
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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  Hints and Tips for: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 
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 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Cheats

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Submitted by: David K.

If you're having a tough time, keep the following tips and strategies in mind to up 
your game.

* Find a favorite weapon. Not everyone is good with the same gear. Figure out what 
  works best for you, and then use it even if people try to make you feel bad about
  your success.
* Cover fire helps. When your team is nearing key enemy territory, come in with guns
  blazing. You could force your enemies to give up important ground, or they could 
  get hit by flying bullets if they emerge from cover. Either way, you've given 
  yourself more of an advantage on a tough approach. 
* Stick to objectives. There's a lot happening on a given map, but you have objectives
  and you need to remember them. If you stick to those objectives, you'll force your
  enemies to respond instead of allowing them to orchestrate unknown chaos, and that
  keeps the battle on your terms. 
* Aim for heads. You won't get head shots as often if you're aiming at the chest. 
  It's a larger target, but get used to aiming for the head and you'll score more 
  precious instant kills. 
* Don't skimp on grenades. If you can afford grenades, buy them and use them to their
  full potential. Grenades are a great way to force enemies to retreat or rush or just
  to give away their location while firing blindly. Any of those outcomes can easily 
  work in your favor. 
* Mind the sound queues. If you pay attention and have good headphones, you can hear 
  your enemies reloading or fleeing the scene. That's useful intel that lets you know 
  when to rush and when to hunker down, among other possible responses, all with the 
  comfort of raw data. 
* Monitor your radar. Since you have no way to personally know what's happening 
  everywhere at once, look to your radar for important clues as to your enemy's 
  whereabouts and likely movements. You can guess a lot about how the battle is 
  going. It's a resource you don't want to neglect. 
* Loot corpses. It's grim, but this is war. If you're playing with a suicidal teammate 
  who has good gear, stick close and grab goodies when he falls in a hail of bullets. 
  That can save you from having to invest in first-rate equipment for yourself, if 
  money is tight. 
* Study successful players. You're not going to be an ace all at once, but you might 
  be playing with someone who knows more than you do about a map or just general winning
  strategies. Watch them on the free camera, or even jump into the first-person 
  perspective of one of your more capable teammates.

How to Win in Danger Zone Game Mode:
Written by Mr.Vamp

-=How to Find Weapon=-
There are many ways to find weapon in map,there are diffrent crates on map and each 
one has different type of weapon. Melee is important weapon in this game and it can 
lead you to better crates for better weapons. 

If you're great at aiming you can take down drones on air to get other players weapon 
for FREE. 

If you can't find weapon you must search for money to buy weapon. I recommend to buy 
knife because you can unlock red cases to get heavy weapon. 

-=How to Survive=-
You should be stealth if you want to win. 

Always hold left shift to move slow if you heard other's footstep. it's just like 
hunting someone 

As soon as you get to less than 4 remainings you MUST NOT use drone. Why? There are CPU 
for your Tablet that can detect other drone's location and if you order something they 
can easily track your location but if you think it's necessery to order something then 
do it but remember after you received your order you must change your position as soon 
as possible 

-=How Can I Change My Character=-
You can't change your character, it's just like other matches you get on random character 
from game. 

-=What Do I Do if I Have Bad Gun=-
None of the weapons in game are bad, you must have good aim to beat your enemy with 

-=Are There any Hacker in this Game Mode=-
Yes, there are many hackers in game but you won't notice until they kill you and you 
watch their killcam. 

-=Is C4 Useful=-
C4 is useful in places which there are many enemys fighting with each other and you need 
to plant it near them to blow them up. You have 30% chance to kill them before they get 

-=What Do I Do if I Had Less than 50 HP=-
Best thing to do is to play stealth until you get enough money to buy some meds.

Danger Zone (Battle Royale) Tips:
Written by I belong to Joyce

-=Tips and Tricks=-
If you have only bare hands to fight and click right mouse button and if you somehow 
manage to hit the enemy you can actually disarm him. 

At first you choose where you drop in and you choose it permamently-at least for now- 
so choose wisely 

Never be afraid of using medi-shots, most probably you cant run away from a fight if you 
already started since map is not big at all, so even when you think your health is high 
enough, use it, plus it gives a speed advantage for a little time. 

