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 Abiotic Factor Cheats

Abiotic Factor

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Tips and Tricks:
Written by Grammer

Here are some assorted tips and tricks.

You can easily get an anvil on the first floor for a repair station as 
soon as the first night. To do so, while it is night and the power is 
off, go to the vent in Storage that took you to the cafeteria, and head 
straight ahead through the hallway past it into another vent. There is 
normally a large fan in here that is on, but because the power is off, 
it is no longer moving. Be warned that the room below is dark and full 
of Carbuncles (the floor/wall enemies that grab you with their tongue) 
as well as one Pecarry (the four-legged alien monster), so be adequately 
prepared. You may want to wait in the vent behind the fan until day 
comes and then go inside, so that you have light.

Night lasts from 9PM to 6AM and power to almost everything will be shut 
off, except for some exceptions like charging stations. Also, security 
bots come out at night, but you can also fight them during the day (you 
will need to) by breaking their charging stations. This is recommended 
for obvious reasons.

Pooping yourself is actually a valid strategy (wait for the toilet need 
to run out). It is currently the only way I found to obtain feces, which 
is required to make soil for gardening. The only downside is a debuff 
that attracts enemies, which can be removed by washing, which you should 
always do with tainted water, like in the fountain or pool, to avoid 
wasting fresh water. You need one plastic scrap to pick up the feces.

Soup is one of the best foods you can get, as it never spoils and creates 
a large amount of servings that fill both hunger and thirst. You need one 
liter of fresh water, both variants of Pest meat (rump and regular) and 
a cooking pot (one can be found free on the second floor kitchen), as 
well as a soup bowl (recipe obtained by finding a stapler) and at least 
one level of cooking skill. Fill the pot with fresh water, put it on a 
stove, and then add both raw pest rump and regular raw pest. You will get 
Pest Goulash, which restores 30 hunger and 10 thirst eight times. A soup 
bowl can store one serving (two uses). You may also be able to make tomato 
soup, but I have not tried this. I have not been able to get a Pecarry 
soup working, either.

You can also use pots to boil one liter of tainted water into 0.5L of 
fresh water. You can use water coolers to store water of both types and 
also fill pots with water. You can also fill a pot with water by placing 
it in a sink and using a water bottle, or by bringing them to a fountain/
pool, for tainted water.

The demo ends, without story spoilers (but still spoiler-tagged anyway 
because I don’t know), after you have unlocked level 1 security through 
a hacking device. The door you unlock on the third level takes you to 
the end of the demo.

You can take maps from any of the map displays on each floor. To view 
the map, open your journal, click on the current location, and then 
click on the map on the right side of the screen that you wish to view. 
It does not show your location, but it is handy either way.

The vacuum is the most powerful weapon per-shot currently in the game, 
it instantly kills Pests but, most importantly, can use them as ammo 
for massive damage. It can be obtained very early on by finding Raw 
Carbuncle (stomp on a Carbuncle). The one downside is that it uses live 
Pests as ammo and can only store one at a time, but it can make killing 
enemies much easier.

* Aiming for the head with ranged weapons seems to increase damage 
  considerably. Unsure if there is an equivalent weak point on the 
  security bots.
* You can upgrade your workbench to use crafting materials from nearby 
  storage. This requires Exor hearts, which you can find on Level 3.
* You can scrap nets into Cloth Scrap. This lets you duplicate Cloth 
  Scrap (and nets) endlessly. You can use this to grind out crafting 
  to level 5 so you can repair using items from storage.
* Cloth Rope says you are too weak to climb it, but increasing strength 
  to level 5 does not let you climb it. So don’t bother grinding it out 
  just for that. It seems to currently be impossible in the demo.
* You can find a Glock but you cannot use it due to a biolock. This 
  currently has no way to unlock it in the Playtest.

The crossbow’s aiming is based on the faint dot sight you see on the 
screen. Increasing accuracy simply increases the range at which it 
turns red and starts wobbling (highly recommended to grind out on 
pests/carbuncles, as a result).

