
Terraria Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 



            UUUUUUU           TERRARIA  (Walkthrough by: the64dude)
            UUUUUUU       OOOOO
            UUUUUUU      OOOOOO
            UUUUUUU      OOOOOO
            UUUUUUU      OOOOOO

   -Terraria~"                                                               -
  ||          Intro                                                          ||

   DISCLAIMER: 1.2 is freaking insane. I have to rework just about every part
    of the current guide to get everything in. This will take a long while.
    Sorry in advance.

    As of May 16, 2011, we have had a wonderful 2D Action RPG available to us
   for $9.99. The original version of this walkthrough was started on 9/4/11 on
   Terraria v. The current version is Every time Terraria is
   updated, I will start expanding the walkthrough, and fill it with the new
   information. If you have a question or suggestion send me an e-mail at -

   Or PM me on GameFAQs.

   In the first section of the guide, I list the crafting recipes, but I didn't
   find it necessary for the later section where I am "guiding".

   Now, let's get started, shall we?

   -Terraria~"                                                               -
  ||          Version History                                                ||

   (1-11-12)V. 0.1 - First sections done. Many things left out on the table of

   (1-13-12)v. 0.2 - Added things in Table of Contents, fixed some typos/
   unknown info, some more sections finished, and added Version History.

   (6-25-13)v. 0.3 - Man this is a lost project, but I've decided to continue
   it anyway. Added a few sections to the walkthrough and revised others I
   wasn't satisfied with.

   (6-29-13)v. 0.4 - Reworked layout of the guide, revised to table of contents
   because some sections felt unnecssary or bloated the table, added a few more
   sections, and revised other sections.

   (10-20-13)v. 0.45 - Added a disclaimer for 1.2. Attempted to rework ToC 
   around 1.2. Keyword attempted, because even I don't know everything about 
   1.2 yet. (Un)subtlely highlighted that I'm completely rewriting the getting
   started section. Any section that will be changed because of 1.2 has a note
   at the bottom of the section.
   -Terraria~"                                                               -
  ||          Table of Contents                                              ||

    (Use the convenient Ctrl+F option on Windows to skip to a specific spot in
   the guide.)
   Default Controls and Settings........................................- T:000


   Terraria Biome Guide.................................................- T:007

   Ores and Other Nonsense..............................................- T:008

   Crafting Recipes.....................................................- T:009

   Armor Set Bonuses....................................................- T:010

   Buffs and Debuffs....................................................- T:011

   Item List............................................................- T:012
    -Tier 1 (White).....................................................- T:013
    -Tier 2 (Blue)......................................................- T:014
    -Tier 3 (Green).....................................................- T:015
    -Tier 4 (Orange)....................................................- T:016
    -Tier 5 (Red).......................................................- T:017
    -Tier 6 (Magenta)...................................................- T:018
    -Tier 7 (Yellow)....................................................- T:019
    -Item Prefixes/Reforging............................................- T:020

   Enemy Field Guide....................................................- T:021

   Dungeons.............................................................- T:022

   Boss Strategies......................................................- T;023
    -King Slime.........................................................- T:024
    -Eye of Cthulhu.....................................................- T:025
    -Eater of Worlds....................................................- T:026
    -Brain of Cthulhu...................................................- T:027
    -Goblin Army........................................................- T:028
    -Skeletron..........................................................- T:029
    -Queen Bee..........................................................- T:030
    -Wall of Flesh......................................................- T:031
    -Frost Legion.......................................................- T:032
    -Pirate Invasion....................................................- T:033
    -The Twins (Spazmatism and Retinazer)...............................- T:034
    -The Destroyer......................................................- T:035
    -Skeletron Prime....................................................- T:036
    -Golem..............................................................- T:037
    -Plantera...........................................................- T:038

   NPC List and Functions...............................................- T:039
   NPC Quotes and Names................................................._ T:040

   Multiplayer Effects on Gameplay......................................- T:041

   Console Version Exclusive Content....................................- T:042

   Soundtrack Listing...................................................- T:043
   Frequently Asked Questions...........................................- T:044

   Thank Yous and Legal Crap............................................- T:045
   -Terraria~"                                                               -
  ||          Default Controls and Settings                            T:000 ||

    If you visit the "Settings" section on the title screen, you can, obviously
   change the game's performance.

    -Go Fullscreen/Go Windowed = Changes the game from Fullscreen to Windowed 
    -Resolution = Changes the resolution of the game at Fullscreen.
    -Parallax = Controls how much the background moves relative to the
    foreground. Default is 0.
    -Frame Skip On/Off = If off, it makes the game run at its intended 
    framerate; if on, it skips frames to reduce slowdown (On is recommended for
    computers that are equal or near to the recommended specifications for the 
    game (Can be found on the Steam store page)

    -Every color changing thing on the menu works exactly the same. There are
    three sliders that get more and more specific on colors on each bar. This
    was a change from before 1.2, where it was based on number values.

    -If you don't know what this does, then you shouldn't be reading this.

    -If on, the world is automatically saved every 10 minutes.

    -If on, it will freeze the game when you enter the inventory screen.

    -If on, it will show what item you picked up and how much it picked up when
    you pick up an item.

    W = Up (When using Gravitation Potion, this makes you go up)
    S = Down (For the opposite effect of up and to jump down Wooden Platforms)
    A = Left (Moves character to the left)
    D = Right (Moves character to the right)
    Space = Jump (Makes the character jump)
    Q = Throw (Throws the item in your hand out of the hotbar)
    Esc. = Inventory (Let's you view inventory)
    H = Quick Heal (Uses the first Health-healing item, starting from the far 
    M = Quick Mana (Uses the first Mana healing item, starting from the far 
    B = Quick Buff (Uses one of all Buffing items in your inventory at once)
    E = Quick Grapple (Uses your Grappling Hook or Ivy Whip in your inventory)
    LeftShift = Auto Select (See Game Interface in next section for details)
    Scroll Wheel = Cycle between items in hotbar
    1-0 = Same as Scroll Wheel

   -Terraria~"                                                               -
  ||          Terraria Night Survival Overview                         T:001 ||

    Before you start, you will notice that there are options for your character
   and world:

    -Hair = As of now, there are 51 hair shape options; the hair color works
    the same as the Cursor Color option, and as such, I won't go into detail on
    how it works

    -Eyes = Color works the same as Cursor Color

    -Skin = Color works the same as Cursor Color

    -Clothes = Is broken into 4 sub-categories; all colors work the same as
    Cursor Color
    -Gender = Males and females get different outfits and sound effects

    -Difficulty = There are 3 options
     -Softcore = Characters drop half (rounded up) of their money upon death
     -Mediumcore = Characters drop half of their money and all items upon death
     -Hardcore = Characters stay dead for good upon death

    -Small = 4300 Blocks wide and 1200 Blocks high
    -Medium = 6300 Blocks wide and 1800 Blocks high
    -Large = 8400 Blocks wide and 2400 Blocks high

   -Important things to note
    -Weapons have damage counters. Before 1.0.6, it used to be the exact damage
     calculated with the enemy's defense (NOT SHOWN). Now, the damage is in the
     same range as the listed damage.

    -Fall damage won't happen until you fall at least 25 blocks. There is a
     formula to calculate fall damage, which mainly involves your character's
     defense and the amount of blocks fallen. The formula is explained more
     thoroughly and better than I could ever explain it at this page in the
     Terraria Wiki. -

    -Most items under Tier 2 (Blue) will disintegrate in lava.

    -During the holiday season, mobs will sometimes drop presents. These
     presents can contain candy canes or a boss summoning item.

    -When pressing Shift, the game will switch to an item in your inventory
     that corresponds to whatever you are highlighting over. (Ex. Highlighting
     over a dirt block pulls out your pick in your hand until you move the
     cursor to someplace else, then it will pull out whatever you need to
     interact with that object.)

    -When you die, you (since 1.1) drop a Tombstone that, when read, shows how
     you died and is displayed on the screen when you actually die.

    Now that that's over let's start with the guide, shall we?

  -Terraria~"                                                                -
 ||          Getting Wood                                              T:002 ||

   When you start the game, you are given a Copper Shortsword, a Copper 
  Pickaxe, and a Copper Axe. Before 1.0.5, they never gave you a Copper 
  Shortsword. It wouldn't matter anyway, since the easiest sword to make is
  better than the Copper Shortsword. It's also impossible to spawn in a desert
  ever since 1.0.2, so you should be able to find trees easily. To collect
  all of the wood from a tree, hold a left click at the bottom block of the 
  tree. Any block higher will only make it and the blocks higher than it drop,
  and since you can't mine blocks under a tree, it would be best to mine the
  bottom block.
   You start with one NPC known as the Guide. He will tell you what items you
  can make with an item if you present him an item (by inserting it into the
  empty block at the bottom left portion of the screen once you talk to him
  and select "Crafting"). He also gives useful tips (useful for beginners at
  least). He tells you how to attract an NPC to a house and the requirements
  to attract a specific NPC to a house. Many people hate him, and you can kill
  him (Not until ways into the game, though).
   After you have 100 or so wood, your next best interest would be to make a
  workbench. To make a workbench, you need 10 Wood.

  Type: Utility
  Tier: White
  Items needed: 10 Wood
  Amount output: 1 Workbench
  Utility needed: None
  Use: Used for basic crafting recipes, but
  is mostly used for wood recipes.

   I should also mention that there are mushrooms to be found in the game.
  Type: Food/Material
  Tier: White
  Found: Surface
  Heals: 15 HP
  Use: Early game healing and to make 

   If you plan on making a house right now, skip to the next section. If not,
  keep reading.
   Now, place down the Workbench and open your menu next to it. If you have
  extra wood (like I told you to get) you should see a LOT of new crafting
  Type: Wall
  Tier: White
  Items needed: 1 Wood
  Amount output: 4
  Utility needed: Workbench
  Use: Used to prevent mobs from spawning
  in your house.
  Type: Block (somewhat)
  Tier: White
  Items needed: 1 Wood
  Amount output: 1
  Utility needed: None
  Use: Can be jumped onto from underneath.
  Great for navigating out of mineshafts.
  Type: Interactant
  Tier: White
  Items needed: 6 Wood
  Amount output: 1
  Utility needed: Workbench
  Use: To have a way outside of a house,
  while keeping (most) mobs out.
  Type: Comfort (Type 1)
  Tier: White
  Items needed: 4 Wood
  Amount output: 1
  Utility needed: Workbench
  Use: Used as an item to attract NPCs into
  a house.

  Type: Message Board
  Tier: White
  Items needed: 6 Wood 
  Amount output: 1
  Utility needed: Workbench
  Use: Type messages on them, and view them
  Type: Comfort (Type 2)
  Tier: White
  Items needed: 8 Wood
  Amount output: 1
  Utility needed: Workbench
  Use: Used as an item to attract NPCs into
  a house.
  Type: Melee Weapon
  Tier: White
  Items needed: 7 Wood
  Amount output: 1
  Utility needed: Workbench
  Use: Used to kill enemies.

  Type: Hammer
  Tier: White
  Items needed: 8 Wood
  Amount output: 1
  Utility needed: Workbench
  Use: Anything you can't break with a
  pickaxe or axe, most likely, you can
  break it with a hammer.
  Type: Ranged Weapon
  Tier: White
  Items needed: 10 Wood
  Amount output: 1
  Utility needed: Workbench
  Use: Used to kill enemies from range;
  uses arrows as ammo.

   With those items in hand, you should be ready to build a house now (Also,
  the Wooden Sword is an upgrade to the Copper Shortsword. Use it). Also, 
  if you venture out farther, you can find some stone blocks. These aren't
  too aesthetically appealing, in my opinion. However, you can turn them
  into something better in a little bit.

  -Terraria~"                                                                -
 ||          Shelter Building Overview                                  T:003||

   All items you need to build a house is listed above in the last section.
   To start off, there are 2 main categories of houses in this game. One is 
  where you build one house and stack the NPC's houses on top. The other is 
  where you build a tower and have the NPC's live in rooms connected to the
  tower. I personally prefer the second option because of practicality and
  because I like the way I build them. Also, for the second option, there is
  no definitive shape that it has to be, but I like building it as a tower.

