |
| |Section | | | |
|11 |Amortization Handle | 540 | -20% Recoil | 9 |
|12 |Soft Release | 270 | +10% Accuracy | |
|13 |Increased Trigger Bolt | 540 | +15% Reliability | 12 |
| |Head | | | |
|14 |External Threading Of | 630 | Silencer | |
| |The Barrel | | | |
|15 |Change Of Calibre | 1350 | Changes Calibre To 9x18 | |
| |To 9x18 | | | |
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Moving Bolt Section | 270 | +10% Fire Rate | |
|2 |Barrel Skew Closing | 540 | +20% Flatness | 1 |
| |System | | | |
|3 |Slow Bolt Backwards | 540 | -20% Recoil | 1 |
| |Movement System | | | |
|4 |Integration Barrel | 810 | -30% Recoil | 1& |
| |Lifting Compensator | | | 2 or 3 |
| | | | | |
|5 |Long Barrel Section | 270 | +10% Flatness | |
|6 |Chrome Plating Of The | 540 | +15% Reliability | 5 |
| |Internal Side Of The | | | |
| |Barrel | | | |
|7 |Sinusoidal Rifling of | 810 | +25% Fire Rate | 5 or 6 |
| |Barrel | | | |
|8 |Installation Of A | 810 | +30% Flatness | 5 or 6 |
| |Barrel With A Polygon | | | |
| |Rifled Section | | | |
|9 |Polymer Pistol Frame | 270 | -0.35 KG Weight | |
|10 |Ergonomic Handle | 540 | +15% Handling | 9 |
|11 |Amortization Handle | 540 | -20% Recoil | 9 |
|12 |Double Trigger Firing | 270 | +10% Accuracy | |
| |Mechanism | | | |
|13 |Modular Firing System | 540 | +15 Reliability | 12 |
|14 |Double Firing Mode | 900 | +25% Handling | 13 |
|15 |Increased Magazine | 720 | +4 Magazine Size | |
| |Capacity | | | |
|16 |Change Of Calibre | 1350 | Changes Calibre To 9x18 | |
| |To 9x18 | | | |
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Moving Bolt Section | 270 | +10% Fire Rate | |
|2 |Bolt Section Barrel | 540 | +20% Flatness | 1 |
| |Closing System | | | |
|3 |Slow Bolt Backwards | 540 | -20% Recoil | 1 |
| |Movement System | | | |
|4 |Installation Of A Short| 810 | +30% Accuracy | 1& |
| |Recoil Energy use | | | 2 or 3 |
| |Arrangement | | | |
|5 |Shortened Barrel | 270 | +10% Fire Rate | |
| |Section | | | |
|6 |Transferring The Barrel| 540 | -20% Recoil | 5 |
| |Compensator/Flash | | | |
| |Reducer Onto The Frame | | | |
|7 |Chrome Plating Of The | 540 | +15% Reliability | 5 |
| |Internal Side Of The | | | |
| |Barrel | | | |
|8 |Sinusoidal Rifling of | 810 | +25% Fire Rate | 5& |
| |Barrel | | | 6 Or 7 |
|9 |Polymer Pistol Frame | 270 | -0.40 KG Weight | |
|10 |Ergonomic Handle | 540 | +15% Handling | 9 |
|11 |Amortization Handle | 540 | -20% Recoil | 9 |
|12 |Double Trigger Firing | 270 | +10% Accuracy | |
| |Mechanism | | | |
|13 |Modular Firing | 540 | +15 Reliability | 12 |
| |Mechanism | | | |
|14 |Increased Magazine | 1080 | +4 Magazine Size | |
| |Capacity | | | |
Walker P9m
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Moving Bolt Section | 320 | +10% Fire Rate | |
|2 |Polymer Recoil Buffer | 640 | -20% Recoil | 1 |
|3 |Increased Bolt Movement| 640 | +20% Flatness | 1 |
|4 |Three Round Burst | 2000 | 3-Round Burst Mode | 1& |
| |Firing Mode | | | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Long Barrel Section | 320 | +10% Flatness | |
|6 |Chrome Plating Of The | 640 | +15% Reliability | 5 |
| |Internal Side Of The | | | |
| |Barrel | | | |
|7 |Sinusoidal Rifling of | 640 | +25% Fire Rate | 5 & 6 |
| |Barrel | | | |
|8 |Pneumatic Booster | 960 | +30% Flatness | 5 & 6 |
| |Integration | | | |
|9 |Titanium frame | 320 | +10% Reliability | |
|10 |Changing Handle Shape | 640 | +15% Handling | 9 |
| |With A Straight Rear | | | |
| |Section | | | |
|11 |Amortization Handle | 640 | -20% Recoil | 9 |
| | | | |10 or 11|
|12 |Double Trigger Firing | 320 | +10% Accuracy | |
| |Mechanism | | | |
|13 |Modular Firing | 640 | +15% Reliability | 12 |
| |Mechanism | | | |
|14 |External threading Of | 560 | Silencer Can Be Installed | |
| |The Barrel | | | |
SIP-t M200
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Moving Bolt Section | 450 | +10% Fire Rate | |
|2 |Protective Bolt | 810 | +15% Reliability | 1 |
| |Section Sputter | | | |
|3 |Increased Bolt Movement| 810 | +20% Flatness | 1 |
|4 |Three Round Burst | 2700 | 3-Round Burst Mode | 1& |
| |Firing Mode | | | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Long Barrel Section | 450 | +10% Flatness | |
|6 |Chrome Plating Of The | 810 | +15% Reliability | 5 |
| |Internal Side Of The | | | |
| |Barrel | | | |
|7 |Sinusoidal Rifling of | 1170 | +25% Fire Rate | 5 & 6 |
| |Barrel | | | |
|8 |Installation Of A | 1170 | +30% Flatness | 5 & 6 |
| |Barrel With A Polygon | | | |
| |Rifled Section | | | |
|9 |Polymer Pistol Frame | 450 | -0.22 KG Weight | |
|10 |Ergonomic Handle | 810 | +15% Handling | 9 |
|11 |Amortization Handle | 810 | -20% Recoil | 9 |
|12 |Soft Release | 225 | +10% Accuracy | |
|13 |Modular Firing Release | 810 | +15% Reliability | 12 |
|14 |Short Movement Firing | 1170 | +25% Fire Rate |12 & 13 |
| |Mechanism | | | |
|15 |Increased Magazine | 1350 | +4 Magazine Size | |
| |Capacity | | | |
UDP Compact
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Moving Bolt Section | 540 | +10% Fire Rate | |
|2 |Polymer Recoil Buffer | 900 | -20% Recoil | 1 |
|3 |Increased Bolt Movement| 900 | +20% Flatness | 1 & 2 |
|4 |Fully Automatic Firing | 2700 | Automatic Fire Mode | 1& |
| |Mode | | | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Long Barrel Section | 540 | +10% Flatness | |
|6 |Installation Of A | 900 | +15% Fire Rate | 5 |
| |Barrel With A | | | |
| |Simplified Rifled | | | |
| |Section | | | |
|7 |Chrome Plating Of The | 900 | +15% Reliability | 5 |
| |Internal Side Of The | | | |
| |Barrel | | | |
|8 |Sinusoidal Rifling of | 1260 | +25% Fire Rate | 5& |
| |Barrel | | | 6 or 7 |
|9 |Titanium frame | 540 | +10% Reliability | |
|10 |Changing Handle Shape | 900 | +15% Handling | 9 |
| |With A Straight Rear | | | |
| |Section | | | |
|11 |Amortization Handle | 900 | -20% Recoil | 9 |
|12 |A Handle With A Changed| 1260 | -20% Recoil | 9& |
| |Shape With Replaceable | | |10 or 11|
| |Parts | | | |
|13 |Double Trigger Firing | 540 | +10% Accuracy | |
| |Mechanism | | | |
|14 |Modular Firing System | 900 | +15 Reliability | 13 |
|15 |Installation Of An | 1260 | +30% Accuracy | 13 & 14|
| |Arming Component | | | |
|16 |Increased Magazine | 1350 | +4 Magazine Size | |
| |Capacity | | | |
Black Kite
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Moving Bolt Section | 540 | +10% Fire Rate | |
|2 |Polymer Recoil Buffer | 1080 | -20% Recoil | 1 |
|3 |Combined Two Spring | 1620 | +30% Accuracy | 1 & 2 |
| |Return Model | | | |
|4 |Integrated Barrel | 1620 | -30 Recoil | 1 & 2 |
| |Lifting Compensator | | | |
|5 |Long Barrel Section | 540 | +10% Flatness | |
|6 |Chrome Plating Of The | 1080 | +15% Reliability | 5 |
| |Internal Side Of The | | | |
| |Barrel | | | |
|7 |Sinusoidal Rifling of | 1620 | +25% Fire Rate | 5 & 6 |
| |Barrel | | | |
|8 |Pneumatic Booster | 1620 | +30% Flatness | 5 & 6 |
| |Integration | | | |
|9 |Polymer Pistol Frame | 540 | -0.70 KG Weight | |
|10 |Changing Handle Shape | 1080 | +15% Handling | 9 |
| |With A Straight Rear | | | |
| |Section | | | |
|11 |Amortization Handle | 1080 | -20% Recoil | 9 |
|12 |A Handle With A | 1620 | -30% Recoil | 9& |
| |Changed Shape With | | |10 or 11|
| |Replaceable Plates | | | |
|13 |Double Trigger Firing | 540 | +10% Accuracy | |
| |Mechanism | | | |
|13 |Modular Firing | 1080 | +15% Reliability | 13 |
| |Mechanism | | | |
|14 |Increased Magazine | 1620 | +4 Magazine Size | |
| |Capacity | | | |
08.03 - Shotguns
Sawed-Off Shotgun
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Treatment of The Barrel| 90 | +10% Reliability | |
| |Barrel | | | |
|2 |Synthetic Barrel | 225 | +20% Accuracy | 1 |
| |Treatment | | | |
|3 |Inclined Handle | 90 | -0.90 KG Weight | |
|4 |Ergonomic Handle | 225 | +15% Handling | 3 |
|5 |Amortization Handle | 225 | -20% Recoil | 3 |
|6 |Component Adjustment | 90 | +10% Reliability | |
|7 |Low Impulse Firing | 360 | -20% Recoil | 6 |
| |Mechanism | | | |
Hunting Rifle
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |High Durability Alloy | 180 | +10% Reliability | |
| |Barrel | | | |
|2 |Longer Barrel Sections | 360 | +20% Flatness | 1 |
|3 |Longitudinal Gas | 360 | -20% Recoil | 1 |
| |Venting Canals | | | |
|4 |Barrel Balancing System| 540 | +25% Handling | 1& |
| | | | | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Rifled Barrels | 900 | +30% Accuracy | 1& |
| | | | Does Not Use Shot | 2 or 3 |
|6 |Lighter Stock | 180 | -1.10 KG Weight | |
|7 |Ergonomic Stock | 360 | +15% Handling | 6 |
|8 |Mercury Recoil Absorber| 360 | -20% Recoil | 6 |
|9 |Poly-Materials | 180 | +10% Reliability | |
| |Components | | | |
|10 |Low Impulse Firing | 360 | -20% Recoil | 9 |
| |Mechanism | | | |
|11 |Protective Component | 360 | +25% Reliability | 9 & 10 |
| |Sputter | | | |
|12 |Barrel Closing System | 540 | +30% Flatness | 9 & 10 |
Chaser 13
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |High Durability Alloy | 450 | +10% Reliability | |
| |Barrel | | | |
|2 |Longer Barrel Sections | 630 | +20% Flatness | 1 |
|3 |Longitudinal Gas | 630 | -20% Recoil | 1 |
| |Venting Canals | | | |
|4 |Dynamic Barrel | 810 | +30% Accuracy | 1& |
| |Thickener | | | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Impact Resistant | 450 | -1.00 KG Weight | |
| |Polymer Stock | | | |
|6 |Ergonomic Handle | 630 | +15% Handling | 5 |
|7 |Anti Corrosive Coating | 630 | +15% Reliability | 5 |
|8 |Addition Of An Impulse | 810 | -30% Recoil | 5& |
| |Counter Weight | | | 6 or 7 |
|9 |Poly-Materials | 450 | +10% Reliability | |
| |Components | | | |
|10 |Installation Of A Round| 630 | +20% Accuracy | 10 |
| |Positioning Unit | | | |
|11 |Low Impulse Firing | 630 | -20% Recoil | 10 |
| |Mechanism | | | |
|12 |Protective Component | 810 | +30% Reliability | 9& |
| |Sputter | | |10 or 11|
|13 |Installation Of An | 1350 | Automatic Fire Mode | 9& |
| |Inertial Automatic | | +25% Fire Rate |10 or 11|
| |System | | | |
|14 |Magazine Capacity | 1080 | +2 magazine Size | |
| |Increase | | | |
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |High Durability Alloy | 585 | +10% Reliability | |
| |Barrel | | | |
|2 |Longer Barrel Sections | 810 | +20% Flatness | 1 |
|3 |Application Of A | 810 | +15% Reliability | 1 |
| |Protective Sputter To | | | |
| |The Internal part Of | | | |
| |The Barrel | | | |
|4 |Dynamic Barrel | 1035 | +30% Accuracy | 1& |
| |Thickener | | | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Cylindrical Drilling Of| 1035 | +30% Fire Rate | 1& |
| |Barrel | | | 2 or 3 |
|6 |Impact Resistant | 585 | -1.40 KG Weight | |
| |Polymer Stock | | | |
|7 |Ergonomic Handle | 810 | +15% Handling | 6 |
|8 |Amortization Handle | 810 | -20% Recoil | 6 |
|9 |Poly-Materials | 585 | +10% Reliability | |
| |Components | | | |
|10 |Installation Of A Round| 810 | +20% Accuracy | 9 |
| |Positioning Unit | | | |
|11 |Semifree Bolt With A | 810 | +25% Fire Rate | 9 |
| |Roller System | | | |
|12 |Protective Component | 1035 | +30% Reliability | 8& |
| |Sputter | | |9 or 10 |
|13 |Unified Blowback Module| 1035 | -20% Recoil | 8& |
| | | | |9 or 10 |
|14 |Magazine Capacity | 1350 | +2 magazine Size | |
| |Increase | | | |
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |High Durability Alloy | 640 | +10% Reliability | |
| |Barrel | | | |
|2 |Longer Barrel Section | 1000 | +20% Flatness | 1 |
