V Rising
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Console Commands:
How to open enable console?
Press ` (the key to the left of 1 on the keyboard)
-=These are all the Weapons, Armour & Resources Console Commands=-
Type give or giveset -> press space -> use the arrow keys to choose -> press
right arrow -> press space -> type the quantity and press "enter".
-=These are all the Teleport Console Commands=-
* TeleportToChunkWaypoint
12, 15 - Dunley Farmlands Waygate East
13, 13 - Dunley Farmlands Waygate South-East
13, 19 - Cursed Forest Waygate
14, 11 - Farbane Woods Waygate North-East
14, 8 - Farbane Woods Waygate South-East
15, 13 - Hallowed Mountains Waygate
6, 16 - Silverlight Hills Waygate
8, 8 - Farbane Woods Waygate South-West
9, 10 - Farbane Woods Waygate West
9, 13 - Dunley Farmlands Waygate South-West
* TeleportPlayerToMe (User)
- Teleports a player to your location
* TeleportPlayerToMousePosition (User)
- Teleports a player to current mouse cursor position
* TeleportToChunk (Unnamed Argument)
- Teleport player to chunk co-ordinate
* TeleportToNether
- Teleport to nether
* TeleportToPlayer (User)
- Teleport to player location
-=These are all the Player Console Commands=-
Alias (Alias, Command)
- Removes target alias
- Admin privileges
- Relinquishes admin privileges
bancharacter (Character Name)
- Bans the user
- Lists all banned players
banuser (Steam ID)
- Bans the user
Bind (Key Combination, Command)
- Accept clan invite
- Decline clan invite
- Clears all text from the console
- Clears out all key bindings
claninvite (Unnamed Argument)
- Invites Player to clan
- Leave clan
Connect (address or steamid, port, password)
- Connects to a server
- Disconnects from the server
- Teleports all allies to mouse cursor position (including yourself)
- Teleports all allies, to mouse cursor position
- Teleport all non-allies to mouse cursor position
- Teleports all players to mouse cursor position
(including non-allies and yourself)
- Teleports all players, to mouse cursor position
give (What, Amount)
- Set value on the nearest entity
giveset (What)
- Set value on the nearest entity
hidecursor (Unnamed Argument)
- Cursor hidden or not
kick (Character Name)
- Kicks a player
Kill - Suicide
List (Optional: Category)
- Lists all existing commands
listusers (Include Disconnected)
- Active users
localization (Language)
- Set localization language
MultiCommand (Commands)
- Executes multiple commands separated by the semi colon (;)
- Teleport player to mouse cursor position
- Reconnects to the server
setadminlevel (user, level)
- Admin level of a user
Unbind (Key Combination)
- Delete target keybinding
unban (User Index)
- Unbans a player from the server.
You need to run the banned command first to get a list of banned players
-=These are all the Debugging Console Commands=-
adminonlydebugevents (Unnamed Argument)
- Debug Events are limited Admins or not
ClientBuildingDebugging (Unnamed Argument)
- Enable building debugging on client
Copy (Command)
- Copies the output of the subcommand
DebugViewEnabled (Unnamed Argument)
- Debug view
depthoffield (Unnamed Argument)
- Depth of field
DumpArchetypeInformation (Which, Num to print, Full info)
- Dumps the archetype information
DumpBlobAssetMemoryInfo (Which)
- Dumps the blob asset's memory footprint
DumpChunkFragmentation (Which, ExtraDebugging)
- Dumps the fragmentation state of the chunks
DumpComponentMemoryInfo (Which)
- Dumps the component memory footprint
DumpDynamicBufferMemoryInfo (Which)
- Dumps the dynamic buffer's memory footprint
DumpEntity (World, Entity, Full Dump)
- Dump full information about target entity
DumpEntityQueries (Which)
- Dumps all the entity queries
DumpEverything (Which)
DumpPrefabGUIDEntities (World, Component, Include Disabled, Include Prefabs)
- Dump information about all PrefabGuide entities
DumpQueryArchetypes (Which, OnlyRequired, AlsoLogToConsole)
DumpSystemMemory (Which, AlsoLogToConsole)
garbageCollectArchetypes (Which)
- Garbage collect all archetypes that are empty
- GcCollect
JobThreads (Threads)
- Job threads used by the unity job system
logdestroyevents (Which, State)
- Log all the destroy events
