
Zork Zero - The Revenge of Megaboz Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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 Zork Zero - The Revenge of Megaboz

Zork Zero - The Revenge of Megaboz



The Optimized Straightforward Walkthru for Zork Zero: The Revenge of Megaboz


This FAQ is copyright 2009 by Stanley E. Dunigan (

This FAQ may be posted and used anywhere by anyone as long as it's unaltered,
but always check one of the official websites listed below for the latest

GameFAQs (
GameBoomers (
SuperCheats (
Neoseeker (

If you want to print this walkthru out, it's best to do that with the version
from GameBoomers, since it's the only one that's formatted for word wrap, and
would therefore take up much less paper (especially if you use 1/2 inch or less
margins and a font size of 9 or 10).


Like all of my optimized straightforward walkthrus, this FAQ is a complete
walkthru for the game that has been optimized and organized to make it as fast
and easy as possible to complete the game. I don't give any reference-style
information, like a list of all items, or encourage you to do unnecessary
things. In true walkthru fashion, I just tell you the answers without explaining
or rationalizing them.


This is the original release of this FAQ, so I have no special notes or credits
to report yet.


NOTE: This FAQ was written while playing the Zork Zero version that came with
the Lost Treasures of Infocom package that was released in 1991 by Activision.
As far as I know, everything will be the same for other game versions.

JESTER NOTE: The annoying and semi-random jester is similar to the wizard in
Zork II, and you should play accordingly. Save very often, and restore whenever
the jester messes you up. This is especially important since he will sometimes
summon a giant bat to fly you off to a random location, or turn you into an
alligator. You don't always have to restore when he does something, though. If
he puts a clown nose on you, remove it and drop it. If he summons a giant
bedbug, yawn to get rid of it. If he says that he'll see you in the funny
papers, wait for a funny paper to blow into view, then take it. If he hands you
a slate, keep it until you need it. If he drops a scroll, ignore it.

*** STEP 0: Survive the prologue. ***

Go northeast to the scullery, south to the kitchen, and then west to the banquet
hall. Your petty chores aren't done yet, so go east to the kitchen and west to
the banquet hall again. This is the point where the wizard Megaboz shows up.

Wait one time to get Megaboz to start up a spell, then make like everyone else
with half a brain and hide under a table (HIDE UNDER TABLE). That'll keep you
safe until Megaboz is gone, so unhide (GET UP) and take the parchment that
Megaboz dropped. That'll finish the prologue and get the main game started.

*** STEP 1: Dispose of Dimwit's sceptre. ***

Go south twice to the throne room, then get the sceptre. Go north twice, east,
and north again to reach the banquet hall, which you'll remember from the
prologue. Megaboz's big cauldron is still there, so toss the sceptre into it to
dispose of it (PUT SCEPTRE IN CAULDRON).

*** STEP 2: Dispose of Frank Lloyd's T-square. ***

Go south, west, and south twice to return to the throne room, then sit on the
throne and snap your fingers (SNAP FINGERS) to open up an entrance to the
castle's secret wing. Get off of the throne (GET UP), then go south and take the
magic candle.

Go north four times to reach the entrance hall, then ring the doorbell. The
Jester will appear and ask you a riddle. Save your game, then answer it by
typing TIME. He'll then pull a random routine on you (see the Jester Note
paragraph that's above step 0). Restore your game and try again if you have to.

Go north and northwest twice to reach the barbican area, then go up and turn the
wheel to lower the drawbridge. Go down, northwest twice, northeast, southeast,
and east twice to reach the village center. Go south to find the post office.
Open the package, then take the perch, then keep trying to take the pigeon until
you can.

Go north and east to enter the huge Frobozzco HQ building, then drop the perch.
Go up eighteen times to reach the 19th floor, then go south to find the
T-square. Take it, then drop the pigeon and keep trying to get it until you
succeed. Doing so will teleport you down to the lobby, where you dropped the

Go down and south to find the Frobozz Philharmonic Hall. Get onto the
conductor's stand (GET ON) to be taken down to the conductor's pit area, then
get off the stand so you can pick up the violin. Drop and get the pigeon to
teleport to the lobby, then get the perch.

Go west to return to the village center, then go west twice, northwest,
southwest, southeast four times, south, and east. That gets you to the banquet
hall, so put the T-square in the cauldron to destroy it. Also, drop the perch so
you can quickly teleport back to the banquet hall later after getting other
Flathead items.

