
Star Wars Empire at War Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 

 Star Wars Empire at War

Star Wars Empire at War
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|                       Star Wars                                            |
|                       	Empire at War                                  |
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|                                 	    by Ask_B_007                         |
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|                                  Version 1.0                               |
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			    ~Table Of Contents~

	!.	Before We Begin					[SW!]
	@.	System Requirements				[SW@]
	#.	Default Keyboard Commands			[SW#]
	$.	Command Descriptions				[SW$]
	%.	Hints/Tips					[SW%]
	^.		General Hints/Tips			[SW^]
	&.		Rebel Hints/Tips			[SW&]
	*.		Empire Hints/Tips			[SW*]
	(.	General Hints/Tips sent in by Evan		[SW(]

	T.	Tutorials					[SWT]
	T1.	Tutorial 1 - Basic Land (Rebel)			[SWT1]
	T2.	Tutorial 2 - Basic Galactic (Rebel)		[SWT2]
	T3.	Tutorial 3 - Basic Space (Empire)		[SWT3]
	T4.	Tutorial 4 - Advanced Galactic (Empire) 	[SWT4]
	T5.	Tutorial 5 - Advance Land (Empire)		[SWT5]
	T6.	Tutorial 6 - Land Skirmish Mode			[SWT6]
	T7.	Tutorial 7 - Space Skirmish Mode		[SWT7]

	C.	Campaign Mode					[SWC]

	RC.	Rebel Campaign					[RC]
	RC1.	Mission 1: Shipyard Diversion			[RC1]
	RC2.	Mission 2: Interpreting the Network		[RC2]
	RC3.	Mission 3: Theft of the X-Wing			[RC3]
	RC4.	Mission 4: Kessel Rescue			[RC4]
	RC5. 	Mission 5: Stealing From the Rich 		[RC5]
	RC6. 	Mission 6: Imperial Liberation 			[RC6]
	RC7. 	Mission 7: Highest Bidder 			[RC7]
	RC8. 	Mission 8: Rescue the Millennium Falcon		[RC8]
	RC9. 	Mission 9: Needle in a Haystack			[RC9]
	RC10. 	Mission 10: Borrowed Time 			[RC10]
	RC11.	Mission 11: Handle With Care!			[RC11]
	RC12.	Mission 12: The Defense of Mon Calamari		[RC12]
	RC13.	Mission 13: The Final Battle			[RC13]
	RCAE.	Alternate Ending				[RCAE]

	RCS.	Rebel Campaign Sidequests			[RCS]
	RCBesp.	Bespin						[RCBesp]
	RCBest.	Bestine						[RCBest]
	RCBo.	Bothawui					[RCBo]
	RCD.	Dagobah						[RCD]
	RCEn.	Endor						[RCEn]
	RCEr.	Eriadu						[RCEr]
	RCG.	Geonosis					[RCG]
	RCH.	Hoth						[RCH]
	RCKo.	Korriban					[RCKo]
	RCKu.	Kuat 						[RCKu]
	RCNab.	Naboo						[RCNab]
	RCNal.	Nal Hutta					[RCNal]
	RCR.	Ryloth						[RCR]
	RCSh.	Shola						[RCSh]
	RCSu.	Sullust						[RCSu]
	RCT.	Tatooine					[RCT]

	EC.	Empire Campaign					[EC]
	EC1.	Mission 1: Taking Thyferra			[EC1]
	EC2.	Mission 2: Crush. Kill. Destroy.		[EC2]
	EC3.	Mission 3: Rooting out the Pirates		[EC3]
	EC4.	Mission 4: The Pirate Menace			[EC4]
	EC5.	Mission 5: Subjugating Geonosis			[EC5]
	EC6. 	Mission 6: Attack on Mon Calamari 		[EC6]
	EC7.	Mission 7: Trouble on Kashyyyk			[EC7]
	EC8.	Mission 8: A New Weapon of War			[EC8]
	EC9.	Mission 9: The Rebel Fortress			[EC9]
	EC10.	Mission 10: The Traitorous Moff			[EC10]
	EC11.	Mission 11: An Engagement with the Emperor	[EC11]
	EC12.	Mission 12: Capturing a Princess		[EC12]
	EC13.	Mission 13: Destroying Alderaan			[EC13]
	EC14.	Mission 14:

	ECS.	Empire Campaign Sidequests			[ECS]
	ECAe.	Aeten 2						[ECAe]
	ECAt.	Atzerri						[ECAt]
	ECBesp.	Bespin						[ECBesp]
	ECBest.	Bestine						[ECBest]
	ECCore. Corellia					[ECCore]
	ECCoru.	Corulag						[ECCoru]
	ECDag.	Dagobah						[ECDag]
	ECDan.	Dantooine					[ECDan]
	ECE.	Eriadu						[ECE]
	ECF.	Fresia						[ECF]
	ECI.	Ilum						[ECI]
	ECK.	Kessel						[ECK]
	ECM.	Manaan						[ECM]
	ECN.	Nal Hutta					[ECN]
	ECSu.	Sullust						[ECSu]
	ECT.	Taris						[ECT]
	ECV.	Vergresso Asteroid				[ECV]
	ECw.	Wayland						[ECW]

	^.	Planetary Data					[SWPD]
	&.	Weather Effects					[SWWE]
	*.	Email						[SWE]
	(.	Legal?						[SWLEG]
	).	Thanks						[SWTHX]


!. Before We Begin [SW!]:
	 This FAQ is not to be redistributed/sold or any other crap like that.
   This is just to help you beat whatever level it is that you're stuck on. In
   this FAQ I will list each objective and discuss my strategy on how to 
   accomplish it. I won't be able to go into full detail for some things,
   however, as certain things are random and also depend on how long you spend
   at the galactic map. This FAQ may or may not contain spoilers, safety not 
   guaranteed, I have only done this once before. You have been warned. 	


@. System Requirements [SW@]:


Required: Intel Pentium 1.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 1.0 GHz
Recommended: Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 2.0 GHz

Operating System:

Windows 2000, Windows XP


Required: 256 MB RAM
Recommended: 512 MB RAM

Hard Drive Space:
Required: At least 2.5 gb of free hard drive space

Graphics Card:

Required: 32 MB 3D Graphics card with Hardware Transform and
Lighting (T&L) Capability
Recommended: 64 MB 3D Graphics with Hardware Vertex and
Pixel Shader (VS/PS) Capability

Supported Chipsets:

ATI Radeon 7200/7500 family
ATI Radeon 8500/9000/9200 family
ATI Radeon 9500/9600/9700/9800 family
ATI Radeon X300/X600/X700/X800/X850 family
ATI Radeon X1K family
NVIDIA GeForce 256 family
NVIDIA GeForce 2/3/4 family
NVIDIA GeForce FX family
NVIDIA GeForce 6 family
NVIDIA GeForce 7 family

Sound Card:

Required: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible PCI, USB, or Onboard
Audio Device


Required: 8X Speed CD-ROM drive or faster required

Input Device:

Required: Keyboard and mouse/touchpad


DirectX 9.0c which is included with the game


56kbps or better is required for online multiplayer


#. Default Keyboard Commands [SW#]:

Unit Control:

Create Group #		 Ctrl + (a number between 0-9)
Select Group 1           1
Select Group 2           2
Select Group 3           3
Select Group 4           4
Select Group 5           5
Select Group 6           6
Select Group 7           7
Select Group 8           8
Select Group 9           9
Select Group 0           0
Select All               Ctrl + A
Select Like              Ctrl + Q
Next Unit                F
Previous Unit            D
Guard                    G
Attack                   A
Stop                     S
Move                     M
Waypoint                 W
Retreat                  E
Reinforce                R
Place Beacon             B
Super Weapon             Ctrl + W

Land Abilities:

Force Crush              Ctrl + C
Force Push               Ctrl + F
Force Lighting           Ctrl + L
Force Corrupt            Ctrl + R
Force Heal               H
Force Protect            Ctrl + P
Deploy/Undeploy          Ctrl + D
Take Cover               Ctrl + Z
Flame Thrower            Ctrl + T
Jetpack                  Ctrl + J
Capture Vehicle          Ctrl + V
Exit Vehicle             Ctrl + E
Thermal Detonator        K
Drop Thermal Detonator   Ctrl + K
EMP Burst                Ctrl + S
Rocket Weapon            Ctrl + G
Cable Attack             Q
Sensor Ping              Ctrl + O
Control Turret           Ctrl + Y
Repair Vehicle           Ctrl + U
Boost Weapon Power       Ctrl + B
Self Destruct            Ctrl + X
Deploy Stormtroopers     Ctrl + H
Maximum Firepower        Ctrl + M
Sprint                   Ctrl + N

Space Abilities:

Boost Shield Power       Shift + O
Weaken Enemy             Shift + K
Gravity Well Generator   Shift + G
Barrage Area             Shift + B
Hunt For Enemies         Shift + H
Boost Engine Power       Shift + E
Lure Enemy Fighters      Shift + L
Missile Jamming Field    Shift + M
Lock S-Foils             Shift + W   
Tractor Beam             Shift + T   
Proton Beam              Shift + P  
Call For Wingmen         Shift + C  
Lucky Shot               Shift + S  
Redirect All Firepower   Shift + R  
Ion Cannon Shot          Shift + I  
Seismic Charge           Shift + X   
Invulnerability          Shift + Z  
Destroy Planet           Shift + D   


Toggle Droid Advisor     Subtract
Initiate Chat            Enter
Scroll Up                Up
Scroll Down              Down
Scroll Left              Left
Scroll Right             Right
Reset Camera             End
Camera Center            Page Up
Camera Home              Home
Tactical Overview        Insert
Camera Tether            Scrlk
Movie Mode               Space
Cinematic Camera Mode    C
Screen Shot              F12
Quick Save               F6
Quick Load               F5
Mission Holocron         Tab
Planetary Information    Caps Lock
Taunt One                Numpad 1
Taunt Two                Numpad 2
Taunt Three              Numpad 3
Toggle Interface         I
Toggle Player List       P


$. Command Descriptions [SW$]:

1. Unit Control Commands:

Create Group:
	Select the units that you want to be in a group and then hit 
	ctrl+(the number that you want the group to be). It can be very 
	useful to create groups so that you can more easily move your units
	around in a battle.

Select Group:
	Once you've created a group, you can select all of the units in the
	group just by hitting the number of the group.

Select All:
	This can also come in quite handy at times. If you happen to need to
	move all of your forces at once then press ctrl+a to select them all. 

Select Like:
	Another useful command that you should know how to use. When you 
	select a unit, if you press ctrl+q, nearby units that are the same as 
	the one selected will become selected.

Next Unit: 
	Just press F to select the next unit that you have. You can keep 
	using this to cycle through all of your units.

Previous Unit:
	Basically the same thing as next unit, except that it goes in the 
	opposite order. Press D to use this.

	If you press G and then right click on a target, your units will
	follow and protect the target. Alternatively, when you have at least 
	one unit selected you can press G to have the unit(s) selected guard a
	specific target. While guarding they will only attack enemies that get
	within a certain range.

	If you press A and then right click on an enemy, all of your troops
	will attack that enemy. Alternatively, you could select one/some of
	your units then press A and pick a target for those specific units
	to attack.

	By pressing S you can make all of your units stop where they are.
	Or, you could select a certain number of units and press S to make
	only the selected units stop.

	By pressing M and right-clicking on a location, all of your units will
	move to that location. You could also select a certain number of units
	then press M and select a location for only the selected units to 
	move to.

	Press W and right-click on the map to create a waypoint for your units
	to move to. You can also right-click several times to make units move
	from one waypoint to another.

	If you want to cut your losses in a battle, press E to retreat and
	regroup at a nearby friendly planet. Be careful, though, because 
	retreating will take a few seconds and in the meantime your units
	will be more vulnerable. Note that you cannot retreat right at the 
	beginning of a battle or when a gravity well generator is in effect.

	Press R to bring up a little box in the middle left of the screen 
	which will display all of the reinforcements you have. In space you
	can bring in reinforcements in any open space. On the ground units 
	can only be deployed within the radius of a friendly reinforcement
	point. Note that you cannot bring in more units once you reach your
	population cap.

Place Beacon:
	In a multiplayer game, you can press B to place a beacon on the map
	which can be seen by other players.

Super Weapon:
	Super weapons are special attacks that can sometimes be performed.
	Examples of these are bombing runs, ion cannons, and hypervelocity


2. Land Abilities:

Force Crush: 
	Darth Vader can use this ability to severely damage enemy vehicles
	over time.

Force Push:
	Darth Vader's other ability. It emits a shockwave around him that is
	most effective against infantry.

Force Lightning:
	Emperor Palpatine can damage infantry units with this ability.

Force Corrupt:
	Emperor Palpatine and Mara Jade can use this ability to convert enemy
	units to the Imperial faction. (Mara Jade can only corrupt infantry)

Force Heal:
	Obi-Wan can use this ability to heal nearby organic units.

Force Protect:
	Obi-Wan can temporarily create a damage reducing barrier with this 

	MPTL-2A Artillery and SPMA-Ts must be deployed for them to be able to
	fire on enemies. However, they must undeploy in order to move.

Take Cover:
	Infantry can use this ability to reduce the amount of damage they'll
	receive from enemy attacks when they are in a strategically defensive
	area such as bunkers. However, when this is active their 
	movement speed will be greatly reduced. 

Flame Thrower:
	Boba Fett can use this to cover an area in waves of fire to damage
	enemy units.

Jet Pack:
	With this ability, Boba Fett can fly over obstacles instead of having
	to go around them.

Capture Vehicle:
	Chewbacca can take control of an enemy vehicle with this ability.

Thermal Detonator:
	Infiltrators, Kyle Katarn, and Mara Jade can each set a thermal 
	detonator in an area. It will explode after a few seconds causing 
	damage in the immediate area.

Drop Thermal Detonator:
	Speeder Bikes can drop thermal detonators to explode after a few 
	seconds. They will cause some damage in their immediate area.

EMP Burst:
	Han Solo can use this to disable turrets and vehicles for a short 
	period of time. This works well if you have him use his sprint ability
	to get in close to enemies and then EMP them.

Rocket Weapon:
	If you select your T4-B Tanks and press ctrl+G, they will attack with
	rockets instead of lasers. The lasers are generally better against
	vehicles, while the rockets are better against everything else.

Cable Attack:
	Assault speeders can perform a cable attack if you press Q. This only
	works on AT-ATs and will complete destroy a moving AT-AT.

Sensor Ping:
	A spotter droid can use this ability to make an area that is covered
	by fog of war temporarily visible. You can use this to see any part
	of the map and potentially do a bombing run on that part. In space
	TIE Scouts also have this ability.

Control Turret:
	R2D2/C3Po can use this to give you control of enemy turrets. 

Repair Vehicle:
	R2D2/C3PO can use this ability to go up to and repair any of your
	damaged vehicles.

Boost Weapon Power:
	This is useable by several Imperial land and space units. Tartan
	Patrol Cruisers, Acclamators, Victory Star Destroyers, and 2-M 
	Repulsor Tanks can use this to increase their firepower. While this
	is active their speed and shield power will be reduced.