   For the first option, the first thing you need to do is to build a base
  20-25 blocks long. You can use wood or stone, but I find it more efficient
  to use wood because stone has more uses outside of building than wood. You
  may be thinking "Hey, wait, can't I make stone tools like in Minecraft?" No,
  you can't. After all, this isn't a 2D Minecraft. After the base, make the 
  walls and build them up about 6 blocks high. If you haaven't already done 
  so, go ahead and move your workbench over into your future house. Now, 
  again, if you haven't already done so, go ahead and make 2 doors (look in
  last section for details). Now break the bottom 3 spaces of your wall and
  replace them with the doors. Afterwards, build the roof on the level of the
  6th block on the walls. Now, for the background walls. If you built a house
  at my recommended size, you should need 100-150 wood/stone walls. Fill the
  spaces in the house with the walls.

  Type: Wall
  Tier: White
  Items needed: 1 Dirt
  Amount output: 4
  Utility needed: Workbench
  Use: Used to prevent mobs from spawning
  in your house.
   Just a note, if you destroy dirt walls that are naturally spawned, it won't 
  drop anything. Plus, the crafted dirt walls look slightly different from 
  natural ones, and the natural ones don't count toward a house's wall.

  Type: Wall
  Tier: White
  Items needed: 1 Stone
  Amount output: 4
  Utility needed: Workbench
  Use: Used to prevent mobs from spawning
  in your house.

   When that's done you'll need one more thing. Torches. Coal? No, gel. Go 
  outside and kill some Slimes to collect Gel. There are also friendly 
  creatures to be found.
  Species: Slime
  HP: 14
  Attack: 6
  Defense: 2
  Special Attributes: None
  Drops: Gel (1-2)

  Species: Slime
  HP: 25
  Attack: 7
  Defense: 2
  Special Attributes: None
  Drops: Gel (1-2)
  Species: Slime
  HP: 40
  Attack: 12
  Defense: 6
  Special Attributes: None
  Drops: Gel (1-2)

  Species: Slime
  HP: 150
  Attack: 5
  Defense: 5
  Special Attributes: Very weak knockback
  Drops: 1 Gold Coin/RARE: 1 Platinum Coin
  Species: Friendly
  HP: 5
  Attack: 0
  Defense: 0
  Special Attributes: None
  Drops: None

  Species: Friendly
  HP: 5
  Attack: 0
  Defense: 0
  Special Attributes: None
  Drops: Goldfish (1)
  Species: Freindly
  HP: 5
  Attack: 0
  Defense: 0
  Special Attributes: None
  Drops: None

  Type: Material
  Tier: White
  Drop: Various Slimes, Gastropods
  Use: Torches and making things sticky

   After you've collected some gel, open up your inventory.

  Type: Light Source
  Tier: White
  Items needed: 1 Wood, 1 Gel
  Amount output: 3
  Utility needed: None
  Use: To light up the place.
   Right now, you can make another type of torch. It's purely for aesthetic 
  appeal and is more resource-draining than regular torches.

  Type: Light Source
  Tier: White
  Items needed: 1 Torch, 3 Wood
  Amount output: 1
  Utility needed: Workbench
  Use: To light up the place.

   And one last thing you should get is the Furnace.

  Type: Utility
  Tier: White
  Items needed: 20 Stone, 4 Wood, 3 Torches
  Amount output: 1
  Utility Needed: Workbench
  Use: To mold things into bricks and forge
  ores into bars.

   Now, for the second option, I recommend doing the same as the first type, 
  but half as wide. You can build up floors later.
   If you want to put the Guide in your first house, do this in the original
  room/house. If not, then build another room or house and do this in the new
  room/house. Take a Chair and a Table (Listed in the last section) and place
  it on the floor. The requirements for something to qualify as an official 
  "house" in Terraria are:

  -Must be a minimum of 8x4 or 7x5 blocks. (Width x Height).
  -Have a Type 1 comfort item (Chair, Bench, Toilet, Bed, or Throne).
  -Have a Type 2 comfort item (Workbench, Table, Dresser, Bathtub, Piano, 
   or Bookcase).
  -Have a light source (Torch, Tiki Torch, Candle, Candelabra, Chandelier,
  Chain Lantern, Skull Lantern, Chinese Lantern, or Demon Torch).
  -Have all wall spaces filled.
  -Have a Wooden Door or Wooden Platforms on the floor or roof.
  -One solid block on the floor (Known as an NPC block) for the NPC to stand
  -Don't have any corruption near the house.
   Right now, you can't make a lot of the things that are options for making
  a house. Don't bother with them.

  -Terraria~"                                                                -
 ||          Things to Avoid Right Now and Night Overview               T:004||

   Right now, if you see the sky turn orange, TURN BACK NOW! You will most
  likely die due to insufficient gear levels to deal with the mobs in these
  biomes. Just in case you would like to know, these biomes you should avoid
  are the Jungle and the Corruption. The Jungle is made out of mud and has a
  lighter tint of green as grass. The Corruption is made of dirt and has purple
  grass. Also, if you see a Zelda II style dungeon entrance, don't go into the
  dungeon, or a giant, spinning skull will samsh into you and deal over 9000

   ....I'm not joking. Also, if you're exploring at night, don't talk to the
  Old Man in front of the dungeon. He will give some warnings about you being
  underpowered, so you know to stay away.

   So when nighfall comes, the music will change, as it will when you enter the
  Corruption or Jungle. Two more enemies will now appear, and any Slimes left
  alive will become aggressive.

  Species: Undead
  HP: 45
  Attack: 14
  Defense: 6
  Special Attributes: Has a chance of being
  scalped, which is only for appearance.
  Drops: Shackle (Uncommon)

  Species: Eyeball
  HP: 60
  Attack: 18
  Defense: 2
  Special Attributes: Flies like all
  Drops: Lens (Common)

  Type: Accessory
  Tier: Blue
  Dropped: Zombie
  Use: +1 Defense

   Since not many accessories are available right now, this thing is a good
  thing to equip.
  Type: Mateerial
  Tier: White
  Dropped: Demon Eye
  Use: Craft things with it

   If you get 2 lenses, put a chair next to a Workbench, and make some
  Type: Headgear/Vanity
  Tier: Blue
  Items needed: 2 Lenses
  Amount output: 1 Goggles
  Utility needed: Workbecnh and Chair
  Use: +1 Defense

   They are useful for early game.

   Also, randomly during the night, stars will fall out of the sky. If they hit
  an enemy, it will do massive damage. It won't happen often, however.

  Type: Material
  Tier: Blue
  Found: Surface (Night)
  Use: To make many Mana related things

   If you get 10 of these things, you can combine them into an item that will
  increase your Mana cap by 20. Mana maxes out at 200, but can be increased
  further through equipment and a buff. I won't list the entry for the item
  because it's highly unlikely you will get one on the first night.

   So, the basics for actually surviving the night. If you feel ballsy, go
  and fight the Demon Eyes. The Zombies shouldn't be a problem because they
  only walk to your direction and occassionally jump. The only thing bad about
  them is their high (early game) Defense stat. Demon Eyes have awful Defense,
  but good HP and some nasty early game Attack. It would work out either way,
  but don't go headfirst into them. That would be a bad idea. If you don't want
  to fight, then just wait it out. It will eventually turn daytime again.

   -Terraria~"                                                               -
  ||          How to Get Started After the First Night                 T:005 ||

   When that relieving daytime music starts playing again, the Zombies and 
  Demon Eyes will run away. Your first priority shoud be to get a Furnace if
  you haven't already. Then, you should go find an entrance to a cave on the
  surface. Most of the time, there will be a chest near the entrance. Most
  times, it will contain one of two treasures.
  Type: Ranged Weapon
  Tier: White
  Found: Higher cave chests
  Ammo: Seeds
  Use: Allows seeds to be collected from

   This may be good, if you haven't made a Wooden Bow. The thing is way too
  slow and isn't powerful enough to be more useful for it.

  Type: Melee Weapon
  Tier: White
  Found: Higher cave chests
  Use: Longer range than any sword at this

   Whoa, does this Spear have great attack and range for a melee weapon. It
  also goes in any direction, unlike the Wooden Sword. It will last a while
  until you get better things than the Iron Broadsword.

   Deeper in the cave you may have found, you will probably find brown,
  gray-brownish, and possibly silver rocks. These are Copper, Iron, and Silver.
  These are the basic ores in the game. If you do find some, you can make them
  into bars for the respective ores.

  Type: Material
  Tier: White
  Items needed: 3 Copper Ore
  Amount output: 1
  Utility needed: Furnace
  Use: Copper and other things
  Type: Material
  Tier: White
  Items needed: 3 Iron Ore
  Amount output: 1
  Utility needed: Furnace
  Use: Iron and other things
  Type: Material
  Tier: White
  Items needed: 4 Silver Ore
  Amount output: 1
  Utility needed: Furnace
  Use: Silver and other things

   There IS gold in the game. However, it is usually in the Rock Layer of the 
  Underground. At the Rock Layer (Gray wall and rock background), many harder
  enemies will appear, which you are probably not ready for. You can also find
  items that increase your life underground.

  Type: Consumable
  Tier: Green
  Found: Middle and lower Underground
  Use: Increases life by 20

   You will want to collect all of these you see until your HP caps at 400.
   And after that, you can pretty much decide how you want to do things.
  I still have a recommended way to go, which is explained thoroughly in the 
  next section

   -Terraria~"                                                               -
  ||          The Smart Way on How to Go About Things                  T:006 ||
   And we now begin the most conjecture filled section of all. In my personal
  experiences with the game I have found the most efficient way of getting to
  Hardmode. After then, you can pretty much do whatever and  fight the bosses
  at your own leisure.

   After you make a Furnace, you should explore your surface a bit until you
  find a natural cave entrance. Go down there and try to find chests and iron.
  You should grab any silver and gold too (copper is pretty much worthless),
  but iron is the top prioririty to get the basic stuff to craft with. Iron
  also makes for a pretty strong sword at that point in the game. If you are
  playing Ranger, you can pretty much replace any occurance of the word sword
  with the word bow until I say otherwise. Gathering stone is also more
  important for the Ranger to keep a supply of arrows.

   Casters are going to have a bit of difficulty kickstarting a playthrough,
  as the game does not intend for you to get any magic items until you start
  dungeon crawling. If you are lucky enough, you can get a Water Bolt to
  spawn among the books of the first floor of the dungeon, where you won't
  be slaughtered by spinning skulls. To get Fallen Stars for mana, gather up
  some wood and create wooden platform bridges across gaps and water sources.
  If you are lucky enough, you can get 15+ fallen stars in one night with
  one trek across your world. Water Bolt is the only magic weapon you have a
  chance of getting at this point, so I recommend having some swords or
  boomerangs for backup.

   After playing through a bit of the game and getting some more advanced
  gear, and some basic accessories, such as the Cloud in a Bottle or an
  Aglet, you might think to yourself: "I need some real action now!" Get
  your stockpile of Shurikens, Knives, and Lenses ready, because you just
  might be ready to have your first boss encounter with the Eye of Cthulhu.
  Spamming skurikens and flaming arrows (melee is not recommended) tend to
  work, but I'll go into more detail in the Boss Strategies section. After
  beating the Eye, you'll get a fair supply of Demonite Ore. Using this,
  I highly recommend making a Demon Bow for an upcoming boss, but not the
  next one.

   Shortly after beating the Eye of Cthulhu, you might already have the
  Demolitionist moved in, or some Bombs of your own. At this point you
  should go to the corruption and start bombing ebonstone to reach the
  elusive (not really) Shadow Orbs. You'll get some advanced stuff by
  breaking these, such as an Orb of Light, Musket (first gun to attract
  the Arms Dealer!), or Band of Regeneration. A while after breaking one,
  you'll see a message pop up that a meteorite has landed. Ignore this for
  now, but it will be important later. Once you're ready and have plenty of
  Jester Arrows/Gold Broadswords, break your 3rd Shadow Orb, and the 2nd
  boss, the Eater of worlds, will spawn. I can't really simplify a strategy
  here, so just spam your most powerful speedy things to take out its
  segments quickly. The Eater will drop a healthy supply of Demonite Ore,
  along with Shadow Scales. If you are a Warrior, you should make the Shadow
  Armor with these scales (after making the Nightmare Pickaxe obviously).
  If you are a Ranger, your higher tier armor will have to wait. However...