You simply collect money to get weapons, armor, helmets or anything you can find on your 
on your tablet, try not to miss them. 

Drones deliver those things that you can buy with your money and when you order a gun or 
whatever, you can follow that drone with your tablet. 

If you see a drone in-air that means someone else ordered some goods, if you have enough 
bullets shoot those drones to collect what is inside and don't forget the fact that others 
might do the same to your delivery as well. Just a quick tip; you can follow the drone to 
find the person and kill him and collect the goods as well. 

You can secure hostages or eliminate a high value target for money, those are kind of mini-
game so I recommend you to do it, you can see where your special target is from your tablet 

When you are landing to the place you choose, try to scan your surroundings and see if 
any enemy is close to you since everyone lands in the same time. 

You can open some crates by puching the crate. 

When you find some bullets, it will give the bullets of the gun that you are currently 
holding it. 

You can check if you are in zone or not from your tablet and every second when you are 
not in zone that will drain your health.Red hexagons are out of zone. 

You can find parachutes and to deploy it you need to be mid-air and press to jump button. 

You can use axe, hammer etc. to open some other big crates. 

Yellow hexagons on your tablet shows where your enemies are so it is kind of radar hack. 

Bullets are not much in that game mode so dont waste them. 

Helicopters drops supplies randomly and those supplies are things that you can make you 
win the game, so dont ignore them. 

If you have money, spend it. 

There are some doors that you can get through only by paying and there you can find a 
good weapon or just a molotov so it is your gambling. 

You can plant C4 to anywhere you want. 

Red barrels are explosive(finally). 

You can set a turret to shoot to other guys automatically or they can set too so be 

If you are playing duo or squad better to stand so close to each other since it is not 
PUBG or Fortnite and there is no being knocked, at least not yet.If you die, you die.

All Console Commands With Explanation 2019:
I know that there are already millions of such manuals, but basically they simply 
consist of a set of commands, without any explanation. In this guide you can learn 
in detail about each team and its functions!

-=Basic console commands=-
gamma – gamma
lightgamma – gamma lighting
brightness – brightness
gl_cull 1 visualization mode only for visible objects (1) 0 – turns off (0 – gives less fps)
gl_monolights 0 with a value of 1, the map becomes light everywhere (only works with OpenGL)
gl_overbright 0 maximum brightness mode (1 – on, 2 – off)
gl_polyoffset– mixing parts relative to the surface
vid_config_x 800 sets the horizontal resolution of the screen
vid_config_y 600 sets the vertical resolution of the screen
vid_d3d 0 Direct3D support (1 – on, 0 – off)
vid_describemode show video mode settings
vid_mode 0 sets the video mode
vid_stretch_by_2 enable video streaming (for interlaced scans)
violence_ablood – show blood, meat, etc.
violence_agibs – show blood, meat, etc.
violence_hblood – whether to show blood, meat, etc.
violence_hgibs – show blood, meat, etc.
r_drawentities – if the value is 0, no objects are visible, including players
r_drawviewmodel – if the value is 0, the weapon model is not visible (in 1.6 it does not work)
max_shells – Number of shells visible simultaneously
max_smokepuffs – the number of simultaneously visible haze from bullets

How to Fix Trust Factor:
Written by Mirek

This guide describes the CS:GO Trust Factor and how fix red/yellow trust to green.

Trust Factor Explanation

How to check your Trust Factor?

-=There are two methods to check your Trust Factor=-
You need to queue any matchmaking game with a player that never used malicious softwares, 
never griefed and have commends, service medals, skins etc, basically you need someone 
with green trust and when you queue for the game on his chat him will be informed if you
have a red or yellow trust by an automated message.

You need to click looking to play icon and depending on which accounts you see there, for
example if you just see a few and low tier with no medals or low skill group etc you can 
know you have yellow/red but if you see many people with medals, big skill group etc, 
you are green trusted.

Note: You need a skill group for this!