|3 |Application Of A | 1000 | +15% Reliability | 1 |
| |Protective Sputter To | | | |
| |The Internal Part Of | | | |
| |The Barrel | | | |
|4 |Addition Of An Active | 1360 | -30% Recoil | 1& |
| |Counter-weight To The | | | 2 or 3 |
| |Barrel Jacket | | | |
|5 |Cylindrical Drilling Of| 1360 | +25% Fire Rate | 1% |
| |Barrel | | | 2 or 3 |
|6 |Addition Of A Counter | 640 | -10% Recoil | |
| |Weight | | | |
|7 |Ergonomic Handle | 1000 | +15% Handling | 6 |
|8 |Amortization Handle | 1000 | -20% Recoil | 6 |
|9 |Poly-Material | 640 | +10% Reliability | |
| |Components | | | |
|10 |Low Impulse Firing | 1000 | -20% Recoil | 9 |
| |Mechanism | | | |
|11 |Gas Motor Installation | 1800 | +15% Fire Rate | 9 |
| | | | Automatic Fire Mode | |
|12 |Installation Of An | 1360 | +30% Accuracy | 9& |
| |Automatic Driving Rod | | |10 or 11|
|13 |Use Of Gas Energy | 640 | -10% Recoil | |
|14 |Addition Of Diagonal | 1000 | +15% Fire Rate | 13 |
| |Cam Slots To The Drum | | | |
08.04 - Sub Machine Guns
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Additional Return | 450 | -10% Recoil | |
| |Spring | | | |
|2 |Addition Of A Balancing| 720 | +20% Accuracy | 1 |
| |Element | | | |
|3 |Titanium Return | 720 | +15% Fire Rate | 1 |
| |Mechanism Rods | | | |
|4 |Installation Of A | 990 | +25% Fire Rate | 1& |
| |Distribution Link | | | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Rapid Automatic Release| 450 | +10% Fire Rate | |
|6 |Addition Of A | 720 | +15% Reliability | 5 |
| |Longitudinal Grooves | | | |
|7 |Change To A Roller | 990 | +30% Accuracy | 5 & 6 |
| |System With A Semifree | | | |
| |Bolt | | | |
|8 |Creeping Bolt | 990 | -30% Recoil | 5 & 6 |
| |Installation | | | |
|9 |Bolt Hammer Compensator| 450 | -10% Recoil | |
|10 |Springless Release | 720 | +15% Handling | 9 |
|11 |Compositive Firing | 720 | +15% Reliability | 9 |
| |Mechanism Components | | | |
|12 |Boltless Fixing Of The | 990 | +25% Fire Rate | 9& |
| |Firing Mechanism | | |10 or 11|
|13 |High Durability Alloy | 450 | +10% Reliability | |
| |Receiver | | | |
|14 |Additional Cooling | 720 | +15% Fire Rate | 13 |
| |Jacket | | | |
|15 |Inclined Handle | 990 | +25% Handling | 13 & 14|
|16 |Smoothing Receiver | 990 | +30% Flatness | 13 & 14|
| |Groove And Incident | | | |
| |Sputter | | | |
|17 |Increased Magazine | 900 | +10 Magazine Size | |
| |Capacity | | | |
|18 |Change Of Calibre To | 2250 | Calibre 9x18 | |
| |9x18 | | | |
08.05 - Assault Rifles
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Rapid Automatic | 400 | +10% Fire Rate | |
| |Release | | | |
|2 |Addition Of | 650 | +15% Reliability | 1 |
| |Longitudinal Grooves | | | |
|3 |Installation Of A Gas | 650 | -20% Recoil | 1 |
| |Vent With A Moving | | | |
| |Block | | | |
|4 |Creeping Bolt | 900 | -30% Recoil | 1& |
| |Installation | | | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Addition Of Mobile | 400 | -10% Recoil | |
| |Counter Weight | | | |
|6 |Automatic Two-Position | 650 | +15% Reliability | 5 |
| |Gas Regulator | | | |
|7 |Addition Of Blowback | 900 | -30% Recoil | 5 & 6 |
| |Speed Reduction Device | | | |
|8 |Installation Of A | 900 | +25% Handling | 5 & 6 |
| |"Smart Compensator" | | | |
|9 |Bolt Hammer Compensator| 400 | -10% Recoil | |
|10 |Forcing Trigger Delay | 650 | +15% Fire Rate | 9 |
| |Device | | | |
|11 |Composite Firing | 650 | +15% Reliability | 9 |
| |Mechanism | | | |
|12 |Installation Of An | 900 | +25% Handling | 9& |
| |Impactless Firing | | |10 or 11|
| |Mechanism System | | | |
|13 |Additional Return | 400 | -10% Recoil | |
| |Spring | | | |
|14 |Titanium Return | 650 | +15% Fire Rate | 13 |
| |Mechanism | | | |
|15 |Installation Of | 900 | +25% Fire Rate | 14 |
| |Distribution Link | | | |
|16 |Increase Magazine | 800 | +10 Magazine Size | |
| |Capacity | | | |
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Addition Of Mobile | 495 | -10% Recoil | |
| |Counter weight | | | |
|2 |Automatic Two-Position | 765 | +15% Reliability | 1 |
| |Gas Regulator | | | |
|3 |Balanced Impact Free | 1035 | +30% Accuracy | 1 & 2 |
| |System | | | |
|4 |Addition Of Blowback | 1035 | -30% Recoil | 5 & 6 |
| |Speed Reduction Device | | | |
|5 |Amortization Of The | 495 | +10% Handling | |
| |Return Mechanism | | | |
|6 |Addition Of A Balancing| 765 | +20% Accuracy | 5 |
| |Element | | | |
|7 |Titanium Return | 765 | +15% Fire Rate | 5 |
| |Mechanism Rods | | | |
|8 |Return Mechanism Sleeve| 1035 | +30% Flatness | 5& |
| |Thickener | | | 6 or 7 |
|9 |Solid Bolt Installation| 495 | +10% Reliability | |
|10 |Directed Gas Energy | 765 | +20% Flatness | 9 |
|11 |Installation Of An | 765 | -20% Recoil | 9 |
| |Additional Gas Piston | | | |
|12 |Gas Energy Collection | 1035 | +25% Fire Rate | 9& |
| |System | | |10 or 11|
|13 |Impact-Resistant | 495 | -1.30 KG Weight | |
| |Polymer Stock | | | |
|14 |Ergonomic Receiver | 765 | +15% Handling | 13 |
| |Shape | | | |
|15 |Inclined Handle | 1035 | +25% Handling | 14 |
|16 |Optical Scope Mount | 1080 | Optical Scope Mount | |
|17 |Change Of Calibre To | 2250 | Change Calibre To 5.56x45 | |
| |5x56 | | | |
IL 86
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |High Durability Alloy | 540 | +10% Reliability | |
| |Receiver | | | |
|2 |Ergonomic Receiver | 810 | +15% Handling | 1 |
| |Shape | | | |
|3 |Modular Receiver | 1080 | +25% Reliability | 1 and 2|
|4 |Smoothing Receiver | 1080 | +30% Flatness | 1 and 2|
| |Groove And Incident | | | |
| |Sputter | | | |
|5 |Soft Release | 540 | +10% Accuracy | |
|6 |Springless Release | 810 | +15% Handling | 6 |
|7 |Composite Firing | 810 | +15% Reliability | 6 |
| |Mechanism Components | | | |
|8 |Protective Firing | 1080 | +25% Reliability | 5& |
| |Mechanism Component | | | 6 or 7 |
| |Sputter | | | |
|9 |Longer Barrel | 540 | +10% Flatness | |
|10 |Optimized Compensation | 810 | -20% Recoil | 10 |
| |Muzzle Brake | | | |
|11 |Installation Of A | 1080 | +30% Flatness | 9 & 10 |
| |Barrel With A Polygon | | | |
| |Rifled Section | | | |
|12 |Rifled Sniper Rifle | 1080 | +30% Accuracy | 9 & 10 |
| |Canals | | | |
|13 |4x Optical Scope | 900 | 4x Optical Scope | |
|14 |Improvement Of Sight | 1350 | High Contrast Sight | |
| |Contrast | | | |
|15 |Adjustable Range-Finder| 2700 | Adjustable Sight | |
| |Sight | | | |
|16 |External Threading Of | 720 | Silencer | |
| |The Barrel | | | |
|17 |Change Of Calibre 5x45 | 2250 | Calibre 5.45x39 | |
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Addition Of Mobile | 630 | -10% Recoil | |
| |Counter weight | | | |
|2 |Automatic Two-Position | 945 | +15% Reliability | 1 |
| |Gas Regulator | | | |
|3 |Automatic Round Feeding| 1170 | +25% Fire Rate | 1 & 2 |
|4 |Built-in Recoil | 1170 | +30% Recoil | 1 & 2 |
| |Amortization System | | | |
|5 |Reinforced Return | 630 | +10% Flatness | |
| |Spring | | | |
|6 |Addition Of A Balancing| 945 | +20% Accuracy | 5 |
| |Element | | | |
|7 |Titanium Return | 945 | +15% Fire Rate | 5 |
| |Mechanism Rods | | | |
|8 |Return Mechanism Sleeve| 1170 | +30% Flatness | 5& |
| |Thickener | | | 6 or 7 |
|9 |Solid Bolt Installation| 630 | +10% Reliability | |
|10 |Directed Gas Energy | 945 | +20% Flatness | 9 |
|11 |Installation Of An | 945 | -20% Recoil | 9 |
| |Additional Gas Piston | | | |
|12 |Change To A Roller | 1170 | +30% Accuracy | |
| |System With A Semifree | | | |
| |Bolt | | | |
|13 |Impact-Resistant | 630 | -1.00 KG Weight | |
| |Polymer Stock | | | |
|14 |Ergonomic Receiver | 945 | +15% Handling | 13 |
| |Shape | | | |
|15 |Inclined Handle | 1170 | +25% Handling | 14 |
|16 |Smoothing Receiver | 1170 | +30% Flatness | 13 & 14|
| |Groove And Incident | | | |
| |Sputter | | | |
|17 |Underbarrel Grenade | 2430 | Underbarrel Mount | |
| |Launcher Mount | | | |
TRs 301
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Solid Bolt Integration | 630 | +10% Reliability | |
|2 |Direct Gas Energy | 945 | +20% Flatness | 1 |
|3 |Forced Cooling | 945 | +15% Fire Rate | 1 |
|4 |Gas Piston Installation| 1170 | +30% Reliability | 1& |
| | | | | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Addition Of A Mobile | 630 | +10% Recoil | |
| |Counter Weight | | | |
|6 |Automatic Two-position | 945 | +15% Reliability | 5 |
| |Gas Regulator | | | |
|7 |Addition Of A Blowback | 1170 | -30% Recoil | 5 & 6 |
| |Speed Reduction Device | | | |
|8 |Addition Of A Stopping | 1170 | +30% Accuracy | 5 & 6 |
| |Device | | | |
|9 |Amortization Of The | 630 | +10% Handling | |
| |Return Mechanism | | | |
|10 |Addition Of A Balancing| 945 | +20% Accuracy | 9 |
| |Element | | | |
|11 |Titanium Return | 945 | +15% Fire Rate | 9 |
| |Mechanism Rods | | | |
|12 |Conversion To A Two Rod| 1170 | +25% Fire Rate | 9& |
| |System | | |10 or 11|
|13 |Impact-Resistant | 630 | -0.70 KG Weight | 9& |
| |Polymer Stock | | |10 or 11|
|14 |Ergonomic Receiver | 945 | +15% Handling | |
| |Shape | | | |
|15 |Inclined Handle | 945 | +25% Handling | 14 |
|16 |Smoothing Receiver | 1170 | +30% Flatness |14 & 15 |
| |Groove And Incident | | | |
| |Sputter | | | |
|17 |Increase Magazine | 1080 | +10 Magazine Size | |
| |Capacity | | | |
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Rapid Automatic Release| 640 | +10% Fire Rate | |
|2 |Installation Of An | 960 | -20% Recoil | 1 |
| |Additional Gas Cylinder| | | |
|3 |Protective Bolt Section| 960 | +25% Reliability | 1 |
| |Sputter | | | |
|4 |Creeping Bolt | 1280 | -30% Recoil | 1& |
| |Installation | | | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Addition Of A mobile | 640 | -10% Recoil | |
| |Counter-weight | | | |
|6 |Inertia Delay Mechanism| 960 | +20% Accuracy | 5 |
|7 |Addition Of A Blowback | 1280 | -30% Recoil | 5 & 6 |
| |Speed Reduction Device | | | |
|8 |Addition Of A Stopping | 1280 | +30% Accuracy | 5 & 6 |
| |Device | | | |
|9 |Installation Of A | 640 | +10% Reliability | |
| |Barrel With Cooling | | | |
| |Fans | | | |
|10 |Installation Of A | 960 | +15% Fire Rate | 9 |
| |Barrel With A | | | |
| |Simplified Rifled | | | |
| |Section | | | |
|11 |Additional Threaded | 960 | +20% Flatness | 9 |
| |Canals In The Barrel | | | |
|12 |Sinusoidal Rifling Of | 1280 | +25% Fire Rate | 9& |
| |The Barrel Chamber | | |10 or 11|
|13 |Impact-resistant | 640 | -1.30 KG Weight | |
| |Polymer Stock | | | |
|14 |Ergonomic Receiver | 960 | +15% Handling | 13 |
| |Shape | | | |
|15 |Inclined Handle | 1280 | +25% Handling |12 & 13 |
|16 |Smoothing Receiver | 1280 | +30% Flatness |12 & 13 |
| |Groove And Incident | | | |
| |Sputter | | | |
|17 |Increased Magazine | 1200 | +10 Magazine Clip Size | |
| |Capacity | | | |
Tunder S14
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Rapid Automatic Release| 800 | +10% Fire Rate | |
|2 |Installation Of An | 1280 | -20% Recoil | 1 |
| |Additional Gas Piston | | | |
|3 |Protective Bolt Section| 1280 | +15% Reliability | 1 |
| |Sputter | | | |
|4 |Shirt Movement Gas | 1760 | +25% Fire Rate | 1& |
| |Piston | | | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Change To A Roller | 1760 | +30% Accuracy | 1& |
| |System With A Semifree | | | 2 or 3 |
| |Bolt | | | |
|6 |Addition Of A Mobile | 800 | -10% Recoil | |
| |Counter-weight | | | |
|7 |Installation Of A | 1280 | +20% Flatness | 6 |
| |Barrel Closing Device | | | |
|8 |Addition Of A Blowback | 1760 | -30% Recoil | 6 and 7|
| |Speed Device | | | |
