
XIII Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 



		         XIII Walkthrough - PC Version

This walkthrough is best viewed with  : Notepad
                                        Font    - Fixedsys
                                        Size    - 9
                                        Style   - Regular

Latest updates of this walkthrough can always be found at:

- - - - - - - - - -

Walkthrough researched and developed by DarkTim.
"XIII" ACSII art created by DarkTim.
Email Address   :

This XIII Walkthrough is Copyright ©2003/2004, All Rights Reserved.
©2003/2004 Dark Phoenix Corporation.

<<< Read "Submission Information" before submitting to this walkthrough >>>

Version         : 1.30
Completed       : Sunday 1st February 2004

- - - - - - - - - -

Warning: This XIII walkthrough contains spoilers!
                    ______                 _______
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		    * * * Main Menu of XIII Walkthrough * * *

* Hold 'Ctrl' + 'F' to make the find window appear.
* Choose which sub-section you want view in this walkthrough.
* Type in the three digit alphanumeric code given for the section you want.
* Click the 'Find Next' button twice to end up in the certain section.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Section A - Introduction"
        A01     -     Overview of XIII Walkthrough
        A02     -     Submission Information
        A03     -     Submitter Acknowledgements

"Section B - Getting Ready"
        B01     -     Introduction to XIII
        B02     -     Main Menu Details
        B03     -     Default PC Controls
        B04     -     Save Functions
        B05     -     PC Requirements
        B06     -     Tips 'n' Hints
        B07     -     Submitters Tips 'n' Hints
        B08     -     XIII Glitches

"Section C - In-Game Skills"
        C01     -     Skills

"Section D - Characters of XIII"
        D01     -     Main Characters

"Section E - Weapon Inventory"
        E01     -     Close Combat
        E02     -     Handguns
        E03     -     Automatics
        E04     -     Shotguns
        E05     -     Harpoons/Crossbows
        E06     -     Sniper Weaponry
        E07     -     Explosives

"Section F - Object Inventory"
        F01     -     Objects
        F02     -     Health Pickups
        F03     -     Armoured Helmets
        F04     -     Armoured Vests
        F05     -     Mission Items

"Section G - Singleplayer Mission Walkthrough"
        G01     -     Mission 01 = Brighton Beach          - Awakening
        G02     -     Mission 02 = Brighton Beach          - Invasion
        G03     -     Mission 03 = Winslow Bank            - Investigation
        G04     -     Mission 04 = FBI Headquarters        - Interrogation
        G05     -     Mission 05 = Rooftop                 - Departure
        G06     -     Mission 06 = Emerald Military Base   - Insertion
        G07     -     Mission 07 = Emerald Military Base   - Infiltration
        G08     -     Mission 08 = Emerald Military Base   - Rescue
        G09     -     Mission 09 = Emerald Military Base   - Extraction
        G10     -     Mission 10 = Rocky Mountains         - Interception
        G11     -     Mission 11 = Kellownee Lake          - Exploration
        G12     -     Mission 12 = Kellownee Lake          - Search & Rescue
        G13     -     Mission 13 = Plain Rock Penitentiary - Detention
        G14     -     Mission 14 = Plain Rock Asylum       - Fugitive
        G15     -     Mission 15 = Plain Rock Canyons      - Getaway
        G16     -     Mission 16 = Grand Canyon Valley     - Escape
        G17     -     Mission 17 = SPADS Military Base     - Covert Operation
        G18     -     Mission 18 = SPADS Military Base     - Sabotage
        G19     -     Mission 19 = SPADS Military Base     - Destruction
        G20     -     Mission 20 = SPADS Submarine Pen     - Assault
        G21     -     Mission 21 = USS Patriot             - Introspection
        G22     -     Mission 22 = USS Patriot             - Evacuation
        G23     -     Mission 23 = AFMD-10 Naval Base      - Intrusion
        G24     -     Mission 24 = AFMD-10 Harbour         - Identification
        G25     -     Mission 25 = Bristol Suites Hotel    - Surveillance
        G26     -     Mission 26 = Willard's Estate        - Sunset Sanctuary
        G27     -     Mission 27 = Willard's Estate        - Penetration
        G28     -     Mission 28 = Willard's Estate        - Espionage
        G29     -     Mission 29 = Willard's Estate        - Cliffhanger
        G30     -     Mission 30 = SSH-1 Military Base     - Forbidden Entry
        G31     -     Mission 31 = SSH-1 Military Base     - Anti-Terrorism
        G32     -     Mission 32 = SSH-1 Military Base     - Total Red
        G33     -     Mission 33 = SSH-1 Military Base     - Abortion
        G34     -     Mission 34 = Yacht Lady Bee          - Revelation

"Section H - Multiplayer"
        H01     -     Multiplayer Menus
        H02     -     Multiplayer Modes
        H03     -     Multiplayer Maps

"Section I - Secret Documents"
        I01     -     Secret Documents
        I02     -     XIII Documents

"Section J - Members of the Conspiracy"
        J01     -     Conspirators

"Section K - Final Walkthrough Notices"
        K01     -     Version Updates
        K02     -     Walkthrough Credits

"Section L - Copyright Notices and Permitted Sites"
        L01     -     Copyright Notices and Permitted Sites

          "Section A - Introduction"
   A01    \   * * * Overview of XIII Walkthrough * * *

Welcome fellow readers and gamers to my fourth walkthrough, which is based on
Ubi Soft's Cel-Shaded First Person Shooter game "XIII".

Definitely being one of the best Cel-Shaded video games to date and recognised
as the first - First Person Shooter to use Cel-Shading technology, "XIII" is
originally based from a popular French comic that has been adapted into
the video game format very well. Strangely enough, even though "XIII" uses
Cel-Shading technology, it actually utilizes a modified version of the
Unreal Warfare engine and that explains the exceptional amount of detail
just for a Cel-Shading video game!

Please note that this walkthrough has been purposely made so it is technical
and possibly 'confusing'. If you find it too hard to use this walkthrough, I
am afraid you will have to refer to another source of information to assist
you in this game. I am not changing the setout of the walkthrough just because
a person does not like it - not that anyone has told me yet that they do not
like this walkthrough!

I have also added reference codes to each sub-section of the walkthrough, so
if you are stuck on something in the game, you can easily use the find
function in notepad and type in the three alphanumeric digits of the given
sub-section, to automatically move to the required section you desire. Not
only will this make it more convenient for readers to look through different
parts of this walkthrough without having to read the entire thing, it also
benefits me by making it a lot easier for me to update certain areas of the

This detailed walkthrough will explain all the different aspects of this
game - from the singleplayer missions to the weapons and loads of other
stuff that you might find handy in the PC version of the game!

Anyway, I hope you readers enjoy yet another walkthrough I have made and if
you ever have anything to submit, ask or say to me, please email me to the
email address I have included in this document several times!

   A02    \   * * * Submission Information * * *

Submissions are usually my favourite parts of creating a walkthrough. The
majority of the time you will find that you'll get a 'personal' reply from me
[not automated] if you have submitted anything for the walkthrough or have
given any feedback. If however, it takes a long while for me to reply, then
this is most likely because I have some internet problems, am very busy or
my Yahoo Mail is temporarily stuffed up!

The numerous guidelines below instruct you on what you can submit to my
walkthrough so far and how to give the submission a higher chance of
appearing in my walkthrough.

- - - - - - - - - -

*** Submitting in General ***

The following submissions will be accepted or added to the walkthrough:

1]: Submissions for the Submitters Tips 'n' Hints section.
2]: Tips for any of the missions explained throughout the walkthrough.
3]: Major mistakes for given locations of anything in my mission guide.
4]: Any minor or major errors found in the walkthrough.
5]: Document locations I have missed in the walkthrough.
6]: Working Cheats for the Full PC version of XIII.
7]: Additional Information towards the weapon and object descriptions.
8]: Feedback about my walkthrough.
9]: Anything else that you think should be added to the walkthrough.
10]: Asking permission to post this walkthrough on a website.

- - - - - - - - - -

*** Submitting Tips/Hints Guidelines ***

Tip and Hint submissions also need to at least follow the simple guidelines
below to give your submission a higher chance of being accepted into the

The following guidelines are as follows:

1]: The tip or hint needs to be detailed at least so it is informative.
2]: Do not use weird abbreviations or internet languages like 'L33T' or any
    other unusual words. Chances are, submissions that contain these sorts
    of things are going to be rejected quickly.

Tip or Hint submissions for Singleplayer Missions are added to the designated
singleplayer level the submission is related to.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You will be credited for any accepted submissions or feedback you do submit.

If you are willing to submit stuff, please enclose a name or nickname within
the email just so I can add it to the submitters list! For security and
safety reasons, any names that I see with the first and last name - I will put
on the list only with the full first name and the initial of the last name.

After getting your submission ready, just put XIII or something similar on
the subject line of the email and send it to me!

Submissions to :

   A03    \   * * * Submitter Acknowledgements * * *

This is the section of the walkthrough that I credit people that submit, give
feedback or ask anything related to the walkthrough or game.

Make sure you have read the Submission Information section above before
submitting anything for my walkthrough for the first time.

Lots of thanks to the following people for spending some of their time
sending contributions towards my walkthrough.

- - - - - - - - - -

Gangstahitman1  - For sending an email related to this walkthrough.

Neon Flamingo   - For submitting a weapon pickup in mission 13.

Sjef the dragon - For sending an email related to XIII and for the
                  great feedback.

Dave A.         - For asking to post this XIII walkthrough on another website.

Chris O.        - For asking to post this XIII walkthrough on another website.

Matt H.         - For asking to post this XIII walkthrough on another website.

Allen           - For asking to post this XIII walkthrough on another website.

Stephen N.      - For asking to post this XIII walkthrough on another website.

Daniel P.       - For asking to post this XIII walkthrough on another website.

Bernd W.        - For asking to post this XIII walkthrough on another website.

Dex             - For asking to post this XIII walkthrough on another website.

Lee H.          - For requesting to put this walkthrough in a special edition
                  of the PC GAMER UK Magazine.

Bas I.          - For the great feedback of my walkthrough!

Ariel T.        - For sending an email related to XIII.

Brian S.        - For sending an email related to XIII.

Ice_Scream      - For sending an email related to XIII.

Jason J.        - For sending an email related to XIII.

Verdi H.        - For sending an email related to XIII.

Michael Bu.     - For sending an email related to XIII.

Marc            - For sending an email related to XIII.

Damien          - For sending an email related to XIII.

Kris P.         - For sending an email related to XIII.

Jingo           - Submitting a tip for mission 5 of the singleplayer
                  walkthrough and for the feedback towards this walkthrough.

Charles M.      - Submitting a tip for mission 19 of the mission walkthrough.

Lukio           - For submitting guides for some of the missions included in
                  the singleplayer mission walkthrough. The mission guides he
                  has submitted so far are for missions 7 and 14.

Werner          - For sending an email related to XIII.

Adam S.         - For submitting information on how to kill a certain boss
                  alternatively in mission 33.

Nathan A.       - For sending an email related to XIII.

Michael Br.     - Spotting out a slight mistake for the weapon description of
                  the Ak-47 weapon.

ChaiThai        - Submitting a tip for the "Submitters Tips 'n' Hints" section.

Jon T.          - For sending an email related to XIII.

Jesse C.        - Submitting a tip for mission 33 and some glitches/bugs.

Barry B.        - For giving me some really good comments and feedback for
                  this walkthrough. I really appreciate this person's comments!

Jonas T.        - Submitting a tip for mission 33.

Daniel M.       - For sending an email related to this walkthrough.

Dean S.         - For sending an email related to XIII.

Seth M.         - Sending a tip for mission 33.

Sam S.          - For sending an email related to XIII.

Simon M.        - For sending an email related to XIII.

Ben F.          - For submitting a tip based on mission 33 of the walkthrough.

Tue C.          - Sending a tip for mission 30 and for the feedback.

Giles C.        - For sending an email related to the walkthrough. Also
                  submitting a location of the last XIII Document I have
                  missed while creating the walkthrough. This person has been
                  of great help!

Steel4268       - For sending an email related to XIII.

Kxmd31          - For sending an email related to XIII.

Ben C.          - For sending an email related to XIII.

Letha L.        - For sending an email related to XIII.

Steven D.       - For sending an email related to XIII.

Adam W.         - For sending an email related to XIII.

Conor F.        - For sending an email related to XIII and my walkthrough.

Yakov S.        - For sending an email related to XIII.

Matthias J.     - Submitting a tip for missions 19 and 22 of the walkthrough.

Neil H.         - Correcting a mistake in mission 9 of the walkthrough.

Tarsius89       - For sending an email related to XIII, my walkthrough and for
                  the feedback.

Jonathan C.     - Asking permission to post this walkthrough on a website.

Terence H.      - For the great feedback about my walkthrough and for some

RkSpade         - For the feedback and some submissions. Also revealing
                  another XIII Document location I have missed.

Matthew M.      - Asking permission to use the XIII ASCII art in this
                  walkthrough into his XIII walkthrough.

Scott           - For sending an email related to XIII.

John F.         - Submitting a tip for mission 15 of the walkthrough.

Mirkis M.       - For sending an email related to XIII.

David B.        - Submitting a few tips for this walkthrough.

Dave L.         - For sending an email related to my walkthrough.

          "Section B - Getting Ready"
   B01    \   * * * Introduction to XIII * * *

Here is the basic introduction to XIII supplied from the official XIII website.

- - - - - - - - - -

A man wakes up on a beach. He has no recollection of who or what he is.

He sets off in search of his past. His only clues are the number 13 tattooed
on his collarbone and the key to a safety-deposit box in one of New York's
most prestigious banks.

The passport he finds in the safe at the bank reveals his identity. His name
is Steve Rowland and he's a captain in the United States army. Moments after
making this discovery, he's arrested by Colonel Amos, Director of the FBI's
anti-terrorist department and accused of the murder of William Sheridan, the
43rd president of the United States.

In evidence, he's shown the enlargement of a snapshot in which he appears
holding a sniper's rifle. The weapon is aimed at the presidential cortège.
Despite this exhibit, in his heart of hearts he knows he's no murderer.
All the same, when killers tried to eliminate him he was surprised to find
he has the reflexes of an elite commando.

Wanted by all the cops in New York State and hunted down by The Mongoose, the
amnesiac seems doomed to a choice of death or prison. But XIII hasn't counted
on the unexpected assistance of Major Jones, a young female soldier who helps
him flee through the city of New York. During their escape, this foxy lady
reveals to XIII that he's a secret agent working for general Carrington.

Carrington is a nonconformist officer who is conducting a counter-inquiry into
the presidential assassination but he was arrested and confined in an isolated
military base in the Appalachian Mountains.

When XIII realizes that General Carrington is the only one who can shed light
on his past, he sets off to find him with Jones.

   B02    \   * * * Main Menu Details * * *

This section will provide an outline of the various options that you will
encounter while browsing through the main menus of the game.

- - - - - - - - - -

*** Profile Selection Menu ***

You can create a new profile or select an existing profile in this menu. You
can create a profile for the first time you enter the game or you can use the
default profile, but making your own is strongly suggested.

"Create Profile"      - Create a new profile for you to use while playing the

"Default Profile"     - This option only appears when you have not made any
                        profiles for the game. It is suggested that you
                        actually create a proper profile.

"Existing Profile"    - You can select the different profiles that have been
                        created in this section.

- - - - - - - - - -

*** Main Menu ***

This is the actual main menu of XIII. The following menu selections can be made
to access different sections of your profile.

"New Game"      - Starts a new singleplayer game of XIII.

"Continue"      - You can view various aspects of what you have achieved in
                  your profile by going into this section. You can also resume
                  your current game from the most recent level you have played.
                  More information on this section is located further below in
                  this section.

"Load Game"     - You can select both Auto Saves and Manual Saves you have made
                  in various parts of the game. Select the save slot you want
                  to load to play it.

"Multiplayer"   - This gives you access to the Multiplayer Mode of XIII. There
                  are a variety of options to select in the multiplayer mode
                  depending on the type of game you want to play. More info on
                  multiplayer is given further below this walkthrough at the
                  "Multiplayer" section.

"Options"       - Being one of the most important sections of the menu, the
                  options menu gives you a selection of various things that
                  you can change to suit your needs. More information on the
                  options menu is given further below in this section.

"Quit"          - This option asks you if you want to quit from XIII.

- - - - - - - - - -

*** Continue Menu ***

The continue menu contains a whole heap of different sections just for your
profile. These include things like giving you a brief outline of the story
from what you have accomplished so far, looking at information you have
obtained about the characters etc., and also being able to play the game from
the most recent level.

"Conspiracy"   - This is the section which gives you brief details about each
                 of the members involved in this conspiracy. You need to find
                 each of the other 19 conspirators before being able to see
                 them on the list.

"Documents"    - This section provides information based on any documents or
                 other pieces of information retrieved from the singleplayer
                 mode of the game. More info on the documents are given further
                 down the walkthrough, at the "Secret Documents" section.

"Story"        - This section gives a brief outline of the story up to the most
                 recent level you are up to.

"Skills"       - This section demonstrates all the skills that Steve Rowland
                 was able to achieve while he was doing his training. You can
                 easily learn these throughout the singleplayer game.

"Play Game"    - Select this option to progress with the game from the level
                 you last left off.

- - - - - - - - - -

*** Options Menu ***

= = = Controls Menu = = =

This is the area you can change the bindings to all the keys to suit the player
while playing the game with the most comfortable button bindings. The default
keys are given below in the next section, but here are some of the options you
will come across when changing things like the Look options etc. The following
three options all appear in Look Options.

"Mouse Sensitivity"     - This slider adjusts the amount of mouse sensitivity.
                          Decreasing the white slider lowers the amount of
                          sensitivity taking it longer for the mouse to move
                          side to side etc. Increasing the white slider raises
                          the amount of sensitivity making the mouse faster
                          therefore requiring less movement of the mouse to
                          move around.

"Mouselook"             - The two options for mouselook is 'yes' or 'no'.
                          Setting the mouselook to 'yes' means that you can
                          use the mouse to look around [strongly suggested].
                          Setting the mouselook to 'no' requires the player
                          to use the keyboard keys to look around rather than
                          the mouse. This can become very frustrating!

"Invert Mouse"          - This determines the 'Y' axis or vertical movement
                          of the mouse when moving and aiming etc. Selecting
                          the invert mouse option to 'yes' inverts the vertical
                          axis so whenever you look around, moving the mouse
                          upwards makes the screen go downwards and pointing it
                          downwards makes the screen go upwards. Selecting the
                          invert mouse option to 'no' keeps the vertical axis
                          at the normal position - up is up and down is down.

"Advanced"              - This tab only appears in the Shoot options, but this
                          is the area which gives you the ability to hotkey
                          different classes of weapons.

"Reset"                 - Found on the main page of the Controls section, the
                          reset button makes all the key bindings placed back
                          to default settings if they have been changed.

= = = Difficulty Menu = = =

You can choose the difficulty for the singleplayer mode of the game by entering
into this menu. There are four different difficulties to choose from. The four
difficulties are: Arcade, Normal, Realistic and XXX.

= = = Audio Menu = = =

A rather simple menu, this is where you can adjust the audio levels for the
sound while in the game.

"Music"          - You can either switch on or off the music throughout the

"Sound Volume"   - The volume slider either increases or decreases the amount
                   of volume for all the sound in the game.

= = = Video Menu = = =

"Gamma"        - The slider increases and decreases the amount of gamma in the
                 game. Gamma works just like brightness.

"Brightness"   - The slider increases and decreases the amount of brightness in
                 the game.

"Contrast"     - The slider increases and decreases the amount of contrast in
                 the game.

"Resolution"   - Choose the resolution you want the game to run on by clicking
                 the left or right arrows. Clicking the left arrow decreases
                 the resolution while clicking the right arrow increases it.

"Default"      - This puts all the video options back to default settings.

- - - - - - - - - -

*** Parental Lock ***
This option blocks out any forms of 'crude' language and removes any graphic
violence involved anywhere in the game, once it is activated.

   B03    \   * * * Default PC Controls * * *

The learning curve for this game is very easy and quick to get used to, so even
for the first time player - it should only take around in average 5 to 10
minutes to get hooked with the default keys. I suggest that all players of this
game use the 'default' settings as this is definitely the best configuration
that you can use for the game.

Remember though, the player always has the choice to change any key they
want, so if you are not comfortable with the default keys, then change ahead!

Here are the given keys for the default configuration:

- - - - - - - - - -

"Move Options"
Forwards              - W
Backwards             - S
Strafe Left           - A
Strafe Right          - D
Jump                  - Space
Crouch                - C
Run/Walk              - Left Shift

"Shoot Options"
Attack/Fire           - Left Mouse Button
Alternate Fire        - Right Mouse Button
Reload                - R
Next Weapon           - Mouse Wheel Up
Previous Weapon       - Mouse Wheel Down

"Look Options"
Look Up               - Backspace
Look Down             - =
Centre View           - End

"Other Options"
Grab/Use              - E
Next Inventory        - G
Previous Inventory    - F
Score                 - F1
Pause                 - Pause
Chat                  - T
Chat Team             - Y
Quick Heal            - Q

   B04    \   * * * Save Functions * * *

This section will give some brief detail about the saving functions in XIII.

First of all, XIII is a game which you cannot save anywhere you desire. You
obviously can save the game whenever you feel like it during any part of a
certain level, but that does not mean the game will definitely save at the
area you just saved at.

Instead, XIII uses a checkpoint system. Most levels have at least one
checkpoint depending on the length or difficulty of the level. Whenever you
start a new level, the beginning acts as if it is a checkpoint, so you should
quicksave the game once you start a level. It is advised you do this because
there is no auto-save function, meaning if you do not quicksave once you start
a new level, you'll have to load the quicksave you have made in the previous
level if you were to die or exit the game while playing the level you have
not saved on yet. While playing a level, you can press 'F5' to quicksave the
game or press 'F9' to load the quicksaved game you have made.

When you go to the load game list in the main menu, all the games you have
saved will have information about which level the game was saved on and also
the time and date at which it was saved. You can only have one quicksave
game, which is found always at the top of the load game list with the two
letters 'QS' next to the other save information. Quicksaving again in another
level will overwrite the previous quicksave. If you wish to keep permanent
saves you make anytime during the game, make sure you pause the game and go
save game and select the slot you want it saved on.

You can easily finish the entire game by just using the quicksave and
quickload functions. Only bother making a permanent save if you want to keep
a favourite level of yours to play whenever you feel like it.

   B05    \   * * * PC Requirements * * *

Since the game obviously does not include high-end graphics like the ones you
see in Half Life 2, the requirements for XIII are not too high, but while this
is true, it is always a good idea to have at least a decent computer to play
the game.

The following lists show the minimum and recommended requirements for XIII
which can be referred to also in the instruction booklet or game box if you
have purchased the full version game, but I have decided to put them in here
for convenience.

- - - - - - - - - -

*** Minimum System Requirements ***

Operating System  : Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, and Windows XP.
Processor/CPU     : 700Mhz Pentium III or Equivalent Processor.
RAM               : 128MB RAM.
CD/DVD Rom Speed  : 12x CD/DVD-Rom.
Hard Drive Space  : 1.2GB Hard Drive space for Minimum Installation.
Video Card        : 3D Video Card with at least 32MB of Video Memory and
                    with Direct-X8.1 Support.
Sound Card        : 16-Bit Direct-X Compatible Sound Card.
Input             : Keyboard and Mouse.

- - - - - - - - - -

*** Recommended System Requirements ***

Processor/CPU     : 1Ghz Processor or Above.
RAM               : 256MB RAM or More.
Hard Drive Space  : 2.5GB Hard Drive space for Full Installation.
Video Card        : 3D Video Card with at least 64MB of Video Memory and
                    with Direct-X8.1 Support.

- - - - - - - - - -

*** Minimum Multiplayer Requirements ***

Internet         : 56.6Kbps Modem Connection or Faster.
Network          : Active connection to a TCP/IP network.

- - - - - - - - - -

*** Recommended Multiplayer Requirements ***

Internet         : 128Kb/s ADSL Connection or Faster.

   B06    \   * * * Tips 'n' Hints * * *

- Use Melee Attacks [ie: Punching, Stabbing with Knife] often when there is
  a guard unaware of your presence. Not only do these type of attacks kill
  the victim in practically one hit, Melee Attacks are very silent, which
  makes it extremely useful for stealth or infiltrating missions.

- The 9mm Pistol [Single] is a weak weapon to use in combat, so it is not
  suggested to use this type of weapon when shooting against groups of
  enemies, which occurs frequently later in the game. Besides the weak
  firepower the Pistol holds, the rate of fire is quite slow for a
  pistol, so only use the Dual 9mm Pistols for far more effective results.

- I cannot stress this enough, but using the tactic of firing automatic
  weapons like crazy is becoming a thing of the past. While only useful in
  short range combat, burst firing is strongly recommended for killing those
  hard to get guards that move around a lot. Not only does continuously
  firing automatic weapons dramatically decrease the level of accuracy
  the longer it is being fired, the amount of recoil you will
  receive, especially from the heavy automatics will start to become more
  annoying. Because of the constant recoil, you will always need to re-adjust
  the aiming towards the target. A good example of 'annoying' recoil is
  that from the M16 Assault Rifle. Try it out and see how annoying it can
  get when you 'rapidly' fire the weapon. By using burst shots, you have
  more control over the weapon itself instead of it controlling you.

- For some unusual reason, Explosives like the Fragmentation Grenade and
  the High Explosive Grenade launched from the M16 Assault Rifles do not
  always kill enemies in one hit. To avoid this problem, just double check
  to see the Grenade you have thrown/launched actually kills the target
  so you can finish it off just incase the victim is still alive. Also
  it is also best to actually hit the target with a direct hit from a
  launched grenade to increase the chances of them being killed. Armoured
  enemies can sometimes survive a nearby explosion.

- Always look for as much health and armour as possible as these things
  are your key to success. One of the most noticeable things in this game
  is that your health drops down dramatically whenever you get shot when
  you are not wearing armour. Some realism has been put into 'effect' in
  this game to make it more 'challenging' but it's not like deadly serious

- As in most first person shooting games, try to use the most efficient
  weapon you have in your inventory to adjust to the various situations
  that can occur in the game. Use the silenced pistol to knock off guards
  silently, sniper rifles for those distant targets to keep your mission
  from being compromised, automatics for multiple enemies or explosives
  for those targets which become a real pain! Either way, it's up to
  you to make sure you choose the right weapons.

- Using objects as weapons adds a new experience to the game. Most of the
  time, different types of objects can be found at numerous parts of every
  level. These can be used to conserve ammunition for any weapons or to
  create a stealth or surprise approach. Items like the glass bottles or
  chairs, which are probably the best of objects tend to kill the target
  in one whack.

- Do headshots usually kill the victim in one hit? Usually.
  But sometimes, you will be asking yourself this when you try to shoot a
  guard, especially with a Crossbow, towards the head. The reason this has
  been mentioned is because that even though it appears to hit them at the
  head, it still does not kill them. This is because of three reasons. The
  first being that the guard may be wearing an armoured helmet and when you
  shoot at it, it will fall off requiring another shot to actually kill the
  guard. The second reason is just because it may be a simple game glitch!
  If you see any guard with any form of protective armour, it is more than
  likely going to survive for longer when you shoot the target compared to
  a target that is not wearing armour at all. The third and most obvious
  reason is probably because you missed the enemy!

   B07    \   * * * Submitters Tips 'n' Hints * * *

This is the section for submitter's to submit their own useful tips and hints
for XIII in general. Any types of tips or hints are accepted in this
walkthrough as long as it actually works and are not the same ones that are
mentioned above or submitted by anyone else already.

Tip or Hint submissions for Singleplayer Missions are added to the designated
singleplayer level the submission is related to.

- - - - - - - - - -

The following tip is submitted by "ChaiThai".

- Anytime you're in a stealth mission, the alarm is not set off right away
  when a guard sees you. Rather, they have to run to an alarm switch and call
  out the alarm, or in the case of the first part of the Willard Estates
  mission, call in through the radio. If you can put down an enemy before
  they finish calling out the alarm, it won't set off, allowing you to
  continue the level.

   B08    \   * * * XIII Glitches * * *

This section is for any weird or freaky glitches that can be found in XIII.

- - - - - - - - - -

The following glitch is submitted by "RkSpade".

- When you are on the Emerald Base Roof, if you start and immediately crouch
  and then move over immediately to the right towards the wall and begin
  moving, sometimes the level will ‘fall’ and you will be able to see the
  whole level from the bottom for a whole minute or so before you suddenly

- If you press the 'prtscreen’ button while in the Plain Rock
  Penetentiary, and then paste it into Microsoft PowerPoint, sometimes the
  image is extremely distorted and some of the main pieces of the level can
  be missing, allowing you to ‘see’ around corners if you want to by ‘ALT-Tab’
  bing to Windows every few seconds.

          "Section C - In-Game Skills"
   C01    \   * * * Skills * * *

These various skills are learnt throughout different parts of the game. Some
of the skills teach you how to do certain techniques like stunning while
others can improve you natural techniques like weapon handling and lock
picking. The skills which improve your techniques are the ones that take
longer to gain the actual skill.

- - - - - - - - - -

Breathing Skill    - When you learn the Breathing Skill, you can hold your
                     breath for nearly twice as long than originally, when
                     you swim underwater. Normally, you can only hold your
                     breath for 24 seconds. When the skill is learnt, it can
                     be extended up to 43 seconds.

Dual Weapon Skill  - Some weapons give you the ability to hold two of them at
                     once [ie: 9mm Pistol, MiniGun]. You can use Dual weapons
                     by pressing the alternate fire button, but you first need
                     to have the second weapon in order to utilize the skill.

First Aid Skill    - The Normal and Full MedKit's give you double the amount
                     of health points than originally. More information based
                     on health can be found at the objects section.

Lockpicking Skill  - Once you have mastered the lockpicking skill, this
                     enables you to lockpick doors twice as fast than you
                     use to earlier in the game.

Silent Walk Skill  - When you learn the Silent Walk Skill, you make 50% less
                     noise whenever you move.

Sixth Sense Skill  - You can hear nearby enemies that are moving or patrolling
                     [not stationary enemies] by not moving at all and then
                     observing the "TAP TAP" words that appear on the screen.
                     This can determine the direction, speed and distance the
                     enemy is moving at.

Sniper Skill       - When you first use a sniper weapon in the singleplayer
                     mode, you will notice the aim is always a little shaky.
                     When you learn this skill, your aim when you hold a
                     Sniper Rifle or Crossbow is pretty much perfect! It
                     is extremely stable and does not move around at all.

Stunning Skill     - Walk slowly behind an enemy and then press the action
                     button to knock the enemy out.

          "Section D - Characters of XIII"
   D01    \   * * * Main Characters * * *

These are the characters in XIII who have an important relation towards the
main plot of the game. You will get to know each character better in the game
as you progress further into the game.

- - - - - - - - - -

Jason Fly

Info - You wake up on the shores of Brighton Beach. You have no idea of your
       proper identity because you suffer from amnesia. The only clues to your
       uncertain past is the number XIII tattooed on the chest and the key to
       a safety deposit box. You awaken and progress into your search for the
       past. It's not until later that you find out that you are Jason Fly, a
       person who once worked close with Steve Rowland, but Jason's appearance
       seems to be somewhat different.

Steve Rowland

Info - Steve was the Captain of the Special Assault Destroying Section or SPADS
       for short. He was being held responsible for the murder of President
       William Sheridan. Found deceased on the waters of New Jersey after
       being shot numerous times by The Mongoose, not a conspirator, but a
       leading person into the conspiracy of the President's Assassination.
       The Mongoose and some of his 'comrades' are now suspicious that they
       have seen sightings of a person with the same identity of the late
       Steve Rowland. It is clear that someone has taken his identity.

Kim Rowland

Info - A character you do not get to hear from too many times, Kim was
       recruited to the Central Intelligence Agency at the age of 22. She
       disappeared while investigating the conspiracy behind the murder of the
       President. She is another ally of General Carrington who she was working
       with until the time of her disappearance.