*** STEP 3: Dispose of Johann Sebastian's violin. ***

You already have the violin, so just put it in the cauldron to dispose of it. (I
only made it a separate step because I want to have a step for the disposal of
each Flathead item.)

*** STEP 4: Dispose of Johann Sebastian's metronome. ***

Go south, west, south four times, east, down, and south to get to the dungeon.
Go southwest to find the torture chamber, then open the iron maiden, water
chamber, and snake pit to cause a metronome to fall to the floor. (Note that you
can stop opening devices as soon as the metronome falls.)

Get the metronome, then drop and get the pigeon to teleport back to the banquet
hall. Put the metronome in the cauldron to get rid of it.

*** STEP 5: Dispose of Thomas Alva's screwdriver. ***

Go south, west, down, and north to find Thomas' laboratory. Get his screwdriver,
then drop and get the pigeon to teleport back to the banquet hall. Put the
screwdriver in the cauldron to dispose of it.

*** STEP 6: Dispose of Babe's dumbbell. ***

Go west, north, northwest four times, and southwest to reach the garrison. Open
the locker and get the key, then drop and get the pigeon to teleport back to the
banquet hall. Drop everything you're carrying except the key (DROP ALL BUT KEY),
then go south, west twice, and southwest.

Unlock the door and open it, then drop the key. Go west and south to find the
gym, then get the dumbbell. Return to the banquet hall by going, north, east,
northeast, east twice, and north. Put the dumbbell in the cauldron, then use the
GET ALL BUT PERCH command to pick up the items you dropped earlier. (That won't
work on the pigeon, so keep trying to get it separately until you can.)

*** STEP 7: Dispose of John D.'s stock certificate. ***

Go south, west, south four times, west, up twice, west, and south to reach
Dimwit's magic clothes closet. Wear the gloves (no need to pick them up first),
then drop and get the pigeon to return to the banquet hall. From there, go
south, west, and down twice to reach a huge vault door.

Open it by turning its dial to 1 (TURN DIAL TO 1). Remove and drop the glove,
then open the vault door and go south. Get the stock certificate, then drop and
get the pigeon to teleport to the banquet hall. Put the certificate in the
cauldron to get rid of it.

*** STEP 8: Dispose of Stonewall's lance. ***

Go south, west, south four times, west, and up twice to reach a room with an
ancient iron key. Get the key, then save your game. To answer the jester's
riddle, type Y. He'll then pull a random routine on you (see the Jester Note
paragraph that's above step 0). Restore your game and try again if you have to.

Drop and get the pigeon, then go south and southeast to find the door that the
key unlocks. After unlocking the door, open it, drop the key, and go east to
enter the east wing. Go north to the library, then touch the suit of armor there
three times (TOUCH ARMOR. G. G) to reveal a lance.

Get the lance and teleport back to the banquet hall by dropping and getting the
pigeon, then put the lance in the cauldron to get rid of it.

*** STEP 9: Dispose of Ralph Waldo's manuscript. ***

Go south, southeast, and east to return to the East Wing. Go east twice more,
then up to reach the jester's room. Open the north door, then go north twice and
wear the goggles. Go south twice, then open the south door to start a tedious
"Towers of Hanoi" type of puzzle.

To get to the manuscript, you'll need to move the tower pieces over to the right
peg. Following is an exact move list you can use to do this, assuming that the
puzzle is in its starting configuration. Note that with each move, you press the
number and then the letter. You don't press the comma button at any time.

1L, 2R, 1R, 3L, 1C, 2L, 1L, 4R, 1R, 2C,
1C, 3R, 1L, 2R, 1R, 5L, 1C, 2L, 1L, 3C,
1R, 2C, 1C, 4L, 1L, 2R, 1R, 3L, 1C, 2L,
1L, 6R, 1R, 2C, 1C, 3R, 1L, 2R, 1R, 4C,
1C, 2L, 1L, 3C, 1R, 2C, 1C, 5R, 1L, 2R,
1R, 3L, 1C, 2L, 1L, 4R, 1R, 2C, 1C, 3R,
1L, 2R, 1R

Now if you open the north door and go north, you'll find that the north room is
closed, and the east room is open. Go east and get the manuscript, then drop and
get the pigeon to return to the banquet hall. Put the manuscript in the cauldron
to get rid of it.