   If you are a Caster, you can fix yourself up some Meteor Armor! By
  scouring your world for the meteor crash site, and mining up all the ore,
  you can make not only Meteor armor, but the Meteor Hamaxe, and the Space
  Gun from the base Handgun. And if you are insane enough to have enough
  money to buy the Minishark, you can also make the Star Cannon with loads
  of Fallen stars. It's powerful, but extremely cost ineffective, and the 
  Minishark's other upgrade is more powerful and worth it. Have fun with
  your field day Rangers and Casters.

   Now at this point, you are probably ready for the next boss encounter to
  gain passage into the dreaded dungeon. Though, if you haven't already,
  start farming some skeletons for a Hook to use to make a Grappling Hook.
  I'd recommend making this as soon as you can, but if you haven't made one
  by the time you're ready for the dungeon, you really need to make one.
  Other than that, I'd say make a Cooking Pot and use it to make some Bowls
  of Soup. Also, having Ironskin, Swiftness, and whatever potions increase
  your combat capabilities. Once you're ready, talk to the old man outside
  of the dungeon, and buff up. Select Curse, and the 3rd boss, Skeletron
  will appear. Usually on my normal playthroughs, I use a Demon Bow with
  Flaming Arrows with a arena of wooden platforms built on the roof of the
  dungeon. If you are a caster, using the Water Bolt in a box of dirt. This
  will cause the Water Bolt to ricochet racking up tons of hits, but leaves
  your evasive capabilites rather limited.

   Dungeon crawling is one hell of a process, and requires lots of patience.
  There are 2 different obstacles that are unkillable, and only serve to be a
  nuisance. Nearly every chest in this place is locked, and can only be
  opened with a Golden Key. Golden Keys will rarely drop from the normal mobs
  and will always drop from a Dungeon Slime. You can also find them in the
  rare occasion of a Wooden Chest. Around this time is when Casters start
  finding much better gear to fight with, but the Water Bolt is still
  probably the best thing you can find in the dungeon. You will also find the
  Shadow Key, which you should keep for later. Once you're done with the
  dungeon crawl, you're going to want to have some leftover Golden Keys. As
  of 1.0.6, every Floating Island chest is locked. If you've found some
  Gravitation Potions, you can fly around your map searching for the Islands
  to find some more loot. Also, if you're playing Ranger, you can use the
  materials from the dungeon to make an improved armor set.

   Now at this point, if you haven't fought the Goblin Army, you're just going
  to want to wait it out (assuming you have the prereqs for them to spawn) to
  fight them. They are a nuisance to fight but the rewards are more than worth
  it. Once you defeat them, a new NPC will spawn in the underground. He will
  take some time to find, but you most likely will find him. The Goblin
  Tinkerer is probably the most important/useful NPC in the game. You can use
  him to alter your weapons' and accessories' prefixes, which in turn will
  make them better (or worse). This can be quite a wallet emptier, but it is
  more than worth it for fighting the Hardmode bosses. When doing this to your
  accessories, I usually only go for the 'Warding' prefix as it gives you +4
  Defense, which is huge in this game. He also sells a crafting utility named
  the Tinkerer's Workbench, which is used to combine accessories. This is very
  useful as it frees up more space for more accessories.

   Now, you could have done this before even the dungeon, but I like to save
  exploring the jungle for after because of the enemy known as the Man Eater.
  These assholes do the most damage of any generic mob in pre-hardmode, and
  have an erratic movement pattern that makes them harder to avoid than most
  other enemies at this point in the game. The Hornets don't help either,
  being able to hit from range, and poison you. The most important thing here
  is the Man Eater's uncommon drop, the Vine. Once you get 3 of these, (along
  with some Jungle Spores), you can upgrade your Grappling Hook to an Ivy
  Whip, which can have 3 hooks out at once, and has a longer range. Most of
  the other things here are just standard weapon upgrades. Though, if you are
  a Caster, you can get your best pre-hardmode armor set here.

   After you're done with the Jungle, Goblin Army, and Dungeon, your next
  step will also be the last one before getting to hardmode: The Underworld.
  To get to the Underworld, you're just going to have to dig deeper and
  deeper until you reach it. Before you do so however, you're going to want to
  set up an Obsidian farm. Find a decent sized pool of lava, and try to carry
  a pool of water from higher up underground to this pool of lava. If you can
  pull it off, you should get all the Obsidian you'll ever need from it. I
  highly recommend making an Obsidian skull so you won't get hurt by the ore
  in the Underworld. If you want to abuse a certain boss strategy, I'd say
  against combining the Skull with your Cobalt Shield (from the dungeon) and
  instead combine it with your Lucky Horseshoe. Be sure to have a large supply
  of Obsidian before you head to the Underworld. You'll need it to make
  Hellstone bars.

   Your first priority after entering the Underworld is to find a Hellforge,
  which can be found in the Obsidian Brick towers. Also found in the towers
  are Shadow Chests, which can only be unlocked with the Shadow Key found in
  the dungeon. Useful treasures found in these chests include the Dark Lance,
  the Sunfury, and the all-powerful, godly Whoopie Cushion. Once you've gotten
  the first slew of loot in the place you should be ready for mining the
  Hellstone. I would highly recommend getting a decent supply of Obsidian Skin
  Potions, as those make you immune to lava damage, but it's certainly not
  impossible to get the ore without them. You can also get rid of your Furnace
  once you get the Hellforge, since the Hellforge can do everything the
  Furnace can, and more. Also worth noting is that you can combine the 4
  swords: Lightbane, Blade of Grass, Muramasa, and Fiery Greatsword to make
  the most powerful weapon in pre-Hardmode, the Night's Edge. I highly suggest
  having this weapon for the next boss fight. Once you've gotten every piece
  of gear you care to make out of Hellstone, you're going to want to make a 
  gigantic stretch of flat land somewhere in the Underworld. Once you've done
  that you can start waiting patiently in the Underworld until you encounter
  a Voodoo Demon. These things will always drop a Guide Voodoo Doll. By
  throwing this into lava in the Underworld you can summon the final pre-
  Hardmode boss...

   The Wall of Flesh. I recommend starting this fight off by using the Water
  Bolt or Night's Edge to kill all the Hungries. After you've done that just
  start wailing on it with a Flamarang, Phoenix Blaster, or Demon Scythe.
  Eventually it will fall, and the spirits of light and dark will be released
  into the world! Congratulations you have activated hardmode. The Wall of
  Flesh is guaranteed to drop the best Hammer in the game, the Pwnhammer. It
  also has a chance of dropping one of 6 other items, which are very useful.
  These items are the Clockwork Assault Rifle, Laser Rifle, Warrior Emblem,
  Ranger Emblem, Sorceror Emblem, or the Breaker Blade. Now, the world really
  opens up, and you can pretty much do things in whatever order you want.
  However, the top priority is to destroy however many Demon Altars you can
  to spawn the higher level ores: Cobalt, Mythril, and Adamantite. Good luck
  in Hardmode!

   The remaining sections of the walkthrough will mostly be a gigantic info
  hoard. I hope you like massive data intakes...

   -Terraria~"                                                               -
  ||          Terraria Biome Guide                                     T:007 ||

   There are many different regoins to be explored in the world of Terraria.
  These are them and what's in them.

   *There are some minor area and enemy spoliers if you are new to the game*

Surface (Day)
   Enemies: Green Slime, Blue Slime, Purple Slime, Pinky, King Slime, Goblin

   Main resources: Dirt, Stone, Wood, Acorns

   Music Track: Overworld Day

   Description: The starting point of the game. Thanks to the structure of the
   game, you will most likely make this biome your base of operations because
   you will 100% of the time originally spawn in this biome. It has the basic
   resources to sustain life in this game, but won't last very long. You will
   find some useful weapons in the chests that spawn in this area, but again,
   they won't last that long. That is the case with most gear levels in this
   game, though.

Surface (Night)
   Enemies: Zombie, Demon Eye, The Groom, Doctor Bones, Eye of Cthulhu

   Enemies (Hardmode): Possessed Armor, Wraith, Wandering Eye, Werewolf, Clown,
   The Twins, The Destroyer, Skeletron Prime

   Main resources: Fallen Star

   Music Track: Overworld Night

   Description: And you have made it through the day to face the dangers of
   the night. First time players might get slaughtered when they first reach
   the night, but that shoudn't be an excuse to not take use of this place.
   Most of the bosses in this game can only be fought at night, so you will
   have to be patient waiting for it. Once you hit hardmode, this place
   becomes a living nightmare. There's a 1/7 chance that the bloodmoon will
   rise, causing tougher enemies to spawn (damn those Clowns), and Zombies
   can open your doors. Be wary of this, as I recommend staying by your house
   when the blood moon hits.

Desert (Normal/Light/Dark)
   Enemies: Vulture, Antlion, Cactus

   Enemies (Hardmode): Mummy (Normal), Light Mummy (Light), Dark Mummy (Dark)

   Main resources: Sand, Cactus

   Music Track: Overworld Day/Night

   Description: Dull. Boring. Bright brown. But any new players better be
   grateful that they didn't have to deal with the crap that 1.0.5 players had
   deal with. The crap? Cacti. Back in the day, cacti did damage and caused
   knockback. In 1.0.6, they were nerfed to no knockback, and in 1.1, they were
   nerfed to no damage or knockback. You lucky.... new.... players....
   *shakefist* Another note to mention is that in Hardmode, Corruption and 
   Hallow will spread to deserts and not just dirt. Hallow makes Light Deserts
   and Corruption makes Dark Deserts. Light Mummies spawn in Light Deserts and
   vice versa. Items to make the best flail will require uncommon drops from
   these mummies.

Underground (Dirt Layer)
   Enemies: Red Slime, Yellow Slime, Blue Slime

   Enemies (Hardmode): Mimic

   Main resources: Clay, Mud, Copper, Iron

   Music Track: Underground
   Description: This is basic underground. Next.

Underground (Rock Layer)
   Enemies: Red Slime, Yellow Slime, Black Slime, Mother Slime, Baby Slime,
   Cave Bat, Giant Worm, Blue Jellyfish, Piranha, Skeleton, Undead Miner, Tim

   Enemies (Hardmode): Giant Bat, Digger, Armored Skeleton, Heavy Skeleton,
   Skeleton Archer, Green Jellyfish, Angler Fish, Toxic Sludge, Mimic

   Main resources: Stone, Mud, Silt, Dart Traps, Copper, Iron, Silver, Gold,
   Demonite, Ruby, Diamond, Emerald, Sapphire, Topaz, Amethyst, Chests, Statues

   Music: Underground
   Description: You will be spending a LOT of time rummaging through these rock
   infested caves of many a death. Much of your gear-upgrading materials come
   from this place, so you'll be visiting your favorite cave you dug all by
   yourself an almost nauseating amount of times. Also worth noting that there
   are traps to be found under here, that come in 3 varieties: Dart, Boulder,
   and Explosives. The Dart trap doesn't do that much damage, but can be
   triggered infinitely and poisons you. Boulder traps do loads of damage but
   are generally easy to avoid. Explosives traps are silent and are guaranteed
   to OHKO you. I haven't personally encountered any Explosives traps, but they
   are deadly. You'll also find some wooden house-like structures which will
   99% of the time have a gold chest with something good stored within, and a
   statue. Better get used to that Underground music.

Glowing Mushroom Forest
   Enemies: Same as Rock Layer

   Main Resources: Glowing Mushrooms, Mushroom Grass Seeds

   Music: Underground (Any type)

   Description: These come in small packs in the Rock Layer. The Glowing
   Mushrooms are the only way to craft Healing Potions. You can find them in
   really deep chests, but the best way is to do it here.