Self Destruct:
	TIE Maulers can self destruct to cause great damage to all surrounding
	units. To cancel the self destruct, order the Mauler to either attack
	or move.

Deploy Stormtroopers:
	AT-ATs can use this ability to spawn some Stormtroopers below them.

Maximum Firepower:
	Colonel Veers's AT-AT can use this ability to charge its weapons and
	do tremendous amounts of damage for a short period of time.

	Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Kyle Katarn can use this to increase their
	movement speed for a short period of time.

More Coming Soon!


%. Hints/Tips [SW%]

^. General [SW^]:

  1. A lot of times you'll want to proceed cautiously and try to pick off 
     enemies one or two at time. 

  2. When enemies attack you, they tend to pick on one unit. So to keep this
     unit from dying, move it back out of range. This is especially effective 
     when your unit has shields; When their shields are low move them back 
     so that they can fully recover.

  3. It is very useful to create groups when you're in battle. This way you'll
     only have to hit a number to select and switch between groups of units.
  4. Pausing the game can also be very helpful. At the start of a battle you
     can pause the game and set up groups, bring in reinforcements, check out
     the map etc. Pausing the game during combat can also be quite useful so
     that you can take your time figuring out how you want to approach the 
     fight and you can select units and have them target enemies while the 
     game is paused.

  5. On campaign mode, each time you get to the galactic map you should build
     some better units and upgrade your space stations whenever possible. Just
     don't waste too much time, though, or the enemy will start taking more 
     planets and may come attack 

  6. In space, the space stations and larger ships have individual hard points
     that can be targeted. These hard points include shield generators, 
     hangars, engines, lasers, and missile launchers. Hangars should be 
     targeted early on to stop the ship/space station from releasing fighters.
     Shield generators should also be taken out quickly to make it easier to
     destroy a ship with laser fire. 

  7. If you are having a lot of trouble with a battle, try using the auto-
     resolve option. Hopefully, it will work out with you winning with minimal
     losses. However, you can usually win a fight with less losses by actually
     fighting it out.

&. Rebels [SW&]:

  1. Mon Mothma reduces the cost of everything at her current location. So 
     when playing as the Rebels, make good use of this by moving her to where 
     you are currently building.

  2. R2-D2/C-3PO can orbit over enemy planets while still remaining 
     undetected. So use this to your advantage by having them scout out nearby
     hostile planets to see how easy/hard it will be to take over the planet.

  3. The Rebel's ion cannons are very helpful when defending in a space 
     battle. Though they cannot destroy ships, they can disable them. This 
     makes it a lot easier to take out strong capital ships.

  4. Be careful of Imperial speeder bikes and maulers. The Speeders can lay
     bombs which can reek havoc on your troops. Maulers can self-destruct and
     potentially reek even more havoc. If you see a speeder or a mauler come
     right in between your troops, get them away quickly. Liquid_Pie reminded
     me that the speeders' bombs will beep while Maulers will glow red when
     they are about to explode.

*. Empire [SW*]:

  1. Darth Vader is simply a powerhouse on the ground. I suggest to have him 
     lead the way in just about every ground battle and make sure to use his
     abilities as often as possible. However, you may want to save his force
     push ability for when you come across those annoying plex missile 

  2. Maulers are easily destroyed but they move pretty quickly and can be
     used to run over infantry. Their special can be useful for destroying
     buildings or even vehicles(especially MPTL Artillery).

  3. Speeder Bikes work well in conjunction with bombing runs. Use speeders
     to find an enemy base and hit it with a bombing run while you can see
     the area. The speeder bikes' thermal detonators can also do some good
     damage to enemy vehicles and buildings.

  4. Early on in the Imperial campaign use probe droids to scout out planets.
     Later on you will be able to use bounty hunters and smugglers to check
     out the space around a planet. However, you will still need probe droids
     if you wish to see what units are on the planet's surface.

  5. Several Imperial vehicles and ships have the ability to boost the weapon
     power. This can occasionally come in handy but be careful of using it
     since it will reduce a vehicle/ship's shields and speed.

  6. Emperor Palpatine can be very useful in ground combat. He can wipe out
     tons of infantry with his force lightning and he can use his force 
     corrupt to give you control of nearby enemy vehicles. However, be 
     careful with him because if he dies you will lose the game.

  7. If you start a land battle with an AT-AT, have it deploy Stormtroopers
     while you are bringing in your other units.


(. Hints/Tips Sent in by Evan [SW(]

	-Evan has been kind enough to send me numerous lengthy emails with
	great hints and tips. So here they are:

  1. I think it's a really good idea to conquer all the available planets you
     can before going on to the next mission. This will allow you to build 
     more space stations, which increase your total possible unit population, 
     not to mention income, and allow you to quickly build many space units if
     you have a battle go badly and lose a lot of ships. Some of the planets 
     are more challenging than others, of course, but the single-player 
     campaign is shorter than you'd expect anyway, so adding a few more 
     combats to draw it out makes it more enjoyable.

  2. Always have Bombers (Y-Wings for Rebels, Acclamators/Victory Star 
     Destroyers/Imperial Star Destroyers) go along with your ground unit 
     fleets so they can do bombing runs on any planet you assault, because 
     bombing runs often make things way easier (particularly if the enemy has 
     turbolaser towers- once you find them, just center a bombing run on them 
     and they'll be toast). 

  3. This is sort of a cheap tactic, but seems to be effective. If you're in 
     combat with an enemy fleet that has reinforcements to bring in, you can 
     just knock the weapon and hangar hardpoints off their capital ships and 
     then avoid taking out their engines and maybe shield generator. That way,
     they won't be able to hurt you, but since you haven't destroyed them, 
     they still count toward the enemy population cap and once you disable all
     their capital ships in this manner, you can destroy one, let the 
     reinforcement ship come in, destroy it, and repeat.

  4. When you're attacking a big enemy ship or space station, it's usually a 
     good idea to have your ships target the next hardpoint a few seconds 
     before the one you're currently hitting is destroyed. This is especially 
     true if you have a lot of Corellian Gunboats, which fire sort of slow-
     moving concussion missiles. Concussion missiles do about .5-1% damage to 
     a space station hardpoint, so if the hardpoint is at 5% and you see 10 or
     more concussion missiles going at it, you can safely switch to the next 
     target. This doesn't matter much if you've defeated all the enemy ships 
     and just the space station is left, but if time is critical, you need to 
     apply your firepower as quickly as possible. 

  5. T4-Bs, MPTL-2A Artillery, TIE Maulers, AT-STs, SPMA-Ts, AT-AAs, and 
     AT-ATs can all walk over and kill infantry units and Imperial Scout 
     Speeders, but TIE Maulers are most effective with this because they're 
     very fast and maneuverable. You have to be careful attacking large groups
     of enemy infantry with an AT-AT (in the Rebel Carida mission, for 
     example), because they're so slow and unmaneuverable that sometimes 
     infantry can destroy the AT-AT. In the Carida mission, it's a good idea 
     to have Han Solo nearby because he's very effective against infantry 

  6. In both types of battle, it's a good idea to use multiple groups for a 
     type of unit which you have a lot of (more than 6 or 7). For example, if 
     I have 12 Corellian Corvettes in a space battle, I'd put them into two 
     groups; otherwise their firepower will often be wasted on smaller 
     targets. Likewise, in ground battles, I typically put T4-Bs in two 
     groups, because they're so slow they're easier to control that way, and 
     they have so much firepower that if you have lots of them, you might want
     to use them in different areas of the map or have them target different 
     enemies even if they're together. 

  7. It's always a good idea to bring along a fleet commander or field 
     commander if you can make them. They add important visibility range and 
     durability to all your units, and the field commanders are very effective
     defensive infantry too. They're useful on assaults where you start out 
     with few units, because they can capture build pads and act as a 
     last-ditch defense against enemy infantry. For example, on planets where 
     you start out with a population cap of 3, I often bring in two T4-B 
     groups and a field commander. The field commander can capture build pads 
     for repair stations and turrets, then hang back until the area around 
     another reinforcement point has been cleared and it can be captured.


  1. I noticed something interesting with the special ability of Corellian 
     Corvettes and Gunboats. With Corvettes, you just turn the extra speed on,
     it lasts a while, then you have to wait before you can use it again. With
     Gunboats, though, you just turn it on and it stays on until you switch it
     back off, and you don't have to wait before turning it on again. This is 
     useful for sending them in for quick strikes (like taking out a heavily-
     defended space station's shield generator and/or hangar), then backing 
     off to keep them alive while you bring your bigger frigates up front to 
     take the hits with their stronger shields. 

  2. About the T4-B's rocket weapon: you shouldn't always use it. It does have
     longer range, and is amazingly effective in destroying buildings 
     (including build pad structures like turrets) and good against infantry, 
     but their regular lasers are better against vehicles. Even against 
     shielded 2-M Repulsor Tanks, it's more effective to use lasers because 
     they're so much more powerful that you can take down their shields and 
     destroy them with lasers faster than you can with rockets alone, even 
     though the rockets ignore their shields. Additionally, on planets where 
     there's bad weather, the rockets can be extremely inaccurate. 

  3. MPTLs are hard to use offensively because they're so slow, aren't 
     terribly durable, and have to deploy to fire. But they make great 
     defensive units as turret replacements. If you control a section of a 
     ground map with a build pad or two near the "entrance", and you're using 
     repair-intensive units like T4-Bs, it's a good idea to set up an MPTL 
     next to each build pad and build a repair station there. They have better
     range than turrets and will wipe the floor with infantry units. They 
     aren't as effective against vehicles, but they'll still soften them up 
     pretty well. Additionally, if the enemy does manage to damage them, 
     they're sitting right next to a repair station so they'll get fixed up 
     right away. If you take more ground and have a new area to defend, just 
     move them up and set them up in a good, new location.

  4. One interesting thing you can do late in the single-player campaign, if 
     you want a challenge, is attack Coruscant itself. It has a level 5 space 
     station, of course, and a decent garrison, but if you attack it before 
     the Imperial fleet attacks you, the fleet will be there and you can 
     destroy it. Just for kicks, I did a ground assault on Coruscant too and 
     was able to capture the planet (the ground battle takes a while but isn't
     terribly difficult if you bring in the right units). However, the Empire 
     will send in a big fleet to retake it not long after you capture it, so 
     you need to reinforce the space defenses right away if you want to hold 
     it. You can only take it very late in the game, though, so it won't be 
     much help- it is an interesting ground battle, though. Of course, it has 
     a hypervelocity gun and a level 5 space station, so it's not an easy 
     planet to make a space assault on. There are other planets that open up 
     at the end (I took Abregado Rae and Fondor in the campaign on Medium 
     difficulty), but at this late in the game it's more of a thing to do for 
     a challenge than because of any practical benefit, because you won't have
     time to use them to build up more forces.

  5. It's a good idea to build two heavy factories on planets with lots of 
     ground slots (like Nal Hutta and Geonosis) to speed up production of 
     T4-B tanks, which are very powerful but take a really long time to build.

  6. When you're pulling back T4-Bs from a battle, switch them to fire 
     rockets. The rockets have longer range so it's more likely that the tanks
     in front of the retreating group will be able to reach back to hit 
     pursuing enemies, and also the ones in the back will still be able to hit
     enemies from further away even if they stop pursuing. 

  7. Here's a hint for capturing planets. Of course, the Empire typically has 
     a considerable fleet orbiting its more important planets, so if they have
     a big fleet and a level 4 or 5 space station, you'll be in trouble if you
     assault it. Even if you win the battle, you're likely to lose a number of
     ships. That's where the Rebels' raid ability comes in. If you send the 
     droids to orbit the planet you want to take and see what structures and 
     ground units are there (or at least how many ground units are there, and 
     what the most powerful is), you can have a good idea of whether or not 
     you'll be able to win a ground battle with a raid fleet. I usually use a 
     raid fleet consisting of two T4-B units, one MPTL unit, and a field 
     commander. The T4-Bs are your offense, MPTLs serve as good defense, and 
     the field commander is useful for capturing build pads and structures, 
     plus adds to the sight range and durability of your units. 
     While playing through on Hard difficulty, I was able to capture three 
     planets in a row with raid fleets: Sullust, Bestine, and Endor. The 
     extra-cool thing about capturing a planet with a raid fleet is that its 
     space station, no matter how big, is automatically destroyed, so it's 
     considerably easier to take on whatever space fleet the Empire has there.
     If the Empire doesn't attack for a while, you could even build an ion 
     cannon to make the space battle even easier, though it's a good idea to 
     save the game right after you conquer the surface- the Empire might 
     decide to make a ground assault before the ion cannon is built, or 
     reinforce the space fleet there, both of which would be detrimental to 
     your cause.


T. Tutorials [SWT]:

	The tutorial missions are just what you'd expect them to be. They
	teach you the basics on how to play so I'd recommend that you run
	through them before playing the actual game. All of the tutorials are
	pretty self-explanatory so I will just list the objectives and note
	any worthwhile details.


T1. Tutorial 1 - Basic Land (Rebel) [SWT1]:

  Objective 1: Find the Missing Patrol Squad

  Objective 2: Find the Jamming Device

  Objective 3: Destroy the Jamming Device

  Objective 4: Advance to the Rebel Base

  Objective 5: Construct a Bacta Healing Station

  Objective 6: Construct a Turret

  Objective 7: Defend the Rebel Base

  Objective 8: Capture the Two Reinforcement Points

  Objective 9: Retreat from Kashyyyk

	The missing patrol squad can be easily found by right clicking
	on the flashing green circle on the mini-map. Along the way to the
	jamming device you'll see some Wookies but there's nothing you can do
 	with them, so just ignore them.

	For defending the base, just select all of your units and attack the
	Imperials. When the AT-Sts arrive, your plex rocket soldiers will do
	the best against them but you should also use your regular infantry 
	to help finish them off quickly.

	When you get to the first reinforcement point, some Stormtrooper 
	reinforcements will arrive but they are easy to take out. Wait until 
	you are told that you've secured the point and then move on to the 
	next one. You'll notice more Wookies along the way but, once again, 
	just ignore them. When you get near the second reinforcement point, 
	you'll meet more Stormtroopers so take them out and then move over the
	reinforcement point. 
	To end this mission just click on the retreat button when told to do 
	so or press E as it is the default retreat button on the keyboard.


