Ultimate Doom - Enemies and Weapons
"Enemies & Weapons of the Doom Universe"
v4.1 02/12/07
by Joseph Mostarda (e-mail: jmostarda@live.com)
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Table of Contents
Section 1 (Copyrights)
1.01 - Copyrights
Section 2 (Enemies)
2.01 - Former Humans
2.02 - Shotgun Guys
2.03 - Heavy Weapon Dudes
2.04 - Imps
2.05 - Demons
2.06 - Spectres
2.07 - Lost Souls
2.08 - Cacodemons
2.09 - Pain Elementals
2.10 - Revenant
2.11 - Mancubus
2.12 - Arch-Vile
2.13 - Hell Knights
2.14 - Barons of Hell
2.15 - Arachnotrons
2.16 - Spider Mastermind
2.17 - Cyberdemon
Section 3 (Weapons)
3.01 - Fist
3.02 - Chainsaw
3.03 - Pistol
3.04 - Shotgun
3.05 - Super Shotgun
3.06 - Chaingun
3.07 - Rocket Launcher
3.08 - Plasma Rifle
3.09 - BFG 9000
(Tip: Use Ctrl+F to quickly navigate this FAQ.)
Section 1 - Copyrights
1.01 - Copyrights
Feel free to download this FAQ for your own personal use. All
I ask is that you don't sell it for profit or any form of
commercial means. I also grant unlimited permission for this
FAQ to be posted on any other website, so long as proper credit
is given to me as the author of this FAQ.
Section 2 - Enemies
2.01 - Former Humans
These soldiers don't put up much of a fight. It only takes a few bullets to
kill them. They can pack a punch in a group, though, so always be weary of 'em.
2.02 - Shotgun Guys
Although no harder to kill than the Former Humans, the shotguns they pack can
do a lot of damage at close range. They often attack in pairs, so use a weapon
with a lot of splash damage, like the Rocket Launcher, to mow 'em down.
2.03 - Heavy Weapon Dude
These are the strongest of the humanoids, and, like the zombieman and Shotgun
Guys, will often ambush you in large groups. Attacking you with an endless
flurry of bullets, the Heavy Weapon Dude can quickly overwhelm you. However,
like the others, they are simple to kill, usually taking little more than a
Shotgun blast or a few rounds of the Chaingun.
2.04 - Imp
These devilish creatures shoot fireballs from afar and tear you apart with
their claws up close. They go down with just one Shotgun blast, but I prefer
the Chaingun, since Imps like to attack in pairs.
2.05 - Demon
Demons are quick, pig-like monsters that can only harm you at point blank range.
There are two easy ways to eliminate them: from far away with a long-range
weapon like the Rocket Launcher, or up close with the Chainsaw, which will keep
the Demons from harming you.
Caution: On the Nightmare setting, Demons move twice as fast!
2.06 - Spectre
Spectres are identical to the Demons, except they are transparent. Save ammo
and defeat them with the Chainsaw.
Caution: On the Nightmare setting, Demons move twice as fast!
2.07 - Lost Soul
Lost Souls are floating skulls on fire. They annoy you more than causing any
real damage, but keep in mind that they can knock you off a high platform.
Because they will assault you at point blank range, never use a Rocket
Launcher against them.
Caution: In Doom II and Final Doom, the Pain Elemental can spawn Lost Souls at
2.08 - Cacodemon
The Cacodemon is a large, floating head that shoots balls of lightning at you.
You will often encounter them in groups from far away. The best way to combat
them is with the Rocket Launcher. However, if you are ever faced with a
Cacodemon up close, you can defeat them with the Chainsaw, which will render
them unable to attack.
2.09 - Pain Elemental
Similar in appearance to the Cacodemon, the Pain Elemental are less dangerous.
Like the Lost Souls, the Pain Elemental does little, if any, damage to you.
Rather, they just get in your way and distract you. They also spawn a steady
stream of Lost Souls. Eliminate them with the Chainsaw to conserve ammo.
2.10 - Revenant
These walking skeletons take a surprisingly large amount of ammo to kill. They
can also attack you with homing missiles, causing serious damage. Up close,
they will punch you. If you have the Super Shotgun, you can usually eliminate
them with two direct shots.
2.11 - Mancubus
These are strange, obese monsters. Incredibly slow, they rarely ever move,
making them easy targets for your Rocket Launcher or Plasma Rifle.
Unfortunately, they also fire two large rockets at you, which do a great deal
of damage. However, the rockets can be avoided with some strafing techniques.
Oftentimes, you will find Mancubus in the center of large, open areas, where
their ammo can travel all throughout the arena.
2.12 - Arch-Vile
These rarely encountered creatures have the unique ability to revive dead
monsters. They also attack you with a large swath of fire, making them
dangerously quick enemies. Use a powerful weapon like the Rocket Launcher
against them, or else they will revive hordes of dead monsters.