   Enemies: Eater of Souls, Little Eater, Big Eater, Devourer, Eater of Worlds

   Enemies (Hardmode): Wraith, World Feeder, Corruptor, Slimer, Corrupt Slime

   Main Resources: Vile Mushroom, Ebonstone, Demon Altar, Shadow Orb

   Music: Corruption

   Description: The most dreaded place in all of Terraria, the Corruption. This
   place is mostly made of different types of purple. Demon Altars are also
   most likely to spawn here. Demon Altars, of course, being pretty helpful for
   beating the game. The enemies here can also be more of a nuisance than the
   enemies in the Rock Layer. Especially some of the worm enemies. In the
   Corruption Chasms (As they are referred to) have Shadow Orbs in them. These
   can summon Meteors, the Eater of Worlds, some pretty good midgame items,
   and is probably where you'll get your first gun.

Meteorite Zone
   Enemies: Meteor Head

   Main Resources: Meteorite Ore
   Music: Eerie

   Description: If you break a Shadow Orb in the Corruption, a message will
   appear some time afterward saying a meteorite landed. It's random where it
   will appear, so look around your entire world for it. When you find it, the
   music will change, and you will see a bunch of burning rocks. It is
   recommended you have an Obsidian Skull, Shield, or Horseshoe. Meteor Heads
   will repeatedly assault you until all of the Meteorite Ore is gone. Also
   worth noting is that if you move 50 Meteorite Ore somewhere else, it will
   create a Meteorite Zone biome. This is particularly useful when trying to
   farm Souls of Light and Night.

Above-Ground Jungle
   Enemies: Jungle Slime, Jungle Bat, Snatcher, Piranha, Angler Fish (Hardmode)

   Main Resources: Mud, Jungle Grass Seeds, Moonglow, Moonglow Seeds

   Music: Jungle

   Description: This biome can possibly be worse than the Corruption early
   game. You have Jungle Slimes, which are pretty resilient for slimes this
   early and Snatchers, which take a random item if you get killed by one.
   Don't be too intimidated, though, as an Iron Broadsword will suffice for a
   good weapon for this place. However...

Underground Jungle
   Enemies: Hornet, Big Stinger, Little Stinger, Man-Eater, Piranha, Angler
   Fish (Hardmode)

   Main Resources: Jungle Rose, Jungle Spore, Vine, Stinger

   Music: Jungle

   Description: This is quite possibly the most annoying area in the entire 
   game. The Hornet enemies can shoot stingers which poison you, and they're
   pretty fast and accurate. Especially in the dark because the stingers
   are dark brown. Man-Eaters are the most damaging enemy pre Wall of Flesh.
   They extend so far and move so fast. Luckily though, their range is very
   limited. Despite the annoying enemies, the loot here is awesome. You can
   make the Ivy Whip, the Thorn Chakrum, and the Blade of Grass. All of these
   are extremely useful tools, and help immensely in the upcoming...

   Enemies: Cursed Skull, Dark Caster, Dungeon Slime, Angry Bones, Big Bones,
   Tiny Bones

   Main Resources: Dungeon Bricks, Spikes, Golden Keys

   Music: Eerie

   Description: This place was given a complete love-or-hate overhaul in 1.0.6.
   The overhaul included making all Golden Chests locked, requiring you to get
   a key from a Dungeon Slime or (rarely) other enemies, and putting two
   invincible enemies to hinder progress. However, the rewards of this place
   are some of the most useful in the game. The Cobalt Shield, which exists to
   prevent knockback, the Handgun, which can be turned into the best cost-
   effective gun pre-Hardmode, the Muramasa, which is an awesome weapon by
   itself, and can be turned into the Night's Edge, one of the most powerful
   swords in the game, and the Shadow Key, which grabs you loot in the next
   biome. If you try coming here before you beat Skeletron, a giant skull will
   fly into you and do over 9000 damage, as mentioned earlier in the guide.

   Enemies: Fire Imp, Lava Slime, Hellbat, Bone Serpent, Demon, Voodoo Demon,
   Wall of Flesh, Hungry, Leech

   Main Resources: Ash, Hellstone, Guide Voodoo Dolls

   Music: Eerie

   Description: If the BS of the Underground Jungle didn't get you, then the
   madness of the Underworld will. Go down low enough past the Rock Layer, and
   you'll end up here. If you were able to get a Shadow Key from the dungeon,
   then enjoy the Shadow Chest loot, which includes, the Sunfury, Flamelash,
   Flower of Fire, Dark Lance, and the almighty Whoopie Cushion. Unfortunately
   for the players though, mining Hellstone can become almost a chore. First,
   you need to find a Hellforge in one of the obsidian towers scattered
   throughout the place. Then you need loads of Obisidian, as that's part of
   the recipe for Hellstone Bars. And the worst part of it, when Hellstone is
   mined, it drops lava, which can be very annoying in some places. And for
   the finale in the underworld, one must find a Voodoo Demon, which drops
   the Guide Voodoo Doll. Once dropped in the lava, the Guide Voodoo Doll
   summons the terrifying Wall of Flesh. The boss section will cover that

The Hallow (Hardmode)
   Enemies: Pixie, Unicorn, Gastropod (Night)

   Main Resources: Pixie Dust, Unicorn Horn, Pearlstone, Hallow Seeds

   Music: Hallow

   Description: As part of the 1.1 update, a new biome was added to add more
   challenge to Hardmode. Once one releases the spirits of Light and Dark,
   the Hallow is born, and people will either love it, or hate it because
   their friends spam Holy Waters right on spawn. The Hallow gives a new feel
   to Terraria, and I appreciate it, but the aforementioned situation has
   happened frequently, and the swarm of Gastropods outside our house is
   never fun.

Underground Corruption
   Enemies: Clinger, World Feeder, Corruptor, Giant Bat, Cursed Hammer

   Main Resources: Cursed Flames, Ebonstone, Souls of Night

   Music: Underground corruption

   Description: This place probably has some of the most annoying enemies
   you can possibly face. Those enemies won't show up until after Hardmode
   is activated, but they still pack a punch and have some of more annoying
   AI patterns in the game. The only real use this biome has is to farm
   Souls of Night for some Hardmode gear. Other than that, this place only
   serves to spread and get annoying when trying to find Adamantite.

Underground Hallow
   Enemies: Chaos Elemental, Illuminant Bat, Illuminant Slime, Enchanted

   Main Resources: Crystal Shards, Pearlstone, Souls of Light

   Music: Underground Hallow

   Description: Magic user paradise! So many different materials that are
   needed for magic tomes and staves are only found here. Other than that,
   the only other need it can feed is Souls of Light for making Angel Wings,
   and is less frustrating to farm than Underground Corruption. You'll most
   likely see enemies spawning from the Underground hardmode in here (mainly
   the skeletons).

*to be 1.2'd

   -Terraria~"                                                               -
  ||          Ores and Other Nonsense                                  T:008 ||

   Most of your gear upgrades will come from mining ore while exploring caves.
  This section explains how to obtain these useful materials.

  -Copper - More commonly found on the surface than other ores, and is still
   littered throughout the underground layers

   Can be used to make: Copper Helmet, Copper Chainmail, Copper Greaves, Copper
    Sword, Copper Hammer, Copper Bow, Copper Chandelier

  -Iron - Slightly less common than Copper, but still common enough and is
   required to make a lot of basic tools

   Can be used to make: Iron Helmet, Iron Chainmail, Iron Greaves, Iron Sword,
    Iron Pickaxe, Iron Axe, Iron Hammer, Iron Bow, Chain, Iron Anvil, Sawmill,
    Toilet, Bathtub, Iron Chandelier, Lamp Post

  -Silver - Generally found on the surface below Floating Islands, but is more
   common underground in the rock layer

   Can be used to make: Silver Helmet, Silver Chainmail, Silver Greaves, Silver
    Sword, Silver Pickaxe, Silver Axe, Silver Hammer, silver Bow, Silver

  -Gold - Least common of the basic ores, but most common in the Underground

   Can be used to make: Gold Helmet, Gold Chainmail, Gold Greaves, Gold Sword,
    Gold Pickaxe, Gold Axe, Gold Hammer, Gold Bow Gold Chandelier, Candle,
    Candlabra, Crown

  -Demonite - Uncommon, but more common in the Corruption. Most easily obtained
   from the Eye of Cthulhu or Eater of Worlds

   Can be used to make: Shadow Helmet, Shadow Scalemail, Shadow Greaves,
    Nightmare Pickaxe, Lightbane, War Axe of the Night, The Breaker, Demon Bow

  -Meteorite - Only found in a meteor crash site

   Can be used to make: Meteor Helmet, Meteor Suit, Meteor Leggings, Meteor
    Hamaxe, Space Gun

  -Hellstone - Only found in the Underworld, drops lava upon destruction

   Can be used to make: Molten Helmet, Molten Breastplate, Molten Greaves,
    Molten Pickaxe, Molten Hamaxe, Fiery Greatsword, Flamarang, Phoenix
    Blaster, Molten Fury 

  -Cobalt - After destroying a Demon Altar with the Pwnhammer; becomes as
   common and disposable as Copper eventually

   Can be used to make: Cobalt Helmet, Cobalt Mask, Cobalt Hat, Cobalt
    Breastplate, Cobalt Greaves, Cobalt Sword, Cobalt Naginata, Cobalt
    Drill, Cobalt Chainsaw, Cobalt Repeater

  -Mythril - After destroying 2nd Demon Altar with the Pwnhammer; becomes as
   common as Iron/Silver eventually

   Can be used to make: Mythril Anvil, Mythril Helmet, Mythril Hat, Mythril
    Hood, Mythril Chainmail, Mythril Greaves, Mythril Sword, Mythril Halberd,
    Mythril Drill, Mythril Chainsaw, Mythril Repeater

  -Adamantite - After destroying 3rd Demon Altar with the Pwnhammer; as rare
   as Unobtanium

   Can be used to make: Adamantite Forge, Adamantite Helmet, Adamantite Mask,
    Adamantite Headgear, Adamantite Sword, Adamantite Spear, Adamantite Drill,
    Adamantite Chainsaw, Adamantite Repeater

  *After "blessing your world with Adamantite", the next Demon Altar destroyed
   will give you more Cobalt, and start the cycle again.

*to be 1.2'd

   -Terraria~"                                                               -
  ||          Crafting Recipes                                         T:009 ||

   Get ready guys and gals because this is going to be the largest section yet.
  I will divide the Recipes by the utility required to make them.