*** STEP 10: Dispose of J. Pierpont's zorkmid bill. ***

Go south, west twice, southwest, west, and north to reach the peg room. Type
PLAY PEGGLEBOZ to start the peg game, then use the following moves to win it. As
with the Hanoi-like game, press the two letters for each move, and don't type
any commas.


After exiting the puzzle view, go north and check the text the game gives you to
see where the jester has hidden the zorkmid bill. It'll be in his pocket, or
shoe, or something like that. Save your game, then point at the item the bill is
hidden in (as in POINT AT POCKET or POINT AT SHOE).

After giving you the bill, the jester will pull a random routine on you (see the
Jester Note paragraph that's above step 0). Restore your game and try again if
necessary, then remove and drop the goggles. Drop and get the pigeon, then put
the zorkmid bill in the cauldron.

*** STEP 11: Dispose of Dimwit's crown. ***

Go south, west, down, and southwest to reach the Great Underground Highway (GUH
for short). Go south twice, west twice, southwest three times, and southeast to
find a "warning room." Save your game here, then go northeast and open the first
of three doors (OPEN FIRST). If you die, restore your save and try again.

Keep it up until you make it to Wishyfoo territory. Get the shovel, then drop
and get the pigeon to return to the banquet hall. Go west, north, and northwest
four times to return to the outer bailey area where the big stump is.

Stand on the stump, then read the slate that the jester has undoubtedly already
given you at some point. It'll tell you what to do to reach the spot where you
need to dig. For instance, if it says to jump north twice and west thrice, you
would use these commands: JUMP NORTH TWICE. JUMP WEST THRICE.

Dig up the treasure chest (DIG GROUND WITH SHOVEL), then open the chest and take
the crown. Drop the slate and shovel, then drop and get the pigeon to return to
the banquet hall. Put the crown in the cauldron to get rid of the gaudy old

*** STEP 12: Dispose of Lucrezia's flask. ***

Go south, west, down, and southwest to return to the GUH, then go south twice,
west twice, southwest, and west twice to reach Port Foozle's fishing village. Go
west and north from it to find the casino, where the jester is eager to play a
game of Double Fanucci.

Sit down with the SIT command to start the game, then keep pressing ENTER (to
attempt a draw) over and over until the game says that the jester discards
Trebled Fromps. Use the arrow keys to move the action selector over to
UNDERTRUMP, then press ENTER and choose to undertrump any of your four cards.

On your next two moves, undertrump two more cards. If you can't undertrump a
card, that's okay -- just try to undertrump a different card on your next move.
Once you undertrump three cards, you'll win the game. Get the broom, stand up,
and use the pigeon gimmick to teleport back to the banquet hall.

Return to the dungeon by going south, west, south four times, east, down, and
south, then go southeast to a cell. Use the broom to clear the cobwebs away from
the rear wall (SWEEP WEBS), then drop the broom and get the flask. Pigeon-port
yourself to the banquet hall, then put the flask into the cauldron.

*** STEP 13: Dispose of John D.'s diploma. ***

Go south, west, south four times, east, down, and south to return to the
dungeon. Go down to the oubliette and wear the sailor's cap. Wait for the jester
to show up, then save your game and type TRIPLET to answer his riddle. He may
then pull a random routine on you (see the Jester Note paragraph that's above
step 0). Restore your game and try again if you have to.

Pigeon-port back to the banquet hall, then go south, west, down, southeast, and
east to reach the west shore. Get on the dock, then get on the yacht. Press the
green button, then wait once to reach the south shore. Use the GET OFF and G
commands to leave the yacht and dock, then go west.

Try to cross the stream by going west, then save your game. Type MUSIC for the
answer to the jester's riddle. He'll then pull a random routine on you (see the
Jester Note paragraph that's above step 0). Restore your game and try again if
you have to.

That'll get you the diploma, but don't pigeon-port yet. Go east, get on the dock
and the yacht as before, then press the yellow button. Now pigeon-port to the
banquet hall and put the diploma in the cauldron.

*** STEP 14: Dispose of Stonewall's saddle. ***

Go south, west, down, southeast, and east to return to the west shore, then get
on the dock and then the yacht. Press the blue button, then wait once to reach
the east shore. Get off the yacht and then the dock, then go east and north to
the stable.