lowqualityatmosphere (Unnamed Argument)
- Toggle Low quality atmosphere
measureSystemPerformance (Unnamed Argument)
- Toggle system performance measuring
motionblur (Unnamed Argument)
- Toggle motion blur
- Open the folder for crash dumps
- Open the folder for log files
- Current console profile info
performanceTestChunks (Jump Distance, Test Mode)
- Test performance for all or selected chunks
performchunkdefragmentation (Which)
- Perform fragmentation for all chunks in the specified world
- Print all active sequences
- Print all sequences
printdestroyevents (Which)
- Print all the destroy events for the current frame
- Prints the current dynamic resolution settings
- Prints some info regarding the sun VFX's state
setmipmaplevel (Unnamed Argument, Unnamed Argument)
- Set the mipmap level on all RenderMesh textures
setresolution (Unnamed Argument, Unnamed Argument)
setsystemenabled (Which, Unnamed Argument, Enabled)
- Enable or disable a system in a world
startbuildwallpaper (Unnamed Argument)
- Starts the building of wallpaper
texturestreamingenabled (Unnamed Argument)
- Toggle texture memory streaming budget
texturestreamingmaxlevelreduction (Unnamed Argument)
- Sets the texture streaming max level reduction
texturestreamingmemorybudget (Unnamed Argument)
- Sets the texture streaming memory budget
ToggleDebugViewCategory (Unnamed Argument)
- Toggle specific debug view modes
toggleobserve (Mode)
- Toggle being observer
ToggleSetting (Setting Name, Optional Setting Values)
- Toggles a setting
- Unload all unused assets
useoptimizedqueries (Which, State)
- Enable or disable faster queries
How to Make Golems Work for You:
Written by Varian a la Aviaire
With the amount of bases dotted across the map of course a lot of them
are going to have one of these big lugs camping outside, and those
locations are the key to fast & free loot my friends!
The might of our giant Buddy!
We’ve all seen how these fabulously dynamic NPC’s are constantly fighting
each other, and our buddy here is no exception!
The stone golem is a very territorial beast, capable of wiping out whole
groups of enemies who dare to approach.
The whole concept here is finding yourself a base that comes packaged with
your very own stone buddy just outside!
Now preferably by a road-side where he can sweep up as many groups as possible,
hell I’ve even seen buddy solo bosses and come out clean, so that’s free upps
for you my friends, especially if you’re just starting out!
Now buddy’s a big slow lug, and he ain’t got good hands for pickin’ up all
that loot lyin’ around, so he won’t mind you goin in and picking it all up
behind him when he’s done with all the killin’.
Just be quick about it.
Bow don’t worry so much if your base hasn’t come equipped with its own buddy,
he still has a lot more to give for his friends.
Behold, The Hardened Harvester!
No matter where he is Buddy’s always happy to lend a hand! just direct him
to the nearest pile of resources and he’ll Smash them right up for you!
Saving plenty of time and effort, Thanks Buddy!
Remember, Always protect your Buddy!
How to move fast:
The V Rising map is quite large and has many different areas, which you can
explore. The most efficient way to move around the map is the fast travel
system. This is an MMO, where you will have to visit many areas back and forth,
to find resources, bosses and complete tasks. In this guide, we will cover
everything, what do you need to know about, how to move fast.
-=How to move fast=-
The fast travel system in V Rising is via the Vampire Gate. The most
interesting, that you can also build your own Vampire Gate. You can move between
different gates to navigate the map.
There aren't many vampire gates in the world, so the best way to move quickly -
create your own. To create your own Vampire Gate, you need to defeat Fire God
Boss, in question, located in Gleaming Meadows, west of Farbane Woods.
Killing the boss, you will be able to create gates. To make a vampire gate,
you will need the following materials.
* 10x Gem Dust
* 20x Board
* 20x Copper Bar
* 200x Blood Essence
Vampire Gates you create will link to other existing gates.