  Basic Crafting Recipes

  Wood Platform
  -Type:             Block
  -Materials:        1 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Semi-solid; can be jumped onto from below
  -Use:              Building; to escape mineshafts

  -Type:             Light source
  -Materials:        1 Wood, 1 Gel
  -Amount Output:    3
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Light up dark areas

  -Type:             Utility
  -Materials:        10 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Craft basic wood structures

  Flaming Arrow
  -Type:             Ammo
  -Materials:        3 Wooden Arrows, 1 Torch
  -Amount Output:    3
  -Special Features: Can cause 'On Fire' debuff
  -Use:              Ammo for a bow or repeater

  Sticky Glowstick
  -Type:             Light source
  -Materials:        1 Glowstick, 1 Gel
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Stays lit underwater; can stick to walls
  -Use:              Light up dark areas

  Sticky Bomb
  -Type:             Explosive
  -Materials:        1 Bomb, 5 Gel
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Sticks to walls
  -Use:              To blow up or cause harm to things

  Poisoned Knife
  -Type:             Throwing Weapon
  -Materials:        20 Throwing Knives, 1 Vile Powder
  -Amount Output:    20
  -Special Features: Can cause 'Poisoned' debuff
  -Use:              To cause harm to bad things

  Mana Crystal
  -Type:             Consumable
  -Materials:        10 Fallen Stars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Increase Mana by 20

  Silver Coin
  -Type:             Currency
  -Materials:        100 Copper Coins
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To purchase items from shopkeeps

  Gold Coin
  -Type:             Currency
  -Materials:        100 Silver Coins
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To purchase items from shopkeeps

  Platinum Coin
  -Type:             Currency
  -Materials:        100 Gold Coins
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To purchase items from shopkeeps

  Water Crafting Recipes

  Bottled Water
  -Type:             HP Healing
  -Materials:        1 Bottle
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Used with every buff potion recipe
  -Use:              Heals 20 HP

  -Type:             Block
  -Materials:        1 Dirt
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Mushroom Grass seeds can grow on these
  -Use:              Building and farming

  Bookcase Crafting Recipes

  Cursed Flames
  -Type:             Spell
  -Materials:        1 Spell Tome, 30 Cursed Flames, 20 Souls of Night
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To cause harm to bad things

  Crystal Storm
  -Type:             Spell
  -Materials:        1 Spell Tome, 30 Crystal Shards, 20 Souls of Light
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Ricochet off walls
  -Use:              To cause harm to bad things

  Cooking Pot Crafting Recipe

  Bowl of Soup
  -Type:             Buff Potion
  -Materials:        1 Bowl, 1 Mushroom, 1 Goldfish
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Raises all stats slightly for 10 minutes

  Keg Crafting Recipe
  -Type:             Buff Potion
  -Materials:        1 Mug
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Raises attack, but decreases defense

  Workbench Crafting Recipes

  Wood Wall
  -Type:             Wall
  -Materials:        1 Wood
  -Amount Output:    4
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To keep mobs out of your house

  Stone Wall
  -Type:             Wall
  -Materials:        1 Stone
  -Amount Output:    4
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To keep mobs out of your house

  Dirt Wall
  -Type:             Wall
  -Materials:        1 Dirt
  -Amount Output:    4
  -Special Features: Is different from natural Dirt Walls you can break
  -Use:              To keep mobs out of your house

  Gray Brick Wall
  -Type:             Wall
  -Materials:        1 Gray Brick
  -Amount Output:    4
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To keep mobs out of your house

  Red Brick Wall
  -Type:             Wall
  -Materials:        1 Red Brick
  -Amount Output:    4
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To keep mobs out of your house

  Snow Brick Wall
  -Type:             Wall
  -Materials:        1 Snow Brick
  -Amount Output:    4
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To keep mobs out of your house

  Iridescent Brick Wall
  -Type:             Wall
  -Materials:        1 Iridescent Brick
  -Amount Output:    4
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To keep mobs out of your house

  Copper Brick Wall
  -Type:             Wall
  -Materials:        1 Copper Brick
  -Amount Output:    4
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To keep mobs out of your house

  Silver Brick Wall
  -Type:             Wall
  -Materials:        1 Silver Brick
  -Amount Output:    4
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To keep mobs out of your house

  Gold Brick Wall
  -Type:             Wall
  -Materials:        1 Gold Brick
  -Amount Output:    4
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To keep mobs out of your house

  Cobalt Brick Wall
  -Type:             Wall
  -Materials:        1 Cobalt Brick
  -Amount Output:    4
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To keep mobs out of your house

  Mythril Brick Wall
  -Type:             Wall
  -Materials:        1 Mythril Brick
  -Amount Output:    4
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To keep mobs out of your house

  Snow Brick
  -Type:             Block
  -Materials:        2 Snow Blocks
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Causes snowfall

  Wooden Door
  -Type:             Door
  -Materials:        6 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Blocks mobs on normal nights
  -Use:              To build houses

  Wooden Chair
  -Type:             Comfort Item 1
  -Materials:        4 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can be a utility when combined with Workbench
  -Use:              To attract NPCs

  Wooden Table
  -Type:             Comfort Item 2
  -Materials:        8 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To attract NPCs

  -Type:             Message Board
  -Materials:        6 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can hang from the ceiling as well as on the floor
  -Use:              To tell your co-op friends to stop stealing the plants

  -Type:             Storage
  -Materials:        8 Wood, 2 Iron Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To store items without losing them upon exiting world

  -Type:             Utility
  -Materials:        10 Wood, 2 Iron Bars, 1 Iron Chain
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Used to make advanced wood items

  Wooden Sword
  -Type:             Longsword
  -Materials:        7 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To cut things down to size

  Wooden Hammer
  -Type:             Hammer
  -Materials:        8 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To smash things with brute force

  Wooden Arrow
  -Type:             Ammo
  -Materials:        1 Wood, 1 Stone
  -Amount Output:    3
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To pierce through that one weak spot everything has

  Wooden Bow
  -Type:             Longbow
  -Materials:        10 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To shoot arrows and cause demoralization

  -Type:             Utility
  -Materials:        20 Stone, 3 Wood, 4 Torches
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can be a light source
  -Use:              To smelt bars and bricks

  Iron Anvil
  -Type:             Utility
  -Materials:        5 Iron Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To create things from metal

  Armor Statue
  -Type:             Statue
  -Materials:        100 Stone
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To boost ego points

  -Type:             Light Source
  -Materials:        1 Torch, 1 Gold Bar
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can be set on tables
  -Use:              To light up the place

  Tiki Torch
  -Type:             Light Source
  -Materials:        1 Torch, 3 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To light up the place

  Chinese Lantern
  -Type:             Light Source
  -Materials:        1 Torch, 5 Silk
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can hang on ceilings
  -Use:              To light up the place

  -Type:             Headgear
  -Materials:        2 Lenses
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Chair needs to be next to Workbench to craft
  -Use:              To die less harder

  Copper Watch
  -Type:             Accessory
  -Materials:        10 Copper Bars, 1 Iron Chain
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Chair needs to be next to Workbench to craft
  -Use:              Tell time by hour

  Silver Watch
  -Type:             Accessory
  -Materials:        10 Silver Bars, 1 Iron Chain
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Chair needs to be next to Workbench to craft
  -Use:              Tells time by half-hour

  Gold Watch
  -Type:             Accessory
  -Materials:        10 Gold Bars, 1 Iron Chain
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Chair needs to be next to Workbench to craft
  -Use:              Tells time by minute

  Depth Meter
  -Type:             Accessory
  -Materials:        10 Copper Bar, 8 Silver Bar, 6 Gold Bar
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Chair needs to be next to Workbench to craft
  -Use:              Shows distance below/above sea level

  -Type:             Material
  -Materials:        1 Glass
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can be crafted into Ale at a Keg
  -Use:              Decoration or buff crafting

  Pink Vase
  -Type:             Decor
  -Materials:        4 Clay
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Flower can grow out of it after a while
  -Use:              To appease world building OCD people

  -Type:             Material
  -Materials:        2 Clay
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can be crafted into Bowl of Soup at Cooking Pot
  -Use:              Decoration or buff crafting

  -Type:             Material
  -Materials:        5 Rotten Chunk
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To make not-Indiana Jones outfit pieces

  Necro Helmet
  -Type:             Headgear
  -Materials:        25 Bones, 40 Cobwebs
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Increases Ranged damage output
  -Use:              To die less harder

  Necro Breastplate
  -Type:             Armor
  -Materials:        35 Bones, 50 Cobwebs
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Increases Ranged damage output
  -Use:              To not get mauled by Sharks

  Necro Greaves
  -Type:             Leggings
  -Materials:        30 Bones, 45 Cobwebs
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Increases Ranged damage output
  -Use:              To have a chance against the Wall of Flesh

  Sawmill Crafting Recipes

  -Type:             Comfort Item 1
  -Materials:        8 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To attract NPCs

  -Type:             Comfort Item 2
  -Materials:        5 Silk, 15 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can set spawn point
  -Use:              To attract NPCs

  -Type:             Storage
  -Materials:        9 Wood, 1 Iron Bar
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To leave unorganized item stockpiles unorganized

  -Type:             Utility
  -Materials:        20 Wood, 10 Books
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Looks nice
  -Use:              Used to craft 2 spells

  -Type:             Comfort Item 1
  -Materials:        16 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None worth noting
  -Use:              To attract NPCs

  -Type:             Utility
  -Materials:        14 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None that I care about
  -Use:              To make things that get you drunk

  -Type:             Utility
  -Materials:        12 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None to speak of
  -Use:              To make things from silk and to make silk

  -Type:             Decor
  -Materials:        16 Wood, 4 Bones, 1 Book
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Not being able to be played
  -Use:              To look pretty

  Loom Crafting Recipes

  -Type:             Material
  -Materials:        10 Cobwebs
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To make clothy things

  Red Banner
  -Type:             Decor
  -Materials:        3 Cobwebs
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To claim property

  Blue Banner
  -Type:             Decor
  -Materials:        3 Cobwebs
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To claim property

  Green Banner
  -Type:             Decor
  -Materials:        3 Cobwebs
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To claim property

  Yellow Banner
  -Type:             Decor
  -Materials:        3 Cobwebs
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Is Yellow
  -Use:              To claim property

  Goblin Battle Standard
  -Type:             Boss Summoner
  -Materials:        10 Tattered Cloth, 5 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Summons the Goblin Army

  Tuxedo Shirt
  -Type:             Vanity Armor
  -Materials:        20 Silk, 3 Black Dye
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Is a Tuxedo
  -Use:              Makes you look dashing

  Tuxedo Pants
  -Type:             Vanity Leggings
  -Materials:        20 Silk, 3 Black Dye
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Is a Tuxedo
  -Use:              Makes your ugly legs look amazing

  Hero's Hat
  -Type:             Vanity Headgear
  -Materials:        20 Silk, 3 Green Dye
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Everything
  -Use:              To look like Link

  Hero's Shirt
  -Type:             Vanity Armor
  -Materials:        20 Silk, 3 Green Dye
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Most things
  -Use:              To look like the other Link

  Hero's Pants
  -Type:             Vanity Leggings
  -Materials:        20 Silk, 3 Green Dye
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Anything
  -Use:              To look like the Hero of Time

  Archaeologist's Jacket
  -Type:             Vanity Armor
  -Materials:        15 Leather
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Is not accompanied by a whip
  -Use:              To be a TRUE ARCHAEOLOGIST

  Archaeologist's Pants
  -Type:             Vanity Leggings
  -Materials:        15 Leather
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can be modded to be accompanied by a whip
  -Use:              To find a pile of stones

  -Type:             Vanity Armor
  -Materials:        30 Silk, 3 Rubies
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Tim would be proud
  -Use:              Just in case you didn't think you were mage enough

  Alchemy Crafting Recipes

  Lesser Healing Potion
  -Type:             HP Healing
  -Materials:        2 Bottles, 1 Mushroom, 2 Gel
  -Amount Output:    2
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To heal 50 HP

  Lesser Mana Potion
  -Type:             MP Healing
  -Materials:        2 Bottles, 1 Fallen Star, 2 Gel
  -Amount Output:    2
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To heal 50 HP

  Healing Potion
  -Type:             HP Healing
  -Materials:        2 Lesser Healing Potions, 1 Glowing Mushroom
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To heal 100 HP

  Mana Potion
  -Type:             MP Healing
  -Materials:        2 Lesser Mana Potions, 1 Glowing Mushroom
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To heal 100 MP

  Lesser Restoration Potion
  -Type:             HP/MP Healing
  -Materials:        1 Lesser Healing Potion, 1 Lesser Mana Potion
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To heal 50 HP and MP

  Restoration Potion
  -Type:             HP/MP Healing
  -Materials:        1 Healing Potion, 1 Mana Potion
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To heal 100 HP and MP

  Greater Healing Potion
  -Type:             HP Healing
  -Materials:        1 Bottled Water, 1 Crystal Shard, 1 Pixie Dust
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To heal 200 HP

  Green Dye
  -Type:             Material
  -Materials:        1 Bottle, 3 Jungle Grass Seeds
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Used to make the not-Link vanity set

  Obsidian Skin Potion
  -Type:             Buff Potion
  -Materials:        1 Bottled Water, 1 Fireblossom, 1 Waterleaf, 1 Obsidian
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Makes you immune to lava damage for 4 minutes

  Regeneration Potion
  -Type:             Buff Potion
  -Materials:        1 Bottled Water, 1 Daybloom, 1 Mushroom
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Regenerate HP faster for 5 minutes

  Swiftness Potion
  -Type:             Buff Potion
  -Materials:        1 Bottled Water, 1 Blinkroot, 1 Cactus
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Increases speed by 25% for 4 minutes

  Gills Potion
  -Type:             Buff Potion
  -Materials:        1 Bottled Water, 1 Waterleaf, 1 Coral
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Underwater breathing, but air drowning for 2 minutes