Major Jones

Info - Major Jones is an important ally towards Steve. She is currently 28
       years of age and has been trained to adapt to various situations and
       is an excellent pilot. Both people knew each other before, but due to
       Steve's Amnesia, he does not recollect who she is when they meet
       together again. Major Jones is also helping out General Carrington
       on the 'conspiracy' of the president's assassination.

General Ben Carrington

Info - Another important ally who Steve needs to rescue first from the
       Emerald Military Base. General Carrington was captured, then arrested
       and sent to a prison cell inside the Military Complex by the SPADS.
       He is conducting his own enquiry into the assassination.
       Unconventional, but a good source of information and a good man.
       General Carrington is the Chief of Staff, which is the highest US
       Military Post and is also a war hero, being honoured with some of
       the most prestigious medals in the United States Army.

Colonel Amos

Info - A high ranking FBI Official. Amos, who has a Czechnian and Jewish
       nationality is a very methodical and intelligent person. He is currently
       running the official FBI enquiry into the death of President William

William Sheridan

Info - The unfortunate President who was assassinated supposedly by Steve
       Rowland, while at a presidential parade in the streets of New York
       City. William Sheridan was the 43rd President of the United States
       of America.

Walter Sheridan

Info - Vowing that he will continue the work that his brother William had
       started, he is currently helping General Carrington carry out his
       inquiry into the assassination of his brother, William Sheridan.
       He has also promised to stand against the Republican candidate
       Joseph K. Galbrain.

The Mongoose

Info - The Mongoose has some connection towards the Presidents death. He is
       a rather secretive, shadowy character with the skills of a professional
       killer. One thing for sure is that he wants Steve Rowland
       dead, something that The Mongoose thought had happened when he was
       shot, after jumping off the boat. Failure is not an option for this

General William S. Standwell

Info - A political figure and has quite a temper. He wants to replace General
       Ben Carrington as the White House Military Chief of Staff.

Colonel Seymour McCall

Info - Has some ties to Standwell. He operates the Special Assault Destroying
       Section division on an island off the Mexican Coast. He is an ambitious
       and violent person who will stop at nothing to get the job done.

          "Section E - Weapon Inventory"

This section explains in detail about each of the weapons which are included
in the game. Each weapon includes both it's advantages and disadvantages - so
try to get to know these weapons so you can adjust to whatever situation you
are stuck in.

   E01    \   * * * Close Combat * * *

- Punch -

        Primary Mode            - Punch
        Secondary Mode          - n/a

Info:   One of the most common forms of attack in a game, Punching is pretty
        self explanatory. Use it for various situations like stealth and
        surprise approaches or just for conserving ammo.

- - - - - - - - - -

- Combat Knife -

        Primary Mode            - Throw Knife
        Secondary Mode          - Stab
        Clip Size               - 1
        Primary Ammunition Type	- Knives
                Dual Weapons    - No

Info:   The most basic type of all weapons that you will obtain in XIII. The
        standard combat knife is especially effective in close combat with the
        enemy - silent but deadly. The primary mode allows you to throw the
        knives from a distance, but this is ineffective in long range combat
        as the distance and velocity the knife travels at is relatively
        poor, especially against moving targets. This weapon is best used in
        infiltration levels or in those areas you have the urge to stab the
        typical guards head with - given the chance.

   E02    \   * * * Handguns * * *

- 9mm Pistol -

        Primary Mode            - Single Shot
        Secondary Mode          - Dual Pistols [If available]
        Clip Size               - 13
        Primary Ammunition Type - 9mm Bullets
                Dual Weapons    - Yes
                Total Clip Size - 26

Info:   A handy weapon to have at all times. The 9mm Pistol has a large ammo
        clip for a Handgun and doubles when you are holding dual pistols. The
        accuracy for this pistol is relatively good, although can be a little
        off aim sometimes when firing rapidly. The major drawback of the
        Pistol is it's relative weakness and the dual pistols reloading time
        is longer.

- - - - - - - - - -

- 9mm Pistol Silenced -

        Primary Mode            - Single Shot
        Secondary Mode          - Dual Pistols [If available]
        Clip Size               - 13
        Primary Ammunition Type - 9mm Bullets
                Dual Weapons    - Yes
                Total Clip Size - 26

Info:   A rare attachment found especially in the singleplayer mode of the
        game, the silenced pistol suppresses the bullets being fired from the
        weapon, so it is harder for anyone in the area to hear the gun being
        fired. Usually, if you are holding dual pistols and you grab the
        silencer, it only adds the silencer to one of the two pistols you
        are actually holding. Compared to the original 9mm Pistol, the
        silenced version of the Pistol is pretty much the same, besides the
        silencer obviously! Great for stealth or infiltration missions.

- - - - - - - - - -

- .44 Special Revolver Magnum -

        Primary Mode            - Single Shot
        Secondary Mode          - Rapid Fire Shots
        Clip Size               - 6
        Primary Ammunition Type - .44 Bullets
                Dual Weapons    - No

Info:   The typical Magnum Revolver. A powerful and great handgun to use
        against opposing enemies. This weapon tends to be more accurate
        than the 9mm Pistol when using the Primary Mode, which is the
        single shot. It takes about two or three bullets in the clip to
        kill an armoured enemy with the exception of a head shot. Both the
        firing rate and reloading is a little slow and the number of bullets
        in the clip is very limited but the good accuracy compensates for
        these noticeable drawbacks. If you find yourself with a difficult
        enemy to kill or you are confronting a small group of enemies in
        short range, using the secondary mode - 'rapid fire shots'
        discharges all the bullets in the clip in a matter of seconds.
        This secondary mode is achieved by the gunner continuously hitting
        the 'hammer' at back of the magnum to make it fire faster.
        Unfortunately, by using this mode, the accuracy is decreased to
        about 20% to 30%, except if you are literally right next to the
        enemy, because by hitting the gun numerous times, you lose control
        of the Magnums actual accuracy.

   E03    \   * * * Automatics * * *

- M16/M203 Assault Rifle -

        Primary Mode              - Automatic Fire
        Secondary Mode            - High Explosive Grenade Launcher
        Primary Clip Size         - 30
        Secondary Clip Size       - 1
        Primary Ammunition Type   - AR Ammo
        Secondary Ammunition Type - AR Grenade
                Dual Weapons      - No

Info:   The M16; a rapid firing assault rifle used as a standard firearm
        in the US army. This weapon is a modified variant of the basic
        M16, including a Medium Range High Explosive Grenade Launcher
        mounted below the barrel, which can be used as it's secondary
        function. The rapid firing rate of this assault rifle - creating
        more of a small spread effect, compensates for it's average
        accuracy and the short amount of ammunition inside the magazine.
        Due to it's 'unstable' handling caused by the high amounts of
        recoil, the user of the weapon will be required to constantly
        adjust the weapon downwards when in rapid fire, if there is to be
        any chance of hitting the acquired target. When using the secondary
        function of the weapon, depending on how far you need to shoot the
        grenade into the distance, you'll need to tilt the weapon upwards
        at a greater angle to achieve longer ranges, as the grenade loses
        velocity at a fast rate.

- - - - - - - - - -

- Ak-47 Kalashnikov -

        Primary Mode              - Automatic Fire
        Secondary Mode            - Burst Fire
        Clip Size                 - 30
        Primary Ammunition Type   - 7.62mm Bullets
                Dual Weapons      - No

Info:   Known as the Kalash in XIII, this weapon acts pretty much the same
        way as the M16 does, except the lack of accuracy is much more
        noticeable. The Kalash is considerably more powerful than the
        M16 Assault Rifle, therefore also making it a good choice as
        an all-rounder assault weapon in combat.

- - - - - - - - - -

- MiniGun -

        Primary Mode              - Automatic Fire
        Secondary Mode            - Dual MiniGuns [If available]
        Clip Size                 - 32
        Primary Ammunition Type   - MiniGun Ammo
                Dual Weapons      - Yes
                Total Clip Size   - 64

Info:   This very fast firing weapon disposes of it's entire clip in
        seconds. It's accuracy is one of the poorest among all automatics
        but can spray it's bullets along a certain area. If you want the
        weapon to be at least a bit more accurate, then fire quick bursts
        instead of discharging the clip in one go. The reloading time for
        this weapon though is phenomenal as it only takes about one second
        to reload, nearly one of the quickest reloading weapons. A good
        choice when playing the multiplayer mode. Double up with the dual
        version of this weapon to spray twice as many bullets. Great fun!

- - - - - - - - - -

- M60 Sub Machine Gun -

        Primary Mode              - Automatic Fire
        Secondary Mode            - Burst Fire
        Clip Size                 - 200
        Primary Ammunition Type   - M60 Ammo
                Dual Weapons      - No

Info:   This heavy machine gun really packs a punch. The M60 is the perfect
        choice for a full on brawl against a pack of enemies. It's accuracy
        is very low when fired rapidly but can be managed when the weapon
        is switched to burst fire mode. This weapon has recoil so you
        will need to constantly adjust the aiming - just like the M16.
        The biggest bonus about this weapon is that it holds 200 bullets
        in one magazine, which means you can go nuts for quite sometime.
        The reloading time is a little long but not terrible in anyway.
        Unfortunately, this weapon is a little uncommon throughout the
        singleplayer mode, so you'll be having more fun with this weapon in
        multiplayer. A great weapon!

   E04    \   * * * Shotguns * * *

- Double Barrel Hunting Shotgun -

        Primary Mode              - Shotgun Blast
        Secondary Mode            - Shotgun 'Butt'
        Clip Size                 - 2
        Primary Ammunition Type   - Cal 12 Ammo
                Dual Weapons      - No

Info:   Similar to the Pump Action Shotgun, the main difference with this
        weapon is that it is a Double Barrel Shotgun. The Hunting Shotgun
        is slightly more accurate than the Pump Action, managing some
        medium range combat - but once again is best to use in close quarter
        fights. This weapon also utilizes the same ammunition as the Pump
        Action Shotgun, so if you have both weapons in your inventory, make
        sure you choose the right one for whatever situation you are in
        as the ammo you use in one of the Shotguns decreases the ammo for
        the other. Like some weapons in the game though, this weapon makes
        an uncommon appearance in the singleplayer mode.

- - - - - - - - - -

- 12 Gauge Pump Action Shotgun -

        Primary Mode              - Shotgun Blast
        Secondary Mode            - Shotgun 'Butt'
        Clip Size                 - 5
        Primary Ammunition Type   - Cal 12 Ammo
                Dual Weapons      - No

Info:   The 12-Gauge Shotgun is one of the weapons you'll probably find
        yourself using the least in the overall game, but it appears the
        most times out of all the weapons. It's not really that bad, but
        when you have other choices for different types of weapons, chances
        are this weapon will be 'left behind' the most. The clip size for
        this weapon is relatively small for an actual pump action
        shotgun - compared to other shotguns from other FPS games. The lack
        of accuracy, perhaps one of the weapons in this game with the worst
        accuracy makes this gun a bad choice in the long run. Fact is, both
        the Primary and Secondary modes should only be used for Close Combat
        conditions. The shots fired from this gun are inaccurate therefore
        hardly ever hitting a target from a distance. Using the Secondary
        Mode - Shotgun 'Butt' makes the gunner tilt the weapon upwards so
        the back side of the shotgun is facing forward. You can utilize this
        technique for a stealth approach but is not the most useful weapon
        to do it with. The reload time is rather quick for a Shotgun, probably
        because of it's small clip size - so that's a small added bonus.
        Perhaps it's just best to use this weapon when you are right next to
        an enemy who is unaware of your presence so you can blast the guards
        head with a few shells.

   E05    \   * * * Harpoons/Crossbows * * *

- Harpoon -

        Primary Mode              - Single Shot
        Secondary Mode            - Harpoon Stab
        Clip Size                 - 1
        Primary Ammunition Type   - Harpoon
                Dual Weapons      - No

Info:   The Harpoon is one of the most uncommon weapons to find in the
        singleplayer mode. The weapon is found later in the game, only
        appearing in limited missions. It acts just like the Crossbow in
        similar ways, but is the only weapon which can actually fire while
        you are swimming underwater. It's accuracy is not bad, but if you
        are close to an enemy, use the secondary mode to kill the enemy.
        The secondary mode makes the player pull out a harpoon and uses
        it as a stabbing instrument. Even though it's accuracy is still
        manageable, it won't last, making this weapon a flop for long range

- - - - - - - - - -

- Crossbow -

        Primary Mode              - Single Shot
        Secondary Mode            - Zoom x3.0 and x8.0
        Clip Size                 - 1
        Primary Ammunition Type   - Crossbow Bolts
                Dual Weapons      - No

Info:   The Crossbow can be used as a 'light' sniper weapon. The velocity
        of what the crossbow bolts travels at hinders this weapon as a long
        range weapon. It should only be used for medium range combat
        against enemies not wearing any form of armoured protection
        especially at the head. The reloading time for this weapon is
        pretty slow and is only ideal for stealth levels to pick off
        enemies one at a time. A great medium range sniper weapon but
        should not be relied on too much later on the game. Terrible
        against moving targets.

- - - - - - - - - -

- Three Arrows Crossbow -

        Primary Mode              - Single Shot
        Secondary Mode            - Zoom x3.0 and x8.0
        Clip Size                 - 3
        Primary Ammunition Type   - Crossbow Bolts
                Dual Weapons      - No

Info:   Pretty much exactly the same as the above Crossbow, but with the
        difference that it includes three darts in the clip instead of
        just one, making it a little more useful against multiple targets.

   E06    \   * * * Sniper Weaponry * * *

- Sniper Rifle -

        Primary Mode              - Single Shot
        Secondary Mode            - Zoom x3.0 and x12.0
        Clip Size                 - 10
        Primary Ammunition Type   - BMG50 Ammo
                Dual Weapons      - No

Info:   The only sniper rifle in the game - well you really only need one
        anyway. A great sniper rifle with a good combination of
        accuracy, sturdiness and reloading time. The minimum amount of
        recoil in this weapon makes it nearly a perfect sniper weapon.
        There's no need for major adjusting after every shot as the gun
        stays pretty much focused on the same area you aim at after each
        shot you make. The reloading time for this weapon is somewhat
        relatively quick for an actual Sniper weapon and the clip size
        for the weapon is big enough to keep your target running. There
        are no real severe drawbacks to this weapon, the only slight one
        being the kind of slow firing rate, but that’s what you expect
        from a sniper weapon. You can use the zoom functions to pick off
        any annoying enemies from a distance.

   E07    \   * * * Explosives * * *

- Fragmentation Grenade -

        Primary Mode              - Throw Grenade
        Secondary Mode            - Drop Grenade
        Clip Size                 - 1
        Primary Ammunition Type   - Grenade
                Dual Weapons      - No

Info:   The good old Frag Grenade. Talking about this game having a lot of
        'classic' weapons! Used in numerous games, the Frag Grenade is
        a high explosive ornament. You can hold numerous amounts of these
        Grenades to use whenever you need to kill guards hiding around
        corners or when they are together in groups. These are also good
        to use in narrow hallways and corridors. The Grenade has a Five
        second fuse and you are given the ability to 'cook' the Grenade
        by holding down the primary mode button. Make sure you throw it at
        least a few seconds before it detonates so you can clear away
        from the area when it explodes. After all, you do not want to get
        hurt by explosives! The Secondary mode is rather 'simple', it makes
        the player drop the Grenade at the area the player was standing.
        So once you drop it, make sure you run! A great choice for hit and
        run situations.

- - - - - - - - - -

- FlashBang Grenade -

        Primary Mode              - Throw Grenade
        Secondary Mode            - n/a
        Clip Size                 - 1
        Primary Ammunition Type   - Grenade
                Dual Weapons      - No

Info:   The Flashbang Grenade works in a similar method to the Frag Grenade
        except it is only used for non-lethal means of combat. Instead
        of decapitating the target, it disorientates the target with a
        bright flash that lasts for several seconds. If you get too close
        to the Flashbang when it explodes, then you will be temporarily
        blinded, making you extremely vulnerable to other enemies in the
        area. You can 'cook' the grenade just like the Frag Grenade but
        again, make you sure you throw it a few good seconds before it
        detonates. The fuse in the Flashbang Grenade lasts for Five

- - - - - - - - - -

- Bazooka -

        Primary Mode              - Rocket Launcher
        Secondary Mode            - Rocket 'Whack'
        Clip Size                 - 1
        Primary Ammunition Type   - Bazooka Rockets
                Dual Weapons      - No

Info:   This heavy explosive weapon is uncommon to find in levels. Although
        not abundant, it is great fun to use in the multiplayer mode of the
        game. The Bazooka has a fairly good reloading rate for a rocket
        launcher, so there's nothing too bad about the reloading. The main
        drawback to this weapon would definitely have to be the very slow
        firing rate. It can fire a rocket every several seconds therefore
        making you very vulnerable once again. The secondary mode is a good
        up-close defensive move were the gunner takes a spare Bazooka
        rocket and uses it as a 'whacking rocket' :P
        You only can 'whack' once before the gunner places the spare rocket
        away, which then requires you to use to press the alternate fire
        mode button again to bring the spare rocket back out for another
        one-off whacking. Make sure you are near an enemy before using the
        secondary mode. The second drawback is the fact that you cannot
        carry too much ammo for this weapon so always stock up on it if
        you are running low on ammo.

          "Section F - Object Inventory"

You can use the following objects as weapons to knock out innocent or hostile
people. You will need to refer to objects in some levels if you want to
knock out friendly people or else if you kill them, you can fail the mission.
Of course if you cannot find any objects to knock out people with, just use
your punching technique to get them instead. All of the objects that can
be used in weapons can only be used once before they are rendered useless.

MedKits replenish your supply of health points depending on the one you use.
The full health kits supply more health but are often harder to find. When
you collect a MedKit in the singleplayer mode, you need to select it from the
inventory and use it. In multiplayer, when you run over the MedKit, your
health is automatically replenished.

Armoured vests and helmets help improve your resistance towards bullets shot
from opponents. Sometimes, the armour cannot stop the bullet from inflicting
a wound, but the armour helps decrease the amount of health lost from a bullet
wound. Armour is useless when you are affected by a direct explosion. Whenever
you collect an armoured helmet or vest both in singleplayer and multiplayer
modes, it automatically gets added to your body. Armoured Helmets decrease
the amount of health lost when you are shot at the head. Armoured Vests
decrease the amount of health lost when you are shot around the chest area.
When you have both types of armour, this is the order at what they appear
on the bottom left hand corner of the screen, where it displays the health
and armour points.

* Armoured Helmet Points
* Armoured Vest Points
* Health Points

The mission items aid you during the missions in singleplayer mode. They
are critical to use sometimes to access certain areas of a level that prove
inaccessible with conventional methods.

   F01    \   * * * Objects * * *

- Alcohol Bottle -

Info:   The Alcohol bottles have different appearances. Some bottles look
        different and contain numerous labels like Bourbon Whiskey, "Strong"
        Dry Gin and there are some others. These are probably the most fun
        objects to use to knock out people with. The bottles are usually the
        most abundant items you can find in a level, behind chairs of course!

- - - - - - - - - -

- Ashtray  -

Info:   The ashtray is nearly uncommon in the singleplayer mode. You will
        generally find it in levels that have offices or small rooms. For some
        weird reason, whenever you hit an enemy with it, you'll always think
        that this piece of small metal won't be able to knock the target out.
        Strange indeed!

- - - - - - - - - -

- Brick -

Info:   Found in small amounts in limited missions. The bricks usually appear
        in missions which you have no weapons [ie: prison]. They are relatively
        small, so they may be tricky to find sometimes.

- - - - - - - - - -

- Broom -

Info:   Acts just like the shovel and is even more rare to find. Although not
        appearing as 'powerful' as the shovel, it is still funny to use a broom
        as an actual weapon.

- - - - - - - - - -

- Chair -

Info:   The chair is one of the most abundant out of all objects to use as a
        weapon. Besides the alcohol bottles, this has got to be one of the most
        funniest objects to see an enemy get whacked with!

- - - - - - - - - -

- Glass Shard -

Info:   This object is actually unique to the others, as it actually kills the
        target if it gets hit at the head. The accuracy of this object is
        pretty poor as it falls low very quickly once you throw it. Make sure
        you are very close to the target before using this object.

- - - - - - - - - -

- Shovel -

Info:   You will find the Shovel more commonly in the singleplayer levels
        containing snow areas or the canyons. It provides a rather painful
        experience towards the target that gets hit by it.

   F02    \   * * * Health Pickups * * *

- MedKit -

        Healing Points            - 25
        Healing Points with Skill - 50

Info:   The normal MedKits do not supply as much health points as the Full
        MedKits do. They are also a lot more common and easier to find in
        a level. The normal MedKit box is smaller than the Full MedKit and is
        labeled 'First Aid' on the top side of the box. If you have learnt the
        medical care skill, you can get double the amount of health points
        from the normal MedKit. You are healed 50 health points in the
        multiplayer mode of the game when you collect the Normal MedKit.

- - - - - - - - - -

- Full MedKit -

        Healing Points            - 50
        Healing Points with Skill - 100

Info:   The full MedKits are harder to find in missions as they are less
        abundant. You may need to require to look around a bit harder to
        find these as they can be well hidden sometimes. The actual Kit
        is a lot bigger than the normal MedKit box and has a big red cross
        on top of the box. If you have learnt the medical care skill, you
        can get double the amount of health points from the Full MedKit.
        You are healed 100 health points in the multiplayer mode of the
        game when you collect the Full MedKit.

   F03    \   * * * Armoured Helmets * * *

- Light Armoured Helmet -

        Armour Points             - 20

Info:   The light armoured helmet is fortunately not found as often as
        the heavy armour in singleplayer. It provides half the amount of
        armour points that heavy version does. The light helmet has the
        appearance of a normal helmet!

- - - - - - - - - -

- Heavy Armoured Helmet -

        Armour Points             - 40

Info:   This armoured helmet does not give you 100 points of armour
        straight away, so you need to get a few of these. These helmets
        are pretty easy to find in multiplayer. The heavy helmets have
        the appearance of a light helmet, except they have a visor at the
        front of the helmet, hence making it look more 'protective'.

   F04    \   * * * Armoured Vests * * *

- Light Armoured Vest -

        Armour Points             - 50

Info:   The light vest is more common in the singleplayer mode of the
        game than the multiplayer mode. It provides half the amount of
        armour points and appears different compared to that of the
        heavy vest. The light vest has a blue colour and looks like a
        'half' jacket that goes over the shoulders.

- - - - - - - - - -

- Heavy Armoured Vest -

        Armour Points             - 100

Info:   The heavy vest appears more frequently in multiplayer. It provides
        twice as much armour points than the light vest. The vest has a
        blue colour and looks like a full bulletproof jacket.

   F05    \   * * * Mission Items * * *

- Key -

Info:   Keys! You'll find these just about everywhere in this game. If you ever
        come to a locked door, chances are you need to kill an enemy elsewhere
        or look in a room to retrieve a key.

- - - - - - - - - -

- Magnetic Pass/Keycard -

Info:   These act just like keys. They unlock doors by using a keycard console
        nearby the locked door. Sometimes they will be lying around the
        level, usually in an area that is hard to access or you'll just have
        to find an enemy with one!

- - - - - - - - - -

- Lockpick -

Info:   This handy device will save you numerous times throughout various
        levels. These can unlock some locked doors that you cannot get the
        keys for. Some locked doors cannot be lock picked.

- - - - - - - - - -

- Grapnel -

Info:   The Grapnel is also another handy device that can be used to easily
        access areas of a level that are generally too dangerous to access
        normally. You will need to find a hook to attach the wire to before
        you can go flying around. Any objects that are in the way of the
        grapnel cable will automatically retract the cable, making you
        fall, so make sure you avoid any obstacles in the way!
        Note that in this walkthrough, I will be referring the Grapnel as the
        'grapple' because more people would actually understand what it is.

- - - - - - - - - -

- Microphone -

Info:   Used only in limited missions, the microphone is used to tap into
        various devices so you can easily eavesdrop into conversations which
        may prove extremely important towards the mission.

- - - - - - - - - -

- Shotgun Microphone -

Info:   Only used in limited missions like the normal microphone, the 'shotgun'
        microphone is used for eavesdropping into conversations located in
        areas that are inaccessible or too risky to go into to place a normal
        microphone. This microphone picks up sound waves from a distance, but
        must be aimed directly towards the target.

- - - - - - - - - -

- Bomb -

Info:   Also used in limited missions, the bomb is used to destroy hard
        targets or structures that are too large to destroy with conventional
        weaponry. The bombs are detonated via timed triggers.

          "Section G - Singleplayer Mission Walkthrough"

This part of the walkthrough will explain in detail the numerous missions
which you will encounter during the singleplayer story mode of XIII. There
are a number of things you can find and learn throughout the missions if you
are really into the game - so it is always a good idea to investigate each
level thoroughly until you are sure that you have found everything!

There are some interesting parts in some of the missions where you usually
black out into a 'flashback' of the past events that have occurred recently.
These sorts of things usually reveal important parts of the story so you
might want to listen to the flashbacks carefully!

If you have familiarized yourself with all the above information in this
walkthrough based on the Skills, Characters, Weapons and Objects, then you
should be ready to play the game. If you are already into it, you can easily
use this mission walkthrough to aid you in anything you may get stuck in
later on the game.

Use the find function [Ctrl+F] to access any of the levels for this mission
walkthrough. Each mission is given a three digit alphanumeric code which
you can use for easy referencing depending on the mission you need to access.

Part of the missions names throughout the walkthrough have also been given
made up names so they are hopefully easier to identify as there are no
'real' names for each level besides the given location. Sometimes, each level
may consist of three or four parts, so therefore, this is an easy way of
putting them 'together'.

Any buttons or controls mentioned throughout this mission walkthrough is set
under the 'default' option, so if you have changed your setout, it may
require you to press different buttons or keys.

All the MedKit and Armour locations mentioned in each level are actually
fixed pick up locations in the levels and not from the dead bodies of guards.
The 'Weapon Pickups Available' section for each mission determines all the
weapons you can pick up from either dead guards or fixed pick up
locations, but not weapons that you have carried on from the previous

With all of that mentioned and cleared up, there is nothing else to do but
to start reading the mission walkthrough!

 * * * Mission 01 * * *    /   "Brighton Beach - Awakening"               [G01]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Brighton Beach, New Jersey
Time     : 9:00 am

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

You have been found by a female surf life saver by the name of Janet. You
were washed away to the shores of Brighton Beach, located at New Jersey.
Currently suffering amnesia, therefore having trouble remembering remnants
of the past and also badly wounded, you now need to try to re-trace your
steps of what happened in the past to piece back everything together.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

At the start of the level, you find yourself with the assistance of Janet, the
Life Saver that found you lying on the beach shore.

She asks if you can see the yellow truck a certain distance away and you are
required to follow her to get to the truck. Start following Janet and about
half way through the trip, you will see a helicopter flying from the cliffs
straight ahead of you. XIII goes into a lapse and experiences a flashback of
the previous events that made him end up at the shores of the beach.

During the flashback, you'll see yourself on the boat that you jump off. It
gets invaded by The Mongoose and his mercenaries so you need to get away and
jump off the boat.

Move straight towards the stairs and then turn left, opening the door that
leads to the outside walkway. Wait here for a little while until you hear
Kim say "Jump ship". The screen flickers white for a second and this
time, there is an enemy running up the walkway shooting at you. The rest is
automatically done and once you land into the water, you snap out of the

Continue following Janet until you black out again, hence ending the first

 * * * Mission 02 * * *    /   "Brighton Beach - Invasion"                [G02]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Brighton Beach, New Jersey

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: Combat Knife
                          9mm Pistol
                          .44 Special

MedKit Locations:
1]: At the start, next to Janet's dead body, mounted on the wall.
2]: At the end of the second jetty, inside the yellow life guard boat.
3]: At the last part of the level, mounted on the wall of the
    'Diving Material' building at the corner of the cliff.

Full MedKit Locations:
1]: At the end of the wooden boardwalk, mounted on the wall of the
    'Luncheonette' building.

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Escape from the first aid post.
- Leave the beach using the killers pick up truck.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

After blacking out numerous times while following Janet to her vehicle, she
has escorted you to the nearest first-aid post in effort to send you to a
hospital. Unfortunately, The Mongoose's henchmen are aware of your location
and they want you dead. Janet gives you a key for a Deposit Box in Winslow
Bank, before she gets murdered by one of the mercenaries. It's up to you
to escape from the Beach and travel to New York City as quickly as possible.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

First things first - you need to escape from the first aid building you are
currently inside. Pick up the combat knife from Janet's body who unfortunately
got killed by the assassin standing near the entry of the building. Use the
throwing technique of the knife to hit the assassins head who is standing at
the front of the door with his back turned towards you. Don't go too close
to him or else he will turn around and start shooting. If you try to open
the front door, it is locked so you will need the Key to unlock it. Turn
around and go into the back room and on the table to the right of the back
door is the key. Once you pick up the key, a guard with a Magnum comes running
towards your position via the back catwalk.

There is a 9mm Pistol and an ammo clip on a table to the right side of the
back room and a second ammo clip can be found in a cabinet to the immediate
right of the table the Pistol was on. Use this to kill the guard. You can also
stock up on your combat knives by going to the table to the left of the back
door. Alternatively, you can kill the guard using the ashtray or bottles on
the tables in the back room area. Once you kill the guard, pick up his .44
Magnum and also collect the box of .44 ammo at the back catwalk area. Head
back towards the front door, but if you need any health, there is a Medkit
mounted on the wall next to Janet's dead body. Go to the front door, pull out
the key and use it to unlock the door. Then use the action button to open
the door and escape from the building.

- Escape from the first aid post.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Pick up the AK-47 Kalash from the assassin's dead body and proceed forward to
the two crates, where there is a 5.56mm clip for the Kalash, then turn right
on the boardwalk, where at the end of it is a helicopter dropping off two
enemies armed with Pistols. After dropping off the guys, the helicopter takes
off and passes by you quickly while shooting at you - but you can easily
dodge the gunfire.

Kill the enemies, take their ammo and collect the Full Medkit on the wall, at
the last building, which is the Luncheonette hut. You can also enter inside
through the two doors of the Luncheonette hut to collect some ammo for the
Kalash, Pistol, Magnum and Throwing Knives. Once you pick up everything from
the room, exit and make your way back to where you came from earlier on and
turn right on the small catwalk leading to the steep cliffs. Pull out your
Magnum for this part.

Once you go around the corner of the narrow catwalk, look ahead up the cliffs
and an enemy runs near the edge of it. A red rectangle surrounds the enemy
when it comes so you can see where it is exactly. Kill him and proceed up the
small ramp to the upper area of the catwalk, picking up the magnum ammo from
the dead body of the enemy you just killed if he landed on the catwalk. When
you are about to arrive to the square viewing platform, another guard with
a pistol suddenly jumps there. Kill him quickly! Follow the catwalk until
yet again, another guard up on the cliffs, to the right, follows you!
If you keep running down the slope of the catwalk, an orange boat with The
Mongoose on it passes by. Nothing happens here except with The Mongoose
shouting out some words of wisdom to you. Head towards the two crates near
the bottom of the slope and another enemy runs to you, but is instead armed
with throwing knives. He will continuously run after you while throwing the
knives, which are easy to dodge but starts to get frustrating after a while.
Eliminate him and proceed through the catwalk until you reach the boat jetty.

When you arrive at the jetty area, the helicopter will return again to drop
off some additional enemies at the end of the second jetty. Sometimes it will
drop one guard or other times it will drop two. Kill these guys and take their
ammo. At the end of the second jetty is a yellow life guard boat, where you
can find a Medkit inside. There is also some magnum ammo inside the blue
boat, to the right side of the first jetty if you need some. You can swim in
the water, but I suggest that you don't as it is a waste of time, unless you
want to surprise the enemy further ahead on the small embankment area, which
doesn't really work too well.

If you still are on the jetty, continue following the catwalk to the last area
with the pick up truck. Over here, there are usually two guards, one hiding
behind the truck and the other behind the building, at the far corner. You
need to kill the one behind the building in order to receive the key from his
dead body. Try to pass this last part of the level quickly because every
minute or so, the helicopter will drop off another 2 guards at the cliff
areas. However, if you really have the urge to, you can actually shoot down
the helicopter, but it takes a lot of ammo from your guns in order to do it.