It should be noted, that other players on the same server will not be able to
use your vampire gate.
How to Change Clan Size:
Written by Tsuru
When setting up a dedicated server there is a file that it uses in:
It’s called ServerGameSettings.json
Inside that file is text line that reads "Clan Size" with Default being 4.
You can change it with 10 being the max.
There is also another file to check:
C:\Users\\AppData\LocalLow\Stunlock Studios\VRising\ServerSettingsPresets
In there there is the rule preset file that get created once you host for the
first time a game. Check it too. The Clan Size can be edited it too.
How to skip huge servant hunt time tips:
Written by sigma male
The only way to skip huge servant hunt time.
-=Easy as that=-
I found the solution to skip 24 hours of servant’s hunt - you have to open
the console and type "adminauth" command.
Then type "addtime 12" multiple times (this command skips 12 hours of ingame
time which are equal to 9 minutes of real time and it affects servant’s hunt).
Enjoy yourselves.
Deleting Save Files:
I deleted my own old saves and history this way. Execute at your own risk!
This file is "server history":
C:\Users{USERNAME}\AppData\LocalLow\Stunlock Studios\VRising\Settings\ServerHistory.json
Rename it to back it up if you like, otherwise delete it
(game will create a new one over time).
If you’re feeling rowdier your saves are in this folder:
* C:\Users{USERNAME}\AppData\LocalLow\Stunlock Studios\VRising\Saves\v1
Each save is in its own folder with a wonky looking GUID name.
The ServerHostSettings.json file inside the folder has the “name” of your save that
shows in-game.
You can kind of tell which save is most recent by the date/time of the folder itself
but I wouldn’t trust that – check the file to be sure you don’t delete you favorite
You can also edit your (single player) game settings thru the save game folder
(ServerGameSettings.json) – but it’s not so obvious (to me at least) which setting
changes to make.
I started a new game with the settings I wanted and “migrated” those into my main
save to “edit” it a wee bit. Worked like a charm.
Unsullied Heart Farming:
They drop from the stronger mobs in villages and towns. Some enemies have the small
hp bars, Unsullied Hearts drop from the ones with the big HP bars and are usually
harder to kill. Dive into towns and murder everyone you can find and you’ll have
plenty in no time.
Note: I believe they even hotfixed the drop rate for the hearts a few days ago.
Also, they are nearly a guaranteed drop from V blood carriers.
If you’re high enough level, you can bypass farming the hearts and craft the greater
blood essences yourself.
Happy hunting!
Gameplay Tips:
* Start on a PVE server, unless you´ve a mate to team up with on a 1-2 PVP server.
* Most of the game is pretty simple to learn, Grind ressources, “special” ressources
you find mostly at bandit camps and alike, with “m” you can see the map and hover
over the camps and see what loot they drop.
* New skills and building are unlocked mostly by defeating Bosses you can track down
with an early building, teached in the tutorial.
* Kill/destroy everything in the starting area then in area after the first set of
doors. This will give you bones and other items that you will need.
* Craft a bone sword and other bone weapons plus the bone armor to help you kill
things and to help protect yourself.
* After you leave the training area kill the wolfs that you fine for bones, hides
plus when they are low on hit points hit F to drink their blood to fill your blood
bow, bottom center of screen. Plus surplus blood goes into your inventory for other
* Also during this time chop down trees for wood and break stone pillars for stone
for building your home.
* Next will be the hardest, that is finding a place to build your new home. Don’t
know if you will be playing on a PVE or PVP server. Build your new home in the
bottom fourth of the map. After you cross a bridge you are moving into a higher
level mob zone that get higher the farther north you go.
* Once you find a spot to build you will need to clear off the land to place the
heart of your building. Press B for building items. When the heart of your
building is up and running click on the blue square and place them around the
heart, this becomes the floor of your building.
* Next comes building wooden walls and 2 or more doors points to get into and out
of the building.
* Lastly comes building items to place in your building. Follow what the game tells
you what you need to make them.
Gameplay Tips for the Budding Vampire:
Written by GambitUK
Today, we’re diving into the nitty-gritty of V Rising. These are the tips and tricks
that’ll turn you from a fledgling bloodsucker into a seasoned nocturnal predator.