-=What exacly is "Greentrust"?=-
You can't define it as a greentrust because you can have a Green "msg" for others and 
somebody still has a red message for you

You can just get higher and higher, and still somebody that has like 8k legit hours on 
this game with many service medals sees you as red.

-=What exacly is "Redtrust"?=-
Redtrust is know as the red message you get for people that you think is low trust.

Lets say you have a realy high Trustfactor and get somebody with almost the same trust 
and he still gets like a yellow message that still does not mean that you will face 
cheaters because thats not how it works, you would need to test urself where you are 
and ask people if they would get a msg for you. And if you get messages for people more 
often means you are in mostly situations greentrust.

-=Methods to Fix Trust Factor=-
* Buy Steam level.
* Try deranking.
* Make your profile public,and try make all community quests.
* Be an active Steam user make screenshots.
* Play games without using cheats or exploits.
* Ask for in-game recommendations .
* Get Service Medals and upgrade them.
* Avoid Griefing.
* Use hoursboost.
* Rate Up SharedFiles (Guides, Artworks, Screenshots, Posts).
* Add more friends and delete all banned friends and Join Groups.
* Try make more Overwatch cases you can use Overwatchbot.
* Complete as many Overwatch Cases with corect verdicts to increase your 
  CS:GO Level and make Skillgroup easier and trustly.
* Do not queue up with cheaters or low trust factor accounts.
* Add phone number and Steam guard.
* Ask for profile comments.
* Deposit at least 5€.
* Rate/Award guides.

Console Commands:
Console commands to help in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO).

-=How to Activate Console=-
* Open the options menu.
* Then open "Game Settings".
* Toggle "Enable Developer Console (~)".

Now that the console is enabled all you have to do to get it open is pressing the "~" 
on your keyboard, that key changes its place on every keyboard language settings, on 
English keyboards, it positions itself below the escape key.

-=Console Commands=-
sv_cheats 1 
- This code allows all players in the server to have access to all console commands. 
This will disable achievements on the server!

-=Training Commands=-
sv_grenade_trajectory 1 
- Shows the trajectory made by a grenade.

sv_showimpacts 1 
- Shows where your bullets hit (blue boxes are what the server sees, red boxes are 
what the client sees). This is a good way to find wallbang spots and new ways to 
smoke flash and grenade.

-=You could also use this commands=-
sv_infinite_ammo 1 
- All players get infinite ammo. With the value 1, the characters must reload their 
weapons. With the value 2, they can shoot constantly. 

r_drawothermodels 2 
- Allows seeing other virtual characters through solid walls, great CSGO walls command. 
The value 0 hides all the characters. The value 1 returns the standard view. 

ammo_grenade_limit_total [ammount] 
- A limit of grenades for one player. 

mp_limitteams 0 
- Disables limitations on the number of players in both teams. 

mp_autoteambalance 0 
- Disables auto-balance for the number of players in teams. 

mp_roundtime [time in minutes] 
- Duration of a round, in minutes. 

mp_maxmoney [ammount] 
- The max available sum of money during matches.

mp_startmoney [ammount] 
- Determines the total start money. 

mp_freezetime [time in seconds] 
- Time in seconds during which game characters are frozen at the start of matches. 

mp_buytime [time in seconds] 
- Time for purchases, in seconds. 

mp_buy_anywhere 1 
- Activates the ability to buy weapons and equipment anywhere and anytime. The value 
2 allows this for terrorists, 3 for counter-terrorists. 

ammo_grenade_limit_total [ammount] 
-A limit of grenades for one player. 

mp_restartgame [time in seconds] 
- To restart the game. If you use any value, it determines the time in seconds before 
the restart. With no value, the restart will be immediate. 

- The end of a round happens only via  elapsed time. 