  Ironskin Potion
  -Type:             Buff Potion
  -Materials:        1 Bottled Water, 1 Daybloom, 1 Iron Ore
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Increases defense by 8 for 5 minutes

  Mana Regeneration Potion
  -Type:             Buff Potion
  -Materials:        1 Bottled Water, 1 Daybloom, 1 Fallen Star
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Increases Mana regeneration for 2 minutes

  Magic Power Potion
  -Type:             Buff Potion
  -Materials:        1 Bottled Water, 1 Moonglow, 1 Deathweed, 1 Fallen Star
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Increases Magic damage by 20% for 2 minutes

  Featherfall Potion
  -Type:             Buff Potion
  -Materials:        1 Bottled Water, 1 Daybloom, 1 Blinkroot, 1 Feather
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Decreases fall speed for 5 minutes

  Spelunker Potion
  -Type:             Buff Potion
  -Materials:        1 Bottled Water, 1 Blinkroot, 1 Gold Ore
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Shows treasure and ore for 5 minutes

  Invisibility Potion
  -Type:             Buff Potion
  -Materials:        1 Bottled Wter, 1 Blinkroot, 1 Moonglow
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Makes you invisible to other players for 2 minutes

  Shine Potion
  -Type:             Buff Potion
  -Materials:        1 Bottled Water, 1 Daybloom, 1 Glowing Mushroom
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Surrounds you with light for 5 minutes

  Night Owl Potion
  -Type:             Buff Potion
  -Materials:        1 Bottled Water, 1 Daybloom, 1 Blinkroot
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Increases night vision for 5 minutes

  Battle Potion
  -Type:             Buff Potion
  -Materials:        1 Bottled Water, 1 Deathweed, 1 Rotten Chunk
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Increases enemy spawn rate for 7 minutes

  Thorns Potion
  -Type:             Buff Potion
  -Materials:        1 Bottled Water, 1 Deathweed, 1 Cactus
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Makes touch damage also hurt the enemy for 2 minutes

  Water Walking Potion
  -Type:             Buff Potion
  -Materials:        1 Bottled Water, 1 Waterleaf, 1 Shark Fin
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Lets you walk on water and lava for 5 minutes

  Archery Potion
  -Type:             Buff Potion
  -Materials:        1 Bottled Water, 1 Daybloom, 1 Lens
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Increase arrow speed and damage by 15% for 4 minutes

  Hunter Potion
  -Type:             Buff Potion
  -Materials:        1 Bottled Water, 1 Daybloom, 1 Blinkroot, 1 Shark Fin
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Shows enemy locations for 5 minutes

  Gravitation Potion
  -Type:             Buff Potion
  -Materials:        1 Bottled Water, 1 Fireblossom, 1 Deathweed, 1 Blinkroot,
                     1 Feather
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Defies gravity for 3 minutes

  Vile Powder
  -Type:             Material
  -Materials:        1 Vile Mushroom
  -Amount Output:    5
  -Special Features: Can also be sprinkled to spread corruption
  -Use:              To make stuff that's actually useful for once

  Furnace Crafting Recipes

  Copper Bar
  -Type:             Material
  -Materials:        3 Copper Ore
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To make copper stuff

  Iron Bar
  -Type:             Material
  -Materials:        3 Iron Ore
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To make iron stuff

  Silver Bar
  -Type:             Material
  -Materials:        4 Silver Ore
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To make silver stuff

  Gold Bar
  -Type:             Material
  -Materials:        4 Gold Ore
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To make gold stuff

  Demonite Bar
  -Type:             Material
  -Materials:        4 Demonite Ore
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To make demonite stuff

  Meteorite Bar
  -Type:             Material
  -Materials:        4 Meteorite Ore
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To make meteorite stuff

  Gray Brick
  -Type:             Block
  -Materials:        2 Stone
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To make your structures show effort

  Red Brick
  -Type:             Block
  -Materials:        2 Clay
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To make your structures look nice

  Copper Brick
  -Type:             Block
  -Materials:        1 Stone, 1 Copper Ore
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To give Floating Islands purpose

  Silver Brick
  -Type:             Block
  -Materials:        1 Stone, 1 Silver Ore
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To make Floating Islands feel meaningful

  Gold Brick
  -Type:             Block
  -Materials:        1 Stone, 1 Gold Ore
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To make you trample Floating Islands

  Demonite Brick
  -Type:             Block
  -Materials:        5 Ebonstone, 1 Demonite Ore
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To guard your Fleshy spoils

  Mudstone Brick
  -Type:             Block
  -Materials:        1 Stone, 1 Mud
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To make your neighbor's house look amazing

  Obsidian Brick
  -Type:             Block
  -Materials:        1 Stone, 1 Obsidian
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To block off your path to hellstone

  Hellstone Brick
  -Type:             Block
  -Materials:        1 Stone, 1 Hellstone Ore
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To burn you alive

  Iridescent Brick
  -Type:             Block
  -Materials:        1 Stone, 1 Ash
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To give your house a next-gen graphics feeling

  Pearlstone Brick
  -Type:             Block
  -Materials:        1 Pearlstone, 1 Pearlsand
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To make you feel pretty, oh so pretty

  Cobalt Brick
  -Type:             Block
  -Materials:        1 Stone, 1 Cobalt Ore
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To act like this shade of blue is good

  Mythril Brick
  -Type:             Block
  -Materials:        1 Stone, 1 Mythril Ore 
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To look awesome

  -Type:             Block, Material
  -Materials:        1 Sand
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To make myself uninspired to describe it

  -Type:             Material
  -Materials:        1 Glass
  -Amount Output:    2
  -Special Features: Can be placed on a workbench to make an Alchemy Table
  -Use:              To make potions

  Clay Pot
  -Type:             Decor
  -Materials:        6 Clay
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can plant seeds in it
  -Use:              To eat up space on the table

  Obsidian Skull
  -Type:             Accessory
  -Materials:        15 Obsidian
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can be combined with a Lucky Horseshoe or Cobalt Shield
  -Use:              To prevent meteorite and hellstone from burning you

  Hellforge Crafting Recipe

  Hellstone Bar
  -Type:             Material
  -Materials:        4 Hellstone Ore, 1 Obsidian
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To make things that burn things

  *Note: Hellforge can also craft everything the Furnace can

  Demon Altar Crafting Recipes

  Suspicious Looking Eye
  -Type:             Boss Summoner
  -Materials:        6 Lenses
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Summons the Eye of Cthulhu

  Worm Food
  -Type:             Boss Summoner
  -Materials:        30 Vile Powder, 15 Rotten Chunk
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Summons the Eater of Worlds

  Slime Crown
  -Type:             Boss Summoner
  -Materials:        1 Gold Crown, 99 Gel
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Summons King Slime

  Night's Edge
  -Type:             Longsword
  -Materials:        1 Light's Bane, 1 Blade of Grass, 1 Muramasa,
                     1 Fiery Greatsword
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Glows when swung
  -Use:              To slice up Hungries

  Iron Anvil Crafting Recipes

  Copper Pickaxe
  -Type:             Pickaxe
  -Materials:        12 Copper Bars, 4 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: You start the game with one
  -Use:              To pick away at the earth

  Copper Axe
  -Type:             Axe
  -Materials:        9 Copper Bars, 3 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: You start the game with one
  -Use:              To chop up trees

  Copper Hammer
  -Type:             Hammer
  -Materials:        10 Copper Bars, 3 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To replicate the actions of Lord Hammersmash

  Copper Broadsword
  -Type:             Longsword
  -Materials:        8 Copper Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To eat away at an enemy's life force

  Copper Shortsword
  -Type:             Shortsword
  -Materials:        7 Copper Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To poke things

  Copper Bow
  -Type:             Longbow
  -Materials:        7 Copper Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To allow the thrusting of arrows

  Copper Helmet
  -Type:             Headgear
  -Materials:        15 Copper Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To prevent brain damage

  Copper Chainmail
  -Type:             Armor
  -Materials:        25 Copper Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To prevent heartburn

  Copper Greaves
  -Type:             Leggings
  -Materials:        20 Copper Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To prevent athlete's foot

  Copper Chandelier
  -Type:             Light Source
  -Materials:        4 Copper Bars, 4 Torches, 1 Iron Chain
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To add artificial fanciness to your house

  Iron Pickaxe
  -Type:             Pickaxe
  -Materials:        12 Iron Bars, 4 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To destroy the crust layer

  Iron Axe
  -Type:             Axe
  -Materials:        9 Iron Bars, 3 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To slice open logs and stuff

  Iron Hammer
  -Type:             Hammer
  -Materials:        10 Iron Bars, 3 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To break your mom's glass windows

  Iron Broadsword
  -Type:             Longsword
  -Materials:        8 Iron Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To settle disputes

  Iron Shortsword
  -Type:             Shortsword
  -Materials:        7 Iron Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To lightly poke little children

  Iron Bow
  -Type:             Longbow
  -Materials:        7 Iron Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To pierce its weakpoint for massive damage

  Iron Helmet
  -Type:             Headgear
  -Materials:        20 Iron Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To protect yourself from harm

  Iron Chainmail
  -Type:             Armor
  -Materials:        30 Iron Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To absorb pesky touch damage

  Iron Greaves
  -Type:             Leggings
  -Materials:        25 Iron Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To kick things harder

  -Type:             Headgear
  -Materials:        3 Iron Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can also be worn as a helmet
  -Use:              To carry water and lava

  Iron Chain
  -Type:             Material
  -Materials:        3 Iron Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To make things with chains

  Grappling Hook
  -Type:             Grappling Hook
  -Materials:        3 Iron Chains, 1 Hook
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To grapple onto blocks

  Cooking Pot
  -Type:             Utility
  -Materials:        10 Iron Bars, 1 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To make Bowls of Soup

  -Type:             Comfort Item 1
  -Materials:        6 Iron Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To attract NPCs

  -Type:             Comfort Item 2
  -Materials:        14 Iron Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To attract NPCs

  Trash Can
  -Type:             Storage
  -Materials:        8 Iron Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To store your valuables

  Lamp Post
  -Type:             Light Source
  -Materials:        3 Iron Bars, 2 Glass, 1 Torch
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To make dark areas not dark

  Silver Pickaxe
  -Type:             Pickaxe
  -Materials:        12 Silver Bars, 4 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To assist your crazy ideas of world destruction

  Silver Axe
  -Type:             Axe
  -Materials:        9 Silver Bars, 3 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To magically destroy trees

  Silver Hammer
  -Type:             Hammer
  -Materials:        10 Silver Bars, 1 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To uselessly destroy torches

  Silver Broadsword
  -Type:             Longsword
  -Materials:        8 Silver Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To give those damn slimes what's coming

  Silver Shortsword
  -Type:             Shortsword
  -Materials:        7 Silver Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              *poke*

  Silver BOw
  -Type:             Longbow
  -Materials:        7 Silver Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To shoot things

  Silver Helmet
  -Type:             Headgear
  -Materials:        20 Silver Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To safeguard your memories

  Silver Chainmail
  -Type:             Armor
  -Materials:        30 Silver Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To sit and rust in the corner

  Silver Greaves
  -Type:             Leggings
  -Materials:        25 Silver Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To fortify defenses in your upper leg nerves

  Silver Chandelier
  -Type:             Light Source
  -Materials:        4 Silver Bars, 4 Torches, 1 Iron Chain
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To impress attractive female onlookers

  Gold Pickaxe
  -Type:             Pickaxe
  -Materials:        12 Gold Bars, 4 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can mine Meteorite and Demonite Ore
  -Use:              To reach the mantle

  Gold Axe
  -Type:             Axe
  -Materials:        9 Gold Bars, 3 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To slaughter those filthy trees

  Gold Hammer
  -Type:             Hammer
  -Materials:        10 Gold Bars, 3 Wood
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To imitate the actions of Capt. Hammersmash

  Gold Broadsword
  -Type:             Longsword
  -Materials:        8 Gold Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Slice open enemy organs

  Gold Shortsword
  -Type:             Shortsword
  -Materials:        7 Gold Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To start a /poke war

