Action Taimanin Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Action Taimanin
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
How to Farm Gems:
Written by Taihou
There is the ways to get gems.
-=Weekly Missions: 70 gems=-
Login 4 times.
Sell 10 items.
Draw gacha 10 times (gold gacha count).
Send friend points 5 times.
Do daily quest 10 times.
Obtain 20 items from quests.
Milestones (recommended to do taks for max gems btw,
below listed those who give you gems).
Complete X main quest chapter on X difficulty.
Complete All special Mode X times.
Complete All Time Attack X times.
Advance X Character to X Star.
Achieve Supporter/Weapon level 60 X times.
Achieve Supporter intimacy lvl 3 x times.
Acquire X UR weapons/supporters.
Acquire X Costumes.
Acquire X quantity of gold.
Mega success weapon/support enhancement X times. (easy to get)
Enhance weapon/support skill x Times.
Complete weekly mission X times.
-=Max. Intimacy=-
This is the best way to get gems every supporter at lvl. 5 of intimacy give
you a total of 50 gems, the game have 29 supporters so potentially there are
1450 gems to farm (to claim the gems go to Collections tab).
Remember to put supporter in the facilities to level intimacy.
Golden pass give 50 gems and invaluable tickets.
Special mode give you 3 gems every 6 hours.
Events give Supporters worth of 50 gems and 10 gems for every section cleared
and some gems, potentially every event give you 220~ gems.
-=Main quest=-
Every section cleared give you 10 gems so if you clear the 5 chapter in all
difficulty there are 750 gems in total.
Per week you can get 154 gems if perfect timed special mode + weekly missions.
By completing supporters intimacy levels and main quests sections challenges
you can get 2200 gems.
By Milestones 800 gems just by complete every task I think. For milestone don't
have the number but let's say 500 gems.
Login bonus don't give gems usually but give invaluable tickets (UR weapon tickets
are valued in 3800 gems seeing the gacha, UR supporters spoke you often because
most rates are like 1% UR weapon-2% UR Support).
Starter Tips:
* Focus on having 10 characters (important for a facility that will give you
resources, also each character increase your max AP by 5, you get awakening
gems from leveling up affinities and out of the 10 characters you will need 3
of each affinity type so you can set either +45 max AP, +60% XP or +60 chance
to earn an additionnal item).
* Fastest way to gain XP is in story mode I believe.
* If you only plan on PvE you should just buy arena weapons, they are UR and they
cost 10 000 arena coins so it will take a bit of time to have 5 copies but it’s
better to have an SLV5 arena weapon than a 1/5 random UR. Since we have so many
characters it’s hard to get what you need compared to the beginning.
* Until you have at least 10 characters you should avoid pulling with gems, unless
they are at a -50% discount maybe.
* Get 6000 score point in arena (unlock it ASAP) as you’ll need it to get UR arena
weapons and every week when you are in the top rank (6000 points) you’ll earn 75
gems and some arena coins.
Tips and Tricks for New Players:
Written by VII
* Best advice. Play who you want. And just focus on gathering gems (also don’t buy
costumes early game. Save your gems for characters and gacha).
* But seriously Find a character you enjoy playing and buy them. And if you’re
wondering you can try characters out in the collection just hit the dumbbell.
* Now if your a new new player and don’t know which of the first three to pick. I
recommend Asagi I didn’t start with her (I started with Sakura) but Asagi is well
balanced and easy to play and learn her moveset and how to combo it.
* But don’t worry about Meta. It’s dumb since you can just build around it with
Supports, and Crest (plus 50% of the cast don’t have weaknesses or strength in arena).
* But if you want to know I recommend you grab these three characters first.
- Lina (She’s new but good).
- Rin (She’s fast In fights).
- Emily (She has a healing ability).
And that’s pretty much it. Just focus on getting gems and playing for fun!
-=My Team usually just an fyi=-
* Lina.
* Spinel.
* Annerose.
Oh and remember to have fun and play with both hands on the keyboard at the same time!
-=More tips=-
* Don’t spend gems on gacha if you want to stay F2P (outside of the very first roll
that is, the guaranteed UR will go a long way). Save gems for the characters and
costumes you like.
* Don’t underestimate your weapons/supporters/magatamas. The difference between a SR
weapon and a R weapon is HUGE.
* Make sure to farm Daily Quests. They’ll be your main way of gathering materials for
upgrading your weapons and supporters.
* Don’t forget to farm story/time attack for stronger magatamas.
* Try to save AP items for events.
* Don’t forget the facilities. They can be a pain to upgrade, but the bonuses they
give you while you aren’t playing the game will make for a much smoother start. And
upgrading the exp facility is probably going to be invaluable when you finally get
* The game is eventually going to get events and challenge quests. So you want to focus
on upgrading your weapons, supporter, magatamas and character as soon as possible.
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook-DataBase 2025 |
Cheatbook-Database 2025 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
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gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 28.200 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 11 2025.
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