-=Weapon Codes=-
To spawn weapons, open the console and use this command:

give [weapon code]
Example: give weapon_deagle

Desert Eagle: weapon_deagle
Dual Berettas: weapon_elite
Five-Seven: weapon_fiveseven
Glock-18: weapon_glock
p250: weapon_p250
USP-S: weapon_usp_silencer
Tec-9: weapon_tec9
P2000: weapon_hkp2000

MP9: weapon_mp9
MAC-10: weapon_mac10
MP7: weapon_mp7
P90: weapon_p90
PP-Bizon: weapon_bizon
UMP-45: weapon_ump45

Nova: weapon_nova
XM1014: weapon_xm1014
Mag-7: weapon_mag7
Sawed-off: weapon_sawedoff
Negev: weapon_negev
m249: weapon_m249

Ak-47: weapon_ak47
Galil-AR: weapon_galilar
Sg-556: weapon_sg556
Famas: weapon_famas
M4A4: weapon_m4a1
M4A1-S: weapon_m4a1_silencer
AUG: weapon_aug
Scout: weapon_ssg08
AWP: weapon_awp
G3SG1: weapon_g3sg1
SCAR-20: weapon_scar20

High Explosive Grenade: weapon_hegrenade
Flashbang: weapon_flashbang
Smoke Grenade: weapon_smokegrenade
Decoy: weapon_decoy
Molotov: weapon_molotov
Incediary Grenade: weapon_incgrenade

Zeus x27: weapon_taser
Kevlar: item_kevlar
Kevlar + Helm: item_assaultsuit

How to Use CFG Files:
Written by Diggy

A detailed guide on how to set up and use files with the extension “.cfg”. 
CFG files are simple config files that execute commands in bulk, either on 
every launch of CSGO or on command.

-=Create a Text Document=-
Right click your empty desktop, go to New > Text Document

-=Making File Extension Names Visible=-
The next step requires you to change a setting that lets you view files as 
“New Text Document.txt” instead of just “New Text Document”.

Open your File Explorer, at the top select View, and check the box “File name 

-=Converting .txt To .cfg & Naming Your File=-
The text document you just created is using the .txt file name extension.

* To change this, go inside the text file, up at the top left click File -> Save As. 
* Now make sure to set "Save as type:" to "All Files (.)". 
* Finally, in "File name:" create a name for the cfg file you’re making and add 
  ".cfg" to the end.

Example, "New Text Document.txt" > "filename.cfg"

-=Installing Your .cfg file=-
In Steam, right click CSGO, and go to Manage -> Browse Local Files. 
This is where CSGO is installed. (steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive)

From here, navigate to csgo -> cfg. 
(steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg)

Copy and paste your cfg file to this location.

-=Using Your .cfg File=-
There are two common ways to use .cfg files. You can make them run automatically at 
each startup, or you can choose to execute them when you want, here’s how.

-=To execute at startup:=-
In Steam, right click CSGO, and go to Properties -> General -> Launch Options.

You may or may not have launch options added already, but for the cfg, add 
“+filename.cfg” to the END of your launch options. (Yes, a plus. Not a minus).

-=To execute on command:=-
Firstly, enable your console by opening CSGO and going to Settings -> Game -> 
Enable Developer Console (~): Yes. Depending on the nature of the .cfg, you might 
not be able to use it in public matches, and you might not even need to be loaded 
into a world, but to execute the .cfg at this point, open your Console (Default key 
is ~) and type exec filename.cfg.

All audio Settings commands:
Written by Jerner

This guide will show you All audio settings can be increased in-game.