It takes about 21 to 23 shots from the .44 Magnum to destroy the helicopter.
It would be quicker with the Ak-47 Kalash, but you will need to be closer to
the helicopter if you want to hit it with every bullet. There is another
Medkit and some .44 ammo near the last building.

If there are any lurking enemies around, eliminate them and use the key you
picked up from the dead body to unlock the door of the pick up truck. Press
the action button to open the door, ending the level!

- Leave the beach using the killers pick up truck.
Status: **COMPLETE**

 * * * Mission 03 * * *    /   "Winslow Bank - Investigation"             [G03]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Financial District, Midtown, New York City
Time     : 11:00 am 

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: 9mm Pistol
                          .44 Special
                          Pump Action Shotgun

MedKit Locations:
1]: The Director's Room. Wait until the guard opens the locked door and
    knock him out. You will find it on top of some draws in the next room.
2]: After the Director's Room, the far side of the Library, on a table.

Full MedKit Locations:
1]: Third Floor. Open the first brown door after leaving the elevator and
    look to the right. It is on top of a table.

- - - - -

Document Pickups Available: Attaché Case

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Access the Strongroom.
- Escape from the Bank.

* Do not kill the Bank Staff.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

Using the Killer's Pick-Up truck from Brighton Beach to use as transportation
to New York City, you find yourself at Winslow Bank - which is one of the most
prestigious banks in New York. You need to get access to the Deposit Box which
you were given the key for from Janet, before her death.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

What a terrific bank indeed! It looks great! First things first, as the
objectives instruct you, do not kill any of the staff who work inside the
bank. For obvious reasons, you also start without a weapon.

From the start of the level, move straight and go towards the Bank Clerk
waiting behind the counter to the left side of the lobby. Go to the right
counter and you'll be taunted by the lady waiting in line :)

He asks for your Deposit Box Key which you give to him automatically and then
he tells you to follow him. Move back towards the start and go through the
brown door next to the security guard, once it is opened by the Clerk. Follow
the Clerk through the hallway, down the stairs and then wait until the rather
polite security guard opens the vault. Enter once it is opened. Walk to the
far end of the hallway until you reach the last section. Here you will see a
white rectangle surround the Deposit Box you need to open. Open it and you
will see a black suitcase and a bomb, which is activated.

You suddenly remember about the bomb and enter into another flashback. You
only need to listen to Jones speak as she gives you some information about
the money inside the case and some other things about the other conspirators.
You snap out once she tells you to 'activate the bomb' and suddenly, right in
front of you, the bomb explodes, making you lose some health.

- Access the Strongroom.
Status: **COMPLETE**

The bomb makes a rather large hole on the wall. Go through the hole, move
straight along the water pipe area and turn right into the narrow corridor
leading to the ladder you can climb. Crouch and follow the vent until you
get to the mesh blocking the way, which you need to punch. Drop down from the

Move around the corner and you will find a security guard with his back towards
you, investigating the area. He is armed with a Magnum so go behind him and
knock him out. Go up the stairs and open the door. Avoid pulling out the
Magnum - the cops don't care if you have it or not, but they will still shoot
at you. Since you cannot harm innocent people, you need to punch or use the
items provided around the level to knock out the security guards. Go up the
stairs until you reach the next open door, where you can find a chair nearby.
Pick up the chair and use it to whack at the guard, on the balcony of floor
two. Follow the balcony and a second guard runs towards you, who you also need
to knock out.

Walk all the way around the balcony until you reach the next guard who comes
out of a door at the far end. You can use the ashtray on a table nearby to
knock him out. Go to the door which he came from - which is labeled
'Director' and go inside the room. You will see ahead in the next room the
Bank Director talking to The Mongoose by phone, mentioning that you are still
alive. Once he finishes talking, you will see the security guard walk to the
door at the right, then leaving the room. When he walks away, move towards
the brown door at the right corner of the room and wait for the guard to open
it. Knock the guard out. In this room is some health incase you need it. Exit
the room through the opposite door. You are now in the Director's room.
There is not much in the Director's room besides the black briefcase on the
table, so exit the room using the other door. This leads to the library.
If you look dead ahead after exiting the door, there is a door on the other
side of the library. You need to go near there, but not quite yet!

There is two guards patrolling the area so knock them out by using the
'sixth sense' skill you are taught once you have entered the room. When the
guards are down, go to the opposite side of the room towards the door you saw
earlier on, grab the health on the table, jump and crouch on the table, punch
the vent and move through the shaft. You cannot go through the brown door
nearby as it is locked. Keep crawling through the shaft until you reach the
exit of the shaft. After you leave the vent, you will end up in a long hallway
with a lady standing at the far end of the hallway.

Run up behind her and quickly press the action button to grab her as a hostage.
You can also use your weapons or one handed items while holding the hostage
but remember, do not shoot any innocents. Grab the Magnetic Card from the
table and move along to the brown door, swiping the card at the small
console to the left of the door to open it.

This part is pretty fun! While holding the hostage, face towards the three
security guards at the corner to the left. You need to move towards the first
elevator, to the right, in order to move further into the level. You cannot
turn your back away from the security guards as they will then shoot at you.
Always face the security guards and move backwards towards the elevator.
When you reach the elevator, take out your Magnetic Card and swipe it against
the console near the elevator to activate it. Also remember to face the hostage
towards the guards while using the Keycard. Move into the elevator and press
the button on the side wall to activate it. Drop the hostage once the doors
close. You will then end up on floor three.

Over here, some enemies ambush the area and kill some of the security guards
on this floor. Pull out your Magnum if you haven't already and head left from
the elevator, following the balcony. While running around the balcony, you
can stop at the first brown door you see to get a Full MedKit - but there are
a few enemies around in the two rooms here, so make sure you kill them first.
Once your done in the room, head back out to the balcony again and continue
moving to the other side. There are a few enemies to kill here, but once you
make it to the stairwell, turn to the right and go through the emergency exit
which has been blasted open.

When you are outside, kill the enemy on the stairs in front of you then
turn left and move down the stairs. Follow the balcony until you get to the
ladder, which you need to climb down to finish the mission.

- Escape from the Bank.
Status: **COMPLETE**

- Do not kill the Bank Staff.
Status: **COMPLETE**

 * * * Mission 04 * * *    /   "FBI Headquarters - Interrogation"         [G04]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Secret Offices of the FBI, Brooklyn
Time : 8:00 pm

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: 9mm Pistol
                          .44 Magnum
                          Pump Action Shotgun

MedKit Locations:
1]: Near the starting area. Crawl through the vents to get into first room.
    Look inside a big, blue cabinet.
2]: In the small office before the blasted door. Inside a big blue cabinet.
3]: The third big, brown room. Head left to the open door and go down the
    stairs to a small room. Inside an old cabinet.

Full MedKit Locations:
1]: The opposite room from the first MedKit. Behind the power board.

- - - - -

Document Pickups Available: FBI Documents

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Rejoin the soldier on the rooftops.

* Do not kill the FBI Agents.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

You are taken into the FBI Headquarters as you are the suspect of murdering
President William Sheridan, after escaping from Winslow Bank. Being
interrogated by Colonel Amos, a high-rank FBI officer who is investigating
the plot of this assassination, you are suddenly surprised from an attack the
enemy has made somewhere around the FBI complex. With Colonel Amos and his
assistants leaving the room to investigate, this is the perfect chance to
make your escape with Major Jones, who will aid your escape from the

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

When Amos gets interrupted by the person via the intercom, you will hear a
loud explosion somewhere at the background. Amos and the other guys in front
of you walk off to investigate leaving you alone in the room. You'll soon
hear a person saying "Hey, psst!". Look to your right, at the vents and you
will see Major Jones, who will eventually shoot the cuffs around your hands.
This is when you start playing.

As you exit through the blue door, you'll pick up some FBI Documents along the
way which are on the floor. Look to the left after opening the door and you
will see two guards sitting around, further down the corridor. Do not move
directly towards the guards, so from the door, head straight to the dead-end
where there is a vent nearby. Punch the mesh and crawl towards the next room.
One of the two FBI guards will hear you when you punch the second bit of mesh
blocking the end of the shaft, so stand up, get the glass bottle from the desk
and knock him out when he enters the room. Quickly run out of the room and
knock out the second guard. Walk back inside the room you crawled into and
open the blue metal cabinets to find some health and pistol ammo. You can
leave the room and open the door on the opposite side, which leads into a
small room with a power board. Look behind the power board and there is a Full
MedKit you can take. Exit the room, move down to the end of the corridor and
go near the door. Take one of the two chairs near the door, then open it and
run straight towards the guard who is about to shoot you and whack him. After
you knock the guard out, punch the two cardboard boxes and the mesh at the
vent. Crawl and move through the vent.

When you leave the first vent, you will find yourself in a big hallway with
some FBI guards and enemies shooting each other. Head straight down the
hallway until you reach the very end of the first straight, of course while
knocking out the FBI and killing the enemies - be careful when trying to
identify who's who! At the end of the straight, turn right and go to the last
door, to the left. You will see a FBI guard get shot out the door as you get
close to it. This leads into the briefing room with numerous chairs. There is
an enemy here so kill him and another runs in through the opposite door once
you enter the briefing room. Exit the room via the other door and turn right
at the hallway.

Kill the next enemy you see chasing after the FBI Guard. Follow the hallway
until you reach the second last open door [the one before the door that has
been blasted by the explosion]. When you are inside the office, open the next
door to the left side of the room. There is an enemy here holding an FBI guard
by gunpoint so kill the enemy quick. You can find health in the first office
room, inside the blue cabinet. Once you are done in the offices, go back to
the hallway and go through the blasted door, up the stairs and open the brown
doors on the top.

Move along the big, old rooms until you reach the second room, which you have
to kill 2 enemies. A third enemy comes running in after you kill the first
two. Proceed to the third room ahead and kill the next two enemies to the
left side of the room. If you want to get some health and shotgun ammo, head
left in the third room to the open door and go down the stairs to the small

If you want to continue with the level, turn right at the third room and
move straight to the open gap on the floor in the next room. You will hear
two enemies talking at the ground level, so quickly move on the area of the
floor with the big crack on it and move back out. If your lucky, it will kill
the guys, but if not, just shoot them. Head around the small ledge against the
wall on the other side of the big hole. While on the ledge, kill the two
enemies at the room ahead before actually moving to the room, so you do not
lose too much health.

When you are the room, after the gap, there is a downwards slope at the corner
of the room that leads to the first floor, but do not bother going down here
as this slope is only used for going upwards just incase you dropped into the
first floor while walking across the ledge.

Instead, move left to another small room and turn right at the other
exit, then walk straight into the next big room ahead which has crates
scattered around. Here, you will see one enemy in front of you so shoot him
and another two run in from the opposite entry. After killing them, move
along to the opposite side of the big room, turn right into the smaller room
then turn left towards the narrow corridor. Move straight and then turn left
at the end of the corridor. Crawl through the gap on the wall and climb up
the ladder to end this mission.

- Rejoin the soldier on the rooftops.
Status: **COMPLETE**

- Do not kill the FBI Agents.
Status: **COMPLETE**

 * * * Mission 05 * * *    /   "Rooftop - Departure"                      [G05]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : FBI Headquarter Rooftops, Brooklyn

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: 9mm Pistol
                          .44 Magnum
                          Pump Action Shotgun
                          Sniper Rifle
                          Frag Grenade

MedKit Locations:
1]: Inside the small building after you descend with the grapple to the big
    area. Near the start of the level.
2]: The room with two enemies after going up the first pair of outside stairs.
    Near the sniper rifle ammo.

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Follow Major Jones.
- Deactivate the tarmac security system.
- Climb aboard the chopper.

* Major Jones must not die.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

After escaping from the FBI complex which was crawling full of enemies, you
now rely on Major Jones's additional help - on top of the buildings rooftops
to escape from the area using a helicopter located further away in the level.
The area is riddled with different sorts of obstacles so be cautious!

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

This mission is relatively easy as you practically have to follow Major Jones
along the way.

Move straight and climb up the ladder to meet with Major Jones. After she
finishes talking to you, hang around a little longer and she'll talk to you
once again. This time, she gives you a grapple and demonstrates where you need
to go. Use your grapple to travel upwards to the roof above, being careful not
to fall off once you disconnect the grapple. Meet up with Major Jones again at
the opposite corner of the roof.

Jones then starts talking to you again but an enemy from the building at the
opposite side interrupts and you need to follow Jones behind some cover before
she gives you the Sniper Rifle. Use the rifle to pick off the enemy and
another enemy to the right of the building. She then tells you to move to the
other side below. Use the grapple on the next hook to descend downwards to the
next area.

Over here, several enemies start running from a few directions. Kill them all
and follow Jones to the door which she opens with a lockpick. You have to
open the actual door yourself, but when the door opens, an enemy kicks a
table down for cover, so just run around it and kill the enemy. Follow Jones
to the door she kicks down and go up the stairs. When you are going up the
last upwards slope of the stairs, Jones tells you to get a 'running start'.
Just run as usual, but jump over the small gap on the stairs not too far ahead.

After you make it across the gap, wait until Jones Lockpicks the next door.
Once again, you have to open it once she's done, but storm inside through
the narrow passage into the room, which you need to kill two more enemies.
There is also some sniper rifle ammo here and a health kit. Jones will
open the next door, leading to another rooftop. There are more snipers
headed their way. Look to the building on the right far side. Kill the first
sniper that appears on the right side of the building, then the second which
appears straight ahead then the last on the left side of the building. Once
the area is clear, follow Jones to the next area.

You need to do a jump to land on the crates at the next building, or else
you'll fall and die. It's not too hard! Continue following Jones around the
ledge area of the current building until she stops to kick the big fenced door
open. She will then stop nearby the corner of a building to the left. Walk
near the middle of the open area. A cutscene shows Jones throwing a grenade
at the building to the right of you. It's pretty hilarious!

Once the guy on fire starts running off, about three enemies will appear
in front of you which you need to kill. A fourth one comes out behind you
once you kill the previous three enemies. Follow Jones again and jump through
the smashed window which the guy on fire jumped through. Keep following Jones
around the various rooms until she stops and gets the message from her
insider. After being interrupted, a guy with a Bazooka blasts open the brown
double doors ahead.

Use the sniper rifle to pick off the guy with the Bazooka and the other three
enemies standing around the area. Once it's clear, Jones instructs you to
disable the security system in order to escape inside the helicopter. Just
move towards the building to the right, while killing the enemy that runs
out the doors when you get close to the building. Enter inside the building.
Shoot at the security unit the white rectangle highlights to disable the
security system.

- Deactivate the tarmac security system.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Once the system is disabled, run outside and follow Jones towards the
helicopter. Ignore any enemies that you hear shouting or shooting at
you, unless you got low health. Do not waste your time shooting all of them.
Just wait long enough until Jones enters the helicopter, then go next to it
to end the mission.

- Climb aboard the chopper.
Status: **COMPLETE**

- Follow Major Jones.
Status: **COMPLETE**

- Major Jones must not die.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Submissions: \____________________________________

The following submission has been submitted by "Jingo".

- In the area where you grapple downwards (after getting the sniper rifle and
  before the door where you hear the news bulletin), there is a set of fire
  stairs to the right (when standing under the hook and facing the wall).
  It is located behind a wire drum and there is a medikit on the ledge. Head
  up the stairs and open the door at the top which leads to a room with a
  Heavy vest, Full Medikit and a Magnum.

- - - - - - - - - -

The following submission has been submitted by "RkSpade".

- After you go down the opposite side of the building with the grappling hook
  (after she gives you the sniper rifle), turn left. You will see a spool of
  wire. Go that way to the edge of the building and look left again. You will
  see a medikit. Go that way and up the fire escape to the very top. Open the
  door and go to the cabinet. There you will find a full medkit, full
  armour, and a 44 Special.

 * * * Mission 06 * * *    /   "Emerald Military Base - Insertion"        [G06]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Emerald Military Base Outskirts, Appalachian Mountains
Time : 6:00 am

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: 9mm Pistol
                          Assault Rifle
                          Pump Action Shotgun

MedKit Locations:
1]: Inside the guard booth near the tunnel entrance.
2]: Located at the same place as MedKit number one.
3]: Inside the first Warehouse you need to re-connect the power. On top
    of a stack of crates. Second floor.

Full MedKit Locations:
1]: Inside the first Warehouse you need to re-connect the power. The very
    back area of the main open area you need to re-connect the power.
    On top of some crates on the first floor.
2]: Inside the building the two enemies are in, after extending the
    bridge open. Inside an open cabinet.

Armoured Vest Locations:
1]: Inside the first Warehouse you need to re-connect the power. On top
    of a stack of crates. Nearby the entry of the warehouse.

Armoured Helmet Locations:
1]: Inside the first Warehouse you need to re-connect the power. On top
    of a stack of crates. Nearby the entry of the warehouse.

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Penetrate the base enclosure.
- Re-Connect the power supply.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

After being inserted at the Rocky Mountains by Major Jones with her assault
helicopter, you find yourself at the outskirts of the Emerald Military
Base. You need to perform a variety of different operations for the next
few missions in able to successfully infiltrate the base and rescue
a very important ally, General Carrington.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

From the start of the level, pull out a weapon. Follow the numerous
corners through the narrow snow trench. After going around the first
corner, you will see some frames showing the enemies killing the guards of
the tunnel entrance further ahead. Keep walking another few corners and once
you get to the last straight of the trench, you'll see one of the enemies
investigating the dead body with his back turned towards you. From a small
distance, use a weapon to blast him.

Pull out your Crossbow and walk towards the road, but stop when you can see
the two enemies standing nearby the jeep blocking the entry. Use the crossbow
to get headshots and move closer to the road to kill the third enemy who is
standing near the guard booth on the left side of the tunnel entry. Once you
have killed all three enemies here, grab their ammo and health from the
guard booth, and hide behind the jeep facing towards the direction of the
open road - not the tunnel road that is blocked off! Have your crossbow handy
and wait several seconds when you should see two enemies walk on the open
road from a distance. Use the x8.0 Zoom Magnification in the Crossbow to try
to get both enemies. Once you kill both of them, move towards their bodies
on the road to get ammo for the Assault Rifle then keep following the road.

Pull out your Assault Rifle and run up to the stranded truck. There are two
enemies arguing nearby the truck so just blast them and move forward.
When you go around the next corner, keep your Assault Rifle handy as the
enemies see you pretty easily and run up towards you. Usually, about three
or four enemies run up towards you so use burst shots from the Rifle to
kill the enemies quicker and more effectively. Go around the corner and
move straight. You will hear a gunfight but do not worry about it as it's
happening in another room! You will now encounter a new problem. There is a
bridge you need to activate in order to get to the opposite side. Go in the
small booth that controls the bridge and use the hit the action key to
press the activate button. The main problem is that there is no power going
through to actually activate the bridge, so you need to re-connect the
power supply. Firstly though, leave the booth and go towards the edge of
the road and pick off the two enemies straight ahead - above you. One enemy
is on the cliffs and has got a Crossbow and constantly shoots it at you so
kill this enemy first. Use the x8.0 zoom in the Crossbow to make things
easier. Do the same thing for the patrolling enemy at the walkway above
the entry.

Now to re-connect the power! Backtrack a little through the stage to the
part where you see the two big metal doors which are closed. To the
left of these big doors is a small metal door you can enter through. You'll
also notice that the gunfight is getting louder so be ready! Go through the
small corridors into the open area of the warehouse. Kill any enemies you
encounter, who are more than likely 'distracted' from killing the other
guards. Enter the 'main' open area to kill any more alive enemies but watch
out just in case the jeep explodes. Go to the far side of the open area to
get some full health and ammo for your weapons. Move back to the
first, smaller open area and while you are, another 3 or 4 enemies run in
from the entry trying to blast you away. Use the Assault Rifle once again
to kill these armoured enemies. When you are back at the smaller open
area, move to the left and go up the stairs. This makes you end up on the
second floor of the main open area. From here, look and move to the left
where you can see the power console for the bridge. Activate it and exit
the Warehouse from the way you came from.

- Re-Connect the power supply.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Head back to the booth which controls the activation of the bridge and now
activate it using the button. The bridge will now extend and now you can
cross to the other side. Head towards the building on the left side which
you can hear the two enemies speak from. Enter inside it and kill them.
Grab all the ammo and health here and exit out again! If you wish, you can
enter into the other booth nearby and make the bridge retract back to it's
original position.

Now the next pair of big doors nearby are also closed. There is nothing
you can do to open it so we need an alternate way to get around. Go back
near the building you killed the two enemies inside and there is a whole
stack of crates nearby the building on one of the sides. Jump up the crates
until you reach the roof of the building. From here, look upwards and a
white rectangle will mark a grapple point. Use the grapple to get up towards
the ledge area. Now that you are on the ledge, walk to the end of it and you
should see a vent. Punch the metal mesh and crawl inside it. Straight
ahead is a ladder which you need to climb down, to pass this mission.

- Penetrate the base enclosure.
Status: **COMPLETE**

 * * * Mission 07 * * *    /   "Emerald Military Base - Infiltration"     [G07]

*** Mission 07 = Emerald Military Base - Infiltration = Guide One ***
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Emerald Military Base, Appalachian Mountains

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: Combat Knife
                          9mm Pistol
                          Assault Rifle
                          Pump Action Shotgun

MedKit Locations:
1]: The building ahead of the second building with the power generator unit.
    Inside a metal cabinet. This is the building closest to the big metal
    doors at the other end of the snow covered road.
2]: Inside the small building before you climb the ladder to the roof.

Full MedKit Locations:
1]: Inside one of the two accessible Barracks.

Armoured Helmet Locations:
1]: Inside the first power generator room on top of a table.
2]: The building ahead of the second building with the power generator unit.
    Inside a metal cabinet, this is the building closest to the big metal
    doors at the other end of the road.

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Find a passage and infiltrate the base.
- Disable 4 Power Generators.
- Access the Roof using the ladder.

* Prevent the SPADS from setting off the alarm.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

After successfully entering the inner section of the Military Base, you need
to be able to infiltrate this area without the alarm being sounded or else
General Carrington gets executed immediately, failing your mission. If you
are able to infiltrate this part of the base, you can easily access the
interior via an alternate passage.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

One of the important items you get to use in this mission is the lockpick.
You get told by Major Jones that you need to deactivate four power generators
so keep that in your priority list.

There are four seperate structures that control the power generators, but
these are easily distinguishable by the buildings that have red flashing
lights near the doors. There are two buildings at the open road area and two
buildings inside the enclosed barracks area.

First, you need to crawl out of the vent and get the Crossbow ammo behind the
crates. You can look out easily at the road and you will see no enemies around
the area, but always be cautious of your surroundings! Move along the road and
look to the direct right - at the wall, where you can see a metal door, which
is locked. This is where your lockpick comes in handy! Once you enter the
barracks area, this is the part which you need to be careful about.

There is a patrolling enemy around the middle area. Utilize your sixth sense
skill to hear where the enemy is and use your Crossbow to pick him off.
Now, move towards to the building at the right corner of the area - the one
with the red flashing light near the door. Note that you can hear a few
enemies inside the building. You need to use the lockpick to unlock the door.
Once that is done, pull out your Assault Rifle, open the door and kill both
enemies inside as quick as possible. You do not want them activating the
alarms! Once they are dead, look around the room until the white rectangle
shows you where to look. Once you have found the power unit, punch the mesh
blocking the unit and then destroy the unit itself. You now have three
generators left to deactivate. You can obtain Knives from this building at
the far corner so get them and exit the building. You now need to find the
second building in this area.

There are four more enemies in the barracks area - one standing in one place
and three walking around. The area is riddled with alarm units so you need to
kill these four guys without each other seeing one get killed! Go around the
back area of the three barrack buildings [closest to the cliff] and pass
behind the first barrack building. Do not pass the two crates yet. Get out
your crossbow and aim for the enemy patrolling behind the third barracks
building straight ahead. Try to kill him while he is actually walking 'behind'
the building. After killing the first enemy, pass the two crates a little and
look to your direct left. There is a stationary enemy standing near the M1A1
Abrams Tank parked nearby. Snipe him with the Crossbow and continue walking
along, behind the barrack buildings.

Pass the second barracks building and stand so you are between the gap of the
second and third buildings. From here, snipe the next enemy walking back and
fourth. Finally, walk right up to the enemies body you just killed and pull
out a combat knife - get ready to stab! Run up towards the patrolling enemy
nearby. Stab him and then head back to the opposite side to the small booth
with the red flashing light. Use the lockpick to unlock the door and destroy
the power unit. You now have 2 power units left to destroy. You can now access
a few of the barracks to get some pickups, but only 2 of the 6 buildings
actually have doors that open.

Now you can exit the barracks area out of two doors. The one you lock picked
earlier or another metal door at the opposite side, which is closest to the
second building where you disabled the power generator unit. It is probably
best for now to exit through the first door you lock picked earlier. Once
you make it back to the main road, cross it and go behind the stacks of
crates. You are nearby the next building with the third power generator
unit, but firstly, kill the enemy standing in front of the stacks of crates.

You need to lock pick the door once again but before you do, pull out your
Assault Rifle, go around the backside of the building and kill the two enemies
inside. Go inside via the front entry and disable the next power generator
unit. There is one more power unit left to disable. Head towards the road
again and if you look from the current position to the left, there is one more
power building right ahead of you, near the entry inside one of the booths.
If you can also see a patrolling enemy walking back and fourth near the
booth, try to snipe him.

There is one more enemy around the area and he is patrolling the second
building near the road. It is the building closest to the tunnel entry but it
does not control any power generators. You can go in here to get some armour
and health pickups. Just make sure you kill the remaining enemy before you
go inside! Now that all the enemies around here are dead, make your way to
the last booth and disable the power unit to pass the objective.

- Disable 4 Power Generators.
Status: **COMPLETE**

After completing the objective, make your way left [from the perspective of
leaving the last power booth] to the far end of the wall. Pass the green truck
that is parked and there is stack of crates ahead. Behind the crates is
another locked door you need to lockpick. Get out your knife before opening
the door, then run in and stab the first target. Look to the right and there
is a small building. Go inside here and stab the next target. You can also
obtain health from here. Once you done inside, move outside again and climb
up the ladder.

- - Access the Roof using the ladder.
Status: **COMPLETE**

- Find a passage and infiltrate the base.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Climb up the ladder to get to the next area. Over here, Major Jones tells you
to use your grapple further ahead. Keeping walking along, with your crossbow
pulled out until you see an enemy walking back and fourth. Kill him and
progress through the narrow passage. Walk right to the end of the area until
you reach the hook to use your grapple on. Use the grapple to traverse
downwards to the vent. Once you get down there, release the grapple and punch
the mesh blocking the vent. Crawl through the vent to finish this mission.

- Prevent the SPADS from setting off the alarm.
Status: **COMPLETE**


The following mission guide is submitted by "Lukio".

This guide is perhaps a shorter, yet more effective guide to the mission just
incase you get lost easily.

- - - - -

*** Mission 07 = Emerald Military Base - Infiltration = Guide Two ***

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

Break the gate in front of you. Pick up the Crossbow and additional ammo. Go
across to the other side of the hanger, pick up throwing knives on the crate.
Move along through the crates on the left-hand side. After passing through
the first row of crates, pick up the spade. Crouch and carefully move around
the corner along the fence. Pick up the throwing knives laying on top of the

Right in front of the crates there is a guard. Wait till he turns his back to
you. Turn around the crate and spade him. Move on crouched to the rear side
of the guard house in front of you. You will hear a conversation. Wait until
the conversation is over, then either use throwing knives or the crossbow to
kill both guards inside. Enter the guard house by lockpicking the door. On
the right wall is the first generator, press the USE key twice to destroy it.
On the table are some more throwing knives. Go out of the guard house and
carefully move alongside the fence - there should be a guard patrolling right
in front of you. Wait until he stops, then throw a knife from close distance
or quickly use the crossbow.

Move along to the next guard house in front of you, smash the left side
window. Now aim the crossbow with 8x Zoom. Zoom towards the door of the
hangar. A guard will be patrolling from left to right. On his way back he
stops for a moment, let the bolt fly. Enter the guard house. You will find a
helmet, throwing knives and a small medkit. On your way to the main guard
complex, stop by the hangar entrance to disable the second generator panel
in the small hut right next to the entrance. You will also find a shotgun.

Now, go to the main soldier complex. Enter from the area near the gas truck.
Before opening the doors, listen for footsteps from the left. Arm yourself
with the crossbow, crouch and open the door. Straight ahead of you in some
distance is a patrol. Zoom in to 8x and shoot him when he stands farthest
away from you. Next, take a throwing knife and move to the left, as soon as
the patrol on the right side is out of sight.

Throw-kill the next patrol around the corner. Carefully move around the guard
house and aim with the crossbow for the guard on the other side. Wait till
he stops between the two guard houses, then shoot. Go along to the next guard
house, again crouch and look around the corner. Use the crossbow to shoot the
patrol to the left of the tank. Go around the tank, picking up some
arrows, you will see a patrol further ahead. When he moves away from you, go
forwards and grab the spade. Move right between the two guard houses. Wait
until the guard ends his route and then go around the corner and spade him.

You can enter two guard houses on the left hand side. You will find some
arrows, crossbow, medpack and a shotgun. Next step is to move into the
building in the far corner of the area. There are two guards inside. Lockpick
the door from the left side of the door. First kill the left one with a
crossbow, the other one will run towards the door, either knife him or use
the crossbow. This building has the second third generator to disable. Now
go back to where you entered, if you move along the right-hand side when
going back, you will see a small hut with a window. Lockpick the door and
destroy the generator panel inside. Now the ladders are safe to climb.

Leave the main complex and go to the other building in the corner near the
gas truck. Lockpick the door. Listen for footsteps, when you see that the
guard is to the very right of you, open the door and use a throwing knife.
Jones will tell you to get up on the ladders and find a way in. Before doing
that, open the door and throw two knives at the guard on the left side. You
will find more throwing knives and a health kit in the lockers.

Now climb up the ladder and crouch next to the crates. Jones will inform you
that you can grapple down to a ventilation shaft. Ahead of you, you should
see a patrolling guard. Use the crossbow and shoot him as soon as he briefly
stops. Now go all the way forwards, get out the grappling hook and aim it to
the hook beam. Lower yourself to the ventilation shaft below. Crouch and
enter the ventilation shaft. Move along and smash the next gate in front of
you to end the mission.

 * * * Mission 08 * * *    /   "Emerald Military Base - Rescue"           [G08]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Emerald Military Base, Appalachian Mountains

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: Combat Knife
                          9mm Pistol
                          Assault Rifle
                          Pump Action Shotgun
                          Frag Grenade

MedKit Locations:
1]: First Hallway Area 02 - Last Utility Room, on top of cabinet.
2]: First Hallway Area 04 - Last Utility Room on the left side of
    hallway - on the back shelf. [Room closest to elevator].
3]: First Hallway, near Area 04 - Storage Room [Second closest room to
    elevator]. Located at the very top of the stack of crates.
4]: After rappelling down the big air vent with the electrical
    surges, at the corner of the room at the bottom, on some crates.
5]: Room with crates, before the blue surveillance room where you
    see the prison cell Carrington is inside.
6]: Guard's Quarters [before the Utility Room]. In one of the lockers.
7]: The Utility Room before you crawl through the vents to get to
    Carrington's Cell.

Full MedKit Locations:
1]: The same room Carrington's Cell is located, on a table.

Armoured Vest Locations:
1]: First Hallway Guard's Restroom - First room to the left of the
    office. Inside the left metal cabinet.
2]: The same room Carrington's Cell is located, near a table.

Armoured Helmet Locations:
1]: First Hallway Guard's Restroom - First room to the left of the
    office. Inside the right metal cabinet.

- - - - -

Document Pickups Available: White House Documents

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Set General Carrington free.
- Eavesdrop on the conversation.
- Find General Carrington's Cell.
- Escort Carrington to the exit.

* General Carrington must not die.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

Now that you are successfully inside the Military Base, you can now try
your best efforts to rescue General Carrington from his prison cell further
inside the facility and then escape by any means possible.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

Once the level starts, crouch down and head left into the vent. If you cannot
see through the vents very well, adjust the brightness in the options menu.