* The Makeshift Spear is a direct upgrade to the knife. You can unlock 
  it by packaging a Standing Lamp.
* Sleeping does not advance time (currently). So this means you cannot 
  skip the night by sleeping, but it does mean you can sleep at any time 
  without consequence. Jump over the Pests in the minigame to sleep faster.
* The hammer is actually a terrible tool for breaking things due to how 
  fast it breaks. Make a pipe club instead.
* What the hammer is good for is dismantling packageable objects by right-
  clicking for guaranteed resources. If you have a shield that prevents 
  this, you can put away your shield by pressing holster (default H).
* Cold doesn’t seem to do anything, not even standing in the freezer. It 
  may increase need drain and reduce health/stamina regeneration, but I 
  haven’t tested this.
* In multiplayer, you can use the emote wheel (default key: B) to select 
  the Pager. This shows your position to all players for a short amount 
  of time. The tutorial tells you this, but a surprising amount of people
  did not seem to notice.

How to level up each skill 
(most are obvious, but some aren’t documented in-game):

* Sprinting: By sprinting, lmao.
* Strength: Go over your carry limit but don’t fill up the bar entirely, 
  and walk around. Yellow gives a small exp gain per second, light red
  gives a large one, and full red means you’re full and won’t get any exp.
* Throwing: Throw nets (or anything else), anywhere. It doesn’t even have 
  to be at something. This makes it rather easy to grind.
* Sneaking: Sneak around enemies that haven’t noticed you.
* Blunt/Sharp Melee: Hit enemies with weapons.
* Accuracy: Shoot any enemy with a ranged weapon 
  (Vacuum-fired Pests and Crossbows, currently).
* Reloading: Reload your weapon. You can retrieve crossbow bolts you fire 
  occasionally (random chance), so you can grind this if you have enough.
* Fortitude: Take damage. Unsure if the amount of damage matters yet.
* Crafting: Crafting and scrapping. Different items give different amounts 
  of exp.
* Construction: Break packageable objects by failing to package them, use 
  screwdriver on objects to build them (can be easily grinded).
* First Aid: Craft healing items, or use them.
* Cooking: Cook food.
* Agriculture: Craft anything related to growing plants, as well as taking 
  care of the plants themselves.

Useful Tips:
Written by .pr0XY

* You can scoot around in an office chair, so if you deploy one at your 
  crafting station and sit, you can scoot to all sorts of different 
  containers and back to table as you work.
* Using the RMB with the hammer, you can dismantle all sorts of random 
  furniture for quick pieces of scrap loot ( Better to try to dismantle
  and fail, yielding more scrap pieces. Some things like office desks 
  only hammer can deal with (Non Smashable).
* Water is everywhere in water coolers scattered around. Use up the sinks
  first and start remembering where they are located and take some sips 
  now and then. I plan on bringing 1 or 2 empty ones back home to fill up
  from water collected in the wild for storage.
* Guess that’s about it for now fun game.

How to Edit Sandbox Settings + Tech Tips:
To edit the Sandbox settings, you will need the following file:

* C:\Users\[User_Name]\AppData\Local\AbioticFactor\Saved\SaveGames\[Numbers]\Worlds\


This one’s about turning off the whole day-night thing. Time still rolls on, but 
it’s stuck on whatever you set it to. No more switching between day and night. But 
watch out, some stuff only goes down during certain times, so you might miss out
on gear or whatever. Up to you if you wanna mess with it.

* 0 – Normal
* 1 – Always Day
* 2 – Always Night

A higher number will make clock time pass faster. 
This will NOT affect the speed of other cooldowns, respawn times, and so on.

* Minimum Value: 0.1
* Maximum Value: 3
* SinkRefillRate

Got it. Here’s my take:

This thing here adjusts how fast stuff refills. If you crank it up, sinks will 
fill up quicker. Drop it down, they’ll take longer. Zero it out, and bam, no more 
refills. Makes things way harder.