* volume “1”   // Sound volume
* Voice_scale “1”, Overall volume of VOIP Chat Room (1=100%)
* Voice_modenable “1”, // If set to 0, disables the microphone. 
  The default value is 1 (microphone is on).
* Voice_mixer_volume 1 // Min 0 Max 1, Microphone Volume 
  (affects Windows microphone sensitivity Settings, unless set to “-1”)
* //voice_mixer_boost “0”
* voice_mixer_mute “0”
* Voice_forcemicrecord 1 // 1 This command will force CS:GO to use the OS’s default 
  recording devices for voice communication.
* Voice_enable “1”, // This command determines whether voice communication is enabled 
  for the client. Please set it to 0, and speech is disabled. 
  The default value is 1 (enabled).
* voice_caster_scale “1.0”
* voice_caster_enable “1”
* Voice_system_enable 1 // def.1 – 
  Disables the voice system completely when set to 0.
* voice_threshold “0.3”
* Voice_positional “0”, // Set to 0 if you want to disable positional voices (normal 
  voice chat). If you set it to 1, the volume will vary depending on the distance 
  between the players.
* force_audio_english 0 // If set to 1, the command will force English audio regardless 
  of the language settings of your client. If set to 0, your language settings will 
  be used to select audio.
* snd_deathcamera_volume “0.0” // Death view volume
* snd_duckerattacktime “0.5”
* snd_duckerreleasetime “2.5”
* snd_duckerthreshold is a variable which controls audio fading. Its value is the 
  volume of other audio. When the volume exceeds the value, the audio game volume 
  will automatically be reduced. Set too low and the game audio may be overwritten.
  If set too high, the game experience may be affected. You should set it between 0.1
  and 0.50, adjusting the value according to your preference.
* snd_ducking_off ‘1’ // is a variable which controls audio fading. Set to 1, audio
  fade-out is disabled. Set to 0, audio fade-out is enabled. Audio fading reduces 
  the volume of game audio when another audio is playing, so the game audio does 
  not get overwritten. You can set the volume to 1 if you want your audio to be at 
  a constant level. Enter snd_ducking_off 1, to disable audio fading.
* snd_ducktovolume “0.55”
* snd_dzmusic_volume ‘0.2’ // is a variable which controls the distance behind HRTF 
  sound. Its value tells how far the player must be from the sound source to hear 
  the HRTF. It is possible to set it too low, which will cause the HRTF to not be 
  heard as far away from the rear source of sound. Setting it too high can cause the 
  HRTF to spread out too far within the game. It is recommended that you set it 
  between 50 and 100. You can adjust it to your personal preference.
* snd_hrtf_distance_behind “100”
* snd_hrtf_voice_delay 0.1 // is a variable which controls the audio mixing buffer. 
  If it’s set to 1, it enables the audio mixing buffer. If it’s set to 0, it disables
  the audio mixer buffer. Enabling the audio-mixing asynchronous buffer may improve 
  the audio performance, but it can also affect the game’s performance. 
  It is recommended that you set it to 1.
* snd_hwcompat 0 //0 = Advanced 3D Audio Processing is enabled. 1 = Advanced 3D 
  Audio Processing is disabled to ensure compatibility with audio equipment.
* snd_mapobjective_volume “0.0” // Turn end sound
* snd_menumusic_volume “0.0” // Main menu volume
* snd_mix_async ‘1’// (async mixing delay to sync CS audio with the screen).
* //snd_mixahead “0.02”
* //snd_music_selection “1” // Battle Royale sound
* //snd_music_volume_onetime_reset_2 “1” // Battle Royale sound
* snd_musicvolume_multiplier_inoverlay “0.5” // 
  Music volume multiplier when Steam overlay is active
* snd_mute_losefocus ‘0’ // Background sound =0 and background silence =1
* snd_mute_mvp_music_live_players “0” // 
  Turn off MVP music when both team members are alive
* snd_mvp_volume “1.0” //1.0 MVP sound
* snd_pitchquality=”1" // Use high-quality sound
* snd_roundend_volume “0.5” // Round end volume
* snd_roundstart_volume “0” // Round start volume
* snd_surround_speakers “2” //0 Headphones only 2 speakers 4 speakers 5.1 sound 
  system 7.1 sound system
* snd_tensecondwarning_volume “0.0” //2
* //snd_headphone_pan_exponent “2” is a variable that controls the headphone channel 
  balance. Its value shows how fast sound is transferred between headsets. Set too 
  low and the sound may bounce back and forth between headsets. Set too high and the 
  sound may be inaudible on one headset. It is recommended that you set it between 0.5 
  and 2 and adjust it according to your personal preference.
* //snd_headphone_pan_radial_weight “2” // ditto
* snd_front_headphone_position “90”// Step enhancement
* snd_rear_headphone_position “90” // Enhance step
* Play_distance 50 // Distance to play the sound using the play command.
* cl_rumblescale 0 // Sound sensitivity
* dsp_enhance_stereo ‘1’ // Enhance stereo
* dsp_slow_cpu “1”
* snd_hwcompat ‘1’ // Turn off spatial location of sound

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