Clive Barker's Undying
Full Walkthrough, v 1.00 (09/06/2009)
By Elshendee
a. Introduction
i. Manor - Front Gate
ii. Manor - West Wing
iii. Manor - Entrance Hall
iv. Manor - West Wing (II)
b. Lizbeth
i. Manor - Guest Room
ii. Manor - Central Upper
iii. Manor - Entrance Hall (II)
iv. Manor - North Wing Lower
v. Manor - Entrance Hall (III)
vi. Manor - Central Lower
vii. Manor - East Wing Lower
viii. Manor - Chapel
ix. Manor - East Wing Lower (II)
x. Manor - East Wing Upper
xi. Oneiros
xii. Manor - East Wing Upper (II)
xiii. Manor - East Wing Lower (III)
xiv. Manor - Central Lower (II)
xv. Manor - Central Upper (II)
xvi. Manor -North Wing Upper
xvii. Manor - North Wing Lower (II)
xviii. Manor - Gardens
xix. Mausoleum - Approach
xx. Mausoleum - Entrance
xxi. Mausoleum - Tunnels
xxii. Mausoleum - Entrance (II)
xxiii. Old Cemetery
xxiv. Monastery Present - Cove
xxv. Monastery Present - Tunnels
xxvi. Monastery Present - Exterior
xxvii. Monastery Present - Interior
xxviii. Monastery Present - Exterior (II)
xxix. Catacombs - Entrance
xxx. Catacombs - Saints Hall
xxxi. Monastery present - Interior (II)
xxxii. Catacombs - Saints Hall (II)
xxxiii. Catacombs - Exit
xxxiv. Catacombs - Wind Chamber
xxxv. Monastery Present - Interior (III)
xxxvi. Catacombs - Wind Chamber (II)
xxxvii. Catacombs - Exit (II)
xxxviii. Monastery Present - Church
xxxix. Monastery Past - Exterior
xl. Monastery Past - Interior
xli. Monastery Past - Living Quarters
xlii. Monastery Past - Interior (II)
xliii. Monastery Past - Exterior (II)
xliv. Monastery Past - Interior (III)
xlv. Monastery Past - Church
xlvi. Monastery Present - Church (II)
xlvii. Catacombs - Exit (III)
xlviii. Catacombs - Lower Level
xlix. Catacombs - Well Room
l. Catacombs - Lower Level (II)
li. Catacombs - Cisterns
lii. Catacombs - Tunnels
liii. Catacombs - Lair of Lizbeth
liv. Catacombs - Lair of Lizbeth (II)
lv. Catacombs - Cliffs
lvi. Monastery Present - Cove (II)
c. Ambrose
i. Manor - Gardens (II)
ii. Manor - North Wing Lower (III)
iii. Manor - Tower Run
iv. Manor - North Wing Lower (IV)
v. Manor - North Wing Upper (II)
vi. Manor - East Wing Lower (IV)
vii. Manor - East Wing Upper (III)
viii. Manor - East Wing Lower (V)
ix. Manor - East Wing Upper (IV)
x. Manor - East Wing Lower (VI)
xi. Manor - Chapel (II)
xii. Manor - East Wing Lower (VII)
xiii. Manor - Central Lower (III)
xiv. Manor - Entrance Hall (IV)
xv. Manor - Front Gate (II)
xvi. Grounds - Dock
xvii. Standing Stones
xviii. Grounds - Dock (II)
xix. Manor - Front Gate (III)
xx. Lighthouse
xxi. Coastal Ruins
xxii. Pirate's Cove - Pier
xxiii. Pirate's Cove - Caverns
xxiv. Pirate's Cove - Barracks
xxv. Pirate's Cove - Treasure Room
xxvi. Manor - Front Gate (IV)
xxvii. Manor - Entrance Hall (V)
xxviii. Manor - West Wing (III)
xxix. Manor - Great Hall
d. Keisinger
i. Manor - Central Upper (III)
ii. Manor - Entrance Hall (VI)
iii. Manor - Central Upper (IV)
iv. Manor - North Wing Upper (III)
v. Manor - Widow's Watch
vi. Manor - Great Hall (II)
vii. Manor - Tower Run (II)
viii. Oneiros - Amphitheater
ix. Oneiros - Ruins
x. Oneiros - Amphitheater (II)
xi. Oneiros - Abandoned Fortress
xii. Oneiros - Keisinger's Stronghold
xiii. Oneiros - Keisinger's Studio
xiv. Oneiros - Keisinger's Stronghold (II)
xv. Oneiros - Keisinger's Studio (II)
xvi. Oneiros - Oracle
xvii. Oneiros - Keisinger's Studio (III)
xviii. Oneiros - Keisinger's Stronghold (III)
xix. Oneiros - Howling Well
xx. Oneiros - Ziggurat
xxi. Oneiros - Ziggurat (II)
xxii. Oneiros - Ziggurat (III)
xxiii. Manor - Tower Run (III)
e. Aaron
i. Manor - Central Lower (IV)
ii. Manor - Central Upper (V)
iii. Manor - North Wing Upper (IV)
iv. Manor - Inner Courtyard
v. Manor - Gardens (III)
vi. Bethany's Cottage
vii. Manor - Gardens (IV)
viii. Manor -North Wing Lower (V)
ix. Manor - North Wing Upper (V)
x. Manor - Central Upper (VI)
xi. Manor - Crypt
f. Bethany
i. Eternal Autumn - Forest
ii. Eternal Autumn - Chieftain
iii. Eternal Autumn - Airie
iv. Eternal Autumn - Chase
v. Eternal Autumn - Bridge
vi. Eternal Autumn - Lower Dwellings
vii. Eternal Autumn - Upper Dwellings
viii. Eternal Autumn - Gauntlet
ix. Eternal Autumn - Ruins
x. Eternal Autumn - Arch
xi. Eternal Autumn - Arena
xii. Eternal Autumn - Arena (II)
g. Final
i. Standing Stones (II)
The default controls for this game are as follows:
F3 - Journal entries screen.
F6 - Quicksave.
F7 - Quickload.
1 - Cycle forward through weapons.
2 - Cycle backward through weapons.
3 - Cycle forward through spells.
4 - Cycle backward through spells.
[/F - Cycle forward through items.
]/V - Cycle backward through items.
Enter/Q - Use selected item.
E/Delete - Weapon quick select (hold).
R/End - Spell quick select (hold).
Alt/Caps Lock - Reload your weapon, or switch to its secondary mode.
Pause - Pauses the game, not surprisingly.
W/A/S/D/Arrow Keys - Used for movement and strafing.
Shift/C - Crouch.
Space/Ctrl - Jump.
Left click/Insert - Fire selected weapon.
Right click/Home - Use selected spell.
Scroll Wheel - Cycle through weapons.
You start the game with this weapon. It never actually becomes
useless, since you can use the silver bullets you find later in the
game against the stronger enemies, and save the normal bullets for the
weaker enemies. You can switch between both types of bullets selecting
the right one in the inventory. The silver bullets take more time to
load but they inflict more damage. Overall, it's a fast weapon, with a
good range, and you can reduce the reload time by using Haste. Ammo is
not a problem, as normal bullets are very common. Silver bullets are
obviously less common, so save them for the strongest enemies.
Weapon action: reloads the pistol.
Best used against: Howlers (all types), Trsantis (all types), Monks
(all types), Handmaidens (silver)
Gelziabar stone
You start the game with this weapon. When equipped, it rises the
selected spell by 1, which comes always handy, and deletes the mana
cost of the spell Scrye. Besides, it glows when you can find something
in Scrye mode (although if you pay attention, you don't actually need
it, since you'll hear some noises then). When used, it displays a
shock wave that push enemies backwards. Although it doesn't actually
damage them, you could push them down a cliff, and it can be useful to
keep them far from you while you use an offensive spell against them
(an offensive spell that it's enhanced by the stone). You should be
careful, though, because in higher difficulty levels using the stone
too much may cause a Hound of Gelziabar to appear. Not a weapon to
always have equipped, but it can very useful at times.
Best used against: Flickering Stalkers, Small Monto Shonoi
Molotov cocktails
Not very useful. You can't store many cocktails at the same time, it
doesn't have a long range, and unless you hit enemy directly it only
torches the enemy. If the enemy has a lot of hit points, only one
cocktail most likely won't kill it, and even against weaker enemies
the fire takes some time to kill the enemy. It can be useful, though,
when fighting enemies directly under you: you safely drop down a
cocktail to the enemy, and let the fire do all the work. It could also
be useful against Jiles, since they are low on health and they can't
move, although you could do the same work with phosphorus shells.
Best used against: Jiles
Tibetan War Cannon
You'll love this weapon. First, it doesn't need ammo, so you can
always use it if you low on ammo. Second, its ice blasts will slow any
enemy they hit (apart from damaging it, of course), which can come
very handy for hit-and-run tactics. Keep pressed the fire button to
charge the cannon, what will shoot a stronger blast once you release
the button. Be careful if you use this against enemies too close since
you can also get hurt in the blast. Its range is not very high, but
believe me, it will be very useful during the first part of the game,
and it will still give some help later.
Best used against: Howlers (all types), Scarrows, Skeletons, Monks,
Just like the pistol, it has two types of ammo, normal and phosphorus.
The phosphorus shells will torch enemies and will inflict more damage.
Just like the pistol, the normal shells are very common and you won't
have any problem with the ammo, but the phosphorus shells are more
difficult to find, so save them for the needed cases. Just like
shotguns in almost any game, its damage decreases with the distance.
Weapon action: switch between one barrel and two barrel mode. The two
barrel mode inflicts double damage, but it spends more ammo and you'll
have to reload after every shot.
Best used against: Howlers (all types), Trsantis (all types), Monks,
Jiles (phosphorus), Hound of Gelziabar, Big Monto Shonoi
A melee weapon, although its range is longer than you would expect.
It's very powerful, if you're lucky and use Haste you could kill an
enemy on a few hits (try to aim to the neck, if they have, to decapite
your enemies). It has a big handicap, though: the mana recovery speed
will decrease when you have this weapon on your hand, so it's not a
good idea to have this weapon equipped if you need to cast a lot of
spells. Later in the game this problem will be solved a bit if you
manage to find many arcane whorls. An important remark is that it's
the only weapon that can kill most of the bossed.
Weapon action: turns into Frenzy mode. Any kill will give you some
health points while on this state and have the scythe equipped,
although it will cost mana (you can slow the mana loss with arcane
whorls, though). The hits on this mode are slower but a bit more
Best used against: Howlers (all types), Skeletons, Drinens, Sleeds
You won't find this weapon until the last part of the game, but you
will soon realise that it could have been very handy before. It has a
very long range, it's quite powerful, and ammo won't be a problem
since many enemies during the last levels drop spears. Try to aim for
headshots to inflict maximum damage. You can use Lightning to improve
its effect: cast Lightning with the speargun equipped and the next
enemy you hit with the speargun will be struck to death by a fallen
from the sky lightning (remember that this won't work if the enemy is
covered by some type of roof, since there's not a way for the
lightning to fall). Its only handicap is that it takes some time to
Weapon action: turns into sniper mode. You get a closer view of what
you're targeting, what allows you to aim for specific points for
heads, or shoot enemies very far from you (remember that this weapon
has a good range).
Best used against: Jemaas (all types)
Completely useless. It fires a remote controlled, flying firebird that
explodes upon impact, or vanishes after some time. Problems? Lots:
very limited ammo (phoenix eggs), few damage, hard to control, you
don't find it until the last part of the game, and Patrick is
vulnerable while you control the firebird.
Mana cost: 20 (fully amplified)
You start the game with this spell. Its main use is to see better in
darkness, since it will improve your sight (although it reduces you
field of vision). Besides, it can be used to see past events, reveal
magic objects and, in general, see things hidden to the normal eye.
You'll know when something is hidden in Scrye mode because the
Gelziabar stone will glow (if you wield it on your hand), and you'll
hear some strange voices saying things like "See". This will be
important to solve some puzzles throughout the game. Keep the
Gelziabar equipped to avoid the mana cost. Amplifying the spell
improves its duration and reduces the mana cost.
Mana cost: 5 (fully amplified)
It fires magic balls which inflict damage to enemies. Its main problem
is that it's not what we could call an accurate attack, since Patrick
throws the magic balls around all directions. It's usually enough
against enemies, but it makes almost impossible to aim for a specific
point. It's not very powerful, but does a decent damage when fully
amplified, you can combine it with a weapon, and it's anyway supposed
to be used only during the earlier levels. It will be very useful
during the first part of the game, although it will become obsolete
later in the game. Amplifying the spell improves the damage, allows
you to aim better, and the ectoplasm goes through walls.
Best used against: Howlers (all types), Ghost Monks, Scarrows
Dispel Magic
Mana cost: 25 (fully amplified)
It can be used to delete magic barriers, but its main use is to get
rid of the Mindshatter spell used by the Abbott and the Inhabitants of
Sil Lith, and the Shield spell used by Trsanti Witches and Keisinger.
Besides, it can be used to kill Scarrows. Don't forget that you have
this spell and it will come very handy. Amplifying the spell reduces
the casting time and the mana cost.
Best used against: Scarrows, the Abbott, Trsanti Witches, Sil lith
Inhabitants, Keisinger
Mana cost: varies
This spell can be used to resurrect enemy corpses to fight under your
orders, but honestly, this isn't very useful, as your new minions
don't help very much. If you want to try, just approach the corpse
before it vanishes and press the cast button. After a while, or if
they're killed again, your new minions disappear for good. The mana
cost is proportional to the enemy's strength. In my opinion, this
spell's good use is as an offensive spell. Cast it on a Skeleton and
it will destroy it. It costs a lot of mana, but it kills it for good.
It can also be used against Trsantis, forcing them to kill themselves,
although you won't get corpses to revive this way. Amplifying the
spell increases the revvied minions' strength, so if you seldom use
this spell to revive corpses, this spell should be the last one you
Best used against: Skeletons, all types of Trsantis but Trsanti
Mana cost: 50 (fully amplified)
It increases for a while your speed and jumping skill. A very useful
spell, since it has many different uses. You can use it to reach
places, to perform hit-and-run tactics, to get away from strong
enemies, to help during combat (since it also increases your attack
speed)... Amplifying this spell increases the spell duration.
Mana cost: 15 (fully amplified)
This spell creates a magic shield which protects you from physical
attacks (it doesn't protect from the spell Mindshatter, for example),
mainly those coming from your front, although it's less effective
against attacks from the sides, and it doesn't protect from attacks
from behind. The shield will break after some time or when it has
taken too much damage. Amplifying the spell increases the duarion and
the damage it can take. Cast a Shield before a hard combat and you'll
notice the difference. Used by Keisinger and Trsanti Witches.
Skull Storm
Mana cost: 15 per skull (fully amplified)
By far the best offensive spell in the game. It allows you throw you
explosive skulls towards your enemies. Keep the skulls after preparing
them without releasing them and they will start to burn, this way they
will cause more damage to your enemies. Of course, the explosions may
hurt you as well if you're too close to your enemies, so throw the
skulls from a distance or cast Shield before sending the skulls. This
spell is your best choice against flying enemies, but it will prove
very useful against all enemies (except Scarrows and Drinens).
Amplifying the spell increases the damage and allows you to throw
several skulls at once. Used by Keisinger, the Abbott, Trsanti Witches
and Veragos.
Best used against: Flickering Stalkers, Monto Shonoi (all types),
Veragos, Jiles, Handmaidens
Mana cost: 40 (fully amplified)
Not a very useful spell. It throws a lightning, as you would expect,
towards enemies, but it doesn't cause too much damage and it's quite
slow. However, it can be used to enhance the speargun. Amplifying the
spell allows you to hit several enemies in one hit, and increases the
damage. Used by Keisinger, Big Monto Shonoi and Handmaidens.
Mana cost: 50 (fully amplified)
Not available normally in the game, only by cheats. Your enemies won't
be able to see properly while they're under this spell's effects. Used
only by the Abbott and Sil Lith Inhabitants in the normal game. Among
the enemies immune to this spell are Aaron, Bethany and Monto Shonoi
(both Small and Big).
Mana cost: a lot
Not available normally in the game, only by cheats. It creates a
glowing rune in the air that throws magic bolts to any enemy on your
field of vision, but it drains your mana as hell. Used only by Veragos
in the normal game.
Mana cost: 40 (fully amplified)
Not available normally in the game, only by cheats. It plants a mine
which damage any being that steps on it (including you). When it's
fully amplified, apparently traps the enemies and they cant't escape
from the mine. Used only by Bethany in the normal game.
Shala's Vortex
Not available in the game. It was supposed to bring protection against
magical attacks such as the spell Mindshatter, just as Shield brings
protection against physical attacks. Used only by Handmaidens.
Not available in the game. It was supposed to give invisibility: Level
1 would make you translucent but not invisible. Level 2 would make you
invisible while standing but still translucent when moving. Level 3
invisible while walking. Level 4 invisible while running but
translucent when firing weapons. Level 5 invisible at all times. Seems
to be the spell used by Drinens.
Incantation of Silence
Not available in the game. Mutes sound, so that you can be more
Not available in the game. An accuracy modifier (allows magic spells
to seek, makes opponents glow, especially good in Dispel Magic, when
people would hide in dark shadows).
They can come in three different shapes, but they all have th same
effect: they will heal you on 35 health units, although they take some
time to heal. Apparently if you have them selected they will
automatically heal if you're low on health, but this doesn't seem to
happen in higher difficulty levels.
These pink stones will permanently increase the selected spell's level
by one, up to a maximum level of 5. You will know if there's one of
them nearby because they will glow and make a very loud noise, so it's
difficult to miss them (another thing is that you figure out how to
grab them). Save them for the best spells. There are enough amplifiers
throughout the game to amplify all spells to Level 5, but if you miss
one of them you won't be able to upgrade all of them.
