Age Of Empires Online Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Age Of Empires Online | |
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Age Of Empires Online
Achievements (Free To Play and Premium):
Submitted by: Faisal
Age of Empires Online Achievements:
For Free To Play Greek And Egyptian Packs
Cost: Free Achievements: 9 Points: 250
Sphinxed! (40G)
Build the Sphinx in your Capital City
Tomb Dweller (40G)
Build the Tomb in your Capital City
Ssssssssh! (40G)
Build the Library in your Capital City
This. Is. Spartaaaaaaaaaan! (40G)
Build the Spartan Academy in your Capital City
Hold Me (10G)
Complete any Co-op quest
BFF (10G)
Visit any player?s capital city
I'm Special (30G)
Complete any Elite quest
Fear the Gear (15G)
Equip your first piece of gear
Sphere of Influence (25G)
Complete a quest accepted from any other player's Ambassador
DLC: Defense of Crete Booster Pack
Cost: 800 MSP Achievements: 5 Points: 150
Warned You About the Sun (25G)
Build the Hubris of Icarus in your Capital City
Bullish Sentiment (25G)
Build the Shrine of the Bound Minotaur in your Capital City
Temple Fit for a King (25G)
Build the Temple of Minos in your Capital City
Gifts of Minos (35G)
Build all three Crete Wonders in your Capital City
Minoan Defense (40G)
Complete "The Elite Meet in Crete"
DLC: Pro Persian Civilization
Cost: 1600 MSP Achievements: 5 Points: 135
Persian Immortal (25G)
Achieve level 25 with pro Persian content
Persian General (30G)
Achieve level 30 with pro Persian content
Persian Great King (50G)
Achieve level 40 with pro Persian content
Relief Valve (15G)
Complete "Under Pressure" with the Pro Persian Civilization
Wonderful (15G)
Complete "Gate of All Nations" with the Pro Persian Civilization
DLC: ANY Premium Civilization
Cost: 1600 MSP Achievements: 6 Points: 230
Pyramid Power (40G)
Build the Large Pyramid, Large Step Pyramid, and Small Step Pyramid in your Capital City
Build the Trojan Horse in your Capital City
GG Noob (50G)
Win a Ranked player vs. player game
Do or Do Not? (40G)
Complete "Left with No Choice" with premium content
The Cook is In the Kitchen (40G)
Complete "Breaking Eggs to Make an Omelet" with premium content
You Complete Me (20G)
Complete "You Complete Me" with premium content
DLC: Premium Greek Civilization Pack
Cost: 1600 MSP Achievements: 8 Points: 260
Green Thumb (15G)
Complete "It?s The Final Farm Down" with premium Greek content
City Defender (15G)
Complete "Defend Mycenae!" with premium Greek content
Conqueror (15G)
Complete "Horsing Around" with premium Greek content
The Preacher (15G)
Complete "Spread the Word" with premium Greek content
Greek Polemarch (20G)
Achieve level 10 with premium Greek content
Greek Strategos (30G)
Achieve level 20 with premium Greek content
Greek King (50G)
Achieve level 30 with premium Greek content
Greek God (100G)
Achieve level 40 with premium Greek content
DLC: Premium Egyptian Civilization Pack
Cost: 1600 MSP Achievements: 8 Points: 260
Raging Rusher (15G)
Complete "Master of Faster!" with premium Egyptian content
Sandbiscuit (15G)
Complete "The Ultimate Camel Gauntlet Test" with premium Egyptian content
Lord of the Nile (15G)
Complete "Fall of Nubia" with premium Egyptian content
The Son's Destiny (15G)
Complete "Vizier's Doom" with premium Egyptian content
Egyptian Prince (20G)
Achieve level 10 with premium Egyptian content
Egyptian General (30G)
Achieve level 20 with premium Egyptian content
Egyptian Pharaoh (50G)
Achieve level 30 with premium Egyptian content
Egyptian God (100G)
Achieve level 40 with premium Egyptian content
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CheatBook-DataBase 2025 |
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