
Torchlight - Ember Guide Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Torchlight - Ember Guide

Torchlight - Ember Guide
 _____   ___    ____     ____   _   _   _      ___    ____   _   _   _____
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                  \____|  \___/  |___| |____/   |____|

Ember Guide/List by kirbob Copyright 2009

      Version History

01/05/10 - Version 1.0
Completed Ember Tips and Closing Remarks. Swapped position of Ember Tips and 
Ember List sections. Completed Ember List.

12/30/09 - Version 0.7
Began writing FAQ. Completed Introduction, What is Ember? and Credits. Ember 
List is about 80% done.

      Table of Contents

I- Introduction
II- What is Ember?
III- Ember List
  A. Elemental (Cold/Fire/Flow/Life)
  B. Core
  C. Deep
  D. Eyeball
  E. Skull
  F. Pure
  G. Chaos
  H. Other
IV- Ember Tips
V- Quest Ember
VI- Closing Remarks
VII- Credits

      I. Introduction

Welcome reader to my Torchlight Ember Guide. This guide contains little to no 
actual story information, so you don't have to worry about spoilers, but you 
also won't find a walkthrough on the actual dungeon. No; this guide is to help 
you better understand the tiny, slottable bits of loot you find called Ember. 
It contains a list of all of the Tiers and Types of Ember and their effects on 
your Weapons and Armor. It also contains some tips I have for you to make 
better use of the Ember you find.

Now grab your favorite Wand and Boots and let us begin!

      II. What is Ember?

At its most basic, Ember is a magical mineral with a variety of unique and 
inexplicable powers. Miners have been harvesting Ember, scholars studying it, 
and merchants selling it to adventurers in Torchlight for some time and they 
have finally found themselves in a spot of trouble on its behalf. Ember is 
the reason YOU'RE in Torchlight too; whether you seek to defend the town, to 
find adventure or to obtain a better understanding of the magical energies 
contained in Ember. The miners of Torchlight have started to run into monsters 
in the Ember mine and scholars have begun to detect a dark aura from the 
mineral and it's up to YOU to seek the cause.

Gamewise, Ember acts as an enhancer to your weapons and armor. As soon as you 
enchant a piece of equipment with a gem of Ember, that piece of equipment 
obtains the benefits of the Ember until the two are separated (more on 
separation later).

Each piece of Ember has two main attributes, hereby known as Tier and Type. 
Tier refers to the potency of the Ember, being stronger or weaker if the Ember 
is of a higher or lower tier, respectively (ex: Dull). Type refers to the 
"element" of the Ember and dictates the type of enhancement the Ember bestows 
upon your equipment (ex: Fire). Ergo, Ember is classified by these two 
attributes and named as such (ex: Dull Fire Ember).

      III. Ember List

Now the part you came here for!

-Weapons behave differently than Armor/Trinkets when equipped with the same 
gem of Ember, so the chart has a column for both.
-I use the term "Base" as Tier 4 Ember because the game does not give it any 
prefix it is just called "[blank] Ember."
-I use the term "Shard" for Tier 10 Ember because they each have their own 
special name (which I will provide) and most end with "Ember Shard."
-To conserve space, I use the term "Armor" for both Armor and Trinkets.
-Cold, Fire, Flow and Life Ember correspond to the elements Ice, Fire, 
Electric and Poison, respectively. On the table, substitute [element] with the 
element of Ember you have.

A. ELEMENTAL (Cold, Fire, Flow, Life)

Weapon- Bonus [element] Damge
Armor- Bonus [element] Resistance

           | Weapon | Armor |
Cracked    |   +3   |  +2   |
Dull       |   +6   |  +4   |
Discolored |   +9   |  +7   |
"Base"     |   +12  |  +10  |
Cut        |   +16  |  +13  |
Polished   |   +19  |  +15  |
Star       |   +22  |  +19  |
Flawless   |   +25  |  +21  |
Perfect    |   +29  |  +24  |
"Shard"    |   +33  |  +28  | Earthstar Cold Ember Shard, Fire Queen Ember 
----------------------------  Shard, Eternal Flow Ember Shard, Spire City Life 
                              Ember Shard