T2. Tutorial 2 - Basic Galactic (Rebel) [SWT2]:

  Objective 1: Move Troops into Orbit Above Kashyyyk

  Objective 2: Move Fleet to Bothawui

  Objective 3: Combine Fleets at Bothawui

  Objective 4: Move Fleet into Orbit Above Ryloth

  Objective 5: Move Fleet to Surface of Ryloth

  Objective 6: Zoom-in to Ryloth

  Objective 7: Select the Ground Production Tab

  Objective 8: Construct a Barracks on Ryloth

  Objective 9: Recruit Two Infantry Platoons

  Objective 10: Select the Space Production Tab

  Objective 11: Construct a Space Station on Ryloth

  Objective 12: Construct Two X-Wing Squadrons

  Objective 13: Zoom-out from Ryloth

  Objective 14: Recruit a Smuggler on Bothawui

  Objective 15: Siphon Credits from Nal Hutta

  Objective 16: Steal Technology from Nal Hutta

  Objective 17: Construct a Base Shield Generator

  Objective 18: Zoom-in to Bothawui

  Objective 19: Create a Raid Fleet

  Objective 20: Zoom-out from Bothawui

  Objective 21: Deploy a Raid Fleet to Tatooine

	Every objective here is self-explanatory. Some things to note, though,
	would be that only the Rebels can recruit smugglers to siphon credits
	from other planets. Also, only the Rebels can steal technology by
	using C-3PO and R2-D2. Raid fleets can come in handy if the Imperials
	have a space force around a planet but little to no ground forces on


T3. Tutorial 3 - Basic Space (Empire) [SWT3]:

  Objective 1: Move Attack Fleet to Kashyyyk

  Objective 2: Follow the Imperial Officer

  Objective 3: Eliminate Enemy Fighter Units

  Objective 4: Follow the Imperial Officer

  Objective 5: Eliminate the Enemy Frigate Ship

  Objective 6: Deploy All Reinforcement Units

  Objective 7: Follow the Imperial Officer

  Objective 8: Eliminate the Rebel Space Station

	Basically you just have to take out some fighters, a frigate ship, and
	a space station. Your ships have the power to weapons ability which 
	can help them achieve these objectives faster.


T4. Tutorial 4 - Advanced Galactic (Empire) [SWT4]:

  Objective 1: Capture the Kashyyyk System

  Objective 2: Upgrade the Space Station on Nal Hutta

  Objective 3: Construct a Research Facility on Nal Hutta

  Objective 4: Upgrade to Technology Level Two

  Objective 5: Recruit a Bounty Hunter on Nal Hutta

  Objective 6: Neutralize Smuggler on Nal Hutta

  Objective 7: Deploy Probe Droid to Corellia

  Objective 8: Deploy Probe Droid to Ryloth

  Objective 9: Construct Two Acclamator ships.

  Objective 10: Construct an Officer Academy

  Objective 11: Recruit a Field Commander

	Some things to note from this:

	While the Rebels steal technology, the Imperials must create research
	facilities to gain new technology. 

	The Imperials can get rid of Rebel smugglers by hiring a bounty hunter
 	to eliminate the smugglers. You can tell there is a smuggler on the 
	planet because of the altered money symbol by the planet. You are 
	capable of hiring a bounty hunter because there is a Hut palace on the

	The Empire must deploy probe droids to a planet in order to gain 
	information on that planet.

	Field commanders can be useful because they give a combat bonus to all
 	friendly units within a battle.


T5. Tutorial 5 - Advanced Land (Empire) [SWT5]:

  Objective 1: Combine All Fleets Located on Nal Hutta

  Objective 2: Deploy Land Units to Surface of Ryloth

  Objective 3: Capture the Reinforcement Point

  Objective 4: Deploy All Reinforcements

  Objective 5: Destroy the Jawa Sandcrawler

  Objective 6: Advance on the Rebel Base

  Objective 7: Destroy the Power Generator

  Objective 8: Eliminate the Rebel Base

	When you get to the planet's surface, select all of your units and 
	move them to the reinforcement point. You'll have to shoot down some 
	enemies along the way. Once the point is secured, notice the green 
	square above the reinforcement point. You can build defenses on these 
	structures but for now the only semi-useful thing to build would be a 
	bacta tank for healing.

	Once you've brought in your reinforcements, send all of your forces to
	destroy the Sandcrawler. Remember that indigenous enemies such as 
	Jawas will continue to attack you until you destroy their habitat. 

	Click the Bombing Run icon and select an area to bomb when you are
	told to do so. Just pick an area where a lot of Rebel troops are and
	note that the bombing run will start a good bit before the targeted
	area and will continue on up to the area. Also, note that once you
	use the bombing run, it will take some time before you can use it 

	Before destroying the power generator, first secure the reinforcement 
	point. Once it is secured you can build two defense structures if you 
	want. Just wait until you can use the bombing run again and a good 
	target area would be where the giant arrow is pointing down to. After 
	the bombing run, you can just use your troops to finish off the 
	remaining rebels.

T6. Tutorial 6 - Land Skirmish Mode [SWT6]:

There no objectives as all you can do here is watch.

  Some things to note:

	When you build any units they always go to your reinforcement pool.
	So you will have to then bring them in at a reinforcement point.

	If you lose a structure, any upgrades that you made at that structure
	will also be lost.		

	You need to have mining facilities and resource pads in order to 
	gain income.


T7. Tutorial 7 - Space Skirmish Mode [SWT7]:

There no objectives as all you can do here is watch.

  Some things to note:
	If a space station is lost, any upgrades created at the station will
	also be lost.

	You can increase your technology level by upgrading your space station
	to the next level. This will also make your station stronger.

	The more asteroid mining facilities that you acquire, the greater your
	income will be.


C. Campaign Mode [SWC]:

	In the campaign mode, you can play as either the Rebels or the Empire.
	In this mode, you must complete objectives given to you to complete
	each mission. For this mode, each mission will be a land or space
	battle. After each battle you will go to Galactic map to gather more
	troops, organize them, etc. before continuing on to the next battle.
	You will definitely want to make your own saves each time you get back
 	to the galactic map. 


RC. Rebel Campaign [RC]

RC1. Mission One: Shipyard Diversion [RC1]

Space Battle:

  Objective 1: Destroy the Six Imperial Shipyards

  Objective 2: The Sundered Heart Must Survive

	Your first task is to destroy the six shipyards. Just pick off one 
	station at a time and you should be fine. The Imperials' defenses
	aren't too difficult to handle as long as you don't try and go up 
	against a ton of them at once. At each shipyard, focus on the Tartan
	Patrol Cruisers and the laser defenses. After those are gone, the Ties
	should be easy pickings. Once you take out the defenses of a station,
	destroy the station by taking out its supply depots since they will
	cause the whole station to blow up (Liquid_Pie notified me of this)
	and then move on.


RC2. Mission Two: Interpreting the Network [RC2]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Take R2D2 with a ground assault force to Wayland and have him steal
	codes from the Imperial network.

	Start Building up your forces by constructing a level 2 space station.
	Then build some Y-Wings. Combine your ground troops from Aldeeran and 
	Yavin 4 and also put your Y-Wings with them so that you can do bombing
	runs. Send this fleet with C-3PO and R2-D2 to Wayland. 

	Note: You can capture Kuat and/or Korriban now or later if you want 
	to. Korriban can be done now, but I would wait until you get MPTL 
	Artillery before attempting Kuat. Check the sidequests section for 
	each when you're ready for them.


Land Battle:

  Objective 1: The Droids Must Survive

  Objective 2: Escort Artoo to the Uplink Station

  Objective 3: Escort the Droids to a Friendly Reinforcement Point

	First, you'll want to bring in all of your reinforcements. While you
	are doing this, advance just enough to get the attention of the 
	Imperials. Use T2-B tanks to take out the stormtroopers that will come
	after you and you can then either go up and take out the nearby turret
	or take it over by using C-3PO and R2-D2. If you destroy it, then
	build a new anti-vehicle turret in its place because enemy
	reinforcements will appear once R2-D2 gets to the uplink station.

	When you have all of your reinforcements, advance forward with your 
	tanks up front to handle the AT-STs. Secure the area and move to the
	right to take the turret over there. It is important that you either
	have control over the 3 turrets or build new anti-vehicle turrets in
	their places. Before sending R2-D2 to the uplink, send a group of 
	infantry to take over the two reinforcement points so that the area
	around them is visible. This is important because Imperial 
	reinforcements will come in from these locations. You should be able
	to handle them with your ground forces but, if you want, you'll be 
	able to do a bombing run on any of these reinforcements because you 
	can see the area where they are landing.
	Now organize all of your troops to the left of the turret in the main
	base area and then have R2-D2 go to the uplink station. Imperial 
	reinforcements will first come in from the top left so move your tanks
	out in front over there to meet them. Take out the AT-Sts first 
	because they are the biggest threat. Try to make quick work of them
	because reinforcements will now being coming up from the bottom left.
	Your turret should be able to stall those forces long enough for you
	to finish off the other forces and get over to deal with this new
	threat. While you are handling these enemies more will move up from
	the bottom right. Again, your turret over there should stall them long
	enough for you to take out most of the forces you are currently 
	fighting. You'll need to then move most of your troops over to the
	right to handle them. 

	Once you've mopped up the remaining enemies and R2-D2 finishes with
	the uplink station, move him to any one of the reinforcement points.


RC3. Mission Three: Theft of the X-Wing [RC3]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Take a ground assault force to Fresia and capture the X-Wing fighters.

	First move one of your units to the surface of Wayland to conquer it.
	Then you might want to build another set of tanks or troops to help
	in the next battle. When you're ready move your forces to Fresia for 
	another land battle.

	Note: You could also try to capture Korriban but this isn't necessary.
	If you want to try this check the Rebel's sidequest section.


Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Escort the Pilots to the X-Wings	

  Objective 2: At Least One Pilot Must Survive

  Objective 3: Destroy the Power Generator to Disable the Turbolaser Towers

  Objective 4: Destroy All Anti-Aircraft Turrets

Longer, possibly more difficult strategy:
	Note that for this mission I don't specify when to perform bombing
	runs. I'll leave it to you to decide when you need a bombing run.
	Some good times to use it, though, are when you get up to the 
	Imperial base and are up against a lot of enemies. Just make sure
	not to try a bombing run once the Imperials build Anti-Aircraft

	Start off by bringing in more T2-B tanks and then bring in some
	infantry and plex missile soldiers. Several groups of 
	Stormtroopers will come and attack you, so you'll want a group of
	tanks at the northeast of the reinforcement point and another group
	to the left to handle them. Have the pilots at the bottom of the 
	reinforcement point and throughout this battle keep them in the rear
	so that they all live through this. I like to make a group for the 
	pilots along with one for the tanks and one for the infantry so that
	you only have to hit a number to switch between these groups.

	Once you've brought in all the reinforcements that you can and have
	dealt with the stormtroopers, go left and up the path. Keep your
	tanks out in front followed by units infantry/plex soldiers. As you
	move up the left side you'll come across quite a few Stormtroopers but
 	your tanks should be able to take care of them. While you are 
	finishing off these guys, 2 more groups of Stormtroopers will probably
	move in from the right and come towards your rear. So move your
	infantry over to greet them (along with your tanks if you can).

	Now move back on up the left side to meet some more Stormtroopers and
	take them out. When you get near the reinforcement point at the top
	left you'll come across a group of AT-STs. So I would keep circling 
	your tanks around them to try and make them target different tanks.
	Have you plex rocket soldiers be behind the tanks to help out.

	To the right of the reinforcement point will be a few more AT-STs and 
	2 turrets so draw the AT-STs out so that you don't have to fight both
	them and the turrets at the same time. Secure the reinforcement point
	so that you can bring in more units.

	When you are ready, move in with your tanks in front. Target one of
	the turrets with your tanks and infantry then go for the other one
	when the first is gone. After that clear out the Stormtroopers and
	finish off the generator but don't advance too far because there are 
	a few more turrets. There will be 2 to the right and some more to the 
	south. Carefully move in and take them all out one at a time. 

	Now before you move towards the reinforcement point on the right, 
	gather your forces together and this time send your infantry and tanks
	in together so that your infantry can quickly capture the point. The 
	faster you capture the point, the less enemies you'll have to go up

	When you're done at the reinforcement point move down towards the
	X-Wings. Be careful, though, because there are 2 more turrets guarding
	them. Try to take them out one at a time. There will also be some
	Stormtroopers to the left but they shouldn't be much of a problem.

	Now have your pilots go to the X-Wings. You'll get a fourth objective
	to take out all the anti-aircraft turrets and more Imperial 
	reinforcements will arrive. You'll be up against some more maulers,
	AT-STs and Stormtroopers.

	So what do we do? Try to pick them off one or two at a time like
	usual. Using this strategy make your way through their reinforcements,
	while destroying the turrets along the way. Get rid of every turret
	to finally end this mission.

	When you get back to the Galactic map there might be some Imperial
	forces above Fresia. They should only have some shuttles, though, so
	just send some ships to take them out.

Alternate Strategy by Liquid_Pie:
	Guide one tank up the left path to the shield generator so that it
	gets there when you can perform a bombing run. Destroy the generator
	with the bombing run. You can now go up the right path past the 
	turbolasers to the X-Wings. Take out the anti-aircraft turrets that
	start building near you, and use a bombing run to take out the ones
	in the middle. Make sure you use the bombing run before the turrets
	are completed so that you don't lose any Y-Wings.


RC4. Mission Four: Kessel Rescue [RC4]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Use Y-Wing fighter's ion cannon special ability to immobilize the 
	convoys shuttles then rescue the prisoners with the Sundered Heart.

	You'll probably want around 5-6 Y-Wings for this mission so you'll
	probably need to build a few more.

	Note there are Imperials above Fresia and they are easy to kill off. 
	If you want to get rid of them, see the Rebel sidequest called Fresia 
	Space Battle.


Space Battle:

  Objective 1: Use Y-Wings to disable the six shuttles

  Objective 2: The Sundered Heart must survive

  Objective 3: All of the shuttles must survive

	This mission may look rather difficult, but it really isn't. You'll 
	want to move all of your units forward towards the Imperials. When you
 	get to the first Acclamator and fighters, just keep going past them. 
	Then when you get near the shuttles, pause the game. While paused, 
	select one Y-Wing, select its ion cannon special ability and target 
	one of the shuttles. Do this twice more for the other shuttles. Then 
	unpause, and when the shuttles are stopped, just have the Sundered 
	Heart go up to each of them. Now, just repeat this process of running 
	past the enemies and getting the shuttles to win this mission and get 
	a lot of new technology. Also, note that you could use the Sundered 
	Heart's special ability on one of the Acclamators to make it even 
	easier to go right past.


RC5. Mission Five: Stealing From the Rich [RC5]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Drag the droid into the Steal action on an Imperial planet to steal

	Just drag the droids (and only the droids) to the steal action on
	an Imperial planet, then select one of the technologies to steal.
	For the first choice I would go with the heavy factory so that you can 
	get some MPTL Artillery. 
	In total there are three sets of stealable technology:

	Set 1:
	Correlian Gunboats, Marauder Cruisers, Ion Cannon, Heavy Factory, 
	Turbolaser Towers

	Set 2 (Obtainable after finishing the 1st set):
	Assault Frigates, T4-B Tanks, Infiltrator Academy

	Set 3 (Obtainable after you've beaten mission six and have finished 
	the 2nd set):
	Assault Speeders, A-Wing Squadrons 

	After stealing some technology you are told to tend to your planets. 
	So build up some better stations, factories, troops, etc. While doing
 	this, remember that if Mon Mothma is on the planet it will cost less 
	to build everything.