Dynamite sticks that explode some seconds after using them. Not very
useful, apart from being necessary to solve some puzzles. The fact
that you can't just throw it towards enemies means you can't use it as
an offensive weapon. The sticks you haven't picked up can be shot with
the pistol, though.
Ammo for the pistol. They come in two types, normal bullets and silver
bullets. Silver bullets are more powerful than normal bullets, but are
harder to find and you can store less of them.
Ammo for the shotgun. Again, they come in two types, normal shells and
phosphorus shells. Phosphorus shells work a bit like a flamethrower,
since they will torch on fire your enemies , and again they are harder
to find and you can store less of them.
Ether traps
They can be used to temporally send away ghosts. They're mainly used
to get rid of the annoying Aaron for a while, although they can be
used against Ghost Monks as well (in my opinion, it's a waste, but
it's your choice). Just lure your opponent inside the vortex created
by the trap. If no enemy enters in the vortex, you can take the trap
Arcane whorls
They increase yor mana recovery rate. Very useful, as they allow you
to cast spells easier, and they're helpful for combats with the scythe
(since the scythe reduces the mana recovery speed). Used automatically
when picked up.
Mana well
They increase your maximum mana by 10 units. Only one of them won't
give much difference, but after you've taken several of them you'll
notice that casting spells easier (even easier if you've found arcane
whorls). Used automatically when picked up.
Life points: 12,5
Just normal rats. These animals seldom attack you, but they sometimes
do. If that's the case, just jump over them.
(Darkbat, RestingDarkbat)
Life points: 12,5
Again, these animals don't have anything of special since they're just
normal bats. Again, they seldom attack, if they do Ectoplasm will be a
good choice against them.
(Howler, HowlerHanging, HowlerEating, AntiTrsanti)
Life points: 62,5
Here we go. These ancient supernatural species are under Lizbeth's
orders, and they will be the first enemy you'll face on this game.
They look a bit like wolves, but they're horned and have claws, they
can stand up to attack you, and according to the sound they produce
when they move they must have hooves. According to official sources,
there are several Howler colonies throughout the world, and Lizbeth is
able to control the colony near the Covenant estate. Howlers are not
very strong, but they are fast and agile, as they can approach you in
seconds and perform very long jumps. Be careful when fighting packs of
them, as they can hurt you very badly if they surround you. Pistol and
Ectoplasm will be useful at first against them, later the best choice
against them is the Tibetan War Cannon or the Scythe and Ectoplasm.
There are four main breeds of Howlers, thin one being the most common.
Speedy Howler
Life points: 50
The second breed of Howlers is physically weaker than the main one,
but they're faster and more agile than their stronger brothers. This
breed has a green colour as opposed to the main breed's grey or brown
colours. Although less common than the main breed, you'll still find
many of these Howlers. Fight them just as you would do with their
stronger brothers.
Big Howler
Life points: 125
The third breed of Howlers is much rarer than the first two. They're
much larger and stronger than the other two breeds. Although the same
tactic against normal Howlers can be used against them, you should be
more careful when fighting a Big Howler because of their power, since
they can hurt you very badly and they will take much more damage.
Ghost Monk
Life points: 75
These ghosts for some reason attack you at the manor chapel. I don't
know about their origin or whether they're related to the monastery
monks. You can only see them properly if you use Scye, otherway you'll
see just smoke clouds. Use Ectoplasm against them or just avoid them,
as they will keep spawning when you fight them.
Life points: 75
Scarrows are interdimensional squatters, we could call them magic
scavengers. They're one of the transient races that came to Oneiros,
where they became enslaved by Keisinger, who sends them to do their
dirty work. They resemble a bit snakes, but they have tentacles as
mouth. They're physically a bit stronger than the regular Howlers, but
they're much slower, so it's easier to flee from them. However, this
isn't a good idea, and they can use a poison spit that not only
damages you but also affects you sight. They're able to filter through
the floor and come back at another point, what allows them to escape
from you if they need to. The best choice against them is the Tibetan
War Cannon combined with Ectoplasm. They seem to be immune to the
spell Skull Storm, although Dispel can hurt them.
Boss Howler
Life points: 175
The last breed of Howlers is by far the largest, as well as the
strongest. They can take quite a lot of damage. Despite their size
they're still fast, so you won't be able to run away from them. Use
the Tibetan War Cannon or the Scythe and Ectoplasm against them, or
use the shotgun if you need to.
Big Speedy Howler
Life points: 168,75
You'll only fight one of these, so I wouldn't call it a new breed.
Very similar to the regular Speedy Howlers, but it's much stronger
than them. Not much else to say about it.
(MeleeSaint, FallenSaint, SpawnedBuriedSaint, DecayedSaint,
Life points: 125
They're are the remainings of the monks you fight during your travel
to the past. They keep doing after their death what they did during
their life: keep the monastery safe from supernatural beings and
anything related to magic. They aren't actually under Lizbeth's
orders, although they both move around the same places. They hate
Patrick because he uses magic and because he was the one who killed
them. Since they're already dead, they're resistant to conventional
weapons and they will rise back if you try to kill with one of them.
The Tibetan War Cannon seems to be a bit effective against them in
earlier levels, but it doesn't kill them for good in later levels. The
best choice against them is using Invoke, although it costs a lot of
mana, which is a problem when you're fighting crowds of Skeletons. The
Scythe works too against Skeleton, but it's much slower than Invoke.
Some of them are able to throw you stones so be careful.
Life points: 125
The guys who gave problems to Patrick during his trip to Europe will
also give him problems this time. This particular group is under
Ambrose's orders, who sends them to do their bidding. They are
equipped with a pistol to long range combat and a sword for close
combat. Using Invoke makes them kill themselves, which will surely
prove very useful. They drop bullets when killed. Best use the pistol
against them, aiming for headshots if you can.
Trsanti Chieftain
Life points: 150
These guys lead the regular Trsanti during combat, being stronger than
them. They wield two daggers for close combat and a shotgun for long
range combat (so they do more damage than the regular Trsanti). They
drop shotgun shells when killed. They're also susceptible to Invoke,
although you can also use the pistol against them.
(HoodedMonk, MonkSoldier)
Life points: 125
The monastery original inhabitants, you'll fight them during your
travel to the past. They use a staff against you. You can use the
Tibetan War Cannon and Ectoplasm against them, or use fireguns like
the pistol and the shotgun, but Invoke doesn't work against them to
kill them themselves.
Monk Archer
Life points: 125
These monks use crossbows against you. Although their accuracy is not
the best, they almost always attack you from a distance, which makes
them very hard to aim. Ectoplasm doesn't have enough range to hit
them, the pistol is a better choice.
Life points: 125
The monastery abbott knows how to use magic. He uses the spells
Mindshatter and Skull Storm against you, so he can be very dangerous.
He seems to be able to disappear when he's near to death, or resurrect
himself a few times after death since you'll have to fight him several
times. Use Dispel to get rid of the Mindshatter curse, be careful of
the storms, and kill him using Ectoplasm and another weapon like the
Tibetan War Cannon or the shotgun.
Life points: 62,5
These plants are planted by Bethany. As you would expect from a plant,
they can't move, but they can emit tentacles from the nearby ground to
attack you from a distance. Besides, they can throw poison. They'll
sometimes be hidden, so you'll have to fight the tentacles for a while
before you're able to spot the Jile that is creating them. Skull Storm
is by far the best choice against them, since they're quite weak,
although a phosphorus shell will kill them in one shot.
Flickering Stalker
Life points: 187,5
Flickering Stalker have a similar origin as that of Scarrows: they're
magic scavengers that travelled to Oneiros. They became enslaved by
Keisinger, although Bethany is able to control some of them too. These
flying eel-like beastsmove very fast, making hit-and-run attacks.
They're difficult to target because of theit high speed. The best
choice against them is using Skull Storm to hurt them and the
Gelziabar Stone and push them away. You could use the pistol charged
with silver bullets or the shotgun, but you won't anything to avoid
the Stalker's attack. They will disappear in a cloud of smoke when
Trsanti Witch
Life points: 75
These female Trsanti are more intelligent as their male counterparts,
as they can sue magic. They're physically weaker than the male
Trsantis, but they use Shield and Skull Storm against you. Use Dispel
to delete their Shield, then use the pistol to kill them before
they're able to cast another one. They don't drop anything when
Life points: 200
This banshees were created by Bethany to become her servants, as she
missed the ones she had at the manor when she was alive. These flying
creatures are similar to Victorian dolls as they have porcelain masks
as faces. They use Lightning against you, so cast a Shield and use
Skull Storm or silver bullets. Bethany created few of them, and most
of them don't get too far from her. They seem to be able to use
Shala's Vortex, but it doesn't seem to make much difference.
Dynamite Trsanti
Life points: 125
Perhaps the most dangerous of all Trsanti types, these guys throw you
dynamite sticks, which can kill you if they explode near you unless
you use Shield, so try to kill them from a distance (using the pistol
from example). Be careful when using Invoke on them. They don't drop
anything when killed.
Small Monto Shonoi
Life points: 125
These interdimentional entities, similar to flying crabs, are summoned
by Aaron, as his insanity and drug addiction combined with the curse
allow to see other dimentions and tap into them through his paintings,
and therefore create a channel for the Monto Shonoi. The smaller breed
of the Monto Shonoi floats and attacks you using its large claws. They
can fly very fast towards you, so use Skull Storm and the Gelziabar
Stone to push them away.
Sil Lith Inhabitant
(Inhabitant, AttackInhabitant)
Life points: 125
These bird-like beasts were some of the original inhabitants of
Oneiros, but they became enslaved by Keisinger when he took over the
place and he sends them to do their bidding. They use the spell
Mindshatter against you, although physically they aren't very strong.
Use Dispel to get rid of the Mindshatter spell, then use Skull Storm
against them. You shouldn't have much problem with them as long as you
have Dispel ready.
Life points: 150
The Veragos are some of the ancient inhabitants of Oneiros, now
enslaved by Keisinger. They were great magic users who dabbled too
much with the Arcane and ended up being corrupted and all but wiped
out by it. They are flying cloaked wizards, who have nothing but a
magic ball as face. They can throw two skulls at the same time, which
will damage you very badly. Shield isn't as effective against them as
against other enemies, because their skulls will most likely hit you
from the sides and not in front of you. Use Skull Storm against them,
being very careful of their attacks. They explode in blue cristals
when killed, but if your attacks don't completely kill them and just
leave them low of health, they will use a suicide, lethal attack
against you, so try to finish them off in one hit. Three Veragos can
cast Powerword against you, which can hurt you very badly.
Hound of Gelziabar
Life points: 625
The Hounds are extradimensional creatures. The Gelziabar stone was
used in the past to open a rift between this world and the Hounds
dimension, but that rift was never fully closed. Their ability to
enter this world is closely tied to the stone: if the Gelziabar stone
is used too much, it's possible for the Hounds to appear. The Hounds
are big, extremely strong beasts. They can take a lot of damage, so
don't hesitate to use your most powerful weapons and spells or you'll
die very quickly, since their size doesn't make them slow. One of them
was captured by Keisinger, and you'll have to fight it.
Big Monto Shonoi
Life points: 500
The larger breed of Monto Shonoi is much more powerful, and both Aaron
and Bethany are able to summon them. They can take a lot of damage,
and are able to do magic: they can use Lightning (seldom), they can
create a vortex to attract you to their claws, and the Gelziabar stone
is less efective to push them than against rheir smaller brothers.
Fortunately, they're much rarer than the smaller breed. Use the
shotgun, Skull Storm, Shield, Haste, well... anything. They're one of
the strongest enemies in the game.
Life points: 187,5
Bethany's elite soldiers. These tall humanoids have a staff and they
know to use it. Besides, they can use the spell Phase, which allows
them to become intangible for a while. They're completely invulnerable
when they're on this state, and they can also pass through you and
attack from behind. Their ability to become intangible means that it's
not a good idea to use long range attacks against them and instead you
should use the Scythe for a melee combat, but this is easier said than
done because of their annoying habit of attacking you from behind.
Life points: 25
These piranha-like beasts are perhaps the most annoying enemy in the
game. They're very weak, but they move very fast, and they are hard to
hit because of their small size. Best use the scythe against them, and
use Shield to protect you from their jaws.
Jemaas Fighter
(MeleeJumper, JemaasDancer)
Life points: 187,5
Bethany's main minions. These bulky humanoids are strong as hell,
they'll take quite some damage. They will come towards you to attack
you with their spears, best try to keep a distance from them (not very
difficult since these guys are quite slow) and use the speargun
enhanced with Lightning if you can see the sky or Skull Storm if you
Jemaas Chieftain
Life points: 375
A much stronger Jemaas with a speargun. Use a Lightning speargun if
you have the chance, if not use Shield and Skull Storm. They drop
spears when killed.
Jemaas Sniper
(Jemaas, JemaasJumper, JemaasLongJumper, JemaasCroucher, JemaasRock)
Life points: 187,5
Jemaas carrying and using spearguns, and they know how to use it, so
you'd better use Shield when you're fighting them. If you use the
speargun against them, keep a distance and select the sniper mode.
Don't worry about the ammo because they drop spears when killed.
a. Introduction
Manor - Front Gate
You start with four journal entries: (Scrye), (Revolver), (Gelziabar
Stone) and (Remembrances). Ignore the rats and approach the small
garden left of the manor door and talk to the gardener. Then use Scrye
near the door to see a hanging corpse. Ignore the bats and enter the
Manor - West Wing
Walk a bit and you'll meet Aaron. Walk a bit more and you'll see him
again, this time on a much more disgusting form. Take the medikit next
to the blue door and enter the double brown door.
Manor - Entrance Hall
You've got a new journal entry: (Jeremiah's Conversation). Go back the
entire corridor and enter the main hall. You'll see Aaron once again.
Go down the stairs and enter the right door.
Manor - West Wing (II)
Finally, a bit of action.
Enter the door right of you. Aaron will speak to you. Take the bullets
and leave the room. Now enter the room left of the blue door. Take the
medikit at the corner and approach the mirror at the near room. You'll
see Aaron again. Take the bullets and continue your way. You'll hear a
Enter the room. You'll be attacked by two Howlers. Shoot them (try
headshots if you can, but shoot where you're able). They're pretty
weak but they're very fast. As long as you stay far from them you
shouldn't have too much problem, as you'll only fight once at a time.
Approach the maiden's corpse very carefully, because a Speedy Howler
will attack you from your back once you're close. Speedy Howlers are
slightly weaker than regular Howlers but a bit faster. Once it's dead
take the medikit and the bullets nearby.
Enter the small room nearby, you'll be attacked by a Howler initially
hanging from the ceiling. Retreat to the previous room if you need it.
Enter the big room with the stairs, look at your right because you'll
encounter a Howler and a Speedy Howler. This will be more difficult
since you'll have to fight two enemies at the same time. Either go
back to the previous room or avoid their attacks as you can.
Once they're both killed, it's time to go up the stairs. You'll fight
another Speedy Howler at the top of them. You'll see the last Howler
try to enter Jeremiah's room, kill it fast. Jeremiah will open the
door, but go back to the hall with the stairs. There's a door at the
top, enter it. You'll find another journal entry on a table (Joseph's
note). Go to the shelf at the end of the room and it will move,
leading you to a balcony with the first AMPLIFIER. Take it but don't
use it yet. Instead go to Jeremiah's room.
b. Lizbeth
Manor - Guest Room
You've got a new journal entry: (Jeremiah's Disclosure). Approach the
scroll on the floor a you'll get a new spell: Ectoplasm. You'll also
get another journal entry: (Ectoplasm). Equip Ectoplasm and use your
amplifier to upgrade it to Level 2. Jump over the table and get the
bullets, then leave the room.
Manor - Central Upper
Walk through the corridor. Talk to the two servants and you'll get two
journal entries: (Lizbeth's Room) and (Evaline's Death). Take the
journal entry near the fireplace (Lizbeth Poetry) and use Scrye near
the portrait on the floor to discover who's sending you all those
Howlers. Enter the small bathroom and take the medikit. Leave
Lizbeth's room and turn left. Halfway the corridor you'll hear noises
and screams. Run towards the end of the corridor, but be careful
because two Howlers are waiting for you there: time to use your new
spell in combination with bullets (you can use a spell while you're
firing a weapon). Wait for the Butler to arrive there and go back to
Lizbeth's room. Two Howlers will come from the fireplace area, again
use both the pistol and Ectoplasm to kill them faster. Once the
maiden's death has avenged enter the door where the butler is know.
Manor - Entrance Hall (II)
Enter the door on your left. The room leads to another two rooms. Go
to the left one. Use Scrye to hear some cries, take another journal
entry (Evaline's Letter) a medikit on the bathroom and some bullets on
the drawer (you may want to wait a bit to get them as there's a
maximum of bullets you can store). Two Howlers will attack you as soon
as you leave the room. Head to the second room. A hanging Big Howler
will attack you when you open the door. Big Howlers are stronger
breeds of the regular Howlers, Ectoplasm and bullets are the key to
kill it. Take the journal entry on the bed (Joseph's Letter) and go to
the main hall. Go down the stairs. Behind the stairs there's small,
dark area where three Howlers are eating a corpse. Killing them will
be harder and you may run out of mana if you're using Ectoplasm, if
that happens finish them off with the pistol. Take the Servant Key
from the corpse, go back to the area with the three doors and enter
the left door.
Turn right. When you approach the door at the end of the corridor it
will close. Lizbeth will appear and she will send you two more
Howlers. Kill them and go the other section of the room. Aaron will
close the door you entered from as soon as you cross it. Enter the
left door (the only one opened).
Manor - North Wing Lower
Enter the second door on your right and take the medikit. The big door
on the previous room leads to a room with a circle table. Take the
door on the right, cross the room and you'll arrive to a room with a
fireplace and a medikit on the shelf. A nearby room has a lever on the
wall. Push it. A Howler will appear from the freight elevator but this
will give you a hint for a later puzzle. Talk to the woman in the room
with the big door. You'll get another journal entry (Garden Key) and
the East Wing key. Go back to the room with the circle table. Lizbeth
will appear again (be careful, she may throw you some stones this
time) and she'll send you a Howler and a Speedy Howler. Kill them and
go back to the previous level.