Weapon- Bonus Health Recovery per second
Armor- Bonus to STR attribute

           | Weapon | Armor |
Cracked    |   +2   |  +2   |
Dull       |   +4   |  +3   |
Discolored |   +6   |  +4   |
"Base"     |   +8   |  +5   |
Cut        |   +10  |  +6   |
Polished   |   +11  |  +7   |
Star       |   +13  |  +9   |
Flawless   |   +15  |  +10  |
Perfect    |   +17  |  +11  |
"Shard"    |   +19  |  +12  | Sea King's Core Ember Shard


Weapon- Armor degraded per hit
Armor- Bonus to DEX attribute

           | Weapon | Armor |
Cracked    |   +1   |  +2   |
Dull       |   +3   |  +3   |
Discolored |   +6   |  +4   |
"Base"     |   +10  |  +5   |
Cut        |   +14  |  +6   |
Polished   |   +19  |  +7   |
Star       |   +25  |  +9   |
Flawless   |   +32  |  +10  |
Perfect    |   +39  |  +11  |
"Shard"    |   +48  |  +12  | Grand Depths Ember Shard


Weapon- Mana Stolen on Hit
Armor- Bonus to MAG attribute

           | Weapon | Armor |
Cracked    |   +2   |  +2   |
Dull       |   +3   |  +3   |
Discolored |   +5   |  +4   |
"Base"     |   +6   |  +5   |
Cut        |   +8   |  +6   |
Polished   |   +9   |  +7   |
Star       |   +11  |  +9   |
Flawless   |   +12  |  +10  |
Perfect    |   +14  |  +11  |
"Shard"    |   +15  |  +12  | Etlich's Eyeball


Weapon- Health Stolen on Hit
Armor- Bonus to DEF attribute

           | Weapon | Armor |
Cracked    |   +1   |  +2   |
Dull       |   +5   |  +3   |
Discolored |   +10  |  +4   |
"Base"     |   +14  |  +5   |
Cut        |   +19  |  +6   |
Polished   |   +23  |  +7   |
Star       |   +28  |  +9   |
Flawless   |   +32  |  +10  |
Perfect    |   +37  |  +11  |
"Shard"    |   +42  |  +12  | Pirate's Skull


Weapon- Bonus Damage
Armor- Bonus Armor

           | Weapon | Armor |
Cracked    |   +4   |  +3   |
Dull       |   +9   |  +5   |
Discolored |   +14  |  +9   |
"Base"     |   +18  |  +12  |
Cut        |   +24  |  +16  |
Polished   |   +28  |  +19  |
Star       |   +33  |  +23  |
Flawless   |   +38  |  +27  |
Perfect    |   +43  |  +30  |
"Shard"    |   +49  |  +34  | Infinite Pure Ember Shard


Now Chaos Ember is a little different than standard Ember. For starters, it 
behaves the same with Weapons as it does with Armor/Trinkets, so you don't 
have to worry as much about where you place it. Secondly, it does NOT combine, 
so you can't make it any better. It DOES, however, have two tiers; you simply 
need to find them instead of transmuting them. Since it does not scale with 
your characters level, meaning it doesn't get much better over time, I suggest 
using all the Chaos Ember you can early because it rapidly becomes obsolete.

        |       Effect        | "Base" |  Very  |
Healthy |     Health (HP)     |   +12  |   +24  |
Adept   |     Cast speed      |   +2%  |   +4%  |
Deadly  | Critical hit chance |   +2   |   +4   |
Swift   |    Attack speed     |   +2%  |   +4%  | 


This stuff isn't really Ember, but it DOES fit in sockets, so I figured it 
deserved a mention. All of the following items can be found while fishing.

Shimmering Fish Scale | +3 HP Recovery per second |
Lucky Fish Tooth      | Critical Hit Chance +3    |
Devil Fish Eye        | Attack Speed +5%          |

      IV. Ember Tips

**Credit to stoops**
"one slight addition, if you're interested.  you mentioned that chaos 
gems can't be combined ... but if you combine *four* chaos gems, you 
get a random cracked ember gem.  they don't have to be the same type 
of chaos gem ... any group of four will do.  i'm fairly certain you 
can never get eyes or skulls this way, but i think everything else 
(pure, core, deep, fire, ice, flow, life) is eligible.  anyway, this 
is a way to at least get *something* out of them once they've become 
obsolete (even if each chaos gem is only 1/4 of a cracked gem)."