Get the saddle, then go west and south. Get back on the dock and the yacht, then
press its yellow button. Pigeon-port back to the banquet hall and put the saddle
in the cauldron.

*** STEP 15: Dispose of Lucrezia's fan. ***

Go south, southeast, and east twice. Get the wand, then pigeon-port back to the
banquet hall. Go east and down, then get the walnut. Go up and west three times
to reach the parlor, then use the wand on the lobster that's in the fish tank
(POINT WAND AT LOBSTER) to temporarily turn it into a nutcracker.

Get the nutcracker, then go south, southwest, and west. Try to go west again to
get the jester to appear and ask you a riddle. Use the lobster-turned-nutcracker
to open the walnut (OPEN WALNUT WITH NUTCRACKER), then show the walnut to the
jester. Save your game, then eat the walnut. The jester will then pull a random
routine on you (see the Jester Note paragraph that's above step 0). Restore your
game and try again if necessary.

Drop the walnut shell and nutcracker, then go west. Enter the dirigible's
gondola (GET IN), then press the right button to get it going to Fenshire. Wait
until it docks at a hangar, then leave the gondola (GET OUT). Go south, east,
and south to reach the hothouse, where the jester will start up a game of

To win, use the flower clues given to you in the top left and top right corners
of the screen. On each move, press a number from 1 to 4 based on how many
flowers are open in the top left corner of the screen, then press a number from
1 to 9 based on how many flowers are open in the top right corner of the screen.
After a few such moves, you will win the game.

Get the fan, then go north, west, and north to return to the hangar. Enter the
gondola, then press the left button to get it going to Flatheadia (where you
came from). Don't wait for it to dock, but immediately pigeon-port yourself to
the banquet hall and put the fan in the cauldron. Also, drop the wand.

*** STEP 16: Dispose of Frank Lloyd's scale model. ***

Go south, west, down, and southwest to return to the GUH, then go south twice,
west twice, southwest, and west twice to return to Port Foozle's fishing
village. Drop the pigeon, then go north to enter the inquisition building. Get a
ticket and notice which number you got.

Open the box someone dropped and get the squid repellent from it. Wait until
your ticket number is called, then get out of being killed by using the command
EXECUTIONER, BEHEAD ME. Drop the ticket, then get the pigeon to return to the
banquet hall.

Go south, west, down, southeast, and east to return to the west shore, then get
on the dock and then the yacht. Press the white button to go to the center of
the lake, then throw the squid repellent in (THROW REPELLENT INTO LAKE). Go
down and open the bathysphere's door (OPEN DOOR), then enter it with the GET IN

Close the bathysphere's door and move its lever down to get it going, then turn
its exterior light (TURN LIGHT ON) so you can see. Put your hand in the waldo
thing's hole (PUT HAND IN HOLE), then wait until the bathysphere reaches the
lake bottom. Get the moby ruby, then move the lever up to get the bathysphere to
start ascending.

Wait for it to return to the boat's hold, then get your hand out of the waldo
(REMOVE HAND). Open the bathysphere's door and leave (GET OUT), then get the
ruby. Go up and press the yellow button to return to the west shore, then get
off the yacht and the dock. Go west twice to the kennels and get the toboggan,
then pigeon-port back to the banquet hall.

Go west, north, northwest four times, northeast, southeast, east, and north to
reach the village's URS office. Save your game, then type BOOKKEEPER to answer
the jester's riddle. He'll then pull a random routine on you (see the Jester
Note paragraph that's above step 0). Restore your save and try again until you
get the funny paper (if you haven't already gotten it). 

Get the zorkmid coin that the jester dropped, then pigeon-port your way back to
the banquet hall. Go south, west, down, and southwest to return to the GUH, then
go south three times to find a toll gate. Put the zorkmid coin in the toll
basket (PUT COIN IN BASKET), then go south, east, and down to reach the orb

Pick up all of the orbs with the GET ORBS command, then pigeon-port back to the
banquet hall. Go south, southeast, east, and south to the chapel, then open the
trap door and go down. Read the funny paper to see which slab the jester advises
you to look under, then do so. (For instance, if it says to look under the
darkest slab, you'd type LOOK UNDER DARKEST SLAB).