Manor - Entrance Hall (III)
Aaron will open the nearby door. Enter the library. Wait until Aaron
leaves the book on the shelf and shoot it your pistol. Take it once
it's on the floor (Moon Door Notes). Make your way to the door which
was closed. Two hanging Howlers will attack you near the door Aaron
closed before, you may want to use Scrye to see them better. Go to the
part where you saw Lizbeth before: this time you'll see Aaron. Use the
East Wing key on the door at the end of the room.
Manor - Central Lower
Enter the door on your right. A maiden will explain you that it was
Bethany's office. Use Scrye on the portrait and take the journal entry
(Bethany Writings). Continue your way. You'll see Aaron again but
don't approach him as two Howlers will come from your right. Then take
the journal entry (Aaron's Letter) near the armour left of the door.
Enter the room and you'll another Howler eating from a corpse. Kill it
and cross the corridor with the curtains.
Manor - East Wing Lower
Enter the opposite room. Use Scrye to hear children noises. Take the
medikit behind the chest and journal entry (Playroom Diary) on the
bed. Leave the room and turn left. You'll be attacked by a hanging
Howler as soon as your turn the corner. Enter the door at the end.
Manor - Chapel
You're at the chapel now. Find the cross at the far side. Shoot the
AMPLIFIER to make it fall from the cross, take it and upgrade
Ectoplasm to Level 3. Go up the stairs. Jump over the banister. You
can get the Priest Key from there (it's close to the door). Enter the
door, take the medikit and use the Priest Key to open the wardrobe.
Take the bullets and the ether traps, which will give you a new
journal entry (Ether traps). Lots of Ghost Monks will appear (they
appear as smoke clouds, but if you use Scrye on them you'll be able to
see them clearly). Any of them you kill will be replace by another
ghost, so don't bother on killing them and go back to the previous
Manor - East Wing Lower (II)
Go to the area you didn't explore before. As soon as you are turn the
corner the lights will turn off. Use Scrye in order to be able to see
the three Howlers attacking you (one in front of you, two from your
back). Once they're all killed (a hard task because of the small space
they leave you) go to the next room and take the medikit. The next
room (with old, stone, multicolored tiles) has two hanging Howlers.
You shouldn't have much problem as long as you are quick to give a
response. Then enter the room with the corridor with curtains. While
you're halfway the corridor three Howlers will attack you (two in
front of you, one from your back). This is the same thing as
previously, although this time at least you are able to see them
without any problem. The big door leads to two Howlers eating from a
corpse (they once attacked me at the corridor while I was still busy
with the three outside, although it seems it was one chance in a
million). There are some bullets near the door you entered from.
Leave this room and go to the end of the corridor. Take the medikit
and cross the door (you may want to use Scrye to see it since this
area is a bit dark). Ignore the amplifier for the moment and instead
go up the stairs. You'll be attacked by a Scarrow there. Those guys
can filter through the floor, making a noise that you'll soon be able
to recognize perfectly. They have a ranged attack (they can spit at
you, both damaging and blinding you), but they're much slower than
Howlers so they're easier to kill. Ectoplasm is the best way to kill
it, you don't even need to use the pistol, just make sure you are
neither too close (so that it doesn't punch you) nor too far (so that
it doesn't spit at you). Once it's killed it will disappear for good
on a smoke cloud. Use Scrye on the picture and take the AMPLIFIER
downstairs. Once you've taken it the lamp above you will fall, so move
quickly. The whole room will now be covered in darkness so use Scrye
to find the exit. Upgrade Ectoplasm to Level 4 and go back to the room
with the two eating Howlers. Cross the door at its end. Go up the
stairs and cross the right door.
Manor - East Wing Upper
You'll enter a room with lots of painting. Use Scrye on the portrait
of the man with a hat. Enter the small room and use Scrye on the
landscape painting. Continue your way and enter Keisinger's room. Take
the Molotov cocktails on your right. Take the journal entry on the bed
(Keisinger's Note) and approach the strange door. Wow. Cross the
Just as you enter this strange world you'll get a journal entry
(Oneiros History). Walk a bit and use the floating stairs (don't
worry). A Scarrow will appear as soon as you step on the big island
(let's call it this way) and a second one a bit later. Use your
Ectoplasm Level 4 against them. Start exploring the island: make your
way near the border of the island, starting from the direction where
the second Scarrow appeared. You'll find a strange flask a bit before
you reach the coffin area: take it, it's the Oneiros equivalent of the
medikit, and I'm going to call them medikits. A third Scarrow will
appear after the coffin area, next to the floating stairs. Move the
coffin and it will open. Use the coffin top to jump inside the coffin.
Jump over the floating platform to cross the pit. Another Scarrow will
attack once you reach the other side. Make your way through the nearby
stairs (you'll find there an Oneiros medikit) and go to the second big
island. Keisinger will appear, but you're not powerful enough to fight
him yet, so it's time to flee. Run to the opposite side of the
islands. It seems you can't go any further, but actually if you
approach the edge some floor tiles will appear. Use them to go to the
well with the strange blue lights. Jump to the blue spiral, making
sure you take the strange floating object.
Manor - East Wing Upper (II)
You've got a new journal entry: (Tibetan War Cannon). Equip your new
weapon since you're going to need it. The cannon throws ice spheres to
your enemies, which not only damages them but also makes them go
slower. The best thing is that it doesn't require ammo, so feel free
to use it as often as you want.
Take the Garden key from the corpse. Keisinger will close the door
where you entered from as soon as you approach it and he will send you
lots of Scarrows. Lots of them. Lots. Fortunately they're very easy to
kill if you combine Ectoplasm and the cannon. After you've killed lots
of Scarrows they'll stop appearing for good, but since it's not
required to kill all of them (unless you want to clean the area, like
me), you can ignore them. Just go back to the bedroom, crouch and
cross the now extinguished fireplace. Take the medikit on this side of
the fireplace (if you didn't kill all the Scarrows in the previous
room, you may have to fight some of them before you're able to take
it). When you approach the door, a Scarrow will appear, even if you
had killed all the Scarrows on the other room. Go to the corridor
(again, you'll encounter Scarrows here if you didn't kill them
before). Enter the room near the big room with paintings, it's opened
now and it has two medikits. The last Scarrow on this level will
attack you on the room with paintings. Just cross the door you used
before to enter this level.
Manor - East Wing Lower (III)
Keisinger keeps sending you Scarrows and one of them will appear right
after you enter this level. Go down the stairs (two Scarrows will
appear). At the bottom, you'll find that the door you used before is
closed but the other one is now opened and it leads to the corridor
with curtains. Go towards the room where you took the amplifier.
There's a medikit at the same place you took one previously, but a
Scarrow will attack you where the three Howlers did before. Six
Scarrows will attack you at the area before the room with the old,
stone, multicoloured tiles. Again, you ignore them, but doing so may
mean that they will appear in other parts of the level. Another
Scarrow (Keisinger is becoming way very boring, man) will appear at
the room where you took the medikit. Enter the corridor leading to the
chapel and the playroom. Two Scarrows will attack you there at some
point. Leave the level from the same door you originally came.
Manor - Central Lower (II)
A Scarrow will attack you at the corridor with curtains. There's a
medikit right of the stairs but you'll have to kill five Scarrows
before you're able to take it. Remember that the way they appear means
that you may encounter only four here but meet the fifth at a place I
found safe, so be careful. Two Scarrows will appear at the same time
as you follow your way. Enter the room with the armors. There's a
medikit next to one of the armors but you'll have to make your way
through two Scarrows. Go up the stairs and cross the door.
Manor - Central Upper (II)
Make your way to the guest room. You'll have to fight a Scarrow but
you'll find a medikit and two ether traps near your room. Make your
way towards Lizbeth's room. You'll fight two Scarrows next to
Bethany's room (you can't enter there yet). Cross the open door.
Manor - North Wing Upper
After you've completed this level you won't encounter more Scarrows
for a long time, so patience.
Cross some rooms and you'll find Aaron. This time he's decided to be
more annoying and he won't let you take the amplifier, so approach him
and use an ether trap on him before he pushes you. This will send him
to another dimension, but only for a short time, so he'll soon be back
to annoy you. Take the AMPLIFIER and upgrade Ectoplasm to Level 5.
Cross the door.
Aaron is back and he'll close a lot of doors. Meanwhile, Keisinger has
sent you a lot of Scarrows. This is the last battle against Scarrows
you'll have for a long time, but this one is going to be as big as the
one at Keisinger's room. Remember, you can ignore them (as long as
they aren't able to damage you, of course), but if you do so they'll
most likely appear at other places. You must make your way to the
mirror and jump towards it (you'll go through it, believe me). Take
the medikit there and cross the door. Turn on all the torches and take
the scroll in the middle of the room. You'll get a new spell and a
journal entry: (Dispel Magic). Use Dispel on the magic barrier and
continue your way. You'll soon find a door on your left, open it with
the Servant key (if you took it previously). Cross that door. You'll
find silver bullets beyond the second door on your left and normal
bullets beyond the fourth. If you explore a bit, apparently you can't
continue since all doors are closed, but you'll find a freight
elevator. Do you remember the Howler which attacked you using the
elevator? Just jump onto it.
Manor - North Wing Lower (II)
A Howler will come from the fireplace room and a second one at the
room near the one leading to the gardens. Cross the entire door next
to the corpse carefully. Two Howlers will attack you, one over the
barrels on your right and other at the end of the cave. Take the
medikit on the barrel and leave. Now take the broken door next to the
corpse. This area is very dark so you'll most likely need to use Scrye
all the time. You'll reach a room with doors on both sides. The left
one contains Molotov cocktails but it's guarded by a Howler. Now take
the right door. It leads to a large flooded area. You'll hear the
noise that means an amplifier is close but before you can seek it
you'll have to take care of the two Howlers after you. The AMPLIFIER
is under the water (next to one of the corners, I think) so you'll
have to walk around the flooded room looking for it. Pay attention to
the sound. Once you've grabbed it, upgrade Scrye to Level 2 and head
to the room with the three doors. There's a medikit there, and a chest
as well, but be careful. Once the chest is opened, a Boss Howler will
come from the flooded area. Boss Howlers are by far the most powerful
of all Howler types. You may have problems due to the small space you
have to fight it, but just use the cannon to slow it and Ectoplasm
Level 5 as your main attack (fully upgraded it's quite powerful).
There are bullets on that chest so you may want to use the pistol on
that Boss Howler. Finally, use the Garden key on the door where the
dead maiden was before.
Manor - Gardens
Go to the courtyard close to you. You'll see a groundskeeper being
chased by a Big Speedy Howler. I think this is the only time you'll
fight one of these. He's much more powerful than all of the Speedy
Howler you've fought until now and if you want to save the
groundskeeper you'll have to run, jump over the pond and attack him to
call his attention. Avoid his attacks, shoot it with the cannon and
Ectoplasm L5 and he'll leave you some silver bullets as a reward.
Leave the courtyard, take the path on your right and talk to the
groundskeeper there. He'll tell you that Bethany liked riding there:
you'll need to remember it later. Take the last path and talk to the
third groundskeeper. You'll get a new journal entry: (Lizbeth
Sighting). Cross the door.
Mausoleum - Approach
You'll see Lizbeth behind a closed gate. Follow the path until you see
the entrance. Two Howlers will come soon after you've crossed it, and
two more when you've reached the other side of the mausoleum. Approach
the mausoleum door carefully because a Big Howler will jump from the
mausoleum roof. Kill it as you want and enter the mausoleum.
Mausoleum - Entrance
There are some bullets on the first room if you need them. Go to the
room with the two coffins. A Howler will attack you there. Jump to the
open coffin. You'll get a new spell and a journal entry: (Invoke).
This spell can be used for summon dead enemies, now under your orders,
but I used it for other uses. Push the lever next to that coffin (the
other one does nothing) and prepare for the battle. Two Big Howlers
and a Boss Howler will come for the fence you've just opened. Use the
pistol, the cannon, Ectoplasm L5, but kill them. This will be very
hard because they're three at the same time and they all are extremely
tough. I used the cannon to slow down and ran away from them on
circles as I used Ectoplasm on them but may want to try whatever you
want. Grab the AMPLIFIER, upgrade Scrye to Level 3 and kill the two
Howlers from the nearby room. Enter the tunnel from the broken tomb.
Mausoleum - Tunnels
This area is very dark so you'll have to use your Scrye L3. Walk a bit
and you'll see some bats flying. They won't attack you so don't worry.
However, a bit later you'll find two hanging Howlers, and after that
two Skeletons. Skeletons are hard to kill because most times they
don't like staying dead and they usually rise again to attack you. The
only way to kill them for good is using your new spell Invoke (that's
the main use for it) or the Tibetan War Cannon. The problem is that
Invoke costs way too much mana (100 points), so if you're being
attacked by more than one Skeleton you won't have enough for the next
one. On the other hand, the cannon only destroys them if it's the only
weapon you've used against them. If you combine it with Ectoplasm they
will rise again (even if you did the killing blow with the cannon), so
you'll have to use the cannon alone. Nevertheless, if you're fighting
Skeletons the cannon and Invoke are the choices. After you've killed
the Skeletons, go to the end of the tunnel and use the ladder.
Mausoleum - Entrance (II)
You're back at the mausoleum. Take the two medikits near the fence and
break the tomb at the corner (you'll know the right one because it's
already a bit broken). Enter the tunnel (again, use Scrye). Kill two
more Skeletons and use the ladder.
Old Cemetery
When you walk towards the door you'll be attacked by the Skeleton on
the floor. Kill it and turn left. A Skeleton will appear from the
ground near the far corner. Turn that corner to arrive at the second
area with tombs. Two Skeletons will come from the ground there but
those two don't seem to stay dead if you kill them with the cannon, so
best use Invoke. By the way, Skeletons are able to throw you stones,
so if you're using the cannon remember not to stay too far from them.
Take the bullets and the medikit at the corner and keep exploring the
cemetery. Three Skeletons will attack at the third area (one on the
floor, two from the ground). Cross the door leading to the fourth
area: the Skeleton on the floor will charge. Finally, the last
Skeleton will come from the fourth area grounds.
Now you've cleaned the area, go back to the second area. You'll see a
place on the wall where you can climb. Once you're at the top, jump to
the tomb on the back (close to the furthest tomb on the back, which is
a bit bigger). This series of jumps is hard so you'll have to save and
reload several times. From that tomb you'll need to do two more jumps
to reach the tomb near the big cross close to the wall (not the one
where you started from). From that tomb you can easily jump to the
cross, and from the cross to the wall. Now you're up on the wall, head
to the first area. You'll see a strange green thing on one of the
tombs. Jump towards that tomb to get the ARCANE WHORL. Arcane Whorls
increase the mana regeneration speed, which is always useful. Check
the new journal entry (Arcane Whorls) and to the boat on the pier.
Monastery Present - Cove
Walk a bit. Eventually you'll be attacked by a Howler and two Speedy
Howlers. Take the medikit near the corpse where they came from. Keep
your way. You'll soon arrive at a tower. You'll see some Howlers
fighting some Trsanti. You'd better let them kill themselves, and then
kill yourself the remaining enemies (most likely two of the Trsanti).
Trsanti have both short (they can stab you with their swords) and
ranged attacks (they shoot you with their pistol). You can kill them
as you can, either using your pistol (don't worry about ammo since
Trsanti always leave you a box of bullets once you kill them) or
combining the cannon and Ectoplasm. Just keep in mind that they can
hurt you badly if they shoot you.
Take the medikit at the battlefield and take the path near the tower
(up the hill). You'll fight another Howler at the end, near the gate.
Take the pistol and the silver bullets from the corpse, but be careful
because two more Howlers will jump from behind the gate once you've
taken them. The gate towards the monastery is closed so turn back.
You'll see a Howler on your left going down the hill, but be careful
because it will soon be joined by a Big Howler and three Howlers. You
should consider switching to your pistol and shooting them before they
get close to you. Retreat towards the gate if you feel it necessary.
Go back to the battlefield and take the nearby small path. Take the
journal entry (Ingredients) close to the corpse and the donkey.
Continue your way until you approach the ruins. After the cutscene,
switch to the pistol and start shooting the two Trsanti while
crouched. This is the best way because those Trsanti will have a hard
time realizing where they're being shot from. Once they're dead, take
the Tower key from one of them. Approach the big barn on the right.
It's closed but two more Trsanti will come after you. Again, pistol
works very well against them. Go back to the tower. Three Howlers will
come from the gate as you approach it. Enter the tower and take the
two objects there. Go back to the barn. As you make your way you'll be
attacked by two Howlers in front of you and two Speedy Howlers on your
back. Walk towards the barn. The door will fall and a Howler and a
Boss Howler will appear. They might be more interested on the nearby
donkeys than on you but nevertheless be ruthless to them.
Climb the stairs and kill the Big Howler on the top. You'll a window
close to the ruins. Jump to the ruins from there. Walk and you'll soon
meet the Trsanti Chieftain you saw on the previous cutscene. Kill him
as you want, but remember he uses a shotgun instead of a pistol so his
ranged attack is much more deadly than those of the regular Trsanti.
Besides this guy has 312,5 life points instead of the usual 150. Take
the shotgun and the shotgun shells he drops. You've got a new journal
entry: (Shotgun). There are some bullets on a nearby room. You'll be
attacked by two Big Howlers as you enter one of the rooms: that's
where you must go. Consider using the shotgun to kill them if you feel
it necessary (I didn't but it's your choice). Cross the room, find the
stairs to the top and do some jumps over the woods. You'll find some
bullets and shells on a ledge. Go to the end of the wooden area and
drop to the room with the chest. Use the Chest key to open it and take
the last key on this level. Use the plank here to get out. Open the
door out of the ruins if you want, take the Molotov cocktails on the
nearby room and the kill the two Big Howlers after you. Go to the room
where the other two Big Howlers attacked you before. Find the way to
the cellar. Take the medikit there and use the Trapdoor key on the
trapdoor. Enter it.