	Next you are told to go capture some more planets. It's still optional
	how many and which ones you want to take over so check out the 
	sidequests section for each of the planets that you can now go to on
	your map.


RC6. Mission Six: Imperial Liberation [RC6]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Send a ground assault force to Kashyyyk and assist this crusader in
	liberating as many Wookies as possible.

	Just bring a nice sized ground force; Tanks, artillery, infantry,
	missile soldiers and Y-Wings.


Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Han Solo must survive.

  Objective 2: Destroy at least 5 prisons.

	There's basically a hard way and an easy way of doing this mission.

	The hard way: 
		Basically just move forward with tanks in front. You'll meet
		some Stormtroopers and a turret by the first 2 prisons. Take
		them out and then have Han go to each prison (When he is by
		the prison he'll stop, no longer be moveable and will blow
		up the prison after a little wait.) Some Wookies will come
		out of each prison but you need to send them to their 
		treehouses to pick up weapons. Once that is done, they can
		come in real handy as they do pretty well against AT-STs. And
		why risk your troops when you can risk someone else's?

		When you move towards the third prison you'll meet some AT-STs
		along the way so use your artillery from a distance with your 
		tanks and Wookies up front. By now you should also be able to 
		do a bombing run so do so if you want. When the area is clear 
		have Han go to the third prison.

		In the area between the next two prisons you'll find even more
		AT-STs, turrets and Stormtroopers. So be careful and take your	
		time since the Imperials shouldn't even bring in any 
		reinforcements. You'll also find a Communications Array so 
		that could also be taken out. 

		When all five prisons are destroyed, you'll win.

	The easy(yet cheap) way:
		With this strategy you'll want to bring in your reinforcements
		and just wait where you start at. Press the fast forward 
		button to make things go faster and wait until you can use
		your bombing run. Then select one of your MPTL Spotters (the
		little droids that come with the artillery) and target the
		area that's a little to the southwest of the topmost 
		reinforcement point. You should find a generator, some AT-STs
		a mining facility and a barracks. While you can still see all
		of this quickly select the bombing run on the area to blow up
		everything. Next we just wait to bomb our next target. The
		target is the topmost reinforcement point, you'll want to get
		rid of the maulers there so that they don't come in and try
		to self-destruct on you. After that do bombing runs on the
		areas around the prisons to get rid of the AT-STs and the 
		communications array. After that just send your tanks out in
		front to just mop up what's left and let Han go to each 


RC7. Mission Seven: Highest Bidder [RC7]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Build a fleet. Escort Captain Antilles to Atzerri and recover the 

	Well we need to go to Atzerri but there are several Imperial planets
	in our way. Since you could have already started taking these planets
	back, they are all listed in the sidequests section.


Space Battle:

  Objective 1: The Sundered Heart must survive the battle.

  Objective 2: Disable the pirate's frigate by damaging it.

  Objective 3: Recover the stolen data by moving a ship close to the disabled

  Objective 4: Destroy the remaining Interdictor cruisers.

	The pirate's location will be marked on the mini-map by a green 
	circle. However, instead of chasing him, go south and then east to
	the Interdictors so that you can avoid the rest of the Imperial fleet.
	The pirate will go east and then south and will end up right by the 
	Interdictors. Note that on hard mode the pirate will be disabled in
	the middle of the asteroid field above the Interdictors. So just send
	the Sundered Heart up to get him by using its power to engines 
	ability. Then get out of their quick to avoid the Imperial Star 
	When you get to the Interdictors, start destroying them but make sure
	not to take all of them out until you complete objective 3. If the 
	pirate makes it down here, attack him some until objective 3 shows up.
 	Then have the Sundered Heart move by the pirate to get the data. 
	You could use a different ship, but the Sundered Heart's power to 
	engines ability makes it easy to get to the pirate very quickly. After
	you have the data simply finish off the interdictors to end this 


RC8. Mission Eight: Rescue the Millennium Falcon [RC8]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Take a fleet to Corellia and Rescue Han Solo.

	Before doing this, finish taking over Atzerri to gain 1300 credits.


Space Battle:

  Objective 1: The Millennium Falcon must survive.

  Objective 2: Disable the tractor beam holding the Millennium Falcon.

	This is another mission that looks a lot tougher than it is. Just rush
	your fleet straight up to the Imperial Star Destroyer that has the
	Millennium Falcon. Target only the tractor beam because that is the
	only thing that must be destroyed. Once it is gone the mission is


RC9. Mission Nine: Needle in a Haystack [RC9]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Take Han Solo to Vergresso, find the cargo container bound for the 
	research facility, and attach the EMP device to it.

	Take over Corellia since there should be no opposing forces on it and
	you'll gain 2,000 credits for doing so.
	Then send the Millennium Falcon to the Vergresso Asteroids.


Space Battle: 

  Objective 1: Scan the cargo containers until you find the one bound for 
	       Tarkin's station.

  Objective 2: Plant the EMP device in the correct container.

  Objective 1: The Millennium Falcon must survive the mission.

	Since all you have is the Millennium Falcon, you'll want to avoid 
	everything except for Tie fighters/bombers. You can handle those 
	without any problems but the other Imperial ships will crush the 
	Millennium Falcon. 

	You'll want to go around counter-clockwise and use the nebulas and 
	asteroid fields to help in avoiding the Imperial ships. Basically 
	just go up to each container, wait five seconds, then move on to the 
	next one until you find the right container. There is one container
	up near the top right, however, that I find it easier to just ignore.
	It is the one that is closest to the center of the map.

	Near the end of this Boba Fett will show up. Hopefully, you'll be able
	to find the right container before he gets to you but if you can't
	then you can take him out by getting him to go into one of the 
	nebulas that will take out his shields. Once his shields are down, you
	can use The Millennium Falcon's invulnerability power and take down
	Boba Fett.

	The mission will end once you plant the EMP device in the correct


RC10. Mission Ten: Borrowed Time [RC10]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Build a fleet. Escort the Sundered Heart to Corulag and protect the 
	shuttles while the soldiers search for information.

	First send a unit over to Vergresso to conquer it and gain 600 
	credits. If you want to maintain control of Vergresso you'll have to 
	either leave a ship there or build a space station there.

	Note that after this mission, Antilles and R2D2/C3PO will be leaving


Space Battle:

  Objective 1: Protect the troop transports until the search is complete.

  Objective 2: The Sundered Heart must survive the mission.
  Objective 3: At least one troop transport must survive the mission.

	This mission isn't too bad as long as you stay calm. You'll want to
	position your fleet around the shuttles and then just protect them
	from any ships that come in.

	At the mission's start not too many Imperial ships are active. 
	However, more and more will start becoming active so you'll want to 
	take out as many active ones as you can before more come in. The
	Empire mainly just has Tartans, but after a little bit some Victory
	class Star Destroyers will become active. Later on you'll also be up
	against some Imperial Star Destroyers.

	You really don't have to worry too much about destroying everything
	here. As long as you stay around the shuttles, your ships should be
	able to draw away most of the enemies' fire. You'll receive updates
	on the troop's progress as well as on what ships are becoming active
	(Active ships will have a green circle on them on the mini-map and
	an arrow above them on the main map). Once the troops are done, the
	mission will end.


RC11. Mission Eleven: Handle With Care! [RC11]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Move the Millennium Falcon to Mon Mothma's location.

	You can take over Corulag first to get some more credits (you may have
 	to fight for it).

	IMPORTANT NOTE: After this mission, most of the planets around 
	Carida will go under either the Empire's control or pirate control.
	Also, you will want to bolster your space defenses before this battle 
	because in the next mission the Empire will start moving towards
	Mon Calamari with a massive fleet. You'll want most of your defenses
	around Kuat, Kessel, Kashyyyk, and Corellia. 
	When you are ready, just move the Millennium Falcon to wherever Mon
	Mothma is.


Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Han Solo and Chewbacca must survive the mission.

  Objective 2: Destroy the power source for the turbolaser towers.

  Objective 3: Get Han and Chewie to the storage area and recover the 

  Objective 4: Get Han and Chewie to the shuttle landing point.

	To start off we have to go down and around to where the Maulers are.
	You'll come across Stormtroopers along the way which you can easily
	take out. Then you'll find two turrets in your way so sprint to them
	and have Han EMP them. Then continue towards the Maulers.
	Have Han go to the build pad below the Maulers and build a bacta
	healing station. Have Chewbacca take over a Mauler and use it to run
	over the nearby Stormtroopers. If the Mauler is destroyed you can just
	go to the healing station and finish off the Stormtroopers there.

	When you're done with the Stormtroopers, get out of the Mauler if you
	are still in it. Then go up and take over the AT-AT at the top left.
	Once you have it move it over to where the AT-STs are but don't 
	attack yet. First have Han sprint in and EMP them all. Now take them

	There are Stormtrooper patrols moving up and down the middle area. So 
	while they aren't around the top, run over to the top right to take
	out the generator. You'll have to run over some Stormtroopers first 
	with the AT-AT and take out an anti-vehicle turret. Use the build pad
	here to repair your AT-AT.

	When you're done at the top right, move just to the left of the ramp
	that goes up to some shuttles. From here you can take out the anti-
	vehicle turrets with the AT-AT. The middle Stormtroopers will come
	after you so just run them over/shoot at them with Han.	

	After you're healed back up move the AT-AT to the top middle area.
	There will be some more Stormtroopers just standing around in the 
	middle so line up the AT-AT with them and send it straight down to run
	them all over.

	Move Han in as well and send the AT-AT to bottom of the map. Line
	up with the Stormtroopers to the right and run them straight over.
	Then turn the AT-AT around and get it ready to go back north to where
	those shuttles are. Alternatively, you could get out of the AT-AT and
	take a 2-M Repulsor Tank since it's faster. When you're ready have Han
 	go into the storage depot.

	Now all that will be left is to run to those shuttles. Some 
	Stormtroopers will come down to try to stop you, so try to run over
	as many as you can as you go past them if you are still in the AT-AT.
	Some AT-STs will also start coming to you so it is important that you
	do not stop to fight anything. Just move as quickly as you can to the
	shuttles to end this mission.


RC12. Mission Twelve: The Defense of Mon Calamari [RC12]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Defeat the Imperial fleet before it can reach Mon Calamari.

	At the start of this you'll gain control of Ackbar's Home One plus
	four more Mon Cal Cruisers. So make good use of them when defending.
	The Imperials will probably head for Corellia or a planet around there
	so just be ready to defend this area. Just focus on building some more
	space defenses and try to stop them as they advance. As long as you
	stop their massive fleet before it takes over Mon Calamari, you'll
	win this mission.

	Note that once you defeat their fleet, they will bring out their 
	ultimate weapon and take care of Alderaan with it.


RC13. Mission Thirteen: The Final Battle [RC13]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Confront the Death Star in a tactical battle that includes Red 
	Squadron. If Red Squadron survives the battle, Luke can destroy the
	Death Star and win the game.

	The Death Star moves very slowly so you should have plenty of time to
	figure out where it is going next. As Duke_Rendar points out, the 
	Death Star's course will be displayed once it destroys Alderaan. 
	However, you can't defeat the Death Star unless Red Squadron is in
	your fleet. So you'll have to wait a little bit for Red Squadron, 
	R2D2/C3PO, and the Millennium Falcon to show up above Yavin 4. When 
	they do, move Red Squadron in with your fleet and then move them to 
	where the Death Star is headed. In the battle just keep Red Squadron 
	in the back out of harms way. Destroy all of the Empire's forces in 
	the battle to beat the Rebel Campaign.


RCAE. Alternate Ending [RCAE]

	First, I'd like to thank Evan for finding this alternate ending and 
	pointing it out to me.

	Instead of destroying the Death Star, there is another way to win the
	Rebel Campaign and if you do this you will see a different ending
	cinematic. The way to achieve this is to capture the ground of every
	available planet once Alderaan is destroyed. Once you capture every
	planet you will see a different ending. 

	This will certainly be a tough task, however, so you'll want to have
	plenty of ground and space units. The toughest battle will be 
	Coruscant but several of the other Imperial planets will also be well
	defended. Make good use of your Assault Speeders and try to move 
	quickly from planet to planet so that the Death Star doesn't destroy
	many of your planets while you are attempting this task.


RCS. Rebel Campaign Sidequests [RCS]

	In the campaign there are some planets that can be captured at various
	points during gameplay. I'm calling these sidequests because you don't
	truly need to do these at all. However, it can be helpful to get more
	planets and increase your income. For most of these it will be hard
	to come up with a strategy that will work every time since the enemies
	you'll be up against can vary. Korriban and Kuat shouldn't vary too
	much if done by the time you get artillery. The rest I'll just offer
	more general info on because they can vary by a much greater degree.
	The planets will be listed in alphabetical order.

A note on sidequest space battles: 
	These battles depend on how many Imperial/Pirate ships are in the 
	planet's orbit, but the general strategy never really changes. 
	Therefore, I won't be able to go into detail on how to handle space
	battles for each planet. I will instead just offer some general advice
	right here:

	You can use R2D2/C3PO to get an estimate of how many ships are at a
	planet by sending them to orbit that planet. If the force is small
	then you should have no trouble handling it. However, if it's large
	then you'll need to be more cautious. In these fights remember to
	make use of the Sundered Heart's weaken enemy ability when you can.
	Keep assault frigates up front because they have shields and are
	quite durable. Marauders should be kept back a little bit since they
	have good range. Corellian ships and X-Wings are good for destroying
	enemy fighters/bombers while the frigates can handle the star 
	destroyers and broadsides. Focus on hard points such as hangars, 
	missile launchers, and ion cannons and you should do fine.


RCBesp. Bespin [RCBe]

Space Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1500

  Objective 2: Destroy all Empire space forces to win.

	There is no land map for Bespin so as long as you take the space 
	around it over, you'll have control over the whole planet.


RCBest. Bestine [RCBest]

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1900.

  Objective 3: Destroy all Empire land forces and structures to win.

	You start off with very few units so you'll want to quickly get to
	the reinforcement point at the south. Bring in some speeders, tanks
	etc. when you get there.
	The Imperial base is at the right while their generator should be at
	the island at the top. They may have an anti-aircraft turret covering
	the generator but that should be about it so let some tanks take it

	Have most of your units defend the southern reinforcement point while
	you use speeders and bombing runs to hammer their base. If they
	actually start to build anti-aircraft turrets then pull your speeders
	back and move your tanks/artillery in to finish the job.


RCBo. Bothawui [RCBo].

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1900.

  Objective 2: Many of the Bothans have been slaughtered by the Empire. They
               will help us fight the Empire.

  Objective 3: Destroy all Empire land forces and structures to win.

	First you'll want to gather the Bothans at the bottom right and 
	quickly send them to take the lower reinforcement point. While you're
	sending them over there send 1 group of them down a path that's just
	a little down and to the left. You'll find a mercenary pad which you
	can use to make your T2-B's move 25% faster and get rid of the rain
	penalty to your units. 

	When you get the reinforcement point bring in plenty of T2-B tanks to 
	help defend. You just want to keep defending here for a while, and all
 	that you should face will be infantry.