Drop the funny paper, then go down to reach the oracle room. Put the moby ruby
in the depression that's in the center of the serpent's forehead (PUT RUBY IN
DEPRESSION), then save your game. You want the oracle to take you to the
glacier, so try the ENTER ORACLE command. If you don't get taken to the glacier,
restore your save and wait until the oracle blinks, then save and try entering
the oracle again.

Repeat that process until you make it to the glacier, then drop the toboggan and
ride it down to the lake (RIDE TOBOGGAN). Take inventory to see what orbs you
have, then look at the reflection of each orb to see which one has a vision of a
sleeping maiden in it. The command format is LOOK AT REFLECTION OF X ORB, where
X is replaced by the orb's adjective (as in LOOK AT REFLECTION OF FIERY ORB).

Once you find out which orb has the vision in it, throw it west, as in THROW
FIERY ORB WEST. Get off of the toboggan (GET UP), then drop all of the orbs
you're still carrying (DROP ORBS). Go northwest and southwest, then get the orb
you threw (you'll need it again later on). Go west and get the scale model, then
pigeon-port to the banquet hall and put the model in the cauldron. Also, drop
the orb you brought with you.

*** STEP 17: Dispose of Leonardo's landscape. ***

Get the perch and wand, then return to the oracle room by going south,
southeast, east, south, and down twice. Drop the perch, then save your game and
enter the oracle. Your goal now is to end up in the delta area. If you don't the
first time, restore your save, wait until the oracle blinks, then save and enter
the oracle again.

Once you make it to the delta area, restore the save you made right before going
there. (This has to do with the timing of using the snake/rope.) Go up twice,
north, west, northwest, west, down, and southeast to the zoo. Drop the pigeon,
then point the wand at the snake to turn it into a rope.

Open the cage and take the rope, then save your game (using a new file) before
trying to get the pigeon. If it takes more than one try, restore your save and
try again. If you did everything exactly as described, you should be able to
enter the oracle right after getting the pigeon to be taken to the crag area. If
something went wrong, you'll have to restore the save you made in the oracle
room and try it all over again.

Go down to the upper ledge, then tie the rope to the spire so you can go down to
the lower ledge. Get the easel, then pigeon-port back to the oracle room. Get
the perch, then return to the banquet hall by going up twice, north, west,
northwest, and north. Drop the wand, then get the landscape and put it in the

*** STEP 18: Dispose of Leonardo's easel. ***

You already have the easel, so go ahead and put it in the cauldron to get rid of

*** STEP 19: Dispose of Ralph Waldo's quill pen. ***

Go south, west, and down, then drop the perch. Go down again and north, then use
the GET ALL command to pick up the two passages. Go south, up twice, south four
times, west, up twice, west, and south to return to Dimwit's magic clothes
closet. Get the cloak, then pigeon-port back to where you left the perch.

Get the perch, then go southwest, south, and west twice to enter room 47 of the
construction area. Go southwest, southeast, west twice, north, northeast, and
north to reach room 38. Open up a new northwest passage (PUT NW-SE PASSAGE ON NW
WALL), then go northwest to room 29.

Go northeast to room 22, then open up a new north passage (PUT PASSAGE ON N
WALL). Go north to room 14, then go northeast, west, southwest three times,
west, and northwest to reach room 17. Drop the perch, then wear the cloak to be
taken to the plain area.

Go northwest and west twice to find a soldier on horseback, then drop the pigeon
so he'll take it and get teleported to room 17. Remove the cloak to get back
there yourself, then drop the cloak and get the pigeon. Have the soldier travel
to room 0 (SOLDIER, GO N THEN NW), then drop and get the pigeon to be teleported

Wear the hardhat, then tell the soldier to go back to room 17 (SOLDIER, GO SE
THEN S). Drop and get the pigeon to follow him, then get the perch back from
him. Leave the construction area by going southeast, east, northeast three
times, east, southwest, south, southwest, southeast, south, southwest, south,
east twice, northwest, northeast, and east.

Return to the banquet hall by going east, north, northeast, up, east, and north,
then drop the perch. Return to the oracle room by going south, southeast, east,
south, and down twice. Save your game and do the usual enter-oracle-and-restore
routine until you get to the mine entrance area.

Go east twice, north, and northwest to reach a dead end. Get the quill pen, then
go southeast, south, southwest, and west to return to the mine entrance. Go
west, southwest, southeast, east, and up, then drop the candle. Go east and look
in the nest, then get the tie. Go west and get the candle, then pigeon-port back
to the banquet hall and put the pen in the cauldron.