|9 |Addition Of A Stopping | 1760 | +30% Accuracy | 6 and 7|
| |Device | | | |
|10 |Additional Return | 800 | -10% Recoil | |
| |Spring | | | |
|11 |Addition Of A Balancing| 1280 | +20% Accuracy | 10 |
| |Element | | | |
|12 |Protective Return | 1280 | +15% Reliability | 10 |
| |Mechanism Component | | | |
| |Sputter | | | |
|13 |Installation Of A | 1760 | +25% Fire Rate | 10& |
| |Distribution Link | | |11 or 12|
|14 |Return Mechanism sleeve| 1760 | +30% Flatness | 10& |
| |Thickener | | |11 or 12|
|15 |Addition Of A Counter | 800 | -10% Recoil | |
| |Weight To The Steel Box| | | |
|16 |Ergonomic Receiver | 1280 | +15% Handling | 15 |
| |Shape | | | |
|17 |Modular Receiver | 1760 | +25% Reliability |15 & 16 |
|18 |Smooth Receiver Groove | 1760 | +30% Flatness |15 & 16 |
| |And Incident Sputter | | | |
|19 |Increased Magazine | 1440 | +10 Magazine Size | |
| |Capacity | | | |
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Impact-Resistant | 900 | +10% Reliability | |
| |Polymer Components For | | | |
| |Automatic Elements | | | |
|2 |Inertia Delay Mechanism| 1400 | +20% Accuracy | 2 |
|3 |Installation Of A | 1900 | +25% Handling | 1 & 2 |
| |"Smart Compensation" | | | |
| |Component | | | |
|4 |Addition Of A Stopping | 1900 | +30% Accuracy | 1 & 2 |
| |Device | | | |
|5 |Pneumatic Stock | 900 | -10% Recoil | |
|6 |Ergonomic Stock | 1400 | +15% Handling | 5 |
|7 |Installation Of An | 1400 | -15% Recoil | 5 |
| |Amortization Shoulder | | | |
| |Rest | | | |
|8 |Lengthening The Bolt | 1900 | +20% Flatness | 5& |
| |Frame Shock Buffer | | | 6 or 7 |
|9 |Installation Of A | 900 | +10% Accuracy | |
| |"Floating" Barrel | | | |
|10 |Optimized Compensation | 1400 | -10% Recoil | 9 |
| |Muzzle Break | | | |
|11 |Installation Of A | 1900 | +20% Flatness | 8 & 9 |
| |Barrel With A Polygon | | | |
| |Rifled Section | | | |
|12 |Rifled Sniper Rifle | 1900 | +30% Accuracy | 8 & 9 |
| |Canals | | | |
|13 |1.6x Reflex Sight | 1200 | 1.6x Reflex Sight | |
|14 |Improvement Of Sight | 2000 | High Contrast Sight | |
| |Contrast | | | |
|15 |Night Vision Device | 4000 | Second Generation Night Vision | |
| |Installation | | Device | |
|16 |Adjustable Range-Finder| 3500 | Adjustable Sight | |
| |Sight | | | |
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Impact-resistant | 1500 | +10% Reliability | |
| |Polymer Components For | | | |
| |Automatic Elements | | | |
|2 |Automatic Two-Position | 2000 | +15% Reliability | 1 |
| |Gas Regulator | | | |
|3 |Installation Of A | 2000 | +20% Flatness | 1 |
| |Barrel Closing Device | | | |
|4 |Installation Of A | 2500 | +25% Handling | 1& |
| |"Smart Compensation" | | | 2 or 3 |
| |Component | | | |
|5 |Addition Of A Stopping | 2500 | +30% Accuracy | 1& |
| |Device | | | 2 or 3 |
|6 |Bolt Section Thickening| 1500 | +10% Flatness | |
| |With Synthetic Inserts | | | |
|7 |Directed Gas Energy | 2000 | +20% Flatness | 6 |
|8 |Forced Cooling | 2000 | +15% Fire Rate | 6 |
|9 |Change To A Roller | 2500 | +30% Accuracy | 6& |
| |System With A Semifree | | | 7 or 8 |
| |Bolt | | | |
|10 |Creeping Bolt | 2500 | -30% Recoil | 6& |
| |Installation | | | 7 or 8 |
|11 |Additional Return | 1500 | -10% Recoil | |
| |Spring | | | |
|12 |Protective Return | 2000 | +10% Reliability | 11 |
| |Mechanism Component | | | |
| |Sputter | | | |
|13 |Addition Of A | 2000 | +20% Accuracy | 11 |
| |Balancing Element | | | |
|14 |Conversion To A Two Rod| 2500 | +30% Fire Rate | 11& |
| |System | | |12 or 13|
|15 |Return Mechanism Sleeve| 2500 | +30% Flatness | 11& |
| |Thickener | | |12 or 13|
|16 |4.0x Optical Scope | 1800 | x4 Optical Scope | |
|17 |Improvement Of Sight | 3000 | High Contrast Sight | |
| |Contrast | | | |
|18 |Automatic Optical |12500 | Automatic Target Acquisition | |
| |Target Acquisition | | System | |
|19 |Adjustable Range Finder| 5500 | Adjustable Sight | |
| |Device | | | |
08.06 - Sniper Rifles
Vintar BC
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Impact-resistant | 900 | +10% Reliability | |
| |Polymer Components For | | | |
| |Automatic Elements | | | |
|2 |Addition Of A Blowback | 1350 | -20% Recoil | 1 |
| |Speed Reduction Device | | | |
|3 |Rod Movement | 1350 | +20% Flatness | 1 |
| |Synchronisation | | | |
|4 |Installation Of A | 1800 | +25% Handling | 1& |
| |"Smart Compensation" | | | 2 or 3 |
| |Component | | | |
|5 |Addition Of A Stopping | 1800 | +30% Accuracy | 1& |
| |Device | | | 2 or 3 |
|6 |Reinforced Return | 900 | +10% Flatness | |
| |Spring | | | |
|7 |Protective Return | 1350 | +15% Reliability | 6 |
| |Mechanism Component | | | |
| |Sputter | | | |
|8 |Addition Of A Balancing| 1350 | +20% Accuracy | 6 |
| |Element | | | |
|9 |Return Mechanism Sleeve| 1800 | +30% Flatness | 6& |
| |Thickener | | | 7 or 8 |
|10 |Pneumatic Stock | 900 | -10% Recoil | |
|11 |Ergonomic Stock | 1350 | +15% Handling | 10 |
|12 |Mobile Counter-Weight | 1800 | +25% Handling |10 & 11 |
|13 |Installation Of A Bolt | 1800 | -30% Recoil |10 & 11 |
| |Assembly Gas Buffer | | | |
|14 |5.0x Optical Scope | 1350 | x5 Optical Scope | |
|15 |Improvement Of Sight | 2700 | High Contrast Sight | |
| |Contrast | | | |
|16 |Night Vision Device | 4050 | Second Generation Night Vision | |
| |Installation | | Device | |
|17 |Automatic Optical | 9000 | Automatic Target Acquisition | |
| |Target Acquisition | | System | |
SA Avalanche
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Impact-resistant | 800 | +10% Reliability | |
| |Polymer Components For | | | |
| |Automatic Elements | | | |
|2 |Addition Of A Blowback | 1120 | -20% Recoil | 1 |
| |Speed Reduction Device | | | |
|3 |Installation Of A | 1120 | +20% Flatness | 1 |
| |Barrel Closing Device | | | |
|4 |Automatic Round Feeding| 1440 | +30% Fire Rate | 1& |
| | | | | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Addition Of A Stopping | 1440 | +30% Accuracy | 1& |
| |Device | | | 2 or 3 |
|6 |Pneumatic Stock | 800 | -10% Recoil | |
|7 |Ergonomic Stock | 1120 | +15% Handling | 6 |
|8 |Mobile Counter-Weight | 1440 | +25% Handling | 6 & 7 |
|9 |Installation Of A Bolt | 1440 | -30% Recoil | 6 & 7 |
| |Assembly Gas Buffer | | | |
|10 |Reinforced Return | 800 | +10% Flatness | |
| |Spring | | | |
|11 |Protective Return | 1120 | +15% Reliability | 10 |
| |Mechanism Component | | | |
| |Sputter | | | |
|12 |Addition Of A Balancing| 1120 | +20% Accuracy | 10 |
| |Element | | | |
|13 |Installation Of A | 1440 | +25% Fire Rate | 10& |
| |Distribution Link | | |11 or 12|
|14 |Return Mechanism Sleeve| 1440 | +30% Flatness | 10& |
| |Thickener | | |11 or 12|
|15 |Rapid Automatic Release| 800 | +10% Fire Rate | |
|16 |Protective Bolt Section| 1120 | +15% Reliability | 15 |
| |Sputter | | | |
|17 |Change To A Roller | 1440 | +30% Accuracy |15 & 16 |
| |System With A Semifree | | | |
| |Bolt | | | |
|18 |Creeping Bolt Mechanism| 1440 | -30% Recoil |15 & 16 |
|19 |Increased Magazine | 1200 | +10 Magazine Size | |
| |Capacity | | | |
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Installation of A | 1400 | +10% Handling | |
| |Trigger Release | | | |
| |Regulation Mechanism | | | |
|2 |Semifree Bolt With A | 1800 | +20% Accuracy | 1 |
| |Roller System | | | |
|3 |Firing Amortization | 1800 | +20% Handling | 1 |
| |System | | | |
|4 |Tuning Of Automatic | 2200 | +30% Flatness | 1& |
| |Parts Using Sputter | | | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Long Firing Mechanism | 2200 | +25% Fire Rate | 1& |
| |Rod System | | | 2 or 3 |
|6 |Installation Of A | 1400 | +15% Reliability | |
| |Perforated Steel Jacket| | | |
|7 |Effective Compensation | 1800 | -20% Recoil | 6 |
| |Muzzle Break | | | |
|8 |Installation Of A Heavy| 1800 | +20% Accuracy | 6 |
| |Barrel Section With | | | |
| |Polygon Rifling | | | |
|9 |Amortization Stock | 1400 | -10% Recoil | |
| |Component | | | |
|10 |Adjustable Stock With A| 1800 | +15% Handling | 9 |
| |Cheek Pad | | | |
|11 |Hydraulic Stock Recoil | 2200 | -30% Recoil | 9 & 10 |
| |Buffer | | | |
|12 |6x Optical Zoom | 2100 | 6x Optical Zoom | |
|13 |Improvement Of Sight | 3200 | High Contrast Sight | 12 |
| |Contrast | | | |
|14 |Night Vision Device | 5000 | Second Generation Night Vision |12 & 13 |
| |Installation | | Device | |
|15 |Automatic Optical |14000 | Automatic Target Acquisition |12 & 13 |
| |Target Acquisition | | System | |
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Installation Of An | 1500 | +10% Accuracy | |
| |Advance Notice Trigger | | | |
|2 |Installation Of An | 2100 | +15% Reliability | 1 |
| |Automatic | | | |
| |Three-Position Gas | | | |
| |Regulation Device | | | |
|3 |Tuning Of Automatic | 2700 | +30% Reliability | 1 & 2 |
| |Device Using Sputter | | | |
|4 |Installation Of A | 2700 | +30% Accuracy | 1 & 2 |
| |Stopping Device | | | |
|5 |Installation Of A | 1500 | +10% Reliability | |
| |Perforated Steel Jacket| | | |
|6 |Effective Compensation | 2100 | -20% Recoil | 5 |
| |Muzzle Break | | | |
|7 |Longitudinal Fullers Of| 2100 | +15% Reliability | 5 |
| |The Barrel Section | | | |
|8 |Installation Of An | 2700 | Silencer | 5& |
| |Integrated Silencer | | | 6 or 7 |
|9 |Sinusoidal Rifling of | 2700 | +25% Fire Rate | 5& |
| |Barrel Chamber | | | 6 or 7 |
|10 |Amortization Stock | 1500 | -10% Recoil | |
| |Component | | | |
|11 |Adjustable Stock With A| 2100 | +20% Handling | 10 |
| |Cheek Pad | | | |
|12 |5.0x Optical Scope | 2000 | x5 Optical Zoom | |
|13 |Improvement Of Sight | 3000 | High Contrast Sight | 12 |
| |Contrast | | | |
|14 |Night Vision Device | 4500 | Second Generation Night Vision |12 & 13 |
| |Installation | | Device | |
|15 |Adjustable Range Finder| 7000 | Adjustable Sight |12 & 13 |
| |Device | | | |
|16 |Increased Magazine | 1500 | +5 Magazine Size | |
| |Capacity | | | |
08.07 - Machine Guns
Zulu's RP-74
| |Upgrade | Cost | Notes |Requires|
|1 |Heat Absorbing | 1300 | +10% Reliability | |
| |Components | | | |
|2 |Installation of A | 1625 | -20% Recoil | 1 |
| |Special Moving Parts | | | |
| |Buffer | | | |
|3 |Log Gas Piston Movement| 1625 | +20% Flatness | 1 |
|4 |Even Forced Cooling | 1950 | +25% Fire Rate | 1& |
| |System | | | 2 or 3 |
|5 |Addition Of An Active | 1300 | -10% Recoil | |
| |Counter-Weight | | | |
|6 |Installation Of A | 1625 | -20% Recoil | 5 |
| |Blowback Roller | | | |
| |Compensation System | | | |
|7 |Installation Of A Self-| 1950 | +25% Handling | 5 & 6 |
| |Regulating Counter- | | | |
| |Weight | | | |
|8 |Open Bolt Firing | 1950 | +25% Fire Rate | 5 & 6 |
| |Systems | | | |
|9 |Addition Of thermal | 1300 | +10% Reliability | |
| |Regulation Jackets | | | |
|10 |External Barrel | 1625 | +15% Reliability | 9 |
| |Finishing | | | |
|11 |High-Durability, | 1625 | +15% Fire Rate | 9 |
| |Thermal Resistant | | | |
| |Alloys | | | |
|12 |Changing Barrel | 1950 | +30% Accuracy | 9% |
| |Geometry | | |10 or 11|
|13 |Increased Rest Size | 1300 | +10% Accuracy | |
|14 |Built-In Spring-Based | 1625 | +15% Handling | 13 |
| |Recoil Buffer | | | |
|15 |Additional Bolt | 1900 | -30% Recoil | 13 & 14|
| |Assembly Gas Buffer | | | |
|16 |Increased Box Magazine | 3250 | +100 Magazine Size | |
| |Capacity | | | |
{ }
{ 09 - ARTIFACTS }
{ }
Artefacts are hidden, to find them you need to use your detector near places
where there are a lot of anomalies. This section will detail where you can
find artefacts.