Monastery Present - Tunnels
Turn left. Two Skeletons will soon appear on the small piles of bones.
Kill them as you did on the cemetery. Two more will appear on the
large pile. Keep your way. Eventually you'll reach a hole leading to
the exterior. Look left and you'll see Lizbeth behind the grid. Drop
down the hole.
Monastery Present - Exterior
Walk a bit. You'll soon see an area with a medikit. Turn back because
you'll see two Howlers running towards you from where you've come.
Kill them and take the medikit, but be careful because a Howler will
fall from the top of the walls and will attack you. Approach the hole
near the stairs. This will give a new journal entry (Blasting Notes),
but another Howler will attack you. Go up the stairs and prepare for
the battle. First four Howlers will come from the far wall on your
left (the path leading there also has a gate). After you've killed
them, two Speedy Howlers will come from the next set of stairs.
Finally, yet another four Howlers will come from the same spot the
previous four came. Once you've finished, use Scrye on the door and
you'll see two monks talking. You'll find some shells where those
eight Howlers came. Go up the stairs. You'll see a corpse on your
right and a medikit next to it. Head to the long causeway. Use Scrye
there and you'll see two monks walking. Head to the tower and enter it
through the window. The lower levels are very dark so use Scrye to see
better. There's a medikit on the lower level but you'll have to kill
two Howlers. Head up. When the stairs end, use the plank on the wall
to follow, then the fallen rocks, and finally the ladder on the wall
(you'll have to jump towards it). You'll get to the top of the tower
and you'll find a MANA WELL there. Mana Wells increase your maximum
mana by 10, of course it's very useful. You've got a new journal
entry: (Mana Wells). Go down to the level from where you entered the
tower. Jump over the fallen passage and you'll get to the courtyard.
After the stairs you'll find a new journal entry (Monk's Diary). Drop
down out of the courtyard, then head to the far end of the causeway.
You'll see the entry to the monastery but a Boss Howler will attack
you from the top. Kill it and enter.
Monastery Present - Interior
You'll see a green light on your left. Head towards it and you'll see
Lizbeth again. She'll start throwing you stones so run away. You'll
find nearby a set of stairs and a door on its top. Enter the top, use
Scrye and you'll see a Howler killing a monk (what on hell was that
Howler doing there?). Take the medikit and the skeleton from the dead
monk will attack you. Besides, Lizbeth will throw you stones again.
Now use the stairs. Inside you'll see a second set of stairs. After
that you can up or down. Choose down and you'll arrive at a big room.
There's a medikit there but you'll be attacked by two Howlers. Now
choose up. A Howler and a Big Howler will appear. Consider using the
shotgun since you have little space to fight them. Retreat outside if
you feel it necessary. The second room on your left contains a
medikit. You'll reach a big area with a large hole on the middle. Use
Scrye to see some monks. A Howler will appear as you walk forward.
Most likely it will fall to the lower level, if that's the case throw
a Molotov cocktail from above. If you hit it straight the Howler will
die instantly, if you miss by only a meter or so the fire will burn it
to its death. The far room on the left contains another shotgun and
dynamite. Check the new journal entry (Dynamite). Go to the hole on
the right. There's a second Howler on the lower level, throw another
Molotov cocktail. Now use Scrye, look through the hole and you'll see
an amplifier on a ledge. Carefully drop to the ledge and get the
AMPLIFIER, but don't use it yet. Now head to the door next to the
entrance to this level. Use Scrye and you'll see a monk who will
notice your presence. Take the AMPLIFIER and prepare for the battle.
Three Howlers will fall from the hole on the top, then three more.
Upgrade Scrye to Level 5. Go back to the previous level.
Monastery Present - Exterior (II)
Go to the area where you got the Demolition Notes journal entry. Use
some dynamite there. Drop down through the hole.
Catacombs - Entrance
You'll see some stairs nearby. There's a medikit under them, you'll
have to crouch to get it. Head to the courtyard (use Scrye to see a
monk) and open the closest door. The chest contains a medikit, but the
skeleton on the floor will attack when you open it. Be sure to grab
the medikit fast because the chest will close quickly and it won't
open again. Continue your way. You'll encounter a Big Howler and a
Boss Howler even stronger than usual (187,5 and 250 respectively).
Kill them (consider using the shotgun). Don't open the door and
instead take the dynamite and Molotov cocktail nearby and climb the
ladder. Most of the planks are fragile and will fall when you step on
them, walk using the planks with footsteps (not sure if you must use
Scrye to see it). Push the wall on the far edge and it will reveal a
hidden passage with an AMPLIFIER. Upgrade Dispel to Level 2.
Now comes the tricky part. Drop down to the room and use Scrye to see
what's written on the walls. Equip your shotgun, and choose the mode
which allows you to kill Howlers in one shot (two barrels is enough in
Nightmare, so if you're other difficulty levels maybe you kill them
with only one barrel). This courtyard is constantly generating
Howlers. No matter how many of them you kill, you'll always be facing
Howlers. The only way is keep walking, using the shotgun to kill any
Howler you meet fast so that you don't have more Howlers on your tail.
Turn right as you leave the room with blooded walls and you'll arrive
to an area with a well (the same you could see at the monastery, but
seen from a lower level). Two of the doors close can be opened, one is
empty and the other one has bullets but don't open any of them unless
you're very low on bullets. Instead head left of the well as fast as
you can, shooting any Howler you see, and cross the door.
Catacombs - Saints Hall
Take a long breath.
Go up the stairs. You'll soon see some stairs leading down. When
you've arrived there, two hanging Howlers will attack. Kill them and
walk a bit more. Two more Howlers will charge, one from your left and
the other one hanging. Kill them and go downstairs.
Monastery Present - Interior (II)
Use the fallen rocks to climb. Again, equip your shotgun and choose
the mode which allows you to kill Howlers in one shot. Howlers will
constantly go downstairs. Fight your way up (you can see a monk on
Scrye mode) and you'll eventually meet a Boss Howler. Killing it will
stop the Howler generating cycle so let it know how shotgun shells
taste. Once it's dead you're safe and you use Scrye to see the abbot.
Take the journal entry (Abbot's Lament) and the objects on the chest,
and go back to the previous level.
Catacombs - Saints Hall (II)
Follow the tunnels towards the direction from the Howlers came before.
A Skeleton will break the wall and come from a hidden room. Kill it.
Now comes another tricky part. Go downstairs and you'll a very large
pile of bones. Lots (and I mean LOTS) of skeletons will come from that
room. Equip the cannon and Invoke and go upstairs. Skeletons will go
up, killing them there is safer because this way you'll be fighting
them in smaller packs than downstairs. Remember than most skeletons
have ranged attacks, so if you're far from them be sure to have some
kind of cover so that you aren't hit by their projectiles. Those
pillars are perfect for cover. Sometimes the cannon doesn't stop those
skeletons for good and they rise again, so pay attention to any
Skeleton you kill with the cannon. There's a door downstairs that can
be opened, it contains some dynamite and a medikit (behind the door),
but the last skeleton will attack you there. Once you've finished with
the skeletons (they seem to be infinite, but don't worry, they will
end) use the Silver key on the door with the big lock.
Catacombs - Exit
The bats here are hostile so hit them with Ectoplasm. Walk across the
tunnel, but watch your back, because at some point two Howlers will
attack you from there. Then, the tunnel will become wider for a while.
You'll be attacked at that point by a Howler and some more hostile
bats. Eventually you'll find a room with big barrels. Approach the one
which something red close. A Howler will break the barrel and attack
you. Kill it and take the phosphorus shells. These special shotgun
shells will make your target burn. There's a medikit next to the
barrel out of its place. Keep your way and kill the two Howlers. Use
Scrye and you'll get a new journal entry: (Abbot Scrye). Go upstairs,
enter the left room and use the wheel. Now get out of the hall, go
back to the corridor, and cross the dark area. Use the door. You'll
see a Trsanti being shot to death by some arrows. Use Scrye to learn
the tiles you mustn't step on (they appear marked on red). Cross the
trapped floor and cross the door.
Catacombs - Wind Chamber
Walk a bit around this new area, until the torches turn off. This
area is a labyrinth, with some added problems: it's very dark, and
it's full of Skeletons. All I said during the battle at the Saints
Hall can be applied here. Use some cover and use the cannon and
Invoke. The room you started from can be used for cover but it's very
small and you'll have little space to fight the skeletons. Consider
using the Gelziabar Stone to keep skeletons away while your mana
regenerates. Once they're all down start exploring the labyrinth.
Approach the torches to turn them on again, although some of them seem
impossible to be turned on. You'll find a medikit close to the
entrance and another one close to the exit (I think). The exit is
similar to the entrance but it's covered by some kind of cloth (spider
Monastery Present - Interior (III)
Climb the rocks and head to the stairs. There's a medikit close to
them. The stairs area seems to be one of those places where Howlers
are constantly appearing, so equip your shotgun. If you're skilled
enough, you'll only have to fight a few Howlers before you arrive to
the part where they stop appearing. Once you're at the top, jump over
the big hole and use Scrye to see a monk. Push the button on the wall
(it has a slightly different colour). Take the phosphorus shells and
the objects in the secret box. Drop down: this is the area where you
saw a Howler killing a monk. Approach the door and the floor will fall
down, transporting you to the lower room. This time don't drop from
the hole you entered from, but through the other hole at the same
Catacombs - Wind Chamber (II)
Soon after you enter the level you'll find a door with some shells
(most likely you'll need them a lot). Keep walking and you'll see
Lizbeth, who'll send you two Howlers. Use the Monastery key on the
door with the big lock. The next area is another one where Howlers are
constantly appearing: you know what you must do. You'll see three side
rooms around the passage: the first and the third contain medikits,
the second a Howler. Eventually you'll arrive at a big room. However
the moment you drop down you'll be attacked by a Boss Howler, a Big
Howler and three Howlers. You can climb the ladder and fight them from
above, and this is perhaps the best tactic, but it has the problem
that Howlers don't seem good at climbing where you are so that you can
fight them one by one in the tunnel but they're very good at attacking
while they jump towards you so that you can't shoot them from the
balcony while they're under it. Nevertheless, try to use Ectoplasm
when they jump, and even throw a Molotov cocktail if have the chance.
Once they're all killed, drop down, get the medikit under the stairs,
the Molotov cocktails and the silver bullets on the side room, and
cross the door.
Catacombs - Exit (II)
Use the wheel and cross the door. Go up the stairs.
Monastery Present - Church
Use Scrye to see lots of monks. Take the medikit on the window next to
the altar. Take the opposite stairs (close to the entrance to this
level) and take the medikit (use Scrye again). Now use the stairs next
to the big door. Take the shells. Drop to the ground behind the altar.
Use the sun medallion and the mercury flask on the side pedestals,
then the time incantation on the central pedestal. Wow. Cross the time
Monastery Past - Exterior
Take the medikit and the bullets (bullets on a Middle Age monastery?
What on hell is this?) behind the central pedestal. Now approach the
far corner of the monastery. You'll be attacked by a Monk from the
nearby fire. Monks are slower than Howlers, and this one doesn't have
ranged attacks, so you shouldn't have any problem. Use Ectoplasm and
the cannon if you want to save ammo, or the pistol if you don't care
about it. Take the medikit and the bullets at the corner. You may be
attacked by a second Monk, coming from another fire. Make your way
around the monastery. You should see a corpse. Take the journal entry
from it (History of Scythe). You'll be attacked by a Monk Archer. This
guy will shoot you from height with his crossbow. The canon doesn't
have enough range so switch to the pistol, combining it with
Ectoplasm. Follow the path and you'll be attacked by a Monk and a Monk
Archer next to the door. Kill them and take the medikit and the
shells. Continue and you'll be attacked by two Monk Archers. Use your
pistol again. They're too high to find Ectoplasm useful but
nevertheless try. You can reach the ledge where the first monk was
using a ladder on one of its sides. You'll find a medikit there. Drop
back and follow your way. After you've crossed the archway you'll be
attacked by a Monk and two Monk Archers (one from ground level, one
very high). Kill them and take the medikit and the shells on two
corners. Continue and go down the nearby stairs. You'll find a Monk
near the fire, kill him and take the medikit and the shells. Make your
way through the sets of stairs. You'll find some bullets just before
the archways but be careful because another Monk Archer will shoot you
from its top. Both of you will have a hard time hitting the other
because of the banister. Continue and pay attention to the nearby
door. It's locked but it has another Monk Archer above it. Head to the
causeway (you may remember it from your present experiences). Approach
the cliff. Take the medikit and use Scrye. You'll a monk killing
himself but be careful because the two Monks near the monastery door
may come after you at this moment. Enter the door.
Monastery Past - Interior
Make your way through the covered section and you'll fight another
Monk. Find the courtyard after the big red door. There's a Monk and a
Monk Archer there but also two medikits, although may be attacked by
another Monk as you grab them. Make your way to the large garden area
with snow. You'll find a medikit and some bullets on a corner next to
a door. You'll fight another Monk near the tower. Find the locked
door: it has a medikit, bullets, shells and Molotov cocktails. You'll
find a medikit and shells near the covered section. Once you've
finished exploring the ground, go back to the covered section and
cross the door closes to the entrance.
Monastery Past - Living Quarters
You'll soon meet another Monk. The first room on the right has a
journal diary (Monk's Work). Another Monk will attack you as soon as
you turn the corner. One of the rooms near the stairs has a praying
Monk. Kill him and grab the medikit under the cross. Go down the
stairs. The nearby room has an AMPLIFIER but taking them will make
appear three Monks. Kill them (consider using the shotgun there you
won't have much space to fight them) and upgrade Dispel to Level 3. Go
upstairs again and enter the fireplace room. Kill the two Monks there,
take the two medikits on the side room, go through the corridor, kill
the Monk there and make your way to the area with the stairs and the
archway. The archway leads to a room with a fountain that you'll
easily remember, but there's nothing there so take the stairs instead.
Make all the way downstairs (you used this room to go back to the
monastery from the catacombs), then go up the other set of stairs.
Push the level on the room and continue upstairs. Enter the room, jump
to the shelf and push the book. Go all the way downstairs again. Jump
to the fountain there. A secret passage has appeared there leading to
a room with a MANA WELL, silver bullets and phosphorus shells. Now go
back to the lever room. Cross the left door.
Monastery Past - Interior (II)
Kill the two Monks behind the door. Go downstairs and take the
medikit, the bullets and the shells. Go upstairs again, take the
shells, the Molotov cocktails, the medikits and the bullets and cross
the other door. Turn right and take the ARCANE WHORL. Cross the last
Monastery Past - Exterior (II)
Cross the door: you're now at the tower where you took the first Mana
Well. Go downstairs and take the bullets, the shells and the Molotov
cocktails. Make your way to the tower top, where you found the Mana
Well. This time, you'll find the Abbott there. He has 187,5 life
points and he uses the spell Skull Storm, so he's very dangerous. Use
the shotgun against him, and combine it with Ectoplasm. Since he's on
the opposite side of the tower when you first get to the top, you may
want to drop back so that the Abbott approaches the ladder. Be
careful because the explosive skulls he throws hurt a lot. Once he's
down, take the Abbott key and go back to the previous level.
Monastery Past - Interior (III)
Go down the stairs at the library. This time cross the door, you're
back at the big courtyard. Go to the door next to big red one, close
to the small side courtyard. Take the medikits and the shells at the
fireplace room and go upstairs. You'll fight the Abbott again (I
thought I had killed him before!). Kill him again (this time will be
easier as he won't be waiting for you). Take the Gold key and the
medikit. The lights will turn off. Leave the room. Use the corpse to
go through the broken window. Be careful as two Monk Archers will
shoot you from the top of the far tower. Time to snipe with the
pistol: choose a good spot to shoot them. More shots will be required
because of the long distance, but nevertheless eight well-aimed shots
will be enough for each one of them. Even if the cursor doesn't become
green, shoot them, you'll know if you hit them because they'll do a
strange move. Once they're both killed, make your way through the
roofs. You'll soon find a medikit, and later an AMPLIFIER throughout
your way. Upgrade Dispel to Level 4 and find the broken window at the
highest roof. Cross it and drop down.
Monastery Past - Church
A Monk will attack you after you've made your first steps. Take the
medikit and the shells at the second room and go downstairs. You'll
find a medikit under the stairs but a second Monk will attack you.
Enter the altar room. You'll find the Abbott again (what?), and this
time he's escorted by two Monks. This time the Abbott will use the
spell Mindshatter. You can never cast this spell, but it won't let you
to target properly your enemies. Try to attract the two Monks away
from the Abbott since they're much easier if the Abbott is not with
them. Once the Abbott is alone, use the shotgun (or kill him as you
want). You'll see the Scythe on the altar but you can't take it yet.
Take the Molotov cocktails and the shells at the sides and take the
stairs at the opposite side of the side you came from. You'll find a
medikit guarded by a Monk. Now take the stairs near the altar. Take
the bullets and push the lever. Go back to the altar and take the
Scythe (jump from behind, you can't jump directly). You'll see some
dying monks. The Abbott will appear once again (I killed him three
times, man, how on hell does he manage this?) and a rock will fall
killing him (this time for good). You'll travel back to the present.
Monastery Present - Church (II)
You've got a new journal entry: (Scythe). Use the rock next to the
altar to climb back. Go back to the previous level.
Catacombs - Exit (III)
Use the Gold key on the door where you saw the Abbott and cross it.
Catacombs - Lower Level
Turn left at the intersection. Kill the rats there using the Scythe's
secondary mode: it will give you some free life points. Now take the
other path. You'll reach a bid room with fallen pillars. You'll be
attacked by two Speedy Howlers and two Howlers (oh, how I missed them...