  Gold Bow
  -Type:             Longbow
  -Materials:        7 Gold Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Vulcan Cannon

  Gold Helmet
  -Type:             Headgear
  -Materials:        25 Gold Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Gives you freaking wings mounted on your head

  Gold Chainmail
  -Type:             Armor
  -Materials:        35 Gold Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Dat blingblingbling

  Gold Greaves
  -Type:             Leggings
  -Materials:        30 Gold Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Is gold

  Gold Chandelier
  -Type:             Light Source
  -Materials:        4 Gold Bars, 4 Torches, 1 Iron Chain
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Lets you make a reception hall

  -Type:             Light Source
  -Materials:        3 Gold Bars, 3 Torches
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              More reception hall stuff

  Gold Crown
  -Type:             Vanity Headgear
  -Materials:        30 Gold Bars, 1 Ruby
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can be used to make a Slime Crown
  -Use:              To make you regal and egotastic

  -Type:             Decor
  -Materials:        30 Gold Bars, 20 Silk
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Looks amazing

  Purple Phaseblade
  -Type:             Longsword
  -Materials:        20 Meteorite Bars, 10 Amethysts
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Glows slightly when swung
  -Use:              To kill everything

  Yellow Phaseblade
  -Type:             Longsword
  -Materials:        20 Meteorite Bars, 10 Topazes
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Glows slightly when swung
  -Use:              To kill anything

  Blue Phaseblade
  -Type:             Longsword
  -Materials:        20 Meteorite Bars, 10 Sapphires
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Glows slightly when swung
  -Use:              To kill most things

  Green Phaseblade
  -Type:             Longsword
  -Materials:        20 Meteorite Bars, 10 Emeralds
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Glows slightly when swung
  -Use:              To kill a lot of things

  Red Phaseblade
  -Type:             Longsword
  -Materials:        20 Meteorite Bars, 10 Rubies
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Glows slightly when swung
  -Use:              To kill some things

  White Phaseblade
  -Type:             Longsword
  -Materials:        20 Meteorite Bars, 10 Diamonds
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Glows slightly when swung
  -Use:              To kill one thing

  Star Cannon
  -Type:             Gun
  -Materials:        1 Minishark, 20 Meteorite Bars, 5 Fallen Stars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Uses Fallen Star as ammo
  -Use:              To slaughter things inefficiently

  Space Gun
  -Type:             Gun
  -Materials:        1 Flintlock Pistol, 30 Meteorite Bars, 10 Fallen Stars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Uses Mana instead of ammo
  -Use:              To give out 1st degree burns the size of dots

  Meteor Hamaxe
  -Type:             Hamaxe
  -Materials:        35 Meteorite Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To cut trees and smash stuff

  Meteor Helmet
  -Type:             Headgear
  -Materials:        25 Meteorite Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Increases Mana regen
  -Use:              To protect from alien brain waves

  Meteor Suit
  -Type:             Armor
  -Materials:        35 Meteorite Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Increases Mana regen
  -Use:              To protect from half-sized giant spiders

  Meteor Leggings
  -Type:             Leggings
  -Materials:        30 Meteorite Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Increases Mana regen
  -Use:              To teach those knee punters a lesson

  Meteor Shot
  -Type:             Ammo
  -Materials:        25 Musket Balls, 1 Meteorite Bar
  -Amount Output:    25
  -Special Features: Ricochet off surfaces
  -Use:              To be shot out of standard guns

  Nightmare Pickaxe
  -Type:             Pickaxe
  -Materials:        12 Demonite Bars, 6 Shadow Scales
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can break Hellstone and Ebonstone
  -Use:              To create large cracks in the crust

  War Axe of the Night
  -Type:             Axe
  -Materials:        10 Demonite Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can be used as an effective weapon
  -Use:              To cut down tree-shaped enemies

  The Breaker
  -Type:             Hammer
  -Materials:        10 Demonite Bars, 5 Shadow Scales
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can be used as an effective weapon
  -Use:              To break things

  Light's Bane
  -Type:             Longsword
  -Materials:        10 Demonite Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To expel light from the world

  Demon Bow
  -Type:             Longbow
  -Materials:        8 Demonite Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To kill Skeletron like a man

  Shadow Helmet
  -Type:             Headgear
  -Materials:        15 Demonite Bars, 10 Shadow Scales
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Gives an "after-blur" effect
  -Use:              To protect your poor innocent brain from corruption

  Shadow Scalemail
  -Type:             Armor
  -Materials:        25 Demonite Bars, 20 Shadow Scales
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Gives an "after-blur" effect
  -Use:              To give you a reptilian feeling

  Shadow Greaves
  -Type:             Leggings
  -Materials:        20 Demonite Bars, 15 Shadow Scales
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Gives an "after-blur" effect
  -Use:              To increase grieving thoughts

  Unholy Arrow
  -Type:             Ammo
  -Materials:        3 Wooden Arrows, 1 Worm Tooth
  -Amount Output:    3
  -Special Features: Pierce up to 3 enemies
  -Use:              To compel the power of christ?

  Ivy Whip
  -Type:             Grappling Hook
  -Materials:        1 Grappling Hook, 12 Jungle Spores, 3 Vines
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can fire 3 vines as opposed to 1 chain
  -Use:              To scale chasms of death

  Thorn Chakram
  -Type:             Boomerang
  -Materials:        6 Jungle Spores, 15 Stingers
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Ricochets off walls, can inflict Poison
  -Use:              To poke things at a distance

  Blade of Grass
  -Type:             Longsword
  -Materials:        12 Jungle Spores, 15 Stingers
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can inflict Poison
  -Use:              To induce facepalming and/or laughter

  Jungle Hat
  -Type:             Headgear
  -Materials:        1 Emerald, 1 Sapphire, 8 Jungle Spores
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Increases Mana by 20
  -Use:              To make you feel FABULOUS

  Jungle Shirt
  -Type:             Armor
  -Materials:        1 Diamond, 1 Ruby, 12 Stingers, 16 Jungle Spores
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Increases Mana by 20
  -Use:              To not protect at you at all because grass

  Jungle Pants
  -Type:             Leggings
  -Materials:        1 Amethyst, 1 Topaz, 2 Vines, 12 Jungle Spores
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Increases Mana by 20
  -Use:              To itch the hell out of your legs

  Molten Pickaxe
  -Type:             Pickaxe
  -Materials:        35 Hellstone Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Glows when swung, inflicts On Fire!
  -Use:              To mine Cobalt

  Molten Hamaxe
  -Type:             Hamaxe
  -Materials:        35 Hellstones Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Glows when swung
  -Use:              To burn trees

  Fiery Greatsword
  -Type:             Longsword
  -Materials:        35 Hellstone Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Glows when swung, inflicts On Fire!
  -Use:              To slaugter filthy sub-humans

  Molten Fury
  -Type:             Longbow
  -Materials:        25 Hellstone Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Turns Wooden arrows in to Fire Arrows when shot
  -Use:              To light distant foes on fire

  -Type:             Boomerang
  -Materials:        15 Hellstone Bars, 1 Enchanated Boomerang
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Glows when thrown, inflicts On Fire!
  -Use:              To whack fools

  Phoenix Blaster
  -Type:             Gun
  -Materials:        20 Hellstone Bars, 1 Handgun
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Is pretty friggin fast for a manual shoot gun
  -Use:              To burn ammo on distant wimps

  Cobalt Drill
  -Type:             Dril
  -Materials:        15 Cobalt Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can mine Mythril Ore
  -Use:              To destroy the crust faster

  Cobalt Chainsaw
  -Type:             Chainsaw
  -Materials:        10 Cobalt Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To cut down a forest at leisure

  Cobalt Sword
  -Type:             Longsword
  -Materials:        10 Cobalt Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can hold click to keep swinging
  -Use:              To cut you all down!

  Cobalt Naginata
  -Type:             Spear
  -Materials:        10 Cobalt Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To puncture that bugger's stab wound

  Cobalt Repeater
  -Type:             Crossbow
  -Materials:        10 Cobalt Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To FIRE FIRE FIRE similarly to a gun

  Cobalt Helmet
  -Type:             Headgear
  -Materials:        10 Cobalt Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Gives Cobalt armor set a melee bonus
  -Use:              To look freakin sweet

  Cobalt Hat
  -Type:             Headgear
  -Materials:        10 Cobalt Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Gives Cobalt armor set a magic bonus
  -Use:              To look not that sweet

  Cobalt Mask
  -Type:             Headgear
  -Materials:        10 Cobalt Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Gives Cobalt armor set a ranged bonus
  -Use:              To look stupid

  Cobalt Breastplate
  -Type:             Armor
  -Materials:        20 Cobalt Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To live up to expectations

  Cobalt Greaves
  -Type:             Leggings
  -Materials:        15 Cobalt Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To disappoint horribly

  Mythril Anvil
  -Type:             Utility
  -Materials:        10 Mythril Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To craft Mythril, Adamantite, and Hallowed things

  Adamantite Forge Crafting Recipe

  Adamantite Bar
  -Type:             Material
  -Materials:        5 Adamantite Ore
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To make Adamantite goodies

  Mythril Anvil Crafting Recipes

  Light Disc
  -Type:             Boomerang
  -Materials:        10 Cobalt Bars, 10 Mythril Bars, 5 Souls of Light,
                     5 Souls of Might
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can be stacked to 5, ricochets off walls
  -Use:              To whack sillier fools with justice!

  Mythril Drill
  -Type:             Drill
  -Materials:        15 Mythril Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can mine Adamantite
  -Use:              To crack up the audience

  Mythril Chainsaw
  -Type:             Chainsaw
  -Materials:        15 Mythril Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Every living wood will die

  Mythril Sword
  -Type:             Longsword
  -Materials:        10 Mythril Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To cut him and his jerk friend

  Mythril Halberd
  -Type:             Spear
  -Materials:        10 Mythril Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To be piloted by something wearing a metal mask

  Mythril Repeater
  -Type:             Crossbow
  -Materials:        10 Mythril Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To shoot faster than the speed of shark balls

  Mythril Helmet
  -Type:             Headgear
  -Materials:        10 Mythril Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Gives Mythril armor set a melee bonus
  -Use:              To live like a true man

  Mythril Hood
  -Type:             Headgear
  -Materials:        10 Mythril Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Gives Mythril armor set a magic bonus
  -Use:              To be faceless forever

  Mythril Hat
  -Type:             Headgear
  -Materials:        10 Mythril Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Gives Mythril armor set a ranged bonus
  -Use:              To like a less true man

  Mythril Chainmail
  -Type:             Armor
  -Materials:        20 Mythril Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To be the amazing shade of green you need to be

  Mythril Greaves
  -Type:             Leggings
  -Materials:        15 Mythril Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To give purpose to grieving over lost ones

  Adamantite Forge
  -Type:             Utility
  -Materials:        30 Adamantite Ore, 1 Hellforge
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To smelt Adamantite bars

  Adamantite Drill
  -Type:             Drill
  -Materials:        18 Adamantite Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Assist in plans for world destruction

  Adamantite Chainsaw
  -Type:             Chainsaw
  -Materials:        18 Adamantite Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Conquer the plant dominion

  Adamantite Sword
  -Type:             Longsword
  -Materials:        12 Adamantite Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To slice up that annoying griefer person

  Adamantite Glaive
  -Type:             Spear
  -Materials:        12 Adamantite Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To be supplied to Punk-Sure bike shop

  Adamantite Repeater
  -Type:             Crossbow
  -Materials:        12 Adamantite Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To repeatedly destroy the Destroyer

  Adamantite Helmet
  -Type:             Headgear
  -Materials:        12 Adamantite Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Gives Adamantite armor set a melee bonus
  -Use:              To be like a true dragoon

  Adamantite Headgear
  -Type:             Headgear
  -Materials:        12 Adamantite Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Gives Adamantite armor set a magic bonus
  -Use:              To be like a true centurion

  Adamantite Mask
  -Type:             Headgear
  -Materials:        12 Adamantite Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Gives Adamantite armor set a ranged bonus
  -Use:              To be like a true bow assassin

  Adamantite Breastplate
  -Type:             Armor
  -Materials:        24 Adamantite Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To be ready for any situation