As you progress through the game you will get better detectors which will make
it easier to find the artefacts. I found that the artefacts locations remain
the same but the artefacts you find can differ.
Anomalies may regenerate after an emission so its worth checking them again
after each emission. Selling unwanted artefacts can give you the money to buy
and upgrade equipment.
09.01 - Zaton
1) Boiler Anomaly
2) Dredge station
- South of boat in water, look for the moving anomaly.
- You need to get to the back of the ship and climb up a ladder near the box.
3) Claw anomaly.
- In the base of the claw anomaly
- You need to climb to the top of the anomaly and down a slope that you can
jump across into the rock. Follow the tunnel and the artefact is in the
4) Burnt Farmstead
5) Iron Forest Anomaly, In electric fields.
6) Underground in a tunnel area half way between Izumrudnoye and Burnt
Farmstead, just north of where the pipeline crosses over. Has a wandering
fire anomaly in the tunnel.
7) Circus anomaly.
8) In the swamp near stingray site 5
9) Oakpine Anomaly.
- In the base of the anomaly.
- You need to climb to the top of the tree structure.
10) Scar anomaly.
Walk up the ridge from the river and you can't miss it.
11) Boiler Anomaly
12) Dock cranes
Look near the cranes.
09.02 - Jupiter
1) Plavni Anomaly
2) Ash Heap Anomaly
3) Quarry
4) Cement Factory
5) Bitumen Anomaly
6) Car Park Anomaly
7) Concrete Anomaly
8) Jupiter Plant
- in south west building, up stairs in electrical anomalies
09.03 - Pripyat
1) Under Department store there are anomalies where you can pick up 2 artefacts
Watch out for moving fire anomaly. You can enter the department store
basement from a manhole directly east of the grocery store by the building
in some bushes.
2) In fire anomaly north west of kindergarten
3) School, second floor south side where the outside wall is demolished
4) Old Service Centre - ground floor in all the electrical anomalies
5) In anomaly north east of school in middle of two tower blocks.
6) Yubileiny Service Centre, on roof
{ }
{ 10 - STASHES }
{ }
I have listed all the stashes I have found in the game but there are probably
more I have missed. Some of these are difficult to find without a map.
10.01 - Zaton
1) In Dredge Station ship. Lower deck, shoot the box blocking the door. Vodka
and food inside.
2) Go west from the ship camp to where the pipeline comes out of the ground.
Look inside the concrete bit to find some medical supplies.
3) Under rock to the north of the fuelling station before you get to the road.
Has medical, weapons and ammunitions.
4) In car next to boat south west of cranes. Guns and Ammo
5) (Vintar BC) On top of roof of the northern most building in the burnt
6) One marked on pipeline west of the ship camp, between road and ship camp.
Cant seem to get this stash, think it must have been picked up by another
7) In building in south west corner building in desk - ammunition and handgun
8) Medical supplies in a tree, north west from Iron Anomaly. You have to
shoot them out the tree.
9) Under table in building in south west of Izumrudnoye (Medical)
10) Underneath broken building in north east Izumrudnoye (TRs 301)
11) Marked in building in west side of ranger station (small room with the
wooden ladder to the roof in the next room). In the corner of the same
wall with the ladder.
12) In bush just north of the lake in the far north of the map.
10.02 - Jupiter
1) End of canal just north east of eastern tunnel
2) South east corner of map, behind metal crates near bandits and concrete bath
3) When you trigger the road to Pripyat mission its by the side of the building
literally underneath the mark on the map.
4) Eliminator gun. Jupiter plant. Its in the first floor of the building
directly south of the eastern tunnel. Go in past the turnstiles and up the
stairs. In an upturned desk first door on the right. In the same room as
the "administrative documents".
5) Tunder S14. Jupiter plant. Its in the ground first floor of the building
directly south of the eastern tunnel. Go in past the turnstiles and north
to the stairs. Its underneath the stairs.
6) Under big building in cement factory. Go under the building and kill the
hamsters. The stash ins near a pipe opposite a small ladder under some
grated floor.
7) under some metal on platform near train just south of Yanov.
8) In truck on south shore of quarry.
9) North end of small pier on lake west of Plavi Anomaly
10) Under tall pine tree north west of cooling tower.
11) Under western end of small pier on west side of lake east of Kopachy.
12) Car in parking lot (one of the two together)
13) Car just east of container warehouse
14) Truck on road just north of monolith guys
15) Under walkway south west of concrete bath. Go to the water south of the
small bandit camp then directly east.
16) Look in the cabin of the digger in Kopachy for some items.
17) Under a very christmas looking tree near the "duty warehouse" east of
the station. Stand by the pipes and look towards the anomalous grove, the
tree is in your direct line of sight.
18) Under broken machine near pipes in Jupiter Plant.
10.03 - Pripyat
1) On first floor, south side of school in room with a safe (ammo)
2) Under stairs, ground floor, south west corner of old service centre
3) Go south of the apartment building and into a small building at the
south of some an L-shaped buildings on the map. Go inside a small room
with some a ducts and empty metal cabinet. The stash is in plain sight
against the wall. You'll find a chaser and some ammo.
4) On roof of south building in river port. South side of roof where the main
roof drops to a smaller roof.
5) River port north most building. There is a monolith soldier praying who
has the stash location in his PDA. Climb up the ladder to the tower and
they are in the north east corner.
6) In the kindergarden, upstairs in far eastern room. In the corner of the
room by some boxes.
{ }
{ }
During the game you can get achievements for completing missions that will help
you out during the game. This section will list the achievements you can get
and how you get them.
1) Weapon Systems Expert
Get all the tools for Cardan to unlock this achievement.
He can then perform upgrades on the exoskeleton.
2) Detective
Uncover the secret behind the stalker disappearances in Zaton.
You'll have medical supplies put in your box in Zaton every day.
3) A Friend Of Stalkers
If you follow the missions to help stalkers you'll unlock this achievement.
Stalkers will now aid you if you're attacked and will also sell you medical
supplies at cost price.
4) Courier Of Justice
You need to unmask Magpie to get this achievement.
His items will be put into your box in Yanov station.
5) High tech Expert
When you have completed the tools mission for Nitro you'll unlock this
Nitro can now perform a unique modification to the tactical helmet to
install an infrared scanner.
(Note: This does say Azot not Nitro but there is no such character in the
game. Novikov can also perform some updgrades that Cardan and Nitro cannot)
6) Trafficker Of Information
If you sell 11 pieces of information to Owl you'll unlock this achievement.
He'll offer you a discount on his goods.
7) Leader
Get all 3 people to join your squad for the trip to Pripyat.
Your leadership will improve the survival chances of your squad on the
mission to get to Pripyat
8) Mutant Hunter
Complete the "hunt the chimera" in Zaton and all the hunting missions for
Trapper to unlock this achievement.
Stalkers will leave ammo in your box in Jupiter every day.
9) One Of Ours
Choose the missions that benefit the stalkers in Zaton.
Stalkers think of you as one of their own. Owl will give you a discount on
items. Beard will give his best price for artefacts
10) Pioneer
When you have completed all the missions for the scientists in Jupiter
you'll unlock this achievement.
Allows scientists to create the anabiotic drug.
11) Research Assistant
When you have completed all the missions for the scientists in Jupiter
you'll unlock this achievement.
Professor Hermann will sell you items reserved for use by scientists at
cost price.
12) Artefact Hunter
You need to find all different types of artefacts available in the game.
Stalkers think more of you now. Bandits will try and hunt you down
whenever you venture outside in the zone.
13) Seasoned Stalker
When you have visited all anomalies in Zaton and Jupiter you'll unlock this
Your experience allows you to find rare artefact more often.
14) A Wealthy Client
When you amass 100,000 RU you will unlock this achievement.
Traders will offer you more rare and expensive items.
{ }
{ }
The walkthrough section will detail all the story specific missions.
To get between the maps you will need to pay a guide. There are only two
guides in the game; Pilot and Garry. They will charge you to move between the
maps which will range from 1,000 to 5,000 RU.
11.01 - Zaton Main Missions
The main characters in this map are all in the Skadovsk ship camp
Beard - Trader
Cardan - Technician
Gonta - Go on a mission with him
Grouse - Go on a mission with him
Knuckles - Sultans Bodyguard
Nimble - Trader
Owl - Trader
Pilot - Guide
Sultan - Bandit Leader
Tremor - Medic
Nimble Sells Weapons:
Pistols (3,500 RU)
- Alpine (SIP-t M200)
- March (UDP Compact)
- Steppe Eagle (Black Kite)
Close Range Weapon (10,000 RU)
- Fraiser (Viper 5)
- Carabineer (SPAS-14)
- Eliminator (?)
Assault Weapon (20,000 RU)
- GP37
- FT-200M
- Storm
Sniper Rifle (20,000 RU)
- SVU2-A
- Lynx
- Tide
Armoured Suit (40,000 RU)
- CS-3a Body Armour & Tactical Helmet
Suit With Closed Cycle Respiratory Module (30,000 RU)
- SEVA Suit (no difference to the version you can buy elsewhere)
Exoskeleton (60,000 RU)
- Exoskeleton
1) Stingray 2: Investigate the Crash Site
Rewards: None
You automatically get this mission at the start of the game. You'll find the
helicopter in the iron forest. You need to approach it from north west. An
anomaly guards this that throws objects at you. You can run and examine the
plane quickly to complete the mission. You'll download some information on
maps of the area which will trigger a new mission (Area Maps).
2) Stingray 3: Investigate the Crash Site
Rewards: None
You automatically get this mission at the start of the game. Go speak with
Noah and he'll show you a route to get onto the southern plateau via an anomaly.
You can then just head to the helicopter and "use" it to investigate it.
When you complete this mission you trigger the 3 evacuation missions.
3) Stingray 5: Investigate the Crash Site
Rewards: None
You automatically get this mission at the start of the game. Head to the
swamp, you can get to the plan from the west side. You need to be aware of
the chemical threat and avoid the water. When you examine the plane you'll
trigger part 2 of this mission, find the reason for the electronic burn out.
When you examine stingray 4 this mission will complete and the "stingray squad"
mission will be launched (see Jupiter main quests).
4) Evacuation Locations: B2
Rewards: None
Triggered when you complete Stingray 3 mission. Go back to Skadovsk and speak
to Beard to complete the mission.