Wait, I didn't miss them at all). Time to try the Scythe on real
enemies. The Scythe is quite powerful but your mana regenerates more
slowly while you carry it, so you must choose when to use it. A Speedy
Howler, a Howler and a Big Howler will attack you after you start
exploring the room. You'll find a medikit on the floor, a journal
entry (Lost Trsanti Note) next to a corpse over one of the fallen
pillars, and another set of stairs. Push the candle at the top and a
secret room will appear. The two rats there will attack you so kill
them (use the Scythe's secondary mode again). Take the AMPLIFIER, the
bullets and the shells there and go back to the pillar room.
Upgrade Dispel to Level 5. Head to the next room. You'll see a
corridor behind some rocks. Make your way towards it. The roof will
fall so run towards the other side before you die.
Catacombs - Well Room
You'll be attacked by five Howlers soon after you've entered this
level. Scythe combined with Ectoplasm may be a way but it will drain
your mana very quickly so be careful. Continue your way. Another
Howler will attack you. You'll reach an area with a small pond. Dive
to get the medikit, but be careful because three bats will attack you.
Kill them with the Scythe as soon as they approach you. Go upstairs.
This area spawns infinite Howlers so make your way to the door
quickly. Choose wisely which weapon to use through the area. Be
careful because some parts of the floor will break if you step on
Enter the door on the upper floor. Kill the two Howlers there and jump
over the pedestal. Now comes the tricky part. Switch to the pistol.
Look at the symbols on the pedestal sides. Now look at the symbols on
the walls. You must use your pistol to shoot the symbols on the walls,
but only those which correspond to the one on the nearest side of the
pedestal. Shooting one of the wrong symbols means death. You must
shoot four on the left wall, three on the middle wall, and three on
the right wall. The pedestal will rise, be sure you are on the middle
of the pedestal when it gets near the top or you'll be crushed. Once
you're at the top, take the MANA WELL and the AMPLIFIER and drop back
to the pedestal. Leave the room once it goes down again. Go back to
the pond, this time take the other passage. You'll soon be attacked by
a Skeleton. Kill it and follow the passage. You'll see a corpse with
another Howler. Kill it and take the medikit. You'll eventually reach
the door leading back to the previous level. Push the lever and cross
the door.
Catacombs - Lower Level (II)
Go to the passage in front of you. You'll see Lizbeth again. Drop to
the hole.
Catacombs - Cisterns
Climb the ladder out of the pool. There are two side rooms on this
area: the one with the stairs down (left) contains an AMPLIFIER, the
one with the stairs up (right) contains dynamite and a lever (don't
pull it). Go back to the room, push the lever next to the door and
cross it. Take the dynamite next to the door and cross the bridge. The
door you've just crossed will open again as you are halfway the bridge
and you'll be attacked by two Skeletons. Although you could use the
Scythe to fight the skeletons, it's better to use the cannon since
Invoke takes a lot of mana and the Scythe won't let you regenerate it
fast. Once they're both killed cross the bridge and push the lever on
the other side. Four Skeletons will attack you from the other side.
Kill them using the cannon and Invoke and drop to the pool. Head to
the tunnel on the side and take the journal entry (Cistern Entry) and
an ARCANE WHORL. Go back to the room fast because there's nothing more
there. Now take the stairs on the right side room (the left one is
closed) and push the level there. Now go back to the bridge and drop
to the pool down there. Climb the ladder out of the pool and cross the
Catacombs - Tunnels
The grill will close once you enter the next room and you'll see two
Howlers behind it. The shotgun and Ectoplasm are useful if you want to
kill them, but it's hard, so do it only if you want to clean the area.
Take the Molotov cocktail and go down the ladders. The grill with the
skeleton will open when a Howler approaches: that's the moment where
you must cross it. It doesn't matter if you kill the Howler before or
after crossing the grill, just be sure it doesn't close before you've
crossed it. Another Howler will attack you. Take the medikit and the
AMPLIFIER, and go back. Take the medikit and Molotov cocktail on the
next room and listen to Lizbeth. Two Howlers will come from the right
grill. Kill them and cross that grill. Two Howlers will come from the
left grill. That's the only moment where you can cross it, but since
there's nothing behind it just kill them and continue through the
right grill.
You'll be attacked by three Howlers: one from the left grill, another
from the right grill, and the last one from the left grill again.
There's nothing behind the grills. Jump over the pedestal on the
center of the room. Go downstairs and take the medikit. Head to the
next room and take the other medikit. Wait for a short time. All three
grills will soon start to spawn Howlers until you manage to cross one
of them (they all lead to the same place). The left one spawns Speedy
Howlers and it's the first one which opens. The best you can do is
wait until the left grill opens, avoid the Speedy Howler, cross the
grill and kill the Speedy Howler (if you are lucky you won't even need
to kill it, since sometimes the grill kills the Speedy Howler when it
goes back down). This way the other two grills won't have much time to
spawn many Howlers. Take the silver shells and phosphorus shells on
the passage and continue. Once you've reached the intersection, kill
any Howler that attacks you and take the passage without any grill.
Catacombs - Lair of Lizbeth
Walk towards Lizbeth. The floor will open and you'll appear on a room
with a lot of Howlers, but soon the grill under you will also open and
you'll appear on a second room. Here you'll be attacked by two
Skeletons and many Howlers (some from the passages at the sides of the
room and some from the previous room that will drop down through the
grill). Kill all of them and take the side passages. This area is a
labyrinth. You'll be able to find a room with silver bullets, another
room with two Skeletons and a medikit, and the exit, guarded by a
Skeleton. Once you've found the exit, go up the stairs, wait until the
grill opens, go up, and wait until it closes. The room you where you
saw lots of Howlers is here. You'll fight some Howlers there but how
many will depend on how many dropped before through the grill. You'll
also fight two Skeletons from bone piles. You'll find some shells and
lots of molotov cocktails around the room. Once you've finished with
the room, head to the other side of the passage and cross the door.
Catacombs - Lair of Lizbeth (II)
You'll finally fight Lizbeth. Lots of Skeletons are around this area
as well, some at the room you start and others at the side passages.
If you manage to lure Lizbeth into an area with Skeletons, they may
fight among them, which will help at getting rid of those Skeletons.
You can use Invoke to kill them too. As soon as you start, run towards
the center room so that you aren't surrounded by enemies, then kill
the Skeletons one by one.
The best way to fight Lizbeth is combine the cannon and Ectoplasm.
Sometimes she will throw you stones, but most times she will just
punch you. The cannon will freeze her so that you can easily avoid her
attacks. Ectoplasm will damage her even further. Both the cannon and
Ectoplasm will also stun her for a bit if she's not throwing you
stones, which will be very helpful. Once she's damaged enough, she'll
glow white and she'll jump onto you. She can damage you a lot so uses
the cannon to slow her. Once you've damaged her when she's on this
state, she won't move for a bit and will look stunned. Switch fast to
the Scythe and attack her before she recovers. If you manage to hit
her with the Scythe before she recovers, you'll finally kill her.
Once she's dead, head to the center room. You'll get a new spell.
Haste allows you to run faster and jump further, and it also allows
you to see a bit better in darkness (sometimes it's better than
Scrye). Check the two journal entries: (Lizbeth's Mother) and (Haste).
Go to the rooms next to the big hall close to the door. You'll find a
journal entry (Cliffside Entry) and a chest with two AMPLIFIERS and a
medikit. Upgrade haste to Level 5 and cross the door.
Catacombs - Cliffs
You've got a journal entry: (Lizbeth's Death). Use Haste L5 and jump
over the cliff onto the hanging rocks. When you're reached the last
rock you'll see some vines on the wall. Use them to climb. Again, use
Haste to jump onto the rocks, and use the vines near the last rock.
You'll reach a cave. You'll be attacked by a Boss Howler. Use Haste
and attack it with the Scythe. Your moves will be so fast that the
Howler won't be able to defend. Now use Scrye and kill the four bats
attacking you with the Scythe. Continue your way through the cave.
Monastery Present - Cove (II)
Just drop down to the boat.
c. Ambrose
Manor - Gardens (II)
Turn back and take the medikit on the covered area. Walk a bit and
talk to the gardener. Follow him until he's killed by two Trsanti and
a Trsanti Chieftain. Kill them: combine the Scythe with Haste and they
shouldn't be much threat. Take the Kitchen key and the journal note
(Ambrose Note) and go down the stairs. Turn left. Take the medikit
neat the bench and approach the pond. Take the medikit, use Haste and
dive to the bottom of the pond. Take the AMPLIFIER. Use Haste again
and dive back to the surface. Now take the other path to the
greenhouse. You'll find a medikit and bullets left of it and shells
right. The maiden will open the greenhouse door. Switch to the shotgun
and use the phosphorus shells. Switch to one barrel mode if you are in
two barrel mode.
Enter the greenhouse. You'll fight the Jiles, a new type of enemy.
These plants don't move, but they can create tentacles which they can
use to attack you from a distance. Approach the main plant and shoot
it with the shotgun (a single phosphorus shell is enough even on
Nightmare mode). Once the main plant is dead, all tentacles it has
created will also die. Make your way through the greenhouse, killing
any Jile you encounter. You'll see a statue with two Jiles on its
sides. Kill both of them and you'll get a MANA WELL. Continue your way
and you'll find a medikit and a journal entry (Aaron's Jaw). Now fight
your way to the exit (the corridors you had cleaned before will now be
full of Jiles again). Once you're sure you've killed all Jiles, take
phosphorus shells until you're full and leave the greenhouse. Go back
to the courtyard where you fought the Big Speedy Howler before. Take
the two medikits and the two boxes of shells. Now use the Kitchen key
on the door you previously used to enter this level and cross the
Manor - North Wing Lower (III)
Go to the room where you found the maiden's corpse. Enter the cave
(left door). You'll be attacked by two Howlers, combine Haste and the
Scythe and they'll die very fast. Take the medikit. Enter the
fireplace. Aaron will start to throw you plates and knives, so use
Haste and hide at the elevator room. Go back to the fireplace room
once all has finished and take the medikit. Cross the door opposite
the one you came there. Enter the dining room. There's an AMPLIFIER
there, but taking it will make Aaron throw you more plates and knives,
so use Haste and get out of there fast. Now take the other door at the
corridor. A servant will enter the door. Cross the door he came from.
Manor - Tower Run
Go downstairs. A Trsanti Chieftain will attack you. Haste will prove
to be very useful when fighting Trsanti. You can either kill him with
the pistol or the Scythe. Combining Scythe with Haste is the easiest
way but you can try pistol and Haste. Haste not only lets you run
faster but also shoot and reload faster. However, pistol is only for
those who want to try a new challenge, in my opinion. A big stream of
water goes down near you. Three Trsanti and another Trsanti Chieftain
are at its bottom and will come after you. Just do the same thing you
did with the other guy. Once they're all dead, take the medikit, the
AMPLIFIER and the dynamite near the first set of stairs, and some
hidden dynamite near the far set of stairs. Go back to the previous
Manor - North Wing Lower (IV)
Go to the room where you came the first time you entered this level.
There's a medikit on one of the rooms there. Now go back to the
fireplace room, but be careful because Aaron will throw you more
plates as you cross the only room you haven't entered yet this time.
Go to the elevator room and cross the door there.
Manor - North Wing Upper (II)
Cross the door you opened before with the Servant key. You'll hear
some cries if you use Scrye on the third left room, and you'll find
some shells on the last right door. Cross the door at the end.
Manor - East Wing Lower (IV)
There's a direct way from the East Wing to the North Wing! Why on hell
did we have to take that long route after taking the Garden key?
Talk to the butler. Once he's finished, go downstairs and take the
medikit. Cross the door that the butler opened.
Manor - East Wing Upper (III)
Once the butler has finished and you've got the new journal entry
(Ambrose History), cross the double door next to you. Soon after you
enter Ambrose's room you'll be attacked by a Trsanti and a Trsanti
Chieftain coming from where you came from. Use Haste and the Scythe.
Take the two journal entries (Ambrose Journal) and (Pirate's Info),
the medikit and phosphorus shells. Go to the room right of the door
you used to enter this level and take the Molotov cocktails. Once
you've finished with the level, head to the main hall and cross the
door opposite the one you came from.
Manor - East Wing Lower (V)
Just cross the opposite door.
Manor - East Wing Upper (IV)
Head towards Keisinger's room. The corridor leading to his room is now
locked, but you'll find on its end bullets, phosphorus shells and a
medikit. One of the rooms near the room with paintings is opened.
You'll find some shells there, but Keisinger will send you a slightly
stronger Scarrow (70 life points). Even though you have other weapons,
Ectoplasm and the cannon is still the best choice in my opinion. Now
go to the big room with the paintings. Approach the corner left of the
big Oneiros painting on the wall. A secret passage should appear.
Cross it to reach a room where you'll find the butler you met before.
You'll talk again to the butler. He will flee, only to be killed by a
Trsanti and Trsanti Chieftain. The secret room contains two medikits.
Go back to the previous level.
Manor - East Wing Lower (VI)
When you start going downstairs, Keisinger will send you a Flickering
Stalker through the window. Stalkers are perhaps the most annoying
enemies in the whole game. Those flying eels are very fast, which
makes them very hard to aim. The best way to kill them is using a
spell you don't have yet, so you'll have to use Haste and either the
Scythe or the pistol (loaded with silver bullets, if you can). The
Scythe is better because it doesn't require having as much accuracy to
hit them. Shoot it while you move to avoid its attacks (use Haste,
don't forget it). Once it's killed, it will disappear on a smoke
You can take any of the two doors at the bottom of the stairs as they
end up leading to the same place. The corridor with the curtains is
safe but the room with the old, stone, multicolored tiles has a
Trsanti and Trsanti Chieftain. Continue your way. Two more Trsanti
will attack you near the playroom. The first one is far from the
corner and if you're using the Scythe he'll enough time to shoot once
or twice before you reach him, so best use the pistol to kill them.
Once they're both killed enter the chapel.
Manor - Chapel (II)
Those bloody Trsanti have tainted a sacred place! You'll fight two
Trsanti and two Trsanti Chieftain here. Enter the main room through
the right door. Crouch and use the wooden plank at the corner as
cover. The Trsanti will have taken positions and will be ready to
fight you. The Scythe is a bad choice here since they are four and
attacking with a melee weapon doesn't allow you to cover from the
other enemies while you fight one of them. So crouch behind the plank,
and stand up to shoot a Trsanti. Of course, using Haste is a good
idea. Crouch again if you see that another Trsanti is going to shoot
you or if you run out of bullets and you need to reload (you'd better
get some cover when you're reloading). Once they're all killed, go
upstairs and take the ether traps, the bullets and the medikit. Head
towards the cross. You'll find a new journal entry on the altar
(Priest's Confessional). Go back to the previous level.
Manor - East Wing Lower (VII)
Cross the door in front of the playroom.
Manor - Central Lower (III)
Cross the door in front of the stairs, but be careful because a
Trsanti Chieftain will come from where you entered. Once he's dead,
use Scrye and you'll get a new journal entry: (Ambrose Scrye Event).
Cross the door. This room has two doors. Open the left and you'll be
attacked by a Trsanti and a Trsanti Witch. Trsanti Witches can be very
dangerous as they use Shield and Skull Storm. Skull Storm does you a
lot of damage, so try not to be hit. When the Witch has casted Shield,
you can't damage her until you destroy the magical protection, either
shooting at it or (recommended) using Dispel on it. Anyway, if you're
fast enough some pistol shoots will kill her before she's able to cast
Shield. Once the Witch is dead, kill the Trsanti. Cross the door at
the end of the big corridor. Once again, a Trsanti and a Trsanti
Chieftain will attack you at the hall with the armors. Cross the
nearest door and make your way to the next level.
Manor - Entrance Hall (IV)
The door Aaron closed many levels ago will be opened by a Trsanti and
a Trsanti Witch. Kill them and cross the door in front of the stairs.
Manor - Front Gate (II)
Cross the small door on the left side. Talk to the gardener to get a
new journal entry (Stones Location) and cross the door he opens.
Grounds - Dock
You'll find two Howlers at the bottom of the stairs. Scythe and Haste
will work very well on them, but jump over the banister instead of
using the steps so that you have plenty of space to avoid the Howlers'
attacks. Continue your way. You'll soon see a sheep chased by two more
Howlers. Kill the Howlers and follow the path. Eventually you'll a
very thin ledge. Follow it and jump to the boat on its end.
Standing Stones
You'll find two medikits close to the boat. Follow up the path to the
stones. Switch to the pistol, select silver bullets, and select the
amplifiers as your chosen item. Approach the central stone.
You've got a new spell and two new journal entries (Shield Spell) and
(Covenant State). However, Bethany has sent you a Handmaiden (it seems
that she didn't like you destroyed all her plants at the greenhouse).
Handmaidens are levitating, Banshee-like female creatures that use the
Lightning spell against you. Again, the best way to kill them is using
a spell you don't have yet. Since they can fly and therefore it will
be far from you, you must use a long-ranged attack, that's why you
must use the pistol, and Handmaidens are very strong, that's why you
must use silver bullets. After the cutscene, switch fast to the new
spell, upgrade it to level 5, and cast Shield L5. The shield can
absorb some of its lightnings, but it will eventually break down, so
cast another one when it happens before it throws another lightning.
She flies quite fast so wait until she stops before shooting it. Once
it's dead, go back to the boat.
Grounds - Dock (II)
Follow the thin path. You'll encounter, on this order, a Trsanti
Chieftain, a Trsanti, and a new type of Trsanti, the Dynamite Trsanti.
Dynamite Trsanti will throw you dynamite sticks, which can even kill
you. It's a good moment to start mastering the use of Shield. You have
a lot of spells and weapons, so it could be a good idea to start
selecting hotkeys to your favorite spells and weapons, so you can
switch fast from Shield to haste, for example. The Scythe could be
useful to kill these Trsantis.