	While you are doing the aforementioned stuff, you should also be 
	moving your units up top. You should bring in tanks, artillery and 
	infantry. Move these units up and to the left. You may encounter a lot
 	of enemies on the way so proceed cautiously. When you get your bombing
	run use it up here to take out most of the enemies. Then continue to
	the reinforcement point. 

	Bring in some missile soldiers up here with whatever else you want.
	Now we need to take out their shield generator. It's in the top part
	of their camp so use a spotter to locate if you have to. Then send
	down your missile soldiers to take it out. You could also have your
	tanks help out. When their shields are down bring in another bombing
	run to destroy most of their forces.
	Finally hit them hard from both sides and destroy everything to win.


RCC. Corulag [RCC]

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture Planet to Gain Immediate Income: 2300

  Objective 2: The local humans are allied with our enemies. Destroying them 
	       and their structures will go a long way to helping our cause.

  Objective 3: Destroy all Empire land forces and structures to win.

	To start off you'll want some speeders. Send them up to the top left
	to take start taking out the Imperial base. You can send your tanks
	and infantry north because the generator is at the top right. If you
	can secure the top reinforcement point, you should be. Below this 
	point is a prison which you can take over to gain some extra troops.
	There is a sensor array above the bottom left reinforcement point
	if you need it. Just watch out for anti-aircraft turrets and leave
	most of this fight to speeders and bombing runs.


RCD. Dagobah [RCD]

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 500.

  Objective 2: Destroy all Empire land forces and structures to win.

	I have yet to see the Imperials bother much with this planet. So you
	may not even face any resistance when trying to conquer. If you do,
	though, it shouldn't be too much. Speeders and bombing runs should
	do the trick.


RCEn. Endor [RCEn]

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1800.

  Objective 2: Destroy all Empire land forces and structures to win.

	This planet should be virtually defenseless. If you actually encounter
	some resistance just hit 'em hard with your speeders and finish them
	off with your tanks.


RCEr. Eriadu [RCEr]

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1600.

  Objective 2: The local humans are allied with our enemy. Destroying them and
	       their structures will go a long way to helping our cause.

  Objective 3: Destroy all Empire land forces and structures to win.

	This planet will probably be very well defended and may have 
	turbolasers. You only get one reinforcement point but you can bring in
	plenty of units with it. The easiest way to win would be to start by
	knocking out their power generator with you assault speeders. The 
	generator should be at the right of the map, virtually in line with
	where you start. After it's gone use your speeders and bombing runs
	to hit their factories first then their units. There is an abandoned
	communications array at the bottom of the map so capture it with
	infantry to remove the fog of war on the map (capture as in stand by
	it but don't shoot it). The Imperials may start building anti-aircraft
 	turrets so watch the build pads which are located at their base's 
	perimeters. If they do build anti-aircraft turrets, then just send in 
	your tanks and artillery to take them out and help finish off the 


RCG. Geonosis [RCG]

Land Battle:
  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1300.

  Objective 2: Many of the Geonosians have been enslaved by the Empire for
	       slave labor. They will aid in our fight.

  Objective 3: Destroy all Empire land forces and structures to win.

	Bring in reinforcements and move one group of Geonosians down to the
	reinforcement point at the bottom left so that you can bring in even
	more troops. From this reinforcement point go up and to the left a 
	little to find an abandoned mining facility which will give you some
	extra cash. There are tons of Geonosians on the map to help you so 
	send the rest up to the Imperial base. 

	Part of the base will be encircled by some mountainous terrain. This
	part should have the least defense but should contain the shield 
	generator which the Geonosians can take out. There will also be some
	build pads around here so build some anti-vehicle turrets.

	The main part of the Imperial base should be in the top right. It will
	probably be very well defended so a bombing run will come in very
	handy. If you have speeders, which you should have by now, send them
	up there to help get rid of the shields and start taking down the 
	base. As long as the Imperials don't have AT-AA or anti-aircraft 
	turrets, your speeders will be fine. 

	Keep charging in with Geonosians and start moving your forces in.
	As long as you have at one group of speeders this shouldn't be too 


RCH. Hoth [RCH]

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1000.

  Objective 2: Destroy all pirate (or Empire) land forces and structures to 

	I have yet to see the Empire actually conquer this planet. So you'll
	probably be up against some pirates.

	You only get to start with 3 units so you'll want to quickly get to
	the top reinforcement point and then to the bottom one. There are also
	2 mining facilities to the right and left of where you start. There
	is an outpost at the bottom left of the map.

	Your speeders should be able to handle most of this. Just back them
	up with your tanks, artillery and infantry and you should be fine.
	Make sure to watch out for missile soldiers, though.


RCKo. Korriban [RCKo]

Space Battle:

	Gather your space units together and send them to Korriban.

  Objective 1: Destroy all pirate forces and structures to win.

	This is pretty simple as they should only have two fighter squadrons
	and a frigate. Just try and fight each of these groups one at a time
	and you should be fine.

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture Planet to Gain Immediate Income: 900

  Objective 2: The local humans are allied with our enemies. Destroying them 
	       and their structures will go a long way to helping our cause.

  Objective 3: Destroy all pirate land forces and structures to win.

	This part can be somewhat difficult so you may not want to try it 
	early on. You'll definitely want to make use of bombing runs around 
	the reinforcement points and the pirate's base.
	Anyways, you'll want a good size force for this battle and have it
	well divided between tanks, infantry and plex missile soldiers. 
	Advance cautiously and try to pick off a few enemies at a time. Do NOT
	have your tanks go up against their missile soldiers because you
	will suffer high casualties. You want your infantry to handle the 
	missile soldiers while your tanks, with your missile soldiers behind 
	them, handle the enemy vehicles.

	If you lose units, you can bring in more at your reinforcement 
	point. You can also destroy their build pads and create turrets or
	healing stations on them. Once you've secured this area in the middle,
	you could move up to secure the top right reinforcement point but it
	isn't necessary to have all the reinforcement points unless you want
	more troops. If you go up there, be careful because up and to the left
 	of the reinforcement point is another turret.

	Our goal is to wipe out the indigenous population in the top left and
	the pirate's base at the bottom left. The indigenous troops aren't
	much of a threat so just go over to the top left and wipe them out.
	Use your tanks to take out the buildings while ignoring their infantry
	because if you don't get rid of the buildings, you'll face a never
	ending supply of infantry.

	Now with that done, all that's left is the pirate base. The place is
	pretty well guarded with vehicles, infantry, missile soldiers, and 
	turrets. So, as usual, try to move in then back out to pick off a few
	at a time. Take out their base to end this.


RCKu. Kuat [RCKu]

I would definitely advise having Y-Wings, artillery, tanks, and infantry in
your attack force. You'll want to take this planet right after you get the
artillery so that the Empire doesn't send a space fleet to Kuat.

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1800

  Objective 2: The local humans are allied with our enemies. Destroying them 
	       and their structures will go a long way to helping our cause.

  Objective 3: Destroy all Empire land forces and structures to win.

	To start off you'll want to quickly bring in reinforcements so that
	you have some infantry, some tanks, and some artillery. Rush the 
	top left reinforcement point with your tanks and infantry while your
	artillery supports them long range by targeting incoming AT-STs. When
	you reach the reinforcement point, keep the tanks by the build pads.
	Send one set of infantry to each build pad and the third set to the
	reinforcement point. Build some turrets and bring in some more tanks,
	missile soldiers, etc as reinforcements and take out the indigenous
	base at the are. While you are defending, be careful of the speeders 
	as they will try to set mines. Also, the maulers will try to self-
	destruct by you so if they glow red then get away from them. More 
	Stormtroopers will come in so move your artillery up to your main
	force and have them run over Stormtroopers along the way. 

	Now with your tanks in front, quickly go northeast to the Imperial
	base. When you get there, you should be able to perform a bombing run,
	so do one on their base. Let your artillery pound their AT-STs from a
	distance while your tanks hit them up front and you should be able to 
	win this easily.


RCM. Mon Calamari [RCM]

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: The harsh rain conditions have reduced laser accuracy by 50%.

  Objective 2: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1600.

  Objective 3: The Mon Calamari are loyal to the Rebellion. Leverage their
	       strength to defeat the enemy.

  Objective 3: Destroy all Empire land forces and structures to win.

	You can't bring in many reinforcements but there are plenty of 
	Mon Calamari to rush the middle reinforcement point with. If you
	have speeders by now then they'll come in real handy. If not then
	just bring in some tanks and artillery.

	When the Mon Calamari get the reinforcement point, bring in some more
	tanks/artillery. If you have speeders use them to take out the power
	generator first. It is in the lower right corner of their base. If
	you don't have speeders then have your artillery line up just outside
	their shield's walls and use them to take the generator out.

	Once it's gone use a bombing run to take out most of their base. Keep 
	rushing the Mon Calamari while you back them up with tanks. As long
	as you keep the reinforcement point in the middle you should do ok.


RCNab. Naboo [RCNab]

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1900.

  Objective 2: The Gungans are no match for the Imperial army. We need to 
	       assist them or they will certainly be slaughtered.

  Objective 3: Destroy all Empire land forces and structures to win.

	Bring in some speeders etc. and send some Gungans up to the 
	reinforcement point in the middle. Along the way you'll find a 
	mercenary outfitter. There's also a sensor array to the right and then
	down from the middle reinforcement point that can be captured to 
	remove the fog of war. Once you take control of these, just keep 
	rushing the Gungans to the Imperials. 

	The Empire's main base is directly north of you but their power
	generator should be at the top right near the second reinforcement
	point. Your tanks should be able to handle the top right area while
	your speeders, bombing runs, and Gungans handle the Empire's main 


RCNal. Nal Hutta [RCN]

	This planet will start off under control of pirates. However, the 
	Empire will come and take this planet over if you don't take it over
	first. So, it is best to let the Empire fight it out with the
	pirates. Once the Empire takes control of the planet, it should be
	easy to take over because the Empire won't have time to build up their
	defenses here. They might not even leave any troops on the planet 
	which will allow you to take over the planet without even having to
	fight for it.

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 2400.

  Objective 2: The Hutts are growing weary of invaders. They will attack if 

  Objective 3: Destroy all Pirate (or Empire) land forces and structures to 

	If you do decide to fight the pirates, however, you'll want to move 
	quickly on up towards the reinforcement point. The pirates will
	have modest defenses with their base at the top right of the map.
	There'll be plenty of Hutts around to bother you but they shouldn't
	be any trouble to take out. The biggest threat here, will probably be
	the enemy missile soldiers since they can take out vehicles in mere
	seconds. Just be careful of them and you shouldn't have too many 
	problems with this battle.

	If you let the Empire take control of the planet and they still have
	some troops here when you arrive then you should have an easy fight
	with them. They probably won't even have a base up so you'll just
	have to march through the map destroying the few units they'll have


RCR. Ryloth [RCR]

	This is another planet that starts off under control of pirates.
	Once again it'll be easier if you just let the Empire take over this
	planet, then move in and take it from the Empire.

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Heavy wind and sandstorms have reduced rocket accuracy by 50%.

  Objective 2: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 900.

  Objective 3: Local Twi'leks are getting unruly. Raise their structures and
	       you will be rewarded.

  Objective 4: Destroy all Pirate (or Empire) land forces and structures to 

	Pause and bring in some reinforcements. There will be a Twi'lek base
	right behind where you start in the bottom left corner and there will
	be another one right above where you start. So immediately you must
	destroy these structures. There will also be four more Twi'lek 
	buildings in the middle and right of the map. 

	If you are fighting pirates then, as usual, just be wary of their
	missile soldiers as you work your way up to the top where their base

	If you are fighting the Imperials then they may not even build a base 
	here and, if they don't, then their troops should come up to you 
	pretty quickly. Just use your normal strategies to get rid of them. 


RCSh. Shola [RCSh]

	This planet also starts off under pirate control. They'll have some
	pretty good defenses here, so once again you should let the Empire
	take control of this planet before moving in to take it over.

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Infantry sight range is reduced by 50% in ash.

  Objective 2: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 2300.

  Objective 3: Destroy all Pirate (or Empire) land forces and structures to 

	Note: Infantry will automatically take damage throughout this battle
	      because of the planet's effects.

	If you actually decide to fight the pirates, then be prepared for 
	plenty of swamp speeders to come in towards you at the beginning.
	There are two reinforcement points that you should take, and to the
	left of the one at the lower right side of the map you'll find an
	abandoned mining facility that you can take over to gain some credits.
	Just work your way up the map to the pirate base and use your bombing
	run to help take out the base.

	If you end up fighting Imperials here, then it should be an easy
	fight. You'll probably only need tanks and artillery to just mow 
	through the few Imperials that will be here.


RCSu. Sullust [RCSu]

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1700.

  Objective 2: Destroy all Empire land forces and structures to win.

	This is another planet that the Empire doesn't seem to defend very
	well if they defend it at all. 

	Speeders and bombing runs should be all you need to handle this 


RCT. Tatooine [RCT]

Land Battle: 

  Objective 1: Heavy wind and sandstorms have reduced rocket accuracy by 50%.

  Objective 2: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 900.

  Objective 3: The human population on this planet is willing to help in our
               cause. Help support their attacks against the enemy.

  Objective 4: The Jawas have been raided one too many times by the Empire.
               They will fight the Empire to protect their cargo.

  Objective 5: The local Tusken Raiders have attacked our troops without 
               provocation. Demolish their dwellings and you will be 

  Objective 6: Destroy all Empire land forces and structures to win.

	To start off pause and bring in some reinforcements. The Rebels have
	plenty of allies here so we should put them to good use. There are
	some humans close to a reinforcement point on the right so send them
	there. There are others somewhat close to a reinforcement point on 
	the left so send those humans to that point. Then you'll be able to
	bring plenty more reinforcements should you need to do so. The other
	humans and Jawas should just all be sent to the Imperial base in the
	middle. Be careful of the Rancor that is at the top right of the map
	and the Sarlacc Pit Monster that is near the top left of the Imperial
	base but to the left of the mountains. There is no need to go up 
	against these foes.

	There is a mercenary outfitter a little to the left of where you start
	so quickly take control of it. You can then get the two upgrades. Get
	the weather one first so that you can use missiles effectively.

	To the left of this outfitter is the Tusken Raider base so you can
	easily go take that out. 

	The Imperial generator is in the top right corner of their base so
	get some artillery and tanks up there to take it out. The Imperials
	may build an anti-infantry turret up there so be careful of sending
	missile soldiers in from the top. Then use a bombing run to take out 
	most of the base. Finish it off with the rest of your units and the
	indigenous units.


EC. Empire Campaign [EC]

EC1. Mission One: Taking Thyferra [EC1]

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Slay the Rebel scum and burn their buildings to the ground.

  Objective 2: Lord Vader must survive.

  Objective 3: Destroy the Communications Array.

  Objective 4: Destroy the Rebel's power generator.