11.02 - Jupiter Main Missions
The main characters on this map are found in or around Yanov Station
Hawaiian - Trader
Nitro - Technician
Bonesetter - Medic
Pilot - Guide
Garry - Guide (after you have been to Pripyat)
Old Yar - Freedom guy, you do a mission with him
Trapper - Offers hunting missions
Zulu - In tower outside Yanov, accompanies you in mission to Pripyat
Lt Col Shulga - Leader of Duty
Loki - Leader of Freedom
Vano - Part of mission
Magpie\Flint - Part of mission
There are also some characters found at the scientists bunker:
Garry - Guide
Professor Hermann - Gives missions
Novikov - Repairs items
Professor Ozersky - Give missions
Lt Sokolov - Part of mission
1) Stingray 1: Investigate the Crash Site
Rewards: None
You automatically get this mission at the start of the game. The crash site is
the helipads in Jupiter. Head there and you'll spot a sign for mines. Use the
bolt to check the ground on your way. If you here a click then there a mine.
if you follow the black scorch marks you'll be OK. Examine the helicopter when
you get there. You'll recover a black box and trigger a the second part of
this mission to get the black box to a technician.
The minefield will get overrun by boars and fleshes so climb on to the jeep and
pick any survivors off. Return to Nitro and ask him for help. He'll tell you
it will take three hours so wait three hours then come back to him. You'll
have to pay him 1650 RU for the information. This will complete the mission
and open up the road to Pripyat.
2) Stingray 4: Investigate the Crash Site
Rewards: None
You automatically get this mission at the start of the game. You can complete
this as part of the road to Pripyat if you want.
Go to the Jupiter plant and enter from the south. Follow it through into the
main hanger, You'll have to kill two psudeodogs here so kill them and proceed
into the hanger. Go and examine the helicopter. You will find it was also
downed by an electrical anomaly. This mission will then be completed.
3) Evacuation Locations: B205
Rewards: None
Triggered when you complete Stingray 3 mission. You need to head up to the
Volkov AA Installation. The place has a few undead which shouldn't be a
problem. Head up to the building marked and be careful because there is 1
zombie inside the building. Take him out. Go into the side room and get
Sokolov's note. This will tell you that the only survivor is in the bunker.
This will complete the mission. If you return the note to Sokolov he'll give
you an army medikit.
Note: You can use the code on the note to enter an underground section in the
bunker under the installation. This is how you can get access to the guns and
ammo behind the bars in the other room. Head down under the bunker and use the
door panel. Inside go up to the blockage and shoot as many hamsters as
possible. Walk into the boarded up part of the tunnel to open an new route.
Crawl inside and head along to the first left. Inside the next room is a ?
monster. It has the ability to block bullets and throw things at you. Sneak
past it and up the ladder in the far corner. Upstairs there are lots of
weapons including a rocket launcher.
4) Road To Pripyat:
Rewards: None
When you complete the investigate stingray 1 mission you trigger this mission.
Talk to Pilot about going to Pripyat. He'll tell you he can't take you. He'll
tell you of a buddy who says there are tunnels but the guy didn't have the
details. You should look in the administration block of the Jupiter Plant.
Head there and enter the area from the south. Follow the road south then east
and you'll find a way into the building. Ascend the stairs until you find the
floor. At this point you'll trigger some dogs that will come into the building
after you. Kill these and proceed into a room and grab the "folder with the
orders" of the desk. This will update the mission again.
You need to head to the laboratory building to the south. Head back out to the
stairs and take the walkway across to the building opposite. Turn left and go
to the end of the hallway. On the shelf is "notebook sheet", grab it to update
the mission again.
Your next objective is to get back to the building opposite and find you way
to the spot marked on the map. Its in a small room in the far end of the
building. Grab the "delivery schedule" off the boxes to trigger the next part
of the mission.
Go to the Jupiter plant and enter from the south. Follow it through into the
main hanger, coincidentally where the Stingray 4 helicopter crashed. You'll
have to kill two psudeodogs here so kill them and proceed into the hanger.
Grab the "Letter Concerning The Deliveries Of Item 62" off the desk. This will
trigger the next part of the mission.
Head in to the building in the south east of the plant. Go inside and up the
stairs into a small room. Grab the "Underpass Schematics" off the shelf.
You need to head back inside the Jupiter plant and grab the "document with
notes" in the control room on the map. This will trigger the next phase of
this mission.
Follow the map around through the hanger with the crashed helicopter into a
big room. Go into the control room and grab the "duty shift log" off the desk.
Return to Nitro with the documents. You'll lose "document with notes",
"duty shift log" and "underpass schematics". This will complete the mission.
5) Pripyat 1
Rewards: None
when you complete the road to Pripyat mission you'll trigger a two part mission.
- Speak to Zulu in the tower outside Yanov
- Find a suit with a closed-cycle respiratory module
Go and speak with Zulu and he'll agree to go with you and to arrange a squad.
After talking to him you'll pass out drunk. You then nee to identify people
who may help.
- Vano (Jupiter, Yanov Station)
- Lt Sokolov (Jupiter, Scientist Bunker)
- Strider (Former Leader of Monolith Soldiers)
Lt Sokolov - You need to get him a suit so speak with Ozersky. hell ask you
to get a plant for him triggering the mission "Anomalous Plant". Complete the
mission and return and speak with Ozersky. Speak to Sokolov and then ask him
to accompany you to Zulu. You'll be transported to Zulu's tower.
Vano - Go and speak with Vano at Yanov station. He'll tell you that he pawned
his suit to Hawaiian. You'll have to give Vano 5000 RU to buy it back. When
you have done this Speak to Vano and then ask him to accompany you to Zulu.
You'll be transported to Zulu's tower.
Strider - Speak with him in Yanov and he'll agree to come. Ask him to
accompany you to Zulu and you'll be transported to Zulu's tower.
Noah - If you go and speak with Noah he'll call you a mutant and attack you.
Think this may be a part of the compass mission bug.
To complete the suit part of the mission you need to buy a SEVA suit. Nimble,
Owl or Hawaiian can get you one but you should shop around for the best deal.
When you have the squad assembled talk to Zulu and you'll be transported to
the road to Pripyat.
Follow the path and grab the items in the trucks on the way. Kill the hamster
and snork that attack in the first u shaped room. Continue on and kill the
hamster by the door. Press the button to open the big door.
Kill the 2 snorks and advance into the next big hallway. Loot the jeep and
continue on. You'll encounter an anomaly so just use your Svarog artefact
detector or follow the other stalkers through. Continue along the tunnel and
kill a couple of more hamsters. Then use the keypad to open the doorway to
the next tunnel.
Go down the stairs and kill the 2 hamsters then open the door into the next
tunnel. Kill 2 more hamsters and the snork that drops from the ceiling.
Continue onwards into a big room. Kill the two snorks that jump at you.
Continue along the tunnel and kill 3 more snorks. Open the door at the end.
Kill the 6 snorks that come through the door and proceed inside. Kill five
more hamsters. There is a little off room on the right that has some items
and a meat chunk artefact. The gate is on the far side of the room so head
there. You'll get a message that the power has been cut. You can pick up a
gravi artefact in the anomalous area, in amongst the metal crates. Find the
ladder that leads up to the pylon on top of a crane (it has a flashing yellow
light).Use the switch up there. You'll be ambushed by 6 monolith fighters,
snipe them from your vantage point and use the transformer for cover if needed.
Go to the exit marked and that will change the objective to go to the control
room. Head there, through the anomalies into the room and through the door.
Go inside the next room and grab the medical supplies. Head up the stairs
and open the door. Grab a few more items off the floor. Flip the switch at
the far end of the control room and head back downstairs. A few more monolith
guys have turned up so pick them off and head to the door again.
Go through the door into a new tunnel, follow it avoiding the anomalies to the
next door and go through it. Kill the 2 zombies inside and carry on down the
tunnel. At the intersection kill the 3 hamsters that appear from the right
and go left. Kill the snorks that jump out the hole in the wall. Carry on
along the tunnel into the next room. Kill the zombies in there. In the
little room opposite is box with some ammo inside. Carry on along the tunnel
and kill 4-5 more zombies. Climb up the ladder and you'll be in Pripyat.
6) Stingray Squad
Rewards: None
When you have examined Stingray's 4 and 5 you'll get the mission to find out
what happened to the helicopters. This mission will complete when Strelok
turns up in Pripyat as part of the "unknown" mission.
11.01 - Pripyat Main Missions
All the characters on this map (with the exception of Zulu) are in the
Laundromat base.
Kirilov - Technician (only does repairs but its free!)
Lt Rogovets - Medic
Garry - Guide
Kovalsky - Gives missions
Lt Sokolov - Goes on some missions with you
Vano - Goes on some missions with you
Zulu - Can be found outside the school
Garry only appears after you retrieve the weapon for Kovalsky. he'll give you
a bubble artefact the first time you talk to him and take you to Jupiter for
Lt Sokolov, Vano and Zulu will only be available if they don't die on the road
to Pripyat mission.
Speak to Rogovets and he'll give you:
- Bandage x4
- Anti radiation drugs x2
- Army medikit x2
- Tourist Breakfast x2
Speak to Kirillov and he'll give you:
- Bulat Armoured Suit
- Sphere M12 Helmet
- 1 ammo type of your choice
- 1 grenade type of your choice
every so often you can go back and speak to them again to get more items.
1) Prometheus Movie Theatre
2) Old Service Centre
3) River Port
4) School
5) Yubileiny Service Station
6) Hospital
7) Kindergarten
8) Grocery Store
9) Department Store
10) Book Store
11) Apartment Complex
12) Laundromat (base)
1) Evacuation Locations: B28
Rewards: None
Triggered when you complete Stingray 3 mission. You'll complete this on
arrival in Pripyat.
2) Unidentified Weapon\Item 62\Gauss Rifle
Rewards: None
You have to do this mission before any others will open up.
You get this from Kovalsky upon arriving in Pripyat. He wants a new weapon
that Monolith have been using and you need to ambush them in order to get it.
Go down to the basement and speak with Captain Tarasov. When you're ready
tell him and you'll be transported to the hospital. Follow Tarasov to the
building and up to the first floor. You need to wait for the monolith guys to
show up. 3 guys will appear outside from the building opposite. Kill them,
you'll then need to go and search the bodies. You only have a short time to
do this so be quick.
The mission will update and you'll be ambushed. They’re are about 10 or so
Monolith guys to take out. The guy with the gun is on the top of the building
to the left of your original ambush position. When you kill him pick the gun
up and return it to Kovalsky. He'll ask you to take it to a technician.
Speak to Gary and head back to Zaton (it'll cost you 1000 RU). Speak with
Cardan about the weapon. He falls asleep so you have to wait for him to
wake up. Wait 2 hours and go back to him. He'll give you a keycard.
At this point the mission title will change to "item 62"
Head to the iron forest anomaly and the point marked on the map. there are
some stairs downwards to a keypad. This door is now open so go through the
door. Head down the stairs into the room and grab the grenades off the metal
cabinet. In the room on the left further along are 4 zombies so kill them.
Grab the ammo in this room, at both ends. There are 2 more zombies in the
next room so kill them as well. Grab the ammo on the iron shelves before
exiting. Continue along the hallway and down the stairs. You'll come to
a big room with a new mutant in. Kill that. Climb up the ladders and make
your way to the north side of the room to pick up a stash. Now make your
way along the upper gangway to the south west corner of the room. There
should be a hole in the vent you can drop through. Follow the vent into a
new room.
Drop into the new room and pick up the "documents concerning item 62" from
the desk. This triggers a short cutscene and a new mission "Laboratory X8".
Exit the room through the door and up the stairs. Open the locked door at
the top and exit back up to the surface.
Go back to Cardan and give him his card back and he'll give you 3
scientific medikits. Give him the "documents concerning item 62" and
he'll take the Gauss gun and tell you to come back in a two hours. Talk
to Cardan again and he'll give you the gun and documents back. Go and speak
with Kovalsky to complete the mission.
Professor Hermann will give you 12,000 RU for a copy of the documents about
item 62. Owl will buy the others and the module for a couple of hundred.
3) Missing Recon Unit
Rewards: None
When you complete the unidentified weapon mission and talk to Kovalsky a
cutscene will trigger this mission. Go to the point on the map and you'll
find 4 bodies. Search them to trigger another cutscene. This completes the
4) Monolith Forces
Rewards: None
When you have completed the missing recon unit mission you'll trigger this
mission. You need to meet up with the reinforcements by the book store so
head over there. You'll meet up with Vano and Solokov by a bus. Head to the
bookstore. There are 12 monolith fighters inside you need to kill them all.
Once inside you'll find a room with an antenna. Use the antenna to examine it
and another cutscene will happen. This completes the mission.
Note: It is easier to clear the bookstore before starting the missing recon
unit mission.
5) Missing Sentry
Rewards: None
Kovalski will radio you with this mission to investigate a sentry that went
missing. His last message came from the grocery store. Head over there and
watch the sentry acting strangely. Go up to him and he'll shoot himself. Then
a controller will appear. Kill him and this will initiate a cutscene and the
mission will complete.
6) Laboratory X8
Rewards: None
You get this mission when you complete the Gauss Rifle mission. Head over to
Yubileiny Service Centre. The Building is full of zombies and monolith
fighters, (26 will show on the map). Kill the 13 zombies that are wandering
around the ground and first floor.
The second floor has 4 monolith soldiers, so take them out.
The third floor has 1 zombie and 4 monolith soldiers.