Once you've killed all three, head to the first set of stairs. You'll
be attacked by two Trsanti up there (one from your left, one from your
right). Remember that the shield only protects you from attacks in
front of you, so it won't protect you from those Trsantis' attacks
unless you're facing them. Again, use the Scythe. Another Dynamite
Trsanti will come from the far second set of stairs. Kill him as fast
as you can. Climb the second set of stairs. You'll be attacked by a
Trsanti Chieftain on your left and another one on your right, but they
are very hard to see (consider using Scrye). Kill them and go up the
last set of stairs.
Manor - Front Gate (III)
Head to the fence you appeared at the beginning of the game. Talk to
the gardener, who will give you a new journal entry (Lighthouse
Keeper) and follow the path.
Enter the lighthouse. Jump from the stairs to the elevated platform
and take the medikit. Go all the way up. You've got a new journal
entry (Sedgewick Info). After the cutscene, go to the nearby house.
After entering turn left, cross two doors and take the medikit behind
the barrels. Use the stairs on the first room to reach the upper
level. Take the medikit and open the chest. Take the Lighthouse key
and the silver bullets. Leave the house, take the path leading to the
gate and cross it.
Coastal Ruins
Enter the ruins. Kill the Trsanti and the two Trsanti Chieftains and
take the Molotov cocktails on the ledge, near the fire. Drop through
the hole on the pedestal and you'll get a journal entry (Trsanti
Confirmation). Use the hanging ropes to safely descend to the floor.
Once on land, kill the two Trsanti there and take the shotgun, the
phosphorus shells and the bullets. Cross the tunnel.
Pirate's Cove - Pier
Make your way across the floating platforms. Once you're at the solid
pier, you'll fight another Trsanti. You'll soon reach a door with a
Trsanti. Dive to the two medikits and the bullets underwater (next to
a lamp) and use the ladder to go back to the pier. Follow your way and
take the medikit in the next room, but be very careful because a
Dynamite Trsanti will throw you dynamite from above. Use Shield to
protect you from it. Climb the vines, then jump to the ones on your
left, then drop to the balcony and kill the Dynamite Trsanti and the
Trsanti Chieftain as fast as you can. Enter the big room with the
stairs, but be careful because a Trsanti Witch will attack you from
the top. Use Haste to get there as fast as you can and kill her. Enter
the next room and take the medikit and the shells. You'll find a MANA
WELL on a side room. Continue through the corridors, you'll soon be
attacked by two more Trsantis. You'll find two medikits in the next
room. Use Scrye on the wall next to one of them to see a weird symbol.
Jump onto it to reveal a secret room. Kill the Trsanti and the Trsanti
Chieftain there and take the two medikits and the AMPLIFIER in the
chest. Follow the last corridor.
Pirate's Cove - Caverns
The first room contains a medikit, bullets and shells, but it's
guarded by a Trsanti and a Trsanti Chieftain. Enter the next big room
(be careful with the dynamite) and kill the Trsanti Chieftain that
attacks you. Enter the corridor where he came from, using Haste to
avoid the traps (including a shooting cannon), and kill the Trsanti.
Take the AMPLIFIER in the chest, the dynamite and the shells (both
normal and phosphorus). Use the lever and take the medikits inside the
jail. Now go back to the previous room and take the elevator on the
last corridor (again, avoid the dynamite). Use the level and step on
the elevator before it rises. Once you're at the top, you'll be
attacked by a Trsanti and the Dynamite Trsanti that was attacking you
before. Kill them and dive to the pond. You'll find at the middle of
the tunnel an alcove on the top where you can breathe and take a
medikit, bullets and shells. Swim to the end of the tunnel and go out.
You'll find another Trsanti at the end of the next corridor, and a
Trsanti and a Trsanti Chieftain inside the hut. You'll find a medikit
and some molotov cocktails at the lower level.
Pirate's Cove - Barracks
Use Shield and Haste and cross the corridor as fast as you can. There
will be some explosions, stay around the middle of the corridor to
avoid damages. When you've reached the end, turn left and kill the
lonely Trsanti, then kill the other Trsanti and the Trsanti Chieftain.
Turn right and shoot the dynamite boxes. Cross the hole on the wall
and take the AMPLIFIER in the chest and the medikit. Then go back to
the main room. Use the lever, then turn left and climb the ladder.
Grab the medikit, use Shield and shoot the dynamite box. Use the
stairs and kill the Trsanti Witch at the top. Take the journal entry
(Trsanti Witch), the medikit, the molotov cocktails and the shells,
and drop down the hole. Swim to its end, take the medikit on your
left, and kill the Trsanti and the Trsanti Chieftain. Use the stairs
and kill the Trsanti and the Trsanti Chieftain. Enter the open side
room, take the medikit and use the lever. Enter the other side room
and take the medikit, the dynamite and the shells. Continue through
the last door. Enter the left side room. You'll be attacked by a
Trsanti, kill him. Use the lever and cross the corridor as fast as you
can (use Haste). Take the MANA WELL and use the lever. Again, cross
the corridor as fast as you can. Follow the main corridor. Shoot the
dynamite boxes to kill the attacking Trsanti. Cross the door.
Pirate's Cove - Treasure Room
Take the medikit. Shoot the dynamite box next to the closed gate. The
room will begin to collapse, so cross the now open gate before you
die. Once you're safe, Ambrose himself will appear will start a fire.
Once you're at the treasure room, open the chests. You'll find a
medikit and silver bullets in one of them, a medikit and phosphorus
shells in another, and a medikit and dynamite inside the last one. The
true reward, however, is the spell at the far side of the room: Skull
Storm, the best spell in the whole game. This spell allows you to
throw exploding skulls towards the enemies, which will soon prove to
be very useful. Once you've taken it, however, a statue will start to
throw poison gas, so use your new spell to open a hole and get out of
Manor - Front Gate (IV)
Upgrade Skull Storm to Level 4 and check the new journal entry (Skull
Storm). Cross the main door.
Manor - Entrance Hall (V)
Cross the door, then cross the door the maiden just opened.
Manor - West Wing (III)
When you enter the big room with the stairs, you'll be attacked by two
Flickering Stalkers, so use Shield, equip the Gelziabar Stone and use
Skull Storm L4 (5 with the stone) against them. You can throw them
more than one skull at once, and even make the skulls burn, if you
wait a bit before throwing the skulls. With Shield and Skull Storm,
those monsters shouldn't be a threat. Once you've finished, cross the
door at the bottom of the stairs.
Manor - Great Hall
You'll finally fight Ambrose. Ambrose will constantly jump towards
you, and if he manages to do so, he will hurt you very badly, so avoid
him as best as you can. Haste will be the best choice here. Ambrose
can also hit you with his axe if he gets close to you, but most likely
it won't happen very often. There's no way to damage him, so don't
waste bullets or mana against him and instead try to dodge his
attacks. After a while, a Hound of Gelziabar will appear and it will
start to attack Ambrose: that's the moment to attack. Switch to the
pistol and shoot the stone on his axe. Once the stone is out of the
axe, take it and use the Scythe against Ambrose to get rid of him for
good. You can find some bullets around the room if you don't have
enough of them.
d. Keisinger
Manor - Central Upper (III)
Check the two new journal entries: (Jeremiah's Death) and (Tower
Entry). After you've walked a bit, you'll see Aaron. Leave the room to
find a butler. Go to the long corridor next to Lizbeth's room. Aaron
will appear again, but this time he will send you a Small Monto
Shonoi. These flying beasts move fast, so use the Gelziabar Stone to
avoid contact with them. Use Skull Storm against them, and use Shield
to avoid being hurt by your own attack (the exploding skulls have
quite a large range). Turn the corner to find a second Small Monto
Shonoi. Kill them as you did with the first and cross the door.
Manor - Entrance Hall (VI)
Go downstairs. You'll be attacked by two Small Monto Shonoi, one when
you approach the front door and another one when you check behind the
stairs (there are molotov cocktails there). Kill them as you did with
the other two. Go upstairs again, go to the end of the corridor, and
take the door on the left. You'll find some bullets (both normal and
silver) in a side room and a medikit in the bathroom. Take the journal
entry near the bed and use Scrye there. Check the two new journal
entries: (Jeremiah's Journal) and (Jeremiah's Room). Get the study key
over the fireplace and go back to the previous level.
Manor - Central Upper (IV)
Another Small Monto Shonoi will appear as you cross the corridor. Open
the door at the end of the opposite corridor. At the study, you'll
find a medikit at the bathroom (as usual), some ether traps, a journal
entry (Joseph Spell) and the Widow's Watch key. Aaron will appear
again, but this time he's much more aggressive and he will attack you.
Since he's a ghost, the only thing it works against him is ether
traps, so use one of them. Now cross the door next to Lizbeth's room.
Manor - North Wing Upper (III)
Aaron will start to use all of his power against you now. He will send
you a Small Monto Shonoi as you walk in front of his room, will wait
for you behind the door to the next room (use another ether trap, then
take the medikit), will send you a second one at the next room, and a
third one at the mirror room. You'll find a medikit near the workroom
door. Head to the door you opened before with the servant key. Aaron
will send you another Small Monto Shonoi there. The first room on the
left and the first on the right contain a medikit and molotov
cocktails respectively, but Aaron will throw you things there (use
Shield). Cross the door at the end of the corridor.
Manor - Widow's Watch
You'll soon be attacked by another Small Monto Shonoi. Go downstairs
and cross the door you never used before. Cross the left door. You'll
encounter two Jiles, use Skull Storm (one skull should be enough), and
cross the door there. You'll find a medikit and shells, and you'll
hear a noise that most likely you've learnt to fear, but the Monto has
actually appeared in another room. Go back to the first room, and this
time take the right door. You'll soon be attacked by the Small Monto
Shonoi you heard before. Follow your way to a big room. You'll find a
medikit on a table, but you'll also fight a Flickering Stalker. The
same tactic for Montos will work for the Stalkers. Go upstairs. The
door is closed, but you'll fight another Small Monto Shonoi. Once it's
dead , head to the gap where the Flickering Stalker entered and use
the wind strom to go up. Drop down to the nearby roof. Turn right and
head to the walls delimiting the courtyard below. Safely drop down to
the walls, then to the ground. You'll find a medikit and an AMPLIFIER.
Upgrade Skull Storm to Level 5 and use the ropes to climb back. Now
head to the left side and do the same. You'll find below a medikit,
some bullets and molotov cocktails. Climb back and enter the room.
You'll find some shells and a lightning rod. Go out and put the
lightning rod on the pedestal. You'll get a new spell, but it's rather
useless, so don't use it unless I tell you to do that. You've also got
a new journal entry: (Lightning). Two Howlers (one in front of you,
one behind) will attack you, let them know you have now the spell
Skull Storm. Once they're dead, go downstairs and use Lightning
against the left door, then cross it.
Manor - Great Hall (II)
Enter the side room. You'll find a journal entry (School director
letter). Jump to the box on the right side of the room, then jump over
all the crates until you reach the plank on the left side of the room
(use Haste if necessary), once there grab the AMPLIFIER. Upgrade
Lightning to Level 2. Go back to the previous room, take the bullets
and go downstairs. Cross the nearby door, take the two medikits and go
back. Now take the furthest door. You are now on a balcony above the
area where you fought Ambrose. There are some shells here, but be
careful because two Small Monto Shonoi will appear. Haste, Shield and
Skull Storm will be a good choice here. Take a good place once they
appear and start throwing them skulls until they both fall. Remember
to use the Gelziabar Stone if they get too close to you. Once they're
both dead, cross the door at the other side of the balcony.
Manor - Tower Run (II)
Use Lightning against the lever on your right. This will make a ladder
to rise, but a Flickering Stalker will appear: again, use Skull Storm.
Climb the ladder and walk among the roofs. Before you reach the
corner, you'll be attacked by a second Flickering Stalker, so be
ready. You'll eventually see a sealed door with a glass above it.
Break the glass using Skull Storm and use one of the inclined ledges
on its sides to cross it.
Once you're inside the tower, you'll constantly hear bird-like noises.
You'll be facing now a new enemy, the Sil Lith Inhabitants. These
pelican-like beasts can use against you the same energy beam which
used the Abbott against you, that one which didn't allow you to target
enemies properly. Use Dispel to get rid of it, then use Skull Storm
against them. Once you're free of the annoying Mindshatter spell, they
shouldn't pose much threat. You'll first fight three of them at the
bottom of the tower. Depending on where you land (there's a strong
wind strom in the tower), you may be able to kill them from the ledge.
Once all three are dead, go down to the bottom and take the AMPLIFIER.
Upgrade Lightning to Level 3 and started climbing the tower. Because
of the wind strom you don't need to run before jumping, but be sure to
aim properly. You'll fight another Sil Lith Inhabitant on one of the
ledges. Continue your way to the top. Once there you'll find the
source of the wind strom. Jump towards the vortex, aiming towards the
hole on the ceiling.
Oneiros - Amphitheater
You've got a new journal entry: (Keisinger and Oneiros). After you've
crossed the bridge, you'll be attacked by five Sil Lith Inhabitants:
two from the elevated ledge in front of you, three from ground level.
Use Skull Storm and Dispel if necessary, using the Gelziabar Stone if
they approach too much. Now head to the corridor on the left side of
the area. You'll see an Oneiros medikit, jump towards the floating,
moving ledge (be VERY careful) in order to grab it. Safely go back,
and jump towards the blue spiral.
Oneiros - Ruins
Jump over the gap. If you look at the area in front of you, you'll see
a Verago. These cloaked specters use Skull Storm (and they can throw
two skulls), and they explode on blue crystals when they die. They
have suicide attack which they use when they're low on health, so
using anything other than Skull Storm against them is a bad idea.
Because of their Skull Storm, it's better to use Shield when fighting
them. Once it's dead, turn right, then right again. You'll see an
amplifier on a far ledge. Use Haste and jump towards the wind strom to
grab the AMPLIFIER. Do the same to go back. Upgrade Lightning to Level
4 and cross the door in front of you. You'll find a medikit nearby.
You'll be attacked by a Scarrow. Scarrows are perhaps one of the two
only enemies (we'll meet the other one later) not to be attacked with
Skull Storm, as they seem to be immune to it, so use either Ectoplasm
or Dispel (yes, it can kill them). You'll reach a big area with a
medikit on a pedestal, a Verago on the top and a Scarrow. The Verago
is much more deadly than the Scarrow, so it has priority. Use Skull
Storm against it. Once they're both dead, use Scrye and use the blue
spiral which appears. You'll appear on another area. Do some jumps
until you get the energy key, then use the blue spiral here to go back
to the previous area. This part shouldn't be hard at all. Once back,
go back to the area where you found the blue spiral. Cross another
door to a room with a pit and a wind strom. There are two gaps above
with medikits on it, but taking them will cause two Scarrows to
appear. Once they're both dead, keep your way. You'll find another Sil
Lith Inhabitant on the next area. Kill it and keep your way. You'll
find another blue spiral. Use it to go back to the previous level.
Oneiros - Amphitheater (II)
Head to the corridor on the opposite side of the area. Turn right,
turn the corner using the thin ledge, and use the floating ledge to
get to the other side of the gap (or use Haste). You'll find an
AMPLIFIER and a journal entry (Sil Lith History), but taking them will
make a Flickering Stalker to appear. You'll also a find a medikit
nearby. Upgrade Lightning to Level 5 and use the floating ledge to go
back (this time you don't have enough room to use Haste), and go back
to the main area. Now head to the corridor on your right. Use the
energy key on the hole, cross the bridge and drop to the blue spiral.
Oneiros - Abandoned Fortress
Jump to the large structure in front of you. Border it from its right
side. You'll soon see a medikit on a small open area. Keep your way
until you reach another building. Enter it, there's a medikit but
you'll fight a Flickering Stalker. Go back to the first structure and
enter it. You'll find a medikit on the right corridor. Use Dispel on
the magical barrier at the far side of the room, but doing so will
cause four Scarrows to appear, what means a battle like old times.
Cross the next room until its end, where you'll see two balconies on
the sides. The left balcony contains a medikit. The pit below has two
Sil Lith Inhabitants. Kill them using either molotov cocktails or
Skull Storm, then drop down. Take the left corridor, you'll be
attacked by a Flickering Stalker. Jump to the ledge with pillars in
front of you. Head to its side closest to the nearby AMPLIFIER. Jump
towards it: if you did it properly, you'll safely step on some tiles
which have appeared from nowhere. Upgrade Invoke to Level 2. Jump back
to the pit and this time take the other corridor. You'll reach some
stairs leading down. Follow them, on the way you should see a far
floating structure with a Sil Lith Inhabitant, throw some skulls.
Again, at the bottom tiles will appear from nowhere. Follow them until
you can't move forward, then turn left. Follow that way, you should
then see tiles making stairs on your right. Go downstairs. You'll
reach a place where apparently you can't move anymore, but if you
stand near one of the edges there, you'll see one or several tiles
appearing a bit further. Jump there. More tiles will appear and you'll
drop safely. Twice more you'll have to jump to reach the next tiles,
then the way is easier. Once you've reached the solid part, go
upstairs. You'll find a medikit, silver bullets and phosphorus shells.
Jump to the blue spiral to finish the level.
Oneiros - Keisinger's Stronghold
You'll soon be attacked by a Flickering Stalker. Enter the building
and drop down. When you approach the blue spiral you can see,
Keisinger will throw a lightning to the bridge, rendering it
completely useless. You have no choice but head to the other side and
drop down to the blue spiral.
Take the stairs. You'll fight three Sil Lith Inhabitants at the next
room. Once they're all killed, take the medikit on the small fountain
and cross the door at that room.