	To start off you get Darth Vader along with plenty of AT-STs and 
	Stormtroopers. Group them as you wish and send them up the path.
	You'll come across some Rebel infantry, so send Darth Vader in first
	followed by your AT-STs and Stormtroopers. Use Darth Vader's force
	push ability when you are close to the infantry and then just finish
	them off.
	There will be a lone T2-B Tank up the path a little, so just select
	Darth Vader's force crush ability, target the tank and watch as it's

	Go up a little farther to meet some more Rebel infantry. Use the 
	force push ability again to take them out. Then you'll see an
	enemy turret which Darth Vader can take care of. You can then build 
	a bacta healing station or vehicle repair station on the build pad
	if you need to.

	As you move forward, you'll come across a communications array. It
	will be guarded by a T2-B Tank, an anti-infantry turret and some 
	infantry. So lead the way with Darth Vader and make use of his
	abilities. When you're done you can use the build pad here as well if
	you need to.

	As you move towards the Rebel's base you'll be told that their power
	generator must be destroyed first. So move down past the base to the
	generator. Along the way, you'll find more infantry, some T2-B Tanks 
	and another anti-infantry turret. So just make use of Darth Vader's 
	abilities again and back him up with your AT-STs.
	When you secure the reinforcement point you'll automatically get some
	TIE Maulers and Stormtroopers for reinforcements. When you destroy the
	power generator the Rebel's will send down some T2-B Tanks, infantry
	and plex soldiers to attack you. So you'll want to first have a 
	vehicle repair station built and then defeat the Rebel's while you 
	are by the repair station. Remember that your Maulers can easily run
	over infantry.

	Now all that's left is the Rebel base. Use your AT-STs to take out the
 	anti-infantry turrets while your Maulers run over the infantry.
	Have Darth Vader use his force push to help the Maulers. Then just
	finish off the base to end the mission.


EC2. Mission Two: Crush. Kill. Destroy. [EC2]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Build a ground assault force and recapture Fondor.

	Right now the only planet the Rebel's control is Fondor. The only other
	planet that is available but not under your control is Taris. Pirates
	control both the space around Taris and the planet's surface. Since
	the pirates will never attack you, I suggest that you just take as 
	much time as you want to build up your forces. Build some better space
	stations, some mining facilities and more ships/vehicles/infantry.
	Make sure to put an Acclamator in with your ground units so that you
	can perform bombing runs. While you are building units, just be 
	mindful of your population cap.

	You don't have to take over Taris so it will be listed in the Empire 
	sidequest section. However, I suggest that you take it over, build
	defenses on it and then go handle Fondor.


Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Heavy wind and sandstorms have reduced rocket accuracy by 50%.

  Objective 2: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1800.

  Objective 3: The local humans are allied with our enemies. Destroying them
	       and their structures will go a long way towards helping our

  Objective 4: Destroy all Rebellion land forces and structures to win.

	Start off by pausing and bringing in some reinforcements. For this
	mission you'll want Darth Vader, some AT-STs, some Maulers, and some

	Make your way left and run over the infantry you'll come across with
	your Maulers. Use Darth Vader's force push to help as well. Humans 
	will keep respawning until you take out their buildings so try to 
	focus on destroying the buildings. When some T2-B Tanks start coming
	in use Darth Vader's force crush and your AT-STs to take them out.

	At the bottom left corner of the map is an abandoned heavy factory.
	If you stand some Stormtroopers or Darth Vader by it for a little 
	while, you can capture it. Then it will spawn swamp speeders for you
	to use. 

	Once you've taken out the humans, capture the reinforcement point and
	bring in more units. Then get ready to take out the rebel base.

	Their base is at the top right and has numerous anti-vehicle turrets 
	scattered about so be careful. Use Darth Vader and bombing runs to
	handle them. Then just take out the Rebel buildings to finish this 


EC3. Mission Three: Rooting out the Pirates [EC3]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Build a probe droid at a system with a space station and send it to

	Well, the task itself is pretty straightforward and is also all that
	must be done to finish this mission. However, before you do this you 
	may want to take some time to build up some more defenses and get 
	some more money since you can't be attacked at the moment.


EC4. Mission Four: The Pirate Menace [EC4]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Build a fleet and escort Boba Fett from Coruscant to Ilum.

	Well as you can see the pirates have some decent defenses. So gather
	up a nice fleet of Acclamators and Tartans, join them with Boba Fett,
	and send them to Ilum.


Space Battle:

  Objective 1: Boba Fett must survive.

  Objective 2: Destroy all the sensor pods.

  Objective 3: Bring in reinforcements and destroy the pirate's space station
	       to flush out their leader.

  Objective 4: Attack the pirate leader until he submits. Do not let him

	This mission is pretty simple as long as you take your time. Go up to
	each sensor pod and drop a seismic charge. A few fighters may survive 
	the charge so just mop them up with your lasers. Then wait until you
	can use the seismic charge again before going to the next sensor pod.
	Just repeat this process for each sensor pod.
	By the top left sensor pods, you'll find some turrets in your way
	but these can be easily taken down by your lasers. When you finish 
	with all of the sensors, objective 3 will come up.

	Bring in your reinforcements. Let your fighters and Tartans handle
	their fighters and turrets while your bombers and Acclamators handle
	their space station. When the space station is destroyed a frigate
	will appear and objective 4 will come up. 

	Just pummel the frigate with everything you have and you'll have this
	mission won in no time.


EC5. Mission Five: Subjugating Geonosis [EC5]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Build a fleet and escort Darth Vader to Geonosis. You will need a 
	significant number of vessels to successfully invade.

	You can quickly and easily move from Taris to Endor to take over the
	planet without facing resistance. You can also do the same with Byss.
	If you take over Eriadu quickly and move to Naboo, you'll face no
	resistance at Naboo. You can see that Sullust and Eriadu are under 
	Rebel control. However, Bespin and Dagobah are also under their 
	control. So I would suggest trying to quickly move from Rebel planet 
	to Rebel planet and take out all of their forces so that only pirate 
	controlled planets and the mission planet are left. Once this is 
	achieved, you won't face much threat of being attacked. You can build 
	up your forces and take your time with the pirate planets. It's still
 	up to you which planets you want to take so all of these planets will 
	be listed in the sidequest section.

	When you are ready, prepare a space fleet with Darth Vader in it and
	also a separate ground fleet. Send the space fleet in to Geonosis 

	Note: Once this mission is completed, you're technology level will
	increase and more planets will become available.


Space Battle:

  Objective 1: Darth Vader must survive.

  Objective 2: Quash the Rebel space station.

	You might as well just keep Darth Vader where he starts at to make
	sure he lives through this.
	The fight shouldn't be too hard as long as you have plenty of 
	Acclamators and a few Tartans. The Rebels will have a medium sized 
	space station with some Corvettes, Marauders, Nebulon-B Frigates, and
	their garrison of fighters/bombers.

	So move in and let your bombers take out their hangar first. Then 
	just let the bombers target Concussion missile launchers and proton
	torpedo launchers. Use your Acclamators and Tartans to quickly take
	out any Marauders and then the Corvettes. Have your fighters distract
	them and possibly go after their fighters/bombers. 

	Once their ships are gone just go up to the space station and take 
	out its hardpoints. 


Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1300.

  Objective 2: The Geonosians are revolting against their Imperial masters.
	       Dispatch any Geonosian structures that you come across for a

  Objective 3: Destroy all Rebellion land forces and structures to win. 

	By watching the little cinematic before the mission begins, you can
	get a pretty good idea of what you're up against.

	To start pause and bring in your troops. A Geonosian building is right
	by you so once you bring in troops, take it down. You don't need to
	worry about the Geonosians because none of them are much of a threat.

	Once the building is gone, move up to the next two buildings. While
	you are destroying them, use the build pad by them and also move some
	troops to the bottom left to take over the reinforcement point and
	build pads there. Once you've secured the reinforcement point, bring
	in more units and capture the abandoned mining facility that is above
	the reinforcement point.

	Once you've secured this general area, keep moving forward with Darth
	Vader in front. The Rebel base is located throughout the top right
	area so as you're progressing through it use the build pads to keep
	you repaired/healed. Also, use your bombing run on their structures.
	Take out all of their forces to win this mission.


EC6. Mission Six: Attack on Mon Calamari [EC6]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Take control of Mon Calamari space. A fleet of significant size is
	required. Ensure your controlled planets have adequate defenses while
	doing this.

	I suggest that you take over Ryloth quickly because if you have taken
	over all of the other Rebel planets up to this point then Ryloth will
	now be the only Rebel planet aside from Mon Calamari. The other new
	planets will all be under pirate control except for Kuat which will
	start off unoccupied. Once you get rid of the Rebels, you'll have 
	plenty of time to build up your new technology.


Space Battle:

  Objective 1: Crush the Rebel scum and their space station.

  Objective 2: Eliminate all Mon Calamari capital ships.

	In this battle you will be up against just about every Rebel ship
	along with a pretty big space station. So try to eliminate their 
	hangar quickly and then focus on the enemies that can do the most
	damage to you (Y-wings, anything with missiles, etc.). 

	After a while there will be a cutscene and several Mon Calamari 
	Cruisers will enter around the place where you started. These won't
	be easy to take out especially since you'll still be in mid-battle
	with the other Rebel ships. So, you should expect to lose some ships
	in this fight. Just bring in more as needed and you should be able
	to win this. Also, try to make use of your bombers on the Mon 
	Calamari ships.

	Win this space battle to complete the mission and take over the 
	whole planet.


EC7. Mission Seven: Trouble on Kashyyyk [EC7]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Stop the Wookie uprising on Kashyyyk.

	Since no new planets opened up except for Kashyyyk and you've
	probably lost a fair amount of ships, take your time rebuilding your
	forces before starting this battle.


Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Protect the Imperial prisons.

  Objective 2: Stop Han Solo from freeing the Wookies.

	You can bring in ten units so bring in Vader, some 2-M Tanks, some
	infantry and whatever else you want. 

	Take over the nearby reinforcement point and quickly get up to the
	top left one to also take it over. Once you're at the top you'll
	probably encounter Han Solo. He'll leave after receiving a little bit
	of damage. Once he's gone, quickly move on to the last reinforcement
	point so that the Rebels won't be able to bring in any more units.
	The Rebels don't start out with too many units so if you keep them
	from bringing in any reinforcements, it will be easy to kill them all
	and complete this mission.


EC8. Mission Eight: A New Weapon of War [EC8]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Escort Colonel Veers from Coruscant to Carida, and aid him in 
	performing his demonstration of the AT-AT prototype.

	The only new planet that opens up is Carida and it starts out under
	your control. So if you've conquered all the other planets then you
	can take your time to build more units if you want. You can even 
	build on Carida if you want but nothing you build on the planet will
	help you in this mission. It also doesn't matter what units you
	bring besides Colonel Veers because he will be all you get to use.

	Note that after this mission, six new planets will open up. Four of
	these: Manaan, Aeten 2, Fresia, and Dantooine will be under Rebel 
	When you are ready, get Colonel Veers from Coruscant and send him, 
	along with whatever ground forces you want, to Carida.


Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Task: Select Colonel Veers's AT-AT and move it through the 
	       demonstration field.

  Objective 2: Colonel Veers must survive.

  Objective 3: Task: Protect the four observation bunkers by defeating all
	       Rebel invaders.

	To start, build anti-vehicle turrets on all of the build pads. After
	that, you can just follow the instructions given to you since this 
	mission plays out just like a tutorial.


EC9. Mission Nine: The Rebel Fortress [EC9]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Take control of Jabiim.

	First off I would suggest taking out the four other Rebel controlled
	planets: Manaan, Aeten 2, Fresia, and Dantooine. If you take these out
 	quickly then you won't have to worry about the Rebels trying to raid 
	your nearby planets (unless they attack from Jabiim). This, however, 
	probably won't be an easy task because by now the Rebels will have 
	plenty of Artillery and T4-B Tanks to annoy you with and you may also
	start to see Assault Speeders. In my game, Fresia was particularly
	hard to take over because the Rebels had a level five space station
	and some ion cannons on the planet. Therefore, I took over Aeten2, and
	Manaan first. Then I allowed the Rebels to take over Wayland. With
	their forces divided, I had an easier time taking over both Fresia
	and Wayland.


Space Battle:

  Objective 1: Destroy the Rebellion space forces to win.

	You'll be up against every Rebel ship except for Mon Calamari 
	Cruisers and the space station will be at level 4. It is located in
	the middle of the map. You start out right below it and there are
	some asteroid fields between you and the station. If you have plenty
	of Victory Cruisers, some Broadside Cruisers, and a few Tartan 
	Cruisers, this battle shouldn't be too difficult. 

	I suggest using your Victory Cruisers to take out their larger ships
	while you let your X-Wings and Tartans take out their Y-Wings. Use
	your bombers to get rid of their hangar and have your Broadsides 
	use their barrage area ability on the space station from a distance.

	Just replace your ships as they are destroyed and you should be able
	to win this part of the mission without any major problems.


Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1100.	

  Objective 2: The local Humans are allied with our enemies. Destroying them
	       and their structures will go a long way to helping our cause.

  Objective 3: Destroy all Rebel land forces and structures to win.

	Note that repulsorlift vehicles cannot be used on this planet. So you
	will not be able to use 2-M Tanks or Speeder Bikes while the Rebels
	will not be able to use T2-B Tanks.

	You start of at the only reinforcement point and you can bring in up
	to ten units. So pause the game and bring in Darth Vader, some AT-ATs,
	and whatever else you want.

	Use the build pads here and make sure to defend this location because
	you'll need to keep this reinforcement point if you want to keep 
	bringing in troops.

	The Rebel base is located at the left but I suggest that you make your
	way to the right side. Take out the human buildings and work your way
	up to the middle area. Send a unit to the top right to find and take
	out the Rebel power generator.

	Bring in more units as needed and make your way to the Rebel base.
	When you find a large concentration of their forces, hit them with a
	bombing run. Get rid of the artillery and T4-Bs quickly and the 	
	infantry will be easy to mop up. As far as buildings are concerned,
	any heavy factories should be your first target followed by any 
	barracks. Save destroying any light factories for last since they 
	garrison T2-B tanks which cannot be used on this planet.

	Finish off their forces to complete the mission.


EC10. Mission Ten: The Traitorous Moff [EC10]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Build a fleet, locate and defeat Moff Kalast.

	After your space and land battles on Jabiim, you probably suffered 
	quite a few losses. Since the only new planet will be Atzerri, the
	mission planet, you can take your time rebuilding your forces. 

	When you're ready, send a space fleet to Atzerri.


Space Battle:

  Objective 1: Destroy all Rebellion spaces forces to win.

  Objective 2: Defeat the traitorous Moff Kalast.

  Objective 3: Slaughter Moff Kalast's entourage.

	You will hyperspace in right on top of Moff Kalast's Star Destroyer.
	His ship will probably take out the shields on a couple of your ships,
	send out some fighters, and hyperspace away. Thus, objective 2 will
	be a failure. Take out any remaining TIEs and move on.