Move straight and punch the mesh blocking the vent. Turn left and then
continue following the vent until you reach the next right turn, which leads
into a rather long corridor part of the vent. Now you need to Eavesdrop on
the conversation between Standwell and McCall inside the room nearby. This
objective is very easy, just sit the vent and listen to the conversation.
After they leave, you have passed the objective.

- Eavesdrop on the conversation.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Move to the very end of the vent and punch the mesh to the left, leading into
the room. There is hardly anything useful in this room except for the table
near the door containing a security surveillance console. Look directly at
the screen and a frame on the top will show the camera monitoring the outside
hallway. You will generally see a guard walking around at the designated
area, but there is in fact about another 2 guards in this hallway at the
other directions the camera cannot monitor. In addition, there is another
guard in the toilets to the right of the hallway who comes out if you alert
the guards using a loud weapon and another one to the far left of the
hallway - around the corner, hiding near the elevator - who camps there until
he sees you. The best approach to killing these guards is simply using the
Assault Rifle. The Crossbow can be used, but if you alert any guards, use
the Rifle! The various rooms around the hallway contain all sorts of good
pickups like Health Kits, Armour, Crossbow Ammo, M16 Ammo and Grenades.
Look carefully for them!

Once you are done exploring, go inside the elevator and press the button on
the wall to activate the elevator. This takes you up to the next floor. When
you reach the second floor, a guy standing at the front of the elevator gets
murdered as the elevator door opens. Turn right and move straight. There is a
small room ahead where a guard gets murdered. In this small room, you need
to obtain the Magnetic Keycard on the table, but all the doors on the current
floor are locked so you must find an alternative way in. Pay close attention
to the hallway on the left side because usually, an enemy comes from around
the far corner. There is also a second guard somewhere around the other side
of the hallway that you should kill. You need to look for shaft area you can
climb. From the Locked Double Doors that lead into the middle room, look to
the right and you should see the number 12 marked on the wall. Go here and
if you look to the left, there are some crates stacked leading to a small
vent. Jump up the crates, punch the mesh and crouch to get through the vent.
Climb the ladder until you reach the very top.

When you get to the top, get off the ladder into the small, narrow corridor.
In there, move straight until you can see another vent further down the
corridor. You need to punch the mesh again, but after you do, take out your
grapple hook. Stand on the small metal platform but do not bother 'sniping'
any enemies walking around below. Aim the grapple towards the big hook above
you at the middle of the big shaft. Once the grapple attaches to the hook
above, drop down from the platform. When the electricity disappears, quickly
click the left mouse button once to lower yourself down. At no point do you
press the mouse button again until you are clear of the electricity as this
is an instant kill hazard. Lower yourself enough so you have a perfect view
of the room, but do not drop down to the ground entirely just yet. While you
are hanging, pull out your Assault Rifle and kill both guards walking around
the room. Once done, pull out your grapple again and continue the safe descent
until you reach the actual ground. Alternatively, you can lower the grapple
all the way down to the ground while knocking out the patrolling enemy at
the middle of the room by landing on top of him, then using a weapon to
finish off the second guard.

You can obtain a Pistol and a Health Kit in this room, but the main reason for
being in the room is to get that Keycard! Go into the single door at the far
corner of the big room and get the Keycard. When you pick up the card, two
guards will start shooting at you towards the glass, which is fortunately
bulletproof, so you need to confront them after you leave the big room you are
in. Use the Keycard to open the Locked Double doors and kill the enemies that
appear from both sides of the hallway.

From the double doors, turn left into the hallway and follow it until you get
to the next door to the right. Once again, you need to use the keycard to
open it. Run into the next room and quickly pick up the shotgun ammo from the
table then hide near the stack of crates on the opposite side of the room.
You can find some health and shards of glass at the top of the stacked crates.
You can use the shard of glass to kill the guard looking at the surveillance
screens in the next room, but make sure you aim higher than his head to
achieve a headshot. Usually, a second guard may be close behind and will see
the first enemy being killed, so pull out a gun after throwing the glass.
Of course, you can just use guns for this whole part!

Run into the blue surveillance room were you can see Carrington being held
in a Cell on one of the security monitors. Exit the blue room through the
opposite exit and follow the next hallway. Keep moving through the
hallway, passing the dead body on the ground until you reach the first left
door. This leads into a rather big room which is the guards quarters and you
will see about three enemies lurk around this area. You will need to kill them
all. In this area, there are some ammo pickups and Dual 9mm Pistols inside a
metal cabinet at the far side of the room, closest to the door leading into
the toilet. There is also a health kit in one of the lockers and an important
document which is worth getting!

Once you have explored the area, exit from the way you came from and turn
left back into the hallway, opening the door at the end of the
hallway, walking into another utility room full of crates. There is also
some health available here.

Sometimes, whenever you enter the Utility Room or crawl through the vents
ahead and hear Carrington speak, you may enter a rather unusual 'flashback'
that only lasts for several seconds. You can see Carrington speak right in
front of you and you are able to move around as well, but as I mentioned, it
does not last for a very long time.

Now back to the actual level, when you are in the Utility Room, jump up the
stack of crates and crouch to access the vent at the corner of the room.
Crawl through the vent and turn left at the small dead-end. Move straight
down the long corridor part of the vent. When you reach the end of the
corridor, turn right and punch the mesh. This room contains the cell
Carrington is held in, but with also an enemy in front of it, with his back
turned towards you.

- Find Carrington's Cell.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Open the metal bar door behind the enemy and sneak up to him to break his
neck. Move back to the Cell and use the Lockpick to open the Prison Cell
door, releasing Carrington.

- Set General Carrington free.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Take the full health and armoured vest near the table and move towards the
green door. Wait until Carrington opens it, revealing a large hallway area.
You need to kill several enemies coming from both directions, but after you
have killed them, turn right from the green door and move straight until
you reach the big green doors that shut in front of you. You can also follow
Carrington if you do not know which way to go.

At the end of the hallway, turn right and move straight up the narrow
corridor and up the stairs. The two frames on the top of the screen shows two
more enemies guarding both sides of the stairs. The enemy on the left side
will run down towards you so be prepared to kill him. You can kill the second
guard camping on top of the right pair of stairs but you can ignore him as
you just need to go up the left stairs. Keep following the corridor after
going up the stairs to reach a green door labeled 'Cable Car Station Access'
to end the mission.

- Escort Carrington to the exit.
Status: **COMPLETE**

- General Carrington must not die.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Submissions: \____________________________________

The following submission has been submitted by "RkSpade".

- When you are in the vent and you hear Carrington talk about his ‘damn
  cigars’, go in the Oopposite direction of Carrington. There you will find
  an armoured helmet and a full medkit.

 * * * Mission 09 * * *    /   "Emerald Military Base - Extraction"       [G09]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Emerald Military Base Cable-Car Station, Appalachian Mountains
Time : 7:00 pm

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: 9mm Pistol
                          Assault Rifle
                          Pump Action Shotgun
                          Sniper Rifle

MedKit Locations:
1]: Inside the Cable-Car Station. Located at the room with the Fuse-Box.
    On top of a table.
2]: Inside the Cable-Car Station. Near the first MedKit. Located at the
    room next to the room with the Fuse Box. On top of a table.
3]: Located at the building with the Fuse. Inside a metal cabinet.

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Use the Cable-Car to leave the base.
- Put fuse in the Circuit Breaker.
- Activate Cable-Car.
- Rejoin Carrington in front of the Cable-Car Cabin.

* General Carrington must not die.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

Now that you have successfully rescued General Carrington from the Military
Base, the Cable-Car is your only means of escape. Use the aid of Carrington
to help you activate the Cable-Car as quickly as possible.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

Once the level starts, follow General Carrington until he stops nearby the end
of the metal fence. When you stop, you are shown some frames of some enemies
that are not too far away. There are two buildings in this area, the one at
the middle is the Cable-Car Station. There is another to the right, near the
cliffs which is the storeroom that has something of vital importance to the
mission. Stick to the cliffs and move straight towards the storeroom to the
right. You cannot enter the building for the time being because you need a
Magnetic Keycard to open the door. Inside the building is the fuse required
to activate the power to the Cable-Car. You need to come back to this building
once you retrieve the Card from one of the enemies else where in the level.

Move left and head towards the Cable-Car Station. Shoot the two enemies
patrolling the front entry. There is a third enemy, to the left of the
building, further away near the gates, but he usually sees you fight the other
enemies and then runs towards you. Shoot him! Enter inside the Cable-Car
Station and kill the two enemies guarding the lobby area of the building.
Move right, opening the small metal door blocking the entry and go into one
of the two doors on the right wall. Walk up the narrow passageway and enter
through the door at the opposite side. Inside this room is an enemy you must
kill quickly. This is the enemy who holds the Keycard to the storeroom with
the fuse, so take it from his dead body. If you look near the door as
well, you will see the Fuse Box which you need to plug the Fuse in once you
get it. The box is highlighted with a white rectangle if you cannot see it.
If you need health, there is a kit on the table and another one at the next

Backtrack to the storeroom building and open the door by swiping the Key Card
across the console near the door. When you are inside, take the fuse from
the table and the health from the cabinet if you need it. General Carrington
runs to the entry of the building telling you that Major Jones is waiting
down below. Several seconds later, Carrington hears some enemies approaching
so make sure you have got your Assault Rifle out and stay next to Carrington.
Only three enemies run towards you, two from the left side near the cliffs
and one from the right. Once you have killed the three enemies, hopefully
with Carrington still alive, follow Carrington towards the entry of the
Cable-Car Station. He then informs you to plug the fuse back in the Fuse Box.
Make your way back to the room with the Fuse Box and put the fuse inside it
to pass the objective.

- Put fuse in the Circuit Breaker.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Go back to the lobby area of the Cable-Car Station [the main room] and go to
the opposite side of the room to the door at the middle of the wall. Open
it, turn right and move up the stairs to the top area. Walk around the
opposite side of the walkway and go inside the small building to reach the
controller for the Cable-Car. Press the action button to activate the

- Activate Cable-Car.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Make your way back to the lobby area and meet Carrington at the Loading Area
of where the Cable-Car arrives. He will briefly talk to you once again and
suddenly, he will shout out "Look out!" ... "Behind you". Turn around
instantly and you will see an enemy storm towards you from the door to the
left. Kill him and a second enemy runs through the door on the opposite side
of the room.

- Rejoin Carrington in front of the Cable-Car Cabin.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Once those enemies are eliminated, go back to Carrington, who is hiding around
the corner near the Cable-Car. He gives you a Sniper Rifle before he runs into
the Cable-Car. Follow him into it to finish this mission.

- Use the Cable-Car to leave the base.
Status: **COMPLETE**

- General Carrington must not die.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Submissions: \____________________________________

The following submission has been submitted by "Neil H.".

- The keycard you need to get into the storeroom to get the fuse is not on
  any set enemy. It is actually on the last guard you kill - whichever of the
  six guards you leave until last will have the keycard.

- - - - - - - - - -

The following submission has been submitted by "RkSpade".

- After Carrington gives you the sniper rifle, look around the edge of a
  platform until you find a ring ladder. Go down it and go towards the
  opposite column. Carefully go around it and up the column. Look down and
  you will see a trapdoor in the wall of the nearby wall. Jump down and open
  it. Crawl through and you will find another XIII document (the type that
  doesn’t show up in the documents).

 * * * Mission 10 * * *    /   "Rocky Mountains - Interception"           [G10]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Birds Eye Valley, Rocky Mountains
Time : 8:00 pm

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: Assault Rifle

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Escort Carrington to Jones's Helicopter.
- Delay the enemies.
- Board the Helicopter.

* Cover Carrington.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

You find yourself inside the Cable-Car with General Carrington.
Suddenly, additional enemy forces intercept your location and destroy the
Cable-Car. You need to protect General Carrington and escort him to Major
Jones's Helicopter, which is located up the hill - for extraction.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

When the level starts, you are attacked by a rocket that an enemy launched
from a Bazooka not too far away. This results in the Cable-Car being
'disabled' because of the rocket hitting the cable, which will snap
eventually. Carrington successfully escapes from the stranded Cable-Car and
awaits for you below at the ground. Climb up the red ladder to the top of
of the Cable-Car and use the grapple to attach yourself to the hook above.
Once you get off the Cable-Car, it will fall to the ground. Use the grapple
to descend towards the ground and meet up with Carrington.

Once you are on the ground, there will be a number of enemy forces running
towards you and Carrington, so take as much cover as possible. Try to stick
with Carrington so he is easier to keep alive and he is also helpful at giving
brief locations of the enemies whereabouts. When you hide behind the first
rock, there about three enemies straight ahead that run up towards you. Kill
these guys as quick as possible. Also use your Sniper Rifle to pick off the
annoying enemy with the Bazooka up the hill.

Once you killed the first bunch of enemies, follow Carrington to the tunnel
behind you and clear out about another three enemies using your sniper rifle.
When you kill the group of enemies, Carrington will ask if the area is
clear, then he will proceed to the left, around a corner to a trench. On the
way, he will shout out "SPADS 2 o'clock!". Look up the small ledge above and
you can clearly see an enemy shooting towards Carrington as he tries to hide.
Kill the enemy and Carrington will warn you of another Rocket Soldier further
ahead up on the hill. Quickly pull out your Sniper Rifle and shoot him down.
Also snipe a second enemy standing further down the trench.

After killing the guys, proceed up the trench. When Carrington stops again, he
warns you of more troops behind you. Look up the hill where the rocket soldier
was standing on and another two enemies will lurk around there. One of the
enemies jumps off the ledge to the ground so be quick! Continue following
Carrington until he stops once again. There are a few more enemies dead ahead
before you get to meet up with Major Jones.

- Escort Carrington to Jones's Helicopter.
Status: **COMPLETE**

At the worst possible time, Major Jones mentions that she has a problem
starting up the helicopter. You will need to cover both of them while they
try to fix the problem. There is a machine gun emplacement near the helicopter
that you can use to kill the enemies running up the hill you came from. You
need to kill about 8 to 10 enemies before you pass this objective. Make sure
you look at the surroundings because they can kind of creep up towards you.
Look to your left, right and straight ahead and you will be fine! Keep your

- Delay the enemies.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Once you've killed the enemies, leave the machine gun and board the chopper
to complete this mission.

- Board the Helicopter
Status: **COMPLETE**

- Cover Carrington.
Status: **COMPLETE**

 * * * Mission 11 * * *    /   "Kellownee Lake - Exploration"             [G11]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Kellownee Lake, Dark Valley, Rocky Mountains
Time : 5:00 am

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: MiniGun
                          Pump Action Shotgun
                          Hunting Shotgun

Full MedKit Locations:
1]: Inside the green boat near the start of the level.
2]: Inside the small hut, near the dead body. The part where Jones's
    Helicopter flies above you.

- - - - -

Document Pickups Available: XVII Documents

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Find the Chalet.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

You are dropped off at Kellownee Lake after receiving a message from one of
Carrington's allies, Kim, that she needs help as soon as possible. You are
required to find the Chalet she is currently taking cover inside. It is
somewhere in the area so look around carefully! She might be an important
source of information.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

From the start of the level, run straight and move to the right when you get
to the Y Junction. Keep walking until you can hear the guards ahead talking
to each other. Get your Magnum out and shoot them from a bit of a distance.
Once you have killed them, keep moving straight.

Move to the end of the trench area until you can hear more guards having
a conversation. Move through small group of trees to the left. Kill the two
enemies standing near the boats. The Mongoose who is in the Orange Boat
manages to escape so forget about him for now. Grab the full MedKit and the
important documents inside the green boat. Head upwards to the next
trench, between the two steep hills. Move straight a little and you will hear
more guards speak about the snowman they are building. There are two ways you
can take here. You can either turn right into the ice field or proceed
straight, where you can kill the enemies. For now, move straight! Kill the
three enemies and press the action button at the snowman. This reveals a
frozen, dead body.

Pass by the enemies you just killed and move towards the group of trees at the
middle of the path. Another two enemies run down near the trees. When you pass
the trees, merge to the right towards the slope that leads to a small hut and
a cliff. When you make it around here, Jones's helicopter flies by above you
and she informs you about the brief location of the Chalet. Grab the Full
MedKit from the small hut and backtrack to the previous Y junction. An enemy
appears behind you on the way back so kill him.

When you reach the Y junction, turn left into the ice field. Go down the slope
and jump on the numerous parts of ice. Avoid falling into the water or else
you will start to lose health fast! Merge to the left and keep jumping across
until you get to land again. You might want to also kill the two enemies who
run down the slope ahead. When you reach land again, move up the small slope.
After going up here, stick to the cliffs on the right and enter the narrow
passage. Make sure you stick against the hills to the right until you reach
the one enemy who is lost. Kill him! You now should be at a wooden lookout

To make the following part easier to mention, follow exactly what it informs
you here. Stand directly at the middle of the wooden lookout, facing to the
direction of the open area with the trees. Stand to the left side of the
tree, next to you at the middle. Now move completely straight, staying to
the left side of any big trees you pass. You should pass a second big tree
at the middle of the open area. When you reach this big tree, stop and look
the left about 45 degrees. You should be able to see a big log going up from
the ground to the top of a hill. Move close towards it and an in-game cutscene
should interrupt, showing about four or five enemies surrounding you.

This part is pretty easy, just use the trees as cover and shoot the enemies
one by one. Once you have killed them, go near the log that leads up to the
hill. You cannot climb it but I directed you here so it is easier to follow
the given directions. Face the log then look to your direct left, there
is another narrow passage near the hills.

Follow this passage and it eventually leads to the waterfall. Stick to the
ledge and quickly move across the waterfall. You will lose a bit of health
while you pass the water. When you get to the other side of the waterfall, an
enemy runs to the top of the hill at the opposite side. Kill him and continue
following the ledge.

At the end of the ledge, go right, around the corner and up the next slope.
Move up the straight and reach the end of it to pass the level.

- Find the Chalet.
Status: **COMPLETE**

 * * * Mission 12 * * *    /   "Kellownee Lake - Search & Rescue"         [G12]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Kellownee Lake, Dark Valley, Rocky Mountains

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: MiniGun
                          M60 Sub Machine Gun

MedKit Locations:
1]: Inside the cabin. Entry room, in the shelf.
2]: Inside the cabin. Entry room, in the shelf.
3]: At the back of the cabin. Outside - inside the outhouse.

Full MedKit Locations:
1]: Inside the cabin. The room to the right of the entry room.

Armoured Vest Locations:
1]: Inside the cabin. Entry room, in the shelf.

Armoured Helmet Locations:
1]: Inside the cabin. Entry room, in the shelf.

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Cover Kim's Escape.
- Find Jones and Carrington again.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

You have located the area of the Chalet. Now you need to rescue Kim in the
building before any enemies start to ambush the area - who would probably want
to try to kill her.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

Move straight and go around the left corner further away. From here, you can
easily see the cabin ahead. Enter the front entry of the cabin and you will
meet up with Kim.

Once you see her, another flashback occurs. This flashback has some important
elements of the story so pay close attention if you are really into it!
Towards the end of the flashback, Kim tells you there is a gun inside the
seat, at the entry room of the cabin - the one which you are currently in!

Once the flashback ends, some enemies decide to ambush the cabin. Kim runs
away to the back, so grab all the ammo you can see on the shelf, get the
M60 hidden inside the wooden seat, as you saw in the flashback and the full
health in the room to the right. Exit the cabin through the entry door [the
way you came from] and kill any enemies you can see in sight. Make sure you
have your M60 or else you cannot survive here! Be careful of the rocket
soldier up the hill straight ahead, as the rockets eat away your health
and armour when you get hit! You must look carefully around the hill area
for any enemies sneaking in to the right side of the Cabin. These enemies
may get really annoying after a while. Also, constantly look at the opening
straight ahead for anymore enemies that run in. There are numerous enemies
camping up the hills who all have automatics.

Once you have killed several enemies, an enemy helicopter flies nearby and
there are two enemies that try to shoot at you. Shoot directly towards them
and the helicopter and it will be destroyed in a matter of no time! Watch
out for any more enemies coming up straight ahead. If you are running low on
health, run back inside the cabin and use the MedKit's to replenish your
health. If you need to reload the M60 as well, do it inside the cabin.

Kill the enemies until you are messaged by Major Jones to evacuate via the
back of the cabin.

- Cover Kim's Escape.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Wait until the enemies shoot a few rockets at the cabin to create a opening at
the back of the building. Run back inside the cabin and exit through the
blasted hole.

Shoot a few more roaming enemies along the way, picking up the M60 ammo and
MedKit in the outhouse if you need it and keep moving straight. Keep walking
straight until you reach the steep cliff to the left, with various ledges
going down bit by bit. Go down the ledges until you reach the bottom.

You are now shown a frame of a rocket soldier shooting a rocket towards the
snow causing an avalanche. The snow from this avalanche causes you to become
stranded, hence ending the mission.

- Find Jones and Carrington again.
Status: **INCOMPLETE**

 * * * Mission 13 * * *    /   "Plain Rock Penitentiary - Detention"      [G13]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Plain Rock Penitentiary, outskirts of Plain Rock/Grand Canyon.

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: Combat Knife
                          9mm Pistol
                          Pump Action Shotgun
                          Sniper Rifle
                          Frag Grenade

MedKit Locations:
1]: Inside the room with the singing guard behind the meshed counter. On a
2]: Inside the small room in Prison Cell Block "G-A"
3]: Inside a small room to the right side of the big cylinder room in
    Block "F".

Full MedKit Locations:
1]: Inside the Prison Cell Block "G-B". Located at the cell with the open
    door, underneath a bed.

Armoured Helmet Locations:
1]: Inside the small room in Prison Cell Block "G-A"

- - - - -

Documents Available: XIII Document

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Follow the guards to avoid the baton blows.
- Escape from the high security area.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

You were knocked unconscious from the avalanche during the previous mission.
You now have been captured by some The Mongoose's mercenaries and they send
you in to a prison facility known as Plain Rock Penitentiary. You need to
find a way to escape from this facility before anything bad happens to you!

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

You are stuck inside a prison cell, next to a weird soldier. You have to
budge to listen to the soldiers funny lines until the two guards and the
neurologist, Doctor Johansson comes to the front of your cell. A little bit
later, The Mongoose arrives and joins in the conversation. Once they
leave, one of the guard's will open the cell door. Leave the cell and turn
right, moving towards the guard at the front, opening the next door. Stay
close to him when he moves or else you will get hit by the baton from the
guard behind, making you lose health slowly.

Follow the guards until you stop and reach the guy behind the meshed counter.
After the next conversation, one guard will walk down the hallway and opens
the door at the end for you. You need to walk inside here. Now that your all
by yourself in the room, you will just have to wait again. About a minute
later, two guards enter the room from the entry door. You can use the two
glass bottles on top of the tables when they start to fight you or you can
just punch them. Once you knock out the second guard, take his key and open
the door which is at the opposite side of the entry door. 

- Follow the guards to avoid the baton blows.
Status: **COMPLETE**

This leads into the janitors closet. There is a big stack of boxes going to
a vent above. You need to punch some of the brown cardboard boxes in the way
to be able to jump to the next box above. When you reach the top, crouch and
punch the mesh, crawling to the other side. You should now be standing on top
of a long vent shaft.

Walk along the shafts until you reach the first intersection. Turn left here
and walk straight until you get to the first shaft which goes to the right
direction. Go here and walk to the end of the shaft until it goes through the
wall. You will need to jump across to the shaft on the other side to continue.
If you fall off, go back into the janitors closet, climb up the boxes and walk
among the shafts again, back to the same area. When you make it to the other
side, follow the remaining of the vent shafts until you reach two vents
you can crawl inside. There is one on the left side with some mesh you need to
punch in order to get in and one to the right that is already open, containing
some combat knives and bricks. Once you pick up the items, go through the
vent at the other side. Crawl through the vent. While on the way, you will see
a guard above walking around the mesh on the floor. He can see you but he does
not do anything, so keep crawling until you reach the next room.

In the room, you will see the guard behind the meshed counter singing. Drop
down the vent shafts to the metal cabinet to the right side, then to the
ground. Stab the guard that is singing before he starts shooting you. Another
two guards will run inside the room so kill them too. Pick up the keys from
the three guards you just killed and also the health from the shelf at the
back of the room. Exit the room and turn right to the narrow hallway, leading
to the stairs. Unlock the first door using one of the keys.

After unlocking the first door at the top of the stairs, head straight until
you reach "Block G-A" which is labeled on the wall. Unlock the metal door and
head to the other door on the other side. This leads into a small room with
some pickups and an important document. You can also go into Prison Block
"G-B" to get some full health, but that is optional. Go back to the first
door you opened after going up the stairs, but instead, go either left or
right and unlock one of the doors. Both doors lead to the same area so it
does not matter. Walk up the next pair of stairs.

This leads into Block "F". There is a guard behind the next door and another
two guards behind the second door further ahead. Kill all of them and proceed
to the second door - picking up the keys from two of the dead guards bodies.
Watch out at the next area as the security have put the alert on an escaped
person - who is you! There are three guards at the second floor balcony, all
armed with shotguns. Use your pistol to kill all of these enemies and unlock
the door on the opposite side of the big room. You can pick up some Frag
Grenades and a Sniper Rifle if you go into the small room at the left side
of the cylinder room and a MedKit in the small room to the right side of the
cylinder room.

Go through the next door which is open and press the button at the corner to
activate the elevator. Passing by the rather unusual software engineer, you
now end up at the very top floor. Pass by the doors and you are now in
Area "A". There are also three guards with shotguns here so kill them. A
sniper is also up the guard tower ahead, at the middle of the area. Turn left
and head to the door not too far away. While you move to the door, another
guard pops up from the guard tower so you can kill him if you want to. Pass
the next two doors into the execution room area. In this room is a guard
hiding with a shotgun, so kill him and enter the execution chamber. Open and
pass the door on the other side. Follow the red line on the floor across to
the other side of the prison block. When you enter the next room, turn right
and crawl through the shaft area. When you get to the end of the first
straight, there is an escaped prisoner standing to the right shooting at you.
Kill him and turn to the left, towards the next room.

There is a big pipe going downwards in this room. It looks like a huge drop
but do not worry - at the bottom is water that is deep enough you can land
in without getting hurt! Drop down and when you reach the water, swim to the
surface and go through the shaft to the ladder. Climb up the ladder and
when you reach the top, the level ends.

- Escape from the high security area.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Submissions: \____________________________________

The following glitch has been submitted by "Jesse C.".

[This glitch occurs to the X-Box version of the game mostly].

- In Flat Rock if you go into the elevator with the software programer
  talking about the patch, sometimes, he doesn't say anything or is dead.
  When you finish the mission, the loading screen will come up and then it
  will say "The Disk is dirty or damaged" and it will shut the X-Box off.

 * * * Mission 14 * * *    /   "Plain Rock Asylum - Fugitive"             [G14]

*** Mission 14 = Plain Rock Asylum - Fugitive = Guide One ***
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Plain Rock Penitentiary

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: Combat Knife
                          9mm Pistol
                          9mm Pistol Silenced
                          .44 Magnum

MedKit Locations:
1]: Computer room near the start of the level. On top of a table.
2]: After the three ward rooms. Inside the room with the medicine cabinets.
    On top of a table.
3]: Inside the room you verse Doctor Johansson.

Full MedKit Locations:
1]: Inside the room you verse Doctor Johansson.

- - - - -

Documents Available: XX Document

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Find a way to get out of the Asylum.
- Use the hostage to get past the checkpoint.

* Do not kill the Medical Staff. 

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

Now that you have successfully escaped through the High-Security sector of
the prison facility, you find yourself at the asylum area of the prison.
In this area, prisoners that have severe mental disabilities or problems get
sent to be re-habilitated or to be 'examined' by the arrogant and
devious, Doctor Johansson. It is your job to escape from the prison for once
and for all! Find any means possible to leave the complex!

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

Walk straight and open the first door. Turn right near the double doors and
open the door to the left side of the wall. You will end up in a small
computer room with some health you can collect on the table to the left. Exit
the room through the door to the left side, then move to the door straight
ahead. You will notice that it is locked so you will need to return here
later. Turn around and turn left at the hallway and follow it until you reach
the door that requires a Magnetic Card to unlock it. You can look through the
door to see the Receptionist and Doctor Michael talking to each other. Stick
around the locked door until they both finish talking, then move back to the
door that was locked behind you around the corner. It is now unlocked by a
guard who entered inside the room during the conversation.

Kill the guard in the room and take his silenced pistol. There is also a
Magnetic Keycard you can use to open the door you were looking through during
the conversation earlier on. Go back to the other locked door and swipe the
card against the console to open it. Ahead from the door is a map mounted on
the wall, showing all the rooms inside the area. Try to remember the map to
use as a reference for this level.

Try to avoid the receptionist from seeing you, so she cannot activate the
alarm, by crouching against the counter. It does not really matter if you get
caught anyway, just kill the group of enemies that run inside the room. Go to
the opposite side of the room and use the Keycard again to open the next see
through door. Turn left and follow the corridor until you reach a big open
hallway to the left. There are some guards that patrol the hallway area, so
kill any you see before they manage to activate the alarms. Each alarm that
is activated sends out more guards from different areas.

Go through the first door to the right to get inside the ward area. Look to
the left and open the next door leading to the second ward room. Go through
to the next door leading to the third ward and punch the doctor. Go to the
next door that leads to the room with the medicine cabinets. In this room is
another MedKit. Exit back to the main hallway through the door at the middle
of the room [the other door is locked]. Turn right and head towards the other
end of the hallway, opening the double doors.

You cannot open the door leading to Doctor Johansson's area just yet, but
turn right for now and follow the hallway and open the next door to the
right - the incinerator room. To exit this room, leave through the door to
the left. Go into the room in the middle, where you can hear the doctor and
nurse talking to each other. Punch them out!

At the back of the room are big shelves that they keep the dead bodies
inside. Most of them are empty, but above the shelves is a vent shaft.
You need to get inside this shaft to continue on with the level. Open all the
shelves you can in the middle section and jump to the higher one until you
reach the top. Punch the mesh and crawl inside the shaft. While crawling
through the shafts, a poor nurse is stuck purposely inside a cell thanks to
Doctor Johansson - but in my opinion, I find it a little funny :) Get to the
end of the shafts and you will find yourself in the roof area above Doctor
Johansson's clinic. Walk around the perimeter of the roof and move to the end
[the opposite side from where you entered the roof area]. The ceiling will
then break, making you fall down to the room the Doctor is in.

Doctor Johansson will then start attacking you with knives. Move around and
use your guns first to get headshots, making him lose health quicker. If you
get too close to the Doctor, he will pull out a syringe with some serum
inside it. If he manages to inject it into you, you get a little dizzy and the
screen tints green for several seconds, but you do not lose too much health!
If you are also holding any weapons while you get injected, sometimes you
accidentally drop the weapon. If you try to back away from him while he is
holding the syringe, he runs extraordinarily fast so keep hurting him or run
around obstacles to slow him down. If the Doctor is at the back of the
room, sometimes he will go to the small medicine cabinet and will start
throwing bottles. Getting hit by the bottles do not make you lose too much
health either! Perhaps the attack he commits that causes the most damage is
the knife slash, which he only does when you are very close to him, so do not
stay too close to him for long - only when you need to attack him up close!

There are three places in the room that you can get Knife pick ups from. The
table near the dead person, the back of the room near the Full MedKit and the
desk in his small office. If you are low on health, grab the two MedKits
located at the back areas of the room.

Once Doctor Johansson is dead, grab the key from his dead body. You then find
out that Doctor Johansson is actually Number XX.

Before unlocking the door to the cell the nurse is stuck inside, go to the
small office at the corner of the room. Behind the desk is a painting in the
middle and behind this painting is a safe. Wait until a flashback starts very
shortly. When the flashback finishes and you snap out of it, the painting is
moved upwards, leaving the safe exposed. Use the key you picked up from the
Doctor to open the safe. Grab all the items that got taken from you and the
important document inside. Also pick up the cell key and move towards the cell
the nurse is stuck inside.