The forth floor has 4 monolith soldiers. By the lift shaft s the body of a
mercenary Barchuk. He has a PDA that indicates a generator on the sixth floor.
Technically the building only has 5 floor so its actually the next floor up on
top of the lift shaft. Start it by "using" it. You can now use the lift to
descend into the laboratory. There's a snowflake artefact on the roof in the
electrical anomalies.
Go back to the ground floor and use the lift to go down to the basement. The
mission will update to find the documents. Head out the lift and down the
stairs. Use the keypad to open the door. Inside you can find up to 4
1 - A notebook with a description of an experiment
2 - Rainbow Emitter - Main Technical Characteristics
3 - Order Of Transfer
4 - Research Documents
There are a few monsters, anomalies and a poltergeist (which you should kill
Kill the poltergeist:
- Go across and down the stairs (marked 1 on the map below).
- Go up the stairs marked (4)
- Go up the ladder marked (5)
- Kill the electrical poltergeist inside
- Grab the machine gun here to then return back to the start (killing the
hamsters that appear in the room below on the way)
1) "A notebook with a description of an experiment"
Go out and down the first hallway on the left. Open the lockers at the end for
a first aid kit and some ammo. There is door you can go through that has a
roaming electrical anomaly. Head down the stairs and grab "a notebook with a
description of an experiment" (0.02KG)
This will update the mission to find more or exit.
2) - Rainbow Emitter - Main Technical Characteristics
Return to the start again. Head down the stairs marked (1) on the map. Then
go down the stairs marked (3) on the map. This area has a lot of anomalies so
use your detector to try and avoid them. Follow the hallway into a big square
room. Drop into the water filled section, kill the hamsters that appear then
grab the document "Rainbow Emitter - Main Technical Characteristics". There is
also some ammo in the corner of the room some first aid and antidote you can
3) Order Of Transfer
From the room with the rainbow emitter go through the exit that leads to the
east. Go down the stairs marked 6 in the next room. The documents are on a
control panel in the south west corner. Grab the first aid kit underneath.
4) Research Documents
From grabbing the order of transfer head back up the stairs. Go up stairs
marked (7) and (8). Follow the room around and kill the snorks that appear.
Head up stairs 9 and along the walkway into a big room. Grab the "research
documents" from the table at the back. Kill the burer that enters the room.
Before exiting attack the cupbaord with your knife and it'll open and you can
get some ammo from inside. Then make your way back to the entrance.
A - Ammo
D - Door
F - First Aid \ Antidote \ Anti-Radiation Drugs
G - RP-74 Machine Gun
H - Kora Handgun
# - Ladder
T - Tourists Breakfast
1 - A notebook with a description of an experiment
2 - Rainbow Emitter - Main Technical Characteristics
3 - Order Of Transfer
4 - Research Documents
| G #|(Down 5)
| |
| |
| Down (4)
| _________
| | | #|(Up 5)
| | | |
| | | |
| |____| |
| __|
| |
(4) UP |
____ |
| |___
| |
| _ |
| | |
___| ______| |
(3) Down | |U |
_______| |P |
| |
| A| (1)
| | |D |
____ | | ___|O |
| | | | | |W |
|1 |_____| |____| _|N |______
| Down D DOWN
|__________D___________ ____ (2)
| |
|___ ___ ___|S |____|
| | | | |T |
| | | | |A |
|__| |__| |R |
|T |
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| |__________________
| |
| ____________ |_________________
| | | | |
| |_____| _______|__ |
| UP (3) | \ ___________ |
|________ | | __ F| |
______________| | | | |
| D | | 2| |
|__ __ __| UP(7) D | H F| |
| | | | |D ______ | | _ | |
|__| |__| |O| | | | | _A| |
|W| | | |__|__F_____ |
|N (6) | | |
|________| | |
|UP |
| _|_______________
| | __________ 3F|
| | | | |
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| |__________| |
|_ |
| _____ | |
| | |__ __| |
| | |___ | |
| | | |
______________| | | |
| | UP (8) | |
|F D | | |
|__ __ __| DOWN(7) | |
| | | | | __________| |
|__| |__| | | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
___________________| ____|
| | UP (2) |
| |------- |
| | |
| ______ | |
| DOWN(8) | |
| ------| | |
|________| | |
|DD_________| |
| |---| |
| | U | |
|_________________| P | |
|(9)| |
| |
| |
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| ______________ |
| A | | D | |
| | | O | |
| | | W | |
_____________________| | | N | |
| | | |(9)| |
| | | |
| | |________|
| | | |
| D |
| D_ ___ |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| _______|____|___|
| 4T | |
| | |
| | |
Head back to the elevator and exit up to complete the mission.
7) A Quiet Word
Rewards: None
When you complete the laboratory X8 mission Kovalsky will contact you and ask
for a quiet word. Head back to the Laundromat and speak to him. When you
enter his room the mission will complete with a cutscene.
8) Radio Interference
Rewards: None
You'll get this mission after completing the "a quiet word" mission. Head out
to the point marked on the map. Search the 3 bodies, one will have an
explosive in their inventory so pick this up. When you do you'll trigger a
cutscene. Kovalsky will contact you and tell you they've found the source of
the interference at the Kindergarten. Head over there, when you arrive you'll
have to use the explosive to blow up the door. use the door and run to
safety around the corner. Enter the building.
When inside the kindergarten you will get psy attacks so make sure you have
the correct protection. Go inside and up the stairs and turn right. In the
corner of the room by the boxes is a stash pick it up and wait. A poltergeist
will move in and out of this room, kill it before carrying on.
Head west out the room into the next room and out to the stairs. Another
poltergeist will start to move between rooms so kill that too. Proceed
downstairs and follow the hallway around to the stairs up. Climb these stairs
and follow the rooms around to find another monolith antenna. You need to
destroy it so use grenades or a shotgun until enough damage is done. The
mission will then change to investigate the noise downstairs.
Drop through the hole and open the big cabinet and you'll find Rogovets.
Speak with him and you'll be automatically transported back to the Laundromat.
Watch the cutscene, you'll then be informed that Garry has gone back to Yanov
and won't be back for a few days and Kovalsky wants to see you.
Go and speak with Kovalsky, he's in the next room now. Another cutscene and
the mission will complete.
9) Unknown
Rewards: None
NOTE: Do not start this mission if you have anything else you want to do
because it leads into the last mission. You should also start this mission
in the morning because you'll end up doing the last mission at night.
When you complete the radio interference mission you will speak with
Kovalsky. Kirillov will interrupt informing you about another signal that’s
moving. This will trigger this mission. Head towards the spot marked on the
map. Kill the dogs that are near the area. When you get to the spot marked
the position will move, follow it a short way across the map. You'll then get
a message to head back to the base and prepare for possible attack.
Head back to the base, when you arrive you'll see a cutscene and Strelok will
arrive. Watch a cutscene during which the "stingray squad" mission will
complete. This mission will also complete.
10) Evacuation
Rewards: None
This is triggered after you complete the unknown mission. Wait for the
emission to finish. Watch the cutscene then talk to Kovalsky. Stock up on
ammo then tell Kovalsky you're ready to go. Head outside and wait for the
helicopter to fly over. You'll now be attacked by hordes of zombies. Kill
them and follow Strelok. After a short while you'll stop and Kovalsky will
radio in. You'll start moving again after so follow Kovalsky again.
Continue following Kovalsky, killing snorks and a chimera on the way. When
you get to corner of the school a power psy attack will hit and you lose
control of your self intermittantly. You'll get a mission update to revive
the medic. Head to the position on the map and talk to the medic. When he's
been revived continue. Get your Gauss gun ready and continue on,
You'll be almost at the helicopters and will now have to fight off loads of
monolith fighters. Look for the ones on the roof and take them out with your
guass gun. You're target position is between the prometheus movie theatre and
the river port. Hold off monolith fighters from these points. After a couple
of minutes you'll get another cutscene and finish the game. You can choose to
leave the zone to complete the game. If you chose to stay speak with Garry
back at the laundromat and he'll lead you out the zone to complete the game.
{ }
{ }
The side mission section will detail different side missions you can complete.
It also lists details about each area such as characters and useful items.
11.01 - Zaton Side Missions
1) Safe Spot: Reach Skadovsk
Rewards: None
Get this mission from the stalker just south of where you start. When you ask
him where the nearest stalker camp is. You'll find him just south of where you
start the game. Simply head to the ship marked on the map to complete the
2) Getting To The Plateau: Find Out How To Get There From Noah
Rewards: None
Get this mission from the stalker just south of where you start. When you ask
him about the crashed helicopter. You'll find him just south of where you
start the game. When you get to the barge beware opening the door because
he'll fire a warning shot at you. Go inside and talk to him. He'll agree to
lead you to the plateau. Noah will lead you to the burnt farmstead surrounded
by fire anomalies. Follow his path and jump off the edge into a hidden anomaly.
This will transport you to the south plateau on the map.
3) Unreachable Stash
Rewards: Varies, see below
Go to the Skadovsk ship camp and speak with Snag inside to get this mission.
Follow the map to the hole in the ground, make your way down into the hole
carefully and search the car. You'll find the lockbox. Now escape the hole
via the tunnels killing the snorks en route. There are 4-5 snorks to kill.
Return to Snag and you can open the box together. Inside are 5 its:
- Enhanced Fora 12 (Fire Rate +10%, Weight -0.33KG)
- Excellent Medikit (Scientific Medikit x3, Anti Radiation Drugs x3,
Bandage x5)
- Enhanced AKM-74/2U (Mag Size +10)
- Soul Artefact (Health Restoration +2, Radiation +2)
- Steel Helmet (+10 Chemical Protection, +10 Radiation Protection)
Choose what you want, you can get up to 2 items! I chose the Enhanced AKM and
the Soul Artefact.
Alternatively you can take the container to Cardan and he'll break in to it for
500 RU. This option is definitely worth the money!
4) Missing Stalkers: Find The Missing Hunter
Rewards: 10,000 RU
2 Stash Locations
Go to the Skadovsk ship camp and speak with Grouse inside to get this mission.
Head to the position shown on the map. grouse will contact you and you need
to meet him at the antenna station. Follow him into the building. You'll be
attacked by a bloodsucker in the upper part of the building. Kill it and head
downstairs and kill another bloodsucker. Grouse will use the lift to the
basement, follow him. Loot the bodies and Grouse will open another door.
Follow him to a room full of sleeping bloodsuckers. Sneak past them through
the room and up the stairs. Grab the drink on the table and meet up with
Grouse. Jump over the hole and grab the Hercules item. Grouse will ask you
to meet him again later and the mission is on hold for a while. A new mission
to speak with Beard will be launched.
After a while Grouse will return to the ship camp and you can speak with him.
The mission status will update and you'll need to talk to Beard to find Grouse.
beard will tell you that he headed to the dock cranes so head over there to
meet him. Go inside the building and you'll see Grouse (dead) and the doctor.
Speak with the doctor Tremor, he'll shot himself after talking a while. Head
back to the ship camp and tell Beard what happened.
5) Strange Phenomenon: Find The Source Of The Glow At The Dredge Station
Rewards: 3000 RU
Stash Information
Go to the Skadovsk ship camp and speak with Beard inside to get this mission.
Go to the dredge station, go to the back of the ship and climb the ladder
near the box. Go through the hole in the wall and up to the deck of the ship.
Grab the altered wheel artefact. When you leave a stalker will ask you for the
artefact, if you refuse they'll try and take it from you so you have to kill 3
guys. If you can get it back then you can claim your rewards. If you give the
artefact up return to Beard the guy will give the artefact to Beard and the
mission will be cancelled.
6) The Hit: Decide What To Do
Rewards: Varies, see below
Go to the Skadovsk ship camp and speak with Sultan inside to get this mission.
He wants you to kill a bunch of stalkers. Speak with Knuckles his bodyguard
when you’re ready. You basically need to kill all the stalkers on the ship
before all your comrades die. Once they have been killed speak with knuckles
to get your cut.
Rewards: 3000 RU
Stash coordinates
Alternatively you speak with Beard and agree to help the stalkers. When you
get to the ship, shoot the bandits instead. Speak with the leader to get the
Reward: 4x Bandage
1x Stash Information
4x Cossacks Vodka
2x First Aid
5x Anti-Radiation Drugs
7) Mercenary Camp
Rewards: 2000 RU (Notebook)
Go to the Skadovsk ship camp and speak with Owl inside to get this mission.
He's on the second floor. He'll ask you to sneak into the mercenary camp and
take any information you can find then return it to him. This is a tough
mission which is made more difficult because being stealthy doesn't really help.
You can try and sneak in through the severs or via a pipe in the south of the
building, accessible via a ladder. Eventually you'll get spotted so you might
as well take out the 7 mercenaries in the camp one by one. When you have killed
them all you can complete the mission at your leisure.
One of the mercenaries, Hook, has a PDA which isn't needed as part of the
mission but you can sell this on later.
You need to get a laptop on the second floor of the building. There are some
items on the ground and first floor of the building you can take before leaving.
Head back to Owl and give him the computer for a reward.
8) In Search Of Magpie
Rewards: Varies, see below
Go to the Skadovsk ship camp and speak with Gonta inside to get this mission.
You won't be able to complete this mission until you get to Jupiter. When you
get there you need to unmask Flint. When you have spoken to him about
bloodsuckers, maps, chimera and splinter you have enough information to
complete this mission.
If you have already completed the "Retribution" and "False Claims" missions
then Gonta will give you 1000 RU as a reward.