	Now for the real battle. Make your way towards the Rebel space 
	station which will be just to the right of the asteroid fields. Have
	your Broadsides stay behind the asteroids and use their barrage area
	ability on the space station. Take out the Rebel's hangar with your
	bombers. Kill off any Y-Wings quickly with your X-Wings/Tartans and
	then go after their ships with your Victory Cruisers.

	By now you should be pretty good at defeating the Rebels in space so
	this part of the mission shouldn't be too difficult.


Galactic Map:

	You can take over Atzerri if you wish, and I advise that you do
	since it is under Rebel control. Information on the ground battle is
	located in the sidequests section.

	After the space battle, you will be told that you'll need an 
	Interdictor Cruiser to catch Moff Kalast. The Interdictor will then
	appear above Coruscant. Add it to your fleet, and get ready to take
	on Moff Kalast. He will appear randomly over one of your planets.
	Send your fleet with the Interdictor to him to start the battle. 
	Note that if Kalast appears at the planet where your fleet already is,
	you'll have to send the fleet off of the planet then back to it to 
	start the battle.


Space Battle:

  Objective 1: Destroy all Rebellion space forces to win.

  Objective 2: Defeat the traitorous Moff Kalast.

	Even if you have a space station at the planet that this battle is at,
	it will not be there and there will actually be a Rebel space station
	in its place.

	Start by using your Interdictor's gravity well generator ability. 
	Protect the Interdictor and keep it in the back so that it and it's
	gravity well don't get destroyed.

	Moff Kalast's ship will start out directly in front of you. So attack
	it with all of your ships. Ignore the Rebels because you don't need
	to destroy any of them to win this mission. All you have to do is 
	take out Moff's ship and this mission will be over.

	Note however, that after this mission I saw the Rebels retreat to
	Bothawui. Then after I completed the Bothawui mission, I was attacked
	by them and Moff Kalast again in the space above Bothawui. Before 
	starting the Bothawui mission you can build a level four space station
 	and as many ships as you want. Thus, when the Rebels appear you will 
	be able to easily beat them as long as Palpatine survives. 

	This is an odd glitch so instead of doing it the way I did, you may 
	want to defeat all of the Rebels before taking out Kalast's ship in 
	this mission. If you go for the Rebels first, however, you'll 
	definitely want to hide the Interdictor ship in a corner so that it 
	isn't destroyed.


EC11. Mission Eleven: An Engagement with the Emperor [EC11]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Escort the Emperor to Bothawui and show the Bothans the error of their

	You must send the Emperor by himself to Bothawui in order to start 
	this mission. Before the mission, however, you can build whatever you
	want on the planet. I have heard that this has caused a glitch in some
	people's games where the Emperor won't go to Bothawui after you have
	built on it. I have not seen this glitch ever happen but I do advise
	to make a save before you start building on Bothawui just in case.

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: His Excellency Emperor Palpatine must survive.

  Objective 2: Exterminate all the Bothan rabble and their structures.

	All you can use for this mission are Emperor Palpatine and two
	Imperial guard troops. Emperor Palpatine is basically invincible but 
	the guards will probably go down rather quickly.

	All of the structures that must be destroyed will be highlighted on
	the mini-map. So start by going to the one at the right. You will 
	encounter Bothan infantry along the way but since they can't hurt the
	Emperor, focus on destroying the building. Since all of the buildings
	will keep producing Bothans, just go around and take them out. Ignore 
	the Bothan infantry for the most part but you can occasionally use 
	force lightning on them to start thinning them out.

	Destroy all of the buildings and kill the remaining Bothan infantry to
	complete the mission.


EC12. Mission Twelve: Capturing a Princess [EC12]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Build a fleet and escort Darth Vader to intercept and capture Princess
	Leia at Tatooine. You will need to use the tractor beam from a Star
	Destroyer to capture her.

	Your technology level has just increased so you'll want to spend some
	time building before starting this mission. Note that you can only 
	build Imperial Star Destroyers at Fondor, Sullust, Kuat, and Mon 
	Calamari. Also, remember that the Emperor will reduce the cost of 
	building at his current location.

	When you are ready send a large fleet that contains Darth Vader to 
	Tatooine. You shouldn't need any Interdictors in the fleet since there
	will be some at Tatooine.


Space Battle:

  Objective 1: Save at least one Interdictor.

  Objective 2: Eradicate all Pirate vermin and their space station.

  Objective 3: Lord Vader must survive.

  Objective 4: Hide your fleet in the nebulas.

  Objective 5: Wait until the Princess receives the data transmission.

  Objective 6: Activate and protect your Interdictors.

  Objective 7: Capture the Princess with a tractor beam from a Star Destroyer.

	Start by moving your ships in to take out the pirate ships by the
	Interdictors. Once you've taken them out you can advance to the 
	Pirate space station in the lower right part of the map. Make sure to
	keep the Interdictors and Darth Vader in the back out of harms way. 

	The pirates that are by the station shouldn't even move much so it 
	will be very easy to take them out from a distance with a Broadside's
	barrage area ability. I suggest that you weaken their station with a 
	Broadside or two then move in and crush them with your Star 
	Destroyers. Just be careful not to move your capital ships into the 
	asteroid field around their station because the asteroid field will 
	harm your ships.

	Once the pirates are gone, objective four will appear. Just move all
	of your ships into the nebulas and use the stop command on them.
	Keep your Interdictors by the bottom edges of the nebula so that they
	can quickly get out of the nebula to activate their gravity wells. 
	Keep the rest of your ships in the middle of the nebula so that you
	are not detected.

	Some X-Wings will show up and then Leia's ship will come in. Just
	stay in the nebula until Leia gets the data transmission.

	Once objective six and comes up, move your Interdictors out of the 
	nebula and activate both of their abilities. Objective seven will also
	appear so now all you have to do is chase down Leia's ship with an 
	Imperial Star Destroyer and capture her with its tractor beam ability 
	to complete this mission. To make it easier to capture her you can
	attack her ship's engines to stop her from moving. Also, be sure to
	capture her quickly because some large Rebel ships will start 
	hyperspacing in.

	Note: In my first playthrough of this mission, I thought I lost 
	because I could not get my Interdictors out of the nebula fast enough
 	to activate their gravity wells. However, after the battle I was told 
	that I had won and the game proceeded on to the next mission. I guess
	this is just another odd game glitch.


EC13. Mission Thirteen: The Destruction of Alderaan [EC13]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Build a fleet and escort the Death Star to Alderaan.

	First you should take over Tatooine. You can just set any ground unit
	on the planet because there should be no resistance.

	The Death Star will appear above Coruscant so combine it with your
	fleet. Then send the fleet to Alderaan.

	Note that after this mission the remaining unavailable planets will
	all open up under Rebel control. 


Space Battle:

  Objective 1: Obliterate Alderaan. Fire the Death Star once it is ready.

	A timer will appear at the top of the screen as soon as the mission
	starts. Once the timer reaches zero, a fire button will appear and
	all you'll have to do is press it to win. The button looks like a 
	lever and will be located at the bottom middle of your screen. If you
	have units selected they may be covering up the lever so deselect them
	all to be able to see it. 

	The Rebels will have Mon Calamari Cruisers and plenty of other ships 
	so staying alive won't be very easy. However, the Death Star has a 
	garrison of some Victory Star Destroyers and some Tartan Patrol 
	Cruisers. You will have to bring in your regular units as 
	reinforcements at the start of the battle. I suggest that you bring in
	five Imperial Star Destroyers.

	Just try to defend until you can fire the Death Star and complete the


EC14. Mission Fourteen: End of the Rebellion [EC14]

Galactic Map:

  Task: Take full control of Alzoc 3, Polus, Shola, Hoth, and Yavin. Use the
	Death Star to eliminate difficult ground conflicts.

	You final task is to takeover these five planets. If you wish, you
	can destroy them all with the Death Star just like you destroyed 
	Alderaan. Or, for a bigger challenge you can take over the space and
	ground of the planets. 

	The Death Star method is easier but it will take quite a while for the
	Death Star to reach each planet (you may want to hit the fast forward 
	button). Taking over the ground of each planet will be difficult but
	it may be faster than waiting for the Death Star to get to each 
	corner of the galaxy.
	I will list details on all of these planets in alphabetical order.
	You can attack the planets in whatever order you wish, since it
	doesn't really matter. Once all planets are conquered/destroyed you
	will have succeeded in beating the Empire Campaign!


General Space Battle Info:

	All five of the planets will have ion cannons. 

	The space station level will vary with each planet, some can have
	level five space stations while others can only go to level two or

	The Rebel fleets will also vary with each planet. They will all have
	fighters, Corellian ships, Nebulon-Bs, and Marauders. Most will have
	Assault Frigates, and a couple will have Mon Calamari Cruisers.
	If you're using the Death Star, stay where you start at and defend
	until you can fire the Death Star. Otherwise just use your normal
	tactics. Don't, however, underestimate the Rebels. Even if they only
	have a level two or three space station, if they have plenty of 
	Corellian ships, Marauders, and Y-Wings they can do some good damage
	especially since the ion cannons will be disabling your capital ships.


Alzoc 3:

	Coming Soon!



	Coming Soon!



	Coming Soon!



Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Infantry sight range is reduced by 50% in ash.

  Objective 2: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 2300.

  Objective 3: Destroy all Rebellion land forces and structures to 

	Note: Infantry will automatically take damage throughout this battle
	      because of the planet's effects. Darth Vader and Emperor
	      Palpatine, however, will not take damage.

	You can start off with three units and there are two other 
	reinforcement points. I suggest that you quickly get to the 
	reinforcement point in the middle. 

	The Rebel base will be spread across the whole top area and there
	will be turbolasers spread across the map. The top left section will
	have a shield generator and the power generator will be located inside
	the shields at the bottom left. 

	My method for beating this level was to rush my units up to the top
	left area. I rushed 2-M tanks to the power generator while using
	Palpatine's and Vader's abilities on Rebel vehicles. Try to get as
	many Rebel vehicles under your control as you can with Palpatine's 
	corrupt ability. Then use them as you see fit. 

	Once the power generator is down, the turbolasers will stop. Finish
	off everything in this area, bring in more units if necessary, and
	then progress to the top right area. You will find some more 
	buildings and possibly more Rebel units. So just take them down like
	you normally would. Finally move around the map and mop up any 
	remaining units. Be careful though, because the Rebels may leave 
	quite a few units at the bottom right.


Yavin 4: 

	Coming Soon!


ECS. Empire Campaign Sidequests [ECS]


ECAe. Aeten 2 [ECAe]

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Infantry sight range is reduced by 50% in ash. 

  Objective 2: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1100.

  Objective 3: Destroy all Rebellion land forces and structures to win.

	You can only start with three units so you'll definitely want to 
	move quickly to the reinforcement point at the left. Try to defend
	from here and make good use of the build pads. 

	The Rebels will probably have plenty of artillery by this point in 
	the game so be careful of them and, if you spot one, try to kill it

	Their base is located throughout the top right area so make good use
	of bombing runs to get rid of most of their forces.


ECAt. Atzerri [ECAt]

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1300.	

  Objective 2: The local Humans are allied with our enemies. Destroying them
	       and their structures will go a long way to helping our cause.

  Objective 3: Destroy all Rebellion land forces and structures to win.

	Note: I found this land battle to be the toughest in the Empire's 

	You only get to start with three units but there are two other 
	reinforcement points that you can take. I suggest you bring in your
	troops and quickly head to the reinforcement point at the bottom.
	There are a lot of build pads around the bottom area so I suggest you
	use them all. The Rebels will probably send a large force straight
	down to where your starting point was so try to keep them from taking
	over the point. 

	The Rebels will almost definitely have a shield generator and you're
	going to have to go in and take it out since the power generator will
	be tucked away nicely inside the shields. It will be tough to enter
	the Rebel base from the left most path since there will be plenty
	of trees around that area and the Rebels will have artillery lined up
	behind them. So you should try attacking from the center path that 
	runs diagonally down the map. Hit their forces with as many bombing 
	runs as possible and if you grind this one out you should be able to


ECBesp. Bespin [ECB]

Space Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1500.

  Objective 2: Destroy all Rebellion space forces to win.

	There is no ground to this planet. So, if you get here quickly you
	should only have to deal with a level 2-3 space station and its
	garrison of Corvettes, fighters and bombers. Take out the Rebellion
	forces to take over this planet.


ECBest. Bestine [ECBest]

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1900.

  Objective 2: Destroy all Pirate land forces and structures to win.

	You can only start off with three units so you'll want to go straight
	down and then to the right to the only other reinforcement point.

	Secure the reinforcement point, use the build pads, and defend this
	position. The pirate base is at the middle right so they have to come
	through the narrow pass above this reinforcement point to get to

	Just defend and then hit their base with a bombing run to wipe most
	of them out. After the bombing run, move in and finish the job.


ECCore. Corellia [ECCore]

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 2000.

  Objective 2: The local Humans are allied with our enemies. Destroying them
	       and their structures will go a long way to helping our cause.

  Objective 3: Destroy all Pirate land forces and structures to win.

	You start out at the bottom left and can bring in five units to start
	with. Gather your units and make your way to the top left to get 
	another reinforcement point and to take out four Human buildings.
	After you capture the top left reinforcement point you should start
	encountering some pirate forces. However, Vader and some 2-M Repulsor
	Tanks should be able to take care of them.

	Just work your way around the map. The pirate base is located in the
	middle while the last Human building is at the middle right. A well
	place bombing run in the middle should take out most of their forces.


ECCoru. Corulag [ECCoru]

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 2300.

  Objective 2: Destroy all Pirate land forces and structures to win.

  Objective 3: Find and capture the abandoned Imperial vehicle factory.

	There are plenty of humans to help you and they conveniently spawn by
	reinforcement points, and other capturable things such as the vehicle
	factory. So, just start off by bringing in your reinforcements and
	having the humans capture everything.

	Have the humans defend the reinforcement points and build turrets to
	aid them. You should capture a communications array so that you can
	see the pirate base and perform a bombing run on it.

	Then just move your forces in to help defend and finish off the


ECDag. Dagobah [ECDag]

Space Battle:

  Objective 1: Destroy all Rebellion space forces to win.

	If you get here quickly, this fight will be just like the fight over
	Bespin. If you take too long, then you'll just be up against more
	Corellian ships and possible a frigate or two.


Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 500.

  Objective 2: Destroy all Rebellion land forces and structures to win.

	You only get to bring in two units to start with, so you'll want to 
	have Darth Vader and some AT-STs. Hurry to your right to the next
	reinforcement point so that you can bring in more units.

	Bring in some Stormtroopers and some more AT-STs. If you got here 
	quickly, then the Rebels will only have some infantry, plex missile 
	soldiers, and T2-B Tanks. So just lead the way with Darth Vader and 
	have your Stormtroopers close by him. Your AT-STs will just be for 
	when you come across T2-B Tanks.

	The Rebel base is located at the top right so when you work your way
	up there you'll want to do a bombing run on the area. After that 
	finish off the remaining Rebels to capture this planet.


ECDan. Dantooine [ECDan]

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1100.	

  Objective 2: The local Humans are allied with our enemies. Destroying them
	       and their structures will go a long way to helping our cause.