Open the cell door to let the nurse outside. The nurse, who's name is
Karen, generously lets you take her hostage since there are some guards
closing in to your position. Exit through the door that just got opened by the
guard. Remember to face the hostage towards the guards at all times. Before
you pass the first guard, pull out any weapons and shoot the guards heads so
you can kill them fast! This can make the task less daunting. Look left and
kill the second guard down the hallway. Move straight and open the double
doors leading to the big hallway again.

There are more guards here, so walk by and kill any guards you see until you
get to the other end of the hallway. Go back to the reception area and then
the Receptionist panics, forcing the guard behind the protective glass at the
exit to open the doors. Kill this last guard and move towards the ambulance to
finish the level. You have successfully escaped the prison!

- Use the hostage to get past the checkpoint.
Status: **COMPLETE**

- Find a way to get out of the Asylum.
Status: **COMPLETE**

- Do not kill the Medical Staff.
Status: **COMPLETE**


The following mission guide is submitted by "Lukio".

- - - - -

*** Mission 14 = Plain Rock Asylum - Fugitive = Guide Two ***

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

Go directly out of the showering room, watch the doctor pass along to your
right through the doors. Move on forwards and go through the double door.
Enter the next door on your right-hand side. In this room you will find a
small med pack. Go through the left exit of this room. A conversation
between the nurse and the doctor runs along.

XIII will have a sixth sense vision. Go back into the room where you came
from, grab the chair. Go through the door on the back, you will see that
ahead of you a guard is standing to the back with you. Sneak to him and smash
him with the chair. You get a silencer for the 9mm and some ammo. To switch
between dual pistols and the one with the silencer, press the 
button. Grab the keycard to the right.

Leave the room, go left, then right and approach the key reader with the
keycard. Crouch and move along the reception. Avoid being seen by the nurse.
Use the keycard on this security door. Enter the room adjacent and kill the
guard with the silencer.

There is some ammo and a .44 Magnum to be picked up. Leave the room and go
to your right. Carefully wait until both guards are almost out of sight.
Quickly enter the next room. Pick up the medkit. Now pass through this room
to the next one, you will see a doctor. Grab the broom and smash him. In the
next room ahead and there might be a guard. Dismiss him silently. When you
can't move any further, look through the windowed-door. Wait for a guard to
pass by or stop in front of it.

Open it, shoot twice silenced, grab the body, bring it into the room and
close the door. Now go back to the other rooms and do the same until no
guards are left in the hallway. Now freely move throughout the hallway. On
the very end of the hallway you will enter the morgue. Smash the broomstick
or chair on the two doctors, pull out the drawer to the right of the one
already pulled out. Yes the drawers as stair and go to the grate. Smash the
grate and pass through.

You will arrive in a ceiling area of an operating room. Move around between
the cables until you get closer to the dome in the middle. A sequence will
occur, XIII drops through the ceiling into the operating room. Doctor
Johannson stops "working" on the patient and tries to kill you. He throws
throwing knives and glass bottles with acid towards you, but as soon as you get
too close, he will stab you with a shot of hallucinating drugs. Also there will
be a health meter for Johannson. Move around a lot to your left and right.
Avoid him coming to close at you. Best tactic is to keep a safe medium distance
and using your shotgun.

After you killed him, there are several throwing knives and med packs in the
room. You will also find a key. Go to the picture at Johannson's work desk.

After the vision, use the key with the safe in the wall. XIII will retrieve
his basic equipment and some other key. With this key you open up the left
padded cell to free the woman, the prisoner will not harm you. Reload your
guns and take the nurse as a hostage.

Slowly move back through the hallway, dismissing any appearing guards. Move
all the way to the reception desk near the start of the level. The nurse will
demand that the guard between the sliding doors opens them. Kill him for that.

Now approach the ambulance, do not release your hostage. Once you get near the
ambulance, the mission will end.

 * * * Mission 15 * * *    /   "Plain Rock Canyon - Getaway"              [G15]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Plain Rock Canyon
Time : 4:00 pm

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: .44 Magnum
                          Ak-47 Kalash
                          Pump Action Shotgun
                          Sniper Rifle
                          Frag Grenade

MedKit Locations:
1]: Near the ambulance, at the start of the level.
2]: After the second ledge you use the grapple to get on. On top of a crate.
3]: After the first tunnel you pass. Turn left after exiting the tunnel
    and walk straight until you reach the dead-end. On top of a crate.
4]: After the first tunnel you pass. Near the old structure the second
    Bazooka Soldier is standing on.

Full MedKit Locations:
1]: From the fourth 'Normal' MedKit location, take the first cable across to
    the opposite side. Do the same to the second cable to the left of the
    first cable, until you reach the ledge, which contains the health.

Armoured Vest Locations:
1]: After the second ledge you use the grapple to get on. On top of a crate.
2]: At the same location as the first 'Full' MedKit

Armoured Helmet Locations:
1]: After the second ledge you use the grapple to get on. On top of a crate.

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Find the mine entrance to rejoin Jones.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

After successfully escaping the prison facility, but incidentally crashing
into a ditch, you now need to escape from the area as quick as possible!
The surprises that wait for you ahead is anything but good! Major Jones will
be able to aid you in escaping the canyons.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

After being commented by Karen the nurse, grab the MedKit and move forward
until you reach the dead-end. Look above and there is a hook which you can
use your grapple on. When you get to the higher level, proceed forward. If
you have any ammo for your magnum, pull out the weapon for now.

Drop down to the lower area and move forward, merging left at the corner.
Hide behind the rocks, where there is some 5.56mm ammo. Use your magnum to
pick off the two enemies ahead. One of them is standing up the top of a ledge
and another at ground level. Kill both of them and pick up the Kalash from
the dead body at the ground. Keep moving straight. When you go around the
corner, there is another grapple hook above, but do not go up just yet. A
sniper runs on top of the arch the hook is on - so kill him and hopefully he
falls to the ground so you can pick up his Sniper Rifle. Stay at the same
place still and use the Sniper Rifle to focus at the ledge area further ahead
from the arch. There is another enemy with a Kalash hiding near the ledges
who pokes his head out now and then. Try to at least kill him then use the
grapple to travel up to the higher area.

Move straight until you reach the next corner. A frame pops up showing three
Bazooka soldiers getting ready around the corner, so do not get the pick ups
on top of the crate right away. Use your Sniper Rifle, move around the corner
a little until you can see the enemy and kill him. Move across to the health
and armour pick ups on top of the crate. When you move to the front of the
crate, you can see another Bazooka soldier at the very top ledge to the left
of the cliff. Snipe him! Move around the next corner until you can see the
last Bazooka soldier on the ledge to the right, next to the propeller.
Kill him and go around the bend and up the slope, killing the next enemy
standing in the way. Go up the slope, walking on the ledge until you reach
the three arches that go side to side. When you are about to reach the first
arch that goes to the right ledge, an enemy appears at the opening closest
to the third arch. Kill him and go up the third arch to the left side again.
Jump to the second [or middle] arch so you can get up to the edge of the
cliff, where you just killed the enemy.

There is a crate here with some Shotgun ammo and Frag Grenades. Go around
the corner until you reach the ledge that drops down to the lower levels of
the canyon. When you reach the checkpoint in this area, make sure you
quick save. Try to kill the patrolling enemy below with a grenade. While you
are up the highest level, use the Sniper Rifle or another accurate weapon
to kill the enemies shooting from the far side of the area. Once you have
killed them, go down the winding slopes to the lowest possible area.

When you arrive at the lowest point, move straight and crouch underneath the
arch blocking the way. Stand up again after passing the arch and move towards
the tunnel opening straight ahead. When you enter the opening, more frames
show  helicopter flying around the exit area of the small tunnel - you do not
have to worry about it, just ignore it! Follow the tunnel and a frame shows a
Bazooka Soldier nearby. He is up on a high ledge which can be easily seen when
you get near the exit of the tunnel. Shoot him. Be extremely careful as you
leave the tunnel, because to the immediate right, near the old wooden
structure is another Bazooka Soldier up the slope, who is ready to fire.
This soldier seems to be a bit more accurate with the rockets. Hopefully if
you have an accurate weapon with you like the Magnum, Sniper Rifle or even
the Kalash on burst fire mode, you could quickly pick him off while he is
reloading - the best tactic possible!

When you kill the Bazooka Soldier, turn to the left trench first, arriving
at the dead end where there is some health on top of a crate, then backtrack
up to the old structure the second Bazooka Soldier was standing next to. Pick
up the health kit here. Also kill the enemy on the opposite side of the cliffs
before taking the cable across to the other side - where the enemy was just
standing. To use the cable, just stand next to the cable pole and press the
action button to fly across the cable. You can also return back and fourth
with these cables which is an added advantage!

Once you get off the first cable, you can either go left to the cable nearby
to get some health, armour and rocket pickups on the ledge at the other side
or you can just go right and follow the ledge until you reach the next cable.

If you go right, follow the ledge until you reach the next bit of cable.
Near the pole is an enemy to kill and also another rocket pickup if you
walk to the end of the ledge. Attach yourself to the cable and glide down
to the lower area of the canyon. Once you go down this cable, you cannot go
back up!

Pull out a powerful weapon and look out to the middle area. There is another
Bazooka soldier standing next to the bazooka ammo on the other side. Kill
him quick and drop down to the ammo. Pull out your Bazooka and go up the small
slope ahead. When you reach the top of the small slope, there is a surprise
further ahead! About four or five enemies are frantically circling around the
area so shoot one or two rockets to kill all of them! Move downwards near the
corner and just camp here for a little while. Every so often, groups of
enemies enter around the corner. As soon as you see them appear, fire the next
rocket. This usually kills the group of enemies in one go! When you have
killed several more enemies, go around the corner, picking up the rocket ammo
on the way and kill the two enemies further ahead, near the crate with the
armoured vest on it. You can now pull out another lighter weapon and pick up
the vest on the crate.

Go up the slope nearby and when you get to the first corner of the slope, turn
around and look towards to the cable pole not too far ahead. There is an enemy
waiting here, so kill him and get to the pole. When you reach the pole, kill
the enemy on the opposite side, near the mine entrance.

Take the cable across to the other side and enter the mines. When you are
inside the mines, go down the first straight and turn left at the T junction.
If you turn right, this leads to an empty room which is pointless! Once you
turn left, head towards the planks of wood blocking the way. 

Punch the three planks of wood and move forward a little. When you do this, the
mission is completed.

By the way, if you look behind before completing the mission, the entrance
of the mine collapses!

- Find the mine entrance to rejoin Jones.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Submissions: \____________________________________

The following submission has been submitted by "John F.".

- In this level, when you die, the level 'resets'. In other words, if you
  collected any armour or health pickups before you died, they will
  reappear if you have passed a checkpoint in the level. This includes all
  armor, ammo, and first aid kits that were present earlier.  For most levels
  the check points will not allow this, but in the canyon at check point 2 or
  3, you can run back and pick up extra ammo. To get more, all you have to do
  is die again. The level will reset, and you start with the ammo, and health
  that you had before.

 * * * Mission 16 * * *    /   "Grand Canyon Valley - Escape"             [G16]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Plain Rock Canyon
Time : 5:00 pm

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: .44 Magnum
                          Ak-47 Kalash
                          Pump Action Shotgun
                          Sniper Rifle

MedKit Locations:
1]: Near the start. After you go down the first cable wire.
2]: After grappling for the first time. Move right, on the ledge to a
3]: Drop down the ledges in the valley by going in-between the two ramps
    at the dead-end. Near some Sniper Rifle ammo.
4]: Front ledge of the ruins.

Full MedKit Locations:
1]: On the top of a slope, near the entrance of the ruins.

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Jones has hidden an airplane away. Find it.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

After tirelessly moving along the various obstacles that nature has to offer
with the mix of enemies furiously waiting to pound you, Major Jones has
managed to set an extraction area for you to escape. She is waiting for you
at an area further ahead, inside a Harrier Jet. If you can pull it off for
long enough, you just might be able to make it alive! Watch out for any steep
areas that you can fall off if you are not careful!

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

From the start of the level, move up to the planks of wood and punch out each
individual one. Go through the gap and move right, towards the hole in the
wooden structure, blocked by more planks of wood. Go outside the structure
once you are done.

When you approach the first cable pole, you will hear some enemies speaking
below. Do not worry about them for now! Just go across to the other side
using the cable as quick as possible. Grab the rockets, health and sniper
ammo nearby. Go down the slope near the cliffs. Try to avoid falling off!
About halfway through the slope, stop and pull out the Sniper Rifle. Pick off
the two Bazooka Soldiers and other two enemies near the mine cart at the end
of the defunct track. You are now in a valley of the canyon.

Walk straight until you reach the ledge leading to the lower area, which goes
into a corner. Before you drop down, look upwards a little and there is a
sniper mounted on a ledge further away. Use the sniper rifle to kill him
then drop down. Go around the two corners of the bend and another Bazooka
Soldier runs to the same ledge the previous sniper was on. Kill him and
go around the next corner revealing yet again, a Bazooka Trooper up the
ledge, further away. Kill him and another enemy running around next to him.
Do not bother moving forward through the passage because it leads into a
dead-end. Relatively close from the corner you just went around is a grapple
hook on an arch right above you. Use the grapple to get on a higher ledge, to
the right side of the valley. Drop down to the ledge.

Proceed ahead on the ledge to where the last Bazooka Soldier you killed was
standing at. When you arrive here, two more enemies jump across the arch.
Kill them and stand at the ramp on your side of the arch. Do not bother
jumping to the other side as this leads to another dead-end. Instead, jump
down to the small narrow ledge below, between the two 'ramps' of the jump.
From here, go down the numerous ledges until you reach the ledge to the
left at which you can walk at. There are another few ledges going down to
the right, but these lead to the ground floor and we do not want to go
there just yet! There is a patrolling enemy on the ledge against the cliff
so kill him and grab the health at the end of the ledge. Now that you are
at a dead-end of the ledge, look down to the lower section where there are
another two enemies patrolling the area. Kill these guys and backtrack through
the narrow ledge.

Go down the remaining ledges to the ground [the lowest area]. While walking
down here, pull out a weapon like the Magnum. Walk past the rock pillar and
go up the first ladder. Major Jones now informs you that you are getting
closer to the airplane. Go up the second ladder to reach the top. When you
get to the top, kill the enemy straight ahead and move towards the ladder to
the far right.

This ladder leads to the ruins. Once you climb the ladder, you need to first
kill the Bazooka Soldier to the left ruined building and another two soldiers
to the right ruined building. Once you have killed them, move towards the two
dead enemies on the right building. When you reach this building at the
corner, look and move left towards the next ruined building, which is
in-between the two other ruined buildings. When you are about to climb the
ladder inside the ruins, an enemy jumps out to surprise you. Kill him and
climb the ladder.

When you reach the next level, turn right at the ledge, but do not bother
going up the slope nearby. Stick to this ledge and it leads to the second
floor of the ruined building at the first corner. When you get close to
it, another guard surprises you again. Kill him, look left inside the building
and punch or shoot the wooden planks blocking the crawl space. Crawl through
into the next room. In this room, you need to crawl through another hole
that leads into a small tunnel.

After you leave this tunnel, move down the slopes and head towards the Harrier
Jet to the right. When you get close to the jet, one last enemy makes an
appearance at the top of a high hill, directly behind you.

Kill the enemy and get in the Harrier to finish this rather exhausting
collection of levels.

- Jones has hidden an airplane away. Find it.
Status: **COMPLETE**

 * * * Mission 17 * * *    /   "SPADS Military Base - Covert Operation"   [G17]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : SPADS Camp, Calaveritan Island, Mexico
Time : 7:00 am

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: Assault Rifle

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Infiltrate the SPADS camp.

* Avoid being spotted.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

Safely extracting from the Grand Canyons after the daring prison escape, there
is no time to relax. Major Jones is aware of a secret meeting being held at
an island, off the coast of Mexico at a SPADS Camp. The meeting will consist
of the leader of the SPADS Camp, Colonel McCall and a few other conspirators.
You need to insert at the outskirts of the base and infiltrate into the inner
area of the camp, to record the meeting.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

You start at the back of the green boat, facing towards the guard tower with
the spotlight ahead. You need to avoid the actual spotlight when you go near
it, or else you will fail the mission.

Jump off the boat into the water. Major Jones will tell you that there is a
sewerage drain underwater, underneath the watch tower. You can stay afloat on
the surface or dive underwater, but if you are staying underwater, make sure
you come up every now and then so you can take a breath, or else you will die.
The counter on the bottom of the screen shows you how long you have got before
you run out of oxygen.

For now, it is probably best to go underwater. Move straight, towards the
spotlight, avoiding it even if you are underwater and swim until you can see
the sewerage tunnel entry just to the left of the actual spotlight. Go up the
surface again to take a breath before swimming through the tunnel. Once you
get to the opposite side of the tunnel, you end up in an open area with
two guards at the walkway above. You are also shown a hook which you can use
your grapple on to get up the walkway. Wait until the two guards walk off and
use the grapple to get up. Make sure you are directly underneath the hook so
you can get up! Swing and jump on towards the platform with the black and
yellow striped markings.

There are three doors in this room. You cannot open any of them in this area!
For now, move to the door on the opposite side from the platform you landed
on. Near the door is a console that controls on of the tunnel doors further
ahead. Press the action button to activate the switch, opening a door in
the sewerage tunnel. As soon as you put the switch on, pull out your pistol!
A guard walks from the door at the opposite side, from the left. He walks
near the door closest to you before he turns around and walks away. Hide at
the side of the console closest to the crates so he cannot see you and once
he turns around, kill him using the pistol.

Go back to the platform you landed on using the grapple. Jump down to the
water again and turn right, entering another sewerage tunnel. This sewerage
tunnel is relatively long, so you cannot pass it in one breath. While swimming
down the long straight, turn into the first right tunnel and surface up the
water to take another breath. There are another two guards above talking
on the metal walkway, but you can just swim off and turn right back into the
straight of the tunnel. When you are reaching towards the end of the
tunnel, a white rectangle highlights where you have to leave the tunnel. It
is a small gap on top of the tunnel. Use this to exit the tunnel.

Exit the mini-tunnel into the huge valley area. Whatever you do, do not fall
off! It is a pretty steep valley! There are two walkways above with one guard
patrolling each one. This is your best chance to pick them off with the
Crossbow from the ledge you are currently standing on! You will notice that
they do not stop moving, so if you want to try them to stop, fire a shot next
to them so they are aware of your position. They look towards your direction
but because they cannot actually see you properly, this gives you time to
shoot them at the head while they are standing completely still. Shoot both
guards and use the grapple on the first hook. Swing far enough so you are
able to safely land on the first ledge, which is closest to the second grapple
hook. Do the same thing for the second grapple hook. When you make it to the
last ledge, turn right into the small passage.

When you get towards the end of the passage, you will hear Standwell and
McCall in a conversation. You can safely leave the passage and eavesdrop on
the conversation if you wish, but stay crouched just incase. Once the
conversation is done, move towards the shaft in the ground that has smoke
coming out of it.

Punch the mesh blocking the shaft and climb down the ladder. When you get to
the bottom, Jones tells you to plant the bug inside the tent McCall goes in.
Crawl through the vent to finish this part of the mission.

- Infiltrate the SPADS camp.
Status: **COMPLETE**

- Avoid being spotted.
Status: **COMPLETE**

 * * * Mission 18 * * *    /   "SPADS Military Base - Sabotage"           [G18]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : SPADS Camp, Calaveritan Island, Mexico

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: 9mm Pistol Silenced
                          Assault Rifle

MedKit Locations:
1]: At the first open area. In-between the second and third buildings.
    behind some crates.
2]: At the first open area. Inside the guard's booth at the far side gate.
3]: At the first area. After you pass the first warehouse. Inside the brick

Full MedKit Locations:
1]: At the second open area. Inside the second warehouse next to the
    truck which is being repaired.
2]: Inside the beige tent. Near the back entry

- - - - -

Documents Available: XIII Document
                     XIII Document
                     Pentagon Document

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Hide the spy microphone in Colonel McCall's tent.
- Find Steve Rowland's military file and blow up the ammunition hangar.

* Discreetly eliminate the SPADS around the beige tent.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

You have successfully penetrated the outer area of the base. Now you need
to make a stealth entrance towards the tent where the secret meeting will
be held at. Avoid the guards from activating the alarms, which will
ultimately compromise your mission.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

From the start, move straight along the water until it is deep enough to swim
in. Swim all the way to the very end of the tunnel and surface up the water
where you can see the start of the ladder to the left wall. Climb up the
ladder once you have surfaced, into the shower room. Move up to the next door
until you can hear the soldier shout "I got it. Fly! His name was Jason Fly!".
This leads into another short flashback revealing aspects of your identity.

Once the flashback has ended, open the door and go into the next room. Grab
the silencer from the cabinet ahead and also the crossbow ammo at the cabinet
to the right. Exit the room with your Crossbow pulled out. Stick nearby the
open green door so you can see the watch tower ahead and the singing guard to
the left. Firstly, kill the guard on top of the watch tower and then kill the
singing guard. Stay near the door and aim your Crossbow towards the green
door, to the right of the singing guard you just killed. Several seconds
later, a guard opens the door and should see the dead person on the floor.
He will run towards the body, so you must kill him here very quickly!
Once you killed the third guard, continue waiting until a fourth guard
runs from your side of the area to investigate the dead bodies. Also kill him
quickly before he runs off for the alarm! Lastly, continue to wait until the
last guard, who runs out of the green door the third guard came out of runs
towards the dead bodies. Kill him too :S
Now you got a nice pile of dead bodies to look at!

Leave the door and move to the open area, avoiding the spotlight of course!
If you want to, you can actually shoot the spotlight! Look and move to the
left, between the second and third buildings, to pick up a MedKit behind some
crates. Go back to the open area and turn left. Move straight to the guard
booth at the far gate. There is also another MedKit here and some important
documents. Head towards the green door at the Warehouse on the opposite side
of the area, to the left of the watch tower. Pull out your silenced pistol
now. When you enter the room, move left and kill a guard that you might see
walking around the far side of the room. Go through the next door at the
opposite side. Pull out your Crossbow again.

Snipe the guard ahead walking back and fourth to the brick fortification.
Also kill the guard to the direct right and the one further ahead patrolling
the metal door behind the bamboo trees. Once you have killed the three
guards, you can pick up a MedKit and Crossbow ammo inside the brick
fortification. There is also some pistol ammo behind the fortification.

Proceed towards the metal door mounted on the cliff. Open the first door
and walk through the small passage, opening the next door. It is suggested
to quicksave once you pass the Checkpoint!

You now end up in a second area with a few guards to kill. The best way
to killing the guards in this area is by setting a distraction. After
exiting the door, turn left and walk behind the first building. Pull out
the Silenced Pistol, go around the corner of the building and kill the two
guards talking to each other. Once they are dead, the last patrolling guard
in the area will see the dead bodies and will run towards them. When you
see him, shoot him with the Pistol before he gets to the alarm. When the
first three enemies are dead, use the Crossbow to kill the guard up the tower
and then shoot the spotlight. Continue moving behind the three other buildings
with the Pistol and go behind the guard who walks inside the guard booth.
Pop him at the head! Move towards the door at the next warehouse, near the
watch tower.

Enter inside the warehouse, but luckily this time, there is no guards inside
it. There is a Full MedKit and Pistol Ammo next to the truck being serviced.
Exit through the door on the opposite side of the warehouse. Major Jones
informs you that McCall is going to go inside the same tent he used during
Desert Storm, which is the beige tent at the middle of the area. Stand just
outside of the door you exited, pull out the Crossbow and quickly snipe the
first guard standing dead ahead. You can see his head above the crates in
front of you. He will start moving shortly so kill him quick! Move yourself
towards the green tent closest to you and look to the direction where the
truck is. Any second, a patrolling guard walks from the far corner, to the
left of the green truck. When he stops walking, kill him! Head towards the
side of the green truck ahead. Look to your left, towards the entry of the
beige tent at the middle. There is another enemy guarding the entry. Snipe
him! From the same position you are standing at, look to the left at the
watch tower at the far corner and kill the enemy in the tower. Once you kill
him, you have killed the four enemies guarding the area! Make sure you hide
the three bodies on the ground area behind the green tents scattered around
the area. After that, move towards the guard tower where you killed the last

Turn right when you are about to reach the tower and move towards the back
entry of the beige tent. To the right of the entry is a Full MedKit and
another important document, on top of the crates. Go around the back passage
of the tent and crouch through the hole to the front room with the desk.
Plant the microphone in the Intercom and crouch through the hole again, going
to the back passage. For the duration of the conversation, just make sure you
stay inside the back passage of the tent! Wait until the area is completely
clear before making your next move.

- Hide the spy microphone in Colonel McCall's tent.
Status: **COMPLETE**

The conversation includes a number of important aspects to the story regarding
about the different members of the conspiracy.

Once the conversation is over, pull out the silenced pistol and go to the front
area of the tent again. Pick up the Magnetic Card and documents before leaving
the front entry of the tent. Slowly walk out of the entry and to the right
is another guard standing very close to the entry. Use the pistol to kill him.
From the entry of the tent, move straight ahead to the next warehouse. There
is another enemy to kill who is guarding the locked door. Go to the door and
use the Keycard to open it. Go inside the warehouse to the next door at the
opposite side. Quicksave after passing the checkpoint.

Open the door and use the pistol to kill the three guards talking to each
other. You could use the Assault Rifle for this part for a full-on
assault, but you have a higher chance of the alarm being raised! But even
with the alarm raised in this area, you do not fail the mission! It just
becomes more annoying to kill the guards, especially the one on top of the

If you still want to go for the 'covert' approach, after killing the first
three enemies, pull out the Crossbow and kill the guard on top of the tower
ahead and shoot the spotlight. Move straight a little and look to the right.
There is another guard walking through the gap between the ammunition hangar
and the cliff. Kill him and look straight again. Ahead - between the two
buildings is a patrolling guard. Shoot him when he stops walking. Make your
way towards the ammunition hangar [the hangar with the big 'explosive' tag
painted on it]. You cannot open the front entry door, so go right and move
through the narrow gap near the building.

Go around the back and kill the two guards near the back entry. Once they
are dead, unlock the door using the lockpick. When you enter the first
room, an enemy walks up and down the passage leading to the next room. Wait
until you can see him before killing him. Try not to shoot any of the barrels
nearby. Go into the second room. Open the door on the other side of this room
and this leads to a small area of the hangar. This is where you place the

Press the action button to place the explosives at the highlighted area, which
ends this part of the mission once it has been activated.

- Find Steve Rowland's military file and blow up the ammunition hangar.
Status: **COMPLETE**

- Discreetly eliminate the SPADS around the beige tent.
Status: **COMPLETE**

 * * * Mission 19 * * *    /   "SPADS Military Base - Destruction"        [G19]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : SPADS Camp, Calaveritan Island, Mexico
Time : 10:00 pm

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: Assault Rifle
                          M60 Sub Machine Gun
                          Frag Grenade

MedKit Locations:
1]: Inside the first warehouse you enter.

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Escape from the camp.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

Now that you have gathered the information from the conspirators and Steve
Rowland's Military File and also destroying the weapons hangar, you now need
to make your escape! The enemies are aware of your presence so make sure
you are ready for some combat. You need to make it back to the green boat
in order to escape!

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

Once the level begins, kill the last surviving soldier from the explosion
using the Assault Rifle. After killing him, move straight towards the door
at the warehouse. Before your reach it, two enemies run in from nearby the
door so kill them and another two run through the door. Use the Assault Rifle
to kill them because the Machine Gun emplacement nearby is at a bad area.

After you kill the four enemies, wait a few seconds before two more enemies
run out of the door. Once you have killed them, run through the open door into
the warehouse, collecting all the ammo from the dead bodies you can! Exit
through the door at the opposite side. When you open the door, kill the two
enemies to the left of the green tent. Walk straight a bit more and kill the
enemy to the right of the green tent. Move straight towards the next warehouse
door. There are two enemies near the door talking to each other, so kill
them and three more enemies run out. Kill them all, enter the warehouse and
exit the opposite door.

When you open the door, Major Jones informs you the SPADS have found the green
boat you were going to use to escape the area. You now need to make an
alternate escape plan. Walk out to the open area and head straight, towards
the metal door mounted on the cliff face. If you do not know where to
go, follow the direction of where McCall and the enemy are speaking to each
other. Open the door and kill the enemy inside the passage. Open the next
door leading to the next area with the bamboo trees and kill all three enemies
lurking around. Move towards the next door at the warehouse. When you are in
the warehouse, exit through the other door into the first area of the base.

When you make it to this area, Colonel McCall wants to try to talk to you into
things, but it does not work. He will start shooting at you with his M60.
When he starts firing, he will run towards the far side, near the back of the
buildings. If you picked up a Grenade from one of the enemies dead bodies
earlier on the level - while McCall is staying at one place, throw the Grenade
near him, making him lose about half to three quarters of his health pretty
much instantly - but that is only if it hits him!

Use the Assault Rifle to finish him off! When he has low health, he will run
up towards you, making him extremely dangerous. You must kill him quickly when
he is nearly dead! Pick up the key from his body once you have killed him. You
also find out he is the identity of Number XI. Go to the left side of the
area, through the two big, blue doors that partially open.

Once you are in the small enclosed area, turn right and unlock the metal
door to complete this part of the mission.

- Escape from the camp.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Submissions: \____________________________________

The following submission has been submitted by "Charles M.".

- Another way to kill Agent McCall is to stand behind the small bunker and
  crouch so that he has to stop and shoot you accurately to inflict damage.
  Shoot him from far, taking most of his health away eventually and then just
  finish him off with the grenade.

- - - - -

The following submission has been submitted by "Matthias J.".

- Arcade (Easy) it is very simple to kill McCall in Arcade [easy] difficulty
  if you have good timing. Enter the leftmost of the barracks where you
  initially entered the area. Stay in the locker room and open the right part
  of the window. Hop into the stool and turn so you see down the alley between
  the barracks. Get your pistol and aim out of the window next to the edge of
  the neighboring barrack.

  You will see McCall running around behind the barracks starting from the
  watch house around the barracks up to behind the bathroom barrack. Then he
  will turn around and wait a short time to look down the alley. Every time he
  comes from the watch house you can see his "Tap Tap" from behind the
  neighbouring barrack. This is the time to shoot and then shoot again when
  he starts to run again. If you are a little patient and don't want to
  approach him directly, this is a nice way to kill McCall.

- - - - -

The following submission has been submitted by "David B.".

- When trying to kill McCall, definitely approve of the Grenade - Crouch - AR
  Grenade - Crouch method, but also notice that AR Grenade is very highly
  effective if lobbed between the back of a building and the cliff wall (this
  seems to concentrate the explosion). All you have to do is get to the right
  hand side and he will come toward you. Lob an AR Grenade just behind him
  then open up with AR fire then he will run away and the grenade should
  explode. Keep repeating this until he is dead!

 * * * Mission 20 * * *    /   "SPADS Submarine Pen - Assault"            [G20]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : SPADS Submarine Pen, Calaveritan Island, Mexico

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: 9mm Pistol
                          Assault Rifle
                          M60 Sub Machine Gun

MedKit Locations:
1]: Near the start. Inside the first small room, after the stairs.
2]: Same location as the above.
3]: To the left of the small red door when leaving the big hallway area.
    After the first checkpoint. Inside a stack of crates.

Armoured Vest Locations:
1]: Near the start. Inside the first small room, after the stairs.

Armoured Helmet Locations:
1]: Near the start. Inside the first small room, after the stairs.

- - - - -

Documents Available: XIII Document

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Infiltrate the Submarine before it leaves.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

Since the SPADS have found your green boat earlier on, you now need to use
an alternative way of escaping from the base. The only possible way of
escaping at the moment is by infiltrating the submarine and managing to
get inside it before it leaves the dock area.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

The aim of this mission is to be as quickly as humanly possible, especially
at the first area where there are four big, red security doors that close
after a while. Even though they take a while to close, if you find yourself
stuck in an area that has been sealed off, there is no need to worry!
In-between each area is an alternative route [ie: vent] that you can take to
get to the next room. There is a 'penalty' though for going through the
alternative way. When you get to the next area after taking the alternate
paths, there will be enemies waiting along the certain area. You will need
to kill them before progressing on to the next area. The other disadvantage
about taking the alternate paths is that it can take nearly two to three times
longer than normal. Hence, it is a lot more efficient running through the
doors without having to face any enemies along the way until you pass the
fourth door!