If you have not spoke with the Freedom boss and told Gonta, you will complete
the "Retribution" and "False Claims" missions. he will give you 3000 RU and
some stash coordinates.
9) Bring Cardan Tools
Rewards: See below
Speak to Cardan and he'll trigger the mission.
- Tools For Basic work (Sawmill)
You'll need to kill a lot of undead in the sawmill to get these tools.
They're in the attic of the northern most building. Return to Cardan and
he'll pay you 1000 RU for them
- Tools For Fine Work (Substation Workshops).
On box near broken metal crates on the west side of the camp. Take them
to Cardan and he'll pay you 1200 RU
- Tools For Calibration (Department Store OR Old Service Centre)
You need to head into the department store in Pripyat, follow the maze of
hallways inside until you find some steps down. They are the bottom of
the stairs. Beware the building is surrounded by dogs and inside there
are loads of hamsters.
Alternatively you can head to the old service centre. Avoid the
anomalies and head upstairs. Kill the Burer and the tools along with
several other items are in a small room off the big room. Exit down the
stairs and through the locked door.
Either way he'll pay you 1500 RU.
10) Take Food To The Mercenaries
Rewards: Access to the substation area
Go to the substation workshops and the Hatchet, the mercenary, will stop you.
Offer to bring them some food. Give him Tourist Breakfast X3, Diet Sausage x3
and you can then enter their camp. Necessary to get tools for Cardan.
11) Area Maps:
Reward: Discount to "Pilot's" guide service
when you investigate stingray 2 you'll trigger this mission with the data
downloaded from the helicopter. Speak to various stalkers and one will tell
you to speak to Pilot. If you share the information he'll offer you a discount
on his guide services.
12) Bloodsuckers Lair
Rewards: Vales Detector
Stash Information
5000 RU
When you get halfway through the missing hunter quest with Grouse this mission
is triggered. The mission requires you to speak to Beard so head back to the
ship and speak with him. He'll tell you should get some poisonous gas
from Owl. Go and speak with Owl, he wants 2000 for his information. Pay him
and he'll tell you about a column of trucks and mark your PDA on the
Preobrazhensky Bridge. To get to your destination you need to go underneath
the bridge. Kill any beast that block your way under the bridge.
Instead of heading for the spot marked go under the bridge take the first
ladder up, turn left and loot the box in the jeep. This will contain 1 of two
keys and some orders.
Go back down and to the second ladder up. Avoid the anomalies on the bridge,
loot the jeep for items. The jeep at the front of the convoy also has ammo in
a box. The two armoured vehicles also have some ammo and gun if you look
along the middle of the eastern side.
Climb on the truck and get the gun and ammo. Examine the box and
it'll tell you that you need two keys to open it. Grab the documents from the
seat of the truck to give you details of how to get the keys .
Key "A" is wrecked jeep halfway along the bridge
Key "B" is in a box in a wrecked car underneath the bridge at the south end.
When you have both keys go back and open the box. Grab the poison (it weighs
10K so make sure you can carry it)
Head back to the Bloodsuckers Lair to the position marked on the map. "Use"
the canister to attach the gas then turn the valve. A countdown will activate,
it takes around 40 seconds to complete. you can start heading back to Beard
now. When you get to the ship speak with Beard to complete the mission and
get your rewards.
Note: The documents you collected from can be sold to Owl for 2400 RU
13) Three Comrades
Rewards: Items you collect from and around the bodies
Give Cardan 3 bottles of vodka then ask him about his friends to trigger this
mission. You need to find Joker and Barge.
Find Barge's body in the caves under the burnt farmstead. He has a PDA that
you can return to Cardan.
Jokers skeleton is just south west but very close to the Oakpine anomaly.
Grab his PDA and he has an improved gas mask you can take too.
This mission has no reward as such other than the items you can find on each
14) Get Artefact
Reward: varies on artefact
Speak with beard after you have complete the weird phenomenon quest to launch
this. He'll ask you to find a couple of different artefacts that change
randomly each time you speak to him. If you accept any of the missions you
have two days to find and return the requested artefact. Only worth doing
these missions if you have the artefacts he wants already. This mission can
be repeated.
15) Hunting The Chimera
Reward: SPSA-14 Shotgun (Gonta)
2000 RU (from Trapper)
When you have completed the missing hunters quest speak to Gonta and he'll ask
you to join in the hunt for the Chimera. You need to meet him at the bar at
3AM so sleep until then and tell him you're ready and it'll take you to
Izumrudnoye. Sneak up to the stage with the 2 others. You can let them kill
it if you want to avoid getting hit. Speak with Gonta again and he'll give you
the SPSA-14 shotgun as a reward. You can then get automatically transported
back with him or hang around and search the place. Go back with him, you can
come back in the daytime because the place usually gets overrun with mutants.
The second part of this mission is to inform Trapper in Yanov (Jupiter).
16) Transaction
You get this mission after you have completed the "hit" mission. if you helped
the stalkers you should speak with Beard to initiate this mission. If you
helped the bandit then speak to Sultan to initiate the mission. Make sure you
do this mission in the day time.
Note: The PDA (Morgan’s PDA) can be sold to Owl for 4000 RU. However you
should keep this and sell it to either Duty or Freedom in Jupiter. Otherwise
you won't be able to complete a couple of missions in Jupiter.
Rewards: 2000 RU (stalker)
1 Stash Location (Stalker)
3500 RU (Beard)
Beard will tell you to meet the stalkers in the Ranger Station. Speak to the
boss then sneak in to the point marked on the map to overhear the meeting.
Then you need to kill all the enemies. When you have done that get the PDA
from the guy in the exoskeleton suit. Speak with the stalker leader for a
reward then return and speak to Beard for an additional reward.
- Bandits
Rewards: 5000 RU
1x Stash Location
Speak to Sultan and he'll tell you to meet the bandits in the Ranger Station.
Speak to Knuckles and he'll tell you to guard the bandits during the
transaction.The deal will go sour when some stalkers turn up. You'll have
to kill the mercenaries and the stalkers. When you have done this talk
with Knuckles again for your reward.
17) Help Petruha
Rewards: Bear Detector
Go to the boiler anomaly in the north east of the map. A stalker called Awl
will be working with another stalker, Petruha, trying to retrieve artefacts.
Petruha walks into the anomaly collapses. Awl asks for help. Take the first
aid kit and go to the fallen stalker. Take Petruha's gun and then talk to
him. Give him the first aid kit and return to Awl. Petruha will give you
the bear detector as a reward.
18) Tempting Business
Rewards: Svarog Detector
1500 RU
Talk to Owl after completing his mercenary camp mission. He'll ask you to get
three Veles detectors and take them to Novikov at the scientist bunker in
Jupiter. You get the vales detectors here:
- In digger near Kopachy, part of stash
- For completing the "Bloodsuckers Lair" mission
- Buy one from Professor Hermann
(might have to complete some missions for him first)
Take them to Novikov and he'll send them to Owl. Go back to Owl and wait
overnight (if you keep sleeping without leaving the ship then they never
arrive). Leave the ship and he'll call you back so go and speak with him.
He'll say that Beard was testing the new scanner with some stalkers and was
supposed to give half the loot found to Owl. Now he won't pay Owl so he wants
you to talk to Beard about it. Beard will give you a Svarog detector and tell
you to return it to Owl and ask for his cut. Go and speak with Owl and he'll
tell you to go and speak with Sultan or you can ask for a cut now (1500 RU)
19) Shady Business
Rewards: Unknown
This seems to be a bugged mission for me (version 1.6.02 of the game).
This mission follows directly on from "tempting business". Owl will complain
and tell you to speak with Sultan. Speak with Sultan and he'll ask you to help
drive Beard out of business. He'll update the "compass" mission and ask you to
speak with Noah with a view to intercepting the artefact. Complete the
"compass" mission returning the artefact to Sultan. The next stage is to
speak with Beard. If you do then he'll ask you to get another compass from
Noah. If you do so you have to return it to Beard. Doing so seems to cancel
this mission.
20) Compass
Note: You can complete this mission for both Beard and Sultan. Noah has two
of the artefacts. Give the first to Sultan and tell Beard you lost it
then get another from Noah and return that to Beard. If you do deliver
the compass to Beard then you will fail the "shady business" mission.
- Helping Sultan
Rewards: 10,000 RU
1x Stash Location
If you speak with Beard and agree to help Beard get the compass artefact he'll
ask you to head to Noah's. Go and speak with Noah and he'll give you the
artefact. If you're doing the "shady business" mission for Sultan you should
return it Sultan for a reward.
- Helping Beard
Rewards: 10,000 RU
1x Stash Location
If you speak with Beard and agree to help Beard get the compass artefact he'll
ask you to head to Noah's. Go and speak with Noah and he'll give you the
artefact. You should return it Beard for a reward.
21) Reputation
Rewards: None
When you buy any weapon from Nimble, equip it and head out the ship. Snag will
stop you and tell you that the gun you bough is his. Go back and speak with
Nimble to start the mission. Go back downstairs to speak with Snag but he has
disappeared. Speak with Beard and he'll tell you that he's gone to the docks
so head over there. He's not there but a group of 5 bandits are. Ask them and
they'll demand some goods Snag promised. You have a choice of giving up your
gun and some loot or saying no. The later will start a fight. Its best to
just kill them and take the PDA from the leaders body. This doesn't give you
any help so you can probably just avoid this fight altogether.
Head to Jupiter put something in your box, leave and then come back and check
the box again and all your items will have vanished. Speak with the doctor,
Bonesetter, at Yanov and he'll say that Zulu might be able to help you. Head
to Zulu's tower just north east of the station. He'll say he say them heading
to the substation to the north east. Head there and into the room at the end.
A bandit has found Snag and has shot him. Kill the bandit because he'll
attack you. Go Around the back of the substation and down the hole. your
items are in the safe at the bottom.
22) A Dangerous Cave
Not strictly a mission but if you follow the road NE of the burnt farmstead
you'll find a small cave in the hillside. A controller lives inside and he'll
tell you to leave if you try and enter. The cave has some items including
"anabiotics" which you can use to survive an emission if you're not in cover.
11.02 - Jupiter Side Missions
The tunnel near the ash heap has moving anomaly follow it and get through to
shelf and room with lots of items.
1) Hunting: Kill The Swamp Bloodsuckers
Rewards: 3000 RU
3x Stash Coordinates
Speak to Trapper and ask him for work. he'll ask you to kill some bloodsuckers
in Fen behind the cement works. You can spot them from a distance and see
them on the map with the marker. Try and snipe them from a distance and you
should be able to complete this mission quite easily. There are two or three
you need to kill. Return to trapper for a reward.
2) Tools: Bring Nitro Some Tools
Rewards: Varies, see below
Speak to Nitro in Yanov station and he'll ask you for some tools.
- Tools for basic work (Inside the train with the electrical anomaly)
Its south of the scientist bunker near the bridge. Jump onto the train
from the bridge and go to the end. Drop in the hole in the roof. Follow
the electricity down the train and duck out the way about halfway down.
Then continue to the end and the tools are on the left just by the exit.
Nitro will pay 1000 RU for these.
- Tools for fine work (Building south of concrete bath anomaly)
Go up the ramp and into a fenced off area. Beware because there may be
a blood sucker lurking. Enter the building and climb the stairs. The upper
floor is covered by electrical anomalies. Make your way east and in the
green cupboard at the end is the tools. The doorway to the left opens to
a ladder down.
Nitro will pay 1200 RU for these.
- Tools for calibration (Department Store OR Old Service Centre)
You need to head into the department store in Pripyat, follow the maze of
hallways inside until you find some steps down. They are the bottom of
the stairs. Beware the building is surrounded by dogs and inside there
are loads of hamsters. Take them to Cardan and he'll pay you ?
Alternatively you can head to the old service centre. Avoid the
anomalies and head upstairs. Kill the Burer and the tools along with
several other items are in a small room off the big room. Exit down the
stairs and through the locked door.
Either way he'll pay you 1500 RU.
3) Radio Equipment: Find Materials For Nitro
Rewards: Free repairs on labour for repairs and upgrades
Speak with Nitro at Yanov and he'll ask you to go to the cement factory and get
some materials to help him with his radio. Go to the cement plant and climb
the north east tower. Avoid the electrical anomaly and drop through the
trapdoor. Follow the hallway to the end and turn right. Pick up the roll of
copper wire on the desk. Go into the next room then the room after and grab
the box of transistors from the shelf. Look out for the chemical and fire
anomalies. Drop down the hole, avoiding the fire anomaly and right into the
next room. Grab the textolite base from the desk. Go into the next room and
grab the can of colophonium from the desk. There is also some more texolite
in the room so grab that too. Go back to the middle room and exit there to
avoid the chemical anomaly in the hallway. Head down the stairs into a new
room. Grab another roll of copper wire from the table. Grab the pack of
capacitors from the table on the opposite side of the room. Exit down the
ladder in the corner of the world. Grab the textolite from the table in this
room. Grab the can of colophonium from the smaller room on the side. There
is an anemology here you can't avoid. Exit the room and down the stairs.
Return to Nitro for your reward.
Note: This doesn’t mean that you get things repaired for just you only
pay for parts. You still have to pay something.
4) Debts: Take Money To The Bandits
Rewards: -2000 RU or 5000 RU
Speak to Vano at Yanov and he'll ask you to pay off his debts to the bandits.
He'll give you 5000 RU. Head to the checkpoint to the south. Speak with the
leader inside and he'll ask for 7000. If you pay the 700 Vano's debt is
cleared, return to Vano and let him know.