* Minimum Value: 0
* Maximum Value: 10.0

This setting controls how fast your grub goes bad. Normally, food rots after a while. 
You can tweak it to slow down the decay, speed it up, or just freeze it in time.

* Minimum Value: 0.0
* Maximum Value: 2.0

This is about how good your fridge works. It also decides how well hot stuff, like 
a cup of joe, stays hot if it likes warmth. Adjust this, and you’ll tweak how good 
your fridge keeps things chilled or your hot stuff stays warm.

* Minimum Value: 0.0
* Maximum Value: 2.0

We’re talking about how often the bad guys pop back up. If you drop this number, it 
takes longer for them to respawn. Crank it up, they come back faster than usual. 
Default’s at 1.0, but you can tweak it between 0.5 and 3.0.

This one’s all about making the baddies tougher or weaker. Drop the number, they go 
down easier. Jack it up, they’re like tanks. Default’s set at 1.0, but you can mess 
with it between 0.75 and 3.0.

Here we’re talking about how much punch the enemies pack. Drop it down, they’re less 
deadly. Crank it up, combat gets tougher, and those foes hit harder. Default’s set 
at 1.0, but you can tweak it between 0.25 and 3.0.

It decides how much hurt the enemies dish out to your setups. Lower it, your bases 
are tougher to crack. But drop it to zero, and enemies might get stuck or not pose 
much of a threat to your turf. Default’s at 1.0, but you can tinker with it between 
0.1 and 5.0.

This one’s about how quick the bad guys spot you. Crank it above 1, they’ll pick up 
on you faster. Drop it, and you’ll have a bit more sneaking around time. Default’s 
at 1.0, but you can dial it down to 0.1 or up to 3.0.

This one’s about how much oomph players can dish out to each other. Set it low, and 
it takes a bunch of hits to make a dent. Bump it up, and you’re packing more punch. 
Default’s at 0.5, but you can go from 0.0 to 3.0 with it.

This one’s about how fast your hunger meter climbs. Pump it up, you’re chomping down 
more often. Drop it, and you can go longer without a snack. Default’s at 1.0, but 
you can range it from 0.0 to 2.0.

This setting tackles how 
quickly your thirst gauge shoots up. Pump it, and you’re reaching for that water 
bottle more often. Drop it down, and you can hold off on hydration longer. 
Default’s set at 1.0, but you can fiddle with it from 0.0 to 2.0.

Got it, here’s the rundown:

This controls how quickly fatigue sets in. A higher number means players get tired 
faster. Ranges from 0.0 to 2.0, default’s at 1.0.

Determines how fast the need to use the toilet builds up. Higher numbers mean more 
bathroom breaks. Goes from 0.0 to 2.0, with 1.0 as default.

Adjusts how fast players gain XP. Above 1 speeds up XP gain, below 1 slows it down. 
Set to 0, and no leveling up happens. The range is from 0.0 to 3.0, with 1.0 as default.

Multiplies how many of an item you can stack in one slot. Range is from 1.0 to 30, 
with 1.0 as default.

Affects how heavy items are in your inventory. Higher numbers mean heavier items. 
Range is from 0.0 to 5.0, default’s at 1.0.

Multiplies item durability. Higher numbers mean longer-lasting gear. 
Range is from 0.1 to 10.0, with 1.0 as default.

Decides how much durability you lose when respawning. 
Goes from 0.0 to 1.0, with 0.1 as default.

Toggles player death notifications. Default’s set to true.

Decides if players can share item recipes. Default’s true.

Controls the use of pagers for player location. Default’s true.

Toggles the ability to customize armor appearance. Default’s true.

Determines if the research minigame for unlocking recipes is disabled. 
Default’s false.

This one’s about what happens when you kick the bucket. Default’s at 1, 
but you can tweak it for different penalties upon respawn.