I will be explaining the first part of the mission on how to pass the area
through the normal way [running past each area before the big red doors close].

- - - - -

From the start of the level, move straight through the corridor and open the
red door ahead. Turn left and pull out your Assault Rifle. Run down the stairs
and kill the two enemies that move upwards. When you are at the bottom of the
stairs, go around the bend and follow the hallway. There is a small room to
the left, but kill the two enemies nearby before entering inside the room.

Once you have killed the other two enemies, go inside the room to get the
health and armour pick ups. There is also an important document on the
table. Get out of the room and turn left on the hallway, heading towards the
next red door. It is here that you are told by a person that the security
doors are now closing. This is the part you would want to rush through! Open
the red door and a frame pops up showing four enemies marching
together, passing by the open door just ahead. Wait until they pass by, pull
out your M60 and mow them down using the gun! Once they are dead, pull out
a lighter weapon and run through into the next area, passing through the
first big red door that is closing. Keep moving straight past the second big
red door and turn left at the large hallway. Keep following the hallway, going
around the corner passing the third big red door. Move straight ahead to pass
the final red door that is also closing. Congratulations! You have managed to
pass the area without wasting any time by taking the alternate 'emergency'
routes! :P

Quicksave the game once you reach the checkpoint. Ahead, near the blue truck
are two enemies hanging around. Kill them and head towards the end of the
first straight. You want to go inside the small red door at the end of this
straight, near the yellow vehicle. When you get close to the door, about four
enemies will run out of the door shooting at you. Kill all of them before
going inside the room.

Whatever you do, do not turn left and continue following the big hallway
after the small door. This is the biggest waste of time! It eventually leads
to a dead-end.

Anyway, now that you are in the room, go up the stairs until you reach the top
floor. Kill the two enemies in this narrow corridor area and walk down the
corridor until you find a red door to the right side of the wall that you can
open. This leads into yet again, another big area. There are another four
enemies at the bottom area that you can snipe with the Crossbow from the
balcony you are currently standing on. Once you have killed the enemies, move
towards the end of the balcony and pull out your grapple. Attach the grapple
to the hook so you can safely descend to the ground.

When you are at ground level, go to the right side of the big room, passing
the big red security door to the right. Move past the big stack of yellow
shipping crates, near the red door, with the 'caution' label tagged on each
crate. In-between the yellow crates and the other multi coloured shipping
crates ahead, there is a small passage. Enter through here and this leads
to a red ladder mounted on the wall. Take the first ladder and when you
reach the ledge, take the second ladder up to the top area. Once you are up
the top, move towards the vent and punch the mesh. Crawl through the first
straight of the vent and pull out the grapple. Now, when you reach the end
of the straight, do not drop down the hole! Use the hook above to attach
the grapple and safely descend to the ground below. If you drop down the hole
without the grapple, you will die!

Hopefully, when you get to the ground level, you end up behind an enemy
that walks forward. Pull out the assault rifle and shoot him. This creates
a good surprise attack. There are two more enemies ahead with light weapons
while there are two more on each side of the open door with M60's that
continuously pop in and out from around the corner. Kill the enemies with the
heavy weapons first and then the ones at the middle. Once you have killed
the first lot of enemies, move straight a little until you reach the edge of
the platform. Kill the two enemies on the platforms to the left and right
side of the submarine. When you have killed the last two enemies, move to
the platform to the right of the submarine. When you reach the end of the
platform, jump into the water and swim towards the back of the submarine.

When you reach the ladder on the side of the submarine, climb up the ladder
and jump inside the entry of the submarine to finish the level.

- Infiltrate the Submarine before it leaves.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Submissions: \____________________________________

The following submission has been submitted by "David B.".

- Where you grapple down into the large room, there is a second grapple
  position that you can use to swing up onto the girders. Run along and a
  third grapple position lets you swing until you can move over to the
  containers on the left hand side wall - tucked high up is a big cache
  of arms and ammo. Note that it is very hard to make the swing!

 * * * Mission 21 * * *    /   "USS Patriot - Introspection"              [G21]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : USS Patriot Nuclear Submarine

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: Assault Rifle

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Find the radio and contact Jones.
- Hide in the officer's cabin.

* Avoid being spotted and don't kill the captain.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

After escaping the SPADS camp which was crawling with enemies, you need
to infiltrate the submarine so you can contact Major Jones on your current
location and destination. Once you have achieved contact, hide inside one
of the Officer's Quarters until the submarine docks again.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

There are two doors in the starting room. The one to the left is inaccessible
for now because it is locked. For now, take the right door into the next room.
There is another door inside the second room, but it is also locked. Go down
the ladder into the second lowest level. There is a door in this floor you
need to enter, but before you go through it, stand next to the other ladder
going downwards to the lowest floor and you will be on top of an enemy. Drop
down the hole to knock him out instantly. This will not work if you go down
the actual ladder. All the doors on this floor are locked so climb back up
the ladder to the second level.

Go through the unlocked door in the second level. In this corridor, there is
a patrolling enemy on the walkway above. You cannot kill him because there is
no way to shoot through the metal. Wait until he turns around and walks back
to the other side. 'Walk' to the other door while the guard has his back
turned towards you so he cannot spot you and activate the alarm. The best way
to ensuring that he does not see you is by sticking underneath him while he
walks. Go through the next door and you will be in another small room. There
is a door on the other side. Go into the next corridor where you will see
another guard ahead of you. Do not shoot him yet nor should you move from the
door. Wait until the Captain on the walkway above walks ahead of you. Stay
underneath him and stop a few metres away from the guard on the same level
as you. Look towards the guard on the above walkway, so you have a clear aim
of him with the Crossbow. Wait until the Captain finishes talking to the guard
at the above walkway.

Once the Captain goes into his room, use the Crossbow to pick off the guard
on the second walkway. Use the Crossbow to also kill the guard who is near
you at the same level. Walk around the 'U' shaped bend to the corridor on the
other side and open the next door. Go through the small hallway into the
next corridor. There is another guard on the above walkway, but he stands
completely still. As long as you stick to the wall of the corridor, you
can pass underneath him without him spotting you. When you make it to the
small room ahead, go up the ladder to the second floor. Still have your
Crossbow out, go into the walkway area and kill the guard in front of you
and the one on the walkway at the other side of the room. Proceed forward
into the next room.

When you are in the room with the various doors, just ignore the other
doors and move straight into the next one ahead. This leads into the second
walkway area until you reach the two doors at the end. Go through the door
to the left as the one on the right is locked. Enter the room and go near
where the captain is. An in-game cutscene begins revealing that the captain
is Number VII. Wait until he is done talking and you enter a flashback
straight after the cutscene.

In the flashback, move straight and go down the stairs. Turn left and go
around the corner into the small passageway. Move ahead towards the room with
the window on it. This shows a silhouette of Number I. Unfortunately, before
you enter the room to see Number I, the flashback fades out and you return
back to the game.

Now that you are still in the radio room, move to the other side and press
the action button on the radio microphone. When you speak through it, this
contacts Major Jones and you give her the destination of the Submarine.

- Find the radio and contact Jones.
Status: **COMPLETE**

There is a door in the middle of the radio room. Move through here and open
the door to the left in the next room. Use the Crossbow to kill the guard
patrolling the long corridor. Once he is dead, walk all the way to the end
of the corridor and enter through the door to the right, which is labeled
'Officer's Quarters'.

Once you are in this room, open the green curtains and go inside the small
room to finish the mission.

- Hide in the officer's cabin.
Status: **COMPLETE**

- Avoid being spotted and don't kill the captain.
Status: **COMPLETE**

 * * * Mission 22 * * *    /   "USS Patriot - Evacuation"                 [G22]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : USS Patriot Nuclear Submarine
Time : 2:00 am

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: 9mm Pistol
                          9mm Pistol Silenced
                          Assault Rifle
                          Frag Grenade

MedKit Locations:
1]: At the end of the first corridor. On top of a locker.
2]: In the room after the first 'Normal' MedKit. On top of a locker at the
    corner of the room.
3]: Inside the Radio Room. Mounted on the wall.
4]: After dropping down to the lowest floor after walking through the various
    walkways. Mounted on a wall.
5]: Near the fourth 'Normal' MedKit location. Move along two more hallways
    until you reach the third room. Mounted on a wall.

Armoured Vest Locations:
1]: At the end of the first corridor. On top of a locker.
2]: Inside the kitchen. On top of a bench.

Armoured Helmet Locations:
1]: At the end of the first corridor. On top of a locker.

- - - - -

Documents Available: XIII Document
                     VII Document

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- You've been spotted. Escape through the torpedo airlock.
- Find the torpedo lock key.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

Thinking that you are safe inside the Officer's Quarters, you are suddenly
surprised that you hear some guards nearby, aware of your presence. You need
to escape from the Submarine as you are not safe inside it anymore. Find the
keys to the torpedo airlock so you can escape from the submarine.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

Press the action button to open the curtains ahead of you. Pull out a weapon
like the Assault Rifle and run outside. Turn left and kill the unarmed enemy.
Run to the end of the corridor and get all the health and armour pick ups 
near the lockers. Also, move to the other side of the corridor to the shelf
mounted on the wall. Smash the glass and grab all the ammo you can for the
Assault Rifle. There is heaps of it! Move into the next room nearby.

There is an enemy waiting near the ladder. If you do not kill him quick
enough, he will more than likely hit the fire extinguisher next to the
door, making you lose a bit of health. Kill the enemy and another one runs
in through the door at the middle. The alarm now gets sounded making all
the enemies around the area more cautious! Head into the Radio room and kill
the two enemies with Pistols that run through both doors. Kill them both, grab
the MedKit and the Assault Rifle ammo stuck inside the glass boxes mounted
on the walls. Leave the Radio room through the left door. Go straight and
follow the walkway until you reach the next door. This leads into another
room with an enemy inside. Kill him and stay in the room until another two
enemies from the walkway straight ahead open the door. After you kill them
two, look to the right side of the room and there is another enemy that just
entered the room from the walkway on the other side! Kill him and one last
enemy runs up behind you from the walkway you just went through recently.
Grab the Assault Rifle from two glass boxes inside the room.

After killing all the enemies, take the left door into the next walkway
ahead [The door with the fire extinguisher to the right of it just incase
you are a little lost]. Walk through the metal walkway into the next room
and go down the ladder to the lower floor. There is an enemy to kill here.
Do not exit the room through the door, instead go down the next ladder in
the bottom floor. Quicksave when you reach the Checkpoint!

You end up in another room with some health mounted on the wall. Take the
door to the right, while staying in the actual room still and kill the enemy
you see running towards you. Once he is dead, back out from the door and go
through the left one, killing the other enemy along the way. You end up in
another room again. Do the same procedures again. Open the right door and
kill the enemy, then go to the left and shoot the second target. Move along
the left hallway until you reach the next room where you encounter another two
enemies. If you only find one, wait several seconds and the second one will
pop up in the room eventually!

Pick up the health from the wall and open the door on the right side [the left
door is locked]. This door leads into the kitchen. There are a few enemies
here to kill and you can also hear the Captain speaking in the next room.
Grab the armour in the kitchen and head into the next area, which is the
dining room. There are three more enemies to kill here. Move towards and
open the door on the other side. This leads into the torpedo room where you
encounter Captain Edelbright.

Once he finishes talking, you find yourself at the far corner of the torpedo
room. Once you start, two enemies with pistols run in from the entry so kill
them first before shooting at the Captain. The Captain himself is armed with
a MiniGun, so he will be missing a lot since it is such an inaccurate weapon!

You should have some Frag Grenades in your inventory. Hopefully you have a
few at least! Get them out, move near the Captain and cook the Grenade until
there is one or two seconds left before it explodes. If you can hit him good
with the Grenades, you can make him lose around half or even three quarters
of his health! If you throw the Grenades too early, he can escape from the
area before it explodes, causing minimal damage. I had four Grenades with
me when I versed him so that gives you a few chances! Use your Assault
Rifle to finish him off! Pick up the Key from his dead body. It also shows
you he is Number VII, but you should already know that from the previous

Go to the middle of the room, climb the ladder and use the Key to unlock the
above door. Climb up the ladder to the room above. Go into the door to the
left or right. This leads into the 'Control Navigation' room. There are about
four enemies to kill inside this room. Once they are dead, grab the two boxes
of MiniGun ammo on the opposite side and open the left door. This reveals a
small passage leading into the Captain's Cabin.

Enter the room and pick up the Torpedo Lock Key, Important Document and
the Harpoon. Exit the room once you have got everything!

- Find the torpedo lock key.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Backtrack to the Torpedo room again - where you fought the captain. When you
are inside the room again, walk to the side of the torpedo room where you
started the fight against the Captain. This is the side opposite to the entry
door of the room. A white rectangle will guide you to the small unit that you
use you key on. Once you have activated the unit, the torpedo door to the
left will slowly open. While you wait for it to open, look behind you and
kill the enemy that tries to shoot you from behind. Once the torpedo door
is fully open, crouch and go into it to finish the level.

- You've been spotted. Escape through the torpedo airlock.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Submissions: \____________________________________

The following submission has been submitted by "Matthias J.".

- When trying to kill the Captain, move quickly out of the room toward the
  two guys coming in, killing them on the go. The captain will follow you
  but all you have to do is move out of the room, to the right and behind
  one of the tables. Kneel down and shoot with your assault rifle at the
  captain. He will try to move to you but will stay far away enough not to
  hit you with his gun. Then finish him with rifle salvos.

 * * * Mission 23 * * *    /   "AFMD-10 Naval Base - Intrusion"           [G23]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Resolute AFMD-10 Naval Base

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: 9mm Pistol
                          Assault Rifle
                          Frag Grenade

MedKit Locations:
1]: On the top of the wooden crates at the end of the first hangar area.
2]: Inside the small room at the third open area. Near the second level
3]: Behind the room which you open the flood gates. On a shelf.
4]: After placing the explosives at the propeller of the sub, climb the
    ladder to the right and go up the platform. On top of a crate.

Armoured Vest Locations:
1]: Behind the room which you open the flood gates. On a shelf.

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Open the flood gates and leave the hangar.
- Sabotage the submarine's propeller.
- Take shelter.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

After evacuating the submarine, you find yourself in the AFMD-10 Naval Base.
The enemies currently unaware of your presence, this is the perfect chance to
give a surprise attack and sabotage the submarine, before leaving the base
into the harbour area, where Carrington awaits you for pick-up.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

Swim straight through the water and go to the right of the platform where the
ladder is. Climb up the ladder to get on the platform.

Move left into the hangar area with the crates. Pull out the Assault Rifle
and kill the guard patrolling around the single shipping crate ahead, to the
left of the stack of the three shipping crates. Move straight, killing the
guard that runs up behind the wooden crates. Also watch out for the enemy
behind that jumps off from the walkway to the right side of the hangar.

After killing the enemies, proceed to the other side of the current hangar.
Kill the enemy that walks out of the door with the 'No Smoking' tag painted
above it. Keep moving straight and turn left when you reach the stack of wooden
crates towards the end of the hangar. Move forward, going through the passage
on the right side of the next stack of wooden crates and go to the ledge of
the submarine pen. Turn right and follow the ledge until you reach the second

Pick up the Frag Grenades on top of the crates along the way. When you pass
the open door leading towards the third open area, some enemies ahead are
hiding behind the crates, firing at you. Use the Grenades to kill all three
enemies and once they are dead, pull out the Assault Rifle and kill the enemy
running in the area from the door to the right.

Pass the stack of crates the previous enemies where hiding behind and move
to the right corner of the open area, climbing up the ladder to the second
level walkway. Move to the end of this walkway until you reach the ladder
to climb to the third level walkway. Move straight and kill the enemy hiding
behind the crane console. On the console, press the action button on the
second lever to the right of the console to operate the crane platform back
and fourth. Before you jump on the platform, kill the three enemies that run
above the room at the far corner. Shoot the three pieces of glass surrounding
the small room before proceeding.

Jump on the crane platform when it gets close to the walkway you are standing
on. When you are waiting on the crane platform, pull out you grapple until
you are close enough to the hook to attach the grapple to. When you are
swinging around the grapple, try to swing towards the room you just shot
the glass out of. You need to swing back and fourth a few times before you
can get enough speed to jump inside the room.

When you make it inside the room, go to the console, collecting the Harpoon
ammo, and press the button on the console to open the flood gates at the far
end of the submarine - which was at the area where you started the level.
You are told you need to destroy the submarine, so before jumping down to the
water below, go into the room behind and pick up the MedKit and armour on the
shelf. Once your done, run out of the room and jump off the edge of the room
into the water. Swim underwater until you reach the submarine propellers.
You need to place the explosives on the right propeller. Once you have planted
the explosives, you need to leave the water.

- Sabotage the submarine's propeller.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Look and move to the direct right, where there is a ladder which you can climb
to get up to a small platform area. When you are on the platform, grab the
health and harpoon ammo lying around the crates while you wait for explosives
to detonate. The counter above your health shows you the remaining time. When
there is about two seconds left on the counter, a cutscene shows the explosive

- Take shelter.
Status: **COMPLETE**

After it explodes, you return to the game. Before you jump off into the
water, kill the enemy standing near the green truck, stuck inside the room
that is enclosed with crates. Once he is dead, dive off into the water and
swim to the other side of the submarine. Since you should have the Breathing
Skill learnt by now, you do no need to take any breaths until you reach the
front of the submarine. Kill any divers swimming underwater on the way using
the Harpoon, as it is the only weapon which can fire underwater. If you are
swimming on the right side of the submarine, there are 5 or 6 divers to kill
and when you reach the front of the sub, there is another 2 or 3 waiting there.

Take any breaths you need on the way if you are slowed down by the divers.
Watch out for any enemies on the platform above as you take your breaths
above water. When you are at the front of the submarine, take one last breath
and then swim through the left tunnel. Turn left at the junction and follow
the tunnel until you reach the opening above with the ladder. Climb up the
ladder to end the level.

- Open the flood gates and leave the hangar.
Status: **COMPLETE**

 * * * Mission 24 * * *    /   "AFMD-10 Harbour - Identification"         [G24]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Resolute AFMD-10 Harbour
Time : 4:00 pm

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: .44 Magnum
                          Assault Rifle
                          M60 Sub Machine Gun
                          Frag Grenade

MedKit Locations:
1]: After climbing down the ladder at the start. Inside a shelf.
2]: Near the first guard tower after leaving the first warehouse. Behind
    stacks of shipping crates.
3]: Inside the top floor of the guard tower.
4]: Located at the second warehouse. Inside the small room, inside a metal
3]: At the area where you confront the helicopter. Inside the warehouse which
    you enter through the door. Nearby the closed fence. Inside a fenced room.

Full MedKit Locations:
1]: On top of the stationary crate being held by the crane. Next to the big
    door, use the grapple to access the area.
2]: At the area where you verse the attack helicopter. Behind the stacks
    of crates.
3]: At the area where you confront the helicopter. Inside the warehouse which
    you enter through the small door - nearby the enclosed fence. On top of
    some crates.
4]: At the area where you confront the helicopter. Inside the warehouse which
    you enter through the small door - nearby the enclosed fence. On top of
    a table.

Armoured Vest Locations:
1]: The room underneath the first location of the 'Normal' MedKit. Get to
    the ground floor to access the room.
2]: Located at the second warehouse. Room on the second floor of the

Armoured Helmet Locations:
1]: The room underneath the first location of the 'Normal' MedKit. Get to
    the ground floor to access the room.
2]: Located at the second warehouse. Room on the second floor of the

- - - - -

Documents Available: XIII Document

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Find Carrington on Quay 33.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

After escaping from the submarine pen, you find yourself at the harbour
area. You need to make your way to Pier 33 to meet up with Carrington.
Expect heavy defence throughout various parts of the level!

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

Since the door ahead is locked, you need to jump up the crates to the left
to get up the roof. When you are on the roof, move towards the open windows
and jump through into the room. Climb down the ladder nearby. You will end
up in another room. Pick up the M60 Ammo and MedKit and make your way down
the metal walkway.

Pull out your Crossbow for now, but do not kill any enemies yet. We want to
surprise them! Follow the walkway until you reach the end, where you need to
climb the yellow ladder to the next walkway going to the left. When you are
on this walkway, make your way straight into the small room ahead. Inside
the room is a lever which you can pull to kill the two enemies talking below.
With the crate flattening them down like a pancake, three enemies from the
big door on the other side run towards the loud noise, which was the crate.
Smash the glass in the room and look through it to kill the enemies running
towards your area.

Once you have killed the three enemies, exit the room from the door you came
inside from and look down in-between the two long isles of crates. There is
one more enemy lurking around here. Kill him and the big door on the other
side will open, making two enemies run near the entry. Go through the small
room again and exit through the other door. Pick up the Crossbow ammo on top
of the wooden crate and jump on top of it. Aim for both of the enemies further
ahead and pick them off.

After they have died, move near the ladders which lead to the ground floor.
From here, look up towards the white rectangle highlighting the above hook.
Use your grapple to attach to the hook and swing to the top of the stack of
three crates ahead. When you stand on the top of the crates, look towards the
big door that is open. If you see another enemy waiting near the green
truck, then kill him! Attach to the second hook and swing to the next stack
of two green crates ahead. This stack is near a stack of three red crates if
you do not know where to look. Once you land on the crates, attach the grapple
to the third hook. Swing across to the stack of two red crates at the end of
the area. Now attach the grapple to the fourth hook and swing towards the crate
being raised by the crane above. It takes a little time to jump onto it, but
once you have made it, pick up the Bazooka and Full MedKit. Exit to the ground
floor by using the grapple at the nearest hook to safely descend to the ground.

When you reach the ground, you can turn right and pick up the armour and ammo
inside the room that is partially fenced in. Once you pick up everything
here, move towards the big open door. You can also pick up some Assault Rifle
ammo and Assault Rifle Grenades inside the booth closest to the door, before
proceeding outside.

When you are outside, turn right on the jetty area. Use the Crossbow to kill
the enemy inside the guard tower to the right of the closed gate ahead.
Take out the Assault Rifle and turn right, picking up the Grenades on the
crate, on the way. In this open area, there are two enemies to kill. Once they 
are dead, walk behind the big stacks of crates until you find a MedKit, more
Frag Grenades and Assault Rifle Grenades. Return back to the open area and
open the door at the guard tower to go inside it. Climb the yellow ladder
to get up to the top floor. Pick up the M60 from the dead enemy and the MedKit.
Press the red button on the console to make the shipping crate being held by
the crane smash the wall at the building to the right. Exit the guard tower
and turn left to the stack of crates. Jump up the various crates until you
manage to drop through to the next warehouse room, by going through the hole
on the wall.

Pull out the M60, open the door to the right and kill the three enemies
you see patrolling the ground area. Once they are dead, two more enemies
from the walkway at the opposite corner of the room run in. Kill them and
pick up the ammo ahead on the table. Enter the door to the left into the
small room. Open the metal cabinet doors to get some more Bazooka ammo, health
and a XIII Document. Exit the small room through the door on the other side
and go inside the room that is fenced in to pick up some rockets. Exit the
fenced room and move to the other end of the warehouse - to the front of the
helicopter. Climb up the yellow ladder and move straight through the walkway
until you reach the first room. Pick up the Magnetic Keycard and climb up the
next ladder.

In this room is some armour to collect. Exit the two rooms and go back to the
walkway. Walk to the end of the walkway, climb down the yellow ladder to the
ground floor, turn left and move towards the door underneath the walkway you
just walked on, at the middle of the area. Use the Magnetic Keycard to open
it. Open the door and go through to the next area. Quicksave once you reach
the checkpoint. You now have to destroy an assault helicopter flying nearby.

The helicopter only has two weapons - the machine gun and missiles. Whenever
it fires it's machine guns, your armour should be able to protect you from
suffering too much damage, so do not bother too much about taking cover when
you are getting shot by the guns - unless you have low health. The machine
guns are also relatively inaccurate so that's another advantage! Talking
about health, there is a Full MedKit at the back area of the crates to
replenish your supplies. You need to use your Bazooka if in any chance to
destroy the helicopter. There is some Bazooka rockets on top of the crates

The most dangerous part of the missiles are that they obviously inflict a lot
of damage if you get hit by them directly. Try to avoid this as much as
possible! The advantage about the missiles it fires are that it travels a
little slow, therefore you can avoid being hit by them directly - the splash
damage is not too bad should you get hit nearby. You will notice when the
helicopter is about to fire it's missiles - when it stops moving around.

This is your perfect chance to fire a rocket towards it before strafing to
the left or right of the missile it just fired, to avoid being hit. Repeat
this method until the helicopter is destroyed. You can also hide behind the
crates for cover and pop out to shoot the helicopter when it stops moving
and then move back behind the crates before the missile hits the ground. You
need to shoot the helicopter 5 to 7 times before it gets destroyed
successfully. If you run out of ammo, there is even more rocket ammo around
the next area to the right, which you need to move further ahead into the open
area to get to. There is more after the big stacks of crates on the other side
of the pier and additional ammo inside the warehouse which you can enter
through the small door, to the right, nearby the enclosed fence at the end of
the pier. There is also more health inside here.

Once the helicopter crashes to the fence ahead, move towards the fence it
crashed on. Pass the crash site and turn right. You will see Amos and
Carrington at the far end of the pier. Move towards them to finish the

- Find Carrington on Quay 33.
Status: **COMPLETE**

 * * * Mission 25 * * *    /   "Bristol Suites Hotel - Surveillance"      [G25]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Bristol Suites Hotel, Washington D.C, Maryland
Time : 12:00 pm

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: .44 Magnum
                          Pump Action Shotgun

MedKit Locations:
1]: Near the start. Located at the cloak room. Inside on of the metal cabinets.
2]: The room before smashing the glass to eliminate Winslow. On top of a table.

Full MedKit Locations:
1]: Inside Room 41. On top of a bed.

- - - - -

Documents Available: XIII Document
                     IX Document
                     V Document

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Spy on the meeting from room 41.
- Record the conversation.
- Cut the power supply to the elevators.
- Help the FBI Agents.
- Eliminate Winslow.
- Eliminate Willard.

* Eliminate the guards without raising the alarm.
* Willard and Winslow must not be allowed to escape.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

After when Carrington gives an explanation to Amos about your true identity
and how you are innocent, you remember a secret meeting between the
conspirators that will take place in a few hours. You and the FBI move towards
the Bristol Suites Hotel where the secret meeting is being held. It is your
job to sneak past patrolling enemies and eavesdrop at the secret meeting.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

One thing is at the starting part of the level, keep everything going as
silent as possible. The majority of the enemies have loud weapons which you
must not let them fire, or else an enemy nearby might be alerted! Be sure to
hide the bodies inside other rooms - there maybe more than one enemy patrolling
the certain area.

When the level begins, open the door ahead and move straight through the
corridor. Go around the corner and kill the patrolling female by going behind
her and breaking her neck. Not only does this conserve your very low amount
of Pistol ammo you have, it also makes the most silent kill possible! Take
her MiniGun and hide her body inside the first small closet room to the right
of the current corridor you are standing in. After dumping her body, move down
the corridor until you reach the last set of double doors to the left wall.
Open the doors and kill the enemy ahead quickly by getting headshots! Pass
the double doors you just opened and close them behind you as another enemy
patrols the previous corridors - a good reason to hide the female's body
earlier on!

Do not bother moving the body in this room as you have shut the doors! Pick
up the second MiniGun from the dead body to get dual MiniGun's. Turn left
from the double doors and head straight into the single door ahead. This leads
into the cloak room [also known as the uniform room]. In here are a series
of metal cabinets you can look at to get some health, ammo and a XIII Document.
There is also a big red map in the room to use a reference, but watch out for
the female enemy that comes through the door on the other end. Once you
have killed her, go into the next room. This is the room where you pick up
the key for Room 41. There is also some MiniGun ammo inside the last set of
metal cabinets - closest to the next door. Exit through this door and turn
right into the red hallway. Follow the hallway and turn left at the next
hallway. There maybe a patrolling enemy in this hallway that comes out of Room
42, so kill him quickly. If you killed him in the hallway, hide him inside
Room 42. Once you are done, unlock the first left door in the hallway and you
will end up in Room 41. 

- Spy on the meeting from room 41.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Go inside the room towards the open window ahead. Pull out the 'Shotgun'
Microphone. Aim it towards Winslow who is waiting near the second window
you can see through. He will stand in one place for a little while, but then
he will start moving to the right until he reaches the third window. You
won't see him for about a second but keep the microphone aimed towards the
third window until he walks to the left. He will then move to the left side
of the room. When he stops again, you will see him through the first window
next to the entry door of the room. This is where and when you see the other
two members of the meeting come in. For the rest of the conversation, always
keep the microphone aimed towards Mr. Winslow! The counter above your health
is always kept at 3 seconds, but this decreases when you lose aim of
Mr. Winslow. When it reaches zero, you fail the mission, so make sure it is
always aimed at him!

After they finish their introductory lines, Mr. Winslow moves right, towards
the second window. Once they gather up again at the middle of the room, they
start talking again. When Mr. Winslow says another few lines, he then moves
to the right, towards the end of the third window. After several seconds, he
then moves back to the other two guys at the second window again. After you
hear Mr. Winslow laugh "Ha Ha Ha!", Willard spots one of your FBI Agents
somewhere around the building, which makes them run away! You must stop
them before they get away!

- Record the conversation.
Status: **COMPLETE**

- Eliminate the guards without raising the alarm.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Pull out the Minigun [use the single MiniGun for now] and run out of Room 41.
Turn right at the hallway and kill the enemy dead ahead. Turn right into the
next hallway and kill the enemy that runs out of the door to the left, with
the power symbol tag on it. Go inside this room and move towards the area
where the white rectangle highlights which metal cabinet to open. Open the
certain door and press the action button to deactivate the power to the

- Cut the power supply to the elevators.
Status: **COMPLETE**

- Willard and Winslow must not be allowed to escape.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Exit the room and turn left into the hallway. Open the double doors ahead
and you will meet up with one of the FBI Agents in the hall area. After he
finishes talking, follow him into the billiard room. When you get to the
brown door at the end of the hallway, the door is locked, so you cannot
enter inside it. Backtrack to the hall area and move to the open elevator to
the right, next to the other FBI Agent.

- Help the FBI Agents.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Go inside the elevator and climb up the ladder, until you reach the shaft you
can crawl through. Smash the mesh and crawl through the vent. When you get to
the other side of the shaft, smash open the mesh again and grab the health
to the left of the room before shooting the glass at the middle. When it's
smashed, jump inside the room and kill the enemy next to Winslow.

You now have to verse Winslow. He is only armed with a Pump Action Shotgun.
Pull out the Dual MiniGun's, run right up to Winslow and shoot him at the head
until he dies. Pick up the key and documents from his dead body. It also
reveals that Mr. Winslow was number IX, but you should be aware of that from
the meeting. 

- Eliminate Winslow.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Go to the door you can hear the FBI Agent speaking from the other side of it.
Unlock the door and open it. It goes to a cutscene showing Willard shooting
at the FBI Agent ahead. He is just around the corner, so go to the hallway
there and now you have to verse Willard! Have your MiniGuns pulled out.

He is armed with a Kalash which makes things little more trickier. To kill
this person, I used the same tactic as I did on Winslow, run right up to the
target and fire like mad towards the target's head until he is dead. When
you first see Willard, he shoots a little from the end of the hallway and runs
to the right. Go to where he was and turn right. Go into the meeting door which
is the closest door to the left and kill him inside here. Using the up-close
tactic works best against Willard as well!

Once you have killed him, pick up the document from his dead body. You also
find out that Willard is Number V. Once you have done that, you have finished
the mission.

- Eliminate Willard.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Submissions: \____________________________________

The following glitch has been submitted by "Jesse C.".

[This glitch is relatively uncommon].

- If you get both miniguns at the beginning of the level and then try to move
  the bodies, sometimes you cannot get the dual miniguns back.