*** STEP 20: Dispose of J. Pierpont's tie. ***

To save on oracle trips, I had you get the tie in the previous step, so put it
in the cauldron now.

*** STEP 21: Dispose of Babe's club. ***

This is gonna be a super-biggie, so I'll divide it up into seven sub-steps.

--- SUB-STEP 1: Get the nine-gloop vial. ---

Return to the east wing's library by going south, southeast, east, and north,
then look the jester up in the Encyclopedia Frobozzica (LOOK UP JESTER). Note
down his middle name, then exit the encyclopedia view. Pigeon-port back to the
banquet hall, then return to the GUH by going south, west, down, and southwest.

Go south twice and east to find a cave-in area, then save your game. Type in the
jester's middle name as a command, after which he'll pull a random routine on
you (see the Jester Note paragraph that's above step 0). Restore your game and
try again if you have to, then get the anti-pit bomb.

Go west, north twice, northeast, and down twice to reach the pits area. Use the
bomb to close up the pits (THROW BOMB), then get the brass lantern. Pigeon-port
to the banquet hall, then return to the oracle room by going south, southeast,
east, south, and down twice.

Save your game, then do the enter-oracle-and-restore routine until you get back
to the mine entrance. Go west, southwest, southeast, east, up, east, and
southeast to enter the witches' dark cave. Your candle was stolen by a huge
black bird, so turn the lantern on.

Use the COUGH command to summon the two witches, then greet the sickly one
(SICKLY WITCH, HELLO). A nine-gloop vial will appear, so take it.

--- SUB-STEP 2: Get the four-gloop vial. ---

Turn the lantern off and go northwest, west, and down. Type GET ALL to reclaim
your stolen light sources, then pigeon-port to the banquet hall. Go south, west,
up, and south twice, then open the bag and get the bar of food from it. Pigeon-
port back to the banquet hall, then get the wand.

Return to the oracle room by going south, southeast, east, south, and down
twice. Save your game and do the enter-oracle-and-restore routine until you
arrive at the foot of a statue. Go southwest, southeast, east, and northeast to
enter Gumboz's shack. The four-gloop vial is there, so take it.

--- SUB-STEP 3: Survive Gumboz's spell. ---

Pigeon-port back to the banquet hall, noticing that Gumboz casts a spell on you
that makes you hungry. Go south and west twice to the garden, then point the
wand at the flamingo to turn it into a lawn-ornament flamingo. Get it, then go
east, down, and north twice to find the laboratory's testing room.

Put the flamingo in the left booth, then enter the right booth. Wait until you
can hear the angry squawks of the restored flamingo, then press the booth's
black button to turn yourself into a flamingo. You can now consume the flamingo
food safely (EAT FOOD) to end the hunger spell.

--- SUB-STEP 4: Get six gloops of oasis water. ---

Wait until the flamingo transformation wears off, then wear the sailor's cap and
get the two vials, the lantern, and the candle. Get the pigeon to teleport to
the banquet hall, then go south, west, down, southeast, and east to return to
the west shore. Get on the dock and then the yacht, then press the green button.

Wait once to reach the south shore, then use the GET OFF command twice. Go south
and west to find a thirsty camel, then get on it (RIDE CAMEL). Go east, north,
and west so the camel can drink from the stream, then ride him to the Great
Underground Oasis by going east, south twice, southwest, southeast twice, and

Get off the camel, then use the following commands to get six gloops of oasis
water into the nine-gloop vial: FILL 9 VIAL. POUR 9 VIAL INTO 4 VIAL. EMPTY 4

--- SUB-STEP 5: Learn the name of the brogmoid ear fungus' long-lost cousin. ---

Drop the 4 vial, then ride the camel again and go southwest, northwest twice,
northeast, and north. Get off the camel and go north, then get on the dock and
the yacht. Press the yellow button, then pigeon-port yourself to the banquet

Go south, southeast, east three times, then up to reach the jester's room. Open
the south door and use the following moves to get the tower pieces moved over to
the left peg.