  Objective 3: Destroy all Rebellion land forces and structures to win.

	You can start with up to five units so bring them in and immediately
	take out the human building by your starting point. Then advance
	to the only other reinforcement point. Once you get to it, you'll want
	to defend the area and use the build pads.

	If the Rebels have a shield generator, the power generator will be
	located to the left of the lower left part of their shields. Destroy
	it so that you'll be able to perform bombing runs on their base.

	Defend the second reinforcement point and try to advance. Since the
	Rebels will probably have plenty of artillery and tanks, you'll lose
	quite a bit of units. Just keep replacing them and keep pushing 
	towards the Rebel base. Hit their heavy factory with a bombing run
	and move in to get rid of the other buildings. Remember to have your
	AT-ATs deploy some Stormtroopers as the infantry can, at the very 
	least, distract the Rebel artillery. Take out all of their units to


ECE. Eriadu [ECE]

Space Battle:

  Objective 1: Destroy all Rebellion space forces to win.

	If you get here quickly you should only be up against a space station,
	some Corellian ships, and some fighters/bombers.

	Try to lure their Corellian ships into the nebula in the middle to
	get rid of their shields but don't go into the nebula with your 
	shielded ships.

	Just use your fighters and Tartans to handle their fighters/bombers
	while your bombers and acclamators handle their space station.


Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 2400.

  Objective 2: Destroy all Rebellion land forces and structures to win.

	There are no extra reinforcement points here, but you can bring in
	plenty of units at your only reinforcement point. 

	The Eriaduans are on your side and they conveniently spawn right 
	inside the Rebel base. So let the Eriaduans keep the Rebels busy and
	try to keep their structures up as long as possible. They inevitably
	will be destroyed but at least you'll get to see where everything is
	in the Rebel base. 

	Move your forces in with Darth Vader leading the way like usual. You
	may want to wait until you can do a bombing run, then just use 
	Speeder Bikes to race in a light up the area so that you can get rid
	of their light factory and barracks.

	Once you've hit them with a bombing run it shouldn't be too hard to
	mop them up with your forces.


ECF. Fresia [ECF]

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1500.

  Objective 2: Destroy all Rebellion land forces and structures to win.

	You can start with only three units but the humans on this planet will
	help you. So use them to capture the other two reinforcement points.

	Interestingly, I found a Rancor around the middle of this map so I
	simply left it take out some Rebel tanks for me.

	The Rebels will be in the top right area and should have plenty of
	tanks and artillery. However, you should be able to move right on
	in to their base area and take them out with some AT-ATs, Vader,
	a bombing run, etc.


ECI. Ilum [ECI]

Land Battle:
  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 800.

  Objective 2: Destroy all Pirate land forces and structures to win.

	This one can be rather difficult so you'll want to pause and bring in
	your troops. Then quickly take over the nearby build pads and 
	construct turrets on them. While doing this, go to the right to the
	other reinforcement point. Secure the area and build turrets, a
	healing station and a repair station. For the most part, you'll just
	want to defend this area.

	When you can perform a bombing run, have some Speeder Bikes go into
	the southern part of the middle area to find the pirate base and 
	hit it with a bombing run. Your speeders probably won't make it out
	alive but you should at least be able to use their thermal detonators
	on a few vehicles as well.

	Once the base is gone just keep defending your position until you've
	taken out most of their troops. Then just move out and finish off the


ECKe. Kessel [ECKe]

Land Battle: 

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 500.

  Objective 2: Destroy all Pirate land forces and structures to win.

	Well, you start off with only three units but the other reinforcement
	point isn't too far off so quickly capture it.
	Once you've got both reinforcement points, just head towards the top
	left to find the pirate base. The majority of their forces will be 
	located their but be aware that they'll probably have some other units
	roaming the top and bottom left areas.


ECKo. Korriban [ECKo]

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 900.

  Objective 2: Destroy all Pirate land forces and structures to win.

	You start off with four units and you also get the help of some 
	Sandpeople. So rush them to the reinforcement point closest to them.
	They may encounter some Pirate forces along the way but hopefully 
	you can use them to claim the reinforcement point.


ECM. Manaan [ECM]

Land Battle: 

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1000.

  Objective 2: Destroy all Rebellion land forces and structures to win.

	Once again you can only start with three units. There is only one 
	other reinforcement point so head up towards it quickly. You'll 
	probably run into Rebels before you reach it so I suggest that you 
	use the build pads around the middle left area of the map to help

	The Rebels will probably have plenty of artillery and tanks. The tanks
	shouldn't be too hard to defend against especially if you have
	some AT-ATs. The artillery, however, can be very annoying so I 
	suggest you try to take out the artillery as quickly as possible.
	Their base is in the lower portion of the top right area so if you
	can get sight of it then hit it with a bombing run or two.


ECN. Nal Hutta [ECN]

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 2400.

  Objective 2: The Hutts are growing weary of invaders. They will attack if

  Objective 3: Destroy all Pirate land forces and structures to win.

	You start out at the bottom left and can only bring in three units.
	So you'll want to hurry up to the only other reinforcement point on 
	the map which will allow you to bring in an additional five units.
	Along the way will be tons of Hutts, destroy them if you wish but 
	make sure to get the reinforcement point quickly so that this battle
	doesn't become harder than it needs to be.

	Once you've gotten the reinforcement point you'll more than likely be
	starting to face off against the pirate forces. 2-M Tanks and Vader
	work well but watch out for the missile soldiers. The pirate base is
	located at the top right but the pirates may leave plenty of units
	over at the top left.



ECR. Ryloth [ECR]

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Heavy wind and sandstorms have reduced rocket accuracy by 50%.

  Objective 2: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1900.

  Objective 3: Local Twi'leks are getting unruly. Raze their structures and
	       you will be rewarded.

  Objective 4: Destroy all Rebellion land forces and structures to win.

	The Rebel base will be at the top left while their generator will be
	at the top right. 

	For this mission, I decided to try out an interesting tactic where I
	simply rushed some Maulers and Speeder Bikes into the Rebel base. I
	then blew up the Maulers and used the Speeders' thermal detonators 
	around their shield generators and artillery. With the shields gone,
	I used a bombing run to help take out most of their base. Then I 
	proceeded to mop up the rest of them with Darth Vader and some AT-Sts.

	With this strategy you'll lose some vehicles but should win without
	too many problems. And since there should be no more Rebel planets at
	the time, you'll be free to rebuild your forces.


ECSu. Sullust [ECSu]

Space Battle: 

  Objective 1: Destroy all Rebellion space forces to win.

	If you get here quickly you should only be up against a space station,
	some Corellian ships, and fighters/bombers.

	Use your bombers to take out their hangar first while your fighters
	handle their fighters. Let your Tartans take out their corvettes and
	have your Acclamators take out their space station one hard point at
	a time.


Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Infantry sight range has been reduced by 50% in ash.

  Objective 2: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 1700.

  Objective 3: The Sullustans have long been allied against the Empire. 
	       Decimate their buildings and a bonus will be given to you.

  Objective 4: Destroy all Rebellion land forces and structures to win.

	You can only have 5 units at a time here and you also have Sullustans
	to worry about. This is why I've suggested to get here quickly so
	that the Rebels won't have too much in the way of defenses.

	Start by pausing and bringing in some troops. You'll want Darth Vader,
	some AT-STs, some Maulers, some Stormtroopers, and maybe even some
	Speeder Bikes.	

	There will be a Sullustan building right by you so quickly move up and
	take it out.

	As you advance you'll come across some T2-B Tanks, infantry and plex
	missile soldiers. So make use of Darth Vader's abilities and the build
	pads by you.

	The Sullustans will be at the bottom left while the Rebels will be at
	the top right. Just move slowly and use bombing runs and build pads
	to your advantage.


ECT. Taris [ECT]

Space Battle:

  Objective 1: Destroy all Pirate forces and structures to win.

	The pirates will have a couple frigates, some fighters, and an 
	asteroid base. Your fighters should be able to handle theirs. Have
	your Acclamators and Tartans take out their frigates first then move
	in and take out their base.


Land Battle:
  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 2400.

  Objective 2: Destroy all Pirate land forces and structures to win.

	There are plenty of humans on this planet to help you, so just keep
	rushing them at the pirates. Since you can only bring in 4 units to
	start with, you'll want to quickly move up to the only other 
	reinforcement point on the map. At the start of this you'll want some
	AT-STs, Darth Vader, and perhaps some Speeder Bikes. I'll let you 
	decide what else you want to bring in.

	When you secure the reinforcement point, build an anti-vehicle turret
	and an Imperial repair station. Now the pirates will be located 
	throughout the top right area. There is nothing at the bottom so don't
	worry about it. 

	You should rush the humans into the pirate base while you defend the
	reinforcement point. Use a bombing run to soften up the pirates then
	advance your forces in to finish them off. The pirates shouldn't be 
	too tough, but remember to be careful of their missile soldiers since
	they can take out quite a few of your vehicles if you're not careful.


ECV. Vergresso Asteroid [ECV]

Space Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 600.

  Objective 2: Destroy all Pirate space forces and structures to win.

	In this battle, the pirates will simply have tons of fighters and
	plenty of frigates along with their asteroid base. If you think this
	battle will be too difficult, then just wait until you get some
	Victory Star Destroyers to handle this one.


ECW. Wayland [ECW]

Land Battle:

  Objective 1: Capture planet to gain immediate income: 2300.	

  Objective 2: The local Humans are allied with our enemies. Destroying them
	       and their structures will go a long way to helping our cause.

  Objective 3: Destroy all Pirate(Rebel) land forces and structures to win.

	Note: I allowed the Rebels to take over this planet because it reduced
	      the amount of their space and land forces at Fresia. Thus, it
	      became easier to capture both Fresia and this planet. If you do
	      this as well, be sure to take out this planet quickly before 
	      the Rebels can construct a space station and ground buildings.

	You only get to start out with three units here	and if you're facing
	the Rebels they probably won't have any buildings yet. If they don't
	then they will attack you right away. It was somewhat difficult in
	my game because I was up against six artillery, some T2-B tanks and 
	a couple T4-B tanks. If you face a force like this, I suggest using
	some AT-ATs to take them down. 

	If you don't face any opposition right away then quickly make your 
	way to the other reinforcement point. Bring in more troops, use the
	build pads and defend this area. Then make your way up to the enemy
	base. Darth Vader, AT-ATs, and bombing runs will probably be a big
	help in winning this battle.


^. Planetary Data [SWPD]

Planet Name                      
Benefit of controlling the planet

1. Abregado Rae
	AT-ST will cost 20% less to build.

2. Aeten 2
	This planet generates more credits, and gains a boost for mining 

3. Alderaan
	Rebel Infantry will have a 50% damage reduction on all planets.

4. Alzoc 3
	This planet generates more credits, and gains a boost for mining 

5. Anaxes
	Victory Star Destroyers cost 20% less to build.

6. Atzerri
	The income per day can vary from very low to very high.

7. Bespin
	This planet generates more credits, and gains a boost for mining 

8. Bestine
	Acclamator Cruisers cost 20% less to build.

9. Bondan
	This planet generates more credits, and gains a boost for mining 

10. Bothawui
	Reveals tactical information for nearby systems.

11. Byss
	AT-ATs gain a 20% boost to speed and firepower.

12. Carida
	Infantry cost 20% less to build.

13. Corellia
	Corellian Corvettes cost 20% less to build.

14. Corulag
	Infantry cost 20% less to build.

15. Coruscant
	This planet generates more credits, and gains a boost for mining 

16. Dagobah
	Ground bases cannot be seen by the enemy unless they actually land on
	the planet.

17. Dantooine
	Ground bases cannot be seen by the enemy unless they actually land on
	the planet.

18. Endor
	AT-AAs, AT-STs and TIE Maulers get a 15% chance to reflect laser fire.

19. Eriadu
	T-4B tanks cost 20% less to build.

20. Fondor
	Assault Frigates cost 20% less to build. This planet can produce 
	capital ships.

21. Fresia
	A-Wings cost 20% less to build.

22. Geonosis
	MPTL-2A Artillery cost 20% less to build.

23. Hoth
	Ground bases cannot be seen by the enemy unless they actually land on
	the planet.

24. Ilum
	SPMA-Ts cost 20% less to build.

25. Jabiim
	2-M Tanks, T2-B Tanks, Scout Troopers, and Assault Speeders cannot be
	deployed on this planet.

26. Kashyyyk
	Ground bases cannot be seen by the enemy unless they actually land on
	the planet.

27. Kessel
	This planet generates more credits, and gains a boost for mining 

28. Korriban
	2-M Repulsor Tanks cost 20% less to build.

29. Kuat
	Imperial Star Destroyers cost 20% less to build. This planet can 
	produce capital ships.

30. Manaan
	Infantry units automatically heal over time on this planet.

31. Mon Calamari
	Mon Calamari Star Cruisers cost 20% less to build. This planet can
	produce capital ships.

32. Naboo
	T4-B Tanks gain a 25% damage bonus.

33. Nal Hutta
	The income per day can vary from very low to very high.

34. Polus
	This planet generates more credits, and gains a boost for mining 

35. Ryloth
	Stormtroopers gain a 35% bonus to health.

36. Shola
	Infantry automatically take damage over time on this planet.

37. Sullust
	Tartan Patrol Cruisers cost 20% less to build. This planet can produce
	capital ships.

38. Taris
	T2-B Tanks cost 20% to build.

39. Tatooine
	T2-B Tanks and Assault Speeders gain a 25% armor bonus.

40. Thyferra
	Infantry units automatically heal over time on this planet.

41. Wayland
	T4-B Tanks and MPTL-2A Artillery gain a 15% speed boost.

42. Vergresso Asteroids
	X-Wings, Y-Wings, A-Wings and Z-95 Headhunters gain a 25% damage 

43. Yavin 4
	X-Wings, Y-Wings, A-Wings and Z-95 Headhunters gain a 25% shield  


&. Weather Effects [SWWE]

Clear: Has no effect on combat.

Rain: Laser accuracy is reduced by 50%.

Sandstorm: Rocket accuracy is reduced by 50%.

Snow: Most units get a 50% reduction to their sight range.

Volcanic Ash: Infantry units get a 50% reduction to their sight range.


*. Email [SWE]

	If you have a question, comment, or you think you have a better 
	strategy for something, you can email me at 
	Please put either Empire at War, EaW, or something like that in the
	title of the email. As of now, however, I'm obviously still working on
 	a lot of stuff. So please do not ask me about missions I don't have on
 	here. I'll get info on them up as soon as possible.


(. Legal [SWLEG]:

	This FAQ is copyright 2006 Ask_B_007.

	Sites with permission to host this FAQ:
	If you want permission to post this faq on your site or use portions
	of it for non-profit email me at and I will
	probably give you permission.


). Thanks [SWTHX]:

	Thanks to the sites that are hosting this FAQ. 

	Also, thanks to everyone who helped make the Star Wars: Empire at War

	Thanks to those who have sent in tips/suggestions:

	And of course, thanks to you for reading this.


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