 * * * Mission 26 * * *    /   "Willard's Estate - Sunset Sanctuary"      [G26]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Senator Willard's Estate, Knighton Road, New Jersey
Time : 7:00 pm

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: 9mm Pistol
                          Three Arrow Crossbow
                          Frag Grenade

MedKit Locations:
1]: After going around the narrow ledge. Turn left near the big door after
    going up the stairs until you reach a small room.,

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Infiltrate the sanctuary.

* Eliminate the guards without raising the alarm.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

After picking up the Documents from the late Winslow and Willard, you find
the address of Willard's estate, which is believed to be home to a number
of meetings and gatherings of the conspirators. You need to infiltrate the
entry area of the sanctuary so you can sneak your way into the actual

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

From the start of the level, move to the left side of the circle area. Stand
near the front of the van and look to the left. If you look carefully, you
can see some different coloured shrubs exposed between two green trees. This
is where you go near. Move towards the shrub and crouch. Move the vines
blocking the way and crawl through the small tunnel.

When you get to the other side, pull out the silenced pistol, turn right at the
passage and kill the first patrolling guard, walking back and fourth. Turn left
at the junction, head down the stairs and kill the next patrolling enemy.
Continue walking straight and move through the narrow passage. When you get to
the next junction, you are shown a frame of two guards patrolling the area.
Kill the first enemy to the right passage and the other one to the left
passage. If you want more Pistol ammo, go to the end of the right passage, or
else continue straight and walk up the stairs.

Follow the passage, walk down the stairs and kill the next enemy. Continue
following the passage until you reach the open area, with the fountain in the
middle. Before running out to this area, pull out the Three Arrow Crossbow.
There are two guards in this area. One standing at the big black door to the
right and another walking around to the far left corner of the area. Kill
both guards and move to the direct opposite side of the entry, to leave this
open area. Now pull out your Silenced Pistol.

When you enter the next area, turn right and walk up the stairs. There is one
guard in the following area with the shrubs. Wait at the first corner of the
shrouded pathway and wait until you see the guard walk up to the same level
as you. Kill him and move down near the big door at the bottom. Drop into
the pond and break the tunnel blocking the shaft going downwards. Swim down
the tunnel until you reach the bottom and move through the next tunnel going
sideward. Reach the end and then swim up the tunnel with the red ladder.
Before going up here, pull out the MiniGun, climb the ladder and kill the
two guards nearby. There are no other enemies nearby so you can use this

Both of the doors in this area are locked so look at the green fencing nearby
until you can find a part of the fence missing to the left side. Jump through
here and turn right at the ledge.

By the way, enjoy the view for sometime before continuing!

When you pass the checkpoint, quicksave the game. Keep following the ledge
until you reach the end of it. Pull out your grapple and attach it to the
green ring above. Swing across to the ledge on the other side. When you get
on the ledge, move straight, jumping on the little platforms ahead and clear
out the vines blocking the way of the small tunnel entry. Pull out the
Crossbow again and kill both enemies that patrol the first area. One walks
up and down the stairs ahead and the other walks around to the right. Once
they are both dead, pull out the Silenced Pistol, go up the stairs and kill
the next two enemies to the left and right of the big door. Turn left from
the big door and follow the pathway until you reach another enemy. After
killing him, enter the small room where you can pick up some health and ammo.

Backtrack to the big door, but keep moving straight to the arch opening at
the opposite side. When you go through here, move towards the building and
a flashback interrupts the game. During the flashback, you do not need to do
anything besides listening to the conversation between the three people.

After the flashback finishes, go into the building ahead. Inside here, there
is a tombstone on the floor. You can try opening it by pressing the action
button at the plaque on the left wall, but the tombstone does not fully open.
Instead, go behind the big cross and press the action button several times
to push it forward, destroying the tombstone ahead, creating an entry.

Walk through the gap into the tunnel to finish this mission.

- Infiltrate the sanctuary.
Status: **COMPLETE**

- Eliminate the guards without raising the alarm.
Status: **COMPLETE**

 * * * Mission 27 * * *    /   "Willard's Estate - Penetration"           [G27]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Senator Willard's Estate, New Jersey

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: Combat Knife
                          Three Arrow Crossbow

Full MedKit Locations:
1]: Inside the room with the paintings and paint cans.

- - - - -

Documents Available: XIII Document

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Find the place where the Clan of 20 meet up.

* Do not attract the attention of the clan members.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

Managing to successfully infiltrate the outer perimeters of the Sanctuary, you
now need to find a way inside to the Sanctuary area itself so you can spy on
the meeting with the Clan members. The entrance to this area is well hidden so
it may require for you to look around for any hidden areas.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

Climb up the ladder ahead from the start of the level. Once you are at the next
level, follow the opening into the first brown door with the small window in
it. Do not open the door yet! Wait until the two clan members finish talking
and leave the room before you open the door. When you get in the room, use the
Crossbow or Silenced Pistol to knock off the two patrolling guards. Exit the
room through the door on the other side.

When you go through the door, you end up in another hallway. Turn left into
the hallway and open the last door to the right. When you open it, sneak behind
the enemy and use the stunning technique to knock him out. Exit the small
passage into the walkway of the main hall. To the right is a patrolling enemy
walking back and fourth. Kill him and go up the stairs to the other
side, killing the patrolling guard on the walkway ahead. When you make it to
the other side, on top of the stairs, turn left and walk towards the end of the
walkway. At the passage to the right, a female enemy walks out calling for one
of the other guards. Kill her and open the brown door. Turn right at the
hallway, kill the patrolling guard below and move down the small stairs. Grab
the key from the dead guard's body you just killed.

Once you have the key, go through one of the two doors to the right wall. This
leads you back inside the main hall area. Take the next pair of stairs up to
the other side of the hall. Once you make it on the top of the stairs, turn
right and move to the end of the walkway, towards the locked door with the
metal bars. Unlock the door with the guard's keys to get through. Follow the
passage into the small room. A white rectangle shows you to open one of the
draws at the desk. Open the draw to obtain the keycard and head out of the
room. Walk back down the walkway, going down the stairs, back into the hallway
where you killed the guard to get his keys. When you go through on of the two
doors back into this hallway, turn right and move towards the end of the
hallway. This leads to a pair of locked doors. Use the Magnetic Keycard to
open the doors.

Go through into the next room, with your Crossbow still pulled out. When you
are on the walkway of this room and you see the two guards talking below, use
the Crossbow to kill both of them and then make your way down to the bottom
area. Once you go down the wooden spiral stairs, exit the room through the
opening underneath the stairs. Follow the passage into the room full of paint
cans and paintings. Pick up the Full MedKit in here, but do not leave just
yet! There is something hidden in this room, rather clever actually.

Go to the far wall of the room [opposite from the entry] and look for three
bricks on the wall that look a little different to the rest of the wall.
Press the action button on the three bricks to open up a small 'vault'. Pick
up the XIII Document and the Part of a Statue. Once you have obtained those
items, pull out a weapon again and make your way back to the room with the
spiral stairs. Kill two enemies along the way! Inside the room with the
stairs, move towards the front of the statue, surrounded with rope. Pull out
the part of a statue and attach it to the front of the statue to open a big
door at the corner of the room.

Go through the door you just opened and head down the spiral stairs to finish
the mission!

- Find the place where the Clan of 20 meet up.
Status: **COMPLETE**

- Do not attract the attention of the clan members.
Status: **COMPLETE**

 * * * Mission 28 * * *    /   "Willard's Estate - Espionage"             [G28]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Senator Willard's Estate, New Jersey

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: Combat Knife
                          9mm Pistol
                          9mm Pistol Silenced
                          Three Arrow Crossbow

MedKit Locations:
1]: After grappling up to the ledge for the first time into the above area.
    When walking down the hallway, turn right into the second door. Inside
    the room is the health.
2]: Swing to the ledge on the opposite side of the room using the second
    grapple hook attachment in the level. At the end of the ledge.
3]: After using the second hook to get to the opposite ledge, go down
    the stairs into the hallway and use the lockpick to unlock the second
    door to the left.

Full MedKit Locations:
1]: Just ahead of 'Normal' MedKit location 3. Go up the stairs at the end
    of the hallway and jump across to the ledge in is on.

Armoured Vest Locations:
1]: Near the meeting you spy on. Unlock the two doors and go up the stairs.
    Kill the two enemies and go into a small room to obtain the vest.

- - - - -

Documents Available: XIII Document

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Spy on the meeting.
- Escape from the sanctuary.

* Eliminate the guards without raising the alarm.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

Now that you have found the secret entrance to the lower areas of the
sanctuary, you can make your way around to a higher area so you can spy
on the meeting that will take place shortly.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

Open the door ahead of you from the start of the level. Now you end up in a
room full of pillars. Nothing happens here so move to the opposite far corner
of the room to exit. At the next room, there is a guard to kill. Pass the
narrow walkway above the water and turn left at the corner, heading down
the few stairs and there are two enemies here. Kill them and follow the
passage ahead. Go around the corner to the left and kill the guard ahead.
There is a grapple hook above once you reach the big 'cave' area, but before
you grapple here, kill the patrolling enemy to the right hallway. After
killing the guard, attach the grapple to the hook and drop off at the ledge

Go down the small stairs and follow the hallway ahead. If you see a guard
ahead, coming around the corner into the hallway, then kill him. You can enter
the three doors to the right of the hallway. The first room gives you Crossbow
ammo, the second gives you health and other ammo while the third room has a
XIII Document. Go to the end of the hallway and turn right. Follow the ledge
ahead until you reach the end of it. Pull out your grapple, attach it to the
next hook and swing across to the ledge on the opposite side of the room. When
you make it on the next ledge, you can go to the end of the ledge to pick up
some health, or else just go head down the stairs towards the hallway below.

In the hallway, you can go into the first left door to get some crossbow ammo
and the second door to the left [which you need to use the lockpick to open]
to retrieve dual MiniGuns and health.

Proceed straight through the hallway, going up the stairs until you can hear
the guard's talking below. Use the crossbow from the ledge to pick both of
them off. Jump down to the ledge with the Full MedKit on it, and descend to
the ground. Once you are on there, go through the opening leading into the
room full of pillars. Pull out your Crossbow and turn right at the room.
Head near the area with the big brown doors straight ahead and two enemies
guarding the doors. Use the Crossbow to pick them off and move to the left side
of the pillar room. Go through the open door at the left side of the room.
There are flame torches besides the door if you are a little lost! It's at
the middle of the pillar room!

Once you enter the opening, go up the stairs towards the door. Use the lockpick
to unlock the door. Once you open the door, go through the next pair of stairs
to the next brown door. Use the lockpick again to unlock it. There are two
enemies guarding the following area so kill them and head up the next stairs.
Unlock the third door at the top using the lockpick. Pull out the Silenced
Pistol now and head into the next room with a few pillars mounted to the wall
on each side.

There is a guard walking around the corner so kill him and go up the next
few pairs of stairs. When you reach the top of the third set of narrow
stairs, drop down to the passage below and move near the big hole on the
wall, but do not go through or else you will fall! Look over the edge of the
hole and far below is the meeting, which has already began!

Stand around for a while and wait until the meeting is over.

- Spy on the meeting.
Status: **COMPLETE**

From here, pull out your grapple and attach it to the bell above. Descend
quickly to the ground and crouch behind the altar. Pull out the MiniGun
and shoot at the two enemies at the opposite side of the hall. When you have
killed one of them, another enemy runs to the ledge to the left side so kill
him and the second enemy on the ground and then another enemy runs into the
ledge from the right. Kill him, wait several more seconds and kill the last
enemy that runs in from the right ledge and then go to the other side of the
room. Turn left and open the door. This doors leads you into a long corridor.
Go to the end of the corridor and open the next brown door around the corner.
After opening the door, turn left into the next corridor and kill the two
enemies blocking the way. Take out your grapple while you go up the stairs
ahead and stop at the ledge. Attach the grapple to the hook above and swing
across to the ledge on the other side. Avoid dropping into the fire below.

Once you make it, turn right and follow the corridor. Go down the small
stairs, around the corner and kill two more enemies. Keep following the
corridor until you reach another door. Open it and it leads you into a room
with a door to the right. Go through this door to complete this part of the

- Escape from the sanctuary.
Status: **COMPLETE**

- Eliminate the guards without raising the alarm.
Status: **COMPLETE**

 * * * Mission 29 * * *    /   "Willard's Estate - Cliffhanger"           [G29]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Senator Willard's Estate, New Jersey

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: 9mm Pistol
                          Frag Grenade

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Run to the end of the cliff.
- Shoot down the enemy helicopters.
- Jump into the FBI helicopter.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

After managing to escape from the Sanctuary, you need to make your getaway
through the cliffs and ledges at the outskirts of the Sanctuary. Enemy
resistance maybe light at the start, but before you escape, expect a lot more
enemy presence along the way. The enemies will not let you go without a fight!
Colonel Amos will await nearby in a FBI Helicopter for a quick extraction.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

At the start of the level, pull out an automatic weapon and wait for a few
seconds before a big explosion happens. An enemy runs from the left so kill
him and then ahead, another enemy appears on top of the ledge. Kill both of
them and run down the small walkway until you reach the grapple hook above.
Use the grapple to get on the ledge area above.

Once you are on the above ledge, go around the corner and kill the enemy here.
Continue moving through the ledge and pull out your Crossbow to kill the enemy
far ahead, on top of the cliffs. Proceed forward until you reach the cable
pole and kill the enemy on the other side before going across the cable.

When you make it to the other side, a huge explosion from the sanctuary makes
an unfortunate enemy come flying out right next to you. Continue ahead until
the two enemies appear near the corner, underneath the arch. Use the Crossbow
to kill them and go around the corner.

Move along until you reach the next cable pole. Attach yourself to it and go
down to the opposite side. Make sure you quicksave when you reach the

When you are about halfway through the cable, you can see two enemies to the
right, in the distance. Try to use the crossbow to kill them, or else wait
until you reach the ground before killing them. When you are about to reach
the end, another few enemies to the left appear. Use the Crossbow to easily
kill each enemy. After you kill the first four enemies, additional soldiers
run in from the ledge to the left. Now for the remainder of the time, stand in
the area where you landed using the cable. Pull out the MiniGun and kill
several more enemies before the helicopters come in!

- Run to the end of the cliff.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Firstly, use a more accurate automatic like the Kalash for this part of the
level. It gets a little tense here! First, destroy the first attack helicopter
flying nearby.

Always kill the soldiers inside the helicopters before actually destroying
them because if the helicopters have no attacking soldiers in them, it will
automatically fly away after sometime, which is a good thing! When they fly
away, this counts as if they are destroyed!

Once you have destroyed the first one, another three helicopters fly in.
Remember to kill the soldiers inside the helicopters so you can defeat them
quicker without losing as much health. The helicopters themselves are not armed
with weaponry.

Once you have destroyed the three helicopters, move towards the blue FBI
helicopter you will see flying from the cliffs to the left.

- Shoot down the enemy helicopters.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Amos tells you to move close to the ledge it hovers near. You need to jump
onto the ladder, so get a good run up and jump to it. Once you make it near
the ladder, you successfully finish the level!

- Jump into the FBI helicopter.
Status: **COMPLETE**.

 * * * Mission 30 * * *    /   "SSH-1 Military Base - Forbidden Entry"    [G30]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : SSH1 Secret Military Base, Washington D.C, Maryland
Time : 8:00 am

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: 9mm Pistol
                          Assault Rifle

Full MedKit Locations:
1]: Inside the vent shaft before entering the first set of elevators.

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Infiltrate the secret SSH1 base.

* Avoid being spotted.
* Neutralize the GIs.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

Going under the disguise of Colonel Marshall, you need to infiltrate the secret
base after being seperated from Walter Sheridan. You need to investigate
further into this 'Operation: Total Red' and see who is involved in it. It
is clear Number I is a part of the operation, so you also need to find out
who he actually is.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

From the start of the level, you are instructed by Walter Sheridan to follow
him into the command centre. Turn right at the hallway and follow him to the
door at the end. When the door opens, turn left and continue following Walter.
Notice that you are currently unarmed so you cannot do anything for now.

Wait several seconds when he talks to the guy behind the glass. Once Walter
starts moving again, follow him to the door at the other end of the room.
Once you reach the door, a cutscene will show the big metal door opening.
The president's advisor walks from the area ahead to Sheridan, telling him
that you cannot accompany him in the area, so you are left behind.

Once they both leave, the GI soldier tells you to follow him back. When he
stops near the next door and opens it for you, move straight through the
hallway ahead and move towards to the locker room door to the right, behind
the green crates. When you get near the door, a soldier who is singing comes
out of the room. Wait until he walks off before sneaking into the room.
When you get in the room, turn to the right and move towards the soldier
singing at the mirror. Grab the broom nearby to knock him out. You cannot
shoot the GIs as they are innocent. Once you have knocked out the first
soldier, head to the opposite side of the room and knock out the next guard
who is seated.

Do not bother searching the lockers as there are no pick ups. Move towards
the double door that is locked, near the entry door of the locker room, and
use the lockpick to unlock the door. Go into the next room and open the door
ahead, which leads into the security room. There is only one GI in here, so
walk up behind him and knock him out. Once he is down, take the Magnetic
Card and press the red button to open the door ahead. Exit the security room
and turn right at the hallway. Go to the end of the hallway to the door
which needs the Magnetic Card to open it.

Once you leave the room, back into the main hall, a frame shows a patrolling
guard in the area. Do not let him see you, so hide behind the door you just
went through and wait until the soldier is nearby. When he turns his back
towards you, quickly run up to him and grab him. Do not knock him out
yet, move behind the door you came out of and knock him out inside there.
Once he is down, exit the door and turn left, going into the door you just
opened from the security room.

When you pass the first door, use the Magnetic Card to open the big metal
door. Once it is open, go down the stairs. Quicksave once you reach the

When you get to the end of the stairs, wait until the guard walks from the
left, to the right side of the hallway. When he has your back turned towards
you, go behind him and knock him out. You need to hide the bodies so any
other patrolling guards that come nearby cannot activate the alarm. Hide
the body in the generator level room to the left.

Follow the hallway to the left until you see the next frame showing the
patrolling guard nearby. Do not turn left at the next hallway yet, hide around
the corner of the hallway you are currently in [the first hallway] and
wait until the guard walks near you and turns around. Knock out the soldier
once he has his back turned towards you and pick up his body. Follow the next
hallway to the left until you reach the junction where you can see the camera
mounted on the wall ahead. The cameras do nothing for now, so turn right and
go into the next generator room to drop off the body. Exit the room and turn
left into the hallway. Keep following it until you reach the end and you are
shown another guard nearby in the open hall.

Grab the broom next to the metal cabinet and wait until he is nearby. It does
not matter if he sees you or not because of how quick you will knock him out.
Once you have knocked the guard out, quickly pick the body up and open the
double doors to the left of the open hall. Drop the body near the metal
cabinet and close the door behind you. Grab the other broom next to the metal
cabinet where you just dropped off the body and wait until the next guard
stops right next to the metal cabinet. Storm towards him and knock him out.
Hide the body inside the generator room to the left and enter the single door
from across the room.

This leads into the security office with one soldier. Grab the chair and
whack it at him to knock him out. Do not bother picking up his body.
Instead, press the red button to open the doors ahead and go back into the
generator room nearby. Jump onto the chair, then the metal cabinet to the
left wall and then the cabinet closest to the vent above. Once you are near
the vent, punch the mesh and follow the shaft. After going around the first
corner, you will see a Full MedKit to pick up. Exit the shaft through the
other exit and turn left into the door that leads to the open hall area again.

Turn left when you are in the hall area and go through the door you have
just opened from the security room. Press the button for the left elevator
and wait until the door opens.

Once the elevator door opens, go inside the elevator, press the button inside
and wait until it reaches the floor below. In this part of the level, avoid
the guards from firing their weapons at all costs. This area is full of guards
patrolling all over the place. Also quicksave once you reach the checkpoint!

Once you exit the elevator, turn at the hallway to the right and go into the
first double doors to the left wall. Open it and wait near the metal cabinet
ahead where you are shown a guard walking up the hallway nearby, going into
the locker rooms. Wait until he goes inside.

Before going into the locker room the guard just entered, open a door to the
left of the locker room, leading into a security booth with a guard inside it.
Knock out the guard inside so all the cameras around the entire area are
made useless. This makes it possible to proceed further into this part of the
base without the alarm being alerted. Head towards the locker room.

When the guard walks towards his locker, grab the broom nearby and whack it
against him. Pick up his body and move it into the bathroom area. Exit the
locker room, but before moving left into the hallway, look to the left first
at the corner to see if a guard is not standing there. If you do see a guard
there, wait several seconds before he walks off. Make your way towards the
end of the hallway behind the metal cabinet, grabbing the broom leaning
against it. The frames will show you two guards patrolling the long hallway
around the corner. The second frame on the bottom shows the patrolling guard
at the opposite end of this hallway. Wait until this second guard has his
back turned towards the first guard closest to you. When the first guard
stops around the corner, whack him with the broom, pick up his body and
quickly hide it inside the generator room to the right of the long hallway.
When the second guard is looking away again, pick up the broom from the
generator room you just dumped the guards body in and run up towards the
second guard at the end of the long hallway.

Whack him and drop his body at the generator room to the left side of the
hallway, near the next corner. Go around the corner after clearing the long
hallway of the two guards and keep following the hallway until you reach
the next door at the end. Open the door and run up behind the patrolling
soldier. Do this very quickly, but only grab him for now. Move left and open
the door ahead. Once you end up in the tall room with a pillar, turn left
towards the door. Open the door, which leads into the bathroom, knock out the
person and dump the body inside here. Stay inside the room and shut the door.

Now, you need to wait until the two men having the conversation leave the
actual dining area. A frame pops up showing you them walk off, but as they
do, another soldier 'magically' appears to be walking closer towards the room
you are in. Grab the broom near the door and wait until this soldier opens
the door to your room. Whack him with the broom and move his body inside the
actual room.

Leave the bathroom, closing the door behind, grab the chair nearby and make
your way inside the dining room. Use the chair to knock out the guard with
his back turned towards you.

Once you have done that, open the door on the other side of the dining room.
You now end up in the utility room. Move up to the other side of the room
to finish the level.

- Infiltrate the secret SSH1 base.
Status: **COMPLETE**

- Avoid being spotted.
Status: **COMPLETE**

- Neutralize the GIs.
Status: **COMPLETE**

 * * * Mission 31 * * *    /   "SSH-1 Military Base - Anti-Terrorism"     [G31]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : SSH1 Secret Military Base, Sector Two

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: 9mm Pistol
                          Assault Rifle
                          M60 Sub Machine Gun
                          Pump Action Shotgun
                          Frag Grenade

MedKit Locations:
1]: Bottom left corner of the Conference Room. Located at a small room.
    Inside a glass cabinet.
2]: Inside the locker rooms after leaving the conference room area.

Full MedKit Locations:
1]: Near the start. Inside the armoury room.

Armoured Vest Locations:
1]: Near the start. Inside the armoury room.
2]: Inside the locker rooms after leaving the conference room area.

- - - - -

Documents Available: III Document
                     II Document

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- The SPADS have taken the president hostage. Set him free.
- Protect the President and entrust him to a GI.
- Access the checkpoint.

* Avoid being spotted.
* Neutralize the GIs.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

Managing to infiltrate the first area of the secret facility, you find yourself
further inside the interior of the base. There are more GI Soldiers around the
area that you need to neutralized, but remember not to kill them. You need to
reach the next checkpoint so you can access the command centre.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

For this mission, utilize your sixth sense skill before turning around a corner
into another hallway. There are usually guards walking around that you are not
aware of, but you can hear them when they walk around, when using the skill.

You find yourself at another part of the utility room where you last left off
from the previous mission. Head towards the door ahead, picking up the broom
to the left on the way and open the door.

Go behind the guard speaking nearby and hit him with the broom. Hide his body
inside the utility room, shut the door and progress down the hallway. Grab
the chair ahead and smack it against the next guard patrolling the next
corner. You can also hide this guards body inside the utility room at the
start. Grab the chair near the locked door before going around the next
corner. Do not go into the next hallway. Instead, wait around the corner and
listen to the guard walking nearby. Once he gets close enough, hit him with
the chair and leave his body lying from where you knocked him out for now.

Move into the hallway and grab the chair near the armoury. Open the door into
the armoury and knock out the guard inside here. There are numerous
ammo, health and armour pick ups inside this room. Make sure you get all of it!
Get out of the room, but before moving on, pick up the guards body you knocked
out earlier in the previous hallway and put it inside the armoury. Once you
exit the armoury, turn left into the hallway and go through the door leading
inside the conference room. Once you enter this room, go into the middle
of the room, near the table and you will receive a surprise attack from the
SPADS! Pull out the Assault Rifle or MiniGun and kill several enemies that
run in from different directions.

After you kill several enemies, you also receive a surprise from General
Standwell, how enters the conference room from the far left corner. This of
course, is another boss you have to eliminate. He is armed with a M60, which
makes him very dangerous. The best weapon to use is the Assault Rifle.
Hopefully you picked up the three Assault Rifle Grenades from the armoury.
This makes the job a lot easier! If you have the grenades, use them to lower
Standwell's health to a very low amount. Use the Assault Rifle's primary
mode to shoot towards Standwell, using the 'burst fire' technique, especially
when he is far away.

Running up close to Standwell does not work very well as he runs relatively
fast with such a heavy weapon and also the weapon itself inflicts a lot of
damage! Use the Full MedKit from the armoury to replenish your health if
it is a little low. Once you have managed to kill Standwell, grab the key
and M60 from his dead body. It also reveals he is Number III.

Walk towards the far left corner of the room, or the area of the room that
General Standwell entered through before he started to fight you. You will
need to find the correct door eventually. It is the one that has the
'Security Personnel Only' tag above it. Use the key to unlock the door and
this leads into a control room with the president inside it.

- The SPADS have taken the president hostage. Set him free.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Press the red button near the screens to open the door in the conference room.
Pick up the President's body, move out of the room and turn left. Walk straight
until you reach the double doors you just opened at the middle of the
conference room. Turn left into the doors and drop the president's body for
now, before going around the corner. Quicksave once you reach the checkpoint.

Once you go around the corner, move down the hallway a little until you a
shown a cutscene of a SPADS soldier holding some innocents hostage up at the
second floor window. After they walk past, another soldier runs in front of
the window. When the cutscene ends, kill the first soldier and two more
soldiers run there and jump off the second floor onto the ground level ahead.
Shoot them and then move down towards the first door to the right. Kill the
SPADS soldier that opens it when you get near the door then move in the
hallway. Most of the doors in this room are inaccessible, but go halfway
through the hallway and go into the restroom to the right. Kill a soldier
inside here and pick up the ammo on the table. Go back to the previous hallway
and go to the end of it, where the locker rooms are.

There is one more SPADS soldier to kill here, but once you enter the locker
room, turn right and pick up the MedKit and armoured vest. Once you have
collected those, make your way back through the hallway to the first main
hallway where you killed the first few soldiers in the area. Pick up the
President's body you dumped at the first corner and go all the way through
the first hallway. Go around the next corner to the left and follow the next
hallway where you will see a friendly GI soldier at the far end. Move towards
him into the elevator room and drop the President's body next to the GI

- Protect the President and entrust him to a GI.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Open the double doors to the right of the elevator room and help the GI
soldiers fight off the SPADS. There are two enemies hiding behind the
tables ahead. Kill them and turn right into the hallway, killing the next
two enemies hiding behind the tables. Use the tables nearby as cover if you
do not want to lose too much health, or else just run up towards the enemy
and kill them along the way. Once you have killed the second pair of
enemies, go back to where the first pair of enemies once stood, next to the
big metal door leading to the next area of the base.

The GI Soldier opens the door for you, so walk inside the passage towards
the other door to finish this mission.

- Access the checkpoint.
Status: **COMPLETE**

- Avoid being spotted.
Status: **COMPLETE**

- Neutralize the GIs.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Submissions: \____________________________________

The following submission has been submitted by "De Sjef".

- When facing Standwell, hide behind the pillar to your right, seen from
  where you come in from the hallway. Standwell keeps running around like
  mad. Every time he pops up around the corner, first use all the AR grenades
  you have. By doing this, this takes down a lot of his health. When you're
  out of the grenades. Just sit tight and shoot him every time he runs past
  the corner. This saves you a lot of health.

 * * * Mission 32 * * *    /   "SSH-1 Military Base - Total Red"          [G32]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : SSH1 Secret Military Base, Sector Three - Control Centre

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: 9mm Pistol
                          Assault Rifle
                          M60 Sub Machine Gun
                          Pump Action Shotgun
                          Frag Grenade

MedKit Locations:
1]: In the Control Room. On top of a control panel.

Full MedKit Locations:
1]: Near the start. Located at the armoury room.
2]: Near the start. Located at the armoury room.

Armoured Vest Locations:
1]: Near the start. Located at the armoury room.

Armoured Helmet Locations:
1]: Near the start. Located at the armoury room.

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Stop Operation Total Red.
- Set the Hostages free.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

Now that you have penetrated the third level of the base, you must enter the
control centre area and eliminate any hostiles. Stopping Operation: Total Red
is a very important priority of the mission. If you find any other conspirators
in the area, stop them before they do more harm than good! Also rescue any
hostages you find along the way.

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

Once the level begins, move towards the metal door ahead. Wait until it opens
fully before moving forward. When you make it to the hallway, the three
hostages you saw from the previous level are stuck inside the room to the
right. You can rescue these people a little bit later as you cannot shoot the

Before going into the double doors leading into the control room, open the
single door to the left. Go through the first small room and exit at the next
door. This leads you into an armoury. Pick up all the weapons on the
shelves to the right, the two Full MedKits and armoured vest and helmet.

Exit the room back into the hallway and use the lockpick to unlock the door
leading to the control room. Once you open the doors, look to the right at
the single door nearby. This is the computer room, where the hostages are
stuck inside, but the door is locked, so you have to come back later.

Continue moving straight through the hallway until you reach the entry doors
at the middle of the actual control centre. Make sure you have a good weapon
pulled out!

There are several enemies in here. The bad thing about these enemies are that
they are a little faster and have a lot more armour and health! Once you have
killed several enemies at the ground area of the control room, look to the
right of the big screen in the control room where an enemy runs in through
the door. Make sure you kill him! Stand at the middle of the control
room, between the numerous control consoles and now look to the left of the
big screen, at the top of the stairs. Another two enemies run up here so kill
them and you need to kill a few more enemies you should see at the second
floor behind you.

Once you have killed the pack of enemies here, go up the stairs to the left
of the room. While you climb up the stairs, you will encounter a few more
SPADS soldiers before making it to the room Calvin is stuck inside. Move
towards the glass window to start a cutscene. He decides to take the
problem into his own hands and decides to commit suicide. Before he killed
himself, he activated the self destruct sequence for the entire base.

- Stop Operation Total Red.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Enter the room Calvin was in to take the Magnetic Keycard from his body. You
also find out that he was Number II. Now remember the Computer Room the
hostages where stuck in back at the start. Make your way out of the control
room back to the door leading inside the computer room.

While you are walking towards the computer room, Carrington informs you that
the President is still somewhere inside the base and you must stop the self
destruct sequence! This is a task you must fulfill in the next mission.

Rescue the hostages from the room and Sheridan tells you to follow him. He
runs to the opposite side of the hallway, at the emergency exit door.

Once you make it here, wait until Sheridan opens the emergency door before
going into the room ahead. Move towards the second metal door to finish the

- Set the Hostages free.
Status: **COMPLETE**

 * * * Mission 33 * * *    /   "SSH-1 Military Base - Abortion"           [G33]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : SSH1 Secret Military Base, Emergency Sector - Missile Silo

- - - - -

Weapon Pickups Available: Assault Rifle
                          M60 Sub Machine Gun
                          Pump Action Shotgun
                          Frag Grenade

Full MedKit Locations:
1]: After going across the missile silo. Inside the rest room. On top of
    a table.

Armoured Vest Locations:
1]: After going across the missile silo. Inside the armoury.

Armoured Helmet Locations:
1]: After going across the missile silo. Inside the rest room. On top of
    a table.