2.13 - Hell Knights
These are the smaller, less lethal form of the Barons of Hell. But because of
this, they are much more common enemies, and the plasma flares they fire at you
are just as strong as ever. The Super Shotgun will make quick work of them.
2.14 - Baron of Hell
These are among the strongest enemies in the game. Luckily, they are fairly
rare, although they almost always attack in pairs. Use your strongest weapons
against them, such as the Shotgun or Plasma Rifle. Most levels that feature
these enemies tend to have an Invulnerability sphere nearby.
2.15- Arachnotron
Arachnotrons are the baby form of the Spider Mastermind. They move quicker, but
aren't very strong. They fire plasma at you in a straight line, so you can
simply strafe around the enemies to avoid getting hit. Fire back with your own
Plasma Rifle, or use the Super Shotgun for a quick victory.
2.16 - Spider Mastermind
This enemy is extremely rare, and, along with the Cyberdemon, serves as more of
a "boss" than a normal enemy. The Spider Mastermind is very dangerous, because
it takes many shots to kill, and it uses a rapid-fire Chaingun to attack. You
should only use the BFG9000 against it, and you are highly recommended to seek
out an Invulnerability sphere.
In a few levels, you will be pitted against both the Spider Mastermind and the
Cyberdemon. A very effective strategy is to get the two locked into a fight.
This will quickly eliminate one of the two, while severely weakening the other,
making it quick work with your strongest weapons.
2.17 - Cyberdemon
The Cyberdemon is considered by many to be the strongest and deadliest enemy in
the games. Along with the Spider Mastermind, the Cyberdemon is an extremely
rare, boss enemy. The only effective weapon against it is your BFG 9000, and
even then, it can often survive over four direct hits. It attacks you with
powerful rockets, and just one direct hit is usually enough to kill you.
In a few levels, you will be pitted against both the Spider Mastermind and the
Cyberdemon. A very effective strategy is to get the two locked into a fight.
This will quickly eliminate one of the two, while severely weakening the other,
making it quick work with your strongest weapons.
Section 3 - Weapons
3.01 - Fist
Should you ever run out of ammo for all of your weapons, you will resort to
fighting with your fists. Surprisingly, your fists are good against Former
Humans and Imps, although being forced to fight in such close combat is never
a good idea.
If you come across a Berserk power-up, your fists will become very strong,
almost equivalent to the Shotgun. You'll be able to tear through most
enemies in a single punch.
3.02 - Chainsaw
The Chainsaw is useful against Demons, Cacodemons, Lost Souls and the Pain
Elementals. Since it uses no ammo, it's a great alternative to use against
lone enemies. It is not a good weapon to use in a large ambush of enemies.
3.03 - Pistol
The weakest weapon, the Pistol is useful only in the early levels, against
weak enemies like the Former Humans. In the later levels, I doubt you'll make
much use of it at all.
3.04 - Shotgun
The Shotgun is very powerful at close range, but largely ineffective from far
away. Therefore, it is best used against large waves of enemies in small,
enclosed rooms. A well placed blast will stop Demons in their tracks, and can
stop other enemies from firing back at you.
3.05 - Super Shotgun
The Super Shotgun is double-barreled, causing twice as much damage as the
Shotgun. But it also burns through ammo twice as quick. The Super Shotgun
packs enough punch to kill a Demon in one well-aimed shot, and can really put
the hurt on stronger enemies like the Hell Knights.
3.06 - Chaingun
The Chaingun uses bullets like the pistol, but is a much stronger weapon
because of its rapid rate of fire and splash damage. Being able to hold up to
400 bullets, the Chaingun is arguably the best weapon for general combat, as
most enemies will be unable to attack you while being pummeled by the bullets.
3.07 - Rocket Launcher
One of the strongest weapons, the rocket launcher deals a great amount of
direct damage, as well as splash damage. However, it can hurt you as much as
it can the enemies. The Rocket Launcher has a very long range, making it
perfect for floating enemies like the Cacodemons and Pain Elementals. You'll
also find it essential for beating Level 30 in Doom II.
3.08 - Plasma Rifle
The Plasma Rifle is one of two weapons that rely on energy cells for ammo. It
boasts a very high rate of fire, and does about as much damage as the Chaingun.
This is often the weapon of choice against the majority of the enemies, as it
tends to make quick work of anything thrown at you.
3.09 - BFG 9000
The strongest weapon in the game, the BFG 9000 uses 40 cells at a time to fire
an extremely powerful burst of energy that affects all the enemies within its
range. The energy blast is enough to disintegrate weaker enemies, while
severely damaging stronger ones. Despite its disposal powers, resist the
temptation to use it often, as it's best saved for use against the Spider
Mastermind and the Cyberdemon.
--------------------END OF DOCUMENT--------------------