Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Easy MRP :
Multiplayer is the quickest way to earn MRP. Even if you are the worst player
in a game, you will still earn approximately 70k per completion. It only takes
a few minutes, and you do not even need to be good at the game.
If you do not like playing multiplayer to earn MRP, you can replay campaign
missions in Free Play mode. Missions that give a lot of MRP include the Fleet
Destruction and Farbanti missions. Mission 19 is long, but gives a lot of MRP
for completing it. It is recommended to proceed through the central Aircraft
Tree path and unlock the F22 Raptor as early as possible. The F22 Raptor is
the best all-around fighter in the game, with incredibly useful special
weapons you can equip to make all missions much easier.
Do not bother unlocking other aircraft until you get the F22 Raptor.
Easy "S" ranks:
The "S" rank is the best rank you can earn in any mission. Earn an "S" rank
on Normal or Hard missions to unlock skins. Every mission is different, but
generally you can get an "S" rank by completing the following tasks:
1. Unlock the F22 Raptor, which is available under the central Aircraft Tree
unlock path. The F22 Raptor is the best all-around fighter in the game, with
incredibly useful special weapons you can equip to make all missions much
easier. Note: The top aircraft in the game, the experimental Wyvern, is
powerful but not nearly as useful for completing missions quickly and
efficiently as the F22 Raptor. SDBs make many missions trivial. The F22 also
can unlock multi-air and multi-ground missiles that can destroy everything
in the sky very quickly.
2. Complete objectives quickly, and inflict as much damage as possible before
the timer goes down. You are can use as many missiles and special weapons as
desired. Also, try not taking damage to improve your ranking.
3. To easily earn more points, reload checkpoints to refill your special
munitions. There is no penalty for reloading. Also, equip parts to enhance
the capabilities of your munitions. Better lock-on, faster missiles, and
more damage are very important. Use improved weapons parts once you unlock
the F22.
How To Perform Post Stall, Cobra, And Kulbit In Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown:
Throughout the game progression and in online battles you will need to push
your plane to limits and perform tricky Maneuvers to dominate the skies and
the game.:
Many Ace games featured complicated moves like Post stall but in a limited
degree. but this new edition of the game will be the first in the series
which will give full control to players to perform Post Stall and other moves.
So in this guide, you will learn how to perform Post Stall, Pugachev’s Cobra,
and Kulbit.
-=How To Perform Post Stall Maneuver=-
To perform the Post Stall Maneuver you will need to reduce your speed lower
than 500KM/s very quickly by using L2(de-accelerate). then release the left
stick, L2 and R2.
But again quickly press and hold L2 and R2 for about a second and then just
pull the left stick down.
This will force the plane to stall/pause in the air for a second and will
let your reposition your plane behind another tailing plane.
It is extremely useful and if used properly you can avoid missile hits and
dodge planes easily.
-=Maneuvers using Post Stall=-
Pugachev's Cobra/Cobra – this move is the Post stall maneuver. here you will
pause in mid-air and raise its nose to a perpendicular angle to the ground
and then simply go back to the flight level.
Kulbit - this is move relies on the mechanics of Post stall. but instead of
stopping in the mid-air at 90-degree angle. you will need to flip it and
nose dive into a complete loop.
Bonus skins in Campaign mode:
Successfully complete the game on any difficulty to unlock extra skins in
Campaign mode.
How to Counter SASM Spam in Multiplayer:
Written by Blaze
Sick and tired of being spammed by endless SASM missiles in multiplayer matches?
Find this kind of PvP boring? Me too and I think I've figured out one decent
counter for that playstyle.
So the Plan is..
Pick a plane with the EML special weapon. This is a railgun that can be fired
with pinpoint accuracy with very fast travel time. It doesn't have much of an
AOE and no homing either. However, it will obliterate anyone you manage to hit
with it. Think of it as a sniper rifle.
When the mission starts, look for people who are flying straight towards you
in a straight line. You can line up your shot with them and take them out across
the map. It's important to aim at the very center of the square. Repeat this
when someone respawns and doesn't learn throughout the match.
Rush over to a cloud and stay in that area. You can keep flying into the cloud
to throw off the tracking of all kinds of missiles. Your EML is not affected
by the clouds so they are your best friends. Just be careful not to stay in
there too long and ice up your plane.
Circle around people who come after you and patiently wait for that single
moment when you have someone right in front of you. Take the shot at the very
instant you have someone in your EML target dot and it's a one shot kill.
Now obviously, this takes some skill and practice so don't get discouraged
if it doesn't work the first few times. I hope this helps some of you out
X-02S Strike Wyvern:
Successfully complete Campaign mode on the Normal or higher difficulty to unlock
the X-02S Strike Wyvern under the Aircraft Tree. To purchase it, you need
2,000,000 MRP and to have unlocked either the YF-23 Black Widow II, F-22A Raptor,
or Su-57. Its weapons cost 200,000 MRP each, for a grand total of 2,400,000 MRP.
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