- - - - -

Documents Available: I Document

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Cancel the base's self destruct procedure.
- Get back to the exit.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

After stopping Operation: Total Red, you now need to deactivate the countdown
procedure which Number II activated before taking his own life in the command
centre. You have minimal time so you must act quick! Failure is not a option!

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

Once the level starts, wait until the metal door in front of you opens. Once
it is open, move straight and turn left into the next room.

If you look straight ahead, there is an elevator over at the far end, but it
is locked for now, so you need to turn right through the open blast doors into
the large nuclear missile silo area. Once you enter here, you can hear an
electronic voice saying "Commencing final phase of self destruct sequence".

After he says that, look above your health points and a count down timer pops
up. You have 120 seconds or two minutes to abort the self destruct sequence.
If you are wondering what happens when the timer reaches zero, nothing really
happens! There is no time to waste so get running!

Anyway, when you are in the silo area, go into the small platform at the
middle of the walkway and press the action button on the small console to
the right of the platform. While you travel across over the missile silo, pull
out the grapple - you will need it shortly. The platform stops moving about
three quarters of the way, so you need to use the grapple and attach it
towards the hook ahead to swing to the other side. Swing back and fourth
towards the platform ahead until you get enough momentum to jump on the
platform without falling off. It is possible to just do the one swing over
to the platform and jump on it without falling! Takes a little skill to do

Once you get on the platform, run straight and turn right into the hallway
that leads to the control room. When you get towards the end of the hallway
you are in, the blast door closes sealing you off from entering directly
into the control room. You must find an alternate way inside!

Take the door to the left, near the blast door that just closed, into the
rest room. You can pick up the Full MedKit and Armoured Helmet on the
table, but once you enter inside the room, turn directly right and open the
door that leads into the locker rooms. As soon as you open the door into
the locker rooms, look straight ahead towards the poster on the wall. If you
look carefully, there is a bit of a vent shaft exposed underneath the poster.
Trash the poster out of the way, smash the mesh and crawl through the shafts.

When you get to the end of the shaft, look down and there is another piece
of mesh blocking the way down. Smash the mesh and you will end up in the
control room. But do not get excited yet! There is a big problem, the
computer at the very front of the room that has the big abort button to
stop the countdown is wired to some explosives, killing you if you attempt to
press it, so you now must find another alternative way of stopping the

There is a door to the right side of the control room. Go up the
stairs, towards the door, get out you lockpick and unlock it. Open the door and
look to the immediate left once you enter the hallway. There is another door
in here. Use the lockpick to unlock it as well and you end up inside the
power generator room. You need to destroy the power generators to abort
the countdown. Pull out the Pistol and shoot the lock on the metal door
nearby. Open the door pressing the action button and use a Frag Grenade
[you surely should have some still] and throw the grenade inside where
the numerous generators are. Once you do, run out of the room! If you
do not have any explosives, just use your weapons! M60 works best! After the
generators are destroyed, the countdown is finally over!

- Cancel the base's self destruct procedure.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Now you need to head back to the exit. Exit the power generator room and turn
left into the hallway. Walk towards the blast door blocking the way, which
can be opened by pressing the action button on the switch next to it. Once it
is open, turn right into the rest room again and turn left in the door which
leads into the armoury. Grab the armour and ammo kept inside here.

Exit the restroom and turn right, heading back towards the silo area. When you
get back on the walkway at the silo area, turn right from the platform console
and go down the ladder to the lower silo area.

When you reach the bottom, walk towards the middle of the area and you are
confronted by The Mongoose. He does not seem very happy this time!

He is armed with Dual MiniGuns, which is a big threat considering his
superior accuracy. This is one tough nut to beat! His health is way beyond
normal and has excellent dodging skills. There are two ways you can play
this fair and square, shoot him up close or shoot him from a distance! The
best one is to use both!

From the start, he usually hides behind the missile at the middle of the silo.
Pull out the Assault Rifle and use it's Grenades to shoot towards where he is.
Even if you do not see him, shoot the Grenades towards the walkway close to
him and he will still get hurt. Once you deplete the AR Grenades, use the
normal Frag Grenades. When you have run out of explosives, pull out and use
the Assault Rifle's primary mode for the time being.

When The Mongoose has lost about a third of his health, he runs behind one
of the other four missiles for cover as the one in the middle descends back
into the storage area. This is where you pull out the Dual MiniGuns and start
attacking him up-close. He usually does the same move - move across from
missile to missile while shooting at you. Try to avoid the gunfire while he
moves across to the next missile, but once he hides for cover again, move
towards the missile he is hiding at and go right next to him. When you do
this, blast the Dual MiniGuns towards his head while he moves again. When
you run out of ammo in the clip, hide behind the missiles for cover.

Also, while going for cover each time, replenish your health supplies, because
you will lose health when doing the up-close moves. Do this every time after
shooting at him from a short distance. You should have enough MedKits to last
for the whole time. If you still have ammo for your MiniGun's, still use
them, or else the best alternatives are either the M60 or Assault Rifle.
Shoot the actual missiles when he walks near them, so some radiation
disperses out of the canisters, blinding him for about a second. This is
valuable time to shoot at him.

When he is nearly dead, the remaining four missiles drop down, making you
extremely vulnerable as there is no cover! While they go down, quickly
replenish any low health and pull out the Assault Rifle. Once you have
done that, wait until The Mongoose pops out again, but this time he will just
keep walking towards you while firing. Keep shooting at him and crouch behind
the metal bars around the area for minimal cover.

Once you have pretty much killed him, he will stutter towards the middle and
will fall. That's the end of that chapter!

You will hear Major Jones from above calling you to move back above. Go up
the ladder that has the label "Take this ladder to: Exit". Once you reach
the top of the ladder, meet up with Jones at the walkway nearby.

After she finishes talking, follow her towards the elevator for evacuation.

- Get back to the exit.
Status: **COMPLETE**

Submissions: \____________________________________

The following submission has been submitted by "Adam S.".

- I didn't like running after the Mongoose for the close-up Minigun shots.
  Concentrating on the Mongoose kept making me forget that there were no
  gates to keep me from falling off the sides of the platform. So I came
  up with a safer, long-distance strategy.

  Believe it or not, by strategically positioning yourself, you can control
  where the Mongoose will appear. When the scenario begins, run to the
  missile directly to my left, crouch down and position myself where you can
  see a space on either side of the middle missile, more on the right side
  than to the left side of the middle missile. This seems to force the
  Mongoose to appear in the left space.

  Use what you have of the frag grenades by waiting until you have 1:50
  seconds before throwing them to the left space. With a little timing, they
  are effective enough to bring the Mongoose's health down enough to lower
  the middle missile. If not, use the accuracy of the M16 to lower his health

  After that, move a little further back so you can see the missile directly
  diagonal from the one your hiding behind so there is no visible space to
  the left. This forces the Mongoose to appear to the right of that missile.
  Switch to a fully loaded M60 in Burst Mode and fire on him during each of
  his forays towards and away from you.

  An occasional health boost from time to time while continuing to crouch
  behind the missile railing for cover keeps you from dying. And even after
  the last four missiles lower, keep the same place and fire on him with the

- - - - -

Once again, here is another submission on how to kill The Mongoose submitted
by "Ben F.".

- Start with the Dual MiniGuns. When The Mongoose runs around behind the
  missiles, do not chase him around. Stand and shoot quick bursts at the
  two missles at the back of the silo, which The Mongoose is standing in
  front of at the start of the encounter. Hopefully he will stumble into
  the gases released from the missiles that you just shot at.

  If you do manage to get him 'stunned' by the gas, reload the weapon and
  run towards him. Get as close as you can before he recovers from the
  fumes and blast him taking as many headshots as possible. It will only
  take about three to four of these quick attacks before the middle missile
  drops. By now you should have only used one med kit, if you have any

  When the middle missle drops, collect the Armoured Vest and MedKit
  from the SPADS officer who drops in front of you. Crouch and now with
  The Mongoose hopefully on the opposite end of the platform, pull out
  the M60. Just fire that beast on full auto and try to keep it on him
  when he comes in close. Be ready with your MedKits as you will need
  them. He usually runs near you and is pretty easy to keep the gun aimed
  at him when he does, but he will hurt you more easily! It is best to crouch
  when handling the M60 on automatic mode so you can retain some accuracy.

  When he's off into the distance, try to get him stuck in more rocket
  gas. As long as you've collected enough ammo for the M60, you will 
  have plenty to shoot him with and waste it shooting the missles.

  This method works like a charm on Realistic difficulty.

- - - - -

The following submission has been submitted by "Jonas T." and "Jesse C.".

- An easy way to be well prepared for the Mongoose is to pick up everything
  in the armoury and in the rest room before reaching the checkpoint. After
  having reached the checkpoint you may return to the armoury and rest room
  to pick up those items once again.

  Also; two additional MedKits are to be found inside a glass cabinet to the
  left as you enter the locker room.

- - - - -

The following submission has been submitted by "De Sjef".

- Instead of using the platform lift, you can use the 2 ladders too that
  lead into the main missile silo platform below. It's possible to make it
  within the designated time span.

 * * * Mission 34 * * *    /   "Yacht Lady Bee - Revelation"              [G34]
Mission Overview:      \__________________________

Location : Yacht Lady Bee, New York City
Time : 8:00 pm

- - - - -

Documents Available: XIII Document

- - - - -

Primary Mission Objectives:
- Find Wally Sheridan.

Introduction/Briefing: \__________________________

You have been invited to attend President Walter Sheridan's cocktail party
in celebration for his presidential election. Enjoy the views and relax!

Mission Walkthrough: \____________________________

The backgrounds in this level are terrific! Anyway, let's get to the level

From the start of the level, move up the stairs towards the president who
is at the top, talking to someone else. After he gives you a brief
introduction to his friend, you can hear Jones shouting towards you to
come. Look to the right and move towards Jones, who is wearing the rather
white and sexy looking dress.

After Jones finishes in engaging the conversation, turn left and walk through
the narrow walkway, towards Carrington and Amos further ahead. They start
talking a little, but suddenly a loud thud occurs, surprising Amos and
Carrington, they turn around and pull out their weapons thinking it's an
attack on the boat, but rest assured, it's just the fireworks that have just
started! Nice trick ...!

Move towards the front of the boat where most of the people have gathered.
After a while, Carrington and Amos reckon that the President should be
watching the fireworks too and they both ask you to go look for him.

Move towards the opposite walkway [the one you have not been through yet] and
move straight. When your walking down the walkway, you will see Walter near
the stairs opening and moving through a door. You need to follow Walter.

Go into the door he just opened and turn left into the next room. Keep moving
straight and turn right into the stairs, in the next room. Go down the stairs
to the lower area. When you get to the bottom, go left and follow the passage
into the room with the big glass window. When you enter the room, you will
hear The Mongoose's voice. Strange indeed, you go back into a flashback
nearing towards the identity of Number I.

Still just a black silhouette, you still cannot clearly see who he is.

The flashback fades out back into the real game.

An in-game cutscene shows President Sheridan walk towards the entry of the
room with two 'assistants'.

You are trapped inside the room with a President who's appearance seems to
be deceiving.

There is nothing you can do for now .....

- Find Wally Sheridan.
Status: **COMPLETE**

                > To be continued .......................

          "Section H - Multiplayer"

The various multiplayer menus can access different options to change parts of
your online profile, create and join multiplayer games and create your own
skirmish games with AI bots.

   H01    \   * * * Multiplayer Menus * * *

*** Multiplayer Selection Menu ***

The main menu of the multiplayer mode in XIII consists of five square with
pictures, each one going to a different section of the multiplayer. The
following five options you can choose are given in more detail throughout
this section of the multiplayer guide.

"Bot Challenge"                - Create your own multiplayer skirmish with AI
                                 bots of various skill levels.

"Join a LAN Game"              - Join a LAN Game through a network of two or
                                 more computers.

"Host a LAN Game"              - Host a LAN Game through a network of two or
                                 more computers.

"UbiSoft Online Game Service"  - Join with other players from around the world
                                 to compete in multiplayer games on the net.

"Online Multiplayer Profile"   - Register a new profile for the online service.

- - - - - - - - - -

*** Bot Challenge Menu ***

In this section of multiplayer, you can verse or team up with AI bots of
various skills to play in numerous game modes and maps incase you do not
have an active internet connection or if you are feeling a little bored!

"Game Type"      - You can choose the various modes of game play you want to
                   play for the multiplayer match. More information on modes
                   can be found in the multiplayer modes section.

"Map Name"       - You can choose which map you want to play in the
                   multiplayer game. Choosing some different types of game
                   modes can effect the availability of some maps.

"Points Limit"   - Determines how many points are required to win the match.
                   Clicking the left arrow decreases the point limit while
                   clicking the right arrow increases the point limit. If you
                   select the dash, this means the time limit is infinite.

"Time Limit"     - Determines how long the match will be played for. Clicking
                   the left arrow decreases the time limit while clicking the
                   right arrow increases the time limit. If you select the
                   dash, this means the time limit is infinite.

"Friendly Fire"  - This option only appears when selecting games requiring

"Bots Setup"     - Choose how many bots you want in the game and their skill
                   levels. You can choose to have the default number of bots
                   in a level or you can disable them so you can play by
                   yourself, which is good for remembering your way around
                   the levels. You can choose the number of bots in the game
                   manually and customize their skill levels.

"Create"         - Start the game session you have created.

- - - - - - - - - -

*** Join a LAN Game Menu ***

You can access this section so you can join any multiplayer games created in
a network of two or more computers.

"Refresh List"   - This refreshes the list of available games on the network.
                   If there are no hosted games, it will display as 'there is
                   no session available'.

"Back"           - Sends you back to the main multiplayer menu.

- - - - - - - - - -

*** Host a LAN Game Menu ***

This is the place you can create multiplayer games for a LAN network. Note
that you cannot have bots in LAN games.

"Server Name"    - You can give the host you are creating a name

"No. of Players" - The number of players that can join in the hosted game.
                   Clicking the left arrow decreases the amount of players the
                   game can have while clicking the right arrow increase the
                   amount of players.                   

"Game Type"      - You can choose the various modes of gameplay you want to
                   play for the multiplayer match. More information on modes
                   can be found in the multiplayer modes section.

"Map Name"       - You can choose which map you want to play in the
                   multiplayer game. Choosing some different types of game
                   modes can effect the availability of some maps.

"Points Limit"   - Determines how many points are required to win the match.
                   Clicking the left arrow decreases the point limit while
                   clicking the right arrow increases the point limit. If you
                   select the dash, this means the time limit is infinite.

"Time Limit"     - Determines how long the match will be played for. Clicking
                   the left arrow decreases the time limit while clicking the
                   right arrow increases the time limit. If you select the
                   dash, this means the time limit is infinite.

"Create"         - Start the game session you have created.

- - - - - - - - - -

*** UbiSoft Online Game Service ***

This is the area that you go through to join in other multiplayer games being
hosted by both official or unofficial servers. It is often best to join the
game with the best ping - the white number to the left of the server you are
about to select. Note that you cannot have bots in an online game. You first
need to create an online profile before joining online games.

"Use your Account" - Select the account that is currently saved in
                             the game. You can change the saved username to
                             a different one if you have more than one account
                             by going into the 'use existing account' section.

"Modify selected account" - This is where you can change the Username and
                            passwords for the selected online profile.

"Remove selected account" - Selecting this option asks you if you want to
                            actually remove the selected account. You need
                            to confirm the removal to get rid of the profile.

"Create new account"   - This is where you can create your online profile for
                         online multiplayer games.

"Use existing account" - If you have already made an online profile, you can
                         select the certain profile you have made with the
                         Username and Password details you should remember.

= = =  Server Lobby = = =

When you are in the multiplayer server list, here are the following options
that you can select.

"Refresh List"  - Click this option to refresh the details of the servers
                  available in the lobby.

"Create"        - You can click into this option to create your own online
                  multiplayer game.

"Filter"        - Click on this option to enter the filter screen. You can
                  make filters so the lobby only shows your favourite types
                  of maps and game modes.

"Exit"          - This option exits you from the server lobby.

- - - - - - - - - -

*** Online Multiplayer Profile Menu ***

This is where you can also edit your details for when you play a game.

"Name"   - You can change your Nickname for your profile.

"Skin"   - This is the selection area where you can choose your character
           skin for your player during a game. The character you select
           appears as that character to other players in a multiplayer game.

"Team"   - You can choose which team you start on once you join an online
           game with team players. You can choose between the two colours
           red and blue.

"Accept" - Click this option to accept the settings you have changed.

   H02    \   * * * Multiplayer Modes * * *

The multiplayer mode of the game is great, especially when online! The options
are simple, yet some of the maps and modes included in the game are cool!

This section will highlight the main areas of the multiplayer section so you
know your way around the menus.

- - - - - - - - - -

- Deathmatch -

Info:   The original multiplayer mode you will find in a ton of games. This is
        simply a free-for-all type of multiplayer mode. Every man for himself!

Maps Available : Winslow Bank
                 Platform 02
                 Bristol Suites
                 Plain Rock
                 Warehouse 33

- - - - - - - - - -

- Team Deathmatch -

Info:   The same as the deathmatch mode, except that team deathmatch consists
        of two teams - blue and red.

Maps Available: Winslow Bank
                Platform 02
                Bristol Suites
                Plain Rock
                Warehouse 33
                USS Patriot
                New York

- - - - - - - - - -

- Capture the Flag -

Info:   Each team must take the opposing team's flag and bring it back to their
        base without losing their own flag.

Maps Available: USS Patriot
                New York

- - - - - - - - - -

- The Hunt -

Info:   This mode works like deathmatch, but there is an additional objective
        besides killing the other opponents. You do not get any points for
        killing the opponents, but instead, you get points by shooting a
        skeleton that runs around in a hooded outfit. This character runs
        around the level and cannot be killed. Your aim is to hunt this
        character and shoot it as many times as possible while you have the
        chance. To make it more challenging, the only weapons you can have
        in this mode is the Pistol, Frag Grenade and Hunting Shotgun. Each
        bullet that hits the skeleton compensates for one point. You must be
        careful when you are near the skeleton as it is unpredictable at which
        direction it will go next. Touching the skeleton makes you die
        instantly and you also lose 10 points as a penalty.

Maps Available: Winslow Bank
                Platform 02
                Bristol Suites
                Plain Rock
                Warehouse 33

- - - - - - - - - -

- Sabotage -

Info:   Each team is made up of 2 players or more. Each player has specific
        skills. One team must defend the checkpoints; the other team must blow
        them up. The game ends after a certain time lapse (depending on the
        map) and the winning team is the one which has achieved its goal; the
        defenders win if they have prevented the attackers from dynamiting the
        sites; the attacks win when they have destroyed all the checkpoints.

Maps Available: Docks

- - - - - - - - - -

- Power Up -

Info:   This mode also works exactly the same as deathmatch, but all the
        weapon, health and armour pick ups have been replaced with boxes that
        can give out random or fixed pick ups. Some boxes might be a benefit
        towards you by giving power ups like boosts, extra damage, extra health
        and armour while there are some that can be dangerous to collect. Most
        of these dangerous items are found in the random boxes, increasing the
        risk of getting these bad items. Some of the bad items include things
        like health and armour depletion. Points are still delivered the same
        way as deathmatch, by killing the opponents!

Maps Available: Winslow Bank
                Platform 02
                Bristol Suites
                Plain Rock
                Warehouse 33

   H03    \   * * * Multiplayer Maps * * *

Here are the details of the various maps you can select in multiplayer. Each
map is also shown with statistics of the maximum amount of players it can hold
for the various modes of multiplayer.

- - - - - - - - - -

= = = Free-for-all Games = = =

Map Name          Deathmatch          The Hunt            Power Up
                  Players             Players             Players

Winslow Bank      6                   6                    6
Platform 02       4                   4                    4
AFM-10            4                   4                    4
Emerald           4                   4                    4
FBI               6                   6                    6
Bristol Suites    6                   6                    6
SPADS             6                   6                    6
Plain Rock        6                   6                    6
Warehouse 33      4                   4                    4
USS Patriot       -                   -                    -
XX                -                   -                    -
Kellownee         -                   -                    -
New York          -                   -                    -
Temple            -                   -                    -
Hualpar           4                   4                    4
Asylum            4                   4                    4
USA               4                   4                    4
SS-419            4                   4                    4
Docks             -                   -                    -
Choland           -                   -                    -
Camp              -                   -                    -

- - - - - - - - - -

= = = Team Games = = =

Map Name          Team Deathmatch     Capture The Flag     Sabotage
                  Players             Players              Players

Winslow Bank      6                   -                    -
Platform 02       4                   -                    -
AFM-10            4                   -                    -
Emerald           4                   -                    -
FBI               6                   -                    -
Bristol Suites    6                   -                    -
SPADS             6                   -                    -
Plain Rock        6                   -                    -
Warehouse 33      4                   -                    -
USS Patriot       8                   8                    -
XX                6                   8                    -
Kellownee         6                   8                    -
New York          8                   8                    -
Temple            8                   8                    -
Hualpar           4                   -                    -
Asylum            4                   -                    -
USA               4                   -                    -
SS-419            4                   -                    -
Docks             -                   -                    8
Choland           -                   -                    8
Camp              -                   -                    8

          "Section I - Secret Documents"
   I01    \   * * * Secret Documents * * *

There are a number of Important Documents you can collect from select levels
of the singleplayer mode. These get added towards the 'Documents' section
of the 'Continue' menu of your profile. From here, you can view the contents
of all the files and documents you have collected throughout the game.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Attaché Case"
   Mission Located     - Mission 03 = Winslow Bank - Investigation
   Where               - Inside the deposit box.

"FBI Document"
   Mission Located     - Mission 04 = FBI Headquarters - Interrogation
   Where               - At the start of the level, on the floor near the first
                         blue door.

"White House Document"
   Mission Located     - Mission 08 = Emerald Military Base - Rescue
   Where               - After the blue surveillance room. Located at the
                         guards quarters inside a locker. The room shortly
                         before rescuing Carrington.

"XVII Document"
   Mission Located     - Mission 11 = Kellownee Lake - Exploration
   Where               - Inside the Green Boat.

"XX Document"
   Mission Located     - Mission 14 = Plain Rock Asylum - Fugitive
   Where               - Inside Doctor Johansson's office. Inside a safe behind
                         a painting near his desk.

"Pentagon Document"
   Mission Located     - Mission 18 = SPADS Military Base - Sabotage
   Where               - Second last area of the level. Inside the beige tent
                         where the conversation between the conspiracy members
                         take place. On the front desk.

"VII Document"
   Mission Located     - Mission 22 = USS Patriot - Evacuation
   Where               - Inside the Captain's Cabin after defeating Captain
                         Edelbright. Use the key you get from the captain's
                         body to access the captain's room.

"IX Document"
   Mission Located     - Mission 25 = Bristols Suites Hotel - Espionage 
   Where               - Pick it up from Winslow's dead body after killing him.

"V Document"
   Mission Located     - Mission 25 = Bristols Suites Hotel - Espionage 
   Where               - Pick it up from Willard's dead body after killing him.

"III Document"
   Mission Located     - Mission 31 = SSH-1 Military Base - Anti-Terrorism
   Where               - Finish Mission 31 to obtain this document.

"II Document"
   Mission Located     - Mission 31 = SSH-1 Military Base - Anti-Terrorism
   Where               - Finish Mission 31 to obtain this document.

"I Document"
   Mission Located     - Mission 33 = SSH-1 Military Base - Abortion
   Where               - Finish Mission 33 to obtain this document.

   I02    \   * * * XIII Documents * * *

The following documents are shown as Blue "XIII" files when you see them during
a level. Whenever you pick these up though, they do not get displayed at the
'Documents' section.

- - - - - - - - - -

"XIII Document One"
   Mission Located     - Mission 09 = Emerald Military Base - Extraction
   Where               - After Carrington gives you the sniper rifle, look
                         around the edge of a platform until you find a ring
                         ladder. Go down it and go towards the opposite
                         column. Carefully go around it and up the column.
                         Look down and you will see a trapdoor in the wall of
                         the nearby wall. Jump down and open it. Crawl through
                         and you will find another XIII document.

"XIII Document Two"
   Mission Located     - Mission 13 = Plain Rock Penitentiary - Detention
   Where               - Inside a small room located at prison block "G-A"

"XIII Document Three"
   Mission Located     - Mission 18 = SPADS Military Base - Sabotage
   Where               - At the first open area. Inside the guard's booth at
                         the far side gate.

"XIII Document Four"
   Mission Located     - Mission 18 = SPADS Military Base - Sabotage
   Where               - The back entry of the Beige Tent the conversation
                         between the conspirators takes place. On top of
                         some crates.

"XIII Document Five"
   Mission Located     - Mission 20 = SPADS Submarine Pen - Assault
   Where               - Near the start of the level. Inside the small room
                         with the health and armour pick ups.

"XIII Document Six"
   Mission Located     - Mission 22 = USS Patriot - Evacuation
   Where               - In a small room above the torpedo room that you fight
                         Captain Franklin Edelbright in. After the fight you
                         have to exit the room up a ladder (unlocking the hatch
                         with a key found on the Captain’s body). This room is
                         next to the Control Room and has two more ladders both
                         of which lead to the small room containing the missing

"XIII Document Seven"
   Mission Located     - Mission 24 = AFMD-10 Harbour - Identification
   Where               - Located at the second warehouse. Inside a small room
                         in a metal cabinet.

"XIII Document Eight"
   Mission Located     - Mission 25 = Bristol Suites Hotel - Surveillance
   Where               - Inside the cloak room. In one of the metal cabinets.

"XIII Document Nine"
   Mission Located     - Mission 27 = Willard's Estate - Penetration
   Where               - Near the end of the level. Located at the room full of
                         paintings and paint cans. Inside a small 'vault' where
                         you also retrieve the missing statue part.

"XIII Document Ten"
   Mission Located     - Mission 28 = Willard's Estate - Espionage
   Where               - After grappling to the ledge above for the first
                         time, you end up at a hallway. Open the third door to
                         the right. Inside the room is the document.

"XIII Document Eleven"
   Mission Located     - Mission 34 = Yacht Lady Bee - Revelation
   Where               - Inside the room with the big glass window. At the
                         lower area of the yacht. Near the end of the game.

          "Section J - Members of the Conspiracy"
   J01    \   * * * Conspirators * * *

The following members are all behind the conspiracy. You will start to find
each one later on the game as you progress. This section is located here
because these contain major spoilers to the game!

The status of each conspirator is determined from the end of the game.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Number I"
    Name       - Walter Sheridan
    Position   - President of the United States of America
    Status     - Alive

"Number II"
    Name       - Calvin Wax
    Position   - Defence Secretary
    Status     - Deceased

"Number III"
    Name       - William S. Standwell
    Position   - Chief of Staff - White House
    Status     - Deceased

"Number IV"
    Name       - Philip Gillepsie
    Position   - Secretary - State of the Interior
    Status     - Arrested or Deceased

"Number V"
    Name       - Clayton Willard
    Position   - Senator
    Status     - Deceased

"Number VI"
    Name       - Irving Allenby
    Position   - Judge - Sheridan Affair
    Status     - Arrested or Deceased

"Number VII"
    Name       - Franklin Edelbright
    Position   - Admiral - USS Patriot
    Status     - Deceased

"Number VIII"
    Name       - Dean Harrison
    Position   - Congressman
    Status     - Arrested or Deceased

"Number IX"
    Name       - Jasper Winslow
    Position   - Chief Executive of Office - Winslow Bank
    Status     - Deceased

"Number X"
    Name       - Orville Midsummer
    Position   - Proprietor - Press Groups
    Status     - Arrested or Deceased

"Number XI"
    Name       - Seymour McCall
    Position   - Colonel - Special Assault Destroying Section
    Status     - Deceased

"Number XII"
    Name       - Lloyd Jennings
    Position   - Advisor - White House
    Status     - Arrested or Deceased

"Number XIII"
    Name       - Steve Rowland
    Position   - Captain - Special Assault Destroying Section
    Status     - Deceased

"Number XIV"
    Name       - Harriet Traymore
    Position   - Chief Executive of Office - Federal Steel Corporation
    Status     - Arrested or Deceased

"Number XV"
    Name       - Jack Dickinson
    Position   - Chief Executive of Office - American Legion
    Status     - Arrested or Deceased

"Number XVI"
    Name       - Norman Ryder
    Position   - Colonel - National Guard
    Status     - Arrested or Deceased

"Number XVII"
    Name       - Kim Rowland
    Position   - Steve Rowland's Widow
    Status     - Alive

"Number XVIII"
    Name       - Edwin Rauschenberg
    Position   - Chief Executive of Office - CBN Channel
    Status     - Arrested or Deceased

"Number XIX"
    Name       - Elly Sheperd
    Position   - Director General - Department of Defence
    Status     - Arrested or Deceased

"Number XX"
    Name       - Edward W. Johansson
    Position   - Director - Plain Rock Asylum
    Status     - Deceased

          "Section K - Final Walkthrough Notices"
   K01    \   * * * Version Updates * * *

Version 0.70 - First Release Version of the XIII Walkthrough.

Version 0.85 - Missions 11 to 22 added to Singleplayer Walkthrough.
[02/12/2003] - Minor changes to the walkthrough.
             - Some errors corrected.
             - Conspiracy Members section added to walkthrough.
             - Secret Documents section added to walkthrough.
             - Minor setout adjustments.

Version 1.00 - Missions 23 to 34 added to Singleplayer Walkthrough.
[06/12/2003] - Minor changes and adjustments made to walkthrough.
             - Sub-sections changed.
             - Secret Documents section completed.
             - Conspirators section completed.
             - Multiplayer section completed.
             - Weapons section completed.
             - Objects section completed.
             - Submitters added to the walkthrough.
             - Additional websites added to the permitted websites.

Version 1.20 - Submitters added to the credit list.
[06/01/2004] - Submissions added throughout the walkthrough.
             - Additions made to some missions of the walkthrough.
             - Changes to the conspirator section.

Version 1.30 - Changes made to the walkthrough.
[01/02/2004] - Glitches section added.
             - Quicksave section added.

   K02    \   * * * Walkthrough Credits * * *

Thanks to the following for making the game and also for making some
aspects of this walkthrough possible!

Well first of all, thanks to me for making this walkthrough! :D
If I didn't make this walkthrough, then who would!
All the hours and minutes I spent researching and typing this walkthrough
has also made this and my other walkthroughs real achievements!

Ubi Soft        - For making this cool game all possible.

Dargaud         - For assisting Ubi Soft with the development and publishing
                  of XIII, therefore achieving the ultimate cel-shaded game
                  as a team!    - For inspiring me to start the hobby of making walkthroughs
                  and also being the main host of the walkthroughs!

CJayC           - For working on and creating GameFAQ'! It is a truly
                  amazing site! Thanks to him for also letting me post this
                  walkthrough in his website! :)

"The PC"        - One of the greatest inventions ever! Where could I possibly
                  be without it!

Also thanks to the official XIII websites I have visited which supplied
useful information towards my research of this walkthrough!

          "Section L - Copyright Notices and Permitted Sites"
   L01    \   * * * Copyright Notices and Permitted Sites * * *

This "XIII" Walkthrough is researched and developed by Tim T.

"XIII" Walkthrough
Copyright ©2003/2004 By DarkTim.
©2003/2004 Dark Phoenix Corporation.
All Rights Reserved.

Copyright ©2003 Ubi Soft Entertainment.
Copyright ©2003 Van Hamme - Vance/Dargaud Benelux.
The Unreal® Engine is a trademark of Epic Games Incorporated.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

- - - - - - - - - -

The following websites have permission to post this walkthrough:



- - - - - - - - - -

An exception to the three 'high priority' FAQ websites on the permitted
website list, it is the webmasters or editors responsibility to post the
latest updates of this walkthrough in their own websites after asking

Any websites that have been granted permission to post this walkthrough must
keep the walkthrough remain unchanged and intact at all times unless there is
a special reason, in which I must be notified. Not complying with the rules
will result in the immediate removal of the walkthrough from the website.

- - - - - - - - - -

This XIII walkthrough may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except
for personal or private use. It may not be placed on any website or otherwise
distributed publicly without advance written permission.

Use of this walkthrough on any non-permitted web site or as a part of any
public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.



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