So grab a cup of your favourite A-negative and get ready for some insider knowledge.
-=Tip 1: Prioritize Your Harvest=-
Having a large garden in V Rising isn’t just for the aesthetic appeal. It can
significantly impact your gameplay, especially when it comes to what you harvest
first. You see, there’s a little thing called a ‘seed cooldown’ that’s designed to
prevent you from amassing too many seeds. So, if you have a field of roses and cotton,
for instance, your choice of which to farm first matters. Harvest roses first, you
get rose seeds. Harvest cotton first, cotton seeds are your reward. Always farm the
plants you want most, FIRST. It’s like choosing dessert before dinner.
-=Tip 2: The Rat’s Treasure Trove=-
There’s a secret stash tucked away in the silver mines. Hidden behind a blocked
passage, there’s a rat-only looting place teeming with chests. So, if you’re feeling
a bit ratty (pun intended), morph into rat form and plunder away.
-=Tip 3: Economise Your Coins=-
Listen up, because this is a game-changer. Early to mid-game, you should be spending
your copper coins on forge and alchemy flooring. That’s a given. But don’t go on a
shopping spree with the rest of your coins just yet. Instead, invest them in Miner
Maces and Lumberjack Axes. Why, you ask? Because when you salvage these items, they
yield 12 silver coins each. This little trick can catapult your Act 2 progression if
you’ve stocked up on maces and axes.
-=Tip 4: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work=-
In the servant mission, the -100 difficulty and +20% loot modifiers apply to the
entire team, not just individual members. That means you need only one participant
with that tag for all servants to reap the benefits. It’s like the vampire equivalent
of a group discount.
-=Tip 5: Bottling Blood=-
Here’s a fun fact: you can bottle creature blood. Simply capture werewolves during
the day (when they’re in human form), and voila! They double as worker blood. It’s
like a 2-for-1 deal on blood.
-=Tip 6: Raid the Rich House=-
In Silverlight City, there’s a posh house near the north entrance. This place is a
goldmine, boasting a chest and about six cupboards. It’s like a vampire’s version of
a shopping spree.
-=Tip 7: Blood Efficiency=-
Did you know that the blood percentage defines the range for the efficiency roll on
servants? This efficiency not only boosts the fighting strength of the servant but
also provides a loot bonus. The highest roll I’ve seen is 41 efficiency, which
translates to 21% more loot. It’s like a vampire performance bonus.
-=Tip 8: Spiderlings and Mutant Rats=-
Forget manual farming of silk and mutant grease. It’s as pointless as a vampire in a
tanning salon. Instead, try the new mob recipes in the vermin nest: Spiderlings and
Mutant Rats. Once you try them, you’ll never go back.
-=Tip 9: The Shroud of the Forest=-
The Old Wanderer in the swamp unlocks the ability to craft a cloak variant that allows
you to view the map while you’re in the Cursed Forest. It’s like a vampire GPS.
-=Tip 10: The Power of the Bear=-
Here’s a fun fact: Bear form can break large rocks without bombs. Who needs explosives
when you have the strength of a bear? It’s like having your very own wrecking ball.
Deleting Characters on a Privately-Hosted Server:
* Find the target user’s 17-digit SteamID, e.g. 76561198515939315. It can be found
in the server’s VRisingServer.log, or even from ingame.
* Shut down the server, preferably gracefully.
* Copy the server’s latest save file to local, and ungzip it.
* Open this AutoSave_XX.save file in your favorite hex editor.
* Search for the user’s SteamID as an integer number in little endian mode. See Figure 2.
It should find 8 bytes, with the user’s character’s name showing up 18 bytes after the SteamID.
* Modify the found SteamID to something unique (e.g. change the last byte to FF), and save.
* Upload the edited save to the server’s save folder as-is, or gzip it first, doesn’t matter.
* Remember to overwrite or increment the save number, and to update the file’s read/write
permissions if the server is running under a different user account.
* Restart the server, and the user should encounter the character creation menu upon login.
Note: Obviously, this method doesn’t actually delete the character, just un-assigns the
character from the player.