* 0 – Keep All Items
* 1 – Keep Equipped Items & Hotbar
* 2 – Keep Hotbar Only
* 3 – Keep Equipped Items Only
* 4 – Lose All Items Including Hotbar
* 5 – All Items Are Destroyed

This setting decides whether everyone’s got access to the same recipe list or if 
they unlock recipes on their own. Default’s set to false, but you can flip it to true 
for a shared recipe experience.

This setting determines the weapon players get when they first jump into the game 
world. It’s extra to whatever gear they get from their chosen job. Default Value: 0.

* 0 – None
* 1 – Shiv
* 2 – Desk Leg
* 3 – Kitchen Knife
* 4 – Starter Baton
* 5 – Pipe Club
* 6 – Random

-=Bonus Tech Tips=-
Black Screen at Startup Fix
Best I can think of, would be going into the Steam advanced launch options for the game, 
and typing in:

-autoconfig -graphics-low -high -useallavailablecores -fps 30
And setting the game to run in DirectX 11 mode.

Beyond that, the only other thing that comes to mind, would be going to the install 
location of the game, right-clicking on the exe, going to its properties, then to 
compatibility options, and select (run game as administrator) and (run in compatibility 
mode for Windows 7). Apply those changes, then go back into Steam, verify the games files 
(to ensure it’s still functional), after that’s done, go to your desktop, right-click,
and select (refresh) to get things ready, then go back into steam, and try to launch 
the game.

-=How to Reset My Character=-
If you want to reset a character, you need to do a few things.

* Find the Player ID number (it is a very long string of numbers). This can be found in 
  the Admin menu while the player is logged in.
* You need to access the Save Folder. This can be done in-game at the game loading menu
   by clicking Open Save Folder.
* Go to the Players folder, and delete (preferably just move and back up the file just 
  in case) and that should remove the character from your game.
* Now they can rejoin and create a new character.

How to to Disable Lumen / Raytracing and Intro Movie:
There is some solutions regarding (Unreal Engine 5) UE5.

* Navigate to this folder:
* And open "Engine.ini" file. 
* Add the following code to the beginning of it:


* I also added:


* There since the perfomance is abysmal in this game, sadly. 
* The result is night and day compared to the default settings.

-=Skipping the Intro Movie=-
* Delete/Rename the movie file ABF_SplashScreens inside the folder:
* SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\AbioticFactor\AbioticFactor\Content\Movies
* Note: This saves you 17.12 seconds, now you can science faster!

Tips for Advancing to the Third Level:
As far as I know there are two ways to access the third floor initially:

-=Method 1: Through the Portal=-
This is likely the main intended path to Level 3. On Level 2, at the Security Office, 
there is a roller door that can only be opened by slotting in an Energy Brick. By 
doing so, you gain access to an elevator that will take you to Level 3. This area is 
mostly closed off, with your only real option to go through a portal. Going through 
this portal, and traversing until you find an exit portal (not where you came in!) 
will bring you to the rest of Level 3.

-=Method 2: The Broken Staircase=-
On Level 2, near Bio Lab D, there is a flooded room full of electrified water. If 
you climb from this room into the ceiling, and up further into the vents, you will 
eventually crawl out into a stairwell with half of the staircase in rubble. If you 
jump from the stairway railing up to where the broken stairs would lead, you gain 
access to a hallway that takes you to a Supply Room on Level 3.

-=Bonus Tip: Where to Find Tarasque Ichor?=-
Go to the DIRAK containment (in Labs) and get past the security turrets. Beyond a 
blast door, the Tarasque is there.

There are two methods to get around the security turrets. The first involves 
completing the laser puzzle and RISE, the second involves simply building a bridge 
across the gap to Holmholtz Containment.

Note: Get to the Tarasque beyond the security turrets, then kill it. I recommend 
using Slushie bombs + electric/fire damage. The GATE pal tells you what it is weak 
to in the entities tab. Hit the weakpoint. The glowing weakpoint on its back. 
Anywhere else only staggers it and exposes the weakpoint.

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