
Age of Mythology: Retold Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Age of Mythology: Retold Cheats

Age of Mythology: Retold

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

-=Resource Cheats=-
* DEVASD: Gives you 10,000 of all resources, faster work speed, more population 
  limit, unlimited god power uses, creates 3 UFOs, removes fog of war, and makes
  scout units move faster. Using it again resets scout speed.
* ATM OF EREBUS: 1,000 Gold
* JUNK FOOD NIGHT: 1,000 Food
* MOUNT OLYMPUS: 1,000 Favor
* ENGINEERED GRAIN: Makes herd animals grow instantly
* STONKS: Adds 10,000 Food, Wood, Gold and Favor

-=Unit Cheats=-
* FOOTY: Creates a football and a Mountain Giant to kick it
* PIECE CARTS?: Creates Osiris god
* KRO NO!: Creates Kronos god/titan
* BIG PROMO: Creates Prometheus god/titan
* MOTHER NATURE: Creates Gaia god/titan
* I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!!1!: Creates 100 monkeys at your Town Center
* WUV WOO: Creates a Flying Purple Hippo at your Town Center
* TINES OF POWER: Creates a Forkboy at your Town Center
* O CANADA: Creates a Lazer Bear at your Town Center
* BARKBARKBARKBARKBARK: Creates Bella the Superdog
* TITANOMACHY: Creates a Titan
* ISIS HEAR MY PLEA: Creates heroes from the Fall of the Trident campaign
* ATLANTIS REBORN: Creates heroes from The New Atlantis campaign
* SET ASCENDANT: See all animals on the map
* TINFOIL HAT: Randomly changes ownership of all units on the map
* WRATH OF CYCLONE: Turns all non-Nature units into Titans
* MR.MONDAY: Gives Titan AI a big advantage

-=God Power Cheats=-
* GREEK TO ME: Get four random Greek God Powers
* N.D. NILE: Get four random Egyptian God Powers
* OF NORSE NOT!: Get four random Norse God Powers
* HOTLANTIS: Get four random Atlantean God Powers
* DIVINE INTERVENTION: Adds one use to all current god powers
* PANDORAS BOX: Get four random god powers from any group
* ZENOS PARADOX: Get four random god powers from any group
* WRATH OF THE GODS: Get unlimited uses of Lightning Storm, Earthquake, 
  Meteor and Tornado
* GOATUNHEIM: Turns all units into goats
* FEAR THE FORAGE: Get power to make berry bushes walk
* BAWK BAWK BOOM: Get power to make explosive chickens fall from sky

-=Other Cheats=-
* ZAP EM: Idle villagers get hit by lightning after 15 seconds
* METEOR ROULETTE: Hits a random unit with a meteor and shows you
* CLEAR SKIES: Shows entire map, use again to hide
* LAY OF THE LAND: Shows the map
* THRILL OF VICTORY: Wins the game instantly
* CHANNEL SURFING: Skips to next story scene
* L33T SUPA H4X0R: Makes everything 100 times faster
* LETS GO! NOW!: Makes game twice as fast
* CONSIDER THE INTERNET: Slows down the game
* RED TIDE: Makes water red and kills all fish
* IN DARKEST NIGHT: Changes lighting in four different ways
* RESET BUTTON: Removes all units and buildings except main bases

Norse Favor Spawns:
Hersir and Godi automatically make 0.01 favor each second. Thor’s Hammer 
of Thunder upgrade doubles this to 0.02 for Hersir.

Favor from fighting depends on damage dealt. 
Different units give different amounts:

* Regular soldiers, Heroes, Villagers: 1 per 80 damage
* Ships: 1 per 160 damage
* Odin’s special units: 1 per 64 damage
* Norse myth units from Temple/Dock: 1 per 160 damage
* Nidhogg: 1 per 160 damage
* Other things (like buildings, god powers) don’t give favor

Damaging different targets gives different amounts:
* Animals you can hunt: 2x
* Farm animals: 10x
* Chickens: 10x
* Buildings that attack: 0.5x
* Walls and gates: 0x
* Other buildings: 0.1x

After getting 100 total favor from fighting, you start getting less. By 
300 total favor, you only get half as much.

Extra damage beyond what’s needed to defeat an enemy doesn’t count.

-=Loki Myth Spawns=-
When you reach Classical Age, the game chooses a random Norse myth unit. 
You need to do damage equal to its cost (with favor worth 10 times more) 
to make it appear.

Godi and regular soldiers add 0.1 times their damage to this count. Hersir 
add 5 times more (0.5 times their damage).

When you reach the needed amount, the unit appears next to the one that did 
the final damage. Then the game picks a new unit to work towards, choosing 
from your current age or lower.

You don’t need extra population space for these units to appear.

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