  Adamantite Leggings
  -Type:             Leggings
  -Materials:        18 Adamantite Bars
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To paint the surface red

  -Type:             Drill
  -Materials:        1 Cobalt, Mythril, and Adamantite Drill and Chainsaw,
                     5 Souls of Sight, Might, and Fright
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: A lot
  -Use:              Can mine ANY block almost instantly

  -Type:             Longsword
  -Materials:        1 Cobalt, Mythril, and Adamantite Sword,
                     20 Souls of Might
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Glows when swung
  -Use:              To slaughter everything you know

  -Type:             Spear
  -Materials:        1 Cobalt Naginata, 1 Mytril Halberd, 1 Adamantite Glaive,
                     20 Souls of Fright
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Glows when thrusted
  -Use:              To slaughter everything you know and more

  Hallowed Repeater
  -Type:             Crossbow
  -Materials:        1 Cobalt, Mythril, and Adamantite Repeater,
                     20 Souls of Sight
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To slaughter everything outside a 20 foot radius

  Hallowed Mask
  -Type:             Headgear
  -Materials:        1 Cobalt, Mythril, and Adamantite Helmet,
                     20 Souls of Sight
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Gives Hallowed armor set a melee bonus
  -Use:              To misdirect people worldwide

  Hallowed Headgear
  -Type:             Headgear
  -Materials:        1 Cobalt Hat, 1 Mythril Hood, 1 Adamantite Headgear,
                     20 Souls of Sight
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Gives Hallowed armor set a magic bonus
  -Use:              To give cool looking spike things

  Hallowed Helmet
  -Type:             Headgear
  -Materials:        1 Cobalt Mask, 1 Mythril Hat, 1 Adamantite Mask,
                     20 Souls of Sight
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Gives Hallowed armor set a ranged bonus
  -Use:              To assist in misdirecting people worldwide

  Hallowed Plate Mail
  -Type:             Armor
  -Materials:        1 Cobalt Breastplate, 1 Mythril Chainmail,
                     1 Adamantite Breastplate, 20 Souls of Might
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To be plated with holy power

  Hallowed Greaves
  -Type:             Leggings
  -Materials:        1 Cobalt Leggings, 1 Mythril Greaves,
                     1 Adamantite Leggings, 20 Souls of Fright
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              To grieve over killing those innocent, colossal beasts

  Tinkerer's Workshop Crafting Recipes

  -Type:             Block
  -Materials:        6 Stone
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: Can be set to fall to do damage
  -Use:              To give those Zombies payback

  Cloud in a Balloon
  -Type:             Accessory
  -Materials:        1 Cloud in a Bottle, 1 Shiny Red Balloon
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Increase jump height, and allows double jump

  Diving Gear
  -Type:             Accessory
  -Materials:        1 Diving Helmet, 1 Flipper
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Extends breathing time, and can swim in water

  -Type:             Accessory
  -Materials:        1 Compass, 1 Depth Meter, 1 Gold Watch
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Shows time, position and depth

  Mana Flower
  -Type:             Accessory
  -Materials:        1 Nature's Gift, 1 Mana Potion
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Automatically uses Mana potion when empty

  Obsidian Horseshoe
  -Type:             Accessory
  -Materials:        1 Lucky Horseshoe, 1 Obsidian Skull
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Immunity to fire and fall damage

  Obsidian Shield
  -Type:             Accessory
  -Materials:        1 Cobalt Shield, 1 Obsidian Skull
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Immunity to fire and knockback

  Spectre Boots
  -Type:             Accessory
  -Materials:        1 Hermes Boots, 1 Rocket Boots
  -Amount Output:    1
  -Special Features: None
  -Use:              Allows flight and can run fast with buildup

*to be 1.2'd

   -Terraria~"                                                               -
  ||          Armor Set Bonuses                                        T:010 ||

   The first line lists the actual set bonus, and the second line shows any
  other stats the armor set has when all are being worn. The Cobalt, Mythril,
  Adamantite, and Hallowed sets are broken into 3 categories that are defined
  by the type of headpiece you are wearing.

  -Mining Armor
    - +20% mining speed
    - 3 Defense

  -Copper Armor
    - +2 Defense
    - Other stats: 4 Defense (total 6)

  -Iron Armor
    - +2 Defense
    - Other stats: 7 Defense (total 9)

  -Silver Armor
    - +3 Defense
    - Other stats: 10 Defense (total 13)

  -Gold Armor
    - +3 Defense
    - Other stats: 13 Defense (total 16)

  -Meteor Armor
    - +3 Defense, Space Gun mana cost to 0
    - 10 Defense (total 13), +15% magic damage

  -Jungle Armor
    - -16% mana usage
    - 13 Defense, +9% magic critical rate

  -Necro Armor
    - +20% chance to not use ammo
    - 16 Defense, +12% ranged damage

  -Shadow Armor
    - +15% movement speed
    - 19 Defense, +21% melee speed

  -Molten Armor
    - +17% melee damage
    - 25 Defense

  -Cobalt Armor
    - (Melee)  - +15% melee speed
               - 26 Defense, +7% movement speed, +12% melee speed

    - (Ranged) - +20% chance to not use ammo
               - 19 Defense, +10% ranged damage, +6% ranged critical rate

    - (Magic)  - -14% mana usage
               - 17 Defense, +40 Mana, +9% magic critical hit rate

    - (All)    - +3% critical hit rate, +10% movement speed

  -Mythril Armor
    - (Melee)  - +5% melee critical hit rate
               - 37 Defense, +5% melee critical hit rate, +10% melee damage

    - (Ranged) - +20% chance to not use ammo
               - 27 Defense, +12% ranged damage, +7% ranged critical rate

    - (Magic)  - -17% mana usage
               - 24 Defense, +60 Mana, +15% magic damage

    - (All)    - +5% damage, +3% critical hit rate

  -Adamantite Armor
    - (Melee)  - +18% melee speed, +18% movement speed
               - 48 Defense, +7% melee critical hit chance, +14% melee damage

    - (Ranged) - +25% chance to not use ammo
               - 32 Defense, +14% ranged damage, +8% ranged critical rate

    - (Magic)  - -19% mana usage
               - 28 Defense, +80 Mana, +11% magic damage/magic critical rate

    - (All)    - +6% damage, +4% critical rate, +5% movement speed

  -Hallowed Armor
   - (Melee)  - +19% melee speed, +19% movement speed
              - 52 Defense, +10% melee damage/critical rate/melee speed

   - (Ranged) - 25% chance to not use ammo
              - 35 Defense, +15% ranged damage, +8% ranged critical rate

   - (Magic)  - -20% mana usage
              - 31 Defense, +100 Mana, +12% magic damage/critical rate

   - (All)    - +7% damage/critical rate, +8% movement speed

*to be 1.2'd

   -Terraria~"                                                               -
  ||          Buffs and Debuffs                                        T:011 ||

   You can craft many different kinds of potions in Terraria, and most of them
  give you temporary buffs. Enemies can also randomly inflict debuffs which
  generally last a lot shorter than the buffs. This section covers all of such
  buffs and debuffs. As a note, all active buffs and debuffs will show up as
  icons below the item hotbar. Also note is that every buff before Orb of Light
  is activated from a potion of the same name as the buff.


   -Effect:   +20% arrow speed and damage
   -Duration: 4 minutes

   -Effect:   +50% monster spawn rate, x2 monster spawn cap
   -Duration: 7 minutes

   -Effect:   Control over fall speed and immunity to fall damage
   -Duration: 5 minutes

   -Effect:   Can breathe in water and lava, but not air
   -Duration: 2 minutes

   -Effect:   Can change gravity to up or down at will
   -Duration: 3 minutes

   -Effect:   Shows enemy locations by making them glow
   -Duration: 5 minutes

   -Effect:   Makes you invisible to other players on a server
   -Duration: 2 minutes

   -Effect:   +8 Defense
   -Duration: 5 minutes

  -Magic Power
   -Effect:   +20% magic damage
   -Duration: 2 minutes

  -Mana Regeneration
   -Effect:   Slightly increases mana regeneration rate
   -Duration: 2 minutes

  -Night Owl
   -Effect:   Visibility during night is greatly increased
   -Duration: 4 minutes

  -Obsidian Skin
   -Effect:   Immune to lava damage
   -Duration: 4 minutes

   -Effect:   Slight increases health regeneration rate
   -Duration: 5 minutes

   -Effect:   Light emanates from the player
   -Duration: 5 minutes

   -Effect:   Shows location of ores and chests by making them glow
   -Duration: 5 minutes

   -Effect:   +25% movement speed
   -Duration: 4 minutes

   -Effect:   Returns 50% of damage taken to the attacker
   -Duration: 2 minutes

  -Water Walking
   -Effect:   Can walk on surface of water and lava
   -Duration: 5 minutes

  -Well Fed
   -Effect:   +1 Defense, +1% critical rate, +5% melee speed/damage, +10% magic
              damage, +10% movement speed
   -Duration: 10 minutes

  -Orb of Light
   -Item:     Orb of Light
   -Effect:   Makes an orb that emanates light follow you around
   -Duration: 5 minutes

   -Item:     Fairy Bell
   -Effect:   Makes a fairy that emanates light follow you around
   -Duration: 5 minutes

   -Item:     Crystal Ball
   -Effect:   +20 Mana, +5% magic damage, +2% magic critical rate, -2% mana
   -Duration: 10 minutes

   -Item:     Neptune's Shell
   -Effect:   Can breathe and swim in water
   -Duration: As long as Neptune's Shell is equipped underwater

   -Item:     Moon Charm
   -Effect:   Increased melee potential
   -Duration: During a Full Moon and Moon Charm is equipped


   -Inflicted by: Angler Fish, Werewolf
   -Effect:       Cannot naturally regenerate health
   -Duration:     45 seconds

  -Broken Armor
   -Inflicted by: Armored Skeleton, Heavy Skeleton
   -Effect:       Defense is cut in half
   -Duration:     5 minutes

   -Inflicted by: Dao of Pow, Clown, Giant Bat, Light Mummy
   -Effect:       Reverses movement buttons
   -Duration:     7 seconds

   -Inflicted by: Cursed Hammer, Cursed Skull, Enchanted Sword
   -Effect:       Can't use items
   -Duration:     4 seconds

  -Cursed Inferno
   -Inflicted by: Enemies that shoot green flames, Cursed Arrow/Bullet/Flames
   -Effect:       -4 health per second, works underwater
   -Duration:     7 second

   -Inflicted by: Black Slime, Corrupt Slime, Dark Mummy, Slimer, Voodoo/Demon
   -Effect:       Decreases vision
   -Duration:     15 seconds

   -Inflicted by: Wall of Flesh
   -Effect:       Prevents player from leaving underworld
   -Duration:     While fighting the Wall of Flesh

  -On Fire!
   -Inflicted by: Lava, monsters that shoot flames, weapons made of Hellstone
   -Effect:       -4 health per second, does not work underwater
   -Duration:     3-7 seconds

   -Inflicted by: Dart Trap, Hornet, Toxic Sludge, poisoned weapons
   -Effect:       -2 health per second
   -Duration:     7-10 seconds

  -Potion Sickness
   -Inflicted by: Any HP healing item
   -Effect:       Can't use HP healing items
   -Duration:     1 minute

   -Inflicted by: Dark Mummy, Green Jellyfish, Pixie
   -Effect:       Prevents use of magic items
   -Duration:     7 seconds

   -Inflicted by: Mummy, Pixie, Wraith
   -Effect:       -50% horizontal movement speed
   -Duration:     15 seconds

  -The Tongue
   -Inflicted by: Wall of Flesh
   -Effect:       Unable to move or use items, is pulled toware Wall of Flesh
   -Duration:     When being pulled by Wall of Flesh

   -Inflicted by: Ale
   -Effect:       -2 Defense, +2% melee critical rate, +10% melee attack speed,
                  +10% melee damage
   -Duration:     2 minutes

   -Inflicted by: Corruptor (Vile Spit)
   -Effect:       -4 defense, -5% melee damage/melee speed, -10% movement speed
   -Duration:     5 minutes

*might as well be 1.2'd for as much as I know

Under (very heavy) Construction

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