1C, 2L, 1L, 3C, 1R, 2C, 1C, 4L, 1L, 2R,
1R, 3L, 1C, 2L, 1L, 5C, 1R, 2C, 1C, 3R,
1L, 2R, 1R, 4C, 1C, 2L, 1L, 3C, 1R, 2C,
1C, 6L, 1L, 2R, 1R, 3L, 1C, 2L, 1L, 4R,
1R, 2C, 1C, 3R, 1L, 2R, 1R, 5L, 1C, 2L,
1L, 3C, 1R, 2C, 1C, 4L, 1L, 2R, 1R, 3L,
1C, 2L, 1L

Open the north door and go north to find that the west room is now open. Enter
it and get the cup. Pigeon-port to the banquet hall, then go south, west, and
down five times to the mouth of a cave. Go northeast and down twice to reach an
"under the world" area with a giant brogmoid in it.

Go west twice and up to get to the brogmoid's ear, then drink some of the cup's
magic potion (SIP POTION). Listen to the brogmoid's ear fungus (LISTEN TO
FUNGUS), and note down the name of their long-lost cousin.

--- SUB-STEP 6: Get some brogmoid ear wax. ---

Pigeon-port to the banquet hall, then return to the oracle room by going south,
southeast, east, south, and down twice. Save your game and do the enter-oracle-
and-restore routine until you get back to the foot of the statue. Go southwest,
west, and up six times.

Sip the magic potion again, then say the name of the brogmoid ear fungus' long-
lost cousin, as in SAY OMAR. A little fungus will trot up and identify itself as
the cousin, so take it (GET LITTLE FUNGUS). Pigeon-port to the banquet hall,
then return to the brogmoid's ear by going south, west, down five times,
northeast, down twice, west twice, and up.

Drop the little fungus to get it reunited with the other fungi, which will
gratefully move aside. You can now use the IN command to enter the brogmoid's
inner ear, where you can get some ear wax. Do so, then drop the cup.

--- SUB-STEP 7: Get the club and toss it into the cauldron. ---

Pigeon-port to the banquet hall, then return to the oracle room by going south,
southeast, east, south, and down twice. Save your game and do the enter-oracle-
and-restore routine until you get back to the mine entrance. Go west, southwest,
southeast, east, up, east, and southeast to return to the witches' cave.

Turn the lantern on, then give the vial to the sickly witch to start the ritual.
When they stop due to lack of brogmoid ear wax, give the wax to the sickly
witch. That'll finish things up, so turn the lantern off and go northwest, west,
and down.

Get the lantern and candle, then go west and northwest to the Flathead Stadium.
Get the club, then pigeon-port to the banquet hall and put the darned thing in
the cauldron at last!

*** STEP 22: Dispose of Thomas Alva's lantern. ***

Since you already got the lantern on the previous step, all you have to do now
is put it in the cauldron.

*** STEP 23: Dispose of John Paul's spyglass. ***

This is another mega-huge step, and is also divided into seven sub-steps.

--- SUB-STEP 1: Gain the ability to catch flies. ---

Get the perch, then go south, west, down, southeast, and east to the west shore.
Get on the dock and the yacht, then press the green button and wait to arrive at
the south shore. Get off the yacht and the dock, then go south, east, northeast,
north, and east.

Wear the amulet (it'll help a little with future oracle usage), then push the
boulder to get it out of the way. Go north to a grotto, then drop the perch and
go down. You'll end up sliding down to the lower hall, bringing some gravel down
with you.

You need more gravel than that, so get the pigeon to return to the grotto, then
go down again. Get the pigeon and go down one more time, then get all three
gravel portions (GET ALL GRAVEL). Get the candle, then get the pigeon to return
to the grotto.

Go northeast to the shrine, then put all of the gravel you collected into the
bowl (PUT ALL GRAVEL IN BOWL). You can now touch the bowl's elixir (TOUCH
ELIXIR) to gain the power to capture flies.

--- SUB-STEP 2: Get the two easiest-to-get flies. ***

Go southwest, south, west, south, and southwest to the savannah. Get the fly,
then go west and north to the south shore. Get on the dock and the yacht, then
press the yellow button and wait. Get off the yacht and the dock, then go west,
northwest, up, south four times, west, and up four times to a parapet. Another
fly is there, so get it.

--- SUB-STEP 3: Get the hexagonal block. ---

Pigeon-port yourself to the grotto, then go south, west, and north to return to
the stable. Get the rooster, then go south twice and get the fox. Pigeon-port to
the grotto, then get the perch and go down. Pick up everything except the glove
(GET ALL BUT GLOVE. GET PIGEON), then go up twice, east, and north.