Oneiros - Keisinger's Studio
You've got a new journal entry: (Keisinger's Presence). The next room
is guarded by two Sil Lith Inhabitants and a Scarrow, and it contains
two medikits and bullets. Follow your way until you reach a closed
door. Step on the nearby tile to open it. Go downstairs and use the
wheel to turn on the water supply. Go upstairs and use tile to open
the next door. Jump to the big pond and enter the underwater tunnel.
Turn left and take the sextant at the end of the tunnel. Swim back to
the surface. Use the sextant on the nearby pedestal. Now you can swim
up. Swim out to the metal platform which appears and head to the blue
Oneiros - Keisinger's Stronghold (II)
You'll see a Hound of Gelziabar behind some magical barriers. The area
with the Hound has medikits on the sides. When you're ready to fight
it, use Dispel. The Hound will charge. He will take LOTS of shots, so
you'd better use Shield, because he will have lots of chances to hit
you. He's immune to the Gelziabar Stone, so don't try pushing it. Use
the shotgun and Skull Storm against it, avoiding its attacks as best
as you can. A tactic you can follow is going back to the green spiral
you came: the Hound can't reach you there, so you can shoot it safely
from there. Once it's dead, go back to the room where it was and take
the MANA WELL. Now head to the area with the stairs. You'll find a
nearby door leading to a room with a huge bowl. Throw a skull to turn
on the fire, use the wheel to turn on the water supply, and take the
medikit. Now use the stairs, follow them towards right. You'll find a
room with a lever, push it to open the gate and take the energy key.
Now head to other side of the stairs. Use the energy key on the hole
to open the gate and keep your way.
Oneiros - Keisinger's Studio (II)
You'll find a medikit behind an altar. Push the coffin to open it.
You'll see blood appearing out of nowhere, and eventually the nearby
door will open. Cross it and use the blue spiral.
You've appeared on another place. Cross the door to find an area with
lots of doors. Cross the one directly in front of you and take the
blue spiral.
Oneiros - Oracle
Soon after you start, a lightning will strike the building and three
Veragos will appear. Shield will be very important, although being
three attackers at the same time it won't protect you from all of
their attacks. Throw them skulls, while trying to cover from theirs.
Once they're all dead, enter the building. You'll find a medikit and a
journal entry (Verago Background), guarded by another Verago. Jump
over the rock next to the medikit, and use it to jump to the blood
pool. Use haste and swim across the tunnel. You'll find an ancient
artifact and, near the end, a medikit. Swim out and approach the ugly
statue. Use Scrye on it. Equip the scythe and use it against the
statue's heart. Take it and wait a bit. Swim up, take the medikit and
approach the gate. It will open as you approach it, but you'll find a
Scarrow as soon as you reach the surface. Once it's dead, check behind
the bloodfall to find an AMPLIFIER. Upgrade Invoke to Level 3. Enter
the blood pool nearby, you'll find a medikit at the bottom. Swim to
the surface, cross the bridge, and enter the next blood pool. There
are two medikits at the bottom. Swim to the surface.
Now comes one of the hardest parts in the whole game. As soon as you
leave the blood pool, you'll be attacked by seven Veragos. Use Shield,
be ready to use medikits (you'll need to more than one, most likely),
and throw skulls towards everything you see. The Veragos here will use
a special attack: three of them can use against you a red lightning.
Besides, when they do so they will move in circles, making them harder
to hit. Enter the blood pool again if you need some cover. Remember
that Veragos can use a suicidal attack if they're low on health. These
Veragos are sometimes so close amongst them that targeting one of them
will make you hurt others. Besides, the Veragos are so far that skulls
seem to be less powerful than usual. All of this means that sometimes
alive Veragos will be low on health even if you try to do one shot
kills. Once they're all dead (that seems easy when written), approach
the pedestal and put the human heart. Once below, take the ARCANE
WHORL and use the blue spiral.
Oneiros - Keisinger's Studio (III)
You're back to the area with many doors. Use Scrye on the obelisk: it
will glow a certain colour. Check the doors and find a pedestal which
glows the same colour as the obelisk when using Scrye. Put there the
ancient artifact. Go back to the obelisk. Push the nearby lever and
take the new spell. You've got a new journal entry: (Flight). Fly to
the blue spiral above the door where you first entered this area.
Oneiros - Keisinger's Stronghold (III)
You're back to the area where Keisinger destroyed a bridge. Head to
the area where you previously found the blue spiral. Look right and
fly to the floating medikit. Now head to the broken bridge. Fly over
it and take the blue spiral.
Oneiros - Howling Well
Use your new skill to fly over the floating platforms. Use haste if
you need it. Be careful because two Flickering Stalkers guard the
zone. Once you've reached the building, border from one of its sides
(it doesn't matter which one) and head to the building's back side.
There you'll find two medikits guarded by two Veragos and another
Flickering Stalker. Go back to the front side, then enter the
building. The purple field hurts you if you're inside, so use Haste
and Shield, enter it, take the ARCANE WHORL, and leave it as fast as
you can. Push the button on the other side. Now leave the building and
fly to the top. You'll have to fight two Flickering Stalkers along
your way. Once at the top, feel free to use Scrye, you might find
something interesting. Then come back to the building. Cross the door
at the other side of the building. Fly to the blue spiral on the
ceiling, using the ledges on the walls to recover the flying energy.
Oneiros - Ziggurat
Turn left to find an area with medikits, bullets and shells guarded by
a Flickering Stalker. Cross the door to leave the ziggurat and use the
stairs. A Verago and Keisinger himself will appear. Use Shield and
first get rid of the Verago. Keisinger will throw you lightnings,
which can break your shield very fast, so if your shield breaks, stop
throwing skulls and cast a new shield. Be ready to use medikits. After
a while, Keisinger will disappear. Border the ziggurat from its right
side. A Verago will attack you, and Keisinger will throw you some
rocks in a desperate try to kill you. Kill the Verago and fly to the
hole, then to the next level of the ziggurat. Follow the stairs to the
top, but be careful because you'll find another Verago, and Keisinger
will throw you more rocks along the way.
Oneiros - Ziggurat (II)
You'll fight Keisinger again. This time, besides Lightning, he will
use Skull Storm. He will throw three skulls one after one, although
they're quite easy to dodge. Don't forget to use Shield constantly to
defend you from any of his attacks. Sometimes he will cast himself a
Shield, feel free to use Dispel. Throw him some skulls whenever he
doesn't move, and after a while he will disappear again. Enter the
ziggurat through the hole in the middle.
Oneiros - Ziggurat (III)
Wait for the grills to let you pass while you charge some skulls and
let them burn. Once you spot Keisinger, throw him the skulls. Here he
will use the Phoenix, a weapon you don't have yet, but it's not that
hard to dodge. After a few shots, he should fall dead.
Manor - Tower Run (III)
You've been given by the Sil Lith Inhabitants a MANA WELL and you've
got a new journal entry: (Keisinger's Death). Safely go down to the
bottom of the tower and cross the door.
e. Aaron
Manor - Central Lower (IV)
You'll find two medikits here. Cross the open door. Aaron will close
you the door at the far end of the room, so you have no choice but use
the stairs. When you approach them, Aaron will appear and attack you
(use an ether trap), then he will send you two Small Monto Shonoi.
Kill them and use the stairs. Cross the door.
Manor - Central Upper (V)
Aaron will send you two Small Monto Shonoi as you approach Bethany's
and Lizbeth's rooms, and he will attack you himself again. Get rid of
all three with appropriate method and cross the door next to Lizbeth's
Manor - North Wing Upper (IV)
Aaron will attack you again and will send you a Small Monto Shonoi as
you approach the nearby stairs. Follow the corridor until their end
and head to the workroom. The butler there will give you the workroom
key, and you've got a new journal entry (Aaron's Studio). Use it to
open the nearby door and cross the door.
Manor - Inner Courtyard
Push the statue at the top right, then drop down. Go down through the
broken trapdoor. You'll find a room with an ARCANE WHORL on the left
side, on the right side there are three doors which contain phosphorus
shells, silver bullets and a hole which allows you to see Aaron's
corpse. Go out and head to the stall. You'll find two medikits on a
table. Go out again. Use the ladder to get to the roof, then use the
second ladder. Use Haste and jump to the roof on the nearby building.
Enter through the open window. Take the dynamite, the molotov
cocktails and the journal entry: (Aaron's Journal). Use the ladder to
go down, take the molotov cocktails, then approach Aaron. Once he's
finished his picture, a Big Monto Shonoi will appear, one of the
toughest enemies you'll face in this game. These beasts are much
larger than the other Montos and hence stronger. Besides, they can use
Lightning against you (rarely, though), the Gelziabar Stone is much
less effective against them than against their smaller brothers (thus
you can't use it to avoid them getting close to you), and they can
also create a vortex to attract you towards their claws. Cast a Shield
as soon as you regain control, then use Skull Storm against the Monto
while you run backwards. You can try to use the Gelziabar Stone to
push it (don't put your hopes on this), or you can use your shotgun to
make a double attack. Once it's dead, take Bethany's gate key on the
floor and climb the ladder again. Use Haste and jump towards the
painting to get the MANA WELL. Leave the studio and cross the gate
near one of the corners.
Manor - Gardens (III)
The nearby warehouse has two medikits and dynamite. Once you've taken
them, head to the gate next to the path leading to the greenhouse.
Open it with the key you've just taken and cross it.
Bethany's Cottage
You'll soon reach a cross. The right path leads to some ruins with two
medikits and shells (normal and phosphorus), but Bethany has left two
Jiles to guard them. The left path leads to the cottage. Enter it and
cross the only open door. Take the dynamite and use Scrye to see
Bethany inspecting the corner. Throw a skull to the corner and take
Aaron's jaw and Aaron's room key. You've got a new journal entry: (The
You'll hear noises from the last surviving Howlers. This will be the
last time you'll fight them, but they've decided to give you an
unforgivable farewell. Go upstairs. A Big Howler and two Speedy
Howlers will come from a door on the far side. Speedy Howlers will now
constantly coming from this door, while Howlers will constantly come
using the stairs you've just used. Cast a Shield, switch to the
shotgun in the mode which allows you to kill Howlers on one shot, and
select Skull Storm. You should use Skull Storm to kill the Howlers
before they get close, and the shotgun if they get too close. Once
you've killed the first three Howlers, cross the left door and jump
over the gap. Take the shells and anything else there, then jump back.
Kill any Howler there and cross the door the Speedy Howlers are using.
Jump to the roof on the right, crouch and enter the window. Get the
AMPLIFIER. A Big Howler will break the door and attack you, killing it
will stop the Howlers generation cycle. However, most likely there are
still some Howlers. You may find some Speedy Howlers at the upper
level, some Howlers at the stairs, some Howlers at the main door, and
some Howlers around the pond outside. Use Shield, Skull Storm and the
shotgun against them. Now make your way to the gate you used to enter
this level. This won't be a quiet trip, however, as Aaron has left you
two Big Monto Shonoi, one at the cross and another near the gate. They
don't seem to want to move if you're very far, and they rather prefer
to create an attracting vortex. Avoid it, while you throw skulls
towards them, and they shouldn't be much threat this time. Once
they're dead, go back to the previous level.
Manor - Gardens (IV)
Go back to the manor using the kitchen door.
Manor - North Wing Lower (V)
Once you've entered the fireplace room, Aaron will appear and later
attack you, while he throws you plates and knives. Use an ether trap
and cast Shield fast to protect you from any attack. Take the medikit
and use the stairs near the freight elevator.
Manor - North Wing Upper (V)
Aaron won't last on appearing once again, use another ether trap (I
hope you have enough). Head to Aaron's room and open it with the key.
Take the molotov cocktails, the medikit and Bethany's room key. When
you try to leave the room, you'll find out that Aaron has teleported
it to another dimension! There's an absorbing vortex, which will suck
anything in front of the door, starting from the table and ending with
you, if you let it. Position yourself at one side of the door and wait
until the door closes. Open it again, fortunately you're back at the
normal dimension. Now head to the other side of the corridor, and
cross the door on its end.
Manor - Central Upper (VI)
Aaron's ghost will attack you here one last time. Get rid of him and
head to Bethany's room. Open it with the key. Use Scrye to hear drums
and approach to the mirror. Take the journal entry there (Bethany's
Journal). You'll see Bethany on the mirror. When you leave behind the
mirror, you'll find out that a secret passage has been opened, and
it's guarded by one of Bethany's elite minions: a Drinen. These
humanoids have the unique skill to become intangible, what means that
no attack can damage them when they're like that. They also seem to
move faster when they're in that state. Skulls thrown by you just pass
through them when they're intangible, so they're the second enemy not
to be attacked with Skull Storm. Instead use the Scythe, but be
careful because these guys have the annoying habit of becoming
intangible again, pass through you and attack you from behind. Once
it's dead, enter the passage and go down the ladder.
Manor - Crypt
Use the Scythe on frenzy mode against the rats to recover some health
and enter the crypt. Put the jaw on Aaron's body and he will come back
to life. He will, of course, attack you. Hit him with the scythe
whenever he's not glowing white. Aaron will then throw you his chain
from the center of the room. Cast Shield and place yourself near one
of the hanging chains around the room. Your objective is waiting for
Aaron to hit the hanging chain with his chain, getting trapped. It
will most likely require some tries before you find the good place.
Once he gets trapped, hit him with the scythe again to get rid of him,
this time for good.
f. Bethany
Eternal Autumn - Forest
You're now at Eternal Autumn, Bethany's own world. You'll find some
healing roots (the Eternal Autumn equivalent of the medikit), and
another ones inside a nearby pot (break it with the scythe). The
Scythe along with Skull Storm should be your choice around this world.
Bethany will appear to leave you a journal entry (Nightmare). Make
your way across the path, you'll find two Jiles, and then you'll be
attacked by three piranha-like small beasts, called Sleeds. These
beasts are very weak and they will fall under a single scythe hit
(which is the best choice against them), but damn, they're fast as
hell. Keep your way, kill two more Sleeds, and kill two more Jiles
near a waterfall. You'll find a medikit, another Sleed and the
speargun (we'll save this weapon for a concrete type of enemies)
inside the pots. Fly over the river until you reach a small island in
the middle of the river, with a medikit and the last AMPLIFIER. Use
Haste, because you will die if you're carried by the strom. Upgrade
Invoke to Level 5 and go back to the waterfall. Use the fallen tree to
reach the other side (there's a medikit inside). Another Sleed will
wait for you here (I think Sleed appear constantly here). You'll later
encounter a Drinen and a Jile, try to kill the Jile as fast as you can
because its tentacles will make killing the Drinen a very hard task.
Use Scrye to see a Drinen with a corpse. You'll find some spears in a
pot. Follow the path and you'll encounter three Jiles, one of them
high on a rock (their tentacles won't let approach them, use Haste to
pass before they appear) and two prehistorical humanoids, the Jemaas.
Those guys are very strong, although not very fast. The best against
them is the speargun, improved with Lightning: select the speargun,
then cast Lightning, finally shoot the Jemaas: a lightning will strike
them, killing them in one shot. You'll find a medikit in a nearby pot.
Keep your way, destroy a bunch of Sleeds, kill two more Jiles, and
head to the next level.
Eternal Autumn - Chieftain
Kill two Jiles and a Jemaas Chieftain (a stronger Jemaas, carrying a
speargun, and dropping spears when he's dead). The Lightning speargun
may not work here because you need a clear way for the Lightning to
strike, and that area is a bit covered. Past the area with corpses,
kill another Jile, and you'll soon start a fight near a cliff with
three Jiles and two Jemaas Snipers. Here you can use the Lightning
speargun again, but save it for the Jemaas and use Skull Storm against
the Jiles. Three more Jemaas Snipers will jump to the path as you
follow it. The speargun has an alternate mode where you can use it as
a sniper rifle to target better enemies who are far from you. Here it
can prove useful to hit them from a distance. Keep your way and you'll
see two Jemaas Fighters dancing. Use the speargun's sniper mode to
kill them from a distance before they realise you're there. You'll
find two medikits in nearby pots, and an ARCANE WHORL on a ledge above
the cave entrance. Enter the cave.
Eternal Autumn - Airie
You can't use the Lightning speargun during this level. Open the door
to meet a Jemaas Sniper. Throw him some skulls, then finish him with
the scythe. Open the door there, a Jemaas Fighter waits for you
behind, and another one will attack you when you enter the next room.
You'll find there medikits and phosphorus shells (free or in a pot).
Take the left door. A Jemaas Fighter and a Jemaas Sniper will come
after you, the latter will drop another speargun. Go down the ramp.
You'll soon fight another Jemaas Sniper. Follow the corridor until its
end Push the rock on the far side. This area of the cafe is getting
full of lava, so go back fast to the room with two doors. Now take the
right door, go up the ramp, then through the corridor (there's another
Jemaas Sniper), and you'll eventually fight the Guardian Phoenix. It's
very weak, but hard to target, so use the scythe against it. Once it's
dead, push the small lever on the wall to open a window: the air strom
will move the fire column. Fly to the floating Phoenix and get it.
This weapon seems powerful, but it's actually quite weak, it's hard to
use, and you'll seldom find ammo, so don't bother using it. A door is
now open, you'll find two phoenix eggs in pots, then cross the tunnel.
Eternal Autumn - Chase
You'll find first a pot with a phoenix egg, then some others with a
medikit and spears (break them with a skull, because an explosive pot
is next to them). Fly safely down to the ground below. You'll soon
find a Jemaas Sniper. It could be a good idea to finally use Invoke on
the corpses you kill, so that they help you to kill the following
Jemaas. Go up the ramp, you'll fight another Jemaas Fighter after you
spot a drum, then another one. Soon after that you'll have a good
fight: you'll find a Jemaas Fighter and a Jemaas Sniper, then another
Jemaas Sniper will jump over the cliff to join the fight, and you'll
be attacked from the distance by another Jemaas Sniper (use the
speargun's alternate mode). Fly over the cliff, break pots to find
spears, a medikit and phosphorus ammo, kill another Jemaas Sniper at
the other side, then use the tree and the vines to find some bullets.