Ember gems can only be attached to items* with Sockets. Sockets are 
denoted by a small circle with a broken border on items* in your inventory 
screen and are only visible when you hover your cursor over the item* (every 
item* in your inventory with Sockets will be displayed when you hover your 
cursor over an Ember gem or another item* with Sockets). Most equipment does 
not have Sockets, but Goren (the guy with a wand over his head) and Shrines of 
Enchantment will put Sockets on equipment if you are lucky. All Unique (gold) 
items* have at least one socket.

*Item(s) hereby refers to weapons, armor and trinkets.

Once an Ember gem has been attached to an item* it is PERMANENTLY BOUND TO 
THAT ITEM*. You CANNOT** enchant an item* with Ember and later remove it on a 
whim. So be prudent and expend your Ember carefully.

**In reality, it is possible to separate Ember from equipment, but you lose 
one in the process. Towards the east side of town, there is a pair of NPCs 
that unbind Ember and items* at no cost. They do so either by breaking your 
item* and retrieving the Ember inside, or by breaking the Ember and returning 
the item. Therefore Ember can actually be removed, but it comes at a price.

Lower Tier Ember gems can be combined to form higher Tier Ember gems. Duran 
the Transmuter (located a little East of your Stash) can combine two pieces of 
IDENTICAL Ember into one gem of the next highest Tier. For example, if you 
have two pieces of Craked Pure Ember, he can combine them to make one piece of 
Dull Pure Ember. You can also give him FOUR identical gems to get ONE gem TWO 
Tiers higher (ex: 4 Cracked Pure Embers --> 1 Discolored Pure Ember).

Sometimes you're missing just one Cracked Deep Ember to make your Deep Ember 
and you don't want to go a long way to get it. Luckily for you, the town of 
Torchlight has a merchant with just what you need. Just Northeast of your 
Stash, the merchant Triya sells Ember gems (and other things). She changes her 
inventory everytime you leave town, so if she doesn't have the specific Ember 
you need, try going into a dungeon and coming back. Ember is a bit expensive 
in the early game, so don't try to buy every gem Triya ever sells from the 

Ember gems have different effects when equipped to Weapons than when they are 
equipped to Armor and Trinkets, so you can't equip them to any item* and get 
the desired effect. The enhancements make sense, though, Life Ember gives you 
more Poison DAMAGE on Weapons and more Poison RESISTANCE on Armor/Trinkets. So 
you probably won't get confused, but be careful nonetheless.

DO NOT BE AFRAID TO USE YOUR EMBER. I made this mistake on my first character 
and I wish I hadn't. If you are the kind of person who likes to horde Ember to 
make your character stronger late-game, remember how this game works: every 2 
hours of gameplay you'll find better items*. I don't mean enchant every piece 
of equipment you have with every piece of Ember you find, but don't be a miser 
with it. If you have boots that give you a 6% increase to Ice damage, go ahead 
and enchant your weapons with some Discolored Cold Ember. Don't sit there 
thinking you're only gonna enchant your top tier items* with top tier Ember 
because then you'll never end up enchanting anything.

      V. Quest Ember

Coming Soon!

      VI. Closing Remarks

Contacting Me

kirbob106 [at] yahooo [dot] com

Although I think this guide is fairly comprehensive, I may well have missed 
something. So feel free to ask me PERTINENT questions (as in questions about 
Ember in Torchlight). Gratitude is also appreciated and please contact me if I 
am mistaken anywhere.


All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their 
respective trademark and copyright holders.

This document is Copyright 2009 Francisco Remy, and ONLY the following sites 
are allowed to use this guide:

      VII. Credits

First and foremost, I would like to thank Runic for making this awesome game. 
It's been a long time since I enjoyed a game as much as "Torchlight" and I 
wish I could shake all of their hands for producing such a masterpiece.

Secondly, I would like to thank CJayC for founding this site and SBAllen for 
keeping the site going. This is the most elegant, user friendly FAQ site on 
the web and without you two, this site would not exist.

Also I would like to thank my friend Oscar for helping me with the console to 
find a list of all Socketables instead of having to create them all myself.

Stoops for the Chaos Ember tip. Thanks for the feedback, bud.

Finally I would like to thank you, the reader. The whole reason for writing 
this FAQ. I could keep this knowledge to myself, but I would be much happier 
knowing other people will benefit from my research.

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