Achtung Panzer - Kharkov 1943 Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Achtung Panzer - Kharkov 1943 | |
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Achtung Panzer - Kharkov 1943
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Bonek
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement.
To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then
"My profile", then "View all my games", then the game and view stats.
Achievement How to unlock
Bomber - Call in an airstrike 2 times during a battle.
Bronze Medal - Earn 5 medals with a single vehicle or squad during
a battle.
Bushwhacker - Capture 20 enemy soldiers during a battle.
Butcher - Kill 100 enemy soldiers during a battle.
Captor - Capture 10 enemy soldiers during a battle.
Color Bearer - Capture all flags in a tactical battle.
Ensign - Kill 10 enemy soldiers with a single vehicle
or squad during a battle.
Exterminator - Destroy all enemy units during an operational phase.
General - Kill 50 enemy soldiers with a single vehicle or
squad during a battle.
Gold Medal - Earn 15 medals during a battle.
Ground Stomper - Call an artillery strike 3 times during a battle.
Heavy Bomber - Call in an airstrike 3 times during a battle.
Hedgehog - Capture 3 enemy vehicles during a battle.
Hero - Destroy 3 enemy vehicles with a single vehicle
or squad during a battle.
Honoree - Earn the highest award.
Infantry AT - Destroy 2 enemy vehicles with one infantry squad during
a battle.
Infantry Heat - Destroy 4 enemy vehicles with one infantry squad during
a battle.
Officer - Kill 20 enemy soldiers with a single vehicle
or squad during a battle.
Perfect Tactician - Do not lose a single soldier during a battl.
Primary Zoner - Get losses ratio of 5:1 in your favor.
Secondary Zoner - Get losses ratio of 3:1 in your favor.
Silver Medal - Earn 10 medals with a single vehicle or squad during
a battle.
Slayer - Kill 50 enemy soldiers during a battle.
Survivor - Finish a battle with only one soldier surviving.
Tank Ditch - Capture 10 enemy vehicles during a battle.
Vehicle Annihilator - Destroy 25 enemy vehicles during a battle.
Vehicle Menace - Destroy 10 enemy vehicles during a battle.
Veteran - Destroy 5 enemy vehicles with a single vehicle
or squad during a battle.
War Never Changes - Destroy all enemy soldiers in a battle.
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