Fly back to the main path. Follow your way, you'll find a Jemaas
Sniper, then another one, then a Jemaas Sniper and a Jemaas Fighter,
and finally a Jemaas Fighter and a Jemaas Chieftain. You'll find two
Jemaas Snipers below, kill them safely from above. Drop down, watch
out any Sleed attack, take the spears, the bullets, the medikit and
the phoenix egg, and continue.
Eternal Autumn - Bridge
This side of the bridge is guarded by two Jemaas Snipers, one at
ground level and another on a tower, but two Jemaas Fighters will soon
join them. As you try to cross the bridge, two more Jemaas Fighters
will come after you from the other side, a Jemaas Sniper from behind,
and two more on a tower on the other side. Another Jemaas Fighter will
join them later. Try to fly to the tower on the initial side as soon
as possible in order to defend you from the Jemaas Fighters. You can
use molotov cocktails there to damage any Jemaas below. Once they're
all dead, cross the bridge and continue through the tunnel.
Eternal Autumn - Lower Dwellings
You'll fight a Jemaas Sniper and a Jemaas Fighter. Break the pots to
find a medikit. Go upstairs. You'll be attacked by a Sleed when you
enter the next room. There are some spears in one of the hanging bags.
Take the stairs on the left side. Kill the Jemaas Sniper on the top
and break the pots to find spears and phosphorus shells. Look to the
window to see five Jemaas crossing the bridge you've just been. Wait
for them and kill them when they come after you. Now take the stairs
on the right side of the area. The pots at the top contain an ARCANE
WHORL, a Jile and a medikit. Now take the stairs on the middle of the
area. Kill the two Jemaas Snipers and keep your way.
Eternal Autumn - Upper Dwellings
You'll soon fight another Jile. Climb the ladder and kill the Jemaas
Sniper. Enter the next room, take the medikit, shells, dynamite and
molotov cocktails in the pot and go upstairs. You'll find another
Jemaas Fighter. You can go back to the previous room and fly where you
found the medikit: the Jemaas can't attack you there. Continue, you'll
soon be attacked by two Sleed and a Jile. You'll later find a phoenix
egg and spears in pots, then you'll find another Sleed and a medikit
in a pot. Use the stairs, kill the two Jemaas Snipers, then continue.
Eternal Autumn - Gauntlet
Kill the two Jemaas Snipers. Take the bullets in the pot and move the
big wheel in the center to open the door. Once past the door, you'll
fight two Sleed, then a Jemaas Sniper, then another Sleed. Keep your
way, you'll find a medikit and a Sleed in pots, then you'll fight a
Jemaas Sniper hidden behind a rock. You'll later find another medikit
in a pot, but be careful because two Jemaas Snipers will come from a
tunnel on the right side. Enter the tunnel, killing the two Jemaas
Snipers that attack you from behind, the use the stairs. Follow the
cave to its end. You'll find two medikits, a Sleed, silver bullets and
phosphorus shells in the pots. Go back to the tunnel exit. Keep your
way across the thin path near the cliff. You'll find phosphorus shells
and molotov cocktails in pots, but a Jemaas Sniper will attack you
from behind. Continue, another Jemaas Sniper will attack you. Continue
as more Jemaas Snipers attack you (one of them from behind) until you
reach an area with a tunnel. The pots there contain a Sleed and
phosphorus shells. Enter the tunnel.
Eternal Autumn - Ruins
You're outside again, so you can use the Lightning speargun again to
kill the Jemaas. You'll soon be attacked by two Jemaas Snipers and a
Sleed. The first tower contains nothing so you can avoid it. Keep your
way, you'll find two more Jemaas Snipers. The second tower contains a
medikit on the top. The third tower has two medikits on the first
floor and a Jemaas Sniper and a Sleed on the top. Keep your way, three
more Jemaas Snipers will attack you near the fourth tower (two from
inside, one behind the tower). It contains spears on the first floor.
There's also a medikit behind the tower. The fifth tower has spears on
the first floor.
Head to a pit near the first tower. You can find there a tower with a
Jemaas Sniper and a Sleed on the first floor, and spears on the top.
Go back near the fifth tower. Fly to the nearby area where you can see
some pots. Three of them contain Sleeds, the other one a medikit. Take
the nearby path and you'll see the last two towers. The first one
doesn't have a door, but fly to the top to get some medikits. The last
tower has a door but it's closed, so enter it from the window and move
the central wheel. You can open the door from the bottom of the tower.
Kill the Jemaas Sniper waiting outside the tower and take the tunnel
at the end of the path near the last two towers.
Eternal Autumn - Arch
After you spot the corpse on the wall, look around you two find some
Jiles on an elevated alcove on your right. Killing them will be
slightly harder as it's more difficult to target them here. The next
room contains a pot with phosphorus shells guarded by a Drinen. Once
it's dead, head to the nearby river. Fly over the rocks to get to the
other side (you may want to use Haste). At the other side, you'll find
several buildings. The first one has a Drinen nearby and contains
spears. The second one has a Handmaiden and a Drinen nearby and
contains two medikits. You'll soon spot a door, heavily guarded by two
Jiles and another Handmaiden, best take them over from a distance.
Eternal Autumn - Arena
Bethany is starting to use all of her power against you. The next room
has two Jiles hidden behind the wall at the corners. You'll need to
throw a skull to the corner to see the Jile. Moving around the room is
difficult because some Jile tentacles will appear all around the room
from holes on the floor, even after both Jiles are dead. Once the
Jiles are dead, the nearby door will open and three Drinens will
appear. Attacking them directly is a suicide, so best fly to one of
the holes left by the Jiles (one of them has a medikit9, where they
can't reach you (when they're tangible, at least). You can use Skull
Storm against them this time, since they won't become intangible.
You'll find a medikit on the next room. You'll see some stairs and
after that, a room with a medikit and a Drinen. The door leading out
is guarded by two Drinens. Try to find a safe place to attack them, or
use Haste and make your best to avoid as many of their attacks as
possible. The door will open when both of them are dead. Outside
you'll find a medikit. You'll fight two Handmaidens before finding a
medikit and some buildings. You'll fight yet another Handmaiden, kill
her, and then climb the nearby hill, taking the medikit near the top.
Eternal Autumn - Arena (II)
You'll finally fight Bethany. She'll summon Flickering Stalkers
constantly, and she has two Handmaidens to escort her, so you'll be
fighting four enemies at the same time: use Shield during the whole
fight. Bethany can use the spell Ward (she throws you a vegetal bomb)
and she can magically push you away. Nothing at this moment can damage
her, so kill the two Handmaidens on the towers on the sides and the
Flickering Stalker. All Flickering Stalkers summoned by Bethany lose
constantly life points, but you can't just wait until they die, so
throw them some skulls to make it faster. You'll find a medikit on the
top of the third tower, the one without a Handmaiden. Once her two
Handmaidens are dead, she will stop summoning Flickering Stalkers and
instead she will summon Big Monto Shonoi. Again, her Big Monto Shonoi
constantly lose life points, but you can't just wait. Right after she
has summoned a Big Monto Shonoi she will look like stunned: that's the
moment where you must hit her with the scythe.
g. Final
Standing Stones (II)
What... is ... this?
OK. Don't get too far from the King, as some tentacles will attack you
if you get too close to the water. Instead, use Shield to protect you
from the acid it throws at you, and attack to the big grey thing the
King has on its top, it seems to be the part where he's more
vulnerable. Best choice is the pistol and Skull Storm. After some
time, you'll see that the King will open a huge mouth and will try to
eat you. Of course, don't let it to do so! Shoot at the mouth whenever
it's fully open to hurt the King and force it to close the mouth. Once
it's covering its mouth, attack again to the big grey thing with
pistol and Skull Storm. Actually, I think you should use the pistol
mainly for its open mouth, and save Skull Storm for the big grey
thing. Although you'll see some phoenix eggs and dynamite nearby,
don't use or take any of them. They're completely useless and, what
it's worse, you'll be exposed to the King's tentacles. The King will
still throw you acid, so never forget to use Shield. The King can
obviously take lots of damage, but it will finally die. Once it's
dead, watch the final cutscene.
addall - Obtain all weapons and spells
aerial - Activates walking on the air
ampattspell - Increase selected spell's level (deampattspell has the
opposite effect)
assall - Creates a donkey
astral - Enable no clipping mode (activates walking on the air + going
through walls)
becomelight 0 - Extra light off
becomelight 1 - Extra light on
behindview 0 - 3rd person view off
behindview 1 - 3rd person view on
bring - Summon item
castfire - sets fire to the character the cursor points at
castglow - casts fluorescence on the character the cursor points at
clearweather - stops snow/rain
debughud - shows rather useful (for cheaters) information
debugmsg - shows the name of current map and some comments
eh - Enable god mode
enemycrosshair - the cursor will remain red even aimed at a character
(repeated input returns green color)
flight - Enable flying mode
forcehide # - makes object or character # invisible (but doesn't
destroy it), unhide # returns visibility
gibhim - destroys the character you are taking aim at (cannot be
applied to bosses)
giveme - Summon weapon to inventory
infinitemana <0 or 1> - Toggle unlimited mana
invisible <0 or 1> - Enemies do not attack
mshat # - shatters your mind with intensity # (from 1 to 5)
open # - see start #
pie - restores mana after a spell
raindance - starts rain (clearweather cancels)
renderweapon - Invisible weapon
set # ? $ - a multipurpose command for changing parameters. # - the
character, ? and $ - the parameter and its value (see showpawnnames).
For example: if there are howlers and a trsanti named trsanti5 on the
map, set howler enemy trsanti5 will set all the howlers on this
trsanti. Two most popular variations of the code are shown below
set aeons.patrick health 999 - Set health to 999
set aeons.patrick mana 999 - Set mana to 999
setgroundspeed ### - Set ground speed (default value is 400)
setjumpz #### - Set jump height (default value is 250)
showactornames - shows the name of the object and its state (waiting,
dying, etc.)
showall - Show event triggers
showfps - Show frame rate
showpawnnames - shows detailed information of the character
showstealth - Show stealth factor
showtex - shows information of the surface texture
slomo <1-5> - Set game speed
snowdance - starts snow (clearweather cancels)
snuffpawns - deletes all characters
timedemo 1 - shows time (0 instead of 1 hides the line)
walk - Disable no clipping mode
woo - gives you Molotov cocktails
woundpawn - makes the character you are taking aim at bleed. He won't
suffer, but you'll be pleased with the sight
Note: If the game detects you have a health over 100, the Boss
Creatures will not attack. Since you must exploit weaknesses during
their attack, you will be unable to proceed. Use the health cheat to
set your health back to 100 before confronting bosses!
Using these map cheats, you can jump to any level within the game. The
"CU_nn" maps are cutscenes, and "playground" and "SmokeTest" are test
levels. Enter these cheats the same way as other codes.
start Aeons
start Catacombs_Cisterns
start Catacombs_Cliffs
start Catacombs_Entrance
start Catacombs_Exit
start Catacombs_Exit_After
start Catacombs_LairOfLizbeth
start Catacombs_LairOfLizbethPostCU
start Catacombs_LowerLevel
start Catacombs_SaintsHall
start Catacombs_Tunnels
start Catacombs_WellRoom
start Catacombs_WindChamber
start CU_01
start CU_02
start CU_03
start CU_04
start CU_05
start CU_06
start CU_07
start CU_08
start CU_09
start CU_10
start CU_11
start CU_12
start CU_13
start Entry
start EternalAutumn_FinalFight_Arch
start EternalAutumn_FinalFight_Arena
start EternalAutumn_FinalFight_ArenaBattle
start EternalAutumn_FinalFight_Ruins
start EternalAutumn_Ravines_Airie_Interior
start EternalAutumn_Ravines_Bridge
start EternalAutumn_Ravines_Chase
start EternalAutumn_Ravines_Chieftain
start EternalAutumn_Ravines_Forest
start EternalAutumn_Transition
start EternalAutumn_Waterfall_Dwellings_Lower
start EternalAutumn_Waterfall_Dwellings_Upper
start EternalAutumn_Waterfall_Gauntlet
start Grounds_Cottage
start Grounds_Dock_Night
start Grounds_Lighthouse
start Grounds_Mausoleum_Approach
start Grounds_Mausoleum_Entrance
start Grounds_Mausoleum_Tunnels
start Grounds_OldCemetery
start Manor_CentralLower
start Manor_CentralLower_After
start Manor_CentralLower_Night
start Manor_CentralLower_Storm
start Manor_CentralUpper
start Manor_CentralUpper_After
start Manor_CentralUpper_PostOneiros
start Manor_CentralUpper_Storm
start Manor_Chapel
start Manor_Chapel_Night
start Manor_Crypt
start Manor_EastWingLower
start Manor_EastWingLower_After
start Manor_EastWingLower_Night
start Manor_EastWingUpper
start Manor_EastWingUpper_After
start Manor_EastWingUpper_Night
start Manor_EntranceHall
start Manor_EntranceHall_FromKitch
start Manor_EntranceHall_Intro
start Manor_EntranceHall_Night
start Manor_EntranceHall_Night_ReturnFromCove
start Manor_EntranceHall_Storm
start Manor_EntranceHall_ToKitch
start Manor_FrontGate
start Manor_FrontGate_Night
start Manor_FrontGate_Night_Return
start Manor_Gardens
start Manor_Gardens_Night
start Manor_Gardens_Storm
start Manor_GreatHall_Night
start Manor_GreatHall_Storm
start Manor_InnerCourtyard
start Manor_InnerCourtyard_Storm
start Manor_NorthWingLower
start Manor_NorthWingLower_After
start Manor_NorthWingLower_Night
start Manor_NorthWingLower_Storm
start Manor_NorthWingUpper
start Manor_NorthWingUpper_Night
start Manor_NorthWingUpper_PostOneiros
start Manor_NorthWingUpper_Storm
start Manor_PatricksRoom
start Manor_TowerRun_Night
start Manor_TowerRun_Storm
start Manor_WestWing
start Manor_WestWing_Hall1
start Manor_WestWing_Night
start Manor_WidowsWatch_Storm
start Monastery_Past_Church
start Monastery_Past_Exterior
start Monastery_Past_Interior
start Monastery_Past_LivingQuarters
start Monastery_Present_Church
start Monastery_Present_Cove
start Monastery_Present_Entrance
start Monastery_Present_InnerSanctum
start Monastery_Present_Tunnels
start Oneiros_Amphitheater
start Oneiros_City1
start Oneiros_City2
start Oneiros_HowlingWell
start Oneiros_Intro
start Oneiros_Oracle
start Oneiros_RetreatBath
start Oneiros_RetreatExterior
start Oneiros_RetreatSecondFloor
start Oneiros_RetreatStudio
start Oneiros_ZigguratInterior
start Oneiros_ZigguratLower
start Oneiros_ZigguratUpper
start PiratesCove_Barracks
start PiratesCove_Exterior
start PiratesCove_Pier
start PiratesCove_Pool
start PiratesCove_TreasureRoom
start Playground
start SmokeTest
start StandingStones_FirstVisit
start StandingStones_KingFight
start Start
These are the objects compatible with bring and some other cheats.
scrye (you have it by default)
ghelziabahrstone (you have it by default)
revolver (you have it by default)
To get the Molotov cocktail use woo.
In most cases you won't be let into the room before the appointed time
even with a dozen keys in your pocket.
fallensaint (not visible)
spawnedburiedsaint (not visible)
NPCs: (killing them ends the game)
patrick (crashes the game)
* Not available normally in game
Level: Manor - West Wing
Walk to the door at the end of the hall (it's where you see Aaron in
his revenant form and take a health kit). Shoot at two dark panels on
both sides of the door to open it. You'll find yourself in a shooting
gallery. You'll have to shoot bats coming from four different places,
and Flickering Stalkers in bonus rounds. After you manage to complete
10 rounds, you'll get a shotgun as well as shells (both normal and
phosphorus) as a reward. It's very hard, so don't frustrate if you
Level: Manor - Entrance Hall (III)
Right after you start the level, jump onto the smaller paintings
(you'll hear a click) and watch the show.
Level: Oneiros
Type bring speargun to get a speargun. Search the area with three
windows on a wall and shoot a spear through the middle window. Search
nearby on scrye mode to see a blue spiral floating on the pit. Jump
towards it and you'll appear in a building with a talking donkey. When
you get into the room with the talking donkey, turn left and use the
dispel spell on the wall in front of you, walk into it and it will
open and in there you'll find a note from one of the game designers.
Level: Monastery Present - Cove
The map is big, and you'll have to play through it to get to this
"easter egg". When you get into the barn and jump into the ruined
building, note the long plank on the second floor. Jump up and down
several times at the end of the plank, and you'll see a giant sheep.
Level: Monastery Present - Tunnels
When you get to the underground river, switch to noclipping mode
(astral). Go to the right, through the wall. Type walk to become
tangible and take the note from one of the game designers.
Level: Pirate's Cove - Pier
Play through the level. Go up the spiral stairs. Use astral to go
through the wall behind the two barrels. There are two notes, one
addressed to the Mole, the other one dedicated to Mario Lemieux, a
hockey player.
Level: Manor - Entrance Hall (V)
After talking to the fat maid, follow her upstairs and hang around for
several minutes. You'll hear Patrick behave improperly.
Level: Oneiros - Howling Well
Fly to the building, get inside, push the button on the wall near the
purple field, return to the entrance, fly to the roof, scrye and
you'll see a purple cloud. This is a portal. Welcome to the Disco of
Access the Credits from the main menu. Right-click on the "D" in
Daniel P. Keller, "K" in "Richard "Keebler" Benson", "M" in "Michael
J. Goodwin", "B" in "Brady Bell", "G" in "Jon Galvan" to hear some
sound events.
A very complete page about Clive Barker's Undying
Less complete, but the "Talking donkey" easter egg is explained, with
An interesting forum
Another one
This guy uploaded a video walkthrough