Drop the perch, then go west and north. Get the worm, then go south twice, west,
southwest, and west twice to the dirigible hangar. Get into the gondola, then
press its right button. Drop the pigeon, then wait until you dock in the
Fenshire hangar. Get out of the gondola, then drop both flies and the candle.

Go south, east, and north to the marsh, then wait if necessary for the jester to
see that you have all the ingredients for Borphbelly stew. After he goes north
across the quicksand, drop the fox and worm, then go north. Drop the rooster,
then go south and get the fox.

Go north and drop the fox, then get the rooster and go south. Drop the rooster
and get the worm, then go north and drop the worm. Go south and get the rooster,
then go north. After you wake up, type GET ALL to pick up all your dropped
items, plus the new hexagonal block.

--- SUB-STEP 4: Get the rusty key. ---

Enter the gondola and press its left button, then get the pigeon to teleport to
the banquet hall. Return to the oracle room by going south, southeast, east,
south, and down twice. Look at the amulet to see how many of its eyes are open.
If it's not zero, use the G command until it is, then enter the oracle. (Note
that if you see that zero eyes are open, and the oracle blinks on the same turn,
you'll have to wait awhile to get zero eyes again.)

Go southwest and put the hexagonal block in the hole, then go south and get the
sapphire. Pigeon-port to the banquet hall, then go west, north, northwest four
times, northeast, southeast, east four times, and north to find a magic shop.
Get the ring, then pigeon-port to the banquet hall and return to the oracle
room using the directions in the previous paragraph.

Look at the amulet, then use the G command as many times as necessary to get it
to show three eyes open. Go southwest, southeast, south, and down, then wear the
ring. Pick up the sapphire, then remove the ring. Use the GET ALL command to
pick up everything except the pigeon, including the rusty key.

--- SUB-STEP 5: Get the stepladder. ---

Drop the ring and the sapphire, then get the pigeon to teleport to the banquet
hall. Get the orb you dropped there earlier, then go south, southeast, east,
south, and down twice to the oracle room. Look at the amulet, then use the G
command if necessary until it has no eyes open.

Enter the oracle, then go southeast and down to find an enchanted cave. Put the
orb on the altar, then get the flower that the reunited lovers leave for you.
Pigeon-portal to the banquet hall, then go south, west twice, southwest, and
west twice to return to the dirigible hangar.

The dirigible will have returned by now, so enter its gondola and press its
right button. Wait until you dock at the Fenshire hangar, then get out and go
south and east. Put the flower in the vase to open up a secret room, then go
east and get the stepladder.

--- SUB-STEP 6: Get the attic trunk's fly. ---

Pigeon-port to the banquet hall, then return to the oracle room by going south,
southeast, east, south, and down twice. Look at the amulet, then use the G
command if necessary until it has three eyes open. Enter the oracle, then go
southwest, south, and west to enter Megaboz's hut.

Drop the stepladder, then get onto it with the GET ON command. Open the trap
door in the ceiling, then go up to enter the attic. Unlock and open the trunk,
then get the fly that comes out of it.

--- SUB-STEP 7: Get the spyglass and toss it into the cauldron. ---

Drop the rusty key, and get the notebook from the trunk. Pigeon-port to the
banquet hall, then use the instructions in sub-step 6's first paragraph to
return to the oracle room. Look at the amulet, then use the G command if
necessary until it has two eyes open.

Enter the oracle, then go southwest twice, northwest, north, and northeast
twice. Get the final fly, then go southwest, northwest, and southwest to where
the ugly toad named Otto is guarding the spyglass.

Give all four of the flies to him (GIVE ALL FLIES TO OTTO), then ask him for the
spyglass (ASK OTTO FOR SPYGLASS). Take the spyglass, then pigeon-port to the
banquet hall and put it into the cauldron.

*** STEP 24: Dispose of John Paul's cap. ***

You've been wearing the seaman's cap for quite awhile, and you can now finally
remove it and put it in the cauldron. All 24 Flathead items are in there at

*** STEP 25: Finish removing Megaboz's curse. ***

Go west, north, and northwest five times to reach the perimeter wall. Read the
notebook, and notice the word given at the bottom. Type in that word as a
command, then go northwest to win the game (and to learn the origin of Zork I's
fabled white house).

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