You can opt to shoot him, in which case you can just shoot him and kill all the
other bandits in the checkpoint. There are 13 in total. Go back to Vano and
tell him they're dead and he'll let you keep the money.
Alternatively you can do nothing and keep the money anyway.
5) False Claims: Deal With Flint
Rewards: None
Speak with Flint in Yanov about the story about the maps and the bloodsuckers
lair to trigger this mission. He'll also talk about the quarry after you find
Splinter. Eventually you'll get a mission update to tell the guys back at
Zaton or someone else. You can speak with the Freedom boss and complete this
and the "Retribution" mission. However it is more profitable to tell Gonta
in Zaton.
6) Kopachy: Go With Uncle Yar
Rewards: 6000 RU
Stash Coordinates
It's useful to have a sniper rifle for this mission. Talk to Uncle Jar in
Yanov, he'll ask you to accompany him to Kopachy. Agree and he'll lead you
there. Follow him, don't worry about the undead they won't attack you for
some reason. When you get into the house and up the stairs 5 mercenaries will
enter the area and start shooting the undead. The objective will be to
eliminate the mercenaries. You can sit down and do nothing in this mission and
still get paid. After they mercenaries are dead go and speak with Yar for the
reward. You can also go and loot the bodies of the dead.
7) A Contract With The Scientists
Rewards: 6000 RU
2x Stash Information
Speak with Garry at the scientists bunker. he'll say that he needs a Meat
Chunk and a Kolobok artefact to complete his contract. Unfortunately he
doesn't have them and you need to get them for him. You need to find these
artefacts if you don't have them already. Give them to Gary for your reward.
8) The Oasis
Rewards: 7000 RU
Speak to Professor Ozersky and ask him if there is anything you can help him
with. He'll ask you to find the legendary oasis. To find it head don the
railway tracks until you find a building west of the ventilation complex.
Kill the undead and hamsters inside and follow the pipes until you find a big
room leading east. You now have to walk through the archways in a specific
order to unlock the route. Each time you get to the opposite tunnel you'll
get transported back to the room again. What you need to do is to look for the
sparkly bits in between the arches. These indicate the right path. Once you
find one it'll stay to show the way. When you have found the correct path you
will get access to the oasis room.
Grab the heart of oasis artefact and you'll trigger a load of dogs. Run for
the ladder and climb up. Climb up another ladder and out of the broken roof.
Return to the scientific bunker and give the oasis artefact to Professor
9) Retribution: Avenge Splinter
Rewards: None
Go to the Quarry and you'll find an injured stalker called Splinter. Give him
a medikit to heal him. He'll tell you that his "friend" ran off with the
artefact they found in the anomaly. Your task is to find him. Go back to
Yanov and you'll overhear Flint talking about it. Speak with him. He'll start
taking again soon about the chimera and the mission will be updated. You need
to speak to the head of Freedom at Yanov station. He says he will deal with
Flint and the mission will be completed. However it is more profitable to
tell Gonta in Zaton. This is linked with "false claims" mission.
10) Monolith Survivors: Talk To The Yanov Residents About Cover
Rewards: PS5-M Universal Protection Armour (Duty)
Wind Of Freedom Suit (Freedom)
Head towards the container warehouse. To the north east is a small bridge
near some water. Near it is a camp of Monolith soldiers. Talk to the leader
and he'll ask you to help find him and his men cover. Agree to speak with the
guys at Yanov. You need to have completed the "transaction" mission in Zaton
and have acquired Morgan’s PDA to complete this mission.
Take the PDA to the head of either faction and sell it to them for 4000 RU.
They'll then send some men and transport you to the monolith guys. Wait for
the initiation to be completed. You can speak with any of them to get a free
trip back to Yanov.
11) Hunting Unidentified Mutants
Rewards: 5000 RU
3x Stash Location
Speak to Trapper after completing the "hunting" quest to kill the bloodsuckers
in the swamp. Go to the eastern tunnels and kill the 2 Burers inside. The
easiest way to kill them is to run at them and kill them with a knife. Return
to Trapper for a reward.
12) Night Hunt: Kill The Chimera
Rewards: 10,000 RU
Predator Shotgun
When you have done the bloodsuckers and burers missions for Trapper he'll call
you and ask you to speak with him about a Chimera. Go back and get the details.
Head towards the ventilation plant at night when ready. This is a tough fight
so try and get vantage point and snipe where possible. You might be lucky and
he wanders in the mine field. No matter how you kill it when it is dead return
to Trapper for your reward.
13) A Contract with The Scientists
Rewards: 6000 RU
2x Stash Information
Speak to Garry in the scientists bunker. He'll tell you he wants to go to
Pripyat but can't because of his contract. He needs two artefacts to complete
it; a Kolobok and a Meat Chunk. if you have these artefacts give them to
Garry to complete the mission.
14) Intermittent Psy Emissions
Rewards: 1x Stash Information
6000 RU
You will need a SEVA suit before you can get this mission so buy one and then
head to the scientists bunker. Talk to Professor Hermann and agree to his
mission. You'll then be directed to talk to Topol who is just outside do so
and say you're ready. You'll be transported to the tunnel near the ash heap
anomaly. Talk to Topol again when you're ready to start.
Head into the tunnel and kill the zombies, the other guys will help. You then
have to make your way past the moving anomaly into the room behind. You can
pick up extra items here before entering the next room. Pick up the
"altered insulator" and head outside. Your group will then be attacked by a
controller. Whip out the shotgun and when he gets close jump out and unload
into him. Alternatively, pick him off from a distance with a sniper rifle.
When he's dead loot any bodies and head out and speak with Topol again and
he'll give you some stash location information and will transport you back to
the scientists bunker. Speak to Hermann and he'll give you some money.
15) Anomaly Research (1)
Rewards: 5000 RU
After completing the "intermittent psy emissions" mission for Hermann he'll
give you this mission. You need to visit several anomalous locations and
position some scanners. Speak with Novikov and you'll get 3 scanners which
you need to place in the following locations:
- Parking Lot
- Concrete Bath Anomaly
- Bitumen Anomaly
Walk up to the building structure in the parking lot, avoiding the electrical
anomalies. When you get close enough you get the option to use the scanner.
The concrete bath anomaly had a chimera guarding it when I got there so kill
it and place the second scanner.
Place the final scanner in the middle of the bitumen anomaly, avoiding the
gravity and fire anomalies.
Return to the scientists bunker and speak with Hermann for your reward.
Note: Once placed you can ask the scientists if the scanners reveal any new
artefacts to save you time on visiting empty anomalies.
16) Anomaly Research (2)
Rewards: None
When you complete the first Anomaly Research mission you can ask about
positioning more scanners. Go and get 2 scanners from Novikov which you
need to place at the following locations:
- Ash Heap Anomaly
- Plavni Anomaly
The scanner for the ash heap anomaly needs to be placed on the picnic table.
The scanner in the Plavni anomaly needs to be placed on the shore.
17) Anomalous Activity
Rewards: None
Ask Professor Herman about the anomaly results when you have completed the
anomaly research mission. This will trigger this new mission. You need to
head to the cooling tower to the north. Before you do you need the Svarog
Prototype Detector which can be obtained from completing the "tempting
business" mission in Zaton. When you arrive at the cooling tower a massive
anomaly will appear and several dead people drop through. Gather their
guns and the PDA that General Tachenko has. This is used to trigger the
"Duty History" mission. You can go back and speak with the professor but he'll
give you nothing.
18) Duty Warehouse
Rewards: Lots of weapons, armour and first aid
When you get Morgan’s PDA from the "transaction" mission in Yanov take it to
the leader of Duty and sell it to him for 4000. He'll organise a squad and
you'll need to take the warehouse indicated on the map. Kill the 5 Freedom
guys and then head into the carriage. There is a hole in the floor, drop down
and grab all the goodies inside.
Alternatively sell the PDA to the leader of Freedom. You don't need to fight
anyone. Just go into the carriage and grab all the goodies inside.
Personally I would go with Freedom because you can do the "monolith soldiers"
mission and get the Wind Of Freedom armour.
19) Duty History
Rewards: Varies (see below)
You can sell the PDA you received in the anomalous activity mission to either
the head of Duty or Freedom. Doing this mission also allows you to complete
the "monolith soldiers" mission if you didn't get Morgan’s PDA.
Duty (completes the "Duty History" mission)
- 4000 RU
- Tunder S14
- 9x39mm SP-6 Rounds x60
- VOG-25 Grenades x2
- 4000 RU
- SGI-5K
- 5.56x45 Rounds x300
20) Anomalous Plant
Rewards: Suit For Sokolov
You get this mission when you ask Solokov to join you on the trip to Pripyat.
Head to the Anomalous Grove and make your way through the anomalies and pick
up the plant marked on the map. Return the plant to Ozersky.
21) Anomaly Research
Rewards: 7000 RU
Vales Detector
Speak with Professor Hermann about doing a full external scan and you trigger
this mission. Head outside and talk with the stalkers. You need to guard the
stalkers whilst they take readings at two of the anomalies:
- The Plavni Anomaly (Fen)
- Ash Heap Anomaly
If the stalkers die you will fail the mission. You just need to protect them
for 5 minutes or so and then they'll tell you they are done and you can talk
to them to transport back to the scientists bunker.
At the Fen you'll need to fight off lots of boars and fleshes so have a
good shotgun handy and loads of ammo.
At the ash heap you should have an assault rifle with a scope or sniper rifle
to pick off the zombies that come from Kopachy.
22) Last Developments
Rewards: 7000 RU
2x Scientific Medikit
5x Anti-Radiation Drugs
2x Psy Block
2x Antidote
2x Radioprotectant
2500 RU (Blacks PDA)
Speak to Professor Hermann after completing the "anomaly research" mission.
He'll ask you to find some documents in the administrative building over in
the Jupiter plant.
You need to head up to the first floor and find the room with the
"administrative documents" on the desk. Pick them up and you'll trigger an
attack by 7 mercenaries. One of them, Black has a PDA you can take which
updates the mission to return it and the documents to the professor. Kill them
all then return to professor Hermann.
Note: If you want to avoid them you can jump on the table and drop through the
23) Guarding The Scientists
Rewards: 4000 RU
2x Psy Block
3x Antidote
3x Radioprotectant
When you complete the "last developments" mission you can ask about the guards
to trigger this mission. Agree to help find some new guards. You can either:
- Speak with the leader of Duty who'll send some guards
- Speak with the leader of Freedom who'll send some guards
- Speak with the Spartacus the stalker in Zaton (he'll be in Skadovsk)
- Speak with Hatchett the mercenary in Zaton
The reward is the same so it doesn't really matter who you choose.
24) Hypothesis
Rewards: 3000 RU
Speak to Ozerksy after completing the Anomaly research mission. Agree to help
him further with his experiments and he'll give you a mutant detection scanner.
Head to the Bitumen anomaly and place the detector on the point shown on the
map. You have to wait near the device and kill several snorks that arrive.
After a while you'll be asked to pick up the scanner. Take it and return to
Ozersky for your reward.
25) Hostage
Rewards: 5000 RU
2x Stash Coordinates
Speak with Grizzly in Yanov station, he's at the opposite side to stairs down
to the basement. Grizzly wants someone to help negotiate a release. Agree to
help and he'll give you a goldfish artefact as ransom. Head to the container
warehouse and speak with Shishak the bandit leader. He'll want either
15,000 RU or a suitable artefact (the goldfish he gave you). Pay the ransom
and then speak with Mitay. On the way out a bandit will challenge you, you
have to pay him off (cost me 3300). If you choose not to pay a fight will
ensue if you chose not to pay and Mitay dies then the mission is over.
26) UAV
Rewards: Streloks Modified SGI-5K
Go to the Ash Heap Anomaly and head north to find a crash plane. Examine the
plane to get a blocked memory module. Go to Nitro and pay him 1000 RU to
unblock the module. Wait 3 hours then return to him. It will give you 3
stash coordinates:
- Crane in the quarry
- The cement works
- far south east of the Jupiter plant
Crane - Use the tree just north of the crane to get on top. Go into the room
and on the south side is a stash with a "note to ghost".
Cement Works - Go west from the cement works and then head back east in an
underground tunnel. Avoid the emissions and find a "note to Strelok" in the
box at the end of one of the small tunnels.
Jupiter Plant - Go to the small structure and climb down underneath. There is
a stalkers body, Senka. He has another Memory Module, only this time it's
unblocked. Turn around and search the pipe to find a "note to Fang" and
Streloks SGI-5K assault rifle.
11.01 - Pripyat Side Missions
1) Helping Zulu
Rewards: Zulu's RPG-74
If Zulu survived the journey to Pripyat you'll meet him by the school pinned
down by a hoard of snorks. Help him fight them off (there are 9 snorks in
total) then talk to him. He'll transport you back to the base if you want.
Speak to him again there and he'll give you his machine gun.
2) One Shot
Rewards: 7.62 x 54 Rounds (30)
When you have completed the first part of the Guass mission and Garry shows up
he'll tell you about some mercenaries he led to Pripyat. Go and speak with
Kovalsky and agree to take out the mecrenaries client. He'll call Kirillov
and you'll be transported to a building near the apartment complex. After a
short while 7 mercenaries will emerge, 1 armed with an RPG. After a short
while another group of 3 mercenaries will arrive. The two leaders will meet,
use this time to take them both out. The others will retreat back into the
building feel free to take these guys out but the targets are the two leaders.
One the leaders bodies will be a red X8 laboratory card. Take that and return
to Kovalsky for your reward.